The Leader Newspaper Edition 822

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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020

Tel: 637 227 385

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

King and Queen visit half empty Benidorm beaches

"It is going to be a very poor summer," said the president of the Hosbec hotel association, Toni Mayor, unless there is "a miracle in late July or August."

This was the situation that was revealed on the Levante beach to King Felipe and Queen Letizia during their visit to Benidorm on Friday. Their walk in the sun began late morning at the Belroy

hotel on la avenida del Mediterraneo, where, for more than an hour, a meeting with businessmen and unions was held, and where their concerns were made absolutely clear to the royal couple.

Mayor made it clear to the king that the measures taken to date are nowhere near enough to rescue the sector. “We do not believe that enough has been done to save tourism. Continued on Page 2


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020


637 227 385 PROPERTY

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Much remains to be done if we are to revive the sector for the summer of 2021, since we consider this year, 2020, to be lost," said the businessman. Not surprisingly, the data released a few hours later by Hosbec reinforced his statement: showing that in mid-summer only 44% of the hotels in Benidorm have reopened their doors. Following the meeting Don Felipe and Doña Letizia then walked to the Levante beach, continuing along the front for about 300 metres, to la avenida Doctor Orts Llorca, where they got into a waiting car to continue their visit in Valencia. They spent around half an hour walking through the town and along the seafront where they regularly stopped and chatted to members of the public. There were no security barriers other than an invisible wall marked by the Casa Real team, the couple were able to make their way along the seafront where they were welcomed by cheers and calls of "Long live Spain!" or "Long live the Civil Guard!"

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On their way, a woman tried to give Doña Letizia some flags, but they were taken by the security team, however, a young girl did manage to approach them to present a small flag of Spain. During their visit the couple met the Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque and the President of the Valencian Generalitat, Ximo Puig, who had previously been in the meeting with businessmen and unions. In addition, there was the Government delegate in the Community, Gloria Calero; the Minister of Public Administrations and Justice, Gabriela Bravo; the president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, and the mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez. Another stop during the "royal" tour was at the Sirvent ice cream parlour, where Doña Letizia explained that they did not take sugar however the King was encouraged to try the sugar-free Xixona nougat. "It's great," said Felipe VI. At the end of their short walk they were greeted by a banner "Welcome to Benidorm" held by a number of local residents who said they were delighted with the visit to the city, the first occasion that Felipe VI has visited Benidorm since he became king. The last time

Brave Tasha passes away. “Sleep well Angel.” Stevie Spit with Tasha

Jersey Boys with Tasha

By Andrew Atkinson Brave Tasha Lynch, who suffered from a rare disease of mitochondrial, has sadly passed away in hospital. "Angels don't have wings where Tasha has gone. They have Mini Mouse ears. Sleep well Angel," Stevie Spit BEM, leading tributes to Tasha told The Leader. Stevie Spit was one of a number of people who organised charity events to raise funds for Elche based Tasha to receive treatment in America following the diagnosis of mitochondrial. Thousands of euros were raised on behalf of


Tasha, as businesses, artistes, and a charity football matches were organised, along with the general public rallying round to help her cause in recent years. In 2018 Tasha visited America, where she underwent treatment to prolong and improve her life. Tasha’s funeral took place in Santa POla on Thursday The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader newspaper send deep condolences at this time to Tasha's family. Rest in Peace Tasha.

A young girl tries to give the royals a Spanish flag

he was in the city was when he attended the opening of Terra Mítica in July 2000. For Doña Letizia this was her second visit to the town, the last being in June 2018 when she attended the celebration for the International Day of Deafblind People. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia then travelled to València, where they presided over the presentation ceremony for the 2019 National Awards for Innovation and Design. Front page image: William Helsen - Flickr



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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020

Orihuela begins the legalisation of the Vistabella golf course after 11 years


istabella golf course has been operating for eleven years without an environmental impact study and only now has the Urban Planning department of the Orihuela city council begun the procedures for the legalisation of the course with an environmental impact study. Yesterday, the Official Diari of the Valencian Generalitat (DOGV) made public the procedure of public exhibition -30 days- after the order was first signed by the councillor for Urban Planning of Orihuela, José Aix, on June 9. The builder of the golf course, Agrícola del Segura SA, presented the documentation at the Orihuela town hall in November 2018, but the process did not start until in January 2019. Initially, however, the procedures were started independently by each affected municipality, Jacarilla and Orihuela. The mayor of Jacarilla, Pilar Díaz, and councillor of Urban Planning, said that they had been dealing with the matter since 2015, however, by doing it independently, the Ministry did not consider the procedure to be complete. For this reason it was decided to do it together.

As such the Jacarilla plenary then approved the delegation and transfer of the documentation to Orihuela who were to complete the procedure on behalf of both municipalities. The Oriolan consistory received the documentation on March 28, 2019. "It was about time" said the mayor of Jacarilla, on learning of the processing of the study. He says that he now hopes that it will be regularised as soon as possible "because it has been without a license for over ten years." The Orihuela Urban Planning department now states that they have started the requests for all the sectoral reports. The golf course has an approximate area of ??53.5 hectares. Of this, 22.4 are in the PAI of the UBP-5 Sector of the municipality of Jacarilla, and 31.1 ha in the PAI of the La Asomada Norte Sector of the municipality of Orihuela. It is located just two kilometres in a straight line from the La Finca golf course, although 14 km by car as the Cabezo Redondo is between the two courses. It is also two kilometres away, on the east side, of the La Pedrera reservoir. Vistabella Golf comprises of 18 holes, and also has among its facilities a driving range, lawn bowling, paddle tennis courts, a restaurant and a store. Adjacent to the complex is the Entrenaranjos urbanisation which has the same commercial promoter of the golf course, but under the registry of Vistabella Golf Homes.



Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020

Mamma Mia Italian grandparents may charge up to 1,200 euros to take care of their grandchildren Italy has introduced a grant for childcare services after schools closed due to the pandemic. It can also be charged to pay for childcare by relatives, provided they do not live together. The payment for childcare services is for children up to 12 years of age and for a maximum of 1,200 euros per household.


Hundreds of flaminglet chicks born for first time in Torrevieja Over 600 Flaminglets were born at La Mata and Torrevieja lagoons nature park

INE confirms collapse of economy by 5.2% The National Statistics Institute (INE) has confirmed that the Spanish economy slumped 5.2% in the first quarter of the year compared to the previous quarter as a result of Covid-19, thus marking an unprecedented drop since the statistics began 50 years ago. This decrease has been the consequence of a drop in household consumption (6.6%), and business investment (8%) and housing (5.9%), as well as the collapse of exports (8, 2%) and imports (6.6%).

Spain is the EU country with the most hidden deaths Spain is the European Union country that has hidden the most excess deaths in the last months of the coronavirus pandemic. According to the European indicator 'EuroMoMo' Spain occupies top position among the nations that have hidden the most deaths, closely followed by the United Kingdom. The report says that 15,000 deaths are missing from the Health figures with the total number of victims said to be above 43,000, as opposed to the 28,346 deaths that have been declared by the government.

Andrew Atkinson looks at the history of flamingos after hundreds of flaminglets chicks were born for the first time in Torrevieja. FLAMINGOS have bred for the first time, producing hundreds of Flaminglets in the La Mata and Torrevieja lagoons nature park. The breeding season has been aided by the reduction of salt, due to the mass of rainfall during recent months, which has given the flamingos increased food intake in the tranquil setting. Over 600 Flaminglets are present, deemed as one of the most impressive natural parks of Valencia. Las Salinas de Torrevieja spreads across 1,400 hectares and is separated from the Laguna de la Mata by an anticline - the Chaparral - but both are connected to the ocean through a canal known as Acequion. Acequion canal was created for the purpose of obtaining salt from the ocean in the 13th century. As a legacy of its past are huge mountains of salt piled high along the shore. The natural lake offers a plethora of species of flora, although there is not

much vegetation in the area, due to the high levels of salinity in the water. Only a few plants such as alacranera (Arthrocnemum macrostachyum) and different types of juncus, suaedas, salicornas and salsolas can survive in the highly-salty water environment. When the time of flowering comes to Las Salinas, it is possible to see a rare show of saladillas - lavender - groundsel and the complex shaped orchids (collina) in full bloom. Towards the south of the lake, where the salt levels are not as high, it is possible to find more common Mediterranean vegetation, including pine trees and eucalyptus. The lake produces the archaeas (a micro-organism) and dunaliellas (micro- seaweeds) which synthesize the components of the salty water, in order to survive.


