D O YOU WANT TO S E LL YOU R P R OP E RTY? NO SALE - NO FE E Tel: +3 4 617 537 8 6 6 No 838 Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020 Tel: 637 227 385
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A C U R F E W I S LI K E “TRYI NG TO SWAT F LI E S WITH A H E AVY C ANON.” recent ‘botellone’
organised by the university students
of the Colegio Mayor Galileo Galileiit attracted 2,800 partygoers
Following a hastily arranged Cabinet meeting on Sunday morning, Prime Minster Sanchez, announced that he will be introducing an extension to the State of Alarm, giving Spain’s regional governments the legal framework
they need to limit mobility – in particular night-time socialising – in a bid to combat the second wave of the coronavirus. The curfew will be introduced across the entire country, initially for 15 days, although the
intention is that it will run through until May Next year. It will operate from 11pm to 6am, with regional premiers having a margin of one hour to move back or take forward the curfew times. Continued on Page 2
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE They will not, however, be able to scrap the measure altogether. ADVERTISING SALES
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The National curfew is subject to approval in the Congress next week. In Valencia the president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, had already introduced a curfew across the whole of the Community which came into effect on Saturday night, effective between midnight and 6am in the morning, with bars and restaurants required to stop serving alcoholic beverages at 10pm. The Generalitat and the Ministry of Health drew up a resolution that was sent to Central Government for approval. The measure was to last until at least 9 December although that would now seem to have been overtaken by events in Madrid. Among business leaders there is a general consensus on the need to focus on social and family infections and not so much on measures that weigh down economic activity that is currently in such a delicate state. Óscar Iglesias, president of the Assn of Night clubs, said that the move is like “trying to swat flies with heavy canon,” while Salvador Navarro, president of the Valencian Businessmen’s Association, said that although a curfew is better than confinement he feared that this measure may "further aggravate the situation facing nightlife and hospitality." The Ministry, however, has said that the main objective of the curfew is to stop ‘los botellones’ (where hundreds of people, usually youths and youngsters, take along their own drink as they congregate and party) which is said to be one of the major causes in the spread of the contagion. It is to this list of ‘parallel’ social activities that the new measure is specifically directed.
A recent party organised by the university students of the Colegio Mayor Galileo Galileiit attracted 2,800 attendees and it is just one of many. Every weekend ‘los botellones’ and parallel parties take place in dozens in towns and cities, both large and small. Valencia’s Local Police said that from July to mid-October they had filed 2,795 complaints for such activities without, of course, none of those attending following preventive measures such as social distancing and masks. Every weekend they are called on to close down between 30 and 50 such parties in the city alone. According to the president of the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Rafael Ortí, despite the fact that a curfew would help to contain the infections, it is not appropriate to introduce it across the whole of Spain. "In the Valencian Community, for example, it is not yet appropriate to take this type of measure, there would be many others to apply before this one", states the expert, who continues to bet on the implementation of long-term measures to contain the pandemic based on the "Health education and a strong Primary Care infrastructure to build trust in the administration." Similarly, Local police officers are concerned about the declaration of a curfew. Not only because it will mean an increase in their workload but also open them up even more to the risk of contagion. Manuel Sánchez, regional president of the SPPLB, asked for officers to be provided with the necessary means and, in addition, that clear protocols be established to reduce the incidence of the disease among officers. “If we don't take action, it will get out of hand. We are in constant contact with people and we must be prepared if we are to keep officers on the streets "he said.
Senior politicians show contempt for virus safety measures
The Minister of Transport, José Luis Ábalos, apologised to the general public on Thursday after a photograph was released in which he is seen smoking with the PSOE spokesperson in Congress, Adriana Lastra, in the courtyard of the Lower House. The pair are surrounded by a group of journalists. It is quite clear from the photo that many were neither wearing face coverings nor maintaining any sort of social distancing. Following the apology he then criticised Vox staff who he said were responsible for the
publication of the photo, saying that he was not responsible and claiming that "this is nothing more than harassment by Vox".
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Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
Record number of Coronavirus cases diagnosed in Alicante Province
The pandemic has reached another record high in the province of Alicante for the third consecutive day, with another large increase in the number of new cases compared to Saturday's figures. The total of newly infected amounts to 639 in Alicante, 169 more than the total of the previous day, 275 more than the same number last Saturday. In the province, 276 people are admitted to hospitals, 59 of them in Intensive Care Units (ICU), according to data provided by the Conselleria de Sanidad Universal y Salud Pública. Last Thursday, the number of people infected with coronavirus in a single day reached a new high with 437 cases, 25 more than the previous highest figure, which had occurred almost seven months earlier, on March 30. Last Friday, the number of new cases rose to 470 while on Saturday they jumped to 639. The incidence of the disease is causing most concern in Elda, which now exceeds 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. On Saturday there were 44 patients admitted to the Elda General University Hospital with covid-19 on wards while while 9 patients remained seriously ill in the ICU. However, in Orihuela the incidence has improved slightly. On Sunday morning, following its first morning of ‘curfew’ and after a week marked by the resurgence of all the indicators of the pandemic the Valencian Community has recorded a high of 6,159 cases in the last seven days, while deaths have equalled their worst weekly mark since the 'new normal'. There are now 838 patients
in hospitals and 123 people in ICUs, levels that were last seen at the end of April. 89 of them are in the province of Castellón, 11 patients in ICU; 276 in Alicante, with 59 in ICU; and 473 in the province of Valencia, of which 53 are in the ICU. The 'president' of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, said that the virus is developing rapidly. “Many of the new cases are asymptomatic" and "a high percentage are young", but "we cannot close our eyes and we cannot wait for the situation to deteriorate further before we react." He has addressed this group directly: "In this pandemic, young people have a crucial role to play. You are the future of this community. You have been a vanguard in consciousness for the planet, for the equality and diversity. And I have full confidence in you. " The country now has a cumulative incidence of 362 although in the Valencia region the cumulative incidence is 153 but its positivity rate, 13%, is now considered to be a high risk according to ministry criteria. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) paints its maps red – the maximum alert level – from 150 upward. The situation in hospitals, however, is better – the percentage of ICU beds that are occupied by Covid patients in the Valencia Comunidad 13%.
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
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Spain exceeds a million cases of coronavirus Last Wednesday Spain broke through the unenviable barrier of one million cases of Coronavirus reaching 1,005,295 cases just eight and a half months after registering the first positive on 31 January, a German tourist who was on holiday in the Canary Islands. In so doing the country became the first western European country to pass that landmark figure. It is almost certain, however, that the reality exceeds the official data and there are far more than just the million infections declared in the official figures. During the first wave, until the end of the state of alarm, 246,504 diagnoses were recorded, but the ENE-Covid study that was carried out by the Carlos III Health Institute estimated that at least 5.2% of the Spanish population had contact with the virus, about 2.5 million people. In the second wave, 750,000 have since been diagnosed, but the Ministry of Health itself recognises that only between 60% and 80% of the total are being detected. Thus, the real number of infections may be at least 3.5 million, although many experts believe that figure too falls short and it may be around 5 million.
Public Health withdraws from Casaverde nursing home
The Generalitat warns of an increase in cases in the urban area of Pilar de la Horadada The Health Ministry of the Generalitat Valenciana has told the Pilar de la Horadada Council that it has treated the covid outbreak detected in the
Casaverde private nursing home and had withdrawn from direct supervision. In the town itself, however, the situation is quite different with the Councillor for Health, Nieves Moreno Moreno, warning that if the increase in cases continue, the Ministry will adopt restrictions as it has done in Orihuela The Generalitat first assumed supervision over the Casaverde residential centre after an outbreak of coronavirus was detected that affected more than sixty patients and fifteen workers. Between the end of August, when the first case was detected, and mid-September, eleven residents died, although three of the deaths were of patients were in palliative care. Neither the Generalitat Valenciana nor the management company have offered specific information about the outbreak, although Casaverde has been in permanent contact with the users' relatives. The councillor of Health has now announced that the residence "is free of covid" but she warned of a very significant increase in cases in the municipality. She warned that if outbreaks of social and family origin continue in the coming days, the Ministry of Health will apply restrictions as it has done in Orihuela. The town had registered 20 cases of coronavirus between Monday and last Tuesday.
Alicante Police end moratorium on misuse of electric scooters A spokesman for the Alicante Police has said that they will end the moratorium they have had on the misuse of electric scooters in Alicante. The ordinance that regulates the conditions of use of Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP) will become fully effective from 30 October, after which the Local Police will begin to prosecute users who do not comply with the law which was fully approved two months ago. The new standard regulates the conditions that must be followed by users which include the wearing of a helmet, prohibition of their use on pavements, and a speed limit of 25 kilometres per hour (instead of the 30 that had been initially agreed) in one way streets, the areas delimited as zone 30, and cycle lanes. In addition, they must be fitted with a bell, front and rear lights, and reflective elements that are duly approved. It is recommended that users take out civil liability insurance in the event of an accident, although the guidelines defined by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) show this as optional. In case of non-compliance, the ordinance has a graduated table of sanctions according to the seriousness of the offences committed. Minor offenses are punishable with fines of up to 100 euros; serious may be sanctioned with fines of 101 to 200
Mercadona cuts the price of face masks by half A pack of 10 masks now costs 3 euros Mercadona has cut the price of the hygienic face masks it sells in its stores by half. The Valencian supermarket chain has reduced the price of the pack of ten non-reusable masks from its Deliplus brand to 3 euros. Until now, the price of a pack was 6 euros. The measure affects all its supermarkets. The chain was among the first to incorporate this essential product in its Perfumery section in more than 1600 stores in June.
euros, and very serious with fines of 201 to 500 euros. The councillor of Mobility, JosĂŠ RamĂłn GonzĂĄlez, said that up to this point the Local Police have been providing offenders with advice and information of the new conditions to which they must adhere.
