The Leader Newspaper Edition 808

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D O YOU WANT TO S E LL YOU R P R OP E RTY? NO SALE - NO FE E Tel: +3 4 617 537 8 6 6 No 808

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020

Tel: 637 227 385

or email: property@spanishrivier

Find the answers to your CORONAVIRUS CONCERNS on pages 8 to 11, or follow the Coronavirus link at

P R I M E M I N STE R TIG HTE N S U P M E A S U R E S O N LO C K D OW N Sánchez paralyses non-essential activity All but ‘non-essential’ workers have been ordered by the government to stay at home. Starting on Monday, 30 March, workers have been told

to have an 'enforced break ' and stay away from their places of employment until 9 April, in the latest measure to be taken by the government that it says will help to curb the spread of the coronavirus

disease (COVID-19) within the country. In making the announcement during a televised address Sanchez said, in ordering all non key workers to stay at home “This measure will

reduce people’s movement even further, but it will also reduce the risk of spreading the virus and allow us to unblock the congestion in our intensive care units.” Continued on Page 2


Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


637 227 385 PROPERTY

637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.


637 227 385


OVERCOME WITH GRIEF Medical staff at the epicentre in Madrid

In sending millions of workers home, the Prime Minister said that they will not lose their wages but they will have to make up the hours when they return to work following the state of alarm. He said that this could be done over a period of time, suggesting an hour a day. The new measures will restrict the movement of workers in Spain apart from those employed in the sectors of foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, veterinarians, opticians, hygiene products, the press, fuels for the automotive sector, tobacconists, IT and telecommunications support and sales, pet food, internet companies and dry cleaners. Banks will also remain open, while vehicle mechanics will continue in support of the freight sector, but will not be available for the general public. Workers Unions, the CCOO and the UGT, broadly support the decision, seeing it as necessary to stop the pandemic. Bodies representing employers and businesses, CEOE and Cepyme reacted harshly to the announcement warning that "the measure will have an unprecedented huge impact on the Spanish economy, especially in sectors such as industry." And that it could lead to "a deeper crisis in the economy.” They warned that among employers there is "complete confusion" demanding that the measures introduced for the employed be also extended to small businesses and to the self-employed. The employers have also expressed their fear of "a massive and permanent devastation of business and employment." But they said that they would support "the latest sanitary measures" and guarantee their compliance. Meanwhile Sanchez and his government are still trying to fend off criticism following their purchase of 420,000 rapid tests kits from China, kits that proved to be of ‘dubious reliability’, as it fell into a scam that private companies had managed to avoid into which the government fell. Despite requests from the media for more information on the scandal, requests to the Ministry of Health have only been met by silence! On Sunday the Minister, Salvador Illa, announced a further 838 deaths in the previous 24 hours, a record in the number of victims that have lost their lives in a single day, just above the figure of 832 that was reported on Saturday. In total, there have now been 6,528 deaths, while 78,797 people have been infected, 43,397 people requiring hospitalization. There have been 4,907 admitted to ICU and 14,709 have been cured.

NO LET UP IN VALENCIAN COMMUNITY In the 24 hours to Sunday, the Valencian Community added a further 750 cases to its totals, 412 of them in the province of Alicante. In addition, 33 people had died and 161 patients were discharged after overcoming the virus. In total there were 4,784 ongoing cases in the Valencian Community and 267 people haddied from the disease in the Community. The new positive cases correspond to 93 in the province of Castellón, 412 in Alicante and 245 in Valencia, with a total of 1,874 people admitted to hospital. A total of 788 health staff had also tested positive for coronavirus and 161 had been discharged. FALL IN NEW CASES IN MURCIA The Murcia Region registered three new deaths due to coronavirus overnight Saturday, bringing the number of deaths to 20 since the beginning of the pandemic. So far, a total of 872 positives have been recorded, representing 70 more cases than on Friday; a relatively positive fact, since it is the first time in several days that the new infections have not exceeded a hundred.

See pages to 8 to 11 for Coronavirus information or go to

There are 260 patients admitted to Murcia hospitals, of which 57 are in intensive care. There are also 16 infected people who have been discharged, four more than the previous day. The tests carried out exceed 5,800.



637 227 385

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


Which Magazine slams Ryanair and Wizz for price hikes Passenger told flights from Manchester to Alicante-Elche new fare £99. Ryanair website as a new customer, same flight £52

When the said passenger checked the Ryanair website for the price of a new ticket on the same plane, it was €49.

By Andrew Atkinson

A passenger trying to move flights from Manchester to AlicanteElche was told the new fare was £99. When they went on the Ryanair website as a new customer, they found the same flight for £52.

WITH the coronavirus epidemic outbreak hitting Spain hard - that has led to Alicante-Elche airport closed to commercial flights - some airlines have been flagged up for ripping off passengers.

The Guardian newspaper reported they found that Ryanair priced every flight at €135.99 from Dublin to London, Luton, over an entire year when the flight change portal was used.

Dublin-based Ryanair, a major airline player at Alicante-Elche airport, waived its change fees, with passengers still having to pay the difference, if the new fare is higher.

However, the same flights were reportedly available for as little as €17.99 when a new booking was made.

Which? Magazine reports the airline has been hiking the cost of those replacement flights - by as much as £80.

Meanwhile, rival low-cost carrier Wizz Air is still charging €30-€40 a passenger to rebook on flights to Hungary and Bulgaria, or €60 per passenger, per flight to cancel, despite the fact that both countries have closed their borders.

Dublin to Malaga flights hiked by as much as £80

The consumer group said that when one passenger tried to move their Dublin to Málaga flight to August, they were quoted €137 (or £128) a passenger.

Ryanair has failed to respond to requests for comment.

Earlier this month the Foreign Office banned all but essential international travel from the UK but, despite cancelled flights, some airlines have made it almost impossible to get a refund. However, all flights on EU carriers within, or into the EU, and all flights leaving from an EU airport, are protected by the EU’s 'denied boarding' rules, which require refunds or re-routing when flights are cancelled.


e look forward to seeing our loyal customers once again just as soon as the government restrictions imposed because of COVID-19 have been removed. Until then, please keep safe Paul and Dawn



Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


637 227 385

Skipping up to his 90th Birthday

Cardinal Beluga Theatre Group

Big Day out for ‘Skippy’ Teasdale with the RBL Chelsea In Pensioner ‘Skippy Teasdale’ chose to celebrate his 90th birthday on 12th March with his colleagues and friends of the Orihuela Costa and District Branch of TRBL in the Bienvenido Chinese Restaurant in La Zenia on the Costa Blanca last week. His two sons Paul and Andrew, provided the big surprise of the night, flying in especially to be with their father from Thailand and Australia. Skippy has been a member of the branch, along with fellow Chelsea Pensioner Wayne Campbell, for many years and the pair travel out to Spain at their own expense 5 or 6 times every year to attend branch and district events. Just a few days before, all Chinese restaurants in the area had closed in order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus but on being told of Skippy’s special day the staff opened Bienvenido’s especially to allow Skippy to celebrate his big day.

Volunteers in Los Montesinos turn out hundreds of masks

By Andrew Atkinson ollowing an appeal to produce masks for those suffering from illness of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Spain, by the Ayuntamiento de Los Montesinos, distribution of material has commenced. "On Friday, March 27, we started the distribution of the material to the volunteers who came forward to make masks," said a spokesperson from Los Montesinos town hall. An overwhelming response from the people of the Vega Baja town volunteered to undertake the task, in the wake of low supplies of masks. "Over 30 people volunteered to help in Los Montesinos in the campaign of 'Excellent Health, Citizen Platform'," said the spokesperson. Following the initial distribution of material further deliveries will be made on March 30, prior to delivery to Torrevieja Hospital. Once the masks are made they will be taken to Torrevieja Hospital where they will undergo sterilisation, prior to use and distribution. "We thank everyone very much for volunteering," added the spokesperson. *Photos courtesy of Ayuntamiento de Los Montesinos.


One of the many volunteers in Los Montesinos

Skippy celebrating with sons Paul and Andrew.

In spite of having to cancel two shows we are still in business. We hope that in the near future to be able to start rehearsing a brand new show but we need new enthusiastic people to join. If you can dance,sing,or have technical experience in music and/or sound ,production or direction and live on the Costa Blanca we would like to welcome you to out happy friendly group. Rehearsals usually take place in the Community Centre in La Marina. If you are interested contact John Fagg via email at or John devine on 648 524 372.

