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Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Valencian Community to apply new leisure restrictions from Tuesday
n Tuesday, the Valencian Community will begin to apply a raft of new restrictions on nightlife and hospitality, agreed last Friday with the Ministry of Health, to try to stop the expansion of the coro-
navirus, according to sources from the Ministry. That is the day on which the measures will be published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV), at which point they will immediately come into
force. Ana Barceló will hold a meeting with Public Health this Monday morning in order to confirm the specific wording at which point it will be passed for publication in the DOGV.
So as of Tuesday, all nightlife venues will be completely shut down while hospitality establishments, such as bars and restaurants, will be required to close by 1am. Continued on Page 2
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
be levied in a strict manner.” The measures are being introduced as a result of the worrying number of new cases of coronavirus registered in the 24 health authorities of the community where, in just one month, from July 16 to August 13, positive cases have increased by 1.022% on average throughout the Community.
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In absolute terms, they have gone from 253 cases in July to 2,840 in August. This means that the number of positives per PCR + has multiplied at this time by almost 12.
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Ana Barcelo, the Valencia Community Conselleria for Health
Continued from Page One Community issues new restrictions No new patrons will be allowed to enter the premises from midnight onwards. Bars and restaurants also need to guarantee a minimum safe distance of 1.5 metres between customers, both at the bar and whilst they are eating at a table. The maximum number of diners around one table will be limited to 10. Another measure to be introduced is a blanket ban across the community on smoking in public, if a two-metre distance cannot be observed. Some regions, including Galicia and the Canary Islands, had already introduced such a measure. Minister Ana Barceló said it was quite right that these actions are being introduced in all autonomous communities, pointing out that "it is necessary to coordinate the measures if we are to achieve greater effectiveness, taking into account mobility and the holiday period in which we are". With their nightlife severely curtailed there is a concern that many youngsters will return to the custom of drinking in the street, a practice known in Spain as a botellón. “Let there be no doubt,” said the Minister of Health, “Drinking in the street is prohibited, you are not allowed to do so under any circumstances and fines will
The most touristic and populated areas - such as the Valencian capital and it’s metropolitan area; together with Elche and it’s area of influence,are the ones that have registered the most cases, while in other municipalities such as Dénia, Castelló, Orihuela and Torrevieja the effect of the virus has also multiplied in recent weeks, although in quantitative terms the impact is far less. In the 72 hour period between last Wednesday and Saturday, two new outbreaks were confirmed in Callosa and Albatera with twelve positives in the two localities, 20 new infections in Torrevieja and 17 in the city of Orihuela The Ministry of Health confirmed 81 new cases of coronavirus and one death in the Vega Baja hospital in those three days, 52 in the Orihuela Health Department, dependent on the Vega Baja Hospital, and 29 in the Torrevieja health area. By municipalities, in the three day period new cases were detected in 11 of the 27 localities of the Vega Baja. In Torrevieja, 20 new positives were confirmed by PCR, 17 in Orihuela, 11 in Albatera, 11 in Callosa de Segura, 5 in Almoradí, 4 in Pilar de la Horadada, 2 in Benejúzar, 2 in Algorfa, one in Granja de Rocamora, one in Benferri and one in Redován. The new measures announced by the Government and the Autonomous Communities, the most restrictive since the lifting of the state of alarm, are intended to tighten the rules in the social sphere and in the hospitality and nightlife sectors. But a lack of clarity with regard to some of the wording is also causing confusion amongst the businesses affected by them. No doubt, once again, they will depend on the interpretations placed on the regulations by the different municipalities and the competence of their police forces.
637 227 385
637 227 385
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
R e s t a u r a n t s c l o s e d i n To r r e v i e j a a n d C a m p o a m o r by v i r u s o u t b re a k s
President Puig and government ministers photographed in Javea last week without facemasks The staff of a Café/Bar in Torrevieja and Restaurant/Club in Campoamor are currently at home in isolation after coronavirus was detected amongst their employees.
Both of the workers who have tested positive are employed in the administration department of the premises and are said to have had no contact with customers.
The 100 Montaditos food franchise on Ramon Gallud, Torrevieja’s Golden Mile, closed at the beginning of the week after one of its workers tested positive for Covid-19.
Earlier in the week the first case was that of a 23-year-old girl from Madrid who was spending her holiday in an apartment in Campoamor. The woman began to feel unwell when she returned to her home in the capital, where she was subjected to a PCR test that was found to be positive.
The closure was published on Facebook by the establishment itself, in order to deny "the hoaxes and fake stories that immediately began to circulate with the remainder of the staff sent home in quarantine. A spokesman for the outlet said that the health authorities were quickly informed and all necessary precautions taken, including the complete disinfection of the premises. "The calls we have received and the encouragement and the expressions of affection are many. We feel fortunate for so much support." The establishment hopes to reopen "as soon as possible" although they admit that it is "a complicated situation. There was a similar situation at the Shangrila Klub in Campoamor on Thursday when two employees tested positive, after feeling unwell, on Tuesday. Once again the situation was announced by the establishment itself, on its social networks. The entire staff is currently at home in isolation and all will be subjected to PCR tests, as required by the current security protocol.
The health authorities ordered the disinfection of the building and the caretaker was quarantined. One nearby resident, Phillip Toft, says he is not surprised by the outbreak. Phillip, who lives 100 metres from La Zenia Beach, has been carrying out a survey of his own in which he says the mandatory use of facemasks is being ignored. Over a 3 day period last week end, involving almost 200 visitors, he said that 52% were found to be without masks. But it is not just members of the public who continue to flout the law as was amplified by a case in Javea just last week where the Valencian president, Ximo Puig and the ministers of Science and Social Security, Pedro Duque and José Luis Escrivá, provoked criticism by having a picture taken without wearing a mask. Indeed there were no masks and neither was there social distancing as they were joined in the photo (above) by the former Minister of the Interior, Antonio Camacho, and the socialist mayor of the town, José Chulvi. Needless to say the opposition Partido Popular were quick to pick up on the matter, demanding that the Valencia Ministry of Justice open a sanctioning file against the five politicians.
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
637 227 385
The ministry promises that in exchange for the ‘loans’ it will then release 5,000 million euros of direct investment which, next year, town halls will be able to spend on projects such as sustainable mobility and care facilities for the elderly.
Royal British Legion Meeting Cancelled In view of new government recommendations that social gatherings should be limited to 10 people, the meeting of the Orihuela Costa Branch of the RBL scheduled for Tuesday evening 18 August at the Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras, has been cancelled. See Branch Facebook page for further info,
The loans will be paid back to local councils after ten years. However the Orihuela mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, has said that the whole proposal is nonsense, and that he will not offer up "the savings of the Oriolanos" currently sitting on local bank accounts, understood to be close to 21.5 million euros. He said that his position is the same as other PP mayors who have rebelled against the agreement, stating that "it is a matter that goes beyond basic economics, it is an attack on the principles and dignity of the people." It is inadmissible and intolerable, "he added.
Opera season extended by a week
The mayor demanded that the savings have achieved, as a result of his council’s responsible management, remains in Orihuela and be used for the needs of the Oriolanos. The season of Opera that is currently being enjoyed by residents of the Orihuela Costa has been extended by a further week and will now end on 26 August with a performance of Tosca by Giacomo Puccini. This was the opera that was cancelled during week one of the festival because of high winds. Screening the best from ‘Teatro Real’ the event will continue this coming Wednesday with Verdi’s Aida. All performances take place on the Flamenca Beach Promenade starting at 8.30pm.
The Orihuela mayor said that he won’t be ‘blackmailed’ by central government
Orihuela refuses to be blackmailed by Central Government
he Ministry of Finance has agreed with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) that town halls across the country lend all of their budget surpluses to central government.
Currently, because of the Ley Montoro, an austerity measure introduced by the Partido Popular government back in 2013, there are restrictions on town hall spending with councils currently unable to spend their cash surpluses.
Accompanied by the councillor for Emergencies, the mayor once again asked the Pedro Sánchez government “for the promised aid to arrive, and for the central government to allow the city council to make use of 100% of the budget surplus to assist with the needs caused by DANA and by the Covid crisis- 19”. In Torrevieja the PP will present a motion to the plenary to urge the Government of Spain “not to appropriate the resources of local councils." The motion has the support of Cs and Vox. They urge the Government to "respect and guarantee the autonomy that the Spanish Constitution and the laws grant to local councils for the management of their resources and the money that belongs to the local people and not to government."
