The Costa Blanca Leader Edition 855

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No 855 Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February 2021

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

SUMMER NORMALIT Y Accumulated incidence continues to fall Restrictions should be removed slowly

he projections of Professor Santiago García Cremades, an expert at the Miguel Hernández University, who’s forecasts have been accurate throughout the pandemic, are that we


should have returned to some sort of normality by the summer. The models he is currently working on also reveal a fairly positive scenario for the coming weeks. His projections confirm that the province

is bending the curve of the third wave and that the accumulated incidence (new cases in fourteen days per 100,000 inhabitants) will fall below 200 new cases within just 15 days.

Continued on Page 2



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Statistical models confirm the rate of decline in infections, which at the end of January approached 1,500 covid patients per 100,000 inhabitants in the province, within 14 days. On February 9 they had reduced to 1,100, while at the weekend the rate had fallen below 300 in most town across the Vega Baja. In the last week the rate has fallen by two-thirds. García Cremades says that Mathematical models suggest that the rate will now fall below 200 cases in March but will rise again in April if measures are relaxed excessively, but it

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021 will not be until the summer that we will be able to return to a certain normality. “This is the most positive information that we have had since September, but we must not become at all complacent, because we all know what happened following the summer, and again after Christmas holidays.” For this reason, he thinks that it is very dangerous to talk about any relaxation over Easter, despite the constant tug of war between health and the economy. In fact, he says that he expects another wave in April, which may only be a rebound, or very moderate, like the second wave, if restrictions are not relaxed excessively. As such the UMH

The Costa Blanca continues to be one of the favourite destination options for the British when they return to travel. This is reflected in data published recently by the travel agency, Icelolly, which focusses a large part of it’s business in the Benidorm area. The statement is confirmed by the Community's hotel association, Hosbec which says that the province is one of the most searched for destinations, just below Tenerife but above such holiday resorts as Mallorca, Crete (Greece) or the Algarve (Portugal). The data is taken from two study periods:


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professor advocates a gradual and prudent de-escalation of the restrictions that are currently in force.

Accumulated incidence in selected municipalities: Torrevieja 250, Orihuela 259, Pilar de la Horadada 324, Guardamar del Segura 260, Los Montesinos 60, San Miguel de Salinas, 364, Rojales 241, San Fulgencio 89. (Comunidad Valencia 358) First, he says, should be a relaxation of outdoor activities where the risk of contagion falls 16-fold. “The risk of contagion by coronavirus is 16 times lower on outdoor terraces and amongst those who follow outdoor activities, so

February 1-7 and February 8-14, where it is seen that the Costa Blanca is one of the few that have experienced an increase in interest from one week to the next. For the most part, Iceolly customers seek their trips for stays in September, followed by the months of August, July and October. Therefore, it would appear that any reservations prior to July are likely to be insignificant, certainly for now. The general secretary of Hosbec, Nuria Montes, says that the data is very positive, because it shows that "the demand still exists, and the Costa Blanca is still very much in the minds of the British."

Costa Blanca remains British favourite.

these are the measures that should be the first to be relaxed in the case of the hotel industry, together with variable measures in terms of perimeter closures and schedules, depending on the data of each municipality, as was done after the second wave. At that time selected municipalities remained closed in Alicante Province due to their high rate of contagion. “Just as the curve falls very slowly, the removal of restrictions, even if they hurt, should go the same way. We have to implement an amber traffic light in our heads, not green, and have composure and awareness when resuming economic activities, "says the University Professor.

Ciudad de la Luz and IFA to be mass vaccination centres. Four venues will be used by the Valencian Community for mass vaccination against COVID-19, a process that is scheduled to begin in April, when the arrival of doses increases. President Ximo Puig explained that there will be a centre for each provincial capital, as well as another in Elche. The facilities to be used will be the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències, in Valencia; the City of Light, in Elche; the Congress Palace, in Castelló de la Plana; and the Institución Ferial Alicantina (IFA), in Alicante. In addition, the three field hospitals will be used in Valencia, Alicante and Castelló de la Plana, with free transport available for travel to each of the centres. Each of the vaccination centres will have three separate areas: reception and triage area, another for the administration of vaccines, and a post-vaccination space where people will stay for about 20 minutes to rest. Puig said that taking some of the pressure away from the main areas of population would make it easier for local health centres to continue to function normally." He added that Health was close to completing vaccination for those over 90 years of age, and as coverage is extended to more age groups, those next in line will receive either a text or a phone call, notifying them of the place, day and time to receive their vaccination.


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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


one of the great engines of the economy in the province of Alicante, with 5,400 million euros in turnover in 2019, has shown a greater capacity for resilience to successive waves of the pandemic than some of the others, such as tourism or trade, because restrictions do not scupper a property sale as easily as a hotel reservation.

people travelling to purchase a home. Provia proposed in a letter, submitted to both the Presidency and Tourism that, to formalise a visit to the Costa Blanca, the promoter generates a formal invitation to the client or potential client, justifying his presence to the authorities in the province.

The decision to buy a property is not impulsive, and therefore it is rarely cancelled, but the succession of difficulties since last spring, considering that the key month for sales is usually May, has affected both the foreign buyer and now the domestic one, who was initially compensating for the lack of sales, which experts estimate at 30% of annual turnover.

know the surroundings, but now at weekends the borders are closed, further complicating the mobility of the home buyer.

That is, in the case of home sales to foreigners, about 1,000 million euros in the first third of 2021.

But the confinement endangers this, or at least surrounds it in uncertainty so, without safe corridors like those proposed by Provia, there is no other choice but to wait for the vaccination program to do its job, the temperatures to rise and the curve to drop back to the minimum levels that we saw last summer.


The association of developers estimates that each year, approxiBut that does not mean that it is operating at anything like normal mately 34,000 visits are made to the province expressly to inspect levels with the absence of overseas buyers, a home, of which about 22,000 end up making because of the closure of borders. Most properties Potential purchasers are the purchase. The problem now is that foreign in the province are sold to foreign clients and if not able to travel into buyers cannot come into Spain, the United they are no able to visit, inspect and satisfy themSpain to view properties Kingdom, for example, contributes a fifth of the selves of the quality and satisfactory condition of which has led Provia to business historically. The mobility of national the property, the sale will not be made at this time. ask for a safe health corri- buyers is also restricted, which during 2020 offPotential purchasers will continue to browse in dor to allow the entry into set much of the fall in sales. property and real estate websites, but unless they the Valencian Community "The national buyer, who comes to Alicante from can visit the location themselves, they will simple for those people travelling other parts of Spain in search of a second home, ‘bookmark’ the purchase. to purchase a home. usually does so over the weekends, to get to

"There is a lot of demand, we still see a lot of interest", said one source who operates in the sector, "but the problem is that they cannot come to visit the properties, or to carry out the legal processes. Another promoter said that "in general, foreign buyers have no problem paying a deposit from their country, but then you have to convert the reservation into a sale, there is still a barrier in terms of buying a home without seeing it first." Therefore, the impossibility of travelling to Alicante to visit the property prevents the potential interest from being transformed into sales. Only last week the employer's association of Alicante developers, Provia, asked the Generalitat to introduce a safe health corridor to allow the entry into the Valencian Community for those

Without the pandemic and the restrictions, home sales to foreigners could amount to around 3,000 million euros this year, of both new and used housing.



Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021

JOINT OPERATION SEES ORIHUELA POLICE DISMANTLE ARMED GANG A joint operation carried out in Orihuela, by the National Police and the Civil Guard, has put an end to the activities of a violent armed gang of hooded thieves, that had been operating across the Vega Baja since September of last year.

Other robberies and attacks took place in Orihuela, Callosa de Segura and Redován. In the operation, which was carried out by the Almoradí Civil Guard and the Orihuela National Police, five people have been arrested in Orihuela. All of them are currently being held in custody, charged with ten robberies of houses, nine of them with violence and intimidation. They are also charged with four crimes of illegal confinement of their victims, illegal possession of

By Andrew Atkinson

Arrests made in Benidorm, included a murderer and international drug trafficker, not involved in avocado thefts.

Calpe ROCA teams have also undertaken operations to combat thefts of avacados from Alicante farmers.

The investigations began last September after an increase in violent thefts on occupied homes. The victims reported that the assailants always wore hoods and used firearms and knives to intimidate them in order to obtain money, jewellery and other items of value. If their demands were refused, the victims were handcuffed and brutally beaten. One victim, a resident of Callosa de Segura, was terrorised when the barrel of a pistol was thrust into his mouth by one of the robbers while threatening to

kill him. The gang stole 54,000 euros in one of the assaults, several shotguns, more money, jewellery and even a dog.

Robberies in Marina Baixa include Callosa d´en Sarriá, Polop, L´Alfás del Pi, La Nucia and Altea, where 3 tons

In Callosa de Ensarriá, multiple avocado thefts occurred with four offences on the same farm. The Calpe ROCA Team, in collaboration with the National Police and Benidorm Local Police, recovered 300 kilograms of avocados with arrests made and the owner of a restaurant investigated involving the avocados. The Lambxir operation, formed by the Roca de Calpe Team in 2020, uncovered the theft of more than 3 tons of avocados, valued at more than 12,000 euros, in the towns of Callosa d´ in Sarriá and Polop.

Investigators joined forces and in response to one of the robberies in Orihuela at the beginning of the month they were able to arrest two assailants despite them offering resistance. The next day, the Police and the Civil Guard arrested three more people in Orihuela and seized eight kilos of marijuana, ten grams of cocaine, a pistol, a revolver, a pistol pen, an electric weapon, money, a large amount of jewellery and mobile phones.




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Ristorante Pizzeria Cabo Roig Strip Takeaway and Delivery Tel: 965 321 305

La Fuente Centre Takeaway and Delivery Menu on Facebook Page Daily 4pm to 9.30pm Tel: 965 071 875 Mob: 631 745 564 WhatsApp: 666 666 022

ORANGE TREE Cabo Roig Strip International Pick up 12 noon or 3pm WhatsApp: 603 302 879

LANSDOWNE IRISH BAR NEW HONG KONG ASIAN RESTAURANT Cabo Roig (Opposite Strip) Calle Isla Tabarca 11.30am to 9pm Tel: 965 322 660 WhatsApp: 692 643 732

Y.O.L.O If you wish your Bar or restaurant Takeaway service to appear here free of charge, send info by email to:

of avocados, with a market value of 12,000 euros were stolen.