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Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
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Grananda and the village of Lanjaron By Linda Bentley Granada City is situated in the foothills of Sierra Nevada, in Andalusia. One of the smaller Cities of Spain yet offering plenty to see and do. An easy 3 and a half hours drive from Costa Blanca brings you to Granada City, which is situated in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. At certain times of the year you can see the tops of the mountains glistening white with snow as you approach this vibrant, bustling city. The City is like most, busy with people going about their daily lives and so many cars, but don’t worry as there are so many quaint, relaxing places to find. Take a walk along Carera del Darro, enjoy a scenic walk along the river, dotted with many fabulous bars and restaurants, offering all types of gourmet food. There are over 20 museums including the Fine Arts Museum and Science Park. The Science Park is located a few minutes’ walk from the Historic Centre. It is a huge centre and includes digital planetarium, birds of prey workshops, perception room and so many other fascinating activities. The Sacromonte Abbey is situated here on the Mount of Valparaiso
Sacromonte area is famous for its cave dwellings and magnificent views. This area if full of charm with lots of nooks and crannies. The Sacromonte Abbey is situated here on the Mount of Valparaiso. There is a cave museum where you can learn how the Muslims and Gypsies began to settle in the caves. Also here there is a cave house for you to wander around and explore to see the uniqueness of these charming homes. Albaycin is an area of Arab architecture and it became a World Heritage site in 1994. If you visit Casa de Zafra, you will find all the information about the history of the area, then explore its narrow meandering streets full of curious shops with Moroccan style and allure. Stop to savour the décor of the many cosy and intimate Moroccan style cafes and enjoy one of the many delicious teas and sweet desserts.
It is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it stands majestically high above the City with its fortress and palaces and huge, long walls. It shines beautifully at night lit up with a thousand lights. The architecture is simply stunning and the amazing gardens with so many different species of flowers and greenery, and of course the views are not to be missed. When you have finished admiring all that there is to see, you can rest your weary legs in one of the cafes, restaurants just outside the gates or catch the bus down to the town and visit the tapas area. Here there are many tapas bars offering the usual tapas and so much more. Sit and relax and take in the true Spanish lifestyle. If it is shopping you want there are all the major shops plus lots of little boutiques offering that something a little different. If you want to indulge yourself why not try the Hammam Al Andalus, ancient tradition of Arabian baths, traditional hot and cold steam rooms, bathing and relaxation rooms to totally unwind. The steam rooms are fed by thermal waters. If you are thinking of visiting many cultural places then the Granada Card might be worth purchasing, the price ranges from 35 to 43 euros depending on what you want to see and also includes 9 bus rides on the public transport. It lasts for 5 consecutive days.
Here they are famous for their Flamenco shows, a cultural tradition of Spain, with passionate sounds of a guitar player, singer and a couple of dancers perform in a Tablao. The place you just must visit of course is the Alhambra Palace. Its advisable to book your tickets online and wear good walking shoes as if you want to see all the grounds as it involves a bit of walking. The Alhambra, built as a small fortress in 889, was rebuilt in the mid 13th century.
The Hammam Al Andalus, ancient tradition of Arabian baths
Granada is so close to the Sierra Nevada that it seems rude not to take a day to explore it. To me the scenery is magnificent, so reminiscent of Scotland, with its mountains and valleys stretching for kilometre after kilometre. The roads take you higher and higher up the mountains with breath-taking views. Through lots of little villages, but don’t drive through Lanjaron without stopping, as this is probably the quaintest village I have been to so far. This is where the bottled water Lanjaron comes from. The views are stunning and there are many marked out hiking walks you can do from here. Pop into the visitors Centre and they have leaflets with the routes to take. The village is so pretty, I think nearly every house and shop have flowers or bushes outside. And to help protect you from the heat of the sun they have put up a shade, high up, which follows the road all through this lovely village. It is well known for its waters, the bottled water and also their spa waters, many people come here every year to bathe in the waters as they are acclaimed to have healing qualities. The water is called Chalybeate water and contains iron salts. The Baineario offers many treatments and is open from March to December. Here on June 23rd at Midnight they have the largest water fight in Spain. The streets are packed with people with hose pipes, buckets, water guns out to have fun and to get wet. Lanjaron is also famous for its honey, wine and Cava.
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Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
Ribera Salud provide medical appointments in a fifth of the time taken elsewhere Primary Care in areas managed by Ribera Salud attends to patients in a maximum of 4 days compared to 18 in the remainder of the province dealt with by Public health The average waiting time for an appointment in Primary Care in the Torrevieja and Vinalopรณ (Elche) Health Authorities, managed by Ribera Salud, is a maximum of 4 days. This is a period "almost five times less than for patients who are dependent on public health departments in the Valencian Community, where, on average, they are 18 days", according to a statement made by the private concessionaire. These figures, according to Ribera Salud are taken from an audit carried out by the Generalitat in 2018, where they are characterised as "having less delay than the direct management centres. Torrevieja provides a first appointment in Primary Care in just 4 days, however, if it is an urgent matter, the care is carried out without any delay". Ribera Salud, which ends its concession in Torrevieja in October next year, recently improved telephone communication of both the Torrevieja health department and Vinalopรณ "with the aim of improving patient care in health centres and thus facilitating the management of their medical and nursing appointments. A measure that has contributed to considerably reducing response times in providing faster and more efficient care ". Ribera Salud also maintains that the admission and patient management service has been reorganised with the aim of streamlining the administrative procedures of users in the health centres administered by the two departments. Given that the largest influx of users in health centres is concentrated in the morning hours, Ribera Salud has centralised administrative management in the afternoon in Primary Care. In this way, when a patient is looking for an administrative appointment or collection of documentation, from now on, they will be asked, whenever possible, to make their appointment in the afternoon, thereby avoiding busy periods in the morning.
Murcia Health increase number of Covid respirators
Ribera Salud has also introduced the YOsalud tool that allows patients to follow their usual consultations without having to go to health centres. YOsalud allows the patient to access their health information "from anywhere, avoiding unnecessary travel and interacting with healthcare professionals directly and quickly. It is also a key work tool for healthcare professionals, since it achieves better and greater control of patients, especially those suffering from chronic illnesses. It reduces administrative consultations in face-to-face consultations and guarantees correct communication with patients and / or caregivers. In Torrevieja, during the first months of the pandemic -March, April, May- users familiar with the tool used it on more than 80,000 occasions, however there were numerous complaints with Doctors failing to respond to inquiries immediately, something that has now been resolved. However, Ribera Salud uses a different management system to the rest of the Generalitat, Florence, that is not integrated into the general system so patients arriving from other areas can often suffer delays while their medical records are obtained.
The Murcia Health Authority says that it is now in a far better position to treat coronavirus patients with the onset of the second wave. As Health Authorities from across the country have been forced to increase the amount of equipment at their disposal the Region of Murcia says that its hospitals are now equipped with a total of 892 respirator machines, well over double the figure they had in March. The additional respirators have been supplied by both the national and the regional authorities and will mean that earlier and more appropriate treatment for those patients in need should decrease the mortality rate among coronavirus and pneumonia patients.
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
‘Cop-on’ is crucial…
never ceases to amaze me as to how much a child can learn and retain. I remember being astonished when my own children started school and how much they learned every day. Now, I have grandchildren who at five years of age could effortlessly carry on simultaneous conversations in Spanish and in English. Children not only learn how to communicate and answer questions, but in getting through their every-day lives, they start to acquire that greatest of qualities – namely ‘cop-on.’ ‘A burned child dreads the fire’, my granny used always say. This is so: From the earliest age, both in the human and animal kingdoms, everyday obstacles sharpen the senses and so avoid some of the pitfalls out there in this great big world. This is what is known as ‘copon.’ ‘Cop-on’ not only teaches us to avoid the ‘bear traps’, but also shows the way to navigate through the maze that is survival. When I went to primary school in Johnstown N.S, the teachers, not only taught us the ‘three Rs’, but we were encouraged in the thinking art of ‘cop-on’. ‘Use your grey matter’, Master Lawlor would constantly motivate us with. This advice emboldened us, not only in the classroom, but in the playground and on the hurling field. It is my fearful belief that today’s society has gradually discarded the natural requirement of ‘cop-on.’ During the second half of my lifetime to date, I have met so many fellow humans who are rich in qualifications, and yet dirt-poor when it comes to ‘cop-on’. People are looking to someone else for directions and advice for even the most basic of challenges. We have to have somebody to tell us what to do; and then, even more importantly, there has to be somebody else to blame for everything that goes wrong with our lives. Covid-19 is the greatest threat to mankind that has occurred in my lifetime. The airwaves are being clogged with experts (and some not so expert!) disagreeing about what should be done, what has been done, and what not to do. There generally is a lot of talk using the word ‘confusion’.
