No 641 Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November, 2016 Tel: 637 227 385
ORIHUELA COSTA POLICE CARS RU N OUT OF FU EL rihuela Costa local police cars were in the absurd situation last week of having to drive 30 kilometres to Orihuela city to fill up with fuel and then drive back another 30 kilometres, wasting 2 hours of their time and consuming much of their replenished fuel, before they could resume their duties. Because of the Town Hall’s unpaid bills and an expired contract, local suppliers simply turned off the tap and unless a solution is found very quickly, there will be no fuel available in Orihuela because the suppliers there are understood to be in the same situation.
During the period when the cars were off road, policemen were obliged to patrol by foot, and all this over an extended holiday period when thousands of residents and visitors were on the Orihuela Costa enjoy-
ing our local facilities. So how could the level of local government services on the Costa sink so low? Is it any wonder that we have been waiting 6 years for work on the construction of an
Emergency Services Centre to be resumed with promises that it would be completed in the next two years are appearing rather tenuous since Town Hall staff are still revising the plans. Extract CLARO Press Release