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Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020 Tel: 637 227 385
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
ne British couple whose patio was torn in half said that they are too scared to return to their Villamartin property.
As residents of Sun Golf Villas in Villamartin were being updated on recent developments last Wednesday, CLARO’s Antonio Cerdan was speaking on the phone to the Orihuela Councillor for
Infrastructure, Angel Noguera. The councillor promised that he would visit the urbanisation within 48 hours, although that has since been delayed, stating that permission was already being sought from La
Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (CHS) to move problematic drainage, which he assured would help to alleviate the situation of the constant flooding. Continued on Page 2
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
637 227 385
HELP provides comfort to Los Arcos patients.
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After months of lock down HELP Murcia Mar Manor’s President Christine Baillie was at long last able to present Pedro Escudero – Maintenance Manager and Maria Dolores – Nursing Director of Los Arcos Hospital with five specialist wheel chairs which enable patents with mobility difficulties to be taken directly from a bed into a shower. These chairs which are specially designed to be easy to get into and can be pushed into a shower enable patents to maintain their cleanliness with dignity when unable to shower normally. The cost of over €2000 was met from funds that the volunteers of HELP had amassed during 2019 in both the HELP Outlet in Los Alcazares and the weekly car boot sale at the Auto Cine.
Torrevieja West Neighbourhood Watch meeting Cancelled Due to the increasing of covid 19 cases and the risk to our members, it has been decided to cancel the planned meeting with the British Consul due to be held at Casa Ventura on the 28th. Another meeting will be arranged as soon as it is
Like every charity in the Murcia region HELP has been unable to operate normally during the lock down caused by the Covid 19 pandemic but as restrictions have been lifted so the charity has been able to return to some sort of normality opening up their Office in Los Alcazares and their Outlet in the Oasis bolivar to the public all be it maintaining the required social distancing. If you think you could spare a couple of hours a week and would like to give something to help the people of the Murcia region please contact our Office on 968 570 059 or the Outlet on 633 344 129 for further details or come and talk to one of our volunteers. We would love to hear from you. safe to do so. In the meantime, should anyone have any queries on obtaining residency or TIE's they can contact the UK Government appointed agency Association Babelia who have a grant to provide free help, advice and support to UK Nationals in the Alicante region. Telephone +34 865 82 02 29 or:website https://uk.asociacionbabelia.org/. Please send any other residents queries to our Facebook site; Torrevieja West Neighbourhood Watch. Thank you to members and residents for your continued support. Doug Allen.
637 227 385
637 227 385
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Orihuela Costa basic services slammed in Damning Survey
a report compiled during late August by the residents Association, AVCRL Asociación de vecinos Cabo Roig y Lomas, the Orihuela Municipal Council has been slammed for failing to provide a satisfactory level of public services to residents living on the Orihuela Costa. Almost 400 people responded to the call in which 81% of those surveyed (302 people) state that the services they receive are POOR or VERY POOR. Many of the criticisms are aimed at street cleaning, the collection of waste and the maintenance of parks and gardens, where all of the results are graded as unsatisfactory. Only beaches, security and public lighting achieved a grading of satisfactory with beaches achieving the highest score across the whole survey, but even that was only 5.6/10. At the bottom end of the scale was de-weeding, the clearing of waste ground, with a mark of 2.8/10 while Street cleaning and the maintenance of parks didn’t fare much better with a satisfaction rate of 3.3/10, The collection of refuse, recycling and garden waste achieved marks of 4.4, 3.9 and 3.6 respectively. The responses confirm the perception held by the vast majority of people living on the coast that the council provides very poor services in Orihuela Costa, the quality of which decreases during the summer season, as a result of the increase in the number of people on the
Number of completed surveys by urbanisation coast, and the lack of reinforcements in both personnel and additional equipment. The Orihuela Municipal council, regardless of the party elected to power, and despite the pre-election promises that we hear from the politicians, simply regards the Orihuela Costa as a ‘Cash Cow’ and really doesn’t give a ‘hoot’ about the needs of its people. There is also a fear that with planning permission granted during the summer months for almost 600 new properties on the coast and the sale of 3 coastal plots of building land in Las Colinas, La Cuerda and El Garbanzuelo the already inadequate coastal services will be stretched even further. The one thing that is certain about the Orihuela Costa is that the reality of the services available to it’s 40,000 residents lag a long way behind those attractive glossy images that the council displays on all of its literature. The report, which is available on the association facebook page, was sent to the Mayor and many of the council departments last week requesting that urgent measures be taken, to correct the problems revealed in the survey. The association told the council once again that it could not continue to ignore resident’s petitions indefinitely.
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Air conditioning for CEIP José María Manresa Navarro San Fulgencio Council has confirmed the recent installation of air conditioning units in all classrooms at the CEIP José María Manresa Navarro school. A total of nineteen units were installed at the end of August. They were purchased by the Association of Mothers and Parents of Students at the centre, at a cost, of approximately 16,500 euros, which was also subsidised by the Council. The councillor for education, Ana Villena, said that "the installation of these devices will not transmit the virus as long as we maintain good ventilation in the classrooms, which we are able to do”. As a further preventive measure, the councillor said that the installation of special anti-Covid-19 filters is currently being considered to improve air purification, a measure that will ensure that at all times the aircon units are in perfect working order to avoid even the minimum risk of contagion in the centre.
Thirty inmates from Fontcalent prison isolated after nurse tests positive A total of 30 inmates who were in the Medical ward of the Fontcalent penitentiary (Alicante) have been isolated after a nurse and four inmates were tested positive for Covid. After performing PCR tests on the inmates, four more cases were later confirmed. One of them, an inmates, with previous respiratory diseases, has been transferred to hospital. Two further modules of the prison have also been isolated as a precaution, so there are around 160 inmates now in quarantine.
Four new motorcycles for Orihuela Police Four new motorcycles, all from the BMW GS brand, were received by the Orihuela command last week at a cost of € 372 per motorcycle per month, for a duration of four years. The bikes are fully kitted out and the contract includes all maintenance and insurance. The vehicles arrive following the receipt by the force, last month, of 8 Seat Ateca cars. Councillor Ramón López said they are "A necessary addition within the commitment to improve the mobility of the Local Police."
Local businessman Craig Campbell Clements said “I live in constant fear while my daughter Abby is in continual panic mode.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Nightmare of Villamartin Properties The news was greeted with delight by the owners of the 31 properties built on the edge of Rambla de las Estacas who until recently have felt increasingly abandoned by both the Orihuela Council and the CHS. “We are genuinely concerned that another heavy downpour could see a number of the houses losing even more of their gardens until, in the very near future the properties themselves will crash away beneath us,” said owner Craig Campbell Clements. “I live in constant fear while my daughter Abby is in continual panic mode. Every time it rains we just can’t sleep and we inevitably end up sitting awake all night listening to every creak, concerned that the next shower could see the back of the house disappearing into the barranco and my family with it. We really are that worried,” said Craig.
Next door neighbour Russell Henderson meanwhile criticised both the CHS and the Orihuela Council saying that neither has provided any support to the residents. “We have asked if we can carry out repair work ourselves, only to be told by CHS that we will be breaking the law and could face heavy fines. Yet they refuse to get involved themselves, even though they are the national government agency responsible for all public water-courses in the area of which the barranco is just one.”
Mr Henderson insisted the authorities need to take ownership of the problem, and it needs to happen very soon. Peter Houghton of the Partido Independencia Orihuela Costa told the Leader that the situation could have been quickly resolved many months ago, and all the stress caused to the residents avoided, had the Ayuntamiento or the CHS acted swiftly, but once again it is a case of ‘out of sight and out of mind’ as it tends to be with anything that is required to be done on the coast. A number of the homes are now teetering on the edge of the ravine. The residents have to put up with the constant smell of leaking sewage and, as well as a number of gardens, a corner of the communal pool area is dangerously exposed underneath. “If we have any more rain and it erodes further, the weight of the water in the swimming pool could bring the whole thing crashing down,” Mr Henderson added. “One British couple whose patio was torn in half are too scared to return to their property.” Cabo Roig abogado, Juan Antonio Morales, is working on behalf of Craig Campbell Clements, but despite regular contact with both the Orihuela Town Hall and the CHS, but he too has seen absolutely no progress. However CLARO reported that they have also brought the matter to the attention of the mayor, Emilio Bascuñana. “The Alcalde has agreed to meet with representatives of the urbanisation next week,” Antonio Cerdan told the residents. He will be in Orihuela Council and he has invited 2 or 3 of the owners to brief him on the current situation.”
Resident Russell Henderson said the authorities have to take responsibility
“Whilst we are still no further forward, thanks to the English Language press and CLARO the authorities are being made aware of our situation. We are nowhere near the end of our living nightmare just yet,” said Mr Henderson, “but at long last the authorities are at least aware of, and taking an interest in our situation.” Vice President Melvin Hamer with former Councillor Bob Houliston
The situation across the barranco at the Apts Jardin d’Alba would seem to be similarly precarious
637 227 385
Guardia Comd’t moves on from Torrevieja The Commander of the Civil Guard in Torrevieja, Antonio J. Leal Bernabéu, said goodbye to the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, and the Councilor for Security, Federico Alarcón, on Wednesday morning, thanking them for the treatment that his officers have received in the three years that he has been as head of Torrevieja. After three years as the head of the Torrevieja Command, Bernabéu has been assigned to the Staff Command in Madrid.
