The Leader Newspaper 25 March 2024 – Edition 1016

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More than 14,000 students from all schools in Torrevieja simultaneously took part in a seismic emergency drill on Thursday, which was carried out on the 195th anniversary of the earthquake that occurred in the Vega Baja in 1829.

The exercise was organised by the Torrevieja council in conjunction with more than 100 members of the Local Police, Civil Guard, Fire Department, SAMU, Red Cross and Civil Protection.

Many members of the public were on hand to witness the simulation, especially in the area around the Plaza de la Constitución, where several tents and a field hospital were set up by the health services to attend to the numerous injuries caused by the earthquake in the Church of the Immaculate Conception.

There was more than one scare amongst the local population at the noisy display caused by the constant sound of sirens and the passage of medical and security vehicles.

For the drill, an advanced command post was also set up on Paseo Vista Alegre, from where everything was coordinated and recorded.

Control centres were also established in two educational centres, CEIP Nuestra Señora del Rosario and IES Mediterráneo, where rescues were carried out in accordance with what would be expected following a catastrophe of this type. In addition, a failure in communications was also simulated, something that could be expected in a situation of similar characteristics.

No 1016 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 637 227 385 The Costa Blancaís oldest ëFREEíEnglish language newspaper - WITH THE LARGEST LOCALCIRCULATION 14,000 CHILDREN T 14,000 CHILDREN T AKE AKE PP AR AR T IN TORREVIEJA T IN TORREVIEJA EAR EAR THQUAKE DRILL THQUAKE DRILL CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


In the IES Mediterráneo the operational sector carried out the rescues of three seriously injured, one of which was dealt with by medical resources, a second that was airlifted out in a helicopter and a third involving Civil Protection.

At the Nuestra Señora del Rosario school, a seriously injured person who was buried under rubble was located and rescued with a ‘sniffer’ dog, the injured person was immobilised on a stretcher and removed from the scene and transferred to the medical services.

In the simulation exercise taking place in the Church of the Immaculate Conception and the surrounding area, there were two deaths, 4 serious injuries and 10 minor injuries, all of which were dealt with in this seismic emergency drill. One seriously injured person was rescued from a bell tower using a zip line, one seriously injured person was rescued using a board, one seriously injured person was rescued from under a concrete slab in front of the church (a lifting technique using pneumatic cushions) and one seriously injured person was rescued

from inside the church (rescued using a board).

Finally, a spectacular emergency centre was organised in the Plaza de la Constitución with a field hospital and several tents to attend to all those injured in this earthquake drill.

As every year passes, we are creeping close to the 200th anniversary of the Torrevieja earthquake, which occurred on 21 March, 1829, and although the devastation is confined to the history books, it is not beyond the possibility that it could happen again, as seismologists constantly affirm, and so the lessons and memories of those who perished must never be forgotten.

That is why it is so important that such drills and procedures are regularly organised and practiced by the emergency services and by members of the public, particularly in areas such as the Vega Baja which is prone to such issues.

Participating in earthquake drills prepare you for when a big one strikes. You learn where you need to go to be as safe as possible. They train you physically as to what you need to do, how you would respond in a real emergency situations.

No thoroughfare

No avenue

No dustfree air

No postcard view.

No market square

No park with swing

No dustfree air

No voice to sing.

No breath to spare

No more football

No dustfree air

No standing tall.

No call to prayer

No bird on wing

No dustfree air

No anything.


Down in Los Alcazares on the Mar Menor there is an unusual and unique horse-based event on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 March,the XXIII Incursiones Berberiscas en Mar Menor,a medieval tournament pitching knights against knights on the beaches of the town.

For runners,Crevillente on 6 April has a 6k race, and the Dama de Guardamar half marathon, which takes the form of both a 10k and 21k variant,and will take place in Guardamar del Segura on 14 April 2024.

Aircraft fans can look forward to the Patrulla Aguila aerobatic team performing locally in the San Javier Airshow,taking place from 3rd-5th May – Festival Aéreo San Javier – over the playas de Santiago de la Ribera,San Javier,Murcia. They are also at the DIFAS 2024,taking place in Oviedo on 1 June,and on 15th June,the 50º Aniversario del ALA 14,in Albacete,where a competition is open to design a Eurofighter livery.


Dear friends and neighbours of the municipality of Orihuela, we at PIOC extend a hand of friendship to you all, we are not your enemy, in fact it is the government of Orihuela, the present and past.

Even though we strive for eventual Independence, we believe in equality for all and that it is necessary and important that we work with our friends and neighbours.

What we have previously seen, is that the people who manage our council are selfish. Instead of thinking of how they can best serve the general interests of everyone in the municipality, they are in fact busy serving their own general interests. We are an independent party made up of all nationalities and genders.

We believe that budgets should be distributed fairly throughout the municipality, not to the minority, with respect and dignity for all.

We ask what our elected representatives are doing, are paid to do, but are not?

They are certainly not working for the majority of residents.

Christmas lights for only 2 of the 24 Pedanias, with expenditure on Three Kings Parades cut back everywhere, apart for Orihuela City.

The PIOC approach is to create policies that suit not just Orihuela Costa but also our neighbours and our visitors. The residents of the municipality of Orihuela are tired of the many years of their indifference to the coast.

Equality delayed is equality denied. The PPand VOX government in the Valencian Community and the municipality of Orihuela is now showing itself for what it is: incompetent and languid, but what is worse, is that they seem not to care, as they continue to largely discount the 30,000 people that live on the coast.

So this is a call to arms for every resident of the municipality whoever you are, to unite and defend our rights at the ballot box in the next local elections.

All power is a trust; that we are accountable for its exercise; that from the people and for the people all springs, and all must exist.

Your vote is your power! Avote not cast is a vote wasted!

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Sunday 31st March 2024
2024 Monday 25th -


The Ayuntamiento de Orihuela has finally approved the Budget for 2024, the first since 2018, since which time there has been a very noticeable deterioration in public services, particularly on the Orihuela Costa.

The new budget for the financial year 2024 amounts to 140,534,089.19 euros, compared to 80,384,314.99 euros, that it has been working with since 2018.

This represents an increase in both income and expenditure of 60,149,774.20 euros, a percentage of 74.83%.

The largest amount in the difference is that of Real Investments budgeted for in this financial year, for a total figure of 40,933,211.67 euros.

