The Leader 444

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No 444

Monday, 12th November, 2012

Tel: 96 673 0057

One of the councillors highlighted in the recent mobile phones for sex services scandal in Torrevieja, former Olympic gold medallist and the Councillor for Education and Sports, Daniel Plaza, who was the first to be accused of calling sex workers, has resigned from office. In a press conference on Saturday, with the mayor sat alongside him, from a prepared statement, Plaza listed his achievements whilst in office, all of benefit to the residents and visitors to the city of

Torrevieja, before announcing his resignation as a result of being “exhausted” by the “merciless media lynching”. Plaza reportedly admitted using his mobile to call prostitutes and sex workers, but later denied it, then he claimed that he may have called the numbers,but only returning missed calls that he had received. The latest evidence suggested that his mobile phone has made more than 200 calls to sexual services between 2007 and 2012. In reference to this, Plaza recently issued a statement claiming that nobody can prove he made those calls; in the same way that he can´t prove that he didn´t. Continued on Page 2



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Continued from Page One The second councillor to be fingered in the case was the councillor for Public Safety, Eduardo Gil Rebollo. It is claimed that he subscribed to a pay-per-view pornography channels. This councillor has yet to take any kind of responsibility or even acknowledge his actions. Meanwhile a third, the Councillor for Infrastructure, Javier Montoro, spent 415 euro in a two month period making personal calls to his partner. However, it must be noted that this councillor immediately apologised for his actions, and has promised to return the money, seemingly the only person who did act responsibly, albeit only when caught. During the course of recent weeks, the mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolón, had promised that if his own investigation found that the allegations were correct, he would sack those councillors involved without question. His commitment then seemed to waiver when he made a public statement saying that nobody has the right to discuss these calls and the use of municipal funds, as it was a constitutional right for a person´s mobile phone activity to remain secret, which many people saw as a cover up.

Monday, 12th November, 2012 The Vice President of regional policy for the PSPV-PSOE, Ana Barceló, called for the regional head of the PP, Alberto Fabra, to dismiss all those involved in the scandal immediately, quoting that the overall amount of municipal money being spent by this misuse equates to around 6,000 euro every month. In an interview with The Leader, José Serna, coordinator of the UPyD, one of the first political groups to raise concerns about the misuse of municipal phones, explained that in September the situation first started to come to light, but even then they thought it was “only at the tip of the iceberg”, and that the situation, “pointed to a serious problem of opacity within the PP government and of the mayor, whose job should be to promote transparency of management, providing all the documentation for audit.” Serna added that “using public resources for private purposes may constitute a crime, so they should be brought formally to the attention of the Court",

adding that those responsible should resign immediately and return all the money wasted back to the public funds”. Serna also continued to maintain that although there are three principal councillors involved in the scandal, all of who should immediately resign, the mayor should also be removed from his post for failing to deal with the situation. Now, following weeks of discussion, admittance, denial and revelations, the prosecutor at the court of Torrevieja has announced that the court is at last going to investigate the alleged inappropriate use of mobile phones by councillors serving in the city of Torrevieja. It should also be made clear that the issue is not surrounding that of the potential use of sex workers, but is about the misuse of public money to fund them on any kind of level.


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It was Forties Night in Bigastro and with Hazel dressed for the times, Darren is dressed to the nines! It was off with the casual shorts and on with the suit just for the night! Darren Yarrow and his wife Hazel recently took over La Terraza Cafe Bar in Bigastro and they have decided to support The Royal British Legion. Eddie Coleman Vice Chairman of Orihuela and District Branch was there with his Land Army wife Jean and friends and fellow members of the Orihuela Costa branch. Tickets for the buffet supper were just €6 with €1 from every ticket going to The Royal British Legion. Additional money was raised with a raffle for a food hamper, won by Jean Hatch of Bigastro. The evening raised €250 for the RBL. Entertainment was provided by The Lovely Cathy Carson on her own and with T.A.A.B.S. who sang all the golden oldies.



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Monday, 12th November, 2012


Formed in January 2008, the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion yesterday celebrated the 5th Remembrance Sunday in it’s relatively short history at the Capilla de las Mil Palmeras in the diocese of Pilar de la Horadada. And it was not only members of the Expatriate Community who came out in force. The Service was attended by many representatives of the three main towns covered by the Branch, including the mayor of Mil Palmeras, and Pedro Mancebo, the deputy mayor of Orihuela, each bringing with them a sizeable delegation of their own. Chairman and Secretary of District North, Chris and Peggy Wyatt, were also in attendance. The British Government were unable to send a representative as the British Consul in Alicante, Paul Rodwell, who was due to be at the event, was called back to UK late last week. The church itself was filled inside and out with veterans, their families and guests as they all paid their respects to their fallen comrades, family and friends. Exactly on the hour, following a performance of the Last Post, which echoed out of the church and around the park, everyone was united, standing

shoulder to shoulder, for the two minute's silence, time to reflect on the memories of friends, family and colleagues who had suffered or died in conflict in the service of their many nations. Keith Brown was officiating at his final Remembrance service while, as well as providing a solo performance, Cathy Carson led the congregation in the hymns. The accompanying music was provided by the Phoenix Band under the Diectorship of Ian Vine. Led by the Spanish National and the Union flags the standards of the assembled Military Associations were borne proudly to represent those who gave their lives, whilst poppies were worn as a reminder to new generations as they continue to face up to new conflicts. The start of the service had seen the standards piped into the chapel by the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums as, together, they played a medley of tunes. Cathy Carson broke down as she sang the song from Les Miserables, ‘Bring Him Home’. Such was the emotion that Cathy broke down in tears as she struggled to finish the Alfie Boe hit. Following the service the congregation was led out of the church to the Garden of Remembrance for the laying of

wreaths and the poppy crosses. All the guests took part with the members of the branch, other local military associations and each of the mayors and guests laying wreaths of their own. For members of the congregation this was a time to remember. The wreaths were laid to the accompaniment of the Torrevieja Pipes and drums with 'Heroes of Kohima'. A further ceremony carried out following the ‘laying of wreaths’ was conducted by Branch Welfare Officer Jim Watt who had recently gathered together a number of artefacts that he had saved since the formation of the branch in 2008. The items amassed included the Branch Formation Certificate as well a short Branch History and numerous photographs and reports of Branch activities, including many from previous Remembrance Services. These were sealed in a ‘time capsule’ placed inside the Garden of Remembrance, to be opened in 25 years time by a future gener-

ation. The Torrevieja Branch of the Royal British Legion, who were unable to gain the use of La Siesta Parish Church on Sunday, held their service a day earlier on Saturday 10th November. The Service was attended by the Alcaldi of Torrevieja, District North Spain TRBL Chairman and Secretary, as well as all the local British Ex Service Associations whose Standards were paraded on the day.



Monday, 12th November, 2012


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PHARMACISTS TO HOLD STREET PROTESTS The College of Pharmacists of Alicante (COFA) has called for a number of protests next week as they continue to hold public health to ransom, making it almost impossible for the needy and vulnerable to obtain medication at times, and risking the health and lives of those they claim to serve, whilst demanding

payment of debts from the government. Apart from the national strike called for Wednesday the 14th of November, pharmacists plan to converge on Denia and Alcoy on Monday, Elche and Elda on Tuesday, Orihuela and Benidorm on Thursday and in Alicante on Friday the 16th, hoping to bring all the previous protestors together, departing from the COFA headquarters on Calle Jorge Juan. Meanwhile, the government of Valencia are hitting back by issuing a statement detailing how much money they have already paid to the pharmacists so far, as well as how their limited budgets are being spread across the whole range of public services.

In a press conference, Vice President of the government, José Císcar, announced that they have already made payments of 10,027,000,000 euro between the 1st of January to the 31st of October this year, a figure which does not include what was paid through the Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA), and of that amount, 956 million was allocated to pharmacists, who last week also received 114 million euro through the FLA. The Vice President also explained that this year the government has paid 640 million euro to public universities and 248 million to schools and colleges, as well as the salaries of all government officials and workers within the Valencian Administration.

Císcar reiterated that they are aware of the difficulties faced by many groups and suppliers for the late payment by the administration, and has admitted that the Consell has, “a duty and responsibility” to take the region out of the crisis, and are therefore working to pay off that debt. The government has offered to negotiate with the groups and prioritize to pay 450 million euro

of debt, once they receive the next payment from the FLA, although they are unable to give a date for this. The government had also offered an additional 60 million euro per month until the debt was clear, neither of which were acceptable proposals. The vice president has indicated that it will continue to work within the FLA and investigate different mechanisms that may allow for a

better payment plan to be developed. Císcar, who did not specify what is the total amount of debt held by the Government is, said that the progress of budgets and payments takes time but he felt that the Budget for 2013, albeit very “tight and realistic”, provides the basis for this.



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Monday, 12th November, 2012



Monday, 12th November, 2012


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966 73 0057

Monday, 12th November, 2012

‘Twitters fr om the Atlantic’ Remember, Remember - the Fifth of November Since moving to Spain and the Canary Islands, I have always thought it a little inappropriate and insensitive that, when living in a Catholic country, some British expats still celebrate Bonfire Night. The execution of Catholic, Guy Fawkes, in 1606 for trying to blow up the British Houses of Parliament, is still celebrated and remembered by burning

an effigy of the poor man on a flaming bonfire. Still, I guess it takes all sorts in an expat world. There was a time that I enjoyed fireworks; however, not any more. Since first having a dog, a corgi called Ollie in the UK, I have come to dread this annual orgy of explosive excess. Ollie hated fireworks, and from the time that the first banger was lit, he would tremble and shake; he quickly became more uncontrollable as the evening progressed and was clearly in great distress. He would run away, anywhere around the house, to find a safe place, all to no avail. What made matters even worse was that whatever we did to try and help, nothing seemed to work. Eventually, Ollie would collapse with exhaustion; it

was pitiful to see. We hoped that Ollie would grow out of this annual distress, but he didn't. Eventually, we took him to the vet, who prescribed tranquillisers, which we administered just before the fateful night. This too was a great mistake and it was even worse to see Ollie, still in great distress, but now staggering around the house, with legs like jelly, unable to escape to anywhere that he perceived as a safe space. Fortunately, after Bonfire Night, it was usually over and done with for another year, but with maybe another short burst of activity on New Year’s Eve. Now, living in the Canary Islands with Bella our dog, and Mac our cat, the problem is potentially much worse. Despite the recession, it seems that many of our neighbours still have plenty of money to burn, which they do to great excess from a day or two before Halloween until just after 6 January. Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas, New Year, as well as King’s Day are all great excuses to let off as many fireworks as possible. In addition, birthdays, anniversaries or maybe a new job and the many fiestas are all great excuses for a party; complete with fireworks, and the noisier the better. It is pitiful to hear the dogs barking, of which there are many in our area, and often in terror, with each explosion. No self respecting cat is to be seen anywhere and, I guess, that most have the good sense to hide themselves away for the evening.


By Bar rie Mahoney

Bella spends her evening inside our living room with us, barking and shaking. Doors and windows are closed, shutters firmly closed with either the television switched on or music playing loudly. In some cases, I know that aromatherapy using lavender oil also helps. I have also heard that it is possible to buy CDs of special music, especially for pets trying to cope in these circumstances. I have not tried these, but it may well be worth finding a copy. As for Mac the cat, is he bothered? Not in the slightest. He looks at Bella with distain, yawns, and falls asleep on his favourite rug. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and or read his latest book, ‘Threads and Threats' (ISBN: 9781843866466) © Barrie Mahoney



We have all heard about the ‘gas men’ knocking your door ~ so this no longer works. What do they do now? They telephone you, with your contract details from your original provider ( how ?? Did they once work for them?? ) and arrange to call, as you now need an update on the connections to your gas equipment. They say you need a new filter system ‘by law’! Usual cost 40 euros, but from them it will set you back at least 200 euros! And now.....for your further delectation.....A similar scam from ‘water engineers’ who say that you now need a 5 year safety certificate for your water supply. They will come along and carry out the tests for free, only charging you for any materials that they may need to use....and we all know how much they will cost! The Leader made contact with Aguagest on Friday who are aware of the ‘engineers’ but confirm that no such certificate is necessary. Do not let these men inside your gate.

Monday, 12th November, 2012

TORREVIEJA IS CLOSE AND FOR ALL The odds might be against you winning the Euro Millions tomorrow night, Tuesday, after Friday’s €152,867,729 rollover, but then again, if you won you’d be faced with moving home, bullet proofed cars and bodyguards. Such is the price of fame and riches! Offering better odds and a bit of fun, is a new initiative for Torrevieja’s shoppers called “Torrevieja, Todo + Cerca” ("Torrevieja, All is Close") which offers shoppers an opportunity to enter a draw to win one or more prizes of €1,200. Last week, Torrevieja’s City Council signed a marketing agreement with APYMECO, the Association of Small and Medium Business plus various stores throughout the city to promote commercial activity from November and over the festive period until January 5th, just in time for the arrival of the Three Kings. Up for grabs is entry into a a raffle consisting of twelve gift prizes, donated by partner establishments.Participating is easy; just ask for your ballot in any of the participating stores, cafes or restaurants; fill in your data and deposit it in any of the polling boxes which are located at the Ozone, Carrefour, Habaneras , at the fairgrounds or establishment members of Apymeco: In any of the associated businesses. On January 12, 2013 all ballots will be collected and deposited in a huge ‘urn’. The draw will be held in the Constitution Square at 6:00pm. As part of the promotion, you can park for free for an hour, during business hours, in the streets: Ramón Gallúd, Bazán, Orihuela, Rambla Juan Mateo and Paseo de la libertad, so you can make your purchases quickly and conveniently.You can also choose to leave your car at any of the seven car parks located throughout the town totaling over 2,000 spaces. A ballot ticket will be drawn for each of the ten prizes. The prize winner will be announced and if they are not in the square, the organisers will attempt to contact them three times. If winners do not answer, the prize will be drawn for again, and the process repeated until a winner is found. Complete information can be obtained by visiting the website Good luck and Happy Christmas but don;t forget, there is nothing to stop you having a flutter on the Euro Millions tomorrow night either! By Keith Nicol


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Monday, 12th November, 2012


Ryanair welcomed the support of Alicante’s hoteliers who are backing the airline’s proposal to reverse much of Alicante’s 1m passenger loss in 2012, if the Airport operator withdraws its compulsory airbridge use (and fees) on all Ryanair flights at Alicante in 2013. Ryanair met with local hoteliers from Alicante (HOSBEC) at the World Travel Market in London last week and received their unanimous backing for Ryanair’s 2013 growth plans at Alicante Airport. Ryanair has submitted a 2013 growth proposals to AENA Alicante which will deliver 600,000 new passengers at Alicante in the year starting April 2013, in return only for permitting Ryanair to return to its walk on/walk off procedures on all of its flights. Ryanair has asked AENA Alicante to respond to this 600,000 offer on/before Thursday 15th November to enable Ryanair to include this substantial Alicante growth in its summer 2013 plans. Ryanair confirmed that if Alicante accepts its 600,000 passenger growth proposal, then up to 600 new jobs could be created and/or sustained at Alicante Airport at a time of high and rising unemployment in Spain.



BY KEITH NICOL A new contract lease was signed on Wednesday to ensure that Torrevieja’s salt industry keeps production going until at least 2039. The agreement was signed in Madrid between the Ministry of Finance, and Nueva Compañía Arrendataria de las Salinas (NCAST), an organization that has been the leaseholder in recent times. Among the investments to be made by NCAST, at the request of the City of Torrevieja, is the preservation of items of traditional industrial heritage, which are to be retained in perfect condition; investments in improving the environmental improvement, rehabilitation of cultural properties and the promotion of tourism projects related to salt activity.

It has also been proposed by the Department of Tourism, to develop Workshops in Torrevieja, focusing on the promotion of Salt as a tourism project. This is a firm commitment by the City of Salt, allowing visitors, for the first time, the opportunity to see the process of wet salt extraction; which is a unique way of salt extraction, only to be found in this part of the world. The new Department of Tourism website will be presented at FITUR tourism fair and Councillor for Tourism Luis Maria Pizana said that "from the point of view of my council, the

biggest challenge of promoting the Salinas as a tourism concept, is that today its sole purpose is industrial production, ;so there is much work ahead." In addition, the councillor said "the municipal tourism website is ready to be presented in early 2013 at Fitur, Spain, along with the tourism fair in London.” Last week, a promotions team from Torrevieja was in London, presenting the city’s renewed local tourist guide. The event attracted about 50,000 people in 2011 with higher numbers expected to be reported this year.


Monday, 12th November, 2012

‘Abandoned for a computer game’

‘Who’s the daddy?’ I had an affair around the time I got pregnant, but I never thought it could have been the other guy’s baby as we always used contraception. My daughter is now 2 years old and is starting look like the other man. I’m worried that my boyfriend isn’t her dad, but I don’t want to hurt him. Should I come clean? Jayne Shouldn't you have thought about your boyfriends feelings a few years ago or am I missing the point here? To be perfectly honest, I would be more concerned about your daughter. Isn't it only right and proper for her to know who here real father is? You should speak to your GP and see what the options are in terms of having a DNA test carried out. Of course that means you're going to have to face the music somewhere along the line but what

‘His ex won’t leave me alone’ I have been with my partner for four years and his ex wife keeps telling his kids that I’m a witch and spreading rumours about me across town. I’m not sure why she hates me so much because they had been broken up for nearly two years before we got together. It’s really getting me down but she just won’t stop! Clare Some people are able to end a relationship with-


My boyfriend is great; he’s kind and

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Calders Confessions

thoughtful, sometimes! However, he rarely shows this side of himself, certainly not in public, and he is obsessed with computer games and I mean he plays morning, noon to night. I try and talk to him and he just tells me that I’m always nagging. I don’t other choice do you have? Think about it, if these nagging doubts are bothering you now, ten years into the future they'll be a hundred times worse. You made a mistake and you're just going to have face that Jayne. Ultimately, there are three people this affects, your daughter, your boyfriend and the guy you jumped into bed with. They all deserve to know the truth don't they? If I were you, I'd sort this out sooner rather than later because until you do, its just going to eat away at you. out bitterness whereas others aren't, its as simple as that Clare. This woman is obviously so bitter and twisted that she thinks nothing of poisoning her own children's minds. Unless she actually does some physical harm or damage to you, there's very little that can be done. People like this tend to show themselves up and in the end, the vicious rumours and gossip do die down. The best thing you can do is just carry on ignoring her and reassure yourself that you're none of the things she says you are. As for your partners children, they can probably see beyond the lies they are being fed right now. Keep your chin up and ignore this as much as you can sweetheart.

want to pester him but I need his attention too otherwisw I doubt that our relationship can continue. Please help me. Charlotte Computer games have got a lot to answer for haven't they? I've never got into them myself but I have spoken to plenty of people who've become addicted. What you describe is more common than you think Charlotte. Ultimately, this is about you and what kind of life you want for yourself. Your boyfriend needs to sit up and listen to your concerns rather than wearing his thumbs out on a plastic controller! Tell him that unless things change and he devotes a little more of his time to you that you're going to walk away. Hopefully that will be the jolt he needs to start taking you and your needs a little more seriously. Ultimately of course, if he simply cant or wont change, you will need to think about where you go from here. You are the one in control Charlotte, your life can be as good or as bad as you want it to be.

Calder spent twelve years working as a PA and a Co-presenter with Jeremy Kyle on various radio stations and now he has joined the team at EXITE RADIO where he answers listeners dilemmas each Saturday night on the airwaves. We are also pleased to have him with us at THE LEADER, answering your questions and queries as part of the editorial team. If you have an issue tht you can’t overcome or you just need general help or even confidential advice, why not email Calder at:



966 73 0057

Monday, 12th November, 2012

CORAL AND ALCAZAR LA W FIRM Corral & Alcaraz Law Firm offers a wide range of Tax and Legal services to individuals and companies through a group of highly skilled professionals, who specialise in all areas of law. We will provide you with the key member of staff, with the exact skills needed to best fulfil your particular requirements. You, your family or your business could be involved in a situation where professional legal assistance is required. Let us protect your interests and rights. Client satisfaction is our priority, as well as an unbeatable first class service. All this is possible with our qualified and accomplished team at Corral & Alcaraz Law Firm. Let us help you, we will make your life easier in Spain. Tax and financial services We are a team of legal professionals with one common goal: providing the most efficient service and client satisfaction. Our team is formed of lawyers, solicitors and tax consultants whom have many years of experience and expertise in all aspects of Spanish law. Our core business is based on helping individuals and companies who are operating in or relocating to Spain, by providing legal, tax and financial assistance. We offer a wide range of legal services to help make your life easier. Our most popular services we can assist you with include: Legal assistance in Property Conveyancing if you are considering buying or selling a property Drafting a contract (selling or letting property, business)

Actions against developers (building defects, execution of bank guarantees) Obtaining a Second Occupancy Certificate or Legalising an illegal house Power of Attorney Inheritance Wills and probate Divorce and separation Running a business or starting up a commercial venture in Spain (corporate law) Litigation Tax assistance (for example; if you own a prop erty in Spain, rent a house, or have a business) To obtain NIE Residency Registry Mortgage or other financial advice. Our team are on hand to deal with any particular legal assistance you require. Our team guarantee to offer you a personal and efficient service, with professionals who specialise in the above areas. Our head office is located in Murcia town centre, however, we can also arrange a meeting that is more convenient for you, at your chosen location. Our business provides you with a personal and professional service, either face to face, or by telephone, fax or e-mail. See our ad across the page.


THE £12,000 PHOTOGRAPH Do you think the photograph alongside is worth £12,000 because that is the sum won by the London-based Spanish photographer Jordi Ruiz Cirera who gained first place in the Taylor Wessing photographic portrait competition for his image of a 26year-old Bolivian woman called Margarita Teichroeb. Perhaps we are all in the wrong job because I would consider the image to be one that many of us could quite easily achieve with one of today’s remarkable digital camera’s. Jordi Ruiz Cirera's picture is of young woman from the Mennonite religious community in Bolivia who was, for religious reasons, a reluctant sitter. The photographer said of his image "Her awkward expression says a lot about the tradition, isolation and lifestyle of this community," and the competition judges quite obviously agreed.

If you are passing, the photograph is currently on display, along with many others, at the Taylor Wessing photographic prize exhibition at London’s National Portrait Gallery until 17 February.



The Village Inn, Campoverde, would like to thank everyone who turned up and supported the Memorial Day that was held in August for Jayne Scopp. The event was organised by the bar, together with Jayne’s husband Ashley after a chance meeting at a Horadada football match with Premier League Referee Mark Halsey. Jayne died of from cancer in January leaving Ashley with 5 children, one of whom is suffering from Down’s Syndrome. Those who attended had a great day of entertainment with the help of a number of local youngsters. There was flamenco dancing, singing and guitar playing which started first thing in the morning and lasted throughout the day. Many thanks also to all the people who bought table top stalls and then generously gave their pitch fees to the fundraiser. A massive debt of gratitude also Mark Halsey, who has recently recovered from the disease himself, and to former professional player and manager Roy McDonough, for supporting the event on the day with a very humorous question and answer standup presentation. Once again many thanks again to everyone that helped to make Ashley’s day with their superb efforts in raising a grand total of euro 703.63 which the Village Inn would like to donate to the Mark Halsey Cancer fund.

Monday, 12th November, 2012


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As of Wednesday, the Alicante province will bid a fond farewell to the last remaining dedicated air ambulance that covers the area, as the contract and funding for the project comes to a close. Air support for emergencies will be left in the hands of a single helicopter which is designated to fire fighting duties, but is capable of being equipped and staffed for the transfer of medical emergency passengers, if needed. This refitting of the aircraft can be done in around 50 minutes, but many consider this is not a viable option in an emer-

gency situation. There is also an air ambulance based in Valencia which is available for emergency calls, but the response time for that aircraft is more than an hour and at a considerably higher cost in terms of fuel and use to cover the greater area now under its wing. It had also been said that the air ambulance, which was based at the Mutxamel airfield, also fell short of requirements, as it lacked a winch for use in the mountainous regions, but the many other lives that have been saved by the service would no doubt argue for the benefits of the service as it did operate.

The good news is that if the injured are prepared to wait until February next year, then a new provision of service could be put out to tender, but the plans for this are still sketchy at this time. Until earlier this year, as previously reported in The Leader, the province of Alicante had a specific rescue and medical transportation helicopter with 20 years of history, the funding of which was assumed by the provincial council. The Commission decided, in January, not to fund the aircraft, along with its doctor, a nurse and Fire Consortium staff. After a few months without the service, the

national Ministry of Interior adapted the fire fighting helicopter already operating in the province for medical transportation. SAMU staff were responsible for the service provision, but their workers criticized the unit saying that the aircraft did not meet the conditions necessary to develop medical transportation tasks or fight fire in the shortest possible time. Now, in the 5 months of operating the new service, there had been fewer rescues and emergencies than ever, which prompted the withdrawal of this costly facility. However, according to sources at the fire consortium who have been operating this helicopter, “statistically, most of the services are performed in autumn and winter”, prompting concern over the possible premature removal. Meanwhile, the DGT traffic department, with their arsenal of 21 helicopters, are still expanding their patrol network, for both monitoring and maintaining the flow of traffic on the roads, as well as the implementation of air based speeding check points, with the hope of issuing more fines with their new, state of the art technology.



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Monday, 12th November, 2012

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Designed for Convenience & Style The core of every Tilt&Turn window is its hightech internal hardware. It enables effortless turning and tilting of the window sash with a single handle operation. Turn the handle through 90° and the window 'tilts' inwards, hinged at the bottom with a stay at the top to allow a free flow of air for draught-free ventilation. Turn the handle a further 90° and the window 'turns' fully inwards, hung on to the side for maximum ventilation, more fresh air and ease of cleaning. Our Sliding Windows are very popular for their convenience. Sliders are recommended everywhere where inward or outward opening windows are not desired. When the sash is open it slides in to the window and does not take any space inside or outside the living area. This means you can use the area next to the window for anything you like. The new modern locking mechanism ensures smooth operation, and as a result you can easily open sliders with only one hand. Outstanding Warm Windows quality insures there will be no gaps left when the window is closed, so you can enjoy the maximum noise reduction. The result is a dry, mould free and healthy home. FINALLY THE CHOICE IS CLEAR!


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‘We are extremely happy with the service provided by your company. Both the products and service received were second to none’



Monday, 12th November, 2012


966 73 0057





Complete the cryptic crossword below and send it into our offices at La Zenia roundabout (above Banco Popular) and the first correct entry drawn will win a EUR 25 prize. The draw will take place on the Saturday, at noon, following publication. Remember to put your phone number and name on the entry.


25 EURO Last week’s winner was



ACROSS 3. There should be no hens here (4,5) 8. Somehow reap fruit (4) 9. Annoying by looking around the street (9) 10. American money said to bring grief (6) 11. When the man takes tea (5) 14. Swear about merchandise (5) 15. Pleasant resort in France (4) 16. Cathy capsizes the sailing boat (5) 18. Step to the right and get gun out (4) 20. Shore up an animal (5) 21. Girl losing her head over slang (5) 24. Some Dorset terrier or another dog (6) 25. Cane under trial for lasting quality (9) 26. Proceed to find a fool (4) 27. Plan to dig around for something to gild with (4,5)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Mice; 3 Estrange; 8 None; 9 Dramatic; 11 Praiseworthy; 13 Lustre; 14 Pamper; 17 Particularly; 20 Despised; 21 Fuji; 22 Tendered; 23 Mesh. DOWN: 1 Monopoly; 2 Canvass; 4 Shrewd; 5 Remarkable; 6 Notch; 7 Etch; 10 Escritoire; 12 Crayfish; 15 Perfume; 16 Scheme; 18 Arson; 19 Edit. CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Cant; 3 Spoonful; 8 Diva; 9 Barnacle; 11 Victoria plum; 13 Reside; 14 Staple; 17 Simultaneous; 20 Redskins; 21 Beer; 22 Leap year; 23 Used. DOWN: 1 Cadavers; 2 Novices; 4 Placid; 5 Omnipotent; 6 Fichu; 7 Lied; 10 Cold turkey; 12 Censured; 15 Prowess; 16 Stanza; 18 India; 19 Oral.

