The Leader Newspaper Edition 742

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No 742 Monday 19th - Sunday 25th, November, 2018 Tel: 637 227 385

BREXIT meeting packs Orihuela Costa Town Hall


ince the beginning of this month the British Consulate in Alicante has been running a series of events for UK nationals on

Living in Spain and Brexit where British Consul SarahJane Morris and her team have updated residents with the latest information on

Brexit and what this means for UK nationals living in Spain. Last week over 350 people packed the salon in the Playa

Flamenca Town hall where they had their questions answered on topics including residency, healthcare and tax. Continued on Page 2


Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

sion of an NIE and be registered as a Spanish Resident. Anyone not in that situation, but wishing to be so, has until December 2020, the end of the implementation period, to achieve the necessary status.


637 227 385 PROPERTY

637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

Continued From Page One BREXIT Meeting A range of experts, charities and neighbourhood support groups were represented, forming a kind of “surgery” to make sure everyone got the opportunity to ask their question to the right person. Aspects covered included residency in Spain, citizens’ rights, healthcare, tax and pensions, which was provided by two representatives from HMRC. Also present was Francisco Morales of the Guardia Civil Trafico department to talk about driving in Spain and the Chairman of Brexpats in Spain, Richard Hill. After a short introduction by the Councillor for Foreign Residents, Sofia Alvarez, followed by an opening address from Sarah-Jane Morris, the Regional Consular Policy Advisor, Lorna Geddie took to the floor where she spoke about the current state of negotiations. She confirmed that the Spanish PM had recently announced that the 300,000 British Expats who are currently resident in Spain would retain their current rights, but the must be on the padron, in posses-

Lorna then spoke briefly about the withdrawal agreement, future negotiations and citizens’ rights, explaining that the only two areas in which agreement had not been reached were the right to vote in Spain and onward free movement within the EU. Prior to handing over to Francisco Morales, Lorna referred to the UK Government website at which she said was the only source of information that she could guarantee as being completely accurate, along with the Alicante Consulate pages that are served from the same site, and from which Brexit alerts can be received by email. Richard Hill explained the purpose of Brexpats in Spain, a group that currently boasts over 5,000 members, to whom the organisation can offer free expert and professional advice. He asked that expats consider joining the group which they can do so at the website: Thereafter, Sarah-Jane Morris made her team available to those in attendance, inviting anyone with concerns or questions to speak to the appropriate expert. As the queues formed and I left the salon to grab a cup of coffee and a croissant, supplied free by the Ayuntamiento, it looked as they were in for a very long morning.


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Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

Deficiencies found on Blue Flag Beaches A

n inspector from the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC), the organisation that is responsible for awarding of the Banderas Azules mark in Spain, paid a surprise visit to Torrevieja’s beaches on 9 August, during the height of the summer season. In a report issued by the Association last week they say that they found deficiencies on all the beaches with the blue flag award as a result of which, Diario Informacion reports of the possibility that previous assessments made in anticipation of the 2019 campaign, could now change. However, the Torrevieja council said on Monday that ADEAC closed the incident just a few days after the inspections when the City Council sent a report confirming that all of the highlighted deficiencies had been corrected. A source from the Association said that this type of analysis is not unusual. It occurs on a regular basis raising any problems that can be found on the beaches, and is usually carried out in the middle of August. The inspections are carried out, not only in Torrevieja, but across all of the municipalities that can boast blue flag beaches, with the objective being to confirm that beachgoers and holidaymakers are receiving a satisfactory level of service during the height of the summer season. The inspection was carried out on the beaches of Cabo Cervera, which gained a blue flag last summer for the first time; El Cura, Los Náufragos, Cala Piteras, Los Locos and La Mata Sur. Among the common problems found on all beaches was insufficient cleaning of the sand and lack of material necessary for first aid services, such as approved sanitary waste containers or masks to perform

Playa del Cura beach in Torrevieja at the height of the summer season, where the inspector recommended the provision of a jet-ski.

resuscitation operations. However, the City Council confirmed that such items are carried by the lifeguards individually which is why they were not available at the first aid posts. The report signed by José R. Sánchez Moro, the president of ADEAC, pointed out that in the case of the beach at La Mata Sur the frequency of emptying of bins and containers, which were full at the time of the inspection, should be increased. He also highlighted the poor condition of the walkways with loose boards that he considered to be very dangerous. At Playa del Cura beach, the most popular in the city, the report recommended the provision of a jet ski for rescue. And he also questioned the cleanliness of the toilets on the beach, a common complaint for across the whole area. The Association said that, in the event of a spill, such as the one that occurred at Los Náufragos beach, the blue flag should be lowered while in Cala Piteras, the problems related to a shortage of semi-rigid splints for the immobilisation of legs and arms and a broken-head immobiliser, although these problems were quickly rectified.



Orihuela knowledge for taxi drivers The councillor of Urban Transport, Begoña Cuartero, has reported on a meeting held earlier in the week with the associations and taxi drivers of Orihuela in which it was announced that "tests prepared by the City Council will be for all taxi drivers, including those who already have current licenses”. Although there was no announcement of a time frame it is understood that all taxi drivers in the municipality, including those who work on the coast, must take and pass a written test on the city’s culture, historical buildings, the environment and a driver’s relationship with his passengers.” The councillor said that the test is required by a Valencia and was approved last year in 2017.

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

This is six points better than that registered across the whole of the country. The number of homes sold to September in Spain was 395,534, 10.9% more than 2017 which reflects the greater dynamism of the Alicante market, where the pull of foreigners and the demand of second residences along the coast has significantly increased the demand. The figures have also been boosted by the recovery of the British market thereby accelerating the sale of homes to people from the UK.

Orihuela to spend 187,000 euros on the 3 Kings The governing body of the City of Orihuela has now approved the proposal by the Department of Festivities for the celebration of the 3 Kings parades, providing them with an initial budget of 187,000 euros of which 108,900 euros will be spent in Orihiela city while 24,200 has been allocated to this same event on the coast. The announcement of the overall allocation was made on Tuesday by the deputy spokesman of the government, Rafael Almagro, although he didn’t differentiate between the two locations which was made public by the Socialist Councillor María García who said that she wanted to highlight the difference because, in her opinion, "there is a very important economic inequality between the city and the coast.


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With this installation, the municipality of Rafal becomes part of the network of meteorological stations that MeteOrihuela has placed in other municipalities such as Orihuela, Orihuela Costa (Playa Flamenca), Redován, Callosa de Segura, Almoradí, La Campaneta, Albatera, Catral and Guardamar del Segura

Mayor to join San Luis NHW At the last meeting of the year for San Luis / La Siesta NHW & Residents Group on 26th November, the Mayor will give updates on progress on La Siesta Park and the new contracts being formed for council services. As well as a glass of wine, the meeting will enjoy a musical selection by the Torrevieja Pipes & Drum band. The meeting starts at 4.30 at Casa Ventura. You can find more information on local issues on the San Luis Neighbourhood Watch Facebook page.

Over 30,000 homes sold in nine months The real estate business continues to grow show strong in the province of Alicante with data gathered to September indicating that the sector is having its best year since 2007, at the beginning of the economic crisis. According to the data published by the National Institute of Statistics, there were 3,166 homes sold in the province, which represents an increase of 13.8% over the same period last year bringing the number of homes sold to 30,610, in just nine months, an overall increase of 16.9%.

Ministry of Health reverses incineration decision Podemos calls for Community tourist tax During the Generalitat debate on the autonomic budgets for the coming year, the last that will be presented the government in this legislature prior to the elections in May of 2019, Podemos spokesman, Antonio Estañ, introduced the subject of the controversial tourist rate. The amount that he recommends be charged would be from 0.5 to 2 euros per person for a maximum of seven consecutive days that could generate between 30 and 40 million euros for the Community. Four and five-star hotels would change the amount at the top of the scale while rural accommodation and hostels without any star rating would not charge anything. While the regional secretary of Finance, Clara Ferrando, supported the proposal the regional secretary of Tourism, Francesc Colome, was very much against, saying that the regional tax agency, which would be responsible for the tax collection, is not equipped with sufficient means for its operation.

Rafael Council install weather station Rafal now has a meteorological observatory that will provide the area with far more accurate weather data than has previously been the case. Its installation has been possible thanks to the agreement signed by the Rafael Consistory and the promoter of the MeteOrihuela project, Pedro José Gómez. The installation of this meteorological station will allow to record precise data on temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, ultraviolet radiation index, solar radiation and rain. All of the information can be consulted in real time through the council website. In addition, the site will show the daily, weekly and monthly development of the different meteorological variables, as well as a history of the accumulated data.

Following the controversy caused by it’s decision the Ministry of Health has reversed the introduction of a new regulation that prohibited the incineration of people with morbid obesity. The official justification for adopting this measure was that incinerating such a large requires a very high amount of fuel that leads to a considerable increase in contamination exceeding the threshold of that allowed. But after the controversy that the decision caused it has now been withdrawn. However, the rest of the changes remain. The new regulations prohibit the incineration of corpses that have received treatment for cancer through the insertion of radioactive needles. Neither are corpses allowed to wear clothes or beads that contain metallic elements, as well as resins or plastics. Clothing materials must not contain elements that are likely to form organochlorine or highly toxic compounds after combustion. Preferably, shrouds made of biodegradable materials will be used. The new regulation also establishes that crematoria cannot be located less than 200 metres from homes.



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Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

Marquis Palace for sale in the centre of Orihuela City


thousand metre plot in Orihuela city, two thousand artefacts and pieces of furniture and a building that was built over three centuries ago, with 13 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, a facade that fronts onto three streets, at a cost of only four million euros. The Palace of the Marquis of Rafal, in the historic centre of Orihuela, has been put up for sale. The heraldic shields on the corner and the doorways characterize a building that was built in the XVIII century, although the facade was restored between 1915 and 1920. The property, which is located next door to the tourist information office, is being sold by the descendants of Santiago Pardo-Manuel de Villena and Berthelemy, the 16th Marqués de Rafal, Grande de España, who died in Orihuela in 2013 aged 81. For the heirs of the Marquis it has not been an

easy decision to put the property, that ennobles the heart of the urban area of Orihuela, on sale, but the final decision to disassociate from the family property has been influenced by the City Council's decision to withdraw the name of the Marquess of Rafal from the square where it is located. "The house, in addition to being located in the historic centre of Orihuela, is catalogued", so it cannot be modified and all of its main elements must be retained, says Iván Valdesevilla, the commercial sales manager, who has also created a dedicated page on the internet to show off the property, The building houses pictorial works of interest including pieces from the Flanders school, from the Spanish school of the 18th century and sculptures by José María Sánchez Lozano, as well as a collection of tapestries and a library. But if the buyer wants to acquire those goods also they will have to pay extra.



Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018


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Alicante Province has only 410 electric vehicles in use espite the many different incentives launched to promote the use of ecological or electric vehicles in the province there are currently only 410 in use in an area that stretches from Denia in the north to the southern outskirts of Pilar de la Horadada and many of these are in the use of councils or government institutions.


lion passenger cars that are part of the Alicante mobile fleet at the moment, only 410 currently meet the requirements demanded by the future law, to be fully electric by the year 2040. Just 0.039% of the total, and that is despite all the incentives and campaigns that have been launched and the insistence that the electric car is the future of the sector.

The Government still has a lot of work to do if it really wants to enforce the prohibition vehicles that emit polluting gases into the atmosphere, which includes all those that run on petrol or diesel engines, hybrids and new models that use compressed natural gas.

Today, attempting to find one of these vehicles driving on the roads of Alicante is still almost as difficult as looking for a needle in a haystack.

So, according to the latest data from the General Directorate of Traffic, of the more than one mil-

The image below shows a recent presentation of a new electric vehicle by Aguamed, the Torrevieja water management company, which says that it will replace 12 of its current pool vehicles with electric in 2019.

Voting opens for 2019 What Car? reader awards V

oting has opened for the 2019 What Car? Reader Award, sponsored by ALA Gap Insurance. One of the most sought after accolades among car manufacturers, it is decided by a public vote, giving What Car? readers the chance to voice their opinion on the models due to go on sale in the coming year.

Readers have the opportunity to vote from a shortlist of 12 models chosen by What Car?’s experts, with the winning car announced at the What Car? Car of the Year Awards on 22 January 2019. The models up for the award come from a wide range of automotive categories, and include BMW’s new Z4 sports car, the second-generation Range Rover Evoque SUV and Volkswagen’s Mk8 Golf family hatchback. The award also gives readers the chance to vote for some of the most anticipated electric cars: Audi’s first fully electric model, the Etron has made the shortlist, as has the Honda Urban EV and Jaguar’s next XJ luxury car, which will

ditch petrol and diesel engines in favour of electric motors. Victory for the E-tron, Urban EV or XJ would mean two consecutive years of victory for electric models, following the Jaguar I-Pace’s triumph at the 2018 What Car? Car of the Year Awards. Shortlisted by the experts at What Car?, the 12 nominees for the 2019 Reader Award are: Audi E-tron - BMW Z4 Fiat 500 - Honda Urban EV - Jaguar XJ - Mercedes-Benz GLB - Nissan Juke - Range Rover Evoque - Skoda small SUV Toyota Corolla - Vauxhall Corsa - Volkswagen Golf What Car? editor Steve Huntingford said: “The Reader Award is particularly significant for both manufacturers and people looking for their next vehicle, because the public determines the winner.

“It offers a good indication of the potential success new cars might have in the coming year. And with such a broad range of models on the shortlist, it’s clear that car buyers will be spoilt for choice in 2019.’ Drivers can vote for the upcoming car they’re most excited about by visiting by 10 December.



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Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018



Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018


637 227 385



he Bowen Technique was pioneered by Thomas Bowen, born in Geelong, Australia. After working in miscellaneous labouring jobs as a young man, he developed a great interest in massage and body work and spent time observing football trainers and others involved with sports. By the time he was in his early 40´s, this gifted man had established a full time practice in remedial therapy using the technique he developed. It is amazing at the effectiveness of this simple and gentle “hands-on” therapy. The Bowen Technique is suitable for everyone, from the tiniest of babies, to athletes and frailest of adults. It looks at restoring balance to the body by a series of very gentle rolling type moves made with the therapist´s fingers and thumbs over precise areas of the body. A unique feature of the Bowen Treatment is that after a series of set moves, the therapist leaves the room for a couple of minutes. This prompts the body to reset, repair and rebalance itself.

The Bowen Technique does not rely on hard pressure, it is a very light touch therapy and there is no twisting, bending or awkward repositioning of the client during the treatment. It can be performed through light clothing. A key element of the Bowen Technique so that we work holistically and do not treat a specific condition but look at the person as a whole.

What can Bowen safely treat. Common presenting problems include back and neck pain, knee problems, sports injuries, RSI, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and respiratory problems. Conditions such as chronic fatigue, hayfever, headache, kidney problems and problems requiring lymphatic drainage have responded favourably to Bowen Technique. Some people use the Bowen Technique as a means of stress management and health maintenance, seeing their therapists regularly 2-4 times a year. The Bowen Technique also addresses many other conditions and it is regarded as safe and effective for people of all ages.

The actual Bowen treatment With Bowen Technique, I am happy to work either directly onto skin or through light clothing. The first session will consist of a consultation during which I take notes about you, your lifestyle, conduct any assessments required and then carry out the Bowen Therapy. Treatments are normally about an hour. Every person is unique and therefore treatments and times are tailored to the individual. An initial course of three treatments is recommended to see how

the client responds to treatment, usually at weekly intervals. Some clients will experience instant pain relief, whereas with others the body may respond over the next few days, but normally even chronic conditions will see relief with an initial set of three treatments. It is recommended that clients are not receiving other physical therapies whilst being treated with the Bowen Technique. If you feel that The Bowen Technique is actually what you need right now and would like to book an appointment, or if you would like to have any further information, then please call Christine Quinlan at Body Harmony. Telephone number is 966 795 address is... and website is.. BODY HARMONY IS BASED IN LA MARINA



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Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018




Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

Orihuela Networks Theatre presents Dick Whittington


Orihuela Costa Morris Dancers


637 227 385

Humanists Remembrance Day

t’s panto time at the English speaking Networkd Theatre in Orihuela and the Networks pantomime is the one to see!

About 20 people attended the fourth annual Remembrance ceremony at Parque Miguel Angel Blanco, in Mazarrón on Sunday 11th November 2018.

Dick Whittington and his cat is one of our favourite seasonal adventures!

The ceremony was led by our Celebrant, Sue Macdonald and various others read poems and scripts. At the culmination a wreath was laid by our Chairperson Anne Edwards, at the cherry tree planted 4 years ago by the Humanists of Murcia.

Join Dick on the road to London as he pursues his dream of finding love and riches in the city where the streets are paved with gold! He’s joined on his journey by his wonderful cat Fluffy, his brother Silly Billy and his mother the hilarious Mrs Winnifred Whittington. The Dame this year is played by our panto’s director Nick Moore! So in true panto tradition expect hilarious comedy and innuendo that only mummy and daddy will understand! With super songs, funny jokes and comedy and an energetic cast of 23 it’s going to be a wonderful start to the Christmas celebrations. You can book online at or call 96 674 02 51

The Terri Horvath Morris dancers, the only Local Morris dancing team are preparing their forthcoming Calendar of events. They are already booked to appear on the Grand stage at The Zenia Boulevard for the 24th November @ approximately 3pm So come along and see them there. If you would like to arrange for them to be at your event or would like to join the group Dancers (no experience necessary, just 2 left feet!) or as a musician, Please contact 965 076 717 the Team Squire or

the group secretary on 643 026 574

Ginés García Millán opens CORTPILAR T

he red carpet was rolled out for the Spanish actor Ginés García Millán last week on the occasion of the opening of the short film festival CORTPILAR. Millán, who hails from Puerto Lumbreras, Murcia, is an actor who has combined theatre and television and who has also appeared in over 16 Spanish films. The actor was also able to see his star in el Paseo

del Cine de Pilar de la Horadada, on la Avenida Mediterráneo, in front of la playa de Los Jesuitas The Lumbrerense, received the star following the award of Pillar of Honor 2016, granted by the International Short Film Festival of Pilar de la Horadada two years ago. He was accompanied by the Mayor, Ignacio Ramos together with the councillors of Culture and Turism and the director of CORTOPILAR Ginés García Millán said how thrilled he was to feel the support of all those present at the new Pilar de la Horadada Cinema Walk.

After the ceremony the group repaired to the Costa resturant in Mazarrón for refreshments. Join us for


walks, discussion groups, gardening group, games evenings and lots of lunches, for information tel 669 338 885 or email humanistsofmurcia@gmail. com or website Weddings, funerals and naming ceremonies: for personalized ceremonies without religion, contact the celebrant tel 634 025 711.



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Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

Take a memorable Pizza Journey with Pizzabaker Situated on Avd California-esquina C/Nazaries, just inside the new International Business Centre (IBC), Pizzabaker is a Norwegian franchise that opened during the spring of 2018, bringing old-world cooking techniques to the area that have been inspired by the Neapolitan pizza tradition.


One of the fastest growing pizza chains in Norway. It now boasts over 160 outlets, but there is only one in Spain and we are fortunate to have it right on our doorstep on the Orihuela Costa.

With prices starting at just 3 euro, and with an excellent bonus offer, buy 7 and get the next one free, Pizzabaker is covering the Orihuela Costa in exactly the right way.

The reception for Pizzabaker has been fantastic along with a great deal of praise for the quality of it’s food, the freshly baked bottom and it’s excellent flavours. They are already beginning to build a solid experience in

The business is based on take-away, with freshly-baked pizza delivered to your door. However, seating is available in the pleasant surrounds of the IBC gardens, along with the pizza, an experience to be savoured in the pleasant Spanish sunshine.

