The Leader Newspaper Edition 815

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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

Tel: 637 227 385

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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper

Sánchez confirms that he will request a new one-month extension to state of alarm

The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, announced during his weekly televised address to the nation on Saturday evening, that on Wednesday he will ask the Congress for a new extension to the state of alarm, but this time it will

be for a period of one month and it will also be the last. "It will be the final extension and will last until the end of the de-escalation, so we are going to request that instead of being for 15 days it be a month," Sánchez said in his

appearance at the Moncloa Palace.

In addition, the duties that we

"The new extension will be different and the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, will be in sole charge during the period, under a system of co-governance with the autonomies," he added.

removed: the Ministry of

gave to other ministries will be Defence, Interior and Transport, mobility and the urban agenda. Continued on Page 2


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 PM to request 30 day extension


637 227 385 PROPERTY

637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.

Sánchez confirmed that they the government is talking to all political groups and that their will is to achieve great consensus in the Congress of Deputies regardless of which political persuasion they have.


explained that the quarantine is due to the need for caution in the weeks of de-escalation. "The Government of Spain has adopted the recommendations of the European Union, it is the road map," he said. Prime Minister Sánchez currently leads a minority coalition government, along with junior partner Unidas Podemos, and he needs the support of other groups to pass legislation.

More than half of Spain was in Phase 1 at the beginning of last week, with more areas due to join them this Monday. For now, the Madrid region and the city of Barcelona will remain in Phase 0, albeit with some In order to extend the state of alarm he requires just a loosening of restrictions. “The desimple majority in the 350-seat escalation could be finished in half "The state of alarm has worked chamber. However, he has found it of the country by the start of sum- and the path that we are now increasingly difficult to secure following is the only one mer,” Sánchez added, repeatedly backing ahead of these votes, and calling for prudence going forward. possible," he has now lost the initial support "The state of alarm has worked and of the main opposition Popular Party (PP), as well as the path that we are now following is the only one far-right Vox, which the third-largest group in possible," he said, again calling for "prudence and Congress. moderation." The Prime Minister said that facts have It is currently unclear whether he will be able to shown that community immunity could not be trusted attract the votes or abstentions required for this last as he defended the need to limit mobility and social extension from regional parties such as the Basque contact. "The de-escalation responds to that logic," he Nationalist Party (PNV) and the Catalan Republican confirmed. Left (ERC) although toward the end of last week he "The path we are following is the only one possible," was indicating that he had enough. Sánchez said, while guaranteeing that "all public Lowest number deaths in two months. rights and freedoms will remain intact." Good news on Sunday both Nationally and in the Sánchez points to the tourism sector as an example Province of Alicante. that extends to the rest of the economic sectors. Across Spain the death toll fell to 87, the first time "Spain needs tourism, but tourism needs security, it that the number dropped below a hundred in two needs health guarantees, that is why we must overmonths. The number of new cases also fell to 327, a come this health emergency so that we can reactivate reduction of almost 100 from the previous day. tourism activity. There is no comparison between Since the state of alarm was introduced, there has health and economic priorities," he added. only been one day with fewer deaths: on 16 March. Regarding the opening of borders, the Prime Minister

New cases in the last 24 hours number 421 (positive

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confirmed by PCR test), a 0.18% increase and a further 2,719 had overcome the disease in the last 24 hours. Madrid continues to be the region that has registered the most deaths so far, with 8,847 deaths from coronavirus, followed by Catalonia, with 5,944; Good news also for the provinces of Castellón and Valencia where there had been no deaths in the preceding 24 hours. In addition, nursing homes in the Valencian Community had not registered a single death since the last update, a situation that had not occurred since March 13. As for new cases, since the update on Saturday, 43 new cases were detected through PCR, bringing the total number of positives to 10,893 since the pandemic began. 6 new cases occurred in Castellón (1,486 in total), 15 in Alicante (3,794 in total) and 22 in Valencia (5,609 in total).



637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

Orihuela set to raise 20 million euro from sale of coastal land

The Orihuela Council says that it wants to sell 38,000 square metres of land in the Colinas Golf development, 15,000 in La Cuerda and another 6,500 in El Garbanzuelo. The auction was stopped with the introduction of the state of alarm but the sale has been reopened after an order from the central government The goose that lays the golden egg is being called to stump up for Orihuela Ayuntamiento once again as the Oriolan City Council has decided to resume the procedure that was interrupted two months ago by the state of alarm, the auction of municipal urban land on three Orihuela Costa plots with which it hopes to raise up to twenty million euros. The auction was announced on Monday by the councillor for Heritage, Rafael Almagro He explained in a press release that a provision of the Royal Decree of 17/2020 allows the council to resume the auction of plots that the City Council had begun before the state alarm. As such, interested companies may apply submit their bids until 20 May. Strangely, the announcement was made by the councillor for Municipal Heritage, and not the councillor for Urban Planning, deputy mayor José Aix (Cs). Almagro (PP) said that the Orihuela City Council intends to auction off three plots. The first one is located in PAU-21, (Colinas Golf Resort), it has an area of 38,539 square meters of land, of which 24,194 square meters are buildable, and it has a starting price of 14.4

The second plot is located in the La Cuerda sector, with an area of 15,861 square metres and 7,726 square meters of buildable land. This urbanisation is located between La Regia and Castillo de Don Juan, on the second line of the Oriolan coast. The starting price is 4.2 million euros. The third plot is in the El Garbanzuelo sector (PAU-9), which has 6,951 square metres, with a buildable area of 3,659 square metres and a starting price of 1 million euros. This plot is located to the north of Orihuela Costa, on the second line of the coastal section and next to the motorway, bordering Torrevieja. The estimated value in Colinas Golf is linked to the type of urban land being auctioned, in the main a luxury urbanisation surrounded by protected land. An exclusive area where the developer has imposed restricted access with license plate control. Almagro said that the money raised from these sales cannot be used for current expenses, but must be invested again in real estate of a patrimonial nature, which presumably means ‘THE CITY”. With the auction he says that the council can gauge the impact of the health crisis on the construction market for residential tourism. If the auction does not generate bids from the big companies in the sector, it is that the future in the short or medium term is not clear. The Orihuela City Council has held this type of auction onmany occasions in the last two decades to balance it’s books and reinvest, although largely in the city. The neighborhood associations of Orihuela Costa have been claiming for years that monies raised from such sales should be reinvested in the coast, where more than 30,000 residents live and who lack many basic facilities, such as public sports areas, emergency services and social centres.

million of euros.

e look forward to seeing our loyal customers once again just as soon as the government restrictions imposed because of COVID-19 have been removed. Until then, please keep safe


Paul and Dawn



Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


637 227 385

Ryanair is to lay off 351 workers among it’s cabin crew in Spain

World Coronavirus Roundup

St Peter’s Basilica in Rome

Police arrest scarecrow in lockdown fishing prank T h e p o l i c e a re s a i d to have taken the prank with some amusement


reland is to begin its first phase of easing coronavirus restrictions on Monday as it reopens some social and economic activity. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said that staff will return to outdoor workplaces and there will be the reopening of some shops, sports facilities and public amenities. However Ireland will also introduce a 14 day period of quarantine for people arriving into the country. St Peter’s Basilica in Rome will also reopen to the public on Monday following it’s two month shutdown. However people attending public masses or liturgies will have their temperatures checked before being allowed entry. As of Saturday, travellers could once again visit Austria, France and Switzerland for business and family reasons. Entry for reasons of tourism, shopping or refuelling is still not permitted however. Restrictions at the Luxembourg border have also been completely eliminated. Also on Saturday people in France were able to enjoy their beaches, monuments and forests once again, but under the watchful eye of the authorities who have introduced some additional rules. Russia now has the second highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases, 232,000, in

the world after the USA. Yesterday the country reported almost 11,000 new infections, the 10th consecutive day that it has been over 10k. The President of the Madrid Community, has seen her second proposal to move to phase 1 of de-escalation rejected by the government which continues to reason that Madrid and Catalonia are not carrying out enough PCR tests while they continue to be the communities that register the most daily cases. Ayuso said that as a result local businesses are losing around 18,000 jobs every week. Also in Spain Ryanair is to lay off 351 workers among it’s cabin crew. The cut is included in the adjustment plan of 3,000 employees across Europe. There is tension among the workers as many of them are still not receiving unemployment benefit despite being under an ERTE for two months. They blame it on the ‘bad manage-

ment’ of the company before SEPE. In the USA President Trump has launched ‘Operation Warp Speed’ aimed at producing a vaccine for coronavirus by the end of the year. He has also defended the need to resume economic activity, despite medical advice, saying “With or without a vaccine, we are back. We must begin to return to our lies as normal.” The UK government has set out plans to begin a phased reopening of primary schools in England from 1 June but they are being met with resistance by some local authorities and teachers’ leaders. However the Children's Commissioner for England has said that the government and teachers' unions should "stop squabbling and agree a plan" to reopen schools safely. But the British Medical Association has backed teachers' unions by saying Covid-19 infection rates are too high for England's schools to reopen.

By Andrew Atkinson Police investigated what turned out to be a prank at an undisclosed area by the sea when a scarecrow was set up - fishing during the coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown. Three police officers attended the scene in Cabourg to find the 'fisherman', donning a straw hat and combat jacket, with chair in situ, on the sea shore. On their approach the police found that the fisherman was actually a well dressed scarecrow!