637 227 385
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
UK signs deal for 90 million doses of coronavirus vaccine
S i e r ra E s p u n a & M u l a
The UK has signed deals for 90 million doses of coronavirus vaccine. These vaccines are being developed by Belgian pharmaceutical company Janssen and the US biotech company Novavax. This is UK's sixth deal for experimental vaccines and takes its total to over 340 million doses. With most trials failing, the UK government is hoping that at least one of the vaccines it acquires will be safe.
Covid-19 misinformation causes hundreds of deaths A study published in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene says at least 800 people have died and about 5,900 people were admitted to hospital globally due to Covid-19 related misinformations. As a result of their findings, scientists urged governments to better scrutinize the spread of fake news and urged them to cooperate with social media companies to spread correct informations.
Spain: Have to learn to live with the virus, says Simon on returning to school We have to learn to live with the virus, at least as long as we do not have a vaccine, said Director of Health Fernando Simon. He pointed out to returning to social, educational and work activities in a different way. However, he added that if it is necessary to close schools, classes, etc., it will be done. Closing all the centres in a territory is a possibility too, he said.
UK: New trial for coronavirus contact tracing app to begin in England A new coronavirus contact tracing app will be trialled in England. The app is expected to support the NHS' test-and-trace effort so as to identify anyone who has come into close contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus. Plans to test the new app had previously been delayed repeatedly owing to privacy concerns. An initial version of the app had been rejected due to accuracy issues.
How about heading inland and enjoying some nature and tranquillity - By LINDA BENTLEY
637 227 385
12 cases of Nile Fever confirmed in Andalusia 12 out of 19 people suffering from meningitis in Andalusia's Seville tested positive for Nile fever while results are pending on the remaining seven. Out of these, 17 have been hospitalised while seven are in critical care. Nile fever is transmitted through mosquito bites and usually has mild flu-like symptoms. The Andalusian government has advised people to install mosquito nets in their homes.
Astronomers spot milky way like galaxy 12 billion light years away
ith Covid STILL out there maybe you want to get away but don’t fancy anywhere too busy, so to avoid those crowded beaches or cities how about heading inland and enjoying some nature and tranquillity. Sierra Espuna in the Murcia district, just under two hours in the car, so not too far to travel, but offers a vast difference in scenery.
A distant galaxy that looks like our Milky Way, has been discovered by astronomers from the Max Planck Institute. They used the ALMA telescope in Chile to find the galaxy 12 billion light-years from Earth. Astronomers said it appears like a near-perfect ring of light in space. Studying this galaxy allows astronomers to essentially peer back in time to when the universe was 10% of its current age
It reminds me of Scotland with its rolling hills and wooded areas. Sierra Espuna National Park has many nature walks of differing lengths, where it is possible to see a variety of animal species, including wild boar. If you dare you can go paragliding, where you can take off from the top of a mountain. What a wondrous way to see this stunning area. If you are able to do it late in the afternoon, it is possible to witness the stunning sunset while up in the air. Never done paragliding before, no worries, they do tandem flights with an experienced paraglider. If you have lots of energy and are able to reach a hill summit you are likely to see a snow well, it looks like a mud hut. There are around 25 of them dotted about and were used to store snow, to supply ice to the surrounding area. They date from the 16th century. In the Leyua Ravine there are more than 100 climbing tracks, for all levels of climbers. Always fancied a go but never done it - well maybe here is your chance. For younger children there is a walk called the route of the Dinosaurs. This is a circular walk 1.5k and it has a rope bridge and a place where children can see a dinosaur’s foot in the rocks. It is a comfortable walk through the pine forest, it starts from the Visitors Centre at Richard Cordoniu Centre car park - as do most of their walks. There are different levels of walks, maps and directions are available from the centre. A short 1k walk takes you to a café bar in a nice wooded setting, also available by car.
There are some hotels and camping sites nearby that offer activities such as quads, cycles, horse riding and canoe trips.
Aid for small businesses
The scenery is lovely and can be like a breath of fresh air, as it is so tranquil and peaceful. Mula is a town around 30 minutes from the Visitors Centre in Sierra Espuna, and around 30 minutes from Murcia. It is an old town with a myriad of interesting narrows streets, nestling on top of the town are the ruins of what was once a majestic castle which sadly you are unable to go in. Mula is best known for the tamboradas, or procession of the drums, held at Easter. The original Palace of Velez is now a Museum, Museo de Arte Iberico el Cigarralejo, it is free to enter and full of ancient artefacts that have been excavated in the area. There is one of the most important rock sites close by called the Abrigo del Milano, here on the rocks are paintings that go back to the Eneolithic period 6,000 years ago. It’s incredible that that these are still here to be seen. Just outside the town are the thermal baths in Fuente Caputa. I thought these would be outside but they are indoors, they are separate rooms with subdued lighting very relaxing and cheap. Right next door is a fabulous restaurant with delicious food and
lovely ambience overlooking a river? There is a fantastic handicrafts market in Las Cuatro Plazas every second Sunday of each month from September to May. It is possible to see live artisan demonstrations and take part in activities and entertainment. What a great way to spend a Sunday relaxing and having a bit of fun too. The list goes on with places nearby Caravaca de la Cruz being one. If its scenery you like then Sierra Espuna is a massive area to explore with all sorts of changing landscapes. Its close enough for a day trip, but a few days would be better, to be able to take in all the sites, scenery and activities. We just don’t realise what interesting, stunning scenery and activities are on our doorstep.
The Councillor for Economic Promotion, Víctor Bernabéu, has released details of economic aid aimed at minimising the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs, micro-SMEs, small self-employed entrepreneurs and professionals in the municipality of Orihuela. Those wishing to apply can find further info on the Ayto website at HYPERLINK "https://orihuela.sedelectronica.es/board" https://orihuela.sedelectronica.es/board The registration period is open until September 10, 2020.
Airbnb restricts people under 25 in 3 countries, including Spain Airbnb will impose restrictions on people under the age of 25 renting homes via their platform in order to ensure safety during the pandemic and reduce unauthorised parties. This will be implemented in Spain, Britain and France initially. This comes after reports of rowdy parties which were causing problems with neighbours in certain regions and concerns about violation of social distancing rules.
637 227 385
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
San Miguel opposition join residents in denouncing lack of security with injured personnel where, in the absence of policemen, a waitress from a nearby bar was forced to direct the traffic. There was no Local Police patrol available”, explained the Cs spokesperson, María José Costa, who was the councillor responsible for security during the last mandate. Residents say the number of robberies is increasing, a fact acknowledged by the Council itself on social networks, which say that care must be taken, especially by the elderly, following robberies in private homes blamed on two individuals. Ciudad de las Comunicaciones urbanisation has set up vigilante patrols to prevent theft and alert householders via WhatsApp about vehicles or people who may be suspicious.
The local police office is closed for most of the day and all night due to a shortage of local police with only eight officers available to patrol
waitress directing traffic after an accident and residents mounting patrols within their urbanisations as they look out for thieves. This is the scenario to be found in San Miguel de Salinas due to the lack of local police officers. The police station is closed for a good part of the day and throughout the entire night with the town having only eight officers available to man patrols over a 24 hour period.
When holidays are included, shift patterns, breaks and sickness, like any other worker, in reality, the number of policemen available on a day-to-day basis are far less.
they also serve many other areas", admits the mayor, who says that he hopes to have the police service operating once again on a 24 hour basis "before the end of the year."
The mayor himself, Juan de Dios Fresneda (PSOE), recognises the shortage in the police staff. "I know that the service is now at an all-time low and if we have a problem in the town there are no Local Police and the Civil Guard has to attend. This often takes time because
The lack of police officers during the day is causing a great deal of uncertainty in the municipality, say residents and the opposition. “Last Monday, there were many phone calls to the police reporting several robberies and an accident involving a number of vehicles
At the present time there is normally only one Police shift, which is usually in the morning. The rest of the day and at night a telephone message tells callers to notify the Civil Guard. While La Benemérita has a post in the municipality, it also serves other localities, so there is often a delay. María José Costa pointed out that in the budgets approved for this year there are twenty Local Police positions "which this government has not filled, which shows that security of the public is not a priority."
