The Viper Vibe - Volume 16, Issue 2

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vol. 16, is

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/ Fe b. ‘17





cleveand cavaliers






police brutality




fake news


mass shootings


Felix Varela Sr. High School * 15255 S.W. 96 St., Miami, FL 33196



n i t e l l bu rd a o b

Hits and misses

The Vet program has successfully trained and found homes for their new dogs.

The Viper Vibe will now try to make a good first impression by misspelling the name of our new assistant principal in our last issue. We apologize Mr. Alvin Brown.

Ding, dong, the Wicked Witch of Cuba is dead!

Between Orlando and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida has now joined the ranks of states that have had multiple mass shootings. We offer our condolences to all the victims. Our country goes through another presidential election. The democratic process at work!

Our country goes through another presidential election. Why do we still have the Electoral College?

table of contents

Ta b le of Cont ents View p oints


Letter from the Editor.................................4 Editorial .................................................5 Column.......................................6

volume 16 FEB ‘17

Two very controversial candidates battled for the presidency this election, and the response was huge. When protests turn to riots, nothing good ever comes out.

Editorial Board



A look back at 2016.......... 7


As we start a new year, we look back on 2016 to remember the highs and the lows.

Headlines .................. 10 Cuba .........................12

Staffers Michael Black Daniel Cardenas Fernando Cerioni Sasha Contreras Yaira Doyle Valeria Franco Reno Garza Estefany Gomez Jared Hutchinsonhogg Mario Medina Sabrina Prado-Rivera Fabian Rodriguez


Netflix.................... 13 How people watch TV is changing as the Internet gives traditional cable channels a run for their money.

Movies...................... 16 Food............................18 music............................20

Adviser Elizabeth Cardenas


Editorial Policy The Viper Vibe is the student newspaper of Felix Varela Senior High (15255 SW 96 St. Miami, FL, 33196). It is an open forum for student expression. The opinions expressed in the publication do not reflect the official opinions or policies of the school. The Viper Vibe welcomes letters to the editor, but requires that they be signed and reserves the right to reject, edit and condense letters. The staff and advisor can be contacted at 305-752-7900 or

Pro......................................21 Winter profiles ................... 22

From star athletes to entire seasons, here’s a closer look at what you missed this winter. On the cover: Most people will say that they are glad 2016 came to an end. In this issue, we take a look back at the best and worst of a noteworthy year. photo illustrations by Devoun Cetoute

Above: Protests-Demonstrators gather in front of the Municipal Services Building in Philadelphia, Pa. before President Donald Trump’s visit on Thursday, Jan. 26. (Philadelphia Inquirer/ TNS); Trump- U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks after signing five executive orders on Tuesday, Jan. 24 (Sipa USA/TNS); Netflix - photo courtesy of Netflix; Soccer - photo courtesy of Fox-Mar Photography

Talk to us:

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The Viper Vibe solicits advertising but reserves the right to reject any material deemed obscene as to minors, defamatory or materially and substantially disruptive of school activities.

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Lett er from the E ditor




n order to get inspiration to write to take this moment to reflect on what the 2016 recap, I looked at previous drove us last year to speak up, do someissues to remind myself of the chalthing that made us proud, or made us lenges we overcame and the battles think back and say “I wish I could do that we lost here at Varela. again.” This is not the time to throw in the We have to remember that those towel because school is almost over and battles we fought last year did not disfor some the ending of our high school appear because it is a new year. Political experience is soon approaching. correctness is still a problem, there is still I can tell you that I am not done a large amount of students who partake in highlighting the issues and problems drugs, and the uphill battle Dual Enrollthat affect us. As a journalist first and a ment faces against Advacned Placement student second, I have a job to uphold till and Administration is still my time comes. Whatever being waged. This is not Lets stop dragging our you may be, whether it be a the time to wipe the board drama kid, dancer, or average feet and looking at clean and start over. Joe, you still have a job to The Viper Vibe is the negatives, and do do and something great to not done holding peoaccomplish. Get those good something. ple accountable for the grades, become the best jazz actions that have been and player you can be, or create still are being done that are leading our the greatest art piece that our high school school to be a “C” and have decreasing has seen. Although 2016 is over, this enrollment. We are not done looking at school year is not. Lets stop dragging our the issues that affect our everyday lives as feet and looking at the negatives, and do teenagers. something. I guess what I am trying to get across Maybe it is the lunch I ate earlier or here is that this issue is highlighting the just realizing that I only have four months things that we stepped over on our cruleft before I graduate, but optimism is not sade for justice and need to take a look at. a bad thing. It can and will lead to great Last year Netflix was becoming an things. Let’s all get some and do someeven bigger monster, putting out shows thing great. and movies that took the country by Devoun Cetoute, Senior Editor-In-Chief storm. There was quite a bit of amazing The Viper Vibe events, and bad ones, that took place last #LetsDoSomethingGreat year that need recognition. With the morale in our halls getting lower and lower by the second, we need


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Ed it or ial

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IT IS time to start giving back EDITORIAL


rying something new is always a requirement is not what we mean. There fun and challengeing experience. are organizations across South Florida For this issue we decided to go that are worth looking at and taking apart with two features instead of one in. because there was so much to talk about. But you don’t have to be a part of an With 2016 just ending and with Netflix organization to do something good for killing cable we just had to get it all out someone else. A simple act of kindness is there. still doing something for someone else. Coming out of the worst year in our There are people all over the world who lifetime was quite dizzying, but we have need help and all we have to to do is put to reflect on the past before we go into the in some time. Whether it be actually givfuture. Losing so many talented actors, ing of our time by going down to a soup singers, and changemakers was devikitchen on weekends or donating supplies stating, but there were happy moments. for the Haiti Bags of Love to Ms. Bennett Although they were few and far apart, in room 211, there is always something to there was still good being do to benefit others who are done here and throughout We need to start think- less fortunate than ourthe world. ing about others and selves. Not forgetting our msinot just ourselves and We need to start thinktakes is the first step to real ing about others and not our own well-being. change and remembering just ourselves and our own that the everyday citizen well-being. We just have to is the first step to real change we can get remember that helping another human to places we never expected. Every great being can be a really easy thing to do. cause or event started with one person The reason why we are lecturing to having an idea. all of you is because with such a horrible With our country going through a big year finally over we need to take this time change we have to remember that we can to bring some light back into the world. still bring change. The thing that affects With so may innoncent lives lost to us the most is not what happens all the terror last year it is time to do something way in Washington D.C. We have to take great for others. a vested interest in what happens on our We have to remember that after the streets and in our community. We should storm comes a calm. As citizens of this all know who our local politicians are as country and humans on this planet need well as we know who the president is. to take a part in keeping that calm and But we cannot stop at just caring for spreading it throughout the world. our local government; we also have to Editorial Board care and get involved in the community. The Viper Vibe Forcing yourself to do eight hours at a #DoSomethingGreaterThanYou local event to fulfill your volnteer hour

