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Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
think that we have all been dismayed with the images shown by the British media in recent days, displaying the idiocy of day-trippers as they flocked onto Bournemouth beach,
leading to the overcrowding and the declaration of a ‘major incident’ by the beleaguered local council. Contrast this with the situation in Benidorm where, on one of the most popular beaches in
Europe, mayor Tony Perez and his team, together with local residents and holidaymakers, have provided a perfect example of discipline, good sense and regard, for the authorities in these difficult times, as they organised the popular shore-
line so that people could both enjoy their day at the seaside, while respecting the local rules and the welfare of adjacent bathers, who were also appreciating their day in the sun. Continued on Page 2
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
people continue to ignore the conditions they should be applying to the lockdown being relaxed.
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The avalanche of visitors to Bournemouth came after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a relaxation of de-escalation measures, and must surely have been expected by the local authorities, so how PM Johnson, Health Secretary, Matt Hancock and Bournemouth Council Leader, Vikki Slade, could blame everybody but themselves for the appalling scenes witnessed on the beaches and sandbanks at Bournemouth and it’s Sandbanks, beggars belief. After previous displays of meetings, gatherings and get-togethers across the whole country, all widely circulated during British lockdown, they must surely have seen it coming. How could British leaders be so naïve as to remotely believe that the public would heed their appeals to act responsibly, to stay away from the beaches and to social distance themselves? I’m afraid that Government ineptitude has trapped British people in a coronavirus twilight zone and I for one will not be too surprised to see a second spike if
Meanwhile in England the debacle prompted an extraordinary blame game as Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council came under fire from MPs and local community groups for failing to predict the influx and take preventative action. While mayor Susan Phillips, insisted it was the fault of day trippers travelling from further afield, accord-
vations to the agreement. Although "not all member states have responded" and some say that further consultations will be needed throughout Sunday, after analysing the positions that have been reached, the EU presidency plans to launch the formal procedure for the adoption of this agreement on Monday. The list of countries whose nationals will be the first to enter the EU includes Algeria, Australia, Canada, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, Georgia and China, although for China the lifting of the veto will be subject to reciprocity. This is a first list of countries, which will be reviewed periodically - probably every two weeks - to align it at all times with the health situation.
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Over 22 tonnes of rubbish was left behind by day trippers to Bournemouth
The Daily Telegraph published a video showing the contrast between the two municipalities of Bournemouth and Benidorm. On the one hand they exemplify the case of Benidorm, praising the measures that the City Council has been implementing in recent days, such as the reservation of plots to avoid crowds and the mandatory use of masks and footwear when accessing the sandbanks, while they were absolutely scathing toward the British authorities.
EU finalises agreement for reopening of external borders
The Twenty-seven have now agreed in principle on the criteria that countries, whose nationals will be allowed to travel into the European Union, must meet from Wednesday, July 1, when the block begins to allow limited opening to just fifteen countries. On Friday, the ministers of member states reached a "compromise agreement" on the criteria for choosing which countries will be able to resume travel to the EU. This proposal includes a list of fifteen countries, including China, Morocco and Australia, but it leaves out the majority, including the United States, Russia and Brazil, for fear of new outbreaks. However, the delegations saw it necessary to consult with their governments on the positions of each member state, so they were given until Saturday evening to submit comments or reser-
ing to the British press, the Dorset Police were “absolutely livid” with the council for failing to prevent the chaos. Of course, rather predictably, the Government refused to take any blame when asked if beaches should close, with a Number 10 spokesman telling a Westminster briefing: "It is for local authorities to manage numbers.”
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Charities in Spain are being “raped by the Spanish government”.
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020 “If the government did not take 21% in tax, the charities would be able to do much more.” David Young
By Tony Mayes These were the words of David Young, president of the Costa Blancabased charity Reach Out, when he learned that charities have to pay the 21% IVA tax imposed on businesses in Spain. He has been joined by Help at Home Costa Blanca in a campaign aimed at the government to treat charities in Spain in the same way as many other countries in Europe and make them tax exempt. Last year alone both charities coughed up almost 20,000 euros each – pouring it into Government coffers. When the tax money is added up among all the charities which operate in Spain the tax squeezed out of them runs into millions of euros. David met his opposite number for the charity Help at Home, Carmen Perez, this week to plan a course of action to put pressure on the Spanish government to change the rules. They want to hear from all charities so that they can join together to campaign for change. He said: “The situation is ridiculous. When a garment or sale item is originally made, IVA is paid on it. Then IVA is paid again when a retailer sells that item to a customer. The customer donates the item to a charity shop which again has to pay IVA on that very same item, which means that the government has collected tax on that item three times. It’s ridiculous.” Reach Out, based in Torrevieja, looks after the needy and the homeless, many of whom are referred to the charity from social services. The charity gives these people a hearty breakfast, lunch and a goody
bag to help them with food over the weekend. In addition they provide showering facilities, washing clothes, providing fresh clothes and shoes when required, as well as helping with their paperwork needs. Doing this work saves the state money, and if the government did not snatch 21% in tax, the charities would be able to do much more. The coronavirus alarm meant that the charity’s shop has been closed for three months, with not one cent of revenue coming in, but the need for help did not go away, in fact it increased. David commented: The Spanish government either doesn’t understand what charity is, or chooses not to. What they are doing is raping charities, taking money out of our bank accounts, forcing us to pay money which otherwise could be spent helping people in need. People donating their unwanted items to us do not expect that a quarter of the money we raise from the items is syphoned off for government to fritter away.” To be able to function legally charities have to form an Association, and then they are treated as a business. It is only since ex-pats began living in Spain that the concept of charity shops arrived in the country. By contrast, in Britain where charities have been around for decades, they are exempt from tax and council tax which enables them to do far more with the money they raise. Carmen commented: “Although we are not providing a service on behalf of local councils, we are helping many people in need, taking them to and from hospitals and doctors, doing shopping and numerous chores when they have no help from another source. It’s so sad that we had to give almost 20,000 euros to the government last year for no good reason. We are not a business, we are not doing work to make a profit but to help others and the government needs to understand that.” “Our volunteers give up their time to help the charity and to help people, not to become unpaid tax collectors,” she added.
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
3.1 Earthquake hits Los Montesinos TWO earthquakes hit Los Montesinos and surrounding areas on Saturday morning at 5.51am. The first 'quake that registered 3.1 on the Richter scale shook properties within the Vega Baja regions, followed by a smaller 'quake minutes later. It is the latest earthquake to hit the town of Los Montesinos, and surrounding areas, including San Miguel, Alhorfa, Quesada, Fuerte and Benijofar along with Torrevieja. "It was quite strong in Quesada, followed by another smaller one," said Heather Barnes. "It was also felt in Playa Flamenca," said Patricia Jinks.
No pre-booking necessary for use of Orihuela Beaches
Trucker dies close to La Finca Golf A trucker lost his life in a traffic accident on Wednesday morning at kilometre 7,600 of the CV-935 highway, a road close to La Finca Golf between Los Montesinos and Algorfa. The vehicle, which was carrying firewood, went off the road when trying to avoid a car that was travelling towards Algorfa this Wednesday morning. Although the health services were quickly on hand at the scene a spokesman said that he died while he was being rescued from the vehicle.
At the digital meeting organised by New Economy Forum, the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, pointed out that the reserves for Paradores, the state run hotels, are recovering and that the Network will be ready for reopening on Thursday June 25. "I encourage you to enjoy your holidays in Paradores, a very professional Network awaits you," said the minister, who
Torrevieja health department has launched its new Child-Adolescent Mental Health unit (USMIA) at the Acequión health center in Torrevieja. The centre opened on 1 June since when around twenty consultations a day have been carried out. Until now, this care was referred to the Vega Baja Hospital in Orihuela. Experts say that 50% of mental problems, such as schizophrenia and depression, appear before age 14.
The Municipal Council will also use 30 Local Police agents on bicycle and Jet Ski.
Three months after the start of the pandemic, when provincial hospitals first began to admit patients with coronavirus to their critical care units the ICU in Torrevieja Hospital is free of Covid-19 patients. Today there are only four patients admitted to critical care units, two of them in Vega Baja and a further two in the General de Elche hospital. Other hospital that are free of coronavirus patients in their ICU’s include the Alicante General Hospital, the Hospital de Sant Joan, together with those in Alcoy, Elda, Marina Baixa and Vinalopó.
The Orihuela Council announced that there will be no need to pre book by anyone wishing to use the 11 municipal beaches during the summer.
Orihuela reopens civic centres
Orihuela says that it will control its 11 beaches with cameras, without plots or time slots The municipality will rely exclusively on the 44 staff hired by the Generalitat
All supervision of the beaches will be carried out by the 44 staff that are being provided by the Valencian Generalitat, in addition to 30 local police agents who will be patrolling the coastline and providing assistance wherever they can. They will also be supported by the lifeguard and rescue service, and Protection Civil. The 44 staff hired by the Valencian Government will take up their posts on 1 July. Their purpose will be "to control social distancing, and to ensure compliance with hygiene and safety measures". The council said that the eleven coastal beaches, "are not going to be divided up, but cameras will be installed to control the general public who are urged to comply with current regulations and
apply good use and awareness." Security councillor, José María Pomares, said that "30 additional officers will be added to the policemen who are already working in Orihuela Costa. They will reinforce the night shift and bring back into use two Jet Ski’s, for rescue and first aid, that were discontinued 3 years ago because of costs. There will also be twelve officers on bicycles who will travel the coast to guarantee the safety of all residents and visitors." The councillor said that "we have fulfilled the commitment to resume a tradi-
tion of recent years in respect of safety by reintroducing two jet skis for rescue and first aid. In addition, we have also resumed a service that has been highly demanded by the residents of the coast, which is the policemen touring the area on bikes.” He added that "we want to ensure a feeling of well-being and security for all those who come to visit us, who will not only find some excellent beaches with 11 blue flags, but feel that they are in a safe space to enjoy themselves and to relax."
