No 802
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020 Tel: 637 227 385
Serving the community, in print and online, for over 15 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
The coronavirus originated in the Chinese region of Wuhan only 3 weeks ago but already it is having devastating effects on Chinese businesses in the province of Alicante
where owners are claiming to be suffering losses in turnover of up to 30%. They say that the numbers of customers are plummeting, thereby affecting retail outlets
and restaurants in the area. Many colleges where Chinese is taught have also suspended classes because they have students who have recently returned from China following New Year celebrations and
who are having to undergo quarantine of fifteen days as a precaution, during which time they are not permitted to leave their homes. Continued on Page 2
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Among those Chinese immigrants who speak good Spanish there is calmness, because they are able to communicate, but among those many immigrants who do not speak the language, there is a fear of going out into the street in case they suffer social rejection or some kind of xenophobic attack. Alessandro Zhou, who runs a business in Elche selling bags, says that he has friends who have said they are concerned, particularly for the welfare of their children who attend local schools. But he adds that there are also many people in Alicante who "ask how we are and tell us that they are very sorry for what is happening." In the province there is a settlement of just over 10,000 Chinese immigrants, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), but associations such as the intercultural Alacant-Xina claim that there are many more.
Zhou, one of the few Chinese residents who is not concerned to publicise his name admits, though, that the global alarm caused by the coronavirus is affecting his entire community. “I have friends and colleague throughout Europe,” he says. “In Spain things are slightly better but the contacts I have in Italy say that when the Italians see a Chinese face, they treat you as if you were the virus, as a result of which some stores have seen their turnover fall by as much as 80%.” He says that here in the Alicante Province there has definitely been a decline in business because people are afraid. He has colleagues who are very worried because there are members of the public who are afraid of entering Chinese stores. He says they have heard things like: 'Look, a Chinese shop. I don't go in because they all have a virus.” Chinese Business Groups point out that there is no need to be concerned because in Spain there has only been one confirmed case of the virus, many miles away, a German citizen in the Canary Islands.
HEALTHCARE AND PENSION INFORMATION Following a story that appeared in The Leader, about the falling number of pensioners in Spain, and which also contained references to future healthcare and pension arrangements, the British Embassy asked that we provide clarification on one or two of the points made. The story says: “After leaving the EU on 31 January UK citizens in Spain still currently have access to free Healthcare, under an EU agreement, with Spain and the UK having a reciprocal agreement, at least until the end of 2020… Reciprocal talks with the UK and Spain will continue during the next 11 months.” An Embassy spokesperson said: “S1 holders who have moved to Spain before 31 December 2020 will continue to have life-long reciprocal healthcare rights provided they remain covered under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement. This also applies to those UK nationals resident in Spain before 31 December, but not yet of pensionable age. Once they come to claim their UK state pension they will be eligible to apply for an S1 form and register it in Spain.” “This means existing healthcare arrangements will not change for those UK nationals who are resident in Spain before 31 December 2020, for as long as they are living in that country and covered by the Agreement.” So, in layman’s terms, UK state pensioners (both current and future) will continue to have
their healthcare paid by the UK, as long as they are resident in Spain before 31 December 2020 and as long as they continue living here. On the subject of pensions, which the article also referred to it was pointed out that, for those who are are living in the EU, EEA or Switzerland by 31 December 2020, you will get your UK State Pension uprated every year for as long as you continue to live there. This will happen even if you start claiming your pension on or after 1 January 2021, as long as you meet the qualifying conditions explained in the new State Pension guidance. Further useful information on healthcare in Spain can be found at:
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Zhou said “We have lived here 10, 20, even 30 years, and we are your countrymen. We know you are concerned, but we are doing our best. Everyone who returns from China goes into quarantine for 15 days. They stay at home, for the health of themselves and for everyone else. In these cases they only have contact with family members who provide them with food. Unfortunately the virus originated in China but it could so easily have come from another country.” Many Chinese restauranteurs are also claiming a dramatic fall in custom with one in Alicante saying that his restaurant, which caters predominantly for Spaniards, is completely empty. “At lunchtime yesterday I didn't have a single table occupied when, before, during the lunch period, it was usual to serve a dozen or more people.” He said that people are getting scared and, if the situation continues, he won’t be able to pay his staff or rent the premises. “I also have Chinese friends with large premises and if this continues their businesses won’t be able to survive.”
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The sensitivity of gastronomy in Los Montesinos
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020 The mayor with Cllr Ana Belén
Los Montesinos and its fundamental values for cooking: product, tradition and sensitivity for cooking - Mayor Butron (by Andrew Atkinson) Los Montesinos were part of Madrid's FITUR 40th anniversary celebrations held in January - headed by the Vega Baja town Mayor Jose Manuel Butron. Around 142,000 travel professionals participated, with Madrid's economy boosted by €320 million. The exhibition took place at the IFEMA trade fair centre. There were 918 exhibition stands, representing 165 countries and regions. 11,040 companies distributed throughout 10 pavilions. National Parks, countryside, heritage, shopping and dining were on the menu from the Costa Blanca. In FITUR's 40-year history, Spain has become the second destination for tourists. In 2019, 83 million, almost double the population of 47.1 million, with holidaymakers spending a €92 billion in Spain annually. Each year, a different country becomes a FITUR 'partner'. In 2020, it was South Korea, a country that attracts 17.5 million visitors annually, and who celebrate 70 years of diplomatic relations with Spain. Los Montesinos were part of the stand of the Generalitat Valenciana, highlighting in the kitchens amongst the town's attractions. Los Montesinos Mayor José Manuel Butrón, the Councilor for Tourism, Ana Belén Juárez, and the mayor of Works and Social Services, Joaquín García and Nathalie Dubi, were in attendance. The chef of La Herradura Restaurant, Aurora Torres, showcased a Traditional stew of desalted cod, fennel, potatoes and artichoke, which had previously been made by the chef of the PizzeriaRestaurant La Posada, Luis García. "With this seasonal dish, Los Montesinos wanted to show the great gastronomic richness of the municipality, demonstrating that the traditional is perfectly compatible with innovation and with the preser-
vation of the essence of flavours and the product”, said Ana Belén Juárez. The stew is made with desalted cod, fennel, potatoes and artichokes. The cod was kept in brine, from the salt of Las Salinas. The potatoes and artichokes are from the Vega Baja, including the fennel, grown wild in the fields of Los Montesinos. The stew is also seasonal, very typical in the winter months and fennel is given, not only for the smell and flavor it brings but for its soothing, antioxidant and expectorant properties that help improve health. "In Los Montesinos we are fortunate to have three fundamental values for cooking: product, tradition and sensitivity for cooking," said Mayor Butron, who highlighted the culinary capacity of chefs who travelled to Madrid. In 2019 Aurora Torres, with his 'Rice with anchovies and artichokes from Vega Vega', won the best rice in the Levant in the National Rice Competition. Luis García won the national prize for the best pizza. La Herradura Restaurant and Restaurant-Pizzeria La Posada, represented Los Montesinos in FITUR 2019, offering a rice with rabbit and mountain ranges. "The solidarity values of both, which in the case of the chef of La Herradura, Aurora Torres, materialised in a recognition of the Diputación de Alicante for having led a voluntary movement of the catering sector during the September DANA. "Something that helped, not only to cleaning tasks, but also served to feed those who had been displaced and had nothing left,” said Mayor Butrón.”
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Seven signs indicating that it’s time to treat your Varicose Veins.
Our modern clinic in Torrevieja
As we get older many of us find that we suffer from varicose veins that have become visible to the naked eye, from small (spider veins) to larger ones (truncal veins), which are also quite unsightly. Listed below are many of the signs or symptoms that necessitate us seeking the advice of a specialist doctor for their treatment at a vein clinic such as Novarices in Torrevieja? Appearance of dilated veins in our legs: Unlike spider veins, the larger varicose veins are usually associated with the greatest number of complications. Suffering from voluminous varicose veins in the legs is sufficient reason to have them treated in order to slow down their growth. Aesthetic changes to your legs. Every one of us knows how our legs look and can spot the difference if a change occurs, for example a change of the skin colour of your legs. The changes don’t take place from one day to the next so it’s recommended to check them regularly. People that have varicose veins can be extremely familiar with the feeling of frustration, especially when the summer comes and they have to uncover their legs at the beach. The psychological weight becomes heavier from the staring of other people and often having to respond people’s questions like: What is wrong with your legs? Is it normal or you have a problem? If you don’t want to show your legs and feel uncomfortable about them, that alone is a sufficient reason to have your leg vein problem treated. Tiredness and heaviness of your legs. Varicose veins are to blame for the pain, the discomfort and numbness you may feel. These symptoms are evident especially for people whose work involves a lot of standing.
Changes on your skin: The varicose veins pigment in the skin, can make your skin look darker, drier, or crack and weaken it. Appearance of venous leg ulcers. In advanced stages of the disease, people with varicose veins can develop chronic leg ulcers, mostly in the area of the ankles. These ulcers are recurring and very difficult to heal if the main source of the problem is not eliminated. Bleeding incidents: If we have varicose veins and have suffered from bleeding of the leg, keep in mind that this occurrence can be repeated. At this point your treatment becomes more urgent. Repeated Phlebitis. Phlebitis is the inflammation of a specific venous area. The affected region becomes red and hot and can be felt when touching, like a hardened cord. Novarices, on Ramon Galud in Torrevieja, is new, state of the art, medical clinic that specialises in the treatment of venous complaints, offering a complete solution for all kinds of varicose or spider veins, ranging from laser treatment to surgery of the affected areas. Just call into the clinic, tell us of your condition and let our Vascular surgeons create the appropriate treatment and solution for your problem. Meet the team, led by Angiologist and Vascular Surgeon Dr. Magaly Anaya, and find out more about the services and the procedures that we can offer.
Vascular laser treatment is effective with just one or two visits
Our prices are extremely affordable and our expertise is without question. So drop in to Novarices now and take advantage of our great offers and promotions. See our ad on the front page. Chile, Ecuador, the United States, France, Switzerland and Venezuela.
Spain-wide fraud nets Six million euro from dead people’s pensions The National Police, in collaboration with the Secretary of State for Social Security, have uncovered a fraud valued at 6,357,510.68 euros made by the improper collection of pensions of people who have died during the past year. The scam is said to be active in 21 Spanish provinces. Of the 36 people identified as being responsible the police have now arrested eleven. They have been charged with 55 crimes against Social Security, fraud, documentary falsification and misappropriation. The frauds have been taking place throughout 2019 in 21 provinces; Álava, Alicante, Almería, Asturias, Barcelona, ??Cáceres, Cantabria, Córdoba, Gerona, Huelva, La Coruña, Las Palmas, Madrid, Málaga, Murcia, Orense, Pontevedra, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Seville, Valencia and Zaragoza.
This investigation has been an organisational challenge for researchers as, in total, 12,586 payments have been traced, 75 bank accounts, 23 cases with more than 100,000 euros defrauded. Indeed there were 40 pensions drawn for in excess of ten years.
Frauds have been taking place throughout 2019 in 21 provinces The investigations began after several complaints were made in different parts of the country. The majority of those involved were people who were close to those who had passed away, such as brothers, children, grandchildren and nephews. Not all those responsible have been made available to the judicial authority since some have died, are seriously ill or are advanced in age. Others are residing in Germany,
So far 3,893,787.08 euros has been recovered from the total defrauded. In order to gain access to her mother’s bank account, having died four years earlier, one woman hired an actress who posed as her mother in the bank. She was then able to access the money by falsifying her mother’s signature. This resulted in her making more than 200 illegal cash withdrawals amounting to more than 74,000 euros One of the detainees was actually a bank employee who, taking advantage of his position was able to make up to 62 withdrawals from the account of a deceased woman. He was arrested while extracting money from her account at an ATM.