Coronavirus websites for Orihuela and Torrevieja

BOTH THE ORIHUELA AND TORREVIEJA CITY COUNCILS launched municipal information web pages last week providing comprehensive information about the Coronavirus. The Orihuela pages are contained on the current Ayuntamiento website. Unfortunately they are predominantly images overlaid with text in Spanish so automatic translate is not available. The Torrevieja site, however, a brand new site which is text based so providing you have the translate widget installed on your computer or you use google chrome you can automatically translate into the language of your choice. Both sites nevertheless contain a great deal of useful, and most importantly, official information so they are well worth a visit. Both allow access by the public to the different council areas and municipal services while the limitations on face-to-face meetings continue. They can be accessed at: or Launched a week earlier was the Valencia Community coronavirus website at

Keep safe and we will see you all again when we have beaten the virus. At the moment we are closed until the end of April

That too includes advice and instructions across a multitude of subjects including the virus itself, advice for those who are sick, isolated at home, self-employed, employed, as well as the business community and is probably a better option for those who want rather more



637 227 385

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020

“REACH OUT” SUSPENDS SERVICES REACH OUT temporarily closes down after 9 years The charity has NEVER before closed it’s doors during the nine years of it’s existence. Dear Volunteers,

Statement. Be proud of what you have achieved up to this time, we have NEVER before closed our doors during the nine years we have been in existence.

It is after much soul searching and discussion that I have some sad news to convey to you all.

We will still have our overheads to pay for, but patrons can donate by bank transfer to help offset these costs. Government assistance is also available.

It has been decided to cease Homeless feeding from this Friday, this is a temporary measure until the State of Alarm allows us to return to normal.

I would like you all to please stay in touch with each other, the WhatsApp group is one way, but give a call to someone and support each other.

Alimentos Solidario will proved food during this time. Family packs will continue as this is only once per fortnight, and Maria has agreed to carry on with one assistant.

Pray for a resolution to this crisis and keep yourselves safe, you all have the strength to ride the storm and come out the other side stronger and wiser.

I am sure you are all supporting each other as we struggle with the situation. Please be optimistic and look forward to Reach Out rising above the problems currently dictating how we live.

I thank you for the years of commitment you have given to Reach Out and hope you will continue in the future.

We will come back stronger and continue to meet our Mission

David S Young, President

D2D Travel Agency, owned by former Councillor for Foreign Residents, Sofia Alvarez, has set up a volunteer group to assist the people who need help to buy food, medicine or to be taken to the

healthcare. Contact the group by phone: phone: +34 673 572 705 or by email: It is important that everyone is aware that they should not leave heir home, especially if over 70 years of age or disabled. As such Sofia Alvarez has formed this group for those in the Orihuela Costa who need help, which she and her volunteers will coordinate, be it the purchase of food, medicine or healthcare, or further assistance if someone is ill. The group is collaborating already with Guardia Civil, Local Police and other local charities and Associations. The needs will increase as the days go by…. And the most important thing is to spread the word that we are here to help you so please stay tuned to our close circles in case anyone needs help. Likewise if you are aware of vulnerable members of our sociaty please inform us. Also, we already have in the group people to translate; English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Swedish. Keep smiling !!!

God Bless you and I hope we will all get together again soon.

The charity will continue to distribute Family packs

We look forward to seeing all of our loyal customers again, once the state of alarm and restrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. In the meantime keep safe and healthy..



Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


637 227 385


Security forces focus their efforts on the public obeying movement restrictions


he exceptional situation introduced by the declaration of the State of emergency has led to local municipalities to take strict control and surveillance measures on its streets to “ensure compliance with standards that maintain the health and wellbeing of the public. Despite the fact that, as a general rule, compliance with the restrictions is being observed by the majority of society, the Orihuela Town Hall calls for collective responsibility “to comply at all times with these measures and ensuring that we can all leave this regrettable situation behind us as soon as possible”, said the mayor. However, he reported that “despite the large amount of information that we are dis-

tributing and broadcasting through social networks and local media, we continue to see a small number of people fail to comply with these restrictions, which has led to the Local Police to imposing over 100 sanctions”.

Go to and follow the Coronavirus link

Currently the Local Police patrols and the Guardia Civil are focusing their efforts on ensuring that members of the public adhere to these regulations throughout the region, and have been underpinning their patrols with loudspeakers, addressing the public in both Spanish and English, and advising them of the security restrictions introduced by the State of Emergency. Fines currently range between 100 euros and 600,000 euros, depending on the severity of the offense.

POSSIBLE FINES IN CASES OF INFRACTIONS ORGANIC LAW 4/2015, OF MARCH 30TH, ON THE PROTECTION OF CITIZEN SECURITY: Article 37.15 The removal of fences, tapes or other fixed or mobile elements placed by the Security Forces and Agents to delimit security perimetres, even as a preventive measure, when it does not constitute a serious infraction. SLIGHT penalty: fine from 100 to 600 euros. Article 36.6 Disobedience or resistance to the authority or its agents in the exercise of their functions, when they do not constitute a crime, as well as refusal to identify themselves at the request of the authority or its agents or the allegation of false or inaccurate data in the identification processes. Serious offenses with fines of 601 to 30,000 euros. GENERAL PUBLIC HEALTH LAW 33/2011, OF OCTOBER 4TH: Article 57.2. b) Serious offenses with a fine of 3,001 up to 60,000 euros. 1. Conduct or omissions that may produce a risk or serious harm to the health of the population, when it does not constitute a very serious offense. 2. Non-compliance, repeatedly, with the instructions received from the competent authority, or non-compliance with a requirement thereof, if it involves serious damage to health. ORGANIC LAW 10/1995, OF NOVEMBER 23RD, OF THE PENAL CODE: Article 57.2.b) 1. There will be punishments with a prison sentence of three months to one year or a fine of six to eighteen months, for all those who, without being included in article 550, seriously resist or disobey the authority or its agents in the exercise of their functions, or the duly identified private security personnel who carry out private security activities in cooperation and under the command of the Forces and Corps de Seguridad.

LAW 17/2015, OF JULY 9TH, ON THE NATIONAL CIVIL PROTECTION SYSTEM: Article 45.4. These constitute serious infractions, with penalties of 30,001 to 600,000 euros. a) In declared emergencies, noncompliance with orders, prohibitions, instructions or requests made by the heads of the competent bodies or the members of the intervention and assistance services, as well as the duties of collaboration with the surveillance and protection services of public or private companies, when it is not particularly dangerous or transcendent for the safety of people or property. Article 45.3. These constitute very serious infractions with a fine of 1,501 to 30,000 euros. b) In declared emergencies, noncompliance with orders, prohibitions, instructions or requests made by the heads of the competent bodies or the members of the intervention and assistance services, as well as the duties of collaboration with the surveillance and protection services of public or private companies when it is particularly dangerous or important for the safety of people or property.

#stay at home



637 227 385

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020



Go to and follow the Coronavirus link Will I see Army on the streets?

Can I take the dog out?

Can I go out?

Yes. The army is carrying out disinfection tasks. They will also be able to intervene to guarantee the safety of people and workers who cannot stay at home, carry out urgent transport tasks or provide medical care in the medical facilities.

The answer is yes. Going for a walk with the dog is one of the permitted occasions that you may leave the house during the period ofquarantine. However it must be done individually. You should not walk more than 100 metres from your home, clean up dog mess and always take care of avoiding contact with other people.

The order is clear: we must stay home. However, circulation, although controlled, is allowed. We can to go shopping to chemists and supermarkets, go to health centres, go to work and return home, attend to the elderly, minors, dependents, vulnerable or disabled persons, both mental and physical, go to the bank and go out for reasons of force majeure.

Yes, in fact they certainly will. The security forces will only allow travel if the person goes to work, to buy necessities, goes to the doctor urgently or other reasons that can be justified.

Can I use Public Transport? Yes. Public transportation is an essential service. All passengers using it will have to comply with strict disinfection regulations. The buses will continue to operate. Transport that is not subject to a public contract (VTC) will reduce its operations to half.

Can I drive? Vehicles can only be used to carry out the activities allowed during the quarantine period, such as going to the doctor, the supermarket or traveling to the workplace. However, law enforcement agencies are authorised to close roads, entrances and tracks if they deem it appropriate. Private vehicle only one person (or exception) - Taxi only one customer (or exception) Company vehicle can carry workers up to 1/3 of its capacity and with 1 metre distance between passengers. If breached, the vehicle will be immobilised until satisfactory adjustments are made.

Can I take out the rubbish? Can I go running? No. It is completely prohibited to practice sports outdoors. The measure has been taken due to the large influx of athletes who have so far gathered in parks, promenades and other community areas.

Yes. No action taken by the Ministry of Health states otherwise. Of course, as we have clarified before, individually and maximizing precautions to avoid spreading the virus.

Can I travel? Can I go to work? You cannot go to work unless you are employed in one of the sectors deemed to be ‘essential’ by the government following the announcement by the Prime Minister on Saturday.

Can I visit friends or relatives? No. The aim of government measures is to avoid all possible contact between people to prevent the spread of the virus. It is of little use to stop meetings in public places but to allow them in secret. Family members cannot be visited either unless they are elderly, dependent, disabled or vulnerable. Preventive measures must be strictly maintained. Stay home as much as possible.

Going on holiday is completely prohibited due to the current situation in the country. All organised trips must be canceled or postponed until the end of the quarantine period. Travel is only allowed under special circumstances.

Can I get married? Can I go to bars? No, and in addition, the hospitality businesses will remain closed. They can only continue operating if they have home delivery service and always complying with the security measures established by the Spanish Government.

