The Leader Newspaper 17 April 23 – Edition 967

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Now in our 20th year of keeping people safe and informed - The Costa Blancaís oldest

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For the second time in recent years the Orihuela Costa welcomed 20 students from Croydon College, who visited the area, last week, as part of their Work Experience Programme which, totally funded by the EU Erasmus Project, supports the professional development of people in Vocational Education and Training (VET) through periods spent abroad.

The programme allows students to learn overseas through work placements or study, whilst also offering the College the chance to strengthen its European partnerships, forge new connections with local business and contribute to student’s personal development here on the Costa Blanca.

Spain was chosen as the main destination country due to established networks of partners here and are building upon the initial Tourism Project with Darren Parmenter, Councillor for Tourism in San Fulgencio, who helped lay the original foundations back in 2021.

Using Cabo Roig as their base, the students travelled around the area visiting a number of different towns and locations where they were encouraged to practise and develop their life skills in order to widen horizons, explore new cultures, and meet new people.

"I encourage all of my students to participate in these programmes because they give them the opportunity to travel and see the world,” said the programme Coordinator, Karen Meaney.

The students are all in their late teens and share a number of apartments, from where they spend their spare time exploring the area, going to the beach and sampling Orihuela Costa’s fabulous gastronomy.

Covering a two week programme, the students, all aged over 18, are studying a mixture of Business administration, Travel & Tourism, IT and Sports.


No 967
17th - Sunday 23rd
ëFREEíEnglish language


The College is in partnership with Spanish based Consultancy D.B. Associates, which offers extensive experience in this field, having worked on Youth development programmes with UNICEF, The Prince’s Trust, The Football Association and Surrey Cricket, has facilitated and introduced the students to work on Tourism projects with the objective of introducing the area to student travel agencies based both in the UK and Poland. Sports College, meanwhile, have been fortunate to work under the leadership of Barry Meaney an experienced Sports Coach and PE Teacher based in Sussex, who has given students the opportunity to learn how to organise and plan sports activities, how to connect and communicate when coaching and build positive relationships which promotes confidence, and has instilled a teamwork and cooperation work ethic which, using sport as a positive tool, sits nicely within college curriculum and may also offer opportunities for employment post-graduation.

Luana Moreira, a first year Business Studies student, who was born in Mozambique, told the Leader that it was so nice to be able to feel the sun on her back once again. “Involvement in the

programmes and schedules for our projects is keeping me busy, but I love it, knowing that my friends rely on me for much of their information.”

Mariana Ribeiro is taking a Level 2 Diploma in Sports so much of her time is spent with tutor Barry Meaney.

“I’m looking forward to learning from Barry. We will have the opportunity to do so much more outside, which is often difficult to achieve back in Croydon.”

Second year student, Andreea Tazlauanu, studying Business administration, said that it was especially good to be based in a large expat community, in which it was relatively easy to get around and to converse.

“Being in a foreign country for the first time is always a challenge but being able to talk to many locals in English makes everything so much easier.”

Croydon College has successfully sent students on Erasmus+ placements since 2019 with partner organisations and businesses in both France and Spain which gives students an incredible opportunity to work for a variety of exciting businesses.

The College recognises that the Costa Blanca enjoys vibrant and diverse local economies and

can offer work experience opportunities within the target sectors and is an attractive destination for the learners thanks to the rich history and culture which mixed with the large ex pat community still offers value for money regarding living expenses and accommodation, ensuring the funding is utilised to its fullest extent with mobilities accessible to all. The College Project Coordinator commented: “This experience will be a valuable feature on their CV and provides an incredibly unique talking point at interviews.

We know from previous mobilities that participating in an international work experience placement while studying for a VET course is viewed favourably by employers and hope these experiences translate into higher aspirations for themselves and their careers where additional skills and knowledge will help the move into employment or further study on completion of their course”.

If you wish to learn more, can offer a young persona work experience placement or Homestay accommodation please call:- +44208 657 2432 or contact:


If you are looking for a great night of musical theatre, look no further than

Studio32’s forthcoming production of ‘Hello Dolly’, coming to the Cardenal

Beluga Theatre, San Fulgencio from Wednesday 31st of May until Saturday 3rd of June, doors open at 7:00pm curtain up 7:30pm.

This show is guaranteed to make you laugh and put a spring in your step with a very funny story line, great musical numbers and energetic dance routines. Pictured are some of the cast who are looking forward to making this a performance to remember. To book tickets online for our show please visit our website , email or call Linda on 679 062 272

For those of you unsure of how to use our system you can call into The Post Box in Dona Pepa, or Quesada Tech where someone will be on hand to


Paying the Price by David Whitneyc2023

To see your poem published on this page send to:

assist you with booking tickets. You could also come along to one of our rehearsals at Casa Contenta, Rojales, Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7:30pm and 9:30pm where someone will be available to assist you.

If you have experience in Musical Theatre in the areas of singing, acting and dancing we would like to hear from you.

Also anyone who is interested in taking part in the show ensemble, working backstage or have experience working with the production of stage props, lighting and sound.

If you require any further information, contact Linda on 679 062 272 or visit our facebook page at Studio32 Musical Theatre Company.


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637 227 385



Journalists 600 228 616

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The time has come for action The price hikes have to end Or strikes will just continue As there's nothing left to spend No money tree to harvest So how can people pay They struggle in deep water To survive another day They work their little socks off For a meagre sum to use For food for fuel for child care Yet they always seem to lose Where can they conjure money from To pay excessive bills It's a choice to put the heating on Or eat whilst getting chills
madness with no let up And the MP's seem so smug Suggesting people budget wise Like everyone's a mug
don't live in the real world High prices have no fear Expense accounts, offshore accounts No wonder they don't hear Would do them good to live six months In a London bed sit flat Living on a basic wage They wouldn't get too fat
realize to 'budget' Is impossible to do When the bills exceed the income And there's no one to turn to
like to see them queuing At a food bank if they went To wonder how a pension Only pays the weekly rent
the war in Europe
the Brexit mess
anything except themselves For causing such distress
time I think for action
stand up and be seen
you'll sink beneath the quagmire In a price hike so obscene!

As Mayor Carolina Gracia admits that she cannot stop construction of 2,200 tourist properties on Cala Mosca, next Tuesday will see the Orihuela Government approve the modification of the urbanisation project, Alameda del Mar, which will give builder, Gomiendo, the approval he needs to saturate the last remaining unspoilt kilometre of Orihuela Costa coastline with concrete.

As such, the summer of 2023 may be the last that we see for some while, of the crags of Cala la Mosca without tower cranes.

The mayoress made the announcement at a press conference on Friday which, unusually, was held without the Town Planning Councillor and her coalition partner, José Aix (Cs), sitting at her right hand.

She has admitted that with the approval of the technical reports she cannot prevent the company going ahead with the project and, immediately afterwards, distanced the decision from the threats and pressure that she has received from the promoter's lawyer, Gomendio.

Cambiemos Councillor, Karlos BernabéMar, called her a coward, saying that “she has continually ignored all of the manoeuvring that her partners (or perhaps her bosses) of Cs, have carried out over many months, to accelerate and strengthen the interests of the promoter.”

He then went on in his message, directly accusing the councillor José Aix of "working" for the promoter and "lying" and the mayoress of passivity to avoid action and

protect the space classified as urban since 1990, and that the Generalitat tried unsuccessfully to protect in the Territorial Plan of Coastal Green Infrastructures (Pativel). However, Gracia has said that the report requested from the secretary just two weeks ago has been favourable so, with this, she cannot refuse to recommend the project to the governing board for approval, even though she disagrees with it. Gracia confirmed that her party does not support the construction of these homes on the Oriolan coast, but that she cannot keep the project in a drawer because "the City Council would incur patrimonial responsibility which could cost the city many millions of euros. It is what she called a regulated imposition.

She confirmed that she has tried to provide alternatives to the company to paralyse the project, but that once they had the approval of the Ministry, the company insisted on carrying it out, without considering alternatives.

The mayoress was adamant that Gomendio's pressure did not stop when he made it public, although she has not given in to them, but now that all the necessary reports have been received, the project must be put in front of the full council.

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"No one in their right mind would want to put the Orihuela City Council at risk, or mortgage it for a decision that cannot be legally upheld.
None of the threats made to me by the company's lawyer have any thing to do with this decision."
Carolina Gracia - Mayor of Orihuela
The most recent demo against the project took place on Saturday morning

Celebrating Easter with Campoverde CHURCH IN THE COMMUNITY

Easter is the most important time of the year in the Christian Calendar. It is the time when we celebrate the thing that sets Christianity apart from all other religions: the death and resurrection of Jesus.

This year, as usual, Campoverde Church provided a full programme of events and services, appealing to all parts of our community and all ages.

