The Leader Newspaper Edition 850

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No 850 Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January 2021

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 17 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper


he EU has been told by Pfizer that it will be cutting back on the production of it’s vaccine with immediate effect.


However, what the laboratory has not said publicly is just how any reduction will

affect Spain. Nonetheless, it would seem that the government has been informed, with confirmation that the reduction will leave Spain in receipt of little more than half of that originally promised.

Specifically, only 56% of the promisednumber of doses are still guaranteed, with the remainder put on hold for up to four weeks: a whole month.

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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021

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One of Spain's top entertainers, Andy McBride, dies of coronavirus in Torrevieja University hospital


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By Andrew Atkinson

why I loved him so much.

One of Spain's top Rod Stewart Tribute acts Andy McBride has passed away in Torrevieja hospital ICU from coronavirus.

"Andy was unique. A giver. I will love and will miss him so much."

In a heartbreaking message his wife Belinda said: "Andy lost his fight on Saturday from COVID-19.

E-mail Website

"He was an amazing singer and the most loveliest of characters you would ever meet - that's

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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 VACCINE SLASHED It would seem that an official memorandum has already been distributed to Health Authorities informing them of the situation, confirming that “the Pfizer company has advised the European Commission and the Member States of a reduction, with respect to the amounts of it’s vaccine due to be made next week to countries across Europe. The message says "the company has justified this reduction in production as a consequence of carrying out modifications in its facilities. Under this circumstance, we want to inform you that the reduction affects all EU countries equally and is because of reasons exclusively attributable to the company". The Government of Spain, along with other EU governments and the European Commission itself, have expressed their surprise and dissatisfaction with the company's decision, demanding that this shortfall be limited to the scheduled shipment for next week, and that the committed number of doses be supplied as soon as possible”. The news will force the Ministry of Health to think again about the distribution within Spain next week that, in addition to responding to

will be so sadly missed by his wife, family and all his friends. RIP Amigo."

Hundreds of tributes have been made following the tragic news of San Miguel resident, London born Andy, who was admitted to Torrevieja hospital and placed on a ventilator in the intensive care unit this month.

Des Stoneham, BigFM radio presenter told The Leader: "He was a legend and a total gentleman - he will leave a huge hole in the world. There's a brighter star in the sky. He will be sadly missed."

Lee Howard formerly of Decca/Chrysalis records, guitarvocalist and MoreFM radio presenter told The Leader: "It is terrible news. Andy was a real fab guy and

Wife Belinda added: "An amazing thank you to the doctors and nurses who tried so hard to win Andy's battle and to everyone for their overwhelming messages. RIP. X."

equitable criteria, also takes into account the vaccination rates of the first week, so that all the Communities have sufficient doses to, at least, administer the second doses to those vaccinated during week one. They say that if the vaccine delivery flow is not restored next week, there will be people vaccinated with the first dose who will begin to lose efficacy in their immunisation process, as the second dose must be administered, to be most effective, at 21 days. The truth is that Pfizer's decision is yet another blow in the fight against COVID. The laboratory has said that the stoppage is due to the need to "increase the production capacity of its vaccine against Covid" and that, it must make modifications to the manufacturing process, which will affect "temporarily" the shipments across Europe. There will be "fluctuations" in orders for the drug from late January until early February in Europe. That is to say, Pfizer cannot guarantee that the reduction will only be for one week, as it considers there could be a period involving of loss of production of up to 4 weeks. According to Pfizer, they are working "hard" to deliver more doses than originally estimated this year "with a new goal of reaching 2 billion doses by 2021."


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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021 On Sunday Health Minister Illa once again ruled out home confinement" for the moment"

Growing number of Communities ask Government for home confinement


he autonomous governments of Andalusia, Murcia and Castilla y León have demanded that the central Executive consider the necessary tools to decree, if necessary, home confinement in the face of the exponential increase in cases of coronavirus, after the Ministry of Health notified an increasing number of new cases. The current state of alarm, that will continue until May, does not allow communities the necessary tools to apply home confinement, so three of them, that are governed by a PP-Cs coalition, have demanded that the Government consider the possibility of modifying this decree and giving the Communities the authority of confining the population if necessary. The first to raise the matter was the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, who did so on Wednesday after announcing that he will take more restrictive measures starting this Friday. Moreno considered that the Government "should be considering total confinement across the whole of Spain. However, Juanma Moreno's proposal was rejected that same afternoon by the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, who said that, "at this time", the Government does not contemplate the additional measure of home confinement. Despite this refusal the regional executives of Castilla y León and Murcia have also put forward the same proposal asking the central government to study the possibility of applying this measure to contain the advance of the pandemic. IT MAY BE NECESSARY "FOR A FEW DAYS" The vice president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Francisco Igea, has asked to implement these measures to decree a "brief and intense" home confinement, as it could be necessary "for just a few days" given

the evolution in the number of infections. He warned of the "seriousness" of the current situation and of the rapid increase in cases, the speed of which suggests a situation that may be "worse" than the one we experienced in March. Meanwhile, the president of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, has recognised that home confinement is a "necessary" option and that it "has to be on the table" before the peak of new cases of coronavirus, for which he too has asked the Central executive makes this tool available to the autonomous communities. Likewise, López Miras has reproached the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, for not calling a meeting of the regional leaders since October, when the last Conference of Presidents took place to discuss European funds. PUIG SUPPORTS THE GOVERNMENT AND RULES OUT CONFINEMENT However, the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, has aligned himself with the central Government and has ruled out the possibility of a total confinement in the Valencian Community, claiming that "at the moment the state of alarm does not deem it necessary." "We will make decisions in a calm way awhile thinking about the general interest, as always," Puig said. In recent days, the medical colleges and bodies together with government coalition partners, Compromís and Podemos have all asked the Valencian president to consider this possibility.



Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


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MYSTERY SURROUNDS PRINCESS DIANA’S VISIT TO ALICANTE A year before her death Princess Diana made a short visit to Alicante as she attempted to get away from the harassment she was suffering at the hands of the British press. he stayed for just the one night at the Sidi San Juan hotel having left London in a hurry, incognito, and without an escort. She was only accompanied by her secretary, who remained at the terminal to pick up the suitcases as she tried to mislead journalists and photographers.


Close sources also suggested that it was someone who was ill, although the name of the person has never emerged.

It was on May 3, 1996 when the ex-wife of The Prince of Wales arrived at El Altet airport at 8.30 in the evening, on an Iberia flight from Heathrow.

The truth is that the short stay by the Princess was cut short by the media who practically "took" the Sidi San Juan hotel apart. Journalists and photographers from many different media outlets, such as Daily Mail, Weekly News and Mail on Sunday, as well as the Associated Press agencies in Madrid and Multi Studios, all travelled to the Alicante. Many of them even booked a room in the hotel posing as businessmen, athletes and company executives in an attempt to get a glimpse of Diana.

Dressed in a dark jacket and covering her head with a cap as she tried to hide her face, Diana refused to use the VIP facility at Alicante-Elche airport as she was keen to get to her hotel as quickly as possible. The princess was accompanied by an executive from El Altet who took her to a taxi, thus misleading the airport security personnel and even the National Police escort which was waiting for her. The taxi driver who drove Diana did not disclose the destination, alluding to professional ethics and confidentiality. However, colleagues who saw the driver on the Esplanade de Alicante ended up revealing her destination.

The room at the hotel in Playa de San Juan was booked until Monday, May 6, but the harassment that she got from the press made her decide to return to UK earlier than was planned. Indeed she only stayed for one night and on Saturday the 4th, the ex-wife of Prince Charles caught a plane back to Heathrow wearing the same clothing in which she arrived: jeans, a white T-shirt and a navy blue jacket.

There was only one hotel in that area with 5 stars, befitting a member of the Royal Family, the Sidi San Juan. It was quickly besieged by British journalists who were looking to get a photograph of the princess, who at that time was the target of all the paparazzi, and of whom a stolen snapshot could be worth millions.

According to sources at the hotel, during her 18 hour stay, she remained in her suite, taking both dinner and breakfast with her secretary in an adjoining room, although sources at the time claimed to see the princess taking a short walk along the Playa de San Juan in the morning. "She is very cute, much more so than in her photographs," commented a tourist from Madrid speaking to the Spanish press.

At first it was thought that Lady Di was visiting the Costa Blanca for a short holiday since it was not the first time she had travelled to Spain to rest. A year earlier, in 1995, she spent a few days in a private villa in the province of Malaga for the same reason. However, her spokeswoman, Jane Atkinson, clarified that her trip to Alicante was to visit "a friend."

The fleeting visit of Princess Diana caught even the managers of the 5-star hotel by surprise, as the reservation of the room had been made by phone and using an assumed name. And neither did the occupant of Room 6619 book any of the spa or beauty treatments that the complex offered at that time, although she did ask the reception manager to keep details of her visit private.

Diana’s arrival and equally hasty departure


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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


Herbs are also, quite literally, 'green medicine. We may run out of oil, but we shall never run out of healing plants. Critics of herbal medicine tend to suggest either that herbs are ineffectual or that they are untested and therefore dangerous. It's true that most of the remedies we use today evolved slowly over long centuries, and were discovered and developed by ordinary people beyond the reach of professional medicine, doctoring their ailments with leaves, flowers, roots and bark from the trees and plants they found in their own patch of countryside. But when some of these 'cures' began to be submitted to searching clinical examination in the late twentieth century, they came through with enhanced reputations. Among them are hawthorn to reinvigorate the heart, devil's claw for arthritis, milk thistle to protect the liver, St John's wort for minor states of depression, including the sun-hungry victims of seasonal affective disorder, and Ginkgo biloba for the protection of the ageing brain.

