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Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October , 2020
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
COVID FORCES CLOSURE OF MORE LOCAL HOTELS ndustry sources indicate that the occupancy of hotel rooms has only survived during August thanks to National Tourism.
COVID has now forced the closure of the iconic La Zenia Hotel which, on it’s privileged seafront location, has temporarily ceased activity. With all entrances taped off a simple message at the main
entrance says ‘Temporarily Closed’ while a statement on the Servigroup website states “The Hotel Servigroup La Zenia closes its doors on 1st October 2020 due to end of season. We hope to see you on
your next holidays in Orihuela Costa”! There is no further information on when the 220 room hotel is likely to reopen. Continued on Page 2
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
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637 227 385 E-mail office@theleader.info Website www.theleader.info Journalists 600 228 616 office@theleader.info The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
This is another major blow to the local economy and adds to the list of many other neighbouring hotels that have either closed down or are currently considering their positions at the end of a disastrous summer season. With only a limited number of quality hotels in Orihuela Costa and Torrevieja the local industry has always been able to operate with relative ease through the low season, maintain-
ing a significant level of occupancy, even without the Imserso program. The health crisis, however, has badly affected the sector, especially in Torrevieja, with it’s 13 hotels and 1,800 accommodation places, as the city’s two main establishments have now also closed. The Hotel Playas de Torrevieja (formerly Cabo Cervera), and a member of the Poseidón chain, didn’t even make it to the end of September. A very popular hotel, well established in national tourism for offering spectacular views of the sea from all of it’s rooms, it has never previously closed during the autumn or winter because it benefitted from the events organised by the City Council, national tourism and foreign retirees who enjoyed the climatic bonanza of Torrevieja’s low season.
The Hotel Playas de Torrevieja has never previously closed during the autumn or winter
The Hotel Fontana Plaza has said it will also close this winter, although the date has not yet been set and the hotel will continue to operate in the coming weeks. The three-star hotel, a reference in the center of Torrevieja, has another 180 rooms.
trips. Without home buyers, there are no guests.
Both hotels account for more than 40% of the number of rooms in the city: almost four hundred, out of a total of 870. The impact of this temporary closure effects not only the workforce but also on the activity around these large establishments such as supermarkets and restaurants.
Meanwhile, the Doña Monse, the only four-star hotel in Torrevieja that offers services other than accommodation, such as restaurants and a spa, and the Hotel Villa de Madrid, a three star hotel to the south of the urban area, have both said that they hope to remain open during the winter.
The Hotel Masa International, another three-star hotel, next to the Torre del Moro, did not even reopen its doors following the lifting the state of alarm. The bulk of its clientele was made up of people purchasing properties in the area, who stayed at the hotel during their reconnaissance
Industry sources indicate that the occupancy of hotel rooms has only survived during August thanks to national tourism. "The accommodation of foreigners has been disappointing, no one has come, and the occupation of rooms by national tourists has now also come to an end.
The Hotel Central, located next to the Fontana Plaza, which had recently undertaken renovation works, and was one of the few focused exclusively on the summer market in July and August, did not reopen for the summer either.
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637 227 385
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
YOU R P OP PY AP P E AL N E E DS YOU This year the Royal British Poppy Appeal will be like no other. Covid-19 will see to that.
you wish to donate, District North, The Orihuela Costa and District or Alicante and search for that page at www.gofundme.com
Remembrancetide is likely to be similarly disrupted, depending on local circumstances and restrictions.
Millions of people already know how GoFundMe works and they trust the platform for being the most expert in raising funds thanks to the Internet. Indeed it is the platform used by the inspirational Captain Tom Moore who raised £35m for the NHS as he celebrated his 100th birthday.
For some it may almost be "business as usual" whereas others will find their activities severely curtailed. We will all undoubtedly feel the impact of the situation not only on our Poppy Appeal collecting activity but also on our Remembrance commemorations themselves. Fund-raising for the Poppy Appeal will be particularly challenging and as The RBL does not have permission to conduct street collections in Spain we have to rely on access to local bars and restaurants where poppies and donation boxes are left for the convenience of donors and clients. We would normally set up poppy tables manned by our volunteers in the entrances and foyers of supermarkets, but that too will most certainly be curtailed as our fundraisers and the general public are put at NIL risk as Covid 19 legislation is complied with. However, poppies will still be available at the cash tills in those same supermarkets, for which we are extremely grateful. Back in the United Kingdom Legion chiefs have launched a host of new and innovative ways to donate safely online through their website rbl.org.uk/poppyappeal. And neither here in Spain have RBL organisers been standing still. All the restrictions mentioned have made it necessary, this year, to take a slightly different approach, and with that in mind Spain District North, the Orihuela Costa Branch and the Alicante Branch, have all opened pages with GoFundMe, the world’s largest social fundraising platform, Simply select the area to which
GoFundMe is a secure site that uses the most secure payment encryption technology. Donations made online are safe and funds are withdrawn direct into the RBL Spain accounts by electronic bank transfer. Even Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been calling on caring Brits to make sure brave service personnel do not face even greater hardship as we battle our invisible enemy. The PM said: “While the circumstances in which this year’s Poppy Appeal takes place are unlike anything we have seen before, the need for it is greater than ever. And nowhere does that apply more so than here in Spain, where calls for assistance have increased significantly. All monies raised here in Spain support our beneficiaries in Spain at a rate of about €20k a month and you can rest assured that every euro donated will make a huge difference to someone’s quality of life so whether you wish to buy a poppy in your local bar or make a donation through one of the three GoFundMe pages mentioned above it has never been more important that we all find a way to make our contribution.”
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
Trial of 2 Mazarrón Mayors postponed
More than 600 migrants enter Spain via Murcian waters in last month
Liam with Damaso Aparicio, the councillor for the Environment and Waste
Following confirmation that a lawyer had tested positive for COVID-19 the trial of two former Mazarron Mayors and three former councillors has been suspended.
Last week’s good weather brought another consignment of irregular immigrants to the Murcia Region, with six boats arriving overnight on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The alleged crimes involve the awarding of works contracts for just over 413,000 euros without abiding by regulations.
Although there is a little confusion about the final total, press statements from the Government Delegate confirm the arrival of six boats containing 73 irregular migrants. Local Newspaper La Verdad, however, is reporting 91 migrants in seven boats, saying that one of the boats has been missed off the official list
The Prosecutor is requesting a penalty of ten years of disqualification from public office for each of the former mayors.
Orihuela PSOE denounce Council over local cemetery The socialist councillor Ángel Luís Muñoz Grau had denounced the municipal council after local residents complained of expansion works being carried out by the owners of the cemetery stating that the plot is expanding closer to their homes. The councillor said that the residents have been waiting for more than a month for a meeting so that they can be assured that the works have the mandatory license and that they will comply with the Safety distances that the law requires.
Murcia towns remain in confinement Murcia’s Covid Monitoring Committee has decided that the municipalities of Lorca, Jumilla and Totana will continue in phase 1 confinement for at least another week. Jumilla council has expressed its disappointment as it had hoped that restrictions could be lifted as the rate of infections has been reduced from 992 to 398 per 100,000 inhabitants, however, the Minister for Health, Manuel Villegas, explained that although the situation is under control, the current figures advise us to maintain the restrictions for another week in the three towns.
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‘Stronger Together’ Campaign launched by new Orihuela Costa Residents Assn Orihuela Costa has created a new, independent, neighbourhood association that now covers the entire coastline as it begins to build on it’s current 123 members. The new association hopes to integrate all of the residential areas, both inland and up and down the coastline, as it bids to provide much more information to coastal dwellers as well as intensifying the voice of residents living on the coast.
Associations (Generalitat Valenciana) and Citizen Entities (Orihuela City Council).
It will be called The Orihuela Costa Neighbors Association in Action (AVOCA).
Member and Treasurer: Tomás Moreno
The association was previously called the "Association of Neighbours of Cabo Roig and Lomas", and concentrated it’s efforts purely on the residents in that area but following the Annual General Meeting held at the weekend the decision was taken, with the support of bordering associations, to expand the group’s activities and influence to include many other urbanisations, now comprising Lomas de Cabo Roig, Cabo Roig, La Zenia, Mil Palmeras, Las Filipinas and Aguamarina, each one of which will hold a seat on the Board of Directors. This modification will be formalised in the coming weeks in the registries of
The new board of directors will be composed of the following members: President: Liam Antony Kiley Secretary: Adolfo Hernández Members: Cristina Pindado, Sole Feal, Arturo García, Adrián Massotti and Sergio Bernabéu. In the same assembly, all membership applications were approved, in the associate register, and now include a total of
New Orihuela Costa en Acción Neighbors Association aims to cover entire coastline
without ties to any political party or individual. Association President, 26 year old Welshman, Liam Kiley, is a resident of Las Filipinas. Last year he was elected to the Orihuela District Board X, representing the Orihuela Costa. He is a fluent Spanish speaker, works as a local activist and in recent months Liam has been increasingly praised for making his civic views well-known to politicians and groups representing all sides. Liam quite clearly identifies with the many problems that residents suffer from on the coast, and often speaks out about the poor level of services received from the Orihuela City Council.
Orihuela Costa is now beginning to establish an organised fabric of which this new group is a good example. It is an important step for an area that is home to more than 30,000 registered residents - a figure similar to that of Orihuela City, and one which triples in the summer months.
He told The Leader “We have now created an association to ensure strong alignment and more effective communication in fighting for awareness, improved infrastructure and financial support for the Orihuela Costa and it is important that all residents are now able to have their voice heard.
The new group joins with an established association that has been very involved in recent years when achieving improvements in basic infrastructures. It has already established open dialogue with municipal officials but it is completely
The easiest way that can be achieved is by joining the new association, “The Orihuela Costa Neighbours Association in Action (AVOCA).”