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C ol u m n



riter Evelyn Beatrice Hall once said, “I don’t of citizens who are willing to renounce their citizenship agree with what you say but I will defend to because Trump won the election, whether it be fairly or the death your right to say it.” unfairly. As part of the school’s newsmagazine, I Men and women have died for our country, for our obviously encourage and respect student expression as unique freedoms that various countries do not have the well as First Amendment rights, and this has been a major luxury to have. Use them instead of threatening to move issue in our country since the 2016 election. to Canada or Europe. Don’t renounce your citizenship so I believe everyone has the right to voice their opinion, quickly, because there are others around the world that and get their messages across. However, like with anywish they had the liberties you do. Don’t give up yet; fight thing, there are certain limits that should not be crossed. for what you believe in, that is what our country was I was extremely shocked upon discovering what had forged from. occurred in Portland, Oregon after Donald Trump’s pres With patience and civilized forms of protest, our idential win. Whether it was at the fault of the protesters voices will be heard, not through the pages of a Supernator anarchists, it was still eye opening just how much ural-themed tumblr or a left-wing Twitter, but through people don’t respect others’ opinions or rights. some intelligible speech and peaceful interactions outside Oregon was one of many. The streets of Chicago, New the internet. York and even parts of Miami saw protests turn to riots. Instead of being divided as a nation, we should do what Seeing protesters block highways and intersections we have done since the birth of this country: unite. in all three cities was alarming. We have so much power I’m not saying that we should start another American as citizens, yet we use it incorrectly and Revolution or Civil War, but if we as a country unwisely. if you want change, do really want change, we should regroup as a We have the right to exercise our given something more than whole. freedoms, vote for our preferred candiproves that injustice, violence, complain on social me- and History dates, and also peacefully voice discontent discrimination will not hold; the people dia. towards any public figure. Evidently, for have a voice and we have the right to use every right you have, the opposition also it. Take pride in our country, try to make it has that right too - there are two sides to every coin, and better among the citizens, if not by the leader. we must understand that. Use the ambition we have to fix what is causing so While there are people who actually aim to make a many disputes, become well informed about what is change in our country and are well informed about what occurring right now, in our country, to prevent any further is occurring, there are those that resist Trump because of mishaps. his name, and despise him just because of tweets. We should take pride in our right to vote and voice Then there are those who are vocal in their opinions, our opinions freely, and use this justly. yet do nothing about them. If you want change, do some Don’t get mad at those who protest against your ideas thing more than complaining on social media. and opinions, because just like you have the right to voice As John F. Kennedy famously put it: “...ask not what your discontent towards something, so do they. your country can do for you — ask what you can do for At the end of the day, there will always be different your country.” Don’t expect anything to be handed to you opinions, but that’s what makes this country great. if you are not working for it. Little by little, things will start to change, but we as If the public wishes to have protests, then by all citizens have to rise up. Maybe we should get off of our means go ahead, just use nonviolent tactics to get your computers and take off our social justice warrior goggles message across. I applaud those in San Francisco, Philto see what this country is really about. adelphia, Louisville who voiced their opinions without In a world where the winner of an election is supposturning it into a scene from a gangster movie. That is how edly seen as the bad guy, it does not help that his opposers it should be done. That is how we as Americans get our are acting like children. messages effectively across. We stick together, and make a Christine Monge, Junior Editor-in-Chief change together, and with this I move on to my next point. The Viper Vibe I believe that the only thing more alarming than rad#ThereIsALimitToFreeSpeech ical candidate supporters is the fact that there are dozens


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Killer Clowns


Chicago cubs

el chapo captured, again


r.i.p. harambe


water bottle challenge

THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY This past year will go down as one of the most controversial years in this century. With the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria attacking multiple countries around the world, a heated election here in the U.S., and protests around the country on various issues, many find it hard to find the bright sides of last year. But they were there in the cheers of the Cubs fans, discoveries in science, and accomplishments in the environmental realm. However you look at it, 2016 will be a year to remember.


oscars controversy




als ice buck challenge





islamic state of iraq and syria

V.12 ALAN RICKMAN, DAVID pokemon go BOWIE, PRINCE, ETC. https://issu u .c om /th evip er vib e 7

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A ro u n d t h e W or l d


best and worst events in 2016

This past year was one crazy rollercoaster adventure. From terrorist attacks to tigers being taken off the endangered species list, there was a lot of things to cheer and boo in 2016. Although, the good things may have been hard to find, here are the best and worst things that happened around the world last year. Some of these things you may not even know about!

tiger uprising


Humans were not the only things in the news in 2016. Environmentalists and animal activists around the world, celebrated key milestones. For the first time since efforts to conserve tigers began, tigers’ numbers increased. Also, giant pandas moved off the “endangered” list. Nepal has gone two years without rhino poaching, and trafficking the pangolin, scaly anteater, has been made illegal around the world as they became the most trafficked mammal in 2016. Hopefully animals will continue their good luck in 2017.

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Nowadays it seems like a new deadly virus is something to expect when a new year comes in. In 2015 we had Ebola and last year we had Zika. Zika Virus increases the chances that pregnant women’s children will be born with microcephaly, a condition in which a baby’s head is significantly smaller than expected. It caused mass fear and panic all around the world, as cases were found in almost all of North and South America. What also made this virus so terrifying was that it is transmitted by mosquitoes, and Miami was one of the areas affected.


Pokemon Go was a popular mobile phone app that allowed users to catch pokemon in real time and locations. The game broke five world records including most revenue grossed by a mobile game in its first month and most downloaded game in its first month. Although it was fun and popular, many players got injured because of it.


The Cleveland Cavaliers made history last year as they won their first NBA Finals against the defending champion, the Golden State Warriors. This was the Cavaliers second consequtive trip to the NBA Finals and their third overall. Not only did they win their first finals they became the first team in history to go to two consecutive NBA Finals with rookie head coaches.


Every year we lose famous actors, singers, and changemakers. But 2016 seemed to go a little too far on the death count. The most notable deaths of last year were Alan Rickman (Harry Potter Series/Die Hard/Truly, Madly, Deeply), David Bowie (singer, songwriter), Prince (singer, songwriter), Muhammed Ali (boxer), Jose Fernandez (former Marlins Pitcher), Nancy Reagan (40th first lady), and Arnold Palmer (professional golfer). There were many, many others to add to this list, from actors to book writers to scientists, but we will miss all of them and thank them for their contribution to our society.

Last year seemed to be the year of protest and the most hottly debated issue has to be police brutality towards the black community. From cities like Ferguson, Missiouri to Boston, Massachusetts, the pain was felt in the many protests and riots that swarmed the country. Organizations that fought this injustice, like Black Lives Matter, became extremely popular and took every opportunity to speak their voices and minds to those who would listen. In cities across America unease was felt by the police force and the people it is sworn to protect.

Aro u n d th e W or ld


N ew s

MASS PLANTING CUBS WIN SERIES There amazing things that happen all over the world that we sometimes never hear about. Last year, India took on a challenge that sent a strong message to other nations around the world. With the help of 800,000 volunteers, India planted nearly 50 million trees in one day. Other than sending a message about the environment, they tried to break the world record set by Pakistan in 2013 when they planted 845,275 trees. The Indian government set $6.2 billion dollars for tree planting. Officals involved with the project estimated that 60% of the saplings planted that day would survive. This initiative made waves around the world for activists, citizens, and world leaders alike.

Its rare that a sports team breaks its losing drought, but when they do it shakes the country, no matter what team you root for. The Chicago Cubs had the unfortunnate fate of being in a losing drought for the last century. The Chicago Cubs suffered a 108 year World Series drought from 1908 until 2016. It all changed when they defeated the Cleveland Indians. Ironically, the Indians inherited the longest active drought in Major League Baseball, since they last won the World Series in 1948. For a loyal fan, a century is a very long time to wait for your team to win. The last time the Cubs won, segeragation still existed, televisions had not been invented, and Pluto had not been discovered yet.



Elections are always a sacred and important process, but last year’s race was more of a trash TV marathon. The primary candidates for this election were Hillary Clinton, democrat and former first lady, and Donald J. Trump, republican and businessman. It was a tough race, but both camps were drastically different. While Clinton’s campaign was traditional, Trump’s was the exact opposite. From insulting candidates to insulting citizens, this election will definitely go down as one of the craziest in history. At the end of the day, Trump won the presidency with 304 electoral votes, but he lost the popular vote by almost 2.9 million votes.

Of all the things that happened in 2016, the actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) definitely takes the cake when it comes to the worst. ISIS is a successful militant group, who seized huge chunks of Iraq and Syria and also declared itself a state and governing territory. What has changed is that they have started to act globally, not just locally. In 2016, ISIS was responsible for 100 attacks around the world. The most notable attacks were at the Pulse Nightclub (Orlando, Florida), Nice, France, and the Atatürk International Airport in Istanbul. Since 2014, ISIS has been responsible for 143 attacks in 29 countries, killing 2,043 people.


