The Leader Newspaper Edition 831

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D O YOU WANT TO S E LL YOU R P R OP E RTY? NO SALE - NO FE E Tel: +3 4 617 537 8 6 6 No 831

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020 Tel: 637 227 385

or email: property@spanishrivier

Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper


Every September one particularly unwelcome visitor to the country is DANA, a cold drop or isolated depression that usually dumps large

quantities of rainfall across many Spanish Territories.

this year, that it avoids the Orihuela Costa.

Families in Villamartin’s Calle Isaac Albaniz will be praying

tunate as many of their proper-

In 2019 they were not so forties, which all back onto a

dried out stream, Cañada de las Estacas, saw large parts of their gardens swept into the barranco below by the heavy rains. Continued on Page 2


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


637 227 385 PROPERTY

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pour, the soil was once again washed away and down into the ravine.


Cabo Roig abogado, Juan Antonio Morales, is working on behalf of one of the owners, Craig Campbell Clements, but despite regular contact with both the Orihuela Town Hall and the Government environmental department in Murcia, responsible for Barranco conservation, there has been absolutely no progress.

The phenomenon, that usually accompanies children as they return to school, was especially heavy, and remained almost stationary above the region for several days, The drainage in C/Isaac Albaniz could not cope and as the rainfall overflowed down the side of many properties a number of gardens were swept away, rendering at least 3 of the Villas unsafe. The properties were built over 20 years ago and the subsidence is now seriously affecting at least 1 detached and 2 semi-detached Villas in the road With the collapse of the drainage system there was a constant stream of raw sewage pouring out of the burst mains pipe and down the road toward Villamartin Golf Course. This lasted for about 4 weeks after which engineers, appointed by the Ayuntamiento, arrived to carry out the repair. Whilst the pipework was fixed and the sewage problem rectified the engineers’ answer to the subsidence was to fill the gardens with even more earth. Not the brightest of solutions, as a month later, during the very next heavy down-

Craig told the Leader that the Murcia agency promised to send engineers to look at the problem in May but they never arrived and now his calls and emails are being ignored. Closer to home the owners are also still waiting for a visit from the Town Hall, which is similarly aware of the problem and in possession of all the relevant information. “Insurers La Caixa have also said they cannot help and my daughter Abby is in constant panic mode. Every time it rains none of us can get any sleep and we inevitably end up sitting awake all night listening to every creak, concerned that the next shower could see the back of the house disappearing down the barranco and my family being buried under the rubble. We really are that worried,” said Craig. “We just want to get back to enjoying our life hear in Spain as the last 12 months have been a living hell for all of us.”

Doctors will not issue certificates to avoid school Doctor’s associations warned on Friday that they will not issue medical certificates to parents who do not wish their children to return to school. The say that the requests from parents who are asking for medical documents to "dispense" faceto-face classes are increasing. In a statement, they have said that they will not issue any certificates as it is not within their functions. “I understand the uncertainty of parents and the fear that their children will be infected, and that they are asking for these certificates to cover their backs, but we must avoid unnecessary bureaucracy. Parents know that making this request only takes up time and resources of doctors that right now we should be dedicating themselves to more urgent tasks, "said Luis Blesa, president of the Valencian Paediatric Society.

Blesa said that doctors are not responsible for deciding whether or not a child should attend class. “We can certify that the child has an illness, but deciding that children who are healthy should not attend school is not for us to decide. We do not know the conditions in classrooms, if you have ten or twenty classmates and if you keep a safe distance ... All that is regulated by the school authorities. We can issue certificates from a medical point of view, but we cannot decide whether or not they can go to the school".


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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020

Pu i g e x t e n d s n i g h t l i fe re s t r i c t i o n s to 29 September

The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, announced on Saturday that he will be extending by a further 21 days the preventive measures against the coronavirus that were adopted on 17 August to strengthen the control of the pandemic and to protect all Valencian citizens. These are the restrictions that mainly affect the limitation of hours and capacity, as well as aspects related to family and social gatherings, and access to care homes for the elderly and people with functional diversity. The new order is expected to be published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana on Monday and will come into force next Tuesday. Puig said, "We must accelerate the control we have of the pandemic as well as being relentless in the restrictive and preventive measures that we have put in place.�

Extension of preventive measures The measures that are extended, first approved on 17 August, refer to nightlife, hotels and restaurants, mass events, residences, smoking and screening. The suspension of the activity of discos, dance halls, karaoke and cocktail bars, with and without live musical entertainment, will be maintained. Likewise, in hotel and restaurant establishments, terraces and beach bars or restaurants, the obligation to ensure 1.5 meters between the tables or groups of tables must be maintained. This distance must be measured between the people closest to the different tables or groups, which must have a maximum occupancy of 10 people. Hotel and restaurant establishments and services must close no later than 01.00 hours. In addition, food and drink cannot be consumed outside the terrace area, and the consumption of alcohol on the street or in public areas is not allowed. The new resolution also includes gambling casinos, bingo halls, gaming rooms, arcades and betting premises which must also close

no later than 01.00 hours, with no access of new customers from midnight. These measures apply every day of the week, including holidays. Family or social gatherings are limited to a maximum of 10 people while events exceeding 400 people must have prior authorisation by the General Directorate of Public Health. The smoking ban on public roads or other outdoor areas continues, where a minimum interpersonal distance of at least 2 metres cannot be respected. This limitation applies to any inhalation device for tobacco, water pipes, hookahs or similar, including electronic cigarettes or vaping. Ximo Puig has also agreed to implement the Radar Covid 'app' developed by the Government, as different technical and compatibility aspects are resolved. "This tool will help us in early detection tasks: early detection for early care," he said. He also confirmed that Coronavirus trackers provided by the Ministry of Defence will begin to operate in the Community in the next few days.



Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020

Schooling of minors compulsory between 6-16 ages The Juvenile Prosecutor's Office warned the parents that the schooling of minors is compulsory between 6-16 ages. It said the parents will face criminal consequences if they violate the obligation. However, it will take into account the personal circumstances of the absentee student and the health status of the family members with whom they live.

Balearic Islands sees biggest ever drop in GDP, highest in Spain The government of Balearic Islands has announced that the second quarter of 2020 has seen the biggest ever drop in GDP (Gross Domestic Product). According to a report by the government, the GDP fell by a whopping 40.5% in the Balearic Islands in the months of April, May and June. This is the biggest ever drop in the region's history and is much higher than anywhere else in Spain.

Govt proposes to extend ERTE furlough scheme in lockdown areas The Minister of Labour and Social Economy Yolanda Diaz said the government's furlough scheme, ERIE, meant to protect Spaniards from unemployment may be extended after 30 September in areas or municipalities, where lockdown has been announced. This has been described by Diaz as a "protection mechanism" for those who have been affected by the pandemic.

Valencia to start training of 2,000 'Covid managers' for each school During this week, the Valencian government will begin training of 2,000 "Covid managers", one for each educational institution in the community. These Covid managers will be trained to detect symptoms of coronavirus in students and faculty members and the next course of action to be taken. This comes after many teachers expressed doubts about the protocol to be followed in case students show symptoms.


Make music legal

An earthquake off Torrevieja makes region tremble Mastral Project reported an earthquake of magnitude 3.7 on Wednesday night with its epicenter about 56 km off Torrevieja. The tremor was felt in many parts of the province, along the Torrevieja and Guardamar coastline. There had earlier been a 3.6-magnitude quake with 10 km off the coast of Cabo de Palos according to the National Geo Institute (IGN). These movements are common in the area where there is regular seismic activity.

Bars and restaurants wishing to play music in their establishments are required to have permission to do so on their ‘Licencia de Apertura’ and for the most part, until lockdown and the subsequent changes to the law, that was all that was required. In recent weeks, however, the authorities seem to have clamped down with regard to entertainers, stating that only those performers who are fully legal may operate. Although this has always been the case they would now seem to be paying more attention to the matter insisting that entertainers must be legally self-employed and paying both their autónomo and their taxes. The most recent crackdown took place just 2 weeks ago as the state bulletin ordered the closure of nightclubs, karaoke, and cocktail bars, with or without live musical performances, with the local police touring local venues and closing down entertainment. The closure was for an initial period of 21 days although the Generalitat has now said the period is to be further extended. Villamartin Plaza, despite holding a legal events license, was one such venue that had its entertainment cancelled by the Valencian Health Authorities, although there were still many local venues seemingly not affected. It appears that many establishments were then told they could proceed with live entertainment, providing they used only fully legal and professional entertainers and there were no local complaints. However, many venues that the Leader spoke to decided that the drop in trade didn’t’ justify the financial outlay for entertainment and they will wait to see an improvement in their business before hiring again. Prior to the pandemic, many singers and musicians who were operating on the bar and club circuit paid little attention to contracts and taxes, but with the government now underpinning the need for them to ‘be fully legal’ a large number have recently registered as autónomo and are now making their social payments at a cost of anywhere between 70-400 euro per month. However, there are many more who are refusing to do so, and who are simply hanging back until such time as the situation eases, at which point they feel they will be able to find work once again. They make no bones about the fact that, dealing only with ‘cash in hand’ they will be able to undercut the entertainers who are making tax and autónomo payments, at which point there is likely to be a ‘battle royal’ among the two groups of entertainers. While legal performers that I have spoken to have said they will continue to operate in a self-employed capacity there are many others, who continue to refuse to make social security payments, and will perform only for ‘cash in hand’ as they claw back earnings lost during the lockdown, and if that means undercutting their ‘legally employed’ contemporaries, then so be it! One legal entertainer said that he is considering launching the Facebook Page ‘Make Music Legal’ which will only accommodate input from those entertainers who are doing things the right way.