Concerns about the increasing number of thefts of avocados by professional criminals in and around the Marina Baixa has been raised by La Uniò de Llauradors i Ramaders to the Government Delegation.

A number of people were arrested for that and a number of other thefts.

weapons and belonging to a criminal organisation.

Increasing number of thefts of Avocados in Marina Baixa

Ta k e a w a y Fo o d

Playa Flamenca CC Takeaway and delivery Monday to Saturday 5pm till 8pm Lines open all day Sunday lunch from 1- 4pm Facebook or on WhatsApp 634 084 853

637 227 385

One case involved the Civil Guard dismantling a criminal gang after 3 tons of avocados stolen in the Marina Baixa, were sold in Altea.

The gang was responsible for over a dozen assaults on occupied homes, where they attacked and intimated their victims with guns as they robbed them of their money and valuables. One woman was attacked and held at gunpoint in Rojales for over an hour, with her three daughters aged 2, 4 and 7 years.


Cabo Roig Strip Takeaway and Delivery Open daily 12 noon to 7pm WhatsApp: 672 950 512

ORIHUELA COSTA NEW DELHI INDIAN RESTAURANT Cabo Roig Strip Full Menu Takeaway and Delivery Service Daily 4pm to 9.30pm Mob: 632 178 652 Tel: 966 841 855

THE QUIET MAN C/San Antonio, La Zenia Tel: 634 372 003 Mon to Sun 11am till 5pm Breakfasts, sandwiches, snacks and drinks Orders for Sunday lunches must be placed by 4pm Saturday and collected 2-5pm on Sunday See FB page - The Quiet Man with Emma & Andy

LA FUENTE FISH ‘N’ CHIPS C.C. La Fuente Takeaway and delivery.

Monday to Thursday 5pm to 8:30pm Friday and Saturday 5pm to 9pm WhatsApp to order: 634 116 863


637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021



Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021

HEALTH WANTS A STAGGERED REOPENING FOR HOSPITALITY Barceló proposes a de-escalation with caution, emphasising that the closure of the sector has scientific backing. The Supreme Court rejects the urgent suspension of the closure of the bars in Valencia The minister of health proposed a staggered reopening of the hospitality sector, starting with the terraces as they are open spaces. This is the approach that Ana Barceló presented to the representatives of the catering and leisure employers in a first meeting to analyse and plan the reopening of the sector on 1 March. It was also agreed to create a working group that will meet again on 23 February with the presence of experts to agree more concrete proposals. The minister had already said that she is prepared to listen to the sector, but in so doing she warned them about the impossibility of a 100% reopening, saying that it would be managed with great caution "because this is not over." Barceló defended the closure of the restaurants and hotels saying that it was "scientifically supported" while confirming that the restrictions intro-

Sweet taste of success for National Police

duced in the Community to stop the spread of the pandemic "were not taken at random". The president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, who was speaking at an event in Alicante, said that de-escalation must be "as prudent as possible. " He insisted that the measures adopted by the Generalitat "are not about criminalising the sector, but about making it possible to safely overcome the pandemic and be in a position to get back to normality within an "extremely dif-

ficult" situation. Puig was speaking about the Plan Resistir, government aid of more than 400 million euros, to help the sectors most affected by the crisis. He also announced that an additional sum of 8 million euros will be approved on Friday aimed specifically at the leisure sector to alleviate the consequences of having remained without any activity for a good part of the year, due to government restrictions.

The sweets were sold by the driver for 1200 euros.

They quickly found the abandoned vehicle and after examining its GPS to check its movements they discovered that it had spent over 2 hours stationary in an Alicante warehouse the previous night. The next morning the chocolate shipment was found in its entirety. The person in charge of the warehouse was arrested for receiving the stolen merchandise.

Additional documents now accepted for residents travelling into Spain The Spanish Government has confirmed a number of additional documents for those people who were resident prior to the end of the transition period, that will now be accepted at the borders for anyone wishing to enter into the country. They include proof of application for a TIE, a padrón certificate (issued by the town hall), a work contract, a rental contract, or proof of property purchase. The relevant travel authorities (including airlines and ferry operators) have all been made aware of this list which has been expanded as follows: Residence card issued under Article 18.4 of the Withdrawal Agreement (the TIE – Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero) Temporary or permanent EU residence certificate (Certificado de Registro de Ciudadanos de la Unión) Receipt of application for the TIE (Resgaurdo de presentación de la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia) Confirmation of the positive outcome of your residence application (Resolución favorable por la que se concede la tarjeta de residencia) In the absence of any of the above documents, other documents that credibly evidence your legal residence in Spain before 1 January 2021, such as a padrón certificate (issued by your town hall), a work contract, a rental contract, or proof of property purchase In the case of students, documentation that demonstrates enrolment in an on-site or in-person course and proof of accommodation You must also show a valid passport when you travel and comply with the other documentation requirements, such as a negative COVID test within 72 hours of arrival.


Of every 100 fines issued by the National Police or the Civil Guard in the Valencian Community during the first State of Alarm, 94 have not been paid more than six months after the restrictions were lifted, according to data from the Ministry.

He also stole the truck valued at 70,000 euros but abandoned it in Cox.

When the driver failed to return to the Elche Business Park with his load the logistics company reported him as missing to the Alicante Judicial Police.

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Hospitality now faced with the task of identifying cohabitants

The National Police have arrested a 36-year-old truck driver in Callosa de Segura for stealing 12 tons of sweets valued at 250,000 euros.

The driver had only been working for the Alicante company for 8 days when he returned to Alicante from Germany where he had picked up the consignment.


"Even the Police would have problems”. The hospitality industry raised its blinds again in Murcia, Cartagena, Lorca and 16 other municipalities in the Murcia region on Wednesday, the third reopening since the pandemic began, but one that is not free of restrictions. Terraces may only be filled to a capacity of 75% and no more than two non-cohabiting users or a cohabiting family nucleus may be accommodated on each table. However, the president of the Regional Federation of Hospitality and Tourism, Hostemur, Jesús Jiménez, says that the task of verifying the relationship between diners is a challenge not only for the waiter, but "even the Police would have problems" . He explained that "the hoteliers do not have the tools to carry out these controls, nor can police presence be required on each terrace. Are we expected to ask every customer what his or her relationship is to their companion? Can you imagine what sort of response we will get”?

During the lockdown the government centralised the processing of complaints issued by all police agencies during which time state bodies filed around 100,000 complaints for non-compliance with restrictions and confinement. However, according to the latest data, only 6,000 fines of the total number issued have been paid. Government officials who are processing the complaints filed by the agents have said that a significant percentage of them cannot be processed due to mistakes on the form: absence of essential data, errors in the data collected, etc. It is estimated that over 20% of forms could be affected.

He continued, “the only way that this reopening can be a success is if people act responsibly.

As soon as the offender is notified of the complaint, he / she can opt for prompt payment, which carries a 50% reduction in the fine. This is how most of the penalties paid so far have been settled.

The fight against the pandemic is up to all of us, but the burden on ensuring that those who sit together are entitled to do so cannot be left with the waiter."

The remainder continue their processing, where the offender can present mitigation which is taken into account by officials.

After this stage, if the person denounced continues to disagree with the resolution, they can choose to take it to the contentious-administrative courts, which is what is happening with most of the outstanding cases. The reason being that legal doubts have now arisen regarding the legality of these sanctions. It is now suggested that there could be an avalanche of hearings in the courts with the high possibility that the judges would end up cancelling many of the fines. The appeal courts of Segovia, Pamplona, Vigo, León, Lugo and Valladolid have already dismissed many of the sanctions in this regard, the vast majority based on a charge of disobedience included in the Security Law Citizen of 2015, known as the 'gag law' . Initially, the Ministry decreed that the mere breach of the restrictions be considered as disobedience, but as pointed out by many of the the judges, in order prosecute for disobedience it is necessary that the agents warn the violator of non-compliance and that he / she refuses to abide by the restrictions. Without this warning and a subsequent refusal, there can be no disobedience, according to the jurisprudence that is being adopted.


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La Glea Beach detour opened

Repair works are now complete to the La Glea promenade in Campoamor, which was damaged by DANA almost 18 months ago, and subsequently devastated by storm Gloria. At a cost of 72,003 euros, the road now detours around the riverbed of the Nacimiento river, which flows into Campoamor beach, following the refusal of the Costas, which also denied permission to the council to carry out repairs of its own. This situation meant that Campoamor was split in two since in September 2019 with drivers unable to pass from one side of the Avenida de las Adelfas de Orihuela Costa to the other. Given the refusal of Costas, which the City Council is considering taking to court, a detour in the northern part of Avenida de las Adelfas has been enabled, so that cars can now drive acros to the southern sector crossing a road next to the old viaduct that crosses the promenade. This is a provisional solution that the residents hope is not absolute as the area is often flooded in heavy rain. The council itself recognises, in the allegations it presented to Costas, that it does not meet the necessary road safety conditions as drivers are using a very narrow, one-way section.

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


330,000 EURO FOR COSTA ROADS Following recent criticism by CLARO and Cambiemos that the Orihuela Town Hall was failing to supply agreed material for road works on the Orihuela Costa, in the quantity or quality necessary, the Joint Government Board, on Tuesday, announced that it had approved the award of a contract for the supply of materials for the maintenance of roads and public spaces on Orihuela Costa, in 3 different lots: building materials, industrial hardware materials and paints, to the company Materials de Construcción Zenia SL.

amount of 181,500 euros (VAT included).

The total amount of the first lot is 121,000 euros (VAT included), the second lot amounts to 30,250 euros (VAT included), and the third lot has a total

This will supply the contractors with asphalt, hardware, paving stones, kerbs, paint and other materials necessary for maintenance of our roads and infra-

shall be one year, extendable by another.

Image courtesy of AVOCA

The initial decision by the council to award the contract was challenged legally, leading to it being reassigned by the courts.

structures, although, considering the appalling condition of Costa roads it is difficult to see how this will even come close to rectifying the many problems. The duration of the contract

It was speculated that the motive behind the efforts to subsequently frustrate the implementation of the contract, was to force its abandonment by breaking the winning company financially, through denying payment for work carried out, or to provide grounds for declaring breach of contract and consequently, by whichever means, enabling the contract to be reassigned, presumably back to the council’s preferred bidder.

