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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Business Groups d e m a n d b e t t e r C ov i d support on Orihuela Costa fter a relatively quiet period with few infections, businesses on the Orihuela Costa say they are now seeing a surge in cases of Coronavirus around the area with a
Unfortunately, despite doing the sensible thing, shutting up shop and professionally disinfecting their premises, business owners also say that they are extremely disappointed with the lack of information and support they have received
from the Dept of Health. They are now being told there is no need for them to close their doors simply because an employee tests positive and they should continue to trade. Continued on Page 2
number of bars and restaurants closing their doors following suspected instances among members of staff, some with vulnerable family members, who are now self-isolating at home.
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
Continued from Page One Covid support for Orihuela Costa
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They also say that that their staff are receiving conflicting information when calling the COVID advice line telephone numbers with reception personnel at the Cabo Roig Medical Centre insisting that Coronavirus tests will only be carried out on individuals who actually live with a person who has already tested positive. It is also being reported that only one nurse is available to carry out PCR tests in the Cabo Roig Centre , where no more than 30 daily tests are being carried
out. Many people also say that they are being turned away from the medical centre despite having previously been in contact with members of the public who are suffering from the virus and the few individuals who are being allocated tests say that they are having to wait for up to a week before they can be carried out. As a result of their frustration dozens are now turning to private clinics where antigeno tests cost in the region of 40 euro. Although results are turned around in a matter of minutes the test is not as reliable as the PCR test carried out by the Health Authority.
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Understandably, local businessmen are now saying that enough is enough and that support being provided on the Orihuela Costa is totally inadequate to meet the needs of the 30,000 strong population, as a result of which the Orihuela Costa and Cabo Roig Business Associations have joined together in sending a letter of protest to the Ministry of Health in Valencia, the Orihuela Ayuntamiento, the Local health authority, Torrevieja University Hospital and the Cabo Roig Medical Centre. A translation of the letter, which is signed by 25 local businesses, is reproduced below.
E-mail office@theleader.info Website www.theleader.info Journalists 600 228 616 office@theleader.info The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
Dear Sir/Madam,
quate and inefficient.
Victoria, Cabo Roig Inn, Flamenca Holiday Rentals,
Orihuela Costa has had very few Covid-19 cases up to the end of October however there are now many new infections every day and these new cases are not being attended to in an efficient manner. This steep rise in cases is particularly serious here because of the number of people over 60 who live in Orihuela Costa is very high and so the potential for serious illness among this age demographic is also high which could put a tremendous strain on the health service in health area 22. In general, these pensioners are from abroad and they do not have family support here.
Widescale and easily accessible PCR and Antigenos testing is essential now to prevent increased infection rates along with high hospital and UCI admissions and ultimately deaths. Appointments for tests should be available within 24 of the first contact and results also within 24 hours with clear information and instruction given at each point of contact. Follow-up control calls for those who have tested positive need to be made every 48 hours.
Milo’s, Rogue Kitchen, Bay Barbers, OCPS, El
Businesses in Orihuela Costa have meticulously followed the strict government guidelines but they are unfortunately having to close down because there are no tourists, the resident population are living cautiously and frugally and unfortunately the government are not helping. More than 50% of the businesses in the hospitality sector who were operating in 2019 have now gone out of business. Obviously, owners, staff, entertainers and suppliers are all suffering and there is no real backup for them. At the moment there is a huge backlog of people needing tests and some have to wait for a week or more to get a test, followed by at least two days to receive their results. We believe that there not enough resources allocated at present to the testing process, forcing hundreds of people in business to have 40€ Antigenos tests in Imed and Quiron Torrevieja. This is not correct; workers and business owners are paying into the social security system but they cannot get an appointment for a PCR test in their local health centre and they end up paying private companies for some short-lived peace-of-mind. Additionally, the communication between the private hospitals and Salud Publica is totally inade-
Can we suggest using an outdoor tentlike structure (for proper ventilation) beside the Aguamarina medical centre with sufficiently trained staff to carry out 300-500 tests per day, seven days a week. We envisage that 8-10 staff would be needed to carry out these tests and to label and store the tests properly. Vital to this process is the booking of appointments and giving results on dedicated phone lines. Thank you for considering our urgent plea for more testing. OC Avanza Business Association Raymond Kearney (President) Golf Sun Europe, Paddy’s Point, Randy Leprechaun, The Leader Newspaper, C Breeze & Rustica, Spud Murphy’s, Smart Sell, Perfect 10, Gap. Cabo Roig Business Association Niall Burns (President) O’Riordan’s, Innisfree, Orange Tree, Queen
Faro, Bar Liquid,La Rotonda
637 227 385
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
The Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción church in Torrevieja
The Royal British Legion commemorates Armistice Day
espite various levels of lockdown the Royal British Legion was able to commemorate Armistice Day locally in both Orihuela Costa and Torrevieja.
In Pilar de la Horadada the Orihuela Costa and District event was held outdoors, beside the RBL Garden of Remembrance, with the authorities having previously decided that social distancing inside the tiny Capilla de las Mil Palmeras was not possible. As such it was very much a scaled down service with just a dozen or so participants led by the mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, José María Pérez Sánchez, who read the Exhortation and Kohima in Spanish. Assistant chaplain Stephen Treseder opened the event "To the memory of the fallen and the future of the living" with a short prayer after which, following the last post, silence and reveille, sounded by Alwyn Pollendine, wreaths were laid while Piper John Wilson played a lament. Just along the road in Torrevieja the local council authorised a much grander affair which was held at the Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción church in Ramon Galud. The event was attended by Mayor Eduardo Dolón, the Chairman of Spain District North, Don Cubbon, and approximately 100 dignitaries and guests. The service, led by Father Richard Seabrook, got underway as the standards were marched into the church to the sound of the pipes. The music for the hymns was provided by a clarinet quartet from the Royal British Legion Band. Following the service many of the congregation then moved to the cenotaph in La Siesta where wreathes and poppy crosses were laid in memory of the fallen.
A ‘scaled down’ service was held outdoors by the Orihuela Costa & District Branch in Mil Palmeras
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
Doctors are 12 days without telephones in Pilar de la Horadada
637 227 385
Torrevieja owes 650,000 euros for vehicle recovery
The satellite medical clinics of Torre de la Horadada, Mil Palmeras and Pinar de Campoverde will not have a doctor on November 16, 20, or 25 as was already the case on October 28 and 4 and 9 November.
According to Sueña Torrevieja, the Torrevieja Council owes 650,000 euros to the company that it uses to recover illegally parked vehicles in the municipality The Ayuntamiento is currently taking up to 311 days to settle its invoices as a result of which the recovery company has not been able to pay either it’s summer overtime payments or it’s employees for the month of October.
In addition, the Torre de la Horadada office is without internet connection. Doctors there have not been able to access the Florence de Ribera Salud medical management program since 29 October so as the office is also without a telephone it cannot be used for non-contact consultation. In the Pilar de la Horadada health centre the concessionaire has not yet filled the position of a family planning specialist and the X-ray equipment is more than 20 years old. The centre is still also waiting for the addition of Family Planning and Trauma specialists that have been planned for some time but they have not yet been arranged by the Ribera Salud concessionaire.
However, the government says that it is a problem of bureaucratic processing and not of liquidity and that it will be resolved shortly. The Councillor for Traffic and Security, Federico Alarcón said that the payment of several of the bills is imminent and that the problem "is in the process of being resolved." Pilar’s X-Ray machine is over 20 years old
The company has now been waiting 311 days for payment
Accessibility improved to Rojales Caves The Rojales Ayuntamiento is currently undertaking work to improve the accessibility into las Cuevas del Rodeo, especially for those visitors with reduced mobility. The works are understood to consist of land-
scaping improvements, reforestation and the creation of new paths, walkways and viewpoints using wood as the main material, thereby enabling greater integration into the landscape,
One of the slopes is being covered with peat to prevent soil erosion
The Councillor for Culture and Historical and Natural Heritage, Inmaculada Chazarra, said that one of the main purposes "is to improve accessibility to all users but especially for people with reduced mobility due to the contours of the land." One of the most noticeable works is being carried out on one of the slopes that limit the areas occupied by cave dwellers. This area is being deeply restored, cleaned and covered with peat to prevent soil erosion and to promote the development of plants and grasses. It will be complemented with the installation of small terraces repopulated with different species of plants with drip irrigation. The work is being carried out by municipal gardening staff with assistance from students from a project of the Servei Valencià d'Ocupació i Formació, Labora. Funding is being jointly provided by the Valencian Tourism Agency and the local administration.
Twenty coronavirus cases in Almoradi Care Home
Sueña Torrevieja's spokesperson, Pablo Samper, said that “the disastrous management of the Torrevieja City Council, particularly with the approval and payment of invoices, is causing untold problems among local business.” “We are seeing levels of inefficiency that we have never seen before in the Torrevieja City Council, causing collateral damage to companies that provide essential services and that may hinder their normal operation.” Samper said that Mayor Eduardo Dolón "made an electoral promise to reduce the City's payment period as much as possible, and not only has he failed to comply, but the figures have worsened. We are now seeing an average payment period of 269 days which is completely unacceptable."
