No 796
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Tel: 637 227 385
Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy, prosperous and healthy 2021 - See you in the New Year - From all the staff of The Leader Newspaper
SueĂąa slam council for destroyingTorrevieja heritage CASA DE LOS BALCONES SET FOR DEMOLITION After 33 years of municipal neglect it now looks as though days are numbered for the iconic Casa
de Las Balcones which now seems destined for demolition. Located on the CV-95 access road into Torrevieja, Mayor Eduardo DolĂłn has now
signed two decrees in the plenary session, which eliminate forever the possibility of and renovations being carried out on this example of an eighteenth-century manor house. The first decree, signed on
November 14, orders that a demolition file be initiated with which the owner can not only tear down the building, but will be obliged to do so. Continued on Page 02
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Continued from Page One Casa de Los Balcones ADVERTISING SALES
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637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
The owner of the building has waited patiently for this moment and once the demolition is completed, the 4,256 square metre plot is then earmarked for the construction of a hotel. The property has held the status of a protected building since 1987 in both the General Urban Plan and in the inventory of local architectural heritage but despite local courts issuing an urgent action order on the owner the only measures carried out were a general clean of the plot, shoring of the façade and the erection of fences to prevent access and negate any responsibility for accidents. Many people now agree that, despite its status, it is too late to save the building and that demolition is inevitable with the subsequent construction of a hotel. Despite the former mayor, José Manuel Dolón (Los Verdes), demanding that conservation
measures be taken whilst he was in opposition to the PP, during his 2015-2019 term, he too was unable to do anything to restore the property beyond turning to the courts and enforcing two fines on the owner, of 7,110 and 6,886 euros, which were processed in 2013 and 2014. However the owner is now demanding that the fines be reimbursed. At the time the rehabilitation project required by the City Council exceeded half a million euros, money that was simply not available. Indeed the Valencian Community (TSJCV), said in May 2019, that the cost of the repairs necessary to refurbish the property is higher than the “normal duty of conservation”. Pablo Samper, the leader of Sueña Torrevieja, said about the decision, “It is disgraceful that our scarce historical and cultural heritage is in ruins due to inaction from the different governments, and even more surprising that the owners of the building do not have any responsibility in its condition either. It seems that destroying our heritage is free.”
This year there is to be a public lighting of a Menorah at Playa Flamenca by the Southern Costa Blanca Jewish Community. Chanukah is a Jewish festival that dates back to the year 165 BCE. At that time Jerusalem was ruled by a Syrian king called Antiochus. He looted and damaged the Temple in Jerusalem and stopped the Jews from practicing their laws and religion. This upset the Jews so much that they rebelled. The rebellion was successful and the Temple was restored to its former state. A new altar was consecrated but there was only enough oil for the altar lamp to burn for one day. However the lamp burnt for eight days and a miracle was declared by the Jewish leaders. To celebrate this miracle an eight-day observance is
created ever year by lighting one candle each day in a Menorah (a special candelabra) until all eight candles are burning. The Menorah is placed in public places to remind people of the miracle. This year the Southern Costa Blanca Jewish Community will be lighting the Menorah on the steps of the amphitheatre opposite the Lobster Restaurant at Playa Flamenca Beach at 7.30pm on Sunday 29th. December. Following the lighting ceremony we shall be serving wine and do-nuts. Please join us as everybody is welcome, Jews, Christians, people of every religion and those of none. For further information please e-mail
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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Sorry state of the Orihuela Costa Dear Editor
Pioneering Home Security Initiative to be implemented in San Fulgencio The La Marina tourist office was the venue for the unveiling of a new security initiative in the municipality by mayor José Sampere Ballester. The project is called ‘Police in your home’, a scheme that aims to monitor uninhabited homes during holiday periods. The mayor was accompanied by the head of the Local Police, Cristobal Rodríguez Espinosa, Darren Parmenter the Councillor for Foreign Residents and one of the agents who will be in charge of coordinating the project. Homeowners must first register for this service which will be free to anyone who is away from their home for a period of between 15 days and 3 months. The objective is to patrol around the houses that are left uninhabited and thus provide a “pioneer facility to the Vega Baja and an important public service which shows that we are concerned about
the well-being of our residents”, said Sampere, who added that "thanks to this project people living in San Fulgencio will be able to have rather more peace of mind”. In this respect, the head of the Local Police, Cristobal Rodríguez, explained that by establishing a database the police will be able to work better. “It is a work tool that is fundamental for us, since it allows us to have a global vision of the municipality's housing developments and better control those areas that are uninhabited,” said the officer. People must register in the tourist office of the municipality, and from there a program will gather the data that the Local Police will use to develop the project. Once the residents return to their property they must visit the office and de register from the project so that the list can be updated. Rodriguez said that "this service that the police are going to carry out does not replace private surveillance, and while homes will be monitored there is no guarantee that nothing could happen." Sampere has said that "we have a very diverse municipality, which has one of the largest foreign populations in Spain, and we want to take care of it and make sure that everybody feels secure." In this respect, the mayor added that “for the town it is a privilege to have more than fifty nationalities, people who live here and who can go away a little more assured when they visit their relatives”.
As someone that feels strongly about the sorry state that Orihuela Costa is in due to the lack of funding, interest and financing from the city, it perhaps would help if there were some contact details to enable people to voice their support for the campaign. As a president of a local community perhaps if presidents could be brought on board they could encourage more enthusiasm from their owners. We should all encourage neighbours to ensure they are on the padrón and enlist support for our independence. Perhaps you could publish the relevant details? Regards Sue Gell
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Addictions amongst schoolchildren games. 82.2% of respondents say they have played video games in the last year. Specifically, 47.9% have played eSports and 34.7% have been spectators. The majority are boys of 14 and 15 years. Most consumed drugs STUDIES 2018-2019 shows that the drugs consumed most by students (in the last twelve months) are alcohol (75.9%) and tobacco (35%). Cannabis follows at (27.5%). Other drugs have a lower prevalence. 2.4% of respondents confess that they have used cocaine in the last 12 months. In this same survey, ecstasy has been taken by 1.9%; the new psychoactive substances, 1.7%; hallucinogens, 1.4%; methamphetamines, 1.2% and amphetamines, 1.1%. Other substances studied (over 20) are less than 1%. The ‘STUDIES’ survey is carried out by the Government every two years.
t a press conference the acting minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare in office, MarĂa Luisa Carcedo, highlighted the importance of the results of the STUDIES survey "to guide policies and improve the effectiveness of actions against addictions". The survey, which is carried out for young people between 14 and 18 years of age throughout Spain, shows an increase in the use of electronic cigarettes. Half of the students (48.4%) have ever used them while in the previous survey, carried out during 2016, the number was one in five (20.1%). The proportion of electronic cigarette users is now much higher among those who smoke tobacco than among those who do not. The study also reveals that consumption is more common among boys, regardless of age. Among those students who use electronic cigarettes, 67.1% used cartridges without nicotine, 11.3% with nicotine and 21.6% used cartridges use both types. Compulsive use of Internet Compulsive internet use has stabilised at 20%, 1% less than in the previous edition of STUDIES. In this case, a higher prevalence is observed among girls (23.4%) than among boys (16.4%). Video games For the first time, the STUDIES survey reflects the use of video
Higher male consumption The consumption of illegal drugs is more widespread among boys than among girls.
Regarding risk perception, alcohol is the substance that is perceived as less dangerous. 76.8% attribute "many or many problems" to the consumption of 5 or 6 measures or glasses on the weekend. Since 2010, students consider that the use of tobacco is more dangerous than cannabis. In terms of availability, 9 out of 10 students aged 14 to 17 do not have any difficulty in getting alcohol and tobacco when they want even though the sale is prohibited to minors. The illegal drug that is perceived as the most available is cannabis: 68.1% believe that it is easy or very easy to acquire. Most significant data by substances Alcohol Alcohol consumption remains at high levels. 77.9% of students between 14 and 18 have tried it once (76.9% in 2016). 75.9% have drunk in the last year (75.6% in 2016) and 58.5% have drank in the last month (67.0% in 2016). The average age first taking a drink is 14 years. In 1994, it was 13 and a half. Regarding consumption patterns, 32.3% of students say they have tried binge drinking alcohol in the last 30 days (31.7% in 2016). Of the total number of students who drank alcohol, half (55.5%) admit having undertaking binge drinking. Drunkenness has increased slightly. 24.3% of students say they got drunk in the last month, compared to 21.8% in 2016. The percentage of drunkenness is higher in girls. This difference is especially relevant at age 14: 11.7% of girls admit to having got drunk in the last 30 days, while the figure among boys of the same age is 7.6%. Tobacco Tobacco is the second most widespread drug in use after alcohol. 35.0% (34.7% in 2016) of students have smoked tobacco in the last year. Daily consumption stands at 9.8% (8.8% in 2016). In 1998, 23.1% of this sector of the population smoked daily. On average, consumption of tobacco first occurs at 14.1 years, as was the case in 2016. Those who smoke on a daily basis start at 14.7 years on average, just 6 months after trying it for first time. The perception of risk with daily tobacco use has increased and now 93.8% of young people think that it can cause health problems.
