The Leader 466

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No 466

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

Tel: 96 673 0057


As the Association of Parents of Students from the Colegio Publico Playas de Orihuela continue to protest against

the conditions in their school they now say that they will stage a formal demonstration outside the college, through to the end of the current term, at 8:30 a.m. on every Monday morning. Continued on Page 2



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Continued from Page One They say that whilst they continue to be without brick built premises for over a decade this is an insult to the 33,000 residents living in the area and they will continue to take whatever steps they are able in their bid to achieve a college education worthy of their children. One spokesperson told the Leader that despite a statement from the Valencia Department of Education indicating that investments in such buildings are most unlikely due to the current economic situation “we know that schools are still being built in the community, in places where portable classrooms have been installed for a much shorter period than here on the Orihuela Costa. We have no choice but to continue our protest at what we consider to be the neglect of community leaders of all political persuasions who continue to ignore the central needs in terms of infrastructure and services that are vital to us here on the Orihuela Costa. None of us can understand why such a densely populated area has only one brick build school.” But the Leader understands that the current protests now go well beyond those which started off as a demonstration against the school fabric. With the gradual decline in the local expatriate population leading to a reduction in the number of children current in full time education there now comes with it the threat of job losses amongst school staff. Coupled with cuts in education budgets across the

Monday, 22nd April, 2013 whole community and the fact that, despite Government warnings regarding the absolute necessity of obtaining La Ponencia, the qualification needed by anyone wishing to enter into the education system, teachers are now joining in with the demonstrations to protest at job losses. We are all well aware that quality education is required, to enable persons, societies and nations to acquire the skills and competencies required for living meaningfully in a competitive world. The teacher is central point of the whole educational programme and teaching is said to be nation building activity. Without the support of good teachers this cannot be done. Teachers must be skilled and in possession of the necessary qualifications to carry out such tasks, something about which the government are becoming increasingly vocal. For many years, whilst there has been a shortfall in teaching staff, the government has turned a ‘blind eye’ to the many recent entrants into the profession who are without the necessary qualifications. A little over a year ago, however, they gave a 12

Leader Media month period of grace, as they issued notice that those without La Ponencia must take early steps to qualify. In many cases the warning seems to have gone unheeded and now, with the threat of redundancies looming, it would appear to be those individuals without the qualification, the vast majority in the primary

Publication Details Published by The Leader Media Group, S.L. C.I.F. B53866216 Depósito legal Costa Blanca A-313-2004 Costa del Sol T-1061-09 Distributed by Tel: 96 897 1860

school system, which will be the first such staff to be targeted. As such the school demonstrations appear to be gathering pace. The parent’s won´t give up, nor will the children or their teachers. Only time will tell how this action will reflect on the generations of the future, the decision makers, the scientists, the doctors of tomorrow, if they are not able to get the education they need. But what is really disturbing is the apparent lack of local political support, regardless of party, any politician who might be willing to join with the parents and teachers, to stand up for their plight, representing them through local and regional government circles as they continue to fight for a decent standard of education for their children. We all remember 2011 when so many promised so much in the lead up to the local and national elections, but where are those politicians now? Many parents feel they have been let down and have lost any respect they might have had for their chosen representatives, who they now feel have used them to get a vote and are no longer there to support them on the ground for the most basic of human rights.


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HMS Cattistock is currently halfway through a fourmonth NATO mission in the Mediterranean. There has been rather more activity off the Costa in recent days as a total of twelve warships and two aircraft from Spain, France, Turkey and the UK, took part in a multinational exercise in the waters between Alicante and Cartagena this week, under the codename, “Spanish Minex-13”. The main cluster of activity was off the coast from Cabo de Palos to Cabo Roig, when the ships then remained docked at Cartagena for the weekend. The teams are all involved in anti-mine exercises, training in methods to protect merchant traffic and encouraging working relationships between the operating countries. Spanish Commander Juan José García Fernández led the 500 strong military force, with minesweepers “Segura”, “Sella” and “Duero”, submarine “Galerna”, auxiliary ship “Mar Caribe”, patrol boats “Infanta Cristina”, “Toralla” and “Formentor”, a helicopter and Cesna plane, along with the French and Turkish vessels and “HMS Cattistock” from the UK. The mines used in the 'Spanish Minex-13' are simulated submarine models which are completely harmless and safe for the environment. They will all be gathered up at the end of exercise.



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013


Nearly a thousand students from eleven colleges in the Vega Baja and Elche took part last week in the sixth edition of the Classic Olympics held in Rojales, games that emulate the spirit of those first held in ancient Greece. Events included the shot-put, javelin, sprinting and some endurance sports relays were the students competed to gain the coveted gold medal. Students of IES Azud de Alfeitamí de Almoradí won the most gold medals and were proclaimed overall winners of the competition. Activities got underway at 9amin the grounds of del Instituto de Educación Secundaria La Encantá de

Rojales. The arena was especially prepared for the occasion with studens asked to dress appropriately in the costumes of the year. It was adorned with decorative painting bearing Greek motifs and there was even a Trojan horse designed by the school technology department. It was this horse that served to dramatize the re enactment of the capture of Troy in which a group of students dressed in Greek and Roman costumes recreated Trojan war. The center's director, José Antonio Fábregas, Professor of Philosophy and Professor Enrique Martínez María Jesús Toribio welcomed the hundreds of visitors by speaking in Greek, while the high school music group put played appropriate Olympic themed soundtracks. After the opening ceremony the students from the institutes Antonio Serna de Albatera, Azud de Alfeitamí de Almoradí, de Catral, El Palmeral de Orihuela, Joanot Martorell de Elche, Las Lagunas de Torrevieja, Mediterráneo de Torrevieja, Monserrat Roig de Elche, San Pascual de Dolores, Vega Baja de Callosa de Segura

and La Encantá de Rojales competed in their teams on the munciipal football field, each dressed in different colored shirts Twelve students from each of the centers, aged 14 between and 18, competed in the shotput, javelin, sprinting, endurance and relay races. Each of the participants belonged to either the Latin or the Greek departments in their respective institutes. Encouraged by the applause, cheers and the anticipation of a grandstand filled to the brim with supporters the judges eventually confirmed 3rd place and the award of the bronze medal and olive wreath to the students of IES La Encantá. The silver went to students from IES Joanot Martorell de Elche while the gold medal was awarded to the IES Azul de Alfeitamí de Almoradí, who, as victors, will now organize the 2014 Olympics Classic Games at

their college. At the end of competition the students went to the los Jardines de los Malecones de Rojales to enjoy a fellowship meal which was followed by a visit to the Capitol Theatre where the comedy "Lisístrata de Aristófanes" was staged by the Classical Theatre Company of the University of Alicante.



MAN STABBED TO DEATH IN PILAR STREET The Guardia Civil still looking for the alleged perpetrator of a stabbing incident that occurred on Saturday afternoon in Pilar de la Horadada. A brawl occurred at 7.30 pm on Saturday evening between two people, said to be of Arab origin. They were arguing in la Calle Embajadora when one of them stabbed the other in the heart. The victim is said to have died instantly. The Local police and medical teams tried to revive the man but were unable to do so. He was then pronounced dead at the scene. The alleged perpetrator had already fled when the police arrived and at the time of writing the search for him continues. According to municipal sources, the individuals involved in the stabbing were both neighbors and lived in the same street. The victim was approximately 30 years of age and has lived in the town with a girl of Spanish origin for several years.

Monday, 22nd April, 2013


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REPUBLICAN FLAG PAINTED ON ORIHUELA HILLSIDE Orihuela residents woke up on Monday morning to find that a Republican Flag had been painted on the side of the walls surrounding the front of the city’s Diocesan Seminary. Councillor Antonia Moreno said that the authorities were treating the painting as an act of vandalism and she was reporting the matter to the National police. She said that she will ensure that steps are taken to paint over the flag, the cost of which will met from municipal funds. She added that the image has been painted onto a natural stone wall so returning it to it’s natural form could prove rather more expensive than originally thought. The painting appeared on the anniversary of the proclamation of the Second Republic. This is not the first time that such manifestations have appeared in public spaces. The most recent occasion was just a few weeks ago when the Orihuela shield appeared overnight in the bed of the Segura with the acronym MRP, the Popular Resistance Movement. Moreno said that had supporters of the Second Republic requested a commemoration of the anniversary she would have granted permission so the decision to celebrate it in such a disturbing way was totally unnecessary.

“But now the wall painting is there and the council has no choice but to deal with the cleaning costs which could be substantial, because we will have to use a gun to clean the natural sand stone,"

concluded Moreno. It is understood that the city has adjusted the night time routes of its local police officers to ensure that the area around the seminary is regularly patrolled.



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013



Monday, 22nd April, 2013


A British man, said to be in his 60´s, has died from injuries sustained when he fell into a hole, to a depth of four meters, while working with a excavator in an agricultural area of La Solana, in the Sella area of Alicante. The incident occurred at around 20:25 on Tuesday evening when, for reasons under investigation, the victim drove a mini agricultural digger into a nearby ditch. As a result of the fall of some four metres, and according to preliminary investigations, the man could have been crushed or thrown by the vehicle, although the exact circumstances of the incident have not been clarified. The deceased suffered several bruises on his head, in addition to hands and legs. A SAMU ambulance attended the scene and medics worked hard to sustain life, then transferring the man to hospital, where he later died.


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An Alicante jeweler was robbed of gold and jewelry to the value of 100,000 euros at the weekend when thieves broke into his premises through and adjacent building. Located in the district of Pla, the criminals dug their way into the jewelers through a hole from a storage room in a nearby bar. Once inside, they took their time to select only quality items which an initial estimate values at approaching 100,000 euros. “The gold alone was worth about 60,000 euros,” said a spokeperson, “but they didn’t stop there. They've taken everything, including orders that we had and customer arrangements, silver and watches. It's a total disaster," she explained, in tears. The criminals were able to break into a heavy safe where the jeweler kept her items of higher value with the use of a thermal lance. The police confirmed that the theft appeared to be the work of professionals who they say knew the detail of the shop.

The premises closed at lunchtime on Saturday and did not reopen until Tuesday morning, during which time the break in was carried out. "No one heard anything. They had everything very well planned, "said the lady who runs the business with her husband. Indeed, it was the husband who discovered the break in when he arrived at the shop last Tuesday morning, located at number 6 Calle Felipe Herrero Arias. “We have been running this shop for over 20 years,” he said. “The previous owners had the business for over 25 years and never in all that time has anything like this happened before.” The National Police has now taken charge of the investigation, with the aim of identifying and apprehending the criminals. They suggested that the theft might have been made rather easier to carry out because of the ongoing roadworks in the street outside which might have covered over the sound of drilling being carried out inside the building. A Scientific unit team visited the jeweler on Tuesday to gather possible information.



966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013


COSTA NEWSBITES The singer Isabel Pantoja has been sentenced to two years imprisonment and given a fine in excess of one million euro, for an offense of money laundering, although she has escaped prison on account of a clean record previously, while the former mayor of Marbella, Julián Muñoz, has been sentenced to seven years for money laundering and passive bribery, being incarcerated immediately without bail. His exwife, Maite Zaldívar, has also been sentenced to three years, three months and one day in prison for money laundering. All have also been given heavy fines. Unrelated to this case, Pantoja faced controversy having performed a concert in Torrevieja in 2012 in which 1,374 tickets were sold, with the singer charging 88,000 euro for the performance, the promotion company allegedly making a huge loss on the event, with questions

over the funding and profiteering of that event being raised.

and then hitting his head. The man was transferred to hospital by ambulance where he was treated for his injuries. The driver of a Hyundai car caused panic on the Alicante to Murcia motorway on Thursday after driving for 5 kilometres along the wrong side of the road, into oncoming traffic. The Guardia Civil gave chase along the correct side of the road, before the car left the motorway, having swerved and crossed lanes to avoid a number of head on collisions, in the Elche area. The vehicle and driver managed to evade capture, and the police are now investigating the reasons for the incident, as the car was not registered as stolen.

Police officers in Alicante have arrested a 40 year old habitual offender, believed to have assaulted and robbed five women in the area in the last two months. A 37 year old man has also been arrested for the offence of receiving stolen goods from the alleged perpetrator of the robberies. Praying on the doorways of his victims, during night and day, threatening his victims with a knife was a common denominator in the crimes, before robbing the women, sometimes having forced them into their homes. A man in his seventies was taken to hospital from Alicante Central Market this week, after becoming unwell whilst at a fish monger´s stall, falling

The son of PSOE Cllr Antonia Moreno claims on his ‘Twitter Account’ that he had been promised a summer job as a lifeguard on the beaches of the Orihuela Costa despite the fact that no contract has yet been awarded. Needless to say, the opposition PP spokesperson, Pepa Ferrando, is already asking how such a promise can have been made when nothing is yet known regarding lifeguard service contracts. Suggesting that the cllr’s son may have inside information gleaned from his mother he has been working for Ambuibérica SL who ran the services last summer and again this Easter. Ferrando wants the councilor to say quite how her son knows he will be in employment again this summer. CLR’s Pedro Mancebo this week launched 2 new petitions to help improve Orihuela Costa. The first petition deplores the dangerous and third world condition of our schools and demands: The completion of the senior school in Orihuela Costa. The completion of an additional primary school in Orihuela Costa. The immediate relocation to safe ground of the temporary secondary school. The immediate repair of the temporary structures to make them weatherproof and to comply with health and safety regulations. The second petition is about “Free roads for Orihuela Costa”. The petition demands the removal of the AP7 toll at La Zenia, which is strategically placed in the centre of the mainly expat Orihuela Costa community. This toll is a draconian burden on the residents, visitors and businesses of Orihuela Costa. You can download a petition in up to eight languages and find a list of over 30 “signing and collection points” on The locations include: Spud

Murphy’s in Flamenca Beach, Cafeteria Gourmet in Zenia Boulevard, Slievenamon on the Cabo Roig strip, Damo’s Bar in Via Park 3 Los Altos, Belushi’s Bar in Via Park 5 Dream Hills and the Sophia Wellness Centre in La Regia. If you wish to find out more about the CLR and their leader the party hold regular meetings in the Orihuela Costa which are usually led by local businessman Raymond Kearney. The supporter’s group is made up mostly of local residents who have become frustrated by the neglect and alleged corruption of previous governments and who want to improve their new home town for themselves, their families and their neighbours. Meetings are held at Sophia Wellness Centre, La Regia. Forthcoming dates: Open Meeting Thursday 25th April 6pm - 7.30pm Social Evening Friday 3rd May 7.30pm - 11.30pm Q&A Session Thursday 9th May 6pm -7.30pm CLR’s Ray Kearney with Cllr Pedro Mancebo

A talk will be held on Friday the 3rd of May at the Orihuela Costa civil centre, introducing and explaining the concept of “Fair Trade” to the residents of the coast. For several years now information and activities about “Comercio Justo” have been available and promoted throughout Orihuela. Now, the intention is to inform all coastal residents about “Fair Trade” and explain how it works, with the intention of establishing a shop with products from this organization in the near future. The information will be given in Spanish and in English.


Monday, 22nd April, 2013


C & M CLEANING SERVICES UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SPECIALISTS C & M Cleaning Services have been established in the cleaning business since 1988, initially in the UK and for the last 8 years based in Torrevieja. We provide a full range of professional cleaning services, from the specialist cleaning of sofas and suites both fabric and leather, rugs, carpets, mattresses, curtains, blinds, car, caravan and boat interiors, We undertake all cleaning work including domestic cleaning, bars, restaurants, De-greasing of kitchens, steam cleaning of bathrooms, Spring cleaning and Deep cleans, property cleaning after squatters bad tenants floods etc. if you are buying or selling a property we provide a full cleaning service tailored to meet your requirements, Commercial work is also under taken and we have a number of commercial clients including New 2 You, EL Rincon Michelle, Home Comforts, Carpet Heaven, JK Villa Rentals, to name a few, Insurance work is also undertaken, We cover from Gran Alicant to La Manga and Inland, Whatever your cleaning requirements, Entire home, bar, of just a rug, Call for a free no obligation quote,

The government of Extremadura has announced that it intends to take immediate action by prosecuting people who misuse the 112 emergency telephone service. Apart from the usual batch of confused callers who ask for trivial information, there has been a spate of incidents in which malicious callers have summoned the emergency services to an address, sometimes as a prank, but often by means of exacting revenge of the victim who would suddenly find their home beset with police or medical staff, believed to be responding to an real emergency, but instilling shock into the residents at the location of the scam. A similar practice has also become a recent problem in America, nicknamed “celebrity swatting”, a person would summon help to the home of a celebrity, reporting an incident such as armed robbery, which would immediately result in all available police officers, as well as SWAT teams, descending on the location.

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With the pharmaceutical industry spending months in arrears of payments from the government, a reduction in subsidy and a drop in the number of people using drugs, some drug stores are said to be turning to selling drugs illegally, in order to survive. The official college of pharmacists has acknowledged the situation, bypassing the law to sell drugs, but it is said to still be in the minority. In Catalonia, two stores have already been shut down, whilst there are 26 disciplinary cases opened for the illegal trade of drugs, which

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can carry a one million euro fine, as well as suspension of trading licenses. In Castilla y León there are four cases recorded, which also involved chemist shops in countries, mostly the UK, but also Germany, the Netherlands and Eastern Europe. Extremadura has eight cases and Andalucía has 12, being the four biggest areas found to be involved in the practice so far. Having concluded tests following the horsemeat contamination in processed food scandal, the ministry of health has now confirmed that of the 189 samples tested, 4% of the products did not have factual information on the label appertaining to horsemeat DNA being present. The issue of mislabelling is one which the government with to resolve, but they also confirmed that of the same samples, there was no presence of banned, animal related drugs found, confirming that the concerns were an information deficit, rather than a cause for concern of public health.



966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013


The good news is that the compensation offered in the case of losing a limb is one of the most obvious ways of receiving funding in the event of injury, mutilation or deformity. The bad news is that the about of compensation would be determined by the severity of the injury sustained, with each case being assessed individually. This is according to the latest guide price issued by the department of social security in determining the compensation level due in the event of such an issue being raised. The award for the loss of a little toe might be awarded just 430 euro, whereas an arm at the elbow or a foot at the ankle, might be worth 2,940. A finger might be worth between 680 and 2,240, whereas the thumb, perhaps the most valuable digit of the modern age, is valued at 2,870 euro. Values are also varied depending on whether the victim is left or right handed. Ordinarily, it is considered that the majority of people are right-handed, so a finger on that hand is valued at 2,420, compared with 1,810 on the left. If the person is left-handed, then the values are simply reversed. Other body parts are also covered by the price list, with an ear being valued at 1,810, or 3,840 for the loss of both, and other facial parts reaching up to 7,940 euro. If a man loses a testicle, the value is 2,840 euro, increasing to 6,380 for the two. This same value is also set for ladies who may lose an ovary, or both, as they are classed as the same thing in these terms. Total loss of the penis or deformation of the external parts of the female genitals would be around 6,810 euro, reducing depending on the amount or loss suffered. Internally, the pancreas is valued at 4,540 euro, a kidney at 4,260 euro and even the thyroid and parathyroid would award the loser some 2,560 euro each. The department has also stressed that these prices may be varied, depending on the severity of each case, as well as the circumstances surrounding the reason for the loss. For example, the figure discussed in the event of a car crash, or when an insurance company might be involved, may also take into account the income of the injured person, as well as “their responsibilities or moral damages”.


FIESTA FOR HEALTH IN SAN FULGENCIO On Saturday the 18th of May there is a fiesta to promote health and wellbeing in the Social Centre of Urbanisation Marina from 9am to 4pm with all proceeds going to AECC Torrevieja. At 9am there will be the 5km Health and Wellbeing Walk / Run around Urbanisation Marina. There is a 5€ entrance fee and sponsorship forms are also available. From 9.30 there will be classes of Yoga, Hui Chon Cong, Pilates, Body Sculpt, Circuit, Zumba, Children’s’ dance, Pole Exercise and an Osteopath Talk. There will be a Mother and Toddler group between 11.30 and 1.30, Reiki and also general, foot and abdominal massage. Anyone wishing to attend any of the activities can make a donation to the AECC.

We are looking for anyone who wishes to have a stall on the day. It just has to be connected to health and wellbeing and so can vary from hairdressers to health supplements, crystal healing to exercise machines. The cost of a stall is 10€ which goes to AECC Torrevieja. Any further donations from stall holders are appreciated but not compulsory.



Make sure that you stay on the right, particularly if the majority Popular Party (PP) get their way in this Madrid street. Because very soon the city could boast la calle Margaret Thatcher after the former British Prime Minister who died at her London home earlier this month. It would seem that the suggestion was put before Madrid’s city council by the arts department of PP mayor Ana Botella’s City Hall team. But Mrs Thatcher is not the only recently deceased to be put forward as candidates. Spanish actress Sara Montiel and the writer José Luis Sampedro, both of whom also died this week, are also included on the council list which should be approved by the council assembly on April 24. However there are some voices of dissention as Jaime Lissavetzky, the leader of Madrid’s Socialist Party, expressed his disapproval as did Ángel Pérez of the United left bloc. Both objected on the grounds that the Iron Lady “did not live in Madrid.”

