The Leader Edition 849

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No 849 Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January 2021

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We wish all our readers a very Happy New Year as we enter our 17th year as the oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper on the Costa Blanca


he Royal Camp of the Three Kings in Torrevieja, held in the port area of the town, closed its doors last Tuesday having made dreams come true for over 8,000 children during the holiday period.


Melchor, Gaspar, Baltasar and their entire entourage, set up camp in a 2,000 square metre facility, in which they bestowed the illusion to the children who had come to the city from many different parts of the Community.

By appointment and whilst applying all the necessary preventive anticovid measures, they were able to deliver their letters to Their Majesties the Three Wise Men.

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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021



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enjoyed their visit to the camp ‘a lot’ or ‘quite a lot’ and practically all visitors (8,111) would repeat the experience.

The Kings resided in the camp with their entourage, with numerous characters as they taught the visitors about the artisan trades of yesteryear.

The majority of visitors came from Torrevieja itself (78.81%), 14.84% from municipalities in the Vega Baja region, 4.43 % of towns in the province of Alicante.

The Torrevieja City Council said it was delighted with the response that the camp and its occupants received, as it thanked joint sponsors Agamed and Ribera for their support, which further enabled the enjoyment of Christmas and the illusion of the Kings for the children.

For four days the Torrevieja Camp recreated the activities of a nomadic Berber village with a total of 40 actors who reflected the activity of merchants, the traditional trades of carpenters, blacksmiths and bakers.

The production of the Camp, Safety Global, also agreed, after analysing the data from the survey on the degree of satisfaction of what has been the most popular and important camp in the region this Christmas. According to the survey, 97.6% of children

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Also present were members of the Roman Legion and its praetorian guard, an astrologer, as well as many other attractions for the children, the reading of their letters, the royal apartments, as well as the packaging of gifts, all carried out always with a rigorous regard to health and anticovid measures.

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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021

Casaverde Care Home in Torre de la Horadada where Marian Rubio and Carmen Leonard were the first to be vaccinated

Coronavirus injections underway in local Care Homes and Hospitals


he race got underway last week to vaccinate residents and staff in Care Homes across the Vega Baja against coronavirus, with the Health Departments in Orihuela and Torrevieja expecting to complete the process by Monday, Vaccinations also continue apace of all front line staff working in hospitals and medical centres in both Orihuela and Torrevieja, where over 3,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine was administered over the weekend. Dr. Eva Baró, Manager of the Torrevieja Health Department, oversaw the process at the University Hospital where she told reporters, "The protection of our professionals is vital to continue providing quality health care to our population, hence the need for them to be at the head of the queue".

On Saturday morning, vaccinations got underway at the Casaverde Care Home, also in Pilar de la Horadada, where 124 residents, 98.5 percent of the total, along with almost 90 percent of the heath staff, received their first dose of the vaccine. Carmen Leonard was the first resident to be vaccinated and Marian Rubio, a hairdresser on the home, the first member of staff. Adrián de Paz, Technical and Quality Director of the Casaverde Group, who has been coordinating the operation together with Public Health, said that “without a doubt we are now at the end of what has been a very difficult period”. “It is a long-awaited moment that has been reflected in the large number of residents and staff that have been eager to receive the vaccines.”

The first recipient of the vaccination in Orihuela Costa was 98year old Pamela Sullivan, who got her first dosage in the Savia residence of the third age in Villamartin.

Meanwhile, Dr. Pepe Cano, the director of Public Health in Orihuela, believes that the vaccination process in Vega Baja is more advanced than across the rest of the country, much of which has been put on hold during storm Filomena.

The Orihuela Councillor for Health, José Galiano, was on hand to see the process along with the director of the Savia residence, María Luz Serrano.

The vaccination plan prioritises residents of care homes and their staff; then primary care health and hospital staff, both groups of which will be finished this week.

Pilar de la Horadada was the first health department in the region to vaccinate it’s health workers, however, including Council janitors who work in outlying clinics.

After that it will be the turn of elderly people who live at home, people at risk with pathologies; and then, finally, the general population, according to their age.

The first person vaccinated at the town’s health centre was Juan Carlos Santos, a nursing coordinator while the first worker from the Town Council was Andrés Martínez.

Dr. Cano believes that "if the vaccination rate continues at it’s present rate, the general population will start getting their vaccinations during February."

Both the Mayor, José María Pérez, and the councillor for health, Nieves Moreno, were present at the vaccination processes.



Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021

Virus outbreak in Maristas Care home in Cartagena

According to care home sources, all the cases are asymptomatic and "the measures established in the protocol are being taken by the regional health authority and the residence, including the isolation of those affected."

The first case was detected last Tuesday in a member of staff. "From then on, antigen tests were carried out and four cases were detected, which were reported to the regional administration and family members," according to a spokesperson for Amavir. Yesterday the PCRs were carried out and the remaining cases were found.

Up to this outbreak it is understood that no cases of coronavirus had been detected since the beginning of the pandemic and that vaccinations were to begin today. “The staff is devastated, because they had worked very well since March to prevent the virus from entering the facilities. The example is that we had not yet had a single case, "added the Amavir spokesperson. Now, both residents and workers will have to wait to see how the outbreak evolves before they are vaccinated. The Murcia Region now exceeds 6,000 people suffering from the coronavirus. There were 568 new cases detected during Three Kings Day and three deaths, two men and a woman aged 84, 83 and 87, from the municipalities of San Javier, Blanca and Cieza. Hospital admissions remain at 300, but patients in intensive care units (ICU) rise to 74.

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Residents of Spain turned away at U K Airports

The Maristas de Cartagena residence for the elderly, which is managed by the Amavir Company, has reported an outbreak in the centre of 41 patients and 10 members of staff. The cases were confirmed on Thursday following PCR yesterday on all users and workers.

The Murcia Community takes over the management of a residence every time there are cases of Covid and it is the health teams from the Ministry that carry out the tests.


“Even though I was wrongly stopped from boarding by British Airways they refused me compensation”. Stephen Meldrum

By Andrew Atkinson Since, BA said it had acted incorrectly. Mr Meldrum was told: Turmoil has hit passengers on first weekend since the EU Brexit “Looking at what's happened it does look like you've been incortransition phase ended, with residents of Spain seeking to return rectly denied boarding today. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience to their homes having been wrongly turned away by British and don't underestimate how annoyed you must be feeling. Airways staff at Heathrow. “Although it doesn't change what's happened, With the ending of the transition, British passTurmoil hits airline passenwe'd like to rebook you free of charge for travel port holders are no longer granted automatic gers on first weekend since tomorrow.” access to the European Union. In addition, EU Brexit transition phase Mr Meldrum said: “I cannot travel tomorrow as Spain is imposing tough rules to try to minended with British Airways, my PCR test would be out of date. The earliest I imise the spread of coronavirus. Ryanair and EasyJet all can get a PCR test result is Monday evening Only Spanish nationals and legal residents of incorrectly turning away (January 4), so I am opting for Tuesday's flight.” Spain are allowed to board flights from the BA’s decision wrongly to deny him boarding UK, until January 19. Spain Residents, despite made him eligible for €400 (£360) in compenBritish people who live in Spain are required correct documentation sation under European air passengers’ rights to carry one of two documents demonstrating rules. their right to travel: either a green EU residence certificate or a But the airline told him: “Hi, Stephen. I'm afraid we won't be tarjeta de identidad de extranjero (TIE), a new biometric residenable to offer you any compensation. I'm sorry to disappoint you.” cy card specifically for Spain. On a joint British Airways-Iberia flight from Heathrow to Madrid, They must also have a PCR test for coronavirus, within 72 hours a further nine people were reported to have been denied boarding. of arrival in Spain. The British Embassy in Madrid said that it was aware of cases of Passengers booked on several British Airways flights said they UK residents in Spain not being able to board flights in the UK, were wrongly denied boarding at Heathrow’s Terminal 5. “I was booked on BA482 flying to Barcelona, Spain on January 3. or enter Spain when travelling using the green residency document. "I had all the correct documentation including UK passport, green "This should not be happening,” the Embassy said. resident’s card, negative Covid test and was turned away by the “The Spanish government have re-confirmed that the green resicheck-in manager. dency document will be accepted for travel to return to Spain, as "I tried explaining that the green card meant I'm a resident of stated in our travel advice.” Spain - but was told by two BA staff that it wasn’t. A spokesperson for BA said: “In these difficult and unprecedented "I also read out both the UK and Spanish governments websites times with dynamic travel restrictions, we are doing everything information with no success. Absolutely shocking, seems like I'm we can to help and support our customers.” not the only one either," said James Elliot. Stephen Meldrum was booked on British Airways flight 454 from More information is available on the Brits in Spain Facebook Heathrow to Malaga on January 2. Page with a letter from the Spanish Government stating the They told him the booking had been cancelled as a ‘no-show’ and exact position. they could not book him onto a new flight.

