No 852 Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February 2021
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
A year that changed everything With the current vaccination rate, it would take years to immunise the entire Spanish population. This phrase, repeated by many political leaders, is true, but it does not tell us any-
thing that we have not known since the beginning of the year.
will be the arrival of the vaccine by the end of spring.
The delays in delivery of the vaccine, that we have seen to date here in Spain, are not significantly changing the forecasts that were made, as the key to reaching 70% of the population during the summer
The plan was for the program to accelerate as laboratories produced more doses and as new drugs were approved.
Continued on Page 2
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
A year that changed everything ADVERTISING SALES
637 227 385 PROPERTY
637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.
But while the delays in the arrival of vaccines have forced planners to amend the vaccination program they have not significantly altered the original forecast of the number of doses reaching Spain in the first trimester. What will determine if the objectives of vaccinating the bulk of the population in summer are met are not the drugs that arrive in January and February, which as planned were always going to be very limited, but those that will be received during the Spring and early summer. However, from vaccine hopes to ubiquitous masks and to economic pains, our lives look vastly different from this time one year ago. If you could go back to January 2020 to warn people of what was about to happen, what would you say? The magnitude of change to all our lives back then was unimaginable, the scale of loss unbearable. A year ago the coronavirus was a distant threat but as people were flown back into Europe and the USA from the epicentre, Wuhan in China, and put into strict quarantine, the virus had already arrived. For the first few weeks it was hoped that the situation could be contained but by March the position was serious. Spain was one of the first to implement drastic measures in a bid to tackle the fast-spreading coronavirus. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez first addressed the nation on Saturday evening, 14 March, to announce the moves being taken in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus. Following 6,271 confirmed cases and 189 deaths, he was putting the country into lock-
Infections decrease but hospitalisations continue to rise Infections from covid in the Valencian Community were reduced on Sunday by half compared to the previous day, according to figures provided by the Ministry of Health The department reported 3,933 cases, compared to 7,990 just 24 hours earlier, although hospitalisations continue to rise with 4,494 people admitted to
down. It was only the second time in 40 years that the National Council of Ministers had declared a State of Emergency in Spain. As businesses were closed down, movements limited and as social and work routines dramatically changed, Sánchez warned of “very difficult weeks” involving “enormous efforts and sacrifices” How true his words have since proved to be. Lockdowns and calls for physical distancing led to companies shifting to work from home, travel restrictions, mask-wearing rules, cancellation of major events, and video meetings replacing in-person interactions as people were asked to avoid seeing anyone, even loved ones, no longer being able to hug our grandchildren as well as our continued isolation from friends, family and co-workers, But the lockdown did have some effect and together with the hard work of all those medical personnel on the front line, which was recognised with a daily ‘clap for carers’, by summer life felt a bit more normal, but a second wave was coming, proving to be even more deadly than the first. The first vaccinations, a triumph of science, came too late for many thousands of people. After a year of grief, loss, fear and loneliness, vaccines now offer some light at the end of the tunnel, but still, no one can say when life will get back to normal. That will very much depend on how the vaccination program develops. After phase 1, the next population group to be vaccinated will be those who are over 80 years of age, 2.8 million people, but that will very much depend on whether or not the Oxford vaccine can be administered to people over 65 years old, something that the
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Ministry of Health is currently studying. Although trials have shown the vaccine to be safe, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the reference in Germany for infectious diseases, has said that the sample they saw was not statistically significant in determining its effectiveness in people over 65. The UK government have called the announcement ‘Brexiteering’ while Dr June Raine, the chief executive of the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said: “Current evidence does not suggest any lack of protection against Covid-19 in people aged 65 or over. The data we have shows that the vaccine produces a strong immune response in the over-65s.” Spain, through the EU, has signed contracts with seven companies, to purchase seven different vaccines, totalling 140 million doses, which would allow the immunisation of 80 million people (most require a double dose). The forecast is that by the second quarter, the companies that have already approved their drug (Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca) will be producing vaccines at a much quicker rate, so the quantities being received at that stage will be many more. Spain still forecasts that it will be able to vaccinate 28 million people, 70% of the population, by the end of the third trimesters, by which time it is hoped that life will be getting back to some semblance of normality. It’s been a tough 12 months, but maybe one of the quiet legacies of the pandemic will be that we’re all a little tougher -- and hopefully kinder, too, but it still won’t alter the fact that when we do return to normality we will be a nation scarred by a year and a half in which everything changed, and not all for the better.
Valencian hospitals where there are 670 patients in ICUs. By province, 445 newly hospitalised patients are in Castellón, with 54 patients in the ICU; 1,772 in the province of Alicante, 258 of them in the UCI; and 2,277 in the province of Valencia, 358 of them in the ICU. As for the new positive cases, 373 are from Castellón, 2,006 from Alicante and 1,544 from Valencia. In addition, Health has reported 30 outbreaks of covid. There have also been 95 deaths from
coronavirus since the last update, taking the total number of deaths since
the start of the pandemic to 4,802 people.
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
Bar and Restaurant closures extended to 15th February
Ministry of Health has extended the closure of bars and restaurants in the community until at least 15 February.
The extension was announced on Friday along with a number of other measures that will come into effect on Monday, February 1 and will last until February 15. The new legislation was published on Saturday in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV). The limitation of meetings at home, to only those who are living in the household, and in public places to two people, will remain in place as will the closure of municipal borders for towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants. In addition, the mandatory wearing of masks is extended to all beaches and while practising sports within population centres, whether it is on public roads, in parks or in swimming pools. In nature areas or beaches located outside urban centres, wearing of a mask is recommended but not mandatory. The measures will remain in force until 11:59 p.m. on 15 February. Only those retail outlets that sell products or articles relating to food products, beverages, hygiene products, pharmaceutical items, medical, optical, orthopaedic products, hairdressing services and pet food may remain open beyond 6pm. In addition, saunas, spas, solariums, Turkish baths, spas, massage parlours and similar establishments must close. The exceptions to the two limitations relating to social gatherings are non-professional activities such as the upbringing and care, child minding, care of the or anyone with functional diversity a special vulnerability, the care of sons and daughters with their parents who do not live together and the foster care of minors. All these limitations are justified, according to Health, because the transmission in the Valencian Community is out of control, sustained and with increasing hospital pressure that on 27 January had an occupancy of 42.16% of acute beds and 62, 97% of ICU beds. But while politicians and civil servants pontificate from their ivory towers the real effect of the pandemic is being felt by
those who continue to be without work because of government legislation, as a result of the closure of over 85,000 hospitality businesses in the last 9 months. Despite government promises, on the coast there are still many thousands who have yet to receive any meaningful amount of state aid, and according to OC Avanza and the Cabo Roig Business Associations ‘enough is enough’.
TRAIN STATION DEMONSTRATION With both the Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, and the Community President, Ximo Puig, visiting Orihuela on Monday, in order to inaugurate the first AVE train into the city, members of both Associations spent the weekend manufacturing signs and placards for use in a peaceful demonstration which will greet their arrival. Cars will drive in convoy, up and down the streets adjacent to the Miguel Hernandez station, displaying the banners whilst honking their horns, in the hope that they will attract the attention of the Prime Minister and the President. “Politicians are mainly concerned with votes. They need to see that their inaction does not have popular support. Public opinion translates to votes, so even though we may not get within reach of the official group, the press will have a field day,” said organiser Ray Kearney
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
Pfizer and BioNTech both confirm their vaccines are effective against variants The vaccine developed by the laboratories Pfizer and BioNTech both retai virtually all of their effectiveness against the British and South African variants of the covid-19 virus, the two companies reported in a statement on Thursday. The in vitro tests carried out with the original virus and the registered mutations "did not demonstrate the need for a new vaccine", according to the two laboratories, which nevertheless
underline that they will continue to "monitor these variants and are ready to react" if any of them show they are resistant to the vaccine.
Gun toting thief arrested in Los Montesinos By Andrew Atkinson Jewellery worth thousands of pounds and firearm was seized as dangerous robber arrested in Los Montesinos The thief allegedly used a firearm to intimidate owners. He is a 25-year-old man of Dominican nationality living in Los Montesinos. He has now been charged with seven crimes of robbery with force and one crime of robbery with violence and intimidation. He always chose homes inhabited by foreigners located in residential areas of the Vega Baja or the Alicante coast using the same modus operandi: he chose the house, carried out meticulous surveillance and when people left their properties, he entered them by force. The proceeds of the thefts, including large quantities of jewellery, were always sold on the black market. Following his arrest, agents found nine televisions, an electric saw, a hammer drill, various professional hairdressing equipment, three laptops, four tablets, four telephones, a large amount of high value jewellery and a firearm.