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

WHERE HAVE ALL THE CARS GONE? In the small, rural, Northern town of Aguilar de Segarra, the tranquillity of life may seem to flourish, with peace and quiet and a traditional feel, only a few houses blot the scenic landscape, there are no shops, the streets are empty, where the 250 residents know and greet each other, with each passing day, as time stands on pause, away from the hustle and bustle of modern day life. That idyllic scene may come into question though, particularly the empty streets, when you consider that, according to the records in the town hall, every single resident of the town has 228 cars each, which are clearly not parked outside their homes, nor are they on the streets, and yet, the figures are in fact real. In total, the town hall has a record of 60,000 vehicles registered in the town on the outskirts of Barcelona, but it is not the case of the residents actually owning them. Far from it, the municipal vehicle register is for the purpose of collecting the equivalent of road tax. Here, car owners have to pay between just 10 and 15 euro per year for tax, which is perfectly legal and acceptable under laws set out by the Spanish government. In fact, the neighbouring town of Rajadell, just a short drive away, if you can work out which car to take and then drive though the theoretical congestion, has 500 registered residents and 40,000 cars on their books. It is considered though that most of the vehicles are not privately owned, but are registered on behalf of hire and leasing companies, taking advantage of a legal tax avoidance, with at least ten companies taking advantage of the fact that the road tax in these small towns is ten times cheaper than the cost of registering in the area´s capital of Barcelona. For the 100,000 cars shared between these two towns alone, we´ll let you work out the maths, but either way, it is another case of corporate tax avoidance, which seems a popular move in present times, which governments allow to happen whilst the lesser man foots the bill. Incidentally, the town of Aguilar de Segarra is already well known in financial and governmental circles, as in 2011 it also gained the top position in terms of having the most debt per capita in the whole of Spain, with a figure of 9,000 euro per inhabitant.


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NEWS FROM AROUND SPAIN The chief prosecutor of the Audiencia Nacional, Javier Zaragoza, has said this week that there should be an “interim disqualification” for “any holder of public office that is the subject of an investigation and is strongly suspected of having participated in an illegal act”, just as with the officials themselves, because “if a judge or a prosecutor opens a process, the person is suspended from duty, before they are condemned or not”. In response to a question raised in parliament, the Spanish government has revealed that they paid 94.2 million euro to Catholic religious teachers during 2012, which equates to 71.9 million in salaries and 22.2 million in social security payments. Although the politician who raised the question, Juan Moscoso del Prado of the PSOE, pointed out that the government only pay for Catholic education in Andalucía, Aragón, Canarias and Cantabria, for which 2,953 teachers in the field were recruited in 2012, and have given a total of 69,787 hours of Catholic religious education. Complaints against the attitude and service of the National Police declined by 27.12% last year, according to data released this week, with complaints related to DNI (Spanish identity number) cases seeing the most favourable drop by 37.79%, passport application complaints fell by 25.3% and complaints from “aliens” dropped by 17.7%. In addition to administrative improvements, the attitude of police officers is apparently getting better, with a decline of 14% in complaints against a lack of courtesy, kindness or their education, and a drop of 9% in the number of complaints referring to the authoritarian nature of the police. This is the second year running that complaints have declined, but there has also been an increase of 23% in the number of registrations of officers receiving praise or thanks for the work that they do.

STERLING HIT BY HIGHER UNEMPLOYMENT Market Commentary 18th April It was a bad start to the day yesterday for the pound after it was confirmed that UK unemployment edged higher to 7.9%. The pound dropped against the USD and the Euro on the data which followed confirmation on Tuesday that inflation has remained stubbornly high, with higher unemployment and inflation providing a negative mix. We also had confirmation of the Bank of England minutes which once gain gleaned a divided committee with a vote of 6-3 to keep Quantative Easing as it is. The fall in the pound yesterday set the tone for an extremely volatile day in the FX markets. Later in the day the Euro was rocked by comments from ECB member Weidmann the Bundesbank president who stated that the ECB could cut rates if data suggested this was necessary. Given that economic data has been weaker lately this set the precedent that a rate cut could be on the cards. The Euro fell sharply against the USD on the comments and has maintained its lows so far in today’s trading. Economic data outside Europe has also started to turn negative such as in China and the US and this adds to the view of a rate cut at the next meeting. Today has seen Spanish borrowing costs declined at a bond auction and German lawmakers approved the euro area’s bailout of Cyprus, damping demand for safer currencies. The US Dollar

declined 0.1 percent to $1.3046 per Euro after climbing to $1.3002 yesterday, the strongest since April 8. The Euro remained higher versus the US Dollar after data showed the number of Americans filing claims for unemployment benefits was little changed last week. Applications for jobless insurance payments increased by 4,000 to 352,000 in the week ended April 13. The Euro gained as Spain’s Treasury sold 4.7 billion Euros of bonds due between 2016 and 2023, surpassing its maximum target of 4.5 billion Euros. Germany’s lower house today backed the country’s participation in the 10 billion-euro bailout of Cyprus as Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said refusing aid risked triggering a default and contagion to other nations. Sterling fell earlier against the Euro today after the UK Office for National Statistics said U.K. retail sales including fuel dropped 0.7 percent from February when they climbed 2.1 per-

cent. The weak data this week suggests it’s likely the Bank of England will add more stimulus to the economy. Although a lot of bad news has been priced in, many analysts think Sterling will probably remain under pressure, especially against the dollar, given its fundamentals. Sterling dropped as much as 0.3 percent 85.74 pence per Euro before trading little changed at 85.52 pence. It depreciated to 86.37 pence yesterday, the weakest level since March 15. The U.K. currency rose 0.1 percent to $1.5260. Information provided by Currencies Direct, leading providers of foreign exchange. Call to find out how we can help you get the best rates and save your transfer fees. Contact the La Zenia office on +34 965 994 830 or email The contents of this report are for information purposes only. It is not intended as a recommendation to trade or a solicitation for funds. Currencies Direct cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages arising from any action taken following consideration of this information.



966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

OPENING THE DOORS TO ALL TALENTS Having recently launched their singing competition, Tracy´s Bar and Grill in Torrevieja has been inundated with enquiries from people with talents other than singing. As a result, Tracy has now decided to let anybody enter, whatever your talent, whatever your age, and with a weekly prize up for grabs, you can be quids in right through the summer. So if you have a talent or a skill, why not showcase it to the judges at Tracy´s? The good news is, you

don´t necessarily have to be talented, as the most entertaining act will win 50 euro each and every week, assuming you win. Kick starting the competition with a fantastic St George´s Day party on the 23rd of April, for a night of fun and entertainment for all the family, then the contest continues each week, but you don´t have to keep going back for heat after heat, you only need to enter one week at a time, so even if you´re here on holiday, you have as much chance of scooping the prize. So, if you´re looking for a night out with a difference, full of fun, entertainment and a great atmosphere, then you now know the place to go, Tracy´s Bar, situated on Altos del Limonar, just off the CV905 main road on the West of Torrevieja. For directions and details, you can call Tracy´s on 622 434 699, email or look them up on Facebook, just search for Tracys Barandgrill and you will see what you´ve missed already, before getting yourself down there to join in the fun.



Monday, 22nd April, 2013

ADHOC – Planning for the future!


Ticket sales for ADHOC’S performances, on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th May, of ‘BEDWITCHERY’ are going well. This production will take place at the Casa de Cultura Teatro in Benijófar, which is now to be ADHOC’s base for future productions. Future plans include a production of ‘CALENDAR GIRLS’ in the Autumn, and a pantomime, in Benijófar, in January. New members are always welcome, and anybody interested in performing, or helping behind the scenes should contact ADHOC on ‘’. Casting for ‘CALENDAR GIRLS’ will begin in May, so any ‘yummy grandmummys’ or ‘youngmummy’s’ who believe that they could ‘fitthe-part’ should get in touch without delay. Look-out for further press releases for other charity events.

WHAT a fantastic night for Maria Wilson and the pink ladies raising funds for the AECC at the Breakaway's 60" and 70" night with the fabulous Soul and Motown band SOUL POWER, the band had everyone on their feet from the word go, fantastic food, great music and everyone dancing the night away. A big thank you to everyone there, 596 Euros was raised from the raffle for a sweet little boy Finley who was diagnosed with PTLS a rare genetic syndrome, our heart goes out to all the family and we wish them love and strength always and Big Hugs for Finley . With over 100 people at the event Maria and her pink ladies managed to raised 422 Euros for the AECC Cancer Charity. If you think you can help in any way for the Pink Ladies contact Maria by e-mail Soul Power are now appearing every Monday at the Celtic Drop, Playa Flamenca from 10pm. For more information or bookings for SOUL POWER call 680 572 427 or visit Facebook page SOUL POWER.

ST GEORGE’S DAY CELEBRATIONS FLAMENCA BEACH The start point and time for the St Georges Day Parade at Flamenca Beach has changed to 11.45 am from the Correo Office at Flamenca Beach. The parade will follow a route around the urbanisation to the seafront where there will then be entertainment all afternoon.


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Following a decision to return to the UK to be with her family, RBL Secretary Helen Lloyd announced her resignation last week from the Orihuela Costa Branch. After 3 years in the post, in which time she has been a shining example of good organisation, she will be sadly missed by everyone in the branch, not least of which will be Chairman Keith Carter, who has come to rely on her outstanding efficiency. Keith said at last Thursday evening’s Branch meeting “Helen has been such a great asset, she stepped into the post at a time when we were facing closure and her enthusiasm was a shining example to us all. Her kindness and her friendship will be missed by us all.” Following the announcement, on behalf of members, Keith presented Helen with a bon voyage card signed by everyone present as well as a certificate of meritorious service and a jewelled poppy brooch. As Helen was overcome by the emotion of the occasion members all stood and applauded to show their appreciation.



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Religious Services ORIHUELA COSTA

Correspondents to this newspaper MUST include their name and address. They may request that their name and/or address are withheld from publication.

DECLINE OF L A ZENIA Dear Editor I was absolutely disgusted to hear about the closure of the La Zenia Consum car park to the general public and while I accept that the land belongs to the Consum store and they have the right to use it as they wish there is no question in my mind that the actions they are carrying out will alienate members of the local public and quite likely have a detrimental effect on their store. The closure will also have consequences for local businesses and with this in mind surely it is now up to the local council to intervene. It will also have a serious effect on the build up of traffic as I understand that the area by the Car Hire cabin leading onto Avda Villamartin will provide both entry and exit. The store manager waved aside the protestations of local business groups when they visited recently whilst the council wouldn’t even entertain a meeting. And it is because of the council’s earlier actions, starting last year with their painting of yellow lines along Avda Villamartin, without any discussion or consultation, that started the gradual movement of businesses away from the La Zenia centre. Barriers on the Consum car park will be just one more nail in the La Zenia coffin. Unfortunately is is becoming increasingly apparent that he council only appear to have eyes for the Boulevard. A disgusted business Owner La Zenia

THA TCHER MADE THE DIFFEREN CE Dear Editor, I remember moving to Telford in 1977. We had a council house and my wife planted flowers and shrubs in the front garden. A union-controlled socialist grass-cutter man mowed all of her flowers and said you cannot have flowers there. We will tell you what you can have. Along came Maggie. She let us buy our council house and we told the socialist union-controlled grass cutter what he could do with his mower. During the Wilson Callaghan

regime, the dead were not being buried, rubbish was being piled high in the streets, and half of the time there was no electricity. The unions were in charge, strike, strike, strike. Along came Maggie. While all of this was going on I was laying the foundations of my business. I was being harassed by unioncontrolled bureaucrats. They were making it impossible for me to get my business off the ground. Along came Maggie. At last I had someone to report these people to. I told the bureaucrats that I would not report them to their union-controlled bosses, I would report them to Margaret Thatcher and I will name names. They all got off their high horses and started to help me rather than hinder me. My business then created 18 jobs for people. Maggie not only did this for me but she did it for millions of people. She also pulled our country out of the socialist union mire. Where would we be now if we had never had Margaret Thatcher? Tom Williams La Siesta

ILLEGAL BARRIER BLOCKS WALKWAY TO THE PUBLIC Sir, On page 9 of last week’s edition of the Leader you refer to a temporary and unofficial footbath along the cliffside at Auuamarina which you say is to be improved by the local council. You say that it has been at the forefront of coastal discussions. As far as I can understand from your description you are referring to the stretch of walkway at the southern end of the paseo and whilst I applaud the actions that the council are taking I would like to ask them what they intend to do about the pathway at the northern (Cabo Roig) end of the walkway for it is actually this stretch by which should dominate their discussions. Questions still remain unanswered however regarding the section which was illegally blocked off some years ago by the residents of the Urbanisation Bellavista 1 in Cabo Roig. Not only did the urbanisation effectively privatise a vital section of

that walk by first illegally erecting a gate, allowing just limited access, they then built a wall, which in recent years has completely cut the walkway off to the public. Despite a promise in all the election manifesto’s that the walkway would reopen little progress seems to have been made on the matter with the council rather hesitant to make any formal report on the steps they are currently taking to reinstate this important stretch of the paseo for which I am told they have already received a European Grant. Why can they simply not go along and pull the illegal barrier down and in so doing open up the paseo once again to many thousands of residents and holidaymakers who would take great pleasure from the walk. Daniel Symmonds La Regia

COST A RESIDENTS FED UP WITH POLITICAL BACK BITING Dear Editor, It is now nearly two years since the local elections of May 2011. After those elections I and many other people were full of hope for a new beginning on Orihuela Costa after years of neglect by the ruling P.P. We had our first British Councillor Bob Houliston of the CLR/CLARO party elected, he became the new Councillor for the Coast but after only eight months in the job instead of fighting his corner and more importantly fighting for the interests of everybody living on Orihuela Costa he resigned and joined Monica Lorente and the P.P., a party which previous to this he loathed and detested. Pedro Mancebo of CLR then became Councillor for the Coast, I and many others thought that he was really starting to improve the situation when suddenly he was dismissed from his job. Now Martina Scheurer is Councillor for the Coast and came into the job pledging to make a big difference. Well Martina many people here wish you success in the job because we are really fed up with the back biting and the various parties in Orihuela trying to score political points in the

monthly pleno meetings and through the Spanish and English papers, in short we want less politics and more action. We want clean streets, rubbish, weed and dog dirt free (like Orihuela City), gardens kept tidy, parks developed, bridges built where needed across the very dangerous N332 (they say there is no money but money is being spent in Orihuela City). The Councillor for the Coast and the present government have two years to improve the situation here on Orihuela Costa before the local elections in May 2015. I'am sure that if things don't improve the voters will have their say through the ballot box. Graham Robinson. ALAMEDA DEL MAR.

COLLECTING FOR LOCAL CHARITIES I write this letter in response to a letter published in issue number 462 from Darren Stillman concerning The Pink Ladies collecting money for the AECC on St Patricks Day at The Cabo Roig Parade. He made an issue of collecting with open buckets and how could he be sure that all the money collected would be given to the charity. Firstly if he has ever collected for charity at such an event he will know it is the most convenient way to collect donations in a crowd and secondly we are annoyed at his inference that we may not be giving the total collected to the AECC. Because of comments like that he affects all of the good hearted people that donate their time to their chosen charity. I would also like to inform him that my motivation to raise funds and to make sure they ALL get to the AECC is that I have been diagnosed with cancer three times and at present I am still under treatment for this terrible disease but I must question what his motive is to cast doubt on the integrity and honesty of myself and my fellow volunteers. I invite him to meet with me and my volunteers and check the amounts raised over the last three years which is in excess of €93,000 and the bank receipts of monies paid to the AECC. If he is so suspicious of kind hearted people like me and my volunteers then maybe he would like to

join us. I am currently looking to recruit a team of Pink Panthers to join us Pink Ladies in our efforts to raise funds for the AECC; if he was to join us then he would have the peace of mind to know that ALL of the funds we raise do get to the AECC. Maria Wilson President Of AECC Torrevieja Maria and The Pink Ladies

YET MORE PREFER EN CE FOR CIT Y OVER COAST Dear Sir, Orihuela town is opening a second library on Tuesday. This will make two libraries for the town. Orihuela Costa has no library. However the list can be continued: Residential Homes, Orihuela 1 Costa None Centre for old people, Orihuela 1, Costa None Theatres Orihuela 2 Costa None Cemetery Orihuela 1 Costa None However the coast does score highly in negative ways; Prefabricated Schools Costa 2 Orihuela None Unkempt parks Costa Several Orihuela None Why is the Orihuela always getting preference over the coast when the populations are virtually the same? Sam Mois Bemused of Orihuela Costa

Religious Services PILAR DE LA HORADADA Pilar Christian Community Church - Calle Canalejas 3. Pilar de la Horadada. Sunday Service at 11am, and Thursday at 5pm for Bible study and Prayer. Home groups meet during the week. All welcome from any church background or none. For further information contact PilarChristian.CommunityChurch@g or contact Reverend Eddie on 966 76 9300 or 650 509 606. Reg No:2009-SG/A Contributors should limit their letters to 300 words. Views expressed in the letters are not necessarily those of The ‘Leader’ Newspaper or its associates.

Thought of the Week “Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.” Joseph Addison

Roman Catholic Masses Orihuela Costa. Parroquia de Cristo Resucitado. Ecumenical Temple: Mass: Monday - Friday 7.00 pm, Sunday 11.00 am. Chapels: La Zenia mass Sunday 9.30am, Cabo Roig mass Saturday 6.00pm, Campoamor mass Saturday 7.00 pm and Sunday 1.00 pm. Confessions: Half an hour before each mass. Enquiries: Telephone: 966 733 093. Parish Priest: Don Joaquin Carlos Carlos. Weddings, Baptisms and any other business, by arrangement in the parish office, Wednesdays 5pm to 6.30pm and any urgent enquiries can be made to Maggi Bray on 966 730 158.

QUESADA Spiritual Awareness Society of Quesada, meet at NEW PREMISES The Dojo, off Avenida las Naciones 11, (behind Clapton´s Bar), Quesada. Sunday, 11.30 a.m. and Tuesday 7.30 p.m. For more information contact Wendy on 965 32 3028. Website is: www.

TORREVIEJA La Siesta Evangelical Church is an Ecumenical English speaking congregation of Baptist, Methodist, United Reform, Salvationists, Church of Scotland, Presbyterian Church in Ireland, etc. Our services are held on the first and third Sunday’s at 09.30 a.m. and on the second, fourth and fifth (where applicable) Sundays of the month at 11:00 a.m. We belong to the Iglesia Evangelica Espanola, the Spanish Evangelical Church. For further info of our services, choir, Sunday school, Youth Group, please contact Pastor Keith Brown on 666 180 108, email or visit our website Torrevieja Christian Fellowship (TCF). Torrevieja Christian Fellowship (TCF). A warm and genuine welcome awaits you at TCF. TCF is a multi-national English speaking church located on Avenida de las Cortes Valencianas 68, Torrevieja (between Iceland and the Needle). Worship Celebration on Sundays at 10:30am - including Communion and Creche/Sunday School. Bible Study/Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays at 6.00 pm. Telephone 966 70 0391 / 650 336 113. Website International Christian Assembly Torrevieja - If you would like to experience the love and community of a vibrant church then please visit us at Calle Urbano, Arregui 23, corner of C/Pilar de la Horadada, Torrevieja. Times of meetings Ladies Bible Class - Thursday 11am, Worship Service and Children’s Junior Church - Sunday 11am Pastor Rafael Restrepo. Tel 966 799 273, 660 127 276



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013



Monday, 22nd April, 2013


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Complete the cryptic crossword below and send it into our offices at La Zenia roundabout (above Banco Popular) and the first correct entry drawn will win a EUR 25 prize. The draw will take place on the Saturday, at noon, following publication. Remember to put your phone number and name on the entry.


25 EURO Last week’s winner was



ACROSS 1. Assured of being admitted to the church (9) 8. See 11 Across 9. The sort of hard look that comes from one with spectacles? (6,5) 11 & 8Ac. Trying to get a lot (6,1,3) 12. To behave like a glutton will produce a deep rift (5) 13. Large groups of birds round the top of the dove-cote (6) 15. Says tastes differ (6) 17. A well-watered spot - because of the broken tiles? (5) 18. It's dreadful being at home in ruined house (7) 20. How certain people are convinced! (11) 22. To give way under pressure is not quite wise (3) 23. Those who express the thoughts of the wheelwrights? (9)

DOWN 2. One may be seen from the window-ledge (3) 3. Ben is confused by the playwright (5) 4. His map is spoiled by an accident (6) 5. A dose of medicine for a man on the board (7) 6. Unusually bare food allocations will produce mental lapses (11) 7. Turns one's attention to present-day clothing (9) 10. Intimate receipt of information attached to the account (11) 11. Sewer working automatically (9) 14. Circuitous ways of French excursions (7) 16. Got the native quarter destroyed (6) 19. She appears in a sapphire necklace (5) 21. Fish going back for shelter (3)

QUICK ACROSS: 7 Trophy; 8 Polish; 10 Publish; 11 Trick; 12 Fury; 13 Scoff; 17 Vaunt; 18 Yarn; 22 Halve; 23 Rampage; 24 Cavity; 25 Rating. DOWN: 1 Stupefy; 2 Bombard; 3 Chair; 4 Fortify; 5 Vivid; 6 Choke; 9 Chicanery; 14 Majesty; 15 Paladin; 16 Inveigh; 19 Thick; 20 Slave; 21 Smear. CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Hearer; 8 Boring; 10 Fall out; 11 Train; 12 Link; 13 About; 17 Seven; 18 Mate; 22 Dross; 23 Outlast; 24 Across; 25 Action. DOWN: 1 Shuffle; 2 Failing; 3 Heron; 4 Contour; 5 Midas; 6 Agent; 9 Stable-boy; 14 Persist; 15 Fanatic; 16 Destiny; 19 Edgar; 20 Court; 21 Stick.