Can I go to the cinema? All leisure, cultural and sports activities are closed. You cannot go to the cinema, the theatre, football matches, or suchlike. All concerts and fiestas are also suspended until further notice including Easter, Las Fallas, and any other festive event due to the massive gatherings of people they involve.

Yes, but with many restrictions. The celebration of weddings, baptisms, communions and / or funerals is very limited. Gatherings of people will not be allowed, nor the organisation of banquets. If you marry it will only be in the presence of the officiant and the witnesses and no kisses or hugs will be allowed.


Could I run out of food? No. The supply of the supermarkets is assured and shopping is allowed, as long as you go individually and follow the measures established by the State. Gatherings of people are forbidden and the security personnel at the supermarkets will control the situations to avoid crowding.

Can the police request reasons for me being out?

Could roads be closed off? Yes. The Ministry of the Interior is authorised to close off roads if it deems it necessary to control the spread of COVID-19. Road travel is allowed as long as the reason is related to work or some other cause of force majeure, such as going to the chemist or visiting a relative at risk.

If these virus containment measures are not followed during the state of emergency, the Government may sanction those who fail to comply with penalties of up to 600,000 euros or even prison


Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


637 227 385



GO TO: and follow the Coronavirus link

These are the recommendations that you should follow if you have a mild case of COVID-19 and need to go into self isolation Please ensure that you and your co-habitants follow these basic guidlines.

Place of isolation - Ensure you have access to a phone Stay at home, avoid leaving the room. Keep it ventilated with the door closed.

Keep a distance of at least 2 metres with your co-habitants

Avoid receiving visits at home.

Use your own bathroom or if you share it should be disinfected before others use it.

Keep your own sanitary and hygienic products in the room

Keep a pedal bin in the room for your waste

All waste products should be disposed of in the plastic bag and placed inside the pedal bin. It should be tied and placed inside a 2nd bag before throwing it away Preventing the spread of the virus

When sneezing or coughing use paper napkins

Discard of the napkin in the pedal bin

Wash you hands thoroughly with soap and water

Don’t share personal items and utensils such as towels, plates, cups, glasses, utensils, toothbrush

Care Providers

Wear gloves at all times when dealing with the patient

Wash hands after contact even if wearing gloves

The caregiver must be healthy, take no unnecessary risks and self monitor/check for symptoms, regularly


Always wear a mask if going into common areas or if someone enters the room and wash your hands when leaving

Clean frequently touched surfaces, bathroom and toilet daily with disposable cloth, bleach (1 part to 99) and water, or approved cleaning agent. Wash hands thoroughly when finished

Wear a mask when in the same room

Use a dishwasher or wash up with hot water

Do not shake clothing. Put in an airtight bag. Always wash your hands.

Wash clothes at 60-90 degrees and dry thoroughly

If the patient deteriorates call 112. If the caregiver or any of the occupants show symptoms don’t go to the Health Centre. In C/Valencia call 900 300 555, C/Murcia call 900 121 212



637 227 385

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


Cleanliness Is OUR ALLY AGAINST CORONAVIRUS Coronavirus is transmitted through the air, but also through contaminated objects, so we offer you some tricks to clean and disinfect your home and thus avoid possible risks The current State of Emergency forces us to stay home to stop the further spread of the virus. We can only leave the house for those things that are strictly necessary, such as buying groceries, going to the farmacia, visiting the doctor, going to work or taking the dog out for it’s daily constitutional.

Avoid touching comon areas Lifts, railings, door knobs, public toilets, shopping trolleys ... there are countless surfaces that may be infected. It is impossible to avoid all of them, that’s why, once on the street, you should try not to touch your face without first washing your hands. Still, as much as possible, avoid touching anything if you can

When we do so, extreme caution must be taken to avoid getting infected by casual contact and taking the virus home with us. That is why it is so vitally important to disinfect our home correctly and on a daily basis. You cannot take too many precautions if you still want to be sure of being around at the end of this contagion. On this page there are a few gentle reminders of the sort of mesures you should be carrying out.

Change your shoes Always have shoes near the front door that you only use to be at home. As soon as you go into the house, wear these

Wash your hands If possible, before entering the house, wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gel. Once inside, avoid touching any surface until you have thoroughly washed your hands with soap and water.

Clean your mobile Non-porous surfaces, such as mobile phones or knobs, are allies of the coronavirus.

What about pets?

The virus can remain on them for hours, so it is necessary to disinfect this type of surfaces frequently with ammonia or alcohol

They can also bring the virus home, so we should not neglect the washing down of their legs and their tail after their walks. Do it with soap and water or hydroalcoholic gel

What about shopping bags? When you get home from doing the shopping place the bags on the floor, never on the counter or other surface and wash your hands before putting away the food. Then throw away or wash the bags with hot water and detergent. According to recent research conducted jointly by the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the University of California in Los Angeles, and Princeton University, a percentage of the virus is able to survive and retain its infectious properties for up to three days on surfaces such as plastic or stainless steel.

Go to and follow the Coronavirus link

Clean and disinfect Cleaning is not synonymous with disinfecting. So it is important to use the right products. Ideally, clean first and disinfect later with a chemical agent such as disinfecting alcohol, ammonia (dissolved in water), or bleach. An alcohol solution with at least 70% concentration can be placed in a sprayer. Bleach solution in which there is 20 cc per liter of water is also effective. Wear gloves to protect your hands.

WC’s and kitchens The main sources of infection in the home, so we must pay special attention to them. Spray the surfaces with disinfectant and leave it on for a few minutes. Then remove it before it dries. We must do the same with the door knobs, shelves and taps.


Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


637 227 385




ANSWERS Week 807

ACROSS 1. Urchin (11) 9. View (7) 10. Swim (5) 11. Smooth (5) 12. Partly cover (7) 13. Culpable (6) 15. Cream cake (6) 18. Gruesome (7) 20. Play (5) 22. Sound (5) 23. Attacker (7) 24. Cool (11) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 14. 16. 17. 19. 21.

Join (5) Ornament (7) Haphazard (6) Illustrious (5) Knee-cap (7) Delivery (11) Of breathing (11) Lean (7) Chopper (7) Annoying (6) Dim (5) Check accounts (5

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Prospect; 5 Keep; 9 Undo; 10 Incision; 11 Tough; 12 Ruffian; 13 Preponderance; 18 Audience; 19 Spin; 20 Torpedo; 21 Happy; 22 Rude; 23 Cylinder. DOWN: 2 Rancour; 3 Stopgap; 4 Contradictory; 6 Edition; 7 Penance; 8 Pilfer; 13 Platter; 14 Endured; 15 Obeyed; 16 Abstain; 17 Cripple. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Escapade; 5 Adit; 9 Come; 10 Estimate; 11 Scrip; 12 Indoors; 13 Playing second; 18 Appendix; 19 Up to; 20 Scratch; 21 Ascot; 22 Dale; 23 Idealist. DOWN: 2 Stoical; 3 Amenity; 4 Distinguished; 6 Diabolo; 7 Tressed; 8 Fiddle; 13 Praised; 14 Apparel; 15 Ignite; 16 Counsel; 17 Notions.

ACROSS 1. One who receives a standard commission? (4-7) 9. Ancestry will produce a row a long time afterwards (7) 10. Bearing removed from the piston or throttle (5) 11. In the conclusion the first person is correct (5) 12. Express approval of what has been staked, one hears (7) 13. The craft of the tailor (6) 15. To enter into debate for the cause (6) 18. Special gifts of money at one time (7) 20. Entertainment to watch for a second time, we hear (5) 22. Round the world trip (5) 23. Keep on deriving vital inspiration? (7) 24. Classify the literary men for whom these are key products (11)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. ‘Dr. Iannis had enjoyed a satisfactory day in which none of his patients had died or got any worse.’ is the opening line of which famous 20th century novel? 2. Angoroj was the first feature film to be produced entirely in which language? 3. The Wounded Knee Massacre took place on December 29, 1890 in which U.S. state? 4. Which English ventriloquist was often seen on television performing routines with his puppet, Lenny the Lion? 5. Miu Miu is a clothing line from which fashion house? 6. Ragley Hall, the seat of the Marquess of Hertford, is in which English county? 7. A substance with sialagogue properties stimulates the production of which bodily fluid? 8. Digambaras and Svetambaras are sects in which religion, originating in ancient India? 9. ‘I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.’ is a quote from which classic 1951 film?

DOWN 2. Make a surgical incision with a weapon (5) 3. Nobleman ranged freely over the East (7) 4. Antagonist of mean appearance? (6) 5. Describing Greek poetry in the translation I construed (5) 6. Used to provide protection for sound receivers (3-4) 7. Difference of opinion involving the leader of the council in amendment (11) 8. I deem French game has been transformed (6,2,3) 14. Big lad standing near the dressing-table (7) 16. Intent on Eastern reformation (7) 17. Boris is disturbed about a pressure line (6) 19. During the examination it revealed a chemical (5) 21. His choice comes to light during cross-examination (5)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 10. Which term, derived from the French word for ‘warehouse’, denotes a trading post where merchandise may be imported and re-exported without the levy of duty? 11. Winning 6 gold medals in four Olympic games, which canoeist is the most successful Swedish competitor, in any discipline, in Olympic history? 12. Dr. Gunther von Hagens patented which anatomical technique for preservation of tissue specimens? 13. Derived from a Portuguese word for ‘farm’, what name was commonly given to the coffee estates that spread within the interior of Brazil during the latter half of the 19th century? 14. Which legendary chess player, noted as much for his eccentricity as his outstanding play, died in Iceland on January 17, 2008? 15. In Greek mythology, which son of Atreus was married to Helen at the time of her abduction by Paris?



