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Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
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Fifty municipalities told to clamp d ow n o n a l t e r n a t i v e c e l e b r a t i o n s
They seek to prevent clusters from forming that pose a risk of spreading the coronavirus.
ifty municipalities in the Province of Alicante have been told that they
must clamp down to prevent clusters from forming at alternative events that may be held by members of the public.
The instruction was made by the Ministry of Health, which wants to prevent, at all costs, the generation of any situations that might risk the spread of the coronavirus. The Ministry of Health has approached municipalities
requesting their assistance, insisting that they closely monitor all family reunions, meetings or other events that take place in their towns. Of particular concern are those events or meetings that may be held as alternative activities to
their August festivals, during what is an especially prolific period in this regard. Family and social gatherings have now become a real headache for Health. Continued on Page 2
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Continued from Page One Municipalities told to increase supervision
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As the minister, Ana Barceló has said, in the last 2 weeks the cases related to such meetings have multiplied, and now account for 47.9% of all outbreaks, with 15.5% originating from nightlife and 15.5% deriving from the work environment. According to the most recent statistics, 54.4% of all new cases are in the age range between 15 and 34 years, which has Health say has generated an additional concern. "I want to call for caution and prudence, especially amongst the young population, since it is that sector of the population that has become the main spreader of new cases," she said. Health say they are particularly concerned with those events where the participation is expected to exceed a 50 people. In the event that 150 people is exceeded, municipal authorisation will also be required, which will be based on the epidemiological situation at the time. At all events, whatever the numbers attending, in both outdoor and enclosed areas, the restriction must be applied with a capacity limit of 75 percent, with the interpersonal safety distance of one and a half meters applied. The use of a mask will be mandatory at all times and the organisation must also provide attendees with hydroalcoholic disinfectant gels. In the province of Alicante, there are fifty municipalities that should have celebrated fiestas during the month of August, all of which have been suspended due to the pandemic. Among them are Elche, Cocentaina, Xixona, Dénia, Callosa de Segura, Castalla, l'Albir, and many others.
Law breakers face fines of €750-€1,500 San Fulgencio throws down gauntlet to anyone caught illegal dumping By Andrew Atkinson San Fulgencio has thrown down the gauntlet to members of the public who irresponsibly dump items at rubbish bins. Following a meeting a new by-law has been put in place by San Fulgencio council - imposing
In the case of Elche, they have already introduced special security measures to prevent gatherings from occurring on August 13, 14 and 15, when the festivities should have been celebrated. This was announced by the mayor of Elche, Carlos González, who explained that on August 12 a local security meeting is scheduled to be held by the Elche City Council, which will be attended by representatives of the Government Subdelegation and the bodies and security forces to introduce measures that will “ensure that there are no concentrations" during the following days. The mayor said that "there is a general recommendation to avoid crowds of revellers, family, friends and young people. We must not lower our guard since the transmission of the coronavirus virus especially prevalent in the social and family domains. We will launch procedures to prevent them from being carried out. In Callosa de Segura, the Council has decided to celebrate the traditional Rise of the Farolico in honour of those who died from the coronavirus but in a very intimate way, as there will be no-one allowed to watch from the side of the streets. La Nucía, Finestrat and l'Alfàs del Pi have also suspended their festivities scheduled for the month of August. In these municipalities, the town councils plan to monitor compliance with the regulations and that there are no gatherings of people. In addition, the Local Police will ensure that all the safety and health measures imposed are complied with. In the case of Finestrat, they add that patrols will be reinforced during those days. fines of €750-€1,500 for law breakers. The Leader has reported during this year - and previous years - highlighting the problems of illegal dumping in the municipalities of Alicante and Murcia. One of the biggest problems has been that of dumped mattresses. Other items include furniture and white goods. The protocol is that people who need to dispose of such items in San Fulgencio should call 693 927 778 to arrange collection. Ayuntamientos throughout the region all have details about disposing of items on their relevant websites.
637 227 385
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
King Juan Carlos takes re f u g e i n A b u D h a b i After his "thoughtful" decision to leave Spain due to the repercussions generated by his private life, King Juan Carlos, took the decision to move from Spain, leaving behind his family and his wife Queen Sofia, but certainly not his lavish lifestyle. Boarding a plane in Vigo last Monday the King emeritus flew to Abu Dhabi with an adviser and four attendants. On his arrival in the United Arab Emirates, where he is said to be close to Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the former monarch took a helicopter to the most luxurious hotel in the country, the Emirates Palace, where he now enjoys a suite costing 11,500 euros a night. Although he has been seen in Abu Dhabi, the truth is that the Zarzuela Palace does not want to comment on the whereabouts of the father of the King of Spain. Specifically, Casa Real considers it to be a "private matter" and they say that it is up to the monarch himself to report the details of his whereabouts "if he considers it so." The decision of King Juan Carlos to leave Spain comes after months during which he has regularly featured in the headlines of the national and international press. His decision to give up the throne was made after a corruption investigation involving his daughter's husband, and a controversial elephant hunting trip that he took during Spain's financial crisis.
The controversies, however, did not stop there. In June this year, after the ex-king lost his immunity from prosecution following his abdication, Spain's Supreme Court launched an investigation into Juan Carlos's alleged involvement in a high-speed rail contract in Saudi Arabia between the cities of Medina and Mecca, in which it is alleged to have charged commission of 80 million euros for mediating the works. Juan Carlos has declined to comment on the allegations. His lawyer, Javier Sánchez-Junco, said his client remained “in any case at the disposal of the public prosecutor for any procedure or action deemed necessary”. Retired Colonel Amadeo Martinez Ingles, 84, was not surprised at the former king’s fall from grace. In his best-selling biography “Juan Carlos I: The King of the 5,000,” Martinez Ingles claims the former king has had nearly 5,000 lovers in his lifetime, an affair with one of which, the German-born Danish businesswoman Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, blond and 26 years his junior, was the start of the slippery road that has led to his recent downfall. But while prime minister Pedro Sánchez supported the monarchy by saying that “people are judged, not institutions”, Podemos party leader and Government Vice President, Pablo Iglesias, his coalition partner, said the “flight” was “unbefitting” for a head of state. Meanwhile, Juan Carlos’ son is now facing the task of rebuilding the monarchy’s image just as the economy reels from the coronavirus pandemic. “He’s in a difficult position,” said Alberto Lardiés, author of La Democracia Borbónica. “No one wants to be the king that has to give up the monarchy.”
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
The unit will be attached to the
The centre in La Siesta is looking forward to welcoming you back on Sept 1st. The library will reopen on Sept 8th. Our shops will remain open throughout August. Strict covid protocols are in place to help keep our visitors and volunteers safe
Ribera Salud promises a high-performance centre for athletes
new Orihuela Costa Medical Centre
She is, sterilised, good with other cats and is used to being around children. Call: 645 469 253. www.petsinspain.com info@petsinspain.com
Auditors detect irregularities in Podemos accounts The Iglesias party tried to include consulting and political advisory expenses among the eligible items during the electoral process The Court of Accounts has detected irregularities in the accounting of Podemos accounts related to the general elections held in April 2019. According to the auditors, the sum of 425,000 euros could not be correctly justified as being of an electoral nature. Meanwhile Podemos refutes the accusation saying they consider that these were advisory expenses and provided an "essential service"
ERTE extended till end of year Spain's Labour Minister Yolanda Diaz has said that the government will extend its ERTE scheme for an additional three months. Over 3.7 million people have benefitted from the furlough scheme so far. The government has also banned layoffs in the six months after the scheme ends. The country has requested €20bn from the EU to fund the scheme
Spain 97.7% drop in foreign tourists
Are you looking for a pet cat? Cindy was born in April 2019 and has been in a foster home since she was a kitten.
637 227 385
Ribera Salud, the company that currently manages the Torrevieja Health Department, has said that it will spend around 750,000 euros on the construction of a high-performance centre for athletes, attached to the future building of the new Orihuela Costa health centre, if the Consell extends its concession until 2026 In a statement, Ribera Salud explained that the centre that it undertakes to build will host different sports, cultural, recreational and educational activities, with or without links to health, and will be available to residents of all municipalities that make up the Department Torrevieja Health Department. "This new facility would be built for the development of sports medicine, where activities such as medical examinations
will be carried out," he says. The unit will also house a wider range of orthopaedic and allied specialists catering for a broader section of the public. Alberto de Rosa, CEO of Ribera Salud, recently visited the building plot allocated to the new building, which currently belongs to the municipality of Orihuela Costa. Covering an area of 10,693 m2, the site is located in Sector PAU-20 “La Ciñuelica”, close to Punta Prima. With an estimated investment of more than six million euros, this High Resolution centre would aim to guarantee health coverage for both national and international residents. The investment would include not only the construction of the new centre, but also its equipment.
The centre would promote the specialties related to chronicity, rehabilitation service, as well as a high-performance sports medicine centre, given that the area has an important sports and social fabric from which all the patients of the Department of Health could benefit. The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, and the Councillor for Health, José Galiano, recently visited the proposed site, together with Alberto de Rosa, Hipólito Caro, medical director of Primary Care and Pedro Munuera, the finance director. However, Valencia’s Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, recently stated that she intends to bring the management of the Torrevieja Authority back into the public domain when the contract expires in October 2021.
Sixties Pop Star Wayne Fontana dies at 74
Manchester born Wayne formed The Mindbenders, and the groups hits in the sixties included Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um. They had a No.1 hit in the USA and No.2 in the UK charts, with Game Of Love. After going solo in 1965, he went on to have top 20 hits with Pamela Pamela and Come On Home.
Born Glyn Ellis, the singer's stage surname was borrowed from Elvis Presley's drummer DJ Fontana. Amongst the performers at the first Glastonbury Festival in 1970, Wayne struggled to sustain his solo career: "I went into selfretirement, drank too much and didn't know where I was half the time," Wayne said in 2017. I interviewed Wayne in-depth in San Miguel and having gone teetotal 1977 he joined the Solid 60s
Taxi drivers in Barcelona have reached an agreement, which has been described as historic, to regulate working hours in August. All taxi drivers will drive for two days in a week and rest the remaining three throughout the month. The number of vehicles will also be reduced by 50% at weekends. This is owing to the reduction of tourists visiting the city.
