The Leader Newspaper Edition 820

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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020

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S TAT E O F A L A R M R E P L A C E D B Y ‘ N E W N O R M A L’ . t midnight on Sunday, after 100 days in confinement, the sixth and final extension to the state of alarm in Spain was brought to an end.


The pandemic, which has

spread fear and confusion across the world, which has paralysed the international economy, and which still continues to affect the lives of millions of people, is finally under control in Spain, with the country now moving into a

new phase of de-escalation. Of course the "new normal" will still require us to wear a mask and maintain physical distance, because the coronavirus continues to circulate, but the most complicated stage now seems to be behind us,

buried deep in the bowels of those critical days back in April, with more than 900 deaths per day, and the hospitals in Madrid and Barcelona in a state of total collapse. Continued on Page 2


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


637 227 385 PROPERTY

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There still needs to be responsibility and patience, a lot of patience, because the coronavirus epidemic has not ended, indeed, in other parts of the world "it is still accelerating", as the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom, has warned. On Friday the global number of new infections again reached a daily high, almost half on the American continent, with more than 8.6 million people affected by SARS-CoV-2 and with 460,000 deaths, according to the latest data from the Johns Hopkins University. In this current reality, the danger in those countries that have passed the most virulent stage is called a new outbreak, a rebound or regrowth, like the 34 deaths reported by the Ministry of Health, that were registered in the last month or the 928 new infections: nine in slaughterhouses and many others in hospitals or care homes, on a mink farm in Teruel or among the health professionals who travelled to Portugal or the seasonal workers who travelled to France. Minister Salvador Illa has pointed out that nine serious outbreaks are still currently active in Spain but the one big problem that remains is the rapid spread of this epidemic, if any of them is allowed to get out of control. With the ‘new normal’ the one major difference, as the country moves into this new phase of deescalation, is that regions are taking control of much of the management of the crisis within their own Communities, and each government will now be able to establish its own measures and procedures. But it will not be a situation completely free of restrictions with the obligatory use of masks when a safe interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained, with fines of up to €100 if this is not observed. The rules also establish constant coordination between care homes and the health system, the adoption of prevention and hygiene measures in the workplace, the organisation of work stations and shifts to avoid large groups of people, and the introduction of new health controls in all airports. Travel restrictions have now also come to an

end within the European Union and Schengen area with the one exception on the border with Portugal which will not reopen until July 1. But in view of the United Kingdom’s introduction of a 14 day period of quarantine, the government is considering the same as a reciprocal measure, although discussions are also taking place regarding an ‘air corridor’ between the two countries. Borders with the rest of the world will begin to open on 1 July on a gradual basis. Many doctors warn that this greater movement of people will be accompanied by an increase in number of cases of coronavirus in Spain, after a period in which the incidence of the disease in the province is almost nil. Thankfully, however, a great epidemic wave like that of last March is not expected. "There will be more cases in the coming weeks, but we don’t expect it to be a very strong outbreak because many containment measures have now been taken,” said Félix Gutiérrez, head of the Infectious Diseases Service at the General Hospital in Elche. He adds that the greatest precautions should be taken with tourists who come from other countries, especially when restrictions begin to be lifted with other destinations beyond the European Union. “The situation of the epidemic in Spain is quite similar, although there are areas such as the Valencian Community or Murcia that are in much better shape than others, such as Madrid or Castilla y León. However, there are also many countries where the situation is not as well controlled, such as Great Britain”. Gutiérrez said that he is also in favour of those countries of origin establishing some type of control over their passengers who leave. But as we now settle in for the long haul, Fernando Simón, the director of the Health Ministry’s Coordination Centre for Health Alerts, also called for prudence. Reminding us all that the measures in this new phase will be in place until the pandemic is considered to be over, he said “We need to take care. This new normality requires us to be conscious of the risks. Journeys should not be made if they are unnecessary, but this is now a case of individual responsibility. We must hope that the appearance of an effective treatment or a vaccine is not too far away.”


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TALKS IN PLACE TO ESTABLISH TRAVEL CORRIDOR BETWEEN SPAIN & UK The Spanish Government is currently in talks with the UK about the establishment of a ‘travel corridor’ between the two countries which would enable travellers to move between the two nations whilst avoiding quarantine. At present the British form the majority of tourists holidaying in Spain so if hotels and resorts are to have any kind of summer Pedro Sanchez is keen to attract Brits back into the major resorts. Any changes that are made, however, are unlikely to be introduced before 29 June. Reports suggest that the UK is also in similar talks with Greece, Italy and Portugal.



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Wife and son of disabled man arrested after police find body in shallow grave


woman has been arrested this Wednesday by the National Police after the discovery of the body of her husband, identified as 45 year old Isaac, on a farm in the Valencian town of Godelleta. The man, who suffered from a disability, had been missing since 1 December. The man had previously served as a local police officer in Catarroja, but he suffered from a severe neurodegenerative disease, which was at a "very advanced state. The woman took four days before she reported her husband’s disappearance despite allegedly receiving a text “I'm so sorry but I'm not coming home. When something happens they will notify you immediately, it is my decision and mine alone, and you must respect my will.” It seemed like a message from someone who was about to commit suicide but the police became suspicious when they found a video in which she mocked and belittled her husband. The police eventually found Isaac's body close to the CV-424, on the outskirts of Godelleta. A spokesman said that it showed signs of violence and it was in an advanced state of decomposition. Investigators also found the wheelchair the victim was using to get around.

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020 Isaac was forced to give up his career as a policemen because of his disability

The wife, named as Beatrix, was detained as the alleged author of the crime but as officers continued with their investigation the following day saw them make a second arrest, that of the 17 year old son. A spokesman said that they suspect that he helped in the burial of his stepfather, although they added that he was intimidated by his mother. The boy was the result of a relationship between Beatriz and another man prior to her marrying the victim. The police felt it unlikely that Beatriz had acted unaided in Isaac's burial and during questioning the boy confessed to his involvement in the crime, claiming that he did so because of intimidation from his mother. A neighbour, who wishes to maintain his anonymity, described Isaac's wife as "hostile, dangerous and with a character that was scary, especially toward her husband." Her hostility was also experienced by local shopkeepers during the period of the search when she regularly ripped down the posters released by Isaac's relatives screaming "That is a photo of my husband and it does not have to be here." The dead man’s family said that they were extremely grateful to all the media for “their concern and support." They hoped that the case "will be resolved soon" and praised the work of the National Police. "There was a great team working on the case from day one and they helped us throughout." In a statement, they called for "the matter to be treated with the respect" in order to protect Isaac's two young children as much as possible, "who are still coming to terms with the death of their beloved father."



Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


ridor to facilitate tourism and avoid imposing a quarantine on travellers, according to a report.

By Andrew Atkinson RYANAIR flew into Spain yesterday, on June 21, as the country reopened its borders, amid the coronavirus pandemic that led to global travel lockdown in March.

A Spanish foreign ministry source said that the two countries are in talks over the prospect of implementing an ‘air bridge’. Britons account for more than a fifth of the roughly 80 million tourists that Spain receives every year, and Madrid has said it is talking with London to try to avoid quarantine in the UK for travellers arriving from Spain. We have opened our borders to UK tourists without a quarantine,” the foreign ministry source said, adding that he now expected a decision from Britain.

"Although we are officially back with 1,000 daily flights from 1 July, across the network, some routes started on Sunday," said a spokesperson from Ryanair. The first Ryanair flight into Alicante-Elche left Manchester airport at 6.30 am on Sunday, 21 June, landing in Alicante – Elche at 9.45 am, 30 minutes ahead of schedule. It was joined on the ground by an arrival from Leeds – Bradford airport at 12.40 pm and from Liverpool’s John Lennon Airport 15 minutes later. Additional Ryanair flights on Sunday into Alicante-Elche arrived from East Midlands Airport, Birmingham and London Stansted. There was also a flight departing from Manchester Airport on Sunday afternoon which touched down at 5.55 pm in Tenerife. On June 19 the Spanish airport authority said holidaymakers coming into Spain from June 21 will have to pass three health checks but with the threat of enforced quarantine for British holidaymakers withdrawn these would hardly seem to provide any hardship. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arancha González Laya, announced during an interview with the BBC on Saturday that British citizens will be allowed to enter Spain without quarantine from 21 June, as will citizens of all EU member countries . "We are going to allow British visitors to enter Spain like the rest of the members of the EU and the Schengen zone from 21 June without the need for quarantine," González Laya said.

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Thermal imaging cameras in arrivals allow body temperatures to be checked without the need for passengers to stop.

