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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
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Vega Baja closes in on 200 Covid deaths oncern is growing in the Vega Baja after a further 21 deaths from coronavirus have been recorded in the region in the last 2 weeks, bringing the total to 193 since March.
virus in the Vega Baja, according to figures issued by the Ministry of Health.
municipalities of the Vega Baja rather more than the first.
Added to the 14 deaths that have been documented since Friday, November 27, the total in the region during the last two weeks has now reached 21.
They add that of the seven deaths that have occurred in the last three days, four have been in the Orihuela Health Department and three in Torrevieja.
In only the last three days there have been seven further deaths reported from the
The health authorities say that this second wave of the pandemic is now affecting the
Continued on Page 2
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Continued from Page One Covid deaths in the Vega Baja ADVERTISING SALES
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The region is now close to 200 deaths from the pandemic, recording a total of 193 since it began in March. Two of the recent deaths were in Orihuela and one each in the municipalities of Benejúzar, Cox, Pilar de la Horadada, Rojales and Torrevieja. In addition, both of the region’s health departments have reported 141 new cases in the last three days, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the Vega Baja to 8,071 since the pandemic began, 5,099 in the Orihuela Health Department and 2,972 in Torrevieja. In recent days, however, the pressure on our local Intensive Care Units has fallen, following the rebound that we recently saw in the Orihuela Health Department, that forced the authorities to impose additional restrictive measures. The Vega Baja Hospital was called upon to launch it’s contingency plan with a new floor for covid patients and an increase in the number of ICU beds with respirators, in addition which
it was required to move patients to other hospitals, due to saturation and a near healthcare collapse in the Oriolano hospital. However, in the last 14 days, a total of 270 new cases of coronavirus have been recorded in the Orihuela Health Department, which serves 18 municipalities in the interior of the Vega Baja, where 79 people have so far died from the virus. In the Torrevieja Health Department, 114 people have died since March and in the last two weeks 130 new cases of coronavirus have been reported, according to the Ministry of Health. But experts say that, despite their concerns, the situation is now improving in both Torrevieja and Orihuela where in the last 14 days both health authorities have shown a cumulative incidence of coronavirus cases below 100 per 100,000 inhabitants, the figure above which the authorities consider the situation worrisome. Orihuela currently has a cumulative incidence of 49, Torrevieja of 51. Nevertheless, given this data, the health authorities continue to emphasise the importance of them complying with health security measures to stop the pandemic spreading further.
Knitting for HELP VEGA BAJA HELP Vega Baja in San Miguel is a non-profit organisation whose sole aim is to help people of all ages in times of crisis. When Entre Naranjos resident, Michelle Edwards, heard that they were short of people to help knit warm blankets and clothes for the homeless she got straight onto the case and put the word out amongst the Entre Naranjos/Laguna Green urbanisation requesting residents to help knit for the needy. There were no shortage of volunteers and, over just a few short weeks, Michelle has been able to donate 17 blankets, over 15 pairs of mittons and scarves all in various thicknesses and colours, with lots more to follow. Such has been the interest and enthusiasm from the knitters that Michelle decided to get the knitters together once a week on a Tuesday afternoon at the local Laguna Tavern for a KNIT AND NATTER session where everyone can come along and help each other out with patterns and ideas for knitting and crocheting.
There is, of course, the odd occasional glass of wine that goes along with the knitting and nattering! To date there are currently 30+ knitters helping out to make a difference to the needy. There has also been a great deal of interest from those who cannot knit with over €100 donated for Michelle to buy wool and needles. HELP Vega Vaja have been delighted with the gifts which everyone hopes will keep the needy warm throughout the coming winter months. Well done to all the kind hearted people and don’t forget....... ‘KEEP ON KNITTING’.
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637 227 385
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Pilar de la Horadada distributes over 300,000 euros in shopping vouchers
here were long queues in Pilar de la Horadada on Thursday as residents stood in line, each waiting to receive a complimentary voucher valued at 30 euros to spend over the Christmas period in any one of the municipality’s shops, hospitality or commercial establishments that are supporting the campaign, the list of which will be published on the council website www.pilardelahoradada.org. The Councillor for Commerce, José Antonio Martínez, explained that, with this initiative, it is intended “to support local commerce by promoting spending in shops, services venues and hotels while allowing Pilarean families to save 30 euros on their local Christmas purchases”. The Council is distributing a total of 300,000 euros during the campaign by issuing 10,000 vouchers each worth 30 euros to promote local spending.
with their valid identity document, until December 16. Opening hours are 9am – 1pm and 4pm – 7pm. On Thursday, the first day of the council initiative, a council spokesman said that the uptake had been very brisk with many hundreds of residents already picking up their 30 euro voucher.
The measure is part of the Impulse Plan for Economic Reactivation that the PP government team has been carrying out in recent months aimed at families, companies and the self-employed, in order to reduce the economic and The vouchers are social impact that it is being caused by the current available to the 21,000 residents, of health crisis.
legal age, who were registered in Pilar de la Horadada prior to March 14
The vouchers, one per household, are available to the 21,000 residents of legal age, who were registered in Pilar de la Horadada prior to March 14, 2020, when the state of alarm began, and who are still registered in the town as of December 1. The council will issue one voucher to the first registered person of each address who physically attends the distribution point, located in the white marquee in the Andrés Murcia Viudas park,
The local council has provided 1.5 million euros for the plan aimed at the business fabric of the municipality. Among other measures aimed at improving the local economy, the City is going to distribute aid of half a million euros among locally self-employed, who may each request financial assistance of up to a thousand euros to alleviate the losses caused to their businesses by the state of alarm and enforced closure. In addition, the municipality will give each of the 400 municipal employees two vouchers for an amount of 25 euros, costing a further 10,000 euros, that can be exchanged until January 10 at any of the 150 bars, restaurants, shops and businesses that are part of the campaign.
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
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Elche nuns plunder Mula’s treasures Networks Theatre find it difficult to make plans
The nuns are being threatened wih prosecution unless they return the religious artefacts to Mula
heatre and live performance across the world is struggling to survive and so many venues have been closed down by the Corona restrictions. Networks Theatre in Orihuela city, is one such theatre. Back in March, and with only 3 weeks to production week they had to stop rehearsals for their musical Psychedelic Cool. Artistic Director Nick Moore said, "it was tough on everyone. The actors had dedicated so much time to rehearsing the show and to have it all taken away was a real blow. I received so many messages of disbelief that this was happening to everyone." The pandemic has scuppered both the theatre productions and the students educational work.
The Minimum number established by Pope Francis states that convents with less than five sisters must close and move to other convents so, a little over 18 months ago, when the number of nuns residing in the Monastery of La Encarnación in Mula, Murcia, fell to four, the residents were told to close the comment’s doors and move themselves to Elche.
Since their departure the monastery has remained empty so their claims that they took the items to Elche for safety would seem to be justified. However the Ministry of Culture, headed by Esperanza Moreno, has now announced that they will bring the nuns to justice if they do not return the pieces they removed.
However they took rather more than themselves, loading their removal lorries with dozens of religious pieces that Muleños' now claim are part of the town’s heritage and must be returned.
Two appeals made by the sisters against the decision have both been dismissed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the General Directorate of Cultural Assets, and with the October deadline now expired, it has now initiated criminal proceeding against the nuns, stating that there could be an offense against the Cultural Heritage law, which establishes that the transfer of catalogued pieces must be communicated to the competent authority.
Among the items moved to Elche is an ivory Christ, several sculptures of the Child Jesus (including one by Roque López, the Child of Health) and many valuable paintings including portraits of King Felipe V and the Queen María Luisa de Saboya, as well as many other religious-themed canvases.
The mayor of Mula, Juan Jesús Moreno, has said that "from the very beginning we have seen that there was no will on the part of the sisters to return the pieces, so we have no other option than to prosecute the sisters if we are to reclaim these important items that are part of our cultural heritage."
They also took with them the original reliquary de la Santa Espina, the container of the Holy Thorn, which contained the Lignum Cruci, a relic of the holy cross.
“We have offered secure storage with all the guarantees. We have a large area in the San Francisco Convent, headquarters of the City Museum be returned to Mula," he said.
Despite appeals they were unable to increase their numbers so the sisters packed their bags and moved to their new home.
Garden Felix: Nerine and Amarines Nerine and Amarines - known as Guernsey lily, Jersey lily or the Spider lily - the latter apt, due to their spidery like flowers.
des, from white, through pink onto crimson, and will provide you with a pop of colour in winter, flowering later in the year.
Often described as lilies, however they more resemble their relative the Amaryllis, with flowers ranging in sha-
Plant bulbs, either in a border or pot, in a well-drained site with full sunny south-facing wall, as a good summer
baking encourages plenty of flowers in the autumn.
Networks has been producing theatre in Orihuela since 1999 and they produce 6 shows a year, 3 of which are open to the public. Nick added "it's not only stopped our public shows, like our pantomime (we've produced one every year for the last 18 years,) but it's scuppered our educational work as we can't rehearse under current restrictions nor can we invite an audience into our studio theatre." It's hard to make plans at the moment as there's little news that allows them to make plans but they are ready to go with new shows once the conditions are right. "We'll be back, " said Nick "bigger and better than ever. What an emotional day that will be." You can sign up to Networks Theatre mailings by visiting their website www.networksthreatre.com
them. Water moderately in September and October, when the flower spikes begin to emerge.