123 members.
The membership form can be downloaded at the link https://bit.ly/30Flngl or by email from the association at: avocaorihuelacosta@gmail.com . Membership is absolutely
free. News and information, which is regularly updated, is also available on the association facebook page in both Spanish and English.
All of the migrants are reported to be of Algerian nationalty, which makes them irregular economic migrants, not refugees, and therefore subject to expulsion orders and repatriation to their country of origin.
Almost 400 applications request aid for COVID-19 The Councillor for Industry, Víctor Bernabéu, has said that 380 applications have been submitted for aid by the self-employed and companies affected by the COVID-19 heath crisis launched by the city, providing an aid package that amounts to 605,751 euros. He said that 28% of the applications correspond to companies, while 72% have been submitted by freelancers. The grants are intended to help the self-employed, SMEs and companies to face the extraordinary expenses they have had during recent months, for a minimum amount of 500 euros and a maximum of 3,000 euros ”.
637 227 385
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
637 227 385
Orihuela plans site for motorhomes close to town centre O
rihuela Council has said that it plans to establish a site for motorhomes next to the Segura river, just over a kilometre from the urban centre. A spokesman said that the City Council aims to attract a new visitor profile with a medium to high level of purchasing power. The project, which is in its initial phase, will be a responsibility of the Department of the Environment managed by councillor Dámaso Aparicio and would have all the essential services including electricity, water and waste management and in a space adequate to meet the demand of those users. The site would be located in the area of ??soto I6, an area given by the Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS) to the Council and managed by the Department of the Environment, of about 80,000 m?. It would be adjacent to a plantation of date palms established by la Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) de Elche and to a plot of 32 park homes recently announced by the council. The area also has views of the Sierra de Orihuela and of the recently restored recreational area of San Cristóbal in Pinar de Bonanza, from where you can start hiking and climbing routes in the
heart of natural countryside. The initiative aims to attract foreign tourists with both motorhomes and caravans who like to enjoy natural areas and also make trips to the historic cities. The main difficulty has always been to find an authorised area in which the parking of these vehicles would allowed. There are also 70,000 motorhomes and caravans registered in Spain. Despite the pandemic, and the limitations that it has brought, there has nevertheless been a 20% increase in the registration of new motorhomes in Spain, according to the data published by the Spanish Association of Caravaning Industry and Commerce (ASEICAR), which constantly denounces a lack of available sites, with only 1,100 in the country (119 in the Valencian Community) compared to 6,000 in countries such as France and Germany. It is estimated that 250,000 motorhomes travel through Spain every year with an average occupancy of three people per vehicle, which represents an estimate of 750,000 people in total who spend more than 385 million euros in shops (150 euros per day on an average route of 17 days), according to ASEICAR.
Torrevieja U3A get social
Councillor Aparicio at the proposed site with mayor Emilio Bascuñana
CINEMAPILAR to finally close it’s doors
It has been a long time in the coming but last week the Torrevieja U3A were finally able to provide a social event for a number of its members. Not since March has the association been able to arrange anything for its members to come together socially and enjoy an entertaining activity. The participants met up at the Greenlands golf centre near Los Montesinos in order that they could take part in a round of Crazy Golf. The members were greeted with a smile by the Social Team organisers and were shown to their individually marked tables which were laid out to provide them with sanitizer, Golf clubs and balls. After playing their round, the members returned to their individual tables where they were able to tuck into a meal which had been pre-ordered. Everything was carefully arranged to ensure full compliance with Covid 19 rules and everything ran smoothly.
In an announcement on it’s blog and Facebook pages the English language CinemaPilar has announced that it will be closing its doors for the final time following the showing of The Lady and the Van on Thursday 29 October. Due to both the health pandemic and BREXIT the level of public attendance has dropped dramatically. It has fallen from about 100 people a week to 15 or 20, a situation that is completely untenable for the association as it has continued to lose money every week since the theatre reopened in August following lockdown. As a result, the decision has now been made to permanently
close the Duplex Cinema. CinemaPilar has been showing English language films twice weekly for over 7 years and in their final joint announcement Diego and Tish, the centre organisers, said that they bitterly regret the decision, adding their thanks for all the support they have received in the intervening years. The showings really have been a labour of love by both individuals and the expat community should be extremely grateful for the sacrifices and the effort made by the pair whilst the cinema has been active. If you have been an attendee and would like to say your farewells to Diego and Tish you still have time to do so as there are three remaining showings, below, which will take place on the next 3 Thursday evenings, all at 7pm. • Thursday, October 15th at 19:00 o´clock: The film will be “SORRY WE MISSED YOU” • Thursday, October 22nd.”BOHEMIAN RAPSODY” • Thursday, October 29 (last day): “THE LADY IN THE VAN” As an occasional visitor to the theatre I too would like to add my thanks for the contribution that Diego and Trish have made to expat life in Spain.
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Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
637 227 385
Villamartin entertainment closed down as President hits out at unfair police treatment
By Andrew Atkinson Villamartin Plaza President and spokesperson Casey Shaddock has hit out at the Orihuela police after a music concert event was stopped last Thursday night, October 8.
"They say businesses will get fined if they do not adhere to rules. Why don't police go to all of the other businesses in the area and shut them down when they are clearly illegal?
"The Policia Local allow music and non-social distancing in over 20 bars in the Orihuela Costa - and do nothing," alleged Shaddock.
"No license, in some cases, no social distancing, dancing, smoking and live music."
"What makes closing this event so special? If they had made their video correctly, it would have shown distancing. Another example of 'one rule for one and not another'.
Shaddock added: "I have always supported the police, but it is clearly now one rule for one and one for another.
"Please do the same job - to all others, if you to do it correctly," said Shaddock. Following the latest 21 day music ban put in place by the authorities, amid the COVID-19 spike, Shaddock said: "They say the event was attended by 250 people, the law is 400 at the moment. And most bars are not acting correctly. There should be no live music in bars during this 21 day period, that is the decree."
"Keep pushing the ex-pats away - and see what is left. Our tax money supports Orihuela, with less than 50% coming back to us.�
Quote: 'I have always supported the police, but now it is clearly one rule for one and one for another' Villamartin plaza President Casey Shaddock
"So keep pushing and see the empty wasteland left and no money going into your coffers. Thanks for shutting down a totally legal night - you should be proud." Shaddock has also hit back at comments about musicians, allegedly asking the mayor to help them.
Entertainment laws for Orihuela Costa announced in new National and Regional rules, state Bars that serve food and provide professional entertainment can continue to do so, providing all other rules are adhered to. The entertainer has to be a legal professional, registered as autonomous, or with a legal contract to perform specifically at that bar, at that time, and on that day.
In response, Shaddock said: "All artists that perform here are legal - and do not ask for anything from the mayor." However, the Police local Orihuela released a video of former Hot Chocolate star Greg Bannis singing on stage at Villamartin, that alleges social distancing COVID-19 restrictions being broken by those in attendance at the plaza.
All paperwork must be on the person for the police to check, as per request. The rules for live entertainment may differ, between Municipalities.
Lyn Buchan, who attended the concert said: "We were in Steakstones and the video does not show how it really was.
COVID-19 legislation also includes: no-smoking within 2 metres of any other person; tables of no more than ten people; no dancing; all tables must be socially distanced at 1.5 metres. All amateur singing and dancing, including karaoke is prohibited. All bars and restaurants must close at 1am and not take any new customers after midnight. The rules also stated any drinking bar (Bares de copas), a bar/Restaurant that does not have a kitchen, or food service should close for the 21 day period of the increased measures. Protocol that includes nightlife venues of discos, nightclubs and or cocktail bars. Shaddock said: "The Orihuela Costa has the lowest rate of coronavirus in Spain. "They stopped a totally legal event, that even they said was legal and licensed.
"Around us the tables were spaced, as per the rules, and masks were being worn when they should. We felt safe." Meanwhile reports in the Spanish press say that a police spokesman cited a lack of social distancing as the only reason for the event closure, reporting that people were eating dinner with no security spacing between diners. The police add that they took photographs and a video which validates their decision. Press reports also state that, since March, Orihuela Costa has been one of the areas of the Vega Baja which has presented the most difficulties in controlling regulations to prevent the spread of covid. With around ten thousand British registered on the Oriolana coast, most of them go about their daily life without having any contact with the Spanish population as a result of which British hoteliers and their customers have not always understood the application of the limitations made by the Spanish authorities.
637 227 385
Steve to ‘Brave the shave’
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020 Leader football writer Steve Hibberd
Whilst in lockdown, I was inspired by Captain Tom Moore's phenomenal Zimmer frame marathon, which became the catalyst for me to do my bit for a worthy cause. So, I've decided to raise money for AFA Torrevieja and Alzheimer's society UK, by not having a shave or getting my hair cut until 13 Mar 21, when the whole lot will be hopefully painlessly removed!
llenge, and have recently raised my JustGiving page. Having contacted Alzheimer's society, they sent me a pack up, which included a t shirt and sponsorship form. In addition to this, I will be donating monies that I will have saved by not shaving or having a haircut to AFA Torrevieja, which will amount to approximately 150 euros. STEVE'S BRAVE THE SHAVE, will be held at Quesada Bowls Club on 13 Mar 21 at 2pm, following the regular Saturday roll up.
I'm now just over halfway through my cha-
'Get Out Gays' graffiti appears on Pilar de la Horadada benches A council workman overpainting the grafitti
Any donations should be sent to my JustGiving page.
Local author continues heart-warming tale of family life with new book
hree years ago Jacqueline Carpenter moved from Essex and took early retirement in Los Alcazares on the Mar Menor. On her "To Do" list was to write a book.
