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Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020 Tel: 637 227 385
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Three year old boy drowns in Campoverde The emergency services tried to revive the child for more than an hour but he died at the scene. A 3-year-old boy died from drowning on Thursday
evening in a swimming pool in the Pinar de Campoverde urbanisation. The child, of French nationality but of Arabic origin, was treated at the scene by emergency teams for more than an
hour, but they were unable to save his life. After the family raised the alarm, the emergency services were called to Calle Madroño 17, shortly after 9pm by a British neighbour
According to sources the child was in the house with his family when he fell into the pool, without their knowledge. Continued on Page 2
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
From Page One Drowning in Campoverde
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He was first noticed in the pool by his 6 years old sibling who tried to pull him out as, at the same time, calling for the parents. A municipal ambulance from Ambumar SYA was first to attend the scene, together with a nurse, who carried out resuscitation manoeuvres on the child, to which he failed to respond. A SAMU ambulance arrived shortly afterwards and paramedics continued with the manoeuvres for over an but, but without response. They were only been able to confirm the death of the child by drowning.
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This French family were spending their holiday in pool in Pinar de Campoverde, which they have now cut short.
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The child's body has been transferred to the Forensic Anatomical Institute where the autopsy
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Crescendo Int Choir Plans December 2020 Concert at Salt Church
Crescendo International Choir plans a concert at Salt Church, an evangelical English-speaking church in Los Montesinos, in December if it can safely do so. Further into the future, they also plan an English Military Wives concert for May 8, 2021, also at Salt Church. Crescendo International Choir is a mixed vocal group configured as a musical project of a social nature. Our concerts are mostly charity, staged for the purpose of fund-raising for local charities. We are proud that since our inception we have raised thousands of euros for different social aims. Last year Crescendo held a successful concert at Salt Church, raising over 1100 euros for the Red Cross to give to victims of the flooding in
will be performed. The Judicial Police of the Civil Guard has taken over the investigation. The young boy is the third minor to die by drowning in a pool in the Vega Baja this August, all of them caused by a moment of neglect by relatives. On August 5, a 4-year-old boy of Belgian nationality, also of Arabic origin, who had arrived that afternoon with his family at the home of relatives in Ciudad Quesada, died when he fell into the pool. And on August 9, a French minor, only 2 years old, died in a residential complex in La Zenia urbanisation, in Orihuela Costa, drowned in a community pool. Following the tragic accident the authorities have once again reminded parents of their responsibilities in keeping small children out of harm’s way with a need to regularly reinforce the message to them of the dangers that they can present. the Vega Baja region. Close to 200 people attended the Sunday, November 24 evening concert. Although the choir is not yet meeting for its Monday night rehearsals, new music is still being chosen and shared with members in anticipation of a return. Members are being encouraged to practice at home with the help of MP3 files that has been prepared for each of the four sections in the choir. Here are some of the new songs the choir plans to sing in the coming months: What Would I Do Without Music? I Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You, Joyful, JoyFul We Adore Thee, Prayer of Saint Francis, and Friends, Forget the Cares. This last one is especially fitting during this time of Covid-19. We had the Military Wives Choir scheduled for October 3, 2020, but this has been postponed to May 8. If you already bought tickets for the October concert, these can be used for May 8 concert. For a refund, go to www.crescendochoir.com for details, as well as for more information about the choir. There are many Crescendo members who believe in music as an engine for social change. There are also many of us who believe in our choir as a way to enjoy music and in our concerts as a way to help others in the community. As long as there are people who believe in this, Crescendo will continue singing by heart and working to deliver its best rendition of every song. Hope see you at our next concerts!
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637 227 385
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
The minister has set up a telephone line and a website to deal with all questions about returning to school next week
Minister announces ‘Return to school’ Protocols The Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Vicent Marzà has said that school will return in the Valencian Community between 7-9 September, but that masks will be compulsory for all children from 6 years of age.
a half distance between students.
He also said that children will have their temperatures checked at the start of each school day.
The Valencian Community defined a health protocol for returning to safe classrooms a number of weeks ago, for which more than 207 million euros in resources and increases in personnel have already been made.
Following the interdepartmental meeting between the ministries of Education and Health the minister of Education in the Generalitat said that "our responsibility is to adapt at all times to the evolution of the pandemic and the Valencian model that we will apply is marked by this adaptability. That is why we must respect social distancing that we already have established and following its recommendation by the health authorities, all students from 6 years of age must also wear a mask in class". Children from ages 3 to 5 who use school transportation will also need to wear a mask. Hands must be washed or cleaned five times a day as a minimum and there must be frequent ventilation throughout the school. If possible windows will remain open all the time or for at least 10 minutes between classes. All 1st year ESO students and a very high percentage of the rest of the levels will attend class every day in classrooms with a metre and
At the other educational levels, if there is not enough space to cater for all the students with the necessary separation from each other, the students will go school on alternate days.
Nearly three million reusable masks and more than 86,000 litres of hydro alcoholic gel have been purchased to supply to schools. There will be lower child to teacher ratios in schools, with the addition of 4,374 more teachers, 1,670 in the Alicante Province, as well as the employment of some 3,000 additional cafeteria monitors. There will be protection and hygiene material available for children and for staff, the reorganization and marking of educational spaces, canteen and school transport services, as well as the establishment of a COVID area in each educational centre. Minister Marzà explained that "everyone belonging to the Valencian educational community is working hard to apply the safety, protection and hygiene measures that will be applied during the next Valencian school year and once again I want to thank the management teams and the teaching staff for their determination, their involvement and the great effort they are making to adapt all educational dynamics to this new situation". He said that next week a website for the resolution of doubts will be opened for the entire educational community and there will also be a specific 'call centre' to answer any question by telephone.
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
Cancellations also extend to the Balearic and Canary Islands
LG is releasing battery powered wearable air purifier 'PuriCare' LG has released an innovative wearable air purifier named 'PuriCare'. This rechargable device uses a pair of replaceable filters similar to filters in LG's range of air purifiers for the home. LG said this is designed to replace the inconsistent homemade masks worn by some people, as well as the disposable masks that it says have been in short supply.
Greece to ban flights to and from Catalonia from Monday The Greek government has decided to ban flights to and from Catalonia (Spain), including Barcelona, starting 31 August midnight, extending prevention measures against the virus throughout the country. The Ministry of Health in Spain reported on Thursday that due to Covid-19, 28,996 people dead and 429,507 cases diagnosed since the start of the pandemic.
M o re t rave l m i s e r y a s T U I cancel flights to Spain TUI announce all flights to mainland Spain, along with the Balearic and Canary Islands cancelled until September 13 By Andrew Atkinson TUI have announced all flights to mainland Spain, along with the Balearic and Canary Islands have been cancelled until September 13. The announcement was made by the
UK's largest tour operator TUI amid Spain's removal from the UK list of safe countries to travel to, after worries that the country was in the grip of a second wave - 'spike' - of coronavirus. Anyone now returning from the country will have to self-isolate for 14 days, upon their return to the UK. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office is advising against all but essential travel to mainland Spain.
Spain to incur 88 billion shortfall due to collapse of tourism
Research says Obesity raises risk of death from Covid-19 by nearly 50%
Health Minister Salvador IIla approved the first clinical trial of an experimental vaccine against coronavirus. The trial will involve vaccine from Janssen, an arm of Johnson & Johnson, and 190 healthy volunteers from the country. The scientific community in Spain is working on a dozen of vaccines against Covid-1 9, but none of them has yet reached the stage where trials in humans can start
TUI now only operates holidays to Turkey, Greece and Italy from Newcastle International Airport. Portugal was added to the list on August 29; followed by Jamaica, from September 2.
With just one third of Brits returning to Spain this year, Brits represent the group with the largest fallout of demand. This will in particular impact Spain’s coastal holiday regions such as the Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Andalusia and Valencia, which are the most popular destinations of English, Welsh and Scottish tourists. According to the survey by Simon-Kucher & Partners, most of the Brits remaining in the UK have abandoned their holiday aspirations altogether. Around 40% said they will instead enjoy a domestic holiday. With 19.4 million tourists last year, the Catalonia region in northeastern Spain including its capital Barcelona is the country’s most visited location by tourists. Followed by Balearic Islands (13.7 million tourists); Canary Islands (13.1); Andalusia (12); Valencian Community (9.6); and the capital region of Madrid (7.6).
A group of researchers from North Carolina university has found that obese people have a weaker immune system which makes them more vulnerable to Covid-19 and increases the risk of death by nearly 50%. They also said a vaccine against the virus also could be less effective on obese people. Researchers said healthier eating should be a priority of everyone.
Spain to participate in clinical trials of J&J Covid-19 vaccine
Additional trips to Cyprus have also been cancelled. Flights due to depart on or before September 4, will no longer going ahead.
But while some regions such as Catalonia and the Balearic Islands [including Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera] will see a drop of over 75% in tourism numbers, others are forecasted to fare relatively better. The Canary Islands for instance is expected to see a drop of 53%, on the presumption that travel numbers will increase in autumn.
