14 minute read


Last Friday our Seagulls beat Quesada Swans. Some will say it's daylight robbery, some will say very well done but when you give a team a 10 start and they are leading all the way through to the 17th end and then drop a 3 on the 18th make your own mind up. Whatever you feel Audrey Birch, Norman Ship and Garth Slater get 2 points for a 21-20 win, followed by Lorita & John Rae and Len Daniels wilt a 19-13 win and Reg Jackson, Trevor Hancock and Alan Birch with a 26-15 win. We came away with 6 points each and lost the overall with 80-105.

Monday 6th March and the last game of the season for our Explorers and Pathfinders. Last year our Pathfinders won promotion to the Enterprise Division and to be fair found it difficult. Today they were playing to keep off the bottom and perhaps maintain their right to stay. Today they played St Louis Clingons looking for vital points. They fared very well winning 3 trips and a fighting chance to keep off the bottom. Winners were Hazel Towers, Trevor Stemp & Irene Magnam 19-12, Lorita and John Rae with Christine Bould 14-12, and Roger Stacey, Dave McGaw


El Rancho Bowls

On Monday the Pintos played their last match of the season at Quesada, against the Diamonds. We played some good bowls, but only came away with just one rink. Ann Abbott, Dave Haynes and Bob Day 9-26. Lesley Day, Sheila Cox and Marion Haynes 18-9. Dave Baker, Judy Foley and Ron Greenstreet 5-26. Ria Dukker, Malc Sykes and Diane Yates 17-23. Tony Abbott, Sheila Millward and Jim Eastwood 10-30. Wednesday found our rinks team playing host to BBB and had an enjoyable match despite losing the three rinks by varying degrees. Sheila Millward, Dave Haynes, Marion Haynes and Jim Eastwood 14-17. Bill Johnston, Frances Johnston, Judy Foley and Keith Longshaw (replaced by Ria Dukker) 10-22. Sheila Cox, Pam Harris, Brian Harris and Mike Cox 10-30.

On Friday the Mustangs were at La Siesta playing the Blues, a very strong wind was bringing dust of the very large building site, next door. Play was difficult, hence the large heads, but the wind became less strong for the last half giving one the impression of being in control of the bowls. But as always there was a jovial spirit along with a little disappointment, in coming away without a point, although two rinks werenít far away. Frances Johnston, Ron Greenstreet and Adrian Ham 1822. Lesley Day, Dave Haynes and Marion Haynes 17-25. Sheila Millward, Kev Henry and Jim Eastwood 14-22. Ann Abbott, Tony Abbott and Malc Sykes 4-27. Bill Johnston, Judy Foley and Bob Day 11-21.

Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho, for further membership information contact Sheila Cox at: micksheilacox@gmail.com.

and John Morgan 19-18.

Our Explorers have been in the top 2 for most of the season, and a good win today will be necessary to gain that top spot, they were at home to the San Miguel Orcas and gained a magnificent win of 10-2 points our winners read Kath Manning, Marilyn Fryatt & Peter Parsons, 21-15, Anne Stone, Carol Smith and Tom Spencer 21-17, Margaret MacLaughlin, Mick Smith & Mike Stone 22-11, Barbara Forshaw, Jim Reeves & Alex Whyte 19-12 plus 2 points for the overall shots of 96-80.

When the results became known they were what we hoped for our Explorers win the league by just 1 pt, but what a point and hopefully promotion. The Pathfinders are off the bottom, same points as La Siesta Apollos but a better shot difference. Friday 10th the Seagulls were at home to Vistabella Picadors and ended the season with a resounding win, Lorita & John Rae with Irene Mangan 19-11, Dave & Lesley Joynes with Len Daniels 1913, Trevor Stemp, Dave McGaw and John Morgan 21-16, Hazel Towers, Norman Ship & Garth Slater 21-13 Shots 89-76.

LA SIESTA BOWLS (Members Run Club)

Division (B) - The Golds travelled to San Miguel and were hosted by the Navajos, where we managed to win really well on one rink by; Tracey Paffett, Pauline & Lyndon Johnson (29-9) to collect 2 points but were unable to leave with anymore. Result 2-10 (70-91).

Division (C) - An away game for the Silvers, Vistabella was the venue playing the Conquistadors, which resulted in good wins on two of our rinks but lost on the others. The game ended 4-8 (Shots 80-98) with the winning teams being; Lesley & Wayne Howlett with David Whitworth (26-13). June Whitworth, Oyvind Lund & Peter Ayres (219).

