Leader Edition 798

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No 798

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020

Tel: 637 227 385

Serving the community, in print and online, for over 15 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

Re g i o n a l M i n i s t e r o f H e a l t h d i s m i s s e s R i b e ra S a l u d A p p e a l


here will be no fiveyear extension for Ribera Salud, the management company employed by the Department of Health in Torrevieja. This was confirmed by the

Valencian Minister for Public Health, Ana Barceló, who said that she will bring the region’s medical facilities back into the public domain when the Ribera Salud management contract expires in October 2021.

The former mayor of Sax made the announcement in response to the company’s statement that it would build a second health centre on the Orihuela Costa, should their contract be extended for a further five years.

However the minister was adamant, clearly stating that there will be no extension. Barceló said that she will not accept “exchange currencies” with regard to health. Continued on Page 2


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020


Continued from Page One Torrevieja Department of Health


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“What I want to make clear is that the health care of Valencians is above any other interest. That is our commitment, and it will never be the subject of any negotiation.” Although she didn’t make any reference to the Ribera Salud offer she said, "The Torrevieja concession will revert to the public system as planned, and of that there is no doubt.” The Torrevieja Department of Health currently operates 10 health centres and 12 auxiliary offices that provides health care to more than 140,000 residents of the municipalities of Torrevieja, San Fulgencio, Formentera del Segura, Benijófar, Rojales, Guardamar del Segura, Los Montesinos, San Miguel de Salinas and Pilar de la Horadada, in addition to attending Orihuela Costa, Torremendo, La Mata and Los Palacios. She said that from 15 October 2021 the Hospital of Torrevieja and its Department of Health will be managed directly by the Ministry. However Ribera Salud said that it has no official

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The Valencian Minister for Public Health, Ana Barceló notification regarding the termination of the contract "so we will continue to work normally on long-term projects." It is understood that if th contract is to be terminated the Ministry of Health must officially communicate that it will not extend the concession to Ribera Salud one year before the contract expires, that is, before October 15 of this year.

Lee brews storm in-ateacup! By Andrew Atkinson Lee Howard brewed up a storm-in-a-teacup after his kettle went off the boil - leaving the BigFM and RTI radio presenter in a spin! "I'm sure you'll think it's silly - but I've made an amazing discovery," Lee, who resides near Torrevieja, told The Leader. "On New Year's day my kettle had, had it's day. I couldn't pop out to buy another - so I used a small saucepan to boil the water," said Lee. Musician and former executive at Decca and Chrysalis Records, London, Lee, who brought Paul Young to perform at Torrevieja Auditorium in 2019, said: "I drink tons of tea. "But, even after one cuppa, my cup or mug goes brown on the inside. I'm forever cleaning them!" Lee, working this year with Brian Ferry, and a whole host of top stars, in rehearsals with a great named band in Spain, said: "Water boiled in a saucepan makes it significantly clearer.

Ok Cha! - Lee brews up storm- in-a-teacup. "Cups and mugs don't get covered in brown stains - and the tea tastes even better!". Model and actress Lily Rose Brown said: "Lee may need to de-scale his kettle more often." However, Eileen Garson said: "I tried Lee's experiment, and there's definitely less staining on the cup. "I used the kettle for my next cuppa, and there was more staining, than saucepan water." Lee said: "I've tried a few descalers, but my kettle packed up. I'm going to buy a kettle, with no element." Anna Etziono-Gilbert said: "Einstein and Lee have something in common - not sure what - but I’m sure there is something!".


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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020

Firefighters warn of dangers for people living alone he increase of older people who are living alone has been reflected in recent years by an upsurge in the number of rescues and forced entry’s that firefighters are having to make into properties and homes due to people falling, people who are immobilised and all too frequently, even dead people.


out for long periods just moving from one place to another.

They are usually called to such properties by friends and neighbours, who perhaps haven’t seen the occupant for several days.

He said that fires from industrial activities represent about 8% of the total, while those related to the extinction of agricultural and forest fires are around 30%, as in previous years. What has decreased slightly are the number of actions related to traffic accidents, following the general trend at the state level, where serious accidents have been reduced.

This was stated by the head of the Elche Fire Station, Alberto Martín, who said that although the increase has not been significant when compared to the previous year, the number of such call outs does show a rising trend that has been gradually increasing for the last decade. In 2019 the Elche Park, including the sub-park of Crevillente, made more than 1,800 such responses, the largest number of the entire Consortium in the Province of Alicante. These constituted between 70 and 80% of all the calls attended to in the city centre, said Martín. One other significant increase was in the number of animal-related rescues, due to the awareness of society with pet care. Alberto Martín describes 2019 as a year that was unusual at it’s activity level, particularly in view of the September DANA that triggered so much activity, “many of them not accounted for as we were

“There were also two unusual industrial fires, one in a factory in Crevillente and another in an illegal clothing store close to the Airport, which saw us working for about a week in each case to extinguish them," he adds.

Elche call outs amount to an average of more than six responses a day, which are attended by twenty firefighters on each of the five shifts that operate at the Elche and Crevillente facilities. There were more than 250 hours of rescues involving helicopter flight and firefighters recorded 170 cases of incidents located in hard-to-reach areas due, above all, to the rise in mountain sports "Prevention is the best form of care" for any incident, says Martin, so he urges precautions when entering into this type of activity but above all Martín says that the number of casualties that have victims in their own homes could be reduced by half if a smoke detector were, which would serve to warn in case of accidental fire due to a short circuit, electrical problems or, very common in the winter, failures in the ventilation system. "A smoke detector costs only a few euros but it can be a great lifesaver," he says.




Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020


Torrevieja to assume management of Auditorium Torrevieja council has said that it will assume management of the Music Auditorium when it is handed back to the city by the Generalitat’s SPTCV (The Thematic Projects Society of the Valencian Community) in November 2021. In assuming control it will be faced with running costs of 800,000 euros per year, including programming, from which it can expect to recover around 400,000. The programming is currently handled by Sonora Producciones from Cartagena which they have done with some success. With a capacity of 1,600 seats they have achieved an audience rate of over 60%, despite many difficulties, such as the poor transport connection between Torrevieja and the Auditorium itself. Sonora has also incorporated programming from the Torrevejense town hall itself such as carnivals and concerts by the Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra, with great public support. As well as the 1600 seat theatre, the auditorium also houses a conservatory-campus for 220 students covering more than 3,000 m2, and that has never opened its doors The idea came from the then mayor Pedro Hernández Mateo in the golden era of large projects, even though there was never any clear forecast of how the infrastructure would be used. Mateo subsequently served three years in prison for corruption

Quirónsalud Torrevieja is officially the best hospital in the Province of Alicante Hospital Quirónsalud Torrevieja has been ben voted as the best hospital in the province of Alicante according to the fifth edition of the Hospital Excellence Index (IEH) 2019, published every year by the Institute of Governance and Applied Economics, while for the 5th consecutive


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Man accused of fathering daughter’s baby Elche’s Court of Violence on Women is investigating a man for a crime of abuse against his daughter, and another of sexual abuse with the investigation focusing on determining whether he and the victim had a sexual relationship when she was just 17 years of age. It is understood that the young woman spent part of her childhood under the guardianship of the Generalitat after her father, now under investigation, was sent to prison. Following his released, the man got back in touch with his daughter, who was 16 years old at the time. Subsequently, the minor moved to live with her father and became pregnant. The man's arrest took place last Wednesday, after the young woman, assisted by a neighbour, accused him of assaulting her.

It is now thought that the council might well revisit, along with the Department of Education, the possibility that the current municipal conservatory or a higher one could be located in the auditorium. In his previous term as mayor Eduardo Dolón (PP) also raised the possibility of the building accommodating the headquarters of a private university.

year, it’s sister hospital in Madrid, the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital, of the Quirónsalud Group, has been nominated as the best Hospital in Spain. Within the Community of Valencia the Hospital Quirónsalud de Torrevieja has moved up from the fourth to the third position. The objective of this award is to reward excellence, innovation and social welfare amongst hospitals and consolidate health as one of the basic pillars of the Welfare State. The index analyses public and private hospitals and measures excellence based on the results and perceptions of over 2,000 professionals working in the centres or in their environment. The results consider the total number of services offered in the centres and focus on their quality and assessment. Hospital excellence means the sum of quality of care, hospital service, well-being and patient satisfaction, innovative capacity, personalised attention and efficiency in the management of resources, as well as it’s commitment to the sustainability of a public, free and quality health system. This recognition consolidates Quirónsalud not only as the one with the highest volume, but also as the private health group with the highest quality in Spain, obtaining the status of "excellent". This continued excellent evaluation of the Quirónsalud hospitals, confirms a new incentive to improve the treatment and treatment that the professionals give to the patients.

Lighting replaced in Park of Nations The lack of maintenance of this popular park has been a constant grievance amongst local residents for many years but at long last the repair and renovation of the public lighting in the Parque de las Naciones, which began last July 2019, has finally been completed.

The Councillor for Works and Services, Sandra Sánchez (PP), said that the entire lighting installation has been replaced with 65 lamps adapted to 7W LED lamps. The 18 spotlight-beacons on the stage with 7W power LED lamps and all of the mercury and sodium vapour lamps have also been changed.