Orihuela Christmas Solidarity Campaign The Councillor for Sports, Víctor Bernabéu, said this Monday that the initiative of the Solidarity Campaign for Food Collection, launched by the Department of Sports, together with CD Oriol and Clequali, has been extremely successful. He stated that, "more than 2,000 kilos of food has been collected that will be handed over for distribution by Cáritas Diocesana OrihuelaAlicante". This initiative launched prior to the Christmas holidays has had the backing and support of sports clubs and other associations in Orihuela, for which Bernabéu highlighted "efforts have shown the most supportive side of the Oriolana

sports family with gestures like these ”. Local cleaning company Clequali, boosted the collection with a donation for products valued at 3,000 euros. In thanking everyone involved in the initiative the Department of Sports were joined by Father Satorre and Manuel Sáez, President of Cáritas.

Another rise in Murcia Region unemployment December ended with 735 more unemployed, an increase of 22.64% compared to the data for the same month in 2019 The year 2020, marked by the coronavirus pandemic and the economic crisis, ended with a rise in unemployment in the Region of Murcia. According to data from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) made public this Tuesday, the month of December closed with 735 more unemployed who are registered in the regional employment offices, 0.61% more than the previous month, thus breaking a traditionally positive dynamic that usually occurs in the month of December due to the Christmas campaigns. The total number of unemployed registered in the Region of Murcia numbers 121,343, with 22,402 more unemployed, representing 22.64% more than the data recorded in December 2019. With these December figures there are now three consecutive increases in unemployment registered in the Region month on month. Industry is the sector with the highest increase of unemployed, with 313 more (12,142 unemployed in total), followed by construction (9,420 unemployed in total with an increase of 318 people unemployed). Agriculture also noted an increase in unemployment with 120 more unemployed (9,895 in total). Of the total unemployed in the Region of Murcia, 17,439 are foreigners, most of them (9,262) belonging to the Services sector, followed by Agriculture and Fishing (3,383) and the group without previous employment (3,028).


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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


Buying Essential Oils It is very important to use only high quality, pure essential oils for optimum results. Here are some tips to help you buy just that…. • Only buy from a reputable supplier • Check the label states the oil is 100% pure essential oil and not “adulterated” (i.e. mixed with other chemicals) • The label should show the Latin name of the oil as well as the common name • Clear glass or plastic bottles do not contain pure essential oils. Ideally you should buy essential oils in glass, amber coloured bottles • Check the pricing: if the oils are all the same price you are definitely not purchasing pure oils. E.g. pure Rose oil will be far more expensive than pure Lavender oil • Don’t buy any oils that have been on show or stored in direct sunlight • Check when the essential oils were bottled. I would not buy any oils that are more than two years old even if they have not been opened

Storing Essential Oils Essential oils are extremely precious and should be treated with respect. They can also be expensive. Tips on how to keep them in the best conditions include: • Essential oils are damaged by ultra violet light and are therefore best kept in amber coloured glass bottles. If you buy them in blue glass bottles keep them in the dark • Never decant them into clear, glass or plastic bottles • Never place them in direct sunlight and avoid shelves, radiators or windowsills • The oils do not like temperature extremes. They are highly volatile which means they evaporate quickly so replace the caps immediately and ensure the tops are tightly closed when the oils are not being used • Keep the oils away from young children. If they are taken internally some essential oils can be dangerous • Never leave bottles of oils standing on plastic, polished or painted surfaces which can be damaged by the chemical constituent

Pure essential oils will last for approximately 3 years from the bottling date. In optimum storage conditions (such as a dark, cool place in amber coloured bottles) they will keep for about 5 years. Citrus oils tend to have a shorted shelf life. Once opened, I would use up my citrus oils within 6 months. With regard to the other oils I would use them up within 2 years. It is the therapeutic effect that is lost after 2 years (or 6 months for citrus), not the smell.

Storing blends of Essential Oils A made up blend will keep for about 3 to 6 months if it is stored in the conditions previously mentioned.

• Always store essential oils away from naked flames

If you add some wheat germ oil to the blend the shelf life is extended to approximately 6 to 9 months.

• Store essential oils away from your homeopathic medications some can antidote the effect of homeopathic remedies

If the smell changes or the vegetable oil becomes rancid then definitely throw it away.



esearchers at Edinburgh University have discovered that schizophrenia can be detected earlier than thought, by brain scans that can indicate the speed in which a potential sufferer´s brain can shrink. After 10 years of research, the discovery marks a “significant step” towards diagnosis and treatment of the condition that affects one in every hundred people. Scientists monitored the brains of 146 people, each with a family history of schizophrenia, and all aged between the ages of 16 and 25 at the start of the monitoring process, and compared them to scans of 36 people with no risk.

A scan of the brain was taken every 18 months over the 10 year period of research. The research found that the brain shrinks at an accelerated rate in people who are healthy, but then go on to develop the condition. It is already known that accelerated shrinking of the brain occurs in people with conditions such as bi-polar, depression and schizophrenia. Normal shrinking of the brain occurs from early adulthood onwards. The accelerated shrinking is an indication that early detection is possible and treatment could be started before the illness appears.


Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


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New survey reveals EV switchers don’t look back


new poll of Zap-Map’s community of electric vehicle (EV) drivers has revealed more than 90% of drivers will not be replacing their current EV with a petrol and diesel vehicle.

The results are strong evidence of the fundamental shift in consumer attitudes in favour of environmentally friendly cars. In the poll, which was carried out in November 2020 with over 2,000 respondents, 91% said “no thanks” to replacing their EVs with a petrol or diesel vehicle; and in stark contrast less than 1% were hankering for a return to fossil fuels. 9% said they were not sure. The majority of respondents were first-time EV drivers, with 73% stating their current vehicle was their first EV, and 52% making the purchase within the last year. Driver satisfaction was notably higher for both battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, with EV drivers reporting a satisfaction score of 91 out of 100 (BEV 92, PHEV 84)[1], compared with only 72 for petrol or diesel vehicle ownership. The data overwhelmingly shows the positive impact of the EV experience on drivers who may have become accustomed to loud, inefficient, and dirty fossil fuel vehicles. EV models which received the highest satisfaction scores included: the Volkswagen ID.3, Kia Niro Plug-in Hybrid, and BMW 3 Series saloon (all 100); Tesla Model 3 (96); Kia e-Niro (96); and the Hyundai KONA electric (94). Nearly all the models, including popular ones such as the Renault Zoe (92) and Nissan Leaf (90), also achieved high levels of driver commitment. The survey results come at a time of record-breaking sales for the electric vehicle industry. Latest industry figures show that for the year-to-date 9.7% of all new car sales had a plug, compared to 3.2%

in 2019, and 1.1% in 2015. Melanie Shufflebotham, CoFounder of Zap-Map, commented: “Our latest poll shows the strong and enduring impact of switching to a clean car. The evidence in favour of electric vehicles grows more compelling with each one of our surveys, even in a year as disruptive as 2020. “The challenge for the automotive industry is to take advantage of the opportunities that EVs present, not only in terms of the rapidly expanding range, but also ensuring that sales staff are knowledgeable enough to present the benefits to their customers. “At Zap-Map we monitor the growth of the charging network and it’s clear that many of the historical challenges of owning and running an EV have fallen away. The dramatic growth in EV sales in 2020 is one of the good news stories to come out of this difficult year for the car industry.” RAC spokesperson Rod Dennis said: “While the challenge is often convincing owners of petrol and diesel vehicles to switch to an electric vehicle in the first place, this data shows that once people have done so they seldom look back - which is also positive news for manufacturers that are investing heavily in electric vehicles and cleaner technology. “While would-be electric car drivers might worry about range anxi-

ety, they should also be aware that the number public charge points is increasing rapidly and infrastructure continues to improve. They should also remember that the vast majority of their journeys are unlikely to be over several hundred miles meaning that for dayto-day travel, operating an electric vehicle is a clean and cost-effective option. “These figures show the momentum that is behind getting drivers into electric vehicles, something that is likely to build as we move closer to the end of the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. We are doing our bit in giving drivers confidence they can make the switch, with 80 of our patrol vans now fitted with mobile emergency charging units, and half our fleet fitted with All-Wheels-Up recovery systems, removing the need for drivers to wait for a flatbed if they need a tow.”


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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021



Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


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Baby discharged from hospital after seventy days in ICU with Coronavirus


aby Petru, who was admitted to the paediatric ICU of the Vithas 9 de Octubre Hospital in Valencia nine days after being born after contracting coronavirus, has been discharged from hospital after 70 days. The hospital said in a statement that it was a "very emotional" moment with the discharge of the baby who is now "completely recovered" after 70 days in hospital. Despite being fast asleep he left the centre to applause of all the staff. The baby was born in Vithas Valencia on October 9 in "perfect

As mum is overcome with emotion Baby Petru left the hospital to applause from the staff

condition", but when he moved home with his mother, his brother was an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. The new-born was infected and his condition began to deteriorate. His parents, Cristina and José, took him to the paediatric emergency room at Vithas Valencia 9 de Octubre and the medical team decided to admit him to the paediatric ICU where it was confirmed that he had contracted the Covid-19 disease. Petru initially presented respiratory problems and difficulty in feeding,

Health authorities have reserves of stocks for 5 months The President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, has said that the Valencian Community is "ready" to face this second wave because it has reserves of health products that will last for five months, capacity to reach 19,000 hospital beds for patients, 1,200 in ICU and critical care and "more personell than ever". Puig said that the Community has had one of the "lowest" records

both on the wards and in the ICU and there are also contingency plans in case more resources are needed. The health service can reach 19,000 beds for acute patients and 1,200 for critical care. He also said that the staff has been bolstered with 10,000 contracts for health professionals and there are 2,137 trackers, 300 from the UME. Although the hospital pressure has increased and "continues to be of great concern", he has said that the situation "is nowhere near to saturation".