Murcia Operating theatres shielded against virus Former Hot Chocolate singer Greg Bannis had his show cancelled in Villamartin moments before he went on stage Meanwhile Villamartin Plaza suffered a blow on Thursday night when, moments before the Ex Hot Chocolate singer Greg Bannis was about to perform, a complaint was lodged with the authorities and the Valencia Police closed down the show. In apologising to diners who had turned up to watch the show, Plaza spokesperson Casey Shaddock said that she was absolutely disgusted that they had been given so little notice of the complaint, but as the Plaza operated on a fully legal basis, she had no alternative but to postpone the entertainment. She promised to provide an update on the situation and any future entertainment after consulting with the Villamartin legal team. Casey once again echoed the fact that the celebrated Villamartin Plaza has always strived to ensure legal entertainment. She said “We have many acts that want to perform here but don't even have an NIE number which we turn away”. “As a taxpayer myself, this angers me. I feel everyone should pay into the system to receive the benefits and keep the playing field even for all entertainers. We even pay the tax on acts from abroad so as not to have any problems with the authorities.” “Entertainers forget when they walk into a business to perform and are not legal, not only are they putting themselves at risk but it could result in a huge fine for the business as well, is that really fair? The big factor is getting the bars to check and only employ those who are legal! I agree that all entertainers should be legal and setting up a Facebook page for that is a fabulous idea, please let me know as I will support that. We need to make the general public aware as their support for certain artists who are not legal is what keeps the bars employing them.”

Torrevieja U3A Groups Fair D

espite all the problems of the past few months the Torrevieja U3A group is proceeding with the Annual Groups Fair. As a result of our usual base at the CMO building still being off-limits,

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we will now be holding a reduced version at Hi Life Bar and Restaurant, Calle Salvador Dali 20, Via Park 1 This will take place on Monday September 28th starting around 11.00 a.m.

Masks will need to be worn at all times and all sanitation services will be available. Social distancing will need to be maintained and visitor numbers will be monitored to ensure compliance with all safety regulations. Food and Drink plus bathroom facilities will be available inside the bar. We hope to see as many old and new 'friends' as possible and hope you will enjoy your visit

Protecting patients against the coronavirus is essential, but just as important is protecting the medical professionals who care for them. For this reason, Murcian hospitals are now following very strict protocols, set by the Ministry of Health, with no patient able to enter an operating theatre without first having having undergone a PCR test to rule out or confirm contagion.

Mother arrested for abandoning her baby at ATM A 19-year-old girl has been arrested in Lorca accused of abandoning her three-month-old baby at an ATM. National Police were able to locate the 26-year-old father, from documents left with the baby. After then identifying the mother the police then found her wandering the streets in a drunken state. She said that she had left the baby at the cashpoint because the father refused to give her any money. The National Police arrested the mother for the crime of abandonment of a minor and handed the baby over to his father, who will take care of him until a court decision is made.

Prison escapee arrest in Almoradi A47-year-old inmate, of Spanish nationality, has been re-arrested in Almoradí after escaping from Alicante’s Fontcalent prison in early August. He was arrested by the police after threatening a woman at knifepoint and stealing her vehicle. She was able to identify the man and when approached by the police he drove the car straight at them. After a car chase throughout Elche city centre, which left behind damage to several vehicles and a city bus, the police were able to bring the car to a halt in Almoradi and make the arrest.



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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020



Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


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156 traffic cameras installed in Alicante 'Alicante Moves as 156 cameras installed for recognition of license plates in 40 locations *Project 'Alicante Se Mueve: Being Smart' budget of euro 2,942,110.59 “They are not speed control cameras, nor radars, as many people believe” - Cllr of Traffic and Mobility at the Alicante City Council, José Ramón. By Andrew Atkinson The project 'Alicante Moves: Being Smart' has commenced this month, with 156 cameras being installed for the recognition of license plates and traffic regulation, in 40 locations of the city, which will connect circulation in real time to innovate in the management system of traffic in the city. The mayor of Traffic and Mobility of the Alicante City Council, José Ramón González, said: "The cameras are the visible part of a much more technically complex project that will make the city have a management system for the mobility and public transport at the highest technological level and unique in Spain". Answering rumours and calls to the Police about the installation, he said: "They are not speed control cameras, nor radars, such as much people believe". The civil works plan, carried out by the UTE IBERMÁTICA -IMESAPI, foresees that the entire technical infrastructure and installation of the cameras will be carried out for 12 weeks, which will support them to channel the additional fiber to the existing rings of the City Hall, estimated at about 2,200 meters of sidewalk ditch. The Councillor for Mobility, José Ramón González, said: "It will allow a license plate reader system to give analysis to the movements of the vehicles, and a video surveillance, not only for the welfare of the inhabitants and for the quality of the environment, but for aspects as diverse as the support to people with reduced mobility". He added: "They will also be used for the management of the loading and unloading areas, the transport of safe goods around the city, smart parking, emission monitoring, establishment of priorities in emergencies, support for circulation and recharging of electric vehicles, intelligent traffic light management according to congestion, forecasting of incidents and immediate reaction". The project 'Alicante Se Mueve: Being Smart' has a budget of 2,942,110.59 euros, financed 60% by, an entity under the Ministry of Economy and Business, and 40% by Alicante City Council, with co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund, under the motto 'A way to make Europe'. Among the works required to start up the traffic management and video surveillance system, the neces-

sary civil works and occupation of public roads will be required, estimating that this phase will be completed by mid-October. The City Council undertook tests in July, on three types of cameras, as a preliminary step to have in the city the 156 cameras in strategic points of the road network and their accesses, which will generate useful information from sensorization, acquisition and data processing in real time. According to official sources, the technicians have chosen the one that has the best quality and reliability, which is higher than 95%. The mayor of Traffic said: "We are also going to reduce pollution, reduce times in daily traffic, traffic jams, optimisation of itineraries, both for drivers in real time and for municipal services and, mainly for emergency services, and improve public services, such as the management of lighting, waste collection, irrigation, or any other municipal area".

The project was installed at a cost of almost 3m euro

DVLA to cash in on Toon Fans

The City Council explained that at the same time the project is being developed on the basis of a city technological platform adapted to the UNE 178104 standard, which will allow the future integration of systems from other areas of municipal management, in order to use the latest technologies. The project will be able to provide very useful data in the management of the city, which will be able to be used in various economic and academic sectors, providing many benefits for the municipality, its citizens and visitors. The head of Traffic said the execution of 'Alicante Se Mueve' places the city at the forefront of innovation, achieving strategic information through artificial intelligence. "It will create a global system in the city, that allows the use of our roads to be take it to the limit and make the best possible use of its capacity, and improve mobility and sustainability with optimal planning of traffic and travel in Alicante, both for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles". 'Alicante moves', is a project designed and created by the municipal technicians of the Traffic Department, which was selected and was the first with the highest score, among more than 100 proposals, submitted to the smart cities programme of

DVLA Personalised Registrations is hoping to score a hit with its seven-day September sale that got underway online this week, with two of the 1,250 lots being offered having a certain attraction to Newcastle United supporters around the country… Loyal fans of the Premiership club known as the Toon Army may be interested in 700 ON, which has a reserve of £2,200, meanwhile those Newcastle supporters of a certain age could be lured by LOV 111T (£250) in homage to the famed 1996 TV rant by the club’s then manager Kevin Keegan who seethed about his arch rival Sir Alex Ferguson and Manchester United. The sale’s football theme continues with lots AR69 NAL (£400) and XAV 111A (£250) reflecting Arsenal and Aston Villa respectively. The online sale started last Tuesday with the Agency’s vir-

tual hammer falling from 11am tomorrow, September 8. It features lots with reserves ranging from £250 to £2,500. Registration to bid and participate can be made online via Completing the sport theme, cyclists and fans of the Tour de France which got underway last weekend will also be surely interested in CYC 13E (£300) and PEL 470N (£250), reflecting cycle and peloton.



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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020



Spain Health Minister rules out another nationwide lockdown

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


Spanish Health Minister Salvador IIla on Thursday ruled out a second state of alarm in the country owing to the coronavirus pandemic. He also said a perimeter lockdown in Madrid won't be viable despite the alarming increase in Covid-19 cases in the autonomous community. Ilia also said that there has been a sustained increase in infections across regions. The country is struggling to put it’s basic income scheme in place

Brussels expects 1st vaccine for Europe by 2020 end European Commission official said that the vaccine being prepared by pharma company AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford may be ready in November. The EC signed an agreement two weeks ago with AstraZeneca to buy 300 million doses of the vaccine, expandable by another 100 million. Same sources said that they do not expect all vaccines to be effective, but they do expect some to be.

Vallecas in Madrid is the Spanish region worst affected by the pandemic The neighbourhood of Vallecas in Madrid is the region worst affected by the coronavirus pandemic in the whole of Spain. The coronavirus incidence in the region is almost 1000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which is much higher than the Spanish average. According to experts, social gatherings are behind the high rate of contagion in the region. The region reported 2,389 cases in the last two weeks.

Murcia becomes the third region in Spain to delay reopening schools Murcia becomes the third region in Spain to delay the reopening of schools in September after Canary Islands and Asturias. The Spanish government had left it to the regional governments to decide if they wanted to reopen schools on the scheduled dates or postpone it.

Three months after he and his Podemos partners rushed to launch the scheme, in order to fight a spike in poverty due to the coronavirus pandemic, the program has made no progress whatsoever because of the sheer weight of requests. According to a statement issued by the Department of social security on 20 August, 143,000 (19%) of the 750,000 applications which were submitted since 15 June when the government started accepting requests, have been examined, and 80,000 of those have been approved, However, Spain main civil servant’s union, CSIF, say that is nonsense. “Nearly 99 percent of requests have not been processed,” according to union

spokesman, Jose Manuel Molina. “The problem is that they rushed everything, did it without training and there is a huge lack of staff,” he added. “The Social Security Ministry has only really analysed 6,000 applications while 74,000 households that already receive financial aid were awarded the basic income automatically.” When the scheme was launched the government said all it would take is a simple online form, but this is a problem for many low-income families without computers and internet access, especially since the waiting time for an in-person meeting is about two months, according to the CSIF union. The scheme guarantees an income of €462 per month for an adult living alone, while for families, there would be an additional €139 per person, whether adult or child, up to a monthly maximum of €1,015 per home. It is expected to cost state coffers €3 billion a year. out 85,000 PCRs per day, while a month

and a half ago we were at around 40,000", he said. "In a first phase, the outbreaks were closely linked to fruit and vegetable work and meat companies. We saw that a second outbreak was linked to nightlife and we took measures to close it down. Another focus is the family environment, and it is important that the measures we have introduced are respected". The minister insisted that "if things are done as they should be, contagions will be controlled, as has happened in Aragon”, he said. "Rather than introducing new measures, we must respect those that are already underway. If they are well followed, we guarantee that there will be fewer outbreaks. The really important thing is to comply with the measures taken by the CCAA", the minister confirmed, reminding the public of the importance of "following the recommendations of the health authorities."