On Friday, Spain overtook UK in coronavirus infections becoming the Western European country with the most number of cases. According to Johns Hopkins University, Spain now has 309,855 cases as compared to UK's 309,796. The health ministry said that the Basque Country admitted to facing a second wave.
Wayne Fontana (Greg Ellis) who found pop stardom in the 1960s with songs including Game Of Love, and lived in San Miguel in recent years, has died aged 74.
Wayne died on August 6 at Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport, with his long-term partner at his side.
Barcelona taxi drivers to work for only two days a week
Spain surpasses UK in terms of coronavirus cases
By Andrew Atkinson exclusive
DJ Tony Blackburn lead tributes: "So sorry to hear about the passing of great 60s icon Wayne Fontana. He was a lovely guy and gave us some great songs."
After the state of alarm was lifted in Spain in June, only 204,926 foreign tourists arrived in the country. This is 97.7% less than June 2019. Irregular flights and confusion over quarantine rules in different countries have badly affected the tourism industry in Spain. UK's decision to quarantine arrivals for 14 days has further dampened chances of the sector recovering this year.
touring circuit performing in the UK and Spain. Wayne was open and truthful to me, when he spoke about his time in jail in 2007 after he poured petrol over a bailiff's car and set it alight. Wayne spoke about 'conspiracy theories' in the world and that 'Big Brother' was watching you. Wayne, who was selling goods at the San Miguel castle weekly car boot and antiques market (now ceased) also spoke to me about making a judge angry - when turning up to Court dressed as the Lady of Justice, carrying a sword and scales, wearing a crown, cape and dark glasses. He was sentenced to 11 months. Herman's Hermits lead singer Peter Noone said: "Wayne Wayne don't go away. After 59 years of friendship, laughter, tears, jail cells and lost brain bells [sic], we have handed over our lovely lead singer Wayne Fontana to the big band in ROCK AND ROLL HEAVEN."
Almost all Schengen countries recommend not travelling to Spain Other than five countries, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Sweden, all Schengen countries have issued recommendations against travelling to certain areas in Spain. Some have even imposed restrictions. Germany recommends to not travel to Aragon, Catalonia and Navarra, France recommends a PCR test on return. UK recommends not to travel and requires quarantine for those travelling.
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
637 227 385
One million ways to plug in
Crash for Cash scam What is crash for cash?
details? Are their injuries completely at odds with the force of the impact?
Crash for cash scams are being increasingly run by fraudsters who stage accidents, sometimes with innocent road users, to profit from fraudulent insurance claims.
Gather information: take notes of all relevant information, including the driver, passengers and any other circumstances. Take photos of the scene if you can and if it is safe to do so.
How does crash for cash work? The criminals cause the accident in a number of ways, including disabling their brake lights to cause the car behind to run into them; slamming on the brakes for no obvious reason; flashing their lights at a junction to let you out, then crashing into you deliberately; or working in conjunction with other drivers in front of them. How can I tell if I have been a victim of a crash for cash scam? There are three types of crash for cash: The staged accident: fraudsters crash their own vehicles together or mimic damage from a genuine crash. The induced accident: the fraudsters targets an innocent motorist to become the ‘at fault driver’, for example by deliberately slamming on the brakes of their car to ensure the car behind crashed into them. The ghost accident’: fraudsters submit completely fabricated claims for accidents which never actually took place. Who are the victims? Crash for cash fraudsters often target vulnerable drivers, who are under time pressure or do not want to cause any trouble. Ultimately, fraudsters harm all law-abiding motorists:
Are your tyres in good shape for the summer?
How can I avoid being involved in a crash-forcash scam? beyond the obvious safety implications, they cause unnecessary work for emergency services, and innocent victims of induced accidents can lose their noclaims bonus and may see their premiums rise following an ‘accident.’ What should I do if I think I have been targeted? Look out for warning signs: are cars in front of you travelling unusually slowly or do they speed up and slow down for no good reason? Is a driver paying particular attention to the vehicle behind them?
Scammers will go to great lengths in order to carry out crash-for-cash scams. However, according to the AA, there are several things you can do to avoid becoming a victim of the con. And many of them include paying due care and attention to the road ahead and allowing plenty of space between your car and the one in front.
Stay safe: always maintain a safe distance between you and vehicles in front of you. Always ensure that you can brake in time.
You should also be wary of any vehicles in front of you that appear to be driven erratically or slowing down for no reason. Keep well out of the way of a car whose brake lights appear not to be working and never assume flashing headlights are a sign for you to pull out into the road as this is also a tactic used by scammers.
Stay alert: is the other driver way too calm for someone who has just been involved in a car accident? Have they already written down their insurance
Another piece of advice is to fit a dash cam camera on your vehicle with the aim of having your own secure video footage of any incident on the road.
While we’re all keen to get away from it all and enjoy a change of scenery, TyreSafe is reminding drivers there are more tyre-related incidents on the roads in summer than at any other time of the year. As many vehicles have been parked, unattended for longer periods than usual this year, there’s a potential for those incidents to increase in number. To reduce the risks of an inconvenient – or worse – interruption to a family-getaway, drivers are being urged to carry out some straightforward checks before they even begin to pack. That’s because one of the most forgotten tyre checks is to take a look at the spare wheel – if indeed the car has one. It’s increasingly rare for a full-size spare wheel to be sold with the car when new, instead ‘space-saver’ and emergency repair kits are far more common. Before you fill the boot with all your holiday must-haves, take a look for the spare wheel and if you don’t see one, find out how to use what is there. Being tyre safe before any journey does not take long but remember to ACT – air pressure, condition and
tread. The air pressure of each tyre should also be checked using an accurate gauge. Typically, car manufacturers recommend two different pressures, one for light loads and another for when the vehicle is fully laden. It’s essential that drivers adjust the pressures to accommodate the load they are carrying. These settings can be found in the vehicle handbook and often in the vehicle’s fuel filler cap or door sill. Checking overall condition is equally important. Tyres harden more quickly when left unused on a vehicle and as so many cars have been parked up for many months,
there might well be the risk of that ‘ageing process’ causing the tyres to crack. Where this is seen, or if there are any objects embedded in the tyres or bulges, you should seek professional advice immediately. Finally, drivers should check the tread of their tyres to ensure they are above the legal tread depth minimum of 1.6 mm. Ideally an accurate tread depth gauge should be used but if this is not available, a one euro coin can be used as a guide. Insert the euro into the main sections of the tyre, at various points around the circumference – if the golden edge of the coin is hidden from view, the tread is deep enough.
The world now has over 1 million public charging stations. This is according to a recent count by BloombergNEF. It’s said that the number of public outlets has doubled in the past three years. Most of the growth has been recorded in China and Europe. The report says North America is lagging behind and that Holland had as many charging stations as the US despite its market being much smaller. China has over half of the world’s public plugs. In Europe, France leads the way while the EU has announced a goal of 1 million public chargers by 2025. In Spain Iberdrola has installed approximately 5,500 charging points nationwide.
Aston Martin’s GBP£50,000 bottle of whiskey Automotive collaborations are all the rage these days. But ones involving alcohol aren’t the usual for obvious reasons. However, we guess the Black Bowmore DB5 1964 will be enjoyed after a day at the wheel of your classic Aston, rather than while driving. It’s said to ‘bring together an iconic whisky and a legendary car in a bottle of equal parts, featuring exceptional single malt and a genuine Aston Martin DB5 piston’. The Black Bowmore DB5 bottle is handcrafted by Glasstorm, a bespoke contemporary glass studio, based in North East Scotland. Each bottle is said to take a week to complete. A whole week! But then melding the glass into the piston probably takes a bit of skill. The presentation box is also handmade featuring a solid brass latch and hinges. Only 25 bottles are offered for sale at £50,000 a pop. Sounds obscene.
Nissan postpones closure of car plant in Catalonia Nissan has postponed the closure of car manufacturing plant in Catalonia by a year The company has reached a deal with its workers, after weeks of protests and negotiations which lasted more than a day, to postpone the closure of plants in Catalonia by a year. According to the new agreement, Nissan will close its car manufacturing plants in the region in December 2021. The closure is expected to affects thousands, and will leave at least 2,000 people without a job.
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Scientists call for enquiry into Spain's "failure" handling pandemic 20 prestigious Spanish epidemiologists and public health experts have written an open letter in The Lancet magazine, questioning Spain's "failure during the pandemic." The scientists want to know how Spain is one of the worst-hit countries during the Covid-19 crisis despite its robust health infrastructure. The scientists also call for an examination of policies which led to such a situation.
Aragon is new epicenter of Covid-19 in Europe Aragon has transformed into a Covid-19 hotspot in not only Spain but the whole of Europe. It has 567 cases per 100,000 population, a number which is 10 times more than just 20 days ago. The peak has not yet been reached in the region and hospitals have already started feeling the pressure. The presence of nightlife among youth, seasonal agricultural workers, and people visiting each other at home are seen as the reason.
Catalonia starts door to door Covid-19 tests in Ripollet To curb the rise of Covid-19 cases in the region, the Generalitat has decided to identify asymptomatic cases in Ripollet, Sabadell and Terrassa. As epidemiological studies have showed concentration in these areas, door to door screening started on 5 August. People living in the area say that they feel "safer and protected" due to this measure.
Catalonia to see extended closure of nightlife venues The fifteen days initially planned for the closure of the nightlife sector in Catalonia have been extended. Generalitat's Secretary of Public Health, Josep Maria Argimon has said that the Department of Health will extend the resolution of the closure of discotheques and dance halls throughout Catalonia for another 15 days.
Two men and a woman were arrested for the robberies
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Madrid park named after Juan Carlos I to be renamed, statue removed One of the largest parks in Madrid, named after former king Juan Carlos 1, will be renamed and a statue of the royal will be removed.