637 227 385

‘God save all here …’


y first inclination was to commence this piece with; ‘I am not a very religious person.’ This may be a fact, but why should I feel the urge to qualify what I write with downplaying my religion? Why do so many of us Christians almost apologise for belonging to a God club? ‘Oh, I was born a Catholic but I don’t bother much anymore.’ ‘I was brought up by staunch God-fearing Protestant parents, but I grew out of that.’ How frequently do we hear remarks like these? Contrast this with the zealous public showing of religious worship from Jews, Mormons or Buddhists, for example. Very few Catholics will bless themselves in public in recent years – unless footballers of course! Undoubtedly the widespread disconnect we Christians are experiencing is down to the abuse of power by a small minority of clergy. But should we have cut the lines to God – as we understand him, just because old Lucifer infiltrated God’s army? Or could part of the falling out be that we are so well off; so empowered by technology and knowledge that we believe we can do it all ourselves? Not until a crisis of gigantic proportions presents itself, does the possibility hit home that man may not be the master of the universe after all. Coronavirus is concentrating a lot of great minds these days – not to mention minds that thought they were great. In all of the 24/7 commentary on this pandemic, I have not heard the word ‘God’ mentioned once. I suppose this is fair enough in the medical and scientific world. But it wasn’t always so.

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


There is a compelling yearning in the human soul for the presence of a higher power and an afterlife. I guarantee you that if you had a hundred ‘Goddoubters’ on-board an aeroplane about to ditch into the sea, the name of God would be invoked by most of that group. “No agnostics in the trenches.” When the Titanic was sinking, the glory of God was sung across the icy graveyard, as the orchestra struck up, ‘Nearer my God to thee.’

And the band played on!

During my youth, I heard the name of God used dozens of times every day. ‘God bless the work’, ‘God bless the child,’ ‘God give then luck’ and ‘Please God’. I remember when a neighbouring lady would be given a can of milk by my mother, instead of ‘thank you’ the woman always said ‘God bless the cow’. In those days of self-entertaining, the locals would meet up at night to exchange news and stories. One house would be the meeting place and it was known as a ‘ceili-house’. Nobody knocked before entering, but the first salutation always was, ‘God save all here.’ That greeting may have come from tougher times of plague and persecution – or indeed at that time before the scourge of tuberculosis had been eradicated. Milly Walsh is one of Mullingar’s entertaining characters, as he peddles his petrol at the Dublin Bridge at the top of the town. I stopped for petrol one day in 2007 during the depths of the recession. ‘This recession could be the greatest thing to hit this country’, said Milly, loudly, as everyone turned to look. ‘How do you figure that?’ I enquired hesitantly. ‘Oh, I see an awful lot more of them in the Cathedral these mornings!’ Milly is a good and God-fearing man. Is Milly right? Does it take a catastrophe to bring back God into the equation? Only today I heard an RTE Radio presenter sign off with; “See you tomorrow … please God!” When you sneeze, there is a good chance that the person next to you will say, ‘Bless you’. This originated as ‘God bless you’ – until we got too grand for God. This calling on God to bless the sneezer dates back to a time when a sneeze might be nothing, or equally it could be the first sign of

a fatal illness. The reply was always, ‘God bless you too.’ Like we say, those were the days when the people felt they needed God; like when a sneeze could mean the signs of a killer virus … Oh dear … weren’t those things supposed to be confined to our dark and ancient history? Somebody once said that when man makes plans for the world – God smiles! I know this column is regarded as gospel for many people. If you have read this far in the hope that I will tell you definitely if there is a God or no God, I am sorry to disappoint you. What I will suggest is that you live as if there is a God. If there happens to be no God welcoming you after death; nothing lost and you will have lived a happier life. On the other hand, if you live as if there is no God and you arrive for the hearing on Judgement Day … won’t you feel a right eejit?! See you next week … please God!! Don’t Forget - There is plenty of heavenly music for those who are tuned in. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

Hours are subject to change


Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99.

Meetings are currently postponed during the current crisis. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020

s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. ...currently postponed Royal Air Force Association Costa

Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15


am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

Complications for Willie as he undergoes treatment for leukaemia Villamartin snooker ace Willie Thorne suffers gout and water infection while undergoing treatment for leukaemia in Torrevieja By Andrew Atkinson Chief sports editor illamartin based snooker star Willie Thorne has revealed he has had a ‘massive attack of gout’ and a water infection, while undergoing leukaemia treatment in Torrevieja. Willie, Tweeted from hospital: ‘Well that’s the first week in hospital over. What a nightmare, as well as having leukaemia, had a massive attack of gout and water infection. So, only had two bouts of chemo so far, thanks again for all the kind messages wt x’. Willie, 66, diagnosed with leukaemia last week who began chemotherapy treatment almost immediately, is not allowed visitors. Willie revealed the shock news about starting chemotherapy, that left him devastated, but said the healthcare is hopefully second to none in Spain. Leicester born Willie, who made his professional snooker debut in 1975, reaching a career high ranking of world number 7 in the WPSBA rankings, has managed to have banter, despite his illness. A posting on media, in the wake of the worldwide coronavirus outbreak that has seen Spain placed in lockdown, made Willie quip to fellow

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snooker star Mark Williams. The posting (below) read: Thoughts and prayers going out to all the married men telling the wife 'I'll do that when I get time'. "Made me smile, not done that for a while. Mark Williams will be running out of excuses fast," said Willie, who has resided in Villamartin since 2019.


Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Linda. Blonde mature lady. Torrevieja. Soft hands. Massage with happy ending. 634 300 074.



637 227 385


Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020 Thomas says the virus has reduced significantly

British expat living in Guangzhou, China, says COVID-19 reduced significantly By Andrew Atkinson Leader EXCLUSIVE


ope of a coronavirus reprieve has come from British expat Thomas Magson, living in Guangzhou, China, who says the COVID-19 has largely reduced in the wake of it worsening in Europe.

"This has been very important, with regards to controlling the spread," said Thomas.

"A lockdown was inevitable back home," Thomas, born in Hartlepool, who is a PE teacher at the British School of Guangzhou, told me.

"Only recently I was also refused entry to one of the cities largest shopping malls, as they had extended the period to 30 days in China.

"Guangzhou was one of the worst affected areas of the country - where all this started.

"Temperature checks are still required, when entering public places, and masks must be worn in public.

"After a two week lockdown, the city and country started to return to normal. I'd say it's about 80-90% back to normal now, with everywhere open, apart from schools," said deputy head of PE, Thomas.

"But at present 80-90% of places have re-opened and the city has largely returned to everyday life” said Thomas.

"I am working at the British school here. I spent two years living in Beijing, before moving to Guangzhou in August 2018," said Thomas, who studied Applied Sport and Exercise Science at Northumbria University. "Following the Chinese New Year holidays, I arrived back in Guangzhou, towards the end of the lockdown. "People where told to stay indoors. although we were able to order food and essentials, via delivery apps. "China is fortunate enough to be a very efficient country, and even at the best of times, people can choose to simply remain in their homes and get everything they require delivered to their doorstep. "On arriving back in Guangzhou, I was refused entry to a gym - as I had not been in the country more than 14 days. "Many public places in China require people to scan a QR code, via mobile (which is registered using your passport number) which can trace where you have been recently.

"People are also even allowed to not wear masks, in places which aren't busy. However, in China, this is a rarity. "As a result I have been teaching online now for the past six weeks, but I am hopeful to return to work mid -April," said Thomas. Thomas, aged 30, added: "Colleagues, who have only recently returned to China from other countries, have now been placed under a mandatory 14 day quarantine in their apartments. And some even in hotels. "They are visited numerous times a day, for temperature check in their homes, and cannot leave their flat as China now aims to stop a second outbreak. "Hopefully, the final 10-20% of normality remaining is just around the corner!." Thomas said: "It might not seem it now, but good will eventually come, because of the lockdown. "Countries will start to get the virus under control and life will soon return to normal for everyone."