Starting 1 February, the new Ave high speed train service will offer a direct connection between Madrid and Orihuela in 2 hours and 22 minutes with 4 daily services, 2 in each direction, early morning and late evening, offering 1,264 seats.
have two classes, Turista and Turista Plus. There will also be Customer Service Centres where that will provide passenger information. Renfe will use the S-102 model for the Madrid-Orihuela AVE service, the train has 12 carriages, fully accesble to people with disabilities, and runs at a
The service will connect Madrid The Prime Minister will be accompanied by Puerta de Atocha and the Elche High the Community President, Ximo Puig Speed and Orihuela Miguel Hernández stations, and will gradually expand as Over 3,000 students and teachers isolated in Murcia demand and health allow A total of 224 teachers and 2,864 students remain isolated due to having had contact with and one of Monday’s first one of the 1,980 positive cases of Covid-19 in the region, 272 teachers and 1,708 students. arrivals will the Spain Prime Minister Pedro At the present time quarantines have been put in place in in 482 educational centres in the Sanchez although he will Region of Murcia since the beginning of the Autumn term, Monday, September 14. only embark the train, along with Community This represents 31 new cases, 22 students and nine teachers, in the last 24 hours, according President Ximo Puig, in to Community sources. Alicante. The Ministry of Education says that there are 280,000 students and 27,000 teachers in the
The Oriolano mayor has Region, so the 224 isolated teachers represent 0.8% of the total, and the 2,864 students, 1%. said that the arrival of the In addition, 13,378 students and 1,347 teachers have already returned to classrooms after AVE "will mean a better completing a quarantine period. service to people across the entire region and of Committed to punctuality renfe offers course it will also bring thousands of maximum speed of 300 kilometres per refunds of 50% of the ticket price for additional visitors into the area, pro- hour. It has 316 seats divided into the moting tourism at the regional level”. two classes. The seats are folding and delays of between 15 and 30 minutes Travellers on AVE trains traveling on with footrests, with individual light and and 100% for delays of more than 30 the Madrid-Elche-Orihuela line will folding table. minutes.
Playa Flamenca CC Takeaway Service Full Menu Tue - Thur 2pm to 7pm Fri & Sat 1pm to 7pm Tel: 965 325 334 WhatsApp: 630 986 357 or download App (See P11)
Ristorante Pizzeria Cabo Roig Strip Takeaway and Delivery Tel: 965 321 305
La Fuente Centre Takeaway and Delivery Menu on Facebook Page Daily 4pm to 9.30pm Tel: 965 071 875 Mob: 631 745 564 WhatsApp: 666 666 022
ORANGE TREE Cabo Roig Strip International Pick up 12 noon or 3pm WhatsApp: 603 302 879
LANSDOWNE IRISH BAR NEW HONG KONG ASIAN RESTAURANT Cabo Roig (Opposite Strip) Calle Isla Tabarca 11.30am to 9pm Tel: 965 322 660 WhatsApp: 692 643 732
Y.O.L.O If you wish your Bar or restaurant Takeaway service to appear here free of charge, send info by email to:
Ta k e a w a y Fo o d
Playa Flamenca CC Takeaway and delivery Monday to Saturday 5pm till 8pm Lines open all day Sunday lunch from 1- 4pm Facebook or on WhatsApp 634 084 853
637 227 385
Cabo Roig Strip Takeaway and Delivery Open daily 12 noon to 7pm WhatsApp: 672 950 512
ORIHUELA COSTA NEW DELHI INDIAN RESTAURANT Cabo Roig Strip Full Menu Takeaway and Delivery Service Daily 4pm to 9.30pm Mob: 632 178 652 Tel: 966 841 855
THE QUIET MAN C/San Antonio, La Zenia Tel: 634 372 003 Mon to Sun 11am till 5pm Breakfasts, sandwiches, snacks and drinks Orders for Sunday lunches must be placed by 4pm Saturday and collected 2-5pm on Sunday See FB page - The Quiet Man with Emma & Andy
LA FUENTE FISH ‘N’ CHIPS C.C. La Fuente Takeaway and delivery.
Monday to Thursday 5pm to 8:30pm Friday and Saturday 5pm to 9pm WhatsApp to order: 634 116 863
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
and seeds, especially almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds. (if you eat meat, it's also a good source of B vitamins.) And they need the magnesium found in wholegrains, nuts and seeds. Studies have found severe deficiencies of these nutrients in depressed patients. Lack of exercise is certainly another factor, and one recently published study found that exercise was just as effective as prescription drugs in patients with major depressive disorders. Add sunlight and brisk walks along the seafront to your agenda, and your health will improve as well as your mood.
Midsummer Tonic
St John's wort
St John's wort blooms at midsummer, producing those gorgeous bright yellow flowers which seem to have sunshine locked into them. For centuries it has been used as folk medicine for the blues, and a huge volume of modern research has turned it into a strong rival for drugs treating minor depression. Unlike drugs such as Prozac and Seroxat, it is generally safe, with few side effects: in one study of 3,250 patients taking St John's wort, only 2.5% reported side effects, and those were milder than with conventional drugs. It may be more effective, too.
Here’s an idea for you….. Buy a pot of lemon balm and keep It on a sunny windowsill. Crush a leaf and smell that warm, uplifting, cltrussy fragrance. Lemon balm has a centuries-old reputation as a feel-good mood-lifter for when you're feeling cold, down and miserable: 'powerfully chasing away melancholy', as one seventeenth-century writer put it. Put a small handful of leaves in a mug, fill with boiling water and steep, covered, for ten minutes. Drink this three times a day. which most of us have experienced. Then there are the great adaptogens. These are a special class of herbs which earn the name because they are non-toxic plants that act to enhance resistance to stress and fatigue, and improve bodily function overall. Siberian ginseng and Arctic (or golden) root
In a German study reported in the British Medical journal, 571 patients were treated with the drug paroxetine (Seroxat) or with a standardised extract of St John's won. Half of those taking the extract reported an improvement, compared to a third taking paroxetine.
The Moody Blues If depression is your habitual state of mind, a settled, permanent gloom impossible to snap out of, you need professional advice. If, though, it comes and goes, hitting just when life is getting you down, there’s plenty you can do for yourself. And herbs can lend a great helping hand. Over long centuries a number of plants have been identified that can help raise the spirits, bring a little light into darkened lives, and soothe the stress and fatigue which tip so many people into depression. Of course, there's a lot you need to do for yourself before calling on the plants. Believe it or not, diet is a huge contributing factor. Our brains and nervous systems all need good nourishment, not a diet from which the goodness has been processed and refined out. They need the B vitamins: abundant in wheatgerm - there are very few in unfortified white bread - in brown rice and in nuts
Appropriately, this sunshine herb is also effective for SAD patients. Lack of the bright daylight in which humankind evolved is another factor that in itself can tip people into the form of depression aptly known as SAD - seasonal affective disorder which strikes as the days shorten into winter, although perhaps not so much of an cause here in Spain St John's wort needs to be taken for up to six weeks before the effects show up. And don't take it if you are on any prescription medication, including the contraceptive pill, or pregnant or breastfeeding, without consulting either your doctor or a professional herbalist. One added caution: St John's wort can have a very rare side effect — that of sensitising the skin to sunshine. So don't take it if you are having any kind of laser treatment. The sunshine herb doesn't work for everyone. If you've tried it without success, a good alternative might be skullcap. It's one of the first plants a herbalist might consider when treating patients whose depression comes chiefly from exhaustion and nervous debility, as well as the post-flu blues
Siberian ginseng and Arctic (or golden) root are two others. Both have been shown to help depressed patients by boosting general vitality and energy. Siberian ginseng works especially well if you are tired and under constant exhausting pressure. Don't take it, though, if you have an acute infection, and after taking it for six weeks, give yourself a two-week break before starting again.
Next Week Working Wonders - wound up like a clockwork toy
Parents Assn want schools closed
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021 The Valencian Confederation of Parents Associations has demanded "the immediate closure" of the all schools and colleges followed by the complete disinfection of centres. The organisation says that it does not understand how legislation introduced by the Ministry of Health allows mixing to only be possible with cohabitants while in school classrooms more than 20 different non-cohabitants can gather together. They say that every day educational centres are being emptied of both students and teachers by the virus and that in many cases there are not enough teachers to manage their classes. “The bubbles do not exist because, even when arriving and departing on school transport, they randomly mix with many other students”.
Darias was one of the women who led the 8M protests in Madrid, thought to have been the
ground in health her experience in such matters, apart from having recovered from the virus, like that of her predecessor, is zero. She graduated in Law from the University of La Laguna, and belongs to the Society of Public Administrators in the autonomous community of the Canary Islands, She did briefly serve, however, as spokesperson for Health in the Parliament of the Canary Islands.
Darius is describe as a political lightweight main factor in the early spread of the virus in the Spanish capitol. Indeed she was one of the early recipients of the virus, which she contracted just 4 days after the 8M event. At a time when many thought the Prime Minister would appoint a minister with a back-
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They also find it bemusing that the Ministry of Education blames social gatherings when there are new cases while they defend the schools as being completely safe. They are particularly critical of the Minister of Education, Vicent Marzà, One option, they say, would be, to bring forward the Easter holidays, since all the festivities are being suspended and thus on those dates the children could attend school and make up the lost days. COVAPA, the Confederation of Parents Associations say that they hope that the Ministry takes responsibility and “orders the closure of the centres as soon as possible, otherwise the families will have to seek protection in the courts”. COVAPA and its three federations,
FAPA Gabriel Miró from Alicante, Humanist Manuel Tarancón from Castellón and 9 d'octubre from Valencia, all say that the Department of Education "cannot continue to put the entire educational community at risk". They also ask that the entire educational community be vaccinated and that it be equipped with all the necessary means of prevention as well as employing a most necessary figure, school nurses, who, now more than ever, are an absolutely essential part of education centres. A spokesman said that if the Ministry is keeping schools and colleges open because the virtual system is not ready, "let's all look for the formula to carry out the day to day tuition online, but stop putting everyone at risk."