First Ryanair flight arrives at Alicante-Elche airport from UK The possible quarantine imposed on British tourists was threatened after learning that the British government would impose quarantine on travellers from Spain as a measure of "reciprocity". "We are maintaining contacts with the British authorities to see if they will do the same. We are doing it out of respect for the 410,000 Britons who have their second residence in Spain," she explained in response to a question from the presenter about the British position. However the minister also referred to the triple

TORREVIEJA U3A Although the Torrevieja U3A Group has, like many similar organisations been lying dormant in many areas, Several of the many activities are now able to restart and offer their members a chance to take part once more. Despite all the restrictions of the last few months, the committee has continued to have regular meetings via social media means and as a result have been able to sort out several matters that required urgent attention. Amongst the many subjects that have been covered was the worrying news that their chosen charity for 2020 ReachOut was, as a result of the Covid 19 situation, in great danger of becoming bankrupt and would therefore be unable to fulfil their obligations to a number of homeless families. The committee promptly agreed to provide the charity with a supply of necessary goods to enable them to keep going for a while longer whilst the financial situation is being sorted out. Hopefully Reach Out will be able to recover shortly and continue with their worthy efforts. Barry Weston, Torrevieja U3A Press Officer

check, the first control of which is a document that travellers must fill in with information providing their location during their trip, and whether or not they have had coronavirus. The second and third controls will involve a visual inspection and a temperature check at the arrival airport. If a passenger fails any one of the three checks, he or she will then be seen by a doctor. Spain expects an imminent decision in its talks with the UK on whether to establish a travel cor-

Ryanair’s chief executive Eddie Wilson said: “After four months of lockdown we welcome these moves by governments in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus to open their borders, remove travel restrictions and scrap ineffective quarantines. Meanwhile last Monday Brussels Airlines became the first carrier to return to AlicanteElche airport when a flight with 100 passengers on board touched down during the early evening. All of the passengers underwent checks implemented by Aena and Health, in collaboration with the Red Cross, to ensure that passengers with temperatures were prevented from entering in order to prevent further outbreaks of coronavirus. The passengers were supervised by health personnel who used thermal imaging cameras at the arrivals centre; a system that allows body temperature to be checked without the need for passengers to stop. Only if the healthcare operators detect a fever, are they stopped and subjected to a further test, without having to admit them to a medical centre. The staff are seated in front of a camera and television screen that resembles those at the baggage check-ins.

Sánchez announces State ceremony in tribute to Covid deaths Government hides 13,000 deaths from Covid but claims to have saved 450,000 lives. PEDRO SÁNCHEZ has announced that a State ceremony will be held on July 16 in honour of the people who have died during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as all public servants who have been fighting against the COVID-19. The event will be led by King Felipe VI and will be attended by a number of European officials and the Director of the World Health Organisation. Among those attending will be the President of the European Council, Charles Michel; the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen; the President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, and the High Representative of the EU, Josep Borrell.

In his announcement to parliament the Prime Minister dedicated the occasion to the "28,000 people" who have lost their lives to the disease, referring to the data on King Felipe, who deaths that the Ministry of Health celebrated 6 years on has frozen for the last ten days. the throne last Friday, will lead the event However, according to the numbers quoted almost daily in the Spanish press, the government still refuses to include figures from the Community of Madrid and Catalonia that would take the deaths from the pandemic to at least 40,328. At the same time, the leader has boasted that his policy "has saved 450,000 lives." Meanwhile the leader of the Partido Popular opposition party, Pablo Casado, has reproached Sanchez for having "the worst figures for deaths, infections, and the unemployed" saying that "comparisons are odious" with other countries, where those responsible for managing the pandemic have resigned or appeared before the Justice system



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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020



Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


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Grants of up to 4,000 euros available to buy a new car energy label: scrapping of a vehicle of at least 10 years will be required, and the vehicle to be purchased must have an energy label A or B and emissions less than 120 gCO2 / km. Aid according to emissions and economic capacity – Emissions: aid will vary depending on the vehicle’s emissions, prioritising the most efficient ones.

The Government is providing a “record” injection of 1,500 million euros in grants to those companies or individuals wishing to buy a new vehicle, be it petrol, diesel or electric, in a scheme that is intended to revitalise the automotive industry in Spain. The aid is provided for the purchase of vehicles of all types to a value of 1,050 million euros, of which 550 million corresponds to direct aid to individuals and pub-

lic bodies and another 500 million to an ICO line, (Instituto de Crédito Oficial), for the acquisition of industrial and commercial vehicles. How can I benefit from the grants? The aid for the purchase of vehicles is now available, but in order to benefit, a vehicle of more than 10 years in age will have to behanded over for scrapping, with any new purchase being the most

Most expensive Premier League cars on AUTO TRADER

efficient on the market. Differences according to the energy label All users who buy a car and meet the requirements will be eligible for aid. – Price limit: in the case of passenger cars, the price may not exceed 35,000 (45,000 euros in the case of people with reduced mobility or cars with a “ZERO” label). – Scrapping of old vehicle and

– Vehicles over 20 years old: there will be additional aid for scrapping vehicles over 20 years old.

Black cab drivers have adopted a 5-point code of conduct in place to cover social distance rules and cleaning standards:

– Social issues: there will also be additional aid to beneficiaries with reduced mobility or those who belong to households with monthly incomes of less than 1,500 euros.

I will clean my taxi after every trip, and at the end of shift

For example, individuals, or those who are self-employed and who want to benefit from aid to buy a zero-emission vehicle, will have up to 4,000 euros at their disposal. An amount that will be increased by €500 in the event that the recipient is below the low income threshold or with reduced mobility, or the vehicle to be scrapped is over 20 years old.

As London and other UK cities begin to emerge from lockdown, travelling safely is of paramount importance and LEVC, manufacturer of the iconic black cab, is launching a new campaign to raise awareness of how licensed black taxis can help keep the public protected.


Here’s are some of the most expensive footballers’ cars on Auto Trader. Alex Song’s Rolls-Royce Wraith, £119,950

Mark Hateley’s Ferrari 512, £174,900 This beautiful 1993 two-door Ferrari 512 TR coupe’s first owner was former English footballer and manager, Mark Hateley. The iconic car features classic Ferrari designs, including crema leather interiors, Rosso carpets and Cavallino embossed seats. The 4.9l engine is a manual and runs on petrol. Wayne Rooney’s Land Rover Range Rover Sport, £50,000 Rumoured to be Coleen Rooney’s run-around, this 3.0l automatic Land Rover Range Rover Sport has done 74,000 miles. The SUV comes with red and black interiors, and is equipped with a freeview TV, no doubt to keep the kids entertained. Michael Keane’s Land Rover Range Rover, £49,990 England and Everton’s centre back, Michael Keane, looked after his Land Rover Range Rover well, with the 3.0l diesel carrying just 33,000 miles on the clock. The pristine interiors include a digital tv, full rear seat entertainment system, and even massage seats.

I will not work if I or any of my household have symptoms I will wear a mask when it is necessary for me to do so I will encourage passengers to pay by card where possible I will not allow passengers to sit on the seats closest to the driver, to maintain a safe distance

The new ‘Black Cab: Private Public Transport’ initiative highlights how passengers can always stay socially distanced, in a personal and contactless space by choosing to travel in a licensed black taxi. These taxis are equipped with a purpose-built partition that separates the driver and passenger compartment, contactless payment in the rear, easy to clean surfaces and an intercom system that allows driver and passenger to always communicate clearly, without the need to do so ‘face-to-face’. Joerg Hofmann, CEO, LEVC:“ The black cab will play a vital role in keeping cities moving safely during these unprecedented times.”

Fottballers haven’t been sitting idle whilst waiting for the Premier League to kick off again, with some using the time to sell their cars.

Ex-Arsenal player, Alex Song, decided to sell his beloved Rolls Royce after enjoying it for two years, due to his move to Switzerland in 2018. Built in 2014, this two-door 6.6l engine only has just 19,120 miles on the clock. No expense was spared on the vehicle, with a full black leather interior, chrome details and even massage seats.

LEVC Black Cab Campaign to support safe city journeys

Alex Song’s Rolls-Royce Wraith, £119,950 Vincent Kompany’s Ford Mustang, £49,499 Reminiscent of the Transformers Bumblebee, Vincent Kompany’s Ford Mustang Shelby GT-California is one of just 215 made. The former ManCity captain is the one previous owner of the 4.6l manual car, which has just 3,000 miles on the clock. It’s been fitted with a Ford Racing Power Upgrade Package, and superbly finished in Grabber Orange. Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink’s Porsche 911, £37,500 Originally owned by former footballer, Jerrel “Jimmy” Floyd Hasselbaink back in 2003, this Porsche 911 has since had four other owners. The most recent owner is privately selling the 3.6l automatic through Auto Trader, having restored the car with no expense spared six years ago. The bodywork is immaculate whilst the interiors boast custom alcantara interior with metropole blue leather. Auto Trader’s Rory Reid says, “Auto Trader continues to be the go-todestination for footballers looking for a change of wheels, particularly in the lead up to the Premier League restarting. This year highlights the continued popularity for SUVs amongst Premier League stars, with the likes of Range Rovers continuing to take the top spots.”



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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020



Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


SIMULATED EXECUTIONS HATE CRIME as simulated assassinations of four Government Ministers carried out at Malaga shooting range Investigators have located a shooting gallery in Malaga where a video shows a man shooting photos of members of the Government.

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USA and Canada to keep border closed to 21 July Canada and the United States have agreed to keep their border closed by the pandemic until, at least, next July 21. This has been announced by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, noting that "it is an important decision that will keep people in both countries safe."