Tyson Unfazed Tyson Fury unfazed and poses as Batman - in wake of alleged drugtesting scam - By Andrew Atkinson World heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury will not be losing his title - amid claims of an alleged drug-testing scam made by a farmer in my home city Preston. WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman says he prefers to believe Fury, ahead of someone who has already admitted to lying in legal documents for financial gain. “The person who has claimed he accepted money to lie should be the one on trial, in my personal opinion, especially when he has waited five years to tell his story," said Sulaiman. Reports allege the farmer was offered money - to provide an alibi for Fury’s failed drugs test in 2015. Fury and his cousin Hughie tested positive for nandrolone in 2015, which they reportedly subsequently blamed on eating uncastrated wild boar meat, citing a farmer called Martin Carefoot who claimed to have provided them with the product. Fury and Hughie received retrospective twoyear bans and were able to resume their careers in December 2017. It is reported Carefoot denied having provided the Fury team with the meat, saying he was offered £25,000 to make up the story in order to aid their case. Carefoot, from Preston, Lancashire, reportedly said he was asked by a pal of one of Fury’s team in 2016 to lie about supplying the meat. The farmer provided two signed statements but claims he never received the pay-off. He reportedly said: “I have never kept wild boar. I just went along with it.” Boxing promoter Frank Warren, who was not involved at the time, has reportedly said:

Tyson Fury - Batman. "Tyson has never ever met this man - his story is total b******t." "Around this time Tyson was not involved with the WBC, he did not fight Klitschko for the WBC belt, it was for other titles, so this issue does not impact on him being our heavyweight world champion," said Sulaiman. The WBC belt was won by Fury against Deontay Wilder in Las Vegas in February. Meanwhile Fury’s half marathon run last weekend was thwarted, in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. In a post in Instagram Fury and a friend posed in Batman and Robin outfits. Fury wrote: “We was doing a half marathon today but got cancel for ovs reasons, but we gonna do a half marathon at home, Batman & Robin.”

Andrew Atkinson LEADER EXCLUSIVE: Lucy Calcines, The Voice UK, Team Andrew Atkinson has a LEADER EXCLUSIVE with singing star Lucy Calcines, who is featured in The Voice UK Team reaching the live semi-finals. The Voice coaches, of Sir Tom Jones, Olly Murs, and Meghan Trainor chopped their teams during The Voice Battles and also had the opportunity to steal one act from each other.

Keep safe during the lockdown - Sam

Lucy reached the knockouts stage, where artists perform a ‘killer song’ of their choosing - and the team relevant coach pick two members of their team to go through to the live shows - creating a Final 8 for the

Lucy Calcines: The Voice UK live semi-finals. Team public vote, having sent 16 home. The Voice live semi-finals will take place later this year, following the coronavirus outbreak pandemic. Speaking exclusively to me, Lucy said: "I live in the UK by myself. I came here to get my degree in Music Business & Arts Management. "My parents, born in Havana, Cuba, live in the Canary Islands. I'd like to perform in Spain and maybe do a few shows, once 'The Voice' is finished!". The Voice: LUCY CALCINES EXCLUSIVE - coming soon!


Turning back the past – Pictorial memories Everyone has probably dreamed at least once of being able to go to the past and see what life was like back then. But, unfortunately, there is no such thing just yet as a time machine, so all we can do is enjoy the photographs from the past.

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020

It is hard to believe that these young English boys would grow up to become the greatest gods of rock. The Rolling Stones have more than 50 years entertaining us with their music. In this photograph from 1963 we see 5 nervous young boys, just prior to appearing on TV for the first time for their great debut.


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Dagen H, or Day H, was the day on which Sweden changed from driving on the left hand side of the road to the right hand side. The exact date and time was September 3, 1967 at 5 a.m. When the city woke up, nobody knew exactly what was happening and there was absolute chaos as can be seen in the photo.

In my case many of them, like the 1966 World Cup Winners photo of Bobby Moore lifting the trophy, are simply me reminiscing but some of the others tell us a lot of really remarkable events. So in no particular order I thought I would feature some of my favourite photographs from history. This photo was captured when NASA's manned spacecraft for the Gemini 9A space mission landed in 1966 after orbiting the earth. Here we see the astronauts, Thomas P. Stafford and Eugene Cernan, leaving the capsule safe and sound, happy to have completed their mission that lasted 3 days. We've all seen a postcard of the famous Elizabeth Tower, AKA Big Ben. The legendary clock has decorated the city of London for many years, only ceasing to function on occasions of utmost importance. Something you may not have seen is Big Ben from the inside; this is what it looked like in a 1920 photo.

It is hard to believe that in 1956 a PanAm aircraft was needed to transport a 5MB hard drive. Since those days 64 years ago technology has advanced and allowed us to take our portable devices wherever we want in our jacket pockets.

Every time we see a mega construction, we have to take some time to think about the hard work undertaken by the builders. New York, for example, was not built overnight. It took a lot of effort and the dedication and bravery of men like those portrayed in this 1925 photo.

This photo, besides being unique, has marked a milestone in history. In it we see the famous archaeologist Howard Carter examining the sarcophagus of probably the most powerful Pharaoh of ancient Egypt, even though he was only 18 or 19 years of age when he died. The photo dates from 1922.

If you think about it for a moment, everything Coca Cola has achieved in its more than 100 years of their existence has been impressive. They currently distribute their products in large trucks, but in 1909, not everything was done on such a large scale.

Surrounded by his team mates, Bobby Moore with the World Cup in 1966. It was a glorious, sunny afternoon I seem to remember when, in the days before wall to wall coverage by Sky and others we watched football on the BBC, with our families, in the comfort of our living rooms. Fortunately I had just finished my Army basic training at Arborfield so I was enjoying a spot of leave prior to my first overseas posting.

If you thought that ‘selfies’ have only recently arrived on the scene, think again. It is probably because you had not encountered this photograph of a young and funny Frank Sinatra before. This image of him taking a ‘selfie’ dates from 1938, and shows us a less serious attitude of one of the best singers of all time.



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Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


Final opportunity for those who invested in failed developments. By Gerardo Vazquez Translated by Maura Hillen


aced with the calamity that has fallen upon us with the Coronavirus crisis, it is nice to think of those wonderful years at the beginning of the new century, when it seemed that we were all rich and the money flowed like water. There was a construction boom and it seemed to matter little if what was built had planning permission or not. “Its fine” some said, others “the Mayor said to build and it will legalised later”, others “Illegal? Nothing is ever demolished here”. In other words, joy and a lack of concern abounded! But it soon became evident that all that glitters is not gold, and little by little urbanisations began to be frozen. Some by the courts because they lacked permission, others because the subprime crisis came and the promoters were left without money. As a result of this our nation is littered with the skeletons of urbanisations, wherein lie many broken dreams and a lot of anguish. People invested their savings in a house that would never be built and where the promoter eventually went bankrupt. This is not the first time that this has happened. Something similar occurred during the construction boom in the 60’s and that is why, wisely, Law 57 was enacted in 1968 regarding the receipt of sums of money prior to the construction and sale of houses. This law required the guarantee of the

repayment of the amounts deposited, plus interest, via a bank guarantee (or insurance policy) issued by an entity inscribed in the Register of Banks, Bankers, and Building Societies, in the event that the construction did not start or was not brought to a successful end for any reason within the agreed time period.

An abandoned construction site in Almeria

The lawyers, judiciously, soon dusted off this law from the Franco era and claims began to rain down on the banks. Anyone who had a guarantee usually got their money back. But there was not always a bank guarantee. Because the guarantees cost money, more than one promoter said “OK, I will give you a guarantee, but you must pay me for it”. Also, certain requirements had to be met in order to claim against a guarantee, and these requirements were not always met. Existing case law was strictly adhered to. But in the wake of the bank bailout, things changed. Judges are people and they live in society like everyone else, and most importantly, they read the press. Due to the financial crisis, public opinion was not exactly favourable to the Banks and Building Societies at that time, given that it was clear that there had been malpractice in some cases. In 2018 and 2019 a series of judgements began to emerge from the Supreme Court that were favourable to the consumer who had deposited money into an account for the purchase of a house on a failed promotion, even if there was no bank guarantee.

As things stand at the moment, if the buyer of a house not delivered in the agreed timeframe, can prove the deposit of funds into a Bank or Building Society, it is well worth thinking about making a claim against the Bank or Building Society, even though the deposit was not the subject of a guarantee. That’s the good news. The bad news is that action must be taken as soon as possible, because as many know the limitation period changed in 2015 from 15 years to 5 for these cases, respecting the previous period (of 15 years) only until 7th

petals, in boiling water. Note: drink only the water, adding honey, if required. Also note Bougainvillea stems contain sap and thorns, which have been known to cause contact dermatitis, an itchy or uncomfortable skin rash. *Garden Felix looks forward to seeing their loyal customers again, once to coronavirus Government imposed movement restrictions are lifted. Keep safe. Felix.

The fragrance of Honeysuckle Bougainvillea, a flowering machine Bougainvillea are a fast growing thorny ornamental vine, bush or tree, with a plethora of abundant flowers. Living on the Costa Blanca in a temperate climate the Bougainvillea, that will provide an almost year-round floral show, are a versatile plant and can be grown anywhere - against a house, fence, and in containers, as well as hedge or ground cover.

THE fragrance of a the sweeping growth or standard tree of Honeysuckle is something to be desired for all - with the sweet taste of nectar for birds, bees and butterflies amongst other wildlife. Honeysuckles' colourful flowers, that range from yellow to bright-red blossoms, attract an abundant of wildlife to the garden. With over 180 species of Honeysuckles, growing and care for vines is easy, and an ideal plant to grow on the Costa Blanca.