Introduction to herbal medicine


s there a future for old-fashioned herbal medicine? With all the wonders of modern medicine at our disposal, why should we still bother with herbs? What can they do that a prescription drug can't fix - and faster too? These are questions that sceptics ask. But many firmly believe that herbal and modern medicine can work side by side to give us the best of both worlds. There is no herbal substitute for the skills of the surgeon and the anaesthetist, for the technological marvels on which modern medicine often depends for diagnosis or treatment, for the knowledge and experience of doctors, and for the many brilliant drugs steroids, antibacterials, antifungals, antiparasitics, antiepileptics, drugs to combat cancer, major antidepressants, antihistamines developed over decades by the pharmaceutical industry.

Dozens of other useful herbs have never undergone the rigorous testing of a modern synthetic drug. But centuries of successful use, by professional physicians as well as village wisewomen or busy housewives, will strike most people as perhaps even more satisfactory evidence of their value than five to ten years of clinical testing. Certainly herbs must be used with caution and respect. Beginners should start with the gentlest and safest of herbs, or get to know what wonders ordinary kitchen herbs and spices - sage, ginger, cayenne, mint - can perform. But as you grow to appreciate herbs, you will gradually become more experienced in their use.

But, equally, herbs have properties for which there is no equivalent in the world of synthetic drugs.

Home Doctoring

They can boost the body's own cleansing and detoxing activity. They can calm nerves on edge, and help balance out-of-whack hormones. They can clear a foggy brain or slow a racing irregular heart beat.

Home doctoring with herbs can be fine for minor ailments. For more serious trouble, you must, of course, see your doctor.

They can promote healing and give healthful sleep with no drug-induced hangover. They can be fabulous friends at times of stress or exhaustion or anxiety.

But I hope you will also learn to consult a qualified medical herbalist in cases where you feel modern medicine isn't doing as much for you as you

And, properly used, they can do all this with few or none of the side effects which are the bane of so many drugs.

Green Medicine They can be especially useful in those many disorders where conventional medicine seems to have run out of ideas beyond yet another exciting new drug - things like digestive problems, arthritis, eczema, acne, asthma and chronic bronchitis, among others.

would wish . Herbalists are used to working alongside doctors, and if you are taking prescription drugs they will know what herbs can safely be prescribed at the same time. With their long experience and knowledge, they can often clear up problems that may have been bothering you for weeks or months.

They will take a long and thorough medical history before they prescribe and can fine-tune a herbal prescription to take into account the whole you with all its problems, not just the bit that's bothering you. There is still much you can do for yourself if no herbalist is available. And for what the French call the 'little miseries' of life - hangovers, colds, minor burns, a bad tummy upset, odd aches and pains a little research can help you to organise a herbal medicine kit to help fix the problem sooner than any modern drug. If not we will help you to prepare your own kit starting next week with ‘Tiredness’.

Next week - Herbs that can boost your energy.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


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BANNED FROM THE EU Other specific exemptions are “olives stuffed with fish” to Northern Ireland. and “pasta and noodles, if processed or cooked (but not The duty-free regulations only affect goods bought free if mixed or filled with meat or meat products)”. of duty elsewhere – for example if you buy in Dubai, fly to Manchester and transfer for a domestic flight to Vegetables and most fruit are also banned – though Belfast, you will be limited to a litre of spirits, 200 cigbananas, coconuts, dates, pineapples and durians are arettes and £390 in other goods. permitted. What does the government say? Fish weighing up to 20kg are permitted, though for the specific case of sturgeon caviar the limit is 125g. On 1 January the Northern Ireland secretary, Brandon Lewis, tweeted: “There is no ‘Irish Sea Border’. “Products other than those described above which do not contain meat or milk (eg honey)” are limited to 2kg. “As we have seen today, the important preparations the What about duty-free? The prices of alcohol and tobacco for UK travellers n Spain, 88 cases of the British outbound to the European strain of coronavirus have already Union have fallen, been confirmed and about 200 because all sales are now are being investigated, according, on duty free. But there are Friday, to the director of the Centre now strict rules on what for the Coordination of Health Alerts you can bring in to the and Emergencies, Fernando Simón. EU: one litre of spirits and 200 cigarettes However, he said that, for now, this (though only 40 to strain has not taken over in Spain as Estonia and Romania). it has done in the United Kingdom “Other goods” are limited and Ireland, for which he has conto a total of €430 (£390) firmed that the increase in cases cerned about this strain from the first for travellers by air and being experienced in Spain cannot moment it was detected, but we sea. be attributed to this strain. have to wait longer to see what hapFuel? pens with the evolution of the cases "For now, it has had a very small associated with it", Simon said. You can carry up to 10 effect in Spain. We were all conlitres in a portable container, in addition to the fuel contained in your vehiGovt and businesses have taken to prepare for the end cle’s tank. of the Transition Period, keeping goods flowing freely around the country, including between Great Britain What is the effect on trips to Northern Ireland? and Northern Ireland”. The rules above apply for journeys from Great Britain

88 cases of British strain confirmed and 200 under investigation

The UK’s decision to leave the European Union means travellers face bans on a wide range of goods. As a Dutch television report showed, border officials have been confiscating sandwiches from motorists arriving in the Netherlands from the UK – with one frontier guard telling a driver: “Welcome to the Brexit, sir.” Many items are now prohibited from travellers’ baggage. These are the most significant rules. What foods are banned? “POAO” – products of animal origin – and most fruit. The ban on meat and dairy extends to items such as cakes that contain fresh cream and confectionery “made with high levels of unprocessed dairy ingredients”. There is an exemption for powdered infant milk, infant food, and special foods required for medical reasons; they must weigh less than 2kg and be packaged, proprietary brand products.


WHO in Wuhan to find origins of Covid-19 A World Health Organisation team is in Wuhan to probe into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, but first they must quarantine for two weeks. They will interview people from research institutes, hospitals and the seafood market. The investigation comes at a time when Northern China started to report new cases of Covid-19.

Judge orders disabled woman to be vaccinated A judge has overruled a family's objections and permitted health authorities to vaccinate a disabled woman living in a nursing home. The judge in Galicia ruled in favour of the nursing home and allowed them to proceed with the vaccination. The Spanish government had previously said that coronavirus vaccines will be voluntary.


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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021



Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


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Minister says the next group to be vaccinated likely to be over seventies Health wants those over 70 to be the next to be vaccinated They would be the next priority group after care homes and healthcare workers The third wave is moving quickly and the Ministry of Health is concerned that the virus will once again prey on the elderly, as it happened last spring.

96 year old Aracill Hidalgo was the first person to receive the vaccine in Spain

With the elderly living in nursing homes and their caregivers vaccinated, as well as front-line health workers, the next priority group would be the general population

over 70 years of age. This is the recommendation of the technical group that participates in the government's vaccination strategy. More than half of those over 70 require hospital admission when they become infected. They have a greater risk of serious illness and of ending up in the ICU and it is that reason that could push Health to accelerate their protection. Even more so at a time when the virus looks as though it is getting out of control again in Spain. This is one of the recommendations that the Public Health Commission

of the Interterritorial Council will consider next week. In addition to those over 70 years of age, other priority groups will also be valued: essential workers (police, firefighters ...), teaching personnel, people with higher risk diseases, workers who cannot telework, those who work or live in communities or environments closed or vulnerable populations due to their socioeconomic situation. In total, the vaccination plan will prioritise 15 population groups, although the specifics will depend upon the availibility of vaccines.

Murcia Region bans all social contact Murcia’s regional government has banned all social contact in both indoor and outdoor spaces between family, friends and acquaintances who are not living together for the next two weeks in an attempt to slow down the spread of the virus.

vehicle to go to work if it is a means of regulated transport and only wearing a mask”. "We are going as far as our legal system allows us," Miras said yesterday, adding that this measure is "the closest thing" to confinement: "The decisions we make are aimed at avoiding the nucleus of most contagions. We are telling all Murcians that they cannot be with their loved ones, friends or acquaintances who do not live with them. It is a measure that aims to limit and eliminate those situations from which the highest percentage of infections occur, "he stressed. Miras again appealed to all members of the Murcian society to be responsible because, when it comes to controlling meetings that take place in homes, "there cannot be a policeman in each house." He also stated that, although the State Security Forces will be checking that such measures are fulfilled, the population must comply with the rules.

There is to be no social interaction unless living together All social contact without a mask outdoors is prohibited from today in the Region of Murcia as the regional government has decided to stop all social interaction between family, friends and acquaintances who are not living together except for work or school activities - for the next two weeks, to try to stop the impact of the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic in the Community. The new decree, which came into force Thursday, will limit "informal, non-regulated social, family and recreational gatherings". The only meetings allowed will be those who belong to the same family groups, both indoors and outdoors and also in vehicles. The announcement was made yesterday by the regional president, Fernando López Miras, who clarified that "it will only be possible to share a

Regarding sports training, meetings in places of worship or cultural events - among which theatre and cinema activities are included, Miras explained that they may be carried out, “as they are regulated meetings in which everyone wears a mask”. The regional president also explained that there are some exceptions, such as those who live alone, who will be able to 'join' a single extended coexistence unit; couples or married couples living at different addresses; as well as children whose parents live in different addresses. Miras said that the accumulated incidence in the Region is skyrocketing and expressed concern about the state of the ICUs of Murcian hospitals. "The situation in the Region is very worrying." He also said that the Contingency Plan is considering opening 500 more beds in hospitals and tripling the number of beds in ICU, up to 350.