Phase 1 extended across the Valencian Community

The Ministry of Health has authorised the 14 health departments that remained at phase zero of the de-escalation plan to move to phase 1 next Monday, 18 May, following last Wednesday’s proposal to the government by the Valencian Consell. This was announced by the Minister, Salvador Illa, and the Director of Health Alerts and Emergencies, Fernando Simón, at a press conference in which they insisted on the need, despite their progression, to continue complying with the restrictions of social distancing and hygiene. “The state of alarm has worked and the

first week of de-escalation has also worked. I would like to thank members of the public for the responsibility with which they have acted, and ask them to continue with the same attitude that will be even more essential during the de-escalation,” Illa said. There will be much relief for the 14 Valencian health departments that are now, albeit belatedly, moving into phase 1, especially the many bars and restaurants that have geared themselves up to reopen. The municipalities progressing are in the following health authorities: Castelló and

La Plana, in the province of Castellón; Sagunto, Arnau de Vilanova Llíria, Manises, Clínico-Malvarrosa, Valencia La Fe, Valencia Doctor Peset, Valencia General y La Ribera, in the province of Castellón Valencia; and Sant Joan Alicante, Alicante-Hospital General, Elche-Hospital General and Elche Crevillent, in the province of Castellón Alicante. From now on the moves from phase to phase in the Community will be carried out by provinces and not by health departments.

Keep safe and we will see you all again when we have beaten the virus. At the moment we are closed until the end of April



637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

Quote: 'After a good few days on intravenous antibiotics it is looking likely that Willie will be able to go home' By Andrew Atkinson Leader exclusive

"We have looked the other way, but thank God that has changed," announced Bishop José Manuel

Thorne, 66, who lives in Villamartin, Alicante, was rushed to Torrevieja hospital on May 2 after feeling unwell and has since had three blood transfusions.

The Diocese of Cartagena intends to investigate the sexu- The al abuse of minors and vulner- Bishop of Cartagena able people that has been committed within the Catholic Church between 1950 and 2010.

While in hospital, Thorne has had a fever, and told by medics he needed round the clock observation, or he could die.

O'Neill and golfer, Sky sports golfing broadcaster Mark Roe, set up a GoFundMe campaign in April, to raise cash to help bankrupt Thorne pay for medical care - along with food and rent - while recuperating at home, after undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Leicester City legend Gary Lineker, one Willie's best friends, has donated €1,000, Spanish golf star Miguel Jiminez donated €200, and British golfer Danny Willett has donated €2,000. Bedridden Thorne has also suffered with gout in the last few months, with a carer on hand at his home on the Costa Blanca south. "Willie will return home, with the home care nurses being able to continue treatment


Cartagena Diocese to investigate child abuse going back to 1950

Snooker star Willie Thorne, diagnosed with leukaemia in March, is set to return to his Spanish home on May 15 after undergoing tests - amid the coronavirus pandemic.

"After a good few days on intravenous antibiotics it is looking likely that Willie will be able to go home on Friday (May 15)," said friend Julie O'Neill.

Willie Thorne told he will soon be able to return home daily," said O'Neill. While in hospital since May 2, Thorne has also had heart and MRI scans, and an investigation, where a tube was inserted down his throat. "Fingers crossed there’s no further complications - and he will be able to return home," added O'Neill. Thanking supporters earlier this month, Sky Sports golf presenter Mark said: "Willie and I talk daily and his spirits have been lifted massively by the messages and generosity shown for him when the world is in crisis.

"I cannot thank my own friends and fellow professional golfers enough. "Thank you is not enough for those who have, at moments, moved me to tears with their kindness. "I do not find it easy to ask anyone for money or help, but while asking is sometimes awkward, this time it may be life saving for my friend - and that’s priceless." The GoFundMe campaign has raised almost 20,000€ of the 30,000 target. If you would like to donate please go to:

To do this, a special episcopal delegation has been created, detail of which were announced on Thursday by the bishop of Cartagena, José Manuel Lorca Planes, and his episcopal delegate, Gil José Sáez Martínez. "I have warned all priests of the importance of this investigation," stressed the Bishop, "and that anyone standing in the way of possible victims will be committing a truly criminal act ." Sáez Martínez said that the new delegation has already attended eight alleged victims adding that that they will receive comprehensive care. "The problem is that we are attending to the victims, but only on the legal level. This is a situation that also needs psychological and spiritual support." The new episcopal delegate explained that the investigation of possible cases registered in the Region, in those six decades "requires time and investigation. Sáez Martínez said that, with the pontificate of Benedict XVI, the church has begun a change of direction that still continues. "We have had a century of looking the other way, but that thank God has now changed," he concluded.

We look forward to seeing all of our loyal customers again, once the state of alarm and restrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. In the meantime keep safe and healthy..


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

ORIHUELA FINALLY REOPENS MARKETS Orihuela Council confirmed that all markets are now open following earlier confusion.

The market at Paseo Calvo Sotelo was the first to re-open

Street and beach cleaning intensifies on Orihuela Costa In announcing details of a new cleaning contract costing over € 532,000 the Councillor for Street Cleaning and RSU, Dámaso Aparicio, said on Thursday, "we are aware of the importance of the beaches as a tourist engine of the municipality and we are determined to increase the satisfaction of our visitors and residents" at the same time as he stated that "in attention to the situation of Covid19 we have we have to double the cleaning work, and for this reason we have planned this new contract that guarantees the continuity and improvement of these works ”. The contract will include beach cleaning works during holidays, including tractor work with driver included, sand screening and oxygenation in sandy areas. It will also include the hiring of personnel necessary to clean and empty bins, clean promenades and surrounding areas, as well as manual cleaning on the beaches de la Caleta, Cala Bosque and Glea-Campoamor, a service that has been provided since Easter and will continue until October 12 with the possibility of being extended for two more years. "Additional services will include collection, loading and transport to a treatment plant, the

Víctor Bernabéu, stated last Wednesday that all 11 markets in the urban area, coast and districts of Orihuela will reopen shortly after which the Local Police put out ‘Market No Parking signs’ in Cabo Roig. However when The Leader made enquiries about the Thursday market the signs were quicky removed and confirmation issued that the first market to open would be on Friday.

La Zenia Beach


Bernabéu said, "It has been an intense and very complicated job, but I think it was worth it to be able to reopen this activity that is so important, and where we are now going to guarantee the health and safety of citizens at all times." As is already the case across much of the region, during "Phase 1" only food products re on sale for the time being. The councillor added "we have had to coordinate the 11 markets with their different problems when it comes to placing the stalls and controlling the distance between them to provide consumers with all the necessary security measures”.

Cala Mosca, Cala Capitán, Cala Cerrada, Aguamarina, Glea and Mil Palmeras are already open

The Oceanic Posidonia is an endemic species seagrass that grows in the shallow waters of the Mediterranean, and although it is commonly known as algae, it is a marine plant with flowers, fruits and seeds, so it is totally normal to find Posidonia Oceánica on the beaches, since it is part of a very important cycle that protects beaches from loss of sand and is synonymous with good water quality. Posidonia meadows are indicators of clean, welloxygenated and pollution-free waters. They are protected at European level by the Habitats Directive and listed as habitats of priority interest.

Cleaning Rambla de Cabo Roig will begin early June The cleaning the Rambla de Cabo Roig, located in the coastal area of Orihuela will get underway next month. "Demanded by residents for years they will finally be carried out thanks to an agreement we reached with the Segura Hydrographic Confederation (CHS)," explained the Councillor for the Environment, Dámaso Aparicio,. The work will last one month, and will cost 44,566.88 euros. The councillor said that, "all the trees, stumps, plants, weeds, brush, fallen wood, debris, garbage and any other waste material will be removed and removed from the area." Currently, the Cabo Roig Rambla is choked full of vegetation, undergrowth, stubble, reed beds, fallen trees and other debris that impedes the flow of the water completely blocking the channel ald also producing a high risk fire in summer. "Now Orihuela is fulfilling its commitment to the residents of Cabo Roig, who, after many years, will once again have this popular route back in perfect condition," said Aparicio.


By this he means the relocation of the traders that guarantees the distance of 2 and a half metres from stalls to customers and where a walkway with separation of 6 metres can been installed. The earlier confusion surrounding the Orihuela Costa market was compounded by the Local Police who initially put out and then, 24 hours later, removed all of the ‘no parking signs’ usually placed roadside for the Thursday market in Cabo Roig which, to that point was thought to be opening. However that was not the case with the council confirming that the first Orihuela market reopening would be in the Paseo calvo Sotelo last Friday 15 May.

Orihuela opens 5 of its beaches for walking and federated sports On Friday, May 15, the Department of Playas de Orihuela has opened 5 of its beaches for walking, within the permitted hours, for those residents who live within 1 km of the beaches of Punta prima, Cala Estaca, Cala Bosque, Playa de la Caleta and Barranco Rubio.

Posidonia Oceánica for which there is an additional amount of € 97,912.82.

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for professional and federated athletes so that they can individually practice their sports activity. Council staff continue to work on the preparation of the beaches for their opening to the general public on 8 June, as established in phase 3 of the de-escalation process that the National Government has intro-

duced. The beaches are open purely for walking and it is still forbidden to sunbathe, bathe and sit on the sand.



637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


T H E L OV E O F Fire breaks out in Torrelamata RO M E RO Firefighters were quick to respond to an emergency in Torrelamata on Saturday morning after a fire broke out in a first floor apartment on Plaza de Santiago Gil. One elderly lady resident was able to remove herself from the apartment before emergency services attended. On their arrival two firemen equipped with breathing apparatus entered the apartment and were able to extinguish the fire. The elderly resident received treatment from medically trained firefighters but was said to be unharmed although a little stressed.

Quote: 'I feel blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people and working with such magnificent horses during COVID-19'. Spain equine performer-equestrian trick-rider extraordinaire Emma Tytherleigh, talks to Andrew Atkinson from Munich, Germany, about her horse Romero.