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637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Community suffers first fall in British tourism Benidorm continues to have a high dependence on the British market
EXPO TORREVIEJA 2020 returns to Torrevieja's International Auditorium over the weekend of March 7 and 8 and one of the major attractions is the Clubs and Associations Meeting Point. A special zone has been set aside, especially for local clubs and Associations, offering them an opportunity to showcase their groups while visitors have the chance to find out more about what they have to offer, all under the one roof. With an estimated 8,000 visitors attending the last Expo, it's a perfect opportunity for local clubs, hobbyists, sports teams, theatre and performance groups, lunch clubs, charities, religious organisations, fundraisers plus national and international associations to promote themselves and what they do. Already signed up are such popular groups as Help Vega Baja, Reach Out, Paradise Kennels, ARPO, Cabo Roig St. Patrick's Parade, Samaritans, Elche Children's Home, Sunday Drivers Club, Royal British Legion, The Terri Horvath Morris dancers, The Philharmonics, Stagestruck,
local bowls, golf and sporting teams plus charities, NGOs and supports from the Torrevieja Town Hall. Doors are open from 10:00am until 3:00pm on both days and planning is also underway for a classic and specialist car, bike and scooter show, on Sunday morning along with the N332 traffic advice team, with information about driving in Spain and traffic law, assisted by the team from Torrevieja Translators, who are extra busy helping residents transfer their driving licences before Brexit kicks in at the end of the year. Expo Torrevieja is one of the main supporters of Rock Against Cancer, who are seeking volunteers for their fundraising events plus donations of raffle prizes and sponsorship to help run their events. Admission to the expo is free for visitors as is participation for all Clubs and Associations. If you'd like to join Expo Torrevieja on Saturday 7th and Sunday March 8th, or require any information, please drop an email to: or visit
2019 sees the Community lose almost 42,500 visitors from the United Kingdom The number of International tourist holidaying in the Valencia Community reached a new high in 2019 with more than 9.5 million visitors and an increase in spending to 9.620 million euros. The figures were provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in its latest data which also shows an increase at the state level reaching 83.7 million travellers, 1.1% more than in 2018. However, and contrary to the trend, visitors with British passports, which constitute the main tourist market of the Community, do not contribute to those improving the figures with 42,486 fewer tourists visiting the Valencian territory last year, the first decline since the INE began producing statistics in 2016. At that time, the volume of British tourists grew at an interannual rate close to 15%. This decrease, which is also observed nationally as well as in the figures produced for other autonomies, is thought to be related to the uncertainty in the British tourism sector, according to the Professor of Marketing and Market Research at the University of Valencia, Enrique BignĂŠ . "Holiday tourism is more sensitive to Brexit and prices, and in that sense the strongest destination at the regional level is Benidorm, which still has a high dependence on the British market," he says. However, BignĂŠ argues that the United Kingdom data does not show "a substantial change in terms of trend", as its situation "is thought to be temporary".
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
ACultural Centre on the coast is not a luxury but an absolute necessity Taking Control of the Coast Two years ago we presented plans for a cultural Centre on the coast. It's always been an objective of PIOC as a necessity not a luxury building. There was no support from any other party, just silence, but now people are trying to take the credit as if they were instrumental in the proposal, but in reality it has always been PIOC ORIHUELA CENTRE has 2 public libraries, one municipal and one of the Valencian Community, 700 metres apart. It has 9 museums and several more in project, several music schools (conservatory, municipal school of dance), several theatres / auditoriums (circus, La Lonja) as well as one more in project (bullfighting arena). It has at least 7 exhibition venues. Throughout the year in the Orihuela City many activities are held, more than 100, in the municipal library for children and others, the national short film festival, the chamber musical week, a week of theatre on the street, and many more. But currently over one third of the population of the municipality is A plot close to Zenia Boulevard would appear to be the preferred location
located on the coast (In summer there are in excess of 200,000 people. There are no performances of any kind, nor exhibitions, no Library, school of languages, music, dance, servef, courses for the jobless, courses for adults. In addition, the school failure rate on the coast is one of the highest in Europe, in excess of 70%. The lack of infrastructure on the coast is obvious and is one of the main demands of the residents of the area. It is the municipality's obligation to provide a cultural space and a library and the failure to do so shows the contempt it has for it’s citizens.
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SILICONE STICK-UP! Dozens of properties targeted using silicone By Andrew Atkinson The Guardia Civil have been active within the Vega Baja regions after a plethora of burglaries within Valencian hamlets where an increase in robberies saw FIFTY properties ransacked on the first weekend of February! Techniques used by robbers vary, from mobile phone look outs, where robbers are given the 'nod' to enter as owners leave their properties, to other coded messages and signals. After the latest outbreak of burglaries the Guardia Civil are working in liaison with the Policia Local. Dozens of properties were targeted during the weekend, using a technique placing a strand of silicone across a door. If the silicone strand remains unbroken it tells the robbers that the owners are not in residence - giving a prime 'Green light' to carry out a well planned robbery.
The addition would increase business and the quality of life. It would place the area of Orihuela Costa as a place of leisure and business. One of the main problems and is the fall in the number of people on the census, people who do not find and incentive to register, but this situation could be improved. An inhabitant who, instead of living on the coast for 3 months, would like to live 9 months, would have an additional 36 weeks equivalent to 36 tourists visiting the coast for a week. In addition, it would increase tourism in winter. All of this would mean an improvement in house prices and in the economy of many businesses that now have to rely on their summer trade, but with a proper CULTURAL CENTRE they would have customers all year round. Remember that P.I.O.C members live on the coast amongst you, not 33kms away in the city, and as such we share your anger and frustration at our council. We understand the needs of the coast better than other party The area where it could best be located is close to Zenia Boulevard, part of which is municipal. It is a central area, with bike lanes, with parking, which serves both the area inland and the area closest to the sea. It would seem to be the best possible place. Long term, however, independence is the only way forward for the coast if it's going to develop in the manner that it should.
The International Cofradia needs you BY PAUL MUTTER
The processions in Torrevieja during Semana Santa (Holy Week) attract thousands of residents and visitors to the town to witness these spectacular events chronicling the Passion of Christ. 2020 will be the 15th year that the Paso of Jesus in the Garden of Olives (Cofradia de Nuestro Padre Jesús en la Oración del Huerto de los Olivos) has been taken through the streets of Torrevieja on the Monday and Friday during Semana Santa by the International Cofradia. The International Cofradia is a group made up mostly but not entirely of British ex pats. This is a fantastic opportunity to participate in one of the most important events in the local Spanish cultural and religious calendar. Those of us who have taken the paso through the streets of Torrevieja in the processions during Holy Week will testify to the fact that it is a unique experience and one which all of us will remember for the rest of our lives. You do not have to be super fit to take part or particularly religious; most of our members are retired and certainly not in the ‘first flush of youth’. For many years we carried the paso on our shoulders, a task which needed around 100 costaleros but lower numbers have meant recently that a smaller group has pushed the paso and we expect to be doing the same this year. It is a fantastic occasion to be part of and each year we welcome new members to take part. If you are interested in taking part please contact Paul Mutter on 671 218 285 who can give you a further details and come along to our first meeting which is detailed below. The first official meeting of the International Cofradia will be on Thursday, March 12th. This is principally for registration of existing
The International Cofradia during Semana Santa in Torrevieja and new members. We will then be meeting on Thursday March 26th, and again on April 2nd when the paso will be taken down to the Inmaculada Church in the centre of Torrevieja ready for the Easter processions during the following week. The meetings will be held at the Semana Santa Museum which is on the outskirts of Torrevieja off Avenida Baleares to the side of and behind Restaurante Fu, starting at 7:30 pm in the evening. Subscriptions for membership are €30. If you are an existing member please come and attend the first meeting or at least please let Paul Mutter know whether you will be able to participate this year or not. Why not bring a friend along to become part of this unique group of people. If you are an existing member and are not taking part this year please can you bring your uniform along to the first meeting or contact Paul Mutter on 671 218 285 for collection.
The National Police have made the public aware, via the media, to keep a sharp lookout, to check if doors have been marked with silicone, both personally and within neighbourhoods. And it is not just urbanisations in this part of Spain that have been targeted - the Spanish Police cracked a gang of robbers targeting wealthy footballers - while they were playing football in La Liga, including Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid. Jewellery, thousands of euros in cash,and cars, have been stolen in recent times, along with personal documentation. An Atletico Madrid player had his medals stolen. Areas within the Vega Baja regions have been hit hard in the past year, as ongoing burglaries by criminal groups escalate. Crime has hit new heights, with Europol also supporting Police operations.
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Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
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new centre,” stating that it “an unquestionable necessity.” He said that this was a claim that “we have systematically made to the Ministry, in addition to the improvement of other sanitary services on the coast such as the extension of the coverage of a SAMU ambulance from 12 to 24 hours, that will guarantee a quick response in case of emergency”.
Work gets underway on Torrevieja seafront
The mayor said that “it is time for the Department of Health to announce their position on the new centre as quickly as possible so that the residents can have the facilities and conditions that will improve the medical support available to all patients”.
The process for exchanging a UK driving licence for the Spanish equivalent was explained
World Cancer Day at Zenia Boulevard
By Andrew Atkinson Works are underway in Torrevieja to undertake repairs following the devastating damage caused during Storm Gloria in late January.
Maria and the Pink Ladies and Panthers marked World Cancer day at Zenia Boulevard on Saturday 8th February, by celebrating the lives of those who lost the fight to this evil disease cancer.
Council staff are busy repaining walkways
At 3pm a minute’s silence was held in honour of those who have passed
Given the success of the event, the town hall is now looking into arranging more seminars like this where the questions about all aspects of living in Spain can be answered.
Pressure on Ministry for new Orihuela Costa Health Centre Once again sand was being replaced on Los Locos beach in Torrevieja, washed away in the stormy tides and 100km winds that hit, having recently been replaced following last year's Gota Fria storms. Workmen were busy repairing access ramps and damaged wooden steps to the beaches, along with foot spas being replaced. Torrevieja promenade took a severe battering in Storm Gloria, with dozens of provinces put on red weather alerts on the Mediterranean coast, during a three-day period.
Orihuela Council has asked the Ministry Health to clarify it’s position regarding the construction of the new health centre on the Orihuela Costa. At a meeting on Thursday with the CEO, MD and Financial Director of Ribera Salud Grupo, the company that manages the Torrevieja Department of Health, Emilio Bascuñana, the mayor of Orihuela, and the Councillor for Health, José Galiano, listened to their propos-
They were also giving away cactus plants for a small donation, the plants were supplied by the Zenia Boulevard management. There was a full day’s live entertainment provided by some of the best entertainers on the Costa Blanca. Stevie Spit (BEM) hosted the day supported by Chris Dyson from Sunshine FM.
Driving on the Orihuela Costa
The artists appearing and donating their time free were Johnny Lea, No Limit, Bee Rumble, Rachel Prescott, Al Joel, the Raquel Pena Flamenco Dance Academy, with Nigel Burchill as Elvis closing the show.
The salon de actos in Orihuela Costa town hall was packed to the rafters this week, as local residents gathered to learn more about driving in Spain. The event had been organised by the councillor for international residents and the talk was presented by Mark Nolan, president of the N332 Road Traffic Association. The information had been compiled by Guardia Civil traffic officers in conjunction with Orihuela´s local police and covered such routine topics as the documents and equipment which must be carried in the car, the current status of UK licences, and driving on roundabouts, amongst other topics. The process for exchanging a UK driving licence for the Spanish equivalent was explained to the attendees, as well as the fact that this is only applicable until 31 December, at which point the UK must form a bilateral agreement with Spain or the process will change and applicants would be required to follow the same procedure as those from countries such as Russia do at the moment. The talk ended with information from the local police who wanted to explain that they are about to clampdown on foreign vehicles in the municipality, in particular those which are in the country longer than would qualify them as being for tourist use, and so they urged those residents who are still driving a foreign vehicle to start the process of registering them in Spain as soon as possible.
