D O YOU WANT TO S E LL YOU R P R OP E RTY? NO SALE - NO FE E Tel: +3 4 617 537 8 6 6 No 834 Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October , 2020 Tel: 637 227 385
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he fox keeps down the populations of rabbits and rodents, keeping at bay the diseases that these animals can transmit.
Increasingly common in the fields and orchards of Bajo Segura, the Red Fox is now being regularly sighted close to residential areas and even on the streets of some local urbanisations. This week it has
been seen on the edge of El Chaparral and La Mata in Torrevieja. It is not a protected species, but it is very elusive, although its presence in forest and agricultural areas of the Vega Baja
is not unusual. It can regularly be seen roaming around Las Rabosas, Guardamar del Segura or Cala de la Zorra in Torrevieja. Continued on Page 2
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
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According to the biologist Juan Antonio Pujol, an explanation for this higher frequency of sightings can be found in the months of confinement and de-escalation as a result of the health crisis. The foxes breed in spring, litters of six and seven cubs, and the specimens that appear regularly on social networks are young. They add to the wealth of natural fauna that can be seen in the Vega Baja in these covid months. Another striking example of wildlife returning to the area is the flamingo breeding for the first time in the Torrevieja lagoon, and there is also a greater presence of hedgehogs, ladder snakes and other animals that can be increasingly observed in residential areas, even after the silence and tranquillity of confinement has come to an end. But the fox has always been there. Their tracks and the remains of their excrement are common on the roads most travelled by visitors to the Natural Park, before and after the pandemic. In addition to Torrevieja there is also more information on examples of wildlife seen in places where there has previously been none, or very little, such as the Orihuela Costa urbanisations, where only small areas of Mediterranean vegetation remain without human presence around the boulevards and ravines that have not
yet been urbanised by the Orihuela Council, especially in the surroundings of the Dehesa de Campoamor. Sightings of foxes are commonplace on the secondary roads that cross the protected landscape of Sierra Escalona, Rebate, Torreagüera and where San Miguel de Salinas meets with Orihuela Costa. They usually make "their rounds" at daybreak or early in the morning. The fox is very useful in its environment because, like all predators, it keeps down the populations of rabbits and rodents and also keeps at bay the diseases that these animals can transmit. The fox eats everything, and if it needs to, it is able to get close to residential areas and survive in them, even if they are densely populated. He can survive by eating fruit as some vineyards in the natural park will confirm, but he much prefers rabbits and rodents. Scientific estimates indicate that a single fox is capable of hunting 3,000 rodents a year, a plus when the increase in the presence of rats is making itself felt in residential areas on the coast. It is also a specialist in rabbits, and this is also a useful advantage to farmers in the Vega Baja where there are large agricultural areas affected by the damage they cause to crops. Images: Crónicas Naturales de Torrevieja and Lagunas de Torrevieja y La Mata.Voluntarios
Rubalcava Palace to become another Cultural Space for Orihuela City The Orihuela Council has earmarked about 2 million euros to undertake the restoration of the Rubalcalva Palace, although it does not rule out that the budget will have to be increased. The mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, announced this Friday that the Council has the approval from the Ministry of Culture to carry out the refurbishment project of yet another cultural space. He explained, “We are happy because we have taken an important step to continue with this project on which we have been working since the previous legislature. We hope to be able to conclude the project soon so that we can tender for
Image: CLARO the works as soon as possible”. Bascuñana also complimented the area of Historical Heritage, where he said, "progress is also being made on important projects to recover a large part of Orihuela's heritage, such as the buildings of Los Antiguos Juzgados, Caja de Monserrate, la Sala de los Hombres del Museo San Juan de Dios, and la Casa de los Mineros”, of which more details will be published in the coming weeks.
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Disappointing outcome for Orihuela Council with sale of coastal land Only one of the three plots of land in Orihuela Costa, offered for sale on a second occasion by the municipal council, has resulted in a bid. Indeed there are two bids for the same plot at El Garbanzuelo, while neither of the plots at La Cuerda next to Lomas de Don Juan and PAU 21 in Colinas Golf, attracted any offers.
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Cllr Almagro says that prices on the unsold plots will not be reduced
enormous environmental value of the area in which the luxury residences would be located, where large forest areas have already been destroyed in recent years, with urban approval, in the heart of the protected landscape.
It is understood that the winning bid for the 6,951 square metre plot, with a building area of 3,659 square metres, in the El Garbanzuelo sector, in the extreme northwest of the municipality, bordering Torrevieja and the motorway, was made by the company Oasis Hills SL, for the amount of 565,000 euros.
The second plot is located in the La Cuerda sector, at the access to VillamartĂn from the N-332 in Aguamarina, with an area of ??15,861 square metres and 7,726 square metres of construction land. This area is located between La Regia and Castillo de Don Juan, on the second line of the Oriolana coast. The appraisal in this case was 4.2 million euros. Similarly, no bids have been received.
So for the second occasion, the plots in La Cuerda next to Lomas de Don Juan and PAU 21 in Colinas Golf, have received no offers and as such the municipal council will achieve just half a million euro of income as opposed to the amount that they had anticipated of 21 million euros.
The tender opening process took place this Tuesday at the Orihuela City Town Hall. It was the second time this year that the City Council tried to move this process forward. In May, during the state of alarm, the three lots were didn’t attract a single bid and the auction was abandoned.
PAU-21, (Colinas Golf Resort), has an area of 38,539 square metres of land, of which 24,194 meters may be used for construction, with an appraised value of 14.4 million euros.
The auction of municipally owned and developable land on the Orihuela Costa has been a solid source of financing for the municipality for more than two decades with the residents of the coast seeing few benefits from the sales despite the promises of Orihuela politicians.
However the Amigos de Sierra Escalona had registered an appeal to try to remove the land from the sale. The ecologists referred to the
Councillor Almagro said that after this second attempt, the municipality has no intention of promoting a third auction to dispose of the two lots that have failed to receive any bids, and neither, he has qualified, are the appraised values going to be lowered.
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
637 227 385
Torrevieja Council gets grant for sterilisation of stray cats
Blue shark washed up on Guardamar Beach
The Alicante Provincial Council has awarded the City Council a subsidy of 12,094.10 euros in aid for the sterilization treatments of urban colonies of stray cats, according to the Councillor for Animal Protection, Concha Sala.
Users of the beach at Las Roquetas de Guardamar were surprised to find a Blue shark washed up on the shoreline on Saturday morning. After raising the alarm the Local Police and Civil Guard cordoned off the area as attempts were made to move the two metre long blue shark (Prionace glauca) back into the sea.
She said that, with this grant, 185 cats, half male and half female, will be able to be sterilized "with the help of the associations involved", as they try to alleviate "the massive increase in the birth of cats, a direct consequence of the unsuccessful management of the previous municipal government”.
Extra Covid-19 cleaning in schools and municipal buildings Torrevieja’s Local Government Board (JGL) has approved improvements to the cleaning contract for public buildings, schools and municipal dependencies to include the provision of a specific cleaning service for the prevention of Covid-19, with an increase of 864,310.97 euros, according to the council spokesman, Federico Alarcón. The increase in the cost of the service, provided by Acciona Facility Services SA, is due to an increase of 63,447 hours per year, with 19 extra people employed in educational centres from Monday to Friday, and 17 extra people in other municipal offices from Monday to Sunday.
No summer deaths from drowning on Orihuela beaches Despite the situation generated by the pandemic, during July and August the number of bathers has been fairly similar to previous years, according to the Councillor for Beaches, Ramón López. He said that “despite an uncertain start to the season due to the COVID19 health crisis, the summer season has closed in a positive way as the different council areas have been able to adapt to the circumstances to ensure that the beaches of Orihuela remained as a safe destination and a "Sea of Health." This year the Orihuela City Council has introduced cameras to control capacity and the cleaning service has been reinforced. There have been more beach assistants provided by the Generalitat Valenciana and in August we saw the installation of a health station with the main objective of preventing skin cancer, as it contributed to the safety and wellbeing of visitors.
The arrests were made in San Miguel de Salinas, Rojales and Orihuela
Twelve marijuana traffickers arrested in Major Vega Baja bust The Civil Guard has broken up a major criminal gang dedicated to drug trafficking that operated in the Vega Baja. Five marijuana plantations have been located in homes previously occupied by the gang together with large amounts of money, high-end vehicles and other luxury items, said to be worth approximately half a million euros.
They slept in a permanent state of watch. They had contracted alarm and video surveillance services, and they kept all kinds of weapons on a nightstand so that they would not be caught by surprise. They also had rooms equipped as a gym to keep in good condition. In each house, there were a number of dangerous breed dogs. Another characteristic of the group was the taste for the exquisite. Hundreds of bottles of champagne from a top brand were found in the refrigerators, countertops, bottle racks and cabinets in the kitchens of the ringleaders' homes. Their wardrobes were packed with designer clothes and jewellery. The decoration of the houses was very ostentatious adorned with photos of various meetings in restaurants and luxury hotels. A total of eight raids were made in the towns of San Miguel de Salinas, Rojales and Orihuela Costa, in which five marijuana plantations were located. Each one of the plantations housed around six hundred plants. In three of the houses, there were also young babies between 2 and 22 months of age. The total of the drugs seized during the operation was: 2,953
The lack of access control, known as triage, in some health centres and clinics in Vega Baja is endangering the health of users and health workers, according to many doctors across the region.
