The Leader Newspaper Edition 1023

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It was his first institutional visit to the province of Alicante and, as expected, in line with the announcement made on Thursday by the management of Aena, in a speech made to the Alicante Forum on Friday, the Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Óscar Puente, confirmed that there would be major investment and improvements to the infrastructure at Alicante Airport.

He said that those improvements will allow the provincial airport to grow to 26 million passengers. However, he stressed that, for the moment, the construction of a second runway is not planned.

In stating that there is no need for a second runway at Alicante airport, the minister referred to statements made by Javier Gándara, whose company, EasyJet, has just established a new base at the airport.

The minister pointed out that there are many international airports with single runways that move up to 33 million passengers every year, while, currently Alicante airport processes about 16 million, adding that “the growth possibilities are not only associated with the number of runways.”

"That does not mean that Aena does not want to undertake an expansion, in fact, on Thursday an expansion of the Alicante and Valencia passenger terminals was announced with an investment of 1,000 million," he said, “an expansion that will enable the airport to receive up to 26 million passengers.”

"What is going to be done in Alicante is to build more terminal, create more passenger boarding bridges, and increase the capacity of hourly operations," he insisted.

"I have no reason not to help this region if it is necessary," he said.



Nearly 200 residents of San Miguel de Salinas took part in a demonstration on Tuesday in Alicante's Montanyeta Square, directly in front of the Headquarters of the Provincial Government, to try to halt the installation of a solar plant that will affect nearly 200 hectares of land and more than 70 farming families in the municipality.

They are asking that the construction, which is being built to support the operation of the Torrevieja Desalination Plant, be built closer to Torrevieja, maybe even in the sea, which would not affect the livelihoods of so many people.

The Neighbourhood Association "San Miguel Arcángel" say that the but the weight of the whole project must be shared. “It cannot be placed on a municipality that will lose tourism and agriculture."

María Conchita Marín and Jesús Pérez, farmers who own land that has been earmarked for the solar plant say, “It will mean the destruction of a town, we are small farmers, and more than 70 families will be affected. We are not against solar panels, but we are against the damage that it will cause to the

town and its people."

This demonstration has managed to mobilise all the residents of the municipality and even has the unanimous support of all political parties, something for which the mayor, Juan de Dios Fresneda, wanted to give thanks, "I want to thank all the groups in the municipality,


Following their initial approval in Plenary, in the Public Information Phase, the new Orihuela budgets have received amendment proposals from five organisations including AVCRL which has presented a total of 13 recommendations and PIOC which they say better respond to the needs of the residents of the Coast and the serious lack of basic services, accessibility, social care and infrastructure they have been suffering for many years.

The (AVCRL) has responded to the 2024 Orihuela budget by providing a number of proposals and amendments of it’s own, which it says are better aligned to the needs of Orihuela Costa residents.

Tomás Moreno, President of the Asociación de vecinos Cabo Roig y Lomas-Orihuela Costa said that the proposals will “improve the level and quality of services and provide compliance with legally required obligations, such as the improved collection of waste and street cleaning”, the main problem that the Orihuela coast is experiencing right now.

The main proposal made by the association is for the injection of two million euros to Environmental Management Services, the municipal company that will manage the urban solid waste service.

There are also a total of a further 12 recommendations including the creation of a much needed industrial estate on the coast, the repair of railings on both the Playa Flamenca esplanade and the promenade from Cala Capitán to Cala Bosque, that have been in a

dangerous condition for several years, multiple repairs to potholes and the complete asphalting of several roads as well as the pedestrian walkway across the bridge over the AP7 in La Regia/Cabo Roig.

Another important project that the neighbourhood association highlights is the postponement of the work on the Cultural Centre until next year, but using that money for the construction of a Day Centre on the coast for the elderly.

Moreno explained that they have also requested that the repair of the Ramón de Campoamor Civic Centre and the preparation of the site on which the city council plans to install the second Health centre, be included in the 2024 budget.

The Party for the Independence of Orihuela Costa (PIOC) has also presented allegations, agreeing on some points with AVCRL: reducing the salary of councilors and the number of advisors, the construction of a Day Center and the rehabilitation of the Ramón de Campoamor center, which is closed.

They also criticise the new drinking water tank stating that "it will not improve the lives of the residents, and it is only to allow the continued building projects on the coast; "We are Orihuela's money-making machine." They ask that a study be opened into the projection of housing on the coast in terms of the need for water, transportation, roads and social, health and cultural services.

they have sided with the government so that we can lead the way in this fight."

Following the protest in Alicante San Miguel authorities and residents have said that they are not going to stop, "we will go as far as necessary until they listen to us and respect our rights."




When the curtain of life rises up in the morning, The stage is set, maybe sunny, maybe pouring. We can’t know what the day will bring, Will we laugh? Will we cry? Or will we sing?

Only we can control our own actions in life, To make sure we love others, and do not bring strife.

Atouch of a hand, a knowing smile

Time to talk and wait for a while.

Do not rush off, as if we haven’t the time, Listen to someone who’s troubles aren’t mine.


Soon the curtain is at half mast,

The morning gone, opportunities past. Did we make a difference? Did we do our best?

Could we have helped someone with their request?

It will soon be evening, the days almost done, Have we helped and loved most everyone?


The curtains are drawn, the evening is here, Time to sit in your own easy chair, Put your feet up, and relax, now’s the time to reflect, Time to think about giving, and not to expect.

Think about those whom you may have forgot, Pick up the phone, your call means a lot.

At the end of the day to sleep and to dream

Your mind will rest if you’ve been all you could have been.

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Last Wednesday, 8 May, we commemorated World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, celebrating local to global humanitarian action. It is a day on which we honour the legacy of Henry Dunant, the pioneering volunteer who founded the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement more than 160 years ago.

Above all, it is a day that we pay tribute to the millions of volunteers and staff working alongside people in need of protection, assistance, healthcare, social aid and solidarity.

I visited the Cruz Roja HQ in Alicante earlier this year and was very impressed at the scope of their work, not just ambulance and emergency service, event support and medical issues but a great deal more.

They declare a commitment to the vulnerable in our society, for example: the elderly with a Teleassistance system, home helps, and special attention, the young through sports and activities, integration, help at school and within their families. They work to prevent violence in schools, and they give young people information on drug use, prevention of STDs and the promotion of healthy habits.

The Cruz Roja helps those with a disability with special equipment and assistance at home.

Immigrants/refugees and the homeless also come under their wing. They supply food parcels, clothes, equipment and basic needs, often covering the costs of legal and asylum procedures. Women in danger from gender violence are also provided with help, often with mobile tele-assistance with a locator and they organise care for women in situations of prostitution.

There is currently a major project with Children and Women, particularly dealing with Gender & Domestic Violence. Every case is closely monitored and always followed up with Social Care and if necessary women & children can be re-housed

The environment is another charge upon the RED CROSS –the prevention of wild fires, surveillance of natural spaces and knowledge on how to protect the environment.

They work closely with Environmental education, taking Kayaks out into the rivers to clear pollution and log the different (foreign) species in the sea and rivers, also in the sea.

Volunteers are trained to enable them to deal with emergencies and in the various areas in which the organisation works.

Yet another community service is to provide workshops for prisoners.

Additional Services provided include:

Immediate attention over telephone with specialised professionals.

In case of an emergency at home immediate action is taken by mobilising the appropriate resource for each situation.

Notification to family members or responsible persons regarding any emergency.

Frequent follow-up calls to ensure the subscriber feels secure, specialized attention whenever the user needs it.


Gives an immediate response at home by simply pressing a button when you need us, using a hands-free telephone system that allows you to contact us. It is a preventative service used to help people with disabilities, who are either socially isolated, elderly, sick, in a physically or socially risky situation, domestic abuse and are in need of either continuous support or when, in certain cases, they could suffer from either a crisis or deterioration in their disease.

You just let them know your needs and they adjust the service to suit.

They also have a GPS watch for people with cognitive impairment and also for people who enjoy running or walking in the countryside or in the mountains.

They have a call centre where they have English speakers. The emergency phone lines are manned 365 days of the year 24/7. They are located at Glorieta de la Solidaridad in Alicante, but they have 31 more local points in the Province of Alicante to cover the needs of the whole area.

Pedro Domínguez is in charge of the Expat Support Project across the whole region of Alicante.

You can reach him on 678 501 586

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Alicante’s Plaza de Luceros fountain shines red on #DiaMundialCruzRoja in tribute to this wonderful organisation


Following improvements in La Torre de la Horadada, the PP government in Pilar de la Horadada now wants to focus on a significant investment in Mil Palmeras.