3.3 million in Spain unable to use the Covid app. The government-powered coronavirus-infected tracking app, has been downloaded to more than 3.7 million smartphones since it launched in early August, although due to technical requirements the service is not compatible with older terminals, affecting 3.3 million incompatible devices in Spain. The tracking service only works from iOS 13, the most up-to-date version of Apple's mobile operating system, and from Android 6 Marshmallow, the Google system.
Sánchez to outlaw the Franco Foundation The Government has approved the reform of the 2007 Historical Memory Law, that will now outlaw the Francisco Franco Foundation. However, the Social-Communist Executive will, at the same time, allow associations that apologise for the murderers of the Popular Front to continue with their activity and also to receive public subsidies.
637 227 385
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Chinese hackers stole Covid-19 data from Spain Chinese hackers have reportedly stolen information from Spanish institutes developing coronavirus vaccines, as confirmed by the National Intelligence Centre.
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
The same cyberattack has been reported in a number of other countries and as per investigations, most of these attacks originated from either Russia or China. In Spain, it is known that the cyber-attack came from China
Only 44.4% willing to get vaccinated immediately, survey finds Only 44.4% Spaniards would be willing to get vaccinated immediately if a Covid-19 vaccine were to be developed, according to a survey from the CIS, Spain's public survey institute. 40.3% said that they would not get vaccinated immediately; 3.1% said that whether they get vaccinated or not depends on the origin of the vaccine. The survey also showed that 58.3% said that they want stricter measures.
WHO warns of a "very serious" coronavirus situation in Europe The World Health Organisation has warned of a very serious coronavirus situation in Europe, worse than the first wave in March. Regional director for Europe of the WHO, Hans Kluge, said that the weekly increase in cases in European countries is much higher than what was seen in the initial phases of the pandemic. Kluge said that the number of cases recorded in Europe last week exceeded 300,000.
Coronavirus entered Spain through Basque Country in Feb The coronavirus entered Spain through the city of Vitoria in Basque Country around 11 February, 2020, according to a new study by scientists at the University of Santiago de Compostela. This means that Basque Country is the Autonomous Community where the coronavirus originated in Spain; the study also throws light on the main period of expansion in the first two weeks of March in the region.
The site is a disgrace, a major eyesore on the San Miguel landscape There is still no sign of the 1,700 houses, nor of the jobs that the development of Los Invernaderos urbanisation was going to generate when the construction got underway, despite the fact that across much of the rest of the region, especially in Torrevieja, Orihuela Costa, Pilar de La Horadada and Guardamar, cranes are once again towering above the horizon. That stimulus has still not reached San Miguel de Salinas. Where previously there were terraces of almond trees and a boulevard, there are now empty and abandoned streets, once accessed from a roundabout adjacent to the CV-95 that is now closed to traffic. There is a multitude of damage caused by a decade of neglect which is estimated at hundreds of thousands of euros. Landfills and brush are interspersed with street and park furniture destroyed by vandalism and theft. The copper trunking from electrical cabling has now all but disappeared and there is a complete lack of any kind of maintenance. It now seems as though the San Miguel de Salinas City Council has had enough
as it had demanded the settlement of 10 million euros in urbanisation fees from the owners of the Los Invernaderos urban plan. But it does so more than a decade after the construction of roads, facilities, green areas and basic services in the area, which was to construct 1,700 homes in the expansion area of the San Miguel urban area. Most of the urbanisation of almost 700,000 square meters is abandoned and fenced off. Only three four-story blocks were built at the beginning of the 2000’s, in the middle of the brick boom. It was said to be the future of wealth and job creation for San Miguel de Salinas, in the words of its then mayor, Ángel Sáez. But despite the abandonment, with the constructor facing liquidation it would now seem that the development may soon be handed over to a new promoter. If this is the case the San Miguel Council has said that it will cover the serious deficiencies that are visible from the CV-95, after a decade of neglect. However if a new developer does take
over the liquidated company and acquire the site at a bargain price, which is its understandable objective, there are still many other problems that need to be solved. The Council originally granted the licenses to start building without having a guaranteed electricity supply. Currently the capacity of the urban area network is insufficient so Iberdrola will have to connect a supply from the La Marquesa substation, several kilometres from the municipality, to the urbanisation. This in itself would be a major obstacle to the project particularly as it is still not clear as to how this network will be financed. Eleven years after the urbanisation of the sector, there are only 4 blocks of the 1,700 planned houses built. The overhaul of the sector will involve the investment of hundreds of thousands of euros for damages in vandalism, theft and lack of maintenance. In the present economic climate one wonders if the further development would really be worth it.
Two homeless convicted for beating man to death The Alicante Provincial Court in Elche has sentenced two homeless people to five years and two and a half years in prison for the crime of manslaughter. The pair beat another homeless man to death after an argument on a Torrevieja construction site, where the three were staying. The events took place in May 2011, when an argument broke out over a jug of water they were using for washing. During the fight, one of the assailants punched the 48-yearold victim several times in the face and knocked him down. Once on the ground, he kicked him in the face. The second assailant also joined in the assault hitting the man forcefully. The court took into consideration the mitigation of drunkenness for both offenders and also that of undue delay in bringing the case to court.
The two attackers will jointly compensate the next of kin of the deceased with 10,000 euro, although at this stage no one has been traced. At the start of the trial, which was to be held in front of a jury, the Public Prosecutor, the accused and their lawyers, informed the court that they agreed with the facts, the crime and the penalties requested. One of the assailants confirmed that the man had died during the night and they had moved his body to a concrete bench near where they were spending the night. The forensic report reveals that the victim died between one and three in the morning.
637 227 385
Popularity of PSOE increases among voters despite public discontent Despite criticism that the government is receiving the latest poll carried out by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS) shows an advantage for the PSOE of 13.4 points over the PP which, if an election were held today, would see Sanchez win a 31.5% vote share of the vote, with the PP falling back to 18.1%. Unidas Podemos remains the third force in Spain with 12.2% while Vox falls to 11.7%. Ciudadanos has seen a notable rise, of almost two points, which would see it earn 10.6% of the votes.
Bankia and CaixaBank merger gets green light The Boards of Directors of CaixaBank and Bankia finally approved the merger of the two banks late on Thursday after several months of negotiations that will culminate in the creation of the largest bank in Spain . The agreement will see the Barcelona-based entity absorb Bankia in an exchange of shares. The two banks say that they have not yet made any decision in relation to labour-related issues surrounding their 51,500 employees as a result of the merger. The new company, which will be called CaixaBank, and headquartered in Valencia, will be the largest bank in the country with forecasts of a 28% increase in profit.
Spanish Airport Traffic sees 69.6% Drop In August Aena’s network of airports closed August with 8,951,753 passengers, 69.6% fewer than in the same month last year, along with 142,962 aircraft movements, 39.1% fewer than in August 2019, and 59,819 tons of freight, 28.6% lower. Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport had the highest number of passengers with 1,356,383 travellers, a 76.6% decrease, followed by Palma de Mallorca with 1,240,113 (-71%) and Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat with 1,110,578 (-79.5%). Commercial passengers were 41.6% down while International routes were down by 80.7%.
637 227 385
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Alicante-Elche airport to play role in Benidorm Island bubble proposal By Andrew Atkinson Alicante-Elche airport could play a role in a Benidorm Island 'bubble' proposal for the Costa Blanca during the COVID-19 pandemic and one of the worst summer seasons on record in recent times. "Benidorm Island is already a real proposal. The proposal is replicable and adaptable for the Costa Blanca and for source markets present in the Alicante-Elche Airport hub and it can be replicated and adapted for the rest of the Valencian community," said Benidorm mayor Toni Perez. Benidorm is asking the UK Government to grant it status as a bubble island in a last throw of the dice as it attempts to welcome back British tourists for the autumn and winter season. A safe air corridor could be set up for autumn travel despite many hoteliers considering closure in September after low capacity during the summer months. Benidorm is on the Spanish mainland, where a Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office travel warning is currently in place. Benidorm's mayor Perez announced details of the Benidorm Island saying they wanted to offer a safe tourist destination, that behaves like an island, in order to recover its position in the British market. The offer would be for the 'same old Benidorm' - but with the guarantee of a series of highly tested security measures: "A destination like Benidorm cannot stand still," he said. The initiative is aimed at matching or rivalling the holiday destinations in the Canaries and Balearics. Travellers in the proposed scheme would undergo coronavirus tests - before they set off for their holiday and again before their return. As part of the Benidorm Island plans, weekly tests would be offered to labour personnel and public workers linked to tourism to ensure the best health conditions. Manager of Visit Benidorm, Leire Bilbao said coronavirus tests would be offered in place of quarantine a part of the bubble and
Mayor Tony Perez strolling along the Levante prom with British Vice Consul Elizabeth Bell MBE
Benidorm would become the only island on the mainland operating for the British market over the winter. A hospitality team would also be set up to monitor tourists during their stay in Benidorm and for a period of 14 days after their return to the UK. Monitoring apps would also be used and hotels would have all the COVID-free regulations in force. Nuria Montes, secretary-general of the hotel association Hosbec, said: "It is intended to generate confidence both in the destination and in the work carried out". The idea has been put to the Secretary of State for Tourism, embassies and tour operators, under the premise that the coronavirus pandemic situation is a risk associated with people- and not places - and that good proof of this is the experience accumulated in the last six months. Nuria Montes said Benidorm hoped the authorities in both Spain and the UK would make the resort an exception so it could beging to thrive again. President of the Provincial Council, Carlos Mazรณn said: "Benidorm is an icebreaker ship for safe corridors. I ask UK PM Boris Johnson to listen to British residents and tourists who wish to travel to Benidorm". Regional secretary for tourism, Francesc Colomer described the concept as "a very well developed project". Currently passengers travelling to Spain from the UK face 14 days isolation imposed by the Government after returning to the country.