Bars and Restaurants drowning under restrictions By Andrew Atkinson The President of the Alicante Restaurant Association César Anca has said that they are 'drowning' under the latest coronavirus legislation - that includes 5pm closing. “This is once again drowning us more and more – as well as criminalising us - it makes no sense that cuts again come from leisure and restaurants," said Anca. "This comes while large shopping centres are bursting with people – where there is not a single capacity control their footfall. It is a real shame, he added. "It is not possible to survive - without additional help," said Anca. New rules announced by the Generalitat include small businesses having a maximum capacity of

30% in a bid to slow down the increase in the number of coronavirus cases. A statement from representatives of the catering, hotel and leisure companies read: "They are leading us to complete closure, with measures from the shutting of the hotel business at 5pm; the total ban on smoking and the reduction to four people, per table." The President of the Alicante Restaurant Association César Anca added: "We are still waiting for Ximo Puig to launch this ‘supposed’ package of aid for the hotel industry. At the moment they are just 'pretty words',". The President of the Provincial Association of Hoteliers, Mar Valera, said: “The next move will be to shut down completely. It is chaos – but we are still expected to pay the same taxes and autonomos."

Coronavirus in Spain hits community tourism industry costing euro685m Benidorm woud love to see beaches like this again

a 73% decrease up to November 2020. Hosbec claims to extend the ERTE to all of 2021 and direct aid to the sector. Flights to and from Spain have suffered severely amid to the COVID-19 movement restrictions imposed.

By Andrew Atkinson The coronavirus outbreak has cost the Spain community tourism industry financially to the tune of €685m with the no show of foreign visitors. International figures published for arrivals show

Cancellation of a plethora of flights within the industry has limited flights arrivals from throughout Europe. The Valencian Community financial loss figures is €6,685 million as at November, 2020, according to the latest data from the INE on border movements and tourist spending.


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Animals suffering in snow SAT Animal Animal rights groups in Madrid are braving the snow and extreme weather conditions to help animals affected by storm Filomena and the subsequent cold wave that followed. Many stray animals have been left without food and shelter owing to the intense cold and many are even starving to death. Many shelters have also been damaged by the snow.


Taco is a strong, happy boy who loves cuddles. He is 4 years old and would love to sit on your sofa. Taco is fully vaccinated with passport, microchipped, castrated, bloodtested, for more info 966 71 0047 (leave a message) or E:

By Andrew Atkinson El Ayuntamiento de Rojales have warnedresidents that the local Police have received phone calls from people who report that there are people offering COVID-19 vaccines for 150€. "COVID vaccines will be provided only in Health Centres, according to the scheme established by the Health Authorities. and theywill be free for everyone," said a spokesperson. If yu are offered the COVID-19 vaccine, call Rojales Local Police on: 966 71 5129.

SHOT IN THE ARM Ministry of Health investigates vaccination of two Valencian mayors Socialist mayors of El Verger and Els Poblets received the vaccine last Friday

A Vaccines offered for €150

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021

fter making public the fact that the mayors of El Verger and Els Poblets, in the Marina Alta, have been vaccinated against covid despite not being in a particular risk group, health workers or residents in nursing homes, the Ministry of Health has said that it is opening an investigation into the reasons why they have ‘jumped the queue’ with the Denia health department. The two mayors of El Verger and Els Poblets, Ximo Coll and Carolina Vives, who are a married couple, received the first dose of the vaccine last Friday, a fact that was confirmed after pressure from the opposition. The mayor said that the head of the Local Police of El Verger and a number of

agents from the two municipalities have also received the first dose because there were excess doses. He said that he needed to be vaccinated


see how the situation is, I am constantly in contact ". “Seven vaccines were left over last Friday and the director of the health centre gave me a

'Welcome' To Torrevieja

By Andrew Atkinson Torrevieja City Council has completed the installation of 'welcome' to Torrevieja signs on a roundabout on the CV-905. The Torrevieja signs are scheduled to be part of a promotion by the Parks and Gardens, directed by the coumcillor of contracting, Carmen Gómez. The signs are illuminated by ten led spotlights, powered by solar panels. Welcome to Torrevieja signs have also been placed on C/Orihuela near to Las Naciones Park and at the San Luis roundabout. A further signage iwill be located on the CV-905 roundabout by Los Montesinos.

due to the number of people he meets every day: "I am the mayor and since March when the virus arrived I have not stopped attending to people. I also deal with the Services areas Social and Health and every day I go to the health centre to

call. He explained that when the vaccine is taken out of the freezer it lasts six hours, so it would have gone to waste,” he said. "I have not asked for the vaccine at any time," added the mayor.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021

It’s always better to have a few words ready … How we confront our last few moments on earth is always of great interest to those left behind. The subject is a grave one; (what a pun, Bernie) and yet some of the greatest witticisms have been uttered by people with their last breath. My favourite is the story told by Mickie Duffy about the eccentric writer who was dying in a London hospital. He was in denial and didn’t believe he was departing until he overheard a nurse tell his friend that he wouldn’t make it through the night; and with that the patient opened his eyes and his last words were, “well f**k me!” It wasn’t much different for Douglas Fairbanks, another man who misjudged his physical condition on a night in 1939, when he announced, minutes before his departure, “I’ve never felt better.” It would appear that Pope Alexander VI wasn’t altogether ready when his boss called him ashore because his last words were, “wait a minute”. Marie Antoinette showed not only her breeding, but amazing dignity and composure when being led to the guillotine. She inadvertently stepped on the foot of her executioner and apologised with the words, “Pardon me, Sir. I didn't do it on purpose.” Another ‘blue blood’, Lady Astor, knew there was something out of the ordinary happening when she awoke on her deathbed to find her entire family standing around. “Am I dying, or is this my birthday?” she enquired. Unfortunately for the good lady, it wasn’t her birthday. But Jack Daniel, the legendary whiskey manufacturer knew exactly what was happening and what he wanted. He coined the words for the company’s famous marketing poster, when his final request was, “One last drink, please.” America’s foremost inventor, Thomas Edison, obviously got a sneak glance across the dividing line, because when his wife asked him if he was in pain, he said; “No, I’m just waiting: It’s very beautiful over there.” And with death as with life, it takes all sorts: The last man to be sen-

Offering versatility with their wide range of growing conditions, they make excellent dried flowers. Native to the Mediterranean, they generally grow anywhere from 45-90 cm height with a

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tenced to death in Oklahoma, James D French, was also the only man in all of the United States to get the electric chair in 1966. He wanted to die in the chair and when they only gave him life for the first murder; he then killed his cell-mate to make sure he got his wish. French enjoyed his notoriety, looked forward to his big day and his last words were directed to the dozen newspaper reporters present for his execution: “How’s this for a headline guys: “French Fries”” The final moments of life are usually filled with honesty. Some have prepared for this moment, while others have not. A person’s last words tell much because they give a glimpse into the dying person’s overall feelings and experiences. If a person is mortally injured in an accident or attack, or otherwise dies suddenly, their final words show exactly what they were feeling and thinking as they left this life. That is why it had always been the practice to document final words. The reprehensible, as well as the good, are either illuminated or debased by their last words. Mass murderer Carl Panzram killed twelve people and for his crimes he was executed in 1930. Before he died, he spat out. “I wish the whole human race had one neck and I had my hands around it.” Contrast this evil ranting exit with the final words of America’s first president, George Washington, who said; “I am about to die and I am not afraid to die. I thank you for your attention and I pray you take no more trouble over me. Let me go quietly, I cannot last long.” When Frank Sinatra lay breathing his last and was asked by his fourth wife, Barbara, as to how things were going; old ‘Blue Eyes’ responded with a pretty fair assessment of his situation, “I’m losin’”. My old friend Joe Varden, a long-time La Zenia resident, loved the cut and thrust of debate. I attended his funeral in Newmarket-OnFergus. The officiating priest, Canon Reuben Butler, had known Joe

GARDEN FELIX - Sea Holly provide unique addition to garden Sea Holly flowers provide a unique fascinating addition to your garden with their spiny-toothed leaves and clusters of teasel-like blossoms making them a great plant for difficult situations - and ideal for attracting butterflies!


30 cm width. Their green or silvery-blue stems give way to green or blue cones surrounded by spiky silver, white, green, blue or violet bracts, which bloom from summer right through to autumn. Sea holly are tolerant of drought, winds, salt sprays - thriving in full sun and moist soil with good drainage, prefering sandy soil.

Choose your position for permanancy they do not transplant easy, due to their long taproot. Place young plants in holes that are a few inches wider and deeper, than their current root system. Seeds can be sown directly in the garden, though they may not bloom the first year. The seeds require a

for more than half a century, and spoke of most often being on the receiving end of a keen brain and sharp wit – as had all of us who had the pleasure of knowing Joe. From clerical student to wise old canon, the priest admitted to seldom being able to answer the questions on theology, or the mysteries of life, to the satisfaction of his friend’s analytical mind. As Joe was dying his lifelong spiritual adviser came to his bedside and administered the last rights; upon which. Joe opened his eyes, and with a wry smile informed the canon; “In the next few days I’ll have all them answers”! DON’T FORGET Fame is chiefly a matter of dying at the right time. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

warm moist stratification for one month, followed by one month of cold moist stratification. Once established Sea Holly plants are relatively carefree and don't require much in the way of watering, except during long droughts. Theres no need to fertilise as refraining

will keep the plants more compact and less droopy. Dead-head by pinching or cutting off spent flowers, encouraging additional blooming. Cut off the flower stems, once blooming period ends in autumn, allowing the evergreen leaves to remain.


637 227 385

San Fulgencio stocks up against Covid-19 The San Fulgencio City Council has recently acquired a large quantity of sanitary material and cleaning and disinfection products, in order to "keep the municipal buildings and educational centres well stocked", according to the Councillor, David Vives. The total cost of purchasing these products amounts to 10,905 euros, with which will provide additional material in the event that there may be a worsening of the situation related to the pandemic. The Council has purchased more than 770 litres of hydro-alcoholic gel for hand disinfection, in addition to 1,000 individual protection FFP2 masks for staff. The product batch also includes disposable gowns, 600 litres of surface cleaning and disinfection products, as well as paper towel dispensers.