Paradores are reopening in Spain with discounts for over 55’s Reyes Maroto: "I encourage you to enjoy your holidays in Paradores"
New unit for youth & child mental health
ICU’s clear of Covid-19 patients
Let us pray La Siesta Evangelical Church in Torrevieja is pleased to announce that it will be reopening for morning service at 11.15 on Sunday 12 july. In accordance with our constitution we will hold services on 2nd , 4th and 5th Sunday each month at 11.15am. We hope that you will be able to come but please note that you must wear a face mask and hand sanitiser will be used on entry into the church where social distancing will be observed. Helen Tudor (Church Elder) Mob: 663 316 310
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added that the safety and hygiene protocols have been reinforced to the maximum. The objective of the public hotel
According to Paradores management, the number of the national tourists will be greater than in previous years. The hotels are often located in adapted castles, palaces, fortresses, convents, monasteries and other historic buildings. They add to the attractions of heritage tourism and provide uses for large historic buildings.
chain is to take extreme measures of cleaning and disinfection, and to become the safest tourist destination for employees and clients.
Reservations will increase in inland establishments, located in nature reserves, while demand will be lower in emblematic establishments, which depend
more on foreign tourists, such as the Parador de Granada, located inside the Alhambra complex. If in early June the turnover figures were around 60,000 euros per day, they rose to 700,000 after the announcement by the Prime Minister about the lifting of mobility restrictions and the opening of the borders for tourism. They have now reached one million euros after the announcement of the reopening of the Network next Thursday.
The mayor has announced the reopening of all Orihuela civic centres with immediate effect. Preventive measures, such as disinfecting mats, distance maintenance indicators, hydro-alcoholic gel dispensers and partitions have been installed and now that the municipality has entered the new phase of normality, and in response to the demand of the many different groups that carry out their activities, workshops and meetings in these centres, they have been reopened, complying with all security measures and guaranteeing public health”. All the groups that use the centres are being contacted to advise them of the new health procedures.
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Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
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Superleggera V4 001/500 delivered at Borgo Panigale Superleggera V4, the number 001 of 500, although I have always been a Ducatista, my legs trembled with emotion," said Filip Van Schil. "A welcome like this, even though I was the first to call and order the bike, is something unimaginable. Receiving it directly in the company and touching the passion of the people who work in Borgo Panigale is an experience that I will always remember. Days like this are what make Ducati unique and different from all the other motorcycle manufacturers."
For the occasion Ducati invited Van Schil to the Borgo Panigale factory for a special tour
It was Claudio Domenicali, CEO of Ducati Motor Holding, who unveiled the Superleggera V4 001, and then handed it over to its new owner. The ceremony took place inside the Centro Stile Ducati. Claudio Domenicali, Ducati CEO, personally delivered model number 001/500 and the certificate of authenticity of the Superleggera V4 to the lucky owner
ited run of just 500 units – has been officially delivered to its new owner, the Belgian Ducatista Filip Van Schil, who already possesses nine other Ducati bikes.
The number 001/500 model of the Ducati Superleggera V4 - the only motorcycle in the world homologated for road use with carbon fibre frame, swingarm and rims and produced by the Italian motorcycle manufacturer in a lim-
For the occasion Ducati invited Van Schil to the Borgo Panigale factory for a special tour, in which he was able to see up close the line where his motorbike was built and meet the specialized worker who made its engine. The day then continued with a visit to the company Museum, the Centro
Stile Ducati and the Racing Department. In addition, as with all the other Superleggera V4 owners, Filip will have an incredible opportunity to test the Panigale V4 R, which competes in the SBK World Championship, on the track at Mugello as part of the "Superbike Experience". "When I received the call and the official invitation to come to Borgo Panigale to collect my
"Today is a special day. Experiencing on the track in the morning the incredible emotions that a Superleggera V4 can give at Mugello, and then handing over the keys of the 001/500 motorcycle to the first customer in the afternoon makes this day truly magical! Being able to meet and see the passion of our customers in person is always very exciting, and even more so is making them proud and allowing their dreams to come true," said Claudio Domenicali.
Early Birmingham reg number to be auctioned Rare and very early registration number, O9 to be offered from a private individual Ninth registration to be issued from Birmingham First time on the open market for 70 years Silverstone Auctions are to offer the registration number “O9” at their The Silverstone Classic Live Online Auction on the 1st August. In January 1904 the Motor Car Act 1903 came into force requiring all motor vehicles to be entered onto an official register and to carry what we now know as a registration number. The country was divided up and Birmingham was designated with the letter O. The number 9 was an early issue in Birmingham, the ninth official registration. In 1949 the vendor’s father bought the registration “O9” for £5, a lot of money at the time and proudly displayed it on all of his Jaguars until he passed away. Saturday, August the 1st 2020 would have been the vendor’s father’s 100th birthday, so it seems only fitting that his registration “O9” will be offered for sale on this very day. Nick Whale, Silverstone Auctions Managing Director commented: “Following on from our last and very successful first live online auction in May, we are very excited to be offering this early registration number. The vendor’s father was very proud to have this displayed on his cars and we are honoured to be selling it on the family’s behalf. Early numbers don’t often come up and this is one of those that will generate a lot of interest” Silverstone Auctions are at: enquiries@silverstoneauctions.com
he first shipment of Polestar 2 customer vehicles has arrived in Europe. The Belgian transport hub in Zeebrugge received the shipment which is awaited in anticipation by thousands of new Polestar owners in Sweden and Norway. Handovers are scheduled for August.
Polestar is an electric peformance car brand unlike any other
Vehicles for customers in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK are following closely behind as delivery ramps up to meet customer demand. Deliveries to customers in Switzerland will take place later in 2020. “This is a big moment,” comments Thomas Ingenlath, Polestar CEO. “We are one step closer to getting Polestar 2 to our first customers in Europe. The arrival of this first shipment is proof of just how committed we are to our customers and how our operations are working at high efficiency around the world.”
from home or at a number of test drive events to be held in the future.
Despite being digital-first, the brand is also looking to change the face of automotive retail, rolling out physical Polestar Spaces across launch markets this summer.
“At last, the public will be able to experience just how fantastic Polestar 2 is to drive,” continues Thomas Ingenlath. “Once you‘ve tried the progressive electric driving experience, there is no going back.”
Staffed by non-commissioned Polestar Specialists, Spaces will be where customers can test drive Polestar 2.
The vehicles that have just landed in Zeebrugge will be transported by road to a central hub in Belgium for a final preparation process and check procedure before heading onwards to their destination markets.
Test drives can be booked online or in person, and may also be conducted
637 227 385
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
GOODBYE KING OF THE MAX FAREWELL KING OF THE MAX, the great WT. - You will always be remembered Quote: 'Willie will be a great loss. Myself, Jimmy White and Steve Davis can't believe we won't see him again. Rest In Peace, Willie. You will never be forgotten' - John Virgo
WILLIE Thorne's memorial service in Orihuela Costa on June 24 was attended by his three children, daughter Tahli and twin sons Tristan and Kieran, who had all boarded a flight from the UK to be present at the Cristo Resucitado Church in La Zenia, for the service by Pastor Keith Brown. Snooker star Thorne, 66, who lived in Villamartin, died from sepsis shock on June 17 in Torrevieja hospital, where he had been undergoing chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia, which had been previously diagnosed in March.
Flowers were also sent from the WPBSA, represented by BBC TV commentator, John Virgo.
In our Spain there are 13 active coronavirus outbreaks across the country. In Aragรณn, Fernando Simรณn announced that there are more than 250 cases that have been detected so far in the four Aragonese regions, that this week had to return to phase 2 of the de-escalation due to spikes in infections.
Pastor Keith thanked the family for attending their father's memorial service. His wife Jill Saxby, from whom he had separated from last year was not present. Thorne's friend of 50 years and snooker colleague John Virgo was present and read a Eulogy from the altar. Thorne's coffin, which is to return to the UK, was surrounded by flowers; with a 147 symbol, in tribute to his career on the green baize, known as 'Mr Maximum'.
Outbreak in Murcia In Murcia there has been an outbreak of infected people related to a flight from Bolivia involving 19 cases. There are also 60 people in quarantine, all friends and family. The Canary Island of Fuerteventura, also has people in isolation, the 25 positive migrants who arrived by boat.
"Thank you to the family for coming to Spain. Here to celebrate a wonderful life he lived," said Pastor Keith.
John said: "When we were doing Pot Black they were looking for a good looking player, and Willie beat me to it. 'A GREAT LOSS' "It was Willie who was the good looking one. "Willie will be a great loss to those he has left
Almost 10 million infections & 500,000 deaths from the virus worldwide
There are 13 active COVID-19 outbreaks across Spain.
Flowers adorned the altar and beside Thorne's coffin, was the simple message 'Farewell King of the Max the great WT'. And WILLIE.
"Thanks also to Willie's snooker colleague John Virgo for reading a Eulogy for the family."