SUDOKU CHALLENGE Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution on Page 52



















ACROSS 1. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 15. 17. 18. 20. 22. 23.

Massacre (9) Vehicle (3) Trustworthy (11) See (7) Drone (5) Kine (6) Pure (6) Collier (5) Visualise (7) Nervy (11) French coin (3) Virago (9)

DOWN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 14. 16. 19. 21.

Untruth (3) Orb (5) Tuft (6) Refuse (7) Eternal (11) Mediate (9) Impulsive (11) Rot (9) Biggest (7) Spectator (6) Fragrance (5) Fowl (3)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ 1. The name of which music style translated means 'new wave'? 2. Which New York City street is synonymous with the US advertising industry? 3. What is the only landlocked country in South East Asia? 4. Which famous film title is also the Mexican name for the river known in the USA as 'Rio Grande'? 5. In September 2010, former steelworker Philippe Croizon swam the English Channel, completing the challenge in just less than 14 hours. The record at that time stood at 6 hours, 57 minutes and 50 seconds, so why was Croizon's crossing so amazing? 6. What is the Greek root for 'soul'? 7. One can buy whole leaf grade tea labeled SFTGFOP. What do the letters stand for? 8. Which planet in our solar system is named after the Roman god of, amongst other things, commerce and thievery? 9. Blüthner, Erard, Chickering, Broadwood, Beckstein, Heintzman and Cristofori are all famous examples of what? 10. The name of which very large company is an acronym of the founders name, the farm where he grew up, and his home parish? 11. The first official international cricket match was held in 1844 between two countries not known for their cricketing history or prowess. Can you name the two countries? 12. Which modern scientific word is Latin for 'amount'? (7 letters) 13. The Russian Federation has land borders with fourteen countries, name them. Four points for all fourteen, two points for nine or more, one point for more than five. 14. The Australian Maria Ann Smith was responsible for which popular pomaceous product? 15. The three key combination Ctrl-Alt-Delete can be used to reboot your personal computer or to summon its task manager. Computer geeks sometimes use which expression from the Star Trek TV series to describe this? 1. Bossa Nova, 2. Madison Avenue, 3. Laos, 4. Rio Bravo, 5. He is a quadruple amputee, 6. Psych, 7. Special Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe, 8. Mercury, 9. Piano builders or pianos, 10. IKEA (Ingvar Kamprad, Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd), 11. Canada and the USA, 12. Quantum, 13. Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both via Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, Mongolia, and North Korea. Not included are its maritime borders with Japan (Sea of Okhotsk) and the USA (Bering Strait). 14. The 'Granny Smith' apple. 15. Vulcan Nerve Pinch

Call into the office to collect your prize



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013



Monday, 22nd April, 2013


966 73 0057




966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

Man and Van

for the summer season in Sucina near San Javier.Good standard of Spanish required and bar experience essential. CALL 628 853 945 (69114)

SPAIN-UK REMOVALS all areas covered including Costa Almeria, Costa Calida and Costa Blanca. House clearances also offered. Call Ricky 696 621 884 (69026)

Boats and Nautical

Boat servicing, engine oil/ filter change. General maintenance, fault finding, anti fouling, hull cleaning, accessory installation. Torrevieja to Mazarron Licensed and registered in Spain, 20 years experience.All makes of outboard engines catered for. Competitive prices, all work guaranteed English/Spanish speaking. Call Tony on 628 166 738 (65470) Mooring for rent or may sell. 7x3 Marina del Las Dunnas Guardamar 1000 euros pa including services contact KJManship 0044 7778 962631 (102353) Boats and Nautical. Long or short term rental 7.5 and 10 m mooring Thomas Maestre La Manga. Tel 650 811 841 (69112)

Business For Sale Bar/Restaurant Los Nietos. Good all year trade. Call 680334422 for info. (69114)


BETTER CHANCES OF SCOOPING A SHARE OF THE JACKPOT PRIZE BY PLAYING IN A SYNDICATE! VISIT FOR THE LATEST OFFERS! (00218) ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS WITH SPAIN’S LEADING ENGLISH-LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER. OVER 25,000 PRINTED COPIES SNAPPED UP EVERY WEEK ALONG THE COSTA BLANCA, COSTA CALIDA, COSTA DE ALMERIA. PRESENT YOUR BUSINESS TO OVER 1 MILLION ENGLISH-LANGUAGE SPEAKERS LIVING IN SPAIN. CALL 0034 96 673 0057 TODAY OR VISIT THE WEBSITE AT classifieds AND PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTS IN PRINT AND ONLINE! (00156) Does your home page pay you whenever you go onto the internet Mine does ‚Äì and yours can too.Do you think it would be a good idea if every time you went on the internet - you got paid Well now you can I can send you a link to watch a 3 minute video that explains all its brilliant Email me on maureenmoss@ to find out more call 666 479 782 (65206)

Business Services


SpainLINKED - online magazine and social network. (101531)



We Want to Buy

Delmonte Catotel Cartagena. The cattery that cares! Tel 968 168 711 or 616 276 379 (65285)

Situations Vacant Bar and or waiter/waitress needed to join our busy English Bistro


SELLING UP OR JUST HAVING A CLEAR OUT? I will buy ALL your Bric-a-brac, toys, small furniture, household goods. Any other items considered. Call Sarah 693-460-038 (91698) Gold Wanted. English Jeweller wishes to buy broken or unwanted Gold Jewellery and coins. Immediate Cash payment. Call Peter (7 days) 664 890 990. (Menber of the National Association of Goldsmiths) (68997)

We Want to Sell TOOLS FOR SALE. Small Angle Grinder Nearly New. Bench grinder, 2 wheels, Welding set 200 Amps Complete, Electric Planner, Circular Saw, Electric Paint Stripper, Car Timing Strobe Light, Air Compressor Little Used, Cadac Barbecue, Gas Barbecue, Aluminum Steps, 6 Treads, Electric Orbital Sander. For More Information And Prices Please Call Mike On 966 764 353 / 690 135 455 (69125)

Properties Required We urgently require realistically priced properties in Quesada. Please call 667 592 467/ 968 971 860 (69022)

Property for Rent ORIHUELA COSTA/ENTRE GOLF spacious 2 bed 1 bath apartment, front and back gardens, peaceful location with secure communal area to rear of property, sat TV, communal pool 395 euros per month, inclusive of bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 (89744) FORMENTERA DEL SEGURA Good sized 2 bed 1 bath apartment ideal for long term living. Door to hallway has 2nd bedroom leading off. Good sized separate kitchen which is fully equipped and has galleria leading off. Lounge diner has patio doors with a good sized balcony. Archway from lounge leads to full bathroom with external window and spacious master bedroom with large window providing plenty of natural light. English TV, communal pool. 375 Euros per month, inclusive of bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 (88757) LAS FILIPINAS. This ground floor apartment is located in a quiet cul-de-sac but ideally situated being within walking distance of shops, bars and restaurants. The property consists of 2 bedrooms, 1 currently used as a 2nd lounge with bed settee, bathroom with full sized bath with shower over, separate kitchen and a balcony leads to tiled garden to the fore and side of the property. The apartment is situated within a gated community with large communal pool. JUST REDUCED to 350 euro. per month, including bills. 966 772 553 (101523)

We Need Your Help! Rental Properties Urgently Required, All Areas, Clients Waiting, Please Call 663 804 325 (96310)

Property for Sale This brand new 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom Penthouse apartment is within walking distance to the lovely town of San Miguel de las Salinas. It has a private solarium with fantastic views. Communal pool area. Call 968 971 860. (91777) Key Ready 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment situated in the busy town of Los Montesinos and is within easy access of the many amenities.With lovely views across the Salt Lakes and the sea. These properties have been reduced considerably and are priced to sell at 82,950 euros Call 968 971 860 (91778) Semi - Detached Townhouse in the sought after Amapolas 1V development. Fully furnished, air con and the property is only a 1000 metre walk from the beach and of La Zenia’s amenitiies. This is a perfect house for holiday home and has great rental potential. 118,950 euros Please call 968 971 860. (91767) 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse, furnished with air con. In the much sought after Zenia Golf II, which is within walking distance to all of La Zenia amenities and a short walk to the beach.149,950 euros For further information on this property please call 968 971 860. (91768) 3 bed, 2 bath semi-detached townhouse in the heart of La Zenia. Only 1000 metres to the beach. Fully furnished with air-conditioning. Within immediate walking distance to the many amenities offered in La Zenia. These properties are much sought after and offer excellent rental potential 179,950 Euro. Call +34 968 971 860. (91773) 2 / 3 Bed Townhouse in the centre of la Zenia, close to the amenities and a short walk to the beach. Fully furnished with air con. Excellent rental potential due to its location.184,950 euros Please call 968 971 860 (91774) Brand new 2 Bed, 1 Bath first floor apartment is situated in San Miguel de las Salinas. Within walking distance to the town and has fantastic views.These properties are priced to sell 82,500 euros for more information contact 968 971 860 (91776) 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom Marbella Bungalow, situated in the San Jose development in Cabo Roig. Excellent links to the n332, the AP7 motorway and close to all amenities. The property is furnished, alarmed and includes

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

Air/Con and Sat TV. 95,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (91819) Two Bedroom, one bathroom duplex apartment with patio and off road parking. Fully furnished, SAT TV and air con throughout. The property is within walking distance to all amenities and the beach. 114,950 euros Call 968 971 860 for more information (91820) This 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Quad House is situated in La Zenia, only walking distance to the beach and all of the many local amenities. 118,500 euros Call 968 971 860 (91788) 4 bed, 4 bath (2 en-suite) fully renovated Finca set on a plot of 22,000m2 with 200m2 living space. If you buy this property for the full asking price, the owner will give an extra 10,000m2 plot of land for FREE!!! Fully furnished with air con throughout. 8 x 4 swimming pool. For more information on this outstanding property 325,000 euros please call 667 592 467. (91800) REDUCED - Beautiful south facing detached 6 bed, 4 bath villa on a 600m2 plot. In a nice, quiet location only a minute drive to the lovely Spanish town of San Miguel de las Salinas. Fully furnished to a high standard, air con throughout. Private pool with outside bar area. Reduced to 399,999 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (91793) Situated in the heart of La Zenia is this 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom 2nd floor apartment, with sea views and only 1000 metres from the beach and walking distance to the many amenities. This is a great holiday home with existing rental client bookings. 84,500 euros Please call 667 592 467 (91738) This 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom second floor apartment comes fully furnished and includes Satellite TV. With Sea views from the balcony. The property comes with existing rental clients. Situated in the heart of La Zenia and only 1000 metres to the beach. 84,500 euros Please call 667 592 467 (91756)

Brand new 3 Bed, 2 Bath Penthouse Apartment in the bustling town of Los Montesinos. With magnificent panoramic views over the salt lakes. Private roof top solarium and optional underground parking .89,950 euros Call 667 592 467 for more information (91779) 2 Bed, 1 bath Marbella Bungalow in immaculate condition. Fully furnished with Air Con. The property is within walking distance to Cabo Roig Strip and the beaches.129,950 euros Call 667 592 467. (91734) KEY-READY FRONT LINE GOLF PENTOUSE APARTMENT with magnificent views of the golf course. This property is surrounded by many other top class golf courses all within a 10 minute radius. A 10,000 euro deposit plus legal fees secures this property with a guaranteed 90 per cent mortgage subject to status.112,500 euros For more information call 968 971 860. (91801) 2 Bed, 1 Bath top floor apartment. Fully furnished with a separate kitchen. Stairway to a large private roof solarium with sea views. Located in the popular Cabo Roig area with access to La Zenia which is perfect for full time living or holiday rental. Communal pool with a garden area. Close to all amenities. EUR 77,950 Tel 968 971 860 or 667 952 467 (100823) Three / Four bedroom Quad house in El Galan with lovely sea views. In a quiet location. The property comes fully furnished.124,500 euros For more information on this property call 968 971 860 (91826) Two Bed, one bath ground floor apartment only 1200 metres from the beach and marina and five minutes walk to the centre of Torrevieja. This property comes furnished. 55,000 euros. For more information please call 968 971 860. (91829) 2 bed,1 bath Marbella bungalow. A great example of this very popular type bungalow. Fully furnished with air con. Perfect location for all amenities and just a short walk to the beach. 97,500 euros For further information on this property please call 968 971 860. (91721) 4 Bed 2 Bath detached Villa,fully furnished includes A/con and Sat T.V.On a 320m2 plot includes a lovely private pool.In a nice quiet location and walking distance to Los Alcazares and La Serena Golf. A great price viewing is highly recommended. 234,500 eur. call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100829) Beautiful Villa set on a large plot in the countryside of Hondon Las Nieves.The property comes fully furnished and includes A/Con and Sat T.V.There is a beautiful pool area with a barbecue and also private bar.The local village is only two minutes away in the car for all amenities. 199,000 eur. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100830) LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment fully furnished. Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale 125,500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569 (90187)


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Situated in The Dream Hills 11 area of Los Altos is this beautifully kept and maintained two bed, two bath ground floor apartment/duplex. Centrally heated, SAT TV, furnished to a very high standard. Priced to sell, viewing is a must. 84,950euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (91920) Three Bed and two bath and overlooking Las Ramblas and Campoamor Golf Courses, fantastic views over the bay.75m2 balcony with stunning views, and beautiful communal pool and garden area. Within easy access of the La Fuente Commercial Centre and nearby Mercadona. 195,000 euros. Call 667 592 467 (91907) South facing three Bed, 2 Bath Quad house situated in Playa Flamenca near to all of the amenities. Open lounge area with American style kitchen. Part furnished. Lovely communal pool area. 134,000 Euro call 667 592 467 (91905) Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa, fully furnished to a very high standard. Brand new fitted kitchen, air con throughout and lovely private pool area.Really must be seen. Only 5kms to the heart of San Miguel Town. 164,500 euros. Call 667 592 467 (91896) Three bed, two bath bungalow on a 300 m2 plot with private pool. Fully furnished with sat TV, offroad parking, quiet location 5 minutes from the heart of La Zenia. Lovely sea views from the large roof top solarium. 159.950,00 Euro. Call 96 897 1860. (91897) Two Bed, two bath townhouse in the heart of la Zenia. Perfect location for all the amenities and lovely beaches. These are much sought after properties .Must be seen. 149,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 (91885) Situated in Los Altos is this lovely three bed, two bath Townhouse with sea views. A newly fitted kitchen and open lounge. Air con and communal Pool area 92,500 Euro. Call 667 592 467 (91882) Three bed, two bath town house in lovely quiet location but only 600 metres to La Zenia beach. Stunning views of La Zenia bay. Fully furnished with SAT TV, off road parking and communal pool. 149,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 for details. (91877) This beautiful three bedroom, two bathroom detached villa is situated in the centre of La Zenia close to all of the many amenities. The villa has an open lounge, air con throughout, satellite TV and is furnished to a very high standard. Private pool. This is a great example of these much sought after villas. 239,950 Euro. Must be seen. Call 96 897 1860 for details. (91876) A lovely two bed, one bath Duplex ap√†rtment in the popular Entre Naranjos Golf development. This is in immaculate condition, furnished to a very good standard and priced to sell. 67,500 euros call 968 971 860. (91863) This outstanding detached property in Quesada with it’s own privet pool and beautiful surroundings. On the market for 249,500Euros with 3 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms is one of the best buys you will find. Tel 968971860


(101566) This semi-detached property in Dream Hills with beautiful views is a well worth buy! Currently on the market for 107,500 Euros. It has 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and is conveniently located for all local amenities, including the Torrevieja Hospital, bars, restaurants, and schools. It also has a large underbuild which can be used for storage. This property is priced to sell! For further details, please call 96 897 1860. (101567) This 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom finca on 10.000m2 plot of land is partly finished. It is 70 per cent completed with 15 rooms and a huge extension. Fantastic opportunity to buy this property for investment and renovation purposes. The structure of the property has been complete but it requires a small investment to finish. Please call +34 96 897 1860 for details. (101562) This classic bungalow, 2 bedroom, 2 Bathroom with huge terraces, very spacious rooms and bedrooms is a BARGAIN. On the market at only 160.500 Euros, the owner is selling the property with all furniture and contents included. Viewing essential! For further information, please call +34 96 897 1860. (101564) This spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom ground floor apartment is located in the popular complex of Campoamor Golf. It comes with fully fitted new kitchen and is on the market for just 112.500 Euro. For more information please call +34 96 897 1860. (101565) A very spacious 3 bed 2 bath apartment in Pilar. The property boasts balconies and a fantastic solarium with sea views. This is an apartment to be viewed. In addition it has an underground car parking space with lockable storage area. 72,500 Euros CALL 968 971 860 (101557) Three bed Two bath detached villa, frontline golf property on the much sought after Las Ramblas development.Fully furnished and includes a/con throughout. A beautiful property with stunning private pool area overlooking the golf course.This has just been reduced dramatically.445,000 eur call 968 971 860 (100827) Ground floor corner apartment situated in the popular area of Pau 8 close to Villamartin golf course and Plaza. The property has 2 beds, 2 baths, master bedroom en-suite.large spacious living area with patio doors opening onto a private balcony which looks over the communal pool and gardens.lovely gated community close to all amenities. 89,950 eur call 968 971 860 / 66 592 467 (100825)



Brand new magnificent 4 bed, 5 bath Detached Villa, situated in the much sought after Beach side Cabo Roig. The property is key ready, 50m2 lounge area, large private pool and stunning sea views from the roof solarium. Excellent investment opportunity because of the location and price due to the current economy. 720,000 eur call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (100826) A modern and spacious townhouse in the beautiful and historic village of Jacarilla. The townhouse has 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a modern lounge. The villa has a bright yet spacious kitchen with plenty of storage space. To be sold unfurnished. 109,950 Euros CALL 968 971 860 (101552) A beautiful and well presented fully furnished, townhouse situated in El Chaparral. Close to all amenities and facilities. 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom with a fully equipped kitchen. The sun can be enjoyed from your very own sun trap garden and an upstairs solarium provides and additional sun and storage area. 69,500 Euros CALL 968 971 860 (101553) A large Emerald Isle semi detached property which also has the benefit of 2 beautiful conservatories. The property boasts 2 beds and 2 baths, lounge, kitchen and an integral garage which also acts as a great storage area. There is also a large solarium area which has sea views and benefits from the morning sun. Well worth viewing. 109500 Euros. CALL 968 971 860 (101554) South facing top floor duplex 3 bedroom and 2 bathrooms. Air/con Sat TV fully furnished communal pool in gated community at the heart of La Zenia. Close to all amenities, beach, shopping center. A great example of a property of this kind. 85,950 Euros CALL 968 971 860 (101555) A 1 bedroom 1 bath lakeside semi detached house in the heart of San Luis. An opportunity to have a house in the sun which is close to all the amenities and close proximity to the famous Salt lakes which are renowned for their health benefits. This property has the potential to build 2 additional large bedrooms on the upper floor. 57,950 Euros CALL 968 971 860 (101556) This beautiful and spacious 3 bed 2 bath bungalow has recently become available. It is situated on the outskirts of Los Montesinos in a quaint Spanish village of La Herrada. Communal Pool and garden area. To be sold fully furnished. 112,500 Euros CALL 968 971 860 (101551) Fabulous detached property on the market for 192,500 Euros with 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms sea views and very spacious rooms. BARGAIN! Tel 968971860 (101558) 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, south facing end terrace bungalow. Furnished, front and rear garden and private roof solarium. Walking distance to Mercadona and La Fuente commercial centre. Close to Campoamor and Las Ramblas golf courses. Priced to sell. EUR 77.500,00. Tel.: +34 968 971 860 for details.