Wave of Torrevieja robberies stopped by Guardia Civil Agents from Torrevieja Civil Guard have arrested three people for their alleged involvement in crimes against property, mostly committed in public establishments. They are two men and a woman, all of Spanish nationality, 32, 33 and 43 years of age. They are said to be the alleged perpetrators of a crime of robbery with intimidation, two crimes of robbery with force, all of which took place in recent days. The first was a hospitality establishment, who had two shutters and a side door forced on the morning of July 29. That same day another robbery took place in a 24-hour establishment. According to the complainant, both the
access grille and the door had been forced and the cash register drawer removed, which contained about 200 euros. The Guardia managed to identify both of the alleged perpetrators, two men in their 30s, habitual criminals from Torrevieja. Further investigations earmarked on of the men to the break in at a restaurant in Torrevieja marina on 11 July. He was aided in the crime by a woman, with whom he stole the cash register. In their flight, they were surprised by the receptionist at the port, who managed to retain the woman. The man, meanwhile, ran off with the cash register that con-
tained about 1,500 euros. One of the men was also involved in a town centre robbery that took place at three in the morning on 16 July. The author was surprised by a couple who saw him kicking and trying to force the door with a screwdriver. The arrests a resulted in the solving of four crimes, two robberies with force (one of them attempted), one robbery with intimidation and theft. The woman was charged with a crime of theft, one of the men a robbery with force and the third accused of them all. The two men were retained in custody while the woman was released on charges.
Ssssssssssnake Horseshoe whip snake eats baby budgie! By Andrew Atkinson A four foot horseshoe whip snake was found in the grounds of Los Montesinos, Alicante, by resident Dave Payne's Vega Baja villa - having eaten his Baby budgie.
Dave with the 4ft horseshoe whip snake.
The park, located in the municpality of Pinto, was opened in June 1998. The park authorities have already removed the former king's bust at its entrance. The new name of the park will be decided by September, according to local authorities. Meanwhile Catalonia's President, Quim Torra, wants MPs to vote for King Felipe's abdication Following the departure of Spain's former king Torra has called for a parliamentary meeting to debate on the Spanish monarchy and to call out the Spanish government for having prior knowledge of the King Emeritus' exit. Torra wants the parliament to call for the current monarch, King Felipe's abdication and the abolition of the monarchy as an institution.
Kid found face mask inside McDonald's chicken nuggets
"The budgie, named Donna - after my wife - was unfortunately eaten by the horseshoe whip snake," Dave told The Leader. "Some of the newly born budgies had left the nest in the aviary, and one succumbed to the snake - you could see the bulge in its body," said Dave. "The snake had been around for three months and initially it was quite small," said Dave. The horseshoe whip snake which can be found in eastern and central Spain has a natural habitat of Mediterranean type shrubbery, vegetation, arable and pastures and rural gardens. The adult may attain 1.5m in length. Its body is slender, and head is wider than its neck, with large eyes with a round pupil and a row of small scales below it. There is a light horseshoe shaped mark on the neck and back of head. "I discovered the snake when I was moving food storage boxes in the aviary - which was about four feet," said Dave, works in the construction industry and is also proprietor of Move It Vantastic. The horseshoe whip snake was removed by Southampton born Dave, who took precautions in wearing some thick gloves - and a good job he did as the snake would have took his thumb off! "I was wary of the horseshoe whip snake and wore a pair of gloves when removing it from the aviary - when it decided to bite my thumb!," said Dave, who suffered no injury.
A six-year-old girl choked on a chicken nugget from McDonald's that contained a surgical face mask. The mother made the discovery from a box of nuggets she bought from the Aldershot branch, Hampshire. She managed to get the nugget out of her daughter's mouth and said: "It was a mask, it was absolutely baked into it". McDonald's said they are investigating the issue and offered a full apology.
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Los Montesinos Mayoral Charity to be hosted by Stevie Spit BEM top artistes and Flamenco dancers. Graham Stephen, Stevie Spit BEM and Leader reporter Andrew Atkinson.
Speaking to The Leader, Graham Stephen said: “The charity event is a ‘thank you’ fundraiser for The Mayor’s choice of charity and APANEE Torrevieja. “Mayor Butron’s help and guidance during COVID-19 is to be applauded. “It will be amazing that Stevie Spit BEM will host the show - a party for everyone,” said Graham.
Quote: 'I am delighted to be involved in helping The Oasis bar, Mayor of Los Montesinos Jose Butron and APANEE Torrevieja, to raise much needed funds for the needy and underprivileged' Stevie Spit BEM BY ANDREW ATKINSON
New Orihuela councillor introduces herself to the coast
Nanny McPhee will be in attendance at the event that will also have big star prizes, music, live entertainment, raffles, tombola, etc. Mayor Butron said: “The charity event funds raised will go towards buying tablets for children at school, so that the most disadvantaged can follow the classes of their teachers.”
The event will raise funds for schoolchildren in Los Montesinos and APANEE Torrevieja,
A Mayoral Charity extravaganza is being held in October in aid of raising funds for schoolchildren in Los Montesinos, Alicante, and APANEE Torrevieja, headlined and hosted by the Costa Blanca’s leading artiste Stevie Spit BEM. Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Manuel Butron is to assist in the organisation of the charity gala, staged at The Oasis Bar and Restaurant in La Herrada, Los Montesinos, in liaison with proprietor Graham Stephen and supported by The
Leader newspaper. "I am delighted to be involved in helping The Oasis bar, the Mayor of Los Montesinos Jose Butron and APANEE Torrevieja, to raise much needed funds for the needy and underprivileged in the area," Stevie Spit BEM told The Leader. The two-day charity event will take place over the weekend of October 2425, with an all star line-up including the Jersey Boys, along with a plethora of
Drag Queen, singer-comedian Stevie Spit BEM, awarded the BEM in the 2020 New Year’s honours list, added: “I am committed and looking forward to the charity gala event. "APANEE Torrevieja is a voluntary organisation that helps children with different capabilities, including education and leisure pursuits." The Gala event will be undertaken, adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines. Further details will be announced during the coming weeks.
Almudena Baldó, met with about thirty Orihuela Costa based associations on Tuesday, as she introduced herself as the new Cllor for Social Services and Citizen Participation. She also wanted to find out their requirements for the proposed Civic Centre, which she hopes can be built on La Costa, providing a building that is available for multiple activities. She said, "Associations on the coast lack facilities that can cover all activities, and it is the responsibility of the council to provide the space so that they can continue to develop their work and grow their organisations". She said that the City Council already has the necessary financing for the drafting of the project, and for this reason it will be calling a new meeting with associations in September to “establish and agree jointly the needs of the project that will then be commissioned to build this new facility on the Orihuela coast, as well as also deciding it’s best location.”
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
around them and a strong sense of ‘my place’ was cultivated.
Closed pubs is a closed Community There is grave disappointment across rural Ireland this week, with the announcement that pubs which don’t serve food (all 3,500 of them) will not be allowed to reopen before September at the earliest. Like every story, there are two sides to this one. Nothing is worth one human life and the government is rightly putting the health and welfare of the citizenry above the unquestionable importance of the local pub. But there is a ‘but’ … This is not about alcohol consumption, but the fact that the country pub (especially) has traditionally been a haven for the community in combating the problems of loneliness and isolation. Most publicans are very responsible professionals and it is to be hoped that by September, bars will be able to open under the umbrella of ‘the new normal.’ The Irish pub is the best in the world and it is sad to see most of them closed as we drive the roads. Sadder still is the realisation that many of these family run businesses will never again open the pub door. A significant number were doing ‘just Ok’ before Covid struck, and this is the straw to break the camel’s back.
Everyone knew or learned what was going on
Pubs which don’t serve food (all 3,500 of them) will not be allowed to reopen before September at the earliest.
The consistently longest lasting GAA club teams came from where there was a pub in the vicinity. This may sound like a contradiction; you could have the best pitch, a covered stand and modern changing rooms – but it was in the pub that club spirit was fuelled.
With the cup of coffee becoming as normal as the pint of Guinness along the bar counter, today’s pub is a more inclusive establishment The Irish pub became famous all over the world due to our ability to enjoy the real art of conversation without an agenda: The cut and trust of differing opinions and the Americans in particular love the Irish flair for talking around the subject rather than getting to the point! Without the pub would we ever have had a Patrick Kavanagh or a Brenden Behan? A James Joyce or even a Ronnie Drew? Pubs have caused this writer both grief and gain on both sides of the counter since I started ‘serving my time’ at the age of fifteen; but my love-
Garden Felix - Spanish Bluebell Bluebells can be found in many countries across the globe - but there are none quite as resilient as the Spanish variety of the flower.
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A well run pub is not really a pusher of the alcohol drug, but a pleasant conjuncture of social intercourse in a homely atmosphere. The pub was the heartbeat of the parish and the engine room of local activity.
When emigrants returned from England, Canada, America (and now Spain!) it was into the bosom of their school pals down at the pub, often realising for the first time that there was a special heavenly smell from a turf fire.
Britain is not quite as badly affected with pub closures, but in my travels in recent years I notice many fine, once beautiful Tudor-style pubs closed up. In Spain – where there are too many pubs, hopefully the stronger and better run ones will come out even stronger post pandemic. The ‘Local’ was always the centre of the community: Wakes were held there to give departed friends a ‘decent send-off’ as was the ‘wetting of the baby’s head’ to welcome a new arrival. Football and hurling teams were picked, deals were done and problems solved.
There was banter and nostalgia; Sport and politics were dissected and any pub worth its salt carried a couple of barroom philosophers. Conversation ebbed and flowed as all waited patiently for an opening to slide in with the quick retort, quip, putdown or ‘good one.’ Your typical publican was a highly respected pillar of the community and the facilitator through which things got done.
Characterised by broader leaves and paler blue leaves, while the petals flare out in a conical manner and are ideal for cutting in vases and bouquets.
hate relationship is much more love than hate. Yes, the pub will continue, but in a changed format and there will be fewer of them. Most will have to serve food to survive and the often-too-loud background music discourages inclusive pub conversation. Pubs are suffering similarly in the UK and of course it is worth mentioning that Ireland does not have exclusivity to “The Local.” You can see how much of Coronation Street is centred in “The Rovers Return”. “The Pig ‘n Whistle” was a famous television pub in Canada and many readers will have been fans of Dianne and Sam in the American bar comedy, “Cheers” – which incidentally I visited in Boston. Could my soft spot for pubs have anything to do with the fact that in December 1968 I rambled into Despite the name, the Spanish Bluebells often grow in pink or white varieties.