DOWN 1. Digging routine preparatory duties? (9) 2. Ran libel article about dancer (9) 4. Tire out with a row (4) 5. Keeps in with Bill the billionaire (5) 6. Pilot in the marina, perhaps (6) 7. Vehicle with a worn top? (4) 9. Baby cat? (5) 11. Coats thrown at the races (5) 12. Turns into a grim journey (9) 13. Tree trend can be off-putting (9) 17. A number found in there (5) 19. Justification you give for retreating? (6) 22. Japanese port to get a soak tipsy (5) 23. Cause the downfall of United Nations party (4) 24. Read the descant part (4)

SUDOKU CHALLENGE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 44



















ACROSS 3. 8. 9. 10. 11. 14. 15. 16. 18. 20. 21. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Profitable (9) Lure (4) Hard work (9) Spaceship (6) Agencies (5) Exhausted (5) Rotate (4) Moor (5) Sell (4) Release (5) Entice (5) Strain (6) Sensible (9) Quarrel (4) Fecundity (9)

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 17. 19. 22.

Vulgar (9) Villain (9) One (4) Uplift (5) Essay (6) Sin (4) Demise (5) Intended (5) Lethargic (9) Increase (9) Vegetable mould (5) Portray (6) Bottle (5)


Vast (4)


Powder (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ 1. What is the largest pachyderm in the world? 2. What is the only country in the world with the Bible on its national flag? 3. The name of which Principality, formed in 1278, is thought to be derived from 'al Darra', the Arabic word for forest? 4. Which famous song, which includes the phrase "I'd love to turn you on", was banned by the BBC from airplay in 1967 on the basis of this line, claiming it could "encourage a permissive attitude toward drug-taking"? 5. According to the human rights organisation Freedom House, what percentage of the worlds population live in countries with a free press? plus or minus 10% 6. Henry Ford kept the last breath of which inventive man in an enclosed test tube? 7. What is the dot over a lower case i or j called? 8. Which insects get their name from an ancient superstition that they crawl into the ears of sleeping people? 9. The 1922 film 'Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror' was the first film about which person? 10. Plus or minus one second, what is now the world record time for restoring a Rubik's cube at an official competition? 11. The following are national or state mottos. For each motto, identify the country or state: a: Dieu et mon droit (French, 'God and my right', b: Pro mundi beneficio (Latin, 'For the benefit of the world'), c: Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn (Local language, 'We wish to remain what we are'), d: Liberté, égalité, fraternité (French, 'Liberty, equality, fraternity'), e: L'union fait la force (French, 'Unity makes strength') 12. What is a 'Wobbegong'? a. An Appalachian idiophone, b. A bat like creature in Harry Potter books, c. A carpet shark 13. Alex Rodriguez excels at which sport, making him the highest paid player of all time? 14. According to the IAEO, name the 10 countries in the world with the most nuclear reactors. 15. What do people suffering from TRICHOTILLOMANIA have a sometimes frustrated impulse to do? 1. African elephant. Pachyderm means 'thick skin', 2. c. The Dominican Republic, 3. Andorra, 4. A Day in the Life, (Beatles, from the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band), 5. 17%, 6. Thomas A. Edison, 7. Tittle, 8. Earwigs, 9. Dracula, 10. 7.08 seconds. Erik Akkerdijk (Holland) at the 2008 Czech Open. 11. a: United Kingdom, b: Panama, c: Luxembourg, d: France, e: Haiti, 12. c. A carpet shark, 13. Baseball, 14. USA (104), France (59), Japan (53), Russia (31), Rep Korea (20), GB (19), Canada (18), Germany (17), India (17), Ukraine (15). 15. Pull their hair out (hair loss from a patient's repetitive self-pulling of hair)

Call into the office to collect your prize



966 73 0057

Monday, 12th November, 2012



Monday, 12th November, 2012


966 73 0057



7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Neighbourhood Blues. New series. The return of the policing series. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties being sold at auction. (R) (T) 11.58 BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.00 Watchdog Daily. New series. Consumer investigations. (T) 12.45 Cash in the Attic. Helping people make money from junk. (R) (T) 1.13 BBC News; Weather. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. From the Staffordshire County Showground. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. A shy man introduces his mother to his girlfriend. (T) 3.15 Escape to the Country. People search for their ideal rural retreats. (R) (T) 4.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News. (T) 4.05 CBBC: Deadly 60. Saltwater crocodiles in Australia. (R) (T) 4.35 Lockie Leonard. Curtis reveals his true colours. (R) (T) 5.00 Prank Patrol Down Under. A girl tricks her friends at their dance class. (R) (T) 5.25 Leon. The lion attacks a baby elephant. (R) (T) 5.30 Junior MasterChef. Four more contestants vie for a place in the quarterfinals. (T) 5.30 Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps. Shaun’s bouncy castle trampoline deflates. (R) (T)

6.00 Newsround. Current affairs reports for children. (T) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show in which contestants try to score the fewest points possible by giving the least obvious correct answers to questions. Presented by Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Alex Jones and Matt Baker present live from Cardiff, supporting Team Rickshaw on day four of their 400-mile challenge for Children in Need. (T) 8.30 Inside Out. Stories of interest to the region; (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 EastEnders. Cora’s erratic behaviour worries her family and friends, the Branning brothers enjoy a night out, and Christian says a heartbreaking goodbye. (T) 9.30 Panorama. In-depth current affairs report. (T) 10.00 Richard Hammond’s Miracles of Nature. The presenter observes elephants communicating via signals that pass through sand and a seal using just its whiskers to navigate — two instances of super-senses in the animal world. (T) 11.00 BBC News. (T)

11.25 Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.35 Imagine. Alan Yentob examines the life and career of Chinese pianist Lang Lang, charting his progress from child prodigy to global classical music star. (T) 1.00 FILM: Shine (1996). Biopic of pianist David Helfgott, starring Geoffrey Rush. (T) 2.40 Weatherview. (T) 2.45 Sign Zone: Wartime Farm. Ruth Goodman, Alex Langlands and Peter Ginn prepare for D-Day. (R) (T) 3.45 Sign Zone: Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food. Creating sophisticated dishes for dinner parties. (R) (T) 4.15 Sign Zone: Rip Off Food. Unravelling the tricks used by food manufacturers. (R) (T) 5.00 Sign Zone: Rip Off Food. The techniques used by supermarkets to maximise profits. (R) (T) 5.45 BBC News. 5.45 HARDtalk. 6.00 BBC News. 6.30 World Business Report. 6.45 BBC News. (T) BBC2 7.00 CBeebies: Zigby. (R) (T) 7.10 Finley the Fire Engine. (R) (T) 7.20 Little Robots. (R) (T) 7.30 64 Zoo Lane. (R) (T) 7.45 Chuggington: Badge Quest. (R) (T) 7.50 Rastamouse. (R) (T) 8.00 CBBC: School of Silence. (R) (T) 8.30 Pet Squad. (R) (T) 8.40 Eliot Kid. (R) (T) 8.55 Newsround. (T) 9.00 What’s New Scooby-Doo? (R) (T) 9.25 CBeebies: Mister Maker Comes to Town. (R) (T) 9.45 I Can Cook with You. (R) (T) 10.00 ZingZillas. (R) (T) 10.15 Baby Jake. (R) (T) 10.25 Dipdap. (R) (T) 10.30 Wibbly Pig. (R) (T) 10.40 The Koala Brothers. (R) (T) 10.50 Big & Small; (R) (T) Octonauts: Creature Reports. (R) (T) 11.05 Big Barn Farm. (R) (T) 11.20 Charlie and Lola. (R) (T) 11.30 3rd & Bird. (R) (T) 11.40 Waybuloo. (R) (T) 12.00 In the Night Garden. (R) (T) 12.30 BBC World News. (T) 1.00 Daily Politics. (T) 2.00 Restoration Roadshow. (R) (T) 2.30 To Buy or Not to Buy. (R) (T) 3.15 Weakest Link. (R) (T) 4.00 Real Rescues. (R) (T) 4.45 Flog It! (T) 5.30 Breakaway. (R) (T) 6.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. James Lewis and Jonty Hearnden visit a car-boot sale at Ford Airfield in Arundel, West Sussex, where they search for items they can sell on for the biggest possible profit. (R) (T) 7.00 Eggheads. Quiz, hosted by Dermot Murnaghan, in which the winners of famous game shows work as a team to tackle a new set of challengers. (R) (T) 7.30 Strictly Come Dancing — It Takes Two. Zoe Ball hosts the weekday fanzine devoted to the ballroom dancing show, featuring an interview with the latest couple to be voted off. (T) 8.00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip. The Green Green Grass stars Sue Holderness and John Challis hunt for antiques in and around Essex, with all profits from the auction in Dartford, Kent, going to Children in Need. (T) 9.00 University Challenge. An all-Cambridge battle in which Homerton College faces King’s College in the second of two matches involving highscoring losing teams from the first round. Jeremy Paxman hosts. (T) 9.30 MasterChef: The Professionals. Ten more chefs enter the kitchen and are challenged to make a dish using a selection of seven ingredients — including puy lentils, goat’s cheese and peaches. (T) 10.00 The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. New

series. Laurence Rees examines how Hitler formed a connection with the German people, beginning by assessing whether his alleged charisma played a role in his success as leader. (T) 11.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks. The IT Crowd’s Richard Ayoade takes over hosting duties, with team captains Noel Fielding and Phill Jupitus joined by guests including Ed Sheeran and Caroline Flack. (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 Dragons’ Den. (R) (T) 1.20 Britain in a Day. (R) (T) 2.50 BBC News. (T) 5.00 BBC Learning Zone. (T) London 6.30 ITV Morning News. (T) 7.00 Daybreak. News and entertainment. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. Samantha Womack discusses her work with charity ActionAid. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. With tenor Alfie Boe. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 London News and Weather. (T) 3.00 Crime Stories. New series. Drama, starring Jane Antrobus and Ben Hull. (T) 4.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. From Nottingham. (R) (T) 4.59 London Weather. (T)

5.00 The Dales. Adrian Edmondson meets caving expert Dave Gallivan. (R) (T) 5.30 The Dales. Carol Mellin takes part in the World Sheep Dog Trials. (R) (T) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. (T) 7.00 London Tonight; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Emmerdale. Val and Eric catch Kerry flirting with Alex after a night out, Marlon and Paddy try to reunite Laurel and Rhona, while Katie worries Declan is covering his true feelings. (T) 8.30 Coronation Street. Maria breaks up with a bewildered Jason, while Sean is left humiliated after Marcus insists he has got the wrong end of the stick. Gary and Izzy await Tina’s pregnancy test result. (T) 9.00 Little England. Jonathan and Kath Croft-White work to improve their campsite ahead of a visit from an inspector, and Dordogne resident Colleen Simms prepares for a performance at a gig in Tremolat. (T) 9.30 Coronation Street. Sean is speechless at the sight of Marcus and Maria kissing, and Jason soon works out what has been going on. Meanwhile, there is a mixed response to Tina’s pregnancy test result. (T) 10.00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Having been nominated by the public yesterday, one of the celebrities faces the dreaded task of taking part in the first Bushtucker Trial to earn food for the group. (T)

11.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather. (T) 11.30 London News and Weather. (T) 11.35 The Agenda. ITV’s political editor Tom Bradby presents a discussion on the week’s main talking points, with guests from the worlds of politics and popular culture. (T) 12.05 FILM: Training Day (2001). Thriller, starring Denzel Washington. (T) 2.15 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming; ITV News Headlines. 4.00 Champions League Weekly. A review of the matchday four fixtures. (T) 4.25 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 5.35 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their

Monday 12th November 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Simon Baldock interviews stars of stage & screen – Dirk Benedict 18.05 Guardamar’s Moors & Christians – A behind the scenes look at the Brits involved with this amazing spectacle. 19.00 Let's Talk – Simon is joined by actress & screenplay writer Paloma del Rei and man who almost made a million – Ricky Neil. 19.30 Spanish Dive Adventures (series) – an undersea spectacle that lies just off our coast. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

differences. (R) (T) CHANNEL 4 7.05 Channel 4 Presents — Hannah. (R) (T) 7.10 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 8.00 Freshly Squeezed. (T) 8.30 According to Jim. (R) (T) 8.55 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Undercover Boss Canada. (R) (T) 12.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away. (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 SuperScrimpers. (T) 1.35 Celebrity Come Dine with Me. (R) (T) 2.35 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent. (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 1001 Things You Should Know. (T) 5.00 Deal or No Deal. (T) 6.00 Come Dine with Me. Four amateur cooks from Wakefield try to impress one another and win the £1,000 prize. Angie Battye hosts the first night and hopes her Asian-flavoured food will impress her guests. (T) 6.30 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals. Jamie Oliver prepares sticky squid balls, grilled prawns and noodle broth, plus sausage fusilli and creamy garden salad. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Homer becomes a bounty hunter to earn extra money and hires an unlikely assistant in the form of Ned Flanders — who ends up pursuing him for skipping bail over a trivial offence. (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Tony makes it clear he intends to marry Cindy regardless of her affair. The day of Ruby’s nuptials draws near, and Brendan returns as Ste and Doug prepare to tie the knot. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Members of the public ask whether faith is a matter of nature or nurture, in light of recent scientific studies that suggest humans may be programmed from birth to believe in a god. (T) 9.00 Chinese Murder Mystery: Channel 4 Dispatches Special. The death of Englishman Neil Percival Heywood in a remote Chinese city in November 2011, revealing how he was killed after becoming involved with the country’s Communist Party. (T) 10.00 999: What’s Your Emergency? How Blackpool’s emergency services deal with incidents involving people visiting the town, from rowdy stag and hen parties to gypsy bonfires and those with social problems. (T) 11.00 8 Out of 10 Cats. Jimmy Carr hosts the irreverent panel show, in which teams captained by Sean Lock and Jon Richardson answer questions based on opinion polls carried out around the country. (T) 11.50 Full English. (T) 12.20 Random Acts. (T) 12.25 Alan Carr: Chatty Man. (R) (T) 1.25 Secret State. (R) (T) 2.20 Shameless. (R) (T) 3.15 The Good Wife. (T) 4.00 The Good Wife. (T) 4.40 Supernanny US. (T) 5.20 Supernanny US. (T) 6.05 Deal or No Deal. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 7.10 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (T) 7.30 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olive the Ostrich. (T) 7.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.45 Make Way for Noddy. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.30 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 9.40 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.15 The Hotel Inspector. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 Best House in the Street. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 CSI: Miami. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Amber’s Story (2006). Fact-based drama, starring Elisabeth Rohm. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Lucas is rocked by Francesca’s demand that he and Vanessa need to get married, Lou sets out to be the perfect godfather and Sophie struggles to overcome her insecurities. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Roo argues with Harvey over his infidelity, Sid struggles with the burden of caring for Dex and Casey tells Natalie he believes it is his fate to go to jail. (R) (T) 7.30 5 News at 6.30. (T) 8.00 Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan. The Lord of the Rings and Lost star travels the world in search of unusual and interesting creatures, beginning by looking for a giant centipede in Venezuela; (R) (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 The All New Gadget Show. Jason Bradbury and Pollyanna Woodward head to Iceland, where they try out hi-tech binoculars while whale-watching and put three of the best budget laptops through their paces; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 FILM: High Plains Drifter (1973). A mysterious stranger rids a town of outlaws, but has a dark plan in store for its inhabitants. Western, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood. With Verna Bloom and Marianna Hill. (T) 12.15 FILM: Out for Justice (1991). Action thriller, with Steven Seagal. (T) 2.00 SuperCasino. 5.00 HouseBusters. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T)



966 73 0057

Monday, 12th November, 2012



7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Neighbourhood Blues. A couple are believed to own a banned breed of dog. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties being sold at auction. (R) (T) 11.58 BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.00 Watchdog Daily. Consumer advice series. (T) 12.45 Cash in the Attic. Helping people make money from junk. (R) (T) 1.13 BBC News; Weather. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. Two teams test their antiques knowledge. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. Chris helps to place an overseas student with a host family. (T) 3.15 Escape to the Country. People search for their ideal rural retreats. (R) (T) 4.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News. (T) 4.05 CBBC: Deadly 60. Steve Backshall takes a boat ride up the Amazon. (R) (T) 4.35 Lockie Leonard. Mel and Lockie get lost in the Bush. (R) (T) 5.00 Prank Patrol Down Under. A boy tricks his friends into thinking they have found a haul of treasure. (R) (T) 5.25 Leon. The lion chases a gnu. (R) (T) 5.30 Junior MasterChef. Young aspiring chefs battle it out to prove their talents in the kitchen. (T) 5.30 Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps. Shaun attempts a routine using ribbons. (R) (T)

6.00 Newsround. Current affairs reports for children. 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show in which contestants try to score the fewest points possible by giving the least obvious correct answers to questions. Presented by Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Team Rickshaw arrive in Bath, so Matt Baker and Alex Jones present the show live from the town to support their Children in Need challenge. (T) 8.30 EastEnders. Patrick tries to get Cora to open up after her revelation — but plying her with alcohol only adds to her problems. Syed discovers Christian is planning to leave the country; (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 Holby City. Ric returns from holiday to find Serena as acting CEO, but is too busy with a transplant patient to fight her for the position. Michael meets his match in a feisty nurse. (T)

Panorama special following doctors and scientists’ revolutionary efforts to help a group of severely brain-injured patients communicate with their families and the outside world. (T) 12.35 FILM: Veronica Guerin (2003). Fact-based drama, starring Cate Blanchett. (T) 2.10 Weatherview. (T) 2.15 Sign Zone: Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure. The cultures and cuisines of China’s ethnic minorities. (R) (T) 3.15 Sign Zone: Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs. Tales of servant rebellion during the Edwardian era. (R) (T) 4.15 Sign Zone: Rip Off Food. How to save money on bottled water. (R) (T) 5.00 Sign Zone: Paul Martin’s Handmade Revolution. Getting Britain back in touch with its craft traditions. (R) (T) 5.45 BBC News. 5.45 HARDtalk. 6.00 BBC News. 6.30 World Business Report. 6.45 BBC News. (T)

10.00 The Paradise. Denise returns to the Paradise, where she and Moray finally admit their feelings for one another. But with him about to marry Katherine, it may be too late. Last in the series. 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather; (T) National Lottery Update. (T) 11.35 The Mind Reader: Unlocking My Voice.



BBC2 7.00 CBeebies: Zigby. (R) (T) 7.10 Finley the Fire Engine. (R) (T) 7.20 Little Robots. (R) (T) 7.30 64 Zoo Lane. (R) (T) 7.45 Chuggington: Badge Quest. (R) (T) 7.50 Rastamouse. (R) (T) 8.00 CBBC: School of Silence. (R) (T) 8.30 Pet Squad. (R) (T) 8.40 Eliot Kid. (R) (T) 8.55 Newsround. (T) 9.00 What’s New Scooby-Doo? (R) (T) 9.25 CBeebies: Mister Maker Comes to Town. (R) (T) 9.45 I Can Cook with You. (R) (T) 10.00 ZingZillas. (R) (T) 10.15 Baby Jake. (R) (T) 10.25 Dipdap. (R) (T) 10.30 Wibbly Pig. (R) (T) 10.40 The Koala Brothers. (R) (T) 10.50 Big & Small; (R) (T) Octonauts: Creature Reports. (R) (T) 11.05 Big Barn Farm. (R) (T) 11.20 Charlie and Lola. (R) (T) 11.30 3rd & Bird. (R) (T) 11.40 Waybuloo. (R) (T) 12.00 In the Night Garden. (R) (T) 12.30 BBC World News. (T) 1.00 Daily Politics. (T) 2.00 Restoration Roadshow. (R) (T) 2.30 To Buy or Not to Buy. (R) (T) 3.15 Weakest Link. (R) (T) 4.00 Real Rescues. (R) (T) 4.45 Flog It! (T) 5.30 Breakaway. (R) (T) 6.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. Jonty Hearnden and James Lewis head to the East of England Showground, home of the Peterborough Festival of Antiques. (R) (T) 7.00 Eggheads. Quiz, hosted by Dermot Murnaghan, in which the winners of famous game shows work as a team to tackle a new set of challengers. (R) (T) 7.30 Strictly Come Dancing — It Takes Two. Zoe Ball chats to the couple who narrowly avoided elimination in Sunday night’s dance-off, and Karen Hardy gives her thoughts on the weekend’s choreography. (T) 8.00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip. Broadcasters Germaine Greer and Clive Anderson hunt for antiques in Lancashire, and visit Chetham’s Library in Manchester and Helmshore Mills Textile Museum. (T) 9.00 MasterChef: The Professionals. Five of the 10 chefs from yesterday’s heat face a skills test of breaking down a cooked lobster and serving it with a salad, before the best four re-create a classic pastry recipe. (T) 10.00 Dara O Briain’s Science Club. The comedian and his team of experts investigate the world of theoretical physics, with guest Marcus Brigstocke attempting to get to grips with dark energy. (T) 11.00 Later Live — with Jools Holland. With performances by Ellie Goulding, Band of Horses, Larry Graham, Foals and Luisa Sobral, and interviews with Jimmy Page and Rodriguez. An extended edition can be seen on Friday at 11.55pm. (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 Imagine. (R) (T) 1.50 BBC News. (T) 5.00 BBC Learning Zone. (T) London

Ric is less than happy on his return from holiday


6.30 ITV Morning News. (T) 7.00 Daybreak. With guests Colin Firth and Cameron Diaz. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. Entertainment and fashion news, presented by Lorraine Kelly. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. With Mel C and Emma Bunton. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 London News and Weather. (T) 3.00 Crime Stories. A shop assistant is injured during an armed robbery. (T) 4.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. From Wilmslow in Cheshire. (R) (T) 4.59 London Weather. (T)

5.00 The Dales. Adrian Edmondson is shown how to repair a dry stone wall. (R) (T) 5.30 The Dales. The Owens make a guest appearance at a photography exhibition. Last in the series. (R) (T) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. 7.00 London Tonight; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Emmerdale. Charity talks to Cain about Sarah,

11.00 11.30 11.35

fearing something could go wrong with the operation — not realising Debbie is in earshot. Val and Eric kick Kerry out after their discovery. (T) The Martin Lewis Money Show. The financial journalist visits Manchester hospital workers to explain how to claim back mis-sold payment protection insurance, and takes to the stage for a rant about spam texts. (T) Deirdre and Me: 40 Years on Coronation Street. Anne Kirkbride talks about life in Weatherfield and away from the cameras in a documentary marking the actress’s 40th anniversary in the soap. (T) I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Ant and Dec present an update as the famous faces continue their ordeal in the Australian wilderness and one more brave contestant takes part in the Bushtucker Trial. (T) ITV News at Ten and Weather. (T) London News and Weather. (T) Take Me Out. A London saxophonist who tours with Olly Murs, an electrician from Pontefract in West Yorkshire, a Surrey beatboxer and a bike engineer from Cornwall take part in the dating show. (R) (T)

12.50 Grimefighters. A veteran pest controller teaches his son how to catch moles. (R) (T) 1.15 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming; ITV News Headlines. 4.00 Loose Women. With Mel C and Emma Bunton. (R) (T) 4.50 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. CHANNEL 4 7.00 Channel 4 Presents — Jonnie Peacock ‘Speed’. (R) (T) 7.05 The Treacle People. (R) (T) 7.15 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.40 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 8.05 Freshly Squeezed. (T) 8.35 According to Jim. (R) (T) 9.05 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.35 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.05 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.35 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Undercover Boss Canada. (R) (T) 12.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away. (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 SuperScrimpers. (T) 1.35 Celebrity Come Dine with Me. (R) (T) 2.35 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent. (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 1001 Things You Should Know. (T) 5.00 Deal or No Deal. (T) 6.00 Come Dine with Me. IT expert and disco fanatic Joel Rowbottom hosts the second of the week’s parties in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, and hopes to impress his guests with a dance competition. (T) 6.30 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals. Jamie Oliver prepares smoked salmon, Yorkshire pudding, beets and asparagus, as well as Greek chicken accompanied by sweet pepper and pea couscous with tzatziki. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Bart lands himself in trouble when he steals a mobile phone from actor Denis Leary and ends up leading his family to the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu. (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. The morning of the double wedding arrives, and Ste is shocked to discover Doug is busy plotting Brendan’s downfall. Meanwhile, Myra tries to bribe Rhys into leaving the village. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Members of the public ask whether faith is a matter of nature or nurture, in light of recent scientific studies that suggest humans may be programmed from birth to believe in a god. (T) 9.00 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. A caravan being transformed into an ice-cream parlour, the country’s first-ever tree tent, and some unique offices built from four old train carriages. (T) 10.00 Heston’s Fantastical Food. Heston Blumenthal is given access to Europe’s largest ice-cream factory to build the world’s biggest 99 Flake — taller than five metres and weighing in at more than a ton. (T) 11.00 Fresh Meat. A field trip goes awry for Kingsley, Vod’s future as a student is put in jeopardy, Oregon begins to fall for Dylan, and Josie keeps a secret from everyone. (T) 11.50 Random Acts. (T) 11.55 Homeland. (R) (T) 1.00 European Poker Tour. (T) 2.00 Channel 4 Presents — Lee. (R) (T) 2.05 Sailing: America’s Cup Discovered. (T) 2.30 KOTV Boxing Weekly. (T) 3.00 Beach Volleyball. (T) 3.55 Bullrun: Cops, Cars and Superstars. (T) 4.20 British Rallycross. (R) (T) 4.45 Extreme Sailing Series. (R) (T) 5.15 Cardiff Half Marathon. (R) (T) 5.45 Ironman World Series. (R) (T) 6.10 Deal or No Deal. (R) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 7.10 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (T) 7.30 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olive the Ostrich. (T) 7.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr

Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.45 Make Way for Noddy. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.30 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 9.40 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.15 The Hotel Inspector. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 Best House in the Street. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 CSI: Miami. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Bonneville (2006). Comedy drama, starring Jessica Lange. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Priya calls an end to her affair with Paul, but he carries on his pursuit of her, while Vanessa hopes Rhys will give her a reason to back out of the marriage to Lucas. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Brax decides to take Casey out of town for a few days, Sid tells April that he would understand if she chose to leave Dex, while Roo cannot shake her love for Harvey. (R) (T) 7.30 5 News at 6.30. (T) 8.00 Highland Emergency. An RAF crew evacuates an oilrig worker with an injured hand and the Royal Navy faces a long flight to one of Scotland’s remotest islands to help a man who has severe chest pains. (T) 8.30 Highland Emergency. The RAF is called out to rescue a canyoner from a deep river gorge and an HM Coastguard crew battles against the weather to save two stranded hikers on the Isle of Skye; (T) 8.30 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 Rolf’s Animal Clinic. Equine practice vet Sam Bescoby treats a horse that has an unexplained growth in one of its hooves and orthopaedic surgeon Rob Pettit operates on a dog that has been run over; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 Body of Proof. A man assumed to be dead walks out of Ethan’s examination room and his flatmate is found shot to death, leading Megan to expose a shocking cover-up at local government level. (T) 11.00 CSI: NY. The body parts of a murdered wrestling coach are scattered around the city, while Flack is accused of using excessive force to subdue a suspect who died in his custody. (R) (T) 11.55 CSI: NY. (R) (T) 12.55 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (R) (T) 1.45 Forensic Files. (R) (T) 2.10 SuperCasino. 5.00 HouseBusters. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T)