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Cannabis Cannabis continues to be the illegal drug consumed by the largest percentage of students. 33.0% (31.1% in 2016) have tried it sometime in their lives, 27.5% (26.3% in 2016) in the last year and 19.3% (18.3% in 2016) in the last month. Daily consumption remains high and stands at 2.3% (3.3% in boys and 1.4% in girls). The % of problematic cannabis users (first measured in 2006) among the population aged 14 to 18 is 15.4% (13.3% in 2016). Cocaine The survey shows a decrease in cocaine consumption in all age groups. A historical minimum is shown in the proportion of students aged 14 to 18 who say they have used cocaine in the last month (0.9%). This figure in 2004 was 3.8%. The average age of 1st consumption is 15.2 years and men consume more than women, in all age groups. Heroin The percentage of those who have tried heroin among students aged 14 to 18 years is below 1%. Since 1994 no measurement has exceeded this figure. The average age of onset of consumption in 2018-2019 is 14.5 years. New psychoactive substances (NSPs) A decline is recorded. 2.4% of students (2.9% of boys and 1.9% of girls) acknowledge having used substances of this type at some time in their life and 1.7% in the last 12 months. In 2016, the percentages were 4.5% and 3.1%, respectively. Survey fact sheet The XIII edition of the Survey on Drug Use in Secondary Education in Spain (ESTUDES) has been prepared from 38,010 questionnaires answered by students aged 14 to 18, 1,769 classrooms corresponding to 917 public and private educational centres. The sample is collected across Spain and is nationally representative, with a margin of error of 0.6% for a confidence level of 95.5%. This survey is promoted and funded by the Government Delegation for the National Drug Plan and has the cooperation of the Autonomous Communities and Cities. STUDIES has been carried out every two years.
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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
The Orihuela Costa will not flourish until it has the infrastructure O
rihuela Costa has a surplus of living accommodation, villas, houses and apartments. Included in this number are restaurants, bars, supermarkets and commercial centres. But unfortunately the one very important item that is sadly missing in Orihuela Costa is that of CULTURE! There is no library, theatre, concert hall, auditorium or cinema. Residents of the area have to travel to Orihuela city, Torrevieja, San Fulgencio, Pilar de la Horadada, Murcia, Alicante or Elche to experience any form of culture. One of the facilities that is most demanded is a library which residents say would not only be for the purpose of lending out books. It could be used as a meeting point for the residents of Orihuela Costa and an area for additional study by its schoolchildren. There could be a comfortable corner, perhaps with small cafe facilities, where residents could browse through the daily newspapers, catch up with friends after returning their books and choosing new ones. It would be advantageous to have books and perhaps the daily newspapers in Spanish, English, German, Swedish languages etc., in an attempt to attract as many of our residents as possible to use this facility. It would help to develop a sense of community in Orihuela Costa which could only be built around a cultural centre and which would help to unite and join all residents of Orihuela Costa together. One further useful service would be the availability of computers and internet access, perhaps for a small fee.
Free Wi-Fi could also be installed to enable residents to bring and use their own laptops while enjoying their morning coffee and toast purchased at the cafe. Once a week a story teller could be organized (I am sure there are many residents who would be more than happy to take on this role for free) to read stories to the children in Spanish and perhaps on other languages. This would encourage our young residents to take an interest at a very early age in the Spanish language and also see the library as fun place to visit.
If it’s culture you want you need to travel out of the Orihuela Costa
A lot of residents, even from neighbouring towns such as Torrevieja or Pilar de la Horadada, have taken up writing upon retiring. These new hidden talents could see the establishment of ‘writer’s circles’ the members of which could be invited to read excerpts from their books or recite their poems. Such activities bring and bind residents together - this would help to mould and to integrate our community. There would be no reason why the building could not be multi-functional, maybe including a theatre which could also be used as a concert hall and cinema. The only music that can be heard in Orihuela-Costa at the moment is when a band plays in a local bar. There are many cultural events taking place in Orihuela city on a regular basis, some of which could quite easily take place in Orihuela-Costa if the appropriate premises were available. Various types of musical evenings could be organised, anything from classical to jazz. The building would also provide a home for the many theatrical societies that trawl the area looking for suitable venues.
Film evenings could be organised, some of a cultural or educational nature showing areas in and around Orihuela Town and Orihuela-Costa or featuring the many different areas of Spain. Cinema films could be shown in Spanish (to encourage people to learn the language) and perhaps in other languages with subtitles. These types of cultural functions encourage the residents to mingle and would help to unite the community. Orihuela Town Hall like to take the credit for
Orihuela-Costa's beautiful beaches and never fail to shout about how many blue flags they have yet again been awarded, but the area is not only about beaches. Orihuela Costa's residents definitely draw the short straw where culture and entertainment is concerned. It is about time that the area had the opportunity to show off and be proud of a new library, concert hall or cinema, facilities that the Orihuela Costa and its residents urgently need.
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
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Victorious Prime Minister Boris Johnson among least trusted Celebrity Car Dealers only marginally better here. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn – a keen cyclist who does not own a car – finished 12th while Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage, whose party failed to secure a single seat on election night, was the least trusted of the politicians listed, in 13th place.
Chris Knapman, Editor of CarGurus, said: “Whether car-buying advice comes from a celebrity endorsement, a friend, or a helpful member of staff at a car dealership, CarGurus research consistently highlights that trust and transparency are hugely important factors in the decision-making process.
CarGurus surveyed more than 2,000 car owners and buyers to find which celebrities they would trust the most when buying a used car**.
“We use technology to help provide this trust and transparency to consumers, whether it’s through the use of pricing data, dealer reviews or our ever-expanding library of buying guides and videos.”
The findings are part of research conducted for the forthcoming 2020 CarGurus Car Buyer Trust Index***, a study examining the role that trust plays in the car-buying process.
Visit CarGurus at, read the latest reviews, tips and advice on the UK blog and on the UK YouTube channel.
While the car buyers surveyed put little faith in the UK’s politicians, they voted broadcaster Sir David Attenborough as the most trustworthy car salesperson, even though the 93-year-old has never passed his driving test. The royal family would also make great used car salespeople, according to CarGurus research – the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were the second-most-trusted celebrities listed, while the Queen was ranked third. Would you buy a car off this man?
ar buyers seemingly don’t trust leading politicians as car dealers, according to new CarGurus research. Despite landslide election victory Boris Johnson only narrowly beats Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage in poll, although none score well David Attenborough most trusted by car buyers, despite never having passed his driving test Car lover David Beckham ranks highly but wife Victoria is last on list of celebrities Prime Minister Boris Johnson might have swept the board on election night, but UK car buyers have revealed he would be among their least trusted celebrities if he were a car dealer, according to an exclusive survey by the UK’s fastest-growing automotive shopping site, CarGurus*. In a vote of no confidence for the re-elected Prime Minister, a crosssection of car buyers voted Johnson a lowly 11th out of 15, even with his fresh mandate to ‘Get Brexit Done’ and a brief history as a car reviewer for the likes of GQ. Even though Johnson trumped his political rivals last week he faired
David Beckham, well known for his collection of expensive cars, was fourth on the list yet his wife Victoria was placed last. Ed Sheeran (6th) was voted most trustworthy of the three singers listed, ahead of Adele (9th) and Stormzy (14th). Most trusted celebrities to be a car dealer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
David Attenborough Prince William and Kate Middleton The Queen David Beckham Judi Dench Ed Sheeran Holly Willoughby Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Adele Mary Berry Boris Johnson Jeremy Corbyn Nigel Farage Stormzy Victoria Beckham
POINTS BASED DRIVING LICENSE VALID DRIVING LICENSE You can legally drive in Spain with your existing driving license for the first 2 years of residence, but after 6 months you must register your details with the provincial traffic authorities. After 2 years, you must obtain a Spanish driving license or face a €200 fine. At the time of publishing this article, UK nationals can exchange their UK driving license for a Spanish driving license. However with the Brexit process, we recommend you stay up to date via the website. Driving licenses need to be renewed every 10 years up to the age of 65, and then every 5 years. POINTS BASED SYSTEM Spain has a driving license points system. Drivers start with 12 points and can lose points for fines depending on
the severity of the offence. Once you loose all 12 points, you loose your license for 6 months. A traffic offence can be between 2 – 6 points, with a maximum of 8 points in one day. If an offence is severe, it may result in the temporary loss of license. Keeping all your points will help reduce your vehicle insurance premiums.
Some of the offences where points are lost; driving while using a mobile phone or over the legal alcohol limit is 6 points. Whilst driving without a seatbelt is 3 points. FULL LOSS OF POINTS If you lose all your points, you will need to complete a road awareness course of a total of 24 hours that can be attended over your 6-12 month ban period. And sit a driving theory test. You can check how many points you have by going to the Direccion General de Trafico (DGT) website, and create a password. If you would like some further advice on this matter, please call our English speaking customer service assistants on 902 325 325.
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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Reaching Out to benefactors with our Christmas thanks
“There’s Hooting and Cheering” at the RNA Everyone joined in the chit-chat in reminiscing over past military service (sea time) as well as the various events of the last year and speculating on the expectation for the coming year. It all created a buzz of excitement to fever pitch and was reminisce of the final night at sea before returning to base port (Channel Night) and could only have been topped by hearing the PA announcement (pipe) to collect your rum ration (up spirits), during the evening at Lo Crispin Tavern.