We started with the making of Palm Crosses in the Church Garden ready for Palm Sunday. Members of the congregation came along and spent a very happy time learning how to make Palm Crosses before making enough to take around to all the bars and restaurants in Campoverde for distribution to their customers.

On Monday of Holy Week we had our Holy Week Procession through Campoverde. This is one of the most important events in Campoverde’s Calendar and arose from the annual procession that takes place in Pilar de la Horadada.

We wanted the ex-pat paso that leads the main procession to be brought to Campoverde and permission was granted a few years ago. It is very important to our Church as it contains a cross, the symbolic reminder that Jesus sacrificed his life for us so that we could have eternal life.

Many local people and local dignitaries joined the Procession or witnessed it from the roadside.

On Maundy Thursday we gathered in The Shed to remember the events of the Last Supper that Jesus had with his disciples on the night before he died. We enacted the words spoken and shared bread and wine together.

Afterwards we went into the Church Garden to trace the events leading up to the death of Jesus on the cross, by following each of the Stations of the Cross that had been place in the Garden throughout Lent.

On Easter Saturday we had an Easter Eggstravaganza for the children of the village. Around 25 children and their families turned up

and enjoyed an afternoon of Easter fun; this included a Name the Bunny Competition and decorating Easter Bonnets.

After telling them all about the true meaning of Easter the afternoon ended with the grand finale of the Easter Egg Hunt.

The Church’s Grand Finale was the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Day. The service was a most joyful occasion which included happy resurrection hymns and readings, hearing why Jesus died for us, and an Easter Bonnet Competition before retiring to The Shed to eat more chocolate!!

Who said Church isn’t fun?? Easter wasn’t all about us in Campoverde. Throughout Lent we had been asking people to donate Easter Eggs for the children of Orihuela Orphanage.

By the time the orphanage came to collect them, over 140 Easter Eggs had been donated. We thank Iceland for their tremendous efforts to gather donations and all those who donated.


The Alfaz Spiritual Friends were honoured to give a Donation of 500 to Jonny for his deserving Charity, “Project 4 All”

This project runs a Halfway House for Men and a Safe House for Women. They support the homeless with clothes, blankets, a hot meal delivery service, and give friendly advice to those who need a helping hand.

They also run a Food Bank that helps families with staple food items. truly a Hand’s On Organisation for those who need that helping hand in these times.


Thousands of people visited the Palacio de los Deportes recently where they were able to enjoy the IX Conference of Alternative Leisure in Torrevieja, La ComarCon 2023, organized by "La Comarca" and the Department of Youth. Visitors were able to take part in a number of scheduled activities, such as roleplaying games, tournaments, demonstrations, workshops, talks, board games, comics, manga, video games, cosplay, and films.

More than 60 stands were available to visitors with the opening day was attended by the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, the vice mayor, Rosario Martínez, and the Councillor for Youth, Domingo Paredes, together with the president of the association, Sergio Ros.

44 Diners poisoned during TV broadcast of Masterchef

The Ministry of Health confirmed this week that 44 of the diners invited to the recording of the Masterchef television program on January 19, which took place at the Oceanogràfic de València, suffered food poisoning. Thet confirmed that a total of 44 people became ill during the recording of the episode, and that the symptoms they presented were those of gastroenteritis, that is, vomiting and diarrhoea.

One of those affected published a

photo of her and her colleagues sitting at a table during the program, She confirmed that they all had gastroenteritis: "I had to go to the emergency room to be injected with Primperan to stop vomiting," she said. ”I lost 5 kilos in just three days.”

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2023 Exhibition held in Torrevieja
Photo credit:Objectivo Torrevieja


Among the congregation of ‘Campoverde Church in the Community’ is a family who run the local ‘Orihuela Costa Community Food Bank’ and, on Easter morning, the food bank put out an emergency appeal for non-perishable food, Easter chocolate, and raffle prizes for their up-coming Charity Fair.

That afternoon, Assistant Lay Reader at Campoverde Church, Pip Shail, happened to be attending a meal with friends in a social group at Y.O.L.O.’s Bar/Restaurant in Cabo Roig.

The tables there were decorated with cute, knitted chicks containing Cadbury’s cream eggs and, knowing the food bank’s appeal for ‘Easter chocolate’, Pip asked her friends at the meal if they would kindly donate their chocolate eggs.

A total of 31 cream eggs were collected and presented to the food bank at the Campoverde Church Easter service later that day, together with a large amount of food that had been donated by other members of the congregation.

Anyone wishing to find out more about ‘Orihuela Costa Community Food Bank’ can

Orihuela Investigating Cat Recycling Solution

Orihuela Council is studying a proposal by the Colonias Felinas association, to convert redundant glass recycling bins into homes for street cats in the municipality.

The idea was presented this week to the Mayoress, Carolina Gracia, after a similar scheme was successfully launched in Monforte del Cid.

With the new animal welfare regulations, municipalities are obliged to keep track of the street cat populations, with Orihuela already stepping up plans for their sterilisation to control future breeding.

Last year the Department of Health sterilised 85

feral cats between September and November as part of a campaign subsidised by the Provincial Council with 6,891 euro.

In nearby municipalities such as Torrevieja, they have proposed to reduce their population of stray cats through the extension of the current veterinary services contract going from the current 350 annual sterilisations to about 1,187.

visit them on ‘Facebook’.

Campoverde Church in the Community has placed a permanent donations box in ‘Celcius Hair and Beauty’ in Campoverde for people to donate non-perishable food on an on-going basis. Donations can also be dropped off at Campoverde Church on Sundays between 5.15pm and 7pm.

Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The universe is apparently growing larger by millions of miles each day,which certainly puts my High Interest Bank Account into a bleak perspective.By tracing this expansion backwards,we eventually arrive at a starting point that has been called "the day without yesterday." Why not just call it 'Monday'? It's not as if anyone is likely to contradict you.

Yesterday never seemed like a more desirable place to be,during the pandemic.I don't mean actual yesterday, of course,but you've figured that out already.We're talking metaphorical yesterdays (or Mondays) long since gone.

Bob Dylan is often quoted as saying that whenever he hears a Gordon Lightfoot song,he "wishes it would last forever" and when I listen to lyrics like ?I'd give all of my tomorrows for a single yesterday? I tend to agree, sometimes.

The Beatles longed for yesterday,the Carpenters insisted it was yesterday once more ("Looking back on how it was/Makes today seem rather sad/So much has changed") and Mary Hopkin reminded us those were the days,my friend.?Just tonight I stood before the tavern, nothing seemed the way it used to be.? Lockdown was loathsome,Mary is just too polite to say so.

Your common sense prevails,of course,and you remind me that the sun also rises -- you've been reading Ernest Hemingway again,I can tell -- and after all,tomorrow is another day.Or is that Gone with Wind,I think it is. The point being,many of us would probably trade all our yesterdays for one single extra tomorrow,especially at my age,sorry Mr Lightfoot.

What great hardship would losing yesterday constitute, apart from remembering where our car keys got to,perhaps? That man from Stratford put things neatly in context as usual when he made Macbeth point out how all our yesterdays lead the way to dusty death.("Life is a tale told by an idiot,signifying nothing," he adds,but I think I'll skip over that idea.)

However,as Marty McFly discovered in Back to the Future,meddling with the space-time continuum can be more harmful to your health than smoking cigarettes.If we could flee from coronavirus now by retreating into the past,it would still be lurking in our future,and then where would we be?

You can gaze at the road ahead of you all you want,but sometimes your future is in your rearview mirror -which is going to be handy once self-driving cars come along.Meanwhile,as Roy Rogers used to say,"Happy trails!" But then he drove a horse.Many yesterdaysago.

Whilst many supermarkets have been criticised recently for over inflating prices, or not applying the IVAreduction, Mercadona has this week announced that it is to reduce the price of 500 everyday items, which they say will now result in savings of around 150 euro per year on the average shopping basket. Of course, prices have increased on many more products, particularly over the last year, and so the discount announced may still not compensate for the increases shoppers are currently facing, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.

The supermarket chain states that the initiative, which is carried out without affecting the quality of the products, will mean savings for customers of 200 million euro between now and the end of the year, and will have an impact on the company's margin of -0.6 points, which are added to the reduction made by the company of -1.1 points since 2020 to minimise the significant increase in prices of cost in origin and the industry.

The price reduction of these 500 products, applies to numerous foods for daily consumption available in different sections and businesses, such as canned products such as tuna, dairy products such as some cheeses, nuts, oils, cleaning and maintenance of the home, pet food, pastries, wine, and perfumes, among others.

Likewise, in the case of fresh products, the company will ìtake advantage of market opportunities to lower the priceî. An example of this has been fish, turkey breasts, etc, all these products will also be duly identified.

NOTE: The accompanying picture was taken in a Mercadona store in 2018, in case you would like to have a fun game of spotting the price difference today!

