The Leader Newspaper 6 November 2023 – Edition 966

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No 996 Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

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Now in our 20th year of keeping people safe and informed - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper



It’s been a busy couple of weeks for Help at Home, what with their Annual Charity Ball at Castilla de San Miguel, and Thursday’s grand opening of their long awaited drop-in centre, ‘The Community Hub’.

elcomed by the Charity President, Patricia Muirhead, supporters and a large number of invited guests were joined at the opening by dignitaries and members of the local media, as Patricia, together with the British Vice Consul, Sara Munsterhjelm, oversaw the inaugural proceedings.


Patricia spoke of the difficulties and the rather complex operation in opening the centre, one of just a small handful in the local area, and which has been entirely funded by the charity. She said that it is a place where people can come together for a coffee and an informal chat, a place where they can receive guidance and advice on complex matters such as social services and welfare benefits, and where they can enjoy any one of a number of different activities, in a friendly and social atmosphere. She added, “with what little funding and resources we have, it’s important that we use it wisely and that we can inject those resources right back into our community and demonstrate to the many volunteers who have made this centre possible, just what an important resource it is.” The Community Hub is open to all ages and all nationalities, especially the many seniors who reside on the coast, and those who are living on their own. Patricia spoke of the countless people who find it difficult to venture out, adding that the Community Hub can provide that important component for those people who want to fill that void.



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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 THE COMMUNITY HUB The centre will also offer talks by local experts on a variety of different subjects, informative presentations that will be advertised in the local media and on the charity’s website and facebook page.


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British Vice Consul, Sara Munsterhjelm, said how privileged she felt to receive the invitation to take part in the opening ceremony. Such centres are so important, she said, especially in an area with such a large expat population. She was delighted to note that the centre is open to all nationalities which she thought could help users to connect with the Spanish population. PROPERTY

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She thanked all of the volunteers who have assisted in building this important local initiative which now presents a wonderful opportunity for the volunteers and users to come together socially in a safe environment, to overcome loneliness, to build links and to make the centre whatever the community wants.

E-mail Website

The idea of the Centre is that the community owns the space, it is somewhere that you can drop in to and feel comfortable, just being yourself. Following the speeches, the Vice Consul had the honour of formally opening the centre, after which guests were able to enjoy soft drinks, a wonderful light buffet provided by Lynne, and a slice of a delicious cake bearing the charity logo, baked by Jo Dove. The volunteer-run centre, which opens Monday to Friday from 11 am to 1.30 pm, can also provide an extensive range of hospital beds and mobility equipment for hire, as it offers peer support, resources and activities, with a focus on leading from experience.

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The cake bearing the charity logo, baked by Jo Dove

LOCAL EVENTS STARTING ON 6 NOVEMBER AVCRL MEE TING ORIHUEL A COSTA S cience week starts in Torrevieja this week, with a series of talks in the Vigen del Carmen Centre from Wednesday.

On Thursday, there is a concert by La Almundena in the Palacio de la Musica, and a flamenco event on Friday in the Municipal Theatre. Jandro is in the theatre on Saturday, and a choral concert in the Palacio de la Musica. If you´re an art fan, a new exhibition opened in Guardamar del Segura last week, Guardamar currently being the capital of culture, featuring works from contributors from around the region. Although it´s not this week, we thought you might be

The General Assembly of the Cabo Roig y Lomas Neighborhood Association (AVCRL) is to be held on November 10, 2023, in the Assembly Hall of the Orihuela Costa City Council (Plaza del Oriol, 1 - Playa Flamenca). It will include a report on the actions carried out and the proposals for actions to be carried out during the next year. The assembly will begin at 4:30 p.m. on the first call and at 5:00 p.m. on the second call, and will end at 6:30 p.m. Members who wish to attend must pre-register by emailing:, indicating the number of people who will attend. Those members who cannot attend the assembly wishing to delegate their vote must email:, stating the name of the member who will represent them.

interested in a bit of advanced notice, as The Nutcracker is coming to the Teatro Circo in Orihuela. The date for the performance is 26 November, but tickets are on sale now and likely to sell out. Los Escorpiones will be performing in Orihuela on Saturday, and it is impor-

tant to note that they are giving the concert in support of the AECC cancer charity. On Sunday, music from the 80´s and 90´s will be the star of the show, in an event with the same descriptive name,“Musical de los 80 a los 90”, both of these events also taking place at the Teatro Circo.

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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

WILL ORIHUELA BE THE NEXT MUNICIPALITY TO RAISE TAXES? olores is joining the growing list of municipalities that have approved, or will soon adopt, increases in local taxes.


They join Rojales (PSOE), Guardamar (PSOE), Redován (PP) and Pilar de la Horadada (PP), councils that have all recently justified the measure of rises in the costs of the waste collection service, which includes the costs of transport to landfills, and the increase of energy prices for lighting and fuel, which, together with council salary increases, has triggered current spending forecasts.

ing to the need to adopt them. In Dolores it is expected that IBI will increase by 50% and the waste collection rate will go from 90 to 140 euros per year. The increase will be applicable for the year 2024. Meanwhile there has been no indication of any movement on taxes in Orihuela. In his election manifesto the mayor, Pepe Vegara, promised to

None of the five municipalities in question, made any mention of such increases in their election manifesto’s when they were campaigning for government during the local elections earlier in the year, despite the fact that the economic situation was already point-

Despite the PP election manifesto stating they would lower taxes, many people are now beginning to wonder where the money is coming from to meet Vegara’s promise of financial investment .

lower taxes and municipal fees, thereby reducing local fiscal pressure. The leader of Vox, Manuel Mestre, now the councillor for the coast, also made financial undertakings, stating that he would GREATLY reduce the number of town hall advisors and the wage bill. We now all know, of course, that in Orihuela, it was all ‘bluster’, as we have the most expensive town hall ever, and as the PP/Vox administration continues to make promises of financial investment, despite still not having a budget, a PIOC spokesman told the Leader that we should all be very concerned about where this new money is coming from! “It can only be from increased taxes,” he said. WATCH THIS SPACE!

Children at risk as fire safety neglected in Orihuela schools Orihuela’s Department of Education has been warned on several occasions of the state legislation that regulates the maintenance of fire systems, which establishes that inspections must be carried out on the fire extinguishers every three months.

However, children are being put at risk in at least eighteen public Infant and Primary schools, because the fire extinguishers, firefighting devices and hydrants, according to the local Spanish press, have not been inspected for two years. In some educational centres the last dates back to 2019.

They need to be fixed in their assigned location and they must not show any signs of damage, they must be adequate to protect the risk of fire, their access cannot be obstructed, they have to be clearly visible and clearly labelled with instructions for use.

A complaint made by the Ombudsman, to which the Council failed to respond, reveals that the origin of this lack of maintenance, is once again, blamed on the slowness of the processing of contracting files carried out by the municipal administration.




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he CCA, located at Centro Civico Alameda del Mar Orihuela Costa, are seeking Tutors to teach Spanish Basic Beginners, Intermediate level 2 and Conversation. The classes are made up of multinational students wanting to learn the Spanish language to integrate and learn the customs of Spain. We need a Tutor, as a matter of some urgency, to start the Winter Term for 8 or 10 weeks. We also need Tutors to teach Crafts, Games and Quiz sessions. Travel expenses paid. Should you be interested and want to know more about CCA, become a Tutor, to learn Spanish or want to join any of the activities CCA provide, CONTACT :-

PURPLE TUESDAY IS A DAY OF NOTE he week begins with the publication of the final October data for the services PMI and composite PMI in the eurozone, where the Sentix index for November will also be released. It is expected that, in line with the evolution of Germany's GDP in Q3 (0.1% quarter-on-quarter), the leading indicator will reinforce the prospects for a slowdown in the monetary zone as a whole.


On Tuesday, the Eurozone production price index (PPI) for September will be published. The normalisation of the value chain and the moderation of the price of energy have contributed to a significant drop in prices in industry across the Eurozone, but close attention will focus on the evolution of industrial production in Spain and Germany.

lowed on Tuesday by Boris Johnson loyalist and former No.10 Chief of Staff Lord Edward Udny-Lister, who led talks with regional leaders during the partial lockdowns in October 2020. Former Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service, Mark Sedwill, will no doubt defend what Dominic Cummings described last week as a ‘dumpster fire’ when he appears midweek, followed by former Home Secretary, Priti Patel, to explain border policy. Former US President Donald Trump is expected to appear on the witness stand in his fraud trial on Monday, before daughter Ivanka gives evidence later in the week. Donald will be in Florida later in the week for a rally.

During the rest of the week, we will learn about various macroeconomic references (CPI, trade balance, retail sales, etc.) that will help show with greater clarity the evolution and direction of economic activity in the main European economies.

Laughing gas is banned in the UK from this week, in the hope of clamping down on antisocial behaviour derived from the use of the substance, although there are a group of people who believe that the ban will simply push the substance “underground” and will not reduce the use in the same way other banned substances are still used and abused.

At the business level, various companies will present their results for Q3 2023. Specifically, large companies such as Ryanair, Daimler, Bayer, Astrazeneca, and eBay are amongst those companies who will publish their profits throughout the week for transactions between July and Sept

A couple of things of note in the culture and entertainment sector, for literary enthusiasts, Nadine Dorries fans will be able to buy “The Plot”, and Coleen Rooney supporters can get the lowdown on the ‘Wagatha Christie’ memoirs.

Warner Bros, and Walt Disney will also publish European results, the latter perhaps giving an insight into the evolution of streaming entertainment services after many of the platforms have increased their prices during the year to date.

The GRAMMY nominations are announced this week, and Sotheby's auction of Picasso's 'Femme à la montre' ends, expected to sell for around 100 million pounds.

It will also be a week with a large number of results published in Spain, including Telefónica, who are in the process of laying off staff due to the evolution of their infrastructure. In the monetary sphere in the UK, GDP for Q3 is published, along with construction and car sales figures, the Halifax price index, and the Council Tax database, plus, also connected to money but perhaps resulting in a so-called “dead cat” story hitting the news mid-week, MP´s expenses will be revealed on Thursday. Also in the UK political stage, Tuesday will be a defining moment as the State Opening of Parliament will be the first for King Charles since he ascended the throne, and the start of the last session before the general election, expected to take place before the end of 2024. After last week´s damning, but not surprising, revelations in the Covid enquiry, this week evidence will be given by former Treasury economic adviser Clare Lombardelli, explaining economic policy, or lack of, during the pandemic, fol-

Of course, we are sure we don´t have to mention, but will anyway, we are heading towards Remembrance Sunday at the weekend, and before then, on Saturday, Diwali. Finally, another important day of note this week is Purple Tuesday, originally a UK-based but now spreading annual event dedicated to promoting accessibility and inclusivity for disabled consumers. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of making businesses and public spaces more accessible to individuals with disabilities, including physical, sensory, and cognitive impairments, amongst others. Created by disabled consumer Mike Adams, the day encourages business owners to look at their operation and see if anything can be improved for those with reduced ability, whether just looking at physical routes through your shop, bar, or restaurant, or doing an audit of your website, to improving staff training, with the intention of making a more inclusive world for those who may need a little more help.