Franco’s Palace is the property of the State and not for sale The State has won the first battle of the judicial war over the ownership of the Pazo de Meirás, the historic summer residence of the former dictator General Franco. On Wednesday a Court in La Coruña has stated that it fully supports the claim filed by the State Attorney, and orders the Franco family to return the property to the state, without receiving a single euro in compensation for the maintenance costs that they have been paying since 1975.

Bankia and CaixaBank, two of the major banks in Spain, are planning a merger to strengthen themselves in the face of the coronavirus pandemic; the merger, if approved, will have a massive impact on Spain's banking sector. This would mean that the State would go from owing 61.8% of Bankia to 14% of the merged entity whose main shareholder will be Fundacion La Caixa. It is being speculated that the headquarters of the merged entity will be in Valencia since both companies have offices there. Other teams will commute from Barcelona and Madrid. The banks have opted for a merger to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic and to increase profitability.

PM addresses top business leaders of Spain, calls for unity amid pandemic

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Monday attended a public event where he addressed and spoke to the top business leaders in the country like Ana Patricia Both from the Santander banking group or Jose Maria Alvarez Pallete from telecommunications giant Telefbnica. At the event, Sanchez spoke about the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic and called for unity among them.

France 'as committed as UK' to stop Channel crossings, says UK Channel Commander

The case was first taken up in Galicia when it emerged that Franco's family had put the property up for sale for a reported price of €8million. Matters then intensified, when the Spanish government filed a legal claim for the ownership of the palace, arguing that an official sale formally transferring the property into Gen Franco and his wife's names in 1941 had been fraudulent.


Bankia, CaixaBank planning merger to create the largest bank in Spain

Spain Basic Income Scheme facing massive backlog

Despite the pledge made by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s left-wing coalition government, which took office in January, the program to launch a minimum income scheme would seem to be at a dead end because of an ‘avalanche of applications’

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The Franco family have been told that the palace must be returned to the state

On Wednesday, Judge Marta Canales agreed with a report drawn up in 2018 by historical and legal experts and commissioned by the local authority that said the 1941 sale of the palace to Franco was not a genuine contract, and therefore fraudulent.

However the legal case still has a way to run as Franco's descendants say they will appeal against the ruling, part of their democratic right to impartial justice.

The Pazo, therefore, is state-owned, according to the judge, the Xunta de Galicia, the Provincial Council of La Coruña and the city councils of Sada (where the Pazo is located) and La Coruña.

"It is nothing more than a political decision", according to the executor of the Franco estate, Luis Felipe Utrera-Molina, "I expected a ruling based on law and not on a book of antiFranco historians," he said.

France is "just as committed" as the UK to stop migrants crossing the Channel in small boats, said UK Home Office's clandestine Channel threat officer. He said that France had stopped 3,000 people in 2020 in total after it stopped almost 200 people on the same day. However, he said that it's not close to the level he'd like it to be. Over 7,400 migrants have crossed the Channel since Jan 2019.



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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020

Montesinos musician Blue Peter badge snub By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive Los Montesinos based musician Peter Taylor is still awaiting his Blue Peter badge - 50 years after former Blue Peter presenter John Noakes walked out on him during a gig! "I've been in the music industry for a long time," Peter told The Leader. "The one gig that sticks in my mind is when I was working in a big hotel in the seventies when John Noakes (pictured below with Shep) walked in and settled down at a table," said Peter. "Four songs into the gig, the stage - which had been knocked-up with wooden boards - gave way and I nearly fell through a gap!. I quipped 'I think I deserve a Blue Peter badge' - mimicking John Noakes' voice for staying on my feet. "But, John Noakes didn't see the funny side of it - and walked out!," Born in Edinburgh, Peter said: "I loved it as a lad, exciting times, and going to the Palies de Dance on Friday nights. Mad times - a 'jolly up' ". Peter, who left Edinburgh and headed for London, aged 20, in 1964, said: "I served my time as an apprentice electrician and needed to do something else. "I worked as a salesman selling photocopying machines for seven years and became the National sales manager. I changed my life again, when I turned to music and started to play the guitar, and began writing songs, aged 28. "In the seventies I worked alongside Tin Pan Alley and took songs to publishers, having bought sheet music. "I was contracted by EMI to do a song for Liverpool Football Club, at a time when there were no legalities to do such, with no permission needed from the club. The song was recorded and released and sold reasonably well. "I then went into management with XS, a band from Glasgow. I managed to get them a slot at Chrysalis in Oxford Street, to do recordings in the studio. I was working on the production side and we recorded some wonderful songs."

Los Montesinos based musician Peter Taylor

CHS undertake cleaning Orihuela Costa ramblas and riverbeds Grupo Tragsa have been engage by the Orihuela Council through the CHS (Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura) to carry out cleaning and maintenance tasks in the riverbeds of the Río Nacimiento that flow into Campoamor and Río Seco. These works will last approximately two weeks. This work is in addition to that already completed including the clearing and cleaning of the Rambla de Cabo Roig, as well as those tasks that will begin imminently along the course of the Rio Segura. Councillor Dámaso Aparicio said, "We will be working with other administrations to reinforce the preventive actions that are necessary in our municipality."

Peter then moved to Oxford, having gone solo: "I recall a gig where songs were performed for the 'Cocktails' set, and the punters were flowing in, with the 'upper-crust' drinkers. "It all changed when some locals turned up - and they wanted heavy metal to be played, which I obliged. "I was pulled to one side by the manager at the end of the night and told I'd never play there again - as I nearly caused a riot!," laughed Peter. It was while he was in a bar in Oxford that he met a Spaniard from Murcia who was at the University learning English and asked him to play 'Hello Mary Lou', while serving scones and tea. "We became pals. I did a live gig with Pedro de Cie Abarca at the La Puerto Falsa. Pedro's family are lawyers and 200 family and friends attended. I was applauded on to the stage, which was a good feeling," said Peter. Noakes and his wife Vicky moved to Andratx, Majorca in 1982. Noakes who suffered Alzheimer's died in 2017 in Palma, aged 83. Half of his ashes were scattered at a playing field of his former school in Rishworth and half scattered in Majorca.

Council Vetoes collection of signatures objecting to Torrevieja Canine Beach Los Verdes have denounced the Torrevieja PP council who they accuse of censorship in refusing to grant a permit for the setting up of a table on a public road in order to collect signatures objecting to the current situation regarding the town’s Canine Beach. On this occasion they accuse the councillor Federico Alarcón, saying that in denying the operation, he is exceeding his authority. They say that the permit has been denied without any explanation although the petition organiser, Alba Chazarra, insists that the collection of signatures will continue even if he is standing all day without a table, because, “the Popular Party is trying to silence us but we will not give in to their pressure and oppression”.



‘There are good goods in small [GAA] parcels…’ ‘It is not the size of the dog in the fight; but the size of the fight in the dog that counts.’ ‘There are good goods in small parcels’, etc … etc … Life does not dish out all its benefits in equal measure – but is it not remarkable how the playing pitch can be levelled by human effort? I use the metaphor of the ‘level playing pitch’, because this article looks at how some counties deal with overcoming numerical inequality and create a ‘level playing pitch’ for themselves. It’s about numbers, sporting representation and accidents of birth. I was listening to the news the other morning, about the lifting of the lockdown in County Kildare. It was mentioned in passing the Kildare has a population of 250,000. Now isn’t that a big pick to choose a team from in a football mad county? Why then have ‘The Lilly Whites’ not won an All-Ireland in well-nigh a hundred years? Louth is the smallest county in Ireland and has half the population of Kildare. Yet, ‘The Wee County’ won an All-Ireland in 1957 – and only for cynical opposition and dreadful refereeing would have added another ‘provincial’ in 2010. No need to tell any of you, with even a passing interest in sport, that Dublin dominates football for the past decade. With a population of one and a half million, why wouldn’t they, you might ask: But it is worth mentioning (for me anyway!) that in the year of 2004, my own county of Westmeath (P. 88,000) knocked Dublin out of the Leinster championship! Kerry is by far the most successful football county, although it has only half the population of Kildare. I always introduce my friend, Seamus MacGearailt, as ‘the Kerryman with the inferior complex – because he only has two All-Ireland

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


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medals! For good measure, Kerry also won an AllIreland hurling title in 1891. Kilkenny has less than a hundred thousand inhabitants. Babies born in another county may grope for a nipple or a rattler; but the first thing a baby born in ‘The Marble County’ will search for is the handle of a hurley. Kilkenny by far tops the hurling roll of honour; followed by Cork – but Cork has five times the population of Kilkenny. Tipperary ‘The home of Hurling’ (P, 160,000) is a close third. Offaly has to rank as the greatest example of ‘good goods in small parcels’. I am old enough to remember when ‘The Faithful County’ had not won even one provincial championship in either code. But over the past sixty years, Offaly has thrilled themselves and the nation by winning seven All-Ireland titles; four in hurling and three in football. Not bad for a county with a mere 78,000 souls! Monaghan with a population of just over 60,000, punches well above its weight on the football field. No All-Ireland yet, but ‘The Drumlin County’ can boast a national league title to go with its Ulster Championship wins. Galway has the same population as Kildare, but its GAA teams grace the field with flair, determination and much success. For me, the greatest sight in sport is to watch Galway hurlers in full flight. ‘The Tribesmen’ have a combined total of thirteen All-Ireland victories. Mayo ‘God help us!’ again, with half the population of Kildare, is mine and most other fan’s favourite second team. Mayo had a bagful of AllIrelands in the bag – but only closed on three. Roscommon, with a population of just 65,000, has won two All-Ireland titles and have shown on many occasions how to be ‘the size of the fight in the dog.’ Tyrone and Armagh have population bases close to