The Association of Christian Lawyers has filed a lawsuit for misrepresentation against the director general of the Civil Guard, María Gámez , for putting the LGTBI flag – represented by the colours of the rainbow – as a background image on the official logo of the force on Twitter, in support of the celebration

of Gay Pride.

season. Brine shrimp are also present, a singular life form that requires a high level of salinity to survive. Flamingos colour depicts from their diet of pigments in food - carotenoids - bringing the red and pink colours to feathers. Flamingos eat shrimp, algae, crustaceans - feeding with the head positioned upside down.

The existence of these two forms of life provides the pink, unique hue of the water.

Flamingos migrate mainly at night, during favourable tailwind and clear sky, and can travel approximately 600km (373 miles) in a night with a speed of 50-60kph (31-37 mph). Travelling during daylight Flamingos will fly at high altitudes, to avoid predators, including eagles.

Flamingos annually return to the natural park with approximately 2,000 flamingos - a flamboyance - during breeding

*A black flamingo was spotted in Israel in 2014, deemed to be the only black flamingo ever seen.

In a statement, the association explained that it is also requesting "measures to compel the institution to remove the flag from its social networks. " As detailed in the complaint, "the placement of an ideological badge representing the LGTBI lobby" on the Civil Guard shield "violates the obligation of ideological neutrality of any public administration." In addition, according to Christian Lawyers, it also

"violates article 18 of Organic Law 11/2017 that regulates the rights and duties of members of the Civil Guard." The complaint states that "by linking an ideology to the Civil Guard itself, it is violating not only the duty of neutrality of the Public Institution , but those of all its members, who without their consent and against the Law 11/2007, are being linked to an ideology, contrary to their duty of neutrality. "

Black flag awarded to Guardamar Babylon beach The beaches, San Gabriel, Alicante; Les Fonts in Alcossebre, Castellón; and Medicalia de El Puig, Valencia have received a black flag for contamination, while the beaches at Babylon in Guardamar, las de FortíFora Forat-Cervol in Vinaròs, Castellón and the northern expansion of the port of Valencia, have received their black flags for environmental mismanagement. The awards were made in the annual report of the Ecological Association Agró 'Black Flags 2020' that analyses the situation of the Spanish coast and denounces the worst environmental sites in coastal areas. Between 2015 and 2020, a total of 36 black flags have been awarded in the Valencian Community, mainly for problems derived from purification and lack of sanitation, according to the environmental organization.

‘Mr Spain’ arrested for stabbing his father to death

Christian lawyers denounce Guardia Civil for displaying LGTBI flag he association requests "measures to compel the Civil Guard to remove the flag from its social networks"

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Vicente Hernández, who was crowned Mr Spain Pacific World 2017, has been arrested in Madrid for stabbing his father to death. He is said to have pounced on his father, stabbing him several times, before wounding him very deeply in the neck and cutting his throat. He told the police “The devil has possessed my father, he has tried to attack me, I do not know if I have killed him, but he has attacked me because he was possessed by a demon." According to the police, Hernández is thought to have suffered a psychotic outbreak. They do not rule out the fact that the father tried to prevent his son from injuring himself.



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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020




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Catalonia confines Lleida due to increase in infections

"There is a laziness, inattention and neglect on the part of the Council," says José Luis Bustamante, from the Association of Friends of Cabo Roig.

“We are taking a step back to protect ourselves” said the President Quim Torra.

Residents and tourists alike continue to denounce the abandonment of the coastal urbanisations with streets full of pruning waste and rubbish, weeds that are completely out of control and an abundance of roads with pot holes. Orihuela Costa has two faces. The coastline that the local government likes to display in it’s publications and catalogues, that, with few exceptions, usually looks perfect, and the one in it’s surrounding streets and urbanisations where that beautiful image of the sea, with the characteristic reddish cliffs of the Oriolan coast, gives way to the depressing vision of dirt and rubbish on the streets, pot holes in the roads, broken pavements and the abundance of weeds that permanently covers them, abandoned playgrounds that are dangerous and uninviting to the local children. Unfortunately the situation of "neglect" that the residents continually denounce is not new, but now, with the impending arrival of holidaymakers who, after

many months of confinement, are looking for the idyllic holiday destination they see displayed in the brochures, will have them face both embarrassment and even humiliation, as the visitors are greeted by the degrading face of the Oriolan coast. Liam Kiley chairs the Cabo Roig and Lomas Neighborhood Association. "This year is worse than ever, it does not present a good image for tourists," he laments, as he tries to make his way through the undergrowth of weeds that are taking over a street in Cabo Roig. "There are pavements where you can't even walk," he says. But it is not the only place where weeds have found the ideal conditions to proliferate. The undergrowth across many of the urbanisations of the Oriolan coast is ugly and out of control, for which there seems to be no remedy. The maintenance of parks and gardens, clearing and pruning of palm trees is very poor, say many of the residents. Palm pruning, in some areas such as Aguamarina, has not been done for nearly two years, although at long last that, at least, seems to be in hand. Despite being in the hands of the contracting department of the council for over three years the contract for parks and gardens has still not been negotiated as a result of which the deterioration continues and many projects have died. Playgrounds less than three years old look as if they have been abandoned, as once again they are overgrown with brush and weeds. This is the case of the park in Lomas de Cabo Roig where the wooden fence has been ripped off and the timbers have exposed dangerous nails and screws that pose a risk to children who dare to play in this abandoned playground. In Las Filipinas, absolutely devastated by DANA over 10 months ago, everything remains just the same. "There are exposed lighting cables and it seems that we are going into a jungle rather than a park because of the weeds are up to two metres high and it is only the residents that empty the bins," said Liam. The Oriolan coast is not yet as busy as

On Saturday the Government quarantined the Segria region (Lleida) due to a significant growth of coronavirus in the region. Two new deaths and 400 new cases were reported with 155 of the new infections in Lleida alone.

Chinese blame coronavirus pandemic on Spain Following the investigation that the WHO will carry out in China to try to trace from where the coronavirus originated, health authorities there have insisted that the investigation should be directed toward Spain. In statements collected by ' The Daily Telegraph', one of the Chinese government's advisers, Wang Guangfa, refers the WHO to a study published by the University of Barcelona stating that the coronavirus had been in the city since March 2019 . The study, pending scientific review, detailed that they had found evidence in a frozen wastewater sample.

it has been in previous years during the month of July, because tourists, most of them from abroad, have not yet arrived. Many of them have their second residences here and when they return they will find a devastating image if the Orihuela Council does not provide a solution. "There is a laziness, inattention and neglect on the part of the Council," says José Luis Bustamante, from the Association of Friends of Cabo Roig. José Luis emphasises the insecurity that, he says, is felt in many of the coastal urbanisations, where there have been several robberies lately. "28,000 people reside here all year round and there are only 30 Local Police officers," he adds.

Trump's son's girlfriend tests positive Kimberly Guilfoyle, girlfriend of the oldest son of US President Donald Trump, and one of the main members of the fundraising committee for the Republican leader's re-election campaign, tested positive for COVID-19, local media reported Friday. Guilfoyle, who is asymptomatic, was diagnosed in South Dakota before attending the ruler-led event on Mount Rushmore, according to newspaper reports.

Road safety is another point in question. The lack of clearly defined pedestrian crossings as well as the numerous pot holes in the roads, especially in Monte Zenia, where Liam remembers that in the vote on the participatory budgets last year, the asphalting of his main road was agreed, "but it is still not done," he says resignedly. Another problem is the accumulation of pruning and rubble that irresponsible people leave on the streets.