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(100812) 2/3 bed, 2 bath townhouse. In immmaculate condition with walk-in wardrobe, A/C, Sat TV, wood burner in the lounge. Walking distance to La Fuente CC, Mercadona and to the two golf courses. EUR 105.750. Tel.. 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (100820) 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse in the golden Zenia development. Fully furnished in lovely condition. Sat TV, internet and telephone. Walking distance to all of La Zenias amenities and the beach. Lovely communal pool. EUR 124.950. Tel 968 971 860 or 637 227 385. (100822) This lovely 3 bed, 2 bath town house is in the popular Las Marinas II complex. Fully furnished, air conditioning throughout, open fireplace, ADSL and telephone. Front and rear gardens, private roof solarium. 132.250,00 Euro. Call 968 971 860. (100810) 3 bed, 3 bath detached townhouse, one in Amapolas 4. Key ready with fitted kitchen and preinstalled A/C. Underground parking, lovely communal pool area. In the heart of La Zenia, close to all amenities and the beach. EUR 134,500. Tel.: 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (100811) This beautiful 4 bedroom, 2 bath semi-detached villa is situated in a private gated community in the heart of the very popular La Zenia urbinasation. The villa has the use of a communal pool and private parking. This secure area is a 15 minute walk away from the golden sands of La Zenia and is close to all the amenities in the area including the recently opened shopping boulevard. (101537) Beautiful 4 bed, 3 bath property located near to the prestigious Villamartin Golf Course and Plaza. Built and furnished to a very high standard. South-facing garden which enjoys all day sunshine. Less than 5 minutes from the sandy beaches of La Zenia and Campoamor. For further details, please call 96 897 1860. (101533) This beautiful Detached Bungalow has 3 spacious bedrooms and 3 spacious bathrooms. Contains central heating, acclimatisation, pool, garage and also is private gated in the urbanization near San Miguel. For further details, please call 96 897 1860 (101534) These frontline 1,2 and 3 Bedroom apartments start from 106,000 euros, finished to a very high standard with all modern appliances.Incredible views across the beautiful Mar Menor and only 30 metres from the beach.These properties are only a short walk into the heart of Los Alcazares an old style Spanish seaside town.Within minutes of several top quality golf 968 971 860 for more information of this fantastic opportunity to purchase front line!!! (100861) Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath semidetached villa in Blue Lagoon. Lovely furniture and well mantained. Large plot, satellite TV, internet, security grills, central heating. This property has a communal pool and is just a short walk to local schools, bars, and

Monday, 22nd April, 2013 restaurants. To view, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102363) This ground floor apartment is located in the popular urbanisation of Zeniamar. It has 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. It has ample outdoor space with a large front tiled garden and glazed-in conservatory which can be used for dining. There is a good-sized lounge / diner and an open plan fully-fitted kitchen leading to utility room. The bedrooms have fitted wardrobes. The property comes fully-furnished and is close to the communal pool. EUR 74.950. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102361) This 2 bed, 2 bath South-East facing bungalow comes with private driveway and side garden. It has a front patio area and a private solarium. It has marble floors throughout, a fireplace, air-conditioning, and comes fully furnished. The property is in a secure, gated urbanisation and enjoys the benefit of a communal pool. It is close to all the local amenities of Playa Flamenca. EUR 125.000. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102359) This detached villa is situated in Blue Lagoon. It has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and comes fully furnished. It has a glazed in conservatory, private solarium, and off-road parking, as well as ample storage areas. It is on a 250m2 plot. EUR 149.500. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102360) This 2 bed, 2 bath property is located in La Cinuelica, Los Altos. It is a top-floor corner apartment with private pool, BBQ, and patio area. The property comes fully furnished with an underground parking space with storage unit. It has integrated air-conditioning throughout. There is a utility room, front terrace, and large private solarium with sea views. There is also a communal pool. The property is located close to all the local amenities of Punta Prima. EUR 125.000. For further details please call +34 96 897 1860. (102358) This well-maintained 2 bed, 2 bath top-floor duplex is located just a few minutes from local amenities and the Los Dolses school. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102354) This 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse is located in the peaceful town of Jacarilla, a small town in the Vaga Baja area. It is in a quiet residential area with orange and lemon plantations all round and is close to all essential amenities such as shops, a school and a medical centre. The house is ideal for a family home or holiday home. The nearest large town is Orihuela which is just 12 kilometres away. Jacarilla is 45 minutes from Alicante airport and 40 from Murcia airport. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102355) Rare opportunity to purchase this fabulous front-line Mar Menor villa. Massive Saving. Was 1.100.000 Euro. Now 439.000,00 Euro. Walk through your garden gate onto the Beach - 35 metres. 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. Private luxury pool, sun trap terracing and rooftop solarium. Secure pri-

vate parking and integral garage. Large basement storage area. Spacious 700sqm plot. 125sqm living area. L-shaped lounge / diner and large fully-fitted dining kitchen. Spiral staircase to circular first floor master bedroom / rooftop party room. Beachside village location with uninterrupted sea views. Three minutes walk to restaurants and bars. Five minutes walk to supermarket & village shops. Murcia Airport - 15 minutes. Corvera Airport - 25 minutes. Alicante Airport - 45 / 55 minutes. Massive rental potential. Only 25 minutes from Murcia‚ the new “Disney Style” Paramount Theme Park (due for completion 2 / 3 years). Reduced by 65% FOR QUICK SALE. Tel. +34 96 897 1860 for further details. (102352) This property is located in the vibrant urbanisation of Entre Naranjos, home of the fabulous Vistabella Golf Course. It has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The property is very well-maintained and comes fully furnished. It is just a short walk to amenities. There is a communal pool which enjoys all year round sunshine. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860 for details. (102351) 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa on 300m2 private plot. Fully furnished with salt lake and sea views from the large roof solarium. Includes air-conditioning, sat TV and open fire. Large private pool. Situated in a lovely gated community and near to all amenities. 185.000 Euro. Call 968 971 860 for details. (101131) This 2 bed 2 bath ground floor duplex in lovely condition , furnished,A/Con Sat T.V. On a very large corner plot and has beautiful established gardens and includes a Hot tub. This is one of the nicest apartments in the area.126,500 euros call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101132) This established Sports Bar comes fully complete with all stock,fixtures and fittings.It has a rolling Lease with Rent priced for Summer and Winter trade.It can do 140 covers inside and out and has 2 pool tables and is also a member of the local Darts League.The bar is in lovely condition and the terraces are all South facing for all day sunshine. 105,000 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 468 (101133) 3 Bed 2 Bath detached villa is key ready on its own private plot.Within walking distance of Los Montesinos town and all its amenities.These properties used to start from 215,000 euros.The interior build size is 100 m2 and most plots are around 200m2. 125,000 euros call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101134) 2 Bed 1 Bath Top floor Duplex, furnished and includes Sat T.V.In a gated community and only walking distance to all amenities.In good condition and priced for a quick sale. 53,000 Euros Tel 968 971 860 (101135) Beautiful three bed, two bath semidetached house, in top-class condition and furnished to a very high standard. Close to all ammenities, including the new La Zenia Boulevard shopping

centre. Has use of a lovely communal swimming pool. MUST BE VIEWED! Tel. +34 96 897 1860 to arrange a viewing. (101147) 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse situated in the delightful village of Avileses, Murcia. Built to the highest specification and on a small development of only 26 houses with its own community pool and bar area. Close to a selection of top class golf courses, San Javier airport and the beautiful Mar Menor beaches. With front terrace, rear courtyard, front balcony and roof solarium. Lounge diner with feature wall and separate kitchen. Main bedroom with en-suite and built-in wardrobes. 109,950 euros. Call +34 968 971 860. (101137) 3 bed, 2 bath quad villa on a large corner plot, fully furnished with air conditioning, satellite TV and alarm. Short walk to all amenities and lovely sea views from the roof solarium. A beautiful house and must be seen. 109.500,00 Euro. Call +34 968 971 860 to view. (101143) Two bed, two bath (one en-suite) duplex in the much sought after Zenia Golf complex. Fully furnished, includes air-con throughout, sat TV, and WiFi. Only a short walk to the beach and all of La Zenia’s amenities. It also has use of a beautiful communal swimming pool and garden area. PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY at 124.950,00 Euro. Please call 96 897 1860. (101148) Two bed, one bath bungalow. South-facing. The property is walking distance to the town and all its amenities. Fully furnished, sat TV, air con, in very good condition and is priced to sell. Tel 96 897 1860 for details. (101153) A beautiful four bed, two bath finca on a 5.000 sqm plot. Furnished to a high standard and has high quality air con throughout. Private pool and jacuzzi. The gardens are full of orange, pear, and apple trees. Only a short walk to the local village and all its amenities. Call +34 96 897 1860. (101154) Two bed, one bath top floor duplex with solarium. Fully furnished, sat TV, close to all amenities. Located in a private, secure, sought after, gated community


with a lovely communal pool area. South facing, priced for a quick sale. Tel.: 96 897 1860. (101155) Two bed, one bath South facing duplex in Playa Flamenca. The property comes fully furnished and has off-road parking. It is located within easy reach of all local amenities. Tel 96 897 1860 (101156) 3 bed, 2 bath spacious detached villa on a private 380 sqm plot. Furnished to a high standard and includes air con and Sat TV. It has a beautiful, secluded leisure area with an 8 x 4 swimming pool. Easy access to all local amenities and four championship golf courses. 185,950 euros. Tel. 96 897 1860. (101157) Spacious three bed, two bath townhouse on a secure, sought after front-line beach urbanisation. Fully furnished and includes air con, sat TV, and underground parking. Beautiful communal pool area and only a short walk to Cabo Roig beach and amenities. Fantastic views of the Med, La Manga, and Cabo Roig marina. Tel.: 96 897 1860. (101158) Two bed, one bath first floor apartment in La Zenia. Fully furnished, sat TV, off-road parking, and beautiful views of the communal pool and the Med. The property is in a perfect location for walking to the beach and the new La Zenia Boulevard shopping precinct. Tel 96 897 1860. (101159) 2 bed, 2 bath Battenburg-style townhouse is fully furnished, includes air-conditioning and satellite TV. In the much sought after Colinas de la Zenia development. Only a short walk to all amenities and the beach. In a lovely gated community and has use of a communal pool. This property MUST be seen. Now reduced to 79.950,00 euros for quick sale. Call 968 971 860. (101162) Detached Villa 3 bed 2 bath on a good sized private plot.Fully furnished with A/con, sat T.V and a log burner.South facing and only a short walk to all local amenities.Sea views from the private roof solarium has use of a beautiful communal pool. 217,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101163)


Ground-floor 2 bed 1 bath corner apartment. The property comes with all brand new furniture and white goods. Within walking distance of all the towns facilities. In a gated community with use of a communal pool. Ideal investment. Priced to sell at 52,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101166) Beautiful 2 bed, 1 bath terraced bungalow in Torre de La Horadada. Fully furnished to include Air Con and Sat T.V. Only a short walk to the Mediterranean and the many local amenities that this lovely town has to offer. A lovely property and must be viewed. 125,750 call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101167) 2 bed, 1 bath Marbella style bungalow situated in the popular San Jose development. Fully furnished and includes air conditioning, satellite TV and broadband. In lovely condition and within walking distance to the beach and La Zenia Boulevard. Use of 2 communal pools. The best priced bungalow in the area. 92.750,00 Euro. Please call +34 96 897 1860 to view. (101169) 3 Bed, 2 Bath Ground Floor Apartment situated in the popular Villamartin area. Furnished, including A/C Sat TV, Alarm and also an open fire. Beautiful gardens and communal pool area. Just a short walk to the very popular Villamartin Plaza and golf course. 99,950 Euro call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101171) 2 Bed, 1 1/2 bath battenburg style townhouse situated in Bosque de Las Lomas, Villamartin. The property comes furnished with Sat TV. Close to all amenities and use of 2 communal pools, strategically placed between 4 Championship golf courses. Best priced Battenburg in the area. 76,750 euro. Call 968 971 860 / 667 592 467 (101172) This is a corner 2 bed, 1 bath bungalow, with front and rear gardens, and private roof solarium with sea views. Furnished, with Sat TV and open fireplace. In the beautiful Verdemar III community and has access to a lovely communal pool. Close to all amenities. 98,000 euro. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101475) 2 bed, 1 bath Marbella Bungalow in the heart of Cabo Roig, close to all amenities. Fully furnished with Sat TV and Air/Con. Front garden and private solarium with a sea & pool view. 30 metres from the communal pool. This is one of the best priced bungalows in the area. NOW REDUCED TO 87,750 euros. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101476) Detached villa 4 bed, 3 bath, bal-

cony and also private roof solarium with sea views. Air-conditioning and satellite TV, jacuzzi and furnished to a high standard. Sits on a 250 m2 plot and and a 200 m2 build. Close to all amenities, beach and Murcia Airport. A beautiful property - must be seen. 219,750 Euro. Call +34 968 971 860. (101477) South facing bungalow, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, in lovely condition. The property includes air/con, Sat TV, and has a doubleglazed porch area. Close to all amenities. This must be seen. EUR 65.950,00 for quick sale. Tel 968 971 860 for further details. (101481) Marbella style bungalow in La Zenia, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, on a large corner plot and in beautiful condition. Air/Con, Sat TV, Furnished, Solarium and very large garden. Communal pool. 104,500 euro. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101482) South facing Top floor Duplex, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Air/Con, Sat TV, Furnished, in a gated community in the heart of La Zenia, close to all amenties and the beach. Communal pool, a great example of this kind of property. 106,500 euros. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101483) South facing quad house, 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, in lovely condition. The property includes air/con, Sat TV and cental heating as well as a conservatory, garden, balcony and sea view. Access to a communal pool. Close to all amenities in the heart of Playa Flamenca. 99,950 euros. Tel 968 971 860 (101484) South west facing ground floor apartment, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, Sat TV, Air/Con, Furnished, garden and country views. Walking distance to all amenties in the small village of Formentera. Access to a communal pool, 56,950 euros. Tel 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101485) This is delightful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom Quad house is on a quiet avenue in the heart of Dream Hills, close to all amenities. It comes fully-furnished with Air/Con and panel heaters, a conservatory/porch, side garden and solarium. It also has access to 2 communal pools. 94,950Euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101488) This 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house is between the lovely village of San Miguel de Salinas and Torremendo, in a quiet urbanisation. It has a separate kitchen and utility room and A/C as well as a garage and partly-completed underbuilt. There is a front and rear garden and a large solarium with lake and mountain views.

Monday, 22nd April, 2013 207,950 euros. Tel 96 897 1860 or 667 592 467 (101490) This delightful 2/3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom Townhouse is end of terrace in the Pueblo Principe area between Campoamor and Blue Lagoon. Close to 3 golf courses and local amenities (a supermarket & La Fuente Commercial Centre). It is fully furnished to a high standard with Sat TV, A/C, Central Heating, open fireplace, 2 closed-in porches and is double-glazed throughout. One of the porches makes the 3rd bedroom. It has a separate kitchen and utility room and sea views from the upper porch. 89,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101491) Set on 2,500m2 plot this beautiful finca/villa is in El Moralet, a short drive north of Alicante, and not far from the airport and beaches. Main house consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a large living room with fireplace, plus central heating. Also a private pool, garage, workshop etc. Plus a Guest house of 128m2 with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 199,500 euros. Call 96 897 1860 or 667 592 467 (101493) Lovely Finca in Sax at the foot of a mountain, just north of Alicante, 3,600m2 plot with a 145m2 build. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room with conservatory, utility room, 2 terraces, A/C, well maintained garden (with fruit trees) and above ground pool, plus garage. 169,750 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101494) Stunning Finca on a 16,000m2 plot - main house of 150m2 - just north of Alicante. It has spacious rooms,including kitchen, large living room with fireplace & stove, 3 large bedrooms (1 ensuite) and large conservatory with mountain views, also A/C. Plus Guest House with 60m2 living room, kitchen, bedroom & bathroom. 2 garages, terrace & pool. 226,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101495) This beautiful Finca, just north of Alicante, has a separate Guest annexe and is a very well maintained property. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living rooms (one with fireplace), A/C and central heating, kitchen, terrace and summer kitchen, utility room, plus storeroom. There is a garage/carport, pool and gardens. 245,000 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101496) In the middle of the countryside, just north of Alicante, you´ll find this lovely Finca between Salinas & Sax - with an extra Guest House, on a plot of 2,500m2. 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, with 2 living rooms, 1 dining room, and 2 kitchens, plus a storeroom, caprport, veranda and 2.20m deep pool. There is a large vegetable garden, solar hot water and separate water supply. 200,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101497) Great value - just north of Alicante - On a 2,600m2 plot, there is a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom Finca with Guest House. The main house has a spacious living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and 2 spacious bedrooms and the

Guest House has a livng room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. In the landscaped grounds there is 50m2 pool, a top tennis court, alcoves and bodegas. 205,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101498) This lovely Finca is on a 10,200m2 plot and in the middle of an olive grove - in Sax, just north of Alicante. There are 3 bedrooms, (the master is ensuite) plus 1 other bathroom. As well as the living and dining room there is a spacious conservatory. Also central heating, plus garage, large garden, pool and storage rooms. The entrance area is paved with a gate at the entrance. 184,750 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101499) This Finca is on a plot of 10001m2 and consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 terraces, a kitchen, and dining room, plus a 35m2 living room with a fireplace. The outside area includes a vegetable garden, winery and olive tree grove. This property is in Hondon de Las Nieves, just west of Alicante and is excellent value - 189,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467. (101500) This top floor duplex, with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, is on the edge of Playa Flamenca,so is close to all amenities and the new Shopping Centre. It is fully furnished in light, bright colours and has Sat TV. It is south-west facing with a terrace. There is access to 2 communal pools and amazing sea views from the large solarium. 79,950 euros. Call 968 971 860. (101502) This detatched villa is on a 400m2 plot and the house itself is 275m2. It is in the heart of Blue Lagoon and all its amenities, including an International school are within walking distance. It has 4 bedrooms (3 double 1 single), 2 bathrooms, (2 beds and 1 bath in the self-contained unit, along with a living and dining area, on the top floor). There has a closed in conservatory, C/H, Sat TV, two terraces, an above ground pool, garage, underbuild and utility room. Stunning sea views. 195,000 euros. call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (101503) This stunning detached villa has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms (the master bedroom is ensuite with a dressing room area) and is on a 900m2 plot in Torreta Florida, close to all amenities and 20 minutes walk to the beach. It is beautifully furnished, with well maintained grounds with fruit trees, a 8 x 4m pool, shower, BBQ area, summer kitchen, garage, conservatory and porch. Double glazed, alarms, electronic gates, A/C, C/H, granite worktops in kitchen, shed and other outbuildings. 379,950 euros. This property must be seen. Call 968 971860 or 667 592 467 (101504) On the edge of Torremendo village, this lovely Mews Townhouse is in a small gated-community, based around a central courtyard with communal pool. It has 3 beds (1 ensuite), 2.5 baths in total and an underbuild that could be converted into a 4th bedroom, underground parking space. Stunning lake/rural views from the large solarium, 2 smaller bal-


