The Leader Newspaper Edition 823

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D O YOU WANT TO S E LL YOU R P R OP E RTY? NO SALE - NO FE E Tel: +3 4 617 537 8 6 6 No 823

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

Tel: 637 227 385

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

Mor e than one hundr ed activ e cor ona virus outbr eaks in Spain

atalonia continues to be the community causing most concern with outbreaks in Lleida and L'Hospitalet


Communities continue to report new outbreaks of coronavirus, which have now

reached more than one hundred across Spain, those of greatest concern continuing to be in Lleida, where there are around twenty outbreaks, Galicia and the Basque Country, where on Sunday, despite fears of the risk of

added contagion, over a million people were expected to turn out to vote in regional elections. The number of active sources of the virus was confirmed on Saturday by the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, who was

speaking at the National Council of the PSC, the Socialist Party of Catalonia conference, saying that outbreaks will be inevitable "as long as there is no vaccine or available treatment." Continued on Page 2


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


637 227 385 PROPERTY

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Coronavirus outbreaks in Spain

An outbreak is defined by the ministry of health as a group of three or more infections with an epidemiological link. It is considered active if there has been transmission within the last 14 days. In the case of infections detected in care homes, one positive case is considered an outbreak, even if the patient is asymptomatic, due to the high level of risk.

He particularly called for caution in Catalonia which is currently the community that is most affected by the pandemic. There, the Government has extended the confinement in care homes across the entire health region of Lleida, while it has reported a worrying rise in infections in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, a densely populated city close to Barcelona that is currently suffering from an outbreak of more than a hundred cases. In Lleida, where there are about twenty outbreaks, twelve of them in fruit and vegetable companies and four in nursing homes, a spokesman for the Arnau University Hospital in Vilanova de Lleida, which is already under severe strain, said he is concerned that during the next week the pressure of the disease could saturate the city’s health services.

been told that they must wear face masks and keep safety distances.

The mandatory use of masks is also being increasingly adopted in other communities. Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Aragón and Extremadura have already ordered their compulsory use and other communities such as Asturias, Cantabria, Murcia and Andalusia, whose president is going to propose the measure to the regional technical In total there are 89 people in committee on Monday, are conhospital with covid-19 in the Of the 512 active cases in the sidering doing the same. most affected region of Lleida, province of Alicante only 18 Segrià, where, on Friday 280 are currently hospitalised, 4 in The province of Alicante has registered five new cases of new cases were diagnosed, the ICU, with the remaining 494 coronavirus in the last day, people confined to their highest number since the conalthough it is still free of outfinement of the 210,000 inhabi- homes. breaks. Across the Valencian tants across the area’s 38 Community, 24 new cases have been conmunicipalities. firmed, the vast majority in the province of And in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, 107 new Valencia, where there is also one new outbreak, cases have been diagnosed in the last week, a family of seven in the town of Foios. many of them in a nursing home in the town. The situation in Galicia and the Basque Country is also of concern. The Galician region now has 259 active cases of the virus, where the province of Lugo suffers the bulk with 203 cases, 186 of which are in the partially confined area of A Mariña, a town of 80,000 people, which in reporting the story last week was inexplicably mistaken by the British press for La Marina, San Fulgencio. The Basque Country is the other region with an outbreak that has also focused attention in recent days, in Ordizia, where on Saturday there were 70 infections. In both Galicia and in the Basque Country, those infected with the virus were prohibited from voting in Sunday’s Regional elections, a decision that was endorsed on Saturday by the Supreme Court, in the case of Galicia, and the Central Electoral Board, in the case of the Basque Country. Infected voters have been told that they will commit a crime against public health if they go to the polls. Healthy voters, meanwhile, have

In the outbreak in the city of Castellón, 4 new cases have been confirmed, bringing the total number of people affected to 35, although the traceability of all cases is known. In the outbreak of the Rafelbunyol meat company, of the 117 latest tests carried out, 112 tests are clear while there are five other results still pending. The Community has now seen three consecutive days without any deaths from the virus although 1,476 people are infected, of which 512 are in the province of Alicante. However of those only 18 are currently hospitalised, 4 in ICU, with the remaining 494 confined to their homes. At the present time there are no active cases in the province’s 100 care homes. Three coronavirus outbreaks are also currently active in Murcia. The largest of the three has led to 38 cases and is linked to a person from Bolivia, which was spread to a fruit picking company. The other two were reported on Thursday.


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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

Health activates plan to shorten hospital waiting lists


he coronavirus pandemic has seen operation waiting lists continue to grow and with provincial hospitals now working to clear the backlog the Ministry of Health has given authorisation to introduce the so-called Shock Plan, that is, the transfer of patients to private hospitals for their surgery. The second measure that Health has to reduce waiting lists is that of paying doctors to operate in the afternoons, however that remains practically at a standstill. Until now, the Shock Plan had been shelved, as the authorities waited to see how the pandemic evolved in the province of Alicante, but finally, just a few days ago, and after a meeting between representatives of the private clinics and the Ministry of Health, the referral of patients to private centres has now resumed. When a patient has been on the operating waiting list for more than 60 days in a public hospital in the Valencian Community, Health must offer the option of using the Shock Plan and being operated on in one of the private hospitals that collaborate with the program. This works well for certain types of interventions, usually the least likely to provide complications. In 2018, the last year for which records are kept, about 6,600 patients were sent to private clinics in the province for operations. The second method that the Ministry of Health has to reduce the waiting list is the so-called self-concert program, which consists of paying doctors in public hospitals to operate in the afternoons, outside of their working day, however this program remains practically paralysed in the province of Alicante. Trade Unions suggest that none of the large hospitals, such as the

Alicante General, the Elche General or Sant Joan have plans to introduce the measure, despite the fact that there are doctors willing to participate in the scheme, as the program is voluntary. The argument being used for not operating in the afternoons is the need for free beds in case there is a new coronavirus spike. One specialist said in response, however, “Most of the operations we do in the afternoon require very little recovery time. Generally the patient will be discharged the next day, so that argument is not valid," adding that it is economic reasons that prevent this program from starting up. The average waiting time for scheduled surgery in the province has shot up from 79 days in February to 130 days in May, due to the stoppage of non-essential surgical activity during the health crisis. This is reflected in the latest data published by the Department of Health, which includes the waiting times of each of the 10 health departments in the province. The delay has been increasing during March, April and May and, predictably, it will continue to do so in the coming months. Although the average delay in the province is 130 days, the data by health departments varies enormously. The department of San Joan in Alicante is the one with the greatest delay, with patients currently having to wait an average of 206 days to undergo surgery. At the other extreme is the Vinalopó Hospital in Elche, which despite doubling its waiting times by a substantial margin compared to February, stood at 83 days in May, the lowest figure not only in the province of Alicante, but in the entire Valencian Community, where the average wait amounts to 150 days of delay. Between the two extremes are the health departments of Dénia (135 days), Alcoy (140), Marina Baixa (129), Elda (108), Hospital General de Alicante (166), General Hospital of Elche (119), Orihuela (120) and Torrevieja (90). Ribera Salud, that manages the Hospital de Vinalopó and Hospital de Torrevieja, have said that they have been applying measures to reduce waiting times following the state of alarm, progressively resuming surgical activity until it reached 100% of its surgical activity in June.



A Touch of Class as Puccini comes to Playa Flamenca From 22 July, the esplanade at Playa Flamenca, is to become the twice weekly venue for the screening of some of the world’s most popular operas, relayed from Madrid’s Teatro Royale. Included in a season of major productions, operas, including 'Tosca', 'La Traviata' and 'Madame Butterfly' will be projected onto a large screen every Wednesday evening. The opera’s will be supplemented by live concerts. The Orihuela Councillor for Culture, made the announcement saying that they will be broadcasts of the best operas from the Teatro Real and all will be completely free of charge. Thus, on Wednesday 22 July the first

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


San Fulgencio s ecoturism success

opera to be broadcast will be the famous Tosca, by Giacomo Puccini; La Bohéme, also by Puccini, will be screened on Wednesday, 29 July.

“We have organised this cycle of Opera for residents of the Orihuela Costa, so that all the residents of the coast and those who visit us during these summer weeks can enjoy some of the very best music in the open air and in such a wonderful setting ”, explained Mar Ezcurra,

Defibrillators for Security services Portable and more manageable models will be located in patrol cars to ease the work of agents and volunteers in case of emergency

On Wednesday 5 August you can see La Traviata, by Giuseppe Verdi; On 12 August it will be Madame Butterfly and the final showing, on Wednesday 19 August will be the opera Aida. There will also be live opera concerts; on Sunday 26 July and 9 August there will be a performance by the Ginés Pérez de la Parra Choir and on Sunday 2 August and 16 August it will be the turn of the Trio Moon (piano, horn and soprano). All performances will be at 8:30 p.m.

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who added that all performances are free until the capacity is reached. "This is one of the first activities organised by the Department of Culture this summer on the Orihuela Costa but we are already working on several more performances and events that we will announce in the coming days," the councillor said. The full schedule is shown below.

Facelift for La Mata Promenade Guardia Civil

The existing plant pots along both promenades have all been improved, with lots of new plants including yucas, palmitos, taráis and palmeras washingtonianas.

The Councillor for Beaches Antonio Vidal, said that he had now fulfilled his commitment to renew and improve the image of the two walkways by La Mata beach, both the promenade that opened to the public a few months ago, between las avenidas de Soria and los Europeos, and the one located in front of la Urbanización Molino Blanco, between las calles Geranios and Adelfas.

Vidal said that the appearance of the area is now much better stating that the area enabled for people with reduced mobility on the beach of Los Náufragos has also been improved. The councillor added that the access stairs to the sea have now been installed along the coves of Torrevieja as have the concrete walkways to the San Roque bathing area.