Mayoral Charity Gala cancelled, due to coronavirus By Andrew Atkinson A Mayoral Charity gala scheduled for October in Los Montesinos has been cancelled due to the coronavirus Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Manuel Butron made a decision to cancel the gala, headlined and hosted by Costa Blanca’s leading artiste Stevie Spit BEM. "Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus outbreak at present the Mayoral charity event has had to be cancelled," said Mayor Butron. "Once the situation improves we will look forward to staging it at a later date," said Mayor Butron. The Mayor had been assisting in the organisation of the charity gala, staged at The Oasis Bar and Restaurant in La Herrada, Los Montesinos, in liaison with proprietor Graham Stephen and supported by The Leader newspaper. The two-day charity event was set to take place over the weekend of October 24-25, with a star line-up including the Jersey Boys, along with top artistes and Flamenco dancers. Speaking to The Leader, Graham Stephen said: “I totally understand the cancellation. One must respect the coronavirus pandemic."
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
It’s worse in England, where the title of ‘Luv’ will be added.
‘At the end of the day.....’ I was driving along in my four-wheel automobile yesterday: Ronan Collins was on the car radio and all seemed well with the world. Then Ronan went and ruined it for me. Now, dear reader, you may very well say that I have little to bother me – and you could be right; but I get paid to tell you how I feel!
Language and expressions change all the time in everyday use, but you cannot ‘doctor’ facts, and a person’s age is how old they are.
I used to be sort of OK with ‘Whatever’, but it eventually began to grate with me. It is generally accompanied with a shrug of the shoulders and meant to be so dismissive or letting it be known, ‘I’m above it.’ Very American – and whilst sometimes the Yanks can pull it off, it doesn’t suit our temperament. We are more likely to send the victim on his way with the suggestion that he attempt a physical impossibility!
I hate this gender inclusiveness of calling both male and female groups as ‘guys’ – ‘goys’ as it is pronounced by the uppity. Bar and restaurant staff are the worst offenders. Another ‘beef’ I have with hospitality and shop staff in Ireland when they approach to serve you, is ‘are you OK?’ or ‘are you alright?’ (Well … seeing as you asked, I am awaiting the result of a colonoscopy … but please don’t worry about me!)
Another annoying one doing the rounds of smarter people than us is ‘joined up thinking.’ I don’t get it? I understand ‘brain-storming’, ‘sharing,’ ‘exchanges’ ‘meetings’ and so on but what is ‘joined up thinking’? Tell me … if someone asks how my colonoscopy went, and I explain the procedure in detail – and that person responds by telling me about their piles; would that be ‘joined up thinking’? Anyway, I too am guilty of using an annoying expression – and I cannot seem to be able to cure myself. When somebody is telling me something, no matter how hard I try to stop, I keep interject-
Garden Felix - The Gazania Flower he Gazania flower is often found in the sunny and dry regions of Spain, especially popular in Oliva Nova in Valencia.
on the field...... My cows do that as well!
And now for one of the worst of all: ‘To be honest with you.’ Ah that’s nice … you are singling me out for a bit of truth-telling – which implies that you have been lying through your teeth to everybody else. 110%: Can any of you – who spent more time in school than I did, please explain how anybody can give 110 per cent to something? A lot of footballers, it appears, ‘leave it all behind them on the field.’ My cows do that as well; you just have to be careful not to step in it.
More of those type of annoying expressions are coming into my head as I tap away here.
637 227 385
A lot of footballers leave it behind
‘You Know …’ How many people start a sentence with ‘you know’? No … I don’t bloody know – or there wouldn’t be any need for you to tell me; and if I do know – well then there is no need to tell me either.
Our favourite DJ played a request for some ol’ dude who was celebrating his birthday. Ronan said the guy was “eighty years young”. Jazus I hate that expression. I am not 75 years ‘young’: I am 75 years OLD. (With a metabolic age of 59, I wish to inform you – in the interest of fact!)
Now while I’m on this roll: Michael Commons hosts a popular Country Music TV show. Michael doesn’t do ‘requests’, ‘HI’s, ‘hellos’, or any of the normal salutations beloved of TV presenters and their viewers. No, Michael does ‘shout-outs!’ This drives me so mad that Mr Commins has lost me on account of his ‘shout-outs.’
The Gazania flower - the Treasure flower depicts a large daisy and blooms in vivid shades of red, yellow, orange, pink and white and can be two-tone or multi-colou-
ing with ‘absolutely …. Absolutely!’ One that I did manage to shed is ‘Literally.’ Like a lot of other people, I have to watch out for ‘I personally.’ When a friend of mine commences with ‘just saying’, I know he is about to tell me something I don’t want to hear – and therefore I don’t like that one either.
‘Let me say’ or ‘let me finish’ are well-hackneyed tiring expressions as well. Just my Q to exit here …
‘Think outside the box’, was probably Ok for the first person to think of it and then come out and say it. But Lord Almighty, it is battered to death by now. Those who use it ad infinitum should be ‘put back in their box!’
Donald Trump is a man of few words … very few! This has resulted in cringe-time for me every time he makes an announcement. You know the words – and I won’t repeat them in case I have to put them on my list!
Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
The showy blooms appear in early summer, right through early autumn, with the Gazania flower requiring moderate watering and dead-heading. Hardy plants, they like poor, sandy, welldrained soil and full sun. Although drought resistant, you will get more and bigger blooms when watered. Excessive watering can cause problems, with rot and edema. Heat and salty spray don’t deter its growth or beautiful blossoms, growing 6 to 18 inches 15-46 cm in height and approximately the same in spread, as it trails along the ground. Treasure Flowers' official name comes from a Greek scholar of the 15th c. Theodore de Gaza, best known for translating the botanical works of Theophrastus into Latin, from their original Greek. In Latin the word gaza means treasure. The Gazania plant is sometimes used in medicine to treat pneumonia, sore eyes, headache and earache.
Don’t Forget We confess small faults to convey the impression that we have no big ones.
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
637 227 385
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
Second ecotouristic route organised in San Fulgencio
A Place In The Sun filming ends in Spain amid 14 days U K quarantine By Andrew Atkinson
following the coronavirus pandemic, is in Greece filming new episodes of the C4 property show, after her six-week work trip to Spain was cut short. The Mum-of-two and her family are staying in Greece, while she helps people find their dream properties in the sunshine. "The house search in and around Kassandra, Greece has begun and this is the face of someone who is happy to be back helping make people’s dreams come true," said Hamilton. Hamilton with one of her children in Greece after filming was switched from Spain. Photo: Instagram.
Place In The Sun ended filming in Spain after the country was controversially added to the UK nonessential travel list and isolation imposed. Presenter Laura Hamilton has been fronting the show for the new series of the Channel 4 programme in Greece instead. Hamilton, 38, who has returned to work
She was originally meant to be filming in Spain but had to fly to Greece - after the country was added to the non-essential travel list in July. Hamilton flew to Halkidiki, Greece with her family after making a u-turn from her trip to Spain. Hamilton has also spoken about being randomly chosen for a coronavirus test at the airport after arriving in Greece, along with having to undergo an antibody test at the
hotel she is staying in, which both provided negative results. "I landed at the airport, was randomly tested for COVID. I arrived in Greece via Amsterdam, and on arrival I was swab tested at random at the airport, and had a blood test in the hotel. "I tested negative, I got my results within 20 minutes. I haven’t had COVID and I don’t currently have COVID", she said. An antibody test can tell you if it's likely you've had coronavirus before, according to the NHS website. It does not work for everyone, as some people who have had the virus do not have antibodies. Currently, travellers arriving to the UK from Spain will have to quarantine for 14 days. The travel advice was changed on July 26 after a spike in figures in Spain. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office currently advise against all but essential travel to the Spanish mainland.