The Spanish press states that in his judicial statement, the father stated that his intention was to recognise the paternity of the child before the Civil Registry of Elche. When the child was born, 15 months ago, the mother, who was 17 years old at the time, registered the birth in her name only, as a single mother so, as she explained in her testimony, in order to avoid the gossip that would have resulted. The court has also agreed to carry out a psychological analysis of the victim. In this case, it will be necessary to clarify whether, due to its "exceptional circumstances", the matter is the responsibility of the Court of Violence on Women or "if it needs to be put before an ordinary Court of Instruction.



637 227 385

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020



Christmas Day on La Zenia Beach has become a victim of it’s own success I

t was the Benedictine monk John Lydgate, I believe, who first said “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.” He must have been contemplating the Orihuela Costa because it seems as though whatever Mayor Emilio Bascuñana and his councillors do and provide for that coastal stretch of the municipality there is one faction or another which criticises him for getting it wrong.

because I think that the numbers have now outgrown the location and together with a lack of management afforded by the local authority it would seem to be only a matter of time before there are serious accidents or other unwelcome incidents.

I personally feel aggrieved that the local expat band “Just Brass” become so popular that who were largely responsible for creating the impromptu event 17 the authorities must or 18 years ago, were then pushed out by the council as the gatherprovide it with the prop- ing gained in popularity and as er attention and organ- the municipal corporation moved in, immediately replacing the And such was the position following the gathering of residents isation that it deserves ensemble with their own acts and entertainment as they started to on La Zenia Beach on Wednesday claim the event as their own and begin to claim 25 December, and their spontaneous celebration of Christmas Day. rather more of the organisational credit.

The event has now

This really is a wonderful ‘melting pot’, an event that has quickly become one of the ‘must attend’ occasions on the coast. Three weeks ago there was warm sunshine, sand, sea and lots of music as over 10,000 people, many of them dressed in Christmas costumes, spent a full day along with their mandatory food and drink of course, simply enjoying life, as they celebrated on the 27,000 square metres of coastline, with hardly room to drop a pin. It is true to say that the beach was bursting at the seams with revellers travelling from as far afield as Albacete, Ontinyent, Cartagena and Murcia City to take part in an event that is growing in popularity year on year. Having joined in the festivities for a dozen or more years myself, I personally no longer attend

However it now seems to have turned full circle and to have become a victim of its own success with more and more groups and associations beginning to criticise the council for a lack of lifeguards, an absence of Policia Local and Guardia Civil as well as a failure to provide any sort of safety or first aid facility at what is now the largest annual gathering of residents on the coast. Indeed on the days following the event it was difficult to keep up with social media as post after post criticised the local council just about every which way, with everyone agreeing that it was la Zenia’s busiest 25 December ever. One post said that "The Ayuntamiento should support this kind of thing so that there are fixed positions for the Red Cross, Civil Protection and Local Police. There should also be lifeguards on the

beaches and an information point to which children should go if they are lost.” There was also a great deal of criticism of traffic management, or rather the lack of it, with dozens of cars illegally parked on pavements and in front of private driveways and other vehicles travelling round and round in circles in their attempts to get as close to the beach as possible. “And neither was there any representation at the event from the council,” it was stated, “other than a couple of assessors.” One further criticism that appeared on the FAOC WhatsApp Group, albeit rather more supportive but still equally critical of the municipal board said “I just saw the news from all over Spain where there were many reports of people celebrat-

ing Christmas Day on the beach, but nowhere across the whole country were they doing so in the numbers that we saw at La Zenia, proving that this town hall is so inept that it doesn't even know how to ‘sell’ on television.” The La Zenia gathering is an extremely popular event and one that is much appreciated by the coastal community and with the Ayuntamiento now involved it is quite right that people are now demanding better security and facilities. Personally I enjoyed a much more relaxed and tranquil occasion on Campoamor Beach where “Just Brass” have once again staked their claim and where I had the space to lay out my deckchairs, establish a good sized plot and enjoy a game of football with my grandchildren, without being jostled or trampled underfoot.


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020



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on 20th to the 22nd February. The show takes a light hearted and humorous look at love from teenage crushes to meeting that right person to relationship tensions, finally concluding that the phrase Crazy Little Thing Called Love is totally correct. The story of love is portrayed through song, dance and some very funny sketches.

Stevie with Jenny, Eileen and Roger

Los Montesinos announces 2019 surplus of €2,290,000

By Andrew Atkinson

Los Montesinos Mayor José Manuel Butrón has thanked staff following their management during 2019, returning a surplus of more than €2,290,000.

Following our popular formula, Crazy Little Thing Called Love will be another supper show where patrons can enjoy a one course meal plus an evening of entertainment. Don’t miss out, tickets can be reserved by phoning Pat on 626 772 256 or calling in to The Olympia Bar and Restaurant Mil Palmeras


The Mayor announced the last Local Government Board of Los Montesinos for 2019 has addressed various contracts, with the Wi-Fi contract to be installed in the Municipality, with Vega Fibra.

By Andrew Atkinson A pet owner in Daya Nuevo has warned of a poisoning attempt after scotch eggs were stuffed with poison - and left in her garden.

Approval of grants to neighbourhood associations, for the development of Cultural, Educational, Socio-economic and Sports activities of the 2019 annuity have also been made.

"We arrived home to hear that someone had been trying to poison our pets," said the pets' owner," who was away when the poisoning attempt was undertaken.

By Andrew Atkinson

"They used scotch eggs with poison inside," said the owner, whose pets were saved from eating the sausage meat by neighbours. dressing gowns, pyjamas, T-shirts, jumpers, underwear, socks, Chino trousers and slippers.

"Our friends and pet carers got to the scotch eggs - packed with poison - before any of our animals did," they added.

"A big thank you to Eamonn Lynch and his entire family - totally fantastic - the most generous people I know.

"Whoever is responsible for this evil, disgusting act, are scum bags," said the pets' owner.

"Also to everyone at Vistabella Golf, and Neil Couzens. €456 left over from fundraising will be paid into their account."

The poisoning incident is the latest to have been made within the Vega Baja regions after cats were targeted with poison in Los Montesinos recently.

Campoverde Theatre Group Donation

The contract of renovation works for potable water for Capitán Cortés Street will be carried out by Geos, for €59,000. Approval of the specifications to tender the replacement of LED lights in the urban area, with over 250 lampposts, for energy savings, for an amount of € 90,000, has been made. Approval of the work to contract the signs on the hiking trail 'Montesinos, active Nature and Health', for €15,700 has been made.

Following the very successful supper show, Supper on the West End the Campoverde Theatre Group have presented HELP Vega Baja with 500€ towards helping victims of the recent flooding, many of whom are still without homes or home basics like electro domestics, bedding etc. The terrible flooding of the Vega Baja region happened shortly before the production and the cast and audiences dug deeply to help Members of the Theatre Group

"With the University Miguel Hernández de Elche (UMH), the drafting of the 1st Internal Gender Equality Plan of the Ayto de Los Montesinos has been approved," said Jose Manuel Butron.

Stevie Spit has been to San Jose Orphanage helping deliver 80 presents for The 3 Kings celebrations, ahead of the 2020 school year.

The lower level of prices with respect to surrounding countries is due to the fact that Spain, despite VAT increases, higher taxes and biodiesel levies, still has lower fiscal pressure, in general, than the remainder of the community.

"Presents donated include school packs, books, ruler sets, pens, felts, chalks, pencils and rubbers," said Stevie.

Donations of any kind are welcome by the Staff, who work tirelessly for the children in the centre, just outside Orihuela, along with a small centre for older children in the City. Stevie, BEM, said: "They also received so many new clothes, from

The average price of a litre of diesel has increased by 2.13% since last 16 December, the last date on which the European Union provided fuel data prior to the Christmas holidays, to stand at 1,247 euros in this second week of January, according to data released by the EU Oil Bulletin.

However, gasoline is still cheaper in Spain than in the EU average and the euro zone. Currently Euro-Super 95 fuel stands at 1,443 euros and 1,477 euros, respectively, while a litre of diesel costs an average of 1,381 euros in the EU and 1,379 euros in the eurozone.

Gifts delivered to San Jose Orphanage

The Orphanage is solely funded by the Government (Public Sector) unlike other privately owned orphanages in the area.

The price of a litre of fuel has increased in price by at least 2% so far this year due to the upward escalation recorded in recent weeks in the price of crude oil, due to tension in the Middle East.

The price of a litre of diesel is now at its highest level since the first half of June, at which time it cost in the region of 1.2 euros per litre. Unleaded petrol has also increased in price (+ 1.3%) since the last data in December, to 1.32 euros, its highest level since the end of September.

A vacancy has arisen to create a job pool Healthcare Assistant. The 5th La Marquesa V Employment Workshop has also been approved.

The residential care the children, aged 11-17, are given is in a warm and homely environment.