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I for one, am not ‘confused’ – whatever else I might be! Self-preservation tells me what I should do – because I served my time in that almost forgotten era of ‘cop-on.’ Last April I watched the late news on TV one night. One of the most imminent medical scientists in the world told me, (and forty million others) “wear a mask and keep your distance and you won’t get it.” That is all I needed to know seven months ago – and it is all I need to know for today. Yes, I know this is more difficult for some people than it is for me, but it is a fact that infection would be reduced by 90 per cent if everybody used this simple piece of ‘cop-on’. Keep it simple … Very soon, those brilliant scientists will have used their God-given skills to find a vaccine. In the meantime, leave them at it; whilst you and I can use our God-given bit of ‘cop-on’ to avoid being infected. I can wear a mask: So can you? “Wear a mask and keep your distance – and you won’t get it.” If any of us got cancer and was told we could dodge it and all we had to do was wear a mask outdoors for six months and avoid close contacts; wouldn’t we consider that a miracle cure? I tell young relations about miners trapped underground; about the story of Anne Frank and what people endure in war-torn countries. We then agree that we are not too badly off at all. The answer is to use your own ‘cop-on’ and not to be looking to our ‘betters’ for guidance – or for a scapegoat to blame. What hope is there from the top table when the wearing of masks (or not) has become the most divisive divide in the upcoming American presidential election? This is the greatest example of ‘being high on qualifications and low on ‘cop-on’. It is up to you, dear reader. You do it your way for your own good and for the safety of your family and friends. All bad things come to an end – same as all good things. ‘This too shall pass…’ Don’t Forget - There is nothing in the world more powerful than an idea. No weapon can destroy it; no power can conquer it, except the power of another idea.
Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
CLEMATIS - popular and attractive flowering vines Clematis are among the most popular and attractive flowering vines to be grown in the garden. Clematis plants include woody, deciduous vines as well as herbaceous and evergreen varieties and vary greatly among species, with different flowering forms, colours, and blooming seasons, although most bloom between early
spring and autumn. Clematis vines require plenty of space for adequate air-flow as well as a rich, well-draining soil in a sunny location, that has at least six hours of sunshine. The base and roots should be kept cool. An easy way to accomplish this, is by planting some ground cover or shallowrooted perennial plants around the cle-
matis. A 2-inch layer of mulch can also be incorporated, to keep the roots cool and moist. Growing clematis vines must be supported, for example with arbours, trellis, fences or poles. Clematis vines are usually planted in Autumn or early spring and can be grown in containers, or planted into the
garden. Once established, care is minimal, with the exception of watering weekly, and more often during dry spells.
die, after their foliage and stems have turned black, along with a powdery mildew. Aphids and spider mites can also be a problem.
Common problems affecting Clematis vines is lack of air circulation, which will see the vine suddenly collapse and
Annual pruning may be required - to keep clematis vines looking their best and full of blooms.
637 227 385
Almost 900 children require medical assistance for hand sanitizer poisoning Two children have been hospitalised in Galicia within the last week after two separate accidents with hand sanitisers caused serious eye damage. One child, 3, is undergoing an amniotic membrane transplant to his left eye after a classmate threw hand sanitizer in his face during lunch at school. “I don’t blame the other child, but what I don’t understand is how such young children have access to hand sanitizer,” his mother told local Press. According to the boy’s family, after the incident, the school called his mother, who works 8 kilometres away, to pick him up instead of rushing him to hospital.
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
Omar Lopez transforms Rojales dead tree By Andrew Atkinson Omar Lopez has showcased his sculptural skills in Rojales in transforming a dead tree back to life with the symbols of birds. "The sadness of losing a tree turned into joy when Omar López agreed to bring it back to life and transformed into a work of art. An exceptional job and a beautiful result," said a spokesperson from Rojales Concejalia de Cultura, Natural Heritage and History.
Ryanair to strengthen regional connectivity in Spain
He developed a corneal ulcer and was heavily sedated because of intense pain. A similar incident occurred after a public hand sanitizer dispenser operated by a pedal sprayed the gel into a 2-year-old’s face in the town of A Pobra de Caraminal. The boy also had to be sedated because of pain but his cornea does not appear to be damaged. The Pediatric and Ophthalmology department of the Santiago y Barbanza Hospital confirmed two children were hospitalised for serious ocular problems and warned that young children should not use hand sanitiser unsupervised. The hospital said reactions are usually “mild” when hand sanitizer gets in eyes, but it should be taken seriously. “If your eyes are accidentally exposed to these kinds of products, you have to act quickly, rinsing the zone with abundant water and immediately seeking medical assistance,” said Federico Martino, director of Pediatric services in the hospital. According to the Spanish National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF), 874 children have required medical assistance for hand sanitiser poisoning this year, an increase of more than 900% compared to all of 2019.
Ryanair has announced that it will operate 4 new domestic routes in Spain as of December 1, 2020, after registering a record increase in demand from Spanish consumers. With these new flights, the company continues to support regional trade and local tourism, facilitating travel for all those who wish to visit their friends and family, at a time when most airlines are reducing their operations. Weekly frequency of the four new routes are Alicante – Vitoria x 2, Barcelona – Lanzarote x 4, Malaga – Valencia x 3 and Palma - Jerez x2 Spanish customers can now book their getaways until March 2021, flying with the lowest rates and with the guarantee of the set of sanitary measures that Ryanair has put in place to protect its customers and the crew. Jason McGuinness, Ryanair's Chief Commercial Officer, said: “We are happy to launch 4 new domestic routes in Spain as of December 1, 2020. From now on, Spanish customers will be able to book their trips through Spain with the lowest rates and the est security necessary thanks to the set of sanitary measures that Ryanair has put in place to protect its customers and the crew ”.
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
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ANSWERS Week 837
ACROSS 1. 3. 8. 9. 11. 13. 14. 17. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Bureau (4) Agricultural (8) Pleasant (4) Consist (8) First trip (6,6) Language (6) Lithe (6) Occult (12) Old-fashioned (8) Record (4) Wavered (8) Nearest (4)
CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 12. 15. 16. 18. 19.
Explosive (8) Pulling in (7) Rut (6) Choke (10) Sugar coating (5) Require (4) Recover (10) Tacit (8) Maintenance (7) Remain firm (6) Up to (5) Idle (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Prohibition; 9 Upbraid; 10 Scene; 11 Eased; 12 Elevate; 13 Inform; 15 Killer; 18 Turn out; 20 Meant; 22 Naive; 23 Terrain; 24 Defenceless. DOWN: 2 Robes; 3 Hoarder; 4 Bidden; 5 Taste; 6 Overall; 7 Superintend; 8 Penetrating; 14 Furtive; 16 Immoral; 17 Static; 19 Obese; 21 Amass. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Acts the goat; 9 Assault; 10 Ample; 11 Tread; 12 Expound; 13 Reward; 15 Absent; 18 Interns; 20 Leave; 22 Drone; 23 Egotism; 24 Attendances. DOWN: 2 Caste; 3 Sounder; 4 Hit-men; 5 Grasp; 6 Ampoule; 7 Masterminds; 8 Headstreams; 14 Without; 16 Balloon; 17 Ascend; 19 Reeve; 21 Amine.
ACROSS 1 Slid out of the covers (4) 3. Very good money (8) 8. Don't eat quickly (4) 9. Begin to teach the fundamentals to (8) 11. Criminal involved in demolition? (12) 13. A girl that is with a dog (6) 14. Take a gun to church to create a stink (6) 17. Write about Mel's miracles - we should be thankful for them (5,7) 20. Letters from Paris and Rome? (8) 21. Fake remake of M*A*S*H (4) 22. A girl in trouble with the dole in a place of riches (8) 23. Does this bird make domed nests? (4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. In film, Indiana Jones often breaks the sound barrier. How or when does he accomplish this? 2. Which popular late 1970s band took their name from a gang found in Woody Guthrie's autobiography 'Bound for Glory'? 3. On the 2nd of July 1937, the last words of which globetrotting woman were "... gas is running low"? 4. Which word once described the length between the elbow and the middle finger? 5. What do dairy farmers in Norway provide their cows with in order to produce more milk? a. Slippers, b. a stereo music system, c. a comfy mattress, d. television 6. The 17th century French philosopher, physicist and mathematician Blaise Pascal is credited with inventing which addictive game? 7. In order, starting with the most populated, name the three most populated island countries in the world. 8. Since the introduction of the Open era in 1968, which woman with a two handed backhand has won a record 7 French Open singles titles? 9. Which famous painters were portrayed by the following actors in film? a. Anthony Hopkins, b. Kirk Douglas, c. Charlton Heston, d. Jose Ferrer, e. Ed Harris 10. The following lyrics are all car related. Can you name the songs? a. Here in my car I feel safest of all. b. He blew his mind out in a car. c. She wrecked the car and she was sad and so afraid that I'd be mad. d. He shoulda looked left and he shoulda looked right, he didn't see the station wagon car. e. Sorry that I doubted you I was so unfair, you were in a car crash and you lost your hair 11. Which Arab word meaning 'place of sunset' refers to the five North
DOWN 1. The footballer only took 50 per cent (4-4) 2. Talk about something thrown at Ponders End (7) 4. Holding a number on the river (6) 5. They take back what they say about farm vehicles (10) 6. Silly to upset Annie (5) 7. Colour Reg turns on the 4th of July (4) 10. Lawmaker who might be an allegorist (10) 12. One on the board looking for a mate? (8) 15. Not one found therein, perhaps? (7) 16. Showed amusement when badly misled (6) 18. Was gloomy about the vehicle (5) 19. Skin complaint from cane, perhaps (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) African countries Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya? 12. Millions of people around the world witnessed Black Jack's sad but majestic presence on Sunday the 24th of November 1963. Who was Black Jack? 13. When is a creamy dessert a costly jaunt? 14. What is the side of a coin that bears the principal stamp or design called? 15. In which countries were the following musicians born? a. Freddie Mercury. b. Jackson Browne. c. Joe Strummer. d. Engelbert. e. Chris de Burgh 16. Until 1918, the 'Pour le Merite', a medal bearing the Maltese Cross, was Prussia's highest military honour. This medal was better known in English as what? 17. Which popular west coast group was the only act to appear at all of the following rock festivals? Monterey (1967), the first Isle of Wight festival (1968), Woodstock (1969) and Altamont (1969) 18. What is Zatar? a. an aromatic spice mixture. b. the largest known supernova. c. Alexander the Great's legendary sword 19. In which famous fortress would one find the largest calibre cannon ever made and the heaviest bell in the world?
