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Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Image courtesy BIG FM
3 0 , 0 0 0 E U RO A P P E A L F O R S N O O K E R S TA R W I L L I E T H O R N E
A €30,000 fundraising appeal has gone out to help Villamartin based snooker star
Willie Thorne - recovering at
at Torrevieja hospital after
home - after undergoing
being diagnosed in March.
chemotherapy treatment for
"I have been looking after
Willie since he was first diag-
Father of three, Thorne, 66,
nosed," said GoFundMe co -
has undergone chemotherapy
organiser Julie O’Neill.
"It has happened so quickly. He had been feeling ill for quite some time, without knowing what was wrong," she added. Continued on Page 2
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
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Leicester born Thorne has been receiving intravenous antibiotics at home: "Willie is unable to stand on his legs and needs a carer, to assist him with his basic needs, as he builds up strength to regain his independence. "Willie is left in a very vulnerable situation - where money is nearly depleted. Where does he get help from?.
"And someone to translate, so he can fully understand what the medical professionals are telling him. "Willie needs help - just a warm meal in his belly surely he can’t be left with nothing? "Willie's treatment and recovery could take between 12-18 months. He is still in a lot of pain, which we’re trying to manage. "Hopefully, doctors can get to the bottom of it and he can be a lot more comfortable, while trying to regain the strength and mobility in his legs," said Julie. Thorne is set to undergo further chemotherapy treatment later this month.
637 227 385
There have been a number of large donations, both named and anonymous, as well as contributions from Professional golfers Mark Roe, Danny Willett, Paul McGinley, Ian Poulter and Francesco Molinari.
will take a translator with him so that he is fully able to understand firstly, the prognosis from his diagnosis and a rehabilitation plan for that and his mobility issues.
In confirming that all funds collected will be managed independently and all of Willie s essential life needs will be paid and controlled by the fund organisers, fund joint organiser Mark Roe said that he would like to express a massive thankyou to all of his friends and fans of Willie who have so far supported him in this crucial time.
Once we have further knowledge in regard to these things I will be providing an update through the gofundme page so that everybody can stay on track with his developments, and hopefully positive milestones in his treatment and through his recovery.
“Willie is unable to stand on his "What happens when he can no legs and needs a carer present. longer pay the carer? Everyone is He is left in a very vulnerable on coronavirus lockdown, so it is a situation - money is nearly lot harder for people to go and offer help to get him through this. depleted. Where does he get help from?” "It’s not only money that Willie needs. He may need lifts to and from the hospital for chemotherapy.
A post on his Twitter account said, “So sad to see my lifelong friend struggling in this way He needs our support. Please everyone help ease the pressure so Willie can concentrate on getting well again. Roey.”
Julie O’Neill told The Leader, “I know that Willie is overwhelmed with the campaign at the moment and has had a few emotional moments with the donations coming in.
Thank you very much for reaching out to us and for trying to help through this difficult time.” The page has so far achieved over 12,000 euro toward a target of 30,000 euro, with many sizeable donations being made anonymously. For anyone who might like to contribute to Willie’s support go to: www.gofundme.com/f/willie-thorne-recovery Front page image: Willie at Big FM last June with former Spurs and England star Paul Gascoigne
In regards to his condition, he is still experiencing pain and is unable to stand or walk. The nurses are coming every day and trying different doses of intravenous morphine to get the pain under control and he needs to have further scans next week to understand how to better treat this infection through his legs. He will be having more chemotherapy in just under 2 weeks’ time and will meet with the oncologist to discuss his future plan. If allowed due to current lockdown restrictions he
See PAGE 19 for more on Willie’s situation from Sky TV commentator and former professional golfer, Mark Roe. Mark is the co organser and joint administrator of the fund.
UK Parliament to resume its sessions virtually The British Parliament will resume its activity on April 21, following the Easter recess, with "technological solutions" that allow it’s remote operation. The Leader of the House of Commons, Jacob Rees-Mogg made the announcement at the weekend. The announcement comes after the new leader of the Labour opposition party, Sir Keir Starmer, called for the urgent reopening of the house in order to debate the government's management of the coronavirus pandemic. MPs approved the Easter adjournment timings on March 25, minutes before the chamber rose, at a time when the increasing impact of Covid-19 was clear. The motion was unopposed although several concerns were raised by opposition parties about their inability to scrutinise major decisions during this four-week period. A spokesman for Commons Leader Mr Rees-Mogg said: “Parliament will return on April 21 to fulfil its essential constitutional functions of conducting scrutiny, authorising spending and making laws. “In these unprecedented times, technological solutions have already been implemented for select committees and options are being prepared for the Speaker, the government and other parties to consider this week.” News that MPs can claim £10,000 for additional office costs incurred as a result of the coronavirus, Parliament's expenses authority was also announced last week with the money used to buy additional equipment such as laptops and printers for staff having to work from home. This comes on top of the £26,000 MPs can already claim to cover office costs. There is no suggestion, at this stage, that MP’s will receive any further additional funding to enable their remote operation.
New Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer, called for the urgent reopening of the house
Looking forward to seeing you all again once the ‘lockdown’ is lifted. Keep safe!
637 227 385
Sánchez made the announcement on TV on Saturday night
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
Sánchez to allow children outdoors from 27 April
State of alarm to be extended to 9 May PRIME MINISTER, PEDRO SÁNCHEZ, announced in a live TV broadcast on Saturday night that he will ask Congress for a new extension of the state of alarm, the third, which will last until 9 May. He also agreed to "ease" the quarantine of children, up to 12 years of age, from 27 April, so they "are able to get some fresh air". Spain's 8 million children have already spent five weeks confined to home and there has been growing unease at the risk to their health. The Barcelona mayor, who has children of her own said, "These children need to get out. We can wait no more: Free our children!" Sanchez said that he was aware that many children were living in homes of 40-50 sq m (430-540 sq ft) in size and that the youngest should be allowed out in the street again. Spain imposed one of the strictest lockdowns in Europe in midMarch that brought economic activity to a near standstill. The government, which has been under pressure from regional governments, parents and some educators to ease the lockdown for children, will begin to do so in nine days. In his appearance from the Moncloa Palace, Sánchez also said that when the Government is convinced that "the virus is being kept at bay and the health system is ready", he will introduce a gradual form
of "de-escalation" throughout the month of May, but he indicated that reductions would vary by community, depending on the state of the pandemic in each region. However, he insisted that "the progress made in restricting the pandemic are still insufficient and fragile" so it is still not the time to lift the confinement completely for the entire population. He announced that there will be different responses depending on the characteristics of each community: "The de-escalation does not have to be the same across the country. The realities are different." "If we see that the pandemic is better controlled in a particular area, we can go faster," he said, "bit if we see setbacks in municipalities or territories, we will review and respond accordingly." Sánchez also said that the Government will issue an order in the Official State Gazette (BOE) to establish the "price control" of face masks so that "they are available at the same price for all citizens." He also reiterated an essential need to maintain social distancing measures as well as hygiene, and follow recommendations such as the use of masks. "They are going to be part of our day to day lives for some considerable time," he added. The country with the third highest coronavirus death toll will move slowly, carefully and progressively towards the “new normality”, Sanchez said. Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Yolanda Diaz, the Minister of Labour, said on Friday that her department was planning a twophased economic resumption, the first for productive sectors up to the summer and a second for tourism and leisure which would last until the end of the year. But any final decision would depend on regional health authorities, her office said in a statement.
e look forward to seeing our loyal customers once again just as soon as the government restrictions imposed because of COVID-19 have been removed. Until then, please keep safe
Paul and Dawn
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
637 227 385
Voucher scheme leaves passengers up in the air
Oxford Uni Vaccine Clinical trials of a vaccine to combat COVID-19, which are underway at the Oxford University, may be completed by August, a British government adviser said on Saturday. The university started human tests last Thursday and experts hope for positive results by as early as next month, according to government spokesman Sir John Bell, a member of the British government's vaccine taskforce.
By Andrew Atkinson Ryanair has informed passengers who want refunds for cancelled flights they will have to wait until the Covid19 pandemic has passed - offering vouchers valid for a year. In the first weeks of the coronavirus crisis Ryanair was praised for bucking a trend, among other airlines, by adhering to EU regulations and automatically offering passengers refunds for cancelled flights, instead of alternative bookings or vouchers. However customers are receiving Ryanair emails saying they cannot process refunds, until after the COVID-19 pandemic has eased, and passengers affected by the mass cancellation of flights have a voucher valid for 12 months. It is reported emails inform passengers, who wish to request cash as an alternative to a voucher that: “As our payment agents are required to stay at home in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, payment security restrictions prevent us from processing cash refunds until the Covid-19 crisis has abated.
"We would like to invite you to use your voucher to book your next trip and we look forward to seeing you again on a Ryanair flight in the very near future. "Should you prefer a cash refund please contact us. And we will place your request in the cash refund queue, until the Covid-19 emergency has passed.” Under EU regulations, passengers on cancelled flights must be offered the choice of a refund, a re-routing at the earliest opportunity, or a re-routing at a later date. Minister for Transport Shane Ross reportedly considered allowing airlines and tour operators to issue vouchers - instead of refunds - when flights were cancelled, as part of a set of measures that will alleviate financial pressures on companies, to protect jobs and businesses. The department is assessing proposals to help airlines,
travel agents and tour operators that does not go against consumer rights. Many airlines have been accused by passengers and travel agents of withholding refunds, offering vouchers or the opportunity to re-book flights for a later date without incurring booking fees, which runs contrary to the Europe-wide EU261/2004 regulation. The European Consumer Centre, which polices consumer rights across the EU, stressed that, regardless of what passengers had been told, airlines are obliged to respect passenger rights, which remain unchanged even under such extraordinary circumstances as the Covid19 restrictions. It said people were entitled to refunds if flights were cancelled.
Worst in the Eurozone In an independent study by the Deep Knowledge Group (DKG) International Research Centre, Spain is placed 33 out of a total of 33 Eurozone countries, in it’s management of the Coronavirus crisis, in a ranking led by Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary and Denmark . At tte bottom, just ahead of Spain in ascending order, are Italy, San Marino, United Kingdom, Andorra and Romania. The last ten countries in the ranking are all labelled in the "low level" category of security.