Although the main streets were improved with the new developments, especially on the border with Orihuela Costa, there are large areas that have suffered great deterioration.

Los Vikingos urbanisation, in the heart of Mil Palmeras, is a neighbourhood built in the 1980s where its narrow streets are suffering from potholes and gravel areas, where the pavements are narrow and inaccessible, and where necessary improvements will cost 4.5 million euros. These are reflected in the proposals that the Council put on public display on Friday.

The project, drawn up by the engineering studio Ingemed, will maintain the residential character without harming road

access. For this reason, single platform roads have been designed, at the same level for pedestrians and vehicles, but with pedestrian priority. These are urban roads that are shared between pedestrians and cars in which the material is usually uniform.

The internal circulation of the urbanisation will also be re organised, "promoting the availability of parking spaces, as it is an area where there is a great need for parking, especially in the summer."

The renovation also includes the complete replacement of the drinking water network, still with fiber cement pipes. The stormwater, they will be channelled through five scuppers and separate to the sanitation network. The lighting will be replaced with LED technology and the streets will be lined with trees irrigated with a drip irrigation network.

Truck driver arrested in Orihuela and Elche for being six times over the limit

Tsix times over the permitted alcohol level; the second for a serious disobedience when he failed to immobilise his truck.

The driver was stopped by the Alicante Civil Guard, while carrying out a transport control on the AP-7 highway, in an area within the municipality of Orihuela, he was driving an articulated lorry. On carrying out a breathalyser test the agents verified that the driver had six times the permitted alcohol level. They ordered the immobilisation of the vehicle at the scene.

Just after noon on the same day, they verified that the

immobilised vehicle had continued its trip without having been authorised to do so. The driver was eventually located and intercepted on the A-7 highway, near Elche.

Verifying that it was the same driver, they arrested him for two crimes against road safety and another of serious disobedience.


During the month of April 2024, a total of 212 drivers were brought to justice for crimes against road safety: 80 for driving without a permit or license, 113 for driving under the effects of alcohol, 2 for speeding, 10 for reckless driving, 1 for leaving the scene of the accident and 6 for driving with drugs in their system.

The purpose of the works is to provide and improve the sanitation network, drinking water, lighting channelling, green areas, irrigation network, horizontal signage and street furniture.


The Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Óscar Puente, has announced that the construction of the N 332 dual carriageway as it passes through Torrevieja will be put out to tender in 2025. This was stated on Friday during the Information Forum meeting in Alicante attended by the mayor Eduardo Dolón.

The minister explained that work is currently being done on drafting the project and in parallel with the environmental impact declaration. Puente has said that it will soon be released to public information and the intention is for the project to be definitively approved this year and then put out to tender early in 2025.

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he Alicante Civil Guard have arrested a 36-year-old man for two crimes. The first was against road safety in that he was driving his truck while Many of the streets will become single level.
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Costas decided not to wait for the appeal court ruling on the road closure by the Superior Court of Justice

The remains of the road that crossed the mouth of the Nacimiento River in Campoamor are now history as Costas decided not to wait for the appeal court ruling, by the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community, on the reconstruction of Avenida de las Adelfas that was lodged three years ago by the Orihuela Council.

On Tuesday it moved in an excavator which began ripping up what was left of the road, largely destroyed by the DANA floods back in 2019.

The former road, they say, which connected the road traffic from Dehesa de Campoamor to Aguamarina and other coastal neighbourhoods, is to be replaced with a platform of wooden slats 55 meters long, three meters wide and three meters wide, for the sole use of pedestrians.

Although the work was briefly halted by the Policia Local, following a phone call from a local resident, work was resumed on Wednesday despite neighbourhood opposition, and despite also, any intervention by

‘Movie Night’with CB International Concert Band

The Costa Blanca International Concert Band will give it's second concert of the year at the Salt Church, Pol Ind, Levante 2, Calle Daya Nueva, 12, Los Montesinos on Friday 24th.May starting at 7pm.

Under the musical direction of Jeremy Davies the band will present an exciting 'Night At The Movies' with music from Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Mamma Mia, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Disney Film Favourites and many more.

Once again we are very much looking forward to this event and are pleased to announce that we will be

the Orihuela council, the mayor or the councillor for the coast, all of whom seem to have, once again, turned their back on the needs of the local population.

Neither the Councillor for the Coast nor the Mayor has given any public explanation to the residents.

The government team, meanwhile, states that it has not closed its means of communication with Costas and that the Litigation "continues," stating that the councillor of the Coast, Manuel Mestre, is waiting for a meeting to address the problem after the decision of the Costas to undertake the works at its own risk.

Since 2019, when the damage first occurred, the residents of Campoamor have been demanding that the road be repaired and reopened.

Previously drivers could cross from one bank of the river to the other along the beachfront, but now they are forced to make a detour inland, to drive along the road that crosses the promenade under the famous stone viaduct, often impassable itself, in which case another kilometre inland to the N-332.

In a statement on its facebook page AVCRL concludes by asking, “Is the current government team in tune with the residents of Dehesa de Campoamor, who are simply defending their right not to be isolated.”

It is now becoming increasingly obvious to residents of the coast that, after 12

months establishing them in government, our failing Orihuela politicians are showing themselves to be increasingly invulnerable to public opposition by residents of the coast, and are being driven more by a pursuit of power and personal interests than by any genuine attachment to an ideal of public service.

joined for the first time by the Melody Makers Choir. Tickets are available at 10 euros from the Card Shop in either Punta Prima or Benimar, Bargain Books in San Miguel or by phoning Graham on 34 711056343, Pat on 34 646031584 or Jeremy on 34 722160667. Additionally you can also purchase them from The Post Box, Doña Pepe, Ciudad Quesada and The Treasure Chest, Ciudad Quesada. The band is totally international with musicians from the UK, Spain, Norway, Germany and Switzerland. We are always looking for more players to join us, contact Graham on 34 711056343, alternatively just come along to one of our rehearsals. We rehearse every Friday downstairs at the library in San Miguel from 7pm, you will be made very welcome.'

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The National Police have arrested four people who are members of a criminal organization responsible for transporting huge quantities of marijuana from Spain to the United Kingdom.

The arrests took place in Orihuela Costa and Rojales where 114 kilos of marijuana were seized as it was being loaded onto a truck that the police said was being prepared for transportation to UK.

The detainees, of British and Polish nationality,

between 36 and 40 years old, have been placed at the disposal of the Investigative Court in Orihuela.

The police were understood to have been tipped off by members of the public, as a result of the close relationship they have built with the neigh-

bourhood and with local business associations.

They were warned about the suspicion raised about some members of the gang and their regular visits to an industrial estate in Quesada

This resulted in the investigation closing in on a warehouse in Quesada that served as a logistics centre, and a home in Villamartín, where several members of the organisation resided.

During the course of the surveillance, a truck with Polish license plates was identified at the warehouse loading numerous pallets into its trailer at which point the agents surprised the men, seizing the merchandise and then searching the industrial warehouse.

This led to them finding 114 vacuum-pressed

packages of marijuana, hidden inside pellet containers.

The three people at the scene were immediately arrested, two of British origin and one Polish. There followed a search of the home in Villamartin where the members of the gang resided, and where another individual was arrested, also of British origin, and a large amount of false documentation was seized, including details of current accounts in Spanish banks in the name of many false identities, together with a frequency jammer and 12 mobile phones.

The police operation concluded with the arrest of the four men as alleged perpetrators of the crimes of drug trafficking, document falsification and criminal group.

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is a beautiful town – and with so many different leisure and entertainment activities on offer, there is always a buzz around the place. There are fewer more pleasurable locations in the country –and of course any town lapped by water has a great advantage in the popularity stakes.

Athlone was especially resplendent a couple of weeks back … Sunday 21st April, to be precise. You may remember that was the day summer came to Ireland, after eight months of rain. Not surprisingly, it seemed as if everybody in the

country headed outdoors to the 20 degrees sunshine – and what else would you be doing on a sunny Sunday!

My story isn’t really about Athlone or the weather – but you know me; I lose the run of myself, and I get carried away with the smell of my own ink!

I was in Athlone that day in order to attend the AGM of the Irish Dexter Cattle Society. Naturally, as a Westmeath man, I felt extremely proud of our 2nd town (!) and the magnificent setting that is the Radisson Blu Hotel. Mind you, the

has previously used the Hodson Bay, inducing similar favorable praise from our visitors.

I am about to get to the story … I parked my car in the public car park, just up from the railway station – mindful that I could have a ten-minute walk in the glorious sunshine. I didn’t know if parking is free on Sundays, so I disembarked with a 2 Euro coin in my sweaty little hand. No charge … happy days!

