No 851 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January 2021
637 227 385
Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
Concerns revisited at lack of Orihuela Costa Cemetery CLARO repeats its demands for a cemetery on the coast
The Covid-19 pandemic is seriously affecting the world in many different ways, one of them being the collapse of local cemeteries, including some in La Vega Baja, caused by the increase in the number of deaths.
However, Orihuela Costa doesn’t even have a Cemetery, just one more insufficiency in the appalling lack of services provided by the Orihuela City Council.
Continued on Page 2
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
It is also yet aother of the historical claims of CLARO, the residents of the Coast and even other parties that have included it in their electoral programs. The residents of La Costa wishing to bury their relatives find it almost impossible to do so, as, apart from not having a cemetery on the coast, the one in Orihuela centre is about 40 km away, they have to try to find a plot in neighbouring municipalities, which in the face of the increasing number of deaths, and their own municipal restrictions, cannot always be achieved. Some municipalities require the deceased to be a previous resident of the municipality because, they too are experiencing an unprecedented demand for plots, which they are unable to meet. Orihuela Costa has more than 25,000 registered residents and another 15 or 20,000 people who live in the area but who are not registered. They still, how-
ever, reside and pay their taxes religiously, with a large majority of them, especially overseas European Residents, of a pensionable age and enjoying a leisurely retirement. As such the local demographic is one of an elderly population and the need for a cemetery in close proximity is even more of an essential for those who are left behind. All towns, villages and even pedanias in Spain have a nearby cemetery, it is one of the basic necessities provided by every municipal authority. A cemetery is incredibly important to any community for a variety of reasons. They are places that have many different meanings to different people or cultures, and can be overwhelmingly positive and peaceful places where we can bury our loved ones at the end of their lives, allowing them to live on in our memories and giving us a place to visit and spend time with those who are no longer with us. This helps aid in the grieving process, allowing many to overcome quite distressing obstacles, and
More funds for the Paseo Vista Alegre On Friday the Torrevieja Council approved the tender for the decorative lighting to the pergola of the Vista Alegre promenade and the adjacent fountain amounting to 67,400 euros (VAT included). The councillor of Parks, Carmen Gómez, has issued several small contracts, most of them directly awarded, rather than encompassing it all in one: making the work much faster, but a little more expensive as competition is avoided. The Council has already invested € 48,000 in replacing the electrical system and another 44,000 in repainting the pergola. A further contract is currently being prepared to renew the planters.
The monument at the southern end of the Vista Alegre
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also allows us to pay our respects, keeping our loved ones close by to visit. Unfortunately, when it comes to the priorities of the Orihuela Municipal Authority, it seems not to be very high, if at all, on the ‘to do list’ of their Orihuela Costa actions, just one more deficiency in the services that it provides to an area that makes up over 30% of the municipality. Cemeteries are a place of serene remembrance; they allow us to enjoy time with loved ones, a quiet place in which we can sit in peace and remember those that have passed. They bring comfort to families as they struggle with their grief, providing a serene environment in which to place flowers on important occasions and to spend time speaking on a spiritual level with the person that has passed. It’s a deeply personal process that can have many psychological benefits for those who have suffered a recent death in their family, and it is one that Mayor Emilio Bascuñana and his municipal government owe, at the very least, to the people of la Costa.
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Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021 Getting ready for another shift on a Coronavirus Ward
2.25 million Spaniards infected since Sánchez proclaimed: "We have beaten the virus" On 10 June, Pedro Sánchez euphorically proclaimed in Congress: "We have defeated the virus. " That day, the infections recognised by the Ministry of Health were 242,280. According to the latest official figures, there are now 2,257,280.
For his part, the director of the Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies, Fernando Simón, also said on Friday, just a few minutes after confirming that Spain is experiencing record cases, that "we are in a phase of inflection that could be easing off".
The pandemic remains totally out of control with the Ministry of Health notifying a further 42,885 new cases of coronavirus on Friday. Of them, 18,187 were diagnosed in one day.
Simón pointed out that, although the incidence of the virus continues to grow, it has done so at a slower pace in recent days, and also stressed that the rate of positivity "has stabilised."
The average incidence of cases, an indicator of the risk of contagion, continues to increase, standing at 828 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, a record since the pandemic began. In addition, this Friday 400 more deaths were reported, with 1,411 registered in the last week.
As such the Government refuses to act. According to Sánchez, Spain has a state of alarm that works and it will continue to bend the curve of the coronavirus, "with the same tools" as in the second wave but with "renewed energy."
This brings the total death toll from coronavirus in Spain to 55,441 people, according to the official version released by the Government, which experts say underestimates the real scope of the pandemic.
Sánchez emphasised that Spain has the "ultimate weapon" to defeat the virus, which is, the vaccination plan. In this context, he pointed out that the country is the "ninth in the vaccination process" worldwide and "the third in the European Union" in the number of administered doses.
In addition, according to the latest data, there are 27,462 patients hospitalised for Covid-19 across Spain and 3,908 in ICU. In the last week 7,174 people were admitted to a hospital as a result of the virus and 538 to ICU. The occupancy rate for beds occupied by coronavirus stands at 21.63% and in ICUs at 37.61%. Despite the worrying situation, the Government refuses to take new measures with Minister Salvador Illa on Wednesday dismissing the request of the autonomous communities, several of them governed by the PSOE, to bring forward the curfew. According to the minister, the current measures are sufficient and we need "time" to see their effects.
Opposition parties say, however, that at the current rate it will take years to vaccinate 70% of the Spanish population, the Government's objective. In fact it will not be until 2025 if one takes into account that Spain has given just over a million vaccines in 25 days, some 41,000 daily. The current rate needs to be multiplied by 6 to achieve the levels of immunity set by the Executive.
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
Cultural Casino Robbery Arrest Torrevieja Civil Guard has detained a 21-year-old male of Algerian nationality for his alleged involvement in two robberies in establishments in the city centre. One of them was the Casino Cultural, which suffered damage to a seventyyear-old window pane, destroyed by the assailant with a chair as he attempted to gain entry. However, he was arrested following the robbery of a bar, with a video alarm directly linked to an alarm centre, which immediately informed the
police. He was described as wearing black clothing and a hood. On their arrival the agents found a male who perfectly matched the description. He was carrying a rucksack and when approached he immediately fled. He was caught a little while later by a second Police patrol.
Drugs boat runs aground at Guardamar By Andrew Atkinson The Civil Guard has made an arrest after a drugs boat ran aground on the beach at Guardamar in which they discovered approximately fifty bales of drugs containing more than two tons of hashish. It is thought that the drug runners realised that they had been discovered by the Security Forces at which point they set course for Moncayo beach where they ran the boat aground and fled After the cargo was removed, despite several attempts to remove the boat on Wednesday, it remained stranded on Guardamar beach and was still there at the weekend, where it attracted people walking along the beach. The Civil Guard are making ongoing enquiries in a bid to make further arrests. The Leader reported a large dinghy that landed on the Moncayo Playa last month, also suspected to have been used in a drugs run.
Playa Flamenca CC Takeaway Service Full Menu Tue - Thur 2pm to 7pm Fri & Sat 1pm to 7pm Tel: 965 325 334 WhatsApp: 630 986 357 or download App (See P11)
Sant Vicent del Raspeig, EldaOn Sunday the Consell announced Petrer and Vila-real. new restrictions for the Valencian Community which come into force on The closures are effective from Monday 25 January. 3pm every Friday until 6am on Meetings at home are limited to 6 the following Monday. people, but they must be from the The new rules were formulated same household, while in public areas on Sunday morning at a meea maximum of 2 people may get togeMeetings will be banned ting presided over by Ximo ther from different households. unless you live together Puig with the Minister of The new measures will come into force tomorrow, Monday, from their publication in the DOGV, The strong winds that hit the peninsula on Friday saw gusts of between 50 and 85 kilometres per until February 15: hour in the Vega Baja requiring several attendances by the area’s firefighters. Meetings are limited In Torrevieja firefighters were called to assist with the removal of a large billboard that was flapping to cohabitants in pridangerously in the air. The board had become detached from its concrete base on the CV-95, vate households and causing material damage on public roads. to two people in They also attended a property in Callosa de Segura where the wind caused material damage. public spaces who may be from two difHowever San Fulgencio was the municipality that registered the strongest gusts of wind with up to ferent households. 85 kilometres per hour, according to data provided by the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET). There is also an In Almoradí theyreached 77 km / hour; in Cox the 69 km / h, in Benejúzar 66 km / h and in Orihuela extension to the clocentre 59 km / hour sure of borders, and all municipal perimehave become infected. Health, Ana Barceló and others. ters are now closed at weekends and In addition, Ximo Puig referred to the on holidays in towns with a populaAsked how they would be controlled, evolution of the vaccination campaign tion exceeding 50,000 people, incluPuig said, "It is a matter of self-conand the need to prioritise immunizading València, Alacant, Elx, Castelló, trol. The penalty for those who disretion of people in groups that are partiTorrevieja, Torrent, Orihuela, Gandia, gard the new regulations will be that Paterna, Benidorm, Sagunt, Alcoi, someone will die" because they will cularly vulnerable.
LANSDOWNE IRISH BAR Playa Flamenca CC Takeaway and delivery Monday to Saturday 5pm till 8pm Lines open all day Sunday lunch from 1- 4pm Facebook or on WhatsApp 634 084 853
SHRUMBA Cabo Roig Roundabout Takeaway Service See our Facebook page
Opening 10am to 7pm Sunday lunch orders must be placed by 4pm Saturday WhatsApp: 711 094 041
Y.O.L.O Cabo Roig Strip Takeaway Service Full menu + Kebab, panini Open every day 12 noon to 7pm WhatsApp: 672 950 512
CAPE COD If you wish your Takeaway service to be listed next Monday for free Email:
Strong winds leave trail of debris
Ta k e a w a y Fo o d SPUD MURPHY’S
637 227 385
Cabo Roig Strip Takeaway/Delivery Service Open daily 5pm to 9.30pm WhatsApp: 631 121 583
NEW HONG KONG ASIAN RESTAURANT Cabo Roig (Opposite Strip) Calle Isla Tabarca 11.30am to 9pm Tel: 965 322 660 WhatsApp: 692 643 732
Daily 3pm to 9pm Tel: 965 321 799
THE QUIET MAN C/San Antonio, La Zenia Tel: 634 084 853 Mon to Sun 11am till 5pm Breakfasts, sandwiches, snacks and drinks Orders for Sunday lunches must be placed by 4pm Saturday and collected 2-5pm on Sunday See FB page - The Quiet Man with Emma & Andy
LA FUENTE FISH ‘N’ CHIPS C.C. La Fuente Takeaway and delivery.