Garden Felix - Geraniums popular flower in Spain, geraniums can often be found in gardens as bedding plants, or grown indoors and outdoors in hanging baskets.


being classified as evergreens and tender plants,

Easy to grow and colourful, geraniums emit a lovely scent, the striking flowers and shrubs

including pink, white, purple and blue, gera-

thus making them a favourite houseplant. Grown in a range of conditions and in colours, niums have an incredible array of flowers.

the two hundred thousand mark; but it has to be acknowledged that they have made good use of their resources in recent years; as has Donegal, with a few less subs. Sligo, Fermanagh, Carlow and Longford all have serious numerical disadvantages, but this never stops them from being ‘the fight in the dog’ in every year’s championship. If I have failed to mention your county (every county which fields a team is special in some way) please forgive me. You get the ‘jist’ of my point that life isn’t fair on ‘the level playing field.’ I have left the greatest example of the battling dog until last. Leitrim has a population of just over 30,000 proud and hard-working sons of the soil. This number is similar to a fair-sized country town. In 1992 Leitrim won its second Connaught football title. Not only that, but on their journey to the title, they knocked out three giants of the

Requiring a well-drained potting mixture, geraniums do not like to sit in soggy, compact soil. Allow the soil to dry out in between waterings, then water thoroughly. To establish maximum bloom, place the plants in an area where they will get around 4-6 hours of sunlight daily. To encourage blooming, deadhead flowers regularly and to achieve bushiness and avoid legginess, pinch out stems. During active growing months, fertilise every two weeks, using a water-soluble fertilizer at half strength. Don’t fertilise during the winter months. There are many uses for the Geranium. The leaves of scented geraniums, along with all parts of the plant are safe to eat, with leaves and flowers most often used as scents and flavouring. There are also medicinal uses, such as Geranium Essential oil, an anti-inflammatory and anti-septic agent, making it a beneficial ingredient for use in moisturisers that can treat skin ailments, including excessive oil, acne, eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. The lemon geranium releases its smell when touched, and is deemed to work as a mosquito repellent. Citronella leaves crushed and rubbed onto the skin are said to keep mosquitoes at bay, offended by its scent.

province; Galway, Mayo and Roscommon! Let this be the example to one and all as we (hopefully!) head into this year’s championships… DON’T FORGET Sometimes we get so worked up over sport we almost wish it was only a game! *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.



Ministry of Health refuses PCR Tests for Torrevieja teachers

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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020

The General Director of Research and Health Inspection of the Generalitat Valenciana, Javier Santos Burgos, sent an official letter to the council that was only received by the Department of Education and Health hours before the tests were due to take place. The Council has explained in a statement that having consulted with the Council's Legal Department it must abide by the decision in order to ensure that it is not guilty of a crime of disobedience, which

“Back to School” campaign giving away 50 euro vouchers The Councillor for Commerce, Víctor Bernabéu, has outlined details of the "Back to School" campaign organised by la


Orihuela Summer Schools closed

Torrevieja Mayor Eduardo Dolón says he is outraged

On Monday Ramón López, Councilor for Education, brought to a close the municipal summer schools that have been enjoyed by almost 500 boys and girls at four municipal centres, during the summer months,

"The city of Torrevieja does not deserve this treatment and at least I wanted to share my indignation with everyone," says Mayor Eduardo Dolón (PP) in a video. The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón (PP), says he is absolutely outraged by the decision of the Ministry of Health in refusing the city permission to carry out coronavirus seroprevalence tests on the city’s 1,100 schoolteachers which were scheduled to take place on Wednesday at the Municipal Leisure Centre (CMO).

He said that he was very satisfied with the outcome and thanked the "involvement of the supervisors, parents, cleaning services and students that have been especially necessary as a result of the health protocols caused by COVID-19 ".

according to Dolón is "something that, of course it would never do”. He continued, "They have ignored the mayor's office once again. They have not addressed it directly nor have they even made a simple phone call or sent a WhatsApp message", referring to the fact that the communication was made by email to the electronic headquarters. The mayor added that these tests have been widely requested by the educational community and that "they would have helped to guarantee a safer return to school." At the same time, he added that "this refusal is even more flagrant, which goes to show the sectarianism of the Generalitat, because

Asociación de Comerciantes de Orihuela (ACMO), in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, where a total of 500 euros, divided into 10 vouchers of 50 euros, can be won to spend in participating establishments.

at no time was its implementation going to involve any expense to the municipal budget”. Dolón said, "this unfortunate decision certifies that ideology is more important for the Valencian Government than the health of the general public, children, families and teachers in the city of Torrevieja."

There have been 3 courses during the summer held at 4 schools and colleges, CEIP Miguel Hernández, CEIP Villar Palasí, CEIP Fernando de Loaces, CEIP Virgen del Pilar (La Campaneta) and CEIP Playas de Orihuela. Andrés Marín, director of the Summer School, agree that “it had been a challenge, due to the sanitary measures that had to be adopted, but he was still able to undertake the difficult task of developing a summer school that was safe and fun at the same time for those in attendance.

A meeting is to be held on Thursday to discuss the situation following the ministry’s response. Earlier in the week the Orihuela Council intimated that it too was considering carrying out PCR tests on it’s teachers and school staff but, to date, it has had no contact with the Generalitat on the subject.

He explained that "the purpose is to promote small businesses by supporting this type of campaign and to make the" Back to School "more manageable for the involved”. The president of ACMO, Adolfo Valero, said that “this

year, with the situation experienced by Covid-19, it is not viable to carry out activities at street level, so we have decided to allocate the money to prizes of vouchers for the benefit of our members”.

Councillor Ramón López with Andrés Marín, It was a challenge, which has been extremely worthwhile, above all, because of the energy that the boys and girls have conveyed to the entire team”. Ramón López said that "we have achieved the objective of being able to offer families a much-needed service to reconcile family life in this difficult time in which we find ourselves due to COVID-19."


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


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ANSWERS Week 829


Alms (7)


Trite (5)


Meditate (5)


Confiscate (7)


Respectful (11)


Implication (11)


Twist (7)


Splendour (5)


Cram (5)


Acrid (7)

CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 20

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 11. 13. 15. 16. 17. 20.

Evade (5) Rut (6) Pig-pen (3) Frolic (6) Deny (7) Pardon (7) Sermon (7) Community (7) Inform (6) Force (6) Incorrect (5) Place (3)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Manuscript; 7 Ounce; 8 Roister; 10 Simplify; 11 Whim; 13 Impose; 15 Search; 17 Norm; 18 Narcotic; 21 Epithet; 22 April; 23 Coherently. DOWN: 1 Minim; 2 Needless; 3 Strife; 4 Raid; 5 Pitcher; 6 Conscience; 9 Ramshackle; 12 Penchant; 14 Portico; 16 Cattle; 19 Tardy; 20 Shoe. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Malefactor; 7 Allow; 8 Conceal; 10 Sinfully; 11 Fans; 13 Grafts; 15 Pastor; 17 Tory; 18 Rag-dolls; 21 Dinners; 22 Never; 23 Heart's-ease. DOWN: 1 Milan; 2 Lawsuits; 3 Facile; 4 Cans; 5 Overact; 6 Farsighted; 9 Last resort; 12 Gardenia; 14 Arrange; 16 Passes; 19 Levee; 20 Beer.

ACROSS 6. Kind of bridge to knock down (7) 7.

Most disturbed about the opening of educational books (5)


Material produced from underground on return (5)

10. Incompetent but famous (7) 12. Using a filter again for checking (11) 14. Fourth part of the ship? (7-4) 18. Indications of promotion for dissolute priests (7) 19. Gets through the tidal waves (5) 21. Showing lack of experience in one part of the course (5) 22. Authorise general circulation free! (7)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. What percentage of the population of Ireland have red hair? a. 4%, b. 10%, c. 28% 2. In song, who "lives in a very bad part of town"? 3. Cape Agulhas (Cape of Needles) is the southernmost point on which continent? 4. The 12th century Italian Flavio de Gioia is considered by many to be the father of which useful rose? 5. Name the three Oscar winning films with a city in the title. 6. Which famous hill is named after Prince Carlo III? 7. Which impeccably dressed gentleman drove a 1926 4.5 litre Bentley in a popular TV series? 8. The following lyrics are from songs with 'S-T-A-R' somewhere in the title. Can you name the song? a. Ye cannae change the laws of physics, laws of physics, b. Jamming good with weird and gilly, c. Keeps a ten bob note up his nose, d. Gliddy glub gloopy nibby nabby noopy. 9. In most Arab countries Homer Simpson's first name is what? 10. The dockyards in which city were the largest industrial complex in the world for much of the 19th century? 11. Which little song ditty ends with the words "Cyril Connelly"?

DOWN 1. Uncontaminated eastern fruit concentrate (5) 2. Don't work to find oil (6) 3 and 20Dn. Poetry provides the lad with clear profit (6) 4. Portuguese in a different territory (6) 5. Refuse to become senile (7) 8. Not away from a sign directing hospital visitors (7) 11. More inclined to be one who soaks (7) 13. The leader of the mine-workers speaks - almost inaudibly (7) 15. Exerted control and ruled, we hear (6) 16. About the end of the game, the mob shouted triumphantly (6) 17. The French tree having a dog attached to it! (5) 20. See 3 Down.

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) 12. Charlie Chaplin shared his cabin with Arthur Jefferson on his first Atlantic crossing in 1910. Who was Arthur Jefferson? 13. Thomas Tompion (1637-1713), John Arnold (1736-1799), AbrahamLouis Breguet (1747-1823) and Ferdinand-Adolf Lange (1815-1875) were all world famous makers of what? 14. Can you name the three original members of The Supremes? 15. Which controversial actor played all of the following historical figures in film? Fletcher Christian, George Armstrong Custer and Gentleman Jim Corbett 16. The largest wine cask in the world, found in Schloss Heidelberg, holds how many litres? a. 2,200 b. 22,000 or c. 220,000 17. xn + yn = zn is associated with which famous French mathematician? 18. Which expression is associated with the fate of the HMS Birkenhead? 19. The so called Ararat anomaly appears in certain photographs. What is it that can apparently be seen in these photos? 20. Hamilton has become one of the biggest musical theatre shows of all time since it debuted in 2015, but what is the name of the acclaimed star who wrote it?