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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023



Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

PRINCESS COMES OF AGE transgression to be the next Queen of Spain, in an event that was ceremonial, and joyous for most, as the Princess is already held in significant high regard by many in the country, albeit with the absence of a number of invited guests, those opposing the Monarchy, although with many claiming their absence was not in opposition, but rather in favour of a referendum, so the people can decide.

The ceremony also marked Leonor’s transgression to be the next Queen of Spain


lthough teenagers coming of age marks a significant milestone for most households, Tuesday marked an auspicious day for one 18-year-old, as the solemn ceremony tookplace, at the seat of national sovereignty, of the oath to the Constitution by the heir to the throne in Spain, Leonor de Borbón. The ceremony not only marked her coming of age, but her official

Compared to the frivolous pageants with which wealthy families celebrate their daughters' coming of age, with various parties and dances, etc. the young Borbón reached the age of eighteen in full military training and swearing in a constitution that represents all of Spain.


460k to upgrade Casa Grande T orrevieja council has put out a tender to upgrade the lighting and video surveillance in the Casa Grande Industrial Park, at a cost close to half a million euro.

This contract will improve the facilities and infrastructure of the industrial estate, that will benefit its use and security. It will include the installation of video surveillance cameras and new information signage, as well as the replacement of lights in the Casa Grande II industrial estate with LED technology. In 2021, the council previously undertook lighting renovation work costing 39,975 euros in Casa Grande I.

Said a council spokesperson.

The project is the result of joint efforts between the council and the Casa Grande Business Association. In a statement released by the City Council, they say that there is still much more to be done and that there will be further redevelopment works in 2024.

The execution period for the project is one month, a period that will begin from the date that the contract is signed. "It is expected that the works will be awarded by the end of November and during the month of December it will all be carried out,"




he unclean streets of Torrevieja, neglected through the expensive cleaning and waste management contract run by the company Acciona, is apparently having a positive effect on the population, in that there has been a noticeable increase in residents as a result, although these residents that are seen to be multiplying are not as popular as some, BECAUSE THEY ARE RATS. According to a report presented by the PSOE in the last plenary session, rats are becoming increasingly problematic in many areas of the town, a fact confirmed by the Spanish press, some of whom have been to the area to video their appearance like rat-based paparatzi (intentional misspelling as they are photographing rats)! According to the socialist spokesperson, Bárbara Soler, the residents are "desperate," many of who have submitted numberous complaints through the Town Hall's entry register and through the new app for incidents 'CityinTouch' but without receiving a response. The Councillor for Urban Cleaning, María José Ruiz, claimed to be unaware of the problem. “I am at your disposal if you want to send me the complaints that you say have been sent

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to this City Council and that have not been processed because, no one in the Urban Cleaning department has received any type of complaint on about this matter," she replied to Soler. But the socialist leader stated that the problem is not limited exclusively to rodents. She demands that this focus of health be addressed, as she says that residents have already received "visits, even inside some houses, by the numerous rats, some of considerable size, that have made this place their home, without prejudice to the serious health problem that it causes." Whilst the town hall plans heavier fines for the users, it continues to ignore the negligence of the contractor. "The cleaning measures to date do not help solve the problem because the trucks and instruments used for the collection and cleaning of the place are inadequate or inefficient," Soler protested. The socialist councillor said that this area should be a priority action, since, she warns, it directly affects the image of Torrevieja. "What's more, this takes place in a popular walking area for visitors and in the vicinity of one of the largest hotels in the city."

The trial against an insurance inspector began in Elche on Thursday, where the prosecution asked for 4 years in prison, alleging that the inspector defrauded his company of more than 165,000 euro by allegedly simulating traffic collisions in order to obtain compensation. The Valencian Superior Court (TSJCV) reported that in addition to this man, another 4 years in prison are requested for an accomplice who is alleged to have negotiated payments with third parties involved, although he could not be located. The public prosecution maintains that, between February and August 2009, the defendants falsified up to six claims, all low-speed collisions without police attendance using victims from Latvia or Lithuania who did not speak Spanish and who often had knee injuries. The prosecution concludes that the inspector of the defrauded insurance company expedited the procedures to establish and obtain compensation in exchange for money, whilst his accomplice was responsible for neotiating payments with the rest of the people involved.


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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023


TRIAL TO BE OPENED AGAINST FORMER PP MAYOR OF ORIHUELA, EMILIO BASCUÑANA he former mayor of the PP of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, is one step closer to appearing before a judge after the court investigating the case against him, for the crimes of fraud and embezzlement, has agreed to the opening of oral trial for both charges.


He now faces a request for a sentence of three years in prison, six years of disqualification from public office and another five and a half frrom employment that involves the provision of medical services in organisations that are dependent on the Generalitat, where he currently works as a doctor. Bascuñana is alleged to have improperly pocketed 141,031 euros from the public purse between November 2007 and December 2011, for alleged work, of which investigators have found no trace. The previous PP mayor is the fifth leader in Orihuela who has problems with Justice. In addition to the condemnation of former mayor, Luis Fernando Cartagena, for misappropriating a donation of 49,000 euros that a religious congregation he administered donated to the City Council, there is also the pending resolution of the process due to irregularities in the allocation of the Orihuela waste contract, involving former mayors José Manuel Medina and Mónica Lorente. Lorente is also awaiting sentencing in the case

From left to right, the former Orihuela PP mayors, Luis Fernando Cartagena, José Manuel Medina and Mónica Lorente and the current serving mayor, José Vegara.

But questions must also be asked as to why the erroneous payments were not picked up by financial staff in the Generalitat at the time, as we wonder how many more there are?

of the Vega Baja zonal plan where prosecutors are asking for four years and nine months in prison, and 24 and a half years of disqualification for supposedly favouring the interests of the businessman Ángel Fenoll, and of course there is also the current mayor, José Vegara, who is waiting for a date on which he will be tried for a continued crime of falsification of a commercial document as well as VAT and tax fraud.


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‘The Law is an Ass......’ ecause I have a couple of good friends and a wife’s nephew who is one; I am slow about coming right out and saying what I think about solicitors. Half my cousins in America are lawyers - but sher what else would you be doing in that country! So, I’ll leave the salient summing up of the legal profession to my late cousin, James O’Donnell, in his own words: “When the revolution comes, the first people that will be put up against the wall and shot, will be solicitors and barristers!”


One of my favourite solicitor friends tells me that her father always said; “If you want law you go to court, if you want justice, you find another way!” Whilst solicitors have done great work for me over the years, I have also been the victim of how the legal game is played: and it is ‘played.’ A contest with scores coming by way of technicalities, fear of costs, brinkmanship, loopholes and ‘points of law’ that were never intended to be applied in certain types of matches. Winning is all that matters, there are no rules regarding certain truths and what is right or wrong doesn’t always have a bearing on the final result. (Just ask the Corbett family this week.) If the same players lacked the same honour on the golf course – nobody would go 18 holes with them! What brought on this outburst, I hear a shout from the public gallery? Well, a story I read in a newspaper over the weekend triggered it off … and maybe, deep down, I always fancied myself ‘doing law!’ A man by the name of Brian Mwenda has been arrested in Kenya for passing himself off as a lawyer. Mr Mwenda has no legal training whatever, but always wanted to do it and believed he was as good as those who did the degree and apprenticeship. He is now at the mercy of the law he illegally set himself to practice. The Law Society of Kenya has roundly condemned the ‘masquerader’ – but if we may once again quote what Mandy

Rice Davis said to the judge; ‘they would, wouldn’t they!’ But the country is divided on the issue – and with good reason. The Kenya Central Organisation of Trade Unions has a very different take on Mr Mwenda than that of the Law Society. You see, of the 28 cases that this fake lawyer took on after setting up his practice, he won all of them! “A brilliant young mind who made it without traditional qualifications”, said another backer representing a commercial organisation. Can you argue with indisputable facts and unquestionable results? I rest my case, M’lud. The legal profession is not the only profession where a fake slipped in by the side door. Dr Idowu Adeboro used falsely authenticated documents in order to be registered with the Irish Medical Council. He also provided false references and a false employment history. Well … he sort of had to, hadn’t he? The fitness-to-practice committee sorted it out eventually. “I just wanted to be a guard”, said Robert O’Shea , when he appeared at Dublin District Court on charges of stealing a garda uniform and impersonating a member of An Garda Siochana at Main St, Lucan. Bail was refused, so Robert is still off duty. “People felt that God was in the room when he was up at the pulpit preaching.” So said members of Father Ryan’s congregations, across the Midwest of the United States. Father Ryan preached and profited in America for 30 years. As if this wasn’t bad enough, he was ‘found to have a child conceived out of wedlock.’ The only training or vocation that ‘Fr Ryan’ undertook was when he was called upon to serve mass as a boy! A teacher who falsified certificates about his teaching qualifications in order to be able to work in Ireland, admitted to an enquiry that he got ‘caught up in a terrible web of lies.’

The fake teacher blamed the UK Teaching Regulation Agency and said he was the victim of a scam by the TRA. The Irish Teaching Council didn’t buy his story and he was sent home to do his homework. So now you see, dear readers; all you have to do is own a computer and printer and you can become anything you want to be. Come to think of it, I would make a great newspaper editor. I’ll cook up certificates, degrees, work records and references on this laptop. I have already learned how some of it works;

supported by a report from the FORMER PP COUNCILLOR CAN KEEP HIS SALARY isCouncil's external legal team, as well The PP-led government team in Torrevieja, with the support of their VOX counterparts, have voted that former councillor Joaquín Albaladejo, does not have to pay back the 183,000 euro of public money he was paid whilst a councillor between 2007 and 2011, whilst also receiving a salary for his private activities.

exclusive dedication during his time as a councillor, thanks to the support of his colleagues, after an agreement in which he could claim both salaries was declared void.

as by the Council's own legal servi-

The proposal put forward by the PP/VOX coalition, went ahead despite the abstention of Sueña Torrevieja and the vote against by the PSOE.

tect" the former General Secretary of

He will not be required to return a cent of what he earned from his

According to the mayor, Eduardo Dolón, the interpretation of the ruling

not been a member of the PP, but of

ces. The socialist spokesperson, Bárbara Soler, strongly opposed the motion, accusing the mayor of trying to "prohis party, while the spokesman for Sueña, Pablo Samper, questioned what might have happened had he another party.

such as how to say no when any unfortunate poor hack asks for a raise. What’s the worst that can happen to me if I’m caught out? I have no worries on being charged with fraud, deception and falsification. My ace in the hole is that I know that Brian Mwenda will win my case and get me off Scott free! DON’T FORGET The only person who really enjoys listening to your troubles is a solicitor.

