The leader 509

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No 509

Monday, 3rd March, 2014

Tel: 96 673 0057


Photo Bryan Bailey

Over sixty members and friends of the Orihuela Costa Branch of the Royal British Legion spent last Thursday morning as guests of the director, Colonel Emilio Gracia Cirugeda, on the occasion of their visit to the Academia General del Aire (AGA), and the Centro Universitario de la Defensa in San Javier. The visit was hosted by Cabo (Senior Airwoman) Rosa Iglesias Rodriguez who got

the proceedings underway by showing a film, in English, explaining the history of the station together with its current facilities and resources. There followed a casual stroll though the base, alongside the military runway and the control tower, to the Engineering Squadron, where the visitors were left to explore in their own time. Aircraft available to pour, or lust over in some cases, included the Casa C101EB Aviojet, Beechcraft T34 Mentor, Hispano HA-200 Saeta and the CASA T-35C Tamiz (ECH-51) and a couple of out of service Cessna 172’s. Continued on Page 2



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Leader Media

Publication Details Published by The Leader Media Group, S.L. C.I.F. B53866216 Depósito legal Costa Blanca A-313-2004 Costa del Sol T-1061-09 Distributed by Tel: 96 897 1860

Continued From Page 1 The San Javier Airbase was initially established in 1926 when it first accommodated the School of Naval Aviation, so from the very beginning, the barracks has been linked to the training and education of young pilots. It was in those early days that Naval Aerospace built most of the hangars and buildings in the base, little of which has changed over the years. After the Civil War, San Javier became part of the newly created Air Force. In this new era, the primary mission was once again the teaching of flight. This saw the establishment of the la Escuela Premilitar, the Air Training School, responsible for the training of pilots complement, with the first class of 400 students taking up their places in 1940. It became the General Air Academy by Royal decree three years later, since which time over 6,000 students have successfully passed through it’s gates achieving over 800,000 flying hours. The first woman student entered the academy in 1988 with the arrival of María Eva Lequerica de Jaén. Since then the proportion of female students has grown steadily, and today exceeds 10%. However in modern times the Academy is rather more than a school for pilot and flight training. Created by Royal Decree 1723/2008 UCD is an institution of higher education for future officers. It is also a learning centre for the Cartagena University where students are taught Industrial Engineering at the University Centre for Defence (UCD) in the Academy grounds. This new model of Military Education, which accommodates in the region of a hundred students, opened its doors in 2009. Successful candidates now pass out from the campus with a Bachelors Degree in Industrial Engineering. In recent years competition for entry into the academy has been especially keen with only 78 out of 2,500 candidates accepted for the air academy in 2012. The first three years of a student’s academic service consists of basic studies and introductory flight training. The fourth year is then devoted to the specialisation chosen with a fifth year, if necessary, for further concentration on that specialisation. In addition to Pilot and Engineering training the Academy is also responsible for providing general military training for the Quartermaster Corps of Engineers and the Air

Monday, 3rd March, 2014 Force, technical training for entry to the Quartermaster Corps of the Air Force and general military training of Common Corps of the Armed Forces, when the Directorate General of Education and the Ministry of Defence Recruitment determine such needs. There is also a Language School, a Tactics and Weapons Systems Wing, Air Traffic Control and a Navigational Wings where those students who don’t quite achieve the standards required for phase 2 of pilot training are given the option of alternative training and Air Force careers. The General Air Academy is also the training center for pilots of the Spanish Air Force Acrobatic team, the Patrulla Águila (Eagle Patrol). Formed in 1985 the display team consists of 12 Spanish-built CASA C-101 Aviojet training jets, seven of which actually fly in airshows. They can regularly be seen flying over the skies of the Mar Menor in close formation as they practise their intricate manoeuvres. The pilots are all present or former instructors from the Air Force Academy. They have currently amassed over 25,000 flying hours and participated in more than three hundred civilian and military airshows and festivals. They are supported by a large team of technicians, mechanics and engineers. With the turn of the century the AGA is now the only official pilot training academy of the Air Force, to be fully able to meet the challenges posed by technological developments and changes in the global strategic landscape and with its 1500 staff and students, we must also remember just how important it is to the local economy. Following the visit to the Academy members of the RBL retired to the excellent Los Caracoles Restaurant in Pilar de la Horadada where they wined and dined into the late afternoon. Just the one casualty as the writer left his phone on the dining table following lunch. Suspecting that he knew who the owner might be, a remaining member called the number to immediately hear the phone ring across the table. “Ah, it belongs to Kevin” he remarked, for his wife to retort “How do you know?” “Because I called the number” he said. “But how did you know which number to call she responded”............thanks Sandra! Yet another technological dilemma you have helped us resolve!

Jim Watt at the controls of a Casa C 101 belonging to the Patrulla Aguila aerobatic team

Chairman Keith Carter considering down sizing


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Monday, 3rd March, 2014


he week may have seen one of the most future-positive announcements of the national government in recent times, with tax incentives and initiatives to encourage employment, but how the proposals will actually matter is one that seems somewhat diminished in the real world. The announcement of a reduced contribution to social security for permanent contracts is one of the biggest drives to encourage employment ever made by the government, as testified by the president, Mariano Rajoy, but the reality is that a company will still have to be able to afford to employ those workers, pay their salaries and stump up the contribution, the reality being a saving of nearly a couple of hundred euro per month, but at the expense of the cost of those new jobs, bearing in mind the minimum wage in Spain stands at 752.85 euro per month, 9,034.20 per year, or 27,102.60 in total for the three year qualifying period of the scheme. Given the calculations Rajoy himself made, based on the minimum wage, a company would save less than 600 euro in contributions for their 9,000 euro per annum commitment. Similarly, the raising of the threshold for income tax was said to benefit 12 million workers once implemented in the election year of 2015, a proposal


which was also to be tabled by the PSOE, but it was the threshold which was changed, increased from 11,121.20 euro to 12,000 euro. Across the Valencia region, the finance ministry state that some 44,822 workers would benefit from the adjustment, at the 1.9 million euro cost to the public purse, but the reality in the pockets of those workers who now qualify is a tax saving of just 42 euro, or 3.50 euro per month. Of course any tax saving is of benefit to the workers who are struggling and is a positive move in the sense that before the last elections the Partido Popular vowed that they would not increase tax, only to make that their first priority once given the power of office, but the reality of how the changes will improve the quality of life for the millions unemployed and those who have found themselves homeless, starving and, in some cases, unable to face the future at all, remains to be a question that can only be answered once the changes are implemented and accepted. Similarly, the reasons given for increasing tax in the first place was to plug the void of debt, so careful consideration on how this move will put a burden on the finances of the country will no doubt be closely monitored by those with the power to choose.



Monday, 3rd March, 2014


The release of the Eu Anti-Corruption Report from The Commission To The Council And The European Parliament suggests that the perception of political corruption is far worse a problem than the reality, with Spain seemed as one of the most politically corrupt countries in Europe. Of the people who responded to the survey, the European average shows that three quarters of those who answered, some 76 %, think that corruption is widespread in their own country. However, in Spain, the figure was an astounding 95%, the same response as Lithuania and the Czech Republic, but even Spain is below Italy with 97% and Greece, leading the way with 99%. Just over a quarter of Europeans, some 26%, believe that they are affected by the corruption, a drop from 29% in 2011 however. Leading the charts in this category is Greece once again, but this time sharing the top spot with Spain, where 63% say they are directly affected by political corruption. Cyprus and Romania are next in the charts, with 57% in each, followed by Croatia with 55%. On the opposite end of that scale is Denmark, where only 3% of respondents feel affected, followed by France and Germany with 6%. Some 8% of all Europeans say they have experienced or witnessed a case of corruption in the past 12 months, with Lithuania, Slovakia and Poland the

perceived most likely countries to see this, registering 25%, 21% and 16% respectively. Despite there is an obvious difference in perceived corruption against reality, including those who have actually been affected or witnessed such matters, experts warn that a long road is ahead for politicians to restore confidence in their actions. Court cases where corrupt politicians flout the judicial system, calls for resignations that are all too frequently ignored, an ever increase in allegations and convictions all damage the reputation of politicians, but the vast majority of the cases making both the courts and the news today are historic ones, it is in the future where the actions of current politicians may or may not be seen as different. In Spain there are over 1,300 public officials who have or are facing charges of corruption, let alone those currently under investigation but not yet charged. Perhaps it´s because the people of Spain have more important things to worry about that some of those public servants believe they are above the law. The number one problem for the Spanish population, according to the latest CIS Barometer from November 2013, is unemployment, topping the charts with 77%. Although it does come in second place, corruption only concerns 31.8% of the population, followed by politicians in general, and political parties with 29.7%.


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BANKNOTE CIRCULATION DROPPED 12 % IN JANUARY According to a review from the Bank of Spain issued this week, the total amount of cash put into circulation in January was 57,403,000 euro, of which 53.691 million is in notes, and the remaining 3.712 million in coins, collectively down by 12.2% from a year earlier, although only dropping by 5.6% compared to December 2013. The number of 500 euro banknotes put into circulation in Spain during January fell by 13%, to just 80 million units, although they remain at levels similar to 2005. Compared to December 2013, the 500 denomination bills have dropped by 1.2%, from 81 million to 80 million notes, the lowest since May 2005. The number of notes in circulation had shown a steady growth, peaking in 2007, before the crisis, when 114 million units were in circulation, 29.8% more than that in the first month of 2014. As for the 200 euro note, that remained stable with 13 million units circulating, whereas the 100 euro note started the year with 40% more in circulation over January 2013, but 12.5% less than in December. In the more common denominations, 50 euro notes

increased by 8.7% in January, with 830 million units being handed around, along with 23.350 million in 20´s and 8.581 million euro in 10´s. However, despite the trend in the euro, it would appear that many Spaniards are still clinging to a little piece of history, with the Bank of Spain also reporting that at the end of January there were still 868 million euro worth of peseta bank notes remaining outstanding, although a million less than in November, plus an additional 806 million euro worth of coins, the same as the previous month.

SERIAL BOMB HOAXER DETAINED Officers from the Guardia Civil have arrested a woman in Barcelona accused of making over a thousand fake bomb threats on behalf of Al Qaeda. This is the third time that the woman has been detained by the security services, accused of making telephone threats to places such as Barcelona El Prat airport, transport terminals and even the city of Granada, where an evacuation was carried out. It is believed that the woman had 64 individual tele-

phone lines activated from which to make her calls and used countless fake identities. The woman, who is of Spanish nationality and a resident of El Prat de Llobregat in Barcelona, is accused of having been involved in 1,083 crimes against security, from which there have been over 100 victims and at least four official complaints, with other cases relating to internet libel files against third parties, falsely reporting or committing offences and breach of injunctions



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Monday, 3rd March, 2014


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CRISTIAN O R ONALDO MAKES ORIHUEL A NEWS THIS WEEK The CV-95 road tunnel which runs into Orihuela city from Bigastro has reopened this week, according to the railway infrastructure company, ADIF. The road will remain open until early June, when it will once again be closed to traffic to allow the railway expansion work to continue. The underpass closed earlier in the year after being reopened to traffic at Christmas, having been largely blocked to traffic for over a year.

The Cruz Roja of Orihuela has announced that they are giving away a football shirt signed by football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo, as a prize draw to encourage the donation of food for the needy. Ronaldo wore the shirt during the match Real Madrid and Juventus match in November of last year, and has also been signed by a number of other key players. To be in with a chance of winning this priceless piece of football memorabilia, you need to get donating milk, oil or sugar to the Cruz Roja on calle San Agustín, Nº22, in Orihuela between Monday the 3rd of March and Monday the 28th of April. Everybody who donates can put their name on a ticket that goes into a ballot box with the draw being made on the 29th of April, televised by Canal Vega Televisión. The councilor for markets, Manuel Gallud of the Los Verdes, has announced that the Thursday market on the Orihuela Costa will now remain in its current location, after an agreement was reached with the traders to keep the area clean. Concern over the protected micro reserve forced the council to take action to move the market away from the Cliffside, after copious amounts of rubbish were frequently discarded over the edge, requiring specialist and expensive cleaning teams to clear up in order to protect the endangered green area. For its part, the town hall will also provide additional rubbish bins, and the police are prepared to fine inconsiderate traders who risk the future of the market in its current, popular location.

The Councillor for Tourism, Rosa Martínez of the PSOE, presided over the first photographic awards ceremony this week, in which local snappers were invited to enter their pictures under the banner of “Orihuela – History of the Mediterranean”, which had been organized by the tourism department as part of their latest drive to focus on the cultural heritage of the municipality. The winners of the competition will see their work displayed in brochures, flyers and posters, promoting Orihuela, with 67 images finally entering into the competition, with first prize going to Miguel Rabasco Martínez, and another 4 people being recognized as top photographers. Martínez thanked everybody who took part; expressing pride that so many people were prepared to work so hard in helping promote Orihuela. The government team tabled a motion which would offer social housing to those in need, and at the expense of the banks, but this motion was not carried. The plan was to increase the property tax,

colloquially known as SUMA, on properties which banks held as vacant, but this could be saved if the banks offered up their stagnant portfolio as social housing, allowing some of the many families evicted by the crisis to be homed. The notion was not passed as the opposition PP majority voted against such a move. The Partido Popular presented a delayed motion which Pedro Mancebo had tried to table previously, relating to suggestions of easing the traffic flow on the N-332 roundabout at La Zenia. The motion was passed and approved by both the opposition and the ruling government team, despite containing elements which the Ministry has already declined, and despite the plans already approved during meetings with the town hall starting. Mancebo had been prevented from tabling the motion on behalf of the CLR-CLARO group, as membership and the existence of that coalition is a matter being considered by the courts. The Mayor, Monseratte Guillén, had offered Mancebo the opportunity to table the motion as an unassigned councilor, but this offer was declined. After the end of the consultation period to provide services at the chiringuito beach bars on the Orihuela Costa, a total of three companies have submitted their bids to operate the service. Each bid will now be examined in its own right, before the contract is awarded to the company providing the most value, in line with the quality standards of the contract. Two complaints were received relating to the nature in which the contract was offered, as some companies believe that the requirements for recognized quality standards restricted the number of companies who could compete. A small number of pending contracts for improving areas of the Orihuela Costa have been subject to a delay, including the underpass of the N-332 near the town hall, after administrative errors have slowed the process down. Despite the work and funds being allocated, it would appear that a technician had simply assigned the wrong category to the projects, but this has caused a delay in order to protect the integrity of the tender and award process, rather than risk providing the work to a company where anomalies may be present.



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Monday, 3rd March, 2014

WASTE DISPOSAL COSTS INCREASED BY 60% IN TORREVIEJA he contract for collecting household waste, street and beach cleaning will cost Torrevieja city council 16.3 million euro per year, an increase of 60% since the contract was first awarded 10 years ago. According to José Manuel Dolón of the Los Verdes political group, this not only represents more than 10% of the total budget for the city management, it is “a monumental scam and fraud”, considering that there had been three separate occasions in which the contract could and should have been terminated during the recent years, not only for


deficiencies in the level of service provided, but also in view of the fact that the former mayor of the city, Pedro Hernández Mateo, was convicted of a prison sentence for falsifying documents during the awarding of the contract. When the contract was first issued in 2004, the annual fee was 9.7 million euro, later to be adjusted upwards to reach 15 million euro. Officials have set the annual figure now at 15,436,002 euro, to which IVA has to be applied, and with other adjustments puts the rate at 16.3 million euro. However, according to José Manuel Dolón, the figure should also include calculations on account of the performance criteria and lack of service, the absence of the legal plant, transfer facilities and workshops, and the extra costs of cleaning after extraordinary events, as well as regular activities such as the May Fair. According to a statement by the Los Verdes, having analysed the contract from the perspective of 2014, taking into account any potential extension, “it is clear that it has been a tremendous success for all those who plotted the fixing of this contract, ignoring reports from municipal officers and violating the constitutional right to equal opportunities of the rest of the companies who participated in good faith”.


TORREVIEJA CREMATORIUM FACES GRAVE COMPLAINTS Torrevieja courts are investigating a series of alleged irregularities that may have taken place at the crematorium in the city, currently run by the company Grupo ASV, the fifth largest mortuary in the Valencia region. It is alleged that freezers in the facility have been used to store more bodies than the capacity permits, stacking the deceased on top of each other, garages and corridors at the establishment are being used for storing some bodies due to lack of space, and documents carried by drivers are not always in line with the legal requirements. The courts are looking into whether bodies have been stored in this way, in areas lacking in equipment and facilities required, such as those required to maintain the correct temperature, ventilation, and even furniture. Depending on the findings of the court, the company could be facing charges of malpractice relating to matters of public health, failing the conservation of bodies and the resulting accelerated decomposition, and violations of working conditions of employees. Working practices are also being investigated, as a number of reports suggest that staff have suffered harassment and bullying, with some drivers allegedly “coerced” and “threatened with dismissal” if they question the lack of documents carried. In response to the complaints, an inspection carried out by the public health authority concurred with a separate one conducted by the department of planning, that at the time of the inspections there were no anomalies discovered. The company are maintaining that the images were staged by a disgruntled employee.

ERASMUS CONFERENCE IN TORREVIEJA tary services and training courses, with the objective of the conference

A presentation was held at the CIAJ youth information centre in Torrevieja on Wednesday, detailing the new Erasmus+ program of European education initiatives. The Valencia Institute of Youth, in collaboration with the Spanish National Agency, made the presentation as announced by the councillor for young people, Rosario Martínez Chazarra. Erasmus+ is the new EU program for education, training and sport for young people that came into effect on the 1st of January, 2014, and runs until the 31st of December, 2020. With a total budget of 14.7 billion euro, a 40% increase compared to previous spending levels, the new program contains most of the activities from the previous initiative, including exchange schemes, volun-

being to raise awareness of the characteristics and opportunities of the new program and to promote the participation of youths and social organizations, as well as local authorities in the Erasmus+ program.

MAYOR OPENS NEW SCHOOL LIBRARY The mayor of Torrevieja, Eduardo Dolon, together with the Councillor for Education and Youth, Rosario Martínez Chazarra, the Councillor for Culture, Luis María Pizana, and the center director, Ricardo Recuero, opened the new school library on Monday at the Colegio Público “Ciudad del Mar”. The children’s author Roberto Aliaga and the narrator Mario Caballero both attended the ceremony and both spoke about the importance of reading to the over 200 children. A number of activities and events are planned throughout the coming week to celebrate the opening of the library. It is hoped they will prove popular with the students in promoting reading as a great form of entertainment. The mayor concluded the ceremony by presenting several books to the library amongst which was a copy of Don Quixote, as well as several produced by the Municipal Institute of Culture.



According to data released this week by the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Employment, the province of Alicante received a total of 70 million euro to improve the electricity and gas networks in the province during 2013. According to spokesperson Antonio Cejalvo, in collaboration with the gas and electric utility companies, “we are driving investments needed to provide the province of Alicante with a network able to meet the demand of the province with total guarantees”. According to a statement from the regional government, Cejalvo explained that “we aim at improving the quality and reliability of the service, strengthening the capacity of electricity grids and gas in the province”. The supply of gas to homes is forefront in the plans for power distribution. In 2013, places such as Benidorm, Algorfa, Guardamar del Segura, Rojales, Pilar de la Horadada, Los Montesinos, San Miguel de Salinas, Torrevieja and the Orihuela Costa have all seen work carried out. This pipeline will allow access to natural gas for 180,000 residents, 90% of the Marina Alta area, and an important number of establishments in the tertiary sector, with a potential energy demand of 480,000 megawatt hours per year. In total, the province received a total of 30.2 million euro to extend the pipeline networks and facilitate access to natural gas in towns in the province. In addition to the gas work, the province also received 39.65 million euro to strengthen and improve the electricity network, “The goal is to act both in the vicinity of the metropolitan areas of major cities, to accommodate new consumers, as in rural areas, and expanding and improving existing power networks”, according to Cejalvo. There has already been a significant improvement seen in recent years in the continuity of supply. In 2010 the recorded interruption time stood at 1.32 hours, whereas in 2013 the time had reduced by 7.6%, with just 1.22 hours of recorded interruption on average. Improvements to electricity substations have been carried out at Novelda, Crevillente and Torrellano, as well as the expansion of the network at Rojales amongst others.

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Councillor for the Environment in Torrevieja, Francisco Moreno, has announced the publication in the Official Gazette of the Province the details of the tender process for running the chiringuito beach bars in the city. From the moment of publication there is now 15 days for companies to submit their bids, thus closing on the 18th of March, with a view to commencing in time for Easter, and then summer. The councillor has pointed out that the 4 year contract, with possible

extension, is for the operation of all 13 of Torrevieja´s beach bars, not as individual units, which had been a criticism of neighbouring Orihuela. Several conditions are attached to the terms of the contract, all aimed at improving the quality of service offered to beachgoers, and have included an annex, with “guidance guidelines that grantees must meet, seeking a homogenization of the image of kiosks”.

LA APARECIDA RESIDENTS SHOW SUPPORT FOR INJURED BOY Over 300 people, all residents of Orihuela village La Aparecida attended a gathering on Sunday where they demonstrated their support for the family of 15 year old Aitor, a young boy from the community, who is currently in a critical condition in the Elche General Hospital. Aitor was rushed into hospital two weeks ago after he fell through a skylight while playing on the unfinished building site of the proposed civic center. He remains in an induced coma and is suffering from a fracture of the skull. The gathering, said to be a humble but emotional event, was arranged on Sunday by the Neighborhood Association of Our Lady of Bethlehem as a way of showing their support. A spokesman said "in this town we are a very close community, we celebrate all the good things and we share all the bad times together." They said that they did not want to blame anybody for what was a tragic accident for what happened, but "once for all" they are now asking the Orihuela council to complete the works at the civic center which began more than six years ago. The boy’s parents, José Antonio Martínez and Pilar Aracil, have run the popular Bar Casa Rincón de Pepe in the town and are very popular among the local residents.



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Monday, 3rd March, 2014


SMARTEN YOUR FURNITURE UP AND SAVE MONEY WITH R&A If you have a piece of furniture that is in need of repair, don’t replace it, call R and A Upholstery, a small, private concern that has been providing a quality service from its El Galan workshop for the last 6 years. Owned and run by Robert and Agnes, the couple moved into the area from Glasgow after long and successful careers re-upholstering for Gala Bingo’s and Casino’s. Robert told the Leader “We saw the writing was on the wall with the introduction of the smoking ban back in UK so we decided to move over to the Costa Blanca and try something different. As it turned out we stayed with what we know best and now we have built up a long list of satisfied clientele that we continue to provide with a first rate service. In fact I’m pleased to say that the large majority of our new customers make contact on referral from other satisfied clients.” R&A Upholstery is a full-service, residential and commercial operation with a distinguished reputation. Whether you need help with re upholstering, large-scale renovations or custom made furniture, they can help you achieve the look you want. On time and within budget. Robert and Agnes deal with individual requirements, from garden furniture to three piece suites, headboards, pelmets, curtains, in fact any-

thing that can be refurbished by using their considerable skills. But with a large workshop equipped with the very latest equipment they can also take on far more substantial projects, complete bars, office or commercial developments, new builds and refurbishments. Robert and Agnes are also able to carry out their services either in their workshop or at a place of your convenience. Agnes said “We believe your furniture should reflect your personal taste and style. That's why we spend considerable time listening to each client's specific requirements and ideas right from the start. Then we guide you every step of the way until you get exactly what you want.” So if you have a piece of furniture that is in need of repair, don’t replace it, have it re-upholstered. Robert and Agnes will visit you at home or on site where you can pick the exact fabric that you want and add special finishing touches to make any piece look truly unique. R&A offer restyling ideas and provide new foam and support where needed to make your piece of furniture look better than new. So call now and re-style your house or business CALL 965 319 227 or 638 283 910. See main ad on page 3.