The Medical Union of the Valencian Community (CESM-CV) has denounced the medical centres in Bigastro, Benejúzar, Dolores and Catral, as not carrying out such necessary controls.
When carrying out their inspection of the house, the agents suspected that it had been used for the cultivation of marijuana. Investigations began and soon their suspicions were confirmed. There followed a complex enquiry that lasted several months, due to the scrupulous way in which the gang operated.
The two leaders, men aged 23 and 28, were the connecting link for the rest of the group. They were in charge of the logistics. They directed the supply of material and it’s assembly and supervised the farms. The rest of the gang carried out the gardening and custody of the plantations. Those most trusted would transport the gathered marijuana, which was packaged and distributed within the national territory.
Lack of control in accessing many health centres
The protocol of the Ministry of Health states that a face-to-face triage should be established for the entry and movement of patients at the entrance of health centres, to confirm appointments and to isolate anyone with symptoms of Covid-19.
The investigation was launched following a complaint at the end of January when a property owner complained to the police about the condition of his house in San Miguel de Salinas following its vacation by tenants
They found unoccupied homes across the Vega Baja, large houses, with several floors, with vast outdoor space and a swimming pool. They issued a false rental contract, using foreign identities, which they also used to register supplies. Once they settled in, they made renovations for their own comfort and for the cultivation of the marijuana.
Biologist Juan Antonio Pujol described it as "A harmless and increasingly rare shark", with an average length of 2.5 m and a weight of 80 kilos.
mature marijuana plants, 1,628 grams of buds already packed for distribution, as well as various doses of cocaine, MDMA and hash oil for the band's own consumption. The black market value of the seized marijuana was approximately 60,000 euros. The leaders of the band enjoyed a high standard of living, spending more than 2,000 euros in a single night on bottles of a well-known brand of champagne. 45,000 euros was found in cash along with 4,000 GBP; five high-end passenger cars; two vans that were used to transport equipment for the assembly of the plantations and the collected marijuana; two jet skis; a boat; various mobile phones; a micro phone; a blank pistol; two electric taser guns; a katana; a machete; and numerous high jewellery watches from a luxury brand. The value of all the confiscated effects exceeds half a million euros. Twelve people of Spanish, Cuban and Colombian origin, have now been arrested all of between 21 and 51 years of age. Of the detainees, eight are men and four are women. They are charged with crimes of drug trafficking, illegal possession of weapons, usurpation of housing, falsification of documents, electricity fraud, criminal damage and belonging to a criminal organization. Seven of them have been detained without bail while the other five have been released pending further investigations.
Face-to-face triage is established by a protocol of the Ministry of Health, which says that it must be located near the entrance and coordinated by a nursing professional who may be assisted in their work by an administrative assistant or a caretaker.
Mayor and Deputy of Los Montesinos both indicted The Court of Instruction 2 of Torrevieja has opened oral proceedings against the mayor José Manuel Butrón (PSOE) and the deputy mayor Ana Belén Juárez (secretary of equality of the Alicante PSPV) for a continuing crime against moral integrity (workplace harassment), three crimes of prevarication and one of bribery. The complaint was presented by the Town Planning chief, who is the private prosecutor, 8 years ago. In addition, two officials, a technical engineer and a secretary-auditor, who were working in the Los Montesinos City Council at the time of the events, understood to be related to a project to build 13,000 new houses in the town, are indicted in the same procedure.
637 227 385
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
637 227 385
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Government Video for UK Nationals in Spain
So the Embassy’s advice is to make sure you have documentation (eg. padron certificate, rental agreement, utility bills) to demonstrate you were living here before the end of the year.
Pensions, benefits, working and driving
If you have difficulties completing your residency application, the UK Government has provided funding to three organisations – Age in Spain, Babelia and IOM – to answer questions and provide practical support.
With less than 100 days until the end of the Transition Period on 31 December, HMA Hugh Elliott has recorded a video message for UK Nationals living in Spain. You can view the video at www.theleader.info Speaking about the continuing negotiations on the future relationship between the UK and the EU, the Ambassador said: “I want to reassure you that your rights as UK nationals living in Spain are already protected under the Withdrawal Agreement
ed by the Agreement, as long as you can prove you were legally living in Spain before the end of 2020.
between the UK and the EU. And that both the UK and Spanish Governments are fully committed to implementing the citizens’ rights provisions in the Agreement.” The Ambassador reminds UK Nationals of the need to register as a resident as soon as possible, but acknowledges that there are difficulties with getting appointments in some places. UK Nationals will still be protect-
For details of the help they can provide and how to contact them visit:
6 October: 6pm
13 October: 1pm
27 October: 1pm
10 November: 6pm Education – studying and teaching 24 November: 6pm: Swallows 1 December: 6pm:
8 December: 6pm:
General Q&A
gov.uk/livinginspain. note that this is subject to change. The Embassy and Consulates are also running a series of Facebook Live Q&As on different topics related to living in Spain and the actions UK Nationals may need to take.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page for further details:
All sessions take place on www.facebook.com/britsinspain and are available to watch afterwards.
The current schedule is as follows, although please
For further information for UK Nationals in Spain visit: gov.uk/livinginspain https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/lang/en/brexit/howt oprepare/Paginas/190108residence.aspx
637 227 385
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
The Basque Country government has confirmed the death of a child under the age of 10 due to coronavirus; this is among the 85 Covid19 related deaths that were reported in the region in the last week. This is the first case of a Covid-19 death being reported in a kid under the age of 10. So far, no fatalities have been reported in the age group of 10 to 20.
86.5% of workers confined in 37 health zones in Madrid travel daily to 'unconfined' places in the region. Study by Polytechnic University of Madrid says that this percentage of workers working in other parts of the city casts "certain doubts about the effectiveness of the measure to contain" the virus. Of 222,347 daily work trips that originate in these areas, only 30,065 end in the same zones.
Catalonia's gender pay gap, men earned more than women in 2019
However, while men's wages grew by 1.1% as compared to 2018, for women, the increase was slightly more - 2.2%. The same report showed that the average salary in Catalonia was €25,552.
Spain records worst tourism season during summer in 20 years Spain closed the summer season, the peak season for tourism in the country, with the worst numbers recorded in 20 years. Reports suggest that Spaniards mostly stayed in in August and didn't travel for vacations. In 2019, the number of Spaniards who travelled stood at 18 million; this year, due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, the number has not even reached 12 million.
Spain may see nearly 2,000 Covid-19 deaths in the next two weeks, finds study Spain may see almost 2,000 deaths due to Covid-19 in the next two weeks, according to a mathematical study called 'COVIDModel.es', which takes into account the current mortality rate and the growth of infection. The number of deaths could increase from 1,515 deaths in the last 14 days to 1,995 in the next two weeks. The study also showed that 43% of the deaths will be recorded in Madrid.
Basque Country reports first Covid-19 death in child under 10
86% of workers in confined areas of Madrid go daily to other areas
The gender pay gap prevailed in 2019 as men in Catalonia earned significantly more than women. According to a report by Spain's statistical institute, INE, men earned €6,350.35 more than women on an average.
637 227 385
here is a report in the British press of a couple who paid ten thousand pounds to a travel organisation to tour around the USA. The trip had been cancelled and they were told they will not get their money back until April next year. Surely if you have paid for something and it cannot be supplied then the money should be repaid immediately When a holiday is booked, the industry wants the whole of the money up front. So, if you want to fly away somewhere in six, nine months or a years time, in most instances you pay for it now. This means your holiday has an extra charge. If you have used a credit card the interest on it, or what the money that has been paid could have earned. With millions of people booking holidays the sums of money involved are colossal. We hear daily of pre-booked flights being cancelled and vouchers being issued to be used at some time in the future That means they will be flying aeroplanes at a later date on vouchers - not money. So why didn’t they fly when scheduled? Without a doubt the voucher will be valueless as the prices will go up so the user will pay again. What happened to the original money? Did it just go to pay expenses? To travel is one of the basic desires of man. The further the better. Although the travel industry has been in place for a very long time, originally for the wealthy, in a generation it has morphed into a very large giant of a business with facilities Worldwide. Nearly twenty years ago we entered in a small way, this money-spinning pursuit by letting out our villa. Without going into the complexity of running a holiday home, the financial side was easy.