At 3pm a minute’s silence was held in honour of those who have passed and a memory board was available for those remembering loved ones to leave a message.
Once all the money has been counted the total amount will be donated to help in the fight against Cancer and announced to the public. The mayor and councillor with representatives of Ribera Salud als regarding the construction of a new health centre on the Orihuela Costa "that the residents of the coast have been demanding for so long". Ribera Salud confirmed their intention to carry out the project, stating that they will soon “present a strategic plan with an investment of 40 million euros across the Vega Baja, which will include the new facilities on the coast”.
Having heard their proposals the mayor immediately demanded that the Ministry of Health “clarify its own position on the building of the
English Language Cinema in Pilar de la Horadada - Calle Canalejas 4 Thursday 13th Feb at 7pm Saturday 15th Feb at 5pm
DOWNTON ABBEY The continuing story of the Crawley family, wealthy owners of a large estate in the English countryside in the early 20th century.
Starring: Hugh Bonneville, Michelle Dockery, Maggie Smith, Joanne Froggatt, Imelda Staunton Dur: 2hr 2 min Genre: Costume Drama. 1910s. 1920s. Family
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Veterans Social Day at El Nacional On Wednesday 5th February, The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa Branch hosted a second “social day” for Veterans in the area. This new initiative is being held once a month from January to March, the last day being Wednesday 4th March, 12-3 at El Nacional Restaurant, Punta Prima. The events are being funded by the Royal British Legion from monies raised in Spain through the Poppy Appeal. The purpose of these events is to highlight the work of the Royal British Legion in
As well as lunch, there was light excercise, craft classes and displays
Spain, and also to reduce social isolation or loneliness that Veterans and their families often experience. The second event was held last Wednesday at the El Nacional Restaurant, Punta Prima. For the first hour, Veterans and their families were shown how to get themselves off the floor safely should they fall. Also how to assist others. Fitness Professional Crecia Wilding gave excellent information and instruction enhancing the confidence of those attending, especially people who live on their own. This demonstration was followed by “gentle exercise” which ensured that all those participating had a healthy thirst and hunger by lunch time! El Nacional staff provided excellent service & refreshments, but this did not stop those attending having a good “natter” and meeting many new friends. A third of those Veterans attending had no connection with the Royal British Legion. After lunch there were various social activities to choose from. David Cottam, a member of the Orihuela Costa branch, is quite an authority on Military Memorabilia and he brought along just a small part of his vast collection. Many people enjoyed sharing and learning from him. David Minto from Help at Home was available and answered many queries and questions. This partnership is just one example of cross Voluntary
Agency working on the Orihuela Costa. The Royal British Legion regularly works with other Agencies in the support of Veterans. Our craft experts were on hand again to help novices to make cards. Sandie Coates, organizer of these Events, even took time out to make her husband (The President of Orihuela Costa Branch) a Valentine Card! If you wish to book for the session on March 4th please contact by email: to ensure your place is reserved. You do not have to be a member of the Royal British Legion, simply a Veteran of any Service, or a family member.
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Don’t allow any one thing to define you Galway hurling maestro, Joe Canning, is unquestionably on the short list for greatest hurler of all time. No man ever earned his All-Ireland medal more; and in addition Joe has two National League medals, four club All-Irelands, five All-Stars and a barrowful of other medals and awards. I could waffle on about Canning’s hurling exploits but this column is not intended to be about hurling. I highlight the above in the context of a very honest interview that Joe Canning gave a year or two back. It may surprise you to read that Joe said he doesn’t want hurling to define him. Isn’t that something? This comment got me thinking as to how easily we can all be defined in some way that isn’t accurate or fair – or for which we don’t wish to be defined. People define people … we all do it – and more often than not, we get it wrong. It is the people in our surrounding who define us – even though very often they don’t have a clue as to ‘what makes us tick.’ But we can often define ourselves by some random thought that lodged in our brain even a long time ago. I’ll come back to that one in a moment. The circles I move in are 360 degrees of wonderful people. The circle of friends you move in, dear reader, is almost certainly the same. Friends, acquaintances and casual connections will often compliment you and say nice things about you. However, as life was never meant to be fair or balanced, the truth and the nice things we do will not make it to the defining melting pot. Instead, the snide remarks from those on the side-lines, whose primary objective is to take you down a peg, will carry a disproportionate clout. Unfortunately these sort of folks seem to have a greater influence in defining somebody other than themselves. One of the advantages of reaching a certain age is that it becomes easier to deflect what others might say about you. We are what we are, and with nothing further to prove. In other words, guys like me don’t give flying flake how others define me. Young people can suffer on account of how their peers define them.
They are unable to process the mean words said about them and this can play on the mind. It takes time and maturity to realise that it is truly up to each individual to deny others the power to define any of us into a person we know we are not.
637 227 385
MELTING MELTING POT - Friends, acquaintances and casual connections will often compliment you and say nice things about you.
Humans make mistakes and do some wrong things at their worst, but there is an old saying – I think it is a Chinese proverb; which states, ‘No man should be judged on his worst deed.’ But equally, no person should be defined solely on his or hers best deed either. No one thing should define any of us. Everything we do in life is just another label. We carry all the labels with us and they should all be taken into account when we are being defined. Another way we can be defined is by our looks. This is probably the most unfair judgement of all. Handsome men and beautiful women are more often defined as successful and generally good people. You can control how you dress – and this does count enormously, but unless you are into Botox or plastic surgery, your face and my face is what it is. Those who do not have ‘a nice face’ will be defined more severely than the beautiful people – until they get to know you. An article in the ‘New York Times’ told of a number of studies showing how a candidate’s appearance can swing votes in the political arena. ‘Appearance can generate s significant vote swing.’ Come to think of it, I got 889 votes in the 2009 local elections – and now I don’t know if that was down to my looks or potential! But I digress … The last influence we should allow define any of us is that megaphone inside our own head. A judgement, mistake, rejection, bitter words or hurt from the past can hinder your assessment of who you
are today. You have to ‘shed that s##t’ as the Americans succinctly put it – and redefine yourself today. Equally misleading would be the ego elf in the head who tells you that because you pulled off one useful achievement in years gone past, that on its own should define you. Just think of Joe Canning! Don’t Forget An inferiority complex would be a mighty fine thing if only the right people had it. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
Talk on Ukulele Legend George Formby A
uthor Andrew Atkinson is to do a talk at Che Loco Restaurant, El Chaparral, La Siesta, on March 19, on Ukulele legend George Formby about the biography of fiancée Pat Howson "Formby's Lost Love", to members of the Nosmokingclub. Andrew, 62, will be appearing in El Chaparral to give an insight of religious education teacher Pat, who tragically died of cancer aged 48, in 1970. Formby passed away, aged 58, in March 1961, days after their engagement, on Valentine's Day, February 14.
Andrew will be on stage on Thursday, March 19, at 11am, to give an insight into 'My Little Stick of Blackpool Rock' star Formby's sweetheart Pat, whom he'd known since she was a child. Formby's Lost Love, featured on the BBC network, and acknowledged by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, has sold copies worldwide, including throughout Europe, Australia and America. "It is apt to talk about George Formby, on the 59th anniversary of his death, and the unwanted stressful legacy he left behind to Pat," said Lancashire born Andrew, from Los Montesinos. Pre-orders of Formby's Lost Love and signed copies of the book will be available on the day at Che Loco Restaurant, El Chaparral, Calle Fray Angelico, 11, 03184. Order a copy of Formby's Lost Love (12€), via email, at:
Dear Bernie, I read your article in The Leader last week about the contents of your wife’s handbag. I laughed out loud several times. You say it like it is a bad thing! I have come to the rescue many times, with my tissues, pens, combs, plasters, Lipsyl and a Small Swiss Army Knife. My partner was horrified with the amount of “crap” l keep in my bag so he decanted most of it to a smaller bag. The result being l keep the large bag in the boot of my car and keep the small one with me. The downside is that if we use his car and l only have my little bag, l don’t have the backup. This came home to me the other day when driving his car going to the bank for cash only to realise too late my Debit Card was in the boot of my car! Grrrrrrr! But taking onboard your sarcasm/teasing/fun poking l will NEVER ‘just let him put his wallet, keys or glasses in my bag!’ Thanks for the laugh though! Carolyn Harris, Cabo Roig
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Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 801 QUICK ACROSS: 6 Partial; 7 Vague; 9 Bluff; 10 Impulse; 12 Penultimate; 14 Prohibitive; 18 Current; 19 Score; 21 Quiet; 22 Uncover. Down: 1 Vault; 2 Stifle; 3 Gap; 4 Vacuum; 5 Pulsate; 8 Imitate; 11 Husband; 13 Arduous; 15 Harden; 16 Victor; 17 Grief; 20 Inn. CRYPTIC Across: 6 Prophet; 7 Stout; 9 Plain; 10 Love-
ACROSS 1. Manoeuvre (4) 3. Debate (8) 9. Inclusive (7) 10. Put off (5) 11. Absurd (12) 13. Handsome (6) 15. Cavity (6) 17. Mechanisms (12) 20. Trophy (5) 21. Filch (7) 22. Record (8) 23. Accurate (4) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 14. 16. 18. 19.
all; 12 Under orders; 14 Outlook (8) Fat (5) Tell (6) Insurers (12) Confide (7) Beginner (4) Scholar (3,2,7) Demeanour (8) Berth (7) Specimen (6) Smell (5) Goad (4)
Very well off; 18 Managed; 19 Begin; 21 Still; 22 Reserve. Down: 1 Drill; 2 Option; 3 Red; 4 Attend; 5 Cutlery; 8 Monocle; 11 Revered; 13 Penalty; 15 Yearly; 16 Feeler; 17 Sieve; 20 Let.
ACROSS 1. Register on the bread-line (4) 3. Underground traveller? (8) 9. Pretend to be on stage (4-3) 10. Advance reasons for some near guesses (5) 11. Tightness somehow not on critics (12) 13. Affectionate offer (6) 15. The earliest weapon of the railways? (6) 17. Helpful in noted productions, perhaps (12) 20. Back in a cell, utterly reject fine material (5) 21. Might suit ref, to be a glutton! (7) 22. Pause as the tea is made (8) 23. Popular male gives girl ring (4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Known locally as Parakupa-vena, which means "the fall from the highest point", how is this geographical feature better known in English? 2. Who was the first singer to earn a million dollars through record sales? 3. Which British athlete was the first to be Commonwealth European, Olympic, World Champion and World Record Holder simultaneously? 4. One liners from the year 1966. Name the artist and song (in the case of a cover version, we're looking for the artist that had a hit in 1966): a: I'm just mad about Saffron, b: I'm sitting in the railway station, c: As I walk this land of broken dreams, d: Went to a dance looking for romance, e: I am an island 5. What was it about the appearance of the members of the Order of Saint Lazarus that frightened both friend and foe alike during the crusades? 6. What does the Australian slang "way out in whoop
DOWN 1. Knock a big town for its greediness (8) 2. Discover how to get paid a pound? (5) 4. Suitable clothing for leaving hospital (6) 5. Following suit in intimacy? (5-2-5) 6. Registration document for a lumberjack (7) 7. Film that might stagger (4) 8. Bad handling of disordered mental matter (12) 12. Test toil needed to produce dagger (8) 14. Baffle - it's not to be added, apparently (7) 16. Not an in-group from the beginning (6) 18. Subject of article written by myself (5) 19. State of drought throughout a hot summer (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) whoop" mean? 7. The largest pre-atomic age explosion occured when the munitions ship Mont Blanc exploded in Halifax Nova Scotia harbour on the 6th of December 1917. Its main anchor was later found in a rooftop how many miles away? a. one half mile b. one mile c. three miles d. twelve miles 8. Only two people held the football world cup trophy in their hands at the Wembley final in 1966 wearing yellow. Gordon Banks was one, who was the other? 9. Who announced in 1947 that on his death his country would be returned to a Monarchy? 10. Which organization had a bad day on Friday, October 13, 1307? 11. Geophagy is the practice of doing what? 12. Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and Mussolini all suffered from a condition known as Ailurophobia. Ailurophobia is the irrational fear of what?