"Romero is in retirement with a former student and friend in Spain and I visit as often as I can," Unable to return to Spain in the wake of the COVID-19, Emma exclusively told The Leader. "There are some horses who come into your life for a season - others come for a reason - and Romero was definitely for a reason," said Emma. "I had lost my job in 2011, soon after the passing of my father," said Emma. "I had no money in the bank - and owning a horse was far off my list - then Romero came along. "Being experienced, I was offered Romero for nothing, under an agreement that I would not sell him - and against all odds, I said 'yes'," said Emma. "Initially it was a nightmare, then out of the blue, we clicked. It was the start of our time together in shows in Spain," said Emma. Emma starred with Romero and her dog Rodeo in Torremendo, at the tv-famed Grand Design Abroad house in Flamenco shows, and in Rojales, amongst other venues. "Romero is having a well deserved retirement," said Emma, who starred in the Horse Theatre show in Cavella, Germany. "In unprecedented times of COVID-19, I feel blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people, and working with such magnificent horses." *Emma is practising Trick Riding sessions with James Denny that are broadcast on Instagram: @emmatytherleigh

Neighbours were generous in their praise of the emergency services with one eyewitness remarking that “it was a very quick and professional response from police and fire service.” Photo: Selwyn Hansford


Date of expiry

Period of extension

Final date of ITV

14-22 Mar

45 days

25 June

The Ministry of Industry granted deadlines (a moratorium) to owners of those vehicles who’s ITV’s expired during the closure of the ITV stations on 14 March (when the State of Alarm began) until their reopening last week.

23-29 Mar

60 days

10 Jul

30 Mar - 5 Apr

75 days

25 Jul

6-12 Apr

90 days

9 Aug

13-19 Apr

105 days

24 Aug

The length of moratoriums are all different and depend very much on the date that your ITV expired.

20-26 Apr

120 days

8 Sep

27 Apr - 3 May

135 days

23 Sep

All the information is contained across:

4-10 May

150 days

8 Oct


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

Can we eliminate the Scourge of love?


hether it is better “to have loved and lost then not to have loved at all” is a matter for serious debate.

What is a fact beyond all doubt is that love is a serious affliction and that the state of being in love is a mind altering situation. Romantic love has the same effect on the brain as a drug and therefore is love not a drug? In 1999, a study in England, using sophisticated brain scanning equipment, found that the sites in the brain most active when a person falls in love are the same as those stimulated by cocaine. The study concluded that love is a form of compulsive, obsessive, unpredictable behaviour. Does living like that sound right to you, dear sensible reader? In any words, love is a drug, even if given to us by nature. The victim receives a flood of chemicals to the brain, creating feelings of euphoria. A man can be stricken quicker than a woman – a bit like the common cold! He can fall in love through eye contact across a crowded room, although the scientists claim he looks for wide hips and is drawn to her breathing. Well actually they said “chest heaving up and down”, but I thought “breathing” more polite.


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four years.

severe side effects.

I can hear shrieks of horror and disagreements from a majority of you – but it gets worse – and remember please that I am only the messenger: Researchers find that the love drug rarely lasts longer than six years – so there! Maybe this is where the “seven year itch” comes from?

Psychiatrists liken people suffering from love withdrawals to the acutely depressed. Look at all the depressing songs there are about lost love, honky-tonk angels and the likes. “Love makes the world go round” it is claimed, but is this true and in this day and age is it not time to rid ourselves of this mill-stone? In parts of England divorce now runs at more than 50% which of course does not include the failed relationships which never make it to the altar

Men and women have given up everything for love; family, fortunes, status, titles and even kingdoms – proving that love is indeed a mind altering drug and that sufferers may not “be of sound mind”. People from all over the world, from every culture, all describe falling in love in similar terms; euphoria, exhilaration and elation.

Here in Ireland, the loss of production and manhours due to this drug is costing the country billions. Love causes fights, break-ups of friendships, families and even murder. It is time to deal effectively with the problem.

We are talking here about a drug-like craving and obsession for the person they desire. But how does this romantic love affect the brain?

Pharmaceutical drug companies are coming up with a remedy for just about every affliction; Is it too much to expect that they might discover a little tablet to cure this love yoke? At least the ministers for health and justice should commission a white paper on the crises – too many people are suffering!

Helen Fisher, author of “Why we love” says that the brain sees romantic love as a reward, stimulating activity in the same areas that light up when a person seeks any kind of reward, whether it is chocolate, money or drugs. “It became apparent to me that love was a drive – a drive as strong as thirst or hunger. People live for love, they die for love, they kill for love, they sing about love”, Ms Fisher wrote.

The sisters may deny this, but the same scientist says that women first carry out a subconscious evaluation of reliability and future father of family material. Mankind is the only animal which suffers from this love thing.

It affects all ages – so no more singling out us “dirty old men”! An eight year old girl took part in a study and had the same reaction as men and women in their eighties. We are not talking here about family love or platonic love – we are talking about the love-drug. In romantic love, our neurons, hormones, brain, blood-pressure, heart and stomach are all in a state of turmoil. Most of us have been attacked by this bug.

Furthermore, it is said that the condition evolved as a mechanism for keeping a man and a woman together long enough to raise a child to three or

As well, we see family members, friends and work colleagues get it real bad – you will always know them; they cannot concentrate on work, don’t eat,

Don’t Forget Love may be blind – but it still finds its way around.

can’t sleep and fail to function in a rational manner. A name dropped, a song on the radio, a whiff of perfume or after-shave or a harmless joke can transform the sufferer into a trance like state. You never know how to give first-aid in an emergency, because the attack can take the form of deliriously jumping up and down, or alternatively bursting into tears. Oh, and God protect innocent bystanders from the jilted and the jealous. In drug terms this might be known as love addiction with *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

Torrevieja Mayor sees work of Municipal Emergency Campaign at first hand The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, visited the headquarters of two of the three NGOs where he saw at first hand the efforts that are being undertaken in the distribution of food and cleaning and hygiene products to families at risk of social exclu-

sion on Tuesday morning, part of the emergency contracting that the Torrevieja City Council has undertaken in the face of the current crisis situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic (Coronavirus). This is a social campaign that can last for six

The campaign will provide support to 3,000 people per month. months, with an investment of 764,790 euros, which will provide support to 3,000 citizens per month. The mayor and the councillor for NGOs visited the Food Solidarity Torrevieja facilities, sharing a few minutes with the President, José Antonio Vidal; Antonio Sánchez, head of kitchens and the cook, Fabián Gallego, along with several of the volunteers who were busy organising their stocks. The Mayor expressed his gratitude to all the volun-

teers for their work, not only during this time of crisis but throughout the year. He also listened to the concerns and needs of Alimentos Solidarios who told him of the increase in beneficiaries that the charity is now having to support. Dolón also went to the local headquarters of the Spanish Red Cross, which, together with Caritas from the Parish of San Pedro and San Pablo, were making up the packages for distribution to beneficiaries, disadvantaged families in Torrevieja.



637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

The excellence of the secret L’Albarda Garden in Denia The garden of l’Albarda is a model of excellence in the world of Mediterranean gardens. Created in 1990, it demonstrates the great richness of the flora that thrive in this climate. L’Albarda covers an area of 50,000 m2 and boasts more than 700 species of native plants, as well as an extensive collection of roses and palm trees. In addition to its botanical biodiversity, l’Albarda has a formal garden, orchards and wild gardens. These recreate the ancient Renaissance gardens of Valencia which were widely influenced by Arab culture. As in Renaissance gardens, architectural features have a great importance in l’Albarda; visitors will be transported to ancient times as they wander the

walkways, pergolas and areas of outstanding natural beauty. FUNDEM The Albarda Garden belongs to FUNDEM, a foundation for the conservation of the fauna and flora of the Mediterranean. One of its objectives is to provide a model of sustainable gardening with low water consumption, based on the use of indigenous plants and helping to re-establish an ecological balanced. Also, through its members donation, FUNDEM acquires pieces of land with a high ecological value to its conservation. FUNDEM is registered in the General Register of Companies, Establishments and Tourism Professions of the

Valencian Community, as a complementary services company, with registration number NR-V-170. TOURS WITH OR WITHOUT GUIDE Open every day of the year: from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. From June 15th to September 15th: from 10am to 2pm and from 6pm to 9pm Languages: Spanish, Valencian, French, English and German. ACCESSIBILITY OF GARDEN A large part of the garden can be accessed with wheelchair. LOCATION The Garden of

Tests in sea and swimming pool water - and ON sand - to see if SARS-CoV-2 virus can survive Competitive swimmers w e re allowed back in the sea last week

By Andrew Atkinson Spain's National Research Council (CSIC) has been commissioned by the secretary of State for tourism and the Spanish Tourism Quality Institute (ICTE) to test sea and swimming pool water and sand to find out whether the SARSCoV-2 virus can survive in them, and if so, for how long. This is 'an issue about which there is hardly any evidence worldwide', says the ICTE. Full scientific knowledge of it is going to be essential, before deciding whether Spain's sun, sea and sand tourism can go ahead. As Phase 0 passes, and Phase 1 of the Spanish government easing of coronavirus COVID-19 restrictions and lockdown came into force on May 11, social distancing, masks and gloves, disinfecting and hand sanitiser dispensers remain, against another Covid-19 outbreak. Professional swimmers and those members of an accredited swimming Federation have been given the go ahead to go into the sea, within regional legislation movements, from May 11. It is not clear how the virus interacts with its

environment, in indoor and outdoor swimming pools - or beaches. Whether it can be transmitted by a person, touching or lying in the same patch of sand as a previous person, who is, or possibly a carrier. Areas that could be flagged up for disinfecting in sand and sea are a concern for the ICTE, insofar the effects it will have on the eco-system. Should evidence arise for disinfecting having to take place, potentially harmful for the natural environment, it could also affect visits to beaches this summer. The ICTE has urged local authorities not to take any action of this nature - until it is able to release full reports and recommendations. Until data is undertaken, and verified, the ICTE cites the technical specifications for safety measures could change, thereafter on findings. Procedures will be drawn up for 21 different tourism sub-sectors. Some authorities are understood to be working independently.

l’Albarda is located in the municipality of Pedreguer, municipality in the province of Alicante and near the town of Denia Urbanización La Sella, C/ Baix Vinalopó, nº 8. 03750 Pedreguer (Alicante)


MORE INFO AND CONTACT Oficina de Fundem Pl. Mariano Benlliure, nº 5, pta. 29 46002 – Valencia Tel. / Fax: 963 523 099 -


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


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ANSWERS Week 814

ACROSS 1. Beside (4) 8. Insufficiency (10) 9. Oust (8) 10. Cloak (4) 12. Individual (6) 14. Rises (6) 15. Cosmetics (4-2) 17. Fold (6) 18. Fairy (4) 19. Tough (8) 21. Felon (10) 22. Vat (4) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. 13. 16. 17. 18. 20.