This activity highlighted natural and cultural heritage in La Escuera area, finishing in a visit to the archaeological site

José Sempere, San Fulgencio councillor for Security, and David Vives, councillor of Health, have presented three defibrillators to the chief of the Local Police and Civil Defense to “ease the agents’ work while performing their duties in an emergency”, Sempere said.

About 30 people were able to enjoy last Saturday, July 4th, the first ecotourism route through La Escuera gorge, organized by San Fulgencio Tourist department. Always complying with current hygiene and safety regulations against Covid-19, its participants were able to enjoy the habitat of many protected species of birds in the area. The route ended with a visit to the Iberian site located in the municipality, with archaeological remains corresponding to the end of the 5th to 2nd century BC. Darren Parmenter, councillor for Tourism, "thanked all the participants for their attendance", adding that the council hopes "to be able to announce very soon the date and location of the next ecotourism route that will take place in San Fulgencio".

Vives said that the San Fulgencio Local Police will carry two defibrillators in their cars, together with a complete first-aid kit”. They are “portable and semi-automatic, more manageable and easy to use”, he added Vives, “with a total cost of 4.950 euros”. San Fulgencio’s Civil Defense group will also carry a machine, which was handed to agent Sanne Wolff by Councillor Sempere.



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020



Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

Malcolm and Mary Zoom in on Golden wedding celebrations Mary and Malcolm met in 1968 at the Assembly rooms dance in Worthing, Sussex. They bopped the night away, along with friends, at the start of a long and extremely happy relationship. As time went by the couple got engaged, marrying in 1970, with the wedding having to take place between hay making and harvest, due to working on the farm. Fifty years later, just last week, the couple celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary, an occasion they will long remember because of the situation of the Covid virus. They also decided to use the occasion to reaffirm their vows, a ceremony that was conducted in La Siesta by the Reverend Terry Baxter. The occasion was also enjoyed by many of their friends from the Royal British Legion and TRACS although sons Simon and Carl, along with their wives and four young grandchildren, were unable to be with Malcolm and Mary in Spain but, with the wonders of modern technology, they took part, and actually said a few words, via Zoom. The couple have been through many hardships, from living apart to being homeless. They have also been fortunate to travel the globe and witness other cultures at first hand which, makes them appreciate what they have today. They moved to Spain in 2006 where they are now enjoying the lifestyle and weather, but following the purchase of a Park home on the UK’s southern coast, they will now be able to spend a little more time with the family, which they have missed out during this year.

Malcolm and Mary Rusbridge celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary whilst also renewing their vows


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Boycott organisers disappointed, as they see no will to change by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and MD Sheryl Sandberg, in a zoom meeting, met the organisers of the advertising boycott. The management could not convince the activists "that they are taking actions." The meeting came as a disappointment as the organisers say they still cannot see any decisive action by Facebook against hatred and agitation, and hence will continue the campaign.

Man arrested on Valencian subway for not wearing mask correctly Ferrocarrils has said that it will launch an investigation into the incident that occurred on the Bétera-Villanueva de Castellón line leading to the handcuffing, arrest and detention of a man, of African origin, on a subway train for not wearing his facemask correctly. The incident was recorded by several passengers and shared on social networks accumulating more than 160,000 views. The images show how two security guards, a man and a woman, forcibly hold the man while a number of other passengers reproach them for their attitude, while pleading for his release.

Service for accessible beaches and adapted bathing areas withdrawn Pilar de la Horadada council has said that it’s staff will not be able to provide physical assistance to disabled users wishing to use the sea. The requirements established by new health regulations make it impossible for the beach rescue and lifeguard service to guarantee the health of both the user of the service and the employee so it has no alternative other than to withdraw the service. However walkways will be installed to ensure better accessibility and movement with amphibious chairs and crutches, which, after each use, will be disinfected. Footbridges have already been installed in Playa de las Higuericas, and in Playa de Mil Palmeras.

Podemos asks Government to grant residency to foreigners Unidas Podemos has said that it has asked the government to grant residence and work permits to undocumented foreigners who were in Spain when the state of alarm was declared and to grant Spanish nationality to immigrants who have worked in essential services during the coronavirus crisis. The only requirements for granting residency would be that the applicant prove his identity and that he has resided in Spain, at least, since March 14, 2020, by means of any document accrediting his stay in the country prior to that date.The announcement was made to the lower house by spokesman Pablo Echenique.



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020



Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


easyJet opens Costa Blanca market on 1 August easyJet Holidays has launched its Costa Blanca tourist packages from 1 August. It is one of the few remaining companies to reactivate it’ business, after the big tour operators, TUI and Jet2Holidays, announced their re openings in mid-July. It is hoped that the decision will stimulate the demand of British tourism, which accounts for almost half of the market in Benidorm.

expected to culminate this week, although in August it will be when hotels reach their maximum in terms of occupants.

The impact of the easyJet measure is important for the holiday venue. The president of the hotel association (Hosbec), Toni Mayor, has said on more than one occasion there is a need for holidaying Britons to travel to the municipality, which is mainly nourished by the national and United Kingdom markets.

And these new openings will be able to take advantage of the British tour operators, which have always been of great benefit to Benidorm, indeed, prior to the pandemic Mayor said that business was actually on the increase.

Unlike the Spanish, British tourists have a long tradition of booking their holidays as complete packages that include flights and accommodation so the late entry into the market of easyjet Holidays will prove to be an added boost. However, the company allowed its clients to book only the airline tickets for the month of July, something that, as it was said, is extended for August. Virtually all Costa Blanca accommodation has been closed until 1 July with its gradual opening

In total, there will be 52 active hotels that are members of Hosbec. Although it is expected that this number may increase. It should be noted that the Servigroup chain, which does not belong to any association, is also beginning to open its accommodation.

It is hoped that the decision will help to stimulate the demand of British tourism on the Costa Blanca

The agreement will save thousands of jobs amid COVID-19 as flights return to Alicante-Elche airport Quote: 'The agreement with Ryanair shows that the company has taken a more constructive and less damaging approach to dealing with the issues, than many of its competitor airlines'.

preserve jobs, that mirrors an agreement between the UK pilots union, Balpa, and Ryanair, in which pilots agreed to a 20% pay cut. Pilots however could still face redundancies.

“The agreement with Ryanair shows that the company has taken a more constructive and less damaging approach to dealing with the issues, than many of its competitor airlines.”

By Andrew Atkinson

Unite said the reductions were temporary and tiered to ensure the lowest paid were least affected, saying that 'temporary problems require temporary solutions'.

Unite refused to engage in talks with British Airways, until it has removed a threat to fire and rehire staff on inferior contracts.

Ryanair have returned commercial flights to and from the UK-Spain, including Alicante-Elche airport, amid the airline grounding the majority of its fleet as the coronavirus pandemic hit in March. An agreement was reached in a ballot of Unite members at Ryanair, who voted for lower pay to

Following a visit to the centre at Ramon de Campamor, which has been closed for several months because of cracks both to the exterior and the interior of the building, C.L.A.R.O. representatives and library staff, have now received a firsthand explanation of the situation from the council.

Torrevieja West NHW & Residents meetings to start again.

Ryanair and unions agree pay cut

The deal comes after Ryanair announced slashing 3,000 jobs, due to the huge impact of coronavirus. It is reported the pay cut will be in place for four years, or until business returns to precoronovirus pandemic levels.

Costa Community Centre to reopen in September

C.L.A.R.O also asked if access to the centre can be improved by enabling a passage across the Rambla de los Cucalos.

However the difference is still significant, especially with Jet2, which shows much more accommodation in its brochure. The company has up to 77 different hotels in Benidorm, and around 200 throughout the Costa Blanca. TUI has around 60 in the entire province, but with greater representation in the tourist capital (44). EasyJet hotels remain at about 40 for the entire area.

The Unite assistant general secretary, Diana Holland, said: “Unite has been contending with an incredibly difficult set of circumstances in the aviation sector.


They were told that the structural damage has been assessed and the centre will be reopened in September following repairs.

According to sources from the hotel association, this year EasyJet planned to enter rather more forcefully into the tourist capital in a bid to break the duopoly that TUI and Jet2Holidays have long enjoyed.

Unions have agreed with Ryanair to pay cuts of between 5-10% to save thousands of UK based cabin crew during the next four years amid flights returning to Alicante-Elche airport.

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BA reportedly intends to make up to 12,000 employees redundant and offered crew a maximum 20% cut in basic pay. Senior staff would also lose allowances that make up a significant part of their salaries. Swingeing job losses are expected across the airline sector, despite more flights resuming, amid COVID-19. EasyJet is in consultation over approaching 2,000 job losses among pilots and crew. Lufthansa are negotiating cuts, reportedly saying on July 7 that 22,000 jobs were surplus to requirements across its airline group.

The first public meeting after the easing of the state of alarm will be at 4.30 on the 28th September at Casa Ventura. The British Consul will attend to provide the latest information on the TIE card and to respond to members queries on residency and health care after Brexit. Also attending will be Association Babelia who have a grant from the UK Gov to provide practical help and support to our members in obtaining residency and members will have an opportunity to register their interest at the meeting . Members are asked to pre-book seats, either through the facebook site Torrevieja West Neighbourhood Watch or email to

Mercadona introduces 5-day working week Mercadona will introduce the 5 + 2 working day in all its stores starting on August 3. The measure, which is incorporated after carrying out a time and motion study in 31 supermarkets, will allow all store personnel to work 5 days a week and enjoy 2 days off. In addition, it introduces a pioneering initiative in the sector, since all Mercadona supermarket workers will in future have 8 long weekends a year (Saturday, Sunday and Monday).