All the staff and volunteers at Reach Out would like to say a BIG thank you to the many Benefactors who recently made donations to our Charity. Quesada Ladies Club, The Costa Blanca Scandinavian School and the Pink Ladies have all been excellent supporters of Reach Out in the last few months. Quesada Ladies Club have donated over 800 Euro in the last year and also contributed bags of food and toiletries which we are eternally grateful for, some of our Volunteers are members of this group which shows the compassion and love in our Community.
Marie Wilson and her Pink Ladies have been outstanding in their generosity, collecting food and toiletries during their Santa's Walk in La Zenia Boulevard, and we thank them for thinking of us as they help AECC carry on their work. The Scandinavian School in Horizonte are another new benefactor with a different take on fundraising for us. The young people produced items of various design and manufacture, then held a Bazaar in School where the goods were sold. All profits were then donated to Reach Out. A group of Students from the
school recently visited the Centre in Calle Bella Antonia, and presented President David Young with some chocolates. Accompanied by Rektor Ingela Björklund they were given a tour and talk about the Charity, its history and how we do things. The Chocolates were accepted and will be part of a Christmas bag for the Homeless. We send our sincere thanks to all these groups and with their donations we can help make Christmas better for some of the Homeless and needy families in Torrevieja, and wish them all a very Happy Christmas and Peaceful 2020.
"Mingle Bells" for AFA Alzheimers
then David and Lorraine will be busy planning their next themed event at the Marina Bar which is pencilled in for late February and again will be a unique experience. Watch this space folks!
A total of472 Euros was raised last weekend for the AFA Alzheimers charity in Torrevieja.
The photo shows Lorraine Whitney, organizer, all set for the afternoon's event standing behind her husband imaginative Mary and Joseph display.
Rita and Dave of the Marina Bar once again put their heart and soul into making this event a success. "No Limits" the music duo provided the music and songs and generously gave their time and talent for free, singing many favourite songs. With a Quiz, Raffle and some unique chances to win prizes the afternoon went along with a swing. Even Santa himself stopped by to hand out warm mince pies. David and Lorraine Whitney would like to thank Iceland Overseas Supermarket and also Claire Connors who made a Traditional Christmas Cake for the raffle. Thanks also to all the loyal supporters who made this event another outstanding success. A break now for Christmas and the New Year and
Astonishingly there were no annual outings of ‘crimbo woolly pullies’ from any of the shipmates, however the abundance of ‘crimbo ties’ and splattering of ‘crimbo hats’ made up for it!!!! and seeing the ladies ‘dressed to impress’ was the highlight. There was much ‘hooting & cheering’ for the warranted recognitions awarded to Carol for her stupendous dedication to organising the event and to
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Sandie & Cathy for their masterful and cheerful steering of the ‘tombola’ and the abundance of prizes. The food (scran) from the galley was bountiful even without any tea’s & coffee’s (NATO standard) and the festive evening was rounded off with some ‘wicked hoofs’ being thrown about to the music produced by Woody until it was ‘kickingout-time’ and although there had been lots of frolicking and high spirits during the evening everyone behaved themselves (stood up to muster) and were able to walk unaided (presented properly) when disembarking and there wasn’t anyone who tried to borrow without written permission (without a chitty) a military bicycle (red devil) and ride home on it. We all look forward to next years ‘bash’ Photos of this event and more information can be found at We welcome non-military personnel into our socially friendly and engaging group as Associate Members, so give us a call: Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Membership Secretary, Danny Kay on Tel 966 716 274 or email or the Secretary Margaret Forshaw on Tel 966 921 996.
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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Fake seat belt t-shirts denounced by Guardia Civil FAKE seat belt t-shirts have been denounced by the Guardia Civil - in a bid to save lives on the roads in Spain.
and occupants of motor vehicles and mopeds are obliged to use a safety belt, helmet and other protective elements.
Failure to use seatbelts by back seat passengers can result in serious injury, to both the person not using the seatbelt and those in the front seats.
The fake t-shirt debacle comes in the wake of the Spanish Policia Traffico announcing that 25,000 alcohol checks a day will be undertaken during the Christmas festive period.
Breaking the rules for the use of safety belts, and other mandatory safety devices are considered serious (as in article 65.4.h) of the Spanish Law on traffic, motor vehicle traffic and road safety.
Failure to use a seat belt properly is a serious offence and can cause a worse injury in an accident.
Twenty three per cent of people that die in road accidents in Spain, are not wearing belts, according to figures.
Drivers and passengers of vehicles are obliged to use, correctly fastened, approved safety belts.
The N332 Group of Guardia Civil Spanish law information state drivers
If a vehicle has safety belts, these must be used by all its occupants.
"The wearing of a fake seat belt tshirt to roadside security cameras appears that the driver is correctly wearing a seat belt," said a spokesperson.
"The Guardia Civil denounce the sales of the Anti fine t-shirts that are available, via the Internet," said a spokesperson. The fake seat belt tshirts priced at between â‚Ź18-20.
Torrevieja drugs swoop By Andrew Atkinson The Civil Guard have busted a drugs gang in Torrevieja - following surveillance - that had been squatting in the City. Premises were being used for what is deemed as 'distribution centres' said a Guardia Civil spokesperson. The Civil Guard were made aware of the criminals' activity in entering empty properties in Torrevieja - used as squats - and particpating in drugs. The latest drugs bust follows police swoops in Torrevieja during 2019. Civil Guard drugs busts
found kilos of hashish, marijuana, methamphetamine, and cannabis in Torrevieja. Spanish, English, Canadian, Senegalese, Russian, Dutch and Swiss nationals were arrested for drug trafficking and criminal organisation charges were lodged.
It has been an obligation to install rear seat belts in the back of all newly registered vehicles since June 1992.
‘The good life…’
(This article first appeared in edition 779)
I read a story about a 77 years old lady living up in County Fermanagh, Margaret Gallagher, who lives alone in her 200 year old stone cottage. She was photographed standing outside her front (and only) door to a background of flowers you wouldn’t see the likes of at the Chelsea Flower Show. The caption should have read, ‘happiness is’, because if ever a picture depicted happiness, contentment and serenity this was it. What will surprise you here is that Ms Gallagher’s house is not equipped with electricity, running water – and therefore of course no TV, computer, electrical tools or labour saving devices. Margaret’s only modern convenience is a basic mobile phone – which she charges from her car. She has loads of friends and doesn’t feel the need to ‘move’ with the times. You could say that her very existence centres around the big turf fire on the open hearth. Food is cooked over the open fire; water is heated for washing clothes and gives warm water for her bath. This woman looks twenty years younger than she should and when her face exudes the utter joy of living – should not some of the rest of us be having a look at ourselves in the mirror? Once upon a time I might have dismissed somebody like Margaret Gallagher as being ‘a bit touched.’ But who is the more ‘touched’; the man who is running around in circles to stand still or the serene lady pruning her flowers at the cottage door? My late uncle lived a similar lifestyle to Margaret – and he could afford to live any way he wanted to. ‘Eccentric’ and ‘odd’ were two of the kinder words the younger generation called him from time to time. Paddy was ultra-intelligent, an avid reader and unstoppable talker – one of the most contented and philosophical people I have ever known. So again, which of us is doing it the right way? I had a shift-boss in Canada a long time ago, by the name of Archie Nabbess. Archie and I were friends. I knew other members of his family and they were all good people. The Nabbess family were Cree Indians – or ‘First Nation’ as they would be known now. One
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
night Archie and I were having a drink or two … or nineteen or twenty to tell you the truth! In the course of conversation, drink and my ignorance, I proceeded to highlight all the civilisation and many advantages that the white man had brought to his race of people.