The Spanish bluebell is a late-blooming spring bulb of the lily family that are native to Spain and Portugal. They thrive in a variety of light conditions, from full sun to partial shade, to dappled shade. Once established, they'll even do nicely in dry shade, a tough site for most plants. Spanish bluebells are invasive and easily reproduce by developing small offsets or baby bulbs on the sides of the mother bulbs. They also produce seeds, allowing them, over time, to fill in and create ever larger patches of spring brilliance. Spanish bluebells are poisonous containing chemicals called glycosides, which are toxic for humans, dogs, horses, and cows. All parts of the plant are toxic. Eating any part of the plant can trigger nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a decrease in the heart rate.
Bartleys Bar in Drumcree –“ just for one”, but finished up marrying the daughter? I tell you – anything is possible in the pub!! Don’t Forget. Unused experience is a dead loss. Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
San Fulgencio allocates 240,000 euros in aid for local businesses
Novavax coronavirus vaccine yields "positive" results in humans US - based Novavax has announced that Phase 1 testing of its experimental vaccine against the coronavirus has yielded "positive data". The drug is said to have generated antibodies in all participants. According to the company, which tested the vaccine on 131 healthy adults aged 18 to 59, "it had minimal side effects and it showed a reassuring safety profile.” In addition, it provided "robust antibody responses," outnumbering even those seen in people who have had the disease. This data, is still preliminary, however, and is currently pending review by the scientific community. All study subjects developed IgG antibodies after receiving a first dose, but after the second dose, 100% of the participants developed neutralizing antibody responses . As for side effects, the company said that “the adverse reactions were generally mild." The most common problems were a little pain and tenderness at the vaccine site, with some suffereing headache, fatigue and muscle pain. After the second dose, a greater number of second-
San Fulgencio has announced a new package of financial aid for SMEs, micro-SMEs, selfemployed people and professionals in the town, whose commercial activity has been affected by the Covid-19 crisis. These direct grants aim to help the recovery of entrepreneurs, working and supporting the local business network.
ary events were recorded , which on average lasted less than two days, according to Novavax, which states that there were no "severe" adverse effects . Various vaccines in their final stages Novavax announced that it will begin its phase 3 trials soon, possibly in late September, and hopes to produce between one and two trillion samples of the vaccine in 2021. Meanwhile, Moderna, Oxford and Pfizer, are already working to recruit volunteers to start the final phase of clinical trials with their vaccines. Russia also intends to approve a vaccine that the Gamalei Institute has recetly developed. The Russian vaccine is being sent to different Russian regions, where a broader vaccination campaign will be carried out from October, despite the fact that vaccine research usually requires at least three phases, each of several months, a process that usually takes years. The WHO reacted cautiously to the announcement that the Russian vaccine is almost ready to be inoculated into the general population, stating that all phases of testing must be completed before a license is granted.
The total amount of the subsidy amounts to 242,274 euros, of which approximately 39,760 euros has been contributed by the Alicante Provincial Council, which that will allow employers to receive up to 2,000 euros to overcome this temporary situation. Aid is aimed at defraying general operating expenses such as rent, interest on loans or rental of commercial vehicles from companies established in the municipality.
been forced to suspend their activity during the period of confinement, or who, although they have not had to close, have seen their turnover reduced by at least 50% during the months of April and May.
The grants may be requested by those who have
Applications can be made until Thursday, August 20, electronically, by accessing the "Outstanding Procedures" section of the San Fulgencio City Council Electronic Office (https://sanfulgencio.sedelectronica.es).
FAOC and C.L.A.R.O to represent coast in Municipal working group
From La Costa, FAOC and C.L.A.R.O were invited, as 2 of the most representative organisations, being included in the “Essential Services” Group, chaired by the Social Services Councillor, Almudena Baldó.
On Tuesday, at a meeting in the Plenary Hall the “Commission for the Reconstruction of the Municipality” met in Orihuela.
This group is going to have a huge importance in regards to, social services, health, mental health, emergencies, cleaning, transportation etc."
This group has been created to try and reverse the effects of the Covid Pandemic, as well as those of La Dana, which took place a year ago. It includes around 100 associations in the Municipality.
In the coming weeks C.L.A.R.O will, collect proposals from residents of La Costa and will present them at this working group, where the most important issues will be selected and forwarded to the October Plenary for Approval.
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 826 QUICK ACROSS: 7 Occur; 8 Explore; 9 Violent; 10 Creed; 12 Phlegmatic; 15 Escarpment; 18 Trail; 19 Lenient; 21 Excused; 22 Cleft. DOWN: 1 Convenient; 2 Actor; 3 Urge; 4 Mettle; 5 Specimen; 6 Modesty; 11 Decapitate; 13 Harmless; 14 Scratch; 16 Melody; 17 Jewel; 20 Nick. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Abeam; 8 Sea-room; 9 Drought; 10 Dates; 12 Never again; 15 Variegated; 18 Realm;
ACROSS 1. Dope (4) 8. Achieve (10) 9. Refute (8) 10. Robe (4) 12. Jet (6) 14. Incorporate (6) 15. Dreary (6) 17. Lubricate (6) 18. Slender (4) 19. Burst (8) 21. Charlatan (10) 22. Whirlpool (4) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 20
DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. 13. 16. 17. 18. 20.
19 Western; 21 Clearly; Give up (10) Pant (4) Stop (6) Hinder (6) Suitable (8) Avoid (4) Far-reaching (10) Impending (8) Hewed (6) Sociable (6) Domesticated (4) Receive (4)
22 Class. DOWN: 1 Maiden over; 2 Aesop; 3 Smug; 4 Tsetse; 5 Mandrake; 6 Postbag; 11 Singleness; 13 Evermore; 14 Breaker; 16 Always; 17 Cedar; 20 Sack.
ACROSS 1. Prima donna is eager to come back (4) 8. Inane fellow on the motorway is a cricketer (5,3-2) 9. Make less of changing his mind about one (8) 10. Manage to put on a priest's cloak (4) 12. Put an end to the drink (6) 14. Room for a car (6) 15. Iron only ordered for a crime (6) 17. Hotel employee's drink (6) 18. Let it stand the test again (4) 19. Jane's disaster (8) 21. Fellow countryman has to camp out at the disturbance (10) 22. Consumes some cold-meat sandwiches (4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. According to the US postal service and the Citizen's Stamp Advisory Commitee, what kind of person shall not be honoured on a US postal stamp? 2. Onychophagia is a common habit particularly for many near the end of a sporting event. What is it? 3. What was John Steinbeck's travelling companion Charley? 4. In film, the inventive Major Boothroyd is simply known under which other name? 5. For some beginners, Pratt, Shelby and Windsor can be confusing examples of what? 6. The following words in different languages all mean what? Gehve, Qahwa, Sourj, Koohii, Kape 7. What colour stick does a manicurist use? 8. Which actor has been nominated twice for an Academy Award for playing a US President? 9. Other than English, what are the six most spoken languages in Australia? 10. George Jung and David Tsung are both credited with the invention of which after dinner success? 11. Rex Harrison's son Noel, Edward Woodward, Alison Moyet, Sting,
DOWN 2. Being tactless, I enter oddly without a record (10) 3. Wine has some lasting effects (4) 4. His leg was broken on a toboggan (6) 5. Epidemiologist finally gets pushy about discovering a disease (6) 6. Round letter ... (8) 7. ... formerly seen on a church (4) 11. Calvinist in favour of examination for the worker (10) 13. Stewpot's newly-discovered dances (3-5) 16. Shy cat is upset by boats (6) 17. Pale-faced friend took cover (6) 18. Blow with foot (4) 20. Friend reorganised the team (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) Terry Hall, Petula Clark, Jose Feliciano, Vanilla Fudge and the Muppets have all covered which Academy Award winning song? 12. Which infamous warrior's title loosely translated meant Ocean Ruler? 13. In the TV series Star Trek, how many crew members were aboard Capt Kirk's USS Enterprise? Plus or minus 20. 14. Named after shipwrecks and the bleached bones left on the shoreline by whalers in days gone by, the Skeleton Coast is still found today off which continent? 15. Which former ward attendant in a psychiatric hospital wrote 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest'? 16. Ira Hayes is one of the five struggling men in which famous photograph? 17. The name of which playful mammal stems from the Greek word for womb? 18. The word 'dinosaur' stems from the two Greek words 'deinos' and 'sauros'. Sauros means reptile or lizard. What does deinos mean? 19. Which artist had a 'Blue Period' and a 'Rose Period'? 20. The shape of a 'Torus' is often compared with which popular North American calorie bomb?
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Ryanair threatens to close bases in Spain
One base has already closed in Germany
San Fulgencio acts to ensure minimum banking service
By Andrew Atkinson Ryanair has threatened to close bases in Spain if new labour agreements cannot be reached with unions. Speaking to investors on July 27, as Ryanair reported a first-quarter net loss of €185 million ($217 million), chief executive Michael O’Leary said the carrier was 'looking at base closures in Spain where, for the moment, the unions have not agreed to the pay cuts we need'. And Italy could also see a shake up after O'Leary said there was a real risk to some of the regional bases in Italy, where you’ve a combination of slow pace of negotiations with unions but also the Italian government trying to impose Alitalia’s pay rates on other airlines. Ryanair has announced the closure of its Hahn base in Germany after failing to reach an agreement on savings with German pilots, and has threatened to close its bases at Berlin Tegel and Weeze near Dusseldorf.
O’Leary said Ryanair’s Poland-based charter subsidiary Buzz could take on a couple more bases this winter. Ryanair chief financial officer Neil Sorahan said the group’s Malta Air unit might also take on more of our operations over the coming years and months. Ryanair Group has 14 Boeing 737s with leases, due to expire in May 2021 and is in discussions with the lessors, says O’Leary. “We’d certainly be willing to extend those leases, as long as we could do so on competitive terms,” said O'Leary.