Ensure the roots are spread out and only the bottom half of the bulbs are below the compost level, water well.
If there are no blooms in the first autumn, don’t worry as Nerines are notoriously shy and they will flower the following year.
Nerines hate disturbance, so once planted, try to avoid moving
After many years the bulbs will become
congested, but don't be tempted to divide them, as they flower much better when grown like this. From January to April feed them every two weeks, with a potassium-rich liquid feed, such as a tomato feed. Maintenance required is to remove spent flower heads and clear away the foliage, once it dies back.
637 227 385
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
The path to better footcare with Ruby’s Golden Feet
uby is a foot health care practitioner who has recently moved to Spain, establishing herself on the Orihuela Costa. She has been practicing for over 5 years, mostly dealing with home visits in the general area. Speaking to the Leader Ruby told me, “I really enjoy meeting people and building long term relationships. I visit my clients in the comfort of their own homes which can be especially useful to those without transport or the many people I meet who simply find it difficult to travel to a chiropodist.” Ruby can also treat people with diabetes and other health problems. She will treat you in the comfort of your home where she can trim and file nails, treat fungal nails, deal with corns and hard skin as well as painting your nails, purely for the ladies of course. She can provide you with a wide range of good quality polished and she will provide a relaxing massage at the end of the treatment leaving you all at ease and pampered.
Although many of Ruby’s clients are retired it is important that we take care of our feet, whatever our age. Poor foot health can impede work performance and even result in lost time from work. And with poor foot health, you’re less likely to engage in physical activity. The result is a higher risk of disease, such as heart disease and diabetes, reduced endurance and loss of muscle mass. It is particularly important that we also take good care of our feet in later life. It lowers our risk of having a fall and reduces our risk of infection, as well as relieving pain. So if you’re suffering from foot problems, or if you simply want to give your feet the treatment that they deserve, do not delay. Give Ruby a call today and get back on the road to recovery and to better foot healthcare. Your mobile Foot Healthcare Specialist. Call her now on +34 711 098 085 or email her at: rubi09@live.co.uk
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Work on Orihuela Costa sewage stations to prevent further spills
he Generalitat has earmarked 221,729 euros for the structural improvement works to the two wastewater pumping stations in Orihuela Costa with the aim of preventing more sewage leaks such as those seen on far too many occasions in recent years. Leaks and spills occur on a regular basis as anyone living in the vicinity of the two sewage plants will verify, particularly those close to Montezenia where the smell caused by the spills can be overpowering. In August 2019 who can forget the most infamous of them all when thousands of litres of raw sewage flooded the streets surrounding La Zenia and it’s blue flag beach. The sewage spilled onto the streets of the popular holiday hotspot running down Ctra de Villamartin before crossing the main N332 road into Av de la Playa, down the hill and then spewing across the seafront promenade and onto the beach which was packed with thousands of holidaymakers. Footage taken by shocked holidaymakers and expats, showed cars slowing down as they hit large puddles of sewage, excrement mixed with urine and water, on the main road and pedestrians trying to keep their distance as they walked along the pavement to avoid being splashed. That particular spill of an estimated 56,000 litres of raw sewage, which caused peak holiday season drama, was blamed on a broken pipe at the plant in Calle Lapislazull, near Zenia Boulevard shopping centre. The sanitation and purification system that services the Orihuela coastal area, that collects wastewater, drives it towards the Orihuela Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) which is situated in the agricultural land just south of the roundabout at Lomas de Cabo Roig. However, some of the pumping stations that make up the system are obsolete; they are facilities that are more than 30 years old, facilities that have seen little or no maintenance or improvement in their life-
The work is earmarked to take place on the wastewater pumping stations (EBAR) in Playa Flamenca, with an investment of 144,998 euros, and Horizonte, for 76,731 euros. The condition of both pumping stations is very poor with much of the pumping equipment badly corroded and completely inadequate to deal with the amount of sewage they are now being required to handle. Improvements to the sewage system has been one of the main demands of residents for many years due to the poor state of sanitation in the urbanisations of the Oriolano coast that, the population of which multiplies by four during the summer months.
Wastewater Treatment Plant at a cost of 6,663,111 euros. Coalition partners Ciudadanos blame the project delay on the fact that the Orihuela council is unable to designate suitable adjacent land, in a public green area, for the improvements to be carried out. It is now expected that once the problems are resolved, the works will go out to tender with a construction period of 15 months. A cyclist pedals through raw sewage in La Zenia village
As well as improvements to the pumping stations and their local networks the Valencian Comunidad gave authorisation in mid-2018 for the Public company ESPAR that deals with wastewater sanitation in the Valencian Community to contract works for the enlargement and upgrade of the
Last minute Xmas shopping
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Torrevieja ice rink open till 10 January Torrevieja has now got a fully functioning 700 square metre ice rink which is situated in the fairground along el paseo dique de Levante. It will be open over the Christmas and Three Kings periods through to 10 January from 12 noon until 10pm. The rink is a private initiative supported by the Torrevieja City Council Trade, Hospitality and Tourism, the Torrevieja Small and Medium sized Business Association and the Torrevieja y Comarca Hospitality Entrepreneurs Association. The rink is housed in a large marquee so as to prevent the ice sheet from being affected by the proximity of the sea. It has a skating surface of more than 500 square metres and there is also an area dedicated to the hire of skates.
More generosity from the Rendezvous Club
Orihuela councillors for the Coast and Infrastructure at the scene of the 2019 sewage spill. I ro n i ca l l y, the sign on the right says “do not leave waste behind.” time.
Christmas Carols in Pilar de la Horadada
If you are as well organised as me you will still be thinking about your Christmas shopping! But don’t despair as you can still get down to the new British Moncayo Market on Thursday on the Lemon Tree Road. An enjoyable retail village with quality products from established professionals. Last market 17 December, resumes 7 January
For the very first time the Royal British Legion Concert Band will be playing Christmas Carols in the main square, by the church Nuestra Señora, in Pilar de la Horadada. The concert will take place on Saturday December 19th.at 12.30 pm. Everybody is welcome.'
Christmas good will was again demonstrated by the Rendezvous Club, who meet every Thursday in the Emerald Isle, with their latest donation to Reach Out where they donated a Christmas parcel for every one of the 47 Families supported by the Torrevieja charity, containing something for all the children and parents. They Club has been supporting Reach Out all year and regularly provide donations, both financial and for the shop. The gifts will be delivered to the children in time for Christmas making it just a little better for many of the families that would normally have so little to celebrate.
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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
637 227 385
Region of Murcia lifts restrictions for it’s 43 municipalities Region of Murcia lifts restrictions in 43 municipalities The interior opening of bars and travel is allowed once again, except in Torre Pacheco and Los Alcázares The external border closure will remain for now, at least until three kings, with entry and exit only permitted for essential reasons, except on the designated days. Good news at last for the people of Murcia and in particular the hostelry sector as the regional government announced on Monday that travel between most towns in the region is once again allowed as is also the internal reopening of bars and restaurants in the Region which are once again allowed to serve food inside. Only Los Alcázares and Torre Pacheco are not included in the easing of restrictions, due to the high incidence of the coronavirus and because they are still at high levels of risk. The decision will be reviewed his coming Wednesday. In relation to bars and restaurants, the Minister of Health, Manuel Villegas, explained that the capacity is limited to between 30% and 75% percent, depending on the incidence rate of the virus in each of the municipalities. However, bars and restaurants in both Torre Pacheco and Los Alcazares are permitted to re-open their external terraces to 75% of capacity, but may not serve food or drinks inside for the moment. In the 8 municipalities at low risk of transmission (Beniel, Abarán, Bullas, Mula, Librilla, Lorquí, Ojós and
Orihuela Council modifies use of sports land to build more houses in Orihuela Costa The Orihuela City Council has issued an environmental report modifying the partial plan in Orihuela Costa by which a privately endowed plot of land dedicated for sports use is changed, allowing it now
Campos del Río), bars and restaurants are allowed an interior capacity of 75 percent , and one hundred per hundred of the occupation in terraces, as well as the bar service.