Another masterpiece from local wood carver
There are currently 20 positive cases in the Casa Verde Care Facility The Casaverde de Almoradí Care Home registered about twenty positive cases of the virus last week among it’s 150 residents.
be very "respectful" to the situation of their patients and their families "to protect them."
The Department of Health has since confirmed that patients are now being treated by Primary Care from the Health Centre as well as the Vega Baja Hospital. New admissions have been put on hold for the time being with potential users being referred to other residences in the area with which the Generalitat has an agreement.
In late August an outbreak of the virus also occurred at the Casa Verde Care Centre in Pilar de la Horadada which resulted in eighty positive cases and eleven deaths.
Casa Verde has declined to make statements, saying that they must
The incidence of the coronavirus in Almoradí is one of the highest in the entire Valencian Community with 471 cases per one hundred thousand inhabitants.
A carving from a wooden trunk, from the hand and soul of the artist, Omar Lopez, a beautiful heron which is now part of the Lagunas de El Recor Rojales.
637 227 385
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
Ministry shuns transfers from Orihuela to Torrevieja Hospital
hilst Ribera Salud has extended its offer to the Ministry of Health to take in patients from elsewhere, La Plataforma Sanidad Excelente continues to denounce the fact that, in order to relieve pressure on Covid beds, patients from the Vega Baja Hospital in Orihuela are still being moved to the Regional Hospital of the Marina Baixa in La Vila Joiosa, more than a hundred kilometres away, when they could more easily have been transferred the 15 kilometres to Torrevieja. In recent days they report that Health has moved patients to both the La Vila hospital and also the Sant Joan Hospital in Alicante to reduce the pressure on the Oriolana ICU. La Vila received three patients and the Sant Joan hospital two, although the situation at the Oriolano hospital has improved slightly since the transfers were made. The association, which defends the continuity of the private management of Ribera Salud at the head of the Torrevieja Health
Authority, continues to criticise the Ministry of Health for moving patients such distances when a much better alternative is available in Torrevieja. Meanwhile recent figures show that the care pressure for patients with coronavirus in Torrevieja has been growing gradually for two weeks at the University Hospital. At the moment there are 7 patients in the ICU, out of a total of 18 available beds, and 45 on the ward. In mid-October the centre only registered five patients with moderate symptoms and none in the ICU.
cillor for health in Torrevieja. She says that despite being offered the opportunity to transfer patients from the Vega Baja Hospital, the Minister for Health in Valencia, Ana Barcelo, has turned the opportunity down, preferring to keep them within the state managed hospital system.
The driving force of La Plataforma Sanidad Excelente is Mamen Mateo, a former coun-
Mateo called the decision “A regrettable example of health sectarianism.”
Almoradí introduces additional measures to fight the pandemic
In addition to the measures published by the Ministry of Health on 6 November the Almoradí City Council has introduced steps of its own, which came into force last Tuesday night, and which will last until 22 November. They include the suspension of all cultural and sports activities, as well as the closure of children's and sports areas and public parks. The Council published a statement listing the measures which they hope will provide additional impetus in their attempts to stop the increase in cases of coronavirus in the town.
The additional measures include the suspension of all cultural activities in municipal facilities, the library is closed and only the book loan service is maintained. All Sports and activities, training and competitions, taking place in the Municipal Sports Schools are suspended up to the infantil category. Non-federated sports group activities are also suspended. In addition, children's games and sports areas in all public parks are closed. These measures are aimed at curbing the number of infections in the town, about which the city
council said that "this will not be possible without the individual responsibility of every resident". In addition, the council has reminded members of the public of the obligation to remain isolated at home in case of being infected and that social and family gatherings must be limited to the bare minimum. They have also stressed that any person who, due to confinement, has any specific need should contact Social Services (telephone 96 570 23 82) or Local Police (telephone 96 678 33 86).
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
637 227 385
Heroes save four dogs from drowning after being recklessly dumped in reservoir By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive
he quick thinking action of heroes David Payne and Rob Ratcliffe helped the saving of four dogs drowning - after being recklessly dumped in a reservoir in Los Montesinos, Alicante.
"There are some cruel people out there - dumping dogs in a reservoir by Reigos Levante," Los Montesinos resident David told The Leader. David and Rob acted, along with chef Jaswinder, first on the scene, after seeing the dogs fighting for their lives, whilst passing the reservoir. "We stayed long enough to get one out with a rope I had on hand. "Another fella who also helped got bitten on a hand. After dragging the first dog up with the rope I aided it through the fence.
Mayors Dolon and Bascuñana came together to promote the Torrevieja/Orihuela rail link
"I covered the dog with some discarded plastic grass - as it was shaking so much," said David, who assisted in saving two of the dogs.
University study supports rail link connecting Torrevieja with Orihuela and Madrid
"The other dogs kept swimming away from being rescued. Other cars stopped and a Spanish lady called for help. "I left my rope, as I had to go to work, leaving the final rescue to I imagine was the Fire Brigade. When I returned to the scene later all the dogs had gone and my rope was left waiting for me," said David.
By Andrew Atkinson
he University of Alicante (UA) presented the planned study of the future train services on the Vega Baja coast on November 10, in which it proposes to minimise the risk of floods or fires - with a single and not a double track. A projected speed of around 200 kilometres per hour is planned.
through to France and the UK.
The project would cost in the region of 280 million euro and it would connect the Orihuela Miguel Hernandez station with three new hubs in BigastroJacarilla, San Miguel de Salinas and a third station close to the Torrevieja Hospital.
The daily demand for short-haul passengers to other parts of the region, including Murcia, is high and that the station would be the 'great transport interchange centre that would be the backbone the entire region'.
The move would reduce costs, in recommending that it shares a platform with the CV-95, which will include national and international connections; regional, inter-county and local.
The plan was presented by the University's Armando Ortuño. The president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, the deputy for the presidency and mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, and the first vice president of the provincial institution, Julia Parra, took part in the meeting held in the Paseo de la Estación in Orihuela. The mayors, Bascuñana and Dolón, said that the new link would connect both their towns with the interior and is something that the region needs and
“It is a very important development. A requirement that we have posed for a long time. The economic impact for residential and cultural tourism, for commercial traffic and economic activity and the territorial competitiveness of this region, more than justify the project” President of the Alicante Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón It was stated that the study provides new possibilities, so that the railway branch can start from the Orihuela Intermodal Station, from where it will also provide continuity to those high speed AVE services from Madrid, and, when the Mediterranean Corridor is completed,
The president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón said: "It is a very important infrastructure and a requirement that we have posed for a long time. "It is neither an approach nor a demand - it is an investment - because it has been shown, as in other infrastructures in the province, such as the AVE or the airport, that it brings economic impact."
The two dogs were saved from drowning by David Payne and Rob Ratcliffe (below).
The president of the Alicante Provincial Council said: "The economic impact for residential and cultural tourism, for commercial traffic and economic activity and the territorial competitiveness of this region, justify more than enough the project. "The return that can be raised for the State budget from the additional economic activity that the railway brings can then be reinvested in social spending and job creation"
Orihuela is still without Gel dispensers that were promised in August Orihuela Socialist councillor María García has criticised the councillor for emergencies over his failure to deliver Gel dispensers that he promised last August, for delivery in September.
She said that this is yet another prime example of the government blustering about, taking photo opportunities and making promises to the local community, that are then quickly forgotten.
“It is shameful that we are still waiting for these devices more than 2 months after they were promised.”
“When are they going to stop their political Marketing and start to introduce policy that can really help Oriolanos. It is also as though the pan-
demic doesn’t matter to them”? The Department of Emergencies announced the installation of the equipment, which are solar powered and which will dispense up to 20,000 doses of hydroalcoholic gel, in schools, institutes and those public areas with a large concentration of people, in order to reinforce the hygienic-sanitary security in the municipality.
At a press conference in August Cllr Valverde said that they would be in situ by September. He promised 9 of the dispensers, which is nowhere near enough, according to Garcia, at a cost of 7,000 euros plus VAT. Meanwhile councillor Valverde said "We are adapting day by day and it is difficult to plan."
ADVERTISING HOTLINE 637 227 385 LEADER Puig continues to shun Mazón over the Torrevieja Hospital
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
BAG-SNATCHING Watch out - there' s a thief about! By Andrew Atkinson
Despite his formal request to overturn the decision to end the Ribera Salud management of the Torrevieja Health Authority, the PP Leader of the Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, is still to receive any sort of reply from the Community President, Ximo Puig. In his correspondence Mazón said that he considered the decision to be a ‘serious error’ and that he was ‘extremely disappointed’ by the fact that the Generalitat has not responded to his request, made on July 7 to prevent the reversal "at such a difficult time, especially as we are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic." In the letter Carlos Mazón requested a meeting to explain "personally the reasons why he considered it necessary" to extend the concession of the management of the Torrevieja Hospital, which is scheduled to end in October 2021. Mazón warned the President of the "serious error" that he is about to make and the detrimental effects that it will undoubtedly have on a number of important investments that could lead to a step backwards in the quality of care, as is currently the case in the Alzira Hospital, where data from the Ministry of Health already shows a notable increase in spending, and on waiting lists.