Barcelona man travels 43 countries in 306 days Barcelona's Nil Cabuti, 30, completed a ten-month cycling journey across Europe in December 2020 amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Cabuti had originally planned to travel from Barcelona to Singapore but the pandemic struck a few days into his journey with many countries closing borders. He said that in many places, he was allowed to pass. In all, he travelled 43 countries in 306 days

Spain extends ban on flights from UK The Spanish government has decided to extend the ban on flights from the United Kingdom till 2 Feb. Flights and ships were originally suspended from Britain in Dec 2020 owing to the new strain of coronavirus detected there. The current ban was supposed to expire on 19 Jan. The ban has now been extended to 6pm on 2 Feb. Only Spaniards and citizens will be allowed to enter the country from Britain.

Telefonica sells 31,000 radio masts Telefonica has planned to sell almost 31,000 radio masts in Spain, Germany and South America to the American Tower Corporation to generate €7.7bn. The money is intended to help the Spanish telecommunications company in debt reduction and to make investments in the new, fast 5G cellular network. Earlier, Telefonica had sold 2,300 radio masts and generated €590mn.

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021

Vandals destroy the Almoradí nativity scene during it’s dismantling

Five years in jail for stabbing a Torrevieja classmate

The Town Council has asked the Civil Guard to investigate and find the perpetrators, who were recorded by security cameras placed in the Plaza de la Constitución The Almoradí City Council has filed a complaint with the Civil Guard after the weekend damage suffered to the municipal nativity scene, in the Plaza de la Constitución. Vandals have destroyed several of the structures of the nativity that was in the process of being dismantled and packed away.

A young man admitted that he tried to kill a student in a Torrevieja high school saying that "he would not do it again"

Islamic religion. He attacked him with a 27-centimeter blade and 13-centimeter-long ham knife that he had stored in his backpack and had brought into school from his home.

A 19-year-old Pakistani boy who has lived in Spain since his The student who was attacked received a first stab wound in his birth was sentenced to five years in prison for attempting to stab right side without being able to defend himself a classmate in a Torrevieja high school for The assailant said in court and then another from the back at the level of blaspheming the Islamic religion and insulting that he was driven to the the heart. the prophet Muhammad . The president of the court, based in Elche, issued the conviction "in voce" after the young man pleaded guilty, having reached an agreement between the Prosecutor's Office and the defense lawyer Francisco Miguel Galiana Botella.

attack becuse of the incessant ridicule and insults that he had been receiving from a number of students in the college for over two years.

The prosecutor initially asked for an eightyear prison sentence for a crime of attempted murder, while the private prosecution demanded a 12-year sentence, stating that the punishment should be increased accordingly because the crime was "racist.” However, after discussion this aggravation was withdrawn and the sentence request was reduced to 5 years. The oral hearing lasted only a few minutes and concluded with a brief statement of repentance from the accused, who said that "he would not do it again." In addition to the five years in prison, the young man must compensate the victim with 11,000 euros for his injuries and for nine years he will not be able to approach within 300 metres of the stabbed young man nor communicate with him. Assault in class The assault took place at around eight thirty in the morning of October 29, 2019 at the Torrevigía institute number 5 in Torrevieja. The defendant, who was then 18 years old, got up from his chair and approached a 17-year-old classmate from behind, threatening to kill him "for blasphemy” against the

The defendant could not stab his classmate anymore because the blade was bent, but he did start hitting him with the knife in the face. Other students managed to pull the attacker off the victim.

The aggressor was detained at the institute while his classmate was hospitalised for stab wounds, one of which affected his lung. The defendant has been in prison since October 31, 2019 and will remain there until completing his five years sentence. The aggressor said that he had been receiving ridicule and insults from other students for two years, some about Muhammad, and that he was “fed up”. For his part, the attacked minor denied the insults and said that the accused was "very radical" when they held discussions on religious issues.

Congress rejects enquiry into Juan Carlos I The Board of Congress has rejected the commission of inquiry into the alleged credit card fraud by former King Juan Carlos I. The enquiry had been requested by many groups, including Unidas Podemos. The appeal was been opposed by other political parties including Vox, PP and PSOE. On 12 Jan, the Spanish government had said that Juan Carlos would retain the title of "king" for life.

Prompt Police action saves the life of a baby The speed of the agents ensured that a frightening situation had a happy ending. Heroic action by Local Police officers from Pilar de la Horadada saved the life of a one year old baby on Wednesday. Following a 112 call from the mother, he police were first on the scene to find that the baby had purple skin and was not breathing after apparently choking. They placed the baby face down on the knee of one of the officers and began to gently beat her on the back, while simultaneously pressing her stomach. After a few agonizing minutes they managed to get the little girl to respond as she


slightly moved her arms and legs. The officers worked on the baby until the arrival of paramedics, who were then able to continue the baby’s resuscitation. One of the officers said that he was delighted that his first aid training, and knowledge of resuscitation manoeuvres, was able to save a young child’s life.

Many of the artistic pieces have been knocked over and damaged by the individuals who gained access to the exhibition site. Many of the pieces are made of polystyrene, houses and other buildings, dividing their structure into several part and it appears that the perpetrators have simply broken everything that they possibly could. Hopefully the Civil Guard will be able to identify the vandals since they were recorded by the security cameras in the Plaza de la Constitución. The recordings, which clearly show the destruction taking place, have now been made available to the Benemérita.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


637 227 385



ANSWERS Week 849

ACROSS 1. Not decisive (12) 7. Battle (5) 8. Wrath (5) 9. Untruth (3) 10. Journeyed (9) 11. Apache (6) 12. Of teeth (6) 15. Endless (9) 17. Spasm (3) 18. Animal (5) 19. Picture (5) 21. Flaw (12) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 13. 14. 16. 20.

Comprehensible (12) Pony (3) Deadly (6) Declaration (9) Watchfulness (5) Liking (12) Meadow (5) Interpret (9) Name (5) Price-list (6) Abyss (5) Curve (3)

QUICK ACROSS: 4 Ability; 8 Ocular; 9 Distend; 10 Treaty; 11 Hollow; 12 Flagrant; 18 Conflict; 20 Deface; 21 Ballad; 22 Variety; 23 Action; 24 Plenary. DOWN: 1 Fortify; 2 Numeral; 3 Matter; 5 Brighten; 6 Little; 7 Tendon; 13 Ancestor; 14 Villain; 15 Student; 16 Recall; 17 Malign; 19 Fiasco. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 4 Scandal; 8 Rioted; 9 Unhitch; 10 Diesel; 11 Ocelot; 12 Thousand; 18 Overalls; 20 Return; 21 Launch; 22 Cutlass; 23 Nowell; 24 Cyanide. DOWN: 1 Predate; 2 Boredom; 3 Sevens; 5 Canoodle; 6 Nailed; 7 Anchor; 13 Agonised; 14 Slander; 15 Asphalt; 16 Deputy; 17 Muslin; 19 Reason.

ACROSS 1 and 7 Ac. Planning edict the purveyor of pickles likes to get? (12,5) 7. See 1 Ac. 8. Erect or demolish, we hear (5) 9. Spoil the look of a tailless filly (3) 10. Confectionery and dessert coming before the joint (9) 11. Not expressed as United Nations' assistance (6) 12. He reviles a sailor in front of an employer (6) 15. Pacific agreement (9) 17. See 20 Dn. 18. In the boom, a happy city on the Missouri (5) 19. The children produce a publication (5) 21. At last he will improve your understanding (4,8)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. What is the reverse of a cosmic black hole called? 2. Which mouth watering sweet little confection means 'small oven' when translated? 3. Which amnesic and very well trained fictional character didn't know his real name was David Webb? 4. Which is the only vegetable that is also a flower? 5. What did Fred Astaire, Heidi Klum, Michael Flatley and Betty Grable all do to their legs? 6. Until the mid 1970s Smarties were called Smarties chocolate what? 7. In Venice, what is a vaporetti? 8. Which extremely light chemical element is named after the sun? 9. What kind of weapon was a medieval destrier? 10. The two volcanic eruptions in the last century that caused the most deaths were Mount Pelee (May 8, 1902) and Nevado de Ruiz (Nov 13, 1985). In which country is each volcano located? 11. Who was the first British royal to be interviewed on TV? 12. According to a survey by the Halifax Bank, what is the most common street name in the United Kingdom? A bonus point for the second

DOWN 1. Transport for a small charge (12) 2. The intention is to reach a conclusion (3) 3. Travel disrupted by the old rogue (6) 4. Holder of a record for spinning (9) 5. Maybe in the open, I think (5) 6. What he puts down is destined to be enveloped (6-6) 7. Being frightfully big, they make quite a bit of progress (5) 10. Trim craft form (9) 13. Criticise traditional roofing material (5) 14. Minister to search for liquid assets (6) 16. You'll find them wandering round a part of Leinster (5) 20 and 17 Ac. The main melody enjoyed by the Promenaders (3,3)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) most popular. 13. The Victoria Cross for gallantry was instituted by Queen Victoria during which war? 14. According to the UN Food & Agriculture Organisation, which country produces the most potatoes, a staggering 99 million metric tonnes a year, 27% of the world's potato production? 15. Which visible aid was first introduced for the 1933 F.A. Cup final between Everton and Manchester City, and a clue - it wasn’t VAR? 16. Which occupation has for centuries made the Adriatic island Murano world famous? 17. One of the rarest and most expensive stamps in the world depicts a very popular Belgian born actress smoking a cigarette with a very long cigarette holder. Can you name the actress? 18. What was a. the name of a critically acclaimed album from the Kinks which ended with the word Hillbillies and b. the name of a band founded by Mark Knopfler which ended with the word Hillbillies? 19. Capybaras are the largest living examples of what in the world? 20. What 'plays' an Aeolian harp?