Former Prime Minister Rajoy ignores ‘lockdown’. Widely reported in the Spanish press, the former Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, once again breaks the confinement as he goes out to exercise in the streets surrounding his home, in Madrid, something that he is said to do regularly, many residents are beginning to wonder if the authorities in the region are turning a blind eye. Image courtesy of Assn Vecinos Cabo Roig y Lomas
Government standardises sanctions for breaching the state of alarm The Government has now sent a guide of standardised sanctions to be imposed on those who breach the restrictions introduced throughout the Spanish territory by the state of alarm, the object being that fines are the same across Spain. This document includes, for example, the fine for travelling without authorisation to a second residence which has been set at 1,500 euros. The fine for an unauthorised movement is 601 euros and, in the event that the person deliberately refusing to produce identification to the authorities, this fine would increase to 1,500 euros. A case of contempt to an agent will cost the perpetrator 2,000 euros rising to 10,400 euros when there is violence or a threat, as long as it does not constitute a criminal offense. The highest fine of 10,400 euros would be issued to those involved in the organisation or participation in celebrations or common activities, depending on the level of risk by virtue of the number of people, circumstances and their proximity.
Local residents say that Rajoy is regularly seen out walking, despite the lockdown.
“If it were a normal member of the public they would have been fined and possibly put in prison by now,” said Che Castells, who lives in the neighbourhood. “They are playing by a different set of rules.” Rajoy is not the first ex PM to ignore the government’s lockdown order as José María Aznar and his wife, Ana Botella, the ex-mayor of Madrid, drove down from the home in the capital to spend lockdown at their luxurious villa in the Guadalmina Baja suburb of Marbella. The state of alarm does not allow people onto the streets to exercise or to practise sport and you can only go out to buy basic necessities, to work with a company certificate, to go to a medical centre or a pharmacy. On numerous occasions the Spanish State has promised zero tolerance with regards to compliance of lockdown. It will be interesting to see if they choose to apply it in the case of the two former PM’s.
Keep safe and we will see you all again when we have beaten the virus. At the moment we are closed until the end of April
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
Non Resident Brits told not to enter via Gibraltar 'Only Spanish citizens, or those who can prove they are resident in Spain, allowed to enter Spain through airports, ports or land borders'. By Andrew Atkinson The Gibraltarian government has issued a warning to Britons who are planning to fly there in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown. “Following the welcome announcement that British Airways will continue flights to Gibraltar on a reduced schedule, passengers should be aware of the following important information regarding this route during the current COVID-19 crisis. “British travellers, who are not resident in Spain, should not fly to Gibraltar with a view to entering Spain via the land frontier. "Only Spanish citizens, or those who can prove they are resident in Spain, will be allowed to enter Spain through airports, ports or land borders. “In order to enter Spain, travellers will be required to show proof of nationality or evi-
dence that they are resident there, such as a residency certificate / card, together with valid travel documents. "Travellers wishing to enter Gibraltar from Spain to fly on to the UK should arrive in Gibraltar on the day of flight departure and make their way straight to the airport terminal, which is adjacent to the land frontier. “They will need to present evidence of a confirmed flight booking, together with valid travel documents to both the Spanish and Gibraltarian immigration officers. “Please note that the Gibraltar airport terminal building does not stay open overnight and it is NOT permitted to spend the night there.” The government of Gibraltar has a social lockdown which came into effect on March 24. Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory which falls within UK legal jurisdiction. The Chief Minister of Gibraltar Fabian Picardo said: “I know how difficult and frustrating it is for you to be obliged by your own government to remain indoors.
“We are conscious that we are depriving you of the touch and embrace of your loved ones. “So believe me, when I tell you I am committed to ensuring that these measures should not last a minute longer than necessary. “The imposition of these controls on your freedom of movement are an indelible scar on my heart. They are a constant strain on my conscience. “That is why, in Cabinet, we are already seeking to work on appropriate exit strategies to lift the restrictions imposed as soon as possible.”
Orihuela criticises Valencian Community as it fails to provide coronavirus data
Despite the fact that the President of the Valencian Generalitat, Ximo Puig, promised to provide this information to municipalities, "said Galiano, "the only information we have so far is by hospital.
Orihuela’s councillor for health, José Galiano, has accused the Ministry of Health of failing to provide coronavirus date for the municipality which would better enable it to coordinate "council resources to help those people who are the worst affected."
Galiano said that not having the required information means that "municipal resources cannot be best coordinated to help the most affected people, for the removal of waste or for disinfection."
More than a month after the state of alarm was introduced, we still do not know how many Oriolans have been affected by this disease, even though we requested the information from the Ministry by letter at the very beginning of the pandemic.”
He regretted what he considers to be a "lack of transparency of the Generalitat", and cannot understand why the consellera has not fulfilled the commitment of the President, and continues to deny this information."
We look forward to seeing all of our loyal customers again, once the state of alarm and restrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. In the meantime keep safe and healthy..
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
637 227 385
Is Spain’s version of ‘Lockdown’ a violation of Human Rights? T
HE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT is investigating whether Spain’s ‘lockdown’ has violated human rights "The Government of Spain has illegally introduced a very dangerous and disturbing system of suspension of individual rights that could be classified as a de facto transitory dictatorship," maintains the document registered in Europe. The European Parliament will investigate whether Sánchez's state of alarm has violated fundamental rights We confirm receipt of your complaint and "we let you know that we are currently studying your case." This is the response of the Human Rights Commission of the European Parliament to the petition presented by the Spanish lawyer José Ortega against the government decree declaring Spain’s state of alarm. Ortega officially registered his com-
plaint before the commission of petitions of the Eurochamber, through the PP MEP Leopoldo López, claiming that it is a violation of "fundamental rights in Spain". The letter urges the European authorities to instruct the Government of Spain to modify the Royal Decree of March 14, and the extension of the 17th of March "so that its measures of free movement are limited but not prohibited, and which must include a series of outdoor activities, that may be carried out by members of the public." In the opinion of Ortega, what the government outlines as "limitations" constitutes, in reality, an “effective suspension of the right of free movement, which is a fundamental right of a person included not only in the European Convention on Human Rights but also in other International Human Rights Treaties and, of course,
also included in the Spanish Constitution”.
Spain MEP Leopoldo López is a highly respected Human Right’s activist.
"The Government of Spain has illegally introduced a very dangerous and disturbing system of suspension of individual rights that could be described as a de facto transitory dictatorship," says Snr Ortega. Although Spanish law establishes that "the acts and provisions of the Public Administration adopted during the states of alarm may be appealed to the courts, in Spain the courts have closed their doors, which causes the unusual a situation that not only has the Government de facto and illegitimately suspended a fundamental right "of citizens, but that" sanctions are being imposed and mass arrests are taking place". This has given rise to an "unusual situation" because "there is no one to complain or appeal to," the petition maintains.
Following the publication across Spain on social media of the article above, over 400 of you had something to say, the large majority of whom were in favour of the government’s stance. A very small cross section is contained below, however, full names have been withheld. LOCKDOWN VERY STRICT I have lived in Spain for 19 years and yes I agree our lockdown is very strict. However surely if it is for our own benefit in the long term it’s worth it. If we had soft lockdown (like UK) we could be looking at much longer to get this virus under control, this means more damage to businesses and people who work them. I think that he (Pedro Sanchez) made the decision to protect us all and we should be thanking him, not putting him down. Other countries do not have a leader who has the balls he has. Not sure anyone will agree with me, but I think that’s a good trait. When lives are at stake tough decisions have to be made and he has done the best he could in the situation he was in. Clare LET ME OUT I believe that a person should be allowed out of their apartment or home for an hour a day for exercise without a massive fine its going beyond ridiculous. Maureen
everywhere. Adults and children are not allowed to go outside, even not in a communal garden. The government has completely oppressed us and huge fines are being given if the reason you state is not good enough in their eyes. The situation feels very threatening: not the virus, but the measures. We feel completely powerless and frustrated. The remedy in this case is worse than the disease. I sincerely hope that the Spanish government will be corrected as soon as possible. This must not be continued! Brigit STRANDED We have not been able to return to the UK with our caravan. That's not because of the lockdown but because there are no ferries. Yes it's hard. But in reality we are so much safer here because of the way the Spanish Gov have dealt with the situation. You have no human rights in a urn get real! Viva Espana Tony OUTRAGEOUS I Totally agree!
BEING OPRESSED I have been living in Spain as a Dutch citizen for over 20 years. I am use to Spanish rules and customs. I know the culture and feel at home here. I never thought that this country could turn into a nightmare within only 24 hours. When I heard the rules of the state of alarm, I immediately said: “but is this possible? Isn’t this inhumane and against human rights? Anyway, it would be for 2 weeks, so we could keep it up.” However, we are now entering week 5 with at least 2 weeks to go, and a further extension of 2 more weeks has already been announced. It is forbidden to leave your house, except for primary needs. We are monitored and controlled
It is outrageous and uncalled for – we are treated like criminals and feel like that when we go out – unbelievable! Peggy WE NEED HELP
I don’t know where you live. But near me people randomly scream, sometimes outside. I hear couples having fights! I kid you not. Most people have no clue what is really happening and how this is damaging and traumatizing many people. I truly hope this Corona virus is over fast and the measures where worth it.
The military disinfects hospitals, care homes and streets. I could go on and on but basically, Johnson needs to pull his finger out and do more. Already it looks like the UK will overtake Italy and Spain within a week or two. Pat
JL WALK AROUND YOUR LIVING ROOM THE ONLY OPTION I for one don't feel my human rights have been damaged. I fully agree with the Spanish government, the only option they had, to protect its citizens Our human rights, so the Spanish government complied with this law. Joyce COULD HAVE BEEN EARLIER Personally I believe that the Spanish governments approach was the right for them to deal with the Corona Virus 19 relatively effectively. The lock down could have taken place earlier than it did.
Two choices. Stay home play your part in ensuring the health system does not completely collapse, or live with the legacy of a modern democracy descending into chaos as hospitals are forced to make very ugly decisions about who should get resources like ventilators, ICU beds etc. And all because you want to go out for a walk. Big tip, walk around your living room for an hour a day and let those risking their lives get on with it so you can stay safe Jennifer DEVASTATING VIRUS
There may have been a breach of human rights but under the circumstances there may be justification. In some circumstances actions taken by some Police/Army may have been excessive.
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary action, but of course somebody will always see it as wrong, and of course there has to be some recourse to the law.