With their motto of ‘Pizza to the people’ the restaurant can take the finest artisan pizzas to hungry people anywhere across the local area. So why not try it yourself. WhatsApp Pizzabaker at: 615 657 860 or call on: 865 645 471

Hondón Valley Commemorates the Centenary of the Armistice. The Hondón Valley Branch Remembrance Service took place in the village of Hondón de los Frailes last Saturday. The beautiful Catholic Church was full – standing room only. Father Don Witts welcomed Elizabeth Bell MBE, Vice Consul from the British Consulate in Alicante and the congregation to this special service of Remembrance and Commemoration of 100 years since the end of the Great War. Victor Ramirez Segura, the European Councillor, read the Lesson in Spanish. Also taking part was the Spanish choir – Corro-Parroquial Inglesia San-Pedro Apostol de La Romana. They had written a

hymn especially for the Branch – We will Remember Them- and performed it during the Service. To commemorate the centenary, Branch members read extracts from “Forgotten Voices of the Great War” covering each of the four years until the time the Armistice was announced. These were very emotional and often harrowing accounts of life in the trenches at that time. At the end of the Service, Father Witts blessed the Branch Standard – recognising the new Ypres Scroll following attendance at the Great Pilgrimage 90 in Belgium in

August this year. Hondón Valley Branch was one of only two Branches from the whole of Spain who attended this event and Branch members are very proud that their Standard was one of over one thousand Standards from all over the world. The Branch Standard and National Flags, together with Piper, Tony Dolphin then led the parade from the Church to the Ayto garden where wreaths and Memorial crosses were laid. To find out more please email:


Pizzabaker is situated in the modern International Business Centre


Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

The traditional Spanish village of Algorfa


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Castle de Montemar


traditional Spanish village, Algorfa is situated on the banks of the Segura River in the Southern Costa Blanca. Part of the Commuidad de Valencia it is located in rich and bountiful countryside with a stunning backdrop of the Escotera mountains and the Sierra de Callosa. Despite the adjacent mountainous terrain it also enjoys panoramic views of the Mediterranean sea. Algorfa has a marvellous climate with over 300 days of sunshine each year, an average temperature of around 19 degrees centigrade and very little rainfall - the Segura valley having the least rainfall in the whole of Spain. The economy of the village depends mostly on citrus farming - primarily oranges and lemons, the evidence of which stretches for miles around, lining virtually every road. Situated between the towns of Rojales and Almoradi, Algorfa has population of around 3,000 people. Evidence uncovered by Jesuit archaeologists in 1903, suggests that there have been settlements in the area from about 3,000 BC. This is justified by the discovery of basic tools and human remains from the Neolithic period which also provide an important clue to Algorfa’s first inhabitants. The municipality was founded by a privilege granted in 1328 by Alfonso II when it became a part of the Kingdom of Valencia. The original village consisted of 15 homes housing 15 families. The privilege stood until after the War of Succession 1714 when it was withdrawn by Felipe V. It was however restored before the end of the 18th century by Carlos IV at the request of the Marquesses of Algorfa. Just outside the village, towards the west, on the road to Benejuzar is a graceful and unusual nineteenth century church build in the very popular neo-gothic style. The church can be visited whilst admiring the beautiful green countryside in the fertile valley of the river. The area is well connected to the main roads of the region. In the village itself there are several traditional Spanish tapas bars, together with a large number of shops, including a pharmacy and optician. Adjacent to the nearby La Finca Golf Course, dubbed by experts as one of the most prestigious golf courses in Spain' there is a new commercial centre, consisting of a five star hotel, banks, restaurants, cafes, bars and many shops. There are also numerous local markets on different days of the week in many surrounding towns, villages and resorts. The town square

With an unbeatable climate, superb location, world-wide famous Mediterranean gastronomy and endless possibilities for all, the picturesque Spanish village of Algorfa is an ideal place to live or visit - all year round! Little more than a ten minute drive, between Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa, there are seven kilometres of golden sandy beaches in the town of Guardamar, solitary bays of crystal clear waters, five sailing ports, four 18-hole golf courses, horse riding schools, two aquatic parks and all kinds of facilities for sports and leisure, young and old alike, and this small paradise is only 30minutes from Alicante airport to the North and 25-minutes to San Javier (Murcia) airport to the South.

CINEMA PILAR English Language Cinema in Pilar de la Horadada Calle Canalejas 4 Thursday 22nd of November at 7pm and Saturday, 24th of November at 5pm

PRINCESS MARGARET THE REBEL ROYAL The compelling story of how the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, for better or worse, fully embraced the great social changes of the 1960s and 70s, which reshaped both England's social norms and the way people saw the royal family.

Contributors: Lady Anne Glenconner, a childhood friend and Basil Charles, a bar owner in Mustique Documentary | Biography

La Finca Golf Course



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Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018



Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018


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1 Countenance; 9

Isthmus; 10 Owner; 11 Canon; 12 Element; 13 Mapped; 15 Candle; 18 Parable; 20 Match; 22 Canoe; 23 Tornado; 24 Trustworthy. DOWN: 2 Often; 3 Nominee; 4 Ensued; 5 Adobe; 6 Contend; 7 Circumspect; 8 Brotherhood; 14 Partner; 16 Admirer; 17 Bestow; 19 Bless; 21 Teach. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Close second; 9 On trial; 10 Blush; 11 Range; 12 Chagrin; 13 Obtuse; 15 Bellow; 18 Kindred; 20 Hello; 22 Urban; 23 Sackful; 24 Less and less. DOWN: 2 Let in; 3 Shivers; 4 Solace; 5 Cobra; 6 Neutral; 7 Poor look-out; 8 The New World; 14 Tenable; 16 Ethical; 17 Odds-on; 19 Ranks; 21 Lifts.


Solution on Page 22 CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12. 15. 17. 19. 21.

Aged (3) Vision (5) Small (6) Approaching (7) Stubborn (9) Lukewarm (4-7) Non-stop (11) Unemotional (9) Gourmet (7) Feverish (6) Live (5) Donkey (3)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. What is a mountain in Scotland over 3000 feet high called? 2. What is a pirate?s flag of the skull and cross bones called? 3. Americans call it a faucet, what do the British call it? 4. In which sport did Mike Gatting achieve fame? 5. What was Beethoven' first name? 6. Which James Bond film starred Honour Blackman? 7. Which fictional aviator had friends called Ginger and Algy? 8. In which country is the infamous Treblinka concentration camp? 9. Which organisation has the motto, ?fidelity, bravery, integrity'? 10. What would you do with a Lee Enfield? 11. Where are rods and cones found in the body? 12. What is the chemical formula for water? 13. Which is the coldest planet in our solar system? 14. What is the most primitive of all animal groups? 15. What was seen in 1681 for the last time?

14. The Protozoan, 15. The Dodo, 16. In a Castle, 17. Peter Wright, 18. One Million, 19. Macaroni, 20. 20,000, 21. St Stephen , 22. Wink, 23. Since You've Been Gone, 24. Arthur ,

DOWN 2. Christine Naughton's middle name (3) 3. They're stupid enough to make a valuation pointless at the end (5) 4. To cause perplexity, act as a patroness of the arts (6) 5. No service for the high churchman? (3,4) 6. See 21 Across. 7. National team not seen in town (11) 8. Could it be the skill of the inoculator (6-5) 12. Lady confused about a piece of poetry in an unfortunate way (9) 15. Inform somebody of a trophy, we hear (7) 17. No rise for one in top form (6) 19. It's held to be true palindrome (5) 21. Sounds like unrefined material for making a blade (3)

16. Where would you find an inner and outer bailey? 17. Who wrote the banned book Spycatcher? 18. What number is signified by the prefix ?Mega?? 19. What did Yankee Doodle call his pony? 20. How many leagues did Jules Verne take us under the sea? 21. Which Saints day falls on December 26th? 22. If you nictitate at someone, what do you do? 23. What was the title of Rainbow's first UK Top Ten hit? 24. What was Sir John Gielgud's real first name? 25. Phil Read won several World Championship's in which sport? 26. On which day of the week is the Jewish Sabbath? 27. When George Bush (Snr) was elected President, who was his Democrat opponent? 28. Who, according to the nursery rhyme, killed Cock Robin? 29. Spencer Gore was the first winner of which annual sporting event? 30. What colour is Lobster Blood?

1. A Munro , 2. The Jolly Roger , 3. A Tap , 4. Cricket , 5. Ludwig, 6. Gold Finger, 7. Biggles, 8. Poland, 9. The FBI, 10. Shoot It, It's A Gun, 11. Eyes, 12. H2O, 13. Pluto,

ACROSS 1. Take the infant for a walk round? (11) 9. Twenty-two vats containing eggs (3) 10. Homes were rebuilt in an unspecified place (9) 11. Approaches a listener in opposite directions (5) 13. If fishermen catch it, they get in a tangle! (7) 14. Outrageously show several topless! (6) 16. Timber and crude metal on the beach (6) 18. A moral consideration that may be dispensed with! (7) 19. Head of the delegation in rearranged tour of the royal house (5) 20. An expert in advising what courses to take (9) 21 and 6Dn. Removed from the register and not for publication (3,3,6) 22. Key workers have them at their finger-tips (11)

ACROSS 1. Comfort (11) 9. Help (3) 10. Be dissipated (2,2,5) 11. Dim (5) 13. Trucks (7) 14. Spotted (6) 16. Attack (6) 18. Breathe (7) 19. Clothing (5) 20. Manners (9) 21. The lot (3) 22. Unprotected (11)

Singles , 30. (Pale) Blue , 29. Wimbledon Men's Dukakis , 28. The Sparrow Saturday , 27. Michael 25. Motor Cycling , 26.



637 227 385

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper.