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Orihuela takes a year to contract the work for Campoamor Beach The Orihuela City Council has taken more than a year to award the contract for the repair works at the mouth of the Rio Nacimiento at La Glea beach in Campoamor, for a cost of 72,000 euros, despite being in possession of an "abbreviated and much simplified" procedure. The winning company, Constu Archena, who were chosen from 18 bids, is also going to start the repair works at a time of the year when there is still a major risk of torrential rains. The section to be repaired is on Avenida de las Adelfas, between Rambla del Río Nacimiento and Calle Rubén Darío. The Rio Nacimiento promenade suffered major damage to the walkway and this is not the first time this has happened. The two sectors of the urbanisation are currently cordoned off with everything still seeming to indicate that the coastal authority will take even more time to restore the road. At the moment the area can only be used by pedestrians.
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
FIREWORKS FINALE ENDS LOS MONTESINOS 2020 FIESTAS By Andrew Atkinson A fireworks finale ended the Los Montesinos 2020 Fiestas - that was hugely affected by COVID-19. "The festivities were adapted to th coronavirus health crisis that has changed our lives. With the fireworks display we say goodbye, until 2021 with the wish that the situation improves as soon as possible," said a spokesperson the town Hall. "In these days we have tried to put a little light and colour in a very dark moment for all of our society. "Thanks to everyone for participating and accompanying us, in person or virtually, in the development of the specific activities that have been carried out. In our hearts we carry our parties and our patron. "We will return stronger in 2021, with enthusiasm, wanting to dream and enjoy our patron saint festivities again. Long live Los Montesinos. Long live the Virgin of Pilar," added the spokesperson.
Torrevieja Council receives 86 proposals for 2021 Participatory Budgets Eighty-six proposals have been submitted to the council by the residents of Torrevieja for inclusion in the Participatory Budgets for 2021. The details were provided by the Councillor for Innovation, Ricardo Recuero, together with the Chief Financial Officer, Domingo Paredes. Of the 86 proposals, 40% focus on investments in roads, new parks and walkways, streets, sports facilities. A further 30% relate to the improvement in services (cleaning and waste collection, care of public areas and buildings, repair of facilities, etc.). The creation of bike lanes, increase in pedestrianisation, additional school classrooms, a new train and bus station, lighting of pedestrian crossings, accounts for a further 15% and the final 15% covers innovative projects (creation of a new image for the city, APPS for communication and city management). This year the main proposal is the establishment of designated areas for the holding of fairs and gatherings. The proposals will be analysed and evaluated by the municipal staff to determine their viability.
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the
current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. The situation is being regularly reviewed. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE
LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at tony.elaine.cuenta@gmail.com . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit www.rafa.org.uk. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising
637 227 385
or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org SALT CHURCH (formally Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597..
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.
Is it ever acceptable to just walk off the golf course? As anyone who has played the game of golf for some length of time can confirm it can be the biggest test of patience you will ever face We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)
Price €98 €120 €100 €157 €45
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Single Green Fee + buggy
Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 19.10.20 By Peter Reffell It was a gentle start to the week with a ‘2 ball better ball’. Our President, Dave Pulling, together with Bryan Neal, managed 45 points, which was just enough to see off Alan Douglas and Rachael Leckey, who scored 44, and take the top spot. Wednesday saw the final round to determine this year’s Medal Champion. With the best two scores from three to count it was always going to be an uphill struggle for anyone to catch Nigel Price after his stunning nett 60 in round two. On the day it was Ian Moir with a nett 64 who bagged a few Euros followed by Pete Dunn on 67 and (welcome back!) Mike Brentnall who carded a nett 68. Ian accumulated a few more Euros as along with Ron Luffman and Friedel Knebel he scored a ‘2’ in his round. So, overall Nigel won with 136 followed by Ian with 138 and Pete on 140. Our congratulations go out to Nigel for becoming our 2020 ‘Medal Champion’. Friday and it was a brand new format which meant the winners would become the new record holders. Two from four to count but all to score on the 4 hardest holes (3&4 and 16 & 17). With 99 points Bryan Neal, John Shervell, myself and
doing something that you are supposed to be enjoying and at some point in time we have all felt like just walking off the course and throwing the clubs in the river. However, seriously, are there any acceptable reasons for actually walking off the golf course? A recent study indicates that the following are at least plausible reasons for leaving the golf course (although it you had tried some of these with my dad you would be lucky to play with him again) Bad Health
Bad Weather
Bad Case of the shanks El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero
€98 €59 €90 €48 €206 €53 €126 €50 €134 €118 €45 €152 €100 €154
2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee after 2pm Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy
a lack lustre ‘Albert’ thought we’d done enough, however, with 104, Graham Murray, Mike Chapman, Friedel Knebel and AnnMarie Weisheit entered the ‘Hall Of Fame’ for this new event. Quote of the week has to go to Terry Field who commented on his playing partners Mike Mahony and John Dobson sharing a buggy, ‘It was like watching Laurel and Hardy attempting to play golf’! Pues hasta la semana que viene
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Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs An off the course emergency Extremely slow play Terrible playing partners Running out of golf balls
It should be pointed out however that all of the above are to be extreme cases before you actually remove yourself from the golf course. We should also remind ourselves that the reason that we first took up golf was enjoyment and so why look for reasons to stop doing what we are supposed to enjoy! Mar Menor €48 Single Green Fee New Sierra Golf €82 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & buggy (after 2pm) Saurines €48 Single Green Fee Villamartin €172 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €113 Two Green Fees and buggy from 3pm *Deals of the week: Villaitana with two green fees and buggy on the Levante course for only €70 and €50 on the Poniente course. La Manga North and South with two green fees, buggy and lunch for only €150. For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Sapphire Golf Society @ Altorreal With Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 23 players visited the established course at Altorreal taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The course was in generally good condition and enjoyed by all.
2020 WINNER Nigel Price
Gold Division: 1st - Michael Rocharde - 40 points, 2nd – Mike Probert – 35 points Silver Division: 1st – Morten Kristensen - 33 points, 2nd – Colin MacDonald - 31 points Bronze Division: 1st- Jim Kelly - 30 points, 2nd – Paul Fairbairn - 23 points Football Cards – Morten Kristensen and Mike Dann Jacks Prize – Mike Dann After the game we returned to the Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for a welcome snack prepared by the bar and the prize presentation and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties. Our next society fixture is the social day at Vistabella on the 4th November 2020 followed by the society day at La Finca on the 18th November 2020. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at www.costa-blanca-greenfees.com.
The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos Close to Dial Prix Supermarket
637 227 385
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
Gaelic football star sets up GAA club in Spain Quote: 'Talks of a GAA club being set up in Spain have been going on for 30 years. Now we have an officially registered club in O. C. Gaels. These are exciting times' - chairman Lenny Lenihan Gaelic football star Dublin born Gerard 'Lenny' Lenihan is at the forefront of inaugurating a Gaelic club in Spain. "Talks of a GAA club being set up in Spain have been going on for the last 30 years. Now we have an officially registered club in O. C. Gaels, based in the the Alicante and Murcia region of Spain," Lenihan, exclusively told The Leader. Lenihan, 37, selected for Ireland in the World Championship in Australia, who won a winner's medal after defeating Papa New Guinea in 2011, said: "We cater for players of all standards and backgrounds. We have started off with a Men’s Senior team with over 18 players registered." Lenihan, residing in Torrevieja on the Costa Blanca south Spain, said: "We got ratified by the
GAA this month and are asking everyone in the GAA community to send over what ever they can to get the club up and running."
Former Irish Warriors Lenny Lenihan (centre) in action.
