The Viper Vibe - Volume 17, Issue 2

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vol. 17 is su e 2/

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sexual misconduct Mild Winter Weather Fighting for net neutrality


The busy, cool days of winter

Felix Varela Sr. High School * 15255 S.W. 96 St., Miami, FL 33196

Hits and misses

n i t e l l bu rd a o b

Congratulations to Patrick Ledan our new Head Football Coach!

The FCC has voted to repeal net neutrality which threatens the freedom of the internet.

Most of the country is suffering through extreme blizzards and wildfires.

Varela has a beautiful new mural created by Philippe Mastrocola. IG: spraycam

Miami is enjoying unusually nice weather and temperatures.

Second nine weeks is the longest semester. How many days until Spring Break?

table of contents

Ta b le of Contents View p oints


Editorial.............................................................. 4 Column..........................................................5

volume 17 jan ‘18


Best Buddies..................................6 Kendall Dump.............................7 Sexual Allegations..........8


Michael Black Jason Perez

The past year saw women standing up for themselves and speaking out about sexual harassment in the workplace.


l Miranda Abdelnour l Jahn Alago l Antony Almanzar l Sophia Almeyda l Sheilly Avilleira l Amalia Batista l David Betts l Jonathan Bigio-Vargas l Daniel Cardenas l Yaira Doyle l Joshua Escobedo

Net Neutrality..............9


music..........................10 Winter Movies..........12 Books........................ 13 TV.............................. 14 Video Games............. 15 Winter Fun................16 Miami's weather is perfect for outdoor activities and weekend trips.

Food............................. 18



Elizabeth Cardenas

Winter Olympics.............. 19 Pro Sports.......................... 20 Winter sports....................... 22

Editorial Policy

The Viper Vibe is the student newspaper of Felix Varela Senior High (15255 SW 96 St. Miami, FL, 33196). It is an open forum for student expression. The opinions expressed in the publication do not reflect the official opinions or policies of the school. The Viper Vibe welcomes letters to the editor, but requires that they be signed and reserves the right to reject, edit and condense letters. The staff and adviser can be contacted at 305-752-7900 or thevipervibe@gmail. com

Varela winter sports wrap up with boys and girls soccer and basketball. On the cover: Students enjoy the cool weather during lunch in the open courtyard. The lower temperatures have made sitting outside pleasant lately. photo by Jason Perez

Above: Ashley Judd speaks at the Women's March on Washington on Jan. 21, 2017 in Washington, D.C. photo with permission Abaca Press/TNS; Miami-Dade County is still recovering from Hurrican Irma by using local farm land as a dump. photo by Miranda Abdelnour; Midway Cafe in Islamorada is a great place to grab a snack, and delicious key lime pie, while biking in the Keys. photo with permission Chicago Tribune/TNS; Freshman Hailey Alfaro intercepts the ball in a game against South Dade. photo by Fox-Mar

Talk to us:

l Natalia Fernandez l Valeria Franco l David Garcia l Nicole Garcia l William Garcia l Sarah Guzman l Andres Martinez l Giuliana Palomino l Asahel Perez l Melissa Rodas


Your thoughts may be featured in the next issue of the Viper Vibe!

The Viper Vibe welcomes sponsorships from individuals and businesses, but reserves the right to reject any material deemed inappropriate for a high school publication.

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Viewpoi nt s

E d it or i al

Sexual Misconduct isn't just in politics and hollywood Editorial


he recent media attention given to A female student from Varela reported victims of sexual harassment has shed that she had been touched inappropriately light on a widespread problem in Holby a peer in her P.E class. She told both the lywood and the political world. When people office and school police that the student “... talk about sexual assault or abuse in schools, bent down and pretended to pick up someit's usually in the context of teachers molestthing and then groped me.” But with a lack ing or having sex with students. However, of evidence, she was told there was nothing that isn’t always the case. Signs of sexual they could do. That means that this incident misconduct between students is becoming was never reported to the DOE. Varela’s more prevalent. report shows no incidents of sexual assault, While the age of high school students battery or harassment in 2015-2016. lends itself to these accusations, there are After the whole situation, the student reports of kids from middle schools, even said that she began to develop trust issues elementary schools, performing unsettling both with her peers and in emotional relaacts and making disturbing comments in the tionships. middle of school hours. How many students are harrassed every According to WSVN 7, a fifthyear in our school, our county, our grade student in Miami-Dade country and never say anything? Absolutely no one, stated that in the school's cafeteria These are serious issues regardless of race, we have in our world, and more a student touched two of his female peers inappropriately and “... sex or gender should importantly in our schools. There offered [the two female students] to be change. People need be silent if they’re a needs cookies while he touched them.” to speak out as soon as an incident victim. There was also a middle school happens. student who reported that her The victims coming out with their friend told her that she was forced to her stories in Hollywood may have gotten the knees and forced to perform oral sex. In an chance to finally come out, however, many elementary school bathroom in Broward, a of them waited years to speak up and no one student overheard another student asking should wait that long. Absolutely no one, “are you ready to get raped?” regardless of race, sex or gender should be The Florida Department of Education silent if they’re a victim. It may be embar(DOE) reported that there were a total of rassing to report and it may be hard in 132 reports of sexual misconduct in Mithe long run; however, like the Hollywood ami-Dade schools in 2015-2016. Sadly, this allegations, any one of us could be the next isn’t even as high as Broward County, which person to start the new “Weinstein Effect.” had 480 reports, the second highest in the We at The Viper Vibe believe that evstate. The first was Orange County with 497. eryone deserves to feel safe here at school. When these horrible things happen, like If you, or someone you know, has been a in many of the cases in the Hollywood allevictim of a sexual offense, please say somegations, a lot of the victims don’t speak up thing. Tell the teacher in the room, see your and report the incident. The numbers cited counselor, tell a friend who can give you by the State of Florida are only for the cases moral support or go with you when you rethat were reported to the DOE. What about port it, call the Teen Talk Hotline at 305-377the ones that weren’t? TALK. Don’t stay silent. It’s not okay.


t h ev i per vi b e @ g mai l . com

Colu m n

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viper central is going to waste By sophia almeyda