Tuesday 13th November 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Simon Baldock interviews a man in the news at the moment Freddie Starr 18.05 FAQ – getting your body back in tune. 18.30 The Wedding Show (series) – Helping the bride look a million dollars for her special day – hair and make-up. 18.45 Spanish Eye – The heart wrenching story of dozens of beagles rescued from testing laboratories in Spain to be loved and re-homed around the world. 19.00 Real England (series) – The Lost Gardens of Heligan. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music


Monday, 12th November, 2012



7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Neighbourhood Blues. A man cultivating cannabis is given a rude awakening by the police. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties being sold at auction. (R) (T) 11.58 BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.00 Watchdog Daily. Consumer investigations. (T) 12.45 Cash in the Attic. Helping people make money from junk. (R) (T) 1.13 BBC News; Weather. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. From Derby. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. Jimmi is called to certify a death. (T) 3.15 Escape to the Country. People search for their ideal rural retreats. (R) (T) 4.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News. (T) 4.05 CBBC: Deadly 60. Steve Backshall visits Nepal. (R) (T) 4.35 Lockie Leonard. The school prepares for the musical’s opening night. (R) (T) 5.00 Prank Patrol Down Under. Two girls try to convince their classmates that they are geniuses. (R) (T) 5.25 Leon. The animals arrange to meet on Leon’s rock. (R) (T) 5.30 Junior MasterChef. The battle for a place in the quarter-finals continues. (T) 5.30 Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps. Shaun constructs a pole vault. (R) (T)

6.00 Newsround. Current affairs reports for children. (T) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show in which contestants try to score the fewest points possible by giving the least obvious correct answers to questions. Presented by Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Matt Baker and Alex Jones return to the studio, but still keep viewers updated on the progress of Team Rickshaw and their Children in Need ride; (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 DIY SOS: The Big Build Children in Need Special. Nick Knowles and the team come to the aid of The Yard, a centre for children with additional needs in Edinburgh, overhauling the building so it exists for generations to come. (T)

Draws. John Partridge presents as the balls are set rolling to decide the all-important numbers. (T) 11.45 Have I Got a Bit More News for You. Homeland actor Damian Lewis takes the hot seat as the show marks 10 years of guest hosts, with Simpsons actor Harry Shearer and UKIP leader Nigel Farage joining in the fun. (T) 12.25 Film 2012 with Claudia Winkleman. New series. Review of Twilight: Breaking Dawn — Part 2; (T) National Lottery Update. (T) 12.55 FILM: Salvage (2009). Premiere. Horror, starring Neve McIntosh. (T) 2.15 Weatherview. (T) 2.20 Sign Zone: See Hear. Gadgets designed to help people with hearing difficulties. With voiceover. (R) (T) 2.50 Sign Zone: Andrew Marr’s History of the World. The modern age — from the world wars to now and beyond. Last in the series. (R) (T) 3.50 Sign Zone: Rip Off Food. The nutritional facts behind some so-called healthy products. (R) (T) 4.35 Sign Zone: Rip Off Food. The facts behind so-called top quality products. Last in the series. (R) (T) 5.20 BBC News. 5.20 BBC News. 5.30 Panorama. 6.00 BBC News. 6.30 World Business Report. 6.45 BBC News. (T) BBC2 7.00 CBeebies: Zigby. (R) (T) 7.10 Finley the Fire Engine. (R) (T) 7.20 Little Robots. (R) (T) 7.30 64 Zoo Lane. (R) (T) 7.45 Chuggington: Badge Quest. (R) (T) 7.50 Rastamouse. (R) (T) 8.00 CBBC: School of Silence. (R) (T) 8.30 Pet Squad. (R) (T) 8.40 Eliot Kid. (R) (T) 8.55 Newsround. (T) 9.00 What’s New Scooby-Doo? (R) (T) 9.25 CBeebies: Mister Maker Comes to Town. (R) (T) 9.45 I Can Cook with You. (R) (T) 10.00 ZingZillas. (R) (T) 10.15 Baby Jake. (R) (T) 10.25 Dipdap. (R) (T) 10.30 Wibbly Pig. (R) (T) 10.40 The Koala Brothers. (R) (T) 10.50 Big & Small; (R) (T) Octonauts: Creature Reports. (R) (T) 11.05 Big Barn Farm. (R) (T) 11.20 Charlie and Lola. (R) (T) 11.30 3rd & Bird. (R) (T) 11.40 Waybuloo. (R) (T) 12.00 In the Night Garden. (R) (T) 12.30 BBC World News. (T) 1.00 Animal Park. (R) (T) 2.00 See Hear. (T) 2.30 To Buy or Not to Buy. (R) (T) 3.15 Weakest Link. (R) (T) 4.00 Real Rescues. (R) (T) 4.45 Flog It! (T) 5.30 Breakaway. (R) (T) 6.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. Jonty Hearnden and James Lewis compete at Tring Market Auctions in Hertfordshire, where sales are staged at five different times throughout the day. (R) (T) 7.00 Eggheads. Quiz, hosted by Jeremy Vine, in which the winners of famous game shows work as a team to tackle a new set of challengers. (R) (T) 7.30 Strictly Come Dancing — It Takes Two. Zoe Ball has the latest gossip, while Ian Waite reveals how the couples are getting on in training. (T) 8.00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip. Actress Stefanie Powers and actor Don Warrington hunt for antiques in St Albans, Hertfordshire, before seeing who makes the biggest profit at auction in West Sussex. (T) 9.00 MasterChef: The Professionals. The remaining five chefs face a skills test of preparing a crown of duck for roasting, with only four going on to try to re-create Michel Roux Jr’s monkfish liver dish. (T) 10.00 The Hour. New series. Return of the newsroom drama. It is 1957 and the show’s producer Randall Brown (Peter Capaldi) decides to shake up the team by bringing back Freddie (Ben Whishaw). (T) 11.00 The Culture Show. Author Tom Wolfe talks to Andrew Graham-Dixon about his new novel Back to Blood and artist John Bellany discusses being inspired by growing up in a fishing port. (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 Great Continental Railway Journeys. (R) (T) 1.20 Storyville — Knocking on Heaven’s Door. (T) 2.20 BBC News. (T) 5.00 BBC Learning Zone. (T) London

10.00 Brazil with Michael Palin. Michael finds a rich mix of people in the Brazilian south, meeting German speakers, Bavarian dancers, cowboys and a man who has made a fortune out of rubbish. Last in the series. (T) 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.35 The National Lottery Wednesday Night

6.30 ITV Morning News. (T) 7.00 Daybreak. News and entertainment. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. Entertainment and fashion news. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. With David Walliams. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 London News and Weather. (T) 3.00 Crime Stories. The police investigate when an engagement ring is stolen. (T) 4.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. From Pudsey, West Yorkshire. (R) (T) 4.59 London Weather. (T)

5.00 Midsomer Murders. Part one of two. An apparent suicide shocks the village of Morton Fendle. (R) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. (T) 7.00 London Tonight; Weather. (T) 7.15 ITV News and Weather. (T) 7.45 Emmerdale. Debbie tries to control her emotions as Sarah goes into hospital, Amy refuses an invitation from Val and Eric, and Nikhil worries about how well Gennie is coping with motherhood. (T) 8.15 Live International Football. Sweden v England (Kick-off 7.30pm). Coverage of the friendly fixture between the two nations at the Friends Arena in Stockholm. (T) 10.45 ITV News and Weather. (T) 11.15 London News and Weather. (T) 11.20 International Football Highlights. Sweden v England. Highlights of tonight’s match at the Friends Arena in Stockholm, where the visitors looked to put the disappointment of a draw in Poland behind them. (T) 12.20 FILM: Rumor Has It (2005). Romantic comedy, starring Jennifer Aniston and Kevin Costner. (T) 2.05 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming; ITV News Headlines. 4.00 FILM: Columbo: The Most Crucial Game (1972). Detective drama, starring Peter Falk and Robert Culp. (T) 5.20 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. CHANNEL 4 7.05 Channel 4 Presents — Jonnie. (R) (T) 7.10 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 8.00 Freshly Squeezed. (T) 8.30 According to Jim. (R) (T) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Undercover Boss Canada. (R) (T) 12.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away. (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 SuperScrimpers. (T) 1.35 Come Dine with Me. (T) 2.35 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent. (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 1001 Things You Should Know. (T) 5.00 Deal or No Deal. (T) 6.00 Come Dine with Me. Donna Stephenson hopes to impress her guests with a main course of ’bunny delight’ as she hosts the third dinner party from Wakefield, West Yorkshire. (T) 6.30 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals. Jamie Oliver demonstrates his own brand of fast food, preparing glazed sizzling chops, and sweet tomato and asparagus lasagnetti. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Bart enthusiastically trades lives with a wealthy lookalike, but finds the lavish lifestyle too much when he becomes the target of all his new friends’ pranks. (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Doug and Ste finally exchange their vows, but disaster strikes as Maddie and the other sixth-formers take desperate action to ensure Ruby and Jono are able to do the same. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Members of the public ask whether faith is a matter of nature or nurture, in light of recent scientific studies that suggest humans may be programmed from birth to believe in a god. (T) 9.00 SuperScrimpers: Winter Survival Tips. Financial Times columnist Mrs Moneypenny offers seasonal cash-saving tips and trade secrets to help people maintain their expenses in the cold winter months. (T) 10.00 Grand Designs. Kevin McCloud catches up with architectural designer Lincoln Miles and his wife, artist Lisa Traxler, who transformed an uninspiring 1970s bungalow on the Isle of Wight. (T) 11.00 Secret State. Prime minister Tom Dawkins launches an inquiry into the toxicology anomalies at the blast in Scarrow, as well as facing pressure to take down al-Qaeda chief Tamin alGhamdi. (T) 12.05 Random Acts. (T) 12.10 Geordies Overboard. (T) 1.10 Music on 4: Abbey Road Studios: In Session. (T) 1.55 Music on 4: Spotlight: Indie and Rock. (T) 2.10 Music on 4: The Crush. (R) (T) 3.05 90210. (T) 3.45 FILM: Do Not Disturb (1965). Romantic comedy, starring Doris Day and Rod Taylor. (T) 5.30

Deal or No Deal. (R) (T) 6.25 Countdown. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 7.10 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (T) 7.30 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olive the Ostrich. (T) 7.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.45 Make Way for Noddy. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.30 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 9.40 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.15 The Hotel Inspector. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 Best House in the Street. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 CSI: Miami. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Crimes of Fashion: Hostile Makeover (2009). Mystery, starring Maggie Lawson. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Ajay sacrifices an important work opportunity to spend more time with Priya. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Jett and VJ’s rivalry grows as they train for the surf carnival, Romeo injures his knee again and Gina begins to think there really is something going on between Marilyn and John. (R) (T) 7.30 5 News at 6.30. (T) 8.00 Emergency Bikers. The paramedics respond to an emergency call after a child is knocked down outside a school, and deal with a woman having a panic attack (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 The Removal Men. A Pickfords crew transports the belongings of a family from Norwich to the south of France and a team tackles a 200-year-old bed in a medieval castle; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 FILM: Erin Brockovich (2000). A single mother goes to work at a law firm and ends up taking on a company suspected of contaminating a small town’s water. Drama, with Julia Roberts and Albert Finney. (T) 12.45 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. (R) (T) 1.40 Forensic Files. (R) (T) 2.05 SuperCasino. 5.00 HouseBusters. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T)

Wednesday 14th November 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Simon Baldock talks to Eric Morcambe’s son Gary. 18.05 Hip Hop, Alicante Style. The music scene in Alicante. 18.30 Let's Talk Special – Oxo dad, Michael Redfern just prior to his theatre debut in Allo Allo. 19.00 Ad Hoc presents the popular 80’s TV show Allo Allo. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music



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Monday, 12th November, 2012



7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Neighbourhood Blues. Officers try to track down a notorious car thief. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties being sold at auction. (R) (T) 11.58 BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.00 Watchdog Daily. Consumer investigations. (T) 12.45 Cash in the Attic. Helping people make money from junk. (R) (T) 1.13 BBC News; Weather. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. Two teams test their antiques knowledge. (R) (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. Emma vows to exact revenge on Chris. (T) 3.15 Escape to the Country. People search for their ideal rural retreats. (R) (T) 4.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News. (T) 4.05 CBBC: Deadly 60. Steve Backshall searches for more dangerous creatures in Mexico. (R) (T) 4.35 Lockie Leonard. Mel stays for the weekend. (R) (T) 5.00 Prank Patrol Down Under. A double date at a bowling alley takes a wrong turn. (R) (T) 5.25 Leon. A hyena drinks water from a magical spring. (R) (T) 5.30 Junior MasterChef. The battle for a place in the quarter-finals continues. (T) 5.30 Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps. One of the Farmer’s wellies is missing. (R) (T)

6.00 Newsround. Current affairs reports for children. (T) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show in which contestants try to score the fewest points possible by giving the least obvious correct answers to questions. Presented by Alexander Armstrong. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Matt Baker and Alex Jones present the show live from Reading on day seven of Team Rickshaw’s challenge. (T) 8.30 EastEnders. Lucy and Zainab plot to get Syed and Christian talking, but it may be too little, too late. Billy asks Alexa to drop the case against Lola, while Tanya makes a shocking discovery; (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 Young Apprentice. The candidates are sent into London with a list of 10 props they must find, before negotiating the best possible price for each sale. (T) 10.00 Hunted. Aidan presses Sam to revisit childhood memories of her mother’s murder and her own kidnapping, in the hope of understanding why the Hourglass conspirators want her dead. (T)

debate from Corby, with a panel including Justice Secretary Chris Grayling, UKIP Leader Nigel Farage and Private Eye editor Ian Hislop. (T) 12.35 This Week. The past seven days in politics. (T) 1.25 EastEnders. Omnibus. (T) 2.50 Holiday Weatherview. (T) 2.55 Sign Zone: Panorama. Current affairs report. (R) (T) 3.25 Sign Zone: Countryfile. A Remembrance Sunday special from the Forest of Dean. (R) (T) 4.20 Sign Zone: Antiques to the Rescue. A stately home that survived an attack by Oliver Cromwell’s troops. Last in the series. (R) (T) 5.20 BBC News. 5.20 BBC World News. 5.30 HARDtalk. 6.00 BBC News. 6.30 World Business Report. 6.45 BBC News. (T)


BBC2 7.00 CBeebies: Zigby. (R) (T) 7.10 Finley the Fire Engine. (R) (T) 7.20 Little Robots. (R) (T) 7.30 64 Zoo Lane. (R) (T) 7.45 Chuggington: Badge Quest. (R) (T) 7.50 Rastamouse. (R) (T) 8.00 CBBC: School of Silence. (R) (T) 8.30 Pet Squad. (R) (T) 8.40 Eliot Kid. (R) (T) 8.55 Newsround. (T) 9.00 What’s New Scooby-Doo? (R) (T) 9.25 CBeebies: Mister Maker Comes to Town. (R) (T) 9.45 I Can Cook with You. (R) (T) 10.00 ZingZillas. (R) (T) 10.15 Baby Jake. (R) (T) 10.25 Dipdap. (R) (T) 10.30 Wibbly Pig. (R) (T) 10.40 The Koala Brothers. (R) (T) 10.50 Big & Small; (R) (T) Octonauts: Creature Reports. (R) (T) 11.05 Big Barn Farm. (R) (T) 11.20 Charlie and Lola. (R) (T) 11.30 3rd & Bird. (R) (T) 11.40 Waybuloo. (R) (T) 12.00 In the Night Garden. (R) (T) 12.30 BBC World News. (T) 1.00 Animal Park. (R) (T) 2.00 Restoration Roadshow. (R) (T) 2.30 To Buy or Not to Buy. (R) (T) 3.15 Weakest Link. (R) (T) 4.00 Real Rescues. (R) (T) 4.45 Flog It! (T) 5.30 Breakaway. (R) (T) 6.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. Jonty Hearnden and James Lewis head to St Ouen antiques market in Paris as they try to find valuable items they can make a profit from back home. (R) (T) 7.00 Eggheads. Quiz, hosted by Dermot Murnaghan, in which the winners of famous game shows work as a team to tackle a new set of challengers. (R) (T) 7.30 Strictly Come Dancing — It Takes Two. Zoe Ball hosts the weekday fanzine devoted to the ballroom dancing show, featuring footage from the training rooms. (T) 8.00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip. Actress Sheila Hancock and broadcaster Sandi Toksvig hunt for antiques on the Isle of Wight, before seeing who makes the biggest profit at auction in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. (T) 9.00 MasterChef: The Professionals. Six chefs battle it out in the quarter-final, demonstrating a dish of their own invention before four of them go on to prepare two courses for a panel of food critics. (T) 10.00 Great Continental Railway Journeys. Michael Portillo travels from Hungary to Austria, visiting Budapest and Bratislava and immersing himself in pre-First World War decadence in Vienna. (T) 11.00 Hebburn. Jack spends his first day as editor of the Hebburn Advertiser, Vicki has her heart broken when Gervaise announces he has big plans, and Joe’s doctor tells him he needs to relax. (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 Dara O Briain’s Science Club. (R) (T) 1.20 The Culture Show. (R) (T) 1.50 BBC News. (T) 5.00 BBC Learning Zone. (T) London 6.30 ITV Morning News. (T) 7.00 Daybreak. News and entertainment. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. Entertainment and fashion news. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. With Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. With actor John Partridge. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 London News and Weather. (T) 3.00 Crime Stories. The detectives investigate when a school worker’s home is vandalised. (T) 4.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. Winston Churchill memorabilia surfaces in Watford, Hertfordshire. (T) 4.59 London Weather. (T)

11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.35 Question Time. David Dimbleby chairs a

7.00 7.30 8.00

5.00 Midsomer Murders. Conclusion. Barnaby traces Laura Sharp. (R) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge ques-


11.00 11.30 11.35

tions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. (T) London Tonight; Weather. (T) ITV News and Weather. (T) Emmerdale. Hour-long episode. Debbie visits Chas in prison, Val gives Kerry a less than glowing reference and Gennie tells Nikhil she is perfectly capable of looking after their daughter. (T) Coronation Street. Maria and Marcus face questions from a well-meaning Kirk, Steve decides it’s payback time when Rob spoils his reunion with Michelle, and Tina takes a second pregnancy test. (T) I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! The surprises keep coming for the celebrities as they find themselves struggling through another day of hardship Down Under. Ant and Dec present the latest stories from the jungle. (T) ITV News at Ten and Weather. (T) London News and Weather. (T) Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands. A barrister considers a permanent move to Corfu, a man talks about life in the island’s agricultural heartland and a Kavos club promoter provides an insight into her job. (T)

12.05 The Jonathan Ross Show. With Damian Lewis, Katherine Jenkins, Danny Baker and Psy. Last in the series. (R) (T) 1.05 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming; ITV News Headlines. 4.00 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 5.35 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (R) (T) CHANNEL 4 7.10 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 8.00 Freshly Squeezed. (T) 8.30 According to Jim. (R) (T) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Undercover Boss Canada. (R) (T) 12.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away. (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 SuperScrimpers. (T) 1.35 Come Dine with Me. (R) (T) 2.35 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent. (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 1001 Things You Should Know. (T) 5.00 Deal or No Deal. (T) 6.00 Come Dine with Me. Jake Coxon hosts the fourth dinner party from Wakefield, West Yorkshire, hoping to impress his guests with beef Wellington and a performance by his band. (T) 6.30 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals. Jamie Oliver demonstrates how to prepare seared Asian tuna, coconut rice with vegetables, ricotta fritters, tomato sauce and courgette salad. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Springfield is the setting for parodies of Charlie Brown, Mad Men and Michael Bay’s Transformers as Homer’s vote on election day is misread by a renegade machine. (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. The village reels in the aftermath of the double wedding disaster, and as accusations begin to fly, Esther and Bart face the prospect of admitting their involvement. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Members of the public ask whether faith is a matter of nature or nurture, in light of recent scientific studies that suggest humans may be programmed from birth to believe in a god. (T) 9.00 Kirstie’s Vintage Home. Kirstie Allsopp and her team create a 1950s-inspired home for Blackburn couple Shaun and Jannine and their boys, including a family playroom and a romantic bedroom. (T) 10.00 Everyday. Michael Winterbottom’s drama about a woman taking her young children to visit their father in prison over a period of five years. Shirley Henderson and John Simm star. (T) 11.50 999: What’s Your Emergency? (R) (T) 12.50 Random Acts. (T) 12.55 Embarrassing Fat Bodies. (R) (T) 1.55 Freaky Sleepers. (R) (T) 2.50 The Forgotten Gunners of WW1: A Time Team Special. (R) (T) 3.45 Unreported World. (R) (T) 4.10 Chinese Murder Mystery: Channel 4 Dispatches Special. (R) (T) 5.05 Deal or No Deal. (R) (T) 6.00 Countdown. (R) (T) 6.45 Make

Do & Mend. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 7.10 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (T) 7.30 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olive the Ostrich. (T) 7.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.45 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.30 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.15 The Hotel Inspector. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 Best House in the Street. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 CSI: Miami. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: A Decent Proposal (2006). Thriller, starring Jessica Tuck. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Bradley advises Summer to lighten up, Priya feigns illness to avoid spending time with Ajay, and Toadie feels left out as Sonya and Georgia’s friendship blossoms. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Romeo seeks out steroids to help speed up his recovery, Heath turns out to be a natural at looking after baby Rocco, and Gina admits she has been neglecting John. (R) (T) 7.30 5 News at 6.30. (T) 8.00 Rolf’s Animal Clinic. Equine practice vet Sam Bescoby treats a horse that has an unexplained growth in one of its hooves and orthopaedic surgeon Rob Pettit operates on a dog that has been run over; (R) (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 WW1’s Tunnels of Death: The Big Dig. Part two of two. Johan Vandewalle and his crew lower a camera down a German mineshaft — close to where one of the world’s largest unexploded bombs is believed to be located; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 Hatfields & McCoys. Frank Philips and his posse arrest several of the Hatfield clan in church, leading Anse to the conclusion that his only option is to send his men out to kill Randall. (T) 11.00 FILM: Valkyrie (2008). Fact-based thriller, starring Tom Cruise. (T) 1.25 SuperCasino. 5.00 HouseBusters. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T)

Thursday 15th November 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Simon is with ‘A list’ actress Holly Hunter. 18.05 Viva Vino (series) – Wine writer Colin Harkness. 18.30 Buying A Car In Spain – New or second hand. 19.00 Hayes Guide – Dave & Jess show us round the town of Santa Pola, the biggest Spanish fishing port on the Med. 19.30 Goldsmith of Quesada – Ancient craft of goldsmithery. 19.45 Hand Made – ‘Images from the Vega Baja’ 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music


Monday, 12th November, 2012


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16th November

7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Neighbourhood Blues. The team launches a city-wide search for a missing man in Hull. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties being sold at auction. (R) (T) 11.58 BBC News; Weather. (T) 12.00 Watchdog Daily. Consumer investigations. (T) 12.45 Cash in the Attic. Helping people make money from junk. (R) (T) 1.13 BBC News; Weather. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. Two teams test their antiques knowledge. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. Andrei delivers the baby to Rob and Driver. (T) 3.15 Escape to the Country. People search for their ideal rural retreats. (R) (T) 4.00 BBC News; Weather; Regional News. (T) 4.05 CBBC: Deadly 60. Dangerous fauna in Venezuela. (R) (T) 4.35 Lockie Leonard. Phillip and Joe try to find a missing alien. (R) (T) 5.00 Blue Peter. Long-running children’s magazine. (R) (T) 5.30 Junior MasterChef. The second quarter-final. (T) 5.30 Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps. Old Lady’s umbrella is used as a hockey stick. (R) (T)

6.00 Newsround. Current affairs reports for children. 6.15 Pointless Celebrities. Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman present a star-studded version of the unorthodox general knowledge quiz. 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show: Children in Need Special. Matt Baker and Alex Jones welcome Team Rickshaw to the finish line at Television Centre 8.30 Children in Need 2012. Terry Wogan, Tess Daly and Fearne Cotton present fund-raising fun, featuring music by One Direction and Girls Aloud, and Strictly Come Dancing and Doctor Who specials. (T) 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.35 Children in Need 2012. Terry Wogan, Tess Daly and Nick Grimshaw present the final part, with music by Little Mix, Leona Lewis, Paloma Faith and Tim Minchin. (T) 2.30 Weatherview. (T) 2.35 BBC News. 2.35 Click. 3.00 BBC News. 3.30 The Week in Parliament. 4.00 BBC News. 4.30 Click. 4.45 Newswatch. 5.00 BBC News. 5.30 On the Road With. 6.00 BBC News. (T) BBC2 7.00 CBeebies: Zigby. (R) (T) 7.10 Finley the Fire Engine. (R) (T) 7.20 Little Robots. (R) (T) 7.30 64 Zoo Lane. (R) (T) 7.45 Chuggington: Badge Quest. (R) (T) 7.50 Rastamouse. (R) (T) 8.00 CBBC: School of Silence. (R) (T) 8.30 Pet Squad. (R) (T) 8.40 Eliot Kid. (R) (T) 8.55 Newsround. (T) 9.00 What’s New Scooby-Doo? (R) (T) 9.25 CBeebies: Mister Maker Comes to Town. (R) (T) 9.45 I Can Cook with You. (R) (T) 10.00 ZingZillas. (R) (T) 10.15 Baby Jake. (R) (T) 10.25 Dipdap. (R) (T) 10.30 Wibbly Pig. (R) (T) 10.40 The Koala Brothers. (R) (T) 10.50 Big & Small; (R) (T) Octonauts: Creature Reports. (R) (T) 11.05 Big Barn Farm. (R) (T) 11.20 Charlie and Lola. (R) (T) 11.30 3rd & Bird. (R) (T) 11.40 Waybuloo. (R) (T) 12.00 In the Night Garden. (R) (T) 12.30 BBC World News. (T) 1.00 Animal Park. (R) (T) 2.00 Restoration Roadshow. (R) (T) 2.30 To Buy or Not to Buy. (R) (T) 3.15 Weakest Link. (R) (T) 4.00 Real Rescues. (R) (T)

4.45 Flog It! (T) 5.30 Breakaway. (R) (T) 6.15 Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is. Jonty Hearnden and James Lewis hunt for collectibles at four different events in a showdown challenge, hoping to make the most profit at auction from the items they have chosen. (R) (T) 7.00 Eggheads. Quiz in which the winners of famous game shows work as a team to tackle a new set of challengers. (T) 7.30 Strictly Come Dancing — It Takes Two. Zoe Ball presents analysis of the pro-celebrity couples’ progress ahead of tomorrow night’s show, and reports from the rehearsals. (T) 8.00 Celebrity Antiques Road Trip. BBC Breakfast presenters Louise Minchin and Bill Turner battle it out to find the best bargains in Greater Manchester, before an auction showdown in Bridgnorth, Shropshire. (T) 9.00 Mastermind. Four contestants take part, answering questions on the Titanic, the American Revolutionary War, East German athletics 1976-1988 and John Peel’s Festive Fifties. (T) 9.30 An Island Parish. New series. The documentary returns, this time chronicling life on Sark in the Channel Islands. As Easter approaches, shepherd David Scott is being kept busy with lambing. (T) 10.00 Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild. New series. David Attenborough reflects on his TV career, examining the changes in the natural world as well as the developments in wildlife film-making since he began in 1952. (T) 11.00 Children in Need 2012. Terry Wogan, Tess Daly and Fearne Cotton present more fund-raising fun, including a special edition of The Sarah Millican Television Programme and music by One Direction. (T) 11.40 Newsnight. (T) 12.10 The Review Show; (T) Weather. (T) 12.45 The National Lottery Friday Night Draws. (T) 12.55 Later with Jools Holland. (T) 2.00 FILM: Backstage (2000). Documentary following hip-hop stars. (T) 3.25 FILM: Battle Beyond the Stars (1980). Sci-fi adventure, with Richard Thomas. (T) 5.00 Close. London 6.30 ITV Morning News. (T) 7.00 Daybreak. News and entertainment. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. Presented by Kate Garraway. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Kian Egan previews the weekend’s X Factor shows. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. With pop band Steps. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 London News and Weather. (T) 3.00 Crime Stories. A career criminal is implicated in the burglary of an ex-soldier’s home. (T) 4.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. David Dickinson helps people in Peterborough sort the treasures from their trash. (R) (T) 4.59 London Weather. (T)