The Cabo Roig Inn in Orihuela, are the O. C. Gaels jersey sponsors and club house. O. C. Gaels secretary is Ger O’Shea, the Treasurer Brendan Gormonly, PRO David Gaffney and Lenihan chairman. Lenihan, who grew up in Dublin and emigrated to the UK in 2002, a winner of the Leinster titles with Dublin u14s and u16s, who won a Vocational Schools title in 2000, said: "We are looking for old sets of jerseys, training equipment, portable goalposts, etc. "These are exciting times for O. C. Gaels and all the help is greatly appreciated." Looking back on his career, Lenihan said: "I played with a very proud club in Annascaul and also West Kerry. Hurling with Ballyheigne was a great experience, I learned plenty." Lenihan, who played in the AFL International Cup in Australia in Melbourne and Sydney when selected for the Irish Warriors, said: "It was a dream to play and represent the four provinces of Ireland on the world stage. A huge tournament." Lenihan, who emigrated to Australia in 2008,
when moving to Brisbane, played for AFLQ division one club Kenmore Bears - a feeder club to the Brisbane Lions - adapting to Gaelic football down under. In 2015 Lenihan joined Odense Lions in Denmark as head coach, for both the Lions men’s team and the Lionesses women’s team. Odense play in the Danish Australian Football League, and the women in the Women's Nordic Australian Football League. Married, father of two young children, aged three and 18 months, Lenihan has gained experience from around the world and played semi-professionally in Australia, having cultivated hurling in Ireland, that lead to an invitation to play Australian football. The invitation came from the former president of
Kenmore Bears, an AFL club in Brisbane. His form in Australia lead to being in selected for Ireland's national team in 2011. Along with his Irish teammates, he played in the World Cup final against Papua New Guinea on the biggest stage in Australia, with capacity for 100,000 spectators at Melbourne Cricket Club. Journeyman Lenihan, who played in Cork with Black Rock, has lived in Chile, Boston USA and China, where he was involved in the training and organisation of Australian football, said: "I am the proud father of two young children, newly born, 12 weeks old and 18 months. "I have my hands full! And the formation and registration of the O. E. Gaels here in Spain is exciting news."
Vistabella Bowls Club This week experienced some very tight games throughout the divisions for Vistabella. In the Monday leagues Vistabella Eagles away to Greenlands Beeches in the Voyager division drew in games but lost out on shots to go down 5 – 7 with shots for 74 against 80 really close.
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020 Paradors trounced Greenlands Ash 12 – 0 with 138 shots to 45 with notable scores of 36 – 6, 31 – 7 and 29 - 9 whereas the Conquistadors in the same division away to Quesada Saints were beaten 2 – 10 though shots were close at 72 for and 97 against it has to be said that the former are the “super C” side.
The Buggies in the same division at home to Greenland Chestnuts won 9 – 3 shots 102 – 67.
In the B division the Picadors went down at home to the Monte Mar Matadors 5 – 7 shots 89 to 104 another very close game with shots as the decider a very similar result as the Monday meeting..
In the Discovery Division another really tight game with the Drivers at home to Monte Mar Matadors again drawing on games but losing on shots 5 – 7 shots 76 – 91.
Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven.
Vista Bella Albatrosses in the Enterprise division did well winning away to La Siesta Apollos 10 – 2 with 118 shots for and 70 against with some notable scores of 26- 12,25 – 11 and 24 – 6.
How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends.
In the Winter League another massive win for Vistabella against Bonalba of 14 – 0 with shots 165 – 80. Notable scores were Pam Lockett and Maggie Furness 34 – 12 and Carol Thorpe and Kath Reid 38 – 14.
Also bowlers are most welcome, and we are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain –Neil Burrows neilburrows@gmail.com or Charlie Watkins Membership Secretary charlieatpathways@yahoo.co.uk.
Friday leagues produced some ups and downs. The
Reported by : Montestan
Members Run Club by Alan Carr In the Enterprise Division La Siesta Apollos welcomed Vistabella Albatrosses which saw the visitors win on four of the five rinks. The Apollos managed to collect two points with a win from; Joy Gardiner, Norman Adcroft & Jean Cooper (23-20). Thanks to Mike Edwards (LS) & Martin Faulcer (V) who replaced players who could not continue with their game. Lost 2-10 (Shots 70-118). The Pioneers from the Discovery Division had an enjoyable afternoon game at Quesada against lovely hosts the Diamonds, in the early stages of the game we conceded a lot of shots on most of the rinks but as the game progressed we managed to claw some of the shots back but unfortunately for us the game ended 2-10 (Shots 91-113) rink winners were; Judy Carroll, Joe Kocsis & Noel Morrisroe (26-15).
An away game to San Miguel for La Siesta 1 in the Winter League, where the game ended 6-8 (Shots 101-99) with the home team win-
San Miguel Bowls Club With Barry Jones
Quesada Bowls Club By Suzi Cooper Sponsored By Global Wealth On Monday the Pearls were at home against El Rancho Pintos. They had a great result winning on all rinks. George Carnell, Terry Morgan, Peter Morgan 36-7, Chris Brazier, Mark France, Jason Prokopowycz 25-19, Alan Barton, Abby Benson, Pearl Houghton 27-12, Graham Phillips, Claire Dye, Phil Bevan 23-17, Dorothy Benson, Violet Campbell, Fred Roberts 17-10. The Diamonds had the afternoon game home to La Siesta Pioneers. They managed wins on 4 rinks & the overall for 10 points. George Kershaw, Ann Linley, Barry Armstrong 24-18, Doug Beattie, Brian Trinder, Trevor Voisey 26-12, Ken Gordon, Brenda Rees, Peter Rees 2518, Allen Bowen, David Gould, Suzi Cooper 23-17. Meanwhile the Rubies were away at Montemar Toreadors. They managed 2 wins for 4 points. John Cleal, Hazel Frost, Ian Forbes 16-15, June Moss, Peter Kelly, Tony Lale 13-11. The Winter League had a good result away at
Greenlands Poplars. Winning on 4 & taking the overall 146-60. Winning Pairs were George Carnell & Jason Prokopowycz 40-5, Terry Morgan & Trevor Voisey 38-6, Tony Lale & Colin Highland 21-10, Shena & Dave Barnes 26-3. Friday the Swifts were at home against Vistabella Conquistadors, a good 10 points. Winning trips were Tina Brinton, Joe Brinton, Peter Bradbury 16-15, Shena Barnes, Cynthia Scott, Steve Fedtschyschak 20-14, Peter Kelly, Lesley Fedtschyschak, Steve Hibberd 21-7, June Moss, Stella Jakeman, Tony Lale 22-15. Meanwhile the Diamonds were away at Montemar against the Toreadors. They also picked up 10 points. Winning trips Doug Beattie, Jim Donnelly, Fay Beattie 14-12, David Gould, Chris Bowles, Kim Bowles 18-10, George Kershaw, Ann Linley, Peter Bottle 21-9, Dorothy Benson, Abby Benson, Fred Roberts 21-9. The Swallows had the afternoon match at home against Vistabella Lanzadores. They managed 2 wins & a draw, plus a draw on the overall for 6 points. George Carnell, Brian Trinder & Sandra Heath 21-12, Linda Armstrong, Phil Bevan & Trevor Voisey 19-15, with Terry Morgan, Mark France & Colin Highland drawing 17-17.
Mixed Bag for Country
El Rancho Bowls Club
Results this week are Mondays match Seahawks v El Rancho Raiders 6 - 6.
Sometimes despite having good shots in the head, the opposition play well enough to have one closer, scoring more than you and this can happen on every rink, particularly if they have home advantage. So it’s possible to play well and come away without a point, but all that matters is that you have enjoyed the company. The Pintos were at Quesada playing their Pearls, who took the said 12 points, but we enjoyed the occasion having good fun. The Raiders entertained the Seahawks of Country Bowls and put in a fine effort to take the rinks 3-2 and
Friday’s matches - Geckos v San Miguel Bulldogs 10 - 2, Tigers v Emerald Isle Outlaws 4 - 8 & Cubs v El Rancho Broncos 5 - 7. Well done to everyone.
ning 4 rinks, with our two winning rinks coming from; Judy Carroll & John Taylor (24-12). Pat Moore & Jean Cooper (26-15). The game could have gone either way which is reflected by the overall shots.
An Internal game (Yardstick) came to an end on Tuesday after seven weeks, congratulations to the winners; Barbara Cooper, Shelia Millward & Jim Eastwood.
Vistabella Coquistadors at Quesada.
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On Monday San Miguel Beagles were home to Greenland Maples winning 10 - 2 (95 shots to 65) Best winning triple were James Cutting, Iris Cutting and Bob Donnelly 20 - 5. San Miguel Alsations were away to Greenland Sycamores, winning 8 - 4 (85 shots to 83) Best winning triple were Anita Brown, Ron Nairey and Ed Cowans 20 - 15. On Wednesday San Miguel played La Siesta winning 8 - 6 (99 shots to 101). Best winning pair were Noel Davis and Mary Dyer 23 - 11.