70% of new doctors consider leaving Spain The abandonment of medical staff during the coronavirus crisis, poor wages and lack of official support, are just some of his reasons why many new doctors are considering moving abroad in order to develop their professional career. A survey carried out by the main public service union, the Independent Trade Union and Official Central ( CSIF) , has revealed the disgust that many have with the Spanish health system according to which 70% of new doctors plan to leave Spain as soon as they can find appointments overseas.



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Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

UK Cancellations leaves 40,000 tourist apartments empty in July & August

ased. We have already told our owners that occupancy cannot be maximized, "said Miguel Ángel Sotillos, president of Aptur. Although they receive calls, emails and searches through popular tourist rental websites, reservations come in randomly with many at the last minute, particularly from holidaymakers within Spain who might decide to travel just 48 hours in advance. Before they do so they ask about the measures taken against the virus in the pools and beaches at destination, whether they are safe, and if it is safe to go out to local bars and restaurants. Until now, the presence of the British was minimal, although this week flights have begun to arrive so we anticipate numbers increasing, as we do with the French and the Algerians, nationalities that have gradually risen in recent summers, especially those with families. “There is a lot of uncertainty in case the authorities change the rules and fear that they won’t be able to reclaim their deposits.

70% of Costa Blanca holiday home properties are available in July and August due to the high percentage of cancellations Nearly 40,000 holiday homes are available on the Costa Blanca during July and August due to the high percentage of booking cancellations that have been made in recent weeks, especially from UK travellers who have had the cheap flights they bought months ago cancelled. With airline prices much higher most are now choosing to postpone their trip, according to data collected by the Costa Blanca Tourist Apartments Association (Aptur). This summer the occupation of these homes is only

a third of that compared to last summer. Due to the nature of this type of accommodation, it is almost impossible to reach occupancy of 100% every day during the high season since, when they are vacated, they have to be cleaned in preparation for the new tenants. This year, in addition, holiday rental companies are leaving at least 48 hours before offering the apartment again as a precaution against coronavirus. “This is because of the security needs of our customers and our employees. If there is any possibility of a virus, in 48 hours it will disappear as the accommodation is aerated, cleaned and disinfected. If we have fewer reservations and the arrivals do not overlap with departures, everyone's security is incre-

Also the Association of Apartments and Houses for Tourist Use in Alicante (Abatur) has received a large number of cancellations, 20% more in the last few days. "People do not have the confidence, knowing if they will be able to go on holiday or not in case of flareups. We have a lot of last minute reservations”, said a spokesperson from the Daniel Elman collective. At the moment national tourism is 90 percent of the clientele. "We hope to see the percentage of foreigners rise to 30 percent in August," he says. During the state of alarm virtually all of our summer bookings were cancelled. In contrast, the tourist apartment sector already has 35% of it’s bookings for Christmas, many of them international visitors who are taking advantage of cheap flights.


Sanchez blamed for Nadia Calvin Euro election loss Even though support to Nadia Calvin was pledged by Germany, France, Italy and 7 other countries for the election as the head the Eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, she lost the election to Ireland's Paschal Donohoe. This is a diplomatic setback for Sanchez govt. The result will have impacts on the upcoming summit on an EU recovery fund where the north-south division is evident.

Valencia to take decision on compulsory masks In Valencia, the Department of Health is working with the Ministry and autonomous communities to decide if masks need to be made mandatory in public places like Balearic Islands and Catalonia. The decision on mask use and localised lockdowns will be taken in the upcoming days in a united manner and based on recommendations from the communities.


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

Bring back the Bicycle Eamon Ryan is the new Irish Government Minister for Transport. His brief also includes ‘Climate Action.’ Mr Ryan is a member of the ‘Green Party.’ I have given you three clues to my next question: How does Eamon Ryan transport himself around Dublin? Is it (a) your established perk of a ministerial state car, or (b) an eight years old bicycle? No prizes for correct answers – but all I will say is that our new minister has done more for the humble bike since Mr Raleigh. Mind you, Jimmy Weldon has done the same for the bike in La Zenia! Katie Melua’s song tells us there are nine million bicycles in Beijing. I have been there – and whilst I didn’t count them all, a rough scan would bear out this figure. There are twenty million inhabitants in Beijing and the only reason there are not twenty million bicycles is because only nine million people can afford one. China produces fifty million new bicycles every year, with exports to over a hundred countries. Enough about China … It is a terrible pity that the humble bicycle was allowed to fall into such disfavour here in Ireland. Once upon a time it was an Irishman’s proudest possession. You could get away with insulting a guy’s sister easier than casting aspersions on his bike: If the ‘slagging’ started and the word bike was used, it could turn quiet serious as soon as the words ‘crock’, ‘scrap’ or ‘bone-rattler’ were used, because it was very personal to insult a man’s bike! At one time there were surely a couple of million bicycles in everyday use here. Rows upon rows

Canna will transform a garden into a tropical paradise!


parked against each other outside churches or dancehalls indicated where the action of the moment was taking place.

My father offered my mother an engagement ring or a new bicycle: She choose the bike!

Nowadays there are chains of stores specialising in ‘Accessories for Men’, whilst back in those days all they would need to carry were trouser-clips, bicycle pumps and flash lamps. But it was not only the men who put such value on their bicycles. When my parents got engaged, my father offered my mother an engagement ring or a new bicycle: She choose the bike! (She knew she would get a ring later – and she did!) A generation earlier, around the year1900, there was huge controversy over what was appropriate clothing for a woman to wear on a bicycle. Petticoats and corsets wasn’t the most suitable for the saddle and soon they introduced divided skirts and bloomers in America. This attire was called ‘Rational Dress’ in these islands, but long dresses were worn by ladies on bicycles until after the First World War. I suppose that when the wheel was invented it was only a matter of time before the bike followed. In 1817 Karl Von Drais came up with what he called “The Hobby horse” and this is sometimes claimed as being the first bicycle. It was made of wood, you pushed it along with your feet and it was easier than walking. Like the steam engine, the Scots claim to have invented the first bicycle, when in 1840, Kirkpatrick MacMillan put pedals on an improved version of “The Hobby Horse”. A big advance came in 1861 with the invention of “The Penny Farthing” as it was known, by Pierre Michaux. The “Safety Bicycle” came in 1885: This was designed by John Kempt and popularised by the ‘Rover’ company. This was the first chain and gear-driven rear wheel. But really it was the introduction of the pneumatic tyre, patented by John Boyd Dunlop in1888, which improved rider comfort and helped to encourage public acceptance of


you are looking for a tropical paradise, then canna or canna lilies, are the plant for you!

Canna will transform a garden into a tropical paradise, with their large paddle-like tropical foliage


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the bicycle. Bicycles became a popular form of transportation from the early 1930’s when a combination of rising wages and falling production costs made bicycles affordable for working people. The more recent “Mountain Bike” once again increased the popularity of the bicycle to another generation. The past ten years has seen tremendous diversification, with far more varied designs, tailored for a variety of uses being produced. From the youngest to the oldest member of the family, there is a bicycle to suit us all. Just think of the benefits if we all went back to using a bicycle when we could. Look at how good it would be for the environment: Our roads would not be clogged up with motor cars and road rage would be cured. We would be much fitter and healthier, while enjoying the pleasure of not being insulated from the world of nature by our car. There would be a huge saving in our budget after and abundance of coloured flowers, ranging from white, red, orange or yellow or a combination of colours. Native to semi-tropical and tropical parts of North and South America, from South Carolina to Argentina and the Caribbean islands, Cannas are low maintenance and fast growing. Coming in many different sizes, from dwarf plants

reducing the cost of household motoring. Of course we would still need the car, but what a much better country we would have if we only used the motor car when it is necessary to do so? Give it some thought folk; you can do it: So, off with you – ‘on yer bike’! Don’t Forget. Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info. of approximately 40cm to 2-3 metres tall, they like being in situ of full sun, with moist bog like conditions, in well-drained soil. Feed monthly, to ensure continued flowering. Foliage can appear, from pure green, greenish blue, coppery to purplish, ruby, or green - with white stripes and mass planting in mixed borders or containers that will offer a dramatic effect.



637 227 385

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


in Kinita Restaurant & Beach Club in San Javier. Renovated by its new owners, Kinita, with its backdrop of the Mar Menor, it’s an idyllic place to rehearse and Murcia 7 TV was keen to come and film Spangles rehearsing. Baritone, Conchita, stole the show with her lively and funny interview, even getting the interviewer to audition for the chorus, and the 15 minute Spangles spot was televised last week.