However I do believe we have to be very careful that recent legislation does not become common practice after the present pandemic emergency has passed.
That said, how many lives this action has saved will never be known, but how ridiculous to suggest ‘what if these measures were taken for other reasons’ and ‘possibly in the future’ oh dear??
Stay Safe and Keep Well.
The mere fact the numbers still increase show just how devastating this virus is, even with limited contact. can you imagine the numbers without this!!
I couldn’t agree more. WE NEED HELP! A lot of businesses are already bankrupt, if you don’t get an ICO loan with 2% interest. Nobody around me has received any money yet from the government! Including staff that are in the ERTE! Let’s not even begin to talk about the people who are working here without papers, on the black. In construction, restaurants etc. Stuck with their families in home! All day. Like all day.
ping the movement of non-residents.
PLEASED Living in Spain I am very pleased with how they are handling the lockdown and horrified on how the UK is, they could do so much more. For instance from day one supermarket's issued gloves or sprayed down yours if you were wearing them, all towns now have roadblocks stop-
Given the average age and limited healthcare system I should be very grateful someone is getting on top of this or Mojacar will be a very different place. If they continue it .or envok it after its safe Would be a different issue Tom
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
1 7 % O F A L L M E D I CA L Reduction in number of S TA F F A R E INFECTED critically ill patients leaves
42% of ICU beds free
The number of health professionals affected by the coronavirus in the Valencian Community has increased again and is now approaching 1,500. The figures mean that approximately 17% of those infected by Covid-19 in the Valencian Community, well above the national average of 15%, work either in hospitals or in primary care. Although the number of medical staff infected in care homes is slightly less, it is still considerable with 13% of the 1,138 total. However, according to Andrés Cánovas, the secretary general of the Medical Union in the Valencian Community, that the figure could be substantially higher, in excess of 20%, because many health professionals have not yet been tested for Covid19 and continue to work. In Spain as a whole, around 25,000 health professionals have been infected, a national average of approximately 15% of all those who currently
have the virus in Spain. Cánovas said that the reason why so many healthcare professionals have been affected by Covid17, apart from the lack of adequate protective equipment, is because of the large contagion in Alicante, in the San Juan, Elche and especially the General Hospital. In fact, the Medical Board has already requested the dismissal of the manager of that hospital. "How is it possible that in the Alicante General Hospital, which doesn’t have half the doctors that La Fe Hospital has, there are twice as many doctors infected with the virus?" He asks. "It does not make sense that at Alicante General no action was taken despite instructions from the Ministry of Health, as consultations continued as scheduled. It took a week to apply the order by which time it was too late,” said Cánovas.
Free Face Masks for Over 65’s Community President Ximo Puig announced last Thursday that the Consell has reached an agreement with the Pharmaceutical Colleges of the Valencian Community for the free distribution of face masks to people over 65 years of age and others who are part of the ‘at risk’ groups. Minister of Health Ana Barcelo confirmed on Friday that distribution would start today (Monday) at all Pharmacies in the Community.
She said that they can be obtained on production of a SIP card. It is understood that each person will be entitled to receive 3 masks. Barcelo said that 3.6 million masks have been made available to meet this commitment.
Occupancy in the most seriously infected units has returned to levels of late March with 112 patients in Alicante hospital ICU’s The capacity of Intensive Care Units in the province of Alicante continues to improve thanks to the slow but continuous decrease in patients in a critical condition caused by the coronavirus . According to data provided at the end of the week by the Ministry of Health, the number of people being treated such units in the province was 112, three fewer people than the previous day and the lowest figure since 29 March. In the province of Alicante there are currently 195 beds available in Intensive Care Units, 129 in public hospital and a further 66 in clinics. This means the occupation level was 57.4%, a long way
from the 74% that these critical units were at in early April. Many of the Intensive Care beds in the province have been moved to exclusive units supporting Covid-19 patients. The remaining patients, and also some Covid patients when the ICUs were full, were moved to Anaesthesiology services, which, thanks to the cessation of scheduled operations, were able to adapt operating room areas to attend to critically ill patients. At the moment this reorganisation of beds to care for seriously ill patients will continue in the large hospitals in case there is a rebound in the number of cases, however the Alicante General Hospital has been able to return 2 units that were being used for Covid to their usual services.
How would you live your final three months?
S FAR AS I KNOW, man is the only animal blessed with the gift of imagination. Without imagination we would all still be living in the Stone Age. Every fresh and forward bit of thinking is fuelled by imagination. It is not only the Wright Brothers, Jamie Watt or Steve Job who improve the world with their imagination; but every day in our own lives we see ordinary people making things better by using their sense of imagination. But just as there is bad and good cholesterol, so too is there bad and a good imagination. Both can take on a life of their own, but especially the bad one. The bad imagination can run riot and cause no end of worry, stress and unnecessary suffering. ‘You always think the worst’, you will sometime here people say. When the bad imagination takes off, two plus two may not make four and a projection into the future veers away on its own Calvarian path. My bad imagination headed off on an exploratory Coronovirus voyage a couple of weeks ago, and I am going to share it in order that you might ponder as to how you would spend every day left to you - if you were told in the full of your health that you only had three months left to live. How would you like to live those three months? It does happen to people. Like most folk I get the odd head-cold and ‘sniffles’ and if it gets bad enough, a couple of Beecham Hot lemons does the trick. One morning recently I found myself with a niggling sort of a cough. I said nothing to anyone when it came back the second day, but I worried a little and it certain-
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
ly concentrated the attention of the bit of the head that works, as I listened to the sky-rocketing numbers of Covid-19 casualties. Mother of God, when it hit me for the third day, the wild imagination set off like a runaway train. I still told nobody of my concerns, but again the good side of the head started planning for my demise. My bad imagination gave me weeks to live and now I had to figure out what I wanted to do with every one if those days. There could be no more procrastination or waste of time; but how was I to prioritise all that I needed to finish and to give time to all those I owed it to? Questions. Questions: Should I keep this weekly column going as long as possible, or should I quit now: If I knuckled down I could finish the half-written book – or would that be a waste of precious time? Probably the best use I could put the limited time to would be some type of renegotiating with the Higher Power? Already the first lesson learned is how much time we waste when we think it is an inexhaustible commodity. If you were told today that you had three months to live, how would you live it? Would you consider throwing all caution to the wind and indulging yourself every way you ever wanted to? Most people would have sufficient money to do that … and after all, you could always raise a long-term loan. Would you do it? Nobody would expect you to perform to the expected – so you could do whatever you pleased. Maybe there is a man you feel like shooting? After all, you could do that with nothing to lose? Values and goals would be out the window and you would be spared the long-term negative consequences of any action you took. Indeed, every sort of allowance would be made for you and your mental state brought on by the knowledge of your
THE WONDER OF YOU! Benijofar Oscar Award winning performer, piemaker-Baker extraordinaire Martin Dean returned to the stage (and bake house) to keep spirits up in the coronavirus lockdown. ANDREW ATKINSON reports. "IT'S hard to be alone, without our family and friends at the time of the coronavirus. But we'll soon be back together," said Martin. "We need to be strong," said Martin, who has been
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What would you do with your time? Travel perhaps?
looming departure. So you don’t feel like doing anything terribly dramatic on account of your family; but what would you do with your time? Travel perhaps? Or maybe you would prefer to stay home and share ever minute with your nearest and dearest? Or again, would you like to go off somewhere quiet to be on your own as you prepare to die – as they do in some Indian tribes? Would the reason you haven’t spoken to a friend or family member in years still be as important to you? It could be that there are a lot of people out there you need to have a word with? All this is food for thought when the imagination takes off on its own. As for me: Well, thanks be to God the cough disappeared and I never felt better. I am happy in my ‘cocoon’ and my wild imagination has insured that
my priorities will change when this pandemic passes! DON’T FORGET Having problems may not be so bad after all. There is only one place for those who have none – it’s called a cemetery. Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
‘ S TAY SAFE’ said Martin.
performing as Johnny Cash, Elvis, Neil Diamond, Barry White, Amy Winehouse, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, Abba and The Village People. "You must stay safe," said Martin, 50, from Lower Kersal, Salford, a former croupier, who performed via video-link. "Stay home," said Martin, who has an audience, from Almoradi to America; Benijofar to Beijing; Crevillente to Crewe; Dolores to Dundee; El Raso
to Egypt. Martin's lyrics in the Elvis hit 'The Wonder of You', included: Coronavirus gave me constipation. The world in isolation, rub down with sanitation. "Always wash your hands. I always wear my rubber gloves in everything I do, because of the Wuhan flu," quipped Martin, who performed from Formentera to France; Guardamar to Germany; Jacarilla to Jerusalem. From Los Montesinos to London; Murcia to Mumbai; Orihuela to Orlando; Playa Flamenca to Preston; Quesada to Queensland; Rojales to Russia; San Miguel to Stockport; Torrevieja to Turkey and Villamartin to Vienna.
"Coronavirus days will soon be over. I can't wait until we get back together again. Thanks to the medics and the emergency services. "The doctors and nurses for fighting the coronavirus. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
Man shot in Gandia after attacking two Police Officers
37-year-old man has tried to stab his two parents this morning and also two policemen who were called to deal with the incident. The events took place on Tuesday in Gandia. Due to their seriousness, one of the policemen was forced to shoot the aggressor, who has since been admitted to a hospital where he remains stable. The call was received around 2:25 p.m. stating that a man was said to be trying to kill his parents with a knife at his home in Gandia. Two National Policemen attended the incident where they found an elderly woman, the mother of the aggressor who was screaming for help as her son was threatening to kill her and husband with two knives. The police arrived to find the 37year-old aggressor, "waving around his arms and with a knife in each hand." As they entered he moved towards them saying that he was going to kill them. One of the officers tried to disarm the aggressor who was attempting to stab him in the head and neck,
but was held off, while the other policeman sprayed him with a CS spray. Although he broke away the aggressor then threw chairs and even a bottle of butane at the officers. As they approached him for a second time, the policemen were again subjected to a bombardment of furniture and household items. One of the police officers was cornered against the wall as the attacker approached and continued to threaten with a knife so his partner says he had no alternative other than to shoot: two shots, one in the leg and a second that hit him in the body. When he fell to the ground, the police quickly covered his wounds and alerted the emergency services. The two policemen suffered various injuries themselves, although they did not require medical attention. The 37-year-old aggressor has been hospitalised although he remains stable. Neither the father nor the mother of the aggressor were injured, nor a neighbour who went to the house after the mother called for assistance.