Globally, there have been 9,558,121 positive cases of coronaviruses and 489,065 fatalities. A total of 4,804,145 people have managed to overcome the virus. The most affected country is still the United States, followed by Brazil. Third place varies according to infections and fatalities: infections is Russia and deaths, the United Kingdom.
"Let's pray and pause in a solemn moment with the Catholic version of the Lord's prayer. A solemn moment for Willie Thorne, to go into God's care. Our brother Willie Thorne.
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behind. We will miss his jokes, and he could joke could Willie.
Patient zero on the run
"Back in the days when we started out as professional in snooker it was different to what it is now."
'Dancing In the Sky' was sung by Julie O'Neill, who had cared for Thorne during the last three months: "Willie wore his heart on his sleeve. Rest In Peace," said O'Neill.
He added: "I cannot believe that I am here today at the church, saying all this. RIP Willie. You will never be forgotten."
After Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd; and prayers were said for Thorne's family. Followed by The Lord's Prayer.
Pastor Keith then read a poem for Thorne's children: "When tomorrow comes without me...I know how much you love me, and you know how much I love you.
Paul Michael, a friend of Thorne's was unable to attend, but sent a recording of the song: 'Bring Me Home'. A closing song was hit, 'Snooker Loopy' by Chas and Dave, that Thorne sang, along with Steve Davis, Dennis Taylor, Terry Griffiths and Tony Meo; played, as his coffin was taken from the church.
"Don't think we are far apart. I am with you in my heart." Thorne's Memorial service celebration was missing many snooker colleagues and friends from the UK, due to the coronavirus and the 14 days isolation they would have faced, on returning home. The service saw a limited number of just 80 people in attendance, including The Leader chief sports editor Andrew Atkinson, due to the coronavirus situation. All wore face masks. Nessum Dorma by Luciano Pavarotti opened the service, with Virgo, friend Alan Ticknall and carer and friend Julie O'Neill, reading Eulogies after the opening prayer.
Stevie Spit, Spain's leading entertainer and singer, was also in attendance, paying his final respects to his friend Thorne. Thorne's coffin was placed into a funeral hearse, watched by his children and attendees, that also included friend and golfing pal Mark Roe, who had travelled from Mijas, Spain. "I've known Willie for 50 years. We went round the world together. He will be a great loss to those he left behind," said Virgo. "Willie was a soft-hearted man. And I, together with Jimmy White and Steve Davis still can't believe we won't see him again. "Rest In Peace, Willie. You will never be forgotten," added Virgo.
The individual who caused the coronavirus outbreak in the town of Navalmoral de la Mata, Caceres, in Extremadura, where there are now 20 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 30 other people who are in quarantine, has escaped from isolation. Security forces are currently seeking his whereabouts.
Infections at Valencia Meat Company In Valencia, the CEO of a meat company in the town of Rafelbunyol with 600 employees, and where 6 employees have tested positive for the virus, has assured the local authority that the contagion has not occurred in the workplace, but that the employees have brought it from outside.
Malaga Red Cross In Malaga, the outbreak in a Red Cross reception centre now has 89 confirmed cases, according to the Andalusian Govt, a figure that Fernando Simรณn said is "a very serious outbreak "that worries the Ministry of Health. However, he stressed that infected people are all in confinement.
Commission to investigate ‘La Paloma’ shambles The building that was to be used as an auditorium has been unfinished for 19 years with the Council now also having to pay 3 million euros to compensate loss of income from the underground car park. The residents of Pilar de la Horadada have been waiting 19 years for the completion of the Cultural Auditorium, christened as “La Paloma." Now, the council is to create a "Commission of Enquiry" that will find out what really happened with the building, so that it can correct responsibilities at all levels." Although it will have no legal powers, the plenary session, to be held on Friday,
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Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
will debate on the establishment of an investigative commission to report on the Cultural Centre, with the intention of it being able to determine and report on negligence or irregular public activities, according to the spokesman for the council, Rufino Lancharro .
By Andrew Atkinson
can make use of what is built - the parking lot and the access area on the ground floor, although there are said to be many deficiencies.
Guardia Civil now take Denuncias online Denuncias may now be submitted to the The Civil Guard has launched the online complaints system which now enables members of the public to report a number, but not all, criminal acts. The e-Complaints form can be accessed from the website link: https://e-denuncia. guardiacivil.es/eDenuncia/index.faces Reports can be made relating to the loss or the finding of documentation or effects; vehicle theft; theft from vehicle interiors; other thefts (abduction without
violence or intimidation) and damages without knowledge of the perpetrator. At this stage it is not possible to use the form to report crimes in which there has been physical violence to persons or effects for which the author or authors are known. Once the complaint has been processed through the submission of the eComplaint, the individual will have three days to go to the Civil Guard Unit to which they are directed, where the com-
Owlet recovering after Montesinos rescue
The commission will be made up of the Mayor, acting as chairman, together with four members of the PP municipal group, two members of the PSOE municipal group, 1 member of the CS municipal group and 1 member of the VPP municipal group. The commission may invite specialist as required, although they will have no vote. The municipality has also commissioned a report on the future of the current building, in order to determine whether it should be demolished or whether they
plaint will be ratified.
An Owlet with an injured wing found in Los Montesinos is recovering at the Santa Faz recovery centre in Alicante - thanks to the local police. "One of the areas we cover is the environmental protection section and after the owlet was found with a damaged wing we called the Santa Faz recovery centre in Alicante to collect it," said a spokesperson from Policia Local de Los Montesinos.
However, if the person wishes to validate the report in a different police station than the one selected, they can do so by providing the reference number shown on the e-Report.
"We hope that the owlet has a speedy recovery," they added.
Members of the public who use this method will have preferential attention once they have validated their complaint, to other people who report crimes of the same type. In this way they will avoid unnecessary waiting.
Cover it and put it into a box with holes in it and place it in a quite and dark place. It must not be fed.
If you find an injured bird treat it carefully, and be aware of its beak and claws.
In Spain every Comunidad has a Wildlife Recovery Centre and Regional details are online.
Endangerment of certain species of bird of prey is common, with causes of deaths diverse and differ, from one region to another. Hunting is a problem, especially with firearms, along with raiding nests and using traps. Destruction of natural habitat, through construction, including highways, landscape modification and aggressive deforestation are also issues. The use of chemical products, such as insecticides used commonly in agriculture are also dangers. Indirect deaths are caused, due to collisions with power lines, from electrical shocks when the birds stand on a wire in some cases. Poison is another danger, with most game preserves using poison to reduce the number of predators, including foxes and weasels - then eaten by birds of prey.
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
ing the end in a mammoth fireball again it created real fear and unrest amongst the people.
There is nothing to fear but fear itself!
They are just two examples of terror being created by two fictional stories. Nonetheless in the 1970’s a story went around that the World was going to run out of oil. This probably originated from exploration in the North Sea when it was discovered some of the proposed oil wells were dry. However, the falsehood continued to grow and created unrest into the eighties with people being certain there would be no fuel for living, or their cars, within the decade.
One of the horrors of life is to live in fear and yet regularly, for one reason or another, that is what we do. There are the little doubts as we make our way through a day that causes some form of heart ache and the discomfort leading to being frightened of the outcome. But there are certain bodies that are so determined to get their way, they create uncertainty and generate a situation or make up a story deliberately so that people become frightened. There are many examples of this and by some form or another a falsehood is formed which sends the world into a frenzy, the latest example ‘Climate Change’ drummed into us on a daily basis like some form of comedians catch phrase. But first let us look at other events which have turned out to be fiction or a story deliberately made to frighten people. It happens regularly. In the nineteen thirties there were two films; this was at a time when there was little news and when the populace was not so educated in world affairs as now.
Once more there was unrest that the world was coming to an end. The funny thing was the following year it rained for most of the year refilling the rivers and streams.
They were both shown in America before being made available worldwide, one was ‘Quatermass.’ This was a horror film portraying the end by a creepy forming mass spreading across the land, climbing over tall buildings and its tentacles finding their way into people’s homes, under doors and around windows - devouring people and destroying everything in a jelly type mass.
One of the biggest lies about catastrophes were the rumours spread by the people in the IT world, that computers would not be able to cope at the turn of the century when we moved into the year 2000.
The second was ‘The War of the Worlds’ describ-
Angels Trumpet ‘A showstopper’ but toxic
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Graphic courtesy of: unsplash.com
Before that there were two short periods when people started worrying about the state of the globe. In 1962 there was a very severe winter, white fluffy stuff was piled high and it was difficult to go out of your house; ice and snow everywhere and bitterly cold - everyone was convinced a new ice age was coming. The opposite happened in 1976 when it was very hot and grass lands started to burn, also the peat in the ground. Streams dried up and the level in rivers was very low, including the water storage systems.
It was believed by those who saw it. There was screaming in the streets as the fear spread and a demand on the Government on how they were going to prevent it from happening.
