Costa Blanca Leader 724

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No 724

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

Tel: 637 227 385

Red Cross receives e31k boost from HELP at HOME Costa Blanca

embers of the charity HELP at Home Costa Blanca were at the Emerald Isle on


Wednesday where they presented a cheque for 31,000 euros to the Cruz Roja, which will now enable the purchase of a new ambulance to be used around the southern Costa Blanca. The funds were raised by the charity over a period of two

years through a variety of activities, and by a large number of groups and individuals, and although the money was originally intended to purchase a community minibus for themselves, as they approached the final total, research suggested that the vehicle might not be as necessary as was first thought.

The regulations in operating such a minibus were also proving to be rather involved, as a result of which further discussions amongst the fund administrators saw a change of direction, resulting in the opening of talks with Cruz Roja. Continued on Page 2


Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


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Continued From Page One HELP at HOME CB cheque presentation

Christmas markets, dinner dances with the Campo Verde Reef band.

With ambulances costing in the region of 60,000 euro each, and with a lifespan of just ten years, the decision was then taken to ‘part fund’ a vehicle that could be used around the local area.

HELP at HOME Costa Blanca was also the nominated charity at St Patricks Day held in Cabo Roig in 2017, at an event in Villa Martin Plaza and they were also benefactors of ongoing support from the Red Hat ladies, the Rendevous girls, and many other groups and association.

It was further decided, that as a mark of respect to former colleague Kathleen Vahey, who passed away 3 years ago, and who had raised many thousands of euros whilst working as a volunteer for the charity, the donation to Cruz Roja should be made in her name.


Major supporters were consulted and the decision was taken to go ahead, as a result of which the new ambulance will bear Kathleen’s name as well as the logo of HELP at HOME Costa Blanca.


The 31,000 euros for the ambulance was raised through weekly markets at the Emerald Isle, Celtic Isle and many different events, fashion shows,

As a result of it’s recent expansion and the opening of a second outlet in Cabo Roig, volunteers are urgently required by the charity to work in the office or in either of their two shops located in Playa Flamenca and in Cabo Roig, to work as drivers, befrienders or fundraisers. So if you can spare a morning a week, or even just the occasional couple of hours, especially during the summer months, please get in touch with the centre by by email:, by calling: 965 328 794, or by simply dropping in during any weekday morning.

Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

reopening of the chiringuitas! Is this yet another case of big money triumphing over the common good? Barry Weston, Playa Flamenca Dear Editor, Several months ago a friend wrote to ask me if it was true that the chiringuitas at Punta Prima beach had been closed, apparently over licencing problems. I replied that it did appear to be the case. However, at the time I thought it was rather strange and was possibly just an excuse for something else. I recalled that a builder had fairly recently tried for planning permission along that stretch of coastline and the request had been turned down partly due to the fact that there are Civil War bunkers there and also that the land was not considered suitable for building on. The next thing that we hear is that the chiringuitas are illegal, etc., etc. and have got to close whilst the matter is resolved. Many people thought I was being cynical and that the chiringuitas would soon reopen. Well we all know how that situation has been handled! ! Now the press are reporting that a builder has offered to refurb the bunkers and maintain them which is all very nice. Oh, and he is also seemingly going to be allowed to build 2 skyscrapers along that bit of coast!! No mention of course about the

Dear Editor, I read with some amusement Mr Hughes letter concerning prostate cancer. I can only assume he has no access to a dictionary, internet or indeed any published word other that your fine newspaper. He objects to cancer being called a disease. I can only quote the Oxford English Dictionary in reply: "Disease: A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury." As a fellow prostate cancer patient, I have read several studies by established cancer research organisations, which all include black men as being at high risk of developing prostate cancer, as well as men over 50 etc. How that can be described as racist (or ageist) is beyond me. Perhaps a return visit to Mr Hughes oncologist may be in order for him, as he doesn't seem to understand the disease for which he has been treated. Keep up the good work, Rick Wills (Urb. La Marina)


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637 227 385

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

Police issue warnings to ‘thrill seekers’ P

olice are concerned that the lighthouse at the western side of the Torrevieja port has become a very popular bathing area among youngsters with its main attraction being the prospect of jumping into the sea from the pier located several metres above the water.

Police say the youngsters are probably not aware of the dangers

They warn that the practice is extremely dangerous due to the activities of the desalination plant in the area as well as the industrial salt conveyor belt and the passage of hundreds of motor launches and yachts on a daily basis. In addition to the height of the drop into the sea, without any type of control, the site presents other additional hazards. It is located just a few metres from the catchment area for thousands of cubic meters needed for the daily production of the Torrevieja desalination plant, which has powerful underwater pumping in the area. The danger is signposted with buoys but they are largely ignored by the bathers. In addition, there is a constant movement of boats and other leisure vehicles such as jet skis throughout the day which also take place just a few metres from the area chosen for diving or jumping into the sea.

The police say that they are now patrolling the area on a regular basis and anyone found jumping into the sea from the lighthouse will be severely reprimanded and removed from the vicinity.

Environmental campaign launched in summer schools Orihuela councillor for Beaches, Luisa Boné,

The Orihuela councillor for Beaches, Luisa Boné, has launched an activity "Manual of Good Practices on the Beach" the objective of which is to teach and educate children as to how they should behave when they visit the beach. The programme was introduced in schools last month but it is now being continued in summer schools. Brochures have been distributed in Spanish and English with a fun section in which there are a series

of guides regarding recycling, animal protection, how to act in case of seeing a jellyfish, how to properly use the footbaths on the beaches to save water, etc ... These booklets are being distributed to the children in conjunction with lectures provided by departmental staff. A second campaign consists of fun stickers with children's motifs that have been placed around the footbaths on the beaches. Boné explained that "the sticker shows two pictures, one correct and one incorrect, of a child using the footbath to wash their feet and the same child using the footbath to fill a bucket to make a sandcastle. "What we have tried to achieve with this campaign is to ensure that youngsters understand that the water supplied to the footbaths is not for them to play in and also to raise awareness of the need to save water," said the councillor These campaigns will continue during the whole of July at all summer schools across the Orihuela Costa.



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More strikes threatened by Ryanair pilots and crew W

hile Ryanair highlights the alarming increase in Air Traffic Control strikes across Europe, that they say has wreaked havoc on airlines, their passengers and business, they seem to be keeping quiet about the actions that are currently being threatened by their own pilots and cabin crew, the first of which, according the BBC, is due to get underway this coming Thursday, when pilots will strike for 24 hours.

The first strike threatened by pilots is due to take place on Thursday

Despite the airline asking for it to be called off, the Irish Airline Pilots' Association (IALPA) has told Ryanair that its strike notice for 12 July still stands, unless agreement is reached on its key demands for a seniority agreement. RTร reports that Ryanair has offered to meet IALPA and its affiliate union Fรณrsa at the airline's headquarters in Swords, near Dublin, today, Monday, but Fรณrsa representative Angela Kirk said her members have seen "no evidence on the part of the airline management to engage in meaningful negotiations with a view to reaching agreement on the issues they have presented to the company". Ryanair said it would notify customers of any possible disruption to their flights by tomorrow, Tuesday, two days before the planned strike. Meanwhile Ryanair cabin crew are also planning action of their own with their staff based in Italy, Portugal, Spain and Belgium, saying they too will strike in late July. In Italy they have said that they will strike for 24-hours on 25 July, while crew in Spain, Portugal and Belgium will strike for 48-hours on 25 and 26 July. The unions issued a list of changes they wanted to their terms and conditions. They include a request to be paid into bank accounts in their own countries, rather than in the Republic of Ireland. The four unions representing cabin crew issued a joint statement saying: "We call on the European Commission, and the governments of every European country where Ryanair operates, to act upon the social dumping performed by the Irish low cost carrier and to enforce the EU employment and national imperative legislation." The statement was signed by Belgium's CNE/LBC, Spain's SITCPLA and USO, Portugal's SNPVAC and Italy's Ultrasporti unions. However Ryanair has said employment conditions for its staff are competitive, if not better, than those currently offered by rival carriers.

Visitors flock to the coast while the beach bars remain closed



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Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


Bascuñana survives a vote of ‘No Confidence’ Minister says there are grounds to investigate mayor PSOE fail with a vote of no confidence The soap opera that is the working life of Orihuela mayor Emilio Bascuñana, between 2007 and 2013, has opened up yet another new chapter. Following publication in of a story, that brought into doubt the work that he carried out on behalf of the Department of Health from 2007 to 2013, for which he was paid in excess of euro 55,000 per annum, the Minister for Health, Ana Barceló, said that there was enough evidence for her department to open an investigation into the matter. Bascuñana, a qualified doctor by profession, who didn’t have a fixed position during the period, is accused of drawing the salary without carrying out any work. However he insists that he did advisory and administrative duties for the Ministry which involved him effecting consultations in a number of health centres. The conclusions of the preliminary report were unveiled on Wednesday in the Valencian Parliament by the Health Minister after a question from Compromís Deputy, Mireia Mollà, who wanted to know what stage the investigation has reached "because if it is true, Bascuñana should resign his position as the Mayor of Orihuela”. In response, Barceló explained that there is no evidence that "Dr. Emilio Bascuñana" (as she addressed the mayor) had done any work during that time, despite charging 55,000 euros a year. She said that she "has not found any documents describing any activities entrusted to the mayor, or the purpose, or the content of the work to which he was assigned." Therefore, Barceló announced that the Ministry of Health will now open an information file "to assess if there has been any fraud and what future action is required." She added that the mayor of Orihuela will have an opportunity to explain and produce the evidence supporting the work that he carried out at a future date. Back in Orihuela, PSOE spokesperson Carolina Gracia said that she was very disappointed by the statement made by the Minister of and she immediately tabled a Motion of Censorship against the mayor. Orihuela Compromís spokesman, Cayetano Portugués, said that he

had been asking for the resignation The mayor says of the mayor since the news first he has nothing broke 6 weeks ago. “We are not to hide. going to let the PP continue to tarnish the Vega Baja with even more corruption” he said. Meanwhile on Thursday the mayor issued a statement accusing the press of carrying out ‘a media lynching.’ He urged the Regional Deputy responsible to "speed up the investigation announced on Wednesday and resolve it as soon as possible ‘to dispel all these unjustified accusations.’