National Police officers have identified the man who simulated the shooting of members of the coalition government in a private shooting gallery in Malaga. He is said to be an ex-military member of the Armed Forces who currently works as a resident taxi driver on the Costa del Sol.

Initially, Ottawa and Washington agreed in March to temporarily close the border, except for travel deemed essential and freight traffic.

The National Police are continuing with their investigation of the video having confirmed that the gallery is located in Malaga, specifically the Lince Gallery. According to the local press, two plainclothes police officers have visited the centre to question those responsible. One of the officers has confirmed that, at this stage, they are still looking for the person who appears in the video. The investigation is now focused on identifying and finding all of the other people who feature, something that the police expect could happen in the next few hours.

Government staff can telework 4 days a week

The video shows the man shooting at photographs of Pedro Sánchez, Pablo Iglesias, Irene Montero, Grande-Marlaska and Pablo Echenique, all of whom have recently been the subject of death threats.

Government workers may telework up to four days a week from June 22 and until the coronavirus pandemic is eradicated.

In the video, which has already been denounced by the vice president on Twitter, a person is seen carrying out five executions of the government ministers and celebrating at the end of the spree. The State Attorney's Office said that it is going to file a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office. Meanwhile a spokesman for the Sánchez Government says that they show their total rejection and condemnation of these images, which contain serious threats and spread hatred. They consider that events like this feed the most extreme sectors of society that seek to destroy essential values of our democracy and our Constitution. The video has been shared by Iglesias is also said to be circulating through various WhatsApp groups of

The officials who will be able to take advantage of this option will be: those with children under 14 years of age, those who are in the care of dependent or disabled people and those who belong to vulnerable groups.

police agents and the State Security Forces and Bodies (FFCCSE). Some of the agents have expressed their concerns and have reported the events to the media.

Workers who do not meet these conditions may telework just one day per week.

Barceló confirms that Torrevieja Hospital will revert to public management The Valencian Government has confirmed that it will take back into public management the University Hospital of Torrevieja once the concession with the Ribera Salud group in October 2021, although its intention not to extend the contract must be formally notified to the group in October this year. The announcement was made by the Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, to Les Corts Valencianes, on Thursday, in response to a question from the Unides

Podem deputy Irene Gómez. "The road map has not changed," said Barceló, who added that in October, she will notify Ribera Salud "that the contract is concluded when it expires next year." Barceló said, the 180,000 people who depend on this hospital, currently managed by a concession, "will be brought entirely into the public system." The Minister said that this pandemic has highlighted the importance of public and universal health, that "it has helped us all without distinction and has made us all equal in the face of the disease."

Her statement came shortly after Ximo Puig had been rather ambiguous in confirming the renewal of the concession, even proposing some type of intermediate concession route under greater public supervision, something that their partners, Compromís and Podemos, did not like. Ribera Salud has not only managed the Hospital since October 2006, but also the primary care centres that serve the population of ten municipalities in the towns of Torrevieja, Guardamar del Segura, Rojales, San Fulgencio, Formentera, San Miguel de Salinas, Pilar de la Horadada, Orihuela Costa , Benijófar, and Los Montesinos.

WHO expects millions of doses "of vaccines by the end of the year The World Health Organization (WHO) is "optimistic" and has ensured that there are "hundreds of millions of doses" of vaccines against coronavirus by the end of the year. "If we are lucky, there will be one or two successful vaccines by the end of the year," said WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan. Although, he has insisted that these figures are not certain and that they depend on the final result of the clinical trials that are being carried out to try to find a vaccine.

Teachers demand clear protocols for September restart Teachers are clear that returning to classrooms in September, be it face-to-face or virtual, will be a challenge. The risk of contagion by the coronavirus will continue, and the experience from recent months does not fill us with optimistm about the next school year. Almost 80% of teachers say that they are are skeptical of an educational administration that still has no clear solutions, resources or protocols.



Anti-corruption revive investigation into payments of Orihuela Mayor Once again the allegations of corruption surrounding the Orihuela mayor, Emilio Bascuñana, when he worked an advisor to the Ministry of Health, between 2007 and 2014, is the subject of an investigation by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office who, according to the Spanish press, have taken up the complaint. The case surrounds a possible misappropriation of funds relating to Bascuñana's actions for not carrying out his job over a 7 year period, during which time he

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served as advisor to the territorial directorate of Health, despite drawing a regular salary.

Bascuñana has always insisted that he

does have evidence to document his work in the Territorial Health Directorate during this period as well as the testimonies of people with whom he worked.

Ciudadanos want municipal bicycle service The spokesperson for Ciudadanos (Cs) in Torrevieja, Pilar Gómez Magán, wants the creation of a municipal bicycle service and expansion and improvement to the network of bicycle lanes, which will contribute to the quality of life, improve health and reduce pollution. She said that the city also needs to increase the number of places to park bicycles in the centre. "The objective is to promote a culture of mobility and to increase the number of places that can be easily visited by using

this form of transport, which will then see the reduction in the use of motorised vehicles”. The service would require a minimum network of lanes with routes developed exclusively for movement by bicycle. Currently the bike lanes are limited to a route several kilometres parallel to the N-332 and CV-905. Torrevieja is not designed for urban mobility. There are no bike lanes within the town centre, so mobility by this means of transport is impossible as bicy-


Anticorruption investigates Torrevieja cleanup plan

It was the Ministry of Health itself that took the case to the Provincial Prosecutor's Office, which initiated proceedings, but which has now been assumed by the Anticorruption agency. At the time, the prosecution saw signs of a possible misappropriation in Bascuñana's actions. The report that Health provided to the Prosecutor's Office, dated October 2018, showed that there were no official records that Emilio Bascuñana, a doctor and the current mayor of Orihuela, attended patients at the Álvarez de la Riva health centre during the period from 2007 to 2011.

cles need to share space with vehicles on highly congested streets. Unfortunately the popularity of the bicycle, electric bikes and other individual mobility forms, together with the lack of lanes that give priority to their movement, is causing a steadily increasing number of traffic incidents. Previous governments have publicly committed to developing a network of bike lanes, but unfortunately, none have gone beyond their announcements and promises at press conferences.

Anticorruption prosecutor Pablo Romero has summoned Torrevieja council employees and opposition councillors to testify before him in July as he investigates alleged irregularities in the clean-up shock plan ordered by the Partido Popular government team at the beginning of the current mandate. The Public Prosecutor's Office will summon the departmental controller, the service's supervising engineer and 2 councillors from the opposition.

means needed to improve cleanliness around the town and in the streets, for several months. The government put the monthly cost of the additional staff and service at more than 120,000 euros. The management of the plan was awarded to the company Acciona, which had been carrying out the street cleaning and waste collection service without a contract since June 2016.

Shortly after taking office the PP council introduced a clean-up shock plan in accordance with its electoral promise ahead of the summer period.

The Prosecutor's Office is investigating whether there were alleged irregularities in the order to Acciona, as there is neither a contract nor invoices presented by the company to the Torrevieja City Council.

Both the mayor, Eduardo Dolón (PP) and the councillor responsible for Urban Cleaning and Contracting, Carmen Gómez, announced that there was to be an increase in the number of staff, about twenty, and in the provision of additional material

Acciona, which was awarded the main cleaning contract in 2004, and which ran out after ten years of validity and a two year extension, has shown its interest in entering the new tender process that is now being carried out by interested companies.


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020

‘Bargain of the week’ …? My electricity bill arrived in the mail this morning. Being serendipitously stranded, thanks to Mrs Covid, I have more time to think about things like electricity bills. This is the story of my bill. It is my story, but it is also your story – give or take a few appliances. In the great big world out there, electricity powers industry and agriculture. It drives just about everything we can think of on our planet. This column is not about big business. This week’s offering is about me and my domestic electricity bill. My bill worked out at less than twenty Euro per week. I know that these long summer days are easier on electricity, but nonetheless, I started running through my brain-cage all the benefits I received for my twenty Euro note. I want to ask you if this is the greatest value for money that you and I enjoy in our everyday lives. Just taking the past week, I listed some of the benefits and pleasures I enjoyed, courtesy of my electricity provider. I love my big-screen TV; no time more so than tonight, and the return of the Premiership. The Internet flabbergasts me with all it knows and all it can do for an old geezer like me. We have attractive lighting in every room and outside in the yard as well. There are plugs in the sheds, where I can switch on an electric fence to control cattle all over the farm and also pump clean water down to the cows. The electric cooker cooks dinners (at least I think that is where it comes from!) My precious coffeemaker I can man myself, and the kettle will fill the tea-pot with boiling water for tea in nothing more than a few minutes. I can also operate the toast-


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maker. Pop a slice of bread in and toast and marmalade is on the table as soon as the milk is in the coffee or tea. (Mrs Youcantbeserious doesn’t drink coffee). Please don’t get bored here and opt out. This is important for you to appreciate how lucky you are to have electricity! Just think what it is like when the power goes off for half a day? I am old enough to remember when houses did not have electricity. I remember the excitement in the 1950’s when the miracle of the ‘Rural Electrification Scheme’ shone a bright light into all the dark corners of remote Ireland. Can you picture houses with large families and no electricity? For lighting in our kitchen we had a ‘tilly lamp.’ It gave a bright light, but had a mantle. Quite regularly a moth would line up the light and go into a kamikaze dive. No more moth … and no more mantle. No mantle and the candles had to be brought out! Mrs Youcantbeserious has a hair-drier, a hair straightener – and God knows what else, to keep herself as beautiful as she is. (Perfect, Bernie!!) I have an electric shaver; going back to the era before lock-down, when I used to shave. I even own an electric tooth brush. Without my twenty Euro worth of electricity, none of the above would be worth a fiddler’s flute. This house is cleaned by a hoover; very often with me on the end of it, I have to say in my own selfpraise. We have a washing machine, and the washboard is a museum piece. Mrs Youcantbeserious claims never to have seen one! There is a tumbledrier beside the washing machine so clothes get dried on a wet day. Washing up after the dinner is no bother either. The days of “you wash and I’ll dry” are long since gone, like the kettle on the crane. Fair play to ‘Zanussi’ who looks after the cups and plates. We have an electric iron, whereas my mother had to heat the iron on a bed of coals by the fire.