PAGE 8 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 637 227 385 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE SA SA T ANIMAL RESCUE T ANIMAL RESCUE 500 prices reduced in Mercadona
For more info 966 71 0047 / 688 792 515 Rocky is a sweet, lively 17 month old who is looking for a forever home.

Holly ‘Starstruck’ by Whirlwind Success

Holly Bannis is set to fly to Spain this month to see her dad, former Hot Chocolate lead singer Greg, amid what has been a whirlwind year since appearing of TVtalent show 'Starstruck'.

"Iíve basically gone from pubs, clubs and restaurants, to appearing in Theatres, Arenas, - and some show stopping venues, such as Alexandra Palace, London, and the Armadillo in Glasgow!," said singer Holly.

"It's been a whirlwind year, from an average of performing to 50 people - to up to 3,000!, said Holly.

Holly performed as Tina Turner on Starstruck, presented by Olly Murs, with a judging panel of Adam Lambert, Beverley Knight, Jason Manford and Sheridan Smith.

"Itís been an incredible journey so far, taking on two phenomenal shows, Tina Turner and Whitney Houston," she said.

"Touring the UK and parts of Europe - I am on the road constantly - and wouldnít change it!," added Holly.

Having met famous people on the Starstruck show, Holly said: "Since I have been on tour I havenít met anyone of any 'fame' as such, but Iíve made some great friends in my band - and moreso performed at some truly iconic venues."

On her scheduled trip to Spain, to see her dad, Murcia based Greg, Holly said: "Iíll be seeing my dad - as I'm heading over to Spain!

"My show is also coming to Marbella on August 22nd at the Starlight Festival, in a Whitney Houston Queen of the Night Show!".

*NEXTWEEK Greg Bannis talks Exclusively to The Leader about daughter Holly.


Transport inspections and control of traffic violations at Alicante-Elche Airport are continuing, with part of the focus being on so-called “pirate taxis”, an umbrella term to describe anybody who charges money for taking people to or from the airport. Police officers from Elche have been carrying out the inspections, resulting in “multiple cases of illegal transfer of passengers going to different municipalities in the province and involving illegal competition”.

In one of the cases, a vehicle was identified parked in an unauthorised area and without the driver present. As the tow truck appeared to remove the vehicle, so did three supposed neighbours of different nationalities who were set to travel in the vehicle.

Upon being questioned by the police, the driver admitted that he was making trips from the airport to Torrevieja, charging 15 euro per person each way.

As a result, the police have reported the driver who now faces a fine of 4,001 euro.

Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Giving with a heart and a half ....

You have probably heard this story already – but telling you again will eat up a couple of column inches and help to fill my allotted space.

In some far-flung South American country an election was looming and canvassers were out in full force. The socialist candidate was doing his rounds and preaching how his party was going to take the wealth from the rich and divide it equally among all the citizens.

‘This is how it works’, he was explaining to a poor man who owned just a few acres. ‘If you had two houses, then you would give one to a comrade who has no house?’ ‘Si, Signor’, answered the voter. ‘And if you had two cars, and you neighbour had no car, you would willingly give up one of your cars for your fellow-citizen?’ ‘Si …Si … Signor’ said the man; warming to the questions and possibly seeing a benefit for himself down the road with a change of regime. ‘And if you had two cows, and a man in the next village had no cow, you would have no objection to the state taking one of you cows for the family with no cow?’ At this, the interviewee’s face fell … ‘Oh hold it there, Signor … you see … I have two cows! This story tells us a lot about human nature when it comes to sharing the national cake. We all agree that the rich should pay more to help the poor; but how much are the rest of us really willing to pay so that those with less can have more? Theory is fine and dandy, but when it comes down to digging deep, a sizeable proportion of the population are like that man with the two cows.

We often hear the cliché, ‘how the other half lives’, but most of that half will not accept the fact that they are looked upon as ‘the other half’.

Ireland is one of the most generous countries per capita in the world, when it comes to voluntary donations to charities and worthy causes. Could some of this be down to the fact that our collective conscience is eased by contributing to homeless charities, SVDP and Brother Kevin? Giving like this makes us feel good?


A man accused of harassing his ex-partner changes sex

An Alicante man accused of harassing his expartner, has now changed sex and, as a woman, he cannot now be accused of gender violence, a crime that seeks to punish the physical and/or psychological violence exerted by a man towards a woman. This situation was raised during the processing of the Trans Law and is now being questioned in the Alicante courts.

Now, if the Government proposed an increase in income tax to make it unnecessary for charitable organisation to look after the weak and homeless, would the voters proclaim; ‘what a wonderfully inspiring idea?’ I don’t think so … It is undoubtedly a fact that much of the poverty in this rich country is caused by an underlying problem such as alcoholism, drug abuse or gambling addiction. But for every addict, there are an average of five innocent human beings suffering as a result – mostly children.

At this stage, the reason that a family is without a roof over their head shouldn’t matter. The suffering is the same no matter what the root cause. Despite what the man with the two cows says, surely a simple system can be found to assist all those unfortunate people in need of help?

Part of the problem is that those with the two cows don’t get to see the man trying to survive with no cow. A couple of generations back, when there was little or no state aid against poverty , country people always rallied to help – because they could see it.

If a small farmer became ill or hospitalised, the neighbours pitched in and looked after his wife and children. Potatoes were sown, hay saved and animals tended to – and without the slightest compliment. The people could see the difference their help made. Other than what we can actually see working with local voluntary charities, we are rather suspicious that money from the big pool is not spent wisely.

With regard to housing the homeless, the greatest scandal is not a lack of housing. The greatest scandal is the empty houses. Ireland is driving forward with the handbrake on due to the crazy … maybe even criminal, imposition of regulations. There are enough roofs to shelter all the homeless, but the building and safety regulations which apply to new buildings are also being applied to older building which are perfectly suited to housing a family. Houses where families were reared until the property changed hands and a fire officer says it

Investigation Launched After Patient Dies Waiting for Ambulance

An investigation has been launched after an ambulance was called to assist a patient in difficulty in La Marina with the newly centralised control centre in Valencia sending an emergency unit from Elche, 30 kilometres away, when another unit was available in Rojales, just 7 kilometres away.

Medical staff reported that this is the reason why they opposed the centralisation in Valencia.

“Good day Madam. I’m sure you won’t mind if I step in for a minute or two to look around and see how the other half lives?”

must be gutted before anyone else can sleep there.

There is a two-part solution to letting of older residencies … provided that a portion of common sense can be added to the equation. First of all, escape windows, opening out and outside fire-stairs can be installed at no great cost. The second thing is that, even if there is some slight risk, an able-bodied adult, of sound mind, should be able to make his or own decision to choose such rental accommodation, in preference to a sleeping bag on the street.


Unless a man is a recipient of charity, he should be a contributor to it.

Future of Vehicle workshops threatened by Electric Vehicles

It is thought that that around 500 garages in the Alicante Province are in serious danger of closure.

This is due to the sharp drop in the volume of work in the event of the increase in ownership of electric vehicles, and the introduction of the low emission zones, that should begin to be implemented this year, in towns cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants.


A group of Expats had the honour of leading both the Easter Sunday and Good Friday parades in Pilar de la Horadada. The task of finding the volunteers fell to local resident Ray Marsh, a former Costalera in Torrevieja. “The people of Pilar could not have made us more welcome and really appreciate the fact that we want to be part of the culture and traditions of our town,” he said.

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Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

On the modernisation of Los Locos beach in Torrevieja

Jan J.M.

(Translated from Spanish)

The municipality must maintain what exists,instead of building new ones, which will only be deteriorated,there is a lack of maintenance of streets and facades,and better waste management, especially where tourists do not arrive.

On the neglect of urbanisations in Torrevieja


I can’t say I find El Chaparral to be in decline and I’ve been here 26 years.I am really pleased to see the park at the entrance of la Siesta being built after so many false starts

Michael Walsh-McLaughlan

Our Town Hall has seemingly forgotten that to reach a town one must first travel through dilapidated urbanisations - and first impessions count.

Maybe shame them with a top 10 photographed contenders for Weedsville aka Torrevieja.

On the closure of Orihuela Costa beach bars

Darren Mark Lilley

People really need to start voting and vote a local Costa Party.

Peter Finch

I don't understand what can be so complex about a beach bar contract or why each year they fail to get a grip of it..

Caroline Francis

Every year the same.Orihuela only want the money from the coast.

Vicky Fell

Not again!!!

Agnieszka Zagajewska - Stelmach

What?? What?

To read more comments,and add your own,follow The Leader on Facebook,

Park and Ride

Welcome they are but Easter’s fiestas again bring into sharp focus the desperate need for Park and Ride hubs, especially in Guardamar and Torrevieja.

During Easter, neither town was accessible by car and the problem is aggravated by local holidays and the onset of the tourist season. The lack of parking excludes the elderly and those less mobile as parking and walking are simply not possible for many visitors.

