No 793
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Tel: 637 227 385
Serving the community, in print and online, for over 15 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Scandinavian School “Reaches Out” to Torrevieja’s homeless each Out (Extienda la mano) is a Torrevieja based charity run by International volunteers from across the entire region.
It provides support for the homeless, the underprivileged and for those who are badly in need. The head office is situated close to the old Friday market in Calle Bella Antonia from
where it operates a daily kitchen and canteen, a food bank, shop, warehouse and small workshop, as well as an office facility that takes care of the daily administration. The organisation opened it’s
doors in 2011 when Karolina Leonard first recognised the lack of local assistance for the most needy. It was formed mostly by English-speaking residents. Continued on Page 02
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
from the local community and with the onset of the cold snap, and with ‘REACH OUT’ TORREVIEJA Christmas just over 3 weeks away, their Supported entirely by volunteers, the need has rarely been greater. main purpose of the charity is to proOn 3 separate occasions in the last few vide, hot meals, breakfast and lunch for weeks the van used to collect and delivmembers of the Homeless community er foodstuffs, goods and furniture, has between 18 and 80 years of age, as well had it’s tyres slashed overnight, so with as assistance through a Food Bank to the advent of the ‘season of goodwill’ the funding available over 30 local families. to the needy has been Just as much as it needs donaThe homeless are also greatly diminished by tions the charity also requires afforded washing and the demand to purshower facilities as volunteers, so if you can spare chase replacement well as, free, clean as little as a half a day a week tyres. clothing in order to your support would be invaluable. So it came as a pleasmaintain some degree ant surprise when of hygiene. Charity President Davy Young received The families, meanwhile, are able to a phone call from Ingela Björklund, draw from a large range of items availPrincipal of the Costa Blanca able from the Food Bank on a weekly Scandinavian School, asking if she basis, partially provided by the could visit with a group of Business European Food Bank, which is adminis- Studies students who wished to donate tered by the Spanish Dept of the profits from their business projects Agriculture. The Charity also provides to Reach Out. hygiene products for families, soap, In order to find out more about the aid toothpaste, toothbrushes, toiletries, napavailable and the business plan. the pies, bleach and other personal comchildren were given a guided tour last modities. Wednesday. They were initially briefed With no government funding the charity relies entirely on gifts and donations
by David who introduced them to one of the recipients of the many charitable
services, José, who is currently living rough in Torrevieja. José explained how important the charity is to people in his position and how much an increasing number of the homeless and the needy are relying more and more on the assistance that it provides. The students saw the kitchen staff finishing off the breakfast meal as they began to prepare for lunch. They were guided through the shop and the warehouse before ending up in the Food Bank where David explained the origin of the stocks and the procedure that families have to follow in order to receive supplies. Principal Björklund promised that having seen the charity operating at first hand the students would now be even more motivated with their projects and in generating maximum profits from each, which will then be donated to Reach Out following a bazaar to be held at the school on 4 December. On leaving they presented the President with a number of gifts as a measure of their goodwill. The volunteers
The students chatting to the volunteer kitchen staff
The main entrance in Calle Bella Antonia 1 Breakfast is just finishing in the canteen
The Food Bank supports over 70 needy families
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at Reach Out really do try to help everyone in need, irrespective of race, creed or status, by providing basic food, clothes, blankets/linen, household items and furniture but they are an entirely voluntary organisation, and 100% of all donations will be used to benefit the homeless and poor. Their shops have a great variety of clothes and bricabrac at very reasonable prices, so if you are looking for furniture, electrical or household items, do go along to Calle Bella Antonia 1, Local 4, open on Mondays – Fridays from 10:00am until 2:00pm or Calle Doña Sinforosa 8, also open Monday, to Friday 10:00am until 2.00pm. And just as important as the donations are the volunteers who are also urgent required, so even if it is only for a few hours a week, if you can help this most deserving of local charities please contact the office on 965 71 3063 or Davy Young on 650 735 845.
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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
No political alternative to C.L.A.R.O on the coast CLARO Press Release C.L.A.R.O. held its 14th Annual General meeting on 28 November. The meeting, attended by 50 members and a representative of the Cambiemos-Podemos-CLARO Coalition was positive and united in its support for the proposals of the outgoing Executive Committee on Strategy, Organisation and the election of a new Executive Committee. Six months ago in the municipal election, C.L.A.R.O. contributed nearly a thousand votes to the electoral coalition CambiemosPodemos-CLARO, more votes than the Popular Party and Ciudadanos together which governed Orihuela between 2015-2019. The votes C.L.A.RO. obtained strengthened the Coalition’s representation in the Orihuela Town Council but fell just short of the number required to elect CLARO President Helene Akerman as councillor. The Annual General Meeting unanimously approved the policy of the party to maintain and strengthen the coalition and to fight to realise the solid selection of policies included in the election programme for the coast. The previous governing coalition of PP and Ciudadanos provided not a single significant improvement in the services and infrastructure of the coast. No emergency Services Centre, no multi-cultural centre, no second health centre. The inadequate basic services such as street cleaning and rubbish removal continued. The municipal sports centre has been closed for more than 6 months depriving residents of an impor-
Members of the newly elected Executive tant facility. PP-Ciudadanos made no effort in the past 4 years to save Cala Mosca, the last green area on the coast, from the construction of 1500 new homes but they did approve the construction of some one thousand new homes which greatly increased the population and the congestion of Orihuela Costa but without a corresponding increase in municipal services. Unfortunately for the coast, after the May 2019 municipal elections the same parties, PP and Ciudadanos, have renewed their coalition. The Annual General Meeting welcomed the increase in members since the May elections, including many Spanish who came from the Agrupacion citizens’ movement which did not take root. C.L.A.RO. now also has a strong representation from the Scandinavian community as well as the British who are more confident of maintaining their rights, including the right to vote in municipal elections, no matter what the outcome of Brexit. The meeting decided to reorganise and restructure the party and to create an Extended Committee alongside the Executive Committee to reflect the increase in the number of members and to enable volunteers to contribute to strengthening the party in various fields. The underlying theme of the meeting was to recognise that on the coast there is now NO POLITICAL ALTERNATIVE TO C.L.A.R.O. The Annual General Meeting voted unanimously for a new 7 person Executive Committee. Helene Akerman will continue as President, Antonio Cerdan becomes Secretary General plus Paul Piccio, Huberto Canovas, Christina Belardi, Bob Houliston and Bob Hunkin. The meeting welcomed this strong and balanced Committee with 3 Spanish members, including one internationalist, two Scandinavians and two British.
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Santa’s little walkers out in numbers for The Pink Ladies Maria with her little helper Simon, right, and RBL Band Director of Music, David Last
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There seems to be some confusion regarding the length of the centre’s closure
The annual event was once again organised in order to raise funds for the AECC in their fight against cancer. Standing alongside long-time supporter Simon Morton, Maria, of the Pink Ladies, took to the stage to thank the walkers, the centre management team, the Local Police, for all their help and support as well as The Royal British Legion Concert Band, which provided the accompanying music, playing a mixture of carols and Christmas themed tunes as the walkers prepared for their 5km stroll.
Approximately 250 walkers turned up at Zenia Boulevard on Sunday to support the annual Pink Ladies and Panthers Santa Walk around the Orihuela Costa.
She said that she hoped that the walk would raise well in excess of a thousand euros for the charity which would continue to subsidise the cost of the cancer screening program, mammograms (IMED in Torrevieja) and smear tests for women (AECC clinic in Alicante or IMED in Torrevieja) and prostate examinations for men (IMED in Torrevieja).
Appeal for missing Scot who vanishes from Torrevieja in Kayak By Andrew Atkinson The family of Kenneth McPherson has made a public appeal in a bid to find him, over a week after first going missing. Kenneth was last seen on Saturday morning, 23rd Nov, in Torrevieja Marina, in a lime green Kayak. The family are appealing for information or sightings of Kenneth or the Kayak and are worried that he may have been carried out to sea by the currents. Kenneth is 62 years old, went missing on the morning of Saturday 23 November at Torrevieja Marina. He was last known to be kayaking in the marina and has not been seen since. He is 5ft 11inches (180cm), medium build, with a white goatee beard and very short white/grey hair. His
Kenneth McPherson and his lime green kayak Alexandra, Mr McPherson’s wife, said: “Any information, no matter how little, would be greatly appreciated. The police are working very hard, but as of yet we have little to go by. We just want Kenny home safe and sound and miss him greatly.” If anyone has any information relating to his whereabouts, they should call the Guardia Civil on 112 or the British Consulate on +34 965 216 022.
Painting over the cracks Wanting to see the activities on offer at the Campoamor Residents Drop in Centre firsthand the Orihuela Mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, stopped off in Lomas de Cabo Roig on Wednesday afternoon where he was given a tour of the centre by Norah Bond. As well as meeting beginners in an intermediate Spanish language class the mayor tried his hand as a student of the Watercolour Art Group before moving on to join the Campoverde Players who were practising a song and dance routine. He was initially caught up in their rehearsal as he actually jigged along for a moment before settling down to introductions and an invite for the group to perform at an upcoming council event. After a briefing by Eva Johansson on the centre’s library the mayor was then directed to the building’s structural problems by Norah Bond. Accompanied by Councillor José Galiano and the centre caretaker he was told, and subsequently shown, the subsidence along the entire front of the building, together with the many cracks in internal walls and ceilings. He was told that ,despite opening to the public ten years ago, the building is still without a ‘Certificate of Occupation’ and in view of it’s crumbling structure
seems unlikely to ever get one. Norah Bond asked what plans the authorities have to carry out the necessary renovation, as many of her students currently feel they are putting their safety at risk every time they enter the building. The mayor seemed surprised at the amount of deterioration since his last visit and on his return to Orihuela, following discussions with city technical staff a decision was taken to close the centre down. What is not clear is how long the closure will be as, late on Friday afternoon, Community Care President Norah Bond received an email stating that, following maintenance, it would reopen on Wednesday. However the notice pinned to the centre gates states otherwise, indicating that the centre will remain closed until further notice “We really don’t know what is going on,” Norah told the Leader. “I just wish that the council would have the common courtesy of talking to us so that we, in turn, can inform the centre’s users. All that we know at the moment is that the centre is closed.” In the meantime anyone requiring further info should call Norah on 611 38 68 81 or email:
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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
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gency. The building will also have an emergency heliport and will serve as a SAMU base during summer periods. Deputy mayor José Aix has said that "for the City Council it is a priority that this tender goes ahead as soon as possible" so the countdown begins to ensure that "this structure finally becomes a reality". PAU GASOL IN MURCIA FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT Pau Gasol, Spanish basketball star and twice an NBA champion, is in Murcia where he is being treated for a foot injury by Dr. Mariano De Prado at the Centro Médico de Excelencia FIFA. TIME TO HONOUR OUR LOCAL HEROES THIS coming Friday, December 6th, will be the day the people of San Fulgencio get their opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to all those that helped during the devastating floods that hit the area on September 12th and 13th. Beginning at 11am in San Fulgencio Village, there will be a full programme of events paying homage and tribute to the many organisations, associations and individuals that played their part during and in the aftermath of the worst storms to hit the area for 140 years. Everyone is welcome to go along on Friday and show their support
The crossing will provide more security and accessibility for Pilareños. The National road and the adjacent motorway have always divided the two population centres but with this investment of 346,000 euros, coming in 94k under budget, the project that was initially drafted in 2014, and that was built by the company Urdinter SL in six months, has finally been opened to pedestrians. The opening ceremony coincided with with the march against Gender violence, which took place with hundreds of participants of all ages, who were all able to use the footbridge for the very first time. The Councillor for Infrastructure, Rufino Lancharro, said that it was a very necessary project that will improve safety and will enable users to avoid a detour of more than a kilometre. It will be particularly important during the summer season when the population significantly increases and can be used both by bicycles and by pedestrians.