637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


ON A WING AND A PRAYER The scheme “will destroy any confidence in forward bookings for air travel and for ferries, and it will essentially close off the UK,” - Michael O’Leary

The new measure is in addition to 10 days of self isolation on arrival

By Andrew Atkinson

Flights to and from Spain, including AlicanteElche airport, have been slashed in the wake of the latest coronavirus outbreaks.

'On the one hand Boris Johnson is telling us that all the high-risk groups will be vaccinated by the middle of February, yet at the same time they’re introducing travel restrictions. Why isn’t it ending in the middle of February.”

Announcing the plan, the transport secretary Shapps said: “We already have significant measures in place to prevent imported cases of Covid-19, but with new strains of the virus developing internationally we must take further precautions.

Ryanair’s chief executive Michael O'Leary has demanded that the planned UK ‘test before travel’ scheme ends in February, the same time by which the most vulnerable groups will have been vaccinated for coronavirus.

From Monday 18 January the government requires travellers arriving in the UK by air, rail and sea to produce evidence of a negative coronavirus test taken within 72 hours of departure.

“Bookings have collapsed, and air travel will collapse to and from the UK. “We’re calling on Grant Shapps to tell us when this restriction is going to be lifted," said O'Leary.

Ryanair expect 'very few travel restrictions across Europe' by summer

He said the scheme “will destroy any confidence in forward bookings for air travel and for ferries, and it will essentially close off the UK”.

"Why isn’t it ending in the middle of February, and why are you restricting people from moving thereafter?

O’Leary said it should last only four weeks, ending in mid-February, at the same time that the UK government’s will meet it’s target to complete the vaccination of the most vulnerable 14 million. Speaking on the BBC’s Today programme, he said Ryanair plans to run “about 10 or 20 flights” per day, compared with a normal daily

schedule of 2,000, while the current restrictions apply.

“Taken together with the existing mandatory self-isolation period for passengers returning from high-risk countries, pre-departure tests will provide a further line of defence - helping us to control the virus as we roll out the vaccine at pace over the coming weeks.”

O’Leary criticised what he called “government mismanagement” of the coronavirus pandemic.

O'Leary said that by summer he expected “very few travel restrictions across Europe”.

“On the one hand Boris Johnson is telling us that all the high-risk groups will be vaccinated by the middle of February, yet at the same time they’re introducing travel restrictions.

Meanwhile thousands of passengers with existing bookings in February are being contacted to be offered the choice of rebooking, or a full refund.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see SALT CHURCH (formally

Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347

The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. There are no further meetings planned at this time. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members


are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed

637 227 385

and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping

Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We hope to reopen in January when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare

PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708


637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


A LIFE CUT SHORT BY MORPHINE Fatima is hoping for a pardon from the Sultan of Oman The Sultan of Oman has pardoned 285 prisoners this week, 118 of them foreigners, and there are still more 'pardons' to be approved. The family and defense team of Fátima Ofkir Reyes, a young Spanish woman sentenced to life imprisonment are hoping that hers will be one. "Fatima says that the trip to Oman was the biggest mistake of her life". Sentenced to life imprisonment for a drug trafficking crime, she has now been in a Muscat women’s prison for two years. At this time, their hopes are pinned on the wave of pardons being signed by the sultan, Haitham bin Tariq. "Had her name been on the list of pardons that we saw yesterday would have been a great start to the year, but this fight of ants against a giant and we are the ants, that's why we don't give up," said Mónica Santiago, the lawyer for the 21year-old prisoner today. The hopes of Fatima’s defense is that her name is in the next round of pardons, which can be released at any time.

90 people trapped in a Madrid shopping centre by snow The snowstorm that hit the Community of Madrid over the weekend trapped 90 people in the Gran Plaza 2 Shopping Centre in Majadahonda with many of them forced to spend Friday night sleeping in stores on cardboard. Most of those affected were workers at the shopping centre, which has more than 190 stores, but there were also customers who were trapped because of mobility difficulties caused by the accumulation of snow on the roads and transportation problems. Photographs of employees at the Zara store sleeping on cardboard have been shared on the social network Twitter. "Each operator located in our Shopping Centre is free to make their own decision (or

According to her lawyer, Fatima found a suitcase in her room containing 7kgs of morphine. She immediately called the police who arrested her and charge her with drug trafficking, which the young 18 year old completely denied. Nevertheless she appeared in court, was found guilty and sentenced to 8 years in prison. Unfortunately, on the death of the Sultan, many prison sentences were then increased and in Fatima’s case her term was increased to 25 years. The Sultan of Oman has the power to grant pardons on a discretionary basis, often based on political and image interests. Thus, in the first batch of prisoners that were 'pardoned', coinciding with the anniversary of their enthronement, there is a large contingent of foreigners (118 of the 285 pardons) and, mostly, related to crimes of "expression and protest, many of whom are journalists who were exiled in London. However, Fatima's defense hopes that she will be included in a second list of royal pardons. “We are looking for a law firm in Oman to collaborate with us in drafting the application, which must first be presented to the Spanish embassy. Oman has a very different legal system from ours,

abide by the rules of the chains to which they belong) in the face of the exceptional situation experienced due to the snow alert, without and form of penalty", said a spokesman for the centre in a statement. "There were shops which closed earlier, and others who stayed open as it was very dangerous to return to their homes by car," he stated. One of them, Iván Alcalá, who works in a restaurant, explained that many of those affected spent the night sleeping on cardboard. "At six o'clock on Friday

evening we tried to leave, but all the roads in the vicinity were gridlocked because of the amount of snow and there was no longer any way to get through. We all had to go back to the shopping centre," she said in a statement to RTVE. "After hours locked in the car we decided to return to the centre, although the Civil Guard offered us space in a sports centre. Unfortunately we could not get to the nearest hotel, which Zara offered us. It was an adventure, but we were better in our store than anywhere else!" she explained.

much of it based on religious issues, so it is more complicated to prepare, but we want to have the petition ready this week. Meanwhile the lawyers, the family and the support group of Fátima, are moving other ways in their attempts to gain the release of this young woman from L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona). "Now we have much more support than a month ago, we have deputies, the attention of the Foreign Minister, the media ... but it is still very difficult," they said. However, the possibility of pardon has opened a new window of hope for this girlforced to wear a burqa in a women's prison in which she is the only European, and in which she survives thanks to the support that she receives from the Spanish embassy in Muscat.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021

Storm Filomena b oosts Reg ion’s water supply


637 227 385



IND-HEARTED people across Calpe have united with Specsavers Ópticas to support a loyal customer who has fallen on hard times.

Professor Jorge Olcina said that the reservoirs that feed the region have added more than 650 hectometres in recent days

hectometres, a figure that "in all probability" will rise to 650 "or even more" in the coming weeks due to the thawing process.

The abundant rainfall in the form of snow at the mouth of the Tagus River due to the storm Filomena has guaranteed enough water in the Entrepeñas and Buendía reservoirs to ensure transfers are able to be carried out to the Segura basin until, at least, next spring, according to the president of the Association of Spanish Geographers (AGE) and head of the Laboratory of Climatology at the University of Alicante (UA), Professor Jorge Olcina Cantos .

“Therefore, the transfer of water is guaranteed since the minimum threshold (to authorise the transfer for agricultural irrigation and urban supply) is 400 cubic hectometres”.

This professor says that before Filomena those lakes from which the transfer is supplied (Entrepeñas and Buendía, located in Guadalajara) had a dammed volume of 615 cubic

“As such, with what there is and what will continue to be stored in the coming weeks our supply, the transfer from the Tagus to the Segura basin, is guaranteed until spring”. “The amount of snow accumulated in the Iberian mountains guarantees abundant flows in the Tagus basin and especially at the headwaters of the river for the whole of this year, which is also good news for the southeast of the peninsula", explained Olcina.

Repair of Paseo de La Glea beach underway Work got underway on Monday on the Paseo de La Glea in Orihuela Costa. The Councilor, Ángel Noguera, said that “due to a heavy workload caused by the damage from DANA, and the subsequent stoppage of activity due to COVID-19 as well as the beginning of the summer season the works could not be started earlier. We understand the annoyance and frustration that may have been caused to residents and visitors, but now, at long last, we are able to carry out the necessary repairs so that we can restore the walkway to it’s previous splendour”. He said that “in infrastructure we always try to start the works within the established deadlines, but sometimes difficulties arise that cause delays, as has happened with this work”. The damages caused by DANA in September 2019 mainly affect the pedestrian area of the promenade, as well as some public lighting and drinking water. Noguera, said that "the contract has been awarded for an amount of € 72,003.28 and with an completion period of one month."

Optical advisor, Ilona Quadflieg, explains: ‘Paco is a very good man who always gives his old glasses to family and friends in Senegal and has been a loyal customer for many years. When we found out he wouldn’t be able to afford new glasses this year we knew we wanted to help and I set up a GoFundMe page and started a collection. The response was incredible, we were overwhelmed by the generosity of the local people and want to say thank you to everyone who donated.’ The campaign took off and within three days his glasses were paid for in full. As the donations kept coming in, the store could fund not only Paco’s new glasses, but also offer him five further pairs to send to

Podemos wants Juan Carlos I to return to Spain The spokesperson for Podemos in the Madrid Assembly, Isa Serra, has said that her party wants Juan Carlos I to return to Spain so that he can be held accountable for his actions. She has demanded that the emeritus king Juan Carlos I return to Spain to answer to the Justice system and to the people and she gives "little credibility" to the latest polls that show increasing support for the monarchy, which she says is an institution in "crisis", "drowned by corruption" and that is not a symbol of unity.