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conies, A/C, Sat TV, semi-furnished. 5 mins drive to San Miguel de Salinas/ Montesinos/ motorway access & 10 mins to any of 5 golf courses/15 mins to beach. 89,995 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 96 897 1860. (101507) This end of terrace 2 storey semidetatched house is the heart of La Zenia on a lovely gated community with a well maintained pool area. It has 2 beds, 1.5 baths, a kitchen with utility room and a balcony off one of the bedrooms. It has a small front and side garden and an allocated car parking space. It will be sold semi-furnished. This property would make an excellent rental investment. 125,000 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (101508) This traditional bungalow is on a quiet lane in the Montezenia area of La Zenia and has 4 double bedrooms, a bathroom, a small, rustic kitchen, living room, a south facing terrace (with storage) and a solarium with sea views. There would be room for a pool in the large area at the front of the property. Low community fees. 182,975 euros. Call 968 971 860 (101510) This charming Marbella Bungalow is in Playa Golf, so is close to amenities and set between the golf courses at Campoamor and the beach. It has access to a really lovely communal pool. It has Sat TV. A/C, lots of additional storage, off-road parking, a front and side garden, a terrace and a solarium with sea views. 92,500 euros. Call 968 971 860 (101512) This south facing detatched Villa is in a quiet community between the traditional Spanish villages of San Miguel de Salinas and Torremendo. It has a private pool and garage, alarm system, an open fire place in the lounge, 3 bedrooms (the master is ensuite), 2 bathrooms in total, panel radiators in all rooms, 2 terraces plus a roof Solarium with lovely lake views. 179,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (101513) This beautiful detached property with 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms, currently on the market for 172,500Euros with a complete under build. This property is defiantly worth a viewing. Tel 968971860 (101563) This is a lovely ground floor apartment on a large corner plot with covered jacuzzi and BBQ area in the easy maintenance S/W facing garden. 2 bed, 1 bath, utility room, closed-in conservatory/ dining room, on a large, modern complex with communal pool and extensive gardens, security entrance, 10 minutes walk to La Mata beach & close to local amenities. 5 minutes drive from Torrevieja, Sat TV, A/C, furnished. 117,500 euros. Call 968 971 860/667 592 467 (101518) This luxury detatched villa overlooks the Quesada Golf Course so has truly stunning views. It has 4 beds, 3 bathrooms (including a separate guest suite with private terrace in its own turret), several lounge/dining areas, all off a central hallway, spacious kitchen with utility room, plus a closed-in conservatory, porch and several terraces. Jacuzzi and pri-


vate 8 x 5 m pool. Furnished to a very high standard with many extras and is a Must See property. 465,000 euros. Call 96 897 1860/667 592 467. (101519) This top floor Duplex apartment in the heart of Playa Flamenca is close to all amenities and the new Commercial Centre. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, A/C, Sat TV and an open kitchen and is being sold furnished. There is a large solarium with sea views, a shaded terrace and front garden. Access to a communal pool. 116,950 euro. Call 96 897 1860 or 667 592 467 (101524) This lovely Townhouse has 3 bedrooms, 1¬Ω bathrooms and access to a communal pool. It has a large front patio/terrace and roof solarium. It will be sold furnished and has A/C, Sat TV and lots of storage. It is 5 minutes walk to local amenities, is on a bus route and 10 minutes walk to Santiago De Ribera beach and the Mar Menor. Close to San Javier airport. 125,950. euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (101525) This first floor apartment is in Aguamarina, close to Cabo Roig beach and all the local amenities, restaurants and bars, with use of communal pool, plus balcony and storage, plus remote access. Sat TV, furnished. 89,750 euros. Tel 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (101527) Lovely 2 bed, 2 bath ground floor corner apartment in the heart of Los Dolses.With air con throughout, in immaculate condition and overlooks the stunning pool area. Walking distance to all amenities and the beach. 114,950 euros For more information please call 968 971 860 (91842) Situated in Punta Prima this 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom Penthouse apartment with sea views. This is in prime location for all amenities and is a short walk to the beach. This very large apartment is in excellent condition and must be seen. 149,950 Euros Call 968 971 860 (91845) 3 bed, 2 Bath detached villa furnished to a very high standard. Over 200m2 with plenty of room for a pool. This immaculate property comes with Air/Con, Sat TV and alarm system. Only 3kms to the Spanish town of San Miguel de Salinas. RECENTLY REDUCED TO 142,500 euros. For more info on this lovely property call 968 971 860. (91846) 2 Bed, 1 1/2 Bath South facing Townhouse. Fully furnished with air con, Wi-fi and SAT TV. Situated in Cabo Roig close to the many amenities and beaches. Recently reduced TO 94,950 euros. Call 968 971 860 for more information (91848) 2 bed, 1 bath Apartment/Duplex situated in the established El Chapparal area of Torrevieja. In excellent condition and is excellent value for money priced to sell at 51,950 euros. Glass curtains on the balcony make an extra room. Call 968 971 860 OR 667 592 467 (91849) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297)



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Bed, 2 Bath Top Floor Duplex/Apartment Situated in the Dream Hills 2 area of Los Altos. Fully furnished. Large solarium with lovely sea views. Short walk to all of the amenities. 110,000 euros call 667 592 467 (91922) Superb 3 Bed, 2 bath semidetached house situated in Playa Flamenca.Furnished to a very high standard, private pool and Hot Tub. Air con throughout, Alarm and SAT TV. This is a lovely house and must be viewed. 191,750 euros Call 667 592 467 (91923) Rare opportunity to purchase a front line property in Cabo Roig overlooking the marina and with spectacular views of the Mediterranean. This three bedroom, two bathroom townhouse is situated on the front line on a 260m2 plot. The property is located on a gated urbanisation and has enough space to build a good sized swimming pool. It is fully furninshed and has a/c, satellite TV, telephone and adsl installed. Beautiful private roof solarium and enclosed underground garage. Utility areas and ample storeage space. This property absolutely must be seen. Offers in the region of 330,000 Euro. For further details please call +34 902 468 737. (100883) 3 Bed 2 Bath townhouse. Fully furnished. A/C throughout plus Sat T.V and underground parking. Within walking distance of all amenities and use of a communal pool and gardens. Ideal for permanent living or a holiday home.109,500 euro call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (100880) 2 bed 1 Bath ground floor apartment in Los Altos.Fully furnished and includes Sat T.V and ducted A/C and also a double glazed front seating area overlooking the garden.Only a short walk to all amenities and the beach. This is priced to sell. 68,950 eur Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100877) 2 Bed 1 Bath first floor apartment is South facing and overlooks the pool and has sea views from the balcony.Fully furnished with A/Con and Sat T.V. Underground parking. In the heart of Cabo Roig and is only walking distance to the beach. 99,750 euros call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860 (101123) Beautiful Quad-Villa with 2 beds and 2 baths. Furnished to a very high standard with A/C, alarm and Sat TV. In a lovely gated community. Lovely sea views from the solarium, and is walking distance to all amenities. fantastic communal pool area, this is a great example of this sort of property. REDUCED TO 115,000 EUR. Tel 968 971 860 (100865) 3 bed 2 bath detached villa is fully furnished and comes with its own private swimming pool. Property has an underbuild which has been legally renovated to create a separate 1 bed, 1 bath, 1 kitchen apartment with its own private entrance. The newly renovated underbuild is included in the deeds. The property is in walking distance to all local amenities. 167,500 euros call 968 971 860. (100856) Situated in Torremendo, San

Miguel de las Salinas is this lovely 4 bed, 3 bath detached Villa with private pool and beautiful views to the countryside. Open fireplace, and Air Con with also all white goods. On 290m2 plot with off road parking only 4.5kms from San miguel and 2kms from Torremendo.Just reduced eur 162,500 eur. Call 667 592 467 (100853) 2 bed 1 bath Quad house.South West facing and comes part furnished and includes A/Con.In a lovely gated community and has use of a beautiful communal pool.On a good size plot and has a very large roof solarium. Only a short walk to all amenities.eur 98,750 call 667 592 467 (100854) Beautiful ground floor apartment. Front Line beach in La Zenia. In a gated and secure complex with incredible views across La Zenia bay you literally walk off your terrace and on to the beach.Fully furnished to a high standard this is a unique property because of its proximity to the beach.This is a property that has to be seen.eur 259,750 call 968 971 860. (100855) 3 bed 2 bath Penthouse in the very popular Molino Blanco Development,fully furnished and also Sat T.V and A/Con. Overlooks the park area and has lovely sea views from the balcony and roof solarium.Only a 1000 metres from La Zenia beach and has access to all of the local amenities.eur 99,750 call 968 971 860 (100852) This is a 3 or 4 bed, 2 bath quad bungalow. Fully-furnished and includes air-conditioning, central heating and satellite TV. Lovely sea views from the roof solarium on which there is a shed and closed-in conservatory with an additional bedroom and shower room. The 4th bedroom / study has its own entrance. The property is only a short walk to all amenities. It also has use of a lovely communal pool. Reduced to sell. 99.000,00 Euro. Call +34 96 897 1860 to view. (100846) 3/4 bedroom, 2 bathroom quad villa on a corner plot, part furnished. In very good order and in a gated community with a lovely pool area. Potential to create 4th bedroom on covered in Solarium. Walking distance to all amenities in Playa Flamenca. 89,000 euros. Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100848) 2 bed, 2 bath top-floor duplex, furnished to a high standard and includes Air-conditioning and satellite TV. South-facing and has a large private roof solarium. The large balcony is fully doubleglazed which makes a lovely sitting area. Use of 2 communal swimming pools. 92.750,00 Euro. Call +34 96 897 1860. (100840) Detached Villa on a 900m2 plot with lovely established garden and private pool area. Furnished to a high standard and to include air con and SAT TV. In a quiet location but only a short distance to all amenities. 232,500 euros call 667 592 467 (92306) 3 Bed, 3 bath Townhouse situated in Las Chismosas, in Playa Flamenca. Fully furnished and includes Air/Con and Sat TV. In lovely condition and only a short

Monday, 22nd April, 2013 distance to all amenities. Three terraces and a communal pool. Tel 968 971 860 (92307) 3 Bed, 2 bath semi detached house, south facing for all year round sunshine. Partly furnished with SAT TV, short walk to many amenities. Two lovely communal pool areas. A lovely house and viewing is recommended. reduced to 107,500 euros call 667 592 467 (92308) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin Plaza and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) 2/3 bed, 2 bath quad house. Fully furnished with sat TV and air conditioning. In a good location, walking distance to all amenities. In a gated community with a beautiful communal pool area and lovely sea views. This is a great price, now at 99.000 Euro. Call 968 971 860 for more information. (92329) Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa situated on one level, with private pool, between San Miguel de Salinas and Torremendo. Fully furnished with all white goods and electricals. Ceiling fans in all rooms, Sat TV and Internet. Beautiful views across the salt lakes to Torrevieja and the Mediterranean, 5kms from San Miguel. With garage and covered drive. Now Reduced to 160,000 Euros. Call 667 592 467. (92331) 2 bed, 2 bath quad house situated in the very popular area of Torre de la Horadada. Open lounge, airconditioning and satellite TV and within walking distance to the many amenities and the beautiful beach and Marina. Communal pool area and views to the sea. 144.950,00 Euro. Call +34 96 897 1860 for details. (92332) South-facing Marbella style quad bungalow on one level. Easy maintenance, low community fees, perfect for full-time living and very good location for a holiday home. 2 / 3 bed, 2 bath. Airconditioned, off-road parking, large beautiful communal pool and garden. Nice, well organised community. Close to all of the ammenities of Cabo Roig. Only 15 mins walk to Cabo Roig beach. REDUCED to 99.000,00 Euro for quick sale. Call +34 96 897 1860 (92613) Beautiful Detached Villa has 3 beds and 2 baths. South facing with air con SAT TV and a full central heating system. On a 400m2 plot with a beautiful 10 x 5 private pool with a fantastic waterfall. Lovely private roof solarium with views across la Zenia bay,this property should be seen. 259,750 euros call 667 592 467 (92615) South facing 2 bed, 1 bath Marbella bungalow. In fantastic condition and furnished to a very high standard. Includes air-conditioning and satellite TV. Private roof solarium with sea views, off-road parking and plenty of garden space. Within walking distance of

all amenities. Reduced to 98.000 Euro. Call +34 96 897 1860. (92673) Lovely 2 bed, 1 1/2 bathroom Townhouse situated in La Florida. South facing with front and rear balconies for all year round sunshine,also has front and rear garden areas. Two communal pool areas and only a short walk to the popular Emerald Isle complex. 74,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 (92674) 2 bed 1 bath Battenburg style townhouse in the popular Cabo Roig area.Furnished with A/con and Sat T.V. and the rear courtyard has been converted into an extended kitchen.Use of four communal pools and walking distance to all amenities and the beach JUST REDUCED 87,500 euros call 667 592 467 (92675) lovely 2 bed 2 bath modern ground floor apartment in Punta Prima. Fully furnished and includes Sat T.V and A/con throughout. Within walking distance of all amenities and also the beach. This is a must see. 109,750 euros call 667 592 467 (92676) Two/ Three bed, one bath apartment located in the heart of La Zenia, close to the shops, bars, supermarkets and the beautiful beaches. The apartment comes fully furnished with SAT T.V. Communal Pool area. This property offers excellent rental potential due to its location. 109,950 euros call 667 592 467 (92677) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean with 2 communal pool now 124,999 euros call today paul on 634 043 697 (96294) Ground Floor 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom Apartment. Fully Furnished and Includes Air Con and SAT TV. It has off-road parking and overlooks the Marquesa Golf Course literally front-line views. The property is in lovely condition. 69,950 euros call 667 592 467 (96311) Two Bedroom, two bathroom Attached Bungalow situated in La Florida. South facing with views to the sea from two double glazed conservatories and also the solarium. Fully furnished SAT


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TV and close to all amenities. It is also only walking distance to the popular Emerald Isle complex. 106,950 euros call 667 592 467 (96314) 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, detached bungalow. Fully furnished, Sat Tv, A/C and central heating. The property is on a good size plot, with a private roof solarium, off road parking, also includes a hot tub. It has sea views and is walking distance to Flamenca Beach and all it’s amenities. EUR 160000. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (96318) 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, south facing detached villa. Furnished to high standard with A/C, Sat TV. The property has a beautiful private pool area with all day sunshine. Located in the heart of Playa Flamenca and has access to all ameminities. EUR 264,950. Call 667 592 467 or 968 971 860. (96319) This beautiful 2 bed, 1 bath top floor South-facing duplex is located in the vibrant urbanisation of Al Andaluz in La Florida. It is just 20 minutes walk to beautiful Blue Flag sandy beaches and a short drive to championship golf courses and all ammenities (supermarkets, restaurants and bars, schools, hospitals, and local markets). It has a large sun terrace which receives the sun all day. This property is priced at Euro 75.000 to sell quickly. For further details, please call 96 897 1860. (101572) Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath detached property in the heart of Los Dolses. Stunning views of green areas and the Mediterranean sea. Close to local golf courses, schools, bars, restaurants, and all other amenities. Private swimming pool and ample storage space. Sunny terraces all year. Immaculate presentation and furnished to a very high standard. Please call 0034 96 897 1860 for further information. (101576) Detached 2 bed, 2 bath property in El Galan. Priced for quick sale. Call 96 897 1860 for duther details. (101577) Well maintained detached property in El Galan. 3 bed, 2 bathroom. Call 96 897 1860 for further details. (101578) Beautiful 2 bed, 2 bath duplex in San Luis. Decorated and furnished to an exceptionally high standard. Lovely 360 degree views. This property is located just a stone’s thrown from the Torrevieja salt lakes and withi walking distance to all local ammenities. This property MUST be seen. Call +34 96 897 1860 to arrange a viewing. (101580) This quad property is South-East facing and enjoys all day sun for all year round living. It is located in Playa Flamenca on a wellmaintained, sought after, gated urbanisation. The property has air-conditioning, satellite TV, telephone and internet. It has three terraces which all receive the sun. The property has ample storage space. Communal pool with lovely green areas to sunbathe on during the summer months. Very keenly priced property for a quick sale. Call 96 897 1860 for further details. (102350) This beautifully maintained front


line property has stunning views of Cabo Roig marina, La Manga, and the Mediterranean sea. It has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, as well as a small office, games area, and private swimming pool. Set in a lovely urbanisation which is well managed by the community of owners. Similar properties fetch around 240.000 Euro annual short-term and holiday rental income and are well sought after. For further details, please call 0034 96 897 1860. (101987) Beautiful detached villa in Eagles Nest. 3 bed, 2 bath, private swimming pool, lovely views of green areas from the top terraces. The ground floor of this property has two downstairs bedrooms and a spacious open kitchen. The top floor has a third (and possibly fourth) bedroom and can be used as a sef-contained apartment with separate kitchen, bathroom, and entrance. The property is just a short walk to bars and restaurants and only a short distance from supermarkets and other amenities. Just EUR 169.500 for a quick sale. Call +34 96 897 1860 to arrange a viewing. (101988) Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa in Los Balcones. Private swimming pool and spacious 800m2 grounds. This property catches the sun all day. It has stunning views of the Torrevieja salt lake and Mediterranean sea. The top floor is used for general living and the ground floor (underbuild) has a single garage with additional unused space for storage or another room. Fully furnished, air-conditioning, satellite TV, and security. 200.000 Euro. For further information, please call +34 96 897 1860. (101989) Detached Villa, 4 bed, 2 bath, private swimming pool, close to supermarkets and all amenities. (101990) This Marbella style townhouse is located in Cabo Roig. It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Airconditioning, satellite TV, fullyfurnished, solarium and good size garden. Communal pool. 125.000 Euro. Call +34 968 971 860 to arrange a viewing. (101991) This quad property is located in San Luis, close to all amenities. Built in 1997, the property is being sold fully-furnished with hot / cold air-conditioning, satellite TV, and telephone. It has offroad parking and there are external storage areas on the top terrace and at the side of the property. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (101992)



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013


22nd april ADVERTISING WITH THE LEADER WORKS.....CALL 96 673 0057 EUROMILLIONS DRAW NOW HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.....ENTER AT WWW.LEADERLOTTO.COM guest panellists, broadcaster Gyles Brandreth and comedian Joe Wilkinson. (T) 7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Heir Hunters. The team unearths a multi-million pound fraud. (R) (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties in East Yorkshire, Kent and Surrey. (T) 12.00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom. Three pensioners whose savings disappeared. (T) 12.45 Crime Scene Rescue. A woman whose late mother’s jewellery was stolen. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. From Alexandra Palace, north London. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. Rob accidentally ruins an undercover investigation. (T) 3.15 Escape to the Country. A couple seek a country home in Buckinghamshire. (T) 4.00 Perfection. General knowledge quiz, hosted by Nick Knowles. (R) (T) 4.45 Chefs: Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is. Jun Tanaka and Ed Baines compete at a gastro pub. (T)

5.30 Antiques Road Trip. Anita Manning and James Lewis compete at Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. (R) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show in which contestants try to score the fewest points possible by giving the least obvious correct answers to questions. Presented by Alexander Armstrong. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 7.55 Party Election Broadcast. By the Liberal Democrats for the English Local Election on Thursday May 2, 2013. (R) (T) 8.00 The One Show. The first visit of the week to the One Show studio, where Matt Baker and Alex Jones present topical stories and celebrity chat. 8.30 Bang Goes the Theory. The team focuses on personal medicine, testing online diagnosis tools and self-monitoring gadgets, and investigating a technique to cure blindness by altering people’s genes; (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T)

12.20 The Graham Norton Show. With guests Gwyneth Paltrow, Mo Farah and Lee Mack. (R) (T) 1.05 FILM: Gladiatress (2004). British comedy, starring Sally Phillips. (T) 2.30 Weatherview. (T) 2.35 BBC News. (T) BBC2 7.00 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) (T) 8.00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom. (R) (T) 8.45 Crime Scene Rescue. (R) (T) 9.15 Sign Zone: Saints and Scroungers. (R) (T) 10.00 Sign Zone: Great British Menu. (R) (T) 10.30 Sign Zone: Great British Railway Journeys. (R) (T) 11.00 Live Snooker: The World Championship. Coverage of the opening session on day three in Sheffield. (T) 1.00 Daily Politics. (T) 2.00 Live Snooker: The World Championship. Further first-round coverage from the Crucible Theatre. (T) 6.55 Party Election Broadcast. By the Liberal Democrats for the English Local Election on Thursday May 2, 2013. (T) 7.00 Eggheads. Quiz hosted by Dermot Murnaghan, in which the winners of famous game shows work as a team to tackle a new set of challengers. (T) 7.30 Flog It! David Palmer joins Adam Partridge and presenter Paul Martin in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, as they search for more valuables to sell at auction. (R) (T) 8.00 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British. Si King and Dave Myers examine food found in Britain’s woodlands, preparing a wild boar ragu and a creamy fool with brambles picked from a hedgerow. (T) 9.00 University Challenge. Jeremy Paxman asks the questions as teams from the University of Manchester and the University of Bangor compete in the second of the semifinals. (T) 9.30 Paul Hollywood’s Bread. The master baker demonstrates how to make a variety of enriched breads, including lardy cakes, Danish pastries, Swedish semlor buns and a savoury brioche crown. Last in the series. (T) 10.00 Fit to Rule: How Royal Illness Changed History. The medical histories and family problems of the monarchy in the 19th and 20th centuries, including Queen Victoria and her son Edward’s strained relationship. Last in the series. (T) 11.00 Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Comedian Lee Mack hosts, with Joe Wilkinson, Amy Macdonald, Lemar and Chris Ramsey joining team captains Phill Jupitus and Professor Green, who deputises for Noel Fielding. (R) (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 Snooker: The World Championship. (T) 1.10 Snooker: World Championships Extra. London 7.00 Daybreak. With boy band Blue. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. Entertainment and fashion news. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. With Andrea McLean, Lisa Maxwell, Carol McGiffin and Denise Welch. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 3.00 Rory Bremner’s Great British Views. The presenter travels to the Peak District. (T) 4.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. Memorable moments from the show. (T) 4.59 ITV London Weather. (T)

9.00 EastEnders. Janine’s attempts to re-establish her business prove easier said than done. Kirsty makes a surprising announcement in the Vic and Liam receives another threatening text. (T) 9.30 Secrets of Britain’s Sharia Councils — Panorama. An undercover report on the practices of Islamic religious courts in Britain, as some women claim they have suffered domestic violence that has been ignored by these councils. Postponed from April 8. (T) 10.00 The Prisoners. The documentary following repeat offenders continues with the women of Holloway Prison, north London. (T) 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.35 Have I Got a Bit More News for You. Warwick Davis chairs the comedy news quiz, with regulars Paul Merton and Ian Hislop joined by their