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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


Patron Saint Festivities cancelled in Pilar de la Horadada

The Twisting of Words

“Currently the BBC seems intent on promoting the views of minority groups.” Percy Chattey

The twisting of words, over a long period, changes what was an old British worded song, Rule Britannia, into something foul and forbidden but the history of it is quite different. Of course, if history is not being taught then the old English wording is not easy to understand. The song in itself, in my opinion, is nothing more than an upbeat message to the English speaking people not to be afraid of foreign tyrants, whose wish at that time, in 1740, was to invade the British Isles, hence the wording, in current phrasing, stating that the people will never bow to oppression. It is worth remembering that in that period and earlier, when the poem the song is taken from, Great Britain, similar to other nations on the continent of Europe, was expanding its influence beyond its own shores into other countries and overseas territories, so the action of the British people at that time was not unique. And so, it has been, the invasion of one sort or another from before the eighteen hundreds and the beginning of time, up to the present period. The world is swamped with buildings and artefacts of the past, including the remains in Brittany in France of the German Fortresses when they enslaved and controlled Europe less than one hundred years ago. That brings me very nicely to an organisation that tried to ban the song ‘Rule Britannia’ from ‘The Last Night of the Proms’. The British Broadcasting Corporation or BBC formed in October 1922 and first broadcast in November of that year. The very name would suggest

its sphere of interest would be the promotion of the British Isles and advancing the way of life consisting of the four countries of the realm. The BBC was granted a Royal Charter in 1926 and it is renewed on a regular basis, the last time 2017. It guarantees the independence of the Corporation and that it is totally free from the influence of Government. My wording as the detail is more complex. Which really means they can do as they like. And they do. Depending on the views of the people controlling it. Currently the BBC seems intent on promoting the views of minority groups, of course their opinions are important in the scheme of things, but shouldn’t a story explain the opposite interpretations of a subject that is being reported.

The downgrading of positive news by TV, Radio and the mainstream newspapers is sad. Negative reporting is misleading and wrong it also does not help the country to pull through this devastating period affecting the United Kingdom and elsewhere on the Continent. It creates an adverse attitude, sadness and depression summed up by a report of a top Police Officer remarking on the penalties of the ‘New Rave Laws’ in the UK where heavy fines of those partaking will be imposed. It is reported he said, ‘that it was not possible for his men to break them up (the raves) as they would have bottles thrown at them’.

The Pilar de la Horadada Council has cancelled the celebration of the Patron Saint Festivities that are traditionally celebrated during the month of October in the town. The sanitary measures imposed to prevent the spread of Covid-19, as well as the uncertainty in the face of new outbreaks, make it impossible to hold the events that revolve around the festival of Our Patron Saint the Holy Virgin of Pilar. The decision has already been made known to the clubs and groups that usually participate in the activities. It was formally announced in the plenary session held last Friday.


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020

CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and

Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th September, but please check beforehand. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information please QUESADA LADIES CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Quesada Ladies Club

will be held at the Cooper’s Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada, on Tuesday 15th September 2020. This is for members only, and they will be admitted at the usual time of 2.30pm. This will take place only if the Covid19 allows us to. Keep watching our Facebook page for more information, Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join

our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or welfare on 615 048 892. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of


all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare

CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597..

WATCH OUT, THERE ARE THIEVES ABOUT! Female and accomplice in dark VW car active in Quesada and Los Montesinos

637 227 385

Burglaries in Quesada, Cabo Roig and Los Montesinos By Andrew Atkinson


International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708

Miguel. And in Quesada a female and accomplice - in a VW were photographed by a member of the public, that has been passed to police for investigations. In a separate incident a house was burgled in Los Montesinos during the early hours of the morning, while the occupants slept.

Burglaries have been reported in Quesada, Cabo Roig and Los Montesinos in recent days – thefts that appear to have been carried out by the same robbers. A property in Los Montesinos was targeted, with the theft of a handbag by a female, who entered the garden area and passed it to an accomplice waiting in a dark VW car.

A male has also been seen walking the streets in a suspicious manner, with a walkie-talkie, while eyeing premises. Further incidents have been witnessed, reporting a female attempting to open gates in the vicinity. A lady whose gate was locked said a female attempted

The woman had been seen walking the streets on the la Herrada urbanisation and looking into a plethora of gardens.

to open it and told The Leader she was worried that

It has been reported a female of a similar description also attempted to steal a handbag at a restaurant in San

details are available on the relevant local Policia web-

they might be looking to steal her dog. In case of an emergency call the police on 112. Further sites.



637 227 385

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


Complaints about the collapse of health centres continue to grow P

rimary Care staff admit that they are overwhelmed as they report a lack of resources and investment

We do not have the time to do more than we do. If a patient calls and the phone is not answered, it is because someone else is being treated. We cannot do any more. Good management of Primary Care would certainly appear to be lacking in many areas, but above all the staff claim there is a lack of resources and investment, despite the fact that medical centres are the first line of defence, in helping to avoid the overloading of hospitals due to the coronavirus.

from users who are fed up with the situation.

telephone which usually goes unanswered.

One complainant said that he had to "argue with a receptionist" so that he could have a PCR test carried out after having been in contact with a person who had tested positive for coronavirus even though he was living with a person at risk.

The president of the Valencian Society of Family and Community Medicine (Sovamfic), María Ángeles Medina, and the Medical Union have already denounced the situation that is being experienced in health centres with many doctors forced to treat up to 60 patients a day, combining it with their role as covid-19 trackers and with the rest of their bureaucratic tasks. The maximum number each doctor should be expected to treat is 30 patients she says.

Those who are mainly affected are the elderly, many who are unfamiliar with the operation of computer systems as a way of contacting their health centre and who have to resort to using a

"The few additional staff that have been provided by the Ministry are doctors without specialty or experience," Medina states. "And even with them we estimate that the province still needs at least 20 percent more health professionals," she lamented. "We must also add that a third of the workforce is on summer holiday and that the plan to cover those holiday periods has failed," adds the Alicante doctor. She said that as a result “patient care continues to suffer.”

The person making the claim is a doctor from a health centre in Alicante who admits that they are overwhelmed, and not only in the provincial capital, but also in Elche where there is a very similar situation, particularly during the morning. The doctor also states he foresees that the situation "will get worse during the autumn months" because the return to normalcy brought by the illnesses typical of colder months will increase the need for health care. Users continue to complain that they call and call but they are unable to make contact with their centres and that they have no alternative other than to go to their clinic where they find long queues, often in bright sunshine.

At the Cabo Roig centre queues can be avoided by reporting as the doors open.

This newspaper has received numerous complaints

Lockdown in Benigamin after 51 test positive for Coronavirus Quote: 'I urge residents to stay home and follow the rules, while the outbreak is brought under control' - Amparo Canals, Mayor of Benigamin By Andrew Atkinson Health authorities in Valencia have imposed a lockdown on residents in Benigamin - after 51 people tested positive for coronavirus on August 30. Following the rise in coronavirus cases, lockdown restrictions include closure of bars and restaurants, imposed for a period of 14 days, beginning August 31. Benigamin, which has less than 6,000 residents, with 51 people testing positive, sees a cumulative incidence surge from 34.24 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, to 994.46 cases per 100,000 within a week. "The increase in cases in the last seven days shows a significant spread of the virus in Benigamin and indicates a sustained community transmission. “This is why it is necessary to adopt these temporary measures, with the aim of stopping and mitigating the risk of contagion. “It’s a difficult decision, but necessary," said Ana Barceló, Valencia’s Regional Health Minister. "I urge residents to stay home and follow the rules, while the outbreak is brought under control," said Amparo Canals, the Mayor of Benigamin. Residents are in lockdown - and can only visit supermarkets and chemists - or leave municipal limits of the town, with exceptions including; returning to place of residence, visiting the doctor, going

to work, or taking care of elderly or dependents. The start of schools and nurseries will be delayed, until after the confinement period, and all social centres, including day centres and sports clubs, are suspended. Weddings, baptisms and communions are suspended and Funerals limited to 15 people outdoors, and 10 people within a closed space. Following a successful appeal to the courts which overturned the ‘lockdown’ Health Minister Ana Barcelo issued a new resolution reintroducing the measures by order of the Generalitat. She said “It is important that this measure be adopted in the municipality to prevent the spread of the virus and to safeguard the health of its residents.”

Controlling traffic on the outskirts of the town


LOCAL NEWSBITES Benidorm Poppy Launch in doubt The launch of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal in Benidorm is always a spectacular affair. Held on the Levante Beach promenade in late October and supported by the city mayor and his council, the event is always attended many hundreds of members and spectators. This year, however, in view of the current COVID-19 pandemic, there are doubts as to whether it will go ahead and it is only recently that the Benidorm Council have started to address the matter. The Vice Chairman of RBL District North, Nick Keen, has said that he is in regular contact with the Ayuntamiento but is still waiting for their response. At the moment he suggests that the odds of running the event are no better than 50/50!

New Vehicles for San Fulgencio Local Police The San Fulgencio Council has incorporated three new vehicles to the mobile fleet of its Local Police force. These are three all-road vehicles that have been adapted to police functions with the aim of improving security in the municipality Security councillor, José Sampere, said the incorporation of the vehicles "is because of the need to change the current fleet of aging vehicles, so that our officers have a more efficient and safe means of transport for the performance of their work."

Torrevieja introduces pedestrian crossings for people with Autism The first pedestrian crossings bearing pictograms are being created introduced in areas surrounding schools, to later be extended to the entire municipality of Torrevieja The crossings are as a result of an agreement signed with the TEAVIAL Association (Education and security vial for all diversity). Ricardo Recuero said that these crossings with pictograms are part of the city project that aims to make Torrevieja more accessible and friendly for everyone. The crosswalks will have several pictograms coloured blue, a colour that symbolizes autism, above the white bands, and that will allow people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to understand the basic traffic rules with which they are required to comply such as STOP, LOOK, CAR STOPPED OR CROSS, and it is about making them alert so they know that they have to look both ways to check that no cars are coming or that they are stopped.