US records daily record with 60,383 new cases

The area is still without it’s promised cultural centre, it’s eco-park and the bridge across the AP7 motorway in La Regia, and together with the lack of infrastructure on the Oriolan coast these are just a few of the residents' complaints, which they hope will eventually be resolved by the government, if they are ever able to find their way through the Oriolan undergrowth.

The total number of deaths is 130,000

The United States has reached a new daily record of COVID-19 infections, adding 60,383 new cases on Saturday, bringing the number of people who have contracted the disease to 2,8 million. Daily figures in the country have exploded as a result of the outbreak of infections in southern and western states such as Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, Georgia and the Carolinas.



A Touch of Class as Puccini comes to Playa Flamenca From 22 July, the esplanade at Playa Flamenca, is to become the twice weekly venue for the screening of some of the world’s most popular operas, relayed from Madrid’s Teatro Royale. Included in a season of major productions, operas, including 'Tosca', 'La Traviata' and 'Madame Butterfly' will be projected onto a large screen every Wednesday evening. The opera’s will be supplemented by live concerts. The Orihuela Councillor for Culture, made the announcement saying that they will be broadcasts of the best operas from the Teatro Real and all will be completely free of charge. Thus, on Wednesday 22 July the first

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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020

On Wednesday 5 August you can see La Traviata, by Giuseppe Verdi; On 12 August it will be Madame Butterfly and the final showing, on Wednesday 19 August will be the opera Aida.

“We have organised this cycle of Opera for residents of the Orihuela Costa, so that all the residents of the coast and those who visit us during these summer weeks can enjoy some of the very best music in the open air and in such a wonderful setting ”, explained Mar Ezcurra,

who added that all performances are free until the capacity is reached. "This is one of the first activities organised by the Department of Culture this summer on the Orihuela Costa but we are already working on several more performances and events that we will announce in the coming days," the councillor said.

Gang of British septuagenaGuardia Civil rians broken up in Marbella

The gang has been operating since 2012 as ‘virtual pharmacies’ across several Spanish Provinces. Their websites were hosted by offshore servers outside the European and US jurisdiction.

A criminal organisation comprising of 70+ year old British and American pensioners, which trafficked drugs for erectile dysfunction, has been broken up by police in Marbella.

Some of those arrested are said to have a police record for similar events.

In the course of two parallel investigations, 33 people have been arrested and

more than 70,000 tablets for erectile dysfunction, have been confiscated.


Three boats intercepted in Alicante and Guardamar with twenty immigrants

opera to be broadcast will be the famous Tosca, by Giacomo Puccini; La Bohéme, also by Puccini, will be screened on Wednesday, 29 July.

There will also be live opera concerts; on Sunday 26 July and 9 August there will be a performance by the Ginés Pérez de la Parra Choir and on Sunday 2 August and 16 August it will be the turn of the Trio Moon (piano, horn and soprano). All performances will be at 8:30 p.m.

In recent months the operation was carried out from the home of one of the members of the organization, located on an isolated farm in the province of Malaga.

The first boat was located floating adrift off the coast in Cabo de las Huertas and the other two in Guardamar Three boats with 23 immigrants on board have been intercepted early this morning in front of Cabo de las Huertas (Alicante and Guardamar), as reported by the Civil Guard and the Red Cross. The first of the vessels was intercepted at around 6.50 this morning after a drifting vessel was seen in Cabo de las Huertas some fifty meters from the coast. The rescue was carried out at Albufereta where eight immigrants were found on board could be located. They were towed to the shore by on land by members of the Civil Guard and the National Police Force. All eight have now been moved to the offices of the Provincial Police Station. The Maritime Rescue boat, Salvamar Mirfak has removed the

boat. Shortly afterwards, at about 7:05, a second boat was located in the waters of Guardamar with seven people on board, and then three hours later, at 10:00 this morning, another one was located in the area with eight people on board. Civil Guard agents from Guardamar and Torrevieja have taken fifteen immigrants into custody. At the moment, the Red Cross is providing healthcare to immigrants. The detainees in Alicante are being cared for at the police station by Red Cross personnel, while those from Guardamar are at the Guardia barracks in Torrevieja waiting to be processed. The Security Forces have launched procedures for the identification of the, to find out their country of origin and initiate the procedures for their repatriation.


How to Be Perfectly Miserable. In the past, this column has set out to help people become, happy, positive, healthy, rich, and slim. All very worthy causes, indeed; but there is a group of people out there, whom nobody bothers to cater for and it is time that somebody gave a few tips to those who wish to be miserable. Once again this column is here to fill the breach. The following is our blue-print for those who choose to be miserable and more importantly, have no wish to be cured. Let’s start with the question you will be asked several times to-day; “how are you?” Never admit to being well. If there is something you would like to do today for yourself – and only for yourself, mind you, you can rise to being “just middling’”, but don’t be “good enough” unless someone can make it worth your while. When you get out of bed in the morning, start the day as you intend to continue - by thinking about yourself. As often as you can during the day, talk about yourself and use “I” at every opportunity. Mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others and seek greedily to find out what they are saying about you. Expect to be appreciated by all of these people and feel free to sulk. Be suspicious: For example, you know that Covid19 is a Chinese conspiracy – or if you are American, feel free to replace ‘Chinese’ with ‘Democrat’. Politicians are all the same and only in it for themselves … even The Greens! And they are worse, because they will literally close down Ireland. The world dealt you a lousy hand and you have every right to be jealous and envious. Any successful person is either a ‘hungry hoor’ or ‘steeped in luck’. Always have your list of reasons why it

Banana are not real trees or palms

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020


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didn’t work for you ready and name and shame those who screwed you up. Don’t let anyone suggest failure was any part your fault and be very, very sensitive to slights. If somebody does manage to land a criticism on you, never forgive them.


If you are in love with anyone, make sure it is yourself

Trust is something you know a thing or two about, so you have learned to trust nobody but yourself. Never forget all the reasons why you arrived at this decision. Insist on consideration and respect. You didn’t get where you are today by letting these types walk on you. Demand agreement with your own views on everything. Sulk if necessary. Acquire a new ‘hump’ if people are not grateful to you for favours shown them - and never forget a service you may have rendered. Be on the lookout for a good time for yourself, at little or no cost to you. Always remember, it is well due to you and in fact, barely what you deserve. Shirk any duties or responsibilities you can. Let someone else do it, for a change. Likewise, do nothing for anyone, because you never get a bit of thanks for it. If you are in love with anyone, make sure it is yourself – the only person worthy of it. Better still, go for it and love yourself supremely. In this day and age, you have to be selfish, or be taken advantage of, so don’t even hide trying to be more selfish. Have your own list of conversation topics ready and don’t allow anyone else to say much. Start every sentence with either; ‘I think’, or ‘I feel’, or better still ‘I know’. ‘I think The British knew what they were doing when they pulled out of Ireland.’ ‘I feel you would still be able to buy a house for £3,000 (now there was real money) if they hadn’t railroaded us into the EEC’. ‘I know religion is all a cod.’ (These are just a few random samples to assist your misery.)

Banana are not real trees or palms - often called banana palms - a perennial herb, with the bird of paradise flowers being a distant relative. Originating in South-east Asia and the South Pacific, circa. 8000 to 5000 BC, bananas were the world's first cultivated fruit. Banana can offer benefits to a garden; as a windbreak or screen for privacy, and from the sun, with their huge soft leaves. They also make a stunning feature, or focal point.

Most people around you will have their own favourite ‘sayings.’ These preferred maxims will help to define who you are. It is therefore essential that you have your own pet truisms to show who you are. If you don’t have any of these, we can help: Here are a few examples just to keep you going: ‘If a stone fell out of the heavens, it would hit me.’ ‘If I had a duck he’d drown.’ ‘I’m a magnate for misfortune.’ I can send you a few phone numbers of likeminded misery merchants – if you are stuck? Now, you have more than enough tips here to keep you going. Cut out this column and keep it as a reference, if you can – but you suspect that someone will dump it, or burn it, or just lose it on you.