Monday to Thursday 5pm to 8:30pm Friday and Saturday 5pm to 9pm WhatsApp to order: 634 116 863
637 227 385
Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021
This extraordinary tonic from the Amazon rainforest (it's gathered sustainably by local people) can help keep you going cheerfully for hour after hour, with a clear mind, even on minimal sleep -though when the job is done, you'll need to crash out In earnest.
Don't drink coffee when you're taking it. Faced with an implacable deadline for delivering a book. I once sailed through three days of intensive work on just four hours' sleep a night and a twice-daily dose of this wonderworking herb. Then I collapsed... Too much stress can leave you worn out and exhausted. Step forward the great adaptogenic herbs - so-called because they help you 'adapt to stress by increasing your general resistance and vitality, and so help you cope better with both physical and mental stress.
Siberian ginseng is the star in this field, following dozens of studies in the USSR: Russia's athletes and cosmonauts are among its biggest fans. 'An ideal all-round energy tonic,' says UK herbalist Penelope Ody, 'ideal to take whenever extra energy is needed... before a particularly busy period at work, during exams, or before long-distance air travel, for instance.' You can take it for up to six weeks at a time: then you need a fortnight's break. Don't use in an acute infection or if you're on digoxin.
Tired aII the time? It's normal to feel tired at the end of the day. But if you feel tired all the time, even if you wake up tired, you have a problem. If you suffer from this kind of chronic, day-after-day fatigue, you should check it out with your doctor. There could be good medical reasons for your fatigue - anaemia, diabetes, an under-active thyroid, to name just three - but you will need proper treatment for them. However, there are some pretty amazing herbs which can help boost your energy, increase your resistance, and raise your spirits, but before you start spending good money on herbal remedies, you need to check out just what's going on to cause your fatigue.
There could be a dozen different causes! You're not eating properly.
Russian Folk Medicine
Another great herbal tonic comes from Russian folk medicine.
For centuries the roots of Rhodiola rosea or Arctic root, were chewed to stave off fatigue and exhaustion, and boost general endurance. Studies carried out by modern Russian researchers have demonstrated this useful property in among other subjects - sleep-deprived doctors, hardworked army cadets and students facing key exams. It sounds blindingly obvious, but lots of people never seem to figure out that their tiredness is caused by a serious sleep shortfall, either because they stay up too late or because they just can't get to sleep. If you're up till the small hours and then need Big Ben to rouse you for a day's work, the cure could be just some regular early nights. If sleep eludes you, even when you retire at a virtuously early hour, try my favourite cure for insomnia passionflower. I usually take a dose of the tincture an hour or so before bedtime.
Valerian, every GP's favourite tranquilliser a century ago, doesn't suit everyone, but when it does, it works brilliantly: it's often combined with sedative hops and wild lettuce.
You're working too hard. You're a born worrier; you can't stop even at bedtime. You're not getting enough exercise. You're bored with your job, or miserable in your love life, or stressed-out by ongoing money anxieties. All or any of these factors can bring on an aching, miserable tiredness that takes all the fun out of living, so study lifestyle factors first and work out what needs fixing. Here’s an idea for you‌ If you're burning the midnight oil, if you need to stay sharp and focused for an exam or if you're battling a long demanding job, guarana Is the herb for you.
Limeflowers and chamomile - often combined in tea bags or ready-made herbal remedies - both make wonderfully calming bedtime drinks.
Sip them slowly while having a bedtime bath to which you've added 10-12 drops of any of the following calming and soothing essential oils: chamomile, lavender or neroli. (Stir the oils into a little whole milk before adding them; they will disperse better.)
Next Week - The Moody Blues
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
637 227 385
Motorists back in the driving seat
nnovative new mobility app allows motorists to access all the information they need to make driving simpler and more cost effective myAutomate is the motorist’s everyday companion, providing the best fuel prices in your vicinity, plus electric vehicle charge point locations, car washes, parking and an automated function for vehicle tax, MOT and servicing reminders myAutomate empowers motorists to make informed decisions and is the only service of its kind that brings all the relevant day-today motoring information together in one convenient place Search for ‘myAutomate’ on Google Play or the App Store to download for free or visit The new driving app, myAutomate, is revolutionising the way drivers think about their vehicle – and how they use it. The innovative new app, which can be downloaded for free on the App Store and Google Play, offers the same benefits to every motorist. It provides a complete solution that takes the hassle and complexity out of owning, driving and managing a car day-to-day. By downloading myAutomate, drivers have access to a world of information at their fingertips. This begins with smart fuel pricing, where drivers can view the best fuel price nearest to them. The algorithm powering the myAutomate app recognises that recommending the cheapest garage to fill up may not necessarily be the best value if it is further away. Instead, prices are listed in order of distance, allowing the user to decide if the best price is the one nearest them or a drive further away. The enhanced functionality also caters for the growing number of electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid drivers. myAutomate already
lists more than 12,000 available charging sites with over 31,000 connectors for owners to locate within the app and more are being added on a daily basis. Pinpointing car washes as well as parking options is also possible in one touch using this free-to-download app. The app lists locations with automatic rollover or conveyor wash, jet washing or regulated hand wash facilities and car parks with more than 25 spaces. Accurate and live information means that all prices and locations are constantly being updated with new information to make any motorist’s journey a simple one. Keeping on top of vehicle tax renewals, MOT, servicing and insurance renewal dates can be time consuming. However, what sets myAutomate apart is the option to input a vehicle registration to automatically create reminders on tax and MOT expiry dates. Furthermore, users add their details on their last service date and insurance expiry dates and myAutomate does the rest in managing all the red tape and admin through advanced reminders. Andrew Watson, Co-founder and Managing Director, myAutomate, said: “With all of this information available in one easy-to-use app, more and more drivers are feeling empowered to make informed decisions that make their journeys quicker, less expensive and more environmentally friendly. “myAutomate is the motorist’s daily companion when it comes to saving money and time, and bringing a new level of convenience to everyday driving. Whether your vehicle is for private or business use, it’s an incredibly intuitive and easily accessible way to reduce the costs associated with owning and running a car or van.” To find out more about myAutomate, visit for information.
Barcelona renews contract to host Spanish GP Barcelona's Circuit de Catalunya has signed a contract extension to host the Spanish F1 Grand Prix this year and is working to secure a new long-term deal, organisers said on Monday. The race, the 65th Spanish Grand Prix to be held, is scheduled for May 9. Seven-time world champion Lewis Hamilton has won the last four races at the circuit for Mercedes. “We will continue working at the government in order to turn the racetrack in Montmelo into a permanent venue for competition, because Formula One is not an expense but an investment,” said Catalan business minister Ramon Tremosa.
This year's race will see the return of double world champion Fernando Alonso after two years out of the sport. The 39year-old is racing for Renault's Alpine team. Carlos Sainz will also be making his home debut in Ferrari colours after moving from McLaren.
FORD’S WEATHER STATION New sensor system automatically keeps the interior of the windscreen mist-free With many of us exercising outside, and some having to get in the car afterwards, our exertions lead to the cabin steaming up – delaying our journey, if only by a few minutes. Ford’s Windscreen Weather Station prevents this before it even happens. It can detect moisture in the air as well as detect changes in the temperature of the glass, automatically activating the air con if needed, and selecting the required airflow setting to pre-empt the windscreen misting over. * Last year, from March to June, Sport England reported 731,000 more runners and 1.2 million more cyclists than before, while Germany saw a 42 per cent increase in runners, as people tried to prioritise staying active. The Windscreen Weather Station is located on the glass, near the rear-view mirror on the glass. The 5x3cm system consists of several sensors. The latest version, already intro-
duced to the new Ford Kuga – Ford’s most electrified car – also helps improve fuel efficiency and lower CO2 emissions by reducing the usage of the air-con’s compressor. Ford recently teamed up with outdoor experience experts komoot to enable drivers to plan, navigate and enjoy an adventure in the great outdoors; and drivers of selected electrified Ford vehicles can utilise FordPass to defrost the windscreen and set the cabin temperature before starting their journey. For the outside, Ford’s patented QuickClear technology de-ices the windscreen in seconds at the touch of a button.
Ingo Krolewski, Ford’s European climate control supervisor, said: ““Waiting for your windscreen to clear after exercising is one of life’s little irritations – but driving without being able to clearly see the view ahead can be dangerous. This technology anticipates the problem and deals with it without the driver even knowing.” The Ford Kuga is available with three electrified engines – plug-in hybrid, full hybrid and mild hybrid – as well as front- or allwheel-drive. The sensor system is included on vehicles with Dual Electric Automatic Temperature Control.
637 227 385
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
Murcia’s Minister of Health Resigns
The political pressure was unbearable. He couldn't bear it anymore so he took the step that he had rejected only hours before: resignation. Murcia’s Minister of Health, Manuel Villegas, handed in his resignation following the controversy he caused within the Murcian Health Service (SMS) for receiving vaccine against covid-19, despite it being against the protocol of the Ministry of Health The news, which was revealed on Tuesday by the newspaper La Verdad, provoked a cascade of criticism and created a crisis within the regional government, whose Ciudadanos spokesman was the first to call for the resignation of the head of Health. Shortly after it became known, the Ministry of Health issued a state-
ment saying "The health management team is an essential part of our ability to control of the pandemic, they are on our front line so it is eminently sensible that they are vaccinated. The manager himself is an essential part of the team," following which, on Wednesday morning, the minister stated quite clearly that he would not resign. However, as criticism began to mount, and media coverage became national rather than regional, despite the fact that Villegas is a cardiologist himself, it became clear that he was unhappy with the undue pressure he felt he was placing on the Regional government so much so, that in the late afternoon, he spoke to President Fernando López Miras, informing
Over 3,500 medical staff currently sick or in quarantine The number of medical staff poorly or in quarantine has tripled since Christmas in the Valencian Community 3,578 medical staff are currently off work
Since Christmas the number of specialists (especially nurses, assistants and doctors) who are of service, either because they have an illness due to contracting the virus, or because they must quarantine after being in close contact, has tripled. According to the figures provided by the
him of his decision to resign. As he appeared at the San Esteban Palace to announce his resignation he was clearly upset. Trembling, and on the verge of tears, the minister thanked the president for the opportunity to participate in politics. "Believe me, I would have liked to leave with the pandemic over, but with so much criticism it's impossible," he said, his voice barely holding up. Standing by his side, Murcia’s leader said, "I am accompanied by a good person and a good friend who has just resigned. It is my turn to say goodbye to an admirable man and an extraordinary person". He described the director's management as "exemplary and faultless".