One of Torrevieja's newest antiques dealers James Green is entering his fifth decade in the trade going into the new year. "I have been dealing in antiques for over 40 years - so much has changed," said Belfast born James, whose antiques and furnishings business is at 78 Calle Ramon Gallud, Torrevieja. "The antiques trade has changed - especially so in furniture. A chest of drawers, valued at £1,000, 20 years ago, is worth £150," said James. "I started out in antiques in the 1950s, in the County areas of Newtonards, County Down - where Blair Mayne (SAS founder) came from," said James. "I really can't understand why prices of antiques have dropped so
Ms Gallagher’s very existence centres around the big turf fire on the open hearth
Archie did not get angry, but through the smoke and the haze I could still see the hurt in his eyes. My friend then proceeded to give me a history lesson on how his tribe was ravaged and their idyllic life robbed. His ancestors lived a simple fulfilled life. They had an abundance of food, lived as one with nature and engaged in a daily pursuit of pleasure. ‘And you are now telling me, Bernie, how much better off I am, two-thousand feet down there in a black hole, drilling rock just to feed my family?’ How many of you think that Archie was right in what he said? At this stage of my life, the most thing that I am is a farmer. (Now … now, Lads!) It is a wonderful life, done in a small way and without pressure. I am not a fan of ‘factory farming’ – where birds or animals never see the light of day. ‘Zero grazing’, where the grass is cut and brought in to the cattle in a shed, should never be the way we farm in Ireland. A man cut silage for me a couple of months back. His tractor cost more than what it cost to build my house back in the day. Up there in his cab, which resembled a shuttle space rocket panel, my friend is totally removed from nature. My farm equipment consists of an old Zetor tractor, a transport-box, trailer and buck-rake and all my cows have names. The fox, rabbit, pheasant and swan pay more heed to each other than they do to me. I see and hear everything going on around me and I am grateful for this privileged existence … just like Margaret Gallagher (Though I do need my Sky Sports inside the house!) I have even become more tolerant of so-called weeds. Whilst I won’t allow dockens or thistles to grow on grassland, I have stopped mercilessly spraying along the headlands. I learned that one nettle can
James Green Antiques, Torrevieja By Andrew Atkinson
637 227 385
much," said James, who formerly lived in Shankhill Road, Belfast, prior to moving to Millisle, Northern Ireland in 1980. "I also dealt in architectural salvage, outside Newtonards. Travelling to England, every fortnight," said James. Ironically, James revealed he visited my home City of Preston in Lancashire in years gone by: "I remember going to Preston Antiques, buying fireplaces for £2,500 - and selling them for £18,000! "Typical journeys would take three days - travelling to Stranraer, onto Stockport, Birmingham, Wetherby, Sunderland and Newcastle. "I did some miles - that's for sure - days of exciting times," said James. James Green Antiques. Telephone: 602491299.
support a hundred different species of caterpillar. These feed the birds which makes up the choir, or ‘dawn chorus’ which wakes me up every morning. I know I am not depending on my farm enterprise; but I have found that farming does not have to be intensive to show a profit – and if there is a slight difference, the quality of life more than compensates: Ask Margaret Gallagher…! Don’t Forget Years wrinkle the skin, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
637 227 385
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Torrevieja investment from Diputación de Alicante Torrevieja to host Women's World Handball Championship The President of the Diputación de Alicante, Carlos Mazón, has announced that Torrevieja will become one of the venues for the Women's World Handball Championship that Spain will host for the first time in December 2021. The announcement was made at a meeting with mayor Eduardo Dolón, and a number of his government team. During the meeting Mazón and Dolón addressed the needs of the town, including discussion regarding the establishment of a new Museum of the Sea and Salt in the grounds of the Eras de la Sal. Mazón also highlighted the potential of the city of Torrevieja in the The President of the Diputación de Alicante, Carlos Mazón, signing the Visitors Book
areas of tourism, sports and the fishing and salt industries, elements that “make it a focus of attraction for visitors every year, with a unique natural wealth that is completely unmatched in the local area”. He said that the Diputación de Alicante is committed to the further development of Torrevieja, something shown by a recent investment in excess of 1.2 million euros which saw the renewal of public lighting across the town. The pair spoke about the possibility of a feasibility study, a joint infrastructure between the Diputación and the City Council that will establish the town to become the primary focus of the history of the salt industry in the south of the province. This project would begin with the rehabilitation and conditioning of the historical complex of the Eras de la Sal - space where the International Habaneras and Polyphony Contest is held every year - where the headquarters of the new Museum of the Sea and Salt will be permanently located. The centre would house the historical site showing its link with the salt industry and would include the involvement of the MARQ with the title 'The Kingdom of Salt'. In the Municipal Theatre the two politicians also opened the International Congress of Sports Tourism 'Summit Costa Blanca 2019' to be held over two days that will have senior speakers from the world of handball, rugby, athletics,
sailing and other sports. In announcing that the town would play host to matches in the Women's World Handball Championship involving teams from 30 countries, the mayor said that matches would be held in the City's Sports Palace, which has a capacity for about 5,000 spectators The ‘Summit Costa Blanca’ is aimed primarily at professionals in the sports and tourism sector, some public organisations, representatives from the business sector, students from universities and training centres, as well as members of the general public. The purpose is to establish collaborations to boost, energise and consolidate the organisation of sporting events that bring together fans, athletes and tourists.
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 795 QUICK ACROSS: 1 Embroider; 8 Ode; 9 Crestfallen; 11 Incense; 12 Aroma; 13 Chance; 15 Remiss; 17 Later; 18 Pitfall; 20 Evasiveness; 22 Tun; 23 Neglected. DOWN: 2 Mar; 3 Often; 4 Dealer; 5 Release;
Rehearsal; 10 Enchantment; 11 Inculcate; 14 Certain; 16 Spring; 19 Theme; 21 Sue. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Countable; 8 Eva; 9 Stamp albums; 11 Reverse; 12 Alive; 13 Tennis; 15 Tenant; 17 Clean; 18 Cashier; 20 Entertained; 22 Can; 23 Distemper. DOWN: 2 Out; 3 Toper; 4 Billet; 5 Emulate;
Carpenter; 10 Advancement; 11 Reticence; 14 Ignited; 16 Scores; 19 Skate; 21 Eve.
Count Dracula. 10. Short People. 11. Paricutin e: Cotopaxi f: Stromboli. 9.
cide note. 2. Foghorn. 3. Answers. a:
Krakatoa b: Argentina c: Hawaii d:
mitted suicide AND they all left a sui-
Iniquity. 7. 1970-71. 8. Answers a:
1. Acceptable answers: They all com-
Mexican Volcano began a 7 year series of eruptions in 1943? Taricutin, Paricutin, Saricutin or Laricutin e: What is the name of the active volcano situated to the south of Quito in Ecuador? f: Which Volcano in the Lipari islands erupted violently in 1930 and 1966? 9. According to legend, who lived in Bran Castle? 10. Which Randy Newman song was banned in some US states? 11. In a televised address back in March 2003, how many hours did former US President George W Bush give Saddam Hussein to leave Iraq? 12. The following were the captain or skipper of which vessels? a. Captain Ahab b. JFK c. Charlie Allnut d. Captain Langsdorff 13. Which animals name stems from the Latin word for spirit or ghost? 14. Tenzin Gyatso is also known by which other name? 15. Most of us suffer or enjoy the curse of Adam. What is the curse of Adam? 16. On May 18th 2009 a long and bloody civil war was officiallyended with the total military defeat of the LTTE. What does the acronymn LTTE stand for?
Christopher Marlowe b: Triple Jump
CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
1.What connects the following people: Roh Moo-hyun, Kurt Cobain, Virginia Woolf, Vincent Van Gogh and Tony Hancock? 2. What is the common name for a diaphone? 3. Edwards: a: Which 16th century English dramatist wrote the play Edward II? b: Which world record did Jonathan Edward's break in 1995 (which event)? c: In which country is Prince Edward island? d: In which classic 1950s western does John Wayne play the part of Ethan Edwards? e: In which year did British King Edward VIII abdicate? 4. On which island did Captain Flint bury his treasure in 'Treasure Island'? 5. Elvira, Cambridge Favorite, Elsanta, Polka, Eros, Kent, Bounty, Korona and Calypso are all mouth watering examples of what? 6. A word meaning sin, injustice or immoral act. 8 letters 7. In which year (or season) did UEFA introduce the penalty shoot out? 8. Volcanoes: a: The eruption of which Indonesian Volcano caused 36,000 deaths in 1883? b: In what South American country is the volcano Aconcagua, the highest peak in the world? c: On which island is Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano crater? d: Which
48 Hours. 12. four answers a. Pequod.
Solution on Page 23
c: Canada d: The Searchers e: 1936. 4.
Await (10) Bosom (4) Exertion (6) Lively (6) Alienate (8) Leg-joint (4) Forestalling (3-7) Huge (8) Label (6) Spread out (6) Wander (4) Money (4)
b. PT 109 or PT 59 c. African Queen d.
DOWN 2. Making arrangements for an instrument before I give voice (10) 3. Didn’t pay for the ring before getting married (4) 4. Made up for a noted mistake (6) 5. Appoint a new Minister for the Services (6) 6. Was in front after a game of cards and acted as referee (8) 7. Airman losing one plan (4) 11. Angry expressions for which solutions are needed (10) 13. Acclamation and praise in the mines (8) 16. A great number in the army I’d redeployed (6) 17. Mother and another woman will make a complaint (6) 18. One who co-operates with everybody before the end of hostility (4) 20. Round off a complete revolution (4)
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. 13. 16. 17. 18. 20.
Skeleton Island. 5. Strawberries. 6.