Staff Reporter


wo years ago, a red ribbon was cut in It seems to me, the administration an elaborate ceremony for the grand doesn’t feel any concern toward the fact that opening of our very own Viper Central. all the effort that went into Viper Central’s However, Viper Central has ceased to exist as revamp is going to complete waste. The coma Media Center. The administration removed puter lab in the back is also being neglected. the position of Media Specialist a couple Some of the computers don’t work at all and of years ago, but at least still had a media even if they did, students no longer have actech in order to monitor students and help cess to them before school, during lunch, or with technical issues. An announcement after school to work on projects and assignwas made that it will be open once a week ments. on Tuesdays, only during lunch, to address Plus, students aren’t able to pay for student tablet needs and teacher A/V equipprinting anymore. Now that these amenities ment needs. All the work that the school did are only available on Tuesdays during lunch, to make our library the Viper Central will go what are students who have limited resourcto waste: brand new tables, chairs, couches, es at home (wifi, printer ink, etc.) supposed large chess board, and Promethean boards. to do? Recently, I have gone to the library on Will teachers excuse students for not several Tuesdays during lunch turning in assignments on only to find it closed and no time? Say their printer at home Google can bring you administrator present. A note on a Wednesday and the back 100,000 answers, a breaks on the door tells students to assignment is due Friday; this see Assistant Principal Angela librarian can bring you could prevent them from turnHolbrook in the main office for back the right one. ing work in on time and harm any needs. The Tuesday only their academic success. – Neil Gaiman “Many of them [students] rule isn’t reliable. The name “Viper Central” doesn’t apply to need access to information, and the library anymore. If there are no Vipers having that specific time frame is very limitpresent, it is no longer the social hub of our ing for them,” Reading teacher Annette Zayas school. said. "However, student responsibilities “The library is open anytime that the come first. If students do not complete their students need anything upon request. We assignments they will get zeros. It would not unfortunately lost Ms. Miller, our media be an excuse.” specialist, because she went to another lo According to a Scholastic Research and cation,” Holbrook said. “So right now we are Results article “School Libraries Work,” “In in the process of hiring a new person. Until high schools where library media programs that new person comes and gets trained, are staffed 60 hours per week or more, there we have limited hours. But anyone that is a 22.2% improvement in test scores over needs anything, we have announced to the those staffed less than 60 hours." teachers, that they can come see Ms. McGee This is more than enough reason to have in the mailroom, and they can also come a media center present and open to all who speak to me and I can assist them. And I also wish to enter. I suggest our administrators left a sign in the door saying to come see allow students to continue using all the me anytime so we can assist them through amenities that come with our Viper Central. the transition, but we are in the process of Let’s make the name “Viper Central” mean hiring someone full time again.” something again.

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New s

A ro u n d V arel a


Senior Adrian Pineda and junior Hector Orue sell chocolate chip cookies to senior David Garia. photo by E. Cardenas

Cookies change lives

Senior William Galindo packages the freshly baked cookies for delivery. photo by Daniel Cardenas

The Best Buddies program here at Varela is a program known for Staff Reporter helping students with disabilities learn about facing real life opportunities. One of the many activities the students in the program do is sell cookies. The cookie selling originated as part of the curriculum by the district to ensure that students with intellectual disabilities experience on-the-job training. “The students not only gain employability skills but they learn how to work with money, independent skills, social skills, and other skills that they might need to become more independent,” sponsor Mercedes Parada said. On the days they sell cookies, the students need to come in, put on their hair nets, aprons, and clock in. Then they wash their hands and put on their gloves. Once this is completed they begin their jobs. It can be as simple as answering the phones, to packing the cookies, cleaning or selling them and communicating and interacting with the student body of our school. Students also learn about organization and clean up of all the materials, utensils, baking sheets utilized during the day and leaving the classroom neat for business the next day in the morning. “It is important for the students of Felix Varela to support the cookie sales because not only does it help our students in the program grow to become independent, it helps fund our field trips, our activities, and any supplies we might need for the classroom,” Parada said. “This program is incredibly beneficial to the students, because they are attaining very basic and necessary on-thejob skills,” said SPED teacher Annette Zayas. “When they visit the classrooms, they do so in pairs working with a buddy.

One student is in charge of collecting and handling the money and making sure they give back the correct change, while the other student delivers the product, looks at the student in the eye and thanks them individually for their support. It’s very beneficial for the students who work the program as well as building a culture of acceptance and tolerance for all individuals in our school by the student body.” The cookie cost was incremented this year to two dollars for three cookies. The profits from the sales help the students acquire classroom materials as well as pay for experiences in the community that will help them with social skills, communications skills and becoming more independent functioning individuals.

By Daniel Cardenas


t h ev i per vi b e @ g mai l . com

Aro u n d M iami N ew s

Hurricane Irma still causing problems Four months after the hurricane came through South Florida, MiamiDade is still picking up and disposing of debris left behind

By miranda abdelnour Hurricane Irma has come and gone,

Staff Reporter but she left Miami with a lot of debris from the trees that fell during the storm. It was very urgent to remove the debris that was blocking the roads and causing traffic jams. So what happened with all that debris? Some of it was deposited on the farmland near 120 St. and 157 Ave. just down the street from Varela. Miami-Dade County decided to rent the farm space to use as an unofficial dumping site for the biological debris. According to WIOD, city hall rented 900 trucks to pick up all the rubble in Miami-Dade County that was causing road problems, or that private companies had deposited along roadsides. This recovery effort is being paid by the taxpayers and FEMA. The Sun Sentinel reported that the cost could be as

much as $179 million. In our neighborhood, the trucks transporting all the debris congested the intersection at 157 Ave. and 120 St., so policemen have been placed there to control the traffic and thus speed up the unloading of the debris from the trucks. Within the dumping area they had Harvester machinery that began to mulch the debris; however, the amount of debris was such that several mountains formed by them could be seen from a distance. According to the Miami Herald, there are six staging sites around Miami-Dade that still have over 3 million cubic yards of debris that need to be “mulched, measured, sorted and hauled away.� Vegetation that could not be mulched is being burned. The county hopes to be finished with the debris management early this year.

Top left: Hurricane Irma’s winds knocked over a lot of trees in Miami, many of which completely blocked roads. photo by E. Cardenas; top right: Miami-Dade set up six temporary dump sites all over the county to dump the collected debris and either mulch or burn it. The one closest to Varela is on rented farmland and the mounds of debris can be seen from the main road on 157 Ave. photo by Miranda Abdelnour; left: Traffic on the corner of 120 St. and 157 Ave. was affected by the numerous trucks entering and exiting the temporary dump site. Police have been stationed at the intersection to help alleviate the problem. photo by Miranda Abdelnour

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New s

A ro u n d t h e C o u ntry

Sexual assault survivors along with their supporters at the #MeToo Survivors March against Actress Natassia Malthe, left, with her attorney Gloria Allred, speaks about being the victim of sexual harrassment by Harvey Weinstein during a press conference Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2018 at Lotte New York Palace Hotel in sexual abuse Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017 in Los Angeles, Calif. As a reckoning over sexual harassment sweeps the country, leaders in business, academia and other walks of life are New York. photo with permission New York Daily News/TNS pushing to sustain the momentum and ensure a positive, lasting cultural change without it getting derailed by politics, social media frenzies and outsize responses to infractions many deem small. photo with permission Los Angeles Times/TNS