Pilar Council refuses PCR tests for Local Police
Sanchez appoints lawyer as new Minister of Health Prime Minster Pedro Sanchez has appointed Carolina Darias (PSOE) as the new Minister of Health, replacing Salvador Illa, who resigned last week to fight for the presidency in the Catalan elections.
Darias inherits a very delicate situation at this stage of the pandemic, with infections on the rise and with regions requesting new measures to deal with it, such as bringing forward the curfew. Political commentators say that Darias is most certainly not a political heavyweight and that her appointment is the Prime Minister’s way of lowering the political influence in the management of the pandemic . The position that she vacates, as Minister of Territorial Policy, will be filled by the leader of the PSC (Socialist party of Catalonia), Miquel Iceta, who is a firm defender of Catalonia as a nation.
Puig orders Covid burials within 24 hours. With figures approaching a hundred deaths per day, Ximo Puig has ordered an express burial service to be established in the face of the avalanche of deaths from Covid. The option is burial or cremation. But the period following death is not optional: the bodies of those who die as a result of Covid must be buried or cremated within 24 hours and not mount up in hospital mortuaries or funeral parlours whilst they await disposal. The order has been embodied in an instruction issued by the Minister of Health, by which additional measures are agreed in relation to the burial of people who died from coronavirus. The Valencian Government’s explanation does not hide the seriousness of the situation in the face of the high number of deaths: “The spread of the Covid-19 disease at this time makes it necessary that all health security and hygiene measures are taken extreme and, among them, those relating to the treatment of the bodies of people who die from this disease.
The CSIF union has denounced the Pilar de la Horadada City Council for it’s refusal to carry out PCR tests on members of the Local Police force despite the fact that several of them have been registered as positive while carrying out
Dear Editor How can anybody expect the country to ever be clear of the Covid disaster whilst many people continually flout the regulations. In just one hour on Wed afternoon, we witnessed a group of 5 people, thought to be scandinavian, having an organised picnic on the beach and later on, sitting around a table outside of a closed bar. There were another 5 people of asian descent walking along in a bunch laughing and joking. We also saw an elderly spanish couple sitting on a bench who were joined by a couple of younger ladies and then another lady with her dogs. They stood and chatted for all of the time that we were there The only ones wearing masks were the asians. None of the
their municipal duties. The union says that the Health and Safety Committee, which has not met for months, was also asked to carry out periodic tests among municipal workers, only to be told that they were not going to be carried out due to their high cost. The situation has meant that those members of staff wishing to take the test have had to do so at their own expense. The CSIF said that as a result of the lack of concern by the council this week, new positive cases have been confirmed amongst the police staff, infections that could have been avoided if the tests had been carried out. others attempted to maintain social distancing or wear masks. This was just one small area and just one hour on one day. If this is being repeated all along the Costa. ............. we have no chance of recovery. Barry Weston
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
s a road user you’re accustomed to expecting the unexpected.
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
Constantly counting calories is all a cod
read somewhere last week that a person needs to walk six miles to burn up the calories from drinking one can of coke. I don’t believe it; but whether or which, turning everything we eat or drink into a ball of numbers is all a cod and has to stop. Nobody should make a statement, threat, or a promise without meaning it, or spelling out the consequences and not being able to back it up. ‘Eat your greens or you’ll never grow’, I was warned as a kid. I couldn’t eat the greens but I knew I was growing a bit anyway. ‘Eating sweets will fill you full of maggots’; but I ate any sweet I could lay my grubby little hands upon and was filled with nothing worse than a feeling of lack of credibility for all the things we were being warned about. Then of course in our teens we realised we were lucky not to believe everything we heard, or the fear of blindness would have kept us awake at night! All of us have learned that we don’t have to pay a blind bit of heed to some of the things we are told. Years ago a doctor on RTE Radio was hell-bent on cutting out coffee. ‘Anybody who drinks more than four cups of coffee a day is in trouble’ he lyriced. For forty years I drink a dozen or more mugs of it a day.
was being consumed when eating particular foods and ‘burned’ when engaging in the different activities. The benefit of eating more fibre, fruit and vegetable was proven – and we accept that basic fact. Even if you sit down to eat with a calculator along with your knife and fork, counting calories with accuracy is impossible. Restaurant meals are always understated, whilst some foods, like the humble egg has been given bad press, because the experts on these matters claim it fills you with 70 calories. In fact the egg is in itself ‘the perfect meal’ and contains more nutrients than any food on the planet.
Stop counting, I tell you: If you persist in counting those calories it will become your obsession too. You would have enjoyed a can of coke, like me; but then you become depressed from carrying the guilt, or believing that you must walk those six miles in order to purge the pleasure. Low fat this and low fat that – and your body and mind crying out for the healthy nutrients that you know you require.
Maybe, like the sweets, it isn’t good for me, but lo and behold, in last Sunday’s newspaper I learn that five cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s by 65 per cent.
We are what we eat. We also are who we are and what we do. Eating and burning up that energy is quite simply a matter of balance.
At this juncture we must point out that warnings against the misuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco smoking are well justified. What this column is on about is the neurotic, compulsive wasted obsession with an inaccurate measurement of health benefit.
I love my food and eating what we want is one of life’s great pleasures for all generations. But I do keep a reasonable rein on the amount and type of food I eat and I don’t eat as much as I’m ‘able’ and I couple this with a fair bit of exercise, like walking.
Is somebody seriously telling me that if on a night out, I indulge in what most right-thinking people would regard as a moderate evening’s drinking i.e. four cans of fizzy drinks, I then have to walk twenty-four miles to undo the harmful effects of those four drinks? Rubbish, I say.
I am the recommended weight for my height and years – and I do not count calories! It is subliminal behaviour rather than willpower or calorie counting which has the desired effect. It is the gradual, long-term approach to eating which does the trick.
Calorie counting began around the turn of the last century. The idea caught on and people began counting and calculating exactly what
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Calorie counting is a pain in the butt for you and everybody who has to listen to you. You will know yourself if you are ‘pigging out’ on something sometime that is fattening, so just don’t do it again
GARDEN FELIX - Honesty, Bees &Butterflies Honesty attract bees and butterflies into the garden
which is probably better known for its seeds, than its flowers.
Honesty, is a biennial, low maintenance old-fashioned cottage garden plant,
Thriving in fertile, moist and well-drained, slightly alkaline soil, it grows best in partial shade.
Their distinctive flat, translucent papery pods, which hold the dark seeds, are often used in dried flower arrangements.
No need to ever starve yourself either, but try to break the habit of continuous snacking between meals. If you are out celebrating, no need to be the only one passing on the hot apple crumble covered in custard - just because some magazine warned you that it is a numbers trap set with you in mind. The last warning I read was that a scone contains more calories than a quarter-pounder burger; but you see, I don’t give a calorie one way or the other, because here’s one guy who isn’t counting! Don’t Forget If you want to be the picture of health, you’d better have a happy frame of mind. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
The purple or white fragrant flowers in spring and early summer are very attractive in their own right.
into the garden.
Flowers will also attract pollinating insects, including bees and butterflies
self-seeding - they are also lovely for
Leave the seed pods on the plant for adding winter interest into the garden.
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
WE WON’T STOP CARING ‘REACH OUT’ NEAR TO CLOSURE An appeal from David Young, President of the charity Reach Out Extienda La Mano
their cleanliness to some sort of reasonable state. We provide clothing and bedding when requested, and also a washing facility for clothes.
Thank you all for your kind support and help throughout the past year. Unfortunately it has been a year that has brought many sad and arduous times for everyone, in all sectors of life.
We also support 40 families sent to us from Social Services, accounting for 140 souls. Luckily we have been supported by a marvellous grant for food from The Church of Latter Day Saints (The Mormons). This will ensure food is available for nearly one year, ending in July.
We appreciate that the situation is not going to improve in the near future and so I make this begging plea on behalf of the charity Reach Out Extienda La Mano
Due to costs we have had to close our Shop in C/ Dona Sinforosa as it was not bringing in enough to cover its costs.
Even after employing the most stringent means to try and reduce our costs and outgoings Reach Out Extienda La Mano is near to closure.
Our Van which has been damaged while parked in the street at our back door, is now in repair, and will again cost us funds which we can ill afford, if we want to get it back on the road. It’s absence has reduced our capacity to collect or deliver furniture and other donations.
We support 50+ Homeless men and women, providing daily food parcels and weekend bags. Showers are provided to maintain
La Marina’s Holistic veterinary author
ets are man's best friend. They are full family members. And we want the best care for them.
The books, written by Marianne Danhieux teach you how to communicate with your animals. Non-verbal and telepathic.