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
637 227 385
charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email:
Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers.
The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean
for info on: 630 28 08 99 Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- RNA - The Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanization, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Paul Edwards on 618 644 934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1996. Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team.
Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 673 766 649 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the
The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:
Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday
service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
La Siesta Bowls Club In Division B the Blues were entertained at Greenland´s by the Cedars, which resulted in both teams collecting points on three rinks each but unfortunately, we missed out on the overall by six shots, good effort. Winning rinks from; Ann & Robert Heath with Harold Charleton (36-12). Dave Davies, Brian Harman & Mike Edwards (19-16). Joy Gardiner, Norman Adcroft & George Richardson (19-17). Result 6-8 (Shots 111117). Meanwhile back at home the Golds welcomed Country Bowls Geckos and knew that this would be a hard game to gather many points from, which the team found out by losing on five rinks but keeping the flag flying and stopping the Geckos from achieving a clean sweep were Kathleen Morrisroe,
Tony Campbell & Alan Mawer who played really well to secure two points (20-13). Very enjoyable morning despite losing 2-12 (Shots 81-140). The Apollos played their game at home against La Marina Explorers (Enterprise Division) where both teams tried their very best to secure the points and the game ended with the Explorers picking up the win, some of the rinks could have gone either way result 4-10 (84-100). Rink winners; Pat Harman, Brian Gardiner & Jean Cooper (1814). Joy Gardiner, Tricia & Pat Reilly (18-11). In the Voyager Division the Pioneers had an away game playing Greenland ´s Beach where we won four rinks but suffered defeats on two others winning 10-4 (106-87). Rinks won by; Jo Elkin, Tony Campbell & Ken Dullaway (28-18). Bill Jordan, Noel
with Alan Carr
Morrisroe & Jim Eastwood (22-11). Ken Stringfellow, Pat Moore & Sue Jordan (1510). Kathleen Morrisroe, Derek Smith & Dave Laverick (18-15). Good hosts and a pleasant game had by all with thanks going to Rod Edgerton for standing in at short notice even though he was under the weather. The Winter League saw La Siesta travel a short distance to play San Luis who are currently in 2nd place. Knowing it was going to be a tough game, we battled on trying to accumulate as many points as possible but found the home side too strong. The best result came from Skip Dave Laverick´s team who managed a draw (13-13) with the game ending 1-11 (Shots 74-111). Interested in joining this friendly club, call the club owners Jim or Lyn on 690190523 or pop in and talk to the President (George) or Club Captain (Sue).
Country Bowls Club
Emerald Isle Bowls Club By Elwyn Morris
With Dennis Wade, John Mallet & Den Birkett
Titans began the week with a resounding 12-2, aggregate 115-78, win over, San Miguel Beagles winners were P Heaney C Smyth M Odell 20-10, D Jones A Miles J Smyth 24-15, G Farrington M Veale P Coffey 17-8 P Rhodes M Breen D Gerrard 16-10, S Kavanagh G Odell D Close 18-12 Neptunes travelled to top of the league Greenlands Sycamores and came away with a very good 8-6 aggregate 129-98 win. A Brown L Vincent G Ponsford 31-9, M Riley J Westall T Roche 35-11, L Freeman C Parsons P Dix 19-16 Moonrakers were at San Miguel Dalmations and they slipped to a 68 aggregate of 102-123, winners were I Fay I Hughes K Sodenlund 19-5, L Harris S Simpson T Upham 21-18, A Holliman R Fooks T Culpin 20-18 Saturns played at home against San Luis Galaxies and were beaten 4-10 aggregate 86-123, winners were G Inwood F Thomas R Andrews 25-6, K John J Mcgregor E Sheppard 23-12 Cavaliers played at home against Vistabella Lanzadores and slipped to a 6-8 aggregate of 96-107. Winners were J Pooley D Close B Kavanagh 15-12, G Farrington P Coffey C Lindgren 19-16, A Miles M Veale A M Robertson 22-20 Claymores were at Monte Mar Matadores and lost 5-9, aggregate 84111, M Munroe Peter Dix T Roche 19-14, E Morris J Loughran S Watson 14-12, C Parsons P Dix S Elvin drew 13-13 Outlaws were at home against San Luis Jaguars and had a great 13-1 aggregate 134-72 win. L Harris B Smith T Upham 31-7, P Willicott G Dyer B Taaffe 23-8, S Bosworth S Wickens T Harris 25 -12, B Taylor T Capewell M Willicott 20-12, A Holliman K Holliman T Culpin drew 16-16 Roundheads played against Greenlands Ash and they lost 6-8 aggregate of 95-104, winners were, G Anderson A Gower J Taylor 19-13, K John J Macgregor E Sheppard 20-17, G Inwood T Yeo R Andrews 20-17
The Greenlands Chestnuts were Country Bowls first competitors of the week on Monday. They arrived to beautiful weather conditions to play against the high flying Flamingos. The Chestnuts are the second team in the league and they had a strong team yet again but the fearless Flamingos proved too good for them this time and the match ended with fantastic results. Country Bowls 14, Chestnuts 0. Shots were 127 – 68. A big thank you to the none players for their support. The Flamingos are now 33 points ahead in the league so a massive well done to them all. A truly impelling game for the Cubs on Friday away to El Rancho Broncos. As usual, the members at El Rancho were great company but very competitive as always. Overall, the score was a credit to the Cubs, some of whom have never played on the surface before so it was a great experience for the newbies. Country Bowls 6 points, El Rancho 8. 93 – 100. Country Bowls Geckos welcomed Greenlands Cedars today and the Cedars arrived with a team peppered with top class bowlers. The Geckos knew that they were in for a very tough game. Up to the half way point the Cedars were looking very strong, holding their own on most rinks and ahead on some. But the Geckos never give up. They will always fight furiously to the last bowl and this strong mental attitude has won them many tough encounters. Today was no different. The Cedars continued to push but the Geckos dug in and pushed back much harder. They continued to push to the end and achieved a remarkable result by defeating the Cedars on every rink for a winning score of 14-0, the shots were 120 to Country Bowls 65 to Greenlands Cedars. A result to be very proud of Geckos. Well done!! For more information
Miguel Alsations & collected 10 points. by Suzi Cooper Winning teams Terry Starting the report with last weeks Swallows Morgan, Pearl Houghton & Peter Morgan result which went astray due to a dot in the 27-12, Brian Trinder, Steve Hibberd & Alan wrong place. The Swallows hosted La Barton 25-15, Chris Brazier, Graham Phillips Marina Sharks winning on 3 rinks but losing & George Skinner 23-14, Violet Campbell, the overall. Winning trips were Chris Brazier, Sandra Heath & Jason Prokopowycz 19-17. Graham Phillips & Jason Prokopowycz 28The Winter League travelled to league lead10, George Carnell, Abby Benson & Steve ers Javea on Wednesday & came home Hibberd 18-16, Violet Campbell, Pearl empty handed. Houghton & George Skinner 16-10. What a change on Thursday when we played On Saturday the Diamonds travelled to Greenlands in the semi final of the Premier Monte Mar to play their postponed match. 20 knockout. At home we won on all rinks Things didn’t go according to plan & just 1 Terry Morgan got the first win on the board rink won. Angie Goddard, Stella Jakeman & in the Singles 21-19, the pairs Chris Brazier Tony Lale 19-14. & Jason Prokopowycz 20-17, Triples Mel Monday the Diamonds were away at La Highland, Mark France & Sandra Heath 249, Rinks Chris Bowles, Kim Bowles, Steve Marina and came away with a creditable 7 Hibberd & Trevor Voisey 20-14. At points. Ken Gordon, Stella Jakeman & Tony Greenlands only the triple won Graham Lale 25-10, John Cleal, Tina Brinton & Jim Phillips, Colin Highland & Paul Parkes 23Donnelly 16-13, Mike Lamberton, Peter & 15 but it was enough to go through to the Brenda Rees 17-15, while Harry Johnstone, final on 27th February to play Vistabella. Peter Bradbury & Jacqui Johnston drew 17-17.
Quesada Bowls Club
The Pearls were on home ground against San
Friday arrived with the Swans playing at
home to their nearest contenders in the league La Marina Seagulls. No one expected it would be easy but a great effort & 2 trips winning on the last end we picked up 12 points. Winning trips – Allen Bowen, Chris Bowles & Fay Beattie 23-17, Suzi Cooper, Peter Bradbury & Kim Bowles 23-10, Ken Gordon, Tony Goddard & Joe Brinton 16-14, Peter Rees, Jim Donnelly & Joe Riley 22-17, John Cleal, Stella Jakeman & Tony Lale 1615. The Swallows had an afternoon match at San Luis against the Tigers. They collected 8 points with 3 wins & the overall. Winning trips Chris Brazier, Graham Phillips & Jason Prokopowycz 35-9, Harry Johnston, Peter Farrell & Jacqui Johnston 25-12, Cathy Skinner, Phil Bevan & Sandra Heath 20-8 Quesada will be holding an Open Super 3 Singles competition on 2nd April. Just 1 day, but a different format. There is prize money for semi finalists, finalist & winner and just a 5€ entry fee. If you would like an entry contact Suzi Cooper on 627 054 511 or by email to
637 227 385
Greenlands Bowls Club
LEADER by Dave Webb
On Monday The Maples were away to La Marina Pilots, Final score - shots for 81, against 137. BWR were, P Wray, D Donovan, D Thompson. 16 - 14. The Chestnuts Were away to Country Bowls Flamingoes, final scores - shots 68 - 127. Points - 0 -14. The Maples were Away to San Luis Trekkers. final scores - shots 107 - 98. BWR were, S Cordell, J Hier, T Hill. 31 - 7. The Beech were at home to La Siesta Pioneers. Final scores, shots 87 - 106. Points 8 - 6. BWR were - B Haynes, V Young, J Skipper. 20 - 14. The Sycamores were at home to Emerald Isle Neptunes, final score - shots, 98 - 129. Points, 6 - 8. BWR - B Tomlin, Z Wilcock, J Wilcock. 20 - 12. In the Winter League we were at home to Monte mar, final score was shots - 88 - 77. Points - 8 - 4. BWR were, M Stephens, T French, G Watt, L Rudge. 20 - 7. In the Premier 20 Knockout competition against Quesada, our Home team results were - shots 74 - 63. points, 6 - 2. the away team result - shots, 61 - 82. points 0 - 8. In the Southern League, the Oaks were home to San Luis, Final score shots - 96 - 109. Points, 4 - 10. BWR G Fisher, T French, G Fisher, 26 - 12. In the Southern LeagueThe Elms played Vistabella Conquistadores,final score, shots, 123 - 78. Points, 14 - 0. BWR were C Stobbart, M Richardson, K Stobbart. 27 - 10. The Ash were away to Emerald Isle Roundheads, final score, shots 104 - 95, Points, 8 - 6. BWR, J Whitworth, P Ayres, D Whitworth. 21 - 14. For all inquires please contact club secretary on 698418987 or
LA MARINA BOWLS by Barry Latham Ten four, ten four. What tv programme did that come from? For us it came with our first two matches this week. Firstly the Explorers playing at home against Greenlands Maples won by that score and a cracking game it was with high winning rinks, only just winning rinks and only just losing rinks. Mike Stone, Mike Smith and Steve Douglas won33- 10. Not to be outdone Mike´s missus led with Jim Reeves and skip Alex Whyte to a 39 – 5 victory. Shirley Hadaway, Tom Spencer and Janet Parsons fought a good battle to win 18 – 17. A fascinating game saw Don and Jean Fowkes plus Margaret McClaughlin win on the last end 20 – 18. Many of both sides had played up to eight games in about the same number of days so it was nice relax for a lovely paella meal with some of the opposition for 3.50 euros cooked to perfection by the equally lovely Sandra. This is there for everyone each Saturday. So thank you Sante. Two days later the Explorers played again at La Siesta against the Appollos and again winning 10 – 4. Another four rink win. So well done all. Shirley Hadaway, Jim Reeves and Steve Douglas won 23 – 17, Cliff Rawlinson, Jean Fowkes and Janet Parsons won 13 – 10. Peter Parsons, Carol Smith and Ron Maiden won18 – 10 and Mike Stone, Tom Spencer and Margaret McClaughlin beat their opponents by ten shots. Ten four and out. With two and a half wins plus overall score the Pathfinders made a good draw at home to Quesada Diamonds. Dave Hadaway, Tony Langford and Lesley Joynes made the 17 all draw whereas Garth Slater, Norman Ship and Reg Jackson had a great win 25 – 8 but Dave Taylor, Jim Monaghan and Mo Taylor went even better winning 31 – 10. Then annihilation. Went in the rain up to BBC and it rained on and off through the match our spirits weren´t dampened but I think our bowling was. 11 – 1 we lost. Don Fowkes, Garth Slater, Jean Fowkes and Kath Manning saved us from a whitewash. I nearly forgot but my skip bowled a wrong bias but he did get shot on the next but one rink. After the annihilation came the miracle and the Sharks at home to E R Mustangs won 13 – 1. Last finishing but Mike Stone, Mike Smith and Steve Douglas claimed the one point whereas Pete Parsons, Tom Spencer and Ron Maiden won by twenty shots and so did Alex Whyte, Jim Reeves and the Anne Stone. Then came Shirley Hadaway, Wendy Latham and Margaret McLaughlin 20 – 11 followed by Cliff Rawlinson, Carol Smith and Janet Parsons 20 – 15 and lastly Don Fowkes, Phill Pape and Kathy Manning won 17 – 11. That must have pushed them up the table. There is always ups and downs and with the Seagulls they were outflown by the Quesada Swans 12 – 2 with only John Rae, the magnificent Dave McGaw and John Monaghan winning by the margin of 25 – 14.