The spark that caught Hollywood on fire is spreading, and it’s fast

Hollywood is on fire. Dubbed the unknown. Famous celebrities such as Ashley Judd, Zoe Brock, “Weinstein Effect,” both men and womand Angelina Jolie have added their voices to the crowd. editor Many of these women did say that they never spoke out en have come out of the shadows and started a wave of change and courage fore for multiple reasons. Some were worried about damaging in speaking about their sexual harassment. Harvey Weintheir careers, some said they felt as if they owed their posistein, producer of The English Patient, Shakespeare in Love, tions and where they are now to Weinstein, and some just and Gangs of New York, was the first to be accused of sexual stayed silent due to general fear of him. However, according misconduct against women in the industry, but the allegations to the Times, at least eight of these cases were settled with have spread to other powerful, high-profile celebrities such as money in the past. now ex-NBC Today Show host Matt Lauer, and director of The “[The situation] is disgusting. And it’s sad that it’s just coming Pick-up Artist, The Gambler, and Bugsy, James into the limelight,” English teacher Lara Bukens Sexual misconduct said. Toback. But sexual misconduct isn’t just about sex. isn’t just about sex. The “Weinstein Effect” has been running rampant It’s about a person in power abusing that power among Hollywood, however, it is now branching to get what they want, such as in these cases, sex. It’s about a person in out into other powerful positions in the world. This is most evident in that we are seeing cases power abusing that Alabama judge, Roy Moore, who ran for the U.S. where women are not the only ones coming out Senate, Minnesota Senator Al Franken, and Arizona against men. Kevin Spacey, famous lead actor for power to get what Representative Trent Franks have come under fire the Netflix show House of Cards, has had multiple they want. as well. The massive amount of support for these men come out against him. men and women coming out is a huge, positive Also, women have been accusing other women of sexually change, however, there are some problems that have arisen harassing them. Singer Melanie Martinez has been accused because of all of these allegations. of multiple sexual harassment claims by her former friend One of the problems we have with the “Weinstein Effect” Timothy Heller. On her Twitter, Heller said she repeatedly said is that the accused are now the ones that are afraid to defend no, but that Martinez “...used her power over me, and broke themselves. A mere accusation can ruin a reputation and the me down. There was no confusion, I was molested by my best consequences are politicians resigning and actors getting friend.” fired. It began with an investigation by The New York Times With the many cases piling up against these directors, into sexual misconduct allegations against Weinstein for the politicians, actors, singers, etc., it has caused many people to past 30 years. Since then, multiple women have come out with come out and state their experiences on the matters of sexual stories against Weinstein, and a lot of these women are not misconduct using the Twitter hashtag #metoo.

By michael black


t h ev i per vi b e @ g mai l . com

Aro u n d t h e Co u ntr y

N ew s

The fight for the internet is not over Even though the FCC has repealed net neutrality, many states and groups are gearing up for a fight.

Net neutrality follows the idea that the internet should be open for everyone no matter the content. While users do need a company like AT&T or Comcast to get to the internet, once there, the web is open and free for everyone to use. However, in December 2017, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to repeal net neutrality rules that have been in place since Feb. 26, 2015. According to National Public Radio (NPR), net neutrality was originally instituted by the FCC to ensure that internet service providers (ISP’s) couldn’t block or slow down any websites or apps. By classifying an ISP as a “common carrier” (which is basically a public service instead of an “information provider”), it lets the government put in regulations that don’t let ISP’s slow down certain websites or charge with price tiers. According to NPR, net neutrality also prohibited special deals that would give some websites or apps priority over others. In other words, providers like AT&T couldn’t use “variable pricing models” which are different levels of quality with different price points, allowing them to charge more for certain services. Like Netflix? Well streaming services will cost more since the user is taking up more bandwidth. Com-

cast and Hulu don’t like each other? Well, Comcast can charge Hulu more to stream their site. Some economists have described this as “price discrimination.” Eventually, this cost will trickle down to us. Netflix and Hulu will have to raise their prices to pay Comcast. However, there are some that are against net neutrality. In a statement to Bloomberg, AT&T (who backs the FCC’s decision) said net neutrality changes the internet and will have a huge impact on their future investments. Without net neutrality, there can be more competition. If Comcast raises internet prices, customers will leave Comcast for another provider. In an article for, Josh Steimle argues that we shouldn’t want the government in charge of our internet. “If monopolies are bad, why should we trust the U.S. government, the largest, most powerful monopoly in the world?” he said. “We’re talking about the same organization that...spends 320 times what private industry spends to send a rocket into space.” Ajit Pai, President Trump’s appointed chairman of the FCC, told The Guardian, “that if the U.S. introduced strong net neutrality protections,

By David Garcia Sarah Guzman

Staff Reporters IG: _sarah_guzman_

authoritarian states would have an excuse to clamp down on online freedoms.” The government could control online free speech. In a poll by the University of Maryland’s Program for Public Consultation, statistics show 83% of voters support keeping FCC’s net neutrality rules in place. Out of all Democrats polled, 81% percent were for, and out of all Republicans polled 73% were for. This is not a partisan issue; no matter party association, no matter how much we use the internet, this affects everybody. So what happens now? The FCC has already cast their votes and the results were 3-2 in favor to repeal net neutrality. However, it doesn’t mean net neutrality is gone forever. Congress can use the Congressional Review Act, an act in which Congress can vote to override decisions made by federal agencies, in a joint resolution of disapproval. However, the act can only be used in the first 60 days that said decision was made. Many people are calling their Congressmen, with 1,329,772 calls as of the Dec. 20, 2017. Battle for the Net says it’s clear to see there is no lack of support for this cause.

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Varadaraj Pai testifies on Wednesday, July 19, 2017, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. photo with permission Zuma Press/TNS

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Lif est y le

M us ic


by Asahel Perez

Staff Reporter


Dua Lipa

Taylor Swift

Grace Vanderwaal skyrocketed to fame after winning the 11th season of NBC’s top-rated America’s Got Talent with her original song. “Before AGT, I was just Grace,” she said in her bio. “Then everything was flipped upside down. I never could have even dreamed I’d win or that this was my destiny. I’ve been taking it one step at a time ever since.” Her song “Moonlight” is ok. The lyrics are about someone she knew who is changing, but she wants to bring her back to her original self. The song has a good beat, and the ukulele sounds very good. She could have made it better by singing slower. Vanderwaal has a good, smoky voice, but since she is young her voice cuts out sometimes. Maybe she will become the next Taylor Swift. “I’m so excited for the future, I can’t wait to see what’s next,” she said.

Dua Lipa is a London-born child of Kosovar parents, and she has music in her blood. Her father was a pop star in his native Kosovo before she was born. “This whole album is me, who I am and how I want to be seen as an artist,” Dua Lipa said in her bio. This means that fans can get to know her from listening to her music. Her self-titled debut album was released in June 2017. The first song I heard from Dua Lipa, “Be the One,” was great. She has an amazing and unique voice, and it’s versatile. The song has a catchy beat and is great modern pop music. Listeners should definitely add it to their music favorites. In “New Rules,” she sings about trying to get over her ex-boyfriend. It’s a rhythmic song with good lyrics and deserves a place on your playlists.

Taylor Swift’s new album Reputation is not what Taylor Swift was, a country sensation and pop artist. The songs in this album are disappointing, some maddening. Swift is not unique in this album; she is just trying to fit in, or show the media she’s still standing after the rough times she’s gone through. Also, the lyrics are somewhat superficial. One song called “Look What You Made Me Do” says “look what you made me do” too much, it gets annoying. The songs that I found better were “Gorgeous” and “New Year’s Day” because they have more melody, not the boring techno music in some of her other songs. Those songs are closer to the original Swift. All this being said, it’s not worth buying the album. I will continue to listen to her old songs.