Some of the key points that this new budget will embrace:

1.- Current expenditure and transfers: Despite the limitations in the growth of income, attention has been paid to updating and meeting outstanding obligations, as well as renewing contracts for essential services. Priority is given to ensuring the provision of basic services and support for economic and social activity.

2.- Focus on investment: A significant amount is earmarked for investments in infrastructure development throughout the municipality, heritage conservation and major projects. To finance these necessary investments, it is planned to resort to external financing, mainly through bank loans, but always within the limits set by law.

3.- Attention to social needs: The commitment to support the most vulnerable sectors and promote decent employment as a way toward economic and social recovery is maintained. It focusses on improving the quality of life of all citizens. It is very much a social budget, as compared to 2018 the increase in social spending is 71%.

Organisational restructuring: The budget recognises the need for internal restructuring to improve the efficiency and responsiveness of the City Council. This will involve a joint effort by politicians and civil servants to optimise resources and improve administrative functioning while improving their conditions as permitted by law.

5.- Investment in various areas: Budget items are detailed for areas such as public safety, urban cleaning, health, education, rural development, employment... The aim is to improve the quality of services and infrastructure throughout the whole of the municipality.

The mayor also announced the urgent actions that will begin to be undertaken just as soon as the budgets come into force, highlighting the Oriol Occupational Centre as his number 1 priority.

On the coast he set out two priorities, the construction of the bridge over the AP7, e1,370,000, which will eventually be repaid from funds deposited by the promoter, and a second storage facility for drinking water, at e2,800,000.

Funds have also been earmarked for surfacing the roads, accessibility and urban furniture, improvement of sports facilities and renovation of children's areas.

However, with the information that has been provided by the council there is only so much that we know. We can see that utility costs have increased from e38 million in 2018 to e51 million in 2024 and that spending on staff wages, which accounted for e30 million in 2018, has now risen by 30% to e39 million in 2024.

According to the Neighbourhood Association, AVCRL, the increase of e60 million in spending and income, compared to the 2018 budget, and the application of more than e40 million in investments, are both excellent news for residents. They will allow the council to start improving the poor situation with regard to basic services and infrastructure in the municipality, especially in Orihuela Costa.

The increase in personnel costs will also allow the hiring of area coordinators and additional staff, which should generate improvements in speeding up administrative processes. If the Contracting Area is not strengthened, it will be very difficult for current staff to be able to meet all investment tenders that need to be prepared before the end of the year.

Opposition parties now have 6 days to submit any amendments to the proposal after which the budget will receive initial approval at an extraordinary plenary on 15 April followed by it’s publication in the BOP.

Thereafter, residents have a further month to submit their own amendments, after which, by the end of May 2024, the final approval will be given at a municipal plenary session, the publication in the BOP and it’s entry into force.

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Guardamar left without free municipal transport to Torrevieja Hospital

From 1 April, Guardamar del Segura will be left without the free transportation service provided for patients and families to the Torrevieja University Hospital by the Red Cross.

This is not medical transport per se. It is a service that has been operating since 2010 that transports people from Guardamar to the hospital that is located 17 kilometres by road from the town centre.

Provided in a Red Cross minibus, it is used by hundreds of people, about 400 residents, every year.

This service, booked in advance by users, runs three daily round-trips, providing important support for patients and family members who do not have any other means to travel to the hospital, either for appointments or to visit patients.

Mayor José Luis Sáez (PSOE) explained that the Council pays almost 40,000 euros to the Red Cross annually for the provision of this service, however, the service to the Red Cross is provided without a public tender, a circumstance that, due to the amount that the municipality pays, violates the Contract Law as it exceeds the amount that may be paid for a minor contract.

The Audit Office has now warned of

the irregularity in its latest reports on municipal economic management, so the only way it can be provided is by drawing up a contract, however, at the time of determining the specifications, the Generalitat has reported that this transport responsibility corresponds to the autonomous Administration and that it cannot be operated by the town Council, so the government team has no choice but to withdraw the service.


The opposition councillor Marisol Gallud (PP) has said that the Red Cross has offered all possible alternatives to the Council in an effort to maintain the service. There was no information from the council with many users only finding out about the termination of the service when they attempted to make a booking. The council says that it has no choice but to withdraw the service.


Orihuela’s Councillor for Citizen Participation has visited the Ramón de Campoamor civic centre with the architect who will draft the plans to repair the structural damage that saw its closure 4 years ago.

This visit marks the beginning of the work aimed at the repair of the building.

The company will evaluate the facilities to prepare a technical report that will correct of the structural faults such as: the collapse of the perimeter sidewalk, the entry of water through the holes in the retaining wall of the basement floor, the cracks in interior partitions, bulging tiled walls, the impossibility of closing passage doors, vertical cracks in pillars, horizontal cracks in the central opening of the building, inclined cracks in the enclosure of the basement floor as well as the fall of cladding pieces on side and rear facades.

The councillor has stated that once the project has been drafted, it will be studied to begin the immediate bidding for the works, since she considers the reopening of the Civic Centre a priority.



The fact that the Eras de la Sal outdoor concert auditorium lies derelict and neglected, will not prevent choristers from performing, as they will now be embarking on a mini tour, thus allowing them to use the facilities in other municipalities, to take their music to your door, almost.

The Councillor for Culture in Torrevieja, Antonio Quesada, together with Jesús García and Francisco Moreno, members of the Asociación Voces Líricas del Mediterráneo, presented the project called “Habaneras en tu puerta” that will be developed by the Municipal Habaneras Board of Trustees.

This recently created choir, made up of a total of 17 choristers, singing professionals, will carry out a series of habaneras and polyphony concerts to be held in different locations in the provinces of Alicante and Murcia.


Two concerts are already scheduled for this weekend to be held in the neighbouring towns of Rojales and Los Montesinos.

The concerts will be offered with a presentation of the habanera genre, the musical quality and importance of the International Habaneras and Polyphony Contest and, of course, our cultural heritage, in addition to its obvious important tourist projection.

The Board of Trustees of Municipal de Habaneras wants to promote not only the dissemination of the habanera, as a popular song that must be maintained, but also the Contest itself, which this year celebrates its 70th anniversary.

With such initiatives, the Board of Trustees is confident that they will serve to take care of the future of the Contest and the singing of the habanera, whether the concert ground is left to ruin or not.