At home La Siesta 2 entertained Emerald Isle who led on all of the rinks from the start, which they ended up winning on five rinks 122 (158-62), but found that the remaining rink, Shelia Millward & Jim Eastwood weren’t ready to give up easily and on the final couple of ends put their noses in front to win (16-14). La Siesta Blues in Division A Southern League hosted Emerald Isle Cavaliers who kept the pressure on throughout the game to win on all rinks, the Blues losing 0-12 (64-117). The Golds in Division B had an away game at La Marina and lost to the Seagulls won on all five rinks to gain a very comfortable victory collecting all the points 12-0 (Shots 120-50). Anyone interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club, run by the members, are welcome to call the Club President (George) or Club Captain (Wendy) who will give you any information you may require to assist you in making that decision. George Richardson 865 772 498 Wendy Ralph 633 068 399 On Friday San Miguel Boxers were home to La Manga Crusaders winning 10 - 2 (135 shots to 72) the winning triple were Bob Nesbit, Alan Harris and Dave Champion 34 - 12. San Miguel Bulldogs were away to County Bowls Geckos where they lost 2 - 10 (72 shots to 103). The winning triple were Margaret Patterson, Tom Dalgliesh and John Marshall 19 -15. For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact the President Peter Masters on 643 443 727, or the secretary Gail Willshire on 965 020 492
Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club
Monte Mar shots 93 – 56 Quesada Rubies
Sponsored by The Pub, Avalon, Skipper, Gran Alacant Insurances, Rogers, La Piazza, Dialprix and The Belfry.
The trip to Vistabella produced a close fought match winning on two rinks and drawing on one rink.
Toreadors v Quesada Rubies
Well done to everyone for a good overall team performance.
Monte Mar points 8 – 4 Quesada Rubies Matadors v Vistabella Drivers
Monday 19th October On Monday the Toreadors had their first home game against Quesada Rubies it was a good day for us, winning on three rinks and the overall shots. Very well done to the winners Colin and Cindy Bedford skip KeitheYoung, Jeremy Fardoe Dave Yarrow skip Graham Smyth and Sue Bounds, Ian Hamilton skip Rod Chamberlian.
lost the overall shots by just 2. Gill Bartlett, Pam Harris and Brian Harris 19-11. Dolly Ford, Ann Abbott and Marion Haynes 17-11. David Baker, Debbie Ham and Adrian Ham 14-18. Tony Abbott, Ngaio Baldwin and Ron Greenstreet 25-13. Suzy Ziepe, Dave Haynes and Steve Ziepe 10-34. Friday morning found the Broncos playing host to Country Bowls Cubs and played well to share the rinks two and a draw each and taking the shots by a margin of one, they don’t come closer than that. In the afternoon the Mustangs were at Greenlands playing the Oaks and took one rink, losing a further rink by just one shot. But you are always up against good play-
Monte Mar shots 91 – 72 Vistabella Monte Mar points 7 – 5 Vistabella For Further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at info@montemarbowls.com. We are also on face book.
ers in the ‘A’ division and it wasn’t a bad away result, you don’t have to play badly to lose. Irene Thomson, Bob Day and Eddie Thomson 8-23. Judy Foley, Geoff Jones and Diane Yates 8-33. Barbara Jones, Malc Sykes and Richard Lee 25-14. Ann Taylor, John Richard and Bob Taylor 14-15. Gary Dunstone, Sheila Cox and Mike Cox 8-25. With John Richards feeling a little unwell, he was graciously replaced by Henry Ryder. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at micksheilacox@gmail.com
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POOL ROUNDUP Los Alcazares Pool League
Emerald Isle Bowls Club with Elwyn Morris Titans started the week playing San Luis Klingons, and had a great 12-00, with an aggregate of 154-46, winners were; D Jones A Miles C Lindgren 39-3, P Coffey K Jolliffe D Morrison 32-8, S Johnson G Odell M Odell 30-8, S Bosworth Sabrina Marks Russel Marks 32-13, L Freeman C Smyth J Smyth 21-14
The Spring/Summer tournament in the Los Alcazares Pool League has finally concluded using a private venue after delays caused by the Corona Virus regulations.
Neptunes travelled to La Marina Explorers and finished up losing 3-9, with an aggregate of 71-94, A Brown S Westall J Westall 19-12, B Doran C Thomas M Thomas Drew 15-15
The Cup, which had been nicknamed the Scottish Cup after the number of winners from North of the Border, finally came South, but only just, as Geordie Geoff May emerged as Champion following a titanic battle with “Flash” Gordon Furrents. Due to the restrictions The Autumn/Winter competition will be reduced to an Elite league contested by 4 of the players with the best recent records.
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
Moonrakers played at home to La Marina Pathfinders and they slipped to a 4-8 defeat with an aggregate of 88-91, winners were N Prior P Willicott B Taaffe 27-12, S Simpson S Wickens I Grimshaw 20-9 The Emerald Isle Winter league game was at La Siesta 2 on Wed and they had a fantastic win 12-2, aggregate of 158-62 winners were S Marks R Marks 41-7, ,Jo Perrin Julian Perrin 31-6, C Smyth J Smyth 29-11 G Shoots B Kavanagh 27-13, P Coffey D Gerrard 16-9 Geordie Geoff May emerged as Champion following a titanic battle with “Flash” Gordon Furrents.
Fire Station BW complete league-cup double Fire Station Black Watch won the division one cup of the Torrevieja pool League cup final in a thrilling nine frame match against Brittania A, gaining a 5-4 victory. Despite Brittania A racing into a 4-1 lead, never say die Fire Station ground out wins to lift the Trophy, to complete a league and cup double. The Torrevieja Team Cup Final, staged at Iglesias Bar, saw Britannia Bar, 'A' Team leading 4-2 up after the singles. Fire Station Black Watch showed great team spirit, coming back to win all three doubles frames to win 5-4. "There were some close games and thanks goes to the Britannia Bar for a well fought final. We are elated in winning the cup," said Fire Station Black Watch captain Roger. In the division 2 cup final Santana A defeated Casa Ventura 5-3. The 2020-21 Torrevieja winter pool League got underway this month. Fire Station Green watch defeated CCs 5-4 The George defeated Laguna Tavern 6-3 Mi Sol defeated Roasting Toast 6-3 Marina Bar were defeated 5-4 at home against Sports Bar. Division 3 Charleys Sports Bar defeated Mickeys Bar 7-2. Newcomers O'Brien's Bar hosted The Oasis with the visitors edging a 5-4 win. Maria's Rendezvous bar went down 7-2 against Brittania Bar B. Santana A defeated Terraza A 5-4. The Courtyard were defeated 7-2 against Santana B. *Torrevieja winter pool League round-up results and photographs will be featured in The Leader throughout the season. Fire Station Bar in La Zenia are looking for players to join the Red Watch pool team who will be playing home and away each Tuesday throughout the 2020-21 Torrevieja winter pool League season.
La Marina Bowls Club By Dave Hadaway Last Friday the Sharks first game in the southern league was against the Emerald Isle Cavaliers, afternoon games are not everyone's favourite, but if we can get a 10-2 victory away from home, then whose complaining. Meanwhile the Seagulls met Emerald Isle Claymores at home, where Sue and Len Daniels both had winning trips but ended up on the losing side with a total 5-7 points. Monday was a case of De Ja Vu, where both our teams played sides from the Emerald Isle, this time in the same Division. Tom's Explorers started the day with a morning game at home to the Neptunes achieving a
Cavaliers travelled to La Siesta Blues and had a fantastic 120, aggregate 137-64 win, winners were, G Odell C Smyth M Odell 37-10 S Kavanagh A Miles D Gerrard 21-12, P Rhodes G Ponsford J Pooley 17-11, L Freeman D Morrison B Kavanagh 22-16, S Johnson M Veale A M Robertson 20-15 Claymores entertained Greenlands Cedars at home and had a fine 10-2 aggregate of 99-66 winners were C Parsons P Creswell P Dix 28-7 M Riley B Eldred M Thomas 24-14, A Brown S Westall J Westall 18-12, S Verity Jo Perrin Julian Perrin 19-17 Outlaws were at Country Bowls Tigers and they had a fine win 8-4, with an aggregate of 107-94, winners were, N Prior S Wickens B Taaffe 27-8, I Graham G Digby G Shoots 26-8, R Adams A Holliman I Grimshaw 20-19 The EI entertained the Highjackers at home and in a very close game both teams took 3 trips but home advantage gave EI victory with an aggregate of 103-99
San Luis Bowls Club -
By Irene Everett
A tough week for our teams but with some close games that were not always reflected in the scores. Today's Southern League brought some welcome cheer with the Pumas playing away at Greenlands. A score of 9 points to 3, with 92 shots to 78. Our winning rinks were Tom Fromson, Vic Slater and Irene Everett 18/18, Ralph Jones, Mary Fromson and Pauline Johnson 22/14, Neil and Fran Cox and Terry Bayliss 26/7, and Barry Roseveare, Margaret Roseveare and Pat Tilley 17/16. The Lions played La Marina Sharks, one winning rink Ray Whatmough, Oyvind Lund and Chris Lythe 18/17. Well done to all. Will members please check in the clubhouse for entry forms for the Club Championships? Closing date for entry is Friday 30 October. Knockout games will be played on Tuesdays through the season. Don't forget Vic's hamper open to members and visitors every Saturday 9.30 for 10 am.