Warning triangles to be replaced by emergency lights By Andrew Atkinson

Spain’s Traffic Code regulations.

Obligatory warning triangles for drivers in Spain used in case of a breakdown are being phased out and replaced with flashing emergency lights.

The “luz de emergencia V-16” - flashing light - is to be in situ in vehicles, in case of a breakdown or emergency by placing it on the roof of the car.

From January 1, 2021, a series of new road rules in Spain was announced in changes to

The flashing light replaces a warning triangle, behind and in front of a car on the

road, that lead to 20 casualties in Spain in 2020. From January 1, it’s obligatory to have either the warning triangles, or the V-16 emergency light, with plans to phase out all emergency triangles by 2024. At present not having warning triangles in


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021



lthough there still seems to be little information regarding just when each of the vaccination groups are likely to be called forward, the government has at least provided a little more information on the composition on each of the groups and the type of vaccine that each will receive. It is also understood that the injection has now been administered to all those who are 90 years of age and above with the focus now moving to the 80+ age group who are receiving the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The Health Ministry has confirmed that the pace of vaccination will ensure that 80% of those 80 and over will be immunised by late March. But regional governments have not ventured to offer specific

By Andrew Atkinson of new variants of coronavirus that was put in place in mid-February. UK nationals or residents returning from 33 "red list" countries - deemed hotspots with Covid-19 variants in circulation - are required to quarantine in hotels for 10 days. The Daily Telegraph reports that a Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said: “If more countries are added to the ‘red list’, and passenger numbers from ‘red list’ countries start to increase, then we are prepared to put in place managed quarantine facilities at the required airports. "We are monitoring the situation closely, and have extensive contingency plans dependent on the changing situation.” Officials are said to be considering expanding the list of countries, where travellers must isolate in a Government-approved hotel on arrival to the UK. The latest data on the risk of new variants from Spain will be scrutinised before ministers at the Cabinet Covid Operations Committee decide if they should be added to the list. Spain has reportedly had local transmission of new variants, geographically linked to Portugal, who are subject to UK foreign travel bans. The new measures are a bid to stop the spread

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dates. Andalusia, Aragón, Murcia, the Canary Islands, Cantabria, Catalonia and the Valencia region, however, have announced that they are already vaccinating this group. Once this group is complete those who are 70 to 79 years of age will be called. They too will receive the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine. Both are administered in two doses. Thereafter it will be the turn of those who are 60 to 69 years of age, and high-risk patients under 60, also to be inoculated with the RNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna. The Group 4 category are those who are under 60 years of age with highrisk health conditions, who will also receive vaccines from Pfizer and

Moderna. It remains to be determined which vaccine will be administered to people between the ages of 55 and 60 with no underlining health conditions. The AstraZeneca vaccine will be used for Group 5, people aged 45 to 55 years. At the moment, almost 1,120,000 people are immunised, 2.3% of the population in Spain. Spain is expecting to receive four million vaccine doses this month. Around 2.1 million doses will have to be administered a week in the second quarter of the year in order to reach the overall goal of vaccinating 70% of the population before the end of the summer.

Primary Care doctors criticise mass vaccination centres Horadada ambulances

Spain could be added to UK 'red list' with travellers having to quarantine in hotels Spain could be added to the UK 'red list' of countries - with travellers having to quarantine in hotels at their own cost.


Ministers are to meet in the last week of February, where they will reportedly decide if Spain - along with the USA - should be added to the "red list". Under the rules travellers arriving in England must quarantine in a hotel - at their own cost if they have been in one of the Government's 33 "red list" countries, covering Portugal, the United Arab Emirates, South America and southern Africa, in the past 10 days. The UK has banned direct flights from those locations. Passengers must take connecting flights, mixing with passengers from countries not on the list.

The Valencian Community has announced the locations of its Mass vaccination Centres, the closest of which, for residents of Orihuela Costa and Torrevieja are Ciudad de la Luz in Elche, and the IFA close to Alicante airport. There ae further sites in Valencia and Castellon. In view of advice issued over the weekend by doctors in Preventive and Family and Community Medicine, perhaps their distance is no bad thing. The experts have joined together to recommend that vaccinations are carried out in Primary Care and not in major centres. The announcement comes following their difficulties in gaining meetings with Minister Ana Barceló where they had hoped to directly express their opinions. The group says that hospitals or specialist teams would usually carry out the high-risk vaccinations while Primary Care teams undertake the general vaccination campaigns. Now, due to their experience, they should also be responsible for vaccination against Covid-19. They add that vaccination must be carried out under the protection of a joint strategy between Primary Care and hospitals. At a meeting between the Society of Preventive Medicine and Family and Community Medicine, it was proposed to continue developing the vaccination strategy based on age, as this is the main risk factor for serious disease and mortality, as well as vaccinating those under 60 years of age with high-risk conditions. They say that, “vaccinations should be allowed to continue in the present coordinated manner, in those hospital centres where Preventive Medicine services have adequate human resources and in the 13,000 Primary Care teams that exist in Spain.”

support vaccination campaign The Pilar de la Horadada Council has made available two Municipal Ambulances for use by the health centre in the vaccination campaign. The vehicles will be used to go to the homes of those people who, due to their condition, cannot travel to the Health Centre to be vaccinated. In many other municipalities, this service is covered by the Generalitat Valenciana 112 ambulance service. In providing the service the Council can thereby ensure that those people who are unable to leave their homes do not have to wait several days to be vaccinated.


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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021

DANCING AT THE RIT Z! International Dance star Katie Street talks to Andrew Atkinson in Part 2 of a Leader Exclusive interview, talking about her opportunity alongside Vincent Simone in Spain, appearing at the world famous The Ritz, Ferrari World and The Emirates Palace; hobbies, favourite food and who she would like to meet. TORREVIEJA based Katie Street is thrilled to have an opportunity in Spain to be alongside Italian born Strictly Come Dancing star Vincent Simone. "At this moment I have an opportunity to have dance practice and teaching with world famous dancer, and the 'King of Tango', Vincent Simone," said Katie. "I first met Vincent in the European dance competition in Sweden," said Katie, who appeared with Vincent last year in Quesada.

Teachers to receive free Face Masks More than 80,000 teachers working in the Valencian education sector are to be issued with free FFP2 face masks rom public funds. All teachers and non-teaching staff will receive a mask a day through to the end of the term at a cost of just over 3 million euro.


Boost for Catalonia Independence Elections in Spain's Catalonia region have given Catalonia separatists a shot in the arm, leading to renewed calls for an independence referendum. Three pro-independence parties secured over half of the vote in elections for the first time, winning 74 seats. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's Socialist Party won the most votes, but will probably need support from the separatists to form a coalition.

Katie, whose opportunities have been limited, due to the coronavirus lockdown, said: "Due to the coronavirus outbreak there are very limited opportunities and it is also very difficult for practice, performances and teaching."

A spokesman said the health of and safety of all those staff working in the sector is paramount if we are to keep our childen in education during this period.

Having met a plethora of celebrities and stars Katie revealed who she would like to meet: "I have met most of the world's top dancers and teachers, but the person I would most like to meet is Andriano Celentano," said Katie.

Demonstrations in Barcelona and Madrid following arrest of Rapper

Octogenarian Adriano Celentano, 83, is an Italian singer-songwriter, musician, actor and film director. Dubbed "il Molleggiato" because of his dancing, he has released many record albums with enormous commercial and critical success. Having appeared in leading star studded venues, asked which was the best, Katie said: "It’s very difficult to choose my favourite place, having performed in many International venues, including The Ritz and Trafalgar Square. "Also in UAE at Emirates Palace and Ferrari World." Away from dance, Katie revealed how she relaxes: "My hobbies include spending time with my two little dogs and watching Horror Movies - with my favourite food being Georgian barbecue shashlik," said Katie.

The far-right to Vox party also managed to enter a regional parliament for the first time.

Street protests that began in Barcelona over the arrest of Spanish rapper Pablo Hasél extended to many other cities, including Madrid, leading to clashes between supporters of the musician and riot police. Thousands of demonstrators, mostly youths, had gathered to demand the release of the singer, who was recently convicted of praising terrorism and insulting the Crown on social media. His case has reignited a debate over the limits of freedom of speech in Spain. On Saturday night in Barcelona, demonstrators looted luxury stores and shops as well as erecting barricades and setting street furniture on fire, leading to dozens of arrests. Amnesty International has called the rappers arrest “a threat to freedom of expression”.


Wisdom on tap. “It’s a ‘fret’ all you can learn in a pub”; thus speaks a man I know round home. I suspect though, that the man in question attempts to justify the extended periods he spends in his favorite academy. Bet you have never looked on your local pub as a place of learning? You know about Pub Grub, Pub Entertainment, Pub Dating, - you have heard of Pub Culture even; but it never occurred to you, that under your nose, in the pub, is a vast source of knowledge? – Knowledge so advanced that it constitutes a ‘fret’! This column is about to change all that: I guarantee someone has the answer to everything in an Irish Pub. I furthered my education in the pub. I know how to finish 102 in three darts; where to spot the pink ball; how to back accumulators and three-crossed doubles; I learned a Blue beats a Run and that trying to fill in the middle is not a good idea! But the most important lesson to be learned is not to spend too much time in the pub, unless you own it and not too little time if you do!

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


Of course, the pub is the second best place to watch your favorite sport. (Other than attending the match) I have heard many “good ones” in pubs over the years. I”ll just give two examples, one from Spain and one from about forty years ago.

The word ‘pub’ comes from ‘public house’. The PublicHouse has played a major part in all aspects of Irish life; history, literature and politics. It has always been the principal meeting place for a community. Deals are done, teams are picked and the dead are waked. Of course churchmen preach that it is the temple of Satan and with some justification – but for the purpose of this exercise, we shall deal on the positive side. Nobody ever lifts the glass to your lips only your own hand.

“For chrisake, Buddy, my name is Tommy, if you wana have a drink with me”. Bobby wanted to have a drink all right! “Yes you are Tommy --- but you have a brother who looks more like you, than you do yourself”! Face saved, thought Bobby!