Forty-three drivers have been implicated by the Elche Police Station in an investigation uncovered in Crevillent and Santomera into a scheme to provide false ITV documents to vehicles that did not meet safety requirements. They paid between 250 and 400 euros for the mandatory V-19 sticker, the badge that must be displayed on the car, so that they avoided workshop repairs.

Leading the organization was a Moroccan resident in Crevillent who was in collusion not only with the ITV station in Santomera, but also with second-hand vehicle sales companies and many workshops.

On Monday the Elche Police Station confirmed that 13 people were arrested, a number which is added to the 43 that it has been possible to identify from documents obtained during the searches carried out four months ago. In total 56 people are now involved in the fraud which is being led by a magistrate of a Court in Elche.

Among those involved are Spaniards, Moroccans, Algerians, French, Senegalese, and Palestinians between the ages of 22 and 67.

According to the National Police, more than 5,000 vehicles from all over the country could have been involved in the fraud.

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The Best things in life are FREE

As we get older our bodies go downhill. Some things we must live with, but our mobility and flexibility can be improved in less than a month and maintained in the longer term at EASY Exercise.

If you or someone close to you shuffles rather than walks, spends hours sitting in an easy chair, or is thinking about buying a walker or mobility scooter call 663 771 345 to book a FREE trial at EASY Exercise, Sophia Wellness Centre, La Regia (Cabo Roig).

There is no pain, no heavy lifting, no running or jumping, EASY Exercise is exactly the opposite. The motorized machines move you while you sit or lie down comfortably. EASY Exercise works on a complete range of muscles without straining you or causing you any pain or discomfort.

Too good to be true? We offer you a FREE trial, so you can see for yourself.

Here is what some of our EASY Exercise members have to say:

Petter F (75).

I have very severe mobility issues but since

joining EASY Exercise after only one month my body is much more agile, much less stiff in my back, I am feeling much stronger and walking better. I like the atmosphere there and will continue with my EASY Exercise routine three times a week.

Anne B (56).

Following surgery I had no energy and restricted upper body movement. Since joining EASY Exercise over one month ago I have more energy, find movement easier especially on stairs and I feel better about myself. EASY Exercise is at a slower pace, but I can see the results.

Peter S (80).

I had no intention of joining EASY Exercise because I am very active. I go for long walks once a week and enjoy ballroom dancing. I was only there to drop my wife and collect her later. I have been tormented with sciatica pain for months and wondered if EASY Exercise might be able to help? Following a FREE trial, I gave it a go and couldn’t believe it because two weeks later my sciatica pain is gone and hasn’t returned.

Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 PAGE 5 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
NEW this week - EASY Afternoons. Call 663 771 345 for more information. For a FREE trial call 663 771 345 today or email: BEACH Try, for free, a gentle, full body workout at Sophia Wellness Centre


Controls and sanctions of up to one thousand euros were announced by the Security Councillor, Federico Alarcón on Friday, to address the road safety problems caused by users of electric scooters and personal mobility vehicles.

Scooters are already part of the urban landscape of Torrevieja and are a useful element for traveling around the city, but for the bad driving practices of many of their owners.

Among the most common are riding on pavements, thereby putting pedestrians at risk, driving in the wrong direction, traveling excessive speeds, carrying two riders and the use of headphones, usually with drivers under 16 years of age. Despite the express ban of driving this type of vehicle by minors of that age, their use is increasingly popular among dozens of youths who use them daily to travel to secondary schools.

The Torrevieja Council has been preparing legislation in this regard for some time, in response to complaints from the public in general and pedestrians who see their physical integrity in danger, even when they go out for a walk.

There is a Local Police officer assigned to the role of disseminating traffic regulations in educational centres, but the controversy over the use of scooters among youngsters has only grown in recent months.

It has been the entry into force of a national regulatory change that has given rise to this new campaign with particular regard to scooters.

Since 22 January, all new personal mobility vehicles (VMP), must be certified and comply with a technical characteristics issued by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT). They must carry a factory marking on the back with the maximum speed, serial number, certificate number, year of construction, make and model. VMPs acquired before that date have until 2027 to obtain that certificate.

To raise awareness among members of the public and users of these vehicles, talks are being held in secondary education centres so that everyone is made aware of the mandatory rules and the need for improved safety for scooter drivers. As such, information brochures are also being distributed that list the offences that are punishable, as well as recommendations and traffic rules.

The main recommendations included in the manual:

Do not use headphones, or mobile phones.

Do not ride on pavements, pedestrian areas or in parks

Helmets and insurance are highly recommended

It is prohibited to be pulled along by other vehicles

Only one person per scooter

In addition, it is prohibited to use these vehicles with alcohol levels higher than those established, or under the influence of drugs. It is mandatory to undergo tests to detect these substances. You should not drive negligently or recklessly.

At night or in low visibility conditions, yellow front lights and red rear lights, front and rear reflectors and a rear brake light, must be used.

The Chief of the Local Police, Óscar Cartón has explained that specific roadside checks for scooters will be carried out, first of all, to inform users about the regulations. The objective of the controls is to reduce the offences committed by users; it is a training task. "If the violation continues, the sanction will then be imposed," he said.

Personal mobility vehicles (VMP) must follow the same traffic code of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) as motor vehicles or bicycles.

We now wait to see just how diligent the authorities will be in enforcing these sanctions


Driving in a pedestrian zone: E80

Driving without any lighting at night or in conditions of low or reduced visibility: E200

Driving with more than one occupant: E90

Driving whilst towed by another vehicle: E90

Using VMP’s if you are under 16 years old: E80

Driving with drugs: E1,000

Driving with an alcohol level higher than the regulation: E500

Refusing to take breathalyser tests: E1,000

Refusing drug tests: E1,000

Failure to respect pedestrian priority: E200

Failure to respect the priority of another vehicle: E90

Parking on pavements, walks and pedestrian or cyclist crossing areas: E80

Failure to obey mandatory signs (STOP, Give Way, etc.): E80

Failure to obey traffic signs (direction prohibited, parking prohibited, etc.): E80

Failure to respect the officers' signals: E200

Failure to respect traffic lights: E200


Drive on the shoulder, if not the closest to the right side, according to the direction of travel.