Our Shop is now costing us to keep open, but as this is our main source of income we cannot do without it. No one is shopping and understandably there is no money in the community; wages are low or non-existent in some cases. Unfortunately we are never included in any of the Ayuntamiento Press releases regarding helping the homeless and needy families, even though we have been in existence in Torrevieja for 10 years, always meeting our Mission Statement, so we need all the help we can get to carry on out our work, helping those less fortunate than ourselves. To try and raise some much needed funds we are now going to have a 1€ SALE on ALL CLOTHES. You could also help by donating to our GoFundMe page at:
Learn to know to which element your beloved pet belongs. Marianne Danhieux has been a holistic veterinarian for more than 40 years and she gives lectures, symposia and writes books and articles for many universities all over the world. Marianne lives in La Marina. Costa Blanca. Now her 3 new books are translated in English and you can order them directly from Marianne, by whatsapp 636 561 919 or mail:
Telepathy is the soul of your pet. You can help them in a natural way, as Mother Nature intended, with homeopathy, herbs, wellness and other natural therapies. Animals can also become emotionally upset, due to stress, fear or behavioural problems. Bach remedies reduce these problems and restore the emotional balance of the animal. Learn more in Marianne's second book. In the eastern or oriental medicine, they explain that every living creature belongs to one of 5 elements. Fire, wood, water, earth and metal. Each element corresponds with the behaviour, personality and physical characteristics.
BITES U3A Torrevieja suspend group activities to April In line with all the current restrictions regarding the Covid 19 pandemic, Torrevieja U3A has regrettably had to cancel all of its activities until such time that the restrictions are relaxed. A few groups had been able to restart after the Christmas break but these were very short lived!! Hopefully, some of the many activities will be able to restart in the near future The AGM which, it was hoped, could be held in February, has also had to be rescheduled. It is hoped that we will be able to reconvene it sometime in April. Further updates on the AGM and all other relevant matters will be notified to members by the normal methods, Newsletter, Website and Facebook. Hoping that we can all get back to a semblance of normality in the very near future.
inister Carolina Pascual and the rectors of Valencia’s public universities have agreed to "the minimum presence of students in classrooms" from the start of the second semester, which mean that all possible classes are taught online. The decision was as a result of the spread of the pandemic but also as a result of requests from student representatives. It will be applied during the month of February and the idea is to maintain only the presence for the practical sessions that are essential. The minister said that the measure will be reviewed depending on future developments.
nity”, she added. The coordination meeting was attended by representatives from
the Universitat de València, Politècnica, Alicante, Miguel Hernández from Elche and Jaume I in Castellón.
“But we must continue to provide quality instruction and to guarantee the health and safety of the entire university commu-
Donald Trump sets up 'Office of the Former President' in Florida Donald Trump has set up an official post-presidency office in Palm Beach County in Florida to "carry on the agenda of his administration" and to "advance the interests" of the former president. "The Office of Former President" will handle Trump's correspondence, public statements, appearance and official activities, according to a press release by the office. The former President quite obviously won’t be going away any time soon
1,010 minks in Spanish farm to be culled after Covid-19 detection Around 1,000 minks at a farm in Spain are going to be culled after a coronavirus case was detected among them. The Junta de Castilla y Leon has ordered for all the American minks at the Avila farm to be put down as one of the animals tested positive. All of the 1,010 minks are said to be asymptomatic. This is the third incident where a mink on a Spanish farm tested positive.
You can find our full menu online at on our Facebook page or at our App
OPENING HOURS Tue - Thur 2pm to 7pm Fri & Sat 1pm to 7pm
Tel: 965 325 334 WhatsApp: 630 986 357
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
637 227 385
rue to its innovative character, the Casaverde Foundation is joining with Vegenat, a company that produces healthy and safe food and ingredients, to develop a study of an enriched diet to improve the quality of life of the elderly. The study will be carried out in Madrid and in the Alicante Province using volunteers from their Care facilities. It will get underway next month and last for approximately one year. The normal aging process involves changes in the body that have a direct impact on the nutritional status of the person. These changes are in turn associated with the degeneration of the physical and functional state, reducing mobility and may increase frailty and the level of dependency.
This loss of mobility is very common in older adults and affects all the body's apparatus and systems, leading to different types of complications and causing significant deterioration in quality of life. The research project aims to carry out a nutritional intervention in institutionalised elderly, with an enriched nutritional supplement that will improve the nutritional condition and which has already shown progress in the healing of pressure ulcers (UPP). Eduardo Enríquez, Project Director of the Casaverde Foundation said, “we want to take a step forward in the care and quality of life of the elderly with this research study that demonstrates the effects of a diet, with an oral nutritional supplement enriched in specific nutrients, in increasing
Costa Blanca charities receive 40 boxes of food from Specsavers Ópticas
the speed of healing and healing of pressure ulcers”. Pressure Ulcers are areas injured by necrosis of the skin and adjacent soft tissues due to the pressure exerted by surfaces that support the resident, for example a wheelchair. They commonly form where the bones are closest to the skin, such as the sacrum, or heels. The research project will be carried out with residents who want to voluntarily undergo the study in the Care Homes of the Casaverde Group in Madrid and Alicante Province, over a year in different phases. The nutritional supplement is administered orally and has a vanilla flavour. Its consumption does not modify the daily eating routine and generally improves the nutritional status of the elderly.
Specsavers Ópticas donated 40 boxes of food stuffs to local charities
THANKS to the generosity of Specsavers Ópticas customers and local residents across the Costa Blanca more than 40 boxes of food were donated to the Alicante Food Bank (Fundación Banco de Alimentos de Alicante) and Asociación Reach Out this January. Specsavers Ópticas are committed to helping those in need in their community and so collected food in all six stores over the December period. The stores in Javea, Calpe, Benidorm and Guardamar donated their food to their local representatives of the Alicante Food Bank, while the stores in Torrevieja and La Zenia chose the charity Asociación Reach out, Extienda la Mano, a local organisation helping the homeless and needy. Mike Stone, a store director at the Javea and Calpe stores, comments: ‘We’d like to say a big thank you to all our customers and everyone along the Costa Blanca who were involved in the campaign for thinking of others and donating. I know it’s been a difficult time for us all, so we’re really touched by every donation we’ve received and know that these charities will make sure that vulnerable people in our area continue to be able to put food on the table for their families.’ Unfortunately, the Spanish Federation of Food Banks has seen demand increase by more than 40% since the state of alarm was announced and are currently helping 1.8m people to feed themselves and their families, so these donations are very much needed. As well as supporting the community through charity initiatives such as these, all the stores continue to offer eye tests using
the latest technology to safeguard the vision of their customers and ensure their eyes are healthy. As an essential healthcare service, opticians are not affected by the latest COVID-19 restrictions and are open to provide the full breadth of optical services to customers, including eye tests, frame repairs and the sale of glasses and contact lenses. Customers can continue to travel to the store for appointments, in line with the latest government guidelines.
The group is currently seeking volunteers from within their centres
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 851
ACROSS 1. List (8) 5. Former Italian currency (4) 9. Unhearing (4) 10. Sporty (8) 11. Obscene (5) 12. Suite (7) 13. Refilling (13) 18. Sniper (8) 19. Anger (4) 20. African spear (7) 21. Blended (5) 22. Knell (4) 23. Rise and fall (8) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
Raise (7)
Unbeliever (7)
Killing off (13)
Profound (7)
Old (7)
Grasp (6)
Relic (7)
Reading (7)
Badge (6)
Warlike (7)
Ignore (7)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Depart; 4 Morass; 9 Circumspectly; 10 Denuded; 11 Adorn; 12 Shape; 14 Devil; 18 Enter; 19 Unleash; 21 Incarceration; 22 Delays; 23 Unless. DOWN: 1 Decide; 2 Parenthetical; 3 Round; 5 Overawe; 6 Authoritative; 7 Saying; 8 Aside; 13 Portray; 15 Behind; 16 Queer; 17 Thanks; 20 Learn. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Tom-tom; 4 Drafts; 9 Consideration; 10 Earnest; 11 Ichor; 12 Brace; 14 Envoy; 18 Ample; 19 Lucifer; 21 Electromagnet; 22 Assert; 23 Stayer. DOWN: 1 Tacked; 2 Minor prophets; 3 Olive; 5 Realign; 6 Flight of fancy; 7 Sentry; 8 Testy; 13 Creator; 15 Camera; 16 Sloop; 17 Grater; 20 Coast.
ACROSS 1. An old towel could make one quite wealthy (4-2-2) 5. You can get a large number in one car (4) 9. Silver artist in India (4) 10. Burns out? No penalty! (4-4) 11. Returning a piece of wood (5) 12. Innocence is excellent in the new event (7) 13. Coins a term for a bike (5-8) 18. Can chair be used in a lawless way? (8) 19. Book a girl (4) 20. Inability to move, i.e. train trouble (7) 21. There's no advantage in having two (5) 22. Goodbye and thanks again (2-2) 23. Pet Simon ordered, showing favouritism (8)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which magical creature played "along the cherry lane"? 2. Which two men have been awarded the title FIFA World Player of the Year five times? 3. Belfries of Belgium and France, the Palace and Park of Versailles, the Town of Bamberg, Mount Athos, the Piazza del Duomo in Pisa and Hadrian's Wall. What connects all of the aforementioned places? 4. Which make of trenchcoat did Humphrey Bogart wear in the film Casablanca? 5. Another word for a topless bikini. Eight letters 6. Carpenter, weaver, pharaoh, army, bull, meat and honeypot are all examples of what? 7. Indian words used in the English language: a: The Sanskrit word for a 'holy message or text'. Six letters, last letter 'A'. b: The Sanskrit word for 'one associated with well-being' and 'a lucky charm'. Eight letters, second letter 'W'. c: The Hindi and Sanskrit word for a 'scoundrel'. Four letters. d: The everyday Hindi word for 'KNEADS'. Seven letters, last letter 'O'. e: The Hindi and Urdu word meaning 'like a crocodile, which attacks stealthily'. Six letters, third letter 'G'.