Serigne, known to everyone as Paco, is a popular member of the Calpe community who sells watches, glasses and accessories to tourists. Due to the significant drop in tourism, caused by the pandemic, Paco has found it very difficult to earn a living this year. As a customer of Specsavers Ópticas in Calpe for more than 10 years, the team were moved to help him.

Senegal and benefit his families’ local community. Paco is absolutely delighted with his new glasses and he very

much wants to thank Specsavers Ópticas and everyone who donated, for their kindness and generosity.

SOLIDARITY WITH CARITAS Together with the Association of Moors and Christians Festivities committee, the Councilor for Festivities, Mariola Rocamora, has delivered to Cáritas Interparroquial hygiene, personal hygiene and home cleaning items, in support of their Christmas Solidarity campaign. The councillor has highlighted "the importance and need, at this time to help those who need it most, encouraging all those who can assist to do so.” The personal hygiene and cleaning products delivered will go to the families who are sheltered in the Casa de la Caridad, which is managed by Caritas in Orihuela. Councillor Rocamora with Father Satorre

Two women seriously injured in acid attack Two women have been seriously injured after the partner of one of them sprayed acid on their bodies and faces, according to the 112 Emergency service. The attack took place in the Malaga town of Cártama at around 2pm on Tuesday while the two 26-year old women were sat inside a vehicle. The attacker approached them in another car, sprayed them both with an acid aerosol, and fled. Alerted by a passer-by a team from the Civil Guard and the Health Services attended the scene. A medical helicopter transferred the perpetrator's girlfriend, the more serious of the two women, to hospital in Seville.

Asked if she is in favour of a referendum, she said that Podemos will continue working to "take steps towards a vote that will allow the people to decide on the Head of State." The “scandals" in recent years related to the emeritus king, Juan Carlos I, have also involved many other close members of the Royal Family. She criticised the polls that give high support to Felipe VI but `praised another poll carried out months ago by alternative media, which shows a majority of Spaniards do not support the Royal Family. In her opinion, republicanism is a very real issue, as more and more people say that "they do not consider it useful." "More and more of us in this country consider the monarchy as an out-dated, corrupt, and a failed institution," she said.


637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


POETS CORNER In the late nineteen hundreds the worst single item to my mind for teaching children to cheat, lie and steal, was when a well esblished Crisp Company, which constantly ran an advert on Television of a famous footballer sitting at a table and stealing crisps off a child while they were not looking. How or why that was allowed I do not understand, but I firmly believe it in itself was detrimental to teaching the young how to behave, as if stealing was a common act and a nothing more than a joke. We are all aware of the Barons that control our lives, holding the reins of the conglomerates that sell us everything from Christmas chocolate tins, which stay the same price year on year, but shrink in size, and the cornflake packets that also remain the same size, but the produce inside only comes half way up the container. Trust! What happened to it? It was not long ago, alright fifty years, when you could leave your front door open or the keys in the ignition of the car with the confident knowledge nothing would happen to either.

While talking about products, why do they have to have so many layers of plastic wrapping. Perhaps someone can design a simple cheap single wrapping for all items, that protect it during its travelling to the end user. We have a heavy use of ‘AA’ and ‘AAA’ batteries and when I saw rechargeable ones at half their normal price, all eight beautifully wrapped on a card in a store, I was happy to buy them.

People helped each other and there was always a warm welcome for a stranger. I think the decline first started when the Government, I’ll let you guess of what colour, decided that its duty to the populace could be modified, and not all people were equal under the law.

The months have gone by and there was a need to open the packet to insert one of them into a holder, that is when I discovered why they were so cheap, as they are slightly oversize for a double ‘A’ battery, and don’t fit in the slot in some situations.

It was the mid-sixties and the requirement to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle became a ruling, and a firm instruction with heavy fines for not wearing one was the law. However, after an outcry from turban wearing Sikhs the law was changed so it did not apply to them. It appears to have set a precedent as other religious requirements, counter to common law, have since been allowed to exist.

It seems now there is very little one can trust from the large suppliers where managers are struggling to protect the bottom line. Stores are determined to squeeze every penny they can out of a transaction, and if that upsets a customer then it does not matter as, in most cases, they have the monopoly, so if you don’t go back, they are too not worried. Perhaps that statement is a little strong, but it appears to me customer services have declined to a new low level. To confirm my thinking, you might consider the banks. A short time ago they were falling over themselves to open branches and to install cash machines. Now, a little over a decade later, they are doing exactly the opposite, creating delays and hardship to their customers.

‘Percy’s Ramblings’ is available in book form from Amazon & Kindle

Magic Basket By Carolynn Barclay I’m sure my husband believes in magic, Although, he’s never actually said. But obviously one of his rituals is, Getting undressed, before going to bed. When he disrobes, his routine is, To drop his clothes on a chair. I’ve told him to put them in the basket, Less work for me, only seems fair. Now here is where the magic happens, (If you’ve a husband, you probably know,) But the following day, that basket is empty?? He asks “just where did these clothes go?” They’ve disappeared and while he’s at work, The basket stays empty all day. But the clothes he deposited, in there last night, Are now back on the shelf, where they stay!! They’d been removed and taken away, Washed, ironed and now they’re clean. It’s practically a miracle, how this happens, And for hubby, it’s all been unseen. He’s convinced there’s an angel that appears every day, And, in a way, he’s probably right, That Angel is the one who handles the magic, And that Angel hides in plain sight. On the odd day, that the magic is scarce, And the Angel, she takes a day off, He thinks that the magic basket is broken, I’ll go along with it, and try not to scoff. He’s tried it with other things, left lying around, To see if they disappear too. But Angels aren’t stupid, they’re pretty smart chicks, If you know one, you’ll know that it’s true.

Spain to install facial recognition at borders By Andrew Atkinson Spain will install facial recognition systems on its borders this year under the management of the National Police as part of the European 'biometric corridors' programme - facial recognition. The measures are being introduced to update borders security technology, in accordance within the European Union. The director general of the National Police, Francisco Pardo, in the Interior commission of

the Congress of Deputies said: "Regarding migration and border management the National Police will manage the great border challenge of this modernisation that, in the coming years, will involve the implementation of the EU Entry and Exit System (SES) and of the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS)." Border posts biometric corridors technology is funded by Frontex, the European Union Border and Coastguard Organisation, which aims to pro-

vide all European police forces with a more agile

Director general Pardo announced the project will

identification system for citizens, due to their fin-

be installed in Spain on a pilot basis in the La

gerprint or facial recognition.

Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


Suggestion retired following eye tumour removal By Andrew Atkinson Phil Kirby trained nine-year-old Suggestion, bred by Juddmonte Farms Ltd, has been retired after six years at Green Oaks Farm stables in Richmond, North Yorkshire. "We have said goodbye to this gorgeous boy - the gentle grey Suggestion who has been with us since aged three, bought at the sales by Phil and Adam Nicol. "After an operation to remove an eye to

a painful tumour he became happy again and is back to his usual self.

came at Wetherby, Haydock Park and Southwell during his career.

“But the fighting spirit in his races wasn’t quite there. He has earned an honourable retirement and after a period at former team member, Jennie Durrans, he will be heading up to Seahouses to live with the Nicol family, Owners in his Partnership, Red Cap Racing," said Pippa Kirby, wife of Phil.

Winner of a National Hunt Flat Race in 2016, under Adam Nicol; a Handicap Hurdle at Wetherby in 2017. A Handicap Hurdle in 2018, Handicap Hurdle in 2019 at Haydock Park and a Handicap Hurdle in 2019 at Wetherby, both under Tommy Dowson.

Suggestion last ran at Doncaster in December, one of six races in 2020. Wins

TIGER ROLL NEEDS SUN TO RECOUP FORM Quote: 'I’m sure they will get him back in good shape. He will be a better horse - when he has some sun on his back' - jockey Davy Russell. By Andrew Atkinson

"We know he is going to thoroughly enjoy his next life. He was an absolute gentleman every day," added Pippa. Russell, who rides for top Irish trainer Gordon Elliott said. “I’m lucky to be going at all, but I’m now in great form.

The three-times Irish champion jockey Russell damaged his C6 and C7 vertebrae and dislocated his T1, which needed traction.

"There are plenty of nice horses to look forward to, including Envoi Allen and Tiger Jockey Davy Roll. I’m very excited. Russell “I got goosebumps watching Envoi Allen win his two chases. He’s something else. I’d have given anything to be on his back.”

La Marina Bowls Club by Dave Hadaway

Russell, 41, was in traction, requiring bolts in his head to allow a weight to enable the T1 to go back into place.

I don’t know about you but I am pleased to say I am in my 70’s, when New Year’s Eve doesn’t seem quite so important as when I was younger, however time rolls on without my celebrations and it is a New Year so HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody here’s looking for a healthy one. Bowls started the 5th of January and competitive bowls with the semifinals of the Pensioners Urn, the results being, Don FOWKES versus Alex WHYTE 21 -16 and Tom SPENCER versus Peter PARSONS 721, congratulations to Don and Peter for reaching the final. As I have no BARCLAYS PROPERTIES winter league results this week to publish, I Would like to tell you about a new league that Don is introducing. It is an Australian pairs format and will consist of the Birds division played on Mondays and the Big Cat division playing on Fridays. The format is pairs played over 18 ends but the first player will play the first two bowls and the last 2 bowls with their partner playing the middle 4, the next end the order of play will be reversed giving each player a chance of skip and lead, sounds complicated but it is a beautiful game to play and watch. The Monday league will be THE BIRDS division, consisting of:The Flamingos Tom Spencer, Jean Fowkes The Puffins. Len Daniels, Barbara Forshaw The Kingfishers. Sue Daniels, Reg Jackson The Kestrals. John Rae, Paul Tregoing The Swans. Mike Stone, Margaret Mclaughlin The Eagles. Garth Slater, Trevor Hancock The Skylarks. Phil Pape, Mo Taylor The Robins. Steve Sydell, Ann Stone The Wagtails. Mike Smith, Martha Reynolds The Blackbirds. Cliff Rawlinson, Marylyn

Despite twice Aintree Grand National winner Tiger Roll being pulled-up at Cheltenham in November, Russell said: "He was disappointing, but at the same time you wouldn’t be surprised, he’s done that in the past.