Bike lanes can be used as long as the VMP does not exceed 20 km/h

You should not drive in the opposite direction, you must respect the STOP signs, give way, prohibited direction and pedestrian crossings.

Speed rules, priority of passage and other traffic regulations must be respected.

Drive with the necessary diligence and caution to avoid risks and damage to yourself or others, avoiding endangering other users.

In no case will it be possible to circulate on interurban roads

Helmets are "highly recommended" but not yet mandatory

The explanations failed to address two issues of local and state regulations. The fact that Torrevieja "recommends" but does not force the use of helmets and the proliferation of scooter rental companies of which there are currently five operating in Torrevieja.

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The pair were first released but then recalled to jail



The Court of Instruction number 2 of Torrevieja has ordered the provisional detention,without bail,of the British couple detained last week in Rojales for the death of the woman’s mother.

The daughter of the deceased,38 years old,and the detained victim's friend, aged 73,were released following their initial arrest,for the provisional

charges of reckless homicide and failure to provide a duty of care,when it took them three days to call to 112 after the mother suffered a fall at home.

When they eventually did make the call,it was only after they discovered that the elderly woman was dead.

The Torrevieja court summoned the couple to appear again,after they had

received an extensive report of the autopsy carried out on the 76-year-old English woman.According to the Prosecutor's Office,they were both imprisoned while they are being further investigated as perpetrators of the crimes of homicide by omission,rather than reckless as initially thought,and their failure in providing a duty of care.

The victim's daughter is also charged with the crime of abandoning her family. The mother of the now imprisoned woman suffered a fall in her Rojales home,because of which she could have

broken her hip,but her daughter and her friend did not call the emergency services,but rather placed her on the floor of the lounge.

Three days later,when they went to check on her,they discovered that she was dead,at which point they called 112.

The emergency services and the Local Police arrived at the property,but the woman was dead following which the Judicial Police of the Guardamar Civil Guard proceeded to arrest the daughter and her friend.

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Some of you won’t believe it, but we are in the process of moving house again. Talk about ‘ants in the pants’, but in the immortal words of Harold Wilson; ‘events dear boy!’ The upside of ‘events’ is that new neighbours mean new friends – and we have made and kept friends for neighbours from everywhere we have decamped.

This being said, moving house is a very traumatic experience – and the older one gets, the harder it is; especially when the last one was meant to be the penultimate perch … the one before the graveyard! Anyway, here we are …

Every time I stir up my ‘belongings’ I resurrect old newspapers and this slows down the packing, as I leaf through accounts of times past and an ever-changing world. Spreading out old ‘Westmeath Examiners’ from the 1970s and 80s, I was forcibly struck by how much entertainment was available, seven nights a week back in the day.

The local papers contained page after page of advertisements for dinner-dances, hotel ‘do’s, socials, American Tea-Parties, and acres of newsprint devoted to music and dancing in pubs and lounges. We had 3x15s card plays, whist drives and big bridge outings. Then there was squash, tennis, badminton, gymkhanas and sports days.

Local variety groups took to the stage and lads and lassies you thought you knew on the street, turned into stars after a lick of greasepaint. Numerous table-quizzes were on offer; and if a meeting was called on some issue or other, the hall would be full.

Not alone all of the above, but before and after Mass or Church was in itself a significant social gathering. The women chatted in small groups admiring each other’s ‘style’ and the

new ‘perm’. (I never seen anything to suit you so well, Nancy!’) The men rested their backs against the wall; discussing cattle prices, politics and hurling … and it can be revealed now that the lads were greater gossipers than the women!

I asked myself; and now I’m asking you; what has happened to us? It looks to me like we have lost our ability to socialise. This is not good for society: People need people and it is an essential ingredient of our existence that we share time and activity with our fellow humans.

It’s gone, I tell you. We are supposedly the land of ‘the hundred thousand welcomes’, great conversation, and the over-use of the word craic, helps to cover a lot of cracks. Ok, so we bus the American tourists to Bunratty Castle, The Burlington or Whelan’s: most of them go home happy, I suppose – acclaiming how friendly the Irish are.

But they don’t see an Ireland like it used to be – in fact, they see little of the real Ireland at all. They won’t see us unless they do house calls – because we have given up going out. When we do go out now, it is only with people we like; and we go out of our way to only meet people that we want to meet.

The night clubs more or less came after my day and they too have had their day. Where once we had a plethora of social clubs and associations, now friends meet at home in their ‘home bar’ – by invitation only. Much is lost by only having your friends present at all social meets.

In the pub of yesterday, every type of individual had a role in creating the unique Irish pub atmosphere. The ‘bollox’ that ‘nobody could stand’ energised the crowd into what was often very real craic.

A friend told me last night of going back to

his home town last week. He looked forward to renewing acquaintances with some of his old drinking buddies. The first pub he went back to was closed; the second of his onetime regular haunts was closed. The third one he tried was open … there were 2 customers inside.

The ‘pub game’ is finished. A handful will exist or survive – the rest are heading the way of the ‘American tea-party.’ A survey I read somewhere says that most people now spend more time playing with their cat or dog, than going out and trying to make friends. Never in the history of mankind have people been spending so much time on their own.

All the signs are that lack of socialising is having a profoundly negative effect on happiness


The Eurovision Song Contest will star in the start of the Royal Caribbean International season in Spain this spring.Oasis of the Seas,one of the cruise line's four Eurovision-themed cruises,will depart from Barcelona on May 5.

Fans of the world's largest live music event will be able to experience the festival’s grand final weekend in a whole new way, with special experiences across entertain-

levels. Television, computers, video games and smart phones are insulating people from the person next to them. Again, people, especially the young, only want to talk to the person they have already established a relationship with.

So folks, let us start here and now to make our own little bit of difference and bring back the social interaction. Start off by simply just speaking to the person nearest to you.

You may be surprised that the person you considered aloof is actually affable and friendly – and this could be the start of a new friendship. A few new friends can be turned into a social gathering …


The best antique is an old friend.

ment,dining and more.

Oasis of the Seas will join three other ships, Odyssey of the Seas and Explorer of the Seas,from Civitavecchia and Ravenna in Italy,and Anthem of the Seas,from Southampton.All of them will also offer Eurovision themed cruises.