He added that he has written evidence certifying that he performed the functions entrusted to him during the period, as well as a legal report that states that "there is no irregularity, so all the allegations made during this last month are totally false." The mayor questioned whether the Ministry of Health "will also investigate the functional assignments of all their attached staff because, if the problem is due to an administrative error with the documentation, they should be checking the lot". He said that it is the Ministry of Health which should protect the internal and personal documentation of its workers (and not the individual employees), and therefore the Department itself is ultimately responsible. Bascuñana said that "I'm not going to resign because it means giving way to people who believe that in politics anything goes". He added that his lawyers "are going to act with determination and forcefulness". The mayor insisted that this controversy "is due to an attack against him personally, against Orihuela, and against the party (Popular Party), based on lies and falsehoods, so I ask the Consellera to be responsible and objective and to carry out their investigation quickly ". On Friday the ‘No Confidence’ vote was finally put to the full Orihuela council but despite promising to support such a motion if

evidence was produced to implicate the mayor in the salary controversy, Ciudadanos leader Juan Ignacio López Bas urged caution, saying "I think that with just ten months to go to the next elections we cannot afford to destabilize Orihuela by changing the government at this time.” He subsequently instructed the two other Ciudadanos councillors, who make up the coalition government, Mar Ezcurra the councillor for Youth and Culture and Luisa Boné for the Coast, to vote against the motion which will now allow Bascuñana to continue in post. Although López Bas has acknowledged that Bascuñana is in a "conflictive and worrisome situation", he said that he will give his government partner "the benefit of the doubt". According to the municipal leader of Cs, the mayor has assured him that he has the documents "that prove that he has worked during the period in question". Therefore, he said that the intention of the three Ciudadanos councillors is to wait for the "proof" to be revealed by the mayor which will invalidate the information file that has been opened by the Department of Health.


Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


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Honda to provide free motorcycle trackers H onda Motorcycles UK has joined forces with Datatool in the first partnership of its kind to offer tracking equipment fitted free-of-charge to riders of every single on-road Honda motorcycle. Available on purchases from last Monday 2nd July 2018*, the initiative is part of Honda’s ongoing commitment to advance motorcycle safety and security. New Honda Motorcycle customers will have the option of receiving Datatool’s innovative Thatcham-approved tracking solution TrakKING Adventure system, supplied and fitted at no extra cost by Honda dealerships. Honda is also offering existing owners a discount on purchase and installation costs. The

only cost to the customer is the ongoing 24/7/365 monitoring subscription. In addition to the automatic theft monitoring and instant notification, Datatool TrakKING Adventure provides a detailed journey history with every journey automatically uploaded to the cloud for later review, as well as the ability to provide location and event-based alerts. Once activated, the TrakKING Adventure software allows riders to record and review their routes with friends online and via the free iOS or Android smartphone apps. This mapping technology and the tracking capability covers the whole of Western Europe, allowing Honda owners to take their bikes abroad with complete peace of mind.

As well as being Thatcham Quality Assured, TrakKING Adventure is also accredited as a Police ‘Secured by Design’ product, which means it meets the high standards set by police forces around the UK to reduce and prevent crime. Datatool TrakKING Adventure is available on all new Honda scooters and motorcycles sold after Monday, 2nd July 2018. Honda dealers are also offering discounted purchase and installation prices for existing owners, typically £349 fitted. Monthly subscription costs come in at less than £10 per month, with the option to pay for the year upfront. For more information, visit:

Forget the heat, awards are raining on new Ford Fiesta Affordability, practicality and infotainment is a big draw for buyers.


he all-new Ford Fiesta continues to be popular with both the buying public and the motoring media, as it celebrates another prestigious industry award. Fiesta has won Auto Express magazine’s Supermini of the Year award, capping off a highly-successful first half of 2018 for Britain’s favourite car. Steve Fowler, Auto Express editor-in-chief, said: “The Ford Fiesta’s fantastic mix of affordability, practicality and infotainment is a big draw for buyers, and when combined with attractive PCP finance deals – how most people in this sector buy – it’s a winner.” This latest win for Fiesta is its eighth this year, having already also been declared Car of the Year and Best Small Car by, sister site to Auto Express. More than 50,000 new Fiestas have found homes on British driveways this year, with buyers loving its value, comfort and ride, as well as over a dozen safety and driver assist technologies including automatically halting the car in the event of a pedestrian stepping into its path. Andy Barratt, Ford of Britain chairman and managing director, said: “As best-selling car for over 10 years, us Brits have truly taken the Ford Fiesta to our hearts. The pressure was on to deliver a replacement which would continue Fiesta’s reign – which Ford has done and Auto Express has recognised.” The new Fiesta ST just on sale promises to raise the bar for

supermini hot hatches, with 200PS generated by its all-new, three-cylinder, 1.5-litre EcoBoost engine and handling to match thanks to three selectable Drive Modes. The Fiesta Active offers a mus-

cular new look, literally raising the Fiesta above the crowd. SUV-inspired styling includes roof rails, wider wheel arches, and distinctive 17” alloy wheels. Whether a sports ST, Active crossover, luxury Vignale or

other model in the new range, all come with the highest fivestar Euro NCAP rating thanks to its lane-keeping alert, seatbelt minder and speed limiter for when taken out by inexperienced drivers.



637 227 385

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

Record breaking 17,000 euro payout from ‘Charity 4 Charities, ‘Presentation Night’ at JR’s Country Club


Country Club hosted a spectacular event recently, where 100 people gathered in the open air and be entertained by the brilliant Mr. Shifty and share a fantastic night and give at last ‘Charity 4 Charities’, the small charity with a big heart, their recognition of the hard work they have done over eleven years, when they handed over cheques to the value of 17,000 to the following charities they are supporting throughout 2018: -

Age Concern – Alzheimer Assoc – Elche children’s home - Sat. Animal rescue – ALPE - Torrevieja hospital, Oncology Dept, Baby Unit and the Wheelchairs 4 the disabled - Strokes Assoc - Kittens in Distress - Cats and Dogs, Animal rescue - Reach Out - Caritas, the poor in Rojales, and finally, the San Jose OBRERO Orphanage, Torrevieja. Charity 4 Charities wished to thank Kevin and his staff for the amazing buffet and hard work throughout the night, the compere Terrence

Sheenan, who was fantastic and gave his time freely, all the helpers and supporters from their weekly auction And finally.......A special thank you to Chris Stott and his staff from The Bull Flannigan, for supporting Charity 4 Charities over eleven years but now like so many bar/ restaurants, sadly gone along with our weekly auction. For more information visit the Charity 4 Charities Face Book page

Dave Smith, Chris Stott, Sandra Knott, Brenda Claire, Rachel Tenant and Mick McGrath

Torrevieja will spend 488,000 euros to eradicate mosquitoes The Torrevieja council have said that they are about to formalise a service that is currently being provided without a contract, that of the eradication of mosquitoes in the environment of the residential areas next to the lagoons, especially after periods of rain.

Councillor for Municipal Services, Domingo Soler (APTCe) reported on the approval of 488,000 euros at the weekly session of the government board saying that bids will now be sought from suitable companies for the introduction of a 5 year contract. He did warn, however, that if the procedure goes ahead without incident, it could still take some months to introduce.

AGE CONCERN SUMMER CLOSING The Age Concern Centre in Calle Paganini, La Siesta, will close at 1.30pm on Wednesday 25th July and re-open again at 10.00am on Monday 3rd September. The Charity Shops in Av. Del Mar, Los Montsinos and in Patricio Zammit 41, Torrevieja will close from 2pm on Friday 27th July and re-open on Monday 27th August at 10.00am. Any enquiries regarding the loan of Mobility Aids over the summer period, please contact our centre on 966 786 887 Monday -Friday 10.00am – 1.30am



Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


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Torrevieja mayor meets with British residents


he mayor of Torrevieja, José Manuel Dolón, held a meeting on Wednesday morning with a wide representation of British residents who live in the south of Torrevieja, where, for more than an hour and a half, he listened to their concerns about the infrastructure and the services in the many urbanisations in which they reside. The request for a meeting was the initiative of the residents themselves, all of whom live in the Cala Dorada, Mar Azul, Rocío de Mar, Rocajuna, Las Barcas, Sector I, Mariblanca, La Veleta and Los Altos developments. Items tabled for discussion included the maintenance of green spaces, urban cleanliness, the state of the roads, lighting,

signalling and a number of other subjects that are currently a cause for concern. After listening to their worries the mayor explained the 2018 Budget process to them, describing the difficulties he has encountered by not having a Budget since 2015 and having to work with the extension of funds from that year. “The finances were totally insufficient and made the efficient management of municipal services virtually impossible," he said. The mayor was accompanied by the Director of the OARI office, Carlos González, as he tried to

Glass Recycling competition hots up for 300 Torrevieja businesses Over 300 Torrevieja businesses, predominately those involved in the tourist industry, have agreed to take part in the council’s glass recycling initiative announced by Cllr Fanny Serrano on Friday. The campaign 'Take note, recycle glass' will be managed by Ecovidrio, the non-profit organisation that specialises in recycling this type of packaging, together with the Department of the Environment and Hostelería, demonstrating the firm commitment that exists in the town for the environment. Ecovidrio will make more than 1,000 information and awareness visits to hospitality establishments where they will install new containers to enable the better recycling of glass. Establishments will compete during the summer and will be able to follow their position in the rankings through The business that achieves the highest score, will receive a master class with the Denia born ‘three

Michelin Star’ chef Quique Dacosta. In order to further encourage residents to recycle glass containers Ecovidrio has decorated bins with summer motifs. In her press conference the councillor said that she has "also complained bitterly" about the lack of plastic recycling containers in the municipality. "I have the promise that 500 containers will arrive shortly from Ecoembes, but while we wait it is very difficult for Torrevieja to increase it’s recycling figures. She compared the number of recycling containers distributed throughout the municipality saying that whilst there are 699 glass containers around the area there are only 159 for the collection of plastic.

answer each and every one of the questions raised and where he was unable to do so he has taken note, so that he can carry out further investigations with the corresponding municipal departments. Residents not only raised issues about their own urbanisations but they have also asked about other matters of more general interest such as the stoppage of the Acuamed works of the Dique de Poniente, Acequión Beach, the Pedestrian Path of los Náufragos and lo Ferrís.