Workers wait to hand out water to Flint residents from a Community Point of Distibution site at St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church in Flint’s north side. photo with permission Detroit Free Press/ TNS


On the eve of the one-month anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre, a friend of two of the victims places flowers as visitors continue to flock to the club to their pay their respects. photo with permission Orlando Sentinel/TNS


The team celebrates in the confetti Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 as the Chicago Cubs celebrate their World Series championship with a rally at Grant Park in Chicago. photo with permission Chicago Tribune/TNS

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November 22

Election The months of campaign propaganda came to a close with the ending of this year’s election. Candidates Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, Donald Trump, and Jill Stein awaited the results for the election on November 8. Having started campaigning in 2012, almost two years before the election, the Americans were treated to one of the most hotly contested and nasty elections in recent memory. Johnson and Stein fell behind, each gaining no more than four per-

Coffee Night

cent of voters. With a country almost divided in half, the polls were incredibly close. While Clinton won the popular vote by a 2.08% margin, Trump surprised everyone, by winning the electoral college by a whopping 13.8%. Immediately, there were cries of foul play and a renewed interest in abolishing the electoral college. Riots and protesting took place all over the country. President-Elect Donald Trump was sworn in on January 20, 2017.

Polling stations are set up in Varela’s breezeway on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. Varela operates as a local voting precinct. photo by E. Cardenas; President-elect Donald Trump pumps his fist, with running mate Mike Pence standing by, following a speech to his supporters after winning the election at the Election Night Party at the Hilton Midtown Hotel in New York City on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016. photo with permission Newsday/TNS

Coffee Night is a night where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents, without any fear of being classified as a winner or not. The event was organized by the drama club to help raise funds for their performances and competitions. The club is in charge of setting up everything and transforming the cafeteria into a café styled ambiance. Brownies, cookies, donuts, drinks, and of course, coffee, were being sold. All this effort was put in with the intention of encouraging Vipers to display their talents in a low key environment. Perfomers sang songs and recited poems all through the night. Attendees sang along with some of the performers, supporting them and giving the event an overall heart-warming feeling. photos by Estefany Gomez and Rebeca Cartagena

November 28

Danell Leyva - Q&A

Danell Johan Leyva is a Cuban-American United States gymnast. He has been to multiple national and international competitions for gymnastics. He has also been to the 2012 London Olympics where he won the individual all-around bronze medal and the 2016 Brazil Olympics where he won silver medals in both parallel bars and horizontal bar. So you started gymnastics when you were three or four, but was this through a summer camp or doing it at home through one of your parents? No, it was actually because of a video I saw. I watched a video and I fell in love with it. I saw, what I thought, were people flying and that is when I thought “I do not know what that is but I want to do that.” When you were 17 you joined the U.S. Olympic team. You were the first on the U.S National

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Senior team. When did you feel your career really took off? Well if you were to ask the younger version of myself I would have said that my career took off the moment I started gymnastics. I feel it really turned around in 2009, when I was 17 and made the national team for the first time ever because everything got to the point to were I wanted it to get to. It got more serious, since I was reaching the goals I wanted to reach. Confidence helped in understanding what I needed to make the senior team and so on. Bringing it more to home, when you joined the U.S team you were the first Cuban-American to join the team. On a personal level, how did you feel when you heard that? Well, the first Cuban-American male to join the team because in 2004 Annia Hatch actually won silver on vault. It was great being part of that history as well. I felt very proud being Cuban and felt very proud being American, just equal amounts. It was a huge honor to know that somebody like me, someone who is not from this country and was not born here, was given the opportunity to compete for this country. That was kind of why I felt that I had to do well. I just felt that they gave me a chance and I wanted to show them it was worth them giving me a chance.

The London Olympics was your first Olympics, how did you feel winning bronze all-around? To be honest it was a bitter-sweet feeling because I had that young arrogance. I felt that I could have gotten better, but in retrospect it is such a huge accomplishment. It was my first Olympics and to win a medal in the event that I had won is huge. I went back to the gym and I wanted to keep training right away. I wanted to get better next time. When you went to Rio, can you tell me a little bit more on how you felt on your second time now being even better and upping your standards and winning two silvers? I feel like I was able to enjoy it more and understand more about what the Olympics meant. It was great, I would not trade it for anything. Being in Rio, that was the very first South American country that ever hosted a Olympics and to be a part of that history as a latino is huge.

photos by Devoun Cetoute stories by Michael Black, Christine Monge, Estefany Gomez, and Devoun Cetoute

Arou n d Varela

N ew s

November - December - January December 14

Mr. Varela 2017

top: Mr. Varela 2017 opens with a dance number. middle: The boys make it to the second round eliminations. bottom: Manuel Matus, Mr. Thespian, sings for his talent. photos by Sasha Contreras and Fox-Mar

Dec 16

Vipers gathered in the auditorium to watch 16 of Varela’s most eligible candidates to take the title of “Mr. Varela 2017.” All of these candidates were representing clubs, such as Ebony, Pep Squad, ROTC, NHS, and Quill & Scroll. The night started off with a group number choreographed by Rashaud Lee, leading into the boys introducing themselves by saying their names, club, and a pickup line. The boys then changed into their beach attire to strut down the runway and show off their beach bodies, and were later cut down to ten contestants. The next segment was talent, which included a rap performance by Christian Avalos, and an exhibition drill by Rafael Valenzuela, and many more. The Thespians put on their performance of “Stronger” from the Broadway musical Finding Neverland while the crowd was waiting for the

results. There would be a winner for Mr. Congeniality, Runner Up, and Mr. Varela 2017. Mr. Varela - Mr. Class of 2017 Henry Cadet, Senior, was crowned Mr. Varela 2017. Representing Class of 2017. Cadet is a dedicated Viper, who participates in numerous events including, Pep Squad, Class of 2017, and the Student Government. For the talent portion of the show, he showed off his singing skills to a John Legend song. He will be the lead drama’s spring musical, Aida.

Mr. Congeniality - Mr. Class of 2018 Mr. Congeniality is the title given to the contestant who displayed the most team spirit and friendship with the other members. It is voted on by all the contestants. Christian Dean was awarded this title. The boys who voted for him said he always had a smile on his face and was always happy to be at rehearsal. Dean even bought pizza for all the boys. left: Henry Cadet, Mr. Class of 2017, wins Mr. Varela. top: Christian Dean, Mr. Class of 2018, is awarded Mr. Congeniality.

December 19

January 27

Veteran’s Christmas Party

Sr. Movie Night

In a night of great festivity with a commonwealth of helpful students from various clubs, a record number of clubs this event has ever had, gathered to entertain and converse with veterans at the local VA Hospital. Chorus, Jazz Band, JROTC, Quill & Scroll and Class of 2018 participated, spreading holidaycheer to veterans. Band opened with a festive Christmas performance, accompanied by Chorus and their collection of solo acts to set the tone for the feast being served by the NJROTC students. In keeping with the tradition of honoring, Quill & Scroll handed out notepads for the veterans to write about their many adventures and life stories, showing how powerful an impact one small gift can make.

Gathering to celebrate the one free event of the year, seniors arrived to dine on concessions and enjoy the company of friends at this year’s Senior Movie Night. The upperclassmen got to vote on their preferred film upon registering for the event. Seniors were also provided free drinks and food tickets, and were allowed to bring blankets, pillows, and inflateable matresses. The movie that was featured, The Visit, an M. Night Shyamalan horror film, was met with mixed reception from many of the students, warranting many hot and cold responses. Despite that, everyone sat together and fully indulged in all of its novelties and eccentric atmosphere.

Junior Ring Ceremony Approximately 300 students from the Class of 2018 attended the annual ring ceremony, becoming upperclassmen and experiencing a memorable milestone. On Monday, December 19, students poured into our schools’ gymnasium to receive their rings After a month of preparation, rehearsals with the 2018 officers, and transforming our gymnasium to look up to par for such a special occasion, the ceremony ran smoothly.. “I think it was a good ceremony, everyone behaved well and we didn’t have any major issues. The confetti cannon never went off, no one noticed but me, though,” said Activities Director, Ms. Felicia Christin. The juniors sealed their upperclassmen titles by placing their rings on their fingers in unison.

stories by Sasha Contreras, Jared Hutchinsonhogg, Krystal Valdes, and Christine Monge photos by E. Cardenas, Fox-Mar, Estafany Gomez, Sasha Contreras, and Breanna Valdes.