Fertile soil will benefit the banana, mulch and chicken manure giving warmth and moisture, with shelter of other bananas a plus. There are three main varieties; Cavendish, which you will recognise from your supermarket, Lady Fingers, a smaller, sweeter fruit and Plantains, cooking bananas. New leaves start growing inside the trunk, pushing up the middle, rising from the centre of the crown, as does the purple flower - turning into a bunch of bananas! A bunch of bananas are called a 'hand' - with each banana called a 'finger'. It takes a banana around 7 months to grow and produce a flower, with an additional two months for the fingers to grow and ripen.

Don’t Forget The best gift for a man who has everything is a burglar alarm. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

Once fruited the mother plant will die; around the base there will be many baby plants - suckers or pups - to grow another plant from. Remove any dead leaves - lack of watering is a common cause of death - although starvation is the main reason for not fruiting. Banana leaves can be fed to horses, cows and other grazing animals, and the dried trunks can be used for weaving baskets and mats. Various parts of banana are used in medicine, for surgical dressings, pain relief and treatment of diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, cancer, ulcers, diarrhoea, urolithiasis, Alzheimer's and infections.



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Orihuela Local Police to patrol coastline using jet skis

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020

Beach assistants employed for summer season A total of 24 new beach assistants have been taken on by the Orihuela municipality to assist with Health, safety and hygiene on the Costa’s beaches for the next 2 months. They will operated until 7 September between the hours of 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.


Meanwhile a further 31 staff have been taken on by the Torrevieja Council bringing the total number operating on the beaches in that municipality to 183. The Orihuela mayor and Cllr for beaches with some of the new workforce

The mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, along with the Chief of Local Police and a number of councillors, were on hand to take the obligatory photo shoot with the staff on the first day of their employment.

Councillors and successful students in Cabo Roig A total of 15 police agents have successfully attended a training course which will qualify them to operate jet ski’s intended to improve the surveillance and security of the thousands of bathers on the Oriolan coast during the summer months. They were presented with their licenses at a short ceremony on the Cabo Roig Marina on Wednesday, that was attended by the Councillor for Human Resources, Luisa Boné and the Deputy Mayor of Orihuela, José Aix. Boné said that "one of the objectives that we set out with the Department of Citizen Security, was to ensure that police officers obtained their navigation licenses this summer which would enable them to patrol along our coastline in order to improve surveillance

and security of the thousands of bathers who visit our beaches”. The Councillor for Citizen Security, Ramón López, said that "now more than ever the safety of the public is particularly important and the operation of jet ski patrols by the police has been launched to ensure improved safety for all ”. José Aix, the deputy mayor of Orihuela, added that “since last Tuesday, two jet skis have been stopped that were operating illegally, and now that our Police are able to patrol local waters they can ensure that no similar illegal practises occur in the future, thereby ensuring the safety of everyone on the Oriolan coast and serving as support for surveillance and rescue operations on the beaches.

The beach assistants will provide beach users with all the information related to compliance with the safety and hygiene measures established on each beach as a result of the health crisis caused by Covid-19 and will work in coordination with the Local Police and Emergencies. Finance for the staff has been provided by the Valencian Agency for Security and Emergency Response and they will remain on the beaches and coves of Orihuela Costa until September 7.

New information signage for Orihuela Costa beaches New signage has been erected at all of the authorised entrances, a total of 18, across the 11 Orihuela Costa beaches.

the rules that must be followed easily, quickly and, above all, very visually", explained the Cllr Mariola Rocamora

The information displayed relates to recommendations for the use of the beaches during the summer as a result of the Covid-19 health crisis.

The guidelines have been introduces so that people are able to enjoy the beaches safely under hygiene measures that prevent the spread of the virus to its users.

" In order to ensure better understanding of these recommendations and avoid confusion due to language, the information posters have pictograms that display

She added that, "sustainable materials have been used to make these signs, in order to ensure adequate environmental management on the Oriolan beaches."


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020


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DISTANT DREAMS Now might not be the best time to travel, but what we can do is dream, plan and save money for a holiday in the future, when things are more amenable for us to travel. There are so many wonderful places to see and travel to in Spain, like Madrid, Seville, Granada or the many different Coastlines in Almeria and on the Costa del Sol. But if you fancy a bit of adventure then maybe Countries like India, Africa or Thailand might do it for you. Let's consider Thailand as it is a different sort of adventure. It's great not to base yourself in one place but maybe travel around to 4 or 5 different areas as it is the best way to see this diverse, cultural and beautiful Country. A lot of people think that this sort of adventure is for younger people – but is

isn’t, as a lot of older people find the Transportation system in Thailand very easy to use and inexpensive. The key is to plan and research the places you want to go. The Internet, YouTube and Travel Books are ideal for this. Bangkok is the Capital with a stunning Palace and many awesome Temples that the local’s call Wats. The ideal way to see some of these is by River Boat as some are very close to pier Stops – and it is a great experience to travel down the river while sightseeing. Also a trip down the river at night is a lovely way to end the day, as the lighting of the Palace and Temples is spectacular. The architecture of the Grand Palace and the Wats is truly remarkable and so beautiful. Remember that when you visit these places you have to be moderately dressed, especially the women who must cover their knees and shoulders.

If you are not dressed appropriately you will have to purchase suitable clothing on site. Shoes that are easy to put on and off are a must as you have to take them off when going inside any Wat. If you enjoy visiting Temples you can organise yourself with a trip to Ayutthaya, which is an ancient Temple site in the old Capital, about 85k north outside Bangkok. On the same trip there are several sites of such Temples to be visited that are ancient ruins, and it is inspiring to see how they were made many years ago without the modern construction tools of today. Bangkok is not just about Temples as there are plenty of Shopping Centres for those who like to “shop until they drop”. These are modern Shopping Malls that sell everything from Designer Labels and down, to Shopping Malls such as MKB that specialise in “copy” products. Bangkok roads are among the busiest in the world with thousands of scooters, cars and not forgetting the constant streams of Tuc Tuc’s, an experience not to be missed. Try and take a video of your companion getting out of one, as getting out can be hilarious. So after a few nights in this busy, exciting, and awesome city, where next? One of the Islands, or the Kwai Bridge in land, or a visit to the jungle. Maybe an Island to relax for a week before you undertake your next adventure. Koh Samui is South of Bangkok and can be reached by plane to the Island, or you can fly to Surat Thani and catch the ferry across to Samui. The cheapest way is to go on the sleeper train to Surat Thani and get the ferry across. First class around 50 euros. Kok Samui is the second largest Island, palm fringed white beaches and dense mountainous rainforest. Located on a tiny Island connected by a causeway is Wat Pra Yai Temple, where there is a 12m tall golden Big Buddha. Fisherman’s night Market and the enchanted Garden are but a few places to visit or just soak up the sun on the beaches.

An Oasis of Variety By Andrew Atkinson The Oasis Bar and Restaurant in La Herrada, Los Montesinos, put on a free 'Variety Show' on June 28 after the easing of the coron-

avirus lockdown that has hit both artistes and bars throughout Spain. Artistes appearing included Scarlett, Sam Curtis, Rachel and Diane, who performed Artiste Sam Curtis at The Oasis Variety Show

Oasis Bar owner Graham Stephen with Helen Anderson gratis: "It was an absolute pleasure to be singing once again," Sam Curtis told The Leader. "It was lovely to see everyone once again after the coronavirus lockdown," said Diane. And Rachel added: "I am glad that everyone enjoyed it." Compere Colette Hills said: "A massive thank you goes to all the entertainers for an amazing Variety Show in a wonderful

afternoon of entertainment." Staff wore masks and tables were set-up, adhering the social distancing health and safety measures: "It was a privilege to put on a Variety Show for the people amid the coronavirus situation that has hit hard, both for business and artistes alike," Oasis bar proprietor Graham Stephen told The Leader.

Everywhere you go there are cooking classes. Thai food is so tasty it's great to learn how to cook it so that you are able to carry on having these wonderful, tongue tantalizing tasty meals when you get back home. The Island boasts many beautiful beaches with turquoise, clear waters. Luxury Hotels are a plenty down to budget hotels and hostels. Mega nightlife if you want it or quiet secluded places if you want peace and quiet, it has it all. Thailand has a rainy season; this differs to where you go so be sure to check it out. 4 to 7 days here and you can be off again. Where to next?