Like everything else, the pub scene has changed a lot in recent years. The most welcome change in attitude is that you can now call for a coffee or a bottle of water and nobody bats an eye or chokes on their pint of Guinness. Lord Almighty, what would The Blacksmith McCabe or Jack Murtagh have thought of a man paying good money, to drink water out of a bottle!

A conversation in ‘Paddy’s Point’ turned to a wedding video scam in Cork. One man asked how any wedding could cost so much. Another, obviously better informed, gave a breakdown of costs – which led to a debate on the merits, or otherwise, of having the wedding videoed.

Irish writers and playwrights got so much of their material in the pub, the best in the world for this.

“I’m glad there was no video in my day”, spoke long time “dismarried” Tomas O’Briain; “or I would have to play it backways to get a happy ending”! A pub will often spring the unexpected on you. It is important to remember this. In December of 1968 I arrived home from the Canadian Bush,

GARDEN FELIX ......... Orchids - a wonderful plant


rchids are a wonderful plant and possible to keep thriving for years - with dedicated care and attention. The most common way to harm an orchid is by over watering. The rule is to ensure the plant is not constantly sit-

Everyone was equal in the pub, each individual accepted for being what he is – himself. The conversation can shift and sway and most often it is the one liner from the least intellectually equipped which will be remembered.

It was Monday evening. Bobby Trapp didn’t do Mondays and was having a few pints in the pub I worked in, in Ballinasloe. A guy by the name of Coen, home from America, dropped in. Bobby knew the family, but in trying to make conversation, he called Coen four different Christian names – all wrong!

In the ‘good old days’, a man only called for a soft drink in a pub if he were, (a) ‘off it’ for Lent, (b) ‘off if’ for the month of November, (c) a b****x.

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ting in water, as it will cause the roots to rot. Use a finger to poke deep into the pot and if the the mix is wet or damp, don't water it. If the mix is dry, water it, avoiding tap water, using distilled or boiled water.

Humidity is important, as it recreates the conditions of its natural habitat and can be recreated by spray-misting regularly with a fine mist spray bottle. Avoid direct sunlight as they will get burnt. An ideal place is in a room that

mostly thirsty. I went in to Bartley’s Bar in Drumcree and all I wanted was the rake of beer. I left with the daughter, who is now my wife. Lads, above all ever happens to you, don’t mix yer drink! Don’t forget A friend of mine only takes one drink and this is his reasoning: ‘One is just right, two are too many – and three isn’t enough!’ *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

stays at a consistent temperature throughout the day, away from drafts, fruit and receives indirect sunlight.

the week that you feed it. Very dark green drooping leaves can be a sign of over-fertilising.

Use a liquid feed when you see the orchid actively growing. Don't pour on or over leaves, as this will cause burning.

After the flower has drooped or fallen off it is time to prune. Trim the stem, just above the stem notch-node, where the first flower had bloomed allowing a new shoot to emerge.

Remember not to water the orchid on


637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


CALLS FOR EASTER RESTRICTIONS Valencia Community President Puig calls for mobility to be limited over Easter holidays With Easter a little over 5 weeks away we are hoping that the various levels of government have all learnt their lessons regarding freedom of movement during the holiday period, after the absolute carnage that we saw following the Christmas and the Three Kings breaks. With the general public at liberty to travel at will, there is no doubt that the dramatic spread of coronavirus we saw during January was largely attributable, particularly in the southern Costa Blanca and Costa Calida, to the mass exodus of city dwellers to the coast. It is only now that we are beginning to

see a drop in the number of infections following many weeks in which the pandemic has had the upper hand. In an appeal to the Government on Friday, the President of the Valencian Community, Ximo Puig, called on Communities and the Government to reach an agreement in limiting mobility during the Easter period because "We think that the position should be the same across the whole of Spain, because it is especially important to consolidate now. If we consolidate, probably in the coming months, we will then have more opportunities to move towards normalisation with

greater vaccination and greater capacity to contain the pandemic," he said. Regarding the easing of restrictions at the beginning of March, he added that the effort already made cannot be "wasted", stating that “we cannot relax just yet as the situation is still very difficult and the risks are still extremely high." On Friday, the Valencian Community recorded that its Accumulated Incidence (AI) was below 300 points for the first time since 5 January: 295.44 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants, less than one point above the Spanish average of 294.72.


Orihuela councillor investigated for workplace harassment.

And follow in the footsteps of our neighbours and have independence for the coast. First there was the €72,000 spent on touching up a small area around Campoamor Beach. There is a debate now as to whether it will survive the next Dana, as the last one gave way so easily,

A technical supervisor has been on sick leave since 9 February due to anxiety, claiming to suffer from "pressure and interference" and "degrading treatment" by the Councilor for Infrastructure, Ángel Noguera of Ciudadanos, who he accuses of “workplace harassment”. His complaint has been submitted to the council’s Occupational Risk Prevention department According to the Spanish newspaper Informacion, the supervisor says that, since the councillor Ángel Noguera, took over the responsibilities for Infrastructure, “the interference in my technical work and the operation of municipal contracts has been constant, hindering the necessary technical independence and continuously criticising my work, always addressing me in degrading terms, dictatorial treatment, and lowering my status and practically ignoring my technical advice, in favour of other people he trusts”.

Vehicle checks in La Zenia

In his complaint he says that these pressures are "without technical or legal justification" adding that he has been receiving "humiliating treatment" by the councillor. Municipal sources confirm that the council will open an investigative commission into the matter, while Ángel Noguera, who said that his work has always been thoroughly professional, refused to make a statement.

And now there are questions being asked about the awarding of the contract for road repairs and infrastructure, which is worth nearly €333,00, but only a fraction of what is really needed to make an impact on the numerous defects. There are also rumours that the council is deliberately making it difficult for the contractor to operate by withholding payments, and the contractor is now alleging that the council is sup-

plying materials of insufficient quantities and quality. This will be brought up at the next plenary by a coalition party. Why……because this contractor is not and was not the preferred party. The council awarded the contract to another party but was taken to court and lost, which is most ominous, and sets the alarm bells ringing about the reasoning behind it. And now there is the contract for cleaning the beaches which is worth €372,000 per year. Should this contract be investigated? The reason for the council to award this contract “is a shortfall of staff due to deaths and disabilities, and only having one tractor,” (you can’t make these stories up). There are far far too many questions needing to be answered

about just how this council operates and quite how it is sourcing its contracts. Here is a short extract from another party’s concern about what is going on: “For this reason, both groups demand "that transparency be thrown" on this situation that affects various areas of the Local Government, such as Infrastructure and Contracting, and of which the mayor of Orihuela also has full knowledge and has been a part, they said. Last year our mayor talked about transparency but seemingly this is a word our council does not understand. All this is Making PIOC’s case for independence even more stronger and will certainly unite the coast for the elections in May 2023

ALL THAT JAZZ! Help with “Plan Resistir” in Torrevieja The “Plan Resistir” is a direct aid plan aimed at the self-employed, freelancers and small companies in the hotel, restaurant, leisure, cultural and sports sectors.

It is a joint effort in which the Government, Provincial Council and City Council all collaborate. However those individuals or businesses who feel that they might qualify for such aid only have 15 working days in which to submit their requests starting on Monday 22 February through

Andrew Atkinson talks Exclusively to former model and Casino Blackjack dealer Anita van de Berg - Lady Jazz - influenced by Billy Holliday and Amy Winehouse, who made her singing debut in Spain in Benijofar, and was the supporting act in Torrevieja for Earth, Wind and Fire. Coming soon ONLY IN THE LEADER.

to Friday 12 March.

Torrevieja council have a highly informative website dedicated to all aspects of available aid during the Covid pandemic at the website: They have even set up a dedicated office in La Plasa Building situated at the corner of C/Joaquin Chapaprieta in the town. It is open Mon – Fri 9am to 1pm with telephone enquiries on 965 07 4310

Torrevieja extends closure of municipal centres and parks.

formances and events previously suspended. In the Palacio de la Música, only the Municipal Conservatory may continue, as it is a regulated teaching activity.

Following moves by the Generalitat at the weekend the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, has extended the closure of municipally owned facilities to March 1.

In the Sports City, competitive events, training and other similar activities for all group or individual sports are suspended.

As such, the closure of cultural and sports centres will remain, the capacity in the libraries will stay at a maximum of 30% and municipal parks will close at 6:00 p.m., in addition to which all play equipment will be disabled. There will be no cultural activities in the Municipal Theatre and Virgen del Carmen Cultural Centre, adding to the stoppage of per-

Exceptions are those sports clubs that are involved in national or international competitions, and federated athletes who are preparing for national or international competitions. The closure of municipal parks and green areas will remain at 6pm. Weekly markets in Torrevieja and La Mata will continue and the “La Plasa” Food Market will also continue its activities.

You can find our full menu online at on our Facebook page or at our App

OPENING HOURS Tue - Thur 2pm to 7pm Fri & Sat 1pm to 7pm

Tel: 965 325 334 WhatsApp: 630 986 357


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


637 227 385


busy week for me last week as I organized a fundraiser for a local pub & B&B that burnt to the ground leaving not just the owner homeless but also some homeless people that were staying there in emergency accommodation, so with times being hard enough, this was another unnecessary blow to all involved. Please God it’ll all come good for them again soon. I’ve been watching videos of friends on the Costa Blanca pouring their hearts out, looking straight down the camera so deflated & drained.

PAUL CULLEN his week I’ve decided that it’s the turn of one of


our local entertainers here on the Costa Blanca, so I’ve turned the spotlight on the popular

Luton born singer and musician Paul Cullen. Born to Irish parents and a very proud Irishman, Paul has lived in Spain for almost 18 years. He is a great friend and we have worked together both on stage and on the airwaves. I’m sure you have seen him manies a night in Paddy’s Point, La Zenia where he was resident entertainer, for that time playing almost 4,000 gigs…so far! He also performed in The Bog Road, Cabo Roig and more recently in O’ Riordan’s also Cabo Roig. I set him the task of answering 5 very random questions knowing he wouldn’t disappoint. What do you miss the most about home? My family, like a lot of people I’m sure. I haven’t seen my Mother or kids in over a year …… Oh for a hug. What is a positive thing you can take away from this pandemic? Not much really, other than the terrific community spirit where I live and people looking out for each other. What is your favourite thing about living in Spain? Tough to give just one thing but I suppose the sun makes everything better. Which musician past or present would you like to do a duet with? Too many to mention but at a push, Paul McCartney. If you weren’t a musician, what other job do you think you would be doing? Would have to be radio, my first love. Check out Paul’s Facebook page Paul Cullen Singer/Guitarist for live online gigs and news on his upcoming new album.