637 227 385
San Luis Bowls Club By Sheila Cammack A week of contrasts, highs & lows for the weather and our respective teams; South Alicante League, Monday 3rd SL Klingons, a great result away v Vistabella Albatrosses, 12pts2, 103 shots-96. Winners: William Holtham, Sabrina & Russell Marks 15-14, Kevin McKenna, June & Keith Jones 20-11, Bill Webb, Drew Russell, Peter McEneany 18-15, Kath Reid, Keith Phillips, Giuseppe Galelli 18-17, Helen Hammond, Pam Lockett, Scott Malden 20-19. SL Trekkers, a close match home v Greenlands Maples 6pts-8, 98 shots-107. Winners: Judy Carroll, Ralph Jones, Lyndon Johnson 25-10, Mags Haines, Ian Ross, Irene Mangan 18-11, Shirley Verity, Phil Hasler, Jo Pering 20-14. SL Galaxies, a great result away v Emerald Isle Saturns, 10pts-4, 123 shots-86, winners: Colin Fitch, Bob Bruce, Tom Fromson 20-9, Ann Jackson, Terry Beaney, Geoff Francis 27-5, Val Lever, Chris Jackson, Margaret Clarke 22-14, Gordon White, Kevin Hull, Roger Inwards 26-10. WINTER LEAGUE: Wednesday 5th, home v La Siesta, an excellent result after some really close, fight-back finishes; 11pts-1, 111shots-74. Winners: Drew Russell, Peter Mc Eneany, June & Keith Jones 13-13, Kath Reid, Keith Phillips, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 27-10, Shirley
San Miguel Bowls Club Gail Willshire
Monday 3rd February saw the Dalmatians take on the Emerald Isle Moonrakers at San Miguel and win 8 points to 6, 123 shots to 102. A good win, but more importantly, the team of Bob Nesbitt, Pete Masters & Dave Champion gained a hotshot on the 10th end and finished with a great score of 26 points to 12. The Alsatians, away to Quesada, managed 4 points, shots 106:118, with the best of the pack being Paul Hayward, Tom Dalgleish & John Marshall winning 28:15. The Beagles, having beaten Emerald Isle well at the beginning of the season, struggled in their away fixture, winning on just one rink, with shots 78 to 115. Well done to Margaret Patterson, Jim McCarlie & Mary Dyer for getting the 2 points, winning 23:20 on the tricky rink 6. Wednesday required an early start for the Winter League team who travelled to El Cid in the north of the region. This was a long way to go to just bring back 2 points, 68 shots to 86, but the bacon sandwich breakfast and carvery lunch
Vistabella Bowls Club with MonteStan In the Premier 20 comp Vistabella went through to the final with massive wins against San Miguel. Men’s singles Martin Foulcer won 20 – 2, Ladies Pairs Maggie Furness and Lyn Watkins won 25 – 8, Men’s Pairs Gary Thorpe and Charles Watkins won 20 – 9. The trips were won by, Eric & Lynn Bishop, Neil Burrows 20 – 7 and finally the rinks were won by Dave Jenkins, Babara & Arthur Brown, Mike Irwin 22 – 13. Monday saw the Drivers in Discovery div. lose away to El Rancho Pintos 4 – 10 with 88 shots for and 110 against. A good match with 2 draws and 1 win for the Drivers and very close scores. Wednesday was a good day for Vistabella in the Winter League away to Bonalba, picking up all points 12 – 0 with 105 shots for and 73 against. Sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos. On Friday Southern div. A the Lanzadores were
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Verity, Ray Clarke, Jo & Julian Pering 29-26, Ros Holmes, Irene Mangan, Sab & Russ Marks 22-13, Ann Holland, Bill Webb, Pam Lockett, Scott Malden 20-12. La Siesta do not have a Berleen team. Southern League, Friday 7th SL Lions, home v Greenlands Oaks, a real game of 2 halves; but the Lions held their nerve and fought back to win 10pts-4, 109 shots-96. Winners: Ann Holland, Ray Clarke, Ray Pollock 29-7, Kath Reid, Sheila Cammack, Ian Kenyon 19-11, Kevin McKenna, June & Keith Jones 17-16, Helen Hammond, Drew Russell, Scott Malden 16-12. SL Tigers home v Quesada Swallows; a hard fought match 6pts-8, 80 shots-118. Winners: Shirley Verity, Jo & Julian Pering 18-12, Ros Holmes, Malcolm Ayton, Irene Mangan, 17-15, Derek Barker, Mags Haines, Bob Bromley 16-11. SL Jaguars away v Emerald Isle Outlaws, had a bad day at the office 1pt-13, 72 shots- 134. Well done: Chris Phillips, Fran & Neil Cox 16-16. We are a competitive but friendly club; you’re welcome to join in “Vic’s Hamper” 10:00/10:30 on Saturday mornings (check chalkboard outside the office & club calendar). For more information & calendar, see SLBC website at: We welcome new and experienced bowlers; come along and see us, or contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691 903 773. lessened the blow a little. Well done to Cliff Plaisted, Jim McCarlie, Dave Johnson and Steve Cantley for winning 15:10. On Friday the Boxers took on the Vistabella Picadors away, bringing home a creditable 9 points, 108:93. The team of the day were Dave Young, Bill Knight & Stan North who won 25:11. The best result of the week, however, came from the Bulldogs, home against the Mazarron Miners. 10 points with shots 109 to 84 will definitely give the team a boost. Well done to the highest winners - Pat McEwan, Brian Allen & Dave Greenland, winning 24:7. A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1:30 for 2:00 - €5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and woods available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are now asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1:45. For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact the President Stuart Hemmings on 965 72 0461, or the Secretary Gail Willshire on 965 02 0492. away to Emerald Ilse Cavaliers beating them 8 – 6 and 107 shots 96 against. Div. B saw the Picadores at home to San Miguel boxers losing 5 – 9 shots for 93 and 108 against. A tight match played in good spirit with again some very close results. Finally a bad day for the Conquistadores losing 0 – 14 away to the Greenlands Elms with 78 shots for and 123 against. Vista bella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson. You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins or Charlie Watkins
The Toreadors were at home to Vistabella Picadors, a good result saw us win on 3 rinks. Well done Jan Soars, Chris Harding skip Keith Young, Julia Hamilton, Wendy Sheridan skip Ian Hamilton and Derek Darby, Howie Williams skip Rod Chamberlain. Shots 98 – 85, Points 9 – 5
rearranged match against Quesada Diamonds the Matadors had a good result winning on five rinks. Well done to Lynne Armitage, Margaret Finlayson skip Ronnie Cairns, Mike Farrelly, Tanya Oliver skip Graham Smyth, Sheila Roberts, Les Counsel skip Phil Goble, Danny King, Barry Watson skip Chris Merry and Pauline Merry, Don Cleeter skip David Eades. Shots 113-73, Pts 12-2
Monday at home again to El Rancho Raiders and we kept up our winning ways. We won on four rinks, well done to Dave Thomas, Wendy Sheridan skip Keith Young, Jan Soars, Howie Williams skip John Hunt, Les Bounds, Chris Harding skip Rod Chamberlain and Sue Bounds, Cindy Bedford skip Neil Crawford. 114-81, Pts 10-4
WINTER LEAGUE Monte Mar were away to Greenlands. We only managed to win on two rinks but there was a couple of close games. Well done to the winning rinks of Harry Dobson, Colin Bedford, Don Cleeter skip Phil Goble and Lynne Armitage, Howie Williams, Rod Chamberlain skip Ronnie Cairns. Shots 77-88, Pts 4-8
Monte Mar Bowls Club
Matadors were away to San Miguel Boxers on For info check out our website or email us at Friday where we won on three rinks. Well done to or Facebook the winning rinks Lynne Armitage, Don Cleeter skip Ronnie Cairns, Paula Cleeter, Bill Judd skip Graham Smythe and Mike Farrelly, Margaret Finlayson skip Barry ENTERPRISE DIVISION Watson. Shots 97 – 104, Pts 6 – 8 Emerald Isle Titans 115 (12) San Miguel Beagles 78 (2) Saturday and at home for a Quesada Pearls 118 (10) San Miguel Alsations 106 (4) Vistabella Albatrosses 96 (2) San Luis Klingons 103 (12) San Luis Trekkers 98 (6) Greenlands Maples 107 (8) La Siesta Apollos 84 (4) La Marina Explorers 100 (10)
SOUTH ALICANTE WINTER TRIPLES Week 13 - Monday 3rd February
El Rancho Bowls Club
Monday morning found the Pintos playing host to Vistabella Drivers, a lovely day with a light breeze and good company. The Mustangs took 3 rinks to Drivers’ 1 with the other two drawn and the Mustangs taking the overall shots, the Drivers were rightly pleased with an away score of 1 win and two draws, a close match all round. Ann C Taylor, Denise Morgan and Bob Morgan 33-10. Judy Foley, Liam Foley and Jim Gracie 14-14. Val Ryder, Sarah Taylor and Jim Taylor 15-15. Lesley Day, Bob Day and Mick Cox 10-24. Irene Thomson, John Richards and Eddie Thomson 2112. Barbara Jones, Malc Sykes and Bob Taylor 17-13. The Raiders meanwhile were playing the Toreadors at Monte Mar, a favourite venue for many, they also had a tight match and did well to come away with 2 rinks. On Friday morning the Mustangs were playing the Sharks at La Marina and faced an uphill battle, though with good bowling from both teams. The Sharks had a good day taking five rinks and the overall shots, with the other drawn, but as always we enjoyed the bowls and company. The Broncos were entertaining Country Bowls and put on a good show in sharing the rinks 3 each and taking the overall shots, a good effort. Janet Wright, Debbie Ham and Adrian Ham 28-10. Dolly Ford, Gary Dunstone and Marion Haynes 17-10. Bryan John, Gill Bartlett and Rob Clark 18-11. Gaynor John, Pam Harris and Brian Harris 12-18. David Baker, Brian Gilham and Dave Haynes 15-20. Ngaio Baldwin, Pete Baldwin and Ron Greenstreet 10-23. For further membership info contact Sheila Cox at
P W D L San Luis Klingons 13 55 2 21 Quesada Pearls 13 41 2 35 Vistabella Albatrosses 13 41 4 33 Emerald Isle Titans 13 39 5 34 San Miguel Beagles 13 40 4 34 La Siesta Apollos ** 13 38 2 38 La Marina Explorers 13 33 6 39 Greenlands Maples 13 35 1 42 San Miguel Alsations 13 32 5 41 San Luis Trekkers # 13 20 1 57 ** 5) deducted for failing to field a full side # 1 point deducted for reporting infringement
Diff Diff 306 169 139 116 43 -48 -41 -99 -99 -486
Pts 138 102 102 99 99 83 82 80 77 42