9-3 win. Meanwhile John took his Pathfinders to the Moonrakers in the afternoon and came away with an 8-4 victory. Anyone who scores 30 is worth a mention so I would like to congratulate Desna Lowe, Dave McGaw and John Rae on their 30-13 win. Very well done to both teams, great results. Barclays Properties Winter League: Before I go any further I owe an apology to the Bears, Mike Stone, Jean Fowkes, Marilyn Pape and Norman Ship for not including them in last week's report, I have had a stern word with my PA about it. We know that Lambs are taken to the slaughter but in this league it would appear that the reverse is true, last week the Lambs took the Tigers to the slaughter with an 8-0 win, and this week the Monkeys suffered the
same fate. Establishing the Lambs as clear leaders with 21 points, closely followed by the Pandas who had a 7-1 victory over the Tigers giving them 20 points. They play each other next – two cuddly animals scrapping away, what a game to anticipate. South Alicante League: Friday saw them both escape from the Emerald Isle although La Marina will be back there Saturday morning in the Premier 20. The Seagulls were at home to La Siesta and came away with maximum points, a superb win, but keeping to my own criteria I am only mentioning names who achieve 30 + shots, Len Daniels, Mick Lowe and Lesley Joynes and their 31-4 win. Sharks report just received prior to deadline, and we are pleased to report they have had a 10-2 win against San Luis Lions.
DIVISION A Country Bls Geckos Greenlands Oaks La Siesta Blues Quesada Swallows San Luis Lions
103 110 64 85 63
La Marina Sharks Quesada Swallows Vistabella Lanzadores Emerald Isle Cavaliers Greenlands Oaks San Miguel Bulldogs Country Bowls Geckos El Rancho Mustangs San Luis Lions La Siesta Blues
10 10 0 6 2
San Miguel Bdogs 2 El Rancho Mustangs 2 EmIsle Cavaliers 12 Vbella Lanzadores 6 La Marina Sharks 10
P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
W 8 6 5 6 6 4 5 4 3 0
D 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
L 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8
Diff Diff 77 34 42 32 5 28 -3 -27 -76 -112
72 63 117 85 119
Pts 20 16 14 14 14 12 12 10 6 2
DIVISION B EmIsle Claymores La Marina Seagulls Montemar Toreadors San Miguel Boxers Vistabella Picadors
99 120 67 135 89
Quesada Swans La Marina Seagulls Emerald Isle Claymores Vistabella Picadors Montemar Matadors San Miguel Boxers Greenlands Cedars Montemar Toreadors La Manga Crusaders La Siesta Golds
10 12 2 10 5
Greenlands Cedars La Siesta Golds Quesada Swans La Manga Crus MMar Matadors
2 0 10 2 7
P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
W 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 3 2 1
Pts 20 17 17 14 13 12 12 8 4 3
D 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
L Diff Diff 2 65 3 70 3 33 3 -15 4 -1 5 17 5 13 7 -3 8 -109 9 -70
66 50 86 72 104
DIVISION C Country Bowls Tigers El Rancho Broncos Greenlands Elms Quesada Swifts Vistabella Paradors
94 86 78 97 138
Vistabella Paradors Emerald Isle Outlaws Quesada Swifts Country Bowls Cubs Greenlands Elms El Rancho Broncos San Luis Pumas Country Bowls Tigers Vistabella Conquestadores Greenlands Ash
3 EmIsle Outlaws 8 7 Country Bowls Cubs 5 3 San Luis Pumas 9 10 Vistabella Conq 2 12 Greenlands Ash 0 P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
W 10 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 1 1
D 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
L 0 3 3 3 4 5 5 7 9 9
Diff Diff 152 52 29 33 29 -3 -25 -47 -84 -136
107 85 92 72 45
Pts 24 18 18 15 13 11 11 5 2 2
Carp-R-Us Autumn Series Round seven of the Carp-R-Us Autumn Series was fished on the lower Segura near the Eden stretch. The river was carrying an extra couple of feet of water and, with rain forecast, members were uncertain as to well the venue would fish. As it turned out, everyone caught fish with Steve Fell winning with 8.74kg caught from peg 9 on feeder and corn. Second was Jackie Breslin with 6.56kg from peg 6 with Jeremy Fardoe third with 4.80kg from peg 8. Fourth was Richard Crawshaw with 3.85kg. Richard decided to check his peg by falling in before the match started.
Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
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square with an 81 game shot, T17,D18, and then D1 for 2-1. Nikolov wrapped up the match on D4, D10, without reply from a below par Procktor. MOTM Rodford and a split decision between the Skinners, finally awarded to Ken. Previous warnings have gone unheeded for some, the majority conforming, there is now the distinct possibility of temporarily losing one of our winter pleasures. Chemies Loungers put up a decent show facing the visiting table toppers and current champi-
THURSDAY 22ND OCTOBER MATCH RESULTS WEEK 4 ons El Capitan. DIVISION 1 Ale House Lads Tipsy Toad Toppers Chemies Loungers Hub Hyenas Milos DIVISION 2 Pint Depot Queens Danny's Bar CC's Beez Boris' Bobcats Mind The Gap
9-3 P-P 3-9 11-1 10-2
6-6 12-0 P-P Bye P-P
Pint Depot Jesters Boris' Bears El Capitan CC's Flyers Hi Life Legends
Chemies Chicks Los Dolses Amigos Hub Hellraisers Tipsy Toad Tiaras
LEAGUE TABLES WEEK 3 Division 1 P F A El Capitan 4 40 8 Hub Hyenas 4 36 12 Milos 4 32 16 Tipsy Toad Toppers 3 28 8 Hi Life Legends 4 19 29 Ale House Lads 4 18 30 CC's Flyers 4 16 32 Boris' Bears 3 14 22 Chemies Loungers 4 14 34 Pint Depot Jesters 4 8 28
Pts Legs 40 61 36 60 32 51 28 43 19 35 18 24 16 24 14 25 14 25 8 18
Division 2 Danny's Bar Mind the Gap Chemies Chicks CC's Beez Tipsy Toad Tiaras Los Dolses Amigos Pint Depot Queens Boris' Bobcats Hub Hellraisers
4 3 4 3 2 3 4 2 1
37 31 22 19 16 12 10 5 4
11 5 26 17 8 24 38 19 8
37 31 22 19 16 12 10 5 4
Highest Check-Out: John Rodford (Hub Hyenas) 119, Ken Skinner (CC's Flyers) 114, Andres Liamazares (el Capitan) 113 180's: None for week 4. James Brown (Gap) 2, Oliver Walker (el Cap) 2, Vycka Bobinas (El Cap), Dennis Byrne (Milos), Michelle Lane ( Amigos), Andres Liamazares (el Cap), John Rodford (Hub Hyenas), Dario Sierra (Ale House), Bob Smith (Danny's) PLENTY OF COVID 19 DIALOGUE IN THE PAST WEEK. Lots of unfounded rumours circulating, but plenty of rule / regulation flouting.
Andres Liamazares managed 3x100 in the first triple closed by Marcos Lopez on D8, despite tons from Graham White and Mike Tierney. A ton and D15 from Mark Sommerville made it 1-1. Another ton from White in the third was eclipsed by Liamazares 180, 100 and D2. Jimmy McKay 2x100 in the fourth wasn't enough Vycka Bobinas closed on D19.
LEAGUE SNIPPETS * Great performance from Jonny Gilchrist ( Milos ) 2 x 140, 2 x 100, 3 x 90+ and 3 x 80+ scores. also Steve Formby 3 x 100, 125, and Richie McSweeney, 100,120,140 D20,D2. * Top scores in the same match, Sarndra David 140, John Crabbe 134, Sandra Crabbe 115, Roger Phipps 123. Terry David got one over McSweeney 2-0 with 2 x D20, as did Steve Monk Dalton 125, 100 D1, D2 over Dennis Byrne. * Dario Sierra starred for Ale House Lads, gaining 3 winning doubles 2 xD20 and D10 and MOTM. Dave Wright top scoring for Jesters 134 and MOTM. Andy Ranoe 2 winning legs D13, D2.
A league favourite Den Hall ( he's a diamond ) nailed D16 for 1-4. Liamazares 140 and Lopez 100, D8 taking the score to 1-5. Whites 121, 100, 120, couldn't be converted as Bobinas found D18, D3, for 1-6. Arold Klimonis despite failing to find a ton, found both doubles D10, D9, opponent McKay 2x100. Liamazares 100 D20, D18, made it 8 for the Caps. Steve Goodwin D5 D10 narrowly overcame Hall D10, in a three legger. Chris Logan D4, D8 made it 9 for the visitors, Nik Higgins getting the third point for Loungers with D17, D2. MOTM White and Liamazares. lt doesn't happen often but occasionally there's a whitewash, recipients Amigos, bully boys Dannys Bar, this week. A fine performance from Dannys, the only real resistance coming from Harvey Lane who continues his excellent form of late, deservedly attaining MOTM. Plenty of good performances from the hosts Alan Walker 140 2x100, plus 2 winning doubles. Bob Smith 140,125,100 and D16, Jean Randell 100, 2xD8. Lane 140, and Sue Sanderson 102 top scored for Amigos. Bob Smith, Dannys MOTM C.C.'s suffered a third defeat in four this week when visiting the Hub. Some familiar faces from the past graced the oche at the Plaza venue. Kevin Procktor, Richard Pattison and the affable Amanda Skinner, a former league singles champion, proving she can still throw a mean arrow or three. Unfortunately, despite numerous opportunities, the Flyers failed to convert these to winning legs. Ken Skinner being the lone winner in the third triple on D7. Bob Taylor opened the Hubs account in the first on D10, after 140,100 from Alex Nikolov, plus a ton from Simon Williams. Two tons from Joe Miller set up Shane Denness for D8. The third going Flyers way via Skinner. Three winning pairs were added to the hosts score, Nikolov 100, D3, Taylor 100, D8, and John Rodford 100, D2. 5-1 at the break. The Flyers upped their scoring rate after devouring some nourishing half time fish and chips, it was however matched and surpassed by the Hyenas. Miller free scoring 120, 132 plus D20,D1, without a reply from Brian Newton.