Enterprise Division - The Apollos welcomed Country Bowls Flamingoís to La Siesta, some of the rinks went very close which resulted in a draw on one rink by Skip Harold Charletonís team and wins on two others to end 5-7 (Shots 71-94). Winning rinks from; Joy & Brian Gardiner with Jean Cooper (18-14). Joan Inns, Ann & Jim Taylor (14-11).

Discovery Division - It was an afternoon home game for the Pioneers playing Country Bowls Seahawks, which ended in a well-deserved draw by winning on three rinks but losing out on the overall (Shots 81-99) for the game to finish 6-6. Rinks won by; Mags Haines, Derek Barker & John Skipper (29-14). Judy Carroll, Irene Laverick & Alan Mawer (17-12). Ann & Robert Heath with David laverick (16-15).

Interested in joining La Siesta members run bowls club there is always plenty of social activities, which include Tenpin bowling & Minigolf evenings followed by a meal, George¥s Chicken and Egg every Wednesday 1.30 for 2pm, and Mike & Grahams roll up every Saturday 930 for 950 am. Just pop in or call the President George 865772498 who will be pleased to give you any further information you may require.


Vistabella Bowls Club

Week ending 11th March, Brian Zelin

Saturday 4th March, we held our 2nd weekend of Finals, Men's Pairs Champions, Freddie Willey & Gary Thorpe, Ladies Champions, Lynne Bishop & Maggie Furness.

Sunday 5th March, Mixed Trips Champions, Mo Foulcer, Maggie Furness, Martin Foulcer.

Monday 6th March, Albatrosses Division A, were at Home to Emerald Isle Titans, Winning on 4 Rinks plus Shots. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, Well done to the Albatrosses in Winning the Division for the 2nd year running.

Sue Kemp, Barbara Brown, Brian Zelin 19-14, Mo Foulcer, Maggie Furness, Eric Bishop 1814, Martin Foulcer, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 18-9, Geraldine Fisher, Arthur Brown, Gordon Fisher 18-11, Shots 82-66. Points 10-2.

Vistabella Drivers Division B, were at Home to Greenlands Chestnuts, Winning on only 1 Rink, Hillary James, Jeff Neve, Alan Bannister 14-11, Shots 60-88. Points 2-10.

Wednesday 8th March, Vistabella in the final Winter League Match were Away at Javea,

Winning on 2 Rinks Plus the Shots, This result means Vistabella finish Second in the Winter League, Sue Kemp, Alan Bannister, Arthur Brown, Brian Zelin 20-16, Freddie Willey, Geraldine Fisher, Alice Howe, Gordon Fisher 22-11, Shots 57-46. Points 6-2.

Friday 10th March, Vistabella Lanzadores Division A, were at Home to San Luis Lions, Winning on 4 Rinks plus the Shots, Martin Foulcer, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 22-14, Richard Lee, Maggie Furness, Eric Bishop 1715, Geraldine Fisher, Barbara Brown, Gordon Fisher 18-13, Lynne Bishop, Arthur Brown, Gary Thorpe 22-17, Shots 88-79. Points 10-2. Vistabella Picadors Division B, Were Away to La Marina Seagulls, Winning on just 1 Rink, Ron Smith, John Goddard, Alice Howe 23-9, Shots 76-89. Points 2-10.

Vistabella Conquistadors Division C, Were Away to Greenlands Elms, Winning on 4 Rinks plus the Shots, Julia Clarke, Peter Westwood, Sheila Westwood 29-6, Rosemarie Savage, Ken Savage, Keith Black 23-7, Peter Cadwell, John Ridley, Paul Durham 16-13, Sandra Templeton, Alan Gordon, Freddie Willey 18-15, Shots 100-70. Points 10-2.

It’s the last week of the LLB winter leagues and pride of place go to our Panthers team winning Division 3 of the Friday Southern League in style, going to the seconded place team San Luis Tigers and winning 8 to 4. Winning rinks were Dave Belton, Jim Rennie, Kevin Store 22 to 8, Val Lever, Allan Lever, Steve Wailes 20 to 9, Liz Mildon, Nick Mildon, Dean Webb 20 to 12, overall 92 to 65.