ACROSS 1. We hear broadcast twice, but it’s only mediocre! (2-2) 8. A revolver that’s hydraulically powered (5-5) 9. At the back of a cultivated plot, I will get a beautiful flower (8) 10. The first of the converts in established denomination (4) 12. Fancied getting paid for service (6) 14. London columnist (6) 15. To do this could be said to change the Royal Marine! (6) 17. Doctor has kind of food that’s in fashion (6) 18. Old part of the storage depot (4) 19. Strange oriental narrative (8) 21. Not the right sort of sportsman (4-6) 22. In the fashion as high-born dandy (4)
ACROSS 1. Smear (4) 8. Unexpected (10) 9. Chaste (8) 10. Mature (4) 12. Be restless (6) 14. Tugged (6) 15. Aim (6) 17. Fanciful (6) 18. Check (4) 19. Volume (8) 21. Noisy (10) 22. Obey (4)
(Also known as the Tamil Tigers). 16. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam Dalai Lama. 15. To work for a living. Graf Spee. 13. Lemur. 14. The (14th)
637 227 385
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
CAROLS IN THE BOULEVARD Healthy gathering of Orihuela Costa residents as over 200 people get together for the first occasion of Carols in the Boulevard
t was pleasing to see quite a healthy crowd gathered in La Zenia on Thursday evening for the very first occasion of Carols in the Boulevard, and already the organisers are learning from the event with a view to making it much, much bigger and better in 2020. The carols were performed by the Royal British Legion Concert Band in Spain, under the direction of MD David Last, with assistance from a smattering of helpers and choristers from the local area. Following their success at the Torrevieja service on the previous Friday the RBL Band played for approximately 45 minutes, during which time the gathering got through 16 carols, both in English and in Spanish, in celebration of Christmas in the municipality. Carol sheets were made available but there is a need for rather better amplification if the event is to achieve the same prominence that the Torrevieja event has in our neighbouring municipality. But with lessons learned Im sure that the service has given something for the organisers to build on amongst all nationalities in the coming years.
In the meantime the Royal British Legion Band continues in it’s quest to attract additional musicians, and is looking for around five or six new members of any age or nationality that play any instrument, but particularly trumpet, clarinet or violin - although there are always vacancies for brass, woodwind and percussion musicians. The band rehearses every Tuesday at 4pm in the basement of the Sophia Wellness Centre at La Regia and plays a wide variety of music from songs from the musicals, marches, ballads, sing-a-long, novelty pieces as well as carols and hymns for special services and occasions. Anyone interested in joining the band is welcome to call in and have an informal chat. Music readers are especially welcome, but lessons can be given, and being a friendly bunch, Royal British Legion Band members are happy to help 'rusty' players find their feet again and rediscover their musical passion. For more information call Graham Robinson on 0044 7724 064251 or email him at: robinsongraham256.googlemail .corn The Band also has a Facebook page 'Royal British Legion Concert Band Spain'
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
637 227 385
LEADER Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506
Chaparral urbanization, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1996.
for info on: 630 28 08 99
Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers.
The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean
Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- RNA - The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El
Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at
Torrevieja Retired Activities Club meet on the third Wednesday in the month from 11-1pm at Marina Club Cafeteria, International Marina, Torrevieja. The joining fee is 10euros but you can attend one meeting or lunch before you join. For info phone Sandy Hollywood, President 698 266 696 or Jill Hayes, membership Secretary 672 983 019. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:
Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a
Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799
637 227 385
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
EXPATS ENJOY LIFE Expats enjoying life in Barcelona and Madrid The annual expat city ranking reveals how expats rate life in 82 cities around the world. • Barcelona (7th) ranks among the top 10 cities for expats, followed by Madrid (17th). Both cities rank well in the Getting Settled and Quality of Urban Living Indices. • Based on the ranking, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, Montréal, Lisbon, Barcelona, Zug, The Hague, and Basel are the best cities to move to in 2020. • Kuwait City (82nd), Rome, Milan, Lagos (Nigeria), Paris, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Lima, New York City, and Yangon (73rd) are the world’s worst cities.
The Expat City Ranking is based on the annual Expat Insider survey by InterNations, which is with more than 20,000 respondents in 2019 one of the most extensive surveys about living and working abroad. In 2019, 82 cities around the globe are analysed in the survey, offering in-depth information about five areas of expat life: Quality of Urban Living, Getting Settled, Urban Work Life, Finance & Housing, and Local Cost of Living. Taken together, the first four areas make up the Expat City Ranking, which reveals the best and worst cities to move to in 2020. 7. Barcelona Ranking 7th out of 82 in the overall Expat City Ranking, Barcelona is even voted the world’s best city in the Leisure & Climate subcategory: Nearly every expat is happy with the local climate (98% vs. 59% globally) and the local leisure options in the city (95% vs. 74% globally). There are “lots of social activities, cultural activities, and art,” a US American expat sums it up. Barcelona also ranks among the top 10 in the Health & Environment subcategory (9th), as, for example, 88% of expats are satisfied with the availability of healthcare in the city (vs. 73% globally). What is more, Barcelona ranks 13th in the Getting Settled Index. Over three in four expats (77%) feel at home in the city (vs. 64% globally), and 73% are happy with their social life (vs. 55% globally). Not only do expats find it easy to get used to the local culture (77% vs. 62% globally), but three in five (60%) also find it easy to make friends in
The four cities, all in the Far East, that feature at the top of the list are Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City and my favourite which is Singapore.
Barcelona (vs. 45% globally). However, expats are less happy with the work life (42nd) and with finance and housing (42nd) in Barcelona: more than half (55%) find housing unaffordable (vs. 44% globally), and one in three (33%) says that it is hard for expats to find housing, which is just around the global average (32%). 17. Placed ranking for Madrid Madrid is the world’s most welcoming city for expats, placing first in the Feeling Welcome subcategory. In fact, 81% of expats find it easy to get used to the local culture (vs. 62% globally), and nearly four in five (78%) feel at home in Madrid (vs. 64% globally). It may be helpful that expats consider the local population in Madrid friendly, both in general (79% vs. 64% globally) and towards foreign residents in particular (75% vs. 64% globally).
Similar to Barcelona, expats are happy with the Two Spanish cities are featured in the Expat City local leisure activities available Ranking 2019 by InterNations, the world’s largest expat comOf the 82 rated cities in (93% vs. 74% globally), rankmunity with more than 3.5 milthe world for expats ing Madrid second worldwide lion members. While Barcelona for this factor. “There are a lot makes it into the top 10 world- Kuwait is at the bottom, of things to do and many places wide (7th), Madrid follows not Rome is at 81 and Milan you can visit,” shares a that far behind on rank 17. Mexican expat. Additionally, is at number 80. Expats find it easy to get settled in both cities and enjoy the high quality of life. However, the cities do not rank so well in the Urban Work Life and the Finance & Housing Indices, with Barcelona outperforming Madrid in both. On the other hand, Madrid ranks ahead for the local cost of living.
expats are happy with the availability of healthcare (88% vs. 73% globally), as well as Madrid’s local transportation (92% vs. 70% globally). Although not among the worst destinations in the world, Madrid performs rather poorly in the Urban Work Life Index (63rd). Expats are particularly unhappy with their local career opportunities (36% unhappy vs. 27% globally) and their job security (33% unhappy vs. 21% globally). What is more, Madrid ranks in 50th in the Finance & Housing Index. In fact, 29% of expats feel they do not have enough disposable income to cover their daily expenses (vs. 23% globally), and almost a third (32%) are unhappy with their financial situation (vs. 26% globally). About the Expat City Ranking 2019 The Expat City Ranking is based on the annual Expat Insider survey by InterNations. For the survey, more than 20,000 expatriates representing 178 nationalities and living in 187 countries or territories provided information on various aspects of expat life. In addition to their satisfaction with life in their host country, respondents were also invited to share their opinions on the city they are currently living in. Participants were asked to rate more than 25 different aspects of urban life abroad on a scale of one to seven. The rating process emphasized the respondents’ personal satisfaction with these aspects and considered both emotional topics as well as more factual aspects with equal weight. The respondents’ ratings of the individual factors were then bundled in various combinations for a total of 13 subcategories, and their mean values were used to draw up four topical indices: Quality of Urban Living, Getting Settled, Urban Work Life, and Finance & Housing. These were further averaged in order to rank 82 cities worldwide. In 2019, the top 10 cities for
expats are Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh City, Singapore, Montréal, Lisbon, Barcelona, Zug, The Hague, and Basel. The survey also includes a Local Cost of Living Index, which does, however, not factor into the overall ranking
to avoid over representing financial aspects. For a city to be featured in the Expat City Ranking 2019, a sample size of at least 50 survey participants per city was required.
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Darting Support for DANA
SOUTH ALICANTE WINTER TRIPLES Week 9 - Monday 9nd December San Miguel Beagles 107 (8) San Miguel Alsations 91 (4) San Luis Klingons 98 (12) Emerald Isle Titans 127 (10) La Marina Explorers 74 (2) San Luis Klingons Vistabella Albatrosses San Miguel Beagles Quesada Pearls Greenlands Maples Emerald Isle Titans La Siesta Apollos ** La Marina Explorers San Miguel Alsations San Luis Trekkers
They held a darts competition, charged an entrance fee and organised a raffle and raised 950 euros which they donated to the charity Help at Home Costa Blanca. The charity sported their own darts team and came a very respectable second.
P 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Greenlands Maples 87 (6) Vistabella Albatrosses 106 (10) La Siesta Apollos 69 (2) San Luis Trekkers 81 (4) Quesada Pearls 133 (12) W 38 31 28 27 27 24 27 21 21 14
D 1 2 3 1 1 3 2 5 5 1
L 15 21 23 26 26 27 25 28 28 39
Diff Diff 193 127 56 48 26 51 8 -75 -137 -297
Pts 95 76 70 65 62 61 59 53 53 31
** 5) deducted for failing to field a full side
Charity president Carmen approached the local Red Cross which negotiated a good price for the purchase of radiators and microwaves to give to flood victims, which have been recently delivered.