Monday, 3rd March, 2014


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Monday, 3rd March, 2014

FOUR MILLION EUROS FROM ORIHUELA COSTA LAND SALES PART 2 OF 3 Sale of council land on Orihuela Costa has raised 4 million Euros for the municipality of Orihuela. Even though the land sold raised far lower sums of money than expected or anticipated there is now a large sum of money sitting in a bank account that councillors can only use for capital projects and should not be used for filling gaps in other council spending. Can Orihuela Costa residents expect that this money will at long last provide council provided amenities such as a centre for older people, a cultural centre, a cemetery or youth services? As the land sold was all situated on Orihuela Costa and had been long been held for future council projects the present administration decided that the best time to sell this potentially valuable asset was in times of a deep economic recession when land prices were at rock bottom. The loss of this public land means that various planned and much hoped for council projects will not now be realised. Once the land has been sold for housing it will never be used for parks, gardens, centres for old people or any other public financed project. Anyone looking at the level of services provided on Orihuela Costa compared to the rest of the Orihuela municipality will see that Orihuela Costa has never received the council investment needed by a population of 33,500 people, a population much larger than that of Pilar de la Horadada and presently equal to the population of Orihuela city. The coastal region has poorer public services than many tiny independent towns such as Los Montesinos, Algorfa or even San Miguel, all with popu-

lations less than 8,000 people. For years Orihuela Costa has been used as a cash cow for the benefit of Orihuela City and all the tiny villages that make up the rest of the population of the municipality but never for the benefit of Orihuela Costa residents. Far from Orihuela Costa having 4 million Euros spent on it, the area will be very lucky if it even The Pensioners Centre Centre in receives one Euro as Los Montesinos all the tiny villages and Orihuela city itself seem to think that their needs, desires and residents have far more call on this money than the inhabitants of the coastal region. As the council consists almost entirely of councillors from the small villages and Orihuela itself and there is only one lone (British) voice representing the entire coastal region it is very likely that the coast will again be deprived so the rest of the municipality can benefit. Again we are likely to see money that was raised on Orihuela Costa being used for the good of people who have no regard for their coastal neighbours and spent by councillors who are happy to sell any asset that the coast may have in order to ensure that

they are re-elected at the next election. The councillors of Orihuela municipality have totally disregarded the principle that they are there to serve the entire population; they prefer to serve some tiny, mainly Spanish pueblo whilst disregarding the needs of the majority. Money raised from the sale of council owned assets on Orihuela Costa should be used to benefit Orihuela Costa. This area has none of the services provided by every Spanish town. Orihuela Costa has never received council investment or services enjoyed by people living in Orihuela and its villages. Stop this discrimination. Register to vote and make your vote count.


PALM TREE MAINTENANCE IN AGUAMARINA Council staff have completed maintenance work to the bases of over a hundred palm trees along the Cabo Roig Strip earlier this week.

The project involved the removal of broken pavements around the base of the trees caused by the growth of their roots over the last 20 years. All the trees were shaved at their base and the paving stones replaced with a composition of a rubber materiel. The cost of the works was put at 34,000 euros. Following the success of the project it is expected that similar works will continue in a number of the adjoining streets.


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Monday, 3rd March, 2014


‘Twitters from the Atlantic’ By Bar rie Mahoney Barrie Mahoney was a head teacher and school inspector in the UK, as well as a reporter in Spain, before moving to the Canary Islands to launch and edit a new English language newspaper. He enjoys life in the sun as a columnist and author, and continues to write a series of popular novels, books for expats, as well as designing mobile apps and websites to promote the Canary Islands.

Escape to La Palma La Palma? No, I don't mean La Palma de Majorca or Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, but a little known island paradise, which is one of the seven islands (or maybe it is 8, depending upon your definition of an island, and political persuasions) that together make up the Canarian archipelago. The island is the fifth largest of all the Canary Islands and many would say it is the most beautiful of all the islands. I happily subscribe to its affectionate title of 'La Isla Bonita’ (The Beautiful Island). The island is 68 miles (126 km) from Tenerife, but don't worry, because it is nothing like its larger, brash neighbour, and there are few tourists to bother about either, other than those walking, star gazing and enjoying a natural, unspoiled environment. I am very fond of all the Canary Islands; each one is unique and has its own charms, as well as offering a unique perspective on life. However, if like me, you enjoy lush green grass, forests, woodlands, flowers, blue sky and unpolluted air, and a climate that is best described as an 'eternal spring', then this island is for you. It is a picturesque place that is beautifully maintained, and the streets are clean with no graffiti or dog excreta to be seen. Despite the current financial climate and troubling unemployment situation in the Canary Islands, this island still gives the impression of being rather prosperous. Unlike some of its neighbours, properties appear well cared for, gardens are trimmed and buildings well painted and maintained. Cruise ships come and go, depositing hoards of gannet-like tourists each morning ready to gobble up the local delicacies on offer. However, by mid afternoon travel weary passengers return to their floating palaces ready to set sail for another day and a brief stop

at yet another destination. Most seem to be unaware of where they are as they trudge reluc- La Isla Bonita - The Pretty Island tantly behind the tour guide, taking endless photographs that no one will ever see. After their departure, an air of calm settles over the island as the locals resume a steadier pace of life. A regular and reliable bus service operates throughout the island, and although the timings are best described as 'Canarian', the bus does eventually turn up. Pretty little shelters mark the bus stops that are painted bright yellow with an orange tiled roof; complete with bus timetable and a terracotta pot for cigarette stubs. Passengers should be tolerant that the driver may need to stop the bus briefly in the forest in order to empty his bladder. After all it is a long journey with many twists and turns to negotiate. Just sit in the bus patiently and watch the lizards sunbathing at the side of the road, whilst waiting for a much-relieved driver to reappear. to mind, least of all the police officer chatting to the waitress behind Most buildings on the island, including the bus shelters, sport roofs of the bar. the tiled and pitched variety, which I much prefer to the flat roofed Living on a small island of this size certainly has its charms, as well creations on some of the other islands. Pitched roofs mean rain, heavy as challenges. This small community is at the mercy of ferries and rain from time to time, but at least it is warm and keeps the island planes, and travel, despite hefty subsidies, is not cheap. Despite its looking fresh and green. Island life is an outdoor one; it is not a shopmany attractions, life without many modern conveniences can be hard, per’s paradise. However, well-stocked Spar grocery stores adorn each particularly for the island’s young people trying to achieve a good village, and there is even an Ikea store to quell any longings for flat pack furniture. The island is well served with accident and emergency education and a worthwhile job, as well as for the elderly and infirm. centres, together with a well equipped hospital and ambulance service. However, experiencing this unique and green paradise, which offers Visitors may be accosted by one of the island’s 'White Witches’; at complete silence under a clear night sky, with no light or air pollution, least I think they are of the 'White' variety. One appeared at our side certainly takes some beating. whilst we were having a quiet drink in a local bar, and I was struck by If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: the accuracy of her diagnosis and predictions, or was that the gin talk- and ing? The bar itself was also a strange phenomena, because as it had or read his latest book, ‘Escape to the Sun’ (ISBN: many open windows, locals had quickly come to the conclusion that 9780957544444). Available as paperback, Kindle and they could avoid the no smoking laws by sitting inside to smoke a cig- iBooks. iPhone/iPad and Android Apps: ExpatInfo, arette by draping their arm through an open window, and popping their CanaryIsle and CanaryGay now available. heads outside to take the occasional puff. Legal or not, no one seemed © Barrie Mahoney


Monday, 3rd March, 2014


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966 73 0057

Monday, 3rd March, 2014

LOCAL HEALTH NEWS SEES COMPLAINTS AND COMMITMENTS Representative of the Compromís group in Orihuela, Mireia Mollà, is demanding that the minister for health, Manuel Llombart, takes urgent action regarding building the outstanding health centre of Rabaloche. Mollà says that the neighbours of the area have been waiting “too long” and faced nothing but “false promises” from the PP government, after the original building was closed in 2003, and was budgeted for in 2011, but removed the next year, which shows “This lack of political will by the Valencian Government translates into more than 25,000 people having to be treated in barracks”, and that there “cannot be any more excuses for the implementation of this health center”, and to say that the PP government will “perhaps begins to build it within a year and a half is an insult to the citizens”.

Residents of the Pilar neighbourhood of Pinar de Campoverde will be able to take advantage of having a primary care doctor based in their health centre from this week, after the council made various changes in order to ensure that the department of health in Torrevieja were able to provide the required staff. The mayor, José Fidel Ros, visited the office along with the medical director of Primary Care Department, Hipólito Caro, in order to study the infrastructure and optimise the space to meet the needs of a population that has increased in this area. Hipólito Caro said that “this action is part of the commitment of Torrevieja Salud with the town of Pilar de la Horadada and the Consistory to meet the care needs of the population”. The new doctor will take care of about 500 health cards and will result in the medical facilities opening for two days a week. The Asociación de Vecinos de San Miguel de Salinas are once again calling for the department of health to reinstate one of the Doctors removed from their health centre as a cost saving exercise. The group are demanding that the government satisfy the requirements of providing health care to the community. The Spanish National transplant organisation, the ONT, have this week broken the record for the number of organ transplants performed in a single day. From a total of 16 donors, 2 of whom were living, Spanish doctors transplanted 26 kidneys, 10 livers, 5 hearts, 3 lungs and a pancreas, in operations performed in 22 hospitals from 11 autonomous regions. The 45 transplant record beats the 36 previously recorded. Torrevieja Hospital has received yet another award for excellence, having been announced the winner for the best clinical professional session presented during 2013. A number of doctors from the hospital were present in accepting the award which honoured a paper entitled “Viewpoints," a case of multidisciplinary approach that addresses

myasthenia gravis”, which was aimed at strengthening and energizing the “concept of quality care, research and teaching”, through customization in assisting patients. Accompanied by banners calling for the “right to live with dignity” for pensioners and retirees, a large group of people concentrated in Torrevieja´s Plaza de la Constitución on Thursday to protest against the “attacks” by Spain´s central government against the rights to pensions and retirement through the labour reforms, particularly complaining over the loss of purchasing power and pharmacist repayment.

Representative of the Compromís group in Orihuela, Mireia Mollà



Monday, 3rd March, 2014


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3rd march

7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Heir Hunters. New series. Two estranged brothers meet for the very first time. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties in Durham, Staffordshire and Chatham, Kent. (R) (T) 12.00 Countryside 999. A fencing contractor falls from a quad bike. (T) 12.45 Caught Red Handed. A woman who betrayed a friend’s trust by stealing from a till. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. Searching for antiques in Norfolk. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. Karen receives an unexpected visit from Imogen. (T) 3.15 Perfection. General knowledge quiz, hosted by Nick Knowles. (T) 4.00 Escape to the Country. Nicki Chapman helps a couple find a rural retreat in Devon. (T) 4.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. Transforming simple recipes into special treats. (T)

5.30 Antiques Road Trip. Anita Manning and James Braxton compete. (T) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show presented by Alexander Armstrong. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Topical stories and chat. 8.30 Inside Out. BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 EastEnders. Roxy unexpectedly arrives back from Ibiza with worrying news about Ronnie — who then also returns with a surprise announcement. Carol receives her latest test results. (T) 9.30 Hungry Britain? — Panorama. Darragh MacIntyre investigates the rise in the number of food banks, asking whether the cause is the economic squeeze, benefit cuts or simply people taking advantage of the offer. (T) 10.00 Silk. Martha defends a footballer accused of assaulting another player — an incident witnessed by thousands of fans — and a resignation sends shock waves through the chambers. 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.35 Room 101 — Extra Storage. Gyles Brandreth, Adam Hills and Melanie C compete to have their pet hates banished for ever, on the comedy panel show hosted by Frank Skinner. (T) 12.20 Late Kick Off. The weekend’s Football League action. (T) 12.50 The Graham Norton Show. With Ant and Dec, Aaron Paul, Naomi Campbell, Ellie Goulding and Jamie Dornan. Last in the series. (R) (T) 1.35 Weatherview. (T) 1.40 BBC News. The latest national and international stories. (T) BBC2 7.00 This Is BBC Two. (T) 7.05 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) (T) 8.05 Countryside 999. (R) (T) 8.50 Caught Red Handed. (R) (T) 9.20 Sign Zone: Helicopter Heroes. (R) (T) 10.05 Sign Zone: The Restaurant Man. (R) (T) 11.05 Sign Zone: Great British Railway Journeys. (R) (T) 11.35 Click. (R) (T) 12.00 BBC News. (T) 12.30 Mandela Remembered from Westminster Abbey. (T) 2.00 The A to Z of TV Gardening. (R) (T) 2.15 War Walks. (R) (T)

2.45 Cycling. (T) 3.45 Cagney & Lacey. (R) (T) 4.30 Bergerac. (R) (T) 5.20 Are You Being Served? (R) (T) 5.50 ’Allo ’Allo! (R) (T) 6.15 Vintage Antiques Roadshow. The team invites the public into the grounds of Normanby Hall, North Lincolnshire, to value assorted decorative objects and rarities. (T) 7.00 Revenge of the Egghead. Jeremy Vine hosts a spin-off from the popular quiz in which five contestants try to win thousands of pounds by taking on former Egghead panellist CJ de Mooi. (T) 7.30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. New series. Gaby Roslin presents the first heat of a contest in which teams of dogs and their owners compete in challenges testing the animals’ intelligence and physical agility. (T) 8.00 Top Gear. Richard Hammond drives the Porsche 918 Spyder and Jeremy Clarkson creates a public information film with James May to promote safer cycling. With Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul. (R) (T) 9.00 University Challenge. 9.30 Mary Berry Cooks. New series. 10.00 Mind the Gap: London vs the Rest. (T) 11.00 The Culture Show: Henri Matisse — A Cut Above the Rest. To coincide with a major Tate Modern exhibition, Alastair Sooke presents a profile of the artist. With contributions by Nicholas Serota, Hilary Spurling and Jacqueline Duheme. (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 Mandela Remembered from Westminster Abbey. (T) 1.20 Dragons’ Den. (R) (T) 2.20 Sign Zone: Film 2014. (R) (T) 2.50 Sign Zone: The Culture Show: Lego — The Building Blocks of Architecture. (R) (T) 3.20 This Is BBC Two. (T) 5.00 BBC Learning Zone. (T) London 7.00 Daybreak. Ross King reports live from the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. Entertainment and fashion news. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Presented by Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. Celebrity interviews and topical studio discussion. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. The team visits Banbury, Oxfordshire. (R) (T) 4.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. Features, music and conversation. (T) 4.59 ITV London Weather. (T)

5.00 Tipping Point. Quiz show, hosted by Ben Shephard. (T) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents a general knowledge quiz. 7.00 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Emmerdale. Dom is furious after receiving a call from school telling him that Gemma has failed to show up. (T) 8.30 Coronation Street. Valerie arrives at the mill wanting to know where her husband is, a jealous Tina struggles to cope when Carla returns and Jason is unimpressed to see Tony passionately kissing Liz. (T) 9.00 I Never Knew That About Britain. New series. Paul Martin reveals the unsung hero connecting the Spitfire and the folding buggy. (T) 9.30 Coronation Street. Gary and Owen encounter a bruised Phelan as they head home, Tina is upset at playing second fiddle to Carla, and Sophie tells a devastated Maddie she is quitting her voluntary job. (T)

10.00 DCI Banks. Part one of two. Helen leads a firearms team to retrieve a gun from a teenager’s bedroom, but the operation goes wrong, leading to an internal investigation. (T) 11.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather. (T) 11.30 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 11.35 The Agenda. Discussion show, (T) 12.05 The Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald. The broadcaster embarks on an epic journey. (R) (T) 1.05 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming. 4.00 Champions League Weekly. A look back at the latest last-16 matches. (T) 4.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. The host takes his successful talk show stateside. (R) (T) 5.10 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 6.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. CHANNEL 4 7.20 Countdown. (R) (T) 8.05 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 8.10 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 8.35 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 8.55 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.25 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.55 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.25 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 12.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 12.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 1.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.10 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 Deal or No Deal. (T) 5.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions. (R) (T) 6.00 Coach Trip. Granada, Spain (T) 6.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Marge’s former boyfriend offers Homer $1million for the privilege of spending a weekend with her to see what his life would have been like had they stayed together. (R) (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Tom goes too far as he seeks to oust Sienna from the village, a romantic gesture from Tegan threatens to expose Fraser’s affair, and Robbie suspects Holly is cheating on Jason. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. Profiles of some of the athletes competing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Russia. (T) 9.00 Undercover: Hate on the Terraces — Channel 4 Dispatches. Morland Sanders investigates the extent of racism and homophobia in top-flight English football. (T) 9.30 Food Unwrapped. Last in the series. (T) 10.00 One Born Every Minute. (T) 11.00 8 Out of 10 Cats. (T) 11.50 Troy. (T) 12.50 Strippers. (R) (T) 1.45 Random Acts. (T) 1.50 Scandal. (R) (T) 2.35 Hostages. (R) (T) 3.25 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 3.30 The Good Wife. (R) (T) 4.20 One Born Every Minute. (R) (T) 5.15 Location, Location, Location. (R) (T) 6.10 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems. (R) (T) 6.25 Deal or No Deal. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 7.10 Igam Ogam. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (R) (T) 7.35 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olly the Little White Van. (R) (T) 7.55 Milkshake! Bop Box. (R) (T) 8.00 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.50 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.30 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.35 Toby’s Travelling Circus. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (R) (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.10 Police Interceptors. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 The Hotel Inspector. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T)

3.15 NCIS. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Lethal Obsession (2007). Thriller, starring Kellie Martin. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Mason and Imogen approach Brennan, hoping his abseiling expertise and background as a detective will help uncover the truth about Josh’s fall. Kyle begs Georgia not to leave. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. The search for survivors begins in the aftermath of the explosion at the hospital and Kyle wakes to find himself trapped in a shipping container with Oscar and Evelyn. (R) (T) 7.30 NewsTalk Live. (T) 8.00 The Gadget Show. (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 Police Interceptors. A dog handler is forced to wrestle with a drunk man (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! (T) 11.00 Mobs & Yobs: Caught on Camera. (R) (T) 12.00 FILM: Mercenary for Justice (2006) starring Steven Seagal. (T) 1.50 SuperCasino. 4.05 The Thriller Killers: Born to Kill? (R) (T) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Great Artists. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T)

Monday, Monday, 3rd March, 2014 08:00 Breakfast with Mark Nolan 11:00 The Monday Edition 14:00 Coffee Hour with Steve Hambley. 15:00 The Gary Jackson Show, 17:00 The PBT Show 19:00 Comedy - Im Sorry I’ll Read That Again 20:00 Drama - Sherlock Holmes: The Singular Inheritence of Miss Gloria Wilson 21:00 The Chillout Zone 22:00 A Book at Bedtime - Get her off the pitch! Ep 1 of 5 23:00 Classical Nights 00:01 Exite Overnight

Monday, 3rd March, 2014 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – with TV presenter Ruby Wax. 18.05 Speekee TV - Fun Spanish lessons - El Estacion 18.15 Out & About in Torrevieja – Graham Knight looks at Semana Santa in Torrevieja and talks to expats involved. 18.30 Spanish Eye – Racing pigeons are a big part of Spanish culture. 19.00 Let's Talk - Cathy Carson and Pastor Keith Brown. 19.30 Viva Vino (series) – Vineyards in the south of Spain and samples of fine wines. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music



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Monday, 3rd March, 2014


4th march ADVERTISING WITH THE LEADER WORKS.....CALL 96 673 0057 EUROMILLIONS DRAW NOW HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY .... ENTER AT WWW.LEADERLOTTO.COM (T) 1.35 Weatherview. (T) 1.40 BBC News. The latest national and international stories. (T) 7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Heir Hunters. The researchers try to track down the family of a Newcastle man. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Featuring properties in Stoke-on-Trent, south-east London and Cumbria. (T) 12.00 Countryside 999. Rescuing a hill walker who has fallen down a waterfall. (T) 12.45 Caught Red Handed. Police trail an arsonist. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. From Ardingly, West Sussex. (R) (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. Kevin deals with an elderly patient whose independence is threatened. (T) 3.15 Perfection. General knowledge quiz, hosted by Nick Knowles. (T) 4.00 Escape to the Country. A couple looking for a house in West Sussex. (T) 4.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. The chef demonstrates recipes that can be prepared in advance. (T)

5.30 Antiques Road Trip. Anita Manning and James Braxton continue their journey. (T) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show in which contestants try to score the fewest points possible by giving the least obvious correct answers to questions. Presented by Alexander Armstrong. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Live chat and topical reports, presented by Matt Baker and Alex Jones. (T) 8.30 EastEnders. Phil catches Ronnie red-handed as she hunts for the incriminating evidence, while Sharon’s threat toward her backfires. Carol and David prepare to break the news to the family; (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 Holby City. Guy is on a mission to boost the Tressler Neurosurgical Foundation’s profile, Ric sets out to restore Jess’s faith in him as a father and Jonny forgets Bonnie’s 30th birthday. (T) 10.00 Death in Paradise. Humphrey is called in to investigate the suspected suicide of a former surgeon at a retirement home, but mounting evidence suggests she may have been poisoned. Last in the series. (T) 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather; (T) National Lottery Update. (T) 11.35 Traffic Cops. An illegal driver abandons his girlfriend in an attempted getaway on foot in Bradford, while two traffic officers respond to a potentially fatal three-car crash on a major road. 12.35 Mayhem & Mishaps: Britain Caught on Camera. Mark Chapman presents a catalogue of typical everyday accidents. (R)