The solution to getting back together was to sing outdoors.


pangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus’ rehearsals came to an abrupt halt on 14 March 2020, when Spain went into lockdown. Their planned trip to compete in Belgium had to be cancelled as every member complied with the new ruling of ‘quedate en casa”. Disappointed, but undaunted, the chorus management team and musical director set about keeping the chorus engaged during what was to be 15 weeks of isolation. “I had just taken over as Musical Director” said Valerie Lynch “and it was a tough call, but with the help of my magnificent chorus management team, I had a golden opportunity to get to know

every single chorus member on an individual basis.” Valerie offered one-to-one coaching on a voluntary basis and almost every member of the chorus signed up. As a qualified vocal coach, she was able to help each member improve their singing technique and learn two new contest songs. Valerie is also a trained opera singer and has sung with many famous people throughout her earlier career, including the fabulous Pavarotti. While Valerie was busy coaching, the management team thought up new ways to keep members engaged, culminating in a weekly ‘Happy Hour’ Zoom meeting, with each member bringing their favourite tipple to toast everyone. Many

of the chorus took part in a virtual chorus tag and a full virtual version of John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ which they released to great acclaim. During their fifteen weeks of confinement, the management team tirelessly researched ways in which the chorus could safely get back together and sing. The solution was to sing outdoors, following strict safety guidelines, which included taking everyone’s temperature on arrival, hand sanitiser, face masks at all times and visors when singing, no hugs, no kisses and safe distancing at all times. They needed a venue where they could sing outside with plenty of space and shade. They found their ideal venue

While the weather is good, Spangles will continue rehearsing at Kinita and will look to return to their usual rehearsal venue at Las Claras some time during the winter. “Of course, a lot will depend on how things go with Covid 19, but we are hopeful that we can return soon” remarked Chorus Manager, Lyn Baines. “We are so grateful to be back singing together. We are like one big family and we have missed being together very much”. Spangles is a ladies’ a cappella chorus, singing in four part harmony. Their summer rehearsals are every Thursday, from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at Kinita Restaurant & Beach Bar, San Javier and visitors are always welcome. If you’d like to book the chorus for an event or you are thinking about joining them, you can find more on the website: or email


Doctors want police to hand out masks The end of the state of alarm and the arrival of summer have gradually seen much of the population relax measures to prevent infections, but Covid-19 is not gone, it is not on holiday. "The virus continues to circulate," warn health officials, who are asking for more controls to try to contain the disease in fear of outbreaks. One of the controls is a greater use of masks in order to avoid infections and thus stop the spread of the coronavirus at these times when there is still no vaccine to combat this disease. Doctors say that it’s use has become essential, especially in places where there are crowds. For this reason, they consider that special emphasis must be placed on its use, proposing that the police, instead of punishing those who do not carry them in circumstances in which they should do so, should explain why they are so important and give them one at that time so that they can wear it.


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


637 227 385




ANSWERS Week 822

ACROSS 1. Cantankerous (5-7) 7. Brush (5) 8. Double (5) 9. Wrath (3) 10. Strict (9) 11. Bury (6) 12. Fiddle (6) 15. Subordinate (9) 17. Fire residue (3) 18. Find out (5) 19. Evade (5) 21. Endless (12) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 20

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 13. 14. 16. 20.

Importantly (12) Bishopric (3) Bulletin (6) Strength (9) Banish (5) Place of worship (7-5) Perspire (5) Likeness (9) Depart (5) Haphazard (6) Shackle (5) Row (3)

QUICK ACROSS: 4 Askance; 8 Doomed; 9 Enclose; 10 Extent; 11 Unable; 12 Shameful; 18 Surmount; 20 Deduct; 21 Talent; 22 Passive; 23 Arrant; 24 Install. DOWN: 1 Adverse; 2 Portray; 3 Seance; 5 Singular; 6 Afloat; 7 Castle; 13 Festival; 14 Numeral; 15 Statute; 16 Regain; 17 Outset; 19 Meagre. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 4 Account; 8 Thomas; 9 Infancy; 10 Rating; 11 Enlist; 12 Observer; 18 Needless; 20 Sewing; 21 Impact; 22 Instead; 23 Virtue; 24 Florida. DOWN: 1 Stardom; 2 Contest; 3 Wagner; 5 Converse; 6 Oracle; 7 Nicest; 13 Vanguard; 14 Penalty; 15 Ash-tree; 16 Vernal; 17 Victor; 19 Domain.

ACROSS 1. The craft required by one employed on the river! (12) 7. The point at which energy is available (5) 8. Don't interfere with holiday period (5) 9. In a month I threatened to strike (3) 10. Would such a railway system be futile? (9) 11. Newspaper article about wine (6) 12. It's cut down before it's cut up (6) 15. He's debauched enough to involve the tribe in a row (9) 17. A vessel used for carrying loads (3) 18. Before the end of the display, who's dreadfully ostentatious? (5) 19. Is old, maybe, but not infirm (5) 21. The genuine place for a second share-out (12)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Columbus first discovered the 'New World' on the 12th of October 1492. The land they first stepped on is called what today? 2. The title of which monster film was apparently the US military code name for New York City during the cold war? 3. The original meaning of the word sinister, derived from the Latin sinestra, was not evil. What did sinister mean? 4. What was the full official title of Queen Elizabeth II in Britain between the 20th November 1947 and the 6th February 1952? 5. Complete each of the following song titles with something to eat: (one word only needed). a. Life is a, b. Rock, c. 30,000, d. Savoy, e. When you come to the end of your 6. Liv Tyler didn't learn the true identity of her biological father until age nine. Until that time she was told she was the daughter of which rock star, famous for his song I saw the light? 7. Which Oscar winning actress, famous for her film line "Divine decadence darling", was Freddy Mercury's stage role model? 8. What did all of the following have in common? Claudius Caesar, Dudley Moore, Mother Theresa, Josef Goebbels and Lord Byron 9. Which, now managing, player has scored the most goals (7) while coming on as a substitute in Champions League football?

DOWN 1. Does this reflect the elements? (7-5) 2. Go by boat and fall out (3) 3. Scared by a loud onslaught (6) 4. A gem of a game (9) 5. Cross I put a value on (5) 6. With which one eats sweets (12) 7. Tolerate what election candidates do (3,2) 10. Picture showing a shaft of light in the doorway (9) 13. The directors sound disinterested ... (5) 14. ... as if the company could be a complete failure (6) 16. Shows disapproval, we hear, of strong drink (5) 20. Almost bound to be agricultural land (3)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) 10. With 89.4 million foreign tourists in 2018, which country is ranked as the first tourist destination in the world? 11. "Samhain", literally means "end of summer" and is a Gaelic language word. What is it's direct English equivalent? 12. Who's managerial career took off when he became the manager of AS Monaco, winning the league in a year later, the national cup three years after that and signed high-calibre players such as Glenn Hoddle, George Weah and JĂźrgen Klinsmann? 13. Churchill called it the "largest capitulation" in British history after 80,000 British led troops surrendered to the enemy. In which tiny country did this take place? 14. Trick-or-treating, an activity for children on Halloween. In which country did this practice originate? 15. Which Hollywood 'golden boy', who won a best actor Oscar for his role as a POW, was best man at Ronald and Nancy Reagan's wedding? 16. Why does the Hogget Decanter have a knob on its round base? 17. In which year was the Suez Canal first opened to shipping? 18. How did the Montgolfiere brothers rise to fame in the 18th century?



637 227 385

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

The Ministry of Health wants beaches and terraces to be ‘smoke free’


Doctors are now calling for smoking cessation treatments and a regulatory push to reduce tobacco use.


he deputy director for Public Health Surveillance, Araceli Arnáez Arce, wants to stop smoking on beaches, café terraces and all hospital complexes across the country.

Arnáez took part in a round table discussion on smoking, in which politicians and doctors have agreed on the need to overcome the "stagnation" of anti-smoking measures and move forward in the creation of new smoke-free areas such as beaches and terraces, to provide a new impetus in the fight against tobacco consumption. Participants at the conference rejected that new tobacco products, such as electronic cigarettes contribute any benefit to anti-smoking strategies. The representatives of PSOE, Podemos and Ciudadanos in attendance at the debate, also rejected the new products, which they equate with conventional tobacco, saying that they are open to financing formulas for tobacco cessation treatments. The spokesman for the PSOE, Jesús María Fernández, said that new legislation should go even further by removing tobacco from sporting venues and vehicles.


Councillor appeals for SAMU's 24-hour service to be restored on the coast

25% of Spaniards smoke and 95% of those who tried to quit last year did not receive any public assistance or treatment.

In addition to increasing the number of places where smoking is forbidden, this deputy head of the Ministry has expressed her "concern" for the new tobacco derivatives and has stated that "they are harmful to health, dangerous for young people and their use must be discouraged".

One person in six will die by 2030 if the situation is not addressed Mae de la Concha of Podemos said that despite the laws, 25% of Spaniards smoke and in prisons tobacco consumption is as high as 70%. She said that 95% of people in Spain who tried to quit smoking last year, did not receive any public aid or funded treatments. Doctors who attended the conference spoke of the enormous impact that tobacco has on health, defending the financing of treatments to stop smoking, as well as a new regulatory legislation to reduce tobacco consumption. Esther Holgado, an oncologist at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid, warned of the increase in tobacco consumption amongst women stating that, if the situation is not reversed in Spain, one person in six will die from the effects of tobacco by 2030, a product that is currently responsible for around 50,000 deaths annually.

osé Galiano, Councillor for Health of the Orihuela City Council, has said that he is waiting for the Ministry to rule on the difficult situation that SAMU endures in Orihuela Costa The Councillor for Health of the Orihuela City Council, has urged the autonomous Secretary of Public Health, Isaura Navarro, to respond to requests from the City Council so that the SAMU service in Orihuela Costa can be improved. Among the requirements noted by the Councillor, is the expansion of the service from 12 hours to 24 "to avoid many of the serious situations that have been witnessed in recent years," he said. He has also stated that work during the summer time becomes much more difficult as a result of the increased road traffic and congestion and the fact that the population multiplies on the coast by two or threefold. He said that it requires a response to improve the conditions of the service that “not only serves the Orihuela Costa, but also many other towns, such as San Miguel de Salinas and Pilar de la Horadada”, meaning a greater response time for emergencies that may arise at any time. Despite the meeting that José Galiano had with Isaura Navarro a few weeks ago, the Councillor said that he has not yet had a response to the proposals that he raised, and he now considers that "it is absolutely necessary for the Ministry to respond to the additional commitment”, with the aim of avoiding the occurrence of fateful situations in which SAMU fails to arrive in time to save lives.


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

Car Sales

Social and Clubs

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st July followed by a ‘Secret Auction’.

Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email:


Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892.

HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597..

of Torrevieja Hospital by Ribera Salud, and of all primary care (local medical) centres, will end.

Mazón (left) explained that "the decision would be a serious mistake as significant investment will be lost which may lead to a step backward in the quality of care.”