The evening route walked through the sierra del Molar, allowing participants to contemplate the nightly sky and stargazing without light pollution More success in participation for the second ecoturistic route organised by the San Fulgencio Tourist Department, which this time visited the area surrounding sierra del Molar. Always taking into account hygiene and sanitary measures against Covid-19, the evening route allowed the 35 participants to learn about animals and natural heritage in the area. It also permitted the opportunity to practice stargazing, admiring the views of the night sky without the light pollution, common in populated areas. Councillor for Tourism, Darren Parmenter has expressed his satisfaction for the support these routes have had among the public, which “allows our neighbours and visitors to discover San Fulgencio and its surroundings, with all the beauty and opportunities it has to offer”, he added. The San Fulgencio Tourist Department has organised a total of six ecoutouristic routes. The remaining four will take place between September and December with new dates announced shortly. For all upcoming events, San Fulgencio Tourist Office is located in Amsterdam street in Urbanisation La Marina, with opening hours Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 13:30. It can also be contacted by phone (96 679 00 21) or email (sanfulgencio@touristinfo.net).
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 827
Indiscernible (13)
Nonplus (8)
Retain (4)
Talented (6)
Item (6)
Sequence (6)
Culminate (6)
Stray (4)
Greed (8)
Confirmation (13)
CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 20
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21.
Idiot (8) Portray (6) Bitter (4) Scattered (8) Coupon (6) Hint (4) Define (8) Idleness (8) Unsteady (6) Encourage (6) Expectant (4) Aperture (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Drug; 8 Accomplish; 9 Disprove; 10 Gown; 12 Squirt; 14 Embody; 15 Dismal; 17 Grease; 18 Thin; 19 Puncture; 21 Mountebank; 22 Eddy. DOWN: 2 Relinquish; 3 Gasp; 4 Accost; 5 Impede; 6 Eligible; 7 Shun; 11 Widespread; 13 Imminent; 16 Lopped; 17 Genial; 18 Tame; 20 Take. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Diva; 8 Silly mid-on; 9 Diminish; 10 Cope; 12 Scotch; 14 Saloon; 15 Felony; 17 Porter; 18 Stet; 19 Calamity; 21 Compatriot; 22 Eats. DOWN: 2 Indiscreet; 3 Asti; 4 Sleigh; 5 Typhus; 6 Circular; 7 Once; 11 Protestant; 13 Two-steps; 16 Yachts; 17 Pallid; 18 Sock; 20 Mate.
ACROSS 7. After a blow I take a tumble, but show enjoyment (5,4,4) 8.
Abuse by making it taller (3-5)
Sorceress loses her head and causes irritation (4)
10. Several who take the plunge (6) 12. Reg was ordered to make bets (6) 14. A news broadcast gets the right response (6) 16. Energetic person many found back in the party (6) 18. Spoils the heavenly body (4) 20. Many miners dig up a mineral for us (8) 22. Refuse to take sides in fine contest he organised (3,2,3,5)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. The following are all examples of what: The Dogs, Flag, Control, Smersh, Zep, Gag and The Owsla 2. From 1982-1996, who was the only woman tennis player to win Wimbledon other than Martina Navratilova and Steffi Graf? 3. Which illustrious ship, named after a Roman province, held the Blue Riband from 1907 till 1929? 4. Put the following wars or conflicts in order of estimated casualties, starting with the highest number: a: Vietnam War (1959 - 1975), b: Qing dynasty conquest of the Ming Dynasty (1616 - 1662), c: Russian Civil War (1917 - 1921), d: World War I (1914 - 1918) 5. According to BBC Radio 2, which pallid hit single from the year 1967 has been the most played song in public places in the last 75 years? 6. NATO gave the ultra modern Russian MiG-29 which pivotal codename? 7. Gary Oldman plays the following unsavoury characters in which films? a. Ivan Korshunov, b. Lee Harvey Oswald, c. DEA officer Norman Stansfield, d. Mason Verger, e. Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg, f. Sid Vicious 8. Ilyena Vasilevna Mironov is better known as? 9. An appropriately named stern sail on the rear of an 18th century
DOWN 1. Paint bird and animal concealing small head (8) 2. Attack articles on science (6) 3. Cupid's back is painful (4) 4. Given the greatest love, got married (8) 5. Throw around the youth leader and get airborne (6) 6. Record, I note, is in verse (4) 11. Right, see about tiny alterations to peace (8) 13. Party drink can give an odd blow (3,5) 15. Mods return to Mayfair revealing enlightenment (6) 17. Tended to get red sunset ... (6) 19. ... within a dark recess (4) 21. Humble patient (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) square rigged ship. 7 letters 10. The following are the national anthems of which countries: a: In Plenty and In Time of Need, b: Mawtini (since 2004), c: La Marcha Real, d: Kimi ga Yo, e: Schweizerpsalm 11. Plus or minus 20 years, when were the first time zones introduced? 12. How many countries border Switzerland? 13. The ramparts that surround which city are the only intact fortified city walls on the North American continent? 14. Who came back from a ban to score a memorable hat-trick as Italy beat Brazil on the way to winning the 1982 World Cup? 15. Which rust free automobiles were built in Dunmurry, Northern Ireland in the late 1970s? 16. In tennis, which eight men have reached the finals of a Grand Slam singles tournament 15 or more times in the Open era? (Since 1969) 17. What name did Hitler wish to give his proposed new World Capital? 18. A capital city and a kind of steel. 8 letters 19. Which astro-physicist's belt surrounds the Earth? 20. What is Britain's oldest colony?
637 227 385
Taking a Break
n our househOld we are rapidly approaching a very special Birthday, and unbeknown to us the family had arranged to fly out from the UK to treat my lovely lady to a big surprise. It is no longer possible because the airline has cancelled their flight - and that is the third flight cancellation we have had this year. I have been thinking of the travel industry, Cruises, Airlines and Package Holidays, these large company’s which portray an image of wealth and a glorious slick image of travel, where safety is important, and enjoyment is the fore front of the sales technique. The image is extremely strong so when you book a holiday or travel arrangement there is nothing for you to worry about. You pay your money as soon as you can to secure the magnificent deal you are being offered. Then you can lay back and dream of the wonderful break you are going to take. However, the pandemic arrives! But no worry as they have all those wonderful facilities which will still be there when it is all over, at which time you will be able resume booking your break. But that is not going to happen as many travel related companies are now going into Administration and the facilities are withdrawn.
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
Heavy rainfall and hail storms in Seville
‘Over Trading’ is when an organisation or company trades beyond its means, or in other words does not have the capital to support it’s activity
Heavy rainfall and hail storms in Andalusia's Seville caused flash flooding and the town of Estepa has been worst-affected.
Parts of the travel industry want your money up front as soon as you order, not all but some do. We are talking millions of people paying large sums which I am sure it is treated as clients’ money and lodged in a separate account.
Several videos and visuals on social media show parked cars being washed away by the flash floods.
So, if that is the case why, as in some instances,, isn’t repaid immediately when the service which has been bought and paid for is no longer available? As I say it is called ‘Over Trading.’
Emergency services have been sent to the affected areas; however, the full damage caused by the situation is still unclear.
The Covid 19 Virus still continues to blight different towns and cities and it has been pointed out that it spikes where people have gathered in large numbers, ignoring social distancing.
Trini Lopez dies of Covid-19
If someone starts to throw bombs at you then you get under cover, even if the risk of being hit is very small, but then one can hear the shells and the explosion. Something similar is happening here but with a silent killer where, if infected, the best you can hope for is a very uncomfortable time trying to shed the disease from your body.
Mexican-American singer and actor Trini Lopez,whose renditions of 'If I Had a Hammer' and 'Lemon Tree' climbed the charts in the 1960s and who appeared in films including The Dirty Dozen, has died of complications from Covid-19.
You cannot hear it or see it so the need for precaution does not seem that important. How can that possibly be? If you are going to the beach or any other place where a lot of people are gathering in large groups, and yo continue to ignore the warnings, then start praying to your
God that you are not going to need a ventilator in the following few days. Story Telling ® by Percy Chattey Books www.percychatteybookscom www.fuentelargo.com
He was 83. In the mid-60s he used to release as many as five albums a year, though that slowed down in the late 70s.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras.
Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th August. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com QUESADA LADIES CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Quesada Ladies Club will be held at the Cooper’s Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada,
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
on Tuesday 15th September 2020. This is for members only, and they will be admitted at the usual time of 2.30pm. This will take place only if the Covid19 allows us to. Keep watching our Facebook page for more information, Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly
meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or welfare on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on
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965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano
Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
Eating Before Bedtime Might Pack on the Pounds
Shape4Life in San Luis opened in December last year
IF you have a late dinner and then head to bed, beware: You may gain weight while you sleep, a new study suggests.
foods containing compounds that allowed researchers to track fat burning.