Fuel prices start the year on a high

the victims of this disaster. The members of the Campoverde Theatre Group are very busy rehearsing for their next production, Crazy Little Thing Called Love which will be staged at the Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras

CINEMA PILAR English Language Cinema in Pilar de la Horadada - Calle Canalejas 4 Thursday 16th Jan at 7pm Saturday 18th Jan at 5.30pm

IN LIKE FLYNN The biopic depicts Flynn's roust-about early life in Australia, as an adventurer, opium smuggler, gambler, street fighter, womanizer and gold prospector before he became an internationally famed celebrity.

Starring: Thomas Cocquerel, Corey Large, William Moseley, Clive Standen Dur: 1hr 45 min Genre: Action | Biography. 1930s. Sea Adventures



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020


Women’s Charity - The Inner Wheel Club of Campoamor The Inner Wheel is a Women's Charity Organisation with over 3,895 clubs and 108 000 members across the globe, with the aims of supporting mothers and

children, increasing educational opportunities and preventing poverty and disease. Projects are in focus to ensure that help reaches local as well as international women and children. Just prior to Christmas, International Inner Wheel President, Phyllis Charter attended the official installation of the Inner Wheel Club of Campoamor in Orihuela Costa, Mary Anne Gronningen, founder and club President, together with local members and a number of guests from UK, Belgium, Greece, Galicia,

Netherlands and Germany were also present for the occasion. Our next meeting will be 2pm on 21 January at Restaurante Christopher Urb.Mar Azul, R. Eliseos playa local 1, Torrevieja. For more information please visit www.internationalinnerwheel.org www.facebook.com/InnerWheelClubof Campoamor/ Does it sounds interesting? Do you want to help others and make a difference? Please contact Mary Anne Gronningen +47 90 57 45 90, 964 335 299 or Christina Berardi 693 523 905.

The official installation of the Inner Wheel Club of Campoamor in Orihuela Costa




‘We live in hope…’


ankind is the eternal optimist. No matter how bad things are, we always continue to live in hope. We hang in there, always expecting there will be an upturn in our fortunes. Man is born with this expectation and is the only such hopeful animal. Four-legged animals have a different outlook. They always expect the worst to happen. Give a boy a hurley or a football and he immediately sees himself as a future star. The girl who got the Karaoke set for Christmas now sees herself in bright lights, winning the X-factor. Give a dog a bone and from that instant Rover is convinced he will lose the bone or that somebody will take it from him. A man goes fishing and doesn’t even get a ‘bite’. That human goes back to that same place again in the hope that the fish will be ‘taking’ next time. The fox breaks into the hen-house, and although he can only carry one chicken away with him, Reynard kills all of them because he fears that a live hen would not be there when he returns for more. Yes, we humans are the eternal optimists. Each new year we make the same resolutions that we made and broke last year, and the year before … and the year before that. On New Year’s Eve this warm feeling of hope engulfs our mind and body. It’s as if the problems of the old year are being washed away and we can start again with this brand new year of hope and expectation. That New Year’s Eve is simply nothing more than one day stretching in to another very similar day, will not be permitted to interfere with the glow of hope. Bad things unfortunately do happen to good people – but there is no place for such thoughts on our horizon of hope. We see ourselves getting healthier, wealthier – but not necessarily any wiser; because how could we be any wiser than at this point in time? Hope is one of life’s great blessings. It is related to optimism and contributes to a feel good factor. Looking forward favourably brings a certain happiness. Having hope is to imagine a positive outcome to all of life’s crosses. The more hopeful you are, the better your problem-solving abilities. I am about to give you the greatest example

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020

January 1, 2020, saw a number of toll roads go free, including the AP-4 from Seville to Cadiz - and the AP-7 from Alicante to Valencia and Tarragona. Tolls at La Zenia and Torrevieja on the AP-7 will remain - until 2048. Tolls on the AP-7, between Malaga and Estepona, remaining in until 2054. A journey of 82km costing up to €12.60 in high season. An additional €3.30 cost is payable for the 20km stretch

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that I know of hope carrying a man through a killer illness. In 2006 I had the privilege of spending ten days in South Africa in the company of former Offaly footballer, Mick Wright. When you are with someone 24/7, you learn a lot about each other. Mick is an AllIreland medal winner; I am a GAA fanatic … so I assumed we would talk nothing but football. We talked football – but it was Mick Wright’s other story that will last with me forever. Six years earlier, Mick was hit with Leukaemia. A bone-marrow transplant was the only hope, but the surgeon said he was too bad for the operation to work. They gave him two months to live … ‘six if you are lucky and do what we tell you.’ ‘No hope’, he was told. ‘’Where there is life there is hope”, he replied. Through a contact from the sports world, Mick was put in touch with a pioneering surgeon in Barcelona and he went into hospital there. Against all the odds the transplant worked. It was regarded as a miracle. Mick Wright was treated in room #7. After he was discharged, the hospital took down the number seven and changed the name of that room to “THE HOPE ROOM.”

‘The Oxford Dictionary’. This is what it says; “Hope: the feeling of wanting something to happen, and thinking that it will happen.” I couldn’t have said it better myself … I hope your hopes come true for 2020!

We can sometime use hope as a means of relaxation by playing pleasant little fantasy games – such as what we’d do if we won the lotto. A million people play the lotto in Ireland every week and every punter has the same hope and the same dream. The odds are very heavily stacked against the dreamer, but each one says; ‘someone has to win’ and the fall-back line is the company’s logo, “it could be you!”


Yes, ‘hope springs eternal.’ The pundits, panellists and the hardheaded bookies all say that your favourite team has no chance of winning anything. That’s how it was last year and as far back as you can remember. But, as Christy Ring said, ‘when the cuckoo comes’, hope will once again swell in every fan’s chest. We will all head off to the match thinking, ‘maybe this could be our year!’

*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.

I am looking at the definition of hope in my little pocket edition of

500€M TAXPAYERS BURDEN? "Toll" order - in call to scrap all AP-7 tolls By Andrew Atkinson


towards Gibraltar. Travelling on the AP-7, from Pilar de la Horadada to Mojacar, the toll fee is €10.80, each way. In the wake of the toll charge remaining in place on the AP-7 a presentation has been tabled by Partido Popular (PP) Mayors in the Vega Baja regions - for the tolls to be withdrawn from the AP-7 Crevillente to Cartagena motorway. The move would come with a huge financial cost - with an Alicante Socialist party (PSOE) Senator deeming such a plan would cost taxpayers thousands of millions of euros. A contract is in place up to 2048, with toll charges remaining in place for another 28 years. A call by the PIOC (Party for the Independence of Orihuela Costa) deem the company running the motorway, should consider La Zenia Boulevard and Orihuela destinations be met with a plan for people on the Padron charged 1€ - or a toll free of charge. A motion has also been tabled for visitors to La Zenia Boulevard, that the toll should be reduced, according to money spent at the shopping centre. The question is, if the Government do a UTurn on the AP-7 toll charge, who will cover the financial loss? Talk is pointed to the taxpayers with a figure of 500€ million muted.

Don’t Forget There is more hope for a confessed sinner than a conceited saint. Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com

Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020




Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020



637 227 385




ANSWERS Week 797


Maximise on (4,3,4,2)


Flirt (8)


Detail (4)


Haphazard (6)


Imprisoned (2,4)


Infertile (6)


Stimulate (6)


Drop (4)


Insecure (8)


Profligacy (13)

CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 18

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21.

Wide view (8) Pay back (6) Close (4) Half-wit (8) Requesting (6) Gown (4) Bravely (8) Excel (8) Enjoy (6) Fetters (6) Greedy (4) Location (4)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Daub; 8 Unforeseen; 9 Virtuous; 10 Ripe; 12 Fidget; 14 Yanked; 15 Target; 17 Dreamy; 18 Rein; 19 Capacity; 21 Vociferous; 22 Heed. DOWN: 2 Anticipate; 3 Bust; 4 Effort; 5 Frisky; 6 Estrange; 7 Knee; 11 Pre-emptive; 13 Gigantic; 16 Ticket; 17 Deploy; 18 Rove; 20 Cash. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 So-so; 8 Water-wheel; 9 Gardenia; 10 Sect; 12 Tipped; 14 Nelson; 15 Disarm; 17 Modish; 18 Aged; 19 Relation; 21 Left-hander; 22 Nash. DOWN: 2 Organising; 3 Owed; 4 Atoned; 5 Ordain; 6 Whistled; 7 Plot; 11 Crosswords; 13 Plaudits; 16 Myriad; 17 Malady; 18 Ally; 20 Turn.


Potter who may need to take a rest (7-6)


Rush round the meadows when let out (8)


They contain drinks for infants (4)

10. Fights for morsels (6) 12. Amused by the destruction of the Gorgon (6) 14. Make leisurely progress, as old-time players used to do (6) 16. Show girls after this, refrain! (6) 18. Stride for the entrance, by the sound of it (4) 20. Bask nude, becoming comprehensively tanned! (3-5) 22. One profit follows another repeatedly (5,3,5)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Hollywoods top grossing star in the depression years is also found on the cover of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Who is it? 2. What is the number of the room feared in the book 1984? 3. Which city with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants is the most remote? Remote in the sense that the next closest city with more than 1,000,000 inhabitants is 2,153 km away. 4. Who once caused controversy by touching the Queen while she was on a walkabout? 5. In which US state would you find each of the following? a. the most northern point. b. the most southern point. c. the most eastern point. d. the most western point. 6. Founded 3,000 years ago in Persia, what is the oldest creedal religion in the world? 7. If a plea is entered for 'Autrefois convict' or 'Autrefois acquit' in court, in a nutshell why are the lawyers asking for the case to be dismissed?