Burn (10) Incline (4) Craze (6) Alcove (6) Buy (8) Kind (4) Walker (10) Sample (8) Column (6) Artful (6) Splendour (4) Injure (4)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Bright; 4 Tamper; 9 Environmental; 10 Suspend; 11 Aerie; 12 Mirth; 14 Relax; 18 Quake; 19 Combine; 21 Idiosyncratic; 22 Tenant; 23 Sticky. DOWN: 1 Breast; 2 Investigation; 3 Horde; 5 Average; 6 Paternalistic; 7 Relief; 8 Snide; 13 Treason; 15 Squirt; 16 Scone; 17 Descry; 20 Merit. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Damson; 4 Abacus; 9 Take the plunge; 10 Chapels; 11 Niobe; 12 Bench; 14 Tents; 18 Poser; 19 Sucrose; 21 Inflated price; 22 Gutter; 23 Festal. DOWN: 1 Detach; 2 Make a mess of it; 3 On the; 5 Balance; 6 Contortionist; 7 Sweden; 8 Verse; 13 Carnage; 15 Spring; 16 Asses; 17 Cereal; 20 Copse.

ACROSS 1. Work preparing soup (4) 8. Why three make no company? (3,3,4) 9. Join together to get man and wife out of bed? (6,2) 10. Price increase is taken in again (4) 12. Violent tale about mutiny leader (6) 14. Pick the French in a religious group (6) 15. Wasn't on target when addressed as a spinster (6) 17. One is included in schemes for flat country (6) 18. Part-song engendering mirth (4) 19. Predict broken core will have firm outside (8) 21. Maybe pet fable is quite incredible (4,6) 22. Dandies find ordinary people smug initially (4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. According to legend which famous stories were told each night by a Queen to her King in order to avoid execution the next morning? 2. Who sang the theme song for each of the following films? a: SHAFT (1971), b: Tomorrow Never Dies. c: The Longest Day 3. World symbols: a: Which bird is the national symbol of France, b: Which Greek goddess had an owl as her emblem? c: Which of the world's national airlines is known by three consecutive letters of the alphabet? d: What is the most common colour on the fields of American state flags? e: By what symbol was Sir Percy Blakeney known throughout revolutionary France? 4. Which planet did the Mariner spacecraft explore? 5. What is the terpsichorean art? 6. Thomas Edison suffered from scotophobia. What is scotophobia (and why is this ironic)? 7. Homosapiens. What does 'sapiens' mean? 8. "Bridegroom", "butterfly", "twins", "little ears" and "strangle the priest" are all translations for which types of food? 9. Which 2 politicians led the British coalition government during WW1

DOWN 2. Stood in the dock until op-art composition sorted out (3,2,5) 3. Cleanser that can change the face of opera? (4) 4. Simply the first person to trust (6) 5. Sue cop for smashing cars! (6) 6. It encourages a put-up job when it rains (8) 7. Sort of university, perhaps (4) 11. Mistake isn't the first the fielder makes (6,4) 13. Paying them involves a polite visit (8) 16. Disagree if Fred goes round in a turmoil (6) 17. Leaving nothing out, steal roof-beam (6) 18. Stare open-mouthed at green-headed primate (4) 20. A blow on the wrist? (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 10. Which French painter, along with Monet, is said to have fathered impressionism? 11. What was the title of T.H. White's 1958 novel about Arthurian legend? 12. What is bottled in JEROBOAMS? 13. Complete the title of the following Paul McCartney albums with one word. a. Wild, b. Red Rose, c. Venus and, d. London, e. Flaming, f. Paul Is 14. What are the six ranges of the human voice, applicable especially to singers. 15. In modern physics Up, Down, Strange, Charmed, Bottom (or Beauty) and Top(or Truth) are collectively called what? 16. A popular currency and the east wind in ancient Greece. One word 17. In which 7 countries is Portuguese the official language? (not one of the official languages) 18. Which Agatha Christie thriller took its title from a line in a poem by Tennyson? 19. In which Strait did the pride of the Royal Navy HMS Hood sink? 20. Which two native Americans led the Sioux and Cheyenne warriors at Little Bighorn and defeated American General Custer?



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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


UP AND AWAY Aguamarina Park Renovation falls UP, Flights scheduled to return in July short despite 125,000 euro outlay Quote: 'Passengers arrivals in both Spain and UK face 14 days isolation' Quote: 'Queuing for toilets will be prohibited on board, although individual passengers will be able to use the facilities, upon request'

By Andrew Atkinson

The Aguamarina Park at the coastal end of Calle Agua, which should have been handed over to the Ayuntamiento on completion of a 200,000 euro facelift at the end of January is, is still awaiting completion as the contractor is still awaiting delivery of equipment. In addition, during the course of the delay, a number of deficiencies have come to light, a result of it’s faulty design, the most prominent of which is the loss of it’s sand covering every time it rains. The park slopes toward the sea so with heavy rain the whole area quickly floods, the result of which is the creation of large channels of water which drain off toward the coastal walkway, taking with it the sand from the park. The sand is deposited either on the grass beyond the walkway and onto the micro reserve below, a protected area, or onto the path itself. The Town Hall were advised of the problem by a local residents group, last February. The result is that on such occasions council staff are then deployed to the area to sweep up the sand that has accumulated onto the walkway and spread it back across the park. This involves a team of 8 council staff working for at least half a day, money and resources that are being squandered because of its faulty design. A spokesman for the group said he hopes that the cost of these council resources are being passed on to the contractor. It seems inconceivable that the surveyors who

designed the refurbishment project did not take this situation into account, something that was easily foreseeable to most people. Additionally, the membrane that was laid across the park to keep down the weeds is not doing its job as, in just the few short weeks since it was laid, large areas of the park were covered in weeds. Thankfully, these too have now been removed, but they will most certainly return. The Leader has also learned that there is still even more equipment to be delivered and outstanding work to be completed, trampolines, a podium, a stage, picnic tables and pavements. Last week, a member of Cabo Roig y Lomas Residents Assn, accompanied by the Councillor for Infrastructures, Ángel Noguera, visited the park, to examine the current situation and the prospects for its completion. The councillor stated that the installation of the missing equipment will not be carried out and that it will be the council and not the contractor that carries out the remaining outstanding work including channelling the rainwater properly, thus avoiding the problem with the sand being dragged onto the promenade and the protected areas. So almost 4 months after the Aguamarina park should have been completed we still don’t know when it will be open once again for public use. At the moment, whether caused by poor design, inferior materials, human error or council inefficiency, it would still seem to be a long way off.

SOCIAL AID GRANT OF 147.5K FOR ORIHUELA The mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, announced that the Alicante Provincial Council has allocated a total of 147,522 euros to the Orihuela City Council. The grant is part of the six million euros that the provincial administration has allocated to city councils to face the social expense derived from the Coronavirus crisis, with the main objective of continuing to deal with the most urgent needs. Bascuñana thanked the president of the Alicante Provincial Council, Carlos Mazón, “for the sensitivity and commitment that he has shown to Orihuela since the start of the state of alarm, as with this very important assistance we will be able to continue helping the families that need it most, to whom this crisis has done so much damage”. The mayor said "The most difficult moments is when administrations have to support each other, and measures like this are necessary so that the municipalities can reach more people."

He said that the Department of Social Welfare in Orihuela, is providing a service to an average of 60-70 weekly cases, that is to say, more than 300 cases every month. He explained that there were many cases prior to the state of alarm and they still have to be attended to. However, there is now a considerable increase in new families, many people who have lost their jobs or their businesses and the grant will provide essential in helping those who are most in need.

Ryanair are scheduling to return to the skies in July - with 40% of the commercial airline's flight set to resume. Ryanair's plans will be guided by relevant Governments' restrictions being lifted in Europe, surrounding departures and destinations. Flights arriving in Spain will see passengers quarantined for 14 days, mirroring that of passengers arriving in the UK. Ryanair is preparing to restart 40% of flights in July, across 80 bases across the continent, following Covid-19 flight restrictions imposed in midMarch, during lockdown. Plans reveal almost 1,000 flights a day, from July 1, restoring 90% of its pre-pandemic route network. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Ryanair was operating 2,400 flights, daily. Prior to flying, they advise passengers to check their temperature, check in online and download their boarding pass to their smartphone. Travellers will undergo further temperature tests at the airport; must wear face masks or other coverings - wash their hands and use hand sanitiser in terminals. Queuing for toilets will be prohibited on board, although individual passengers will be able to use the facilities, upon request. Physical distancing at airports and onboard will be encouraged, where possible. Measures include fewer checked bags and a deep

clean of the aircraft - every evening - with chemicals that are effective, for more than 24 hours. All Ryanair planes are fitted with Hepa air filters, similar to those used in critical hospital wards, according to the airline. As a temporary public health measure, while EU countries emerge from their Covid-19 lockdowns, Ryanair will require all passengers flying in July and August to fill in details at the point of check-in of how long their planned visit will be, and their address while visiting another EU country. This contact information will be provided to EU governments to help them to monitor any isolation regulations. Ryanair chief executive, Eddie Wilson, said: “It is important for our customers and our people that we return to some normal schedules from July 1 onwards. "Governments around Europe have implemented a four-month lockdown to limit the spread of the Covid-19 virus. "After four months, it is time to get Europe flying again so we can reunite friends and families, allow people to return to work, and restart Europe’s tourism industry, which provides so many millions of jobs.”


Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99.

Meetings are currently postponed during the current crisis. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. ...currently postponed Royal Air Force Association Costa

Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15


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am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Linda. Blonde mature lady. Torrevieja. Soft hands. Massage with happy ending. 634 300 074.

The brilliantly hued flowers of the Bird of Paradise The Bird of Paradise is a clump forming, evergreen plant. A mature clump can be 5 fet tall and wide. one of the most colorful and spectacular flowers in the world, on show in Spain in aplomb. The name Bird of Paradise, also known as Crane flowers, derives from its spectacular flower shape, resembling a bird's beak and head plumage - an eye-catching beautiful exotic flower.

Flowering from May, through to September, the Bird of Paradise makes an exceptionally attractive landscape plant, its leaves resembling a small banana plant, with evergreen thick, waxy, and glossy green foliage. Bird of Paradise require warm temperatures, between 18c-21c, in partial shade, when planted outdoors - to avoid burning from the temperatures here - that can reach high 30c during summer months. Bird of Paradise needs a good potting soil, with good drainage. Water, until the soil is saturated; thereafter leave until dry to the touch. During winter reduce watering by half. During early spring feed with good general soluable plant food. Do not plant a Bird of Paradise too deeply in the pot, as root exposure is deemed to promote flowers. Also, a pot-bound plant will produce more blooms. Outdoor Bird of Paradise plants need sufficient water to keep their soil moist all summer long, but less in the winter months. Remove any broken or dead leaves and dead flowers, as and when appropriate. GARDEN FELIX Los Montesinos look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed movement due to the coronavirus is lifted, in the current Phases legislation. Keep safe. Felix.

If you are looking for numerous flowers and shorter stems on your Bird of Paradise plants try growing them outside in full sun. Grown in shade they have bigger blossoms and taller stalks.



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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


Memoirs of a VE Day Veteran In a Leader exclusive Jim Jolly's son, Los Montesinos resident Graeme, talks to Andrew Atkinson about his father's service, and his parents visits to Spain.

Michael Douglas takes his Mallorca house off the market After five years on sale, Michael Douglas has decided to take off his Mallorca mansion, s'Estaca, off the market. Mallorca is a paradise and every summer it is full to the brim with faces, many of them familiar, who have fallen in love with its gastronomy, its landscapes and its climate. There are many international celebrities who have a residence on the Balearic island, but one of the best known is Michael Douglas, owner of the mansion 's'Estaca', located in Valldemossa, and which he still shares with his ex-wife, Diandra Lucker . Having been put on the market back in 2014, Michael has now had a change of mind and has decided to keep it. He is thought to have made the decision because of the global coronavirus pandemic, believing that s'Estaca is the best place in the world to quarantine without any risk of infection. In 2014 it went on sale for 55 million euros, but a year or so later they lowered the price to 48 million. Finally, in the summer of 2018 in an attempt to make it more saleable they dropped the price again to 28.9 million, a new discount from the original price of more than 25 million euros. However, even at the lower price Michael still had no serious offers so he has decided to buy out his former wife’s share and star to enjoy it himself. With more than 77 hectares of land and a build of 1,000 metres, the Balearic house is one of the great real estate jewels owned by the actor. It has seven different buildings with five ten-room apartments that can accommodate up to 20 people, who can then enjoy a landscape without equal. In addition, it has vineyards, its own garden, swimming pool and private road that isolates it even more. In these difficult times, he has realised that he prefers to have it at his disposal, to be able to enjoy it with his family. He is even considering it as his habitual residence ", a source close to the family has revealed. Mallorca is a very special place for Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, because it was there that they fell in love / Gtres And even Netflix has fallen in love with the island, where Douglas has filmed two of his movies, the comedy 'Turn up Charlie' and the crime drama 'White Lines', which was actually recorded at s'Estaca and for which the audiovisual giant paid the actor a not inconsiderable 40,000 euros a week.

MUM and dad discovered Spain in the seventies, and had frequent trips to various areas of the country. Words of Graeme Jolly, who along with his wife Alison, have followed in their footsteps. With the 75th anniversary of VE day on May 8 having taken place, Graeme looks back on his parents service and time in Spain. "They visited Guardamar and Torrevieja several times - and loved it," said Graeme. "From 2005, they made more trips to the area as their two sons, and daughter, had all bought property here. "The last trip Jim Jolly made was in 2008. He died in April 2009, and his wife, Mary, in 2011," added Graeme. Jim Jolly arrived in France on June 26, 1944, as part of the follow-up forces to Operation Overlord, with the Allies still meeting fierce German resistance, thinking whether he would ever see Britain again. At Christmas 1944, aged 21, he lay in an abandoned Belgian house - suffering from jaundice forgotten by his unit. Luckily Jim's regiment found him. In his memoirs Jim said: "Because I couldn't be traced, my Christmas mail was returned to my mother - saying I was missing." London born Jim, sent to hospital in Brussels, with only his boots and beret said: "We had to wear a bright blue jacket and trousers; white shirt and red tie. "This was called 'hospital blues'. It was designed to make to make us look so odd - we couldn't try and run off!." Jim, who lived in Cleator Moor, Cumbria, first joined up in July 1942, doing his training in Bury St Edmunds, prior to travelling to Nethertown when his artillery unit were carrying out their pre-invasion training. Having slept and ate on the road, before arriving in West Cumbria, along with his comrades, within a fortnight of being there he met his future wife Mary. In 2005 the couple celebrated their Diamond

Jim and Mary Jolly on their wedding day November 14, 1945.

wedding anniversary. Jim, aged 19, and Mary were only together a few weeks, before their wedding. Communication was via letters. At the time US General Eisenhower was putting forward proposals for a 1943 invasion of the continent. The British had their reservations and managed to persuade the Americans to agree to land instead in North Africa during 1942. Subsequent operations in Sicily and Italy in 1943 also delayed the invasion. Roosevelt and Stalin both wanted the invasion to take place in May 1944, but dif-

TASTY BITES, EL RASO Re-opened May 11, with 50% of terrace capacity, under Phase 1 legislation. Come and enjoy our freshly cooked food or takeaway. Also Home Delivery service. Tasty Bites will maintain all safety and distance legislations. Sanitation provided at the door. We look forward to seeing all our old and new customers soon. Important notice: Table for 4 people, please book in advance (maximum 10 people per table). Telephone +34 672874949; 661175151 and 966189389

ficulties in assembling the landing craft lead to the date changed to June 5. As the date approached bad weather threw up the possibility of dangerous landing conditions and Eisenhower, commanding the action, subsequently agreed to a 24 hour delay. Code-named 'Operation Overlord' the Allies landed on June 6, 1944 at five beaches in Normandy. *Part 2 of Andrew Atkinson's memoirs interview with Graeme Jolly and his parents, continues next week.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


ing a small nuclear-powered unit as a way of propelling all manner of vehicles, from the large but especially the small. She had visions of a new type of small personal carrier silently scuttling around the streets and felt certain the prize was within her grasp. The thought had first come to her consideration when she was studying through her college years and she developed an interest in how submarines, vessels and other large plants used fission to produce a result. After years of studying the subject Ebonique became well known for her knowledge and was recognised as the top expert in her field. There was excitement spreading amongst the specialists as it became known that she was on the edge of a breakthrough. People would gather in groups, in bars and elsewhere, discussing the possibility of a car which did not need fuel, once it was built.

New Fuel for a Car At thirty years of age Federica Ebonique Antonetta Rasmas was a doctor in the field of nuclear energy working, in a large airy laboratory in control of a very important experiment. Her parents came from a small village in Eastern Europe, and as a child she would roam over the footpaths of the mountains in which her house nestled, like so many others nearby. She was named after her grandmother, which is a little puzzling as her elder

was a white European. However, Ebonique’s second name means black, which originates from an uncle on her father’s side. The story in the family was that one hundred or so years previously, one of her forbearers had taken a gypsy’s woman who was from an African tribe touring through the area at the time, resulting in the birth of a baby boy. The boy was left to die on the side of the track when the African group moved on. It was Ebonique’s Great Grandfather who, late one morning, when he was returning after collecting firewood from the forest which covered the landscape, came to a stop as he heard a noise at the side of the road. He had noticed a little earlier that his two dogs, who were racing in front,

were interested in a pile of rags lying in the scrub grass near some bushes. He was stooping down when, inside the bundle of old clothing, he found a very hungry baby boy. The child was taken in by the family, where they brought him up as one of their own. He became one of them taking on the family name of Rasmas. Ebonique was a progressive young woman in her nature, her direct ancestry was more evident than other members of the family. Her approach about everything she did was more outgoing than her kinfolk and she strived to do things differently, especially in her work. She had been interested for some time in propulsion. The means of develop-