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A ro u n d t h e C o u ntry

The truth about Cuba

A country frozen in time

Cuban community in Miami celebrating the announcement that Fidel Castro died, in front of La Carreta Restaurant in Miami on Saturday, Nov. 26, 2016. photo with permission El Nuevo Herald/TNS)

MYTH Now that Fidel Castro is dead, Cuba and its people are better off.


FACT Raul Castro, Fidel’s brother, is still president of the island. Though perhaps the death of his brother gives him the freedom to make decisions for himself, he still has the same mindset and won’t be making major changes


While Cuba was once the harborer to Russia’s artillery during the Cold War, all of its medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic nuclear missiles were removed in 1962.

Cuba has nuclear weapons.

MYTH There is free healthcare in Cuba, and it’s great.

MYTH All citizens of Cuba are Communists.

MYTH The U.S. lifting the embargo on Cuba will not make a change.

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FACT Cuba does have a national health system, but this health care comes at a price other than money. Cuba has poor facilities, low pay for doctors, poor provision of equipment, and frequent absence of essential drugs.


Though Cuba is a communist country, most of their citizens would disagree with their government, but they are too afraid to speak for fear of being jailed.

FACT Ever since the United states embargo against Cuba was lifted the Island has experienced dramatic growth in tourism and jobs; even the private sector has had immense success.

Going Home Going to Cuba weeks after relations were restored between America and the island country was a nostalgic adventure. Everything was the same since I left nine years ago, and I’m not sure if that is a good or bad thing. Cuba seems to have frozen in time ever since the Castros took power in 1959. There are run down antique cars and everything seems worn down and at the brink of crumbling; not exactly the fairytale image that comes to mind of “a country that time forgot.” The Cuban people want change, but are too afraid of their government to do anything about it. I have seen people build their houses, brick by brick, and depend on whatever comes across to survive. They turn to illegal actions to live a better life, even if it means putting their lives in danger. Whether it is

selling By Fabian Rodriguez contrastaff reporter band or stealing, it is better to risk it all than starve. The fact is, Cuba holds little to no future for its people, and this is not coming from an outsider. According to the people themselves, many study to become doctors or business owners, yet end up in the street selling pieces of ham, making the same amount of money as someone in the medical field. I have seen these cases myself. That is just the way life is in a communist run country. Perhaps now that Fidel is dead and his brother is aging, the Castro reign will come to an end, and change, for the better, can come to this beautiful island.




ne of the nation’s most popular streaming services, Netflix, has been building up its empire of shows since its humble beginnings as a DVD service in 1997. In 2013, they started their original programming with the much acclaimed but little known House of Cards. Since then, they have grown more popular with programming that includes Orange is the New Black, Daredevil, and Beasts of No Nation. It has become extremely popular amongst millennials, offering them a virtually effortless way to watch new shows and movies in multiple genres. Over the course of the last three years, Netflix has produced

as many as 126 shows and movies, and has received some 147 awards. Their original productions cover almost every genre including comedy, drama, and documentaries. They have cast a number of well-recognized actors in their movies and television shows, like Selena Gomez (The Fundamentals of Caring) and Winona Ryder (Stranger Things). They have made a name for themselves among mainstream and cable television networks alike. Netflix has even continued shows that weren’t renewed by networks , like Arrested Development and Fuller House. After three years of exponential growth, no one knows how far they will go.

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photos clockwise from left: Jim Gaffigan in his new comedy special Cinco (Netflix); Netflix tackles the topic of racial inequality in the United States prison system in its documentary The 13th (Netflix); Mike Colter as Luke Cage in a scene from the television series Luke Cage created by Cheo Hodari Coker. (Netflix/TNS); Captain America: Civil War has been released on Netflix’s streaming service. (Marvel Studios); Netflix original film Beasts of No Nation is about child soldiers fighting in Africa. (Netflix); Kevin Spacey in a scene from House of Cards. (David Giesbrecht/Netflix)

What to Watch MARVEL SHOWS Netflix offers a new take on superheroes with their exclusive Marvel shows. While Walt Disney Studios depict a fantasized and almost cliché version of popular heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, and Hulk in their movies, Netflix shows give a grittier, realistic and cynical outlook on the lives of heroes that are ordinary compared to the Avengers. Having signed a licensing agreement with Walt Disney Studios, Netflix is allowed to produce shows based off of Marvel superheroes; but they’re not the same ones seen on the big screen. Netflix includes origin stories of the heroes that make up the Defenders, a group of not so glamorous heroes that try to save a corrupt New York City. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage make up this group, each having their own standalone shows that depict their start as vigilantes, and their attempts to better the city. From a blind vigilante to a bullet proof man, Netflix proves that it can give depth and emotion to their heroes, as well as a sense of realism. The shows, like any Marvel production, all tie in one way or another. Each is filled with Easter eggs, cameos, and mentions of different Netflix heroes, and even some allusions to the Avengers. Netflix has confirmed shows for other characters other than the Defenders. The Punisher, who was a part of season two of Daredevil, is to have his own show sometime in 2017. The Defenders, will have their own show as a group in 2017 too, including the main heroes as well as some characters from the stand alone series. Netflix’s first three shows, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Luke Cage all have near five stars in ratings, and have created an extremely large fan base. Eighteen days after season one of Daredevil, it had received more views than Netflix’s original shows, including House of Cards, Marco Polo, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. It’s no doubt that the Marvel series has had its positive effect on the streaming service, and will be around for a while.

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One thing has always stuck out about Netflix and its original productions. While there are some interesting original shows and movies, there’s something else that makes it a great place to watch and discover new content. Their documentaries, such as Making a Murderer, are a very interesting element in this streaming service. The way Netflix acquires the documentaries are also quite interesting. Netflix funds the documentary as well as the film maker, and also purchases the documentary for a flat fee over a span of three to five years. The way Netflix executes the documentaries differ from the classic documentaries we are accustomed to. There’s no dramatic, deep voiced narrator explaining every situation or announcing the people getting interviewed. It is mainly just the events and the people themselves explaining everything that is going on, which makes everything feel more genuine and immersive. Netflix has a wide variety of documentaries, covering everything from cooking shows to backgrounds of mucisians and bands. Netflix makes it easy for everyone to get more infomed about what is going on, and there’s something for everyone.

Netflix making the shift to streaming back in 2007, was a big shift for the company. Being a DVD only company since 1998, this was new ground and not many other companies were taking the dive too. Because of the new terrain, Netflix didn’t have millions of people signing up right out of the gate. When the streaming service fully came out, there weren’t many new releases on the site. But in 2009, Netflix capitalized on an opportunity that changed it forever. Netflix brought streaming to the television by offering its service on devices like Xbox 360, Roku, and many blu-ray players. As the years went by Netflix grew and partnered with companies like Facebook to promote its services to a bigger audience. From 2009 to 2012, the DVD-by-mail service Netflix used to offer slowly disappeared on their homepages and advertisements. By this time, Netflix was a household name and many were using it. When 2013 rolled around and introduced Netflix Originals, Netflix went through the roof. With most of the revenue coming from subscriptions, Netflix has done a great job marketing itself over the years to slowly gain a massive viewing audience. In 2014, Netflix was making $3.4 billion on streaming services in America. This massive profit is how Netflix pays for its original series and casting prominent actors to gain interest in their popular streaming service.

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By Christine Monge Jr. Editor-in-chief IG: scarletmarked

Sabrina Prado-Rivera

Staff Reporter

By Devoun Cetoute Sr. Editor-in-chief

By Fabian Rodriguez

Staff Reporter

Drama shows



If you’re in the mood for something snarky and entertaining, Netflix also delivers. The service has put in millions of dollars buying stand-up comedy shows, and has more stand-up comedy specials than Showtime, Comedy Central, and HBO combined. Big names like Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld have made their home on Netflix, producing shows for the gigantic streaming service. The way Netflix gets these comedy gurus is pretty simple. They sign the comedians, and they then record their shows. The comedy shows range from cynical, like David Cross: Making America Great Again, to witty, like Jim Gaffigan: Cinco. If stand-up comedy is not really your style, Netflix offers original sitcoms. Among these shows is the popular Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, which tells the story of Kimmy Schmidt (Ellie Kemper) and her re-emergence into society after being held in a doomsday shelter for 15 years. The streaming service also offers dark sitcoms, like Wet Hot American Summer First Day of Camp and parody shows, like Trailer Park Boys Out of the Park. There’s also animated sitcoms, in case you’re looking for something more laid back. BoJack Horseman and F is for Family offer that cartoon vibe, and includes big stars like Will Arnett and Deborah Sue Greenberg. With Netflix’s wide variety of comedy shows as well as stand-up performances, you’re sure to find something right up your alley.