Spain is expected to see 54 million less tourists hit its shores in 2020, according to an analysis by global consulting firm Simon-Kucher & Partners. According to a study by the firm’s Spanish wing, the Covid19-induced restrictions for travel and related consumer hesitations to travel due will see 65% less tourists visit Spain in 2020, compared to the year previous. Taking into account direct and indirect spending patterns of these consumers now staying away, Spain will have to forego €88,000 million of economic value, which equates to around 6.2% of the country’s national gross domestic product (GDP). In 2020, about six million tourists from the United Kingdom are expected to visit Spain, down from 18 million last year.
The Canary Islands of among others Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and La Palma are particularly popular destinations between October and May, when the weather is warmer compared to mainland Spain. “The autumn-winter season could help the eight islands recover much of the lost travellers so far,” said Carles Munich, a Manager at Simon-Kucher & Partners. Spain’s economy is hugely dependent on tourism. According to the IMF, the country’s GDP is on course for an 8% drop by the end of the year, which would mean the largest drop since its 1936 to 1939 civil war. In 2021, a recovery of 4.3% is forecasted, based on current Covid-19 recovery scenarios. Globally, Simon-Kucher & Partners warns that the economic value of damages could surpass $5.5 billion if travel restrictions are prolonged into the third quarter. “An alarming figure,” said Dimitris Hiotis, Global Head of Leisure, Travel & Tourism at the consulting firm.
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Orihuela auction Costa building plots for second time For the second time in a little over 4 months the Orihuela council it trying to auction the sale of urban land on the Coast for which it hopes to raise 21 million euros. This is a repeat procedure and practically the same estimated price of the plots of an abandoned attempt that was made in May. The first attempt was withdrawn after they failed to attract any bids. The new attempt fulfils almost the same conditions. Companies have until September 14 to submit offers.
Drunk rescued from cliff by Torry firefighters A drunken man in his 40s was rescued on Saturday night after he fell down the cliffs next to the Los Locos beach in Torrevieja. According to the Provincial Fire Brigade Consortium they were called to attend the scent at about 9pm with the rescue needing a "nest" -type stretcher to recover him from a 6-meter drop. The firefighters were called in because the man could not get out of the ravine on his own, after which he was transferred to the city hospital with cuts and bruises.
Man sought in Águilas after stabbing wife to death A woman died after being stabbed in the heart in Águilas on Saturday, allegedly inflicted by her own husband, according to the town’s Local Police. The incident took place on la calle Tenor José Sánchez Galán, in front of la Casa Azul, but by the time the agents arrived the husband had fled the scene. This is the second sexist murder in the Region so far this year, after a woman died in Cartagena when her husband killed her with a hammer after she filed for divorce.
Environment to clean Agua Marina cliff and La Caleta The works will consist of the removal of waste, plastics and other accumulated debris from the cliff area of the Microreserva Punta La Glea- Aguamarina and La Caleta beach Due to the difficult access that the area presents, according to the councillor for waste Damaso Aparicio "there will be a company specialised in vertical work, which will be able to apply all the necessary security measures to carry out the work, which in most cases will require hook-ups and climbing techniques.”
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Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
637 227 385
Record high for Electric Vehicles in Europe EVs accounted for 18% of European passenger cars volume in July, a record market share
The Volkswagen Golf is back to top position in model ranking
The negative effect of the pandemic continued to ease, with total volume down by only 4% The Volkswagen Golf is back to top position in model ranking
he latest numbers demonstrate the motor industry in Europe is slowly reverting back to normal. JATO’s data for 27 markets shows good news after several months of decline in registrations. July saw the highest monthly volume figures so far this year – this also being the highest since September last year – with the industry registering 1,278,521 new passenger cars, down by only 4% month on month from 2019. July also saw the best monthly variation so far this year. Felipe Munoz, global analyst at JATO Dynamics, commented: “Both private and business consumers are responding to the better market conditions. If the current situation continues to improve, we could start to talk about a ‘V’ shaped recovery in the European car industry. However, there are still huge uncertainties regarding how and when the pandemic will finally come to an end, therefore caution remains.” Volumes levels since January fell by 35% to 6.37 million cars. However, demand recorded healthy figures in countries such as the United Kingdom, Denmark and France, alongside other small and midsize markets. Much of this boost can be explained by an increased appetite for green cars, and more value offers. Munoz continued: “The increasing demand predominantly favours SUVs, with a wider offering, including more electrified versions.” EV DEMAND AT RECORD LEVELS The global pandemic’s strong impact on the economy has not influenced consumer’s interest in electrified vehicles. July 2020 was a record-breaking month for EV registrations with volume up 131% year on year to 230,700 – the first time that these vehicles were bought by more than 200,00 consumers in a single month. As a consequence, EVs accounted for 18% of total registrations in July, far greater than their market share of 7.5% in July 2019, and 5.7% in July 2018. “The rise in demand for EVs is strongly related to a wider offer that is finally including more affordable choices. The higher competition amongst brands is also pushing down prices.” Munoz commented. Half of these cars were powered by a hybrid
engine (HEV), with demand soaring by 89%. The mild hybrid versions of the Ford Puma and Fiat 500 contributed to this result. Plug- in hybrids (PHEV) followed with 55,800 units, up by 365% from July 2019, and boosted by new models like the FordKuga, Mercedes A class, BMW XC40 and BMW 3-Series. Finally, the pure electric cars (BEV) also showed encouraging results. Registrations jumped from 23,400 units in July 2019 to 53,200 just one year later, and the offer increased from 28 different models available to 38. New models like the Peugeot 209, Mini Electric, MG ZS, Porsche Taycan and Skoda Citigo buoyed the figures. Tesla posted a 76% decline to 1050 units following shipping delays to Europe, as a consequence of production challenges in its Fremont, California plant. Munoz said: “In contrast to the general trend of increasing demand for electric cars, Tesla is losing ground this year in Europe. Some of this can be explain by issues relating to the production continuity in California, but also by high competition from brands that play as locals in Europe.” SUVS ALSO POST A RECORD MARKET SHARE Like EVS, SUVs also showed record results. Last month, they accounted for almost 42% of total registrations to 530,800 units, posting the highest monthly volume since July 2019. “SUVs are usually more expensive than their car equivalents, so it is remarkable to see that despite the crisis, this is the only segment that has seen growth. They prove that with a competitive offer, consumers respond positively, despite the difficulties.” Midsize SUVs were the only segment to record a decrease, of -6%, a contrast to the positive results seen from small (+9%), compact (+4%) and large/luxury SUVs (+14%). At the same time, their demand has grown fast due to the electrification of many of the models available. In July, 48% of the electrified vehicles registered were SUVs. THE VOLKSWAGEN GOLF LEADS AGAIN The greater availability of the 8th generation Volkswagen Golf helped this model to
regain first place in the rankings, that was previously lost in June. However, it was not enough to offset the large drop posted by the 7th generation, as the average variation was negative. In contrast, the Renault Clio was able to record a 26% increase, as 89% of its volume corresponded to the latest generation. The Skoda Octavia, Peugeot 208, Renault Captur and Peugeot 2008 also posted double-digit growth thanks to their recently launched new generations. Other big improvers include the Hyundai Kona (+56%), BMW 3-Series (+59%), Mini Hatch (+26%), Volvo XC40 (+66%), BMW X1 (+49%) and BMW 1-Series (+52%). The Renault Zoe and Kia Niro increased their registrations by 146% and 111% respectively. Among the latest launches: Ford Puma (13,157 units at 24th position); Skoda Kamiq (8,736 units); Mazda CX-30 (5,494); Kia Xceed (5,201); Audi Q3 Sportback (4,183); Mercedes GLB (2,469); and Porsche Taycan (1,498).
637 227 385
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
PM urges Spaniards to use tracing app Radar Covid
PCR tests have doubled in the last month to 85,000 a day
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Tuesday called upon Spaniards to download and use contact tracing app Radar Covid.
The Minister of Health for Valencia, Ana BarceI6, has assured the citizens that the current coronavirus situation in the region is very different from the months of acute crisis in April and March. Barcelo saidthat the difference in the outbreaks is evident because of the reduced stress on the healthcare system now, with lesser number of patients requiring critical care and hospitalisation.
Spain may get Oxford University's Covid-19 vaccine by December Health Minister Salvador IIla has said that the coronavirus vaccine being developed by Oxford University and Astrazeneca might reach Spain before the end of the year. "We could have the first doses at the end of December," IIla said. Spain joined the EU's centralised purchase of 300 million doses of the vaccine currently being developed; the doses will be equitably distributed among nations.
13% Catalans who test positive for Covid-19 does not self-isolate: The Secretary of Public Health in Catalonia, Jose Maria Argimon, said at least 13% of those who test positive for coronavirus does not follow through with the recommended isolation. Argimon also revealed that around 45% of their contacts refuse to quarantine themselves for the fixed duration, thereby increasing the chances of coronavirus transmission.
Spain teachers warn of learning gaps as students return to schools As schools in Spain gear up to reopen in September for the new year, teachers have warned that students will be beginning the course with training gaps. The students spent the last quarter attending classes from home which has led to significant gaps in their education, according to teachers. The Education Ministry assured that this factor will be taken into account while preparing the curriculum.