Jacqueline’s first novel ‘LOUISA’ was published last year, gaining an overwhelming response, which it still continues to receive. It was the author’s debut novel and the first of a trilogy. JOAN is the second novel and was published last week. The novel continues a heart-warming tale of family life in England during the 1950's. World War Two is over and Great Britain is celebrating. Louisa, a pretty war widow, has remarried and taken her two sons from Bermondsey, London to live with her new husband, Mark, in Biddenden, a beautiful farming village deep in the Weald of Kent. Will they all live happily ever after? Join Louisa, her lovable family and quirky friends for a decade in their lives as they encounter love, strength, happiness, sorrow, deceit and human kindness. Both LOUISA and JOAN are available at Amazon or Kindle.
Last year Jacqueline ran a competition asking readers to have their photos taken with LOUISA and post them on Facebook. Pictures arrived from all over the world. A local photographer Alan Morris chose the winner, Michelle Smith, who won a voucher to Little Sicily, Tripadvisor's number one restaurant in Los Alcazares. And I understand that she will be doing something similar with her new book, JOAN, which will be announced on 2nd November. It’s currently top secret but she is already accumulating vouchers in local restaurants as prizes.
The Horadada Council has condemned the appearance of homophobic graffiti that has appeared on painted benches in the municipality saying that they will continue working to eradicate such "vandalism in the town" The Department of Equality and Youth of the Pilar de la Horadada City Council said that the benches used were those from the "Simply ... Love" campaign, the aim of which was to make the LGTBI community more visible in the municipality, a simple gesture that could help people to identify themselves. It was a move intended to promote equal opportunities between women and men in Pilar de la Horadada demonstrating the town’s commitment against all types of homophobias and school bullying. A spokesman said that they will continue working to eradicate this type of behaviour in the municipality as they continue working to build a society that is more tolerant of diversity. "For a free love and for equal opportunities between men and women. We cannot accept this type of vandalism", they said.
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
So what about the ‘street devil and house angel’…?
ast week we ran a piece about the ‘street angel and house devil’. We gave several examples of the meaning of the term. Since then, something happened here which prompted this column to reverse the roles of ‘devils and angels’ and draw your attention to the fact that there are also street devils who are house angels. What got me thinking along these lines was the well-publicised retirement of a famous inter-county footballer, Dublin’s Diarmuid Connolly. For those foreigners among you, Connolly was rarely off the sports pages of our national papers – and occasionally he even made the front page. He was a teak-tough, uncompromising player who engaged in battle ‘on the edge’. ‘The Hill’ (The ‘Kop’ of Gaelic football) loved him above all others. It is fair to say he commanded love and hate in equal measure for his ‘uncompromising’ style of play. I can truthfully say that I don’t hate anybody … except I would have identified with the hate camp where Diarmuid Connolly was concerned. That is until the day I got up close and personal with this holder of a multitude of ‘All-star’ awards and a bag of All-Ireland medals! It was in the bar during the half-time break of a match in Croke Park. Diarmuid was with two other guys at a table next to mine. A couple of girls came over looking for ‘selfies’. (No … not with me – and no need to be sarcastic, Lads) I made some smart remark and with that, I got drawn into conversation with the three ‘Dubs’; and like Johnny Cash in ‘A boy named Sue’, ‘I came away with a different point of view.’ We talked about Boston – from where he had just
returned, hurling, (not everyone will know that Connolly is a talented hurler as well) and mostly light-hearted banter. Diarmuid’s humour, quick wit and interest in other people really floored me. I have to say he came across as one of the warmest, friendliest and most genuine guys one could wish to have in company. Some contrast with the terror on the pitch – and illustrates the fact that we can get the ‘house angels’ wrong as well as the ‘house devils!’ In similar vein, and whilst we are on a football theme – and doing a bit of name-dropping; let me tell you about Tommy Dowd. I ‘hated’ Tommy Dowd when he played for Meath. A stand-out player with two All-Ireland medals and four Allstar awards, he epitomised the ‘hardness’ of that Meath team. Possessing silken skills and an amazing reflex mechanism, my abiding memory of those days is Dowd going through the Westmeath defence like a battering-ram. His expression was a cross between dour and smug. No, I had made up my mind about Tommy Dowd because I didn’t like what I saw… Then I met him! I discovered Tommy to be one of the nicest, most genuine guys I have ever met. He is warm, gentle, caring, a great family man, a good friend – and great company. We have done a bit of business together over the years and he is one man I love sitting down to have a coffee with. Oh, did I mention modest?! So you see, when we think we know people – we don’t know them at all – until we get to know them! I remember Pat Quinn being interviewed by Gay Byrne on the Late Late Show, after his supermarket empire had imploded. Pat Quinn was the man who came back from America around 1970 and founded the ‘Quinnsworth’ chain of Irish supermarkets. He was an overnight sought-after personality beloved of chat-show hosts and the ‘beautiful
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people’ of the day. Then again, almost overnight, Quinn, who had over-stretched the company, went bust and into receivership. Interviewed by Gay, a year or two afterwards, Pat Quinn said that the greatest lesson he had learned was how difficult it is to know who your real friends are until you have nothing left. “I was wrong about half of them’, he said: “Half of those I thought I would have been able to count upon, turned their backs; and half of those from whom I would not have expected anything – they supported me.” We have all come across the types that move on the other side of the road as soon as you are of no further use to them, but it is most often impossible to know them in advance. If a telepathic machine is ever invented, whereby everyone knows what the other person is thinking … there will be no two of us speaking to each other. And I’ll leave you with this one: Adolf Hitler was exceptionally good to his mother…
Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and
Don’t Forget Goodness consists not so much in the outward things we do, but in the inward things we are.
‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
Hostas drought tolerant perennial ideal for Spanish garden Hosta plants are a beautiful drought
variety in leaf shape, size and texture,
moderate shade.
tolerant perennial - ideal for the
deemed as shade lovers.
Spanish gardens - with their lush folia-
However, growing hostas in the shade
ge, amongst 2,500 cultivars.
depends on their colour. The lighter the
Hosta leaves come in a variety of greens, ranging from a colour so deep, it’s blue, to that of a soft-creamy white.
Originating in the Orient and brought to
foliage, the brighter the sun. The deeper
Europe in the 1700s, the hosta has a
darker foliage retains it colour best, in
In spite of their almost tropical look, hostas are rugged and, once established,
they can tolerate almost any soil, providing it's good draining and will grow for many years. Fertilise each spring, with an all-purpose garden fertiliser.
Hostas attract slugs, which leave unsightly holes in the leaves. The scattering of sand or eggshell around your plants will help keep them away.
637 227 385
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
Hungry reporters add fuel to Lawless Society
s I approach my mideighties, I feel sick of how a country that I loved and still do, declines into anarchy. There is a report in the papers this morning that there are not enough police to monitor the closing of pubs at ten o’clock. Why should there be? The law says they should close. If the United Kingdom had not turned into a lawless society people would have obeyed to the letter the administration’s ability to curb a virus which is slowly taking hold. It is sad to see the thousands of people taking part in Trafalgar Square in the centre of London, ignoring the requirement to social distance or wear a face mask. Of course, in a democracy one
has the ability to complain and form groups to make their point. But, also in a democracy, for it to work for the nation, then it is everyone’s responsibility to be law abiding. In the UK with its nine hundred year old history, over that time there have been recognised channels developed to make another argument contra to the Governments, also there are Members of Parliament to help to enforce the differing views to bring them before the prevailing administration. Britain used to be totally law abiding. It is, I think so different now with young people in groups taking advantage of the soft ways the country has developed over time, hence not enough policemen to control the crowds. These factions do not
A report says there are not enough police to monitor the closing of pubs at ten o’clock. believe that laws are there to be tolerated by them. Since the development of twenty four hour news channels, there are now sizable organizations developed for the sole purpose to bring every one up to date with current affairs and bulletins. In my view there are many hungry reporters trying to get their story on to the front pages, no matter how incorrect or fictitious they may be, with editors straining to sort the wheat from the chaff. In my opinion through this maze
of dubious news, groups use its unprincipled reporting to bring constantly false or questionable accounts of the Government’s ability to govern. In the meantime, the populist, drenched in negative accounts, get on with their lives, not quite believing what is being broadcast, but parts will remain with them as bad and exciting false stories travels faster than truth. Percy Chattey, Author www.percychatteybooks.com www.fuentelargo.com
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 835
ACROSS 1. Insolvent (8) 5. Notion (4) 9. Unaccompanied (4) 10. Summit (8) 11. Perhaps (5) 12. Function (7) 13. Impotence (13) 18. Faith (8) 19. Applaud (4) 20. Superficial (7) 21. Crowbar (5) 22. Sediment (4) 23. Stress (8) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
Tropical fruit (7)
Maim (7)
Military captive (8,2,3)
Die (7)
Eternal (7)
Deduces (6)
Examination (7)
Health (7)
Feast (6)
Kernel (7)
Stutter (7)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Manufacture; 9 Robbery; 10 Train; 11 Evens; 12 Utilise; 13 Occult; 15 Reveal; 18 Amnesty; 20 Prang; 22 Lasso; 23 Iranian; 24 Table tennis. DOWN: 2 Amble; 3 Utensil; 4 Asylum; 5 Tutti; 6 Realise; 7 Irrevocable; 8 Intelligent; 14 Canasta; 16 Explain; 17 Typist; 19 Stool; 21 Alibi. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Promptitude; 9 Counter; 10 Khaki; 11 Order; 12 Sunburn; 13 Nobody; 15 Thwart; 18 Austere; 20 Satin; 22 Thing; 23 Growler; 24 Undertaking. DOWN: 2 Round; 3 Motored; 4 Thrust; 5 Token; 6 Dracula; 7 Accountants; 8 Piano tuners; 14 Bastion; 16 Hassock; 17 Weight; 19 Eagle; 21 Talon.