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Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018



Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018



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ne of the biggest cities in the Comunidad de Valencia (in fact the 3rd most populous), only surpassed by Valencia and Alicante city, is Elche, which is known as “The City of Palms”. It is situated about twenty three kilometres inland from the coastline of the Costa Blanca, just west of Santa Pola. It has a resident population of approximately 220,000, and is mostly well known for its Palm Tree forest and its shoes, which are exported all over the world. It currently has over one thousand shoe factories and workshops. The history of Elche stretches back into the mists of time, and was most likely, originally, an Iberian settlement, although it was later settled by Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans and Moors. The site of the earlier settlement is some distance from the present city, it was what the Romans called Ilici. The Arab occupiers of the 8th to 13th centuries moved Elche to its present position for reasons known only to themselves. The Elche Palm Forest is thought to have been started by the Phoenicians, and further expanded by the Moors. It now contains over 200,000 trees, many of considerable age. The Palm Forest is now a U.N.E.S.C.O World Heritage Site. The Dama de Elche (Lady of Elche) bust, which was unearthed in the area in 1897, dates from the times of the Iberians, in the early days of the settlement, around the fourth century BC. The bust is now exhibited at Madrid’s National Archaeological Museum although moves are currently afoot to have it returned to Elche. The Moorish invaders were finally expelled from Elche in 1265 by the hero of the reconquest, Jaime 1, with the Christians subsequently occupying the Vila Murada (fortified area of the city), with any Moors choosing to remain, expelled to the area known as Ravel. In these early times Elche mostly survived through agriculture, and the Moors, who were great experts in irrigation, set systems in place that have lasted to the present day. During the 19th century, shoemaking began in the city, and this soon became the principal industry. Tourism of course came much later.

One of the main events in the city is the annual drama The Mystery of Elche (Misteri D’Elx), which dates from medieval times and is based on the life of the Virgin Mary. This year it will take place from 11-15 August 2018, and is a World Heritage Event. More information can be found at

The Priest’s Garden (Huerto del Cura)

Running through the city, and virtually dividing it in two, is the River Vinalopo (actually just a small stream). Many of the main historical attractions of the city can be found close to it’s river banks, such as the Basilica of Santa Maria church, the Moorish Baths, and the Altamira Palace. One place that you should be sure to visit, is the Priest’s Garden (Huerto del Cura), where many varieties of palm tree are grown in pretty surroundings, with the big attraction the famous Imperial Palm, which has seven stems (supported by a cage to stop it from falling). This shady gar- Swim with the sea lions at Rio Safari Park den is an ideal place to cool

rots). For an additional fee, you can also swim with the sea lions. Elche is definitely worth a visit. It can be reached via the A-7 motorway, the CV-865 from Santa Pola, the N-340, and the CV-84 from Aspe. It is just 20 minutes’ drive from Alicante airport.

down, particularly if you have been wandering around the city in the heat of the day. Pop into the shop and buy yourself a small palm tree to take home with you.

The Basilica of Santa Maria church

On the road to Santa Pola, you can visit the Rio Safari Park. Here you can see a variety of animals, take a “train ride” amongst the wildlife and watch various animal shows (elephant, sea lions and par-

CINEMA PILAR English Language Cinema in Pilar de la Horadada The Mystery of Elche (Misteri D’Elx)

Calle Canalejas 4 Thursday, 12th July at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, 14th July at 5:00 p.m.

Darkest Hour (2 Academy Awards) Within days of becoming Prime Minister, Winston Churchill must face one of his turbulent and defining trials

Stars: Gary Oldman, Ben Mendelsohn, Kristin Scott Thomas Dur: 2h 05min | WW2 - Drama - Biography



637 227 385

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


By George - Champagne and topless dancers in Benidorm! By Andrew Atkinson

Summer tourist walks announced The Councillor for Tourism, Sofía Álvarez, has announced the Summer Tourist Routes with the aim of "continuing to promote the outdoors and the wealth of tourist potential that Orihuela has". As a novelty this year, a Pirate route will be held for the first time on Friday, 13 July and Friday, 10 August, at 8:00 pm, from the Cabo Roig Watch Tower, recently declared a Site of Cultural Interest. "It is a familiar routine, in which, in a fun and entertaining way we will tell everyone about the history of the Tower. It will be performed by several actors who will stage the fights of the pirates as they arrive on the Oriolan coast." On Saturday, 18 August there will be the Paseo Cultural night route, starting at 10 pm from the Tourist Office in Orihuela.

The route will show the rich historical and monumental heritage that Orihuela has, through a walk, "which is usually done in the morning, but taking into account the high temperatures it is now more pleasant by the night", said Ms Álvarez. And finally, after visiting the historic centre and the legendary beaches, in September a route around the hamlet of Barbarroja is planned, just at the other end of the map, where participants will be introduced to one of the most natural corners of the municipality, as well as its rich gastronomy. Anyone interested in joining these summer tourist routes should reserve their places in the Tourist Info Orihuela Centro or phone 96 530 46 45. In addition all the information on the activities listed is shown on the website

It's almost 50 years ago that octogenarian George Stanhope hit the town of Benidorm with his wife Brenda - in a star studded champagne evening that holds lifetime memories. "It's as if it was just yesterday when I was just 36 years old, living it up in Benidorm," said George. Ex pat George, who emigrated to Spain from Manchester 14 years ago, and his sweetheart Brenda, 77, moved to Los Montesinos, Alicante, in 2004. "The trip to Benidorm in 1974 was to see Jose Montez, Spain's famous flamenco dancer. The most famous in Spain at the time," said George. "The sweat used to fly off José - you got wet through!," said George. George and Brenda jetted to Spain from Luton airport to go to Granada, the now demolished night club in Benidorm, having been closed in the late seventies. "Sitting at our table, with champagne on ice, was fantastic," said George. "Once empty, another bottle of champagne arrived, without asking," said George. Benidorm has changed dramatically over the years, reflected George: "In the seventies there wasn't that many hotels. "We stayed at the Rio Park Hotel, which is still there today. We walked from the Rio, through the lemon groves, down to the sea."

George and Brenda, who visit Benidorm frequently, remain in love with one of Spain's leading resorts: "It's one of our favourite places," said George. Brenda said: "The flight to Spain cost £39, direct to Alicante, return. Easter, 1974. "We were enjoying ourselves that much we missed our coach back to the hotel, and walked it back, returning at 2am. "The reception weren't that pleased. So we slept on the balcony!" Today Benidorm Palace, which opened its doors in July, 1977, is the leading nightclub in Spain and Europe. Turning the clock back, Brenda said: "There was topless dancers at the Granada, Benidorm, too!". "I don't remember that!," said George, with a twinkle in his eyes! Benidorm: George and Brenda Stanhope - almost 50 years ago.


Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


637 227 385




ANSWERS QUICK ACROSS: 6 Scamper; 7 Happy; 9





Remorseless; 14 Adolescence; 18 Lawless; 19 Trait; 21 Screw; 22 Fraught. DOWN: 1 Scent; 2 Immune; 3 Wet; 4 Vandal; 5 Appease; 8 Glisten; 11 Possess; 13 Advance; 15 Lolled; 16 Circus; 17 Lithe; 20 Pry. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Contest; 7 Lethe; 9 Get on; 10 Armlets; 12 Reservation; 14 Weightiness; 18 Billing; 19 Sales; 21 Puree; 22 Bandits. DOWN: 1 Lower; 2 Stroke; 3 Psi; 4 Zealot; 5 Whatnot; 8 Driving; 11 Beating; 13 Tedious; 15 Galley; 16 Shandy; 17 Tests; 20 Oar.


Solution on Page 23 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


Goodbye (8) Insect (7) Alter (6) In advance (10) Assistants (5) Uninteresting (4) Secondary result (4,6) Nearly (4-4) Not one (7) Modifying word (6) Fertile spot (5) Hypocritical talk (4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which animal pronks? 2. In the Wizard of Oz name the Good Witch of the North? 3. Britain France and who fought the battle of Trafalgar? 4. Who's first book was Pebble in the Sky? 5. Whose original back up group were The Blue Moon Boys? 6. Britannia female embodiment of Britain who is the French? 7. Who wrote the line East is East and West is West? 8. Which American city used to be called Yerba Buena? 9. What's capital of The Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen? 10. Who played Louis Armstrong in 1954 film The Glen Miller Story? 11. The Old Aztecs played ollamalitzi what game does it resemble? 12. In literature who lived at 7 Saville Row? 13. What is the only Shakespeare play that mentions America? 14. Jan Lodvik Hock changed his name to what? 15. What is the longest golf course to stage the British Open? 16. Atlanta burned in Gone With the Wind was what old film set?

17. What are Unaone, Soxisix and Novenine? 18. If something is caseous what is it like? 19. William Herschel astronomer was a musician what instrument? 20. UK snooker players call it doubling what do US pool players say? 21. Which British city had the first pavements (sidewalks) in 1688? 22. What is considered to be the worlds fastest team game? 23. What song did Marilyn Munroe sing in the film Bus Stop? 24. Which English King was the first to use the Royal We? 25. The locals call it Shqiperia what do we call this country? 26. Cheval-vapeur in France is equal to what in English? 27. The author of Moll Flanders wrote which more famous work? 28. On the Beaufort scale what is defined as force 11? 29. The Spink standard catalogue lists information about what? 30. If you suffer from diplopia what have you got?

He played himself, 11. Basketball, 12. Phileas Fogg, 13. The Comedy of Errors (Act III Scene ii), 14. Robert Maxwell, 15. Carnoustie 7066 yards which is generally shorter than the US Majors. 16. King Kong it needed clearing, 17. International phonetic numbers 169, 18. Cheese, 19. Organ, 20.