On the street corner, opposite the shopping centre, sat a ‘beggerman’. (Are we allowed to use that word anymore?) Just in case …on the

street corner, sat a man who was begging – and if you are wondering, he was one of our own. He saw me coming and watched as I retrieved the saved coin from my pocket. Then, just before I dropped it into the man’s collection tin, along with the smile and ‘lovely day for your job’ I had already contributed; the man looked up at me with the words; ‘you wouldn’t have any fivers on you, would you!?’

I put the 2 back in my pocket telling the man; ‘there you are now, you were getting two Euro for nothing, until you decided that I looked a soft touch, and then you couldn’t resist giving the nut another half turn … and now you just ‘rung the threads!’

‘Giving the nut a half-turn too many’, is metaphor I regularly use over the past 40 years; so let me tell you how this came about and what it means to me and to those around me.

When I use this – one of my favourite sayings, I remember my late, great friend, Colm O’Farrell. Colm is a long time gone now, but I’ll never forget his obliging nature, patience, wisdom and especially his helping hand anytime I was in a ‘hobble.’ It was he who taught me how to resist ‘giving the nut one last half turn’, when it was already tight enough.

Colm spent his lifetime working on tractors and contracting machinery. Before my other late, great friend, Martin Healy (God rest them both) Colm kept the wheels turning on any bit of machinery I owned. He was doing a job on my tractor, and


“Enough is Enough!”This was the motto used last Saturday when hundreds of residents took to the streets in Callosa de Segura,to protest against ‘citizen insecurity.’

The protest,authorized by the Government Sub delegation,is a local initiative against crime,robberies,insecurity,and the general deterioration of the municipality."

The demonstration demands more personnel resources for the Local Police service, but,above all,for the Civil Guard force that

I was ‘helping’. Feeling sort of useful, I took on to screw in four threaded studs with a mighty ratchet wrench. This was easy and satisfying for me. The studs were clearly tightened home, but I couldn’t resist giving the last one ‘a ‘half turn too many’ – and I ‘wrung the threads’ and the stump had to be drilled out of the hole. Not a bad word or rebuke from my friend; instead, we had a chat and decided that life is a bit like that bolt. Sometimes we just can’t leave well enough alone and make the situation worse by giving it one more half turn. Colm admitted that what I did often happened to him too – but he learned the lesson … as did I from that evening on.

Have you heard of ‘the law of the hole?’ It is an adage which states; ‘if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging’. In other words, it is best to quit rather than making the situation worse.

‘A bridge too far’, is yet another warning of not knowing when to stop. This one comes from a true story, relating to a failed WW2 offensive because the plan was overreached and hence, ‘a bridge too far.’

I think my ‘giving the nut a halfturn too many’ explains overreach best of all. I hope the man with the tin in Athlone has learned that lesson too!


It doesn’t pay to get ‘stuck-up’. The peacock of today is the feather duster of tomorrow.

covers eight towns,with almost 20,000 residents,including Granja de Rocamora; Benferri; Redován,with 8,100 registered; Cox ,with a population of another 7,500; and Rafal,in addition to the Orihuela districts of El Badén,La Murada (3,000 residents) and Virgen del Camino.

Of the 44 established civil guard agents there are currently just 35 in post,but that number is reduced to 25 when you take away the officers attending training courses, on holidays and sick leave.

On many occasions there is just one effective patrol on the street per shift,so many crimes such as car theft and attempted robberies are rarely attended.

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Athlone society

Orihuela loses blue flag at Cala Estaca

It’s difficult to quite understand why Orihuela’s politicians were so surprised on Tuesday when they learned that the Playa Flamenca Beach at Cala Estaca had failed in its bid for a blue flag in the 2024 round of awards.

ADEAC, the body responsible for granting these tourist quality badges, has ordered the removal of the banner that hung from the flagpole above Cala Estaca, in Playa Flamenca. This sandy beach, next to Cala Mosca, has been suffering from constant problems with spills of an unknown origin since last summer.

However, the council is claiming that it still doesn’t know the reasons for this loss of the blue flag, stating that they are waiting for Adeac to tell them what they should do to put things right.

Regular users know that beach has a history of such spills with the neighbourhood association, AVCRL, regularly denouncing the situation of the discharge. However, they too say there appears to be no logic, particularly as the neighbouring Cala Mosca beach, which in recent times has had a much greater problem with

uncontrolled spillages, has still received it’s blue flag award.

Just a few weeks ago, AVCRL denounced the enormous puddle that had appeared in Cala Mosca, with greenish waters and a proliferation of plants, algae and mosquitoes. They even expressed their doubts that the presence of this spill could hinder the start-up of facilities such as walkways, footbaths, and also the siting of the beach bar that has just been awarded after a year-long absence just prior to the start of the summer season.

The Department of the Coast has always denied that these liquids are fecal, although they recognize that successive analyzes have not been conclusive when determining their likely origin, although they did respond by opening a ditch to the shore to facilitate the evacuation of these waters.

Until now, the municipal 'modus operandi' in the face of the appearance of these spillages has been to tape off the area and then to remove them using mechanical means, covering them with fresh sand to erase any trace of the incident.

Orihuela has always boasted of being one of the municipalities with the most blue flags in the whole of Spain. Until now it had 11, but with the loss of Cala Estaca that number is reduced to 10.

At the national level, the municipalities that have overtaken Orihuela in recent years are Vigo (12 blue flags) and Sanxenxo (18), which leaves the capital of Vega Baja in third place in the national ranking.

Immediate neighbours with which it shares the

coast (Torrevieja, Pilar de la Horadada and Guardamar) have preserved all of their distinctive features. Thus, this summer in the salt city they will have blue flags again in Cabo Cervera, Cala Piteras, El Cura, Los Locos, Los Náufragos and Torrelamata-Sur. Pilar de la Horadada to the south will have the same number of flags in Playa Conde, Higuericas, Jesuitas, Mil Palmeras, Puerto and Rocamar, while in Guardamar there will be flags flying over Centro, Moncayo, La Roqueta and Vivers.

Municipal staff mark an area of Cala Estaca following a spill last November.

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Reports have been received of broken lifts at Corvera airport which would normally carry disabled passengers onto aircraft arriving at and leaving the Murcia International Airport. The report states that disabled passengers have no option but to use the aircraft steps which can be extremely difficult for the most able bodied of us.

On a recent Ryanair flight one passenger told the Leader that he saw a young man made to use the stairs despite only having one leg, something that he found extremely upsetting.

For those rneeding assistance a call to the airport in advance might be wise.

Alicante judge limits leisure nose in city centre

A judge in Alicante has upheld an appeal presented by two residents of the city centre against the excess noise associated with leisure and hospitality venues in the area around Calle Castaños and has urged the Alicante government to adopt limitations and to reduce the intensity of the noise. The judge concludes that there is a violation of fundamental rights, referring to personal privacy in the home, the protection of health and the enjoyment of an adequate environment and rest, as the residents alleged.


Owners have lived with the nightmare for over 7 years

In November 2017 the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community (TSJCV) ordered the demolition of the Gemelos 28 residential complex, two 22 storey tower blocks that infringe on the coastal domain by just six metres.

Residents removed from Orihuela Padron

Between July and September 2023, the mayor ordered the removal of 206 European citizens for not confirming their res-

But after seven years, the buildings are still intact and the residents are still waiting for a decision to be made about their homes, many of them yearround residential. Now the

idence by 31 December to the Statistics Department at the request of the INE.

As has been the case for decades, the data held by Orihuela does not coincide with that of the INE. Hence, the INE ordered a cleansing of the census after confirming that many foreign residents have failed to

Generalitat has hired a firm of lawyers to advise on the judicial procedure.

Ironically, once knocked down, the complex could be built again, but just six metres further inland.

remove themselves from the register having moved away. There are many others, of course, who have sadly died.

In fact, in 2016, when this was last carried out, there was a sharp decline in numbers in Orihuela, San Fulgencio, Rojales and Torrevieja.


An 88-year-old woman and two men,ages 81 and 51,died early last Thursday morning in a house fire that occurred in a home in Ricote,a village just north of Archena,close to Murcia city.

The emergency services received a call at 2:06 a.m.,reporting the fire and that there were people inside the building.

Upon the arrival of emergency services,the occupants of the house could not be rescued,as it was completely ablaze.

Firefighters put out the fire and found three people dead inside. The Guardia say they are treating the fire as homicide.


Each tower has a capacity for 200 nest boxes

Aclimate action group is building three biodiversity towers to house around 600 new 'homes' for protected migratory birds such as swifts, swallows and house martins that previously nested in the demolished Lagomar hotel in San Javier.