Orihuela Council postpones DANA tribute The Orihuela City Council has postponed an act of tribute that it had planned to carry out next Saturday, September 12, on the occasion of the first anniversary of DANA. The councillor for emergencies, Víctor Valverde. Said that the event has been put on hold as a preventative measure, purely as a result of the current situation due to COVID-19, adding that once the situation against COVID-19 stabilises, “we will look for another suitable date on which we can commemorate the occasion with members of the public and with the different security and emergency bodies that were involved in the emergency.”

August ends with 351 more people unemployed in the Vega Baja The sector in which more employment has been destroyed is in Construction and the cities in which unemployment has risen the most are in Orihuela and Pilar de la Horadada The month of August has closed with disappointing employment data in the Vega Baja with the number of unemployed in the region increasing by 351 people compared to the previous month, taking the global figure to 31,993. Topping the list are Orihuela and Pilar de la Horadada, both municipalities with 109 more unemployed, followed by Torrevieja, with 85 more unemployed. By sector, unemployment has increased in all areas apart from Agriculture.

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020

Torrevieja Information Campaign brought to a successful end


637 227 385


The aim of the Summer Campaign was to promote local commerce

More than 30,000 inquiries have been made in the five information tents located on the beaches, where 500 umbrellas were distributed to bathers as a gift. Last weekend brought an end to the Commercial and Tourist Information and Incentive Campaign which has been held by the council and the small business association during July and August. The campaign saw the placement of informational tents on the four most important beaches of Torrevieja, La Mata (Plaza del Embarcadero and another point in front of the Vela Beach Restaurant), Los Locos, El Cura and Los Náufragos. These points were attended by specialised personnel, who via different QR codes, have updated more than 30,000 visitors about everything related to commerce, hospitality, tourism, cultural activity and sports in the municipality. In addition, during four alternate weekends, 500 umbrellas with the logos of the Department of Commerce, APYMECO and the slogan "Ganas de ti" have been placed on the beaches, which bathers were able to remove at the end of the day. There was also a photographic contest which was widely supported. A complementary Social Media plan was also carried out and the

tourist image of the city was also improved with the renewal of vinyl in the main billboards around the town. The aim of the Summer Campaign was to encourage local commerce, after the disruption caused by COVID-19, making visitors aware of the city, in addition to bit being safe, and where each client is unique and special. The Councillor for Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism of the Torrevieja City Council, Rosario Martínez Cazarra and the president of APYMECO, Jorge Almarcha, said they were both delighted at the success of the campaign and the support shown by bathers and tourists.



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Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


Lo Crispin Golf Society at Alenda Golf Twenty six members teed it up at Alenda Golf course to compete for the Society's Summer Cup. Although thankfully the blistering heat of August had passed, it was still warm enough to give the members another factor to manage. Many of the fairways appeared scorched, following the baking summer temperatures and many of the greens had a 'pock marked' appearance. Despite this most members appeared to enjoy the day. After the game, we returned as usual to Lo Crispin Tavern where Tapas was enjoyed and the day's prizes and Summer Cup presented to the winner. N. T. P on Par 3s. Hole 3 - Scott Blair, Hole 5 - Andy Quinn, Hole 13 - Dean Astley, Hole 16 - Eddy Scott

Carter 30pts off 28 (on count back) 2nd. Place - Mark Good - 30pts off 16, 3rd. Place Bill Croft - 27 pts off 19 (on count back) 4th. Place - Mike Ellson - 27pts off 27 The Free Game Draw was won by Barney Barningham (again!)

Mike Ellson was the only winner of the 2's pot, which included a 'roll over' from the last game.

Our next game, an Individual Stableford is on 16th. September at Mar Menor, where the Society has not played previously.

1st. Place and winner of the Summer Cup - Paul

Steve Harrington.

Frankie Dettori bows to Enable after winning at Kempton Park.

Las Ramblas Golf Society

Tidal Racer completes 586,238 11-horse winning accumulator

Fancy Man (15-8), Top Rank (11-2), Favourite Moon (9-4) and Dream of Dreams (5-2) completed a 212-1 accumulator at Haydock Park. Each-way selection Cape Coast (17-2) ran fifth, with Skybet paying five places.

Results for w/c 31.8.20

Fancy Man (15-8), Top Rank (11-2), Favourite Moon (9-4) and Dream of Dreams (5-2) 212-1 accumulator at Haydock Park - By Andrew Atkinson

The four winning selections at Haydock Park returned a £538 Yankee bet, and £554 on a Lucky 15.

Monday’s ‘President’s Challenge’ was an unusual (and I have to say not a popular choice) of format. Played in teams of 4 it was all to count on the par 4’s with the best 2 scores on the par 3’s and par 5’s. Winning with 112 points (6 off the record) were Terry Field, Marleen Billen, Mike Brentnall and Dave Pulling. Behind them, on 99, were Graham Murray, Paul Brown, Pete Dunn and Ron Luffman. Have to say these teams are becoming very predictable with the buggy sharing! Wednesday saw round one (best two out of three to count) medal rounds. With a nett 69 it was Joyce McClusky going into an early lead followed by Lindsay Forbes on 70 and Marleen Billen on 71. There were four 2’s today with Dave Pulling, Lindsay Forbes, Mark Western and Terry Field adding a few more euros to their piggybanks. Friday and it was the best 2 scores from 4 to count

Jockey William Cox rode Tidal Racer to victory at Wolverhampton on Saturday night to complete a 586,238 11-horse winning accumulator!

on each hole but with all taken into account on the par 3’s. Ken & Liz Robertson together with Mark Western and Pete Dunn took the honours with 103 points. Thanks once again this week to Mike Mahoney and his recently published ‘Golf Instruction Book’. In particular the chapter on ‘How to hit a Scrixon from the rough when you just hit a Titleist from the tee’ proved invaluable. Pues hasta la semana que viene, Peter Reffell

Trained by Clive Cox, Tidal Racer (5-1) gained a neck photo-finish verdict ahead of Andrew Balding trained Berkshire Philly in the Download The At The Races App Handicap at the Midlands track.

Carp-R-Us Angling Carp-R-Us finally started its Autumn Series of matches this week on the Eden stretch of the River Segura. The weather was very pleasant but with no flow on the river and levels down a foot or more, a hard match was expected. The winning

The 586,238 11-horse accumulator included: Fancy Man (15-8), Love Is You (3-1), Zoffarelli (10-3), Top Rank (11-2), Favourite Moon (9-4), Dreamloper (9-2), Enable (1-14), Dream of Dreams (5-2), Hooper (5-4), Galata Bridge (evens) and Tidal Racer (5-1). Each-way selections Anna Of Lorraine (11-1), Bird To Love (17-2), Golden Horde (11-2) and Atlantic Storm (5-1) were all placed. weights came from two of the favoured pegs, with Steve Collins on peg 17 just pipping Dave Sutton on peg 16. Steve had 4.62kg on pole and corn with Dave using feeder and pellet for 4.10kg. Third was Geoff Tempest With 2.20kg from peg 7 and fourth was Jackie Breslin with 1.75kg from peg 1.


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020

Ex-champ Hendry excited to return to World Snooker tour

Hendry's total of seven World Championship titles during 1990-1999, is unmatched in snooker's modern era. Ronnie O'Sullivan is the only player to have won more ranking titles in the wake of win-

Sunday 30th saw John's 1st fun game on the new carpet, and it was great to see the green full of bowlers in their whites. This was won by John Rae and Jean Perchard, and a great time was had by all. This week also gives us the opportunity to say Goodbye and Good luck to ex Bowlers, Chris & Joan Green who go back due to ill health, we really wish them well. In the past Chris was a very active bowler and committee member, brought down by Kidney Failure. Secondly Hilary and Arthur Cronk have sold to go back to Rickmansworth, and will be sadly missed, Hilary was also a past committee member, hopefully they will keep in touch with their many friends in Spain. We wish them both Good Luck and Good Health. ning his 37th at the World Championship at the Crucible in August. "I am thrilled that Stephen has decided to return to the tour," said World Snooker Tour chairman Barry Hearn. "He is a giant of the sport and I know that all eyes will be on him every time he takes to the table in the coming months. "It's great to know that Stephen's competitive

fires are still burning and given his extraordinary achievements, it was a no-brainer to offer him the opportunity to come back."

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

visitors. In a very friendly game, the legionnaires were able to take full use of home advantage, registering a hard fought 6-3 victory. I’m sure next week's return game will once again be played in the same great spirit, between two very cordial teams. With 3

Dave O'Sullivan has asked me to remind you that our monthly winter quiz will restart on Monday 28th Sept. This year however tables will be strictly limited to 4 per table (or less).

Hendry, eligible to play on the World Snooker Tour at the European Masters, scheduled for September 21-27, said: "I've always missed the buzz of competing.

Lastly nothing to do with bowling But Kim Mabley one of our regular early morning swimmers completed a sponsored swim for Elche Children's home and our members managed to full up 2 pages of sponsorship, she raised over 500€. Thank you all on her behalf.

"Although I have no expectations in terms of performance, this felt like a good time to explore getting back to the table."

Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club

TRBL Legionnaires Petanca team The TRBL Legionnaires Petanca team were very pleased to have as their first warm up game, when Peacocks Marineros were the


More a social report than bowling this week, but that’s fine because socializing is an important part of the game.

Seven-time world snooker champion Stephen Hendry is to come out of retirement after receiving an invitational tour card to play on the World Snooker Tour for the next two seasons.

Hendry, winner of 36 ranking titles during his 27-year career, has received an invitational tour card alongside Jimmy White, Ken Doherty and James Wattana.

637 227 385

La Marina Bowls Club by Dave Hadaway

Hendry is going back onto the tour at the age of 51.

By Andrew Atkinson

"I'm excited to have the opportunity to enter some tournaments over the coming two seasons," said Hendry, 51, who retired in 2012.


by Alan Budd

pistes to play on, and another 3 under construction, the Legionnaires would welcome any players wanting to join the newest team in the area. They meet every Wednesday & Sunday, 10am for 10:30 start, at Casa Ventura San Luis, which is a great place to play.