Jockey Davy Russell who fractured his vertebrae in a first fence fall from Doctor Duffy in the Munster National at Limerick in October is relishing returning to the saddle.

The Friday league will be THE BIG CAT Division consisting of:The Panthers. Peter Parsons, Steve Douglas The Leopards. Jim Reeves, Frank Polark The Jaguars. Don Fowkes, Jan Parsons The Mountain Lions Wendy Latham, Alan Wilcox The Bengul Tigers. Dave Taylor, Dave Joynes The Cheetahs. Dave Mcgae, Orman Ship The Cougars. Mo Kidd, Lesley Joynes The Iberian Lynx. Jim Freeman, Jeff Halfyde The Snow Leopards Alex Maurice, Loreta Rae The Bob Cats. Irene Magnum, Marylyn Fryatt


After the rain it was good to be able to once again enjoy the sunshine on the green. Saturday saw Vic's hamper attended by an enthusiastic group with Irene Everett and Pete Ayres in the final against Dee Hoey and Derek Barker. Dee and Derek being the eventual winners. Our Club Championships are now underway on Wednesdays. On Friday we had a roving jack game. This is a new format for some people and certainly concentrates the attention. It's good fun and good practise playing to a jack that is often in an unusual position. We followed this with fish and chips in the Casa Ventura restaurant. All our bowling is done according to the strict Covid protocol.

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Las Ramblas Golf Society Results for w/c 11.1.21

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


Former world snooker champion Williams hits out at WPBSA Williams criticised the WPBSA for refusing to pay players prize money after they were forced to drop out of the Masters when they contracted Covid.

Mark suffered a first round 6-4 defeat to Shaun Murphy

By Andrew Atkinson Chief Sports Editor Former world snooker champion Mark Williams MBE hit out at the WPBSA governing body after two players were told they would not receive prize money from the first round of The Masters - due to testing positive for coronavirus. "I think it’s terrible you don’t get your first round prize money for The Masters if you test positive," said Williams, 45, drawn against Shaun Murphy in the first round.

‘High Noon’ (well about 8.30am actually) and we lined up for our first Texas Scramble of the New Year. Showing ‘True Grit’ and with a nett score of 58.1 the winners were Lindsay Forbes, Ron Phipps, Benedicte Kruse and Rachel Leckey. Andy Martin, Reg Akehurst and Nigel Price (or should that be ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?) took second spot with a nett 59.7. Andy Martin earned himself ‘A Fistful of Dollars’ in Wednesday’s Stableford by scoring a ‘2’ on the par 4 seventh hole. ‘For a Few Dollars More’ Marleen Billen also managed a ‘2’. Pat (Butch) Cassidy was the ‘Lone Star’ on the day winning with 35 points whilst Nigel Price ‘Drifted’ into second place with 33. It was obviously a ‘Bonanza’ of a week for Butch as he found himself on the winning team in Friday’s Change Partners. Alongside Terry Field, Pete Dunn and Yvonne Phipps they ‘Hung ‘em High’ and shot 76 points. With their ‘Saddles Blazing’ (Yes I’m struggling now!) Joyce McClusky, Mike Mahony, Benedicte Kruse and Friedel Knebel marked their ‘Tombstone’ with a runners up score of 74. Finally Marshall Mark (Spaghetti) Western recounted that as a child he’d always wanted a cowboy outfit. He had to settle instead for a season ticket to Leeds United! Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell

A change of schedule was announced after world number one Judd Trump and Jack Lisowski tested positive for COVID-19 and withdrew from The Masters. 10-17, said: "Thanks for all of your kind messages. I’m feeling fine and haven’t had any symptoms.

"You work hard all year to get into the top 16 players, and not get a penny through no fault of your own," said former number one and three times world champion Williams. "Or at least the qualifying player gets half and the reserve player gets half," reasoned Williams. Jack Lisowski who misses The Masters that has a £750,000 prize fund during January

Callosa Deportiva appoint Roberto Campillo Cuenca as coach

"I've been working hard in practise, and only had one day off since the last tournament. ary Wilson replaced by G Lisowski was

Deportiva," said a club spokesperson.

Callosa Deportiva CF have appointed Roberto Campillo as first team coach.

Roberto formerly played in the third division at Jove de San Vicente and was coach in 2ªB in Eldense: "His latest achievements have been achieved at the Kelme, winning promotion last season from the National Category.

"Roberto has been a coach closely related to the board of directors for years. We believe that he is the ideal person to captain the ship of our first team, Callosa

"He is currently a professor of tactics and team management at ACADEF. With Robert, his entire technical staff have also joined Callosa Deportivo:



ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.

Covid-19 Golfing Update We are now in 2021 and the Covid-19 situation goes from bad to worse with new variants and every increasing infection and hospiWe at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)

Price €98 €80 €120 €100 €138 €90

Comments Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy

talisation rates and what appears to be a slow vaccination programme across main land Europe. One question that keeps being raised in the golfing fraternity is if golf courses will be closed similar to those in the UK and the simple answer is that I have heard nothing in this respect from within the golfing industry BUT as always never say never…… With many revised travel restrictions, testing and quarantine rules across Europe it is unlikely that we will see the return of the golfing tourists for some months to come.

"I’m gutted to be missing The Masters. It's such a tough time for everyone, but stay strong."

Angel (Assistant coach and ABP (set-piece actions); Jorge (Readaptador/Physio); Miralles (Match analyst/records); Samu (Specific defensive work); Rafa (Analysis) and assistants Gaston, Alex and Abi. "The choice of Robert and his technical team was always the first choice of this board of directors, who thank him for the courage to come to Callosa to train our first team," said the spokesperson.

Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

and in reflection of this a number of courses have extended their low season prices into the spring months and Alenda have gone forward as far as early June 2021. Some courses have retained their prices at stubbornly high prices given these difficult times and appear contented to operate with empty courses and others have simply closed their courses until further and for those of us living in the Valencian Community those courses in Murcia are out of bounds to us.

Local golf courses are having to adapt to the reduced numbers and are relying heavily on golfing residents especially the golf societies

The recent cold snap has not helped the situation but when warmer temperatures arrive there are still plenty of excellent deals available to local golfers and I am sure the courses appreciate your continued support.

El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero

Mar Menor €48 Single Green Fee New Sierra Golf €68 Two Green Fees & buggy Puig Campana €98 Two Green Fees & buggy Roda €115 Two Green Fees & buggy (after 1.06pm) Saurines €48 Single Green Fee Villamartin €134 2 Green Fees & buggy (after 1.30pm) Vistabella €115 Two Green Fees and buggy *Deals of the week: Villaitana with two green fees and buggy on the Levante course for only €70 and €50 on the Poniente course. La Manga North and South with two green fees, buggy and lunch for only €150. For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

€80 €59 €92 €48 €140 €41 €98 €50 €114 €118 €115 €114 €78 €136

2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1.30pm) Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy (Saturday) Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1pm) 2 Green Fees & buggy (From 1.30pm) Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


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At this point l was reminded of the rules that the game must be won by two clear legs, which certainly had not been negotiated prior to the start. Strong opinions were voiced and we conceded that there was a misunderstanding (due to the fact we were outnumbered10 to 1) and we should play with the 2 leg advantage. The match did go to 25 apiece, then 26 all before Bob took the next 2 for a 28-26 victory and loads of dollars. We all remained good friends. Picture shows l-r Kevin Morgan, Pat Piper, Bob George, Linda Batten, Colin Baker, seated Eric Bristow.

Darts world front cover. Featured on the front cover of Darts World in 1978 were the group of players l put together, known as Team Durro. With my business partner John King we felt they would be a good promotional tool for our manufacturing company Durro Darts we had formed some years earlier. Then selling our products throughout the U.K. and to around 50 other countries, the "Team" would be a very useful advert. Looking quite dated now, the photo was taken in the lounge of the White Horse pub in Hackney East London, prior to a sponsored trip to the U.S.A. to compete for the spoils in the North American Open, in Long Beach, California, aboard the Queen Mary, then a tourist attraction. lt was to be a two week trip and l joined them soon after their arrival. The main competition was aboard the ship over three days, with matches still going on after midnight, even though the start time was 10-00 am.

his victory.

I spoke to Bob George on Saturday for a catch up and l was reminded he was ordained as a minister of the Universal Life Church and has already married one couple in Chelmsford, with another in the pipeline in Swindon.

Using my time in the U.S. to introduce our products to the American market, we also enjoyed visits to Disneyland and the biggest man made lake l had ever seen then or since. Breakfast on Hermosa Beach, where we stayed, was an eye opener. A simple eggs on toast order seemed to take ages. This was 42 years ago and we weren't used to being asked how would we like our eggs " over easy, over medium, over well done, sunny side up" etc. lf that was an effort, well, the waitress then wanted to know what toast we required," Wheatbread, Rye bread, Sourdough, French toast"etc.