Burglars targeting premises in coronavirus lockdown By Andrew Atkinson
urglars are targeting premises in the coronavirus lockdown - that has hit businesses hard along the Costa Blanca - with Orihuela businesses robbed over the weekend. "Beware - the thiefs are out - we have had
First month of confinement sees 62 people detained for drug offences Most of the arrests have been made at controls established to ensure compliance with the alarm state. The coronavirus and subsequent movement restrictions have not stopped drug dealers or consumers selling their wares or of doing business, as those who are so dependent on the drug regularly expose themselves to sanctions whenever they go out to buy their ‘fix’ despite the current confinement. The National Police are aware of this and despite being focused on ensuring compliance with the state of alarm, they have not neglected the fight against drug trafficking and are currently taking advantage of the massive police presence on the streets, with controls 24 hours a day, to intercept these drug pushers. As a result of the extra patrols, during the first month of confinement, the National Police have arrested 62 people in the province for drug trafficking, most of them in the cities of Alicante, Elche, Orihuela, Elda, Petrer, Alcoy, Benidorm and DĂŠnia.
our TV stolen from our bar," said the proprietor of An sibin, based at Calle Niagara urbanisation, Las Calas, Orihuela. A picture of the male robber was captured on video and the owners are appealing to help catch the criminal. The burglary is one amongst thefts from properties in and around Calle Niagara. In Murcia the Civil Guard have increased patrols in and around isolated properties in provinces following burglaries. The Guardia Civil had been active within the Vega Baja after a plethora of burglaries along with other Valencian regions after an increase in burglaries, with 50 properties ransacked in a weekend in February, prior to the
The Alicante Provincial Police Station say that the habitual consumption of drugs creates "a physical as well as a mental dependence and creates an urgent need for drug addicts to continue replenishing their stocks and consuming these substances." Supply and demand also controls the criminal world, so the "dealers" try to make a living by continuing to distribute drugs, but with the added difficulty of evading the numerous controls that the Security Forces and other security agencies have established. Of the 62 people arrested with different types of narcotics, the most common have been cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and hashish. Although many dealers continue with their traditional methods, there are some who try to be a little more imaginative at a time of maximum police surveillance. This was the case of two men detained in Alicante with 57 grams of cocaine who, to avoid being discovered, pretended to be distributors of two well-known home food distribution companies. These types of workers have no mobility restrictions during the state of alarm and
coronavirus lockdown. POLICIA CHECKPOINTS Meanwhile Policia were active on Easter Sunday at checkpoints and patrolling throughout Spain. Fines, for people out walking and owners of vehicles were impounded, for those breaking the strict regulations COVID-19 lockdown legislation. "A zero tolerance policy is in place - unless you have an emergency - stay home. Those who break the State of Alarm regulations will be fined and their cars impounded," said a Policia spokesperson.
the traffickers posed as food distributors in order to transport and distribute their drugs with impunity, until, that is, they were eventually discovered and detained by the Police. In other parts of the Valencian Community, the traffickers have even hired such distributors to deliver drugs to their clients. Several of the detainees were arrested after fleeing from checkpoints and being chased, as happened on April 9 on the beach in San Juan. A driver tried to flee, threw away a package containing 100 grams of cocaine but was eventually captured by agents of the Operative Response Group (GOR). In Elche, the police also arrested the driver of a car at a checkpoint on the Crevillente road. As the agents approached, the young man threw a small bag out of the containing more than 300 grams of heroin. Another alleged trafficker was stopped on April 7 at a control in Alcoy . He was carrying a hundred grams of hashish hidden behind a child seat in his car. On searching his home the police then found a further 45 grams of cocaine.
Burglar caught on CCTV at An Sibin, Calle Niagara, urb Las Calas
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 810
ACROSS 1. Cringe (5) 4. Judge (7) 8. Lunacy (7) 9. Divest (5) 10. Summit (4) 11. Cut short (8) 13. Applaud (4) 14. Observe (4) 16. Sickening (8) 17. Weapons (4) 20. Walker (5) 21. Yield (7) 22. Stop (7) 23. Avoid (5) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12. 13. 15. 18. 19.
Fellowship (13) Jam (5) Rush (4) Take in (6) Affair (8) Hoarse (7) Blameworthy (13) Untroubled (8) Chortle (7) Beginning (6) Circular (5) Bitter (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 3 Challenge; 8 Rout; 9 Prosecute; 10 Nature; 11 Brief; 14 Index; 15 Wing; 16 Young; 18 Leaf; 20 Utter; 21 Naive; 24 Alcove; 25 Willingly; 26 Sane; 27 Economise. DOWN: 1 Principle; 2 Custodian; 4 Hire; 5 Laser; 6 Eschew; 7 Gate; 9 Proxy; 11 Brute; 12 Fictional; 13 Aggrieved; 17 Gully; 19 Fallen; 22 Venom; 23 Disc; 24 Alms. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 3 Propagate; 8 Digs; 9 Hastening; 10 Inroad; 11 Nomad; 14 Sight; 15 Lean; 16 India; 18 Oath; 20 Spill; 21 Eager; 24 Select; 25 Outand-out; 26 Veto; 27 Doctorate. DOWN: 1 Admission; 2 Aggregate; 4 Read; 5 Patio; 6 Genial; 7 Tend; 9 Haiti; 11 Nadir; 12 Delivered; 13 Inflation; 17 Asset; 19 Havant; 22 Elder; 23 Hugo; 24 Suit.
ACROSS 1. Steal a small amount (5) 4. Precocious as far as minor under guardian is concerned (7) 8. Could be a strain becoming a workman! (7) 9. A real problem for the one being photographed? (5) 10. It rises and falls and it returns half dead (4) 11. Form of government again for the people (8) 13. I object about work and become depressed and listless (4) 14. Yield in disgrace, defeated (4) 16. Restrain speed of fashion (8) 17. He avails himself of in-house recreational facilities (4) 20. In diplomacy, one is tight-lipped (5) 21. My vehicle is red (7) 22. Funny bone? (7) 23. Experimental flier? (5)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Stanley Kubrick used special Zeiss cameras to film the interior candle light scenes in Barry Lyndon without the use of electric light. A film first. These cameras were originally developed to film what? 2. Which first name for a girl was created by Jonathan Swift in the early 18th century and is also a class of butterflies? 3. Why is roulette sometimes called The Devil’s Game? 4. Which two manned US space programs preceded Apollo? 5. Millions of people tug on a YKK every day. Explain. 6. In which films would you find the following dragons? a. Norbert, b. Draco, c. Saphira, d. Falkor 7. Who did Cassius Clay defeat in February 1964 to become heavy weight champion of the world? 8. Where was the first UN peace keeping mission in 1948? 9. Armalcolite was the name given to a new metal found on the moon. Who is it named after? 10. What do Tom and Jerry, Arpanet, Mortimer, Lexico and The Sears Tower all have in common? 11. Which Cary Grant film takes place during the Olympic summer games in Tokyo? 12. The following are the last words to which novels? a. ....pieces of
DOWN 1. Trial marriage is not the real game? (8,5) 2. Remarked Edward absent, apparently (5) 3. He entertains a crowd (4) 4. Swordsman puts up barriers, it would seem (6) 5. They are gone into very happily (8) 6. Remove obligation from sailor to find the answer (7) 7. It could presumably be shockingly straight (6,7) 12. Does he make things work in the theatre? (8) 13. Men offering deals in clubs usually make a little bit initially (7) 15. Capital punishment? (6) 18. Not moving yet (5) 19. Doctor has work from fall (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) eight. Pieces of eight! b. Because Aunt Sally she's going to adopt me and sivilize me and I can't stand it. c. He was soon borne away by the waves and lost in the darkness and distance. 13. In the 1964 film First Men in the Moon, what do the astronauts at the beginning of the movie find on the moon? 14. Who was the first person to appear on the cover of the Rolling Stone magazine? 15. Who's face did Time Magazine publish on their cover and declare him as "Man of the Year" on January 2nd 1939? 16. Which three US Presidents did Forrest Gump meet 17. In literature, what kind of woman is Queen Mab? 18. Events: a: What happened in the Atacama Desert in 1971 for the first time in over 400 years? b: In which year did the incident at Chernobyl take place? c: The film that shocked the world, 'The Exorcist', in which year was that released? d: Which English king was beheaded in 1649? e: In which year was the battle of Mons fought? 19. Brian Boru became king of which country in 1001? 20. Which common infection caused by Ringworm is correctly called Tinea Pedis?
637 227 385
Tribute night for NHS staff By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive A special tribute night for NHS workers, in recognition of the tremendous work and sacrifices made during the coronavirus pandemic, has been arranged by former Calpe resident Tony Slater.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
"The evening will be fancy dress, with the invitation to 170 representatives of the NHS, from porters, doctors, nurses, ambulance, GPs and district nurses," Tony told The Leader.
Macron says that Schengen Borders likely to remain closed until September?
Former proprietor of Calpe Rock, Tony who performed in the sixties and seventies, started his career - sharing the stage with Dame Shirley Bassey - and has raised thousands of pounds for charities since.
The Schengen borderless travel area consists of 22 European member states (five don’t participate) plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein a major chunk of Europe across which there is currently no movement allowed.
"It will be an emotional event," said Tony, who has pencilled in September 18, in Preston, Lancashire, for the NHS tribute night.
Most of them were closed on the 17th of March when 30 members of the EU and the Schengen area entered lockdown at the same time; a lockdown that was due to end this week.
"Unfortunately I cannot accommodate everyone. They are all Angels, so please excuse me for having to leave so many heroes out," said Tony.
However, the EU has now asked its members to extend the current lockdown until at least May while it considers adding further restrictions, as suggested by France President Emmanuel Macron, suggestions that both he and the President of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen, feel ought to stay closed until September if not later.