“In recent months we have heard many different versions about the future of the concession, but if we are guided by those made by Ana Barceló, head of the Ministry of Health, we understand that the Consell intends not to extend the current contract," he added. Mazón explained that "this reversal would be a serious mistake since, in addition to which, significant investment will be lost which may lead to a step backward in the quality of care, as has been happening at the Alzira Hospital, where the data of the Ministry of Health shows a notable increase in spending and, what is more detrimental to the public, a large increase in waiting lists."

Mazón to meet Puig over management of Torrevieja Health service


he president of the Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, considers that public management "would be a serious mistake because important investments are at stake and any change may be a step backwards in

the quality of care", as has happened with the Alzira Hospital The President of the Diputation, Carlos Mazón (PP), has requested an interview with the President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig (PSOE) so that he can "have

the opportunity to personally explain the reasons" why he considers it necessary "to extend the management of the Torrevieja Hospital" to Ribera Salud. Mazón says that in October 2021 the concession of the private management

Health Conselleria, Ana Barceló, recently told the Valencian Courts, in response to a question from Podemos, that the Generalitat intends to continue with its road map and recover the direct management of Torrevieja, which since 2006, has been carried out by Ribera Salud (a company of the North American insurer Centene Corporation). Legally, the regional administration must inform Ribera Salud of its intention to cancel the management contract


637 227 385

International Christian Assembly, Calle




Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752






Personal Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708

one year before the end of its term, in October of this year. President Ximo Puig, meanwhile, has left open the possibility of prolonging the concession in his statements to different media outlets, prior to the announcement by Barceló in the Cortes. Torrevieja has a population of about 160,000 users with health cards (186,000 according to the Generalitat) which included the residents of Torrevieja, Orihuela Costa, Pilar de la Horadada, Guardamar del Segura, Rojales, San Fulgencio, San Miguel de Salinas, Los Montesinos, Benijófar and Formentera del Segura and, in addition to building the Torrevieja Hospital, in an investment made by the concessionaire as part of its contract, it manages the five health centres in Torrevieja, Guardamar, Rojales, Orihuela Costa, San Miguel and Pilar de la Horadada and the network of clinics across the department. With a surgical waiting list of just 90 days, Torrevieja Hospital has the shortest delay for those awaiting operations in the entire province. In Alicante’s Hospital de San Joan, which is managed by Ana Barceló’s Ministry of Health, the average wait to undergo surgery is 276 days, 9 months.



637 227 385

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


Spain’s new minimum income scheme: a victory and a historic failure This could be the most significant test of Spain’s fair-mindedness as a society. Starting last month, Spain has a minimum income scheme in place. Considering some of the international coverage, you would be forgiven for thinking it is some sort of universal basic income. It is not so. It is rather a social assistance programme for the poorest families, similar to the ones existing in other European countries. Households will be allowed to claim between 462 and 1,015 Euro depending on their size and composition. The benefit will be compatible with other sources of income, in which case the amount of the benefit would be lowered accordingly. It is a very last resort, which, believe it or not, the fourth largest economy in the Euro-area did not have until now, not at least for the whole country, and not one that deserved that name.

population, and half the poverty level (6.4 for 12.3%), the Basque scheme reaches 2.3 times more people and public expenditure is 2.6 times greater. The Basque programme covers 88% of those in greatest need, compared to 23% in the case of Madrid. With the exception of Navarre, La Rioja and the Basque Country, the vast majority of regions leave out half of the population that meet the economic criteria. The general average is just 21.33%, which means that almost eight in 10 people are unable to get the economic support they need. With just over 8% of the country’s population, nearly 38% of all recipients, living in the Basque Country, Navarra or Asturias, the three regions accumulate 43% of all of Spain’s public spending on minimum income.

The right-wing Popular Party and the extreme-right Vox seem very confused with some of their leaders speaking out against the initiative, although they didnt dare to vote against it when it was put before parliament.

If it works well, this initiative has the potential for alleviating the most severe forms of social exclusion. Spain has the dishonour of having one the highest rates of child poverty in the EU: one in four children live below relative poverty in households that get less than 60% of the median income. After a long decade of austerity policies, this is a victory for the left, possibly the most significant one since equal marriage (2005), the social care law (2006) and the historical memory law (2007). This is a victory for the left, possibly the most significant one since equal marriage (2005), the social care law (2006) and the historical memory law (2007). But, as well as a victory, it is also the expression of a huge policy and political failure. Spain’s regions and nationalities have had the power and the responsibility to protect the most vulnerable for more than three decades. However, by and large they have failed to do so, in a systematic breach of the human rights to social security and to an adequate standard of living. The 1978 Constitution established that social security should be maintained “for all citizens (to) guarantee adequate social assistance and benefits in situations of hardship” (Article 41). Spain does have social security with public pensions, including non-contributory pensions, unemployment protection and other economic benefits for those temporarily unable to work for different reasons. But a lot of people suffer long-term unemployment, work in extremely precarious jobs, or are simply left behind by the system. The Constitution also bestowed on regions and nationalities the power to set up complementary social assistance schemes (Article 148.1.20), and all 17 of them accepted this responsibility in their respective statutes of self-government. Starting with the Basque Country in 1989 and Andalusia in 1990, each region has created its own system. But there is huge variation between them in terms of coverage, adequacy and conditionality. Madrid and the Basque Country are two of the richest regions, with similar levels of GDP per capita. Yet, despite having one third of Madrid’s

The austerity of the 2010s created an ever-greater need for a people’s quantitative easing. However, because of limited resources in some cases, and ideological blindness and lack of interest in others, for three decades the regional public authorities failed to fulfil the right to social assistance recognised in Article 13 of the European Social Charter, leaving millions of people behind. Looking at the small print Let us hope Spain’s new minimum income scheme will mark a turning point. For now, it is too early to tell if it will match up to the expectations. A number of issues remain unclear and are concerning. For example, the coverage is arbitrarily limited to people between 23 and 65 years of age. Public authorities at the central, regional and local levels should urgently develop truly accessible and nonbureaucratic procedures. Considering the digital divide, it is essential to establish a system by which individuals can request this benefit from social services face-toface. In light of the concerning experiences in other countries, observers must watch out for the possible misuse of sanctions and conditionalities. Just as crucial, existing regional schemes should be retained and developed to complement the new central benefit. The elephant in the room is that none of this would have happened without Covid-19. But this cannot be a passing whim, nor a PR stunt for the left-leaning coalition government. The right-wing Popular Party and the extreme-right Vox seem very confused. Some of their leaders have spoken against this initiative with hyperbolic references to the nannyState. However, they did not dare to vote against it when the debate came to Parliament in mid-June. The real test will come when the flashlights focus on something else. If the practical questions get answered, and if conservatives do not get rid of it when they return to power whenever they do, then we will be able to celebrate this as one of the most important victories of the left. This could be the most substantial policy for the people at greater risk of harm, disadvantage and poverty. This could be the most significant test of Spain’s fairness as a society. (

Cañada Real, Madrid, is Europe's largest shantytown. It has some 40,000 residents. Conditions there are described as comparable to the Third World. Photo by Rafael Robles L


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

Arrests of Senior Civil Guard officers for contract fraud The Civil Affairs Internal Affairs Unit has detained the Civil Guard colonel Juan Antonio Maroto Gil and Lieutenant Colonel Alberto Martín Altube, both members of the Corps Recruitment Service for their alleged involvement in a plot concerning the award of public contracts. The arrests - there have been five others, including that of a second lieutenant - are part of the Grapa operation, a network accused of rigging public contracts both in the Police and in the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) where there have been about fifteen more arrests, the majority public officials. The investigations have uncovered the falsification of a large number of contracts, including supplies of clothing and uniform items at the Guardia Civil.

Retailer But buys French competitor Conforama


Babylonia fishermen’s cottages 'flagged' up again Andrew Atkinson reports on the ongoing battle to preserve the site of historic fisherman’s cottages, amid activist group Ecologists in Action designating Babylonia beach with a 'black flag'. THE black flag comes six months after Storm Gloria hit Spain in January - that put another nail in the coffin of the former fishermen’s cottages at Babylonia beach in Guardamar. The deluge of heavy rain and stormy weather at sea has taken its toll on the dozens of already dilapidated properties on the sea front. In 2017 The Leader reported residents of Babylonia beach in Guardamar del Segura assumed the cost of repairs to the damaged walkway - separating their homes from the beach - again destroyed following heavy storms.

The owners of the remaining homes confirmed they would pay the 800,000 euros costings to rebuild the footpath. A court also ordered the Coastal Territorial Service of Alicante to take the necessary measures, to consolidate the walkway and existing houses in 2016. At the time, the Directorate General for Sustainability of the Coast, under the Ministry of Environment, claimed that it lacked the budget to undertake the work and urged the residents to undertake it on themselves. Each of the families paid a sum of between 6,000 and 7,000 euros, which Babylonian Association secretary, Manuel López saying it would force some neighbours to seek a loan. “We are not rich people here, some will find it easy to pay, but for others it will be very difficult,” he said. The project commissioned by the

owners, included improvements that didn’t previously exist, including a disabled access to the beach. The 2 metre wide footpath was rebuilt - reinforcing the breakwater from the sea. Work also included an aesthetic improvement of steel. Prior to works undertaken the court was informed by the owners, who needed appropriate permits to do the works, said López. Property owners have shored up their homes for years, in the on-going battle to save part of Guardamar history. Amid the devastating storms that hit during Storm Gloria private walkways and properties collapsed into the sea, once again. During the last two decades the fisherman’s historic cottages site has seen a change of scenery, along with other houses collapsing into the sea, as the ongoing battle against time continues, unabated. Babylonia beach hit by Storm Gloria in January

The Steinhoff Group, a South African conglomerate, announced the sale of Conforama France, a furniture retailer, to the parent company of But.