DISCOVERY DIVISION Quesada Diamonds 95 (5) Monte Mar Matadors 124 (12) Greenlands Sycamores 131 (12) El Rancho Pintos 138 (12)
Carmen commented: “The darts community cannot be praised enough for choosing us to receive this money and we have spent the cash on the people who really need it.”
Greenlands Sycamores El Rancho Pintos Vistabella Drivers Monte Mar Matadors San Miguel Dalmations Emerald Isle Neptunes Quesada Diamonds La Marina Pathfinders * Emerald Isle Moonrakers #
Pix of competition winners and help for a flood victim
San Miguel Bowls Club -
On a gorgeous sunny Saturday morning San Miguel Bowls Club hosted a North versus South competition.
B y Barry Jones
The event was very well supported, with the South coming out on top, winning 4 lanes to 2. The best North side were Ann Young, Marilyn Shatwell, Jim Jarvine and Bob Donnelly, and for the South side were Noel Davis, Linda Plaisted, Brian Allen and Cliff Plaisted. Well done to all. A reminder that the Wasps sessions are on a two week break for Christmas, and will resume in the New Year. For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact the President Stuart Hemmings on 965 720 461, or the Secretary Gail Willshire on 965 020 492
La Siesta in the Winter League had an away game at La Marina and both teams walked away with a share of the spoils 6-6, where two rinks were won by; Barbara Cooper, Pat Moore, Noel Morrisroe & Sue Jordan (19-8). Wendy Ralph, Shelia Milward, Jim Eastwood & Pat Reilly (15-8) both teams remained in front for the entire game.
overall, an enjoyable day with excellent hosts. Club Captain Sue Jordan thanked Alan Carr & Brian Gardiner for standing in at the last moment.
Skip Brian Fraser’s team were level going into the last end where both the No. 1’s placed a shot within millimetres of the jack which remained there throughout the final end, but unfortunately the home teams wood was slightly closer (15-16) (Shots 75-73) which gave us two points for the
After six rounds of play it was the final day of the Internal Christmas Hamper games held at La Siesta which has seen some fantastic bowling by the competitors, well done all. (Team4) started the day one point in front of (Team6) who battled on well to get a draw against (Team2) putting
by “Rookie” Alan Carr
637 227 385
Darts players in and around San Miguel were well on target recently when they held a special fund-raising competition to help flood victims in September’s storms.
La SiestaBowls Club
P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Emerald Isle Neptunes 120 (9) Emerald Isle Moonrakers 72 (2) La Marina Pathfinders 91 (2) San Miguel Dalmations 63 (2) W 29 27 26 24 25 22 20 20 15
D 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 0
L 16 19 19 21 22 25 27 26 33
Diff Diff 175 278 46 64 9 -58 -78 -148 -288
Pts 76 68 64 60 60 51 47 46 29
* 2) deducted for failing to field a full side # 1 Point deducted for reporting infringement
VOYAGER DIVISION Greenlands Beech 126 (10) Emerald Isle Saturns 82 (2) CBowls Flamingos 132 (13) La Siesta Pioneers 116 (12) Country Bowls Flamingos * Greenlands Chestnuts La Siesta Pioneers Monte Mar Torreadors Greenlands Beech # El Rancho Raiders Vistabella Eagles # San Luis Galaxies Emerald Isle Saturns * *
P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
El Rancho Raiders 73 (4) Monte Mar Torreadors 97 (12) Vistabella Eagles 77 (1 Point San Luis Galaxies 81 (2) W 34 28 26 27 24 19 16 14 16
D 3 3 3 3 1 1 6 1 3
L Diff Diff 11 305 17 168 19 97 18 -65 23 13 28 -134 26 -160 33 -179 29 -45
Pts 85 71 65 65 54 45 40 34 32
* 2) deducted for failing to field a full side # 1 Point deducted for reporting infringement * * 9) deducted for failing to field a full side
them in 2nd place. (Team4) won their game which made them the competition winners, congratulations to; Alan Carr, Tom Heaslewood, Norman Adcroft & Pat Reilly. The clubs Christmas dinner/dance was held at La Cosecha Restaurant, and all who attended enjoyed plenty of food and drink whilst listening to the resident singers. A raffle took place, where there was plenty of prizes as Bill & Sue found out, the night was then danced away. Thanks to all the organisers for the hard work involved to make this event run smooth. On Monday a social event of Tenpin bowling took place at Torrevieja to see if members could transfer their green skills to oily lanes with heavier balls.
All bowlers had handicaps so no player was at a disadvantage. A cup was awarded to the overall winner; Noel Morrisroe (409) without handicap, also cups for the best female & male with handicap; Florence Edwards (499), Mike Edwards (510). An enjoyable evening had by all. CLUB FESTIVE SEASON EVENTS. Friday 27th Leftovers Rollup 10am for 10.30am Monday 30th Christmas cribbage pairs competition 7pm for 730pm. Wednesday 1st a Hangover’s Rollover 10am for 10.30am. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all, special thanks to The Leader Newspaper.
637 227 385
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Torrevieja Ladies Darts Organisation Christmas memorial Shield Competition
un and festive frolics were to be had as 40 ladies representing all 8 teams gathered with three trusty chalker chappies to honour the ladies of the league who are no longer or couldn’t be with us this year. The 39 playing ladies were divided into 13 teams of mixed team triples and awarded festive team names. The Berries fell afoul of some prickly competition from the Hollies on Board 2 whist the Turkeys gobbled up the Mince Pies on Board 4, saucy bird, Ann Wharton, clocking up a 114 and a 116. The Angels lost their place on the top of the tree to the Stars, with all-star Mitch Halliday scoring an impressive 160. The Snowmen left the Robins pecking for scraps but then melted when they played the Sprouts in the 2nd round. The Pigs in Blankets thought they had it under wraps but the Turkeys fluffed up their feathers and the dis-grunt-led oinkers had to sit the rest of the night out. The Santas delivered their presence with aplomb-pudding, planting a win under the Christmas Trees but the mischievous Elves then sent the Santas packing in round 2. The Stars were shining against the Hollies but faded in the Semi-finals when they faced the Sprouts. Similarly, the Elves carved up the Turkeys but then had to face the Sprouts on a full stomach in the finals. As is the norm after a full Christmas dinner, the Sprouts had the last word! A big thank you to all who took part and supported, to the Gap Ladies and Primadonnas for the raffle prizes and especially to Roxie Chapman, Ian and the staff at New Tavern for the lovely buffet. For those who couldn’t make it or were poorly, we wish you a speedy recovery and hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year L-R: Winners -Sprouts: Ann Bartlett, Simone de Lacy, Sue Bradleys
Reg no. CV-01-057624-A CIF No. G42533349
Sports Councillor Ana Belen Juarez Pastor 2019 Ibiza Trail By Andrew Atkinson Sports Councillor for Los Montesinos Ana Belen Juarez Pastor competed in the 2019 Ibiza Trail Days. "What better way to get to know the Pitiusa Island, other than with this 3-stage race," Ana Belen Juarez Pastor told The Leader. "The first stage was the 10km night stage in San Antonio. Stage two, 85 km San Antonio - San José, and stage three, 10 Km in the Necropolis of Ibiza, a World Heritage Site," said Ana, who recorded a total time of 16h 18 in her category. "I was surprised at the amount of Sierra that the island has - the beauty of its coves - as well as the turquoise blue of its waters," said Ana. "The last stage had the departure of the women separately, before the rest of the participants, a gesture that makes women visible in sport," said Ana. The 2019 race raised funds for FibrosisQuistica, for research and treatment. Ana, accompanied by Paco, Jose Alfredo and friend Mariajo, on her return to mountain races carreras, said: "Thanks to my partner Francisco López Granero and to my trainer Alex González - you can't have better sports consultants. Now, I look forward to the new challenges in 2020."
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Their opponents in the board final, Pirates Yvonne Rouffignac and Jeff Ward, gave a good account of themselves, both recording three figure scores, plus sharing out shots.
637 227 385
Debbie’s Deal of the Week
ln the first semi, Wright Tumble Dryers and Ward continued their from fine form against Christie 220 EURO and Phipps, both girls finding the T20 with ease, McKay finding both doubles, D6,D8, for victory and a place in the final.
Husband and wife duo Sandra and John Crabbe saw off the lvill and Nikolov challenge in the second semi, both contributing to their winning formula.
Prizes abounded, Graham Solomons taking the highest checkout on 96 ( T20, D18 ) in two, Andy Gildea, Nigel Justice, Roger Phipps and Yvonne Rouffignac taking home some plonk for their high score efforts.
board winners Sue Christie and Roger Phipps. Hub pairing of Sarah Arnold and John Eyre looked in fine fettle, the latter finding four doubles and 121, 135, until facing the excellent double act of C.C.'s Bliss Wright and John McKay, who had earlier disposed of the Justices' Lesley and Nigel. The La Zenia duo shared the winning doubles to make the semi finals.