Cancer charity still hard at work Despite the wretched Covid virus that we are all having to endure, the AACC volunteers are still working hard to raise much needed funds to help in the fight against cancer and also to raise the awareness for early detection, as we all know it can save lives. Like all other charities the AACC have struggled to raise funds but recently they have been involved in a few events. In October, to mark International Breast Cancer Awareness the charity raised €2000 thanks to Zenia Boulevard which contributed a percentage of their customer’s receipts. Their assistance once again proved invaluable. Colin Philpot, a valued member of staff at CK1 Via Park 3, personally raised €901.60 by abstaining from alcohol and staying Sober for October, €200
U3a recruiting members for cycling group
Lifting restrictions is a huge boost to local commerce
For the 22 municipalities with the medium and high alert level (including Lorca, Cartagena and Murcia), an indoor capacity of 50 percent and the use of the terraces in full is allowed. As for shops, the limited capacity will continue to be half of its capacity, and for outdoor markets 75 percent while for indoor markets it will be 50 percent. For the remaining 13 municipalities with a very high level of transmission, (including Totana, Yecla and Jumilla), hoteliers are prohibited from serving in bars but are able to open the interior up to 30 percent, and also one hundred percent on their terraces. In Torre Pacheco and Los Alcázares, the interiors of the hotel and restaurant sector will remain closed, but terraces may open. The regional president described the reduction in restrictions as "good news that will allow us to experience Christmas with fewer restrictions, especially on the most important days, but people must be aware that they
to be used to build more properties. The plot has an area of 10,524 square meters with capacity for 35 homes. The developer, Santa Cruz Urbana, which owns the land in the partial plan of Sector 0-1 of Las Filipinas, says that since the plot was set aside in the General Plan (PGOU) reserving the area for private sports facilities, almost three decades ago, “there has still been no development, despite the passing years and despite also, the period of real estate expansion." As a result of its abandonment, the site, they say, is now being used for uncon-
involve a greater degree of responsibility for everyone." He said that "the measures that we adopted have paid off, and today we have the lowest incidence rates in the entire peninsula." "The incidence has dropped by 75 percent in three weeks and we are now back at July levels in terms of the number of cases. The pressure has dropped and the number of infections have also fallen, but it is essential that we remember today that we have not finished with the virus and that the pandemic is still there.
trolled dumping of rubbish and debris, which the owner has to periodically remove. The plot is surrounded by more houses and the tertiary zone of "Tiro al Pichón", in Las Filipinas. Among the signatories making the application, is the architect Javier Mora, a Ciudadanos councillor in the small municipality of Granja de Rocamora. He explained that the Valencian Urban Planning Law (LOTUP) contains an option to reclassify such land if they remain undeveloped.
was donated to Macmillan nurses in the UK and €701.60 to Maria and the Pink Ladies, well done Colin and CK1. The Local Bar at La Florida held a Christmas Fayre on Friday December 4th on behalf of Maria and the Pink Ladies, where there was an array of Christmas stalls and live entertainment, and €480 was raised on the day even though the weather wasn´t very kind. All of these funds will be passed directly to the AACC to help in the fight against cancer. The office has remained open most of the time as they continue to arrange early detection appointments for the people of the local area either. Should you wish to take advantage of this very important service you can call 965 32 9841, email info@pinkladies.es or visit the web site at www.pinkladies.es The office at Playa Flamenca is now closed for the festive season and will reopen Monday 11th January 2021 but you can still arrange early detection appointments during this period via the appointments page on the web site.
The plot was set aside 30 years ago Archive image
Despite all the problems at the present time besetting the world with Covid 19, etc., several activity groups within the Torrevieja U3A are still managing to run their activities for the members. Petanca, Cribbage and Padel are amongst those groups still operating. The Social Cycling group is re-grouping In order to try and attract more members. After 5 years of regular cycling activities they are attempting to open up to new cyclists. At the moment they ride every Wednesday from different starting points around the Torrevieja U3A area. Usually the rides are between 20Km and 30Km.However, from now on every other week the rides will be less than 16Km (10 miles) in the hope of attracting more of our many members to join them. They are open to all types of bike, e-bikers are a growing part of their group and are very welcome. Anyone interested in taking part should be, or become, a member of the Torrevieja U3A. Details of how to join can be found on our website torreviejau3a.org. Barry Weston
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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
he Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has said today that he will increase the Christmas restrictions if the pandemic data worsens in the coming weeks following the Constitution bank holiday. "If the development is not positive, the measures will be tightened up," Illa said during the presentation of the Government's Christmas advertising campaign last week. He said that that the measures that the Ministry of Health and the communities agreed last Wednesday are "already drastic" because they prevent movement between regions "except when travelling to be with relatives and friends" also adding that the Communities have room to add even more restrictions . “If the measures that we have agreed upon are complied with and the wearing of masks, social distancing and hand hygiene recommendations are respected, the situation should go well. But if these measures are not adhered to, there will be more cases, more admissions to the ICU and more deaths,� he warned. The minister also advised that people should go to parks if they wish to walk or to exercise, instead of enclosed places, and if they want to pass on their best wishes over Christmas they should contact family and friends by video calls, instead of in person.
that will allow members of the public to test themselves for coronavirus. These tests, Illa stressed, are endorsed by the European Union, but "they are not absolute, nor are they a security passport, but a photo of the moment."
The minister said that if the siuation deteriorates he will tighten up preventative measures
The general director of Public Health, Pilar Aparicio, explained that anyone who performs a self-diagnostic test who then records a positive result must confirm it with a PCR test arranged in a health centre.
"I cannot put a policeman in every house," he said. "The great weapon that Spanish society has is the awareness that it has demonstrated over the last nine months."
The President of HELP Murcia Mar Menor, Christine Baillie has donated 20 tablets to local schools.
Illa confirmed that half of the population will be vaccinated against the coronavirus before the summer and he also guaranteed the safety of the vaccines, "endorsed by the European regulatory framework, which is very rigorous." "Not a millimetre of security has been sacrificed," he reiterated.
The tablets will be used to help students who do not have their own home computers or tablets and are suffering from the digital divide when they need to distance learn especially during these days of Covic 19 and the restrictions that the virus is putting on the local population.
In order to convince the 55% of Spaniards that, according to the latest survey by the Sociological Research Centre (CIS), are reluctant to be immunised, Illa has said that the Government is going to tell "the complete truth" about vaccines, appealing as he did so to all health and care workers to get vaccinated themselves so that they can help to raise awareness among the public. Finally the minister requested "caution" regarding the self-diagnostic antibody tests that will begin to be sold this week in pharmacies, and
The mayor was very interested in the Charity and asked about it`s fund raising activities and who benefits
from it`s donations. He was very appreciative of HELP asking the Town Hall if it could help the students of the local schools in the area. Also present at the presentation were Marina Gema Garate Perez, Councilor for Education, Health and Heritage and Joanne Scott the Foreigners Representative PSOE executive who assisted HELP in negotiating with the Town Hall. For more information about HELP during the restrictions please call at our Outlet in the Oasis Bolivar, Los Alcazares.
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Why do women go to the washroom in pairs?
t is true that your average pub is a microcosm of life; from changing attitudes and fashions, customs of the locality, a barometer of the economy and you can meet sports buffs, bar-room lawyers, and stand-up comedians - barely able to stand; and watch a dating venue in progress. You can observe all of life passing by a bar counter – especially from the inside. I have learned much in bars, hotels and clubs over the years, but my observations have also unearthed the odd puzzle it has failed me to find an answer to. There is one mystery in particular that if some knowledgeable reader can again stump up with an answer, well then this column may well have solved the eighth wonder of the world. We shall come back to the six-mark ceist in a moment. First of all, let us get the obvious out of the way; there is a difference between men and women!! Neither gender superior to the other, we hasten to add – just different! So, viva le difference! You can therefore take it that nobody has to shout at the last user for leaving the toilet seat up at the location of this week’s piece of ground-breaking investigative journalism. So, let’s cut right to the chase – and you will see the word ‘chase’ used again further down. Surely one of the greatest mysteries of human kind is why do ladies have to go to the bathroom together? A lone woman heading off to powder her nose without back-up is as scarce as a hypochondriac at a Covid confraternity. The sisters will invite each other to go with them; pairs, threes and often the whole table – the entire shebang will head off as one. In all honesty now, have you ever heard a guy in the bar turn to his male buddy and ask are you going to the washroom? No, we men go when we have to perform a necessary bodily function: We don’t announce it beforehand and when we do get in there we don’t spend so long in it that someone at the table is wondering if they said something wrong. Men don’t divulge intimate little tit-bits about themselves while straightening their trousers or washing the hands. Not only do the sisters go to the toilet in pairs, but why do they have to go so often and what are they really at in there? Years ago at dances, I could see the reasoning behind the ladies rush to the washroom, (escape!) but there is no excuse for spending half the night in there now. In the bad old days for the girls, they lined up on one side of the hall with us young bucks on the other side. There we were, eyeing up the most perfect specimens of womanhood. The signal for our charge across the dance floor was the band
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leader’s announcement of the next dance. A slow-foxtrot or a slow waltz would be the preferred choice getting on in the night. Sometimes the unexpected would happen; the band might call for a Siege of Ennis. Then simultaneously as we rushed the line of women the line broke as at least half our first choices went into full retreat and charged into the ladies washroom – the only safe place for a woman. How can 50 women fit into a 5’x4’ toilet; that thought strikes me now … but they did! No doubt, self-preservation being the strongest instinct – anything is possible. But back to the big burning question as to why, in this more enlightened age, do the ladies still chose to go to the washroom in pairs or groups. Am I right or am I wrong? All we want is an answer here. Anybody who hasn’t noticed this difference between men and women can go and check it out for themselves. Lord, lads, could it be that the sisters retreat to the washroom to regroup and talk about the poor ‘divels’ outside in the bar? Or maybe they only ask each other how they look? Questions can be asked in there - even off total strangers that could never be brought up in conversation anywhere else. Lads, can you imagine asking the guy working the urinal beside you as to how your hair looks; or where did he come across that gorgeous pair of shoes? No way!