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Rank retirement is Ridiculous…
there. There are two big reasons for their longevity. One is diet – and I am absolutely convinced that the second reason is what keeps people alive longer. We’ll deal with that one in more detail further down.
Japanese folks eat a lot of fish and vegetables. I would only get a four out of ten here; but I promise to pull marks back in the second test. Just occurs to me ..when did you last see an obese Jap?
ome of you will not like this week’s offering. (Ah … Lads, please: such disparaging comments are upsetting…)
This morning, as Mrs Youcantbeserious was blowing my porridge to have it at just right for me, I was listening to Ryan Tubridy on my electric wireless. Ryan mentioned a news item, which you are about to get the benefit of. The story was to do with the ever-increasing number of Japanese people who are living to be over a hundred. In Ireland, those who reach the ton up club, get a congratulatory letter from the president and I think it is a cheque for €2,500. In Japan the perk for being still on the perch at a hundred is to be presented with a silver cup by the prime minister. Sounds like a wonderful idea - and it is. The downside is that it would take a silver mine to fashion cups for all the Japanese who are now living more than a century. In 1963 there were 153 Japanese people over 100. In 2016 there were 65,000! This year alone, there will be well over 30,000 added to that once very exclusive club. Now, all of the above would account for an awful lot of silver – if something wasn’t done about it. And there was … The size of the cup was reduced in 2009 and that made a significant saving to the Japanese exchequer. But as more and more Japs continued with their refusal to die, the solid silver tankard has now been replaced by a silver-plated reward. Personally, I still think it is worth the effort of winning! Before putting pen to paper here, I did a one man, fifteen minute research to try and establish why those born in ‘The land of the Rising Sun’, can realistically aspire to winning a cup for just being
Aptly named because its white-yellow, tubular flowers bloom at night, as the flowers close during the day. Belonging to the Solanaceae family, it
637 227 385
Now … what you have been waiting for: The secret formula that enables such a high percentage of Japanese to live past their hundredth birthday. The reason is that those in the work-force, from top to bottom, seek late-retirement as much as western society sets early retirement as its objective. I don’t think that Japanese people work as hard as we sometimes imagine; but the certainty is that they want to stay longer on the job. I totally agree with this idea of people who want to continue working being allowed to do so. Retirement age should not mean being told, ‘here’s your farewell party and your clock – now off you go.’ All that expertise being lost, in professions such as key detectives in crime prevention for example. This year, Ireland’s greatest broadcaster, Sean O’Rourke, had to clear his desk at the height of his popularity – just because his boss knew his age. Retirement should not mean doing nothing. We need a purpose in life and a reason for getting up each day. How many of you have known somebody who worked hard, stayed healthy and counted down the clock to retirement age. But when it did come, it wasn’t like it was supposed to have been and the retiree didn’t live ‘jigtime’ afterwards. The truth is that, like many of the other pleasures we enjoy along life’s path, retirement can be bad for your health. It may even kill you. Nature discards all life that gives up. It doesn’t have to be so. We are not talking about the people who have a need for an inactive retire-
ment, but nobody should be forced from a job they are doing well on age grounds.
day may well come when you will be receiving a letter from a queen, a president, or a prime minister.
Many people who retire from one job, go on to do something entirely different. We cannot do stuff at sixty that we could do at thirty, and we can do things at sixty that we didn’t have the head for at thirty.
I just hope that since there will be so many of us, they don’t push the age out to 110!!
For those of us who cannot do idleness (I did try it VERY briefly), we can follow a passion or pursue activities that give job-satisfaction and enrich our lives. This is not necessarily about earning money (although that is a satisfying way of keeping score!) but more to do with ‘still being useful.’ In fairness, I do have some friends who successfully filled the retirement void with hobbies and golf. The opposite to ‘doing nothing’ is ‘doing something’. This column wholeheartedly recommends ‘doing something.’ Stay ‘doing something’ and the
wing in the West Indies, said to have been brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus in the 15th century.
Lady of the Night, Dama de Noche Cestrum nocturnum is also known as the night-blooming jasmine, Lady of the Night, Queen of the Night, Dama de Noche and Galan de Noche.
is also known as the nightshade family of plants, best known for its scent. It is one of the, or the strongest scented plant in the world, emitting its wonderful scent on summer nights. In bloom, the flowers release a scent of sweet perfume that pervades the area. A sub-tropical plant first discovered gro-
Grown as a houseplant you may never need to use air fresheners again. Certainly, you won't need them when the plant is in flower. Grown outdoors they can reach 3 metres in height and spread 2 metres, in ideal growing conditions. Maintenance, prune back into shape, once flowered, flowering up to four times annually after which they produce white berries full of seeds. The Cestrum nocturnum is self-pollinating and the most common pollinators include bats and moths. The plants all flo-
DON’T FORGET My birthday this week – and the cake had so many candles that it polluted the atmosphere. Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
wer at the same time, so if yours is in flower, you can guarantee that every other one in the neighborhood is flowering at the same time. It is easy to propagate, as jasmine roots will grown in a tub of water. Plant out, or plant clippings after pruning in a pot of compost, and leave in a sunny spot. Water on a consistent basis, and you should see new growth appear within
weeks. Water well in the summer, but leave them on the dry side in winter. Replace compost annually if grown in pots, as they can sap all the nutrients out of the compost. Cestrum nocturnum make very good insect repellants, including mosquitoes, due to their powerful scent attracting moths and bats.
637 227 385
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Floating barrier stops plastic waste entering Orihuela watercourse On Monday there was a flock of geese paddling down the Segura River toward the Orihuela city approaches. At the entrance to the urban area, however, they came across a mountain of bottles, containers and other plastics which, unfortunately, put paid to their tour of the historic city. These geese had no choice but to take flight in order to avoid the accumulated stockpile that had gathered by the floating barrier, installed just over a month ago, by the Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS). Thousands of plastic items have now been there for a number of days, as a result of the recent implementation of the system that aims to prevent the waste
Reward offered after thieves raid expat owned Torrevieja Antique shop By Andrew Atkinson A five hundred euros reward has been offered for information following a raid on an antiques shop in Torrevieja after thieves
The responsibility for cleaning the barriers in Orihuela falls to the municipality with the councillor for the Environment, Dámaso Aparicio, saying that "we are going to clean it up immediately." The councillor said he was "very satisfied" with the installation of
Rumours of Corvera airport winter closure By Andrew Atkinson CORVERA Airport is rumoured to be closing temporarily for the winter months from late October until March 2021.
from accumulating in the river weir, in the middle of the urban area, something that has been happening for years. The CHS has installed several floating barriers along the channel and whilst they would seem to be serving their purpose, if left for a period without being cleaned, the image that they portray is one of decay and deterioration.
"I called easyJet to find about our December flights and was told the airport will be closed from October 31 until March," said Eira Price. And Jeremy Trott, who has had his flight cancelled said: "Another Bristol to Murcia booking cancelled by easyJet, 13th - 27th October. 150 tons of waste is removed every year the barrier as it prevents most of the waste from travelling into the urban area. "Not only does it improve the quality and the vision of a cleaner riverbed in the urban section, but it also ensures that the waste that arrives from upstream does not travel further down the river into Callosa and Almorad.”
Unfortunately it is a problem that seems to have no solution. 3,000 kilos of waste were removed the last time this section of riverbed was cleaned in the Vega Baja. According to a study carried out by the Miguel Hernández University (UMH), 90% of the plastics that accumulate in the river are from urban use, while the rest are agricultural.
got away with thousands of euros worth of gold and diamond rings.
Belfast born James is offering a handsome reward for information about the robbery: "I am offering a reward of €500 for any information leading to the arrest of the thieves," said James.
"My shop was broken into on Wednesday night, September 16, and thieves stole about 13 to 15, 18ct gold and diamond rings," James Green, proprietor of James Green Antiques told The Leader.
The robbery took place at James Green Antiques in Ramon Gallud, Torrevieja. Police enquiries are ongoing.
"I received an email from easyJet cancelling our Bristol to Murcia flight in October. I assume they are just cutting back on the number of flights per week."
With most flights in and out of both Corvera and Alicante-Elche airport seeing low numbers of passengers, many have been cancelled or rescheduled following the coronavirus spike in cases, amid the UK Government 14 day isolation period imposed on those returning to UK from Spain. Flights have also been cancelled from Gatwick to Corvera airport in October and the Ryanair website shows nothing from Murcia to Stansted from late October until the end of March next year.
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 832
ACROSS 1. Tine (5) 4. Struggle (7) 8. Get back (7) 9. Devout (5) 10. Peer (4) 11. Public tumult (8) 13. Cook (4) 14. Tribe (4) 16. Magician (8) 17. Speed (4) 20. Depart (5) 21. Attending (7) 22. Suite (7) 23. Sedate (5) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 20
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12. 13. 15. 18. 19.