Ministry of Health, last Friday, January 15 the latest update available - 1,560 health workers were registered as being on sick leave due to Covid and 2,018 were in quarantine. In total, 3,578 professionals are out of service, which represents 5.62% of the 63,691 workers that make up the public health network and triple the 1,532 that were unavailable on Christmas Eve.
Spain to send 30,000 doses of vaccine to Andorra
The saturation suffered by hospitals and health centres due to the heavy load of patients infected by Covid-19 is not only due to limitations on space. The health staff who provide the care to those needing treatment or hospitalisation have to endure their own new casualties of colleagues every day, as infections among their numbers also increase.
The Minister says that the ‘Vaccination Certificate’ will help to recover tourism.
In fact, between December 24 and January 15, 1,639 new infections have been recorded among health personnel, which represents 22.38% of the 7,323 positives registered since the start of the pandemic.
With more than 3,500 staff out of service, Health will pay overtime to workers who want to extend their working hours
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Spain will send 30,000 doses of the Pfizer/ BioNTech coronavirus vaccine to Andorra, a small independent country between Spain and France. The agreement was signed because countries like Andorra cannot sign deals with pharmaceutical companies owing to the small number of doses they need. Andorra has less than 8,000 people living there; France has agreed to send vaccine doses to the country too.
Vaccination Certificate for Spain
pain has been included on the list of European countries which are planning to introduce a ‘vaccination certificate’ that would facilitate the movement of travellers and help the tourism sector to recover from the damages caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. Spain’s Tourism Minister, Reyes Maroto has announced that the country’s government is working to introduce a ‘vaccination certificate’, which will have the same functions as those set to be launched by Denmark, Greece, Iceland, and backed by the European Union Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen.
She said that the government’s support in the tourism sector is extraordinary, highlighting the importance of “transforming and digitalising” the tourism industry to keep competitiveness. Spain’s tourism sector has faced a 75 per cent decrease in revenues, with a drop of over 20 million international visitors during last year.
Montesinos Mayor asks for maximum public responsibility as infections soar
Catalan company's coronavirus drug to start trial Catalan pharmaceutical company Grifols announced that their drug, which could potentially be a supplement to the coronavirus vaccine, will be starting its clinical trial in February. The drug, mainly aimed at the elderly, health professionals and immunodeficient people, would provide immediate immunity to Covid-1 9. Grifols said that the drug would be helpful in preventing outbreaks as well.
According to Maroto, the government’s responsibility was not only “resistance to the virus but also the recovery and maintenance of Spain’s leadership in terms of tourism competitiveness.”
By Andrew Atkinson Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Butron has warned to not 'drop your guard' to the inhabitants of the Vega Baja town after an increase of coronavirus cases. "We are not too bad in Los Montesinos with the cases of coronavirus - but we shouldn't trust and relax," Mayor Butron told The Leader. "We see how more and more contagions are
coming back," he said in the wake of a report from the regions Public Health. The Torrevieja Department of Health has increased cases, from 447 to 894 from January 4, with an average rise of 70 people between wards and ICU. The accumulated incidence of the Department of Torrevieja over the past 14 days is 729, per 100,000 inhabitants. Mayor Butron said: "In Los Montesinos the accumulated incidence of January 4, last 14 days, is eight new cases, accounting for 161 per 100,000 inhabitants." Los Montesinos has 3,800 inhabitants and Mayor Butron added: "I ask for the people to take maximum responsibility - keep abiding by the rules. If you take care of yourself, you take care of others."
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Health Minister to step down Salvador Ilia will step down as the Health Minister of Spain next week.
SAT Animal Rescue
Ilia will leave his current position to start his campaign for the Catalan general elections. A few weeks ago, He announced his decision to contest in the elections to be the next Regional President of Catalonia
Moises is a young, happy energetic 1 year old. Loves to play and get cuddles. Fully vaccinated with passport, microchipped, bloodtested and castrated. For more info 966 71 0047 (leave a message) or Email:
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
HEALTH ORDERS INVESTIGATION The Ministry of Health is investigating politicians and ohers who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus without respecting the protocol, according to sources.
Probe opened in 200 Care Homes
The President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, said on Thursday that "no person who has received the vaccine without being properly entitled to do so should receive the second dose", in the case of mayors and councillors who have been vaccinated in recent weeks without being members of the priority groups. "I say this with all my authority," he said at a press conference adding that in the Region there have been a number of cases including the mayors of El Verger, Els Poblets (Alicante), Rafelbunyol (Valencia), and La Nucía (Alicante), as well as a provincial deputy, thought to number about 200 people in the Valancian Community alone.
Spain's public prosecutor is investigating 200 cases of potential negligence and mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic in nursing homes during the first wave. Around 43,000 nursing home residents died between March and May. The prosecutor's office said that nearly half of the cases it was investigating were related to homicide through neglect of duty of care.
When asked if the vaccinated mayors should follow the example of the Murcia Minister of Health, Manuel Villegas, and resign from their positions Puig said that "obviously political responsibility must be assumed". "In the Community it was working very
PAGE 9 Cllr Galiano said that he is exposed to the virus every day.
well last week, unfortunately now it has been diminished by the lack of vaccines," he bemoaned, insisting that people must not be allowed to skip the protocol. Of course one of those vaccinated was the Orihuela Councillor for José Galiano, a former nurse at Cabo Roig Medical Centre. Galiano said that due
Defense Chief Resigns over Vaccination The Chief of Defense Staff (JEMAD) resigned on Saturday to avoid the 'disgrace' of being dismissed by the Government. Air Force General Miguel Ángel Villarroya, also saved Minister Margarita Robles the task of sacking him following the scandal caused by his vaccination against covid. Villarroya's departure now leaves the rest of EMAD in a very delicate position, many of whom have also been immunised without the consent of the Government ,and before the hundreds of soldiers who are on the 'front line' in the fight against the pandemic.
to the position "I am exposed all day." The councillor received the first dose on January 6 at the San Francisco residence, as "there were vaccines that were left over and would have been be thrown away."
Meanwhile the two opposition groups in Orihuela, PSOE and Cambiemos, have asked Galiano for an explanation and want to know if there is anyone else who received the vaccine despite not belonging to any risk group.
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
‘Sweet dreams Baby’ … or sour nightmare maybe?
hink about all the songs that are about dreams: Lovely songs – lovely dreams. ‘I’ll see you in my dreams’. ‘Sweet dreams Baby’. ‘Sweet dreams of you’. ‘I was dreaming of old Ireland’. ‘I’m dreaming tonight of the old rustic bridge.’ And if the bridge doesn’t do it for you, there’s always a ‘White Christmas’. We could go on forever. There must be more songs with the word ‘dream’ than any other word – with the exception of ‘love’ perhaps.
‘dream’. There are all sorts of books trying to explain the meaning of dreams. Some say that it is possible to influence the content of dreams by how we think before sleep, what we eat, listening to music, or even the position we lie in the bed; such as on our back, tummy or side. Indeed experiments with drugs and electronic gadgets searching for the perfect dreamland are widely indulged in. I sometimes wake up after an interesting dream, as it is slipping from my memory and this is so frustrating. It is thought that as much as 90 per cent of all dreams are quickly forgotten. Apparently, the sisters have longer dreams than us fellows and with more characters involved. Men’s dreams are generally of a more aggressive nature. Either way, dreams can be fascinating, exciting, terrifying or just
You would therefore be entitled to imagine that a dream is one of life’s great little pleasures; but from my bed I tell you, dear readers, this is not how it has ever panned out for me. I love my sleep, am a heavy sleeper and rarely dream about anything; but when I do dream, I rarely get what I want and the outcome is predominately negative most of the time.
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to the realisation that it was only a dream, I get up feeling on top of the world and so grateful for my day; but when I dream that my brother didn’t die after all, I then come to my senses in a sad state: That’s dreams for you. It is no surprise that smells and sounds can dictate our dreams. Tests confirm that whiffs of rose scent are conducive to rosier dreams – if you’ll pardon the pun. On the other hand, the smell of rotten eggs (hope you are not having your breakfast!) provoked unpleasant dreams, the study found. Studies also confirm that recorded sounds, such as waves lapping against the shore, or birds singing in the woodlands can direct the mind towards pleasant dreaming. Many experts have devoted years of their lives to the study and analysis of dreams. Freud placed much cognisance on dreams in his studies of the human mind. This column doesn’t believe that quite so much can be learned from our dreams. For most of us it is just the mind drifting off on a solo run with nobody at the helm, no steering wheel or navigation in place - and it can go where it likes and it doesn’t matter if it makes any sense or not. And we shall conclude with a little story to illustrate the fact that your dream, or the wife’s, can be dangerous to your health: A wife was dreaming that she was at the exciting bit of an affair with another man, and it was then that she heard her husband’s key in the front door. “Oh my God, here comes my husband”, she screamed in her sleep. Her words woke her husband beside her in the bed – who promptly jumped out the upstairs window!!
A recurring dream is where I forget to milk the cows – even though I haven’t gone down on a cow in twenty-five years. I rate myself as a happy chappie, but my dreams are almost always a tale of misery, or trying to disentangle myself from some hobble or other.
Don’t Forget
It was always the same: As a boy, I regularly woke to the terror of having gone to school without putting on my trousers, or going to serve mass in my wellington boots.