The Sant Boi player announced last week the termination of his contract with the Portland Trail Blazers in order that he can continue the recovery process of an injury that he suffered last May, a navicular stress fracture in the left foot . Although the initial healing period should be about six months, the poor recovery of the complaint has led to the Catalan player leaving the Blazers squad so that he can focus exclusively on his rehabilitation. Gasol, who has not played an official NBA game since last March, when he signed for the Milwaukee Bucks, says that he is looking forward to restoring full fitness prior to the Olympic Games to be held in Tokyo in 2020. Gasol arriving at the centre for treatment
EMERGENCY CENTRE FINALLY SEES SOME MOVEMENT On Tuesday Orihuela’s Governing Board finally approved the opening of the contracting file for the construction of the Costa Emergency Centre, with a budget of 2,194,913 euros. The spokesman for the Government team, José Aix, said that once the tender has been accepted, the builder will have a period of ten months to complete the long awaited project. After gathering at the Plaza España, there will be an unveiling of a special plaque at 11.30am followed by a parade through the streets of the village before arriving at the Recinto Multiusos centre for Ceremony of Appreciation from 12.30pm. This will be followed by a Giant Paella and drinks at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to come along on this Spanish National Holiday and show their support to those that played their part in the important rescue and relief efforts.
The building, to be sited in La Zenia, will improve response times in an emergency as well as improving the security on the Orihuela Costa. Work first began in 2010, with the funds from the Generalitat Valenciana, but the works to a halt in 2012 after the construction company declared itself bankrupt.
According to the US media, the Catalan centre, 39, could remain as part of the technical staff of the Portland Trail Blazers during his recovery period. Pau Gasol is not the only sports star who has received treatment at the Murcia clinic. A metatarsal fracture saw both Xabi Alonso and James Rodríguez nursed back to health in Murcia, the first in 2013 and the second two years later.
NEW PEDESTRIAN CROSSING OVER N-332 IN PILAR DE LA HORADADA A new 500 metre elevated walkway was opened by the mayor, José María Pérez, last week, that allow to connect the town centre with the coastal community of Torre de la Horadada. The walkway connects the town with Torre de la Horadada The centre could finally become a reality Since then, the coastal residents have been fighting for completion of the building that will house the Local Police, Civil Guard, Civil Protection, Immigration and Firefighters and thus improve response times in cases of emer-
CINEMA PILAR English Language Cinema in Pilar de la Horadada - Calle Canalejas 4 Thursday 5th Dec at 7pm Saturday 7th Dec at 5.30pm
X/MEN: DARK PHOENIX “Dark Phoenix” centers on Jean Grey and the muchfeared Phoenix force. The story originated in the 197677 comic book series “Uncanny X-Men” when Grey is exposed the deadly radiation after returning from space.
Starring: Sophie Turner, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Jessica Chastain Dur: 1hr 56 min Genre: Sci-Fi. Action | Superheroes | Comics
637 227 385
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Snooker star Thorne to stay in Villamartin after marital split By Andrew Atkinson Villamartin based snooker star Willie Thorne has split from his wife, former Miss Great Britain Jill Saxby, after 24 years' marriage. Thorne, 65, who moved to Villamartin this year, is to remain in Spain, while his wife Jill, 59, has returned to the UK. Thorne, who promoted former England football star Paul Gascoigne's 'An Evening with Paul Gascoigne' held Spain in June, reportedly confirmed the split: “Just so everybody knows and before rumours start, Jill and I have separated and she has gone back to the UK. I hope to be staying here in
gamble, and was still in debt.
Thorne, who raised thousands of pounds for Charity, through his 'Willie Thorne Charity Golf Classic' event in Spain in June, has reportedly had his mock Tudor detached home repossessed in Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, after reports of the mortgage having not been paid.
Thorne, declared bankrupt in 2015, also revealed money lenders threatened to chop off his wife’s fingers - and take her jewellery.
Thorne spoke about his gambling addiction in recent years, a compulsion that had brought him to the brink of suicide, having been saved by wife Jill. Speaking about his gambling habit Thorne reportedly revealed that he probably borrowed £1million over the years, in order to
Almoradi Dump ALMORADI is the latest town to be facing problems through illegal 'dumping' - with some areas looking more like a scene from the former TV series Steptoe & Son! Mattresses have sprung up once again, in the wake of The Leader’s exclusive report on ‘fly tipping’ in Torrevieja and Los Montesinos. Residents of Almoradi say that they are fed up of having to walk round dumped rubbish in order to go about their daily tasks. "Every day I walk along with my children, through what can only be described as an obstacle course," said one resident. And, along with the pavements resembling a scrapheap, dog faeces is another issue. "The children and I look down more than up, due
Thorne was a snooker star in the 1980s, playing alongside legends including Alex Higgins, Jimmy White, Steve Davis and Dennis Taylor. Thorne retired in the nineties and became a BBC TV snooker commentator. During his time in Villamartin Thorne has been giving snooker lessons to ex-pats, along with his work as an after dinner speaker.
to the dog 'poo'. It's all part of the daily routine," one added. "Every week on C/San Andres there are heaps of trash, including mattresses," said another angry resident. Mattresses, furniture - including settees and chairs - are strewn across Almoradi. I have even seen broken WC’s being dumped. Despite the councilthreatening fines of between 300€ and 3,000€ for illegal dumping, it is said they are never handed out. "Is it true that there are sanctions to deter the fly tippers but I have yet to see anybody hit by one. I don’t believe it's true," said a disgruntled dweller.
Thorne is one of the most genuine individuals on the circuit
Beefing up our blurb .......
n this age of enlightenment, even the most outrageous view has to have an airing. It is therefore about time that the biased, prejudiced, narrow-minded folks amongst us have somebody to represent them. This column can be a platform for the much maligned bigots: just call us the up-trodden – as against the down-trodden. We are entitled (the most used and abused word bandied around these days) to have an ignorant and biased say about whatever we like … or don’t like. Let’s reveal the type I am here: When I was a drinker I had no time for those who didn’t drink. That some of these non-drinkers changed into nice guys when I sobered up is totally irrelevant. Right now, as a non-gay man, I firmly believe that gays are over-represented on RTE and in the media, No doubt, if I ever go gay, I will change my mind … same as with the drink. Do you see where this is going? No? …. Well actually, I’m not too sure myself – but I get paid to fill this space. I don’t trust vegetarians, although I was once a friend with one! If, in my dotage and perhaps after getting a bang on the head, I were to be converted to vegan, it is possible I could feel differently. Right now it is my opinion that the man who never felt the pleasure of using a steak-knife, is not a fit man to make crucial decisions on anything. Some non-meat eaters are not too hard to be around, because they just keep their defects to themselves and eat their greens and beans without commentary. Other vegans wait for the slightest opportunity to adopt a moral superior arrogance as they pontificate about the rights of the fowl and the fishes. ‘Animal murderers’ and the likes. Once again I quote, ‘Confucius say people who like animals too much like people too little.’ All vegetarians are not the same. There are total vegans who exclude all kinds of meat, as well as animal-based products, such as milk, butter and eggs. Lacto-vegetarians will exclude the meat, but partake of milk and milk products: Then we have the Lacto-ova- vegetarians who will chance the egg as well as the milk products. They are all wrong – although even in the throes of our bias, we give the others the right to eat what they like. Remember though, that half
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
the population of the world has never had a full belly … of anything Archaeological evidence shows that eating meat has been an essential part of human evolution for two million years. Most of the earth’s surface is not suitable for growing grain, fruit or vegetables that humans can eat, but nearly everywhere the local habitat sustains animal life. A lot of middling land is only good for the rough grazing of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.
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Congratulations to author Bernie who has been nominated as the Dexter representative on the Irish National Rare Breeds Society.
Eating meat is not cruelty to animals. The animals are killed humanely – unlike the ‘animal jungle’ out there. The big fish eats the little fish and I eat the big fish. The chicken drags the worm slowly out of the soil and eats it. I eat the chicken … if the fox doesn’t get it first and subject it to a horrible death. Every organism on earth dies or is killed at some point so that other organisms can live. This applies to plants as well – and what have vegetarians to say to those researchers who claim that plants feel fear? The first bit of bad news for the vegans is that they don’t live any longer than the rest of us. While still alive, their body is generally lacking iron, calcium, zinc, vitamins D and B12, riboflavin and very often protein as well. Unless our committed vegetarian stuffs his mouth with vitamin pills, he might not even live as long as the rest of us; could be miserable – and will never experience the pleasure of picking the last bit of meat off a T-bone. (Or from between his teeth!) So, we in the narrow-minded, biased, uninformed, prejudiced and nasty wing of the human race do concede that it is OK for our vegetarian friends to munch away on his lettuce leaf, as long as it’s OK for me to tease my palate with the crispy bits of beef from a succulent roast covered in mouth-watering gravy. ‘And now this …!’ Not only am I biased and prejudiced against veg-
ans, but I have to declare a vested interest here. I have a stake in the steak! Dexter beef is the best in the world and I am a producer. Today I was nominated as the Dexter representative on the Irish National Rare Breeds Society. Don’t Forget Having no food to eat will take your mind off other troubles. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
Butlins for Christmas: Costa Blanca-Costa Calida in 2020 Andrew Atkinson continues with Part 2 of single parent Rebecca Barrett - and her four young children’s Spanish ventures - in a Leader exclusive.
"I need not have worried. The journey was a dream - and the kids were so well behaved!.