DOWN 1. Logical to restrict supply of a number (8) 2. Trade in vehicles (7) 4. Time the backward company got a security device (6) 5. Possibly rate tennis as it provides amusement (10) 6. Back the high-class Indian (5) 7. Religious instruction at church for the wealthy (4) 10. Cause to turn the boat around (5,5) 12. Like a dipsomaniac reindeer (3-5) 15. Three-pronged spear I had found in the river (7) 16. Bombard faster somehow (6) 18. Current peak for a performer (5) 19. Comfortable about weapons (4)

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 12. 15. 16. 18. 19.

1. A Springbok as it leaps in the air with an arched back and stiff legs, typically as a form of display or when threatened. 2. Glinda, 3. Spain In one of the most decisive naval battles in history, 4. Isaac Asimov, 5. Elvis Presley, 6. Marianne, 7. Rudyard Kipling, 8. San Francisco, 9. Aden, 10.

ACROSS 1 Badly hurt girl (4) 3. It may be his aim, collectively (8) 8. A side of meat, perhaps (4) 9. Mountain-climbing drink leads to a sort of friendship (8) 11. University entertainment in London (6,6) 13. Money on account causes stress (6) 14. Chess piece to throw at the French (6) 17. Concentrate on a petty nation's trouble (3,9) 20. Horserace you could put a grand on? (8) 21. The French ship carries a smaller amount (4) 22. Killed for returning silver that has decayed (8) 23. Dust all over the farm (4)

ACROSS 1. Counterfeit (4) 3. Sheath (8) 8. Duty list (4) 9. Spring flower (8) 11. Bridal gown (7,5) 13. Accounts book (6) 14. From that place (6) 17. Secret (12) 20. Responded (8) 21. Siamese (4) 22. Glass vessel (4,4) 23. Curved structure (4)

Coins, 30. Double vision Storm, 29. A catalogue of British power, 27. Robinson Crusoe, 28. A Lionheart, 25. Albania, 26. Horse Old Black Magic, 24. Richard the and Cowgate, 22. Ice Hockey, 23. That Banking, 21. Edinburgh, in High St



637 227 385

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper.

He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.

Calima - Gone With the Wind


xpats in Spain and the Canary Islands will often hear the words “Oh, it’s just a calima” trotted out whenever it is a little cloudy or there is annoying dust in the air. In reality, it is not quite as simple as that, and the true calima is something to be celebrated, as well as to curse, particularly if you suffer from breathing conditions and respiratory allergies. In the Canary Islands, the calima is often referred to as “Bruma Seca”, which is “Dry Fog”. It appears for up to ten times each year for a day or two, but in the worst cases, can be present for a week, or even longer. People with respiratory problems and allergies often suffer considerably during these periods. It is a time when sensible people try to stay indoors or wear a face mask when going outside for any length of time if they suffer from breathing conditions. Calimas are usually, but not always, accompanied by very hot winds, and humidity levels increase. Residents are plagued with reddish dust on their patios and cars, which also invades every crevice of their homes. A calima occurs when dust from the Sahara Desert is dragged across landmass by strong winds. Dust can remain suspended for hours and even days; visibility is reduced and the air becomes cloudy as a result of the dust. The Canary Islands are often regarded as having the “best climate in the world”, but we are not immune from the devastating effects of calimas. The intensity of heat on the islands increases respiratory

problems and allergies, as well as general oral health. The tiny particles of dust generated irritates the mucous membranes, which can have serious implications for oral health. Often, as a result of taking antihistamines to control allergies, the immune system fills the hollows of our head with mucus. The cavities that are located above the mouth cause pain and greater sensitivity to cold and heat when filled with mucus, because of increased pressure upon the upper teeth.


b y Bar rie Mahoney

A Calima warning issued last year

Calimas are not all bad, since the Central Sahara was a lake in prehistoric times. The dry sand contains fertile remains of its once rich, organic particles. These nitrogen-rich components within a calima help to fertilise the Atlantic Ocean by promoting the growth of phytoplankton, which forms the basis of the food chain that allows all sea creatures to survive and thrive. Climate change scientists believe that the greenhouse effect is minimised, because the sea’s microorganisms absorb harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In other words, the more phytoplankton in the sea, the less carbon dioxide in the air. However, it is a delicate balance and too much dust in the Atlantic could create too much plankton and areas of low oxygen, which is not so good. According to researchers, calima dust from the Sahara also helps to feed plants in the Amazon, since it acts as a fertiliser, which helps the rain forest to grow and thrive. There are also other complex interactions linking calimas to events that we do not yet fully understand. Some studies claim that the damage of hurricanes is reduced due to the effect of calimas cooling the water temperature that is needed for hurricanes to build. Around one third of the natural soils that make up the Canary

Islands are based upon Saharan dust that has dropped on the islands over millennia. The rich, fertile soils on these islands have been enriched through the effects of the calima. Many suffer from the health effects of the calima, or complain about the dust that has landed on their patios and cars. Maybe we should instead be grateful that it is feeding the luscious plants in the Amazon rain forest, fertilising the Atlantic Ocean for sea creatures to survive, as well as reducing the greenhouse effect that has such serious implications for us all. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at my websites: and or read my latest book, ‘Living in Spain and the Canary Islands’ (ISBN: 9780995602724). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle editions. Join me on Facebook: @barrie.mahoney


Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


637 227 385


Capt Morgans to host Happy Animales Fundraiser


here will be a fashion show, Fleamarket and raffle at Captain Morgans next Friday 13 July from 11am to 2 pm to raise money for the animals at Finca Villamartin, supported by non-profit charity Happy Animales Orihuela. The fashion show will have new and nearly new clothes, with, no doubt, many bargains available in the fleamarket. Angela will also be there with the raffle. All of the money raised will be used by the charity to fund the cost of food, hay, water, repairs, rent, blacksmith and vet

bills for an increasing number of animals. At the moment there are living 9 horses, 4 ponies, 9 goats, 13 geese, Donald, Daisy and baby Duck, 2 dogs, 4 pigs, 2 ferrets, cats and chickens. Happy Animales Orihuela is offering these animals a second chance in life after being mistreated or abandoned by their previous owners. Please if you can help them to raise money to feed their hungry bellies we would be grateful for your support. Every last Saturday of the month is an

open day with a drink and a bite to eat, a pleasant afternoon with the animals. Please bring with you apples, carrots, lettuce, dog and catfood dog and cat biscuits or a small donation, as every euro counts. Volunteers, food sponsors, long term sponsors, cake makers, dog walkers are all very welcome. For more information see their facebook group Finca Villamartin Happy Animales Spanien or call Mona 616 792 355 or emailSol at:

Capprichio and Eclipse

Busy time for Finca la Castellana to retrieve a mummy cat that had given birth to three kittens inside of the chimney and were unable to get out. We have recently started a project called 'The Green Mile'. We raise funds to pay for the release of dogs and puppies from the kill station, Cereco. Up to date we have rescued 34 dogs and rehomed 29. We intend to make this a permanent project helping as many dogs as possible from certain death.

It has certainly been a very busy couple of months for us here at Finca la Castellana. Our cattery team has been inundated with requests for help with feral cats and kittens. They rescued a kitten, which was on its way to the airport, in a car engine! And they had to scale a chimney

After years of rescuing hundreds of animals, people’s cruelty still shocks us all sometimes. Eight, one-week-old puppies were dumped in a shops doorway, tied up in a plastic bag. Luckily for them, a group of youngsters came across them and took the bag of puppies straight to their mum, who contacted us just in the nick of time. Unbeknown to the dumper, the shop had CCTV and the man in question was identified and the police sent to his house. We are now awaiting a court date for the man to be prosecuted for cruelty. The great news is, all of the eight puppies have gone to a forever home. We have a new charity shop that has opened in the Filton Centre, Los Balcones, open Monday to Friday, 10-3.30pm. Sue Wade has done a tremendous job finding the unit, collecting goods to sell and manning the shop, profits will be split between our charity and Elche Children's Home. For more information or to make a donation please visit our Facebook page Finca la Castellana or our webpage or call Janette on 610 451 133.

Murder and mystery in Margaritaland (a very exclusive resort in Benijofar).


omewhere between the Port of Indecision and South West of Disorder murder meets mayhem and that’s where the intrigue began for the ROJALES PANTOMIME GROUP at their Summer Social Event. The cast and crew of our next fabulous pantomime, CAMELOT THE PAN-

TOMIME, were enjoying a lovely summer party, scripts were issued and talk turned to the forthcoming rehearsals when Jack Daniels, bar tender, known as the Casanova of the pool bar, was found murdered……..WHO DONE IT? That was up to Sgt Lord to use his sleuthing skills and find the culprit amongst the partygoers, some of who had their own motives for the murder and had played their parts well throughout the evening getting into character to mingle with the guests to throw everyone off the scent. Everyone joined in to draw their own conclusions and find the killer whose identity was revealed, which proved a surprise even to the killer! Over 3000€ was raised for various charities from our last pantomime and we are looking to match, or even top that amount. So, if you would like to join our fun loving group to help out at our next pantomime ring Thelma Judson on 634 33 95 88 or email



637 227 385

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

Could you be entitled to UKBenefits? ‘There are a number of UK allowances that can be claimed by those who are living in another EEA member state’


any of us living in Spain do so to escape the cold and damp that envelops the UK for much of the year and for those with illness or disability the sunnier climes of the Mediterranean provide some welcome relief from the aches and pains, breathlessness and mobility problems exacerbated by northern European winters. People living with illness and disability often accept the fact that because they may be getting on in years then inevitably getting around and managing their personal care becomes more difficult. That is not to say, however, that they may not be entitled to disability benefits. I receive enquiries from people who have not even heard of what that they may be entitled to and from others who may have heard of what is available but, not understanding the rules of entitlement, have previously dismissed the idea of making a claim. In addition, there are those who are not receiving their correct entitlement due to being wrongly refused an award or because their condition has worsened and do not realise that they should be on a higher award. I continue to receive calls from confused and disgruntled people concerning their entitlement to certain disability benefits while

living in Spain. When making contact with the DWP many are still being told that because they live in Spain they cannot make a claim for Attendance Allowance or that they need to have spent two out of the last three years in the UK prior to making a claim. The difficulty in accessing support from social services in Spain means that people often have to fund their own help with domestic chores and personal care. Many who do not make claims for benefits end up having to return to the UK as they simply do not have the money needed to pay for these services. Since a CJEU ruling in July 2011, first-time claims for Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment and Carer’s Allowance can be made by people living outside the UK in another EEA member state. The past presence test no longer applies as long as you can show genuine and sufficient link to the UK. Broadly speaking this means that you or a family member need to be in receipt of a contributions-based payment from the UK. It is also important to emphasise that Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payment are non-means tested and non-taxable meaning that any award will not affect your pension. The welfare benefits system is complex and at times confusing but misinformation put

about by people who do not fully understand it will unfortunately mean that many could miss out on that extra income which proves so invaluable to those living with illness or disability. For up-to-date, in-depth and reliable information on what is out there for you, a family member or a friend please give us a call. We can take you through how you make a first-time claim, ask for a review of an award and prepare you for and represent you at appeals tribunal. For more details on all the above please find contact details below. Kim Clark Benefits Consultancy tel: 950 169 729 or mob: 663 297 568 See my ad on the back page.



Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


637 227 385


service 11.0 a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11.0 a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30 p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. For other church matters: Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

Consultants Wanted For our expanding dating agency, we are looking for reliable consultants. Have a look at our web/site and if you interested and would like more information about working for us please phone 676 312 080 or 646 538 079

Items For Sale

Car and Vehicle Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford CMax Diesel which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,499 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. Clasicos Legendarios have the following used vehicles for sale: Jaguar XKR V8 2007 Black, with all the extras, 115,000 km for 35,000 euros, Jaguar XJS Convertible V12 1988, 159,000 km 17,950 euros, Lexus SC 430 2003, 165,000 km, 7,995 euros. Visit our showroom in Redovan on Poligono San Carlos or call 965 030 924

Social and Clubs The next monthly meeing of the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion will be on 19 July at the Olympia Restaurant in Mil Palmeras starting at 7.30pm. The Torrevieja Branch will meet at the Casa Ventura in San Luis at 7.30 pm on the 13 July. All are welcome to join us for an evening of camaraderie and good company. The La Marina/Gran Alacant Branch meets on the 1st Monday at The London Bar, behind Dial Prix in Gran Alacant at 6pm. All Welcome. Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you. Our aim is to assist with problem solving for the over 50’s and promote their well-being. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. You will visit people who live in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee either in a

wheelchair or walking. If you think you can help Age Concern in this respect call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Torrevieja Retired Activities Club meet on the third Wednesday in the month from 11-1pm at Marina Club Cafeteria, International Marina, Torrevieja. We have a speaker at our monthly meetings, or quiz, etc. Enjoy an activity once a month such as petanca, mini golf, 10 pin bowling, and on the first Sunday of the month we organise a restaurant lunch. The joining fee is 10euros but you can attend one meeting or lunch before you join. For info phone Sandy Hollywood, President 698 266 696 or Jill Hayes, membership Secretary 672 983 019. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes in areas surrounding Quesada, San Luis, La Siesta Torrevieja, La Mata, Orihuela Costa, Villamartin to Campoverde, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre TORREVIEJA Official Liverpool FC Supporters' Club, Costa Blanca. - Why not join us at Kennedy's Pub, Playa Los Locos, to watch the games? Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Interested in becoming a listener? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? To find out more, come and join us for refreshments and

a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre, by the Punta Prima roundabout, on the N332. (Volunteer positions are unpaid but expenses can be claimed).Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday including music, language classes, drawing and painting, sewing, general information, bereavement advice and much more. Further info available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday and everyone is welcome. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. We welcome residents, visitors and children. For information see our website or phone Pastor Keith on 666 180 108 The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. All nationalities welcome. Sunday

As new - twin double bed with mattress for 70 euros. (Please phone Peter on 684 277 265) Fishing Gear: two fishing poles (one new) plus extra fishing items for 50 euros approx. (Please phone Peter on 684 277 265)

Personal Torrevieja Brazilian mature lady. The best massage, relax, tantra,

anti-stress. I also do body and intimate waxing, manicures, pedicures, and facial cleansing and rejuvenation. Me and my silky hands are the perfect combination. Call Victoria on 687 131 005. Torrevieja. Shirley - the best massage. Tanned, young Latina beauty! Stunning figure, great breasts. I welcome you alone in my sexy lingerie. By appointment please.655 677 738 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speak English.

Male and female Viagra, Cialis, Cialis Kamagra jellies mail order cash on delivery call 604 385 476

Property for Sale For sale. Stunning detached villa. 3 bed, 2 bath, South facing, private parking, no community fees. Former show home. € 149.900. Tel. 611 307 574. For sale. 100m from the beach. 6 bed, 3 bath refurbished townhouse. Just € 129.900. Tel. 611 307 574. For sale. Modern luxury apartment. Close to La Fuente CC. 2 bed, 2 bath. Elegant furnishing. € 110.000. Tel. 611 307 574.




637 227 385

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018


Celebrating 10 years of golf at Lo Romero Ignacio Ramos, the mayor of Pilar de la Horadada


Romero Golf celebrated its 10th Anniversary (2008-2018) on Saturday June 30 and Sunday July 1 by hosting a commemorative tournament. We were able to enjoy a great weekend of golf culminating in festivities to celebrate a decade of work and a great professional effort focusing on offering our players the best golfing experience and aiming to achieve an honest balance between quality and price. There were two Tournaments which were both well supported featuring 216 players who all enjoyed the Golf Course, which was presented in excellent conditions. On both days the Tee-Offs began at 8:30 a.m. All the players were welcomed with a special commemorative "Welcome Pack". During the course of play, two refreshment points were located on the course where players received refreshments and freshly cut melon. Each player had their

game captured with a photograph of their best swing which they collected from the club house as they handed in their score card. Players and guests were treated to a tasty snack of European cheeses and cured ham that was served in the traditional Spanish way. Estrella de Levante, as a supplier to the club wanted, to thank the loyalty of Lo Romero Golf by offering their beer product to all participants. Fresh paella and melon from "Melones el abuelo" was served following the pre-lunch snacks. The Hole-In-One prize, of a Volkswagen T-Roc, on the 7th Hole, was not won on either of the two days. On Saturday 91 players took part in a Scratch Stableford format in a non-official tournament, which we wanted to hold, not only to host residents, but also those players without A Spanish Federation License, who visit and are attracted by our climate, gastronomy, culture, and the quality

of the golf courses repScratch Winner: resented on both the Ricardo Martinez Cereijo ¨Costa Blanca¨ and the neighbouring ¨Costa Calida¨ The prize-giving ceremony was attended by the Hon. Mayor. Don. Igancio Ramos and Don. Antonio Escudero, Sports Councilor for Pilar de la Horadada and Don. Pedro Jiménez as the President of Lo Romero Golf who, together with our suppliers of sports equipment, aimed at highlighting more specifically to Lo Romero Golf, who he said the clubs intentions that the competitiveness is not the main priority but also the friendship that the were the perfect ambassadors for this municipality sport generates in the relationship and cultural and a tourist destination attracted by the passion of golf. exchanges shared in each game. The dignitaries and ownership were joined by Saturday Winners: Scratch Category: Carl Don. Victoriano Jiménez as General Manager and Ejollman the management team; of Nigel Hardy, Sergio NTP Hole 12: Mikael Pauli and Bob Gallard (tied). López and Jesus Granero together with the greenLongest Drive Hole 16: Carl Fjollman keeper Manuel Fernández. Having built Lo Romero Golf in 2008 Don. Sunday Winners: 1st Division Men: Winner: Jose Victoriano Jimenéz later put value as to what it A. Almendro Garne 40 pts, Runner-up: Cayetano meant for him and his father that they could conSánchez Saez 37 pts. tinue developing this Project, but now as owners. After a making public acknowledgment in front of 2nd Division Men: Winner: Cesar López Guillén 43 pts. Runner-Up: Wenceslao Navarro, 38 pts. all those present, that: Ladies Category: Winner: Kruse Benedicte 39 pts. "... THE MAJOR ASSET OF OUR COMPANY is Runner-Up: Carmen Cano García 35 pts. that each and every person form a different part of Scratch Category: Winner: Ricardo Martinez team.." he then complimented the whole team for Cereijo all their positive considerations and loyalty over NTP Hole 12: Ofelia González Sequeros the years. Longest Drive Hole 16: Sergio Pérez León The ceremony was brought to an end by the Hon. Trophy Ayuntamiento Pilar de la Horadada: Mayor Don. Ignacio Ramos, who reaffirmed the closeness of the council with the sport of golf and Peter Bjorby

Alfie’s Golf Society at Lo Romero


members and guests from Alfie's GS travelled to Lo Romero GC for the Sponsors Trophy on 28th June. The turnout was fantastic as we had 24 members and 16 guests who are always welcome to play golf with us. We all turned up expecting blue skies and hot sunshine but we endured some unexpected showers but this did not affect the golf performances on the day. The course was in magnificent condition and all players enjoyed the day where the overall scoring was very high with 6 players scoring 40 points or more. This event is to celebrate the continued support of our sponsors who provide prizes for the society throughout the year which is greatly appreciated, Alfies Bar, The Celtic Drop, The Street Restaurant and finally The Old Auld Dubliner. The presentation was held back at Alfies’s bar where a buffet was enjoyed by all the players provided by Rose and Jim at Alfies Bar. As we had so many playing with us on the day it was decided to add some additional prizes details of which are provided below Our winner of the day in the silver division was Steve Barlow with a great score of 38 stableford points Second place went to Jim Dempsey with a score of 36 stableford points. The Winner of the gold division was Ian Connell our society president with a fantastic score of 41 stableford points. Second place went to Derek Fleet with 40 points decided on count back due to a number of players finishing on 40 points well done everyone.