He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.


e paid our electricity bill this week, or rather it was debited from our bank account without any warning. It has always irritated me that the electricity companies in Spain and the Canary Islands feel that they can take whatever they wish from our bank account without letting us know in advance; it is the same with the water company too. In the Canary Islands, electricity and water bills usually arrive two or three weeks after the payment has been taken from bank accounts, which makes careful budgeting, particularly for those on a low income, very difficult. I am sure that most people find that monthly electricity bills increase and rarely is there any movement downwards. In our home, over the last few years, we have gradually changed to energy efficient lighting and appliances, but the increase in cost whilst consumption remains steady is often staggering. It is of course, the poorest in society that are most affected by high electricity bills. Terms such as ‘Fuel Poverty’ or ‘Energy Poverty’ are some of the current meaningless phrases designed to make this serious issue somehow socially more acceptable. For many people, this can mean an impossible choice between keeping warm or eating. In the Canary Islands, those regarded as ‘vulnerable’, as well as large families can apply for a ‘social bonus’, which is designed to ease the cost of such bills by providing a discount. Unfortunately, as

is the case with many such schemes in Spain, the system is unnecessarily complicated and bureaucratic, which many families simply do not understand and such schemes often end up causing more harm than good.


b y Bar rie Mahoney

Canary Islands have a right to receive electricity at a price that is equivalent to residents living in Peninsular Spain

The best way of avoiding energy poverty is to reduce the cost of electricity through the promotion and investment in renewable energy. This will come in time, assuming that the oil companies and politicians allow it, but in the meantime, efforts are being made to encourage municipalities to provide emergency fuel aid for those families that cannot pay their electricity bills and the supply is cut off. Local politicians are rightly making the point that that residents of the Canary Islands have a right to receive electricity at a price that is equivalent to residents living in Peninsular Spain, even though the costs of producing electricity on the islands are three times as high. In the Canary Islands, we have an abundance of sunshine, wind and wave power, but the dilatory manner in which these renewable sources are being utilised is staggering. There are examples to the contrary, of course, with the island of El Hierro leading the way with massive investment in renewable sources, which is already making a huge difference to the lives of islanders, as well as a massive reduction in carbon emissions and is often quoted as a positive example by researchers in other countries. The Canary Islands are located just a short distance from Africa, and it was interesting to hear researchers recently claim that the installation of huge numbers of solar panels and wind turbines in the Sahara Desert would have a major impact on rainfall, vegetation and temperatures. The action of wind turbines and solar panels would double the amount of rain that currently falls on the Sahara, which

would have a huge and positive impact upon the region, allowing vegetation to flourish. In addition, according to the researchers’ calculations, a massive installation of solar panels and wind farms in the desert would generate more than four times the amount of energy that the world currently uses each year. If such plans were ever to come to fruition, it could potentially end the issue of fuel poverty once and for all. However, one can only imagine the blocking mechanisms of the oil industry and investors in the energy market. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at my websites: and or read my latest book, ‘Living in Spain and the Canary Islands’ (ISBN: 9780995602724). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle editions. Join me on Facebook: @barrie.mahoney


Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

Car and Vehicle Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2015 Ford CMax Diesel which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,499 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. Clasicos Legendarios have the following used vehicles for sale: Jaguar XKR 2007. 115.000KM. LHD. Convertible. Black/ Magnolia leather. Extras including polybushes, milltek brakes and modified exhaust €27.500 Jaguar XFR. 29.000KM. LHD. White/Black leather. Very desirable car. Like brand new. €37.000 Jaguar XKR 2001. 27.000KM. LHD. British racing green/magnolia leather. Like brand new. €22.950 Jaguar XJS 4.0L 1995. Low KM. LHD. Convertible. €23.995 Jaguar XJS V12 5.3L. 1988. 159.000KM. RHD. Black/Grey leather. Rare collectable car. €17.995

Jaguar S-Type 2.5L V6 230.000KM. RHD. Anthracite (blue-grey). Impeccable condition. €3.000 Triumph TR4. Sold as is. For complete restoration. €7.000Visit our showroom in Redovan on Poligono San Carlos or call 965 030 924

Social and Clubs The next monthly meeting of the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion will be the AGM on 22 Nov at the Olympia Restaurant in Mil Palmeras starting at 7.30pm. All are welcome to join us for an evening of camaraderie and good company. RNA - The Royal Naval Assn meet at El Paraiso Restaurant behind Carrefour in Torrevieja at 3pm on the first Wednesday of every month. For info contact the secretary, Margaret Forshaw, on 966 92 1996 Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you. Our aim is to assist with problem solving for the over 50’s and promote their well-being. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team.

You will visit people who live in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee either in a wheelchair or walking. If you think you can help Age Concern in this respect call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. For information ring John McGilvray on 0034 965 27 2701 or Mobile 0034 634 658 506 or e mail Torrevieja Retired Activities Club meet on the third Wednesday in the month from 11-1pm at Marina Club Cafeteria, International Marina, Torrevieja. We have a speaker at our monthly meetings, or quiz, etc. Enjoy an activity once a month such as petanca, mini golf, 10 pin bowling, and on the first Sunday of the month we organise a restaurant lunch. The joining fee is 10euros but you can attend one meeting or lunch before you join. For info phone Sandy Hollywood, President 698 266 696 or Jill Hayes, membership Secretary 672 983 019.

HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes in areas surrounding Quesada, San Luis, La Siesta Torrevieja, La Mata, Orihuela Costa, Villamartin to Campoverde, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Interested in becoming a listener? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? To find out more, come and join us for refreshments and a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre, by the Punta Prima roundabout, on the N332. (Volunteer positions are unpaid but expenses can be claimed).Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday including music, language classes, drawing and painting, sewing, general information, bereavement advice and more. Further info available at: THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION BAND IN SPAIN is looking for musicians, all instruments and of any nationality, to joint its band. We rehearse every Tuesday in Lomas de Cabo Roig. Call or email the MD, David Last, 638 108 078 or

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday and everyone is welcome. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see or phone Pastor Keith on 666 180 108 The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House


637 227 385

groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


New on the Orihuela Costa


Orihuela-Costa, Luxury SouthWest facing apartment, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 85m2 luxury apartment, sea views, 2 terraces (18m2 and 38m2), communal swimming pool, communal gardens. 320.000 euro, Reference: 000880 Rojales, Detached villa, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 98m2 living

Camaron Sexy figured French beauty. Very discreet and private. All Services. For appointment please call:

603 143 881

Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speak English.

Property for Sale Villamartin top-floor apartment in gated complex. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Lounge / diner. Kitchen. Balcony. Lift to all floors. Communal pool in wellmaintained gardens. Roof solarium with fabulous views. € 115.000. Tel. 604 152 124 Villamartin. Second floor apartment overlooking pool and garden in gated complex. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Large kitchen. Large lounge. Balcony. Lift. Roof solarium with fabulous views. € 115.000. Tel. 604 152 124 Below is a selection of just some of the properties currently available with Spanish Riviera Homes. If you would like additional info on any of our properties below Email: or call: +34 617 537 866 La Siesta, Very cheap four bedroom, two bathroom detached Spanish villa for sale in La Siesta, Torrevieja. Four bedroom, two bathroom detached villa on a large plot. Reduced in price for a quick sale and is now selling at around €40,000 under the market value! Fully-fitted kitchen, white goods, lounge / diner, private swimming pool, fully-furnished. Ref: 000923. Euro 209,950 Torrevieja First floor apartment, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 300m from the sea, terrace with open view, 50m2 living area. 94.000 euro. Reference: 000828. Torrevieja, Fifth floor apartment, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 70m2 living area with 40m2 terrace, communal swimming pool, communal solarium, lift. 109.950 euro. Reference 000881

area, 225m2 plot, communal swimming pool. 184.950 euro. Reference: 000879 Orihuela-Costa, South-facing apartment, 2 bedrooms, communal swimming pool, communal gardens, beachside N332, high quality finishings. 74.950 euro. Reference: 000877 Rojales, Doña Pepa, Townhouse, Two bedrooms, both with terraces, in a great location.

Refurbished throughout with fully fitted kitchen. Solarium. Close to all amenities. 115,000 euro Ref: 000911 Torrevieja, Ground floor apartment, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, close to beach, shops, bars, restaurants, bus station. 64.950 euro. Reference: 000876 Torrevieja, Ground floor bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, dining room, American kitchen,

conservatory, fully furnished with air-conditioning, off-road parking, communal swimming pool. € 94.950. Reference: 000912 Orihuela-Costa Ground floor bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, South-facing, large living room with chimney, American kitchen, furnished, communal swimming pool € 144.950. Reference: 000916 Orihuela-Costa, Ground floor bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large corner garden, spacious living area, American kitchen, furnished, communal swimming pool. € 134.950. Reference: 000814



637 227 385

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

Crescendo Concert


Following on from last year’s success, Sheila has once again compiled a Charity Calendar and is hoping to beat last year’s total, which will be divided between the Royal British Legion and Alzheimer’s.

Admission is free by invitation, which can be collected from the venue, located at Calle Colon, 60, Guardamar, between 17:00-20:30 Friday, November 16 and from 17:30 on the day of the performance. Crescendo International Choir also performed at the Commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World

War I on Saturday, November 10th. The event was sponsored by the Torrevieja Branch of the Royal British Legion and was held at La Siesta Church in Torrevieja. The service was led by Father Richard Seabrook and included a variety of prayers for peace and actions of remembrance as well as many songs familiar to English people, such as God Save the Queen, Eternal Father and I Vow to Thee my Country. Crescendo Choir sang the famous Italian song Va Pensiero, the famous lament for a lost homeland written by Giuseppe Verdi. The National Anthem of Spain was also performed by the Royal British Legion Band. One highlight of the commemoration event was the singing of Bring Him Home, from Les Miserables, performed beautifully by Andrew Mirkwood.


Second Annual Charity Calendar ast year local artist Sheila Chinnock printed her first Poppy Calendar to raise money for two local charities. The idea was born on the back of the popularity of her poppy paintings with friends and neighbours and raised more than 1,200 euros.

In honor of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians, Crescendo International Choir will be performing a variety of English and Spanish songs at a concert Saturday night, November 17th at 8pm at Guardamar’s Casa de Cultural. A local choir called Aromas de Guardamar will also be singing and has kindly invited Crescendo Choir to sing at this special event. At the conclusion of the concert, both choirs will be singing the popular Spanish song Amapola together.

Sheila left the West Midlands more than 11 years’ ago to enjoy life as an expat on the Orihuela Costa. With more time on her hands, Sheila returned to her childhood passion for art and developed a love of painting. Liking her work, friends and neighbours soon asked Sheila to paint canvases and decorative tiles for them and many a living room, hall way and terrace on the coast boast her work. It can also be seen decorating the walls of the Captain’s Table at Punta Marina. Despite creating beautiful seascapes and the contemporary ‘By moonlight’ range, it is Sheila’s imaginative and carefree poppy interpretations that have captured people’s hearts and spurred the first calendar. This year’s calendar also features some of Sheila’s most popular recent poppy paintings but also images from her ‘By Moonlight’ collection. Sheila said: “If my paintings can make someone happy by raising a smile and help someone in need by raising a euro, then the calendars will have done everything I hoped.” If you would like a copy of Sheila’s Charity Calendar please call her on 608 795 095 to arrange collection and payment; the calendar’s are priced at just 5 euro.


Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018


637 227 385


Gran Alacant & La Marina Remember This year, as we commemorate 100 years since the signing of the treaty that ended the First World War, it was apposite that Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday coincided. Gran Alacant & La Marina Branch of the RBL marked this date with a bilingual Service in San Fulgencio which is the municipality for Urbanisation of La Marina. Around 200 Spanish and British worshippers followed

this open-air service, which was conducted jointly by Father Ramon Belda, and Father Richard Seabrooke SSC, who was assisted by Father Richard DunstanMeadows. The Last Post and Reveille were played by John Atkins. Heading the list of honoured guests were the Alcalde of San Fulgencio, Manuel Gomez, and Councillors Vincente Murcia, Joel Noches, and Maria Angeles Ariorte. Plus the Jefe of the Policia Local – Manuel Bailen. We are indebted to the Ayutamiento of San Fulgencio for providing facilites and sound system etc., and to the Wardens of the Parochial Church. The Gran Alacant and La Marina Branch of the Royal British Legion meets on the first Monday of each month at 6pm in Lounge D in Plaza Mayor in Gran Alacant. For more details please email: Remember, you do NOT have to be ex-services to join the RBL.

You need to see The Wiz! It’s almost show time and members of STUDIO32 are in the last stages of rehearsals for their winter musical. The Wiz is a modern take on that classic show The Wizard of Oz. Winner of 7 Tony Awards including Best Musical, the show features all those well-known characters – Dorothy, Lion, Scarecrow, Tin Man, the Wizard, and the witches - but with some fabulous new soul, blues and gospel songs. Addaperle, the Good Witch of the North, is a scatty witch whose magical powers are not all they seem to be. So when Dorothy asks her for help to get back to Kansas she realises this is too much for her, and gives Dorothy some good advice – you need to see the Wiz! The role of Addaperle the Good Witch of the North is being played by Lynn Preston (pictured). Lynn is a relative newcomer to STUDIO32 having joined this year to take part in their recent production of Chicago. She has demonstrated a particular talent for comedic parts, and brings a unique portrayal to the character of Addaperle that will enchant audiences young and old. STUDIO32 are proud and delighted to be supporting local charities once again with this production, and look forward to giving lots more money with donations

from this show. Show dates are Wednesday November 28th to Saturday December 1st at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio, all performances start at 7.30pm with doors open 7pm. Reserved seating tickets are now on sale, priced at 10 euros, and can be obtained by calling 744 48 49 33, or by emailing Current seating availability for each performance is available on their website . Tickets are in great demand for this show so be sure to book your seat now for what promises to be a spectacular evening’s entertainment.

Knights in Tights T he good wizard Merlin does battle with the very evil Morgan Le Fay and her band of Evil Sisters to see who wins the hand of Princess Guinevere….will it be Prince Arthur of Camelot or Valerin the Vicious, King of the Tangled Wood (who is always with his mum!)

Whoever wins the hand of the fair princess you can be sure of lots of boos, oohs and aahs and a great deal of laughter with lots of audience participation. Will Merlin find the magical cure to eternal youth...... or the right love potion to give to Guinevere, and will she drink it before someone (or something) else? There are knights in tights and songs to be sung all put together in a very funny plot in the castle of CAMELOT, not forgetting a very funny dancing bear called TEDDY. Don’t miss out, come along and join us for an evening of fun and laughter at the Esculela De Musica Y Cultura in Los Montesinos on JANUARY 17th and 18th at 7.30 or Saturday Matinee on the 19th at 2.30pm Tickets are 7€ adults, 5€ children and can be purchased at the following outlets – Card Place, Benimar. Post Box, Dona Pepa. Post Room,

Benijofar. Quentins, Algorfa. Redz, Quesada. Cards and More, La Marina. Ticket Hotline 678 212 034. Proceeds to local charities



637 227 385

Alicante Leprosy sanatorium fights against false myths In 2017, 8 new cases of leprosy were detected in Spain and 215,000 in the rest of the world. It also exists in Alicante, which accommodates the largest sanatorium in Europe and from where the staff fight against false myths. The San Francisco de Borja Sanatorium is part of the non-profit association Fontilles. It is a complex of buildings that function as a geriatric and rehabilitation centre in Alicante, and it is also the national centre for leprosy care and research. It is set in one of the most beautiful parts of the Alicante Province: the municipality of Vall de Laguar, in the Marina Alta. This area is well known among mountaineers for its Barranc de l'Infern and the route known as "the trekking cathedral". Abilio, who lives in the centre, is 75 years old, but he seems a lot younger: his energy, joy and sense of humour keep him young. He is a simple and modest person, always ready to lend a hand where it is most needed. He was diagnosed with leprosy at only 17 years of age at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona in 1960. These were times when families abandoned small children, when information was scarce and the public based their knowledge of the disease on too many false myths. Today, seven decades later, misinformation has not improved. The general public still has little information of the disease and prefer to shut it away as though it doesn’t exist. Leprosy is a disease that sounds old, most people basing their knowledge on the film Ben Hur (cinema has done a lot of damage). However, it still exists: it has not yet been eradicated in Spain, much less in the rest of the world. According to data from Fontilles, in 2017 eight new cases were detected in Spain: Madrid (2), País Vasco (2), Aragón (1), Catalunya (1), Galicia (1) and Navarra (1). In addition, there were 24 people receiving treatment across the Spanish territory. According to the World Health Organisation, however, it has been eradicated in Spain, which considers it to be the case when

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018 there is less than one case per 10,000 inhabitants.


The San Francisco de Borja Sanatorium in Alicante

in Fontilles there are currently 23 residents who have suffered the disease in the past. All are now "inactive" and are completely cured of leprosy although treatment to ensure there is no return continues. So why are they still in the centre? Doctor José Ramón Gómez, the medical director of leprosy in Fontilles, says that it is because they have been "rejected by society and by their families" and they have made the place their home. “in their day here was no adequate medication" and here they are controlled. Let's go back to Abilio, who has a thousand stories to tell. He has lived in the Fontilles since the 50s. He refuses to say which period was better or worse, but he does recall that during the Franco regime, when there were about 700 people with leprosy, women and men slept in different buildings. It was forbidden to marry and it was actually illegal for them to have physical contact. After five years in Fontilles, Abilio was completely healed, although he lost a good part sensitivity of his skin. He was able to return to his native town, Vinaròs where he worked as a delivery driver in the and married. He never spoke of leprosy to avoid rejection: "Some members of my family did not know but now I talk about it all the time, I do not have taboos. In fact, he currently boasts of the large number of friends he has on Facebook. He told his wife, a German tourist, of the disease on "the first day" they met, but she did not care, and they were married for 43 years. They had a son and then a grandchild. "Both healthy," he stresses. He didn’t return to Fontilles for over 40 years because "he was fine and normal", but two years ago his wife died and so as not to be alone, he decided that he would be better off if he returned to the sanatorium that gave him a new life. "What could I do if I had remained in my village? It scares me, "he says. At Fontilles he feels at home, he helps others and he can assist them with their specialised cures: "Here I am comfortable and here I will stay ... if they do not throw me out!". "I do not have to provide any

explanations, they know that I'm sick but here I am protected. This disease keeps you very remote from people, it's a very reserved disease because it's scary to talk about it, "he says. "But this is paradise for me: there could be nowhere better for me to live than here, no matter how good it is. You are free, you go out when you want, you go to sleep and you get up when you want, if you do not like your food you go to a restaurant ... What could be better than that? ". What he likes least about the current sanatorium is that "there are a lot of older people and only a few young people." As it is time for us to leave he says goodbye with a smile and a firm handshake. "Come back another day and we will talk again when you have more time!" He Abilio is now back in the centre says.


Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

Vistabella Bowls Club

Country Bowls

by Lynne Bishop

by Geoff Paylor

SAL Enterprise League Albatrosses played the MonteMar Matadors and took them to a 10-2 defeat with some high scoring games, a great home win. VB 106(10) - 60(2) MM.

The Vista Bella Buggies were our visitors on Monday. Riding top of the league and with strength in depth the Flamingos had their work cut out.

The Drivers were also at home playing La Marina Explorers, they had two wins but most games were very close. VB 74(4) - 89(8) LM. Discovery League Toreadors were away at MonteMar where they did really well and were rewarded with eight points for three winning rinks and the overall shots. VB 82(8) - 77(4) MM. Voyager League Buggies travelled south to Country Bowls for a top of the league clash with the Flamingos. We won on three rinks to maintain our number 1 position. VB 102(8) - 75(4) CB. WINTER LEAGUE. A draw for the team this week, playing at home against Benitachell we had two with a very high score which resulted in us winning the extra two points for the shots . VB 92(6) - 79(6) BBC. The Berleen team played very well and won their game. Southern league results will be updated next week. Congratulations are in order to Carol & Gary Thorpe who won the Bonalba Australian Pairs last weekend...well done.

Calpe Bowls Club

After a very hard mornings work the results were as follows: Rink 4 Brenda Jiggins, Lynne Bryce and Dennis Birkett 22 – 16, Rink 5 John Jukes, Derek Jiggins and Geoff Paylor 28 – 13 This secured us 4 points which might have extended to 6 had the team of Ben Noke, Pat Emmett and Ray Emmett had a little more luck just losing out 13 – 16. Well done team Flamingos. For any queries or information on Country Bowls please visit our website

La Marina Bowls Club Funny report this week will have to tell you about Friday’s games next week but here’s one from last week, Naughty, Naughty. Not the best result, Merlins lost 10 – 2 to Emerald Isle Outlaws. Our one bright light was John Withers with the Quiet man, Dave McGaw and Reg Jackson 17 – 15. This week started well with two wins, one in the Enterprise Div where the Explorers beat the Vistabella Drivers away 8 – 4. The Fowkes and Steve Douglas won 27 – 11, Alex Whyte with Mike Smith and Janet Parsons a closer 18 -15 and last but very much not least Maureen Kidd took her three of Jim Reeves and Roger Stacey to an even closer 17 – 15 victory. In the Discovery Div the Pathfinders had a great win against the Mazarron Miners. Playing at home we took their lamps out with a 10 – 2 victory. John Withers on form again with Mike Lowe and Jean Tregoing winning by 16 shots.