ACROSS 1. Fighting idleness (8) 5. Girl gives help to miners' leader (4) 9. Stupefy by returning what the shells contain? (4) 10. Industrial action can be impressive (8) 11. Bush that gives the garden a sweep? (5) 12. Tea-tins produced with due ceremony (2,5) 13. Assembles lens in complete innocence (13) 18. Completely eject one side (8) 19. Money-making plant? (4) 20. Encourage to listen to half a score (7) 21. Old address for males in the Middle East? (5) 22. She is in fear, it appears (4) 23. Fairy hut was destroyed (8)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. What is the largest pachyderm in the world? 2. What is the only country in the world with the Bible on its national flag? 3. The name of which Principality, formed in 1278, is thought to be derived from 'al Darra', the Arabic word for forest? 4. Which famous song, which includes the phrase "I'd love to turn you on", was banned by the BBC from airplay in 1967 on the basis of this line, claiming it could "encourage a permissive attitude toward drugtaking"? 5. According to the human rights organisation Freedom House, what percentage of the worlds population live in countries with a free press? plus or minus 10% 6. Henry Ford kept the last breath of which inventive man in an enclosed test tube? 7. What is the dot over a lower case i or j called? 8. Which insects get their name from an ancient superstition that they crawl into the ears of sleeping people? 9. The 1922 film 'Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror' was the first film about which person? 10. Plus or minus one second, what is now the world record time for restoring a Rubik's cube at an official competition?
DOWN 2. Such a note can't be forced (7) 3.
Agree with 100 performing well (7)
Remote possibility not within the bounds of luck? (7,6)
Put life into a team in disarray (7)
A measure of heat generated by academic success? (7)
Fail to meet American woman, colloquially speaking (6)
13. One of the family gets redhead into trouble (7) 14. Draw an abstainer with damaged cart (7) 15. Is six set in order (6) 16. Anaesthetics in the Bible? (7) 17. Frank is one in awful screen production (7)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11. The following are national or state mottos. For each motto, identify the country or state: a: Dieu et mon droit (French, 'God and my right'), b: Ordem e progresso (Portuguese, 'Order and progress'), c: Nulli Expugnabilis Hosti (Latin: 'Conquered by no enemy'), d: A mari usque ad mare (Latin, 'From sea to sea'), e: In My Defens God Me Defend (Often abbreviated as 'IN DEFENS') 12. What is a 'Wobbegong'? 13. Alex Rodriguez excels at which sport, making him the highest paid player of all time? 14. According to the IAEO, name the 10 countries in the world with the most nuclear reactors. 15. Name the British band or singer that released each of the following albums. a. New Boots and Panties!! (1978), b. Atom Heart Mother (1970), c. 12x5 (1964) (pronounced "twelve by five"), d. A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse (1971), e. Jesus of Cool (in the UK) Pure Pop for Now People (in the USA) (1978) 16. What do people suffering from TRICHOTILLOMANIA have a sometimes frustrated impulse to do? 17. Put the following countries in order of average life expectancy of their people (averaged for men and women), starting with the highest: a: Ireland, b: United States, c: Spain, d: Hong Kong, e: Australia
637 227 385
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
British fugitive arrested on Orihuela Costa for Kidnap S
week when he was caught by Spanish police in aid in their press releases to be "extremely Orihuela Costa. dangerous and violent", a British fugitive, He was arrested following an anti-drug operation Micah Walfall, 36, from the Midlands, and where agents had detected a drug pass in a leisure one of Britain's most wanted men, was arrested area of Torrevieja. They attempted to stop a vehilast week in Spain after detectives tracked him cle but the car did not stop and drove off at high down to his hideaway in Orihuela Costa. speed. And the arrest was by no means a straightforward The Civil Guard then chased the affair as Walfall put up resistance, The victim was allegedly car for several kilometers. During even using pepper spray on Civil the high speed chase the fugitives Guard officers as they attempted to tortured and tasered in tried to ram the police car, endantake him into custody. He is now in the testicles as Walfall gering the lives of more than one jail in Torrevieja. demanded a ransom of passerby, before the suspects card Walfall was considered to be one of half a million pounds drove through a children’s playthe United Kingdom’s most wanted ground, finally crashing into a tree. sterling. fugitives and is considered to be the The driver was able to flee despite main organiser in the kidnapping of the accident, while the person in the passenger seat a man thought to be high profile drug trafficker in was arrested and taken into custody. Manchester last year. The victim was allegedly tortured and tasered in the testicles as Walfall demanded a ransom of half a million pounds sterling. Five other criminals were involved in the same kidnap, including Michael Etuhu, 35, a former football agent whose two brothers both played for Manchester City. Etuhu pleaded guilty in court, alongside Ben Ukaegbu, 38, Daniel Lowe, 27, and Nicky Barnes, also 27, who admitted carrying out the plan. Etuhu was jailed for 10 years, Ukaegbu for 11 years, Lowe for 10 and a half years, Barnes for 12 years, and Bishop for seven years. Walfall remained on the run, however, until last
Investigators then focused on trying to identify the escaped suspect by using information sent by the UK authorities, who had already warned that he was a dangerous and violent person, in addition to being one of the UK’s most wanted fugitives. The Civil Guard began to carry out surveillance on people around the suspect and were able to discover that he was hiding in an urbanisations on the Orihuela Costa. A raid on Walfall’s home was then quickly organised before he was able to move on and when they attempted to arrest him, the he put up a great resistance as he attempted to flee in his vehicle, grabbing a can of pepper spray to spray the civil guards, but in the end he was forced to the ground
Walfall is now awaiting extradition to the UK and handcuffed. The suspect has now been charged with crimes of drug trafficking, reckless driving and damages. The Court of Instruction number 2 of Torrevieja agreed last weekend to deny bail and keep him in prison while the National Court processes the
extradition warrant. In UK he now faces life in prison for conspiracy to kidnap, 14 years in prison for conspiracy to blackmail, 10 years for illegal possession of weapons as well as a further 5 years for assault.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third
Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. In view of current health situation, however, please call for up to date info The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506
...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or welfare on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the
637 227 385
Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org SALT CHURCH (formally Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597..
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
Hollywood set to arrive in Javea
ilming of an American movie is set to roll in the coves and coastline of Javea, Spain, including La Granadella (pictured above) during October, that could see Hollywood actors return to Spain, including Bruce Willis. Icons such as Kirk Douglas, Sigourney Weaver, Bruce Willis, Richard Dreyfuss, Yul Brynner, Paco Rabal, Verónica Forqué and Alfredo Landa are amongst many of the stars who have filmed in Spain in recent years. Filming is scheduled to get underway in Xabia (Javea) a coastal town in the commerce of Marina Alta, in the province of Alicante, Valencia, by the Mediterranean sea on the side of the Montgo Massif, that sits behind a wide bay and sheltered between two rocky headlands. Filming shoots span decades in Spain, with the international painter Joaquín Sorolla influencing filming in 1896 for its light, its beauty and its landscapes. Valencian born Sorolla, whose Valencia high-speed railway station has been named after, and who died in Madrid, aged 60 in 1923, excelled in the painting of portraits, landscapes and monumental works of social and historical themes. His most typical works are characterised by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of Spain and sunlit water. Filming locations in the fishing port and in Aduanas del Mar have been chosen during October shoots - with security around the docking area for fishing boats and on the promenade - restricting access. The filming of the latest (unnamed) American film will take place in the coves and coasts of Javea, Spain, including La Granadella during October. Boats hired by the production company will depart in order to install the necessary equipment for filming in locations, including La Granadella cove. The Spanish production company has been in charge of the contracts, with the fishing companies and Xàbia (Javea) residents contracted to signing a confidentiality protocol. Sorolla influenced other Spanish painters. After his death, his widow, Clotilde García del Castillo, left many of his paintings to the Spanish public. The paintings form the collection known as the Museo Sorolla,
www.theleader.info By Andrew Atkinson
which was the artist's house in Madrid. The museum opened in 1932. Sorolla's work is represented in museums throughout Spain, Europe, America, and in many private collections in Europe and America. In 1933, J. Paul Getty purchased 10 Impressionist beach scenes made by Sorolla, several of which are housed in the J. Paul Getty Museum.
Sigourney Weaver filmed ‘The Cold Light of Day’ in Javea with Bruce Willis
In 1960, Sorolla, el pintor de la luz, a short documentary written and directed by Manuel Domínguez, was presented at the Cannes film festival. The Spanish National Dance Company honoured the painter's The Provinces of Spain by producing a ballet Sorolla based on the paintings. 'The Cold Light of Day' was filmed in 2012, starring Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver at the Granadella. In 2009, 'My life in Ruins', was filmed, starring Nia Verdalos in the port, with a scene at the Hotel Miramar. In 2006, 'Letters to Sorolla', the biography of the Valencian painter, was filmed. In 1970, Alfredo Landa starred in 'Cateto a Port' with scenes of Cap Prim l from La Caleta and the cliffs of La Granadella from Ambolo. The Infernal Frigate (1962). In the wake of the Franco regime foreign film productions were made throughout Spain including Javea including The Infernal Frigate that hosted the filming of Billy Budd, directed by Peter Ustinov, about the harsh living conditions in the British Armada of the 18th century. Liam Neeson was filming in Spain in 2014. The Ambolo shot film sequences of Taken 3, an American production by Olivier Megaton, starring Liam Neeson. Hollywood iconic film stars Raquel Welch, Faye Dunaway, and Christopher Lee have been on location in Denia, Spain. The Cold Light of Day was filmed on location at Carretera de la Granadella, Javea and in Moraira starring Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver. Willis and Weaver stayed at the Asia Hotel in Benidorm and were taken to film locations by helicopter. Matt Damon was pictured in Achill, Javea, in 2016, with his wife, Luciana Barroso, and a group of friends to attend the wedding of his brother-in-law-Luciana's stepbrother, who is from a town in Pedreguer.