Sanchez said that technology could help save lives and that contact tracing is of immense importance during the coronavirus pandemic. The app, promoted by the government, alerts users if they are in the vicinity of someone who tested positive for coronavirus.
Valencia govt explains how current outbreak differs from March
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Minister says that increase in COVID-19 cases is due to better detection
he Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has said that the large increase in COVID-19 cases that Spain has experienced in recent weeks is due "in part" to the "good detection system" that is in place across the autonomous communities. At a press conference on Thursday following the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System (CISNS) focused on going back to school, the minister said that "what is happening in Spain is in line with neighbouring countries" such as Germany or France. "We are not in the situation that we had back in March," he pointed out.
According to Illa, the rise in cases has been produced by an "increase in mobility" and, in addition, by the intensive detection of new cases. "In part it is due to the good detection system we have. Some days we are carrying out 85,000 PCRs per day, while a month and a half ago we were at around 40,000", he said. "In a first phase, the outbreaks were closely linked to fruit and vegetable work and meat companies. We saw that a second outbreak was linked to nightlife and we took measures to close it down. Another focus is the family environment, and it is important that the meas-
ures we have introduced are respected". The minister insisted that "if things are done as they should be, contagions will be controlled, as has happened in Aragon�, he said. "Rather than introducing new measures, we must respect those that are already underway. If they are well followed, we guarantee that there will be fewer outbreaks. The really important thing is to comply with the measures taken by the CCAA", the minister confirmed, reminding the public of the importance of "following the recommendations of the health authorities."
Military Covid Trackers requested by Murcia and Valencian Governments Ximo Puig says that the Valencian Community is putting together a bid to central government for 150 of the 2,000 Army trackers that the Prime Minister has made available last Tuesday. It is understood that they will be used in the Valencian capital and its metropolitan area, where the population of approximately 1.6 million inhabitants, have seen the number of cases grow in recent days. Murcia has already submitted a request for trackers and the communities of Cantabria, Galicia and Castilla y LeĂłn have also announced that they will be asking the Government for support. Despite initial reluctance, Murcia was the first community to announce, late on Wednesday, that it has requested 60 trackers from the armed forces. Health will now evaluate these requests and send them to the Ministry of Defence so that it can assign the military personnel to each territory. The goal is for the process to be carried out very quickly. "It will be done immediately and the communities will receive the trackers they need, for as long as necessary," the undersecretary of Defence, Amparo Valcarce, explained. Infections have risen sharply since Spain lifted the lockdown, but deaths have been much lower than during the epidemic's peak. The country has more than 400,000 confirmed cases of the respiratory disease, the highest in Western Europe, and one of the fastest growth rates on the continent. Nearly 29,000 people have died, one of the world's highest death tolls.
The Prime Minister has made 2,000 Military Trackers available to Communities
Spain govt offers alternative to faceto-face classes amid Covid-19 pandemic The Ministry of Education has provided an alternative to face-to-face classes, in the event of outbreaks; according to the proposal, students will be offered distance education, with the same schedule and the same material as they would have been offered in school. However, parent groups are not too convinced because they feel that the teachers lack training for such a mode.
Barcelona to withdraw Gold Medal from Juan Carlos I Barcelona City Council has passed an order that proposes that the Gold Medal awarded to former king Juan Carlos I be withdrawn along with other honours. This comes weeks after Juan Carlos announced his decision to leave Spain amid his tax fraud investigation. The City Council also lashed out at the Spanish government for the same; the proposal also asserts Catalonia's right to self-determination.
Same-sex penguins become parents A same-sex penguin couple has welcomed a chick after adopting and hatching an egg together. The penguins, Electra and Viola, belong to the Oceanografic Valencia aquarium, who announced the news in a press release. The penguin couple were given an egg from another couple in the same aquarium. They incubated it and hatched it and will now raise the chick together.
637 227 385
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
Flames engulf Lo Págan Yacht Club
Orihuela designates Cala Cerrada for surfing
Flames devour
The councillor said the move both ensures the safety of bathers and enjoyment of surfers
A fire has devastated the marina at the Lo Págan Yacht Club this Friday afternoon, totally destroying the main centre building having, according to local witnesses, originally taken hold in the kitchen. The causes are currently unknown although forensic officers and fire brigade experts are currently investigating at the scene. Officers from the San Pedro del Pinatar Local Police force and Firefighters from the Fire Consortium mobilised to the site and, as we approach early evening, are understood to be still fighting the fire. Members of Civil Protection were also mobilized. The Police have confirmed that there is only material damage and there are no injuries to staff, members of the public or marine craft moored in the area nearby the building. Witnesses and passers-by said the virulent flames and heavy smoke could be seen for miles around. According to the first information, the
fire originated in the kitchen and largely affected the roof of the building. Members of staff were able to get out before the fire spread.
Pilar de la Horadada sue La Paloma architect for 8.9 million euros.
created a municipal investigation commission, whose first action has been to initiate a liability claim against the architect who was the director of the works.
The Pilar de la Horadada Council has said that it considers the project manager responsible for the unauthorised cost overruns to the Mariana Baches Cultural Centre Auditorium, better known as "La Paloma."
The commission says that it considers that Francisco José Ros Caballero "could have breached his contractual obligations with the ayuntamiento by having executed works outside of the projects approved by the contracting body.
In order to find out exactly why the controversial centre has become such a major embarrassment to the town, and to "purge responsibilities" about what happened with the controversial construction of the Mariana Baches Cultural Center Auditorium, the council has
It has now opened a liability file against the architect and will be claiming 8,912,627 euros from him for various breaches of the contract.
In conjunction with a local surf club Orihuela Council has established an area for surfing in Cala Cerrada adjacent to La Zenia hotel. An information panel has now been erected at the access to the cove with the regulations that need to be met by users. "With this action we are regulating the practice of this water sport while guaranteeing the safety of bathers," said beaches councillor Ramón López. Cala Cerrada is the only beach on the Oriolano coast that, according to experts, has the optimal conditions and characteristics for surfing, which, in the high season (from June 15 to September 15), can only be carried out until 10am in the morning, and after 8pm in the evening. There are no time limitations during the remainder of the year. The sport may only be carried out with the total absence of other users and all must hold a license issued by a competent surfing federation. López said that "Orihuela can become a benchmark for surf tourism because the weather allows practice throughout the year”.
Man – the most adaptable animal on the planet I have good news – and I have bad news. Let us deal with the bad news first, and you may find the good news somewhere further down the page … tangled up with all the other rubbish. Sticking with bad; first of all, the weather: This Summer has been an unmitigated disaster weather wise. Nonetheless, the topic of weather has been dislodged as the number one leading conversation in Ireland. ‘Strange times we live in’, is now the number one conversation opener. Brexit and climate change has been demoted to the heading of ‘any other business.’ The Earth’s climate has become increasingly erratic. Climate change deniers are either fools, fossil fuels traders, or the president of the United States of America. The change is temperature is already having an astonishingly negative impact on Mother Earth. Every day more living species are becoming extinct and it is getting worse. I read somewhere recently that as much as a quarter of all present animal and vegetable life could be lost over the next fifty years. At this point, I know you need an injection of good news - or at least something from the ‘better news department.’ This column believes that, as all other plant and animal life gradually disappears, man will be the last man standing. This is because humans are the most adaptable species on earth. Man (and you know who is behind every successful man!) has the greatest ability to adjust readily to extremely different conditions and situations. The human animal is the most adaptable living creature, due to our higher intelligence over other
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
borders or along awall or a fence This rare hardy poppy with single crinkled blo-
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creatures. (Ah …. Lads, please … this is not up for debate!) Human intelligence has allowed us to live in every sort of climate and every sort of environment. We feed ourselves on the most diverse diets – depending on where we live and what food is available. The range of what we eat is probably mankind’s strongest survival card. Take this humble scribe. I have survived in temperatures of more than ‘forty below’ in northern Canada and felt equally at home at ‘forty above’ in Spain. Polar bears lived up there in the arctic cold, but a polar bear would not survive long in Spain. Man has found ways to survive anywhere in the world, and if he cannot adapt to a changing environment, he will find a way to adapt the environment to suit his needs. I was reared on bacon and cabbage, but always find it ridiculously easy to enjoy the diverse traditional dishes of a couple of dozen far-flung countries. You are no different, my friends – we can all do this. When I was a young boy I hated girls but as I …. Oh, let’s leave that one be! Not since Eve persuaded the innocent Adam to sink his molars into the apple, has mankind been called upon to adapt to changes which transgress the entire earth. I am of course mainly referring to Covid-19. ‘Lockdown’ has, and is, posing a terrible burden on families and communities. Who would ever have believed a year ago that 90 per cent of the people we meet on the footpath would have their face covered with a mask. Spain turned me into a hugger, kisser, and perpetual hand-shaker – but now once more I have to learn to readapt, leave two metres between me and any random I meet and only touch elbows with friends. I started growing a beard a month into lockdown.