Beyond the first thematic week dedicated to Eurovision,Oasis of the Seas will continue offering trips through the Western Mediterranean for seven nights until October,departing from Barcelona,visiting such desired destinations as Palma de Mallorca,Florence (La Spezia) in Italy and Provence (Marseille) in France.

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Orihuela Costa left without additional street cleaners as population trebles during easter

Despite the population tripling in size during the Easter period,Orihuela Costa will not have the usual supplement of street cleaning workers.It will have to make do with the same resources as in it employs in January,during the low season.

However,to keep the streets clean in Orihuela City,an additional 12 labourers have been temporarily engaged until 7 April,after the Holy Week celebrations have been concluded.

The Cabo Roig y Lomas Neighbourhood Association already predicts that "there will be serious deficiencies on the beaches,dirty streets and with the collection of rubbish."

Last year,eleven additional workers were sent to the coast to reinforce the service, and they stayed until the summer.Ten further labourers also joined to work during the evenings.

You could be excused if you thought that there was no such position as the councillor for Orihuela Costa,as despite holding the position of first deputy mayor,he allows the Orihuela Council to ride ‘roughshod’over the rights of the electorate that he represents.

Not only are these attacks without compre-

Easter Parades across the Region

The Semana Santa parades are now underway across the region,following processions that were to celebrate Palm Sunday. All councils will have published their programmes on either their Facebook page, their dedicated Semana Santa or town council websites,so for detailed information simply ‘google’the appropriate municipality.

The best parades to watch are the ‘big’processions on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday.


Holy Monday 25th March - 21:30 Solemn Procession.Plaza de la Constitución.

Holy Tuesday 26th March - 21:30 Solemn

Procession.Plaza de la Constitución.

Holy Wednesday 27th March - 21:30

Solemn Procession.Plaza de Oriente,Plaza de la Constitución.

Holy Thursday 28th March - 22:00 Solemn

Procession.Plaza de la Constitución.

23:59 Solemn Procession del Descendimiento de Cristo Procession.Plaza del Calvario.

Good Friday 29th March - 19:00 Entierro de Cristo Procession.Starting: Plaza de la Constitución.

Easter Sunday 31st March - 08:00

Hallelujah Procession.Starting: Plaza de la Constitución.During this event petals will fall from the balconies of the surrounding buildings and the traditional Hallelujahs will be sung.

hension or common decency but they are an assault on reason.Does the arrival of residents and tourists to the coast in massive numbers not deserve fair treatment with an adequate reinforcement of resources so that services are able to be maintained at minimally acceptable quality?

“This government team,especially its mayor Pepe Vegara,and the councillor of the Coast,Manuel Mestre,is deeply disappointing the residents,due to their manifest inability to correctly manage the basic services required in this part of the municipality,”adds the neighbourhood association.


The best procession to watch in Orihuela is the General Parade on Good Friday the 29th March starting at 18:30.The council has laid on a free bus service leaving the Playa Flamenca Town Hall at 5pm on 29 and 30 March.See ad on page 18.

Holy Monday 25th March - 22:00

Procession of the Brotherhood of La Samaritana and the Pontifical.

Holy Tuesday 26th March - 22:00

Procession of the Forgiveness and ECCE Brotherhoods.Starting: Nuestra Señora de la Merced Church-Museum.

Holy Wednesday 27th March - 18:30

Procession of the Very Illustrious Stewardship of Our Father Jesus Nazarene. Starting: Church of Santa Ana (Convent of the Franciscan Fathers).

22:00 Procession of the Santa Cena Brotherhood - Starting: Nuestra Señora de la Merced Church-Museum.

Holy Thursday 28th March - 23:00

Procession of the Brotherhood of Silence. Starting: Royal,Insigne and Majestic Church of Santiago.

Good Friday 29th March - 02:00 Procession of the Penitential Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Good Death.Starting: University of Santo Domingo.

18:30 General Passion Procession.Starting: Sanctuary of Our Lady of Monserrate.

Holy Saturday 30th March - 19:00

Procession of the Holy Burial of Christ. Starting: Parish Church of Saints Justa and Rufina.

Easter Sunday 31st March - 00:30

Procession of the Brotherhood of the Resurrection.Starting: Parish Church of Saints Justa and Rufina.

All 12of the additional staff will be deployed inn Orihuela City

Even Luisa Boné,councillor of the municipal group Cs,has denounced the " lack of work and management of councillors Agustina Rodríguez and Rocío Ortuño, from the Departments of Human Resources and Urban Cleaning,respectively." She added,“We do not understand what they are doing in Human Resources and we would like someone to explain why only 10 workers have been hired for a month to cover the Holy Week services in Orihuela city,why not a single worker to Orihuela Costa”.

The Pajama Game set for San Fulgencio’s Cardenal Beluga Theatre

The talented musical theatre group Studio 32 are presenting the musical comedy The Pajama Game at the Cardenal Beluga Theatre, San Fulgencio from Thursday 2nd to Saturday 4th of May inclusive - roughly a month earlier than planned due to the theatre having been commandeered by the powers that be. Based in a pajama factory in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it follows the story of the workers who, led by their union rep Prez, are seeking a seven and a half cent pay rise from their miserly boss, Mr Hasler. Featuring memorable songs such as "Hernando's Hideaway" and "I'm not at all in love", it also captures the blossoming romance of grievance committee chairman Babe Williams and the new factory superintendent Sid Sorokin (played by Doris Day and John Raitt respectively in the 1950's film version)

Tickets (only 12 euros each) are available online from or from the following outlets :-

The Post Box, Dona Pepa, Cards and More, La Marina, Con Amor (with love), Quesada Elipacrafts, Quesada, The Post Room, Benijofar, Bob's Bar, La Marina.

Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 PAGE 9 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


The head of the Consell toured of the Alhama de Murcia section of the TajoSegura transfer on Thursday, accompanied by the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras.

The President toured the facilities to see first-hand the situation of the transfer in one of the key points for the south area of the Valencian Community.


Murcia’s municipal plenary session has approved the first Municipal Mobility Ordinance of this city, which will prohibit Children under 15 years of age from using use an electric scooter if they are not accompanied by their parents. It also allows users of electric chairs to be used in bike lanes.

The use of a helmet will be recommended on urban roads, but it will be mandatory on interurban roads. There is also the need to contract civil liability insurance.