It was said Power Stations would shut down and aeroplanes would fall out of the sky at the hour of midnight when all the systems would fail to operate because the digital machines would not recognise the row of zeros in the new date. There were some who woke up the following morning and were surprised to discover everything still worked. The fear of ‘Global Warming’ has been with us for
a long time with pictures of the ice and the snow at the Poles melting. Throughout the time it has been around there has also been conflicting views from other knowledgeable persons, journalists and scientists saying the opposite. When it was no longer possible to prove the World was warming the catch phrase turned to ‘Climate Change’ which is a bland kind of statement and meaningless as the Climate changes on a regular basis. But it was not enough for some people to just preach the possibility of a changing environment. They needed to go further and involved the youth of the World creating fear amongst our children. Instead of young person’s being located in classrooms studying about living and all its complica-
tions they are being taught the planet is coming to an end and their lives are not worth living … there can be no greater fear than that. Now there is the spectacle of youngsters going on worldwide television bemoaning the loss of their dreams whilst others gather in large groups helping to destroy the planet with the rubbish they discard whilst chanting words saying just the opposite. An orchestrated myth and in itself doing more harm to the planet with its carbon footprint and the garbage it leaves behind. www.percychatteybooks.com www.fuentelargo.com
The Angels Trumpet is a 'show-stopper' with their hanging bugle-shaped flowers of the angel's trumpet, depicting colours of white, peach, pink, orange, or yellow.
The flowers produce a strong, fragrant scent, aromas being strongest at night. Although pruning is not required, a regular trimming will produce constant flowers.
Grown, either as a woody shrub or small tree, in pots or in direct soil, the Angel Trumpet matures between six to 20 feet tall and 10 to 15 feet wide, dependent on the variety.
If you grow Angeles Trumpet in a pot, water well and often, making sure enough drainage is obtained to save waterlogging. As long as the soil appears moist and there is no wilting, the plant will be fine.
Requiring full sun, with afternoon shade in warmer climates, such as Spain, it will flower throughout the year on the Costa Blanca in our warm climate.
The toxic Angels Trumpet is also known as the 'Trumpet of Death', due to the plant being toxic - exposure can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, gloves should be worn when handling the plant, and be cautious if you have children or animals.
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Despite easing of lockdown restrictions in Spain, Torrevieja almost a ghost town By Andrew Atkinson in Torrevieja
Blue Flag raised over La Mata Beach once again
The mayor about to raise La Mata’s Blue Flag
Following the re-opening of Torrevieja beaches the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, has said that everyone seems to be very understanding and respectful of the special situation we are experiencing and of the measures that have been put in place to guarantee maximum safety for bathers.
In flying the blue flag it will join five other Torrevieja beaches in Cala Piteras, Los Náufragos, El Cura, Los Locos and Cabo Cervera, certifying the quality of the services provided on the beaches and coves of Torrevieja.
A handful of people were in the sea - and sunbathing in designated marked out A deserted Torrevieja promenade areas - along with a trickle walking on Torrevieja as the Torrevieja summer season gets promenade, as temperatures rocketed underway. to 30 degrees. Few people basked in the sun and venTorrevieja, with a population of tured into the sea, in the wake of the 100,000, attracts thousands of holidaySpanish Government moving into the makers annually during the summer final phase of coronavirus travel months. restrictions, both in Spain and the UK. One of the jewels in the crown of the
The bars, restaurants, cafes and ice cream parlours were mostly deserted
He made the statement on the occasion of the raising of the blue flag on the beach of La Mata on Tuesday, which will fly for the coming summer season after having been lost in 2019.
Despite the easing of lockdown restrictions in Spain and British and other nationalities able to book flights to the sun the Costa Blanca south of Torrevieja was almost a ghost town on June 23.
Costa Blanca south. The promenade, usually packed to the rafters this time of year, overlooks the golden sandy beaches, with a plethora of restaurants and bars.
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Flights returned on June 21, from the UK to Spain, including to AlicanteElche airport. However the return to 'normal times' appears to be missing - despite the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown travel measures easing - at present.
The flags endorse the all year round care and maintenance of the beaches, and serve to recognise the work that the council’s Department of Beaches, led by Antonio Vidal, and the continuous improvement of their quality and the service provided to the thousands of users who enjoy them every day.
The mayor said that it has been very important for Torrevieja to recover the blue flag at La Mata beach, the largest in the town, and which has also had a completely new promenade paid for by the Provincial Coastal Service.
Turtles returned to sea on World Marine Turtle Day By Andrew Atkinson Turtles have been released back into the sea by The Marine Rescue Centre at Valencia in celebration of the World Marine Turtle Day on June 16, also honouring the Health service workers in Spain during COVID-19. Five turtles - named Malilla, Geni, Malvarrosa, Arni and Peset - were released into the sea, having been housed at the Marine Rescue Centre, while they were nursed back to full health.
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
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DISTANT DREAMS Now might not be the best time to travel, but what we can do is dream, plan and save money for a holiday in the future, when things are more amenable for us to travel. There are so many wonderful places to see and travel to in Spain, like Madrid, Seville, Granada or the many different Coastlines in Almeria and on the Costa del Sol. But if you fancy a bit of adventure then maybe Countries like India, Africa or Thailand might do it for you. Let's consider Thailand as it is a different sort of adventure. It's great not to base yourself in one place but maybe travel around to 4 or 5 different areas as it is the best way to see this diverse, cultural and beautiful Country. A lot of people think that this sort of adventure is for younger people – but is
isn’t, as a lot of older people find the Transportation system in Thailand very easy to use and inexpensive. The key is to plan and research the places you want to go. The Internet, YouTube and Travel Books are ideal for this. Bangkok is the Capital with a stunning Palace and many awesome Temples that the local’s call Wats. The ideal way to see some of these is by River Boat as some are very close to pier Stops – and it is a great experience to travel down the river while sightseeing. Also a trip down the river at night is a lovely way to end the day, as the lighting of the Palace and Temples is spectacular. The architecture of the Grand Palace and the Wats is truly remarkable and so beautiful. Remember that when you visit these places you have to be moderately dressed, especially the women who must cover their knees and shoulders.
If you are not dressed appropriately you will have to purchase suitable clothing on site. Shoes that are easy to put on and off are a must as you have to take them off when going inside any Wat. If you enjoy visiting Temples you can organise yourself with a trip to Ayutthaya, which is an ancient Temple site in the old Capital, about 85k north outside Bangkok. On the same trip there are several sites of such Temples to be visited that are ancient ruins, and it is inspiring to see how they were made many years ago without the modern construction tools of today. Bangkok is not just about Temples as there are plenty of Shopping Centres for those who like to “shop until they drop”. These are modern Shopping Malls that sell everything from Designer Labels and down, to Shopping Malls such as MKB that specialise in “copy” products. Bangkok roads are among the busiest in the world with thousands of scooters, cars and not forgetting the constant streams of Tuc Tuc’s, an experience not to be missed. Try and take a video of your companion getting out of one, as getting out can be hilarious. So after a few nights in this busy, exciting, and awesome city, where next? One of the Islands, or the Kwai Bridge in land, or a visit to the jungle. Maybe an Island to relax for a week before you undertake your next adventure. Koh Samui is South of Bangkok and can be reached by plane to the Island, or you can fly to Surat Thani and catch the ferry across to Samui. The cheapest way is to go on the sleeper train to Surat Thani and get the ferry across. First class around 50 euros. Kok Samui is the second largest Island, palm fringed white beaches and dense mountainous rainforest. Located on a tiny Island connected by a causeway is Wat Pra Yai Temple, where there is a 12m tall golden Big Buddha. Fisherman’s night Market and the enchanted Garden are but a few places to visit or just soak up the sun on the beaches.
Terra Mítica will not reopen until 2021 THE TERRA MÍTICA THEME PARK IN BENIDORM has announced that it will not to return to activity this year and has postponed its reopening until 2021 due to the current situation. In a statement, the company says that the complex will take advantage of it’s closure during the coming months to "improve its facilities" with the aim of "guaranteeing" an even better experience if the future for all who visit it. The statement says that, "next year, Terra Mítica will return, having been converted into a macro
resort for luxury leisure and excellent fun." On March 13 the Santa-Maria Group made public its decision to close the theme park due to "responsibility and commitment to our customers and employees". The Terra Natura Benidorm nature and animal park (Alicante) has reopened its doors today, Monday after being closed since March and has welcomed its first visitors with applause, posters and security measures such as taking temperatures and the use of marks. Water parks are the leisure centres that have already set the start date for the summer cam-
Everywhere you go there are cooking classes. Thai food is so tasty it's great to learn how to cook it so that you are able to carry on having these wonderful, tongue tantalizing tasty meals when you get back home. The Island boasts many beautiful beaches with turquoise, clear waters. Luxury Hotels are a plenty down to budget hotels and hostels. Mega nightlife if you want it or quiet secluded places if you want peace and quiet, it has it all. Thailand has a rainy season; this differs to where you go so be sure to check it out. 4 to 7 days here and you can be off again. Where to next?
By Linda Bentley
The flight of the Phoenix, Terra Mitica
paign. Aquópolis Cullera plans to reopen on 1 July, but with limited capacity, and on the same day so will Aquópolis Torrevieja and Segóbriga Park (Segorbe) be launched. Aquarama, in Benicàssim will reopen 3 days
later on 4 July. Meanwhile, Aqualandia will reopen on 3 July, Iberia park on 6 July, while Terra Natura and Aqua Natura in Benidorm will both reopen on 16 July
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Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Corvera Airport to reopen 1 July
Cruise industry takes a devastating ‘hit’ from Covid 19 Andrew Atkinson reports on Cruiseliners reeling as COVID-19 hits ports - including Cartagena, Seville and Barcelona CRUISELINER companies are reeling following the coronavirus pandemic that has hit ports including Cartagena, Seville and Barcelona in Spain. Cruises scheduled to arrive at the Murcian port were stopped in March after COVID-19 lockdown laws were introduced by the Government. Cartagena is a naturally deep and sheltered Mediterranean port surrounded by five hills, dating to 227 B.C., when the Carthaginians first arrived. It has been governed by Romans (Hannibal, with his army & elephants, stopped there on their military march across the Alps to Rome), ruled by Arabs and re-conquered in the 13th century by Ferdinand III for his Kingdom of Castile.