Netflix has proven to be a strict and merciless opponent for movie subscription channels like HBO, STARZ, and Showtime. Over the span of three years, Netflix has stepped it up, releasing a landslide of Netflix Original Movies. The first ever Netflix Original Movie premiered in October 2015, called Beasts of No Nation. The film, based on real events regarding the use of children warriors in Ghana, was quick to gain an audience. After this humble release, the streaming behemoth took on more films, making a name for themselves among movie junkies. Netflix earns the right to these films by buying licensed content, buying the rights to the films for worldwide distribution, and having partnerships with other production companies. They have released various movies which have proven to hold their own among the famous movie services. Films like The Fundamentals of Caring tells the story of a cynical, disabled teenager who wishes to see more of the world. The movie includes A-listers like Selena Gomez and Ryan Reynolds. There are also more comical films, like Special Correspondents, which tells the story of two anchormen played by Ricky Gervais and Eric Bana, and their scheme which leads them to being held hostage in Equador. There are at least 11 new Netflix Original Movies in the works right now with such talent as Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, Jake Gyllenhaal, Brad Pitt, and Robert Redford.

What really put Netflix on the map wasn’t its almost endless streaming choices, it was their mind-blowing Original Drama TV Shows. Like most other providers who offer their own original series, they do not really run and make their own shows. How Netflix shows are brought up are by Netflix commissioning studios and clients to make their shows with them, usually, having sole ownership of the series. It was six years after Netflix started streaming that they came out with their instant hit House of Cards. With multiple actors in the show winning Golden Globes and Primetime Emmys, Netflix knew they had started something good. Ever since then, Netflix has been on a roll and they are not stopping anytime soon. With almost all the shows that came out after House of Cards,being instant hits and winning awards, Netflix opened a gate that was not going to close anytime soon. Orange Is The New Black won multiple Primetime Emmys, Bloodline also won a Primetime Emmy, and the recently popular The Crown won best television series at the Golden Globes. The awards given to these series are no mistake, with each one being drastically different from each other; and as interesting as any show on any television network, it leaves viewers constantly binging and drooling for the next show. There are still drama shows on Netflix that are classified as originals and are amazing, but are not really originals. Shows like Black Mirror are renewed for a next season by Netflix because of popular demand. Netflix has played this “guardian” role in popular shows like Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Longmire, Arrested Development, and The Killing. Netflix has done an amazing job marketing itself and making amazing business investments that are shaping the way people watch television today. Netflix practically created the very thing it survives on, the binge culture. With more and more people pulling the plug on cable, Netflix gains more subscribers and more revenue. Hopefully, we will continue to see this hit streak continue and get some more amazing shows to binge all day and night long.

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IN CASE YOU MISSED THEM The unsung heroes of 2016

DEEP WATER HORIZON Deepwater Horizon is a movie based on the massive oil spill in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. The Deepwater Horizon was the name of the oil rig that blew up and where the tragedy took place. The rig, which was run by the company BP (British Petroleum), exploded when high-pressured methane gas expanded into the driller. The effect of the Deepwater Horizon was possibly one of the biggest man-made tragedies that happened to the U.S. On the oil rig, 11 people out of the 120 workers died and 280 million tons of oil spilled out into the Gulf. During the disaster, workers were put to the test for ultimate survival. Many workers who survived and came to shore became real life heroes. However, in 2011, U.S. government

inspectors found defective cement, which put the blame on BP and Transocean, one of the largest offshore oil drilling companies. BP also got accused of making cost-cutting decisions and having poor safety regulations that put many lives at risk. The government also filed charges of manslaughter against BP for the 11 deaths that happened on the oil rig. However, charges were dropped in 2015 due to BP’s paying a fine of $18.7 billion. In the movie, Mark Wahlberg played Mike Williams and most of the story is told from his point of view. Williams is one of the mechanics who worked on the machinery on the oil rig. Williams and Caleb Holloway (Dylan O’Brien) were two workers who went back on the oil rig to try to save others who might have been trapped and or needed help. The movie showed not only how the disaster happened, but also what the workers went through. Besides the obvious fire, mud and oil made it difficult for them to get around and there was the added danger of metal screws and pieces


When it comes to the Drama/Thriller genre, it can take us on a heart pounding adventure or leave us Sr. Editor-in-chief wanting more. It can be very hard for everyone in the audience captivated by every twist and turn. When The Girl On The Train released its first trailer, everyone knew they had to see it, whether it be bad or good. It had a plot reminiscent of Gone Girl (2015) and intriguing enough characters that would bring any person to at least watch it once. This film was an adaptation of Paula Hawkins novel The Girl On The Train. The novel itself received high acclaim for being an amazing psychological thriller, while the movie had the potential of becoming one but ultimately had some faults. The Girl On The Train follows Rachel Watson (Emily Blunt) who catches daily glimpses of a seemingly perfect couple, Scott and Megan, from the window of her train on her commute into the city. One day, Watson witnesses something shocking in their home. Unable to trust herself or anyone else, she begins her own investigation, while police suspect Watson of a serious crime. Just looking at the cast of the film it deserves a standing ovation. Emily Blunt as lead actress was an amazing decision that ultimately made the movie. The way she threw herself into the character of Rachel Watson was something that deserves high praise. She made her so believable that we were blindsided by discoveries later in the film. The rest of the cast was also amazing with another well-done performance from Justin Theroux playing Tom. The highlight of almost every drama thriller is the twist in the story we don’t expect. The Girl On The Train had a twist that made me think of M. Night Shyamalan films. By this, I mean films like The Sixth Sense (1999), not Signs (2002). The performance of Blunt and the winding story created by Hawkins made the twist hidden and very surprising when it was brought to light. It added to the greatness of the film and did not detract like twists are notorious for doing. Although, the cast and plot were well put together and excellent at times, dialogue was another story. There were multiple times when I was either confused on what was going on or lost interest in some interactions between characters because the dialogue seemed to drag on and on. Instead of visually

By Devoun Cetoute

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of the driller flying into the air hitting workers. By Michael Black staff reporter This movie went largely overlooked in the theaters and financially, it would be considered a flop. It cost the studio $110 million to make and as of December, it had grossed about $118 million worldwide. But this film is really worth watching. The CGI effects were top notch and the acting was very good. Besides Wahlberg, the movie boasted veteran actors Kurt Russell and John Malkovich. Overall, I was more than satisfied with the movie and I wasn’t too surprised to see it had a 7.2 star rating on IMDB. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a very fresh 83%. The movie gave me a whole new insight on the tragedy. Deepwater Horizon was worth the money paid in the theaters. It is available now for DVD and streaming. For those that love movies based on real events, this is one movie that should not have been missed. It was an amazing experience.

explaining a tough to understand scenario, Tate Taylor, director of The Girl On The Train, decided to have the characters explain it. Now, this can work and be masterfully done. The long conversations between Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling in The Silence Of The Lambs (1991) pulled viewers more into the story because of the amazing acting between the two and well-written dialogue. Although, the cast was good enough to get a reaction like that, the dialogue just wasn’t there. When it comes to visuals there are just no complaints. Charlotte Bruus Christensen, cinematographer, really knew how to use the camera as a weapon to create a more perfect film. From dialogue shots to pivotal moments, she made every point interesting and compelling with little cutting. Instead of using the camera as a bystander, Christensen added another layer between the interaction of characters and turning points of the film. For me, a great film needs to excel in four areas: cast, plot, dialogue, and shot composition. The Girl On The Train only hit three of these four crucial points. The cast’s performance, especially Emily Blunt, was very well-done with little errors. The plot was as mysterious and interesting as most of the greats in the drama thriller genre. The dialogue, at times, was okay and this was in areas where there was too much plot explanation. Lastly, the shots were as amazing as the cast’s performance. A film with a perfect amount cuts and manages to tell a compelling story deserves recognition. The Girl On The Train is definitely a film that deserves to be watched as one of the better films of 2016.