DISCOVERY DIVISION La Marina Pathfinders 111 (7) El Rancho Pintos 110 (10) Greenlands Sycamores 98 (6) San Miguel Dalmations 123 (8)
Quesada Diamonds 93 (7) Vistabella Drivers 88 (4) Emerald Isle Neptunes 129 (8) Emerald Isle Moonrakers 102 (6)
P W D L Greenlands Sycamores 12 42 3 27 El Rancho Pintos 12 40 5 27 Vistabella Drivers 12 35 6 31 San Miguel Dalmations 11 35 1 30 Emerald Isle Neptunes 12 36 1 35 Quesada Diamonds 12 33 2 37 Monte Mar Matadors 11 31 4 31 La Marina Pathfinders * 11 27 3 36 Emerald Isle Moonrakers # 11 20 1 45 * 2) deducted for failing to field a full side # 1 Point deducted for reporting infringement
Diff Diff Pts 156 106 352 103 -8 87 64 86 46 85 -97 78 85 77 -212 63 -386 40
VOYAGER DIVISION Ctry Bowls Flamingos 127 (14) Greenlands Beech 87 (4) Monte Mar Torreadors 114 (10) Emerald Isle Saturns 86 (4)
Greenlands Chestnuts 68 (0) La Siesta Pioneers 106 (10) El Rancho Raiders 81 (4) San Luis Galaxies 123 (10)
P W D Country Bowls Flamingos * 12 52 3 La Siesta Pioneers 11 38 3 Monte Mar Torreadors 11 38 3 Greenlands Chestnuts 11 34 3 El Rancho Raiders 12 33 2 Greenlands Beech # 12 33 1 Vistabella Eagles # 11 26 6 San Luis Galaxies 11 21 1 Emerald Isle Saturns * * 11 18 4 * 2) deducted for failing to field a full side # 1 Point deducted for reporting infringement * * 9) deducted for failing to field a full side
L Diff Diff Pts 17 480 127 25 165 93 25 21 93 29 130 85 37 -104 80 38 -103 72 34 -137 64 44 -223 50 44 -229 37
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
637 227 385
23 JANUARY - MATCH RESULTS WEEK 15 Division 1 Tipsy Toad Tiaras Trinity Pirates Las Rosas Bullies Chemies Loungers
2 - 10 3-9 3-9 1 - 11
Hub Hyenas Tipsy Toad Toppers Hi Life Legends El Capitan
Division 2 Ale House Chicks Hub Hellraisers Hi Life Hi Ho Pint Depot Jesters
5-7 2 - 10 6-6 6-6
Trinity Panthers CC's Flyers Pint Depot Queens Milos Bar
Inter-Division Match Ale House Lads
6* - 6*
Chemies Chicks
Pint Depot Queens enjoyed a memorable evening at High Life, coming away with a valuable point from third placed Hi Ho's. Losing the opening two triples via Viv Perryman D10 and Sonya Cooper D1, the Queens rallied to draw level, honours going to Jeanette Cooks on D1 and her Maj Queen Debbie on D4. Paul Lock retrieved the Ho's lead on D1, Charlie Pritchett taking the score to 4-2 with a fine 123 and D14. Lock upped the ante in the second half, recording 135 and D11 in the first singles, Cooper closing on D2 for a 6-2 advantage and at least a point. The anticipated victory never materialised, as Marie Cummins D9, Lorraine Cox D9, Debbie Wright D18 and Jeanette Cooks D2, secured the remaining four legs and shared points. Just as satisfying was Wrights defeat of Pritchett, the Ho's MOTM.
Fair play to the Ale House Lads and Chemies chicks for mixing it up in the Inter-league friendly match. Homeless and short-numbered, they made the best of it, mixing things up and enjoying a thoroughly good night in the true spirit of the league. John Eyre - 180 Division 1 El Capitan Hub Hyenas Las Rosas Bullies Tipsy Toad Toppers Trinity Pirates Hi Life Legends Ale House Lads Chemies Loungers Tipsy Toad Tiaras Division 2 CC's Flyers Milo's Bar Hi Life Hi Ho Pint Depot Jesters Trinity Panthers Chemies Chicks Hub Hellraisers Ale House Chicks Pint Depot Queens
The first two triples also went the Toads way, Solomons 3x100 and a 72 out, ensuring the points, Maiden 140, 100 plus a 74 finish making it 8 zip. An overdue recovery followed, Ron Chadwick 117, Sid Cross 121, 100, 95, and Jeff Ward 100, finding a little form, doubles and some respectability, leaving Miller to grab the 12th for the Toads. Cross and Maiden were MOTM.
P 14 14 13 13 14 13 13 13 13
F 134 108 80 90 78 73 68 59 30
A 34 60 76 66 90 83 88 97 126
Pts 27 22 15 15 11 11 8 8 1
13 14 14 13 14 13 13 13 13
123 113 99 87 79 62 56 44 49
33 53 57 69 89 89 100 106 107
26 20 18 17 14 11 6 4 4
Teams are reminded February 14th is the closing date for both Mens and Ladies Pairs competitions on March 12th. Entries are 5euro pair and should be delivered to the Euronics showroom Blue Lagoon. Venues to be confirmed.
n the League, Toppers showed some form this week when visiting Trinity Pirates, elevating themselves to third spot on leg difference over the Bullies, with an easier run in.
Despite tons from Ray Hayes, Paul Chick, Brian Nash and Paul Cripwell the hosts found the going tough and were 0-6 down at the break, Toppers hitting the T20 with ease. Lee Maiden 2x100, 92, D10, D11, Andy Gildea 109, 125, D19, Barry Schofield 115, 140, D2, Graham Solomons 100, 121, Phil de Lacy 100, D19, Hugh Galloway 100, Paul Miller D4, contributing to the whitewash.
The Electrical Shop : Blue Lagoon To celebrate our Ten Year Anniversary We are raffling a 50” JVC 4k Smart TV Tickets: 10euro a strip. Pop into shop or call 966 188 170 On Sale Now, Draw on Friday 6th March 2020
Las Rosas Bullies suffered a surprise home defeat against the very capable but inconsistent Legends. Barry Shingler opened for Legends, Bullies response was the remaining two triples courtesy of Antonio Garcia and Dave Knighton. All three pairs went the visitors way Shingler D8, Sandra Crabbe D16 and Roger Phipps D10, doing the necessary, Garcia's 2x100 not enough against the formidable Crabbes. John “C" 121, D10, D11, overcome Knighton for 2-5, wife Sandra made certain of at least a draw in her defeat of Terry Brindley. Phipps gained the all-important 7th and match winning leg with a 02 result versus Mario Garcia. Brother Antonio, pulled one back for the hosts and despite some good scoring from Bullies Jem Gledhill 140, 100, Adrian Buitekaht 100, 140, the remaining two legs went the way of the Legends Ralph Christie and Shingler. Antonio Garcia and Sandra Crabbe were MOTM. Jesters entertained Milos in a tight div. 2 tussle, both sharing the spoils. Steve Formby got the game going on D7, followed by a D9 from Paul Anakin. Matt Cummins D19 made it 1-2, the next two going the way of Milos, Jonny Gilchrist D10 and Formby D7 increasing the visitors advantage. Cummins D16 adding a second for the hosts for a 2-4 half time outcome. Jesters added three more after the break to take the lead for the first time. Alan Marlow finding D11, Dave Wright D16and Graham Cahill D2 the aforementioned three. Formby got Milos back into the match on D4 making it all square. Jamie Ferguson D20 made it 5-6 for Jesters and a possible victory particularly as Cummins was their last man on. All the best laid plans, as the saying goes were dashed as Gilchrist held his nerve for D3 earning a draw against MOTM Cummins. Formby MOTM for Milos. The Tiaras knew from the get go that it was going to be a messy night when the result sheet was hurriedly drawn on the back of a pairs entry comp sheet because the home team captain had forgotten her folder! Honestly, you can’t get the staff these days. A pleasant preamble through the first triples saw Lesley Eagles score a 95 but was out matched by Derek McCauley's 100, The Argybargy Bulgarian's 80 and a 3-dart snazzy by Joe Miller 7-17-D16.
Just for a change, we have two “Spot” victims this week, the husband and wife duo of Division 1 Hi Life Legends. Both born in Swansea, they spent much of their time in the beautiful Gower Peninsular. For sheer devilment they chose the 6th of the 6th 2006 to wed and were not surprised when two clergymen refused to marry them. John has two children, Sarah and Joanne, whilst Sandra has Louise and Gregg, producing nine grandchildren, all of whom live in either Swansea or Newport. Son in Law Barry Cawte is currently C.E.O. of the Welsh Rugby Association and chair of the Welsh Tennis Association. For 35 of her years Sandra delivered 100's of babies in her role as midwife, with 22 years doubling with gymnastics, eventually reaching grade "A" competition judge status. With obviously too much time on her hands, she even learned to Tap Dance and is now a member of the “Footwork Dance Troupe “appearing at the Benidorm Palace in September. John leads a more sedate existence being an armchair supporter of Swansea F.C. but was formerly in the forces serving in the Royal Artillery fronting their regimental "anti-social behaviour" committee and soon to be appointed to the Euronics board in the same capacity. They list Portabellas as their favoured dining haunt, or alternatively a curry, John opting for a Madras, his better half something milder. Sandra has no hesitation in naming "Titanic" as her most memorable film, but admits to being disappointed the first time of watching as a friend told her the ending. Johns' recommendation is “Twin Towns", which l've never heard of, has anyone else? Both avid tv. darts fans and pretty decent players themselves, considering they only started playing soon after arrival on the "Costa" in 2014, they put their ability down to closet practise at home. Friday nights however are set aside for quizzing, the weekend planning a potential cruise to the Caribbean. Once a month, John collects his Viagra prescription from the local pharmacy (to muffled titters) unsure to opt for tablets or the liquid variety. Unfortunately for Sandra the drug is for their King Charles spaniel who suffers from a heart complaint, the original use for the medicine. Si Willams got the chaps insight of the double with 85, 100 but Lelly stole the game on D16 to rapturous applause from her Tiara teammates and their sparkly mascot. Bolstered by their efforts and keen for a bit of the action, Sharon Marshall's 133, 83 kept apace of Del's 100, 81, 85 but little Lisa Ivill nailed the Tiaras 2nd game point with a Jingly Jangly D19. A delicious curry and chips disappeared in no time and the Hyenas came out all guns blazing. Raucous ribaldry was the name of the game in the 2nd half with a tense match betwixt Princess Elizabeth Cowan and Captain Williams. Her royal highness chalked up some great scores 100, 98, 81, 83 and a D16 but was marginally outplayed by Williams' 2 tones, a smattering of 80+ scores and D1 and D20 for the point.