One of the greatest mysteries of human kind is why do ladies have to go to the bathroom together? women are always telling me that they are better at multi-tasking than we are. Hoteliers and publicans are as never before facilitating this habit by lavishly furnishing their ladies washrooms like French Boudoirs. This shows how much time the sisters are prepared to spend in there. Don’t get me wrong, this column is not objecting - we would just like to know what’s going on!? Don’t Forget.
We men adhere to a strict, unwritten code of ethics when we visit the men’s room. For a start, when we are going for a pee we don’t ask another guy to come with us. We don’t make eye-contact, socially converse – other than about the match on TV while we are in there and we don’t hang around after the job is done.
Most women have a terrible memory – they remember everything!
Above all, we never glance near anyone doing his business, as we pretend to read something on the wall – even a blank wall. Our mission is to get in, get the job done and get out. Unlike the sisters we don’t turn our place into a telephone exchange either.
*Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca.
It has just occurred to me that perhaps the clever girls head off in groups so that there is none left behind to talk about the others when they’re gone? A lot of stuff must go on in there, lads, because the
Little Pod Association, SUPPORT LOCAL!!! 13th and 20th December. While here pop into one of the many restaurants for a Sunday Lunch, some great deals going here!!!
Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from either Spanish Solutions or ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
637 227 385
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Guardamar artist Faycal inspired by Flamenco culture Amata’s Virtual Craft Village By Andrew Atkinson Guardamar artist Faycal has been inspired by the Flamenco Spanish culture that has seen the family man of three young children looking to exhibit paintings in Spain in the new year. "I came to Spain with my small family with the purpose to settle and empower my love of painting," Faycal told The Leader. "I got fascinated with the Flamenco culture that inspired me to the point I produced a lot of paintings. I am passionate about the culture," said Faycal. Faycal, 42, raised in Casablanca, Morocco, said: "In my early youth I was inspired by the Dutch artist Robert G. His magical paintings caught my imagination. "Since then I know this is what I have
always wanted to be, an artist. I devoted all my time to learn and improve my art skills.
Faycal, who produces a plethora of art of different types, including oils on canvas, said: "When I first started I used to prefer water paint based art, because it suits my way of painting, that depend on spontaneous quick-hits." Heading into 2021, Faycal has ambitions to stage exhibitions for Seven Spanish Angels his work: "I am ambitious to participate and expose all my paintings to art," said Faycal. a big number of people in Art exhibitions. *If you are interested in exhibiting Faycal's "I want to showcase the best of my paintings paintings please contact The Leader for and integrate more in the Spanish culture of details. Torrevieja’s Cruz Roja, who are directly in touch with dozens of families.
For the third year running local Masonic Lodges and their supporters stuffed shoeboxes full of toys to brighten up Christmas for those most in need of cheering up over the festive season.
Freddie continued, “This year it was not possible for us to do our usual fundraising due to the crisis and so we’d like to give a huge word of thanks to Salvador Artesano Torrevieja, the staff of Anti-Crisis Torrevieja, Quesada Ladies Club, the members of Caledonia Lodge 68, La Siesta Lodge 79, Torrevieja Installed Master 108 plus the dozens of anonymous donations.”
This year they presented the shoeboxes to
This year many Christmas Fairs have been cancelled and that is why the artisans of craft association Amata have decided to set up several virtual craft fairs.
"It is really fascinating me and gives the meaning of happiness."
Local Lodges give shoeboxes to Cruz Roja Organised by Freddie and Carol Samrai, the couple worked their magic to make this year’s ‘Christmas Shoebox Drive’ yet another success to put a few more smiles on the faces of more than a hundred local underprivileged children.
ready for Christmas
Freddie and Carol said, “This year has been very difficult for many of us but again, good friends, with very big hearts, helped us fill more than 100 boxes with Christmas gifts.”
This year’s presentation was attended by Torrevieja’s Councillor for Foreign Residents, Gitte Lund Thomsen, from Cruz
Roja, plus representatives of the Lodges. For more information on local Masonic lodges please contact Freddie, 661 126 359.
Some months ago, Amata created www.puebloartesano.es, a Virtual Craft Village where you can watch the artisans at work and buy their products. Now the Village also offers 4 small craft fairs of 10 different stalls each. Here the artisans show (and sell!) a wide choice of original Christmas presents, and of course, all hand made! And when you cannot find what you are looking for, there is still time to place a special order, because they really enjoy making something more personal! On the 1st of December 10 more stalls joined the ones already there, adding to the wide choice items of carved wood, pottery and ceramics, cushions and opera bags, 3D caricatures, string puppets, leather bags and jewelry made of silver, aluminium, natural seeds, ceramics or leather. You can visit the four virtual fairs at https://www.puebloartesano.es/ferias-virtuales.html. Afterwards you can take a virtual stroll through the rest of the village, as there is so much to see and do.
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 844
Showdown (13)
Disparage (8)
Crockery (4)
Alcove (6)
Showy (6)
Intelligent (6)
Bully (6)
Fight (4)
Despondently (8)
Perfidy (13)
CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 21.
Predict (8) Function (6) Plunder (4) Force (8) Daze (6) Station (4) Contend (8) Unblemished (8) Truth (6) Advent (6) Climax (4) Dispossess (4)
QUICK ACROSS: 1 Pang; 8 Receptacle; 9 Hoodwink; 10 Pawn; 12 Divine; 14 Nobody; 15 Pilfer; 17 Please; 18 Anon; 19 Pinafore; 21 Initialise; 22 Tidy. DOWN: 2 Admonition; 3 Grid; 4 Scribe; 5 Spoken; 6 Palpable; 7 Keen; 11 Widespread; 13 Infinity; 16 Repeal; 17 Pundit; 18 Avid; 20 Fret. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Brie; 8 Propaganda; 9 Bakewell; 10 Arch; 12 Amoral; 14 Toucan; 15 Briefs; 17 Attain; 18 Slip; 19 Norseman; 21 Displaying; 22 Over. DOWN: 2 Red Admiral; 3 Epee; 4 Do well; 5 Varlet; 6 Paraquat; 7 Rash; 11 Charitable; 13 Reed pipe; 16 Sandal; 17 Adroit; 18 Side; 20 Ergo.
They could produce caustic art, sir (13)
Near site that could be used for apprentices (8)
Deck labourer kept at arm's length (4)
10. Craftily manipulate the western viewpoint (6) 12. Wish to insert a title in incomplete document (6) 14. Attacked by gangster and delayed (4,2) 16. About a badly aimed shot showing negligence (6) 18. See 3 Down. 20. An upright post provides the criterion (8) 22. Bookkeeper's office (13)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. What's the biggest animal in the world? 2. Put the following Kardashian-Jenners in order of age, oldest to youngest: Khloe, Kylie, Rob, Kourtney, Kendall, Kim, Kris 3. How many times has Andy Murray won Wimbledon playing singles? 4. Which country is brie cheese originally from? 5. In what franchise would you find the character Katniss Everdeen? 6. What year was Heinz established? 7. At the time of writing (May 2020), who is fifth in line to the British throne? 8. What is the capital of Iceland? 9. Who came second in the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2019? 10. What year did Margaret Thatcher die? 11. What does IPA stand for? 12. Who painted the Mona Lisa? 13. Which planet is closest to the sun? 14. What is Queen Elizabeth II's surname? 15. Who plays Delboy Trotter in Only Fools And Horses?
DOWN 1. Bearing required for a piece of rolling-stock (8) 2. One threatened with it, may go into it (6) 3 and 18Ac. Stop Press: X involved in Wales disorder (4,4) 4. One who has little backing, but he hasn't been taken in (8) 5. Spectacles essential for marksmen (6) 6. It's crazy, when upset, to cause stupefaction (4) 11. This results in a picture of shelterless state (8) 13. Check about nervous tension (8) 15. Five hundred trees transplanted in wasteland (6) 17. Unassuming street fronted by a certain style (6) 19. Send out when sentence is up (4) 21. Nurse in Malaya Hospital (4)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) 16. What is the largest country in the world? 17. Which fashion designer reportedly had a relationship with Winston Churchill? 18. How many valves does the heart have? 19. What is the name of the school in Sex Education? 20. In Harry Potter, what is the name of The Weasley's house? 21. Put these Tom Hanks films in chronological order: Catch Me If You Can, Forrest Gump, The Terminal, Bridge Of Spies 22. Typically, what four ingredients go into a cosmopolitan cocktail? 23. Who has been the First Minister of Wales since December 2018? 24. Which city had the first ever fashion week? 25. What nut is in the middle of a Ferrero Rocher? 25. What's a baby rabbit called? 27. How many minutes in a game of rugby league? 28. Typically, what's the strongest muscle in the human body? 29. Name one landlocked country in Europe 30. Who did Anne Hathaway play in Les Miserables?