5.00 Midsomer Murders. Part one of two. A mischievous trickster is murdered. (R) (T) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. 7.00 London Tonight; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Emmerdale. Having seen what Cameron has put Debbie through, Cain takes his revenge, while Jimmy is overcome by emotion when he discovers Carl left the business to him after all. 8.30 Coronation Street. Steve and Eva follow Rob and Michelle to Sheffield, Leanne receives upsetting news from Peter, Kirsty clashes with Sally at the office, and Marcus’s behaviour upsets Maria. (T) 9.00 Island Hospital. Dr George Oswald and his wife Karen enter the annual scarecrow competition, while a woman finds out whether her son’s

hip dysplasia has been cured. (T) 9.30 Coronation Street. Rob and Michelle receive a shock when Steve and Eva turn up at their hotel. 10.00 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!. (T) 11.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather. (T) 11.30 London News and Weather. (T) 11.35 FILM: Wanted (2008). A man joins a secret society of superpowered assassins that kills people destined to commit acts of evil. (T) 1.35 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming; ITV News Headlines. 4.00 FILM: Enter the Dragon (1973). Martial arts thriller, starring Bruce Lee. (T) 5.45 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. CHANNEL 4 7.10 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 8.00 Freshly Squeezed. (T) 8.30 According to Jim. (R) (T) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Undercover Boss Canada. (R) (T) 12.00 A Place in the Sun: Home or Away. (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 Come Dine with Me. (T) 2.05 Channel 4 Racing. Live coverage of four races from Cheltenham. (T) 4.30 1001 Things You Should Know. (T) 5.00 Deal or No Deal. (T) 6.00 Come Dine with Me. Hairdresser Francesca Saynor hosts the final dinner party in Wakefield and hopes that her simple menu and back-to-school theme will impress her guests. (T) 6.30 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals. Jamie Oliver demonstrates how to cook spiced chicken, bacon, asparagus and spinach lentils, plus falafel wraps, grilled vegetables and salsa. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. A series of flashbacks charts Homer and Marge’s rocky marriage, including the time they attended a glamorous party at a mansion that ended in a food fight. (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Two bitter enemies are forced to put aside their differences for the sake of a loved one, but just as life begins to return to normal, tragedy strikes. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.30 Unreported World. Seyi Rhodes travels to the Dominican Republic to meet teenage boys desperate to become players in US professional baseball, one of the few routes out of poverty for young men. (T) 8.55 Members of the public ask whether faith is a matter of nature or nurture. (T) 9.00 Come Dine with Me. The dinner party challenge visits the island of Jersey for the first time, with the week featuring ruined food, shameless self-promotion, raucous fun and truth-telling. (T) 10.00 Derren Brown: Fear and Faith. Conclusion of the two-part event in which the showman conducts an experiment designed to remove people’s experience of fear. (T) 11.00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man. Julia Davis chats about the DVD release of her sitcom Hunderby, and Rita Ora performs her single Shine Ya Light. (T) 12.05 Friday Night Dinner. (R) (T) 12.35 8 Out of 10 Cats. (R) (T) 1.25 Random Acts. (T) 1.30 Full English. (R) (T) 2.00 The Ricky Gervais Show. (T) 2.25 My Name Is Earl. (R) (T) 2.50 My Name Is Earl. (R) (T) 3.10 Bob’s Burgers. (R) (T) 3.35 Bob’s Burgers. (R) (T) 3.55 Charlie’s Angels. (R) (T) 4.40 90210. (T) 5.20 Deal or No Deal. (R) (T) 6.15 Countdown. (R) (T)

(R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.15 The Hotel Inspector. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 Best House in the Street. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 CSI: Miami. (R) (T) 4.10 FILM: The Perfect Marriage (2006). Premiere. Thriller, starring Jamie Luner. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Susan discovers that Bradley was fired from his last job, Karl enters the world of internet dating and Tash begins to feel sorry for an increasingly isolated Andrew. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Brax discovers Casey has disappeared from their camp in the Bush and Bianca’s fears come true when Rocco has to be rushed to hospital by Heath. (R) (T) 7.30 5 News at 6.30. (T) 8.00 The Gadget Show. Jason Bradbury and Pollyanna Woodward head to Iceland, where they try out hi-tech binoculars while whale-watching and put three of the best budget laptops through their paces; (R) (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan. The actor heads to the Ecuadorian Amazon in search of a four million-strong colony of army ants, encountering a highly venomous Brazilian wandering spider along the way; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 The Mentalist. Jane investigates when a bank employee is murdered during a heist and comes to the conclusion that the robbers were working with an inside man. (T) 11.00 Castle. Part one of two. An FBI agent helps the duo track down a serial killer with an apparent obsession for a character Castle based on Beckett. Guest starring Dana Delany. (T) 11.55 Law & Order: Criminal Intent. (R) (T) 12.55 Inside Hollywood. 1.05 SuperCasino. 4.55 Motorsport Mundial. 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Michaela’s Wild Challenge. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS

Friday 16thNovember 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Simon Baldock interviews another celeb - James Best 18.05 FAQ - Releasing capital from your UK pension. 18.30 Let's Talk – Nick Gold. 19.00 An Evening With... the Welsh male Choir. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 7.10 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (T) 7.30 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olive the Ostrich. (T) 7.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.45 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.35 Roary the Racing Car.

17th november 7.00 Breakfast. News, sport and entertainment reports. (T) 11.00 Saturday Kitchen Live. With chefs Glynn Purnell and Sat Bains. (T) 12.30 Baking Made Easy. Lorraine Pascale prepares Parmesan and poppy seed lollipops. (R) (T) 1.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 1.15 Football Focus. Dan Walker presents a review of the latest football news. (T) 2.00 Cycling: Track World Cup. Highlights from the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome in Glasgow. (T) 3.00 Live International Rugby Union. Scotland v South Africa (Kick-off 2.30pm). (T)

5.30 Final Score. Round-up of football results. (T) 6.10 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 6.30 Children in Need: The Best Bits. A look back at last night’s evening of fun and entertainment. 7.30 Strictly Come Dancing. Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly present from Wembley Arena, where the couples dance through the decades. (T) 9.00 Merlin. Morgana hatches a plot to murder the king with the help of an insider under her spell. 9.45 The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws. Doo-wop group the Overtones perform and Myleene Klass reveals the winning numbers for the Lotto and Thunderball draws. (T) 9.55 Casualty. Tamzin’s refusal to treat an aggressive patient has serious repercussions, while Tom and Sam disagree over the best treatment. 10.45 Live at the Apollo. New series. Dara O Briain warms up the crowd before introducing stand-up routines by Nina Conti and Danny Bhoy. (T) 11.15 BBC News; Weather. (T) 11.30 Match of the Day. Gary Lineker presents highlights of today’s Premier League clashes (T) National Lottery Update. (T) 1.00 The Football League Show. Highlights from today’s fixtures in the Championship, League One and League Two. (T) 2.15 Weatherview. (T) 2.20 BBC News. 2.20 BBC News. 2.30 The Bottom Line. 3.00 BBC News. 3.30 Dateline London. 4.00 BBC News. 4.30 Martha, Meals and Malawi. 5.00 BBC News. 5.30 Click. 6.00 BBC News. 6.30 The Bottom Line. (T) BBC2 7.00 CBeebies: Zigby. (R) (T) 7.10 Finley the Fire Engine. (R) (T) 7.20 Little Robots. (R) (T) 7.30 64 Zoo Lane. (R) (T) 7.45 Rastamouse. (R) (T) 8.00 CBBC: Roar. (R) (T) 8.30 Bear Behaving Badly. (R) (T) 8.55 The Scooby-Doo Show. (R) (T) 9.20 Dennis and Gnasher. (R) (T) 9.30 Trapped Ever After. (R) (T) 10.00 Jedward’s Big Adventure. (R) (T) 10.30 Sorry, I’ve Got No Head. (R) (T) 11.00 The Ministry of Curious Stuff. (R) (T) 11.30 Deadly 60 Bites. (R) (T) 11.35 Splatalot. (R) (T) 12.00 Prank Patrol. (R) (T) 12.30 OOglies. (R) (T) 12.45 MOTD Kickabout. (R) (T) 1.00 FILM: That Darn Cat! (1965). Disney comedy, starring Hayley Mills. (T) 2.50 FILM: Miracle (2004). Fact-based sporting drama, starring Kurt Russell. (T) 5.00 Flog It! (R) (T) 6.00 Live

International Rugby Union. Ireland XV v Fiji (Kick-off 5.30pm). Gabby Logan presents coverage of the friendly international at Thomond Park, where the nations meet for the fourth time. (T) 8.30 Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild. David Attenborough reflects on his TV career, examining the changes in the natural world as well as the developments in wildlife film-making since he began in 1952. (R) (T) 9.30 Dad’s Army. Mainwaring and the platoon dress as firemen to take part in an initiative exercise. Comedy, starring Arthur Lowe and the late Clive Dunn. (R) (T) 10.00 Formula 1: The United States Grand Prix Qualifying Highlights. Jake Humphrey introduces a chance to see the session from the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas, where the 19th and penultimate round of the season is set to take place. (T) 11.15 The Rolling Stones: Crossfire Hurricane. (T) 12.15 Sings the Rolling Stones. (T) 1.15 The Rolling Stones: Rock and Roll Circus. (R) (T) 2.20 Later with Jools Holland. (R) (T) 3.25 FILM: Night of the Living Dead (1968). Horror, starring Judith O’Dea and Duane Jones. (T) (bw) 5.00 Close. London 6.30 ITV Morning News. (T) 7.00 CITV: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Children’s fun. (T) 7.25 The Hive. Pre-school series. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hive. Pre-school series. (R) (T) 7.45 The Hive. Pre-school series. (R) (T) 7.50 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) 8.00 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) 8.05 The Avengers. The crime-fighters battle evil. (T) 8.25 Rated A for Awesome. Children’s fun and entertainment. (T) 8.40 Rated A for Awesome. Children’s fun and entertainment. (T) 8.50 Horrid Henry. Cartoon about a mischievous youngster. (R) (T) 9.05 Horrid Henry. Cartoon about a mischievous youngster. (R) (T) 9.20 Horrid Henry. Cartoon about a mischievous youngster. (R) (T) 9.35 Shake It Up. The adventures of two friends who get jobs as background dancers on a TV show. (T) 10.00 My Phone Genie. Children’s entertainment. (T) 10.25 ITV News. (T) 10.30 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. The host takes his successful talkshow stateside. (T) 11.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. The host takes his successful talk-show stateside. (T) 12.20 Dinner Date: Australia. Aerobics instructor Phoebe is looking for a date. Last in the series. (T) 1.15 ITV News and Weather; Weather. (T) 1.25 All Star Family Fortunes. Game show, hosted by Vernon Kay. (R) (T) 2.10 Holiday Home Sweet Home. Lisa Faulkner heads to Devon. (T) 3.10 Holiday Home Sweet Home. Lisa Faulkner visits luxury holiday home Spitbank Fort. (T) 4.10 FILM: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005). Children’s fantasy, starring Johnny Depp. (T)

6.15 London Tonight; Weather. (T) 6.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 6.45 The Golden Rules of TV. Featuring a guide to avoiding culinary disasters on cookery shows, a Family Fortunes nightmare and Janice Dickinson proclaiming herself to be the loudest I’m a Celebrity contestant. (T) 7.15 New You’ve Been Framed! Comedian Harry Hill narrates a fresh selection of viewer-clips, 7.45 Take Me Out. Paddy McGuinness hosts. (T) 9.00 The X Factor. Dermot O’Leary presents the seventh live studio round.

10.20 I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Ant and Dec reveal how the famous faces are getting on as they enter their second week in the jungle 11.20 ITV News and Weather; Weather. (T) 11.35 FILM: Fast & Furious (2009). An international fugitive and an FBI agent are forced to work together to bring a killer to justice. Thriller 1.30 The Store. Home shopping; ITV News Headlines. 3.35 In Plain Sight. Mary cancels her administrative leave. (R) (T) 4.55 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. CHANNEL 4 7.00 The Treacle People. (R) (T) 7.10 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 8.00 Freesports on 4. (T) 8.55 The Morning Line. (T) 9.55 Channel 4 Presents — Lee. (R) (T) 10.00 T4: Example at iTunes Festival 2012 Special. (T) 10.30 T4: Made in Chelsea. (T) 11.35 T4: Suburgatory. (T) 12.05 T4: The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 12.40 T4: The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.10 T4: The Simpsons. (R) (T) 1.40 Deal or No Deal. (T) 2.45 Channel 4 Racing. Live coverage from Cheltenham, Lingfield Park and Wetherby. (T) 4.55 Come Dine with Me Down Under. (T) 5.25 Come Dine with Me Down Under. (T) 5.55 Come Dine with Me Down Under. (T) 6.25 Come Dine with Me Down Under. Florist Bromwyn Meakins-Lines hosts the fourth party in Brisbane, but her allergies and insistence on preparing a gluten-free menu leave her diners with low expectations. (T) 6.55 Come Dine with Me Down Under. Life coach MaryAnn Riddell-Birkbeck hosts the final party in Brisbane, and asks her guests to dress as Oscar winners for the evening. (T) 7.25 Channel 4 News. (T) 7.55 Members of the public reflect on whether faith is a matter of nature or nurture, in light of scientific studies that suggest humans may be programmed from birth to believe in a god. (T) 8.00 Heston’s Fantastical Food. Heston Blumenthal is given access to Europe’s largest ice-cream factory to build the world’s biggest 99 Flake — taller than five metres and weighing in at more than a ton. (R) (T) 9.00 FILM: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009). The shape-changing robots fight for control of a machine hidden somewhere on Earth with the power to destroy planets. Sci-fi adventure sequel, starring Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox. (T) 11.50 FILM: The Crazies (2010). Premiere. Horror remake, starring Timothy Olyphant. (T) 1.50 FILM: Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010). Premiere. Fantasy drama, starring Thanapat Saisaymar. 3.40 Hollyoaks. (T) 5.45 Countdown. (R) (T) 6.30 Make Do & Mend. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.05 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 7.15 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 7.25 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R) (T) 7.30 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 7.45 Olive the Ostrich. (T) 7.50 Abby’s Flying Fairy School. (R) (T) 8.00 Roobarb and Custard Too. (R) (T) 8.05 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 8.20 Animal Antics. (R) (T) 8.25 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 8.40 City of Friends. (R) (T) 8.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 9.10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky. (R) (T) 9.25 Angelina Ballerina. (T) 9.45 Rupert Bear. (R) (T) 10.00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 10.15 Toby’s Travelling Circus. (R) (T) 10.25 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 10.40 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 11.00 Power Rangers: Super Samurai.

(T) 11.35 ThunderCats. (T) 12.10 Looney Tunes. (R) (T) 12.20 Looney Tunes. (R) (T) 12.25 Highland Emergency. (R) (T) 12.55 Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan. (R) (T) 1.55 FILM: The Train Robbers (1973). Western, starring John Wayne. (T) 3.45 FILM: Brannigan (1975). Detective thriller, starring John Wayne. (T) 5.55 5 News Weekend. (T) 6.00 FILM: Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984). A man raised by apes after his shipwrecked parents are killed is helped by an explorer to return to England and claim his birthright. Drama, with Christopher Lambert and Ian Holm. (T) 8.40 NCIS. Tony’s cover is blown as the hunt for La Grenouille intensifies and his car is later destroyed in an explosion, leaving the rest of the team convinced he is dead. (R) (T) 9.35 NCIS. Ducky makes a discovery during an autopsy on a woman who was beaten to death, prompting the agents to search for a missing infant. (R) (T) 10.25 CSI: NY. A woman who was nearly beaten to death identifies her son as the attacker, but a convicted drug dealer later confesses to the crime, forcing the team to investigate his motives. (R) (T) 11.25 CSI: Miami. (T) 12.20 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. (R) (T) 1.15 SuperCasino. 5.00 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.25 Great Artists. (R) (T) 5.50 County Secrets. (R) (T) 6.05 Hana’s Helpline. 6.15 The Milkshake! Show. 6.50 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T)

Saturday 17th November 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Simon Baldock interviews another celeb - James Best 18.05 FAQ - Releasing capital from your UK pension. 18.30 Let's Talk – One of the Costa’s best known entertainers and personalities Nick Gold. 19.00 An Evening With... the Welsh male Choir at the Palacio de la Musica, Torrevieja. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music



966 73 0057

Monday, 12th November, 2012


18th november 7.00 Breakfast. News, sport and entertainment reports. (T) 8.25 Match of the Day. Highlights of yesterday’s Premier League clashes. (R) (T) 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show. The week’s talking points. Guests include Harvey Goldsmith. (T) 11.00 Sunday Morning Live. Presented by Samira Ahmed. Last in the series. (T) 12.00 Sunday Politics. Presented by Andrew Neil; (T) Weather for the Week Ahead. (T) 1.25 Countryfile. A Remembrance Sunday special from the Forest of Dean. (R) (T) 2.20 Bargain Hunt. From Ardingly, West Sussex. (T) 3.20 Escape to the Country. Searching for a property in Somerset. (R) (T) 4.20 Nature’s Miracle Babies. A tiny wallaby in need of a foster mother. Last in the series. (R) (T)

5.20 Lifeline. On behalf of the Fire Fighters Charity. 5.30 Points of View. With Jeremy Vine. (T) 5.45 Songs of Praise. Aled Jones meets prisoners and staff at HMP Wayland in Norfolk. (T) 6.20 Nigel Slater’s Dish of the Day. The food writer demonstrates simple dishes that use just one pan, including herby artichoke stew. (R) (T) 6.50 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 7.20 Countryfile. John Craven and Julia Bradbury are in rural Leicestershire, visiting an Army training camp for dogs and horses. Including Weather for the Week Ahead. (T) 8.20 Strictly Come Dancing: The Results. Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman are at Wembley Arena to reveal which pairs are in the dance-off. 9.00 Antiques Roadshow. The team arrives at the National Maritime Museum. (T) 10.00 The Secret of Crickley Hall. Drama about a grieving London couple haunted by the children who lived in their house during the war. (T) 11.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.25 Formula 1: The United States Grand Prix — Highlights. Jake Humphrey introduces action from the 19th and penultimate round of the season, which took place at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas. (T)

Rugby Union. (T) 2.30 Cycling: Track World Cup. Live coverage from the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome in Glasgow. (T) 6.15 Coast. Neil Oliver explores the legacy of black American GIs who came to Britain to prepare for D-Day, and performs an extract from The Tempest at a coastal amphitheatre near Land’s End. (R) (T) 6.30 Indian Ocean with Simon Reeve. Simon finds out about bloodshed in Sri Lanka, then moves on to Bangladesh, where he hears about one of the Indian Ocean’s fastest-growing industries, providing prawns for the West. (R) (T) 7.30 Fawlty Towers. Basil decides to enhance the hotel’s reputation with an exclusive night of gourmet cuisine. Unfortunately, his new chef is distracted by hapless waiter Manuel. (R) (T) 8.00 Operation Iceberg. Part two of two. The team boards an iceberg to determine what causes them to decay, and Chris Packham takes to the skies to conduct a polar-bear census. (R) (T) 9.00 Sandy: Anatomy of a Superstorm. Documentary using satellite imagery, CGI mapping and personal testimonies to give an account of the effects on New York State of the storm surge caused by Hurricane Sandy. (T) 10.00 Dragons’ Den. Ideas and innovations include an update of the paintbrush, a new type of glove for golfers, a driving school for 14-year-olds and an electronic bed stored in the ceiling. (T) 11.00 Harry & Paul. The duo reinvent themselves as Ricky Gervais and the original 1930s version of The King’s Speech is unearthed. With a guest appearance by UKIP leader Nigel Farage. (T) 11.30 Match of the Day 2. (T) 12.20 Hebburn. (R) (T) 12.50 Never Mind the Buzzcocks. (R) (T) 1.20 FILM: My Year Without Sex (2009). Comedy drama, with Sacha Horler and Matt Day. (T) 2.50 BBC News. (T) 5.35 Close. London


6.30 ITV Morning News. (T) 7.00 CITV: Engie Benjy. Animated adventure. (R) (T) 7.10 Jungle Junction. Following a group of funloving animals. 7.25 Jungle Junction. Following a group of funloving animals. 7.35 Signed Stories. Encouraging a love of books in children. (R) (T) 7.50 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) 7.55 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) 8.05 Matt Hatter Chronicles. Children’s animation. (T) 8.25 Almost Naked Animals. Children’s entertainment. (R) 8.35 Almost Naked Animals. Children’s entertainment. (R) (T) 8.50 Almost Naked Animals. Children’s entertainment. (R) (T) 9.00 Phineas and Ferb. Animated adventures with the stepbrothers and their platypus. (T) 9.15 Phineas and Ferb. Animated adventures with the stepbrothers and their platypus. (T) 9.30 Big Time Rush. The adventures of a boy band. (T) 10.00 Good Luck Charlie. Sitcom about a teenager with a new baby sister. (T) 10.25 ITV News. (T) 10.30 There’s No Taste Like Home. Venison curry, fish and chips, and chicken casserole. (R) (T) 11.25 Dinner Date. Londoner Tom hopes to find love. (T) 12.25 Dickinson’s Real Deal. From Southport, Merseyside. (R) (T) 1.25 Countrywise. Series exploring the UK’s countryside. (T) 1.40 ITV News and Weather; Weather. (T) 1.55 FILM: Carry On Henry (1971). Comedy, starring Sid James. (T) 3.40 The X Factor. The battle to win a recording contract continues. (R) (T)

7.00 CBeebies: Zigby. (R) (T) 7.10 Finley the Fire Engine. (R) (T) 7.20 Little Robots. (R) (T) 7.30 64 Zoo Lane. (R) (T) 7.45 Rastamouse. (R) (T) 8.00 CBBC: Roar. (R) (T) 8.30 Deadly Art. (R) (T) 8.45 Copycats. (R) (T) 9.15 The Scooby-Doo Show. (R) (T) 9.40 Wingin’ It. (R) (T) 10.00 12 Again. (R) (T) 10.30 Gastronuts. (R) (T) 11.00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites. (T) 12.30 The Great British Bake Off Masterclass. (R) (T) 1.30 International

5.00 The Home of Fabulous Cakes. Baker Fiona Cairns rustles up some more treats. (T) 6.00 The Nation’s Favourite Number 1 Single.With the countdown beginning at number 60. (R) (T) 7.30 London Tonight; Weather. (T) 7.45 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Surprise Surprise. One Direction surprise a

1.25 FILM: Hooper (1978). Comedy, starring Burt Reynolds. (T) 3.00 Weatherview. (T) 3.05 Sign Zone: Holby City. Ric and Serena compete for the job of acting CEO. (R) (T) 4.05 Sign Zone: The Paradise. Denise and Moray finally admit their feelings. Last in the series. (R) (T) 5.05 Sign Zone: Film 2012 with Claudia Winkleman. Review of Twilight: Breaking Dawn — Part 2. (R) (T) 5.35 BBC News. 5.35 HARDtalk. 6.00 BBC News. 6.30 World Business Report. 6.45 BBC News. (T)


10.00 11.30 11.45

group of girls and perform their new single, and the 60 Minute Makeover crew transforms a woman’s home. (T) The X Factor Results. Dermot O’Leary announces the outcome of the viewers’ phonein and the two least popular acts have to sing for survival (T) I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Ant and Dec present the latest stories from the Australian jungle. (T) ITV News and Weather; Weather. (T) Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Patsy Palmer. The EastEnders star, who has played the popular character Bianca since 1993, talks about her difficult upbringing and battle with addiction. (R) (T)

12.45 Anglo-Welsh Cup Rugby Union. Highlights of the second round of pool matches. 1.40 The Store. Home shopping; ITV News Headlines. 3.40 Motorsport UK. Highlights from Silverstone. 4.35 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. CHANNEL 4 6.55 Channel 4 Presents — Hannah. (R) (T) 7.00 The Treacle People. (R) (T) 7.10 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 8.00 Extreme Sailing Series. (T) 8.30 Sailing: America’s Cup Discovered. (R) (T) 8.55 Channel 4 Presents — Oscar. (R) (T) 9.00 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 9.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.30 Sunday Brunch. (T) 1.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.25 The Simpsons. (R) (T) 1.55 Channel 4 Racing. Live coverage from Cheltenham and Fontwell Park. (T) 4.10 Hugh’s 3 Good Things. (T) 4.40 Hugh’s 3 Good Things. (T) 5.10 Hugh’s 3 Good Things. (T) 5.40 Hugh’s 3 Good Things. (T) 6.10 Hugh’s 3 Good Things. A variety of beef dishes including beef tartare, beef and horseradish with sweet roasted beetroot, a steak sandwich and stew with tomato and shallots. (T) 6.40 FILM: Home Alone (1990). A boy is left to defend his home from burglars when his family jet off to Paris and accidentally leave him behind. Comedy, starring Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern. (T) 8.40 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Members of the public ask whether faith is a matter of nature or nurture, in light of recent scientific studies that suggest humans may be programmed from birth to believe in a god. (T) 9.00 How Britain Worked. Guy Martin helps with the restoration of the oldest surviving Brixham sailing trawler and discovers how Britain acquired its taste for fish and chips. (T) 10.00 Homeland. Carrie and the team struggle to regain control of the operation, Saul visits Aileen Morgan in solitary confinement and Dana presses Finn to come clean about the hit-and-run. (T) 11.00 FILM: Watchmen (2009). Comic-book drama, starring Patrick Wilson and Jackie Earle Haley. (T) 2.05 American Football Live. Pittsburgh Steelers v Baltimore Ravens. (T) 5.45 Grudge Match. (R) (T) 5.55 Deal or No Deal. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.05 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 7.15 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 7.25 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R) (T) 7.30 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 7.45 Olive the Ostrich. (T) 7.50 Abby’s Flying Fairy School. (R) (T) 8.00 Roobarb and Custard Too. (R) (T) 8.05 Bananas in

Pyjamas. (R) (T) 8.20 Animal Antics. (R) (T) 8.25 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 8.40 City of Friends. (R) (T) 8.55 Mio Mao. (R) (T) 9.00 Little Princess. (R) (T) 9.10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky. (R) (T) 9.25 Angelina Ballerina. (T) 9.45 Rupert Bear. (R) (T) 10.00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 10.15 Toby’s Travelling Circus. (R) (T) 10.30 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 10.40 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 11.00 Power Rangers: Super Samurai. (T) 11.35 ThunderCats. (T) 12.10 Looney Tunes. (R) (T) 12.15 Looney Tunes. (R) (T) 12.20 Meals in Moments. 12.30 Rolf’s Animal Clinic. (R) (T) 1.35 FILM: You’ve Got Mail (1998). Romantic comedy, starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. (T) 3.50 FILM: Animated comedy, with the voice of Martin Lawrence. (T) 5.35 FILM: Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2003). Action adventure sequel, starring Drew Barrymore. (T) 7.40 5 News Weekend. (T) 7.45 FILM: Stealth (2005). Action adventure, starring Jamie Foxx, Jessica Biel and Josh Lucas. (T) 10.00 FILM: Unforgiven (1992). Western, directed by and starring Clint Eastwood. With Gene Hackman and Morgan Freeman. 12.30 Hatfields & McCoys.1.30 How Do They Do It? (R) (T) 2.00 SuperCasino. 5.00 The FBI Files. (R) (T) 5.50 County Secrets. 6.05 Hana’s Helpline. 6.15 The Milkshake! Show. (R) (T)