DOWN 1. Beef fillet to sell more cheaply (8) 2. Made no difference to Italian city (6) 3. See 6 Down. 4. This causes widespread ill-feeling (8) 5. Henry and Edward pulled up (6) 6 and 3Dn. Late arrangement in the canteen describing vegetarian diet (8) 11. Sam Neal's transferred as a commercial representative (8) 13. This serves as a reminder that our vines need to be transplanted (8) 15. Away from home with suitable sporting strip (6) 17. Royal House of the Mandarin! (6) 19. Seaweed found among the coastal garbage (4) 21. Sleepily gives silent consent (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 1 8 ) 8. In the Middle Ages, what was a Conroi? 9. For which 1985 film set in the Amish community was Harrison Ford nominated for an Oscar? 10. The Chaco war between Paraguay and Bolivia (19321934) erupted due to a minor sticky little dispute over what? 11. In which novel do two countries go to war over how to open a boiled egg? 12. Where does the fictional character Mr Ratchett (also known as Cassetti) die? 13. The Toyota MR2 had to change its name in which European country? 14. What kind of 'ville' describes a slum in many parts of Africa? 15. Which actor would you find in all of the following films or TV productions? a. I, Claudius, b. Excalibur, c. Dune, d. Robin Hood, Men in Tights.



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020



Covera celebrates 1st Anniversary


orvera Airport, which will celebrate its first anniversary on Wednesday, has managed to exceed its target of one million passengers in 2019 and has also introduced new national destinations, with all-year round flights to the Canary Islands as well as to Barcelona, Asturias, Bilbao and Palma (which will start in spring). Since last November, when the airport achieved 1,050,058 passengers, it began to generate revenue for the Regional Administration, with Aena now paying 0.84 euros for each passenger it transits over one million, but although the airport is now paying back a small portion of it’s original outlay, month after month it is still losing passengers, and in November recorded another fall of 173, 000 passengers in relation to the figures achieved by San Javier the previous year. The results have, therefore, produced a mixed message, and with the impatience of the many people in the tourist sector increasing, and the criticisms of the sector becoming more pronounced in the absence of an adequate promotion of the Region, there are still many questions that need to be answered. The airport, which remained closed for seven years before being inaugurated, had been one of the great aspirations of the Region, which hoped to achieve a massive influx of tourists with its launch. Its eventual opening was received as a true feat after a decade of disagreements and lawsuits with the company that built it, Aeromur, and the construction company Sacyr, and one year after the opening, there are still pending disputes between the Community and the first concessionaire, which left the Regional Government with a bill of 182 million, the interest payments alone of which amount to 22,000 euros. The Irish low cost airline Ryanair provided the first arrival at the new airstrip with a flight from the East Midlands, and whose passengers were greeted with a flock of photographers eager to capture their 10 am landing with their cameras.

Shortly afterwards the king himself was on site to preside over the official opening ceremony. The commissioning of Corvera required a tremendous logistic deployment of Aena personnel, who after closing the San Javier airport following it’s final departure on 14 January, had to move people and equipment from the Mar Menor to their new home in Corvera, also ensuring that everything was operational in time to meet the first arrival on 15 January. The airline staff and many airport employees, who had attended to the passengers in San Javier, had also to move overnight to the new facilities. It was the first time that an entire airport had been moved, so there was a lot of concern that it could be carried out successfully, but although there were some teething problems, there was nothing of any real consequence that showed the undertaking to be anything other than an extremely successful operation. In its first year Corvera has managed to incorporate several national routes, most of which will only be operational in the spring and summer months. In 2019 it premiered Volotea airline flights to Asturias and Ryanair flights to Palma de Mallorca. In October, the Binter company opened another regular line to the Canary Islands, the only national connection that operates through the winter months. For next season, which begins at the end of March, Volotea has announced a new route to Bilbao and Vueling will fly to Barcelona,

so there will also be five national flights, if the forecasts are met. However, the Vueling route to Barcelona causes some scepticism, given that the plane will leave Corvera at ten o'clock at night, which makes it difficult to compete with the schedules offered by Alicante airport, and outside Spain, the Region will continue to provide flights to the United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium and Norway. Corvera facilities are now ready to receive 140 daily flights and up to three million passengers a year but what is not known is how long the airport will need to reach the two million figure, a number that San Javier achieved before the 2007 economic crisis cut it’s commercial activity in half. Only then will it have gone some way toward compensating the economic effort made by the regional government to provide the Region with an airport that could be operational 24 hours a day.


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charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits@outlook.com to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es

Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers.

The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean

for info on: 630 28 08 99 Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- gill.burden20@gmail.com RNA - The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanization, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1996. Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team.

Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 Torrevieja Retired Activities Club meet on the third Wednesday in the month from 11-1pm at Marina Club Cafeteria, International Marina, Torrevieja. The joining fee is 10euros but you can attend one meeting or lunch before you join. For info phone Sandy Hollywood, President 698 266 696 or Jill Hayes, membership Secretary 672 983 019. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre helpathomecb@gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the

The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at: oc.communitycare@gmail.com

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday

service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org

Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020




Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020



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HOPI EAR CANDLING WITH BODY HARMONY including deafness caused by excess wax, congested sinuses, irritation in the ears, ringing or noises in the ears, helps with tinnitus, glue ear, colds, flu, headaches and migraines. As their action is so gentle, this treatment is particularly suitable for children What are the effects?

Thermo-Auricular therapy (Hopi Ear Candles) What are Hopi Candles? Hopi Ear Candles are hollow tubes made of cotton, soaked in beeswax, honey and herbs. When lit, the candle acts like a chimney, causing warm air inside it to rise and creating a vacuum at the bottom. This vacuum gently stimulates the ear, facilitating removal of excess wax and impurities It is important to note that the candle does not suck wax out of the ear. It stimulates the ear to eliminate the wax naturally, ensuring maximum safety

draught free atmosphere and the patient should lie in a comfortable position on his/her side with their head supported on a pillow. A small cotton towel should cover the hair. The lit candle is inserted into the outer ear and the flame is allowed to burn down to within a short distance of the marked red line, when the candle is then removed gently and extinguished in some water. The practitioner then massages gently around the ear, using draining movements towards the neck. The procedure is repeated on the other ear, and then the patient lies on his/her back for a gentle drainage massage on the face. It is then important for the patient to have a drink of water and lie still for at least 10 minutes before he/she stands up

How are the candles used?

What are the benefits?

The treatment should be carried out in a relaxed,

Hopi candles can be used for many conditions

In most cases the treatment is extremely soothing and relaxing, leaving the patient with a sense of well-being and reduced pressure in the ears or head. A little warmth is felt, and hissing and crackling noises are heard, with a little popping. Most people say that it is a very pleasant experience!

independent institutes. You can therefore be confident that the candles are made of the highes quality and safety standards.

The initial effect can be an improvement in hearing or freer nasal breathing and an improved sense of smell. However, improvements can continue occurring for a day or two.

COURSE IN HOPI EAR CANDLING Body Harmony offers a one day course in learning Hopi Ear Candling which will enable you to offer treatments to others.

When should candles not be used?

With this course you will get a certificate, and a comprehensive manual.

Use of the candles is contra-indicated if: *The ear drum is perforated ‌...(perforated ear drums can heal up) *Grommets are in places *The ear is infected *The patient is allergic to any of the candles components ..e.g. beeswax

Recalled products likely to have arrived in Spain as Deadly Christmas Presents By Andrew Atkinson Candles that could lead to toxic poisoning and asphyxiation are amongst a plethora of item recalls in a serious alert. A serious alert has been issued in the UK, following candles with wood wicks, sold with different scents. The country of origin is the USA. Major outlets in the UK have alerted the dangers of the recall items that could well now be in SPAIN for Christmas presents. TKMaxx have acted quickly after candles, with the risk of Asphyxiation, due to chemical releases an excessive amount of smoke, were sold.

The telephone number is: 966 795 103 or email on bodyharmony44@gmail.com

Safety I use BIOSUN Ear Candles which are medical products Class IIa according to medical device directive 93/42/EEC, and are regularly tested by


If you would like to book an appointment or find any addition information about treatment or courses then please contact Christine Quinlan at Body Harmony

Website is bodyharmonytherapies.co.uk. BODY HARMONY IS BASED IN LA MARINA

Trading Standards UK has issued recalls for nine different product lines in January

lines in January, 2020. A Matalan spokesman said it: "It has come to our attention that the Elsa Light Up Jumper is not suitable for children under three years old due to small parts included in the jumper. "As a precaution we are immediately recalling the age 2-3 version of this jumper which is intended for use by a child under three." Superdrug B. Hydrated Hyaluronic Acrid Spritz are being recalled. A spokesperson said: "Superdrug has taken this decision as we have been made aware that peppermint has been mistakenly added to a batch of the product. "We take transparency of our product ingredients and labelling very seriously so have begun an investigation

this product and instead return it for a full refund." To see if you have purchased any of the recall items, please go to the relevant websites for further information.