These three nesting towers will provide a solution for the birds, which will be able to build their nests very close to the site where the building previously stood.

As such the population of pale swifts ('Apus pallidus'), which nested in the hotel structure, will will be able to nest in these structures.

Each wooden tower has an approximate capacity for 200 nest boxes and is located at a height of between three and five

metres. "These towers will provide a nesting place and contribute to avoiding potential problems with these migratory birds if they build their nests in nearby buildings," according to the regional secretary of Sustainability and Climate Action, María Cruz Ferreira.

Ferreira explained that they are very sociable birds that breed in colonies ranging from a few pairs to several thousand, so "the loss of their nesting places is a threat."

The option of artificial nesting boxes is considered the safest method for this protected species of migratory bird, the main threat to which is the loss of their nesting places," said the regional secretary.

Although they originally nested in rocky areas, they found a suitable habitat to establish their nests and colonies in rural and urban buildings.

However, sometimes, the demolition and destruction of cavities, the difficulties presented by new, smoother constructions, the commitment of these birds to their selected places and the works during the breeding season represent a challenge for their breeding, causing the destruction of entire colonies.

This project is included in the European Regional Development Fund, which is financed 80% with EU Feder funds and 20% with the Community's own funds.

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Owl-o, Owl-o, Owl-o, What’s All This Then?

Before you write in and complain, I am fully aware that this article is led by the worst headline of my entire career (assuming our extremely talented and highly respected editor hasn’t jumped in and changed it), so let’s just move on with the story, shall we!

A night patrol by San Miguel Local Police this week assisted an injured and disorientated nocturnal resident of the town, a rather young owl.

Following a brief conversation consisting of, “what’s your name?”, “who”, “you”, “who”, “you”… etc, the injured owl was taken to the Bird Recovery Centre where it was said to be recovering and resting safely, and where he will be cared for and rehabilitated prior to release, before bidding the offers farewell with a customary, “mind how you go”.


Cámara Orihuela Costa is organising a new information day aimed at Oriola companies in the tourism sector in which they will provide details of the different lines of aid and subsidies that are available for the development of the activity, titled '2024 Aid for the Tourism Sector.

The day will focus on offering useful and practical info about all the aid and calls that tourism companies that carry out their activity in this very important sector can access.

The session will take place on Thursday, May 16, and will provide information on the aid and subsidies available to the sector.

Interested companies may register through the website: More information is available by calling 966 74 3502, or by email to: .

"Meals on Wheels" service in Orihuela Costa

It has been reported on the AVCRL Facebook page that residents in Orihuela Costa can once again enjoy this service, aimed at elderly people who want to continue living in their homes, in which they are offered a healthy diet in their own home and adapted to their needs.

The service is currently provided from Monday to Friday, although it is hopefully being expanded to cover weekends. The meal consists of three courses, a starter, main course and sweet, plus bread.

The requirements for qualification are that:

The applicant must be 65 years of age or older.

Be 60 years of age in dependency and for disabled people over 18 and in dependency, living with the person older than 65 years old who is beneficiar ies of the program.

Be independently able to prepare and eat the food served, or able to provide a relative or a neighbour responsible for this task.

Be registered at Orihuela Town Hall.

Qualify for the service, supported by a social and favourable medical report. Requests for the service, initially, should be made by telephone through the Alameda del Mar Civic Centre, requesting an appointment with the social worker, Tel: 965 32 6984.

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Murcia Blue Flags

The Region of Murcia has been awarded 33 blue flags,27 for beaches and another six for marinas, which is one less than 2023. Thus,the Region remains in seventh position in the country by number of flags,coming in behind the Valencian Community (159),Andalusia (156), Galicia (125),Catalonia (118),the Canary Islands (60) and the Balearic Islands (42).

For the eighth consecutive year,the beaches of the Mar Menor are left without blue flags because of problems with the water,where none of the bordering municipalities bid for the award.

Six-month delay in overtime payment for Surgeons

Surgeons and health specialists in the Province of Alicante,who work overtime to reduce surgical waiting lists,are having to wait six months or more for payment.

It is estimated the amount owed to each professional is around 1,500 euros. The Ministry blames a new computer system but says that it is working hard to rectify the problem.


collect signatures to repeal bullfighting law.

Cambiemos Orihuela is organising a petition that it will send to the Congress of Deputies in support of repealing Law 18/2013 on the cultural heritage of bullfighting. Congress has given the party a nine-month period to gather a total of 500,000 signatures so that its processing can begin. The municipalist group has always shown its rejection of this activity which,and now,with this collection of signatures, they hope that the law regulating bullfighting as cultural heritage will be repealed.


The Civil Guard is investigating a woman who they allege is operating an illegal nursing home from a private home in the Vega Baja.She currently manages this clandestine residence which provides care to almost a dozen elderly German nationals.

The lady,a 70-year-old Swiss national,also hired several untrained workers to care for the elderly patients with the Civil Guard now investigating her for crimes of work intrusion,fraud,misappropriation and against workers' rights.

In addition,she is said to have exercised total control over the bank accounts of the most vulnerable residents,even defrauding some of them and transferring the money to her personal account.

The investigation is being carried out by the Judicial Police Team of the Almoradí Civil Guard and has been christened operation 'Geranio 24'.

So far the agents have carried out a search of the home together with inspectors from the Department of Social Services,Equality and Housing of the Generalitat Valenciana,in which they have found nine elderly German residents and several staff who are illegally working as caregivers.

The agents have seized a large amount of documentation for analysis and requested the judicial blocking of the bank accounts.

The Investigative Court No.1 of Orihuela is in charge of conducting the investigation.

The Social Services have proposed the opening of a disciplinary file,whilst also urging the closure of the business.

King Felipe in the cockpit of a 'Pilatus' PC-21 trainer


On Monday His Majesty King Felipe VI made a working visit to the General Air Academy (AGA), at the San Javier Air Base.

Dressed in military clothing, the king was returning to the academy where he gained his pilots wings and where all officers belonging to the Air and Space Army are trained.

During his tour carried out a simulated flight in the Full Flight Simulator (FFS) as well as sitting in the cockpit of a 'Pilatus' PC-21 training aircraft that was parked up.

The last time he visited the base was last July when he attended the ‘Passing Out’ parade 2023 for newly commissioned officers.

His Majesty completed his studies at the AGA during the 1987/1988 academic year, commission in the rank of Lieutenant on July 10, 1989. His aeronautical training, completing the elementary and basic training, was on the T-34 Mentor and C-101 aircraft, respectively.

His father, King Juan Carlos, also carried out his military training at the AGA during the 1958-1959 academic year, making his first flight on September 16, 1958.

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Did you know that The Leader has the LARGEST LOCALCIRCULATION of all ëfreeíEnglish language newspapers.
Social Services demand that the business be closed
Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



1.Flying insect (4)

8.Unselfish (10)

9.Dais (8)

10.Too (4)

12.Annul (6)

14.Start again (6)

15.Informal (6)

17.Footwear item (6)

18.Lascivious (4)

19.Furtive (8)

21.Note (10)

22.Ale (4)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


2.Merge (10)

3.Treaty (4)

4.Amble (6)

5.Season (6)

6.Killer (8)

7.Resonation (4)

11.Commiserate (10)

13.Boiling pot (8)

16.East Indian sailor (6)

17.Stable (6)

18.Citrus fruit (4)

20.Arm or leg (4)

ANSWERS Week 1022


ACROSS: ACROSS: 7 Irate; 8 Prudent; 9 Elector; 10 Charm; 12 Referendum; 15 Omnipotent; 18 Slain; 19 Refrain; 21 Feigned; 22 Adieu.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Licentious; 2 Eager; 3 Beat; 4 Sparse; 5 Luncheon; 6 Veranda; 11 Memorandum; 13 Exponent; 14 Inhabit; 16 Tirade; 17 Valid; 20 Foam.


ACROSS: 7 Hoard; 8 Aquaria; 9 Parleys; 10 Plump; 12 Act the goat; 15 Green salad; 18 Tasks; 19 Compact; 21 Showers; 22 Token. DOWN: 1 Shipwright; 2 Tarry; 3 Edge; 4 Basset; 5 Subpoena; 6 Crouton; 11 Petrol tank; 13 Canister; 14 Pension; 16 Accuse; 17 Hacks; 20 Mate.