"I always believe in myself - even when, sometimes, those closest to me don't," said Rebecca.
"We landed in beautiful sunny Spain, after leaving the freezing UK! We have an amazing 3 bedroom Villa - with a private swimming pool.
"People tell me I cannot do things - because I have four young children, but limitations only exist in your mind.
"And for less than what we paid for rent on our house in England. Let alone, all the bills on top!," said Rebecca.
"You can do anything - if you put your mind to it!," said Rebecca, who is spending Christmas and New Year with the family in the UK.
"We are loving every minute here, and we are all learning the Spanish language.
We are going to Butlins for Christmas, then we will return to Spain.”
"We are able to do what we love be outside - in the pool or on the beach and visiting some of the attractions. Rebecca’s Fab Four HAVING decided to home school her four young children and leave the UK rat-race behind - Rebecca Barrett turned to Spain, in a life changing decision. "There were times leading up to the big day - wondering if I was doing the right thing. "Would we like it. Would the kids resent me - and not be happy?," said Rebecca. "Would they be ok on the plane? I was literally going into the unknown - it was their first time we had travelled on an aeroplane," said Rebecca.
"We are doing daily home-schooling. Learning Spanish, which will really be a bonus for the children in speaking another language," said Rebecca. "We have taken in days where we have visiting historic places in Spain, benefitting the children’s education," said Rebecca. "I am a big believer that you only live once. You never know what's round the corner - so live life to the full - and enjoy it!," said Rebecca.
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Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Three ton cocaine bust By Andrew Atkinson
Spanish authorities in $121m submarine drugs 'sting' A submarine with three tons of cocaine that was being tracked by police is under surveillance after a $121m successful cocaine 'sting'. The submarine was intercepted off the North Spanish coast - with three tons of pure cocaine seized by police. It is believed to be the first narco submarine to cross the Atlantic Ocean with cocaine of $121 million from the 65-foot submarine. The submarine, intercepted in the north-western region of Galicia, Spain, lead to two Ecuador members of the three-person crew arrested by police - after they scuttled it. Two Ecuadorean nationals have been arrested, without bail. A man, reportedly Spanish, remains on the run. The submarine was tracked across the Atlantic from Colombia to Europe - a journey of 7,690 kilometers/4,778 nautical miles. Spanish authorities deem it the first time a submarine had been
Rain and gales made it difficult difficult for Police to bring the scuttled sub into port found to be used in drug trafficking in the country. Spanish police tracked the vessel, in co-ordination with International police, who reportedly learned of the submarine's route after it stopped off the coast of Portugal. The submarine, valued at approximately $2.7 million, had been monitored since November 15.
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ANSWERS Week 792 QUICK ACROSS: 3 Lucrative; 8 Bait; 9 Diligence; 10 Rocket; 11 Media; 14 Spent; 15 Spin; 16 Heath; 18 Vend; 20 Untie; 21 Tempt; 24 Duress; 25 Judicious; 26 Tiff; 27 Fertility. DOWN: 1 Obtrusive; 2 Miscreant; 4 Unit; 5 Raise; 6 Thesis; 7 Vice; 9 Death; 11 Meant; 12 Apathetic; 13 Intensify; 17 Humus; 19 Depict; 22 Phial; 23 Huge; 24 Dust. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 3 Stag party; 8 Pear; 9 Pestering; 10 Dolour; 11 Assam; 14 Wares; 15 Nice; 16 Yacht; 18 Rung; 20 Horse; 21 Argot; 24 Setter; 25 Endurance; 26 Goon; 27 Gold paint. DOWN: 1 Spadework; 2 Ballerina; 4 Tier; 5 Gates; 6 Airman; 7 Tank; 9 Pussy; 11 Ascot; 12 Migration; 13 Deterrent; 17 Three; 19 Ground; 22 Osaka; 23 Undo; 24 Scan.
Solution on Page 23 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12. 13. 15. 18. 19.
Immeasurably small (13) Christmas song (5) Public disorder (4) Repudiated (6) Speed (8) Yearning (7) He strives for the best (13) Miserly sum (8) Claspless bracelets (7) Woos (6) For the length of (5) Greedy (4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Joey 'Jaws' Chestnut recently broke his own world record at the annual hot dog eating competition in Coney Island. Plus or minus 4, how many hot dogs did he scoff down in 10 minutes? 2. In which European language does 'U bent heel stout' mean you have been very naughty? a. Bulgarian b. Albanian c. German or d. Dutch 3. The last person to be jailed in Britain under the Witchcraft Act was Helen Duncan. Plus or minus 40 years, when did this occur? 4. Where did Phileas Fogg begin and end his trip around the world? 5. In 1969 with 41 years and 45 days, who was the oldest seeded tennis player ever in the Gentlemen's Singles at Wimbledon? Clue, during the 1950s his serve and volley game was so potent the professional tour changed the rules of the game forbidding serve and volley until the return of serve had taken one bounce. 6. The following are large lakes in Europe. Name the country in which one can find these lakes: a: Lake Yssel. b: Lake Vattern, c: Lake Ladoga, d: Lake Balaton, e: Lake Garda 7. In which series of cartoons is Deux-Deux (pronouced Ju-Ju) an able assistant? 8. Who played 57 times for his country, scoring 44 goals, went on to be a football presenter on British television and collected his World Cup winners medal in 2009?
9. Shakespeare's Macbeth. "Double, double toil and trouble". With one word complete some of the tasty ingredients in the witches caldron. a. Eye of ........, b. Blind worm's ........, c. Tartar's ........, d. Baboon's ...... 10. Anthony Eden, Balmoral, Cocked, Greek fisherman's, Pork pie and Kepi are all examples of what? 11. Maleficent is the evil yellow eyed antagonist in which popular film? 12. Scharnhorst and Gneisenau excuded as they were considered to be Battlecruisers, name the two German Battleships in WWII. 13. What was the main activity in ancient Rome's Circus Maximus? 14. The 17th century French writer Charles Perrault was the so called 'father' of which literary genre? 15. Which ancient ruler was the son of Philip of Macedon and his wife Olympias? 16. Who was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross? 17. Measured in volume, which US building with 13.3 million cubic metres (472 million cu ft) is the largest in the world? 18. What is Boris Johnson's first name? 19. Which 'KM' wrote the Communist Manifest with Friedrich Engels in 1848? 20. What were the first names of 'The Kray Twins'?
lake in Central Europe), e: Italy (Largest lake in Italy). 7. The Inspector (the Pink Panther cartoons from DePatie-Frelang). 8. Jimmy Greaves. 9. a. Eye of newt, b. Blind worms sting, c. Tartar's lips, d. Baboon's blood. 10. Hats. 11. Disney's Sleeping
DOWN 1. Light punishment given by judge who’s a man of few words? (5,8) 2. Was gloomy concerning the vehicle (5) 3. A man from New Zealand (4) 4. It’s lucky to take a large number to the races (6) 5. Left it on a junction before examination of the shore (8) 6. Words on the river surface (7) 7. A sucker for housework? (6,7) 12. In which Chinese boats are stored? (8) 13. One liking to cause trouble in the kitchen (7) 15. Burn the new master (6) 18. Groups digging up tin in America (5) 19. As leaves do at the appropriate time over there? (4)
1. 68 !! 2. d, Dutch. 3. 1944 (M.I. thought she might reveal D Day secrets). 4. London. 5. Pancho Gonzales. 6. Answers: a: Netherlands (Largest lake in the Netherlands), b: Sweden, c: Russia (14th largest lake in the world), d: Hungary (Largest
ACROSS 1. Boy taking graduate to dance (5) 4. His cocktails are explosive (7) 8. Harps on about unfortunate children (7) 9. To get cross in charge is dangerous (5) 10. What Canute couldn’t control due to change of diet? (4) 11. Home for Hawaiian capitalists (8) 13. Hit a mollusc (4) 14. A roue in the garden? (4) 16. Small things knitters might make (8) 17. By which a reign may be measured? (4) 20. Lady of the manor? (5) 21. Great joy in breaking toenail (7) 22. Rank with an old mare, perhaps? (7) 23. One not winning different roles (5)
ACROSS 1. Bring upon oneself (5) 4. Evolve (7) 8. Desolate (7) 9. Ship (5) 10. Long river (4) 11. Define (8) 13. Upper rim (4) 14. Male deer (4) 16. Authorise (8) 17. Pudding ingredient (4) 20. Large juicy fruit (5) 21. Pasta dish (7) 22. Diminishes (7) 23. Figure (5)
Karl Marx. 20. Reggie and Ronnie Washington State. 18. Alexander. 19. Earhart. 17. Boeing Plant in Everett Alexander the Great. 16. Amelia Horse Racing. 14. The fairy tale. 15. Beauty. 12. Bismarck and Tirpitz. 13.
637 227 385
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
DIARY DATES: Torrevieja Carols in the Square Friday 13 December La Zenia Carols in the Boulevard at 6pm on Thursday 19 December
The band is looking for around five or six new members of any age or nationality but particularly trumpet, clarinet or violin
ith a number of major events on the horizon, including Torrevieja’s traditional Christmas opener ‘Carols in the Square’ on 13th December and the very first performance of ‘Carols in the Boulevard’ six days later on 19th December, the Royal British Legion Concert Band continues to build on its excellent reputation as it is in regular demand for both RBL and non-military engagements. The band, which was formed a little over a year ago, currently has 11 members and is looking to expand, particular with string instruments, so that it is able to provide a full concert offering. It now also has a classically trained singer in Valerie Lynch, and is looking for around five or six new members of any age or nationality that play any instrument, but particularly trumpet, clarinet or violin - although there are always vacancies for brass, woodwind and percussion musicians. The band has local roots evolving from the Alpengold Oompah -band, the Vega Baja Big Band, Just Brass and most recently the Phoenix Concert Band and now wants to add to the type of instruments so that it is able to offer a more 'concert' sound. Under the guidance of musical director David Last, the band rehearses every Tuesday at 4pm in the basement of the Sophia Wellness Centre at La Regia and plays a wide variety of music from songs from the musicals, marches, ballads, sing-along, novelty pieces as well as carols and hymns for special services and occasions.