FIRESPIKE A dazzling addition to your garden

Graphic courtesy of The Irish Times Electric showers in all the rooms means nobody has to wait for a ‘Stanley Range’ to heat the water for a bath – or fight over ‘who’s next’. Not only that, but I have an outdoor sauna that you only have to flip a switch to use. The touch of a pad opens and closes the gates. The house is electronically alarmed, so I can go to bed feeling safe – after I have turned on my electric blanket of course! What about the fridge – not to mention the freezer? Food kept fresh almost for as long as you want. Compare that with no electricity? Anyway, I have to go and plug my phone into the charger… If you know of any greater value for twenty Euro – please don’t be keeping it to yourself!

Don’t Forget Once upon a time we had to rescue the toast from a blazing fire. Now the burned toast just pops up automatically. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

Jewel Firespike splash of colour and aroma attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies

your garden almost all-year round, flowering from early spring with an abundance of flowers in autum and early winter time, with regular watering.

Firespike - botanical name Odontonema strictum - known as Cardinal Guard or Scarlet Flame, strives well in a hot climate like the Costa Blanca.

Preferring full sun, with moist well-drained soil, they will also grow in partial sun or partial shade. However, you'll get fewer flowers, and they won’t be as vibrant in colour.

Showing off its striking crimson flowers and lush, shiny leaves of faint aromas, Firespike leaves can be used to make a stunning addition to bouquet or floral arrangements. Firespike will add a splash of bright colour, thus making a big impact to

A jewel of a plant Firespike can grow beteeen 4'-12' high and spread up to 2'3' wide. If branches become too long or unruly, prune back, ideally three times a year to sustain flowering. Producing a sweet nectar, Firespike attracts hummingbirds, bees and butterflies into the garden.



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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


Registration for summer High season brings 44 new staff school opens in Orihuela to the street cleaning workforce

Orihuela council has recruited 44 new staff to reinforce the municipal technical service during the high season who will be assigned to the Orihuela Costa, the old town and districts of Orihuela.

SUMMER SCHOOLS will open for Orihuela’s children on June 29 with the office open for registrations from Thursday, June 18 to Friday, June 26, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The councillor said that, “The schools will be organised in three groups by age group; group 1 for children between 5 and 8; group 2 children from 9 to 12 years of age; and a third group for the remainder.” He also added that “different children's sports activities will be carried out including baseball, hockey, paddle, basketball, handball, as well as different psychomotricity workshops, popular games, skateboards, talks on nutrition, first aid and gymkhanas, and much more." The capacity is limited, however, so to register activities it is necessary to prebook through the Department of Sports. Procedures and further information can be found at: MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOLS The councillor has also highlighted the

The councillor, Dámaso Aparicio, explained "We continue to work with the commitment to provide a better service every day and that is why, in order to improve the municipal cleanliness, we have requested the recruitment of 84 new workers for the Department of Human Resources, which at the moment has provided us with 44 new staff."

addition, the Department also has 25 Actúa workers, the company awarded the service to support the cleaning of beaches and the surrounding area.

The staff be distributed as follows: 12 drivers (6 for the coast and 6 for the town and districts) as well as 32 workers (19 for the coastal area and 13 will provide service in the districts). In

The councillor said, "We continue to work hand in hand with Human Resources in our attempts to achieve a better service in the municipal area."

Promotion of golf tourism on the Orihuela Costa opening of the outdoor recreational pool on June 27 from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 15:30 to 20:00. During its lunchtime closure, between 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. the installation will be disinfected. The swimming pool at the Palacio del Agua will also open its doors on June 22 at its usual time after having carried out all the conditioning measures. Sports courts opened their doors on June 15, both the open and covered facilities.

"Orihuela Golf Experience, Health Guarantee", is being lauched in the media during the months of June to August, as well as on digital portals that specialise in golf. Cllr Rocamora said, “We consider that Vega Baja is at the heart of golf in the province, with five courses at Vistabella Golf, Villamartin Golf Club, Las Ramblas Golf Club, Las Colinas Golf & Country Club and Campoamor Golf Club”.

The promotion can be viewed through the Orihuela Turística YouTube channel: It shows “the five golf courses and their different characteristics, also combining active tourism, monuments and beaches," said the councillor. The video was made with a drone during the months of confinement due to the Covid-19 health crisis, and as the councillor pointed out, “thanks to this promotional campaign we want to promote this tourist product in open spaces and I want invite everyone to consider trying out the sport”. REOPENING OF THE IMMIGRATION OFFICE Cllr Rocamora also announced the reopening to the public of the Immigration Office on the Orihuela Costa, from Wednesday, July 1. This municipal service will be open during normal office hours and by appointment on the phone 96 676 00 00.


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


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DAME VERA LYNN 1917-2020

Forces’ Sweetheart, Dame Vera Lynn, dies aged 103 Dame Vera Lynn passed away last Thursday vmorning at her home in Ditchling, East Sussex, vsurrounded by her close family.

Melodic mission Vera performed tirelessly to boost the morale of the soldiers

A statement from her family said they are all deeply saddened to announce the passing of one of Britain’s best loved entertainers at the magnificent age of 103. Known as ‘The Forces Sweetheart’ in 1939 Vera first recorded the song ‘We’ll meet again’ which became such a song of hope for all those troops, from all nations, who were fighting abroad during World War 2. During the war she travelled extensively entertaining the troops in India, Egypt, Burma and elsewhere, living in the same conditions that they did, where she

would rally them as they spent so much time away from home.

an enormous amount of charity work for ex-servicemen as well as for breast cancer charities.

She was born in East London, in East Ham, in 1917, the daughter of a plumber and a dressmaker and despite serious illness in her very early years she started performing at just the age of 7.

She was someone who became a much loved part of British culture and even had a street named in her honour, Vera Lynn Close, in Forest Gate, London.

Her first radio broadcast, with the Joe Loss Orchestra, was in 1935 with her first solo record released a year later but it was not until 1937, when she moved to the aristocrat of British dance bands, Bert Ambrose, that Lynn made her Þrst hit recordings, "The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot" and "Red Sails in the Sunset". Her rendition of We’ll Meet Again became an anthem for hope during World War Two. As well as her duties on stage Dame Vera also did

In 1976 Lynn was made a dame and in 2000 she was named as the Briton who best exemplified the spirit of the 20th Century. As she turned 100 in 2017, she looked back on her life. She established the Dame Vera Lynn Children’s Charity in 2001. And she said it is her charity work – not her wartime bravery – for which she wants to be remembered. “I’d love it to be my legacy,” she said. “I’ve never considered my actions as courageous. I was just doing my job.”

Willie Thorne passes away in Torrevieja Hospital 'Willie passed away very peacefully and without pain, listening to his children saying they love him'. BY ANDREW ATKINSON Villamartin based snooker star Willie Thorne, 66, died on Wednesday morning (June 17) at Torrevieja hospital after going into septic shock in ICU. "It is with a very heavy and broken heart that I have to officially announce that at 1.55am this morning Willie Thorne lost his battle and passed away," friend and carer Julie O'Niell told me. "Willie went into septic shock and was not responding to any treatment - so the decision was made by the hospital to turn off the machines," said O'Neill. "I was with him all the way to his end reading out messages to him from people," said O'Neill. "He passed away very peacefully and without pain, listening to his children

saying they love him - that gives me some comfort in this difficult time," said O'Neill. "In Spain everything happens very quickly (regards to deaths) and myself and his family will be making (funeral) plans," added O'Neill. "It disappoints me somewhat that people were Tweeting he had passed away - when he was still holding on and with us. I guess that’s celebrity life," said O'Neill. The Leader newspaper was thanked personally by Thorne, O'Neill and Thorne's close friend, British golfer Mark Roe, following him undergoing chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia since March. "It is very sad news that Willie passed away at 1.55am this morning," Roe told me. Thorne had undergone multiple blood transfusions and suffered gout, along with undergoing MRI scans and tests for a mystery illness, the latter seeing

him placed into an induced coma at the weekend. A GoFundMe campaign that raised over €22,500 was launched to help raise financial funds to pay for round the clock care at his Villamartin home, when not in hospital. Thorne had thanked The Leader, after informing him that Ronnie O'Sullivan had grown a moustache in his honour, and sent a message to O'Sullivan on June 14 saying 'I Love You', to snooker star O'Sullivan. "Thank you so very much to everyone that has been involved in Willie's care you have all been absolutely amazing and Willie couldn’t have asked for better. "Thank you for all the donations, that enabled him to get the care he needed. This will now pay for his Funeral. "Thank you for all the well wishes and beautiful messages of support," said O'Neill.