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photos courtesy of Columbia Records, Warner Dance Labels, Big Machine Records

M usic

L if estyle

Singer Marilyn Manson performs at Wacken Open Air music festival on Aug. 5, 2017 in Germany. photo with permission Zuma Press/TNS

Manson integrity uprooted with new album by Amalia Batista Staff Reporter @Adsilabloom

Marilyn Manson, known as the Antichrist Superstar, started his music career in a Fort Lauderdale, FL garage. He performed at Churchills in his younger years with his group called The Spooky Kids which indeed was where his best years of music were with the lead singer of Jack Off Jill, Jassicka Addams. Though his work can be has changed a lot over time, from raw and edgy to chimes of electronic beats. What a shame. He has completely mutilated the art he created

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out of raw passion. Manson’s new album Heaven Upside Down has an eerie effect to it with some Blues. There are great riffs and vocals, but it just doesn’t cut it for those that disturbing to many due to the grimy atmosphere he tends to give off, his music follow Manson for his original sound. College freshman Alexander Gomez, who is majoring in music production, feels that Manson’s new music is lacking in originality. “I don’t know, but his music has changed in a bad way in this album; it has more electronic than actual instruments,” he said. “He doesn’t

really talk about what he preaches for, free will.” When it comes to bringing up the name of Marilyn Manson here at Varela, there’s some interesting opinions. “He’s crazy, I think of death when I think of him,” Victoria Cruz But those that actually listen to his music look beyond the visual and appreciate his music for its raw talent. Manson truly has changed. His golden years have crumbled away, same with what he stood for, and now he is more commercialized. I’ll always admire my

sweet Manson, but the man has really changed his work; it just doesn’t have the same raw feeling to it when it comes to what he believes in. He is slowly dying out. On the bright side his new album talks about the corruption of our government and how we as citizens can do something, but we choose not to because we talk, talk, talk, but in the end do absolutely nothing. We have the power to speak up, but we just sit on our own pile of junk that adds on as we have the will to actually do something about what us humans struggle with to accept.

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Lif est y le

M ovies

By Yaira Doyle Staff Reporter IG: yaira.doyle Wonder

Murder on the Orient Express Based on the book by Agatha Christie, detective Hercule Poirot, is travelling on a train when a murder occurs. In this new remake, there are many famous stars like Kenneth Branagh, Johnny Depp, Daisy Ridley, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Judi Dench. But which one did it?

Based on the New York Times bestseller, Wonder is the heartfelt and encouraging story of August Pullman, who was born with facial deformities. Set in the suburbs of Manhattan, Auggie does not go to mainstream school until his parents think it is time for him to go. When Auggie enters the fifth grade, his family, classmates, and community have a hard time learning how to be understanding to him.

Justice League Batman embarks on a new mission to save the planet from a disastrous threat; he and Wonder Woman, create a team of superheroes to confront this new menace. The Justice League consists of: Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and The Flash. While $300 million was spent on the production, only $227 million was made in the U.S.



The Last Jedi

Coco Pixar presents the story of Miguel, an aspiring musician. Unfortunately, his family’s ancestral background banned music. To find out why, he enters the Land of the Dead. There he meets a trickster named Hector. The New York Times said, “If this movie doesn’t quite reach the highest level of Pixar masterpieces, it plays a time-tested tune with captivating originality and flair.”

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In, The Last Jedi, Rey discovers that she has abilities and reaches out to Luke Skywalker for help; what she doesn’t know is that Luke is spooked by her capabilities. The movie broke box office records with pre-sales before it even came out. Star Wars fans were excited but, it seems like some thought it did not reach its full potential.


In a new 2017 Jumanji adventure, four high school students come across an old video game console, intrigued by the game’s jungle nature. In the original movie from 1995, main character, Alan Parrish, is trapped in the magical board game Jumanji and figures out how to get out and survive.To return to reality, they have to win, just like Alan did years ago.

Pitch Perfect 3 After winning the world championships, the Bellas are separated and pushed out into the real world to discover what to do with the rest of their lives. But, they reunite for an overseas USO tour. Together they make bad decisions one last time. While the first movie was a hit, this final installment falls short.

photos courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox, Lionsgate, DC Comics, Walt Disney Pictures, Lucasfilm, Gold Circle Films, and Sony Pictures.

Bo o k s

L if estyle

Cline’s dystopian novel brings readers into the world of virtual reality

By Antony Almanzar Nicole Garcia

Staff Reporter IG: 05_antony_

photo courtesy of Broadway Books

Above: Oprah Winfrey, Nicole Kidman and many other stars will be seen in movies based on books in 2018. photo with permission Abaca Press/TNS; Right: photo courtesy of Amblin Entertainment

Ready Player One is a young adult science fiction novel written by Ernest Cline. Set in the not-too-distant future (2045), most of humanity lives in a crazy virtual world called “OASIS.” When the founder of this virtual world, James Halliday, dies with no close family or friends to inherit his fortune (including ownership of the virtual world), he leaves everything to one lucky person. Halliday decides to disperse multiple riddles and puzzles throughout the world and the person/people who solve them will be led to an Easter egg. The first person who reaches the Easter egg wins and takes over ownership of OASIS, as well as, inherits all of Halliday’s fortune. The wonders and mysteries of OASIS are artistically imagined, especially since Halliday loved the 1980s. So most of the references in the book are to games, movies and products from the 80s. Teenager Wade Owen Watts is the main character in the book, and the hero of the story. Like a typical cliche hero upbringing, he had a rough life. His father was shot dead while robbing goods, and his mother, an OASIS sex operator, died of a drug overdose. Wade’s socially awkward, overweight, and lonely. With no friends or family, he really wants to escape the reality of life. With OASIS he finds other passions. He becomes obsessed with James Halliday and his legacy, as well as falling in love with everything he did, including the 80s decade. Wade wants to win the Easter egg, but so does everyone else in the world. In March, this highly entertaining novel will become a major motion picture. Steven Spielberg will direct the movie which is sure to be full of 80s memorabilia. Wade will be played by Tye Sheridan, who played Cyclops in 2016’s X-Men:Apocalypse.

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Anime covers serious real world issues By Jason Perez Editor @JasonP1314

One of the most highly praised anime series in recent years has just turned one year old, Yuri!! On Ice. The story follows a young Japanese figure skater by the name of Yuuri Katsuki as he struggles to get through the lowest point in his career and almost giving up. But everything changes when his idol Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov comes to Japan to become his coach. Since the release of this anime last October, it has been praised by both fans and the figure skating community for its accuracy in regards to the struggles that figure skaters go through with training and competition. So much so, that in an interview with, American figure skating champion Johnny Weir said, “I broke my rule about one episode per day because I physically couldn’t stop watching.” Fans around the world are also praising the show and its creators for its depiction of the same-sex relationship between the two main characters Yuuri and Victor, and how their relationship grew over the course of the show. I personally praise the anime and its

creators in being able to create a story like this, to not only show the struggles that the characters have to go through in competing in skating, but also, in accepting one’s self. I also praise the anime for its work on character development. Yuuri changed from being a person that was always doubting himself and not believing he would be able to complete anything to a strong confident person ready to take one anything that came in front of him. I really love this anime for its creativity and willingness to go into subject areas that are not really covered or seen a lot in entertainment. I truly believe that the show and its creators did an amazing job in crafting this story that even a year after its release, is going strong in the minds of its fans. Overall Yuri!! On Ice is a fun, funny anime with all the twists and turns of an emotional rollercoaster of a show. The anime can be watched on in the English dubbed version and on for those that prefer the subtitled version of the show.