Anyone interested in joining the band is welcome to call in and have an informal chat. Music readers are especially welcome, but lessons can be given, and being a friendly bunch, Royal British Legion Band members are happy to help 'rusty' players find their feet again and rediscover their musical passion. The band has most recently played at the Royal British Legion Poppy Launch in Benidorm and The Remembrance services at both Mil Palmeras and La Siesta Church. Following yesterday’s performance in support of the Pink Ladies Santa Walk in Zenia Boulevard, Its next engagement will be at the RBL Carol Service on Tuesday 10th December after which it will play at the Torrevieja ‘Carols in the Square’ celebration on 13th December, where the band will be joined by musicians from the Spanish Wind and Youth Band, the Crescendo and Studio 32 Choir and one or two other choirs that wish to join in the fun. The event is also held in memory of founder band member Bill Singleton, who died recently. Thereafter it will pay carols at Los Balcones Church on 16th December, starting at 6.30 pm and then the very first Christmas Carol Concert at Zenia Boulevard on Thursday 19th December which will get underway at 6pm. For more information call Graham Robinson on 0044 7724 064251 or email him at: robinsongraham256.googlemail .corn The Band also has a Facebook page 'Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain'
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1996.
Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:-
Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price,
choice and quality.
Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District BRnch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99 Royal British Legion, Torrevieja
RNA - The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanization, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on
Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506
637 227 385
Torrevieja Retired Activities Club meet on the third Wednesday in the month from 11-1pm at Marina Club Cafeteria, International Marina, Torrevieja. The joining fee is 10euros but you can attend one meeting or lunch before you join. For info phone Sandy Hollywood, President 698 266 696 or Jill Hayes, membership Secretary 672 983 019. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:
Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in
Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 English blonde (in 30s). Attractive, sexy & fun. Available Wednesday 12th – Monday 17th June. 603 232 872. Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799
637 227 385
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Help at Home Costa Blanca supporting Aidem While the principal work of the charity Help at Home Costa Blanca is, as the title says, to help people in their homes, they do much more.
PE to increase in schools By Andrew Atkinson Physical education is to be increased in Primary and Secondary schools within the Valencian Community. “Schoolchildren and young people should take at least sixty minutes of physical activity daily, combined with adequate food," said Rosa Menor, Parliamentary Group Ciudadanos Deputy for Alicante. "However, the time currently allocated to in Spain is much shorter and enters contradiction with the recommendations of the experts," said Rosa Menor. The increase in Physical Education activity was approved, at the initiative of the Parliamentary Ciudadanos Group. Physical Education in Primary and Secondary schools will increase, to up to three hours per week, in all the educational centres of the Valencian Community.
And the culmination of months of work in fundraising will conclude on December 10 at a cheque presentation ceremony for Adiem. This is an association which takes care of people with mental illness – anything from depression to those more serious problems. Their aim is to help individuals to be independent and for this purpose they rent two flats in Alicante, two in Orihuela and two in Torrevieja. Last
By Tony Mayes year Adiem bought a large house with five bedrooms, two of which are shared. Each bedroom has its own bathroom. There’s a communal kitchen where everyone helps prepare meals, a dining room and sitting room, a pool and garden that eventually will be a vegetable garden. They have all necessary planning permits to have an extension built with a further two bedrooms and bathrooms, so a further three people can be helped. There are social workers on site, to make sure everything runs smoothly.
The staff helps the residents to find jobs and build their self esteem. The cost of the extension is 18,500 euros. Sylvia Sakir, who is in charge of fundraising for the charity, pledged to raise 10,000 euros towards the project. The presentation of the cheque will be at the Emerald Isle in La Florida, on December 10 at 2pm, during a Christmas fair. This opens at 10am and continues until 4pm, with entertainment provided. The emphasis will be on Christmas fayre during the event, with stalls offering Christmas gifts and food much home prepared by the many charity volunteers. And if you want some typically Spanish items ideal for more unusual presents, then this event is the place to visit.
A budget in excess of 3.3 million euro has been awarded for the maintenance of roads on the coast The contract is for four years, extendable for another two years, and will ensure the efficient maintenance and repair of roads on the Oriolan coast. The full amount is 3,309,584.16 euros (VAT included) which has been awarded to Zaplana Caselles, SL.
Boost for Costa Roadworks
The mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, and the Councillor for Infrastructure, Ángel Noguera, said that "these works have been highly anticipated and much needed for many years in Orihuela Costa and will soon be a reality." Noguera added that all appeals have now been resolved and the planned works will begin shortly.
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Debbie’s Deal of the Week MATCH REPORTS
MATCH RESULTS FOR WEEK 9 - 28 NOVEMBER Division 1 Hi Life Legends Chemies Loungers Tipsy Toad Tiaras El Capitan
6-6 2-10 1-11 9-3
Trinity Pirates Tipsy Toad Toppers Ale House Lads Las Rosas Bullies
Division 2 Ale House Chicks Hub Hellraisers Pint Depot Jesters Trinity Panthers
7-5 4-8 5-7 0-12
Pint Depot Queens Hi Life Hi Ho Chemies Chicks CC's Flyers
Inter-Division Match Milos Bar
Hub Hyenas
El Capitan confirmed their table topping status against the spirited Las Rosas. The hosts checked out on all three triples plus two of the three available pairs to dominate the first half. Bullies only response by half time was through David Knighton and Terry Brindley. John Walker gained the " Caps " their sixth leg, Shane Dennes making it seven for triumph. Brindley added a second for the Bullies, John Bowden adding a third. Nigel Justice and Arold Klimonis increasing the score to 8-3 and 9-3 respectively, Justice recording 3 x 140, Walker hitting a maximum. Jem Gledhill and Walker were nominated for MOTM. A seven point gap, to include a twenty leg league table advantage, looked a "bridge too far" for the visiting Chicks from Chemies, in this week’s encounter with the Jesters of Pint Depot. The point difference now however, is just five, after a tremendous last leg victory by Sue Collins, to secure both points, over a dejected Graham Cahill. Collins had already accounted for two legs in the triples on D9 and D1, before Kerry Shopland had made it 1-3 on D9, Matt “Elvis" Cummins taking out the second triple. Pete Chesman and Elvis made it all square at the break.
John Walker
Division 1 El Capitan Hub Hyenas Las Rosas Bullies Tipsy Toad Toppers Ale House Lads Trinity Pirates Hi Life Legends Chemies Loungers Tipsy Toad Tiaras
P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
F 76 62 56 53 50 43 43 33 16
A 20 34 40 43 45 53 53 63 80
Pts 15 13 12 9 8 6 5 4 0
Division 2 CC's Flyers Milo's Bar Hi Life Hi Ho Pint Depot Jesters Trinity Panthers Chemies Chicks Hub Hellraisers Ale House Chicks Pint Depot Queens
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
72 30 61 54 48 36 35 26 25
20 65 35 42 48 55 61 64 71
16 13 11 10 8 5 4 4 1
NOTICE TO CAPTAINS DIVISION 1 ONLY (LEAGUE MATCHES) From and including this week’s matches (December 5th) please adhere to the following format change. Pairs matches are now to be ONE leg only of 601. Triples (3 legs of 701) and singles best of 3 501, remain unchanged. The P.L.L. Christmas mixed pairs is fast approaching, Paul Lock himself entering with partner Sonya Cooper. Entries will be closing for the event on December 19th at the New Tavern, San Miguel. Super prizes for the last 4 pairs, highest checkout, 180's and a grand raffle, will set the ball rolling for an amazing festive season. Entries to Euronics showroom El Galan asap, limited entries possible on the night.
Alan Marlow D14 got the Depot in front for the first time, Shopland D8 and Nikki Dean D12 reversing the lead. Cummins D13 made it all square with two to go. Andrea Kelly D6 ensured at least a draw, leaving the victorious Collins to earn both points and MOTM. Elvis deservedly won the Depot's MOTM plus some new "blue suede shoes". This week’s Inter League match pitched Milos hosting the Hub Hyenas, both teams comfortably near the top of their respective divisions. lt was however a low key affair, both sides preferring to celebrate the approaching tidings. Steve Formby or " Pepsi "as he is widely known hadn't forgotten it was a match, gaining doubles in the pairs and seeing off the Eastern European menace of Alex Nikolov in the singles.
637 227 385
Hisense American Fridge Freezer RS670N4HW1 NF 178x91 A+ ONLY 549 EURO
Try as they might, they could only put up meagre resistance, taking a total of 5 legs and 1 game despite some very impressive scoring from Pat Schofield in her singles against Captain Karl Mallinson, 4 tons and a D5 but alas a 1 - 2 defeat. Lesley Eagles chalked up a 140 and D1 in her pairs match and Captain Windy de Lacy used your flatulent super powers to get a 2 0 win over Glen in the Singles, Dario Silva was the most impressive Lad with 2 x140's and at least 4 tons, closely followed by gentlemanly Phil Husband who scoring and finishing were sublime. Thanks to Ben Lane for some chalking assistance. Hi Life Legends welcomed aboard Trinity Pirates. But with only 5 players and perhaps 1 in the brig, the Pirates gave no quarter and sailed through the first game with Martin Hastings finishing on a shipshape D8 for the visitors. Hi Life took the next 2 trebles as the Pirates were one man down in the second game despite the best efforts of MOTM Pirate Jeff Ward. The pairs also went 2-1 to Hi Life with Hi Life Guv´nor Gino Rouzee getting 2 double 16s. So at half time it was 4-2 to the home team. Suddenly Hi Life seemed to go all at sea after the rations were dealt out at half time as the Pirates fired a broadside and took 4 of the singles with Brian Nash winning 2 of them. Jolly Roger Phipps hooked one back for the home team and then MOTM Belgian prodigy Shana Van Nieuwenhoven saved the draw for Hi Life firing 3 shots over 120 and 2 doubloons D18, D16. So a 6-6 draw at the end of the battle.
Player Spotlight LESLEY DOLLING
Chemies Loungers score suggests this was an easy win for the Toppers but the men from Chemies pushed them all the way. Most legs came down to better finishing by the team from El Galan. It was close early on in the trebles before the three good wins gave the away team a commanding 5 – 1 lead at half time.
This week’s subject is the Spurs loving "Hellraiser" Lesley Dolling, who happens to have recently celebrated a landmark birthday. More than my life’s worth to divulge the number. Spending 10 years at the North London club was a great experience says the Watford born Tottenham fan. Lesley spent her time at the club as membership secretary, having daily contact with many of the " Lily White " greats, Glenn Hoddle, Steve Perryman and Ray Clemence to name a few.
The first match in the singles was a battle of the Grahams – White and Solomons – and in a close fought battle it just went the way of the man from Iceland (that’s the shop not the country). So 6 – 1 up and one leg needed and up steps new man Lee Seagrave to take the win. Once again he met stern resistance from Lounger’s captain Jimmy Mackay who went down guns blazing.
An apprenticeship stint at lager producer Heineken followed, where the skills of product testing, were to later prove vital. A lifelong fan with husband of 46 years Billy, he of "Loungers" fame, Lesley turns out for the Hub Hellraisers on Thursday evenings. Two children Will and Karen, plus grandchildren Emily and Ellie, make up the Dolling clan.