The departure hall of The Jewel of the Seas
Corvera Airport in Murcia
moored in Cartagena earlier this year same March-May period in 2019, as bookings dried up and the corporation’s cruise lines suspended sailings after severe outbreaks onboard its ships.
after collaboration with both government and health authorities, in a phased manner, with specific ships and brands returning to service over time.
British subsidiaries P&O and Cunard, have cancelled operations until at least the autumn. Carnival hopes some business will resume from late summer, with $475m taken in bookings for 2020 sailings.
The first cruise holidays to return will be from a selected number of easily accessible homeports, rather than the fly-cruise market, and that its fleets will be smaller, they said.
It retains a total of $2.6bn in customers’ cash, with many having accepted vouchers for future sailings.
Carnival had raised more than $6.6bn this year in bonds and share issues to boost its liquidity after saying that the sector may never fully recover, having been centre stage during the early pandemic.
Many ships with crew remaining onboard remain offshore - unable to dock - because of restrictions imposed by governments. Carnival said 21,000 employees were still on its ships, about a quarter of its crew, but it expected to return most of them home by the end of June.
British cruiseline company Cruise and Maritime Voyages said on June 16 it was in emergency talks with prospective investors and lenders after a potential loan deal collapsed.
Cartagena's wealth of archaeological sites has been a magnet for Cruiseliners with passengers able to explore its many Phoenician, Roman, Byzantine and Moorish ruins, being one of Spain's jewels.
The company warned it would face ongoing operating and administrative costs of about $250m per month once all of its ships are in paused status. Only 61 of more than 100 ships in the fleet have so far managed to reach harbour.
Five cruise ships in Essex and Bristol have been detained over concerns for the welfare of crews, of which some had been on board for over a year. The ships are in contravention of the Maritime Labour Convention, said the MCA.
One cruiseliner that has suffered from the coronavirus outbreak is Carnival with losses of $4.4bn (£3.6bn) in three months.
The group plans to sell six cruise ships, which cost between $500m and $1bn new, as it seeks to adjust to an uncertain future.
Revenues dropped to $700m from $4.8bn for the
Carnival said it expects to resume guest operations,
Owned by Global Cruise they were in the middle of cruises when they had to sail back to the UK due to the coronavirus pandemic and many crew were unable to return home, due to travel restrictions.
The Region of Murcia International Airport will resume normal operations at Corvera Airport from 1 July, coinciding with the reopening of borders and an increase in air traffic demand. This decision was announced by the Ministry of Development and Infrastructure to the General Directorate of Civil Aviation of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. The Minister, José Ramón Díez de Revenga, also announced that the regional executive has requested a reduction in airport charges by the AENA concessionaire to encourage operations at the regional airport, in order to assist with the reactivation of flights after the COVID-19 pandemic. Díez de Revenga said that, despite the restrictions of the state of alarm, the International Airport has been operating in receiving emergency flights, maintaining the same operating hours but reducing the numbers of personnel. Specific actions taken prior to the resumption of flights include the installation of signage for distancing, control of seats, distribution and sale of face masks, limitation of access for those not travelling.
Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next
meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st July followed by a ‘Secret Auction’. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- gill.burden20@gmail.com Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966.
Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre helpathomecb@gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits@outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at: oc.communitycare@gmail.com
Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30
am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966
Dolores dedicates a monument to the artichoke The municipality of Dolores has erected the sculpture of an artichoke, what they describe as the star of the traditional garden, on a new roundabout leading to the town centre.
Mayor Joaquín Hernández (PSOE) explained that the project was hatched about three years ago
The municipality started the project three years ago, prior to DANA and the health crisis, when it engaged Manuel Gomáriz, at a cost of 17,000 euros. The sculpture is now being placed in the centre of a new roundabout, itself costing 112,000 euro, on the road that connects Dolores with San Fulgencio. Mayor Joaquín Hernández (PSOE) explained that the project was hatched about three years ago following an
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idea submitted by local business associations and citizens groups, with the aim of giving the Dolores artichoke a reference image. Annual production of the vegetable is between 25,000 and 30,000 tons, although most of last year’s production along the Segura River was lost due to the DANA floods, especially in Dolores, San Fulgencio, Daya Nueva, Daya Vieja and Guardamar. This is not the first roundabout in the country adorned with an artichoke sculpture. A roundabout leading into Benicarló (Castellón) also has a monument dedicated to the product.
752 543 / 617 215 www.icatorrevieja.org
Personal Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time
637 227 385
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Four executives of Spain’s Chinese bank ICBC guilty of money laundering Between 3 and 5 months in prison and a fine of 22.7 million euros, this is the agreement that the four former directors in Spain of the Chinese bank ICBC have reached with the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office to end the proceedings against them for a crime of money laundering amounting to 90 million euros. The agency has revealed details of the trial of four ex-directors, and employees of ICBC Spain, which was held before the Second Section of the Criminal Chamber of the National Court, but that was closed with a compliance agreement. The defendants have accepted the prison terms requested by the public prosecutor, of between 3 months and one day and five months, together with fines amounting to 22,729,158, 71 euros, an amount that has already been paid. The case started in 2016 , investigating the alleged laundering of 90 million euros from the Chinese mafia between 2011 and 2014. Chinese nationals would physically come to Spain carrying their cash remittances in backpacks, bags and boxes. The money would be credited to their company or personal accounts from where it was transferred a short time later, back to China. The ICBC functioned as a channel for the laundering of illicit funds originating in the shadow economies of tax fraud and smuggling, by criminal organizations. The bank was trying to hide the massive payments in its accounts, reducing the monies into amounts below the threshold of 50,000 euros requiring mandatory declaration, a practice that would have allowed to hide from the authorities the transfers abroad.
The defendants avoided jail by paying a fine of 22 million euro When they became aware of the police and judicial inquiries regarding a large group of clients, the bank carried out several manoeuvres to conceal transactions and transfers. Earlier this year, the National Court judge Ismael Moreno removed the Luxembourg-based ICBC European subsidiary from the investigation, stating that the alleged criminal practices were practiced through ICBC Spain, "never ICBC Luxembourg" .
Monthly Number of ATM Transactions in the UK Plunged by 40% Year-on-year Reaching 110.4 Million in May
he surge in the online payments amid coronavirus lockdown has caused a massive hit on the ATM transactions in the United Kingdom. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of the physical currency among the Britons was in decline. However, with consumers staying at home amid coronavirus lockdown, ATM transactions hit the deepest point in years. According to data gathered by BuyShares, the monthly number of ATM transactions in the United Kingdom plunged by 40% year-on-year reaching 110.4 million as of May. Value of ATM Cash Withdrawals Dropped Almost 45% in Six Months In December 2019, the monthly number of ATM transactions in the United Kingdom amounted to 204.24 million, revealed Statista and VocaLink data. In the next two months, this figure dropped to 180.99 million. However, with the coronavirus lockdown rules in place, the number of ATM transactions plunged to 154.93 million in March, a 33% fall year-on-year. The downsizing trend continued in the second quarter of 2020, with the number of transactions reaching 110.43 million in May. Statistics also show that, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the value of ATM
withdrawals in the United Kingdom plummeted to the deepest level during the period under observation. In December 2019, the monthly value of cash withdrawals from ATMs that belonged to the LINK cash machine network in the United Kingdom amounted to £9.9bn. In the next two months, this figure fell to £8.2bn, a usual drop in the first two months of the year. However, with millions of Britons locked inside their homes amid COVID19 pandemic, the monthly value of withdrawals plunged to £7.4bn in March, almost £2.8bn decrease year-onyear. The downsizing trend continued in the last two months with the amount falling to £5.6bn in May, a 45% dive compared to the same month a year ago. ATM`s Fall in the United Kingdom Besides a significant drop in the number and the value of monthly ATM transactions, recent years have also witnessed a decrease in the combined number of cash machines operating in the United Kingdom. In the second quarter of 2016, Britons could use more than 70,100 ATMs across the country. Since then, the number of cash machines has dropped by more than 10,500, totalling approxi-
mately 60,000 in the first quarter of 2020. Analyzed by operators, Cardtronics represents the market leader with over 17,500 ATMs as of December 2019.
Statistics show that NoteMachine is the second-largest operator in the country with more than 10,500 cash machines. NatWest and PayPoint follow with nearly 7,000 and 4,000 ATMs, respectively.
Police warn of scammers as bars & restaurants re-open By Andrew Atkinson The National Policia and local police have flagged up warnings of 'scammers' - out to steal personal items in the wake of bars and restaurants reopening amid COVID-19 easing of restrictions. Across Spain, from Benidorm to Benijofar, amongst Alicante Regional areas, scammers are once again approaching diners to purchase items. Arrests by the National Policia have been made. Scammers include approaching diners, simulating they cannot speak, or hear, placing what appears to be official documentations, with the hope of receiving a donation. It has been known, when they return to collect their items from diners' tables, they also 'lift' personal belongings - including handbags and mobile phones. Scammers have been active within Los Montesinos - where handbags were stolen from the back of a chair - Benijofar, San Miguel and throughout Torrevieja, amongst other provinces, both prior to and since the COVID-19 lockdown. Scammers are also active along the promenade in Torrevieja.