Valencian born painter Sorolla
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps IGolf Course Review and Offer – La Manga Golf Resort La Manga for those who dream of playing golf on beautiful, top quality courses in a near ideal climate is the perfect destination. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)
Price €98 €120 €100 €157 €45
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Single Green Fee + buggy
The resort has been synonymous with golf with three excellent courses (South, North and West) and superb practice facilities and has hosted numerous professional events and televised pro-celebrity golf charity events. Standing proud above the courses is the 5* Hotel Principe Felipe merely emphasising the feel of grandeur of the resort Unfortunately such treatment and pampering comes at a price and the public rate for a round of golf is €190 and with buggies at €48 per buggy per round.
Results for w/c 5.10.20 By Peter Reffell
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
virus and between now and the 28th February 2021 Costa Blanca Green Fee Services and the Leader can offer the following special winter prices on the North and South courses: Two Green Fees + Buggy + Lunch = €150 Single Green Fee + Buggy + Lunch = €85 Single Twilight Green Fee (from 1pm) = €55 We are fast approaching the festive period so why not treat your loved one to a special Birthday or Christmas present?
As we are all aware these are not normal times with the covid-19
Contact us using the details below to make any booking.
El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Pinaillas
Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villamartin Vistabella
€98 €59 €90 €35 €118 €206 €53 €126 €50 €134 €118 €45 €40
2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee after 2pm Green Fee (incl single buggy)
Las Ramblas Golf Society SMGS at El Valle. Monday’s ‘Counter Game’ was the version where it was only after the hole had been played did you find out how many scores out of the four were to count. In first place, coming in with 96 points, were Reg Akehurst, Ian Moir, Terry Field and Pete Dunn. The Silver, with 94, was claimed by Petina Murray, AnneMarie Weisheit, Friedel Kneble and Mike Mahony. On Wednesday It was round 4 (of 6) to decide this year’s individual Stableford champion. Giving her overall score a big boost in the Lady’s section Liz Robertson took the day with 40 points. In the men’s competition it was Trevor Pullyblank, with 39 points, who just edged out Pete Dunn on countback. Two ‘2’s today going to Lindsay Forbes and Mark Western. Friday’s ‘Change Partners’ saw our favourites duly oblige as Terry Field, Mark Western, John Dobson and Petina Murray took the day with 86 points. In contention for most of the game but just falling short, with 83, it was Benedicte Kruse, Nigel Price and Ken & Liz Robertson. Por ultimo, Mike Mahony says to his caddy, ‘Please stop checking your watch all the time. It’s too much of a distraction’. Caddy replies, ‘It’s not a watch it’s a compass.’ Pues hasta la semana que viene
637 227 385
October 7th, 2020 A very good turnout for Micky Roscoe’s first SMGS golf day as Captain. The Society’s new season got underway with 34 members and 6 guests making their way to one of the more liked Nicklaus courses in the area. Liked, that is, by the lower handicappers. High handicappers once again had a bit of a mare on a course where pampas grass dominates the scenery, golf, searching time and frustration. The mere appearance of it in front of tees is enough to make legs wobble, swings shorten and speed up, and a sense of points being lost to immediately enter the psyche. It also causes play to slow down, although saying that, most groups were round in four and a half hours. Not bad for SMGS. As we are again playing the course in two weeks´ time it was determined by the Committee to celebrate Mick’s captaincy start with a two game eclectic, whilst retaining prizes on each individual day for the first three in each of 3 categories. There will be a lot of players who can vastly improve on their scoring on October 21st! Only 10 members made 30 points or more, and in Bronze Category (higher handicappers) 25 points was (somewhat embarrassingly felt the prize winner, and others) enough to take 3rd spot whilst finishing 20th overall. As well as the pampas grass, some difficult pin positions, a fairly strong wind, the propensity of bunkers, generally raised greens, and scouring of greens meaning perceived breaks didn’t occur, led to the scoring havoc. We´ll see how many of the day’s players return to the
€152 €100 €154 €35 €82 €124 €115 €35 €172 €113
Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy (after 3,30pm) Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy from 2pm
For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 course for round two of the eclectic in a couple of weeks! However, there is always somebody who shines, and all the adversities mentioned did not stop Kev Albright from burning the course up and being the one person to beat their handicap. An excellent 40 points was well ahead of the rest, Carmel McCann coming in second overall with 35 points. Kev has form at El Valle, having also won his division there back in October the previous year. Special mentions too for Carmel’s husband Richard and Ivan Hanak, ,both of whom clearly wished to impress their playing partner wives in the same fourball by taking the nearest the pins on holes 6 and 9. The day’s results were the following: Bronze Category: 3rd Mike Jordan (25), 2nd Mick Seymour (29) and 1st, Carmel McCann with 35 points. Silver Category: 3rd Phil de Lacy (34 on CB), 2nd Steve Hart (34 on CB) and first, with by far the day’s best score, Kev Albright with 40 points. Gold Category: 3rd Mark Preston (32), 2nd Robin Eastman (33 on CB) and first, Graeme Forbes, also with 33 points. Nearest the pins (sponsored by Property Shop): Hole 6 Ivan Hanak, Hole 9 Richard McCann, Hole 12 Yvonne Davies, Hole 15 Steve Hart. Abacus: Mike Fearnehough Best Guest Winners: 1st Peter Jones (27), 2nd Richard Morgan (26) Our thanks go to all El Valle staff for their contribution to an enjoyable day. Next week we will be at La Serena. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website www.smgs.org or simply give Captain Mick Roscoe a call on 649 226 955.
The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos Close to Dial Prix Supermarket
637 227 385
RORY McILROY SAYS the U.S. Team would have lost a big advantage in this year's Ryder Cup with no partisan spectators yelling for them. We'll never know. The roars were certainly heard at the 1995 Ryder Cup at Oak Hill, New York, where the US team which included Ben Crenshaw, Corey Pavin and a young Phil Mickelson were hoping for a hat trick. The European team, some injured, some inexperienced, hardly looked intimidating. Captained for the 3rd time by Bernard Gallagher, it included Seve Ballesteros (off form) Nick Faldo (injured wrist) and Philip Walton (rookie.) The U.S. entered the final round singles with a 9-7 lead. In the final two matches, with the score 12.5 – 12.5, Faldo was one down to Curtis Strange on the 17th and Philip Walton's lead was down to one against Jay Haas. Curtis Strange bogeyed the final two holes and Faldo coolly sunk his putt to win. Seve rushed at Faldo in tears and hugged him. Walton with knees knocking made a two-putt par to beat Haas one up. Europe won, 14.5 -13.5. US Captain Lanny Wadkins was so shellshocked at the closing ceremony he pulled out the wrong speech – the one he’d written to accept victory. Europe had beaten America on their turf over a course set up to suit their game. Roll on 2021. CALLING ALL GOLFERS, fisherfolk and whisky drinkers to team up on November 6th-
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
8th. Two days golf and fishing and a whisky tasting quiz at Ratho Farm Golf and Leisure resort. Trout will be weighed and score cards marked before the third leg of the triathlon. The format is 2-person teams. Points per trout caught + bonus points for each 100g it weighs. The best stableford score over any 9 holes from either team member’s individual scores per hole (no limit to the number of holes played until close each day). Dinner on Saturday night plus Whisky Tasting Quiz. The local Nant Single Malt Whisky has been rated amongst the top fifty in the world. The only drawback to this exciting weekend is – it's in Tasmania. Ratho Farm, located on the Clyde river near the pretty Georgian town of Bothwell is reputed to be the oldest golf club in Australia. The estate was bought by the wealthy Reid family who emigrated from Edinburgh in 1822 and developed a successful farm. In those days settlers were issued a parcel of free land and free convict labour based on their capital. The Reid's first land grant was for 1400 acres and a mile of rainbow trout stream. Their descendants now own the golf club and guest accommodation is in the former convict accommodation buildings (hopefully updated.) Australian golfers who come to learn about the origins of the game find natural fairways and square greens, which originated in Scotland, and can still be seen on some Scottish courses, including Prestwick and St. Andrews. Their
Team Captain Bernard Gallagher celebrating With Seve and Sam Torrance
shape was originally set out by the keeper of the green, who placed four pegs in the ground and strung wire round to keep the sheep off. “Golfers heading down to Tasmania for the Seniors Championship at Launceston should add Ratho Farm to their itinerary.” Some chance, we'll be lucky if we can still go to Murcia. ALTHOUGH THE USPGA TOUR managed to move the CJ Cup from South Korea to Las Vegas and the ZOZO Championship from Japan to California there was no relocation option available for the WGC-HSBC
Champions at Sheshan, meaning Rory will get to hold on to the trophy till 2021. Instead of heading for chilly China on October 26th a field of 132 players will compete on the Port Royal course, Bermuda, for a week of sun and balmy breezes and a purse of $4 million. As Mr. Trump would probably say: “Walnuts to China.” Until next time: Happy Golfing, and although there won't be any street collections this year any loose change you can drop in the poppy boxes will be much appreciated. Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. 638 859 475.