637 227 385
Christmas in San Fulgencio
The Municipal Nativity
he Municipal Nativity Scene has been installed in the Plaza de la Constitución and is now open to the public. Admission is free and well worth a visit. The council has also published their program of Christmas activities which includes a video call for children with the Three Kings The mayor, José Sampere, said that the events "are necessary to encourage everyone after a few very hard months and to preserve the illusion for children on these special days." Youngsters wishing to speak to to the Three Kings can do so for about ten minutes by entering the code given to them at school, together with the preferred times, onto the webpage http://vienenlosreyesmagos.com/san-
fulgencio from where they will also be able to send a letter. Calls can take place between 18 – 25 December. The cultural events themselves will take place in the the Cardenal Belluga theater, where a traditional Christmas concert will take place by the San Fulgencio Musical Union on the morning of Saturday, December 26 from 12:00 hours, followed by a concert by the singer Gisela, scheduled for Sunday December 27 at 5:00 pm, where the children can enjoy their favourite children's songs live. Tickets to all shows are free, more information about which can be found on the municipal Facebook page or website.
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Final farewell to Gary Lowe By Andrew Atkinson Final farewells have been made to Gary Lowe in respect to the former football player and manager, who died following a heart attack in Spain on October 23, aged 61. "Fifty people paid their respects to Gary in Spain, whose funeral was at 11.30am on December 4 in the UK. It was a really good turn out," pal and fellow Mancunian Rob Ratcliffe, amongst mourners who gathered at the La Hacienda bar in Lo Crispin, told The Leader. "A plaque is on the wall in tribute to Gary and also a defibrillator that is in situ in the Hacienda bar," said Rob. Former Curzon Ashton and Hyde United manager Gary was at Curzon for 11 years taking the club to the semi-finals of the FA Vase and victory against Exeter City in the first round of the FA Cup. The funeral started at Curzon Ashton FC and his cortege stopped at a statue outside the club. A poem was read out at the funeral by Gary's son Benito at Dukinfield Crematorium. “Gary will be missed for all those football memories but also by many, myself included, as a friend,” said Harry Twamley, finance director and former chairman at Curzon Ashton. “Gary was full of life and his personality was such that when he came into a room you knew he was there. “He exuded confidence in the nicest way and cared about people and he would help them personally. “Gary was a great all-round bloke, and it was great to be in his company," he added. Gary was the son of the late Doug Lowe, a former Ashton councillor, and a former pupil at Ashton Grammar School. Gary signed for Crystal Palace, aged 17, and spent two years at The Eagles. After departing Palace, midfielder Gary was signed by Manchester City manager Malcolm Allison.
Gary Lowe (left) with friends at the Hacienda bar. bar.
Gary also had spells at Hereford United and Cheltenham Town and played non-league at Stalybridge Celtic and Hyde United. Gary who began his managerial career at Woodley Sports, was appointed Hyde manager in 2011, returning to Hyde at the end of the 2014-15 season. During his time at the club Gary led Hyde to the National League North title. Gary, who emigrated to Spain in recent years, leaves son Benito, a semi-pro footballer, and step-daughter Zoey, who gave birth to his first grandchild Gio, a week prior to his passing. Gary had met Gio on Facebook, during a video chat.
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja Evangelical non-denominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. www.icatorrevieja.org
CHURCHES AND SERVICES La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15 am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org SALT CHURCH (formally
Torrevieja Christian Fellowship) Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, Polígono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. Sunday Service 10.30 am. Wednesday Bible study 6.00 pm. We are a lively, friendly church and look forward to meeting you. (Covid-19 aware) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 648 914 347
The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2017 Ford Ecosport petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 15,500 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN
SOCIAL AND CLUBS The Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch has put future meetings on hold because of the current Covid situation in accordance with advice receiived from the Generalitat. They will return in January on the 3rd Thursday evening. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99. The Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis start-
ing at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be ex-services. For more infor please contact:gill.burden20@gmail.com Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or email: davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la
637 227 385
Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966 71 6274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. Royal Air Force Association Costa Blanca Branch.The association supports the welfare needs of ex-members of the RAF and their dependents. Due to covid-19 restrictions we cannot hold General Meetings at the moment however, we were able to comply with regulations and hold a Battle of Britain Service and a Dinner Dance (without dancing)! We also provide a social hub for members and hold lunches every month. To fund Welfare we raise money through the Wings Appeal. To find out more contact Chairman Tony at tony.elaine.cuenta@gmail.com . For Welfare contact David on 615 048 892. For general information on RAFA visit www.rafa.org.uk. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentrehelpathomecb @gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the
Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits @outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, is currently closed. We hope to reopen in January when we can offer you a full range of activities Info at: oc.communitycare @gmail.com
PERSONAL Sexy, elegant, mature, pretty, and naughty lady will visit you at home or in a hotel. Costa Blanca South. Email me at the address: dialadatemate@yahoo.com Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Blonde, mature, 56, Torrevieja. Attractive. Erotic massage. Call 634 300 074 Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708
637 227 385
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
The Rubbish Fire
637 227 385
There had been eight people in the minicab office, and they had opened the windows as they screamed for help.
By Percy Chattey he World has come a long way in such a short time. Before the Second World War every one stayed at home as there were very few places to go – Lockdown did not come into it.
would visit them.
The importance of the motor car has grown out of all proportion from little run arounds to the SUV’s we see today on every road.
The internal office phone beside our bed started to ring at 2.15 am. Fred was telling me that there had been a serious fire in Hackney and people were injured.
Families used to have two bikes, a ladies and a gents, now they have two gleaming giants sitting on their drive, or in the garage, and one of them probably has very little use. It would be more economical for family finances to sell one and use taxi’s when needed.
It was late one night, Jean and I had gone to bed leaving Fred our Ilford Manager and one of our first employees, working on control to direct the cars.
It was a relief to be told that it was this other office, not ours. Not knowing at that time, the full horror of what had taken place. We later learned that Harry and two other drivers had gone there to celebrate someone's birthday
It was in the nineteen sixties that ‘Minicabs’ as By the time we got there ourselves the fire was opposed to Taxi’s, became a bye word for an almost under control with smoke pouring from the easy quick and a low cost way of getting about. upper floor windows where the minicab office We were lucky to have owned such a firm in was. It was obvious the building was gutted. Ilford in what is now Greater London, we also As we arrived the last of the ambulances was takhad an office in Hackney running a twenty four away public a badly burnt corpse in a body bag. We It was in the early sixties. in ing a small hour service from both. stoodinin shock, looking at this extraordinary house scene, trying to keep out of the way of the fire Mortehoe, North fighters. Devon. Water flooded the pavement, pouring from the building with thick hose pipes lying and shuddering across the wet ground, still pumping liquid from the four red fire engines pulled up at odd angles near to the burning building. A horrendous sight with the orange glow of the streetlights reflecting off the wet pavement in the dark of the night with flames still writhing and trouncing around inside the building, reflected from other widows in the street, fire fighters in their face mask, helmets and orange apparel moving around in some form of mortality dance. We had competitors and one of these was on the top floor of a semi derelict building in High Street, Honiton, not very far from Hackney. Harry, a lovely, friendly, down to earth guy, managed our Hackney branch and knew the people who had opened this office, and sometimes he
There had been eight people in the minicab office, and they had opened the windows as they screamed for help. The fire had started from the ground floor, roaring up the stairs and through the room, killing all the inhabitants. One person had tried to escape by jumping out of
the window but was dead when he hit the pavement. The police, when they knew who we were, asked us if we would identify the bodies. We followed them to a scout’s hut close by where all eight had been laid out in open body bags, but they were too badly burned to be able to recognise any of them. It was a horrible sight something I have no desire to repeat, and we left without being of any help in their work of recognition. Harry was identified later by a ring on a finger he had recently bought. One of the drivers should have finished his shift at midnight. His wife was phoning frequently asking where he was. It was early morning, and light was just breaking in the East when we arrived at her house. The door opened very quickly, the lady stood there in a pink dressing gown, tousled blond hair and a look of sheer terror on her face. She felt something bad had happened and started to scream, collapsing on the floor. The noise woke the two young children who started crying from somewhere deep inside the dark property.
Other friends arrived to look after her and it was time for us to leave. We learned that her parents were on holiday in a caravan near Southend which was about thirty miles away, but there was no way she could get in touch with them. Jean and I drove to Southend to find this caravan, on a caravan park, to give the parents the bad news. The funeral cortège was very long as there were many drivers who wanted to show their respect, and they used their cars to do so. One report said the line of cars stretched for two miles along the main road from the City of London Cemetery in Manor Park, East London. One reason so many drivers attended was because all the newspapers had fuelled a war between the taxi and minicab owners. It had even been a taxi driver who had reported the fire in the first instance, from where it had started in the unused shop, the ground floor of which was full of discarded rubbish. Beware Rubbish and Fire! www.percychatteybooks.com www.fuentelargo.com
637 227 385
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
San Luis Bowls Club
Members Run Club by Alan Carr by Irene Everett
During this period that all League games have been cancelled, La Siesta have kept themselves busy by having Internal games played by members on various days of each week. The most recent Competition being the Christmas Hamper which run for about 9 weeks on a Thursday which just ended with all playing members receiving a hamper. Congratulations to the winning team; Joy Gardiner, Tricia Reilly, Robert Heath & Brian Fraser.