1.He was the first person to be late! (4)

8.Not inclined to be honest? (2,3,5)

9.Perhaps it's cheap because it's an imitative work of art (8)

10.Ameasure intended to do good (4)

12.You can count on it (6)

14.Right to have helped when invaded (6)

15.Carried by one against the bomb? (6)

17.They may be depressed in the car! (6)

18.Some land lies differently (4)

19.Creditor upsetting one on board? (8)

21.They should know the score before playing! (10)

22.Skin you shouldn't show (4)


2.Vegetables eaten widely? (5,5)

3.Hit a ball up just below the roof (4)

4.Capital instrument of punishment? (6)

5.Strangely remote shooting star (6)

6.Ablow that has to be faced (4,4)

7.Escape and feel different (4)

11.Having one's attention held for a short time by spring? (10)

13.Strives to study minds (8)

16.Contract concerning Mussolini? (6)

17.Excuse to knock over a man (6)

18.Slowly move a short distance (4)

20.Money for a tennis player? (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 19)

1. Which night blossoming desert plant is mentioned in the Eagles song 'Hotel California'? a. Jojoba b. Honeysuckle c. Oleander d. Colita

2. What is the name of the well-known American national detective agency founded in Chicago in 1852?

3. Which popular television series was filmed in and around Highclere Castle?

4. Who is the highest scoring African player in English Premier League history?

5. Which world record superlative does the '9th of July Avenue' (Avenida 9 de Julio) in Beunos Aires hold? a. busiest avenue, b. widest avenue, c. longest avenue

6. Which hit song from 1967 recounts a tragic event that took place on Choctaw Ridge, Mississippi?

7. Gamophobia is the fear of what?

8. Which dart player has played in a record 33 consecutive World Championships?

9. What were the four most populated US states in the year 1800?

10. Henry Fonda plays the role of a US President in two films in which life on the planet is threatened with annihilation. Can you name the two films?

11. Fuseki, Moyo, Seki and Sabaki are some of the terms used in which game?

12. Which three colours are found on the flag of North Korea?

13. The name of which chemical element and widely used metal stems from a Latin word meaning 'bitter salt'?

14. Where in the human body is the tympanum located?

15. The following lyrics are from songs with the word 'Soldier' somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song?

a. Stolen from Africa, brought to America, fighting on arrival, fighting for survival. b. He's five foot two and he's six foot four .c. And the drums are going rap a tap tap, and the fifes they loudly play, fare you well Polly my dear I must be going away.

16. Shibumi was one of the many best selling novels written by Trevanian in the 1970s. Which best selling Trevanian novel was made into a gripping, high altitude 1975 film starring Clint Eastwood?

17. Contestants from which South American country have won the Miss Universe title a record seven times?

18. Signed in 1928 by 53 countries including all of the major nations, the international agreement known as the KelloggBriand Pact, or Pact of Paris, was an attempt to abolish what?

a. famine b. torture c. child labour d. war.

19. "AHero Will Rise" was the movie poster tag line for which Oscar winning film?

20. Which of the following iconic British automobiles was Barbie's first sports car? a. Triumph TR3 b. MGB c. Jaguar E-type d. Austin Healey 3000

PAGE 14 Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The lack of services, investments, plans that revitalise the area and the desire to manage their own resources are some of the reasons that have led a group of neighbours and businessmen from La Manga to take the first steps to segregate the area from Cartagena.

On Wednesday the promoting commission presented the project at the Hotel Las Gaviotas to gather support and show the progress they have made to businessmen and residents of La Manga in creating their own town hall.

Cambiemos Orihuela warns of Garbage collection privatisation.

Cambiemos said that in a radio interview given by Damaso Aparicio, manager of the Municipal Company “Environmental Management Service of Orihuela”, formerly known as “SURPAL”, he spoke of an open door to make this service a mixed management model. Leticia Pertegal, Cambiemos spokesperson, warned of falling back into the mistakes and cases of corruption that were experienced for many years in Orihuela with the issue of garbage collection.

She said that the municipality must have public management of this service in its entirety and provide the necessary resources to ensure that the work of RSU in Orihuela is optimal and adequate.



Councillor for the Coast, Manuel Mestre

Cabo Roig, on the Orihuela Costa, continues to be a privileged destination for lovers of nature and history. This year, the 2.5 km Trail linking the beaches of Cala Capitán and La Caleta has been awarded

the Blue Trail 2024 badge, by the Environmental and Consumer Education Association (ADEAC).

Along the route, visitors can enjoy five viewpoints, offering stunning views of the area's cliffs and beaches. In addition, the presence of the historic Torre de Cabo Roig, a 16th century fortification classified as an Asset of Cultural Interest, adds a touch of history to this experience.

Repairs to two Orihuela water wheels will cost €

The company repairing the twin wheels Moquita and Pando de Orihuela has asked the Orihuela Council for a further 93,391 euros for certification on completion of refurbishment work to the two water wheels.

The tender was awarded in July 2021, for 419,983 euros, to the Oiola company

Doalco, who promised a completion period of 4 months, although work did not get underway until May 2023. Amongst other things, the company has blamed the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine on the need to increase prices.


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The A-355, which connects Cártama and Marbella (Málaga)

In 2023, 1,145 people died on Spanish roads. Of them, 74% (849 people) did so in incidents that took place on conventional roads, that is, on roads outside towns that are not motorways.

Among all these secondary roads, one of the best known is in the south of the country, the one popularly called “the highway of fear”, a 10-kilometre stretch of road (between km 4

and 14) of the A-355, which connects Cártama and Marbella (Málaga), and it is on this section alone in 2023 that 10 people lost their lives, the equivalent of one fatality every kilometre.

To prevent these figures from continuing to escalate and with the aim of reducing incidents on the road, the Department of Development of the Government of

Andalusia announced that it will highlight certain areas where there is a continuous white line by painting them with a thick red line on the road.

With this red line on the road, the organisation intends to “highlight the prohibition of overtaking” in the sections where it is not allowed, and which are indicated both by vertical signage and by continuous white lines painted on the road. In addition, to this measure is added the installation of “pedagogical radars and digital signs.”

This red line on the road is added to other measures adopted by the General Directorate of Traffic that aim to reduce road incidents, such as the green lines which were introduced some years ago painted on the sides of the road, and the more recent dragon's teeth or the broken lines on the roads.

Andalucia is not the only region to adopt measures where road markings emphasise the danger. Road markings like this are often tested in areas before being rolled out nationally.


Overtaking when there is a continuous line is prohibited according to the General Traffic Regulations and, in fact, doing so can imply a fine of 400 euro and the loss of four points from the licence, in addition to the danger and added risk that it implies. However, there are five cases

in which overtaking with a solid line is allowed:

Overtaking cyclists.

Overtaking mopeds.

Overtake pedestrians, animals and animaldrawn vehicles.

Overtaking a vehicle immobilised on the road.

Overcome obstacles and other elements of the road.

However, to carry out these overtaking manoeuvres you must first observe your surroundings and analyse whether it is safe to proceed in each circumstance and, of course, before carrying it out, signal your intention with the indicators.

If traffic is approaching from the opposite direction, it would not be safe to proceed to cross the solid white or red lines.

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The red line emphasises the fact that overtaking is not allowed.


To coincide with the celebrations of European Day, the N332 road safety group concluded this seasonís series of talks and presentations, ending the run in the international school of Kingís College in Murcia.

The students learnt all about the rules of the road, with a particular focus on e-scooters and bicycles and learnt about the dangers of alcohol and drugs by experiencing what it is like to try and carry out simple tasks whilst wearing goggles which simulate the effects of the likes of cannabis, hallucinogens, alcohol, and even tiredness.

The simulator goggles had been provided to the group by Car Registrations Spain, as part of their involvement in road safety, and like all of

the supporters continue to contribute to the ìroad to zeroî.

Starting in Torrevieja, this season has taken the team to places including La Manga, Cartagena, Murcia, and Orihuela, the penultimate talk returning to home turf in Torrevieja, with the ever-popular U3Agroup.

Having closed this series of talks, the team will return to the road in the autumn, to coincide with European Mobility Week. They have already got talks planned for a number of schools and colleges, community groups, and other open presentations, which will be published in advance for those wishing to attend on both the Facebook page and the website, as well as in The Leader, another supporter of the cause, of course.

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024
On the road with Francisco Morales and Mark Nolan

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja -Evangelical Church. Sunday Service 11

a.m.; - Contact 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. Evangelical non-denominational church.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a very attractive 2019 Ford Focus ST-Line Hybrid at just 21,900 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and

used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page 7.