That’s Odd! - Benijofar's Martin buys solo shoe in Benidorm for 1euro! By Andrew Atkinson That's odd! - when Benijofar resident Martin Dean went to Benidorm he ended up with buying a plethora of odd shoes - with one shoe costing a paltry €1! "We went to visit Benidorm and in this hot weather I love wearing flossy shoes as they are so colourful and I can wear odd shoes," Martin told The Leader. Martin, 50, born in Lower Kersal, Manchester, who runs Hamilton Bake House with partner Gillian and also has a shop in Cabo Roig, is renowned on the Costa Blanca for wearing odd shoes. The soft shoe-shuffle for Martin began during his youth - when he used to nick odd shoes from shoe racks in Manchester, due to tight purse-strings in the family household. Martin, called a 'tramp' by schoolteachers as a teenag-
er, said: "I told the lady assistant in the Benidorm shoe shop I will have every colour she had. "Due to the coronavirus situation in Benidorm and it being so quiet they are basically giving things away six pairs of shoes for 15 euros - and two shirts for a fiver! "The assistant said 'sorry, I only have one orange shoe in this box, the other one is missing', after opening one of the boxes. "You should have seen her face when I asked could I buy just the one shoe - and got it for one euro!." Martin, who is keeping Hamilton's Bake House in Benijofar open during the Spanish annual holidays, said: "We will be open Tuesday until Saturday 8am3pm during August."
The closure of branches in rural areas is now affecting the town of San Fulgencio. Banco Sabadell has announced that it is to shut down its office located in the Plaza de la Constitución, despite efforts and negotiations by the City Council to maintain it’s presence in the town. However, the mayor, José Sampere, said that they have met with the bank on several occasions since the closure was known "and that they have now reached an agreement so that a minimum banking service can be retained”. The office will open two days a week from 9.00 to 12.00 by appointment, as well as on the 25th of each month. In addition, a smart ATM will be installed, at which cash deposits and bill payments can be made. The mayor expressed his disappointment at the closure saying that he has been unable to do anything to reverse it, and that the bank closure in the heart of the town will see the loss of an important service for residents and for the City Council itself as clients of the bank. He said that the City Council will work to recover this service "either with Sabadell or with another bank that wants to be in San Fulgencio, and that he regretted the unilateral decision adopted by the bank.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras.
Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th August. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com QUESADA LADIES CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Quesada Ladies Club will be held at the Cooper’s Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada,
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
on Tuesday 15th September 2020. This is for members only, and they will be admitted at the usual time of 2.30pm. This will take place only if the Covid19 allows us to. Keep watching our Facebook page for more information, Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly
meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or welfare on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on
637 227 385
965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano
Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
How do you fall asleep quickly Falling Asleep Follow a ritual of going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time every day. It helps you fall asleep faster and better. Going to sleep may sound like a simple business, but for many people getting a good night’s sleep or even falling asleep can be quite a task. Some habits can help you sleep better; however, if you have been sleepless for days, you may need medical help as it might be a complex sleep disorder.
By Lisa Jones
Avoid the following to sleep better: Stress Caffeine (coffee, dark tea, soda, energy drinks, and other caffeine-containing beverages) Nicotine (cigarettes and chewing tobacco) Alcohol Heavy dinner that’s rich in fats and spices To fall asleep faster Practice a regular schedule: Follow a ritual of going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time every day. It helps you fall asleep faster and better. Make yourself relaxed before bedtime: Remember that sleep is a normal biological process and you don’t need to stress yourself by being anxious about falling asleep. Make yourself calm by doing yoga or meditation, taking a warm shower, or listening to soothing music. Whatever relaxes you, make it a part of your bedtime ritual. Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bedtime. Avoid exercising right before bedtime. Turn off all screens: Do not use a mobile phone, laptops or watch TV while you are in bed. Do not force yourself to sleep: If despite the above-mentioned habits, you find yourself awake for more than 10 minutes in bed, get out of bed, and sit in a chair until you are sleepy.
soft music, and dim lighting. Wear clean and comfortable clothes before going to bed. Avoid naps if possible: While napping is a way to make up for lost sleep, taking naps decreases the amount of sleep one needs the next night. This may cause sleep fragmentation and difficulty falling asleep. What foods make you sleepy? Consuming certain foods and beverages can help you fall asleep faster. Foods and drinks that will help you get a restful sleep at night include: Foods rich in tryptophan: Tryptophan is a natural sleep-promoting substance. Tryptophan rich foods include milk, bananas, nuts, honey, chicken, turkey, and eggs. Complex carbs: Whole grains, in contrast with refined foods, help you sleep faster and better. Recommended bedtime snacks include popcorn, oatmeal or whole wheat crackers. To enhance the taste, add some nut butter to these snacks. Fish: Fish is rich in vitamin B6. The vitamin makes melatonin in the body which is triggered by being in the dark. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the sleep/wake cycle. A handful of nuts: Apart from being rich in healthy fats, nuts like almonds
Do not stress out or be upset about not being able to fall asleep.
and walnuts contain melatonin. Eating them can help you sleep more soundly.
Make your bedroom a sleep-friendly place: Make your bedroom a relaxing place by accessorizing it with things that relax you.
Kale: This leafy green is high in calcium and puts the sleep hormones at work to ensure you enjoy a good slumber.
You may use weighted blankets or comforters, essential oil diffusers,
Honey in warm beverages: Add some honey to warm beverages like
chamomile or peppermint tea, or just plain warm water. The concoction relaxes your mind. Honey lowers the level of orexin, a chemical found in the body that makes you more alert and facilitates falling asleep. Fruits: Fruits like tart cherries, bananas, pineapple, and oranges reduce the oxidative stress in the body and give a boost to your sleep hormones making you sleep faster and wake up less frequently at night. Having two kiwis before bed has been found to increase the sleep duration by an hour over a month, in people who chronically suffer from a lack of sleep. How many hours of sleep are enough? The amount of sleep needed depends on many factors, one of which is the person’s age. The generally recommended hours of sleep are: Infants (ages zero to three months): 14 to17 hours a day. Infants (ages four to 11 months): 12 to 15 hours a day. Toddlers (ages one to two years): 11 to 14 hours a day. Pre-school children (ages three to five years): 10 to 13 hours a day. School-age children (ages six to 13 years): nine to 11 hours a day. Teenagers (ages 14 to 17 years): eight to 10 hours each day. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a day. Older adults (ages 65 and above) need seven to eight hours of sleep each day. Women in the first three months of pregnancy often need more hours of sleep than usual.
What Lockdown within a neighbourhood of 65+ year olds taught me
came ‘home’ for just a few weeks, it was never meant to turn into 5 months here. My travel plans were halted, courses I was due to take part in postponed or cancelled and the months of exploring I had laid out ahead of me crumbled. For most people life got turned upside down and we were all thrown into total uncertainty of what came next and when. We still are in that space, who knows what the rest of this bizarre year will bring. As I look back over the last months having celebrated my 48th birthday in lockdown and finding myself living with my parents, there are many amazing lessons I have learnt and I’d love to share them with you. • Here in Spain is a great community. The life here is generally easy (well as easy as you want to make it, but that applies to everywhere in the world). There are clubs and organisations and events and even when you find yourself on your own people are here for each other. • Language is an issue – the Spanish like it if we can speak their language and I can’t say I can blame them! Must make more effort to learn! • The health system is generally damn good, and the responsibility is with the family to look after each other. On the whole a great thing, I have seen though that there is a lacking if there is no family, hence need for community!
• Old people have a lot to give with their stories, experiences, insights and what they lived through. We don’t want to hear it from our parents though, much easier to listen to someone else other than them! • Communication changes; it has been hard for me to slow my speech down and announce my words clearer! • Parents are (mostly) always there for us kids at any age and often it can be too late before we realise that…. happy to say that is not the case for me and I am grateful for lockdown. Hoping that lesson is learnt by others too. • Being with your family is the biggest and steepest and hardest learning curve into oneself! And a huge lesson in patience!. • Health – physical and mental really is more important than wealth • Community and sharing and having people to care for and care for us truly is invaluable. I’d love it if some of my insights have had your head nodding! And I encourage you to think of your own. It is easy for us to dip into the negative of the current situation, but that really doesn’t help! So hey let’s all look on the brighter side, check in on each other, maybe meet new neighbours and simply be kind to each other – we are all going through stuff and we don’t know what that may be for others. A smile and a hello go a long way in making someone’s day …
LOCAL NEWSBITES Automatic gel dispensers purchased by Orihuela Council The Councilor for Emergencies, Víctor Valverde, demonstrated one of the new hygienic-sanitary gel dispensers on Monday that are going to be located across the municipality of Orihuela. These are the "SensoDrop" devices, automatic dispensers designed for both interior and exterior use and will be located in areas with high public footfall. These systems have several advantages including a large supply capacity, dispensing of the product without contact, it is powered by solar energy and it has a discreet design said to be aesthetically pleasing.
Torrevieja Bands Festival to be held in Eras de la Sal The historic area of Eras de la Sal will host the 18th International Festival of Bands from August 21 to 23 in the historic area of Eras de la Sal. The festival will begin with the host band, "Los Saleroso", on August 21, performing under the baton of their new director, Manuel García. On the 22nd it will be the turn of the San Sebastián Musical Association (Padua, Granada), directed by Víctor Manuel Ferrer. The festival will be closed by the Big Band "Los Gavilanes" (Alicante), under the direction of Ángel Fernández. The capacity will be 400 people and tickets are already on sale at the Municipal Theatre at 5 euros.
Boost for La Mata weekly market A further 45 stalls, selling textiles, accessories, gift items and hardware items opened on Wednesday at the weekly market in La Mata. These traders are added to the food stalls that began their post lockdown activity on July 15. The Councilor for Markets said that the City Council is progressively increasing the activity at this weekly market, as has already been the case at the Friday market in Torrevieja. Councillor Vidal said that the market proceeded normally and that the users of the market are responded very positively to the additions.