With the win secured the pressure was off and despite Billy Dolling taking a ‘man of the match’ win against Lee maiden, the rest of the legs were mopped up by the Toppers. A good night in a lovely bargood company and good food.
An avid novel reader Lesley lists chips, chocolate and vodka as her favourite tableside snacks whilst entrenching herself in either Holby City or a film classic such as Pretty Woman.
In case anyone is wondering where Formby's alias is attributed, he was dubbed due to being " dark and bubbly " by his soccer team mates. Now you know. A 3-9 result was highlighted in his teams highest out to date of 133 (T20, T19, D8) by Paul Durrant.
What seemed to be a million Ale House lads filed in for a showdown as the Tipsy Toad. Land Lady Lisa panicked and put on some more food straight away knowing that one plate of sarnies wouldn't cut it. Some new faces meant the Tiaras weren't sure what they were up against but they soon found out the hard way.
Having led a somewhat nomadic UK lifestyle with time in West London, Leicestershire and the North East, the amiable couple left on Christmas Eve 2015 for the sunny shores of the Costa Blanca. Spanish lessons have proved invaluable for Lesley whilst Billy is still catching up with Geordie.
637 227 385
SMGS at Vistabella. November 27th, 2019 An early start and glorious day saw 33 members and 5 guests find their way to SMGS’ monthly venue of Vistabella. The course was in excellent condition, with the badly storm damaged bunkers and waste areas seen during our previous visit now pretty much all repaired. The greens in particular were excellent. However, whilst scoring is usually very high at this venue, it was not so much the case today, with Mick Roscoe posting the day’s best points’ total of thirty-eight. Normans Cahill and Padmore and Tony Smale also bettered their handicaps. Interestingly a large number of those who had been in the prizes at Vistabella back in November produced again, including the two Normans, Mike Jordan, Mike Kaylor and Mike Greatorex. Horses for courses, but obviously here being called Norman or Mike helps!! The main reason for lower than normal scoring (although still pretty good) was most likely the often tricky pin positions. The majority of flags were positioned right at the front or back of greens. The thick grass found around many of these also contributed, making chipping difficult from close. Whilst there were many interesting shots played, shot of the day probably went to Alan MacDonald for leaving his ball high and dry on a little island of earth inside the water hazard of the 10th hole.
Lo Crispin Golf Society at La Finca On 27th. November, a good 'turnout' of 39 members made the relatively short journey to La Finca to play in an individual stableford competition. The sun was out, the breeze for the most part was slight, making conditions to play golf 'perfect'. Perhaps the scores did not wholly reflect this, but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Target golf at its best!! A doubles matchplay one-off game was held between the winner and runner-up of last season’s singles league division one against those of division two. Norman Cahill and Robin Eastman came out on top against Hugh Reilly and Phil de Lacy 3 and 1. The day’s prize winners were the following: Bronze Category: 4th Tommy Boyle (32), 3rd Mike Jordan (36), 2nd Norman Padmore (37) and 1st, with the day’s best score, Mick Roscoe with 38 points Silver Category: 4th Mike Kaylor (31), 3rd Noel Conellan (32), 2nd Scotty Philips (35) and 1st Dave Gibson with 36 points Gold Category: 4th Mike Greatorex (34), 3rd Paul Kelsall (35), 2nd Norman Cahill (37 on CB) and 1st President Tony Smale, also with 37 points Nearest the pins on par 3’s (Sponsored by Property Shop): Hole 2 Rob Fyfe, Hole 7 Denis Reilly, Hole 11 Kyree Skarsmoen, Hole 15 Hugh Reilly Abacus: Darren Strugnell Best Guests: Gareth Davies (35) beat Roddy Duncan (35) in to second place on countback Our thanks go to all Vistabella staff for their contribution to an enjoyable day. Next week we will be at Mar Menor. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Captain Phil de Lacy a call on 966 77 4197.
Gold Division: 1st. Place - Adrian Aspbury 28 pts. off 9 2nd. Place - Brian Coultate 26 pts. off 16 3rd. Place - Ian Stuart 25 pts. off 11 (on count back) Silver Division: 1st. Place - Alan Crain 27 pts. off 23 (on count back) 2nd. Place - Keith Rennison 27 pts. off 25. 3rd. Place - Frank Cusack 26 pts. off 28 N.T. P. on Par 3s - Hole 3 - Eddy Downing, Hole 6 - Dean Astley, Hole 13 - Brian Coultate, Hole 16 - Brian Coultate
The consensus was that the course was in a good condition and that the greens were 'fast'. Following the game we returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where the prizes were distributed and we were supplied with Tapas by the ever friendly and helpful staff.
Brian Coultate, Ian Stuart and Dean Astley shared the day's 2s. pot.
The winners were as follows :
Steve Harrington. (Membership and Hcap
The Free Game Draw was won by Mike Cutts. The penultimate game of the year at Roda on 11th. December, is also our last stableford of the year.
Members of the Upper Monclair CC, New Jersey, US, will be donning Santa suits for their annual Kris Kringle Open. Last year 160 players competed in the tournament in aid of local families and children in need. They collected hundreds of toys and raised over $20,000 at the after-golf party and raffle As long as Santa finishes his round before Christmas Eve. THIS YEAR'S PRESIDENTS CUP will be played on a combination of 12 holes from Royal Melbourne's 6645 yd. West Course and six holes from the 6579 yd. East Course. Dr. Alister MacKenzie's Royal Melbourne, on the famous Melbourne Sandbelt, is ranked No 5 in the world, and the West Course is Australia's No. 1.
AT THE 2019 WORLD GOLF AWARDS, held in Abu Dhabi, La Finca Golf and Spa Resort scooped 'Spain's Best Golf Hotel' prize. The winner of Spain's Best Golf Course was La Galiana Campo de Golf, Valencia. Colin Montgomerie was awarded Golf Course designer of the year, and also received the Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding contribution to golf. Judges obviously weren't around in Indonesia when his ball mysteriously relocated itself, or at Valderrama or Gleneagles when he stormed off the course, or at Winged Foot when he blew his top, leading him to be called “Crotchety Colin, the Incredible Sulk.” His Turkish golf courses are quite good though.
From December 12/15th Captain Tiger Woods's U.S. Team will take on Captain Ernie Els's International team in match-play. There is no prize money, players allocate an equal portion of the funds generated to their chosen charities. The International team, who have never taken the Cup quite as seriously as their opponents, will include four rookies, whereas Tiger's title-holders will consist of some big guns including Iron Man (Dustin Johnson) and Captain America (Patrick Reed) and they all intend to Win or Die Trying. The host country won't give a XXXX who wins, apart from cheering on their home grown talent, Marc Leishman and Adam Scott. The only thing missing from the President's Cup will be – the President. Mr. Trump wanted to present the trophy again, but when he found it was in Melbourne Australia and not Melbourne Florida decided against it.
PETE COWEN CHIPPING TIP: “One of the biggest faults I see is people standing too far away from the ball, having little control of the butt end of the club. If the butt travels too far back or forward when chipping and pitching, it causes the bottom of the arc to change which causes inconsistencies. If you minimise the movement your consistency will improve.”
TIGER WOODS WAS a celebrity long before he appeared on the PGA Tour. On October 6, 1978 two-year old Tiger appeared with his father Earl on The Mike Douglas Show, displaying his golf skills off an artificial turf mat. The Tiger Cub also appeared on the “That’s Incredible” show at the age of 5. However talented you are it helps to have pushy parents.
Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. Tel. 638 859 475.
AT THE ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP in Japan last month Woods finished his weatherdelayed week with a birdie at the 72nd hole for a three-stroke victory over Hideki Matsuyama. It was his 82nd triumph on the PGA Tour and matched Sam Snead on the all-time victory list. Six year old Woods actually played two holes with Snead in 1982. “I remember hitting the ball into a creek, playing it out of the water and making bogey,” Woods laughed. “Then I bogeyed the last and he went par-par. The only time I ever got a chance to play with Sam Snead, I was 2-down through two!”
I consistently follow Pete Cowen's tips, especially at La Serena, but sadly my ball still consistently ends up in a lake. Just to say a heartfelt thank you to all the golf society members on the Orihuela Costa who have come up trumps once again, contributing in excess of €8,000 to this year's Royal British Legion Poppy Golf Appeal. Until next time: Happy Golfing, and a very Happy Christmas and New Year to you all.
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Vistabella Bowls Club By MonteStan Another good start to the week with The Albatrosses at home to the San Luis Trekkers taking them to the cleaners with a 14 – 0 win and 124 shots to 70. The Drivers (Discovery Div.) away to the Emerald Ilse Moonrakers, had a comfortable 4 – 10 win with 88 shots to 102 a very good result taking them to 5th. in the league table. The Eagles (Voyager Div) away to El Rancho Raiders battled well but to go down 6 – 8 shots 109 to 84.
Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven.
Emerald Isle Bowls
How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends.
The Titans began the week with an away game at Greenlands Maples, and they had a good 9-5 win, aggregate of 98-88. Winners were A Miles K Jolliffe A M Robertson 19-9, P Rhodes C Smyth M Odell 19-11, S Kavanagh G Odell D Close 1713, D Jones J Gregory J Pooley got a 14-14 draw
Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins or Charlie Watkins
By Elywyn Morris
The Neptunes played at home against La Marina Pathfinders and got a great 10-4 aggregate 136-63 Winners E Morris J Loughran S Elvin 30-11, M Riley J Westall P Dix 28-8, L Freeman B Elderd E Bennett 27-6 C Parsons H Rhodes T Roche 26-8 Moonrakers were at home against Vistabella Drivers and slipped to a 4-10, aggregate 88-102 defeat. Winners were L Harris B Smith T Upham 26-10, B Taylor G Dyer M Willicott 20-13 Saturns played away at Greenlands Beech and had a good 8-6 aggregate 115-100 win, winners were K John J Mcgregor E Sheppard 23-14, M Brookes G Digby E Brookes 25-11, M Elliott J Elliott P Creswell 24-17 Wednesday took the Isle to Quesada in the Winter League and a bad day all round going down 0-12 and with the Berleen losing as well.
Vistabella Drivers in the Winter sunshine at the Emerald Isle
Horadada Bowls Club by Irene Graham It is a pleasure to be reporting for Horadada BC once again, albeit a one off.
and CB 130. Most of our team stayed for a buffet lunch which was much needed after a pleasant morning’s bowling.
On Wednesday, under sunny, blue, wind free skies with temperatures in the upper 20’s, we travelled to Country Bowls to play them in a friendly.
There was a good selection of food and a lot of happy chat amongst the bowlers. All in all everyone enjoyed the day and the company, even although some of the bowling left a lot to be desired. I am referring to my own rink when I say that.