"The bulk of invitations will go the the Front Line Services. It is an honour and privilege to arrange a tribute for the benefit of the NHS staff," said Tony. THE OASIS are undertaking Food Home Delivery Service Only. To order please WhatsApp: 645409436 or telephone +44 77138 5537
In what some are calling an extreme reaction, the French President has suggested that the European Union should close the Schengen area to foreigners for at least another five months. The president pointed out that the virus is spreading at different rates around the world with the US still not at its peak. Opening airports to allow non-essential travel over the summer could result in travellers bringing a second wave of the virus to Europe as now seems to be happening in Asia.
Major airports across Europe may remain closed until September. Photo_Dmitry Avdeev via Wikimedia.
she said. So, if the Schengen area remains closed, airlines hoping to fly into European destinations over the summer months could be very disappointed. Many airlines have been hoping that the summer will allow for fairly regular schedules as restrictions lift. If Macron’s proposals are accepted, not only will Europe be off-limits for foreigners, but those living within the Schengen area will be told to avoid travel to other countries in the area and, of course, the closing of the borders will also have an impact on Europe’s economic recovery. A map of the Schengen area seen in blue. The green shows members of the EU who are not in the Schengen area. Map_ Mfloryan via Wikimedia.
The French president said that people who thought they could go abroad were going to be in trouble. A remark that comes close to the recommendations of the Minister of Ecological Transition Elisabeth Borne. "Now is not the time to buy a ticket to go to the other side of the planet with all the uncertainties that we can have about the state of the epidemic" in France and around the world,
Rocamora dismisses critics The Department of International Residents offers information about COVID-19 in English and German The councillor for foreign residents, Mariola Rocamora has come under criticism from the Municipal Socialist Group, with respect to a lack of information being available on the coronavirus for non-Spanish speakers in the municipality However she said on Tuesday that "all municipal information about the pandemic is regularly being sent to foreign residents residing on the Orihuela Costa through many alternative channels of communication other than those of the city council”. She said that this had been the case since the State of Alarm began adding that "any doubts or queries raised by the foreign population is being channelled through the suggestion box that can be accessed through the municipal website: http://www.orihuela.es.
She also said that posters with recommendations or services made available through the website: www.orihuela.es/infocoronavirus have also been translated into English and German. "From the Orihuela City Council and within the powers that we are allowed to use, we are doing everything possible to inform residents through the media,” she said.
Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99.
Meetings are currently postponed during the current crisis. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- gill.burden20@gmail.com Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. ...currently postponed Royal Air Force Association Costa
Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre helpathomecb@gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits@outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at: oc.communitycare@gmail.com
Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15
637 227 385
am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Linda. Blonde mature lady. Torrevieja. Soft hands. Massage with happy ending. 634 300 074.
Lavender makes a stunning addition to the garden
HE FRAGRANT SMELL OF LAVENDER is ideal for gardens on the Costa Blanca, with its origins, a herb native to northern Africa and the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. Lavender will thrive in the ground and in pots, making a stunning addition to any garden, with sweeping drifts of colour, from early summer, right into the autumn. Tough and dependable, and lasts for several years, under the right conditions. Growing Lavender is easy and will be successful - in well-drained
soil and full sun. Lavender will not thrive, due to overwatering or too much shade. Established, it is very low maintenance and requires minimal watering or pruning. If the stems become woody as it matures, prune it back by about half its height in the spring, to promote fresh new growth and robust flowering. Unpruned Lavender have a tendency to sprawl, leaving a hole in the middle. Lavenders range in purple violet blue, rose, pale pink, white and the leaves vary in shape and colour. Grown for the production of its essential oil for cosmetic uses Lavender is believed to have some medicinal uses. Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal minor burns and insect bites. Harvested as a fragrant floral arrangement, pomander sachets, and making potpourri. Note that the Lavender plant is toxic, when swallowed. GARDEN FELIX Los Montesinos. We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed movement put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, is lifted. Keep safe. Felix, Garden Felix.
This aromatic perennial thrives in full sun and well drained soil
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
Lockdown in the Hondon Valley “Princess Margaret had not noticed any other acts on the show - only the bleedin 'orse! Magnificent beast though it was”. IN Part 2 of Freddie 'parrot-face' Davies's exclusive interview he talks to Andrew Atkinson about Princess Margaret; being defrauded out of £150,000; Homburg bowler-style hat 'parrot-face' fame; the film industry, co-starring with Jerry Lewis, Leslie Caron, Oliver Reed and Lee Evans. And an appearance as a talking portrait in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. FORMER BUTLIN REDCOAT FREDDIE saw opportunity knock - when he met legendary film star Cary Grant in 1970. Freddie starred in nationwide theatre tours, including the RSC production of The Secret Garden at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon, and in London’s West End at the Aldwych Theatre. During one gala evening, Freddie recalled: "Princess Margaret looked at me and said 'don't you like this horse' at a Charity show, featuring Black Beauty the TV series. I was presented, standing next to Black Beauty!". "Princess Margaret had not noticed any other acts on the show - only the bleedin 'orse! Magnificent beast though it was," laughed Freddie. Freddie, defrauded out of £150,000 by a Leicestershire promoter in 1987, said: "The biggest disappointment in my career was being defrauded. "Conned into putting a huge pantomime on at the De Montfort Hall in Leicester - and the promoter refusing to pay for it!". Freddie, who has appeared at Benidorm Palace, asked where the idea of the parrot's line in his comedy came from, said: "It wasn't parrots as such. "Samuel (my character) called the man in the pet shop Parrotface. It was really all about the Budgie dying!". On his trademark bowler hat: "It's not a Bowler, it's a Homburg, a bit more flexible for pulling down, but it looks bowlerish," said Freddie, who donned his Homburg, when topping the bill in the UK Best of British Variety Tour, during 2013-14. Freddie's most famous onscreen role is as Bruno Parker in Peter Chelsom's 1994 cult classic 'Funny Bones', a film informed by Freddie's knowledge of comedy and inspired by his tales of his grandfather. Freddie co-starred with Jerry Lewis, Leslie Caron, Oliver Reed and Lee Evans. More recently, Freddie's appearance as a talking portrait was in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban film. "That brought fan letters from a new worldwide audience," said Freddie, whose autobiography Funny Bones: My life in Comedy, was published to coincide the 50th anniversary of his debut appearance on Opportunity Knocks. Freddie's signed autobiography Funny Bones: My life in Comedy can be purchased from www.stageoneproductions.co.uk
THE HONDON VALLEY, this gem of inaudibility nestling amongst the Mountains about an hour’s drive from the Costa Blanca coast. About two decades ago when my wife and I found this paradise of a Vale, which at that time was trying climb to out of its past and join the twenty first century, there was over a three year wait for a telephone line and the television had two Spanish Stations with the large ‘H’ type of aerial which decorated in a multitude of thousands, the roofs of houses in Post War Britain. Everything has changed over those years, and now we are as knowledgeable as most peoples about the modern wonders that abound and are sorely needed in this time of Lockdown. The village has taken staying at home very seriously and because we are banned from travelling to a decent supermarket, about 12 Kilometres away, we have found the delights of getting our supplies from the local, small shops, who have coped very well in this time of crisis. Although not the choice of items there is in the big shopping arenas, we are getting used to the change of diet.
We do feel as if the Gods have of climbing up the wall or painting been against us this year for two it, we have been trying to find reasons. But first I will tell you novel ways of keeping busy. about a happening, in fact a few The Hondon Writers Circle, the happenings when last year the members not being able to meet main roads in and out of the Valley for their fortnightly get together, were modified with extra drainage have built up lengthy poems, by to their sides. each putting in sequence four lines The systems that have been on the groups WhatsApp page, installed are about 500 millimetres building something funny and wide and designed to run water off unique which is then published on onto lower levFace Book. els. As I said this With a mountain of work Ludo is a fascistarted over a nating game year ago … the to be done in the garden, when played point is, did the with two partG o v e r n i n g perhaps the rain and the ners in a group Body know lockdown are not such of four and something? For nothing like the since the con- bad things after all! way children struction of would play it. these we have been awash with But of course, with the present situwater. ation it is not possible, especially if I’ve lost count of the Gota Frias that you are two metres apart. have happened. This Spring has But with all the technical knowbeen a total washout with an entire how in the Valley and the ability to change of the weather. Since last use Skype, we managed by having October we have had the sun a board in each of the two houses peeping out for a day or two fol- one with a camera over, and the lowed by more water coming game was on. If you would like to down from the heavens. know the rules I will happily send To add to the disappointment of them to you. staying in out of the rain we have, A lovely little story from Karen a like everywhere else, Lockdown. member of the Writers Circle. But at least we are in the dry. Short Having a need to get provisions she
decided to make herself one of those no-sew masks. She followed the instructions to the letter, and it worked! Looking great, and it fitted really well. Putting a bit of a coffee filter paper in the pocket at the front, because cotton alone will give about 10% to 20% protection, but add a coffee filter paper and it goes up to a 50% to 60% shield. So, off to the shop, got everything on the list, and got back in the car, taking the mask off and.....the lower half of her face was blue, lips and all. She looked like she had been dead for a week! Going straight home and warned the husband not to laugh at her or else....thank goodness it washed straight off! Just call her the Queen of the Smurfs. We are all looking forward to the Valley turning back to normal with the sun warm and bright, also being free to wander the streets and to go a bit further to look at other parts of the world. There is also a mountain of work to be done in the garden, weeds two feet tall … perhaps the rain and the Lockdown are not such bad things after all…
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
CHARLIE’S STORY Former star of hit show "The Only Way Is Essex" Charlie King, called Samaritans in 2011 when he was struggling with the demands of a highly stressful job, and the pressure to behave in a certain way: “I grew up with my mum and sisters, dad wasn’t around so I didn’t really have a male role model. "I knew I wasn’t really like a typical boy. Rugby and football didn’t appeal to me, I was more interested in singing and dancing and I never really had a proper girlfriend. “My mum has a successful business, and from a young age I was thrust into a business world, I felt under pressure to do well and had to live up to high expectations. “I worked non-stop, and became obsessive about the restaurant – I wouldn’t share responsibilities, and had to be there every waking hour. I was highly stressed and struggled with anxiety. “I felt I had no purpose, I was lonely. I started to get really depressed. I had no male friends, or a girlfriend. I remember walking my dog, and my head feeling like it was going to explode. "I reached the point where I felt I couldn’t go on, like there was no point in my existence. My family didn’t know what to do or say. “This was when I first called Samaritans. Speaking to them really helped me to put my thoughts in order and gave me the reassurance I needed that everything would be ok. I called six or seven times
in total. “I also sought help through my GP, and joined a gym. Doing regular exercise gave me something to focus on. “All these events made me realise I needed to become more open and let people into my life. I wish I had realised it is ok to be different, that I didn’t have to conform to a certain stereotype of how a man should be. "I also realised the importance of living your life. Work isn’t significant in the bigger picture of things. “I wish I’d talked about my problems at a much earlier stage. I realise that if I had spoken to someone I probably wouldn’t have got to the point where I was considering suicide. "If I hadn’t called Samaritans, I honestly don’t know where I’d be today. I have my life to thank them for.” Should you identify with any of these issues and want to talk to someone in complete confidence then why not give us a call. We are SAMARITANS IN SPAIN – You Talk We Listen. Phone 900 525 100 Email: pat@samaritansinspain.com Or Send a Message to 634 325 906 to organise a WhatsApp call.