Zaniest outfit and it most certainly was, went to Hi Ho team member Sonya Cooper who came as a dart playing Christmas present ( see picture ). Absolutely barmy!
On board three, Tipsy Toaders Pat Schofield and Andy Gildea played some outstanding darts to reach the board semi, Gildea contributing 100, 2x121 and a 140, partner Pat finding the doubles.
The third and what was to be the last leg, was a real Christmas cracker, six tons, three from McKay, two from John Crabbe, the other from Wright, just gave the Flyers the edge for first crack at the double. Wright duly obliged on D8 for victory 3-0. Five winning matches without losing a leg, a formidable performance from both players.
The event itself, competently run by the efficient Simone de Lacy, commenced at 8-00pm with tons galore, but just as many 26's. Even the Hubs' Trevor Scammell managed a three figure score, plus a winning double. Partner Alison doing most of the work in their first round victory. De Lacy and Solomons, the 2018 winners, eased into the second round taking out the Dollings 2-0, before succumbing to
All was going swimmingly until facing the Crabbes, Sandra and John, themselves playing well. The outcome a narrow 2-1 victory to the Legends, John Crabbe hitting D8 to win the board.
ln closing l would like to give a big thank you to all who made the evening a success, particularly the volunteer markers, organisers, sponsers and not forgetting the players.
Lisa lvill and Alex Nikolov became the fourth semi finalists winning all their matches 2-0, the Bulgarian managing 3x100 and a nice 74 game shot, Lisa hitting the winning D17.
A very happy Christmas to you all, from myself, l look forward to seeing you in2020. Don't forget the World Championships at Ally Pally, Van Gerwen to hit a nine darter.
uronics league responsibilities took second place this week for a Christmas mixed pairs event at the New Tavern. The competition, supported by Paul Lock of P.L.L. the locksmiths, was limited to thirty two teams, competing on four boards at the excellent San Miguel venue.
Early practice Sonya Cooper
The winners with Paul Lock
After an appropriate break, the best of five 501 commenced, the C.C.'s two quickly into their scoring stride, Wright 100 and the opening double. A further ton from Wright and a 47 out gave the Flyers a 2-0 advantage, despite John Crabbe finding his scoring prowess.
Debbie, Paul and Simone
Runners Up
Debbie, Graham Solomons and Paul Lock
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Orihuela Costa Veteranos win again Victory makes the Christmas break a happy one. With a month’s break between games it was Orihuela Costa Veteranos who will be dining on Xmas turkey with smiling faces after back to back wins secured their mid table league position for the festive period. They didn’t have everything their own way though as San Isidro started the game well and played the better football from the first whistle. A good passing move led to the visitors gaining an early advantage.
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019 Half time score 2-1. The second half was a stop start affair with the referee only to keen to blow his whistle for any physical contact. Orihuela Costa Veteranos created many chances but failed to increase their advantage and it was their own Goalkeeper Mark Halsey who produced two outstanding saves to secure the points for the home team. Final Result: Orihuela Costa Veteranos 2 - 1 San Isidro Goal Scorers: Phil Dewhurst, Paul Gardner 1. Man of the Match: Mark Halsey. Special thanks to our sponsors: Di Stefano Bar, Playa Flamenca Painting Services, Little Bits (Building and General Maintenance Services)
Late on in the first half Orihuela Costa Veteranos started to take more control of play and 5 minutes before half time were level as Paul Gardner drove down the left flank and pulled a cross back for Phill Dewhurst to dispatch the ball into the opposition net. San Isidro looked immediately rattled and with only seconds remaining before the halftime whistle conceded a free kick. Phill Dewhursts strike was too hot to handle for the goalkeeper who could only parry it to the oncoming Paul Gardner to dispatch.
Carp-R-Us Fishing We fished our annual Fur and Feather match at El Bosquet on the coldest morning of the winter so far, just 3 degrees when we met up, which certainly affected the fishing. Winner was Neil McBirnie with 7.90kg from peg 26, 2nd was Alan Smith who had 7.74kg from peg 40. 3rd was Alan Priest (7.04kg, peg 37) and 4th Roy Dainty (5.04kg, peg 35). The new membership year begins on 1st January. Anyone
Santa visits Walking Footballers The Pride of Spain award winning Playa Flamenca Walking Football team were Given the very best Christmas Present, when they were granted acceptance to play their home games back at the C.D.M. Sports ground where they used to play, before the ground was closed. They have arranged to play on Tuesday's with a kick off time at 4-30 from January 7th 2020. until further notice. The club has also lowered their entry age to the over 50's. So if you are interested to play or watch come along,or contact the club secretary The club also offers a superb social section for wife's and wags. This is a very good opportunity to get fit for the New Year, as No experience or skill needed but it helps. Just 2 left feet for the over50s
interested in joining the club should contact Steve Fell. The club fishes matches on a variety of venues in the Costa Blanca and Murcia regions and also organises the occasional social event. Anglers of all abilities are welcome. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca. Carp-R-Us would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The club is back at the C.D.M. Sports ground in Playa Flamenca
COSTA BLANCA LAS SALINAS PETANCA LEAGUE PREMIER LEAGUE Week 7 and the top two teams met at San Luis with league champions Franco Belgas Justin entertaining Los Bandidos. It was the host-side who started well with five wins on the trot which was not on the cards. Las Bandidos won the 6th game 13-0 to stop the rot, and game 8 but it was two more wins from the home side giving them a 7-2 victory, making a powerful statement at the halfway stage of the season. Third place Rocajuna visited Lakeside Vikings and were given a tough match. At 4-4 it was down to the Ladies to decide the winners a really good game went to the French side 13-12 and a 4-5 win to Rocajuna. Lakeside Lakers in 4th place visited Blagul and came away with an 8-1 win, they needed this having had 4 tough defeats 3 in the league and one Cup match. The final match between Franco Belgas Lucky and Los Filipinas Hawks went to the hosts 6-3 both sides needing points. Now a Christmas break with many players returning home to be with families. We Wish Everyone a Great Christmas and New Year see you in January. SANCHEZ BUTRON Sponsor of the League Cup and Plate The draw made today with all matches to be played 10 January. CUP. RINCON DEL PEDRO v LOS BANDIDOS 1. EL LIMONAR v FRANCO BELGAS JUSTIN.- SAN MIGUEL v ROCAJUNA.- FRANCO BELGAS DALTON v ROCAJUNA DEVILS. PLATE. TORRE BEARS v BLAGUL 3.- LOS ALTOS DIAMONDS v BLAGUL 2.- PEACOCKS BLUE v LOS BANDIDOS 2.- DANISH DYNAMITE v AMIGAS BELGAS 2.
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Mike Probert talks Golf (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs). Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. Around and About the Golf Courses Following on from previous articles below you will see an update on activities and problems at a number of our local courses: Campoamor The course re-laid all 18 greens over the summer months and the results are disappointing to say the least with only 9 greens open in poor condition and the other holes on temporary greens and with the cold winter months ahead of them there is little sign of a quick improvement. La Torre and Saurines Both of these courses are still closed after the storms of September followed by those in November and there are suggestions that Saurines may never re-open. Mosa Trajectum There are rumours in the golf industry that they are working on the site of the original golf courses with plans to re-open 9 or 18 holes. New Sierra Golf Early work has commenced on the 2nd 9 holes and the initial plans are for the holes to be complete in October 2020. Vistabella The golf course is now well established but visitors to the course can see development work taking place associated to the new clubhouse and again it will be October 2020 before the work is finalised.
still only 9 holes open but there are plans to fully open up all 18 holes in early February 2020.
Font Del Llop
Las Colinas 12th December 2019
There has been substantial work on the 9th greens and surrounding water course and green side bunker costing €100k and it will still be some months yet until the work is finalised and until then a provisional green is in place.
29 members and guests from Alfie's GS travelled to Las Colinas GC for the final round of the Eclectic Cup and the 2019 season. The course was in excellent condition as usual yet the scoring was low, this was maybe down to the 8am start, gusting winds and non-receptive greens.
We will keep you updated over the coming months in respect of all the above courses. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us.
The other winners on the day were:-
Santa came early for John Dobson on Wednesday as he was the only player to card a ‘2 ’in our weekly Stableford (being from Yorkshire he didn’t buy the beers though!) In very cold and windy conditions the scoring was never going to be that high and the top 3 places were all shared on just 31 points. After countback it was Nigel Price who took gold followed by Lindsay Forbes and Olga Douglas. Friday and it was our Xmas 2 ball better ball. Mike Chapman, yet again, was picking up prizes as he was nearest the pin on the 6th and Yvonne Phipps was closest in two on the par four 15th. With an outstanding 43 points Olga Douglas and Joyce McClusky took home the Christmas spirit.
There won’t be a report for next week so thanks for all your support and encouragement over the past 12 months and I’ll sign off for this year with;
This week’s quote has to go to our very own Dave
Peter Reffell
Feliz Navidad para todos! Pues hasta el ano que viene
Champion Golfer Rachel Lee
2019 End of Season Winners were: Champion Golfer of the year - Rachel Lee with 203 points. Runner up - Nick Lee with 174 points. 3rd place - Ian Ingledew with 168 points. Most Improved golfer- Rachel Lee with a handicap reduction of 8.