Garden Felix - The Spanish Poppy Spanish poppies are great for back-
oms was extolled by garden writer Louise Beebe Wilder in the 1920s as "sending up a veritable fountain of bloom on stems of a seemly length." It self sows freely and is exce-
'COCOONING IN JUNE...'. (Another first for me) After about three months the total lockdown was lifted and I shaved the beard the day we opened that gates. (More adaptability!) The most difficult thing to adapt to is not being able to visit family at will. We can travel to Westport to see Olga, Conor, Jack, Trudy and Ciara there – but I miss not seeing Ian, Lynne, Finn, Ruari, and Cillian in Spain. (Now … didn’t I tell you I would give you all a mention someday?) This is the longest period in well over twenty years that I have been out of Spain. As well as family, I have some great friends I meet over there and I miss this pleasure greatly. But you see, Pamela and I are still getting by nicely – just because mankind is so adaptable!
llent for covering steep dry banks with flowers, the apricot blooms combining beautifully with blue German catchfly. It does well in poor to well-drained soils. The Spanish Poppy is a fantastic perennial flower that thrives in wild flower meadows all over the Spanish countryside. The delicate looking flowers were first found in the full sunshine mountainsides of Spain, blooming in late Spring to early Summer in solitary semi-double orange to red flower rosettes at the end of wiry stems. Smaller than most poppies you’ll find the tough resilient Spanish poppy easy to grow in rockery and gravel beds, being drought tolerant, adding long-lasting colour to a garden. Encourage the poppy to re-seed itself, always leaving a few seed heads on the plants, when dead-heading.
DON’T FORGET Your conscience doesn’t really keep you from doing anything; it merely keeps you from enjoying it! Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
The day the music died
637 227 385
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
Mar Menor councils meet in San Javier to discuss spike in cases of coronavirus
The centre was due to find out about this coming week’s entertainment on Friday
By Andrew Atkinson The day the music died - following the 'spike' in coronovirus cases in Spain music venues across the Costa Blanca south have been forced to cancel events. Venues in Villamartin, Los Montesinos, Rojales, La Finca and Lo Crispin are amongst a plethora of areas that have received the bombshell news. Despite some venues having registered music licences, along with professional artistes also being registered, the plug has been pulled by the authorities following an increase in COVID-19 cases.
Music, including Karaoke is currently banned, which is a massive blow to many businesses who are still rocking following the three months lockdown, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-March.
"Despite the Villamartin Plaza holding a legal events license, we have been informed by the Valencian Health Authorities that this week all events are cancelled, due to the rise in cases," said Casey Shaddock, spokesperson from Villamartin Plaza.
Samantha Barton from The Courtyard in Los Montesinos is one business owner who has been affected.
"Fortunately, the rise in coronavirus cases is not here but Orihuela itself. Therefore all of last week’s music was cancelled. We will know about the coming week, by Friday (August 28)," said Casey. Despite the ban on music, bars and restaurants remain open at Villamartin Plaza: "Please still come and support the bars and restaurants," added Casey.
Karaoke evenings have been cancelled by the Ayuntamiento de Los Montesinos under instruction from the local Policia following the spike in coronavirus cases, with the Vega Baja town announcing three new cases on August 24. "It's just a matter of getting through this year now. Hopefully next year won't be the same - or else no one will survive," Samantha told The Leader. Graham Stephen, proprietor of The Oasis bar and Restaurant in la Herrada urbanisation in Los Montesinos, has pumped tens
of thousands of euros into his business in the last 14 months. A Gala variety weekend that was planned for October on behalf of the Mayor's charity and APANEE Torrevieja was cancelled earlier this month. Stevie Spit BEM, The Jersey Boys, a Flamenco show and 16 artistes were linedup to raise much-needed funds, especially so in the wake of COVID-19. "The Oasis Bar and Restaurant is the hub of la Herrada - it’s not just a bar - it’s the community’s family and friends central venue," Graham told The Leader. Other businesses that have cancelled events include the Auora Bar at Rojales, Chandelier Bar at La Finca and the Tavern at Lo Crispin. The Decree released on August 17 by the Valencia Generaliat is in place for 21 days.
Mayors from San Javier, Los Alcázares, San Pedro and Torre Pacheco met at the hospital to discuss COVID-19 measures. By Andrew Atkinson Councils in San Javier, San Pedro, Torre Pacheco and Los Alcazares met last week in the midst of 91 Covid cases in the Mar Menor Health Area. San Javier has reported the biggest increase. Following the spike in coronavirus in July and August the council has taken steps and has closed parks and undertaking additional sanitation and disinfection spraying. The Mayors from San Javier, Los Alcázares, San Pedro and Torre Pacheco are scheduled to meet at the hospital to discuss and undertake the relevant co-ordinated COVID-19 measures as Spain recorded the biggest cases of coronavirus in Europe that has lead to compulsory measures activities, including mandatory masks, a clampdown on smoking and the banning of music and entertainment in many areas across the country.
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 829 QUICK ACROSS: 6 Control; 7 Angel; 9 Egg; 10 Faultless; 12 Extravagant; 15 Carnivorous; 17 Surrender; 19 Wit; 21 Unity; 22 Villain. DOWN: 1 Bough; 2 Sty; 3 Sofa; 4 Analogous; 5 Peasant; 8 Sliver; 11 Exonerate; 13 Ravine; 14 Calumny; 16 Pixie; 18 Evil; 20 Sly. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Notices; 7 Major; 9 Sky; 10 Lacerated; 12 Run for
ACROSS 1. Document (10) 7. Small weight (5) 8. Revel (7) 10. Make easy (8) 11. Fad (4) 13. Inflict (6) 15. Seek (6) 17. Standard (4) 18. Soporific (8) 21. Adjective (7) 22. Month (5) 23. Consistently (10) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 20
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 12. 14. 16. 19. 20.
cover; 15 Personality; 17 Musical note (5) Unnecessary (8) Conflict (6) Foray (4) Ewer (7) Moral sense (10) Tumbledown (10) Liking (8) Porch (7) Kine (6) Late (5) Footwear (4)
Slow-match; 19 Way; 21 Afire; 22 Attacks. DOWN: 1 Soaks; 2 Tip; 3 Leda; 4 Layabouts; 5 However; 8 Petrol; 11 Guess-work; 13 Finial; 14 Well-off; 16 Tanks; 18 Cite; 20 Cat.
ACROSS 1. Criminal fellow with an agent (10) 7. Don't prevent Lola getting diverted to the west (5) 8. Keep out of sight at one time in a short visit (7) 10. How to offend against religious laws completely (8) 11. They cool down ardent followers (4) 13. Works as a budding producer (6) 15. The minister is Father S. Hill (6) 17. Conservative attempt to hold the ring (4) 18. Puppets used at the students' carnival? (3-5) 21. They provide sustenance for consumers about the end of the afternoon (7) 22. On no occasion producing a piece of Alexandrine verse (5) 23. These areas will produce the pansy (6-4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which Hollywood child star played the little girl in the 1947 Christmas film Miracle on 34th Street? 2. Mitchum and Pepper are both examples of what? 3. The fairy with turquoise hair appears in Carlo Collodi's book, The Adventures of Pinocchio. What is she called in the Disney film? 4. Which edible product was first created to celebrate a French victory over the English at Port Mahon? 5. Who said it? a: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Whose take on life? b: Who explained his theories thus: "When a man sits with a pretty girl for a minute it seems like an hour. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute - and it's longer than any hour." c: Of what was General Bousquet speaking when he observed, "C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre" (It is magnificent, but it isn't war)? d: Which king modestly asserted "L'etat, c'est moi"? 6. In Brazil, what is Pelada? 7. What is Jabulani, first introduced on the 5th of December 2009? 8. What do the film characters Vince Vega (Pulp Fiction) and Donald Genero (Jurassic Park) have in common? 9. Which old fashioned weapon is found on the flag of the Barbados? 10. Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka, was at one time a colony of which three European countries? 11. With the aid of the following lyrics, name the girl in each song. a. Who's trippin down the streets of the city smilin at everbody she sees.
DOWN 1. Mail diverted to north Italian location (5) 2. Actions to fulfil the requirements in the regulations (8) 3. It's easy to keep the account in line (6) 4. See 20 Down. 5. Be too dramatic concerning a law (7) 6. Presumably not describing close observers (3-7) 9. What remains when all other holiday places are fully booked! (4,6) 12. Flowering plant requiring a change in the drainage (8) 14. Organise a place for shooting, we hear (7) 16. Goes beyond the mountain routes (6) 19. Early reception on the Embankment! (5) 20 and 4Dn. These could revolutionise the bar scene! (4-4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) b. That gypsy with the gold capped tooth. c. She was a red hot hoochie coocher. 12. Who painted the actual work of art entitled 'The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in the Sun' found in the film Red Dragon? 13. The U2 song 'Angel of Harlem' is a tribute to which woman? 14. The British Queen, Queen Elizabeth II has met twelve of the last thirteen US Presidents during their term in office. Which of the last thirteen did she not meet? 15. The following words are from which Christmas songs? a. Star with royal beauty bright. b. Follow me in merry measure. c. I don't care about presents underneath the Christmas tree. d. Please have snow and mistletoe, and presents on the tree. e. The world in solemn stillness lay, to hear the angels sing. 16. Who has won a record 9 Golden Raspberry awards for worst actress? 17. Former Communist Party member Traian Basescu (pronounced: TryYan Bar-Sess-Goo) was relected as president of which country on the 6th of December 2009? 18. The character Dr. Heywood Floyd appears in which two films? 19. For which film or films did each of the following people win Oscars: a: Hilary Swank, Best Actress (x2 films). b: Steven Spielberg, Best Director (x2 films). c: Robert Duvall, Best Actor. d: Louise Fletcher, Best Actress. e: Warren Beatty, Best Director 20. Which four Beatles songs have the word 'bird' in the title?