John Eyre helped the Hyenas to the 2nd triples with a two-darter 20D10 and then saved the day in the 3rd triple when Si Williams left him single 5 to play with which he saw off 1-D2. The captain and vice-captain (Simone de Lacy and Pat Schofield for the Tiaras thought they would join forces for the first of the pairs games but were dispensed with, quick sharp, by Mr Eyres' 180, 100 D16, Cyril Harrison only had to make up the numbers for this partnership.
Wendy (89) very nearly got the better of super Eyres in the first leg of the 2nd singles, but despite no more great scores, he managed to limp across the line with two finishes D8, D2. Cyril Harrison had his moment in the limelight and 'Cizzled' with some ton topping scores and quick finishing D1-D19 and D5 to leave Marshall contemplating her navel and everyone else, her other attributes. Bob Taylor gave the Hyenas a head start on game 10 with a 131, 81, 85 14-D2 as de Lacy struggled to keep up.
The Lads were 4-0 up and thought they would have it all their own way when up stepped Wendy Hayward and Lesley Eagles to take on Simon and Alex Nikolov, who was still quarrelling with some pool players. Lelly 'she only needs two darts' Eagles hit a T20 - D20 then sent the 3rd dart out, giving her a ton with only 2 darts! She followed it up on the next throw with T20-S20 and another dart out we swear she wears too many socks making her 1cm taller than she thinks she is!
A 133 in the 2nd leg and D9 out gave her a glimmer of hope which was dashed by a pair of tons and a rather grateful D4 from Bob. Lesley Eagles took it right to the wire against Gareth Bevan, far outscoring the boyo and getting ahead with D8. Sharon Marshall did her best to distract the opposition but alas Bevan limped home with the next two legs. A marathon of a last game between Ivill (92) and Alex gave Hyenas their 6th singles and a 2- 10 win. A great night was had by all. MOTM Eagles and Eyres.
637 227 385
Mike Probert talks Golf (In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs) Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. Relaxation is the key! Performing well under pressure is a “coping skill” which champions apply naturally and golfers without these skills are only there, to make up the numbers. Fear will always be a part of golf, and anger is sometimes a problem, just as excitement can be, but golfers can find comfort in the knowledge that there is a very easy way to reduce the effect of these feelings and this knowledge will then enable them to play well instead of failing under the pressure of competition. Relaxation is the key and it is available to everyone who is prepared to practice it correctly, the golfer can then ask for the pleasant control, which the “peace” of relaxation provides. The requirement for relaxation can start even before we play, particularly when trying to get to sleep the night before an important event, at these times, possible success or failure can pass through the mind, preventing the sleep needed to provide energy for the following day. We must understand how to place all of the muscles of our body in a “state of peace”, because only then can we dictate peace of mind. It may appear obvious that the relaxed feelings needed to sleep are not required at the time we play a shot, all shots need muscular effort, but the controlled muscular effort, which a good understanding of relaxation can provide and with TEMPO, which is a freedom of controlled movement needed to combat golf stress. This inner calm is often needed when we have an awkward chip or putt, these times our mind can race along, and the endless ‘thinking’ before we attempt the shot extends the worry and stress to a state of impending failure. If we know how to relax, then this situation is less
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
likely to occur and we will play the shot with the “short time control” which offers success.
Alfie’s Golf Society
To deal with the build up of stress on the course we have to find ways to overcome the inevitable waiting time.
Las Colinas -Thursday 30th Jan
To reduce the worry which waiting can offer, we have to distract our thoughts away from golf until it is our turn to play, like tidying your bag or yourself. Just do something other than worry about the next shot, and then you will be more successful when it is your time to play, you really could “smell the flowers”. If you behave sensibly on a golf course and keep your smile going you will then be able to keep calm when there is the need. If, on the other hand, you lose your temper and get up tight then you must expect less than satisfactory results. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you. Course Price Comments Alenda €158 2 Players & Buggy Alicante €146 2 Players & Buggy Altorreal €120 2 Players & Buggy Bonalba €116 2 Players & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €88 2 Players & Buggy El Plantio €146 2 Players & Buggy Font Del Llop €92 2 Players & Buggy GNK Courses €150 2 Players & Buggy (El Valle, Riquelme & La Torre) La Finca €150 2 Players & Buggy La Manga West €75 Single Green Fee La Marquesa €60 Sgle Green Fee La Serena €47 Sgle Green Fee Las Colinas €172 2 Players & Buggy Las Ramblas €112 2 Players & Buggy Lo Romero €136 2 Players & Buggy New Sierra Golf €82 2 Players &Buggy Roda €135 2 Players & Buggy UGolf Courses €153 2 Players & Buggy (Saurines & Hac. Del Alamo) Villamartin €130 2 Players & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €57 Sgle Fee & Buggy Vistabella €122 2 Players & Buggy For Bookings and info Mike at quoting the reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Las Colinas was the venue for Alfies Golf Society's first competitive match of the 2020 season. It was the first round of our championship and also the first of our Eclectic Cup. The course was in fantastic condition with some very challenging tee positions. An ever expanding Alfie's Golf Society fielded 36 players for this event and honours on the day went to Allan Sullivan (silver division) with a very credible 37 points. The runner's up were Ove Collins 34 points (Gold division), Paul Skillet 29 points (silver division) and Ian Connell 28 points (Gold division). Nearest the pin prizes and Sponsors were Joe Murphy (The Avenue Bar drinks voucher) Gudlaugur Kristjansson (Alfie's Bar bottle of brandy) Harry Konrad (The Street Restaurant bottle of Gin) and Clive Beresford (Bentley's Bar bottle of Brandy). The blind pairs were won by Rachel Lee and Ian Ingledew who both kindly donated their prizes to our charity, Apanee Special Needs Education centre for which we raised €180 on the day. A big thank you as always to Alfie's Bar for their support
and great food! The next game is La Torre on the last Thursday in Feb where we already have 38 committed players. If you are interested in joining the society then email us at or drop in to Alfie's Bar for a chat.....Nick Lee, Captain
La Marina Golf Society
6th February 2020, A chilly but bright sunny morning greeted the players of the La Marina Golf Society at Font Del Llop for their 3rd game of the year. As always, the course was in a good condition which made for a great day’s play and some high scores were achieved. First in the Gold section was Barry Thorogood with 38 points, Barry also had a nearest the pin on hole 17 and collected a share of the two’s pot. First in the Silver section was club secretary Jeff Wiszniewski also achieving 38 points, Jeff also had a share of the two’s pot. Our other winners of nearest the pin were Rod Loveday on hole 3, Bill England on hole 5 and
by Lesley Cullen
Gill Ludkiewicz on hole 16, Gill also won a share of the two’s pot. We at La Marina Golf Society, welcome new members and if you would like to join us, please email our Secretary Jeff Wiszniewski at We still have tickets available for our Valentine’s Dinner Dance on the 14th February. Tickets are €15 which includes a three-course meal and great entertainment to follow. Please contact our Secretary, Jeff Wiszniewski at or our Social Secretary, Iain Lyall at for more details.
Las Salinas Petanca
Blagul 2 v Los Bandidos 2. All match will be played at Torreta 3 a neutral venue with an 11 am start.
The draw for the Semi-Final of the Cup & Plate has been made with Rocajuna v Los Bandidos, a very tough match both teams met at Rocajuna in the Premier League with the hosts winning by 8-1, this put Rocajuna into second place and Los Bandidos third.
The Cup & Plate are again Sponsored by SANCHEZ BUTRON.
The Franco Belgas Justin play Franco Belgas Daltons. The Plate will be Los Altos Diamonds v Danish Dynamite.
LAS SALINAS MIXED TRIPLE This is being held at Lakeside on February 16th and is the final Charity meeting in aid of Reach Out. Entries are invited for the Summer League to help teams who do have players returning home, we shall use a 7 match scoresheet which allows for 6 or more players this should be a help as casual players can also be included for the Summer. PREMIER LEAGUE: Week 9. Franco Belgas Justin proved too good for Franco Belgas Lucky winning by 9-0 to stay in top place. Rocajuna won away to Blagul 1 by 8-1 they are in second place. Lakeside Lakers won at home to Lakeside Vikings by 7-2 With Los Bandidos winning at home to Las Filipinas Hawks by 6-3. By Roger Seymour
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
'Robin' Michael just keeps Bobbin' along
There Is Nothin' Like A Dame!
Former football star Michael Robinson, who began his career at my home city club Preston North End, has taken steps to become a Spanish national.
Octogenarian Dame Judi, 85, will see her co-owned horse, As De Mee, hopefully lineup in the 2020 £1m Randox Health Aintree Grand National on April 4.
"I've started the process of getting Spanish nationality,” said Spain national radio and television broadcaster Robinson, affectionately known as 'Robin' in Spain. Striker Robinson, 61, kicked off his career at Preston in 1975, joining Manchester City in 1979, with Brighton, Liverpool and QPR, moving to Osasuna in 1987, prior to taking up his media career at TVE in 1989. Robinson made over 300 club appearances and was capped 24 times by the Republic of Ireland during his illustrious career, playing 57 games at Club Atlético Osasuna, based in Pamplona, before hanging up his boots. During 1990, to the present date, Robinson has been the voice of Canal+, along with co-presenter Carlos Martínez, amongst other shows. Robinson, who has won two Premios Ondas - 'Airwaves Awards' - and the Vázquez Montalbán International Journalism Award, was part of Liverpool's European Cup winner's squad in 1983-84. Robinson, at the forefront of late-night sports show ‘El Larguero’ - The Crossbar - in 1989, later joined Canal+ as co-commentator for live football broadcasts. Robinson also co-hosted the highlights show El Dia Después - The Day After - after tactical analyst Jorge Valdano left the show to become the manager of CD Tenerife. The British Hispanic Foundation in Madrid, dedicated to promoting relations between Spanish and British society, presented the Amigo de Honor award (pictured) to Michael Robinson in 2019. "Michael Robinson is worthy of this recognition. He exemplifies in his personal and professional life the values and ideals of our foundation - integration, tolerance and respect towards others - maintaining his culture and his traditions," said president of the foundation, Fidel López. "Michael is well recognised in Spain, not only for his professionalism, but also for his personal attributes such as his honesty, his credibility and his sympathy," said president López.