Members of the public have been alerted of a bag-snatching in Quesada in an alleged incident at Mercadonna car park on November 9. A Visa bank card with the victim's name details was found following the incident. Bag-snatching, along with jewellery, has been highlighted in Benidorm, Seville, Granada and Barcelona - deemed the bag snatching capital of Europe - among a plethora of towns and cities in recent times. The civil Guard arrested a gang of robbers, who were linked to bag-snatching, in Torrevieja last month. Incidents of bags being stolen have occurred to victims while out dining, with thieves removing bags from the back of chairs. Incidents have occurred in Los Montesinos. Under Spanish law, if you steal something worth less than €400 (£357) it’s a falta (misdemeanour), not a delito (crime). If you are caught, you will be fined approximately €50, but however many times you re-offend, it remains a misdemeanour and as an offence it is not cumulative. The police find it demoralising, knowing that when they arrest a culprit he/she will be back on the streets, within hours. There have been moves to change the law but the legal system is rife with serious cases, so it has yet to proceed, making bag-snatching and pickpocketing crimes to carry on, unabated.
All the city and town authorities can do is warn people of the risks. Despite all the warnings, many people remain to have their wallets in their back pockets, handbags draped over the back of the chair in a bar, or a camera or mobile on the table. Never leave a rucksack or bag in the floor in a cafe or restaurant. You can buy hooks for attaching them to tables. Use money belts for keys, cards and cash.
Never stop if anyone asks for directions, or if anyone offers to remove bird excrement from you. Never have a wallet in front or back pockets. Victims have been robbed at airports and train stations - and from the use of selfie sticks near cash machines - recording pin numbers being keyed in.
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
Make “waits” along your journey
was walking home with my newspaper the other morning when I got a flashback to when I was a young boy walking to Johnstown National School, or riding a bad bicycle to Delvin or Collinstown. I remembered how I devised a plan to fool myself into making the long road shorter and to take the pain out of a hard journey. I focussed on some landmark up ahead that I could see. This might be a tree, a pile of sand, or a field gate. I concentrated on each such milestone until I reached it, before then picking another one further ahead. I told myself that I only had to do this little bit before my journey commenced and this way the full distance I had to travel never bothered me. I only had to dwell on what I could see in front of me. I invented a name for these markers along my road: I called them “waits”, because I waited until I got to the “wait” before having to think about the rest of my hike. For fifty years I had forgotten about the word “waits” until that morning walk out of Delvin last week. Maybe it isn’t the most appropriate or sophisticated word for what I was trying to accomplish; but for a ten years old kid, I think, looking back, it showed some ingenuity into how to cut the problem down to bite size. It is not the road we travelled yesterday, or the path we are on right now that really burdens us; it is the worry of what lies ahead in front of us. We should continue to make ‘waits’ for ourselves every day even now when we are big boys and girls – especially in these difficult Covid times. Worrying about the road ahead, when we cannot see around the next bend, is a futile waste of time and energy. Sure we have to know the direction we are going and plan for the journey, but we should only actively concentrate on the bit we can see – until we arrive at the next ‘wait’. Living for the now is the secret of contentment. There are a couple of million sober alcoholics in AA across the globe and the principal reason for this success is simply living one day at a time. Park that apprehension and worry which is not today’s problem, and what do you get? Freedom, that’s what. My favourite example of all ‘waits’, is that of the Bumble Bee. This
They bring both beauty and wildlife to any outdoor space and is an ideal choi-
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clumsy ol’ insect has baffled science because he should not be able to fly. His body is too heavy for his light wing-span. How-andever, nobody fully explained this to the bee, so he flapped one wing, then the other and decided he would go as far as a ‘wait’, and off he took up into the air Johnny Cash had a hit song entitled, “One piece at a time.” The song told the story of a Detroit car worker who built his own car at home from stealing one piece from the assembly line every day. Every car piece he took out in his lunch-box was another ‘wait’ on the way. Times are undoubtedly stressful at the moment and we need a ‘wait’ every day to help us on our way. Don’t wish any of your life past your ‘wait’. Live now and don’t put it on hold until the vaccine comes or no more lockdowns. Living way off in the future is neither sensible nor possible. It is not how we plan or worry about the future which will dictate how it will pan out. Embrace home confinement if you have to – but live. Making do and making things last has its compensations in giving personal satisfaction in what you can save. Remember that many struggling families, who long for this pandemic to end, will still look back on it as happy days, as long as they only bite off what they can chew each day. I remember watching a TV interview many years ago given by Hector Grey, one of the most successful traders ever in this country: Hector said he looked back on the days when he was struggling as the happiest time of his life. Yes, there are dreadfully sad stories out there of how families have been damaged and in dire need of assistance – I know some of them. I don’t wish to down-play the horror of Covid, nor its related hardships: But, with the first shoots of next Spring will come new hope. We will be OK. As a people we will go on for another day at a time, making ‘waits’ for ourselves where we need them along the road back.
Garden Felix: Buddleia Davidii Officially named the Buddleia Davidii commonly referred to as the butterfly bush - summer lilac, or orange eye buddleia are grown for their butterflyattracting qualities.
ce for those of us looking for a low effort plant, as yearly pruning and deadheading is all that's required. The buddleia is a flowering bush which displays long floral spike shaped clusters in colours of white, yellow, pink, red, blue and purple.
It gives off a sweet smell, which attracts both birds and pollinators, including bees and butterflies. Often growing to at least 6 foot - it can grow up to around 10 foot tall - and be as equal in width. The buddleia is a great
Don’t Forget True patriotism is your conviction that your country is superior to all others because you were born in it. Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
choice, for those wanting to attract wildlife, while bringing beauty to their garden. The fast growing buddleia flowers in early summer, right into the autumn months, requiring full sun and welldrained soil. Bear in mind the size of the fully grown bush and ensure you leave plenty of
space for the plant to grow to its full potential. Water well and continue to water, while the plant grows. However, do not overwater the soil and, once the buddleia plant is fully grown, water sparingly, as too much water will damage the plant. Fully prune, down to 1 foot, at least once a year, ideally in March.
637 227 385
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
'Great regret' as La Herrada’s Oasis calls last orders By Andrew Atkinson The Oasis Bar and Restaurant in La Herrada, Los Montesinos, Alicante, closed it’s doors for the last time on November 8 - due to COVID-19. 'I have reached a point where I can no longer go on' - Oasis owner Graham Stephen
"It is with great regret I have to announce that, due to the current coronavirus climate, I have reached a point where I can no longer go on," Graham Stephen proprietor of The Oasis told The Leader. "I would like to thank everyone, customers and staff like who have supported me during the last two years," said Mr Stephen, who has pumped in over €30,000 since taking the helm of the popular entertainment and dining venue. "We have worked tirelessly to help make the bar a success," said Aberdeen born Mr Stephen. The closure comes on the back of a three month lockdown in mid-March, following the initial coronavirus pandemic, which saw the Oasis among others closed.
At the time a takeaway service was launched - in a Last orders: The Oasis regulars say farewell bid to help ex-pats - in the Community, based in Spain's Vega Baja region. Spain's closure of borders and scheduled holiday flights cancelled from the UK to Spain put another nail in the coffin on businesses. The Spanish government reduced capacity of people limited to six people per table in bars and restaurants, with 11pm closing times imposed, under latest COVID-19 crisis measures. A Mayoral Gala extravaganza weekend in October - supported by The Leader - featuring Stevie Spit BEM, Flamenco dancers, and 16 artistes to raise much needed funds for charities, including APANEE Torrevieja and underprivileged children in Los Montesinos at The Oasis bar was cancelled, due to COVID-19. Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Manuel Butron had supported the Gala and nominated the children of the town to benefit from monies raised to purchase The Hotel Management Organisation said the new computers for educational purposes. legislation is 'unviable and unsustainable'. A blanket ban on artistes' live singing and dancing A spokesperson from the Business Confederation - still in place, including Karaoke - imposed in of Hospitality and Tourism of the Valencian October, was another blow. Hundreds of wishes have been made to Graham Community (Conhostur) said: “Once again, we Stephen and staff since the closure was announced learned about the measures, with organised workwith regulars attending the final bash on force activity and purchases and reservations carNovember 8: "We will genuinely miss our people, ried out, without consulting or notifying the and The Oasis bar restaurant," said Mr Stephen. employers of the sector". The latest coronavirus legislation has caused controversy within the hospitality industry, citing the reduction of capacity to 30%, that has led to a compensation plan Despite the restrictions placed on us all by the Covis 19 from the Generalitat. pandemic, the Phoenix Car Club has been active whilst New coronavirus measures reduces staying within the guidelines imposed by local and capacity of terraces of bars and National government. In September and October the club restaurants by half, and a third held two drives in the Vega Baja area which were well supinside venues, from the 100% of ported by members. terraces, with social distance; and Both drives started from El Cortijo in Formentera, the first heading inland and exploring the many and varied narrow within premises, 75%. waterway roads in the locality before climbing to Hondon de las Frailles for a very nice lunch at the Tipsy Terrace restaurant. The October drive headed east initially to the coast at La Marina and then via Santa Pola and the beach road to Arenals before turning inland to Dolores, Deya Vieja and Rojales and on to Restaurante Paco for lunch. Our next drive takes place on November 22nd and more information about the club and it’s activities is available on www.phoenixcarclub.org
The sector is not eligible for ERTE for employees: "It is a covert closure that leaves entrepreneurs adrift - without any compensation," said the spokesperson. The Confederation belongs to the Business Federation of Hospitality of the Province of Alicante (Fehpa). Manager Emi Ortiz, said: “There are restaurants that are going to be left with a capacity of 18 people - and 10 workers - that is unfeasible. "They are teasing us, in a way that I don't know where we are going to come out. It is a disaster".