637 227 385
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
mouth when they cough or sneeze. Dentists peering into the cavity of a mouth wear a mask. Surgeons when operating also wear a mask, doctors and nurses also do. People living in fumed filled domestic areas willingly wear a mask. Also many other places of work and situation requiring a face covering. Uncomfortable – yes, but I do not see it as a problem, but as a simple way of protecting oneself against a vibrant disease.
The Fickle Mind What a strange and fickle world. Politics is even stranger.
There is the argument that it is a way of controlling people, a sneaky way of total power over the masses.
Sales people will tell you about ‘Buyer’s Remorse’. It is when someone who is keen to buy something, before the deal is finalized suffers from regret and sorrow or guilt of buying, and they back out. From a sales point of view, it is important to close and finalise the transaction, before this happens.
Around the world organised groups march up and down city streets waving banners to object to being ordered to cover their faces as it is controlling. Not realising they are being organised and controlled by the very movement they are supporting. Slowly, and despite all the work trying to prevent this disease, it creeps across the planet. We have been very lucky as it has not blighted our community until recently. That was until someone a couple of weeks ago travelled to a place where it was rife and brought it back with him. With three new cases discovered recently is it because of visitors with foreign cars arriving locally from afar?
After saving for a long time with your heart set on a certain type of motor car, the big day arrives. You march into the showroom to buy the one you have been pining for. You subsequently take delivery and drive it home. Disappointment! It is not as nice as you thought and perhaps you should have had something different. Then there is the time mulling over a particular item in a furniture shop, trying to decide on the correct colour, only to get it home to discover it was not the right one and the hues clash with your existing. Perhaps the other one you had been considering would have been a better buy. Politics is comparable to the two previous situations, but far more profound. It is Election time and the candidates with diffe-
After a crowded pub or beach, you must then pray that you will not need a ventilator shortly afterwards. rent points of view argue their opinion to convince the people to vote for them. For many months as the election approaches, the detail of candidate’s opinion are expanded, almost to boredom. The great day arrives, and the votes are cast. The following day a new administration is in place and before they have got their feet under the table of power, the very people who thought they were the party to makes things better, are criticising them for the way they are handling Government.
The current British Administration has had a journey of fire since being elected, every decision they have made has been criticised from friend and foe alike. ‘If ‘Lockdown’ had been applied a week earlier lives would have been saved.’ How that was worked out I have no idea.
Governments are very wise to restrict movement. If everyone was to follow the simple rule of social distancing, then the ability for it to leap from one person to another is removed, perhaps the world could then get in front of this horror. If you so wish, you may go to a crowded pub or beach, but pray you must then pray that you will not need a ventilator shortly afterwards.
The question of wearing a mask, the debate goes on.
Percy Chattey, www.percychatteybooks.com
Children are taught to put their hand over their
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras.
Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th September. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com QUESADA LADIES CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Quesada Ladies Club will be held at the Cooper’s Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada,
on Tuesday 15th September 2020. This is for members only, and they will be admitted at the usual time of 2.30pm. This will take place only if the Covid19 allows us to. Keep watching our Facebook page for more information, Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly
meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or welfare on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on
Wearing a facemask really can make a difference Reporter Andrew Atkinson with a mask in Torrevieja.
*New research suggests wearing a face mask lowers risk of COVID-19 spreading - through speaking and coughing By Andrew Atkinson
637 227 385
965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano
Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
sion to two metres away," said Dr Hilary Jones. "It's actually safer to be 0.5m away of someone wearing a mask, than 2m away if they're not wearing a mask. "So it kind of adds to the research that masks are important," he added.
Despite thousands of people dying from the COVID-19 pandemic across the world some people still defy the mandatory obligations here in Spain - along with other countries.
Lead researcher Dr Ignazio Maria Viola, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Engineering, said: "We knew face masks of various materials are effective to a different extent in filtering small droplets.
Following research to convince those that the wearing of a face mask can help reduce the risk of coronavirus, Good Morning Britain's Dr Hilary Jones has underlined why wearing a face covering is so important during the coronavirus pandemic.
"However, when we looked specifically at those larger droplets that are thought to be the most dangerous, we discovered that even the simplest handmade single-layer cotton mask is tremendously effective.
New research suggests wearing a face covering lowers the risk of
"Therefore wearing a face mask can really make a difference."
COVID-19 spreading to others - through speaking and coughing.
Scientists at the university compared the number of droplets that landed on a surface in front of a person coughing and speaking without and with a surgical mask or a basic cotton face covering.
Speaking and coughing without face protection exposes people nearby to droplets carrying the virus, that could otherwise be stopped by wearing a mask, according to the study. "Just being outside is not an absolute protector and interestingly some research coming out has shown that if someone is coughing wearing a mask, there is ten thousand times less droplet transmis-
Tests were carried out on people and a life-sized anatomical human model connected to a machine that simulates coughs and speech. Analysis found that the number of droplets was more than 1,000 times lower when wearing even a single layer cotton mask.
637 227 385
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
APANEE: Association of Parents of Students with Special Educational Needs, established 25 years in Torrevieja By Andrew Atkinson
ment and collaboration with entities and social groups.
APANEE, the Association of Parents of Students with Special Educational Needs, has been established in Torrevieja for 25 years, helping children and young people, from birth up to 18 years old.
The Torrevieja Health department is committed to the collaboration and helps local social groups and associations, working intensively to ensure assistance that is appropriate to their needs and of the highest quality.
Residents in Torrevieja and the region, with physical, mental, sensory disability or risk of suffering it are cared for.
APANEE is part of the social fabric of the municipality, collaborating in the promotion and implementation of inclusive activities, to give visibility to the group it represents, with the fundamental support of Ribera Salud and the Torrevieja University Hospital.
"The result of working from APANEE, closely together with the Torrevieja University Hospital, is the translation into an act of a concept of improving the quality of life from childhood and of a concept of care and therapeutic response," said María José Sánchez, president of APANEE. The Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana recognizes APANEE as an Early Attention Centre. Access to the services of the Early Care Centre are undertaken through the pediatricians of the Torrevieja Health Department. Following quality healthcare to patients of the Torrevieja Health Department in collaboration with the Association of Parents of Students with Special Educational Needs (APANEE) has been awarded with recognition by the General Directorate of Functional Diversity and Mental Health of the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies of the Generalitat Valenciana, from the CAT operation, APANEE Early Care Centre. The Torrevieja Health Department has gone from being an inaugural health centre, to becoming a benchmark, in terms of social action, responsibility with the environ-
Working hand-in-hand in co-operation of disciplines coresponsibility, between the health system and the association, to establish the most effective intervention mechanisms in the care of minors. Co-ordination between the medical team of the Torrevieja University Hospital and the APANEE professional team is essential, to establish a more specific treatment to the individualised needs of children, in order to improve present and future living conditions. Detection, referral, monitoring and intervention are carried out from the Pediatrics service of the Torrevieja Health Department to establish proper coordination. María José Sánchez, president, said of the authorisation of APANEE as a Public Early Attention Centre: "For many years the relationship with this health department has been very close. "The professionals who have participated in this edition have saved the lives of my son and many others in the department. "We are very aware of how lucky we are to have Ribera Salud, which puts all the resources we need at our disposal”.
Couple celebrate Golden Wedding in Torrevieja Hospital Last weekend María and Eugenio celebrated their Golden Jubilee at the Torrevieja University hospital. Eugenio Recuero, in hospital for three months, was taken by surprise with a ceremony that the couple's two children and two grandchildren attended. When the nurse entered his room on Sunday morning to take him out for a walk, Eugenio could never have imagined that he was going to take part in a celebration of his Golden Jubilee. “Come on Eugenio,
get dressed because today we are going for a walk down a secret corridor”. At the end of the corridor, his wife, their two children and two grandchildren, waited next to the hospital where the couple renewed their vows after 50 years of marriage.
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
Floral offering on the 82nd anniversary of the Torrevieja 1938 bombing Due to the restrictions derived from the covid-19 pandemic, the traditional act of tribute to the 19 fatalities of the fascist bombing on Torrevieja on August 25, 1938 was not held. However a floral tribute and wreath was laid to mark the anniversary, together with a note, at the access to the fishing port, organised by the city’s republican group.