Former councillor Joaquín Albaladejo


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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023


Carl receiving his award from Captain Steve McGlory RN

Naval Veteran honoured by Admiral Sir Ben Key KCB, CBE L

os Dolses resident Carl Louden served in the Royal Navy from June 1978 until his retirement in October 2021, a period of some 43 years.

Now the Treasurer of the Royal Navy Association Torrevieja Branch, his service was honoured at the Branch’s annual Trafalgar Night dinner that took place on Saturday 21 October 2023. He was presented with a rare ‘Gold Valedictory Certificate’ by Captain Steve McGlory RN, the current Defence Attaché based in Madrid, who along with his wife Maribel, was the

Guest of Honour.

The certificate was signed by the 1st Sea Lord, and comments on Carl’s exceptional commitment over the years, including service onboard Her Majesty’s Yacht Britannia, operational service in a number of theatres and the award of a Second Sea Lord’s Commendation for his contribution whilst employed as the RN Staff Officer in HMS KING ALFRED. Carl has been fully supported by his close family and his wife Nicola, herself a Naval Veteran of some 24 years’ service.

GUARDAMAR HOTEL WELCOMES 231 SENEGALESE MIGRANTS 4 star hotel in Guardamar del Segura has welcomed 231 Senegalese migrants who have arrived from the Canary Islands. The mayor, Mayor José Luis Sáez (PSOE), confirmed that it is an agreement between the Ministry of the Interior and the hotel establishment that will last until the end of the year.


The 4 star Parque Mar Hotel

As such, the Parque Mar Hotel is now at one hundred percent occupancy in the middle of the low season, receiving around 40 euros per person from the Ministry. Last month, 9,000 people arrived on the coast of the Canary Islands who are all being distributed across different provinces so as not to break down the reception network on the islands. Despite arriving in Spain illegally, migrants do not have their freedom of movement restricted. The group that arrived in Guardamar comprises only of young men, neither minors nor women. The only restriction they must observe is from ten at night when the hotel closes its front door.

have family ties in France and Belgium, countries to which they may be moved in the coming weeks. In the province there is another small group of Senegalese in Alicante, while 800 are currently being housed in Gandía.

During most of the day they can be found congregating in groups around the hotel establishment, next to the Reina Sofía park or near the beach.

The Ministry of the Interior has not been able to carry out the return of the Senegalese to their country of origin, which is the usual protocol, as the Senegalese authorities have rejected return charter flights. Migrants use their savings and risk their lives to reach Europe.

According to the mayor most of the men are from Senegal, they are French-speaking and

They arrive in Spain irregularly in search of better living conditions.


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023


San Fulgencio rape victim feared for her life

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etween sobs, and still terrified by the traumatic experience suffered last year at her home in San Fulgencio, a young Russian woman described in an Alicante court how she was assaulted and raped in her home by her ex-partner, who then tried to strangle her. According to the victim, her former partner, who has pleaded not-guilty to all charges, if found guilty, faces a request for 30 years in prison by the Prosecutor's Office, as well as a private prosecution for crimes of attempted homicide, sexual assault and robbery with violence and intimidation. The incident occurred on May 2, 2022, in San Fulgencio, and although the accused has denied the rape and attempted murder of his ex-partner, against whom he had a restraining order in place, the victim offered a heartbreaking account of the assault that she allegedly suffered, as she explained to the court that "I just wanted to survive." In her appearance in Alicante, she said that, having broken into her property, she feared he was going to kill her and even thought that he had killed her children, who were at school when she was attacked. According to the victim, the accused was

The accused arriving at the Alicante Court. carrying a large knife as he threatened her, demanding money. At all times, she added, he was hitting her violently and even threw her down the stairs. “I was on the ground and I couldn't breathe, but he continued hitting me." The woman has claimed that she was then sexually assaulted and that he then tried to kill her by strangling her with a dress that he put around her neck and used as a rope. She ended up unconscious, at which point the accusations maintain that the defendant thought he had killed her, as he wrapped her body up in a blanket. However, the woman was not dead and after recovering consciousness she offered to go to the bank to get more money for him.


The accused, according to the victim, drove her to a bank branch in San Fulgencio to withdraw money at an ATM, but the victim ran inside the bank to ask for help. Two witnesses said that she was "in panic" and she asked that them not to open the door to the man. The aggressor, was arrested several days later by the Civil Guard and the Local Police of San Fulgencio, telling them that "he had no nothing to lose, if she wasn't with him”. In addition to the defendant's fingerprints found on the frame of an aluminium window through which he broke into the house, the defendant's genetic profile also appeared in samples collected from the victim's genitals.

A fast growing perennial climber often cultivated in temperate regions as an annual climbing plant, that can eventually grow five metres tall. Grown especially for late summer and autumn flowers, it will often flower until the end of October, or even up to December in milder climates. This plant will produce masses of striking red, orange and creamy yellow flowers from July. The leaves are dark green and very attractive too, with deep lobes.

According to the figures managed by the Oenegés Department, the new building will be much larger that the current centre, and will enable up to twice as many people to be helped.

It is a lovely plant for training over tall garden structures, such as arches and pergolas. Alternatively grow it in a border to scramble through mature early flowering shrubs or roses.

Currently, she says, the AFA facilities, built in 2007 on the old Renfe garage site, in Acequión, only has three rooms and a common dining room, just enough to serve about 50 users, but in the new centre, that number could rise to between 80 and 100 people.

It will also perform beautifully in a large pot, with a wigwam of canes for support, on a sunny patio.

The demand for AFA services, the association said, is unfortunately increasing, as a consequence of the progressive aging of the population.

Details of a new day centre for the care of patients with Alzheimer's and other dementias are currently being finalised. A new plot has now been confirmed, close to the Quirón hospital (old San Jaime). This was stated by the councillor, Trudy Páez, in the last plenary session.

Ipomoea lobata - called Spanish Flag and Exotic Love, due to its cascading flowers - are made up of funnel shaped petals, arranged along just one side of each flower stalk.

Councillor Páez explained that the new units will be able to offer more individualised and specialised care. "Users will be treated differently depending on the phase of the disease they are in, since they are currently all together," she says. The new centre will have physiotherapy rooms, a gym for individual and group therapies. It will also have its own assigned medical and nursing staff, and will further benefit by being located next door to a major hospital.

Easy to grow from seed in May, in individual pots and store in a dark warm place. As soon as shoots appear move into shaded light, until the young plants have a well developed root ball and plenty of shoots and leaves. Water regularly, allowing the compost to dry out a little in between watering. Plant out six weeks later in June, into a sunny border or as part of a summer container display, in well draining soil positioned in full sun. Ensure you allow plenty of space between plants and make sure they each have sturdy support of some kind to grow up, as they will soon shoot up and climb by twining, winding themselves around anything. Flowering will begin in July and dead-heading spent blooms will help prolong the flowering

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Church leaders meet to discuss child abuse by priests The Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) has convened an Extraordinary Assembly for today, Monday, in which it will analyse the report of the Ombudsman, Ángel Gabilondo, on abuses in the Catholic Church. The meeting, which the bishops will attend either in person or online, will focus on sexual abuse committed by members of the Church, with just two points on the agenda. Firstly, the study and assessment of the report presented by the Ombudsman last Friday in Parliament. Secondly, the study of the request from Cremades & Calvo Sotelo to extend the delivery time for the work it has been carrying out on behalf of the Episcopal Conference. The report stated that 0.6% of the Spanish population, 236,000 people, have suffered sexual abuse by priests or church representatives, according to the Ombudsman.

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

The Civil Guard has arrested a man and a woman in Los Montesinos who were transporting a bag containing hashish, marijuana and cash in their car, which they threw out of the window as they approached a police patrol.

BIKERS INVITED TO TORREVIEJA CANCER GATHERING On Sunday 19 November, bikers from around the area are invited to a free event in Torrevieja, which will be held to support the Afecancer group at the Antonio Soria park.

The incident occurred last week, as part of the Telos II Plan, where members of Torrevieja’s Public Security Unit (USECIC) were carrying out an identification device for vehicles and people. ute to fallen bikers. It will all be accompanied by music and entertainment in the form of delights such as a mechanical bull, bouncy castles (for the kids) and a raffle, amongst other surprises to be announced on the day.


Couple drop off their drugs in Los Montesinos

The couple were traveling in the vicinity of Los Montesinos when, upon seeing the police checkpoint, they tried to evade the officers by turning around and throwing away the bag with drugs and money.

The doors to the event will open at 9:30 in the morning, after which there will be a freestyle motocross show, a ride through the streets of Torrevieja, returning for more freestyle, a fireworks display and paella in the afternoon to pay trib-

As the agents were closing the checkpoint, they noticed a car approaching. The officers saw a plastic bag thrown onto the side of road from the driver's window, followed by the driver attempting to evade the control.

The drugs that were thrown out of the car

They proceeded to identify the driver and his companion, a couple aged 35 and 19, residents of Santomera, who were already on police records due to previous drug arrests. Inside the thrown bag, the agents found 52 grams of rock cocaine,

four doses prepared for sale, 35 grams of hashish and 1,450 euros divided into bills of different values. The couple was arrested and charged with a crime against public health for drug trafficking.


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023


637 227 385

Tony Mayes Rant MAKE THE SUPER-RICH USE THE NHS ecently my wife had breast surgery and had to go to a private hospital to get it.