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
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ANSWERS Week 820
ACROSS 1. Paunch (11) 9. Aged (3) 10. Widespread (9) 11. Experiences (5) 13. Reconstruct (7) 14. Deny (6) 16. Particular (6) 18. Varnish (7) 19. Manifest (5) 20. Niggard (9) 21. Regret (3) 22. Mortal foe (6,5) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 22
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 15. 17. 19. 21.
Strange (3) Squeeze (5) Withdraw (6) Logical (7) Bring about (9) Dreary (11) Correspond (4,1,6) Striking (9) Crammed (7) Clever (6) Frequently (5) Edge (3)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Road; 3 Conflict; 9 Cabinet; 10 Impel; 11 Compensation; 13 Encamp; 15 Severe; 17 Headquarters; 20 Extra; 21 Sweeten; 22 Formerly; 23 Oral. DOWN: 1 Ricochet; 2 Album; 4 Obtuse; 5 Fainthearted; 6 Implore; 7 Talk; 8 Intermediate; 12 Personal; 14 Creator; 16 Mussel; 18 Enter; 19 Deaf. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Dill; 3 Misplace; 9 Accepts; 10 On tap; 11 Belligerence; 13 Alight; 15 At rest; 17 Keep your head; 20 Extra; 21 Erosion; 22 Platoons; 23 Bats. DOWN: 1 Dead-beat; 2 Local; 4 Instep; 5 Property room; 6 Article; 7 Espy; 8 Upright piano; 12 Students; 14 Inertia; 16 Poteen; 18 Erica; 19 Heap.
ACROSS 1. Correct position could make copper paler! (6,5) 9. Hint at the end? (3) 10. Wayward saint seen to be without feeling (9) 11. Tree pigheadedly swallowed by masculine type ... (5) 13. ... as giant could be in opposition (7) 14. Abandon a wilderness (6) 16. Bog or aggregation of things outside (6) 18. Can I be likely to inspire affection? (7) 19. Room from which loans may be obtained (5) 20. Real idiot compiled leading article (9) 21. A striking piece of equipment in the billiard-room (3) 22. Be still, doing nothing, but buy everybody a drink (5,1,5)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which Oscar winning film ends with the closing of a round door? 2. Goodwin Austen is better known under which shorter name? 3. Which comfortable form of transportation was first designed in the Hungarian town of Kocs around 1500 AD? 4. According to the US census bureau, what are the 5 most common male first names for boys in the USA? 5. Instead of their national anthems, which joyful song was played at the 1968 winter Olympics for winners from both East and West Germany? 6. In which EU country do ducks say coin coin instead of quack quack? 7. How quickly we forget. Which female singer had a 1980s hit with the following songs? a. Self Control (1984), b. Drop the Pilot (1983), c. Circle in the Sand (1988), d. Let's Hear it for the Boy (1984), e. Tell it to my Heart (1988) 8. Who apparently said "If one enemy bomb falls on Berlin you can call me Meier"? 9. Which controversial Stanley Kubrick film was the first film with Dolby Sound? 10. 'Salto Angel' in South America is better known as what to most
DOWN 2. Suitable epitaph for a libertine? (3) 3. What the king of beasts feels for his group? (5) 4. A rogue entering the war as calm as can be (6) 5. Go on - lag reformed some time back? (4,3) 6. Armour links with the post? (5,4) 7. He depends on the post indirectly for his livelihood (5,6) 8. Torn apart by tenant's payment shown below (4,7) 12. He sees no hope for spies confused by fog (9) 15. One may do it after a shower or before putting a coat on (3,4) 17. Part of the eye near it, perhaps (6) 19. Volley of colossal volume (5) 21. Is able to preserve (3)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 2 ) English speakers? 11. Fort Knox. Where the gold is. The following is the official name. What is the missing word? The United States ................. Depository 12. Which man made the first successful smallpox vaccination in 1796? 13. Which Robbie Williams album title is a parody of Neil Armstrong's famous first words on the moon? 14. When did the Boeing 747 'Jumbo' first enter commercial service? 15. In film, who wrote the tale 'There and back again'? 16. What did Charles de Gaulle say was invented by the British just to annoy the French? 17. What is the 'Pitman System'? 18. One Manchester United first division league match in the seventies had an attendance of just 14,000 people.. Why? 19. What common produce is estimated to take a million years to decompose? 20. Which Soviet spy organisation found in some Bond films actually existed?
637 227 385
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Six ways to deal with Uncertainty….
The trees, leaves, flowers, hear the birds – nature is a certain cure for feeling down.
UNCERTAINTY CAN SUCK, it is not a comfortable place to be and this current global situation is not an easy one for any of us.
around us that leads us to feeling like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh.
The not knowing, the multitude of unknowns and unanswered questions, the political confusion (and incompetence) all create a mood
Is it possible though? With all that is going on around us can we stay positive and not let the general mood affect us?
It’s not a place I like to spend much time in – I’d rather be more like Tigger and bouncy than all ‘sigh’ like Eeyore.
It is definitely not easy I will say that to start, but it is possible, and I’d like to share a few things I’ve tried that have helped… Watch a comedy – find a short skit of a few minutes if you are time short and laugh. Laughter is medicine for feeling ‘ugh’ – watch it 10 times if you have to. Nature – look outside the window or go for a walk and really see. The trees, leaves, flowers, hear the birds – nature is a certain cure for feeling down. Name things as you see them to avoid going into constant thinking mode…. “tree” ”yellow flower” “dead rabbit”… see laughter works… Move – yup get off the chair, walk about, dance to some cool tunes, do yoga, Pilates, throw a ball against the wall!! Whatever – just move. Guaranteed to help you feel less aaarrgghhh. Breath – the more sensible one. I’d like you to try this though. Block ojf your right nostril and breathe through the left only. This connects to the right side of your brain; the creative side that usually helps you feel less stressed. Find a few words that work for you that cheer you up; “bubbles” often works, it is really hard to not smile when you say and think about bubbles (especially when they are in a glass of Cava) Slow down – why rush? None of us is going anywhere so chill, it is what it is so draw, colour, cook more, watch documentaries for a change. Take your time like the Cadbury’s caramel bunny. The more we accept the current situation and the unknown, the easier it is. Try some or all of these, especially when you find yourself over eating (I know it happens…). You’re not me and I’m not you, so find the method that works best for you to stop the slippery slope to sadness. If you feel the need to chat, I am a certified life coach and Pilates trainer and am available to take on clients. Contact me at: eleflumpy@gmail.com
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Marquand 'jocked-off' English King at Epsom By Andrew Atkinson
om Marquand, one of British racing's rising stars, has been 'jocked-off' English King in the Investec 2000 Derby at Epsom next month - with Frankie Dettori in the saddle. Marquand, 22, who rode Who Dare Wins at Royal Ascot on Saturday, rode English King in its last two outings. Marquand was on board three year old English King at Lingfield Park on June 5 in a Derby trial and in November at Newcastle. Kieran Shoemark rode the horse when seventh at Newmarket in October. Following the win at Lingfield Park earlier this month English King's odds have been slashed from 66-1 to an eye-watering 7-2 after beating Berkshire Rocco by 2 3/4 lengths. South African born Bjorn Nielsen, 60, an American and UK owner/breeder, owner of Stradivarius, successful in winning the 2020 Royal Ascot Gold Cup under Dettori, also owns English King. Trainer Ed Walker announced Italian veteran Dettori, 49, had been booked
Marquand has been ‘jocked off’ English King
637 227 385
‘Tredders’ Dead by Andrew Atkinson
In favour of Frankie Dettori
Grand National winning jockey Liam Treadwell has died at the age of 34, with police treating his death as unexplained. Born in Arundel, West Sussex, Treadwell rode over 300 career wins, including the 2009 Aintree Grand National on Mon Mome at 100-1. to ride the favourite, English King, in the Derby at Epsom on July 4. "Frankie has a wealth of big-race experience and raises his game to stratospheric heights for the big races we feel very privileged to have him on board," said Walker. Dettori, champion jockey at the
behind closed doors five day meeting at Royal Ascot last week, is out to add to his tally of Derby wins on board 72 favourite English King. Dettori won the Derby on Authorized in 2007 and when riding Golden Horn to victory in 2015. As with all race meetings and sports in
general, the Derby, Epsom meeting will be behind closed doors due to the coronavirus health and safety guidelines in place.
Treadwell, who retired from riding in 2018, was assistant to trainer Alastair Ralph: "It is unbelievably sad and a big shock," said Ralph.
The re-scheduled Derby takes place in July, after it was postponed on June 6. Now the Derby and The Oaks will be run at Epsom on July 4.
Retired jockey Mick Fitzgerald, a former weighing room colleague of Treadwell, said: "Seeing him winning the Grand National is in many ways the best way to remember him.
Military March three months setback Derby blow - By Andrew Atkinson Quote: 'Military March would have been my best chance in the Derby for a long time' - trainer Saeed bin Suroor
"Liam had a fine career in British racing, riding over 300 winners in the 17 years that he held a jockeys. "The racing community will be united in grief and the thoughts of everyone at the BHA are with Liam's friends, family and colleagues," said British Horseracing Authority's chief executive Nick Rust.
"He'll be back by the end of the season - his setback means no Derby - he's a nice horse, we like him and he was doing really well," revealed bin Suroor. "It's really unfortunate. He'll have a break now, but he should be back in October - we'll look forward to that," said bin Suroor.