A small deposit of one hundred pounds the balance six weeks before the arrival date when the balance was due. That six weeks period being important in that if the proposed client cancelled then there was time to rebook the accommodation. What a lovely way, no stress, everybody happy with the procedure and if circumstances meant the client could not keep to the arrangement, it was not a big problem, money wise. Back to our villa with its five bedrooms. We started using agents to let our property giving us a better occupancy rate. With the use of credit/debit cards, the client paying for the occupation through the agent is simple. The agent paying us when the client arrives. Booking.com is a company which appears to be totally run by computers, and they are rigid in their operation. When the pandemic started, they quickly sent out recommendations of how to cope with it. One being rooms must be totally cleaned and put out of use for a period. Booking.com also control the villas booking calendar and on two occasions they went against their own advice in that they booked clients without allowing for the cleaning period. For safety sake we could not take the booking. We advised the customers why We received an angry response from them because Booking.com had already taken their money and the proposed client thought we had been paid We wrote to the agent explaining why we could not take the booking referring to their own instruction concerning cleaning but did not receive a reply, only an invoice debiting us with one hundred and fifty Euros for not accepting the booking. Booking.com has two addresses in the Netherlands. After having no response from our email to their ‘Customer Service Department’. We wrote a letter
explaining the reason for not accepting the booking and posted it separately to the two addresses. No response from either letter not even an acknowledgement. So no answer to the three communications only a debit invoice. This happened a second time in the following week a booking without time to clean against the virus. Again, we had an irate customers on the phone asking why we had taken their money when we had refused to take the booking, demanding a refund, which we could not give them as Booking.com had taken their money and we had not been paid. Booking.com is very different, as a supplier of accommodation owned by others. They receive payment on booking as much as a year in advance. But the owner of the facility has to wait for their money, as it is not payable until the month after the client has left. It can be a long wait. For instance: We had clients arrive mid-July leaving on the first of August. This means we had to cover the cost while they were here, electric, water bills and others as we do not get paid until the second week in September. The corner shop, if they want to sell something then they have to buy it first. Not the travel industry, in my opinion large organisation have been built with the use of other people’s money. This pandemic has shown this with the mass cancellations of all different types of facilities, that money that was paid, in some cases is not readily forthcoming when an amenity is cancelled. Percy Chattey Author www.percychatteybooks.com www.fuentelargocom
Valencia extends restrictions on nightlife for 21 days The government of Valencia has extended the restrictions on nightlife venues in the region for 21 days to prevent chances of Covid-19 outbreaks; this includes restriction on capacity and closures. Minister of Health, Ana Barcelo, said that the measures adopted on 7 September were initially supposed to end on Monday but will now be extended because they have had a positive effect.
Valencia to use Covid-19 tests which give results in 15 minutes. The regional government of Valencia will acquire half a million rapid antigen tests to detect coronavirus as soon as possible, especially in schools. These are new verification tests which can detect coronavirus in just 15 minutes and bypasses the need for samples to be sent to laboratories for analysis. These devices will speed up the testing process in schools if students present symptoms.
Study reveals why Spain is facing a health crisis during second wave A study published in The Lancet talks about how coronavirus deescalation has been in nine countries in Asia and Europe. In Spain, the study found that there was no clear strategy of "effective search, testing, tracking, isolation and support system before easing the restrictions." This could be one of the main reasons why Spain is facing a major health crisis during the second wave now.
637 227 385
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Torrevieja Hospital Staff demonstrate in support of Ribera Salud edical staff from the Torrevieja University Hospital demonstrated outside the Valencian Parliament Building on Monday in support of Ribera Salud. They are demanding that the Ministry of Health reverses it’s decision to take the management of the Hospital and it’s Satellite Health Centres away from the concessionaire and hand it back to the Dept of Health.
informal meeting with the workers, along with Fran Ferri of the PP, Isabel Bonig, and Toni Cantó from Ciudadanos.
A hundred members of staff from the hospital, displayed a banner in front of the main door of the Valencian Parliament during the early morning, counting down the days remaining to 15th October, the deadline by which the Department Health will have to notify Ribera Salud of the change, which will affect 11 municipalities of the Bajo Segura.
García said that they have been asking "without success" for a meeting with Ana Barceló since the councillor first took office and that their concerns are still to be acknowledged by any senior official from the Ministry of Health.
The works council demand that they are allowed to be part of the negotiations on the future of the hospital, which employs 1,400 staff.
The workers ensured that the protest coincided with the arrival of Puig in Les Corts, on the first day of the general policy debate, but they were left criticising the "cowardly" attitude of the president as he avoided entering through the main door, where they were gathered, choosing instead to arrive by the rear entrance.
However, sources from the Ministry of Health have that the administration cannot meet with workers who are not employees of public health but are members of the staff of a private company, Ribera Salud. The same sources indicated that as soon as that management of the hospital is taken over by the Generalitat, it could then hold meetings with staff.
Fran Garcia, a member of the works council, denounced the Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, for not meeting with them. Neither though did any other member of the Council.
The Minister of Health announced last June that the Torrevieja hospital will go into public management on October 15, 2021, when the concession managed by the Ribera Salud group ends.
Deputies from Compromís were the only party that did hold an
The workers have been demonstrating every second Thursday in
Ribera Salud has promised to build a second health centre in Orihuela Costa if the Consell extends their present concession. The Department of Health says that it cannot sit down and negotiate with the works council of a private company.
‘blue jeans’ craze of the 1960s and 1970s and are modernised by their innovative use of materials.
Specsavers Ópticas unveils new Levi’s® collection
There is a Facebook competition to win one of five Levi’s® t-shirts to celebrate the launch of the new range. The competition will run for two weeks, from the 21st of September on the Specsavers Ópticas Facebook page @SpecsaversOpticas. Simply like the post and comment with the name of your nearest store to enter and be in with a chance of winning.
ICONIC denim brand Levi’s® is launching a stylish new eyewear collection with Specsavers Ópticas this autumn, evoking the appeal of the free-spirited California lifestyle integral to the brand’s DNA. The 12-strong collection, in stores from Monday 21 September, draws inspiration from Levi’s® unrivaled brand heritage, taking colour cues from
front of the hospital during a 5-minute break, and they say that they will continue with the protests until they are heard by the Administration, García added.
its classic denim collections – deep black and a myriad of blues. Retro-inspired shapes recall the
Bianca Sarre, Specsavers’ style expert, says: ‘Levi’s® is a brand that needs no introduction.
From its early beginnings creating hard-wearing workwear to establishing itself as an international wardrobe staple, it is world-famous for its denim and casualwear, which is why we’re delighted to be adding Levi’s® to our ever-expanding designer ranges.’ The collection includes one exclusive frame (LEVI’S 4) available only at Specsavers Ópticas. The Levi’s® collection is priced at 129€ for two pairs. For more information and to find your nearest store visit www.specsavers.es
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
There is something special about sweet September....
eptember is my favourite month and the more I think about it the better I like it. Ok, so I didn’t like the first of September when I was going to school and I have to admit that I always missed Mrs Youcantbeserious when she deserted me for school on the first of that month as well; but other than that and over the years I have grown to love the month of September. It is a benign, friendly month; giving so much of itself and expecting little in return. It is that satisfying time for country people who have the turf in the shed, the hay in the barn and the corn harvested from the fields. Weeds give up their persistent attempt to take over the planet, the sun is golden and soothing, the breezes are gentle and the universe seems more at peace with itself than at any other time of the year.
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noon for old dogs to bask in. SEPTEMBER is a benign, friendly month; giving so much of itself and expecting little in return.
All the work is done for the year and the pace has slowed down. You can almost sense the planet taking a breather. I always think of my late great friend, Colm O’Farrell on these days; a man who was in perfect sync with days like this as we drew bales of straw from the fields and told funny stories. September was a lucky month for me from the start – because I was born during it, a long time ago, in 1944 – when a pint of beer cost eleven old pence, and a new house fifteen hundred quid. A Virgo, I share my birthday with Bob Dylan – though he is a much older man! Somebody gave me a birthday card which included my astrological guide: I know you will be delighted to hear that my traits are modesty, cleanliness, passion and tidiness. (The doubters among you may view the original document at my house between nine and five, Monday to Friday). On the negative side I am fussy, with a strong tendency (allegedly!) to worry and underestimation of my ability: Enough of those ‘fillers’!
Irish summers are not always the best and generally disappoint us with only a few sunny days here and there amongst grey rainy ones. Expectations of the glorious summer weather of June, July and August have been dashed; but then along comes September where we expect little, but are most often rewarded with the prize of a lovely week or two.
I love to see other parent’s children gone back to school, especially when I am in Spain; because with them goes that oppressive Spanish August heat and the never –ending cacophony of noise.
This is sometimes referred to as an ‘Indian Summer’ – a term which dates back to America of two hundred years ago. September gives us the most spectacular colour, with the leaves changing their hue on a daily basis. It is as if Mother Nature relaxes her grip and gives us some of the most carefree days of the year.
September is a ‘happening’ month, which the Romans believed belonged to the god, Vulcan – the god of fire. Until Covid came, we In Ireland were blessed with two of the greatest sporting events, the All-Ireland hurling and football finals and those matches, more than anything else, conjure up September memories
The mornings carry an invigorating ‘nip’ in the air, which the soothing sun will turn into a warm after-
In Canada we never wanted September to leave. I have driven the Trans Canada Highway in north-
It always seems to me that when the kids go back to school and the swallows leave the whole place calms down again: So, let’s hear it again for September.
Salvias, - Its properties and benefits Perennial Salvias are more commonly known as sage, being part of the mint family.
of densely-packed flowers with tubular blossoms at the top square stems and velvety leaves.
Grown to be used as a herb, an ornamental plant for its flowers, and for their ornamental and aromatic foliage, the salvia appears as a colourful spike
Salvias range in colour, from blue, purple, pink, white, yellow and red, the mainstays of the summer garden border or container, in bloom during summer-
ern Ontario in September and witnessed the most spectacularly beautiful scenery of anywhere in the world. As the breeze came in across the lakes we savoured the sights, knowing this was the last month where we wouldn’t see snow for six more. At home now I look out the back window and see apple trees laden with fruit and berries go leor along the hedges. I do not boast a vegetable garden, but anybody worth their salt – like my neighbours, have saved and stored enough vegetables to do the winter. The cattle are grazing contentedly on the last crop of after-grass, as the changing colour of their winter coats starts to show in the evening sun. They look happy too: Guess we all just love September….. autumn months.