Music and wisdom from Jesse Lynn Madera Americana singer/songwriter Jesse Lynn Madera blends her country/soul infused music with her poetic words of wisdom. The Nashville based musician is hoping to catch the attention of country, soul, and jazz loving individuals around the globe with her upcoming album, "Fortunes," which is now available. Here's a link to her SoundCloud: The album features a duet with critically acclaimed actor John Hawkes and Australian-born, LA-based singer/songwriter Joel Taylor. Madera produced a bulk of the album herself, with some help from Paul Redel (mixing on Leslie Odom's recent album and engineered the 2017 ZZ Ward album), mixing by Ryan Hewitt (Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, Sheryl Crow),

mastered by Eric Boulanger of The Bakery Studios (Hozier, Randy Newman, Harry Connick, Jr, Rufus Wainwright, Neil Young) and featuring incredible strings by Stevie Blacke (Pink, Chris Stapleton, Rihanna). Hailing from the rolling hills of West Virginia, Madera's love for music grew out of a family affinity for all things harmonious. With household gatherings often centering on song and expression, her unique musical upbringing aided in driving her passion for performance. Mentored in piano by renowned father of Rock 'n' Roll, Johnnie ("B. Goode") Johnson, Madera takes pride in the instrument having remained a constant in her journey as an artist and in her music. The stunning creative took up a fascination with poetry around the same time, and it is this love

However, her work was very secretive and although the media tried to find out what her real progress was, they were none the wiser, but they still reported on rumours and the small snippets of information they could glean. The powerful people funding the development were anxious to move the project on. Ebonique on the other hand knew there were many small problems which needed to be resolved before she was ready to display her work, which was to be in a secure laboratory. The pressure from her sponsors to exhibit what she had achieved was too great, and after a heated discussion she agreed to hold a demonstration of her findings. Crowds gathered in the small building where chairs had been laid out for the visitors to be able to follow the result of her work. Scientists, news people and the individuals funding the project,

for the written word which led her first to theatre and then to music. Following her musical education at NYU, Jesse Lynn Madera has gone on to release two breath-taking albums to date, with "Fortunes" as her third full length release. Championed by husband and versatile actor Hemky Madera ("Queen of the South"), Jesse's charismatic songs have attracted a diverse group of people who continue to seek music from the up-and-coming artist. With tracks smoothly intertwining the deep emotion of jazz with the cool, humble song writing of American soul, Jesse’s folk-tinged country melodies in "Fortunes" stand as an impressive addition to a profoundly eloquent musical catalogue.

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were standing in groups, others were seated with microphones, smart phones with tablets on display. The small machine she had produced was displayed on a bench behind a thick glass screen. On the clear partition embedded in the glass were the letters of her initials ‘FEAR’ this name was repeated on a sign above her new development. Ebonique was more interested in her work than public speaking. She appeared from the side and there was excited clapping and cheering. Looking through the glass at the audience, murmuring a few words of greeting as she smiled. Promptly standing to one side and holding out both her hands in a gesture to show what she had developed. Everyone went quiet as she went to a control board with flashing different coloured lights and a large white button to the centre. Her hand hovered over it. She turned, once again smiling at the audience as she pressed it. At first nothing happened. Then a large red display sign above the project bearing her initials ‘FEAR’ started to flash. There was a rumbling noise and the machine started to shake. A siren sounded its piercing blare, drowning out all other noises. People were now looking at each other, the clamour of the warning was shattering and deafening. Terror spread amongst the visitors as they quickly stood up, knocking over the chairs in their haste. They were being encouraged to quickly leave the building by the security staff. A low rumble started to shake the ground. People were shouting and screaming trying to squeeze through the exit doorway. A fire wave swept through the building and as the eruption drowned out all the noise a thick white cloud swept upwards. chattey



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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


2020 Epsom Investec Derby and Investec Oaks - set for July or August behind closed doors Remembering

Ke i t h F l oy d

'You can see by Keith's face he had a great night - the drinking continued into the early hours' Andrew Atkinson talks to former amateur jockey, actor, musician and performing artist Gary Gibson Lennon, who rolled back the clock during COVID-19 lockdown, remembering his time with legendary cook, restaurateur and tv celebrity star Keith Floyd. MY dear old friend Keith Floyd, spoke Gary Gibson Lennon, reflecting back on the day he spent with the charismatic cook 25 years ago. "I spent the day with Keith at his restaurant Floyd's Inn, also known as Tuckenhay, in Totnes, Devon, in 1995," said Gary, booked to perform by Floyd. "It was a great gig at his place - which I performed solo!," said Gary, who has appeared as John Lennon in film shots, and shared the same stage as legends Sir Tom Jones and Sir Elton John. Floyd was renowned for taking a drink from a glass of wine during filming of his tv shows, and Gary smiled: "You can see by Keith's face he had a great night - the drinking continued into the early hours. "The following morning we all sat down for breakfast in the restaurant, and my brother Greg insisted that Keith cooked his breakfast. "He kept saying 'Greg Gibson wants his break-

Quote: 'These two Classics (Derby and Oaks) play a vital role. It is of great importance to go ahead, during this difficult period' - Delia Bushell, Group Chief Exec of the Jockey Club

backed for the Classics to be run at Epsom, the Jockey Club would have looked for an alternative venue.

By Andrew Atkinson The Jockey Club have played a leading role in the 2020 staging of the Investec Derby and Investec Oaks at Epsom - behind closed doors in either July or August, pending government approval. "We are working hard on a practical and deliverable plan to stage the 2020 Investec Derby and Investec Oaks at their traditional home - without a crowd - once racing is approved to resume by government," said Delia Bushell, Group Chief Executive of the Jockey Club. The behind closed doors Derby and Oaks at Epsom will go ahead - pending Government approval - after Councillors approved an application to stage the Classic races. The Jockey Club Racecourses applied for permission to hold the Derby and Oaks - part of a seven-race card meeting - as easing restrictions and back to work phases come into play. It is understood that, if approval hadn't been

Racing resuming is in the control of PM Boris Johnson's approval, under government legislation.

Horseracing in Britain was suspended indefinitely in March, amid the COVID-19 lockdown.

Racing was put into suspension, until June 1 at present, in liaison with the British Horseracing Authority (BHA). The Downs are owned by Epsom, with public footpaths and bridleways in situ. The application of racing to return includes access to certain areas, restricted for 24 hours, under current legislation to stage a behind closed doors meeting. "Sincere thanks go to the Epsom and Walton Downs Conservators for their backing. "These two Classics (Derby and Oaks) play a vital role in the thoroughbred racing and breeding industries. "It is of great importance for them to be able to go ahead, during this difficult period," added Delia Bushell, Group Chief Executive of the Jockey Club.

fast cooked by Keith Floyd! - which he happily did!". Gary, tutored by Lester Piggott in Newmarket, prior to taking out an amateur jockey licence, said: "After breakfast Keith had to catch a train to London, to record a television show. "Before he left he helped jump-start my car, along with the girlfriends and Greg - the battery had gone flat!" Gary recalled: "There was Keith, poshly suitedup, along with the rest of the entourage, pushing the car, down a hill! " 'Gary, dear boy, thank God it started! I'm going to be pushed now - to catch that ****ing train!', said Floyd. "Golden days - Keith was such a great guy - and a 'natural' comedian! RIP Keith, Love Gary x." Bon viveur Floyd died of a heart attack in 2009, aged 65.

Racing set to make Newcastle return on 1 June By Andrew Atkinson Racing is set to resume at Newcastle's allweather track on June 1, as long as COVID-19 deaths and cases do not increase in the coming weeks. As previously reported, the recommencing of racing at Newcastle, comes in the wake of The Guineas and Coronation Stakes at Newmarket; Royal Ascot, and the Classics' Derby, Oaks and Eclipse scheduled in July. Trainer Nick Alexander based at Kinneston, Fife, said: "Having been involved with the National Trainers

Federation through the COVID-19 crisis, I have been acutely aware of the pressure my colleagues have been under. "It will be enthralling to watch them compete for these huge prizes, after such unconventional preparations. "Before too long we will have a good idea of the race programme to the end of August, and within that will be the resumption of jump racing in July. "Wouldn’t it be nice to think, that by September, we may be able to revert to the original plans with an enhanced jump fixture list, to make up for some of what we

have lost." Ted Veale, (Pictured right) a winner at the Cheltenham Festival, now 13 years old, last ran at Newcastle on March 3, prior to racing lockdown, one of three races competed in this year, after running at Newcastle in February and January. Formerly trained by A. J. Martin, Ted Veale arrived at Kinneston on December 1, 2018, winning at Hexham on Dec 2. A winner at Listowel and Sligo in 2017, Ted Veale won the Vincent O'Brien County Handicap Hurdle Grade 3, Class 1 Ted Veale. Photo courtesy Nick Alexander race at the 2013 Cheltenham Festival.


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


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MONTE PROMOTED Town’s football fans set to celebrate Quote: 'I've been keeping fit running. But it's not the same - I need a ball at my feet. I miss that' - Monte player Dimitri By Andrew Atkinson

hope we continue to enjoy the future together."

“On behalf of the management and staff we send thanks for the support given this season” Monte coach Jesus Santander

Monte coach Jesus Santander echoed Santos's comments, saying: "On behalf of the management and staff we send thanks for the support we have been given this season."

CD Montesinos are to be promoted from the Valencian 2nd Regional Group 14 after confirmation from the FFCV.