Flamenco demonstration in Sevilla By Andrew Atkinson As demonstrations go the Flamenco protest in Sevilla takes some beating! A cortege of Flamenco dancers took the the streets to demonstrate against global governments' legislation in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus, as COVID-19 spikes following the initial outbreak in mid-March. With lockdowns, curfews, and closures of businesses riots have erupted as millions of people have lost their livelihoods. In contrast the Flamenco dancers marched in black, mourning the businesses that have closed doors permanently or have ceased trading at present.
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
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ANSWERS Week 840
ACROSS 7. Treat (6) 8. Box (6) 10. Guard (7) 11. Pamphlet (5) 12. Ogle (4) 13. Cheerful (5) 17. Scoundrel (5) 18. Visage (4) 22. Arbour (5) 23. Vertical (7) 24. Choose (6) 25. Hesitate (6) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 14. 15. 16. 19. 20. 21.
Well-formed (7) Expose (7) Slumber (5) Domination (7) Mapbook (5) Fuse (5) Energetic (9) Right (7) Arrogant (7) Bonds (7) Misapply (5) Dilate (5) Wide (5)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Inlet; 4 Impetus; 8 Devious; 9 Circa; 10 Fade; 11 Profound; 13 Mock; 14 Isle; 16 Generous; 17 Twee; 20 Brand; 21 Gallows; 22 Elected; 23 Green. DOWN: 1 Indefatigable; 2 Livid; 3 Trot; 4 Insert; 5 Pacifist; 6 Torture; 7 Stand to reason; 12 Accredit; 13 Mundane; 15 Turgid; 18 Whole; 19 Flog. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Backs; 4 Discern; 8 Dresden; 9 Giver; 10 Iron; 11 Teacloth; 13 Togs; 14 Otis; 16 Agnostic; 17 Ages; 20 Nerve; 21 Tableau; 22 Rambler; 23 Tench. DOWN: 1 Bedside manner; 2 Credo; 3 Side; 4 Danger; 5 Sagacity; 6 Envious; 7 North and south; 12 Eggshell; 13 Tantrum; 15 Mister; 18 Glean; 19 Abet.
ACROSS 7. Being inane, Virginia lacks ability (6) 8. One in position for sea-food (6) 10. The way to go around in regular course of action (7) 11. Complete composition or just a part (5) 12. Sound detectors used in rehearsals (4) 13. Be niggardly with work allocation (5) 17. Continental river in which fish are caught (5) 18. Part of our pinnace, initially (4) 22. This will beat vegetarian food (5) 23. Established genuine backing for Polonius's son (7) 24. Use more space for the banquet (6) 25. Barker is looked after by this kind of maid (6)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. What is the name of the castle, the icon for all things 'Walt Disney'? 2. Which modern form of men's clothing in the early 19th century was banned in Russia by Tsar Alexander the first? 3. Which disaster rock band was declared a threat to the state in Belarus? 4. Which two armies fought each other at the Battle of Borodino on September 7th, 1812, a battle involving more than 250,000 troops and resulting in at least 70,000 casualties? 5. A chordophone is a musical instrument that makes a sound with vibrating strings. The name of which chordophone roughly translated from the Hawaiian means "jumping flea"? 6. The 1966 cult film 'Blow Up' was directed by the Italian Antonioni. What was his artistic sounding first name? 7. In the cult film 'From Dusk till Dawn' holy water was used as a weapon against the vampires. What did the humans use as containers for the holy water? 8. The ancient Greeks believed their world was made up of five elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water and which other fifth element? 9. Due to President Hoover's unpopularity during the Depression, the name of the Hoover Dam was changed to what? 10. According to the Forbe's rich list of 2009, Mrs. Yelena Nikolayevna Baturina was the richest woman in Russia. At the time of the list what was the name or job of her husband?
DOWN 1. Do supervisory duties across the water, we hear (7) 2. Get a vocal group that's heard (7) 3. Gun-getter (5) 4. Peg comes in to work hard, showing some inclination (7) 5. One who stands on his own two feet (5) 6. Celebration for the Spanish after the Revolution (5) 9. Geometrical figure derived from a gentle arc (9) 14. The brass-hat is not particular (7) 15. Satisfied with what is inside (7) 16. Correspondence showing dreadful spite by the French (7) 19. The sergeant-major is interrupted by father's involuntary movement (5) 20. Some of the unconventional armaments cause a scare (5) 21. Five observed all round as a somewhat larger number (5)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11. The main character of Scarface, Tony Montana, was played by Al Pachino. What was Tony's nationality? 12. What do the books 'Don Quixote', Pilgrim's Progress', 'Fanny Hill' and Sir Walter Raleigh's 'History of the World' all have in common? 13. One of the first triple albums released is ranked number 9 in the 'The top 100 albums that don't appear in all the other top 100 albums of all time' list. Which Beatle released the album and what is it called? 14. What name was given to the ferocious wolf or bear pelt clad Norsemen who refused to wear armour in battle? 15. How did Gottfried Dienst make the headlines in 1966? 16. Which 1925 silent film, which years later would be remade into a Hollywood blockbuster, was the most expensive silent film ever made? 17. Che Guevara fought as a combatant in which three countries? 18. The lines in a Peruvian desert which depict stylized animals which can only be seen from the air are called what? 19. What do Sid Vicious, Dick Cheney, Kate Winslet, Adolf Hitler, Neil Young, Boris Becker, Shakespeare, George W Bush, David Attenborough, Oliver Hardy, Elvis, Hugh Hefner and Frank Zappa all have in common? a. Appeared on the cover of Time magazine. b. Had animals named after them. c. Have six fingers or six toes. d. Aall spent time in prison
637 227 385
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
Benidorm's My Wife Tricked Me To Come To Spain! Naked truth! BY ANDREW ATKINSON
BY ANDREW ATKINSON A teenager has been arrested and faces a fine after climbing up a 600ft crane in Benidorm - naked - then dangling himself, baring all! British teenager Adam Lockwood, 19, who performed the death-defying stunt that could have ended in tragedy, has been questioned by police and faces court proceedings against him.
Strictly Come Dancing star Vincent Simone turned down the offer of being a choreographer for the 2020 BBC TV series - due to COVID-19. Speaking exclusively from Ciudad Quesada on the Costa Blanca south, Simone, who resides in Spain, exclusively told The Leader: "I have still been involved with Strictly since leaving, as a choreographer. "I was asked to be a choreographer for Strictly Come Dancing 2020, but declined, due to COVID-19. "I didn't want to do the 14 days isolation, imposed by the UK Government, due to the coronavirus outbreak situation. "The secret is that last year I was involved in the show - with the choreography of Argentine Tangos." Italian Simone, whose dancing partner was Flavia Cacace, starred on Strictly Come Dancing during 2006-12, but he suddenly quit eight years ago: "I left Strictly to go into Theatre. I left because I was too big for the show!", quipped Simone, who resides on the Costa Blanca with his wife Susan and their two children Matteo, eight, and Luca, 11. "My wife tricked me to come to Spain - initially as a holiday home - and now we live here!," said Simone. "I'm in lockdown and there is no point in going to the UK to isolate for 14 days. I am concentrating on my life in Spain, to teach classes. "Everything will be done to the coronavirus outbreak health and safety guidelines. We will get through this, until the coronavirus rules change. "I can teach under the circumstances of the coronavirus rules," said Simone, who has classes at The Lakeview in Cuidad Quesada. *In Part 4 of a Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader exclusive Vincent Simone talks about family life in Spain. His marriage at Castle Leslie, County Monaghan - the same venue Paul McCartney married - and his love of cars and motorbikes. ONLY IN THE LEADER.
Simone, whose dancing partner was Flavia Cacace
Vincent Simone: love of motorbikes
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th
Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org SALT CHURCH (formally Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347 International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the
current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. They will return in January on the 3rd Thursday evening. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:
637 227 385
costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at tony.elaine.cuenta@gmail.com . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit www.rafa.org.uk. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term
medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
The pub closed for the duration of the reconstruction and after the conversion work had taken place the facility reopened in the later part of the spring. Our two families had become very close and we would spend time together.