Bougainvillea will thrive in full sun - the warmer the better - as bloom after bloom in bright, mostly magenta, and pink, purple, orange, yellow and white colour. Bougainvillea is drought-tolerant, once established, and prefers a good, thorough watering - every three to four weeks - rather than frequent shallow watering. The Bougainvillea tiny white centres are the flowers, with coloured leaves considered to have anti-inflamatory benefits, which can assist with diabetes, treat a cough, alleviate a sore throat and fevers, ease joint pain and a body de-toxifier. You can also use Bougainvillea to make a tea, steep dried or fresh

Heat tolerant, preferring full sun, Honeysuckle will tolerate some shade and can be in situ in all types of soil, in both the ground and containers. Honeysuckle pruning is recommended in the autumn-winter months, during a time when they are dormant. And, take heed - Honeysuckle can be invasive - and if not controlled will take over large areas. In some cases, just what many gardeners want to achieve! Medicinal values of Honeysuckle are used in tea or from the oil, which can aid the digestion system. Honeysuckle also has antiinflammatory properties, which is ideal for skin rashes or sunburn, relief for nausea, headaches and fever.

October 2020. This deadline may be extended a little longer because of the State of Emergency due to the Coronavirus, but we will have to see what happens in practice. To summarise, it is advisable for those who invested in these failed urbanisations to take advice from a specialist lawyer. There is little to lose and a lot to gain, and there are Lawyers who are willing to undertake these claims on terms that are very favourable for the claimant. Get some advice – before the door closes forever.

PENSIONERS WARNED NOT TO GO TO BANKS Pensions entered into accounts automatically Do not go to the banks - stay at home By Andrew Atkinson The Los Montesinos Ayunmiento has told Spanish Pensioners in the town to remain at home - and not to go out to collect their pensions - in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown. "This week the pensions will be entered into accounts automatically," said a spokesperson from Los Montesinos town hall on March 23. There are 5,000 inhabitants in Los Montesinos. The government have placed limited movement, following the spread of COVID19, extending lockdown until April 12. "Do not go to the banks - stay at home. Also we ask to inform older family members, not to expose themselves unnecessarily," said the spokesperson. A 15-day State of Emergency was initially announced on March 14, with 46 million people restricted from leaving home - except for essential outings as purchasing food or for visits to pharmacies for medical reasons. The State of Emergency was extended for another 15 days, until April 11: "It is a drastic measure but experts agree that it is an effective measure in the fight against coronavirus," PM Sanchez told a news conference. "We hope that with this measure, which is so drastic, so dramatic, so hard, which without a doubt has consequences on our families, we can bend the curb of coronavirus," said PM Sanchez.


Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020

Albert Uderzo, creator of Asterix and Obelix, dies The cartoonist Albert Uderzo, along with René Goscinny, the creator of the famous comic characters Asterix and Obelix, a monument of French culture and identity, died on Tuesday (24 March) at the age of 92. Uderzo died in his sleep at his home in Neuilly. He had been very tired and listless for several weeks," according to his son-in-law Bernard de Choisy. Last year the mythical characters celebrated six decades of existence since Uderzo and Goscinny first joined forces to give life to the occupants of

the Gallic village comic strip, both Astérix and Obélix and the rest of the troop, blowing candles and preparing generous portions of roast boar soaked in a magic potion. "Asterix the Gallic" was published on October 29, 1959 and following over 50 years of comic book success, in 2012, their futures were entrusted to Jean-Yves Ferri and Didier Conrad, screenwriter and cartoonist, in order that they might continue the success already enjoyed by Uderzo and Goscinny.

RNA Chairman Stands Down Paul has been the Chairman of RNA Torrevieja for 5 years

Paul Edwards stood down from the post of Chairman of the Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch at their AGM on 4th March 2020. The members saluted Paul for steering the ship through the branches voyage over the last 5 years. The branch committee including the Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary and Welfare Coordinator give a big thanks to Paul as Chairman for aiding the branch in increasing the membership and social events over the last 5 years. A quote from Paul about his time as Chairman is: “I have enjoyed being Chairman and would have continued except for the fact that during the past year my attendance to meetings and social events has been limited due to other commitments and illness. I felt that I was not giving the Association my full attention and it was unfair to continue when I knew the situation was not about to improve overnight. Besides, after about 5 years in the Chair , it is a good time for another member to take up the mantle and I feel sure that the new Chairman will bring the required enthusiasm to enable the Association to continue to go from strength to strength.

BENIDORM PALACE BLUES! Freddie 'Parrot-face' Davies LEADER EXCLUSIVE Quote: 'One of my worse experiences was Benidorm Palace - a show with blue comedians. I don't do filth - they did', Freddie 'Parrot-face' Davies By Andrew Atkinson the wake of the coronavirus lockdown one of the UK's favourite legendary comedians Freddie 'Parrot-face' Davies took time out to speak exclusively to me about his life and career. "One of my worse experiences was performing at Benidorm Palace - on a show with blue comedians.


The most important thing I adhered to when I was in the Chair was to listen carefully to what everyone had to say, then from this information come to a decision myself. Communication is the key with our members and after removing emotions a correct decision can be made. Needless to say, that without the support of a good Committee (thanks to Danny – the Vice Chairman) nothing would have been achieved. I am now looking forward to attending meetings and social events including the Menu del Dia's as a simple "Jolly Jack" and will remain involved with the Branch”. All the branch shipmates bid him farewell as Captain of the ship and welcome him as a valued crew member of the branch. The Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch welcome military and non-military personnel into our socially friendly and engaging organization, contact: Chairman, Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Membership Secretary, Danny Kay on Tel 966 71 6274 or email or the Secretary, Margaret Forshaw on Tel 966 92 1996. Or visit our website

"I don't do filth - they did," Freddie, 82, told me. During April, The Leader will feature British comedian and actor Freddie, who rose to fame in 1964 on Opportunity Knocks, talking about Royalty, his life as a boy, and following in the footsteps of his granddad Jack Herbert, a comedian during the 1920s-40s. "I used to stand in the wings and watch him and all the great artistes of the day at the Salford Hippodrome in the 1940s," recalled Freddie. Freddie began his career in 1958 at Butlin's, appeared on Opportunity Knocks in 1964, telling a joke that lead to him being labelled Freddie 'Parrot-face' Davies. *Freddie 'Parrot-face' Davies EXCLUSIVE. Only Freddie aged 5 in The Leader during April.


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What do you do when football is cancelled, you are self isolating, and you live alone? By Andrew Atkinson Well, what do you do when football's cancelled - you're self isolating - and you live alone? That is what fellow Prestonian and friend John Martin asked me, in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, that is now taking a grip of the UK. At present 300,000 people are affected globally and 13,000 deaths since the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan in China. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Mother's day, March 22, after almost 6,000 coronavirus cases, that he is putting in place more measures: "Unprecedented steps are being taken - to slow the spread of the disease - and save thousands of lives. "We had to do more, to make sure that people understand. The measures set out are crucial to follow. "Follow the social distancing advice. Take advice seriously. It's crucial. I know how difficult it is, but you are doing your bit, by taking and acting upon the advice." However, despite the advice given many are ignoring it, putting the public at risk. John, 65, who likes a pint, a joker and loves a bit of banter, said of the COVID-19 epidemic throughout Europe, and that has now hit the UK said: "With the coronavirus and the instructions by the government. Keep your distance, so that not to spread the virus. "I shopped in Morrisons and there were a few hundred people in. Bumping into people - to get down the aisles." John added: "Queuing up at the tills - being in close contact with people - for a good 45 minutes." Of public transport: "A bus was half full, going into the city close contact again - for 30 minutes. "Some tubes in London were closed - but not all - close contact again," said John, who also criticised companies employing

John, self-isolating and alone large numbers: "They are not closing. Some of them have thousands of workers going in. Close contact again," he said. It was announced in the UK that bars and restaurants were to close after midnight on March 20. John reasoned: "In pubs and restaurants in your local during the week, there maybe 20-odd people in, well away from each other. "Restaurants have tables, a few metres apart. In both cases very little chance of contamination - compared with shopping, working, tube, and buses," he reasoned. On panic buying, John said: "People need to chill out. What's it going to be like in a month? People will be rioting! "The government's decisions contradicts itself." The Premier League is formulating a new contingency plan to finish the season, reportedly involving fixtures resuming from June 1, and all games being played within a time frame of six weeks. With football cancelled until at least the end of April, John said: "What do you do when football's cancelled - you're self isolating and you live alone?". John quipped: "I'm off to take the dog on his 25th walk of the day! He too is fed up of coronavirus but for very different reasons!”



637 227 385

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed retrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. Keep safe. Vivienne Shepherd Quesada Fitness Gym.

Marta training at her home in Cagliari


ell no-one was prepared for the sudden lockdown imposed a couple of weeks ago here in Spain. Fresh from the pairs competition preliminaries, we were suddenly faced with the closure of all bars and a postponement to all matches and competitions, with no knowledge of when normal service will be resumed. Although a bone of contention for some players, the fact that all the league match fixtures were completed before this means that we can at least plan ahead for next season, knowing the final position of each team in the league table. This will mean promotion and relegation can take place when we start the new season, but must also take into account any new teams that may want to sign up, and any current ones that may wish to withdraw.