However, at the beginning of this winter the situation has become "difficult and serious" and it is necessary to "reverse this worrying trend, so a" strong, thought out and immediate response must be introduced as the situation deteriorates. "

However, he stressed: "we have sufficient supplies and facilities that we continue to replenish and more people than ever to attend the pandemic." The President explained that the health warehouses have sanitary protection material for the next four or five months and also a framework purchase agreement has been signed with suppliers to guarantee supply for the next two years. He confirmed that all departments have beds

According to the centre, the situation was "distressing for the parents and all the staff" until the baby finally tested negative and his parents were able to be by his side. When he was discharged on Wednesday the staff made a corridor to say goodbye to Petru and his mother amid rapturous applause.


Puig highlighted that the Community has had one of the "lowest" records since the beginning of the pandemic and is the fourth community with a lower cumulative incidence, with 25% fewer hospitalisations and half the mortality than the average across Spain.

At a press conference in which he reported on the new restrictions, Puig pointed out that the evolution of the pandemic has led to a "serious" situation and that it is growing "exponentially" both in Europe and in Spain and especially in the Valencian Community.

which required a complex rehabilitation process. His recovery has been slow and, until his total recovery, his parents could only see him by videoconference.

He stressed that decision made by the Generalitat have always been "guided by continuous evaluation and rigorous analysis" without applying "impulsive or excessive" measures, but "without ceasing to do what was necessary, whether or not it was popular".

National Police warn of home vaccination Scam The National Police is making people aware of a new criminal offence, a scam that is aimed at people who are over 65 years of age, 'The vaccination at home'. This new offence seeks to defraud people over 65, taking advantage of the current health crisis (COVID-19) to enter their homes, the Police have said through a press release. The offenders contact the pensioner by phone, posing as health workers, making an appointment at the person’s own home, convincing the individual that he or she is able to receive the COVID-19 vaccine without having to travel to a medical centre. In reality, all they want to do is to gain access

She guaranteed that the differences with the private hospital contractors due to the price "have not affected the care functions" that have been given to them "or the use that will be given to them should they be required in the coming months."

The Higher Police Headquarters of Asturias have already contacted Associations of the Elderly, Social Centres and Neighbourhood Associations alerting them of this new criminal modality. The police and the health authorities emphasise to anyone receiving such a call that the vaccines are not being administered at home, only in health centres or residences for the elderly. The National Police say they want to prevent elderly people, or any other group, *from being victims of this type of criminal act."

Doctor becomes tenth Medical worker to die from Covid-19 in Valencia Community Sagunto Hospital

to the virus and unfortunately he was unable to overcome the disease. With this new death, the number of medical staff who have died due to the coronavirus in the Community since the start of the pandemic has risen to ten .

FIELD HOSPITALS The Minister for Health, Ana Barceló pointed out that the Generalitat still has private health beds that it can call on, and if it becomes necessary, field hospitals will be used "when the system gets to the stage where it is finding it impossible to accommodate incoming patients in regular hospitals”.

to the property with the purpose of robbery, theft and assault.

Last Tuesday, January 5, Dr. Miguel Ángel Ortuño, head of the Rehabilitation service of the Sagunto Hospital, died from Covid-19. The death took place in the General Hospital of Valencia, where he had been a patient for several weeks. His state of health progressively worsened due

The last death of a health professionals due to the virus in the Community took place on October 22 when Gonzalo, a caretaker at the Oliva health centre, died at the La Fe hospital in Valencia after spending the whole week in the Unit Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Francesc de Borja de Gandia hospital. A week before, a nurse, who worked in the Emergency Room of the Llíria hospital, also died after 40 days in the ICU fighting the virus.


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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021

Storm Filomena paralyses much of Spain The storms were not bad news for everybody being

fighters, Provincial and General Brigades as well as 164 vehicles.

described as “Quite a "blessing" by farmers of Bajo Segura, who have been months with very little rainfall

But the weather has not been bad news for everybody as it left up to 40 litres per square meter of rainfall in the orchards and fields of the Vega Baja. Quite a "blessing" according to farmers of Bajo Segura who have been months with very little rainfall after a very dry autumn and winter.

Storm Filomena has covered a large part of the Peninsula in a white blanket, forcing the closure of hundreds of roads in recent days. Worst affected has been Madrid, where the UME rescued over a thousand drivers on Friday night who were stuck in their vehicles, caught in the unprecedented snowfall that all but closed down the capital from Friday to Sunday. The storm also forced the suspension of the Cercanías commuter rail service in the capital as well as the AVE from Madrid to Valencia Barajas airport was also closed with its flights diverted to other airports. It finally reopened on Sunday afternoon. The storm Filomena hit the country with such intensity that ten provinces were put on red alert due to the intense cold and snow storm that continued for much of the weekend. In the province of Valencia the snow reached heights of 750 metres in the north and 800 in the south. While in Alicante Province the snow could be found at heights above 1,000 metres. The Generalitat Valenciana closed 57 roads to traffic on Saturday and ordered the use of mandatory chains on another 85 roads. In addition, the '112 Comunitat Valenciana' registered 1,462 calls for 1,111 incidents due to snow in the Valencian territory. Despite the emergency warnings, many Valencians still took to the roads to find the snow, which caused problems in the Sierra de Aitana, just west of Benidorm, where 300 vehicles blocked the CV770, complicating the tasks of the snowplows in the area. A total of 664 emergency staff were mobilised by the 112 Comunitat Valencia as a result of the heavy snowfalls, made up of forest fire-


Health considers total confinement will be avoided The Secretary of State for Health, Silvia Cazón, said that with "current measures" it is possible to avoid a total confinement like last spring, claiming that there are "intermediate measures" that can be "applied with almost precision surgery "to further prevent the spread of Covid-19.

The cold has also been welcomed, without the intense frosts, by growers of Citrus fruits, who are responsible for much of the agricultural landscape, needing the rainwater and the cold so that they will develop and bloom with more vigour in the spring. However as the snow now moves away, forecasters are predicting that a cold wave will lead to a "sharp drop" in temperatures as of Monday, lasting much of the week and bringing heavy frosts to the area with lows of below -10 degrees in many mountain areas. The Risca Reservoir, Murcia, was completely frozen over

Cazón also pointed out that they are beginning to see "what the effects of greater mobility and relaxation was" during Christmas, despite the fact that, all the autonomous communities have maintained "a certain degree of confinement." When asked about the new British strain, she said that "it is not dominant in Spain" and that the cases found here are related to people with ties to UK. For the moment, international organisations recommend strengthening surveillance to identify cases of this variable. Regarding vaccination, Cazón considers that the rhythm "must improve", but that the data is beginning to evolve favourably due to the "effort that is now being implemented by the communities ".


Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021

‘Taking the Knee in 1955 …’

tion its validity - and dare not anyone prove it wrong. That was … until I came along!!


I wouldn’t have been able to sleep anyway, with the excitement and anticipation of the night that was in it … and so I waited! Shortly after eleven o’clock my parents could be heard departing for midnight mass. (In those days a child didn’t require a baby-sitter ‘til they were fifteen!)

eorge Floyd’s life was snuffed out in the most grotesque manner and his horrendous murder carried live on TV for all the world to view. The conscience of every right-thinking person was stirred – none more so than the sporting fraternity. ‘Taking the Knee’, became a symbol of identification with the ‘Black lives Matter’ movement. In a lighter vein – and in no way intending to be disrespectful to BLM, I wish to relate to you the story of a different ‘bending of the knee’ from my youth. The old Irish people had a wonderful and simple faith. I suppose you might call it a ‘blind faith’ in all things pertaining to religion. Comforting sayings and beliefs were handed down from generation to generation – without ever being ‘stress tested!’ My granny was a devout, God-fearing, kind-hearted woman. In hard times, the ‘bit of faith’ was the only consolation that the people had. Granny regaled us children with many lovely stories of mini-miracles and where good would always triumph over evil. Granny was in her element at Christmas! She loved dressing up; the holly, the wren-boys, Santa, plum-pudding and so on. She was musical and above all, she loved the church on Christmas morning and the choir singing seasonal hymns in Latin. It was Granny’s story of the animals ‘taking the knee’ that really intrigued me. She said that at midnight on Christmas Eve, all the animals in the fields got down on their knee to welcome the baby Jesus. My younger brother, Willie, did venture to ask if she had ever seen the cows do this – but Granny just brushed off the question. After hearing this story for a couple of years, I asked my mother if it was true! At eleven years old, I got the same sort of evasive answer as I did to ‘where do babies really come from’? (After the lads at school filled me in on that one –I left it be!) I said that this Christmas Eve I was going to check out the cows ‘taking the knee.’ Mammy said I couldn’t do that because ‘it wouldn’t be lucky to question an article of faith’ … or something like that. Now, dear reader, you get an idea of how these harmless beliefs were handed down from parent to child. Nobody was going to ques-

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Looks like Granny was right after all!

I hatched a plan! I was going to know, one way or another, if the beasts of the field genuflected to baby Jesus on Christmas Eve.