Gold Medals for residents of Redován The Redován council is to award Gold Medals to it’s citizens for the strength and solidarity that they showed during last September’s DANA flooding. The proposal the support of all political groups, so it will now be raised to plenary for approval. "There were multiple heroic displays of solidarity carried out in the town," said the mayor. It is expected that the Gold Medal will be awarded at a tribute ceremony that the council is preparing to hold on September 5, in the Plaza de la Paz. The event will also honour organizations and volunteers, such as the Local Police, the Civil Guard, the Unit Emergency Military (UME), National Police and Fire, and the municipal brigade.
Over a hundred children take part in “El Cole va a Casa” The Councillor for Social Welfare, Tomás Ballester, said that the first month of the summer school "El cole va a casa" for disadvantaged families, has been a great success. This summer school with a difference, saw over a hundred children receive a tutor into their homes, who stayed with them for two hours. The first hour was devoted to assistance with school subjects, with materials provided by the tutors who then spend the second hour enjoying leisure activities with the child. From 2pm all child users of the service, also a menu prepared to their needs which is delivered to their home.
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Illegal Immigrants escape from Cartagena detention centre
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immigrants who arrived by boat during the last weekend of July. A week ago, one hundred managed to escape from the Escombreras docks while being guarded by the National Police, although most were back in custody within 24 hours. And then on Saturday from confinement in Cabezo Beaza, another 59 escaped of which 17 have been found.
Security at a Cartagena sports centre, where a hundred Algerians have been kept, since arriving on a Patera Wednesday, has been called into question, after eight of them managed to escape. The eight men got away through the air conditioning ducts, without being detected by either the private security guards inside the building, hired by the council, or by the Civil Guard patrols that guard the exterior of the building. These are in addition to the 59 who escaped last Saturday morning by forcing a back door. The eight fugitives took escaped overnight taking advantage of the dark and the ducts in a temporary air conditioning system set up on Thursday. The guards say they heard noises but were unable to detain any of the escapees, all young men and in good physical condition. Authorities believe that they will be heading for France. This is the third escape from the nearly five hundred Algerian
A member of the Civil Guard patrols the exterior of the building
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Las Ramblas Golf Society
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Results for w/c 3.8.20
For those of you paying attention you will recall I was unable to give the results of last Friday’s 2 Ball Texas Scramble. I am now pleased to report that our winners, Terry Field and Pertina Murray, with a nett score of 61.25, beat the existing record of 62.5 set by Lindsay Forbes and Hendrick Oldenziel back in 2016. Huge commiserations go to Richard Connock and Mike Chapman who also managed 61.25 between them but just missed out on countback. Monday’s Counter Game was the version where you find out how many to score only after each hole has been played. Mike Chapman was in the winning team this time. Along with Olga Douglas, Paul Brown and Marleen Billen the winning score was 101 points. Close on their heels, with 99 points, it was Richard Connock, John Shervell, Pete Dunn and Joyce McClusky. Wednesday and it was the long awaited inaugural ‘Biggerstaff Bash’. The trophy is named in honour of Geoff who was one of our founding members and his wife Dee who put in many years of hard work as secretary. Played in a 2 Ball Better Ball format, Graham Murray and myself sat on the terrace for a good forty minutes after our game thinking that with 45 points, we had done enough to lift the cup. One of the last pairings to come in was Mark Western and Nigel Price. They also scored 45 points but beat us by one point on countback! With 34 points Ian Moir and Bryan Neal each received a token for the driving range! There were three nearest the pins which fell to Ken Robertson, Mike Frankish and Graham Murray. Rounded off with cakes and sandwiches it was a great day for all involved. To compensate for Wednesday’s disappointment I did happen to be in the winning team on Friday when it was a 2 from 4 and all on the par 5’s. Together with Terry Field, Alan Douglas and Marleen Billen we notched up 100 points. It says something that Terry shot six birdies yet didn’t get on the card with three of them! In second place with 94 were Pete Dunn, Richard Connock, Mike Mahony and Olga Douglas. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell
CINEMA PILAR English Language Cinema in Pilar de la Horadada - Calle Canalejas 4 Thursday 13th August at 7pm
1917 Two young British soldiers during the First World War are given an impossible mission: deliver a message deep in enemy territory that will stop 1,600 men, and one of the soldiers' brothers, from walking straight into a deadly trap. Starring: George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman, Mark Strong, Richard Madden, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Firth Duration: 1hr 59 min Genre: War. Drama | I World War
John, Ian and Charlie
SMGS at Las Ramblas 5th August, 2020 Las Ramblas has oft been described as a thinking man's golf course. Unfortunately, a lot of our members thought better of playing this difficult course hence the paltry turnout of 18 members plus 3 guests. Advocates of the course – a motley crew of low handicap players who are enchanted by the challenges of barrancas (ravines), bunkers and tree-lined fairways – vainly endeavoured to blame Co-vid19 and the hot weather for the absence of their erstwhile companions. On the plus side, the course was,as ever, in excellent condition (even the member who won a consolation bottle of wine for his pitiful score of 10 points agreed on this). Well-presented fairways and tip-top greens afforded our society every opportunity to score well, a task that proved a bridge too far for most. As with many courses in this part of Spain, the perimeter consists of upmarket housing for adrenaline junkies who love the thrill of swimming in their pool, knowing that any moment an errant drive or shanked 5 iron could put them in a vegetative state. At the 17th hole, a resident in a rather fetching pair of speedos indulged in a bout of passive-aggressive staring after my playing partner's drive morphed into a drone missile and almost took out a poolside sunbather. A goose at the same hole was not so lucky. A worm-killing low drive from a committee member struck the bird on a lower limb (to be fair, he did shout 'fore!'). Desiring to live, it hurriedly limped off into the foliage before the golfer could play his second shot. It was a day of high drama. The Vega Baja Earthquake Monitoring Centre reported a tremor of 1.2 with its epicentre at Las Ramblas 14th hole. The prosaic truth was that a tad overnourished member had fallen into a barranca (after stepping
into a hidden rabbit hole), suffering severe bruising to his body and ego. On a serious note, maybe Las Ramblas should consider roping off the most dangerous ravines as they constitute a clear risk to player safety. Prizewinners owed their thanks to Mick Roscoe at The Property Shop and Leisa Geddes of Spanish Insurance, steadfast sponsors of San Miguel Golf Society. Nearest the pin winners were: Phil De lacy, Darren Strugnell, Graeme Forbes, and Paul Thompson. Silver Category: 3rd place – Lee Eastman (the would-be sunbather assassin) on 28 points, 2nd place – Phil De Lacy on 29 points (lost on count back), 1st place – John Rose 29 Gold Category: 3rd place – Darren Strugnell on 33, 2nd place – Tony Smale on 38 (lost on count back), 1st place – David Rowe on 38 Abacus: Norman Padmore on 10 points. Best Guest: Daniel Luijkx. Our thanks go to the staff of Las Ramblas for a great day out. Next week, we play Roda and the week after we are at Font De Llop. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website www.smgs.org or simply give Captain Phil de Lacy a call on 711 03 2859.
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
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Rose puts up 35,000 GBP to sponsor Ladies Golf events
The iconic golf scene from the 1964 film ‘Goldfinger’.
“You play a Slazenger 1. don't you?” “Yes, why?” “This is a Slazenger 7. Mine's the Penfold Heart. You played the wrong ball, somewhere on the 18th. Strict rules of golf Goldfinger, I'm afraid you lose the hole and the match.” Famous words from the 1964 film. The young Sean Connery had to take golfing lessons before filming the scene to make it look authentic. It started his life-long love affair with golf. Gert Frobe who played Auric Goldfinger, was already a good golfer. Stoke Park Golf Club was the backdrop for one of cinema's most celebrated golf duels, and after the release of Goldfinger sales of the Penfold Heart rocketed. The logo is different now and golfballs with the original logo claim high prices. A limited set of one dozen Penfold Hearts has been produced to celebrate the anniversary of Ian Fleming's birth. BRYSON DECHAMBEAU endured his worst ever score on one hole on the par 5
15th at the Memorial. After a tee shot in the water and three shots out-of bounds, one of which he loudly contested, Dechambeau stomped after his ball, chipped onto the green and 2-putted for ten. He missed the cut. Just goes to show that brawn's not much good without the brain. THE EUROPEAN TOUR six-week ‘UK Swing’ marches on with the English Championship on August 6th at Hanbury Manor, Celtic Classic and Wales Open at Celtic Manor on August 13th and 20th and the UK Championship at the Belfry on August 27tth. Keith Pelley, European Tour CEO, who has been tying himself in knots revising the schedules, said there's no date for the Irish Open but the BMW PGA Championship will be held at Wentworth on 14th October. The Scottish Open will now take place on 8th October at The Renaissance Club, North Berwick (provided Ms. Sturgeon is letting anybody in.) It's a hard enough course without having to tee off into a cold October wind on 500+ yd par 4's. Porridge for breakfast and thermal underwear recommended. BERNHARD LANGER will be at
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
Augusta for the annual Champions Dinner on the Tuesday evening in October. He never misses an opportunity to dust off the green jacket. Having played in 35 Masters he said that being at home for the second week of April felt peculiar: “I have never played Augusta in the autumn. I hear the conditions will be similar to April, just with not so many flowers, but that’s okay – hopefully I can keep out of the flowerbeds anyway!” Langer (62) planned his own fitness routines during the enforced break. “I swing a lead-weighted 7 iron, have a treadmill, exercise bike and pool, and I do putting and chipping in our back yard.” Forget washing lines and dustbins, this is Bernhard Langer's backyard, the size of Wentworth. Unfortunately being fit as a butchers dog didn't help him at the Ally Challenge, Michigan when the Seniors Tour resumed on August 2nd. He came in 7th behind Jim Furyk who won comfortably at 14 under. Back to the press-ups. ANOTHER GOLFER with a brain the size of a pea. When play was suspended due to lightning at the Workday Charity Open at Muirfield Village reigning U.S. Open champion Gary Woodland sprinted for the buggies closest to the hole he was on and tried to make a quick getaway. Unfortunately the buggy was parked in reverse and Gary ended up tangled in a fence. Pity there were no spectators, but his opponent had a good laugh.