French grocery retailer Alcampo, has opened a corner dedicated to secondhand clothing in its hypermarket located in Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid.

This increases the number of similar corners in the Community of Madrid to 7 and to 27 throughout Spain, marking the third anniversary since the first initiative was launched in Barcelona. The new space in Torrejón de Ardoz has more than 500 clothing items for women, men and children, as well as accessories, with prices ranging from 2 to 20 euro.


Pepe Vegara will not take any disciplinary action against the Councilor for Culture, Gonzalo Montoya.

The mayor,who was not present when the councillor allegedly threatened a board member of the municipal company Orihuela Cultural,said that there was no mention of the threat in the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting.

However,the PSOE claims that the secretary did not listen correctly to what Montoya said.

According to the opposition and two other nonpolitical advisors,his words were: "I brought you to the Board of Directors to support us.

As the alleged threat was not recorded in the minutes of the meeting, the mayorhas refused to take action


With the end of the hunting season, which took place last month, hundreds of hunting dogs have been abandoned. The social problem of abandoned dogs roaming the streets of local villages is very visible this time of the year.

At Galgos de Sol, we are dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming these dogs. This can be a lengthy process, depending on the different needs of the dogs. Our final aim is to put ourselves out of business and to bring this recurrent tragedy to an end.

We believe educating the next generation is the way forward. Therefore, Galgos del Sol put together a comprehensive education program for students aged 6 to13. The program consists of 2 lessons.

Firstly, we offer a 60 minutes school visit by a Galgos del Sol educator. On this visit we explain who we are and what we do in our animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center. We give a

The education program‘s aim is to bring awareness to the issue of abandoned hunting dogs

If you do not vote in favour,I will revoke you”.

The person who was allegedly requested asked that the statement should be recorded in the minutes,but it did not appear.

Last Thursday,when a motion was presented for the approval of the minutes,they failed to gain the approval of all of the councillors.The secretary's version of what happened is not credible,according to the socialists,who state that Vegara is avoiding the unpleasantness of having to dismiss a councillor.

“This is nothing more than palpable proof that his government is crumbling as a result of the division it is suffering from; of the crisis,his lack of authority and,what is worse, his inability and his indecision in the face of such incidents that are becoming more and more common,both from councillors of his PP group and from Vox," said the PSOE Councilor,Aynara Navarro.

small presentation about how dogs communicate and how to behave in the presence of a dog. These special skills are very important to learn at a young age. They can prevent small accidents, like dog bites. As part of the second lesson, the students get invited to GDS for a day-out. At the centre, the students participate in a sensory walk, similar to the one the dogs experience. It is an excellent opportunity to explain what our dogs learn and enjoy there.

After the walk, the students participate in a doggy memory game and a small theater sketch, followed by a short break during which we provide fruits and water. After the break there is a short presentation about the lives of hunting dogs, especially galgos and podencos.

To finish off the visit, the students get to express their creativity colouring and writing a story, maybe about a galgo they met on the street. The education program‘s aim is to bring awareness to the issue of abandoned hunting dogs, to

promote understanding of their behaviours and needs and to encourage good dog keeping. We know that educating the next generation is the way forward to stop the grave social issue of abandoned and mistreated dogs.

Galgos del Sol is based on the Mar Menor coast, in San Javier. If you would like us to visit your local primary school, please send us an e-mail: .

PAGE 10 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

Drivers making a living from speeding motorists

There has been a significant increase in new mobile radars mounted on cars patrolling in France. Whereas that news might not seem unusual, the clue to the peculiarity is in the phrase, “mounted on cars patrolling in France”, because these detection devices are not mounted on police patrol vehicles, nor are the police even involved, but rather they are on private vehicles the owners of which are making money by capturing speeding drivers.

The concept is not new however, in France, hundreds of drivers have been working in this way for years with exceptional results from the point of view of the police, because as the French authorities recognise, it is easier for them to go unnoticed, which allows them to detect violations easily.

To facilitate the private capturers, the French traffic department has hired four companies that are in charge of selecting the appropriate drivers for this task, since logically not just anyone will do. They must be good drivers who have a minimum of 10 driving licence points out of a maximum of 12, which is what is allowed in the country.

These types of drivers must spend all day patrolling the roads, or at least for as many

hours as possible, since they do not charge per penalty, which would be illegal, but rather per kilometre travelled in this patrol work. In this case, drivers bill around 1,500 euro per month for a job that for the most part just requires them to drive and keep moving.

In Spain the mechanism is not exactly like that, but the truth is that as demonstrated by what happened in the town of Cazalegas, Toledo, there are individuals and companies that make a living from it.

In this case, it is not the DGT that outsources this service, but it is the city councils that do it. Let us remember that the town councils have transferred control of traffic on their streets as well as the sanctioning capacity. What they do is hire the services of companies that are dedicated to controlling traffic using cameras and installing radars. The town councils limit themselves to outsourcing the service and then signing the sanctions imposed by these companies to give them legal support, companies that also have a legal department in charge of collecting the fines by executive means.

In this case they usually go for a 50% commission, so everything is profit for the mayor's office. The problem in Cazalegas is that the

mobile radar was being controlled by an individual from inside his car, something that is specifically prohibited, because if there is a mobile radar of these characteristics, it must be handled by an authority agent.

This represents a defect in form that could invalidate all sanctions imposed by that equipment during the hours in which it was in operation. If that same equipment had been autonomous (a fixed camera with radar) and had the relevant controls from the Spanish metrology centre, the fines would be perfectly legal.

In Spain it is the town councils that have control of traffic on their streets as well as the sanctioning capacity

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Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



1.Light shoe (4)

3.Praiseworthy (8)

8.Stave (4)

9.Baffle (8)

11.Waywardness (12)

13.Rejoinder (6)

14.Steady (6)

17.Naughtiness (12)

20.Escort (8)

21.Member (4)

22.Ruin (8)

23.Footwear (4)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 21


1.Sweat (8)

2.Tower (7)

4.Awaken (6)

5.Final (10)

6.Depression (5)

7.Whirlpool (4)

10.Sorrow (10)

12.Horrible (8)

15.Ill-mannered (7)

16.Crowd (6)

18.Silly (5)

19.Boat (4)




Manufacture; 9 Robbery; 10 Train; 11 Evens; 12 Utilise; 13 Occult; 15 Reveal; 18 Amnesty; 20 Prang; 22 Lasso; 23 Iranian; 24 Table tennis.