Winner on the day Ian Connell
Eclectic Cup winner - Jamie Stevenson with 50 pts.
Ruby's Golf, end of season roundup Our year ended with a game at Las Colinas, the top 2 players, Tim Goldsmith and Jim McCarthy were to battle it out on this very difficult course for our player of the year title. T Two other players in the top four ball Michelle Evans and Nigel Wright also had a shot at the title although they would have to play out of their skins to overhaul the top two.
Other results on the day were, nearest the pin on the par three's was George Marshall Deane, Michelle Evans(2) and Theresa Wright. Best front nine David Wright and best back Michelle Evans. Silver division winner was Dave Shelton and Gold and overall winner was Jeff Evans. The two's pot was shared between Bill Martin and Theresa Wright and Michelle won the football card.
Pulling who remarked, ‘You’d have thought by now that these trees would know I was left handed.’
Wayne Stevenson - Captain
NTP Winners: George Dawidow hole 7; Tony Hall hole 8; Rachel Lee hole 14; Harry Conrad hole 17.
After the front nine Tim was looking favorite but Jim fought back on the last few holes to make the points tally for the year equal. It had been decided that if this happened the highest score on the day would take the honors, and that person turned out to be Jim McCarthy.
Having sat through the final of ‘Strictly’ on Saturday evening I thought Monday would have been a good day to play the ‘1-2-3 Viennese Waltzer’. However someone must have viewed something they found a bit disappointing as it was the ‘3-2-1 Dusty Bin’ that was contested. With a very credible 85 points it was Ron Luffman, Nora Betts, Mike Chapman (yawn) and John Drakesmith who took the top slot. There is a rumour going round that next year’s presentation day will be held at Mike’s house!
Our 2020 season kicks off on Sunday, 5th January with our Captain v President challenge cup, to be held at the New Sierra Golf Course.
Blind Pairs: Stevie Bicks and Gary Armstrong.
We had an early tee (8-30) and disappointingly all the greens were covered in a heavy dew something that we felt should have been addressed by the green staff.
Results for w/c 16.12.19
Many thanks to our sponsors, Alfies Bar, The Street Restaurant, Celtic Drop, The Avenue Bar and Bentleys Bar.
Runner up in the gold division went to Nick Lee with 30 points.
Golf Course Price Comments Alenda €134 Two & Buggy Alicante €84 Two & Buggy Altorreal €120 Two & Buggy Bonalba €116 Two & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €114 Two & Buggy El Plantio €84 Two &Buggy Font Del Llop €92 Single & Buggy GNK Golf Courses €146 Two & Buggy (El Valle,Riquelme & La Torre) La Finca €128 Two & Buggy La Manga West €75 Single Green Fee La Marquesa €36 Single Green Fee La Serena €40 Single Green Fee Las Colinas €164 Two & Buggy Las Ramblas €104 Two & Buggy Lo Romero €144 Two & Buggy New Sierra Golf €82 Two & and Buggy Roda €130 Two & Buggy UGolf Courses €146 Two & Buggy (Saurines & Hac. Del Alamo) Villamartin €110 Two & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €57 Single & Buggy Vistabella €92 Two & Buggy
Las Ramblas Golf Society
Winner on the day, and gold Division Winner - Ian Connell with 32 points
Winner of the silver division was Jamie Stevenson with 30 points, runner up was Allan Sullivan with 27 points.
For Bookings and more info contact Mike at or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 quoting reference LEADER.
637 227 385
Our presentation Dinner was held at The Street Restaurant, Lomas De Cabo Roig before moving next door to The Avenue bar for end of season drinks.
The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you:
La Marquesa Badly damaged by the storms of September and November while in the process of changing the course layout and a number of new greens the are
The following evening 45 members and their wives attended our Christmas dinner at Stan and Ollies restaurant which once again was excellent and where the presentation of the player of the year trophy was presented. Firstly out going captain George Marshall Deane and his wife Pat received gifts thanking them for their efforts throughout the year, Tim Goldsmith was presented with the runners up trophy and Jim McCarthy took the player of the year trophy, although it was
a bit difficult for the new captain as there was nine Jim McCarthy's, see photo. A great finish to a great year and in January we start all over again. If any one requires any information or wishes to play with us please email
637 227 385
Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019
Makeshift Thader lose in seven goal thriller Benferri CF............... 4 CD Thader................3
n a week when Thader Rojales appointed their 3rd manager of the season, they signed off 2019 with an exciting goal feast against Benferri. Following the surprise news that Joaquin Mas had resigned for personal reasons, Jose Gimenez was quickly installed into the hot seat. Gimenez had previously stood as Thader assistant manager to Rico for the previous 3 seasons, therefore he knows the club very well indeed. Although the bulk of this seasons squad was recruited by Jon Ortega (manager no 1), questions need to be asked whether or not a few need to be replaced in the new year. In fact, the recent departures of both Jorge and Jaime, means that fresh blood is urgently required. This away fixture against Benferri was played at
Redovan, due to severe flood damage caused to the Benferri set up. As Fran, Juan & Vicente were all serving 1 match bans for 5 yellow cards, Gimenez could only name 2 substitutes. It took the visitors only 7 mins to get off the mark, when Rafa Gomez coolly dispatched a penalty awarded for a foul on Chamit. Shortly afterwards, Benferri appealed for a hand ball in the box, but ref Niguez was unimpressed. Parity was restored on 36 mins, courtesy of a powerful shot by Benferri defender Jaime, whose shot hit a post before crossing the line. Less than a minute later, following a counter attack, Rafa scored a beauty to restore Thader's lead. Just before half time, Lopez was on target to make it 2-2 at the interval. It took 11 minutes into the 2nd half, for a looping Lopez header to put Benferri ahead, for the first time in the match. Home keeper Roberto produced a wonder save, to deny Cristian scoring a deserved equaliser from the next move. On the hour mark, an individual run by Oridano set up Beltran, who made no mistake to make it 4-2. Injuries forced Gimenez to introduce both Nino and reserve keeper Sergio Galvez (playing up front) into the fray, and it was striker Nino who gave his side hope with a goal on 74 mins. Try as they may, a late equaliser just would not come, although it would have been no less than what their efforts had deserved. This result leaves Thader just outside the relegation zone in 15th place, on 15 points. Next up for
Thader is a visit by University of Alicante, on Sun 10 Jan 20, ko 1130. Can Thader record a double over a university side, whom they beat over in Alicante, on the opening day of the season? This match will be played at Moi Gomez stadium, where the pitch has recently been resurfaced. Check CD Thader 19/20 facebook page for further details.
José Giménez is Thader’s 3rd manager of the season
San Javier, Spain international Marta returns to Cagliari By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive SAN Javier born, Spain international football star Marta Penalver Ramon, has departed Futsal Florentia in Italy in a return move to Futsal Femminile Cagliari. "In Florence there were no longer the conditions to stay," Marta told me. "I chose to return to Cagliari. A demanding and rewarding job that I want to do in the best possible conditions," said Marta, who has returned to Female Futsal Cagliari after two years at Florentia.
Marta's return to Sardinia and the city of Dante, was one of six players departing Futsal Florentia: "In Florence the conditions were not quite right," said Marta. Marta (pictured) amongst the goals in Futsal Cagliari's 7-2 win against Lazio at the PalaConi, on her return debut, said: "I didn't feel like continuing at Futsal Florentia. I am happy to return to Cagliari after two years away. Returning to this land and playing with these colours.” "They have always welcomed me with such affection - making me feel at home. Coming back also means embracing so many friends. "I hope to be able to give my best. I set off with a great desire to play and do well against Lazio. "I think we can have our say in the Championship - and in the Italian Cup - hopefully we can win trophies at Cagliari this season." In the 2nd Regional Group 14 CF Atletico Algorfa hit three past visitors Formentera CF in a 3-1 win. CF Sporting Albatera 'A' climbed to third, following a 4-0 away win at CF Playa Santa Pola.
Hondon's Christmas cracker By Andrew Atkinson Hondon Nieves 'C' climbed to third place in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 following a seven goals Christmas cracker 4-3 away victory at CF Popular Orihuela.
UD Horadada 'B' jumped three places to fifth, with a resounding 3-0 victory against Sporting Guardamar, who dropped to sixth. Sporting Saladar suffered a heavy 6-2 home defeat against Bigastro CF, with Torrevieja CF taking a point in a six goal thrilling 3-3 draw against CD Dolores.
Racing San Miguel jumped four places to go fifth, after taking a point in a goalless draw away at Monovar. REFC dropped down the table after losing 1-0 away at Callosa Deportivo CF, who go twelfth in the table. Santa Pola CF increased their points tally at the top of the table, with a comfortable 3-0 win against CF Castalla.
Sporting Guardamar youth prodigies Alfredo Garcia and Felipe Andreu, 2nd Regional debutants in December.
Daya Nuevo gained a 4-1 win against Atletico Crevillente, and CD Benijofar hit five against Atletico Benejuzar in a 5-1 win. Leaders CD Montesinos netted nine against bottom club Todo Deportivo in a 9-1 win.
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Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th December, 2019