BBC2 7.00 This Is BBC Two. (T) 7.05 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) (T) 8.05 Countryside 999. (R) (T) 8.50 Caught Red Handed. (R) (T) 9.20 Sign Zone: Helicopter Heroes. (R) (T) 10.05 Sign Zone: Great British Garden Revival. (R) (T) 11.05 Sign Zone: Great British Railway Journeys. (R) (T) 11.35 HARDtalk. (T) 12.00 BBC News. (T) 12.30 BBC World News. (T) 1.00 Daily Politics. (T) 2.00 The A to Z of TV Gardening. (R) (T) 2.10 War Walks. (R) (T) 2.40 The First Eden. (R) (T) 3.40 Cagney & Lacey. (R) (T) 4.25 Bergerac. (R) (T) 5.15 Are You Being Served? (R) (T) 5.45 ’Allo ’Allo! (R) (T) 6.15 Vintage Antiques Roadshow. The team values more rarities at Tavistock in Devon. Objects include an early inmate’s uniform from Dartmoor prison, and a horn used during the D-Day landings of 1944. (T) 7.00 Revenge of the Egghead. Jeremy Vine hosts a spin-off from the popular quiz in which five contestants try to win thousands of pounds by taking on former Egghead panellist CJ de Mooi. (T) 7.30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. TV presenter Chris Hollins and actress Deena Payne captain as another two teams compete in a series of challenges testing their dogs’ intelligence and physical agility. (T) 8.00 Permission Impossible: Britain’s Planners. A proposal to build a student village on greenbelt land in Chester divides the locals, and a gravedigger applies to treble the size of his environmentally friendly burial ground. Continues tomorrow, 7pm. (T) 9.00 The Great British Sewing Bee. The eight remaining contestants are tested on their ability to handle stretchy fabric, having to make a pair of leggings and fashion a garment out of an oversized Tshirt. (T) 10.00 An Hour to Save Your Life. New series. The lifeor-death decisions facing medical staff in the first critical hour of emergency care, following the stories of three patients from the moment 999 is called. (T) 11.00 The Sarah Millican Television Programme. The comedienne talks about motoring programmes with Quentin Willson, crime dramas with Law & Order: UK star Bradley Walsh and quiz shows with Pointless co-host Richard Osman. (R) (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 Mind the Gap: London vs the Rest. (R) (T) 1.20 The Super League Show. (T) 2.05 Sign Zone: Britain’s Great War. (R) (T) 3.05 This Is BBC Two. (T) 5.00 BBC Learning Zone. (T) London 7.00 Daybreak. With guests Gaby Roslin and Deena Payne. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. With guest Lesley Joseph. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. Topical debate from a female perspective. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. David Dickinson and his team travel to Crewe in Cheshire. (R) (T) 4.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. The Barking Blondes offer pet advice. (T) 4.59 ITV London Weather. (T)

5.00 Tipping Point. Quiz show, hosted by Ben

Shephard. (T) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. (T) 7.00 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Emmerdale. Hour-long episode. Dr Maguire admits to Dom that the prognosis is not good as Gemma lies motionless in hospital, while Belle is racked with guilt over what has happened. (T) 9.00 Midsomer Murders. Barnaby and Jones investigate the death of an amateur astronomer who was killed by a blow to the head with a meteorite during a total eclipse of the sun. (R) (T) 11.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather. (T) 11.30 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 11.35 The Jonathan Ross Show. The host chats to supermodel Claudia Schiffer, comedian Dara O Briain, Sex and the City actress Kristin Davis and rapper-turned-actor Ice Cube. Plus, music by Rufus Wainwright. (R) (T) 12.40 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries. Memories of past adventures. (R) (T) 1.05 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming. 4.00 Loose Women. Topical debate from a female perspective. (R) 4.45 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 6.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (R) (T) CHANNEL 4 7.20 Countdown. (R) (T) 8.05 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 8.10 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 8.35 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 12.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 12.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 1.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.10 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 Deal or No Deal. (T) 5.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions. (R) (T) 6.00 Coach Trip. The tourists visit Cordoba to go olive picking and take a traditional Spanish folk-singing class, before facing a tense vote. (T) 6.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. John Barrowman hosts the third of four semi-finals, as the dogs and their owners battle through challenges in the hope of being crowned a winner at Crufts. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Bart falls in love with the daughter of film star Rainier Wolfcastle, but their romance falters and she ends up going out with Milhouse. With the voice of Reese Witherspoon. (R) (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Fraser makes a rash decision that is guaranteed to leave at least one of his loved ones heartbroken, and Sienna intensifies her hunt for her long-lost daughter. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. Profiles of some of the athletes competing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Russia, featuring interviews with medal hopefuls from around the world. (T) 9.00 Kirstie’s Best of Both Worlds. Kirstie Allsopp meets a Gloucester couple who want a character-filled family home with an annexe, located somewhere between the city and the surrounding Cotswolds countryside. (T) 10.00 The Taste. The five semi-finalists are challenged to keep it simple using just three ingredients in their creations as they try to impress guest chef Angela Hartnett. (T) 11.00 Strippers. A look inside three lap-dancing bars at a single junction in Edinburgh, where a girl talks about earning up to £4,000 a night and another tries to make ends meet. (T) 12.00 Three Wives, One Husband. (R) (T) 1.00 Random Acts. (T) 1.05 Poker. (T) 2.00 KOTV Boxing Weekly. (T) 2.30 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 2.35 Volleyball. (T) 3.30 Sochi Special: Paralympic Winter Games. (R) (T) 3.55 Trans World Sport. (R) (T) 4.50 The Grid. (R) (T) 5.20 Arenacross. (R) (T) 5.45 Freesports on 4. (R) (T) 6.15 FIM Superbike World Championship. (R) (T) 6.40 SuperScrimpers. (R) (T) 6.55 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 7.10 Igam Ogam. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (R) (T) 7.35 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olly the Little White Van. (R) (T) 7.55 Milkshake! Bop Box. (R) (T) 8.00 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.50 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.20 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.30 Peppa

Pig. (R) (T) 9.35 Toby’s Travelling Circus. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (R) (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.10 Police Interceptors. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 Trauma Doctors. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 NCIS. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Deadly Isolation (2005). Thriller, starring Sherilyn Fenn. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Kate is shocked to find out Brennan is moving back into their old house, while Imogen and Mason have to keep their relationship a secret from their feuding families. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Zac, Hannah, Tamara and Casey face a race against time to rescue Kyle and the twins, while Alf persuades Harvey to open up about what happened when he went missing. (R) (T) 7.30 NewsTalk Live. (T) 8.00 The Dog Rescuers. Kate Fletcher and Becky London make a shocking discovery when they join up with the police to rescue some dogs from an owner who is banned from keeping animals. (R) (T) 8.30 Police 5. Crime prevention advice and appeals for information on the nation’s most wanted criminals. Presented by Joe Crowley and Kate McIntyre, with Shaw Taylor; (T) 8.30 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 Benidorm ER. Dentist Khaddi Abba treats a 74-year-old man with a painful swelling under his right eye, while a Chesterfield woman is admitted to hospital after falling on her hotel stairs; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 The Mentalist. Jane agrees to help the FBI find a missing computer programmer who worked on the security system at the Federal Reserve bank, but only if the agency let Lisbon assist him. (T) 11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. A PR executive is found dead in a fountain and Stabler and Benson have to untangle a web of love, lies and jealousy to find the killer. (T) 12.00 Body of Proof. (R) (T) 1.00 Body of Proof. (R) (T) 1.55 SuperCasino. 4.05 Henry VIII & Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History. (R) (T) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Great Artists. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T)

Tuesday, 4th March, 2014 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – with British actress and wife of John Shaw, Sheila Hancock 18.05 Leishman Foundation Golf Day – Scottish football’s Jim Leishman hosts a charity golf tournament at Peraleja with many football celebrities. 19.00 The New Romney Country Fayre - local producer Kerry King paints a lovely picture of the traditional Kentish fayre full of parades, stalls, entertainment and fun. 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

Tuesday, uesday, 4th March, 2014 08:00 Breakfast with Mark Nolan. 11:00 The Tuesday Edition 14:00 Solid Gold Sixties with Geoff Dorsett. 15:00 Dark Side of the Moon with Gary Jackson. 17:00 The PBT Show. 19:00 Comedy - Men from the Ministry. Starring Deryck Guyler and Wilfred Hyde-White 20:00 Drama - Dewey Eyed by Sarah Naomi Lee 21:00 The Chillout Zone 22:00 A Book at Bedtime - Get her off the pitch! Ep 2 of 5 23:00 Classical Nights 00:01 Exite Overnight


Monday, 3rd March, 2014


5th march 7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Heir Hunters. The researchers try to track down the relatives of a Lancashire farmer. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties in Wimbledon, Derby and Durham. (R) (T) 12.00 Countryside 999. A man has a heart attack in a car park. (T) 12.45 Caught Red Handed. A man responsible for a crime wave in Preston. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. From Dorking in Surrey. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. Kevin makes a disturbing discovery. (T) 3.15 Perfection. General knowledge quiz, hosted by Nick Knowles. (T) 4.00 Escape to the Country. A country home in Cornwall. (R) (T) 4.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. Macaroni cheese. (T)

5.30 Antiques Road Trip. Anita Manning and James Braxton search for treasures in Essex. (T) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show. Presented by Alexander Armstrong. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Matt Baker and Alex Jones present the live magazine show; (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 Waterloo Road. Christine makes a series of bad decisions, leaving her job and future hanging in the balance. (T) 10.00 Outnumbered. Auntie Angela and her new friend fly over from America when Grandad falls ill. Last in the series. (T) 10.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys. Agnes tries to make friends with Dermot’s mother-in-law Hillary, but the pair’s dinner date comes to an abrupt end when Maria suddenly goes into labour. Last in the series. (R) (T) 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather; (T) National Lottery Update. (T) 11.35 A Question of Sport. With Olympic silver medal-winning badminton star Gail Emms, former rugby league player Robbie Hunter-Paul, England cricketer Chris Woakes and gymnast Kristian Thomas. (T) 12.05 Film 2014. Reviews of The Grand Budapest Hotel, Under the Skin and 300: Rise of an Empire. Last in the series. (T) 12.35 Blandings. Clarence must prevent his brother from publishing his scandalous memoirs. (R) (T) 1.05 Weatherview. (T) 1.10 BBC News. The latest national and international stories. (T) BBC2 7.00 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) (T) 8.00 Countryside 999. (R) (T) 8.45 Caught Red Handed. (R) (T) 9.15 Sign Zone: Helicopter Heroes. (R) (T) 10.00 Sign Zone: Inside the Animal Mind. (R) (T) 11.00 Sign Zone: An Island Parish. (R) (T) 11.30 Sign Zone: See Hear. (T) 12.00 BBC News. (T) 12.30 Daily Politics. (T) 2.00 The A to Z of TV Gardening. (R) (T) 2.10 War Walks. (R) (T) 2.40 The First Eden. (R) (T) 3.40 Cagney & Lacey. (R) (T) 4.25 Bergerac. (R) (T) 5.15 Are You Being Served? (R) (T) 5.45 ’Allo ’Allo! (R) (T) 6.15 Vintage Antiques Roadshow. Michael

Aspel and the team visit Ipswich. Among the objects scrutinised are one of the earliest models of record player and a 50p bargain that turns out to be worth £15,000. (T) 7.00 Revenge of the Egghead. Jeremy Vine hosts a spin-off from the popular quiz in which five contestants try to win thousands of pounds by taking on former Egghead panellist CJ de Mooi. (T) 7.30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. Garden designer Diarmuid Gavin and TV presenter Jasmine Harman captain teams as they compete in a series of challenges testing their dogs’ intelligence and physical agility. (T) 8.00 Permission Impossible: Britain’s Planners. A former Navy pilot hopes to get the go-ahead to run outdoor adventure activities in Frodsham, Cheshire, and an application to build 100 homes in the Cotswolds is assessed. Continues tomorrow, 7pm. (T) 9.00 The Restaurant Man. Russell Norman helps two sisters opening a cafe in the Warwickshire village of Dunchurch, taking them to Paris and an upmarket London hotel for inspiration. Last in the series. (T) 10.00 Line of Duty. Denton implies that Dryden was embroiled in a wider conspiracy, and Arnott uncovers evidence that a tracker had been planted on one of the convoy vehicles. (T) 11.00 Inside No 9. An understudy in a West End production of Macbeth dreams of taking over from the lead actor, whose overbearing personality makes life hell for his fellow thespians. (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 An Hour to Save Your Life. (R) (T) 1.20 Sign Zone: See Hear. (R) (T) 1.50 This Is BBC Two. (T) 5.00 BBC Learning Zone. (T) London 7.00 Daybreak. With Scott & Bailey star Lesley Sharp. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. With Kaiser Chiefs frontman Ricky Wilson. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Celebrity chat and lifestyle features. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. With guest John Barrowman. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. From Welford Road stadium in Leicester. (R) (T) 4.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. Features, music and conversation. (T) 4.59 ITV London Weather. (T)

5.00 Tipping Point. Quiz show, hosted by Ben Shephard. (T) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. 7.00 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Coronation Street. Phelan shows Owen and Gary the CCTV footage of him being attacked. Peter and Tina’s plans for a night together in a hotel are scuppered, and Liz and Eileen argue about Tony. (T) 8.30 Live International Football. England v Denmark (Kick-off 8.00pm). (T) 11.10 ITV News and Weather. (T) 11.40 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 11.45 International Football Highlights. England v Denmark. Adrian Chiles is joined by Lee Dixon to look back at the best of the action from tonight’s friendly at Wembley Stadium. (T) 12.45 Corfu: A Tale of Two Islands. Two landscape architects talk about their work. (R) (T) 1.15 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming. 4.00 FILM: Burn After Reading (2008). Comedy, starring Brad

Pitt and George Clooney. (T) 5.35 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 6.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (R) (T) CHANNEL 4 7.20 Countdown. (R) (T) 8.05 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 8.10 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 8.35 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 12.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 12.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 1.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.10 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 Deal or No Deal. (T) 5.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions. (R) (T) 6.00 Coach Trip. In Malaga, bad behaviour on the golf course leaves Brendan red-faced, and there are some remarkable results when the tourists paint images of one another at a Picasso art class. (T) 6.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. John Barrowman hosts the fourth and last semi-final, as the dogs and their owners battle through challenges in the hope of being crowned a winner at Crufts. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Bart befriends an ageing film star who is driven to drink by the prospect of appearing on Krusty’s TV show. Featuring the voice of Dennis Weaver. (R) (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Dirk gives Jack something to spice up his sex life. Grace seems to have a sinister plot in mind for Tegan, and when baby Rose disappears, suspicion falls on Sienna. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. Profiles of some of the athletes competing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Russia, featuring interviews with medal hopefuls from around the world. (T) 9.00 The Restoration Man. Architect George Clarke is on hand to advise James and Lois Denning on the conversion of an oast house into a grand nine-bedroom dream home. (R) (T) 10.00 24 Hours in A&E. Medics treat a 79year-old man with acute stomach discomfort, a wine merchant who collapsed with chest pain, and a retired soldier experiencing blurred vision. (R) (T) 11.00 First Dates. Headstrong Mancunian make-up artist Regan returns to the restaurant and self-confessed metrosexual Jon is determined to find her soft side. (T) 12.00 Strippers. (R) (T) 1.00 Random Acts. (T) 1.05 FILM: World Trade Center (2006). Fact-based drama, starring Nicolas Cage. (T) 3.10 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 3.15 FILM: The Opposite Sex (1956). Musical, starring June Allyson. (T) 5.10 SuperScrimpers. (R) (T) 5.15 Location, Location, Location. (R) (T) 6.10 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard. (R) (T) 6.35 Countdown. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 7.10 Igam Ogam. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (R) (T) 7.35 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olly the Little White Van. (R) (T) 7.55 Milkshake! Bop Box. (R) (T) 8.00 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.50 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.20 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.30 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.35 Toby’s Travelling Circus. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (R) (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.10 Police Interceptors. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 The Gadget Show. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 NCIS: Los Angeles. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Final Verdict (2009). Thriller, starring Erica Durance. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Sonya and Toadie sort out their differ-

ences, while Josh feels betrayed when he overhears Imogen talking about her relationship with Mason. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Heath tries to take the law into his own hands after discovering the truth about the bomb, while Irene is furious to learn Spencer and Sasha have been hiding at the school. (R) (T) 7.30 NewsTalk Live. (T) 8.00 The Lost Orphan: A Home for Mirela. Natalie Pinkham tries to raise £187,000 to build a new home for a Romanian teenager and establish a proper system of care before she reaches her 18th birthday; (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 Left for Dead by the Yorkshire Ripper. Women who survived attacks by Peter Sutcliffe recount their experiences, revealing that the police’s failure to take notice of them may have delayed the investigation; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 NCIS. The team suspects a case of mistaken identity when a petty officer is gunned down by a motorcyclist while driving a billionaire’s sports car. (T) 11.00 Suspects. Jack and Charlie investigate when a campaigner for voluntary euthanasia is found unconscious in his penthouse flat after taking an apparent drugs overdose. (T) 12.00 Law & Order: SVU — Dangerous Minds. (R) (T) 1.00 Law & Order: SVU — Dangerous Minds. (R) (T) 1.55 SuperCasino. 4.05 Brain Hospital: Saving Lives. (R) (T) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Great Artists. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS.

Wednesday, 5th March, 2014 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Steve Hackett, a British singersongwriter and guitarist who for 7 years was part of rock band Genesis. 18.05 Royal British Legion 90th Anniversary live from Alicante. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

W ednesday, ednesday, 5th March, 2014 08:00 Breakfast News with Mark Nolan, 11:00 The Wednesday Edition 14:00 Supersonic 70’s with Geoff Dorsett, 15:00 My Generation with Gary Jackson Show, 17:00 The PBT Show, 19:00 Comedy: Just a Minute with Nicholas Parsons 20:00 Drama: Tempus Fugit - The priestly sleuth, Baldi 21:00 The Chillout Zone. 22:00 A Book at Bedtime - get her off thhe pitch! Ep 3 of 5 23:00 Classical Nights.

6th march

7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Heir Hunters. A case involving a former political correspondent. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties in Derby, Cornwall and south-east London. (T) 12.00 Countryside 999. Emergency services join forces to help an injured mountain biker. (T) 12.45 Caught Red Handed. A victim who came face to face with a burglar. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. From the Edinburgh Fair. (R) (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. A woman thinks her husband has returned from the dead. (T) 3.15 Perfection. General knowledge quiz. (T) 4.00 Escape to the Country. Searching for a rural property in Dorset. (T) 4.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. The chef prepares his favourite pick-me-up recipes. (T)

5.30 Antiques Road Trip. Travelling from Cambridge to Essex. (T) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz with Alexander Armstrong. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Matt Baker and Alex Jones present the live magazine. (T) 8.30 EastEnders. Ian causes havoc at the Butchers’ by accusing Liam of getting Cindy pregnant, Carol tells Bianca and Sonia her news and, with the police outside, Ronnie makes a confession to Roxy; (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 Holiday Hit Squad. New series. Angela Rippon investigates the perils of balconies. (T) 10.00 DIY SOS: The Big Build. Nick Knowles and the team take on their biggest home build ever. (T) 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.35 Question Time. David Dimbleby chairs the topical debate from Barking, east London. (T) 12.35 This Week. The past seven days in politics. (T) 1.20 Skiing Weatherview. (T) 1.25 BBC News. The latest national and international stories. (T) BBC2 7.00 This Is BBC Two. (T) 7.05 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) (T) 8.05 Countryside 999. (R) (T) 8.50 Caught Red Handed. (R) (T) 9.20 Sign Zone: Helicopter Heroes. (R) (T) 10.05 Sign Zone: Bible Hunters. (R) (T) 11.05 Sign Zone: An Island Parish. (R) (T) 11.35 HARDtalk. (R) (T) 12.00 BBC News. (T) 12.30 BBC World News. (T) 1.00 Daily Politics. (T) 2.00 The A to Z of TV Gardening. (R) (T) 2.10 War Walks. (R) (T) 2.40 The First Eden. (R) (T) 3.40 Cagney & Lacey. (R) (T) 4.25 Bergerac. (R) (T) 5.15 Are You Being Served? (R) (T) 5.45 ’Allo ’Allo! (R) (T) 6.15 Vintage Antiques Roadshow. The experts set out their stalls at the Beamish Open Air Museum in Co Durham. Among the items presented for their scrutiny is a rare rapier, once the property of the Bolshoi Ballet. (T) 7.00 Revenge of the Egghead. Jeremy

Vine hosts a spin-off from the popular quiz in which five contestants try to win thousands of pounds by taking on former Egghead panellist CJ de Mooi. (T) 7.30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. Former badminton player Gail Emms and actress Debra Stephenson captain teams as they compete in a series of challenges testing their dogs’ intelligence and physical agility. (T) 8.00 Permission Impossible: Britain’s Planners. A couple’s home is put at risk after they changed their plans without permission and a proposal to build 523 houses on greenbelt land in Hertfordshire meets opposition from locals. (T) 9.00 The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure. Dave Myers and Si King continue their culinary journey by heading to Japan, where they visit Tokyo’s famous fish market and take part in a sumo-wrestling bout. (T) 10.00 37 Days. New series. Political thriller charting the events in the corridors of power in the days leading up to the outbreak of the First World War. Ian McDiarmid and Rainer Sellien star. Continues tomorrow 9pm. (T) 11.00 Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience. The comedian tries his hand at four distinctly unglamorous jobs, beginning by sampling the life of a refuse collector in Barry. (R) (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.20 The Restaurant Man. (R) (T) 1.20 Sign Zone: Hungry Britain? — Panorama. (R) (T) 1.50 Sign Zone: Horizon: Sugar v Fat. (R) (T) 2.50 This Is BBC Two. (T) 5.00 BBC Learning Zone. (T) London 7.00 Daybreak. With Aisling Loftus and Trystan Gravelle. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. With the finalists of Dancing on Ice. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning. Sue Hill appeals for help solving crimes. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. With comedian Brian Conley. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. From Macclesfield in Cheshire. (R) (T) 4.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. With contributors Myleene Klass and Richard Ward. (T) 4.59 ITV London Weather. (T)

5.00 Tipping Point. Quiz show, hosted by Ben Shephard. (T) 6.00 The Chase. General knowledge quiz. 7.00 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Emmerdale. Lisa and Zak try to console Dom, Belle is full of guilt as she waits for the police to question her and Pete tries to smooth things over with Debbie. (T) 8.30 The Rise of the Working Poor: Tonight. Aasmah Mir meets families struggling to make ends meet. (T) 9.00 Emmerdale. Lisa is shocked by her daughter’s revelations and tells her to remain tight-lipped on the subject, while Pollard suggests Val seek help after her latest drunken antics. (T) 9.30 Birds of a Feather. Tracey and Sharon get a glimpse of their future. Last in the series. 10.00 Coronation Street: A Moving Story. Documentary following the Manchester soap’s

transfer to its new home in Trafford Park. (T) 11.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather. (T) 11.30 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 11.35 Edge of Heaven. Carly returns to Margate with a new partner in tow. (R) (T) 12.35 The Cube. (R) (T) 1.30 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming. 4.00 The Rise of the Working Poor: Tonight. (R) (T) 4.25 ITV Nightscreen. 6.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. CHANNEL 4 7.20 Countdown. (R) (T) 8.05 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 8.10 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 8.35 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 12.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 12.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 1.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.10 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 Deal or No Deal. (T) 5.30 Come Dine with Me Extra Portions. (R) (T) 6.00 Coach Trip. Marbella. (T) 6.30 Superstar Dogs: Countdown to Crufts. Last in the series. (T) 7.00 The Simpsons. Grampa gets his driving licence back to woo a beautiful new resident at the nursing home, but she soon proves unworthy of his affection. With the voice of Olympia Dukakis. (R) (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Sam, Danny and Sandy make a shocking discovery. Frankie clashes with Blessing again when the pair meet at the Hutch, and Nancy puts aside old grudges. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.55 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. Profiles of some of the athletes competing at the 2014 Winter Paralympics in Russia, featuring interviews with medal hopefuls from around the world. Last in the series. (T) 9.00 The Hoarder Next Door. New series. (T) 10.00 The Floods That Foiled New Year: Caught on Camera. (T) 11.00 The Repo Man. Part two of two. (R) (T) 12.05 The CCTV Traffic Wardens: Caught on Camera. (R) (T) 1.05 One Born Every Minute. (R) (T) 2.00 Random Acts. (T) 2.05 First Dates. (R) (T) 3.00 Scandimania. (R) (T) 3.55 Food Unwrapped. (R) (T) 4.20 Undercover: Hate on the Terraces — Channel 4 Dispatches. (R) (T) 4.50 Fish Fight: Hugh’s Last Stand. (R) (T) 5.45 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 5.50 Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard. (R) (T) 6.15 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems. (R) (T) 6.35 Countdown. (R) (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 7.10 Igam Ogam. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (R) (T) 7.35 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olly the Little White Van. (R) (T) 7.55 Milkshake! Bop Box. (R) (T) 8.00 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.50 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.35 Toby’s Travelling Circus. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (R) (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.10 Police Interceptors. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 Henry VIII & Anne: The Lovers Who Changed History. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45

Neighbours. (T) 3.15 NCIS. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Obsession (2011). Premiere. Thriller, starring Charisma Carpenter. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Imogen breaks up with Mason just as his birthday party is about to begin. Georgia is impressed by Kyle’s childcare skills, while Bailey thinks Josie has her eye on him. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Hannah and Zac tell Oscar and Evelyn about the death of their father, while Josh wants Andy back in his life, but Maddy is not sure whether she can forgive and forget so easily. (R) (T) 7.30 NewsTalk Live. (T) 8.00 The Truth About Travellers. Henry McKean explores the culture of travellers (R) (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief. New series. 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 The Hotel Inspector. (T) 11.00 70-Stone and Almost Dead. (R) (T) 12.00 The Boy They Call Fish: Extraordinary People. (R) (T) 1.00 SuperCasino. 4.05 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! (R) (T) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Great Artists. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R)

Thursday 6th March, 2014 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – Susannah York was a British actress who was awarded a BAFTA as Best Supporting Actress for They Shoot Horses, Don't They? 18.05 Costa Blanca Life – (series) – A reminder of just what a huge variety of events, people and places we have here. 19.00 TVM (series) – Sit back and enjoy as Peter Taylor brings you 17 music videos from across the decades. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

Thursday, Thursday, 6th March, 2014 08:00 Breakfast News with Mark Nolan, 11:00 The Thursday Edition 14:00 Kick up the 80’s with Geoff Dorsett. 15:00 Nowt but the 90’s with Mike Brown. 17:00 The PBT Show. 19:00 Comedy: The Navy Lark with Leslie Phillips 20:00 Drama: Aromatherapy by Ed Harris 21:00 The Chillout Zone, 22:00 A Book at Bedtime - Get her off the pitch! Ep 4 of 5 23:00 Classical Nights. 00:01 Exite Overnight.