A Memorial service for Willie will be held at Cristo Resucitado, Ecumenical Centre in C/Diamante, Orihuela Costa at 11.15am on Wednesday



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Police arrest man for beheading his 60-year-old father Albatera Local Police arrested a 30-year-old man on Saturday evening following the death of his 60-year-old father. According to sources, the attacker, who suffers from schizophrenia, cut his father's throat, almost severing his head. The incident took place at around 8:30 p.m. in the San Jaime area of the town. Neighbours reported screaming coming from a house on Calle La Cruz. Officers went to the house, where father and son were appar-

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


López Miras wants to meet Pedro Sánchez to talk about the Mar Menor

López Miras & Prime

Neighbours reported

Minister, Pedro Sánchez

screaming coming from a house on Saturday evening

ently locked inside a garage, but they were unable to access. They managed to force the door with a battering ram but the perpetrator was able to evade the agents and flee the scene. However, he was chased and eventually overpowered by four Local Police officers. Having gained access to the interior of the property the health services were unable to save the victim's life. The mayor, Ana Serna, confirmed that the

Orihuela suspends San Juan bonfires on its beaches Orihuela Council has said that it will increase patrols to ensure there are no bonfires lit on its beaches on the night of San Juan, June 23-24. Councillor Ramón López, said that he regrets being unable to authorise bonfires due to the health crisis in order to ensure there are no unauthorised gatherings. He said that the aim is to avoid uncontrolled crowds which are unable to maintain the safety distances required by state and regional regulations.

Civil Guard are now investigating the incident as a murder case, without providing more information. She was cautious about the events that she described as "very serious." Just 2 weeks ago a 30-year-old man was arrested in Alicante accused of murdering his 67 year old mother after stabbing her over 60 times and also trying to kill his father, who was seriously wounded by a knife wound to the neck.

During a speech on the State of the Region last week, the Murcia President, Fernando López Miras, said that he is going to request an interview with the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, to talk about the situation of the Mar Menor and seek remedies to the problems of the salty lagoon. He explained that, after Pedro Sánchez's commitment to hold bilateral meetings with some of the autonomous communities, he asked that "one of the first be with the Region of Murcia, specifically about the Mar Menor." López Miras dedicated a good part of his speech to remembering the impact that the floods have had on the area since the first DANA last September, "the worst in 150 years," he said.

Almost 200 new waste bins for the streets of Orihuela The Councillor for Street Cleaning has said that his department is beginning to install almost 200 new waste bins on the streets during the coming days. Some of the units will replace those that are rusty or broken, and once completed, the units destined for the Orihuela Costa will then be fitted," Aparicio explained. These new models have a mouth that will prevent users from depositing their garbage bags, blocking them and rendering them unusable for other people. They also have a small ashtray on top. He said, "the use of litter bins is essential and necessary at all times, but now even more so as hygiene measures must be taken not only on a personal level and in our homes but also on the streets”.


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020

Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99.

Meetings are currently postponed during the current crisis. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini

s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. ...currently postponed Royal Air Force Association Costa

Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15


am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

THIRSTY WORK as Montesinos Nigel builds own bar! By Andrew Atkinson Nigel built his own bar amid COVID-19 lockdown

Nigel Johnson and wife Sally who have a property in Los Montesinos are spending time back home drinking in their home made bar in the garden! Nigel took to building a bar after missing the outdoor lifestyle of having a pint in the Vega Baja hamlet due to the ban on flights to Spain, amid COVID-19. The couple who live in Richmond, North Yorkshire, have built 'Nigel's Bar', amid home-built bars springing up across the UK following public houses being closed since March following the coronavirus lockdown. Nigel, Director at Tees Valley Groundworks Ltd, told The Leader: "When we were put into

lockdown I decided to make a bar something I had thought about previously - but lockdown gave a good excuse. "Our local pub was closed - and we couldn’t fly over to Spain due to the Coronavirus." Nigel added: "It took me four days to make the shell, then I gradually filled it with glasses, bottles and pub memorabilia. "I've even got a picture hung up originally hung in my local pub - of a white bull. Not being in Spain we hope to spend some sunny days enjoying ourselves here." "We are hopeful of returning to Los Montesinos soon, after the return of scheduled flights from July 1," said Sally.

637 227 385


Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708



637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


Children Harry and Olivia hailed as 'superstars' during COVID-19 By Andrew Atkinson Harry and Olivia McMillan have been personally thanked for being 'superstars' by the North West Ambulance Service during the coronavirus outbreak, with a letter in helping mum Sarah, who works with the NW Ambulance service. Letters from Daren Mochrie, chief executive North West ambulance service to Harry, 9, and Olivia, 6, read: I wanted to say a big thank you for helping your mummy do her job. She is a very important part of the team at North west ambulance service and we couldn't do our job without them. Your mummy works for an organisation that looks after poorly people and at the moment there are lots more poorly people than usual. They are working even harder Harry and Olivia 'superstars' with personal letters presented than they usually do and they to them by the North West Ambulance Service. are being very brave, strong even better. and kind. I think that she is brilliant. As you are still going to school we want to send Although you don't come to work with us every you an extra big thank you. day you are also part of the North West ambulance team. We will be very busy in the weeks ahead, but we You are doing a great job giving mummy lots of hugs and smiles and this will help her do her job

want you to know that we will get through this together.

The Bowen Technique with Body Harmony The Bowen Technique was pioneered by Thomas after a series of set moves, the therapist leaves the Bowen, born in Geelong, Australia. After working room for a couple of minutes. This prompts the in miscellaneous labouring jobs as a young man, body to reset, repair and rebalance itself. he developed a great interest in massage and body The Bowen Technique does not rely on hard preswork and spent time observing sure, it is a very light touch therafootball trainers and others The Bowen Technique py and there is no twisting, bendinvolved with sports. addresses many conditions, is ing or awkward repositioning of ideal for stress and health By the time he was in his early the client during the treatment. It management, and it is regard- can be performed through light 40´s, this gifted man had established a full time practice in reme- ed as safe and effective for clothing. dial therapy using the technique he people of all ages. A key element of the Bowen developed. It is amazing at the Technique so that we work holistically and do not effectiveness of this simple and gentle “hands-on” treat a specific condition but look at the person as therapy. a whole. The Bowen Technique is suitable for everyone, What can Bowen safely treat. from the tiniest of babies, to athletes and frailest of Common presenting problems include back and adults. neck pain, knee problems, sports injuries, RSI, It looks at restoring balance to the body by a series frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and respiratory of very gentle rolling type moves made with the problems. Conditions such as chronic fatigue, therapist´s fingers and thumbs over precise areas hayfever, headache, kidney problems and probof the body. lems requiring lymphatic drainage have responded A unique feature of the Bowen Treatment is that favourably to Bowen Technique. Some people use

the Bowen Technique as a means of stress management and health maintenance, seeing their therapists regularly 2-4 times a year. The Bowen Technique also addresses many other conditions and it is regarded as safe and effective for people of all ages. The actual Bowen treatment With Bowen Technique, I am happy to work either directly onto skin or through light clothing. The first session will consist of a consultation during which I take notes about you, your lifestyle, conduct any assessments required and then carry out the Bowen Therapy. Treatments are normally about an hour. Every person is unique and therefore treatments and times are tailored to the individual. An initial course of three treatments is recommended to see how the client responds to treatment, usually at weekly intervals. Some clients will experience instant pain relief, whereas with others the body may respond over the next few days, but normally even chronic conditions will see relief with an initial set of three treatments. It is recommended that clients are not receiving other physical thera-




Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


637 227 385




ANSWERS Week 819 QUICK ACROSS: 6 Imperil; 7 Aware; 9 Again; 10 Calling; 12 Unfeignedly; 14 Altercation; 18 Combine; 19 Diary; 21 Revel; 22 Fatuous. DOWN: 1 Image; 2 Region; 3 Dig; 4 Twelve; 5 Wrangle; 8 Naughty; 11 Descent; 13 All over; 15 Emblem; 16 Odious; 17 Fraud; 20 Gay. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 6 Funeral; 7 Hoard; 9 Shrug; 10 Lodging; 12 Demonstrate; 14 Fatal

ACROSS 1. Street (4) 3. War (8) 9. Show-case (7) 10. Urge (5) 11. Indemnification (12) 13. Pitch tents (6) 15. Harsh (6) 17. Base (12) 20. Supplementary (5) 21. Sugar (7) 22. Once (8) 23. Spoken (4) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 22

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 14. 16. 18. 19.

errors; 18 Sleeper; 19 Rebound (8) Record set (5) Blunt (6) Timid (5-7) Beg (7) Speak (4) In the middle (12) Private (8) Maker (7) Shellfish (6) Penetrate (5) Unhearing (4)

Abbey; 21 Anode; 22 Bulldog. DOWN: 1 Ought; 2 Refuse; 3 Lam; 4 Forger; 5 Granite; 8 Consort; 11 Foresee; 13 Mailing; 15 Agenda; 16 Ribald; 17 Demon; 20 Nun.