This in a place that is normally full of tourists, laughter, sun, a healthy social life and I have to admit that they are heartbreaking to view. Everyone of them being let down with broken promises of financial government support. I would just like to give them a public message of support and thank them for the years of hard work they

Everyone of the videos talks of the government’s broken promises of financial support. they’ve put into making people feel welcome and giving them a holiday to remember. Those good times are just around the corner, so let’s keep being each other’s stepping stones until we reach the finishing post. Don’t be afraid to send a message, pick up the phone and chat when you feel that you need

it. Time flies when you put pen to paper, but don’t forget to join me Monday to Friday at 10am on Fresh Radio Spain and also on the Live Lounge Costa Blanca page on Facebook every Thursday and Saturday night. Have a good week and stay safe x


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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021





Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 854

ACROSS 3. Foil (9) 8. Midday (4) 9. Superiority (9) 10. Hire (6) 11. Ladle (5) 14. Supple (5) 15. Tack (4) 16. Era (5) 18. Smear (4) 20. Due (5) 21. Slip (5) 24. Soothe (6) 25. Artificial (9) 26. Robe (4) 27. Constant (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 17. 19. 22. 23. 24.

Break (9) Negligent (9) Discourteous (4) Rascal (5) Allowance (6) Roman garment (4) Concur (5) Beach (5) Guide (9) Straightening out (9) Slum (5) Fruit (6) Scratch (5) Component (4) Singer (4)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Mice; 3 Estrange; 8 None; 9 Dramatic; 11 Praiseworthy; 13 Lustre; 14 Pamper; 17 Particularly; 20 Mystical; 21 Taxi; 22 Tendered; 23 Mesh. DOWN: 1 Monopoly; 2 Canvass; 4 Shrewd; 5 Remarkable; 6 Notch; 7 Each; 10 Escritoire; 12 Crayfish; 15 Partake; 16 Scrape; 18 Arson; 19 Emit. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Pack; 3 Sinister; 8 Laid; 9 Daughter; 11 Make the point; 13 Catkin; 14 Stucco; 17 Face the music; 20 Seaboard; 21 Muse; 22 Dispense; 23 Bede. DOWN: 1 Polemics; 2 Cricket; 4 Images; 5 In good time; 6 Titan; 7 Rare; 10 Strike home; 12 Concrete; 15 Costume; 16 Shorts; 18 Amass; 19 Used.

ACROSS 3. As far as possible push reporters into their own houses? (5,4) 8. Evidence of crying for rip (4) 9. Suddenly everybody was together (3,2,4) 10. Provoke when seen, we hear (6) 11. Ships that are fast? (5) 14. Throw out unknown factor in mixed peel (5) 15. One hurried round in the wet (4) 16. Mislay ring in it - that is not tight enough (5) 18. Trial of brute strength (4) 20. A ray of light to the side of the ship (5) 21. Initially this is generally held to close (5) 24. In this sphere now nobody earns fame (6) 25. Stones in a mix-up cause excitement (9) 26. One side departed (4) 27. Trying to get judgement changed is attractive (9)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which male animal is called a Tom or a Jake? 2. What is the well-known Arabic word for 'The Island' or 'The Peninsula'? 3. Which two semaphoric letters are found on the iconic 1960s peace symbol? 4. Duffel bags and Duffel coats. In whic EU country is the town Duffel located? 5. Alec Guinness, Robert Carlyle, Anthony Hopkins and Ian McKellen have all played which 20th century historical figure? 6. A bicycle manufacturer, a US state capital and a county in West Virginia are all named after which Englishman? 7. In which Asian country is the coldest capital city in the world? (based on the mean annual daily temperature) 8. Based on the total amount of visitors each year, name the three most popular museums in the world? 9. The unrest in which Asian country in 2007 was called 'The Safran Revolution'? 10. The following are the last words to which number one UK hit songs from 1970? a. Nobody knows like me. b. I will ease your mind. c. Go to the place that's the best. d. And we got to get ourselves back to the garden. e. Go back where you been

DOWN 1. A bitterly free rendering (2,7) 2. After the month end, when the salute is taken? (5,4) 4. Govern by regulation? (4) 5. Not very big manuscript put up by everybody (5) 6. Past President's cleaner? (6) 7. Silicate economically produced in part (4) 9. A levy on using coral reef (5) 11. Facade of van (5) 12. Carry 100 across and seek shelter (4,5) 13. Shortly part of item of meeting record (2,1,6) 17. Consumed in haste - a tendency to be discouraged (5) 19. Fabric from tip-top distribution (6) 22. The Spanish at very warm inn (5) 23. Male finds record of assistance (4) 24. Horse galloped round ring (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 11. With 202,080 km, which country has the longest coastline in the world? a. Australia b. Indonesia c. Russia d. Canada 12. According to Amnesty International, in which five countries were the most people executed in 2115. 13. The 1994 FIFA World Cup final was played in Pasadena. What is the name of the stadium? 14. Dirk, Ka-bar, Sykes-Fairbairn, Kukri and Basilard are all examples of what? 15. In which country were the following musicians born? a. Freddie Mercury. b. Joe Strummer. c. Engelbert Humperdinck. d. Manfred Mann. e. Stewart Copeland 16. Which country is bordered by Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south? For a bonus point, what is the currency of this country called? 17. What does Agflation mean? 18. What is the largest peninsula in the world? 19. What is the name of the exotic fruit that takes the shape of a five pointed star when cut across the middle? 20. Which pre Italian Renaissance painter could draw a perfect circle and had a European space mission named after him?


637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


So impressive are its powers that in just one year - 1988 German doctors wrote over five million prescriptions for it. It doesn't just help improve memory: it can also help reduce the absent-mindedness, anxiety and confusion so often experienced by elderly people along with that fading recall. It also appears to delay the onset of full-blown dementia. A few years ago the UK's Alzheimer's Society published the biggest ever comprehensive review on the use of ginkgo for the treatment of dementia, examining thirty-three previous clinical trials dating back to 1976. The new research, they concluded, provided promising evidence that taking ginkgo can improve memory and overall function for people with dementia. But it's not just the elderly who can profit from its memoryboosting powers: herbal students have been known to dose up on it before exams, and claim they feel sharper, more alert. In a small study, participants given a single large dose of ginkgo found their general alertness and speed of reaction had sharpened quite noticeably two and a half hours later an effect still noticeable six hours afterwards. Most people seem able to take ginkgo, even over long periods of time, without serious side effects. But if you are taking aspirin, blood-thinning drugs, anticonvulsants or antidepressants, consult your doctor or a medical herbalist. And don't take it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

down too quickly, then you too could start to become dozy, forgetful and absentminded. Low levels in the brain are a key indication of Alzheimer's. Almost all the famous plant boosters of brain function and most of the new drugs work to conserve this chemical, so regular doses of rosemary could help sharpen you up amazingly.

Here’s an idea for you! If you face of hours of taxing mental desk work put some rosemary essential oil In a burner next to your desk. It will help keep you calm as well as alert.

How should you take rosemary? Well, have an early morning cuppa of rosemary tea: infuse 3-4 young top shoots in a cup of boiling water, covered, for five minutes, then strain and drink. This pale green brew is wonderfully invigorating. And if you have a pick-me-up morning bath, add 10 drops of rosemary essential oil in a cup of whole milk under the running tap. Even the aroma of this plant is enlivening.

GOTU KOLA, GINSENG AND SIBERIAN GINSENG Three other herbs - all from the Far East - that work to boost memory and concentration are gotu kola from India, ginseng from China and Korea, and Siberian ginseng. They're often combined with ginkgo to even greater effect.

LOSING THE PLOT Always losing your glasses? Can't remember the names of your friends' children? Forget what you went to your bedroom to pick up? Worried you are getting senile?

Some of the most exciting, herbal research over the last few decades has shown that certain herbs can work to boost memory and general alertness Top of the list, and a global bestseller, is an extract from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba, the oldest living tree: it's been around for an estimated 200 million years and individual trees can live up to 1000 years. Appropriately, this grand survivor is turning out to be the best-ever friend of the elderly. Twentieth-century research in Germany revealed its power to increase blood flow in the brain and thus help boost memory, concentration and mental performance.

Gotu kola, a little creeping waterside plant, was the favourite forage plant of the Ceylon elephants, incidentally whose long memories are proverbial. Good ginseng is expensive but Siberian Ginseng is much less so, and in trials on workers carrying out mental tasks such as proofreading, it gave them a distinct edge over those taking a dummy pill. Don't take it if you have an acute infection. But the Far East certainly doesn't have a monopoly of plants that boost your brainpower and memory. 'There's rosemary, that's for remembrance,' says Shakespeare's Ophelia to Hamlet. Modem research has pinpointed two reasons why rosemary deserves its age-old reputation. First, it helps preserve levels of a brain chemical called acetylcholine, a key worker in the area of the brain where memories are created and stored: it transports information between brain cells. If your acetylcholine levels are inadequate, or the chemical is broken

Why not try an early morning cuppa of rosemary tea Interestingly, the young flowering tops of rosemary and sage are much richer in antioxidants than the older, woodier leaves and stalks further down. Plants are like people; our ability to make and store antioxidants declines with age. Sage, wrote a sixteenth-century English herbalist, 'is singularly good for the head and quickeneth the nerves and memory: For centuries this observation was written off as just the sort of rubbish you'd expect to find in quaint old herbals. But researchers at the Universities of Northumbria and Newcastle recently took another look at sage, and found that it did indeed improve memory: in a small clinical trial with healthy, young adults, those who had taken sage performed significantly better in a word recall test.