She was first examined in a hospital in Spain, where the doctor confirmed surgery was necessary, but could give no indication when that could be carried out. So, as we were about to journey to the UK for summer, we decided to see our local UK doctor and go to the local hospital, where doctors again confirmed what Spain had said, after she had scans and tests under the NHS. They said the surgery was needed soon, before infection could set in, but the indication was that it could be two years before the procedure was carried out, because of the huge and ever-increasing waiting list. There was no way that we could wait that long – the chances are things could be far, far worse by then. So there was no alternative but to go private – the NHS suggested the private hospital. So, we had our first introduction to private health hospitals. Instead of waiting three weeks for a doctor’s appointment and weeks more just to have scans in an NHS hospital, Mrs M was given top notch care, before the op, during the op and post op – she says she was treated like royalty, introduced to the surgeon and the anaesthetist. She as even given shampoo, special socks and special clothing to take away with her. On the day of the operation she was led by her dedicated nurse to her own room with full facilities, and I was offered coffee and biscuits and a staff member showed us the menu for lunch for both of us. Every few minutes the dedicated nurse was there to check how she was, providing slippers and dressing gown. Nothing was too much trouble. Compare all that to what you would get under the NHS today. The cost to our bank balance? 9,000 pounds. I am no Socialist and certainly no Tory and

have always considered private hospital to be totally morally wrong. My wife and I have paid National Insurance contributions all our lives. So why on earth, when we most need the services of the NHS are we failed? Governments, past and present, should be thoroughly ashamed at the way they have let the NHS degenerate into an apology of a service. Please don’t think I am not in praise of what the NHS is still trying to do, but there is no doubt that it is understaffed, under resourced and overwhelmed by demands on it. More and more people are being forced to pay for private medical insurance – on top of the National Insurance contributions. The whole situation is ridiculous. The NHS could be again the envy of the world. How? By bringing all private hospitals, doctors and care homes under NHS control and ensure that every patient was treated equally and it would do away with the need for millions of people to have to buy hospital medical insurance. That money could go straight to the NHS instead.

won a 170-piece Screwfix tool kit so many times I could stock a shop with them! But I know that if I opened these messages the only one who would be screwed is me. I have had so many messages inviting me to on-line gambling I could by now be bankrupt many times over. I have so many uncollected mail packages that they must, by now, fill a warehouse and I know it’s rubbish because I haven’t ordered anything. I am told countless times that my Cloud storage is full and inviting me to buy more space – but I have no cloud storage. My streaming service is in danger of being cancelled – but I don’t have a streaming service, I am invited to get an incense diffuser, whatever that is, I can get a gadget that will improve my posture and I can lose 10k in

weight in 10 days if I open the message. I can imagine I won’t lose weight, it will be loads of money! Oh, and if you want me to pass onto you a small army of Ukranian and Russian girls offering their services – well I get loads of them. I try to block the messages but the cunning b*****ds just switch to another site. Email companies must know what’s happening and I’m sure they could put an end to it if they wanted. So why don’t they – are they being paid by the crooks who are creating all this crap? You know that whenever you open a new website you are asked to accept Cookies, whatever they are. Are the people getting these cookies using your email address to sell onto crooks and the devious? It wouldn’t surprise me.

If every super-rich person knew that if they were ill they would have to wait in an ambulance for a bed to become available in A&E, the situation would be sorted within hours. *The good news is that Mrs M’s first post op check has shown that all’s well and we should be able to travel back to Spain soon. Can't wait - to get away from all the rain and storms in the UK.

GONE PHISHING! Have you got an email address? Have you found an avalanche of unwanted “phishing” emails invading your address over the last few weeks? It’s been dreadful for me – I have been receiving these annoying emails up to more than 30 a day. I have been told that I have

VALENCIA CONSELL DEMANDS 926 MILLION EUROS FOR FOREIGNERS HEALTHCARE he Valencia Consell has authorised its Ministry of Health to claim 926 million euros from central Government to compensate for the monies expended in health care to patients from other autonomous communities and foreigners.


The amount should have been paid through the Salary Guarantee Fund (FOGA), created to compensate for assistance to patients displaced from other communities, and the Cohesion Fund, which is the instrument by which the expenditure on foreigners is reclaimed. As such the National Government owes the

Valencian Community 843.3 million euros for the care of displaced people from other communities and 82.7 million for its assistance to foreign patients. Due to its tourist nature, and the numbers of foreigners who choose to make their homes in the area, Comunitat Valenciana serves a much larger temporarily displaced population. Although the FOGA was created in 2012, financial compensation for health care has been very limited, which represents a large economic burden to the community, which it is simply trying to reclaim.


637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023




Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023


637 227 385


ANSWERS Week 995

ACROSS 3. Evidence (9) 8. Merit (4) 9. Helper (9) 10. Revenue (6) 11. Hair dye (5) 14. Furnish (5) 15. Certain (4) 16. Immature (5) 18. Advance (4) 20. Domicile (5) 21. Lone star state (5) 24. Funeral car (6) 25. Mirthful (9) 26. Heroic poem (4) 27. Clear (9) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 22

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 17. 19. 22. 23. 24.

Attractive (9) Sullen (9) Repose (4) Clan (5) Prayers (6) Holy women (4) Friendship (5) Periods of time (5) Signature (9) Awe (9) Gambles (5) Particular (6) Farewell (5) Notice (4) Vast (4)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Avow; 3 Purchase; 8 Vary; 9 Keenness; 11 Commensurate; 13 Centre; 14 Advice; 17 Construction; 20 Obedient; 21 Male; 22 Evenness; 23 Lens. DOWN: 1 Advocacy; 2 Oarsman; 4 Uneasy; 5 Contradict; 6 Avert; 7 East; 10 Repression; 12 Meanness; 15 Imitate; 16 Drinks; 18 Obese; 19 Bole. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Cost; 3 Persists; 8 Lord; 9 Berberis; 11 Sets the scene; 13 Adhere; 14 Simple; 17 Consequences; 20 Informal; 21 Wing; 22 Foremost; 23 Less. DOWN: 1 Colossal; 2 Scratch; 4 Eleven; 5 Subscriber; 6 Siren; 7 Sash; 10 Starts from; 12 Messages; 15 Pack-ice; 16 Equals; 18 Offer; 19 Tiff.

ACROSS 3. It's assumed by one out of this world (5-4) 8. In the Psalter it explains a liturgy (4) 9. A rope must be twisted by a vermin catcher (5-4) 10. Saw you and I in a broken-down dive (6) 11. Assumes there are conflicts round the East (5) 14. Look for water to put the fire out? (5) 15. Rouse a knight about the start of the tourney (4) 16. Fancy things when one has retired (5) 18. The man who goes straight will follow it (4) 20. Intended to help the first person inside (5) 21. Have an attempt at composition (5) 24. Do their attitudes present the artist with problems? (6) 25. It's fractionally above the line (9) 26. Girl showing signs of successful slimming, one hears (4) 27. Some adolescents are observed around a function (9)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which record company rejected the Beatles after a January 1, 1962 audition with the explanation "guitar groups are on the way out"? 2. Which 1990 action film ends with the following words? "You get this parking ticket in front of my airport?" "Ya" "Ah, what the hell, it's Christmas!" 3. In military slang, what is a 'Sky Pilot'? 4. In which year was the last public execution in the USA? Plus or minus 5. 5. Measured in pounds per square inch, which of the following has the most powerful bite? a. saltwater crocodile, b. polar bear, c. bull shark, d. spotted hyena 6. A form of transport and a cocktail containing cognac, orange liqueur and lemon juice. 7. Which two NATO members have the most military personnel? 8. Minnie Mouse. Minnie is a pet name. What is Minnie's real first name? a. Minerva, b. Marion, c. Melicent, d. Myriam 9. "Cut the red one" was a movie poster tag line for which critically acclaimed film? 10. Which American man was the

DOWN 1. Making a stipulation for supplying what is needed (9) 2. Or a variety of white rose (9) 4. Poke softly with a stick (4) 5. Social distinction shown by those in play, we hear (5) 6. They need some pluck when the stairs are broken (6) 7. Terrible name for one near forefront of battle (4) 9. Some wedding-guests sounded kittenish inside (5) 11. Describing an untended garden of insipid character (5) 12. Rushes to upset step-dames (9) 13. Merchant and master intermingled (9) 17. Key officer (5) 19. One in an early sect showing a bit of boundless energy (6) 22. Not connected with an acting role (5) 23. Fish not caught, by the sound of it (4) 24. A European measure (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 2 ) world number one professional tennis player eight years in a row from 1952 to 1960? 11. What kind of water has sometimes been used in emergencies as a substitute for blood plasma? 12. Which one of the following animals has a special sensory organ known as the 'Ampullae of Lorenzini'? a. shark, b. bird, c. snake, d. crocodile 13. Which Beatle is on the far left of the Abbey Road album cover? 14. What were the two most populated cities in Europe in the year 1300 AD? 15. Name the novels in which one finds each of the following bears? a. State O' Maine. b. Beorn. c. Aloysius 16. Which one country is the world's largest producer of cherries, apricots, figs, and hazelnuts? 17. A 2012 sci fi prequel movie and the Titan responsible for creating mankind. 18. Which Bruce Springsteen song was a number one hit in the US charts for a British band in 1977? 19. Which E.U. capital city is named after a 16th century Grand Master of the Order of Saint John? 20. Which four players have scored 300 or more goals for Real Madrid? One point for each correct answer.


637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

Frutus del Dragòn in Los Montesinos! Dragon fruits in Montesinos. Photo: Andrew Atkinson.

By Staff reporter Los Montesinos is at the heart of one of the Vega Baja regions growing lemons, with a plethora of the citrus fruits being farmed for decades. However, on the outskirts of the town lies La Herrada, where farmers have turned their hands to growing frutus del dragòn - dragon fruits! Since the removal of the masses of lemon groves within one entryway to La Herrada many different types of food have been farmed, including broccoli and corn. In 2022 one area was planted up with dragon fruits, with other fields following suit in 2023. Dragon fruits - pitaya or pitahaya - is the fruit of several different cactus species indigenous to the region of south-


nvironment has acquired 10 devices to control and monitor the 'Tomicus destruens' pest in the trees of the Benejúzar mountains.


The objective is to monitor the presence of the pine beetle, which mainly attacks common pine trees, although it is currently under control in the municipal area.

They have now been installed with the help of the Friends of the Sierra de Benejúzar association and the La Pilarica hunting club in the pine forest, where they will serve to protect 247 hectares of the local mountain range.

However, the action will allow the council to monitor the Tomicus in Benejúzar, something that is carried out periodically by the department of the environment, and that will allow the council to take speedy action in the event of an increase in the presence of this insect.

Volunteers installing the traps


ern Mexico and along the Pacific coasts of Guatemala, Costa Rica, and El Salvador. It is cultivated in East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the United States, the Caribbean, Australia, and throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Following Lars Hassvall asking what the crops were in Montesinos, people came forward, including Siti Khodijah Supardi. "They are dragon fruits. We planted them in front our house, and my neighbour planted it on their rooftop in Bali. It takes two years to having fruits," said Siti. Siti added: "But I think one farm the plants are way too close to each other - the stand must be really strong to make a good structure. "Well, who cares? It is a different country and different rules - and, of course a treat!". Lars said: "Thank you for all the information. I think it's cool to have dragon fruit fields in Los Montesinos. It is one fruit that I have not tasted - yet."