Not only that but he has been graced with the title of Lord Robert Francis George of some remote part of Cumbria. Wife Marie, now of course prefers to be known as Lady Marie. I remember when he was a

lt was different to our local "Greasy Spoon" offerings but just as nice. We celebrated Bobs victory the following night in a busy downtown bar and everyone wanted to play Bob. l was instructed by the team to be in charge of the Juke Box ( and feed it with quarters ) so l put on "Miss You" by the Rolling Stones one of Bobs favourites. He is playing darts, but starts dancing ( yes dancing ) to the music,but it's his throw and promptly hits T20, does a circular dance and hits another, repeats his Fred Astaire to plant the third for the most showy 180 l've ever likely to see. lt brought the house down.

Ancillary events during the stay were the Los Angeles open and San Francisco open, all contained singles, pairs and mixed pairs comps.

Before leaving for the U.K. Bob was challenged to a money race by Nicky Virachkul a top U.S.player. We managed to raise between us around $3000 but there was much more being placed outside of our circle.

Bobby George and Pat Piper won a mixed pairs and Bobby also came away as North American Open champion. Chalking the final was a youthful Eric Bristow who was just as pleased as Bobby on

The format was best of 51 legs 501. lt was nip and tuck until about 20 - 20 and Bob took a 3 leg advantage, whereupon the opposition asked for a timeout.

PDC This accolade was introduced in 2005 at the awards dinner Dorchester Hotel, London. The first recipients were John Lowe and Eric Bristow, other players to join them include, Dennis Priestly, Phil Taylor and John Part.

granite floor layer. Bob has a new T Shirt range out adorned with many of his more printable sayings from Also he's doing "Shoutouts" a celebratory video message for any occasion from Cameo, Celebvm, Stardm Memmo,Thrillz. More to the man than what you may see on tv.

Cup footy, before joining Sky. Now stepped down from darts presentation, due to the onset of Parkinsons, Clark uses his time to increase awareness of the debilitating condition and in 2016 helped to raise ÂŁ200,000 in a 200 mile coast to coast challenge. Villa Martin, holiday neighbour Rod Harrington was the last in 2019.

Commentators weren't ignored as Sid Waddell, Dave Lanning and John Gwynne were also inducted as were M.C.'s Freddy Williams, Phil Jones and Bruce Spendley. More recently Dave Clark, Sky Sports presenter received HoF status, originally a radio broadcaster covering the Olympics and World

PRO ** From one 9 darter in PDC events in 1999 by Ronnie Baxter ( Antwerp Open ) the record is now 47 in 2019. MvG recording 4, Dave Chisnall 3 and Gerwen Price 2.

** ln 2020 there were 29 ( 9's ) MvG and James Wade 2 each. ** Three players currently in the World top 10, Dave Chisnall, James Wade, Michael Smith are not in the play list for the UniBet Premier League. The top 4 in the world are automatic, the remainder by invitation. ** Now retired Phil Taylor holds the record for Premier League titles, 6 victories and 2 losses. MvG has the chance to equal his record this year with 5 wins and 1 loss.


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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


FFVC SHUTS DOWN FOOTBALL By Andrew Atkinson The FFCV has postponed all football in Community competitions until January 31 due to the ongoing coronavirus situation. At statement from the FFCV said: "The Valencian Community Soccer Federation has decided to postpone all the territorial competitions underway until January 31 in all modalities (soccer and futsal). The FFCV thus intends to be in solidarity with the current situation in the Valencian Community, which is going through some difficult times. There is a large closure of council facilities by municipalities during the month of January, which would hinder competitions. "For this reason, the FFCV has opted for suspending competitions until January 31. "However, during these weeks it will be possible to play postponed matches, whenever possible, with the aim of updating the calendars of all the competitions. Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 games at the weekend postponed included CD Montesinos v CD Benijofar at the Municipal Stadium. Leaders UD Aspense A v third place Atletico de Catral in a top of the table clash; second place CF Rafal v eleventh placed Callosa Deportivo CF. CD Cox, sitting in ninth, versus thirteenth place Monnegre Mutamaxe; bottom club Aspe UD A v seventh place Hondon Nieves CF. Tenth place Racing San Miguel versus twelfth place CF Sporting de San Fulgencio, and sixth place CF Deportivo Orihuela v eighth place Sporting Dolores CF.


One arrival for Elche with more to come

By Andrew Atkinson Former world snooker champion Dennis Taylor has questioned the UK Government protocol golf measures for the new strain of coronavirus. "Why can a family walk around a golf course for exercise - but two people from the same household can’t play a game of golf for exercise?," said Taylor, who won the world title in 1985.

Taylor takes ‘pot’ at Golf two-ball group, but fell in line with Wales where golf has been banned since mid-December.

Dennis Taylor with golfing partner Willie Thorne.

Golf courses remain open in Scotland, however, with play limited to groups of two.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson introduced a number of additional stringent measures across England on January 4.

PM Johnson ordered a new national lockdown for England enabling people to leave their homes for limited reasons; measures expected to stay in force until mid-February.

Golf courses shut from January 5 in England under new stricter lockdown rules in a bid to reduce the coronavirus figures.

PM Johnson said the new coronavirus variant, 50%-70% more transmissible, was spreading in a frustrating and alarming manner.

Recreational golf in England had been allowed in a maximum

Grassroots sport will no longer be allowed in England, with

San Javier futsal star Marta looking forward to seeing mum By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE San Javier, Murcia born former Spain international football star Marta Penalver is looking forward to seeing her mother this year - amid the coronavirus situation worsening at present in Europe. "I am in Italy. If I'm lucky and the coronovirus measures allow it, maybe I'll go shortly," Marta told The Leader. Marta, 27, who began her career at the San Javier Football School as a youth and played at the Mar Menor Sports Association (AD) joined Serie A Falconara in a move from Futsal Cagliari last year. Capped at International level for Spain in 2015, featuring in the World Cup in Guatemala, Marta spent 11 years at Roldan FS. "Here everything is going very well, with the team, club. We are a great group, I am happy with the decision I made," said Marta.

SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. A white hole, 2. Petit four, 3. Jason Bourne, 4. Broccoli, 5. They all had their legs insured. 6. Smarties chocolate beans. 7. Public water bus. 8. Helium (After Helios, Greek for "Sun" and also "the god of Sun on mythology". 9. War horse. 10. Mt. Pelee is in Martinque and Nevado del Ruiz is in Colombia. 11.

Elche coach, Jorge Almirón, said at a press conference on Saturday evening, after the 2-0 Copa del Rey defeat against Rayo Vallecano, that with 2 late postponements and 2 changes of venue, he was very disappointed at the lack of organisation by their opponents. Despite Elche’s poor league situation, dropping to third from the bottom after twelve games without a win, and with the momentous visit to Real Valladolid on Tuesday and the 'plague' of injuries, the Argentine coach said that he used the KO tournament as an opportunity for his fringe players. "They have a lot of enthusiasm and of course they all want to be playing," he said. Almirón is still aware of the winter transfer market, but he now has left back Johan Mojica who, on Bit expect a total of "four, five or even six new players as we start to build the club to climb up the table during the second half of the season." "I hope they arrive as soon as possible, but I'm not desperate," he said.

Barcelona’s economic situation causing concern

team sports, tennis and outdoor gyms all banned. "It is with great regret, but please be assured that we will continue to make the case for golf to reopen whenever possible," said a spokesperson from England Golf. Elite sport including professional football will continue, the government confirmed. Ardent golfer Taylor, 71, whose son Damien is a professional golf coach, said: "When does common sense prevail? Keep

Prince Phillip. 12. High Street (there are 5,410 High Streets, compared to 3,811 Station Roads, and 2,702 Main Streets). 13. The Crimean War. 14. China. 15. A number on the back of each players shirt. 16. Glass making. 17. Audrey Hepburn. (The photo was from the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's"). 18. a. Muswell Hillbillies, b. Notting Hillbillies. 19. Rodents. 20. The wind.

safe all and mentally strong." Willie Thorne, formerly of Villamartin, who died in Torrevieja hospital in 2020, aged 66, was Taylor's golf partner, and snooker TV commentary colleague for over four decades. "We travelled thousands of miles together playing in charity golf events back in the eighties and nineties. "Willie did so much work for charity with various dinners and golf days, fond memories,"

Carp-R-Us Angling Carp-R-Us continued its Winter Series on the Eden stretch of the Segura. It was a frosty morning and several members had to scrape their car windows before setting off, not a common occurrence, fortunately. The recent rain had put some water back into the river but fishing was still hard although all but one angler managed to catch. First from peg 16 was Dave Hutchinson with 5.06kg caught using pole and bread. Second was Roy Dainty on the new peg with 3.00kg using pole and flake. Close

The economic situation of Barcelona is very worrying, according to the Spanish press. The salaries of the first team players are suffocating the club, so much so that the Barça team travelled to Huesca last week by bus, a distance of almost 300 kilometres, to save 30,000 euros This was confirmed by Xavi Campos on TV3, adding, “Barcelona has travelled to Huesca three times. The first of them, in 2014, they did it by bus; while in 2019 they flew. Now they have again opted for the bus although for a purely economic reasons. Xavi Campos was surprised by this decision since to cover a similar distance, the Catalan would usually travel by plane. However, he said that the decision meant that Barcelona saved 30,000 euros.

behind was Steve Fell (peg 17) who also used pole and bread to catch 2.84kg and fourth using feeder and pellet was Jackie Breslin (peg 1) with 0.75kg. Membership for 2021 is open. Anyone wishing to join can contact us through the website or email The club fishes matches most Thursdays and these are competitive but friendly affairs. Most weeks members also go pleasure fishing where new methods are practiced and ideas exchanged. This is something we are looking to do more of next year.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th January, 2021


637 227 385

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