The match as the name suggests was very friendly indeed and also a somewhat close one. We won on some rinks and lost on others but the total shots went in our favour. HBC 138 shots
Our thanks goes to Dennis Wade (Country Bowls) and Fred Trigwell (Horadada BC) for organising the event and to the staff of Country Bowls for their services.
Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club Sponsored by The Pub, Bowling Abroad, Avalon, Lounge D, Rogers, La Piazza and The Belfry. Friday saw the Toreadors travelling to La Siesta to play the Golds. The game was played on a wet and miserable morning. Monte Mar won on two rinks, well done to Julia Hamilton, Peter Morley skip Ian Hamilton and Jan Soars, Cindy Bedford skip Joan Harding. Shots 105 – 115, Points 4 – 10 Monday saw the Toreadors again travelling to La Siesta to play the Pioneers. It was a lovely sunny afternoon again the Toreadors won on two rinks. Well done to Ken White, Cindy Bedford skip Howie Williams and Jan Soars, Colin Bedford skip Joan Harding. Shots 93 – 115, Pts 4 – 10 The Matadors were at home to the Picadors, although there was some close games the Matadors only managed to win on one rink. Well done to Lynne Armitage Danny King skip Ronnie Cairns Shots 87 – 111, Points 2 – 12 At home again against the El Ranco Pintos. We won on three rinks and drew on one, well done to the winning teams of Tanya Oliver, Len Counsel skip Phil Goble, Jack Burrell, Danny King skip Ronnie Cairns, Mike Farrelly, Margaret Finlayson skip Graham Smythe and the drawing team Gina Hindle, Jan Gatward skip David Eades. Shots 103-102, Pts 9 – 5 WINTER LEAGUE - After a long journey to Javea the result wasn't good for Monte Mar, although three rinks had close games we lost on all rinks. The match was played in good spirit and the members of Javea made us very welcome. Shots 73 – 103. Pts Monte Mar 0 – 12 Javea. We played a rearrange match at Bonalba. It was a good mornings bowling played in lovely sunshine, Monte Mar won on three rinks and drew on one rink. A good result for Monte Mar, well done. Shots 88 – 67 Points 9 – 3 For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at We are also on facebook.
Cavaliers played at San Luis Lions and they got a good 7-7 aggregate 94-104 draw, winners were S Johnson D Close C Lindgren 20-8, P Heaney C Smyth J Smyth 16-14, A Miles M Veale A M Robertson 24-20, S Kavanagh M Breen D Gerrard got a 17-17 draw The Claymores played at home against Vistabella Picadores and had a fine 12-2, aggregate of 11376, winners were E Morris C Parsons S Elvin 24-10, H Rhodes
El Rancho Bowls Club Monday morning found the Pintos at Montemar playing the Matadors as always a very pleasant experience. The match was close all round with the Pintos taking 2 rink with a further rink drawn, whilst 2 of the losing rinks was by just 1 shot, ending with the overall shots going Matadors way, again by 1 shot. A very good away result. Ann C Taylor, Denise Morgan and Bob Morgan 25-13. Bob Day, Mick Cox and Jim Gracie 20-20. Sheila Cox, Diane Yates and Richard Lee 21-14. Barbara Jones, Malc Sykes and Bob Taylor 14-15. Irene Thomson, John Richards and Eddie Thomson 10-28. Geoff Jones, Sarah Taylor and Jim Taylor 12-13. Meanwhile the Raiders played host to Vistabella Eagles, both teams taking 3 rinks, whilst Raiders lost a further rink by just the one shot and also took the overall shots. A good result against a good opponent. Sue Ziepe, Ann Abbott and Steve Ziepe 5-20. Gaynor John, Bryan John and Brian Harris 14-18. Gary Dunstone, Gill Bartlett and Rob Clark 24-10. Helen Hayward, Paul Durham and Ron Greenstreet 27-8. David Baker, Debbie Ham and Adrian Ham 25-13. Brian Gilham, Shirley Edwards and Dave Haynes 14-15. On Friday morning the Broncos entertained La Marina Seagulls and although taking just the one rink, they played some good bowls and hopefully had a good time, but sometimes you are just up against a stronger team. Just enjoy the company and take pleasure in your chosen pastime. In the afternoon the Mustangs played the Oaks at Greenlands in a pretty balanced match, though the score didn’t reflect that. The score went with the home advantage, with the oaks taking 5 rinks, but we really enjoyed the match and company. Further membership info Sheila Cox at
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M Whitelock P Dix 25-15, A Brown L Vincent G Ponsford 19-11, M Riley J Loughran T Roche 1611, L Freeman B Eldred E Bennett were leading 22-6, when play was stopped as opposition player was ill Roundheads played at home against Greenlands Elms and they slipped to a 4-10 aggregate 88-103 defeat, winners were J Elliott M Elliott J Bright 23-11, D Martin A Gower G Smith 19-9 Outlaws travelled to San Luis Swans and came away with a fantastic 10-4 aggregate of 115-109 win, winners were L Harris K Holliman T Upham 38-9, V Cameron G Dyer B Taaffe 22-14, B Taylor S Wickens T Harris 18-16 S Simpson B Smith M Willicott 17-16 If you are fed up of Christmas Shopping why not come bowling for 2 hours on Sat afternoons at 1pm, Coaching Bowls Shoes supplied all for 5
SOUTHERN LEAGUE - Friday 29th November DIVISION A Mazarron Miners Greenlands Oaks La Marina Sharks San Luis Lions San Miguel Bulldogs Vistabella Lanzadores
97 (6) 130 (12) 81 (2) 104 (7) 110 (8) 119 (10) P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
San Luis Lions Emerald Isle Cavaliers Vistabella Lanzadores Quesada Swallows El Rancho Mustangs La Marina Sharks Greenlands Oaks San Miguel Bulldogs San Luis Tigers Mazarron Miners
San Luis Lions (8) El Rancho Mustangs (2) Mazaron Miners (12) Em Isle Cavaliers (7) Quesada Swallows (6) San Luis Tigers (4) W 27 30 28 26 23 21 19 18 19 17
D 5 1 3 4 2 2 0 4 2 1
L 16 17 17 18 23 25 29 26 27 30
Diff 123 127 157 123 -69 -128 4 -82 -78 -177
99 95 122 94 93 85
Pts 73 70 69 64 58 50 46 46 44 38
DIVISION B Em Isle Claymores Greenlands Cedars La Manga Crusaders La Siesta Blues Montemar Toreadors
113 93 175 87 75
San Miguel Boxers Country Bowls Geckos La Siesta Blues Emerald Isle Claymores Vistabella Picadors La Siesta Golds La Manga Crusaders Montemar Matadors Greenlands Cedars Montemar Toreadors
(12) (7) (8) (4) (3)
Vistabella Picadors La Siesta Golds Montemar Matadors C Bows Geckos San Miguel Boxers
(2) (6) (4) (10) (11)
P 8 7 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8
W D 30 2 26 2 24 2 24 1 24 2 23 1 21 1 21 2 19 2 14 1
Pts 74 65 60 57 56 53 51 48 45 30
L Diff 16 177 14 139 22 34 23 -61 22 49 24 3 20 114 25 -182 27 -77 33 -196
76 92 64 118 111
DIVISION C El Rancho Broncos Em Isle Roundheads Quesada Swans San Luis Jaguars Vbella Conquistadors
85 88 109 102 103
La Marina Seagulls Quesada Swans Emerald Isle Outlaws Greenlands Elms Country Bowls Cubs El Rancho Broncos Greenlands Ash Emerald Isle Roundheads San Luis Jaguars Vistabella Conquistadors
(2) (4) (4) (8) (6)
La Marina Seagulls (12) Greenlands Elms (10) Em Isle Outlaws (10) Greenlands Ash (6) Country Bowls Cubs (8)
P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
W 35 33 31 29 17 19 15 19 16 17
D 3 0 1 3 2 0 4 2 3 0
L 10 15 16 16 29 29 29 27 29 31
Diff 264 289 165 134 -112 -168 -194 -129 -107 -142
Pts 87 80 76 71 42 42 40 39 38 34
125 103 115 91 104
637 227 385
La Marina BC by Barry Latham In the Discovery Div the Pathfinders lost their way when playing E. I. Neptunes and discovered that the opposition were the better team and we lost 10 – 4. Luckily the Joynes´s and the Lowe´s helped their rinks to collect the four points. So well done Dave Taylor, Desna Lowe and Lesley Joynes who won 16 – 12 and Mick Lowe, Dave Joynes and Jean Tregoing who had a tight game winning by one. In the Enterprise Div the Explorers playing the San Miguel Beagles at La Marina weren´t that enterprising as they lost 10 – 4. We had one winning rink with the veteran Alan Castle skipping Phil Pape and Ron Maiden to a 20 – 14 win. Our two other points came from two draws. Similar scores Shirley Hadaway, Margaret McLaughlin and Kathy Manning drew 14 all while Cliff Rawlinson, Wendy Latham and Steve Douglas drew 16 each. Come the Winter League, came some problems. So thank you Margaret McLaughlin, Dave O´Sullivan, Mike Lowe, Tom Spencer and at the eleventh hour Marilyn Pape straight from her shower. Hope everyone has read our Captain´s email and answered it. We need to keep in the Winter League and all the other leagues but we can´t do
Carp-R-Us Fishing Carp-R-Us kicked of their Winter Series on the Nancys stretch, Guardamar. This was the first time this venue had been used for a match since the devasting floods in September and many of the old pegs had disappeared. We did manage to accommodate nine anglers
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
it without YOU. Much to our delight playing at home against San Miguel we won 8 – 4. Dave O`Sullivan, Shirley Hadaway, Margaret McLaughlin and the AnnE Stone won 17 – 13. Tom Spencer, Phil Pape, Roger Stacey and Marilyn Pape won 15 – 10. Best winners were Don Fowkes, Garth Slater, Jean Fowkes and Kathy Manning 18 – 7. Unfortunately I had to drop out but I have to say our skip Mike Stone had a great game, got Fred worried. The Sharks got their teeth knocked out when they played the Mazarron Miners who were bottom of the league and we lost 12 – 2. One winning rink with skip Cliff Rawlinson, Wendy Latham (I´ll do the washing up) and Kathy Manning 21 – 16. On the other hand in Div C the Seagulls dive bombed El Rancho Broncos winning by 40 shots. Second in the League at the start of the day so well done Dave Hadaway, Bernie Carr and Mike Fitzgerald winning 22 – 17. Mike Lowe, Tony Langford and Jean Tregoing winning 19 – 12. Garth Slater, Paul Tregoing and Desna Lowe won 19 – 10. Dave O´Sullivan, David Joynes and Lesley Joynes won 17 – 12 while John Morgan, Dave Taylor and Lorita Rae had very satisfying 34 – 7 win. and almost all caught, but the fishing was not great. First was Steve Fell with 4.36kg, with Richard Crawshaw second with 4.16kg. Roy Dainty was third with 1.42kg and Tom Marshall fourth with 1.14kg. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
San Luis Bowls by Sheila Cammack
After the chill of last week, this week was different again; back to discarding the thermals (unless you wanted to overheat!) and the waterproofs and looking for the shade between ends. South Alicante League, SL Klingons useful points 8-6, 103 shots-91 away v Quesada Pearls. Winners: Kevin McKenna, June & Keith Jones 2014, Kath Reid, Ray Clarke, Scott Malden 25-12, William Holtham, Sabrina & Russ Marks 22-7. SL Trekkers, away v Vistabella Albatrosses, a frustrating result 0-14, 70 shots-124. SL Galaxies, home v Greenlands Chestnuts, 4-10, 95-115. Winners: Chris Phillips, Chris Lythe, Neil Cox 17-13, Val Lever, Tom Fromson, Dave Tilley 27-7. WINTER LEAGUE, as expected a close fought match, away v El Cid: 6 points-6, 80 shots-79. Winners: Ann Holland, Bill Webb, Pam Lockett, Scott Malden 15-14, Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Neil Morrison, Peter McEneany 22-9. El Cid has No Berleen team. Southern League Thursday 28th November SL Lions, away v Mazarron Miners, postponed match (played this time on a beautiful, sunny afternoon) close fought to the last end, shots 99-97 8points-6.