Indeed, such facilities could and should be permanent in both communities. If the larger markets and the likes of La Zenia Boulevard can provide adequate parking facilities then surely the city authorities can follow suit.


E Scooters could be an asset

I don’t really have a problem with electric scooters as I can see that they are a convenient way of getting around, particularly for youngsters, but the Local Police really must start educating people in their use. All too often they have been ridden past me on pavements, which is not allowed, in full view of officers, and by whom they have been completely ignored. I also regularly see them being ridden by more than one person, and by individuals who are clearly under 16years of age, something else that needs to be clamped down on.

If the police pay a little more attention to such misdemeanours, I’m sure they would not be half the problem that many people make them out to be.

The one question that I can see becoming an issue in the future is with regard to the number of companies operating in my area. There are currently three, and I have already seen evidence of operators moving scooters around so their company can have exclusivity on a particular site. I just hope this problem doesn’t escalate aand break out into a war.

Give them a chance

Dear Editor,

I have to step in and make a comment about Orihuela council, who are facing constant criticism from numerous angles, some of which might be justified, but mostly due to the years that the council has been neglecting the coast, though most people complaining fail to recognise one very important point.

Orihuela council has not been in power for “years”. They have actually not even been in power for one year yet. Most of the problems people are complaining about are a legacy from the council they took over from. The current lot might not be any better, but surely they need some time to prove themselves, after all, the last lot had a lot longer to mess things up.

Orihuela Town Hall - Failings

I own a house near the Sun Golf Villas in Villa Martin which backs on to a ravine. In 2019, during the terrible storm my back garden was impacted by a landslide caused by the torrential rain resulting in much of the garden unfortunately slipping into the ravine.

For nearly four years I have been trying to get the Town Hall to carry out repair work on the ravine wall so I can repair my garden , but to no avail. I have had to take legal action and now the Court has sumound the Town Hall to engage, but even then they are stalling. There is also a health and safety aspect too with exposed water pipes and the regular smell of sewage, not to mention regular infestations of woodlouse. The ravine is now so overgrown with vegetation it is difficult to see where my back garden was and even spot the exposed water pipes. However, I have attached a couple of recent photos, and if you would like to learn more and consider publishing an article of the lack of Duty of Care by the Town Hall, who are still quite happy to take my taxes

PAGE 12 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
letters letters Email:
Here are a few selected comments from our social media platforms.


The arrival of spring and good weather ends up becoming a nightmare for many people who suffer from the typical allergies of this time of year, known commonly as hay fever, but the effects of those allergies can have consequences when driving.

The most common allergies are environmental, especially those caused by pollen. Specifically, grass pollen is responsible for most spring allergies, especially in the north and centre of the peninsula.

However, in the Mediterranean basin, the main cause of this discomfort is the parietaria, while in the south of Spain there are many cases of allergy to the olive tree.

The most frequent symptoms in patients with allergies are: eye irritation, nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy skin, itchy throat, fatigue and respiratory problems, among others, all of which undoubtedly affect driving.

In fact, there are studies that warn that the risk of having a traffic related incident increases by 30% with allergic drivers.

As the DGT explains, sneezing for five seconds while driving at 90 kilometres per hour means stopping paying attention to the road for more than 125 metres.

Bearing in mind that a sneezing crisis is normally associated

with watery eyes, in the case of driving at 100 kilometres per hour, distance travelled without looking at the road can reach 140 metres.

In addition, 50% of people with allergies suffer from sleep disturbances and 40% of those with allergic rhinitis suffer from daytime sleepiness, which also affects road safety. The medication used to treat allergic diseases are antihistamines. These pills have incorporated in their assemblies, for a few years, a pictogram that warns of its effects on driving.

In addition, in their leaflets they include a section that explains the effects, if they have them.

It should be noted that antihistamines that use bilastine, ebastine, desloratadine, loratadine and terfenadine as active ingredients usually have no effect on driving, so they are safer if you are going to drive, but always check with the information leaflet, your pharmacist, or doctor, before driving whilst on any medication.

The overall advice, inconvenient though it might be, is if you are suffering an allergic episode and are affected by the symptoms, or medication, refrain from driving until it is safe to do so.

Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The effects of allergies, such as HAYFEVER, can have consequences when driving



ANSWERS Week 966


ACROSS: ACROSS: 6 Charity; 7 Banal; 9 Brood; 10 Impound; 12 Deferential; 14 Connotation; 18 Distort; 19 Glory; 21 Stuff; 22 Pungent.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Shirk; 2 Groove; 3 Sty; 4 Cavort; 5 Gainsay; 8 Amnesty; 11 Lecture; 13 Society; 15 Notify; 16 Oblige; 17 Wrong; 20 Put.



1.Dandy (4)

3.Guess (8)

9.Shrivelled (7)

10.Confuse (5)

11.Recovering (12)

13.Withdraw (6)

15.Property (6)

17.Foreboding (12)

20.Avoid (5)

21.Malady (7)

22.Pass (8)

23.Image (4)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23


1.Dejected (8)

2.Twelve (5)

4.Saturated (6)

5.Unapproachable (12)

6.Appendices (7)

7.Pitcher (4)

8.Shining (12)

12.Of abstinence (8)

14.Slaughter (7)

16.Reveal (6)

18.Correct (5)

19.Ban (4)

ACROSS: ACROSS: 6 Auction; 7 Tomes; 9 Denim; 10 Notable; 12 Restraining; 14 Quarter-deck; 18 Stripes; 19 Bores; 21 Green; 22 Release.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Puree; 2 Strike; 3 Son; 4 Domain; 5 Decline; 8 Towards; 11 Steeper; 13 Mutters; 15 Reined; 16 Crowed; 17 Leash; 20 Net.

1 & 23Ac. Position that's the standard way of showing respect (4-4)

3.What any type in the press-room must be (8)

9.Hide the real transformation (7)

10.Stick no flap the wrong way round (5)

11.It's used for putting a light jet into action (5-7)

13.Put the accent on emotional pressure (6)

15.Sea air (6)

17.They derive some interest from making advances (5-7)

20.It's used for piercing southern fruit (5)

21.You'll find us in a Chinese pottery - it's diverting (7)

22.Books replacements (8)

23.See 1 Across


1.Hook to grip quickly (8)

2.Ashopping area upset the South American quadruped (5)

4.Mundane description of the groundwork? (6)

5.An outstanding item as far as the gambler is concerned (4,2,6)

6.Marsh bird pecked another one ... (7)

7.... And one in a bigger nest (4)

8.Expert at fleecing (5-7)

12.Using this, I line up the target, by the sound of it (8)

14.Just the ones to rise after the start of the rebellion (7)

16.Part to stick together (6)

18.Plant is one that needs unusual care all round (5)

19.Presumes to hold an employer back (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. Which Hollywood child star played the little girl in the 1947 Christmas film Miracle on 34th Street?

2. Mitchum and Pepper are both examples of what?

3. The fairy with turquoise hair appears in Carlo Collodi's book, The Adventures of Pinocchio. What is she called in the Disney film?

4. Which edible product was first created to celebrate a French victory over the English at Port Mahon?

5. Who said it? a: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Whose take on life? b: Who explained his theories thus: "When a man sits with a pretty girl for a minute it seems like an hour. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute - and it's longer than any hour." c: Of what was General Bousquet speaking when he observed, "C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre" (It is magnificent, but it isn't war)? d: Which king modestly asserted "L'etat, c'est moi"? e: Who supposed that "Golf is a good walk spoiled"?

6. In Brazil, what is Pelada?

7. What is Jabulani, first introduced on the 5th of December 2009?

8. What do the film characters Vince Vega (Pulp Fiction) and Donald Genero (Jurassic Park) have in common?

9. Which old fashioned weapon is found on the flag of the Barbados?

10. Ceylon, now known as Sri

Lanka, was a colony of which three European countries?

11. With the aid of the following lyrics, name the girl in each song. a. Who's trippin down the streets of the city smilin at everbody she sees. b. That gypsy with the gold capped tooth. c. She was a red hot hoochie coocher.

12. Who painted the actual work of art entitled 'The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in the Sun' found in the film Red Dragon?

13. The U2 song 'Angel of Harlem' is a tribute to which woman?

14. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of what?

15. The following words are from which Christmas songs? a. Star with royal beauty bright. b. Follow me in merry measure. c. I don't care about presents underneath the Christmas tree. d. Please have snow and mistletoe, and presents on the tree. e. The world in solemn stillness lay, to hear the angels sing.

16. Who wrote the comic opera Robinson Crusoe?

17. Former Communist Party member Traian Basescu (pronounced: Try-Yan Bar-Sess-Goo), now a member of the European Parliament, served as the president of which country from 2004 to 2014?