It was an interesting assignment as the premises
The Architectural Designer
ioned and not up to the standard required at the
only had one small ladies toilet which was down a long corridor, and the gents was very old fash-
The other strange thing following on from this event is that he would frequently call me ‘Son’ although he was quite a few years younger than me. If you have a similar story to tell then we would be pleased to hear from you at percychatteybooks@gmail.com
Pete, who I had known for some time, as we sat on the same Parish Council together, asked me to remodel this fine old pub built on high ground overlooking what used to be the slip way for the small passenger ferry, which had ceased many years before.
Percy Chattey Author www.percychatteybooks.com www.fuentelargo.com
A chance meeting on a Bus Trip Sheila and Shona raising funds for the RBL Poppy Appeal
All their hard work was aimed at raising money for the RBL poppy appeal which we picked up on. So we thought, due to the pandemic making the wearing of masks, mandatory, why not try and sell as many as we can. The two ladies sourced the material from charity
Pete went very quiet and then he stood up and said “It’s not my birthday my birthday is the 17th December”.
My father had died about ten years before this event and many years before we knew Pete and Pat, therefore there was no way he could have known either of him or of his birthday, for my father was born on December 17th.
In the East Bristol in the area of Hanham, at Stephens Green, there is Ferry Lane leading down to the River Avon. Next to the water there is a group of cottages along with two public houses, one of which is called the Chequers.
We had finished the early part of the meal and Pat held her glass up and looking at Pete said “Happy Birthday.”
He looked strange and the restaurant went quiet because he had spoken extremely powerfully as if he was starting a speech. We asked him why he had said it and he just shook his head and sat down.
By Percy Chattey
ogether with my wife Mary, I recently took a trip to south west Spain where a five day break allowed us to meet up with two lovely ladies who were wearing facemasks of their own manufacture, bearing a poppy.
Once the survey was out of the way and the layout of the building was on the drawing board it was not too difficult to change the design and introduce the facilities needed. The old dining room, which was small and cramped, I found the space to enlarge it and turn it into a decent sized restaurant.
It was during the summer and Pete’s birthday was in early August, the eighth to be exact. The four of us, that is Pete and his lovely wife Pat, also Jean and myself, sat down in the new restaurant to celebrate his birthday.
shops and set out to make the masks in two sizes. The embroidery of the poppy is very professional and the facemasks also bear the words “ Lest we forget” which are applied to the side. To date we have managed to sell 28 of the masks bringing in €140 for the poppy appeal for which Sheila and Shona should be very proud. So, well done ladies for all your hard work in support of our veterans and their families. By Malcolm Rusbridge
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
637 227 385
Nissan all new Qashqai breaks cover Third generation of Nissan’s pioneering crossover prepares for unveil in spring 2021 Innovative e-POWER system brings electrification to the new Qashqai The final preparations are well under way for the introduction of the third generation of the compact crossover that changed the face of the European car market and spawned many imitators – the Nissan Qashqai. Prototypes of the all-new model are racking up the testing kilometres on European roads in anticipation of it again resetting what customers can expect from a compact crossover when it goes on sale in 2021. The all-new Qashqai will build on its position as the pioneer of and benchmark in the mediumcrossover segment in Europe since 2007. Underpinning the new Qashqai is the new Alliance CMF-C platform, a showcase of advanced engineering, innovation and advanced technology. The current Qashqai, which went on-sale in Europe in 2014, has sold over one million units since its introduction.
The current Qashqai first went on-sale in Europe in 2014
Michelin launches Carbon-Neutral tyre
“The new Qashqai is going to change what customers can expect from a family car. Comfort, refinement and technology will be from higher categories of car, while the driving experience will satisfy drivers and passengers alike. With Nissan’s bold e-POWER technology, we feel that customers will fall in love with the feeling of an electric powertrain, without the range concerns,” said Gianluca de Ficchy, Chairman, Nissan Africa, Middle East, India, Europe and Oceania (AMIEO) Region. For this new iteration, Nissan has retained the guiding principles that have driven the concept, design and development of the two previous generations of Qashqai: elegant design, enhanced packaging and efficient powertrain, combined with elevated quality and a driving experience from a higher segment. The new Qashqai will again raise the bar in the crossover segment and customers will savour those attributes. Like its predecessors, the styling of the new Qashqai was led by the team at Nissan Design Europe, based in central London (UK), while its engineering was led by Nissan Technical Centre Europe, situated in Cranfield, Bedfordshire (UK).
Citroen Lifestyle Gift Ideas for Christmas
Michelin has launched the e.Primacy, the first tyre in the world to be carbon neutral at the point of purchase. Environmental responsibility was at the heart of the design process from day one, resulting in a tyre with the lowest rolling resistance in its category, reduced CO2 emissions and fuel savings for the customer. The exceptionally low rolling resistance of the Michelin e.Primacy equates to 174kg less CO2 emitted over the life of the tyre, and an increased range of up to seven per cent for electric cars. Packed with technology – including “energy passive” high elasticity compounds, improved elastomer-filler coupling, thinner top belts, cool-running sidewalls and a hermetic belt to reduce energy loss – the Michelin e.Primacy also delivers exceptional driving performance that’s made to last. The Michelin e.Primacy was engineered to be carbon neutral at the point of purchase, taking into account emissions from raw material extraction to delivery. To achieve this, in addition to efficient manufacturing processes, Michelin has invested in projects that avoid, absorb or offset carbon emissions, including tree replanting and the installation of less energy-intensive cooking equipment in various countries.
Michelin Group Executive Committee member Scott Clark, said: “This is a world first that will open the way to a new generation of products. “Environmental issues are central to our strategic priorities. To reduce its environmental footprint more quickly, Michelin has pledged to lower CO2 emissions from all its production facilities by 50 per cent by 2030 compared with 2010, with the ultimate goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. “Michelin is also developing solutions to use renewable or recycled materials to manufacture its tyres, while enhancing their performance even more. By 2030, MICHELIN tyres will be 20 per cent more energy-efficient than they were in 2010.” The Michelin e.Primacy will be available in 56 sizes, from 15 inches to 20 inches, from March 1, 2021.
itroën has put together a selection of gift ideas for this Christmas, which can all be purchased online
From more than 100 scale models, to board games and clothing, Citroën has a gift in mind for everyone Citroën has put together a selection of gift ideas this Christmas. From hundreds of scale models, to board games and clothing, all of the gifts can be purchased online from its Lifestyle e-shop between 13 November and 25 December. A favourite for both children and collectors alike, Citroën has more than 100 scale models available covering its entire 101 year history. These include the iconic 2CV, Type H, Mehari and Traction models at 1:18 scale – all which will make a wonderful addition at the foot of the Christmas tree. Children have always had an important place in Citroën's history, with the French carmaker building its first pedal car for children in 1924. Citroën is keeping the tradition alive this year with its La Petite Rosalie ride-on speedster (€140) pedal car.
For those with a love for games, the Citroën Origins Monopoly (€50) has reinterpreted the iconic boardgame for a thrilling automotive-themed adventure – ideal for both children and adults alike. The French car maker has even come up with a remedy for motion sickness this Christmas. The SEETROËN glasses can be used by adults and children aged 10 and over and provide relief for motion sickness within 12 minutes – making them an ideal companion for upcoming trips. For parents looking to improve their wardrobe, Citroën has partnered with Ice Watch to create the Ice Watch Oui are French watch (€70), featuring a sturdy and colourful design. Also available is The Citroënist men’s and women’s down jackets – available for €90. Whilst music lovers will appreciate the powerful and immersive sound of the Ultimate Ears Boom 3 Ami speaker (€149). Portable, lightweight and Bluetooth® enabled, it comes with a 15-hour battery life. For a full range of Citroën gift ideas, visit: https://lifestyle.citroen.com/en/shop/_/pa1030/christmasselection
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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
Betway UK Championship York switch, due to COVID-19
The match was Argentina's first Test in 13 months, and their victory ensured the All Blacks suffered a second defeat in a row, after losing to Australia.
By Andrew Atkinson The Betway UK Championship is set to join the European Masters, English Open, Championship League and Champion of Champions event in a switch from York to Milton Keynes, due to COVID-19.
All Blacks captain Sam Cane said, "Their defence was outstanding. We couldn't really get our game going, too many little errors and ill-discipline issues.” O'Sullivan, on his way to the world title at The Crucible, Sheffield, in August
The UK Championship- one of snooker’s most prestigious events and part of the Triple Crown Series - has been staged at York Barbican since 2011.
World champion Ronnie O'Sullivan said: "It is what it is, but at some point you want the fans to come back - without the fans it is hard." O'Sullivan, who won the world title at The Crucible, Sheffield, in August with a limited number of spectators in attendance for the final two days, said: "You feed off them sometimes it is nice to come out and play in front of a crowd.