CORONAVIRUS UK - Situation worse by a government that does not provide adequate PPE Quote: 'Government warned four years ago we would not be prepared to deal with a pandemic'. By Andrew Atkinson CARDIAC SCIENTIST at Royal Papworth hospital in Cambridgeshire, Emma Whellam, has pleaded with the people in the UK "Stay Home" as the coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic sweeps across the country.
"Stay home! - this is my face after four hours continuous respirator wear.
"Stay home! - this is my face after four hours continuous respirator wear. "It gets a little bit more painful -every time we put it on - and we’re going to end up wearing them more and more, as weeks go on, and cases continue to rise," said Emma, whose face is etched by mask-wear. "The marks on my nose have not disappeared. My colleagues, in critical care, have started to get sores - where the masks are cutting in. "Maybe we’re wearing them too tight - but we’re scared - if we loosen them, the seal won’t be effective and we’ll be putting ourselves at risk," said Emma. The UK Government has a plethora of daily TV, newspapers and radio advertisements - telling the people: 'Stay Home'. A message ignored by some. And Emma has been criticised by certain people in society, ignorant of the coronavirus lockdown seriousness, in a bid to help save lives. Ignorance has been in the words of: 'get used to it; get over it; you signed up for this'. "Yes, I signed up to help people. I didn’t sign up for a pandemic
- perpetuated by people who can’t stay home." Emma added: "The situation is made worse - by a government that does not provide adequate PPE. "Despite being warned - four years ago - that we would not be prepared to deal with a pandemic."
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637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
By Andrew Atkinson
Quote: 'I am absolutely gutted to see Willie in so much pain and alone. He's got my full weight behind him - no stone will be left unturned' - The words of British golfer Mark Roe (right). Close friend of Willie Thorne, Mark Roe, who made The Masters Tournament cut in 1996, featured in the PGA Championship, USA Open, The Open Championship and represented England in the Alfred Dunhill Cup in 1994, is helping to raise €30,000. "I have been friends with Willie through all my golfing career," Roe told me from Mijas, Spain. Roe, who turned pro in 1981, said: "I have been in touch with my colleagues to raise financial help. It will be a difficult task right now." A GoFundMe has been set up, organised by Roe and Julie O'Niell.
New dates for The Tour de France Following the statement by the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, on Monday evening, where large-scale events were banned in France until mid-July as a part of the fight against the spread of COVID-19, the organisers of the Tour de France, in agreement with the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), have decided to postpone the Tour de France to Saturday 29th August to Sunday 20th September 2020. Unfortunately the new dates directly affect La Vuelta, the Tour of Spain, scheduled from August 14 to September 6, and the situation regarding the Giro d'Italia, which is scheduled to be held
in May, has still not been determined, although everything points to a period after the World Championship, which would then put back La Vuelta to the month of November. At the moment the only major upcoming race that remains unchanged is the Cycling World Championship, scheduled for September 27 in Martigny, Switzerland. The women's event, the Course by le Tour de France avec FDJ , scheduled for July 19 on the Champs-Elysées, is also postponed until a date yet to be determined, although its inclusion in the development of the 2020 Tour de France is guaranteed.
2 0 1 9 W i n n e r E g a n B e rn a l a n d 2 n d p l a c e d Geraint Thomas, both of Te a m I n e o s
Roe, who has donated €350, said: "The donation was to kick-start the fund." As Thorne receives intravenous antibiotics at home in Villamartin, following chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia at Torrevieja hospital, Roe said: "I have never seen Willie in so much pain - and alone. "It is hoped to take the financial pressure off him and to help him get through leukaemia. "Willie is stuck in bed. Stress is a killer in itself. It's desperate times - I will do whatever I can. "To try and raise €30,000 is a lot of money. But to donate any amount will help. €5 donations will help."
"Stephen Hendry, Dennis Taylor, myself, and Willie, amongst others. The WPBSA are looking to do something to help. I have spoken to John Virgo and he will contact snooker's governing body."
Roe, 57, a former European Tour player, added: "Willie - whom I call 'Big Willie' - is a lovely man.
Roe said: "Willie goes deep with me. We have seen a lot of each other and there's a Bond.
"I've had some great times with Willie. I always loved my snooker - and Willie loved his golf."
"I am absolutely gutted to see Willie in so much pain and alone. He's got my full weight behind him - and no stone will be left unturned."
Roe, who represented England in the World Cup in 1989, 1994 and 1995, said: "At the World snooker championship at The Crucible, If you would like to contribute go to: www.gofundme.com/f/willie-thorne-recovery Sheffield, I met all the great players - and we played golf.
FANS ATTENDING GAMES STILL REMAINS UNCLEAR! English Football League clubs (EFL) are hoping that fixtures can return behind closed doors during May - in the wake of the coronavirus lockdown. Out of the Premier League bubble the lower-tier clubs are facing financial pressures after all games were postponed under government instructions, until May 7, at present. EFL chairman Rick Parry said: "With wages and deferrals good progress is being made, with a view to this assisting in delivering medium to long-term solutions that protect our game for years to come. “To give you an honest assessment the point at which you will be able to attend games remains unclear. "Please be assured, however, that we are going to welcome you (supporters) back to stadiums - as soon as it is safe to do so. "Your contribution to the matchday experience and atmospheres created in stadia up and down the country is something we should never take for granted. "Unfortunately, I cannot tell you when football will resume, though whenever we do return, matches are likely to be played without crowds. "And whilst we are unfortunately without the presence of the hundreds of thousands of supporters who pass through EFL turnstiles each week, we will endeavour to bring live football direct into your homes, once it returns. "Plans are continuing to be worked up for all games to be broadcast, either via our broadcast partners, iFollow or equivalent Club streaming services. "We will update you on this once we know when matches will recom-
mence.” The EFL are holding out hope that the remaining fixtures can be played in the 2019-20 season. As do the Premier League, and European leagues, including La Liga in Spain. "The situation presents significant operational and financial challenges, including the logistics of clubs returning to full operational status. "The practicalities of playing football behind closed doors, and the possible knock-on effects for the 2020-21 campaign. "We can only hope that the situation develops in such a way that we will be able to do so, with the shortest possible break. "With or without spectators, delivering a successful conclusion to the 2019-20 season remains our goal to ensure the integrity. "This must be given with careful consideration in line with government advice. "Similar factors must also be taken into account when agreeing an approach towards player training and testing, not least the appropriate level of medical resource and creation of an effective and efficient medical matchday protocol," said Parry. A row between players and clubs in the Premier League over wage reductions and deferrals remains. Out of the Championship the EFL and Professional Footballers’ Association reached a collective recommendation that players in League 1 and League 2 agree a wage deferral, of up to 25 per cent for April. A minimum wage limit set at £2,500.
SPAIN VS ALL BLACKS MATCH POSTPONED The match was going to be played at the Wanda Stadium in Madrid with 40,000 tickets already sold. The Spanish Rugby Federation (FER) announced on Wednesday the postponement of the International fixture scheduled to be played at the home of Atletico Madrid, the Wanda Metropolitano stadium on May 29 against the 'All Blacks' (New Zealand). Through an official statement, the Federation chaired by Alfonso Feijoo said that they have yet to determine the new date on which the match can be played. The clash between Spain and the 'All Blacks ' was going to open the 2020/21 season and already more than 40,000 tickets had been sold. Kiwi House, the organizing company for the event, also announced the postponement of the game and suggesting September as the possible date for the reorganised fixture. The statement simply said:
"From Kiwi House we want to communicate that, due to the epidemic caused by COVID-19 and following the instructions of the Ministry of Health, Community of Madrid and other competent authorities, we have been forced to postpone the celebration of the match between the Spanish Rugby Team and the All Blacks that was going to be held on May 29 at the Wanda Metropolitano , in Madrid, ”he reported. “The new date for the meeting will be communicated, as soon as possible. Today, the parties involved continue to work to make it happen during September 2020."
PGA Tour confirm June return The PGA Tour has announced plans for tournament golf to return in June - with the first four events of the season's resumption - behind closed doors. The Charles Schwab Challenge at Colonial Country Club in Texas has been confirmed as the first tournament, scheduled during June 11-14. The Memorial, scheduled
for mid-June, has now been switched to July 1619, which was originally occupied by The 149th Open, prior to it being cancelled by the R&A. The 2020-21 season will begin after the Tour Championship concludes in September. PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan said: "The health and safety of all associated with the PGA Tour and our global com-
munity continues to be our number one priority. "Our hope is to play a role, responsibly, in the world's return to enjoying the things we love. The Tour will continue to review available COVID-19-related protocols, that could be implemented at PGA Tour events, to ensure the health and well-being for all involved.
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
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MonteStan’s take on Bowls GREENS AND RINKS Well, we have covered the bowls so perhaps we should now talk about the surface that they are played on. Most greens in Spain are synthetic, although there are a couple natural grass ones, the closest of which is at La Manga. Most greens have at least 6 to 8 rinks, though some have additional separate ones (I will come to the advantages of that later on). They have a suitable, level playing surface and are surrounded by a ditch.