CHICKEN RUN - Sunday 30th August Twenty four members played in the August chicken run as we still have to play within the present restrictions. Hopefully the September chicken run will be back to normal. This month we had to have a play off as two teams finished with 16 points. The eventually winners of the chickens were Neil Crawford, Phil Goble and Graham Smythe (above). Lorraine Roberts, Lynne Armitage and Chris Harding won the eggs. Thanks to Lynne Armitage and Sheila Roberts who donated the chickens and Julia and Ian Hamilton who donated the eggs. FOOTBALL CARD Dave Yarrow was the winner of the football card with Newcastle.

The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos Close to Dial Prix Supermarket TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. a. 10%, 2. Sloopy. Hang on Sloopy (The McCoys), 3. Africa, 4. The windrose on a compass. 5. Chicago, An American in Paris, Casablanca. 6. Monte Carlo. 7. John Steed in The Avengers. 8. a. Star Trekkin (The Firm), b. Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie), c. Mean Mr. MuSTARd (Beatles), d. Good Morning Starshine (Oliver). 9.

Omar (Omar Shamshoon). 10. Portsmouth England. 11. Eric the half a bee. 12. Stan Laurel. 13. Clocks and watches. 14. Diana Ross, Mary Wilson and Florence Ballard. 15. Errol Flynn. 16. c. 220,000 litres. 17. Pierre de Fermat. 18. 'Women and children first'. 19. The remains of Noah's Ark. 20. American composer, lyricist, actor, singer, rapper, producer, and playwright, Lin-Manuel Miranda



637 227 385

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


At Hainault Golf Club – the ‘busiest course in Europe’ – players had to sleep in their cars to claim the first slots at dawn. I can see it happening again!” There's a silver lining to every cloud. RORY McILROY is soon to be a proud father. There'll be no chance of his oversleeping and missing his tee time from now on then. THE AFTERNOON FOUR-BALL pairing of Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer in the 1971 Ryder Cup at Old Warson Golf Club, St. Louis. After completing the first nine holes in 30 strokes the they found themselves down to Peter Townsend and Harry Bannerman. Six birdies in the first seven holes should have meant at least a four-hole lead to Britain but Nicklaus chipped from the rough to within a few inches on the fourteenth to level the match, then drained a sixteenfooter on the last for his birdie. Peter and Harry went round in 65, but the Dream Team answered with a 64 to win 1-up. Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer in the 1971 Ryder Cup

Fortescue, who swindled the owner out of the land. In the Civil War at the height of the battle of Edgehill this charming chap decided to change sides from the Parliamentarians to the Cavaliers, but forgot to tell his men to remove their orange sashes so seventeen of them were slain by his new side. The next owner of the castle, Dr. Alexander Colville, was reputed to be an alchemist who sold his soul to the devil for gold. His footsteps are heard patrolling the battlements and a light flickers around the park as he searches for his treasure, lost for 300 years. Nothing like a few juicy tales to get the visitors in. Unfortunately, there won't be any spectators this year thanks to Covid. Players who miss the cut can always amuse themselves on the Himalayan Pitch and Putt. Or they might fancy the Woodland Fairy Trail. (Got to be Inclusive!) THIS MARCH all golf clubs in the UK were closed, and after a soggy winter the timing couldn't have been worse. But now, with restrictions eased and courses reopened, they are cautiously optimistic.

WHEN RORY SLICED THE BALL on the par three 3rd at Harding Park one of the on-course reporters helping in the search accidentally trod on it. Rory was advised where he could drop his ball but he thought the lie was too good, and placed it deeper into the rough. “Golf is a game of integrity, and I never try to get away with anything out there.” he said. “As golfers that’s just what we believe.” Well, some do. Unfortunately, not all, and two of the most respected rules officials on the European Tour will be sadly missed when John Paramor and Andy McFee retire In October. In today's “win at all costs” world Patrick Reed and Bryson DeChambeau will probably rejoice when these two incorruptibles are no longer on the course, and rulings like Tiger's 'loose impediment' at the 1999 Phoenix Open will be more frequent. Remembering the 'burrowing rodent' decision at the 1994 Volvo Masters I have a pretty good idea what Seve would write on John's 'Happy Retirement” card.

With other leisure activities still limited some clubs are signing up more than 100 new members a week, and for the first time in about 25 years demand could outstrip supply. THE DUBAI DUTY FREE N. Irish Open on 24th September will be hosted by Galgorm Castle Golf Club, a Championship course which nestles in mature parkland in Ballymena, County Antrim. The purse will be €1.25m, well down on last year's €7m so it won't be a Rolex Series event (Jon Rahm will definitely complain about his paltry share if he wins again this year.) The Jacobean Galgorm castle was built in 1618 by Sir Faithful

More than 2.3 million tee times were booked in England the first week courses reopened. Epping Golf course owner Neil Sjoberg says: “I remember in the 1970s when Chingford Golf Club recorded 86,000 rounds of golf in one year.

GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps

courses between the end of August and end of September BUT as you can guess the covid-19 virus has changed the picture this year and all local courses have either extended the Summer deals in to the following month or moved into a medium season period rather than the usual high season prices to reflect the fact that due to 14 day quarantine periods and airline flight cancellations there are very few tourist golfers visiting the area.

Golf Course Pricing Strategies

Unfortunately for some resident golfers these actions are un-realistically considered insufficient and they are looking to play golf for €35-€40 including a shared buggy and this is just not possible.

During a NORMAL year local golf courses apply a seasonal pricing strategy with low season prices in the Summer and Winter months and high season prices in the Spring and Autumn months.

Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

courses will again either need to lay off staff or pay their wages and just how do golfers expect them to do that by selling golf a give away prices? All the courses have seriously high operating costs (e.g. water costs are circa €500k per annum) and they have to at least cover their operating costs just to survive. My message to resident golfer is to be realistic with your pricing expectations and put yourselves in the position of the courses at this time before criticising their pricing strategy.

All local courses were closed from 13/03/20 until 11/05/20 without income and some opened late and some are still not open and nearly all have staff on ERTE (Furlough) which will end shortly and so the

I am sure the next few months will be difficult for everyone involved and I doubt that the local golfing industry will be the same again but lets all hope we are all here healthy and safe if a little poorer for the experience...

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing

Don Cayo (Altea)


Single Green Fee + buggy

Las Pinaillas

readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for

El Plantio


Two Green Fees and buggy



Two Green Fees and buggy

a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access

El Valle


Sgl Green Fee

Lo Romero


Two Green Fees and buggy

to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us:

Font Del Llop


Two Green Fees and buggy

Mar Menor


Single Green Fee

The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID-

Hacienda Del Alamo €35

Single Green Fee

New Sierra Golf


Two Green Fees & buggy

Hacienda Riquelme €118

Two Green Fees and buggy

Puig Campana


Two Green Fees & buggy

La Galiana


Sgl Green Fee



Two Green Fees & buggy (after 3,30pm)

La Manga West


Sgl Green Fee



Single Green Fee

Two Green Fees & buggy



Two Green Fees & buggy



Two Green Fees and buggy from 2pm

Usually the low season summer prices end across the local golf

19 PRICES currently available to you:


Green Fee (incl single buggy)




La Marquesa




Two Green Fees & buggy

La Sella


Sgl Green Fee



Two Green Fees & buggy

La Serena


Two Green Fees & buggy



Two Green Fees & buggy

La Torre


Two Green Fees and buggy

For Bookings and info Mike at



Two Green Fees & buggy

Las Colinas


Green Fee after 2pm

quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020

637 227 385

LEADER Introducing our new sponsors ADVERTISING HOTLINE

Replacing long term sponsors was never going to be easy, but fortunately the popular Thursday league enjoyed a choice, the committee opting for “One Way Services " the legal team with a main office in Quesada.

A Maiden Over for Tipsy Toppers Pair

Lee Maiden and Andy Gildea

A second office, run by wife Jayne, sits within the Vistabella region. Jayne eventually persuading Matt to tie the knot after a number of years, 6 year old Harry completing the Smiths back up team.

With an abundance of good players on show in both Ladies and Mens categories, the Covid 19 interrupted pairs finals were concluded at spacious Hi Life venue.

Originally from Epsom Surrey, the family determined Spain was their home some 28 years ago, with Matt an 8 year old stripling. Now, fluent in Spanish, French and Russian, his time at university earned him a degree in Law and Philology, the science of language ( for anyone confused ).

The players didn't quite produce the darts expected, probably due to the enforced mask wearing, nevertheless Chelsea Campbell (Milos) with Yvonne Roufignac (Trinity Pirates) and Andy Gildea partnering Lee Maiden (Tipsy Toad Toppers) were triumphant in difficult present day circumstances.

Matt is also the Vice President of the Spanish Darts Federation, promoting the sport internationally, nationally and locally. A keen, useful player himself, (a 15 dart 501 well within his means) business permitting, we will see him on the oche during the coming months.

The best of 5, 601 format kicked off with Phil de Lacy / Sid Cross challenging Vycka Bobinas / Ginge Lewis, de Lacy opening the Toppers account on S19, D10, Lewis replying for El Capitan on D9. A D8 gave the Caps a 2-1 advantage despite some heavy scoring from Cross. A lone 140 from Cross in the fourth was countered by Bobinas closing on S18, S16, D20, for 3-1. The Gildea / Maiden combo faced John Crabbe and Steve Monk Dalton ( Hi Life Legends ) in the second semi. Crabbe nipped in for the first on D9, followed by a 129 and D8 for 2-0. Maiden was unlucky not to level hitting a

Darts apart, Matt has crewed 44 foot racing yachts in the Med until recently, now preferring more sedate travel with wife Jayne. Surprisingly his food first choice is a good old East End pie, mash and liquor washed down with a Cola or the occasional Bud.

D6 last dart instead of D13. He did however make amends finishing the next three on D16, D20,D8 for 3-2. Maiden was outstanding, Gildea eventually coming to life in the 4th and 5th.