By Linda Bentley



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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020

I’m sure that we all suffer from bad shoe odour, a problem that occurs predominantly during the summer months. When the shoe is made of synthetic materials, it does not ventilate, and, together with the heat, it is a breeding round for bacteria and fungi that can cause infections such as athlete's foot. Luckily, there are a number of homemade solutions that will remove bad odour from shoes, all of which work very well. They are remedies that you can prepare with ingredients that we all have in the kitchen, such as lemon, tea bags and baking soda.

By Andrew Atkinson Leader Exclusive An Avispa mamut mammoth wasp - or dagger wasp - whose scientific name is Megascolia maculata flavifrons, the largest of the hymenoptera in Europe and the second largest in the world, has been found in Los Montesinos, Alicante. Following the discovery of the wasp the Mayor of Los Montesinos Jose Manuel Butron was informed, who in turn acted quickly in calling the Policia local to attend the scene. The huge wasp, found in La Herrada in the hamlet region of the Vega Baja, can be found throughout Spain territory. Its size is only surpassed by the giant deadly Asian hornets.

Lemon There is little known about the mammoth wasp

There is little known about the mammoth wasp, although it is deemed one of the 'jewels in the crown' of Spanish insects. Its size varies and usually measures about 4-5 centimetres, and the female can measure up to 6 centimetres.

Males of the species have much larger antennas than the females.

It is often called a hornet, leading to confusion with the European hornet, whose scientific name is Vespa crabro.

"We have never seen a mammoth wasp in Los Montesinos before. They are very dangerous - two or three stings can be fatal," one of the officers told me.

Its distribution covers central and southern Europe and also reaches the Middle East from Turkey to Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Israel.


Homemade remedies to remove bad smells from shoes this summer

Avispa mamut mammoth wasp - 2nd largest in world - found in Los Montesinos

Initially it was thought to be a giant Asian hornet, with one of the Policia officers who attended the scene saying he had never seen one before in Los Montesinos.

The mammoth wasp is not invasive, as is the Asian wasp. Following the appearance of the deadly wasp two local Los Montesinos Policia officers attended the scene.

The mammoth wasp is striking for its black colour, with four intense yellow spots on the abdomen. Its wings are also dark.

The incident was initially reported to Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Manuel Butron - who took immediate action in notifying the Policia local.

Females have a much more intense colour and have larger yellow spots on their heads.

The police officer added: " I have only ever seen one on tv - never in the Vega Baja region of Los Montesinos."

This is one of the simplest solutions, and also the most effective. Lemon juice neutralizes bad odour , while fighting microorganisms. Just apply a few drops of juice on the inside of the shoes and let it dry. Works very well!

Tea bags Dried tea bags is another good solutions to remove odour from shoes. The sachet absorbs excess moisture and mouldy odour. The used tea bags should be completely dry. Then put them inside the shoes, and let them work overnight.

Sodium bicarbonate Sodium bicarbonate also eliminates bacteria and fungi, responsible for the bad odour in footwear during summer. It's as easy as putting a little baking soda inside your shoes and letting it sit overnight to absorb germs and moisture. Try any of the homemade tricks above to remove the bad smell in your shoes, they really could not be easier and you will be pleasantly surprised.


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020

Car Sales

Social and Clubs

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st July followed by a ‘Secret Auction’.

Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email:

Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892.



637 227 385

HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597..

International Christian Assembly, Calle




Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752






Personal Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020



Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020


637 227 385




ANSWERS Week 821

ACROSS 4. Sideways (7) 8. Fated (6) 9. Surround (7) 10. Scope (6) 11. Powerless (6) 12. Ignominious (8) 18. Overcome (8) 20. Subtract (6) 21. Skill (6) 22. Submissive (7) 23. Downright (6) 24. Set up (7) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 20

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19.

Opposed (7) Depict (7) Sitting (6) Uncommon (8) At sea (6) Fortress (6) Celebration (8) Figure (7) Law (7) Win back (6) Beginning (6) Scant (6)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Corporation; 9 Old; 10 Extensive; 11 Feels; 13 Rebuild; 14 Refuse; 16 Detail; 18 Lacquer; 19 Overt; 20 Skinflint; 21 Rue; 22 Deadly enemy. DOWN: 2 Odd; 3 Press; 4 Retire; 5 Tenable; 6 Originate; 7 Comfortless; 8 Send a letter; 12 Effective; 15 Stuffed; 17 Brainy; 19 Often; 21 Rim. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Proper place; 9 Tip; 10 Insensate; 11 Maple; 13 Against; 14 Desert; 16 Morass; 18 Amiable; 19 Salon; 20 Editorial; 21 Cue; 22 Stand a round. DOWN: 2 Rip; 3 Pride; 4 Rascal; 5 Long ago; 6 Chain mail; 7 Stamp dealer; 8 Rent asunder; 12 Pessimist; 15 Rub down; 17 Retina; 19 Salvo; 21 Can.

ACROSS 4. Current numbering for the bill (7) 8. Host got upset about graduate being a doubter (6) 9. Babyhood is as imagined (7) 10. Firm reprimand for sailor (6) 11. Join up in silent revolution (6) 12. Somebody watching the old boy with the waiter (8) 18. Unnecessary sharp instrument on ship (8) 20. Egghead is into jazz and needlework (6) 21. The collision was the doing of a mischievous child (6) 22. Somehow detains as substitute (7) 23. Six join true organisation for moral goodness (6) 24. Fair old wild state (7)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. From the mid to late 1970s, the 'videotape format war' was waged between which two industry standards? Which format did both Phillips and Grundig introduce in 1979 as a 3rd combatant in this so called 'war'? 2. What kind of 'Cobra' can reach speeds of up to 185 mph (298 km/h)? 3. Which clever fictional character has an older brother named Mycroft? 4. The Roger Federer of the 1920s was William Tilden. What was his nickname? 5. Of the American couples who married in 2017, what percentage met each other through the internet? 6. The Osmonds made their first TV appearance on which show in 1962? 7. Toronto is the 4th most populated city in North America. What percentage of its inhabitants were born outside of Canada? 8. In film, what was the Big Lebowski's favourite drink? 9. The following words are found in which sweet love song? "She wrecked the car and she was sad, and so afraid that I'd be mad, but what the heck" 10. In Australia, what is Whoop Whoop Land? 11. An unmanned 1986 European Space Agency mission was named after which Renaissance artist? a. Donatello, b. Titian, c. Giotto, d. da Vinci 12. Which river "chills the body but not the soul"?

DOWN 1. Do smart turns help aspiring performers achieve it? (7) 2. 100 being tried out in competition (7) 3. E.g. warn disturbed composer (6) 5. The opposite of talk (8) 6. Profound adviser has nothing to clear out (6) 7. The most discriminating insect perhaps (6) 13. Sentinel protecting vehicle in the front line (8) 14. Net play resulting in forfeit (7) 15. There's a new big plant (3-4) 16. Partly backing plan revision in spring (6) 17. Male who can never lose? (6) 19. Kill mother for her estate (6)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) 13. The following are found on the covers of which famous albums? a. A bruised banana, b. Battersea Power Station, c. Moydrum Castle, Athlone Ireland 14. Brickfielder, Halny, Santa Ana, Hamsin and Harmattan are all examples of what? 15. One of the most beautiful women in the world in the 1940s and 50s was Hollywood actress Ava Gardner. She was married three times. Two of her husbands were Academy Award winners. Can you name them? 16. Which unit of measurement is equal to just under 31 million million kilometres (19 million million miles)? 17. What is the better known name for 'Oflag IV-C', a home away from home for "incorrigible" Allied officers in WW II? 18. The following words are from which song that topped the music charts in the UK, Canada, South Africa, Jamaica, Holland, Germany and Sweden in 1969? "I don't want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde" 19. Although no one will ever know for certain, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine may have been the first two men to have accomplished which towering feat in 1924? 20. Which 6 letter word which literally means 'drummer' describes a social outcast?



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020


Six ways to deal with Uncertainty….

The trees, leaves, flowers, hear the birds – nature is a certain cure for feeling down.