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Monday, 3rd March, 2014



7.00 Breakfast. Headlines and business news. (T) 10.15 Heir Hunters. The probate detectives head to Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire. (T) 11.00 Homes Under the Hammer. Properties in Cornwall, London and Durham. (R) (T) 12.00 Countryside 999. A man is rescued after falling from a ladder. (T) 12.45 Caught Red Handed. A light-fingered neighbour is caught stealing. Last in the series. (T) 1.15 Bargain Hunt. The teams travel to the Westpoint Arena in Exeter. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.30 Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.45 Doctors. An old friend of Chris’s finds his life turned upside down. (T) 3.15 Perfection. General knowledge quiz, hosted by Nick Knowles. (T) 4.00 Escape to the Country. A peaceful home with holiday-let potential in Cornwall. (T) 4.45 James Martin: Home Comforts. Simple recipes to impress dinner-party guests. Last in the series. (T)

5.30 Antiques Road Trip. Anita Manning and James Braxton visit Needham Market in Suffolk. (T) 6.15 Pointless. Quiz show in which contestants try to score the fewest points possible by giving the least obvious correct answers to questions. Presented by Alexander Armstrong. (T) 7.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Regional News Programmes; Weather. (T) 8.00 The One Show. Chris Evans and Alex Jones round off the week with celebrity guests and stories of interest to the UK. (T) 8.30 A Question of Sport. With Olympic silver medal-winning badminton star Gail Emms, former rugby league player Robbie Hunter-Paul, England cricketer Chris Woakes and gymnast Kristian Thomas; (R) (T) BBC News; Regional News. (T) 9.00 EastEnders. Following Ronnie’s confession, Roxy considers what to do next, while Bianca is forced to step in as the voice of reason when Terry’s behaviour threatens to ruin a relationship. (T) 9.30 Room 101. Frank Skinner invites interior designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, actor Charles Dance (Game of Thrones) and comedienne and actress Andi Osho to discuss their pet hates. (T) 10.00 Jonathan Creek. As the illusionist’s village experiences all manner of strange events, he visits a retired psychic — who inadvertently makes the most baffling prediction of his career.

(T) 11.00 BBC News. (T) 11.25 Regional News; Weather; (T) National Lottery Update. (T) 11.35 FILM: The Proposal (2009). A Canadian publishing editor trying to avoid deportation from America bribes her assistant into a marriage of convenience. Romantic comedy, with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. (T) 1.20 EastEnders. Omnibus. (T) 3.15 Weatherview. (T) 3.20 BBC News. The latest national and international stories. (T) BBC2 7.00 This Is BBC Two. (T) 7.05 Homes Under the Hammer. (R) (T) 8.05 Countryside 999. Emergency services join forces to help an injured mountain biker. (R) (T) 8.50 Sign Zone: Helicopter Heroes. (R) (T) 9.35 The Travel Show. (T) 10.00 Live Athletics. The World Indoor Championships. (T) 1.00 Daily Politics. (T) 2.00 The A to Z of TV Gardening. (R) (T) 2.10 War Walks. (R) (T) 2.40 The First Eden. (R) (T) 3.40 Cagney & Lacey. (R) (T) 4.25 Bergerac. (R) (T) 5.15 Are You Being Served? (R) (T) 5.45 ’Allo ’Allo! (R) (T) 6.15 Vintage Antiques Roadshow. The team visits Manderston, near Berwick-on-Tweed. Items presented for the experts’ attention include a vicious-looking mantrap and a collection of rare biscuit tins. (T) 7.00 Revenge of the Egghead. Jeremy Vine hosts a spin-off from the popular quiz in which five contestants try to win thousands of pounds by taking on former Egghead panellist CJ de Mooi. (T) 7.30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. Hollyoaks star Gemma Merna and West End actress Jodie Prenger captain teams in a series of challenges testing their dogs’ intelligence and physical agility. (T) 8.00 Live Athletics. The World Indoor Championships. Phil Jones presents coverage of the second session of day one from the Ergo Arena in Sopot, Poland. (T) 9.30 Gardeners’ World. New series. Monty Don and his green-fingered team return, with advice on how to guarantee an impressive display of roses in the summer. Carol Klein meets an expert on cyclamen. (T) 10.00 37 Days. Edward Grey tries to unravel a tangled web of intrigue between Austria, Germany, Russia and France, while Germany’s military commanders conspire to force the kaiser’s hand. Concludes tomorrow at 9pm. (T) 11.00 QI. Comedians Josh Widdicombe, Phill Jupitus and Katherine Ryan join regular panellist Alan Davies as host Stephen Fry asks a range of questions on the interesting topic of K-Folk. (R) (T) 11.30 Newsnight; (T) Weather. (T) 12.05 The Best of Men. (R) (T) 1.35 Sign Zone: Question Time. (R) (T) 2.35 Sign Zone: Hidden Kingdoms. (R) (T) 3.35 This Is BBC Two. (T) London 7.00 Daybreak. Pixie Lott performs her new single. (T) 9.30 Lorraine. Entertainment and fashion news. (T) 10.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. (T) 11.30 This Morning.

Martine McCutcheon looks forward to the weekend’s TV. (T) 1.30 Loose Women. Carol Vorderman joins the panel. (T) 2.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 2.55 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. The team visits Lancaster. (R) (T) 4.00 The Alan Titchmarsh Show. The host enjoys a Friday feast cooked by Nadia Sawalha. (T) 4.59 ITV London Weather. (T)

5.00 Tipping Point. Quiz show, hosted by Ben Shephard. (T) 6.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh presents as four contestants answer general knowledge questions and work as a team to take on ruthless quiz genius the Chaser and secure a cash prize. (T) 7.00 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 7.30 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Emmerdale. Belle struggles to cope with her grief and guilt, Rhona and Vanessa offer to help Dom sort out Gemma’s belongings and Val attends her first support group meeting. (T) 8.30 Coronation Street. While the new builder is being shown around the gym, Tony breaks into his van. Liz warns Tina that Peter is using her, and Gary and Owen agree to finish the mill for a basic wage. (T) 9.00 Student Nurses: Bedpans and Bandages. First-year trainee Kelly has to be brave. Meanwhile, grandmother Diane cares for a patient with a long history of mental health issues, and children’s nurse TK has a close call. (T) 9.30 Coronation Street. Tina sets off to meet Peter with the intention of ending their affair, a despondent Sophie returns home after apparently being stood up by Maddie, and Eileen apologises to Liz. (T) 10.00 Edge of Heaven. Alfie and Michelle decide to keep their kiss a secret for fear of hurting Carly, but she has more important things on her mind, having ventured into the world of online dating. (T) 11.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather. (T) 11.30 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 11.35 The Americans. When a fellow KGB officer is assassinated, Elizabeth takes matters into her own hands and plots revenge on the CIA bureaucrat responsible for giving the kill order. (R) (T) 12.35 The Chase. Quiz show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (R) (T) 1.25 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming. 4.00 FILM: The Land That Time Forgot (1975). Fantasy adventure, starring Doug McClure. (T) 5.30 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. CHANNEL 4 7.20 Countdown. (R) (T) 8.05 Paralympic Winter Games — The Countdown. (R) (T) 8.10 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 8.35 Will & Grace. (R) (T) 9.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 9.30 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.00 Everybody Loves Raymond. (R) (T) 10.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.00 Frasier. (R) (T) 11.30 Frasier. (R) (T) 12.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 12.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 1.00 Channel 4 News Midday Summary. (T) 1.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 1.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.05 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 2.35 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.10 Four in a Bed. (R) (T) 3.40 Countdown. (T) 4.30 Paralympic Winter Games Opening Ceremony. (T) 7.30 Hollyoaks. Fraser’s world threatens to come crashing down around him. Robbie’s greed places Sinead’s plans for baby Katy in serious jeopardy, and recent discoveries leave Jason crushed. (T) 8.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 8.30 Crufts 2014. Clare Balding is at the NEC in Birmingham to present highlights of the second day’s action at the annual dog event, including the judging of the Hound Group. (T) 10.00 Gogglebox. New series. Return of the weekly TV review programme, narrated by Caroline Aherne. The households comment on The Voice, Saturday Night Takeaway and coverage of the Academy Awards. (T) 11.00 The Last Leg. Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker are joined by celebrity guests for a comic review of the past seven days and a look at the Sochi 2014 Winter Paralympics. (T) 11.45 8 Out of 10 Cats. (R) (T) 12.35 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (T) 1.05 FILM: Bruno (2009). Spoof documentary, starring Sacha Baron Cohen. (T) 2.30 The Simpsons. (R) (T) 2.55 Random Acts. (T) 3.00 Happy Endings. (T) 3.20 Happy Endings. (T) 3.45 Franklin & Bash. (T) 4.25 The Good Wife. (R) (T) 5.10 Deal or No Deal.

(R) (T) 6.00 Countdown. (R) (T) 6.45 Live Paralympic Winter Games. Coverage of the opening day of events in Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana, Russia. (T) Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 7.10 Igam Ogam. (R) (T) 7.20 Fireman Sam. (R) (T) 7.35 The WotWots. (R) (T) 7.45 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.50 Olly the Little White Van. (R) (T) 7.55 Milkshake! Bop Box. (R) (T) 8.00 Little Princess. (R) (T) 8.10 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 8.20 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 8.35 Thomas & Friends. (R) (T) 8.50 Noddy in Toyland. (R) (T) 9.00 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 9.15 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.25 Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 9.35 Toby’s Travelling Circus. (R) (T) 9.45 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 10.00 Tickety Toc. (R) (T) 10.15 The Wright Stuff. 12.10 Police Interceptors. (R) (T) 1.10 5 News Lunchtime. (T) 1.15 The Lost Orphan: A Home for Mirela. (R) (T) 2.15 Home and Away. (T) 2.45 Neighbours. (T) 3.15 NCIS. (R) (T) 4.15 FILM: Nora Roberts’ High Noon (2009). Crime thriller, starring Emilie de Ravin. (T) 6.00 5 News at 5. (T) 6.30 Neighbours. Mason’s friends and family cheer him up and he decides to focus on his career after a talk with his dad, while Brennan offers Danni a place to stay. (R) (T) 7.00 Home and Away. Spencer is angry about his date with Sasha turning into a fiasco and John and Marilyn find themselves drawn into an argument. Ricky is rushed to hospital. (R) (T) 7.30 NewsTalk Live. (T) 8.00 The Gadget Show. Jason Bradbury, Rachel Riley and Ortis Deley test the strength of tablet cases at a farm, while Jon Bentley looks at personal digital assistant software for smartphones; (R) (T) 8.00 5 News Update. (T) 9.00 Ice Road Truckers. Hugh and Rick have to improvise a repair on a loose fuel tank and are pulled over for an inspection, while Porkchop’s caution frustrates his convoy partner Darrell; (T) 9.00 5 News at 9. (T) 10.00 Booze, Bust-Ups & Brothels: Soho Blues. Police officers in London’s West End raid the flat of a suspected fraudster, and a methadone user’s belongings are stolen. (R) (T) 11.00 NCIS: Los Angeles. Three men raid a drug deal, taking a suitcase full of cash and killing an undercover LAPD cop in the process, and Sam believes one of the assailants is a Navy Seal. (T) 12.00 CSI: NY. (R) (T) 12.55 Access. (R) 1.00 SuperCasino. 4.05 Left for Dead by the Yorkshire Ripper. (R) (T) 5.00 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.25 House Doctor. (R) (T) 5.45 Great Artists. (R) (T) 6.10 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 6.35 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T)

Friday 7th March, 2014 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – with TV & radio broadcaster and ex-Goodie Tim Brook-Taylor 18.05 Frequently Asked Questions – Two more experts share their expertise to make your life in Spain easier. 18.30 Let's Talk (series). – Today, Simon talks with 2 more interesting local people - Martin James and Nick Morton. 19.00 Viva La Vida (series). – Stevie Thomas introduces a Benidorm Variety Show special with superb entertainers 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

Friday 7th March, 2014 08:00 Breakfast with Mark Nolan. 11:00 The Friday Edition 14:00 Brit Rock with Dominic Forbes. 17:00 The PBT Show. 19:00 Comedy - Hancock’s half hour 20:00 Drama - Paupers and Pig Killers - Pastoral 21:00 The Chillout Zone 22:00 A Book at Bedtime - Get her off the pitch. Ep 5 of 5 23:00 Classical Nights 00:01 Exite Overnight


Monday, 3rd March, 2014


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7.00 Breakfast. News, sport and entertainment reports. (T) 11.00 Saturday Kitchen Live. With guest Kian Egan. (T) 12.30 Mary Berry Cooks. Recipes for everyday meals and special occasions. (R) (T) 1.00 Football Focus. Dan Walker and guests look ahead to the weekend’s action. (T) 1.45 Saturday Sportsday. A round-up of the latest sports news. (T) 2.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 2.15 Bargain Hunt. From the Bath and West Showground in Somerset. (R) (T) 3.00 Live Six Nations Rugby Union. Ireland v Italy (Kick-off 2.30pm). (T)

5.25 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 5.40 Live Six Nations Rugby Union. Scotland v France (Kick-off 5.00pm). (T) 8.00 The Voice UK. Emma Willis and Marvin Humes host the final battle show, by the end of which Kylie Minogue, Tom Jones, Ricky Wilson and will be one step closer to choosing their acts. (T) 10.10 The National Lottery Live. Kate Garraway reveals the results of the Lotto and the Thunderball. (T) 10.20 Casualty. Iain tries to assist a distressed exArmy friend, whose paranoia over his wife is at breaking point, while new nurse Lofty’s keen eye helps save a young man. (T) 11.10 BBC News; Weather. (T) 11.30 Match of the Day. Gary Lineker presents highlights of the latest Premier League clashes, which included Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur and West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United; (T) National Lottery Update. (T) 12.45 The Football League Show. Highlights of today’s games in the Championship, League One and League Two. (T) 2.05 Weatherview. (T) 2.10 BBC News. (T) BBC2 6.55 This Is BBC Two. (T) 7.30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. (R) (T) 8.00 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. (R) (T) 8.30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. (R) (T) 9.00 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. (R) (T) 9.30 Sport Relief’s Top Dog. (R) (T) 10.00 Live Athletics. The World Indoor Championships. (T) 12.30 Escape to the Country. (R) (T) 1.15 Talking Pictures. (T) 2.00 FILM: The Trouble with Harry (1955). Black comedy, starring Edmund Gwenn. (T) 3.35 FILM: The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956). Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller remake, with James Stewart and Doris Day. (T) 5.30 Final Score. A roundup of this afternoon’s football results. (T) 6.10 Live Athletics. The World Indoor Championships. Phil Jones presents coverage of the second session of day two from the Ergo Arena in Sopot, Poland. (T) 9.15 Dad’s Army. Captain Mainwaring is determined that all his men should be well-shod and have battle-worthy feet, so he starts a regimen involving lengthy route marches. (R) (T)

9.45 The Perfect Morecambe & Wise. Another selection of classic sketches and routines from the comedy duo’s shows. (T) 10.15 37 Days. The continental powers are pushed to the brink of war, and Sir Edward Grey seems unsure as to whether Britain should keep out of the impending conflict. Last in the series. (T) 11.15 Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle. (T) 11.45 QI XL. (T) 12.30 FILM: Milk (2008). Biopic of US politician Harvey Milk, starring Sean Penn. (T) 2.30 FILM: Nemesis (1992). Sci-fi thriller, starring Oliver Gruner. (T) 4.00 This Is BBC Two. (T) London 7.00 CITV: Dino Dan. The adventures of trainee palaeontologist Dan Henderson. (R) (T) 7.10 Dino Dan. The adventures of trainee palaeontologist Dan Henderson. (R) (T) 7.25 Matt Hatter Chronicles. Children’s animation. (R) (T) 7.45 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) (T) 7.55 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.00 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.10 Om Nom Stories. Tales for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.15 Om Nom Stories. Tales for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.20 Sooty. Crazy capers with the puppet pals. (R) (T) 8.30 Scrambled! Children’s fun. (T) 10.25 ITV News. (T) 10.30 Dinner Date. Londoner Felicia looks for love. (R) (T) 11.25 Murder, She Wrote. An army friend of Seth’s becomes a murder suspect. (R) (T) 12.25 ITV News and Weather; Weather. (T) 12.30 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries. Steve Irwin and his team get to grips with pythons. (R) (T) 1.00 Live FA Cup Football. Arsenal v Everton (Kick-off 12.45pm). (T) 4.00 The Illusionists. A magic show at Hammersmith’s Apollo theatre. (R) (T)

5.05 The Chase. Quiz show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (R) (T) 6.05 Off Their Rockers. Hidden-camera show in which fearless senior citizens play pranks on the public. (R) (T) 6.35 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 6.45 ITV News and Weather. (T) 7.00 You’ve Been Framed! Strikes Back! Comedy compilation of Harry Hill’s most off-the-wall observations inspired by viewers’ home videos, featuring potshots at popular culture. (T) 8.00 Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway. The Geordie duo play an undercover prank on David Dickinson, go head to head in another round of Ant v Dec and join dance troupe the Mazeppa Cossacks in the End of the Show Show. (T) 9.20 The Cube. A teacher and a pizza delivery man tackle a series of tough challenges, from agility tests to skills trials, aiming to win a jackpot of £250,000. Phillip Schofield hosts. (T) 10.20 The Jonathan Ross Show. The host chats to singer and actress Jennifer Hudson, business tycoon Richard Branson and The Great British Bake Off’s Sue Perkins. Indie rockers Elbow

perform. Last in the series. (T) 11.20 ITV News and Weather; Weather. (T) 11.35 FA Cup Highlights. Action from the sixth round of the prestigious competition, featuring the only game of the day between Arsenal and Everton at the Emirates Stadium. (T) 12.25 All You Can Eat. Supersized meals, restaurant challenges and eating contests. (R) (T) 1.20 Jackpot247. Interactive gaming. 4.00 In Plain Sight. Marshall’s father arrives in Albuquerque on a sting operation. (R) (T) 4.45 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. CHANNEL 4 10.00 Live Paralympic Winter Games. Further coverage of the opening day of events in Russia. (T) 12.30 The Morning Line. (T) 1.30 Deal or No Deal. (T) 2.30 Channel 4 Racing. Live coverage from Sandown Park and Wolverhampton. (T) 5.10 Come Dine with Me. (R) (T) 5.40 Come Dine with Me. Victoriana enthusiast Peter Saunders throws the second party in Nottingham. (R) (T) 6.10 Come Dine with Me. Former waitress Keri Lever vows to let her food do the talking as she hosts the penultimate dinner party in Nottingham. (R) (T) 6.40 Come Dine with Me. Teacher Jackie Mather hosts the final dinner party in Nottingham, but has a challenge on her hands persuading some of her guests to try her cheese-encrusted salmon. (R) (T) 7.10 Channel 4 News. (T) 7.30 Paralympic Winter Games Highlights. Jonathan Edwards and Ade Adepitan present a look back at the opening day of events in Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana, Russia, which included alpine skiing and wheelchair curling. (T) 8.00 Crufts 2014. Clare Balding presents highlights from day three of the annual dog show held at the NEC in Birmingham. (T) 10.00 Hostages. Duncan is ordered to tie up loose ends as investigators get nearer to uncovering the conspiracy, and the FBI agent takes the next step in his master plan by giving Ellen the poison. (T) 11.00 FILM: X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). Superhero adventure sequel, starring Hugh Jackman. (T) 1.00 FILM: Cloverfield (2008). Found-footage monster thriller, starring Michael StahlDavid. (T) 2.35 Blackout. Docu-drama exploring the effects of a cyber attack on Britain’s national grid. (R) (T) 3.55 Hollyoaks. Omnibus. (R) (T) 6.05 Trans World Sport. Including a profile of the American Paralympic sledge hockey team. (T)

adventure, starring Bruce Willis. (T) 3.25 FILM: Wimbledon (2004). Romantic drama, starring Kirsten Dunst and Paul Bettany. (T) 5.10 FILM: Columbo: The Greenhouse Jungle (1972). Detective drama, starring Peter Falk. (T) 6.45 FILM: Columbo: Double Shock (1973). When a rich man is electrocuted, Columbo suspects the victim’s twin nephews, who stand to inherit his fortune. Detective drama, with Peter Falk, and Martin Landau in a dual role. Edited for daytime broadcast. (T) 8.00 NCIS. An explosion at a mausoleum exposes a number of freshly dismembered bodies, prompting the team to begin a multiple murder investigation. Abby has a personal problem to deal with. (R) (T) 9.00 NCIS. A supposedly dead marine suddenly regains consciousness on the autopsy table, leaving the team struggling to solve the mystery of how he came to be in such a strange predicament. (R) (T) 9.55 5 News Weekend. (T) 10.00 UFC Fight Night London: Live. Alexander Gustafsson v Jimi Manuwa. (T) 1.05 SuperCasino. 4.10 Benidorm ER. (R) (T) 5.00 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 5.25 Make It Big. (R) (T) 5.50 The Funky Valley Show. (R) (T) 6.00 Angels of Jarm. (R) (T) 6.05 Hana’s Helpline. (R) (T) 6.20 Angels of Jarm. (R) (T) 6.25 The Funky Valley Show. (R) (T) 6.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R) (T) 6.50 Hana’s Helpline. (R) (T)

Saturday 8th March, 2014 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – with TV & radio broadcaster and ex-Goodie Tim Brook-Taylor 18.05 Frequently Asked Questions – Two more experts share their expertise to make your life in Spain easier. 18.30 Let's Talk (series). – Martin James and Nick Morton. 19.00 Viva La Vida (series). – Stevie Thomas introduces a Benidorm Variety Show special. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.05 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 7.15 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 7.25 Bubble Guppies. (R) (T) 7.40 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 7.50 Chloe’s Closet. (R) (T) 8.00 Roobarb and Custard Too. (R) (T) 8.10 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 8.25 Make Way for Noddy. (R) (T) 8.40 City of Friends. (R) (T) 8.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 9.10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky. (R) (T) 9.30 Angelina Ballerina. (R) (T) 9.45 Rupert Bear. (R) (T) 10.00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 10.15 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 10.35 LazyTown. (R) (T) 11.05 FILM: Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005). Family sci-fi adventure, starring Josh Hutcherson and Jonah Bobo. (T) 1.00 FILM: The Fifth Element (1997). Sci-fi

Saturday 8th March 2014 09:00 Kick up the 80´s 10:00 Nowt but the 90´s 12:00 Back to the 70´s 14:00 Sport Zone with Kevin Reardon, incl Darts with Paul Durrant at 3pm and Results roundup at 6pm 19:00 The Live Lounge 21:00 Calder´s Confessions 23:00 Al Walser´s Weekly Top 20 00:00 Exite Overnight.