Alto Real Trophy and Captains day This month saw us at Alto Real golf course when we played for our Alto Real trophy alongside our first ever Captains day, a group of seventeen members were made welcome at the course by Antonio and his staff, our buggies had been left ready and waiting outside the reception holding the usual complimentary water, after having a coffee, a catch-up, and a pre. game photoshoot we were ready to go. The course and greens were in very good condition, just waiting for us to tee off, the weather remained good encouraging us all to enjoy the course and hopefully play well. Following the game, we headed back to Bar El Toro in Calle Vigo, Quesada for the presentation. Our annual Alto Real Trophy is a copy of the Claret Jug as played for in the British Open, and there is always plenty of enthusiasm in this competition, the Trophy has always been played for in April but had to be delayed this year due to the dreaded Covid19 causing all courses to be closed.
he Orangetree Golf Society enjoyed three days of great golf, which thankfully the weather was on top form for. The first day round was played at Aguillon golf course which proved to favour the long hitters, but was an absolute joy to play as the course was in great condition.
That was followed by two days, and two rounds at Alboran golf course at Cabo de Gato near Almeria. The course was long but favoured the steady hitters, which proved to be the case with the overall outcome.
the course on the final day between four players but Simon took the lead on the 17 th and kept his nerve on the final hole, a long par 5 to take the Orangetree Tour Cup, which was presented by Stuart Robertson, the captain.
The winner was Simon Sharples who ended up one point ahead of Kedric Rhodes, it was touch and go all around
A great 3 days were had with great company and all looking forward to next year's tour. Congratulations to Simon.
This October gave us a double whammy with our Captain's day prizes being played for in conjunction with the Trophy. Onto our results, our NTP s being won by on the first and the seventeenth by Peter List, the eighth hole was taken by Ian Allison, nobody hit hole ten in one all NTP s received a sleeve of Srixon golf balls, the BF9 with nineteen points was won by Ian Allison, with Rob Ashman taking the BB9 scoring fifteen points both received bottles of red wine. We had three members scoring thirty-six points,
Photo left winner John Rush right Captain Martin Collins which was our top score, so a count-back was necessary, in third place and taking home a bottle of red wine was Allan Collis, Terry Sharley took second place receiving red and white wines but our winner on the day, taking home the Claret Jug, a Captain's Trophy, and winning bottles of Vodka and Bacardi was John Rush, our soccer card being won by Mick Cave who selected Leeds. I have to say well done to all our winners and a big thank you to our members for making this day special. On the day a draw had been made for several prizes which were given by Martin Collins our Captain to members not winning prizes on the day. Busters would like to give a big thank you to Ian the boss of Bar El Toro for providing the wine for some of our prizes and his staff for laying on sandwiches for us. Barry Grinsell Busters Golf Society.
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
La Marina Bowls Club By Dave Hadaway October 1st and summer seems to have finished, at least during the night. I actually woke up in the middle of the night feeling cold. It's not all bad news through because bowling season opens with a vengeance with competitive bowls Mon, Wed and Fri, and some keen bowling on Tues, and Thurs, club days. Our internal 1,2,3, league now known as Barclays internal winter league as it is sponsored by Barclays who have always been generous in their support for the club and we thank them very much. For those that don't know 1,2,3 means 6 ends of trips, 6 ends of pairs, 6 ends of singles, each discipline being worth 2 points and 2 points for the total, giving a maximum of 8 points to be won.
It really does give new interest to both players and supporters. This in the true winter league tradition is followed by a meal open to everyone. This first game saw the Kolas and Pandas (all teams have animal names) shoot to the top of the league with maximum points and 30 of us stayed to enjoy the meal. Staying for a meal is a true bowling tradition and for those that bowled in Britain a vast improvement over a cold salad in wet clothes, but the banter and crack is always good. Monday 6th was Shirley Withers funeral held at Rojales with a service by Christian Hope Fellowship of which both John and Shirley were active members. Regardless of your faith I thought John's analysis of life sailing over the horizon with us saying goodbye while the other side of the horizon is welcoming you, seemed very comforting.
Vistabella Bowls Club By Montestan With the Valencians over and the Southern and South Alicante Divisions not starting till next week it has been a reasonably quiet week bowling but behind the scenes it has been a bee hive of activity preparing and instructing captains and players with the security and operating protocols for the protection of all against Covid 19. However the clubs internal competitions for last year were finally completed with: Lynne Bishop and Maggie Furness beating Barbara Brown and Sue Wilson to win the Ladies Pairs. Maggie Furness beating Sue Kemp to win the Ladies Singles. Lynne Bishop, Carol and Gary Thorpe beating Brian Dunn, Barbara and Arthur Brown to win in the Mixed Triples. Martin Foulcer,Charlie Watkins and Gary
Members Run Club by Alan Carr
there game and we were unable to win on any of our rinks and the game finished 0-14 (Shots 61-132). Very good play by all despite having only picked up 2 points.
This being the second week of the Winter League saw La Siesta 1 playing host to Vistabella which resulted in the visitors winning convincingly 12-2 (Shots 119 – 69) with two of the rinks sharing the points which were Jan & Brian Pocock (15–15), Dawn & John Taylor (13-13).
On Thursday the 3-2-1 Internal Competition had its final week with Team Two finishing in 1st place. It was all down to the final discipline to decide who the winning team were going to be as Skip Sue Jordan´s team were only 1 point away from Team Two but failed to pick up the final 2 points.
La Siesta 2 travelled to San Miguel with the intentions to pick up as many points as possible but found the home team to be at the top of
Well done; Irene Laverick, Shelia Millward, Les Bedford & Brian Fraser.
Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club
The monthly chicken run was nearly back to normal with thirty players taking part. All the present restrictions were still followed by all players.
Sponsored by The Pub, Avalon, Skippers, Gran Alacant Insurances, Rogers, La Piazza Dialprix and The Belfry. CHICKEN RUN - Sunday 27th September
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Thorpe beating Brian Pointon, Derek Stevenson and Pat Rafferty to win in the Mens Triples. Vistabella were away to La Siesta in the Winter League scoring a decisive with of 2 – 12 with shots 69 – 119. With good wins for: Richard Willey, Maggie Furness 7 – 22, Kath Reid, Carol Thorpe 8 - 26 Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, and we are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain –Neil Burrows neilburrows@gmail.com or Charlie Watkins Membership Secretary charlieatpathways@yahoo.co.uk.
Well done to all the members who enter all these competitions because without your help they would not be such a success. Next Thursday sees the start of the Members Christmas Hamper Competition which will run until the middle of December. We still have a Chicken & Egg day every Wednesday afternoon 1.30 for 2pm and rollups on Saturday mornings 9.30 for 10am. Anyone interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club, run by the members, are welcome to call the Club President (George) or Club Captain (Wendy) who will be pleased to give you any information you may require to assist you in making that decision. We hope to see new members in the very near future. Pauline, winner of the ladies chicken
We also had a table top sale which was well supported, all proceeds went to the club funds. The football card was won by Howie, thank you to all for your support. The ladies chicken was won by Pauline Merry with a very good score of thirty four shots.
Dave, winner of the men’s chicken
The men's chicken was won by Dave Yarrow, the men's eggs were won by George. Debbie playing her first chicken run won the ladies eggs. WINTER LEAGUE - Monte Mar v Quesada Wednesday 30th September saw Monte Mar playing the first league game of the season. Because of Covid 19 we could only play six rinks of pairs. The present Protocol was followed very well by all the players. We were at home against Quesada and had a very tough match, winning on one rink well done to Sheila Roberts and Phil Goble. After the match we all enjoyed a lovely meal and a few drinks at the Belfry, after the meal Ronnie thanked everyone and announced the winner of the football card, the team was Man City and the winner was Danny King.
Shots Monte Mar 77-106 Quesada, Pts Monte Mar 2-12 Quesada. For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at info@montemarbowls.com. We are also on Facebook. www.montemarbowls.com
San Miguel Bowls Club
Emerald Isle Bowls Club
Quesada Bowls Club
By Elwyn Morris
By Suzi Cooper
By Barry Jones
Wednesday saw the WL played at home when the Celtic Isle played Greenlands Pioneers and home advantage came out on top with a score of 8-6 aggregate of 110-97. Winners were D Jones D Morrison 32-12, S Johnson J Pooley 23-14, L Freeman J Bright 18-16
Last weekend we had 3 teams participating in the San Luis Triples competition. One team missed out on the semi finals on shot difference, but the other 2 teams both got through by winning their respective groups.
On Wednesday San Miguel Bowls continued with their flying start to the seanson. They were at home to La Siesta 2, from whom they took all of the points winning 14 - 0 (132 shots to 61) The best winning pair was Jan Farmer and David Johnson who were victorious by 26 shots to 9.
The North v South inter club game was played on Thursday with a tight game ending in a victory for the Suvverners by 113 to 103 and was followed by Fish and Chips in newspaper (no mushy peas though) great day with fine turn out. Well done to Norman Prior Graham Shoots and Dave Morrison for winning the San Luis Open Trips comp, well done boys SAPS is now in the afternoon on Saturdays staring at 1-30 pm, great fun and coaching if needed for 2 hours with shoes and bowls supplied all for 5 Euros
James Cutting (San Miguel), Terry Morgan & Suzi Cooper went through their group unbeaten. Allen Bowen, Violet Campbell & Fred Roberts went through on shot difference despite having lost their first game. Unfortunately the teams had to play each other & it was Fred’s team who progressed to the final to play the all male team of Norman Prior, Graham Shoots & David Morrison of Emerald Isle. What a final it was going down to the wire with the Quesada triple losing out by just a single shot. All 3 teams would like to thank San Luis for a well run, enjoyable competition.