Meanwhile at a very windy Country Bowls, the Geckos entertained San Miguel Bulldogs and finished off the season with a fine win 10 points to 2, shots 88 to 53. Winning rinks were Barry Evans, Clive Hoyal, Graham Richardson 15 to 9, Sheila Whitehall, John Jukes. Ray Robson 19 to 11, Alison Robson, Linda Ponsford, Gary Ponsford 28 to 9, Del Gunning,

Derek Lewis, Peter Whitehall 13 to 9.

On Monday both teams travelled to La Siesta, Flamingos had the early game and recorded a good win in their last game, 7 points to 5, shots 94 to 71. Winning rinks were Sheena Mallet. Alan Miller, John Mallet 30 to 11, Clive Hoyal, Trish Dix, George Burrage 22 to 11

In the afternoon the Seahawks battled hard and managed a creditable draw 6 points each, shots 85 to 79, winning rinks were Sue Hudson, Del Gunning, Peter Whitehall 30 to 14, Ben Noke, Dave Belton, Ray Robson 21 to 13.

A good winter season for the club, 2 team were promoted last season, finishing midtable and Panthers win League, a great performance overall.

League Formatweek 10

Friendly Chicas9 - 13Tipsy Tigers

Dolly Mixtures7 - 14Ladybirds

Primadonnas10 - 12Gap Girlz

Wackey Allsorts9 - 14Friendly Temps


Gap Girlz10147


Tipsy Tigers10116


Friendly Temps10103

Friendly Chicas10102

Dolly Mixtures1090

Wackey Allsorts1079

In this week¥s featured match, Gap Girlz got a run for their money when they travelled away to face the San Miguel¥s Primadonnas. Atotal of 13 ton or ton pluses were hit, including a 3rd

San Luis Bowls

South Alicante League, Enterprise Div. (A); on Monday 6th the Klingons were home to La Marina Pathfinders. It was a close fought game right to the end; with the Klingons taking the shots 88-75, and sharing the points 6-6. Winners: Kath Reid, Caroline Smyth, Ian Kenyon 26-12, Giuseppe Galelli, June Jones, John Smyth 20-11.

Voyager Div. (C) Trekkers had already finished their league matches. Southern League (Div A) on Friday 10th, a very windy morning, the Lions were away at Vistabella v the

Greenlands Bowls

The final week of the season follows.

180 for Gap¥s Bliss Wright. The Primadonnas managed to get 10 legs from the league toppers, the closest score line yet. At Via Park III, local the derby of Macklin¥s Dolly Mixtures verses CK1 Ladybirds saw the birds get away with 14 legs, despite 3 new signings for the dwindling Dollies. The Tipsy Tigers clawed their way back to 3rd place with a reasonable win against the Friendly Chicas but bar-mates Friendly Temps slide into 5th place above their compatriots with a 14 ñ 9 rout at Wackey Allsorts latest venue, Jessie¥s bar.

HOTDARTS: Bliss Wright (GG) 180, Monique Edelenbos (FT) 177, 124, Tracey Simpson (TT) 140, Lynn Young (LB) 136, Donna Ralph (LB) 135, 117, Sharon Frain (PD) 130, 122, Diane Dane (PD) 125, 100 x2, Amanda Skinner (GG)) 125, 100, Lesley Justice (DM) 125, Gail Murray (GG) 121, 117,

Lanzadores. Unfortunately, although the shots were close; 79-88, it turned out to be a very tough day at the office, just taking 2 points-10.

Winning team: Neil & Sandra Burrows & Scott Malden 20-9.

(Div C) the Tigers also had a close battle at home with Country Bowls Panthers on a very blustery morning, with the wind changing direction & speed almost every end to make fools of us all. Shots were 65-92, points 4-

8. Winners: Jane Hamill, Cas Blay, Stewart Hamill 19-14, Kevin McKenna, Sheila Cammack & Vic (the magician) Mahomet 17-16. We finished our Club Championships this week. The Ladiesí& Menís

Monday The Maples entertained a strong Quesada team and in a close well fought battle the result was a 6-6 draw, shots 87 - 85 to Greenlands. Best rink J.Jukes, J.Taylor and P.Bonsonr

Next up the Chestnuts took on Vistabella, winning 10 - 2 and 88 - 60. Best rink

B.Tomli;,B.Ewart and T.Hodges.

On Wednesday the Warriors were away to San Miguel in the Winter League and although they put up a hard fight, they succumbed to a 2 -6 and 39- 69 loss. Best rink

D.Donovan,V.Duchart,P.Houghton and J.Hier.