ACROSS 1. Condiment makes many sick (4) 3. Lose track of account in simple form (8) 9. Agrees to have a couple of hundred different pets (7) 10. Where a washer is always available (2,3) 11. One looking for scraps may show it (12) 13. Settle a clue (6) 15. Doing nothing right in an examination (2,4) 17. Remain calm and avoid being executed! (4,4,4) 20. More or less important player (5) 21. Geological term for beach wear, possibly (7) 22. Army units also included in the projects (8) 23. Mad cricketers (4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. What were the two great civilisations in Greece between 2000 and 1000 BC? 2. Since 1670, what is the oldest commercial corporation in North America? 3. Which two European countries were eliminated by South Korea in the knock-out rounds of the 2002 World Cup, and who stopped South Korea in the semi-final? 4. Which 1965 007 children's toy with all the accessories can now fetch up to 1,500 dollars when sold at auctions or through E-Bay? 5. Which tiny country has the highest number of snake bite fatalities each year? 6. What are the three most populated cities in Africa? 7. Name the first eight UK number one hits from The Beatles. 8. The Pretenders hit 'Stop Your Sobbing' and The Herman's Hermits hit 'Dandy' were both written by which man? 9. What did the US buy for $7.2m in 1867? 10. Which women, famed for having something named after her, said "When women go wrong, men go right after them"?

DOWN 1. Exhausted and insensitive to rhythm (4-4) 2. Near-beer place? (5) 4. How to march on foot (6) 5. Estate agent's office behind the scenes? (8,4) 6. What one may write about a recital (7) 7. Discover an Eastern secret agent (4) 8. It's noted for being honest and quiet (7,5) 12. The boss sent out learners (8) 14. Possibly I retain indolence (7) 16. It's still produced in Ireland, though illegally (6) 18. Not an all-American name for a girl (5) 19. He has a piano for collection (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 2 ) 11. Charlie Chaplin and Arthur Jefferson (Stan Laurel) both worked in which famous 'circus'? 12. What kind of creature are taipan, fer-de-lance and krait? 13. Which British writer-comedienne and dinner lady famously said "I thought coq-au-vin was love in a lorry"? 14. Which five countries in the world have armed forces with more than 1,000,000 active troops? 15. In which decade of the 20th century did the Supreme Court of the United States declare racial segregation in schools illegal? 16. Other than Hornby Model Railways, what were Frank Hornby's two most popular additions to the world of toys? 17. What was the title of the first Beatles album in which all the songs on the record were composed by the Beatles? 18. The Hejaz appears on the list of original members of the League of Nations. Today, Hejaz is a part of which country? 19. 'Q' in James Bond films. What does 'Q' stand for? 20. What is the main ingredient of houmous?



637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


How to spot illegal building works like a professional architect in just 5 steps Spanish building licences are famously difficult and tortuous to obtain and in most cases something of a nightmare. Here are 5 common nut tricky situations that can only be solved by using a Retrospective Licence and that we surveyors are quickly able to spot:

Glazed in terraces or closed in porches are built without a proper licence in 95% of cases

1-Garages or building work carried out attached to the boundaries (even permanent carports etc) cannot obtain a licence (generally speaking). The minimum distance from an open window to the neighbour's boundary is 2 metres in Spain, but generally detached villas must be a minimum of 3 metres away from the boundary, although this may vary and can even be much more. 2-Glazed in terraces or closed in porches are built without a proper licence in 95% of cases. Spanish properties traditionally tend to have many open (patios) or semi-open spaces (porches) to create breezes or shaded areas. These semi-open spaces are very frequently closed in by using glazing or brick work. The Spanish law regards these enclosures as extensions of the built floor area of the property and therefore they are subject to a 'Major Licence' for their construction. Licences to close these spaces in are generally not

issued. 3-Most pools are not declared in the title deeds. Many of them don't have a licence either. The small percentage that have a licence generally don't have the architect’s certificate signing off the building of the pool. If you are selling your property you can use a Certificate of Antiquity or Retrospective Licence for pools, to give peace of mind to the purchasers and also use it to upgrade the title deeds to include the pool at the time of selling. 4-Any exterior cupboard, semi open kitchen or other covered building work must have a proper 'Major Licence' when it has an interior height over 1,50 metres. 5-Under-builds with living accommodation are not allowed by law and like the previous examples can be added to the title deeds using a Retrospective Licence. In all these scenarios the document needed is a Certificate of Antiquity, also known as a Retrospective Licence, to guard against possible sanctions, and it is highly recommended that they are obtained to avoid putting off potential buyers due to the existence of illegal extensions in or on the property. It will also be needed in order to update the property’s description in Title Deeds & Land Registry. The condition in order to obtain a Retrospective Licence is that the building work done is 4 years old in Murcia Area, 6 years old in Almeria area and built before August 2010 in Alicante area. If you are purchasing a property in this area remember to always give your solicitor an exact description of the property highlighting the building works above and ask them to guarantee what you are buying is exactly what is registered at the land registry. Only qualified Spanish architects are competent to issue retrospective licences so if your solicitors are studying your case, ask them to contact Martinez de la Casa Architects to provide the Antiquity Certificate and we will make the whole process easier, faster and cheaper with our fixed published prices and guaranteed deadlines. The cost of a Certificate of Antiquity / Retrospective Licence for pools is 190€ +IVA (229 €) and extensions or complete properties 270€ +IVA (326 €). Discounts available if you require your Energy Performance Certificate (121€ IVA Inc) or Habitation Licence (from 118€ Registration tax not incl), done at the same time. Martinez de la Casa Architects can guarantee all services within stated deadlines and a fixed price. With over 10,000 clients in South East Spain, we are considered one of the most prominent and respectable architecture practices, providing all types of certificates and licences, amongst other services. For all enquiries or to arrange an appointment please call 665 810 411 or visit to see an impressive list of over 200 client's testimonials.


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club Sponsored by The Pub, Bowling Abroad, Avalon, Lounge D, Rogers, La Piazza and The Belfry. BOWLING IS BACK. Bowling resumed at Monte Mar Bowls Club on Tuesday 26th May, all be it in a limited way. We can only use three rinks instead of six because of the social distancing. Bowling is now taking place on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday each week. It’s by appointment only through the organising manager, Howie Williams by email only. Booking example: for week Tuesday 30th June - 5th July you have to email from Tuesday 23rd no later than Friday 26th June. Whilst members bowling have had to adhere to all the health and safety requirements, they are never the less delighted to be able to bowl again. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all of those members who spent a lot of time and effort in ensuring everything was clean and disinfected prior to any bowling commencing and everything was made as safe as possible. Chris Harding Chairman.

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LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB REPORT by Barry Latham Nice to see a fair few people come along to watch, appreciate, curse and cheer on the players. There were some good matches played this morning and even Dave McGaw said “ Eh man you played better than us. Well done” Good on you Dave and his partner John Rae agreed.

Monte Mar Bowls Club We are still here! FRIDAY COMPETITION. Friday 12th June saw the first competition named “Fish and Chip league”. Diane and John suggested having some Friday evening games and they were overwhelmed with the interest. Thirty one bowlers the maximum number we could have are now having

three games each over the next six Fridays. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the first game, after which we all went down to the uare where we enjoyed fish and chips. It was lovely to see so many people enjoying being back bowling and

socialising with friends. Thank you Diane and John for organising the competition. For Further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at We are also on face book.

Dettori chalks up 70th Royal Ascot career win in G2 Hardwicke Stakes By Andrew Atkinson Frankie Dettori rode John Gosden trained Fanny Logan to an emphatic victory in the Group 2 Hardwicke Stakes at Royal Ascot on Friday.

Lesley and Dave Joynes won12 – 10 which puts them top of Group 1. Steve Douglas and Maureen Kidd played against Shirley Hadaway and Margaret McLaughlin. Shirley and Margaret were well ahead but got stuck on 13, bit like the Jones last week. Shirley and Margaret did similar and won 14 – 12. The big friends played each other today. Mike and Carol Smith were very kind to them as it was Anne’s birthday and Anne and Mike Stone won 20 – 6 which puts them top of Group 2. Great game on Rink 6 where Garth Slater swopped positions with Geoff Halfhyde and they played some great bowls which went right to the last end giving them a one shot win 12 – 11 against and equally competitive pair in the shape of Jan and Peter Parsons. And so the competiveness went on with the match between Cliff Rawlinson and Lorita Rae and Alex Whyte and Tom Spencer. Another game that went to the last end with Cliff picking up sufficient points for a draw.

Fanny Logan - Dettori's 70th career win at Royal Ascot - gained a two and a half lengths win ahead of Alounak. Defoe was third. 2019 Derby winner and 9-4 favourite Anthony Van Dyck, was bumped in running twice, and was squeezed for room to finish out of the frame.