Sunday 18th November 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Simon Baldock interviews stars of stage & screen – Dirk Benedict 18.05 Guardamar’s Moors & Christians – A behind the scenes look at the Brits involved with this amazing spectacle. 19.00 Let's Talk – Simon with Paloma del Rei and Ricky Neil. 19.30 Spanish Dive Adventures (series) – an undersea spectacle that lies just off our coast. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music


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Monday, 12th November, 2012

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Property for Rent CAMPOAMOR/URB. PLAYA GOLF, 2 bed 1 bath, 1st floor apartment, separate kitchen with galleria off, air-con, Sat TV, communal pool, walking distance to supermarkets and Los Dolses centre. 350 euros pcm incl bills. Fully legal contracts provided 966 772 553 (89742)

MAR MENOR/PLAYA HONDA 2 Bed 1 bath, spacious 1st floor apartment. Separate kitchen, spacious lounge with patio doors leading to a large balcony with storage cupboard, UKTV, communal pool, walking distance to beach 400 euro pcm including bills. Long term contracts provided 966 772 553 (89732) PILAR DE LA HORADADA. 2 Bed 2 bath townhouse in quiet cul-de-sac location. Modern, comfortable furnishings, English TV, communal pool, short walk to town 425 eur inc. bills. Legal contracts provided 966 772 553. (89769) 2 bed fully furnished apartment. Freeview British TV and Air Con. Private Solarium and shared pool. 280 Euros per month plus bills. CALL 663403792 / 966720630 (69056) Double bed studio apartment in Estrella de Mar opposite Novo Cartago. 325 per calender month including water and electric 660 285 477 (69027) We Need Your Help! Rental Properties Urgently Required, All Areas, Clients Waiting, Please Call 663 804 325 (96310)

Property for Sale This brand new 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom Penthouse apartment is within walking distance to the lovely town of San Miguel de las Salinas. It has a private solarium with fantastic views. Communal pool area. Call 968 971 860. (91777) Key Ready 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment situated in the busy town of Los Montesinos and is within easy access of the many amenities.With lovely views across the Salt Lakes and the sea. These properties have been reduced considerably and are priced to sell at 82,950 euros Call 968 971 860 (91778) Semi - Detached Townhouse in the sought after Amapolas 1V development. Fully furnished, air con and the property is only a 1000 metre walk from the beach and of La Zenia’s amenitiies. This is a perfect house for holiday home and has great rental potential. 118,950 euros Please call 968

971 860. (91767) 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse, furnished with air con. In the much sought after Zenia Golf II, which is within walking distance to all of La Zenia amenities and a short walk to the beach.149,950 euros For further information on this property please call 968 971 860. (91768) 3 Bed ,2 bath semi-detached townhouse in the heart of La Zenia. Only 1000 metres to the beach. Fully furnished with air con. Within immediate walking distance to the many amenities offered in La Zenia. These properties are much sought after and offer excellent rental potential 179,950 euros Call 968 971 860 (91773) 2 / 3 Bed Townhouse in the centre of la Zenia, close to the amenities and a short walk to the beach. Fully furnished with air con. Excellent rental potential due to its location.184,950 euros Please call 968 971 860 (91774) Brand new 2 Bed, 1 Bath first floor apartment is situated in San Miguel de las Salinas. Within walking distance to the town and has fantastic views.These properties are priced to sell 82,500 euros for more information contact 968 971 860 (91776) Key - Ready two bedroom, two bathroom Detached Villa situated on a 240m2 plot on a five star golf development. With a large private solarium, garden and off road parking. Beautiful communal pool areas. Minimum deposit with 90 per cent mortgage subject to status and pay only 50 per cent tax (until 02/03/2012). 145,000 euros Call 968 971 860 for more information. (91805) KEY-READY three bedroom, one bathroom duplex is on a 5 star championship golf resort. Reduced by almost 50 per cent. MINIMUM DEPOSIT with a GUARANTEED 90 PER CENT MORTGAGE (subject to status secures) this property. ONLY 4 PER CENT TAX (until 01/03/2012), plus legal fees. 79,000 euros Call for more information on 968 971 860. (91806) 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom Marbella Bungalow, situated in the San

Jose development in Cabo Roig. Excellent links to the n332, the AP7 motorway and close to all amenities. The property is furnished, alarmed and includes Air/Con and Sat TV. 95,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (91819) Brand new 3 Bed, 2 bath Duplex in the Lo Marabu development. Within walking distance to all local amenities and only a 5 minute drive to the beach. Off road parking, communal pool, private garden area. Views to the Salt lakes. These properties are vastly reduced.124,750 euros Call 968 971 860 for more information (91790) 4 bed, 4 bath (2 en-suite) fully renovated Finca set on a plot of 22,000m2 with 200m2 living space. Fully furnished with air con throughout. 8 x 4 swimming pool. For more information on this outstanding property 325,000 euros please call 667 592 467. (91800) Siuated in the Lo Marabu development is this 5 bed, 3 bath Detached Villa. The property is Key ready and has views over the salt lakes and is walking distance to many local amenities. 159,500 euros For more information call 968 971 860 (91791) REDUCED - Beautiful south facing detached 6 bed, 4 bath villa on a 600m2 plot. In a nice, quiet location only a minute drive to the lovely Spanish town of San Miguel de las Salinas. Fully furnished to a high standard, air con throughout. Private pool with outside bar area. Reduced to 399,999 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (91793) Brand new 3 Bed, 2 Bath Penthouse Apartment in the bustling town of Los Montesinos. With magnificent panoramic views over the salt lakes. Private roof top solarium and optional underground parking .89,950 euros Call 667 592 467 for more information (91779)



3/4 Bed, 2 Bath Townhouse situated in the much sought after area of La Zenia. Close to all of the amenities and only 1000 metres from the beach. To include Air con, Satellite TV and parking. 168,000 euros Please call 667 592 467 (91732) 2 Bed, 1 bath Marbella Bungalow in immaculate condition. Fully furnished with Air Con. The property is within walking distance to Cabo Roig Strip and the beaches.129,950 euros Call 667 592 467. (91734) KEY-READY FRONT LINE GOLF PENTOUSE APARTMENT with magnificent views of the golf course. This property is surrounded by many other top class golf courses all within a 10 minute radius. A 10,000 euro deposit plus legal fees secures this property with a guaranteed 90 per cent mortgage subject to status.112,500 euros For more information call 968 971 860. (91801) REDUCED from 92,000 Now Only 79,950 euro. 2 bedroom 1 bathroom top floor apartment with large private roof solarium good views, lovely communal pool/gardens. Great location, only 15mins walk to Cabo Roig beach and few mins to all of the amenities of Cabo Roig strip. Telephone (0034) 634 190 152. (03723) 2 Bed, 1 Bath top floor apartment. Fully furnished with a separate kitchen. Stairway to a large private roof solarium with sea views. Located in the popular Cabo Roig area with access to La Zenia which is perfect for full time living or holiday rental. Communal pool with a garden area. Close to all amenities. EUR 77,950 Tel 968 971 860 or 667 952 467 (100823) Three / Four bedroom Quad house in El Galan with lovely sea views. In a quiet location. The property comes fully furnished. 124,500 euros For more information on this property call 968 971 860 (91826) Two Bed, one Bath ground floor apartment only 1200 metres from the beach and marina and five minutes walk to the centre of Torrevieja. This property comes furnished.55,000 euros For more information please call 968 971 860 (91829) 2 bed,1 bath Marbella bungalow. A great example of this very popular type bungalow. Fully fur-

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nished with air con. Perfect location for all amenities and just a short walk to the beach. 97,500 euros For further information on this property please call 968 971 860. (91721) 4 Bed 2 Bath detached Villa,fully furnished includes A/con and Sat T.V.On a 320m2 plot includes a lovely private pool.In a nice quiet location and walking distance to Los Alcazares and La Serena Golf. A great price viewing is highly recommended. 234,500 eur. call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100829) Beautiful Villa set on a large plot in the countryside of Hondon Las Nieves.The property comes fully furnished and includes A/Con and Sat T.V. There is a beautiful pool area with a barbecue and also private bar.The local village is only two minutes away in the car for all amenities. 199,000 eur. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100830) LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment fully furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale 125,500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569 (90187) Situated in The Dream Hills 11 area of Los Altos is this beautifully kept and maintained two bed, two bath ground floor apartment/duplex. Centrally heated, SAT TV, furnished to a very high standard. Priced to sell, viewing is a must. 84,950euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (91920) Three Bed and two bath and overlooking Las Ramblas and Campoamor Golf Courses, fantastic views over the bay.75m2 balcony with stunning views, and beautiful communal pool and garden area. Within easy access of the La Fuente Commercial Centre and nearby Mercadona. 195,000 euros. Call 667 592 467 (91907) South facing three Bed, 2 Bath Quad house situated in Playa Flamenca near to all of the amenities. Open lounge area with American style kitchen. Part furnished. Lovely communal pool area. 134,000 Euro call 667 592 467 (91905) OFF THE MARKET........ OFF THE MARKET..........Two Bed, one bath apartment with Sea Views in Torrevieja, only 1200 metres to the beach and marina. Double glazed, Furnished with Sat TV, Underground parking and a Communal pool area. 59,950 euros call 667 592 467/ 968 971 860 (91898) Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa, fully furnished to a very high standard. Brand new fitted kitchen, air con throughout and lovely private pool area.Really must be seen. Only 5kms to the heart of San Miguel Town. 164,500 euros. Call 667 592 467 (91896)

Monday, 12th November, 2012 Three Bed, two Bath Bungalow on a 300 m2 plot with private pool. Fully furnished with SAT TV, off road parking, quiet location 5 minutes from the heart of La Zenia. Lovely sea views from the large roof top solarium. 159,950 euros call 667 592 467 (91897) Two Bed, two bath townhouse in the heart of la Zenia. Perfect location for all the amenities and lovely beaches. These are much sought after properties .Must be seen. 149,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 (91885) Situated in Los Altos is this lovely three bed, two bath Townhouse with sea views. A newly fitted kitchen and open lounge. Air con and communal Pool area 92,500 Euro. Call 667 592 467 (91882) Three bed, two bath town house in lovely quiet location but only 600 metres to La Zenia beach. Stunning views of La Zenia bay. Fully furnished with SAT TV, off road parking and communal pool. 149,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 for details. (91877) A lovely two bed, one bath Duplex apàrtment in the popular Entre Naranjos Golf development. This is in immaculate condition, furnished to a very good standard and priced to sell. 67,500 euros call 968 971 860. (91863) Three bed Two bath detached villa, frontline golf property on the much sought after Las Ramblas development.Fully furnished and includes a/con throughout. A beautiful property with stunning private pool area overlooking the golf course.This has just been reduced dramatically.445,000 eur call 968 971 860 (100827) Ground floor corner apartment situated in the popular area of Pau 8 close to Villamartin golf course and Plaza. The property has 2 beds, 2 baths, master bedroom en-suite.large spacious living area with patio doors opening onto a private balcony which looks over the communal pool and gardens.lovely gated community close to all amenities. 89,950 eur call 968 971 860 / 66 592 467 (100825) Brand new magnificent 4 bed, 5 bath Detached Villa, situated in the much sought after Beach side Cabo Roig. The property is key ready, 50m2 lounge area, large private pool and stunning sea views from the roof solarium. Excellent investment opportunity because of the location and price due to the current economy. 720,000 eur call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (100826) 2/3 bed, 2 bath townhouse. In immmaculate condition with walk-in wardrobe, A/C, Sat TV, wood burner in the lounge. Walking distance to La Fuente CC, Mercadona and to the two golf courses. EUR 105.750. Tel.. 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (100820) 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse in the golden Zenia development. Fully furnished in lovely condition. Sat TV, internet and telephone. Walking distance to all of La Zenias amenities and the beach. Lovely communal pool. EUR 124.950. Tel 968 971 860 or 637 227 385. (100822) 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse. In the popular Las Marinas 2 complex. Fully furnished, A/C throughout, open fireplace, ADSL and Telephone. Front and rear gardens, private roof solarium. EUR 132,250. Tel: 968 971 860 or 667

592 467. (100810) 3 bed, 3 bath detached townhouse, one in Amapolas 4. Key ready with fitted kitchen and preinstalled A/C. Underground parking, lovely communal pool area. In the heart of La Zenia, close to all amenities and the beach. EUR 134,500. Tel.: 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (100811) These frontline 1,2 and 3 Bedroom apartments start from 106,000 euros, finished to a very high standard with all modern appliances.Incredible views across the beautiful Mar Menor and only 30 metres from the beach.These properties are only a short walk into the heart of Los Alcazares an old style Spanish seaside town.Within minutes of several top quality golf 968 971 860 for more information of this fantastic opportunity to purchase front line!!! (100861) 3 Bed 2 Bath Detached villa on 300m2 private plot.Fully furnished with Salt lake and sea views from the large roof solarium and includes, A/Con,Sat T.V and open fire.Large private pool, in a lovely gated community and near to all amenities. 185,000 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101131) This 2 bed 2 bath ground floor duplex in lovely condition , furnished,A/Con Sat T.V. On a very large corner plot and has beautiful established gardens and includes a Hot tub. This is one of the nicest apartments in the area. 126,500 euros call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101132) 3 Bed 2 Bath detached villa is key ready on its own private plot. Within walking distance of Los Montesinos town and all its amenities. These properties used to start from 215,000 euros.The interior build size is 100 m2 and most plots are around 200m2. 125,000 euros call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101134) 2 Bed 1 Bath Top floor Duplex, furnished and includes Sat T.V.In a gated community and only walking distance to all amenities.In good condition and priced for a quick sale. 53,000 euros call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101135) 3 Bed, 2 Bath town House situated in the delightful village of Avileses, Murcia. Built to the highest specification and on a small development of only 26 houses with its own community pool and bar area. Close to a selection of top class Golf courses, San Javier airport and the beautiful Mar Menor beaches. With front Terrace, rear courtyard, front balcony and roof solarium. Lounge Diner with feature wall and separate kitchen. Main bedroom with en-suite and built in wardrobes. 109,950 euros call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101137) Beautiful 2 bed 1 bath Marbella

style bungalow with private pool. In the bottom corner of the culde-sac and on the largest private plot.South Facing with lovely gardens,furnished with A/Con and SatT.V. plus Central heating.This is the best example of this property I have seen. NOW EDUCED TO 124,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101138) Two bed, one bath bungalow. South-facing. The property is walking distance to the town and all its amenities. Fully furnished, sat TV, air con, in very good condition and is priced to sell. Tel.: 96 897 1860 for details. (101153) Two bed, one bath top floor duplex with solarium. Fully furnished, sat TV, close to all amenities. Located in a private, secure, sought after, gated community with a lovely communal pool area. South facing, priced for a quick sale. Tel.: 96 897 1860. (101155) Two bed, one bath South facing duplex in Playa Flamenca. The property comes fully furnished and has off-road parking. It is located within easy reach of all local amenities. Tel. 96 897 1860. (101156) 3 bed, 2 bath spacious detached villa on a private 380 sqm plot. Furnished to a high standard and includes air con and Sat TV. It has a beautiful, secluded leisure area with an 8 x 4 swimming pool. Easy access to all local amenities and four championship golf courses. 185,950 euros. Tel.96 897 1860. (101157) Spacious three bed, two bath townhouse on a secure, sought after front-line beach urbanisation. Fully furnished and includes air con, sat TV, and underground parking. Beautiful communal pool area and only a short walk to Cabo Roig beach and amenities. Fantastic views of the Med, La Manga, and Cabo Roig marina. Tel.: 96 897 1860. (101158) Two bed, one bath first floor apartment in La Zenia. Fully furnished, sat TV, off-road parking, and beautiful views of the communal pool and the Med. The property is in a perfect location for walking to the beach and the new La Zenia Boulevard shopping precinct. Tel.: 96 897 1860. (101159) 2 bed 2 bath townhouse (Battenburg) style is fully furnished, includes A/Con and Sat T.V. In the much sought after Colinas De la Zenia development. Only a short walk to all amenities and the beach.In a lovely gated community and has use of a communal pool - this property should be seen. Now reduced to 79,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101162) Detached Villa 3 bed 2 bath on a good sized private plot.Fully furnished with A/con, sat T.V and a log burner. South facing and only a short walk to all local ameni-


ties.Sea views from the private roof solarium has use of a beautiful communal pool. 217,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101163) Ground-floor 2 bed 1 bath corner apartment. The property comes with all brand new furniture and white goods. Within walking distance of all the towns facilities. In a gated community with use of a communal pool. Ideal investment. Priced to sell at 52,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101166) Beautiful 2 bed, 1 bath terraced bungalow in Torre de La Horadada. Fully furnished to include Air Con and Sat T.V. Only a short walk to the Mediterranean and the many local amenities that this lovely town has to offer. A lovely property and must be viewed. 125,750 call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101167) Beautiful detached villa for sale in Ciudad Quesada. 3 bed, 2 bath. Garage. 600m2 plot with 10m x 4m private swimming pool. Located on a few minutes walk to the main High Street of Ciudad Quesada. Ample living area with the potential to add a fourth bedroom. Plenty of shaded areas as well as spots which enjoy all round sunshine. For further details, please call 96 897 1860. (101168) 3 Bed, 2 Bath Ground Floor Apartment situated in the popular Villamartin area. Furnished, including A/C Sat TV, Alarm and also an open fire. Beautiful gardens and communal pool area. Just a short walk to the very popular Villamartin Plaza and golf course. 99,950 Euro call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101171) 2 Bed, 1 1/2 bath battenburg style townhouse situated in Bosque de Las Lomas, Villamartin. The property comes furnished with Sat TV. Close to all amenities and use of 2 communal pools, strategically placed between 4 Championship golf courses. Best priced Battenburg in the area. 76,750 euro. Call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101172) This is a corner 2 bed, 1 bath bungalow, with front and rear gardens, and private roof solarium with sea views. Furnished, with Sat TV and open fireplace. In the beautiful Verdemar III community and has access to a lovely communal pool. Close to all amenities. 98,000 euro. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101475) 2 bed, 1 bath Marbella Bungalow in the heart of Cabo Roig, close to all amenities. Fully furnished with Sat TV and Air/Con. Front garden and private solarium with a sea & pool view. 30 metres from the communal pool. This is one of the best priced bungalows in the area. NOW REDUCED TO 87,750 euros. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101476)


Detached villa 4 bed, 3 bath, balcony and also private roof solarium with sea views. Air/Con and Sat TV, jacuzzi and furnished to a high standard. Sits on a 250 m2 plot and and a 200 m2 build. Close to all amenities, beach and Murcia Airport. A beautiful property - must be seen. 219,750 euro. call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101477) South facing bungalow, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, in lovely condition. The property includes air/con, Sat TV, and has a doubleglazed porch area. Close to all amenities. This must be seen. 65,950 euro. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101481) Marbella style bungalow in La Zenia, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, on a large corner plot and in beautiful condition. Air/Con, Sat TV, Furnished, Solarium and very large garden. Communal pool. 104,500 euro. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101482) South facing Top floor Duplex, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Air/Con, Sat TV, Furnished, in a gated community in the heart of La Zenia, close to all amenties and the beach. Communal pool, a great example of this kind of property. 106,500 euros. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101483) South facing quad house, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, in lovely condition. The property includes air/con, Sat TV and cental heating as well as a conservatory, garden, balcony and sea view. Access to a communal pool. Close to all amenities in the heart of Playa Flamenca. 99,950 euros. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101484) South west facing ground floor apartment, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, Sat TV, Air/Con, Furnished, garden and country views. Walking distance to all amenties in the small village of Formentera. Access to a communal pool, 56,950 euros. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101485) This is delightful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom Quad house is on a quiet avenue in the heart of Dream Hills, close to all amenities. It comes fully-furnished with Air/Con and panel heaters, a conservatory/porch, side garden and solarium. It also has access to 2 communal pools. 94,950Euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101488) This 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house is between the lovely village of San Miguel de Salinas and Torremendo, in a quiet urbanisation. It has a separate kitchen and utility room and A/C as well as a garage and partly-completed underbuilt. There is a front and rear garden and a large solarium with lake and mountain views. 207,950 euros. Tel 96 897 1860 or 667 592 467 (101490) This delightful 2/3 bedroom, 1¬Ω bathroom Townhouse is end of terrace in the Pueblo Principe area between Campoamor and Blue Lagoon. Close to 3 golf courses and local amenities (a supermarket & La Fuente Commercial Centre). It is fully furnished to a high standard with Sat TV, A/C, Central Heating, open fireplace, 2 closed-in porches and is double-glazed throughout. One of the porches makes the 3rd bedroom. It has a separate kitchen and utility room and sea views from the upper porch. 89,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101491)

Set on 2,500m2 plot this beautiful finca/villa is in El Moralet, a short drive north of Alicante, and not far from the airport and beaches. Main house consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a large living room with fireplace, plus central heating. Also a private pool, garage, workshop etc. Plus a Guest house of 128m2 with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 199,500 euros. Call 96 897 1860 or 667 592 467 (101493) Lovely Finca in Sax at the foot of a mountain, just north of Alicante, 3,600m2 plot with a 145m2 build. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room with conservatory, utility room, 2 terraces, A/C, well maintained garden (with fruit trees) and above ground pool, plus garage. 169,750 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101494) Stunning Finca on a 16,000m2 plot - main house of 150m2 - just north of Alicante. It has spacious rooms,including kitchen, large living room with fireplace & stove, 3 large bedrooms (1 ensuite) and large conservatory with mountain views, also A/C. Plus Guest House with 60m2 living room, kitchen, bedroom & bathroom. 2 garages, terrace & pool. 226,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101495) This beautiful Finca, just north of Alicante, has a separate Guest annexe and is a very well maintained property. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living rooms (one with fireplace), A/C and central heating, kitchen, terrace and summer kitchen, utility room, plus storeroom. There is a garage/carport, pool and gardens. 245,000 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101496) In the middle of the countryside, just north of Alicante, you’ll find this lovely Finca between Salinas & Sax - with an extra Guest House, on a plot of 2,500m2. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, with 2 living rooms, 1 dining room, and 2 kitchens, plus a storeroom, caprport, veranda and 2.20m deep pool. There is a large vegetable garden, solar hot water and separate water supply. 200,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101497) Great value - just north of Alicante - On a 2,600m2 plot, there is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom Finca with Guest House. The main house has a spacious living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and 2 spacious bedrooms and the Guest House has a livng room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. In the landscaped grounds there is 50m2 pool, a top tennis court, alcoves and bodegas. 205,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101498) This lovely Finca is on a 10,200m2 plot and in the middle of an olive grove - in Sax, just north of Alicante. There are 3 bedrooms, (the master is ensuite) plus 1 other bathroom. As well as the living and dining room there is a spacious conservatory. Also central heating, plus garage, large garden, pool and storage rooms. The entrance area is paved with a gate at the entrance. 184,750 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101499) This Finca is on a plot of 10001m2 and consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 terraces, a kitchen,and dining room, plus a

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35m2 living room with a fireplace. The outside area includes a vegetable garden, winery and olive tree grove. This property is in Hondon de Las Nieves, just west of Alicante and is excellent value - 189,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101500) This top floor duplex, with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, is on the edge of Playa Flamenca,so is close to all amenities and the new Shopping Centre. It is fully furnished in light, bright colours and has Sat TV. It is south-west facing with a terrace. There is access to 2 communal pools and amazing sea views from the large solarium. 79,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (101502) This detatched villa is on a 400m2 plot and the house itself is 275m2. It is in the heart of Blue Lagoon and all its amenities, including an International school are within walking distance. It has 4 bedrooms (3 double 1 single), 2 bathrooms, (2 beds and 1 bath in the self-contained unit, along with a living and dining area, on the top floor). There has a closed in conservatory, C/H, Sat TV, two terraces, an above ground pool, garage, underbuild and utility room. Stunning sea views. 195,000 euros. call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (101503) This stunning detached villa has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms (the master bedroom is ensuite with a dressing room area) and is on a 900m2 plot in Torreta Florida, close to all amenities and 20 minutes walk to the beach. It is beautifully furnished, with well maintained grounds with fruit trees, a 8 x 4m pool, shower, BBQ area, summer kitchen, garage, conservatory and porch. Double glazed, alarms, electronic gates, A/C, C/H, granite worktops in kitchen, shed and other outbuildings. 379,950 euros. This property must be seen. Call 968 971860 or 667 592 467 (101504) On the edge of Torremendo village, this lovely Mews Townhouse is in a small gated-community, based around a central courtyard with communal pool. It has 3 beds (1 ensuite), 2.5 baths in total and an underbuild that could be converted into a 4th bedroom, underground parking space. Stunning lake/rural views from the large solarium, 2 smaller balconies, A/C, Sat TV, semi-furnished. 5 mins drive to San Miguel de Salinas/ Montesinos/ motorway access & 10 mins to any of 5 golf courses/15 mins to beach. 89,995 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 96 897 1860. (101507) This end of terrace 2 storey semidetatched house is the heart of La Zenia on a lovely gated community with a well maintained pool area. It has 2 beds, 1.5 baths, a kitchen with utility room and a

balcony off one of the bedrooms. It has a small front and side garden and an allocated car parking space. It will be sold semi-furnished. This property would make an excellent rental investment. 125,000 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (101508) This traditional bungalow is on a quiet lane in the Montezenia area of La Zenia and has 4 double bedrooms, a bathroom, a small, rustic kitchen, living room, a south facing terrace (with storage) and a solarium with sea views. There would be room for a pool in the large area at the front of the property. Low community fees. 182,975 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101510) This charming Marbella Bungalow is in Playa Golf, so is close to amenities and set between the golf courses at Campoamor and the beach. It has access to a really lovely communal pool. It has Sat TV. A/C, lots of additional storage, off-road parking, a front and side garden, a terrace and a solarium with sea views. 92,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101512) This south facing detatched Villa is in a quiet community between the traditional Spanish villages of San Miguel de Salinas and Torremendo. It has a private pool and garage, alarm system, an open fire place in the lounge, 3 bedrooms (the master is ensuite), 2 bathrooms in total, panel radiators in all rooms, 2 terraces plus a roof Solarium with lovely lake views. 179,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (101513) This is a lovely ground floor apartment on a large corner plot with covered jacuzzi and BBQ area in the easy maintenance S/W facing garden. 2 bed, 1 bath, utility room, closed-in conservatory/ dining room, on a large, modern complex with communal pool and extensive gardens, security entrance, 10 minutes walk to La Mata beach & close to local amenities. 5 minutes drive from Torrevieja, Sat TV, A/C, furnished. 117,500 euros. Call 968 971 860/667 592 467 (101518) This luxury detatched villa overlooks the Quesada Golf Course so has truly stunning views. It has 4 beds, 3 bathrooms (including a separate guest suite with private terrace in its own turret), several lounge/dining areas, all off a central hallway, spacious kitchen with utility room, plus a closed-in conservatory, porch and several terraces. Jacuzzi and private 8 x 5 m pool. Furnished to a very high standard with many extras and is a Must See property. 465,000 euros. Call 96 897 1860/667 592 467. (101519) This top floor Duplex apartment in the heart of Playa Flamenca is close to all amenities and the new Commercial Centre. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, A/C, Sat TV and an open kitchen and is being sold furnished. There is a large solarium with sea views, a shaded terrace and front garden. Access to a communal pool. 116,950 euro. Call 96 897 1860 or 667 592 467 (101524) This lovely Townhouse has 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms and access to a communal pool. It has a large front patio/terrace and roof solarium. It will be sold furnished and has A/C, Sat TV and lots of storage. It is 5 minutes walk to local amenities, is on a bus route and