It took a while for teams (drawn triples) to get into the pattern of playing 3 ends and then the winners moving "up" the rinks and the losers moving in the opposite direction, so giving the teams new opponents, and some teams moved further than others depending on their success, or not! As with every other remembrance celebration we stood in silence and individual contemplation for a minute at 11:00 before continuing with play. By 2:00 we were all in the restaurant looking forward to our Sunday lunch. The meal was excellent and Kevin and the Casa Ventura staff as friendly and efficient as ever; who could not enjoy good food and the company of good friends. South Alicante League Monday 12th SL Klingons v SM Beagles; as expected a close fought away match, with Keith's team and Ian's team both picking up 1 shot on the last end (as the last to finish Ian

Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club Sponsored by The Pub, Bowling Abroad, Avalon, Lounge D, Rogers, La Piazza and The Belfry. TOREADORS - Monday November 12th Monte Mar Toreadors v Vistabella Eagles At home to the Eagles the Toreadors won on two rinks. Well done to Jan Soars, Jan Gatward skip Phil Goble. Dave Roberts, Wendy

by Barry Latham

John Rae , the Quiet man again and Reg Jackson won 20 – 13. John Morgan, a great win with Dave Taylor and Desna Lowe 21 – 7 and finally Barry Sadler, Paul Tregoing and Mo Taylor were all brilliant and won 29 – 8. Winter League next and only managed to get three points to their nine. Mind you I believe television reporters lost us one rink !!!! The Fowkes and Parsons had a great game winning by one shot 16 – 15. On the other hand all the excitement was on Rink two on the last end. Allegedly (important word) Dave O’Sullivan’s rink had played well especially Anne Stone according to the opposition plus Mike and Carol Smith and on the last end with LM two up on the board and two down on the head. they were interfered with by the tele people, lifting a bowl up, kneeling on the green, taking photos and really putting off the Skip. It ended up 14- 14. Hope you saw the Club on the tele on Wednesday.

San Luis Bowls Club Sunday 11th November was a beautiful morning, warm, sunny and calm with blue skies; a truly special day for the ARMISTICE DAY CENTENNIAL celebration. 42 players took part in the fun bowling competition organised so efficiently as usual by Suzi Cooper.

Calpe Bowls Club Centenary Armistice Service. In beautiful Autumn sunshine members of Calpe Bowls Club paused their Sunday morning roll-up just before 11:00am for the Centenary Remembrance Service which started with member Andrea De Kunst playing the last post on her althorn, followed by a two minute silence allowing time for reflecting on all those who lost their lives in WW1 and all other wars. Club president Alan Edwards then read the poem In Flanders Fields by John McCrae which was followed by Julien, one of our Belgium friends reading a verse for all the Belgium people in attendance. Senior club member Ted Campbell and a Belgian representative then carried a wreath and laid it between the flags of the United Kingdom and Belgium. The service on the bowling green, being located next to the beach promenade, was viewed by a large group of Belgian nationals as well as visitors of other nationalities. Video link: Link to pics:

with Sheila Cammack

nearly made it 2 for a draw) which secured the shots win 74-73, points 6-6. Winners: William Holtham, Sabrina & Russell Marks 2315, Colin Jackson, June & Keith Jones 17-10. SM Trekkers away v SM Alsations also had a tough game 68 shots 97, 4pts-8. Winners: Pat Bird, Allen Bowen, Les Bedford 21-12, Shirley Verity, Jo & Jules Pering 16-12. SL Vulcans home v SM Pointers had a good result 8pts-4, 84 shots76. Winners: Dennis Jackson, Sue Ross, Brenda Brown 21-11, Ian Ross, Ray Watmough, Malcolm Ayton 17-13, Steve Rossiter, Bob Bromley, Ken Dullaway 22-11. SL Romulans: BYE. Wednesday 14th Winter League: San Luis away v La Marina had a good result: 9 pts-3, shots 108-70. Winners: Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 22-14, Jan Pocock, Keith Phillips, Dave Blackie, Scott Malden 14-14, Shirley Verity, Ray Clarke, Sabrina & Russ Marks 19-17, Pam Lockett, June Jones, Peter McEneany, Keith Jones 38-9. SLBC information, club website: or contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691 903 773. Sheridan skip Bill Webster. Shots Toreadors 83 – 77 Eagles, Points Toreadors 4 – 8 Eagles Monte Mar Matadors v Vistabella Albatrosses Away to the Albatrosses the Matadors only managed to win on one rink. Well done to the winning rink of Paula Cleeter, Wendy Oxley, skip Don Cleeter. Shots Matadors 60 – 106 Albatrosses, Points Matadors 2 – 10 Albatrosses


637 227 385


SOUTH ALICANTE WINTER TRIPLES League Tables Week 5 - 12th November ENTERPRISE DIVISION Vistabella Albatrosses 106 (10) Vistabella Drivers 74 (4) San Miguel Beagles 73 (6) San Miguel Alsations 97 (8) Emerald Isle Titans 79 (4) Quesada Diamonds 97 (8)

Monte Mar Matadors 60 (2) La Marina Explorers 89 (8) San Luis Klingons 74 ( 6) San Luis Trekkers 68 (4) Quesada Pearls 104 (8) La Siesta Apollos 73 (4)

P W D L O/W Emerald Isle Titans 5 18 1 6 4 Vistabella Albatrosses 5 16 2 7 4 San Luis Klingons 5 16 0 9 4 Quesada Pearls 5 14 1 10 4 San Miguel Beagles 5 13 1 11 2 La Marina Explorers 5 12 1 12 3 Vistabella Drivers 5 11 0 14 3 La Siesta Apollos 5 12 0 13 2 San Miguel Alsations * 5 11 0 14 2 San Luis Trekkers 5 9 1 15 1 Quesada Diamonds 5 7 1 17 1 Monte Mar Matadors 5 7 0 18 0 * 2 ) deducted for failing to field a full side

Diff 166 68 89 43 78 35 14 -19 -10 -98 -134 -232

Pts 45 42 40 37 31 31 28 28 24 21 17 14

DISCOVERY DIVISION Monte Mar Torreadors 77 (4) La Marina Pathfinders 112 (10) Greenlands Maples 87 (4) Greenlands Sycamores 88 (8) El Rancho Pintos 154 (12) Quesada Rubies 63 (2)

La Marina Pathfinders El Rancho Pintos Greenlands Sycamores Emerald Isle Neptunes Greenlands Maples San Miguel Dalmations Mazarron Mariners Emerald Isle Moonrakers Monte Mar Torreadors Quesada Rubies Horadada Falcons Vistabella Eagles

P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Vistabella Eagles 82 (8) Mazarron Mariners 56 (2) Horadada Falcons 88 (8) San Miguel Dalmations 99 (4) Em Isle Moonrakers 44 (0) Em Isle Neptunes 100 (10) W 18 17 16 13 16 14 12 9 10 7 7 5

D 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 3 2 0

L 6 6 9 10 9 11 13 14 15 15 16 20

O/W 5 4 3 4 2 4 3 2 0 1 1 1

Diff 119 175 41 85 82 58 -24 -93 -50 -129 -104 -160

Pts 47 44 38 36 36 36 30 24 20 19 18 12

VOYAGER DIVISION Emerald Isle Saturns 82 (6) Country Bowls Fl’goes 75 (4) San Luis Vulcans 84 (8) La Siesta Sputniks 98 (10) La Siesta Pioneers 89 (10) San Luis Romulans Bye

Greenlands Chestnuts 77 (6) Vistabella Buggies 102 (8) San Miguel Pointers 76 (4) El Rancho Raiders 71 (2) El Rancho Palaminos 78 (2)

P W D L Vistabella Buggies 5 18 1 6 Country Bowls Flamingos 5 15 0 10 La Siesta Pioneers 5 13 0 12 Greenlands Chestnuts 5 14 0 11 La Siesta Sputniks 5 13 1 11 El Rancho Raiders 4 12 1 7 San Miguel Pointers 4 11 0 9 San Luis Vulcans 4 10 0 10 Emerald Isle Saturns * 5 10 2 13 San Luis Romulans 4 4 0 16 El Rancho Palaminos * 4 2 1 17 * 2 ) deducted for failing to field a full side

O/W 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0

Diff 234 82 44 -5 -48 1 95 -2 -29 -240 -132

Pts 47 38 34 32 31 29 26 24 24 8 3

WINTER LEAGUE - Wednesday November 14th Monte Mar v Greenlands We were away to Greenlands this week and had a very tough game. Only winning on one rink and narrowly losing by two shots on another. Winning rink Gina Hindle, Pauline Woodfine, Danny King skip Barrie Woodfine 23 – 14 six shots. Well done to Shots Monte Mar 72 – 100 Greenlands. Points Monte Mar 2 – 10 Greenlands.



637 227 385

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

San Miguel Golf Society Mar Menor 14th November, 2018 Mar Menor is quite possibly SMGS members’ generally preferred course of those managed by GNK, due to it having not quite so many bunkers or as much pampas grass as the others, and being relatively short. However, it has its difficulties, with some holes closely bordered by water and well protected greens. Some difficult pin positions, slowish putting surfaces and a gusting wind added to the complexity for the 40 members and 2 guests taking on the course and, whilst scoring was good overall, only 3 players, all low handicappers playing in the Gold Category, beat their handicaps. Richard McCann had the day’s best return by some distance, scoring 40 points. Results, by Category and in reverse order, were the following: Bronze Category: 5th Neil Oliver (34 on CB), 4th Chris Hamblett (34 on CB), 3rd Mick Seymour (34 on CB), 2nd Mike Jordan (34 on CB) and 1st Norman McBride with 36 points. Silver Category: 5th Brian Mulligan (33), 4th George Brown (34 on

CB), 3rd Noel Connellan (34 on CB), 2nd Kyrre Skarsmoen (35) and first Ken Flaherty with 36 points. Gold Category: 5th Noel Bannon (35 on CB), 4th Phil de Lacy (35 on CB), 3rd Russell Bailey (37 on CB), 2nd Theo Boelhouwer (37 on CB) and 1st, with the day’s best score (and so a Ray Seaman donated gift), Richard McCann with 40 points. Nearest the pins (sponsored by Property Shop): Hole 2 Gerald Bannon, Hole 8 Darren Hancock, Hole 14 Brian Mulligan, Hole 18 Spencer Andrews. Abacus (sponsored by Mike Kaylor): Gary Beechey Best Guest Winner: Kevin Toner Our thanks go to all Mar Menor staff for their contribution to a very enjoyable day. Next week we will be at La Torre, then on following weeks at El Valle and Lo Romero. Keep up to date with all SMGS matters by logging on to our website or simply give Captain Tony Smale a call on 628227687.