The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733 Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja -Evangelical Church. Sunday Service 11 a.m.; - Contact 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. Evangelical non-denominational church.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a very attractive 2019 Ford Focus ST-Line Hybrid at just 21,900 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and

used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page 7. We can assure you of the biggest and best choice of new and used cars in the area for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN

AGE CONCERN BEREAVEMENT GROUP. Have you lost somebody close to you? Are you finding life difficult after a bereavement? Come along and chat to other people in the same situation. Starting on October 10th, then every Tuesday from 2-4pm at the Age Concern Centre, Calle Paganini, La Siesta, Torrevieja. 96 678 6887. Everyone is welcome. Los Alcázares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details. COMMUNITY CARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) Open to residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. Located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3 times a week for a programme of English speaking activities, support, informa-

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

tion and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCA social activities can pop along. Open 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. You can register between 1pm & 2pm on those days, in the Cafe area where you will find Eva or Norah. email: RAGS CLUB (previously Friendship Centre). Every Tuesday Lunchtime, From a Bun to a Banquet. At Graceys - upstairs La Zenia park in Lidl Carpark. COME AND PLAY RUMMIKUB. Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373 The RAFA Costa Blanca RMG is a social group of


caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Assn. Contact with the RAFA and the RMG is via the RAFA website

LOOKING FOR Silent Business Partner for small Private Care Home. Invest 10K and get 20K back in 14 months. 747 438 225

Law Services: PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR, Solicitor, Debt Collections, Bad Tenants. 747 438 225

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS If you have items that are WANTED or FOR SALE, ANNOUNCEMENTS, NOTICES and suchlike, advertise them, to a maximum of 35 words, FREE OF CHARGE, on this page. SEND BY EMAIL TO:

637 227 385

Arts & Culture


637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023


SUCCESFUL DEBUT PERFORMANCE FOR CBI CONCERT BAND he Costa Blanca International Concert Band gave it's first performance last Saturday 28th October, at the Casa de la Cultura in San



Top of the Pops' was the musical theme and the capacity audience enthusiastically sang along to a varied selection, including the music of Elton John, The Beatles and Queen. The very talented Diane Diaz was the guest singer as she sang a medley of songs including I only want to be with you, Bobby's Girl and Top of the World. The evening was a great success for this our first concert and we look forward to many more. The band will be playing at the Remembrance Service on Sunday 12th.November at Capilla de las Mil Palmeras starting at 11am. December will be a very busy month for us with many events booked so please watch this space for more details.

Salvador Dalí's Christ of St John of The Cross - valued at £60m - has gone on display at The Dalí Theatre and Museum in Catalonia, Spain.

Dalí's painting is now the iconic feature at a new temporary exhibition in Spain until April 2024. The exhibition will also feature work by the Centre for Dalinian Studies researching diverse aspects of the life of Salvador Dalí. The painting was originally scheduled to arrive at the museum in Figueres, where Dalí is buried in an unmarked crypt, in November 2020, but rescheduled due to Covid. The painting depicts the crucified

their teacher, to join us on stage. Their performances are always a fantastic hit and almost every year we spot a budding star.

Although most of our actors are English speaking, they learn their Spanish lines assiduously, with the help of our Spanish members of course, and even manage to deliver the odd joke!

Ali Baba and the Four and a half Thieves” takes place at The Casa De Cultura, C/ Alcalde Julio Albaladejo, San Pedro Del Pinatar on 30th November, 1st December and 2nd December all at 7.00pm and 3rd December at 12.00 noon. Tickets priced at 4 euro are available from: Bar Amigos Avda Las Salinas, San Pedro, Mail Pinatar (SEUR) c/ Reyes Catolicoc, San Pedro Animal Amigos Charity Home Shop, C/ Penelope Oasis Blvd, Los Alcaazares For more info about the ADAPT Theatre group contact Eric at: The Adapt Theatre Group is sponsored by the Adapt Metal Detecting group and this year’s profits will go to the AFEMAR charity in San Pedro for people suffering from mental illness.

As for the videos, there have been underwater scenes, toy trucks towed away by a grúa, Snow White shopping at the supermarket, and scenes at the town hall involving local councillors and the mayoress.

Dalí's Christ of St John of The Cross - valued at £60m - returns to Spain

The painting was purchased for £8,200 over 70 years ago by Director of Glasgow Art Galleries and Museums Dr Tom Honeyman. It was deemed to be one of Scotland’s most revered and the greatest work of art in Glasgow’s civic collection at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.

WILL THE MAGIC CARPET FLY? For the last 13 years, ADAPT pantomimes have many unique features. They are performed in both English and Spanish, they contain videos made on location in San Pedro, often involving well known local people and they have many “special effects”.

Our special effects take a lot of work and organisation, but audiences have been thrilled to see Mary Poppins fly onto the stage, Buzz Lightyear fly away on a drone and the pirates in Peter Pan rolling through a storm with barrels and chests sliding back and forward. So, with this year’s production of Ali Baba and the 4 and a half Thieves you can come and discover whether the magic carpet will fly and if the cave door will open, as if by magic. Each year ADAPT puts together boxes of school materials for children whose families are unable to afford them. The school they have worked closely with over the years is Las Esperanzas, San Pedro, with ir’s children regularly participating in our panto. Every year a group of 8 to 12 youngsters practise their dances and learn sentences in English with

Christ that features no thorns, nails or wounds, inspired by a drawing Dalí was shown by 16th-century Carmelite priest John of the Cross, which is preserved in the Convent of the Incarnation in Avila in central Spain. The return of ‘El Cristo de Portlligat’ to Spain has been greeted with much fanfare, with one local media site saying that the painting will undoubtedly be the highlight of the Catalan and Spanish cultural season. Director of the Dalí Museums and curator of the exhibition, Montse Aguer, said it was an emotional day for the Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation.

This year will be no different with 8 young accomplices to the four and a half thieves trying to outwit Ali Baba.


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

CBS ON TOUR By John McGregor Ten tenacious travellers


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Returning to base our ride included a Menu del Dia-type lunch in the tiny village of Bolulla: excellent value at eight euros per head. The third and final day took us homeward via the picturesque town of Vilajoyosa with its array of houses all painted different colours. Here we enjoyed lunch on the beach, a great ending to another impressive CBS tour enjoyed by all. WHO WE ARE. Costa Blanca Scooterists are a group of likeminded lads and lasses who ride various types, sizes and shapes of scooters. We have been going for ten years now, the oldest and best group in the region - all are welcome to our friendly group although preferably actually owning a scooter helps. You don’t have to live here permanently but need to at least spend long holidays and come out with us.

osta Blanca Scooterists are alive, well and growing. Ten tenacious members recently strutted their stuff up to the Northern Costa Blanca for three days to enjoy some great scootering and stunning scenery.


We meet on Wednesdays and Sundays for a coffee and chat about 10.30am in the centre of San Miguel at a bar just behind the church, you will see our scooters parked there.

These stalwarts set off from Torrevieja led by Phil ´Two Satnavs´ and stopped for a welcome lunch at the popular tourist town of Guadalest.

Wednesdays tend to be the longer rides usually but not always to some pre-arranged venue. We sometimes go as far as Cartagena in the south and the towns of Pinoso inland, the Hondons are regularly visited.

The popular tourist town of Guadalest.

Sundays is more domestically-driven, an hour or so´s ride around the area usually gets us back around lunch time. Find us on Facebook where you can apply to join. SUNDAY 12th NOVEMBER. The motorcycle museum close to Guadalest and this seemed to take priority over the guests´ needs – enough said…

From the stunning blue reservoir below a challenging 22km climb and descend a difficult mountain track eventually took the lads back to safety and normal roads to reach our hotel high in the hills, adjacent to the tiny town of Benimaurell – what a view we enjoyed from the top. The hotel Alahuar proved very Valencianrun, and the late-served dinner menu took some deciphering - and patience. A P/R type photo company was taking some serious pictures in and around the restaurant

After a full Continental-style breakfast our Belgian friend Luss, a veteran of hugelyimpressive European Vespa rallies in different countries took the lead for the second day as we travelled up hills and down dales to enjoy the lovely vistas – at certain points we pulled off the road and posed for perfect picture possibilities.

One of our annual must-do events is Remembrance Day, supporting the British Legion in remembering those who went before and sadly died in service to enable us to live peacefully today. As such we will be turning out as normal in number on Sunday 12th November 2023 at Mil Palmeras church at 11am to pay our respects. Please come and chat with us if you like.

This area is known as the Jalon Valley and the views as we toured were tremendous. Luss took us to the motorcycle museum between Benidorm and Guadalest, a fascinating place for all lovers of two-wheeled classic oldies. The towns of Campell, Murla, Parcent and Jalon all provided the backdrop to our rides with steep climbs, sharp descents and keen curves, all welcome in our two-wheeled shopping trolley world.

The hotel Alahuar

Former British Army Warrant Officer, Bob Smith receiving a 100 euro Poppy Appeal donation from Paul Durrant on behalf of the Serenity Thursday darts league.


637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

ground- that warns about their possible interaction with driving. These can cause anything from drowsiness to a sedative effect.


ver 6,000 prescription medications, some of which are commonly and routinely prescribed, can cause interactions in our ability to drive.


drivers who use medications that do not require a prescription and are unaware and underestimate the effects that they can also present.

If we take into account data from the DGT, traffic incidents are the fifth most frequent cause of death in Spain, and around 5% of road traffic incidents are related to medications. That figure does not include the many

According to information from the drug database of the General Council of Pharmaceutical Colleges, 33.9% of drugs include a pictogram -a red equilateral triangle with a black car inside on a white back-

Other effects are the reduction of reflexes and increased reaction time (due to decreased concentration or the ability to remain alert), altered perception of distances, ophthalmological or hearing alterations, states of confusion and light-headedness, and muscle disturbances. To control these possible effects, it is recommended to avoid driving when starting a treatment that could potentially reduce reflexes or visual capacity, to take special care with the joint administration of several medications, and of course, not to consume alcohol. It is important to remember that some medicines include alcohol in their composition, and that it is advisable to consult the prospectus to know its total content. If you take any prescribed medication, it is important to look at the box, read the information leaflet, and ask your medical advisor,


be that the doctor, pharmacist, or other qualified professional, how it interacts with driving. It is important to ask a professional, as some medications can also interact with each other, and a single tablet can have a different effect on an individual, matters that your friend or neighbour is not qualified to comment on, which is why expert advice is important over those who are unqualified, even those who may be taking the same medication. If the box displays the pictogram mentioned of a road sign, red and triangular, with a black car inside, it is vital that you check in that case. Some prescription medication can result in a driver failing a roadside drugs test, which can, in turn, lead to a fine. In any case, each situation must be assessed individually by a health professional, since, as we say, the same medication may not affect one person and significantly affect another. Even the same drug could influence the same person differently, at different times.


Monday 30th October - Sunday 5th November 2023


By Richard Willey

We saw much better results this week, well done Vistabella.

28-15 (hotshot for Vistabella), well done guys.



Vistabella Albatrosses v San Luis Klingons

Vistabella Picadors v San Luis Tigers

Away match but with only one win on a tricky green. Well done Peter Westwood, Freddie Willey & Alan Bannister 18-14.

Another close one but in very windy conditions at Vistabella bowls club.