Michael Robinson receiving the Amigo de Honor award from the British Hispanic Association Robinson, son of parents who ran a pub in Leicester, and moved to Blackpool to run a Guest House, says people have 'time for each other' in Spain, and he loves Spaniards. Robinson, who spent his boyhood days on Blackpool's Golden Mile and won schoolboy football honours, followed in the footsteps of his father Arthur, who played at Brighton, Aston Villa and Wrexham. Robinson, who earned a few bob working at Blackpool train and bus stations, carrying holidaymakers bags to their hotels and guest houses, was signed by Preston manager, former England and Manchester United legend Sir Bobby Charlton. After Charlton resigned, Robinson (pictured) played under Harry Catterick and Nobby Stiles at Deepdale, pocketing a pittance wage in today's terms, of little over a fiver a week. At the time of his transfer to Manchester City, aged 19, in 1979, Robinson's pay packet had swelled to £30 at Preston, where he played 48 games - ballooning to £330 under cigar-smoking Blues gaffer Malcolm Allison. "I enjoy everything about Spain - and the way the Spanish interpret life," said Robinson, who left Preston in a £750,000 move to City, becoming the most expensive teenage signing in British history at the time. "I came to Spain in January 1987. I didn't know if I was going to be here forever," said Robinson, who revealed in 2018 he had a malignant melanoma, found at an advanced stage and had metastasized. In the wake of the UK coming out of the EU on January 31, 2020, in his quest to be a Spanish National, Robinson said: “I refuse to be a foreigner in a country that has opened its arms to me."
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"I used to ride a lot - I've always had a huge love for racing,” said Oscar-winning actress Dame Judi. 10 year old As De Mee, who ran at Sandown on February 1, amongst over 100 entries in 2020, with 40 going to post, withdrew from the National in 2018, due to injury. Owned by The Stewart Family and Dame Judi, As De Mee, trained by Paul Nicholls, finished third of five runners in January at Wincanton, when a beaten favourite. As De Mee raced at Aintree in December, when running sixth of 18 over 3m 2f, prior to an outing at Cheltenham in November over 3m. As De Mee had a race to forget in the Randox Health Becher Handicap Chase at Aintree in 2017 over 3m 2f, when blundering and unseating jockey Sean Bowen at the 10th. Better memories are when winning a Handicap Chase at the Aintree Festival in 2016, when jumping soundly under Bowen. Dame Judi, who portrayed “M” in James Bond, previously owned horses, Zenarinda, Peeps, and Smokey Oakey, a G3 winner, prior to buying a share in As De Mee. Upon retirement Smokey Oakey, who won seven from 55 races, retired to Surrey and was ridden by children and young adults with mental and physical disabilities at Riding for the Disabled, a charity of which Dame Judi is Patron.
Tompkins and ridden by Jimmy Quinn, winning £77,900. Dame Judi bought a share in Smokey Oakey, who had been purchased as a yearling for 9,000gns, with her chauffeur Bryan Agar. Trainer Tompkins said: "It was through Bryan that I met Dame Judi, and from going to see her at the Chichester Festival, she said she'd like a horse. "Dame Judi is a real enthusiast. She takes a great interest." Dame Judi purchased a share in As De Mee, after having lunch with owner, Andy Stewart, who won a lunch date with her after a winning bid at a Charity auction! As De Mee has also won in France, and trainer Nicholls said: “I like As De Mee, who had some good form in France. "It was a pity we missed the Aintree Grand National in 2018, due to a leg injury, it being Dame Judi's first horse with us.” Racing enthusiast Dame Judi, who had a French sister-in-law, whose family had a racing stable in Chantilly, recalled: "I went over to France with my family.
Dame Judi is also the Principal Patron of the British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre, an organisation that re-homes ex-racehorses.
"There was a horse - named after my cat and it came in (won). I’ve never quite known what it won, because I was quite little."
Smokey Oakey won the William Hill Lincoln Handicap in 2018, trained by Mark
Dame Judi quipped: "It probably paid for our holiday!".
SMGS at Las Ramblas. February 5th, 2020
Abacus (Sponsored by Ron Stenhouse and Gordon Wilson): Margaret Wilson, Guest Prize: Graham Jordan.
Early rain had cleared up, although grey skies remained, for the 44 players and one guest making their way to Las Ramblas for SMGS’s annual visit.
Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or call Captain Phil de Lacy on 652 553 362.
A course it seems you either love or hate, society scoring is never particularly good, and today was no exception. Low handicappers always seem the best able to deal with the Las Ramblas difficulties presented and it was Gold Category players who more commonly exceeded the thirty points’ barrier. Robin Eastman led the field with a 37, with runner-up Andy Imrie three back. It only needed 21 points from Steve Sutherland in Bronze Category to make the prize winners, helped somewhat by another example of a signed card being submitted, although unknowingly, incorrectly completed. Be careful members, the administrators are tough!! Winning results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze Category: 5th Steve Sutherland (21), 4th Norman Padmore (24), 3rd Mick Seymour (28), 2nd Ron Stenhouse (32) and 1st Brian Butler with 33 points.
Our thanks go to all Las Ramblas staff for their contribution to the day. Next week Font de Llop, then on following weeks at Altorreal and Vistabella.
Bronze winners; Norman, Ron, Brian and Mick Silver Category: 5th Alan MacDonald (28 on CB), 4th Richard Cleary (28 on CB), 3rd Kyrre Skarsmoen (29), 2nd Hugh Reilly (30 on CB) and 1st Mike Greatorex, also with 30 points. Gold Category: 5th Russ Bailey (31), 4th Norman Cahill (32), 3rd John Osborne (33), 2nd Andy Imrie (34) and 1st, with the day’s best score, Robin Eastman with 37 points. Nearest the pins (sponsored by Property Shop): Hole 6 Phil de Lacy, Hole 10 Barry Lane, Hole 12 Scotty Philips, Hole 14 Geoff Giddy.
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020
Super Sub Cristian nets stoppage time winner Elitei Project (ex Elda Industrial) one and only booking arrived after 6 mins, a nasty late challenge on keeper Jose. After 10 mins, Fran tried his luck from distance, but low flying pigeons were in more danger than the hosts conceding a goal. When the first shot on target eventually arrived on 38 mins, Nino's tame effort required a routine save from visiting keeper Theo. It wasn't until the 42nd min when Jose was forced to make a decent save from an Elitei free kick, their first on target.
CD Thader.....................2 Elitei Project CF............1
hen victories are of a premium, an injury time winner tastes that much sweeter.
Such was the case yesterday afternoon, courtesy of a dramatic first goal of the season for Thader substitute Cristian. It was way back in early November, when Thader last played a home match inside their Moi Gomez stadium. But the lengthy delay seems warranted, for the resurfaced pitch looks to be in a lush condition. To describe the opening 45 minutes as dire, would be a massive understatement. Both keepers were barely tested, as outfield players were guilty of schoolboy errors, including atrocious distribution.
An early 2nd half Thader substitution involved Jose Manual coming on for Rafa Gomez. Shortly afterwards, Fran was given the first of 5 yellow cards to Thader players, all within the space of 30 mins. A well worked move on 63 mins, culminated in Calderon crossing from the left, perfectly for Jose Manual to side foot the ball home from 5 yards. From then on (until stoppage time), Elitei went in search of an equalizer. An inviting cross should have been converted on 70 mins, but fortunately for Thader, 2 opponents squandered gilt edged chances. Further chances came
and went, but on 83 mins parity was restored. When Jose saved superbly with his legs on the edge of the penalty area, the danger seemed to have been averted. But slack defending allowed Benya to execute a delightful chipped shot from distance, squeezing just inside the crossbar. It could and should have been worse from the very next attack, for in
a good position, an Elitei striker somehow headed wide of the post. Just when you thought it was all over, it wasn't! Receiving a pass on the edge of the box, Cristian struck a beauty just inside the far post. The crowd went wild, the players went wild, and why not? Next Wednesday ko 9pm, Thader visit league leaders Rayo Ibense for a
Goals Galore as Torrevieja CF hit 12 By Andrew Atkinson Chief Sports Editor Callosa Deportivo CF and CF Esportiva Il-Licitana 'A' shared the points in a thrilling four goals 2-2 draw at the Campo Municipal 'El Palmeral' in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8. Callosa Deportivo CF goals' from Borja and Silo saw them jump to fourth place in the table,
against second placed promotion contenders CF Esportiva. Hondon Nieves CF sit in fourth spot, following a six goals encounter against Racing San Miguel, in a 3-3 draw that saw the visitors go up to seventh. Leaders Santa Pola CF suffered a shock 2-1 away defeat at CF Rafal, who move up to 14th spot, after bagging the three points. Pola are still 8 points
clear of 2nd placed CF Esportiva, with a game in hand, despite the defeat. CD Altet also came unstuck after a 5-1 away loss at CF Castalla, dropping to fifth, with Castalla in 13th place. REFC Torrevieja gained a 2-1 away victory at third bottom Alguena CF, to go eighth. Second bottom Monovar CF
ground out a point in a 3-3 draw away against CD Cox. In the Valencia 2nd Regional, Torrevieja CF hit a dozen goals against visitors Sporting Saladar - in a 12-1 victory rout - to sit fifth in the table, but still trail league leaders CD Benijofar by eleven points with only one promotion place up for grabs.
Torrevieja Darts Ladies Org Founders Shield Format - 5 February
Simone de Lacy Hot Darts: Claire Greenwood 140, 121, 120, Pat Woods 140, 121, 100, Diane Burns 140, 100, Mitch Halliday* 132, Cynthia Jevons 125, 100, Pat Schofield 125, Julie Hallett 124, 115, Eileen Rood 121, Beaty Powell 120, Sue Wade 112, Linda Curdy* 106, Bliss Wright 100 … *High scores from remaining singles matches from week 3 LEAGUE TABLE
Prs Sgle Pts
Gap Ladies 4 28 8 32 Macklin’s Dolly Mixtures 4 25 11 29 Friendly's Temps 4 21 15 24 Racing Toast 3.7 14 15 20 Least Darts: Least Darts: Beaty Powell 17, Friendly’s Chicas 4 15 21 16 Black Dog Ladies 4 14 23 14 180’s Gail Murray, 171’s Eileen Rood x2 Primadonnas 3.7 13 20 14 Wildcats at Macklin’s 4 9 27 9 Bull Finish: Chris Greenwood, Sally Wright, LADIES PAIRS COMPETITION Please get your pairs entries in by 12th February for comBeach Boys, e: I Am A Rock - Simon & Garfunkel. 5. petition competition to be held at New Tavern on 25th February. If you need to find a partThey were lepers. 6. In the middle of nowhere. 7. c: ner, please forward name of single entrant and they will be paired up in receipt of order. Three miles away. 8. Queen Elizabeth II. 9. General The raffle will be courtesy of Friendly Temps and Friendly Chicas. Franco of Spain. 10. Knights Templar. They were all 2ND REMINDER CAPTAINS MEETING on Wednesday 26th February to discuss presentation night. If you have ideas for venues and have made contact with them, please bring the arrested. 11. Eating soil / earth. 12. Cats, from the information with you. It is essential that all teams are represented at this meeting so we can Greek 'ailouros', cat. vote and go forward with the plans for the presentation night. Highest Checkouts: Kath Morgan 102, Pam Horton 98, Lorraine Veale 98, Simone de Lacy 76, Claire Greenwood 75
1. Angel Falls, Venezuela, the world's highest waterfall at 979m. 2. Enrico Caruso. 3. Daley Thompson. 4. Answers. a: Mellow Yellow – Donovan, b: Homeward Bound - Simon & Garfunkel, c: What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted - Jimmy Ruffin, d: Barbara Ann - The
Benidorm CD are currently stuck in the relegation zone, whilst Thader's latest victory has given them renewed hope, having given themselves breathing space outside the bottom 3.
Callosa Deportivo CF - up to fourth place in G8 1st Regional.
Friendly´s Chicas 6 - 3 Black Dog Ladies Primadonnas 7-2 Wildcats at Macklin’s Macklin’s D Mixt 4 - 5 Racing Toast Gap Ladies 6-3 Friendly´s Temps Week 3 LF Primadonnas 4-2 Racing Toast Overall Result 6-4 Additional points added to this week’s tables 2 – 2
rearranged match, for the first of 4 consecutive away games. Then it's a trip to Benidorm next weekend (check CD Thader 19/20 facebook page for details).
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Monday 10th - Sunday 16th February, 2020