7.00 Breakfast. News, sport and entertainment reports. (T) 8.40 Match of the Day. Including highlights of Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur. (R) (T) 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show. With author Hilary Mantel, actor Ben Miles and singer Paloma Faith. (T) 11.00 The Big Questions. From Michaelston Community College, Cardiff. (T) 12.00 Sunday Politics. Presented by Andrew Neil. (T) 1.15 Wanted Down Under. (R) (T) 2.00 BBC News; Weather. (T) 2.15 Bargain Hunt. From Glasgow. (R) (T) 2.45 Escape to the Country. A couple with a budget of £900,000 search for a property in West Sussex. (R) (T) 3.30 Live Six Nations Rugby Union. England v Wales (Kick-off 3.00pm). (T)

6.00 Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole. Steve Backshall heads to Yellowstone National Park 6.30 Songs of Praise. Dan Walker visits a church that has been transformed into a winter-themed sporting arena. (T) 7.05 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 7.30 Blandings. Clarence grows a raggedy beard, much to the dismay of Freddie. (T) 8.00 Countryfile. Reports on the latest rural developments. Including Weather for the Week Ahead. 9.00 Call the Midwife. A new friendship grows for Jenny when she is introduced to a patient’s male cousin. (T) 10.00 The Musketeers. A young girl is killed after being hit by the royal carriage, and the Musketeers’ investigations lead them to an enigmatic noblewoman — along with a mission to save the Cardinal. (T) 11.00 BBC News; Regional News; Weather. (T) 11.25 FILM: Bruce Almighty (2003). God tires of a reporter’s constant complaining, so passes on His powers to give him a taste of real responsibility. Comedy, with Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman and Jennifer Aniston. (T) 1.00 FILM: Forget Me Not (2010). Premiere. Romantic drama, with Tobias Menzies and Genevieve O’Reilly. (T) 2.30 Weatherview. (T) 2.35 BBC News. (T) BBC2 7.00 This Is BBC Two. (T) 7.15 FILM: Son of Kong (1933). Fantasy adventure sequel, starring Robert Armstrong. (T) (bw) 8.15 Monty Don’s Italian Gardens. (R) (T) 9.15 Countryfile. Matt Baker explores Elmley Marshes on the Isle of Sheppey. (R) (T) 10.15 Gardeners’ World. (R) (T) 10.45 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites. (T) 12.15 James Martin: Home Comforts. (R) (T) 1.00 Michel Roux’s Service. (R) (T) 2.00 Michel Roux’s Service. (R) (T) 3.00 Live Athletics. The World Indoor Championships. (T) 7.00 Flog It! Trade Secrets. Paul Martin and the show’s experts offer advice on making money from antiques and collectibles. (R) (T) 7.30 Mystery of the Moor. Mike Dilger investigates the story

behind Bronze Age burial items discovered on Dartmoor, which give vital new clues to how people lived 4,000 years ago. Previously shown on BBC One South West. (T) 8.00 Wild Burma: Nature’s Lost Kingdom. A team of film-makers from the BBC’s Natural History Unit and scientists from America’s Smithsonian Institution venture into Burma’s jungles to catalogue its species. (R) (T) 9.00 Top Gear: Burma Special. Part one of two. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May travel through the wilds of Burma as they take three lorries on one of their toughest challenges to date. (T) 10.00 Fast and Fearless: Britain’s Banger Racers. Part one of two. Documentary following drivers at the Arena Essex Raceway both on and off the track as they compete in the 2013 banger racing season. (T) 11.00 Mock the Week Looks Back at Travel. Another themed selection from the show’s archives, with contributions by David Mitchell, Russell Kane, Jack Whitehall, Kevin Bridges, Katherine Ryan and Adam Hills. (R) (T) 11.35 Line of Duty. (R) (T) 12.35 FILM: The Killing Fields (1984). Fact-based drama, starring Sam Waterston. (T) 2.50 Sign Zone: Countryfile. (R) (T) 3.45 Sign Zone: Holby City. (R) (T) 4.45 Sign Zone: Silk. Martha defends a professional footballer accused of assaulting another player. (R) (T) 5.45 This Is BBC Two. (T) London 7.00 CITV: Dino Dan. The adventures of trainee palaeontologist Dan Henderson. (R) (T) 7.10 Dino Dan. The adventures of trainee palaeontologist Dan Henderson. (R) (T) 7.25 Matt Hatter Chronicles. Children’s animation. (R) (T) 7.45 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) (T) 7.55 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.00 Canimals. Fun for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.10 Om Nom Stories. Tales for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.15 Om Nom Stories. Tales for younger viewers. (R) (T) 8.20 Sooty. Crazy capers with the puppet pals. (R) (T) 8.30 Scrambled! Fun for the young. (T) 10.25 Murder, She Wrote. Jessica uncovers rivalry at an ice-cream company. (R) (T) 11.25 Dickinson’s Real Deal. From Newark, Nottinghamshire. (R) (T) 12.25 ITV News and Weather; Weather. (T) 12.30 The Crocodile Hunter Diaries. Tempers flare as staff prepare to rehouse the crocodiles. (R) (T) 1.30 River Monsters. Stories of primordial bloodsuckers in the Pacific Northwest. (R) (T) 2.30 Live FA Cup Football. Hull City v Sunderland (Kick-off 2.00pm). (T)

5.20 FILM: Live and Let Die (1973). James Bond spy adventure, starring Roger Moore. (T) 7.35 ITV News London; Weather. (T) 7.45 ITV News and Weather. (T) 8.00 Dancing on Ice. Phillip Schofield and Christine Bleakley present the last-ever final. (T) 10.00 Mr Selfridge. Harry deals with a raft of problems on his return from Berlin — not least the news of Henri’s arrest — while Delphine provides the beleaguered staff with a much-needed morale boost. (T) 11.00 ITV News at Ten and Weather; Weather. (T) 11.15 Birds of a Feather. Tracey and Sharon get a glimpse of their future together when they see

two elderly sisters in a supermarket, while Dorien wins her court case. Last in the series. 11.45 FA Cup Highlights. Action from today’s matches in the sixth round, which were Manchester City v Wigan Athletic, Hull City v Sunderland and Sheffield United v Charlton Athletic. (T) 12.45 Anglo-Welsh Cup Rugby Union. Northampton Saints v Saracens and Bath v Exeter Chiefs. (T) 1.40 The Store. Home shopping. 3.40 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. (R) (T) 4.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show USA. The host takes his successful talk show stateside. (R) (T) 5.10 ITV Nightscreen. Text-based information service. 6.05 The Jeremy Kyle Show. Guests air their differences. CHANNEL 4 7.00 Live Paralympic Winter Games. Coverage of the second day of events in Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana, Russia. (T) 12.00 Live Paralympic Winter Games. Further coverage of the second day of events in Russia. (T) 3.30 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 4.00 The Big Bang Theory. (R) (T) 4.30 How I Met Your Mother. (T) 5.00 The Simpsons. Grampa boosts Homer’s love life. (R) (T) 5.30 The Simpsons. Homer is given free plane tickets. (R) (T) 6.00 Deal or No Deal. Players try to beat the banker and guess the contents of mystery boxes, and could double their winnings with box 23 — if they are brave enough to buy it with what they have won. (T) 7.00 Channel 4 News. (T) 7.30 Paralympic Winter Games Highlights. Jonathan Edwards and Ade Adepitan present a look back at the second day of events in Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana, Russia, which included alpine skiing and wheelchair curling. (T) 8.00 Crufts 2014: Best in Show. Clare Balding presents highlights from the fourth and final day of Crufts, and the results of the 2014 dog hero, friends for life and best in show are announced. Last in the series. (T) 10.00 FILM: One Day (2011). Premiere. The 20-year friendship between two university graduates is explored through the anniversaries of their first meeting. Romantic drama, with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. (T) 12.05 FILM: Working Girl (1988). Comedy, starring Melanie Griffith. (T) 2.15 The Good Wife. (R) (T) 3.00 One Born Every Minute. (R) (T) 3.55 Supernanny US. (R) (T) 4.35 Location, Location, Location. (R) (T) 5.30 River Cottage Bites. (R) (T) 5.50 Freesports on 4. (T) 6.15 Arenacross. (T) 6.45 Live Paralympic Winter Games. Coverage of the third day of events in Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana, Russia. (T)

Super Samurai. (R) (T) 11.35 Power Rangers Megaforce. (R) (T) 12.00 Access. (R) 12.05 Police Interceptors. (R) (T) 1.05 Ice Road Truckers. (R) (T) 2.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! (R) (T) 3.00 The Hotel Inspector. (R) (T) 4.00 FILM: Forever Young (1992). Romantic sci-fi drama, with Mel Gibson and Jamie Lee Curtis. (T) 6.05 5 News Weekend. (T) 6.10 FILM: Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (2011). Premiere. FBI agent Malcolm adopts his female alter ego. Comedy, with Martin Lawrence and Brandon T Jackson. (T) 8.10 FILM: Hancock (2008). A PR executive decides to transform the image of a drunken superhero. Comedy, starring Will Smith and Charlize Theron. Edited for language. (T) 10.00 FILM: Blade: Trinity (2004). The vampire hunter and a team of ruthless human sidekicks face a showdown with Dracula himself. Action thriller sequel, starring Wesley Snipes, Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds. (T) 12.00 FILM: Beowulf (2007). Motion-capture animated fantasy, starring Ray Winstone. (T) 2.10 SuperCasino. 4.05 The Lost Orphan: A Home for Mirela. (R) (T) 5.00 Wildlife SOS. (R) (T) 5.20 Make It Big. (R) (T) 5.50 The Funky Valley Show. (R) (T) 6.00 Angels of Jarm. (R) (T) 6.05 Hana’s Helpline. (R) (T) 6.20 Angels of Jarm. (R) (T) 6.25 The Funky Valley Show. (R) (T) 6.40 Hana’s Helpline. (R) (T) 6.50 Hana’s Helpline. (R) (T)

Sunday 9th March, 2014 14.00 Non Stop Music 16.00 Shopping and Info 18.00 Celebrity Archive – with TV presenter Ruby Wax. 18.05 Speekee TV - Fun Spanish lessons - El Estacion 18.15 Out & About in Torrevieja 18.30 Spanish Eye – Racing pigeons are a big part of Spanish culture. 19.00 Let's Talk (series) Our guests this week are retired entertainer Cathy Carson and Pastor Keith Brown. 19.30 Viva Vino – Wine expert & tour guide Colin Harkness visits another fabulous vineyard in the south of Spain. 20.00 – 22.00 Local Information and Non Stop Music

Channel 5 7.00 Milkshake!: Peppa Pig. (R) (T) 7.05 Roary the Racing Car. (R) (T) 7.15 Fifi and the Flowertots. (R) (T) 7.25 Bubble Guppies. (R) (T) 7.40 The Mr Men Show. (R) (T) 7.50 Chloe’s Closet. (R) (T) 8.00 Milkshake! Show Songs. (R) (T) 8.05 Roobarb and Custard Too. (R) (T) 8.10 Bananas in Pyjamas. (R) (T) 8.25 Make Way for Noddy. (R) (T) 8.35 Milkshake! Monkey. (R) (T) 8.40 City of Friends. (R) (T) 8.50 Milkshake! Bop Box. (R) (T) 8.55 Little Princess. (R) (T) 9.10 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky. (R) (T) 9.25 Angelina Ballerina. (R) (T) 9.35 Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures. (R) (T) 9.45 Rupert Bear. (R) (T) 10.00 Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. (R) (T) 10.15 Jelly Jamm. (R) (T) 10.30 LazyTown. (R) (T) 11.00 Power Rangers

Sunday 9th March, 2014 08:00 Sunday Inspiration with Philip Croft, 10:00 Sounds of the 60´s, 11:00 Supersonic 70´s, 12:00 Coffee Hour with Steven Hambley, 13:00 Time Sweep with Dominic Forbes, 17:00 The Ultimate UK Chart Show with Jason Scott, 20:00 Sunday Inspiration with Philip Croft



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Monday, 3rd March, 2014

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Property for Rent PLAYA FLAMENCA/LAS CHISMOSAS. Large 3 bed 3 bath townhouse, ideal for families with children or sharing with parents. Lounge diner with feature fireplace, guest bathroom, good sized separate kitchen, separate utility room, 3 double bedrooms, one en-suite, family bathroom with Jacuzzi bath and double

Situations Vacant


sink, Sat TV, air-con, south facing, tiled gardens front and back, communal pool. 550 euro, all inclusive of bills. Legal let with contracts 966 772 553 (89709) PILAR DE LA HORADADA. 2 Bed 2 bath townhouse in quiet cul-de-sac location. Modern, comfortable furnishings, English TV, communal pool, short walk to town 425 eur inc. bills. Legal contracts provided 966 772 553. (89769) LO CRISPIN large 3 bed 2 bath quad house, sat TV, good sized separate kitchen with storage off and exterior patio. Communal pool 495 euro inc. bills. Legal contracts provided 966 772 553 (88760)

Property for Sale

QUALITY BATHROOM CABINET for sale 170cm x 45 x 24 under basin unit with drawers and cupboards. Also a beautiful mirror with matching lights. 80 Euro the lot ! CALL 965 071 253 (69093) BIRD AVIARY FOR SALE mobile bird avery, 1.22m x 1.2m x 069m in size, metal framed, holds at least 20 caneries plus double breeding cage and many other extras PLUS 7 canaries offers in the region of 150 Euro owner leaving the country CALL 698 452 219 (69095)

2 bed, 2 bath townhouse, furnished with air con. In the much sought after Zenia Golf II, which is within walking distance to all of La Zenia amenities and a short walk to the beach.149,950 euros For further information on this property please call 968 971 860. (91768) 3 bed, 2 bath semi-detached townhouse in the heart of La Zenia. Only 1000 metres to the beach. Fully furnished with air-conditioning. Within immediate walking distance to the many amenities offered in La Zenia. These properties are much sought after and offer excellent rental potential 179,950 Euro. Call +34 968 971 860. (91773) 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom Marbella bungalow, situated in the San Jose development in Cabo Roig. Excellent links to the N-332, the AP7 motorway, La Zenia Boulevard Shopping Centre and close to all amenities. Close to local Church and just a few minutes walk to sandy beaches. The property is furnished, alarmed and includes air-conditioning and satelite TV. 89,500 Euro. Call 968 971 860. (91819) Two Bedroom, one bathroom duplex apartment with patio and off road parking. Fully furnished,

SAT TV and air con throughout. The property is within walking distance to all amenities and the beach. 114,950 euros Call 968 971 860 for more information (91820) Brand new 3 bed, 2 bath penthouse apartment in the bustling town of Los Montesinos. With magnificent panoramic views over the salt lakes. Private roof top solarium and optional underground parking. 89,950 Euro. Call 96 897 1860. (91779) Beautiful and modern Hair & Beauty Salon located in San Miguel de Salinas, in a busy area, close to the post office and the San Miguel School. 125 square meters, full kitchen / galeria, additional beauty room for treatments, and a bathroom. All hair dressing tools and furniture included, in excellent conditions. Great oportunity commercial unit for any business due to location and size. (109550) LA MANGA - Immaculate 2 bed, 2 bath apartment. Fully-furnished.

Close to beaches and Veneziola Golf. 2nd floor. Reduced for quick sale. 125.500 Euro. Tel 626 253 569. (90187) Situated in Los Altos is this lovely three bed, two bath townhouse has sea views. A newly fitted kitchen and open lounge. Air con and communal pool area. 92,500 Euro. Call 96 897 1860. (91882) Beautiful Town House (corner plot), 3 bed, 2 Bath, situated in Conjunto Residencial Valencia, surrounded by green areas, comm. pools, tennis court and security guard. well manteined and recently fully furnished. Garden in front, side and back of the property.Close to Villamartin Golf Course. For viewing please call 96-673-00-57. (109101) Beautiful Semi detached villa located in Torreta Florida, 3 bed, 2 bath,garage, large plot, lovely garden area, fully furnished and walking distance to Torrevieja city. Must view tel. 966-73-0057. (109105)


A modern and spacious townhouse in the beautiful and historic village of Jacarilla. The townhouse has 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a modern lounge. The villa has a bright yet spacious kitchen with plenty of storage space. To be sold unfurnished. 109,950 Euros CALL 968 971 860 (101552) A large Emerald Isle semi detached property which also has the benefit of 2 beautiful conservatories. The property boasts 2 beds and 2 baths, lounge, kitchen and an integral garage which also acts as a great storage area. There is also a large solarium area which has sea views and benefits from the morning sun. Well worth viewing. 109500 Euros. CALL 968 971 860 (101554) 2 / 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse. In immmaculate condition with walk-in wardrobe, A/C, sat TV, wood burner in the lounge. Walking distance to La Fuente CC, Mercadona and to two golf courses. EUR 105.750. Tel. 96 897 1860. (100820) Amazing opportunity! Detached villa, 5 Bed, 4 bath, 2 kitchens, super large rooms, 385 mt2 in 215 mt2 plot, ideal to have your own business in the property, all fully furnished to a high standard, garage underbuild, storage room, party room, hair dresser room with equipment, enormous roof ideal for a chill out area. Price has incredibly reduced for a quick sale! 230.000 Euros. Contact for viewing: 96-673-0057. (139990) This 2 bedroom, 4th floor apartment is located in the heart of Torrevieja in Calle Bella Antonia, close to the Plaza de Habana. There is a communal swimming pool which makes the property ideal for renting both long and short-term. This Torrevieja apartment is close to shops, bars and many other services. For further details, please call 0034 96 897 1860. (140806) These frontline 1,2 and 3 Bedroom apartments start from 106,000 euros, finished to a very high standard with all modern appliances.Incredible views across the beautiful Mar Menor and only 30 metres from the beach.These properties are only a short walk into the heart of Los Alcazares an old style Spanish seaside town.Within minutes of several top quality golf 968 971 860 for more information of this fantastic opportunity to purchase front line!!! (100861) Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath semidetached villa in Blue Lagoon. Lovely furniture and well maintained. Large plot, satellite TV,

internet, security grills, central heating. This property has a communal pool and is just a short walk to local schools, bars, and restaurants. To view, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102363) This 2 bed, 2 bath South-East facing bungalow comes with private driveway and side garden. It has a front patio area and a private solarium. It has marble floors throughout, a fireplace, air-conditioning, and comes fully furnished. The property is in a secure, gated urbanisation and enjoys the benefit of a communal pool. It is close to all the local amenities of Playa Flamenca. EUR 125.000. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102359) This detached villa is situated in Blue Lagoon. It has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and comes fully furnished. It has a glazed in conservatory, private solarium, and off-road parking, as well as ample storage areas. It is on a 250m2 plot. EUR 149.500. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102360) This 2 bed, 2 bath property is located in La Cinuelica, Los Altos. It is a top-floor corner apartment with private pool, BBQ, and patio area. The property comes fully furnished with an underground parking space with storage unit. It has integrated air-conditioning throughout. There is a utility room, front terrace, and large private solarium with sea views. There is also a communal pool. The property is located close to all the local amenities of Punta Prima. EUR 125.000. For further details please call +34 96 897 1860. (102358) This well-maintained 2 bed, 2 bath top-floor duplex is located just a few minutes from local amenities and the Los Dolses school. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (102354) This property is located in the vibrant urbanisation of Entre Naranjos, home of the fabulous Vistabella Golf Course. It has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The property is very well-maintained and comes fully furnished. It is just a short walk to amenities. There is a communal pool which enjoys all year round sunshine. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860 for details. (102351) Well-maintained 2 bed, 1 bath 4th floor apartment in Torrevieja. Just 5 minutes walk to the centre and 7 minutes to the marina and sandy beaches. The entrance to this building is clean and tidy and there is a lift to the fourth floor. The master bedroom has a built-


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in wardrobe. There is a fair-sized lounge which leads to the kitchen and a small balcony area. From the balcony there are stunning views of the salt lakes. For further details, please call 0034 96 897 1860. (140816) This spacious and fully-furnished three bedroom apartment is located in a convenient position in Torrevieja. This Spanish property has a good-sized living room, a fitted kitchen, a bathroom, and a balcony with view to the street. The property is close to all amenities and would make a great permanent home or an excellent investment opportunity. It is just 40 minutes from Alicante Airport and 20 minutes from San Javier - Murcia Airport. Close to local bars and restaurants and just 1 Km from beautiful sandy beaches. For further details, please call 0034 96 897 1860. (140812) Amazing 4 bed, 3 bath top floor apartment, sea views of the beautiful La Zenia Beach, 280 mt2 property, 30 mt2 Terrace, private solarium upstairs (as big as the property), lovely commu. pool with artificial grass, great opportunity for investment or permanent living. A few meters from the beach and all amenities. Price: 298.700 Euros. Call 96673-00-57. (139984) Great apartment in the city of Torrevieja,in Calle San Miguel de Salinas, 3 bed, 1 bath, large rooms to the exterior, brand new wood floor, new kitchen, a lot of light, hydromassage bath, 2 balconies, second line from Acequion beach. You cannot miss this opportunity, price: 73.200 euro, for viewings please call 96 673 0057. (139977) Amazing oportunity! Torrevieja, 3 bed, 2 bath apartment, security door, indep. kitchen, oak wook carpentry finish, large dinning area, terrace, close to all amenities and the Marina. Price: 50.000 Euros!, call Tel. 96-6730057. (139976) Torrevieja, apartment in the centre, Calle Caballero de Rodas, 2 bed, 1 bath, short walking distance to the beach and all the services. Built in 1998, 69m2 Price: 60.000 euro. For viewing please contact: 96-673-00-57. (139972) Beautiful ground floor apartment in Playa Flamenca, 2 bed 2 bath in a gated community. Tropical gardens and lovely swimming pool area, tennis court, basket court & children play area. Air cond. in all rooms, 127 m2 terrace, interrior m2: 87m2. Fully furnished. Price: 125.000 Euros. To view please call: 96-673-00-