Next Week - Saturday night fever


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally

Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members


are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed

637 227 385

and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping

Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We will reopen as soon as we are able when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708


637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021



Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021

Illegal dumping of waste in Benijofar Phillip Bradley

I use the green line app. to report these issues. The council move the rubbish today but tomorrow it's back again. Building material is now appearing again. I just give up reporting it.


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Cat killers sought by Pinoso Mayor

In your edition 852, you ran an article about illegal waste.

This has been going on for a long time despite the Council providing an Eco park no more than 5 minutes from anywhere in our town.

He said that he suspected the death of the cat was caused by a group of children over the weekend.

Electric cleaning vehicles for Dolores

Pinoso Council is asking for help from the public in identifying those responsible for the death of a cat which was killed while

Urbaser, the street cleaning concessionaire in Dolores, has introduced a fleet of electric vehicles to its municipal service, one of only a few to do so in all of Spain. The vehicles were presented to the press by the mayor, José Joaquín Hernández, and the Councilor for the Environment, David Nortes, on Monday. The CEO of Alicante de Urbaser, Alberto Bleda, explained that “we have opted for the challenge posed by the Dolores town hall, of being a fully sustainable municipality, a municipality with zero emissions. This is the first step, the electric road cleaning machinery, and shortly, after the summer, we will also have the waste collection service running with the new electric truck and the Transfer Plant”.

It all began back in 1991 when a multinational group of friends felt they had to act in defence of defenceless animals, against cruelty and abandonment in the Torrevieja area of southern Spain, and so was formed SAT Sociedad Protectora para Animales de Torrevieja.

Gatets Sense Llar del Pinós collective and condemned by the Mayor Lázaro Azorín, the Department of the Environment, the local government team and the CES Project. All of them have expressed their disgust at the mistreatment of the animal. The mayor has called on the public to help find the perpetrators of the crime. "Animal abuse is an offence, and this is a particularly horrific act which has caused me consternation and rejection. When the abuse causes the death of the animal under such circumstances, the prison sentence can be as much as 18 months,” he said.

Well we have illegal dumping by residents on our urbanisation in Benijofar at Atalaya Park.

THE FUTURE OF SAT IS IN YOUR HANDS - Past, present and future

it was being dragged along the road by a bicycle with a rope tied around its neck. The crime has been denounced by the

“I have no words but to ask that justice be done and that these potential abusers be caught."

PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERSHIP IN SAN FULGENCIO The municipality has a ‘zero sacrifice’ policy, and in addition to collecting data from the animals that come into our shelter, we provide them with veterinary care, vaccines for rabies, as well as microchipping and provision of identification passports.

Ana Mª Villena, San Fulgencio’s Councillor for the Environment, a role that includes the welfare of animals, announced details of the half year report published by Anguimar S.L., the company that operates the municipal concession.

The Council promotes responsible pet ownership, which is reinforced with mandatory registration for dogs and recommended registration for cats and exotic animals in the municipality.

She said that her Department has collected 18 abandoned animals during the period, six of them (four dogs and two cats) have been adopted, while seven, all dogs, have been reclaimed by their owners. “Right now, there are only two cats in the municipal compound that are available to adopt,” she said.

In 1992 the very first kennels for the rescue centre was located adjacent to Salon Grande (and to this day one of our Charity Shops can be found there.) It rapidly became evident that bigger premises would be required. Some years later after a long search, extensive fundraising and overcoming logistical problems the current site of the kennels in Dolores was obtained. The plan was that this would be the permanent home for the rescue centre but sadly some years later a compulsary purchase order was issued with no appeal, allowing for a golf course to be constructed : devastating news! A huge amount of work and fundraising was instigated at the time as it was a matter of great urgency to get alternative permanent kennels for the charity. All this work proved fruitful as the amount of money raised allowed for a plot of land to be obtained in San Isidro, legalities/licences addressed and foundations laid. However, the golf course did not go ahead as initially specified so the pressure was off but not gone as the golf course is still a real possibility.

At the moment, the registry has 1,775 catalogued animals, increasing from the 1,560 that were registered last year. In the urbanisation, the procedure is carried out in the Social Centre, by appointment.

We really do! We have always had many supporters for many years and we hope for many more. With your contributions, both financial and physical, you have helped over 8,000 dogs to date. Just brilliant! However, the need for rescue, rehabilitation and education is as vital now as ever. There are so many ways to help : join our new Friends scheme, Buy a Brick, be a part of Teaming, donate by direct debit, Leave a Legacy, donate to and purchase from our Charity Shops, volunteer, organise fundraising opportunities, share our posts, our articles, About SAT newsletters…the list is endless. We are so grateful to all who have supported and donated to date, but we just wanted to mention one of the many ways to help which maybe you hadn´t thought about and that is Leave a Legacy. A few people who decided to include us in their Wills, namely, Mr. and Mrs. Lovelock, Ahmed Sheldrake and Kirsti Reko. Their incredible generosity has contributed towards the work to date at the new kennels but we need significant funding for the next stage of the project, never mind the ongoing daily costs of keeping the current kennels functioning.

As time goes by fundraising for the new kennels and the day to day running of the existing kennels becomes increasingly more difficult. With the passing years more charities are established which is great but all are asking for support and donations from the same pot of money.

We want to be able to deliver a quality service to these so deserving canines and to change the face of animal welfare in Spain.

Then to add to the difficulties the kennels were very badly hit by the floods of September 2019 : more devastating news! Thankfully all the animals were saved, but the premises were damaged and despite the best efforts of all who helped to get them up and running again the ongoing repairs and maintenance of the structures are never ending.

Written by Diane O´Neill

With renewed drive and enthusiasm the priority is to complete the new kennels as soon as possible. Not only to help the number of dogs currently being rescued and ultimately adopted at the kennels but to be able to increase the capacity of the rescue centre and build on the educational side of the service. So here´s where you come in WE NEED YOU!

If you would like to know more, or to help then please visit our website:

COULD YOU PROVIDE A HOME FOR URSUS Big but gentle 4 year old Ursus would make a super companion for any family. Like all our dogs he is fully vaccinated, microchipped, castrated and blood tested. Info 966 71 0047


637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021



A Cashless World He was, and still is I suppose, a smiling chap carrying a ladder carried over his shoulder and with a big ‘thank you’ when we paid him in cash for doing such a wonderful job of cleaning our windows.


But what will happen now to these people who earn some form of living doing odd jobs, which the population are grateful for, when the banks finally get their way and we turn into a cashless society.

You walk past the doorway and don’t see me. I’m a stranger to you, but not to me.

It is so simple to hold your phone over some form of reader and, bang, a sum of money has gone from your account, winging its way, hopefully, to the person you wanted to pay.

I know my history, it wasn’t all fun, I still hear the roar of the enemy guns.

That is the problem, an action with no meaning or control, a magical solution for paying your way with currency becoming valueless, as the personal influence over the use of it is taken away, and it is just numbers on a device and on paper.

I see the fires light up the night sky, The blinding flash that hurts my eyes.

Since the beginning of time people have used cash in one form or another to trade and live, and before the introduction of bank notes, it was always in hard coin. Way back, when the Romans and others before, ruled the earth, there was some form of coinage in circulation. There have been numerous evidences of this as hordes of money have been found stashed away by many people in the past, saving for a rainy day or something we will never know about, except their action of being able to save with hard cash. The sheer pleasure of being able to count it and put it into piles to make sure it is all there. An action we no longer will have, it is not something you can do with a load of figures on a sheet of paper. Ah! What about the tooth fairy you may ask? One can hardly put a credit card under the pillow of a six-year-old. There is another spin off, a gain for large organisations, supermarkets and others that used to trade in cash no longer have the cost of counting and storing the vast amount of money spent in their establishments, which in itself must be a saving. The collection tins seen on the counter of bars and in shops will no longer exist, as waving a credit card in front of them will not work, and even now the charities receiving this coinage from them are having difficulty in disposing of it, as the banks are reluctant in taking shrapnel!!

By Carolynn Barclay

Recently a family member told of her frustration of having bought a new printer as it only operated through a smartphone, she does not have such a device and does not want one, part of the new order we are sliding into, controlled by the young and knowledgeable totally ignoring those who do not want to, or cannot grasp the intrigue of the buttons in the digital world. In real terms what it really means is control of all transactions will leave a paper trail, so the window cleaner and the odd job man will have to carry a currency reader with them when they go out to work. I shouldn’t think they will bother, and the likes of such trades will disappear, or will we all turn to bartering with an exchange of goods for services? Without coin, the difficulty to teach the young who are yet to learn about the written word and figures, how will they be taught the value of money and the art of saving and building up a nest egg for the future if there is no hard cash to slide into the slot on top of the money box. Even more when they are a little older how will they be further taught the value if it is not possible to pay them pocket money to spend as they wish.

‘Percy’s Ramblings’ are available in book form from Amazon & Kindle -


and give horses a safe haven, the situation once again highlights the need for the Rescue Centre to receive proper government funding: “This isn't the first time that the National Police have called us out, we have taken horses in from all over the place by request of the police.”

I hear the screams, the shouts and the cries, We fought with courage, believed all the lies. I cry for the friends I left behind, Their memories forever, etched in my mind. The war may be over, my battle just started, I returned home, and just got discarded. My mind was in battle, my body at home, Turmoil in my head, I just have to own. This is my life now, a doorway for a bed. Nobody knows what goes on in my head. I don’t want your pity, just please understand, There are more of me discarded, all over the land. Please don’t assume when you see doorway me. I’m lying here, so your country is free.

If you would like to see your poem featured in this column send to:

Sue continued: “If we had said no the police would have had a huge problem because the animals have to leave the premises as everything is being seized. Where it will all end up I don't know but they have been put into our care and custody and as always we have to find the money to keep these animals and we get no funding. It's just so important that the public understands the work we are doing. We are working with the police and yet we are still getting no funding. AN emergency call from the National Police this week led to the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre in Rojales being involved in a drug raid operation. Ten tonne of horse feed had just turned on an articulated lorry at the centre when the call came through which co founders Sue and Rod Weeding had to deal with before racing off to assist the police and recover seven horses. The couple said they received a desperate

and immediate call from the authorities who had smashed a drug operation in Almoradi. As National Police carried out the operation, searching and seizing items from the property, they discovered there were seven horses on site at the raid which had to be removed from the premises. A court order was issued for them to be put into the care of the Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre and whilst the couple say they will always do what they can to assist the police

These horses cannot be re-homed under the court order and we need some sort of funding from the councils and government.” Sue added that three of the horses are with their equine vet, and whilst not being able to comment too much on the ongoing police case she noted that all seemed very well cared for. “There is never a dull moment for us!” For more information on the work the Rescue Centre does or to make a donation, visit website

La Marina El Pinet welcome reprieve for beachgoers By Andrew Atkinson La Marina El Pinet beach on February 14, St Valentines Day, was a welcome reprieve for beachgoers who headed to the area under the protocol of the current coronavirus measures. Hundreds of people from Elche headed to La Marina beach amid the weekend perimeter closure of the municipality of Elche. People headed to the beach to walk, with families and children playing, along with fishermen, wearing mandatory masks under coronavirus measures.