My brother Willie and I slept in the same bed and he was wide awake as well. He had promised to come with me, but the nearer it got to the inspection, the more nervous he became – before finally chickening out altogether. ‘I need to stay here in case you don’t come back’, were his parting words, as I tip-toed down the stairs, armed with the flash-lamp – which I had earlier commandeered from the hallway. It was cold and wet outside, so I put on my coat and cap and got into my wellington boots. I trained the beam of the flash-light on the face of the grandfather clock in the kitchen. I didn’t want to be standing outside for any longer than the ‘act’ took; and so I watched as the big hand etched ever so slowly towards five to midnight … and then I made my move! I called my faithful collie dog, Rover, as he exhibited an exuberant willingness to be a part of whatever this adventure was going to be. The cow-byre was at the back of the house and we had four cows tied at the manger: There was the ‘Rowan Cow’, the ‘Red Baldface’, ‘The Polly’ – and the one known to my father as ‘The Black Hoor’. Two minutes to go when I arrived at the cow-house door. Rover was frantically wagging his tail and I took this as a sign that he too would kneel down. Three of the cows were lying down. How could they genuflect when lying … so I ‘hooshed’ them up. All four were now standing there and happily chewing the cud. I watched and I waited: Definitely at least five minutes standing there and nothing happened. Then the battery started to fade in the

GARDEN FELIX - Dr in the House with Culver’s Root



ulver’s root shows off in summer with long stalks, growing up to 2 metres, with stems stout and erect bearing leaves in whorls of tiny white blossoms.

look like candelabras, with their many

Attractive to bees the spiky flowers

hybridised with Russian varieties.

branches tipped by the inflorescences. Occasionally, you may see blue or pink flowers, if the varieties have been

Place Culver’s root in the back of your garden beds, to prevent shading out shorter flowers. Culver’s root grows in moist sites along riverbeds, in moist meadows or in

lamp. Could this be the bad luck Mammy warned about? Without another glance, I high-tailed it back inside the house. Cold, wet and disillusioned, I snuggled back into bed and told my brother ‘it was all a cod.’ “Did you remember that the kitchen clock is ten minutes fast!! …” he asked? So I still don’t know; and I’m glad I don’t know – and I never checked again! DON’T FORGET A miracle is something that cannot happen – until it does! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

sunny, damp woodlands. Care is easiest, when the perennial is planted in moist soil in a sunny spot.

been used in herbal medicine and reputed to be useful for various digestive tract ailments.

However, being a wild flower, they are drought tolerant, once established.

Its common name derived from the 18thC. American physician, Dr. Culver, who recommended the plant’s root for medicinal use.

Culver’s root flowers and foliage have


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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021



Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


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ANSWERS Week 848

ACROSS 4. Skill (7) 8. Visual (6) 9. Swell (7) 10. Pact (6) 11. Empty (6) 12. Glaring (8) 18. Strife (8) 20. Disfigure (6) 21. Lay (6) 22. Assortment (7) 23. Deed (6) 24. Full (7) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19.

Strengthen (7) Digital (7) Affair (6) Cheer (8) Small (6) Sinew (6) Forefather (8) Criminal (7) Pupil (7) Remember (6) Slender (6) Utter failure (6)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Gift; 8 Repertoire; 9 Juvenile; 10 Tome; 12 Stifle; 14 Deadly; 15 Dagger; 17 Dither; 18 Pelt; 19 Doctrine; 21 Conviction; 22 Dump. DOWN: 2 Illustrate; 3 True; 4 Sprite; 5 Friend; 6 Contrast; 7 Cede; 11 Millennium; 13 Fugitive; 16 Reduce; 17 Deceit; 18 Pace; 20 Rind. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Drum; 8 Illfeeling; 9 Agitator; 10 Bass; 12 Pariah; 14 Yeoman; 15 Status; 17 Beside; 18 Prim; 19 Teaparty; 21 Post office; 22 Will. DOWN: 2 Ring-master; 3 Mint; 4 Clutch; 5 Nearly; 6 Slyboots; 7 Ages; 11 Standstill; 13 Intimate; 16 Set off; 17 Brazil; 18 Pope; 20 Anew.

ACROSS 4. Unruly lads can cause this (7) 8. Editor unfortunately caused a disturbance (6) 9. Divorce? (7) 10. Train one in the changing Yorkshire city (6) 11. The fast animal Coe runs around a great deal (6) 12. A number of handouts? (8) 18. Clothing from Al's lover (8) 20. Sappers have an opportunity to go back (6) 21. Boat set in motion (6) 22. Sword that might harm a girl (7) 23. When there's a lack of water (6) 24. Poison, i.e. candy concoction (7)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which famous crime fighter shares his name with a city in Turkey? 2. Which flamboyant Russian terpsichorian leapt into the spotlight after his defection to the west in June 1961? 3. The 'Flying Fox' is which kind of animal? a. Squirrel, b. Monkey, c. bat 4. The Northern Lights are called Aurora Borealis. What are the Southern Lights called? 5. Which European sea takes its name from a very famous air disaster? 6. A famous roadster and the name of a former Soviet intelligence and counter-intelligence agency. 7. Who played King Arthur and Guinevere in each of the following films? a. First Knight (1995), b. King Arthur (2004), c. Camelot (1967 film version of the musical) 8. Which fruit, also known as the 'alligator pear', takes it's name from a native word for testicle? 9. Lands reclaimed from the sea in Holland are called what? 10. The following spring time lyrics are found in which songs? a. Winter, spring, summer or fall, all you have to do is call, b. There will be songs to sing, although the snow covers the hope of spring, c. Oh, wasn't the spring, and spring became the summer, who'd believe you'd come

DOWN 1. Precede a problem with red tape (7) 2. Tedium in the bedroom? (7) 3. A rugby match is not odd in a ship (6) 5. Pet - a cold one perhaps (8) 6. Denial about being arrested (6) 7. It has to be weighed before leaving (6) 13. Struggled in San Diego (8) 14. Defame most of the islanders (7) 15. A snake has to stop on the road surface (7) 16. The second-in-command has an obligation to carry a record (6) 17. Material found in slum settlement (6) 19. Logic concerning a boy (6)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) along, d. The winter would hold no spring, I couldn't hear a robin sing, e. Now that spring is in the air pretty girls are everywhere 11. What was the capital sounding name of the racehorse that lost its head in the film The Godfather? 12. The Vikings believed the Northern Lights were caused by the flashing spears and armour of Odin's foster daughters as they rode out to collect slain warriors. What were these women called? 13. Closely associated with New Zealanders, what is a 'moko'? 14. What is another name for spider silk? Eight letters 15. Which four ships were directly involved in the tragic 'Battle of the Denmark Strait' in the early hours of 24 May 1941? 16. Which Sir first established a secret service in England in 1569? 17. Which fictional character was crowned the 'Pope of Fools'? 18. The Jackson Five's first four singles all reached number one in the US singles charts. Can you name them? 19. What distinguishes the form of verse called 'macaronic'? 20. Tandoori chicken is popular with many Indian food lovers. What is a 'tandoor'?


637 227 385

Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


VALENCIA’S CONTROVERSIAL KINGS PARADE SLAMMED AFTER LARGE CROWDS ATTEND CITY CENTRE EVENT both signed at the top of the limit of what is legally allowed to ensure it is a minor contract, and the third, which was the smallest amount, was signed by councillor Luisa Notario.

Senior Politicians line up to condemn the Valencian Coalition Council On the day that additional harsh restrictions were announced by the President of the Community hundreds of people attended the parade in Valencia on Tuesday evening to mark the arrival of the Three Kings in the city, with absolutely no regard for social distancing.

This has also been slammed by the PP, whose spokesperson, María José Catalá, criticised the City Council for ignoring all of the health regulations introduced to fight against COVID 19, with the arrival of the Three Kings and their entourage, in three buses at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, responsible for the accumulation of hundreds of families.

Throughout the afternoon, families with children joined the crowds as they waited for the arrival of the bus that brought their majesties the Magi. As they did so no one even attempted to prevent the crowds from gathering as they continued to grow, at a time when there is community contagion. The same day the minister of health had earlier announced a new high of very nearly 4,000 cases of the virus in the community, together with a further 85 deaths. The images displayed on social media pages were reminiscent of previous years, a Three Kings parade in Valencia surrounded by hundreds of people, all crowded together, jostling for places, with no space in between. To cap it all the gathering took place in the Town Hall square, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, where the procession of Their Majesties passed

The controversial parade cost the taxpayer more than 39,000 euros by, in front of hundreds of people who recorded the events on their phones and their cameras.

rate contracts that were only confirmed the day before the celebration

And to cap it all, the controversial parade cost the taxpayer more than 39,000 euros.

It was paid, according to the PP, in three separate contracts so that costs could be kept below the threshold necessary for minor contracts.

As well as criticising the event itself the PP also denounced that it was paid in three sepa-

Two of the contracts were arranged by the Party Department headed by Carlos Galiana,

Catalá has demanded that the coalition Compromis/PSOE council "assume responsibility for the irresponsible parade of the Kings" while accusing council leader Joan Ribó "of hiding and not showing his face following a very serious lack of judgement. She said that administrations should be exemplary in complying with the sanitary measures, and even more so on the day that decreed the closure of 26 municipalities in the Community, together with a reduction in the hours of hospitality and more restrictive measures for trade”. She accused Ribó and the PSOE, of concentrating their efforts on incidentals, when they should be working to help the self-employed, SMEs, businesses and hoteliers who are struggling to meet their business costs during the pandemic.


Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally

Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members


are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed

637 227 385

and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping

Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We hope to reopen in January when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708


637 227 385

Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


OFF WITH HIS HEAD! Mayor of Cadiz removes the bust of the King Emeritus Juan Carlos I José María González 'Kichi', mayor of Cádiz, is a man who knows his own mind. Last Monday, without prior notice to anyone, and in the middle of Christmas celebrations, he ordered the removal of the bust of King Emeritus Juan Carlos I from the San Severiano roundabout, on the avenue that previously bore his name, now renamed as Avda de la Sanidad Pública. For Kichi it was an urgent requirement. The PP, however, are up in arms, particularly after he ended the year 2020 by announcing that he would also be changing the name of the Cádiz stadium, the Ramón de Carranza. “These things are not a priority,” the PP representative said, “particularly in the middle of the pandemic. He should be directing his efforts toward the people of Cadiz who have not received a single euro of help”. First thing on Monday morning City Council workers fenced off the site of the statue. They

Mayor promises 24-hour Police service in San Miguel de Salinas The mayor of San Miguel de Salinas, Juan de Dios Fresneda, announced on Friday that one of the challenges his council faces this year is to establish a 24-hour Local Police service in the town. Currently the workforce is so undermanned in the municipality that it cannot even provide the service throughout the day, and there are times, especially at night, when San Miguel security relies exclusively on the Civil Guard. He acknowledges that neighbourhood groups and opposition parties have been the situation for months. The mayor has, therefore, promised to increase the number of staff this year so as to allow a 24-hour service by the Local Police. The announcement was made

placed a scaffolding and in a matter of minutes the workmen had removed the historic effigy, without considering, of course, the voice of the people of Cádiz, who could neither do anything about the change of name of 'Avenida Juan Carlos I'. Kichi had vowed to eliminate any trace of the emeritus king from the city of Cádiz, which he appears to be doing without any consultation, “putting his ideals and interests not only above those of the people of Cadiz, but also the coronavirus crisis itself, about which he has done absolutely nothing,” said the PP spokesmen. Cádiz is the Spanish city where unemployment is growing the most. Just a few days ago, only metres from the hunger queues that are a daily sight in his city, Kichi was caught with his partner and members of his government enjoying a lavish banquet in a seafood restaurant in the middle of the street, in breach of all kinds of anti-Covid measures. The PP say that he is taking all the people of Cadiz - as well as journalists and the media - for fools.

on the same day that the new chief officer of the Local Police, Pedro José Ferrer Mora, took office. Mora takes over from César Clemente at the head of the police force. The appointment took place in the mayoral office in the presence of the mayor, Juan de Dios Fresneda Arquero (PSOE) and councillors. After taking office, the new Chief of Police, expressed delight at his appointment, emphasising that the level of commitment acquired with this job is very high. The mayor called for "especial

efforts to guarantee the safety of the general public, saying that "in 2021 there are new challenges for the Local Police, among which will be the 24hour service and the expansion of the workforce that are planned." The note sent to the media does not clarify how many agents are under the command of the new Chiefr, although the opposition figures say that the staff numbers only 8 policemen. Police reinforcement has been one of the main demands of the residents of San Miguel de Salinas (with more than six thousand residents) for years.


Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


637 227 385

SALT WORKS Torrevieja distributes 500 tons a day of salt to beat the storms

President’s brother fined for fixing public tender Production companies linked to the Valencian president's brother may be stopped from taking part in future government contracts The Generalitat has provided financial aid to the brother of Ximo Puig of more than 600,000 euros in less than five years A company led by Francis Puig, brother of the President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig and the Adell Bover brothers, has been fined by the Generalitat Competition Commission for fixing prices to win a recent Government tender. Comunicaciones del Ports, Francis Puig's company, has been fined 16,801 euros, while Canal Maestrat and Kriol Comunicacion, of the Adell

Bover, were fined a further 26,103 euros. The Competition Commission has estimated that there was an agreement to agree prices relating to three tenders between the two companies and thus share between them three of the lots The Commission says that this is a very serious infringement, and it has now sent the finding to the State Contracting Board for it to decide whether these companies are excluded from future contracts with public administrations. The case was uncovered by the newspaper ‘LAS PROVINCIAS’ and the 91-page file includes WhatsApp conversations of the companies involved in which prices are negotiated.

The internal market for de-icing salt represents only a small part of the annual turnover of the Torrevieja salt flats, but the peninsular winter storms are always a welcome arrival for the activity of the New Leasing Company of Las Salinas (NCAST).

Many areas in Central and Northern Spain have already been affected by bad weather and forecasts indicate that even more ice and snow will be cover many main roads, at relatively low levels, for the coming days. An average of twenty trucks a day are being loaded at the salt works facilities next to the N332 that is all destined for deicing. They come from the centre, north of the country and also from the interior, the southeast of Spain -Cuenca, Albacete, Burgos as well as Murcia and Andalusia-

On Friday, there were 32 municipalities advising the suspension of classes, affecting some 25,230 schoolchildren in nine municipalities in the province of Alicante (14,200 students), 15 in Valencia (10,400) and eight in Castellón (630). An average of 20 trucks a day are loaded at the salt works next to the N-332 that is all destined for de-icing. salt production is destined for A large proportion is also the international market via mar- shipped in containers from the itime transport, in bulk, from the port of Alicante bound for the port of Torrevieja, normally USA. Most of it is used in road heading for the northern de-icing - it is valued for leaving European market. less residue than other salts.

SAT ANIMAL RESCUE Our next SAT charity walk will be on Sunday 31st January 2021. We meet in the car park of El Rancho, Los Montesinos and start the walk at 10.30. All is socially distanced so there there is no limit on number of walkers. It's a lovely flat walk which lasts around 45 minutes, after which we finish at the bar for coffee etc.... Everyone is welcome, the cost per dog is 5 euros. Come and join in on the fun. For more info Angela 696 426 783 or go to our Facebook Page – SAT Charity Walks

As well as dealing with the current situation the vehicles are moving salt in anticipation of areas not running out of stock during the remainder of winter.

Callosa de Segura nostalgic childhood memories 50 years ago including Almoradí-Elche bus By Andrew Atkinson Callosa de Segura born Antonio Chia turned back the clock half a century with photographs of yesteryear and of his memories as a child. "I found some old photographs including one of the only bus that I think left Almoradí there in the fifties, that went to Elche," said Antonio. "Another photograph is from Turia river in Valencia, from the handkerchief game that we played as children," said Antonio. "There are two photographs of our culture, one of them hemp. I hope it makes people nostalgic," added Valencia resident Antonio.

Valencia schools closed in 43 municipalities Around 30,900 students from 43 towns in the Valencian Community were affected on Thursday and Friday by the suspension of classes as a result of the orange alert for the rain and snow storm 'Filomena'.

Torrevieja’s salt industry loads 20 trailers every day that are destined for areas affected by storm Filomena.

For the last few days, with the appearance of storm Filomena, the facility is working at full capacity as it loads up to 500 tons per day in the large tonnage trucks that have been queuing at the site entrance during the last week.

More than half of Torrevieja's

Local policemen treated for smoke inhalation Several Local Policemen had to be treated for smoke inhalation after rescuing a child from a house fire in Torrevieja. The outbreak was in a bungalow on Calle El Canario, 'El limonar'. First on the scene the officers tried to extinguish the fire until the arrival of the firefighters. The agents also managed to evacuate a child who was inside the building, on the upper floor. They managed to remove him through the window. Subsequently, the firefighters put out the fire but following the incident sever police officers were taken to the Torrevieja Hospital where they were treated for smoke inhalation

These were Infant, Primary, Special Education, Baccalaureate and FP students, which coincided with their 'return to school' after the Christmas holidays. By provinces, in Alicante there were 9 municipalities without classes on Friday: Alfafara, Beniarrés, Camp de Mirra, Ibi, Muro de Alcoi, Onil, l'Orxa, Sax and Villena. In Castellón there were eight towns: Barracas, Bejís, Jérica, Cinctorres, El Portell de Morella, Torás, el Toro and Viver. And in Valencia, the 15 were Ademuz, Alpuente, Bocairent, Camporrobles, Canals, Casas Bajas, Caudete de las Fuentes, Chera, Font de la Figuera, Fuenterrobles, La Llosa de Ranes, Navarrés, Requena, Utiel and Venta del Moro.


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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021

Criticism amid demolition of Torrevieja seafront Restaurants


POETS CORNER Fairies By Carolynn Barclay

The Historic Kiosko El Tintero: reportedly faces a demolition order. By Andrew Atkinson

shoreline has been criticised.

Demolition of popular Jose María Restaurant on Torrevieja promenade formerly in situ near to the Mediterranean sea

Situated to the north shore of the popular Cura beach, demolition took place in 2020, leaving the foot-print of the former premises,

Do you believe in fairies? I know that I sure do. Let’s do a little research here, So, I can convince you too. Mostly, fairies can be seen, Playing on the forest floor. They float around above the ground, Outside their fairy doors.