57. (139970) 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa on 300m2 private plot. Fully furnished with salt lake and sea views from the large roof solarium. Includes air-conditioning, sat TV and open fire. Large private pool. Situated in a lovely gated community and near to all amenities. 185.000 Euro. Call 968 971 860 for details. (101131) This 2 bed 2 bath ground floor duplex in lovely condition. Furnished . A/Con. Sat TV. Very large corner plot with beautiful established gardens. Includes a hot tub. One of the nicest apartments in the area. Call 96 897 1860. (101132) Two bed, one bath South-facing duplex in Playa Flamenca. The property comes fully furnished and has off-road parking. It is located within easy reach of all local amenities. Tel 96 897 1860 (101156) Two bed, one bath first floor apartment in La Zenia. Fully furnished, sat TV, off-road parking, and beautiful views of the communal pool and the Med. The property is in a perfect location for walking to the beach and the new La Zenia Boulevard shopping precinct.Reduced price for quick sale!: 80.000 Euros. Tel 96 897 1860. (101159) Detached 2 bed, 2 bath property in El Galan. Priced for quick sale. Call 96 897 1860 for duther details. (101577) 2 bed, 1 1/2 bath Battenburg townhouse situated in Bosque de Las Lomas, Villamartin. The property comes furnished with Sat TV. Close to all amenities and use of 2 communal pools. Situated between 4 Championship golf courses. Best priced Battenburg in the area. 76,750 euro. Call 968 971 860. (101172) South facing top floor duplex. 3 bed, 2 bath. Air-con, sat TV, furnished. Gated community in the heart of La Zenia. Close to amenties and beach. Communal pool. 106,500 Euro. Tel 968 971 860. (101483) This 3 bed, 2 bath house is between the lovely village of San Miguel de Salinas and Torremendo. Quiet urbanisation. Separate kitchen and utility room. A/C, garage and partly-completed underbuild. Front and rear garden and a large solarium with lake and mountain views. Tel 96 897 1860. (101490)

This top floor duplex, with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, is on the edge of Playa Flamenca,so is close to all amenities and the new Shopping Centre. It is fully furnished in light, bright colours and has Sat TV. It is south-west facing with a terrace. There is access to 2 communal pools and amazing sea views from the large solarium. 79,950 euros. Call 968 971 860. (101502) Detached villa on a 400m2 plot with 275m2 build. In the heart of Blue Lagoon. Close to all amenities. 4 beds (3 double, 1 single), 2 baths, (2 beds and 1 bath in the self-contained unit, along with a living and dining area, on the top floor). Closed in conservatory, C/H, sat TV, two terraces, swimming pool, garage, underbuild and utility room. Stunning sea views. 195,000 Euro. Call 968 971 860. (101503) End of terrace 2 storey semidetatched house in the heart of La Zenia. Lovely gated community with a well maintained pool area. It has 2 beds, 1 1/2 bathrooms, a kitchen with utility room and a balcony off one of the bedrooms. It has a small front and side garden and an allocated car parking space. It will be sold semi-furnished. This property would make an excellent rental investment. 125,000 euros. Call 968 971 860. (101508) This traditional bungalow is on a quiet lane in the Montezenia area of La Zenia and has 4 double bedrooms, a bathroom, a small, rustic kitchen, living room, a south facing terrace (with storage) and a solarium with sea views. There would be room for a pool in the large area at the front of the property. Low community fees.Reduced price!. Call 968 971 860 (101510) Top floor duplex apartment in the heart of Playa Flamenca. Close to all amenities and the new Commercial Centre. 2 bed, 1 bath, A/C, sat TV and open kitchen. Sold furnished. Large solarium with sea views, shaded terrace and front garden. Access to a communal pool. 92,500 Euro. Call 96 897 1860. (101524) Lovely 3 bed, 1 1/2 bath townhouse. Access to a communal pool. Large front patio / terrace and roof solarium. Sold furnished. A/C, sat TV and lots of storage. 5 minutes walk to local amenities. On a bus route and 10 minutes walk to Santiago de la Ribera beach and the Mar Menor. Close to San Javier airport. 125,950 Euro. Call 968 971 860. (101525) 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa just on the outskirts of San Miguel de la Salinas, Costa Blanca, Spain. This Spanish property is furnished to a very high standard and is very well maintained. It is located on a plot of over 200m2 and has plenty of room for a private swimming pool. This immaculate property comes with air-conditioning, satellite television and alarm system. It is only 3 kms to the lively Spanish town of San Miguel de Salinas. Beautiful countryside walks and

plenty of nature trails for horse riding, quad biking and other outdoor pursuits. Enjoy an outdoor lifestyle. RECENTLY REDUCED TO 139,500 euros. For more information on this lovely property, please call 0034 968 971 860. (91846) 2 bed, 2 bathroom South-West facing townhouse. Overlooks the communal swimming pool. Alarm, air-con, sat TV. fully furnished to a high standard. Euro 79,950. Call 968 971 860. (100860) 2 bed, 1 bath apartment in the heart of Cabo Roig. N332 beachside. Furnished. A/C and sat TV. Underground parking. Incredible pool and sea views from the balcony. Short walk to the beach and all amenities. Euro 139,950. Call 968 971 860. (100887) 2 bed 1 Bath ground floor apartment. Furnished and includes A/C and Sat T.V walking distance to all amenities and 15 mins to the beach.Off road parking and use of a communal pool. 95,000 euro Call 968 971 860 or 667 592 467 (100884) 2 bed, 1 bath South-facing apartment. Overlooks the pool and has sea views from the balcony. Fully furnished with A/Con and sat TV. Underground parking. In the heart of Cabo Roig. Walking distance to the beach. 99,750 Euro. Call 968 971 860. (101123) Situated in Torremendo, San Miguel de las Salinas is this lovely 4 bed, 3 bath detached Villa with private pool and beautiful views to the countryside. Open fireplace, and Air Con with also all white goods. On 290m2 plot with off road parking only 4.5kms from San miguel and 2kms from Torremendo.Just reduced eur 162,500 eur. Call 667 592 467 (100853) Beautiful ground floor apartment. Front Line beach in La Zenia. In a gated and secure complex with incredible views across La Zenia bay you literally walk off your terrace and on to the beach.Fully furnished to a high standard this is a unique property because of its proximity to the beach.This is a property that has to be seen.eur 259,750 call 968 971 860. (100855) 3 bed 2 bath Penthouse in the very popular Molino Blanco Development,fully furnished and also Sat T.V and A/Con. Overlooks the park area and has lovely sea views from the balcony and roof solarium.Only a 1000 metres from La Zenia beach and has access to all of the local amenities.eur 99,750 call 968 971 860 (100852) This is a 3 or 4 bed, 2 bath quad bungalow. Fully-furnished and includes air-conditioning, central heating and satellite TV. Lovely sea views from the roof solarium on which there is a shed and closed-in conservatory with an additional bedroom and shower room. The 4th bedroom / study has its own entrance. The property is only a short walk to all amenities. It also has use of a lovely communal pool. Reduced to sell. 99.000 Euro. Call +34 96 897 1860 to view. (100846)



This is a lovely 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa just outside Villamartin. It is South-facing and is being sold in excellent condition. Air-conditioning throughout and comes fully furnished to a high standard. The property overlooks a beautiful communal pool and has views across the countryside, the Torrevieja salt lakes, and the Mediterranean sea. It is only a short drive to the popular town of San Miguel with its local health facilities and excellent schools, and Villamartin with its fabulous Plaza. The property is also just 10 minutes from award-winning Blue Flag sandy beaches and sits between three popular golf courses. 239,950 Euro. For further details, please call 968 971 860. (100843) Dolores. Large Finca in plot of 10,000 m2. All services connected. Build Size 215m2. Must be viewed. 195,000 euros. Tel 649 189 930 (65297) 2 bed, 2 bath top-floor duplex, furnished to a high standard and includes Air-conditioning and satellite TV. South-facing and has a large private roof solarium. The large balcony is fully doubleglazed which makes a lovely sitting area. Use of 2 communal swimming pools. 92.750,00

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Euro. Call +34 96 897 1860. (100840) Detached Villa on a 900m2 plot with lovely established garden and private pool area. Furnished to a high standard and to include air con and SAT TV. In a quiet location but only a short distance to all amenities. 232,500 euros call 667 592 467 (92306) This 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom townhouse is situated in Las Chismosas, Playa Flamenca. It comes furnished and includes airconditioning and satellite TV. The upstairs bathroom has a hydromassage bath. The property is in lovely condition and only a short walk from all amenities. It has three terraces which enjoy all-day sunshine and a communal pool. There is also the option to purchase an underground car parking space. Priced at just 89.950 Euro for a quick sale. Please call 0034 96 897 1860 for further details. (92307) Beautifully presented 2 bed ground floor bungalow. Property consists of Lounge/Diner, good sized kitchen with storage area, Master bedroom with fitted wardrobes, twin bedroom with fitted wardrobes and family bathroom. Good sized garden and communal pool. This property is located just a short stroll to Villamartin

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Plaza and is ideal for full time living and holidays 80,000 euros Tel 966 772 553 (92320) South facing 2 bed, 1 bath Marbella bungalow. In fantastic condition and furnished to a very high standard. Includes air-conditioning and satellite TV. Private roof solarium with sea views, offroad parking and plenty of garden space. Within walking distance of all amenities. Reduced to 98.000 Euro. Call +34 96 897 1860. (92673) Lovely 2 bed, 1 1/2 bathroom Townhouse situated in La Florida. South facing with front and rear balconies for all year round sunshine,also has front and rear garden areas. Two communal pool areas and only a short walk to the popular Emerald Isle complex. 74,950 euros. Call 667 592 467 (92674) 2 bed, 1 bath Battenburg style townhouse in the popular Cabo Roig area. Furnished with airconditioning and Sat TV. The rear courtyard has been converted into an extended kitchen. Use of four communal pools and walking distance to all amenities and the beach. JUST REDUCED 87,500 Euro. Call 96 673 0057. (92675) A stunning quad villa in playa golf property with 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathroom and large garden just a short walk from bars and the bus and only a 5 mins drive to the beach 115,000 euros contact Ian on 644 115 988 (96290) 2 Bedroom quad villa in Lomas de Cabo Roig just 5 mins walk to the shop and about 5 mins drive to the beach this has been a lovely home but need to sell now it only 89,999 euros call Carl on 672 875 251 (96292) Ground floor bungalow over looking community garden and just a short walk from the supermarket carrefour in Torrevieja this is a lovely property with a nice size garden Ideal for you if you are looking to be close to all amenties was 99,000 euros now 75,000 euros call me James on 644 138 502 (96293) Refurbished top floor bungalow with private garden and private solarium in the Verdemars with sea view and golf views also we have refurbished to a high standard there is a lovely stream just a few mins walk away and the communtiy is a nice and clean

with 2 communal pool now 124,999 euros call today paul on 634 043 697 (96294) Ground Floor 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom Apartment. Fully Furnished and Includes Air Con and SAT TV. It has off-road parking and overlooks the Marquesa Golf Course literally front-line views. The property is in lovely condition. 69,950 euros call 667 592 467 (96311) Two Bedroom, two bathroom Attached Bungalow situated in La Florida. South facing with views to the sea from two double glazed conservatories and also the solarium. Fully furnished SAT TV and close to all amenities. It is also only walking distance to the popular Emerald Isle complex. 106,950 euros call 667 592 467 (96314) Well maintained detached property in El Galan. 3 bed, 2 bathroom. Call 96 897 1860 for further details. (101578) Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath detached villa in Los Balcones. Private swimming pool and spacious 800m2 grounds. This property catches the sun all day. It has stunning views of the Torrevieja salt lake and Mediterranean sea. The top floor is used for general living and the ground floor (underbuild) has a single garage with additional unused space for storage or another room. Fully furnished, air-conditioning, satellite TV, and security. For further information, please call +34 96 897 1860. (101989) This quad property is located in San Luis, close to all amenities. Built in 1997, the property is being sold fully-furnished with hot / cold air-conditioning, satellite TV, and telephone. It has offroad parking and there are external storage areas on the top terrace and at the side of the property. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (101992) We are proud to offer this rare opportunity to purchase a piece of Paradise! This luxury 8 bedroom family home is a front-line treasure with majestic views of the Mediterranean Sea, the old Cabo Roig marina, Campoamor, and La Manga. The property is on a beautifully maintained 1.200m2 plot in one of the most exclusive parts of the Cabo Roig peninusular. From the gardens there are steps down to stunnning sandy beaches and the crystal blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. For further details about this property or to arrange a viewing, please call +34 96 673 0057. (109122) This two bedroom, one bathroom ground floor apartment is just a one minute walk from the glorious sandy beaches of La Zenia and Cala Capitan in Cabo Roig. The property is second-line to the Mediterranean Sea. It has it’s own off-road parking space and is on a secure, gated urbanisation which has beautiful green area and communal pool. For further details, please call +34 96 897 1860. (109123) Amazing detached villa in Pliego, Murcia. 5.000 square meter plot. Villa surrounded by fruit trees and fanstastic views of the countryside and mountains. 4 Bed, 3

Bath, private swimming- pool, summer BBQ kitchen, air cond, security. For viewing please contact: 96-673-00-57. (109126) Brand new, 2 Bed, 2 bath walking distance to the new La Zenia Boulevard. Beautiful green areas within the urbanization, children play area, infinity comm.pool, jacuzzy (heated water in the winter months). Ideal investment home. For viewing contact: 96673-00-57. (109130) Front line apartment in Punta Prima, 3 bed, 2 baht, south facing in a lovely and quiet urbanization, surrounded by green areas.Building with lift. Walking distance to the beach and all amenities. This is an ideal investment for rental or permanent home. Special price for a quick sale. Contact 96-673-00-57. (109136) Beautiful property in San Cayetano, Murcia. 3 Bed, 2 Bath, fully furnished, lovely com. swimming-pool, very well mantained. Quiet area, must view. Contact 96-673-00-57. (109138) Large apartment in Punta Prima, sea views, 3 bed, 2 bath, large terrace, air cond. quiet area, low comm. fees, well mantained, fully furnished, good investment, please contact: 96673-00-57. (109514) Lovely 2 bed, 1 bath apartment in Roco del Mar, sea views, south facing, fantastic comm. pool in a green area, walking distance to restaurants and all amenities. Contact: 96-673-00-57. (109515) Beautiful property; 2 bed plus conservatory, 2 bath, in a gated urbanization with lovely green areas and 2 comm. pools, air cond. Large solarium, 80 mt2 corner plot. Very well mantained, 3 min. from Habaneras shopping centre. For viewing please contact: 96-673-00-57. (109523) Cabo Roig, 3 Bed, 3 Bath property in a quiet and beautiful urbanization surrounded by green areas and beautiful swimming-pool. Independent studio downstairs. For viewing please contact: 96673-00-57. (109516) Semi-Detacthed property in La Torreta Florida, 2 Bed, 1 Bath, 400 m2 plot , large terrace, lake views from the large solarium, sunny all year round, garage (possible 3rd bedroom), central heating, fully furnished. For


viewing please contact: 96-67300-57. (109518) Detached property close to Torrevieja and Habaneras shopping centre, 3 bed, 2 bath, beautiful garden, 1.000 mt2 plot, quite area, garage, lovely swimmingpool. Contact for viewing: 96673-00-57. (109519) Detached villa, 800 mt2 plot, 3 bed, 2 bath, private pool, garage, large garden area with lovely BBQ with garden kitchen, well mantained, fully furnished. For viewing please contact: 96-67300-57. (109520) Amazing detached villa in a quiet urbanization, own pool with lovely BBQ and garden area, fantastic views to the salt lakes and gree areas,independet apartment upstairs, sunny all day, very well mantained, close to all amenities. For viewing please call: 96-67300-57. (109522) Amazing brand new Semi detached, 3 bed, 2 bath with windows, kitchen fully fitted, built in wardrobes in all bedrooms (2 downstairs), located in a gated community, high standard building materials, own parking space in the plot, private huge solarium, 2 comm. pools with natural grass, children play area, both swimming pools have a jacuzzy, community library, really beautiful and very well maintained. The urbanization is located within walking distance to the commercial centre La Zenia Boulevard, supermarkets, Saturday Playa Flamenca market, restaurants and all amenities. This is a perfect investment. Price: 139.500 Euros. For viewing, please call 96-673-00-57. (139991) Lovely 2 bed 1 bath ground floor apartment in Los Altos, large front and back terraces, south facing, very well mantained, close the the comm. pool, air cond, fully furnished,close to a supermarket and a commercial centre, great offer for quick sale! (109528) Three bed, two bathroom apartment for sale in San Miguel. This property comes full furnished. It has views of the local sports facilities and the Torrevieja salt lakes. Well maintained and priced to sell quickly. Was 98.000 Euro. Now just 62.950 Euro for quick sale. Please call 0034 96 673 0057 for further details. (109586)


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EURONICS THURSDAY DART LEAGUE “THE ELECTRICAL SHOP” - BLUE LAGOON RESULTS - 27 FEBRUARY Breakaways Bears Madigans Misfits Porterhouse Pint Depot Queens Gogarty´s Gophers Hub Hyenas Hattons Hunks

P-P 3-9 0-12 5-7 4-8 7-5 11-1

Hattons Honeys Pint Depot Kings Hub Meerkats The Tavern Que Pasa Eagles Busters Pb´s Pirates

League Table The Hub Meerkats Que Pasa Eagles Busters Bar The Hub Hyenas Porterhouse Hattons Hunks Gogarty´S Gophers Pint Depot Kings The Tavern Breakaways Bears Hattons Honeys Madigans Misfits Pb´s Pirates Pint Depot Queens

P 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 19 19 19

W 18 13 10 11 10 10 11 7 7 5 5 4 1 0

D 1 4 7 5 4 3 1 4 2 3 2 3 1 0

L 0 2 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 10 11 12 17 19

F 192 153 141 141 121 136 120 109 105 93 76 89 56 52

A 36 75 87 87 107 92 108 121 125 123 140 139 172 176

Pts 37 30 27 27 24 23 23 18 16 13 12 11 3 0

180s: Joe Miller, Shaun Smith (Hyenas), Derek Kingsbury, Patrick Abrams, Paul Durrant, Lee Maiden (Meerkats), Sid Cross x2 (Hattons Hunks), Mark Filer (Busters), Mike Smith, Mel Dawson (Breakaways Bears) Highest finish: Alex Nikolov (Meerkats) 141 Shortest leg: 16 darts - John Walker (Que Pasa), Pat Abrams, Alex Nikolov, Meerkats Busters slipped up this week leaving a 3 point gap between them and a winning second placed Que Pasa. A significant half time advantage wasn’t pressed home on their visit to the Hub Hyenas, where a miserly lone singles victory was their only success in a narrow defeat. At the other end of the table the Royal family´s distant cousins, the Pint Depot Queens must have thought a first victory was on the cards when they found themselves sharing the first 8 legs in their home fixture to the Tavern. It didn’t materialise and they remain at the foot of the table and pointless. A surprising drubbing from the Kats ended a confident four match winning run for Ray Sanderson´s Porterhouse. The scoring department for the Porters was in fine fettle, but the all important finishing eluded each of Sanderson´s Porters all evening, resulting in a maximum defeat for the popular side. Down at the Pint Depot the Tavern were hoping for a victory to keep them in contention for the Breakaways League Plate. It started off well for the visitors, their talisman Ivan Jones completing the 1001 first leg team game to go 1 up. Ralph Weatherby did the damage in the second leg, top scoring on 95 and finishing D10 to go 2 up. Vi Turner led the scoring for the Royals in the third, Taverner Jones countering. Both sides were down to a shot the Queens requiring 37 points. What happened next could well feature on BBC´s Question of Sport ¨What Happened Next¨? Rachael Broadhead carrying an injured shoulder from her Sunday side´s bowling team was feeling decidedly ambidextrous and threw the first dart with her alternative left hand promptly hitting a single 7. Experiencing some discomfort she decided to throw the next with her right. Bang straight into the middle of double 15 with her next arrow. Maybe it’s the way forward Rachael? Jones continued his scoring

exploits in the first doubles, but it wasn’t enough as Queen Vi popped in D2 for all square and the traditional Agadoo Anthem, ¨we´ve got 2,2,2¨. Bemused by the Royals antics, Tavern captain Mike Snow got to grips with the situation and scored a ton in the next, setting up John Graziour for S16,D20. Weatherby, following his captain´s example, regularly found the treble and the required double, this time D3, for a 2-4 half time advantage. Lorraine Cox continued her earlier scoring form in the first single, completing her leg on D2 to reduce the deficit. Her most Royal Debbie Wright faced Brown in the second singles and expressed her intentions with an opening 114. Brown consistently scored but was always behind. Wright got to the double first and was out in a flash on D2 for a real chance of a first Royal win at 4 all. Cheryl Sleath looked likely to make it 5 with some consistent scoring against a confident Weatherby. The Taverner hit 97 to leave D12, which was converted next throw. Jones ensured the draw and a point after a 110 and D2 leaving captain Snow the chance of taking the win against the redoubtable Ann Griffiths. Both scored well, but found the double elusive until Snow spoilt the plot, landing D2. The Queens still on a high despite losing, cheered on their last protagonist Marie Dunne to a fine last leg victory on D4. Very close, will their first win occur next week? Second place Que Pasa faced the prospect of a tough fixture at La Zenia´Gogarty´s venue. Now back to full strength the Eagles battled their way to a half time lead of 2-4 and ensured the draw by the third single. Gophers two singles victories just wasn’t enough as the last two legs went the visitors way for a comfortable win, leaving them clear second. With a full compliment available the Eagles are a tough nut to crack, illustrated in the very first leg. Big scores from John Walker and Jim Storey subsequently set up an excellent 120 out from Kevin Wood, going the conventional way of T20,S20,D20. Further big scores from Eddie Klimonis 100 and Walker 123 were not enough however, as the Gophers countered completing the leg on D11 courtesy of Elaine Willis. The big scores continued in the third leg, captain Den Hall 120,135 and Wood 140 resulted in Jim Storey pegging out on 42 (S6,D18) despite a 100 from Cynthia Jevons. The first doubles featured John Linton and Bliss Wright, who carried her earlier good form into this leg but to no avail as Wood finished D2 for 1-3. Richard Patterson upped the tempo in the next with some fine throwing partnering wife Christine. Unfortunately it was more than matched by Hall and Klimonis who finished the leg on D2. Gophers captain Gail Todd really meant business in the last leg before the break, averaging 80+ with partner Kevin Procktor supporting well. Walker hit two tons and a 99, but was powerless to prevent Procktor completing the 601 on D9 for 2-4. Todd faced the formidable Walker in the first singles and acquitted herself well. However it was the Eagle who got to the double first to pop in D2 after hitting a 140. Richard Patterson D16 outscored Klimonis to pull one back for Gogarty´s, only for Hall to hit D2 after a barrage of scoring 85,95,85 and 100. His opponent John Linton 140,85 was unlucky to come up against someone playing just a little better than himself. Procktor made it 4-6 on D12 and the possibility of sharing the spoils. Wood ensured it didn’t happen hitting 85,100 and D18 for the match at the expense of an unfortunate Bliss Wright. Storey wrapped up the match against Jevons on 57 (S17,D20) for a 4-8 scoreline. The Pint Depot Kings extended their leg advantage over the Tavern in the fight for the League Plate and remain two points ahead of the Villamartin outfit. The Kings quickly enjoyed a 0-2 advantage in their match against Madigans via Ron Cornelius on D2 and D8. A ton, 85 and 60 from the visitors in the second triples couldn’t prevent Pete James hitting D19 for 1-2. Some decent scoring from Misfits Steve Cox and John Ashworth wasn’t enough as Dave Wright and Eddie Fozzard both hit tons, Wright completing the leg on D2. The Misfits