On Wednesday, our Winter League team played their first match as they had a bye in week one. Away at Monte Mar they had a fine win, with victories on 5 of the 6 pairs & taking the overall for 12pts. A great start to their campaign. Winning pairs were George Carnell & Jason Prokopowycz 22-13, Terry Morgan & Trevor Voisey 17-9, Peter & Brenda Rees 18-16, Tony Lale & Colin Highland 18-11, Shena & Dave Barnes 18-12. On Friday we played the annual President v Captain match which finished as a resounding win for the Captains team who won 6 of the 8 games & had shots of 170 to 121. Well done to everyone who played & the majority of us managed to stick to the protocol, just the odd slip up along the way. But it was good practice ready for the leagues. Quesada is a competitive, friendly club and we welcome new members. If you would like more information please contact Captain Steve Hibberd on 96 599 3297/656 579 423
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Torrevieja Darts Ladies Organisation WEEK 1 – 6 OCTOBER Macklin’s Dolly Mixtures Black Dog Ladies Gap Girlz High Life Ladybirds Friendly Chicas LEAGUE TABLE Tipsy Tigers Friendly Temps Gap Girlz Wildcats at Macklin’s Primadonnas Racing Toast Chicas High Life Ladybirds Macklin’s Dolly Mixt Friendly Chicas Black Dog Ladies
4-5 2-7 5-4 4-5 4-5 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wildcats at Macklin’s Tipsy Tigers Racing Toast Chicas Primadonnas Friendly Temps GW 7 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 2
GL 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7
Pts 8 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 2
HOT DARTS: Sue Wade 174, 100, Shirley Stephenson 145, Chelsea Campbell 140, 118, Yvonne Rouffignac 140, 100, Elaine Willis 135, Lorraine Veale 133, 113, Regina Wood 132, 123, Sharon Frain 130, Simone de Lacy 124, Tracey Simpson 123, Karen Morris 118 , Lisa Ivill 117, Elizabeth Cowan 116, 101, June Hawkins 116, Mary Rainsford 116, Sheelah Copper 114, Marylyn Jackson 112, Cath Walker 109, Pat Wood 108, Caroline Shepherd 108, Margaret Boden 105 100'S: Dianne Burns, Sue Cam, Claire Greenwood, Mitch Halliday, Angela Mullen, Pat Schofield, Maz Scott-Denness, Bliss Wright A good start to the season with lots of hot darts. Well done to Sue Wade with her 174! Please note that the presentation night will be on Saturday 22nd May not 23rd as stated in the fixtures list and please remember to organise your rescheduling of Week 4’s fixtures. The Wildcats are looking for one extra dart player. They are a very friendly team and enjoy their Tuesday Darts nights, but do not like giving games away when players are away or have family visiting and so on. The Wildcats are based at Macklins, in Via Park III. If anyone is interested in joining them, please contact Angie Jeffery 646 671 254 or Pam Horton 669 046 022 and they will make you most welcome
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
WST chairman Hearn working 'relentlessly' to keep tour going during COVID-19 By Andrew Atkinson The first round matches at the UK Snooker Championship that gets underway in November will switch from York to Milton Keynes, during November 23-26.
Barry Hearn tested positive for coronavirus, pictured with Steve Davis.
“In these difficult times we are working relentlessly to keep our tour going," said Barry Hearn, chairman of the WST amid COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. "We will continue to explore all avenues, in terms of staging events and providing access for live fans, while keeping health and safety as our top priority," said Hearn. After first round matches at Milton Keynes' Marshall Arena, games will return to The Barbican in York, during November 28 December 6. The York Barbican venue has hosted the Triple Crown event since 2011, having previously staged the event during 2001-2006. "The decision as to whether an audience will be allowed at the Barbican has not yet been made. "WST will inform ticketholders as soon as plans have been finalised," said the WST. Asymptomatic Hearn, 72, tested positive for coronavirus earlier this month and went into self isolation.
Pilar de la Horadada Council collaboration agreements with Thiar Handball and Horadada Basketball Clubs
Collaboration with the town’s Handball and Basketball Clubs
No help for UD Horadada, one of the greatest symbols and institutions, with 48 years history, now forced to fold By Andrew Atkinson The Pilar de la Horadada Council has put pen to paper in signing collaboration agreements with the Thiar Handball Club and the Horadada Basketball Club.
laboration with the new team, that is forming in the Second Regional. There is still no news about football here in town - all sports except football," said Raul.
The presidents of the sports clubs met with José María Pérez Sánchez, mayor of Pilar de la Horadada and José Antonio Martínez Delgado, councillor for Associations, assisted by the Secretary, to sign the collaboration agreement for the 2020 financial year with the aim of contributing to the promotion of sport.
It was announced in August Preferente Group IV UD Horadada will leave the Valencia FFCV category despite, until recently, the current mayor being long time Club President.
However, a criticism came from Raul Moya Arenas from Pilar de la Horadada, regarding the football team UD Horadada. "What about soccer? Nothing at all, we have been left without one of the greatest symbols and institution of the town as was our beloved UD Horadada - with 48 years of history.
UD Horadada was formed in 1972 and, from 2006 to 2016 the first team of UD Horadada played in Preferente, also from the 2018 season to the 2020 campaign. During the 1992-1993 season UD Horadada competed in Second Division B football.
"Now we do not know if there is col-
UD HORADADA: entertaining Albatera at The Ikomar Stadium
Carp-R-Us Autumn Series Round Five of the Carp-R-Us Autumn Series was fished on the Rio Segura at Bigastro. A few weeks ago the banks along
this stretch were completely stripped of vegetation but already you can see the reeds starting to grow again and it will not be long before they will require some cutting back to make pegs again. The match was won by Richard Crawshaw from peg 3 with 4.92kg, just beating Roy Dainty
who had 4.54kg from peg 1. Third was Dave Sutton with 3.50kg from peg 5 and fourth Steve Fell with 2.35kg from peg 8. Further information about the club can be found at www.carp-rus.weebly.com or on our Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca.
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
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from Hub newby John Rodford. He opened the hosts account on S20, D20, Eugene Lane making it all square on D4. A strong triple of Rodford, Joe Miller and Bob Taylor, regained the advantage via Miller on D20.
law. Three matches were postponed this week, therefore would all captains involved, ensure these games are rearranged with immediate effect.
THURSDAY 8TH OCTOBER MATCH RESULTS WEEK 2 DIVISION 1 Hub Hyenas Tipsy Toad Toppers Milos El Capitan Chemies Loungers DIVISION 2 Danny's Bar CC's Beez Ale House WannaB's Boris' Bobcats Pint Depot Queens
Division 1
10-2 11-1 7-5 11-1 2-10
3-9 13-Oct 13-Oct 13-Oct 4-8
Ale House Lads Pint Depot Jesters Boris' Bears Hi Life Legends CC's Flyers
Mind The Gap Chemies Chicks Hub Hellraisers Los Dolses Amigos Tipsy Toad Tiaras
LEAGUE TABLES WEEK 2 P F A El Capitan 2 21 3 Tipsy Toad Toppers 2 17 7 Hub Hyenas 2 16 8 Milos 2 13 11 CC's Flyers 2 12 12 Boris' Bears 2 11 13 Hi Life Legends 2 8 16 Chemies Loungers 2 8 18 Ale House Lads 2 8 16 Pint Depot Jesters 2 6 18
Pts 21 17 16 13 12 11 8 8 8 6
Legs 31 26 28 22 17 19 16 14 13 12
Division 2 Mind The Gap Tipsy Toad Tiaras Danny's Bar Los Dolses Amigos Chemies Chicks Hub Hellraisers Pint Depot Queens CC's Beez Boris' Bobcats Ale House Wanna B's
2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
19 16 15 11 10 4 4 2 2 1
5 8 9 1 2 8 20 10 10 11
19 16 15 11 10 4 4 2 2 1
Also on the agenda this week, home teams are obliged to forward result sheets by 10am Friday, correctly filled in as per example included in each captains pack. Already this season this simple task has been forgotten. To eradicate this time consuming failure, the committee are contemplating an incremental fine procedure, with possible league expulsion. The problem affects league tables, newspaper copy and other relevant data. Legends' Ralph Christies' 117, 97 were the only real scores of consequence in the 1st six legs of this El Capitan encounter. The scoreline reflecting the Caps dominance. Arold Klimonis 100, 125, 85 and Vycka Bobinas 100, 140, D20 making it 2-0 after a Christopher Logan double out in the first. Andres Liamazares 120, made it 3 to nothing on 32. The same player made it 4 after 100, 125, 95, 97, Marcos Lopez assisting. Bobinas D15 and Mel Bettell D5 made it a clean sweep at half time. Roger Phipps finally got the Legends away, with some fine scoring on the 19's, coupled with a 52 out plus D10. Liamazares 2x140, 100, 99, made short work of Borys Ostrowski's efforts. Klimonis 3x100, narrowly taking out John Crabbe 2-1 for 8 legs to 1.Bobinas D8, D4, increased the advantage to eight legs, Logan taking the Caps total to ten against a spirited effort from Les Adams levelling on D18 in the 2-1 defeat. Bettell completed the match with a 52 out, Sandra Crabbe pushing the Cap all the way with 4x80+'s. Roger Phipps was Legends MOTM. The Plaza was really buzzing Thursday last, a decent crowd ready to enjoy the finale of the Summer music gigs and an expected lively Hub encounter with the Lads from Ale House. The four acts booked got the crowd “rocking n rolling" for an anticipated 3 hours of entertainment. Plod stepped in after aprox. 45 minutes to halt proceedings indefinitely due to some infringement of guidelines. So it was left to the OWS match for amusement. Plenty of that, but the quality of darts a little lacking. One or two highlights primarily
Admittedly, scorewise, things brightened up at the resumption, but still only two combination outshots in 14 legs. Shane Denness overcame a painful arthritic throwing arm to defeat a useful lan Philips20, the score repeated in the second by Rodford who included a 140 and 180 in his rout of Tommy Jennings. Nikolov found a little of the form he is capable of, hitting a creditable 3x100, 140,and 5x80+, opponent Wing 121,D3, taking it to 3 legs. Taylor Durrant and Miller completing the 12 games for 10-2. Lane 100 enjoying a D3 in his match versus Durrant. Well the Queens may have the royal title but the Tiaras wore the crowns this week when they returned to their chariots and descended the hill post-match. It was somewhat lacking the usual ambience when the majority of both teams remained outside on the terrace, only sending the players, chalker and score-keeper into the upstairs dart area. Good job the weather was kind as social distancing needs to be observed in tight spots. Marie Cummins and Captain Lorraine Cox gave very good account of themselves gaining the first 2 triples, D1 and D2 respectively putting the Tiaras on edge until Lesley Eagles got her own D2. Vi Turner then earned herself MOTM with a 3 - darter, shock finish (6 - 9- D1) against Pat Schofield and Wendy Hayward. A couple more D2's from Elizabeth Cowan and Simone de Lacy brought the match to 3 all at halfway - may need to turn the board next week ladies! From then on in it was the Tiaras all the way in the singles (Wendy D10, Lesley Eagles 100, D1, Lisa Ivill D8) until Lorraine played a blinder against Patty Poo in the 4th Singles, clocking up a 126 and checking out quickly on D8 before Poo could get a look in. Elizabeth's D1 and Simone's D5 gave the tiaras the much-coveted overall victory. MOTM for Tiaras - Lesley Eagles. Tipsy Toad Toppers 11 v Pint Depot Jesters 1 This was very much a local derby with the Jesters taking the short stroll down the hill. The result suggests that the home side dominated proceedings but the away team put up a spirited defence led by Matt Cummins whose solid darts earned him man of the match. There were some good performances from the home side – Lee Maiden once again led the way with a fine victory over Matt – scores of 140, 125 and 100 and two quick fire finishes earned him the home team man of the match. Also worthy of mention were ‘new boy’ Jem Gledhill 140, 121, 136 and ‘old boy’ Hugh Galloway with eight scores over 80 in his two singles legs. Even older boy Baz Schoffield won his singles despite head butting the floor on Monday. You know what they say about a bang on the head - ‘ere we go!