Friday saw the Oaks entertain La Marina and put in a great performance winning by 12-0 and 113-66, a great finish to the season. Best rink D.Donovan,D.Toozer and P.Bonsor.

The Cedars visited Quesada and had a bad day resulting in a 1-11 and 64-120. Our drawn rink was J.Kocsis,B.Ewart and T.Hodges..

Last but not least The Elms entertained a strong Vistabella side and there was no lack of effort on their part, but it was not enough and the result was 2-10 to Vistabella, 70-100. Best rink R.Hudson,C.Tepleton and R.Farrington.

If you enjoy a mix of competitive and fun bowling in a friendly environment at a wonderful venue, why not give one of us a call? Also coaching available either groups or individual, by fully qualified coaches. Equipment available.

Pete Bonsor (Captain) 711 02 08 46 - Keith Stobbart (President) 693 06 53 55 - Chris Dewar, Match Secretary 698418987

Joes roll up every Saturday morning 10 for 10.30, entry fee 1 euro. fantastic prizes, nonmembers welcome, green fee 6 euros. This is a great social event each week, food and drink available after. Just turn up before 10.00am.

There is also an adventure golf course available for the Husband or wife and children whilst the partners are playing bowls just book at the bar.


Lesley Eagles (TT) 116, 100, Selma Dyer (DM) 115, Elizabeth Cowan (TT) 114, Sheelah Cooper (PD) 111, Sue Wade (FT) 110, Barbara Bryce (DM) 109, Chris Greenwood (WA) 105, Carol Hurley (PD) 102, Kirsty Green (LB) 101,

Diane Burns (DM) 100 x3, Ellie Attwood (FT) 100 x2, Chelsea Campbell (GG) 100, Angie Mullen (LB) 100.

HIGH CHECKOUT: Sharon Frain (PD) 89 (T19-16-D8)) 100

Singles Finals were played on Wednesday (8th) between Kath Reid and Sheila Cammack and by Ian Kenyon and Neil Morrison (the current champion). Both games were very competitive with both matches lasting more than 23 ends.

The Menís final was very close all the way through with Ian starting well but Neil winning 5 consecutive ends to lead 13-12 after 13 ends and 17-12 after 17 ends. Ian bowled some very good draw woods to finally win the match 21-20 picking a three up on the 24th end.

The Ladiesísingles was equally competitive with Kath winning 8 ends on the trot to reach 14-4 after 11 ends.

San Miguel Bowls -

Barry Jones

On Monday San Miguel Orcas were away to La Marin Explorers losing 2 - 10, 80-96. The winning triple were Bob Hanton, Pete Masters and Frank Scotthern 25-13.

On Wednesday San Miguel were home to Greenland Warriors in the final game of the Winter League, winning 6 - 2, 69-39. The best winning rink were Margaret Patterson, Raymond Farmer, Hank Van Essen and Gail Willshire 32-11.

On Friday all three teams were in action for the final game of the season, San Miguel Comanches were home to Emerald Isle Outlaws winning 10 - 2, 90-61. The best winning triple were Pat Staden, Gunnie Sigurdard and Alan Harris 20 - 6.

San Miguel Apaches were away to County Bowls Geckos, losing 2 - 10, 53-88. Best winning triple were Pat McEwan, Gail Willshire and Fred Willshire 15 - 13. Due to the severe windy conditions this game was not completed

On Friday afternoon San Miguel Navajos were

Sheila fought back to 11-19 but unfortunately couldnít pull back this deficit and Kath picked up the two she needed to run out the eventual winner.

Avery supportive crowd, bathing in lovely sunshine, enjoyed both matches. Thanks to Sandra & Neil for marking and Keith for organising all the competitions so efficiently. Report: KVJ & SAC.

To find out more about San Luis BC, come along to Oasis San Luis & talk to members; weíre a friendly bunch and thereís the possibility of finding a new interest and making new friends!

Sheila Cammack

home to Emerald Isle Claymores, where they had a resounding 12 - 0 win, 111-43. Their winning triple were Meg Brownlee, Tom Dalgleish and Eddie Cowan 26 - 5. This result made the Navajos Southern League, Division B Champions, Well done to Bob Donnelly and his team.