didn’t seem to have trouble scoring, but finishing was another matter. Ron Young hit 95,97 and a ton in the second doubles only for Frankie Wurrorck to finish before the opposition. Gary Minor 100 and Martyn Bynorth D2 made the score line a flattering 1-5 to the visitors. Sporting her new blond hairstyle, Zoe James featured in the first single and faced an opening 160 from Eddie Fozzard. She never recovered, leaving Fozzard to finish for at least a draw and one point. Husband Pete 125,85 outscored opponent Wurrorck, but yet again couldn’t convert his outstanding scoring into a double, gifting the leg and match to the Kings. Karl Cooper redressed the balance a little on D20 for the Misfits, showing the way for girlfriend Leah Chesworth to add a third leg on D2 against an in-form Wright who must have fancied his chances after scoring 83,125 and 85. Bynorth D8 and Minor D18 made it 9 for the Kings, the latter narrowly defeating Misfits captain Sonya Cooper. Around the league Kats remain firmly top after taking all 12 legs in their visit to Porterhouse. The Porters tally of 8 tons and 12 scores of 80+ would probably have given them victory in most other fixtures however, the opportunity of doubles were elusive, aptly illustrated by Peter Ayres performance against Graham Todd. Veteran Ayres, whose jokes are decidedly getting worse as he gets older, performed well enough for a win. Scores of 133,83,102 and 79 to set up a double did not materialise into a winning leg and Todd hit D10 to take the leg, his third of the night. The first leg set the tone of this free scoring match with Pat Abrams 140, Lee Maiden 99,85 and Alex Nikolov 100 and D20 just outdoing Ray Sanderson 140, Ayres 121 and Ray Hayes 85. Kats captain Derek Kingsbury just back from the UK recorded a 125, narrowly missing the maximum in the second treble, Paul Durrant hitting 140,100 and D2 to win the leg, Brian Nash 121 replying for the Porters. Todd hit his second finish of the night in his pair with Durrant, using just two darts for 74 (T14,D16). Nikolov partnered father in law Kingsbury in the sixth leg and did the majority of the work scoring 120,120 and 60 out (S20,D20). John Eyre enjoyed a fine finish of 102 (T20,D10,D11) after setting up the out with a ton, against the delectable Sue Sanderson. The Porters should have taken two legs but could easily have taken five but missing them all. A strong performance from both sides but the Kats taking both points and a flattering score line. Top scorers for the Porters were Ray Sanderson 140,120, Ayres 133,102, Nash 121,123 and Ray Hayes 85,81,85,140. The Hunks overwhelmed the Pirates taking all but one of the twelve legs available. Joe Hawkins with three game shots and Steph Simpson also with three game shots plus a 121 and 139 were the lynch pins of the Hunks victory, Sid Cross taking out D2 for the match. George Mint did a little showboating, requiring 40, hit D5 and D15 in his singles. A fine performance from the Hunks enabling them to move above Gogarty´s on leg difference. The doubles draw will take place this week with first round matches being played on March 13th at four selected venues, winners at each venue progressing through to the semi finals on May 8th. Ladies and Mens Singles entries have recently been distributed with first round matches taking place on April 10th. Both competitions have been supported this season by Alex Nikolov Building Services and La Zenia Tool Hire respectively. Teams now competing for the Breakaways League Plate are as follows: Pint Depot Kings, Breakaways Bears, Madigans Misfits, Hattons Honeys, the Tavern, PB´s Pirates and the Pint Depot Queens. These were the teams in 8th to 14th place at the half way stage of the season after 13 matches (qualification ruling). Listen to darts chit chat with Kevin Reardon and Paul Durrant on Exite Radio 89.2 and 93.1FM on Saturday afternoons between 3 and 4 p.m. ........... Paul Durrant, League Chairman



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Monday, 3rd March, 2014



Monday, 3rd March, 2014

ROCKETS GOLF SOCIETY A quick return to Vistabella instead of our normal “Away Day” was as a result that the arranged venue Camposol Golf had to be cancelled. European Tour player Luke Goddard was a welcome guest with Rockets G.S. practicing for the coming season and before jetting off to Kenya for his first competitive game of the season. So 16 players descended on Vistabella with the sun shining brightly, but it was a day of differing fortunes with the Gold Category scoring consistently well and the Silver the opposite, as the scores prove.

BY IVIE DAVIES RESULTS: Gold Category - 1st Geoff Poyner 35 Pts, 2nd Rodney Smith 34 Pts, 3rd Liam Foley 33 Pts, 4th Mike Davies 31 Pts Silver Category - 1st Geoff Wild 34 Pts, 2nd Peter Root 33 Pts, 3rd Janet Davies 27 Pts, 4th Arthur Williams 24 Pts Nearest The Pins - Hole 8: Malcolm Anderson, Hole 15: Geoff Poyner Longest Drive : Mike Davies, Best Guest: Phil Cook 31 Pts If you are still to pay your subs you have until the end of March. It was back to Izzy’s Bar for our favourite munchies, and Roxy’s Izzy Chips, “Rocket” presented the prizes and announced next month’s game at Alenda on the 11th March where the pairs and singles games will be played. The first Tee time is 09:50 On the 25 March back at Alicante Golf and a first tee time of 10:00 For more information or if you wish to play with the arguably the friendliest Golf Society contact Ron Nicholson on 678849142 or email



Sat & Sun 22nd and 23rd Feb MonteMar held the MonteMar Mixed Rinks Trophy, The weather was brilliant as was the Bowls, The Winners were the team from San Luis Skipped by Keith Jones. (see pic) The final went down to an extra end, MonteMar came second and third Skipped by Diane Ridley and Brian Zelin. Monday 24th Feb, The Matadors were at Home to Horadada Royals, Winning on only 1 Rink. Sue Kemp, Joan Harding, Skip Brian Zelin 25-14. Points, Matadors 2 - Horadada 12. Monday 24th Feb, The Toreadors were Away to San Miguel Comets, Winning on 3 Rinks. Pauline Merry, Fred Taylor, Skip Chris Merry 15-11. Jan Webster, Jan Hayward, Skip Bill Webster 22-15. Sue Bounds, Led Bounds, Skip Danny King 27-6. Shots, Toreadors, 88 San Miguel 127. Points, Toreadors 6 - San Miguel 8. Wednesday 26th Feb, MonteMar were Away to El Cid in the Winter league, Winning on 2 Rinks. Sue Kemp, Wendy Oxley, Danny King, Skip Alan Ashberry. Geraldine Fisher, June Young, Gordon Fisher, Skip Bill Young. Points, MonteMar 4 - El Cid 8. Thursday 27th Feb, MonteMar were Away to Horadada in the Fed 4s, Winning on 2 Rinks. Sue Kemp, Pauline Woodfine, Barrie Woodfine, Skip Brian Zelin 16-15. Geraldine Fisher, Gordon Fisher, Dave Melville, Skip Alan Ashberry 26-10. Shots, MonteMar 58 - Horadada 44. Points, MonteMar 6 - Horadada 6. Friday 28th Feb, The Matadors were Away to La Marina Sharks, Winning on 2 Rinks. Sue Kemp, Brian Zelin, Skip Alan Ashberry 20-

15. Geraldine Fisher, Ethal Finan, Skip Tony Finan 20-8. Shots, Toreadors 93 - Sharks 112. Points, Toreadors 4 - Sharks 10. Friday 28th Feb, The Toreadors were at Home to La Siesta Silvers, Winning on 3 Rinks. Dave Smy, Simon Morris, Skip Dave Buckland 23-15. Pauline Woodfine, Mick Soars, Skip Barrie Woodfine 38-12. Sue Bounds, Les Bounds, Skip Danny King 25-10. Shots, Toreadors 126 - La Siesta 99. Points, Toreadors 8 - La Siesta 6. For info contact Colin Armitage 966619010 ex 01066, or



By Norman Adcroft SABA Voyager and Enterprise Leagues. 24 Feb. Apollo’s played an away match against the Greenland’s Maples and had a good result 104, winning 4 rinks and taking the shots 89-80. Winners, Ramsay Sinclair, George Richardson, Yours Truly, 24-7, Joy Gardiner Sue Jordan, Brian Harman, 16-9 Barbara Cooper, Robert Heath, Dave Eccles, 20-15, and, Pat Harman, Iris Kadwell, John Ball 19-17. One rink had to be abandoned, an accident to Bill Jordan who attended Hospital. The Pioneers could not quite squeeze an away win from La Marina Pathfinders losing three rinks and shots to finish 6-8 down. Winning rinks were Sheila and Roy Millward, Sid Gallup 18-17, Izzie and Bert Bell, Carol Thorpe 21-13, Hilary and John Clarke, Dave Livesey 2413. Shots were 96-111. The Sputniks, match with Emerald Isle Neptunes was moved to the afternoon so the squad could attend a memorial service for John (Whalley) Owen who sadly passed away last Wednesday. A good game followed which turned to our favour towards the end. Winning 3 rinks and drawing 1 and shots 122-94 gave us the 9-5 win. Winners were, Jeanie Clements, John Taylor, Harold Charleton 34-15, Irene Laverick, Alan Barton, Margaret Hunter 23-8, Anne Jackson, Terry Worth, Frank Kay 19-11 Drawing rink, Dawn Taylor, Ken Combstock, Dave Laverick 14-14. The Winter League 26th Feb. We played against 3rd place San Miguel and what a morning. We won on 4 rinks John Moss, Jim Hudson, Pat Harman, Gary Thorpe 20-13, Jo Elkin, Margaret Hunter, Brian Harman, Jean Cooper, 21-12, Peter Knapp, Pat Moore, Vic Moore, Derek Pickwick, 17-15, Kathleen Knapp, Bernadette McDonnell, Carol Thorpe, Mike Kelly, 21-8. Score 10-2, shots 91-62 La Siesta. CBBA Southern League 21st Feb. The Blues gained four points today at San Miguel, were all square at 17 ends on another rink. Winning rinks Brian Harman, Robert Heath, Dave Eccles 19–9, Ann Heath, Doug Smith, Pat Harman 18–17. The Gold’s Played Emerald Isle Claymores winning 3 rinks and took the overall shots 98-95. 8-6 to the Gold’s. Winners: Jean and Norman Murphy, Dave Livesey 17-5, Gill and Ron Sheldon, Sid Gallup 17-11 Jeannie Clements Sheila Millward Colin Lloyd 22-14. Saturday Hamper 15th Feb. Hilary and John Clarke. John Ball. Chicken and Egg Winners 28th Feb. Chicken, Stuart Rolls, Wine, Johnnie Ryder, Eggs, Harry Barnby.

By Steve Hibberd Another great win for Sycamores, consolidated their push for promotion from SABA div 2. Away at Emerald Isles Moonrakers, these 4 rinks earned their team 10 valuable points: Pete Tomkins, Z & J Wilcock 25-16. M Gray, D Watt, S Gray 24-9. N Bater, Penny Tomkins, T Upham 19-12. J & J Oliver, G Inwood 19-10. Maples meanwhile, could only muster 4 points against lowly La Siesta Apollos, and that was at home! D Lawton, S Mahomet, T Hill won 22-10. The only other winners were B Tomlin, F & M Edwards, whom when the score was 8-1 on the 7th end, were awarded the game. Bill Jordan from Apollo's, unfortunately suffered a nasty fall on the green, requiring urgent hospital treatment. Hopefully, Bill will make a speedy recovery from the resultant operation, and is back on the green asap. Bill's wife Sue, has asked me to record her thanks to Florence Edwards, Hayley & Georgie, for all their help in assisting her husband in his hour of need. Chestnuts could not come to terms with El Rancho's carpet, going down 12-2 to the Pinto's, with only J Thompson, A Butterworth & J Wray (27-7) scoring. As with last week, no results received from Winter League. In the Fed 4s, Bulls lost 0-8 at home to div 1 leaders San Miguel Choctaws, although it was a close run thing on every rink. Bears travelled to Quesada, where the team of M Lockley, D Fryatt, Penny Tomkins and D Webb recorded a great 25-22 victory, as their team went down 6-2. Southern League results: A div: Country Bowls Ramblers - 12 Oaks - 2 (G Bater, S Mahomet, M Thomas 23-6). B Div: Elms - 6 (F Tilley, P Lockley, M Edwards 30-8. Pete Tomkins, G Watt, T Lawton 26-9) La Marina Seagulls - 8. C div: Cedars - 6 (P Wray, J O'Brien, Jim Oliver 24-10. J Webb, J Redfern, C Dewar 18-14) Ques Swallows - 8. Mary Lockley won the latest Totus and Dragon Insurance Saturday Challenge, scoring a massive 35 points. Runners up were Tony Hodges, Jim Reeves & Charles Langlois. Jean Giddings was presented with the wooden spoon, in front of a much improved turnout of 24 bowlers. Don't forget, the T & DI Saturday Challenge is open to one and all, with a 9.30 for 10 start. SPONSORED BY TOTUS AND DRAGON INSURANCE


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On Sunday the Broncos played their re-arranged home match against the Emerald Isle Moonrakers, having a good game, taking the rinks by 4 to 2 and the shots by a very reasonable 130-83. Monday found The Pintos playing host to Greenlands Chestnuts, always great company. Chestnuts generally, as is normal for visitors to any rink, took a while to find the width and speed of the mat. But we had a good morning’s bowls, with pintos taking the rinks by 5 to 1 and the shots by a reasonable margin. Meanwhile the Broncos were at Vistabella to play the Albatrosses and put in a great effort to take 2 rinks,a good result. Our Fed4s team on Thursday afternoon, entertained Emerald Isle Leprechauns and played very well to take the rinks by 2 to 1 and the total shots by a comfortable margin. Anne Stone, John Newell, Carolyn Harris and Irene Mangan 16-23. Jane Hamill, June Whitworth, Stew Hamill and David Whitworth 38-7. Jim Gracie, Mike Stone, Mike Smith and Alex Morrice 50-3. On friday morning the Raiders played host to San Luis Pumas and had a splendid mornings bowls in great company. Raiders took the rinks by 4 to 2 and thes overall shots by a small margin. Terry Buswell, Ron Edwards and Gary Newson 17-12. Edward Elsam, Margaret Wright and Richard Needham 21-11. John Cleal, Mick Ager and Rod Wright 23-16. Maxine Wright, Geoff Wright and Malc Sykes 18-16. Tricia Elsam, Rob Clark and Malc Elmore 9-16. Barbara Jones, Graham Day and Geoff Jones 13-20. In the afternoon the Mustangs took on the Lions at San Luis, playing very well to take 2 rinks against Lions’ 4, a good effort. Marianne Holtham, Mike Stone and David Whitworth 20-23. Irene Thomson, John Skipper and Stew Hamill 18-14. Anne Stone, Steve Bowl and Alex Morrice 16-28. Ros Holmes, John Newell and Eddie Thomson 7-23. June Whitworth, Merv Armstrong and Jane Hamill 23-15. Margaret Odell, Brian Taylor and Irene Mangan 13-23. Sponsored by Caser. For membership details please contact Irene Mangan Marianne Holtham on 966717700 or 966772222.


We started the week off with a bang with a 115 to 72 win away at Monte Mar Matadores. Well done to our winning rinks of Fred Trigwell, Dave Allen and Jack Linehan 19 – 14, John Goddard, Ian Gillan and Terry Hucknall 24 – 9,Alan Russell, Bryan Eatough and Ann Allen 20 – 8,Yvonne Hurlock, Bill Stanaway and John Hurlock 18 – 3 and Alf Woodhouse, Roy Thompson and Mike Douglas 20 – 14.I won’t mention the only rink to lose! This was a great result away from home and the 12 points gained could well see us avoiding relegation. It was a different story on Friday in an away game against Vistabella where our only winners of Maureen Semper, Brian Guppy and Mike Douglas gave us only 2 points in a large defeat. In between these matches we played Monte Mar at home in the Federated Fours league. Again we only managed 2 points in a 44 to 58 shot defeat. Our winning rink was Maureen Semper, Roy Collins, Bryan Eatough and Terry Hucknall 19 – 16. Please remember it is our Club Competition finals on Sat./Sun so come and support if you can.

SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB By Sheila Cammack SABA: Klingons had a bad day at the office away v Quesada Pearls; points 2-12. Winners: Kevin Bell, Graham Bird & Phil Morrachan. Trekkers had a better result at home to league leaders San Miguel Meteors, points 6-8. Winners: Pam Lockett, June & Keith Jones. Jean Parkes, Bert Ewart & Paul Parkes. Romulans home to La Marina Astronauts, points; 7-7.Winners: Kath Waywell, Dave Blackie & Arthur France. Shirley Withers, Peter McEneany & John Withers. Janet Wigfield, Bob Foulds & Ray Clarke. Winter League: 26th February, a day best forgotten with only 1 point for a draw from; Kath Reid, Keith Phillips, Colin Lindgren & Giuseppe Galleli + the coach breaking down on the return journey! Highlight was a good win (24-8) by the Berleen team; Cas Blay, Tony Campbell, Barry Edwards & Peter Cox. FED 4’s a clean sweep, 8pts-0, for the Whites at home v Vistabella. Winners: Cas Blay, Bert Ewart, Arthur France & Ian Rogers. Steve Simmons, Barry Edwards, Sue Ross & Roy Cordell. Margaret Rogers Bob Foulds, Dave Blackie & Scott Malden. The Blues away at Country Bowls just missed a clean sweep but took points 6-2. Winners: Jean Parkes, Keith Phillips, Paul Parkes & Giuseppe Galleli. Ann Holland, Joe Johnson, Peter McEneany & Keith Jones. Southern League, SL Lions home v El Rancho Mustangs, useful points 10-4. Winners: Ann Holland, Margaret Morrison & Pat Coffey. Janet Wigfield, Darren Johnson & Peter McEneany. Kath Reid, Joe Johnson & Giuseppe Galleli. Jean Parkes, Vic Slater & Paul Parkes. SL Tigers home to Mazarron had a good result; pts 10-4. Winners: Allen Bowen, Scott Malden & Sue Cooper. Mal Broughton, Bob Foulds & Keith Phillips. Blossom Cox, Irene Everett & Barry Roseveare. Maureen Foulds, Peter Fuller & Arthur France. SL Pumas away v El Rancho Raiders had to work hard for 4-10. Winning teams: Ann & Brian Badger & Trevor Vanner. Aubrey Blay, John Esther & Dave Brannon. Chicken Drive Wednesday 26th winner: Bill Webb. Thanks to everyone who has helped with Fred Armstrong’s repatriation to the UK. We wish him all the very best for his future recovery, I’m sure his family will keep us updated. For any information about San Luis Bowls Club please contact June Jones (Capt) 966188920 or Sheila Cammack (Sec) 966773001.



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Monday, 3rd March, 2014

LA MARINA BOWLS CLUB Top team once again this week goes to the Seagulls winning both games this week. Friday saw the team play to Greenlands Cedars managing to win 12 points to 2 the winning trips Dave Freeman, Steve Hindle skip Len Daniels; Hilary Cronk, Phil Richmond skip Bob Mallett; Pam Morgan, Berni Carr skip John Morgan: Mo Taylor, Chris Green skip Dave Taylor and Barbara Forshaw, Jim Freeman skip Tom Edwards. Monday saw the sister team the Pathfinders play against our nearest rivals for the league title La Siesta Pioneers with the Pathfinders winning 8 points to 6 winners were Barbara Forshaw, Jim Freeman skip Tom Edwards: Mo Taylor, Chris Green skip Dave Taylor: Pam Morgan, Sue Daniels skip Len Daniels. The win keeps the Pathfinders in the promotion hunt. The Dolphins managed to win 8 points to 6 on Friday away making the long trip to play a Mazzaron Miners the winners as follows Reg Jackson, Jack Chorlton skip Bill Jones: Brenda Brain, Margaret Finlayson skip George Chambers: Margaret Jamieson, Dave Willas skip Bill Jameison.The win keeps the Dolphins in line for promotion to Division 1 well done keep up the good work. Monday the Astronauts were away to San Luis Romulans managing to come away with a well earned draw the winners on the day John Rae, Margaret Finlayson skip George Chambers: Jill Albutt, Mike Brain skip John Albutt: Margaret Jamieson. Dave Willas skip Bill Jamieson: and a draw for the trips of Paul Tregoing, Jan Gugerly

skips Dave Gugerly. The Sharks had an indifferent week winning and losing, on Friday they played away at El Rancho taking on the Mustangs coming away with a very creditable 8 points to 6 win, winners Tom Spencer, Phil Pape skip Barry Latham: Ron Maden, Peter Parsons skip Alan Castle: Andy Bartlett, Roy Hart skip Graham Norris. Monday saw the Explorers losing away at San Miguel to the pulsars 4 points to 10, the winners Margaret McLaughlin, Dave Williams skip Dave Lewis (welcome back Dave) and Janet Parsons, Alex Whyte skip Bobbie Simms: Our Fed 4`s team this week played at home to El Rancho winning by 6 points to 2 the winners Janet Parsons, Dave Taylor, Peter Parsons skip Dave Hadaway: Jill Albutt, Kath Manning, Shirley Hadaway skip John Albutt. Wednesday saw the club play the return leg of our game against Calpe for the Palamar Trophy managing to overturn a 13 points deficit to win overall by 7 shots the winning rinks were Connie Shirley, Bill Simms, Steve Hindle skip Dave Hadaway: Gina Hindle. Arthur Cronk, Peter Parsons Skip Maureen Kidd; and a draw for the rink of Janet Parsons, Chris Bould, George Chambers skip Shirley Hadaway. Further info about La Marina Bowls club contact Steve Hindle on 648250035, or see us Facebook.