Coronavirus and Lawn Bowling on the Costa Blanca At the start of the lockdown 4 weeks ago it was decided to cancel the Summer League, the South Alicante knock-outs and the Champion of Champions. This was followed last week by the National Championships due to be held in midMay. We are hopeful that perhaps by the beginning of June the sporting ban may be relaxed to allow clubs to play internal club roll-ups, but competitive bowling is not scheduled to start until the second half of September. It has also been a difficult time for the owners of clubs who have lost a lot of income because of the lack of bowling, so much so that La Siesta owners have decided that it is time for them to retire. Hopefully a solution may be found so that bowling can continue there in the future as it would be quite a loss to lose one of the oldest established clubs in the area. Of course the bowlers are also suffering but many are trying inventive ways to keep themselves occupied, but unfortunately I know that San Miguel have lost Cyril Medley to the virus and another player is self isolating, so we wish her the best of luck for a full recovery.
LA SIESTA BOWLS CLUB Meanwhile, although club members are still hopeful that a solution can be found, the first possible casualty of the pandemic could likely be La Siesta Bowls Club who’s owners, Lynn and Jim, have indicated that they will not be reopening at the end of the state of alarm. In a letter to club members the popular couple wrote: “It is great sadness and regret that it will not be reopening after lockdown. We were going to continue for another year but the virus is the straw that broke the camel’s back. There being no competition bowling till at least beginning or middle of October, we still have to pay all the bills and we cannot keep this going till October and see out another year. This is so sad for us as we have made some very good friends, and hope that once this is all over we can still meet up somewhere for a drink or a meal.” However, club scribe Alan Carr told the Leader that there will be a meeting of all club members immediately after the ‘lockdown’ is lifted with a possibility the situation could change, “so until that meeting is held we will continue to do what we can.”
The rules state that the green playing length should be between 31 and 40 metres with at least 2 metres at each end to the ditch. For example Vistabella BC is 33 metres from T to T with 2 metres to the ditch each end. I will explain “T” soon. The width of the green is dependent on the number of rinks and must have at least clearance from the end rinks of 600m.m. to the ditch. Okay what’s a rink? A rink is the playing width for a game (like a lane in a bowling alley). The green is divided into rinks that are between 4.3 and 5.8 metres wide for outdoor play and wherever possible the same width. Division is done by markers or pegs at each end and the centre is marked, and usually with its number. To clarify the ditch has its own rules. Rules cover this, they should be between 200 and 380 m.m. wide and 50 to 200 m.m. deep with an outside bank as its edge at least 230m.m. higher than the surface level of the green. The pegs and centre marker are usually attached to the bank and should be not more than 50m.m. wide and 430m.m. high with a black line down the middle as the boundary line of the rink. I might add that there are markers on the sides of the green also but I will explain their use later, otherwise it all gets a bit confusing. A word of caution, the ditches and banks are, apart from bowls, are the most dangerous obstacles. Too many times players have forgotten about them and hurt themselves stepping back or into them, often
Most greens have between 6 and 8 rinks resulting in broken ankles and legs. BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS ! This applies to the bowls stepping back on a bowl is not funny. Next week we will look at how the green is marked out and rules relating to the mat and how it is positioned. The photo outlines markings and the ditch. Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway .Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins pacadasu@yahoo.com or Charlie Watkins charlieatpathways@yahoo.co.uk.
Hopes of May return for Racing look to be thwarted Quote: 'The government knows we are not just a sport. It knows we are an industry with 14,000 horses. Staff can't look after horses if they're furloughed' By Andrew Atkinson Nick Rust, Chief Executive of the British Horseracing Authority
Racing's lockdown indefinite due to COVID-19
thousands of jobs at risk, the world awaits the easing of restrictions in place as coronavirus sweeps across the country.
Racing's lockdown faces an indefinite period, due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, having been postponed since March 18, with hopes to return on May 1 thwarted.
"When we have the right conditions then we will be able to resume racing in as good a form as we can, which will be behind closed doors.
"It's right to continue this suspension - until the pressure on the NHS allows for a resumption - and we can assure the safety of those taking part," said BHA chief executive Nick Rust.
"It will mean social distancing and restrictions on track and where we can race. We have planned a number of scenarios so we are ready to go.
"We are in touch with government as part of our development of a responsible, co-ordinated plan for the return of sport when it’s appropriate to do so. "We'll continue to develop a range of options, drawing on the expertise of our participants and racecourses. "For now, we are all focused on supporting the national effort, maintaining social distancing restrictions and taking care of our people and our horses." With racing amongst sports, including football, facing huge financial losses, putting
"Sport has to listen to what the government is advising us to follow, but we are talking to the government every day and making the point that when conditions allow, we are able to resume economic activity. "We didn't want to put a date on it to give false hope or to mislead, but we are saying to the industry that we will be ready to come back as soon as those conditions are satisfied. "The government knows we are not just a sport and it is aware of that. It knows that we are an industry with 14,000 horses that need looking after and that staff can't look after horses if they're furloughed.
"So our industry is bearing a huge cost to keep maintaining the standards we expect and the industry is doing a tremendous job of keeping going at this time. "The sport is ready to return under all circumstances, once it is safe to do so," said Rust. The BHA will continue liaison with the government and have not ruled out resuming later in May - behind closed doors. Racing was postponed in March, to protect the health and safety of the public, and to limit demands on the NHS. Speaking on Sky Sports Racing Rust said: "People have talked about £125 million being available to the sport, through the Levy Board and Racing Foundation. "The Levy has £45m at the moment and we need to use that carefully for the return of racing. The Racing Foundation will do its best to support welfare in the meantime." Trainers, who have received a letter from the BHA - as British racing faces losing a reported estimated £193 million - are not surprised the suspension is extended.
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
BARCA CELEBRATE ROBSON’S LEGACY BOBBY RELIED ON HIS WEEKLY ‘MATCH OF THE DAY’ VIDEO TO GET HIS ENGLISH FOOTBALL ‘FIX’. social golf but it was also on that day that he would pick up a ‘Match of the Day’ video that I had recorded for him on the previous Saturday evening. In those days there was no satellite TV so Bobby relied on his weekly video to get his English football ‘fix’. One of the key signings that Robson made during his tenure at Barcelona was that of Ronaldo, who was influential in Bobby’s season. It was also that season when Robson himself was voted European Manager of the Year, while Ronaldo said, "as a trainer without doubt, he is one of the greatest in the world".
With Bobby Robson in his days at PSV A DAY TO REMEMBER AS BARCA CELEBRATE THE LEGACY OF BOBBY ROBSON The former coach achieved the European Cup Winners Cup, the Copa del Rey and the Super Cup in his one season at Barça Despite spending just one season as the boss of FC Barcelona , Sir Bobby Robson left his mark on Barcelona's history, and titles. He took over the team after Johan Cruyff and had the challenge of relaunching Barcelona following the “Dream Team” era, and he did it in some syle. In the 1996-97 season, Robson achieved three major titles: The European Cup Winners' Cup, Copa del Rey and The Spanish Super Cup. The only competition he missed out on was La Liga in which Barca finished as runners up, just 2 pts adrift of rivals Real Madrid. It is the sign of a true footballing great when they are revered long after they have departed
this world. Sir Bobby is just one of a handful, lauded as one of the everlasting godfathers of the modern game.
“Look at the jerseys you have on and the badge you carry.” The second half saw the Blaugrana unfurl their artillery as they took the game to Atlético with everything they had. The Camp Nou erupted as, in the 82nd minute, Pizzi, sealed Barça’s comeback win. Robson, the master tactician, with Mourinho by his side, had turned the game around. Perhaps that’s why the last word should go to the Spurs manager Mourinho, his most cherished of disciples: “Bobby Robson is one of those people who will never die, not just for what he did in his career but for everything that he gave to those who, like me, were lucky to know him and walk by his side.”
Eindhoven was a couple of hours away and on a visit to the ground I bumped into the great man himself. He insisted on showing me around, he was very proud of his achievements at PSV, and there began a friendship that lasted for many years.
By that time, the young Brazilian striker who had reunited with Robson at Barca, following their time together at PSV, had consolidated himself in the Catalan capital as one of the best strikers in the world, and Barça began Bobby celebrating with to make history. Mourinho and Ronaldo In addition to Ronaldo, there were other great players, like Luis Enrique, Giovanni, Stoichkov, De la Peña, Figo and the excellent Pizzi, the central character in that historic Barça comeback against Atlético de Madrid 5-4 at the Camp Nou in the return leg of the quarter-finals of the Copa del Rey.
Most Wednesday afternoon’s would be spent playing golf with him at RAF Bruggen. His regular trips to Bruggen served two purposes and I was never sure which one took priority. Obviously there was the relaxing afternoon of
The Madrid-based team had taken a 0-3 lead only to see the Blaugrana battle back to a 5-4 victory. During half time, Robson simply told his men:
And last Wednesday in the Catalan capital Barça TV dedicated a full day to celebrating the legacy that he left behind at the club. Robson, who had Mourinho as an assistant, joined Barcelona from Dutch side PSV. At the time I was posted to Bracht, an ammunition Depot on the German/Dutch border, where I was heavily involved in BAOR Football.
Aubameyang is Plan B for Real Madrid ... and Barça ubameyang may be spending the coming winter market in Real Madrid ... or in Barcelona.
The Arsenal striker, who’s contract ends in 2021, could be one of the bargains on the summer transfer market and could leave the London club for a figure of around 50 million euro. For Madrid, the priority is Haaland and for Barça, Inter Milan’s Lautaro, but if either plan A falls through, plan B could see Aubameyang join one or other of the two Spanish clubs. On March 23 the speculation was that Aubameyang had been offered to Real Madrid, but they told the footballer's agents at the time that the Arsenal striker would not be their first choice for the number 9 shirt. That position is currently held by Norwegian Haaland. Real confirm that they are looking for
an established striker, because two years without Cristiano have shown that Zidane's team is sadly lacking up front, something that they want to remedy as soon as possible, so Aubameyang could present a good opportunity . The Arsenal striker will have only one year left on his contract and his price would be around 50 million euros which in today’s market is not a fortune for a striker who holds the record for the best minutes per goal ratio in Premier League history However Barcelona also feel that Aubameyang could be a good fit and provides a great alternative to Lautaro Martínez, the priority to reinforce the Barca front line, but with a price tag of 111 million it is quite a lot more than the Catalan side wants to pay. Madid has approached several forwards who could be on the market in
the summer to complement Benzema, including Lautaro himself, but the Argentine made it quite clear that his priority is to team up with Messi at Barcelona, so Real Madrid pulled out of the bid. It is not the first time that Aubameyang has been on the Real Madrid radar, as they made enquiries when he was the star striker at Borussia Dortmund. Now his contractual situation at Arsenal makes him very attractive to the big European clubs, since he has refused to renew with Arsenal and has asked to leave this summer with only one year left on his contract. Aubameyang himself was negotiating with Barcelona during the last winter market but the London club convinced him to see the season out, so it will be this summer when his future is defined.
to Inter, PSG, Manchester United and, a few days ago, Real Madrid. They are now all trying to probe the final price of his transfer and the salary that the striker wants to receive.