1. A living person. 2. Nail biting. 3. French Poodle. 4. 'Q' (Bond films). 5. They are all examples of necktie knots. 6. Coffee. 7. An 'orange stick'. 8. Sir Anthony Hopkins. In Nixon and Amistad. 9. Mandarin (2.5%), Arabic (1.4%), Cantonese (1.2%), Vietnamese (1.2%), Italian (1.2%), Greek (1.0%). 10. The Fortune Cookie. 11.
Rose, a U.S. Open champion and Olympic gold medalist, put up 35,000 GBP of his own money to give the women an outlet for competition during the Ladies European Tour’s pandemic hiatus. Seven one-day tournaments in June and July were followed by the three-day finale, which began on Wednesday. The LET’s regular tournament schedule will resume with the Ladies Scottish Open on August 13. Rose’s sponsorship news received enthusiastic and much-deserved reception on social media but for Rose, it was the right thing to do.
Lewandowski rejected an offer from Real Madrid in 2013 Robert Lewandowski, while being at Borussia Dortmund in 2013, said no to a contract offered by Real Madrid, says Polish publication Onet Sport. It said that Real offered Lewandowski €8.6m yearly and a bonus of €10m. With the six-year contract, the Pole would have earned a total of around €75.5m, but he refused the offer and instead moved to Bayern Munich in 2014 where he was granted a top role.
2020 Madrid Open cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic The 2020 Madrid Open has been cancelled this year owing to the ongoing pandemic. The tennis tournament, originally scheduled for May, had earlier been postponed to September. However, now organisers have announced the event has been cancelled because social gatherings in public and private have been limited to 10 people. Organisers said that the 2021 edition will be held from 30 April to 9 May.
German Clubs agree upon rules for return of some fans for games
TOM CRUISE chose to accept his Mission Impossible to land a helicopter on the 9th green at Richmond Golf Course, walk into the elegant early Georgian clubhouse in jeans and trainers and demand lunch. The normally sniffy restaurant obliged him. They couldn't know his cheque would selfdestruct in 30 seconds.
The 36 clubs of the German Football League have agreed on a method for a possible return of at least some fans to the stadiums.
Until next time, Happy Golfing.
Players who deliberately cough can be red-carded, says FA
Contact Mick for regrippng and repairs. Tel 638 859 475. TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14:
While the golf world’s eyes are on the year’s first major championship at TPC Harding Park in San Francisco, across the Atlantic, Europe’s female pros will be playing the final event of the Rose Ladies Series — the grand finale of two month’s worth of tournaments in England organized by Justin Rose, his wife, Kate, and longtime Ladies European Tour player Liz Young.
The Windmills of your Mind. 12. Genghis Khan. 13. 428. 14. Africa. (off the coast of Namibia). 15. Ken Kesey. 16. Raising the flag on Iwo Jima. 17. Dolphin. From delphy's "womb". 18. Found twice in the New Testament, the Greek adverb “deinos” means “vehemently,” “dreadfully,” “excessively.” 19. Pablo Picasso's Blue Period was followed by his Rose Period as his bout with depression gradually ended. 20. Doughnut (Donut)
The method goes: No alcohol, no standing room, no fans away from home and personalised online tickets to track infection chains. The priority is not full stadiums, but to ensure that everyone remains in good health situation, said the DFL head.
Players who deliberately cough at match officials or other players during football matches will be red-carded, according to new guidelines by the he International Football Association Board (Ifab). This comes amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Action will not be taken if the cough is genuine or if there's distance between the players. It will be up to the referee to make a judgement on this.
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Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Lo Crispin GS @ El Plantio
This gave a slightly surreal feel to everything, but it was good to back playing golf !
On 5th. August the Society played its first game since before the Coronavirus lockdown ! 23 members, including one who was playing his 2nd. game for handicap, took part.
After the game we returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where the day's prizes were distributed and where we were served Tapas in the Beer Garden, by the friendly staff.
We competed for our 2nd. 'Major' of the year, the Spring Cup, as the unprecedented situation meant that we were playing for it later in the year than we normally would have done. It was a typically hot August day and the course was generally in good condition, although some of the tee boxes were a bit 'scruffy'. The greens were 'true', but not as fast as would expected at this time of the year. The Covid secure protocols, which appear to have been adopted by all Courses in the region, such as no rakes in the bunkers and flagsticks, which often didn't embrace the ball completely, even when struck perfectly.
Two's Pot: Who's a lucky boy then? New member Davey O'Brien was the only one to get an elusive Two and therefore was the sole winner of the Two's Pot and gleefully accepted the 38€ from Captain Ernie.
1st. Place (and winner of the Spring Cup) - Steve Harrington 30 pts. off 25
In the Silver division, it only needed 25 points for Captain Ernie Wilson to receive the CBNC accolade. It only took one more point for (him again) Davey O'Brien to receive even more money from the Captain, his 26 points taking the runnersup slot. Way ahead with 31 points, Paudge Connolly had a beaming smile as he accepted the winner's purse.
2nd. Place - Ian Stuart 27pts. off 11 3rd. Place - Rod Pullen 25 pts. off 7 4th. Place - Pete Childs 24 pts. off 14 (on count back) In view of the coronavirus situation there were no Nearest The Pin prizes. Keith Rennison was the only member to post a 2 and so claimed the day's 2s pot. The Free Game Draw was won by Charlie Robertson. Our next game will be an individual Stableford competition at Roda on 19th. August. By Steve Harrington.
La Marina Golf Society
The overall winner, Moose Burke
6th August 2020
This week was the 3rd round of the La Marina Golf Society's Summer Cup and what a scorching Summer's day it was. 20 members braved the hot weather and thoroughly enjoyed the cold pints in the clubhouse afterwards. El Plantio was the venue this week and was in its usual good condition with the pins being placed in some tricky positions, which lead to some frustrating putts. However, some good scores were achieved, the winner of the Gold division was Barry Thoroughgood with 35 points and Jimmy Scott also with 35 points winning the Silver division. The nearest the pin winners were as follows, hole 7, Bill England, hole 9, Jeff Wiszniewski and hole 18, Gerry McCabe who narrowly missed winning the two's pot, so its another rollover. The last game of the Summer Cup is at Roda Golf Course, 20th August, the playlist is on the notice board at the sports bar for members wishing to take part. A big thank you to the La Marina Sports bar for our after game refreshments.
McCafferty's Golf Society at Villamartin 28th July This was our first visit to La Finca golf course since 'lockdown' and it is evident that they have done much work on certain holes, but also due to weed killer getting into the irrigation system, there were many 'bad patches' but all marked as GUR, so they didn't really harm anyone's game, just looked bad. Back at the bar, Barney excelled himself and flogged TWO Scratch cards and the lucky recipients of 20€ were Dianne Smith (known as Lady Di) and Steve Higgins and that didn't go down too well with the rest of the members! Thanks Barney, it is appreciated. NTP's: We had the normal 4 NTP's on the Par 3's and a bonus NTP in three on the 'Island Green' the Par 5 5th hole. All five were taken and on the 3rd new member Davy O'Brien stepped up to accept his sleeve of balls, as did Dan Courtney (6th) JJ McGettigan for the 13th & the 16th and finally Blue Smith for his effort of hitting the green on the 5th, in three.
GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.. Changes at La Finca Golf Resort While most local golf courses re-opened on the 11th May 2020 the exclusive La Finca Resort remained closed until the 30th July 2020 but they have been busy during the closure making numerous changes to the hotel and clubhouse area and on the golf course itself We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
Price €98 €100 €100 €125
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy
In the Gold Division, the scores were slightly better and there were 4 members with 31 points and on the countback system, Joe McAleer won sod all as CBNC. Brian Kiernan's better back six ensured he collected the Runners-up envelope and just one point more, with 32 points was, yes, he's back, the peace and quiet has been disturbed, JJ McGettigan accepted the Gold Division's winner's purse. The Overall winner, also with 32 points, who punched the air when his name was announced, Tom 'Moose' Burke happily accepted the Overall Winners purse for the day. We always save the best to last don't we? Fast becoming the favourite to knock Mick Coady off the top of the table for the number of 'Happy Golfer' wins, Dan the Man, Dan Courtney stepped up to claim yet another bottle of plonk for his …..ermmmm….effort. Next week we are back to La Finca for the next round of the Stroke Play event where the maximum score is limited to '5 over Par'. After that we are down South to play the South course of La Manga and then we see out August with a trip to Vistabella. In closing, we would like to thank the bar staff for their service to us and a thank you to Kieran Fenton for, once again, supplying the hungry with his delights.
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
Hotel and Restaurants - Conference and banqueting suites have been added with the Augusta hall holding 400 people and the Icaro Hall holding 130 people.
La Finca Sports has been created for the fitness and sports fanatic. The number and types of restaurant have been increased with the following now being available: La Finca Buffet – Island layout Citrus Experience – Mediterranean Restaurant Frijolino - Italian and Mexican food restaurant Mistro – Paella and Brasserie restaurant La Bodega de la Finca – Winery for tasting. You can see that not only do they have an excellent golf course and hotel but the variety of restaurants available in one area is second to none and you can make golf and golf hotel package reservations through Costa Blanca Green Fee Services.
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga N & S La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre
Las Colinas €44 GrFee (1-2pm sgle buggy €25) Las Pinaillas €40 Green Fee (incl single buggy) Lorca €75 Two Green Fees and buggy Lo Romero €136 Two Green Fees and buggy Mar Menor €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €120 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Villamartin €136 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €84 Two Green Fees and buggy from 1pm For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
and these changes can be summarised as follows: The Golf Course - The course is rated number 42 in the top 100 golf courses in Europe and all the hollow tining has been done during the shutdown as well as re-seeding the aprons with Agrosti grass. In addition some landscaping has been done with the addition of some new trees, new bridges on holes 13 and 16 plus a major redesign of the now signature par 3 16th hole. The Club-House - Extra storage space has been created for golf bags and golf carts.