5.00 Tipping Point. Quiz show, hosted by Ben Shephard. (R) (T) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. (R) (T) 7.00 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 7.25 Party Election Broadcast. By the Liberal Democrats for the English Local Election on Thursday May 2, 2013. (R) (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Emmerdale. Debbie reaches out to Chas and the pair appear to call a truce — but her intentions are soon revealed. Jude exposes Nicola’s lies to the education authority. (T) 8.30 Coronation Street. Chesney is overcome with jealousy and reads Katy’s texts after seeing her with Ryan. Izzy feels left out at Tina’s antenatal class and Mary impresses Dev with her childcare skills. (T) 9.00 James Nesbitt’s Ireland. The actor meets Kate Packwood, a baker who is at the heart of the country’s growing artisan food movement, and tries his hand at spear-fishing. (T) 9.30 Coronation Street. Katy goes clubbing with Ryan, Leanne tells Peter she wants him to buy her share of the bookmaker’s and Anna disap-

proves when Tim takes Faye to the cinema on a school night. (T) 10.00 Broadchurch. After weeks of speculation, the Broadchurch community struggles to come to terms with revelations about the events surrounding Danny Latimer’s death. Last in the series. (T) 11.05 ITV News and Weather. (T) 11.40 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 11.45 The Unforgettable Larry Grayson. Tribute to the comedian and game-show host. (R) (T) 12.20 Monk. A city official disappears. Last in the series. (R) (T) 1.10 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming. 4.00 Champions League Weekly. A preview of the semi-final first-leg encounters. (T) 4.25 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 6.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (R) (T) CHANNEL 4 7.10 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 8.05 According to Jim. (R) (T) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 8.55 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.25 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Undercover Boss USA. (R) (T) 12.00 Location, Location, Location. (R) (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 Come Dine with Me. (R) (T) 1.35 What’s Cooking? (T) 2.45 SuperScrimpers’ Challenge. (T) 3.45 Countdown. (T) 4.30 1001 Things You Should Know. (T) 5.00 Deal or No Deal. (T) 6.00 Five Minutes to a Fortune. Game show, hosted by Davina McCall, in which contestants work as a team to complete five-minute challenges in a bid to secure the money contained in a 15ft hourglass. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Bart goes to work as a comedian in a burlesque theatre and proves a hit with its clientele — until Marge turns up with an angry mob in tow and tries to demolish the place. (R) (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Dr Browning arranges to pay Mercedes’ ransom, and a visit from Leanne provides Will with an unexpected solution to his wedding fund woes. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Individuals discuss their right to have children in a time when nearly a third of families do not conform to the traditional model of a heterosexual married couple with kids. (T) 9.00 Britain’s Millionaire Criminals: Channel 4 Dispatches. A report on why some convicted criminals are still enjoying luxury lifestyles funded by their ill-gotten gains, despite successive government pledges to prevent this happening. (T) 9.30 SuperScrimpers. Financial Times columnist Mrs Moneypenny provides more cash-saving tips and reveals a selection of trade secrets to help people maintain their expenses. (T) 10.00 The Hoarder Next Door. Psychotherapist Stelios Kiosses helps a single mother clear the clutter from her Dorset flat and tackles piles of old newspapers in a London bachelor’s five-storey home. (T) 11.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. The chef visits beachside restaurant Barefoot Bob’s in Hull, Massachusetts, owned by husband-and-wife team Marc and Lisa — whose business and relationship are in trouble. (T) 12.05 Alan Carr: Chatty Man. (R) (T) 1.05 Random Acts. (T) 1.10 Shameless. (R) (T) 2.05 Black Mirror. (R) (T) 3.00 Gok’s Clothes Roadshow: Get the Look for Less. (R) (T) 3.55 The Renovation Game. (R) (T) 4.50 Come Dine with Me. (R) (T) 5.45 Deal or No Deal. (R) (T) 6.40 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 7.10 Rupert Bear. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (R) (T) 7.30 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olive the Ostrich. (R) (T) 7.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.05 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.45 Make Way for Noddy. (R) (T) 8.55 Milkshake! Monkey. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.30 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.35 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (R) (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.10 Trisha. (T) 1.00 Looney Tunes. (R) (T) 1.05 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 Trauma Doctors. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 NCIS. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Carolina Moon (2007). Romantic mystery, starring Claire Forlani. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Georgia goes to confront Scotty, only to find he has

left a note admitting the truth. Rani tries to stay strong for Ajay’s sake and Susan is faced with a tough decision. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Romeo attends his first session of chemotherapy, but Dex spots him and tells Indi, and Heath attends counselling to prove he is serious about being a good father to Darcy. (R) (T) 7.30 5 News at 6.30. (T) 8.00 Jaws: The True Story. Documentary examining a series of reported shark attacks off the New Jersey coastline in 1916, incidents that are believed to have influenced Peter Benchley’s novel Jaws; (R) (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 Nature Shock: Killer Elephants. An investigation into the unusually high death-rate among elephants at the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala, India, between 2009 and 2010; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild. New series. Ben Fogle meets people who have moved to inhospitable parts of the world after leaving the rat race behind, beginning on an island in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. (T) 11.00 FILM: Crimson Tide (1995). Thriller, starring Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington. (T) 1.15 Royal Navy: Submarine Mission. (R) (T) 2.15 SuperCasino. 4.55 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.20 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Great Artists. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T)

Monday, Monday, 22nd April, 2013 07:00 Breakfast News with Mark Nolan 11:00 Brunch with Kevin Reardon, 14:00 Back to the Seventies with Kevin Larkin, 17:00 The PBT Show, 19:00 Exite Classics - 70’s at 7, 80’s at 8, 90’s at 9 and the Classics Megamix, 22:00 Calder´s Confessions UNCUT, 23:00 The Love Zone 00:01 The Overnight Jukebox.

Monday, 22nd April, 2013 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Creator and writer of cult TV show Red Dwarf, Rob Grant 18.05 The British Consulate – some important information from the Consulate in Alicante. 18.30 Viva Vitality – health and fitness tips for the summer. 19.00 Let's Talk – Simon Baldock is with 2 more interesting guests living on the Costa Blanca. 19.30 Host Your Own(series) The Costa Blanca’s answer to "Come Dine With Me" – Ep. 6 Caroline Brennan hosts a delightfully ‘fruity’ evening. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013


28th april 7.00 Breakfast. News, sport and entertainment reports. (T) 8.25 Match of the Day. 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show. With Diana Rigg and Sheryl Sandberg. (T) 11.00 The Big Questions. From King Edward VI Handsworth School in Birmingham. (T) 12.00 Sunday Politics. Presented by Andrew Neil; (T) Weather for the Week Ahead. (T) 1.20 Bargain Hunt. 2.20 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties in Doncaster, Norfolk and London. (R) (T) 3.20 Flog It! 3.45 Points of View. With Jeremy Vine. (T) 4.00 Escape to the Country. Searching for a property in Norfolk. (R)

5.00 Songs of Praise. Bill Turnbull visits Wakefield, West Yorkshire. (T) 5.35 Great Bear Stakeout. First in a two-part documentary following the grizzly bears of the Alaskan wilderness. (R) (T) 6.35 The Diamond Queen. Three-part series looking at the life and achievements of Elizabeth II. (R) 7.35 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 8.00 Countryfile. Reports on the latest rural developments. Including Weather for the Week Ahead. 9.00 Antiques Roadshow. The experts are in Farnborough, north-east Hampshire. (T) 10.00 The Village. Joe struggles to hide his shellshock from the family, but Grace knows something is seriously wrong — and when Bert tries to help he only makes matters worse. (T) 11.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.25 Match of the Day 2. Colin Murray reviews the day’s Premier League action. (T) 12.40 Late Kick Off. The weekend’s Football League action. (T) 1.10 FILM: Mother’s Boys (1994). Thriller, starring Jamie Lee Curtis. (T) 2.40 Weatherview. (T) 2.45 BBC News. (T) BBC2 7.00 This Is BBC Two. (T) 7.45 FILM: Never a Dull Moment (1950). Romantic comedy, with Irene Dunne and Fred MacMurray. (T) (bw) 9.15 Gardeners’ World. (R) (T) 9.45 The A to Z of TV Gardening. Carol Kirkwood looks at subjects beginning with the letter P. (T) 10.30 The Beechgrove Garden. (T) 11.00 Live Snooker: The World Championship. The opening session on day nine at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. (T) 12.00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites. (T) 1.30 EastEnders. (T) 3.20 Live Snooker: The World Championship. Further second-round matches on day nine. (T) 7.00 Coast. The team explores stories linked to estuaries around the UK, with folk singer June Tabor examining superstitions surrounding the burial of sailors who died in shipwrecks. (R) (T) 8.00 Live Snooker: The World Championship. Jason Mohammad introduces coverage of the evening session on day nine at Sheffield’s Crucible Theatre, where two second-round matches take place. (T) 9.00 Bill Bailey’s Jungle Hero. Part two of two. Bill heads to Indonesian archipelago the Moluccas on his mission to understand how Alfred Russel Wallace devised his theory of evolution independently of Darwin. (T) 10.00 Rupert Murdoch: Battle with Britain. Steve Hewlett examines the media mogul’s influence on the UK over the past 45 years and how his success brought him into conflict with the Establishment. (T)

11.00 Mock the Week Looks Back at Britain. Another themed selection from the show’s archives, with contributions by Frankie Boyle, Russell Howard, Micky Flanagan, Greg Davies, Adam Hills, Jack Whitehall and Michael McIntyre. (T) 11.30 It’s Kevin. (T) 12.00 Snooker: The World Championship. (T) London 7.00 CITV: Special Agent Oso. Children’s comedy about a toy panda who is a special agent. (T) 7.10 Special Agent Oso. Children’s comedy about a toy panda who is a special agent. (T) 7.25 The Hive. Pre-school series. (R) (T) 7.35 The Hive. Preschool series. (R) (T) 7.40 Dino Dan. The adventures of trainee palaeontologist Dan Henderson. (R) (T) 7.55 Dino Dan. The adventures of trainee palaeontologist Dan Henderson. (R) (T) 8.05 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.15 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.20 Almost Naked Animals. Children’s entertainment. (R) (T) 8.30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Crime-fighting capers. (T) 9.00 Sonny with a Chance. Drama about an aspiring actress. (T) 9.25 ITV News. (T) 9.30 Country House Sunday. Lynda Bellingham tours some of Britain’s stately homes. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. The host takes his successful talk-show stateside. (R) (T) 11.20 Dickinson’s Real Deal. From Kidderminster, Worcestershire. (R) (T) 12.20 ITV News and Weather; Weather. (T) 12.35 FILM: Columbo: A Friend in Deed (1974). Crime drama, starring Peter Falk. (T) 2.35 You’ve Been Framed! Camcorder clips, including dancing disasters. (R) (T) 3.05 Britain’s Got Talent. Ant and Dec present the third audition show. (R) (T) 4.20 Food Glorious Food. Carol Vorderman presents the final. Last in the series. (R) (T)

5.25 FILM: Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995). Family adventure, starring Jason James Richter. (T) 7.15 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 7.45 Catchphrase. Stephen Mulhern hosts a revival of the game show in which contestants guess the familiar phrases to win £50,000. (T) 8.30 Off Their Rockers. Featuring a woman who tries to park her mobility scooter between two cars, and an elderly couple asking a mobilephone salesman for help with a video game. (T) 9.00 Endeavour. Morse becomes deeply embroiled in the affairs of a family-owned munitions factory and its dysfunctional owners following the murder of an unpopular worker. With Martin Jarvis. 11.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather; Weather. (T) 11.15 The Olivier Awards 2013. Highlights of the annual ceremony celebrating outstanding achievements on the London stage, Performers include Will Young. (T) 12.45 The Unforgettable Mike Reid. The life and times of the actor and comedian. (R) (T) 1.40 The Store. Home shopping. CHANNEL 4 7.05 The Treacle People. (R) (T) 7.15 The Hoobs. (R) (T) 7.40 Blancpain Endurance Series. (T) 8.35 Everybody Loves

Raymond. (R) (T) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 10.30 Sunday Brunch. (T) 1.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.55 The Simpsons. (R) (T) 2.20 The Simpsons. (R) (T) 2.50 FILM: The Phantom (1996). Superhero adventure, starring Billy Zane. (T) 4.45 Deal or No Deal. (T) 5.45 Five Minutes to a Fortune. (T) 6.50 FILM: Marmaduke (2010). Premiere. A disaster-prone Great Dane accidentally causes chaos for his owners as they start a new life in California. Comedy, with Lee Pace, and featuring the voice of Owen Wilson. (T) 8.30 Channel 4 News. (T) 9.00 The Secret Millions. Gok Wan works with a charity that offers emotional, educational and practical support to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, many of whom are homeless. Last in the series. (T) 10.00 FILM: Love & Other Drugs (2010). Premiere. A cynical womanising sales rep for a drugs company falls in love with a waitress with Parkinson’s disease. Romantic comedy drama, with Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. (T) 12.10 FILM: Dangerous Minds (1995). Drama, with Michelle Pfeiffer. (T) 2.00 How Hip Hop Changed the World. (R) (T) 3.50 Inside Nature’s Giants. (R) (T) 5.05 Come Dine with Me. (R) (T) 6.00 SuperScrimpers. (T) 6.15 Deal or No Deal. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.05 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 7.15 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 7.25 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R) (T) 7.30 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 7.45 Chloe’s Closet. (T) 7.55 Roobarb and Custard Too. (R) (T) 8.05 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 8.20 Animal Antics. (R) (T) 8.25 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 8.35 City of Friends. (R) (T) 8.50 Little Princess. (R) (T) 9.00 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky. (R) (T) 9.15 Mio Mao. (R) (T) 9.25 Angelina Ballerina. (R) (T) 9.45 Rupert Bear. (R) (T) 10.00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 10.15 Toby’s Travelling Circus. (R) (T) 10.30 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 10.45 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 11.00 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 11.15 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R) (T) 11.20 Power Rangers: Super Samurai. (R) (T) 11.55 Batman: The Brave and the Bold. (T) 12.20 Cowboy Builders. (R) (T) 1.20 FILM: The Fifth Element (1997). Sci-fi adventure, starring Bruce Willis. (T) 3.45 FILM: Cheaper By the Dozen 2 (2005). Comedy sequel, starring Steve Martin. (T) 5.35 FILM: Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005). Family sci-fi adventure, starring Josh Hutcherson and Jonah Bobo. (T) 7.25 5 News Weekend. (T) 7.30 FILM: Along Came Polly (2004). An obsessive man’s orderly routine is thrown into disarray when a wildly spontaneous old friend walks back into his life. Romantic comedy, with Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston. (T) 9.00 Once Upon a Time. Rumpelstiltskin is devastated when his wife runs off with a pirate captain, while Belle’s father is horrified his daughter has chosen to stay with Mr Gold. (T) 10.00 The Truth About

Travellers. New series. Henry McKean explores the culture of travellers in modern Ireland, looking at their communities and customs. (T) 11.00 FILM: Harry Brown (2009). Premiere. Crime thriller, starring Michael Caine. (T) 1.10 Soho Blues. (R) (T) 2.05 SuperCasino. 4.55 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 5.20 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 5.45 County Secrets. (R) (T) 5.55 Hana’s Helpline. (R) (T) 6.10 Angels of Jarm. (R) (T) 6.15 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 6.25 The Funky Valley Show. (R) (T) 6.35 Hana’s Helpline.

Sunday 28th April, 2013 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Creator and writer of cult TV show Red Dwarf, Rob Grant 18.05 The British Consulate – Important information 18.30 Viva Vitality – health and fitness tips for the summer. 19.00 Let's Talk – Simon Baldock is with 2 more interesting guests living on the Costa Blanca. 19.30 Host Your Own(series) The Costa Blanca’s answer to "Come Dine With Me" – Ep. 6 Caroline Brennan hosts a delightfully ‘fruity’ evening. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

Sunday 21th April, 2013 08:00 Sunday Inspiration with Philip Croft 10:00 The Golden Oldie Jukebox with Adrian Bridle 12:00 The Sunday Breeze with Deano 14:00 Stevie B´s Northern Soul Show 16:00 Sounds of the Seventies with Gary Jackson 17:00 Brit Rock with Dominic Forbes 20:00 The Love Zone 22:00 Classical Nights



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013

PADDY'S POINT GOLF SOCIETY - CAPTAIN'S DAY - PART ONE Wednesday 10th April, Las Colinas, Captain's Day had finally arrived. The sun was shining and everyone was in good spirits. All of the hard work that had been done in the background was over it was time to play golf. A very good turnout of 58 players firstly posed for a group photo and then watched the Captain, David McBride, drive out. The course was in excellent condition and the weather was great but the wind did pick up later in the day which was reflected in the scores. Due to very kind sponsorship we were able to offer prizes on every hole and there were many winners on the day, anyone unlucky enough not to get one of the prizes will need to keep practising for next year. Hole 1 - Arthur Lambe - Nearest Captain's drive, hole 1 - Genaro Sanchez - NTP, hole 2- Genaro Sanchez - NTP, hole 3 - Mick Ruttledge - Longest Drive, hole 3 - Liam McCreesh - NTP, hole 4 - John Croke - NTP, hole 5 - Ian Comaskey - NTP, hole 6 - Ian Knust - NTP, hole 7 - Myra Coull NTP, hole 8 - Pauline Johnson - NTP, hole 9 - Paul Cullen - NTP, hole 10 - Stuart Constable - NTP, hole 11 - Stephen McBride - Longest Drive, hole 12 - Mick Ruttledge - NTP, hole 13 - Ian Comaskey - Longest Drive, hole 14 - Pierce Kelly - NTP, hole 15 - Seamus McGerailt - NTP, hole 16 Shaun Murphy - NTP, hole 17 - Nigel Parfitt - NTP, hole 18 - Sean Quinn - Longest Drive, hole 18 - Colin McInerney - NTP. 2s pot was shared by 6

players. Best front 9 - Seamus McGerailt, Best back 9 - Gene Duffy, 1st Guest Donnie O'Sullivan, 2nd Guest - Liam McCreesh, 1st Lady - Pauline Johnson, 3rd place - Genaro Sanchez - 32 pts, 2nd place - Martin Gibson - 32 pts c/b, 1st place- John Bryan - 36 pts Many thanks to Martin, Ana and all of the staff at Las Colinas for all of their help on the day. Days like this would not be possible without the very generous sponsorship received and a very big thank you goes out to all of you who sponsored prizes. Our next event will be on Wednesday 15th May at La Finca when next year's captain Sean McCarthy drives in. If you want to play in this event put your name on the list behind the bar at Paddy's Point as places are going quickly. Please note memberships are now due and should be paid in Paddy's Point prior to the 15th of May.