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10 minutes walk to Santiago De Ribera beach and the Mar Menor. Close to San Javier airport. 125,950. euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101525) This first floor apartment is in Aguamarina, close to Cabo Roig beach and all the local amenities, restaurants and bars, with use of communal pool, plus balcony and storage, plus remote access. Sat TV, furnished. 89,750 euros. Tel 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (101527) Lovely 2 bed, 2 bath ground floor corner apartment in the heart of Los Dolses.With air con throughout, in immaculate condition and overlooks the stunning pool area. Walking distance to all amenities and the beach. 114,950 euros For more information please call 968 971 860 (91842) Situated in Punta Prima this 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom Penthouse apartment with sea views. This is in prime location for all amenities and is a short walk to the beach. This very large apartment is in excellent condition and must be seen. 149,950 Euros Call 968 971 860 (91845) 3 bed, 2 Bath detached villa furnished to a very high standard. Over 200m2 with plenty of room for a pool. This immaculate property comes with Air/Con, Sat TV and alarm system. Only 3kms to the Spanish town of San Miguel de Salinas. Recently reduced to 142,500 euros. For more information on this lovely property call 968 971 860. (91846) 2 Bed, 1 1/2 Bath South facing Townhouse. Fully furnished with air con, Wi-fi and SAT TV. Situated in Cabo Roig close to the many amenities and beaches. Recently reduced TO 94,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 for more information (91848) 2 bed, 1 bath Apartment/Duplex situated in the established El Chapparal area of Torrevieja. In excellent condition and is excellent value for money priced to sell at 51,950 euros. Glass curtains on the balcony make an extra room. Call 968 971 860 OR 667 592 467 (91849) 2 Bed, 1 bath Apartment/ Duplex situated in La Zenia. Fully furnished and only a short walk to all of the amenities and beaches. In a much sought after development and this property is in excellent condition. Must be seen. 125,000 euros call 968 971 860 (91854) 2 Bed, 2 Bath Top Floor Duplex/Apartment Situated in the Dream Hills 2 area of Los


Altos. Fully furnished. Large solarium with lovely sea views. Short walk to all of the amenities. 110,000 euros call 667 592 467 (91922) Superb 3 Bed, 2 bath semidetached house situated in Playa Flamenca.Furnished to a very high standard, private pool and Hot Tub. Air con throughout, Alarm and SAT TV. This is a lovely house and must be viewed. 191,750 euros Call 667 592 467 (91923) Lovely 2 Bed, 2 bath Townhouse (Battenburg) situated in Cabo Roig.In tip top condition with brand new fitted kitchen. Double glazing throughout, aircon and SAT TV. Furnished to a very good standard in the much sought after Las Mananitos community. 84,950 euros call Roy 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (91927) 2 Bed, 2 bath Penthouse Duplex on a corner plot situated in the Dream Hills 2 development. Close to all amenities, furnished to a very good standard, fantastic views from then larger than average roof top solarium and also overlooks the communal pool area. Air-con and SAT TV included. This lovely property is priced to sell. 99,750 euros call Roy on 667 592 467 (91928) South facing 2/3 Bed, 2 bath semi detached property is in excellent condition. Fully furnished, Sat TV, off-road parking and nice garden area. Private solarium with views overlooking the beautiful natural countryside. Walking distance to the local amenities. Fantastic price of 94,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (91938) This 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Townhouse has been totally renovated throughout to a very high. standard.It is South West facing and also overlooks one of the communal swimming pools.The property is alarmed has A/Con and Sat T.V., it is also fully furnished once again to a high standard. This will be one of the best examples you can find of this type of property. eur 79,950 call 968 971 860 (100860) 3 bed 2 bath detached villa on a nice sized plot and comes with a private pool.The property is in lovely condition and is furnished to a very high standard.It includes A/Con throughout,Sat T.V and internet. Beautiful views of the sea from the private solarium and overlooks a park and orange groves. 232,500 euro call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101128)



Stunning 3bed, 3bath villa, close to Albatera and its amenities. 2 of the large double bedrooms have fitted wardrobes and the master bedroom is en-suite. It’s on a plot of 1,300 sq metres and is surrounded by pomegranate trees. Only 5 min drive to E15 motorway. Alicante/Murcia/beach are 15/20 minutes drive away. The well maintained villa is 130m2 and fully legal with the “Certificate of Habitacion”. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. NOW REDUCED to 210,000 euros. (101127) 3 bed 2 Bath property in immaculate condition, furnished to a very high standard. Walking distance to the new La Zenia shopping centre and all the local amenities.Overlooks the communal pool with lovely sea views from the balcony and roof solarium. A/Con through out and Sat T.V. 139,500 euros call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101124) 2 bed 2 bath Quad comes fully furnished and includes A/Con and Sat T.V plus off road parking. In excellent condition and only a short walk to all amenities.Use of a communal pool and in a nice quiet location. 106,000 euro call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101122) Penthouse apartment based in the heart of Cabo Roig and comes fully furnished,inc A/Cond,Sat T.V .South facing. Beautiful sea views from the 65m2 roof solarium and balconies. Walking distance to all amenities and the beach. 102,500 euro. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101121) Penthouse apartment . South facing and comes fully furnished. Walking distance to the beach and all local amenities. Only a short walk into Torrevieja and the Marina. In a gated community and use of a communal pool. For a quick sale 67,250 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101141) Detached villa within walking distance to shops, banks, bars, restaurants, and local amenities. 10 minutes by foot to beautiful sandy beaches.Well maintained with 4 beds and 2 baths. 200m2 plot. 125m build. Private garden, garage, and 2 communal pools. Priced to sell quickly. Call 96 897 1860 for more information. (101098) 3 Bed 2 Bath detached bungalow type villa on a 450m2 plot and has a lovely private pool area.3 double bedrooms, family bathroom and walk in shower room. Fully furnished and includes A/C and Sat .located just outside Pilar Town and only 2 mins from Lo Romero Golf course,beautiful views of the Mar Menor from the private roof solarium. Reduced to 174,500 euro call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100892)

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2 Bed 1 Bath Penthouse apartment right in the heart of Cabo Roig and beachside of the N332. Furnished and includes A/C and Sat T.V. plus underground parking.It has incredible pool and sea views from its balcony,and you are only a short walk to the beach and all of Cabo Roigs facilities. euro 139,950 call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (100887) 2 bed 1 Bath ground floor apartment. Furnished and includes A/C and Sat T.V walking distance to all amenities and 15 mins to the beach. Off road parking and use of a communal pool. 95,000 euro Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100884) NOW REDUCED -2 bed 2 bath South facing quad. Fully furnished and includes A/C and Sat T.V. In lovely condition. Off road parking and use of a beautiful communal pool. Only a short walk to all amenities. Must be seen. NOW REDUCED TO 105,000 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100885) 3 Bed 2 Bath townhouse. Fully furnished. A/C throughout plus Sat T.V and underground parking. Within walking distance of all amenities and use of a communal pool and gardens. Ideal for permanent living or a holiday home.109,500 euro call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (100880) 2 bed 1 Bath ground floor apartment in Los Altos.Fully furnished and includes Sat T.V and ducted A/C and also a double glazed front seating area overlooking the garden. Only a short walk to all amenities and the beach. This is priced to sell. 68,950 eur Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100877) 2 Bed 1 Bath first floor apartment is South facing and overlooks the pool and has sea views from the balcony. Fully furnished with A/Con and Sat T.V. Underground parking. In the heart of Cabo Roig and is only walking distance to the beach. 99,750 euros call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (101123) Beautiful Quad-Villa with 2 beds and 2 baths. Furnished to a very high standard with A/C, alarm and Sat TV. In a lovely gated community.lovely sea views from the solarium, and is walking distance to all amenities. fantastic communal pool area, this is a great example of this sort of property. REDUCED TO 115,000EUR. Tel.: 968 971 860. (100865) 4/5 bed 3 bath Detached Villa is fully furnished and comes with its own private swimming pool.Fully furnished and is only walking distance to all local amenities.The underbuild can act has a self contained apartment with its own kitchen,lounge area and seperate bedroom.174,750 euros call 968 971 860 (100856) Situated in Torremendo, San Miguel de las Salinas is this lovely 4 bed, 3 bath detached Villa with private pool and beautiful views to the countryside. Open fireplace, and Air Con with also all white goods. On 290m2 plot with off road parking only 4.5kms from San miguel and 2kms from Torremendo.Just reduced eur 162,500 eur. Call 667 592 467 (100853) 2 bed 1 bath Quad house.South West facing and comes part furnished and includes A/Con.In a lovely gated community and has

Monday, 12th November, 2012 use of a beautiful communal pool.On a good size plot and has a very large roof solarium. Only a short walk to all amenities.eur 98,750 call 667 592 467 (100854) Beautiful ground floor apartment. Front Line beach in La Zenia. In a gated and secure complex with incredible views across La Zenia bay you literally walk off your terrace and on to the beach.Fully furnished to a high standard this is a unique property because of its proximity to the beach.This is a property that has to be seen.eur 259,750 call 968 971 860. (100855) 3 bed 2 bath Penthouse in the very popular Molino Blanco Development, fully furnished and also Sat T.V and A/Con. Overlooks the park area and has lovely sea views from the balcony and roof solarium.Only a 1000 metres from La Zenia beach and has access to all of the local amenities.eur 99,750 call 968 971 860 (100852) This is a 3 or 4 bed, 2 bath quad bungalow. Fully furnished and

Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100848) 2 Bed 2 Bath top floor duplex, furnished to a high standard and includes A/Con and Sat T.V. South facing and has a large private roof solarium,the large balcony is fully double glazed which makes a lovely sitting area. Use of 2 communal swimming pools. 92,750 eur Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100840) Detached Villa on a 900m2 plot with lovely established garden and private pool area. Furnished to a high standard and to include air con and SAT TV. In a quiet location but only a short distance to all amenities. 232,500 euros call 667 592 467 (92306) 3 Bed, 3 bath Townhouse situated in Las Chismosas, in Playa Flamenca. Fully furnished and includes Air/Con and Sat TV. In lovely condition and only a short distance to all amenities. Three terraces and a communal pool. NOW REDUCED TO 119,950 Euros. Cal 677 592 467 or 968 971 860. (92307)

includes A/con, central heating and Sat T.V. Lovely sea views from its roof solarium, on which there is a shed, plus closed-in conservatory with an additional bedroom & shower room, so would make perfect guest accommodation. The 4th bedroom/ study has its own entrance. The property is only a short walk to all amenities. It also has use of a lovely communal pool. Reduced to sell 99,000 euro. Call 968 971 860/667 592 467. (100846) 2 bed 1/1/2 bath townhouse. South facing and is in the gated community of Colinas De La Zenia.It has A/con,Sat T.V and comes fully furnished.The property overlooks the communal pool area, sea views from the main bedroom balcony.Only a short walk to all amenities and the beach.eur 103,950 call 968 971 860. (100844) 3 bed 2 Bath detached villa. South facing in lovely condition. A/con throughout and comes fully furnished to a high standard.The property overlooks a beautiful communal pool and has views across the countryside and to the sea.It is only a short drive to San Miguel and Villamartin.eur 239,950 call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (100843) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) 3/4 bedroom, 2 bathroom quad villa on a corner plot, part furnished. In very good order and in a gated community with a lovely pool area. Potential to create 4th bedroom on covered in Solarium. Walking distance to all amenities in Playa Flamenca. 89,000 euros.

3 Bed, 2 bath semi detached house, south facing for all year round sunshine. Partly furnished with SAT TV, short walk to many amenities. Two lovely communal pool areas. A lovely house and viewing is recommended. reduced to 107,500 euros call 667 592 467 (92308) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin Plaza and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) 2/3 Bed,2 Bath Quad house. Fully furnished with Sat TV and Air/Con. In a good location, walking distance to all amenities. In a gated community with a beautiful communal pool area and lovely sea views. This is a great price, now at 99,000 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (92329) Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa situated on one level, with private pool, between San Miguel de Salinas and Torremendo. Fully furnished with all white goods and electricals. Ceiling fans in all rooms, Sat TV and Internet. Beautiful views across the salt lakes to Torrevieja and the Mediterranean, 5kms from San Miguel. With garage and covered drive. Now Reduced to 175,000 Euros. Call 667 592 467. (92331) 2 bed, 2 bath Quad house situated in the very popular area of Torre de la Horadada. Open lounge, Air/Con and Sat TV and within walking distance to the many amenities and the beautiful beach and Marina. Communal pool area and views to the sea. 144,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 (92332) South facing Marbella style quad bungalow on one level, easy maintenance, low community fees, perfect for full-time living and very good location for a holiday home 2/3 bed 2 bath air conditioned, off road parking large beautiful communal pool and garden nice communtiy, low fees close to all of the amenities of Cabo Roig nperfect location for holidays or full-time living only 15 mins walk to Cabo Roig beach. REDUCED to 99,000 euros. Call 667 592 467 (92613) Beautiful Detached Villa has 3 beds and 2 baths. South facing with air con SAT TV and a full central heating system. On a 400m2 plot with a beautiful 10 x 5 private pool with a fantastic waterfall.Lovely private roof solarium with views across la Zenia bay,this property should be seen. 259.750 euros call 667 592 467 (92615) South facing 2 bed, 1 bath Marbella Bungalow.In fantastic condition and furnished to a very high standard. Includes A/con and Sat TV.Private roof solarium with sea views, off road parking and plenty of garden space,also within walking distance of all amenities. Reduced to 98,000 euros call 667 592 467 / 968 971 860 (92673) Lovely 2 bed, 1 1/2 bathroom Townhouse situated in La Florida. South facing with front and rear balconies for all year round sunshine,also has front and rear garden areas. Two communal pool areas and only a short walk to the popular Emerald Isle complex. 74,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 (92674) 2 bed 1 bath Battenburg style townhouse in the popular Cabo Roig area.Furnished with A/con and Sat T.V. and the rear courtyard has been converted into an extended kitchen.Use of four communal pools and walking distance to all amenities and the beach JUST REDUCED 87,500 euros call 667 592 467 (92675) lovely 2 bed 2 bath modern ground floor apartment in Punta Prima. Fully furnished and includes Sat T.V and A/con throughout. Within walking distance of all amenities and also the beach. This is a must see. 109,750 euros call 667 592 467 (92676) Two/ Three bed, one bath apartment located in the heart of La Zenia, close to the shops, bars, supermarkets and the beautiful beaches. The apartment comes fully furnished with SAT T.V. Communal Pool area. This property offers excellent rental potential due to its location. 109,950 euros call 667 592 467 (92677) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on


672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean with 2 communal pool now 124,999 euros call today paul on 634 043 697 (96294) Ground Floor 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom Apartment. Fully Furnished and Includes Air Con and SAT TV. It has off-road parking and overlooks the Marquesa Golf Course literally front-line views. The property is in lovely condition. 69,950 euros call 667 592 467 (96311) Two Bedroom, two bathroom Attached Bungalow situated in La Florida. South facing with views to the sea from two double glazed conservatories and also the solarium. Fully furnished SAT TV and close to all amenities. It is also only walking distance to the popular Emerald Isle complex. 106,950 euros call 667 592 467 (96314) This is a Three Bedroom, Two bathroom Semi-Detached Bungalow situated in Los Urrutias in the beautiful Mar Menor region. The property is on a 340m2 corner plot and comes fully furnished and includes air con and SAT TV. Only a three minute stroll to the beach and amenities and a five minute drive to Los Alcazares with its cosmopolitan feel. 129,000 euros call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (96315) 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, detached bungalow. Fully furnished, Sat Tv, A/C and central heating. The property is on a good size plot, with a private roof solarium, off road parking, also includes a hot tub. It has sea views and is walking distance to Flamenca Beach and all it’s amenities. EUR 182,750. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (96318) 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, south facing detached villa. Furnished to high standard with A/C, Sat TV. The property has a beautiful private pool area with all day sunshine. Located in the heart of Playa Flamenca and has access to all ameminities. EUR 264,950. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (96319)


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Monday, 12th November, 2012


Exite radio is the only local radio station where we feature local as well as national and international sport. Every Saturday afternoon from 2-4 pm you can listen to Sportzone with Kevin Reardon where, as well as regular international updates, you can hear the very latest information on regional football, local golf, bowls, darts and much, much more. At 3pm Kevin is joined in the studio by darts expert Paul Durrant as the two get to grips with many other local features

including Federated, Euronics and Sunworld darts, before moving on to the afternoon’s English Premier league fixtures where Paul deliberates on the weekend’s results and his featured ‘Premier Pick’ bringing listeners the latest betting odds, before dashing off to watch his beloved Spurs. Then, from 4-6 the local scene gives way as the station joins the BBC World service and ‘Sports World’ for two hours of live sport from around the world with news, updated scores, interviews, analysis and of course Second

Half Premier League commentary. So why not make a date, between 2 and 6pm every Saturday afternoon, with Exite Radio and Sportzone, where you will be kept up to date with the very latest local, national and international sports news from across the region and the world. You can tune into Exite Radio 24 hours a day on 89.2 or 93.1 FM as well as via live streaming at

Hey it’s Frankie here for this weeks blog! Every week as we mentioned, the blog is going to be talking about the most random stuff, upcoming events, and letting you know what we've been up to. Starting this weeks blog off with the extremely exciting birthday we have had last week for Frankie’s birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEE!!! ( Bit late but it will do ;) ) So I just wanted to say thank you for all the beautiful comments from quite a few off Exite Radio and OFCORCE the Leader Newpaper. Moving onto our NEXT extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem

ly exciting event we have coming up.. CHRISTMAS OH EM GEEEEE! Only around 40 sleeps left!!! Make sure you send all your Christmas lists to Santa so he wont forget you and give you coal instead ;o That’s the end of this weeks blog, reminding you that you can hear us on Exite Radio and ofcorce catch up with us on Facebook & Twitter. Just search Exite Radio and we will pop up like you’ve never seen anybody pop up before! ;) Catch you again next time for another Frankie & Benny’s Blog but for now, toodles x Remember to pick up next week’s copy of the Leader Newspaper and we’ll see you there!




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CARP-R-US NEWS This weeks match was fished on Thursday the 8th of November on the Eden canal ,which is part of the River Segura in Guardamar. Sorry there is no report on this match as I will be fishing up Country. The next match in the series will be fished on the River Segura in Murcia town centre on 15th November. Please remember to inform Barry or Dave if you intend to fish there. Meet on the bank side for the draw at 8.00am. The match on the 22nd of Nov will be subject to revue as it is booked for Bellús, which is still very low in water. As stated before, if you have any returnable Trophies please return them by the 18 Nov. The next Quiz night will be held at the bar on Tuesday the 13th of Nov. It starts at 7.30pm and teams of 6 or less may take part. During the break a game of Snowball Bingo will take place so bring your marker pens. Sunday the 18th of Nov will see the next Club meeting, ctte at 10 followed by the general meeting at 11. The Clubs home is at the Bar El Alto La Dolores which is on the N337 between La Mata and Guardamar near to the Repsol garage. Any one interested in the Club can come to one of our meetings and introduce themselves or you can visit or Phone 966 71 7923.

ABBEY ANGLING RESULTS The 11th and final match of the Winter League was fished at the Embalsa de Pedrera on the 6th November. The day was cold and wet and the thought in the back of our minds was will we make it back out, as the roads are treacherous with the mud after it has rained. In the end we did finish the match 15 minutes early due to the weather closing in and everyone got out safely. The lake must now be 25foot below the winter level and this is the lowest we have seen it in the last 4 years, with the cold weather no Bleak were showing so it was all out for Carp and Barbel. 1st on the day Ian (The Wizard) Dalzell with 13.260kg fishing feeder and pellet, 2nd Mick (The Arsenal) Hill with 6.560kg fishing the method and pellet, 3rd Terry (Swing em) Screen with 4.280kg fishing feeder and pellet. Winners of the Winter League Cup are: 1st I Dalzell 77pts, 2nd T Screen 75pts, 3rd D Hoare 70pts There are no more cup matches until the New Year, we will be holding open matches with the Xmas Contest on the 20th Nov and any one wishing to enter contact Mick or Terry ASAP. Our next Club Meeting is on the 12th November at 7.30pm at the Abbey Tavern and the AGM will be held on the 26th November at 7.30pm also at the Abbey Tavern Details on our website or from Terry Screen on 965 32 8368

Monday, 12th November, 2012

CADENA SUNRISE TENPIN BOWLING RESULTS 7 Nov ( WEEK 10) Alley Cats 2-6 The Bowling Stones Blitz N Splitz 4-4 Sunrise Colegas Non Playing Team 0-8 Sol Amigo´s Gulley Huggers 0-8 The Bandits Deses Perado´s 2-6 Terror Pins Carp R Us 4-4 Sausage Rollers Fowl Play 8-0 The Cherries This Weeks Top Performers Ladies Hi Game/Scratch S Allen 187 Hi Game/Hc I Ireland 232 Hi Series/Scratch S Allen 471 Hi Series/Hc I Ireland 610 Sol Amigo´s Fowl Play Alley Cats The Bowling Stones Blitz N Splitz Carp R Us Sunrise Colegas Terror Pins Sausage Rollers The Bandits Deses Perado´S Gulley Huggers The Cherries Non Playing Team

P 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

W 29 29 26 26 26 25 24 23 21 14 14 12 7 2

D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Gents M Allen 210 D Munos 244 M Allen 569 K Dann 642 L 10 11 14 14 14 15 16 16 19 26 26 28 32 37

Tot 22662 22963 22790 22753 22620 22813 22393 22803 22661 21338 20910 21024 19620 20397

Av 755 765 759 758 754 760 746 760 755 711 697 700 654 679

Pts 59 58 52 52 52 50 48 47 42 28 28 24 15 5


CORNISH PRIDE (LOS DOLSES) Pins 1756 1775 1697 1661 1701 1742 1675

TEN PIN BOWLING LEAGUE - 6th November Team Pts Team Carp-r-us 8–0 Caballo Negro Cornish Pride 4–4 Split Happens Hall y Day 8–0 Bandoleros Team Finland 8–0 Crazy Pinz Lucky Strike 6–2 Splash Bar Mosquitos 8–0 Mixers Los Lobos 2-6 Los Bandidos

Highest Scores Male Female High Game Scratch Shane Winfield 238 Lesley Day High Game Hcp Shane Winfield 255 Irene Lakin High Series Scratch Bob Day 580 Julie Thorpe High Series Hcp Stewart Hamill 659 Julie Thorpe High Team Game Scratch Cornish Pride 575 High Team Game Hcp Cornish Pride 668 High Team Series Scratch Hall y Day 1583 High Team Series Hcp Cornish Pride 1775 Hall y Day Team Finland Split Happens Los Bandidos Bandoleros Cornish Pride Lucky Strike Bar Mosquitos Mixers Caballo Negro Carp-r-us Crazy Pinz Los Lobos Splash

P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Pts 52 49 38 38 32 31 30 30 29 29 28 24 20 18

Pins 1605 1653 1592 1452 1691 1706 1706 190 215 524 605

Pins 13835 13737 13472 13430 12919 13439 13372 13117 13216 13096 13075 12792 12755 12756

EURONICS THURSDAY DART LEAGUE “THE ELECTRICAL SHOP” - BLUE LAGOON RESULTS SUNWORLD 1ST Breakaways 5-0 PB’s Pirates 1-5 Madigans 4-5 Rendezvous Los Toros 5-0 Sporting Misfits 3-5 Hub Meerkats 5-2 Hub Hyenas & Busters Byes

ROUND K.O. CUP Pint Depot All Stars Hattons Hunks Gogarty´s Gophers Hattons Honeys Breeze Bar Mirador Mixtures

Result of postponed match: Madigans 11-1 PB´s Pirates Rendezvous Los Toros Gogarty´S Gophers The Hub Meerkats Madigans The Hub Hyenas Hattons Hunks Breeze Bar Busters Sporting Misfits Breakaways Pb´S Pirates Pint Depot All Stars Hattons Honeys Mirador Mixtures

P 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

W 7 6 6 5 4 5 3 2 2 1 2 0 1 0

D 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 2 0 0

L 0 0 1 2 1 2 4 3 4 4 5 5 6 7

F 69 59 56 60 56 44 40 40 46 40 25 22 20 21

A 15 25 28 24 28 40 44 44 38 44 59 62 64 63

Pts 14 13 12 10 10 10 6 6 5 4 4 2 2 0

180s Terry Hagenaars x 2, Graham Dunning (Rendezvous), Jim Cheevers (PB´s Pirates) George Caine (Misfits), 171 Tony Beverley (Breeze Bar), Mark Farmer (Madigans). Highest game shot Terry Hagenaars (Rendezvous) (118), Best single Mark Farmer (Madigans) 15 darts The Euronics League Championship made way this week for the Sunworld K.O. Cup 1st round matches. Tie of the round was always going to be the Madigans Gogarty´s clash, the Gophers being my tip for cup honours at least this season. The visitors captain Bill Warburton, put out a strong side

in the first triple James Brown, Chris O´Brien and Kevin Procktor to face Mick McGivern, Des Field and Jimbo Carr. As expected from these two teams some steady scoring followed, James Brown hitting the all important double 4 for 0-1. The second leg was almost identical to the first and once again Brown took his opportunity on D9 for 0-2. The deficit was reduced in the third when Carr took out D16 for 1-2. Under the new format both teams required 3 different players for the next three legs of 701. Warburton´s choice of the Todd boys, Mark and Jack accompanied by Paul Easton faced Mark Farmer, Mark Taylor and Sid Cross. Madigans levelled the score and then the Todds really opened up, Mark recording 125 and 100, son Jack recording 100 and then S20 followed by D20 for a 60 out and 2-3. The see-saw match continued when Taylor hit the vital double for 3 apiece. The final three legs allowed each skipper to select a reserve or a triple made up from the earlier matches. Madigans choice was Field, Farmer and McGivern, Gogarty´s nominated Brown and the Todds. The senior Todd, Mark contributed a ton and wrapped up the 7th leg on D8 for 3-4. A fine maximum from McGivern followed by D4 made it level again with just one leg to play. The Todds were once again prominent in the decider, both hitting tons with senior claiming the 9th and deciding leg on D2. 17 tons were recorded in the last three legs, a testament indeed to a high quality encounter. Mark Todd was jointly named man of the match with Mick McGivern Cup holders Meerkats enjoyed home advantage over the Mixtures from Mirador, who arrived very early, presumably to upset the Meerkats preparations. The very smart but unbelievably noisy Mixtures tactics cleverly worked when they won the first leg via league sponsor Debbie Mackleston, or the finisher as she likes to be known, hit D8. A wobbly second leg concluded after John Eyre hit an excellent 118 leaving Alex Nikolov to finish off the remaining 12 points on D6. The same two really got their act together in the third, Eyre scoring 140,100 and Nikolov 125,100 and D12 for a 2-1 score line. The next three triples were indifferent to say the least, Graham Todd finally showing a little form for the holders pegging out on 40(D20) and 60(S20,D20), but not before Dave Wright (last week´s nomination for player of the week) had made it 3-2 for the Mixtures on D20. Requiring just the one leg captain Derek Kingsbury

selected himself, Nikolov and Eyre for the remaining three legs. Nikolov reeled off 2x100 and Eyre polished off D20 for a comfortable winning leg and a 5-2 result. Elsewhere in the Sunworld Cup Breakaways enjoyed a comfortable victory over the All Stars from Pint Depot. Jed Ballinger 2x100,125, Del Lister 3x100 and Sarah Simpson made it 3-0 for the home side. Mike Douglas 125 and Gary Thomas 108 ensured the result went the way of the home side, despite some impressive scoring for the All Stars by Ann Griffiths. The Hunks, in reasonable form of late, made the short journey to the comfortable surroundings of PB´s (Los Dolses), where Hunk Joe Hawkins was declared man of the match with 3x100 and a D5 thrown in. Keith King won the match on D4 assisted by Kenny Wilkinson 134. Steph Simpson for the visitors could only muster a lone ton but two finishes ensured the Hunks will be in the next round draw. The Bulls not unexpectedly gave the likeable Honeys a 50 minute pounding, but rumours abound that playing out the four remaining legs the Honeys came alive and won all four. Could have been a close affair or can I hear Chinese whispers? An earlier cancelled match was played this week featuring an in-form Madigans entertaining the Pirates of PB´s. Highlight of the evening was Mark Farmer´s 15 dart 501 single 180,100,30,137,54 out (S14,0,D20). The match wasn’t as one sided as the score line suggests, PB´s Lisa Horwood 125,100 Brian Nash 3x100 and Yvonne Roufignac 140 gave fine performances, but Madigans were just a little too strong scoring 11 tons with man of the match Mark Farmer doing most of the damage. The league enjoys and embraces Federation players participating in the Euronics Dart League. There are however strict rules allowing their participation. Captains are therefore reminded of Rule 12 of the League Rules 2012-2013 part of which is as follows. ¨Federation players will be allowed entry into KO Competitions provided they have played 50% of league games prior to commencement of each knock out competition¨. Captains must familiarise themselves with the Rules, however, should they find themselves requiring clarification they must contact Derek Kingsbury or Paul Durrant for guidance. Listen to darts chit chat on Exite Radio 89.2FM or 93.1FM live on Saturday between 3 and 4 p.m. Paul Durrant, League Chairman