DOWN 2. An avenger's out to write (7) 3. Is a lion out for contact? (7) 4. Name antidote scattered around the Cape to render harmless (13) 6. IRA lies upset the Middle-Easterner (7) 7. In charge of returning a bird from the sea (7) 8. Harsh way to take religious instruction at court (6) 13. Is paint spilled by him? (7) 14. Closest eastern resort (7) 15. Cathy's new boats (6) 16. Threads turn out to be the most difficult (7) 17. Sees a new section (7)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 8. What was 'Mad Max's' last name? 9. Complete the purported inscription on King Arthur's grave. "Here lies Arthur, ..." 10. The following beach lyrics are found in which songs? a. Redondo Beach L.A., all over La Jolla, at Wyamia Bay. b. But the stars we could reach were just star fish on the beach. c. Flew in from Miami Beach. d. We stood on a beach at sunset, do you remember when, I know a beach where, baby, it never ends. e. One man washed on an empty beach, one man betrayed with a kiss 11. Which EU country is bordered by the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea, Latvia and the Russian Federation? 12. Who can be MARITORIOUS? 13. The name of which alcoholic beverage, often made from the sap of coconut palms, stems from the Arabic word for 'SWEAT'? (yes that is sweat and not sweet) 14. Which two boxers exchanged blows in the so called 'Thriller in Manila'? 15. Which beautiful silent film star was given the nickname 'The face'?
637 227 385
BITES Spain’s antiviral drug success Spain's antiviral drug is 100 times more potent than existing Covid-19 treatment The Madrid-based company PharmaMar has developed a drug, Aplidina, which is reportedly 100 times more potent than remdesivir, the first antiviral drug approved to treat Covid-19. The drug contains plitidepsin, which does not target the virus but a specific protein and is likely to be more resistant to variants. The drug, however, has only been approved in Australia so far.
Catalan’s NASA has lift off The 'Catalan NASA' will launch its first nanosatellite on 20 Mar from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Minister of Digital Policies and Public Administration of the Generalitat, Jordi Puignerb, announced the construction and launch of the two nanosatellites that the government will put into orbit. The launch will take place at 07.07 Catalan time and will help improve 5G connectivity.
Spain extends travel ban on UK On 26 Jan, Spain extended the ban on travellers from Britain either by sea or air until mid-February. This is due to uncertainties over the new coronavirus variant that was detected in the UK last year. Only Spanish nationals and those with proof of residence in Spain will be allowed to enter. In December 2020, Spain had suspended flights and banned travel from Britain.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
Military Logistics Hub to create 1,300 jobs in Orihuela The Ministry of Defence is currently considering the establishment of a Logistics Centre just to the north of Orihuela. It will be built at a cost of 359 million euros and support all three services of the Spanish Armed Forces on a site of over 500,000 square metres and located on the boundary of the A-7 highway CV-868 in the direction of La Matanza.
Orihuela is not the only site under consideration, however, with the military also looking at plots of land in Toledo, Jaen, Lorca, Alzira or Cordoba, however among the advantages that the local area will offer is an adjacent motorway, a nearby international airport and municipal land which the military will be leased at a ‘peppercorn rent’.
Guardamar drugs boat mysteriously torched By Andrew Atkinson A boat that was grounded by drugs runners on the beach at Moncayo, near to Guardamar, has been mysteriously torched. The police and coast guard services tracked the vessel that was formerly berthed in Torrevieja port, which lead to the drugs gang heading to Moncayo and abandoning the boat, before escaping. It was found to have 2 tons of
Cox Police find a cannabis greenhouse
hashish on board that was removed by the authorities. An arrest was made of one of the drugs runners with ongoing enquiries by the police to find others. Attempts were made to refloat the boat, unsuccessfully, and the vessel was awaiting to be removed with the help of a crane. On Monday it was revealed that the boat had been set alight and was completely destroyed. Whether finger prints evidence had been undertaken by the police or other teams is not clear, along with who torched the boat. The boat had been left on Moncayo beach since beaching on January 27.
Two men have been arrested after the Cox Local Police located, a plantation with more than 10,300 marijuana plants in a greenhouse in the Collederos area of the town. A second smaller unit was also found in a house in the La Hoya neighborhood of the municipality. Callosa del Segura Civil Guard learned of the possible existence of an important crop of cannabis sativa thanks to the Cox Local Police who decided to inspect a number of greenhouses, due to their high odour. The Civil Guard took charge of the culminating in the arrest of a Spanish man and another of Dutch nationality, both of whom have now been released on bail. On the same day, a second, smaller plantation was found in a house in the La Hoya neighborhood.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally
Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members
are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed
637 227 385
and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping
Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We hope to reopen in January when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
637 227 385
The land is said to belong to the family of the Deputy Mayor
'The site is in Los Veleros with 10 houses nearby - some opposite.
BENIJOFAR residents' concerns about a waste site in the Vega Baja town are increasing following the Benijofar Socialist group having placed a denuncia in 2020 surrounding the issue.
But, more importantly, we are now lead to believe there are no licences to do it." Heavy Goods lorries are regularly entering the site opposite a residential area where 10 houses are: "The noise and the dust is horrendous. We have been fighting the case since day one, as we were never asked or consulted about the site. "The Valencia Community authorities came to see it in 2020 - and the skips were cleared. We are lead to believe that they were told not to work there - and fined €5,000. "We have worries that talks are now being held about applying for a licence for household waste to be processed, which is a big concern, as it could attract rats and other vermin," said our source. In December 2020 Benijofar socialist group denounced the attitude of the mayor who is allegedly allowing a company to manage the dumping of construction and demolition waste, without an environmental license for that purpose, and
Slightly more than seven out of ten Spaniards (75%) claim to be in favour of limiting basic rights if necessary to stop the covid pandemic, a number similar to that of other countries. In addition, almost seven out of ten (67 %) say they will be getting vaccinated against the virus.
The Government’s electoral commission has said that, despite the pandemic, the current escalation of cases and the stringent legislation in place in the region of Catalonia, that border closures between municipalities will not apply to anyone involved in the 14 February elections, or members of the public who are wishing to attend electoral rallies.
By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive
"We thought it was because of the floods (Gota Fria) - but that was not the case.
Majority favour lockdown
Covid rules relaxed for Catalonia elections
If permission is granted for a house waste processing plant, in time it will affect the rest of Benijofar'.
Speaking exclusively to The Leader, a resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "Two years ago they cleared the area in Los Veleros, then the floods came. At that time skips started to arrive on the site at 7.30am, right the way through the day, until 8.45pm.
without any sanction having been imposed. The Socialist Group in the Benijófar City Council, through its spokesperson, José Luis Cases, denounced the permissiveness of the mayor of the municipality, Luís Rodríguez, in view of the finding that, for almost two years, a company is carrying out an irregular activity in a plot on the industrial estate Los Valeros, without the City Council having applied any sanction. The circumstance also arises that the ownership of the parcel leased to the merchant is said to rest in the family of the Deputy Mayor in the Consistory, the PP councillor, Pilar Yagües. "For almost two years the activity has been operating without the corresponding municipal authorisation and no disciplinary measure has been taken by the mayor," denounced José Luis Cases. “It is difficult to understand how it is possible to continue exercising the activity without having a licence," he said. “In Benijófar, more and more people are now wondering what interests are in the middle, as the operators continue to maintain an activity without a licence, and without anything happening, despite repeated complaints from neighbours, complaints from the local police and reports from the regional administration”, The Socialist
spokesperson said. As detailed by the socialist group, the events date back to the end of December 2018 when the company Contenedores y Grúas Juanmi, S.L. began in the Polígono Industrial Los Valeros de Benijófar, the exercise of the activity of the management of construction and demolition waste. According to municipal records, it only had a simple perimeter fencing licence of the plot. Subsequently, and following the reports of the complaint from the Local Police, it obtained a legalisation license for parking vehicles, construction containers and other construction equipment. Despite not having an express license, it allegedly continued to manage construction and demolition waste. On November 13, 2019 and in view of the complaints presented by neighbours and the reports of both the Local Police and the municipal technical services, when the Mayor, through a Decree, recognised that the activity did not correspond to the license granted, he initiated the corresponding procedure for the protection of legality. The City Council transferred the environmental legality protection file to the company, presenting it on February 14, 2020, a project with the aim of obtain-
ing the necessary permits and authorisations for the development of the actual activity that he had allegedly been practicing for 15 months. The Municipal Secretary, in its report, indicated that...'this request is in process and there is currently no authorisation to exercise it, and therefore, it will not be able to start until it has authorisation.' This is stated in the mayoral decree No. 312/2020 dated April 7, 2020, where it is expressly said that...'the activity that has been carried out does not correspond in its entirety to the one that is being exercised and declares concluded and archived, without any consequences, the disciplinary file having been registered by the commercial request for modification of the activity of parking of vehicles, construction containers and other construction materials.' Similarly, the decree ends by saying that the Environmental License for Treatment Activity of RCDS and plant remains is being processed, and that it does not have authorisation for the exercise: "It cannot be started until it has authorisation." But in practice, depite the denuncia from the socialist group...'since December 2018 the activity has been developing without any problems.' In parallel and due to complaints from neighbours, the
General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Education of the Ministry of Agriculture and Ecological Transition, opened a file, so officials of the National Police Corps attached to the Valencian Community carried out a verification visit to verify the veracity of the denounced events, which were none other than the exercise of the activity of manager of construction and demolition waste, with a vehicle and container parking license. The Ministry of Agriculture, through a technical report, estimated the facts of the complaint as proven, and qualified them as serious, proposing an economic sanction of 5,000 euros, ordering the paralysis of the entry of construction and demolition waste and of any other type.