SUCINA GOLF SOCIETY TUESDAY, 16 APRIL AT MAR MENOR (IRM) An Individual Stableford format for our game today, counting towards the 2013 ´Player of the Year´ trophy. 29 players turned out for a fantastic day´s golf! Weather was warm and sunny, with a gentle breeze presenting itself later in the morning which cooled things down nicely. We were also delighted to welcome additional guests who joined us today. A variety of scores were presented, and many a player found the bunkers! The author of this article being one, and found them to be very deep and full of sand! Maybe I have also found some new swear words! As another female member also agreed, trying to get out when sand also wet - was undoubtable a ¨swearable´ event! Presentation of the prizes were held afterwards on the terrace at Mar Menor. Our Division winners were:Division One: 1st John Storey - 35, 2nd Roger Major - 34, 3rd Colin

Comber - 31 Division Two: 1st Brian Kay - 35 (on c/back), 2nd Colin Griffiths - 35 (on c/back)& 3rd Christine Comber - 30 Division Three: 1st Bill Nagle - 29, 2nd Doreen Crowhurst - 27 and 3rd Frank Louwet - 26 Guest Division: 1st Place Dean Le Ray 32 points Nearest the pins went to: Hole 2 - Phil Watson ( and with a bad back!), Hole 8 - Dean Le Ray, Hole 14 - Colin Griffiths and Hole 17 - Dean Le Ray . Thanks go to the Great Golf Co who supplied our NTP prizes. Our next meeting is at La Torre, on Tuesday 21st May at 10.00am. Start list is on the Noticeboard in Franc & Louise Bar, Sucina or contact any Committee Member. All details can be found on our website:-



President’s Putter Competition at Peraleja on 15th April. We enjoyed a warm and sunny day for the annual playing of our President’s Putter Competition at Peraleja. Despite the early morning start everyone arrived in good time for the 2 tee start at 9.00am although it is true to say that many of our members were bleary eyed after watching the final round of the Masters from Augusta until the early hours of Monday morning. The course continues to have problems with a number of its fairways but nevertheless we had a splendid day with an excellent lunch being provided in the Club’s well appointed restaurant on conclusion of play. The main prizes were generously donated by the Club and we were indebted to one of our members, Charlie Chaplin, for the sponsorship of the nearest the pin prizes on the par 3’s. The Competition was an individual Stableford and the deserved winner of the trophy which was donated by our ex President Alan James in 1999, was John Edwards who scored a highly creditable 36 points. John is one of our more consistent players and has come close to winning the event a number of times previously. This time he was not to be denied and was a comfortable winner by 4 points from his closest challenger. The full list of winners on the day were: Category 1: 1st John Edwards with 36 points. 2nd Tom Clarke with 31 points. 3rd David Banton with 30 points on count back Ron Smith also 30 points in this category. Category 2: 1st Roy Welburn with 32 points. 2nd John Saunders with 30 points. 3rd Jack Molenaar with 29 points. Nearest the Pin prizes were won by Alan James, Dean Charles, John Steer, John Edwards and John Saunders and the 2’s competition was shared by Alan James and Dean Charles who both came close to recording holes in one. Next weeks competition at La Serena will be a “Texas Scramble” and members should check their tee times on the web site or the notice board in the Portobello Bar in Campoverde. Contact: Geoff Walters, Secretary, Tel 966 763 369 or email

A short drive down the motorway was the setting for April’s outing of the society where 24 players looked forward to a nice sunny day and a good test of golf. The forecast looked to be all wrong when the morning started off with a lot of cloud cover but luckily for us, this burnt off and by the time we teed off, the sun was beginning to burn it’s way through. The condition of the course was very good and with only a minimal amount of wind blowing, everybody was hoping for a decent score (water hazards permitting). Most of the players found the greens running fairly true but the difficulty was in getting the pace right, with many a shot racing past the hole and a tricky putt coming back ! The majority of members had all played here before and were well stocked with balls but there were still a fair few lost on the day and never to be seen again in the watery graves that pass as hazards on this course. Nearest the pin winners on the front nine were John Fullicks on the third and Stuart Tosh on the ninth. On the back nine it was Larry Kinsella and again Stuart Tosh on the seventeeth. The par three winner was Brian Ead with twelve points much to the disgust of his wife Nikki with eleven points. The par five winner was Andy Trefry with nine points and beating Steve Edwards by virtue of having a lower handicap. Scores in the main stableford competition were quite good with eleven players scoring thirty points or better. In third place was John Fullicks with thirty four points. In second place was Dave Smith with thirty five points and the winner and only player to break par was Stuart Tosh with a score of thirty seven points and a slight reduction to his already low playing handicap. We all returned to Sams Bar in Quesada where Maureen laid on a very welcome meal of “chilli” that went down a treat. Next meeting is at Altorreal on 15-5-13. Details of the society can be obtained from John Kemp on 605195056 or at


‘Mike Probert talks Golf Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services. Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. ARE GOLF RULES FOR BREAKING??? Last week the avid golfer will have watched the wonderful spectacle that is the US Master’s but unfortunately also witnessed the worst example of ‘sanctioned’ rule breaking I have ever seen. Of course I am talking about the incorrect penalty drop taken by Tiger Woods when he chose to ignore the prepared dropping zone and drop as near as possible to where he played the ‘unlucky’ 3rd shot that went into the water, Unfortunately he confirmed to golf commentators that he had ‘deliberately’ dropped the ball 2 yards further away from where he had played the shot first time around to avoid a repeat of the same problem, This is the biggest case of guilty by big mouth that I have ever seen and he should have received a disqualification rather than a 2 shot penalty which was only one more than a scared 14 year old kid was given for playing slowly in what must have been the most frightening experience of his life. Can you imagine of the uproar that would have been generated if Tiger Wood had gone on to win the tournament. In recent years he has brought the wonderful game of golf into dispute with his antics off the course and spitting and swearing on it so he would have regained some degree of respect from the golfing public if he had disqualified himself BUT then again this would be too much to expect from someone who appears morally corrupt. We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you. Golf Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Corvera La Finca La Peraleja La Marquesa La Serena Las Colinas Las Ramblas Roda Villamartin Vistabella

Price €92 €48 €55 €90 €145 €260 €145 €102 €95 €150 €188 €118 €228 €83

Comments Two Players and Buggy Single Player and Buggy (pre 9.30am) Two Players and Buggy (Mon and Fri) Two Players and Buggy Four Players and Two Buggies Four Players and Two Buggies Four Players and Two Buggies Two Players and Buggy (Sun’s only) Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy (limited times) Four Players and Two Buggies Two Players and Buggy (after 2pm) Four Players and Two Buggies Two Players and Buggy (weekends)

For bookings and more information contact Mike at or direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 quoting reference LEADER. Golfing Weather Watch Slightly cloudy start to the beginning of the week with just the hint of rain but with wall to wall sunshine in the middle of the week. Hollow Tining Watch Alenda – 22nd-23rd April Desert Springs – 22nd-23rd April La Manga (South) – 22nd-26th April Vistabella – 22nd-27th April Quotation of the week “Pog Mo Thoin” – Well known Irish proverb



966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

TORREVIEJA LADIES DARTS ORGANISATION Final Results - As the season draws to a close, the final results have been coming in: League Format El Balcon Chicas 1-8 Wildcats Dave's Babes 6-3 Friendly's Temps Alternative Format Black Dog Ladies 4 - 3 Friendly's Temps Dave's Babes 1 - 6 El Balcon Chicas Friendly Games Wildcats 4 - 3 Labas Dollies Black Dog Ladies 4 - 5 Labas Dollies Diana Lloyd Memorial Shield Black Dog Ladies 5 – 4Dave’s Babes The Black Dog Ladies go through to the next round to play El Balcon Chicas, and Dave’s Babe’s will play against our new team Labas Dollies, for the Consolation Cup. This will be

played next Tuesday, the 24th April at the neutral venue El Balcon. An exciting match is on the cards. 180 - Congratulations to Caroline Shepherd for scoring her very first 180. Well Done, and let us hope there will be many more to come. Hot Darts: Ann McGivern 147 + 100x2, Ann Wharton 140 + 134, Shirley Stephenson 140 + 120, Yvonne McKinsosh 140, Carole Evans 137 + 133, June Howarth 134, Shirley Ward 133 + 117 + 100, Julie Musa 133 + 100, Diane Sutton 132, Pam Horton 130, Martelle Cheater 123, Lin Couzins 118 + 114 + 101 +100, Joy Don 118 + 100x2, Linda Coyne 118, Jane Kelly 117, Susanne Casey 110 + 100, Noreen Dobbs 108, Glyniss Gladman 105, Jeannie Parrish 104, Jackie Tomkinson 104,

Laima Klimoniene 103, Jane Bettell 101, Pauline Lockley 100x3 10th Anniversary Presentation Dinner The Special Presentation Dinner will be held on 11th May 2013 and details of the Dinner have been issued to Captains, along with your voting slip for the Player’s Team of the Year Award. Now is the time to start getting your menu choices and voting slip in to me. I will be contacting Captains to make sure I have all the correct Ton plus for each team. If there are any Ladies still around from Tropico or Kelly’s Heroes as they later became, I would like to hear from them, especially if you played for either of these teams and would like to attend the Dinner, please contact me on 96 571 0066. Thank you. Pam Horton


ABBEY ANGLING MATCH FISHING The 4th round of the Spring Series was once again fished at the Embalsa de Pedrera on the 16th April due to the other venues still being flooded. The lower access to Barbel bay and Barbel point is now underwater with the water still rising, the work has ceased at present where the water runs into the lake and it is no longer running down the concrete gulley but down the natural bank which has eroded a deep gulley and depositing silt which is washing into the lake and colouring the water. The fish are still taking hemp and

tares along with other baits and the weights continue to improve. 1st Stan (The Man) Roberts with 17.680kg fishing the waggler using hemp and maggot 2nd Ian (The Wizard) Dalzell with 16.920kg fishing the feeder using hemp 3rd Andy (The Web Man) Stevenson with15.160kg fishing the feeder using sweet corn All details are available on our web site or from the Match Secretary Terry Screen on 965328368

EURONICS THURSDAY DART LEAGUE “THE ELECTRICAL SHOP” - BLUE LAGOON RESULTS – 18 APRIL 2013 Breakaways Rendezvous Los Toros Pb´s Pirates The Hub Meerkats Madigans Hattons Honeys Breeze Bar

8-4 6-6 7-5 10-2 5-7 4-8 7-5

Pint Depot All Stars Hattons Hunks The Hub Hyenas Gogarty´s Gophers Sporting Misfits Busters Mirador Mixtures

Results of Postponed Matches The Hub Hyenas 9-3 The Hub Hyenas 3-9 League Table Gogarty´s Gophers Rendezvous Los Toros The Hub Meerkats The Hub Hyenas Hattons Hunks Busters Madigans Breakaways Pb´S Pirates Breeze Bar Sporting Misfits Hattons Honeys Pint Depot All Stars Mirador Mixtures

P 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

W 21 20 20 16 12 12 11 9 10 8 5 3 0 0

Hattons Honeys Gogarty´s Gophers D 2 4 2 3 5 4 3 5 3 2 3 1 4 3

L 1 0 3 5 7 8 10 10 11 14 16 20 20 21

F 218 208 193 182 158 159 162 149 128 120 124 70 76 79

A 70 80 95 106 130 127 126 139 160 168 164 218 212 209

Pts 44 44 40 35 29 28 25 23 23 18 13 7 4 3

180s Terry Hagenaars x 4, Graham Dunning, Amanda Skinner (Rendezvous), Jim Cheevers (PB´s Pirates), George Caine (Misfits), Mark Farmer, Jim Macey-Lillie, Des Field (Madigans), Derek Kingsbury, John Eyre x 2 (Meerkats), Mike Snow (Breakaways), Paul Baxter (Breeze Bar), Mark Todd, James Brown, Paul Easton (Gogarty´s), Peter Ayres (PB´s) 171s Tony Beverley (Breeze Bar), Graham Todd (Meerkats), Martin Hastings, Ron Chadwick (Rendezvous) Highest game shot Eddie Bendelow (Hub Meerkats) 157 (T20,T19,D20) Best single Mark Farmer (Madigans) 15 darts A re-arranged match before this week´s fixture placed Gogarty´s firmly at the top of the pile, although just by the one point. A respectable haul of 17 tons and ton pluses were recorded by the Gophers against the dangerous, but unpredictable Hub Hyenas. James Brown 1x100,1x121,1x125 and a fine 81 out (S19,T10,D16), Ali O´Keeff 2x100,2x140 and Paul Easton 3x100,1x140 were the main scorers for the visitors, with Lee Holtham 3x100 and Joe Miller 1x97,2x100 replying for the Hyenas. It was a fine

performance for the champions elect but the complete opposite of what was to follow when they visited the other Hub side the Meerkats this week. A measly 4 tons coupled with some less than accurate finishing with the exception to James Brown´s 2 game shots, were all the Gophers could muster against the current champions. There was no comparison to their previous match and captain Bill Warburton couldn’t quite explain his team´s poor performance. He commented ¨admittedly we were without Ali O´Keeff and Mark Todd which I am sure could have reduced the score line, but if we are not careful our match next week against PB´s could prove costly, with a similar performance. We missed too many chances against a decent side, but I am confident you will see a different Gogarty´s in our remaining two matches¨. The Gophers were 5-0 down before Brown hit D12 and even that was after a miscount on a shot out from Meerkat Tomas Piwczyk. Alex Nikolov 3x100,D4 and John Eyre 100,121 and a 60 out (S20,D20) had done the earlier damage Piwczyk adding a 56 out (S16,D20). Brown followed his D12 with a singles victory against Danas Bobinas on D10 after both players had hit two tons apiece. In a high scoring second single current in-form man Gopher Paul Easton scored well against Alan Ostrowski 2x100,81 and D10 but just couldn’t find the form he is capable of which was a direct reflection of many of his team mates. Eyre took out 90 on T18,D18 against Chris O´Brien, before Paul Durrant 2x100,D5 and Eddie Bendelow 2x100,D10 finished off the remaining two legs against Kevin Fitzpatrick and Jack Todd respectively. Meerkats totalled 15 tons and over during the evening. Saving factor for Gogarty´s was the surprise home draw from the Bulls against the Hunks. Its very tight for the league championship, Gogarty´s let it slip last season in the very last game, will it happen again? We will have to wait until May 2nd. The title will not be decided before then but what a championship, good luck to both teams. The fight for the Hattons League Plate is as close a tussle as the league title itself. For the past few weeks both Breakaways and the PB´s Pirates have been locked together on equal points, losing and winning matches in much the same ratio. PB´s had a deserved but unexpected victory this week over fourth placed Hub Hyenas to keep the pressure on Breakaways. Surprise of the match was Gill Kirby and Sue Sanderson taking on the Hyenas of Joe Miller (Monday Singles Champion) and Richie Weaver (aka William Hill) and beating them. Despite a 140 from Miller to set up a finish for partner Weaver, it was Sanderson who stepped up to the oche to nail D14. Best finish of the night went to captain Ray Sanderson when requiring 46. His first dart slipped in D6 (when going for S10 or S6), leaving 34 (D17). Not being as accurate as he once was, his next arrow hit D3 leaving 28 (D14). Composing himself with a stiff brandy his last dart found the middle of the double for an amazing D6,D3,D14 check out. Pirate Peter Ayre acquitted himself well in his singles with 2x100,1x140 as did Hub captain Simon Williams with 1x140 and 1x121. A valuable two points for the Pirates. Mirador Mixtures couldn’t quite achieve a sixth leg for a match point in

their game against the Breeze Bar. Debbie Mackleston got the Mixtures off to a flyer on D2, followed by D10 from Tracey Simpson for 0-2. Dave Wright D2, partnered Mackleston to take one of the pairs, the Breezers taking the other two for level scores at half time. The first two singles were shared, before Mackleston faced singles finalist Jane Kelly, both scored well with Kelly leaving 116. A brilliant T20,S20,D18 followed to complete the 501 points. Wright 100,87 levelled the scores at 5 apiece, only for the Breezers to take the last two and a 7-5 score. Hattons Honeys were unlucky not to get a point from their home match against the Busters. Top scorers for the Honeys were Simone de Lacy 110, Ray Green 100 and Phil de Lacy 115 and 129. Busters however were a little more accurate on the treble 20 with numerous tons and over. Mark Filer 100,140, Irene Russell 100,119 and 132, Peter O´Rourke 135,120 and Will Drummond 126. A fine performance from the Playa Flamenca side which gives them the possibility of repeating last year´s performance of 5th place. Competition semi-finals will be played on May 9th at Breakaways to include Mens Singles quarter-finals, Pairs semi-finals and Ladies semifinals. Ladies Singles player profiles as follows: Jane Kelly - Plays for the Breeze Bar and for the past 14 years has lived in a posh area of the Costa Blanca (wherever that is). Answers to the name of Olive and lists her favourite food as fish and chips, but only from the Breeze Bar. Loves watching the pros in the McCoys PremLeague on Sky TV naming Paul ¨Bullseye¨ Baxter as her favourite player. Title odds 5/1. Babs Warren - Last season´s runner up to Amanda Skinner hoping to go one better this time. Her football team is Tottenham, obviously someone with taste, Gareth Bale being her favourite player. Her choice of two dinner companions would be Cliff Richard and Michael Buble, where she would drink Vodka all night and discuss all the action from the hit soap Emmerdale. Title odds 2/1. Shirley Roberts - Represents Busters alongside ¨Babs¨ and has lived in Spain for 9 years. Is an ardent supporter of Wales Rugby team which is where she was born. Similarly she would dine with two singers George Michael and Peter Andre (questionable) but would breakfast with partner Mark Filer. Likes nothing better than watching anything medical on TV whilst consuming a curry takeaway. Title odds 5/2. Leah Chesworth - Former belly dancer, Leah now plays for and runs Madigans bar with partner Karl, whom she lists as her only child. Originally from Africa, her preferred darts are Sonya Cooper´s 22g. Just about remembers Fatima Whitbread winning Olympic Gold, which is where her interest in darts originates. Now owns 3 javelins for practice. Likes nothing more than cuddling up with a picture of Richard Gere to watch Mastermind. Title odds 5/1. Other profiles next week. Listen to darts chit chat on Exite Radio 89.2FM or 93.1FM live on Saturday between 3 and 4 p.m. Paul Durrant, League Chairman



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013




966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

QUESADA BOWLS CLUB Blenheims Report Fri 11-4-13 After a good first round win against San Luis the Blenheims flew over to Emerald Isle, Barbara Eldred the Victors Captain welcomed us out onto a newly cleaned green on a beautiful sunny day. Perfect conditions for what was a briliant game, the result could have gone either way after 15 ends, however Quesada Blenheims with some great shots & an excellent team Spirit ground out an 11 points to 3 win. Derek Toozer`s rink winning by 1, Graham Philipsrink winning by 3 & Jackie Breslin managing a draw after all being behind with 3 ends to play, showed the team has a fighting spirit. Names are required for the next games commencing 22nd April Greenlands away & Country Bowls at home. Again not a lot to report this week other than we had a visit from County Antrim Bowling Club on Monday past & a good time was had by all players & as expected because we knew the green Quesada came out on top winning 2 out of 3 rinks on a glorious sunny day. On Tuesday 16th April. The Quasada Bowls Club Social Committee invited the Club members who took part in providing hanging baskets for the green at the bowls Club, to join them for a meal as a thank you for their support in this project. This was an idea by Club member and Social Club committee Member Chip Chapman, who suggested that a few of the members donated and looked after a hanging basket to brighten up the appearance of the Club. There was going to be a prize for the best basket, but they were all so lovely we thought a joint celebration was more appropriate!

With no league fixtures it has been a quiet week for many of our members. However, for some bowlers who have been involved in the Champion of Champions it has been very, very busy. Our 'Fantastic Three', Giuseppe Galelli, Alan Pugh and Kath Reid have been involved every day, sometimes playing three matches on the same day. However, we are all hoping that Saturday brings them success when, with Bryan Guppy, they play in the final of the Mixed Rinks; fingers crossed that success comes their way. Congratulations to Ann Allen, Giuseppe Galelli, Bryan Guppy, Alan Pugh and Kath Reid for representing Horadada Bowls Club in the true manner of the sport, and to the supporters who travelled every day to

Quesada Bowls Club Committee 2013 President Mike Lamberton 96 671 8708 Vice-President Pearl Houghton 96 671 7704 Secretary Deidre Leeming 96 671 9439 Treasurer Joe Riley 96 572 5787 Captain George Skinner 96 671 8201 Vice-Captain Doug Beattie 96 618 4962 Match Secretary John Watson 96 599 6665 Competitions Sec. -Committee Member Peta Rhodes 96 599 2873 Commitee Member Margaret Smith 96 572 4200

CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS at El Rancho the quarter final Ladies Singles paired our own Sabrina Marks against Lyn Greenland from Greenland’s, Drawn on Rink 8 a challenging rink would be an understatement, both ladies produced quality bowls towards the Scoreboard end but both struggled to find any consistency playing back to the spectators end. The game ebbed and flowed as expected to eventually arrive at 18-18. Lyn scored a single to lead 1918,on the next end Sabrina trailed the jack to hold 2, Lyn managed to secure 3rd wood leaving Sabrina a last wood draw for the game. Close with the last but no cigar 20-19 in Sab's favour, Lyn then held a single with last wood for the win just missing with her last left the game tied at 20-20. Playing back to the stable end the rink was winning again, Lyn lay closest a yard away, which Sabrina struggled to beat 21-20 well

Non Committee Positions Costa Blanca Umpires’ & Markers’ Rep. Nigel Baigent 96 607 8629 Membership Sec. Joe Riley 96 572 5787 Press Officer Doug Beattie 96 618 4962

the Championship matches at Greenland’s and El Rancho. Chicken and Eggs 10th April. Chicken Eric Picton, Wine Brian Thomason, Eggs Dave Wade. Saturday Hamper 13th April Winners Anne Cranwell, Jean James, John Lincoln. Chicken and Eggs 18th April Chicken. Dave Wake. Wine. Phil. Simpkin. Eggs. Ian. Crawford. If you wish to take up a new sport, and want make new friends, with a little gentle exercise, you will be made very welcome. Bowls and shoes can be hired and tuition arranged. New members are always welcome. Ring Jim or Lyn on 690190523 and they will help, or call in at La Siesta Bowls Club at Calle Rossini, La Siesta Urbanisation. If any members know of any business or sponsors they think would, help with sponsoring these reports, please contact any committee member or ask them to call THE LEADER directly. Thank you.



This suggestion was taken up by a lot of the members and has certainly been a talking point by visiting Clubs. Some of the visitors have taken this idea away with them to suggest it to their own Clubs. Attending on Tuesday were:Diane and Jo Riley, Cas and Aubrey Blay. Margaret Smith, Pauline Orange, Ruth and Nick Birch, Yvonne and Jim Maher, Chip amd Glynis Chapman, Pam and David Donovan. Bridget Cant, Steve and Maggie Gray, Nigel and Jane Baigent A lovely meal with great company was enjoyed at The Nan King Restaurant in Benijofar A few of our members who took part in this project are away bowling in Cyprus so were unable to attend, Jackie Breslin, Peta Rhodes, John Muldoon.