18. The character Dr. Heywood Floyd is in which two films?

19. For which film or films did each of the following people win Oscars: a: Hilary Swank, Best Actress (x2 films). b: Steven Spielberg, Best Director (x2 films). c: Robert Duvall, Best Actor. d: Louise Fletcher, Best Actress. e: Warren Beatty, Best Director

20. Which four Beatles songs have the word 'bird' in the title?

PAGE 14 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Reflexology courses are here now on the Costa Blanca which means that anyone who would like to become a Reflexology practitioner can now train locally and not have to travel back to the UK.

treatments is to normalise the body’s functioning, to help break down tension and alleviate stress, and to improve nerve functioning and blood supply throughout the body.

Reflexology works best when it is used to treat the whole body, rather than specific conditions, and this, in turn, encourages the natural healing processes to work more speedily and efficiently.

clients effectively.


Reflexology is a gentle art, fascinating science and an extremely effective form of therapeutic foot massage that has carved an impressive niche in the field of complimentary medicine. Reflexology is the application of specific pressures to reflex points in the hands and feet to stimulate and revitalize energy flow.

Reflexology is a completely safe form of therapy, as well as being a very relaxing and pleasant experience. The purpose of a course of

The simplicity of a reflexology treatment belies its efficacy. No high-tech. complicated equipment is necessary. The technique is so simple it does not require years of training to master. A good practitioner needs a sensitive but sturdy pair of hands, a genuine desire to ease pain and suffering, compassion, intuition and an understanding of human nature. Reflexology is not only effective with just adults. You can soothe a fractious infant simply by applying gentle pressure to the baby’ feet – an invaluable technique in the middle of the night, when a few hours of unbroken sleep are desperately needed! As well as babies, young children also seem to have a natural affinity for reflexology

The courses take 2-3 months to complete and qualification will only be given after 78 hours of study. Students will have 8 days of class work and at least 30 hours home study which must include client treatments and essays. Anatomy and Physiology is part of the class study as practitioners need to understand the body’s systems fully to be able to treat their

Christine Quinlan has been running her holistic therapy business called Body Harmony since 2000 and has been based in La Marina for over 14 years and in her previous life in Cardiff she started Body Harmony over 19 years ago after being a retail manager for 20 years. Christine was approached by several local community organizations in South Wales to start teaching Reiki and Indian Head Massage and she still goes back occasionally to run these courses and many of her students are now successful practitioners.

Christine has appeared on the very successful Mind, Body and Sol shows here with Reiki and Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Candling and from that has come several enquiries about people wanting to learn Reflexology, so after liaising with the Reflexology Association, she launched her Reflexology courses here in 2007. There are certain guidelines that must be adhered to when teaching Reflexology and the course has been accepted by the Reflexology Association and graded at NVQ 3 level.

All course work and examinations are assessed by a local NVQ assessor before qualifica-

You may just want to have a Reflexology treatment for your busy and stressful life. If you would just like to be calmed and re-balanced, then come along to Body Harmony and enjoy being treated.

If anyone would like to learn Reflexology or just have a treatment, please contact Christine Quinlan. Body Harmony International, La Marina. email:


Tel: 966 795 103

Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS

CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALTCHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, TorreviejaEvangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m.


Los Montesinos - La Herrada

2 double bed/fitted wardrobes, bath/shower. South facing ground floor bungalow apartment, DialPrix Supermarket 2 mins away. Private tiled garden, double glazed Patio, Seperate kitchen, Galleria. Close to all amenities - 35 min Alicante Airport, Priced to sell at E79,995

Tel: +34 634 383 099.Tel: +44 776 230 3798. Tel: +44 770 234 0744. for details.

Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta ñ Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a 2016 Ford Grand C-Max Trend+ Diesel which is priced at just 17,500 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used

cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page7. We can assure you of the biggest and best in the area for price, choice and quality.


Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see http://www.los-alcazares-

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:

Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Association. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website

PAGE 16 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Hattie's Pincushion

son by removing old faded flowers, which can help your plants continue to bloom into July.

You can cut-back to a couple of inches tall, in either the late autumn or early winter, once the frost has killed the foliage, as well as trimming stems back to a few inches tall in early spring, as the plant's new growth resumes.

These plants are propagated, either through division or growing from seed. Dividing the plant is easy and best done during the spring and can also be done in early autumn.

Masterwort doesn't have many issues with pests or diseases, however, you might discover that slugs are fond of chewing and residing on leaves.

Buongiorno Guardamar

Guardamar were at the cycling fair in Bologna in April, highlighting the map of cycling routes 'Guardamar Destinazione Ciclistica'.

"Since 2019, Guardamar has promoted itself as a European cycling municipality with a growing influx of hotels and campsites in the municipality, both for teams and individuals," said a spokesperson from the Guadamar Town Hall.

The Masterwort plant - commonly known as Hattie's Pincushion - not only has unique flowers, but it also thrives in the shade. In the late spring and early summer, you will spot this plant with flowers that almost look like pincushions, hence it's name!

The flowers have also been compared to stars - even fireworks - due to their tightlypacked florets that are backed with petal-like bracts.

A woodland perennial, therefore, will grow best in partial shade, so be sure that it will receive either filtered shade all day, or just the morning sun, with shade during the hottest part of the afternoon.

The flowers have been compared to stars

It also enjoys having access to a regular supply of moisture, particularly when temperatures are hot and dry, as it won't tolerate periods of drought, where you may see fewer blooms and crispy brown foliage.

Loving wet soil conditions means it can be grown near water gardens or streams, or any other areas in your garden that tends to stay wet.

These are hardy plants that don't require anything to preparation for overwintering, as they will return in full force and bloom in the spring.

They don't require a great deal of pruning either, but you can extend it's blooming sea-


Ref: 001562 e425,000


Totally refurbished 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, villa with large southfacing terrace.

Airconditioning and heating, all new windows, completely insulated. Underbuild with 2 additional rooms. Garage and access to seperate garden area, part of which is used for bed and breakfast.

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023

Sixteen new parties formed in the hunt for the municipal vote

There are just a few more days to the deadline for political parties to register with the Electoral Board to be able to contest the municipal elections. Thus, at the end of this month, the name of many new formations, some that we have never heard of, in addition to the usual ones, will be known.

In the province of Alicante 16 new parties have registered with the Ministry of the Interior in the last year and a half, while 23 have been registered in Valencia and 7 Castellón. In the province of Barcelona,

Orihuela Costa Residents Voting

You are now able to check that you are registered to vote and the Voting Station to use in the elections, and, if you have access to the internet, it is a very simple process.

Go to the Orihuela Council website at the following link:

You then need to fill in the following details

Documento (ID, NIE or Passport)

Fecha Nacimiento (DOB): for example 06081952

Press Aceptar

If you are registered, the following details will appear on the screen

Your Voting Station, itís address, the District, Section and Table: B

PSOE add No’s 2 & 3 in Torrevieja

David Villanueva and Carol Ponce join Bárbara Soler on the Torrevieja PSOE list

??there are 60 new parties.

Locally, the Marina Alta and Medio Vinalopó, have four each. Vega Baja follows with three, Baix Vinalopó with two and l'Alacantí, Marina Baixa and l'Alcoià, with one.

Román Jiménez is the president of P.I.O.C. the Party for the Independence of Orihuela Costa, and on Thursday he was at the Provincial Court delivering the necessary documentation for this, probably the most significant of all the new parties.

The name is seemingly a declaration of intent with the central objective of 28M, "to achieve one or two councillors who care about ensuring local resources and services" for this large coastal area of the municipality.

Jiménez and many of his colleagues had a bad experience with CLARO, another local party, and later with a neighborhood platform. He confesses that "it is not so much about achieving independence as what is fair" for an area with a population of more than 50,000 inhabitants and warns: "Orihuela has already lost people and land", in reference to the independence gained by Pilar de la Horadada.

The veteran Juan Vicente Hinarejos, after decades collaborating with the PP, has formed Por Monforte, despite being number six on the PP list in the last elections. On his website he talks about "a new Monforte is possible if we have your support, stop complaining and join a neighborhood project to work for our town, you are greatly needed."

Another of the most relevant new parties is in the Marina Alta led by the current renegade councillor, Ana Sala, where Somos Calpe formed just two months ago.

Por ti, Por Elda, is a party born from citizens who are not politicians, although founder Israel Vergara was previously with in Sentido Común Elda-Petrer

In Elche, there are two new parties, España Viva and Laboristas, while in the Marina Alta, there is Avant Llíber or Vivim Els Poblets, registered by the PP councillor Miguel Ángel Moncho. In the Marina Baixa, Vive-Viu La Vila. In the Vinalopó, Por La Romana. In l'Alacantí, Per El Campello, headed by Paco Toni Palomares and in Vega Baja, Nueva Daya Nueva.


Gitte Lund Thomsen, the current Councillor for International Residents in Torrevieja, will once again be representing the foreign population of the town in the electoral list for the Partido Popular.