La Siesta BC by “Rookie” Alan Carr In Division B the Blues were entertained by San Miguel Boxers and achieved wins on two rinks; Barbara Cooper, Norman Adcroft & George Richardson (22-10). Dawn Taylor, Tricia & Pat Reilly (21-15). Another point was picked up by Skip Edward’s team for a deserved draw, the Blues just missed out in getting the overall points (Shots 98-101) lost 5-9. The Golds after their recent bad results gained a well-deserved home win against Montemar Toreadors 10-4 (Shots 115-105). Three rinks were won with a bit in hand by ; Ken Stringfellow, Pat Moore & Sue Jordan (26-11). Bill Jordan, Noel Morrisroe & Jim Eastwood (20-12). Hilary Clarke, Ann Edgerton & Alan Mawer (25-18), and Alan Carr, Rod Edgerton & Ken Dullaway were level going into the last end, where they placed a shot on the jack to win the game (14-13). The Apollos played host to San Miguel Alsatians in the Enterprise Division, where a couple of games went very close, ending three games apiece and not much in the overall (Shots 100-104) lost 6-8; Winning teams; Dave Davies, Florence Edwards (replaced by Pat Harman end 5) & Mike Edwards (24-9). Pat Malden, Derek Biggs & Brian Fraser (20-16). Ann & Robert Heath, Vic
Winners: Kevin McKenna, Bill Webb, Ray Clarke 27-8, Ann Holland, Sheila Cammack, Peter McEneany 16-14, Helen Hammond, Keith Phillips, Scott Malden 17-16, Friday 29th November SL Lions, home v EI Cavaliers a real nip & tuck game, shots 104-94, 7points-7. Winners: Margaret Morrison, Pam Lockett, Neil Morrison 17-17, Kath Reid, June & Keith Jones 20-11, William Holtham, Giuseppe Galelli, Peter McEneany 25-5. SL Tigers, away v Vistabella Lanzadores 4points 10, 95 shots-119. Winners: Joe Kocsis, Ralph Jones, Lyndon Johnson 27-7, Judy Carroll, Robert Hicks, Derrick Cooper 16-15. SL Jaguars home v Greenlands Ash, a good result; points 8-6, 102 shots-91. Winners: Irene Everett, Vic Slater, Tom Fromson 15-13, Pat Tilley, Chris Lythe, Dave Tilley 18-7, Stephen Harfield, Mary Fromson, Steve Rossiter 29-10. We are a competitive but friendly club; you're welcome to join in "Vic's hamper" 10:00/10:30 on Saturday mornings (check chalkboard outside the office & the calendar). For more information & calendar, see SLBC website at: We welcome new & experienced bowlers; come along & see us. For more info June Jones, Club Captain: 691 903 773. Mahomet (22-21). For the second time within a week La Siesta welcomed Montemar Toreadors (Voyager Division) for a sunny afternoon game against the Pioneers finishing once again 10-4 (Shots 115-93). Three of the rinks ended with only one shot separating them. Rink winners; Sheila Millward, Irene & Dave Laverick (29-14) {who went within one for a Hotshot}. Alan Carr, Ann Edgerton & Ken Dullaway (20-10). Tom Heaslewood, Catherine & Noel Morrisroe (19-18). Jo Elkin, Ken Stringfellow & Alan Mawer (16-15). Greenland’s in the Winter League was the venue for La Siesta, where it ended 6-6 (Shots 82-86). Wins from; Kathleen Morrisroe, Pat & Tricia Reilly & Mike Edwards, always in front (22-15). Wendy & Alan Ralph, Pat Harman & Brian Fraser, well played (17-14). Barbara Cooper, Pat Moore, Noel Morrisroe & Sue Jordan. Noel played a fabulous wood to secure the win (15-13). Unfortunately for skip Richardson’s team four shots were conceded on the final end to lose by one (17-!8). Good result. Interested in joining this friendly club, just call Jim or Lyn on 690190523 or pop in and talk to the President (George) or Club Captain (Sue).
San Miguel Bowls Club - Barry Jones On Monday all three teams got off to a flying start by winning, San Miguel Dalmations were home to Quesdada Diamonds and won 12 - 2 (126 shots to 78) best winning triple were Joyce Reeves, Bill Reeves and Bob Donnelly 30 - 7. San Miguel Beagles were away La Marina Explorers winning 10 4 (108 shots to 84) best winning triple were Cliff Plaisted, Val Hignet and Steve Cantley 30 - 15 San Miguel Alsations were away to La Siesta Apollos winning 8 6 (104 shots to 100) best winning triple were Jan Farmer, Bill Brownley and Cyril Medley 26 - 10. On Friday San Miguel Bulldogs were home to Quesada Swallows winning 8 - 6 (110 shots to 93) best winning triple were Jan Farmer, Mike Bayfield and John Staden 25 - 8 San Miguel Boxers were away to Montmar Toreadors winning 11 - 3 (111 shots to 75) best winning triple were Jack Jackson, Jim Jarvey and Frank Scotthern 29 - 11. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1:30 for 2:00 - €5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and woods available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1:45. For further info contact the President Stuart Hemmings on 965 72 0461, or the Secretary Gail Willshire on 965 020492.
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Marabu Golf Society In association with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services at El Valle on 28th November 2019. For this month’s meeting a group of 23 players visited the established course at El Valle taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The weather was beautiful and the course in superb condition but played hard for many of our members with fast, undulating greens and deep bunkers. The winning Scores were as follows: Gold Division - 1st – Mike Probert – 32 points, 2nd – Kim Dixon – 29 points Silver Division: 1st – Colin McDonald – 29 points, 2nd – Bill Fantom – 26 points Bronze Division: 1st – Terry Moseley - 21 points, 2nd – Rod Allen – 21 points Nearest the Pins – Probert , Conway, Thursfield and Pardoe Football Card – Bill Fantom Dog of a Day – Jack Fanning We returned to Edina’s Bar and Grill in Dona Pepa for the presentation and a snack Our next fixture is Christmas Competition at Las Colinas on 12th December 2019 followed by the interim game at Vistabella on 26th December 2019. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or at our web-site at
Mike Probert talks Golf (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs). Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN? For those of you that follow these golf articles you will know that I have explained on numerous occasions that our Spanish golf course hosts all operate a ‘seasonal pricing policy’ which means that prices of green fees rise and fall throughout the year with March, April, May, September, October and November typically being the high season prices and the other months being the low season periods when prices are at their lowest. The good new is that from the 1st December 2019 the winter low season period kicks in so fill your boots while you can. Try and get golf booked in December because as from the 1st January 2020 all the local courses will increase their prices, including the low season prices and you can expect to see increases of 7%8% on many local courses. You may be tempted to book directly on line with the courses because their web-page prices look attractive but be aware that these are not usually the course prices but those of an internet booking organisation and the prices that you initially see are not those that you pay because they add their commission at the bottom of the transaction just as you are about to pay and exit the transaction. After you add their commission and high credit card charges their prices are usually higher than many of your local agents. Why not support your local agents who have
Country Bowls Club Dennis Wade, John Mallet & Den Birkett
The weather was beautiful, the bowling was great & the company was exceptional. Such was the case, that Horadada asked if Country Bowls would like a return match in the new year. The answer of course is ‘yes’.
The Geckos knew that they were in for a tough game and went with a grim determination to come away with a result.
This match was organized with the view to help keep Horadada on the map.
Every game was hard fought and the Geckos at the finale were losers on two rinks but victors on four rinks. With a points advantage of 118 Gecko and 87 to La Siesta the Geckos won by 10-4.
The future is uncertain for this club and any publicity is a plus. The day finished with a lovely buffet and a few drinks with Horadada celebrating their win. Well done everyone. On Friday the Cubs were off to Vista Bella to play against the Conquistadors. Great result for the Cubs, winning 8 – 6, 104 – 103.
For more information please visit our site
Founders Shield Format - Week 12 12 - 11 14 - 10 13 - 9 8 - 12
Primadonnas Friendly Temps Macklin’s D Mix Racing Toast
Highest Checkouts: Pam Horton 98, Mitch Halliday 89, Annette Dobson 79, Val Millar ....... Least Darts: Bliss Wright 23 .....180’s Gail
So it was La Siesta that went home with the 'Blues' and the Geckos with another winning smile. Well done to the Geckos.
Torrevieja Darts Ladies Org Friendly Chicas Wildcats Gap Ladies Black Dog Ladies
637 227 385
The match was played in great spirit and the score indicates how close it was. Well done. Country Bowls Geckos travelled to La Siesta to play their match, La Siesta Blues are one of the top three teams in the league and are battling for the top spot with the Geckos and San Miguel.
On Wednesday we welcomed Pilar de la Horadada for an extra special friendly match.