Vertical (13) Happen (5) Donate (4) Bend (6) Wedding (8) Feeling (7) Impartial (13) Sky-blue (8) Touch (7) Join (6) Ring (5) Sediment (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 3 Spineless; 8 Elan; 9 Bamboozle; 10 Return; 11 Sever; 14 Split; 15 Neat; 16 Heath; 18 Mass; 20 Alarm; 21 Stuff; 24 Detail; 25 Expiation; 26 Slit; 27 Defendant. DOWN: 1 Wearisome; 2 Tasteless; 4 Plan; 5 Noble; 6 Loosen; 7 Sell; 9 Broth; 11 Staff; 12 Reparable; 13 Stimulate; 17 Haven; 19 Strife; 22 Fated; 23 Axle; 24 Down. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 3 Sentiment; 8 Eton; 9 Master key; 10 Anthem; 11 Level; 14 Train; 15 Dine; 16 Tight; 18 Note; 20 Orbit; 21 Exact; 24 Dealer; 25 Take cover; 26 Stir; 27 Better off. DOWN: 1 Departing; 2 Post-haste; 4 Edam; 5 Title; 6 Marked; 7 Need; 9 Meant; 11 Light; 12 Liability; 13 Lecturers; 17 Tower; 19 Expert; 22 Choir; 23 Lake; 24 Deaf.
ACROSS 1. At a pinch it may be used as a sedative (5) 4. Exercise supervision in place of a bishop (7) 8. Attached to a refined redhead (7) 9. Silly girl that is going out (5) 10. Real sort of nobleman (4) 11. Tie up an order for speedy production (4,4) 13. Plans to give mother an additional item (4) 14. Performs after John (4) 16. Place set aside for development (4,4) 17. Mineral used in ancient alchemy (4) 20. Moving a little way in the air (5) 21. After the wine I join the company in the porch (7) 22. Henry and I only fish (7) 23. Separate interval (5)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. According to the New York Times World Almanac, what was the estimated population of the world in 1 AD? Plus or minus 25 million 2. Which male first name stems from the Greek word meaning 'crown'? 3. Which popular article of clothing originated in the French city Nimes? 4. Who was the only goalkeeper to win the title European Footballer of the Year? 5. Which country joined the G6 in 1976, thus making it the G7? 6. In which three Hollywood blockbusters from 1998 was New York City laid to waste? 7. What did Oscar Wilde describe as "The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable"? 8. All of the following words are from songs in which the song title is a question. Can you name the song? a. No one will be watching us, b. With a burning love that stings like a bee, c. Act one was when we first met, I loved you at first glance, d. I've got flowers and lots of hours to spend with you, e. He says I'm sorry but I'm out of milk and coffee 9. Who co-owned Sex, the 'punk emporium' in the 1970s, with entrepreneur Malcolm McLaren? 10. The following films took place in which cities or towns? a. Rocky, b.
DOWN 1. Made fearfully late? (6,2,5) 2. He introduces us to the girl (5) 3. Document studied by racing enthusiasts (4) 4. Ancient words of wisdom from Oswald (3-3) 5. It’s presented at court (8) 6. Barsac’s upset by insects (7) 7. It gives current time (8,5) 12. Joint description of Eve’s origin (5,3) 13. Master takes female, over fifty, in marriage (7) 15. Father has a favourite term of endearment (6) 18. Quick to catch five in a falsehood (5) 19. Hold fast (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 0 ) Dirty Harry, c. Mystic River, d. Shrek II 11. In which year was the Republic of China established? Plus or minus 10 years 12. In which films do the following ships play a role? a. Andrea Gail, b. Tomorrow, c. Hispaniola, d. HMS Compass Rose and HMS Saltash Castle 13. In which Led Zeppelin song would you find the words "T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor I met a girl so fair, but Gollum and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her"? 14. Which fearless woman was born in Wimbledon on Feb 14th 1968? 15. A word describing a woman of great stature, strength and courage. 6 letters, last letter 'O'. 16. What was Che Guevara's first name? 17. Forbes magazine has an annual list of the 'Top earning dead celebrities'. Here are a few on the newest list. I'll give you the initials, name the celebrity. a. C. S. b. D. S. c. M. C. d. J. H. e. A. W. 18. Which two countries have the most dollar billionaires? 19. What causes the unusual hollow glass tubes found in the ground called fulgurites? 20. In song, what is drunk under "mirrors on the ceiling"?
637 227 385
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
CAR SALES The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and
Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th September, but please check beforehand. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com QUESADA LADIES CLUB The Annual General Meeting of the Quesada Ladies Club
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
will be held at the Cooper’s Arms, Dona Pepa, Quesada, on Tuesday 15th September 2020. This is for members only, and they will be admitted at the usual time of 2.30pm. This will take place only if the Covid19 allows us to. Keep watching our Facebook page for more information, Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join
our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or welfare on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of
all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597..
primary school student from the Ciudad del Mar public school and a high school student from the private centre La Purísima school have both tested positive for Covid-19, as a result of which all students in the two classes are being quarantined The confinement affects 40 pupils, although all other students are still able to attend school normally. In the case of CEIP Ciudad del Mar, a fifth-year primary student has tested positive. The child began to have feverish symptoms last week, only attending class for one day after feeling unwell. He was tested for coronavirus, and the positive result was confirmed at the weekend.
CEIP Ciudad del Mar de Torrevieja.
637 227 385
Public Health informed the school early this morning, so that the protocol was implemented to locate his 25 classmates. They were told that they must all remain in quarantine until Health informs them each of the guidelines to follow, which will include testing of the
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
students who have had the most contact with the infected child. A teacher and a school dining room worker are also in quarantine, having had close contact with the student who tested positive. Being confined to "bubble" classes, separate groups with a certain number of students who do not mix with others, isolation is only necessary for students and staff who have had contact with the affected person. In the private La Purísima school it is a high school student who has tested positive for coronavirus. About twenty students in his class have also been forced to quarantine, as well as several teachers. Ricardo Recuero , councillor of Education in Torrevieja, who is also the Headmaster of CEIP Ciudad del Mar, where one student has tested positive, has pointed out that it is likely to be a regular occurrence, something that schools will have to get used to. He said that he was pleased to see that both the schools and the City Council “have immediately set in motion the protocols issued by Public Health.
637 227 385
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Personal and friendly service with Helen’s Trucks H
ELEN’S TRUCKS has been in business now for over 18 years, is based in Crevillente and they specialise in smaller loads and light removals, moving goods between the UK, Spain, France and Portugal.. Helen and Trevor make up the team at Helen’s Trucks along with Kevin and Alan.
containerised storage available at very good rates, for both short and long term. The warehouse is alarmed and insured also, for peace of mind.
Helen (far left) and Trevor make up the team along with Kevin and Alan.
Wrapping and packing can be undertaken by Helen’s Trucks but if you prefer then they can supply all the necessary cartons, bubble wrap and tape for you, to do the work yourself.
At Helen’s Trucks it is a personal, friendly and quality service their customers get. Helen and Trevor, both believe it is very important to meet their customers face to face even when giving those initial estimates. “That way we can find out what the customer really wants and needs,” said Helen. “We can then tailor our service to their exact requirements.”
All their removals are itemised and an inventory produced and the entire load is kept together and not split.
Having one common type of identification number across the EU is more efficient, both for economic operators and customs authorities.
able to pick up at short notice and a personal service bringing that human touch to meeting your needs.
You can contact Helen’s Trucks on 965 400 616 or 667 815 081. Alternatively you can send an email to: helenstrucks1@yahoo.co.uk.
If it is not possible to deliver customers items straight away, or you just need your items stored temporarily, then Helen’s Trucks have secure,
It is also more efficient for statistical purposes and security purposes
Helen summed up the Helen’s Trucks philosophy saying, “It’s all about making moving easy and stress free.”
There is also a website: www.helenstrucks.com and a Facebook page at Helens Trucks which will both provide you with further information.
Helen has just recently moved to larger premises within Crevillente, as they are also dealing with freight forwarders from the UK who deal with their shipping containers and oneward deliveries.They have just aquired, an EORI Number. EORI stands for “Economic Operators Registration and Identification number”. Businesses and people wishing to trade must use the EORI number as an identification number in all customs procedures when exchanging information with Customs administrations.
Helen’s Trucks offer you the flexibility of being
ment of the cerebellum in various neurodevelopmental pathologies," said Dr Moreno-Bravo, who has a degree in Biology from the University of Valencia.
Alicante Doctor awarded 1.5m euro grant to study Autism
In 2015, he then obtained a doctorate from the Alicante Institute of Neurosciences UMH-CSIC with a Cum Laude qualification. Between 2015 and 2018, he carried out a postdoctoral stay at the Institute of Vision in Paris, supervised by Dr. Alain Chédotal, an expert in the development of neural circuits, where he laid the foundations of the line of research that is now going to pursue thanks to the ERC Starting Grant..