Due to our high number of guests playing we had 2 prizes for our welcomed guest players. The winner of the Best Guest went to George Dawidow with 37 stableford points and second place was Mark Atkinson with a score of 34 points. Nearest the pin on the 7th– Sponsored by ‘The Street Restaurant’ went to Soren Lyngbye Nearest the pin on the 15th– sponsored by ‘The Auld Dubliner‘ went to John Rich Nearest the pin in 2 shots on the 9th - sponsored by ’The Celtic Drop’ went to Steve Barlow Nearest the pin in 3 shots on the 17th – sponsored by ‘Alfies Bar’ went to Gordon Cowan The Blind pairs was won by Geoff Kite and Stuart Lynch Our match secretary Joe Murphy provided and additional prize which he kept a mystery until we got back to the bar and this was for the best gross score on the feature 18th hole, we had 4 contenders and this was decided by a draw and won by Steve Barlow who had a great days golf, well done Steve. Finally the longest walk prize went to our guest Nigel Buffery. Many thanks to our sponsors, our committee for their hard work in the background, and to Mike Probert from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services for arranging our day. To Rose and Jim and staff at Alfies Bar for their continued support throughout the year. Big Thank you to Sandie Hall for organising the charity raffle and prizes.

Winner Gold Division – Ian ConnellPresident Alfies Golf Society

And finally thanks to all the members and guests for supporting Alfies Golf Society. The next venue will be held at Roda on July 26th 2018, and we be playing for The Geoff Thompson Trophy.


Vistabella Bowls

With Lynne Bishop

The final game of the South Alicante Summer league for the GREENWAYS was played on Monday at home against the Quesada Blenheims, the Blenheims stood a chance of winning the league but the Greenways team gave them a good fight for points, both sides had three wins but the overall shots swung in favour of the Greenways. Captain Arthur Brown & vice Maggie Furness had a tough task of keeping over forty available players happy, they did incredibly well and the Greenways eventually finished fourth in the league..hopefully next year we will be able to submit two teams. Winning the points on this occasion were Mike Irwin, Arthur Brown & Peter Whitehall 21-9. Lynne Bishop, Mike Regan & Pat Rafferty 21-10 and Del Gunning, Charlie Watkins & Eric Bishop 20-10. Shots, VB 104(8) - 99(6) Quesada. Congratulations to San Luis the 2018 league Champions..they won every game except for one...the one we won! Thank you to all our Team Captains & Selectors for their hard work..a daunting task at times. Sue Wilson organised a Saturday morning Competition which ran over eight weeks and was won by Mike Irwin, Mike was neck and neck with his closest contender Frank Barclay, it was so close it was down to a measure on a ditched wood that went in favour of Mike..Congratulations Mike and commiserations to Frank. Thank you Sue for running this. SABA KNOCKOUT. Both Lin Watkins & Maggie Furness have earned themselves a place in the semi finals of the Ladies Singles when they will be playing each other, good luck of you will be in the final representing Vistabella! Also Lin & Charlie Watkins are through to the semi final of the mixed pairs. Good luck to all the Vistabella competitors in their next rounds, Arthur Brown & Martin Foulcer. Del Gunning & Gary Thorpe in the men’s pairs. Sandra Burrows & Maggie Furness in the Ladies pairs and Stuart Allman & Maggie Furness in the mixed pairs. That’s me now signing off for the summer...Hasta luego!

Emerald Isle Bowls by Elwyn Morris Monday the Victors travelled to Quesada Lancasters and had a great 10-4, aggregate 104-103 win.

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

Quesada Bowls

by Dee Stephenson

It’s been a nervous but exciting week for Quesada with the last matches of the season deciding the winners and losers! In the VCL league QBC Tigers finished the season with a fantastic result winning the Division C league by 11 points and confirming their promotion to Division B next season. The Lions were hot on the heels of San Luis Falcons throughout the season but couldn’t quite catch them and finished second in Division A of the VCL league. Great performances from the whole team in all of their games. The newly formed Cheetahs were QBC’s third team in the VCL league. Although finishing in last place in Division C, they put up a creditable performance against other experienced teams whilst managing the additional challenges of a very small squad. The camaraderie and support throughout the team has been a joy and this tenacious and determined team will be back next season to fight again! In the South Alicante Summer League, the Lancasters had a nail-biting match against the Emerald Isle Victors who won 10-4. But the Lancasters came extremely close to reversing the score and remaining in the division as 3 rinks went to the wire, only losing by one shot, including missing the overall shots by only one. Well done to the two winning rinks: Mel Highland, Peter Farrell, Peter Bradbury, and Colin Highland, Angie Goddard and Steve Gray. The Blenheims also suffered a last minute disappointment following a very tough match against Vistabella Greenways. They needed 11 points from the match to overtake San Luis Wellingtons at the top of the league but it wasn’t to be. Vistabella won the match 8-6 with shots 104-99 which means The Blenheims finished the season in second place. Overall its been a very competitive season, with strong performances and undoubted commitment and tenacity from all of the Quesada members and players. Thanks to the Captains and selectors of the teams for their hard work and to all of the members who have supported as reserves and have given their time as Markers. Quesada Bowls Club is sponsored by Spanish Life Properties

San Luis Bowls

by Sheila Cammack

The winning trips were: S Kavanagh E Morris B Kavanagh 24-11 M Riley Parsons K Jolliffe 20-19, M Whitelock M Veale G Odell 1716 C Thomas G Shoots M Odell 13-12

The South Alicante leagues have finally been completed; SL Wellingtons and Quesada Blenheims were fighting for top spot but SL Wellingtons finish CHAMPIONS of SPITFIRE DIVISION.

The Vulcans played La Siesta Wasps at home and the visitors took the game 8-6, aggregate 99-122.

South Alicante Summer League: Monday 2nd July SL Wellingtons away v San Miguel Christians, had a really close battle with 3 wins and 3 drawn games! shots 104-86, points 11-3. Well done to all the team: Bob White, Derrick Cooper, Ian Kenyon 18-13, Pam Lockett, June & Keith Jones 16-16, Steve Simmons, Ray Pollock, Scott Malden 24-12, Jan Pocock, Sue Cooper, Brian Pocock 16-16, Irene Everett, William Holtham, Vic Slater 15-14, Margaret Morrison, Sabrina & Russell Marks 15-15. SL Wellingtons finished top with 92 points, and Quesada Blenheims 2nd on 87 points.

The winning trips were A Brown S Watson Close 24-11 B Doran L Freeman J Mullarkey 25-13, T Capewell C Ayling P Willicott 24-16

Country Bowls by Geoff Paylor The Country Bowls ‘ Badger’s’ travelled to San Luis on Monday 5th July for the last match of the summer season, and what a match, could it have been any closer with both teams going for 2nd spot.? The morning was very hot as was some of the bowling. The ‘Badger’s’ played well against a very strong team from San Luis with Brenda Jiggins, John Hassell and John Mallet winning with an amazing score of 36 – 2. , Joel Fernandez, Niel West and Phil Warrington with a score of 26 – 14. . 4 points in the bag. The team of Geoff Eggleton, Graham Richardson and Geoff Paylor met a very good trio and a skipper in good form losing 15 – 14. Ben Noke, Derek Jiggins and Andy Bryce played a very close game losing with a score of 12 – 14 on the last end. Craig Dyson in his first role as skip along with dot davies and dave belton, and also Lynne Bryce in her first role as skip with Dean webb and Dave Smith fought hard but were overcome in the end by the teams from San Luis.. The shot difference near the end was to our advantage and I started to believe we could grab 2nd spot in the league but the final couple of ends turned against us and we lost the shots 102 – 103 and settle for 3rd place which is a fantastic result for Country Bowls. As the out going skipper I would like to thank everyone but especially Andy Bryce, Ben Noke and Phil Warrington without whom we might not have finished the season. Thank you to you all. And a final note from Country Bowls committee to say a big thank you to Geoff Paylor for organising the teams. Thank you Geoff for your hard work. For anymore information on Country Bowls please visit the website email or ring 868 183 703

SL Hercules were contesting 2nd place in the Harrier Division with Country Bowls Badgers and had an excellent but close result home v Country Bowls Badgers, 10-4, shots 103-102. Winners: Dennis Jackson, Ray Watmough, Ralph Jones 14-12, Ros Holmes, Mags Haines, Barry Edwards 15-14, Audrey Ford, Mary Fromson, Charlie Marigold 23-11, Kath Waywell, Mario Cavilla, Bob Bromley 35-3. After a strong fight back, SL Hercules take the runner-up spot with 65 points, behind winners Monte Mar Torro on 71 but ahead of CB Badgers on 61! well done to everyone who played for Hercules. Thursday evening Aussie Pairs: "Kangaroo League" Current positions after 6 games: 1st Wallaroo (capt. Russ M) 9 pts + 24 shots, 2nd Kowari (capt. Roy C) 8 pts + 27 shots, 3rd Wombat (capt. Ian K) 8 pts + 19 shots, 4th Kangaroo (capt. Scott M) 8 pts + 12 shots, 5th Possum (capt. Sab M) 8 pts.+ 2 shots 6th Platypus (capt. Keith J) 8 pts -2 shots. NEW MEMBERS: After a successful 2017/18 season, San Luis BC is looking to enter 4 teams again in both Monday & Friday Leagues for the 2018/19 winter season.