Overall scores 114pts-65pts San Luis winning 10-2. SOUTH ALICANTE DISCOVERY DIVISION Vistabella Drivers v Country bowls Seahawks(home match). Only one drawing rink for Vistabella Dave Hill, Jim Jepson & Alan Gordon 16-16. Overall scores 94pts-61pts 11-1 win for Country bowls. WEDNESDAY WINTER LEAGUE: Vistabella v El Cid (home match). Lovely to see our old friends from up north. Tough game, very close scores. Two good wins Peter Westwood, Barbara Brown, Freddie Willey & Arthur Brown 20-11, Tony Grimes, Alice Howe, Sue Wilson & Alan Bannister

QUESADA BOWLS CLUB With Suzi Cooper (Sponsored by Spanish Life Properties) On Sunday we played our first match in this years Premier 20. The match was 2 disciplines each at both venues but Quesada took the tie on shots. Winning players/teams were at home – Mel Ward (Singles), George Carnell & Suzi Cooper (Pairs). Away – Terry Morgan (Singles), Melanie Highland, Colin Highland & Peter Morgan (Triples).

Overall scores 79pts-65pts 6-4 win for Vistabella.

Good wins for Peter Westwood, Barbara Brown, Arthur Brown 26-14, also a good win for Hilary James, Freddie Willey & Alan Bannister 14-9. This gave Vistabella overall shots 79pts - 78pts A 6-6 draw well done to both teams. LLB SOUTHERN LEAGUE- DIVISION C (HOME) Vistabella Conquistadors v Emerald Isle Outlaws. (also very windy conditions). A very good result wins for Rosemary/Ken Savage & Sue Wilson 31-10,Frank Barclay, Jeff Neve & Graham Doel 36-8 llus Tony Grimes, Joh. Ridley & Alan Gordon 15-11. Overall scores 92pts 73pts 8-4 to Vistabella, well done team. Contact details: Tel: 698 925 932


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SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB It’s been a mixed week for weather, has autumn finally arrived? The results for all our teams. SOUTH ALICANTE LEAGUE: Monday 30th THE TREKKERS had a good morning against the SL Vulcans; after some nip & tuck games winning 10-2, 93 shots-81. Well done to: Sheila Cooper, Jane & Stewart Hamill 28-16, Chris Jackson, Carolyn Harris, Vic Mahomet 21-18, Chris Phillips, Sheila Cammack, Keith Phillips 19-13, Cas Blay, Jean Cooper, Jim Gracie 1910. Vulcans winning team: Lesley & Wayne Howlett, David Whitworth 24-6. THE KLINGONS, at home to the Vistabella Albatrosses, also had a good result; winning 10-2, 114 shots-65. Winners: Dee Hoey, Caroline & John Smyth 28-10, Helen Hammond, Mike Veale, Scott Malden 2512, Kath Reid, Ian Kenyon, Keith Jones 20-18, Jan Pocock, Tricia & Pat Reilly 27-7. SL ROMULANS away v GL Beech, had some close games, eventually finishing with 8-4, shots 99-93. Winners: Catherine & Noel Morrisroe, Barbara Louis 23-9, Pauline Johnson, Kevin McKenna, Derrick Cooper 22-20, Judy Carroll, Gordon Paton, Lyndon Johnson 27-15. WINTER LEAGUE: on Wednesday 1st San Luis were playing at Quesada. I don’t have all the details but San Luis won 6-4, taking the shots 60-55. Winners: Cathy Morrisroe, Bill Webb, Noel Morrisroe, Scott Malden & Barbara Louis, Sandra Burrows, June & Keith Jones. SOUTHERN LEAGUE: Friday 3rd SL Lions were away v Emerald Isle Cavaliers and had a very close finish: points 6-6, just snatching the shots 86-84. Winners: Kath Reid, Sandra Burrows, Ian Kenyon 31-14, Dee Hoey, Caroline & John Smyth 25-16. SL TIGERS, had a very challenging match away v Vistabella Picadores. Tigers shared the points 6-6, but just had the shots taken away on the last end, finishing 78-79. Winners: Mary Lockley, Bill Webb, Jean Cooper 18-16, Chris Jackson, Ralph Jones, Vic Mahomet 17-13, Chris & Keith Phillips, Jim Gracie 20-10. SL LEOPARDS at home to San Miguel Cherokees, had a good result, 7-5, 109 shots-63. Winners: Pauline Johnson, Kevin McKenna, Derrick Cooper 25-18, Catherine Morrisroe, John Skipper, Barbara Louis 18-18, Judy Carroll, Gordon Paton, Dave Blackie 37-3. SL PUMAS had a tough match at home to Country Bowls Cubs, taking 4-8, 68 shots -97- Winners: Sue Kenyon, Tony Ferreira, Steve Gray 15-14, Lesley & Wayne Howlett, David Whitworth 25-8. Well done to all our teams for their hard work, win or lose. Scribe - Sheila Cammack

On Monday only the Diamonds were in action, away at San Miguel Dolphins. They managed just a single point courtesy of Ken Gordon, Dave Collings & Trevor Voisey. Wednesday the Winter League team were at home to league leaders San Luis. They won on 2 rinks but lost the overall by 5 shots. Wins by Allen Bowen, Ray Cole, Kim Miller & Gary Thorpe and Terry Morgan, Brian Miller, Carol Thorpe & Peter Morgan. On Friday the Swans were at home to Emerald Isle Claymores.

They won on 3, drew on 1 and got the overall for 9 points. Wins by Harald Olsen, Mike Inns & Andy Reid, Ken Gordon, Dave Collings & Trevor Voisey, Ann Heath, Bryan Elliott & Barry Armstrong. The team of Dorothy Benson, Peter Farrell & Abby Benson got the draw. The Swifts had a bye week. The Swallows had an afternoon match away at San Miguel Apaches. They collected 4 pts courtesy of Graham Phillips, Mel & Colin Highland, Chris Brazier, Mark France & Mel Ward.

El Rancho Bowls Club Monday found the Raiders at Greenlands playing the Chestnuts, on a day threatening rain and lower temperatures, but as so often happens it turned into a scorcher. We had a good day, taking one rink and running close on two others. Bill Johnston, Malc Sykes and Diane Yates 16-17. Jean Giddings, Derek Barker and Henry Ryder 15-21. Ann Taylor, Dave Giddings and Bob Taylor 14-12. Rose Passmore, Judy Foley and Keith Longshaw 10-25. Ann Abbott, Tony Abbott and Marion Haynes 7-46. On Wednesday the Rowdies played the Cabelleros at Country Bowls and put in a good effort, losing two rinks by short margins and the other 2 weren’t too far away. Frances Johnston, Rose Passmore, Diane

Yates and Henry Ryder 15-17. Bill Johnston, Pam Harris, Ann Taylor and Bob Taylor 1418. Sheila Cox, Trevor Witcher, Marion Haynes and Mike Cox 14-24. Ria Dukker, Lesley Day, Judy Foley and Bob Day 13-28. Friday saw Country Bowls visit El Rancho, with a gusting breeze causing a little consternation by picking up or dropping just after the bowl left your hand. But we had a good morning’s bowls and picked up two rinks. Ann Taylor, Ron Greenstreet and Bob Taylor 22-6. Chris Ziepe, Malc Sykes and John Ziepe 19-17. Mick Higgins, Derek Barker and Diane Yates 14-28. Frances Johnston, Adrian Ham and Steve Ziepe 5-28. Bill Johnston, Judy Foley and Henry Ryder 20-32. Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further information contact Sheila Cox at


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SAN MIGUEL BOWLS CLUB By Mary Whitelock On Sunday 29th October San Miguel took on Quesada in the Premier 20. The result was 2 games each home and away so shot difference decided the outcome. Unfortunately for San Miguel, Quesada went through. To better news there were some good results on Monday 30th. The Dolphins won at home 11-1, shots 105 to 52 against Quesada Diamonds with Mary Whitelock, Dave Homer and Derek Farmer being the highest scoring triple winning 23-8. The team are now top of the table. The Orcas were away to Emerald Isle

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023

they won 8-4, 77 shots to 71. Highest scori9ng triple was Bob Hanton, Barbara Scotthern and Dave Champion who won 2014.


The Stingrays travelled to Country Bowls to play their Ravens and drew 6-6 with best triple of Terry Lock, Gestur Saemundson and Alan Harris winning 26-9.

Also in the morning the Comanches played against Greenlands Elms and came away with a great win 10-2, 82 shots to 68.

With Pearl Houghton The CHESTNUTS played hosts to El Rancho and achieved a great win of 10 2 great result from the squad. The Maples were away at La Marina and am pleased to report a 10- 2 win also with three Greenlands bowlers achieving a hot shot so well-done Dave, Susie and Dave M. The Gladiators were on the road to Calpe Javea and pulled off a great win of 8- 2 so a very pleasant result. The Elms played San Luis and put up a great fight but were beaten 8-4. Well bowled to all the team great effort

The Marlins were at home to Emerald Isle Moonrakers gaining 4 points and narrowly missing out on the shots 82-85. Highest scoring triple was Richard Lewis, Dave Rex and Lynn Greenland winning 21-8. Another good result for the Winer League on Wednesday 1st November winning 8-2 over Benitachell keeping us top of the table. Highest scoring rink was Paul Hayward, Mary Whitelock, Gail Willshire and Ron Nairey winning 24-13. Friday saw the Navajos at home in the morning against La Maraina Shark where

All 26 competitors arrived in good time for our 11:20 tee off at the New Sierra Golf Club. The excitement gripped us but with a little apprehension, the reason being that New Sierra has very recently opened up the new back nine holes and many of our number had not played them before.

Cliff Morton compered the presentation proceedings in his usual individual style, much to the delight & amusement of all, and our President, Harry Waters, presented the prizes very ably and enthusiastically. The luck winners are as follows;

Last but not least the Cherokees were away to San Luis Leopards and lost 5-7, 63 shots to 109.


The swales, undulating greens and 'run off ' areas adds to the difficulty of achieving good scores, on this Jack Nicklaus designed ex Polaris World course. Nevertheless, most members seemed to enjoy the day.

The new back nine is long and can feel narrow but is a good test of golf and straight hitting is a must. If you venture off line the penalty areas can be quite unforgiving and that certainly concentrates the mind, but it is so well laid out and settled in you would be forgiven for thinking it is a much more mature nine holes.

he new owners of Drivers, Alan, Glennis, Peter and Margaret have generously committed to continued sponsorship and support for our golf society for which we are very grateful. They and their teams helped a difficult situation go off without a hitch and we look forward to next October for a similar event .

In the afternoon the Apaches took on Quesada Swallows and won 8-4, 95 shots to 71, highest scoring triple was a tie 24-8. Dori Svanbergsson, Gail Willshire and Fred Willshire and Pat McEwan, Jim Taylor and Lynn Greenland sharing the spoils.

This may be so, but the lack of a driving range and basic facilities such as being able to buy a coffee or other refreshments is a big negative.