Rumours are one thing, they can be dismissed by a phone call if necessary, but ignoring the law re mask wearing, social distancing etc is putting individuals welfare, possibly lives at risk, is a definite No Go.
Williams 3x100 achieved the same result with D5,D9, against Neil Poole. Skinner 140, faced Rodford in the next giving a good account of herself, narrowly missing out on a 116 out by clipping the D20 wire, Rodford closing the second leg on D16. Denness took the fourth single, finding it easier to hit doubles than trebles. D16 for the first and then a nice 84 out S20, D14, D18, for 2 zip.
Examples of this are now too many to ignore and may require a temporary stoppage or more of the Thursday league.
Tasty bit of showboating by the co league sponsor. Ken Skinner went one up on D8 against Taylor 2x100, the Hyena making it all
Bit of a surprise package our Bob Smith (Robert to mum) the amiable captain of Dannys Bar darts team. The former “29 Commando Regiment” soldier, saw active service in the Falklands, Northern lreland, the Gulf, Belize and Kenya, before moving on to the Royal Artillery regiment. His final tour was in the A.G.C (Adjutant Generals Corps) as a Warrant Officer before he left for "civvy street” at the age of 55 after a 35 year stint. Stationed in Germany for many years, Bob has witnessed many of the bloodiest conflicts in modern times, but like many is reluctant to be drawn on the subject. Now leading a more sedate life style, settling on the Costa since 2017 with engaged partner Jane, Bob can be seen every Friday pulling pints at Dannys. 20 year old son Rhys who lives in Germany vows he won't be following his father’s footsteps as a one-time Teddy boy. The soldier elite was never out of drapes, suede shoes and the mandatory DA haircut, sadly now just fond memories. The former Essex boy, born in Maldon, is a pretty useful darter using 13g arrows yes 13g. A former Essex County player, even plays golf off a 2 handicap at La Serena (the course with lakes as fairways ). Partner Jane plays off 13, not a bad two ball. Bobs golfing ambition is to record a 66 at La Finca, a 67 at Las Colinas is already in the bag. The ex-Commando’s ideal 3 dinner guests would be, fiancé Jane, Neil Sedaka and Adele, devouring a rare, even blue steak, washed down with an occasional Bacardi n Coke. Surprisingly having watched Grease 25 times, it's his fave film. Explanation? lt was the only film to hand whilst waiting to be airlifted home after the Falklands conflict.
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Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020
Ten man Thader delight bumper crowd F ootball in Rojales is booming. A new board of directors, new manager, and virtually a new set of players, have transformed last season's strugglers, into a team that is full of confidence and ambition.
CD Thader Rojales ........3
CFE Ilicitana Raval ........1
Due to reseeding of the Moi Gomez Stadium pitch, this opening home preferente league match of the season, was played at neighbouring Benijofar. As in all pre-season friendlies, the 400 or so supporters, obeyed protocol rulings immaculately. Although talisman Dani Lucas was still out injured, manager Raul Mora had an otherwise fit squad to pick from. Raval should have taken the lead after only 8 mins, but from only 5 yards, Manu shot wide with just keeper Sergio to beat. When Potro was brought down inside the Raval pen area on 10 mins, it looked a nailed-on penalty, but alas the referee waved play on.
pointing opening spell. Manu thought he had given Raval the lead on 35 mins, but his fine effort was disallowed for offside. Just before half time, Rafa picked up a needless booking, which was later to prove to be costly.
Thader at Benijofar
Juan was the next name in the refs little black book, for the Thader defender slightly overstepped the mark! Another rash challenge by Rafa, saw him sent off, leaving his colleagues to battle through the remaining 30 mins a man light. An inch perfect free kick by Borja, resulted in Juan heading just wide, then moments later from a corner, the same man headed straight at Raval's keeper. Quite bizarrely, Thader appeared to step up a gear since Rafa's dismissal, and on 75 mins, a magnificent individual run by Quino was capped by him slipping the ball under the on-rushing keeper's body. The fans went wild, but even better was still to come.
him venture fully 25 yards out of his area to challenge Jose, but Thader's substitute striker showed a rare moment of brilliance, lobbing the stranded keeper, then celebrating in delight as the ball bounced into the net.
Totally against the run of play, a delightful assist by Lloyd found Calderon, who took the ball in his stride before beating the keeper with a well-placed shot.
Calderon should have doubled his goal tally on 80 mins, but when faced with a 1 on 1 with Raval's keeper, he came off second best as his opponent did well to smother the ball. A further booking apiece was issued, because this enthralling match showed no sign of abating. Sergio produced an important save at the foot of his post on 83 mins, as Raval sought an equalising goal.
This was Thader's first shot on target, in what had been a disap-
With time ticking away, a rush of blood to Raval keeper's head, saw
All in all, Thader's 2nd half gutsy performance just about justified the 3-1 scoreline, but giving away early goals is still an unwanted hangover from last season. Next Sunday, ko 1130, Thader are away to Benferri, although the match is set to be played in Jacarilla. At time of writing, it is unknown if fans will be permitted, but regular updates will be made on Thader Rojales facebook page.
Although the visitors were employing dirty tactics on a regular basis, it wasn't until 17 mins before the first yellow card was produced for a cynical foul. A minute later, Sergio was alleged to have brought down an opponent in his area. It seemed harsh, and maybe VAR would have overruled it, but the resultant penalty was converted, despite the transgressor getting a hand to it.
IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MORE FOR TORRY CD Horadada Thiar 0 – 0 Torrevieja C.F. In the last half hour of the game, Torrevieja had
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
four clear chances to take all 3 pts. The match began evenly on both sides, with sporadic attacks, although no real opportunities. The home side began to get a foothold in the game pinning Torry back in their own half for long periods, however, they were firm at the back and never in any real trouble. The second period began family evenly but as the game developed toward the business end the superior fitness of the visitors began to take effect. The boys of José Miguel Serna were now beginning to control the game, as they they looked for the goal that would seal all 3 pts. It was not to be however and the two local sides shared the spoils, both managers saying after the game that they should have gone on to win. TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. When he 'cracks' his whip. 2. The Boomtown Rats. 3. Amelia Earhart. 4. Cubit. From the Latin 'cubitum'. 5. c. a comfy mattress. 6. Roulette. 7. Java 141 million, Honsh? Japan 104 million, Great Britain 65 million. 8. Chris Evert. 1974, 1975, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985 and 1986. 9. a. Picasso (Surviving Picasso). b. Van Gogh (Lust for Life). c. Michelangelo (The Agony and the Ecstasy). d. Henri de Toulouse Lautrec (Moulin Rouge). e.
OBITUARY - Former Crystal Palace and Manchester City footballer Gary Lowe By Andrew Atkinson Former Manchester City and Crystal Palace footballer Gary Lowe has died suddenly in Spain, aged 61. Lowe passed away peacefully on October 23. After his football career as a player and manager, Lowe, father to son Benito, 20, moved to Spain, where he co-ran the La Hacienda bar in Lo Crispin, Algorfa. Lowe's colleagues paid their condolences after his shock death. A statement said: La Hacienda bar and grill, Lo Crispin, regrets to inform all customers and friends that at 10am on October 23 our good friend and colleague Gary Lowe passed away peacefully.
Jackson Pollock (Pollock). 10. a. Cars (Gary Numan). b. A day in the life (Beatles). c. Honey (Bobby Goldsboro). d. Dead Skunk (Loudon Wainwright III). e. Don't pass me by (Beatles). 11. Maghreb. 12. The riderless horse at JFK's state funeral. 13. When it's a 'Junket'. 14. The obverse side. 15. a. Zanzibar. b. Germany. c. Turkey. d. India. e. Argentina. 16. The Blue Max. 17. Jefferson Airplane. 18. a. an aromatic spice mixture. 19. The Kremlin.
Gary during his time as manager of Hyde. *The Leader chief sports editor Andrew Atkinson will feature Gary Lowe's football career in his SportsTalk column next week as a tribute.
RAINING MEDALS on Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnasts The Autonomous and Provincial Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship delivered some magnificent results for the Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club of Torrevieja last week. Due to covid-19 both championships were held at the same time in the city of Onteniente with the Torrevieja club winning medals through Miley Martinez, Alisa Zatsepilina, Lucía Leshan Cañas Mendo, Tatyana Schevchyk, and Aniya Tuganbekova Star of the show was Miley Martínez premiering at this level and taking the gold medal, in the juvenile category.
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Monday 26th October - Sunday 1st November, 2020