That's most likely because your metabolism slows, boosting blood sugar and other chemicals that contribute to weight gain and type 2 diabetes, researchers say.
The upshot: Late diners had higher blood sugar and burned less fat.
"It's not just what you eat, but when you eat that may be a factor in promoting conditions like obesity," said study author Dr. Jonathan Jun, an associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. "You might eat this same number of calories in that 24-hour period, but your body will handle those calories differently depending on what time you eat them." For the study, Jun's team asked 20 healthy volunteers to eat the same dinner at 6 p.m. or 10 p.m. Both groups went to bed at 11 p.m. and got up at 7 a.m. Before the study, participants wore activity trackers. During the study, blood samples were taken hourly and sleep studies were conducted. The volunteers also had scans of body fats and ate
On average, their peak blood sugar level after a late dinner was about 18% higher, and the amount of fat burned about 10% lower, compared with eating earlier, the study found. These effects might be even greater for people who are obese or have diabetes, Jun said. What's not clear is whether it's the interval between eating time and bedtime that accounts for the difference, he said. For example, if you have dinner at 10 p.m. but retire at 3 a.m., is that biologically the same as dinner at 6 p.m. and bed at 11 p.m.? And, Jun said, the effects of eating and sleeping might differ for each person based on their personal metabolism or body clock. "Instead of getting fixated on what time is late or what time it is on the clock to start or stop eating, we need to recognize that
it is very dependent on the individual," he said. Jun said he hopes to learn more in future studies.
Health and Wellness Studio in San Luis The Complete Package Slim4Life with Exante Diet, Shapemaster toning beds and MyProtein supplements
Samantha Heller, a senior clinical Shape4Life in San Luis has been such a success nutritionist at NYU Langone since opening the SHAPEMASTER CIRCUIT in Health in New York City, December 2019 reviewed the findings. Who will benefit from Shapemaster+ Pilates Heller noted that people often get exercise? stuck in a routine of eating Seniors will be able to enjoy exercises before dinner, eating dinner, and • safely with supervision and comfortably posithen snacking until bedtime -which means they have been eat- tioned to safely increase mobility and reduce pain! ing for several hours. "It is an easy way to pack on the pounds," she said. "We eat at night for many reasons, including stress, boredom, loneliness and anger." To help manage nighttime munching, Heller suggests planning an afternoon snack like hummus and carrots, so you are not starving by dinnertime, and enjoying a balanced, more plantbased dinner. Then close the kitchen. Some strategies: Have a glass of water or herbal tea, or engage in another activity, such as reading, taking a walk, or listening to music or an audiobook. "Closing the kitchen after dinner is an easy way to shave off some pounds and get a better night's sleep," Heller said.
• Unfit and overweight? This program will get you going and increase your energy and as you tone up help you burn more calories. Slim4Life – our successful weight loss programme, continues to have outstanding transformations with clients losing weight and regaining health and most importantly, maintaining their weight loss through weight loss coaching, which is part of the programme. And now introducing: Supplements4Life Completing the full package, we have introduced a supplement range, from the same group of companies as Exante. Top quality products at a very low introductory price.
With our best selling TURMERIC AND BIOPERINE TABLETS –Healthline.com reviews of Turmeric: Turmeric and especially its most active compound curcumin have many scientifically-proven health benefits, such as the potential to prevent heart disease, Alzheimer's and cancer. It's a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis. The team at Slim4Life San Luis look forward to welcoming you and getting you toned, trimmed during Summer 2020.
World breastfeeding week celebrated in Pilar The Department of Health and Equality in Pilar de la Horadada were out publicising World Breastfeeding Week last week, during which they also distributed information about breastfeeding, including the guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Health. Measures all took into account the new recommendations offered during the covid and, in addition, they provided resources from the Ministry of Equality regarding breastfeeding in the work environment. The campaign ended with the painting of two benches at the entrance to the Pilar de la Horadada health centre, which the council says will remind people of this pioneering initiative in the municipality.
Dolores council invests 450k on streets and infrastructure The Dolores Council is making a strong investment in its streets where it will be damage in different streets and public area largely caused by DANA. This work will cost 449,999.31 euros, an investment that has been made possible thanks to the fact that the Council will use the Works and Services Plan of the Alicante Provincial Council. Affected roads include: Blasco Ibáñez, Guardamar del Segura, Maestro Tobarra, Los Naranjos, Antonio Machado, Madrid, Cervantes and Berengueres. The mayor said that there will be improvements water supply and drainage systems, pavements, tarmacking and the installation of led lighting.
Valencian Health Authority formally advised of site for new Costa Medical Centre The Orihuela Councillor for Health, José Galiano, has now formally advised the Valencian Ministry of Health of the municipal plot of land that is available for the construction of the new health centre in Orihuela Costa “that we wish to be built as soon as possible to be able to provide a better service to our residents”. He said that the current Health Centre on La Costa, which has 24,000 registered inhabitants and a large number of long-term residential tourists, is not adequate for the the territory it serves, which is affecting the quality of the health care received by patients".
Mobile Radar for Rafal Local Police The Rafal City Council has bought a mobile radar that will allow the Local Police to control the speed of the vehicles in the town centre. The Councilor for Security, Laura Velasco, said that the intention is to try to get vehicles to slow down on the busiest streets. She said that we consider it necessary to educate drivers that they must respect the speed limits throughout the urban area, so we chose to make this significant investment, a total of 18,089.50 euros, which we are sure will have a positive effect."
Four bathers fined 500 euros in Guardamar for bathing with red flag It is forbidden to swim when a red flag is flying on the beach, it is a danger for bathers, it is alsoa danger for lifeguards, something that the authorities repeat time and time again. Indeed lifeguards are regularly being called upon to put their lives in danger in rough seas as they effect rescues that are completely unnecessary, caused by the idiocy of bathers. In Guardamar there have been 4 such rescues in recent days caused by people ignoring red flags but we are told that all of the individuals have now been identified by the Local Police and have each been punished with a fine of 500 euros for their recklessness.
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
Torrevieja Health improves patient appointment system This measure considerably reduces response times with faster and more efficient service The Torrevieja Health Department, managed by Ribera Salud group, has improved its telephone system with the aim of improving patient care in health centres and thus enabling individuals to better manage their medical and nursing appointments.
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care professionals directly and quickly. It is also an important tool for healthcare staff, as it achieves better and greater control of patients, especially those with chronic conditions. The app is available on the front page of the Torrevieja Hospital website at: www.torrevieja-salud.com/
Response times are considerably reduced with a faster and more efficient service. The patient care lines have recently been improved with more staff that it is hoped will streamline the handling of calls. “We have supplemented our patient care teams with more staff, thus complementing the existing system. This measure will considerably reduce our response times with a faster and more efficient service”, according to the Department's Management. Of course, in addition to this improved measure, Ribera Salud also has the YOsalud tool that allows members of the public to register with their medical centre online enabling the booking of consultations without the need to go to health centres. YOsalud allows the patient to access their health information from anywhere, avoiding unnecessary travel and interacting with health-
The improved system should enable individuals to better manage their medical appointments.
Enable to miss York's Ebor Group 1 Darley Yorkshire Oaks By Andrew Atkinson Trainer John Gosden has announced Enable will miss York's Ebor meeting in the Group 1 Darley Yorkshire Oaks on August 20. "The Eclipse, three weeks before the King George, was perfect timing as a prep race," said Gosden. "The Yorkshire Oaks at over six weeks before the Arc does not suit nearly so well as the September Stakes," said Gosden. "We did not wish to travel to Longchamp, three weeks before the Arc, for the traditional French trials and we only wished to run her once before the Arc. "The attempt to win a third Arc is the only
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Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
reason she stayed in training this year," said Gosden, eying an historic third Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe with six year old Enable. Twice Arc winner Enable is owned by Khalid Abdullah. Racing manager Teddy Grimthorpe said preparation is underway for Longchamp - and will run at Kempton's Group 3 September Stakes on September 5. Enable won a record third Group 1 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Ascot in July. Enable's Arc odds at Longchamp in October is chalked up at 5-2 favourite, with Adain O'Brien trained Love priced at 3-1. Ghaiyyath 9-1, Almond Eye 12-1, Sottsass 16-1, Magical 16-1, 20-1 bar. The York Ebor Festival begins on August 19, featuring the Group 1 Juddmonte Int. The Darley Group 1 Yorkshire Oaks and Ladies Day is on August 20. The Group 1 Coolmore Nunthorpe is on August 21, culminating with the Sky Bet Ebor on Saturday August 22, the oldest race at the track, first run in 1843.