We can assure you of the biggest and best choice of new and used cars in the area for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN


Have you lost somebody close to you? Are you finding life difficult after a bereavement? Come along and chat to other people in the same situation. Starting on October 10th, then every Tuesday from 2-4pm at the Age Concern Centre, Calle Paganini, La Siesta, Torrevieja. 96 678 6887. Everyone is welcome. Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) Open to residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. Located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3

times a week for a programme of English speaking activities, support, information and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities can pop along. Open 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. You can register between 1pm & 2pm on those days, in the Cafe area where you will find Eva or Norah. email:

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Assn. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website

LOOKING FOR Silent Business Partner for small Private Care Home. Invest 10K and get 20K back in 14 months. Call 747 438 225

CONSTRUCTION AND GENERALBUILDING. For all building works large or small, phone 604 152 124 for quotes. We also specialise in pool leaks and repairs. (1012) Law Services: PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR, Solicitor, Debt Collections, Bad Tenants. 747 438 225

Retired former UK Military and Policeman looking for a long term rental in the area from August. I am a non smoker & prefer somewhere with a pool. Please call 711049995 or reply by email to

PAGE 18 Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Distractions of the Modern World


" Where every person matters but God matters most!

There are many distractions in our modern world. You need only go to a cafe or restaurant and look around, and you will see plenty of evidence: couples sitting opposite each other both busy on their phones; mums with young children scrolling through Facebook while the children play around. We all know that there are schoolchildren playing games on their phones in lessons, families sitting in front of the tv or an Xbox in the evenings instead of interacting with each other.

Of course, there have always been distractions around, but now they seem to be instantly available with the advent of mobile phones and the internet. These things certainly have value in their correct time and place, but the problem is we can so easily be distracted from the important things in life by concentrating on the unimportant. We have forgotten, or maybe unlearnt, how to be still and focussed and rest.

In the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10 v 38-42 we read that Martha was busy preparing food to serve to Jesus (and probably his disciples), and was annoyed that Mary, her sister, instead of helping, was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to his teaching. When she complained to Jesus his reply was,

‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’ (v41-42 NIV)

Was Jesus saying that Martha should not have been serving but should have been sitting at his feet with Mary? In that case they would have had no dinner, or a very late one. That we are called to serve others is mentioned many times in the Bible, so that was surely not his point. However, anxious, distracted service is not what Jesus wants from us.

What was the better thing that Mary had chosen? She surely knew that there were guests to be fed. But maybe he was saying that Mary was at peace, resting and listening to Jesus. Martha, on the other hand, was not at peace, but was ‘distracted with all the preparations that had to be made’ (v 40). He was addressing the attitude of her heart. If she had been contented and serving out of humility in order to meet the physical needs of her guests, she would have quietly got on with it, rather than complaining about what Mary was doing.

Whatever we are doing for Jesus whether it is helping in practical ways, being a witness to our neighbours and friends, listening to his word, praying or worshiping, are we doing it from a heart that is at peace and wanting to serve our master, or are we doing it with a heart of anxiety and worry, and criti-



Campoverde Open Garden Day will be returning on Saturday May 25th and will give everyone an opportunity to visit some of the interesting gardens in the village. This is not a competition, but a celebration of gardens from the small terraces with pots, to large plots with lawns and orchards and everything else in between. The overall aim is for local gardeners to share their garden and the joy of gardening with others. So put the date in your diary, May 25th from 11-4pm. There are six gardens in this year’s Open Garden Day and they offer a wide variety of gardens and gardening styles that will intrigue both the experienced gardener and the casual lifestyle gardener. Each of the gardens offers an opportunity to speak to the garden owner and share the trials, tribulations and triumphs of their garden. As you walk around their garden, they will share their experience and welcome advice you may bring from your own garden.

The gardens are all in the village of Pinar de Campoverde which is very close to the town of Pilar de la Horadada. You can easily visit all the gardens within the day and, in each case, there is street parking; some gardens will be serving light refreshments.


141 Avenue del Pino. This is a large garden based on gravelled terraces with a range of island planting. There is lots to see in this garden and much to take away from the artistic touch of Camilla and Gordon the gardeners who have punctuated their garden with small set piece planting tableau. This is an example how you can take a neglected and uninspiring garden and turn it into a visual delight. Light refreshments will be available.

146 Avenue del Pino. This is a large garden

that wraps around the house and is always being developed and enhanced by the gardeners Gareth and Annie. This provides a range of mature plantings, wall adjacent planting and mature trees integrated with seating areas that maximise the gardens exposure. In addition there is garden statuary and for golfers there is even a small putting green.

3 Calle Oregano. This a large mature garden that wraps around the whole house, where the gardeners Ray and June have developed an easy to maintain garden mainly planted with succulents and cacti. The garden is now maturing and will be of great interest for those of you with a love of succulents. A secondary interest is that Ray is a keen birder and has some lovely birds (no pun intended) on display.

17 Calle Oregano. This is a medium sized garden that has been mainly tiled with intermittent beds of flowers and succulents. The key aspect of this garden is that Paul the gardener specialises in growing thousands of seedlings and cuttings all of which we be available to purchase at Open Garden Day. So, if you want to stock up with plants at a bargain price, then this is a must visit garden.

19 Calle Lentisco. This is a small but intimate garden that provides a charming range of sitting areas shaded by mature trees and planting areas with the sound of tinkling water. The gardener Diane is a famous artist who has used her artistic gifts to create a garden that reflects her artistic sensibilities. It is hoped that Diane will display some of her paintings for sale on the day. Light refreshments will be available.

1 Calle Peral. This a large garden that has been developed by the garden blogger James and his infamous wife Cruella. The garden has a range of interesting features including large

cism of what other people are doing? When we operate from a place of rest, it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing, or not doing – we are content to do what God has asked us to do.

Lord, give me a heart at peace, free from distractions, so that I can serve you contentedly.

Pilar Christian Community Church. Calle Canalejas 3, Pilar de la Horadada. Contact:

English Service at 11am every Sunday. Info at:

By Lis Douglas May 2024

Just one of the gardens that was visted by over 200 people last year.

lawned areas, extensive mixed flowering hedges, gravelled areas with island planting, a dry garden area, a fruit orchard with a variety of trees, water features and a wild wood. In addition the composting and potting area will prove interesting to serious gardeners. Refreshments will be available.


1.Answer d.Colita ("On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air".2.Pinkerton's.3.Downton Abbey.4.Mohamed Salah.5.Answer b.It is the widest avenue in the world.6.Ode to Billie Joe (Bobbie Gentry).7.Marriage (or a relationship). 8.Steve Beaton.Behind Beaton is Raymond van Barneveld with 31.9.Four answers.In order: Virginia, Pennsylvania, NewYork and North Carolina.10.Two answers.Fail Safe and Comet. 11.Go.12.Red, white and blue.13.Aluminium. 14.Ear.15.Three answers.a.Buffalo Soldier (Bob Marley), b.Universal Soldier (Donavan), c. The Gentleman Soldier (Pogues).16.The Eiger Sanction.17.Venezuela.18.Answer d.war.19. Gladiator.20.Answer d.Austin Healey 3000

All the gardens will be open from 11-4pm and entry is completely free with ample street parking at all the properties. A small donation to the work of Campoverde Church and its work in the community will be appreciated and there will be a donation tin at each property.

Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


I’ve been doing it so long it just seems normal. I saw a tee

–shirt the other day that read

‘It’s only kinky the first time’and that’s how I feel about it. I’m not harming anyone, am I? I’m not sure exactly when it started, some years ago, in a small way at first, but now we do it most afternoons, she even expects it. She likes it, I can tell the way she lets out little squeals of happiness and ecstasy. My wife Anne works all day so she doesn’t see us, but I think she knows all about it. So I intend to keep doing it as long as I can, while we both enjoy it. I’m not getting any younger, and nowadays all exercise is good exercise. I don’t care what the neighbours think –they’re not likely to say anything to my face are they?

Now at this stage, I have no idea where your lurid, over-imaginative mind has taken you - but if it’s too far then you should enter the next Olympics for jumping to conclusions. What am I referring to? Why taking my little black cat Cleo for a walk every afternoon - what on earth did you think I was talking about?

One night I was returning from football just as dusk was settling and crossing our front patio, I could just make out something small and dark on the step leading up to the front door, it looked like a little mole. I bent down and saw this tiny bundle was a black kitten sitting looking up at me. I called Anne to come and see. She peered down and swept up the furry little creature in both hands, and turned, leaving the following instructions over her shoulder:

‘Ooh, isn’t she lovely, John, do you think someone’s abandoned her? There´s chicken in the fridge, chop it up really small. Make a little bed, get one of those towels from the airing cupboard, a warm fluffy one. Listen, she’s purring really loudlywhat shall we call her?´

It seemed churlish to ask if dinner was ready, and our future domesticity seemed to be already changed. From that moment ‘Cleo’ as we named her after Cleopatra for her instantly regal manner, strolled around our house as though she owned it. She quickly grew into a lovely cat, and to say we wouldn’t be without her today is a massive understatement.