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


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Vinny Sandhu donates to La Manga/Lords Challenge Vinny is one of the greats of World indoor cricket. He now operates from Barcelona as a lead commentator with the European Cricket League

ECN legend and commentator Vinny Sandhu donates 100 euro towards La Manga to Lords 1,000 euro Challenge By Andrew Atkinson ECN legend and commentator Vinny Sandhu has donated €100 towards the La Manga to Lords €1,000 Challenge. "A big shout out to La Manga Torrevieja CC it's great what they are doing at the moment in the La Manga to Lords challenge," said Barcelona based Sandhu. LMTCC are cycling, running or walking the distance equal to covering La Manga Club to the home of cricket Lords Cricket Ground, covering 2,123km, with donations going to charities and towards running the cricket club who play

home games at La Manga Resort and Torrevieja Sports City. "I'd like to personally donate €100. Good luck to the guys and I hope to see them by the end of the season," said Sandhu. LMTCC's players include Stuart Simkins, Paul Fletcher, Hugh James, Andy House, Paul Harvey, Kieran and Connor Wood, Pawitter Singh, Jack Perman, Alfie Court, and Paul Hennessy, amongst other members who have been active in clocking up the miles. Ibex Insurance have donated €150 towards the cause along with a plethora of donations to date. "A huge thank you to Vinny and Ibex insurance, along with everyone who has donated," Kieran Wood told The Leader.

Emerson Fittipaldi testing on Cartagena circuit. Emerson with his 13-yearold son at the wheel in Cartagena

To be a little more accurate the driver who has been testing the Academy FARMU Championship car in Cartagena for the last couple of weeks is 13-year-old Emerson Fittipaldi Junior. However, he has been doing so under the watchful eye of his father, winner of 14 grand prix and two times F1 World Champion.

ported by the Murcia Region Automobile Federation (FARMU), is promoting grassroots sport, by creating the Academy FARMU Championship, a competition that is the first step for the youngsters who are experienced karters, but who want to take the leap into top single seater racing cars or sports cars.

The initiative, launched with the support of the company Bories Formula Experience, and sup-

Emerson Fittipaldi himself, who is currently 74 years of age, is accompanying his son who, at 13

years of age, has been successfully contesting the karting World Championship. The offspring of Emmo, as the Sao Paulo legend is known, is part of the Sauber Academy and just a few months ago he debuted in single seaters, driving in Formula 4. In a statement from FARMU, the association said that it has nothing but gratitude for Emerson Fittipaldi for using the Murcia competition as a possible first step in single seaters for his

youngest son, Emmo Junior. Emmo is hoping to follow, not only in the very successful footsteps of his father, but also Pietro and Enzo who are already firmly established in motorsport. Pietro has recently been confirmed, once again, as Haas F1 Team’s official test and reserve driver for the 2021 FIA Fomula 1 World Championship. Enzo, meanwhile, drives for HWA Racelab in the FIA Formula 3 World Campionship in which, last year, he finished second

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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021




Lionel Messi shook the footballing world last summer when he announced that he wanted to leave the Catalan club. The Argentine wizard has been with the Spanish giants since the age of 13, but his relationship with Barca finally broke down. However, he performed a U-turn in the end and decided to remain with Barcelona, so this summer could now prove to be a huge window for the club legend in terms of settling where he will play for the final years of his career. Here is a look at his most likely options.

Barcelona Messi’s future at the Nou Camp may depend on how well Barcelona perform this season. They currently trail Atletico Madrid by eight points in the La Liga standings. They need to turn things around if they are to convince their star that he should remain in Spain. The six-time Ballon d’Or winner has a contract with up until the end of June. He may, of course, decide to see out the rest of his career with the club he has flourished at since he was a young kid.

The Association of Golf Courses on the Costa Blanca is in discussion with the Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, in an effort to reopen golf courses in the Valencian province, which have now been closed since 21 January.

Barcelona were embarrassed by Bayern Munich in the Champions League last season in the quarter final. It wasn’t much better for them last Tuesday night when they were beaten at home in the 1st leg of the round of 16 by PSG, 1-4. Messi is a four-time winner of that competition and he is desperate to win it at least one more before he retires. He must consider if Barcelona have a chance in Europe over the next few years before committing to a new deal.

Manchester City One of the most obvious destinations for Messi, if he decides to leave is City. They are managed by his former coach Pep Guardiola, a man he much admires. Given their wealth, City are one of the few clubs in world football who could afford to pay his wages. The Premier League is considered to be one of the best in Europe so the challenge of playing in England could really appeal to the Barcelona captain. City have yet to win the Champions League, a trophy their owners have been desperate to secure. Messi would give them an excellent chance of ending that wait.

PSG French champions PSG are also interested in landing Messi this summer. If they were successful, they could

line up with Neymar, Kylian Mbappe and Messi next season, a frightening front three partnership. The Barcelona man would be linking up again with his former teammate Neymar. At this stage of his career, the French league may be a good option for Messi. It wouldn’t be quite as rigorous as the Premier League and if it’s a fifth Champions League he wants, PSG would be strong contenders for the trophy. PSG are now coached by Argentine Mauricio Pochettino which should interest the 33-year-old. They would have no trouble putting together a contract for the highest-paid player in world football.

Association president, Salvador Lucas, at the head, has told Barceló that golf is a safe activity, as it takes place outdoors and with a limited number of players. He has therefore asked that courses be allowed to reopen. Economically, this enforced closure is an absolute disaster, since a golf course is a "living component, with its grass, its fauna and flora, which must all continue to be maintained, whether the activity is open or closed. Currently at stake are 9,400 jobs and an annual worth to the Valencian economy of 745 million euros.



ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.

try telling that to a bunch of golfers just itching to play golf again. Perhaps this should be a time for all golfers to reflect on just why they play the beautiful game of golf. Most of us moved here to Spain to ENJOY playing good golf, ENJOY playing in the sun, ENJOY playing with good friends, ENJOY playing good golf courses, ENJOY playing affordable golf and to ENJOY the apres golf.

For the 2nd time in a nearly a year we have all experienced some form of lockdown as a result of the life changing global Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic and for golfers this has introduced lengthy closures of golf courses.

In reality what I have increasingly seen are local golfers COMPLAINING about their golf, COMPLAINING about the courses, COMPLAINING about their playing partners, COMPLAINING about the society with whom they play, COMPLAINING about other golfers, COMPLAINING about handicaps, COMPLAINING about how long it takes to play and COMPLAINING about the golf and bar prices.

In the overall scheme of things this should be a minor irritant but

Sorry but it doesn’t look good when you see it in black and white.

Time for Reflection

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best prices currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba

Price €98 €98 €120 €98

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy 1pm Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy

Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas

€138 €90 €98 €59 €123 €100 €180 €41 €60 €48 €114 €59 €115

Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 3pm)

A meeting with the minister was recently attended by representatives of the Valencian Community Golf Federation, including Guillermo Jimenez, Vice President FGCV, Raul Gomez, Secretary General and Angel Llopes, Secretary General of the Association of Golf Courses. During the meeting, the golf representatives explained that the sport is totally safe as it is played in natural spaces and outdoors, without any physical contact, in very small groups and with safety distances between players. Golf is also played by all age groups, and it has been declared heart-healthy and very beneficial, both physically and psychologically, especially for the most vulnerable groups who find golf one of the few physical activities that they can practice with the peace of mind of not being exposed to covid.

Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

While you have all been stuck at home wondering what to do with yourself of fed up of decorating or gardening why don’t you take the opportunity to take a good look at just why you play golf in the first place. The answer is simple, stop COMPLAINING and look for the reasons for you to start ENJOYING your golf again when you get the opportunity. Remember that there are many golfers now the wrong side of the grass who would just love to have the golfing opportunities available to you. Let us all hope that the meeting held last week (see above) between the Costa Blanca Golf Association and the Valencian Government Minister for Health will allow golf courses to re-open as from the 2nd March 2021, but let us all make a fresh start. Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villamartin Vistabella

€140 €78 €59 €116 €82 €98 €125 €100 €156 €123

2 Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees, buggy, drink, tapa Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy (temp closed) 2 Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy (2.30pm)

For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S QUESTION Who was the player reported to have hit 3 Bulls Eyes thro the hole in a Polo Mint?” ANSWER - Alan Glazier, England International. WINNER - Keith Gouldstone



Van Barneveld secures his Tour Card on final day of European Tour School after reversing his decision to retire Both qualifying schools in Milton Keynes and Niedernhausen, Germany, for P.D.C. ProTour cards are now complete after in excess of 650 players paying around £450 each, to earn their right to compete with the Worlds best players for the next two years. Only a total of 29 places were available from both venues, as the top 64 players on January 1st automatically claim one of the 128 places, players in their 2nd year taking the remainder. Former P.D.C. World Championship finalist (2008) Kirk Shepherd and former B.D.O. World Champion, Scott Mitchell, were both victorious in one of the four daily competitions, earning an automatic card. Unfortunately a well known face in our area, Kevin Painter, failed to either win or qualify via the Order of Merit table and immediately announced his retirement from the Pro scene. l hope it wasn't a " knee jerk " reaction to his failure to convert 7 match

P.D.C. Events l took the opportunity this week of calling Graham Fairhurst, P.D.C. tournament director, for a short chat and an insight into events. I asked him about the Covid situation and whilst he agreed it made life difficult, they adhere to all government directives for testing players and officials alike. This has allowed continued televised and non-televised events, albeit without a crowd. Obligations to sponsors, players and television fulfilled. Graham has been involved with the PDC for over 20 years, taking over from original director Tommy Cox some 5 years ago. He oversees all competition draws, schedules, testing and all other matters once an event is in progress. All security for events is outsourced, as is the transportation of all equipment, ie stage sets, free standing floor sets and boards, to the many UK venues currently used. The PDC have 3 different size stage sets, to suit size of venue capacity. For example the Worlds at Alexandra Palace accommodate a 60 foot wide stage, the biggest, enough for Peter Wright's dancing intro.

darts at 5-5 to David Ledley. A huge disappointment to the Essex man, after a determined effort to regain his tour card. The former runner up to Phil Taylor in the Worlds, Players Championship winner plus 5 other P.D.C. ranking victories, will now concentrate on more exhibition and promo work within the game. ln Germany, Raymond van Barneveld regained his tour card after a premature retirement 14 months ago, virtue of his Order of Merit placing.