New traffic lights still not connected By Andrew Atkinson New Traffic lights in Torrevieja - installed over four months ago - in situ at La Libertad and Juan Aparicio promenades, at Paseo Vista Alegre and at the entrance to the fishing pier, in front of the Torrevieja Casino, remain unconnected. The blip in the delay of the traffic lights is due to a lack of electricity supply to the points, according to the mayor of Security, Federico Alarcón. Electric connection supplies are undertaken by Iberdrola. The traffic lights were introduced in August following traffic building up with the use of pedestrian crossings at Torrevieja Port, the leisure venues of Marina Salinas and at the Port car park with tailbacks stretching to the Vista Alegre promenade. Torrevieja traffic lights maintenance contract, delayed for three years, was awarded in June 2019. Maintenance of 43 traffic light crossings was assumed by the Murciana Traffic Company, for €356,000 for a four year period.

The former site of the popular Jose María Restaurant on Torrevieja promenade which has now returned to a pedestrian area. The decision to remove the premises came after being closed during the summer, leading to the promenade area extended by approximately 170 sq. metres for pedestrian use. The restaurant occupied 90 sq. metres of the ground floor, with 80 sq. metres used as a terrace area. The coastal provincial service, dependent on the Ministry of Ecological Transition, reportedly ordered the demolition. Criticism has been aired following the demolition, citing a plethora of terraces (chiringuitos) along the Paseo de Juan Aparicio - Las Rocas - along with the northern end of the Cura beach. It is reported, according to the demarcation of the public maritime-terrestrial domain, are on the public domain and have no concession. Torrevieja City Council charges the kiosks land occupation fees. Fees which have been waived in the recent climate of the coronavirus situation. They stand metres from the demolished Jose María restaurant, from what Costas, in its official cartography, considers the shoreline of the sea and within the public domain.

Torrevieja RBL Xmas Party and Petanca On Wednesday 9th December the Torrevieja Branch of the Royal British Legion held their annual Christmas Party at La Cosecha Restaurant in Benijofar, and as usual the event was fully booked. The venue provided excellent food and they also arranged for entertainment which was expertly delivered by Danny Rae, this added a festive atmosphere and made for an excellent event. A raffle was held to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal and there was a guess the weight of the Christmas cake competition which was won by Pam James. Our Chairlady Pam Wilding gave a lovely speech in which she thanked all those involved for their hard work in arranging such an excellent event.

RBL Christmas Petanca Onthe following Sunday the Bowls and Petanca section of the branch held their first Christmas Petanca competition at Casa Ventura, expertly arranged by Allan and Dianne Budd and assisted by Pam James. This was followed by a lunch and also a celebration of the forthcoming wedding of Geoff and Sue in Gibraltar the following week. Everyone entered into the spirit of the day by dressing up with the ladies wearing wedding hats and tiaras and dickie bows for the men. The event was well attended with all teams thoroughly enjoying the day. The overall winners (right) were John Campbell, Steve Thomas and Pam Povey – congratulations to them on their win !

They’re delicate little creatures, Quite shy, if truth be known. It’s not common to see them all the time, Even when they’re fully grown. If walking through a forest, Take care where your feet land, There could be a family of fairies there, You don’t want them dying, by your hand. You may already have seen one, Without knowing what it was. They don’t always look the way we think, As an illustrator draws. Sometimes you catch a little light, Just out the corner of your eye. It flickers then it disappears, Perhaps a fairy floating by?? Next time you see a dragon fly, Flutter through the air, It’s perhaps a beautiful fairy in flight, There’s probably more somewhere. I love to think that they are real, Peter Pan had Tinkerbell. So, the next dragon fly I see fly by, Will be my fairy friend as well.

Presentation for The San Jose Obrero Orphanage


t was clear to see that Debbie and Steve of Sunleys had worked tirelessly to help the children have presents for The Three Kings plus a donation of €200.

Most of this was accomplished by customers donating €1 from the proceeds of when they have a quiz which takes place on Wednesdays from 3pm Also present were Lyn and Ken Adams, Coordinators for the Orphanage, who also presented money to the Director of the Orphanage from donations and selling of 2021 calendars. A big thank you to Les for donating furniture and to the gentleman who donated a flat screen television. If you would like more information on Sunleys and their quizzes contact either Debbie/Steve on 865 753 020


Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


637 227 385

and Paul Brown.

Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 4.1.21 Hola! and welcome to the first Ramblas golf report of 2021. Before announcing this week’s results we rounded off 2020 with a ‘Captain’s Day Trophy’ 2 ball better ball. Taking the title, with 46 points, were Paul Brown and Petina Murray. In second place and defending our title, with 43 points, it was myself and Alan Douglas. With 100 points Monday’s ‘original’ counter game (this is where the number of scores to count is not known until after the hole has been played) was won by John & Ellen Drakesmith, Olga Douglas

Wednesday saw us compete in a ‘Joker Stableford’ meaning the scores on two pre nominated holes were doubled. ‘New boy’ Andy Martin picked up his first individual win with 45 points and was closely followed by Bryan Neal who managed 42. After countback, with 41 points, it was John Drakesmith who claimed the bronze. There were no ‘2’s on the day so it will be a pot well worth winning next week.

Andy Martin

Unfortunately due to very heavy rain Friday was deemed a washout and there was no play to report on. Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell

Smiling Jacks Golf Society at Lo Romero SAD or MAD What a terrible day, cold wind, driving rain appalling conditions. Well done you hard working golfers for surviving. Only nearest the pin was won on the 5th hole by chevvy As expected scores were not too high. The winner with a score of 27 was Kevin Quinn, well done. The football card was won on hearts by El Presidente himself. Next date for golf is Thursday 4th February, due to restrictions the venue is to be confirmed.

Monte Mar Bowls Club Sponsored by The Pub,Skippers,Gran Alacant Insurances,Rogers,Dialprix and The Belfry. CLUB CAROL SING ALONG We had a great afternoon at the above event with forty members present in the Rincon which allowed social distancing. The sing along was led by Choir Mistress Diane Horsington. To add to the fun Diane had us singing one carol in Spainish and one in German with the translation on the song sheet. When we got to the twelve days of Christmas Diane nominated each table a number and the actions they had to do when it was their day. John Hunt judged the competition and pre-

La Manga Torrevieja C.C to meet English Champions Quote: 'The draw has made the team very excited for 2021. We have made training plans and fitness routines to prepare us for the tough road ahead' - LMTCC In the European Cricket League (ECL) 2021 tournament La Manga Torrevieja Cricket Club (LMTCC) have been drawn in Group A alongside England Champions Swardeston, Italian Champions, Brescia, German Champions, FCA04 Darmstadt and French Champions, Dreux. "The draw has made the team very excited for 2021. We have made training plans and fitness routines to prepare us for the tough road ahead," Kieran Wood from LMTCC told The Leader "Swardeston are one of the favourites to win the tournament - but all the teams are in the ECL21 for a reasom - and every game will be a challenge," said Kieran, speaking exclusively to The Leader. "Our first and main priority over winter however, is to prepare ourselves for the Spanish Finals versus Minhaj CC from Barcelona.

"To lock in our position at the ECL21, we must beat Minhaj. But with Covid restrictions, we will have to wait for this match-up," said Kieran. "We are looking to return from our winter break around January 16, where we will have alot of work to do," added Kieran. Group B draw: Forfarshire Scotland, Bjorvika Norway, Craeyenhout Netherlands, Ostend Exiles Belgium and Lund Sweden. Group C: Irish Champions C.I.Y.M.S, Cluj Romania, Denmark, Svanholm, Helsinki Finland, and Moscow Foxes Russia. 2019 ECL Champions V.O.C. Rotterdam have a free pass to the finals weekend and will face the winners of each group. The fifth team will be decided between the best runners-up from each group on points, and if a tie, NRR. "Excitement in the club has grown enormously since the draw and we await our finals versus Minhaj CC from Barcelona to mark our name in the ECL 21," said Kieran.

sented prizes to the two winning tables. At the mid-way break Lynne, Sheila, Joan and Sue had organized nibbles, mince pies and sausage rolls which were enjoyed by all. Club captain Chris Merry presented prizes to the the highest scoring lady and man in the Internal Monday and Friday Comps. Pauline Merry presented a card and present to Laura on behave of the members, for her service and help behind the bar. The singing was helped by a few drinks being consumed during the afternoon. It was nice to see the mix of bowling and social members Diane you are booked for 2021!!!! For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email

We are also on Facebook. Lynne, winner of the Monday League

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Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


the Earth course. Fitzpatrick, who won the event in 2016, signed for a four-under 68 in the final round to claim the last Rolex Series event of the season, ranking first in driving accuracy and short game. Westwood pipped him to the Harry Vardon Trophy by just 17.8 points. “The European Tour have done an incredible job to pick the season up again from July when I hosted the British Masters," said Westwood. “This game's not getting any easier and I’m just enjoying playing against these great young players.” The 47 year old from Worksop is still chasing that elusive first major after being crowned the European Tour’s Golfer of the Year for the fourth time. Defending his Abu Dhabi HSBC Championship title on 21st January, he will be joined by former winners Shane Lowry and Tommy Fleetwood. Rory McIlroy and Justin Tomas have also signed up for the first event of the 2021 Race to Dubai. McIlroy will be looking for a first victory since November, 2019 and seeking to finally break his Abu Dhabi ‘duck’ after having finished runner-up in the event on four occasions. He will fly from 24 degrees in Miami to 24 degrees in Dubai, which is how he likes it, no chance of seeing him anywhere chilly in January. PETER ALLISS: “I observe dear boy, I don't recite endless facts and statistics. I try not to state the b. obvious. Unfortunately, Marina Bay's tender will not be renewed in 2021, the course is being turned over to housing. MARINA BAY is Singapore’s first and only 18-hole public golf course, and one of Asia’s best public courses. It was the first to introduce the longest and only par-6 hole on the island.

the course is being turned over to housing. Singapore has decided too much precious land has been given over to golf and the number of courses are being drastically reduced.