Netflix show appeals to young and old Audience anticipation Staff Reporter was overIG: Jahnnnnn whelming for the second season of the show Stranger Things, a SciFi/Supernatural Netflix Original Series written, created and produced by the Duffer brothers, Matt and Ross. The first season, released in July 2016, was set in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana, in the 1980s. The opening titles and fonts mimic the filmy grain and look of 1980s television series opening credits. The first season is based on the investigation of a boy, Will Byers, who goes missing. Supernatural events begin to occur around the town, including the appearance of a girl who was experimented

By Jahn Alago

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on and has special abilities who helps Will’s friends in their own search. Will’s mother Joyce, played by Winona Ryder, is a central character who refuses to give up on finding her son. According to IMDB, the series has received several nominations and awards, including winning the Screen Actors Guild Award for Per-

formance by an Ensemble, 13 nominations and 5 wins from the Emmy Awards and two Golden Globe nominations. The second season came out in October 2017, and fans were not disappointed. The Duffer Brothers have confirmed that the series will have a third season. The story picks up about a year later with everyone trying to go

back to normal, but the evil still follows. New characters are brought in which adds more depth to both the friends and Joyce. Personally, I thought it was a great show, I totally loved the fact that they brought supernatural powers into the show with supernatural creatures. Plus, I liked the innocent romance in the show between Mike and Eleven. While teens tend to watch the show with its young stars, many adults had the chance to also enjoy it because it reminds them of their childhood in the 80’s. “It felt very nostalgic watching the show. It reminded me of all the music of that time,” English teacher Chris Migueles said.

photos courtesy of Mappa and Netflix

Vid e o Games

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Basketball goes viral By Joshua Escobedo

For those who enjoy watching staff reporter basketball but don’t have the opportunity (or ability) to play it, now comes a way to play it in a videogame. NBA 2K18 is all about simulation. The game is available for the PlayStation 3 and 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and 360, and on the PC. The cost of the game is $60 for brand new from Gamestop but it can be bought cheaper for $40 pre-owned. The process to become good takes a lot of hard work. Throughout the game there are plenty of ways to improve skill no matter how one plays. In fact, there is so much to do on the court. The first thing that players will notice is how the game looks and feels like a real professional basketball game. Movement of the players are controlled by the left analog stick, and the right analog stick controls things like shooting, layups, and ball handling. This will feel like the movement of the ball is in the player’s complete control. The game also has a variety of modes to play. The mode Play Now allows players to choose an entire team and play against other players. Another mode called Blacktop is one in which friends can play each other and allows players to choose either to play from one on one, to a full game of five on five. The mode called My Career starts in a streetball tournament where a player tries to prove their worth to team scouts and it allows a player to create a player and choose their favorite position, team, and advance with their own experience. My team is a trading card fantasy league where a player gets to build their team by unlocking cards with players, boosts, playbooks, and uniforms. Overall, the game is worth it to play over and over because there are so many ways to play.

COD goes back to its roots Call of Duty (COD), the franchise that almost every serious gamer has played, is back just the way we like it. The past three COD games have been based in the future, and included jetpacks and exo suits. They have received a lot of hate over the past three years. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare have all left “bootson-the-ground” behind and have made opponents 10 times harder to hit, which angered a lot of players. As a person that was raised playing almost every COD, loving each and every game, I was devastated when I played Advanced Warfare because it didn’t feel right. After giving it a shot for about a month, I gave up on COD completely and so did many other gamers that loved boots-on the-ground and the good old COD. “When Advanced Warfare came out, I thought it was gonna be cool and fun because the jetpacks and the flying and the futuristic guns looked so vibrant and fresh, but when I actually played it, it was way too fast paced and it’s far from the COD everyone loves. Only the people that haven’t played the real COD like the new ones,” said 10th grade gamer, Christian Rodriguez. But on November 3, 2017, Call of Duty: World War II came out to save the whole COD franchise. Just when COD

photos courtesy of Visual Concepts and Activision

was at its lowest By Andres Martinez point, Infinite Warstaff reporter fare (the last game to come out before WWII) was the sixth lowest selling COD game in history, this wonderful game was released, bringing old fashioned COD lovers to actually enjoy playing the game again. Even the biggest team of COD players ever, FaZe Clan, quit playing COD because of its bad gameplay, recent changes and drastic downfall in views. FaZe had to rely on vlogging and other games for their content over the past three years. But once COD: WWII came out they have posted video after video on it and are actually enjoying playing COD once again. Not only does it just feel like the good old COD, but the setting and campaign brings us to a whole new breathtaking experience, taking us through a battle across Europe and through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war, World War II. Call of Duty: World War II is a masterpiece created by Activision that has brought the franchise back from almost losing all of its fans. I definitely recommend buying this game for $60, however, since its been out for a month players might be able to find it, used, for less. So for fans that loved the old fashioned COD, World War II won’t disappoint.

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While the rest of the country deals with a harsh winter, Miamians are enjoying the mild climate and lots of outdoor activities.

Miami Winter Activities By Sheilly Aviellera & William Garcia

Staff Reporters IG: umshelly & IG: williamgarcia123

knaus berry farm 15980 S.W. 248 St. honeybee Doughnuts 7388 Red Rd.

photo courtesy of

You can expect this local doughnut shop to get packed with customers if temperatures drop even the slightest in Miami now that Miami’s first hot chocolate bar is open. The bar is a new addition to the Honeybee Doughnuts shop in South Miami and in the short time it’s been open, news outlets such as the Miami New Times have been raving about it’s creativity and success. Hot chocolate has been a staple in winter traditions for as long as anyone could remember, and it’s an amazing way to get warm and in spirit this winter season.

The Knaus Berry Fam is famous for its cinnamon rolls, but they also have pecan rolls, fresh baked goods and produce. They are closed during the summer months. photo by E. Cardenas

People all over South Florida count down the days until Knausberry Farm opens each year during the fall and winter months. Knausberry Farm is a roadside stand mostly known for its warm, gooey, melt-in-your-mouth cinnamon rolls and its rich milkshakes. However, they offer other goods such as other baked items, ice-cream, tomatoes, and a U-Pick for strawberries.

Zoo Miami 12400 S.W. 152 St. Due to Miami’s signature scalding hot temperatures, Zoo Miami isn’t enjoyed to its full potential most of the year. However, visiting during the winter allows people to stay for a prolonged period of time without being uncomfortable and suffering from excessive sweating. Additionally, during the hot weather animals tend to hide and be lazy in their living quarters, while during the winter they tend to be more alive and interactive. From left, Jennifer Nelson-Casines, senior keeper, and Emily Henson, zookeeper, walk with Koda, a 4-year old cheetah from South Africa on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016 at Zoo Miami in Miami, Fla. photo with permission Miami Herald/TNS

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Five Cheap Florida Visits With Florida weather being so mild, winter is a great time to travel and experience the wonders of the Sunshine State. By David Betts

Staff Reporter

Enjoy camping trips and starry nights at Larry and Penny Thompson Memroial Park. photo illustration by David Betts

Larry and Penny Thompson Park This trip is super close, located near Varela just off Eureka Drive behind Zoo Miami. Visitors can enjoy a night or two out in nature camping and enjoying the company of close friends. Camping sites can accommodate both tents and campers. There’s a large lake and biking and jogging trails. Picnic areas allow for barbecuing and roasting marshmallows. By the time campers have spent the day enjoying the environment and the meeting new people and telling stories to friends, it will be time to gaze up at the stars, taking in the views not seen in the city. The days is finished in the warmth of a tent with the ambient noises of nature. Tent sites run about $17 a night, so the finding a friend with camping equipment will save everyone some money.