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SOUTH ALICANTE SUMMER TRIPLES League Tables Week 10 - 2nd July SPITFIRE DIVISION Vistabella Greenways 104 (8) Quesada Lancasters 103 (4) San Miguel Christians 86 (3)

Quesada Blenheims 99 (6) Emerald Isle Victors 104 (10) San Luis Wellingtons 104 (11)

P W D L San Luis Wellingtons 10 35 4 21 Quesada Blenheims 10 36 3 21 Emerald Isle Victors * 10 29 4 27 Vistabella Greenways 10 30 1 29 San Miguel Christians 10 20 5 35 Quesada Lancasters 10 21 1 38 * 1 point deducted for reporting infringement

O/W 9 6 6 5 2 2

Diff 231 159 -21 18 -161 -226

Pts 92 87 73 71 49 47

HURRICANE DIVISION Emerald Isle Vulcans 99 (6) Greenlands Gladiators 109 (8) Horadada Hawks 74 (0)

San Miguel Moors La Marina Pilots La Siesta Wasps Emerald Isle Vulcans Horadada Hawks Greenlands Gladiators

P 10 10 10 10 10 10

La Siesta Wasps 122 (8) La Marina Pilots 88 (6) San Miguel Moors 148 (14) W 45 32 26 26 24 21

D 1 3 4 1 1 2

L O/W 14 10 25 6 30 4 33 2 35 4 37 4

Diff Pts 378 111 42 79 19 64 -101 57 -138 57 -200 52

HARRIER DIVISION La Siesta Hornets 126 (12) San Luis Hercules 103 (10) Monte Mar Torro Bye

El Rancho Buckskins 88 (2) Country Bowls Badgers 102 (4)

P W D L Monte Mar Torro 8 31 1 16 San Luis Hercules * 8 27 1 20 Country Bowls Badgers 8 26 1 21 La Siesta Hornets * 8 18 2 28 El Rancho Buckskins 8 15 1 32 * 1 Point deducted re reporting infringement

San Miguel Bowls

O/W 4 5.5 4 4 2.5

Diff 135 39 66 -17 -223

Pts 71 65 61 45 36

by Gail Willshire

The Moors finished the league with a flourish this week, winning 14:0 away to Horadada Hawks, 148 points to 74. This result meant the team finished the season unbeaten, 32 points ahead of the nearest rivals and with a massive shot difference of 378. The results were as follows: Lynn Greenland, Linda Plaisted & Gary Raby 17:14; Jan Allen, Stuart Hemmings & Dave Greenland 26:12; Gail Willshire, Brian Allen & Fred Willshire 27:15; Tony Sansom, Don Whitney & Mary Dyer 35:6; Bob Nesbitt, Cliff Plaisted & Stuart Denholm 21:10 and Sue Milner, Lee Sinclair & Steve Cantley 22:17. The Christians faced the squad at the top of league, San Luis Wellingtons, hoping to get enough points to avoid relegation. Pat McEwan, Dave Champion & Dave McEwan managed a draw 16:16 against one of the most experenced trips on the Costa Blanca, and were holding the game until the opposition skip drew in with his last wood. Sheila Errington, Sandie Hannah & Brian Errington also managed a draw 15:15 against another very experienced team. The game was nip and tuck, 15:14 going into the final end when the opposition skip again came in for shot with his last wood. Ian hope, Alan Dobie & Mike Douglas finished with another draw 16:16, after having been 10:4 down after 9 ends but picking up a 5 on the 10th, bringing them back into the game.

We are always looking for new members especially those who are newer to bowls and want to try to start playing, or progress, in the leagues. Ideally anyone who wishes to join San Luis should give their notice of intent by the end of July as at the beginning of August we will be forming our squads and any late joiners will play where needed.

3 points meant they had to rely on other results to see what would befall them, but this was just enough to keep them safe. San Miguel look forward to having two teams in the top division again next year.

For results etc. Club

For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact the President Stuart Hemmings on 965 72 0461, or the Secretary Gail Willshire on 965 02 0492.

For general information about San Luis Club, contact June Jones, Captain: 691 903 773.

The Wasps sessions have come to an end for the summer but will start again on Wednesday 5th September 1:30 for 2:00. €5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and woods available to borrow.



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Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

Mike ProBert talks golf Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and residentS alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. HARDEST HOLES IN CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF In two weeks time we will have the marvellous spectacle that is the British Open championship from Carnoustie which is considered by many to be the hardest course on the Open Championship rota. This raises the question which is the hardest course or what are the hardest holes on Major golf courses? A study in the USA conducted over the last 25 years has concluded that using scoring averages in all Majors during that period and using par 70 as the template,the following would be the hardest 'composite' golf course:

Las Ramblas Golf and Social Society The week began with the dreaded ‘Yellow Peril’. In teams of four, each player taking it in turn to play the ‘yellow ball’ which scores double points, the next best two scores are added to this. However, lose the yellow ball and you’ll only score normal points from that moment onwards.

21 (in assN with Costa Blanca Green Fee s vcs)

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you from 1 June. Golf Course



Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio Font Del Llop La Finca La Marquesa La Serena Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lo Romero New Sierra Golf Roda Villamartin Villaitana Poniente Vistabella

€114 €102 €90 €88 €88 €86 €88 €128 €39 €36 €144 €104 €96 €80 €86 €110 €47 €86

Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee Single Green Fee (after 2pm) Two Green Fees and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Green Fees and Buggy Two Players and Buggy (from 1pm) Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee and Buggy Two Players and Buggy

By a whisker of just 3 points, the winning team with 143 were Geoff Biggerstaff, Racheal Leckey, Terry Field and Nigel Price. Well done to Nigel for scoring 8 points on the 16th.

For Bookings and info Mike at quoting the reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

Wednesday was our individual Stableford and I had the privilege of playing alongside Reg Akehurst who was celebrating his 89th birthday! I don’t suppose there are many people who can boast they have shot a score which is less than their age during their playing career! In top spot with 41 points was Brian Staines and runner up with 39 was John Shervell.


The next three places, all scoring 38 points, were myself, Alan Douglas and Hendrick Oldenziel. Only three ‘2’s this week, Geoff Biggerstaff, John Shervell and yours truly. And onto Friday which was a 6 x 6 x 6 competition. Best single score to count on the front six, best two on the second six and finally the best three scores to count on the final six holes. With 82 points (and winning on count back) were Geoff Biggerstaff, Terry Field, Rod Doel and the fictitious Albert. A special mention goes to John (Constable) Shervell, our resident art teacher, who managed a hole in one on the 14th. If a picture could paint a thousand words it would be the look on John’s face when he was later given the bar bill! Thanks for the beer John. Also worthy of our congratulations was Benedicte Kruse for winning twelve months free membership at Lo Romero GC in a Spanish Federation competition at the weekend.

Horadada Bowls by Irene Graham On Monday of this week we played the last match of the Summer League Hurricane Division at home to San Miguel Moors. To say it was not a good result for us is a bit tame as we lost on all six rinks and gained zero points. However, in saying that, San Miguel put out their best players and we were up against it right from the start. San Miguel played very well and well done to them to top the league. The final shots were 74 for and 148 against. Horadada finished up second bottom of the table with 57 points. If only one team go down then this will be a good finishing result for us given the size of our club. Well done to all the members who participated in the team and think positive for next season. Thanks goes to our Team Captain Bill Stanaway for his efforts on the team selection. It is never an easy job. After the match our spirits were raised with a bit of lunch and a drink at the Asia Restaurant in Pilar de la Horadada. A good laugh and a natter soon chased away the blues. Horadada offers a warm welcome to new or experienced bowlers, and provides the necessary equipment. Our roll-up days for this friendly club are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings. Please contact Fred Trigwell on 659 139 129 for more information.

2The use of a drawing compas to re check hole positions by Bryson DeChambeau is a violation of the rules” USGA

La Marina GS Summer Cup We met at Roda golf course to play the 1st round of the summer cup. The temperature reaching the high 30's meant scoring failed to reach recent heights, but the astonishing Garry Garbett posted an unbeatable score of 39 points to win the gold division. In the silver division, Gerry McCabe returned to winning ways with 34 points but only on countback from an improving Roy Harris. Nearest the pin awards went to mike green, Steve Warner, Bill Stobo and Jan Davies. Our next meeting is at el Plantio on 19th July at a cost of 35 euros, first tee 10.00. List is on the board at the sports centre or contact

Alan Craig at Finally many thanks to Helena, Paolo and Nicky for the after match food.

Hat trick of Family Firsts in Alicante Sunday 1st July finally saw the 2nd Travesia de La Cantera on the beach Playa Albufereta, Alicante. Previously postponed from May due to plagues of Portuguese Man of War jellyfish and then for a second time in June, this travesia finally took place on Sunday 1st July. Over 200 swimmers participated in the 4km race and 133 swimmers in the 2km race. Compliments to be given to the organisers “La Concejalia de Deportes de Alicanet” and “” for their efficient timing controls and organisation of the event. The 2km race starting first at 9am with participants fighting strongly for places in their age groups. The youngest swimmer of the competition Amy Connolly, aged 13, had a good strong start and managed to keep this pace all through the race and was rewarded with 1st place in her category “Infantil female” with a time for the 2km of 34:26 and being place the 4th girl to finish from all ages. At 9:15am the 4km race began. Older sister to Amy, Zoe Connolly, again one of the

Zoe, Amy, Vicki and Beth. youngest swimmers in the event came in first in her “Junior female” category and the 1st girl to compete the 4km race with a time of 53:42 and 4th finisher from all the men and women. Mum Vicki Connolly also participated in the 4km race with Zoe in the “50 -59 female” category with a time of 1:05:39. Finishing 1st in her category gave the whole family a

hat trick of first places. Friend and teammate Beth Altabas was not to be left out being the oldest participant in the 4km race finishing first in her “60+ female” category. All 4 swimmers members of Elche Club Natacion put the club high in the club rankings along with other teammate Jamie in the 60+ masculine category.


Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

Barraclough crowned Eurogolf Champion for 2nd consecutive year Recently Eurogolf held their annual presentation evening at the Clubhouse. The theme was Caribbean so it was a very colourful and entertaining night. The staff worked hard serving a vast array of tapas and cocktails plus the saxophonist did a great job keeping everybody dancing. The annual competition results were: Club Championship winner John Barraclough for the 2nd year running, Singles Men Strokeplay: Felix Mallon, Singles Ladies Strokeplay Pam Welsh, Club Singles Matchplay Bill Martin, Senior Singles Sue Gillett, Mens 4 BBB Fred Reeve and Pete Cleaver, Ladies 4 BBB Sue Forbes and Monique Reeve, Club Pairs 4 BBB Jeff and Linda Lynch and Mixed Pairs. Greensomes Colin Nad Claire Daye Gretton. Eurogolf are now taking a break until September when incoming Captain Bert Lawson and his new committee will take over the running of the society. Pictured is outgoing Captain Freddy Reeve presenting the Club Champion with his trophy

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San Javier Golf Society Individual Stableford Qualifier at La Serena on Mon 2nd July

La Tercia Golf at Lo Romero by David Swann La Tercia Golf Society has been existence for several years under varying names. The current name is attached to a now defunct golf course and they now base their headquarters at Vistabella golf course for their meet on the last Wednesday of the month. They also run frequent 'away days' at Golf Courses all over the Costa Blanca. One such was at the superb Lo Romero Golf Course on 27th June, which was in superb condition. Taking advantage of this was member Jim Hynes, who excelled with a magnificent 43 points and John Wilby, who scooped the 2's pool, rolling in a superb 25 yard (at least) putt on Hole 5. Unusually, of the 16 players participating, only 2 of the 4 Nearest the Pins were claimed as follows: Hole 5 ....J Wilby, Hole 7....No-one, Hole 12....J Hynes, Hole 15....No-one


3rd place.....Dave Johnston..hcp 24 score 31 points c/b, 2nd place John Wilby hcp 7 score 35 points, 1st place Jim Hynes. hcp 22 score 43 points - Best Guest G Blakeway hcp 28 score 30 points Anyone interested in joining a friendly society contact Secretary David Johnston on

The hottest day of the year so far saw the numbers attending slightly reduced but the scoring greatly increased in some cases! La Serena is in superb condition, especially the greens and this no doubt helps explain the number of birdies and “twos!” In first place in Division One was Jim Moffatt with 42 points, second was Steve Branston with 38 and third was Paul Newman with 37. In Division Two the winner was John McCay with 39, second was John Hillier with 38, followed by Jeff Belt on 37. Nearest the pins were won by Jim Moffatt, Steve Branston, John Hillier and and Paul Hamlin. The gross 2 (for 50 euros) was shared by four people. We have several upcoming games, the details of which can be seen on the calendar of our website. Full details of games will be emailed to all members. For further information on our society, to play as a guest, or to join, please phone Barry Beale on +34 649 245 889 or look at our website at and Facebook page at The photo below is of the Division One winner and top scorer overall on the day: Jim Moffatt.