The value of the transaction has not been declared. The acquisition will allow the two French retailers to better compete with Ikea, the market leader in France.

Teleworking draft is unbalanced, erratic nowhere near reality The CEOE Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations has said that draft of the Distance Work Law produced by the Ministry of Labour is an "unbalanced" text, with an "erratic" approach and "nowhere near reality." of the Spanish workplace. It has said that this draft neither fulfils the needs of companies and workers nor generates the confidence and security needed to generate investment and employment.

Valencia bars may close again due to lack of customers Bars in Valencia are having a difficult time due to a lack of customers even after the state of alarm was lifted. Stoppage of activity for over a hundred days coupled with absence of domestic and international tourists is causing many bars to shut their doors till September. Spokesperson Amor López, Valencia’s Hospitality Coordinator says that there are few customers and the city is failing to provide any financial support as hotels, bars and restaurants are only seeing 30% of last year's turnover. 27% of premises remained closed at the end of the lockdown but now that number is beginning to grow.

Bathing in natural areas grows due to limitations on beaches Bathing in natural areas has increased this summer because of the limitations imposed in swimming pools and on beaches. El Racó de Sant Bonaventura and El Molinar, in Alcoy, are two of the places that have seen a large influx of people, with the number of visitors multiplying, especially at weekends.

Illegal tobacco worth euro 44,260 seized at Cork Airport

Harvard & MIT sue US government over student visas

The policy bans foreign students from staying in the US if their classes go online due to Covid-19. There were 1.1M international students in U.S. in the 201819 academic year, said a spokeswoman.


“These sites are wonderful. You can really connect with nature and they allow you to get away from the crowds," said Juan Andrés Martínez, a resident of Alcoy. "Take advantage of them now,” he added, “because there is a lot of water.”

The But chain, number two in the sector, plans to take over its 162 out of 194 stores.

Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have sued the Trump administration against its new rules for foreign students. They have asked for a temporary restraining order.

637 227 385

The customs authorities at Cork Airport seized a €44,260 haul of smuggled tobacco last Sunday in the checked baggage of three Irish nationals who had disembarked a flight from Alicante.


he cycling journey of ling time Rojales resident Anne Allen who tells the story of her life on two wheels, from, being perched on the front of her dad's bike at the age of two, to learning to ride her own two wheeler and ultimately how she ended up cycling the iconic Paris Brest Paris (PBP) long-distance (1200km) cycling event in her sixties.

The find was made by a ‘detector dog’ Eva during routine checks. The haul would have represented a potential loss to the Exchequer of €36,735.

There is also a chapter in the book about her cycling wedding, when she stopped off at Gretna Green to get married, whilst cycling from Lands’ End to John O'Groats, raising money for charity along the way. Learn how Ann, who is currently a board member of Thader Football Club, and a volunteer at the local social centre pensionista club, made the transition from club rider to an ultra-endurance cyclist including tips on training, equipment, nutrition and mindset. The book is available to buy in kindle or paperback form from or Amazon UK or you can contact Anne by email at: from whom the cost is just 10euro.

Rafal Council are to invest almost 200,000 euros in the municipal sports hall, which was built in 1988. The investment will be made thanks to a grant of 99,417.17 euros, from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports to improve, expand and repair sports facilities in municipalities of up to 5,000 inhabitants. The other part will come from insurance compensation, after the floods and damage caused by DANA.

These seizures are part of custom’s ongoing operations targeting the sale of illegal products in the black economy.

Rafal to invest 200,000 euro to improve sports hall

Much of the work will be focused on the roof, windows, doors and the ventilation system.



637 227 385

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

19 League Champions

El Capitan


cheduled for May and subsequently cancelled, the Euronics darts league finally concluded it’s 2019 / 2020 season with two mini presentations last week, the first at C.C.'s, La Zenia, the second at The Tipsy Toad, El Galan. Whilst K.O. competitions were not completed, all league fixtures were, including Merit awards, most maximums and highest finish. Division 1 and 2 champions, El Capitan and C.C.'s Flyers respectively, plus division 2 runners up, Milos, were awarded prizes at C.C.'s followed later in the week with division 1 runners up, The Hub, Merit award winners and finally the league’s highest finish, at the Tipsy Toad. Arrangements are currently being made, subject to any Covid 19 directives, to commence the new 2020 / 2021 season, starting with a provisional August 20th A.G.M. and a provisional start date of September 17th. Confirmation will follow in due course.

Existing Euronics teams should confirm their inclusion in the forthcoming season and any new teams wishing to join must forward details to the league secretary at by August 10th. Honours: Div. 1

Champions El Capitan,

Runners up

The Hub

Div. 2 Runners up

Champions Milos

Division 2 Champions CC’s Bar

C.C.'s Flyers

Merit Table Winners Ladies Lesley Dolling

Hub Hellraisers


Paul Durrant



Tipsy Toad Toppers

Most 180's John Walker H. Finish

El Capitan

Paul Durrant Hub (156)

Presentations were carried out by Debbie and Dave Wright (Euronics) and Paul Lock (P.L.L.

Paul Durrant

Chelsea Campbell

Merit & High Finish

of Milo’s

Runners Up The Hub

Merit winners Tipsy Toad



oming towards the end of the Leagues. I think next week is the last before the final. Brought the crowds out with hardly a seat to spare. Nice to see the Lowes back from their travels. Even hotter this week down on the green and you could see that affecting the players. It didn´t stop some turn around results in some cases. The top two in League 1 both lost fairly heavily. The Joynes lost 18 – 8 to the Stones which was good to see from their point of view as they

by Barry Latham

hadn´t done so well in the past two weeks. Good to see The Anne and Mike coming back to form. Kathy and Jim Manning also lost. They found Jan and Pete Parsons in fine form and they won 19 – 6. That left the Mannings one point behind in second place in League 1 with the Joynes still top and the Parsons in second place in League 2 on shot difference. Should be some exciting matches next week. They might be bottom of League 2 but they are

fighting hard to improve so well done Alex Whyte and Tom Spencer in winning 17 – 9 against Steve Douglas and Mo Kidd.

In theory Steve and Mo can get to the final next week. Geoff Halfhyde and Garth Slater had a cracking game against Jean and Paul Tregoing which went to the last end and the Tregoings just won 13 – 11. I suppose technically Geoff and Garth could still get to the final. Another close game was the fight between Cliff Rawlinson and Lorita Rae and the ladies Margaret McLaughlin and Shirley Hadaway with the ladies coming out the winners 11 – 9. Another case here dependent on next week’s

results Shirley and Margaret could go through to the final. Last game to report on and I´m sure he does this each time so I have write about him. Anyway John Rae played against Carol and Mike Smith and he was losing heavily. John had some great shots and began to pull back. Then on the last end with the score 11 all that bloke, I´ve forgotten his name, dropped a perfect bowl on the jack to win the game. So well done John Rae and Dave um McGaw to stay top of League 2. By the way Paul I saw your wrong bias go into the ditch on Rink1 Don´t forget Sante´s bar is open and so is the swimming pool. Also there are BBQ´s to enjoy at night at weekends.


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


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Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup rescheduled The PGA of America, Ryder Cup Europe and the PGA Tour have jointly announced that both The Ryder Cup and the Presidents Cup have been rescheduled and will now be played one year later than originally planned. The 43rd Ryder Cup, scheduled for the week of September 22-27 at Whistling Straits in Kohler, Wisconsin, has been rescheduled for the week of September 21-26, 2021. Likewise, the 2021 Presidents Cup, initially scheduled for September 30-October 3, 2021 at Quail Hollow Club in Charlotte, North Carolina, will now be played September 19-25, 2022. The decision to reschedule The Ryder Cup was made based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and in conjunction with the state of Wisconsin and Sheboygan County, with the health and well-being of all involved as the top priority. “Unlike other major sporting events that are played in existing stadiums, we had to make a decision now about building facilities to host The 2020 Ryder Cup at Whistling Straits,” said PGA of America CEO Seth Waugh.

Clarkes Bar Charity event in support of the RBL

A total of 88 players took place in the event which raised 950 euro to be shared equally between the two organisations.

The Orihuela Costa Branch of the RBL, together with the On Course Foundation, a charity that champions the recovery of injured and sick Service personnel and veterans through golf events and employment in the golf industry, were the joint recipients from a charity day held by Clarkes Bar at Vistabella recently.

The photo shows the presentation at Clarkes Bar of 475 euro by joint organiser Charlie Rodgers to the local RBL Poppy Appeal co-ordinator Eddie Coleman. The money will be used here in Spain to provide financial, social and emotional support to members and veterans of the British Armed Forces, their families and dependents.

San Miguel Golf Society at Roda, July 8th, 2020 Twenty-eight players made it to a rearranged meet at Roda, kind enough to find a slot at fairly short notice after another course cancelled. Not a bad turnout given summer numbers are always low, whether impacted by COVID-19 or not, and due to that nasty

virus as well, causing trepidation amongst some members regarding venturing back on to the golf course.

are on end of lockdown golf, with arrival at tees only required 10 or so minutes before tee-off time.

The course was in very good condition, a clear advance on that found at La Manga the previous week. Even the bunkers were perfectly prepared, consistent and very playable.

That is not the case as SMGS is now fully back in to the groove and, apart from not including nearest the pins (which it was agreed by those present will resume next week at El Plantio), all is as before midMarch, with players in future needing to arrive at least 45 minutes before their allotted time.

A bit of dead, recently cut grass hanging around, which led to some hide and seek with balls, but otherwise absolutely no complaints. Some players still seem to think we

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

Due to the numbers playing, only 2 categories were competed for. In Gold Dave Rowe came out on top with 35 points, closely followed by Graeme Forbes on 34, with John Humphrey (32) 3rd. In Silver Brian Mulligan (35) pipped Captain Phil de Lacy on countback. Steve Hart was just behind in 3rd with 34 points. The day’s other prize, the Abacus and its associated bottle of red wine, went to John Rose who fought off some stiff competition.