Families can visit and enjoy the views at Jonathan Dickinson State Park. photo illustration by David Betts

Ernest Hemingway’s home in Key West, Fla., is now open to the public for tours. photo with permission Pittsburgh Post-Gazette/MCT

Jonathan Dickingson State Park

Key West

A little north of Palm Beach County, this state park has a lot of outdoor activities for those enjoying the Florida weather. Guests can visit the Loxahatchee River for boating, canoeing and fishing. Biking and hiking can be done either paved or off road. There are campgrounds for those that want to stay a while or cabins to rent if roughing it just won’t do. Getting into the park will cost about $6 per car for up to eight people or $2 per person walking in.

Winter can be one of the best times to visit Key West. The weather is slightly cooler, the mosquitos are few and the sunsets are amazing. The Southernmost Inn is located just off Duval street where all of the action is and near the Southernmost Point Buoy. Visitors can have complimentary breakfast and wifi to keep the day soothing. And to cool off from the heat, the can take a dive in one of the two swimming pools. The inn has Florida resident discounts and a room will cost about $130 a night depending on the time of year. Just remember, the snowbirds from the north are looking to warm up during the winter.

Everglades National Park offers airboat tours year-round. photo illustration by David Betts

Everglades National Park Located less than an hour away, Everglades National Park is one of the most beautiful and unique sights in the world. And what better way to see it than on an airboat tour? Visitors will experience an ecosystem filled with a vast variety of different species.This is the perfect place to explore and to learn. Tickets will cost about $33 per person.

Spanish reenactment soldiers at the Castillo de San Marcos check a cannon on Nov. 15, 2013 in St. Augustine, Fla. The fort celebrated its 450th anniversary in 2015. photo with permission Orlando Sentinel/TNS

St. augustine While it is possible to drive to St. Augustine from Miami, the 8.5 hour drive might be a little daunting. However, it is possible to take a bus and leave the driving to someone else. St. Augustine is the oldest city in Florida and boasts a lighthouse, Fort Matanzas and the legendary Fountain of Youth. A round trip ticket will cost about $170.

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Dining has never been so easy Located in the Palms at Town and Country, Staff Reporter Sweet Tomatoes is a IG: melyix3 vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-friendly all-you-can-eat restaurant said to be started by surfers. From dropping by casually for lunch to having a date night to catering for a party, Sweet Tomatoes covers it all. Lunch costs about $10 and dinner is $12 to indulge in a wide variety of options from salad bars and soups to baked goods and desserts. Customers enter the restaurant by way of the large salad bar with select cold pastas. At the end of the salad bar, patrons pay for their meals and drinks and then enter the rest of the restaurant where they have access to hot food. For those watching their weight, there are a large number of options. Apart from there being a seasonal menu, there are a wide variety of vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options. To satisfy a sweet tooth, Sweet Tomatoes offers muffins, pudding (sugar-free), many flavors of ice cream and cake. For those not on a strict diet, there are more than enough options such as cheesy garlic focaccia, macaroni and cheese, and pasta. Apart from the food, the restaurant is clean and has very attentive employees constantly keeping up with the customer’s needs. Most importantly, the location of Sweet Tomatoes is perfect for a date night with a strip of stores within walking distance and a beautiful bridge to walk across where couples can hang a lock as a token of love for their significant other. Overall, Sweet Tomatoes is for everyone and any occasion. So I guess it’s gnarly after all, right?

By Melissa Rodas

photo with permission Creative Commons

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John Palaez’s food truck, Asados El Paisa, serves authentic Colombian food near Varela. photo by Natalia Fernandez

Food truck serves Colombian cuisine By Natalia Fernandez Asados

El Paisa Staff Reporter can be IG: ohitsnaat described as one of the most outstanding Colombian food trucks. What is so special about this food truck? The marvelous thing about this place is that it’s full of life and culture; it reminds Colombians of their home back in South America. Everywhere around Colombia, there are food trucks or carts and everybody would be eating and enjoying Colombia’s beautiful weather. When guests arrive at Asados El Paisa, there are people greeting them with Spanish music and their scrumptious food. When it first started out, it was just the owner, John Palaez, and his mini food cart trying to get a successful start in his career as a cook. The food cart then became more noticed and soon enough, Pelaez bought a food truck that caused his food to be

devoured by more people. For five years, Palaez’s business escalated and he started to open more food trucks around Miami.The one nearest Varela operates on Kendall Drive and 137 Ave. There are different flavorful and tasty dishes to choose from like maicitos and chuzo de pollo (corn and chicken kebab). “For the times that I have been to Asados El Paisa, I have ordered a salchipapa (potatoes and sausage),” customer Ramiro Gomez said. Ivana Herrera, an employee that has worked there over a year, has mentioned that they usually open around noon and close to around 4 a.m. She helps to serve over 2,000 people every day. This food truck is an amazing way to take a girl with a big appetite out to eat a delicious arepa or an empanada outside instead of being cooped up in a restaurant with little courses.

Aro u n d t h e W or ld

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Winter Olympics come to South Korea

Skiing This is the largest category during the Winter Olympics and includes the sports of Alpine, Cross Country, Biathlon, Freestyle, Nordic Combined, and Ski Jumping. It’s done on a pair of skis but each of the sports is done in a different stadium and on a different type of field.

By Nicolle Holguin

This winter, the world will come together for the 2018 Winter Olympics, officially known as the Staff Reporter IG: nicolle_a_holguin XXIII Olympic Winter Games, and commonly known as PyeongChang 2018. This international multi-sport event is scheduled to take place from February 9-25, in Pyeongchang County, South Korea, and will be televised on NBC and USA. Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are running high as President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have traded barbs about the Asian nation’s nuclear capabilities. In September 2017, in a speech before the United Nations General Assembly, Trump called Kim Jong “Rocket Man” and said he was leading a “depraved regime.” Kim shot back calling Trump a “mentally deranged U.S. dotard” and describing his U.N. speech as “unprecedented rude nonsense.” Everything about nuclear weapons and a fight with the U.S. isn’t ideal under any circumstances, but with the start of the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea (50 miles from the border with North Korea), the most recent round of talks has led at least one nation (France) to consider whether attending the games is a good idea. French Sports Minister Laura Flessel said in an RTL radio interview that if “our security cannot be assured, the French Olympics team will stay at home.” Within the last few days, North Korea itself has announced that it will have athletes participating in the games. photo illustration by E. Cardenas

Skating: Figure, Speed, Short Track Speed, Ice Dancing: these sports are done in the same arena and with almost the same equipment. Figure and ice dancing are performed solo or in pairs, while speed and short track are done as a single or team racing on the ice.

Sledding: Luge, Skeleton: These are basically sledding competitions. Luge is done lying on the back with feet forward. Skeleton is done lying on the stomach, face down, and head first. SNOWBOARD: This sport is very similar to skateboarding but in snow. Tricks are done on a slalom or half-pipe.