Salvias are both heat and drought tolerant and are a great pollinator attracting bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. They grow from 18 inches to 5 feet tall, depending on the variety and have a distinctive, pungent odour on their leaves, which acts as a repellent to garden pests, like rabbits.
DON’T FORGET If you want to get your wife’s attention – just look comfortable – or settle in to watch a good match on TV! Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
All salvias thrive in full sun. A southfacing location is ideal, requiring welldrained soil and little water, if there is no rainfall. Plants grown in containers will also require weekly feeding. Deadhead, to encourage continuous blooms throughout the season. At the end of the sea-
son leave the flowers on the plants, to encourage re-seeding and also to feed birds. Divide perennial salvias every few years in early spring, before new growth begins. Lift, divide into clumps, and re-plant.
637 227 385
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
San Fulgencio Council reduces its debt to the banks by 62% this term The municipality owes 849,000 to financial institutions after investing 566,000 of its surplus in repaying debt that saved 47,000 euros in interest
repaid more than 32% of its municipal debt, reducing it from 1,767,507 euros as of December 31, 2019 to the current 849,262 euros.
The San Fulgencio Council, with mayor, José Sampere (PSOE), and councillor for Finance, David Vives (Ciudadanos), has released a report which confirms the agreement adopted in the last plenary session to allocate the 566,248 euros of its budget surplus to the amortization of two bank loans. This action "will mean savings for the municipality in the payment of interest of approximately 47,650 euros over the next five years.
The municipality had two million euros of debt at the beginning of this term, which now stands at 849,000 euros.
The City Council will have
Alicante arrest four years after robbery By Andrew Atkinson An arrest has been made by the Policia Nacional - four years after a robber snatched hundreds of euros from a pharmacy.
This is the second reduction in the municipality's financial debt during this legislature, since, at the end of last year, the same procedure served to reduce it by about 761,462 euros, when another of the bank loans was amortized. The mayor highlighted the great daily work carried out by both the City Council workers and all A male in Alicante was arrested following DNA tests matched the accused following investigations by Alicante Scientific Police. A sock used as a glove by the robber in 2017 has shown a DNA match after a lengthy period of investigation undertaken by the Judicial Police Operational group of the
COVID-19: Los Montesinos Quote: 'Let's continue to comply with the hygienic-sanitary measures: safety distance, hand hygiene, use of masks, and avoid group meetings. It is everyone's job' - Councillor for health Nathalie Dubi By Andrew Atkinson The Ayuntamiento de Los Montesinos weekly meeting with the Torrevieja Hospital Los Montesinos Cllr reported on for Health September 23 that the Councillor for health Nathalie Dubi participated with the hospital to learn about the situation of COVID-19 in the Torrevieja Health Department and share the situation of the municipalities.
This is the 2nd reduction during the current legislature of the municipal councillors. "From this government team we want to express our firm commitment as we continue working for the municipality, with the aim of achieving healthy and efficient accounts," said
Sampere, "to be able to dedicate all of our financial policy to improving the public services that our population needs and demands and to improve the quality of life of our residents”.
"The situation remains stable, the same as last week. More PCR is being carried out, coinciding with the start of school.
Alicante Central District Police.
wake of the alleged robber currently spending time in prison for other crimes.
"In Los Montesinos, since the beginning of the pandemic in March, there have been registered, accumulated, 15 PCR +, only one of them from the last 14 days, according to data from the Ministry of Health.
During the robbery at a pharmacy in the Miguel Hernández neighbourhood, formerly José Antonio, the thief stole 650 euro. The Judicial Police Operational Group of the Central District Police Station of Alicante found the thief was on police records. A court case is pending, in the
The Territorial DNA Laboratory of the Provincial Scientific Police Brigade of the Superior Police Headquarters of Valencia has solved five ongoing crimes of theft with force, and one of robbery with violence.
"There is tranquillity in the ICU, with the same patients as last week. The new admissions are minimal. "The Valencian Community is in a more favourable situation, compared to other autonomous communities, with the lowest cumulative incidence rate in the entire national territory.
"It has also been reported that the flu vaccination campaign is scheduled to begin on October 13 "Let's continue to comply with the hygienic-sanitary measures: safety distance, hand hygiene, use of masks, and avoid group meetings. It is everyone's job," said Councillor for health Nathalie Dubi.
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
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ANSWERS Week 833
ACROSS 7. Get away (6) 8. Deviate (6) 10. Flop (7) 11. Called (5) 12. Shift (4) 13. Imperfection (5) 17. Lawful (5) 18. Nought (4) 22. Domain (5) 23. Generous (7) 24. Fatiguing (6) 25. Droll (6) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 20
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 14. 15. 16. 19. 20. 21.
Scent (7) Attain (7) Gush (5) Defraud (7) Most important (5) Prepared (5) Moot (9) Relevant (7) Chorus (7) Contaminate (7) Angry (5) Bear (5) Concerning (5)
QUICK ACROSS: Across: 1 Prong; 4 Contend; 8 Recover; 9 Pious; 10 Earl; 11 Sedition; 13 Chef; 14 Clan; 16 Conjuror; 17 Pace; 20 Leave; 21 Present; 22 Retinue; 23 Staid. DOWN: 1 Perpendicular; 2 Occur; 3 Give; 4 Corner; 5 Nuptials; 6 Emotion; 7 Disinterested; 12 Cerulean; 13 Contact; 15 Couple; 18 Arena; 19 Lees. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Snuff; 4 Oversee; 8 Adhered; 9 Inane; 10 Earl; 11 Make fast; 13 Maps; 14 Acts; 16 Dark room; 17 Talc; 20 Astir; 21 Portico; 22 Halibut; 23 Break. DOWN: 1 Scared to death; 2 Usher; 3 Form; 4 Old-saw; 5 Evidence; 6 Scarabs; 7 Electric clock; 12 Spare rib; 13 Marital; 15 Poppet; 18 Alive; 19 Grab.
ACROSS 7. See 11 Across 8. Part of a sentence that appears in the contract (6) 10 & 24Ac. Retaliatory movement taken by the shopkeeper (13) 11 & 7Ac. Chief support for keeping the bed-linen in place? (5-6) 12. Biting an item of dessert (4) 13. It’s left in the grate at the end of three months! (5) 17 & 23Ac. Is he small-minded in his attitude to seamen? (5,7) 18 . See 6 Down 22. Assesses the charges (5) 23. See 17 Across 24. See 10 Across 25. Description of convict excluded (6)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which artist had a 'Blue Period' and a 'Rose Period'? 2. What is the name of the giant frog that can grow up to 33 centimetres in length? 3. What colour is vermilion? 4. Which symphony plays a stirring role in the film 'The Longest Day'? 5. The World Championship in what has been held each year since 1932 in Tinsley Green West Sussex? Clue, if you misplace these some might consider you to be mentally unbalanced. 6. In many countries around the world an OVNI is what? 7. Measured in area, what is by far the largest of UNESCO's World Heritage sites? 8. According to the Wings song 'Band on the run', "All I need is a (what?) a day". 9. In which cult film would you find King Kong, Bat Guano and Jack D. Ripper? 10. Which famous singer was an apprentice for the then third division Brentford F.C.? 11. What was the name of the march led by a. Mao Zedong, b. Mohandas Gandhi?
DOWN 1. Caledonian taken in by mother’s charms (7) 2. Get a certain amount of paper, we hear (7) 3 . Covers the garments (5) 4 . Visual aids much used in pubs! (7) 5. Caricatured a conductor, one hears (5) 6 & 18Ac. Desire for final departure (5,4) 9. Professional movement produces advancement (9) 14. Where people can put up payment after work (7) 15. It produces an opening to cushion one’s downfall (3-4) 16. When this is played out, people will give you their word (7) 19. Second-class thoroughfare with plenty of room to pass (5) 20 & 21Dn. The result of a breach of the peace (5,2,3) 21. See 20 Down
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) 12. In US naval slang, what is a ballistic submarine called? 13. Name four Italians that have scored six or more goals at the FIFA Football World Cup? 14. The largest pre atomic age explosion laid which harbour city to waste on Thursday, December 6th, 1917? 15. The following words are from songs with the word 'heart' in the song title. Can you name the song? a. Once I had a love and it was a gas, b. Breezing through the clientele spinning yarns that were so lyrical, c. I've been to Hollywood, d. The sun is out the sky is blue, e. My expectations may be high I blamed it own my youth. 16. What do the seven rays or spikes on the crown of the Statue of Liberty apparently stand for? 17. Which Royal Navy Captain wrote in 1804 "I call the whole island Australia, or Terra Australis"? 18. Which man is the most famous sanguivore in film history? 19. During the 1960s there were five bands or singers with five or more number one hits in the UK charts. Can you name them? 20. Which notorious harbour city and den of iniquity sank at 11.43 am, June 7, 1692?
637 227 385
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and
Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. In view of current health situation, however, please call for up to date info The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com QUESADA LADIES CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Quesada Ladies Club will be held at the Cooper’s
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada, on Tuesday 15th September 2020. This is for members only, and they will be admitted at the usual time of 2.30pm. This will take place only if the Covid19 allows us to. Keep watching our Facebook page for more information, Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants
in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or welfare on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com.
MARQ excavation at Cabezo del Molino Rojales discovers Iberian kilns circa 3-400 BC
Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org SALT CHURCH (formally Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia,
By Andrew Atkinson
104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
The third MARQ excavation campaign at the Cabezo del Molino site, in Rojales, has concluded with the discovery of several Iberian kilns that could show the existence of an important industrial complex dating from the 4th to 3rd centuries BC.