"It's a shame we aren't going back to York. I'm devastated because that is my favourite city in the whole country, even in the whole world."
“You feed off fans sometimes - it is nice to play in front of a crowd. I'm devastated. York is my favourite city in the whole world” -Ronnie O'Sullivan WST chairman Barry Hearn said: "We are disappointed not to be going to York Barbican for the Betway UK Championship this year. "The people of York can rest assured that we
Torrevieja pool league suspended due to COVID-19 By Andrew Atkinson Chairman of the Torrevieja Pool League Alan Boswell made an announcement, due to covid issues, to suspend the 2020-21 winter season at present. "After speaking to players and finding out that some unnamed bars have been directly in contact with people with covid my decision is to suspend the season and to be reviewed over the Christmas period. "I understand bar owners wanting to continue - but health is more important. Stay safe everyone," said Boswell. Torrevieja pool league cup preliminary results. Division 1: F/station (bw) 2 CCS 5; Iglesias Bulls 5 Murphs 4. Division 2: Friendly B 4 Racin Toast II 5; Micky's Bar 6 The George 3. The Courtyard A 4 Marie's Rendevous 5; Catch-up games: CCS 6 Iglesias Bulls 3; Laguna 5 Hacienda 4.
NEWS G N I T R O SP BITES Argentina beat New Zealand for the first time in their history with a 25-15 win in the Rugby Championship on Saturday.
WST chairman Barry Hearn
Under UK Government health guidelines, the players are subject to regular Covid-19 testing at events.
All Blacks torn apart by The Pumas
“Following extensive consultation with the UK Government and relevant public health bodies, decision made to stage all matches in Milton Keynes in the circumstances (COVID-19) we face”
This year all rounds will take place at the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes, during November 23 to December 6.
fully intend to be back in York - we have already agreed dates for 2021 and 2022. “Following extensive consultation with the UK Government and the relevant public health bodies, the decision has been made to stage all matches in Milton Keynes this time. “In the circumstances (COVID-19) we face today, our crucial objective is to keep our events going, provide competitive action and prize money for our players, and top class sport for the many millions of television viewers around the world who are in need of inspiration." The Northern Irish Open, Scottish Open and World Grand Prix is also being moved to Milton Keynes before Christmas.
Anthony Van Dyck gave everything By Andrew Atkinson
Trainer Aiden O'Brien has praised 2019 Derby winner Anthony Van Dyck who tragically died participating in the 2020 Melbourne Cup this month: He gave everything. "I didn’t get any results of any post mortem or anything yet but I believe he broke his fetlock,” said O’Brien. “It was just terrible for him because he was a lovely, Vincent O'Brien won the Investec Derby kind horse," said Ballydoyle with Anthony Van Dyck in 2019. based O'Brien. Anthony Van Dyck is the sixth horse casualty to die after taking part in the Melbourne Cup, since 2013. Amid the aftermath to the Melbourne Cup a record fine of A$50,000 (£27,430) was given to the jockey Kerrin McEvoy for a breach of the whip rules along with a riding ban for 13 race days. The Melbourne Cup list of casualties includes fatal leg injuries sustained by France’s Verema in 2013 and Britain’s Red Cadeaux in 2015. Cliffs Of Moher, trained by Aidan O’Brien, broke a shoulder in 2018. Japan’s Admire Rakti collapsed and died after the 2014 race. Araldo sustained a leg injury after that race when spooked by a flag-waving spectator. Dulcify is the last Australasian-bred runner to die in the race in 1979. A Racing Victoria spokesman said a report into Anthony Van Dyck’s death would take several weeks to complete and would include the results of a postmortem. Derby winner Anthony Van Dyck who would have had a second career at stud, is among the most high-profile and valuable racehorses to have died in action, winning over £2m in prizemoney. "He was very tough, straightforward and genuine - he gave everything," said O'Brien.
"We weren't good enough, which is extremely disappointing but full credit to them." Chris Jones, BBC rugby union correspondent described the win as “one of the most sensational results in recent rugby union history.”
No change for Euro 2020 format despite newspaper claims UEFA has reiterated its plans to host Euro 2020 in its current format, with host cities across Europe. Newspaper reports on Saturday claimed that the governing body is in talks with the FA to potentially host the whole tournament in the UK. But a UEFA spokesman told Sky Sports News: "UEFA intends to hold Euro 2020 in the format and the venues confirmed earlier this year and we are working closely with all host cities on preparations.
Should Real Madrid renew Sergio Ramos' contract Sergio Ramos' contract at Real Madrid comes to an end on June 30, 2021, and he will be free to negotiate with other clubs from January 1 if a new deal is not agreed before then. Everything indicates that the 34-year-old will end up staying at the club for another couple of years even though club president Florentino Perez is not in favour of giving players of Ramos' age a new multiple-season contract, but he says he is willing to make an exception for the Andalusian centre-back.
Amateur football in danger of losing another season. Something that was anticipated by many people before the start of the season. COVID19 infections increase every day in all the autonomous communities with many having closed their borders and imposing an overnight curfew. Once again we could be heading towards a general confinement that nobody wants. The same has happened in France and in the UK where the two governments have already introduced confinement as a result of which amateur sport has been paralysed, at least until it comes to an end, possibly too late for many who will never take football up again. Now we are all wondering, what is likely to happen here in Spain?
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps. What Golf Ball Best Suits my game? There are now a huge selections of golf balls available on the market so how do you choose one that suits your game? Below is a 5 step guide that may just help you: Step 1 – You get what you pay for! For fear of losing too many golf balls the higher handicap golfer tends to go for the low prices golf balls with a solid centre and Surlyn cover which feel hard but are in fact harder to control than a We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)
Price €98 €120 €100 €157 €45
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Single Green Fee + buggy
better quality (tour model) that has a urethane cover. Step 2 – Don't fix what isn't broken! I find it amusing to see 28 handicap golfers playing with a Titleist pro V1 ball that they found yesterday just because it is what all the top professionals play with BUT which is totally unsuitable to their game simply because they can't generate the club head speed (110mph or faster) so while it is fun to try new balls and technology if you have found a golf balls that works for all parts of your game and your financial budget then stick with it. Step 3 – Don't select a golf based solely on distance!
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Mike Probert talks Golf
In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs Low amateur and professional golfers will find distance and control benefits in using a higher compression ball technology because they swing faster (110mph or faster) and hence can compress the ball better than higher handicap golfers but the biggest change in recent technology has been for golf ball manufacturers to make a soft low compression core that are just as fast as firmer ones so for the majority of players you will hit the ball the same distance with any model of golf ball hence the reason to select a ball that suits you better around the greens than based on distance. Step 5 – Don't overplay a golf ball!
Step 4 – It's all about the feel!
Due to the fact that golf balls cost so much money and due to the fear of losing golf balls, higher handicap golfers try and extract as many rounds as possible from the ball despite being off colour and scratched or scuffed. You should be aware that by playing too long with the same golf ball can affect distance by as much as 5 yards and accuracy with wedges so as soon is if feels rough or the writing is smudged then it is time to change the golf ball.
El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero
Mar Menor €48 Single Green Fee New Sierra Golf €82 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €124 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & buggy (after 2pm) Saurines €48 Single Green Fee Villamartin €172 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €113 Two Green Fees and buggy from 3pm *Deals of the week: Villaitana with two green fees and buggy on the Levante course for only €70 and €50 on the Poniente course. La Manga North and South with two green fees, buggy and lunch for only €150. For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Most higher handicap players will choose a golf ball based on budget or how far it goes but you should all remember that how a ball reacts with short irons, wedges and even the putter is equally as important and once you have selected a ball to suit the short game you can adjust the longer irons and driver accordingly.
€98 €59 €90 €48 €206 €53 €126 €50 €134 €118 €45 €152 €100 €154
2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee after 2pm Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy
Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 02.11.20
WINNERS: Sarah and Gerry McCabe, Dave Slightam and Brent Wadeborn
LA MARINA GOLF SOCIETY By Lesley Cullen A chilly start to the morning's Texas Scramble Challenge at the Lo Romero Golf Club, which saw the members of the La Marina Golf Society compete for the Mike Barber Memorial Trophy. The fairways and greens where in their usual great condition so a good day’s golfing was had by all. The winners of the Mike Barber Memorial Trophy with 59.8 pts were, Sarah and Gerry McCabe, Dave Slightam and Brent Wadeborn. The runners up with 66 pts were Elspeth and Alan Craig, Roy Harris and Barry Thoroughgood. The prizes for the day’s game were provided by the Poppy Appeal association. There were 2 nearest the pin winners, Barry Thoroughgood for hole 5, and Jan Davies for holes7 and 12. A big thank you to the staff at the La Marina Sports Club for our after-game refreshments, they are as always very much appreciated.