Highest checkouts: Week 1 - Andres Liamazares 113. 180's: Week2 - John Rodford (Hub Hyenas), Dennis Byrne (Milos) Week 1- Oliver Walker (el Cap) 2, Andres Liamazares (el Cap) 1, James Brown (Gap)1, Bob Smith (Danny's) 1
K.O. CUP DRAW Milos Boris Bears A.H.Wanna B's El Capitan
Covid 19 directives / regulations seem to be either ignored or misunderstood at the time of writing. l am informed that face coverings are to be worn in all bars when entering, playing darts or pool, or going to the bar / wc, in other words when NOT seated. When seated face coverings may be removed as long as you have a drink. Both bar owners and patrons are at risk of hefty fines if these regulations are not adhered to. Financial reasons apart, self-isolation through contact is no laughing matter, it is stressful, inconvenient and above all is possible to prevent by following directives and the
Just a total of 3 tons in the 1st 3 legs. lt didn't improve much in the next three, only another 4 tons or more, Rodford, 100, 97and D4 making it 3-1. Karl Mallinson D6 and Andre Wing 100 gave the Lads what was to be their only other leg for the night, Alex Nikolov 125, D10, made it 4-2 at the break.
Rodford and Lane - MOTM
v v v v
Hub Hellraisers Ale House Lads Mind the Gap Dannys Bar
First round cup draw was conducted last week at the Tipsy Toad. All 4 matches to be played on October 29th. There are 12 byes, an ideal opportunity for friendlies to be arranged. Draw by Caroline Woodward, witnessed by Paul Durrant, Simone and Phil de Lacy
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Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020
Thader manager Raul Mora, has certainly put his team through the mill during a series of 10 pre-season friendlies. The latest of these, involved a trip to La Alameda Stadium, Dolores, to face the newly promoted regional 1 side. Although behind closed doors, thanks to club president Lloyd Dummett, I was able to gain official admittance to report on last Thursday nights encounter. Not many clubs elect to wear shocking pink shirts, but Dolores were brave enough to don such a snazzy colour, whilst Thader chose an all blue kit.
Played on Astroturf, it was like looking at a map of London underground, for different colour lines differentiated the main pitch from another 2 pitches within. The men in blue were out of the traps in record time, taking a 2-goal lead within the first 20 minutes. New signing Quique or Kike (it's spelt both ways on team sheets!), just can't stop scoring, so he made light work of dispatching Nino's assist for the opening goal. Then Nino turned scorer, when he swept home a pass from Nano to double his sides advantage. There was only one team in it, for not only did Quique head agonisingly past the post, but a Lloyd long range free kick rattled the cross bar. It wasn't only the cross bar that got rattled, for a mini brawl ensued following a rash Rafa challenge, which many Dolores players took exception to! On the stroke of half time, a fierce free kick on the edge of the box, struck a Thader defender player on the arm. In line with the crazy new hand ball law, the resultant penalty was dispatched
with ease. Nano should have scored when one on one with the Dolores keeper, but the defender shot straight at him. As tempers reached boiling point, a yellow card triggered Lloyd being substituted. Having virtually nothing to do all game, Adrian did well when he made an important save at the foot of his near post on 75 mins. Juan made the game safe 2 minutes later, his header from Borja's cross gave the keeper no chance.
description, I sympathise with his decision.
Although well onside, the overworked referee ruled out Quino's late goal for offside, but without an assistant of any
Next weekend the real stuff commences. Thader start their Preferente division campaign with an away match
Racing impress in pre-season By Andrew Atkinson
FFCV launch the Play safe. Safe play, COVID-19 guidelines By Andrew Atkinson The Valencian Community Soccer Federation has launched the 'Juguem segurs. Segur, Juguem', ahead of the 2020-2021 football and futsal season. The special health guidelines come into play due to the COVID-19 spike: "Play safe. Segur, Juguem" is intended to sensitize those involved in our sport underlining the importance of complying with the health protocol established by the authorities," said a FFCV spokesperson. "The FFCV has always been in favour of starting competitions in all categories of football and fut-
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
sal, as it is contemplated in a staggered manner from October 18 to mid-November, and this has been transmitted to the Generalitat Valenciana. "Our federation has been in permanent contact with the political authorities and has been a pioneer in presenting a health protocol for the friendly matches within the Valencian Community. "Since August to date, thousands of friendly soccer 11, soccer 8 and futsal matches have been held under the supervision of the FFCV, without any serious health problem," said the spokesperson. Racing San Miguel, CD Montesinos, Torrevieja, and Thader are clubs that have had pre-season friendlies ahead of the new season.
Racing San Miguel defeated the newly formed club CD Horadada 3-0 in a pre-season friendly ahead of the 2020-21 Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 campaign getting underway this coming weekend.
Racing's latest win came following goals by Esteban, O'Rourke and Dani.
Miley Martínez of Torrevieja’s Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club was selected to attend a training session with the Valencian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics in her Juvenile age group.
"From the FFCV we are committed to the freedom to play sports as an alternative to sedentary leisure and as an example of normality and responsible coexistence.
TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. African elephant. Pachyderm means 'thick skin'. 2. c. The Dominican Republic, 3. Andorra, 4. A Day in the Life, (Beatles, from the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band), 5. 17%, 6. Thomas A. Edison, 7. Tittle, 8. Earwigs, 9. Dracula, 10. 7.08 seconds. Erik Akkerdijk (Holland) at the 2008 Czech Open, 11. a: United Kingdom, b: Brazil, c: Gibraltar, d: Canada, e: Scotland, 12. c. A carpet
Miley Martinez selected by Valencian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics
Coach Dani Perez Williscroft has run the rule over his squad during the summer that has seen only one goal conceded in preseason.
"This data is in line with the recently published news that highlights the Valencian Community as the autonomous community with the lowest rate of contagion in Spain.
"Always complying with the protocols and measures indicated by the health authorities," said the FFCV spokesperson.
against Oriheula 'B', who usually play on Sunday mornings (10am ko) at La Murada (although at time of going to print, this was not official). Check out Thader Rojales Fb page for details.
Racing San Miguel coach Dani Perez Williscroft.
shark, 13. Baseball. 14. USA (104), France (59), Japan (53), Russia (31), Rep Korea (20), GB (19), Canada (18), Germany (17), India (17), Ukraine (15). 15. a. Ian Dury and the Blockheads, b. Pink Floyd, c. Rolling Stones, d. The Faces, e. Nick Lowe. 16. Pull their hair out (hair loss from a patient's repetitive self-pulling of hair). 17. Correct order: Hong Kong (82), Australia (81), Spain (81),Ireland (80), United States (76),
Her addition boosted the number of Club gymnasts that attended last Friday’s Regional Programme to four. The gymnast enjoyed a very positive experience. Martinez was chosen as the best absolute gymnast in the 1st division of the Iberdrola League held in Valladolid, and last year, she was proclaimed Champion of Spain in her category.
Ex-UD Horadada and Torrevieja striker Lewis Allen joins CD Murada By Andrew Atkinson Former UD Horadada striker Lewis Joseph Allen has joined
CD Murada ahead of the 202021 season that kicks off next week. Lewis switched from UD Horadada, having also had spells in the Third Division at Pulpileño, Novelda and Torrevieja.
637 227 385
Tuesday 13th - Sunday 18th October, 2020