Lots of excellent bowling taking place despite the loss of the leagues. Under strict sanitation procedures our members are enjoying internal leagues on Mondays and Wednesdays with Vic's hamper running every Saturday morning. Our Australian pairs league game just managed to finish before we had the unusual event of hailstones. An excellent meal was enjoyed by members before the snowbirds left for England and we wish them well and a speedy return.
Whilst no official games are being played La Siesta will be continuing with club Internal games which include rollups on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays with Chicken & Egg on Wednesdays 1.30 for 2pm.
A number of new members have joined the club and are now settled into the club.
Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club
day. For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or
email us at info@montemarbowls.com. We are also on Facebook.
We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, stay safe during these difficult times everybody.
Sponsored by The Pub, Avalon,Skippers, Gran Alacant Insurances, Rogers, La Piazza Dialprix and The Belfry.
Anyone interested in joining La Siesta Bowls Club, run by the members, are welcome to call the Club President (George) or Club Captain (Wendy) who will be pleased to give you any information you may require to assist you in making that decision. We hope to see new members in the very near future.
TURKEY CHASE The annual turkey chase was held on Sunday 29th November and what a fantastic day it was. We has so many members wanting to play we had ten couples playing nine ends each so that everyone was able to play. As whites were not required most members were in fancy dress with a Christmas theme. After a fun morning of bowling the Turkey Crowns were won by Wendy Sheridan for the ladies and Graham Smythe after a one wood bowl off against Jim Shearing for the men. Peter Steenhoven, Julia and Ian Hamilton won the eggs.
George Richardson 865 772 498 Wendy Ralph 633 068 399
Graham winner of the Turkey
Ian and Julia with the eggs
Carp-R-Us Angling Club Round 2 of the Carp-R-Us Winter Series was held on the Rio Segura at Jacarilla/Bigastro. The wind of the previous days had gone so the match was fished in
La Marina Bowls Club by Dave Hadway Rightly or wrongly I’ve gone back to spend Christmas with the family and it proved very easy to travel and social distance. Believe me it is easy to spend two weeks in isolation in England and I have no real desire to go outside.
As Julia and Ian with the help of their chickens donate the eggs each month, they auctioned the eggs off. Thanks to Sue and Les Bounds, Jean and Rod Chamberlain, Joan and Chris Harding who donated the Turkey Crowns. In addition to the bowling we held a table top sale, football card and sold the last of the Xmas draw numbers, all of which generate income for Club Funds. When presenting the Turkeys to the winners the Chairman thanked the organizers of the Chicken Run, Joan Harding and all members who had helped her. This rounded off another great Club
When these games are being played the restrictions and guidelines imposed by the LLB & the Spanish Government will be our priority at La Siesta for the safety of all members attending the club.
Don however has sent me the competition results, without seeing the games I can tell there was some great games again. We have four competitions at the quarter-final stage so if nothing else this pandemic has made a lot of space to bring the competitions along. Results. Pensioners Urn. Wendy winner of the turkey crown.
Peter winner of the eggs
pleasant if cloudy conditions and, pleasingly, everyone caught. The winner from the downstream end peg was octogenarian Roy Buttress with 9.30kg caught using feeder and maggot. Second was Steve Fell from peg 5 who had 8.48kg on pole using bread and corn.
Third was Dave Hutchinson with 7.93kg from peg 2 using pole and bread and fourth was Richard Crawshaw with 6.88kg from peg 4. Membership for 2021 is now open. Anyone wishing to join the club can contact us through the website www.carp-r-us.weebly.com or email stevefell@rocketmail.com.
The club fishes matches most Thursdays and this are competitive but friendly affairs. Most weeks some members also go pleasure fishing where new methods are practiced and ideas exchanged. This is something we are looking to do more of next year
Don Fowkes 21, Mike Smith 13, Alex Whyte 21 Dave Mcgaw 15, Tom Spencer 21 Mo Kid 14 and Pete Parsons had a walk over. Ladies singles Lesley Joynes 21 Janet Parsons 18, Sue Daniels 21 Marion Fryatt 6, Irene Mangun 21 Carol Smith 4, Mo Kidd went through last week against Martha to give us our 4th semi finalist. Men’s singles. Alex Whyte 21 Alex Morrice 14, John Rae 21 Terry Perchard 7, Peter Parsons 21 Len Daniels 12, Dave Mcgaw 21 Mike Smith 20. Men’s pairs. Len Daniels and John Rae 18, Pete Parsons and Don Fowkes 17, Garth Slater and Steve Syddel 15, Dave Joynes and Alex Smith 11, Phil Pape and Mike Stone 18, Dave O’sullivan and Alex Morrice 17, Alex Whyte and Tom Spencer 21 Reg Jackson and Dave Mcgaw 10. Good luck to the winners thank you all for entering. The Barclays Winter League is now at halfway and the return fixtures will start in January with much anticipation, and finally, me and my much cherished PA wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year to all our readers.
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
ere on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf comps.
How do I become a low handicap player? We all have our own levels of ability but if you are a low double We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us: The deals shown in the table are some of the best POST COVID19 PRICES currently available to you: Course
Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea)
€98 €80 €120 €100 €138 €45
Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees & buggy Single Green Fee + buggy
Las Ramblas Golf Week commencing 7th December
digit handicap player just what do you need to do to become a single figure golfer? The best way is to ask players off a low single handicap or better.
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Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
PRACTICE MORE WEDGES AND DRIVERS THAN MIDIRONS – the highest % of shots played in a round are with putter, drivers and wedges.
According to RORY MCILROY the best way to improve is to always play with and against players that are better than you because you can see the level to which you aspire and good habits do rub off.
HAVE A ‘GO TO’ SHOT UNDER PRESSURE – this will give you confidence rather than make you a bag of nerves in pressure situations.
Other than this there are a few things that low handicap players have in common, namely:
PRACTICE WITH A PURPOSE – there is no point repeating bad habits and just hitting golf balls with a hope that things will change.
PRACTICE SHORT PUTTS – try and hole 10 three footers in a row before you leave the practice putting green
Nothing happens overnight but if you persist with the above golfers of all abilities will see their golf improve.
El Plantio El Valle Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo La Finca La Galiana La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Ramblas Lorca Lo Romero Mar Menor
New Sierra Golf
Two Green Fees & buggy
Puig Campana
Two Green Fees & buggy
Two Green Fees & buggy (after 2pm)
Single Green Fee
Two Green Fees & buggy
Two Green Fees and buggy from 3pm
€80 €59 €90 €48 €164 €41 €98 €50 €96 €118 €45 €126 €78 €136 €48
2 Green Fees and buggy from 1pm Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee Two Green Fees and buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Sgl Green Fee Two Green Fees & buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Green Fee after 2pm Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Two Green Fees and buggy Single Green Fee
*Deals of the week: Villaitana with two green fees and buggy on the Levante course for only €70 and €50 on the Poniente course. La Manga North and South with two green fees, buggy and lunch for only €150. For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
La Marina Golf Society A very cold morning greeted the players of La Marina Golf Society for their final event of the year at the Lo Romero Golf course. Despite the weather, a good turnout saw Dave Slightam win the Gold division with 33 points. Jimmy Scott won the Silver division with 34 points and claimed the overall winner of the day. ‘Nearest the Pin’ winners were Pete Wooton (7) Rod Loveday (12) & Alan Janes (15) The ‘Two’s Pot’ wasn’t won so will roll over to the next event, which will be 14/01/2021. The La Marina Golf Society would like to wish all the staff at the La Marina Sports Complex a very Merry Christmas and thank them for their support throughout the year.
Monday’s ‘Bowmaker’ (Don’t forget that’s the best three scores out of four to count) was won by Nigel Price, Reg Akehurst, Yvonne Phipps and Dave Pulling. With a very impressive 122 points they were just six short of the record set back in 2018. With all eyes looking forward to Wednesday’s ‘Pairs Club Championship’ it was pure coincidence that Lindsay Forbes and I were drawn out once again to partner each other, having only just recently won the ‘Pairs Matchplay Trophy’. Starting as firm favourites it was rumoured that Ladbrookes were refusing to accept any more bets on our winning this time out! Alas it was not to be. With a total of 40 points we didn’t even make it into the top three places. A good outside bet though would have been on Alan Douglas and Mike Mahony as they took the title with a sparkling 47 points. Behind them were Olga Douglas and Dave Pulling on 45 and in third place, with 43 points, it was Nigel Price and Nora Betts. Friday and it was 2 from 4 to count with all on the par 5’s. I certainly had a game of 2 halves; 23 points going out and only 7 coming back! Winning, with 99 points were Bryen Neal, John Shervell, Petina Murray and Nick Campbell. Just one point behind them were Lindsay Forbes, Mike Mahony, Andrea Martin and (making his first appearance on the leader board) John Halliday. Apparently Heinz Lei said to his caddy, ‘I’m going to drown myself in the lake’. To which the reply was, ‘Think you can keep your head down that long? Pues hasta la semana que viene Peter Reffell
The 4th December was the Annual Presentation evening of the Society, this prestigious event was held at the La Marina Sports Complex. Despite the lockdown earlier in the year, the Society managed to fulfil most of the year's fixtures. Several players received their medals for winning their respective trophy events. The evening was very special for two of our members, Sarah McCabe and Jimmy Scott who had had a very successful year.