The rigorous archaeological documentation of this type of funerary contexts has earned MARQ the leadership of a European project, related to the study of migratory processes and the mobility of people during the late end of the world and the High Middle Ages.
The documented ovens have been found in the same place where the well-known Byzantine necropolis would be installed, about a thousand years later.
The project, called Population dynamics of Late Roman and Medieval Periods in Alicante, for which the director of the Alicante museum Manuel Olcina, Mª Teresa Ximénez de Embún, of the CV-MARQ Foundation, and Dr. Johannes Krause of the Max Plank Institute of Jena (Germany) are responsible.
The works have been co-directed by Mª Teresa Ximénez de Embún and Juan Antonio López Padilla.
The project is called Population dynamics of Late Roman and Medieval periods in Alicante
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The vice president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parra, said: "Congratulations to the entire team for the discoveries at this site, included in the Excavation Plan of the Provincial Archaeological Museum, promoted by the Alicante Provincial Council, in which a total of 38,000 euros was granted for the investigation of the archaeological
The project focuses on the genetic characterisation of populations, through the reconstruction of the genotypes of 80 individuals located in various necropolises in the province of Alicante, among which the Cabezo del Molino itself or the Islamic Maqbara of Tossal.
637 227 385
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Cartagena’s military museum Museo Historico Militar de Cartagena pendence from the central government. Cartagena went much further than any of the other Cantons going as far as appointing Ministers and issuing their own currency. When Cartagena finally surrendered, only 17 buildings in the city were left intact, the town having received 26,976 shells from the 12 Government batteries surrounding the City, the whole exacerbated by a lucky shot from a government artillery position which hit the artillery magazine. An already ravaged City saw a massive explosion, killing 400 and injuring over a thousand inhabitants. This was the first time that war photography was used in Spain, something that we take for granted today, so images from the siege were transmitted around the world to give a much more immediate feel for what had happened. Fortunately, the Museum is housed in the part of the Artillery Park not razed by that explosion. Another room is dedicated to the Civil War. It explains the circumstances around the sinking of the ‘Castillo de Olite’, a Nationalist troop and transport carrier, on 7 March, 1939 shortly before the end of the Civil War. The Military Museum of Cartagena was opened as a Museum on 11 June, 1997 in what, for over 200 years, had been the major artillery base and the headquarters of various artillery regiments in SouthEast Spain.
1,499 Nationalist soldiers were killed in what was, by any measure, a complete logistical and communications mess, the largest loss of
around Spain. Some of which are still in place, for example in Portman. In the main halls, we have one of the finest collections of large military hardware in Europe. It ranges from the muzzle-loading cannon of the 17th century, through the whole range of cannon of every description built through four centuries to the Roland missile launchers of recent times. There are several surprising things to note. One is the vast amount of British equipment which was sold to the Spanish governments from broadly 1850 to the 1930s including the massive contract that Vickers/Vickers Armstrong had to supply the guns and equipment for the whole of Spain in the 1926 Defence Plan. Less surprising is the amount of German equipment sold to the Nationalist side from 1935 until 1945, much of which the Spanish army used until the 1960s and some fine examples of which are held at the Museum. Two particular items on display are worth describing. The (German) Mark III Stug self-propelled gun, mounted on a Panther III tank chassis, was restored and repaired by the volunteers. Bought from Germany in 1943, it was operational until 1954. Not only did the volunteers restore the exhibit, they also rebuilt the engine and it can still be driven around the complex. There is only one tank in the collection, a Russian T-26 tank, one of
Scene of the explosion of Artillery Park
It was one of a series of major depots dedicated to the storage of equipment, ammunition, repair and manpower and as such it played a major part in many of the conflicts from 1786 to 1976. It was originally built as ‘El Real Parque y Maestranza de Artilleria’ during the reign of Carlos III started in 1767 and finally finished on 25 August, 1786. The building was designed and the construction overseen by Ferignán-Vodopitch, one of the leading military engineers of his time who was also responsible for finishing the ‘Arsenal’ which was being developed as a major Naval base. From 1716, when it serviced galleys until 1782, when (along with El Ferrol, Cadiz and later Majorca) it became one of the four major bases for the Spanish Royal Navy, with many of the original buildings still standing today.
T26 tank
Between 1765 and 1789 in tandem with the artillery and naval development of Cartagena, the massive walls, which at one time encircled the whole town including the naval and military bases, were being built. They are still known as ‘La Muralla de Carlos III’, (The Walls of Carlos III) and around 70% of the 5 kilometres of wall are still intact. Despite severe damage during the Cantonal War and the Spanish Civil War, the artillery and naval buildings that date from this period have remained in use and are now used for education or Museum purposes. The Arsenal remains the major Mediterranean naval base of the Spanish Navy. The Military Museum at Cartagena is one of a number of similar establishments around the country, including the islands, all of which are military bases. Cartagena has three serving army officers as its core staff, with a team of civilian guardians/security staff and another team for the maintenance of the building. However, all the conservation, repair and research work and much of the curating of the collection is carried out by Spanish and British volunteers through a registered cultural association “Amigos del Museo Historico Militar de Cartagena”. It is the volunteers who do everything from restoring and repairing tanks and heavy artillery, to painting the exhibits, to curating the small-arms collection and the Guinness Book of Records registered collection of military miniatures. They also provide organised tour guides in several languages and there are also a Spanish and a British researcher working on various aspects of the City’s history.
Slug III Self propelled assaullt gun
Vickers gun
life in a naval engagement in the Civil War – the naval engagements and the role of the navy are rarely discussed in Civil War histories and almost glossed over in Cartagena’s naval museum. The ship was sunk close to the entrance to Cartagena harbour by a 152, 4/50 Vickers gun, similar to the gun on display in the Museum, another of the British weapons bought in 1926 and installed from 1931 to 1933 as part of the strategic Defence Plan of that year. The upper galleries also house the collections of flags (banderas), uniforms, small arms and the world-record holding collection of military miniatures which currently stands at over 3,000 items with more in the pipeline, it is an Airfix kit builders dream! There is also an Enigma Machine, supplied to the Spanish Nationalist side during the Civil War, as was a good deal of the large hardware on the ground floor in the Artillery Park.
The Museum is in several parts. The upper galleries show the development of Cartagena and the history of the artillery park, with some stunning scale models of the city and explanations of the City’s history on wall boards, in Spanish and English.
The lower level has two parts. The first is the ‘quiet area’ where there are displays of medical equipment; displays of military engineering equipment; the projectile room with displays ranging from stone cannon-balls to modern missiles; and the Chapel, dedicated to St. Barbara, the patron saint of the Artillery.
There are also video displays showing particular points in Cartagena’s history, for example, the Cantonal Wars of 1873/1874 when Cartagena and eighteen other regions in Spain declared inde-
The Museum also holds the national collection of equipment, parts, motors and everything needed to operate the huge guns, installed as part of the 1926 Defence Plan in the four major naval/artillery bases
300 supplied to the Republican side. This model was built under licence from the UK company Vickers, as it is actually a re-designated Vickers 6-ton tank. It has taken several years to restore the tank to its present condition and work continues on the engine, though that too now works. It is really impossible to adequately describe the Museum. The main courtyard is a delight, the artillery park could be visited ten times and you would still be finding new things and new pieces of information. The rooms in the upper galleries containing the history of the City are, for me, quite special, as they show the development of Cartagena’s history over time and one of them – that dealing with the Guerra de Independencia, what we know as The Peninsular War has led me back to doing the detailed research that I used to do professionally before I retired. For anybody that lives close to Cartagena, the volunteers are always looking for new members to help in the Museum. For further details you can contact me at: tonyfullerresearch@gmail.com
All photographs are copyright of the Gobierno de Espana/Ministerio de Defensa and are used with the permission of the Director of the Museum, Commandante (Major) Juan Antonio Martinez Sanchez.
LOCAL NEWSBITES Residents’ leak claims spark court battle Rojales council is being taken to court by opposition party PADER over its alleged failure to act on a motion that was passed unanimously at a full council meeting in November 2019.
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
637 227 385
Reiki or Mindful Art workshops in Torrevieja
According to PADER, it was agreed to start proceedings against the drinking water supply company Hidraqua to get it to return fees that it had improperly charged users for use of the drains when they had suffered a leak on their property over the last four years.
Torrevieja project combines wine and salt Aging wine bottles from La Mata in salt A project is being carried out in Torrevieja - that combines wine and salt - trying to age wine bottles from La Mata, in salt. The project got underway in August in which colleagues from the Sopla Levante project and salt artisans are involved. Torrevieja was chose due to the process of aging wine in saline water. The process begins in a lagoon, with the mountains of salt important as they preserve the temperature of the product very well, acting as a winery.
This year has been one of the strangest for all of us at different levels. I think one thing that has been a common thread for many though is staying on track when it comes to eating, drinking and exercise. As someone who exercises every day, lock down was a challenge. To only be able to walk for 25 paces up and down the deck was more to do with my mindset than with my physical self. It was a “well this is better than nothing”. My parents are bowlers so for them to be cooped up and not be able to enjoy their sport and see the end of their season slowly slip away without completion was frustrating. At least I had a physical outlet, they didn’t and it was easy to sit on the sofa and not move except to make the next cup of tea and maybe a biscuit or two.