Don’t be unhappy if your dreams never come true – just be thankful your nightmares don’t.
weird. And the dream we are having can certainly govern how we feel about life when we
Nowadays, I am in a hotel or apartment block, desperately trying to find the door of someone I want to meet, without ever being able to find them: Or I am in a war zone and running away. (I know … I know!) But the facts of the matter are that most of your dreams are negative too – despite the romanticism portrayed by the use of the word
wake up. If I dream that I have gone back drinking, and then when I wake up *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
and other pollinators into the garden.
GARDEN FELIX - Sweet rocket pretty flowers
Sweet rocket looks good when allowed to drift, naturally, through an informal sunny or partially shaded border, of
Sweet rocket, is a pretty biennial, bearing white or purple flowers - similar to honesty. A packet of sweet rocket seeds will likely produce flowers varying in colour, from deep rich purple, right
through to all the paler lilac shades to white.
violet’s, and most pronounced in the evening.
Leave them to seed and they will maintain this diversity indefinitely, gradually naturalising over a large area.
Their pollen and nectar-rich flowers are perfect for attracting bees, beneficial insects, butterflies, moths
The flowers’ fragrance is as sweet as a
well drained, light, sandy soil.
Sow seeds in late spring where you want them to flower and dead-head spent blooms, to prolong flowering. Allow some flowers to go to seed, so the plants can self-seed around the garden.
637 227 385
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
Four people died and seven injured after the accident thought to be caused by a gas boiler. Gabriel Benedicto, a priest who worked in the headquarters of the Archbishopric of Madrid on C/Toledo, was found by firefighters, still in his office, directly above the epicentre of the gas explosion, just one floor above the exploded boiler that practically destroyed the entire building. "It was a miracle, it was a miracle." This was all that Gabriel Benedicto could say when the firefighters found him hugging a completely burned out bible as they entered his room, following the violent explosion that claimed the lives of four people and injured seven others. A minute before three in the afternoon, several fire stations in Madrid received the emergency call informing them of a violent explosion in the heart of the capital. The first calls advised of an explosion that had left a large part of C/Toledo devastated, completely strewn with rubble and ash. The building had literally exploded into the air. The seven-story building was destroyed in the blast, leaving at least four people dead and 10 injured. The building in question was the Church of the Virgen de la Paloma parish centre, containing office space, a shelter run by the charity group Cáritas, a meeting room, a living room and three housing units for priests. However, first thoughts during the ensuing confusion were that the site of the explosion was the Care Home for the elderly in a building adjacent to the Archbishopric. It was only as the smoke and dust began to dissipate, that it was possible to appreciate which parts of the structure had been affected, how, literally, the top floors of the religious building had disappeared, with only the pillars of the structure still being visible. The cause is reported as a gas boiler which during the mid-afternoon was being inspected in the basement of the church building by two engineers, one of whom died in the blast. The heating system was fired by gas and apparently, prior to the maintenance work it is thought that there could have been a small, undetected, leak. Gas, being lighter than air, had been rising through the building for some time and at one point, the third, fourth and fifth floors of the building were thought to be full of gas, the explanation that is cur-
rently being considered following the explosions that completely devastated the top three floors. From the dozens of images released following the blast it is also possible to see the fire in the basement of the building. At this time, and in the absence of a detailed report, firefighters believe that there were two explosions: a smaller one that directly affected the ground floor and the other, much larger, which was fed by the gas that had been accumulating in the upper floors. As the explosions occurred the exact location of each individual within the building made a difference to the injuries they each suffered. The boiler was installed in the basement of the building, while the office area was on the ground floor, directly above and just metres away from the heating system.
But the one for who the outcome really was a miracle was Gabriel Benedicto, a 40-year-old priest who firefighters found in his office, shaking and hugging his burned out bible. He was covered in debris and surrounded by emerging flames. And Gabriel sat in the middle of it all, completely unharmed, alive and well, because "this has been a miracle", as he could not stop repeating to the firefighters who rescued him. He was just a few metres away from the boiler, the origin of the explosion, just one floor above it, two floors below the other floors that were destroyed by the explosion of accumulated gas. Unfortunately many other people in the building didn’t share in his good fortune.
One of the priests working in the archbishopric was in his room and another was walking down the stairwell, both of them survived the explosion. A third priest, Fr Ruben Perez de Ayala, was injured in the explosion but later died in hospital.
BITES A strong smell of gas was reported in the building. The electrician called to investigate, 35 year old David Santos Munoz, was a local parishioner. Married with four children David died in the explosion. Los Nogales Care Home which directly adjoins la Paloma Parish Centre, was originally thought to be the source of the explosion. Thankfully that turned out not to be the case with all 57 residents unharmed and taken to safety. Another building adjacent to the bishopric was the school La Salle - La Paloma where the 200 students had just returned to classes. Fortunately the children were not in the school playground at the time, because of the snow. Patrons from a nearby bar who came out onto the street said it was if a bomb had been dropped on the building. “The noise was deafening and we couldn’t see what was going on because of the debris and a huge cloud of dust.”
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OPENING HOURS Tue - Thur 2pm to 7pm Fri & Sat 1pm to 7pm
Tel: 965 325 334 WhatsApp: 630 986 357
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
637 227 385
Would you want to cope with organising a funeral in Spain W
hen a close friend or a family member dies, the last thing you need is the worry of complex regulations and the red-tape of a Spanish funeral. At such a difficult time could you or your family cope with organising a funeral in Spain? If not you need look no further than PF Samper, a third generation independent family funeral director, based in Pilar de la Horadada. We know that the death of a loved one is a difficult experience, one that all of us are likely to experience during our lifetime, and when mourning the loss of a friend or a family member, the very last thing you want to think about is the planning of a funeral, a fact that is considerately recognised by Francisca, a long time supporter of The Royal British Legion, who has been helping the expat community from her family run business in Pilar for over 25 years. “At PF Samper”, she says, “we aim to provide only the highest level of personal attention as we ease this process for you and your family. We will take expert care and provide due consideration to ensure that your loved one gets an appropriate and caring farewell, whilst making the funeral planning process is as painless as possible”. “We will arrange a dedicated funeral service that will provide you and your family with full value, without compromise, a service that is designed to show respect, whilst still maintaining the dignity,
the values and traditions so cherished by those who we serve”.
Francisca has been providing a dignified service to the expat community for over 20 years
“We will also ensure that every life tribute is distinctive, personal and affordable, in honouring to the full a life that has been lived”. In ensuring a 24 hour service, throughout the entire province of Alicante and North Western Murcia, PF Samper can be providing you with that care and support within an extremely short space of time. Francisca will immediately respond to your call and while you are able to grieve with dignity she will quickly take charge of all the initial arrangements. “If you have a previously organised funeral plan we will closely liaise with your provider but if you are without such an agreement we will make all the initial arrangements for you, and unlike many similar companies here in Spain we will not demand any payment in advance”. The body of the deceased will be prepared to lie in repose in our own private chapel, as detailed arrangements, with either you or your family, can then be left to a more appropriate time. One aspect that Francisca does warn of are the varying conditions applied by different funeral directors and Tanatorias. “Whichever company you use you must always make sure that you are completely satisfied with the costs and the arrangements, and if in any doubt do not sign any papers”.
his is particularly important” she says “when the deceased has passed away in hospital, many of which have their own preferred agents.”
less of faith, and they can also be made to suit the time frame of the family concerned, allowing mourners to fly in from abroad, if that is what is required.
Ultimately, of course, it’s all about trust and peace of mind, something of which you can be assured when dealing with the multilingual Francisca or her British assistant.
Whether the service takes place the following day or a week later,, unlike many other funeral directors, there is no extra charge.
The company has its own private chapel of rest, mortuary and crematorium in Pilar de la Horadada although the service can be organised by PF Samper at any church that the family wishes across the entire province of Alicante and North Western Murcia. Ministers, flowers and transport can also be organised by PF Samper who will also take care of all necessary documentation and certificates. Likewise the arrangements can be made, regard-
The private Chapel of Rest in Pilar de la Horadada
Following cremation the urn will be delivered when required, and in the proper traditions of a genuinely family run business, details regarding payment can be made at a later date. Francisca says, “Our job consists of making sure that the families remember the day of the funeral as a very special occasion and that the loved one who has passed away is provided with the esteem and the respect that every person deserves. Though the life is ended we want to make sure that the memory lingers on”.
637 227 385
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 850
ACROSS 1. Leave (6) 4. Bog (6) 9. Warily (13) 10. Bared (7) 11. Embellish (5) 12. Form (5) 14. Demon (5) 18. Go in (5) 19. Release (7) 21. Imprisonment (13) 22. Holds up (6) 23. If not (6) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 13. 15. 16. 17. 20.
Determine (6) In brackets (13) Circular (5) Daunt (7) Official (13) Dictum (6) Apart (5) Depict (7) Following (6) Odd (5) Gratitude (6) Memorise (5)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Inconclusive; 7 Fight; 8 Anger; 9 Lie; 10 Travelled; 11 Indian; 12 Dental; 15 Incessant; 17 Tic; 18 Llama; 19 Image; 21 Imperfection. DOWN: 1 Intelligible; 2 Nag; 3 Lethal; 4 Statement; 5 Vigil; 6 Predilection; 7 Field; 10 Translate; 13 Title; 14 Tariff; 16 Chasm; 20 Arc. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Preservation; 7 Order; 8 Raise; 9 Mar; 10 Sweetmeat; 11 Unsaid; 12 Abuser; 15 Armistice; 17 Air; 18 Omaha; 19 Issue; 21 Shoe repairer. DOWN: 1 Perambulator; 2 End; 3 Varlet; 4 Turntable; 5 Opine; 6 Letter-writer; 7 Ogres; 10 Shipshape; 13 Slate; 14 Divine; 16 Meath; 20 Sea.