Local towns receive funds to draft forest fire prevention plans The Diputación de Alicante will help 40 towns in the province to draft their forest fire prevention plans with a grant of 250,000 euros. In the Vega Baja grants will be received by Daya Nueva, Jacarilla, Pilar de la Horadada and Torrevieja, as well as Hondón de los Frailes and Santa Pola, in the Vinalopó area. “Forest fire prevention plans are an essential tool for the conservation of natural landscapes and because current legislation requires populations that have forest areas in their territory," explained the deputy responsible for the area, Miguel Ángel Sánchez.
Torrevieja to carry out coronavirus tests on 1,100 teachers Torrevieja claim that it will be the first town to implement a series of safety and hygiene measures for the more than 11,000 students and teachers attending schools in the municipality. According to the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, the plan includes conducting serological tests for COVID-19 on 1,100 teachers before the start of the school year. In addition, there will be health personnel in all centres, who will attend and advise teachers and students so that all safety and hygiene measures are correctly applied. The coordinator will be the direct link of the school or institute with the Torrevieja Health Department for any needs, and an access control and monitoring strategy will be launched by the Red Cross, Local Police and Civil Protection at the entrances and exits of the schools.
New Secondary school for Pilar de la Horadada Once the usual contractual appeals have been resolved, the company JOCA INGENIERIA Y CONSTRUCCIONES, SA will been awarded the construction of the new Institute of Secondary Education number 2 that will be built in a period of 14 months in Torre de la Horadada, between las calles Los Ángeles, Calle Los Pescadores y Av. Comunidad Valenciana. It will have 4 high school classrooms, with science and technology areas, as well as different workshops, a cafeteria and gymnasium, and accommodate 560 pupils. The budget for the school will be 7,717,189.60 euros, and will be constructed on a 15,000 square metre plot with 2 sports courts, a playground, a covered area for games, a school garden, and a parking area.
637 227 385
Alicante Police issue multiple fines
imposed closing time of 1am.
By Andrew Atkinson
Fines were also imposed to those for not wearing a face mask in the city centre.
Alicante city police fining smokers, people not wearing masks and closing business premises as they implement Spain Gov. legislation amid COVID-19 'spike' - highest in Europe The Policia local in Alicante have been out in force in the city - fining smokers - those not wearing masks and closed business premises having ignored the Spain Government legislation following the 'spike' in coronavirus cases - the highest in Europe. Smoking in a public place is prohibited. The fines in Alicante were imposed for smoking, along with disobeying social distance on public roads, amid new coronavirus measures after a spike in cases during July and August. The Policia local also closed down a kebab establishment in the city - after disobeying the government's
The Policia local (Alicante) walked the city's streets writing out fines under COVID-19 measures, imposed by the Generalitat Valenciana in a bid to reduce the advance of the pandemic spike.
Alicante Policia local fine a smoker in the city.
637 227 385
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
Political COVID19 row in Doncaster after St Leger festival included in UK spectators pilot
Pinatar Arena will entertain 10 teams during the coming days in preparation for the forthcoming season, 5 from the first and 5 from the second division. Villarreal CF, Valencia CF, Levante UD, Elche CF and Getafe CF are the La Liga that will visit, as well as FC Cartagena, CD Tenerife, Real Mallorca, CD Leganés and CD Castellón from Segunda A.
A political row has erupted in Doncaster after the St Leger racing festival in September was included in the UK Government spectators pilot scheme.
"Having lobbied the Sports Minister to support the bid, I am delighted that it has been approved to host a pilot event for the return of crowds." The St Leger meeting gets underway on September 9 and Doncaster Mayor Ros Jones said: "It is out of the control of me and the council and personally, I think the risk of Covid-19 infection is too great. "We have been coping well in Doncaster, but this could all be put in jeopardy." The St Leger meeting is scheduled, with 3,640 general admissions on day one, rising to 6,202 general admissions for the following three days. New coronovirus protocol code of practice will be in place, alongside additional facilities to allow racegoers maintain social distancing, personal hygiene and other measures. The St Leger meeting takes place during September 9-12, with the Group 1 St Leger Stakes being the world's oldest Classic on the final day at the Yorkshire venue, inaugurated in 1776.
Oisin Murphy Receives 7 day ban Meanwhile Oisin Murphy is set to miss the race on September 12, although his appeal is still pending. "I haven’t spoken to the PJA yet," said Murphy, when asked about the appeal. “It’s a little bit stressful, because I hope everyone is aware I don’t want to cause interference – particularly in a novice race in a small field at Ayr," said Murphy.
Ten La Liga teams at Pinatar Arena
By Andrew Atkinson
Labour MP for Doncaster Central Rosie Winterton said in the Local Democracy Reporting Service: "The St Leger Festival is a hugely important event for Doncaster and the region.
Oisin Murphy could miss the St Leger after a 7 day ban
Friendly games this coming week include Real Mallorca v CD Castellon on Tuesday and newly promoted FC Cartagena v Levante UD on Wednesday. Both games kick off at 8pm. Follow the Pinatar Arena website for up to date information:http://pinatararena.com/en/
Murphy, riding Tiritomba, was found guilty of careless riding ajudged by the stewards to have allowed his mount to drift left for a considerable time without sufficient correction causing fellow jockey Paul Mulrennan to take a significant check and clip heels. Prior to a possible appeal against the seven day ban, Murphy has spoken to a number of trainers to get their opinions following the incident that led to a ban. “I’ve shown the clip to a few trainers to have a look, and the general consensus is I haven’t taken my hands off the reins and I haven’t directed my horse to shift left. I don’t ride with wing mirrors to know there is a horse within reach of mine. “If you argue I should have pulled my stick through to the left. Well to do that, I would have had to loosen my hold on the right rein. “There’s a photo taken after we’ve pulled up. My horse was wearing a snaffle, which has split in half, and half of the bit has come through the horse’s mouth on the right-hand side. “It will be interesting to see the way other people view it, because that will have a bearing on whether I appeal or not, as well as my own view. “If the BHA believe it was worthy of a seven-day suspension and that it is fair, they are entitled to that opinion. "I’m riding within their rules, at least I try to. I think I’ve got three or four days to decide whether to appeal. “I went about 18 months without a suspension anywhere in the world. Now I’ve been hit with a big one. Such is life. I think it’s sensible to take a bit of time to think about it.”
Life’s a beach for Racing San Miguel By Andrew Atkinson Racing San Miguel have begun pre-season training ahead of the 2020-21 campaign in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 by heading to the beach! Racing's chief coach Willy put the players through their paces running alongside the Mediterranean sea shore and taking technical training skills. Striker Vazquinho, who joined Racing from CD Montesinos last season, has suffered a serious injury that will keep him out of the beginning of the new campaign.
The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
David Bryant CBE one of bowls leading stars and ambassadors dies, aged 88
The 1989 Embassy World Indoor Bowls Championship was held at Preston Guild Hall, moving from Alexandra Palace. Richard Corsie beat Willie Wood in the final. At the World Indoor Championships at Preston in 1992 the world’s top players inaugurated the World Bowls Players Assn Founder members included David Bryant, Tony Allcock, Peter Bellis, Ian Schuback, Richard Corsie, Rob Parrella, John Price,
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
Members Run Club by Alan Carr As of the 1st October 2020 the Members will take over all of the responsibilities from the owners by leasing La Siesta Club, thus allowing the owners to sit back and enjoy their well-earned retirement. Until that date the members are caretaking the club and starting in September La Siesta have two (2) Internal competitions being played, one on a Tuesday (Yardstick) and the other on a Thursday (3-2-1) Also on every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm will be the chicken & egg day with a rollup day being on a Saturday, whilst keeping within the government and LLB guidelines when attending and playing because of the Coronavirus outbreak.
David Bryant CBE one of bowls leading stars and ambassadors has sadly died, aged 88.
Awarded the MBE and CBE for services to lawn bowls, I befriended gentleman David during the indoor bowls Championship at Preston Guild Hall in Lancashire.
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David Bryant, one of the sport’s leading ambassadors
By Andrew Atkinson Chief sports editor
Somerset born David J. Bryant CBE, renowned for his pipe-smoking iconic figure, won five Commonwealth Games gold medals, eleven World Outdoor Bowls Championship medals and nine titles at the World Indoor Championships during an illustrious career.
Willie Wood and Andy Thomson.
until beaten.
The WPBA was later known as the Professional Bowls Association (PBA). In 1997 the PBA’s proposals for opening up the Professional Sport and it’s ideas for development were accepted by the sport’s governing bodies, with the World Bowls Tour formed.
"Always consistent in body language and personality; he could laugh with the opponent then immediately stand on the mat and deliver an absolute killer of a bowl.
The Professional Bowls Association, together with it’s partner the World Indoor Bowls Council, developed the game, thereafter. David Bryant and Tony Allcock won their third Pairs World title in 1989 at Preston. David Tucker, Bowls England Board Chair, said: “David was an icon for many decades, whose name was synonymous with our sport. He was well-respected by all who knew him. My thoughts are with David’s family and friends at this time.” Quote: 'I certainly miss the smell of ‘Holland House’ – the aromatic pipe smoke which was so familiar to me when playing with him!'. Tony Allcock OBE paid tribute to David Bryant, saying: "David had, in my opinion, uniqueness of inner strength above any individual when it came to playing this sport. He was 100 per cent focussed on the job. "He designed a delivery for himself that no other player in living memory has utilised to the same effect. He had unequalled conviction in his approach and focus. He really was undeterred and would never ever lay down,
"He is the greatest player that I have ever met for reading a green. His mould is unique. A man whose individuality within the sport bordered on eccentricity at times just adds to the fascination. "It was usual in all tournaments requiring accommodation for players to share a twin room, so invariably we were roommates. The morning prior to the commencement of the World Singles, I awoke to find David sitting on his bed with a bowl in hand.