By Andrew Atkinson Doctor Juan Antonio Moreno-Bravo, from the UMH-CSIC Neurosciences Institute in Alicante, has obtained a Starting Grant from the European Research Council, of €1.5m for project "Cerebellar control of Cortical Development (CERCODE)". This funding, included within the pillar of Excellence of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, will allow Doctor Moreno-Bravo to set up his own laboratory to study over five years how the cerebellum can influence the development and functioning of the cortex brain, leading to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. Although the cerebellum is essential for motor function, it also plays a fundamental role in cognitive development and social behaviour, two functions that are mainly associated with the cerebral cortex. Early alterations in the cerebellum have been shown to lead to neurodevelopmental pathologies that present cognitive deficits, such as autism spectrum disorders. "We believe that these cerebellar dysfunctions produce, remotely, cortical alterations and, in turn, could be the cause of some of the cognitive deficits associated with these developmental disorders of the nervous system", said Dr. Moreno-Bravo. The cerebellum is connected to the cerebral cortex through the thalamus, through neural circuits that are formed during early stages of development. The thalamus is a symmetric structure located in the centre of the brain, approximately the size of two small walnuts joined by the medial-anterior part. It works as a kind of repeater station that controls the information that reaches the brain from the senses to send it to the cerebral cortex, where it will be processed. The connections between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex is one of the research lines of the laboratory in which Dr. Moreno-Bravo has carried out his research work in the last year. He will now will continue his own line of work to develop the CERCODE project as the head of a new research team. In order to understand how the cerebral cortex responds to alterations in the cerebellum, in Dr. Moreno-Bravo's new laboratory, a
The grant will allow Dr. Moreno-Bravo to develop his own line of work as the head of a new research team. series of animal models will be generated, in which the connectivity of the cerebellum will be affected during embryonic development. "This will allow us to study, with a multidisciplinary and innovative approach, the impact of abnormalities on the cerebral cortex. "Defining these mechanisms is essential to understand the involve-
In 2019, at the Alicante Institute of Neurosciences, he joined the laboratory of Dr. Guillermina LópezBendito as a postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Moreno-Bravo has published 16 articles in toplevel journals, such as Nature, Neuron or Development and has a Ramón y Cajal contract from the Ministry of Science and Education. He previously developed research activity with a number of other prestigious grants from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship of the European Commission, Severo Ochoa Postdoctoral Contract from the Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante and a JAEPredoc predoctoral grant from the CSIC.
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
637 227 385
LOCAL NEWSBITES Torrevieja singer Shani Ormiston presents her new video "Bunker" Torrevieja singer Shani Ormiston has released the first single from her new album "Bunker", an EP of six songs composed during confinement that will be released at the end of September. This new song is a pop ballad with R&B influence in English, where Shani sings about how we will overcome these difficult times in which we are living.
f you go into Neja, which is on the coast by Almeria, turn inland follow the windy road for 30 minutes you come to Competa. As you get close to it there is a viewpoint, with this fantastic, whitewashed town built into the hillside on your right, and spectacular views through the valley to the sea on the left. The town of Competa is in a stunningly beautiful setting and as you drive up to the village it has the feeling of a remote Spanish village that you would have found many years ago, nestling on the hillside. Enjoy wandering around this pretty whitewashed town with its labyrinth of narrow, winding streets, with authentic Spanish shops, dotted here and there. The town even has a charity shop where you can source a bargain. The feel of the village is one of tranquillity, it has lots of charm with flowers growing everywhere
The artist will present her new EP at her forthcoming show in the Torrevieja Municipal Theater starting at 8.30pm on 2 October. The video clip is now available on YouTube and the single on digital platforms.
Orihuela Council publishes a NonSexist Language Guide for staff The recently appointed Councillor for Equality, Almudena Baldó, has published a Non-Sexist Language Guide in Local Administration, in compliance with both the Municipal Ordinance on Equality between men and women, and the 2018/2021 Internal Equality Plan. She said that it will be distributed among all municipal staff in hard copy and digital format and will be used as a tool for the promotion of plural, inclusive and egalitarian language. While I’m sure that the publication will prove to be essential bedtime reading for many council employees I can think of better ways of spending Orihuela taxpayers money.
Mobile speed traps in use in by Torrevieja Local Police Officers
There are many cafes and restaurants, most have amazing views overlooking the neighbouring hills and valley down to the sea, extraordinarily beautiful. At night time, because there are no lights from cities or towns nearby, the sky is filled with a trillion sparkling bright stars, a lovely sight to behold. The town is in the region called Axarquia, Sierra de Almijara. It dates back to the Moorish times and is 638 meters above sea level, 53k from Malaga and a 30-minute drive from Nerja. The main centre is the Plaza Alimjara, with its bustling bars and is dominated by the magnificent 16th century Church, Nuestra Senora De La Asuncion, also known as the Cathedral of Axarquia. The church for this small town is one of the most awe-inspiring I have ever seen. I cannot believe why a small village like Competa would have such a breath-taking church. I am not talking about the outside, which is quaint but nothing different, but when you step inside, for me it took my breath away, it literally is breath-taking with masterpieces of the painter Francisco Hernandez.
By Linda Bentley
The church for a town of this size is awe-inspiring, the money that must have been spent making this church into a stunningly, lovely place of worship, where did it come from? On one side of the outside of the church there are a series of ceramic mosaics depicting the history of the town and the 800-year Moorish domination of Competa. There is a Museum of Artes and Traditions, on display are many old tools, costumes, art works and many more articles related to Competa. Also, the Museum features a photo archive of the town’s heritage. There are many walks from the town of the nearby countryside, where magnificent views will be plentiful. There are a couple of small hotels in the village and a vast array of holiday homes to rent in the town and in the countryside. After a couple of days lets venture on down the valley towards the sea. Here you can pass several small villages and see the beautiful landscape altering as you go down the valley. On the coast about 40 minutes from Competa is a Spanish seaside town, Torre Del Mar. It has a superb wide sandy beach, which every morning has different picture patterns left in the sand made by the Council Tractors. During the summer there are water sports, two outdoor pools, padel, squash, and tennis, and there is golf nearby. Torre del Mar is a very flat area so easy to get about walking and bike hire is available. There is a long promenade around 4k with multiple cafes and restaurants. The specialities are roasted sardines. There are small boats filled with sand and wood and they cook the sardines over it, these are all along on the beach in front of the cafes. It has an old disused lighthouse on the promenade, which has been refurbished and stands proudly in its blue and white stripes
Torrevieja local police are now introducing the use of mobile radar devices in the town after several weeks of tests. They will be used on all main thoroughfares, especially those that accrue regular complaints from local residents. The Councillor for Security and Emergencies, Federico Alarcón, said that during the first weeks they will be used along las avenidas Desiderio Rodríguez, Gregorio Marañón, Cortes Valencianas, La Mancha, Baleares and Torrealmendros. The radar, which cost almost 18,000 euros, allows speed measurements to be carried out at various locations over short periods, thanks to its ease of mobility, assembly and use of the device.
The resort is very much tailored for the Spanish as it seems to have kept this gem of a seaside town a secret. It has it all though, water park, lots of activities for the day, lovely beach sparkling sea and plenty of nightlife. If you are interested in sightseeing, you could catch a tram to the nearby town of Velez Malaga which offers more in the way of culture and sights. In Torre Del Mar there are plenty of good shops if you wanted to do some shopping, well known shops and there is also a huge shopping mall close by. Torre Del Mar and Competa are two completely different areas, offering so much to do and see, without having to be amongst hoardes of people, well worth visiting.
637 227 385
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
NEWS G N I T R O SP BITES Messi, highest paid player in history
The Tipsy Toad With the new season nearly upon us, it actually starts October 1st, all captains info packs and Winmau Blade 5 dartboards have been delivered to competing bars.
The " Toad " boasts a spacious bar and large sunshine terrace on which to enjoy your favourite cocktail.
Packs contain fixture lists, result sheets, player registration cards, competition entry forms, rules etc. An entry form for the popular Christmas mixed pairs on December 17th is also included.
Now the leagues official drop off point for player registrations, competition entries etc the Toad offers an excellent dart throw (to accomodate their 3 teams), pool table and multi screen T.V.'s, to view all the footy".
Where a number of bars have two teams, each team MUST play on their own designated board, readily identified on the face of the board.
Andy and Lisa have been in situ for just the year, after a 5 year stint at the nearby Junction.
This is to ensure all matches are played on boards with equal " wear and tear ". Running for six months, league fixtures end on March 25th, with competitions throughout April, culminating on a presentation dinner at Los Cucalos on May 20th.
The opportunity of the freehold on the " Toad " too good to miss. Originally from Bolton, the affable couple previously ran two bars, before the lure of the Costa Blanca sunshine convinced them to pack their bags and migrate 16 years ago.
ln addition to last seasons " Player Spotlight, " we are introducing an occasional " Bar Spotlight ", plus a new " Player of the Month "prize for both boys and girls, generously sponsored by Matt Smith of One Way Services. Captains will be asked to nominate their POTM at the end of each month, from which a winner is determined from each category. Recipients may have enjoyed an outstanding performance, overall good form, or most improved player etc.
Their adult children, Callum 23, Lauren 22, and Liam 19, either help out with Andys building business or at the comfortable surroundings of the Tipsy Toad. A jack of all trades, Andy is particularly proud of his " British lnstitute of lnnkeep-
Lionel Messi's salary is the highest of any footballer on the planet. The player had a salary of 60 million euros in the 2018/19 season, which was increased by 15 additional million last season, despite which he Argentine star threatened to leave Barcelona. According to journalist Eduardo Inda,"It is more than double what Cristiano Ronaldo earns in Turin, double what Neymar earns in Paris and five times what the best paid payers at Real Madrid earn, including Hazard, Bale and Sergio Ramos".
Premier League announces new one year China broadcast deal with Tencent The Premier League has secured a new broadcast deal with Tencent in China to cover the rest of 2020/21 season. Earlier, Premier League has terminated their £564m deal with PPTV after a £160m payment due in March was not received. ing " diploma gained when just twenty two years of age. Lisa takes responsibility for the ktichen, providing the requisite daily English Breakfast, plus catering for the numerous anniversaries, birthday and party bashes, enjoyed at the popular El Galan establishment during the evening. All sizes of party welcomed.