Gildea was the main man in the 4th, con-

The final was much livelier, Gildea showboating on D20,D6, to open, Lewis taking the 2nd on a 90 out, followed by a 140 and D1 for 2-1.

prediction difficult, it was however Maiden

Truth be known, in the Ladies Semi’s, the writing was on the wall for who would make the finals when Gail Murray and Bliss Wright from CC's Flyers were drawn to play Winnie McKay and Sue Collins from Chemies Chicks.

Pat Schofield and Wendy Hayward from Tipsy Toad Tiaras are no strangers to the stage where it comes to ladies' pairs semi-

with S20, T16,D8.

who took the glory on D4 for the championship.

In the Ladies Finals Bliss won nearest the bull and took the first leg on D4 in what was a very nervy start for both pairs. Gail Murray came good (81,100,72) for CC's but despite a nasty dog bite to the wrist this week, Pirate Roofie put her bandaged wrist to good use, equalising in the 2nd leg with D20 (her 2nd of the night). Chelsea and Yvonne finals. Having won the title twice in the recent past. they were ready to face their opponents, with experience on their side. Unfortunately for them, their opponents were the mighty Yvonne 'Roofie' Rouffignac (Trinity Pirates) and new girl on the block, Chelsea Campbell (Milo's). Both players are the only ladies on what are

The wide ranging legal expertise offered by One Way Services, will often mean one stop shopping for most, many of us requiring advice and direction, in the current changing political and economic environment. Matt, Craig or Jayne are there to answer your calls or e mails, just mention you are a “One Way Services" card holder.

Consistent scoring from both sides, made a

The latter pair did get close to taking a leg or two but Yvonne and 'The Chelsea Dagger' took the first 3 legs on the trot, to face their Tuesday Ladies League, Gap Girlz teammates in the final.

The latter pair just love a fun night of darts with a few bevvies whereas fist-bumping Gail and Bliss play with a determination to win, and usually do.

Their valiant effort in the 4th was not enough to draw even and the Chicks departed with a smile, a wave, and a vodka apiece - but no place in the finals.

tributing 100,140, his partner making it 2-2

otherwise all-male teams, which speaks for their calibre and capabilities. Their darts did the talking for them in the semi's, clocking up 12 x 60+ scores to Pat and Wendy's 8.

Ladies Final an ‘All Tuesday’ affair

Bliss showed expertise and accuracy in high scores (140, 100, 106) and quick finishing D12, D9 whilst teammate Gail was the steady as you go, consistent scorer in the plus 70's range, also providing a D12. Winnie and Sue were no pushovers though and took a leg off the CC's girls with some steady scoring from both and a nifty D20 from Winnie in the 3rd leg.

Managing director and solicitor Matt Smith set up the business 12 years ago, specialising in all things that migrants need to reside in Spain, plus much, much more, an absolute boon to the 200+ players in the league including their friends and families.

Not liking to be outdone, teammate Chelsea got her fair share of the action in the 3rd leg with 4 good scores and a D8 closure in a leg that saw a 4th ton+ for Bliss. A final flounder for D1 (Yvonne) in the last leg saw the Milo's/Pirate pair the victors. Gail, Bliss, Yvonne and Chelsea have all signed on for separate teams for the coming Thursday league season, but heaven help the Torrevieja Ladies league with these 4 all on one team!

One Way Services (OWS) will be supported this term by S.S.D. the tiling and maintenance contractors run by Shane Denness, the of El Capitan fame, the current league champions. Shane set up the business 6 years ago after arriving in Spain from the lsle of Wight where he enjoyed a 30 year residency, earlier coming into the world from Robin Hood country, Nottingham. Married to Marion or Maz as they both prefer, Shane has 3 adult children, 2 boys and a girl. An occasional golfer and most definitely an armchair sports addict, his main loves are darts and pool. Having played the former for in excess of 30 years, the opportunity to befriend several pro players was too good to miss. Simon Whitlock and Keegan Brown are just two. A closet "Mod", Shane regularly views his favourite film Quadrophenia, formerly owning a Lambretta and Vespa. He still wears "Hush Puppies" but the Ben Shermans no longer fit. During his time on the l.o.W. he had the pleasure of chauffeuring the showbiz couple of Brian May and Anita Dobson. Sadly the impromptu chance of a singing or acting career fell on deaf ears and the driving continued. The Mod also let slip his ambition to join the British Army was successful but short live. Seconded to the Catering Corps, he was medically discharged for an allergy to flour, just weeks after signing on. Ironically, on release, he was accepted as a driver for Rank Hovis. You couldn't make it up! Check out SSD for your tiling and maintenance requirements.



637 227 385

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


Thader exite fans in entertaining friendly 55 mins, following a corner which fell kindly for him close to goal.

Thader CD.................4 Atletico Catral............0

At one point Messi was almost certainly Man City bound

Messi to stay with Barcelona another season Well after all the nonsense and hype that we have been reading in recent weeks it finally seems as though Messi has decided to stay at the club for one more season, having previously said he was unilaterally ending his contract. Messi says it is because he cannot take Barça to court. He said that he thought he was free to leave because, "the president always said that at the end of the season I could decide if I stayed or not, now they cling to the fact that I did not notify them before 10 June, when we were still competing in La Liga as this awful coronavirus altered all the season." Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu is insisting Messi cannot leave without paying the €700 million buy-out clause, because Messi failed to end his contract by June 10. Messi says that with Barcelona refusing to back down he would need to take them to court to force his way out of the club, something he is not willing to do.

José Miguel Serna to manage Torrevieja CF

Not since 8 March, have fans been able to watch their local side Thader Rojales in action. When they drew 0-0 inside Moi Gomez stadium against local rivals Almoradi, none of us knew that coronavirus would take such a devastating hold of our lives. The remaining 8 Preferente division league matches were cancelled, with the season being declared null and void. But now, they're back! Thanks to local Rojales council decree, up to 100 fans are permitted to attend home matches, providing social distancing is strictly observed. Prior to this opening pre-season friendly against 1st regional division side Catral, games had been arranged against higher ranked sides La Nucia and Mar Menor, but unfortunately, the visitors cancelled due to worries over covid precautions. As often happens in friendlies, two completely different Thader sides competed in each half. In fact, the only player to feature in both halves was new boy Miguel. Another new signing, Adrian, was kept busy early on, making vital saves, showing signs that he intends to make the goalkeepers jersey his own. On 26 mins, Dani Lucas executed a delightful lob from inside his own half, which sailed over a stranded Catral keeper, then into the net. Dani is a class act, as was shown during his first stint at the club a few seasons ago. Ruben Sanz scored from just inside the box on 37 mins, giving the home side a welldeserved 2 goal advantage.

By Andrew Atkinson Andrew Lonergan's exit at Premier League champions Liverpool has left the shot-stopper pondering a move abroad - that could see the journeyman 'keeper extend his two decades between the sticks.

In recent seasons he has been working as the club’s Sporting Director, with responsibility for the coaching structure and external relations of the 500 players, of all age groups, across Torrevieja CF’s 25 teams. There is no doubt Serna’s knowledge of players coming up through the various levels will enable him to formulate the very best groups of players at all levels with the ultimate aim of establishing the strongest possible squad for the senior’s who, during the coming season, he will hope to guide into Regional Group 1

Next up for Thader, is another home match, when another 1st Regional division side come to town. San Miguel will be appearing next Wednesday (9 September) night (ko provisionally 9pm, but please check Thader's Facebook page for details). Then on Saturday 12 September, there will be another match, but at time of going to press, who, where and what ko time, are unknown.

Social distancing at CD Thader A sign of things to come

In at the Deep end - from PNE to Liverpool! Quote: 'I couldn’t believe the quality throughout the squad - absolutely frightening, big stars'.

It would be difficult to find a local coach with more experience than Serna who, following a playing career with Hércules CF, CD Cox, Albatera CF and CD Almoradí, in both Tercera and Preferente, went on to manage Albatera CF, CD Thader, CD Catral, Albatera CF and Callosa Deportiva.

Just before the interval, Juan picked up a soft yellow card (only one of the game) for an innocuous challenge, but thankfully this won't go towards a suspension once the season has commenced. When you consider that the match referee was without the luxury of assistant referees, I thought that he controlled the game well, allowing it to flow whenever possible. Thader controlled the 2nd half from start to finish. Trialist Quique added a 3rd goal on

Veteran striker Quino has returned to his old club, and to announce the home coming, he added a 4th and final goal on 70 mins. So, all in all, this was a very competent run out for manager Raul Mora's boys, although much sterner tests await once the season commences.

"What happens next, I’ll see," said Preston born Lonergan, 36, who began his career at his home town club, aged 16. "I’m in a fortunate position that I don’t need to play football for the sake of it," said Lonergan, who was under Kop boss Jurgen Klopp as understudy at Anfield. Lonergan, signed by West Ham and former Manchester United, Everton, Sunderland and Real Sociedad manager David Moyes at Deepdale, is pondering his future during the summer. "It needs to excite me. And there might be the chance to go abroad," said Lonergan, who has represented the Republic of Ireland u16s and England u20s.

“I’m just relaxing at the moment, playing golf and maybe I’ll get a holiday," said Lonergan, signed by Moyes at Preston on Youth Training Scheme (YTS) forms, after a spell at Blackburn Rovers academy. "I played in the youth team from the aged of 16 and made my first team debut aged 17," said Lonergan, who left the Lilywhites in 2011 in a move to Leeds, after over 200 appearances. Lonergan departs Liverpool as a Premier League and World champion, having arrived at the Reds from minnows Rochdale. “I felt like a Liverpool player from day one, just from how everyone was with me,” said Lonergan. “I couldn’t believe the quality throughout the squad - absolutely frightening, big stars," said Lonergan. Liverpool is one club of a plethora for Lonergan, with spells at Preston, Darlington, Blackpool, Wycombe, Swindon, Leeds, Bolton, Fulham, Wolves, a return to Leeds, Middlesbrough and Rochdale.

UEFA 2019 Super Cup winner Andrew Lonergan. “I’ve left Liverpool now, they will have five keepers when they go back with lads returning from loans. "There is no space available at the moment for another keeper, I knew that was going to happen. “I left on a high and I really enjoyed my time as a Liverpool player," added Lonergan.



637 227 385

Monday 7th - Sunday 13th September, 2020


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