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Monday, 12th November, 2012




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ESTRELLA DAMM CRIBBAGE Results and League Table after Monday 5th November 2012 Sportsman “A” Team 5-4 Izzys Bar Magpies Catorce Kats 3-6 Bar Virgo Voles Catorce Leopards 5-4 Ebony & Ivory Jaguars W. Tavern Falcons 6-3 Shellys “A” Team Izzys Bar Peacocks 1-8 Sportsman “B” Team Bar Virgo Robins 3-6 Catorce Lions Ebony & Ivory Merlins 2-7 W. Tavern Ospreys La Siesta Sharks 8-1 W. Tavern Kestrels La Siesta Sharks Bar Virgo Voles Sportsman “A” Team Ebony & Ivory Jaguars Izzys Bar Magpies Catorce Lions W. Tavern Falcons W. Tavern Kestrels Sportsman “B” Team W. Tavern Ospreys Catorce Kats Catorce Leopards Bar Virgo Robins Izzys Bar Peacocks Shellys "A" Team Ebony & Ivory Merlins

P 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

W 9 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2

L 0 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7

F 50 44 43 47 45 41 39 39 44 43 41 37 37 35 33 30

A 31 37 38 34 36 40 42 42 37 38 40 44 44 46 48 51

Diff 19 7 5 13 9 1 -3 -3 7 5 1 -7 -7 -11 -15 -21

Pts 18 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 6 6 4 4

This week on Guy Fawkes Night we had our own fireworks with two 8-1’s and a 7-2 and one of the big ones was the Great Whites from La Siesta who maintained their 6 point lead. Margaret’s (spelt Magaret on the score sheet) Sharks entertained and ate up Russell’s Kestrels from The Tavern who had just Dave and Tom with their 1 win, while for The Sharks it was Magaret and Anne-Marie who lost that 1 game. The other big score at Izzys Bar was achieved by George’s Sportsman “B” who toyed with Mary’s home team Peacocks, who relied on Sue and John for their lonely 1 win while for The Sportsman, Peter and George were the fall guys in losing the same 1. Next to the Ebony & Ivory where Keith’s Merlins crumbled against Richard’s Ospreys from the Windsor Tavern. For The Merlins the only winners were Ted and Tony with a fighting 2 wins while for the Ospreys Phil and Jay were in form with 3 wins. Up at The Sportsman, Steve’s “A” team had a close win against Dorothy’s in form Magpies from Izzys Bar whose best were revitalised Martin and John with 3 wins while for The Sportsman 2 pairs had 2 wins. Over at Catorce, Sue’s Kats were mauled by Val’s Voles from Bar Virgo who move up 4 places to 2nd place and who had Val and Terry with 3 wins, while for The Kats Doug and Bernard were left lacking without a win. The other match at Catorce was a much closer affair with John’s home team Leopards just edging it with 2 pairs on 2 wins, while Brian’s Jaguars after 5 successive wins also had 2 pairs on 2 wins. In The Windsor Tavern my Falcons team entertained Ayliff’s “A” team from Shellys and quietly strolled to a win with Bill and Sue winning their 3 games, while for Shelly’s Juliette and Craig were best with 2 wins. Ayliff did have an incentive for his team – every pair that won a leg received a Liquorice Allsort each – say no more. Over at Bar Virgo there was no hiding place for Derek’s Robins against John’s Lions from Catorce who had Steve and Phil on form with 3 wins, while for the Robins all 3 pairs contributed with 1 win each. Ron Sheldon

FAIRWAYZ GOLF SOCIETY. We had a very good turn out today. 30 young, fit men, (well that's what i was told to say!) Came out to brave the weather and Play at the Alenda Golf course. Fortunately the weather was kind to us and we didn't even need a jacket. Several golfers played their "Medal match", while the rest of us played "Stableford". The course was in good condition although a little "fluffy" in places. The results were as follows:Gold Category - 1st R.Inwards 34pts. 2nd T.Rogers 33pts. on countback. Best front 9 - S.Ashurst 20pts. Best back 9 - G.Philip 15pts. Near the pin T.Rogers. Near the pin in 2 - S.Hamilton. Silver Category - 1st P.Bowditch 29pts. 2nd C.Pepperday 28pts. Best front 9 - D.Weston 17pts. Best back 9 - G.Williams 14 on countback. Near the pin - M.Norton. Near the pin in 2 - C.Pepperday. 2 ball prize was won by T.O`Brian. Best Guest was T.O`Brian. Thanks to everyone for a good day. The next game is at Altorreal on Thursday 15th November. 1st tee is at 10:15am. Our following game is on Thursday 22nd November at Vistabella. 1st tee is at 09:30am. Please arrive at the course 1 hour prior to 1st tee time. New members and guests always welcome. For information please contact Tony on 966785781. or Steve on 966 63 7449.

Monday, 12th November, 2012


BIGASTRO GOLF SOCIETY AT VISTABELLA Would this be the last month we play in shorts and have the sun protection on hand. We were certainly blessed with the weather on the day, as we prepared for our monthly outing. This time, at our local course Vistabella. All the preparation had been done, with of course the help of our friend Pablo Riesta, General Manager of what is now a sporting complex. Again a huge thankyou to our sponsors, Alfredo at the Vai Ven and Pepe from Lo Rubes. At Bigastro, we pride ourselves in the friendship and camaraderie in our play and this on this day, it was extended to Pierre from Norway, who had mistakenly turned up on the wrong day to play with his Norwegian friends. As usual, I thank all the players for their assistance in being ready and able on time at the 1st tee. Off on number 1 were last month´s winner Andy Coe with guest Terry Slater, who next month will be welcomed as a member. We look forward to his future participation. We had given Terry an handicap of 18 as a guest, but will be a little more generous as a member and he will start off on 20. After last month´s, win Andy was in good spirit and had a front 9 score of 12 points and his finishing total means he will retain his present handicap. His drive on the 14th however gives him the prize that Jackie always wants and that is this month´s Longest Drive trophy, a gift from Lo Rubes Garden Centre. Gracias Pepé. Even with that he still managed to have the most shots in the bunkers and will be rewarded with The Bunker Club Trophy. Terry will be awarded as Best Guest. Playing with them Chris & Pierre. Chris, who is now 1 of our lowest handicappers, had a blistering start. In fact, is this indicating his handicap is too high? His grand total of 34 will mean that in future, he will be 11. He had a par on the long 7th and again on the short, but tricky 8th. This feat was repeated on the back 9 on the 10th and 13th. Well done, mi amigo. Next off were Keith and Diane Clarke and our Spanish pair, Alfredo and Evaristo. As we all know, Keith has had eye problems and we give him great credit for playing. We all know how much he enjoys his golf. With that said, he did well to complete 15 of the holes and we were pleased to see him hitting the ball so well. Diane, aswell as looking after hubby played well herself and said she had enjoyed the day. Diane for her part will receive the Best Front Crystal Bloc. As well as being this month´s guardian of our little friend Mr Blobby. Always good to see them both and hope they take care of the mighty midget. Alfredo (12) had a great start with a par, and 3 points. He even had 1 of those rare things, a birdie. Yes, 1 under par on the long, over the water 3rd. All I say is, blimey! As if that was not enough, he followed it with a par

on the 4th. He finished the front 9 with another par. His back 9 consisted of 1 last par on the 14th and his total of 33 would give him the Runners Up trophy. Muy Bien! He, like Chris will now play off 11. Evaristo,unfortunately had to leave early due to work committments. We all remember those days, don´t we? Last out was Peter Audoire and yours truly Les Rowlands. Peter started with 2 great holes, scoring on both and infact scored on 6 on the front 9. He improved on the back 9, scoring on every hole. What a feat. He also goes away with this month´s Nearest the pin award courtesy of Alfredo. Tapas at the Vai Ven in Bigastro,opposite the church. Again our thanks to Alfredo. Last, but should I say not least, Les. As usual, he started slowly and only amassed 9 on the opening 9 holes. Thankfully, as usual, as the bones loosened and the body warmed up, he got better. His back 9 was to be the best of the day, 21 points.Even 2 pars, the 15th and 16th. Although, not quite enough to catch the best 2 players, it was still enough fot him to be awarded with the Best Back 9 Crystal Bloc. Again thanks to all the players for making this another special day of golf, A society day when friendship and fun are the priority of the day and not necessarily winning. Also, we are happy to have Diane back in the fold. We appreciate not only her company, but also her tight control of the cards and handicaps. Not always an easy task. Thank you from every one, Diane. Our thanks again, to all of our sponsors. As a footnote, we are please to tell you, that Pierre eventually contacted his friends and will join them later in the week. Any one wishing to know more about Bigastro Golf Society see



November the 5th fireworks and all that and Paul Matthews did have fireworks behind him scoring a sparkling 41points but he only just edged out the man from the north Keith Copley who had 40pts very well played the both of you. Once again the Roda course was in great condition and the staff where very helpful. In Division 2 Joe Flanagan again came out on top with 40pts this is the second time Joe as scored in the 40's in a month handicap secretary get them scissors out and do some cutting. Barry Butterworth finish second on 37pts this is not bad for a man who when he came in after is round said to me should have had 47pts today Mick put i could not putt. Barry can you give me some tips as i would love to score 37 and have problems putting. The award for the best dressed golf went to Nic Evans turned out in a great pair of pink trousers sorry ladies. Well done to Christine Flanagan who got the top ladies score of 33pts. Also great to see five ladies playing on the day. Div 1 - 1st Paul Matthews 41pts, 2nd Keith Copley 40pts, 3rd Nic Evans 35pts. Div 2 - 1st Joe Flanagan 40pts, 2nd Barry Butterworth 37pts, 3rd Ian Wade 36pts. Roy Herbert is still out in front for the golfer of the year award on 218pts but now only 2 points back is Barry Butterworth with Dave Williams in third on 208pts. Ladies Golfer of the year is lead by Joan Williams from Lyn Gallard. CAPTAIN’s CHARITY TROPHY The next Society’s game is on Wednesday, 21st November 2012 at PERALEJA Golf. 1st Tee time – 10.00am. Captain Barry has chosen the MABS Charity and we are hoping that we can have a good turnout. The format will be MYSTERY PAIRS – Stableford.

We arrived on a dark and very cloudy day at Vistabella to find the course in excellent condition with receptive greens and good fairways. Thankfully the standard of golf was a vast improvement on last weeks effort as the scores will show. Unfortunately one of our members had to retire early because of ill health and we wish him a speedy recovery. The results for the day are: Nearest the pin on Hole 4: Roy Welburn, Hole 8: Charlie Rodgers. Longest Drive on Hole 14 : Tommy Clarke again Winner with 42 points : Robert Wardrop and a considerably lower handicap to go with it! Runner up with 37 points : Martin Moon matching his score to his age on his birthday Congratulations on both counts. Next week 15/11 at Peraleja meet at Clarkes Bar at 08:00

THE CELTS CLUB DE GOLF. This month we visited La Peraleja golf course a truly testing track. The course has benefited immensely from the recent rain and was well presented on the day. The club would like to thank Juanfra and Wayne for all their assistance in making our day out very pleasant and enjoyable. The last time we played the course we had to contend with a very strong wind, today we had just a gentle breeze. Our President was accused of having the luck of the Irish or words to that effect after holing out his second shot on the par four third from 40 metres, with his putter. Today’s competition was a singles stableford fund raiser. We the committee would especially like to thanks all those who brought items for our auction and helping to make the event very successful raising over 500 euro. The competition results were as follows, Joe Coyne collected the visitor’s prize with 33pts. Our captain won the gross with 28 pts. 3rd prize with 34 pts. Larry Long. 2nd Eddie Wall with 34 pts. The winner with a very modest 35 pts. John O´Brien. We would like to thank all the participants, the management of La Peraleja Juanfra and Wayne. All sponsorship is more than welcome. Calling all golfers in the greater Torrevieja area especially you ladies, I am sure there must be ladies who would like to play golf regularly at reasonable prices and in competitions, you are all welcome. Presently we have two lady members only and we welcome all new players, men and women. Entries are now being taken for our next outing at Vistabella entries to, John O´Brien 662422605 or



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Monday, 12th November, 2012

EL RASO GOLF SOCIETY "On Friday the 2nd November El Raso Golf society played its monthly stableford competition at Alenda Golf Club. This always proves to be a popular venue, and there was a full turn out. The course was in excellent condition and playing conditions were equally good. With one slightly harassed exception, all members found their way to and from the course without difficulty. The best guest was Alan Mansell with 33 points,

The celebrated garden gnome was presented to Joy Gray. As usual the presentations took place in our clubhouse aka Clapton’s Bar where Chris again provided a very welcome and very tasty sausage casserole. Our next event will be on Friday 7th December at La Marquesa Golf Club. Any enquiries about the Society can be made by contacting the Secretary on 966719711." See the photograph of the winners alongside.


Day 1 – Font Del Llop The course was in excellent condition but a severe challenge for the majority of the players BUT Kari Makila took the course and the rest of the field to task with an excellent 40 points and forged a large lead as the majority of the scores fell below 30 points. Day 2 – Vistabella Yesterdays leader fell from grace with a score of only 21 points on the beautiful but tricky Vistabella course BUT Kai Uimonen with 34 points to add to the previous day’s 35 points took over the yellow jersey.

Day 3 – Alenda With the wind howling across the hills the scores tumbled as did the points total for Kai Uimonen who could only muster 24 points as the consistency of Matti Vayrynen pushed him within touching distance of the leader. Final Day – La Finca The weather forecast was poor and so it proved with constant rain the whole day but this didn’t stop the tension as the two leaders went head to head and with a back nine of 19 points (gross 40) ,Matti Vayrynen was crowned the winner by just one point from Kai Uimonen. The best lady player was Meiju Linnavuo with an average score of 29 points BUT give some thought for Kati Aaltio who scored a hole in one on the Autumn trip to Estonia BUT who on this occasion won the losers ‘HAT’ which she must wear for the next year when we will return to this lovely (if wet) region of Spain Report by Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 or see us at our web-site at



ALENDA GOLF 5th NOVEMBER 2012 - MATCH 1 This was the first match of the new season played at Alenda. Having arrived it was apparent that this was going to be a cold and windy day with the wind in our faces on the first tee and even those big hitters were surprised to see the ball stop so quickly. The course was in fairly good condition, it is only a pity though golfers haven’t learnt to use their divot repairing tool on the greens. This makes it difficult for other golfers to putt and more hard work for the green staff to keep the greens in really good condition. Nevertheless, despite the weather, some good scores were achieved and all the par threes were actually reached to play nearest the pin. Again, at this early stage, Benijofar are out in front but by a much narrower margin than last season. Only time will tell if we can reign them in this new season. Everybody having finished we journeyed back to Claptons for the prize giving and presentation. Our thanks to Claptons for their hospitality on the day. Scores as follows.

ROUND 8 - LAS RAMBLAS Round 8 of the Albatross golf league was played at Las Ramblas course. 48 players took part representing 12 teams and with of hint of rain in the air was pleased to say that all competitors managed to get round without any rain falling although we did have to wait whilst team Shaky finished in the dark!. Course was in good condition whilst scoring was mixed with a number of teams struggling a little too much in the ravines. It was worth the wait for the final team who just managed to win on the day by a solitary point. League leaders Ebony & Ivory check your card next time as unfortunately had to be disqualified for marking the card incorrectly Team Result: 1st Team Shaky 117; 2nd Breakaways 116; 3rd Elite GS 107; 4th Team Albatross 105 5th Spurs Supporters Club Spain 101, 6th Royal Oak A – 100, 7th Bocados 98; 8th Brenda’s Babes 81, 9th Katie Reillys 80; 10th Royal Oak B 71, 11th Dels Team 65. Ebony & Ivory Dq Current table with 1 event left 1 – Ebony & Ivory GS 82pts – 2 – Team Shaky 72pts – 3 –Breakaways 61pts – 4 Elite GS 55 5 Team Albatross 53pts – 6 – Katie Reillys 35pts -7- Brendas’ Babes 34pts – 8 – Bocados 27pts – 9 Royal Oak GS 24pts 10 – Spurs Supporters Club Spain -14 Many thanks to Mick the Grip for sponsoring the Nearest the Pins 6th – John Jones – 10th John Healy – 12th Mark Shakespeare – 14th Dave Friedman No handicap adjustments needed today but well done to Mark for shooting level par 72. Please note that the next event will be at El Valle on Tuesday 27th November. Also we have two away trips - 18th December – Lorca Golf Resort Coach, Green fee, Buggies and Meal just 55€ and 15-17th January – Valle Del Este – 2nights half board accommodation, 2 rounds of golf with buggies 125€ or 100€ without. Partners welcome Please contact Gavin at if you are interested in any of these trips, or pop into our shop in Los Dolces, Villamartin.

Matchday 1 Alenda Golf 5th Nov 2012 LUNES GS v BENIJOFAR GS Geoff Tedham/Jeff Creswell 33-42 A Trefry/Gordon Barclay Weiz Barszcz/Jim McCarthy 35-42 Carol Firth/John Fullicks B Abbott/Tony Simmonds 36-32 John Morgan/Mike Bennett Dave Mace/Phil Docherty 31-31 John Kemp/Steve Edwards OLD 9th GS v CLAPTONS GS Lew Joss/Jan Ayres 33-35 David Gray/Mick O'Grady Keith Wright/Mike Ayres 38-36 John Harvey/Terry Sharley Keith Smith/Ron Perkins 38-33 Tony Stead/Paul Burletson Phil Harris/Alan Roy 21-29 Ian Faulkner/Mike Wyatt NTP's: 3rd Carol Firth, 5th Paul Burletson, 13th Mike Bennett, 16th Ian Faulkner.


‘Mike Probert talks Golf (Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services). Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions.

The nearest to the pins were Terry Sharley holes 3 and 5, Dave Johnston hole 13, and Stan Low hole 16. The best front nine holes was won by David Gray with 15 points on count back, and the best back nine was won by Debbie Weedon with a score of 18. Third place overall went to John Holland with 32 points, and second place went to Dave Smith with a score of 33. The overall winner with a score of 34 points sporting a new hairstyle, was Gordon Bourne.

In association with Costa Blanca Green Fee Services The SGA (Senile Golfers Association) of Finland made their annual pilgrimage to this region of Spain to contest their ‘Tour Espana 2012’ competition which was organised and sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. The competition was played over 4 days on Font del Llop, Alenda, Vistabella and La Finca with 22 players chasing the much coveted 1st prize and below is a brief summary of the events as they happened.

Purchase of Golf Equipment The manufacture of heads, shafts and grips for most major brands of golf clubs are concentrated on a few factories in Asia where the are made for literally ‘pennies’. Unfortunately by the time they hit the sales outlets the selling prices are usually multiplied many fold to a price that the end customer considers to be unacceptable, As a result many golfers turn to the internet in an attempt to find a ‘bargain’ and this is where the saying Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) has never been more true because the market has been flooded with copy imitations of major brand clubs which are difficult to distinguish from the real thing. Just how do you protect yourself from falling foul of these pirates? The answer on many occasions lies in the shaft or grip used and you can also check the serial number on the club via the brand name manufacturer. If all else fails deal with a local respectable trader or remember that if it looks too good to be true it probably is. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you. Golf Course Price Comments Alenda €92 Two Players and Buggy (not weekends) Alicante €45 Single Player and Buggy (limited times) Altorreal €55 Two Players and Buggy (Mon and Fri) Bonalba €85 Two Players and Buggy Font Del Llop €83 Two Players and Buggy (from 3pm) La Finca €260 Four Players and Two Buggies La Peraleja €144 Four Players and Two Buggies La Marquesa €102 Two Players and Buggy (Sunday’s only) La Serena €69 Two Players and Buggy Las Colinas €150 Two Players and Buggy (limited times) Las Ramblas €188 Four Players and Two Buggies Roda €95 Two Players and Buggy (from 2pm) Villamartin €212 Four Players and Two Buggies Vistabella €73 Two Players and Buggy (weekends pm) For bookings and more information contact Mike at or direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 quoting reference LEADER. Leader Christmas Competition This years LEADER Christmas competition which will be held at Vistabella on Saturday 15th December 2012 with a shotgun start at 9.00am at a price of only €28 including a buggy and prizes. All entries are via Vistabella who can be contacted on 966 107 846 or via e-mail Golfing Weather Watch Sorry but I can’t offer you any respite from last weeks poor weather as this week is much the same with temperatures in the mid teen degrees with a threat of rain every day. Quotation of the week “To be a great golfing champion was my destino” – Seve Ballesteros



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GREENLANDS BOWLS CLUB By Steve Hibberd Welcome one and all, to another week in the life of Greenlands Bowls Club. Into the 3rd week, Mon's Saba league threw up some rather unsatisfactory results for the boys and girls in green, but hey, it's only a game! In div A, both the Sycamores and Maples lost by the same score (4-10), although in their defence, they both faced tricky away ties. Over at Quesada, the team of Brian Tomlin, Florence Edwards & hubby Mike won 20-19, whilst 2 draws, courtesy of Sheila Stead, Phil & Angie Goodfellow (20-20), plus Eve Blythe, Steve Hibberd & Sandra Heath (15-15), secured points for the Maples. Later in the day, Nadine Bater, Penny Tomkins & Ted Upham (21-10), plus Zoe/Jim Wilcock & Ken Parker (24-16), did the damage against the Apollos at La Siesta. A home match against La Marina Astronauts, produced only 2 points for div C side Chestnuts, thanks to Terry Lawton, Charles Langlois & Graham Watt (24-10). Weds proved to be a total washout, without a wood bowled in anger, leaving the Winter leaguers free to embark on a team building exercise in the clubhouse bar! Spare a thought for opponents El Cid, who having made the 2+ hours journey from northern Costa Blanca, decided to utilise their time shopping in the new La Zenia shopping Mall - that'll put a dent in the bank account then!! Thankfully that nasty wet stuff only lasted 24 hours, allowing the 1st round Premier 20 cup match against Country Bowls to go ahead. At home, Bill Pain won the singles, whilst Sue Johnson, Tom Hill, Barry Collins & Dave Greenland triumphed in the rinks. Away, Mike Edwards in the singles, Mike Veale, Bobbie Sims & Steve Cantley - trips, plus Gail Watson, Ian Kenyon, Fred Willshire & Barry Latham - rinks, ensured that their hat trick of victories, put Greenlands into round 2. Another dry day, enabled Fri's Southern league fixtures to proceed unhindered. Those mighty Oaks came up trumps again, this time at Monte Mar. Three wins, a draw, plus a shared shots difference, resulted in the narrowest of victories (8-6) over the Matadors. We salute you: Ian (baby face) Kenyon, Wendy Latham, Derek Toozer 24-14. Sheila Stead, Tom Hill, Bill Pain 15-12. Mike Veale, Ronnie Cairns, Steve Cantley 18-15. Di Lawton, Brian Miller, Barry Collins 17-17. Almost, but not quite as impressive, was brothers Elms performance at home to La Marina Sharks. Spookily, in this game the shots were also shared, and along with 3 victories apiece, an honourable 7-7 draw was fought out. Take a bow: Mike (Coco) Thomas, Vic (haven't you learnt how to pronounce my name properly yet?) Mahomet, Jill Parker 26-5. Cas Thomas, Florence/Mike Edwards 22-18. Jan Pocock, Ken Parker, Brian Pocock 23-22. Last but not least, them there Cedars had to negotiate the tricky El Rancho green, for a 3rd div match against the Raiders. Two good victories were not enough to win but a 4-10 defeat is no disgrace by any stretch of the imagination. Jolly well done: Fred Tilley, Penny Tomkins, Ted (they don't like it) Upham 25-14. Margaret Dewer, Zoe Wilcock, Jim Wilcock 15-9.

SAN MIGUEL BOWLS CLUB By Janet Thomas SABA LEAGUE Pulsars played away to San Luis Klingons. A very good game played by everyone, especially Carl Eagle, Stan North and Ann Eagle, Ann has skipped the 3 matches that we have played and done so very well they have not lost a game winning by a very good margin well done keep it up, Cynthia Johnson, Jan Farmer and Glynn Johnson also had a good game although they did not win but had very hard luck, there team was changed at the last minute, due to the skip not being able to play, Jan who was in the friendly went in as number 2 and Glynn skipped the game, on the 11th end they were 16-9 down and came back to lose by 1 point 2122 very well done, The overall was shots for 109 shots against 113 Total points for 6 Points against 8. Meteors match against Emerald Isle Titans What a good win against the leaders Val Collier, Jo Pering and Julian Pering drew, 17-17 Shirley Verity, Lee Sinclair and Noel Verity won 32-7, Margaret Patterson, Alan Campbell and Malcolm Parsons won 23-17, Tom Dalgleish, Dave Mitchell and Stuart Denholm won 26-7, Carol Mitchell, Cyril Medley and Brian Robertson lost 12-19, Brian Allen, Don Whitney and Chris Collier won 17-14. Total shots for 127 Shots against 81 Total points for 11 points against 3. Well played the friendly only lost by a couple of shots. It appears the team do their best without the Captain Bob Eason. Well done. WINTER LEAGUE. No game due to the weather rearranged for Tuesday 13th November SOUTHERN LEAGUE Jaguars played away to San Luis lions. A very good game all games were very close drawing on 3 rinks and winning on 2 the 6th rink only lost by 2 points on the last end. Total points for 9 Points against 5 Total shots for 98 Shots against 94. COUGARS sorry Captain sent no details of whom they played, Frank Scotham, Kay Lewis and Barbara Scotham lost 9-33. Alan Booth, Tony Sanson and Mike Stacey won 23-19. Jack Jackson, Bob Donnelley and Val Hignett lost 13-20. Brian Stockell, Sheila Booth and Ros Stockell lost 16-19. Noel Davis, Joe Getgood and John Cleverley lost 10-21. Joe Dear, Bill Brownlee and Mike Batefield drew 16-16. Total points for 2 Points against 11 Total shots for 87 Shots against 128. No report from the Comets San Miguel Bowls Club is sponsored by Iberian Funeral Plans Any information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact club president Eileen Potts 966730376

Monday, 12th November, 2012


By Lynne Bishop An excellent result this week for the Supernovas in the SABA Discovery League, playing the San Luis Trekkers at home they won twelve points from five winning rinks. Jenny Chaplin, Charlie Watkins & Dave Chaplin had a very good win of 31-6. Pat Patton, Margaret Odell & Brian Patton 22-13. Lin Watkins, Les Turner & Gerry Gough 21-17. Lynne Bishop, Peter Robinson & Barry Norris 15-10. Gillian Morris, Charlie Watkins & Peter Whitehall 19-16. Overall shots, C.B. Supernovas 117 (12) - 80(2) S.L.Trekkers. Next week we are at La Marina, good Luck. The Southern League A division Ramblers had an afternoon game at home playing El Rancho Mustangs, they won five rinks only losing the sixth by one shot, a great result, well done you Ramblers. Pat Patton, Geoff Paylor & Brian Patton won 25-13. Lin Watkins, Ron Odell & Barry Norris 28-17. Gillian Morris, Dave Chaplin & Dave Rogers 22-11. Jenny Chaplin, George Thomson & Ken Cuthbert 18-7. Margaret Odell, Gerry Gough & Peter Whitehall 17-16. Losing by just one shot was Lynne Bishop, Charlie Watkins & Eric Bishop 18-19. Overall shots C.B.Ramblers 128(12) - 83(2) E.R. Mustangs. Sheila Whitehall, Sue Norris & Harold Morris played and won a friendly. We send our best wishes to team Captain Steve Pearson who is stuck at home nursing broken ribs, get well soon... Southern league Division C Harvesters were at home playing the San Luis Pumas and won six points for three wins, the three winning teams were Sandra Mcilroy, Pat Emmett & Karen Kirk who won 18-10, Alan Roscoe, Victor Statham & Bryan Kirk 16-12. Ben Noke, Les Turner & Ray Emmett 13-11. overall shots C.B.Harvesters 84(6) - 107(8) S.L. Pumas. In the Premier Twenty completion we played a strong Greenlands side and lost 6-10, those that earned the points for Country Bowls were Pat & Brian Patton playing the pairs at home and Lynne & Eric Bishop for Pairs and Jenny Chaplin, Les Turner & Ken Cuthbert for Triples playing away from home. It was always going to be a tough match against Greenlands but we gave them a good game. On Saturday evening we held a party in honour of Bruce and Margaret Aitken who are going to live in the U.K. to spend their retirement with their family, Bruce and Margaret originally came from South Africa, we will miss them very much.

LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB Honestly I sent a report to the Leader last week but they must have seen the results and did not believe them. On Saturday Morning 3rd November, La Marina made the long trip to Calpe in the first leg of the Friendship Cup, The weather was a bit damp but they made us very welcome and afterwards they took us to a very nice Restaurant for lunch, The match ended with Calpe defending a 11 Shot lead when they come to us in the return leg in February. Monday Morning 5th November, La Marina Astronauts played away to Greenlands Chestnuts winning on 5 Rinks. Brenda Brain, Chris Bould Skip Bill Bould 15-14. Angie Butler, Jack Chorlton, Skip John Norman 24-19. Margaret Jamieson, Mike Brain, Skip Bill Jamieson 20-18. Jeanette Gugerly, Margaret Finlayson, Skip Dave Gugerly 20-8. Brian Murray, Martin Butler, Don Harrison 20-12. Shots La Marina Astronauts 109 - Greenlands Chestnuts 95. Pts Astronauts 12 - G’lands Chestnuts 2. Monday Morning 5th November, La Marina Explorers were at home to Horadada Falcons winning on 3 Rinks and drawing on 1 Rink. Kath Manning, Martin Webb, Skip Alex Whyte 17-10. Sue Kemp, Barry Sadler, Skip Keith Cruise 20-13. Ron Maiden, Dave Williams, Skip Dave Lewis 23-17. Linda Vincent, Bernie Carr, Skip Graham Norris 16-16. Explorers 98 - Horadada Falcons 95. (9 - 5). Monday Afternoon 5th November, La Marina Pathfindes were at home to El Ranch Pinto's winning on 4 Rinks. Ron Chadwick, Dave Taylor, Skip Tom Edwards 25-12. Gina Donnerly, Arthur Cronk, Skip Steve Hindle 20-12. Dave Freeman, Dave Willas, Jim Freeman 19-15. June Tew, Chris Green, Skip John Morgan 20-17. Shots La Marina Pathfinders 101 - El Rancho Pinto's 100. Points Pathfinders 10 - El Rancho Pinto's 4. Friday Morning 9th November, La Marina Dolphins were at home to Quesada Swallows winning on only one Rink, (That is not good enough). Brian Murray, Phil Pape, Skip Brian Zelin 13-11. Shots Dolphins 75 - Quesada Swallows 124. Points Dolphins 2 Quesada Swallows 12. On Friday, La Marina Seagulls were away to La Siesta Silvers winning on 4 Rinks. Dave Bulfield, Sheila Kirby, Skip Bob Mallet 16-15. Gina Donnerly, Steve Hindle, Skip Len Daniels 22-12. Dave Freeman, Arthur Cronk, Skip Dave Hadaway 19-16. Pam Morgan, Chris Green, Skip John Morgan 22-10. Shots Seagulls 101 - La Siesta Silvers 92. Points 10 - 4. La Marina Sharks were away to Greenlands Elms winning on 3 Rinks. Ron Maiden, Ron Hunt, Skip Alan Castle 2112. Andy Bartlett, Bernie Carr, Skip Graham Norris 24-10. Margaret McLaughlin, Keith Cruise, Skip Dave Lewis 17-14. Shots Sharks 107 107. Points Sharks 7 - 7.


SABA WINTER TRIPLES Week 2 Monday 5th November 2012

ENTERPRISE LEAGUE San Miguel Meteors Emerald Isle Titans San Luis Klingons Quesada Pearls La Marina Explorers San Miguel Pulsars Horadada Falcons La Siesta Apollos Greenlands Maples Greenlands Sycamores

P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

W 11 11 9 8 9 8 8 7 5 6

San Miguel Meteors 127 (11) Quesada Pearls 113 (10) La Marina Explorers 98 (9) San Luis Klingons 113 (8) La Siesta Apollos 124 (10)

D 3 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 3 2

L 4 6 9 8 8 8 9 10 10 10

O/W F 3 346 2 336 3 352 2 302 1 305 1 334 1 299 1 294 1 272 0 278

A 270 271 317 307 336 291 314 320 344 348

Diff 76 65 35 -5 -31 43 -15 -26 -72 -70

Pts 31 27 24 22 21 20 19 17 15 14

Emerald Isle Titans 81 (3) Greenlands Maples 86 (4) Horadada Falcons 95 (5) San Miguel Pulsars 109 (6) Greenlands Sycamores 85 (4)

DISCOVERY LEAGUE Vistabella Albatrosses La Marina Astronauts Country B Supernovas Em Isle Moonrakers Greenlands Chestnuts Monte Mar Picadors San Luis Trekkers San Miguel Comets Monte Mar Novilleros

P 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3

W 11 12 9 10 7 6 6 4 4

Monte Mar Novilleros 86 (2) Emerald Isle Moonrakers 98 (6) CBowls Supernovas 117 (12) Greenlands Chestnuts 95 (2) San Miguel Comets Bye

D 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0

L 5 6 3 8 10 6 10 7 14

OW 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 1

F 326 324 244 345 295 201 260 196 264

A 263 287 169 297 310 206 339 220 364

Diff Pts 63 30 37 28 75 22 48 22 -15 17 -5 14 -79 14 -24 11 -100 10

Vistabella Albatrosses 114 (12) Monte Mar Picadors 103 (8) San Luis Trekkers 80 (2) La Marina Astronauts 109 (12)

VOYAGER LEAGUE P W D L OW La Siesta Pioneers 3 12 1 5 2 San Luis Vulcans 3 11 1 6 1.5 El Rancho Broncos 3 11 0 7 1.5 La Siesta Sputniks 3 9 1 8 2 Quesada Diamonds 2 6 1 5 2 La Marina Pathfinders 3 7 0 11 1 Vistabella Eagles 2 6 0 6 1 El Rancho Pintos 3 6 0 12 1 Horadada Condors * 2 2 0 10 0 * 2 Points deducted for failing to field a full team Horadada Condors 93 (2) La Siesta Sputniks 111 (8) San Luis Vulcans 106 (7) La Marina Pathfinders 101 (10) Quesada Diamonds Bye

F 330 333 331 320 219 283 207 294 153

A 304 277 308 290 206 332 205 312 236

Diff 26 56 23 30 13 -49 2 -18 -83

La Siesta Pioneers 119 (12) Vistabella Eagles 95 (6) El Rancho Broncos 106 (7) El Rancho Pintos 100 (4)


Pts 29 26 25 23 17 16 14 14 2



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Monday, 12th November, 2012


QUESADA BOWLS CLUB By Doug Beattie Swifts Report - On Friday 2nd Nov. Quesada Swifts played the Torreadors at Montemar, had a smashing mornings bowling and came away with 6 points. On the way to their win, Maureen, Martin and Barry, had a rare and magnificent "hot shot" and could'nt hide their delight!! Winning rinks. M Bowness M Richardson B Armstrong 24 14 M Smethurst F Beattie T Jakeman 24 16, D Beattie A Blay J Ester 17 13 Score 6 points to 8 105 shots 117. Swallows Report - On Fri 2nd Nov. QBC Swallows were at home to Emerald Isle Claymores. Against strong opposition with some close games we managed to gain 6 points. Winning 2 games drawing one and drawing the overall shots at 104 to 104. The winning rinks were; Dorothy Benson, Maggie Gray & Chip Chapman; Abby Benson, Nigel Baigent & Tony Thomas. The draw Norma Lamberton, June Cox & Mike Lamberton" Pearls Report - On Mon the 5th November the Pearls lit up a few fireworks in a hard fought encounter with Greenlands Maples. Ruth Birch, Veronica Sale and

SOUTHERN LEAGUE 2012/2013 Results and Tables for Friday 9th November 2012

DIVISION A P La Marina Sharks 4 San Miguel Jaguars 4 Greenlands Oaks 4 Country Bls Ramblers 4 San Luis Lions 4 Emerald Isle Cavaliers 4 Vistabella Lanzadores 4 Montemar Matadors 4 Greenlands Elms 4 El Rancho Mustangs 4

W 3 4 4 2 2 2 1 0 0 1

128 (12) Country Bls Ramblers 110 (8) Emerald Isle Cavaliers 107 (7) Greenlands Elms 99 (6) Montemar Matadors 94 (5) San Luis Lions

D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

L 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 4 3 3

O/WF 15.5 425 15.5 449 13.5 423 13.5 407 12.5 435 11.5 396 12 384 10 390 9 363 7 354

A 375 373 360 400 377 413 411 424 416 477

Diff Pts 50 38 76 37 63 34 7 31 58 29 -17 27 -27 26 -34 23 -53 19 -123 16

El Rancho Mustangs (2) 83 Vistabella Lanzadores (6) 102 La Marina Sharks (7) 107 Greenlands Oaks (8) 99 San Miguel Jaguars (9) 98

DIVISION 'B' P La Siesta Blues 4 Horadada Royals 4 Quesada Swallows 4 Mazarron Miners 4 La Manga Crusaders 4 La Marina Dolphins 4 Emerald Isle Claymores 4 La Siesta Golds 4 San Luis Tigers 4 San Miguel Cougars 4

W 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1

84 (2) Emerald Isle Claymores 110 (8) La Manga Crusaders 75 (2) La Marina Dolphins 125 (12) Mazarron Miners 87 (3) San Miguel Cougars

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3

O/WF 15 436 14.5 439 13.5 425 12 437 12 430 12 395 11.5 416 11 395 10 370 8.5 370

A 371 378 386 421 395 451 417 420 421 453

Diff 65 61 39 16 35 -56 -1 -25 -51 -83

Pts 36 33 31* 30 28 28 26 24 24 18*

Horadada Royals (12) 113 San Luis Tigers(6) 83 Quesada Swallows (12) 124 La Siesta Golds (2) 87 La Siesta Blues (11) 128

DIVISION 'C' P Greenlands Cedars 4 Montemar Torreadors 3 Quesada Swifts 4 La Siesta Silvers 4 El Rancho Raiders 3 San Luis Pumas 4 Vistabella Conq’dores 3 Country Bls Harvesters 4 La Marina Seagulls 3 123 (10) El Rancho Raiders 84 (6) Bowls Harvesters 92 (4) La Siesta Silvers 92 (4) Quesada Swifts

W 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 0 1

D 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0

L 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 4 2

O/WF 14.5 434 11.5 360 12 427 11.5 408 11 339 11 394 9 281 9 363 6.5 283

A 394 294 405 398 304 405 303 448 338

Diff 40 66 22 10 35 -11 -22 -85 -55

Pts 35 29 28 27 26 24 22 18 15

Greenlands Cedars (4) 92 San Luis Pumas (8) 107 La Marina Seagulls (10) 101 Vistabella Conquistadores (10) 100

Jack Martin 'rocketed' to a comfortable 25-9 win, while both William Holtham, Nigel Baigent and Nick Birch and Deidre Leeming, Pearl Houghton and Derek Sale 'sparkled' in their 19-13 and 15-10 wins respectively. The 'Catherine' ! wheel of fortune spun in both directions in the games involving Brian Houghton, John Muldoon and 'Chip' Chapman and George Carnell, Mike Lamberton and Graham Phillips. Close games finishing in 20-20 and 15-15 draws. The only 'damp squib' was the one shot loss suffered by Peta Rhodes, Dave Donovan and Maureen Kidd 19-20. Well done Quesada. Points overall 10-4, Shots 113-86 No Winter League report as match was cancelled No Butchers Trips for the next 3 weeks because of other fixtures but the Wednesday Bubbly games which are open to Members & Non Members is still on at 130 for 2pm start, also Saturday 17th November our Club Treasure hunt takes place and on 2nd Dec the Xmas dance takes place to allow as many members as possible to attend before the exodus home for Xmas & New Year.



By Norman Adcroft S.A.B.A. Voyager League 5th Nov. The Pioneers had an excellent away game against Horadada Condors winning five of the 6 rinks with overall shots of 119-93 to give La Siesta a fine 12-2 win. and send them to the top of the League. However, the games were closer than the result suggest; winning rinks, Derek Souter, Hillary Clarke and Jean Murphy 16-14 ,Vic Moore, Norman Murphy, George Seaman, 19-15, George Richardson, Norman Adcroft, Gill Sheldon,18-12, The Millwards, Roy and Kath with Terry Baylis faired a little better Winning 21-12, Johnnie Ryder, Pat Moore, John Shepherd just missed a hotshot and won by 29-19. A very pleasant game of bowls, against competitive but friendly opposition. The Sputniks 5th Nov. after a very close home match against Vistabella Eagles ended with the rinks shared, but were able to take the shots 111-95 for an 8pts to 6pts victory and place them in 4th position in the League. Well done everyone. The winning rinks were: Carol Broomfield, John Horobin, Ivan Goodsell, 29-15, Malcolm Ayton, Carol Thorpe, John Taylor, 19-9, and Dawn Taylor, Frank Kay, Albert Jackson, 21-15. S.A.B.A. Enterprise League. 5th Nov. The Apollos playing an afternoon home match against Greenlands Sycamores had a good day winning on four out of the six rinks, and the overall shots by 124-85, total points 10 – 4.Winning rinks, .Ramsey Sinclair, Robert.Heath, John.Ball, 31-6, Barbara.Cooper, Dave Eccles, Jack Cooper, 21-9, Jean Brassington, Trevor Brassington, Derek.Pickwick, 25-10, Joy Gardner Bill Jordan, Jean Cooper, 21-15. C.B.B.A. Sothern League 9th Nov. Div. B. The Gold’s Played a morning away match at Mazarron against the Miners, but unfortunately the wheel fell off after a good start to the season. Losing by 12 points to 2, Our only winning rink was, Jo Elkin, Ron Sheldon and Ivan Goodsell, who won 2117: the overallshots going in Mazarrons favour 125 -87. Thanks to our friendly rink played by Sheila Millward, Bill Jordan & Roy Millward who won 19-8. The Blues played away at San Miguel, against the Cougars, and notched up good wins on four of the six rinks, and drawing on one. Winning rinks for the Blues were, Sue Oram, Margaret Hunter and Derek Pickwick 2013, Ann Heath Dave Eccles and Steve Pond 19-16, Jenny Rothwell, Ramsay Sinclair and George Rothwell 21-10 and Jean and Trevor Brassington with John Ball a fantastic win 33-9 including a HOT SHOT on the ninth end and a six on the fourteenth end. Barbara Cooper, Joy Gardiner and Jack Cooper pulled up two shots on the last end to draw their game 16-16. Blues pts 11-3 with overall shots 128 - 8 C.B.B.A. Southern League Div, C. 9th Nov. The Silvers went down 4-10 playing at home against La Marina Seagulls, only winning on two rinks. Winning rinks, Dawn Taylor, John Shepherd, Derek Lodge, 23-13, Anne Jackson, John Taylor, Les Rawson,16-9, with the Seagulls taking the shots 92-101. Should you wish to take up a new sport, make new friends, with a little gentle exercise, you will be made very welcome. We have bowls and shoes for hire and tuition can be arranged. New members are always welcome. Ring Jim or Lyn on690 190 523 and they will help or call in at La Siesta Bowls Club at Calle Rossini La Siesta Urbanisation If any members know of any business or sponsors that could, help out with sponsorship to keep these reports in the LEADER please contact any committee member or directly to the leader. Thank you.

I will start with the good news..... another 12 points to 2 win for Horadada Royals. We hope this result will brighten the day for John Wilson, captain of the Royals, who is not feeling good at the moment. John, Sue is the one who knows best so......lay back and do as the good lady says!! A game against any team from the Emerald Isle is always looked on as a challenge. However, on Friday all the Horadada players were determined to compete to the best of their ability.... and that is exactly what they did.Winning on 5 rinks and the overall shots going our way made for a handsome result against the Claymores. Overall shots for 113 Shots against 84 Congratulations to the winning rinks of Kath Reid, Tony Burchall and Giuseppe Galelli 17 -12; Carol Linehan, Brian Guppy and Michael Douglas 13 - 12; Issabella Keith, Jack Linehan and Barry Evans 16 -15; Jenni Blunt, Ann Allen and Alan Pugh 27 - 10; John Bailey, Ann Hartley and Terry Hucknall 22 - 14. Keep the momentum going!! On Monday, a home game for the Condors, against the La Siesta Pioneers, resulted in a 2 point gain. The Falcons fared better on the same day against the Explorers from La Marina, gaining 5 points. Winning rink for the Condors: Carol Bellison, Alan Russel and Mick Bellison 21 -16. Winning rinks for the Falcons: Bryan Eatough, Wayne Jackson and terry Hucknall 23 - 8; Jenni Blunt, Ann Hartley and John Hurlock 16 -14. A team effort by Pauline Murphy, Roy Collins and John Bailey secured a draw . Thanks to those who play in the 'friendly' games.

EMERALD ISLE BOWLS CLUB 2 November EI Claymores visited Quesada Swallows, a very close game ending with 104-104 shots. EI won on 3 rinks, the Swallows won on 2. With one drawn rink 15-15, the game result was 8pts to Quesada - 6 to EI. Monday, 5 November saw the Moonrakers play host to Monte Mar Picadors. We were hoping for another good win, but how wrong can you be? Each team won on three rinks but the Picadors gained shot difference of 103-98 to EI, resulting in 8pts to Monte Mar - 6 to EI. As I've said before, it's a funny old game! EI Cavaliers started their programme at Country Bowls, always a hard game, going down by 9pts to 5. Their next game was against San Luis who won on 5 rinks taking overall shots to win 12pts to 2. Brian Duff's team came back from 17-4 down to win 19-18 - WOW! Greenlands Elms paid us a visit next with the Cavaliers taking their revenge on them, winning on 5 rinks to obtain a good 12pts to 2 victory. Let's hope we've now turned the corner. EI Titans have yet to send a report. I think they are advertising for a secretary but I understand that the pay isn't that good! CLUB PHOTOSHOOT This coming Thursday all members are encouraged to attend the 10th Anniversary Club photoshoot which will take place on the green at 1pm sharp. Members should be dressed in whites. See Mel O’Dell for more information..........Bill Allen.



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Monday, 12th November, 2012


ALL ELCHE - BUT NO GOALS! XEREZ...............................0 ELCHE CF ........................0 A funny thing happened halfway through the second half of this totally one-sided match. BY JOHN Elche’s very-useful right back Damian Suarez MCGREGOR was caught too far forward as Xerez broke down the left: the subsequent low cross was missed by Tato but swept, just, to safety by Etxeita for a corner. It was strange because it was the first – and only - serious attack on the Iillicitano’s goal during the whole match, that inept were a Xerex side starting the game in 10th place. The game was played with little atmosphere in the huge stadium with a running track round, the 5,878 crowd looking lost, way back somewhere on the distant terraces. Elche’s two leading scorers were both out: suspension to five goal ace and dead-ball expert Albacar, and out-for three-months four goal thrustingright-winger ‘Zoomi’ Xumetra meant the Franjiverdes were supplemented by Frenchman Beranger at full back and Palanca at wide left. Normally left-sided Fidel switched to the right, and he did well almost bringing a much-needed goal on the quarter-hour, as he cut in easily beating his man and from the by-line crossed for Redondo to divert the ball past his own goalkeeper Chema, only for Mendoza to heave it off his line. A clever chip by Rivera nearly caught Chema off his line but went just over the bar. O – O at half-time with Elche well in control - and absolutely nothing from the home side. On the hour poor old ex-Elche favourite Jose Vega was sent off for handball, his second yellow to leave Xerez with ten men. Surely the league

leaders could go on and win now? Coro, through on goal had his effort smothered, Palanca pushed a shot just wide, but with 20 minutes left Mantecon burst through the middle to meet a high cross, clashed with the tall Chema, the ball ran loose and Fidel crashed the ball into the net. No goal, ruled the fussy ref, Chema was impeded he said - looked the other way round to me, but the goalie usually wins those argument, doesn’t he? Soon after Beranger was dramatically carried off - I don’t mean to sound unsympathetic but he often is, to be replaced by the reliable Flano. Sound Elche coach Fran Escriba rang the changes: Pelayo for Mantecon, and the giant Dutchman Powel for Palanca. Pelayo leapt to a cross from Suarez, but his header went wide, and similarly Powel’s effort had no power to challenge Xerez’s hero Chema. Five minutes of injury time passed with relentess Elche pressure but Xerez just held out - they would be pleased with their point, that their performance just did not deserve. For Elche, the goals have dried up lately. Since thrashing Numancia 4 – 0 in mid-October, the Illicitanos have played 4: won 1, drawn 1, lost two (both 0 – 1), goals for 1, against 2. The team are still playing well, the defence is good and the midfield working hard, it’s just the goals are now hard to come by. Next Sunday at noon Elche entertain Alcorcon, who they beat 6 – 0 in last year’s similarly-timed fixture, scoring four in the first 30 minutes. A bit of that wouldn’t go amiss at the Martinez Valero next week. Elche are still top but Almeria and now Girona (who beat Racing 1 – 0 ) at the weekend are pressing. We don’t even want to think about last year, when the first half of the season went superbly well when Elche were top; and the second was – disastrous! We’ll be OK this season, just you see... MUCHO ELCHE!

SMASH & GRAB AS ALZIRA CLAIM POINTS FC TORREVIEJA........0 UD ALZIRA.................1 A late own goal by Manu, completely against the run of play, saw Alzira travel back to Valencia with all three points which lifts them above FC Torry and back into the play off places. However the real injustice began some 75 minutes earlier when leading scorer Koemann had to leave the field following a heavy challenge by Alzira keeper Vicente on the edge of the box. Expecting the referee to point to the spot we were amazed to see the free kick awarded to the visitors, injustice number two and the game had barely got warmed up. Koemann wasn’t able to return to the field which, in view of his recent form, was a major blow to the home side from which they failed to recover. Despite the best efforts from his industrious replacement, Luis Carlos, the injured strike would have proved more than a handful in difficult conditions and would almost certainly have made an important difference to the eventual outcome. The inadequacy of this referee was further highlighted midway through the half when Javi Rosa was the subject of an awful, over the top, challenge, which again went unpunished despite being under his nose. The half was brought to a welcome close when Alzira’s

Mateo fired over from close range with an opportunity that he really should have buried. After the restart Torry were quickest out of the blocks and dominated for long periods of the half. All of the football was being played down the flanks and two balls fed in, both in quick succession, should have seen Luis Carlos bring the home side back on level terms. On 52 minutes he scuffed a good opportunity wide and then 2 minutes later he shot wide of the mark with the keeper badly positioned and the goal absolutely at his mercy. Torry were camped in the Alzira half with Jorge the next to go close when he headed wide from a far post corner and then as the game drifted toward a goal less end we were treated to a skit reminiscent of the Keystone Cops when a harmless cross saw Torry defender Manu attempt to cushion a header back to keeper Manolo. Unfortunately the man between the sticks had gone walkabout so the ball trickled agonizingly over the Torry line to put the visitors in front. These were 3 points that Torry would have sewn up if Koemann had remained on the field, and 3 that they might regret having relinquished when we get toward the business end of the season.

ROBLES FIRES REDS TO TOP UD HORADADA.............2 CD THADER...................0 Despite their usual slow start this was a game that Horadada should have had sewn up by the interval, one that they dominated for long periods, that is until Luis was sent off midway through the second period. From that point, in extremely difficult conditions, they spent the final quarter on their heels, needing superb defending from the back four of Del Bano, Campillo, Rojo and Alex who was in fine form between the sticks. But by that stage, two goals to the good, the points looked fairly secure despite an inordinate amount of Thader possession. With Ensa relegated to the subs bench because of a niggling groin injury Titi was elevated to the starting lineup and it was his shot from the right that put the Reds in front on 20 minutes. Fine build up work down the flank by Luis and Alberto set the youngster up as he beat Pados to the ball to dink it over the keeper. Thereafter Horadada were in complete control with del Bano, Vardan and Alberto all going close. It was much the same patter after the break. Horadada really were passing the ball neatly in difficult conditions. Thader were barely at the races but they did have one or two efforts, particularly a break from Arilis, that, with bet-

ter finishing, could have punished the home side. But the game was effectively sealed when Robles broke from half way to turn Juan and Carlos inside out before firing into the bottom corner past an exposed Pados in the Thader goal. Perhaps the most bizarre incident, as might be expected, involving the referee, came on the half hour when Luis received a second yellow for a nothing challenge. He ran off the pitch expecting a red but the referee called him back on only to be confronted by Alberto, the Thader manager , and just about every member of his team. Realising there might be something to their protests the referee then consulted assistant number one, who was little help, before running across the other side of the field to confer with assistant two. Between the three of them they determined that it was indeed a second yellow so out came a red, resembling the same colour as the referee’s face. Luis once again trotted off the field which he had intended to do in the first place. So another 3 points put to bed for Horadada which lifts them to the top of Preferente on goal difference above Almoradi and Contestano. Next week a Sunday afternoon fixture as the Reds travel to north to face former skipper Ruben Pastor and his high flying Callosa Deportivo.

CF MIL PALMERAS WEEKLY ROUNDUP Mil Palmeras Toros (Pre-Bens) 0 Benferri A .................................10

CF Mil Palmeras Alevines 2 Jacarilla...............................7

Sponsored By Fuego's La Fuente Another tough match against an experianced team saw Mil Palmeras have to work hard .With an improved performance from last week Mil Palmeras managed to stop Benferri time and again with some tough defending from Thomas Ellis ,Lacey Bradley and some great saves from Dylan Cooke .Second half and a change of keeper gave us a bit more stability with Elliot Goodens Goal kicks allowing Kevin Ruiz and Joshua Laycock to push up the field . Jack Ellis and Lacey worked hard at the back . Although they lost there where good signs and positive improvements from all players during the match. Player of the Match Elliott Godden

Sponsored by Talleres J Martinez Not half as bad as the score line suggests as we battled hard in the terrible conditions playing some nice stuff at times. After a good solid start Jacarilla took the lead from a corner. Ten minutes later We were level with a 30 yard effort from Lewis Long going in 1-1 at half time.Second half and with a lot of changes we became a little ragged and allowed them to pick up all the loose balls and ended up being punished. We got a deserved second goal but it was too little too late. Full time 2-7. Man of the match Lewis Long, Special mention Ben Naylor in Goal. Mil Palmeras are always on the lookout for new players to add to our existing squad, for more info call Scott 619 700 439 or Martin 622 295 186 or visit the website



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Monday, 12th November, 2012


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