DOWN: DOWN: 2 Amble; 3 Utensil; 4 Asylum; 5 Tutti; 6 Realise; 7 Irrevocable; 8 Intelligent; 14 Canasta; 16 Explain; 17 Typist; 19 Stool; 21 Alibi.



Promptitude; 9 Counter; 10 Khaki; 11 Order; 12 Sunburn; 13 Nobody; 15 Thwart; 18 Austere; 20 Satin; 22 Thing; 23 Growler; 24 Undertaking.

DOWN: 2 Round; 3 Motored; 4 Thrust; 5 Token; 6 Dracula; 7 Accountants; 8 Piano tuners; 14 Bastion; 16 Hassock; 17 Weight; 19 Eagle; 21 Talon.


1 Get down from this? (4)

3.No danger signal? (3,5)

8.Vessel for rubbish (4)

9.Possibly violated a joint (8)

11.It's bound to appeal to the less affluent! (5,7)

13.Cause to be esteemed when earned, perhaps? (6)

14.Small boat that's easily damaged (6)

17.Far better than other paperboys? (7,5)

20.Net value in its final form (8)

21.Leave out some indomitable characters? (4)

22.All the singles? (8)

23.Rode around a river (4)


1.Anumber expelled could be downcast (8)

2.Make an effort to study with care (7)

4.Men known for insurance in the main? (6)

5.Chat like Jack Sprat's wife? (4,3,3)

6.Time to finish is what poets may need (5)

7.Depend on entirely, not half! (4)

10.It seems family man is involved in new play ... (10)

12.... but new director still has to be paid (8)

15.Imagined myself in fear (7)

16.Air filter? (6)

18.Possibly three in that place (5)

19.Give up like a selected competitor, say? (4)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 21)

1. Which number one hit song from Whitney Houston was recorded for the 1988 Summer Olympic Games in Seoul?

2. What name did Forrest Gump give his fishing boat?

3. Measured from north to south what is the longest country in the world? a. Chile, b. China, c. Russia, d. Brazil.

4. Which famous musician built the Electric Lady recording studio in New York City?

5. Roughly 25 minutes after the film begins, "Here you are, sir. Main Level D." are the first words to which classic movie?

6. One of the world's busiest airports has the IATA airport code CDG. Can you name the airport?

7. Which one of the following is a collective noun for zebras?

a. fright, b. startle, c. dazzle, d. blur

8. Which 1943 novel from Antoine de Saint-Exupery is one of the best-selling books in history?

9. Nagy and Kovacs are the two most common surnames in which European country?

10. The following lyrics are all from songs with the word "Cool" somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song? a. I give a little muscle and I spend a little cash, but all I get is bitter and a nasty little rash.

b. She is crazy like a fool. c. Bootlegging boozer on the west side, full of people who are doing wrong.

11. 'Green Car Crash' is one of the most expensive paintings ever sold. Who painted it? a. Andy Warhol b. Jackson Pollock c. Francis Bacon d. William de Kooning

12. Which given name meaning "Lion of God" is also the central character in the Disney film 'The Little Mermaid'?

13. Basel Dove, Inverted Jenny, Hawaiian Missionaries and Treskilling Yellow are all rare and valuable examples of what?

14. Which person, once dubbed as "the wickedest man in the world" by the British press, is found on the Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover?

15. In which year did Mattel first introduce Barbie?

16. Which actor, known for his role as 'The Rifleman', was one of the few people to have played professional baseball and basketball in the USA?

17. Which popular hat style is named after an 1882 French play?

18. Plus or minus 2, in which year did Russia adopt the Gregorian calendar?

19. Name the three busiest container ports in Europe.

20. Which film, ranked number one on the American Film Institute's list of '100 Best American Movies', ends with the words "Throw that junk."?

PAGE 14 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 CRYPTIC CROSSWORD


A team of surgeons from Torrevieja has performed a pioneering laparoscopic oesophageal resection for a tumour, using 3D technology, the use of which increases the success rate in such surgeries.

The team led by Dr. Andrés Tomás has successfully performed the operation on an elderly patient with a tumour in the oesophagus.


Elche has fulfilled the tradition of sending hand-decorated white palms to the Pope, the Queen and the Prime Minister.

The mayor, Pablo Ruz, has also included a message to Pedro Sánchez, asking for the return of the Lady of Elche, the central motif of the palm that he has presented to the PM.


A contract has been confirmed for the introduction of 480 solar panels on the roof of Torrevieja’s social security building.

The contract has been awarded to IMS 2020 Energy Solutions with an investment of 200,000 euros. The execution period is five months.

The facilities currently consume almost 400,000 KW/hour of energy per year, equivalent to the annual consumption of about 120 homes.


Almoradí is a finalist in the competition to find the “Cultural Town” of the year, with one of its star initiatives, a free route along which you can discover many emblematic places of the municipality. In addition to monuments, the town has a high-value natural heritage due to the passage of the Segura River, with hiking routes an important activity as well as the local gastronomic wealth, which has a wide variety of dishes made from locally sourced fresh products.


The councillor - secretary of the Local Government Board in Torrevieja, Federico AlarcÛn, has confirmed that the contracting for the Comprehensive Pest Control and Disinfection Service for the municipality of Torrevieja has been approved.

The estimated value of the contract amounts to 1,158,457 euro (IVAincluded), being constituted by the annual amount for the three years initially planned, plus the two-year extensions, for a total contract term of five years.

The objective of the contract is the provision of urban pest prevention and control services (deratization and disinfection) in Torrevieja, which will incude the following works: Deratization, which includes the control and elimination of rodents, particularly rats and

mice, considered harmful to public health. Disinfestation, which includes the control and elimination of harmful or disease-spreading insects, and in particular, Diptera (including mosquitoes) and their larvae; It also includes population control of the pine processionary caterpillars, blatodeos (different species of cockroaches) and any insect with a possible impact on public health.

Disinfection, which includes immediate or delayed elimination, the latter through removal of infected waste, of germs harmful to health.

The councillor responsible for pest control, Diana Box Alonso, has given a very positive assessment of this new contract, which will serve to respond to possible pests that may occur over the next five years.