Financial details of the new deal are not revealed. More than half of the games will be made available free while the remaining to be made available via subscriptions.
Carp-R-Us Angling Round three of the Carp-R-Us Autumn Series was fished on the Rio Segura, Bigastro.
Another concept this term is a Facebook page ( OWS Thursday night darts league ) for players and our many fans to access results, tables and forum.
There´s lots of bank clearing going on at the moment here and on other parts of the Segura. The far bank has been completely stripped and work was just starting on the side used for matches.
This of course will complement our long term partner "The Leader " newspaper, published on Monday following Thursdays matches to include match reports and features.
The match was won by Richard Crawshaw with 8.14kg from peg 1 caught using maggot feeder with maggots on the hook.
ln addition to the 20,000 hard copies printed, a virtual copy is read by even more on theleader.info. Plenty of ways now to find out who won, who played well and not forgetting who's top of the pile. On behalf of the committee and Matt Smith ( OWS ) we trust you will enjoy this season, play great darts, amongst friends alike.
Second was Steve Fell with 5.50kg from peg 9 who caught on the feeder alternating maggots and corn on the hook. Jackie Breslin was third with 4.72kg also caught using feeder tactics and fourth was Roy Butress with 4.52kg, same method.
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Torrevieja Winter Pool League Divisions formed amid COVID-19 Summer League cancellation By Andrew Atkinson The Torrevieja Winter Pool League divisions 2020-21 have been formed, amid the cancellation of the 2020 Summer League, due to COVID-19. Catch-up league games are also scheduled this month, beginning on September 23. Division 1: Iglesias A v Casa Ventura; Britannia A v Santana A. Division 2: Mi Sol v Iglesias B; Rendevous (former Perro Negro) v Terreza.
Cup Final - On September 30 the Cup Final will take place between Britannia A versus Fire Station (BW), venue Iglesias.
In assn with Sapphire Properties & Costa Blanca Green Fee Services at Vistabella on 16th Sept.
Torrevieja Winter Pool League. *Probable leagues, tbc. Division 1: Britannia A, Iglesias A, F/Station (bw), F/Station (gw). Terreza, Santana A, Dubliners, Iglesias B, Murphy's.
Division 3: Micky's Bar, Laguna, O'Brien's,
Courtyard A, Courtyard B, Oasis, Hacienda, The George, Thirsty Boot.
SMGS at Las Colinas. September 16th, 2020. Linda Rennie Memorial Trophy Played for since 2016, the Linda Rennie Memorial Trophy has become part of the society’s annual events. Meant to have been played previously but delayed because of COVID, we were delighted to be able to fit it in on the penultimate day of Captain Phil de Lacy’s reign. Whether it was the trophy’s standing, the fact that we were back at Colinas after a long period away, or that a lot of members are now back for the autumn and winter, turnout was the highest it has been since lockdown back in March.
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
Forty-six players turned out to find a course in excellent condition, but set up very, very long apart, somewhat ironically, from the two shortest par threes (holes 7 and 10) which were shortened even further than normal. Some initial confusion was caused by stroke indexes having changed since SMGS last visited, and a few souls surely thought they had two shorts on the first, when in fact they only had one. With the tee box on that opening hole being further back than anybody could remember, two shots for all would have been welcome! In contrast, the second, now stroke index one, had a tee brought forward. However, it remains a monster of a hole with a green far too postage stamp. Houses continue to sprout up around much of the course, and those suffering, principally bronze and silver category players, may well have turned their thoughts to what a few million might buy you. And whether you would really want it! Some houses are that large that they may well have their own pitch and putt areas inside the build-
ings. Getting on to the golf, the results by category clearly indicated how the course was set up. Nine players in Gold (lowest handicappers) beat 30 points, three in Silver, and none in Bronze. Andy McDonald took the Linda Rennie Trophy with an impressive 39 points playing off of eight. Only recently returned Russell Bailey got near with 37. Nobody else managed to beat their handicap. Andy also took 2 nearest the pins, and the society’s oldest playing member Mike Fearnehough another. Nice to see Mike in the frame again. Following prize giving the AGM was held. Due to social distancing tables were well spaced out on the gorgeous clubhouse terrace with a limit on numbers at each. Those Committee members having to throw their voices to be heard by all may well have been somewhat hoarse Thursday morning! The day’s results were the following: 2020 Linda Rennie Memorial Trophy: Andy McDonald Bronze Category: 5th Steve Hart (27
on CB), 4th Alan MacDonald (27 on CB), 3rd Mick Seymour (28), 2nd Norman Padmore (30 on CB) and 1st, with the same score, Lee Eastman. Silver Category: 5th Kyrre Skarsmoen (29), 4th Brian Mulligan (30), 3rd Phil de Lacy (32 on CB), 2nd Roger Webb (33) and first, Keith Little with 35 points. Gold Category: 5th Darren Strugnell (32 on CB), 4th Michael Lausch (34), 3rd Lars Kristiansen (36), 2nd Russell Bailey (37) and 1st, Andy McDonald with 39 points. Nearest the pins (sponsored by Property Shop): Hole 5 Kyrre Skarsmoen, Hole 7 Mike Fearnehough, Hole 10 Andy McDonald, Hole 14 Andy McDonald, Hole 17 Lars Kristiansen
For this month’s meeting the Sapphire Golf Society and a group of 30 players visited the established course at Vistabella taking advantage of the excellent society deal obtained from Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The course was in generally good condition but with some surprisingly difficult rough in places but was enjoyed by all. Gold Division: 1st - Marcus Clements – 36 pts, 2nd – Jack Fanning – 34 pts Silver Division: 1st – Jim Donnelly – 40 pts, 2nd – Colin MacDonald - 33 pts Bronze Division: 1st- Jim Kelly - 38 pts, 2nd – Barry Dexter - 24 pts Football Card – Bob Hewitson, Jacks Prize – Joe Valente After the game we returned to the Edina’s Bar and Grill bar, which is located at Dona Pepa, Quesada for a welcome snack prepared by the bar and the prize presentation and we give our thanks for their support and that of our sponsor Sapphire Properties.
Abacus: Haydn Williams
Our next society fixture is the Captains Day at Vistabella on the 7th October followed by the society day at Altorreal on 21st October
Our thanks go to all Las Colinas staff for their contribution to an enjoyable day. Next week we will be at Vistabella for the much looked forward to Captain’s Day.
Before this we have the Captains Away Day which is ran in conjunction with the Lo Marabu GS at Las Pinaillas (Albacete) on the 30th September and 1st October 2020.
Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website
Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at www.costa-blanca-greenfees.com.
www.smgs.org or simply give Captain Phil de Lacy a call on 711 032 859.
The Oasis Bar, La Herrada, Los Montesinos Close to Dial Prix Supermarket TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. 200 million, 2. Stephan, Steven, Steve. 3. Denim, 4. Lev Yashin 1963, 5. Canada, 6. Armageddon, Deep Impact and Godzilla, 7. Fox Hunting. 8. a. Why don't we do it in the road? (Beatles), b. Where did our love go ? (Supremes), c. Are you lonesome tonight? (Elvis), d. What's new pussycat? (Tom Jones), e. Do ya think I'm sexy? (Rod Stewart). 9. Vivienne Westwood. 10. a. Philadelphia,
Sapphire Golf Society
The Sub Cup Final between Santana A versus Casa Ventura will be played at The George.
Division 2: Racin Toast 2, Friendly Bar A, Friendly Bar B, Marina Bar, Sports Bar, Santana B, Mi Sol, Maries Rendevous, Britannia B.
637 227 385
b. San Francisco, c. Boston, d. Far Far away. 11. 1912. 12. a. The Perfect Storm, b. Children of Men, c. Treasure Island, d. The Cruel Sea. 13. Ramble On. 14. Lara Croft. 15. Virago. 16. Ernesto. 17. a. Charles Schultz. b. Dr. Seuss. c. Michael Crichton. d. Jimi Hendrix. e. Andy Warhol . 18. USA (614) and China (389). 19. Lightning. Fulgur is Latin for thunderbolt. 20. "Pink champagne on ice". From the song 'Hotel California.
637 227 385
Las Ramblas Golf Society Results w/c 7.9 It was ‘Fiesta’ time this week (although for many it would become ‘Siesta’ time) as we played out the first knockout round of this year’s Individual Singles Match play. There were quite a few surprises in round one which included Reg Akehurst seeing off hot favourite Graham Murray 4&2 and Nigel Price coming out tops over Liz Robertson 6&5. To be fair to Liz though she did have to concede some eleven shots! Reg came up against Paul Brown in round two and it didn’t go his way this time as Paul won 5&4. Lindsay Forbes sailed through with a 7&5 win over Hendrick Oldenziel whilst I just about managed to scrape through, winning by one hole against new member Dave Connolly. Nigel once again triumphed over one of our lady members. This time it was Benedicte Kruse who lost out 4&3. Conceding 24
shots Terry Field still managed to ease his way through with a 4&3 win over Dave Pulling. The other players through to fight another day were Ken Robertson, Pete Dunn and Mark Western. Friday and it was quarter finals day. Having got through to this stage by just the one hole in the last round I lost to Mark Western by the exact same margin. Nigel Price managed to take Terry Field (playing off scratch) to the 19th hole before losing out. Lindsay Forbes kept his good run of form going with a 4&3 win over Pete Dunn whilst Paul Brown overcame Ken Robertson also with a 4&3 win . The semi-finals will take place next Friday so watch this space! Por ultimo, in the words of Peter Dobereiner, ‘Half of golf is fun, the other half is putting.’ Pues hasta la semane que viene Peter Reffell
The Cavernita Autumn Bowl
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
McCafferty’s Golf Society at La Finca 15th Sept 20
of us made the short journey north to La Finca, well, 24 of us made the short journey, one member, who will remain nameless but she is a German lady, decided to take the longer route via Vistabella. The course was in good condition, except for a few places where there is still damage due to infected water from the irrigation system, but these are marked as ‘GUR’, so no real problem. The greens were exceptional, nippy and running true. The only real problem we had was the lack of a breeze and the presence of millions/ billions of midges that were enjoying themselves in annoying the golfers! NTP’s: We had the normal Par 3’s and a bonus NTP, which was on the iconic 5th hole, a par 5, NTP in 3.