Spain and Norway stalemate Spain and Norway shared a goalless draw at the Pinatar arena last week in the opener for the Under 19 International tournament being played at the venue. There were a number of La Liga players in the Spain X1 including valencianista Ferrán Torres of Valencia and the Barcelonist Abel Ruiz. Coach Santi Denia said that his team had the best of the play but just couldn’t find the edge against a dogged Norway defence.

Las Salinas Winter Petanca League

Silver winners: George Brown, Brian Mulligan, Kyrre Skarsmoen, Ken Flaherty.

Phew! What a Day for SAAM 10 boats and their crews turned out for the SAMM race day on November 4th, the most for a day in the Autumn season. Again the format was for Average Lap Racing with the majority wanting a race time of 75 minutes. The wind was a light westerly of 4-6 knots when the race started and all boats got away well except little Rosita with Mick on board who was 3 minutes late over the line and the Sailfish ‘Sirocco’, Nik, Leon and Trefor, who eventually gave up trying and did not start. The ‘Omega’, Brian and Kent’ soon took the lead hotly pursued by the others and there were some exciting moments as various boats jostled for position when rounding the marks. In the light wind, which had backed to the south west by the finish, the fastest boats completed 6 and the slowest 3 laps. The winner was ‘Omega”, Brian and Kent, just 1.45 seconds ahead of Don in the Hartley 12.2. During the lunch break the wind went fully south, so blowing straight onshore, and started to build reaching 10 plus knots as the boats were trying to launch and get out to the start line. This required some very quick tacks back and forth across the channel, with the ‘Omega’ and Topaz getting in each other’s way. When the ‘Omega’ finally

got out she unexpectedly turned back and did not compete. By the 2.30pm start the wind had veered back to SW and increase to at least 12 knots and the waves started to build. Another great start by all boats which were flying around the course so fast the Race Officer had the support boat move a buoy to increase the length of lags 2 and 3. Again there was some close competition throughout the race, especially as the faster boats were lapping the slower. Close to the race end ‘Sirocco’ failed to go through the start/finish gate and, despite being alerted to the fact surprisingly carried on, she had to be disqualified. The ‘Topaz’ capsized 3 times in quick succession but Julian managed to right her each time and continue to finish the race. Then the Hartley 12.2 capsized right on the last mark before finishing. Don managed to get her back up twice but could not for the

Well it is that time of the year again now the winter petanca league has started. 2 weeks into the season Franco Belgas Justin and Los Bandidos have both got 2 wins apiece and share top spot in 1A. In League 1B Rocajuna are top closely followed by Las Filipinas Hawks. Robert Hudson & Ian Sinclair third time as some of the lines had become tangled. A great shame after such a great race. He had become very cold, and had to be taken aboard the support boat, which also took his boat in tow, and bought both safely back to shore. All thanks to those on duty, helm Martin and crew Dave and Graeme. In the increased wind five boats completed 8 laps and the other two finishers 6. The winner was the largest boat competing Lavanter, Robert and Ian, with the smallest boat Rosita a close second.

In League 2A Danish Dynamite lead the table by 3 points after being relegated last year. In 2 nd place is La Rosaleda after being promoted last year. In 2b league Rocajuana Devils are in 1st place followed by Amigos Belgas. Down to 3A were Blagul 3 head the table with Danish Friends and Los Bandidos 2 are in pursuit. Over to 3B were El Rancho Rustlers head the table with Boulero con Sal are in 2nd place. During the course of this year the league has been running a few competitions for our chosen charity, all the money made is given to charity. A competition was held last Sunday which was a ladies doubles and they showed the men how to play. This was special because it was armistice day. In 1st place was Vera and Chris from Franco belgas, 2nd place Norma and Janet from Rojales / el Rancho 3·rd Place went to Falcon 2 Dumont and Bezine. Many thanks to all that supported the charity up to now we have raised 750 euros. By Linda Haymes


Costa Blanca Green Fee s vcs Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. ‘Emotional Intelligence’ Over recent years Dr Karl Morris of the European Tour has worked with Darren Clarke and other prominent golfers on the philosophy of ‘emotional intelligence’ Just what is this ‘emotional intelligence’ Those of you who follow top-level golf will recognise Darren Clarke as an exceptionally talented golfer but who is fiery and hot tempered. In essence at time his head used to come off after a few bad shots or bad breaks and this reflected in his score. The old adage that you should keep your head while others are losing theirs is a display of emotional intelligence or signifies your emotional IQ. Remember that high emotion out on the golf course usually reflects in high scores. We are not just talking here of the high emotions caused by bad shots but also but those caused by attempting to play like Tiger Woods after a few good pars. What you need to do is exactly the same as Captain Kirk in Star Trek and remain in the ‘Neutral Zone’ and do not make your highs too high and your lows too low. Here are five techniques which will help you to raise your emotional IQ: Mentally draw a line 10 yards in front of your ball and as you pass it your last shot is over, finished, done and history. Enjoy the time that you have between shots. Fully exhale after each shot to clear the air and the mind. Be aware of the tempo of your swing and walking pace and avoid doing both too fast, particularly after bad shots. Hum or sing to yourself between shots because it slows down your active mind and helps put you back into neutral gear. If you can practise emotional intelligence on the golf course and improve your emotional IQ you will the improvements in your score. Will it stop you hitting bad golf shots? The answer is no because golf is a difficult and complicated game but it will stop you hitting bad shots because of the way you think or due to the fact you lose your head on the golf course. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you until 30/11/18:

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018


637 227 385


The Med Bar Golf Society @ Altorreal Andrew Kelso Memorial Trophy

For this special occasion we choose to play Altorreal and as usual the course was in excellent condition. 32 members turned out for what was a special day. Steve, the owner of the med bar put on refreshment`s for on the course, provided the prizes for the outing and put on a lovely buffet which all players and partners fully appreciated, many thanks from us all. The winner of the trophy, Ray Muttock is pictured with Steve Individual stapleford competition results: Winner: Ray Muttock – 39 points, Runner up on count back with 36 points – Paul Owens, In 3rd place John Goulder Nearest the pin in 2 on par 4 - Geoff Ashton Blind pairs winners: John Goulder & Paul Owens (drawn together out of the hat) Nearest the pins: Eric Owens X 2, Andy Trefry & Phil Harris 2`s club winners: no winners so rolled over to next outing Football card winners: Dave capper, 365, John Goulder & Ray Muttock Thanks to Steve and his staff at the Med Bar and Bistro, our next outing is at Alenda on 26/11/18

The winner of the trophy, Ray Muttock is pictured with Steve

Anyone wishing to join our society is welcome and we can either be contacted by e-mail at: or pop into the bar where all details can be left and we will get in touch with you

Paddy’s Point Golf Society at Romero For the first time in a quite a while we held our monthly outing at Lo Romero Golf and this proved very popular with the members. The course was in excellent condition and the rain had the decency to allow us a ‘dry’ round, however we did leave a substantial numbers of balls in the water at the 18th. On our return to the pub we were served up a delicious meal which was very much appreciated by us all, thank you Hazel, Rory and all the staff at Paddy’s Point. NTP - Geoffrey Purcell, Arthur Lambe, Sean McCarthy & Ted Duffy. Longest Drive - Neil O’Dowd & Myra Coull. Best Guest John Stapleton 38pts. 2’s pot winners - John Batterby, Eldon Carey & Geoffrey Purcell. 3rd place Eldon Carey 34ptsc/b, 2nd John Batterby 35pts Winner of the Caledonia Trophy - Maxie McBrien 36pts. Next Outing is to El aValle on 12th December.

Golf Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio Font Del Llop La Finca La Marquesa La Serena Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lo Romero New Sierra Golf Roda Villamartin Villaitana Poniente Vistabella

Price €145 €138 €90 €120 €110 €112 €134 €128 €45 €41 €99 €104 €134 €80 €110 €110 €62 €106

Comments Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy from12pm. Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Sgle Green Fee from 1pm weekdays Single Green Fee (after 2pm) Single Green fee Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Green Fees and Buggy Two Players and Buggy (from 3pm) Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee and Buggy Two Players and Buggy

Italicised entries reflect price changes. For Bookings and info Mike at quoting the reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

Lo Crispin Golf Society at Altorreal Altorreal Golf Course was the venue at which we competed for our last 'Major' of the year, the Nominated Pairs (a 2 ball better ball competition). Most members usually enjoy playing at Altorreal, as the Course is almost always in good condition.

Vistabella on 21st. November. Anyone interested in joining the Society or having a game with us as a guest, should contact any member of the Committee, whose contact details can be found on the Society's website.

Today was no exception, even though rain prior to teeing off softened up the fairways a little. As a consequence also of the rain, buggies, except for blue flag holders were restricted to the paths only. By the time of our first tee time the rain had stopped, and the little or no wind resulted in near perfect playing conditions.

By Steve Harrington (Membership and Handicap Secretary)

As the Lo Crispin Tavern was closed for staff annual holidays, after the game we went to Silverstone’s Bar and Restaurant in the nearby urbanisation of Montebello, where the prizes for the day were distributed. The staff at Silverstone’s were very attentive and treated us to delicious Tapas. The prize-winners were as follows: 1st. Place and winners of the Nominated Pairs Trophy - Rob McDowell and Ron Perkins with 38 pts. 2nd. Place - Janet and John Dunnion with 37pts.