On the day of the elections, workers will wear PPE kits while working at the polling stations between 7 pm and 8 pm. This hour is reserved for those who have tested positive for Covid-19, their close contacts and those who are suspected of having the disease. The workers will also be tested for Covid-19 beforehand.
Extremadura hospitals recruit students The extremeños hospitals are overwhelmed by the escalation of Covid and are now warning of the situation whereby they are calling on nursing and medical students, as well as retired health workers to help as much as possible.
This file is pending completion. Our source added: "At present the situation that we find ourselves in is that we are having to take legal action, at our own expense.
Heart from Covid-1 9 donor used in transplant
"We are highlighting this situation in order to let the people of Benijofar know just what's going on.
In the first of its kind, doctors at a hospital in Murcia have transplanted the heart of a donor who had tested positive for coronavirus.
Many are unaware. "The site is in Los Veleros with ten houses near the site - some opposite - but if permission is granted for a house waste processing plant, in the end it will affect the whole of the rest of the Benijofar area."
Such transplants are against the current donation protocol but the patient's heart failure was severe, the doctors said. The doctors concluded that the benefits of the transplant, if successful, would outweigh the risks.
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
To Woke or Not
How Society changes in a lifetime, from one generation to another.
By Carolynn Barclay
Nothing unusual in that, as I can remember the disagreements with my father when I spread my wings into business and grasped the excitement of the swinging sixties, a period so different as cheese is to chalk, than the previous three decades of war and recession.
Think of tunes you love to hear, Then pick your favourite song. Imagine then how pleased you feel When you try to sing along.
How is it possible now to communicate to a generation which is in a ‘woke culture’ when ones cogs in the brain do not go as fast as the spinning ones in their heads, which is full of self and me, me me.
You don’t need to be tone perfect, And there’s no reason to be sad, If every note you’re hitting Is sounding really bad.
Of course, I am referring to a group of people so intent on turning the world around it is not bothered by events of the past or their meaning, and how they affect today. I cannot help feeling they are people whose outlook on life is one with no positive future, and being outrageous gives them a satisfying feeling they are at the forefront and are being noticed. This is demonstrated because of Lockdown; last orders are called early at the public houses - disaster – shouts and cheering with the bar staff getting a hard time - ‘We are still talking, chatting and we do not want to go.’
Sing along regardless, It will make your spirits soar. And once you’ve sung your first one, You’ll be keen to sing some more. the caller to talk to her.
But has that change gone too far? The World works on opposites in daily life, business, sport also for attraction. Just recently I stepped It is difficult to comprehend their thoughts for surely the law is the back to allow a middle aged woman pass through a door law and should be obeyed. It follows that if they do not first. My thanks were a snide remark saying ‘Not needunderstand that it is surely because they were not taught ‘Woke’ is increasingly ed.’ What she did not realise is, if it had been a middle discipline in their younger years. used as a byword for aged man I would have done the same. Is the ‘woke’ attitude brought on by some form of guilt? social awareness. All laws should be introduced on a moral basis as well That is very fraudulent if it is because of being spoilt in as a legal format and in the United Kingdom that is how they have earlier years. Do they feel guilty because of the comfortable up always been based, some are hundreds of years old. But in modern bringing, warm houses, transport to and from school? times, when morals can be forgotten, they can lead to anomalies and Entertainment in one form or another, available twenty four hours, it is good to see the current administration occupying Westminster is every day. The only hardship is not getting what you want and taking a serious look at some of them. believing the past is too uncomfortable to think about and should be For instance, trespass, why should it be a civil offence? It took a destroyed. landowner in Essex ten years of court action to remove a group of It was with joy, families were raised in the sixties and seventies with caravans parked on his field. That cannot be right. the new by word of ‘plenty.’ Children raised with only one thought in Hopefully we are looking at a brighter future when reality becomes mind they should not know the horrors of the previous period of war the norm and history and all its ifs and buts are respected because and recession. one thing is certain - it cannot be changed. At last women in that period have blossomed out and are equal in the Percy Chattey sexes. It was in the mid-nineties when there was still division. As an example, my internal office phone rang, a female colleague said there was a man on the phone who wanted to speak to the man in charge. I ‘Percy’s Ramblings’ are available in book form from replied if they won’t talk to you tell them we do not want their busiAmazon & Kindle - ness and to go elsewhere. She was not as sharp as me and persuaded
6,000 students and 1,200 teachers infected in Valencian Community
merican researchers from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that they can find little meaningful evidence that Covid 19 is being spread in schools and colleges in the United States, however, here in the Valencian Educational system, the situation appears to show rather different results. Almost 6,000 students and more than 1,200 teachers are currently said to be infected by Coronavirus in the Valencian Community. In addition, there are a further 20,000 students and 1,100 teachers who are currently in quarantine By type of centre, of the 818,644 Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, Baccalaureate and FP students, 0.7% of the total number of students are positive, 5,777 students. With the application of protocols and security measures, preventive isolation has been established, due to being in close contacts with positives, of 2.5% of all students.
26,000 students are either infected or in quarantine in the Community
So have a think of music That has cheered you in the past. Start up your music system, And you’ll feel better fast. Just turn it on and turn it up And start to sing along. There’s no one really caring, Even if the words are wrong. Choose something that is cheery, A jaunty little song. You can even dance a little bit As you enjoy a sing-a-long. Your mood it will be lifted As your tune comes back to life. It will help you clear a darkened mood Brought on by all this strife. So, get up now and find that tune, The one that makes you smile. Sing and dance like no one’s there And enjoy it for a while.
Regarding teachers, of the 78,434 teachers in the Valencian Community system, 1.5% are positive, that is, 1,206 teachers. With the application of the prevention and protection measures 1.4% of all teaching staff are now in isolation. Despite the figures shown above the Ministry of Education also insists that "Valencian educational centres continue to be safe places for the detection of infections, and the application of safety and hygiene measures helps to reduce the transmission of social infections. In the Alicante Province 98.1% of the nearly 16,700 classes are receiving face-to-face classes as normal. Of the 297,281 students enrolled in the Alicante region, there are 0.8% positive, 2,370 students while a total of 2.8% are in isolation due to contact. In terms of teachers, of the 27,694 teachers in the Alicante regions, 1.9% were positive, this is 521 teachers. In addition, with the application of strict prevention and protection measures for close contacts with active positives, the preventive isolation
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
Pandemic denier broadcasts live from Elche Hospital Woman broadcasts live video from Elche Hospital Emergency Department Elche University Hospital has opened an investigation following the airing of a live video that was broadcast last week, via a social network. It was recorded by a woman, who had sneaked into the Emergency Department, from where she then made her way into many of the rooms and corridors, implying that there is no crisis, because at no time did she meet with patients, despite wandering through much of the hospital. During the video, she removed her mask on several occasions to speak, taking a selfie video, speaking to the screen from through which she was broadcasting, apparently live to her followers, saying that it is a lie that the hospitals are in crisis.
The woman gained access through the Emergency Department
At times, she addresses staff in her path, asking where she can volunteer, as an excuse. All of them treat her in a friendly way assuming she is lost in the building and they go on their way.
This video coincided with a protest in Spain by deniers of the pandemic, although there was no direct relationship. According to the woman's words, what she was trying to do was to show that what is happening in hospitals is a hoax. "And they say they are collapsed!", she repeated several times between expletives, as she walked through the empty corridors.
The video lasts more than 20 minutes and has gone viral. According to health sources, many of the statements made by the girl, indicating that she is in the ICU, are completely false because she is actually in the administration corridor of the unit. However, the distress among many of the staff was evident, particularly in view of the security failure.
BITES 173,000 people receive their second vaccine The Autonomous Communities have administered 1,356,461 doses of Pfizer and Moderna covid-19 vaccines, 76.7 percent of those distributed, amounting to 1,769,055 units, 65,245 of them during the previous 24 hours.
The woman, it seems, is from Cádiz and has recently arrived from London, but her reasons for being in Elche are unknown. Elche Hospital is not only closed to visitors, but the staff themselves are strictly prohibited from accessing areas where they do not work, in order to prevent the virus from being transferred from one place to another, so the fact that a visitor gained unauthorised access to many parts of the building is of extreme concern. The video would seem to mirror those taken in many UK Hospitals at the beginning of January claiming that the government was exaggerating the scale of the pandemic.