My only criticism of the front nine is that the bunkers had virtually no sand in them and wedges just bounce off the hardpan. Despite that we enjoy playing it and have done for many years.

The Dinner was preceded by Ian Gibson of 'JB Brass' who blew a very moving Last Post followed by a minute's silence then Reveille to herald the start of our meal. The Presentation Dinner was very enjoyable with fantastic quality food from Hepburn's restaurant presented and served flawlessly. T

Unfortunately Greenlands Elms failed to field a full team so lost 2 points and 10 shots. Highest winning triple was Gill Brimley, Adam Ingram and Gestur Saemundson who won 18-14.

On 1st. November 24 members competed in an Individual Stapleford competition at what many regard as one of the best courses in Murcia.

Fortunately the weather was fine and sunny with very little wind so ideal for golfing. The course overall was in very good condition especially the greens, they were fast but true and well maintained.

After the event it was back to Drivers Bar for our prize giving Presentation Dinner and RBL fundraising event.


Neptunes and came away with an 8-4 win, 90 shots to 80 with Meg Brownlee, Tom Dalgleish and Eddie Cowan being the highest scoring triple winning 25-15.

Palm Golf Society

The bunkers are great with a good amount of sand in them and play very well (if I get it right) as bunkers should be played. I would recommend it as you will surely enjoy

We as usual returned to the Lo Crispin Tavern, where Tapas were supplied and the day's prizes distributed. Gold Division Mens Division; 1st was Steve Hart with an outstanding 40pts. 2nd was Rob Hindle with an equally credible 36pts

1st Place - Richard Brady 33 pts off 15, 2nd Place - Mark Baker 30 pts off 14, 3rd Place Andy Quinn 29 pts off 10 Silver Division

Ladies Division; 1st was Linda Frankish with a great 40pts. 2nd was Rosemary Andersen with an equally credible 29pts

1st Place - Bobby Thomson 37 pts off 25, 2nd Place - Paul Flanaghan 30 pts off 31, 3rd Place Keith Rennison 25 pts off 29

Best Guest with 29pts was Mick (Mick the Grip) Reeves

N.T.P. on Par 3s - Hole 3 - Nobody managed to reach or hold the green, Hole 6 - Mark Baker, Hole 10 – Nobody, Hole 14 - Andy Quinn

Nearest the pin on Hole 6 was Alan Pickering, on Hole 13 was Paul Bradley. Longest Drive on Hole 7 was Rob Hindle Following the Giant Prize Raffle in aid of the RBL we raised euro 234.90 and thank Hepburn's for their Tapas voucher prize, Mick the Grip for 6 bottles of wine, Pete Smith for 6 bottles of spirits and Palms Society for the $50 donation plus boxes of chocolates and biscuits. We also thank Bob Smith representing the RBL for his help and the RBL ephemera he was able to supply as supplementary prizes and big thanks also to Ian Gibson, Principal Cornet of 'JB Brass' San Miguel for his excellent and moving renditions. To round off a very successful event Palms Golf Society presented the President's Lady with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

The 2s Pot was shared by Mark Baker and Gordon Campbell. Finally, the Free Game Draw was won by Jerry Baker. Our next game is another Individual stableford at El Plantio on 15th. November. Steve Harrington. (Membership and Handicap Secretary)

Titans started the week at Country Bowls Flamingos and came away with a fine 10-2 Aggregate of 97-84 win, D Mooney S Marks R Marks 20-15, D Jones M Ellis B Kavanagh 20-14, N Prior Jo Pering Julian Pering 18-13, N Davis G Odell M Dyer 23-21

Neptunes played against San Miguel Orcas and were beaten 4-8 Aggregate 80-96, S Johnson C Thomas K Jolliffe 19-11 M Riley K Barber R Pollock 20-17 Moonrakers took on San Miguel Marlins and they had a great 8-4 Aggregate of 88-86, M Nash M Hindmarsh G Hindmarsh 20-11 R Howitt K John E Shepperd 22-16, J Ball J Speedie R Andrews 24-16 Emperors played Bonalba in Winter league at home and slipped to a 4-6 Aggregate of 51-63. N Prior K Jolliffe J Loughran B Kavanagh 2218, D Mooney K Barber S Marks R Marks Cavaliers played at home against San Luis Pumas and they drew 6-6 Claymores travelled to Quesada Swans and got beaten 3-9 Aggregate of 65-99. C Thomas J Fenty R Stckall 17-16, M Raine G Dyer J Loughran drew 13-13 Outlaws played at Vistabella Conquistadors and lost 4-8 Aggregate of 73-92, M Nash K John E Shepperd 25-5, D Clark J Holmyard A Forrest 19-14 SAPS on Saturday at 13-15


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th November 2023


NEW BROOM SWEEPS CLEAN AS THADER RECORD FIRST WIN referee chose not to penalise a number of blatant infringements for both sides, resulting in both sets of benches being none too happy.


aving gone 7 games with only 1 point to show for their troubles, Thader's board decided that enough was enough, by sacking manager Noe Garcia. In his place, on a temporary basis, comes coach Ruben and true to form, having been a firm favourite of Thader fans during his playing days, Ruben started his regime with a morale boosting 3 points against mid table Denia.

Chema kept his side in the game on 34 mins, when his acrobatic one handed save from a strike by Denia's Raul, prevented a certain equaliser. So, although Thader left the pitch at half time 1 goal to the good, neither side had shown signs of dominating proceedings. Straight from kick off, Berni had the ball in the net, but his celebrations were cut short when the ref disallowed his effort for a foul on a Denia defender during the build up. Compared to previous tame encounters this season, feisty is a very apt word to describe the latest ‘ding dong’ battle. On the hour mark, Pedro Juan shot straight at Denia's keeper Angel, although in all fairness, he did have defenders breathing down his neck. Denia sub Jonathon could only watch as his long range piledriver whistled past the post on 68 mins. Fully deserved for all endeavours shown, Pedro Juan notched his first goal of the season on 86 mins. Receiving an inch perfect assist from Dani Lucas, he proceeded to round Angel, before firing home from an acute angle. High drama ensued inside stoppage time, when first, Chema made another vital save, once again

Ruben off to a flying start

CD Thader ...........2 CD Denia .............0

Kike had been released midweek to join Preferente div side Almoradi, as a purge of players looks set to evolve. Five of last weeks starting line up from the mauling at Hercules were replaced by Diez, Lloyd, Alberto, Dani Lucas and Javi (free from suspension) and following the first 3 home matches having being played at Formentera, it was nice to be back in Rojales at Moi Gomez stadium. It took the hosts a mere 5 mins to conjure up something they've struggled to do all season. The first goal on home territory was created by Pedro Juan, whose shot was palmed into the path of veteran midfielder Dani Lucas, who then made light work of side footing into an empty goal from close range. When you consider that the number of bookings throughout this contest reached a figure of 12, then it's no surprise to learn that petty fouls prevented the game to flow. Having said that, the

CARP -R - US ANGLING CLUB The eighth round of the Carp-R-Us Summer/Autumn Series was fished on the Canal del Progres, better known as the Mercadona stretch. It was another lovely autumnal day with temperatures reaching 25°c by the time the match finished although a strong wind rose about midday making presentation difficult. The canal looked in perfect condition when we arrived but unfortunately the fish didn´t seem willing to fish and almost everyone struggled for bites. Winning his first match with the club from peg 1, was Trevor Morrey with 3.30kg caught on pole and feeder with maggot on the hook. Second, despite losing several mullet through a hole in his keepnet, was Paul Burton on peg 14 who had 1.60kg again using the pole or feeder and pellet. Third from peg 6 was Willy Moons with 1.12kg on feeder and pellet, fourth from peg 2 was Roy Dainty (0.90kg), fifth Ken Wilcock (0.86kg, peg 12), sixth Jeremy Fardoe (0.60kg, peg 15), seventh Tony Flett (0.56kg, peg 7) and eight Steve Fell (0.10kg, peg 8). Further info about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca

LMGS Match Report

This week’s match for the members of the La Marina Golf Society was at the picturesque Bonalba Golf Course. The course was in good condition for this time of year and the greens were as challenging as ever. The winds were strong, which made some fairways rather tricky to navigate, nevertheless, we all enjoyed our day of golf. The winners for today’s game were Bill Stobo with an impressive 41 points, second place was Roy Harris with 36pts and in third place was Frank Cullen with 34 pts. There was also the final of our Knockout Cup competition being played between Charlotte Tranberg and Vic Smith. Vic won 3 & 2. Nearest the pin winners were as follows, hole 4 Charlotte Tranberg, hole 8 Jeff Wiszniewski, hole 11 Alan Craig and hole 14 Bill Stobo. The two’s pot was won by Charlotte. Well done to all of today’s winners. After the game, the members enjoyed some refreshments in the Bonalba clubhouse restaurant, where they also held a raffle in aid of the British Legion Poppy Appeal and raised 108euro.

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Torrevieja Darts Ladies Organisation 1st Nov - Founders Format Week 5 Dolly Mixtures

4 - 5 Friendly Temps

CK1 Ladybirds

4 - 5 Gap Girlz


2 - 7 Tipsy Tigers

Friendly Chicas

7 - 2 Wacky Allsorts



Gap Girlz






Tipsy Tigers




Friendly's Temps



Friendly's Chicas






Macklin's Dolly Mixtures 5


Wacky Allsorts



it was the impressive Jonathon who struck the ball with power. From the very next attack, a penalty was awarded to Denia for handball, but once again, Chema was ready for the challenge, magnificently pushing Sacha's spot kick onto the post, before the ball was cleared to safety. Then, straight up the other end, Thader's sub Victor was faced with a 1 on 1 situation with Angel, but the youngster lacked composure by scuffing his soft shot, and the moment was lost. Next weekend (11/12 Nov) Thader have an away Community league match at Eldense 'B', when it is hoped that the vast improvement on the pitch can continue. Visit CD Thader facebook page for further details.

TIGHT AT THE TOP THE Pines A and Happy Days Too A are headto-head in the race for the Costa Blanca Independent Pool 2023-24 Winter Pool League title race. Edging top spot are Pines A, who defeated The Pines B comfortably 8-2, with Happy Days Too A returning a 7-3 home win against visitors Catral Sheerin's. The Club Quesada A sit in third place following a 5-5 draw against The Olde 9th Young Boys. Club Quesada A's Craig Lambert, Jason Bear, Kevin Williams and Gary Dack wracked up wins, with Olde 9th Young Boys winning players including Stan West, Eddie Marsh, Peter Cleaver, Paul Sinclair and Jimmy Bryce in a nip-and-tuck match. Algorfa Top End Bar chalked up a 7-3 result against The La Hacienda; The Cafe Almoradi drew 5-5 against The Laguna Tavern A. The Laguna Tavern B defeated The Pines B 8-2, with Steve Greene, Ray McGrane, Wayne Morrison, Peter Slater, Ray Fennell, and Paul Gallaghar returning wins for Laguna Tavern B. Andy Corcoran and Martin Eastgate won for bottom club Pines B.