Murray, 171’s Eileen Rood x2 Hot Darts: Angela Mullen 140, Pat Woods 134, Pat Schofield 133, Elaine Willis, Marylyn Jackson, Christine Simmonds 131, Simone de Lacy 130, Simone de Lacy 127 x 2, Sue Bradley 127, Ellie Attwood 125, Gail Murray 122, Sue Wade 119, Sue Casey 116, Shirley Stephenson 114, Caroline Shepherd 112, Ellie Attwood 110, Pam Horton 108, Margaret Boden 104, Groa Bryndis 103, Bliss Wright 100 x 2, Ellie Attwood 100, Margaret Boden, Angela Mullen, Pat Woods Ladies, don’t forget to submit your entries for the ‘Ladies League Memorial Shield Dedicated to
the memory of those departed’. Competition is on 17th December and all entries by 4th please. LEAGUE TABLE Gap Ladies Macklin's Dolly Mixtures Primadonnas Racing Toast Friendly's Temps Black Dog Ladies Friendly's Chicas Wildcats at Macklin's
P 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Prs 49 41 41 38 36 24 35 35
Sgle 94 85 75 77 76 66 54 51
Pts 43 26 116 115 112 90 89 86
invested a considerable amount of time and money to support you all year around rather than a ‘faceless’ business operated out of an office Madrid or Barcelona. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you: Golf Course Price Comments Alenda €134 Two & Buggy Alicante €84 Two & Buggy Altorreal €120 Two & Buggy Bonalba €116 Two & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €114 Two & Buggy El Plantio €84 Two &Buggy Font Del Llop €92 Single & Buggy GNK Golf Courses €146 Two & Buggy (El Valle,Riquelme & La Torre) La Finca €128 Two & Buggy La Manga West €75 Single Green Fee La Marquesa €36 Single Green Fee La Serena €40 Single Green Fee Las Colinas €164 Two & Buggy Las Ramblas €104 Two & Buggy Lo Romero €144 Two & Buggy New Sierra Golf €82 Two & and Buggy Roda €130 Two & Buggy UGolf Courses €146 Two & Buggy (Saurines & Hac. Del Alamo) Villamartin €110 Two & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €57 Single & Buggy Vistabella €92 Two & Buggy For Bookings and more information contact Mike at or direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 quoting reference LEADER.
Ex-footballer Sean who helped raise £15,000 in walk to Spain, for disabled to visit Lourdes, dies ager Brian Clough in 1976, and went on to play for Preston North End, Crewe Alexandra, York City and Torquay United. In a statement, Stoke City said: "The club offers sincere condolences to Mr Haslegrave’s family and friends at this extremely sad time." Stoke born Haslegrave made 146 appearances for Stoke City, during 1970-1976. During 1977-81; and made over 100 appearances for my home city club Preston North End. Upon retiring Haslegrave returned to Preston to coach the Youth team and became Director of the club's Centre of Excellence at Deepdale. On leaving Preston he became Head Coach at Cardinal Newman College in Preston. Sean setting out on his charity walk from Cardinal Newman College
Haslegrave held a UEFA (A) coaching badge and was a representative of Anglo-Deities United, a Lancashire-based Charity for the elderly.
FORMER footballer Sean Haslegrave, who walked 1,500 miles to Spain for Charity in 2012, has died following an undisclosed illness, aged 68.
Haslegrave was Clough's first signing at Forest. Haslegrave was playing for Stoke in a UEFA Cup tie against Ajax, a game Clough attended, later signing him for £50,000.
Midfielder Haslegrave played for Stoke City in the seventies, alongside Denis Smith: "The last time I saw Sean was about six months ago at a function at Stoke - he wasn't himself.
Haslegrave, who met Clough at a Travel Lodge on the M6, putting pen to paper, said: "Brian Clough was one of the greatest managers in Europe. A legend."
"It's such a comparatively young age. He did that tremendous Charity walk to Spain," said Smith.
On his career, Haslegrave said: "Coming from a Council estate, to becoming a professional footballer. I thought I had died - and gone to heaven.
Haslegrave was signed by Nottingham Forest man-
637 227 385
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019
Hard work finally pays off for Thader Rojales Lloyd was suffering with bronchitis on the bench, whilst Rafa Gomez was still missing through injury, although Rafa was back from suspension. Straight from kick off, Sergio Galvez was required to make an important save, as the visitors looked threatening. The game went a bit flat until Benidorm's keeper Hector saved well with his legs from a fierce drive by Cabrera. A perfect cross from the left by Calderon set up Jose for a simple tap in, but alas he sliced the ball wide, although Thader were looking good. Midway through the half, it took a majestic save from Sergio to deny Yoel opening the scoring for Benidorm. Just before the interval, Cabrera found himself with space, but his powerful drive lacked accuracy, failing to trouble a relieved visiting keeper Hector. On the hour mark, Moha found himself 1 on 1 with Sergio, but Benidorm's striker lacked composer by shooting wide. Next it was Thader full back Vicente who tried his luck from distance, which had it not been deflected, would almost certainly have found its way into the back of the net. An inch perfect assist by Nino found Dani, who with just 1 touch, unleashed a glorious drive past a shell shocked keeper to open the scoring. The relief was apparent on both Thader fans and players alike, but could they hold out? Joaquin Mas was then cautioned for dissent, before immediately being shown a red card for simply asking why! Standing next to Thader's manager, I was gobs-
CD Thader...............1 CFC Benidorm......... 0
hen Thader beat title favourites Villajoyosa some 6 games ago, no one would have thought that they would have gone on a barren run stretching to the start of December. Thankfully that unwanted run is now over, courtesy of a much needed late goal by Dani, which clinched a nail biting match against CFC Benidorm. Following a ladies match between Thader and Elche, this preferente league match took centre stage at the artificial pitch in Rojales. Benidorm arrived for the game deprived of 3 key players, for they were involved in a car crash during the week. Thader manager Joaquin Mas was dealt a blow when midfielder Borja injured himself in the warm up, leaving Cabrera to take his place.
Torrevieja Winter Pool By Andrew Atkinson The Torrevieja Winter Pool league produced some nail biting games - in all three divisions - in narrow 54 victories in week 6 of the season. In division one Fire Station Green Watch ground out a 5-4 win against visitors Sports Bar. Dubliners mirrored their 5-4 success against Santa A; Britannia A chalked up a 5-4 win at Casa Ventura, with Murphy's returning a 5-4 win away at Iglesias A.
Cox suffered a 1-0 home defeat against leaders Santa Pola CF.
CF Popular Orihuela defeat Alguena CF By Andrew Atkinson, Chief Sports Editor
Vista racked up a 5-4 win against Perro Negro 4, with Britannia B narrowly losing 4-5 against Mi Sol. Terreza (bye).
Torrevieja CF gained a 3-1 home win against third place CF Sporting Albatera.
Torrevieja CF
In division three The Oasis defeated Irish Abbey 5-4; Micky's Bar defeated Marina Bar 6-3, and RT2 gained a comfortable 6-3 win at home against Courtyard B.
CF Popular Orihuela gained a narrow 1-0 victory at home against Alguena CF in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 on Saturday. However, the shock result of the weekend was third top Hondon Nieves C conceding four goals in a 4-3 away defeat against 14th placed CF Castalla.
Santana B chalked up a narrow frame home 5-4 win against Porterhouse. JP's (bye).
Callosa Deportivo and Racing San Miguel shared the points in a goalless draw. CD
ALFIE’S GOLF SOCIETY By Wayne Stevenson 32 members and guests travelled to La Finca GC to compete for the Committee Cup. There is a lot of work and money being put into this golf course to improve what was already a great experience for all golfers. The weather and course were perfect and the only thing that stopped us from scoring well was the lightning fast greens. Runner up in the Gold Division was Ian Ingledew with 33 points. Winner of the Silver division - Amrit Dawidow with a score of 32 stableford points. Second place - Alan Sullivan with 32 points. Nearest The Pin Winners:- Neil Campbell hole 3; George Dawidow hole 6; Ian Ingledew hole 7; Alan
CD Montesinos maintained good form, in bagging four goals in a 4-2 away win against CF Playa Santa Pola, to increase promotion hopes at the top of the 2nd Regional Group, heading the table on 33 points. CD Benijofar edged a 3-2 victory against Sporting Guardamar, in a five goal encounter, bouncing back from defeat against CD Montesinos last week, retaining promotion credentials.
Fire Station Black Watch (bye). In division two The Courtyard A defeated The George 6-3; Sackos went down 3-6 against Iglesias B.
macked at the injustice dished out by an overzealous referee. Thader did hang on for a well-deserved victory, which brings them closer to the pack just outside the relegation zone. Next weekend Thader visit Torrellano, although at the time of writing, a date had yet to be decided. A visit to Thader 19/20 facebook page is recommended for details on this match and much more info on CD Thader Rojales.
The race for the title - and promotion shake-up - continues, with CD Montesinos topping the table on 33 points, with CD Benijofar right on their coat tails, on 30 points. CF Sporting Albatera sit third, on 27 points; fourth place Sporting Guardamar CF have 23 points. Torrevieja CF are seventh on 16 points.
Connell holes 12 and 17; George Petty hole 16. Longest Drive Ian Ingledew; Best net score hole 5 Ian Connell; Best front 9 Steve Bicks; Best back 9 Alan Carter; Least blobs Esa Partanen. Best team score hole 13 went to Paul McEldon, George Petty, Amrit Dawidow and Esa Partanen. Blind Pairs went to Phil O’Reilly and Ove Collin. Longest Walk Francis Vanhees. Many thanks to our sponsors - The Avenue, Bentleys Bar, The Street Restaurant, Celtic Drop, our committee for their hard work in the background, and to Mike Probert from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services for arranging our day. To Cat and Liz at Alfies Bar for their continued support throughout the year.
Maradona linked to Elche! They say that ‘stranger things have happened’ but on this occasion I really can’t think of too many! With Elche CF about to be bought by football agent Christian Bragarnik, who has Diego Maradona amongst his clients, it is common knowledge that the former ace still dreams of coaching in the land of his greatest success. Having played for Barcelona and Sevilla in Spain, Maradona is yet to coach in Spain, and he has made no secret of the fact that it is one of his greatest ambitions. Only last week the Argentina legend walked away from his club Gimnasia la Plata following a change in the President but just 48 hours after resigning as Technical Director, he quickly did a ‘u turn’ and re-joined them, although he said that it would only be until the end of the season. Maradona says he is committed to his current job, although it would not be impossible for him to leave for Elche. He has two potential reasons for exiting Gimnasia; the club failure to bring in the players he wanted, and the possibility of a better offer from elsewhere. That offer could come from Spain as, according to the Daily sports newspaper Marca, Maradona is being lined up for the manager's job at the second division side by the club's prospective new owners.
Winner Allen Connell And finally thanks to all the members and guests for supporting Alfies Golf Society. The next venue will be held at Las Colinas on December 12th 2019.
637 227 385
Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th December, 2019