Busters Golf Society A cold and blustery wind took us to Vistabella for our December Stableford, this end of our year game is always a touch different as we have players jockeying for the final of our player of the year tournament. Our game this December was made more difficult by the cold winds and occasional rain, I played alongside Rob Ashman whose excellent putting and some admirable recovery shots resulted in a score of thirty-six points, this held his lead giving him our player of the year award, well done Rob. As is the norm we returned to Bar Little Leias (ex-Bar El Toro ) in Calle Vigo Quesada, for our presentation, our best front
nine with twelve points were taken by Allan Collis and our best back nine winner was John Rush who scored an excellent twentyone points, both taking home bottle’s of wine, in second place with thirty-three points was our Captain Martin Collins and our winner with thirty-six points was Rob Ashman both also taking home wine. I must thank Ian and his staff for providing a warm welcome along with sandwiches on our return, also a thank you to Ian the boss of Little Leias for sponsoring our prizes. We had two, twos this game, sharing our twos pot were Ian Allison and Phil Harris, well done all winners and players on this very wintry day. Busters Golf Society is a small friendly
group of like-minded people who play on the first Friday of the month , depending on the time of the year we generally have between sixteen and twenty-four players. Over the six years since we first formed the society some of our original members have moved on, either returned to their country of origin or have ventured to pastures new, so we are looking for a few more members to swell our ranks. If you are interested in joining our society (it's free) then please email me Barry Grinsell at bustersgolfsociety@hotmail.com quoting your phone number and current handicap and I will usually get back to you within a couple of days. Barry Grinsell
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Las Salinas Petanca League Mixed triples The Las Salinas Petanca League Mixed triples tournament, which was held on the Sunday 6th December, was a great success. With 28 teams participating, the event was held at San Luis and Franco Belgas terrains, to ensure social distancing regulations were upheld. The winners of the competition were in 1st place Agnes Fernandez, Marc Biancone, Guy Fernandez, team Ricon de Petro with 4 wins +32 points, 2nd place Nicolle De Smet, Eduardo Martos, Roland Jacquemin, team Rocajuna with 3 wins +22 points, 3rd place Daniel Bertin, Alan
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Volard, Michele Santiago, team Franco Belgas with 3 wins +17 points. All teams received medals and prizes from the sponsors of this competition, Ayuntamiento de Torrevieja. The chosen charity for the competition was DEBRA (butterfly Children}, who have their local shop in Peublo Bravo, Ciudad Quesada. The volunteers braving the 8 degrees centigrade temperatures were Anne and Pat, who were on hand to sell raffle tickets, raising a total of 237 euros. Congratulations to the top three teams, and thank you to all the enthusiastic competitors who entered this competition.
Silver and two bronzes Steward’s enquiry after jockey’s 'rude' interview for Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club in Spanish Nationals Quote: 'A pre-madonna footballer phoned - 'effing and jeffing' - after an interview in England appeared in the Scottish press. It was only for the English papers they ranted!' By Andrew Atkinson Chief Sports Editor
The Spanish Individual Championship, held in Alfafar (Valencia) from December 1 to 6, reaped magnificent rewards for Torrevieja’s Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club Gymnast Lucía Leshan Cañas Mendo won the silver medal and was proclaimed National Runner-up in the junior category. On achieving her silver she came first with the ball and ribbon third with the rope, thus being the Champion of Spain by autonomy. Tatyana Shevchyk, won the Bronze Medal in the general class of the senior category after some spectacular exercises with which she came first with the hoop apparatus and second with the ball. With these magnificent results she also was crowned Champion of Spain by autonomy. Miley Martínez, debuted at this level and also came away with a Bronze Medal in the general class of the Alevín category. In the hoop exercise she was second and third with the clubs, for which she was awrded the title of Champion of Spain by autonomy. Great results for the Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club in Torrevieja which continues it’s excellent winning streak, after having achieved four medals in the Base Spain Championship this year and three podiums at the very highest level of national gymnastics, now firmly established as one of the very best clubs across the whole of Spain.
Sky Sports presenter and former jockey Leonna Mayor slammed 'rude' jockey Ryan Moore - for cutting short an awkward interview live on TV. Mayor claimed Moore had made himself and interviewer Bob Cooper 'look stupid' by walking off during the interview at Wolverhampton racecourse, after a winning ride on Moonlight In Paris. It is customary in racing for winning jockeys to be interviewed after races, before weighing in. Mayor said: "The TV rights are a huge part of keeping racecourses even going - especially in times like these (COVID-19). Who is Ryan Moore, without racecourses? "Not the first time. Rude and unnecessary! But can't say I'm surprised." As a reporter of four decades I have had a fair share of so called sports 'stars' - who have been prima-donnas - when it comes to interviews. From international football managers - who snubbed an interview with yours truly.
Miley Martínez, won Bronze in the Alevín category. Bronze for Tatyana Shevchyk
Silver medalist Lucia with Jennifer
One former England manager said he doesn't do pre-season interviews. An England manager, a player at the time, said he'd need permission, before he could speak. The interview didn't take place. Another spat his 'dummy out', in a postmatch press conference, when asked about referee's decisions. An interview I have on tape.
Another football pre-madonna once phoned me - 'effing and jeffing' - after quotes from an interview in England appeared in the Scottish press! It was only for the English papers they ranted! Ex-Managers, including all four home international football teams England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, have all obliged interviews with me. Players too - including Brazilian star Juninho, the late Sir Tom Finney, Sir Bobby Robson, and legendary Wales international John Charles, are top names interviewed. Robson went out of his way to phone me. Nigel Benn, former world boxing champion; England cricket star Andrew 'Freddie' Flintoff; snooker stars Alex Higgins, Jimmy White, Steve Davis, Stephen Hendry, Ronnie O'Sullivan - the Rocket exclusive for the Mail On Sunday - have all obliged. Sri Lanka's cricket star Muttiah Mullathithrian refused. The Sport of Kings - horseracing - interviews undertaken with leading trainers and jockeys, include Sir Anthony McCoy.
What those so-called sports stars who refuse interviews with the media don't seem to realise they are snubbing the fans that idolise them - and pay their wages - when snubbing the media. An ex-Premier League and international player refused an interview, unless he was paid handsomely for his troubles. He was given a straight red card! In Ryan Moore's case a Stewards enquiry should take place.
Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
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will enjoy the following: Format and Prize Money 1st and 2nd rounds.Best of 5 sets £7,500 - £15,000 3rd and 4th rounds Best of 7 sets £25,000 - £35.000 lt's also likely, the eye watering fancy dress garb usually seen at Ally Pally will be banned. Peter Wright the only exception. Those lucky enough to receive tickets
Qtr Finals - Best of 9 sets £50,000 Semi Finals - Best of 11 sets £100,000 Final - Best of 13 sets £200,000 - £500,000
The two Vultures hovering in the wings are Gerwyn Price (3) and Michael Smith (4),
P.D.C. William Hill World Championship
Could Peter Wright be poised to steal the rich pickings?
eter Wright starts the defence of his World title this Tuesday,on the opening night of this years event. Traditionally, the reigning champion appears in the first session of the tournament, even though the other 31 seeds do not figure until the second round. The "Worlds" now in its thirteenth year at Alexandra Palace, London, will be shown exclusively on Sky Sports Darts from the 15th December to 3rd January. All 1st round matches will be completed on Sunday 20th. With Michael van Gerwen seeded no 1, it's possible for a repeat of last years final ( Wright is no 2 ), when Wright surprisingly dumped MvG, 7 sets to 3. Both players have enjoyed some success during 2020, but the top 2 have also shown vulnerability, particularly MvG. This doesn't go unnoticed, their apparent invincibility now in question, their opposition no longer in awe, but poised to steal the rich pickings. The two Vultures most likely to take the crown are Gerwyn Price (3) and Michael Smith (4), Price the most consistent, Smith more than capable, but tends to fall at the last fence. Outsiders ( from a betting point of view ) include James Wade (7), Dimitri Van den Bergh (9), Glen Durrant, 3 times BDO World champion, (12) and favourite with the
ladies (must be the pony tail) Simon Whitlock (18). Aussie Whitlock, has found some real form in the second half of the year and will take out some names, but runs out of steam at crucial times. Two big names feature to represent the girls, Lisa Ashton, 4 times World Champion, and Essex girl Deta Hedman, former World no.1, expect one of them to reach the 2nd or even the third round, both have vast experience and shouldn't be fazed by the occasion. Each will receive a minimum of £ 7,500.
Elite sports are now being allowed to enjoy limited audiences, darts is one of them. The competing 96 players, will be shooting it out to a reduced crowd of just 1000, due to the pandemic. Expect a little less noise this year, current information to hand suggests verbal support for a favoured player will be permitted, but chanting / singing will not. Good luck to security to differentiate between the two. Tables of 4 are available provided they are members of the same family or support bubble, food and drink is to be supplied to the table via a dedicated App.