ACROSS 1. Two pig stealers will get beaten! (3-3) 4. Makes an outline of a game, we hear (6) 9. Thought I'd no reactions when disturbed (13) 10. Serious enough to resent a change (7) 11. Did it flow divinely from the choir? (5) 12. Two prepare to take the strain (5) 14. Diplomatic representative in a maiden voyage (5) 18. A topless specimen is quite enough (5) 19. The devil of a match (7) 21. A device that has some current attraction (13) 22. Insist upon a lock being put back (6) 23. Although he keeps going, he remains where he is (6)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1.Which Spanish dish consists baked saffron rice with meat and seafood ? 2.. Name the inventor of the bouncing Bomb ? 3.. What are Large white, Chester White and Landrace, all varieties of ? 4. Name the dodgy motel keeper in the film Psycho? 5. On the human body what grows at a rate of approx 12 cm a year ? 6. What name is given to the part of an insect`s body which lies between its head and its abdomen ? 7.. Which U.S. state has the smallest population ? 8. Lancashire Hot Pot and Bakewell Tart. What from Arbroath ? 9. What do Americans call a car boot? 10. In cockney rhyming slang what are your daisy roots ? 11.. What is Elvis Presley`s house called ? 12. What name is given to the spine injection offered to stop pain during child birth ? 13. To which family of birds does the Kittiwake belong ? 14.. What illegal substance is Jamaica's` leading export ? 15. What does a Vintner sell ?
DOWN 1. Diplomacy, we hear, took a devious course (6) 2. Youthful soothsayers, biblically speaking (5,8) 3. Girl involving one in love entanglement (5) 5. Make a new adjustment for the back row, by the sound of it (7) 6. An imaginative air-trip? (6,2,5) 7. Dispatched with railway guard (6) 8. Before the end of the day, the trial will make you irritable (5) 13. Somehow trace an alternative producer ... (7) 15. ... indispensable for one who is filming (6) 16. This craft will upset the lotteries (5) 17. As a culinary device, it causes some friction (6) 20. Land-line shown on the map (5)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 16. What is the female equivalent of a Knight? 17. The slow worm is not a worm what sort of creature is it ? 18. Which artist painted the famous Sunflowers ? 19. Name of the American project that was to put a man on the moon ? 20. According to the bible of which tree were Adam and Eve forbidden to eat the fruit ? 21. Name the official country home of the British prime minister ? 22. As the cheetah is the fastest runner with four legs what creature is quickest on two ? 23. What did Norma Baker Jean change her name to ? 24. In which year did we get rid of L.S.D. in favour of decimalisation ? 25. Which children's T.V. programme features a cat called Jesse, a post office owner called Mrs Coggins, and the twins Katie and Tom Pottage? 26. The rough areas of sea in the north and south of the Atlantic are called the roaring 40s, but what are calm still waters around the equatorial regions known as
637 227 385
BITES Over 80’s next to be vaccinated Spanish health minister Salvador IIla said that those above the age of 80 will be vaccinated against Covid-19 next. He also announced that Spain had already administered 70% of the doses available. This group will start getting the first doses of the vaccine after nursing home residents and their personnel, healthcare workers and frontline workers are immunised. People above the age of 70 will follow them for the Covid-19 vaccination. If the current rate of the vaccination campaign continues, people above 70 should get the first dose of the vaccine by March. However, that will depend on the vaccine shipment and approvals.
Not on your peri-peri A British expat was stopped at the Gibraltar-Spain border by Spanish border guards who confiscated his Nando's peri-peri sauce under new Brexit rules. 27-year-old Joseph Lathey was told he could not carry the condiment because it contained processed vegetables. He was also not allowed to carry samosas, flatbreads and other food items he had with him. He went back into Gibraltar then and sold them
Time Gentleman Please King Felipe VI's brother-in-law, [flak' Urdangarin, has been granted permission to move to a Grade 3 prison regime. Under this, prisoners are allowed day release and only spend the nights from Monday to Thursday in prison each week. Urdangarin is serving a 5-year, 10-month sentence for his involvement in the Noos Case scandal. He was found guilty of tax fraud, embezzlement and influence peddling.
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
Orihuela museums more accessible with virtual visits Mar Ezcurra, Councillor for Culture, announced details of new virtual visits that can now be made to three municipal museums through the website: The museums are la Casa Museo Miguel Hernández, el Museo de la Muralla and el Museo Municipal del Belén "With this initiative we intend to increase the cultural capacity that Orihuela City can make available to the general public and take our museums and our cultural
heritage closer and make it more accessible. These virtual visits will allow the visitor to travel through the museums without leaving home as they get to know our Oriolan museums as well as their history and content. The Department is preparing virtual cultural visits so that all municipal museums and the Teatro Circo can be visited via the web. A virtual tour of the Old Town of the city is also being developed.
Three arrests for Vandalising Nativity Scene
Cycle path to link Rojales and Guardamar
The Almoradí Civil Guard has arrested three minors aged 14 and 15, all of them of Moroccan nationality, after they were identified as the alleged culprits following the destruction of several structures of the municipal nativity scene in Almoradí.
A cycle-pedestrian lane is being planned that will link the municipalities of Rojales and Guardamar del Segura.
According to the council, the esti-
mate of the value of the damage caused amounts to 2,400 euros. The civil guard agents found out that two men had entered the tent where the scene was on display, during the afternoon, in which the events took place, while a third party acted as a lookout watching to see that no one came. Following the investigation, and thanks to help from the public, the agents were able to identify and arrest the three offenders. They have now been arrested for a crime of damage and released on charges, under the custody of their parents, by order of the Alicante Juvenile Prosecutor's Office.
The Minister for Mobility said that it will provide a great benefit for citizens by improving mobility, promoting nonpolluting modes of transport and providing an alternative for leisure and sports, as well as an additional attraction for tourism.
Huge fireball over Madrid sky A rock from an asteroid, which penetrated the Earth's atmosphere at 126,000 kilometers per hour, was visible across the Spanish sky. When the rock entered the atmosphere, its high speed caused friction with the air resulting in the fireball.
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally
Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members
are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed
637 227 385
and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping
Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We hope to reopen in January when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
HELP URGENTLY NEEDED BY EHCC AN urgent appeal has been launched by the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre in Rojales.
he charity, which supports and cares for over 120 horses, ponies and donkeys, is struggling more than ever to meet the ever-increasing costs of feeding them and paying for veterinary bills. Centre founders Sue and Rod Weeding are now having to use their own money to provide for the animals, they have been left with no choice. With one of their rescued horses Gracie being rushed to the Alicante horse hospital last week with abdominal pain and a raised heart rate, they face another crippling veterinary bill at a time when they are still paying off the last bill. Founder Sue Weeding said: “Because of the whole Covid situation we can't have our monthly open day so have lost the income from that. We survived the lockdown very well last time but obviously now things have caught up with us again; we are back in the winter; we've just had Christmas, New Year and Kings so the charity shops haven't opened that much and we now have the cold spell. We still have to pay the rent, water and electric on the shops but are getting very little back to help the animals.” That help comes at a price; a high price. “We have just brought one
load of forage that was €2,000. That will last us 2 weeks. We are using our own private money again to buy the feed for the animals because we have no option it's as simple as that. The horses have to eat.” Even during lockdown the Rescue Centre was still receiving call outs from police to help them rescue abandoned animals. “Lockdown or no lockdown it is still 7 days a week 24 hours a day we are on call.” Sue continued: “If it wasn't for us, there would be nowhere for these animals to go which the police are finding. We have had horses brought to us from Granada because we were the only centre who would take them.” The Rescue Centre is now officially registered and recognised as a charity in Switzerland and there are plans to re-home as many horses as possible to enjoy a new life there, but even without the current global pandemic disrupting life and plans around the world, rehoming horses is not easy. When they are seized by the police, Easy Horse Care are only cus-
Renovation of the sewage system around the Teatro Circo in Orihuela Work has been approved this week, at a cost of € 84,547.65, for the upgrade of the sanitation system around the Teatro Circo de Orihuela. “The works are required on the sewage network to increase the capacity for capturing and channelling rainwater, through the addition of new scuppers and the improvement of exist-
ing ones, in addition to the installation of pipes that allow rainwater to be directed to the Río Segura ”explained the councillor for Infrastructure, Ángel Noguera. This work will help to reduce the local floods that occur repeatedly in the area, by increasing the drainage capacity for the water to flow away.
Bank of Spain’s iconic clock stopped for the first time in history The iconic clock on top of the Bank of Spain building in Madrid stopped after the mechanism froze during the intense snowfall caused by storm Filomena. This is the first time the clock stopped in its 130-year history. According to the Bank of Spain, the sudden drop in temperature and snowfall caused the cogs to freeze, which prevented the hands from moving
Brexit moved away 2,500 jobs from London Britain's exit from the European Union has driven almost 2,500
The area adjacent to the Teatro Circo is one of the first to suffer flooding every time there are heavy rains, so with the improvement of the network, increasing the number of scuppers and its own drainage capacity, these situations will be avoided in times of heavy rains and increased flow of the Segura river.
jobs and at least €170bn in assets to France at the end of 2020, said the Bank of France's governor. London is the continent's main financial hub but Amsterdam, Dublin, Frankfurt and Paris have all scrambled to attract businesses that wanted to remain active in the 19-nation eurozone. Other relocations are expected this year, he said.
If you are able to help cover the cost of Gracie's treatment, you can donate to the charity now via their website
todians of the animals and cannot re-home them unless they are legally made the new owners. Until that happens, they must simply carry on caring for them the best they can. If you are able to help cover the cost of Gracie's veterinary treatment, you can donate to the charity now via their website and follow her progress via the centre's Facebook page.
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
637 227 385
Montesinos mayor asks for ‘Maximum Responsibility’
Los Montesinos Mayor Butron is asking all members of the public for maximum responsibility as coronavirus cases contine to increase
usually write an article on travel but as the new strain of Covid is raging through the country writing about places to travel to, whether for the day or for a holiday, I feel is not a responsible thing to do. Firstly, I don’t want to encourage people to travel and Secondly, I don’t want you feeling down as you want to travel, like me, but want to feel safe and secure and not venture too far from the comfort and safety of your home. Its not that I am scared, (well a little bit, as I am in my sixties) but feel we all need to be doing our bit to keep others safe and to help in the decline of this horrific virus. It is dire in the UK so lets all do our bit to stop it getting so extreme here. I am not saying don’t go out as a lovely brisk walk in the sunshine can do us the world of good. Actually, the Vitamin D that we get from the sun is helpful against Covid or so the doctors are saying. My favourite is to go to the coast and either walk on the waters edge or on one of the many walkways. We are so lucky as we have many beaches close by. There are always a few doing the same but put a mask on and you should be fine, as you are outside and away from crowds. There are as I say many beau-
Controlling the virus in Rojales By Andrew Atkinson
Rojales Council are continuing with the COVID-19 plan to control the spread of coronavirus by disinfecting those areas of the entire municipal area in which there is a greater influx of residents. "We are currently facing a situation in which it is more necessary to carry out disinfecting in all areas," said a spokesperson from Rojales Council.