€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €107 €50 €96 €118
Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee (single buggy €15) Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Green Fee (single buggy €27) Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
637 227 385
Real Zaragoza want playoffs scrapped Real Zaragoza has asked the Higher Sports Council (CSD) to suspend the 'play-offs for promotion to the LaLiga "because of the current risks to health". Sports Director at Zambu CFS Pinatar Nacho Garrido has been linked to football all his life - since he started playing at the age of five at school. "I turned professional aged 19, playing in the first division, the former division of Honor, for six seasons in both El Pozo and Cartagena; and eight years in the second division at Cartagena, Alcantarilla, and Jumilla, along with many other teams in other categories," Nacho, 49, told The Leader. Nacho, who ended his career at El Puntal, in Second B, turning to coaching after 38 years as a player, said: "I have been training for approximately 17 years and there were periods I combined my work as a coach, while staying active as a player. "I have trained in the second and first division for women, the second division in men's football in Spain, and the first division in France, along with several years of coaching for the FFRM, with two Spanish Championships." At CFS Pinatar Zambu, Nacho has had the chance to combine a role as coach, along with being the sports coordinator, with teams in all categories, one senior in Preferential, and the women's section. "Since 2016 it has been a fantastic, exciting and ambitious project, taking one step at a time. "In 2016 we formed the women's section, which was the first female team at the club, and has had a prominent place since," said Nacho. Upon his arrival at the club Nacho was building a team with character, identity and competitiveness, something that requires a high degree of
Nacho Garrido with the Zambu CFS Pinatar team.
They also say that sports' fair play' is violated because the team cannot count on its Watford loan player, Luis Suárez, who’s spell with the club ran out on 5 August. Watford have refused to negotiate an extension to the deal, despite the fact the player wants to stay. Zaragoza finished in 3rd position in Segunda so their request is made on the understanding that as the highest placed play off club they would be automatically promoted to LaLiga.
Garrido appointed Sports Director at Zambu CFS Pinatar work and commitment. "I was attracted to the club, underlined by the forward project plan and the team at that time. Also the President, the management and technical members, one big family. "It was made clear that my objective was to stay and lay the foundations, with the focus to consolidate the team. "The second B group that makes up the category, was a complicated group - coconuts - in general the teams in the Madrid area were all of a very high level. "I began working and looking at many aspects to adjust, adding additions. It was not easy, but we prepared to
Belle Vue Stadium Quote: 'The closure of Belle Vue Greyhound Stadium has been incredibly difficult, especially given the history. The effects of the national lockdown had a huge impact' - ARC’s Racing Division MD Mark Spincer By Andrew Atkinson Belle Vue greyhound stadium in Manchester is to close after almost a century of racing at the northern venue. Belle Vue is the latest greyhound stadium to close in the last few decades, following in the footsteps of 'flapping' tracks in Blackpool, Preston, Bolton, St Helens, Barrow, Long Eaton, Cobridge, amongst others.
Elche's rival in one of the two semi-finals (Thursday, 10 pm) is concerned about the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and the "serious risk" it poses "to the health of the professional footballers who will participate in the 'play- off'.
impose the group's confidence," said Nacho. "The message was very clear, and I made it aware that the fans are also very important, with visiting teams in San Pedro. "Knowing the fans are an additional player - they put on our shirt - and together we became stronger," said Nacho. "We have enjoyed four seasons in which the Murcia coach has managed to get an extraordinary performance from the team, achieving the most important milestones in the history of the club, salvation, Copa del Rey and Play Off for promotion to 2nd.
"Garrido will continue in the club, playing the role of Sports Director, a very important challenge since this season we will have 20 teams in competition. "Thank you very much Nacho, for your dedication, passion, sacrifice and confidence in our project. We are proud that you are still in our house," said a spokesperson from Zambú CFS Pinatar. "Reflecting over the past four years as coach I now look forward to taking the opportunity as Sports Director at Zambu CFS Pinatar," said Nacho, who studied at the University of Murcia.
Belle Vue first opened in 1926
Benijófar socialist group will ask the municipal government team for “clarification and details” of the recently announced merger between Atlético de Catral and Castrum Benijófar, which includes the Benijófar municipal football school They say that many of the families are concerned at the uncertainty generated by the lack of information about the merger, which took both the parents and their children by surprise. The authorities say that the merger will improve sports methodology, training, player standards and infrastructure for local players but many parents, far from seeing it as positive for their children, say they are very concerned as they do not they know how it will affect them.
Torrevieja City Tennis Tournament
I was the proprietor of The Greyhound Times in the eighties, with the monthly magazine ceasing publication, due to stadiums being sold for housing development.
Sponsored by the Grupo Ribera Salud University Hospital, the most important Tennis Tournament in the south of Alicante, and one of the most attractive in the Valencian Community got underway last week and will last until Sunday, August 9.
Belle Vue opened in 1926 and used to be the home of the Belle Vue Ace speedway team. The local council have approved a plan to build 250 houses on the site in December. Arena Racecourse Company (ARC), operate Belle Vue, and ARC’s Racing Division managing director Mark Spincer, said: "The closure of Belle Vue Greyhound Stadium has been an incredibly difficult one to make, especially given the history associated with the Stadium, but our consultation on options moving forward could
Questions over merger between Atlético de Catral and Castrum Benijófar
not see a manner in which the business could support itself. "The effects of the national lockdown, alongside the significant uncertainty over when, and in what manner, crowds may be able to return has had a huge impact on Belle Vue in particular, given its reliance on
public attendance. "We will continue to provide welfare support payments to the remaining Belle Vue trainers, not currently racing at other stadia, until the end of September, and assist with any homing requirements during that time."
Up to 4,000 euros is available in cash in prizes on the Open Competition with another two thousand euros in sports equipment for the other youth categories. This year’s competition will feature 16 players who are currently ranked in the Top 50 in the national rankings. The competition is being held at the Torrevieja Tennis Club to which entry for spectators is absolutely free.
637 227 385
Euronics Darts League AGM After several years of carefully tending the finances of the Euronics Thursday league, Debbie Wright has stood down from her capacity as league treasurer. At a pre AGM committee meeting, Debbie reluctantly called it a day, the chairman thanking her for her contribution in making the league the success it is today. With the coming season looming the committee anticipate a replacement by the forthcoming AGM on Thursday 20th August, convening at 7-30pm, venue Hi Life, Villa Park 1, Playa Flamenca. Any proposals must be received by 13th August, to simonedelacy@hotmail.co.uk Proposals received after the deadline will not be included in the AGM. All existing teams must attend with at least one representative, registration form and entry fees. Any new teams wishing to join the league should register their interest to the league secretary (Simone de Lacy) forthwith. Both Ladies and Men’s pairs competitions played to the semifinal stage but halted due to Covid 19 will now be concluded prior to commencement of the new season, final confirmation at the AGM.
OUT WITH THE OLD By Dave Hadaway Cometh the hour cometh the men, in this case Stephen and Thomas from Dales to lay our new carpet. The old carpet and underlay came up quickly enough but the dust left behind was a completely different matter. I know it's a dry and dusty country and I think a Grota Fria would have been the best solution, but as you know the weather never does what we want, just ask any farmer.
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
All systems go for CDThader Rojales On Saturday 29 August, ko TBN, national division 2b side La Nucia will provide a stern test for manager Raul Mora's men. Then on Wednesday 2 September, ko 8pm, Murcian 3rd division side Mar Menor will cross the border, for what should prove to be an entertaining match.
Every Thursday morning at Rojales outdoor market during August and September, club President Lloyd Dummett and various fellow directors, will have a stall selling season tickets plus club merchandise.
As at time of writing, 75% of the ground's capacity will be available for spectators' use, although this could change depending on coronavirus directives.
Season tickets will cost only 50 euros, with concessions for pensioners at 35 euros, 14-30 year olds (25 euros), whilst under 14s will gain free entrance.
Local Preferente division side Thader Rojales will commence preseason training on 18 August, in preparation for 2 mouth-watering friendly matches. Both will take place inside Moi Gomez stadium, Rojales, against higher ranked opposition.
Valencian football federation have placed Thader into group 6 of the Preferente division. This group will consist of 14 teams, commencing the new season on 17/18 October.
Club President Lloyd Dummett
There will be less travelling next season, for Benidorm CD, Racing Benidorm, CFI Alicante and Rayo Ibense, have all been placed in different groups: The full list of group 6 is shown below Murada
Elitei Proj
Carrus Ilicitana
Orihuela 'B' Ilicitana Raval
Santa Pola
Thader Rojales
Monte Mar Bowls Club Chicken Run - Sunday 26th July Another successful chicken run played within the present restrictions. Thirty six players took part playing on three rinks over two sessions. The winners of the chickens were Neil Crawford, Dave Yarrow and Ian Hamilton. Cindy and Colin Bedford and Terry Cottle won the eggs. Thank you to Tanya Oliver, Jack Burrell, Joan and Chris Harding
who donated the chickens and Julia and ian Hamilton who donated the eggs. Gran Alacant Mixed Rinks Due to present restrictions we unfortunately have to cancel this years competition.
Margaret’s army of volunteers Time for Margaret's Army to come to the for and our thanks go to Mick X 4, Tom, John, Alex, Garth, Don, Peter and Dave x 2, with the added expertise the following day of the Ladies, Jan, Leslie & Margaret (sorry if I have missed anybody), all ably supported by their spouses up in the gods.
Cindy, Colin and Terry
Sincere thanks to all for such a sterling effort to give a good clean base for the fitters to work on. 10 rolls of underlay and 10 rolls of carpet, stretched and stitched later, we will have our new playing surface and new equipment all ready for a new season. No final pictures because I am sure you will all want to come down see and experience it for yourself. Our thanks goes to our secretary Margaret McLaughlin and our owner, Louisa for putting in so much effort for this to go ahead.
winners of the eggs
Neil, Dave and Ian went home with the chickens
Vic’s Hamper at San Luis Vic's Hamper competition is running every Wednesday 5.00 for 5.30 pm. Entries 1 euro each, chickens and wine to be won. The green is open every day from 10 am and available for rollups or matches. Book at the bar (966 78 9247). Visitors are welcome, come along and join us. The club is now preparing for the new season. We are a friendly club and anyone who would like to join us will find application forms available at the bar. If you haven't bowled before and would like to try telephone Vic, the club President, on 627 370 998 and he will arrange for you to have a lesson and a chance to see if you enjoy the game.
637 227 385
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020