In addition, a total of 173,066 people have now received the second dose from which will now ensure their immunity, representing 12.76 percent of the administered doses.
Portugal closes it’s border with Spain The Government of Portugal has announced that the border with Spain will be closed from last Friday, for an initial period of two weeks, in an attempt to contain the expansion of the coronavirus pandemic, which has reached unprecedented levels in Portuguese territory during this month.
Steve is ‘Braving the Shave.” Whilst in lockdown last year, I was inspired by Captain Tom Moore's phenomenal Zimmer frame marathon, which became the catalyst for me to do my bit for a worthy cause. So, I've decided to raise money for Alzheimer's society UK, by not having a shave or getting my hair cut for over a year, when the whole lot will be hopefully painlessly removed! My mother succumbed to this awful illness some 3 years ago, which is why the chosen charity is close to my heart. Having contacted Alzheimer's society, they kindly sent me a pack up, which included a t shirt and sponsorship forms. In addition to this, I will be donating monies that I will have saved by not shaving or having a haircut to AFA Torrevieja, which will amount to 200 euros. Finally, I will be donating all my cut hair to cancer research, which they will use to make wigs. STEVE'S BRAVE THE SHAVE, was originally to be held at Quesada Bowls Club on 13 Mar 21, following the regular Saturday roll up, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, the date has now been changed to Sat 1 May 21 at 2pm. Any donations will be gratefully received, and should be sent to either my JustGiving page (, or given to me in person. Charities have suffered tremendously during the ongoing pandemic, relying heavily on donations from the public, in order that they can continue such good work.
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
BATTLE OF WATERLOO CROWN KING OF BOWLS The Waterloo Bowls Championship five-times winner Gary Ellis talks to Andrew Atkinson in an Exclusive interview about the future of the 114-year-old prestigious Crown Green event. By Andrew Atkinson Chief Sports Editor Quote: 'Once repairs are done we will get a 10 year lease to stage The Waterloo. For that to happen we need to get everything signed off'.
-times Waterloo Bowls champion Gary Ellis says the prestigious 114-year-old Crown Green legendary bowling tournament faces a race against time for this year's event to take place with £75,000 of repairs to be undertaken at the venue - and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. "It feels like we will miss the 2021 Waterloo. It's not been written off - although it's the second favourite to go ahead," said Ellis. The news could lead to the Blackpool Waterloo Hotel based bowls Championship facing back-to-back postponements after it was cancelled in 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Concerns about the future at the Waterloo Road venue are under threat with structural work needed at the stadium. "There's no lease in place at present to stage The Waterloo Bowls this year," said Ellis. Ellis, the only player to win The Waterloo an unprecedented five times, in 2003, 2008, 2009, 2012, and 2014, said: "There is a structure report done and the costs to undertake repairs are £75,000.
Gary Ellis: Five times Waterloo Champion Photo: Gary Ellis
"That figure has successfully been raised. A deal to get the lease has been agreed, but it is not binding at present.
In 2016 ITV-4 broadcast the finals of the Co-Op Funeral Care Waterloo, with BT Sport covering the Waterloo season, with the Flowfit Champion Of Champions tournament.
"Once the repairs are done we will get a 10 year lease to stage The Waterloo. But for that to happen we need to get everything signed off."
The BBC also broadcast live bowls of The Waterloo. ITV-4 live TV coverage of the Waterloo in 2015, won by Greg Smith, had viewing figures of 200,000.
Ellis, from Whitefield, Greater Manchester, added: "We are not going to take a lease right now, with the £75,000 we have raised to do the structural repairs.
The Waterloo in 1907 attracted 320 entries, with the total prize fund £25. In 1986 there were 2,048 entries, the winner receiving £2,000 out of £13,600 total prize money, won by Brian Duncan, a Crown Green legend of the 70s and 80s, winning the trophy twice.
"We cannot afford to run out of money - which could occur, and that is a concern. Hopefully a final lease will be signed and the stadium occupied. "At the moment if I'm honest it feels like we'll miss the 2021 Waterloo." With the future of The Waterloo under threat and no grant aid, or National revenue streams available, the Fylde coast bowling community were asked to do all they could to save the 114-year-old South Shore stadium. "We had to face reality and focus on finding a way. We don’t think we could have the stadium or the stand occupied in 2021, without that work being done," said Ellis. Work includes replacing all steel barriers in and around the south stand and the rear cladding; replacing steel barriers on each side of the west stand; dismantling the whole north stand and replacing it with a covered standing area; rebuilding the damaged east stand wall and replacing the steel barriers and gantry around the Waterloo Shop. Long term, the west stand would need a new roof, costing in the region of £50,000. Ellis said: “We were hoping these costs would be far lower." A monthly prize draw was launched, that raised thousands of
baggy - Flat cap and The Waterloo
pounds at £10 per head, in the huge efforts to save the iconic Waterloo. A public appeal for donations was made in 2019 by the new bowls management team. Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, that lead to all competitive bowling around the Fylde coast abandoned in 2020. "Currently we are in Tier4 lockdown with the coronavirus. You can't make non-essential travel, and as far as I am aware, there's no bowling going on at the moment in the UK. "Our situation will be revised in March - it could be longer - due to the COVID-19 situation and the repair works needed," said Ellis.
During the last 114 years The Waterloo has been crowned the top event in the Crown Green bowling calendar - known as the 'FA Cup Final' of bowling, played at the Wembley of crown green. The bowling club has changed dramatically since 1907, with the stands around the green being the only Crown Green bowling stadium in Britain. Jas Rothwell was The Waterloo 1907 title winner. Dress code was flat cap and baggy trousers. Since 1907 The Waterloo has only missed three years, 1910 1939, and 2020. "We want a new 10-year lease to continue bowling at The Waterloo stadium - the work will need to be done as soon as possible - to secure that lease," said Ellis.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
PRO P.D.C. Order of Merit. Big Movers
expand a bit on how the nationals is set up and mentioned a few of our local players, past and present, who have competed over the years. To take part in the Spanish Nationals, a player only has to be registered in one of the leagues affiliated to the FED. The nationals are always held around the May-Day bank holiday and are an unforgettable festival of darts.
Part two this week of the Federacion Espanola de Dardos, Vice President Matt Smiths' overview of darts in this lovely country. l managed to drag him away from his O.W.S. responsibilities to conclude his fascinating insight to Spanish darts. Readers will note, scheduled for 2022 are the W.D.F. European championships to be held in Gandia, situated about 2 hours drive from La Zenia, between Alicante and Valencia. More news about that at a later date, but for those dart "junkies" in our midst it will make an enjoyable couple of days break, to view darts at its best.
A History of Darts in Spain Pt 2 By Matt Smith, Vice President of the FED (FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE DARDOS) Today I actually picked up my darts for the first time in months. Needless to say, I`m going to need a few more hours/days on the board before I can hit the level I`m used to again. Last week I told you a bit about the history of the Spanish Darts Federation, and I would like to
There are always two singles events (for men and ladies), a pair’s event, mixed pairs, men’s and ladies team event, league selections and regional selections. From one of the singles events we determine the men and ladies Spanish champions. In this event the winner and runner up of the men and the winner of the ladies competition win an all expenses paid trip to represent Spain at the World Masters and World championship qualifiers, they are joined by the mens pairs winners.
** Belgian ace Dimitri van den Burgh now sits at no.10 in the table, a significant move from 29th in 2020, primarily due to his World Matchplay success last year. Additional earnings from his debut in this terms Premier League will undoubtedly maintain his position. ** 3 times Lakeside champion (formerly The Embassy ) Glen Durrant completing a 2nd Tour Card year jumped to 13th from 22nd place, but will now be defending earnings to stay 13th. Finished last year poorly after a bout of Covid, l expect a resurgence of form, a top 8 position achievable. ** The popular Jose de Sousa, Portugal, will be an ever present on tv this year after a massive leap from 61st to 15th slot. The European Tour and Grand Slam of Darts champion will consolidate his top 16 ranking, but lack of experience will cost him another major in 2021.
** Moving into the top 32 from 59th is Devon Peterson, who enjoyed reasonable success in reaching the latter stages of numerous events, a feat l expect to be repeated for this year, but l think he's been around too long to be victorious in the big ones. ** And just to show you what Qualifying School is all about, look at three players earning their Card in 2020, starting from scratch and now in the top 64. Dirk van Duijvenbode now 32nd, Damon Heta 52nd and Jason Lowe 63rd. Not all will rise to the top, but just look at the recent ascent of Price, Cross, Aspinall and van den Burgh. ** Top 10 1st Gerwyn Price £ 1,317,500, 2nd Michael van Gerwen £ 1,044,750, 3rd Peter Wright £ 1,021,000, 4th Rob Cross £ 516,000, 5th Neil Aspinall £ 457,750, 6th Dave Chisnall £ 440,750, 7th James Wade £ 432,500, 8th Gary Anderson £ 421,250, 9th Michael Smith £ 416,750, 10th Dimitri van den Burgh £ 387,750. For all our O.W.S. players, get your tour card and achieve a creditable but modest 50th place like Ron Meulenkamp and £ 79,000 is your booty plus personal sponsorship for a top up and your away. Please do not ask who is Ronny M.