The current Mayor, Eduardo DolÛn, will once again stand as the mayoral candidate for the PP, whilst also standing for a position on the regional government, a promotion from the province of Alicante where he currently site.

The current deputy mayor and councillor for Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Rosario MartÌnez Chazarra, will once again occupy second place on the electoral list.

The current Government team is pretty much resurrected to represent the Partido Popular once again, including MartÌnez Chazarra, Ricardo Recuero and Diana Box, Federico AlarcÛn , who will climb positions on the list, and who has assumed a leading role during this term in the transmission of municipal management and in the management of complicated areas such as Security and Activities; and also highlights the role of Domingo Paredes, Councillor for Youth, who took over the Treasury area only recently follow-

ing a resignation.

The list also includes Gitte Lund Thomsen, who has become famous for representing the international community, and although neither the outcome of the elections, nor the roles within the next government can be assumed, as an international resident of the town who has represented success in her role so far, it might be safe to assume her continuation in that department.

Sueña Torrevieja confirms it’s Electoral top 5

"Today it is time to present the two men and two women who will accompany me among the top 5 of the electoral list: Torrevejenses committed to their people, involved in the social, educational and cultural fabric of Torrevieja, wanting to change their city, and who have joined this project because they consider that at this time only a local and independent party can be the true alternative to the Popular Party government.

Rosario Martínez confirmed as PP's number 2

The deputy mayor and councillor for Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Rosario Martínez Chazarra, will continue as Torrevieja’s No 2 on the PP electoral list for the municipal elections on May 28.

whether she was actually going to occupy that priority position.

For weeks Dolón has been making members of his list known live, through Instagram. He has done it two by two, combining new faces with the experience of his current team, but without revealing what position each will occupy on the list.

Bárbara Soler

David Villanueva and Carol Ponce have been added as number two and three respectively on the list of the Torrevieja Socialists for the May municipal elections. Villanueva is a graduate in business administration and management, who tried unsuccessfully to run in the 2014 while Carol Ponce is a social educator and family mediator who has worked in the Social Welfare areas of the Guardamar del Segura and Torrevieja town halls.

Samper said that "I am proud of the great human and political team that we have formed in Sueña Torrevieja, of the colleagues I have by my side here today, but also of those who are behind and of all those who have joined during these last weeks and months".

Samper says that "it is time to present the first 5 of the candidacies of Sueña Torrevieja, but that does not mean that we are going to get only 5 councillors, but that we are going to get many more since we obviously went out to win the elections on May 28.

Let all the residents of Torrevieja be clear that we are going to give everything to change the course of this city, as we have been doing during these last four years. In proposals, in team, and in love for Torrevieja, nobody can beat us".

Going into the elections, where it seems most likely that Dolon will be elected as a regional deputy to the Valencian Cortes, which will mean even more responsibility for Martínez Chazarra, who has been the local secretary of the PP since the beginning of 2022,

Dolón has said that, regardless of the Valencian Cortes result, he has no intention of leaving the Torrevieja mayoralty, if re elected.

The confirmation of Rosario Martínez also dispels some doubts about

Except for surprises, he will trust his current team, maintaining the hard core that has supported him during the last 4 years.

Ricardo Recuero and Diana Box will continue in Education, Sport, New Technologies, Health and Urban Cleaning; Federico Alarcón will remain with Security and Activities, and Domingo Paredes, will retain Youth, the Treasury, and quite probably Employment, which he assumed following the resignation of Carmen Gómez.

PAGE 18 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Sueña Torrevieja Presents the First Five Candidates of its Electoral List Pablo Samper, candidate for mayor of Sueña Torrevieja, has now presented the two women and two men who will accompany him in the top five positions of the electoral list. 1. Pablo Samper 2. Rodolfo Carmona 3. Melina Martin Camacho 4. Jaime Aniorte 5. Alicia Bernabé Ubieta

Sports Grounds Left Abandoned in Torrevieja

Whilst actively promoting Torrevieja as a sporting destination to domestic and international competitors, the local residents are not treated quite as favourably, due to the neglect of their sporting fixtures in the neighbourhoods of the town, according to the mayoral candidate for Sueña Torrevieja, Pablo Samper.

Samper states that, "It is regrettable the state in which these sports courts are, with the fallen fences where the balls pass and go to the street or to the houses of the neighbours, the broken walls, the broken goals and baskets and the almost impassable ground".

Samper assures that "the Councillor for Sports Diana Box justified in a letter included in the file of modification of credits nº1 of 2022, an extraordinary credit of 400,000 euro… The justification was more than curious since the need and not possibility of delaying it to the year 2023 is justified, since it is for the repair work of the blue sports courts, for-

merly called A + D, and these are very deteriorated and are used by a large number of users".

The sports pitches in question are located in the areas surrounding the town, namely Plaza de Europa, Los Altos, Torreblanca, Torreta III, La Siesta, and El Chaparral, some of the urbanisations featured in an article in The Leader last week about neglect.

In addition, it presented the imminent construction of the sports pavilion of La

P.I.O.C. Confirm Political Author as Number One

Ramon Fuste Guillen has been confirmed as number one candidate on the electoral list representing PIOC, Partido Independencia Orihuela Costa, where he says he feels completely at home.

Born in Barcelona a little over 55 years ago, the author and political broadcaster now lives in Campoamor.

He has previously worked as a civil servant in the Department of Justice in Catalonia and as an administrator with the Autonomous Community of Madrid, so he would appear to know his way around government circles.

Following his move to the Orihuela Costa, Ramon established his own business, but the recession back in 2008 caused it’s closure, following which he quickly established himself as a writer specialising in political affairs, soon to be followed as a talk show host on a foreign television station. His book "Alternativa a la Guerra", An Alternative to War, is


The Orihuela mayoress took the unusual step on Saturday of dismissing the Ciudadanos councillor of Infrastructure £ngel Noguera, following news that he had been summoned to attend the Orihuela courts to testify against a second alleged charge of ëcontinued prevaricationí on 15 June.

Mata and the repair of the paddle tennis courts of the Sports City.

Samper concludes by stating that "again and we have already lost count, we find another unfulfilled promise from the mayor of Torrevieja. His management and his government are totally discredited, and no one believes him anymore. Less than a month and a half before the municipal elections all the residents of Torrevieja can see how the unfulfilled promises of Eduardo Dolón during these 4 years never end".

about the current geopolitical situation, new social actors, conflicts and scenarios for a multipolar world order construction Ramon says he got into local politics because he believes that the Orihuela Costa can be a paradise, but only if it is treated with respect, which is currently not the case as it continues to be ridden over ‘roughshod’ by the Orihuela Government.

When he was running his own business, he says that it allowed him to mix with lots of people, to talk to them, to learn of, and to understand, their difficulties. “That is when I became more aware of the problems of the Orihuela Costa and its people, as a result of which I chose to become much more involved in politics.”

Currently in a relationship of many years, Ramon describes himself as honest, hardworking and a loyal member of PIOC. “We are all very different, but at the same we time enjoy working together and we will continue to do so. We will work hard for the good of the coast and of it’s

“Orihuela Costa truly is an amazing place to live and to work, made even more so by the remarkable population, so many races, religions and nationalities, but all so united in the one common cause, eventual independence for the coast, but in the meantime, a much better deal for us all,” he said.

The councillor has been told that he is no longer part of the government coalition team.

During her statement Gracia confirmed that as a result of his dismissal, which is yet to be commented on by the leader of Ciudadanos, Jose Aix, she would also be assuming the powers of the former councillor in the areas of Infrastructures, Services, Works and Maintenance.

Earlier in the week, Public Prosecutor Felipe Briones ordered an investigation into an alleged continued crime of prevarication, by Noguera, for withholding invoices relating to the maintenance, conservation and repair of roads and public areas in Orihuela Costa, despite having the compliance report for their payment from the supervising officers of the contracts.

He produced several audio recordings in which it is shown the councillor "refused" to sign regular monthly invoices for completed services, while officials in the Department of Infrastructure supposedly asked the company management to carry out additional work, not included in the contract, in order to "expedite" their signing, despite already having the approval of the municipal surveyors.

The Councillor, who is also being investigated in another case related to the Orihuela Costa Parks and Gardens contract, justified his withholding of payment because of breaches by the company.

Butron looking to extend his 32 years as Montesinos Mayor

Jose Manuel Butron has spoken about the upcoming local elections and about the future of his Vega Baja town.

"At the beginning of March we approved the list of candidates that will join me and in the meantime we will continue working toward the future that we want for our people," he said. "Librada S·ez, is a veterinary assistant and she wants to be in this socialist project, contributing her knowledge and experience towards improvements in the town."

Butron, who has been the mayor for 32 years, following the town's independence, said: "JosÈ Luis SimÛn is another colleague who will join me on the list of candidates. He has supported me since the first elections, always committed to the people and their future and progress."