Lastly Kath and Jim Manning versus Jean and Paul Tregoing thought it might rain so they played on Wednesday and Kath and Jim won 22 - 7

Imperial Force eachway tip (15-2) trained by Andrew Balding finished third in the G2 Norfolk Stakes. Mother Earth (10-3) ran third in the G3 Albany Stakes. Selection, Will To Win (1.15) was a non runner.

Jockey Hayley Turner 'absolutely gutted' as 2020 Shergar Cup cancelled by Andrew Atkinson The 2020 Shergar Cup at Ascot in August, highlighting jockeys worldwide along with an international women’s team, has been cancelled. The Shergar Cup is a victim of the coronavirus pandemic. Nick Smith, Ascot’s director of racing, said: “Regrettably, given the complexities of flying jockeys around the world and uncertainty over what governmental regulations will be in place at the time, the Shergar Cup won’t take place this year.” Guy Henderson, Ascot’s chief executive, underlined the decision, saying: “We

decided, even if logistically possible, it wouldn’t be the same without crowds.

Hayley Turner: absolutely gutted

"The best option was to plan ahead to return with the event in 2021.” Hayley Turner, winner of the Silver Saddle top jockey at the meeting, said: "I’m absolutely gutted. I understand why it has to be this way, but the Shergar Cup is always the highlight of the year for me.

Out & About Royal Ascot Ladies Day

"It’s good fun and it’s nice to get together with the international riders. But we can’t grumble, can we? There’s a lot worse things going on.”

By Andrew Atkinson Royal Ascot Ladies Day proved to be a winner for Laraine Jones after returning to the winner's enclosure of the Best dressed Lady competition in Quesada.

Lee Howard from MoreFM was the sole judge to decide the winner of entries at Chiefs On Broadway, the venue to stage the day by Glenda and Lorraine, owners of The Stone Horse Vintage Tearooms in Benijofar. Photo shows: Olivia, Glenda Bottjer, Laraine Jones (best dressed winner) Lee Howard and Lorraine Peetoom.



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Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020

GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps..


There is a need to re-generate the Spanish economy and so with death and infection rates at low levels there had to come a point where this MUST happen to assist the Spanish tourism industry and economy. There is some good news for local golfers because the beautiful courses in Murcia previously out of reach of golfers living in the Alicante province are once again available to you.

Murcia Golf Courses after Lockdown

Just to remind you of what is available:

The official Spanish state of alarm ends on the 21st June 2020 and lockdown will be official over and internal and external borders will be open.

Altorreal - Designed by Dave Thomas this excellent course has always been a favourite of local golf societies.

The covid-19 virus is still out there and I am sure we will all have some concerns about the internal and external borders opening allowing free movement between provinces and countries with the EU (and the UK). We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor

Price €130 €100 €100 €125

SO, INTO WEEK TWO at our temporary home of Villamartin. We kicked off with a 2 ball better ball which saw Pete Dunn and Petina Murray, with 43 points, take 1st place on countback from Paul Brown and AnneMarie Weisheit. In 3rd and again on countback, with 42 points, were Richard Connock and myself. (Although to be fair I contributed very little). Before moving on I would like to thank whoever it was that left a very decent Cobra golf bag at my local bins. It looked very smart indeed as I used it on Wednesday. Just one thing; could you dump the rain hood when next you’re passing! On a far more serious note the news came in today that one of our members, Willie Thorne, had sadly passed away. Our condolences go out to all his family and friends. Wednesday’s individual Stableford produced some great scores. After quite a spell in the

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy

GNK Courses - Formerly the Jack Nicklaus designed Polaris World courses at El Valle,Hacienda Riquelme and La Torre are all in excellent condition but Alhama remains closed.

La Serena - This course is unique in that there are 16 holes with water hazards as part of the hole so requires straight driving and some additional golf balls in the bag. New Sierra Golf - This little gem of a 9 hole golf course is the lowest priced golf course in the region and sometime in 2021 will be uprated to an 18 hole course. Roda - This beautiful course has been totally underplayed since the re-opening post covid-19 and is in excellent condition just waiting for golfers to arrive from other provinces.

Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga N & S La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre

Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee (single buggy €15) Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Green Fee (single buggy €27) Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy

Las Colinas €47 GrFee (12.40-2pm sgle buggy €25) Las Pinaillas €40 Green Fee (incl single buggy) Lorca €75 Two Green Fees and buggy Lo Romero €136 Two Green Fees and buggy Mar Menor €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €110 Two Green Fees & buggy Saurines €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Villamartin €136 Two Green Fees & buggy Vistabella €84 Two Green Fees and buggy from 1pm For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

On Wednesday Ken Robertson came back in from the cold with 40 points

Sapphire Golf Society

€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €107 €50 €96 €118

In association with Sapphire Properties and Costa Blanca Green Fee Services) at Font Del Llop on 17th June 2020.

This week’s quote goes to none other than Arnold Palmer who once commented, ‘I have a tip that can take five strokes off your score. It’s called an eraser’. Pues, hasta la semana que viene

Las Ramblas Golf Society

I had to call the drug testing guys after the game at Vistabella and I am pleased to report that there were no traces of any performance enhancing drugs on 4 or 5 members. 20 of us made our way to Vistabella which is quickly becoming a highly rated track by many Societies and it is obvious why. Most certainly, the 'new holes' have now become established and the course has certainly been enhanced by these new holes. After he game the cards started to come in and my jaw dropped when I looked at the scores, 38 points, 36 points, a couple of 35's and then I saw a

La Manga - The world famous golf resort has been closed for most of lockdown but the North and South courses are know available for play while the West course remains closed.

U-Golf Courses - These include Hacienda Del Alamo, Mar Menor and Saurines de La Torre and the prices represent exceptionally good value in these difficult times.

Friday saw us compete in best 2 scores from 4 to count and all on the par 5s. Winning, with 101 points, were Mike Brentnall, Richard Connock, Nigel Price and Joyce McClusky (despite being hit by one of Nigel’s more wayward shots)! Quite some way behind them but taking second place with 93 points were Pat Cassidy, Nora Betts, Alan Carter and Reg Akehurst.

Vistabella 16th June

Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

Lorca - For those of you prepared to drive for an additional 25 minutes this challenging course offers exceptional good value.

wilderness Ken Robertson won with 40 points and he was followed by Graham Murray on 39. Reg Akehurst took 3rd with 36 points (24 of those coming on the back 9)!

McCafferty's Golf Society


39 points, a 42 and then a 43. 'Lucky Jim' (Jim Barbour) did it again, 20€ on the Scratch Card, much to the derision of his playing partner, Big Keith. There was even more of an outcry from Keith Crossan when it was announced later, that Lucky Jim's handicap had increased from 23 to 24. All four NTP's were taken and stepping up to accept a sleeve of balls from the Vice-Captain (Andy Brown) were myself for the 2nd, John Saunders for the 7th, Chris Church for her effort on the 11th and 'Popular Pat', oh yes, Pat Coyne. For the main prizes the drug squad were needed and when I announced the Close But No Cigar (CBNC) non-prize in Silver went to David Katich with 35 points it will give you an idea of how high

For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 25 players visited the established course at Font del Llop taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. This was our first individual stableford comp since the lockdown and the course was in excellent condition but played under covid19 safety protocol rules and the clubhouse was closed. Gold Division: 1st - Mike Probert, 2nd – Don Bishop, 3rd – Clyde Sandry Silver Division: 1st – Colin MacDonald, 2nd – Gordon Neve, 3rd – Brian Prockter Bronze Division: 1st- Barry Dexter, 2nd – Andy Howard, 3rd – Till Preston Football Card – Andy Howard, Jacks Prize – Gordon Longley After the game we returned to the Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for a welcome snack prepared by the bar and the prize presentation and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties. Our next fixture is the bounce day at La Marquesa on 1st July 2020 followed by the interim day at Lo Romero on the 8th July 2020 and the society day at Vistabella on the 22nd July 2020. Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at

the scores were. Jens Fransson, our Swedish member, with his score of 38, was only good enough for 2nd place in the Silver division. With an excellent 39-point score was Sheila Coyne to win the Silver Division. In the Gold Division the popular Blue Smith with a fantastic 42-point score would have normally won the day quite easily, but an incredible 43point score by Pat Coyne a 9 handicapper ensured the Coyne's money pot grew by a further 30€. Now, normally anyone scoring 26 points would be able to breathe a sigh of relief and know that they wouldn't be in the running for the 'Happy Golfer' walk of fame (shame). Not this time though, and for the second time in our history, a Gold Member stepped up to accept the 'infamy' of being the

Happy Golfer reward, Christine Church was delighted when her name was called out to step forward to accept the prize of a bottle of wine, donated by the Trinity. Just to remind people that the FIRST Gold member awarded the bottle of plonk for being crap on the day was JJ McGettigan. There were quite a few handicap changes and in the main, Pat Coyne drops to 8, Jens to 20, Sheila Coyne to 22, Yours truly back to 11 and the biggest cut of the day went to Blue Smith who now plays off of 15 instead of 17. Next week we are at La Marquessa and then on the 30th, Lo Romero. We hope that, very soon, we will see the return of members from the UK, Ireland and Luxembourg.


Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020

Challenge of dual role for New Thader President


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Financial Fair Play rules relaxed by UEFA

Fellow Brit Ann Allen will join new Club President and Captain Lloyd Dummett on the Board of CD Thader

UEFA's executive committee decided on Thursday that its assessment of clubs' accounts for the 2020 financial year would be postponed for one year when they would be assessed together with the accounts for 2021. However, clubs would still have to ensure that they did not owe money for transfers, players' wages or social security and tax bills. UEFA said the move was aimed at "giving clubs more time to quantify and account for unanticipated loss of revenues caused by the coronavirus pandemic." It also hoped to "provide flexibility while ensuring that clubs continue to fulfil their transfer and salary obligations on time." Last week I met up with Lloyd Dummett, CD Thader Rojales new president, for an insight into his aspirations for this role. Although still not yet 30, Lloyd has been with the club ever since joining the youth set up, having freshly arrived in Spain with his family from Newcastle. He succeeds Joaquin Gil, who has been a regular member of the board for 23 years. Fellow Brit Ann Allen has joined the board of 10, full of ambition for the future of the club. Their aim is to cement a closer link with the fans, whilst promoting exciting new sponsorship packages. Telfy will continue as the clubs' main spon-

sor, but more sponsors are needed for various schemes. Supporters are encouraged to become club members, thereby benefiting from many offers available, including more social events. All interested, should contact Lloyd on 688 438 773. Huge strides have been made to improve social media, in the form of a new Twitter and Instagram account, adding to the existing very informative Facebook page. Combining his role of president, with that as player (last season´s club captain), will be a challenge that Lloyd is relishing. When the season ended prematurely due to coronavirus, Thader were precariously placed just outside the drop zone, but the new board has wasted no time in making changes for the forthcoming campaign. Raul Mora has been appointed as manager, bringing with him assistant Adrian Pastor and delegate Javier Mascaros. Thader fans will have fond memories of Raul Mora, for he led them as captain in their promotion season

to the 3rd div, during his 5 years stint at the club. Last season, Mora and Pastor led local club Benijofar to promotion from 2nd div regional, and hope to bring entertaining, successful football back to Rojales. Players that have indicated a desire to continue at the club from last season, include Juan, Rafa, Fran, Cabrera, Sergio, Victor, Jose Manuel, Nino, Borja, Calderon & Lloyd (the last 3 having now signed on the dotted line). In addition to them, another 3 players have joined the club. Goalkeeper Adrian Rocamora has arrived from Murada, left winger Diego Chaves joins from 1st regional div side Catral (he scored 11 goals for them last season), whilst veteran striker Quino Potro has made a return to the club where he was such a firm favourite some years ago.

The rules bar clubs from spending more than the revenue they generate themselves. Clubs face fines, squad reductions and possible expulsion from European competition if they break the rules, which were designed to stop rich club owners from buying success. UEFA also called on its member associations to harmonise the end of their summer transfer windows, with Oct. 5 as the deadline date. It said the deadline for registering players for next season's Champions League and Europa League, which have been delayed as a knock-on effect of this season's interruption, would be Oct. 6.


Valencia FA has yet to decide on the format for next season’s preferente division. For 1 season only, there will either be 5 groups of 17, OR 5 groups of 14 and 1 of 15 - instead of the normal 4 groups. The reason for this is that as there will be no relegation at this level of football, there will be more teams involved. Both Santa Pola and Pena Reval (Elche), will be coming up to the pref div, and should be playing in the same group as Thader. Pre-season friendlies have yet to be arranged, although there is a good chance that div 2b side La Nucia will be amongst them. All in all, the new regime now in place are confident that with a much stricter wage structure, moral will be high, as will entertainment value for the fans inside Moi Gomez stadium. TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 18:

8. Ray Davies of the Kinks, 9. Alaska. 10. Mae

1. Minoan and Mycenaean, 2. The Hudson Bay

West. 11. Fred Karno's circus. 12. Snakes. 13.

Company, 3. Italy and Spain; Germany, 4. The

Victoria Wood. 14. China, India, United States,

James Bond Attache Case, 5. Sri Lanka, 6. Lagos,

North Korea and Russia. 15. 1950s (1954). 16.

Cairo and Kinshasa. 7. From Me to You, She Loves

Dinky Toys and Meccano. 17. A Hard Days Night.

You, I Want to Hold Your Hand, Can't Buy Me Love,

18. Saudi Arabia. 19. Quartermaster. 20. Chick

A Hard Day's Night, I Feel Fine, Ticket to Ride, Help!




637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


Torrevieja CFFootball Base moving to the next level With 25 age group teams, including 2 girls sides, training and playing competitively every week, from infant right through to senior, all recruiting locally, Torrevieja CF is undoubtedly the future of football , in the city. After they had each gained promotion during the season ended, the first teams in the juvenil, cadete and infantil categories (16-18, 14-15 and 12-13 year age groups), will play next season 2020/21, in the Preferente Leagues with the best teams in the whole of the Alicante Province. Stepping up to the next level will provide the Torrevieja youngsters with a much better standard of football which can only be good for the long term future of the sport locally. They will play against better teams which will enable the youngsters to learn and to progress at a much faster rate.

In football 8, age group teams are developing all the time, as is the case with the Alevín C team, (11-12 years, picture right), managed by Coach Gustavo Gómez, who were league champions, showing a high quality football throughout the entire season. Torrevieja CF and the Department of Sport are now taking the appropriate steps with all the different age level teams and groups, over 25 in total, to ensure that training facilities and registration procedures are ready for when the Covid-19 crisis allows the players to get back together for training, and for the leagues to re start once again.

Beckham’s to determine the future of Sergio Ramos


Covid-19 has derailed football across the world and clubs face a 'fall like dominoes' scenario with the financial clout in League One and League Two not there - without fans.

Serious doubts over 2020-21 football season

With match-day income approximately 60% of revenues, a proposed salary cap is the latest move, in a quest to save money.

By Andrew Atkinson Sergio Ramos and his wife Pilar Rubio have just celebrated their first year as husband and wife, and are on the verge of welcoming their fourth child.

Miami, alongside his former partner and friend, David Beckham, is now a very distinct possibility in seeing out the twilight years of the 36 year old centreback.

The couple were married last year in a ceremony at Seville Cathedral, which was attended by celebrities from across the world, including David and Victoria Beckham.

According to the newspaper AS, Ramos could consider the option of playing in the MLS once his current contract with Real Madrid ends. The Sevillian knows that, with his age, his time at the elite level of the game is running out, but this would allow him to play for at least two more years, thus extending his sports career to 38 or years or more.

But this could prove to be a decisive year for Spain’s most famous couple in more ways than one, especially as the defenders’ contract with Real Madrid ends in 2021. And it is thought that his great friend, David Beckham, could be instrumental in determining the future of the Ramos Rubio family, by acquiring Spain’s most capped international player for the American league (MLS) at Inter Miami. Although his contract could be extended, it is not certain that any new arrangement would meet his financial requests. For this reason, the possibility of joining the MLS, specifically at Inter

Sergio Ramos' career to date has totalled 641 games played for Madrid, in which he has scored 92 goals with 38 assists. In addition, he has won the Champions League four times, the same number of times that he has celebrate lifting La Liga, the Spanish Super Cup and the Club World Cup. On three occasions he has also been able to celebrate the European Super Cup with the Madrid public and on two further occasions the King's Cup.

There remains serious questions about whether the 2020-21 football season will start, amid COVID-19, with supporters not allowed into grounds for months to come.

Preston NE owner Trevor Hemmings: £30m into Deepdale

Lower league clubs have put players and staff on the Government furlough scheme, with players' wage cuts to boot. Finances on clubs outside the Premier League are peanuts, in comparison with basement clubs, with unprecedented numbers of football money going to players - and agents in the Premier League. Prior to the Premier League breakaway in 1992 distribution of funds were 50-50, between the First Division and the other three divisions; now 93% stays in the Premier League - and a paltry 7% is distributed.

Bury Football Club stadium. The club was ejected from the football league last year. Despite football kick-starting the 2019-20 season in June, after the coronavirus lockdown in mid-March, clubs and fans are awaiting what the future will have - as the 2020-21 season looms in August. EFL clubs voted this month, with the majority of League One clubs, mooted to be 18 to 4, for the 2019-20 season to be curtailed. A decision that could see devastating consequences for clubs in the lower echelons of football in England. The decision will hit already cash-strapped clubs, with no finance from supporters and no TV income going into coffers.

EFL chairman Rick Parry is on record saying parachute payments are an 'evil' - that must be eradicated - citing payments to relegated Premier League clubs. Championship club Preston North End, in a play-off position in their quest for promotion to the Premier League, as football returns behind closed doors, has seen owner Trevor Hemmings dig even deeper into his pockets in bankrolling the Football League Founder Members, with cash injections over £30m at present. Bury FC was ejected from league football in August 2019 after the collapse of a takeover bid, and its failure to provide financial guarantees. It's crucial other clubs don't follow suit - as the COVID-19 crisis kicks-in.



637 227 385

Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th June, 2020


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