La Siesta Bowls Club has recently seen an increase of 10 new members which now takes us to 55 and are actively looking to increase this even further. The membership Fees have remained at the competitive price of 200 Euros per year. We compete in the Winter League together with other league matches throughout the whole year, hold regular Internal competition games, rollups, host touring sides, and chicken & egg days. Our new Social Secretary (Molly) has been arranging a variety of social activities, with the main aim to please the majority of members requests. ( keep up the good work).
"From the pile of five sets of bowls which he had stacked against the bathroom wall he had taken a brand new set out from their wrappings and proceeded to deliver them up and down the bedroom carpet.
Anyone interested in joining La Siesta Members Run Bowls Club, are welcome to call the Club President (George) or Club Captain (Wendy) who will be pleased to give you any information you may require to assist you in making that decision. We hope to see new members in the very near future.
"I saw David using sand paper on his new bowls. After I realised it wasn’t a dream I asked him what was happening.
George Richardson 865 772 498 or Wendy Ralph 633 068 399
"He said that he liked the feel and was going to try in the World Championships, but thought the problem would be that they would be too shiny! "I certainly miss the smell of ‘Holland House’ – the aromatic pipe smoke which was so familiar to me when playing with him!"
SAN LUIS bowls club We are happy to report that the first three pistes are now open and in use for petanca play. Further pistes are under construction. On our lawn green bowling green Vic's hamper continues to tempt people out to play as the heat of the day abates. Visitors are welcome, please book at the bar. Every Wednesday 5.00 for 5.30 pm. Only one euro to play. This week's winners of chicken and wine were Phil hasler and Sandy, runners up winning the wine were Kath Waywell and Pauline Johnson. San Luis bowls club is accepting new members and welcomes back existing members for the new season. Application forms are available from the bar or the club house. Entries to our Open Triples competition on 2-4 October are being accepted until 14 September. Contact Vic Slater on 627 370 998 with details of your team.
The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos Close to Dial Prix Supermarket TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Natalie Wood, 2. Mint, 3. The Blue Fairy, 4. Mayonnaise, 5. a: Oscar Wilde, b: Albert Einstein, c: The Charge of The Light Brigade, d: Louis XIV, 6 Street or beach football. 7. The Adidas official 2010 World Cup Match Ball (meaning 'to celebrate' in Zulu). 8. Both die while in the toilet. 9. A Trident. 10. Portugal, Holland and GB. 11. a. Windy. (Windy, The Association). b. Madame Rouge. (Love Potion No 9, Various). c. Minnie. (Minnie the Moocher, Blues Brothers). 12. William Blake. 13. Billie Holliday. 14. Lyndon B. Johnson. She would have met LBJ if she had attended
JFK's funeral, but she was pregnant at the time. 15.a. We Three Kings of Orient are. b. Deck the halls. c. All I want for Christmas is you. d. I'll be home for Christmas. e. It came upon a midnight clear. 16. Madonna from a total of 15 nominations. 17. Romania. 18. 2001 A Space Odyssey and 2010. 19. a: Boys Don't Cry & Million Dollar Baby. b: Schindler's List & Saving Private Ryan. c: Tender Mercies, d: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. e: Reds. 20. Black Bird, And Your Bird Can Sing, Free As A Bird and Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
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SMGS at Vistabella. August 26th, 2020 A reduced price due to recently hollow-tined greens, not always the case at local courses, was extremely welcome and probably helped raise the day’s total golfers to 28 for SMGS’s monthly visit to Vistabella. Numbers have been down on a couple of occasions recently for several reasons, but elevated prime time summer prices when COVID-19 and its associated effects mean that some courses are going days without a green fee being paid doesn’t help. A little pricing thought by regional courses might encourage people back. The practice putting area was slower than a Saxony Shag Pile carpet, but luckily greens out on the course were a little quicker, though not by any great mathematical factor. Due to their state it was expected that scoring may be low compared to other times we have visited. Far from it! Members took the course apart. Yours truly scored 37 points, 20 on the back (recorded for count back purposes), and still couldn’t make the Silver Category prizes. This may well be an SMGS record for a score not making at least a place on the podium (ok, we don’t use a podium, but some artistic licence is requested).
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
The day’s results, by category and in reverse order, were the following: Silver Category: 4th Keith Little (37 on CB), 3rd Norman McBride (37 on CB), 2nd John Rose (39), and first, Roddy Duncan with an excellent score of 40 points.
Geoff Biggerstaff Our thoughts are with his wife Dee and family.
Gold Category: 4th Phil de Lacy (36), 3rd Tony Smale (37), 2nd Joost Boelhouwer (39) and first, with the day’s best score, in form Dave Rowe with 41 points. Nearest the pins (sponsored by Property Shop): Hole 2 Roddy Duncan, Hole 7 Phil de Lacy, Hole 11 Joost Boelhouwer, Hole 15 Graeme Forbes (for the second visit in a row). Abacus: Ian Merga Guest Prize (again, for the 2nd time in a row at this course – is he going to become a member?): Phil Wood (32) Our thanks go to all Vistabella staff for their contribution to an enjoyable day. Next week we will be at La Finca. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website www.smgs.org or simply give Captain Phil de Lacy a call on 711 032 859.
Results for w/c 24.8.20
Wednesday’s individual Stableford also allowed each player to nominate 2 holes beforehand where the points scored were doubled.
Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps
The summer months of July and August are usually generally quiet for the local courses as most tourist’s head for the beach rather than the golf course to get away from the heat and humidity.
The immediate future for our local golf industry
The problem that the golf courses now face is that overall Spain now has the highest rate of new covid-19 infections in Europe with a rate of circa 170 persons per 100,000 inhabitants which is way higher than the figure of 20 persons per 100,000 inhabitants necessary to re-open the air bridges from the UK and other North European countries.
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Price
Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
€98 €100 €100 €125
Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy
Usually as soon as we hit September and October we see an influx of golfing tourists to the area for the high season and the courses increase their prices for the Autumn months before the prices reduce again in December.
With a nett score of 59, Terry Field, Paul Brown, Pete Dunn (He’s had a good week) and Petina Murray were in the money. Just 0.6 behind them were Lindsay Forbes, Graham Murray, Nigel Price and once again Marleen. It was only after the game we learnt the very sad news that Geoff Biggerstaff, one of our founding members, had passed away that morning. Our thoughts go out to his wife Dee and family.
With 42 points it was Mark Western on top of the podium followed by Mike Chapman on 41. Three players shared 40 points and after countback it was Friedel Knebel who
With the lack of the tourist golfer the local golf courses have survived with a mixture of members and local golf societies but the problem with this is that the income from members was received earlier in the year and golf societies can only spread themselves thinly across the golf courses.
No great surprises when a very strong foursome won the day in Friday’s Texas Scramble.
Marleen’s birdie on the 18th for 4 points certainly helped their cause! Close with 94, but not close enough, were Graham Murray, Ron Luffman, Nick Campbell and Reg Akehurst.
Prize giving was carried out by Leisa of Spanish Insurance, who kindly once again sponsored the day’s golf. Micky Roscoe’s Property Shop donated the nearest the pin prizes. Both have main offices in Ciudad Quesada.
Due to the covid-19 corona virus we all went into lockdown in Spain on the 13th March 2020 and golf courses were allowed to reopen as from the 11th May 2020 under a golfing safety protocol.
took the bronze. Three 2’s today going to Mark, John Shervell and Liz Robertson.
Las Ramblas Golf Society It was the best 2 scores from 4 to count with all on the par 3’s on Monday. Terry Field, Pete Dunn, Marleen Billen and the fictional Albert stole the show notching up 98 points.
Dave Rowe scored a superb day’s best of 41 points, with Roddy Duncan closely behind with 40, each winning their relevant category. As well as these two players the last week mentioned ‘Horses for Courses’ was again extremely apparent, with other 2 times in a row Vistabella winners including John Rose, Graeme Forbes, Phil de Lacy and Keith Little. And we play it every month, so they should be quids in by the end of the year.
Given the circumstances no attempts at funny jokes this week. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
Without doubt the remainder of the year 2020 is pretty much a write off for the local golf industry and the courses will again have to survive on the income from members and local golf societies but this could be in the region of 80% down on normal income levels. Like all other industries and businesses here in Spain at present the question is just how long can the golf courses and associated businesses survive with income at such low levels? This could be to the benefit of resident golfers because I am sure that the golf courses will need to retain prices at nearer to the low season prices rather than high season prices to secure what little business is available but even then will this be enough for the local golf courses?
Already the months of September and October have been decimated as either air bridges remain closed or airlines have simply cancelled flights to Spain.