We have a green area known as ‘verde’ behind our house that all our adjacent house back onto. At first we just took little strolls, but it soon grew, we have half a dozen different routes which we vary according to our mood. If sometimes in the afternoons I have a mild attack of lazyitus, I get a cool stare from Her Majesty and then my conscience always gets the better of me and we dutifully stroll out, always in a good mood when we return (that’s me by the way).

Cleo invariably drags her heels as we head for home and stays frolicking on the verde until she gets bored and returns - and then I can relax again. It seems to me I worry about her more than when my own daughter was small, but that’s probably just the passing of age. I even worry about her when she’s out doing whatever it is cats do when they’re out at day or night, but really, I shouldn’t worry the Queen can take care of herself. She’s very savvy and streetwise, and although she’s had a few dust-ups over the years with the other local moggies we are happy. Our Cleo is nobody’s push over, and can look after herself in a cat fight, which are vicious affairs. Regular visits to the vet have ensured she is in beautiful condition and her varied diet ensures her healthy glow. So, I return to where I started – I’ve been doing it for so long it just seems normal –so there!

UPDATE - Well…. that was then, written ten years ago, I think. Today we have all moved on - and it

shows. Cleo is now an old lady, still very regal in all she does, which to be honest is not a lot. She sleeps much more, and the afternoon strolls petered out several years ago. I´m not averse to the odd siesta myself so that suits me. My wife Anne doesn’t work now, so our little family menage a trois works well.

The only problem is Cleo has taken to sleeping on the front top step of our porch leading down to the front patio, it´s a lovely sunspot for her. I´m always worried and nag Anne to be careful of falling over Cleo coming in and out - but last week the doorbell rang and my lovely wife was in the kitchen cooking us a meal. I managed to step down over Cleo to get to the front gate to find a bag hanging there that our kindly old lady neighbour had left for us, but disaster struck on my return.

I was recently diagnosed with Osteoporosis with a wigging from the oncologist to be careful, no lifting heavy things etc, etc, deep joy. Somehow on my return I tripped over Her Majesty and crashed down on my shoulder, and I was almost convinced I had broken my arm.

As we are just about to fly to the UK for my annual reunion which I organize, plus driving many miles to see all the family I was appalled. As I lay there on the cold hard tiles my brain went into overdrive. Mentally I was already limping out of the hospital all strapped up with my arm in a sling and my poor wife then having to organize everything, drive everywhere, take Cleo to the cattery, lug the suitcase about and…

… well, phew, thankfully it was OK. I hadn’t broken anything, I´m just a very stupid lucky boy. Cleo? She hardly stirred, bless her, but we must urgently find a different, less inconvenient place for her to lay and rest her little bones before one of us, her poor surrogate parents come to more grief. We love her to bits of course and wouldn´t be without her - long live our Queen.


ASOKA Orihuela is one of the leading animal rescue centres in the Costa Blanca region and they are responsible for all abandoned animals in the Orihuela Town Hall City and Costa area. If you would like to find out more about their work, they have a TALK & WALK day on Sunday 19 May. The morning takes the format of a short talk all about the centre and its rescue work (adoptions, fostering, volunteering) and then after you can walk a rescue dog.

There are 4 sessions: 3 in Spanish starting at 10am and one in English at 11am. If you would like to register, please email:

They’ll message you back and confirm the time is available. The centre is located in San Bartolome, near the Vega Baja Hospital and is easy to find by using Google Maps: enter Asoka Orihuela

PAGE 20 Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Spanish National Singles Finals 2024

The Spanish National Singles took place from 5th & 11th May. With the largest entry since Covid, matches played using 2 greens per day.

The final stages were held at Greenlands.

In the Mens competition there were 4 groups of 10, meaning that players played 9 matches over 4.5 days. The 2 Ladies Groups had 7, so that they played 2 games on each of the first 2 days then 1 match a day and a bye day.

After the Round Robin stages the top 2 in each group went through to the knockout stage.

The Mens Quarter Finals took place first.

Andy Miles (Greenlands) played Terry Morgan (Quesada)

Graham Shoots (Zurgena) played Graham Richardson (Country Bowls)

Martin Foulcer (Vistabella) played Pete Bonsor (Greenlands)

Harald Olsen (Quesada) played Darren Reynolds (Country Bowls)

Andy, Graham S, Pete & Darren won through to semis.

In the second session of the day it was the 4 semi finals.

Andy played Pete, Graham S played Darren and it was Pete & Graham who progress to the final.

In the Ladies Maggie Furness (Vistabella) played Lisa Bonsor (Greenlands)

Lorna Cormack (Almeria) played Jan Dando (Zurgena)

Lisa & Lorna won through to the Final.

The 2 finals were played at the same time on Saturday morning in which Graham Shoots beat Pete Bonsor and Lisa Bonsor beat Lorna Cormack

The Thursday tennis social club enjoyed their yearly prize giving meal recently at Market Street restaurant in San Miguel de Salinas. The group has been together for a number of years now, some having participated for 15 years. A very pleasant evening was spent by all.

The winner for 2023 was Christine Reed, pictured receiving her trophy from club Coach, Steve Durie. This was Christine's third winning year in a row.

The evening also celebrated the life of regular player and winner in 2020, James Tranter, who sadly passed this year, after a fight against

The Centro Deportivo at Campoamor golf club also has Padel facilities. Anybody interested in joining tennis or Padel social sessions or receiving coaching in these sports should contact club coach, Steve Durie on 635061439 (Whatsapp) or at

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024
Call 663 771 345 today or email: EASYExercise FREETrial 663 771 345 The main benefits of EASY Exercise: INCREASED: Mobility & Flexibility Better Walking Ability Improved Blood Circulation REDUCED: Pain and Breathlessness
Campoamor (golf
Words and photo Suzi Cooper Spain National Singles Champions 2024, Lisa Bonsor and Graham Shoots Christine Reed, receiving her trophy from club Coach, Steve Durie.



The 37th edition of the Costa Blanca Rugby Sevens will be held at the Villajoyosa Rugby Stadium over the weekend 25th and 26th May where 20 teams, both national and international, will compete for prizemoney of 5,000. Each of the Elite competition winning teams, men and women, will receive 2,000, while the runners up will take away e500 each.

The event is supported by Generalitat Valenciana, Ayuntamiento Villajoyosa, Diputacion Alicante and Patronato Turismo Costa Blanca. The sponsors are Viator. The 12 men’s teams will include the All Stars Sevens from South Africa, national teams representing Lithuania, Sweden, Bulgaria, Croatia and Georgia, as well as Viator Barbarians from Spain, Alcatraz 7s, Venezuela, Beltway Elite from USA, the Welsh Wizards, Chile Boys and Belgium Barbarians.

The women’s competition will include national teams from Poland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Moldovia and China as well as Costa Blanca La Vila, Olymp Kazajistan and Shangong Women, also from China.

Play on the Saturday will take place from 10.30 until 8.00 pm and on Sunday from 10.30 until 7.00 pm. The cost of a stand ticket is 10.00 euros. Children Under12 free. Tickets are available in advance at More information from Ignacio Davila 608 068 208, email: or facebook at@benidormsevens.


Last Saturday the Autonomous Individual Championship was held in Almussafes, harvesting excellent results for Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnasts.

The torrevejense club qualifed all of its 7 gymnasts for the Individual Nationals to be held in June.

Anastasia Salkova won the silver medal, finishing as runner up in the infantile category.

Ilona Boichuk and Valeria Zubcoff, finished in 4th and 9th positions in the same category.

Miley Martinez Rennison, was the runner-up in Junior category with Mariya Pavlenko and Valeria García Candela finishing in fourth and fifth position respectively.

Lucia Leshan Cañas Mendo, competed in 1st category finishing as Autonomic Runner-up in the overall open competition.

Orihuela meet Badalona in playoff semi final

There was a fourth placed finish in the Second Federation - Group 4 for Orihuela CF on Sunday, following their 3-2 win at home to San ??Roque in the final league game of the season.

The win pairs them in the playoffs with CF Badalona, 50kms north of Barcelona, who finished in third position in Group 3, the draw being carried out on Monday afternoon in Madrid.

With 20 teams qualifying for the playoffs, teams finishing second to fifth from the five Second Federation Groups, just five teams will be promoted to the Primera Federación.

The first leg of this semi final tie took place yesterday at Los Arcos Stadium in Orihuela, with the second leg in Badalona next weekend.

Japan & New Zealand Women prepare for the Paris Olympics in San Javier.