EMERALD ISLE BOWLS CLUB On Friday, 21 February, in the first of two games the Cavaliers played the Cougars at San Miguel, and continued their good form with 120 shots to 73, 11 points to 3. Almost there! Two more wins should see us home and dry - fingers crossed. The second game saw the Outlaws at home to Monte Mar Toreadors. A hard game for the the home side, getting just 4 points to 10 with 77 shots to 95. A disappointing day. Sunday 23rd saw the Moonrakers play their rearranged game against El Rancho Broncos. Winning on two rinks and getting 4 points to 10, the shot difference tells it's own story - 83 to 130 - but those 4 points were very welcome. On Monday, 24th, the Moonrakers had an afternoon game with Greenlands Sycamores. Having once

again struggled to get a settled team we failed to get any change from a team near to the top of the League, and had to be satisfied with 4 points to 10 and a shot difference of 85 to 108. On the same day EI Titans made the trip to play Country Bowls Supernovas. A funny day weatherwise, dull and chilly with a few spots of rain, but the sun shone on the Titans. With three winning rinks each, the Titans won on shots and came home with 8 points to 6, shot difference 102 to 92. More of the same, please. The Neptunes, away to La Siesta Sputniks, came home with 5 points having won on two rinks and drawn on one. It could have been worse - or even better!

SAN MIGUEL BOWLS CLUB Our Semi-Finals weekend took place on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd February, where some excellent bowling took place. Most games were extremely tight and congratulations go to our worthy winners and commiserations to the losers, but well done for getting so far in the Championships. On Monday our Pulsars were at home to La Marina Explorers and won10-4. The winning rinks were Noel Davis, Joe Dear and Ron Nairey 23-14; Jan Farmer, Paul Thomas and Derek Farmer 27-9; Irene Ward, Anita Brown and Ray Parker 20-13; Carl Eagle, John Marshall and Ann Eagle 17-11. Our Meteors made the trip to San Luis for the return match against The Trekkers. Well done to Noel Verity, Steve Pearson and Jo Pering 28-5, Reg Cooper, Jan Allen and Brian Allen 21-15, Julian Pering, Shirley Verity and Don Wheatley 18-14, and Alan Campbell, Peter Masters and Nancy Campbell 17-13. We only lost the overall shots by 2 giving, us 8 points to San Luis’s 6. In the Federation Fours, our Mohawks were away

BY ANN EAGLE to La Siesta and won 6-2. Winning rinks: Jack Jackson, Jim Jarvie, Bob Donnelly and Dave McEwan 23-11; Cliff Plaisted, Joe Dear, Noel Davis and Ron Nairey 27-10. Friday’s Southern League saw our Cougars away to the tricky rink of La Manga Crusaders. Congratulations to Sheila Errington, Joe Getgood (with a broken arm!!) and Sheila Errington for achieving our only win of 21-6. The Jaguars entertained La Siesta at home. There were some very tight games with San Miguel emerging victorious. Winning rinks: Jim Jarvie, Mary Dyer and Dave McEwan 22-19, Anne Young, Cliff Plaisted and Mal Parsons 23-9, Paul Thomas, John Marshall and Peter Whitehall 23-10 and Noel Davis, Keith Green and Ann Eagle 21-11. Please see the club Notice Boards for details of the Open Forum and A.G.M. In addition, nominations are open for committee members for the forthcoming club year."

QUESADA BOWLS CLUB Quesada have reached the final of the Premier 20 knock-out competition and will be playing against San Luis on 18th March. In the SABA League our Pearls had a good result this week against San Luis Klingons where we won the match 12-2 leaving us in second place 7 points behind the leaders San Miguel Meteors, but with several matches still to play and our current good performances we are hoping to challenge for the title.

The Winter League travelled North to Javea this week where the conditions were challenging, but despite a disappointing result, only taking 4 points, we are still maintaining our position at the top of the League. This week confirmed Quesada's position as Champions of the Berleen League for the 2nd year running. Well done to our Swifts team this week taking them back up to 2nd place in the Southern League. Info contact Joe Riley on 96 572 5787 or e mail

COUNTRY BOWLS CLUB By Lynne Bishop The SABA Supernovas played the Emerald Isle Titans in a home match on Monday, they won six points from the teams of Andy White, Les Turner & StJohn Broadhurst 22-9. Carole Donnellan, Dennis Birkett & Gerry Gough 13-10 and Derek Gunning, Maurice Cass & Karen Kirk 20-19. Overall shots, Supernovas 92 (6) - 102 (8) Titans. On Tuesday the Greengauge guys came and stretched the carpet so once again we had to work out the weight, line & runs of which there are a few! The Federated 4's Clarets were the pathfinders when they came up against the San Luis Blues on Wednesday. They suffered a convincing defeat on one rink but the other two games were incredibly close which could have gone either way, as it was the Clarets won on one with one shot and lost the other by one shot! Lin Watkins, Dennis Birkett, Dave Chaplin & Eric Bishop won 17-16. Overall shots, Clarets 41 (2) - 55 (6) Blues. The Ramblers saved the best till last when they had a great win in their Southern league tie over the Greenlands Oaks on Friday. This was another home game and wins on five rinks brought them a creditable twelve points. Winners were, Lynne Bishop, Geoff Paylor & Gerry Gough 17-7. Jenny Chaplin, Dave Chaplin & Ken Cuthbert 17-13. Pat Patton, Charlie Watkins & Brian Patton 22-18. Harold Morris, Trevor Cox & George Thomson 19-16. Lin Watkins, StJohn Broadhurst & Eric Bishop 21-18. Overall shots, Ramblers 102 (12) - 92 (2) Oaks. Two games to go, let's hang on in there! Good luck to all our club finalists in next weekends competition. For more information about this club please contact Dave Chaplin Tel. 968 041 367 or Barry Norris Tel. 968 370 937



ENTERPRISE DIVISION Emerald Isle Titans 102 ( 8 ) Quesada Pearls 131 ( 12 ) Greenlands Maples 80 ( 4 ) San Luis Trekkers 103 ( 6 ) San Miguel Pulsars 110 ( 10 ) San Miguel Meteors Quesada Pearls San Luis Trekkers San Luis Klingons La Marina Explorers San Miguel Pulsars Greenlands Maples Emerald Isle Titans La Siesta Apollos C Bowls Supernovas

P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

W 59 56 47 48 46 44 43 38 35 21

Country Bowls Supernovas 92 ( 6 ) San Luis Klingons 75 ( 2 ) La Siesta Apollos 89 ( 10 ) San Miguel Meteors 101 ( 8 ) La Marina Explorers 89 ( 4 ) D 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 2 3 5

L 29 32 40 39 43 43 45 50 52 64

OW Diff 11 285 10.5 306 10.5 109 8 125 10 156 8 16 5 -45 7 -127 5 -139 0 -686

Pts 142 135 118 115 113 107 98 92 83 47

DISCOVERY DIVISION San Miguel Comets 127 ( 8 ) Monte Mar Matadors 72 ( 2 ) EmIsle Moonrakers 85 ( 4 ) San Luis Romulans 99 ( 7 ) Vbella Albatrosses 108 ( 10 ) Sunday 23rd February 2014 El Rancho Broncos 130 ( 10 )

Emerald Isle Moonrakers 83 ( 4 )

P Vistabella Albatrosses 15 Greenlands Sycamores 15 San Miguel Comets 15 Monte Mar Matadors 15 El Rancho Broncos 15 Horadada Falcons 15 Monte Mar Toreadors 15 La Marina Astronauts 15 EmIsle Moonrakers 15 San Luis Romulans 15

D 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 5 3

W 62 52 44 42 42 41 43 38 35 34

Monte Mar Toreadors 88 ( 6 ) Horadada Falcons 117 ( 12 ) Greenlands Sycamores 108 ( 10 ) La Marina Astronauts 98 ( 7 ) El Rancho Broncos 69 ( 4 )

L 24 37 44 45 44 44 46 46 50 53

OW Diff 13.5 480 9 173 10.5 54 9.5 4 8 -18 5.5 -45 4 -220 4 -95 5 -197 6 -136

Pts 155 123 111 106 104 98 95 90 85 83

VOYAGER DIVISION La Marina Pathfinders 111 ( 8 ) La Siesta Sputniks 122 ( 9 ) Quesada Diamonds 104 ( 4 ) El Rancho Pintos 137 ( 12 ) San Luis Vulcans Bye

La Siesta Pioneers 96 ( 6 ) Emerald Isle Neptunes 94 ( 5 ) Vistabella Eagles 110 ( 10 ) Greenlands Chestnuts 75 ( 2 )

P El Rancho Pintos 14 La Siesta Pioneers 14 La Marina Pathfinders 13 La Siesta Sputniks 14 Greenlands Chestnuts 13 Vistabella Eagles 13 San Luis Vulcans * 13 Quesada Diamonds 13 Emerald Isle Neptunes 13

D 2 1 3 4 4 3 2 3 2

W 50 51 49 42 33 34 33 30 26

L 32 32 26 38 41 41 43 45 50

*1 pt deducted for reporting infringement

OW Diff 11 415 10 257 10 206 8.5 36 6 -67 5 -124 7 -206 2.5 -197 0 -320

Pts 124 123 121 105 82 81 81 68 54


‘MIKE PROBERT TALKS GOLF Sponsored by Costa Blanca Green Fee Services Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. GOLF INSURANCE - The Saga Continues Over the last month I have reported on the new rule issued to golf courses by the Spanish Golf Federation (RFEG) to enforce the purchase of a daily licence which includes insurance for non RFEG members which in summary means NO PAY, NO PLAY. This week our golf society visited the beautiful course at La Manga West and after arriving at the course and paying for the necessary licence fees for our non RFEG members we entered the course with high expectations. This is a compact golf course with greens and tees in close proximity and unfortunately on only the 3rd hole one of our guests was struck by an errant tee shot resulting in a finger injury that looked like a break or dislocation but thankfully resulted in bad bruising only. The player was forced off the course to seek treatment and that was where all the shenanigans began. The staff at La Manga couldn’t be more helpful but discussions with the RFEG insurance company were tortuous taking nearly one hour. In conclusion after spending this time on the telephone with various departments of the insurance company it appears that in the event of an injury requiring hospital treatment there are only four hospitals here on the Costa’s to which you can go under their policy, namely Cartagena (2),Alicante and Alcoy. Therefore for example if you were injured on one of the five courses in Torrevieja and required hospital treatment you would have to go to either Alicante or Cartagena despite us having three hospitals in the area. On this occasion the player concerned and at the point of losing the will to live accepted a green fee refund and drove to Torrevieja hospital for treatment against his SIP card and thankfully no serious damage had been done. What concerns me is if this had been something more serious, such as a head trauma because the first reaction would be to take an ambulance to the nearest hospital only to later find you are not covered by the RFEG insurance. Unfortunately I only have the question and not the answer to this problem other than purchasing a private insurance on top of paying the RFEG daily licence but that would very much be the case of belt and braces or should that be bandage and sling! We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you. Golf Course Alenda Alicante Altorreal Bonalba Corvera La Finca La Peraleja La Marquesa La Serena Las Colinas Las Ramblas Roda Villamartin Vistabella

Price €86 €46 €65 €80 €145 €130 €140 €102 €81 €115 €98 €110 €98 €120

Comments Two Players and Buggy Single Green Fee and Buggy (before 9.30) Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Four Players and Two Buggies Two Players and Buggy Four Players and Two Buggies Two Players and Buggy (Sundays) Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy Two Players and Buggy (before 9am) Four Players and Two Buggies

For bookings and more information contact Mike at or direct on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931 quoting reference LEADER. Hollow Tining Watch Alicante – 10th-11th March La Galiana – 3rd-7th March Quotation of the week “A bad day on the golf course is better than a good day at work” – The glass is half full type of golfer.

Monday, 3rd March, 2014


966 73 0057


SMGS AT LA FINCA GOLF COURSE A very busy final game of February saw nearly half the field of 36 also taking part in their knockout match-play games alongside the day’s Stableford competition. With the first tee times getting on for noon, it certainly looked as though we were going to be blessed with a warm, pleasant day. How wrong you can be! By the time we reached the exposed 11th the wind had turned distinctly chilly and was whipping across the course. Previously discarded sweaters and wind-breaks were hurriedly put back on as the temperature plummeted. The society’s healthy finances saw the regular introduction of a few extra prizes – NTP in 3 shots on three of the par 4’s, one for each division. These were won by Theo Boelhouwer (Hole 7), Roger Webb (Hole 10) and Mike Jordan (Hole 12). The four par 3 NTP’s were claimed by Steve Fleet (Hole 3), John Drakesmith (Hole 6), Glen Rapley (Hole 13) and Andy Irmie (Hole 16). Karen Simpson took the visitor’s prize with a very commendable 32 points. In the singles match-play games Phil Birtwistle beat John Aitchison by just the one hole, Keith Stevenson got the better of Shay Cunningham 4 & 3, Mick Roscoe eliminated Les Wilton 5 & 4 and the first “dog license” victory we’ve seen, that’s 7 & 6, goes to John Parker who had the game of his life against the jovial Scotsman, Alan MacDonald. The two doubles games saw “Ken & Barbie” (Ken Flaherty & Phil de Lacy) beat “The Geordie Boys” (John Drakesmith & Ken Potts) 1 up while “Towie” (Steve Davis & Steve Fleet) knocked out “Gooner & Goner” (Barry Roehrig & Glen Rapley) 3 & 2.

The top four in the bronze division of the Stableford competition were Keith Stevenson in 4th with 30 pts, Mick Roscoe in 3rd with 35 pts, Mike Jordan in 2nd with 38 pts and winning 1st prize AND a big handicap cut was John Parker with an “obscene” 43 points! Ken Potts was 4th in the silver division with 32 pts, 3rd was Roger Webb (33 C/B), 2nd was Chris Hamblett (33 C/B) and top spot was claimed by Ken Flaherty with 35 points. Gold category saw Barry Roehrig just edge Ivan Hanak out of the prizes with a count-back on their 33’s, 3rd went to Paul Guest (36), 2nd place was Andy Imrie with 37 and once again the consistent play from Steve Fleet earns him another first place, along with a wee cut for his 39 points. Well done to one and all !! Please log on to to find all society news or simply give Baz a quick buzz on 966 731 033 and he’ll do what he can to help…..visitors are always welcome to join us if we can accommodate you. Wednesday meetings in March are at Villamartin, El Plantio, Mar Menor and La Finca.

TMGS WEEKLY OUTING AT VILLAMARTIN 31 golfers turned for our weekly outing which this week was at Villamartin We arrived with the promise of good weather and good conditions neither of which disappointed us. The course has been undergoing considerable work in the major pruning of trees which helps those of us who seem to consistently hit the lower branches. However sand is still a scarce commodity. Only two players broke their handicap on the day. Silver category 4th Audrey Mellor 32pts, 3rd Kit Dowse 34pts c/b, 2nd Per Skarnes 34pts c/b and the winner with a massive 42pts was John Hillier I have the scissors already sharpened. Gold Category 4th Roger Nilsen 33pts c/b, 3rd Hermis Woerdemann 33pts c/b, 2nd Steve McGuinness 34pts and the winner with 38pts Paula Hagart again the scissors are out. Best visitor was Aled Owen with 30pts. Nearest the pins who received a bottle of wine each very kindly donated by Sheila Dean, were Hole 6 Cuddly from Dudley Alan Rickers, hole 9 Peter Wells and hole 17 Kjell Assebo. Only two players scored 2’sboth on hole 9 Peter Wells and Hermis Woerdemann each of whom received a sleeve of very rare TMGS balls. Our thanks to Salvador and his staff who as always made us very welcome, and for sponsoring the gold and silver 1st prizes. Info, visit or call the Match Secretary on 966 71 9604.

FAIRWAYS GOLF SOCIETY This week we played on what used to be our "Home course", El Plantio. We haven't played here for some time, but members decided at the 2013 AGM that we should play some different, maybe slightly more expensive courses throughout the season. The course was in good condition, testing as always and with the wind building through the day the last hole was like hitting into a hurricane. I had the pleasure of playing with the winner of the day, "Johnny Ped", we think he must have stepped into something smelly before he played, as no-one could get near him, i'm talking about the score of course and not his aftershave! He couldn't have played better coming in with a great score of 40 points, plus a 2's prize and he took our money with the skins bet. Well done John. Now the results are as follows:1st - J.Pedersen - 40pts. 2nd - J.Saunders - 34pts. 3rd - D.Stewart - 32pts. Best front 9 - S.Taylor - 16pts c/b. Best back 9 - G.Hoy - 17pts. Nearest the pin hole 9 - A.Rich. Nearest the pin in 2. Hole 16 - G.Hoy. 2 ball winners - G.Hoy & J.Pedersen. Well done to all the prize winners. Next week we are at Vistabella with a 9:30 1st tee time. Please be at the course 1 hour before 1st tee time. Steve Lawrence.




966 73 0057

Monday, 3rd March, 2014


ELCHE CF .........1 CELTA VIGO ....0


hew! After 320 goalless minutes of frustration Elche’s Carles Gil came off the bench to score a priceless goal five minutes from the end, pulling off a home win that was looking more and more unlikely as this close match progressed. Elche kicked of with a strong-looking side, Manu Herrera back in goal behind the Franjiverdes’ best defence, full backs Suarez and Albacar either side of Botia and Lomban. Across the middle were Coro, Ruben Perez, Javi Marquez and Fidel, with the big two-pronged strike force of Christian and Manu Moral up front. Considering the unfriendly 10 pm kick off a goodly crowd of 19,907 watched the windswept match, including about 50 lonely souls who had made the journey south from Vigo.

kick from Rafinha was saved at the second attempt as Herrerea showed how capable he is for Elche in times of crisis. Celta were going for the win and it looked like they would get it as the crowd showed their frustration. We all began to hopefully anticipate yet another point salvaged by a draw (Elche have drawn eight this season). With just six worrying minutes left Carles Gil burst over the half-way line and slipped the ball to Coro, who returned it inside with interest. The on-loan player from Valencia sped on towards goal, cut inside his marker and to glorious home ecstasy pushed the ball into the corner with the crowd going wild – what a long time we had waited for a home goal in open play, with only 23 scored in 26 games all told. The final minutes slowly ticked away, plus three more agonising ones for stoppages during which both Saurez and Herrera were booked for time-wasting, as Elche clung on for those three priceless points. Cue

CARLOS GIL nets the winner. PHOTO: Kevin Rendall The first half belonged to Elche, everyone happy that full back, deadball specialist and captain Edu Albacar is returned from injury -a priceless penalty was missed in his absence two weeks previously. From his three free kicks early in dangerous positions, two went nowhere but the third thundered off the bar as the Franjiverdes went for it. At the other end a couple of nervous moments saw a low Celta cross missed by everyone ending up in the side netting, plus two minutes later a dangerous free kick whistling just wide with Elche heartsin-mouths. Just on half time Albacar showed ineffective Fidel how crosses should be delivered, hit hard straight over at head height with Christian’s diving header going just wide – what a pity, as it stayed goalless at half-time. In the second half the match turned towards the visitors as Elche went off the boil: for Celta Vigo Krohn was everywhere, and from being innocent in the first half when two Celta players were booked,the home side soon caught up and passed the visitors total as Ruben Perez, Javi Marquez and Botia were booked. On the hour a huge cheer went up as the frustrating Fidel went off to be replaced by previously everpresent Carles Gil. Elche still looked shaky and a tremendous free-

huge relief and celebration all round, there have been a number of disappointing ends to matches this season at the mighty Martinez Valero. The win gives Elche 29 fabulous points and 12th place: close opposition results also worked well, so well that the Franjiverdes are now six points clear of third-from-bottom Valladollid, that being the relegation benchmark. Next week Elche are away to unpredictable Espanyol, four points above the men in green - but with their defence playing well, and with an important win, who knows… Mucho Elche! Photo - Kevin Rendall

CF MIL PALMERAS WEEKLY ROUNDUP Prebenjamin 2006 sponsored by Sunshine FM After the recent run of poor performances this was a welcome return to form for the young Toros with Dylan back in the starting line up it seemed to boost the whole team and the shape looked much more sturdy. Playing against the league leaders this was always going to be a tough game as Albatera had dispatched 2nd place Benferri 7-2 a day earlier. But the Toros fought and battled hard with the defence holding firm until finally conceding after 8 minutes quickly followed by another. 2 more first half goals followed but they were both fortunate goals one a speculative shot and the other a defensive blunder resulting in an own goal. Second half was a different matter altogether with the Toros playing really well and creating a few chances which finally brought a deserved goal for Mil Palmeras with Garry Barrett finishing brilliantly from outside the box. Albatera did get 1 more goal but the 2nd half was a draw a great performance. 5-1. MOM Elliot Godden stuck to his job well.

Alevines - CF Mil Palmeras 3 v 3 Benejuzar Spons By Talleras J Martínez Ford Garage San Miguel Benejuzar got off to the better start netting a goal 5 mins in but the Toros didn't panic and forged ahead with first Liam setting Luke up and then minutes later Ben picking out Luca in the area to take a 2-1 lead.We were entertained with fast counter attacking football. Oliver C in goal controlled his area and with Neve and Mingus adding speed on the wings the Toros should have created a more chances. Second half and Benejuzar grabbed a goal in the first minute .Both team tried everything they had to take the lead but both defences were working hard. Luke managed to find some space outside the área to smack the ball home with just over 10 min left . Kacie , Alex and Aron worked tirelessly the whole match but with 5 mins to go Benejuzar sneaked into Toros area to score leaving the Final score 3 all. A good clean close match with some nice football thrown in for good measure. Well Done to All MOM Luke Naylor, determined and Hard Working.


TORRY PUNISHED FOR MISSED CHANCES FC TORREVIEJA..........0 VILLARREAL C............1 Played in front of a fair size lunch time crowd, on a glorious sunny day, Torry really needed to show the punters what they could do. Unfortunately, even though they pressed hard for a goal, the killer instinct up front was sadly missing. In only the 3rd minute of play, Obele wasted a wonderful opportunity, when through on goal with only the keeper to beat, he scuffed his shot, presenting Villiarreal's keeper with the simplest of saves. Up the other end, Cubillas rounded Torry keeper Carrion, only to run the ball out of play. Pastor provided a teasing cross on 21 mins, but alas there wasn't a blue & white shirted player in the vicinity to convert his good work. Two minutes later, Torry went behind, as the defence allowed Aranda to sneak in at the far post and stroke home an inch perfect cross. Torry were controlling proceedings for large periods of the 1st half, but it wasn't until Dani Meseguer's thunderbolt rattled the crossbar on 43 mins, that they looked like levelling the scores. Disaster struck early in the 2nd half. The hugely likable, and top player to boot, Rafa, had only entered the fray for 4 minutes, before stretching for the ball resulted in him being taken off. His muscular injury obviously hasn't healed properly, and you have to fear the worst. Villarreal should have been reduced to 10 men on 56 mins, but a foul on Pastor who looked to be in a goal scoring position, was only punished with a yellow card. More disappointment was to follow, when Obele appeared to aggravate an old injury, and he too was substituted. Pastor should have scored on 63 mins, but when in a good position, shot into the side netting. Despite further goal attempts by Alberto, Alexis, Burguillos, and a fierce long range free kick by new boy Quique, Torry just couldn't find a way to score that all important goal. Next up for Torry is a trip to Jove Espanol. Make a note of Sun 9 Mar, ko midday, when Anselmo Serrano's men try to improve on the 0-0 home draw earlier in the season. Torry Army will be running a coach for this match, which is expected to leave San Luis at 10.20 am

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