A person could inadvertently breathe in the toxic smoke, which might lead to poisoning or asphyxiation through carbon monoxide exposure. The company recall page is: https://www.tkmaxx.com/uk/en/product-recall-home-candle The following notice has been issued by the European Commission: Alert number: A12/00041/19. Candles with Wood Wicks. Type/number of model: 138160, 138666, 138677, 138723, all scents across the DW wood wick candle range. Children's clothes, hot water bottles, candles and sauces are among the other items you should stop using following a plethora of recall alerts made. Items recalled are from various supermarkets and retailers that include Matalan, TK Maxx, Superdrug, Lidl, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Asda and Waitrose. If you have purchased items please check if any were bought as Christmas presents. Trading Standards UK has issued recalls for nine different product

into how this happened and will QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14 reintroduce B. Hyaluronic Acid 1. Shirley Temple, 2. Room 101, 3. Facial Spritz back to our shelves in Auckland, New Zealand, 4. Paul Keating 2020. (Australia), 5. a. Alaska, b. Hawaii, c. "If you have bought Superdrug B. Alaska, d. Alaska, 6. Zoroastrianism, 7. The Hydrated Hyaluronic Acid Spritz and have an allergy or intolerance defendant has been previously acquitted or convicted of the same offence, 8. A to peppermint, please do not use

group of knights. 9. Witness. 10. A postage stamp. 11. Gulliver's Travels. 12. On the Orient Express. (Murder on the Orient Express). 13. In France. MR2 sounds like merdeux or merde, which is kaka. Name was changed to Coupe MR. 14. Bidonville. 15. Patrick Stewart.



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San Luis Bowls Club By Sheila Cammack After the Christmas break and a chance to recharge the batteries, or fight off the nasty bugs; whichever is most appropriate, it’s back to work as usual with the WINTER LEAGUE on Wednesday 8th January. A lovely clear, sunny day for the first match of the new year away v San Miguel and a really hard fought game. We had 3 good wins but just missed out on the shots: 83-86, points 6-6. Winners: Shirley Verity, Ray Clarke, Jo & Jules Pering 14-10, Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 18-14, Ann Holland, Bill Webb, Pam Lockett, Scott Malden 23-15. Our Berleen team: Ros Holmes, Sheila Cammack, Giuseppe Galelli & Alex Morrice had a great battle, pulling back from 1-11 down to win 21-15 and take the 2 points. Friday 10th finally playing the washed out match from 4th December, at home v Quesada; we had a few spots of rain but that did not affect the battle on the green. There were some really close fought games – on rink 5 there was a dead end

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020

on the very first end! Some of our teams started very slowly and pulled back, others went into an early lead and kept it but however it was achieved we had a great result; 10 points-2, 100 shots – 62. Winners: Drew Russell, Peter McEneany, June & Keith Jones 25-8, Jan Pocock, Keith Phillips, Irene Mangan, Russell Marks 25-11, Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 21-11, Shirley Verity, Ray Clarke, Jo & Jules Pering 17-12. Our Berleen team; Ros Holmes, Sheila Cammack, Alex Morrice, Giuseppe Galelli, also had a good win 20-15, for another 2 points. The other leagues start next week: Monday 13th January, South Alicante League, SL Trekkers v SL Klingons, SL Galaxies v El Rancho Raiders. Friday 15th Southern League, SL Tigers v SL Lions, SL Jaguars v El Rancho Broncos. We are a competitive but friendly club; you're welcome to join in "Vic's hamper" 10:00/10:30 on Saturday mornings (check chalkboard outside the office & the calendar). For info & calendar, see website at: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com We welcome new & experienced bowlers; come along & see us, or for more information contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691 903 773.

San Miguel Bowls Club

La Siesta Bowls Club

By Gail Willshire

by (not so Rookie) Alan Carr

Happy New Year to everyone. I wish I could say San Miguel had a good start to the year. However, three Winter League matches were played this week and the results were not what we had hoped.

Welcome to the start of the new year which saw La Siesta start (2020) by playing Quesada in the Premier 20 knockout competition. The teams which played at Quesada managed to win one game being the Trips but got well beaten on the others, at home we won two games the rinks and singles but lost on the other two, total points 6 -10 (Shots 109 – 152). Well done to all of our teams with the winning games coming from; Rinks, Pat & Trish Reilly, Florence & Mike Edwards (20-11) Trips, Kathleen & Noel Morrisroe with Alan Mawer (17-13) Singles, Dave Davies (21-11). Thanks to all who turned out to play in this competition.

On Wednesday 8th January San Miguel welcomed San Luis and finished with 6 points a piece, 86 shots to 83. The highest winning rink came from James Cutting, Bob Graham, Gail Willshire and Fred Willshire who won 23:10. However, the highlight of the day belonged to Brian Miller, Don Whitney, Lin Miller and Mary Dyer who gained a hotshot on the 8th end – a rarity in the Winter League! The Berleen team were winning up until the 16th end when the wheels came off slightly. But despite the result they are still top of the table. Thursday saw a rearranged game from 18th December played at La Siesta. We always find this a tricky rink to play on and were only able to come away with 2 wins, level on shots - 76 each. Still on a high from their result the previous day, the highest winners were Brian Miller, Don Whitney, Lin Miller and Mary Dyer, 20:11. The last game of the week was another rearranged home match against Monte Mar. I think the team must have been tiring at this point as wins came on just two rinks and the overall shots were missed by 3, 78 to 81. The best of the bunch that day were Allan Patterson, Val Collier, Carol Broomfield and Stuart Hemmings who won 22:11. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1:30 for 2:00 - €5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and woods available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are now asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1:45. For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact the President Stuart Hemmings on 965 72 0461, or the Secretary Gail Willshire on 965 02 0492.

Emerald Isle Bowls By Elwyn Morris Bowling resumed in the New Year with a Winter league game away at La Siesta and the Isle came away winners with a fine 9-3, aggregate 97-66 Winners were P Rhodes A Miles C Smyth J

La Siesta played two Winter League games both at home, the first being on Wednesday against The Emerald Isle who fielded a very strong team and cruised to win on three of the rinks, they also managed a draw against skip Jean Cooper`s team who were not going to give up without a fight result 3-9 (Shots 66-97). Well done to the winning rink; Barbara Cooper, Pat Moore, Noel Morrisroe & Sue Jordan (17-8). The second was a re-arranged game which got played at La Siesta on Thursday against San Miguel, where we won three of the rinks and the game ended 7-5 as both teams picked up a point for being level on shots (76-76). The rink winners were; Irene & Dave Laverick, Tony Campbell & George Richardson (21-14) who were always in full control of the game. Kathleen Morrisroe, Bill Jordan, Alan Ralph & Jim Eastwood (16-13) lead from start to finish. Barbara Cooper, Pat Moore, Noel Morrisroe & Sue Jordan who at one point had a commanding lead (10-1) but then dropped 9 shots over 4 ends, but managed to recover the game and win (16-13). Good play by all. Interested in joining this friendly club, contact Jim or Lyn on 690 190 523 or pop in and talk to the President (George) or Club Captain (Sue). Smyth 31-6, J Pooley H Rhodes M Veale C Lindgren 20-12, L Freeman M Whitelock D Jones M Odell 22-15 E Morris S Johnson G Ponsford B Kavanagh drew 16-16 all Remember you can have 2 hours bowling with coaching if needed, bowls and shoes supplied for just 5 Euros every Sat at 1pm


La Marina Bowls Club by Barry Latham Hope you all had a good Christmas and celebrated the new decade well and truly and, of course, helped our Spanish friends celebrate the Three Kings. I hope you are all keeping your New Year Resolutions.

winner was Karen Kirk, Jeff Collins; Jeff Halfhyde and Allan Wilcock 18 – 16 and our Vice captain, Don Fowkes led Garth Slater, Jean Fowkes and Kath Manning to a 16 – 14 victory. Only four shots in the overall score but unfortunately it went to them. 2020 didn`t start too well when Javea came down to play us. Lovely seeing old friends but not so good losing 12 – 2.

I hear Dave McGaw wants his bowling to be better than how Newcastle United play football. That should be an easy one!

Had a very tasty meal afterwards and a good natter to people. In many ways that is what Winter League is all about- good friendship.

Here comes the second half of our bowls season and I wish everyone the best of luck but most of all enjoy but don´t forget to practice.

We did have one winning rink and that was skipped by Shirley Hadaway with Phill Pape, Mike Smith and Mo Kidd backing her up to a 2212 win.