A reminder that the Wasps sessions take place Wednesdays 1.30pm for 2.00pm - 5 for an afternoon’s bowling with shoes and bowls available to borrow. Due to the popularity of the Wasps, first time bowlers are asked to attend an initial coaching session on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 1.45pm, by appointment ONLY. To book, please call Dave or Lynn Greenland on +34 667 207 508. We welcome all bowlers who would like to join San Miguel B.C. as we are a unique club we only pay owner fees and a club fee and NO LEAGUE RINK FEES.

For further information on San Miguel B.C please contact club secretary Barry Jones on 602 504 905 or club president Alan Campbell on 606 676 118

Dream CF A4-3 UDF Sax; CF Rafal 0-3 CF Sporting de San Fulgencio.

Valencia 2nd Regional Group 16: Santa Pola CF B 5-0 CF Sporting Popular Orihuela; Athletico Benejuzar A3-4 CD Horadada Thair A; CF United Elche A2-2 Bigastro CF. *Sunday's results round-up will be online at www.theleader.info

CF Sporting de San Fulgencio

San Fulgencio on tails of Pinoso and Torry in title race

CF Sporting de San Fulgencio (48 points) remain on the tails of leaders Pinoso CF A, 51 points, and SC Torrevieja 50 points, following a 3-0 away win at CF Rafal on Saturday.

CD Cox sit in 10th place with 26 points, after defeating lowly Racing San Miguel CF 2-0. Elche Dream Team CF Aand UDF Sax had a seven goals thriller, with Elche winning 4-3.

In the 2nd Regional Group 16, Santa Pola CF B shocked CF Sporting Orihuela Deportivo with a 5-0 thrashing. CD Horadada Thair 13th (18 points) bagged three points in a seven goals encounter at Benejuzar (14th) who have 18 points. Guardamar Soccer CD top the table on 56 points, ahead of Callosa Deportivo CF B (49), ahead of Sunday's fixtures.

Results. Valencia 1st Regional Group 8: CD Cox 2-0 Racing San Miguel; Elche

Carp-R-Us Spring Series

Round one of the Carp-R-Us Spring Series was fished on the Eden 3 stretch of the Rio Segura (upstream of the CV91 road bridge). Several members of the club had fished the stretch over the weekend and caught well and, with the weather predicted to be warm, a good days fishing was hoped for. However, neither the weather or the fishing turned out to be what was expected. Most of the day was overcast with a stiff breeze and the fish just didn’t seem to be interested in feeding. The winner of the match, it´s good to see he´s finally remembered how to catch fish, was Roy Dainty who had 4.94kg on pole and bread. Second, and continuing his good run, was John-Pierre van de Cruysson who managed 2.50kg on his ´winkle-picker´ and maggot. Third with a single carp of 2.12kg caught on feeder and bread was Graham Booth and fourth, again with a single fish was Jeremy Fardoe with 1.68kg.

Further information about the club can be found on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blance or its web www.carp-r-us.weebly.com

La Marina Golf Society

This week’s game was at the El Plantio Golf Course,unfortunately the course was not up to its usual high standard.Nevertheless,32 members of the La Marina Golf Society did their best to compete for the Helena & Paolo trophy.Whilst the weather was a little blustery at times,the sun did eventually make an appearance and made for a great day’s golfing.

Helena and Paolo are the proprietors of the Sports Complex and were also the day’s sponsors,and our after game refreshments were very much appreciated.

The winner of today’s event was Danny Divers with 42 points,in second place on count back with 41 points was Alan Janes,in third place was Jeff Wiszniewski also with 41 points.

Our nearest the pin winners were Kicki Modin for hole 7,Goran Egerstad for hole 9 and Gerry McCabe for hole 18.

The twos pot was shared between Goran Egerstad and Jimmy Scott. Well done to all of today’s winners.

Sunny Corner Golf Society

Good days golf at New Sierra. It was back to Tshirt weather ??

The winners were: Alan Picket & Tommy Rhedin blind pairs, Sue Ford added par 3s, Dessie Shirley longest drive, George Gun highest score of day Well done everyone.


Come and try Petanca at a great new venue with new friends.

Peacocks Petanca Club would love to see you for a fun game of Petanca at Westvilles Country Club.

No experience or equipment required,just come along and we'll help you all the way.

We meet at 10.30 on Monday mornings with food and drink available.

Peacocks have 3 teams entered for both the forthcoming summer Wednesday Sunshine, and Friday Las Salinas leagues.

For more information,please visit WESTVILLES on Facebook or www.westvilles.com or phone 966785651/666654202.

Westvilles are situated behind Guardamar park camping.


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