British Legion Vouchers Still Available for Purchase The following vouchers are still available for sale with all proceeds going to the British Legion: Alicante (valid from 19/11/18) 2 players and buggy €85 Alenda (valid from 03/12/18) 2 players,no buggy €80 El Plantio (open validity) 2 players, no buggy €80 Roda (valid from 15/11/18) 2 players and buggy €85 An ideal Birthday or Christmas gifts.

3rd. Place - Ian Stuart and Andy Quinn with 36 pts. (on count back) N T P's on Par 3s : Hole 8 - Andy Quinn, Hole 11 - Barney Barningham, Hole 17 - Ray Moles The 2s pot was shared by Andy Quinn, Ian Stuart and Paul Carter. Free Game Draw was won by Tony White. The next Main Game is a 4 person Texas Scramble at Las Ramblas on 28th. November. The next interim game is at




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Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018

Ladies Darts raise over 800 euro for Poppy Appeal Founders Shield - Week 10 Results: Wildcats at Macklin’s 7 - 16 Friendly's Chicas Gap Ladies 14 - 7 Macklin’s Dolly Mixt Friendly's Temps 12 - 13 Black Dog Ladies El Balcon Chicas 12 - 11 Primadonnas GAME RESULTS (Wk 10) Gap Ladies Macklin’s Dolly Mixtures El Balcon Chicas Friendly’s Chicas Friendly's Temps Black Dog Ladies Wildcats at Macklin’s Primadonnas

P 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Legs(p) Legs(s) Pts 47 106 153 45 79 124 43 79 122 43 75 118 35 76 111 38 66 104 25 48 73 28 36 64

Hot Darts Week 6: Pat Woods 133, Sue Cam 128, Ann Wharton 123, Caroline Shepherd 117 x 2m Denise Groves116, Caroline Shepherd 115, Jenny Benfield 114, Mitch Halliday 111, Sheelah Cooper 108, Veronica Hughes 108, Jackie Tomkinson 108, Bliss Wright 102 Hot 100’s: Beatty Powell 2, Ellie Attwood, Sue Cam, Maureen Church, Gail Murray, Elain Willis 1 Highest Checkouts to date: Lin Cousins 104, Patricia Woods 94, Cynthia Jevons 90, Pam Horton 90, Pat Woods 84 (week 10) Least Darts: Cynthia Jevons 25 (week 6)

Didnt the ladies do well? Chapman and Matt from the New Tavern for a fantastic buffet, donations and all your dedication to the event. Together we raised more than €815 for the British Legion Poppy Appeal and everyone seemed to enjoy it and want to make it an annual event! Winners and Runners Up

Ozone Tuesday Trios 13 November - Week 8 Crazy Pinz Med Bistro & Bar 999's X-Factor Cruiserz Splash

0-8 2-6 2-6 6-2 4-4 0-8 8-0

Handicap Team Finland S***t Happens Splash Med Bistro & Bar Cruiserz Cafetería Octubre Mixers S’set Beach Crazy Pinz Las Guapas Los Bandidos Los Diablos X Factor 999’s

Pts 49 48 44 40 38 36 34 30 30 30 26 25 18

Top Performers Hi/Game: Ladies


Chemies Loungers Fire Station Green Watch Hub Hellraisers Junction Jaguars Las Rosas Bullies Patti’s Panthers Pint Depot Queens The Ale House

El Capitan Junction Jackals Hub Hyenas The Ale House Las Rosas Bullies Patti’s Pirates Chemies Loungers Fire Station BW Junction Jaguars Patti’s Panthers Pint Depot Jesters Pint Depot Queens Angels Arrows Chemies Chicks Fire Station GW Hub Hellraisers Hub Hellraisers

P 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6

4-8 2-10 1-11 2-10 9-3 7-5 7-5 4-8 W 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

D 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

El Capitan Patti’s Pirates Fire Station Black Watch Hub Hyenas Angels Arrows Pint Depot Jesters Chemies Chicks Junction Jackals L 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 5

F 66 59 66 51 55 54 44 43 37 36 31 31 28 25 25 21 20

A 18 25 18 33 29 30 40 41 47 48 53 53 56 59 59 63 52

+/48 34 48 18 26 24 4 2 -10 -12 -22 -22 -28 -34 -34 -42 -32

Pts 14 13 12 11 10 9 7 7 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2

Fire Station Green Watch v Patti’s Panthers Fire Station Green Watch were hosts to Patti’s Pirates this week, it was an enjoyable evening for both teams, although Patti’s Pirates dominated most of the games, thanks to a strong influence by Sid Cross. All three triples and all three double went to Patti’s Pirates, even

Scratch Team Finland Cafetería Octubre Splash Mixers S’set Beach Med Bistro & Bar Cruiserz S***t Happens Crazy Pinz Los Bandidos Los Diablos X Factor Las Guapas 999’s

Sunrise Colegias Pin Pushers Alley Gators Strike Force S***T Happens The Bandits

EURONICS THURSDAY DART LEAGUE Thursday 8th November- Results Week 6

Cafetería Octubre Mixers Sunset Beach S***t Happens Las Guapas Los Diablos Team Finland Los Bandidos

By Tracey Betteridge

Michael Le Blond (84, 82), Roger Phipps (140, 81, 100) and Viv Perryman (83) was no match for Patti’s Pirates Ray Sanderson (85, 100), Brian Nash (98), Sid Cross (81, 81, 85, 140, 81), Ray Hayes (100, 100), Yvonne Rouffignae (100, 123), Graham Todd (93, 95). A special mention to Fire Station Green Watch only two winners Tracey Betteridge (91) D13 and Ralph Christie D8 taking the first and third singles. Patti’s Pirates again stole the show with Graham Todd (83), Sid Cross (140, 80) D20, Ray Sanderson (112, 85), Yvonne Rouffignae (85,100, 85) D4, Peter Ayres D12 and Brian Nash (89) D6. MOTM: Roger Phipps (Fire Station Green Watch), Sid Cross (Patti’s Panthers) Las Rosas Bullies v Angels Arrows Although the score looks like an easy match for Las Rosas Bullies several of the legs could have gone either way, as both teams strived for their doubles. John won the first triples leg with D3, followed by Sam hitting D7. Angels hit back with Paul hitting D2 after Phil scoring a140. Rosas then took all three doubles with Antonios D15, Steph D16 and Cris D1 in their respective legs. Cris also hit a 120. Rosas won four of the single matches giving them a 9-3 victory. There were some fine singles with players scoring 100 or above. Antonio was top man winning man of the match for Las Rosas with a brilliant 180. MOTM: Antonio Garcia (Las Rosas Bullies), Phil Waller (Angels Arrows) Pint Depot Queens v Chemies Chicks Well, what a long night, both the Queens & the Chicks were getting frustrated as their darts seemed to be misbehaving badly this week. Thank heavens for the D1 no bust rule as 5 of the matches ended up in the madhouse. Lorraine & Marie got the first two legs for the home team giving the Queens a confidence boost. But by the time the very stewed stew was served it was even with three legs to each team. In the sin-

Pins / Games / Av 13.290 / 72 – 184 11.620 / 63 - 184 13.219 / 72 - 183 12.611 / 72 - 175 12.440 / 72 - 172 11.911 / 69 - 172 11.690 / 72 - 162 11.346 / 72 - 157 11.321 / 72 - 157 11.251 / 72 – 156 25 11.082 / 72-153 10.364 / 72 - 143 9.813 / 72 - 136

Cadena Sunrise Bowling 14 November - Week 9

Poppy Day Darts Competition Congratulations to Matt Robson and Mitch Halliday (plus stand-in Bliss Wright), who won the competition and to Andy Gildea and Beatty Powell, runners up. Well done to all the fancy dressers too especially Gail Murray and Christine Pattison. A big thank you to everyone who came to support and take part, donate raffle prizes and volunteer to chalk on the day (Ernie Halliday, Mel Bettell, Gina Woods). A huge thank you to Roxie



2 4 2 2 6 2


6 4 6 6 2 6

Sol Amigos Spare Bears The Spares Pin Pals 999's Alley Cats

Hi/Game+H/Cap: Hi/Series: Hi/Series+H/Cap:

Lynne Ailsby Lynne Ailsby Lynne Ailsby Lynne Ailsby

202 222 557 617

Hi/Game: Hi/Game+H/Cap: Hi/Series: Hi/Series+H/Cap

Baz Mitchell Baz Mitchell Baz Mitchell Baz Mitchell

237 273 545 653

Team P W D L Tot Ave Pts Spare Bears 27 25 0 11 14791 547 50 Sol Amigos 27 24 0 12 14967 554 48 Pin Pushers 27 22 0 14 14697 544 44 S***T Happens 27 21 0 15 14925 552 42 Strike Force 27 21 0 15 14902 551 42 The Spares 27 17 1 18 14431 534 35 Pin Pals 27 14 1 21 14520 537 29 Sunrise Colegias 27 14 0 22 14599 540 28 Alley Gators 27 12 0 24 14102 522 24 999's 27 11 0 25 14388 532 22 The Bandits 27 9 0 27 14040 520 18 Anyone that requires any merchandise/equipment from the pro Shop email Gary Walsh at gles Lorraine, Debbie, Ali & Lynn bagged the first four points to confirm a victory. Then as Thursday turned into Friday, Henni & Susan then took the last two legs for the visitors. Some great darts and high scores from Marie 100, Ali 84, Henni119, Susan 118. MOTM: Alison Wando (Pint Depot Queens), Susan Collins (Chemies Chicks) Hub Hellraisers v Fire Station Black Watch The Hellraisers were fired up after their win last week and were ready to take on Fire Station Black Watch. Unfortunately, things didn't go quite to plan! Although there were several high scores from both teams, and all but two games going down to the double, only one double went Hellraisers way with Gill finishing on D7. The other games were Barry D2 and D2, Paul D3 and D15, John D4 and D20, Les D1 and D2, Kevin D1 and D20, Gena D1. MOTM: Sue Spiers (Hub Hellraisers}, Barry Shingler (Fire Station Black Watch)



637 227 385

Monday 19th - Sunday 25th November, 2018


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