A statement from the FFCV:

The Los Montesinos based club have been promoted to the 1st Regional Group 8 - after topping the 2nd Regional G14 table at the time of the Valencia (FFCV) fixtures postponement in March - amid COVID-19 lockdown. CD Montesinos's return to the 1st Regional Group 8 will be at the first attempt, under newly appointed coach Jesus Santander for the 2019-20 season, following relegation last year. David Winder, a main sponsor of the club, spoke exclusively to The Leader following the confirmation of promotion. "On behalf of The Full Monte and Torregolf the announcement of CD Montesinos becoming champions of Group 14 is great news. "The promotion is well deserved with some great football and entertainment being played throughout the season. "I personally was sorry not to see the celebrations on the football field". David added: "I have given our thanks, on behalf of the Full Monte supporters club, to Jesus and the team, wishing them all the best and we are looking forward to returning to the 1st Regional next season."

To end the 2019/2020 sports season at the territorial level on March 14, at which time the State of Alarma was decreed in Spain, establishing the order of the competition with the results of the classification that were established on the last day played. The final classification will be made and possible ties will be resolved according to the criteria established in art. 285 of the General Regulations of the FFCV. In the event that in any group there are teams that have delayed matches, are pending play or whose composition is odd teams, the coefficient criterion will be applied to establish the classification, that is, divide the points obtained between the matches played to determine his place in the final classification. At the FFCV Board of Directors meeting held electronically on May 14, the following agreements have been unanimously adopted and must be ratified by the General Assembly: That there are no decreases in the categories of territorial scope, in coherence with what is established in non-professional national competitions.

CD Montesinos player Santos Manjon said: "Next season we hope to continue our form from the 2019-20 season and improve moreso.

That the promotions established by means of the Soccer and Futsal competition circulars (both male and female) take place, for the 2019/2020 season, both for those teams that promoted directly and for the teams that occupy promotion promotion positions, always in the event that its immediately superior category is territorial.

"On behalf of the players, thanks goes out to the supporters for cheering the club on this season. I

The competitions with promotion of promotion to national competitions will be played as planned,

by majority consensus with the affected clubs, although they will be played through an express format and as long as the competent health authority allows it and the sanitary protocols for to be able to develop sports, as established by the RFEF in the national categories. That there is no descent of referees in any territorial category. A circular will be published shortly detailing the above points, both for promotions and express promotions.

This answered via email and reiterated that, according to Decree 2/2018 of January 12 of the Consell, the competence over official competitions and their calendar corresponds to the territorial federations. Finally, the FFCV wants to put on record that it begins to work in the following season, adapting its activity to the new reality, prioritizing the protection of health and convinced that it is time to side with its clubs, as well as to help them in everything possible.

This decision is adopted once the national competitions have been resolved and in coherence with the line established by the Royal Spanish Football Federation. The FFCV and its Board of Directors are aware of the great difficulty involved in solving this season, both for the enormous effort and dedication made throughout it by the clubs, footballers, coaches and referees that make up this FFCV, and for the illusion of finishing it. But it is necessary to adopt the present decision in order to protect the health of all the people who participate in any of the matches, championships and events organised by this Federation. In order for this decision to have the necessary legal and statutory coverage, the FFCV urged the General Directorate of Sports of the Valencian Community on May 7.


La Liga clubs get green light to introduce group sessions La Liga clubs given the green light to introduce group sessions of up to 14 players.

Atletico Madrid, Leganes and Getafe in the capital, and Barcelona and Espanyol in Catalonia.

training. Players, club employees and everyone else involved in the training sessions have to be tested daily for COVID-19.

The Spanish health authorities have now said that top flight clubs can move to the next stage of their staggered return to full training on Monday.

The statement also confirms approval to resume the 2019-20 domestic season, as long as public health conditions are met.

While all existing coronavirus prevention measures still remain in place, including restricted use of training facilities, social distancing, sanitation and media restrictions, the relaxation also applies to those clubs who are in Phase 0 areas, although they may only train in groups to a maximum of ten at this stage.

However, all games are to be played behind closed doors, with continuing access restrictions at all stadiums.

The league wants to resume on June 12 with games in empty stadiums, though the media is expected to be allowed to cover the matches on site. The media has not been able to attend the practice sessions.

The 12 La Liga clubs based in areas still under heavy lock down, include Real Madrid,

Clubs and players have been told that they must follow strict health safety guidelines during

Group meetings between players and the coaching staff are also now allowed as long as distancing guidelines remain in place, and referees are now also being allowed to train in sports facilities.

Bundesliga underway in Germany On Saturday there was an eerie silence across stadiums to welcome the resumption of the Bundesliga including the showcase Ruhr valley derby between Borussia Dortmund and Schalke 04, as football-starved fans around the globe tuned in to watch top class live action for the first time in 2 months.

Barca players back in training

In front of a mere 300 people, including players, staff, team officials, broadcasters and security personnel, goal celebrations were limited to smiles, thumbsup and the occasional fist or elbow bump as mask-wearing substitutes, dispersed in the stands to keep them apart, applauded from the sidelines.

Although the global TV audience topped a billion, Bayern Munich boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, said that it was not what fans had been hoping for as they followed police orders to stay away from the stadiums. However, despite an effective restart, a poll for German state

broadcaster ARD showed that 56% of Germans consider the restart at this stage to be wrong, nevertheless, the league will aim to complete the last eight Bundesliga matchdays with as few problems and controversies as possible as they hope to be joined in the coming weeks by LaLiga, The Premier League and Serie A.



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Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


Real Madrid still keen to offload Bale "If Bale can leave today, that would be better than tomorrow." A brutal statement made by manager Zidane last year, which could be even more of an objective in the coming transfer window. The Welshman's departure has become one of the club's main priorities this summer, perhaps the foremost on a long list of players that Madrid is hoping to offload. At Real Madrid they are aware of the need to pull in cash in the first transfer market after the coronavirus pandemic by getting rid of the players that Zidane doesn’t rate, and Gareth Bale is at the top of a list that also includes the James, Mariano, Ceballos, Odriozola and others. Real Madrid, like

many other top clubs says that it is far more urgent to sell than to buy. So Gareth Bale once again looks to his future to which there are only three options: Miami, Newcastle or staying at Real Madrid. For the club, the departure of the Welshman this summer is a priority, but for the himself has said time and again that would have no problem fulfilling his contract and leaving for free in 2022. The first option for Gareth Bale, although by no means the simplest, would be to go to Newcastle United, who are on the verge of a multimillion-dollar project in the hands of new owners, the Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund led by

Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman. Only the final approval of the Premier is yet to be obtained at which point the club will change hands for an amount close to 400 million euros. Newcastle will then become one of the richest clubs in the Premier league. Bale could be the franchise player that they

need, with Pochettino rumoured to be replacing Steve Bruce. The second option for Gareth Bale would be to accept a proposal from Inter Miami, Beckham's club in MLS, which would see him embark on a completely new adventure, but one that would also see departure from elite football. But

Leeds United favourites in race to sign Elche’s Juan Cruz Premier league hopefuls Leeds Utd are just one of a number of clubs who are looking closely at Elche’s highly rated full back, 27 year old Juan Cruz. Along with Mallorca, Valladolid, Osasuna, Real Betis and Getafe, the 4 million euro rated player has been in the form of his life for second-tier side Elche as they look to make a late push for promotion The Spanish ace has a contract at Elche until the summer of 2021 and although the 4 million fee is an absolute bargain, should Elche gain promotion or he move to a club in La Liga, the termination clause increases to 8 million euro. But it may be that Leeds Utd, who are currently top of the Championship with a seven-point cushion in the automatic promotion places, have the edge, as their well respected Director of Football, Victor Orta, is himself a former Elche man. This season Cruz has played 27 league games and despite featuring as a left back he has provided seven goal assists on goal which is currently the 3rd best return for a full back in the top two divisions. The fee would also provide welcome

income to Elche who are once again experiencing financial problems. On Wednesday the players refused to return to training in protest against reduced salaries They were scheduled to train at the Martínez Valero stadium but decided carry out their fitness programme’s at home to show their discontentment with the team's decision not to lift the furloughs that had been put in place as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Now that they are back in training the players feel that their salaries should be restored to 100%, especially as the league is expected to restart. Although they trained as normal on Tuesday their request to have their salaries restored from their current reduced rate of 70% was ignored. Like many other lower league clubs Elche used the government furlough system to reduce its labour costs during the pandemic. Club CEO Patricia Rodríguez told Spanish local radio network COPE she was surprised with the players' decision because the club had already made them an offer to

adjust their salaries. She said players are not being required to work overtime under the furlough conditions. "Even though they are going to the stadium, they are only training for about 45 minutes, which is within the reduction stipulated by the furlough," she said. Rodríguez added that when players start working for longer periods, the furlough conditions will be adjusted. She said the coaching staff had already requested changes in their furloughs because they are having to put in more time, as they are now practicing at different periods during the day. "This is something that we all need to discuss," she said. "The players already had an offer on the table before this happened." Elche was sixth in the 22-team second-division standings when the competition was suspended after 31 matches and with just 11 matches remaining they currently occupy the final playoff spot, 4 points ahead of CD Mirandes, the team below. The Spanish league's first and second divisions are expected to resume on June 12.

earning double the amount of the club’s top player there would have to be significant downward movement in his salary which is still far too high for football in the United States. The third path open to Bale is to stay at Real Madrid. Both the Welshman and his agent have repeated in public - and

in private to the club itself that they have no intention of leaving Madrid until their contract ends. So it would appear that Bale would have no problem staying until 2022 and then leaving for free. On a reported weekly wage of Euro 350,000 it’s a difficult call to make for the 30 year old.

Cruz could be available for a bargan fee of just 4 million euro


Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.

Golf Courses and COVID 19

the above safety protocols but there was an additional restriction because as some golf courses are in areas still in phase 0, players can only now travel and play golf courses in their own health authority and this has caused some confusion. Vistabella in particular is right on the border of two health authorities and many players have been reluctant to travel there because of possible fines from the police but having spoken with the course management yesterday it appears that players from both the Orihuela and Torrevieja health authorities are allowed to travel there to play and the management team there will shortly issue and instruction to confirm this.