The Women's National Football teams of Japan and New Zealand have chosen Pinatar Arena and the Nueva Condomina stadium in Murcia to prepare for the Olympic Games in Paris.

The teams will play two matches on May 31 and June 3 at 4 pm at the Nueva Condomina stadium in Murcia.Entry to both matches will be free,and the games will be televised in their respective countries.

Both Japan and New Zealand are regular visitors to Pinatar Arena and that is why they are relying once again on the support of the Pinatar Arena complex to organise their final training sessions and matches before the start of the Olympic Games in July.

Japan has been drawn together with Spain, Nigeria and Brazil in Group C,while New Zealand will play in Group A alongside France,Colombia and Canada.

Japan's women's national team last came to Pinatar Arena in November 2022 when they faced England,recent European champions at that time while New Zealand returns to the Region of Murcia after their last match at Pinatar Arena against Wales in October 2023.

As has been usual since the opening of Pinatar Arena in 2013,women's football has in San Pedro del Pinatar a centre of reference for training and international matches as, once again,Pinatar Arena continues to establish itself as the epicentre of international women's football,positioning the Region of Murcia as a football destination worldwide.


Welcome ladies and gentlemen and thank you for supporting Smiling Jack's Golf Society.

Well what a fantastic golf course we just played. The course was in excellent condition, and we were so looked after by Roda golf. Big thanks to you all. A big thank you also to Lisa for looking after us at the great Smiling Jack's s well as a special thank you to our Julie on her birthday eve for taking the time to dish up our great food yet again. Now for the scores. It seems we were all afraid of the easy par 3's.

In second place with a respectable 33 points was Neale west, well done but no cigar.

Our winner today with 37 points and a new Smiling Jack's golf handicap of 10 is Mr Vice Tiny Isaacs, well done mate.

The winner of the famous Blue Johnny was Blue Johnny Bob

The winner of the raffle, which is a free Smiling Jack's golf day, donated by the Ger, was Richard Lintott who donated the prize to Bob, great gesture mate.

Our next outing is at the wonderful Altaona on Thursday 13 June.

Once again, a big thank you for supporting Smiling Jack's Golf Society El Presidente


Over 20,000 Herculeans gathered on Sunday afternoon at the Plaza de los Luceros in Alicante to celebrate the promotion of Hercules CF to the First Federation, the third tier of Spanish Football.

The promotion had been achieved earlier in the day with a 2-1 home win against Lleida, at the Estadio Jose Rico Perez, in front of a capacity 28,000 crowd.

Their promotion to La liga Hypermotion will see them compete in a number of local derbies next season, most notably against Alcoyano, Real Murcia and CF Intercity, almost certainly raising the interest levels of the sport in the local area.

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At the time of going to press, Thader were sweating on news of one result. Basically,it all boils down to whether Javea won on Sunday evening,for if not, Thader will be playing Community league football again next season. This is only possible because of a fantastic victory over fierce rivals Redovan,inside the Antonio Pascual Gil Duana Stadium,on Saturday evening.For the 2nd week on the trot,every single yellow shirted player,gave their all to the CD Thader cause.They were magnificent.Ok,a huge refereeing bloomer helped their cause, but over the course of the season, they were due a stroke of luck. And when you consider that this was achieved without experienced players such as Javi,Dani Lucas and Pedro Juan,then it becomes even more commendable.

take revenge for their defeat at Rojales back in mid-January.

Tremino should have opened the scoring on 2 mins, but unfortunately with only the home keeper to beat,his final touch let him down.Eight mins later,a cross from the left fell perfectly for Vela,who held his head in his hands following an awful, sliced shot wide of an open Thader goal.When Ferman shot from a tight angle on 21 mins,a relieved Chema watched the ball miss the goal by a cats whisker,as Redovan were making numerous forays into enemy territory.

This was an excellent result for Thader

the far post by Fran,as the visitors got the 2nd goal they fully deserved.

It looked odds on that Lizon would reduce the deficit on 79 mins,but somehow he contrived to shoot wide of an open goal,much to the delight of the many travelling Thader fans.Redovan were reduced to 10 men on 85 mins, when Guille was given his marching orders for a foul.This signalled mayhem,when another red card was shown to a player on the home bench,as well as a number of cautions to both players and officials of Redovan.

Redovan were,until recently,pushing for a place in the play offs,and must have started favourites to

On 28 mins,a goal line headed clearance by Berni foiled another Redovan assault on goal.From the resultant corner,Vela headed against the foot of the post,as the visitors rode their luck again. When Redovan did eventually put the ball in the net on 32 mins,it looked as if the ref had signalled a goal,but he then he ruled it out for a foul on Chema.With the half

time whistle not far away,it appeared that Redovan's keeper was unfairly challenged as he released the ball into play.It went straight to Ukrainian Serhiy,who from fully 40 yards,lobbed the keeper,before the ball sailed into the back of the net.

Needless to say,this was not greeted at all well with the home team players and officials,whose protestations earned numerous yellow cards.

Yeriby struck a beauty from long

distance on 57 mins,which Redovan keeper Chiri gathered at the 2nd attempt.Carlos Canales youthful team were playing attractive,intelligent football,not content at sitting back on their slender 1 goal advantage.Strong Redovan appeals for handball in the penalty area were not upheld,before,at the other end,a long range free kick by captain Lloyd went close. An exquisite inch perfect cross from the left wing by the impressive Alberto,was headed home at

Deep in stoppage time,a shot by Redovan substitute Tales,took a wicked deflection,completely wrong footing Chema,to give the visitors a consolation goal.

So,if Javea win (as mentioned earlier),then Thader's final match of the season will be at Moi Gomez Stadium,Rojales on Sun 19 May, ko 6pm,but if not,then this match against L'Olleria will probably take place on the evening of Sat 18 May.It is strongly advised to visit CD Thader facebook page for information on this,and much much more relating to Thader.


SCTorrevieja welcomed

neighbours Almoradi to the Municipal Stadium on Sunday in this pivotal match of the Primera Regional League season.

over the Almoradí back 4. Toni Anton broke into the box and unselfishly squared to Montero who knocks it home.

Five minutes later and Lewis had bagged his brace from the spot.

It was the penultimate game for both teams and SC Torrevieja's last home fixture (play off depending), and they don't get much tougher than their 4th placed local rivals.

Torrevieja could do with nothing less than three points, particularly after CD Murada had managed a 1-0 away win at Pinoso on Saturday evening, so with both teams sitting on 57 points and a goal difference of +25, manager Gil was keen to stress the importance of patience and discipline, particularly in view of Torry’s recent disciplinary record.

And it could not have been a better start for the home side with Lewis capitalising on the indecision of the Almoradi defence. A long throw from the left was not properly dealt with and Lewis was quickest to act as he stabbed the ball under the keeper.

The visitors were shellshocked and Torry deservedly extended their lead on the 15min mark. Jorge Carmona delivered a lovely ball

The penalty was given after the Almoradí centre back flicked the ball up on to his hand. Lewis calmly rolled his penalty into the bottom corner to put the home side three ahead.

Torry continued to threaten and should be further ahead prior to the break as Anton, Lewis and Montero all had good opportunities to add to the scoreline.

It was an excellent 45mins for Torry, Almoradí were unable to deal with the movement. Probably the best 45mins we’ve seen all season, with Lewis virtually unplayable.

The second period was a much slower affair with Torry still comfortable in possession, the only effort in the opening 20 mins falling to Lewis who hitting his volley over the bar from a José Toro cross.

The game did wake up midway through the half, however, after Lewis reacted to a foul on the halfway line. A short period of ‘handbags’ followed with the referee putting 3 names into his book.

Three substitutions did even more to calm the

situation down with Lewis, Dani Muñoz & Antón replaced by Omar, Saul & Luis Carlos, a wise move by Gil who even at this stage was looking toward next week’s trip to Murada.

His first touch of the game and Saul made it 4-0 for Torry as he was able to stab home from close range after a low cross from the right side.

Torry were unable to take any of their remaining chances, but this was still a great performance and a thoroughly deserved victory.

Gils men did exactly what they had to do and at the point of writing had moved to the top of the

table, although if Novelda achieve an expected win on Sunday evening against San Fulgencio they will back drop into 2nd.

Torry now look ahead to next week’s crunch match away at 3rd placed Murada, where a point will be enough to secure a play off place, although on Sunday afternoon’s form they will be hoping for rather more.

Scorers:Lewis (2), Cristian Montero, Saul

More info from Chris Peach


Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Redovan CF.........1 CD Thader ...........2
SCTorrevieja.......4 CD Almoradi .......0
A great performance
a thoroughly deserved victory
PAGE 24 Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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