LA SIESTA BOWLS CLUB by Norman Adcroft Harrier League Hornets and Wasps. Friday12th April. The Hornets were at home today against Mazarron. Again the result doesn’t show how close things were with points 4-10 and shots 101-104 in favour of Mazarron. Our winning rinks were Hilary Clarke, George Seaman, Roy Millward 28-11, Irene Laverick, Dave Laverick, Gary Thorpe 23-10 Well done to our friendly Gill Sheldon, Sheila Millward & John Clarke 21-20. The Wasps were away to La Marina Navigators and came away with a creditable 6 points. Winning on 3 rinks. Our winners were, Barbara. Cooper, Dave Eccles, Jack Cooper 30-8 (super score) Jean Brassington, Bill Jordan, Trevor Brassington 13-12 (picking up one shot on last end) Joy Gardiner, Sue Jordan Jean Cooper 18-14 (picking up 4 on the last end). Overall shots went to La Marina 100-94. Well done Wasps. No Games for the Hornets and Wasps last week due to

El Rancho or Greenlands. Vistabella Open - The final of Vistabella Open took place on Sunday, 14th of April and Giuseppe Galelli, Alan Pugh and Kath Reid came away with a tremendous win.The three have worked very hard for this victory and we all applaud their triumph. It does not get any more difficult than having to compete against Keith Jones and his team in the semi finals! Well done to you all! On a sad note, Horadada Bowls Club was very sad to hear of the death of Viv Zelin from La Marina BC. Horadada BC wish to offer our sympathy to her family and everyone at La Marina B.C.

SAN MIGUEL BOWLS CLUB by Janet Thomas played Lyn. Sabrina would like to thank the San Miguel members for their fantastic support and special thanks to Bob and Paula for making the trip. In the ladies pairs Janet Farmer and Sheila Booth were drawn against two experienced ladies from the Emerald Isle. After initial problems with the El Rancho rink both teams settled down and produced an absorbing match. The San Miguel ladies held their own and with only three ends to go were only 15-12 down. Despite producing some excellent play over the last three ends they could not make up the difference. Both ladies can be proud of their performance and did not let San Miguel down. Jan and Sheila would like to thank the travelling Club Members for their enthusiastic support. San Miguel Bowls Club is sponsored by Iberian Funeral Plans. Any information on the Club please contact Eileen Potts 966730376



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Monday, 22nd April, 2013




966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

TORREVIEJA TO HOST FEMALE FOOTBALL CAMP The Torrevieja Sports City will host the Women's Football Campus II "Sonia Bermudez", which will be held from July 28 to August 4, with places limited to 100 girls from 6 to 16 years of age. The announcement was made by the former FC Torrevieja goalkeeper and Councillor for Sports, Luis María Pizana, along with the president of the CD Sonia Bermúdez de Madrid, Thomas Moran, and Sonia Bermudez, who was accompanied by the goalkeeper of FC Barcelona, Laura Rafols. The summer camp is expected to attract some of the very best young female footballers from around the country Girls will receive technical training where they will work specifically at improving aspects of their footballing qualities, plus they will watch football videos to learn new skills. Although the campus football is female, is also open to boys. The first deadline for applications will be 31 May with the second from 1 to 5 July 2013. The registration fee will be 535 euros which will include full board and accommodation at the Hotel Cabo Cervera. Also included will be escorted trips to Madrid and Barcelona, all transfers and travel plus playing kits, a backpack, liability insurance and individual insurance for each participant.

There will be 10 guaranteed scholarships for players of FC base Torrevieja. Sonia Bermudez is one of the top scorers of the 1st Division with FC Barcelona and regular player in the Spanish National team. She has won the national league championship on 4 occasions, the Queen's Cup once and she has played in the UEFA Women's Champions League. She will again be representing Spain in the European Championship which will be held from 10 to 28 July in Sweden. Before that, however, Sonia will be personally directing each practice session at the campus which she hopes will produce more quality players for one of the nation’s fastest growing sports. The first edition of the Campus held last year attracted girls from 13 different regions.


HAPPY DAYS GS AT MAR MENOR We set of from Marinasol restaurant in Cabo Roig on a beautiful golfing day for our first of the month society day at Mar Menor. Upon arrival we were treated excellent by all the staff at Mar Menor as usual, and are glad we have many more society games at the 6 courses. The captain decided on an individual Stableford competition so that the handicap Secretary could have a mid season look at the society handicaps and adjust accordingly, (plus solicit some few drinks). Has usual we returned back to Marinasol Restaurant (our sponsors) for the excellent food and good drink and even better company for the presentation. This society like to give as many prizes to as many members as possible, thus the prizes went to the following winners. 1st Place - Ken Farrow with 40 points, 2nd - Roddy bruce (36), 3rd - Chris Blown (34), 4th - Jeff Luke (32

C/B) and 5th - Nigel Cawthra (32 C/B). Front 9 - Steve Naish 19 points, Back 9 - Pete Cowan (20). Best score on Par 3's - Gordon Donovan (10), Par 4's - Robin Hanna (21) and Par 5's - Stewart Black (10). NTP's went to Dave Naylor (Hole 2), Gerry McGrath (Hole 8), Chris Blown (Holes 14 & 17). Two two's were achieved Chris Blown on Hole 17 and more remarkable Ken Farrow on a Par 4 with a Driver and 7 Iron combo. Nice to see Ken in the winning enclosure again and also playing with the society again after his sad loss. The society wishes you well. The next game is on Tuesday 23rd April, but monies to be paid at Marinasol restaurant on the Monday prior. Happy Golfing to you all. Nigel Cawthra (Junior Scribe).


by Steve Hibberd


Saturday 13th April was the annual Chaiman's team (Mike Farrelly) Versus the Captain's team (Colin Armitage). The result was a convincing victory for the Captains team. They won on 4 rinks, drew on one and lost on won. Overall the score was 9 points to Captains and 3 points to Chairman's. A good morning was had

by all 48 members who took part in the competition. The bowling was followed by a 1 or 3 drinks during which time the Chairman's wife Barbara presented the trophy to the victorious Captain. The Captain then presented commemorative glasses to the best winning rink of Babs Caiger, Keith Simpson, Fred Charman and skip Dave Melville. The successful teams for the Captain's side were Lynne Armitage, Ken White, Danny King and skip Colin Armitage. Shiela Roberts, Mick Soars, Dave Buckland and skip Joe Ridley. Jan Soars, Ethel Finan, John Caiger and skip Alan Ashberry along with the best winning rink. For the Chairman's team the winning rink was Pauline Poulson, Ken Poulson, David Eades and skip Harry Dobson. The Chairman had some success as skip of the rink that drew. Thanks to all for a successful morning. For any information about joining our club or fixture details please contact the club captain Colin Armitage. Tel: 966 619 010 Ext. 01066. (Sponsored by Super Valu)

Both our teams are in the Spring SABA Spitfire league, and as per usual, they met each other in the opening fixture. Reigning champions Gladiators came out on top 12-2, against fellow bowlers Glosters. Sole winners for Glosters were B Norris, L & B Miller 19-14. Five winning rinks for Gladiators were: M Newall, J O'Brian, J Wray 24-6. N Bater, N Cork, D O'Sullivan 22-16. N Inwood, T French, B Collins 17-16. J Collins, H Cork, V Mahomet 21-13. J Clements, S Mahomet, S Cantley 21-10. Gladiators travelled to San Miguel for game #2, where alas they lost on all rinks to the Moors. At home to Country Bowls Foxes, Glosters earned 6 points, when they won on 3 rinks, but lost overall on shots. Here's the winners: F Tilley, S Hibberd, J Parker 18-11. B Doran, L Morris, K Parker 15-13. J Thompson, S Heath, J Redfern 16-15. In the annual Bulls v Bears trophy for our 2 Fed 4s teams, plenty of good bowling was on display, rounded off by a well deserved meal in the club restaurant. Although the Bulls come out on top, both teams can be proud of a successful season, in which the Bears won div 2, whilst the Bulls finished 3rd in div 1. Winning rinks for Bulls were: B & B Sims, M Veale, S Cantley 24-14. S Stead, G Bater, M Brown, S Hibberd 14-11. The drawn rink (13-13) was between M Mackay, A Toozer, B Miller, L Greenland (Bulls) and T Coombs, K Parker, F & M Edwards.

When the Isle of Wight bowls touring team came to play us last Weds, we were treated to a splendid rendition of 'The Islanders bowls aria', which was sung at the end of a most enjoyable match. The next scheduled touring match is on Sun 26 May (10 for 10.30), when we host Aberdon BC, who hail from Aberdeen, Scotland. The club una, dos, tres league, was won by Val Duchart, Jim Reeves & Phil Heyes, who beat Yvonne Dutton, Averil Toozer & John Wray in the final, 58-51.




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Monday, 22nd April, 2013




966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013

EVERYTHING NOW POINTS TOWARD TORRY SURVIVAL FC TORREVIEJA .............3 CF LA NUCIA ...................1 A beautiful afternoon, a superb stadium, good opposition and a team fighting for it’s life. All of the ingredients surely to guarantee a packed house at the Nelson Mandela for Sunday evening’s Tercera encounter between relegation threatened FC Torrevieja and playoff chasing La Nucia; but unfortunately you would be wrong! But it was very much the loss of the stay away fans as this was a match that provided first class entertainment and, for Torry supporters, a thrilling climax to a well deserved win that should go a long way toward securing their survival at this level, Torry set out their stall from the very start taking the game to their promotion chasing visitors with both Manu and Koeman testing the La Nucia keeper early on. The pressure was all one way so it came as no real surprise when Gasch slammed the ball into the back of the net on 17 minutes to give the home side an early

lead. Further opportunities fell to the home side but the visitors gradually came back into the game with Tur being forced into a couple of good saves. He turned away one powerful shot from skipper Jorge before saving with his legs late in the half. Although they held the lead at the interval Koemann could have doubled the Torrevieja goal tally just before the half time whistle but he shot straight at the keeper when through on goal. The second period saw the visitors draw level from the spot after Rafa was penalised for pushing in the box. Former Torry player Petu sent Tur the wrong way. But this was the signal for the home side to raise their game. We all thought that the lead had been restored on 58 minutes when Koeman rounded the La Nucia keeper but somehow a defender got back to clear off the line. Burgillos went close with a header and Koeman lobbed the ball just over the bar before the same player slipped the ball under the diving keeper following an exquisite pass from Luis Carlos on 80 minutes. Dani also had a good effort in stoppage time at Torry went in search of a 3rd. An excellent win that should ease the pressure somewhat at teams go into the final half dozen games of the season. Next week Borriol.

SALINAS HAT TRICK BOOKS PLAY OFFS FOR HORADADA ASPE CF .........................1 UD HORADADA .............4 So with just four games of the season remaining Horadada are now certain of a place in the play offs. Following Saturday’s draw between Callosa and Alcoyano, victory at mid table Aspe on Sunday afternoon assured the Reds of a top three finish, and with 3 of their remaining 4 games as home it could still be even better. But going into Sundat Horadada knew that they had to improve on recent results. With just one point from their last two games, in view of the Almoradi victory a day earlier at home to Hercule, the Redfs knew that anything less than three points would see them losing touch with their near neighbours. Any sizeable deficit would perhaps be too much of a margin to overturn but to keep the league leaders within touching distance at this stage and with a marginally easier run in the league positions could still change again on the back of just one victory or defeat. Despite the defeat Aspe CF have to be congratulated on the wonderful occasion they made of this game. Gate proceeds were donated to charity, with balls and signed t shirts handed out to spectators at half time. Unfortunately UD Horadada rather spoiled the party, or more specifically Salinas with three first half goals. The opener came just 8 mins into the game. A free kick in midfield was played to del Bano who crossed onto the head of Salinas to beat Fernando in the Aspe

goal. The same player then doubled the Horadada lead 12 minutes later. Again it was a pinpoint header, this time the provider was Javi Rosa. With the home side unable to thwart the intense Horadada pressure Salinas had his third just 6 minutes before the half time interval. Vardan took the ball to the line before crossing to Salinas who swept the ball past Fernando for his first hat trick in a Horadada shirt. Unfortunately the euphoria enjoyed by Horadada fans didn’t extend into the 2nd period. The Reds were simply awful. Fortunately the defence still managed to stand firm at least until the 85th minute when Campillo and Alex jointly conceded a penalty. Samu picked himself off the ground to find the back of the net. As the game then drifted toward the final whistle Esnsa restored Horadada’s three goal cushion with a strike following excellent work by both Javi and super sub Samu. So now with the hard work done and a play off place achieved there will be slightly less pressure on Reds as they try to make inroads into Almoradi’s 2 point lead during the final 4 games of the season. Remaining Games: Horadada Almoradi El Campello (h) Alicante (a) Alicante (h) Villajoyosa (a) Alcoyano (a) Contestano Alguena (h) Villena (a)

DISMAL DAYA MARCH ON Almoradi Infantiles 0 Daya Nueva 2 From the opening whistle Daya tore into the home side but after 10 minutes of constant pressure the game was somehow still goalless. The longer the half went on the more Almoradi grew in confidence but they lacked any real threat up front. On 30 minutes Daya came closest to scoring when three good chances saw the ball pinging about in the home side's penalty area but it just wouldn't go in the net ! On the stroke of half time Francisco spared the visitors' blushes scoring with a good free kick from distance. So 1 - 0 at the break but it should have been many many more. The second half started with constant pressure from the visitors but there was more control now about their play. On 43 minutes Youseff replaced Marcos in the Daya forward line and on 45 minutes scored Daya's

second. This goal allowed the visitors a more relaxed approach to the remainder of the game and surely more goals would follow ? On 60 minutes Almoradi had their best chance of the game but they failed to score. Daya hit back with two good chances of their own but just couldn't score. For all their efforts the visitors had to settle for a 2 - 0 win. Although they scored just the two goals Daya never looked to be in any danger of losing this match. On a cold Saturday morning the small group of supporters from Daya had little to warm them up as their team's performance was uninspiring. Still a win is a win and they continue to chase down the leaders, Cox, who hold a one point advantage going in to this weekend's games. Daya Dave. Team Sponsor: Segurlab


THADER WIN SECURES LEAGUE PLACE CD Thader 2 Algueña CF 0 We turned up to one of the lowest attendances of the season as we asked ourselves ‘will Thader continue to put in their normal game against the league’s bottom team’? However, the home side looked lively enough at the start but they need to calm down and play. The first good chance and Thader should have done better as an early opportunity was hit woefully wide. Despite the silly fouls which can easily spoil a game the ref, at this stage, was on top of it. Thader were continually making the better chances but there was no end result, all going too wide or high. The fans were a little bit confused after the last home game against high flying Horadada, the best game they have seen this season. What's gone wrong? If either team could put two passes together we could mistake this for a game. The action seemed to be based on the musical ‘Pin Ball Wizard’ this half. They go in 0-0 with not much for the

fans. A half best forgotten. The second period started with a little excitement, a speculative effort from Lloyd. Then we had a good cross from Adrian which saw Adriano head just wide. The visitors were then reduced to ten men, a ball played in and the defender handled; not only a penalty but he found himself away to the dressing room reducing a now struggling team. The pen was converted by Avilles and Thader were ahead. Two mins later and a free kick saw Lloyd convert with a well taken volley to make it 2-0 which his efforts for the team undoubtedly deserved. Although they were playing ten Thader were running the game but not taking the advantage, however we have been subjected to the best ten mins of the game, although from past experience we still they need to be careful. All's well that ends well and Thader had the points, which should just about secure their place for next season. Next week away to Benidorm.

MIL PALMERAS WEEKLY ROUNDUP Prebens 2006 Sponsored by Fuegos La Fuente Rojales A 2 Mil Palmeras 2 Great start to the match on Saturday. Lacey and Makenna in defence, Kevin and Thomas in the centre and Mason up front and with no subs. We went 0-1 up in the first 5 minutes of the match with a great throw in from Makenna, Thomas controlled it and passed it to Mason who had a go at goal, but it was stopped by the Rojales defence, but rebounded off and back to Kevin who shot and scored. We then scored another goal from a strategy corner played by Thomas and Kevin and went 0-2 up. But just a few minutes from half time Rojales managed to notch in a goal, taking half time to 1-2. Got stuck in again the second half and dominated most of the second half, Lacey and Makenna strong at the back not letting Rojales get by them, we had a few more chances at goal, but did not manage to get them in the net. We held our own until a few minutes from the end of the match, where I think tiredness creep in on our part and Rojales just managed to sneak past us and get the last goal in, taking the score to 2-2. Some really great saves from Dylan and well done to Mason, some great headers out there. Lacey and Makenna great in defence and some hard work from Kevin and Thomas. MOM: Makenna Tomlinson for all her hard work in defence. Benjamines CF Mil Palmeras 7 Jacarilla B 3 Sponsored By Sunshine FM 102.8 The Toros took their time getting into this match but made their class show in the end .After a frustrating first 10mins the Toros started to take charge of the match with Ben Naylor finding the back of the net .Jacarilla shot from the center just squeezing the ball between Diego Sheffield's hands and the Cross Bar . Moments later Jacarilla coverted a long range freekick to go ahead of the Toros .With Aron Beng , Niomi

Sheffield and Paolo Webb looking assured at the back the Toros midfield went on the rampage with first Luca Webb than David Milton - Stamm scoring from some lovely passing to finish the half 3-2 . Second half and CF Mil Palmeras turned the pressure on with Luke Naylor and Bailey Tomlinson controling the center of the pitch and Diego rushing Jacarilla's defense .Ben bagged 2 goals in the first 10 mins but Jacarilla managed to get 1 goal back . David finished the match off with 2 goals from Diego's crosses to leave the score 7-3. A well deserved victory which keeps the Toros joint first in the league . MOM Diego Sheffield strong in goal, great passing . Sponsored by Talleres J Martinez Ford garage Mil Palmeras Alevines 3 Benejuzar 5 Another creditable performance against 3rd placed Benejuzar Mil Palmeras roared into a two goal lead within ten minutes as we forced the opponents back into their own half with great spells of pressure, with a poke into the corner from Agustin and a real thunder buster from Lewis and could have made it three with a narrow miss. But the gremlins crept in again with a lack of concentration in marking and we conced two goals in two minutes to go in level at the break. Halftime 2-2. The second half started steadily but ten minutes in we conceded a third and for the second game in a row the smallest player on the pitch scored against us with a header to make it 4-2. But the Toros rallied a little and Agustin made the last 5 minutes uncomfortable for the visitors with a neat we asserted pressure to try and grab a last minute equaliser we were caught on the break and the finish squirmed over the line to give Benejuzar the points. MOM Melody Ramirez. Thanks Scott and Martin C F Mil Palmeras, 619 700 439 / 622 295 186



966 73 0057

Monday, 22nd April, 2013


ELCHE LOSE – BUT IT’S (STILL) OK... AD ALCORCON .......................1 ELCHE CF ................................0 Table-toppers Elche lost to third-placed Alcorcon by the odd goal, but this was a fairly even game that should have been a draw. With seven more nail-biters to go the Illicitanos are still nine points clear of second-placed Girona who slammed Lugo 4 – 0, but more importantly ten clear of the same Alcorcon for automatic promotion. Elche were missing stalwart right back Suarez, Flano replacing him, otherwise Elche were at full strength, Mantecon still keeping Generelo out (good). The Madrid team in their all-yellow strip are coached by Jose Bordelas, who managed Elche over the last three up and down seasons, each time missing out on promotion, only to cruelly lose his job when Elche finally fell away this time last year. Although the terraces were primarily yellow, there was a good representation of green and white as noisy Franjiverde supporters were seen - and heard! One factor that got Elche into trouble last year was the endless bookings that caused suspensions at crucial times. It has looked this season as though Elche had learned their lesson, but not yesterday’s match. Early on Angel was booked after being pulled up for offside, stupidly booting the ball away but worse happened on the half hour as Peligrin injured himself and was booked before going off to be replaced by young Hector Verdes. The strength of the Peligrin-Etxeita centre-back partnership has been one of Elche’s trump cards in the magnificent defence this year that has, even now only conceded 20 goals in 35 games. With no real chances for either side the score stayed 0 – 0 at half time, although Elche finished the half


The PeligrinEtxeita partnership has been excellent this season.ership

strongly after Alcorcon had looked better earlier. Five minutes into the second half and the home side won a corner. Elche cleared it, but immediately lost it again, and as the big Sabadell defenders had come up, they were still there as the ball was returned high into the Elche area. Huge centreback Babin rose, completely unmarked, his powerful header giving Herrera in Elche’s goal no chance. The immediate Elche reaction is ‘he wouldn’t have been unmarked if Peligrin had been there’ – but he wasn’t, and so Elche were then chasing the game. It became niggly as the Illictanos put the pressure on: Xumetra was taken off for Carles Gil, then captain Mantecon limped off for (useless) Pelayo, and in one glorious chance Coro had the ball whipped off his toe just in front of goal after a rare run from Fidel. But with five minutes to go and bookings abounding everywhere Angel tripped his man, was booked again and angrily sent off – I hope he was disgusted with himself for letting Elche down, and not with the decisions (which were right). Very fortunately the 1 – 0 result doesn’t cause huge problems for Elche with the ten/eleven points cushion. Yes, the goals have dried up and it is usually the superb defence which has kept the important points steadily coming in, so different to the last heartbreaking season when from a more vulnerable postion Elche were caught when their form went out of the window – like now - and after leading the league for the first six months ended with nothing in mid-table obscurity. Next Sunday, appropriately at high noon, Elche are home to second-placed Girona, the form team. Let’s all hope the Illicitanos are getting over the slump that has only produced two goals in four matches – both in last week’s victory over bottom-placed Xerex – and one of those was a penalty! Mucho Elche!

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