The Society presented 200 euros to the RBL Poppy Appeal With 85 points Monday’s ‘Waltzer’ was won by Olga Douglas, Nigel Price, Pete Dunn and Marja Oldenziel (who this week remembered it’s a good idea to have a ball when putting). Wednesday saw us compete in our Memorial Day individual Stableford, Even with our numbers somewhat diminished due to the current state of alarm, as a Society we still managed to raise 200 euros on behalf of the Royal British Legion which was presented to Mike Probert. It is worth remembering that all the money raised for this very deserving cause stays in Spain and that in 2019 some 200,000 euros was spent on the welfare of our military veterans.
Marleen Billen won the day with 36 points whilst John Shervell and Mark Western took 2nd and 3rd with 35. The four nearest the pins went to Nigel Price, Olga Douglas, Mark Western and Trevor Pulleyblank. Just three teams battled it out in Friday’s ‘Texas Scramble’. With an excellent gross score of 8 under par 64 (nett 56.6) the winners were Bryan Neal, Joyce McClusky, John Shervell and Mark Western. Finally, Mike Mahony asks his caddy, ‘Do you think I can get there with a 5 iron?’ Caddy replies, ‘Eventually’. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell
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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
La Marina Bowls Club Due to the current situation all clubs are in isolation meaning that bowls may continue but only at each club's own venue. Which meant that we had no games on Friday, but our internal competitions started on Saturday morning. The competition season started with the ever popular Pensioners Urn. This is sponsored by John Morgan who I am reluctant to say is our oldest member, but he must be very close to being our longest serving member. I personally known the club for 18 years and John has always been there. Four games were played with four very different results Don Fowkes went through
with a very impressive 21-1 win, Mike Smith won 21-13, and Alex Whyte won 2110, but the real tight exciting game was Dave McGaw beating Irene Mangum and it was the game I was watching. Dave drew ahead to lead 19-12, only for Irene to pull him back to 19-19, then to lose the next end by 2 to give Dave a 21-19 win. Well done all, I will look forward to the next round. Barclays Properties Winter League. Week 6 of this league and you would have thought a pattern of play was established but that proved not to be the case instead the world was turned upside down with both top teams losing and both bottom teams winning.
with Dave Hadaway A big surprise was the Lambs being penned (an expression I have picked up from one man and his dog) by the Lions 2-6, but an even better win was the Bears currently bottom of the league beating those mischievous little Monkeys 5-3. The Koalas have shot to second league by a massive 8-0 win over the Pandas. The Dolphins who were second in the league took a 6-2 loss to the lowly Tigers dropping them down to 4th but the Lambs despite their loss maintained top spot by 2 points over the Koalas. As a postscript it was nice to see the minute's silence observed by all at the 11th hour of the 11th day.
San Luis Bowls Club with Irene Everett GOOD NEWS for San Luis. The precautionary Covid19 test taken by the (non-bowling) wife of one of our players was negative, and the last league bowling we did went in our favour!
Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club Sponsored by The Pub, Avalon, Skippers, Gran Alacant Insurances,Rogers, La Piazza Dialprix and The Belfry. MATADORS A good final week in October for the Matadors with a good win against San Miguel Boxers 8 – 4 on points and 99 - 89 on shots. A very competitive match played in a good attitude by all the players of both teams. A different start to November for the Matadors 8 – 4 defeat to Emerald Isle Moonrakers. The high light of the match was a hot shot by the Matadors team of Sheila Roberts, Tanya Oliver skip Phil Goble this means they scored with all nine bowls on one end, so well done to them and all the so far this season. TOREADORS On Monday the Toreadors had a home match against Greenlands Beech and it turned out a very good day winning on all five rinks and the overall shots. Very well done to everyone and a special mention to our top winning rink with forty two shots, Sue Bounds, Yvonne Yarrow skip Neil Crawford. A good to be the Captain of the Toreadors. Shots Toreadors 135 – 41 Beech Points Toreadors 12 – 0 Beech
Monday the Vulcans were at Quesada and came away with a brilliant 10-2 victory. Maxine Wright, Irene Everett, Tom Fromson 20-18, Dee Hoey, Dave Tilley, Lyndon Johnson 22-7, Pat Tilley, Fran Cox, Neil Cox 27-15, Pauline Johnson, Mary Fromson, Ralph Jones 1914. Shots for 103, shots against 87.
WINTER LEAGUE Monte Mar were away to San Luis on Wednesday with the game been shared three wins each. Well done to Pil Goble and Jean Chamberlain 29 to 13, Tanya Oliver and Jack Burrell 17 – 15, Neil Crawford and Lynne Armitage 25 to 19 with extra credit for a hot shot.
Winter League on 4 November was a good 8-6 win for San Luis at home against Montemar. Fran and Neil Cox 20-11, Irene Everett and Dave Giddings 23-9, Mary Fromson and Lyndon 23-9.
Shots Monte Mar 100 – 113 San Luis
Don't forget Vic's hamper, Saturday morning 9.30 for 10.00 and the internal leagues starting this week.
Points Monte Mar 6 – 8 San Luis For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at info@montemarbowls.com. We are also on Facebook.
Enjoy your bowling at San Luis were we are fully sanitise according to regulations at all times.
Gregorio goes nap as CD Guardamar hit 7! Gregorio went nap - bagging five goals - in Guardamar Soccer CD's 7-1 away win at Formentera in the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 17 at the El Molino Sports Centre. Formentera were left rocking, having taken the lead, with visitors Guardamar's landslide of goals sealing a comfortable victory, with Gregorio and Francis Mancini netting two goals to continue their impressive start to the season. In San Miguel Cristian Nicolau netted for Racing San Miguel earning a share of the points in a 1-1 draw against Benijofar in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 10. Racing, who took the lead through Nicolau, failed to capitalise on chances and had a goal disallowed to lead 1-0 at the break. Benijófar came more into the game in the second half and bagged an equaliser. Elsewhere Sporting Dolores defeated CF Sporting de san 3-0 away, also in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 10. Meanwhile Hondon Nieves suffered a 1-0 home defeat against CF Rafal; Aspe UD 'A' returned a 2-0 home win against visitors
Atletico de Catral with CF Monnegre de suffering a 3-0 home defeat against Callosa Deportivo CF. In the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 17 CF Atletico Algorfa gained a comfortable 3-0 victory at FB Redován C 'B'. CD Horadada suffered a 3-2 home loss against Atletico Crevillente and CF Promesas de defeated Sporting Saladar at home 2-1. Formentera CF and Guardamar Soccer CD shared a point apiece in a goalless draw. Guardamar Sporting net in the landslide win at Formentera.
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
other passion is " Northern Soul " dance, a regular feature at Gino Rouzee's Hi Life restaurant and music venue. Kim with Paul Durrant
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missions. Not surprisingly the 72 year old from Cambridge still prefers music from the 60's and 70's, having all Status Quo's albums and a photo showing a wood carving he presented to Quo in their recording studio.
BLISS. A helpless Romantic
Bliss and partner James Brown make a formidable duo, both on the oche and businesswise at the well appointed La Zenia " Gap " bar, where James admits his other half wears the trousers.
new initiative to this season determined by nominations from team captains for consistent, outstanding, or improved performances.
Having migrated with family from her home town of Blackburn, ( she's a Rovers supporter ) , when twelve, the Lancashire lass now resides in Campoamor with James, honing her fluent Spanish linguistic skills.
lndependently the committee place their top five nominees, using a points system, from which two are declared winners. The first two recipients were Kim Forbes (Chemies Chicks ) and Ken Skinner (C.C.'s Flyers ). Kim received her prize at Chemies from league chair Paul Durrant with plenty of support from fellow Chicks. The Australian born Scot, has only been playing a year, but her improvement has been immense says Chicks skipper Winnie McKay. Married to Paul for 31 years, they left their Edinburgh home for Spain some 3 years ago, to live in the Villa Martin area. Apart from the odd Malibu or three, Kims
World Darts Scene Plenty of darts being played currently, unfortunately it's all on television. Last weekend the BetVictor World Cup took place in the beautiful city of Salzburg Austria. Gerwyn Price and Jonny Clayton ( Wales ) triumphed over the England duo of Michael Smith and Rob Cross 3-0 in the final to claim the £ 70,000 first prize. Their joint average in the best of 5 format was 103, winning each of the opening singles, Price beating Smith 4-1, Clayton overcoming Cross 4-2, finally the doubles going the Welshmens way 4-3. Following the World Cup, the P.D.C. Winter Series took place at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry, five consecutive days starting Tuesday last. Winner of the first two days was Michael Smith defeating Jermaine Wattimena 8-6, then Jose de Sousa 8-7 on Wednesday. Thursdays round went Gerwyn Price's way 8-6 over Damon Heta. The big one to look forward to over the
The amiable Scot also likes a little controversy, naming the argumentative Piers Morgan as one of her favoured dinner party guests. C.C.'s, Ken Skinner received his dartboard from league secretary Simone de Lacy at his home venue. A familiar face around the local dart scene was there to witness the event, Amanda his daughter, her sister Emma back in Kent. Ken is an accomplished sign writer, still keeping his hand in now, with regular com-
Christmas period is the P.D.C. World Championship at the usual venue of Alexandra Palace, London. Once again sponsored by William Hill the event commences on December 18th concluding on January 4th 2021. A total prize fund of £ 2,500,000 will be shared by the 96 qualifiers, 1st round losers receive £ 7,500, runner up £ 200,000 and the winner £ 500,000. Serious cash, the sport now boasting several millionaires. Peter Wright will be hoping to defend his title and is seeded number 2 behind 1st seed Michael van Gerwen. Players to watch out for is man of the moment Welshman Gerwyn Price (no. 3), Michael Smith and Nathan Aspinall. ln fact the player out of those four unlikely to win is the Dutchman, van Gerwen who is not exactly struggling,
Simone presents Ken with his dartboard Subject to the President in situ, the U.S.A. is the country he likes to visit. An ideal day for the arrow sharpshooter, is lazing by the pool, being waited on by Kylie Minogue. Hope wife Jane doesn't read this. Later in the evening (energy allowing) his 3 dinner guests would be father Jack, Frank Sinatra and Victoria Wood. A very interesting guy, Ken was nominated by Christine Pattison. but not on his usual game. lf l had to gamble my last 50 quid it would have to go on Price (not my cup of tea) but a prolific scorer, great set ups and clinical finishing. Van Gerwen of late, only seems to have two of the three attributes in his matches, not good enough at the standard required. The one who could surprise us all is Aspinall, the 29 year old from Stockton, England. Losing semi finalist in 2019 to Smith ( 3-6 ) and again in 2020 to M.V.G. (3-6), he could well go the distance. Expect to see him in the Quarters at least.