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Warm up winter with hot new movies Assassin’s Creed

photo courtesy of Regency Enterprises

or graphics to worry about, but my hopes were in vain. The plot of the film seemed very brushed over in comparison to the games. Granted, the games had the opportunity to expand on the story, but each individual game can pretty much hold up its own story, more or less. In an attempt to differentiate itself from the story, 2015’s Macbeth director, Justin Kurzel reunited with his muses and delivered a story original to the film. As nice as it was for Ubisoft to branch out to new territory, it could have benefited from being...well, good. As for the characters, they didn’t really draw much attention, but then again Ubisoft was never really big on creating interesting characters. Just look at old series protagonist, Desmond Miles. The acting and action scenes however, I found to be spot on. It was an extremely talented and impressive cast, and I believe that Marion

Cotillard and Michael By Christine Monge jr. Editor-in-chief Fassbender ig: scarletmarked did an exceptional job as the main characters. The action scenes were intense, in a good way, and did the fighting in the games justice. It was really neat to see the past and present on screen too; the modern and historical aspects were impressive, and I feel that it almost made up for the story. On the other hand, to an outsider of the series, the movie probably doesn’t seem that bad if they look past the holes in the story. Hopefully, if there is a sequel, it will do a better job improving its characters and providing a more unique story. Despite its many drawbacks, I am excited to see how the game transitions into film. Hopefully, this means more bold steps for Ubisoft in the movie industry.

As an avid fan and follower of the gaming series Assassin’s Creed, I was excited upon hearing that a film was underway during the beginning of my junior year. Now, after having viewed the film in late December, I think it’s safe to say my expectations

were somewhat shattered. When walking into the movie, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I had hoped that the plot of the film was slightly better than the games, since there wouldn’t be any gaming barriers such as controls

It is not everyday we see a Sr. Editor-in-chief well-known legacy being reborn. With Star Wars: The Force Awakens coming out last year, and cannon films being made every other year, people are going crazy over franchise. But we have to be careful. Just because a Star Wars film is being made does not mean it will be automatically good. Star Wars: The Force Awakens was one of the worst Star Wars films I have seen because it was a simple reskin of an amazing film. At least the prequels had an original storyline. For most, including myself, we needed a proper revival of the Star Wars franchise. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was that proper revival to a great franchise. In the seven movies that have been made with a Star Wars title, none of them compare to Rogue One. The plot, characters, and mood were way different than anything we have seen before. Director Gareth Edwards has done a masterful job. Edwards showed viewers a very different side of the rebellion. From the cast to the visuals Rogue One has easily become one of my favorite films. Rouge One follows the story of Jyn Erso. Her peaceful existence

as a young girl living on a farm comes crashing down when Orson Krennic takes her former scientist father, Galen Erso away. Many years later, Galen is the Empire’s lead engineer for the Death Star. Knowing that her father knows its weakness, Jyn joins forces with resistance fighters to steal the space station’s plans for A scene from the film “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” photo with permission Lucasfilm Ltd. the Rebel Alliance. back to life, VFX added another layer the real darkness of the Rebellion A perfect cast is the foundation to the film that is iconic to Star Wars. and really felt the evilness of the of a perfect film. Felicity Jones’ Jyn Not only was the character creation a Empire. While we did see the Empire Erso was very good. Her attitude great addition, the scaling of different destroy an entire planet and kill perfectly matched the character, a objects was something unseen. Havcountless soldiers before, we did not person set on revenge no matter the ing a director who has done amazing care because we really only knew the cost. But Jones wasn’t the only one. object scaling before, Godzilla (2014), main cast. Rogue One introduced the Donnie Yen, playing Chirrut Imwe, we had the opportunity to get an idea Rebellion in a very different way. It had very little lines but was still able of the actual sizes of iconic Star Wars was either find a way to destroy the to convey a strong and understandvehicles. From the trailer alone we enemy or die, and they did this in the able character. At the end of the day got a glimpse of how massive these simplest way. Sacrifice. When saw Rogue One doesn’t really have a single things really are. But the effects were side characters ultimately give up outstanding cast member. They work not amazing because they were all living for the betterment of the Reas a team to make the film better. digital effects, they were amazing bellion we understood the situation. The other great team that truly because it mixed both practical and Rogue One is one of the best Star made this film is the Visual Effects digital effects just like the originals. Wars films put to screen, even though Team (VFX). From creating a snarky When it comes to the overall it was only meant as an appetizer to robot to bringing an iconic character story of Rogue One we definitely saw the third trilogy.

By Devoun Cetoute

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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In the mood for something a little less American? Check out a couple of great local eateries with an international flair.

Amici’s Trattoria Italania Italian Hammocks Plaza, 10201 4/5 Most people would feel that they need to fly to New York or Italy for an authentic slice of pizza. Thankfully, residents of Kendall need only go to the Hammock’s Town Center. Founded in New York City, Amici’s brings a taste of Italy to Kendall, with a hip and modern twist, offering a variety of Italian dishes, from pizza to antipasta. It’s been located at the Hammocks Town Center for years, but had its share of remodeling. The service is good and fairly dependable. Unfortunately, with any popular restaurant, there are times when it can get kind of crazy since it is always full. Amici’s is probably one of the better Italian restaurants in the Kendall area, and I find the food to be excellent. The meat lasagna is probably the best thing next to the pizza. They give you an ample portion of lasagna, drowned in mozzarella cheese. It has the right amount of ricotta sauce and tomato sauce, and a decent amount of meat, though it is far from the centerpiece of the experience. The pizza is a highlight of the place. They have a wide selection of toppings with something for everyone. The pizzas are stone-oven baked and don’t have an overwhelming amount of bread like some other pizza places do. It has that authentic, New York-style taste, and I was honestly surprised. A small place in the middle of Kendall has managed to authentically recreate the taste of such an iconic food. Of course, with an Italian-themed menu, there are dozens of other options for those who aren’t into the famous pie. If you’re not so big on pizza or just want to try something new, they have a lot of alternatives. While the menu is a little on the expensive side, the quality of the food is amazing and well worth the price. If you want just a quick bite to eat, they offer a Monday-Friday deal, $4.95 for two slices of pizza and a soft drink. Overall, anyone who is tired of Taco Bell and McDonald’s and has a little extra cash, should look to Amici’s. It offers the New York aesthetics, in the West Kendall area.

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Bonjour Bakery

Bakery 16650 SW 88th, ste #104 3/5 Aimed at offering a taste of France in Kendall, Bonjour Bakery gives customer a chance to visit the city of lights through their wide variety of pastries. Combining authentic french cuisine as well as a taste of miami, Bonjour Bakery is a fusion of different culinary traditions. Upon walking into the bakery you get the “patisserie” feeling; the glass counters filled with cakes, sandwiches, pastries, and of course, macaroons.. The bakery has a small dining area, if you chose to eat in, and it has that sleek feeling, almost like a restaurant you would find in the Falls or Dadeland Mall. If you crave something more than pastries, you’re also in luck. You can pick from savory and sweet crepes, salads, eggs, and soups. The times I went in, the servers were welcoming, but the pastries tasted stale and old. Maybe it was because I went in the afternoon, in contrast to going in the morning, when everything was fresh. Their desserts are create a colorful and vivid atmosphere under the glass displays, giving the enchanting feeling of entering an authentic french bakery. The place overall was nice, a little overpriced like any other french bakery in miami, and I could imagine it being a different place to hang out with friends and have a coffee.

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We also recommend: In the mood for dinner and a movie? Check out two places in the same mall as the local theater.