** The 1st P.D.C. final ( formerly the WDC ) was held at the Circus Tavern in 1994, after 14 top professionals split from the BDO. ** Requiring a bigger venue, the organisers chose Alexandra Palace, London, for the 2009 championships. ** Only 7 players have lifted the PDC title, mainly due to the dominance of Phil "The Power" Taylor ( 14 PDC and 2 BDO victories ) ** 2008 was the 1st time Taylor failed to reach a final, John Part overcoming Kirk Shepherd. He did however get back to winning ways, claiming the 2009 and 2010 titles. ** The 2000 final was the 1st time the final was contested over best of 13 sets, previously 11. ** There have been nine 9 dart finishes in the finals ,the most recent by Gary Anderson in 2016. Two players have achieved the feat twice, Adrian Lewis in 2011 (final) and 2015, Raymond van Barneveld in 2009, 2010. ** There have been 4 "whitewashes" (7-0) in the PDC finals. Not surprisingly, Taylor administered them all to
the following. Dennis Priestly 1998, John Part 2001, and the unfortunate Peter Manley (chairman P.D.P.A) twice, 2002 and 2006. ** Highest match average was recorded in 2017 by MvG with 114.05. Taylor has 4 top 10 averages, 111.21, 110.94, 109, 108.8. ** Who has the bitter / sweet highest losing average? lt's held by "Barny" versus MvG in 2017. (109.34). ** Most 100+ averages. Not unexpectedly it's " The Power" with 56, MvG has 30, Anderson 20, Lewis 15, Barny 13, Wright 12. ** ln winning the title last term, Wright hit 66 x 180. ** Look out for plenty of top notch game shots, 8 x 170, in the last tourney. Fancy a flutter with the sponsors ** Finalists - MvG v Gerwen Price 6/1, or Glen Durrant v Wright 50/1 ** Total 170 outs. 7 or more 10/3 ** Any 9 dart finish. evens ( odds will vary )
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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020
Encouraging display but Thader lose again headed wide. Sergio pulled off a brilliant acrobatic save 10 mins later, just when it looked odds on that Adrian´s fierce drive had put the visitors ahead. Alas, all Thader´s hard work was undone a minute later.
CD Thader................. 1 AC Torrellano............ 2
heered on by 150 fans inside Moi Gomez Stadium, Thader gave a good account of themselves against high flying Torrellano. The last time that fans were permitted to watch their team was back in late October, which incidentally proved to be the last time that Thader picked up any points, so to lose on Sunday morning by the odd goal in 3, was a bitter pill to swallow for Raul Mora´s men. At start of play, Torrellano were sitting pretty in 4th place, whilst their hosts were rooted at the bottom of Preferente div group, with just that solitary victory to show for all their endeavours. It took just under 5 mins for Torrellano to take the lead. A cross from the left found the unmarked Moha just inside the penalty area, who then made light work of dispatching an unstoppable drive past the diving Sergio in Thader´s goal. Parity was restored on 15 mins, when
from a corner to the back post, Lloyd stooped to place a firm header into the back of the net from close range. Midway through the 1st half, Nano was put through on goal with just the keeper to beat, but from only 5 yards, he elected to shoot straight at the visiting keeper, when better options were available. Although Thader created more chances in the opening 45 mins spell, once again, lack of finishing would come back to haunt them. Within a minute of the restart, Quino´s half volley from a corner, was comfortably saved by Javi Tur in Torrellano´s goal. Nino should have scored on 55 mins, when from a delightful free kick by Rubo, he wastefully
Consecutive victories for Torrevieja Feminino CD At. Aspe C 1 – 3 Torrevieja C.F. The Senior Ladies team is on a roll, climbing the league table following it’s second consecutive win.
Sam restored Torrevieja’s lead from close range
The only surprising aspect of the opening period was that it took so long for the visitors to open the scoring, but just a minute before the interval Laura was on target to put Torrevieja in front. The Aspense team upped their game in the second half as they went in search of an equalising goal pushed very hard to find the equalizer, but a defensive mix up in just the 4th minute of the period saw Sam pounce on a loose ball to score from close range and extend the visitors lead. Aspe were able to pull one back midway through the half following a defensive mix up but Ana sealed the ponts for Torrevieja Feminino on the half hour beating the Aspe keeper with a shot from outside the box.
SUDUKO SOLUTION From From page 14
vent a 3rd goal. Raul Mora doesn´t have to wait long to rectify the situation, for on Weds 16 Dec ko 9pm, fellow strugglers Petrelian will visit the newly reseeded pitch of Moi Gomez stadium. Then on Sat 19 Dec ko tba, Thader
must venture to top of the table Murada (check CD Thader Facebook page for details). Murada have had covid issues within their camp for the last 2 weeks, but are expected to return to the field for this match. F r a n h o l d s o ff To r re l l a n o s t r i k e r Moha
Their defence failed to pick up substitute Juanjo, who was able to seize on a through ball, before mirroring his sides first goal. Having used all 4 substitutes, Thader were forced to play out the last 10 mins with only 10 men, for Calderon (on as a sub himself) limped off with what appeared to be a pulled muscle. It could have been worse for the hosts, when first Javi Llamas hit the post, then deep into stoppage time, Sergio produced another excellent save to preRacing San Miguel fans Steve Dobson and Karl Stansfield.
CF Rafal defeat Racing San Miguel as fans return Spectators returned to the fold in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 10 on Saturday as CF Rafal defeated Racing San Miguel 20, notching up a fourth consecutive win to go third in the table, with Racing sitting third bottom. "It was good to get back and watch games inside the ground, even though the result didn't go our way," Racing fan Steve Dobson told The Leader. "Both teams battled well on a very small pitch and it looked like it was heading for a 0-0 draw, until two mistakes in defence allowed CF Rafal to score two goals.
Torrevieja pressed the opposition from the opening seconds of the game, mounting regular attacks on the Aspian goal.
"Overall, even though we lost, the main thing was seeing fans being allowed back in the ground supporting both clubs, after the
easing of COVID-19 behind closed doors protocols" added Steve. The shock result of the day was CD Benijofar suffering a 1-0 home defeat against lowly CF Sporting San Fulgencio who moved up to eleventh place. Hondon Nieves C dropped to fifth, following Callosa Deportivo CF gaining a 1-0 victory, to go tenth. Aspe UD A sit in second spot after a comfortable 4-1 home win against CF Monnegre. CF Popular Orihuela are in fourth place, following a 2-1 win against bottom club UD Aspense A. Atletico de Catral host CD Cox and CD Montesinos travel to Dolores on Sunday.
In the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 17 Bigastro CF jumped to third place, following a 3-1 away win at second bottom CF Inter Santa Pola. Meanwhile, three first half goals for Torreveija, a brace for Brandon Nicol and one for Marcos, were enough to see them comfortably overcome Crevillente by 3-0 on Sunday after their recent stutter. The win does little for their mid table position however leaving them still with a lot to do to challenge the leading group..
Home loss for Torrevieja Salud handball in local derby • The torrevejenses lost at home by 23 - 26 in a match in which Antonio Cámeron's team were second best to Elche
Torrevieja Salud 23-26 Club Balonmano Elche The Torrevieja Salud Mare Nostrum Handball Club fell to the fitness and pace of a young Elche Handball Club in Saturday’s match betweenthe two teams at the Torrevieja Sports Palace, in a match which saw the return of spectators.
TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. The blue whale, 2. Oldest to youngest: Kris, 64, Kourtney, 41, Kim, 39, Khloe, 35, Rob, 33, Kendall, 24, Kylie, 22. 3. Twice - in 2013 against Novak Djokovic and in 2016 against Milos Raonic. 4. France. 5. The Hunger Games. 6. 1869. 7. Prince Louis Of Cambridge, 8. Reykjavík, 9. Netherlands, 10. 2013, on the 8th April, 11. Indian Pale Ale, 1. Leonardo da Vinci, 13. Mercury, 14. Windsor. Her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, 15. David Jason, 16, Russia. 16. Coco Chanel, 18. Four - the mitral, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonic valves,
19. Moordale High, 20. The Burrow, 21. Forrest Gump (1994), Catch Me If You Can (2002), The Terminal (2004), Bridge Of Spies (2015), 22. Fresh lime juice, vodka, cranberry juice, triple sec/cointreau/orange liqueur, 23. Mark Drakeford, 24. New York, in 1943, 25. Hazelnut, 26. A kit, 27. 80 minutes 28. The masseter - the main jaw muscle 29. Any of the following 14 countries: Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Vatican City. 30. Fantine
The team led by Antonio Cámeron was beaten by 23 - 26 in a clash where the salineros would once again show deficiencies in their attack. The match opened up with fairly even exchanges between the two contenders, with the home side taking a narrow, early lead. This trend continued during the first thirty minutes until the closing minutes of the half where, after several disappointing attacks, Torrevieja went into the interval trailing by two goals (12 - 14). After the break, Torrevieja Salud continued to be frustrating in attack with turnovers that in the early stages saw Elche move comfortably ahead of their hosts. Antonio Cámeron stopped the clock with a time-out after ten second half minutes with an unfavourable score of 14 - 19. There was little that Torrevieja could do in the final stages although they did reduce the gap slightly, but Elche’s young side stood firm in defence to achieve a comfortable 23-26 win.
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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th December, 2020