Ascot 2020 Qipco British Champions Day purse cut by £1.7 million
Prizemoney for the 2020 Qipco British Champions Day at Ascot in October has been cut by £1.7 million amid COVID-19 tight purse strings. British Champions Day on October 17, will see prizemoney of £2.5m, down 40% from the 2019 purse of £4.2m.
English Language Cinema in Pilar de la Horadada - Calle Canalejas 4 Thursday 20th August at 7pm
THE GENTLEMEN A very British drug lord tries to sell off his highly profitable empire to a dynasty of Oklahoma billionaires. Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Hugh Grant, Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell, Eddie Marsan Duration: 1hr 53 min Genre: Thriller | Action | Comedy
King Of Change: Ascot Champions Day QEII or Champion Stakes entry?.
Will King Of Change run in the QEII or the Champion Stakes? By Andrew Atkinson
"We are pleased to be able to stage a card worth £2.5m on Qipco British Champions Day - despite our income streams being so negatively affected and the enormous challenges facing the sport," said Rod Street, chief executive of British Champions Series. The Champion Stakes will have a purse of £750,000, the most valuable race in Britain in 2020, cut from £1.3m in 2019. The Queen Elizabeth II Stakes has prizemoney of £650,000, cut from £1.1m; the purse for the Balmoral Handicap has been cut to £100,000 from £250,000 in 2019. The Champions Sprint and the Fillies & Mares Stakes are cut to £350,000 - from £550,000 - and the Long Distance Cup £300,000, from £450,000. 2020 is the tenth year of British Champions Day Britain's richest raceday - despite the cuts amid the turfs COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the sports
sponsorship money. September 1 sees the six races on British Champions Day close for entries. King Of Change, trained by Richard Hannon jnr, winner of the 2019 Queen Elizabeth II Stakes is set to run: "King Of Change is fine and we're looking at getting him going in October. "Champions Day is on the cards - in either the QEII or Champion Stakes - but we might have to wait a bit longer and perhaps go abroad for a campaign in the autumn," said Hannon. Prizemoney for this year's Qipco British Champions Day at Ascot: Qipco Champion Stakes £750,000. Queen Elizabeth II Stakes £650,000. Qipco British Champions Fillies & Mares Stakes £350,000. Qipco British Champions Sprint Stakes £350,000. Qipco British Champions Long Distance Cup £300,000. Balmoral Handicap £100,000.
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
637 227 385
San Luis Bowls Club
Marina Bassols and Mario Vilella
A jolly but competitive game took place last Wednesday, Vic's Hamper. Some excellent bowling eventually led to the trips of Ralph Jones, Ray Watmough and Kath Waywell winning the chicken and wines. The pairs of Pauline and Lyndon Johnson were runners up winning the wine. This competition takes place every Wednesday, 5.00 for 5.30 pm. Visitors welcome.good practise for next season. The new membership year starts on 1 September. Application forms for membership are available behind the bar.
The iconic golf scene from the 1964 film ‘Goldfinger’.
We are sorry to report the death of Robert (Bob) White, a long standing member of San Luis Club. He will be sadly missed on the bowling green and our thoughts are with his family and friends. Juvenile regional champion, Torrevieja’s Charo Esquiva
Bassols and Vilella are the winners in Torrevieja The Ciudad de Torrevieja tennis tournament which also featured as the IBP Tennis Series was brought to a close at the weekend having been held over nine days. The tournament was sponsored by the Torrevieja University Hospital and featured some very high level competition. In the Open female competition, Number 2 seed Marina Bassols
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
beat the Galician Jessica Bouzas, who was ranked fifth 6-4, 6-2. In the Men’s Open competition it was Mario Vilella who came out on top, after a three-set match, in which he overcame Carlos Gimeno by 6-1, 3-6,6-4. In excellent final the tournament number one was in superb condition having earlier beaten Boluda in the semi-finals. This prestigious tournament, now in 42nd edition, was well attended by the public and by representatives of clubs in the region.
Also in attendance was the acting mayor Rosario Martínez Chazarra and the president of the Valencian Tennis Federation, as well as representatives of all the sponsoring companies Caja Rural Central, Serrauto and Bennecke. President Antonio Tafalla praised the tournament's high level of competition, which seems to improve every year and has now established itself as one of the reference tournaments of the Valencian Community. Meanwhile, in the regional tour-
Euronics Darts League AGM The League AGM will take place on Thursday 20th August, convening at 730 pm, venue Hi Life, Villa Park 1, Playa Flamenca. All existing teams must attend with at least one representative, registration form and entry fees. Any new teams wishing to join the
La Marina Bowls Club Tuesday 11th August I saw the first test woods played on our new carpet. Now I am no expert but Anne Stone who was playing them seem to take to it immediately, I unofficially timed it at 15 seconds, and I think that comes in at a very acceptable pace. A fast green according to google being 14-19 seconds.
nament held last week at the Castellón Tennis Club, organised by the Tennis Federation of the Valencian Community, Torrevieja’s Charo Esquiva has been crowned juvenile regional champion by beating No. 1 seed Martina Medina in the final by 7-6, 6-0.
I assume ours may change in the first few months but we are very excited and pleased with the overall effect.
As a result, Charo qualifies for the Spanish Nationl championship to be held on 24 August at the Sánchez Casal Academy in Barcelona.
Mens Pairs: T.Spencer & M.Stone, J.Rae & G.Slater, D.Fowkes & P.Parsons, C.Rawlinson & M.Lowe
league should register their interest to the league secretary (Simone de Lacy) forthwith. Both Ladies and Men’s pairs competitions played to the semi-final stage but halted due to Covid 19 will now be concluded prior to commencement of the new season, final confirmation at the AGM.
We now just need to get it accepted officially for competitions by the umpires when they come to check it over. This weekend is the closing dates for the Valencian Championships our entries being : Mixed Trips: A & M Stone, T.Spencer – J & P Parsons, D Fowkes. Mixed Pairs: M & D Lowe, J & P Parsons, D & L Joynes, M Kidd & G.Slater, M.McLaughlin & T.Spencer.
Ladies Pairs: D.Lowe & L Joynes. M.Kidd & B,Forshaw Ladies Singles: M. Kidd Mens Singles: G.Slater, D.Fowkes, P.Parsons, M.Lowe We can only wish them well but most of all hope that the event will be permitted in these strange and exceptional circumstances. The dates for your diaries will be 16-29th September. Venues to be announced but we are hoping our green will be one of them. Just to remind all members the green is back to normal opening hours, so please come along and try the new pace.
The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos Close to Dial Prix Supermarket TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. All fictional secret police organisations (Dogs from Animal farm; FLAG from, Knight Rider; CONTROL from Get Smart; SMERSH from James Bond; ZEP from Tin Tin; GAG from Star Wars and The Owsla from Watership Down). 2. Conchita Martinez (in 1994). 3. Mauretania. 4. Correct order: BDCA: b: Qing dynasty conquest of the Ming Dynasty - (at least 25,000,000), d: World War I - (between 15,000,000 and 20,000,000), c: Russian Civil War - (between 6,000,000 and 9,000,000), a: Vietnam War - (between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000). 5. Procol Harum's "A Whiter Shade Of Pale" 6. Fulcrum.