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Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs

Bonalba and El Plantio are ready to open when in phase 1 but Alicante will remain closed while they conduct extensive re-construction of the greens Font Del Llop could open on the 18th May 2020. Campoamor, La Marquesa, Las Colinas, Lo Romero, Vistabella and Villamartin are all open but La Finca and Las Ramblas will remain closed.

Last week we reported that following discussions between the Spanish Golf Federation, Golf Directors Association and the Spanish Government that golf courses could re-open as from the 11th May 2020 subject to special restrictions under the umbrella of a security protocol and travel only allowed within the province that the players live.

Below is an update on the situation at local golf courses:

El Valle,Hacienda Del Alamo,Mar Menor and Saurines are open but Alhama, La Torre and Hacienda Riquelme will remain closed.

Alicante Province

Lorca will re-open from 19th May 2020 and La Serena from 20th May 2020.

During the last week a number of local courses have opened under

Don Cayo and Puig Campana are open.

Roda could open on the 18th May 2020.

El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Manga Courses La Marquesa La Sella La Serena Las Colinas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor

New Sierra Golf Puig Campana Roda Saurines Villamartin Villaitana Poniente Vistabella

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you. Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)

Price €64 €55 €40 €65 €46

Comments Green Fee (Closed) Green Fee (Closed) Green Fee (single buggy €28) Green Fee (single buggy €29) Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley

€60 €59 €59 €35 €75 €42 €40 €47 €68 €34 €50 €35

Green Fee (Closed) Green Fee (single buggy €20) Green Fee (Closed) Green Fee (single buggy €15) Resort Closed Until 16th June 2020 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Green Fee (single buggy €35) Green Fee (single buggy €20) Green Fee (9-2pm -single buggy €30) Green Fee (8.30 to 10.30 am) Green Fee (single buggy €36) Green Fee (single buggy €15)

Montestan’s tak e


Carrying on from last week it will be now your turn to deliver the first bowl and the leads role is to deliver his bowls as near to the jack as possible unless the skip asks otherwise. The aim is to get them in line or just behind, delivering them too short, in most cases, is a waste of a bowl as they will not come into play. However if they are within a metre circle around the jack they can be quite useful as the second or skip can take advantage and knock them on or come off them.

Your skip will not be happy if all your balls go short, this is where the combination of the delivery of a jack to the indicated or your length is important.

Green Fee (Closed) Green Fee (single buggy €26) Green Fee (Closed) Green Fee (single buggy €15) Green Fee (single buggy €38) Green Fee (Closed) Green Fee (single buggy €30)

For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931

Most skips will assess your capabilities and try to get you to deliver the jack so you can bowl up to it. It’s common sense that if you struggle to bowl the full length, there is no point in delivering a long jack.

I have had comments of surprise when members see me practising delivering the jack as well as the bowls, but if you can deliver and bowl at any length it is a tactical advantage and you come into the game more and of course the skip will love you for it.

You also must realise that the opposing lead is trying to do the same thing so the closer to jack or “on” the jack is the aim all the time. Being right on the jack is a good morale booster for your side and puts pressure on the opposition. As a beginner it is difficult, but remember no one intentionally bowls a bad bowl and it is better to bowl a longer bowl than a short one as it could always come into play as the game goes on.

€36 €49 €60 €35 €55 €67 €53

*Most courses may allow shared buggies for couples that have selfisolated in the same accommodation. Ask for more details.

Again practise is the way to improve.

Duties of the Lead

Last week we delivered the jack and I mentioned practising the delivery was as important as delivering your bowl.

Murcia Province

Once you have delivered your bowls that’s your job done and you take no other part in the game save collecting the bowls if your team has lost the end, this is a local etiquette carried out in most games. Some rules and observations that should be mulled over: When it is your turn, either to deliver the jack or a bowl, you are in ”possession of the rink”. Here rules come into play once you are on the mat. Once you are on the mat you are in “possession of the rink” then all other players must stand one metre back from the mat. Rule 12.1.1: Players at the mat end of the rink who are not delivering a bowl must stand at least 1metre behind the mat. You are in “possession of the rink” and can remain on the rink until the delivered bowl or jack has come to rest. Rule 13.2: As soon as each bowl comes to rest, possession of the rink will transfer to the opposing player or team after allowing time for marking a toucher as soon as it comes to rest.

These rules stop any of the opposing team intimidating or trying to influence your delivery. In experience I have had the opposing player try to move onto the mat immediately the bowl or jack has left my hand or stand right by me as I have tried to deliver. A quick diplomatic word usually suffices but if they persist a quiet word with your skip as you change ends will have him sort it out. As in all sports “gamesmanship” sometimes comes into play as well as “frustration”. As a learner there will be many ups and downs, in most matches you play 18 ends ,so put aside any incoming groans and moans, concentrate on adjusting your width and get the “feel “of the length. If you have been “chucked in the deep end” as the team have been short of players remember your team would not have been able to play, if it were not for you, so try your best and enjoy the experience. Most good skips give advice and encouragement, however there are some who will continually criticise and bemoan your play. “IGNORE THEM” and do your best and don’t let them get you down. Enjoy your moment ! Next week we will take a look at the seconds role and some more observations. Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins or Charlie Watkins



637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020

I FEEL LIKE A FISH OUT OF WATER Quote: 'I hope my wetsuit still fits me - I am literally a fish out of water!' Andrew Atkinson talks to Masters Swimmer with Club Natacion Torrevieja Vicki Connolly surrounding the government's legislation to allow professional and registered swimmers enter the sea under the easing of restrictions in the wake of COVID-19. VICKI Connolly has been a swimmer all her life, an active Masters Swimmer with Club Natación Torrevieja, both in pool and open water swimming. "I have never been out of the water for seven weeks - even when pregnant with our two daughters," said Vicki. In an Exclusive interview with The Leader, Vicki said: "Lockdown has been really hard for me, from a sporting perspective. "Although swimming is a non-contact sport it invariably involves others in a similar close environment, clocking up the lengths in long training sessions with others. "In the sea our open-water training is different we can keep our distance and direction." Vicki, from Los Montesinos, Alicante, said: "When the lockdown began I was one of the last to swim in the Olympic sized indoor pool in Torrevieja, on March 12. "They literally closed the doors on us as we left. Since, I have not been in the water." Vicki has remained in isolation at home, up to the easing of restrictions put in place over phases, brought into play on May 4. "In order to try and maintain fitness, everyday indoor activities, including cycling, rowing and core strength work are undertaken.

"But it’s not the same as the feel of the water. Going from five or more, two hour sessions in the pool or sea every week, to nothing is demoralising. "Wondering if you can retrieve your stoke and speed, when you are able to swim again," said Vicki.


We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed retrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. Keep safe. Vivienne Shepherd Quesada Fitness Gym.

"In the bigger concept of COVID-19 I understand safety must come first," said Vicki, whose sister is a nurse in the NHS. "My sister is a Senior Nurse in Derby and is working in the ICU Covid-19 wards - so I know what she is going through, every day. "However, it still doesn’t take away the feeling of hope when the Phased return to normality plan was released, that we might get back to swimming soon." With Los Montesinos restrictions on the populace, under 5,000, restricted to 1km distance legislation, Vicki said: "We have to wait longer. "If I lived within 1km of the sea, then, in theory I could swim in the sea, as the rules state. "I do not live within 1km of the sea. I live next door to our Urbanisation community pool - but that is closed too - probably until June, along with public pools. "So the wait goes on for me - and many other swimmers," added Vicki. "The National Spanish Swimming Federation has put together a Covid-19 Protocol for open water swimming, but we need access to water.

Club Natacion Torrevieja Masters swimmers (left to right) Christine Johnson, Vicki Connolly

"Torrevieja Town Hall have recognised this and Beryl Altabas, medal winners at the 2020 Regional Masters in Murcia on March 7. and has granted access at specific points, on specific beaches, for Federated Club out of water!," quipped Vicki. "We swim in open water all year long, with specific safety equipment and adhere to marine and Swimmers. Vicki, who has already had many Open water and open water protocols, so we are used to not hav"We will be required to prove, with licenced docpool Championship competitions cancelled this ing the luxury of a Lifeguard. uments, that we are Federated Club Swimmers. season, said: "Like most I can’t wait until normal So now I have to wait until I am allowed to travel "Hopefully we will be back in the sea soon. I to that location. hope my wetsuit still fits me! I am literally a fish sporting timetables resume."


Vicki: Masters Swimmer with Club Natación Torrevieja.

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. 1001 Nights, 2. a: Isaac Hayes, b: Sheryl Crow, c: Paul Anka. 3. a: The cock, b: Athena, the goddess of wisdom, c: KLM - the Dutch national airline, d: Blue, e: The Scarlet Pimpernel. 4. Venus. 5. Dance. 6. Fear of the darkness (he invented the lightbulb later in life). 7. Intelligent, wise or rational. 8. Italian pasta. Zito means bridegroom, Farfalle is derived from butterfly, Gemelli means twins, Orecchiette means little ears and Strozzapreti means strangle the priest. 9. Herbert Asquith and David Lloyd George. 10. Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

11. The Once and Future King. 12. Champagne. 13. a. Wild Life, b. Red Rose Speedway, c. Venus and Mars, d. London Town, e. Flaming Pie, f. Paul Is Live. 14. Soprano, Mezzosoprano, Contralto or alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass. 15. Flavors / Varieties of Quarks. 16. Euros. 17. Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe. 18. The Mirror Crack'd From Side to Side - from The Lady of Shalott. The novel is called The Mirror Crack'd. 19. Denmark Strait. 20. Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse



637 227 385

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th May, 2020


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