A statement from West Mercia Police read: "Police were called to an address in Billingsley, near Bridgnorth, following the death of a man in his 30s.
"It's sad that he's not running after he ran a good race in the (2000) Guineas - the Derby looked the perfect race - as we've always felt he was a mile and a quarter or mile and a half horse.
"The death is currently being treated as unexplained. However, at this stage there is believed to be no third-party involvement."
"But, he's still one to look forward to in the future. It's not serious - he just needs time. "He would have been my best chance in the Derby for a long time," added bin Suroor. Godolphin owned Military March was priced at 6-1 for the Derby classic, behind English King, ridden by Frankie Dettori, and Kameko, after finishing fourth in the 2020, 2000 Guineas at Newmarket.
"He was a really nice guy, he was a lovely rider and it's just awfully sad. It's sad for his family and anybody connected with him. It just highlights again how precious life is. "We are devastated to hear the tragic news about Liam Treadwell.
Saeed bin Suroor trained fancied runner Military March has been ruled out of the Investec Derby at Epsom on July 4 after suffering a three months setback.
'Tredders', initially retired after sustaining head and shoulder injuries, in 2018. Image courtesy Godolphin Twitter
Treadwell won 308 NH races and 28 Flat races during his career.
LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB REPORT by Barry Latham Another sunny day which brought the crowds out. It was good to see the spectators enjoying themselves as well. They certainly saw some good matches. Group 1 Leaders lost to the bottom two when Paul and Jean Tregoing picked up five on the last end to defeat Dave and Lesley Joynes 17 – 14. A great match on Rink Two which both Kathy and Don LOVE playing on but both gave their best and it was good to
watch with Don Fowkes playing in place of Shirley Hadaway, it was another game which went right to the last with Kath and Jim Manning squeezing enough on the 14th end to get the draw from Don and Margaret McLaughlin. Maureen Kidd and Steve Douglas had a brilliant encounter to beat the leaders of Group 2 Mike and Anne Stone 24 – 8. Oops! That put the winners on top of Group 2 but there are three rinks behind and only one point behind. Good compe-
Emerald Isle Bowls Club
who had a good win when playing Cliff Rawlinson and Lorita Rae 24 – 8.
Starting on Sat 4th JULY at will return at the Emerald Isle,
Another good win came in the form of Garth Slater and Geoff Halfhyde who beat Alex Whyte and Tom Spencer 13 – 7 which put the winners into second place on shot difference in Group 1.
Dave washed his bowls, put one of his stickers on the wrong way and then wondered why he bowled a wrong bias. Any way from the Villa Fans thanks Dave for the point the other day. I couldn´t stop to get autographs as I had to rush off to do my dialysis.
In second place in Group 2 by only one point are John Rae and Dave McGaw
Don´t forget Sante`s Bar is open so is the pool with Lifeguard. Why not come along.
tition. The Smiths played the Parsons and Jan and Pete Parsons came out top with a 16 – 10 win against Carol and Mike Smith.
10am, the old favourite SAPS so after your lay off get back to it as usual 5 Euro per game with Shoes, Bowls and Coaching if needed. It will be good to see you all again
637 227 385
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps..
Golf courses re-opened on the 11th May 2020 with safety protocol restrictions and since the official Spanish state of alarm ended on the 21st June 2020 and lockdown has ended the internal borders have re-opened allowing golfers to cross from Alicante province to Murcia province therefore opening up some great courses such as Altorreal, El Valle and Roda plus many more as outlined in last week’s golf article.
The feedback from the local courses are that playing numbers are very low and they are very grateful to local golf societies for their
There are still a number of courses that are not available to the public such as Alicante, Alhama, La Finca, La Manga West, Las Ramblas and Villaitana Poniente and we have received an update from Grupoquara who own La Finca and Las Ramblas that those two courses will re-open on the 30th July 2020.
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga N & S La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre
Las Colinas €47 GrFee (12.40-2pm sgle buggy €25) Las Pinaillas €40 Green Fee (incl single buggy) Lorca €75 Two Green Fees and buggy Lo Romero €136 Two Green Fees and buggy Mar Menor €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €110 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Villamartin €136 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €84 Two Green Fees and buggy from 1pm For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Around and about the golf courses We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
Price €130 €100 €100 €125
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy
THE RACE TO COSTA DEL SOL is ready to enter the next phase with a new look as part of the Ladies European Tour’s brand refresh pushing towards the future. The logo includes the LET mark, which represents the ambition of the new LPGA-LET joint venture partnership and a shared desire to elevate women’s professional golf. The Costa del Sol Tourist Board became a partner of the LET this year by sponsoring the Order of Merit, which is now called the Race to Costa del Sol and rewards the achievements of the players, recognising the hard work, grit and determination that it takes to achieve long-term goals. Francisco Salado, President of Costa del Sol Tourist Board, said: “The Costa del Sol Tourist Board is proud to be part of this new stage in the history of LET. Women’s professional golf will continue to grow in popularity, thanks to the dedication, and mastery, of LET’s incredible players and the message that Costa del Sol is a champion of women’s golf will be welcomed by golfers throughout the world.” The Race began successfully in February with
€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €107 €50 €96 €118
La Marquesa 18 of us made the short but highly convoluted journey to La Marquesa, which could be for the last time as many are just not too enamoured with the course which, personally, I find disappointing for it is a decent test of golf with it’s tricky greens. The course itself was in decent condition, with the greens certainly a lot slower than the putting green and that certainly caught many of us out and this was evident as only three players broke the 30-point barrier.
To thank the local golf societies for their efforts a number of local courses have held their golf society prices until the end of 2021.
three first-time winners at the Australian Ladies Classic Bonville, the Women’s New South Wales Open and the Investec Women’s South African Open and the Rankings are currently led by the Women’s New South Wales Open champion, Julia Engström, from Sweden, followed by Belgium’s Manon De Roey in second position and England’s Alice Hewson, the Investec Women’s South African Open winner, in third. LET Chief Executive Alexandra Armas said: “The Race to Costa del Sol is a huge part of the new LET and our mission to #RaiseOurGame for the female golfers of today and those who will follow. The contribution of the Costa del Sol Tourist Board and their commitment to being a champion of women’s golf is hugely appreciated by our players, who cannot wait to return to the Costa del Sol for our popular season-ending event, the Andalucía Costa del Sol Open de España, in November.” Follow the Race to Costa del Sol and join the conversation on social using the official hashtag #RaceToCostaDelSol. Ladies European Tour Partner: Costa Del Sol Tourist Board
Race to the Costa del Sol McCafferty's Golf Society
Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee (single buggy €15) Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Green Fee (single buggy €27) Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy
on-going bookings in these difficult times and until the tourist golfers return in the Autumn months.
Two’s Pot: No-one managed to get the elusive “Two” and, therefore, we have a carryover of 36€ to next week’s game at Lo Romero. As said earlier, players struggled to score 30 or more points and in the Silver Division, the CBNC non-award went to Tom Burke with 22 points. The Runner-up in that Division was Keith Crossan with 27 points and the winner, and the only one breaking the 30-point barrier, was the Vice-Captain, Andy Brown with 31 points. In the Gold Division, the scores were slightly better and the CBNC award was very gleefully and happily announced, for that non-award went to Barney
McAffrey with 28 points and only one point ahead with 29 points was Jimmy Kiernan who took the Runners-Up slot. Mick Phelan continues with his good form and his 31 points was more than good enough to take the top honours in the Gold Division. The overall winner with 33 points was Steve Higgins The Happy Golfer always sends a shiver down many spines, but when the winner was announced, the giggles got louder for an abysmal score of less than 15, but more than 13, saw “Lucky Jim” (Jim Barbour) gleefully accept the bottle of wine kindly donated by the Trinity.
In 2020 the Costa Del Sol Tourist Board became a partner of the Ladies European Tour by sponsoring the Order of Merit, which is now called the Race to Costa del Sol. Costa del Sol Tourist Board is dedicated to the promotion of Costa del Golf and provides advice and support to its partners throughout the golf industry. The Costa del Sol has been recognised as a top European Golf Destination by IAGTO (International Association of Golf Tour Operators) and is the exclusive destination in continental
Europe of PGA Germany. Race to Costa Del Sol In 2020 the Costa del Sol Tourist Board sponsors the Ladies European Tour Order of Merit, which is now called the ‘Race to Costa del Sol’ and offers an additional bonus pool. The Race to Costa del Sol teed off in Australia in February with the Australian Ladies Classic Bonville and will culminate at the Andalucía Costa del Sol Open de España Femenino in November.
Lo Marabu Golf Society
1st – Kim Dixon, 2nd – Brian Smith
In association with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services at Lo Romero on 25th June
1st – Gordon Neve, 2nd – Colin MacDonald
For this month’s meeting a group of 32 players visited the established course at Lo Romero taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The weather was beautiful and the course in excellent condition with the tee boxes well back making if a tough course to play for most of our members. Today we played our WHACKER TROPHY in memory of Shawn Dear and this was also sadly the first event without Bill Fantom who passed away the previous week and our thoughts are with his family. The winning scores on the day were as follows: Whacker Trophy: Winner- Kim Dixon Gold Division:
Silver Division Bronze Division 1st – Steve Mathers, 2nd – Martyn Walker Captains Gift – Tilly Preston Football Card – Martyn Walker After the game we returned to Edina’s Bar & Grill which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for a snack prepared by the bar and the prize presentation and we give our thanks for their continued support. Our next fixture is the interim day at Vistabella on the 16th July 2020 followed by the society day at Lo Romero on 30th July 2020. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at www.costa-blancagreenfees.com.