7. a. Air Force One, b. JFK, c. Leon (or The Professional), d. Hannibal, e. The Fifth Element, f. Sid and Nancy. 8. Helen Mirren. 9. Spanker. 10. a: Barbados, b: Iraq (My Homeland), c: Spain (The Royal March), d: Japan ("May Your Reign Last Forever"), e: Switzerland (Swiss Psalm). 11. 1883. By US and Canadian railways. 12. Five: France, Germany, Austria, Italy and Liechtenstein. 13. Quebec City. 14. Paolo Rossi. 15. De Lorean's. 16. Roger Federer 31, Rafael Nadal 27, Novak Djokovic 26, Ivan Lendl 19, Pete Sampras 18, Bjorn Borg (16), Jimmy Connors (15) and Andre Agassi (15). 17. Germania. 18. Damascus. 19. Van Allen. 20. Bermuda
637 227 385
Busters Golf Society August 2020 Despite the blazing sun, we had eighteen players competing in our Summer stable ford, since February’s closure of the golf courses we have only played in our POY competitions so it made a change to have our two’s competition, our nearest the pins, best back and front nines and of course the first three places. Playing at El Plantio was a delight although our scores didn’t reflect it, I have to say that the course was in very good condition. Onto our results, our BF9 with fourteen points was won by Rob Ashman, the BB9 being taken by Terry Sharley with seventeen points both receiving a bottle of wine, our nearest the pins were on hole nine Liam Clarke, Captain Martin Collins took the fourteenth with our president Barrie Hopkinson winning the eighteenth, all NTPs received a sleeve of golf balls, we had three players tying
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
for first place with twenty-nine points, so a countback was necessary, in third place winning a bottle of wine was Martin Collins losing on the back for second place on the last twelve holes by one point to Preston Ives, Preston received two bottles of wine, but our Vice President Ian Allison was the winner on the day, Ian received a bottle of Gordon’s gin.
hardly surprising as it is some 175 yards to a very narrow green. Hitting the green isn't to much of a problem (for most) but holding it is. Anyway, Hole 6 went to visitor Lars Kristiansen, Hole 13 to Paudge Connolly and hole 16 to Steve Higgins, who also took the NTP on the 5th, the par 5 in three.
Our two’s pot was won outright by Liam Clark, the winner of our soccer card was Barry Grinsell who selected Birmingham City I would like to thank Ian, boss of Bar El Toro in Calle Vigo, Quesada 03170 for providing the wine for these prizes.
Two's Pot: Only one player secured the elusive Two and therefore Lars Kristiansen took the pot, 32€.
Bar El Toro our new sponsors also provided us with assorted sandwiches on our primary return and presentation to their very pleasant bar, many thanks to Ian his staff for making a very tired and weary bunch most welcome on their return to the bar.
Las Ramblas Golf Society
WC 10th August 2020
A ‘Bowmaker’ made a welcome return on Monday. This is where the best 3 out of 4 scores are to count on each hole. With 117 points (128 is the record) Petina Murray, Joyce McClusky, Friedel Knebel (welcome back) and Nigel Price were our winners. Petina was on the card for every hole and scored an amazing 45 points on her own! (I feel a rather large cut is coming her way). Just one point behind our winners were John Shervell, Mike Mahony, Bryan Neal and the fictional Albert. It was very close at the top of the leader board for Wednesday’s individual Stableford. Lindsay Forbes (playing off 10) won the day with 39 points. He was followed by no less than 3 players on 36. After running the results through the computer Terry Field took second followed by Mark Western and then Bryan Neal. Three ‘2s’ today with Terry getting two of them and Friedel the other. Friday and it was ‘Greensomes’ (you know by now what that is). Olga and Petina Murray won the day with a nett score of 71.4. John Dobson and Nigel Price took silver with 72.2, just easing out with 72.6, Lindsay Forbes and Reg Akehurst Apparently there was a lady writhing in agony on the 7th green today. ‘Help me, help me’ she pleaded, ‘I need a doctor’. ‘Don’t worry’ replied her husband as he lined up his putt, ‘He’s on his way and should be here soon. Everyone is letting him play through’. Pues hasta la semana que viene, Peter Reffell
Kieran Fenton, right, with his scratch card prize of 20 euro. BY STEVE HIGGINS
Covid-19 Update – Around and About the courses Well in respect of golf the new normality didn’t last very long and as the re-introduction of the 14 day quarantine period for people returning from Spain to the UK has seen golfing tourist numbers We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
Price €98 €100 €100 €125
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy
The scores on the doors were quite reasonable and not many needed to use the 'Max 5 over' rule.
In the Silver Division, the Close But No Cigar (CBNC) non prize went to Mickie Coady with a nett 85. Two shots better, Captain Ernie's 83 ensured he took yet another envelope in the Stroke Play event and way ahead with a fine nett 77 was Paudge Connolly who took the Silver winner's purse.
McCafferty's Golf Society Cabo Roig 16 of us turned up at, arguably, the best course in this area and were greeted by a wonderful breeze that certainly helped in keeping us slightly cooler than normal. Once again, the fairways were very decent and the greens a tad faster than last week, that was due to there being a big competition there on last Saturday. All in all, everyone appeared to enjoy the game where we played Stroke play, limited to a maximum over "5 over par" which ensured players weren't going to be putting for a 10 on a Par 3 and slowing everyone down! Back at the pub, Barney did his normal and sold a scratch card and when the winner was announced, there were loud moans and groans as 'Fents' (Kieran Fenton) was called up to shake the hand of Captain Ernie to collect his 20€. We had 5 NTP's, 4 Par 3's and an NTP for the 5th, a par 5 in three and only one Par 3 went unclaimed, the 3rd and that is
GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps..
drop and golf courses with very low levels of occupancy. However in discussions with a number of golf courses there has been a significant drop in the number of golfers from Scandinavia who have clearly be listening to ‘fake news’ that Spain is back in lock down and are still staying away. This situation isn’t going to change any time soon and most courses are thankful for the support of local golf societies.
In the Gold division, the scores were only just a little bit better and the CBNC went to Moose, Tom Burke, with a nett 81. Just one shot better off with an 80, was the regular podium visitor, Mick Phelan. Barney's nett 78 ensured that he took the Gold winner's purse. The overall winner of the day with a nett 76 was Steve Higgins. Saving the best to last, she is back again, back to smiling as she steps up to accept the bottle of wine for her score of 90, which was, in all fairness, not a bad score on the day. Anyway, well done Gabi, another bottle to your collection for the Happy Golfer of the day award. Next week we are back to La Manga to play the South course and Vistabella on the 28th see's us leaving August and, hopefully, into weather that is a tad cooler!
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
This course will re-open from Monday 17th August 2020 but certainly until the end of August it will only be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays which is when the home golf societies play. Alicante
While most golf courses are open below is an update of those courses not yet open:
This course remains closed and could remain so until some time in September 2020 but they have used the closure period to work extensively on the course and clubhouse facilities.
Alhama Signature
We will keep you informed of any changes in circumstances accordingly.
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga N & S La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre
€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €107 €50 €96 €118
Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee (single buggy €15) Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Green Fee (single buggy €27) Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy
Las Colinas €44 GrFee (1-2pm sgle buggy €25) Las Pinaillas €40 Green Fee (incl single buggy) Lorca €75 Two Green Fees and buggy Lo Romero €136 Two Green Fees and buggy Mar Menor €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €120 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Villamartin €136 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €84 Two Green Fees and buggy from 1pm For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020
Goodbye Setien, but there must surely be many others!
637 227 385
Dallas Cowboys are the most valuable sports team in the world The Cowboys remain the most powerful sports franchise in the world according to Forbes' annual assessment of the world's most valuable sports franchises. The NFL team is now worth $5.5 billion and its sport continues to dominate the list, with 27 franchises making the top 50. The Cowboys have been at the top of the list since 2015 and in that year Real Madrid beat them because they were only worth $3.2 billion. They have almost doubled in value since then and this year they are the only NFL team in the top six franchises of the world.
Humiliation for Barcelona Barcelona were humbled in the Champions League as they went down 8-2 to Bayern Munich in the quarter finals, a defeat that must surely rate as one of the club’s greatest ever humiliations and certainly worse than those at the Stadio Olimpico and Anfield. It is sure to have major implications for those involved. Although the criticism of manager Quique Setien will be the most severe, and his departure will certainly be the first, much of the responsibility at the Camp Nou, lies at the
feet of the president, Josep Maria Bartomeu, and his Barcelona board. Club Captain Messi said beforehand that Barcelona weren't good enough to win the Champions League. He was absolutely right. Indeed playing as they did the Blaugrana weren't even contenders. This is now the fourth season in a row that the club have been on the wrong end of a thrashing in the Champions League. After Juventus, Roma, Liverpool and now Bayern, the futures of those involved are now up in the air with the outspoken Gerard Pique, who described the
game as ‘a disgrace,’ being the first with an offer to leave. "If new blood has to come in and the dynamics have to change, I'll be the first person to leave because I think we've hit rock bottom,” he told Spanish TV after the game. "This is the tsunami that's going to wipe out everyone: Setien, Bartomeu, [Luis] Suarez ..." proclaimed Spanish Sports commentator Maldini after the game Meanwhile Herr Flick's men are now the favourites to win this season's Champions League. After league and cup success in Germany, the treble surely awaits.