UNCERTAINTY CAN SUCK, it is not a comfortable place to be and this current global situation is not an easy one for any of us.

around us that leads us to feeling like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh.

The not knowing, the multitude of unknowns and unanswered questions, the political confusion (and incompetence) all create a mood

Is it possible though? With all that is going on around us can we stay positive and not let the general mood affect us?

It’s not a place I like to spend much time in – I’d rather be more like Tigger and bouncy than all ‘sigh’ like Eeyore.

It is definitely not easy I will say that to start, but it is possible, and I’d like to share a few things I’ve tried that have helped… Watch a comedy – find a short skit of a few minutes if you are time short and laugh. Laughter is medicine for feeling ‘ugh’ – watch it 10 times if you have to. Nature – look outside the window or go for a walk and really see. The trees, leaves, flowers, hear the birds – nature is a certain cure for feeling down. Name things as you see them to avoid going into constant thinking mode…. “tree” ”yellow flower” “dead rabbit”… see laughter works… Move – yup get off the chair, walk about, dance to some cool tunes, do yoga, Pilates, throw a ball against the wall!! Whatever – just move. Guaranteed to help you feel less aaarrgghhh. Breath – the more sensible one. I’d like you to try this though. Block ojf your right nostril and breathe through the left only. This connects to the right side of your brain; the creative side that usually helps you feel less stressed. Find a few words that work for you that cheer you up; “bubbles” often works, it is really hard to not smile when you say and think about bubbles (especially when they are in a glass of Cava) Slow down – why rush? None of us is going anywhere so chill, it is what it is so draw, colour, cook more, watch documentaries for a change. Take your time like the Cadbury’s caramel bunny. The more we accept the current situation and the unknown, the easier it is. Try some or all of these, especially when you find yourself over eating (I know it happens…). You’re not me and I’m not you, so find the method that works best for you to stop the slippery slope to sadness. If you feel the need to chat, I am a certified life coach and Pilates trainer and am available to take on clients. Contact me at:



Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020


637 227 385


‘On Course’ join RBL in Vistabella Charity Day Course Manager Joaquin Rocamora, right, presented the prizes to the winners

Close House, County Durham LEE WESTWOOD, who won his first British Masters in September 2007 at the Belfry, is hosting next month's tournament at Close House, County Durham. He commented: “As it's now being held in July the weather will hopefully be great. “(don't count on it.) Shame it's called the “Betfred” British Masters now, it sounds so common, as my mum would say. Sir Graham Wylie, co-founder of Sage, invested £25 million in the Close House Estate, nestled in the beautiful Tyne Valley between the River and Hadrian’s Wall. The estate, which was once a stud farm, consists of the 18-hole Filly course, the 9-hole Yearling and The International Colt Course, described as “drop dead gorgeous” with interesting features including a Roman fort. Westwood, the touring professional at Close House, hosted the British Masters there in 2017, the European Tour's first visit to the north east for 15 years. Paul Dunne held off

Rory McIlroy with 7 birdies and an eagle for a final round 61. 70,000 fans turned up. Unfortunately, this year it will be just the players and the trophy. ON THEIR FINAL HOLE of the first round at RBC Heritage Webb Simpson drove his ball 220 yards into the fairway, while the recently beefed-up Bryson DeChambeau blasted his tee shot 308 yards into a greenside bunker 25 yds from the hole. Simpson hit a wedge from 115 yards to six feet and holed the birdie putt while DeChambeau splashed out to five feet and missed the putt. It's not all about muscle. The Incredible Hulk couldn't putt either. JUSTIN ROSE WON the Farmers Insurance Open in 2019 after signing a multi-equipment deal with Japanese clubmakers Honma, but he recently parted company with them and reverted to using mostly Taylor Made clubs. Golf Monthly said: “Justin tested the new TR20 driver earlier his year, it's quite fiddly and complicated, maybe it didn't suit him, which is strange because he was involved in the design. He had three missed cuts out of four events so clearly something was wrong for a player who is normally so consistent.”

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 18

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 18: 1. Betamax and VHS. (VHS was the victor) extra point Video 2000 or V2000, 2. The car, an AC Shelby Cobra, 3. Sherlock Holmes, 4. 'Big Bill' Tilden, 5. 39%, 6. Andy Williams. The Andy Williams Show, 7. 44%, 8. White Russian, 9. Honey (I miss you). Bobby Goldsboro, 10. The middle of nowhere. 11. answer c. Giotto, 12. The river Jordan. From the song Michael Row The Boat Ashore. "River Jordan is chilly and cold, hallelujah, chills the body but not

THE ROSE SERIES of eight Ladies tournaments got off to a great start on 18th June at Brokenhurst Manor Golf Cub, Hants. Winner Charley Hull was unsure how to acknowledge her opponent, should they knock elbows, knock knees? They decided to knock putters. Justin Rose, who together with his wife is sponsoring the tournaments, holds the course record having gone round in 63 aged just 13. Good job it was dry last week at soggy Brok, we often needed wellies on the 4th hole. The tournaments,which are helping the grateful lady pro golfers keep up to scratch during lockdown, will culminate in a grand final at Wentworth on 7th August. Justin must be feeling frisky, he has now split with both his clubmaker and his swing coach Sean Foley. Things usually go in threes, his wife should maybe keep an eye on him! WHEN WORKING, most caddies are paid around £1,000 a week plus 10% of the boss's winnings bonus (unless he happens to be Matt Kuchar.) They don't all have the luck of Gary Player 's caddie Eddie McCoy. After winning the 1978 Masters Player bought Eddie a house. AFTER RORY McILROY'S caddie Harry Diamond flew out to Florida for the PGA Tour restart Rory said: “The only tough thing is he has to quarantine, but we have a guest house he can stay in.” Two weeks in Rory McIlroy's guest house in Florida? It doesn't get any tougher.

CADDIES DON'T ALWAYS receive bouquets, but Mick Donaghy was praised for keeping the often tempestuous Tyrrell Hatton steady when he won at Bay Hill just before the shutdown. A blunt Scotsman, who picked up 10% of the winner's cheque (around £135,000) he says he "doesn't put up with any of Hatton's nonsense.” Donaghy contributed tactical decisions on crucial shots, as on the final hole at Bay Hill: “It’s the right the soul". 13. a. The Velvet Underground and Nico club, now f (The Velvet Underground), b. Animals (Pink Floyd) c. The Unforgettable Fire (U2). 14. Winds. 15. hit it.” Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra. 16. Parsec (parallax of one arcsecond). 17. Colditz Castle. Oflag is an abbreviation for Offiziers lager or officers camp. 18. Israelites (Desmond Dekker and the Aces) "Shirt them a tear up trousers are gone I don't want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde, poor me, the Israelite" 19. Reach the summit of Mt Everest. 20. Pariah.

Until next time: Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. 638 859 475.

A total of 88 players turned out for our Charity Day at Vistabella on Thursday 25th June 2020. The organisation of the course and the work required to get the players onto the Tee's in time led by Joaquin Rocamora, was second to none. The weather proved to be excellent which enabled some great scores to be produced. A Big thank you should go to Kathleen Rodgers and Maureen Haywood for staying at Hole 15 for the full 5 hours to give out refreshment and coerce the players into playing "The Special Hole", which in itself made 360 euro's. A free raffle followed the round with prizes donated by various people, we felt we should not ask business's for donations this time for obvious reasons. However the total sum made on the day was 950 euros so each Charity (On Course Foundation and The Royal British Legion) are better off by 475 euro's each. My thanks go to all of the organisers and above all "The Players" for their support for these 2 Great Charities. The results on the day were: Nearest the pins: Ian Bishop, Kenny McGeehan, Charlie Rodgers, Colin Archer Runners up losing out on count back with 128 points was the team formed by: Carol Ferguson, Scott Ferguson, Roy Nicholas, Brian Collins Our warmest congratulations go to the winners with the same score of 128 go yo the team formed by: Bob Rankin, Tom McEwan, Tony Woodward, Chris Byron Once again our sincere gratitude goes to all those who showed their support Charlie Rodgers The runners up out on the course, about to play their final hole



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020

GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps..