All five NTP’s were claimed and on the 3rd was Mick Phelan, the 6th Barney, 13th Brian Kiernan, 16th Steve Higgins and the NTP on the 5th was Barney again. TWO’s Pot: You may recall that we had a double rollover carried forward and this meant there was a tidy 114€ in the two’s Pot and there was only one 2 claimed and much to the derision of many present, Steve Higgins joyfully accepted the pot. The scores on the doors in the Silver Division were, in the main, a little on the low side and only 2 managed to break 30 points. This meant that Moose Burke’s 29 was only good enough for the CBNC. On 30 points, new member Pat Brennan accepted the runners-up envelope from Captain Ernie. The winner of the Silver Division with 33 points was Niall Murray. In the Gold division, the scores were slightly better and a score of 32 from Gwen Wylie was only good enough for the CBNC non-award. One point better with 33 saw Daz Hancock collecting the Runners-up brownie and the
The nearest the pin winners were, Alan Craig on hole 2 and 11, John Brastock on hole 7. Alan also won the 2s pot.
This year’s venue was at the Vistabella golf course, where the semi-rough was indeed very rough and made keeping to the fairways a must, in order to achieve a decent score.
A huge thank you goes out to Alex and Julie, owners of “La Cavernita” in La Marina for their sponsorship of the Autumn Bowl and for their hospitality and meal in the evening. A good night was had by all.
GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps
Around and About Local Golf Courses? The every increasing rate of corona virus rates across the whole world means that travel restrictions and therefore a reduction of tourism and cross border travel will be with us for some time to come. As discussed in recent articles all the golf courses and the golf industry and all related services are struggling badly through these difficult times, however most courses are open and in good condition although some courses are still operating with limited staff levels and on some courses some of the finer details of course preparation are being omitted. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Price €98 €100 €100 €125
Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy
winner in the Gold was Steve Higgins with 35 points. The Overall winner was quite a surprise for many! With an outstanding score of 37, Mick Coady saw him claim the overall top spot of the day. It also saw him lose a shot from his handicap! The Guest prizes went to Chris Pollard with 26 points and he received a sleeve of Srixons and the winning score of 29 saw Evan Marriott gleefully accept the bottle of wine and a sleeve of Srixons for his efforts. There were two singles games played and moving on into the Final is Niall Murray who beat Blue Smith 3 & 2. In the other game Steve Higgins had a hard-fought win of 3 & 1 over Jim Barbour, this see’s him in the Semi Finals and will play the winner of the game between Barney McCaffery and Keith Crossan. Next week we are making the very short journey to Villamartin and we have 32 places booked, of which 25 have already been taken. The week after we make the journey to Vistabella and already places are filling up fast, so if you intend to play, book now.
The winner of the Gold Division with a score of 38 points was John Brastock, and Silver Division winner with 40 points, therefore, also winning the Cavernita Autumn Bowl trophy was Ray Hill.
17th September 2020 – This week was the Cavernita Autumn Bowl Competition for the members of the La Marina Golf Society.
Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
Below is a brief summary of situation of the situation on courses across or region:
tion but the greens are still to some degree recovering from the extensive work conducted last year.
Costa Blanca North
Hacienda Riquelme - This course is temporarily closed.
Alicante - The course remains closed to the general public but they have taken the opportunity during the closure period to revamp their greens and clubhouse and so this should be an excellent golfing experience when re-opened.
Las Colinas - This exclusive course is now offering special lower rates until at least 31/10/20.
Alenda - The course is now offering summer prices until 31/12/20.
Lo Romero - This excellent course is now offering special lower rates until at least 30/11/20 BUT due to the lack of tourist golfers will remain closed on Sundays and Mondays.
Font del Llop - The course is now offering summer prices until 14/02/21.
Lorca - If you want a challenge and some super cheap golf visit this course and play for only €70 for 2 players and buggy.
Villaitana - The course is now offering golf for as little as €48 for 2 players and buggy on the Poniente course and €60 on the Levante course BUT some aspects of course maintenance are not up to their usual standard, especially fairway bunkers.
Mar Menor - Usually in excellent condition this course is offering a special rate of only €25 until 30/09/20 but the course is in poor condition and with two temporary greens.
Costa Blanca South and Murcia Campoamor - The course is open and generally in good condiDon Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana La Manga West La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas
€45 €80 €59 €90 €35 €118 €53 €75 €126 €50 €114 €118 €45
Single Green Fee + buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee after 2pm
We will continue to update you on issues impacting on the golf industry here in Spain but I am sure we are in for a rough ride for some time to come. Las Pinaillas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villamartin Vistabella
€40 €70 €136 €25 €82 €98 €112 €35 €136 €113
Green Fee (incl single buggy) Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy (after 3,30pm) Single Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy from 2pm
For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
637 227 385
Valencian’s on schedule despite Friday rain Linda Freeman
James Cutting
Ann Holland KEEPING THE LADIES SAFE: The Greenlands Groupies confined to the stands
San Miguel Strollers, Walking FC Anita Brown and Lin Watkins
No major surprises in the first five day session of the Line Directa Valencian Bowls championships played out at La Marina and Greenlands Bowls Clubs last week, with both the Mixed Triples and the Mixed Pairs competitions progressing to the semi final stages. However the triples competition will be celebrating new champions as the 2019 winners, skipped by John Smyth, fell in the quarter final to the Vistabella trio of Malden, Foulcer and Holland, in a match that could have gone either way.
SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB The draw has now been done for our fully booked three day event. Participants will be receiving details of play in the next few days. Reminder to members to make sure they have their name on the squad sheets ready for the start of our league games.
They will now meet Mallet, Jukes and Richardson of Country Bowls in the semi final while the second semi will see the Vistabella team led by Gary Thorpe attempt to overcome Pooley, Miles and Bosworth of the Emerald Isle. In the Mixed Pairs competition, held last in 2016 when Carol Broomfield and Jason Prokopowycz were the victors, the tournament is also at the semi final stage despite rain all day Friday. Andy Miles/Peta Rhodes of the Emerald Isle and Charlie Watkins/Lin Watkins of VistaBella
chickens and wine. This week's game of pairs and trips was won by Bob Bromley and Ralph Jones. Well done both. Welcome back to some of our snowbirds who arrive in Spain this weekend.
Vic's hamper at its new Saturday morning time of 9.30 for 10.00 was supported by sixteen players this week, playing for
progressed to the semi finals at Greenlands on Sunday morning while John Smyth/Caroline Smyth of Emerald Isle and Tom Spencer/Margaret McLaughlin of the home club were victorious in the two quarter finals held at La Marina Bowls Club. Competition Secretary John O’Brien, declared himself satisfied with the way that the tournament had gone to date although he did say that week two, with the Men’s and Ladies Pairs and Singles Competitions, would likely provide much more of a test.
LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB I want to start with a letter from our Facebook page. Hi, having visited your club earlier today (19.09.20)to have a practice before the Valencians we must congratulate you on the safe and friendly environment you provided. It was very enjoyable and the new carpet played well. We could not have had a better welcome experience and that all credit to your team on duty, well done. Kindest Regards Keith & Carol Stobbart. Thank you so much for taking the time to write, it really does mean a lot to the club and especially those involved.
Wanderers, Rochdale, Everton, Sheffield United, Grimsby Town.
La Marina is a coastal village administered by the city of Elche, in the province of Alicante on Spain's Costa Blanca.
Grandparents' 80s veg, shoes, wines and general store now fans' Bodega
Sergio confessed: "My mother's team is newly promoted La Liga club Elche and my father's team is Barcelona - I don't really like football, and I don't have a favourite team.
Glasgow Rangers, Celtic, Peterhead FC, Queen of the South, Greenock Morton.
"My grandparents and father started a local shop here, with vegetables, shoes, wines, and general store in 1980," Sergio, son of owners Carmelos and Irene, who run the Bodega, along with his sister chef Irene, told The Leader. "As the years passed, that local shop changed to the Bodega that you know today," said Sergio.
"The oldest scarf is one of Barcelona, from the eighties. And over the years scarves have been given to us by the customers." Decades on and Bodega Los Carmelos, which has two large separate dining rooms, and barrels of wine on show, has a plethora of scarves. Scarves include: Liverpool, Sunderland, Manchester City, Manchester United, Portsmouth, Crystal Palace, Cardiff City, Watford, Stoke City, Chelsea, Ipswich Town, Arsenal, Bristol Rovers, Rotherham United, WBA, NUFC, Bolton
We at the San Miguel Strollers can offer you a way back into your past. San Miguel Stroller, walking
The day started even earlier when Santi (owner) came along to open up and found he had been broken into and his tills had been stolen leaving him with no float, but at least he was able to operate (once the Guardia had arrived and departed). Then of course the first purchase was with a 50€ note. However this did not effect play on the green and all 5 matches started on time. Our two representatives gave us great entertainment, Desna & Mick Lowe along with Cliff Rawlingson going into the last end 12 each but unfortunately losing out on the 18th. Janet, and Peter Parsons and Don Fowkes however won their game 25-7 after only 14 ends, which carried
"My father really likes football and his favourite team is Barcelona, and he has a lot of friends with the same favourite team - they gifted to him the very first scarf," said Sergio.