I have one report left over from last year. In the Winter League we played Greenlands away and drew six all. John Rae, Dave McGaw Carol Smith and Mo Taylor won 20 – 14. Another

Quesada Bowls Club By Suzi Cooper After the festivities of Christmas & the New Year we started 2020 off by playing the Premier 20-20 knockout against La Siesta on 3 Kings Day. At home Terry Morgan got the first points on the board with a fine win in the singles 21-8, Chris Brazier & Jason Prokopowycz won 24-13 in the pairs and the fours of Chris Bowles, Kim Bowles, Steve Hibberd & Trevor Voisey clocked up a brilliant 32-6 win. Away at La Siesta George Carnell & Alan Barton in the pairs won 23-12 while Allen Bowen, Colin Highland & Paul Parkes took the triples 20-12. An overall win of 10-6 and a shot difference of 46 shots put us into the semi final against Greenlands – date to be confirmed. On Wednesday we hosted Greenlands in the


Good to hear that Mo Barker, one of our first player in the Club, is out of hospital after having a new hip. Winter League. Winning on 3 rinks & taking the overall for 8 points. Winning teams were George Carnell, Brian Trinder, Tony Lale & Trevor Voisey 19-14, Terry Morgan, Sandra Heath, George Skinner & Peter Morgan 24-7, Mel Highland, Joe Riley, Pearl Houghton & Jason Prokopowycz 27-6. Our Berleen team of Allen Bowen, Linda Armstrong, June Moss & Di Riley also won 29-12. Friday we visited San Luis to play the postponed match from December in the Winter League. Fortune wasn’t in our favour & unfortunately our only winning rink was Terry Morgan, Sandra Heath, George Skinner & Peter Morgan 20-12. With the South Alicante & Southern leagues commencing from Monday 13th it will be back into full swing. As well as the leagues, we are also coming towards the semi final stages of our club competitions with all remaining quarter finals to be concluded by Sunday 19th.

Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club

Points Monte Mar 6 – 6 Vistabella.

Sponsored by The Pub, Bowling Abroad, Avalon, Lounge D, Rogers, La Piazza and The Belfry. WINTER LEAGUE Wednesday 8th January - Monte Mar v Vistabella 2020 started well with a draw at home against Vistabella. Winning on three rinks, well done Lynne Armitage, Howie Williams, Ronnie Cairns skip Jack Burrell, Paula Cleeter, Jean Chamberlain, Cindy Bedford skip John Hunt, Sheila Roberts, Colin Bedford, Don Cleeter skip Phil Goble. Shots Monte Mar 83 – 84 Vistabella

Away to San Miguel a excellent result for Monte Mar winning on three rinks and the overall shots. Well done Lynne Armitage, Howie Williams, Ronnie Cairns skip Jack Burrell, Sheila Roberts, Colin Bedford, Rod Chamberlain skip Phil Goble, Gina Hindle, Chris Harding, Don Cleeter skip Joan Harding.

Carp-R-Us Winter Series Round six of the Carp-R-Us Winter Series was fished on the Eden stretch of the Rio Segura. The club works hard to keep the pegs on the stretch open as it is one of the most even waters we fish. This was proved again today with everyone present catching fish, which doesn’t happen on all venues. First was Dave Sutton (peg 15) with 3.82kg,

Friday January 10th Monte Mar v San Miguel

Shots Monte Mar 81 – 78 San Miguel. Points Monte Mar 8 – 4 San Miguel. For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at info@montemarbowls.com. We are also on facebook. second was Terry Screen (peg 8) with 3.15kg with Jeremy Fardoe (peg 7) third with 2.75kg and Richard Crawshaw (peg 10) with 2.00kg. The new membership year began on 1st January. Anyone interested in joining the club should contact Steve Fell on 634379081. The club fishes matches on a variety of venues in the Costa Blanca and Murcia regions and also organises the occasional social event. Anglers of all abilities are welcome. Further information about the club can be found on www.carp-r-us.weebly.com or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.


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competitive match played in a very friendly spirit. The evening started with the three trebles rattled off in quick time with some good scoring and even better finishing. Before we knew it The Toppers were 3 up. Not a great deal to report in these legs but Graham Solomons started the night with a ton and never looked back.

MATCH RESULTS FOR WEEK 12 - 9 JANUARY Division 1 Tipsy Toad Toppers Hub Hyenas Chemies Loungers Trinity Pirates Division 2 Hi Life Hi Ho Milos Bar Ale House Chicks CC's Flyers Inter-Division Match Pint Depot Jesters

9-3 9-3 5-7 3-9

Las Rosas Bullies Ale House Lads Hi Life Legends El Capitan

10 - 2 12 - 0 4-8 10 - 2

Trinity Panthers Chemies Chicks Hub Hellraisers Pint Depot Queens


Tipsy Toad Tiaras

Division 1 El Capitan Hub Hyenas Las Rosas Bullies Tipsy Toad Toppers Trinity Pirates Hi Life Legends Ale House Lads Chemies Loungers Tipsy Toad Tiaras

P 11 11 10 11 11 10 11 10 10

F 102 84 65 71 61 58 61 48 26

A 30 48 55 61 71 62 71 84 94

Pts 21 18 13 11 9 9 8 6 1

Division 2 CC's Flyers Hi Life Hi Ho Milo's Bar11 Pint Depot Jesters Trinity Panthers Chemies Chicks Hub Hellraisers Ale House Chicks Pint Depot Queens

10 11 88 10 11 11 10 11 11

94 90 42 66 60 53 47 35 39

26 42 15 54 72 74 73 91 93

20 17 12 10 9 6 4 3

Hope all enjoyed an ideal Christmas, Jill and l certainly did joining 15,000 merrymakers on La Zenia beach welcoming the 25th and then onto the excellent Argentinian establishment of Che!!! on the Plaza for a traditional lunch and jolly up. Thoroughly recommended!

Now a commentator and pundit for Sky, Harrington intends spending more time here with wife

The Bullies had to wait till the first of the doubles for their opening win when Jem Gledhill and Terry Brindley took out Hugh Galloway and Baz Schofield - despite Baz’s 122 – ‘here we go’ - again!.

The Pirates welcomed league leaders El Capitan to the Trinity bar this week and despite a heavy defeat, now boast the leagues highest checkout to date, courtesy of MOTM Paul Cripwell.

The highlight of the night came in the second singles match where Lee Maiden was playing Alan Charmian. Already 1 leg up in very quick time – Lee decided he wasn’t hanging around. The second leg began with 180, the next nine darts took him to 94, and T18, D20 finished the job in 14 darts. It also secured the win for the Toppers.

Requiring 153, the Pirate found T20, T19, D18, for a magnificent gameshot. Unfortunately for him, his opponent, the likeable Lithuanian Eddie Klimonis banged in 129, 100 and two doubles in the best of three, for a narrow victory.

There were wins at the end for landlord Andy Gildea and Hugh Galloway. Adrian Buitekaht and Jem Gledhill gave the Bullies some solace by taking the last two legs.

Both players figured in the triples, Klimonis opening for El Cap on D4, Cripwell levelling on D16. The next three legs went to the visitors, Vycha Bobinas finding D5, in the third triple and D8 in his paires. Nigel Justice gave El Cap their fifth on D8, he and Arold Klimonis both nailing three figure scores.

Lee Maiden 180, Paul Cripwell 153 check-out

Well it's back to normal now after our customary break, many of us already rueing our well meaning but broken New Years resolutions. lt was an opportunity too good to miss when old pal Rod Harrington accepted my invitation to have a beer at the Hub and view our efforts on the dartboard. They may not have reached the heights of the professional scene, but the the former world no.1, Masters and Matchplay champ, was happy to pose for the photo featured.

Dawn in their newly acquired local property.

Yvonne Roufignac made it 2-4 at the break on D16. Martin Hastings closed the gap further defeating skipper Den Hall, the match looking very promising indeed for the Pirates. Dreams they were as the current champs reeled off the next five for victory. Outstanding single was the Jeff Ward, Arold Klimonis encounter, Ward scoring a 137 and then a 90 out ( T18, D18 ) rattling Klimonis into 3x100, 140 and two leg winning doubles D8, D16. Nigel Justice was El Caps MOTM. Trinitys other side the Panthers, suffered a similar defeat on the road to Hi Life and the Hi Ho's who opened their account with three straight triples, via Kieran Fletcher D20 and Paul Lock D 8, D1. Sonya Cooper made it 4-0 on S14, S20, D16, before Michelle Lane pulled one back on D17. Charlie Pritchett gave the hosts a 5-1 advantage at the break on D15.Jackie Sullivan was the sole Panthers victor in the singles, overcoming Fletcher on D1. Paul Lock secured both points for Hi Ho defeating David Minto. Pritchett and Lane were declared MOTM. Nick Spicer made a timely return to old haunts, replacing John Eyre who was on birthday duties, his own. Congratulations John, see you next week. Ben Lane gave the Lads an early advantage on D12, only for the prodigal Spicer to take out D16, then D8, plus a couple of tons for 2-1. Dario Sierras 2x100, 140 insufficient for any success. Lanes' 2x100 went the same way in the first pair, Alex Nikolov finishing on D12. Even the Lads star turns couldn't quite get over the line, Bob Taylor closing for 4-1. Spicer and Paul Durrant cleared 391 points in their first 4 throws, " Spice" completing the 601 on S20, D20, against the strong pairing of Karl Mallinson and Andre Wing to gain a 5-1 advantage. The 7th leg went to " Spice " for the draw 2 zip, recording 3x100, 140, and a 94 out. Durrant overcame a below par Mallinson for both points and the match. The draw didn't favour the visitors, the match now beyond them with their two best player yet to feature. They were next, Sierra and Havelock performing as expected, both winning 2-0, tons galore, the latter outing on 90. Taylor and Joe Miller completed the match without reply. No problem in determining MOTM Sierra and Spicer. With about two thirds of the season over the match between Tipsy Toad Toppers and Las Rosas Bullies was all about the battle for third place in the league. Neither side was at full strength – especially the Bullies - but it was still a

Adrian was man of the match for the Bullies and unsurprisingly Lee took the honours for the home team – although an honourable mention for Graham Solomons The Tiaras were struggling to pull a full team together this week as the list of injuries and ailments lengthened. Its getting more like a script for Casualty! Sharon Marshall managed a finish with her recently broken, and still decidedly dodgy, right arm, Pat Schofield managed a finish too despite an ear infection and Captain Simone de Lacy pulled off 3 finishes despite tendonitis in the elbow from walking her over-enthusiastic dog! High scores for the ladies included a 114 from Lisa (broken foot) Ivill, Pat's 111 and de Lacy's 127. A shout out for Rhianna Marshall in her first full match for the Tiaras who threw some good darts and narrowly missed a few finishes too. The Jesters showed form in Graham Cahill and Dave Wrights regular bashing of the treble 20, Jamie Ferguson's 140 and MOTM Stewart Taylor's match-clinching D8-D8 check-out in the last leg. 7 - 5 to the Jesters.