World Handicapping System For those golfers that have Spanish Federation Licences (RFEG) the new World Handicap System is now in operation but for those We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Price €98 €100 €100 €125

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy

members remaining in Spain over the summer months there are virtually no opportunities to enter qualifying scores for handicaps. However Bonalba Golf have announced that for those RFEG members that have decided to remain in Spain for the months of July and August 2020 they have made Wednesday mornings available for competitive handicap qualifying rounds at competitive prices.


Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

last event. The prices for these events will be €35 with buggies available for €20 and electric trolley’s for €5. To register you can download and use their CLAPPHOUSE application or e-mail Mike Probert on

Non RFEG members can play to make up a four ball but obviously can’t compete in the event or win prizes which by handicap category will be the winners each week and the best 3 scores throughout the period all which will be presented at a cocktail party after the

These events are targeted at individuals and local societies who can reserve players in 4 balls from 10.00am although by specific request some limited tee times may be available before 10.00am and there must be at least one RFEG member in each 4 ball group playing in the event.

Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga N & S La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre

Las Colinas €44 GrFee (1-2pm sgle buggy €25) Las Pinaillas €40 Green Fee (incl single buggy) Lorca €75 Two Green Fees and buggy Lo Romero €136 Two Green Fees and buggy Mar Menor €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €120 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Villamartin €136 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €84 Two Green Fees and buggy from 1pm For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €107 €50 €96 €118

Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee (single buggy €15) Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Green Fee (single buggy €27) Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy

Villamartin was the venue for Alfies Golf Society's first get together since the Covid-19 lockdown back in March. 24 players dug out their rusting golf clubs to compete for the Terry Owen Memorial Trophy. The honours on the day went to Ove Collin (Gold division) with a fantastic score of 40 points. The runner's up were Allan Sullivan 39 points, (Silver division) on countback from Paul Skillet 39 points (Silver division) and Ian Ingledew 37 points (Gold division). Nearest the pin prizes and Sponsors were Tony Hall (The Avenue Bar drinks voucher), Ove Collin (Alfie's Bar drinks voucher), Ian Ingledew (The Street Restaurant voucher). A big thank you as always to Alfie's Bar for their support and great food! The Captain’s chosen charity for this year is the Association of Parents of Students with Special Educational Needs (Apanee) in Torrevieja and in only three games this year we have now raised over 600 euros. The next game is at La Finca on

Double drop for La Marina Golf Society Ove Collin – winner of the Terry Owen Memorial Trophy the last Thursday in July (30th), where we already have 24 committed players. We still have spaces available for our next match so if you are interested in joining the best

society in Orihuela Costa then please email us at: or drop in to Alfie's Bar for a chat. By Nick Lee @ Villamartin

Alfie’s Golf Society McCafferty's Golf Society @Lo Romero by Steve Higgins 21 of us made the short journey to Lo Romero and found the course, once again, in excellent condition, albeit with slow greens; but some prefer them that way. Back at the pub, McCafferty's on the Cabo Roig Strip, Gabi Middleton and Deirdre Kiely both stepped up to collect 20€ for their selections on the two Scratch cards that were sold. NTP's: We have the usual 4 on the Par Three's and on this course, we also have the iconic 18th where we also have an NTP in Two. 4 of the 5 were claimed and stepping up to collect their sleeve of balls was Jens Fransson, Blue Smith, Steve Higgins and, I believe for the

25th June 2020 - The Members of the La Marina Golf Society had a double trophy day at the splendid Lo Romero Golf Course. The course was in excellent condition which made for a great day's golfing. The 16 members were divided into two teams, So we had Captains versus Vice Captain's Team Trophy to play for, as well as playing individually for the Presidents Cup. This year, Victory with 296 points went to the Vice Captain's team, players were Alan Craig, Iain Lyall, Roy Harris, Jeff Wisznieski, Jimmy Scott, Sarah McCabe, Lesley Cullen and a very happy V-Captain Gerry McCabe.

first ever time, Gabi Middleton. The 18th NTP was very safe as the wind was hurting the 2nd shot of anyone that even tried to attempt it. The scoring at Lo Romero, as I have said, was quite tasty and Keith Crossan's 31 points was only good enough for the CBNC non-prize. The top two in the Silver division both scored 33 points and losing on countback was Tom Burke who had a slightly lower back nine that Mick Phelan, who, once again was in the prizes. Both accepted their 'brownie' from Captain Ernie. The Gold lads scored slightly better and 31 points again, was only good enough for the CBNC for Christine Church. Only one point ahead with 32 points was Joe McAleer and the winner of the Gold Division, to many groans, was John Saunders with a steady 33 pts.

The Presidents Cup was won by Lesley Cullen with 49pts, 2nd was Roy Hill with 35 pts (on countback) and 3rd was Jimmy Scott also with 35pts Nearest the pin prizes were won by Alan Craig, Lynn Leigh, and Ray Hill. La Marina Golf Society is always pleased to welcome new players. For more details, please contact Club Secretary Jeff Wiszniewski at

The Overall winner with a cracking 35 points was "Lucky Jim", Jim Barbour who must have been smoking some pot to help him out after last week's abysmal 14 points. Well done "Lucky", good shooting and you are now back to 23! Happy Golfer: We have a NEW record, one that really no-one wants to famous for…BUT, there are exceptions to every rule and I know that this weeks recipient of a bottle of wine was as pleased as a pig in, well you know what I mean. With a score of JUST over 11 and below 13 was the one and the only (and we should be so grateful for small mercies like that, the one and only Mickie Coady. He will be presented it the next time he plays; he is not going to get away with the 'walk of fame'. Please Stay Safe everyone.


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020 Quote: 'It’s a bit surreal - I can’t believe it', jockey Emmet McNamara

Image: Epsom Park Racecourse Twitter


Neither could the punters! By Andrew Atkinson


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Fans to return in 'test events' - following COVID-19 pandemic Real fans could soon replace cardboard cut-outs


he 2020 Derby will go down in history, not for the race being run behind closed doors due to COVID-19, but moreso for the shock result - and placings - of the Classic at Epsom on July 4. Serpentine, 25-1, Khalifa Sat 50-1 and Amhran Na Bhfiann 66-1, a Trifecta that returned odds of 56,000-1 on the Tote, came home 1, 2, 3, in the 13 runners field. Kameko was fourth and English King, selection, finished strongly in fifth. Aidan O'Brien trained Serpentine was ridden by jockey Emmet McNamara: “I got a little bit of a freebie. All I could hear was the horse breathing. He was in a good rhythm, relaxed, and I couldn’t hear a thing around me.

By Andrew Atkinson Leader Exclusive Serpentine is the Ballydoyle trainer’s eighth success in the Derby

“I didn’t want to be looking. I knew I was a few clear. It’s a bit surreal - I can’t believe it,” said Emmett, who gained a 5 1/2 length victory.

McNamara, Ireland’s champion apprentice jockey in 2008 - riding his ninth mount of 2020 - had not rode a winner in nine months: "Things are very tough in Ireland - in terms of getting rides - but thankfully, Aidan knows I’m riding out every day and I’m fit as a fiddle.

Neither could punters.

"So when a race like this pops up and

he’s got a few extra runners, he seems to give me a couple of spins.”

Amhran Na Bhfiann, under WilliamBuick.

O'Brien saddled six runners in the £500,000 Derby, with Serpentine the Ballydoyle trainer's eighth success in the race: "We try to give every horse the best chance of winning - we try to ride them all accordingly,” said O’Brien, who also saddled third

“Emmet was very happy to go forward and William, on Amhran Na Bhfiann was happy to go forward too. “Emmet judged the pace really well he knew that he was a horse that was going to get every yard of a mile-anda-half.”