Moonlite Diner

Diner 8695 SW 124th Ave 2/5

Brain Freeze

Ice Cream 8711 SW 124th Ave 4/5

When you have a sweet tooth there are a lot of places you can go to satisfy the craving. Coldstone, Carvel, and Haagan-Daz all offer great tasting ice cream. But who wants plain old ice cream? Brain Freeze’s nitrogen-made ice cream is one of a kind. It is not all the time you get to see ice cream made in front of your very eyes. But they don’t stop there. Even though their gimmick is nitrogen-made ice cream, they have more flavors than any ice cream shop I have ever been to. From classic flavors, like chocolate and vanilla, to more exotic flavors, like Captain Crunch and Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Brain Freeze is not your everyday ice cream shop. When it comes to prices, Brain Freeze doesn’t beat the rest. Their smallest ice cream cup costs $4.49, but I would say that is pretty fair since there are so many options and the unique way their ice cream is made. Brain Freeze isn’t only great because of its ice cream choices and creation; it is also the coolest place around to eat ice cream. When walking into the store it feels like you have entered a mad scientist’s lab. With lab coats on the wall to take selfies and beakers filled with ice cream toppers, Brain Freeze is definitely a place to check out. When it comes to location it is conveniently located next to Regal Kendall Village Stadium 16, so when you’re done watching the newest movie you can go and get some ice cream.

Conveniently located next to Regal Kendall Village Stadium 16, Moonlite Diner is a decent place to hit up after a movie. It’s open 24 hours Friday and Saturday, and 7am to 12 am the rest of the week, so you can grab a bite whenever it is convenient. The vibe of the place is worn down and cheap, but I feel that this wasn’t the “vintage” style they were going for. As for the food, it’s mostly classic American meals. The menu has a variety of milkshakes, burgers, sandwiches, salads, breakfast platters, and appetizers. The main courses are pretty mediocre - basic to the maximum, nothing out of the ordinary. Moonlite scores when it comes to simple meals, like burgers or chicken sandwiches, but when it comes to more adventurous plates, they take a step back. I had the patty melt, and while it tasted good within the first bite, it got tiring after a while. The bread was off, the “sautéed” onions were raw, and there was very little cheese (which defeats the purpose of a patty melt). The breakfast platters are probably the highlight of the main dishes, almost as good as Denny’s. While they don’t have much variety as to what you can order from the breakfast section, they make do. In all honesty though, the appetizers and milkshakes are probably the star of the place. There’s a decent selection of shareable appetizers as well as shakes. The appetizers are actually a pretty big size, and can almost be mistaken as a full meal. The milkshakes however, sound better than they actually taste. I ordered a snickers milkshake, and received melted ice cream with frozen chunks of a snickers bar at the bottom of the cup. The food would be excellent if the prices were lower; the quality is poor and the assembly is careless. I would say you get what you pay for, but in all honesty you pay for the “ambiance.” While they offer deals like two milkshakes and two burgers for $20 on Wednesdays, it’s nothing compared to Chili’s’ 2 for $20 right across the street. In all honesty, the diner isn’t blowing the competition out of the water; you can get better food, prices, and service on the other side of Kendall at Chili’s or Denny’s. The only reason people go to the diner is because better restaurants are too far away, and with its location right next door to the theater, it’s easy to make a movie and dinner right in the same location.

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M us ic

Reviews By Mario Medina Staff Reporter IG: mario_dmr_trippy

Reno Garza

Staff Reporter IG:mr.pototo

Christine Monge

Jr. Editor-in-chief IG: scarletmarked 2



4 Your Eyez Only Awaken, My Love J Cole

childish gambino

1 Jermaine Lamarr Cole, better known as J.Cole, released his fourth studio album, 4 Your Eyez Only, exactly two years after its predecessor. He released this album out of nowhere, and it honestly exceeded my expectations and holds its own among the rap albums that were released this year. It’s very emotional, telling a long story about his friend, but also contributing elements from his own life. While the album is meaningful, it lacks the hyped up songs like in 2014 Forest Hills Drive. Each of his tracks are very slow and mellow, and has no features, which I really like about it. Out of all the songs, “She’s Mine Pt.2” is the one that stood out to me. When the hook comes in, the beat consists of a piano and violin, which I found to be very neat. “She’s Mine Pt.2” is very passionate, since he talks about finally having a chance with someone he loves, and building a strong relationship with his daughter. I would recommend this album to anyone who likes emotional and meaningful rap music, since it’s had a profound impact on me. J.Cole gives me hope that rap music isn’t lost, and can still be meaningful.

On his latest release, Childish Gambino 2 (Donald Glover) pays homage to Funk, Soul, R&B and everything in between. Glover’s psychedelic influences and fine production skills make Awaken, My Love! his most impressive album to date. It’s Glover’s eye-popping soul riot, and he doesn’t hold back, including vivid memories from his life to accent this extremely personal record. His eccentric and dismal storytelling captivated me, and I enjoyed the realistic feeling the songs provided. The robust hip-hop of his previous records has disappeared, and in its place arrives sweltering soul and mussed-up funk. The record in its entirety, I can gladly say, is nothing like I have ever heard, and took me by surprise. His songs are inspirational, emotional, and displays his immense talent. Opener “Me and Your Mama” is a deep, exultant opus that makes plain Glover’s ambition. The exquisite “Redbone” sees him access a register (and vibe) of which Prince would approve. While “California”—a sort of breezy calypso jam with a judicious use of wood whistle—captures the effervescent and completely intoxicating spirit of a very special record.

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Long Live the Angels emeli sandé Nearly four years after her debut album, Adele Emeli Sandé reclaims her spot in the music industry once again with her new studio album, Long Live the Angels. Sandé takes an optimistic yet somber tone in her album; songs with pensive tones take over her record, offering the listener soft rhythms as well as impactful lyrics. The album has subtle beats that are moving and efficiently amplify Sandé’s soprano vocal range. Her heavy inspiration from Nina Simone and her Zambian background accentuate the record, giving it a unique tone in comparison to all the other albums about love and heartbreak. Sandé even features her father, Joel Sandé in her song “Tenderly,” which also features The Serenje Choir. “Every Single Little Piece” and “Hurt” struck me the most; I could sense Sande’s dedication to her profession within her vocals. I personally find the album to be beautifully crafted, with impressive lyrics and vocals. Sandé delivers a wide range of emotion in her album for a variety of listeners, and deserves more recognition for this relatable masterpiece.



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sports Cubs win the World Series...finally The last time the Cubs won a World staff reporter Series, the oldest fefecocerioni@hotmail.COM person in the world (116-year-old American Gertrude Weaver) was eight years old. Well that’s how long it took for the Chicago Cubs to win the world series and break the curse. According to CNN, the team was cursed by Billy “Billy Goat” Sianis in 1945, when ushers and club owner P.K. Wrigley told him he couldn’t bring his pet goat Murphy into the game. It’s the longest standing championship drought by any American pro sports team. The whole series was a nail biter for Cubs fans. Going into the 5th game, the Cubs were down three games to one. They would have to win three games in a row to win the series. The team was carried by Ben Zobrist, the World series MVP, who in the previous year helped the Royals win a World Series. Zobrist was just one of the many pieces that were brought in by

By fernando cerioni

baseball guru Theo Epstein. Anthony Rizzo the first basemen who caught the game winning out, quickly put the ball in his back pocket after the catch to celebrate with his teammates. In an interview with the press following the game Rizzo was asked what he would do with it. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with that ball, it’s going to be cherished forever though,” he said. Addison Russell, the short shop for the Cubs, told Rolling Stones News, “What’s crazy is, it’s such a young core, we are just getting started.” He’s not wrong. The average age of the team is 27.4 with only 14 players 30-years-old or more. It took 108 years for these cute cubs to become mighty bears. The Chicago Cubs celebrate after defeating the Cleveland Indians, Nov. 3, 2016 in Game 7 to win the World Series 8-7 at Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio. photo with permission Chicago Tribune/TNS