In 2019 Marina Bay opened a multi-level 114 bay driving range: 'Total Range,' with the latest launch monitors and software allowing golfers to use every club in their bag and play from the tee to the green with precision and realism, in daylight or under floodlights.

Anyone wanting the Total Range experience had better head for Singapore this year. (Fat chance.)

Unfortunately, Marina Bay's tender will not be renewed in 2021,

MATT FITZPATRICK won his second DP World Tour Championship and Lee Westwood in 2nd place won the European Tour’s Race to Dubai for a third time on a dramatic final day over

If a player leaves a putt short and the commentator says “Oh he's left it short” you can see that for yourself. Unless you can add something, say nothing.” It's his observations that we will miss. Thank you Peter, you made golf viewing so unforgettable for us all. WORLD No. 2 JOHN RAHM will play a full bag of Callaway clubs, including a prototype driver and irons, the Chrome Soft X golf ball and Odyssey putter after signing a multi-year deal with Callaway. Rahm used the TaylorMade SIM driver and woods and carried a full set of P750 irons when he won the Memorial at Muirfield Village in July. He also won the BMW Championship in August following a playoff with fellow TaylorMade user Dustin Johnson, giving him his 5th PGA Tour title with TaylorMade since turning pro in 2016. TaylorMade are understandably miffed.



ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.

THE SECRET OF GOLF Well we all finally managed to see the back of 2020 and with the approval of various vaccines the Covid-19 situation will change for the better but we still have some difficult times ahead for a few months more. Golfers all around the globe will start to think about their golf in 2021 with many looking for that bit of magic or the “Secret of We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)

Price €98 €80 €120 €100 €138 €90

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy

Golf” and I am going to help you all by giving you this key information in this golf article and free of charge. Are you ready for it? The secret is that “there are no difficult shots in golf” Rubbish I can hear you all scream so let me explain these comments. If you played the game of golf on a course where every hole was the same length, no wind changes, no bunkers, no rough, no trees and perfectly flat greens you would not play golf and why? The answer is simple because it would not be ‘ interesting’ enough. So remember what I said previous, from a mental perspective, there are no difficult shots in golf, some are ‘more interesting’ than others.

Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

pin tucked behind a bunker remember these words. Instead of convincing yourself how difficult the shots is and how you can’t possibly play the shot think to yourself ‘this is an interesting shot’ While in itself it will not prevent you hitting a poor shot, because your technique could be flawed, it will take stress from your mind and body and will prevent you hitting a poor shot because of the way you were thinking. In the same way when next faced with a tricky 3-foot putt to win, instead of saying to yourself “I have got to get this” replace this thought with “I am going to get this”. Again you will find with a good technique that you hole more of these putts with less stress on mind and body.

The next time you are faced with that deft chip from a tight lie to a

So there you have it, the secret of golf, now all you have to do is put it into practise.

El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero

Mar Menor €48 Single Green Fee New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & buggy (after 1.06pm) Saurines €48 Single Green Fee Villamartin €134 2 Green Fees & buggy (after 1.30pm) Vistabella €115 Two Green Fees and buggy *Deals of the week: Villaitana with two green fees and buggy on the Levante course for only €70 and €50 on the Poniente course. La Manga North and South with two green fees, buggy and lunch for only €150. For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

€80 €59 €92 €48 €140 €41 €98 €50 €114 €118 €115 €114 €78 €136

2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1.30pm) Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy (Saturday) Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1pm) 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1.30pm) Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy


Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


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2021 PDC Unibet Premier League

Gerwen Price achieved his ambition of being World champion, by defeating former champion Gary Anderson 7-3 at Alexandra Palace, London, alas in front of a few officials and an audience of zero. Fortunately millions watched on television. The 2014 Q School product, became the Worlds best player, in a credible, but slightly underwhelming final, littered with missed doubles and the Scot not producing the darts he is capable of. lt did however produce the best set in World Championship history, the sixth, won by Price 30, with legs of 11,12 and 10 darts, to create an average of 136.64. The 1st leg was completed on a T20,D20 out, the 2nd on a 161, and the 3rd on D12 after missing a 9 dart out. Brilliant !!! This years tournament has been extended to 24 players, with Peter Wright hopeful of defending the title he won in 2020, ending MvG's 5 year reign. An increase in prize money has been announced, the event now boasting a fund of £ 220,000, the winner receiving 60k, runner up 25k. Players ranked 9 - 24 after the Worlds play round 1, the 8 winners joining the top 8 in the 2nd round. 1st round format, best of 11 legs, 2nd round and Quarters, best of 19, Semis and Final, best of 21.

The first two sets were shared, Price winning the next four. Anderson won the seventh after being 2-0 down, the set producing 3x180 and a 177, the score 2-5. The eighth went to the Welshman on the fifth leg, now requiring one set from the five available. Price went 2-0 up in the ninth, Anderson fortunately taking the remaining three for 3-6, Price missing match darts in the fourth leg. Now needing all four sets, it was a bridge too far for the amiable Scot, despite winning the first two legs of what was to be the last, Price roared back to win three on the trot for the title of World Champ. Price average 100.08, 13x180, 3x177. Anderson 94.25, 10x180, 174,168. The event is at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes on January 29th - 31st and features three interesting 1st round matches. Joe Cullen v Stephen Bunting, Glen Durrant v Mervyn King and Jonny Clayton v Jose de Sousa. The event can be seen on ITV4 and if you fancy a bet with Ladbrokes, MvG is favourite at 9/4, Price 5/2 and Wright 7/1. Surprisingly Bunting is a 100/1 outsider, he won't stay at that price should he overcome Cullen in his opener.. the maximum 13. ** Price becomes the 4th player to achieve £1,000,000 plus in the P.D.C.'s Order of Merit, after Phil Taylor in 2010, MvG in 2015 and Peter Wright in 2020. Currently there are 3 players over the million mark.

** 7x170 outs in this years Championship, Dirk van Duijvenbode claiming 2, not quite matching last years 8. ** Pre 2003 there were no 170's in the P.D.C. Worlds. ** Record of 880 x 180 in 2019 just about remains, this years total of 877 falling short as only 10 sets were played in the final instead of

** MvG spent 7 years as world no.1 before losing the position to Price. ** Anderson missed 4 set darts in set one, what only if ??? ** Price is the 1st PDC Welsh champion. ** A former rugby union hooker for Neath, the usually " super cool " Price missed 11 match darts before winning the title.

This years competition, usually scheduled to commence early February, has been delayed to an unspecified later date, due to coronavirus pandemic. Opening night was to be February 4th in Cardiff, culminating at the Mercedes Benz Arena, Berlin, for the play off finals on May the 27th. This year, the competition will be played in 7 countries, the 4 U.K. home countries, plus the Republic of Ireland, Netherlands and Germany. The League, now in its 17th year, is now back to a ten man format, played over 16 nights, with the 9th and 10th placed players dropped on what is known as " Judgement Night ". The league continues for a further 7 nights after which the top 4 compete for the £ 100,000 first prize and bragging rights. MEET THE PLAYERS Gerwyn Price - Wales, age 35, from Markham Wales. Newly crowned World Champion and World no.1, topping the P.D.C. Order of Merit. What a journey for the Welshman, only gaining his Tour Card from Q-School in 2014, ironically 2 weeks after Michael van Gerwen had acheived World no 1 status for the first time. Michael van Gerwen Netherlands, age 31, The youngest payer at 17 to throw a televised 9 dart leg, but also boasts a further 6 tv 9 darters, and holds the highest tv average at 123. 4 playing Michael Smith in a Premier League match 2016. Former World Champion in 2014, 17, 19, and five times winner of the Premier League. Peter Wright - Scotland, age 50, born north of the border, now lives in Mendham, Suffolk, with an English accent. The 2020 World Champ. Threw a 9 darter against Daryl Gurney last year in this event. His better half prepares his colourful Mohican hairstlyle, prior to each match, but refuses to own up to dressing him, which he does himself, presumably in a darkroom. Dimitri van den Burgh - Belgium, age 26, the youngest player in the field and current World Matchplay champion at his first attempt, beating Gary Anderson 18 -10. Definitely the best dancer to the players walk on music, certainly better than