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 18: 1. Bahamas, 2. Cloverfield, 3. Left, 4. Her Royal Highness (HRH) The Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh (before then she was 'Her Royal Highness The Princess Elizabeth' and obviously afterwards 'Her Majesty The Queen'. In Jersey and Guernsey she is also the 'Duke of Normandy'). 5. a. minestrone (10cc), b. lobster (B-52s), c. bananas (Harry Chapin), d. truffle (Beatles), e. lollipop (Max Bygraves). 6. Todd Rundgren. 7. Liza Minelli (from the film Cabaret). 8. A club foot. 9. Ole Gunnar Solskjar (The baby-faced assassin). 10. France (second was Spain with 82.8 million and the United States with 79.6 million, coming a close third). 11.

“It became clear that as of today, our medical experts and the public authorities in Wisconsin could not give us certainty that conducting an event responsibly with thousands of spectators in September would be possible. Given that uncertainty, we knew rescheduling was the right call.

McCafferty’s at – Vistabella 7th July 2020 16 of us made the journey to a course that is fast becoming a premium course in this area and one that is very nicely priced too. We found the greens in excellent condition, but as usual here, tricky due to the many ‘borrows’ and interesting pin placements. The fairways were in decent shape too and it was ‘millionaires’ golf for the course was nigh on empty, maybe the stifling heat had something to do with that, temps reached in excess of 30 degrees, yes, it was bloody hot out there! This game was our second of five Medal rounds where the best Four scores will be used to determine the League winners and maybe this put off a few players but not surprisingly, there were some decent scores recorded and as it has been mentioned before, at times, this format does suit the higher handicappers due to the number of shots that have ‘spare’ as it were. It further helps that we have a maximum of 5 over par, so the maximum that can be scored on a Par 3 is 8, a Par 4 is 9 and a Par 5 is 10. These maximums were used a few times too! NTP’s: Well, we saved a couple of sleeves of balls for only 2 of the 4 were claimed and, once again and again and again, Christine Church stepped up to claim yet another sleeve for her effort on the 11th and on the 7th the sleeve of balls was accepted by myself, Steve Higgins. Two’s Pot: We had a three-week roll-over and that meant there was 112 in the pot and only two players recorded a Two, both on the 7th and that meant that both Blue Smith and Steve Higgins collected 56€ each.

SMGS would like to thank the Roda staff for an excellent day out. Next week we will be at El Plantio near Alicante. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Captain Phil de Lacy a call on 711 032 859.

As I said above, some scores were quite decent and in the Silver Division, the Close But No Cigar (CBNC) non-award went to Tom ‘Moose’ Burke with a Net 82. The Runner-up in the Silver was the vice-captain himself, Andy brown with a net 76, which was the same score as the winner of the Silver Division, a surprised and smiling Gabi Middleton whose back 9 was superior to Andy’s.

November. 12. Arsène Wenger (most successful manager in the history of Arsenal in terms of trophies and is also the club's longestserving manager in terms of matches played). 13. Singapore (Feb 1942) 80,000 British, Indian and Australian troops surrendered to the Japanese. 14. The United Kingdom, surprisingly, even mentioned in Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona. 15. William Holden. 16. It can't be put down therefore no one can hog it, hence the name. It has to be passed around the table. The Hogget decanter was traditionally used for 'passing the port'. 17. 1869. 18. Hot air ballons. They are credited with inventing the hot air balloon.

In the Gold Division, the scoring was slightly better, overall, and the CBNC went to the ever popular American, David Katich with a net 77. He lost out on the ‘brownie’ to Jens Fransson on the count-back system and Jens collected his runners-up ‘brownie’ from Captain Ernie. The clear winner in the Gold Division was the popular scratch card seller, Barney McCaffrey with a very decent net score of 73. The Overall winner of the day was Steve Higgins with a net 2 under Par of 70.



637 227 385

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020

Las Ramblas GS Results for w/c 6.7.20 Monday’s ‘Change Partners’ had quite a twist to it. After their handicaps being altered all the men played off the blue tees. (For the sake of losing a couple of shots I could get used to this!) Winning with 87 points were Pete Dunn, Lindsay Forbes, Pat Cassidy and Joyce McClusky. Behind them on 84 (and beating my team by just one) it was Bryan (welcome back) Neal, Mike Chapman, Petina Murray and the ever useful Albert. Wednesday and it was just 5 clubs and a putter individual Stableford. John Shervell (I’m relieved to say) was 5 points adrift of my all-time record winning with 40 points. Paul Brown came in with 39 and no less three players shared 3rd spot with 36. After countback it was awarded to Lindsay Forbes as he managed 19 points on the back nine. The featured photograph this

By Peter Reffell

Teenage star Natalie Baker is a member of Sincro La Nucía Club, here with head coach Antía Arias.

week is of one of our long term members, Rod Doel, who will sadly be returning permanently to the UK in a couple of weeks’ time. We saw out the week with a Texas Scramble. With a nett score of 59.9 it was Mark Western, Nigel Price and Paul Brown taking 1st place. Just 2 behind them were Ken & Liz Robertson, John Shervell and Terry Field. This week’s poignant words are attributed to Grantland Rice who commented, ‘Golf is 20% mechanics and technique. The other 80% is philosophy, humour, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness

and conversation.) Por ultimo, a reliable source has advised me we could be back at Las Ramblas on 1st August! Watch this space. Pues hasta la semana que viene

9th July 2020 - This week was the first of 4 separate games over the next 6 weeks, where players of the La Marina Golf Society were competing for this year's Summer Cup. 22 players met up at El Plantio Golf Course and again the course was in lovely condition. The winner of the first round in the Gold Division with 33 points was Barry Thoroughgood. The winner of the Silver division ( on countback ) with 35 points went to undoubtedly the player of the day Sarah McCabe, who not only got nearest the pin on hole 18 but sunk her ball to win the triple twos pot, worth over 60 euros. We also had 2 further winners of the nearest the pin prizes, Tony Moore on hole 9 and Club President Alan Craig on hole 14, both just missing out on their share of the pot.

La Nucia teenager Natalie makes history in Spanish Synchronised Swimming team call-up By Andrew Atkinson Chief sports editor EXCLUSIVE

La Marina Golf Society

Teenager Natalie Baker from La Nucia has been included in Spain's Synchronised Swimming team - being the first person born in La Nucia to receive a national callup. Natalie, 13, will be performing in Madrid this month as part of Spain's Synchronized Swimming national squad, making La Nucia history in being the first time a swimmer from the Sincro La Nucía has participated in Spain's Synchronized club.

The next round of the Summer Cup will be at Vistbella Golf Course on the 23rd of July.

Natalie qualified after performing in March at the XXI Spanish Junior Artistic Swimming and Children's Championship, held in Castellón, prior to the COVID-19 State of Alarm. Natalie was classified as being one of the

GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps..


World Handicapping System For those golfers that have Spanish Federation Licences (RFEG) the new World Handicap System is now in operation but for those We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Price €98 €100 €100 €125


Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy

members remaining in Spain over the summer months there are virtually no opportunities to enter qualifying scores for handicaps. However Bonalba Golf have announced that for those RFEG members that have decided to remain in Spain for the months of July and August 2020 they have made Wednesday mornings available for competitive handicap qualifying rounds at competitive prices.

12 best swimmers in Spain. The Spanish children's team of Synchronized Swimming of the Royal Spanish Swimming Federation and the CSD (Higher Sports Council), has seen Natalie training alongside eleven other synchronised swimmers from throughout Spain. The technical team is made up of coaches Alba Cabello (Fed. Catalana), Andrea Fuertes (AD Sincro Retiro), Ariadna Mestre (CN Sabaell) and Nerea Sánchez (CN Granollers). The national team of Children's Artistic Swimming is in Buitrago de Lozoya, Madrid, during July 1-20. Natalie will be hoping to shine, ahead of future call-ups, to retain her place in the elite squad in the European Children's Championship. The Sincro La Nucía Club has seen an increase of members by 50% in recent years, with swimmers from Alicante using the modern facilities of the Ciutat Esportiva Camilo Cano de La Nucía, under head coach Antía Arias.

Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

last event. The prices for these events will be €35 with buggies available for €20 and electric trolley’s for €5. To register you can download and use their CLAPPHOUSE application or e-mail Mike Probert on

Non RFEG members can play to make up a four ball but obviously can’t compete in the event or win prizes which by handicap category will be the winners each week and the best 3 scores throughout the period all which will be presented at a cocktail party after the

These events are targeted at individuals and local societies who can reserve players in 4 balls from 10.00am although by specific request some limited tee times may be available before 10.00am and there must be at least one RFEG member in each 4 ball group playing in the event.

Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga N & S La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre

Las Colinas €44 GrFee (1-2pm sgle buggy €25) Las Pinaillas €40 Green Fee (incl single buggy) Lorca €75 Two Green Fees and buggy Lo Romero €136 Two Green Fees and buggy Mar Menor €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €120 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Villamartin €136 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €84 Two Green Fees and buggy from 1pm For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €107 €50 €96 €118

Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee (single buggy €15) Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Green Fee (single buggy €27) Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


JUDD TRUMP: defending world snooker champion.

Snooker 2020 World Championship. The show must go on - WPBSA chairman Judd Trump will defend his title in the £500,000 2020 World Snooker Championship, scheduled to get underway at The Crucible in Sheffield on July 31, after the COVID-19 postponement during April and May. Former finalist Ding Junhui, who missed June's Coral Tour Championship, has indicated he will take part, along with Sheffield based Yan Bingtao. Former world number five Marco Fu, three-time women's world champion Ng On-yee, and Zhou Yuelong, are reportedly among those who have withdrawn. Some Chinese based players have declined to take part in the tournament, citing concerns over coronavirus and quarantine regulations.