Football really is coming home - when you enter Bodega Los Carmelos in La Marina, after Elche's return to La Liga - with hundreds of scarves donning the walls from throughout Europe.
Good times such as that seem in the far and distant past. But they are not, I'm here to tell you, that because you are over 50 years of age, this can still happen.
The Valencians started on Wednesday with two of our mixed trips playing at home am, and one playing at Greenlands pm.
Football REALLY is coming home at Bodega Los Carmelos By Andrew Atkinson
Do you ever sit and wish that you could get out and have a game of football with your mates, again together with a drink with the lads after.
Racing Club, GD La Canada AT, Athletic Club Bilbao, Barcelona, Real Sporting Gijon, Valencia CF, Hercules, Atletico Madrid, Getafe CF, Racing Club Santander, Real Sporting. Portugal, Northern Ireland, Deutsland, Denmark, SC Paderborn 07, FC Erzgebirge Aue, VfL Wolsburg, FC-Astoric Walldorf, Morali Victoria, Zalaegerszeg, Excellsior Rotterdam, FC Shalke 04,
football team play at the San Miguel Municipal Football Stadium on Monday evenings at 6-30 for 7pm. We can offer you a game of Walking football with guys who are a great bunch, and will take you into their hearts, so you will make a brand new set of friends as well. So, if you fancy a kick about with us, get in touch with me Bill Whitehouse on 606-725993, or 865-666-883. Or get back to me on: billwhitehouse1@hotmail.co.uk or smstrollers@gmail.com Look forward to hearing from you.
them through to a afternoon game against another west country skip, Gary Thorpe. The 17th end of this game was very exciting with the scores level we were in a very strong position until Carol Thorpe fired and the end had to be replayed, when again we were in a strong position but Gary managed to come up and steal it from us, putting them 1 up going into the last end which they duly won. As a non-biased sportsman the 2 shots on the 17th end which dictated the game were magnificent, and we can only wish Gary and his team well for the rest of the championship. Being unable to follow our trip of Anne & Mike Stone and Tom Spencer who played away and won their 1st game, I cannot give their scores, but I do know they lost their second game. Dave Hadaway
FC Bayern Munchen, Dynamo Dresden. SC Westfalia, Paris Saint Germain, Forza Juve. "My grandfather was Carmelo too, that is the reason for the name 'Bodega Los Carmelos'," said Sergio.
637 227 385
Orihuela edged by Murcia at Los Arcos By Andrew Atkinson
Orihuela hosted Real Murcia CF in a pre-season friendly at Los Arcos, with the visitors winning 1-0. Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 club CD Montesinos hosted Cabezo de Torres and Callosa Deportiva CF in pre-season friendlies at the Municipal stadium Los Montesinos, with spectators allowed to attend. Due to FA regulations amid COVID-19 supporters were required to give their full name and address in Spain, telephone number; and NIE/DNI/Passport details upon entering the ground. "COVID-19 pandemic restrictions still apply, with social distancing undertaken around and in the ground, with mandatory face masks worn," said Supporters club President Eddie Cagigao.
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020
Thader show encouraging signs despite consecutive defeats As predicted, Thader faced two tough opponents last week, and although they lost them both, manager Raul Mora must have formed a better picture of what his team need to improve on. Last Wednesday's trip to Alicante, saw them play Tercera division side Hercules CF 'B'. Rubo scored Thader's only goal in the 3-1 defeat, but evidently, they did create a fair number of good goal scoring opportunities. This behind closed doors friendly, was the first defeat in 4 pre-season friendlies, with more to come. When Alicante Independente (CFI) visited Moi Gomez stadium 3 days later, the hosts had a score to settle. CFI recorded a double, on their way to win the Preferente division last season, although they surprisingly failed to gain promotion via the play offs (there is no automatic promotion for champions at this level). A heavy deluge the day before, meant that the pitch had churned up pretty badly by the final whistle. Good news for fans, came in the form of spectator capacity being increased from 100 to 200 for this match. It was also pleasing to note that the cantina
inside the ground was once again open for business. Opening exchanges were pretty frantic, end to end stuff, played at 100 miles an hour. Attack, attack, attack, was the name of the game, where corners were a plenty for both teams. A specialist Lloyd long range free kick on 10 mins inched wide of the post, then up the other end, a Chinchilla long range lob just missed the target. But it didn't take long for the CFI man to find the net, for on 25 mins, he converted a cross from the right at the far post. There was a slight suspicion of offside, but void of assistants, the match referee was in no position to rule out the goal. On the half hour mark, Rafa headed over the visitor's bar, before a Lloyd back pass
almost went into his own net. Just before the interval, a Kino effort from close to the touchline, was narrowly wide of the far post. Thader approached the 2nd half with renewed vigour. By the hour mark, both Jose and Kino had tested the CFI keeper, but when called upon, Thader keeper Adrian made a good low save to keep his side in the game. Both Nino and Calderon (on as 2nd half subs) had opportunities to level the scores, but although their shots were on target, they were denied by fine saves. A 0-1 reversal is probably not a fair reflection of the match, but a more clinical approach in the final third of the pitch is still required, if chances created are to be turned into goals. Next Wednesday (23 September) ko 8.30, Thader are at the sports complex in Torrevieja, for a match against regional 2 new boys Costa Blanca FC. There will be a match the following Saturday, but at time of going to press, there are no further details available (check CD Thader Facebook page for up to date info).
Morante and Pepe exit Monte CD Montesinos player Morante has left the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 club and joined 2nd Regional Guardamar, amid undertaking exams to join the Police force. "Morante sent us a lovely message thanking us all for the amazing support we have given him over the past three years," said Supporters Club President Eddie Cagigao. "He cannot train, as he is doing his exams for the Police Force and needs to devout more time for his future, in this respect. "Morante is going back to play in the 2nd Regional division at his home town club Guardamar, where the training times make it easier for him," said Eddie. Pepe has also departed newly promoted Monte, after undertaking work in France: "We would all like to thank Morante and Pepe for their efforts every time they put on the shirt. We wish them both luck in their future careers," added Eddie.
Roy of The Rovers goal by 'Wild Thing' Gareth Gareth Ainsworth's Roy of The Rovers football dream continued this month, when Wycombe Wanderers made their bow in the Championship, after 133 years of non-league in the lower league echelons. Wycombe gaffer Ainsworth hosted Rotherham at Adams Park on the opening fixture of the 2020-21 season, behind closed doors amid COVID-19 legislation, after Wycombe reached the Championship in the play-off final at Wembley in July. Ironically, Ainsworth returns to his home town Blackburn Rovers on September 19 - the club that threw him on football's scrapheap as a teenager, almost three decades ago. "It left me in tears," said Ainsworth, dumped by Rovers aged 18, after being part of the clubs youth team. After getting the boot at Blackburn, Ainsworth's Roy Of The Rovers return story kicked-off at Northwich Victoria in the nineties - that lead to a move to my home town club Preston North End, what was
NEXT UP FOR THADER: Saturday 26th although details are still to be confirmed the first of three spells at Deepdale. Cambridge, a return to Northwich on loan, a return to Preston, Lincoln City, Port Vale and a ÂŁ2m move to Wimbledon encompassed his journey. In 2002 another return to Deepdale on loan surfaced, along with a loan spell at Walsall, prior to moving to Cardiff in 2003. QPR was Ainsworth's next stop-off, making 141 appearances for the club during 2003-10, returning to Wycombe on loan in the 2009-10 season, joining Wanderers on a permanent deal. A brief spell at Woodley United followed. His first taste as manager came at QPR, when caretaker in 2008-09; taking charge at Wycombe in 2012 and leading the club to promotion from League 2 in 2017-18 and into the Championship last season at Wembley. Ainsworth returned to Wembley, having suffered defeat - ironically against Wycombe under Martin O'Neill - in the third division playoff final when at Preston in 1994. "We are hoping to pull off a few surprises in the Championship - it's new territory," said Ainsworth. "It's a hell of a challenge," said Ainsworth, who graduated from the University of Liverpool with a Diploma in Professional Studies in Football Management in December. Ainsworth, who says COVID-19 lockdown has lead to a stronger bond at the club, has ambitions to reach the Premier League: "I have ambitions to manage in the Premier League," said Ainsworth.
Gareth: Play-off winners Wycombe reach Championship.
Roy of The Rovers is a British comic strip about the life and times of a fictional footballer and later manager. It be a No.1 hit for Ainsworth, 47, who has rock 'n' roll through his blood alongside football, tutored by his mum, a former professional singer in the sixties. He formed band APA, while at Wimbledon as a player. Bands, Dog Chewed The Handle and Road To Eden followed. In November 2019, Ainsworth became lead singer of Cold Blooded Hearts. With a Roy of The Rovers story in the locker and his dad being a former bookie, don't rule out the odds: "It would be a dream come true - to do it with Wycombe," said Ainsworth.
637 227 385
Monday 21st - Sunday 27th September, 2020