Dolphins swim deep into the playoffs said senior football starting center Russell Marin. staff reporter The Dolphins finished the regular fefecocerioni@hotmail.COM season in second place in the AFC East. Their 10-6 record beats The Dolphins had an early every past record since 2003 with end to their playoff appearance the exception of the 2008 season. and ended their best season for “They made great improvethe past few years, after losing ments over the past year, but are their rising star quarterback Ryan still missing key players especially Tannehill due to ACL and MCL on defense,” said Varela football sprains in his left knee. head coach Carlos Mollinedo. Tannehill, who was a medio For the first time since 2008, cre wide receiver in college, found the Dolphins were in the playoffs his true calling at the quarterback as a wild card. However, going up position for the Dolphins. He was against the Pittsburgh Steelers is never the best at throwing either, no easy task for any team. but after tips from Dolphin veter While the Dolphins offense an alumna Dan Marino, Tannehill managed to score a touchdown became somewhat of a prodigy. and a couple of field goals, the He led the Dolphins to a reoffensive line allowed five sacks cord of eight wins and five losses on Moore, one of which was so before getting hurt, including a violent, he had to go through “consix-game winning streak mid-sea- Miami Dolphins' Tony Lippet leaps over the front lines of the Dolphins and Pittsburgh Steelers in an attempt to block cussion protocols” before he could a field goal during the NFL Wild Card Playoffs on Sunday, Jan. 8, 2017 at Heinz Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pa. photo with son. return to the game. permission Miami Herald/TNS Matt Moore took over the “It was a hard play by the ing over for Tannehill), because he’s on the team position for Tannehill and on his first game threw defender and he was penalized which he should’ve for a reason, Ryan Tannehill is always going to be four touchdowns and won himself a player of the been, but it happens,” said Mollinedo. exposed to injuries, and I believe in underdogs, week award. They handed the Dolphins a first round ticket people that shine when the team needs them too,” “My opinion, it’s not that serious (Moore takhome with a score of 30-12.

By fernando cerioni

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Spor t s

Varel a

Boys Soccer


Proof that hardwork pays off

hile many students are preparing for the New Year, the boys soccer team has been hard at work since the beginning of the season. Made up primarily of sophomores, juniors, and seniors, the team welcomed three freshman at the beginning of the season. Their wide array of members from different grade levels doesn't stop the team, in fact, it unites them. Their compassion and dedication for the sport and its players is inspirational and humbling, and has led the team to the position they are in now. While there is always something to improve on, like goal keeping and offense, the team seemed to be doing incredibly well this season. The Vipers began with four straight wins and first place overall, rose to a total of eight wins, three losses, and three ties. An impressive score any athlete can not deny. Standing in second place, only one point behind Killian, the team was confident that they could secure the district first place position. Their months of hardwork finally paid off, as they won the title of District Champions in an emotional 2-1 game against Coral Reef on January 21. Their first regional game was held at home against Miami Beach on Wednesday, February 1. The team tied in regulation, got no score in overtime, and lost in penalty kicks 4-3.

Mathew Corea, Senior

Girls Soccer

Inspired by family

Starting a team, ending a family

Boys Soccer


aining inspiration from his siblings and cousins, Mathew Corea has put his heart and soul into soccer since the age of

14. “I love playing soccer because it gives me energy and keeps me in shape,” he said, “I just love the sport.” Corea started off as left back and goal keeper, but has been promoted to center back defender Though Corea doesn't plan to pursue soccer after high school, he still puts his best foot forward on the field. As one of the captains of the soccer team, Corea has helped the team to a great extent. “He’s been our savior for the last two years,” Coach Juan Carlos Monge said. "He helped us out...and because of him I believe we ended up where we ended up last year, best in the county.”

2 2 t h ev i per vi b e @ g mai l . com

Karina Medina, Senior


More than just a hobby Girls Soccer

s most seven-year-olds were probably watching cartoons or playing with their action figures, senior Karin Medina had her head, or more specifically, her feet, in a different game altogether. Since her sophomore year, Medina has been contributing to the Lady Viper’s soccer team. With an MVP award and two consecutive player of the year awards, there’s a certain spirit to her and her love of the game. According to the senior striker, she plans on playing in college. “Yes [I plan on playing in college] because it’s kind of a part of my life now and it’s also my hobby,” she said. Despite the record, her skill on the field is something that cannot be denied.


etermination and collaboration are both key factors to any successful team, and the girls soccer team conquers both. Like any team, girls soccer is having its fair share of rivals—two of them being Killian and Homestead high. The girls team has shown that unison can be achievable inside and outside of the game. “So far this season we have only won four games,” Coach Camila Espinoza said, “but there has been much improvement with the girls on and off the field.” The team, being made up a handful of seniors and the majority being underclassmen, has created a strong bond, aiming for the same goal—bettering the team.

Information gathered by Daniel Cardenas, Yaira Doyle, Valeria Franco, and Christine Monge Stories by Christine Monge photos by Fox-Mar

Varela Boys' Basketball

Natasha Polanco

Making more than just hoops

The embodiment of passion and commitment.


ompared to the Lady Vipers, our boys’ basketball team struggled to get into the groove. “Regardless of the record,” Coach Cesar Lacaci said, “the guys are playing really hard and performing to their best abilities.” With five wins to eleven losses, the team may be behind, but their spirits are high. Despite not having a notable season, the team celebrates beating South Dade as well as Homestead High, which are both encouraging wins. They also toast to being sixth in the district. "On some nights the athletes or bigger teams make the difference," Lacaci said, "not so much [the] effort." While they have their ups and downs, the boys’ team sticks together through the good and bad. “We have been able to make the team closer,” said Captain Brian Valdes, a senior shooting guard, “which is a big achievement.”

S p or ts


edication and hard work are motifs to live by for girls basketball player Natasha Polanco. The senior has been playing since her freshman year, and has been working hard ever since to improve her relationship with her team mates, as well as promote the well-being of the team. Her love for the sport began humbly, having picked up the sport in elementary school, and she has honed her passion ever since. “It brings people together,” the point guard said. “It’s a good way to stay healthy. It is also a fun sport to play.” Her impressive basketball résumé is proof of her diligence. The “Born to Play” basketball star has received a series of awards, including Most Valuable Player (MVP), three times, and even Rookie of the Year, her freshman year. Polanco plans to play basketball during her college career, as it has been her dream since she started playing.

Brian Valdes

Gaining inspiration from family Boys Basketball


enior Brian Valdes has been using the inspiration he gained from his father to get where he is now. Valdes started playing basketball at the age of thirteen, and his next step was to join Varela's basketball team. He has been helping his team since his freshman year, when he first tried out and made the cut. Since then, he has been promoted to shooting guard. But Valdes isn't in it for his glory only, he wants to improve the team as a whole. They have gotten closer this season, which Valdes believes is key to any good group. While the team has had a rough season, Valdes and his teammates don't let this get them down and remain optimistic. “We have our ups and downs” he said, ”but we’re getting there.”

Girls Basketball


Second, but aiming for first

he underrated group of this year’s basketball season humbly shine under the hoop as they continue to plow through their opponents. The girls basketball team has been in the spotlight for their stunning win to lose ratio of fifteen wins to six losses. In a team where the members all share one common goal, wins come easy, with good communication and spirit. "The chemistry of the team has definently changed...we became closer on and off the court especially due to the fact that the seniors are very inclusive and supportive," said senior Rashida Mohamed-Hinds. While the team is significantly smaller than their opposition at times, they hold their own, not letting their small numbers hold them back, said Coach Ryan Schneider. The ladies have proven this, ranking third in the district, behind rivals South Dade and Southridge. But this bronze title doesn't stop the girls, as they continue aiming for first place. “We have a good chance of winning districts this year,” senior Captain Natasha Polanco said. “We’re really excited to see that.” As for any athlete, winning districts is just the first step in bringing their team recognition, but the girls' basketball team do it for more than just a title. They do it out of a love and passion for the game. Rivals South Dade may be a challenge, but the team has proven that anything can be achieved if you set your mind to it. With a strong team and dedicated players, the Lady Vipers are sure to keep up their inspiring plays, one match at a time.

Information gathered by Daniel Cardenas, Yaira Doyle, Valeria Franco, and Christine Monge Stories by Christine Monge photos by Fox-Mar

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