Vistabella Hat Trick for Charlie Watkins as he picks up the pairs The men’s pairs final was played this Monday at Vistabella between Charlie Watkins, Gary Thorpe and the “Men from Murcia” Eric Bishop and Barry Norris. It must be said that it was the first time Eric and Barry had played at Vistabella since the lock down with no chance of a practise, so straight into it, and well they played despite the disadvantage. The game was up and down up to the 10th end at 11 – 11 then things started to buzz on the 11th end Charlie and Gary scored a 6 with Eric and Barry replying back with a 6 the next end. Two ends were blanked by each pair in the following couple of ends. Scores went up and down by 1 point till end 16 with the scores tied at 19 – 19 then Eric and Barry went ahead 21 -19 to be pipped at the post by Charlie and Gary scoring a 3 to win the game 22 – 21 and a real shame as Eric’s last bowl just nudged an opposing ball into the count for the 3 points. What a fabulous game keeping the attending supporters gripping their seats through the whole of the match. Congratulations

Fans could be set to return to watch football in stadiums - amid the banning of spectators since the return of behind closed doors fixtures in June - following the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020-21 season - yet to release fixtures - could see Premier League and Championship games kick-off, with 'test events' being staged in the current campaign in July. Strict observations of health and safety guidelines will be put in place. Football is amongst sports mooted to see the return of spectators, under an observation programme to formally open stadiums to fans, in July. If the test events are successful sports events would be allowed to see the return of spectators for the 2020-21 campaign.

to the winners with Charlie a winner in all three competitions played in a week. But a big cheer to the losers for coming so close and making it a fantastic thrilling match. This could be the last report until September, unless the situation changes. So adios for now!

Stadiums would not be allowed to open to full capacity. Following the postponement of the 201920 football season in March, due to the coronavirus pandemic, fixtures returned behind closed doors last month and will be completed in July.

Vistabella Bowls is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos

The decision to return to action went ahead amid thrashed out lengthy talks between the government, clubs and the Professional Football Association (PFA).

How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends.

A handful of games remain in the Premier League and Championship, with Champions League places still up for grabs; Leeds and WBA vying for promotion, and a plethora of clubs rallying to reach the Championship play-offs.

Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain David Jenkins or Charlie Watkins Reported by : Montestan

Annually the football season kicks-off in England in August. Under the present circumstances of COVID-19 the 2020-21 season has been mooted to start in September.

LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB REPORT by Barry Latham Lovely to see the crowd there again in the sunshine. Mind you it is getting hotter these days especially on the green.

with a 13 – 8 victory over Shirley Hadaway and Margaret McLaughlin to put them at the top of Group 1.

It´s nice that they all finish about 12.30 so I can go home to do my dialysis.

Second place in that group goes to Jim and Kathy Manning when they beat Mike and the Anne Stone 17 – 10. I don´t know how Jim manages to cope with the heat at his age. Great mate.

Once again some good matches to watch. From my point of view it is good to see how some improve whereas others are not so consistent. Not that I would name names. It was very pleasing to see Lesley and Dave Joynes get back to winning ways

Saying age, two of the bowlers had birthdays. Mike Smit had his yesterday, says he is twenty five ??? but no birthday

present for him and Carol as they lost to Tom Spencer and Alex Whyte 13 – 10.

Geoff Halfhyde 19 – 4. I suppose they could have been brilliant to do that.

Steve Douglas and Mo Kidd played Jan and Pete Parsons and the Parsons won 17 – 11 to put them equal top of Group 2.

Last but not least the other birthday person was Jean Tregoing who celebrated with husband Paul by winning 14 – 9 against Cliff Rawlinson and Lorita Rae which took them off the bottom of Group 2. Well done. Hope Paul treats you tonight.

The other top spot in that Group goes to Dave McGaw and John Rae, although they would argue they are top on shot difference all because according to Dave they are both brilliant. They beat President Dave Taylor who stood in for Garth and

Don´t forget Sante´s bar and pool are open to the public now. Do come along

Emerald Isle Bowls Club The old favourite SAPS is back at the Emerald Isle, so after your lay off you can now get back to it as usual. Saturdays at 10 am it costs just 5 Euro per game with Shoes, Bowls and Coaching if needed. Use the opportunity to get back into the swing- It will be good to see you all again



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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020


La Siesta saved from closure in members take over First of all, we would like to wish the owners of La Siesta Bowls Club, Lyn & Jim Hudson all the best in their retirement and like to thank them for agreeing to lease La Siesta Bowls Club so that the Members can totally run the club, as of the 1st October 2020 the Members will Lease La Siesta Club from the owners and take over all of the responsibilities involved, allowing the owners to sit back and enjoy their well-earned retirement. Until that date the members are caretaking the club and are playing rollups games on three days of each week whilst keeping within the government restrictions on Coronavirus when attending and playing. La Siesta Bowls Club have only a small number of friendly members around 45 and are actively looking to increase this, the membership Fees

have remained at the competitive price of 200 Euros per year. We compete in League matches throughout the year, and for anyone who is interested in wanting regular games there is a great opportunity in achieving that due to the size of our membership, also this Club has regular Internal competition games, rollups, chicken & egg days together with other social activities.

By Alan Carr

Anyone interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club, run by the members, are welcome to call any of the following who will be able to give you any information you may require to assist you in making that decision. We hope to see new members in the very near future. Club contacts are below: George Richardson 865 772 498 Wendy Ralph 633 068 399 Sue Jordan 605 437 198

West Indian legend Sir Everton Weekes dies

Racing Ahead Racing San Miguel celebrate re-signing of star players and Benjamin 'A' as champions! By Andrew Atkinson Racing San Miguel football club celebrated the news with the re-signing by manager Willy of star players at the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 team - along with RSM Benjamin 'A' for being announced champions of the Group

Pictured here alongside the other two of the three W’s, Sir Frank Worrell and Sir Clyde Walcott, in the park opposite the 3 W’s Oval, Barbados By Andrew Atkinson

May he rest in peace."

Barbados born star Sir Everton Weekes, knighted in 1995, deemed as a cricket legend having made his Test debut in 1948, has died, aged 95, after suffering a heart attack at his home in Christ Church, Barbados.

The West Indian Players' Association said: "We salute a great West Indies icon; Sir Everton made an invaluable contribution to the sport, his country and the region, we were blessed to have him among us, may his soul rest in peace."

Weekes holds the record for consecutive Test centuries, making five in a row in his first year of international cricket, being four against India and one against England. Weekes played in 48 Tests, scoring 4,455 runs, with an average of 58.61, hitting 15 hundreds. Cricket West Indies (CWI) said: "Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the loss of an icon. A legend, our hero, Sir Everton Weekes. Our condolences go out to his family, friends and many fans around the world.

England, who are currently playing host to the West Indies Test squad, said in a statement: "A true great of the game. Our thoughts and condolences go out to Sir Everton Weekes' family and friends." A burial plot at the 3Ws Stadium, outside Bridgetown, has been left vacant for Weekes, alongside Frank Worrell and Clyde Walcott, should his family choose to accept it. Sir Everton Weekes was knighted in 1995 for his services to cricket.

1 (juniors). "Congratulations from all racinguistas at the club goes to Racing San Miguel Benjamín A in becoming champions of Ian Group 1, under by Gabri Ruiz Vicente and José Manuel Billing Fernández," said a RSM spokesperson. Racing San Miguel finished third in the 2019-20 Valencia 1st Regional G8, COVID-19 postponed campaign, following the cancellation of fixtures in March after the coronavirus outbreak hit. Central midfielders, teenager Guillermo Lopez Sanchez, 18, and Gabriel Ruiz Vicente, 26; along with Alexander Lopez Ortiz, were among players who signed new contracts under the watchful eye of manager Willy at the San Miguel based club for the 2020-21 season. Wnger Alexander Lopez Ortiz was one of a number of signings made last week

Carp-R-Us Summer Cup Carp-R-Us finally got back to match fishing after a break of nearly four months by holding their Summer Cup match at El Bosquet. Fortunately the weather on the day of the match was a good five degrees cooler than the day before, which made for a more comfortable match. The club had drawn up a protocol, based on current social

distancing rules, for both the draw and weight-in and this all went smoothly. Dave Hill ran out a clear winner from peg 26 with 18.85kg, second was Alan Priest with 15.90kg from peg 19 with Dave Sutton (15.50kg from peg 17) just pipping Steve Fell (15.45kg from peg 23) for third. Further information about the club can be found on its website or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th July, 2020


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