Before retirement, what was Phil Taylors "walk on music". Title and performer. Prize for the winner. Niles 6-0 in legs of 14 darts, 12,14,13, 10 and 10. Most players would be happy for the occasional 15 darter, Schindler managed 6 sub 15's in a row. Two other players hit minimum 9 darters, Jose Marques and Shane Mc Guirk. Q School started some 5 years ago, the brainchild of non-other than Rod Harrington, who recognised entries were rapidly increasing at events and a "pecking" order needed introduction. Competitions needed restructuring to produce a pro circuit, open to all, but tiered. Players could then earn their right to play and rub shoulders with the Worlds best and start to earn a living if sucessful.

The European contingency of players holding tour cards has almost doubled since 2015. One to watch, even though I’m assured he's been around for some time, is Martin Schindler (Germany) Although losing to " Barny " on one of the qualifying days, he still managed a 9 darter against the Dutchman. He also recorded a magnificent 123.5 average in his demolition of Stefan

The 1st Q School in Wigan attracted an entry of 300+ now 600+ but curtailed by Covid 19.

Sports Events Services are the preferred transport company to undertake the logistical nightmare of moving and building the sets. Fortunately they have four 18 ton trucks and a 40 foot articulated lorry to do the job, all emblazoned with PDC livery.

tise, until they are no longer viable, to obtain maximum use without deference to quality.

ln the forthcoming UK Open, stage number 2 will be used alongside 6 mini stages, where matches are live streamed. At Q School 48 free standing boards were in constant competition use plus 20 practise boards. European Q School is however handled by a PDC subsidary, using 16 playing and 10 practise boards. l asked what happened to the used boards after for example the Worlds, as around 100 are used, a new board each match. They are passed down through the various competitions or prac-

An example of the system working is by the forthcoming U.K. Open, whereby the 128 card holders are joined by the 32 top placed Order of Merit players, who play in the 1st round versus the 96th to 128th placements.

I wondered about Phil Taylors habit of signing and giving away a board every time he played, which was often. No one ever stopped him, so l never bothered to ask. Sports Events Services move all the PDC equipment around

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The Polo Mint Mystery Although making headline news in national papers at the time (mid 70's), the feat was accepted with a certain amount of apprehension. He was, after all, one of the first players to become a Pro. Technically the achievement is not impossible. Of late we have all seen players on television score numerous 180's in a match, many of which, the darts are so close together they could be placed on a pin head (well almost). So, it is possible, but how long did it take and how many Polos? Those questions remain unanswered. Alan was a good friend, so at one of the many tournaments where we crossed paths, I questioned the validity of the claim (in the friendliest way possible). "Yes l did it, it took a long time" was the reply, and with a resigned shrug of his shoulders and a big grin, we left it at that. lt was a brilliant publicity stunt for both Alan and Polo Mints and although doubt was in many minds at the time it contributed in elevating darts to national television status and a throwing public of around 8 million regular players. When playing Alan always dressed in his trademark black, and although an unbelievable talent, never quite reached the heights expected. The "Ton Machine" as he was known, was certainly the best left handed thrower l’d ever seen, but majors eluded him. He was runner up to Alun Evans in the British Open, the same fate awaited him in the News of the World grand final, his opponent Bobby George. ln the Embassy Worlds, Eric Bristow overcame Alan in a semi-final clash (1986 ). The "Man in Black" did however enjoy success in the U.S.A. winning the North American, Santa Monica and Boston Opens, plus 11 other trophies, all in the same year. This was followed by a triumph in the Swedish Open the next year. Soon after he was invited to join the "Marlboro Team of Champions”, for exhibitions and personal appearances to promote the Marlboro cigarette brand, around the U.K. The original line up was Alan, Tony Brown (England ), Leighton Rees (Wales) and Rab Smith (Scotland), reserve Colin Baker (England). John Lowe joined the highly successful team on Alans' departure. Charles Cornell, a local friend, darts enthusiast and executive of Marlboro, put the team together. One other achievement of Alans' was the 17 dart 1001 at "The Crown", Wetherby, not an official match, but witnessed by many. 5x180, T17, Bull. A truly great player and man. Sadly, Alan passed away on November 12th, 2020, an old friend and pioneer of what the sport is today.


637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


Get ahead - Get a haircut!

By Andrew Atkinson

American baseball player Mike Fiers monkey tail beard has opened up the locker on sports stars, from Neymar's Mohican look, to Ronaldo's halfshaved scalp, to River Plates Giovanni, shaved-top and pony tail, with long back and sides, to Paul Pogba's colours, and Jose Mourinho shaving his head, when it comes to haircuts! Remember the 'Mullet' cut that swept through football with Chris Waddle; Valderrama's look, Gazza's pony tail, to that of tennis star Andre Agassi. Celebrity hairdresser, Leo Bancroft revealed former Chelsea star John Terry had been paying for haircuts for first team players and backroom staff for years. Bancroft visited Chelsea’s Cobham training ground and visited Stamford Bridge for pre-match trims:

“It almost became something of a pre-match ritual”, salon-owner Bancroft said. Terry, 40, currently assistant head coach at Aston Villa, was at Chelsea during 1998-2017. Bancroft charged £55 for a men’s haircut during Terry's time at Chelsea and the ex-England skipper is deemed to have clipped £145,000 from his wallet on haircuts for himself and colleagues over an eight-year period. Spurs manager and former Real Madrid, Chelsea and Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho has been known to cut his own hair. Mourinho who once decided to shave his head, said: “I did it myself. I asked Fernando Torres to give me his machine and I did it myself in front of the mirror. "It is nice and it is cheap. In a couple of months I will have hair again. Some people can’t do it”.

Elche handed survival lifeline by Fran Escribá Elche CF 1 CD Eibar 0 He has been back at the club for less than a week but already former manager Fran Escribá, the coach who guided the club from Division 2B to La Liga, has the dressing room in the palm of his hand. The Valencian coach is spreading good feelings, according to Cartagena born defender Gonzalo Verdú at a press conference on Thursday. The centre back said that the coach is brimming with confidence and is certain that the group will break its bad streak on Saturday against Eibar "Just listening to Escribá speak generates positive feelings amongst all the players."

Ellche’s Josan started his career with UD Horadada

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

The Cartagena centre-back highlights the positive aspects that the arrival of Fran Escribá to the bench has brought; saying that a new phase begins with the return of the former manager. And although a single swallow does-

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Turkey, 2. Al-Jazeera, 3. N (Nuclear) and D (Disarmament), 4. Belgium, 5. Adolf Hitler, 6. Sir Walter Raleigh, 7. Mongolia (Ulaan-baatar). 8. In order; The Louvre, Centre Pompidou (Paris), Tate Modern (London), British Museum (London). 9. Myanmar (Burma), 10. a. Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) (Edison Lighthouse). b. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Simon & Garfunkel). c. Spirit In The Sky (Norman Greenbaum). d. Woodstock

n’t make a summer a 1-0 victory on Saturday for the franjiverde team still keeps that survival dream alive. Without a win in 17 games Elche were certainly the brighter of the two teams during the opening exchanges as they appeared to build on that dressing room confidence, and when Dani Calvo planted a wonderful hear into the top right hand corner on the half hour the players’ delight was there for all to see. Standing firm in defence the home side game little away as the game progressed and despite a number of half chances Elche always looked fairly comfortable at the back. Speaking to the press after the game Escribá said, "When there is a replacement of the manager, a hurricane of sensations and emotions is felt by the players because they all start from scratch and have to prove themselves to the new man. That is what happened with the team on Saturday. The sensations are very positive".

(Matthew's Southern Comfort). e. I hear You Knocking (Dave Edmund's Rockpile). 11. d. Canada. 12. In order; China (Unknown, many thousands), Iran (251+), Saudi Arabia (184+), Iraq (100+), Egypt (32+). In some countries, including China, the figure is a state secret. 13. Rose Bowl. 14. Knives. 15. a. Zanzibar, b. Turkey, c. India, d. South Africa, e. Egypt. 16. Nicaragua, and the currency is the Cordoba. 17. An increase in the price of food. 18. Arabian Peninsula. 19. Carambola. 20. Giotto

Alonso set to drive in Bahrain Grand Prix By Andrew Atkinson

Spain F-1 star Fernando Alonso will be at the start of the F1 World Championship, during March 2628 in Bahrain after undergoing surgery after suffering a fractured jaw. Alonso was released from a Swiss hospital on February 15 to continue his recovery at home after fracturing his jaw. Alonso, who makes his F-1 comeback with the rebranded Alpine team after a two-year break, was taken to a local hospital where he underwent corrective surgery. Alonso, 39, remained under observation for three nights. He is expected to make a complete recovery in time to take part in pre-season testing in March at the Bahrain International Circuit. Via a statement, the team said: "After a period of 48 hours observation at hospital in Switzerland, Fernando Alonso has now been discharged to continue his recovery at home. "He will now have a short period of complete rest before progressively resuming training to undertake preparation for the start of the season. "As always, thank you for your best wishes for Fernando’s recovery." Two-time F-1 world champion Alonso underwent surgery at the Bern hospital, Switzerland, after being run over by a car in Lugano at a roundabout. Asturian Alonso underwent maxillofacial surgery, in which specialists repositioned the upper jaw of the mandible, fractured after the incident he suffered while riding a bicycle.


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th February, 2021


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