BOBSLEIGH: This sport is done in teams of two or four making timed runs down a narrow, twisting, banked track in an enclosed sled.

CURLING: This is one of the most curious sports in the Winter Olympics. Teams slide stones on a sheet of ice towards a target area. The sport most resembles a large game of marbles or shuffleboard.

U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, next to first lady Melania Trump, center, at the Elbphilharmonie during the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany on July 7, 2017. photo with pe rmission Abaca Press/TNS

ICE HOCKEY: This sport is one of the most popular at the Winter Olympics. Teams use sticks to shoot a puck through the other team’s goal.

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Bayern fights for victory in UEFA second leg will be in Istanbul, Turkey, By filippo annicchiarico home of Beşiktaş Staff Reporter But Bayern shouldn’t be scared, IG: _LFC__ because their team is packed. Bayern is one of the best sides in European football and overall have a well rounded team. Their defense consists of the best goalkeeper in the world right now, Manuel Neuer, who is out with a foot injury through January. He should be match fit for play in February. Other noticeable Bayern superstars are Robert Lewandowski (right) the Polish striker who has scored 27 goals already for the club and Colombian player James Rodriguez (left) who is on loan from Real Madrid for one year. He has played well so far with 15 goals for the club and seven assists. Bayern has many other spectacular talents that will help this team achieve victory and win it all. As a fan, I feel like Bayern will pass the round of 16 with a breeze and will make it to the final 8 and go on to win the whole thing.

photo illustration by Filippo Annicchiarico

The Union of European Football Association (UEFA) Champions League is an annual continental football club where the best teams in Europe battle it out to see who is the best team in Europe. It is one of the most prestigious tournaments in the world and the most prestigious club competition in European football, played by the National League champions (and, for some nations, one or more runners-up) of the strongest UEFA national associations. The UEFA League final is the most watched annual sporting event worldwide according to ESPN and the Bleacher Report. As of right now, Bayern Munich (the top team in Germany) has qualified for the round of sixteen. They came second in their group behind Paris Saint Germain (PSG) with 15 points. PSG had the same number of points as Bayern, but came in first because of goal differences. PSG scored 25 goals while Bayern only had 13. Bayern has to face Beşiktaş a Turkish team on Feb. 20. The first leg will be at Bayern in the city of Munich, then the

photo illustration by Filippo Annicchiarico

NBA closes in on playoffs and MVP winners By jonathan bigio-vargas The NBA is

Staff Reporter reaching the time where teams really start to push for a spot in the playoffs and a chance at the championship. The two top teams in the east and west are the Boston Celtics and the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors are the favored to win back to back titles, but that doesn’t mean they won’t have challenges to complete. During the offseason, there have been some surprising trades. No one expected for so many players to get traded to other teams. Now, any team that wasn’t that good has become one of the top teams. According to Sports Center, the Celtics have been having success after trading Isaiah Thomas and Jae Crowder to the Cavaliers for Kyrie Irving. And

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that’s not the only trade that happened. The Phoenix Suns traded Eric Bledsoe to the Milwaukee Bucks for Greg Monroe. Superstar players are making early MVP charges. The top three players with the most points in the NBA are Giannis Antetokounmpo from the Bucks, James Harden from the Houston Rockets and Irving from the Celtics. The Miami Heat have not started the year great, but due to great bench players, they have gotten on a roll. Throughout December and January, they were on a seven-game winning streak.The way the Heat have been playing has allowed them to earn a number four spot in the rankings. “The Miami Heat are having a great season right now,” said sophomore Ivan Acosta. “the NBA can’t be great without the Miami Heat.” What makes their season so great

is that this is the first season in a long time that the Heat doesn’t have any star players. They are winning through great team chemistry. Wayne Ellington has emerged as the best three-point shooter. We can just hope their players stay healthy for the playoffs and that they can compete for the championship. Miami Heat’s Wayne Ellington (2) shoots past Portland Trail Blazers’ Allen Crabbe (23) on Sunday, March 19, 2017 in Miami, Fla. photo with permission Miami Herald/TNS

All scores as of Jan. 19.


Outdoor activities connect with nature By Frank Siles There’s a lot of work that a gun is the primary concept of the trip,

staff reporter goes into a lot of sports. SC: fsilesjr_11 In general, all sports take time to master or succeed. That goes for outdoor activities as well, such as hunting and fishing. Some people would quit a fishing trip after an hour or so, but real fishermen can get caught up for several hours. These kinds of activities require a lot of patience and skill. The overall satisfaction of all this frustrating, time-consuming set of skills is the possible reward at the end, unless you are just gifted with knowledge. For example, if a hunter has been out for two weeks and on the last day catches a 20 point bull moose, he’d be more than happy for the wait. Granted there are people out there who have to do this to feed themselves and their family. Some people have to bring home a feast. But even those people can bask in sunlight or enjoy the view of a sunrise or a sunset. In all of this, fun, relaxing, frustrating days of fishing and hunting, it all leads to nature and being outdoors. Hunting can be the most cold-blooded, quiet experience for people. Although many may think shooting

a hunter can’t kill something he can’t track down unless he has range enough to shoot from a mile away. Even if he had the range, he still has to account for all the things around him like wind calculations, his position, the angle on which he’s shooting, and how he calibrates his gun. It’s safe to say that hunting is not a walk in the park. Hunting requires a special license for the rifle, a permit to hunt, and the restrictions to hunt a certain species for non-residents. For example in Alaska, hunters can’t hunt anything the same day they fly into Alaska. Stuff like this, can affect what is being hunted and what can be hunted in a certain place or time. Fishing, both fresh and saltwater, is another great, grueling sport to endure as an angler. While fishing isn’t always the most exciting thing to do, for many “fish fanatics,” there’s no better feeling than hooking into a fish no matter the size; from big to small, wide to skinny, a fish is a fish, and it’s something worth taking a picture of no matter what age level. The whole point of fishing, of catching that Goliath Grouper or catching that pig (a great quality fish) at a lake that breaks the spinner rod, is that we can appreciate the little fish that will grow to the size of giants after awhile. On the other side of the excitement, there’s a calm side of things when the fisherman can cook that prize. This isn’t just a talapia at the store, this is a mahi mahi (dolphin fish) or swordfish fresh from the water. Regardless of the outdoorsman, catching a fish is something to celebrate. Hunting and fishing leads us to the outdoors getting us in a place where it’s only nature around us. Nature gives us a way to get out of our industrial minds, it gives us another challenge, hobby, and relaxing way to have fun away from the noise. Miami has several canal-fed lakes where residents can fish for large mouth bass. photo by Frank Siles

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Fan causes scene at UM game The UniverBy natalie rodriguez sity of Miami vs. staff reporter Notre Dame game IG: itsnatbenzo at the Hard Rock Stadium was a very important game in terms of players in the ACC conference; however, there wasn’t just action on the field, there was also action in the stands. At the game on Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017, spectator Bridget Freites got drunk and began bothering the fans around her. Cameras were rolling in the stands when cops were called over to remove her from the stadium. This led to a situation between the 30-year-old UM fan and Miami-Dade police officer, Douglas Ross. According to the Miami Herald, the UM fan was behaving in a “chaotic and obnoxious” manner. She was drunk to the point where she was tipsy, causing a disturbance in the crowd. Ross and a fellow police officer had to forcibly usher Freitas out of the stadium. While unruly fans is a common occurrence at sporting events, what drew the attention of people all over the internet was the altercation between Freitas and Ross. Freitas refused to leave and would not comply with the officers, hence her “open-handed swipe at Ross’s bare head.” (Miami Herald). The Ross then struck back with a “viper-fast right jab.” In this case, there are several opinions as to whether or not Ross made the right move or not by punching Freitas and, as a result, knocking her out. Some may say, Ross’s actions were unethical. “The police officer shouldn’t have punched Freites because he’s supposed to be trained to deal with people in nonaggressive ways,” said freshman Riley Bergolla. But others may claim what Ross did was necessary in order to fulfill his duty in removing her from the premises, away from the audience, causing no further annoyance or disruption. “Freites got what she deserved,” said sophomore Jorge Rivera.