As well as throwing some decent arrows herself, Bliss avidly watches the pro dart scene, naming 29 year old Nathan Aspinall as a must watch, preferring the rising darts star to Coronation Street any day, or night. Off the oche, relaxing with a Gin n Tonic, she wistfully imagines herself as Patrick Swayze's co star, Jennifer Grey, in the blockbuster Dirty Dancing. Everyone remembers the scene where they dance together for the films hit song ( l've had ) " The Time of My Life. " Obviously a helpless romantic, what else but dinner with James at the " wallet busting " fine dining eaterie of Torrevieja's, Maison de la Costa, finishing off the evening with a nightcap at home. Talking food, dinner party invitations for the " dirty dancer" would be extended to Whitney Houston, Barack Obama and Michael Mclntyre, an interesting mixed triple. lf a fourth guest were allowed the Tungsten Lass would welcome George Clooney, can't think why. Ok he's charming, good looking and wealthy, so what ! James you just need to go grey. Given the opportunity away from the busy " Gap," Bliss would love to revisit the States, particularly New York, or the Caribbean, or time permitting ,Mexico, for some spicy fayre and a shot or two of Tequila.
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Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020
Chances galore but it’s goals that count I n an empty Sadrian Stadium, Thader Rojales gave a good account of themselves, even though they left empty handed.
saved. On 36 mins, a Linus effort from the edge of the box was agonisingly close, then from the next attack, a Lloyd assist to Linus produced the same result.
CD Almoradi ...................3
CD Thader Rojales ........1
Towards the end of the first half, there were 3 golden opportunities for Thader to level the scores. A Linus cross across the face of goal, just eluded the outstretched boot of Quino. A push on Borja inside the box seemed a certain penalty, but alas the ref wasn't impressed. Then on the stroke of half time, another inviting Linus cross evaded Dani Lucas's outstretched foot.
It's a crying shame that fans are no longer permitted to attend matches, for this was an action packed, end to end, roller coaster of a match. When you consider that people are welcome in cinema's, restaurants, bars, gyms etc, why are they not allowed to observe social distancing at a football match? There's no logic! Players have to get changed in the stands, for they are forbidden to use changing rooms.
Straight from kick off, Linus forced Almoradi's keeper to make a point blank save. Against run of play on 54 mins, a powerfully struck shot hit Thader's giant defender Juan inside the penalty area. Whether it was on his arm is debatable, but the resultant spot kick by Mario was brilliantly saved by keeper Sergio.
This game was the first for Thader in 3 weeks, because 2 of their players had been tested positive for covid, therefore they were forced to isolate for the requisite period of time. Missing the suspended Rafa, Thader started disastrously, conceding inside the first 2 minutes. Failure to clear lines in defence, allowed Saul the opportunity to slam the ball home from close range. Not for the first time, Thader were slow out of the blocks, and once again they were punished. It could have got worse, for on 15 mins, full back Adri cleared off the line. Lloyd provided an inch perfect assist to new boy Swedish striker Linus, only for the debutant to shoot straight at the keeper. Dani Lucas came close on 27 mins, his header from Calderon's cross was fractionally too high. Linus was at it again on 32 mins, his low cross found Quino, but his well placed shot was superbly
Not to be undone, a quickly taken corner was met by Guido, who had ghosted in at the near post to execute a firm headed goal. Up the other end on 57 mins, Quino had a good effort cleared off the line. Thader keeper Sergio produced a magnificent save from Antonio on the hour mark, as this pulsating match kept up the action. Football can be so cruel, as was proven on 65 mins, when Mario struck a beauty from the edge of Thader's penalty area to make it 3-0. it’s provincial border.
Spain’s Flagship Resort La Manga Club
Teams from the UK, Holland, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Denmark and the USA are amongst those who hold training camps at La Manga Club.
James Bond actor Sean Connery, who died on October 31, aged 90, played golf at La Manga Club's opening tournament in 1972. Andrew Atkinson focuses La Manga Club, Murcia, where the England and Spain international football teams have held training camps - following The 5-star Príncipe Felipe Hotel at La Manga Club temporary closing due toCOVID-19. "Due to the latest coronavirus restrictions, La Manga Club have had to take the very difficult decision to close the Príncipe Felipe Hotel from November 2, 2020, until Covid-19 situation improves. "North and South golf courses, our Tennis Centre and its gym will remain open," said a spokesperson from La Manga Club. Following the announcement, Hesperia, the group that manages La Manga Club, whose Ambassador is Sir Kenny Dalglish, has placed over 400 employees on ERTE. Restrictions were imposed on both domestic and International travel following the announcement by the Murcian Government closing
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
Thader at Almoradi
Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Sevilla FC, Real Sociedad, Deportivo de La Coruña, Liverpool, Chelsea, Newcastle United, Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, Dynamo Zagreb, Olympique de Marseille, PSV Eindhoven, AFC Ajax, Maccabi Tel Aviv, Dinamo Moscow, CSKA Moscow, Galatasaray SK and FC Ultrecht have used the facilities. Over 60 squads from 21 different countries visited Spain’s flagship resort at the turn of the year, to train in the warmer climes. La Manga Club have hosted both international and domestic men’s and women’s teams from all over Europe - including the Premier League and Championship in recent seasons. Referees from the Spanish Royal Football Federation officiate. La Manga Club´s Football Centre consists of eight grass FIFA sized pitches of an international standard. Stands can accomodate up to 800 spectators. Jong Ajax, the reserve side of European giants Ajax trained at the
Mikhaylovich Luzhkov, the Mayor of
Moscow, 11. Cuban, 12. They were all written (or partly written) in prison. 13.
1. Cinderella Castle, 2. Trousers, 3. Rammstein, 4. Napoleon's French Grande Armée and the Imperial Russian Army (lead by General Mikhail
George Harrison. 'All Things Must Pass', 14. Berserkers, 15. He was the referee during the Football World Cup final between England and West Germany. (Wembley Goal). 16. Ben
Kutuzov), 5. Ukulele, 6. Michelangelo,
Hur, 17. Cuba, Congo and Bolivia, 18.
7. Condoms, 8. Aether, 9. Boulder
Nazca lines. Found in the Nazca
Dam. Congress re-named it Hoover
desert, 19. b. They have all had ani-
mals named after them.
Thader sub Jose forced a good save with his long range effort, then another surging run by the outstanding Linus, culminated in Jose Luis making another save. A consolation goal by Adri on 77 mins, could not disguise the fact that Thader could, and should, have come away with at least a point. Although the referee didn't help their cause, guilt edged chances were not taken, meaning that all the hard work and endeavour was in vain. Next Sunday 22 November, ko 1130, Thader host Callosa at Benijofar stadium, for the 4th preferente league match of the season. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that fans will be permitted to attend, unless the current ruling is scrapped. resort this year, ahead the international under-16, under-17 and under-18 schoolboy tournaments. England were one 10 teams competing in a women’s under-19 tournament at La Manga Club in February, along with Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, France and the USA. The Lionesses’ under-23 side participated in an eight-team tournament in March, along with Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, France and the USA. Scottish club Livingston FC used the La Manga club facilities ahead of the 2020-21 season. La Manga Resort’s football facilities, include first-class sports amenities at its High Performance Centre and Wellness Centre, featuring the latest gym technology. Golf and tennis stars and international and national cricket teams also use La Manga Resort. Sean Connery, Gregory Peters and Valentin Barrios at the opening tournament. Photo: Twitter.
637 227 385
Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd November, 2020