Marijuana Police Bust The security forces have busted two different marijuana growing operations in Alicante province – one in Jávea and another in Elche. In the north of the province, family fortunes took an unfortunate twist when a British father and teenage son were arrested – and Guardia Civil officers seized 422 plants in Jávea.
500 students to test Covid bracelets in pilot scheme Five hundred students are to test bracelets in an educational pilot scheme in Spain that records the coronavirus fever. The pioneer scheme will involve students from Alicante, Castellón and Valencia educational centres and is being undertaken in collaboration with textile printing company Colorprint Fashion, in the wake of developing and having patented a thermal fabric, activated by increasing body temperature, which changes to white at approximately 37.5 °c. The pilot scheme will be undertaken over a two weeks' period on a voluntarily basis and with the consent of relevant families. The project to measure covid fever with bracelets was approved in Alcoy, where thermal wristbands change colour, if a virus is detected, which in turn aids schools and institutes, in an attempt to prevent any increase of COVID-19, if detection symptoms arise.
There began the slippery slope of losing good habits and a few naughty ones crept in. For me, my evening 1 glass of red wine – a health benefit after all, became 2. It is so easy for this sort of thing to creep up on us and before we know it our waist bands feel a little tighter. The annoying thing it is so easy to slip this way but so much more effort to reverse it! Our household has made a start to regain those good habits while not denying ourselves or feeling restricted. Here I’d like to share a few ideas in the hope they help you get back on your wagon! Smaller plate: super easy one! Using a smaller plate fills your eyes up and it looks like you have got more! An easy trick to not eat as big a portion. Eating slower is also something to try as it gives your body a chance to register feeling full. Add more vegetables to your plate which will fill you up and the choice here in Spain is amazing. Add some herbs to them to give more “Vavavoom!”. Look out for a new workshop coming your way for some fab ideas on easy recipes – contact me on: lisasjones72@gmail.com for more information. Remember those extra biscuits with the cup of tea? Or the boredom snack? They don’t have to be high calorie ones but can easily be replaced with healthy sweet treats that satisfy! Move. Movement is my career and one of my passions, so this is so easy for me to keep going.
I appreciate it is not everyone’s so put on some music and stamp your feet and move your arms while waiting for the kettle to boil. Set an alarm to get out the chair and walk about the room. Add a little bit here and there whenever you can – it all adds up. Lastly reduce alcohol intake! This is my achilles heel! So for me I need to have a glass of water on hand all the time and aim to sip it as well as my wine! I hope one of these tips will assist you to regain some of the better habits that might have gone awry during these crazy times. It has been stressful for us all and likely to for a while. Be kind to yourself and if you feel it is a bit much, try some Reiki or Mindful Art with us. I look forward to welcoming you to our workshop series coming up soon that will give you heaps more tips for wellbeing. Workshops will be held in the Torrevieja area, will last around 3 hours and cost 15 euro per person. We’ll send you off with scrumptious recipes or simple exercise routines to include in your day. A great way to meet more people here, have some fun and learn a new skill.
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Goodwood racegoers thwarted amid planned crowd pilot u-turn By Andrew Atkinson Adam Waterworth
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Gove. "October 11 was due to be our final meeting of the season and we were planning to allow a small crowd in, probably in hope rather than expectation in the last few weeks. "With this news it means the entire Flat season will have been and gone, with no people whatsoever. "We're in the events business and there's no business without people. It's going to be difficult. said Goodwood managing director Adam Waterworth. The decision comes in the wake of the coronavirus situation in the UK - with a spike in cases during September leading to a u-turn to spectators returning to attend sports fixtures.
Plans for spectators to return to sports venues in England from October 1 will not go ahead, according to Cabinet Office Minister Michael
The proposed return of crowds to stadiums and venues was placed under review by the UK government in September, after a rise in coronavirus cases, with pilot events restricted to 1,000 people.
£400,000 a week bets in Spain alleged to be illegal By Andrew Atkinson An unlucky punter who placed bets in southern Spain is suing Ladbrokes Coral - claiming that the bookmakers acted illegally. Terry Allan, 57, from Aberdeen alleges his bets were illegal, because he placed them when he was in Spain and is suing Ladbrokes Coral for a reported £3.3million. Documents have been filed at London's High Court. He claims he was such a prolific gambler that he had his own dedicated telephone line to a betting shop in Aberdeen.
Mr Allan, whose agency provides staff for the oil and gas industries, says he was on very friendly terms with staff at the betting shop, and told them about his travels.
During 2014-18 he says he punted approximately £400,000 a week through the shop, making many thousands of individual bets.
He reportedly played golf in Spain with the betting chain’s senior management, and continued to make telephone bets, which the managers knew about, it is alleged.
He claims that many of his bets were placed with the shop - when staying at his holiday home in Southern Spain - and that this was illegal under Spanish law. Mr Allan is asking to be reimbursed all the money he staked, £3,368,531.61 in total for bets, placed over three years. His writ reportedly claims that Ladbrokes Coral turned a blind eye to his stays, telling staff at the shop not to ask him where he was, so that the company was not forced to decline wagers he placed when in Spain.
Mr Allan argues that under Spanish law, since 2011 betting companies have needed a licence to operate in Spain, even if the bets are placed by phone from Spain to a different company.
Gove confirmed the plans would be 'paused' amid the government reportedly trying to gauge the impact of fans being absent for several months with sports bodies. "We were looking at a staged programme of more people returning. We weren't going to have stadiums thronged with fans," said Gove. "The virus is less likely to spread outdoors than indoors, but again it's in the nature of major sporting events that there's a lot of mingling." Prime Minister Boris Johnson set out a number of new measures on September 23, after the UK's Covid-19 alert level was moved to four, meaning transmission of the virus is high or rising. The setback comes after over 100 sports had written to PM Boris Johnson to ask for emergency funding for the sector. A number of sports had also urged the government to allow them to bring back crowds in October. rules. In 2015, betting shop manager Alison Cassie asked him to use the Premier betting service when he was abroad, telling him that this would be easier to manage, he says. He reportedly claims that Ladbrokes Coral had asked her to use Premier because it knew that his phone bets from Spain were illegal under Spanish law, and turned a blind eye despite knowing of the illegality. All his Spanish bets were void and unenforceable in both Spanish and English law, and he placed the bets because of a unilateral mistake on his part, he claims. He reportedly contends that the company has been unjustly enriched by receiving his betting stakes, and seeks repayment of £3,368,531.61 and other sums yet to be provided, as well as interest of 8% a year.
Ladbrokes Coral and its remote service Ladbrokes Premier did not have the licence needed, making all of the bets he placed when in Spain illegal, says the writ.
A Ladbrokes spokesperson reportedly said Allen’s suit was based on “unfounded grounds that certain historic bets were accepted illegally pursuant to Spanish law.”
It reportedly claims that Ladbrokes Coral has business interests in various European countries, including Spain, and should have known the
Ladbrokes called the allegations “entirely without merit” and plans to “vigorously” defend itself in court.
NEWS G N I T R O SP BITES Messi blasts Barcelona in Suárez open letter Lionel Messi has been openly critical of Barcelona in a farewell letter to team mate and close friend Luis Suárez, saying "nothing surprises me anymore". His emotive message is most noteworthy for its critical references to the club’s actions, over which the Barcelona captain has become increasingly disillusioned during the past few months. If anything can be read into the Messi’s message, aside from his deep respect and love for his exiting team mate, it is the fact that his ill-feelings towards Barcelona’s hierarchy have not subsided In the open letter, the Argentine forward was critical of the manner in which the club allowed Suárez – the third highest scorer in Barcelona’s history – to leave adding that nothing surprises him at Camp Nou at this point.
McGregor claims his next fight is against Pacquiao Frustrated by his lack of fights, Conor McGregor claimed he would next face Manny Pacquiao in the ring. The former UFC featherweight and lightweight champion, sensationally retired in June, but it was hinted earlier this month that the Irishman would return next year. After a long Twitter rant during which he vented his frustration at a lack of action this year – his only fight has been a win over Donald Cerrone in January – McGregor said he was set for a return to boxing. McGregor lost to Floyd Mayweather Jr. in August 2017 and is now set to meet 41-year-old Filipino Pacquiao. "I'm boxing Manny Pacquiao next in the Middle East," he wrote. "It will be a true honour to have faced two of the greatest boxers of the modern era, afraid of a fight." Pacquiao (62-7-2) fought twice last year, winning the WBA (Super) welterweight title by beating Keith Thurman in July 2019.
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB A good start to the season with a win against our home team Legionnaires, a close fought match, and also the first leg of the Egg Cup Challenge against La Siesta. Keep up the good work for the return visit on Sunday. Don't forget to tick your name off for availability on the two internal match sheets - Lions versus Pumas. If you’re not playing in our three day competition on 2nd October come down, have a drink and support some of your club members.