La Plaza Golf Society

The Celts Club de Golf Open Day at La Serena

Our June Open Day at La Serena last Saturday was celebrated in glorious sunshine. The course again is in quite superb condition, again thanks to the green-keeping staff for the continued improvements. Well done Wayne and your team. Thanks to Jose, Karolina and Paul who work like a well-oiled machine catering for our large number and helping to make our competition such a success. To the oft forgotten staff under Bruno in the bar many thanks. Camillus was not with us on the day as he was off on his hols to Dubai no less. However, he left the running of the competition in the capable hands of his deputy Philip Mountford. Philip was ably assisted by James Hayes and Denis McCormack. As Terry is in Ireland having various additions and subtractions, something akin to Steve Austen and the “six million dollar man”, the vice-captain James stood in to present the prizes. Get well soon Terry. Prizes May and June were as follows; Crystal 1st Elsie Cowie 42.

2nd David Sommerville 41. 3rd Robert Smith 38. Crystal 2, 1st Yvette McGeehan 41. 2nd Hep Kinnear 39. 3rd Noel Murray 38. Week 2. Golf prizes week 1, Cat I, 1st Richard Heaton 37, 2nd James Hayes 37, 3rd John O’Brien 36. Cat II 1st Loagan Nayager 34, 2nd Gordon Montgomery 33, 3rd Aideen Considine 33. Open Day results. NTP’s Sue Benning (2), Steve Hopkins, Chris Daw, Ray Brennan and Geoff Ellender. Cat III. 1st Elsie Cowie 38. 2nd Sheila Coyne 37. 3rd Yvette McGeehan 36. Cat II. 1st Harry Lee 40. 2nd John Aitchison 40. 3rd Bev Ellender 37. Cat I. Pauvla Serakova 36. 2nd Pat Coyne 36. 3rd Tony Head 34. Best gross went 30 John O’Brien. 2nd overall Alan Woods 42. The overall winner with 42 points on lowest handicap Thomas Warren. We have a waiting list in operation at the moment for membership at La Serena, however membership of The Celts is always available. If you would like information on joining our club or entering a team in any of the federation events why not call 615 466 398 or send an e-mail to

Once again The Plaza Golf Society visited a sizzling Villamartin with 44 players looking to improve on their performance from 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately this didn't prove the case for all golfers and Brian Fenty minus his broken driver after the 2nd hole managed to overwhelm the consistent 'inconsistent' Bob Price for last place ! Two's proved fairly elusive with only 3 successes going to Kevin Bird, Ian Parkinson and Margaret Woodhall each bagging 37 euros. Nearest the pins sponsored by The Alehouse were won no particular order...Graham Clarke, Bob Kemp, Warren Harris, Dave Letherby and STILL the loudest golfer ever....Barry Mitchell ! Best lady was our very steady Liz Sully who with a great score of 36 also came 3rd in Silver division missing out to 2nd place Bob Kemp and headed up by Paul Cassel winning on countback with a creditable 37 points. Gold was also very close with Kevin Bird 3rd with 35 points losing on countback to Warren Harris which left the winner Big Jimmy Gray with a massive 39 points looking to attract the attention of the Handicap Secretary.....happy new handicap!!! Our next event is at La Finca Friday 20.07.18 with only 2 spaces left so if you fancy a challenge go to to register.



637 227 385

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

Torry announce first pre season friendly


n Wednesday 1 August (ko time to be announced), Torry travel to San Miguel football stadium to compete in a tri team tournament, involving div 3 sides Crevillente and Churra. This tournament involves 3 matches each 45 minutes long, and will give Torry new manager Manu Sanchez the opportunity to have a good look at his new squad. More friendlies will be arranged in the coming days, before embarking on a new season which commences on 2 September. Although no fresh signings were completed last week, I have been advised that 5 or 6 new faces will arrive next week. Having said that, it was confirmed that Samuel has agreed to extend his stay at the club. At a recent meeting held in CD Torrevieja´s new HQ, Torry army committee members met with new owners Ximo Badimon (sports director), David Cruz (treasurer) and Alfonso Lopez (president). Top of the agenda was confirmation that season tickets sold from Torry Army office in San Luis, will be rewarded with a 20 percent

BY Steve Hibberd

Have Neymar and co. had more dives than world 10 metre Platform champion, Tom Daley, in the 2018 World Cup in Russia? Even wrestlers of yesteryear - Big Daddy and Mick McManus - would have been envious of some of the tackles seen in many games, in what is football's world jewel. Former Barcelona super star Neymar has dived more than British star Tom Daley in competition - during the World Cup - an 'act' that needs kicking out of football. The overriding factor of this summer's World Cup is that - in a plethora of incidents - players are getting away with it. Neymar, amongst other multi million pounds football stars, was at it again during Brazil's quarter final defeat against Belgium. Neymar and his disgraceful fake fouls' behaviour are unsporting - and not exactly a good example for junior football worldwide. Don't get me wrong, Neymar does suffer horrendous tackles by opposing teams, but the question in account is why does he need to cheat? Rugby tackles - in football - enter Columbia. The treatment given out to England during the Three Lions trail into the quartet finals was nothing short of shocking. Yet nothing appears to have changed from the outset of the World Cup, citing dirty play, and cheating. Fifa rules world football, of which rules and regulations are adhered to within European leagues, such as La Liga and the Premier League. In the latter in England diving, et al, has crept into the game, with referees not fully stamping out the unsavoury side of the

Left to right its Ximo Badimon, director of football, Pat Stewart, chairman of Torry Army, David Cruz, Club Treasurer discount. For only 5 euros a season, becoming a member of Torry Army not only gives discounts to funtions and away travel, but also this massive discount on next seasons Preferente

division football. And from next season, Torry will have a reserve team in the 2nd regional division, plus a juvenile team, hopefully all of whom will be playing at Vicente Garcia Stadium.

Neymar has been slammed an 'embarrassment' over diving accusations

game. When is a foul, not a foul? And if it applies in La Liga and the Premier League, why have so many incidents gone unpunished in Russia? Discipline - undisciplined teams such as Columbia - appear not to know the rules on this front. Circling the referee like a pack of hounds when decisions went against them. Correct decisions. The VAR in use in the World Cup has played a part worthy of its inclusion after many, many years of it being called for. Now that it is here is it being called upon frequently enough? I think not. We all live and learn, and hopefully the powers that be take a close look at the shameful antics by some teams that have made football - and its rules - a laughing

Carp R Us Fishing The club fished the River Segura in Murcia Town Centre for Round Eight of the Summer Series. Although the river looked in good condition we’d heard that the fishing had been quite tough the previous two days and so it was proved to be. Doug Hornblow again showed his class to finish first with 4.98kg caught on the feeder using corn,


Clubs descend on Pinatar Arena for Pre season La selección AFE

FIFA’s World Cup sees more ‘diving’ than Tom Daley By Andrew Atkinson

stock. Pre-madonnas come to the fore with antics of so called super stars in football. Some pundits say they are more interested in the money. England can be proud to hold their discipline in Russia, along with Belgium, who have Premier League players on show. Antics carry on off the field of play, with Maradonna and his 'finger' gesture seen by world football, following an Argentina triumph, that petered out. Nothing changes. Remember 'The Hand of God' cheating the the former Argentina ace? Of course we do. How can you forget that World Cup 'goal' against England. The World Cup 2018 a sporting spectacle one with an unsavoury side when it comes to sport, with the main focus arguably on Neymar - and Ronaldo. 'Cheats' at this year's soccer show piece?

pellet and maggot. Second was Alan Smith with 4.54kg caught on the feeder and whip using corn and maggot. Third was Dave Sutton with 2.68kg using float and feeder and maggot and fourth Steve Fell with 2.40kg using whip and maggot. Further information about the club can be found on its website www.carp-r-us.weebly.comor on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.


El Ejido, Al Fayha and Atlético Baleares are just 3 more of the clubs that will be using Pinatar Arena to prepare for the coming season.

CD El Ejido, coached by Alberto González, will visit Pinatar Arena for the first time. They will be using the facility from July 22 to 28. They will be joined by Al Fayha from Saudi Arabia, who will spend almost a month at the Arena from July 25 to August 19 joining the list of Arab teams that have already visited the centre The Balearic team Atlético Baleares has also confirmed its summer dates at Pinatar Arena and will be from July 27 to August 2. All of the clubs will be meeting in pre season friendlies to the venue promises lost of free football for supporters during the coming weeks. Also arriving at the arena from July 23 to August 5 will be La selección AFE. This is a squad of players, all members of The Association of Spanish Footballers, who are currently without a club. They will be using the centre to showcase their talents to potential employers from July 23 to August 5.




637 227 385

Monday 9th - Sunday 15th July, 2018

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