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
Liverpool win it for Sir Kenny
637 227 385
Watkins edges out Foulcer in tight club final By MonteStan
Klopp: “Becoming champions with Liverpool is absolutely incredible, it’s easy to motivate the team.” Fans were out on the streets on Thursday evening
After weeks of lock down, Vistabella opened for bowls in early May, though under strict safety restrictions.
By Andrew Atkinson Chief Sports Editor La Manga resort ambassador Sir Kenny Dalglish has been pointed out by Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp - having won the Premier League in a COVID-19 affected 2019-20 season. "No words can explain the feeling," said Reds boss Klopp, in charge at Anfield for four and a half years. "To be champions is fantastic and it is for Kenny Dalglish - who had to wait 30 years," said Klopp. Sir Kenny Dalglish, 69, who has a property
in La Manga resort, who played for Liverpool during 1977-1990, said: "It's a totally amazing achievement."
Gerrard. The fans. It's not over yet - we'll enjoy every moment - it's more than I dreamed of," said Klopp.
Klopp added: "It is an incredible achievement by the players and it has been a joy to train with them."
Dalglish, who returned to Liverpool as manager during 1985-91 and 2011-12, was appointed non executive director in 2013.
Dalglish, who made 355 appearances for Liverpool, tested positive for coronavirus in April having been tested for COVID-19 despite having previously displayed no symptoms of the illness.
Dalglish says the most important thing is to have family with him, during trips to Spain. His wife Marina, children and grandchildren.
Prior to his admission to hospital, Sir Kenny had chosen to voluntarily self-isolate for longer than the advised period together with his family. Klopp added: "After three months interruption I am very happy. We have been covid tested every week and it's still difficult for people." Liverpool legends include Dalglish, Steven Gerrard, and Ian Rush: "It's for everybody, Kenny and Steven
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 18
"All I need for a nice family holiday is a place where the sun shines, the food is good and you can relax. "If there’s a golf course available, I won’t turn down a game. But I just like to relax with my family," said Dalglish. Dalglish, who has visited Cartagena for almost 30 years, amongst other areas in Spain including the quay port Cabo de Palos, said: "It’s good for golf but a variety of other activities are also available. My children loved it, especially when they were young and growing up."
The restrictions have been eased lately and therefore we have been able to hold the club championships men’s finals on the 22nd June , the men’s drawn pairs on the 23rd. June and the men’s pairs on the 29th June. Due to the problems caused by Covid-19 some players are unable to play their respective finals for different reasons and to date the remaining finals are going to be played later on in the year. The men’s finals between two good bowlers Martin Foulcer and Charlie Watkins kicked off on Monday at 10-00am with a strong support of club members watching. They were treated to master class of bowling with really tight heads. Charlie took the lead and was 11-4 up on the 10th end. Martin fought back to 15 all by end 20. Charlie made it 17 -15 in his favour by end 21 then all square at 18-18 by end 24. Finally Charlie became the winner on end 26 at 21-18. What a fabulous game and a treat to watch. Congratulations to both players, a tribute to class bowling, and well done Charlie. The men’s drawn pairs final was played on Tuesday the 23rd. between Jeff Neve, Mike Irwin and Gary Thorpe, Steve Wilson. A slow start for Mike and Jeff who were 0-5 by end 4 but creeping back to 6-10 at end 13 and then 11-11 by end 17 to be pipped at the post 11-12 in a very tight head by Gary and Steve at end 18. A well fought game with some good thrills watched again by a good show of supporting club members. We are looking forward to a close battle on Monday between….. Note: the hand sanitiser was used straight away after players shook hands as was all kit under safety rules. Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain David Jenkins pacadasu@yahoo.com or Charlie Watkins at charlieatpathways@yahoo.co.uk
TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 18: 1 Lord Of The Rings, The Return Of The King, 2. K2, 3. A horse drawn coach. The word coach derives from Kocs. 4. Liam. Noah. William. James. Oliver.. 5. Ode to Joy. From Beethoven's 9th symphony. 6. In France Ducks make the sound "quack quack", but French people hear the sound 'coin coin'.. 7. Five answers. a. Laura Branigan, b. Joan Armatrading, c. Belinda Carlisle, d Deniece Williams, e Taylor Dayne. 8. Herman Goering. 9. A
Clockwork Orange. 10. Angel Falls. 11. Bullion. 12. Edward Jenner. 13. The Ego Has Landed. 14. 1970. 15. Bilbo Baggins. 16. Belgium. 17. A form of shorthand writing. 18. The Man United v Everton game was changed at short notice from Tuesday evening to Tuesday afternoon due to a ban on floodlights because of the Miners strike. 19. Glass bottles (some sources quote chewing gum as another product that virtually does not decompose, now said to be an urban myth. 20. SMERSH (Death to spies).
637 227 385
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020
La Siesta saved from closure in members take over First of all, we would like to wish the owners of La Siesta Bowls Club, Lyn & Jim Hudson all the best in their retirement and like to thank them for agreeing to lease La Siesta Bowls Club so that the Members can totally run the club, as of the 1st October 2020 the Members will Lease La Siesta Club from the owners and take over all of the responsibilities involved, allowing the owners to sit back and enjoy their well-earned retirement. Until that date the members are caretaking the club and are playing rollups games on three days of each week whilst keeping within the government restrictions on Coronavirus when attending and playing. La Siesta Bowls Club have only a small number of friendly members around 45 and are actively looking to increase this, the membership Fees
have remained at the competitive price of 200 Euros per year. We compete in League matches throughout the year, and for anyone who is interested in wanting regular games there is a great opportunity in achieving that due to the size of our membership, also this Club has regular Internal competition games, rollups, chicken & egg days together with other social activities.
By Alan Carr
Anyone interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club, run by the members, are welcome to call any of the following who will be able to give you any information you may require to assist you in making that decision. We hope to see new members in the very near future. Club contacts are below: George Richardson 865 772 498 Wendy Ralph 633 068 399 Sue Jordan 605 437 198
Local favourite “Kiko” Martinez back in action Kiko in his days as a member of the Dava Nueva Boxing Club
Memories of the late Sir Tom Finney
Ian Billing
In the wake of football returning amid COVID-19 lockdown in La Liga, the Premier League and Championship, Andrew Atkinson talks to Ian Billing about his childhood memories of England and Preston North End late football star Sir Tom Finney CBE, whose ankle-high leather boots from and international fixture against Lisbon in 1950 went up for auction last week. Kiko Martinez, Sergio Garcia, Return on August 22 in Torrelavega Daya Nuevo’s "Kiko" Martínez brings professional boxing back to Spain on August 22 with an evening that will be jointly headlined with Sergio García, and which will take place in Torrelavega (Cantabria). Opponents for neither fighter is known at this time but Martinez, who held the IBF super-bantamweight title from 2013 to 2014, and the European super-bantamweight title three times between 2007 and 2013, will get back in the ring after more than eight months of being away due to the coronavirus pandemic. Garcia, meanwhile, in addition to holding the European title, is currently number two in the World Boxing Council and number six in the World Boxing Organisation's rankings.
Although his opponent is not yet known, we do know that the middleweight fight will be over ten rounds. Martinez, the man from Daya, and a former world champion, is currently ranked fourteen within the WBC super-bantamweight division and number three at the European level within the rankings. His fight will be over eight rounds. Martínez has been fortunate in being able to train at a good pace during lockdown, given that he lives in the mountains and was able to maintain a proper safety distance, so his fitness for this return will be exceptional. The location of the event, which is still to be decided, will be either the Campos del Malecón or the “El Ferial” venue, both with capacity to accommodate a lot of fans and with enough space to maintain social distance and other sanitary measures.
MY connection with Sir Tom Finney goes back to the mid50s, when he used to arrive for home games with his children, Brian and Barbara, at the home of Joe and Mary Grimshaw in Deepdale, Preston, said Ian, looking back on boyhood memories. They were neighbours and I knew them as Uncle Joe and Aunty Mary. I played with Brian and Barbara, until Tom came back after games in the former first division (now Premier League) to collect them. Aged three at the time, we always went for a kickabout in the back street, before Sir Tom drove home. Preston born Ian, an avid fan of North End for 65 years, who lives in Rada De Moraira, Valencia, recalled: Soon after, I began going to games with my granddad - and became hooked. My first season ticket was for my fifth birthday! Afterwards I used to go to Joe and Mary's, to see Brian and Barbara and meet up with Sir Tom again, for another kickabout. Ian added: I have his 1954 book, Football Round The World, signed by him, to me. I got it signed again, 50 years later, at a Former Players Association Dinner. Going back before I was born, my mum was a friend and neighbour of his wife Elsie, when she lived in Barlow
Finney takes a corner at a packed Deepdale! Street, Preston. Sir Tom was such an icon. A gentleman and a true sportsman. I have just read his autobiography again and he mentioned Joe Grimshaw and his son, Derek. I'm pleased to say my son and now my grandson, too, are North Enders. It's been my life for 65 years! Sir Tom Finney, capped 76 times, who played for Preston during 1946-60 making 433 appearances and scoring 187 goals, died in 2014, aged 91.
637 227 385
Monday 29th June - Sunday 5th July, 2020