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Winter Sports

Junior Sofia Gonzalez fights to get possession of the ball in a game against South Dade. From left: Sophomore Nicolle Holguin, Gonzalez, sophomore Gabriela Alzate, and sophomore Angela Munoz. photo by Fox-Mar

Boys Basketball This season, the Boys Basketball team has had some challenging games. With 3 wins and 8 losses, they have faced a difficult time on the court. “I feel that they are working hard, everyday improving, it’s just a difficult district that we play in, but I feel like they are doing really well,” Head Coach Cesar Lacaci said. While Lacaci feels that our whole district is tough, senior captain Alejandro Lopez did mention one particular team. “The hardest team to play this year has to be Killian. Their defense was physical just like all the teams in the district, but we played them in their home and the crowd was there and that played a factor,” he said. With low attendance from the Varela crowds, it is understandable that not having cheering fans would contribute to lower moral. But even a poor season has lessons to be learned. “I learned to contribute to my team better,” senior Leonardo Delrio said.

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Girls Soccer

Our Lady Vipers soccer team has had an eventful season. At their very first game against Homestead Sr. High, junior forward Rachel Bustamante faced the first injury of the season. During the game Bustamante was shoved by a Homestead player which caused her to sprain her ankle. “Being injured is not fun I had to be on crutches for two weeks,” she said. Luckily, the injury did not impede her from playing for the rest of the season. Despite the injury, the girls team tied with a score of 1-1. Our ladies managed to score their first victory against Miami Southridge Sr. High with a score of 8-1. They also concluded their last game of the season in a victory against Southridge with a score of 8-0. The Lady Vipers finished their season with a standing of 2-10-2. Part of the problem is that the girls have had three different coaches in three different years. This year, the head coach was Social Studies teacher Brent Willis. “We haven’t had a consistent coach throughout all three years I’ve been playing. We never had the same coach. It’s a rebuilding season we have a lot of girls that have never played so it makes it more challenging because we have to focus on learning skills more than how we create chemistry on the field,” junior defender Cindy Montoya said. The other problem was injuries. The team started out with 20 players, but by the end of the season, they were down to 14. Because of injuries, they sometimes had to play the 11-man team with only nine girls. “We had a lot of girls missing practice or games this year. I’m hoping that Coach Willis will get permission from the activities director to let us start practicing for our season earlier so that we can improve for next year,” sophomore mid-fielder Nicolle Holguin said.

Senior Julio Abbate shoots from the free throw line in a game against Coral Reef. photo by Fox-Mar information gathered by Sophia Almeyda, Michael Black, Valeria Franco, Guiliana Palomino, and Asahel Perez


Boys Soccer The Boys Soccer team has two games left in the regular season, and they are in first place in the district. The team has a seven point difference from everybody else in the district. “They’re doing amazing. They’re playing good soccer, very efficient, the team is very efficient, and we’re in first. We are gonna play in the JMC Tournament a couple weeks from now,” said Head Coach Juan Monge. While Monge was reluctant to single out any players as the best players, he did mention that in nine out of 11 games, no Senior mid-fielder Christian Acevedo dribbles the ball down the field in a game against Southridge. photo by Fox-Mar one could score on junior goalie Andres Jaramillo. “He’s one of the big players that we have,” said Monge. The boys soccer team has three captains, seniors Christian Acevedo, Santiago Garces, and Luis Alvarez. “[Luis Alvarez] was my captain last year; he’s one of the best midfielders we have in the county,” said Monge. The boys soccer team currently stands at 10 wins, one loss and two ties. Monge says it’s one of the best seasons they’ve had. Junior Centreback Kevin Duarte agrees. He feels good about the team. “[We are] willing to play good, give all you got in the field, giving the best of each of us,” he said.

Girls Basketball

With 7 wins and 7 losses the Girls Basketball team has worked hard to make this season great. With consistent, long practices every day for over two hours these girls faced an uphill battle. Our hardest team was probably Killian because they did a lot of trapping and they had a lot of fast girls that can do fast breaks and everything. So it was pretty easy for them,” junior Cymon McWilliams said. The players all agree that every team can use more practice although they have made a great deal of progress since the beginning of the year. The girls think they could use more communication on and off the court to truly grow into a better team and even better friends. According to Head Coach Gene White, the player which stands out so far is junior Denise Quesada. She is a team captain and spokesperson. She pushes her teammates to become better athletes instead of seeing them as a threat or competition. However, junior McWilliams, and sophomores Amy Dominguez, Ashanti Dukharan and Alexandra Rodriguez are improving with every game and are on the path to becoming excellent players. Quesada said the coach is the player that stands out the most and is a great leader. The previous year Quesada looked up to her captains very much and she now has the opportunity to improve her team and prove to them that she has grown and can guide them in the right direction. Unfortunately, the girls were unable to make it to Districts this year. “We had a chance when we played against Coral Reef. We ended up losing the game, but we had another chance playing against Palmetto but we were down by four points so we weren’t able to make it to districts this year,” McWilliams said. Junior Denise Quesada dribbles the ball past her opponent at a game against Coral Reef. photo by Fox-Mar

S p or ts

New head football coach announced Varela’s football team just got a new coach, but they now have to say goodbye to Coach Carlos Mollinedo. Mollinedo was the head coach for six seasons and also was also a Social Studies teacher here at Varela. While he was reluctant to discuss the full story of his leaving, he did say that he wanted to pursue new opportunities with the team for which the administration wasn’t on board. Another factor could be the fact that Varela’s Varsity team did not win any games this year. Mollinedo has accepted a position as Social Studies teacher at Ronald W. Reagan Doral Senior High School, but he doesn’t know if he will coach at the school. The opening for new head coach has been filled by this year’s assistant coach of the offensive and defensive players, Patrick Ledan. He is looking forward to a program of rebuilding and getting back to Varela’s old football traditions and the culture of winning. Ledan is also a math teacher here at Varela whose schedule this year includes Advanced Topics and Financial Algebra. The football team according to Ledan is young, mainly comprised of sophomores and freshman, however, Ledan believes the youth is a good investment for the team. He hasn’t named any team captains yet, because he feels that the title of captain needs to be earned. “It is a great day to be a Viper, ” Ledan said.

Patrick Ledan teaches Advanced Topics and Financial Algebra. He has been chosen to be Varela’s new football head coach.

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All scores as of Jan. 19.


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