ISOLATION Coronovirus ITALY - Marta in isolation in Italy Quote: 'Every day there are more people infected - every day there are more deaths'. By Andrew Atkinson Leader EXCLUSIVE San Javier born Spain football star Marta Penalver Ramon is in isolation in Italy - as the country suffers from the most casualties of deaths following the outbreak of coronavirus. "Every day there are more people infected every day there are more deaths," Marta told me. "It is difficult," said Marta, who plays for Futsal Cagliari in the womens La Liga. Marta's immediate family are in San Javier, Murcia, and I informed her of the drastic measures taken in Spain, due to the coronavirus situa-

CORONAVIRUS: Horse Racing Quote: 'Racing will not be beaten by shutdown' - BHA chief executive and chair, Nick Rust By Andrew Atkinson The coronavirus epidemic that has seen racing halted - until the end of April - has led to the BHA announcing outline plans to provide financial assistance to those affected. UK PM Boris Johnson said together the tide on Covid-19 impacting lives, can be turned, with new legislation imposed on the country as the virus spreads. Social distancing and self-isolation measures are

tion worsening. In Spain there are 25,483 cases of coronavirus. The original State of Emergency was put in place on March 14, until March 29. Now prolonged until April 12.

The committee are giving serious thought as to salvaging as much as possible from this season, which may mean putting back competition and KO match dates and also the presentation night if this

can be accommodated. Some people who did or didn’t enter the competitions because of availability for both of the original dates may be disappointed if the new dates don’t suit. With everything still so much up in the air, we will keep a close eye and when we are sure that the lockdown has been lifted, we will contact all captains with the revised plans. We hope everyone continues to stay safe and abide by the State of Alarm instructions to ensure this thing runs its course in the shortest possible timeframe. Meanwhile, those who have a dartboard at home – keep practicing. A word of caution though to all the couples who play in the league, the divorce rate in China is on the rise since the enforced confinement, so every now and again, let the other half win!

"I have just read a news story. In Italy, all nonessential activities are closed," said Marta. "Supermarkets, pharmacies and little else are open, the rest is closed," said Marta. I told Marta in Spain there is a lockdown and isolation, imposed by the Government, as in Italy. All regions are in isolation.The parks and childrens play areas taped off. Prohibited. You are not allowed to go for a walk, I told her. On Saturday (March 21) the Military Emergency Unit (EMU) was on patrol in Torrevieja. They had also been in Elche and Orihuela, to intensify tasks of disinfection. "The situation is getting worse," said Marta, 27, who frequently visits San Javier to see family members and friends, now on hold until the coronavirus movement ban is lifted. in place in the UK with businesses closed. The British racing coronavirus' outline plan is in four categories, with finance, people, medical and equine mooted. BHA chief executive and chair of the industry group, Nick Rust said: “The effort from across the sport is incredible. "There is a determination that racing will not be beaten by this shutdown. The willingness to help is universal. "We will do all we can to keep people informed as we progress." The racing industry group met again on March 20 - in a bid to finalise the initial plans put forward. The BHA said all avenues of potential assistance are being explored, prior to a submission made to the UK Government. Representatives of the National Trainers Federation, Thoroughbred Breeders Association and Racehorse Owners Association have aired

their views, following the cancellation of meetings plan," said a spokesperson. within racing. Cases of coronavirus have been reported following The BHA has also taken steps to protect the welpeople attending the 2020 four day Cheltenham fare of horses during the coronavirus outbreak. Festival that took place in March. Discussions have been debated, concerning the planning around raceday functions, including stewarding and We look forward to seeing all our loyal cusveterinary matters, assessing what is tomers again after the lockdown - Keep safe needed for race meetings - when they eventually return. The Racing Foundation, set up in 2012, to support Charitable racing causes with an endowment from the net proceeds of the government's sale of the Tote, is set to help financially. "We are well placed to support the industry - in the short term - and working with senior racing executives on how best to use our resources to support the developing


Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


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IN THE BUNKER WITH ‘MICK THE GRIP’ As we can't watch the Masters this month, just a reminder of what we're missing. Amen corner at Augusta. Sigh! THE PAR 3 12th AT AUGUST NATIONAL proved critical again last year, opening the door for Tiger Woods to claim his fifth green jacket. Tiger's par meant he tied with Francesco Molinari who double-bogeyed the hole. It was a turning point in the game. Many players in the last group found water off the tee, Molinari among them. About the moment, Woods said: “You couldn't have had more drama than we all had out there. Now I know why I'm balding. This stuff is hard.” YOU MAY HAVE HEARD THIS BEFORE: In June, 1974, Bob Taylor, a Leicestershire County player made a hole-in-one at Hunstanton Golf Club 3 days in a row on the same hole. Bob was playing in the Eastern Counties Foursomes with the Leicestershire and Rutland County golf team. This was an annual meeting of nine counties to be played over the weekend in four sessions of sixsomes golf. Each county pair played two foursome matches at the same time so were actually playing two counties at once in three balls. Simples. Anyway, on the Friday afternoon, on the 189 yd. 16th in a practice round, Bob Taylor got out his 2-iron that he had bent to a 1-iron and punched the ball into the stiff breeze. The ball hit the apron and scampered up the green, unerringly hopping into the hole. His delighted teammates held a celebration that evening. In the match on the following afternoon Bob again teed it up on the 16th with his

rusty 6 iron and the ball duly pitched onto the green and rolled into the hole. His incredulous teammates held another celebration, and one bet Bob 25p at odds of a million to one that he wouldn’t do it again the following day. He did. On the same hole. Probably the greatest hole-in-one feat of all time, and no mobile phones to record it! His only memento was a dozen Titleist balls from the president of the Cambridge Golf Union, and the monument that has been erected on one of the tees. He never received his winnings, hope the club waived his bar tab that weekend. PETE COWEN: “Improving at golf is not that big a deal. I can guarantee dramatic improvement from 15 minutes a day, without even using a club. But most people won't make the commitment. At a seminar attended recently by 500 Australian club pros. I said, "We know that exercising 15 minutes every day adds several years to our lives. Those of you who have spent 15 minutes a day exercising over the last 10 years, raise your hands." Not a hand went up. I said, "If you won't commit 15 minutes to lengthening your life, what's going to make you devote 15 minutes to golf?" The problem comes down to actually doing it.” There you are folks, nothing else to do at the moment, get those dumbbells out!

Everything is postponed or cancelled until further notice”, says golfer Pablo Larrazábal. "It's unfortunate," adds Fernández Castaño; "Because I had decided to take a break a few months and then return in April or May but now I don't know when I will be able to return." The problem is how and when we will be able to get back into the competitions. “All golf courses are closed and I live in an apartment in Barcelona. All I can do is take the dog out for a walk and nothing else.” Larrazabal says he has received the exercise regime from his trainer; "I will have to focus on the physical and on nutrition." Arnaus sees it in much the same way: “It's time to train the old-fashioned way, running on the spot, sit-ups… Luckily, I have a garden with short grass so I can practice my putting and chipping… And I'm looking to set up a net, in addition to watching

Cue twitter meltdown from Lee Westwood and Ian Poulter among others. Victorious 2018 Ryder Cup Captain Thomas Bjorn said: “Bring on September.” Let's hope it's back to normal by then but it could well be “High Noon” at Whistling Straights. No point putting any new gear or tips in this month, you won't be using them anyway.


Until next time - enjoy those re-runs on the box.

Spain’s John Rahm at home in Arizona

Of course world number two, Snr Rahm, has rather more time on his hands than is usual and, while his recent success has provided some security, he is able to reflect on the difficulties that many of his colleagues now face, a reality check for many golfers who are self-employed and in need of tournaments, so that they can continue to distribute the profits that they make on the greens toward the livelihoods of their support teams. In Spain all of the golf courses are now closed, people are confined to their homes. In the USA courses are progressively closing, last week the doors were shut tight in Miami, the home of fellow Spaniard Gonzalo Fernández Castaño. "All the private and public spaces, golf courses and driving ranges are locked down. You cannot play, nor practise” says the golfer.

Fleetwood had yet to prove himself, effectively claiming his European Tour victories counted for little.“You can win all you want on the European Tour but you have to win on the PGA Tour.”

AFTER SURGERY ON HIS WRIST Tyrrell Hatton spent an enforced three month layoff drinking red wine and playing Xbox. He then went straight out and won the Arnold Palmer Invitational. Perhaps we don't need to exercise after all. Tell Tommy Fleetwood to ditch his coach, the secret of winning on the PGA Tour has been resolved.

Spain’s Golfing Freelancers From his home in Arizona, sipping from a cup of coffee, Spaniard Jon Rahm opened his Instagram account, leaving a short message for his followers: “After a season without any entries on my networks, I can now create some content and give those of you who are having a hard time in quarantine something to read. I will also answer your questions day by day.

Amen corner at Augusta.

