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9 L EADER Monday 13th - Sunday 19th April, 2020 www.theleader.info ADVERTISING HOTLINE ☎ 637 227 385 ‘SOS’ button added to ‘AlertCops’
Upgrade of Mobile phone app ‘AlertCops’ introduces ‘SOS Button’.
ALERTCOPS is the citizen security alert service that enables the Spanish Law Enforcement Authorities (Policia and GuardÌa Civil) to provide you with assistance in risk situations. It is a complementary application. You can send alerts with images or videos to the nearest emergency centre, chat directly with a support agent or receive security news and notifications sent by the public security services. The government says that you will receive a faster and more efficient response.
You can also share your position with anyone you wish or with the public security centre that provides the service. In itís latest upgrade the Ministry of the Interior has launched an 'SOS Button' to boost the protection it can provide to victims of gender violence. The new function of the AlertCops app will allow the identification and location of the victim and will record ten seconds of the events that are taking place in the immediate vicinity in order to obtain an immediate response from the Security Forces. This was announced by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, on Tuesday. AlertCops is a service provided through a free application on mobile devices, which provides a direct link to the State Security Forces. It allows geo-positioned calls and alerts for immediate attention and enables a direct WhatsApp chat with the nearest National Police or Civil Guard centre, which also allows users to send photos or videos of any situation and receive help.
The new service became active on Tuesday and can be downloaded or updated free of charge for both Android and IOS.
With it, and in case of need, both medical staff and victims of gender-based violence may discreetly request the immediate assistance of the State Security Forces.
To do this, they simply press the "SOS Button" on their mobile phones at least five times in less than 6 seconds and, immediately, the system will automatically send the alert to the nearest police centre. Additionally, it will record 10 seconds of audio and will also send it as an attachment to the alert so that police officers can assess the urgency of the situation. HEALTH PERSONNEL Grande-Marlaska said that he appreciated the help of the Ministry of Health in the entire process of including protective measures for health personnel, as well as the advice with the specific design and development in the health area. Health personnel who wish to install the new function of the "SOS Button" must identify themselves as health personnel in the "My Data" section of the application with the code "APSA" and with their DNI or NIE. VICTIMS OF GENDER VIOLENCE
Female victims of gender violence will also be able to use the new "SOS Button" within the AlertCops application. In this way, in situations of risk or need, they can discreetly contact the security forces who will be alerted and be able to respond to their situation immediately. There are currently well in excess of 100,000 installs in Spain and, in addition to its original purpose, it is now in regular use to report crime. This is one of the elements implemented in the framework of strengthening protection for victims of gender-based violence, which now has reinforced protection in the new capabilities of this application, since it incorporates greater ease of use for them and, with it, a more agile and effective way of requesting the Security Forces and Corps the help they need.