QUIZ FROM PAGE 14: 1. Decca Records, 2. Die Hard 2, 3. Military chaplain, 4. 1936, 5. Answer a. saltwater crocodile, 6. Sidecar, 7. Two answers. USA and Turkey, 8. Answer a. Minerva, 9. The Hurt Locker, 10. Pancho Gonzales, 11. Coconut water, 12. Answer a. shark, 13. George, 14. Two answers. Paris and Venice, 15. Three answers. a. The Hotel New Hampshire, b. The Hobbit, c. Brideshead Revisited, 16. Turkey, 17. Prometheus, 18. Blinded By The Light (Manfred Mann), 19. Valetta, 20. Four answers. Ronaldo, Benzema, Raul, Alfredo Di Stefano

Primadonna Debbie de Grys gets her first ever 180!

HOT DARTS: Diane Burns (DM) 180, Debbie de Grys (PD) 180, Bliss Wright (GG) 140, 100 x3, Sandra Crabbe (LB) 140, 125, Mitch Halliday (PD) 140, 107, Diane Dane (PD) 140,Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 140, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 135, 100, Donna Ralph (LB) 133, 117, Eileen Askew (TT) 125, 108, 105, Gail Murray (GG) 125, Diane Curran (FT) 121, Ellie Attwood (FT) 120. 100, Lin Cousins (FC) 120, Karen Morris 116, Lorraine Veale (DM) 113, Julie Thompson (FT) 110, 100, Beverley Howard (FT) 108, Margaret Boden (WA) 103, Veronica Hughes (WA) 103, Jane Kelly (FC) 100 x2, Jane Barnes (WA) 100 HIGH CHECK-OUTS: Kirsty Green (LB) 100,Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 99, 86, Lesley Justice (DM) 84



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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023


Cap outstanding. Ben Kernahan gained the travellers POTM with 4 outs, 2x100 and nine 80+ scores. Freakies POTM - Livsey.

LEAGUE RESULTS 2 NOVEMBER DIVISION 1 CK1 Lads Mind The Gap Domino's Dom’s Milo's Freakie Taverners

3-9 8-4 10-2 4-8 1-11

Tipsy Toad Toppers Hub Hyenas Leeson St Trotters CC's Bees El Capitan

DIVISION 2 Illy's Oldies Pint Depot Queens Fallen Angels Hub Hellraisers Tipsy Toad Tiaras

9-3 0-12 8-4 6-6 6-6

Danny's Bar Fire Station Tasty Taverners Domino's Desp’dos CK1 Ladybirds

Darren Hurcombe's 3 tons in the opening pairs not enough as Phil de Lacy 85, 135 and Pete Spence 100,121 and a 109 out made it 0-4. David added 2 more tons in the 5th, partner Les Adams hitting D8,D10 for1-4. Steve Dalton did all the scoring in the 6th, leaving partner Bill Leaves to nail both doubles for 2-4. Winning the 1st three singles through Andy Rutter, Paddy Moran and Spence 100,140, 91 out, entitled Trotters to both points and a 2nd place position. John Crabbe gaining a consolation 2-1 win over Maiden. McGuiness with 2x100,140 earned a POTM accolade in the 12th, Crabbe, Lads POTM. MIND THE GAP V HUB HYENAS

LEAGUE TABLES 2 NOVEMBER DIVISION 1 Domino's Domignomes Tipsy Toad Toppers CC's Bees Mind The Gap Hub Hyenas El Capitan CK1 Lads Lesson Street Trotters Milo's Freakie Taverners DIVISION 2 Fire Station Fallen Angels CK1 Ladybirds Danny's Bar Illy's Oldies Domino's Desperados Tasty Taverners Tipsy Toad Tiaras Hub Hellraisers Pint Depot Queens

P 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Pts 8 7 7 6 6 6 0 0 0 0

legs 38 37 29 35 34 34 11 9 6 6

Rouffignac and Alex Nikolov. There followed a quick reversal of fortunes as Nomes won all 3 pairs, Farmer nailing 4 more tons, Ken Skinner's 3x100, 3x80+, with Nikolov to no avail. Nomes' Olly Walker's 3 tons enough for a 2-1 defeat of Kain Hickman, Pierloot taking both 501's without reply from Skinner. Madrid made it 7 for Nomes and both points despite a decent show from Rouffignac. Chelsea Campbell hit just one ton but 8x81+ in a real ding dong victory over Amanda S. 2X100,140, 5X81+, for Trotters POTM. Farmer 3 tons and 4x 83+ claiming Nomes POTM. MILOS V C.C.'S BEES Level scores at the break 3 tons and an out from Cain Garcia and a nice pairs from Angel Gallardo and Raul Rocamora, both players finding a double. Paul Christopher replying with a hatful of scores and a D10. Reg Christopher 100, D8 and Jeff Saunders 121, D100, for 3 apiece. Reg C. made it 3-4 on D9, Simon Bantleman followed with a 180 in a 2 zip victory over captain Rory Byrne. Paul C. gave a POTM exhibition to ensure a point for C.C.'s, Paul Tollafield just edging out a 4 ton POTM performance from Garcia. Saunders closing the match 1-2 against a free scoring Fabian Alcaraz.

POTM - Sam & Jay 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

8 8 6 6 4 4 4 1 1 0

37 34 31 28 29 25 22 17 10 6

MOST 180’S: Mark Ellis - Hub Hyenas 180's: Bob Smith - Danny's Bar, Mark Ellis - Hub Hyenas, Simon Bantleman - CC's Bees HIGH FINISH: Sam Salt 156 - Mind The Gap

MATCH REPORTS DIVISION 1 C.K. 1 LADS V TIPSY TOAD TOPPERS Lads outscored Toppers in the 1st 3 legs, Terry David managing a 140. A Lee Maiden 138 accompanied outs from Andy Flavell, Dale M cGuiness and Hugh Galloway however giving Toppers a 0-3 lead.

As expected, plenty of action in this one, Hyenas rueing their poor efforts of finishing in the 1st and at least one other. Take nothing away however from Gap, who have no weakness in their side, illustrated by their 27 tons or more and 43 scores of 80+. Hyenas, no slouches themselves, 31 ton +'s and 17 eighty plus. Best of the night was Sam Salts POTM performance, 5x100,2x140,8x80+ an 86 out on the bull, and to top it all a T20,T20,D18, 156 finish. Jay Wilkinson deservedly accepted Hub's POTM with 3x100,125, 2x140 and a fine singles victory over hot shot Darren Sanderson. Plenty of support from Gap's, Gordon Cowan, 3x100, 2x121 & James Brown 5x100. For the Hub. Mark Ellis, 3x100, 137, 2x140 and a maxi, Dario Sierra 4x100, 2x140. Excellent game as was the half time fayre. DOMINOS DOMIGNOMES V LEESON ST.TROTTERS Despite plenty of tons from Patrick Pierloot, Mark Farmer and Suso Madrid, Nomes found themselves 1-2 down after the triples, courtesy of Yvonne

POTM, Paul C & Cain FREAKIE TAVERNERS V EL CAPITAN Despite some reasonable shifts from Freakies Mario Garcia, Marco Satoca, Ernie Willis and their lone leg winner Bryan Livsey with a classy D14,D13 out in the 1st half, it was all Caps. Ed Klimonis 100,123,140 and a 74 out in the 1st half. claiming Caps bragging rights. Chris Logan added 2 more tons to an earlier brace, to guarantee Caps a point after the break, Liam Lumb ensuring both, needing just 2 legs to overcome Garcia, with an 80 out. Livsey lost out to Vycka Bobinas in a 3 legger, the

DIVISION 2 ILLY'S OLDIES V DANNYS BAR Dannys' visit to the Oldies proved unproductive taking just one leg in the 1st half and 2 more in the 2nd. Old boy Des Field claimed 2 1st half legs, Steve Parkin 100,105, Tony Jesson 134, Brian Abbey 5x81+. Bob Smith Dannys' only point scorer on D8, but plenty of T20's to include 125,100. Steve Franklin 111. Smith added a 2nd leg in the 7th with a 180 and ton, Larry Hedson getting Oldies to 6 and a guaranteed draw in a lively encounter with Steve Lumb. Simon Perryman kept the visitors in the match with a fine 54 out against Parkin, Craig Miller finding D10 for the match and 2 points. PINT DEPOT QUEENS V FIRE STATION Station were certainly on fire this week, Queens finding their visitors just too hot to handle. 15 tons and 11 scores of 80+, Puts Station up there with the best. Tim Clarke returned 121,2x140 and 3x80+, Rob Sturvivant 3x100,140 for POTM, Tim Goodacre, 100,122,125,3x81+, and Robbie Monks, 2x100,2x140. Pretty impressive darts and a team to maybe avoid in the cup. Undeterred, Queens put in their shift of steady arrows from Rachel Broadhead, Debbie Wright, Maggie Morgan and POTM Lorraine Cox, but sadly no scores converted. FALLEN ANGELS V TASTY TAVERNERS Angels remain unbeaten after this Tasties tussle, all square after 6, but taking 5 of the 6 available singles. Tastie Sonya Lock, was her sides mainstay in the 1st half, plenty of scores and 2 outs, Mike Tierney D6, Steve Godwyn D4, and James Mackay D3 for 3-3. Graham White 2x100,D4, Tony Spiers D20, and Mackay 100, D10 got Angels to 6 and draw, Joe Cuyt getting the hosts over the line and both points with 132 and D2. Lock closing the match on D10, Ruth Gwilliams nominated POTM. HUB HELLRAISERS V DOMINOS DESPERADOS Sue Spiers, who else, gained Raisers 1st point of the season on D5 in the penultimate leg of this closely fought encounter. Skippers Cheryl McGlynn and Michael Langan faced each other in the 12th for a draw or win for Raisers. Langan came out on top for a point apiece. Kathy Wallbanks hit 6 scores of note to include 135,130, but Damien Lambert claimed POTM with 2x100 and 3 outs. Ann Taylor top scored for Raisers with 112, plus a couple of outs, as did Spiers for Raisers POTM. TIPSY TOAD TIARAS V C.K. 1 LADYBIRDS The Tiaras were pleased to welcome back their friends, The Ladybirds this week. Their POTM twodarter Dons put in another notable performance, finishing three of her games with double whammies. The Tiaras spread the spoils out a little more evenly, Marilyn McDowell (133, 121, D6) and Pat Schofield (134, D18) the only ladies to score in triple figures. A well earned draw saw the Tiaras gain their first match point. POTM de Lacy (16, 16, D16) but it was Sharon Crane that saved the day (D7; D1) in the final leg.


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th November 2023


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