By Andrew Atkinson Los Montesinos Mayor Jose Butron has warned to not 'drop your guard' to the inhabitants of the Vega Baja town after an increase of coronavirus cases. "We are not too bad in Los Montesinos with the cases of coronavirus - but we shouldn't trust and relax," Mayor Butron told The Leader. "We see how more and more contagions are coming back," he said in the wake of a report from the regions Public Health.
By Linda Bentley tiful beaches, Moncayo being a favourite one of mine. You can at this time of year easily park your car, then it’s a short walk over a wooden walkway taking you through a conservation area of bullrushes and sand dunes. You feel like you are somewhere tropical as you saunter your way to the beach, the quietness and stillness is so noticeable, then as you see the sea suddenly the sound of the breaking waves on the shoreline breaks the quietness. The beach is of soft, white sand that stretches for miles with La Mata to the right and Guardamar to the left in the far distance. There are no beach bars on the beach so be sure to take a drink, or if you
would rather just sit by the sea and read a book, bring beach chairs and maybe a picnic to spend a few hours relaxing. Even at this time of year we can get lovey days to soak up the sun or endure a little breeze with a jumper on. There is Guardamar with its long sandy beach, a promenade with many cafes where you can sit with a coffee and tostada or menu del dia and be socially distanced. Be warned through as the sun seems to disappear from the promenade early afternoon and it does get chilly outside. Within Guardamar they have a lovely park with a small lake laden with turtles and many species of ducks.
Protests increase over proposed Renaming of Corvera Airport
t was almost two years ago that approval was given by the Murcia Regional Government to rename Corvera Airport “Aeropuerto Internacional de Murcia – Juan de la Cierva y Codorni”, however the authorities may now be forced into having a ‘rethink’ after protests from an increasing number of historians and memorial assns. It all seemed to be ‘plane sailing’ when the name of the Murcia born engineer, who was responsible for designing the very first aut-
ogyro rotary wing aircraft in Madrid in 1920, was first put forward, but following recent publicity around the inventor’s prominent role in General Franco’s military coup, they could be forced to change their minds. Professor Diego Jiménez, wrote about Juan de la Cierva's relationships with the coup plotters of July 18, 1936, his rental of the Dragon Rapide plane, conspiring in London against the legitimate Government of the Second Republic, facts that have been highlighted by historians like
Another beach area to walk is Punta Prima with its long wide promenade that takes you round the headland to yet another beach area. There is a lovely restaurant overlooking the sea with excellent Covid safety and hygiene, if you had the need to eat or drink. We are just spoilt for choice in this area and maybe you have not been to the sea for some time, as that is the case when we live here. For me though it is a way of getting fresh air, away from lots of people and I find it invigorating. If you would rather have a nature area away from the beach why not visit Las Lagunas de La Mata which is
Ángel Viñas and others. They claim that should the airport be renamed after the engineer, it would be in breach of the current Law of Historical Memory, so another name should be chosen, one who will not cause controversy. Fortunately, in the Region of Murcia there are plenty of figures that meet such criteria, but the one name that could prove to be the most relevant, is Isaac Peral, the inventor of the submarine, who hails from Cartagena. Peral, who was also a scientist and a sailor,
a Natural park with walks and views and a lake as green as the Torrevieja one is pink. The green colour is due to different salts. There is a Centre with information about the area. It is ideal for walking or cycling for those who love the fresh air and nature. In these Covid times we still should support our local businesses if we can. So if you are happy to be outside and safely distanced then maybe use your local bars and cafes to help them keep going in these terrible times. Some are putting on live music in the afternoons, hence also supporting Musicians. Take care and be safe.
was the Director of Physics and Mathematics at the School of Naval Studies. Unfortunately, however, he was not sufficiently valued by the politicians of his time, who failed to harness the enormous benefits that would have fallen to Spain in the development of the first battery-powered submarine. Many people now feel that it is time that the balance was redressed and Isaac Peral finally got the recognition that his invention deserved.
The Torrevieja Department of Health has increased cases, from 447 to 894 from January 4, with an average rise of 70 people between wards and ICU. The accumulated incidence of the Department of Torrevieja over the past 14 days is 729, per 100,000 inhabitants. Mayor Butron said: "In Los Montesinos the accumulated incidence of January 4, last 14 days, is eight new cases, accounting for 161 per 100,000 inhabitants." Los Montesinos has 3,800 inhabitants and Mayor Butron added: "I ask for the people to take maximum responsibility keep abiding by the rules. If you take care of yourself, you take care of others."
Historians say that it would both repair a historical injustice, and it would be a source of pride for all Murcians.
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Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
POETS CORNER aged to cross the English Channel on Monday 11th December despite the weather and they would have been given some form of welcome and made comfortable. That bring me nicely on the to the event which happened a few years ago and I am sure, well almost certain, it will not be repeated, but as they say, never say never.
o the UK, well not quite all of it as Northern Island has its foot in the door of Brussels, or maybe it’s the other way round, the remainder of the British Isles has left the EU. Ah!
But it seems North of the border the Scots First Minister and maybe just some more of the Scottish People would prefer to re-join the Continental block even though all the arguments have been laid to rest. Ah, but not quite as it seems there are difficulties in transferring goods across the Irish sea (I hope the reader is still following) when that is out of the way it would be time for the two blocks to move on in unison. But no, difficulties have arisen so petty it takes your breath away, like the Dutch border officials confiscating lorry driver’s sandwiches. It also seems according to reports, that’s if they are not fake – that illegals are still arriving in the UK as one hundred immigrants man-
The United Kingdom sent one of Her Majesty’s warships to the Mediterranean, alright it may have been there, but that takes the gloss off the story. However, either way it would have been costly, a figure with loads of zeros after it. This ship saves boatloads of immigrants from little dinghies trying to escape from some horror in Africa and transports them to the Southern coast of Europe, These people are not content in staying where they have arrived, perhaps they weren‘t welcome, and they make their way through Italy, France or wherever, and arrive at Calais. Although thee British rescued them in the first instance, now they don’t want anything to do with them, and try to stop them from crossing the English Channel, again another costly exercise. Ah! Now the best bit. Those people take it on themselves to make the dangerous crossing from France to England risking life and limb to do so. They are now rewarded as if it had been some gigantic obstacle race – housing, money, medical attention, benefit and more benefit which is recorded at the time to be worth twenty six grand a year. Instead of going through this farce why didn’t the Royal Navy deliver them to Southampton in the first place? This money lavished on these illegal people, and that is what they are – is sickening as it discriminates, giving complete strangers a comfort they have never known and depriving our own people, single Mums, out of work families and pensioners into squalor because the latter have grown old and their pension does not cope. Take care! Percy Chattey Author
‘Percy’s Ramblings’ are available in book form from Amazon & Kindle
Tennis Star Camila Christmas Message
tennis players’ Christmas message for her followers
A 29 year old Tennis player, Camila Giorgi attracted thousands of extra followers on her social networks at Christmas after a Celebratory Card to her supporters showed her posing in red lingerie. Of course the card also included a message of affection but a spokesman for Instagram, who said that her followers had doubled in the week before the holiday, concluded that the reason was probably more to do with the
image rather than the wording on the actual card. Camila’s world ranking has fallen from 26 to 76 in recent years but as she approaches the end of the sporting career it could well be that thoughts of employment elsewhere was one of the reasons for publishing the card. I leave you with the report that the Italian is known for her aggressive style of game and her powerful flat groundstrokes. She is considered to be one of the hardest hitters of the ball on the tour. The very thought makes your eyes water!
Camila Giorgi, currently preparing for the Australian Open, drew a mixed response from her instagram post
“RAGS” By David Whitney He was purchased on the market Many years before the war A soft and fluffy comfort That's what 'Teddy Bears' are for His owner was a little boy Who didn't have a lot So 'Rags' became his pride and joy The only toy he'd got Throughout the years 'Rags' played his part As friend and listening ear He saw his owners happiness He witnessed every tear The boy became a handsome man With two boys of his own But 'Rags' was never he'd by them They left him well alone They much preferred to play with guns They didn't have a care And never really saw the point Of 'Rags' the teddy bear So 'Rags' was just an item That sat on the bedroom chair A tatty scruffy bundle Looking much the worse for wear A waistcoat with one button A threadbare patch of suede A label hanging by a thread To show where he was made But he was still a treasure And his owner couldn't part With this sad pathetic scruffian Who he loved with all his heart The man was brave and selfless A proud soldier with a cause He had to leave his family To fight in different wars He left one day courageously And sadly lost his life There wasn't time to say goodbye Or kiss his boys and wife So came that day of sadness When they heard the news he'd died The teddy bear fell from his chair And everybody cried And on the soldiers gravestone Inscribed on grey stone flags Were the words Here Lies a Hero With his dear beloved 'Rags'
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
3,500 MEDIC AL STAFF SICK OR Q UARANTINED The number of medical staff on leave or
endure their own new casualties of col-
in quarantine has tripled since Christmas
leagues every day, as infections among
in the Valencian Community
their numbers also increase.
With more than 3,500 staff out of service,
Since Christmas the number of specialists
Health will pay overtime to workers who
(especially nurses, assistants and doctors)
want to extend their working hours
who are of service, either because they
The saturation suffered by hospitals and
have an illness due to contracting the
health centres due to the heavy load of
virus, or because they must quarantine
patients infected by Covid-19 is not only
after being in close contact, has tripled.
due to limitations on space. The health
According to the figures provided by the
staff who provide the care to those need-
Ministry of Health, last Friday, January 15
ing treatment or hospitalisation have to
– the latest update available – 1,560
health workers were registered as being on sick leave due to Covid and 2,018 were in quarantine. In total, 3,578 professionals are out of service, which represents 5.62% of the 63,691 workers that make up the public health network and triple the 1,532 that were unavailable on Christmas Eve. In fact, between December 24 and January 15, 1,639 new infections have been recorded among health personnel, which represents 22.38% of the 7,323 positives registered since the start of the pandemic.