Aubameyang has already been linked
Aubameyang says that he wants to
make a decision during the month of June, although the coronavirus crisis could delay the announcement of any transfer. However Arsenal are clear that they will sell to alleviate their financial problems.
Royal Ascot waiting for Government Green Light
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
World Boxing champ Tyson Fury and his wife Paris pulled no punches over Easter - to the delight of their children - who were presented with Easter eggs and a pizza delivery! Paris, 30, posted photos on Instagram with Easter eggs, saying: "Happy Easter everyone! My babies have already started on their eggs. "I've asked them why do we have celebrate Easter. They said 'Jesus birthday?' Well close enough #hehasrisen'." Fury, in isolation during the coronavirus lockdown at his Morecambe, home, had a pizza delivery worker reeling against the ropes - when given a £100 tip! Fury, 31, who defeated Deontay Wilder, in February, to take the WBC title, ordered a £500 pizza delivery for himself, Paris, her parents and their five children. Various pizzas, mixed grill platters, king prawns, steak and chicken wings were amongst the order and 25 cans of Diet Coke. Fury, who remained 2 metres distance as the order was placed at his front door, said: "We've got nothing else to spend our money on during lockdown!".
Easter rolls on for Furies - + Tyson spends £557 on pizza - & £100 tip By Andrew Atkinson Chief sports editor
Paris Fury posted pics of the Easter celebrations on Instagram
Royal Ascot's scheduled five day meeting is scheduled for June 16-20 and trainers and jockeys have welcomed the meeting to go ahead behind closed doors - deemed crucial to the industry. As reported by me last week, Royal Ascot would take place behind closed doors - if clearance was given by the government and the British Horseracing Authority. Royal Ascot 2020 behind closed doors is supported throughout the racing industry. Jockey Club racecourses cancelled meetings this month, in the wake of the coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic sweeping across the country. The Guineas scheduled May meeting and the Derby meeting in June have been postponed, at present. Racing in France has seen a re-scheduled programme put in place. In 2019 Royal Ascot was broadcast worldwide, to over 600 million people, including via Sky Sports, ITV and USA broadcaster NBC: "We fully support Royal Ascot. "We look forward to presenting an exciting week of races to horse racing fans in the US," said an NBC spokesperson. "Its been tough for English racing," said jockey Tom Marquand, who rode Addeybb to victory in the Group One Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Randwick, Sydney, on April 11.
Royal Ascot awaits Government green light for behind closed doors go-ahead BY ANDREW ATKINSON
With racing in parts of Australia continuing behind closed doors, Ascot awaits to see if the UK Government bodies will give the 2020 Royal Ascot meeting a 'behind closed doors' green light goahead amid COVID-19 lockdown.
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We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed retrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. Keep safe. Vivienne Shepherd Quesada Fitness Gym.
Ex United star Fellaini discharged from Chinese hospital after 3 weeks BY ANDREW ATKINSON
L E F T: F e l l a i n i s c o re d o n his debut for Shandong. B E L O W: F e l l a i n i re l e a s e f ro m h o s p i t a l
Ex-United star Fellaini discharged from Chinese hospital after three weeks COVID19 treatment Marouane Fellaini was discharged from a Chinese hospital on April 14 after spending three weeks being treated for COVID-19. Ex-Manchester United and Everton star Fellaini joined Shandong Luneng from United in February 2019 in a £10.4 million move from Old Trafford. Fellaini, 32, is the only player reportedly known to have contracted coronavirus in the Chinese Super League (CSL). Fellaini will spend 14 days in quarantine for further observation following his release from hospital.
A statement from Royal Ascot read: "To all our racegoers, participants and visitors.
Belgium international Fellaini revealed on March 22 he had tested positive for coronavirus, having returned to China, assuring he was feeling fine.
"The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) has announced (17th March) that racing will be suspended until the end of April due to the national coronavirus crisis."
While in hospital in the city of Jinan, Fellaini posted videos of himself on Instagram exercising in his room.
"Stay fighting, stay positive, stay brave, stay ambitious, stay strong, stay focused," said Fellaini. "Fellaini was assessed and was deemed to have recovered, and was discharged," Shandong said in a
brief statement. Wuhan, China, where the outbreak emerged in December, says that it has curbed the illness at home - but is worried about a second wave of infections from overseas.
Fellaini's positive test dealt a blow to the Chinese Super League's hopes of starting the season, after its February 22 start date was indefinitely postponed. Fellaini posted on Instagram: stay strong, stay brave.
637 227 385
Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020
AUGUSTA WILL BE A VERY DIFFERENT COURSE IN NOVEMBER Rory McIlroy hopes the ‘new dynamics’ of the Masters could led to a career Grand Slam There is no doubt that the US Masters, which should have been played over the Easter weekend but which is now rescheduled for 9-15 November, will have a very different feel to it on a long course that is going to play much longer, in the much cooler Augusta temperatures and on far slower greens because of the additional moisture. According to RORY McILROY, the Northern Irishman believes that it could also aid his bid to complete the career Grand Slam. He needs just the US Masters to complete his set of Major Championships and he is hoping that he can gain the Green Jacket with victory at Augusta in September. McIlroy did not add to his Major count in 2019. However, he ended his season by sealing the FedEx Cup on the PGA Tour following success in the Tour Championship at East Lake. The Northern Irishman has shown some good form around Augusta so it is a course he is very comfortable with.
Rory looking for a career Grand Slam It is the only major that he is yet to win and as a result of the rescheduled date he thinks that the new dynamics could possibly inspire a maiden Augusta victory. Of course it is not only the Masters that has been affected by the coronavirus lockdown. On March 12, the tour's main event, The Players Championship, was cancelled mid tournament. A number of other upcoming tournaments also bit the dust as the global pandemic had serious implications in golf, seriously affecting the calendars on both the European Tour and PGA Tour. Eleven European Tour events were called off in addition to the Open being cancelled, while the other three majors have all been rescheduled for the second half of the year. Social media can be a wonderful thing as the likes of Rory McIlroy are now able to get much closer to their supporters and to the golfing public. Such outlets can also enable many more live interviews and interactions and as the celebs are able to deal with approaches at times of their own choosing we can also get much more candid interviews and quotes. Speaking to Michelle Wie on an Instagram with Nike Golf, McIlroy was able to share just why he feels the Masters is so special, saying: ‘The Masters means so much. Obviously it’s the last major for me to win but, putting that aside, it is such a unique place, so
Rory lifts the Old Tom Morris Cup in Shanghai
INAUGURAL ARAMCO SAUDI LADIES INTERNATIONAL Historic Ladies European Tour event, the first-ever professional women’s golf tournament in the Kingdom, finds new date from 8-11 October The inaugural Aramco Saudi Ladies International presented by Public Investment Fund, the first female professional golf tournament to be played in Saudi Arabia, has been rearranged for 8-11 October, 2020, following
its postponement last month due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. A new date for the $1 million event at Royal Greens Golf & Country Club was agreed by tournament promoters and owners, Golf Saudi, and the Ladies European Tour (LET), which will see some of the world’s finest golfing talent arrive on Saudi shores for the historic occasion. The October tournament will be a watershed moment for the country and will mark the first time that professional female golfers have TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. The moon landing. (The Zeiss cameras were developed for NASA). 2. Vanessa. 3. All the numbers add up to 666, the so-called number of the devil 4. Mercury and Gemini. 5. The initials YKK are found on most zips. YKK (Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikigaisha) is the largest producer of zippers in the world. Have a look. 6. a. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
many great memories already. Any time you get to play at Augusta is a lot of fun. ‘November is going to be different, very cold, the course could play very long. It plays long already but it can play very long. The greens may not be as fast depending on the moisture. ‘I think it will be a different feel, it’s at the back end of the year. Two of the majors have already been played, hopefully the Ryder Cup’s already been played. People will be in their routine and in the flow a little bit more. ‘I always feel there’s this bit of anticipation going into Augusta, the first big event of the year. There’s all this hype. ‘I don’t think it will feel like that this year, it will feel different but it’s something I’m looking forward to. It’s going to be a different Masters this year but personally, maybe selfishly, that’s what I need to get the jacket.’ Michelle Wie, who at the age of 10, became the youngest player to qualify for a USGA amateur championship, also asked McIlroy about the Ryder Cup, which will be held at Whistling Straits, Kohler, Wisconsin, 22-27 Sept. ‘You’re not just playing for yourself, you’re playing for your team-mates, you’re playing for your country, you’re playing for a lot of different people,’ McIlroy said. ‘The Ryder Cup is the biggest and most intense atmosphere you can play under. If you can handle it, you can handle being in contention at the majors.’
played there competitively, breaking new ground in Saudi Arabia’s ongoing transformation as part of Vision 2030. The LET reiterated its commitment to visiting Saudi Arabia following recent developments and echoed Golf Saudi’s calls to ensure the inaugural tournament lives up to its billing. For information about Golf Saudi and the Aramco Saudi Ladies International presented by Public Investment Fund, please visit: www.golfsaudi.com/en-us/ladies-internationb. Dragonheart. c. Eragon. d. The NeverEnding Story. 7. Sonny Liston. 8. Israel. 9. Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins. 10. They are all original or former names. Tom and Jerry was the original name for Simon and Garfunkel. Arpanet was the original name for Internet, Mortimer was the original name for Mickey Mouse, Lexico was the original name for Scrabble and the Sears Tower is the former
name for the Willis Tower. 11. Walk, Don't Run. 12. a. Treasure Island. b. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. c. Frankenstein. 13. A Union Jack. (and a document claiming the moon was taken for Queen Victoria). 14. John Lennon. 15. Adolf Hitler. 16. John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon. 17. A fairy. 18. a: It rained. b: 1986. c: 1973. d: Charles I. e: 1914. 19. Ireland. 20. Athletes Foot.
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Monday 20th - Sunday 26th April, 2020