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Campoverde Amateur Theatrical Society (CATS) have performed their first production, a comedy play by Sue Townsend called ‘WOMBERANG’. The performance took place in ‘The Madhouse’ situated in Tiro de Pichon near La Fuente Orihuela.


The play is set during the 1970’s in a Gynaecology Clinic of a General Hospital.
4 of the cast are multi talented Sonrisas Harmony Chorus members: Susie Wyatt (Rita Onions), Cheryl Jenkins (Mrs Lovett), Lorraine Daw (Lynda) and Penny Hawney (Mrs Cornwallis)
As well as starring in the play Susie Wyatt also directed this production. She was helped greatly by Annie Williams as Producer, Pete Wyatt as Stage Manager and David Lang as Stage Crew. The play begins with an assortment of patient’s sit- ting in the grim hospital waiting room when Rita Onions breezes in with her long suffering friend Dolly, played by Jacs Boswell.

Rita’s verve and energy, combined with a complete lack of respect for authority, gradually spreads an infectious, joyous anarchy throughout the patients. As she demolishes officious hospital staff and generally sorts out the patients’ personal problems. Dr Riley played by Bruce Boswell, poor man, was totally oblivious to the mayhem in his waiting room.
This play is well worth seeing if you get the opportunity, this was a sell out, so watch local press for details of the next production, or if you would like to join CATS , please contact Susie by email on susiebabieq@hotmail.com for further details.
Inmaculada which faces the main square of Torrevieja,Plaza de la Constitution.
Afterwards,there will be a short celebration in Plaza de la Constitution with the permission of the Ayuntamiento de Torrevieja.
They will raise the Irish flag,sing the anthem and enjoy some traditional Irish music.Enquiries to irishtorrevieja@gmail.com