Player Spotlight JEM GLEDHIL Who'd believe it Jem Gledhil, he of Las Rosas Bullies, l was a " Mod " during his time in the 60’s. He still owns a Lambretta SX 200 (what a machine) in maroon and white side panels. He declined to admit still owning his “Hush Puppies” and Parka. Wife Pat of 47 years, they met when teenagers, was also a Mohair wearing Mod. Son Andrew, with wife Claire, visits regularly from the UK, along with the two grandchildren. Originally from Chesterfield, the city with the wonky church spire, Jem (actually Jeremy) worked in the local colliery, but soon started his own business in waste disposal. Later sold, he set his sights on the building industry, concrete delivery before retiring. During his busy career he even had time to build his own bungalow from start to finish, the bricklaying, carpentry, plumbing and electrical work, obviously a useful bloke to have around. Due a rest, Spain beckoned, but not before numerous visits to N. Africa. Now taking things a little easier, Jem regularly enjoys the virtues of Petanque and Euronics Thursday darts. Having only thrown his arrows for two years, his skills are pretty evident, but alas he's thirty years too late to take on Taylor or favourite player the Mohican Peter Wright. An expert on Clint Eastwood films, the " Mod " prefers an old fashioned Rum and Black, whilst watching Corrie with other half Pat.



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020

Mike Probert Talks Golf (In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services) Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. New Year Goal Setting and Reflection Time By the time you read this golf article Christmas, the New Year and the Three Kings celebrations will all have passed. The start of a new year is a good time to take stock of your golf game particularly a sort of mental game MOT. Here are just a few mental game reminders to help you with your game when things start to go wrong. Think about the shot that you have got next – forget the last bad shot and focus on the next one by thinking about what can and can’t be done therefore filling your mind with positive thoughts rather than negative one’s about the bad shot. Be careful about who you take advise from – golfers are too ready to take advice from anyone but with the average male handicap of 16.4 wouldn’t you be better listening to someone who really knows? Attitude is everything – this is extremely important because it keeps you in the right frame of mind and helps you to save shots. Control your bad temper with a baby’s dummy – carry this in your golf bag and promise yourself that if you ’ lose it’ on the golf course, you will take it out of the bag and suck it for the whole of the next hole and the feeling of absurdity will stop you losing your temper on the golf course again. Never give up and stay hopeful to the end – always try your best on each shot and remain optimistic because you never know when the next run of birdies and good shots is around the corner. Keep it simple – the less you think about what you do when playing a shot the better. Set reasonable targets for your ability – do not attempt shots that you do not have the ability to achieve because it will only end in frustration. Believe in yourself – if you do not who will? Be set to play – if you are not 100% comfortable over the ball then walk away and re-compose yourself and this will save you many shots. Be a modest golfer – because you will face victory and defeat in almost equal measure. Always have fun and enjoy yourself – it is too easy to get caught up

in how well or badly that you are playing and it is essential that you look forward to the next shot or game and when this feeling has gone take a break until you feel that you are raring to go again. Remember that 80% of good shot making is down to the basics of posture, grip and alignment but if you do not have the correct mental approach to the game of golf you will prevent your automatic swing working in pressure situations. We will keep you updated over the coming months in respect of all the above courses. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you. Course Price Comments Alenda €134 2 Players & Buggy Alicante €84 2 Players & Buggy Altorreal €120 2 Players & Buggy Bonalba €116 2 Players & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €114 2 Players & Buggy El Plantio €112 2 Players & Buggy (12pm) Font Del Llop €92 2 Players & Buggy GNK Courses €150 2 Players & Buggy (El Valle, Riquelme & La Torre) La Finca €150 2 Players & Buggy La Manga West €75 Single Green Fee La Marquesa €37 Sgle Green Fee La Serena €47 Sgle Green Fee Las Colinas €172 2 Players & Buggy Las Ramblas €112 2 Players & Buggy Lo Romero €136 2 Players & Buggy New Sierra Golf €68 2 Players &Buggy Roda €120 2 Players & Buggy UGolf Courses €100 2 Players & Buggy (Saurines & Hac. Del Alamo) Villamartin €130 2 Players & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €57 Sgle Green Fee & Buggy Vistabella €98 2 Players & Buggy



La Marina Golf Society On 9th January 2020, La Finca Golf Couse was the venue for the first game of the New Year for the La Marina Golf Society. Whist the morning was chilly, a good turnout made for a great day’s golfing and the New Year Trophy was well contested for. Gerry McCabe came out on top for the Gold Division players, whilst Jimmy Scott won the Silver Division and was overall winner, with 32points therefore, taking home the New Year Trophy. The winners of the four par 3s, nearest the pin, were won by Iain Lyall, Ray Hill, Jimmy Scott and Lesley Cullen. We had one winner of the two’s pot which went to Jeff Wiszniewski. The Society would also like to thank Alex for the use of the Cavenita for our after game presentation venue and for the refreshments supplied. We at La Marina Golf Society, welcome new members and if you would like to join us, please email our Secretary Jeff Wiszniewski at jeffwiz999@gmail.com We also have two social events coming up, the first being a traditional Burns Night on the 24th January and a Valentine’s Dinner Dance, on the 14th February. Tickets are 15euro each for either events and include a three-course meal. Please contact our Secretary, Jeff Wiszniewski at jeffwiz999@gmail.com or our Social Secretary, Iain Lyall at Iain.lyall54@gmail.com for more details.

For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting the reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

Alfies Golf Society - New Sierra Golf Captain v President Challenge Cup Our first event of 2020 was our annual Captain versus President competition held this year at New Sierra Golf near Balsicas. The teams were selected in a blind draw at The Avenue Bar (New Sponsors for 2020) and the competition format decided as all singles matches. 30 players dressed in blue (President) and red (Captain) battled it out and the honours finally went to the President's team winning by a convincing margin of 10.5 to 4.5. Congratulations Mr President for your first ever win. I'm sure the 2021 Captain will be looking to restore order next year. The presentation was held at Alfie's Bar where the trophy was presented to Tony Hall (President) by a very reluctant Nick Lee (Captain). Honours on the day were also won for nearest the pins by Glenn Harris, Mark Thorneycroft, Neil Oliver, Jamie Stevenson, Ian Connell, Stevie Bicks and Esa Partanen. Congratulations to you guys. A big thank you to our sponsors Alfie's Bar for their hospitality and great food, and also The Avenue Bar and The Street Restaurant for prizes on the day. This first event provided a launch opportunity of the Captain's charity for 2020 which is a fantastic well deserving facility in Torrevieja called Apanee which provides much needed support and development for children with special educational needs. We raised 125 euros on the day and plan many events to raise this figure signifi-

The trophy was presented to Tony Hall (President) by Nick Lee (Captain) cantly. Any donations towards this much needed cause can be dropped into Alfie's Bar. The seasons Championship and Eclectic competitions start with our next game at Las Colinas on the 30th January. For membership of our friendly fun society for golfers of all levels please call into Alfie's Bar or email alfiesgolfsociety@gmail.com



Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020


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Spanish international Marta in San Javier with family at Christmas Spanish international Marta Penalver returned to San Javier, Murcia, over the festive period to spend time with family at Christmas. "It was an unforgettable Christmas - what better way to spend it than with the family?" Marta, who switched clubs from Futsal Florentia to Cagliari in December, Exclusively told me. "In 2020 I ask for much health for all my loved ones," said Marta, back in training in Italy.

Brian Hughes is level on winners with Richard Johnson and he’s pushing for the jockeys’ title

"I have returned to Italy - with the batteries charged - after being a few days at home, with family, friends and enjoying my beautiful land," said Marta. On the football front at Cagliari, Marta, capped by Spain in 2015, said: "Sportingly, I want a 2020 where I can continue to enjoy Football, without injuries.

Marta added: "I would love to be able to finish the season - with the feeling of having worked to the best of my ability - and to raise a trophy."