League Selection CHAMPIONS
To date we have had many Spanish champions in these competitions from our neck of the woods, some names you may recognise: Darren Sanderson, 5 times champion in the singles and pairs, currently playing in the Gap team, Kevin Knott back in 2009, ex-England player Gene Raymond in 2002, past pairs champions include Steve Hatton, Matt Robson, Keith Lowman and of course Mark Farmer and Sam Salt most recently in 2016. There is one ladies player from our area who stands out above everyone else, Karen Winter, who has been crowned Spanish singles champion on no less than 7 occasions. The other singles competition sees players randomly divided into 4 groups with the winner of each group winning an all expenses paid trip to
represent Spain in either the WDF Europe Cup or WDF World Cup, wherever they are held.
first team reaching 13 points being declared the winners.
In 2019 James Brown from The Gap and Karen Winter represented us in the Spain team in the World Cup in Cluj, Romania, while yours truly was playing for Spain alongside Karen in the European cup in Budapest, Hungary in 2018.
The Vega Baja team famously won this event in a final leg decider against Málaga in 2017 (see picture). The Vega Baja ladies team (previously Torrevieja Ladies) however seem to have no problem in this event, winning the past 3 tournaments and being victorious in every year they have taken part since 2004.
This year’s World Cup will hopefully be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, with 2022`s Europe Cup taking place in Gandía, Spain. Upcoming WDF Europe/World Cups 2021 WC Copenhagen, Denmark 2022 EC Gandía, Spain 2023 WC Seoul, South Korea 2024 EC Selsey, UK The team events determine the best team, league and region in Spain. In the team event, up to 6 players represent their local team in a tournament with 6 singles and 3 doubles matches in each game on 3 simultaneous boards, essentially a race to 5 points to win.
Ladies Selection CHAMPIONS
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The league selections is comprised of 5 players playing a single leg round robin simultaneously against the opposing team, (25 games) with the
Our league secretary Simone De Lacy was part of the ladies team that were victorious in 2017, alongside Amanda Skinner, Bliss Wright, Diane Dane, Ann Wharton and of course Karen Winter. As you can see, we are the most successful area of Spain in darts; hopefully we can continue the trend and bring more players through to hit the heights these players have already achieved. Once again, I would like to thank Paul for allowing me to explain how it all works in Spain, and I look forward to working with him closely in the future to help maintain the years of success our area enjoys.
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Campos was the man who gave opportunity to Fernando Alonso The former Valencian driver Adrián Campos, has died at just 60 years of age. He was in the process of making the leap, once again, to Formula 1, with his own team, Campos Racing. With his demise, Spanish motor racing has lost one of its most important figures of the last 40 years.
A first half goal by Daniel Wass gave Valencia victory over Elche (1-0) on Saturday in a clash between two teams that were both in desperate need of the points. The result lifts the hosts into mid table while Elche remain second from the bottom, although they do have games in hand on the four clubs above. Valencia were looking to shake off their Copa Del Rey exit by getting back to winning ways in the league. Struggling Elche – a team that had not won a LaLiga match since October – seemed to be the ideal opponents to bounce back against. But there could not be any complacency, and with just two points separating Valencia from the drop zone, this was a match they could ill afford to lose. The Dane’s goal came in the 22nd minute with a welltaken header courtesy of a Goncalo Guedes cross. It was his pass that also found Manu Vallejo who was barged over in the box. Penalty. But spot-kick king Carlos Soler saw his attempt saved by Badia, denying the home side a comfortable two-goal cushion and keeping them on edge for the rest of the game.
His sudden death, which came completely by surprise, was announced on Instagram by one of his good friends, Alejandro Agag, the CEO of Formula E. For many Spaniards he was one of the first Spanish names to make the grade in Formula 1. In the years when legends such as Alain Prost, Ayrton Senna and Nigel Mansell were writing their names in the history books, the young Valencian driver featured in a humble Minardi. He raced for just over a season
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
Spain Motor racing ace dies with the Italian team finishing in just two races: Spain in 1987 in 14th position and San Marino in 1998, where he finished 16th. But it was in the Spanish Touring Car Championship, which he won, that became the great project of his life: creating the opportunity for a number of young Spanish drivers including Antonio García, Marc Gené, Adrián Vallés, Roldán Rodríguez ... and above of all, Fernando Alonso.
The career of the Asturian driver could not have developed without the figure of Adrián Campos by his side in his first years in single-seaters, first in the Euro Open, then in the F3000 and finally in Formula 1. Adrián Campos was his first manager, the man who opened the door of dom of his own. the Great Circus for him and gave him that push toward star- Indeed several drivers on the current F1 grid passed through the hands of an Adrián Campos who, at the end of 2019, together with the Formula One Management, announced that they had achieved pre-registration for the
By Andrew Atkinson The Valencian Community Soccer Federation (FFCV) has sent a letter to City councils of municipalities that do not allow access to their sports facilities to the National category teams in their locality. In the letter, the FFCV urges them to allow National teams access to their sports facilities, as the Generalitat Valenciana ruled in its latest resolution, which allows professional and non-professional teams that are FED registered to compete and train. In the letter sent by the FFCV the necessary information is provided so that the municipalities can find sufficient and compelling reasons to continue with the normal development of the competitions. In addition, the FFCV has attached a series of documents that certify that the authorised local team is participating in an official competition at the state level and of a non-professional nature. This is in addition to the regulations and protocols that are already in place ensuring that they guarantee the safe practice of sport and the almost zero incidence of infections. The distribution of the letter is motivated by the total closure of sports facilities in some municipalities, even for teams from those municipalities that participate in National competitions, which goes against the latest resolution by the Generalitat Valenciana.
TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Puff the magic dragon. 2. Ronaldo (96, 97, 2002, 2013, 2014) and Messi (2009/10/11/12 & 2015). 3. They are all UNESCO World Heritage Sites (in Europe). 4. Burberry. 5. Monokini. 6. Ants (different kinds of ants). 7. a: Mantra. b: Swastika. c: Thug. d: Shampoo. e: Mugger (named after the Indian
New start time for European Formula 1 The start time of European races for the 2021 Formula One season has been set at 3 p.m., despite the request of the teams to bring it forward to 2 p.m. as in previous years, according to the program announced by the International Federation (FIA) last week.
The death of Campos is a severe blow to the world of motorsports
FFCV urges municipalities to open facilities to Nationally Federated teams
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
The wishes of Liberty Media, owners of Formula One, have finally prevailed, even though it promised to look at the option of bringing starts forward to 2 p.m., instead of 3:10 p.m., which since 2018 has been the European start time.
Formula 1 championship with a team of their own. The plan was moving forward, although the pandemic postponed everything to 2022. It remains to be seen if the dream is preserved or without its great mentor it is put back in mothballs.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the first Grand Prix of the season in Australia has been delayed from March 21 to November 21, so that the 2021 season will now begin on the weekend of 28 March in Bahrain. The Chinese GP has also been postponed with the new date still to be arranged.
CD Benijofar top three following promotion By Andrew Atkinson CD Benijofar suffered only their second defeat of the 202021 season in the Valencia 1st Regional away at CD Cox after gaining promotion last season. "Week-after-week the team face each game, and are among the top three," said a spokesperson from the club. Fixtures have been cancelled in January, due to COVID-19 and weather: "When we return in 2021, with the desire we show whoever wants to beat this team will have to do things very good and will have to run until the last second of each
Marsh Crocodile). 8. Rockatansky. 9. "the once and future King". 10. a. Surfin USA (Beach Boys). b. Seasons in the sun (Terry Jacks). c. Back in the USSR (Beatles). d. Sunshine Superman (Donovan). e. Pride (U2). 11. Estonia. 12. A wife. Maritorious means being fond of one's husband. 13. Arrack. 14. Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier. 15. Greta Garbo.
game," said the spokesperson. The return of fixtures is scheduled in February, but that is under the microscope amid ongoing concerns about increasing cases of coronavirus. Reflecting on the 3-1 away defeat in the last fixture the spokesperson said: "The team ran, fought and gave it their all until the last minute at CD Cox. "But we could not turn the game. The Greens had clear chances to get ahead in the first half, but luck was not on our side.
"In the second half, the team suffered from the injuries and in two defensive imbalances, Cox took the opportunity to open a gap. "In the 89th minute Sam took advantage and reduced the score to 3-1. "Despite the defeat, we must not detract from a great start to the season. A newly promoted team, which for the first time in its history is playing in the 1st Regional."
Spain eliminated from Handball World Cup The Spanish handball team will have to settle for a bronze medal playoff against France at the World Cup in Egypt, after falling 33-35 to Denmark this Friday, in a semi final match in which the 'Hispanics' never found a way to contain the Nordic team’s defence. Mikkel Hansen was the star man for Denmark in the first 30 minutes, managing six goals as they took a nervous two goal lead from the first period of play,
going into the break 18:16. In the second period, Just as the Spanish seemed like they were closing in on a draw, Denmark scored two goals from fast breaks at the 24 minute mark to effectively put the tie to bed.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th February, 2021
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