If you have registered your right to vote in the local elections on May 28, 2023, and would like to check you are on the voting list you can visit the Montesinos Town Hall, between the 10th-17th April, from 9am-2pm to confirm that all your details are correct, otherwise you won't be able to vote.

Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
facilities are often left abandoned
Noguera is now facing two charges of alleged prevarication Pablo Samper of Sueña Ramon Fuste

TDLO Ladies Singles Competition

Agood turn-out saw the competition played on 3 dartboards, in separate locations across two adjacent venues, in a straight Knock Out competition which was no mean feat for the organisers ñ if we¥d been wearing Fitbits we would have been very happy with our step count!

Of the seven teams with entries, only three teams were represented in the final 8, some promising contenders having been eliminated in the earlier rounds. The standard of darts was such that scoring not one, but two `174¥s¥was still not enough for Friendly Temp Ann Wharton to secure her place in the Quarters. Teammate Sue Wade did get through however, after a lively and hilarious clash with CK1 Ladybird Kirsty Green. With Kirsty gone, the Ladybirds still had 3 belters left (Sue Cam, Donna Ralph and Sue Christie) but the mighty Gap Girlz also had their 4 big guns. Alas for GG¥s Amanda Skinner (140 x2, 125), she was drawn to play her pal Bliss Wright to get to the Semi¥s so only one could advance and Miss Wright was the victor.

Similarly Sue Christie faced comrade Donna, the latter going through 2-0. Gap¥s Yvonne Rouffignac saw off a valiant effort from Ladybird Sue Cam and Sue Wade eventually succumbed to Gap¥s Chelsea Campbell (140,

15-20-Bull), having put in one hell of a performance.

The first of the ¥best of 5¥ Semi-finals saw Yvonne (100, D20 & D1) go two legs ahead of Bliss (100) but with true grit, the junior dug in (100, D10), (140, T2011-Bull) and finally 100, D3 to take her to the finals.,60 plus scores being the mainstay of both their throws.

In the second Semi, Donna (D18; D10) and Chelsea (140, D15; D4) took alternate legs but the Ladybird nailed the crucial 5th with D5 showing what a lady who favours the lower board can do.

The Finals: Bolstered by her victory and playing on her home ground, Donna took the first two legs (95, 72, 95, D4; 83, 65, D1) despite Bliss¥ (95, 66, 100, 60, 85; 60, 140, 100) which shows the latter was getting the big scores but not the conversions.

Donna must have thought she had got the better of her, but in a carbon copy of her Semi¥s, Bliss came back strong (120, 95, 100, D1; 80, 60, 72, 80, D2; 100, 80, 100, D2) all legs going down to the doubles, to take the title of ladies Singles Champion for this season.

With a total of 5 x 140¥s and twice that in tons, plus a 121 check-out, she certainly deserves the accolade. Well done to the organisers and everyone who took part, an eventful evening!

Racing Cadet Enrique

historic senior debut at 15

Racing San Miguel Cadet Enrique Price made his senior debut, aged 15 years, 2 months and 17 days, breaking the record for the youngest footballer to do so in the Valencia 1st Regional G8 club.

PAGE 20 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Finalist Ralph beatChelsea in the semi Ann Wharton celebrates 174 twice Winner Bliss with semi finalist Yvonne Teenager Enrique made his historic appearance in Racing San Miguel's game against CF Rafal.


It was a special night for three young boys from Underworld Boxing Club in La Zenia on Saturday as they all made their amateur boxing debut’s on the card of an event that was held at the Orihuela Costa Resort.

Fifteen year old Morgan John Flaherty, (70kg), is a student at Playa Flamenca School. Born in Spain Morgan has been training with Sam for a little over 18 months. Although not entirely sure, he has an idea of who he will meet on Saturday and was brimming full of confidence when I met him last Wednesday.

The second Underworld boxer on the Orihuela Costa card, also 15-years of age, is Polish born Adrian Kaminsky, (64kg) who has lived in Spain for 5 yrs. Adrian said that he too is very excited to be making his debut but he appreciates that being in with another boxer will be very different from sparring at Underworld.

The third debutante was Jayden Sambor, (67kg), the 14-year-old son of the club owner Lloyd (Sam), who first established Underworld 14 years ago in an effort to keep youngsters off the streets. Since that time Sam has put thousands of euros of his own money into the club, “every cent of which was absolutely worth it,” he told The Leader, especially now

Success for Vistabella in Champion of Champions

Very busy this week internal competition winners from all bowls clubs in Spain meet up for Champion of Champions tournament hosted by Greenlands bowls club. Many thanks to John O'Brien for collating all of it, great job. Vistabella success so far mens pairs of Gary Thorpe/Richard Willey make it to final with Maggie Furness in with a chance if she wins her ladies singles semi final. Lots of really close games and excellent bowling from all our top players, well done everyone who has taken part. Vast number of spectators watched the games all week, thank you for your support.

San Luis in action in C of C’s

The summerLeague is on hold for a week, while the Champion of Champions Tournament takes centre stage at Greenlands.

San Luis Bowls Club (SL) have three club Champions battling hard and working their way through the rounds.

Ladies pairs - Mary Lockley & Caroline Smyth (SL) are through to the finals to play against Sabrina Marks & Mary Dyer (EI).

Men's singles - Ian Kenyon (SL) is through to the semifinal.

Good luck to all our competitors. By Dee

that he can start to see his son develop into a fine young athlete.

While Jayden builds his fitness at Underworld, ‘The Ring’ in Torrevieja is where he goes 2 or 3 times a week for quality boxing training and sparring.

“Some of our youngsters definitely have potential at Underworld but, although Jayden is yet to box officially, he is a little bit in front of them, so he needs rather more. The Ring gives him the opportunity to spar with experienced boxers, which he is beginning to find invaluable.”

Sam is a fully qualified ABA coach with many years of experience both as a competitor and as a coach at all levels of the sport. He said "Amateur boxing is one of the most rewarding, challenging and safe sports available to young people today. It isn't about knocking people out, it's about using your brain and your skills to outscore them. We show people how to develop a sense of intuition, quick thinking, a relaxed state and self-motivation.”

Underworld Gymnasium and Boxing Club is located just off the N332, by the side of Costa Cars, directly underneath the Mapfre offices. The club is open to all on Monday and Wednesday evening from 5-8pm, whether you just want to improve your fitness, keep yourself in shape or pick up the gloves under Sam’s guidance and supervision.

The gym is aimed at boys and girls over 12years of age, and adults, costing just 5 euro a session, which includes personal fitness coaching from Sam, who can be contacted on 627 177 511 or 966 844 453. Sam is also available for ‘one to one’ Personal training.


No leagues to report this week, as champion of champions started on Sunday 9th April. Our teams competing on Sunday were our mixed 4's ñ Garth Slater, Norman Ship, Irene Mangan & Mike Stone who were drawn against Emerald Isle and lost on the last end, when they were holding game until the last wood of the last end. Our other game on Sunday was our mixed trips, of Margaret MacLaughlin, Margaret Finlayson and Alex Whyte who came out on the wrong side of a very good game.

On Monday it was the turn of our Men's and Ladies Pairs ñ Peter Parons and Mike Stone and Lesley Joyns and Kath Manning, our men went through beating El Rancho and the ladies lost by 1 shot to Greenlands. However I must congratulate Jaqui Johnstone (the opposing skip) who really did change the game on at least 3 ends with her last wood when we were holding quite strongly.

Tuesday we had no competitors but Wednesday our Men's pairs played Bon Alba and came away with a second victory and a place in the Semi-Finals. Also our Mixed Pairs of Norman Ship & Shirley Hadaway played Country Bowls and came away winners by that 1 magic winning shot.

Thursday saw our mixed pairs continue on their winning ways by beating Quesada and qualifying for the Semi's. Our Men's and Ladies Singles also played where Janet Parsons went forward due to her opponent's retirement. Unluckly, our Alex Whyte drew the current favourite Pete Bonsor and the result stayed to form.

More next week as I must stop now due to publishing schedule, a further reminder to members re The Monkey Racing evening on Wednesday 19th at 7pm. David Hadaway

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023
Morgan John Flaherty & Adrian Kaminsky are both making their boxing debut’s on Saturday Mary Lockley & Caroline Smyth

FINAL - BEST OF 5 - 501

Yvonne Rouffignac (Leeson St Trotters) v Chelsea Campbell (C.C.Flyers) 3-0


Yvonne Rouffignac (Leeson St Trotters) v Bliss Wright (Mind the Gap) 3-0

Chelsea Campbell (C.C.Flyers) v Gena Woods (CK1 Ladybirds) 3-0

Trotters, Yvonne Rouffignac added the Serenity lnsurance individual title this week, to her pairs title, won in February (with Amanda Skinner), in a fine exhibition of darts "Sharpshooting".


