This page is run by the Department of Student Activities and keeps stu dents up-to-date on the most current activities involving student life. They are the source of student engagement and success powered through numerous opportunities like lead intern and many others. The last and certainly not least favorite Instagram page is @vsu_tab The Trojan Activities Board is the epicenter of all activities throughout the school year. They are housed on the 2nd floor next to the SGA office in Foster Hall and also have a good following of 5k. They run all cul tural, educational, and social events. Follow them all and stay up to date on all things Trojan related.
sites every student should
Here on campus, social media is a big part of being in the know in regards to what is going on at this HBCU.Platforms such as Instagram and Twitter have many pages that help students learn about events, possi bilities, and opportunities through out their college career. Here are the top three VSU related pages to fol low.First, @vsu_memes on Insta gram is the Holy Grail and originator of VSU content. Not only does the page creator keep up with all events and changes made at VSU, but also the creator promotes any and every business on and near campus. They post hilarious memes and have a whopping 11.2k followers. It is the largest platform for VSU stu dents.Coming in second place is @ vsu_student_activities on Instagram.
Social media follow while at Issamar ContributingKirbyWriter
W elcome to VSU Class of 2026 and LandstudentsreturningtotheofTroy.
@VSU_MEMESMANY,INSTAGRAMSITESTHATHAVEMANYFOLLOWERS: 971 6,44211.5KPostsFollowersFollowing ACTIVITIES@VSU_STUDENT_ 520 984,442PostsFollowersFollowing @VSU_TAB 1,605 Posts 5,803 Followers 2,014 Following @MAKOLAABDULLAH 375 3019,966PostsFollowersFollowing JANS@OFFICIALVSUTRO1,495 Posts 16.7K Followers 155 Following @VSUBAND 5,225 Posts 8,860 Followers 1.011 Following @VSUTROJANS_1882 481 441,225PostsFollowersFollowing @MEDIACRAZED 121 Posts 539 Followers 245 Following @THEVASTATESMAN 11 32137PostsFollowersFollowing
(Top) A post from @VSU_Memes uses humor and current events to connect to students. (Middle) Student Activites uses their Instagram to keep students informed about on campus functions. (Bottom) The Trojans Activities Board encourages a great first day this fall.
Virginia State University


uses,” Painter said. “They will serve both Mass Communications students pursuing the Contemporary Sound Production track, and music students in the Sound Recording Technology track.”Dr. Clemons has been a tremen dous help and source of support as staff worked on the spaces during the past“What’syear. great is the spaces will work for anything audio and music related: music production, recording, live sound, postproduction, sound de sign, film/media music composition, beat production, electronic music, etc.,” Painter said.
tudents will be able to take advantage of working in the studios here at the VSU campus come the fall 2022. Most of the activities in the studio are geared towards pro viding students with assignments that they can use to develop a portfolio of work that they can then show to po tential employers. They are also used to promote their own services and en courage others to pursue a career in creative“Ourwork.goal for these spaces is to provide students with a strong founda tion and understanding of audio pro duction techniques and history, while providing them with a space they can integrate their own workflow,” Profes sor Dustin Painter said.
Studio space takes audio production to next level
JOIN OUR STAFFTHESTATESMANVIRGINIA We are looking for writers, photographers, designers, social media reporters, videographers, and artists. Interested? Email us:
(Above) Davis 218 and (Below) Davis 110 will serve as new studio space for music production, recording, live sound, postproduction, sound design, film/me dia music composition and much more. Photos contributed by Dustin Painter.
The studios will benefit the fol lowing courses: Introduction to the Recording Studio, Studio Seminar, Live Sound, Post-Production, Pro Tools Certification (levels 1 and 2), Electronic Music, Sample Based Pro duction, and anything else related to sound and audio for Music and Mass Comm.Right now, the plan is for these studios to be used by students with appropriate Mass Communication or Music classes. Though, students are encouraged to find talent on campus to bring in for their projects. ContributingKirbyWriter
Professor Wells Gordon and Vice Provost Dr. Kawachi Clemons had the idea for the studios. Gordon has been working on the foundations of these studios and the curriculum based around them since he arrived on cam pus a few years ago. “The studios will have multiple

essarily reflect the views of The Virginia Statesman. Unsigned editorials represent the collective opinion of the editorial board of The Virginia Statesman. The Virginia Statesman strives for accuracy in gathering news. If you think we have made an error, please$1each. SMALL GIBRAN
The Virginia Statesman www.TheVirginiaStatesman.comand are the independent student newspaper and student news website at Virginia State VirginiaUniversity.State University recognizes the educational and societal value of encouraging the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues and ideas on America’s college and university campuses, as well as the legal protections afforded students’ exercise of freedom of expression and press freedom, especially by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. It is therefore the policy of the Virginia State University Board of Trustees that all student edited campus media have been established as designated public forums for student Forexpression.moreinformation about The Virginia Statesman’s editorial policy please ofVA20809Statecom,emailtheStatesmanTheal-policy/,2ndAveRoom1415,Petersburg,23803.Opinionsexpressedarethoseindividualcolumnistsanddonotnec-

SPORTSTHEVIRGINIASTATESMAN 5 sporting events not to miss this year
There are five main events that students should mark on their cal endars and pay special attention to because of the expectations of the currently constructed teams.
to 2022-2023
And one more item for sports fans to get excited about is the addition of soccer and lacrosse. Teams are assembling now for their first season on campus as Trojans Athletics continues to grow. Overall, don’t just single in on the five or so events showcased here. Try to attend as many as pos sible and support the VSU Trojan Athletes.
Athletics brings new stadium upgrades, new coaches, new teams
Gibran Godfrey Photo & Sports Editor T he 2022-2023 season for Virginia State Uni versity sports is going to be an eventful one to say the least. From the fall/winter sports such as foot ball, women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, cross coun try, bowling, and indoor track and field, to the spring sports such as baseball, softball, golf, outdoor track and field, and men and wom en’s track, fans should expect the Trojans to do great this year.
The first event sport fans should try to attend is the first home foot ballAsgame.many current students and alumni may know already, a brand-new artificial turf field and brand-new track is being installed currently, and it is on schedule to be used by the first home game. There’s no way anyone would want to miss opening day there at the stadium, as a new chapter begins with a brand-new stadium.
The second event fans should try to make is the 2022 home coming football game. This year’s homecoming with be one to re member as this will be a full-go experience with no restrictions due to Covid.Thethird event would be see ing the women’s basketball first home game as a new chapter begins there with new head coach Nadine Domond taking the helm. She will try to make her mark in the pro gram’s history right away on their journey to win the CIAA Champi onship.The fourth event is not nec essarily any game, but any one of the baseball or softball games. The baseball team has promising fresh men coming in, along with already highly skilled and experienced sec ond years ready to make the team a championship team. The softball team is fueled with high expecta tions to make it to the champion ship this year also. The fifth, but probably the most energetic and highly anticipated event VSU students and alumni and VSU fans should be geared up and anxious for is the volley ball playoffs, as VSU volleyball comes back this year reloaded with more high-powered weapons and stacked with potential to a point where they are ranked fourth in the 2022 preseason poll.
Sophomore Kennedy Hoge (left) passes a serve to her setter in a drill at practice at the Multipurpose Center. Hoge is a defensive specialist. A defensive back (above) prepares to cover a receiver at practice in August, prior to the season. Football players wore Guardian Caps which are special padded helmets used in practice to protectconcussions.against Photos by Gibran Godfrey.