BAR/RESTAURANT OWNERS FEAR OF CLOSING FOR GOOD Takings are down by a staggering 80% Landlords refusing to cut rents By Andrew Atkinson Many bar and restaurant owners are fearful of closing for good as a result of the latest measures imposed during the coronavirus situation - with bars takings decreasing by a staggering 80 per cent - and some Landlords refusing to cut rents. Following the introduction of 5pm closing, criticism has been pointed towards some Landlords of premises who refuse to cut monthly rents. "How long are you expected to carry on under the current situation of the coronavirus outbreak?," a bar/Restaurant owner told The Leader. "After almost three months lockdown in March and the current situation I am worried about the future," they added. The Vega Baja owner, who will remain anonymous - to protect them from any possible reprisals, said: "It makes it even harder to keep your head above water when monthly rent remains a full payment." Following the hospitality and leisure industry financial hit of 80% a €120m package for the sector has been announced by Ximo Puig. The 80% figure is from the Study of the Economic Impact of Hospitality and Leisure, carried out by the Assembly of the Night Leisure and Camping of the Valencian Community. A spokesperson said: "While still enjoying the sales or dinners in the gaming halls, in the worst peak of the third wave of the pandemic our sector is stigmatised as the most severe cuts are applied." The new business organisation intends to prioritise political negotiation to demand a plan for direct financial aid in a bid to hopefully guarantee the safety of thousands of employees working in
bars/restaurants and cafes. Many bars/restaurants pulled down the shutters for the last time amid the after effects of the coronavirus situation in 2020. In an attempt to keep swimming against the tide many bars and restaurants are offering unlimited drinks and meal deals - with drinks at €1 and a meal for €5 - along with a pick-up/drop off taxi service. In a desperate last throw of the dice, on the Landlord rental issue, our bar/restaurant owner source said: "I have spoken to my Landlord about a possible rental reduction, due to the climate at present, with the 5pm closing imposed. "However, they don't want to know. I have been told that the full monthly payment is required." Following the announcement by President of the Generalitat Ximo Puig for the Valencia Community it could be the final nail in the coffin with the closure of many businesses, taking away the slim lifeline they had of 5pm closing times. President Puig announced the new measures after a meeting on January 19 of the interdepartmental commission for the prevention and updating of Covid-19, with total closure of the hostelry business in the Valencian Community for 14 days from January 21. Only take-away service is now allowed, either distributed in premises or through distributors. Many in the region are turning to offering takeaways, including restaurants in Los Montesinos, El Raso, Benijofar and the Orihuela Costa, some with a delivery service. (Selection on page 4)
Hospitality sector demonstrate in Torrevieja
had the full support of the Government team in the extreme situation that they are currently going through. He said that they will continue to be one of the most important sectors in the city.
More than 400 business owners and their employees from across the region gathered in Torrevieja’s Plaza de la Constitución gathered to protest against the closure of bars, restaurants and cafeterias ordered by the Generalitat Valencianalast week, that will last until, at least, 3 February. They were joined outside the town hall by the Torrevieja mayor, Eduardo Dolón, the Councillor for Commerce and Hospitality, Rosario Martínez, as well as the councillor for Security, Federico Alarcón who spent an hour listening to their concerns. The mayor told everyone gathered that they
He also announced that the Torrevieja City Council, has suspended the payment of all municipal fees for tables and chairs by local catering establishments. Finally, he pleaded with them that for all future gatherings, a number of which are already planned, they request authorisation from the Government sub-delegation in Alicante so that they can be carried out legally and with all the necessary permits.
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Sapphire Golf Society Lo Romero 9th January In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 25 players visited the established course at Lo Romero taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services.
By Andrew Atkinson
The course was in good condition and the weather beautiful but at the end of the day we were informed that under the latest Valencian Government Restrictions golf courses could close for 14 days from the 21st January 2021.
"Both players were in their own ‘bubble’ group and were withdrawn. All other players and officials returned negative results,” said a World Bowls Tour statement.
Gold Division 1st - Jack Fanning - 34 points
Perry Martin was one of the surprises of the competition prior to withdrawing
The Just World Indoor Championships Open Singles quarter-finalists Wayne Willgress and Perry Martin were withdrawn from the tournament - after both players tested positive for coronavirus at the Potters Resort.
Willgress, 32, from Mulbarton, Norfolk, a former England Junior international, was the National triples champion in 2007 and singles runner-up in 2012 during the Men's National Championships. Willgress, who knocked out the world number one Greg Harlow to reach the semi-finals of the 2018 World Indoor Bowls Championship, reached the quarter-finals of Men's Singles against Martin, both forced to withdraw following a positive covid test.
2nd – Dave France - 34 points Silver Division 1st – Brian Elkington - 37 points 2nd – Colin MacDonald - 32 points Bronze Division
Martin, 27, from Kent, was thwarted to stake a claim for a surprise semi-final place following a round of testing at Potters in East Anglia, Norfolk. As a consequence of the Coronavirus pandemic, no international players took part this year at Potters and there was no Under-25 Singles competition, won last year by William Moulton.
1st- Ian Forbes - 29 points 2nd – Paul Fairbairn - 26 points Nearest the Pins – Mason, Lloyd, Elkington and Jones Football Card – Graham Mason
Las Ramblas Golf Society
Captains Prize – Andy Howard
Results for w/c 18.1.21
After the game we held the presentation at the course due to bar restrictions but usually return to Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties.
Just 4 points off our all-time record the winners of Monday’s ‘Waltzer 1-2-3’, with 94 points, were Andrea Martin, AnneMarie Weisheit, Friedel Knebel and Ian Moir.
Our next fixture is the interim day at Font Del Llop on 3rd February 2021 followed by the society day at Vistabella on 17th February 2021 (subject to Valencian Community Rules). Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at
No less than ten points behind them came Dave Pulling, Mike Brentnall, Ron Phipps and Marleen Billen. Three ‘2’s were achieved in Wednesday’s individual Stableford. Olga Douglas, Graham Murray and Mark Western each had a share of the pot. It was certainly a family affair at the top as Olga
Douglas took top place with 40 points whilst husband Alan came a close second with 38. After checking and correcting his card a number of times it was Pat Cassidy who kept up his run of good form and was awarded the third spot. This will be my last report for a while (OK wipe away those tears!) as we learnt after the game that the course (along with all the others in the area) would be closed for at least the next two weeks.
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.
Covid-19 Golf Further pdate In last week’s golf article we provided information in respect of the possible closure of golf courses as a result of the ever changing situation in respect of the Covid-19 virus and at that time none of the golf courses were forecasting closure. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)
Price €98 €80 €120 €100 €138 €90
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy
Unfortunately within one week the Valencian Community increased from 3 to 29 the number of municipalities locked down with rates of infection in excess of 1000 per 100,000 inhabitants so things very much took a turn for the worse. With such bad numbers the golfing industry via the Spanish Golf Federation and Golf Course Association were unable to make a case for keeping the courses open as a source of open-air exercise played in small numbers and along with all other sports facilities are now closed until at least the 3rd February 2021 and I wouldn’t bet against this being extended given the very slow roll out of vaccines in Spain which is the only real way out of this crisis.
So as they say in Spanish, Nos vemos cuando te vea Peter Reffell
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
when 70% of the Spanish population should be vaccinated) which will be devastating to the tourism industry here in Spain including all the bars, restaurants, shops, hotels and the golf industry and tens of thousands of jobs will be lost and in the long term making this part of Spain less appealing to possible tourist visitors and in turn this could result in the sale of many homes as people return back to their countries of origin. To make matter worse the Spanish Government give little assistance to the many self-employed business owners offering only loans or deferrals on autonomo payments or some taxes BUT none of this will see business owners last until after the summer is over.
To make matter worse the Spanish President has stated that there will be no tourist visitors to Spain before the end of the summer (by
There are absolutely no positives to be taken in the current situation and to think that we thought 2020 was bad enough.
El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero
Mar Menor €48 Single Green Fee New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & buggy (after 1.06pm) Saurines €48 Single Green Fee Villamartin €134 2 Green Fees & buggy (after 1.30pm) Vistabella €115 Two Green Fees and buggy *Deals of the week: Villaitana with two green fees and buggy on the Levante course for only €70 and €50 on the Poniente course. La Manga North and South with two green fees, buggy and lunch for only €150. For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
€80 €59 €92 €48 €140 €41 €98 €50 €114 €118 €115 €114 €78 €136
2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1.30pm) Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy (Saturday) Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1pm) 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1.30pm) Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
LIVING LEGEND l've been catching up with a few old pals recently, the latest this week is darts legend Phil Taylor. Now retired from pro darts since 2018 "The Power" tells me he's enjoying life away from the slog of the circuit, with wife of 7 years Karen, pictured below.
many leagues operating independently throughout Spain, every year sending the national champions to the Winmau World Masters and the World Championship Qualifiers. He did this on a shoestring budget for many years before handing over the reins to younger blood 5 years ago, realising that darts the ``old way``had come as far as it could go.
Matt Smith, proprietor and driving force behind legal eagles, One Way Services, our league sponsors, still somehow finds time to fulfill his obligations as Vice President of the Federacion Espanola de Dardos. His passion to promote and organise darts throughout Spain via F.E.D. by making our adopted country a major force in the sport, is unquestionable, his legal expertise a useful tool. l invited Matt to give us some insight and background to our favoured pastime and here is his response.
A History of Darts in Spain Pt 1 By Matt Smith, Vice President of the FED (FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE DARDOS) Way back in 1990, a chap from Alicante named Miguel Pernas had a dream, to take darts in Spain to an international level. And so the FED, or Federación Española de Dardos was born. Miguel managed to create a National Championships in a large country and unite the
Since then Spanish darts has seen more and more home grown players take to the international stage. Players like the reigning Grand Slam Champion, Jose De Sousa who, although Portuguese, has played most of his career within the FED. Or indeed Julio Barbero, Toni Alcinas and Cristo Reyes, all coming through the ranks over the years to take part at the highest level.