RFEF chair meeting to address the start of next season By Andrew Atkinson The Royal Spanish Football Federation summoned the presidents of the regional federations to a meeting last Monday to discuss the start and necessary protocols for the coming season. In common agreement with the Spanish sports federations of other team sports and at the request of the Spanish Olympic Committee, the RFEF said that the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic requires urgent reflection which it is necessary to standardise across the country. The president of the Valencian Community Soccer Federation, Salvador Gomar, attended the meeting which discussed how and when the official non-professional competitions can start. The president of the RFEF, Luis Manuel Rubiales advocated a "
Transversal Plan" endorsed by the public authorities, which offers sanitary and legal guarantees for players, clubs and organisers.
Meanwhile a number of modifications to the FFCV Statutes, General Regulations and Disciplinary Code have been announced.
Gareth Bale is in the headlines again following his reticence to travel with the Real Madrid squad to play Manchester City last week. The Welsh International decided to stay at home and play golf in Madrid while his team mates were eliminated from the Champions League at the Etihad. As the highest paid player in the squad, with an annual net income of 17 million euros, Bale enjoys the sort of lifestyle that the rest of us could only dream about. He lives in an opulent villa, owns six luxury vehicles and despite showing only contempt for the club, he insists that he will see out the remainder of his contract to June 2022. He says that he is refusing to walk away from his Real Madrid contract as payback for Madrid failing to let him join Jiangsu Suning last summer in a deal which would have seen him earning £1m a week.
Mike Tysone boxing comeback delayed
President of the FFVC Salvador Gomar
It was decided that each Community would have its own powers to decide the start of the competitions of its concern, including the Third Division, futsal and the National Youth Football League, whilst taking into account the health recommendations of their respective governments. The Leagues in the area covered by the Valencian Community will begin from October 4 , the scheduled date for the start of Football 11, provided that the authorities allow it, and depending on the evolution of the pandemic.
Bale planning to run down Real Madrid contract
Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson's return to the boxing ring has been delayed until 28 November. The 54-year-old will face former fourweight world champion Roy Jones Jr in an exhibition bout in Los Angeles. The bout was scheduled to take place on 12 September but will now be on the United States' Thanksgiving weekend. Teams within the Vega Baja regions include 1st Regional Group 8 newly promoted CD Montesinos and Racing San Miguel. After approval at the FFCV General Assembly, at the proposal of the Board of Directors, modifications have been made to the Statutes, the
General Regulations and the Disciplinary Code. These changes will be applicable for the 2020-21 season and the clubs have been informed of them for their general application. Full details can be downloaded from the FFCV website at: ffcv.es
Tyson last fought professionally in 2005 when he was beaten by Irishman Kevin McBride while fellow American Jones, 51, has not fought since beating Scott Sigmon in February 2018. The California State Athletic Commission has sanctioned the fight, which will be over eight rounds and broadcast on pay-per-view.
637 227 385
Monte talisman Maccan ready for new season By Andrew Atkinson CD Montesinos midfield talisman Maccan is set to enter another season at the Los Montesinos based Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 club. "I have played at Almoradi, Elche and CD Montesinos during my career - and I am looking forward to the forthcoming 2020-21 season," Maccan told The Leader.
Monday 10th - Sunday 16th August, 2020
Elche survive Jonathas red card Elche CF....................0 Real Zaragoza...........0 LaLiga Semi Final Playoff 1st Leg Despite losing their Brazilian forward Jonathas in the 27th minute for kicking out at the Zaragoza defender, El Yamiq, the Elche rearguard held out for a goalless draw in the first leg of their playoff semi-final at home on Thursday evening.
by Watford following his loan spell with the Aragonese club and even with their one man superiority they rarely troubled Edgar Badía's goal. Unfortunately, Elche too were unable to create very much in the opposition’s half, with keeper Cristian Álvarez rarely called into
action. So as the teams now face up to each other once again in Zaragoza, Elche know that their dream of promotion will only continue with a victory at La Romareda on Sunday evening.
Elche must win on Sunday evening at La Romareda
They now go into Sunday evening’s second leg game (ko 10pm) knowing that they need nothing less than a victory if they are to progress to the play off final against the winners of the tie between Almeria and Girona. But it could have been so different as Elche took the game to their visitors during the opening period and were unquestionably the better team until the dismissal of Jonathas. But as they then sat back and defended the draw for most of the remainder of the game, chances were few and far between and the pace of the game was really slow. Zaragoza were missing their leading scorer, Luis Suárez, who was called back last week Monte midfield talisman Maccan. Photo: Helen Atkinson.
Tyson Fury
"This season will be another one to mark-up after joining the club many years ago," said Maccan, who co-runs family business Bar Pepe in the Vega Baja town.
Alleyway champion! By Andrew Atkinson
"Training will start in September - with the campaign kicking-off in October," said Maccan. CD Montesinos Full Monte supporters club President Eddie Cagigao told The Leader: "Coach Jesus Santander and his squad are set to return for training next month. "It is expected new players will be incoming - and players leaving." The Valencian FA (FFCV) in conjunction with the Valencian Regional Parliament cancelled sporting events, amid the coronavirus lockdown in March. CD Montesinos returned to the 1st Regional Group 8 at the first attempt in the COVID-19 affected season following relegation two seasons ago, winning the 2nd Regional 2019-20 title.
The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos
Andrew Atkinson with John Virgo at Willie Thorne's Memorial service in Orihuela
John Virgo stuck in Spain, misses World Snooker Championship By Andrew Atkinson John Virgo is stuck in Spain - instead of being behind the mic for the BetFred World Snooker Championship currently taking place at The Crucible in Sheffield. "I am here in Spain and due to the UK 14 days Government isolation imposed on returning home I will not be at the world Championship at the Crucible," rued Virgo. Virgo, who retired from the pro circuit in the nineties after almost four decades on the green baize, attended the Memorial service of longtime friend and fellow snooker player, Villamartin based Willie Thorne on June 24, in Orihuela. Manchester United supporter Virgo, put the boot into the decision to allow the Real Madrid team to play Manchester City in the Champions League round 16 second leg on August 7 - without going into isolation. "The 14 days isolation arriving in the UK from Spain doesn't apply to the Real Madrid team arriving in Manchester," said Virgo. "I'm a British citizen and I pay my taxes - it's a case of one rule for them and another for
me," said Virgo, talking to BetFred podcast. "I suppose that's life," added Virgo, who married for the third time, when marrying Rosie Ries in 2009. The couple attended Thorne's Memorial service, following his death on June 17 from septic shock, aged 66, in Torrevieja hospital, where he had been undergoing chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia since March. Watching on television in Spain, Virgo praised John Higgins' maximum 147 break at this year's behind closed doors world championship that is staged during July 31-August 16: "It was one of the best ever seen at The Crucible," said Virgo. Commentator Virgo and anchor Hazel Irvine are both absent from the BBC's coverage of the 2020 world championship. TV presenter Irvine is at home, due to a family illness. "Thanks for all the nice words. Strange world at the moment, I am missing being there, but what a great tournament it's been," said Virgo. The BBC did a video call with Virgo, as part of a tribute to former BBC commentator Thorne following his passing.
WBC heavyweight champ Tyson Fury has won another accolade after taking part in the Alleyway Champions group - weeding the streets in his hometown of Morecambe. Tyson and his dad Johnny helped a community group working in the seaside resort, having walked by as they were tidying up an area. Millionaire Fury filmed the weeding on video and uploaded it on Twitter, quipping: "Come on dad, I'm paying you 35p an hour!". County Councillor Margaret Pattison who was weeding along with other councillors and the public, said: "I heard a voice saying 'what are you doing girls'. "We said we were doing our bit of weeding in Morecambe and Tyson and his dad thought it was a community payback scheme! "I asked them to put the orange bibs on - which they agreed - and looked part of the group." Tyson said in the video: "Go on dad, he's working for the local council. Alley Champions we are."
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Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd August, 2020