"Also, I hope to reach my maximum level to help my team Cagliari achieve something."

Image above shows Marta back row (third left) with her new teammates at Cagliari.

Sporting San Fulgencio fightback against Racing San Miguel By Andrew Atkinson C.F. Sporting San Fulgencio came from 2-0 down to ground out a point in a 2-2 draw against Racing San Miguel C.F. in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8. Visitors, Racing took the lead, prior to Sporting central defender Victor Berenguer sustaining injury. Following a defensive error the visitors capitalised, when netting, to lead 2-0. Valero and Antonio Lopez netted crucial goals, to give Sporting a share of the points, but they remain in the relegation zone. Racing jump to fourth, from sixth place. CF Castalla thumped seven past CF Popular Orihuela, in a 7-2 win, in a bottom half of the table clash in a nine-goal encounter. A landslide of goals flowed like confetti at a wedding in the 2nd Regional, with Bigastro CF bagging 11 goals against visitors Atletico Crevillente, who netted a consolation goal, in a 11-1 defeat. CF Bigastro went third in the race for promotion. Atletico Crevillente sit second bottom. Meanwhile, just down the coast the Belgian first

Torrevieja Darts Ladies Org Founders Shield Format - 7 January Wildcats at Macklin’s 1 - 9 Friendly’s Chicas 3 - 7 Black Dog Ladies 4 - 6 Primadonnas 2-8

Macklin’s D Mixt Friendly's Temps Racing Toast Gap Ladies

Highest Checkouts: Kath Morgan 102, Pam Horton 98, Denise Groves 96, Lorraine Veale 98, Sharon O’Rourke 72

division side Anderlecht had a narrow 2-1 win over Lugo of Switzerland on Saturday in a match that will go down in history, not for the quality of the football but for the fact that the match saw Pinatar Arena’s 4000th goal. And the man who’s name will be etched on the honours board for achieving the feat, none other than Anderlecht player / manager, Belgian International and former Man City skipper Vincent Kompany. The International joins Marlos del Shakhtar who scored the 1,000 goal, Kruse del Werder who got the 2,000 andVíctor Curto of Real Murcia that achieved 3,000 in becoming a part of the centre’s history as le led his team to victory on the penultimate day of the Belgians winter camp at Pinatar Arena.

Johnson and Hughes head-to-head as Cheltenham looms The 2020 Cheltenham Festival during March 1013 could see a mouthwatering jockey's title finale between Richard Johnson and Brian Hughes going head-to-head to lift the crown. Reigning champion NH jockey Johnson and Hughes are neck and neck vying for the 2019-20 title, decided in April. Johnson and Hughes entered the week at Ayr, both on 105 winners, with nearest rivals Sam TwistonDavies, 82, and Harry Skelton, 79. Bookies price up Hughes at evens, with Johnson 6-5. 66-1, bar. Jockeys travel thousands of miles during a campaign and Johnson, 42, said: "Looking for winners is something every jockey is trying to do. "It’s always a worthwhile trip - if you can have a winner.” Hughes, 34, said: “I just want to get on and ride horses - what will be, will be. Richard is someone I’ve always looked up to." The Cheltenham Festival includes Champions Day, Ladies Day, St Patrick's Day and the Gold Cup. Asked if the meeting was to increase from four to five days Cheltenham chairman, Martin St Quinton, although happy with the present schedule, said: "I wouldn't rule anything out." However, a spokesperson for Cheltenham Racecourse said: “We have no plans for a fifth day. "As Martin said - we are very happy with our fantastic four day Festival.”

Saturday saw Kompany score the 4000th goal at Pinatar Arena in Anderlecht’s 2-1 win

Least Darts: Beaty Powell 17, 180’s Gail Murray, 171’s Eileen Rood x2 Bull Finish: Chris Greenwood Hot Darts: Pat Schofield 152, Sandra Crabbe 154, Bliss Wright 140 x 2, Sue Wade 140, Beaty Powell 133, Mo Skelton 121, Ann Wharton 121, Linda Curdy 117, Sue Wade 116, Ellie Attwood 116, Elaine Allen 115, Margaret Boden 114, Sue Wade 106, Pam Horton 105, Mary Rainsford 102, Caroline Shepherd 101, Pat Schofield 100 x 2, Bliss Wright 100, Claire Greenwood 100, Mo

Champion's Day on March 10 features four of the best Grade One jumps events of the season, including the Unibet Champion Hurdle. Cheltenham Ladies' Day on March 11 features Skelton 100, Angie Mullen 100, Diane Burns 100 LEAGUE TABLE P Macklin’s Dolly Mixtures 1 Gap Ladies 1 Friendly's Temps 1 Racing Toast 1 Friendly’s Chicas 1 Primadonnas 1 Black Dog Ladies 1 Wildcats at Macklin’s 1

Prs 8 7 6 5 3 2 1 1

Sgle Pts 1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 6 3 7 2 8 1 8 1

fashion and racing, with The Queen Mother Champion Chase the feature race, won by Master Minded, Sprinter Sacre and Flyingbolt in previous meetings. Sprinter Sacre, aged 10, rolled back the years when winning the Queen Mother Champion Chase for a second time in 2016. Also on the card is the Neptune Investment Management Novices’ Hurdle Grade One event, previously by Istabraq, Faugheen, Hardy Eustace and Simonsig. The RSA Chase, The Coral Cup, and The Wetherby’s Champion Bumper also takes place. Cheltenham St Patrick's Day, on March 12, features The Sun Bets Stayers Hurdle - with Cheltenham Gold Cup Day on March 13 - deemed The Blue Riband event at the Cheltenham Festival. The Sun Bets Stayers Hurdle, over three-miles, saw Inglis Drever become the first, three-time winner of the race in 2008. Big Bucks recorded winning four-consecutive Stayers, with Thistlecrack winning in 2016. The Ryanair Chase Grade One, introduced to The Festival in 2005, has been won by Cue Card, Albertas Run and Imperial Commander in previous years. Day three races include The JLT Novices’ Chase, Novices´ Hurdle and the Fulke Walwyn Kim Muir Challenge Cup. Feature race, the Magners Cheltenham Gold Cup, is the most prestigious Chase in the world - won by Best Mate, Kauto Star and Arkle. The Triumph Hurdle on Gold Cup day is the biggest race of the season for juveniles. The Vincent O’Brien County Hurdle, Martin Pipe Hurdle and The Grand Annual Chase are also on the card.



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020



Too little too late as Thader lack firepower As resurfacing of Moi Gomez stadium pitch is not yet ready for play, this first preferente match of 2020 was once again staged at the adjoining artificial pitch. A jobsworth of a referee banned spectators from one side of the ground, for no apparent reason other than he could, making my job harder than normal. Alicante Uni had the ball in the net on 9 mins, but a tight offside ruled it out. Uni's Adri shot wide from a good position soon after, before Rafa just missed the target from Thader's first raid on 16 mins. Joni forced debutant Jose Antonio into an important save at the foot of his post, but couldn't prevent the visitors going ahead midway through the 1st half. A free kick close to the touchline was parried by Jose, then from the rebound, a goalbound shot was cleared off the line. Unfortunately, the ball fell nicely for Pablo, who blasted home from close range, giving the visitors the lead. Cris drove an effort against the post on 38 mins, then 4 mins later, Vicente skied an effort into the nearby petanca pistes, when really he should have leveled the scores. This just about summed up

CD Thader.....................1

CD Uni de Alicante...... 2


gainst a much improved Alicante Uni side, Thader once again took far too long to get going, and were made to pay. This is becoming an ongoing theme this season, for they cannot keep giving opponents a 2 goal start then hope to get something out of the game. Back in early September, Thader kicked off the new season with an impressive victory in Alicante, winning by 2 clear goals inside the Uni campus, but since then the season has been patchy at best. They have recently signed a new keeper (making 4 on the books) named Jose Antonio, plus Alvaro, a left back. Dani has left the club, and more are expected to leave, with hopefully new arrivals in the pipeline.

Thader's first half performance, for they failed to test the opposition keeper throughout the whole opening 45 mins.

the space in the world to shoot under Jose, an easier goal he probably won't score all season.

Although there were no bookings in the first half, our esteemed referee, senor Vicente, made up for lost time by flourishing yellow cards willy nilly, for the rest of the match. As in the 1st half, Thader gave their opposition too much respect, therefore conceding a 2nd goal was only a matter of when and not if! A defensive mix up allowed Pablo all

From here on, Thader decided to wake up and smell the coffee, when only Uni keeper Nacho came between them earning a share of the points. Time after time Nacho denied wave after wave of Thader assaults. He saved well from Juan (twice), Cris and late on a spectacular 30 blockbuster from Lloyd, as Thader were throwing the proverbial

kitchen sink at him. Deep into stoppage time, a consolation Juan headed goal from a corner, gave the scoreline a more respectable look. This defeat leaves Thader 4th to bottom, perilously close to the drop zone. Next weekend (probably Saturday late afternoon), Thader make the long journey up to 2nd place Rayo Ibense. Check Thader 19/20 facebook page, for up to date info on this and more connected with the club.



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th January, 2020



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