I am sure the next few months will be difficult for everyone involved and I doubt that the local golfing industry will be the same again but lets all hope we are all here healthy and safe if a little poorer for the experience.
Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga N & S La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre
Las Colinas €44 GrFee (1-2pm sgle buggy €25) Las Pinaillas €40 Green Fee (incl single buggy) Lorca €75 Two Green Fees and buggy Lo Romero €136 Two Green Fees and buggy Mar Menor €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €120 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Villamartin €136 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €84 Two Green Fees and buggy from 1pm For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €107 €50 €96 €118
Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee (single buggy €15) Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Green Fee (single buggy €27) Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
If I don’t go to the tattooists, I’ll go to the pub and drink - Gazza By Andrew Atkinson Paul Gascoigne who was in the Costa Blanca south last summer, including visits to Quesada and Cabo Roig, has turned to tattoos - in a bid to keep him away from the boozer.
The flame was last seen in Fukushima after the torch relay was cancelled following its arrival from Greece but before it could start on the planned tour of Japan after the decision to postpone the Games in March due to the new coronavirus pandemic.
“It’s my addiction. I’m off booze. I’m getting tattoos because I love them and I’ve got nothing else to do," said Gazza. Former England, Newcastle, Spurs, Lazio and Rangers star Gascoigne, 53, who lives in Bournemouth, spent time on the Costa Blanca south in 'An evening with Paul Gascoigne show' at La Zenia, Orihuela Costa and in Benidorm in 2019.
Usain Bolt in isolation World-record sprinter and eight-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt has tested positive for coronavirus and is self-isolating at his home in Jamaica after last week celebrating his 34th birthday with a maskfree party.
Gazza, whose latest tattoo was a red heart added on his wrist, directly below a black heart, was in Quesada with the late Willie Thorne, who passed away in June in Torrevieja hospital from septic shock, aged 66.
Jamaica's health ministry confirmed late on Monday that Bolt, who holds world records in the 100m and 200m categories, had tested positive after he posted a video on social media.
"If I don’t go to the tattooists, I’ll go to the pub and drink. To be honest, I’d rather go to my tattooist," said Gazza, who stayed in a private villa in Cabo Roig, and visited Quesada when featured on BigFM radio.
'Re-born' White looking ahead to Champion Of Champions By Andrew Atkinson Jimmy White MBE is looking ahead to the Champion Of Champions event in November - having been 're-born' after a decade in the doldrums on the green baize. "I'm re-born again," said veteran White, who retained his World Seniors Snooker Championship at The Crucible, when gaining a 5-4 final win against Dubliner Ken Doherty. With a combined age of 108, White, 58, and Doherty, 50, have potted over £8m during careers spanning four decades. Doherty, who has won over £3m in
Olympic Flame comes out of hibernation The Olympic flame will go on display at the Japanese Olympic Museum from 1 September, the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) announced on Monday.
Tattoo addiction: Paul Gascoigne with artist Robert Williamson. Photo: Instagram.
prizemoney, has been left devastated following defeat against 'Whirlwind' White.
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The Whirlwind Jimmy White who defeated Ken Doherty: Re-born again. Photo: Facebook
"I'm devastated to lose and no words are adequate. Congratulations to Jimmy - he played great - but it's going to take a while to get over this," rued Doherty.
Playboy model Daniella Chavez takes charge of Chilean outfit Club Deportivo Rancagua Sur, a club in the Chilean third division, are now owned by a Playboy model. Daniella Chavez became the majority shareholder of the club in July.
"It's a bit heartbreaking - I wanted that trophy - but that's snooker," added Doherty.
"Thank you all for your support!" she tweeted."I am more confident that we can become professional and that football will begin to see Club Rancagua Sur win!"Soon, you'll see a change in Chilean football." “Daniella arrives at the club to bring her contribution to the sporting project and, at the same time, to the dream of becoming professional," the club wrote on Twitter.
Looking ahead to the Champion Of Champions event in November, that will feature current World Snooker champion Ronnie O'Sullivan, White said: "I knew if I found a bit of form in the final of the World Seniors I'd have a chance. I'm playing well in practise - I never gave up." White, who defeated Stephen Hendry on the way to retaining his title, said: "After struggling for ten years I'm enjoying it - the World Seniors was a great win."
New tournaments for European Golf
Torrevieja walker Corchete wins Community 5 kilometre race The walker, Luis Manuel Corchete, a member of the Torrevieja Athletics Club and sponsored by the Torrevieja University Hospital, is the new ‘open’ category regional champion of track walking over the distance of 5,000m. The race was held in the city of Valencia on Friday. The event featured many of the best walkers in all its categories, both female and male, with Luis Manuel Corchete Martínez, the first to cross the finish line. He won the race with an official time of 20 minutes and 05 seconds, despite the fact that he is not yet back in full training.
Fairmont St Andrews will host the Scottish Championship as part of the European Tour's 'UK Swing' expansion of its 2020 international schedule. The 1m euro event will take place on the Torrance Course on 15-18 October. "Scotland has many top-class golfing venues and we are delighted to be visiting another of those," said Ben Cowen of the European Tour. The Aphrodite Hills Resort in Paphos will host two new 1m euro European Tour events the following month.
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Pacheta: "My dream of training Elche in La Liga is gone
Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020
PSG and Man City lock horns over Messi signature T
he soap opera that is Leo Messi and Barcelona has been going on for some considerable time with the player formally submitting his request to leave as he publicly acknowledged that the problem at the club was the president, but with Bartomeu now saying that it will be him who resigns and Messi will remain at Barcelona the situation regarding any likely transfer is very much up in the air.
Pacheta was released after guiding Elche from the third tier of Spanish football to La Liga in just three seasons "I am leaving, but my heart stays here in Elche." This is how club manager Pacheta finished his final press conference as Elche coach. A video appearance, without questions, he was accompanied by the president, Joaquín Buitrago, as well as a number of the club's coaching staff, players and employees. And at the conference he made it clear that he wished to continue. But despite having led Elche from Second B to First in three seasons, the club's owner, football agent Christian Bragarnik, wants to replace him with a more experienced manager. Even before the release of Pacheta had been made public Bragarnik had announced that his Argentinean countryman, Jorge Almirón, would be the new man at the helm.
But even though this is the case both PSG and Man City have already staked their claim to the world’s greatest The cost of any transfer fee or salary player as the sheiks, Nasser would seem to be incidental Al-Khelaifi and Mansour bin However with Messi reportedly calling Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan are already flexing their economic muscle. Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola last Tuesday, before telling Barcelona he But despite their fortunes of 14 and 25 bilwanted to leave, and his father telling Paris lion euros respectively it will not be plain St-Germain that the Barcelona and sailing by any means with the Financial Fair Argentina forward, 33, wants to join Play rules bound to feature prominently in any potential signing. Manchester City, the Premier League club
would currently seem to have the upper hand, but with the Barca Club President refusing to sit down and negotiate, any subsequent departure of the Argentinean, wherever he might end up, could be far from amicable.
Chinese takeaway as bid received for Real Madrid skipper Ramos
Joining from Saudi Arabian club Al-Shabab FC, who currently sit in mid table in the recently resumed league, Almirón has had some managerial success in Columbia, Mexico and Argentina. With no summer break following their extended playoff campaign Almirón will be joining the club this coming week, along with his team of assistants, and is said to be looking forward to the coming season which gets underway in just 2 weeks time.
UD HORADADA TO FOLD The proud name of UD Horadada is to be no more after the club hierarchy decided that they will not register the team with the Valencian Football Federation for the coming season. The reason for the decision is said to be the current health pandemic which presents too many problems, according to the board. However a study is to be made into the possibility of establishing a team comprising of players from the town and its surrounds with a view to entering it into Regional Division Two, the entry leavel for senior football. At this stage there has been no decision regarding the Ikomar Stadium which is understood to belong to the Catholic Church although it is hoped that more will become apparent with the release of a statement by the town council next week.
By Andrew Atkinson Sergio Ramos is using a lucrative offer from an unnamed Chinese club, in order to force Real Madrid into handing him a new deal. Former Sevilla prodigy Ramos, capped 170 times by Spain, has a year of his £210,000 a week contract remaining at the Bernabeu. Ramos, 34, has reportedly been offered £385,000 a week from a Chinese Super League club, in order to force Real Madrid's hand in the drawn out negotiations. Ramos, who joined Real Madrid in 2005, eyeing a two-year extension, has made 454 appearances for the club. Father of four Ramos married long-time girlfriend Pilar Rubio in June 2019. Ramos's agent is his brother Rene.
After emerging through Sevilla's youth academy and spending two seasons with the senior side, Ramos moved to Real Madrid in the summer of 2005. Since then he has gone on to become a mainstay for Real Madrid, and has won 22 major honours, including La Liga titles and four UEFA Champions League titles. Ramos, named La Liga's top defender five times, has represented Spain at four World Cups and three European championships, having made his first appearance for Spain, aged 18. In 2013, Ramos became Spain's youngest player to reach 100 caps and currently holds the record as the most capped player in the history of the Spanish national team.
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Monday 31st August - Sunday 6th September, 2020