Phil still lives in the Stoke region, near Alton Towers, but no longer throws his famous arrows in anger, preferring to leave that to the younger element of the game. Now 60, Phil has 30 years of pro darts behind him and many thought his retirement premature, the constant 1000's of travelling hours around the world, had exhausted the champion. A large percentage of that time was spent at 35,000 ft attending competitions and promotional activities alike. This lifestyle was not only incompatible with his domestic life, but played havoc with his health, inducing a pulmonary problem, alerting medics to advise a change. Apparently the condition can be a result of extensive time in a pressurised cabin of an aircraft Phil with wife Karen
Soft tip darts (the electronic machines found in bars throughout the country) has always been popular in Spain, the national team being the current Phoenix world champions, and the FED has had to find a happy medium to evolve alongside this other format.
The nationals embody everything good about
over a long period. Travel is now limited to regular supermarket visits with Karen, or occasional checks on a growing property portfolio, in the area, plus neighbourly calls on close friend Peter Williams, whose better known son Robbie, is currently self isolating in St Barts with his wife and children. Phil cut a lonely figure when l first met him in a Finland tournament l believe, Eric Bristow had just started sponsoring the man soon to be known as " The Power" and the man from the Potteries was on his " Jack Jones ". l was with Rod Harrington who, coincidentally, was also starting his pro career. Introductions between us and the other touring party conducted, we played the comp. it was the first of many encounters over the years. Eric continued to sponsor Phil for 2 years, by which time he was standing on his own two feet. The financial arrangement between the two was that if Phil " made it" the investment should be repaid. lt was. The former 16 times World champ now enjoys numerous personal appearances and after dinner speaking. Surprisingly he is not too interested in commentating or punditry, as Wayne Mardle or Mr Harrington, preferring to watch the current crop of champions on Sky. Phils affiliation with the sport remains via his association with Target Darts, Harlow, Essex a partnership now in its 8th year. Targets Managing Director Gary Plummer counts the signing of "The Power" one of his better decisions and now boasts a 40,000 sq. ft factory in China manufacturing a whole range of darting products.
The FED is currently the governing body for 7 autonomous regions in Spain, these being Madrid, Galicia, Aragon, Andalucia, Castilla La Mancha, The Basque Country and The Valencian Community. Each autonomous community takes charge of its own financial affairs and governs the local leagues affiliated to it, with all players involved getting the chance to compete in the Spanish Nationals held in May.
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darts in our country, a friendly atmosphere where players take their families and enjoy a holiday at the same time as playing the sport they love. Many of the competitions, for example the team games, the league selections and the region teams, within the Nationals are played purely for pride, but there is also the serious element with two singles events and a pairs event that decide who will represent Spain at international level for the coming year. Currently, the FED sends teams to the WDF Europe and World Cups, The WDF Med Cup (for Mediterranean nations), the World Masters and the World Championships. The FED is proudly sponsored by Winmau, who supply the boards that are used at the nationals and regional championships. A national ranking system is ready to go live once the pandemic eases and will see another 7 national tournaments around the country added to the calendar. The FED also scored another victory back in 2018 when it won Spain the right to hold the next WDF Europe Cup, to be held in Gandía,
Valencia in September 2022. Darts in Spain is growing all the time and the long term plan, aside from having a Spanish world champion, is that it continues its current trend and becomes a major player internationally, on a par with England or the Netherlands. The FED would like to thank Paul Durrant for helping us to raise the awareness of darts in our small area of Spain, an area which has provided multiple national team, singles and pairs champions. More on those players past and present in part 2, if Paul will allow me to take up some more of his paper space! As any top darts player will tell you, playing in a league like the One Way Services Thursday Night League is all it takes to give players the chance to compete and aim higher, and who knows? Perhaps that next world champion the FED is looking for is already taking part in our league. All it takes is the desire and a hell of a lot of practise! Happy darting to all of our players.
637 227 385
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st January, 2021
ALCOYANO HUMILIATE REAL MADRID Alcoyano goalkeeper, José Juan Figueras
On Wednesday night Alcoyano completed one of the greatest achievements in its history. The team from Alicante beat Real Madrid in the Copa del Rey and have now reached the last 16 of the tournament. Real have not won the Copa since 2014 but seemed to have the tie under control when Éder Militão nodded home a Marcelo cross shortly before halftime. But a late equaliser and extra-time winner, from an Alcoyano side who were down to ten men after the dismissal of Ramón López, was enough to eliminate Zinedine Zidane’s side. It is the first time that Alcoy have reached the last 16 of the Copa since 1946. Immediately after the game speculation was rife that Madrid manager Zidane was facing the sack. However as tempers calmed, by the following day it became clear that a sacking was something that neither the club nor the manager wanted. But for the moment, there will be no ‘knee jerk’ decisions. Unless there is a major upturn in the club’s fortunes though, he will leave at the end of the season. One player who did come out of the game with a great deal of credit was 41-yearold Alcoyano goalkeeper, José Juan Figueras, who made 10 saves against Los Blancos. José Juan moved to Alcoyano from Elche two years ago, for whom he made 51 first team appearances.
Former world champ Hendry racks-up The Bad Boys of Snooker Punditry
Enjoying his retirement
By Andrew Atkinson £6,000 Tedburrow ridden by leading jockeys including Frankie Dettori, won £889,000, racing in Hong Kong, Italy, Dubai and UK Retired racehorse Tedburrow, who won 21 races winning approaching £1m in prizemoney during an illustrious career, celebrated his 29th birthday on January 1. "He'll most probably outlive me!," quipped veteran trainer Eric Alston. "Tedburrow is 29 now," Eric, based at Edges Farm stables in Longton, Preston, Lancashire, preparing for the 2021 Flat season, with 14 horses under his reign, told me. "Tedburrow is still here at Edges Farm and goes out in the field
every day - he's still a 'silly old bugger!'," laughed Eric. Former jockey Eric, 76, who rode a rag and boneman's cart and delivered milk on a horse and cart for his father, took over his father's dairy farm with wife Susan, taking out a trainer's licence permit over four decades ago. Tedburrow, bred by Lady Matthews, was ridden by leading jockeys including Johnny Murtagh, Willie Supple, John Egan, Dean Mckeown, Ted Durkan, Michael Hills, Tony Culhane, Jason Weaver and Frankie Dettori, during 19942004.
Adrian Sanchez – A decade at Racing San Miguel By Andrew Atkinson Adrián Sánchez has been praised by Racing San Miguel after almost a decade of service at the San Miguel based football club. "We want to congratulate Adrian, a person who has been a fundamental part of Racing San Miguel since its inception," said a spokesperson from the club. "Founder of the project, almost 10 years ago, architect of the promotion to First Regional from the bench, and currently responsible for co-ordinating the training of our youth squad and coach of the youth team, which gives us so much joy. "His constancy, his involvement and his efforts are one of the driving forces behind this institution," they added.
Adrián Sánchez: A decade of service at Racing San Miguel.
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
Wine. 16. A Dame. 17.
1. Paella. 2. Barnes
19. Apollo. 20. The
Wallace. 3. Pigs. 4.
fruit of the Tree of
Knowledge of the tree
Vincent Van Gogh.
Alaska. 8. Smokies. 9.
Chequers. 22. The
A Trunk. 10. Boots.
ostrich. 23. Marilyn
11. Graceland. 12.
Munroe. 24. 1971. 25.
Epidural. 13. Gulls.
Postman Pat. 26. The
Former world champion Stephen Hendry has racked-up a new image - The Bad Boys of Snooker Punditry - posing tattooed mock-ups of himself and stars Steve Davis, Ken Doherty, John Parrott, Neil Robertson, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Judd Trump and Mark Selby.
Australian and former world champion Robertson potted: "What the hell is this"?
He won £889,000 prizemoney from 21 races, 15 of them under Eric's helm, becoming the oldest horse to win a pattern race, when winning a Group 3 at Newcastle in 2002, aged 10. Tedburrow, who cost a paltry £6,000, ran at the Sha Tin Racecourse, Hong Kong, in 1999, and also ran in Italy and Dubai. He last raced in 2004 in a Class 3 Conditions Stakes over 6f at Doncaster, aged 12, finishing fourth. "If the weather is bad, Tedburrow doesn't have his daily outing in the field and goes on the treadmill indoors," said Eric, also famed for stable stars Stack Rock and Reverence. After selling the cows on the farm Eric trained Stack Rock, booking leading Flat jockey Kieren Fallon to ride, winning nine races and finishing second to Lochsong in the 1993 Prix de l'Abbaye. Reverence - who won ten-times notching up £542,000 prize-
money - notable victories include the 2006 Nunthorpe Stakes and Betfred Sprint Cup. Reverence, narrowly beaten in the 2006 Prix de l’Abbaye, a British champion Thoroughbred racehorse, career spanned from May 2005 until August 2011, running 42 times. In 2006 he won two Group One races; the Nunthorpe Stakes at York and the Sprint Cup at Haydock, named European Champion Sprinter at the Cartier Racing Awards. Reverence ran his last race in August 2011. Other notable horses are Ridge Ranger, winner of a Group 3 in 2016, Maid In India, winner of five of 12 races, and eight times winner Lydiate Lady: "Maid In India has gone to stud," revealed Eric. On the COVID-19 situation Eric said: "We are keeping okay during the coronavirus - along with Tedburrow - and just starting to put everything together ahead of the 2021 Flat season."
Scot TV commentator Hendry put a new slant on snooker's image during The Masters that saw China's Yan Bingtao defeat John Higgins 10-8 in the final on January 17.
Bingtao, 20, is the youngest Masters champion since O'Sullivan took the title in 1995. "Well done to Bingtao. It's very important that China had a big breakthrough - after Ding - and the massive investment they have put into the young players. "Unbelievable attitude towards the game and he deserves everything he gets," said Robertson.
A legless lizard. 18.
Hair. 6. Thorax. 7.
Tedburrow at Edges Farm stables Photo courtesy Eric Alston
By Andrew Atkinson
NO COMMENT FROM RONALDO OR MESSI Juventus and Portugal striker Cristiano Ronaldo has reportedly rejected a big money offer from the Saudi Arabia tourist board to head up a new promotional campaign to help boost tourism in the Gulf nation. The Daily Telegraph report that the deal is
believed to be worth approximately six million euro per year and it has also been offered to FC Barcelona striker Lionel Messi. The 'Visit Saudi' campaign is set to be launched next month with the country seeking to use sportsmen and major sporting events to portray a positive image of the nation which has come under fire from organisations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International for human rights abuses. Representatives acting for the commercial interests of both players refused o comment
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