CC´s Flyers4-8Hub Hyenas

Fallen Angels5-7Milo´s

MOST 180´S: Mark Ellis & Dave Rowlinson x 5.

THISWEEK: Suso Madrid, CC´s Flyers:

HIGHEST FINISH TO DATE: 154 - Mario GarciaFreakies.




Mind The Gap5840

Hub Hyenas5836

Tipsy Toad Toppers5731

El Capitan5324

CC's Flyers5325

CC´S Bees5123


Ck1 Lads5839

Leeson St Trotters5733


Danny's Bar5428

Freakie Taverners5424

Fallen Angels5125


Ck1 Ladybirds51043

Tipsy Toad Tiaras5835

Angel Delights5631

Domino's Desperados5429

Hub Hellraisers5222

Pint Depot Queens5020

Fair to say she beat nearly all regional "hotshots" on her way to the title.

Pairs partner and Trotters team mate Skinner was a quarter final victim, the champion taking the 1st leg on D8 after 117,125, levelled on a 44 out with a ton thrown in by Skinner, the 3rd a D5, taking the champ through to a semi encounter with non other than reigning champ Bliss Wright.

The Gap star struggled to find her usual fluency succumbing to regular trebles and some clinical finishing from Rouffignac who nailed D17 for a 30 result and a place in the final.

Her opponent was to be last season's Singles runner up, Chelsea Campbell, who had disposed of Kirsty Green 2-1 in the last 16, followed by a nail biting 2-1 quarter final victory over the very capa-

ble "LadyBirds" star Dons Ralph.

HIGH SCORES - Yvonne Rouffignac- Leeson St Trotters 3x100, 2x117, 5x121+, Chelsea Campbell - C.C.Flyers 2x100, 119, 2x121+, Lesley Lumb - Dannys Bar 3x100, Bliss Wright - Mind the Gap 2x100, Simone de Lacy - Tipsy Toad Tiaras 126, Jane Wills - Dannys Bar 105, Sandra Crabbe - C.K.1 Ladybirds 100

HIGHEST FINISH - Yvonne Rouffignac - 64 (T16,D8) last 16 v Sharon Frain

ln Campbell's way to a consecutive Ladies singles final was another Ladybird, Gena Woods. Campbell found trebles easier to find than the more important doubles, but still secured the required 3 outer rings for a final place.

Campbell's form on the night was like a "YoYo", whereas Rouffignac resembled a "Fine tuned Robin Hood", the latter winning the advantage of 1st throw in the match, by claiming the "nearest the Bull" intro. Plenty of 3 figure scores, and 80+'s, enabled the Trotter to relax when throwing for all 3 doubles required to take the title. Campbell a shadow of her capabilities, maybe third time lucky.

Tremendous field of local darts talent, played with good humour and acknowledgement, Amanda S. even asked for the music to be turned up, to much applause. Great evening.

Dot - Dot on champion Yvonne R.

She likes nothing better than walking her dog Desi, a half German Shepard, half Husky cross and supports S.A.T. the charity for dogs located in Dolores, where she regulary helps out at weekends. Her current darts form is a result of daily practise in her top floor conservatory at home, whilst well known DJ and husband of 15 years Con confines himself to the ground floor, honing his turntable skills in readiness for the Serenity league presentation in June, where he will entertain. Not only does this popular lady lend her dart playing skills to the Leeson St. bar (Mondays) and Gap (Tuesdays), but Paddle and Badminton also feature weekly.

Finally, if you like Marmalade on your morning toast, Yvonne is your supplier, forget Robinsons, Wilkinsons etc. choose your preferred alcoholic additive and "Bingo" the best start of the day ever. Proceeds are directed towards the S.A.T. charity. "Good on yer" Yvonne.

MENS INDIVIDUALS - 20TH APRIL .......... Due to the unforseen high entry for this competition the venue has been changed from C.C.'s La Zenia, to the New Tavern, San Miguel (Freakies venue). Registration from 7-00pm onwards, draw at 7-40pm, play commences 8-00pm .............. MENS INDIVIDUALS - 20TH APRIL

PAGE 22 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Semi Finalists Bliss &Yvonne Top 8 Board 1 Finalists Chelsea &Yvonne Top 8 Board 2 Semi Finalists Gena &Chelsea


Thader manager Adrian Pastor must have been proud of his men, for they went a long way to avenging a narrow defeat at Novelda at the end of last year.

This win consolidates a mid-table position in Preferente division, in a season which has seen many highs and lows. Inside Moi Gomez stadium, Rojales, the hosts could easily have taken the lead after only 6 mins.

CD Thader ...........3 Novelda Union .....1

A delightful cross from the right found Berni at the far post, but his close-range shot was deflected for a corner. But, only 3 mins later, they deservedly took the lead. An in-swinging corner by Ruben, found the head of man mountain Juan, from which the ball was powered into the back of the net.

Thader's play was a joy to watch, as they made good use of the long ball, executing inch perfect passes at will. Unfortunately, it was a bad day for injuries for Thader, the first involved Dani Lucas replacing a hobbling Rulo, who hopefully will not be out for too long.

A horrendous linesman's error on 29 mins, resulted in Novelda levelling the scores. Not only did he not spot a blatant offside out on the right wing (guilty of being behind play), but he then failed to spot a forward pass to Segura, who was also in an offside position.

Segura had a simple tap in, but it was a bitter pill to swallow, considering how glaringly obvious the infringement was. Quino almost restored Thader's lead on 31 mins, but he headed over from a left wing cross. He did make amends on 40 mins, placing a firm header into the back of the net, from a floated cross from the right. Just before the interval, Chema pulled of a magnificent save to deny Novelda a certain goal.

As a consequence, one of Novelda subs (sat in the dugout) was shown a red card for dissent, much to the delight of the partisan Thader crowd.

Rosquin forced a smart save from Lous in Novelda goal on 47 mins, as Thader searched for a 3rd goal.

On the hour mark, sub Calderon appeared to

be rugby tackled off the ball inside Novelda's penalty area, but ref Calixto was unimpressed.

Shortly afterwards, Calderon's afternoon was short lived, when he was helped off the field in pure agony, following what appeared to be damage to his elbow. Fellow sub Jony, ham-

mered a shot against the bar on 83 mins, before setting up Pedro Juan for a routine side foot strike into an open net, 2 mins later. Next weekend, Thader travel to rock bottom Benferri, hoping to complete a double over their near rivals. Check out CD Thader facebook page for further details.

Smiling Jack's Golf Society

cheaper than Lo Romero.


Welcome ladies and gents, I would like to thank you all for your support for Smiling Jack's Golf Society.

We had a great turn out again for the lovely Altaona golf resort. A big thanks goes out to Altaona for looking after us and donating a free round of golf.

A special thank you also to

our Julie for taking the day off from cheffing to bring us the great food again.

A big thanks to Emma and Ritchie for looking after us this afternoon and to our Ger for donating a free golf day with Smiling Jack's. We played Altaona again as they look after us and which was 40 euro a round

Nearest the pin on 3 was Gert Rutgerson. Nearest the pin on 11 was our champ Cheryl and to keep it in the family nearest the pin on 13 was tiny. In second place with a fantastic 40 points and a handicap cut of 4 but our winner today was, yet again, Cheryl Isaac, well done and a cut of 9 from your handicap.

Our next outing will be announced shortly on our web page.

Once again a big thank you for supporting Smiling Jack's.

Our new to golf Chery goes from Blue Johnny winner to two time Smiling Jack's Golf Society winner. Well done Cheryl, the handicap committee will be in contact.




Street or

Adidas official 2010 World Cup Match Ball (meaning 'to celebrate' in Zulu).8. Both die while in the toilet.9.A Trident. 10.Portugal, Holland and GB.11.a. Windy.(Windy, The Association).b. Madame Rouge.(Love Potion No 9, Various).c.Minnie.(Minnie the Moocher, Blues Brothers).12.William Blake.13.

Billie Holliday.14.The fear of long words.

15.a.We Three Kings of Orient are.b. Deck the halls.c.All I want for Christmas is you.d.I'll be home for Christmas.e.It came upon a midnight clear.16. Offenbach.17.Romania.18.2001 A Space Odyssey and 2010.19.a:Boys

Don't Cry & Million Dollar Baby.b: Schindler's List & Saving Private Ryan.c: Tender Mercies, d:One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.e:Reds.20.Black Bird, AndYour Bird Can Sing, Free As A Bird and Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)



Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Wood, 3.The Blue Fairy, 4.Mayonnaise, 5.a:Oscar Wilde, b:Albert Einstein, c:The Charge of The Light Brigade, d:Louis XIV, e:Mark Twain.6 beach football.7.The
PAGE 24 Monday 17th - Sunday 23rd April 2023 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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