Wrights efforts, to the sounds of Pharrell Williams and " Happy ".Won 25k for a 9 darter against Stephen Bunting. A relative newcomer to pro darts, his earnings to date exceed 600k. Jose de Sousa - Portugal, age 46 and making his maiden appearance in the Premier League. Won the 2020 Grand Slam of Darts and whilst a great player, needs to brush up on his counting which is poor, otherwise he will be losing matches unnecessarily, particularly in the 1st to 7 P.L. format. On the otherhand if you can muster a 9 darter as he has in the 2020 Euro Championship, who cares. Nathan Aspinall - England age 29, from Stockport England. Won the U.K. Open in 2019 defeating Rob Cross 11-5 and the U.S. Darts Masters also in 2019 overcoming Michael Smith 8-4. The right hander uses a 26g Tungsten, enjoying " Mr Brightside " by the Killers as his walk on music. Gary Anderson - Scotland age 50, the " Flying Scotsman "was born in Musselburgh, Scotland, now residing in Burnham on Sea, Somerset. Won the Worlds in 2015,16 and the Premier League in 2011 and 2015. Also in his collection are 31 P.D.C. Tour Event wins, plus 3 televised 9 dart legs to his name. Having little spare time Gary likes to follow Hibernian win in the Scottish league. Rob Cross - England age 30, a former electrician, known on the circuit and by his many fans as " Voltage ". What else? Only turned pro a year before winning the "Worlds " on his debut. Went on to win the World Matchplay and European Championship in 2019. Since then has not fared too well against the rest of the worlds best but has managed to maintain his top 10 ranking. Glen Durrant - England age 50, is the reigning Premier League champion after defeating Aspinall 11-8 in 2020. From Middlesbrough, won the B.D.O. World title in 2017, 18, 19, winning his PDC Tour Card in January 2019, via the U.K. Q-School Order of Merit and hasn't looked back since. A. N. Other to be determined after the Masters in late January.


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RACING SAN MIGUEL Racing San Miguel have become the first club in the region to sponsor a PENGUIN as their mascot! "The new team mascot at Racing San Miguel is a penguin who lives in Discovered Point, Antarctica, which has sponsored through vice president, Angel Ruiz Lopez". "In addition to becoming the first team in the region to have an Antarctic animal in its ranks, Racing San Miguel wants to raise awareness about the importance of conserving the environment. "We can all do our bit to take care of the planet and help our Racing San Miguel penguin to become an adult, capable of procreating and taking care of his chicks. We hope you have a lot of love for him!," said the spokesperson.

Nine Academy players in team line-up Quote: 'We are clear that the key to our success lies in our young people. They will continue to have opportunities'. Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 Racing San Miguel CF featured nine players in their match against CF Monnegre Muxtamel who came through the Academy. All are graduates from the youth system into the first team. "We are deeply proud of the talent and capacity of the San Miguel players who are on the team. "For this reason, one of our aims is to continue developing our players from the grassroots. "Training good footballers with solid sports and competitive values, who are capable of sustaining the club in the future. "We are clear that the key to our success lies in our young people, and they will continue to have opportunities," said a spokesperson from the club.

Quote: 'I don’t know what’s happened between Christmas and New Year, but something’s gone on to make them get cold feet'. The future of EFL first division Wigan Athletic was thrown into doubt on January 5 - when a Spanish consortium unexpectedly dropped their interest to buy the club. And the unnamed Spanish interest has been labelled as having 'cold feet' in an unexpected uturn. The shock news from Spain came over three months after having their offer accepted by the administrators, as reported by The Leader. After awaiting the EFL approval of the Spanish bid, initially accepted on September 30, the admins released a statement to say the deal was off. The Spanish, at the 12th hour, reduced their unknown offer by 50%. Co-administrator Paul Stanley said: “An hour after the Spanish money came in, there were hordes of them (interested parties) saying they were about to

Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021

Spain U - Turn at Wigan By Andrew Atkinson

Future of Wigan Athletic is thrown into doubt as Spanish bidders have unexpectedly dropped their interest to buy the club.

send the money over. "Most of it was nonsense, but I have kept in touch with some of them. They have all the information, they know nothing’s really changed from when they wanted to buy it. "If you’re a long-term investor it’s still pretty much the same deal on the table. “You’re still getting a very good club, really cheap. It’s whether people are willing to take that gamble in the middle of a worldwide (coronavirus) pandemic.” On the Spanish interest he said: "We were so desperate to keep it alive, right to the end. “They told us they were halving the money, and they wouldn’t be paying the 25p in the pound. “We went back to them and told

FB REDOVÁN CF CHASE LEADERS TORRELLANO By Andrew Atkinson Valencia Group VI Preferente Regional football team FB Redován CF are to push on in 2021 - with a key plan to lockup the defence after conceding 18 goals. "Redován sit eleventh place in the table after the draw in the last home game against Santa Pola CF. "The numbers speak of the difficulties of the team - especially in the defensive field - with 18 goals conceded in nine games," said a spokesperson from the club. Goals from Alvaro Mas and Adrian against Santa Pola CF gave FB Redovan CF a point in their quest to climb the table. Redován were the best regional football team in the Vega Baja in the coronovirus affected 2019-2020 season, with the premature end of the campaign preventing them reaching the play-off spots in the third division. "It is difficult to compete in the upper zone. In the 2019-20 season the team played 18 games, conceding nine goals. "In addition the team suffered the loss of their top scorer. However, despite everything, the competitiveness of the group makes the situation even more than retractable. "Redován are only six points behind leaders Torrellano and the start of 2021 will be key to setting the objectives," added the spokesperson.

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Batman, 2. Rudolf Nureyev, 3. c. Bat, 4. Aurora Australis, 5. The Icarian Sea (From Icarus), 6. MGB, 7. a. Sean Connery and Julia Ormond, b. Clive Owen and Keira Knightly, c. Richard Harris and Vanessa Redgrave, 8. Avocado, 9. Polders. 'God created the world but the Dutch created Holland'. 10. a. You've got a friend, b.

them we could work with that, but they’d get a 15-point deduction, which they weren’t happy with. "That’s obviously not in our remit, there’s EFL rules and regulations in place, and an insolvency policy. "If you’re not going to pay the non-football creditors 25p, firstly they don’t have to transfer the share to you, and secondly there’s also a number of other sanctions at their disposal that they’ve never had to use before. “The deal in the end just wasn’t workable and, in the end, they must have known it wasn’t workable. "It looks like it was just their way of saying they’d changed their minds, and they were out. “That money definitely moved on December 24, and it was definitely cleared in their solicitors’ account over Christmas. "They confirmed that to us, and I know the solicitors, they’re not just going to make it up."

Somewhere my love, c. Sweet Caroline, d. If not for you, e. Seasons in the sun. 11. Khartoum. 12. Valkyries. 13. A tattoo. 14. Gossamer. 15. Bismark, Hood, Prince of Wales and Prinz Eugen. 16. Sir Francis Walsingham. 17. Quasimodo. 18. 'I want you back', 'ABC', 'The love you save' and 'I'll be there'. 19. It is a mixture of two or more languages. 20. A cylindrical clay oven

Interested parties are aplenty following the Spanish pulling the plug: "We have made contact with 23 parties who have shown interest in the club over the past six months. "We are pleased to confirm we have already entered into formal discussions with three parties with regards to the potential sale of the club. "We will continue to provide the relevant information to the respective parties with the hope of achieving a successful outcome in the coming weeks. We will provide a further update to staff and supporters as events unfold," said a statement from the admins. Former Premier League club Wigan Athletic are near the foot of the League One table. On the Spain u-turn, Paul Stanley said: “I don’t know what’s happened between Christmas and New Year, but something’s gone on to make them get cold feet.”

Carp-R-Us Angling After a two week break Carp-R-Us restarted its Winter Series on the Eden 2 stretch of the Segura. The forecast promised low temperatures, rain and strong winds, which put a number of members off, but fortunately although cold (about 8°c at best) and wet the wind was quite gentle. The clear winner with a magnificent 33.80kg was Dave Hutchinson who fish pole with bread and pellet. Second was Roy Dainty with 10.95kg again on pole




MAN U OUTCAST BOUND FOR ELCHE? Elche are hoping to sign Manchester United outcast Marcos Rojo. The 30-year-old only made one appearance for the Red Devils' Under-23s team this season before being sidelined through injury again, with his Old Trafford contract expiring in the summer. Rojo is now free to enter discussions with other clubs, although the centre-back could return to his native Argentina, after interest from Boca Juniors. Rojo is thought to be one of three players that Elche have identified to solve their crisis at left-back. The former Sporting Lisbon man has made 122 appearances for the Red Devils since arriving in 2014, scoring two goals along the way.

ROYSTON DRENTHE JOINS R MURCIA Just a month after he was declared BANKRUPT Royston Drenthe has joined Spanish third division side Racing Murcia The 33-year-old had been playing for Dutch minnows Kozakken Boys The former Dutch international was previously on the books at Real Madrid, Everton and Feyenoord and has now joined the 12th club of his nomadic career. The former Real Madrid and Everton winger was presented on Thursday after making the shock move to the Spanish lower league. Drenthe announced he had quit football in 2016 to pursue a career in music, and launched a career under the moniker Roya2Faces. He also attempted to break into acting, appearing in TV crime drama Mocro Maffia in March this year.

using bread flake. Third was Richard Crawshaw and fourth Steve Fell. Membership for 2021 is now open. Anyone wishing to join the club can contact or email The club fishes matches most Thursdays and these are competitive but friendly affairs. Most weeks some members also go pleasure fishing where new methods are practiced and ideas exchanged. This is something we are looking to do more of next year.


Monday 11th - Sunday 17th January, 2021


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