World Snooker confirmed players withdrawals, ranked outside the top 16, meaning they would have had to go through qualifying rounds: "Several players have indicated that they have decided not to travel to the UK," said a spokesperson. After snooker returning in June, with matches taking place behind closed doors, details of arrangements for the 2020 World Snooker Championship, along with measures in place to pre-

vent the spread of coronavirus, have yet to be announced. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) chairman Jason Ferguson said: “We have done everything we can to support our playing membership. "We appreciate that a small number have indicated their decision not to come to the UK, but the vast majority will compete and, without question, the show must go on.”

The World Championship takes place during July 31- August 16. At present no spectators will be allowed to attend, due to sports events being behind closed doors since the return of sports, after the mid March coronavirus lockdown. A spokesperson from The Crucible said they are in talks with the possibility of a limited number of spectators being allowed to attend, under Government guidelines of health and safety. Torrevieja Pool League The 2020 Torrevieja summer pool league, postponed in the wake of the COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, are planning friendly fixtures following the easing of regulations. Chairman Alan Boswell said: "Due to the current climate and teams being wary of coronavirus the summer league will not take place. "All outstanding games from the winter league will hopefully be completed before the start of the forthcoming 2020 winter league." Bar Santana B, Mi Sol and Fire Station are planning to play friendly games during the summer window, under the relevant guidelines. If I knew you were Comin' I'd 've baked a Cake - The Alex Higgins story. Commemorating the 10th anniversary of his death July 2010. €12 + p&p. To order a copy email:

Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 club for the 2020-21 campaign.

Racing boost as Richard and Vazquinho re-sign Racing San Miguel have continued to secure the signings of star players at the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 club with Vazquinho and Richard putting pen to paper for the 2020-21 season. "On behalf of the club it fills us with pride that Vazquinho and Richard have signed new contracts”. "The duo are key players at Racing San Miguel and add another piece to complete the jigsaw of the squad, with defender Richard and striker Vazquinho," said a spokesperson from the San Miguel based club.


Vazquinho and Racing's coach Willy.

On the ball: Vazquinho Exclusive The Leader chief sports editor Andrew Atkinson exclusively talks to Racing San Miguel striker Vazquinho who has signed a new contract at the

By Andrew Atkinson Chief sports editor EXCLUSIVE Sporting Saladar womens football team have departed from the town and are to play future games under the banner of Algorfa. The shock move comes after the 2019-20 coronavirus affected season, that saw fixtures postponed in March. It is understood the Saladar womens football team have quit, due to a lack of financial backing from Almoradi city council. Women’s football worldwide has made great strides in recent years, both on a professional and amateur basis. Attendances at the women’s FA Cup Final in England continue to set new record attendances. Now, the coronavirus pandemic has

The Women’s Super League (WSL) and Championship seasons have now been cancelled. In contrast, mens football resumed in the Premier League and Championship in June. The biggest challenge for women’s football, both professionally and amateur, is financial sponsorship.

Man City to meet Real Madrid at the Etihad Real Madrid will travel to England to face Manchester City at the Etihad Stadium in the return leg of their Champions League Round of 16 tie. UEFA have decided that the rest of the competition, including the final eight in Lisbon, will be played behind closed doors. Barcelona host Napoli at the Camp Nou, while Bayern Munich and Juventus will host Chelsea and Lyon, in Germany and Italy, respectively. The Bavarians beat the English side 3-0 in the first leg, while the French side defeated Juventus 1-0 in France. All matches will ko simultaneously at 8pm on Friday 7 August

Fernando Alonso returns to Fl as the new Renault driver F1 champion Fernando Alonso will return as the new Renault driver. The 38-year-old is said to receive a long-term contract with Renault from 2021. Alonso would take over from Daniel Ricciardo, who announced his departure to McLaren. The second driver is Esteban Ocon. Renault's team boss Flavio Briatore said, "After a year without Formula 1, Alonso is motivated, he is relaxed and ready to return."

Giovanni wants to join dad at Atletico

Brazilian born Vaz looks back on his career, talking about his spell in China, his first season at San Miguel based Racing San Miguel, and the coronavirus lockdown that hit the 2019-20 season.

The Simeone name will always be closely tied to Atletico Madrid thanks to Diego's work on the pitch, and his son Giovanni has dreams of following in Cholo's footsteps at the club. Giovanni, the eldest child, is currently playing in Serie A with Cagliari after spells with both Genoa and Fiorentina.


left womens football in a precarious position after the suspension of elite football in England, initially applied to both men’s and women’s competitions, there will be deeper and more far-reaching consequences for the women’s game. The Football Association’s (FA) 2017 Game Plan for Growth, which included doubling the number of women and girls taking part in football by 2020 and improving commercial prospects, has largely been left unfulfilled.


Family man Vazquinho, who lives in Los Montesinos, married with two children, joined Racing San Miguel last season in a move from CD Montesinos, where he was former leading goalscorer, player of the season, and golden boot award winner during three spells at the club.

WOMEN’S FOOTBALL KICKED INTO TOUCH Saladar shock move to Algorfa

637 227 385

Giovanni Simeone: I'd love to play for Atletico Madrid, with or without my father as coach

The forward has 10 goals and four assists for the Sardinian side this season and has rediscovered his form since leaving Fiorentina, where things stagnated somewhat. Now, he's back to his best and is hopeful that he can play under his father's orders someday.

Pellegrini, new Betis coach

Amid COVID-19, businesses have been hit, ending in companies - previously interested in investing in women’s football, now unable to do so. The future of women’s football is under financial threat. Womens football in the UK is partially funded by the FA, with the association investing

significantly into the women’s sport since turning professional in 2018. The governing body has predicted a loss in excess of £100 million as a consequence of COVID-19. The FA had banned women’s games from the grounds of FA-affiliated clubs, between 1921 and 1971.

Betis has announced the appointment of Manuel Pellegrini, who has signed a contract with the club until June 30, 2023. It will be the fourth time that the Chilean will have coached in Spain following spells with Villarreal, Real Madrid and Malaga. Pellegrini returns to the La Liga after an absence of seven years. The former Real Madrid, Manchester City and West Ham Utd manager returns to Spain after his last stint at Málaga, where he coached until 2013. Pellegrini has been out of work since last December, when he was released by West Ham.



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Monte promotion celebrations still on hold By Andrew Atkinson Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 promoted football club CD Montesinos have appointed a new Membership secretary for the 2020-01 season in Roger Nilsen. "On behalf of Torregolf and The Full Monte Supporters Club, myself and supporters chairman Eddie Cagigao welcome on board Roger Nilsen as our new Membership Secretary," said club sponsor David Winder. "Roger is well known on the Costa Blanca golfscene and brings with him great knowledge, that will see Torregolf/The Full Monte entering into another 20 years of operating golf, along with supporting our local football team CD Montesinos," added David. CD Montesinos were promoted in the coronavirus affected 2019-20 campaign, returning to the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 for only the second time in the club's history. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown no celebration has been able to take place at present.

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


Thader’s rebuilding process almost complete BY STEVE HIBBERD CD Thader Rojales new manager, Raul Mora, has been in the hot seat for just over a month, but that short period of time, he has already assembled a competent looking squad. Another 8 players from last season have now made themselves available for next season. So, Thader fans will once again have the opportunity to cheer on Juan Mora, Rafa Gascon, Victor Quinto, Cabrera, Sergio Ruiz, Jose Manuel, Nino & Fran, bringing the total of retained players to 11.

ances over the years. Also returning to the club where he had previously served with distinction for 8 seasons, before a 12 month sabbatical with San Fulgencio, is central defender Miguel Palas. Another returnee is veteran striker Quino Potro, following stints at Orihuela, Benferri and Redovan. Finally, a big welcome to tall defender Victor Berenguer, who has had vast experience in first regional football.

In addition, when the players return to pre-season training in mid-August, there will be more fresh signings keen to impress the new manager.

The Valencian FA have now decreed that Regional Preferente football will have 6 groups instead of the normal 4. Each group will have either 14 or 15 teams. Groups of 15 will start on 3/4 October, whilst groups of 14 will start on 17/18 October.

Left back Adri Costa has returned to the club for whom he has made many appear-

It is not yet known how many teams will be in Thader's group.

Good News for Playa Flamenca Walking Football

Racing Headquarters, Newmarket's 2,145-1 four-horse winning accumulator on Saturday underlined No.1 tipster Andrew Atkinson's talk of the turf four decades' of knowledge in the Sport of Kings. At Salisbury tip Prado won at 12-1. Atkinson tipped five winners in a 33-1 accumulator at Yarmouth's July meeting; and a 46-1 treble at Epsom's Derby meeting, including 9-1 tip Summer Romance. 2020 Oaks winner, Aidan O'Brien trained Love, completed a Guineas-Oaks double. First past the Winning Post! Andrew Atkinson's news and tips.

The Town hall has granted permission for the award winning Playa Flamenca “Walking Wanderers” walking football club to restart following the lockdown. The Lockdown started Midnight 13th March The Football will resume at 17:00 13th July If you would like to join this Club, which has an excellent social section for players and partners, including cycling and walking etc. contact the club secretary Vicky on The Football K.O. will be at 17:00, arrive at 16:30 at the C.D.M sports centre Playa Flamenca for warm up etc. To play Walking Football the only requirement is that you are over 50. No skills are required. NO Football boots allowed, only trainers or multi stud Astro boots All safety measures will be adhered to, so bring your own Drinks and Masks. We hope to see you Monday 13th July 16:30.



637 227 385

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th July, 2020


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