MONTE MAR BOWLS CLUB September Trips Event Over the weekend of 12/13 of September our club held a trips competition to replace the scheduled Gran Alacant Mixed Rinks event which was cancelled due to Covid restrictions. The event gave us a chance to give our club bowlers something different to the roll – up days. It was also useful to learn some lessons about coping with Covid restrictions within the club. Twelve teams of three were split into two groups and each team played three games over the two days against other teams within their group. Points were scored for every end won and for win-
ning the overall game. The game was won on the last end of the last game, a Grandstand Finish!! The winning trips were Jack Burrell, James Shearing and Neil Crawford who finished with a score of 20 points. After the game we had a nice meal in the Tavern at the bowls club and that is where the presentation was made by the club chairman, Chris Harding. He thanked the organisers, the caterers, the ladies who had organised a cake stall on the Saturday and all those who took part. For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at info@montemarbowls.com. We are also on Facebook. www.montemarbowls
LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB Further Valencian Report, again I can only comment on the games played at home, and what an exciting weekend it was. Mixed pairs this time and 3 of our 4 pairs were drawn at home and in the same group. Meaning we had a good chance of reaching the semi-finals, but only by playing against each other. This is indeed how it turned out, with Garth Slater and Mo Kidd losing by 1 shot to Margaret MacLaughlin and Tom Spencer, who in turn beat Mick and Desna Lowe by one shot to reach the semi-finals. Great results and well done all, and good
luck to Margaret and Tom at Greenlands on Saturday. As of Fri 25th am when this report gets sent off to press, we are out of the Ladies pairs, Men's pairs and mixed trips, leaving Don Fowkes and Maureen Kidd carrying the banner in the singles after having won their initial games. Readers will have to wait until next week for results and a final round-up. I would like to say however that in most instances we went out of many competitions while still in the game at the final end. Small antidote from the umpire, always cast the jack before bowling because Martin Foulcer brought a light hearted moment to the green by bowling a perfect wood to am imaginary jack. By Dave Hadaway
Following his death a Memorial service was held in Orihuela Costa on June 24, attended by his children, daughter Tahli and twin sons Tristan and Kieran, at the Cristo Resucitado SUDUKO SOLUTION Church, Orihuela.
By Andrew Atkinson World Exclusive
Thorne was set to be busy with big plans for the future. Friend Alan Ticknall, who read a Eulogy at his Memorial service, said: "I only knew Willie a few years, from playing golf.
Snooker star Willie Thorne was on the cusp of taking up bowls in Spain after being tutored about the sport, prior to his death on June 17. "I always looked upon bowls being an 'old man's' game," said Thorne, prior to passing away aged 66, from septic shock in Torrevieja hospital.
Thorne, a keen golfer, wanted to add bowls to his sporting cap of feathers. "I went bowling and played around a little bit - then I wanted teaching proper," said Thorne.
The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos Close to Dial Prix Supermarket TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Pablo Picasso - Blue Period (1901–1904), the Rose Period (1904–1906), 2. Goliath, 3. a. an orange red pigment, 4. Beethoven's 5th, 5. Marbles. 'You've lost your marbles', 6. A 'U.F.O', 7. The Great Barrier Reef, covering an area of 348,000 square kilometres, 8. Pint. "All I need is a pint a day", 9. Dr. Strangelove (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb), 10. Rod Stewart, 11. a. The Long March, b. The Salt March, 12. A
"I quite enjoyed myself and decided to learn the ropes," said Thorne, whose liking to his new chosen sport came to a halt, after becoming ill and movement restrictions put in place amid the coronavirus lockdown in mid-March.
Quote: 'I went bowling and played around a little bit - then I wanted teaching proper' - Willie Thorne
Thorne moved to Spain last year and rented a property in Villamartin, Alicante, where he tutored snooker and also put on exhibitions.
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Spain's Costa Blanca south has a plethora of flat bowling clubs, with the 2020 Valencian Lawn Bowls Championship curently taking place at Greenlands Los Montesinos and La Marina Bowls Clubs, sponsored by Linea Directa.
Willie Thorne was set to focus on bowls in Spain
Thorne, who died after receiving chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia, part of snooker's green baize for decades and one of the Snooker Legend Tour players, was keen to start playing competitive Flat green bowling in the Costa Blanca south.
'boomer'. 13. Roberto 'the divine pony tail' Baggio (9), Paolo Rossi (9), Christian Vieri (9) and Salvatore 'Toto' Schillaci (6). 14. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 15. a. Heart of Glass (Blondie), b. You're in my heart (Rod Stewart), c. Heart of Gold (Neil Young), d. Raining in my heart (Buddy Holly), e. A good heart (Feargal Sharkey), 16. The seven seas, 17. Matthew Flinders, 18. Dracula ('sanguivore' means 'bloodsucker'), 19. The Beatles, Elvis, The Rolling Stones, Cliff Richard and The Shadows, 20. Port Royal Jamaica
"We had started working together putting on snooker exhibitions and we had big plans for the future."
From From page 14
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Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Greenlands to stage Valencian Bowls Finals
With the summer competitive bowls season completely destroyed by the COVID 19 Pandemic and despite many criticisms of the decision to hold the Linea Directa Lawn Bowls Championships, the competition has now reached it’s concluding stages with the five finals to be played at Greenlands Bowls Club on Monday and Tuesday. Although not all doubters have been convinced of the merits of holding the 2020 tournament there is no doubt that it has been a major success, attracting many hundreds of comptitive bowlers back onto the rinks when they might otherwise have
continued to put off their return to the sport. Both La Marina and Greenlands Bowls Clubs must be congratulated for making their greens available to the organisers and in so doing, putting into place the strict guidlines that have ensured a safe environment in which bowlers could demonstrate their skills Rinks and equipment were sanitised by teams of volunteers on a daily basis in addition to keeping the greens and surrounding areas in pristine condition.
But this year the competition has been rather more than simply producing competitive bowling. It has restored the pre pandemic confidence that many bowlers had in their ability to play the sport in a safe situation that can only bode well for the tournaments and competitions that now lie ahead. All of the finals will be played at Greenlands Bowls Club starting at 10am on Monday morning. The finals schedule is as follows:
Tuesday 29th
Monday 28th - 10.00am - Mixed Trips Finals
10:00am - Mens pairs and Ladies pairs Finals
2.00pm - Mixed Pairs Finals
2.00pm - Men's Singles Finals and Ladies Singles
Peter Kerr Memorial Cup
caught on feeder and maggot and fourth was Alan Smith from peg 31. Further information about the club can be found on its website www.carp-r-us.weebly.com or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
Today was the Carp-R-Us Peter Kerr Memorial Cup match held at El Bosquet. Holding matches is a bit more complex than it used to be thanks to Covid with everyone wearing masks at the draw and weigh-in and the match secretary drawing everyone´s peg, all part of our Covid protocol. When it came to the match itself, when Doug Hornblow drew one of the hot pegs (those in the mid twenties) everyone was fairly certain they´d be battling for second, and so it proved. Doug ran out a comfortable winner from peg 27 with 29.30kg caught on feeder with maggot and pellet. Second was Jeremy Fardoe with 14.94 from peg 26 using feeder and meat, third was Richard Crawshaw with 14.55kg said Rhys Jones, who went on to partner David in winning 10 England titles.
Emotional farewell to bowling legend David Bryant The funeral service has taken place of bowls legend David Bryant, with people lining the streets of his hometown Clevedon, in a final farewell following his passing, aged 88. The funeral cortege travelled along Clevedon seafront and past the Promenade Bowls Club, where David started playing in the forties, ahead of arriving at Christchurch for the service.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic numbers attending the funeral were strictly limited to family and friends. As people entered the church, Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller was played. The service, led by Sister Alice, featured the recorded hymns All Things Bright and Beautiful and Morning has broken performed by Katherine Jenkins. Bowling legend and friend Tony Allcock OBE read the poem The Star; lifelong friend and bowls partner David Rhys Jones read the eulogy. The duo won the Somerset Pairs, the England Pairs and the British Pairs: "It was such an honour to be asked to partner him at the age of just 23,“
Giving his eulogy, Rhys Jones said: “David will doubtless be remembered for putting on his game face. The clenched pipe. "The iron concentration; the coolness under pressure, his ruthlessness and consummate skill." David Bryant, who resided at Poets Mews Care Home at the time of his death, was appointed MBE for services to bowls in 1969, and awarded a CBE in 1980. David and his wife Ruth celebrated their Diamond
Wedding Anniversary at the care home in April. He also leaves two daughters, Jackie and Carole, five grandchildren, Lisa, Hayley, Ryan, Samantha and Connor, and two great grandchildren, Theo and Olivia.
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Lo Marabu Golf Society In association with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services at Altorreal on 24th September 2020. For this month’s meeting a group of 31 players visited the established course at Altorreal taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. We had a beautiful September day with pleasant temperatures and the course was enjoyed by all. The winning scores on the day were as follows: Gold Division 1st – Graham Mason - 37 points 2nd – Danny Kenny – 35 points 3rd – Kim Dixon - 35 points Silver Division 1st – Colin MacDonald – 34 points 2nd – Morten Kristensen - 33 points Bronze Division
McCafferty’s Golf Society at Villamartin
22nd Sept
26 of us made the short journey to Villamartin where, once again, we found the course to be in excellent condition, especially the greens. The weather was just about perfect for golf, not too hot and a little breeze every now and then and with not many golfers out and about, the pace of play was ideal. Back at the pub, we were greeted by the smiling Fenton and the aroma of his latest offering, which was fully appreciated by all who partook. It soon became apparent that the course wasn't playing that easy with only 7 breaking the 30 point barrier and only one member exceeded their handicap. NTP's: As usual, we had the 4 NTP's for the Par 3's and one for the NTP in 3 on the hard Par 5, the 14th. All four of the Par Three's were claimed
and they were:
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of the day, there was a big round of applause when the name of Gabi Middleton was announced as the Winner of the day. We hope she enjoys her new handicap reduction from 37 to 34!