The only really useful golf tip is one given to the starter to get you out ahead of the mixed foursome.

Mike Probert talks Golf (In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs) Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. GOLF AND COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) Since our last golf article the world has change significantly and we hope that all our readers are safe and healthy. On the 13th March 2020 Spain entered a full lockdown as residents were instructed to stay in their homes to restrict and prevent the rapid spread of this killer virus.

videos on YouTube to visualize a good swing" Fernández Castaño says that although his local courses are closed, "It is not that it is essential to hit balls because, luckily, golf is a complete sport that requires physical preparation, psychology, mobility ... And fortunately, I have a carpet and a putting green in my back garden." “The one good thing is that if we don’t play we don’t travel so there are no expenses," says Arnaus. “We are self-employed and we don't receive a pay cheque at the end of the month like football players or like many other sportsmen. But on the downside, if we are not playing we are not earning, and neither are our coaches, trainers or caddies, who all depend on us golfers for their living... It will be a bad time if it lasts more than a month, "adds Larrazábal. “What scares me is not knowing when we are going to be able to compete, because we only earn money if we play. And we are a big family, so it will be a tough year”, says Fernández Castaño. But until then, they will have to concentrate on their Instagram accounts while, at the same time, figuring out how to avoid losing their swing.

In accordance with these instructions, other than for essentials shops, businesses and open spaces such as gardens were instantly closed and this instruction included ALL local golf courses. Just a few days ago this period of self isolation was extended to at least the 11th April 2020 by the Spanish authorities and will then be reviewed again depending on any continued spread of the virus. All of our golf courses are allowed to maintain a skeleton staff to maintain the courses and more particularly the greens so ensure that they remain in a good condition for when they do re-open to the public. As we all know in late May and early June each year the courses hollow tine their greens and some courses (Bonalba,Font De Llop and Vistabella) have conducted this work during this enforced closure to prevent further disruptions after the courses re-open which makes sense and perhaps a number of other courses will follow suit. The regions was once again hit by torrential rain the last week and again the Mar Menor region was badly affected but as yet we have no reports from the courses regarding any damage that may have been done but will keep you updated accordingly. Until then all stay safe and healthy in the coming weeks and months.

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you. Course Price Comments Alenda €158 2 Players & Buggy Alicante €146 2 Players & Buggy Altorreal €120 2 Players & Buggy Bonalba €136 2 Players & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €120 2 Players & Buggy El Plantio €146 2 Players & Buggy Font Del Llop €138 2 Players & Buggy GNK Courses €150 2 Players & Buggy (El Valle, Riquelme & La Torre) La Finca €190 2 Players & Buggy La Manga West €75 Single Green Fee La Marquesa €60 Sgle Green Fee La Serena €52 Sgle Green Fee Las Colinas €108 Sgle Green Fee Las Ramblas €135 2 Players & Buggy Lo Romero €174 2 Players & Buggy New Sierra Golf €82 2 Players &Buggy Roda €150 2 Players & Buggy UGolf Courses €153 2 Players & Buggy (Saurines & Hac. Del Alamo) Villamartin €158 2 Players & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €67 Sgle Fee & Buggy Vistabella €130 2 Players & Buggy For Bookings and info Mike at quoting the reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

We are closed during April - Keep safe



637 227 385

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


Elche striker Jonathan de Jesus in an aerial battle with Gareth Bale

Los Montesinos based community football teams affected at all levels by the COVID 19 coronavirus. Photo: Full Monte supporters club.

Elche footballer Jonathas – “People need to be aware of the severity of this virus.” Elche striker Jonathan de Jesus has spoken of his physical trauma after being diagnosed with coronavirus saying, ‘I suffered a lot, I had no strength at all’. The Brazilian tested positive for the virus just over a week ago becoming the first player in the Segunda Division to be diagnosed with the illness, and only the second Spanish footballer after Valencia captain Ezequiel Garay. Aged 31, the striker told how he had no energy, he was completely drained and had a terrible migraine, which hurt all over his body. But now the player is quarantined in his home and is gradually recovering from the illness, but he has

spoken of his pain in a warning to others that they should not underestimate this virus.

Coronavirus: Sport SPAIN Quote: 'United as a team we can move forward' FFCV By Andrew Atkinson Chief sports editor

“I started feeling feverish and a great discomfort,” Jonathas told Brazilian website Globo. “I thought it was just a migraine. My head hurt a lot, but I was in agony all over my body.

THE Football Association of Valencia has pointed to everyone’s responsibility in the unprecedented measures taken in Spain, due to the coronavirus outbreak.

“They told me to carry out the test quickly as I had all the symptoms of the virus and of course I tested positive.

"We want to show our concern about everything that is happening during this pandemic situation we are going through, and appeal to the responsibility of all, to curb the expansion curve of the Covid-19," a spokesperson from FFCV told me.

“I could not train. Because my body was weak, especially in the first three days, I suffered a lot. I had no strength at all. When I went to take a shower I almost passed out. I had never felt as ill. This virus is not a joke.” “I am an athlete, I am very fit but I still had a lot of pain, so imagine how an older person might feel. That is why I have to speak out, because many people are not aware of the severity of this virus.” Jonathas, who also played for Real Sociedad and Rubin Kazan, is said to be recovering from the virus but has not yet been tested negative Meanwhile all of the Elche squad are currently self-isolating in order to limit the spread of the virus.

All shapes and sizes

"The FFCV pioneered the suspension of competitions at the beginning of this crisis and established liaison among workers in the Federation," they said. Under the guidelines of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, from the FFCV three priorities are established:

involved in the competition, and we hope that all games in this competition are played the end all league competitions, but that depend on the FFCV, when they have health guarantee that it is safe to do so. "The goal is to finish the fixtures before June 30, but in case you cannot play competitions during the 2019-20 season, competitions will be finalised in the best way possible in the circumstances," said the FFCV. "The FFCV are working with all the possible information and contact with the authorities, in order to provide the most appropriate solution", added the FFCV. The Valencia Regional football clubs under the umbrella of the FFCV feature a plethora of teams within the municipalities of the Costa Blanca south.

1: Health. In the FFCV the health of everyone is a priority. No competition will restart, without full health guaranteed to do so.

In a message to all clubs, players and spectators the FFCV said: "The FFCV recommend that everyone stasy at home. These are difficult times but united as a team - we can move forward."

2: The economy. Clubs of Valencia have secured all grants and subsidies to which they are entitled for this season.


3: Competitions. The FFCV is fair to all teams

Fr om page 14

I t ’s n o t j u s t t h e p l a y e r s t h a t come in all shapes and sizes!

By MontStan. Bowls come in all shapes, colours and sizes. Colour: they used to be brown when they were made of lignum vitae wood, people still call them woods. Then it was black, when first a kind of plastic or rubber resin was used, but now the skies the limit, single colours, mixed colours. Manufacturers have gone daft , there is an unbelievable range, talk about psychedelic, I was playing over at Country Bowls the other week where a guy had a combination of large bright yellow, red and black blobs. Watching them go down the rink was mesmerising, the sort of sensation you get with flashing lights. Any way I digress, size, weight and shape are strictly governed. The rules say that “they be between 112 and 131 m.m. across their widest points” I could not see any limits to their diameter ( I am sure somebody will let me know) but their weight may be up to 1.59 Kg. Most manufacturers have a range of sizes, for example, one has from 000 up to 8. I have never seen anybody using 000 and 00 but 0 to 5 I have seen. The grading is dependent on the hand size so I assume 000 and 00 are for children, hobbits and munchkins and the rest is up to your own choice based on your hand size. There are ways of judging for your size. One I was told is, if you form a circle round the circumference of the bowl with your thumbs and index fingers, if they just touch that should be okay for you. I have small hands (I am a little old scroat after all) and should use a size 1 but use 2 now but I have got used to them and I find they play well.

God knows who uses 8‘s their hands must be the size of shovels. Without going into it too deeply the type of green plays an important part too. Playing over at La Manga ,the only real grass rinks in Spain, I noticed a large number of their players using size 5’s even the ladies. Obviously an advantage as hardly any team wins there. Weight is important too, there seems to be three main ones Medium (M) Heavy (H) Extra Heavy (EH) for example I have weighed both my 1 and 2 heavies and they are 1.4 each approx. Again this is a thing of choice dependant on your size, health and other factors. Then there’s the bias or the “swing” of the bowl. Rule 52.2 Bias of bowls. A Working Reference Bowl will have a bias approved by the WB. All bowls must have a bias that is not less than that of a Working Reference Bowl and must be imprinted with the World Reference Stamp. What does that all mean ? Tell you next week.

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Captain Corelli's Mandolin, 2. Esperanto, 3. South Dakota, 4. Terry Hall, 5. Prada, 6. Warwickshire, 7. Saliva, 8. Jainism, 9. A Streetcar Named Desire, 10. Entrepot, 11. Gert fredriksson, 12. Plastination, 13. Fazenda(s), 14. Robert James (‘Bobby’) Fischer, 15. Menelaus,



637 227 385

Monday 30th March - Sunday 5th April, 2020


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