Hole 6, Blue Smith: Hole 9 Mick Phelan: Hole 13 John Peters and Hole 17, Daz Hancock who was disappointed to leave his birdie putt an inch short and miss out on a share of the Two's Pot which was won by Mick Phelan who collected 52€ for his Birdie on the 9th. No-one made the green in three on the 14th, which is hardly surprising.
Happy Golfer: Normally, there is a battle for the 'honour' of receiving a bottle of wine for their bad day's golf, but after this game, there was only one in contention, by a long, long way and with a score that is possibly the lowest recorded, Bob Kemp stepped up to accept his wine. He also welcomed a new handicap, from 19 to 20.
In the Silver Division only two recorded a 30point plus score and that meant the CBNC in the Silver with a score of 29 went to the Captain himself, Ernie Wilson. The runner-up and the Winner were the two brothers, Evan and Dan Marriott. Evan's 33 points gave him the runners-up slot and with a nice and steady knock of 35, Dan took the top spot in Silver.
Next week we are off north to Vistabella and if anyone wants to know the way, follow Gabi Middleton….but that said, that might not be a good idea, you could end up at La finca! Anyway, yes, we are off to Vistabella and we have reserved 28 places and as at time of writing, 17 have been taken.
In the Gold Division it was deja vu for the top two places and Mick Phelan's 31 points was only good enough for the CBNC. Mirroring last week's results, the runner up was Daz Hancock with 33 points and the winner was Steve Higgins with 36 points.
The week after we are supposed to be making the journey through Murcia to a Society favourite, Altorreal. I say 'supposed' as there is a possibility that there might be some restrictions on travel again. IF we aren't allowed to travel into Murcia, we will be playing Lo Romero.
Now, there was an audible gasp when a score of 40 points was announced for the Overall Winner
By Steve Higgins
1st – Steve Mathers 27 points 2nd – Terry Moseley - 23 points Football Card – George Smith After the game we returned to Edina’s Bar & Grill which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for a snack prepared by the bar and the prize presentation and we give our thanks for their continued support. Our next fixture is the interim day at New Sierra Golf on the 15th October 2020 followed by Captains day at Vistabella on the 29th October 2020.
MONTGO’S TOM IS AT IT AGAIN After last week’s start in the rain and strong winds this week we were starting to think that Friday’s were against us.
Before these fixtures we have our Captains away trip to Las Pinaillas on the 30th September and 1st October 2020.
But the sun came out and seventeen players took part in the Montgo Golf Society Decanter, a Trophy medal competition, sponsored by Neil Carter.
Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at www.costa-blancagreenfees.com.
Some of the holes at Oliva are still shortened due to course work but scores were very good again this week.
Tom Atkinson took the Trophy with a nett 66, Ros Fletcher second with a nett 69 and third was Glenys Cumming with a nett 75. Nearest the pins were won by Ros Fletcher, Sally Cottrell and Richard Delaney. Nigel Siddall had the only two of the day. It was good to see the return of Glenys and Neil Cumming and Pete Turner was a guest for the day. Next week will see friendly battle done between the Captain and Vice Captain’s teams in their annual match.
GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps
As discussed in recent articles all the golf courses and the golf industry and all related services are struggling badly through these difficult times, despite the courses being open and in good condition although some courses are still operating with limited staff levels and on some courses some of the finer details of course preparation are being omitted.
Recovery of the Golf industry in Murcia
The whole golf industry on the Costa Blanca and in Murcia was born of demand for the sale of cheap houses in the early 2000’s and with in excess of 35 golf courses available to resident and tourist golfers alike it is a hungry mouth to feed.
The every increasing rate of corona virus rates across the whole world means that travel restrictions and therefore a reduction of tourism and cross border travel will be with us for some time to come. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
Price €98 €120 €100 €137
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy
The resident golfers have been very supportive of the local golf industry but I am afraid that without the income from tourist golfers from across Europe the current financial numbers are not sustainDon Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga West La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas
€45 €98 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €126 €50 €114 €118 €45
Single Green Fee + buggy 2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee after 2pm
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
able long term. While there will be little change for the remainder of the year the golf industry is looking at the year 2021 and how to attract golfers back to this area of Spain. In particular the Murcian Golf Association in collaboration with the tourist board and the local golf courses and looking at ways to regenerate and promote interest in golf in the region of Murcia. We are delighted to report that Costa Blanca Green Fee Services have been nominated to partner these organisations to re-launch golf in Murcia as soon as the Corona Virus is under control across the globe so that air travel can re-commence between European countries and we will keep you updated of progress accordingly. Las Pinaillas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villamartin Vistabella
€40 €70 €136 €25 €82 €98 €115 €35 €136 €113
Green Fee (incl single buggy) Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy (after 3,30pm) Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy from 2pm
For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
637 227 385
Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020
Three games in four days improves Thader’s fitness A
visit to Torrevieja sports centre last Wednesday, kicked off the first of 3 matches in a busy week for Thader Rojales.
Newly formed Sporting Costa Blanca will be playing their football in regional 2 when the new season commences, and they certainly looked good value for their 3-0 victory. Club president and team captain Lloyd Dummett, commented that he was very pleased that the match was played behind closed doors, for it meant that Thader fans did not have to witness such an awful display by his team. But, only 2 days later, that same group of players, secured a hardearned 1-1 draw against tercera (3rd) division side Novelda. The hosts had 2 good shouts for a penalty refused in the first 15 mins, but then Novelda struck back with 2 long range efforts which just missed the target. On the half hour mark, a brilliant solo run by Kino ended with him winning a 50/50 ball with the keeper, before stroking the ball into an empty net. Following a lengthy delay, visiting keeper Iker was helped off the pitch, suffering a nasty accidental jaw injury. Just before the interval, Victor´s goal bound header was acrobatically tipped over Novelda´s bar. During the half time interval, Valencian FA officials were patrolling the ground, ensuring that all fans were adhering to the social distancing regulations, including correct wearing of masks. Novelda´s sub keeper again came to his sides rescue on 55 mins, getting down well to smother Borja´s fierce drive. Against the run of play, the ball was pulled back from the dead ball line, perfectly for the unmarked Vicente to fire home an equalising goal on 73 mins. It could and should have got worse, for only 4 mins later another Novelda ´goal´ was ruled out for offside, then close to the end, a complete sitter was blasted over the bar from close range by a Novelda sub. Only 24 hours later, the tired legs of Thader´s squad were at it again. This time, Segunda B side Orihuela ´B´ were the visitors to Moi Gomez stadium. Even before the season has started, the pitch is in a sorry looking state, displaying large bald patches throughout. Before the match, it was announced that left back Villa, who had featured in previous friendlies, has now signed on the dotted line. A disallowed Oriheula ´B´ goal for offside after 8 mins, attracted zero dissent, as for the first time in 8 friendlies, official assistant ref-
There were plenty of fans in evidence at Novelda
erees were in evidence (presumably because div 2b regulations demand it?). Trialist, Swedish lad Lucas, set up Dani Lucas to hammer a first-time rocket shot just inside the box, which somehow the Orihuela keeper tipped over the bar. The first of numerous cautions by a book happy ref, were issued to Jose and a man mountain visiting defender, who seemed hell bent on dismantling the Thader strikers' body, limb by limb! Midway through the 1st half, a fine team move eventually found the impressive Chechu, who made light work of dispatching the ball past Thader keeper Adrian. Oriheula were creating good chances, none more so than on 38 mins, when Miguel headed against the post, then from the rebound, Victor hit the side netting. Thader were riding their luck early in the 2nd half, for no sooner had a linesmans flag for offside denied Oriheula a 2nd goal, sub Achmed made a pig's ear of a simple tap in. A calamitous defensive mix up between Lloyd and Adrian, resulted in a headed back pass sailing into their own net on 55 mins. This own goal signalled further defensive lapses of concentration, when
The summer is over
he summer of 2020 is now officially over, with all its trials and tribulations, the tourists have gone, the children are back at school. So, what are you going to do now? The Playa Flamenca “walking Football Club” are still here and playing. The club plays on Monday afternoon with a kick off at 4-30 for players over 50 at the Playa Flamenca sports center, any further information can be obtained by contacting the club secretary at:vickyhillspain@gmail.com
The Club also offers good social activities, so come along and look at us and Join in the fun.
only poor finishing prevented the hosts going a further 2 goals behind. Lloyd almost redeemed himself on 81 mins following a long-range free kick which required a smart save, but 2 mins later, Kike did convert a quick free kick to reduce the arrears. Alas, straight up the other end, another defensive mix up enabled Achmed to make it 3-1. With time running out, Thader were awarded a penalty following Adri being poleaxed by a keeper, who was lucky not to be sent off. I´d like to think that Juan had nightmares following his comical penalty, which missed the target by quite a distance! Next Saturday, Thader are away at Benidorm for friendly number 9 (check out CD Thader facebook page for further details).
Marta moves to Citta di Falconara Spanish international football star San Javier, Murcia born Marta Penalver talks exclusively to chief sports editor Andrew Atkinson about her move to Citta di Falconara, from Futsal Cagliari in Italy. Next week - ONLY in The Leader. No. 1 for sport. Marta Penalver with Citta di Falconara coach (right) Massimiliano Neri.
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Monday 28th September - Sunday 4th October, 2020