Among the execution of the works that will be carried out, mosquito control is particularly relevant, (weekly checks and special events due to rain), deratization, and disinfection in public centres (teaching centres and markets, sports centres and other municipal offices), control processionary (teaching centres and parks and gardens) and exterior surfaces (exterior surfaces, parks and gardens and attention to notices).


A Freemasons BBQ and beach walk was attended by 77 members LODGE SANTA FAZ No 48 and members of the community at the International Club in El Campello on Saturday 16th March.

The fundraiser included a sponsored beard shave, during which the lodge managed to raise very slightly over 2,000 euros, which is now deposited in the Lodge Charity account. That money will be added to any other charity monies raised throughout the year with MABS being the the main beneficiary, at a presentation later in the year.

Steven Fynn is the man in the frame enjoying, or not, the beard shave. The four members behind the BBQ are L to R Nick Carter, Nick Liddicoat, Bryan Green and Bob Alchin.

LODGE SANTA FAZ No 48 meets every second Monday of the month for regular meetings at the International Club El Campello.

More information from the secretary:

The contract term is 5 years

Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja -Evangelical Church. Sunday Service 11 a.m.; - Contact 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. Evangelical non-denominational church.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a very attractive 2019

Ford Focus ST-Line Hybrid at just 21,900 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and

gramme of English speaking activities, support, information and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities can pop along. Open 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. You can register between 1pm & 2pm on those days, in the Cafe area where you will find Eva or Norah. email:

LOOKING FOR Silent Business Partner for small Private Care Home. Invest 10K and get 20K back in 14 months. Call 747 438 225

used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page 7. We can assure you of the biggest and best choice of new and used cars in the area for price, choice and quality.


Have you lost somebody close to you? Are you finding life difficult after a bereavement? Come along and chat to other people in the same situation. Starting on October 10th, then every Tuesday from 2-4pm at the Age Concern Centre, Calle Paganini, La Siesta, Torrevieja. 96 678 6887. Everyone is welcome.

Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) Open to residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. Located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3 times a week for a pro-

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373

CONSTRUCTION AND GENERALBUILDING. For all building works large or small, phone 604 152 124 for quotes. We also specialise in pool leaks and repairs. (1012)

Law Services: PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR, Solicitor, Debt Collections, Bad Tenants. 747 438 225

Apartment wanted to let long term. 1 or 2 bedroom, fully furnished. My budget is 450 to 500 euro per month. Call Brendan on mob: 087 2586240 or email:

PAGE 16 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

The Bowen Technique with Body Harmony

The Bowen Technique was pioneered by Thomas Bowen, born in Geelong, Australia. After working in miscellaneous labouring jobs as a young man, he developed a great interest in massage and body work and spent time observing football trainers and others involved with sports.

By the time he was in his early 40¥s, this gifted man had established a full time practice in remedial therapy using the technique he developed. It is amazing at the effectiveness of this simple and gentle ìhands-onî therapy.

after a series of set moves, the therapist leaves the room for a couple of minutes. This prompts the body to reset, repair and rebalance itself.

The Bowen Technique does not rely on hard pressure, it is a very light touch therapy and there is no twisting, bending or awkward repositioning of the client during the treatment. It can be performed through light clothing.

The Bowen Technique addresses many conditions, is ideal for stress and health management, and it is regarded as safe and effective for people of all ages.

Akey element of the Bowen Technique so that we work holistically and do not treat a specific condition but look at the person as a whole.

the Bowen Technique as a means of stress management and health maintenance, seeing their therapists regularly 2-4 times a year.

The Bowen Technique also addresses many other conditions and it is regarded as safe and effective for people of all ages.

The actual Bowen treatment

With Bowen Technique, I am happy to work either directly onto skin or through light clothing.

The Bowen Technique is suitable for everyone, from the tiniest of babies, to athletes and frailest of adults.

It looks at restoring balance to the body by a series of very gentle rolling type moves made with the therapist¥s fingers and thumbs over precise areas of the body.

Aunique feature of the Bowen Treatment is that

What can Bowen safely treat.

Common presenting problems include back and neck pain, knee problems, sports injuries, RSI, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow and respiratory problems. Conditions such as chronic fatigue, hayfever, headache, kidney problems and problems requiring lymphatic drainage have responded favourably to Bowen Technique. Some people use

The first session will consist of a consultation during which I take notes about you, your lifestyle, conduct any assessments required and then carry out the Bowen Therapy. Treatments are normally about an hour. Every person is unique and therefore treatments and times are tailored to the individual.

An initial course of three treatments is recommended to see how the client responds to treatment, usually at weekly intervals.

Some clients will experience instant pain relief, whereas with others the body may respond over the next few days, but normally even chronic conditions will see relief with an initial set of three treatments.

It is recommended that clients are not receiving other physical thera-

pies whilst being treated with the Bowen Technique.


Telephone number is 966 795 address is and website is


PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024

Pilar Christian Community Church


The drive towards Cadiz was really pleasant on Sunday afternoon; the sun shone, the peace was serenaded by easy-listening music, the roads were smooth with not much traffic, the views were great and at times incredible. Then it gradually got darker, which was probably just as well as I passed Granada, because the roadways were all over the place – spaghetti junction like – it was not a bad thing to be in the dark.

Being the sensible person that I am, (most of the time) I chose to stop after three and a half hours having booked into a hotel overnight. The Marionetta was a bit of a hotel adjoined to a very busy restaurant where the food was amazing!

Next day the beauty of the scenery ranged from amazing to beautiful, to totally spectacular and all within one hour’s drive.

There was one point when I was in awe of the mountain ranges surrounding me on three sides and when I noticed the cloud looming around the top of the mountain in front, it reminded me vividly of Moses and his personal encounter with God on the mountain top when God passed by in His glory and Moses’ face later shone for days. It

also reminded me of the burning bush incident and how Moses knew God so personally so many times.

As I ruminated on this and took in the grandeur and majesty of the scenery enveloping me and pondered about how small and insignificant we are in the scheme of things– and yet - God Almighty

Himself, Creator of the entire universe, loves me, cares for each of us and even speaks to us - Wow!

It was a mind-blowing experience as I drove through those mountains heading towards Cadiz.

From our familiar sandy, dusty, dry rock, scrub brush and scant green/brown treelines of South Alicante / Murcia terrain to real green grass, an array of tree species and the rich russet soil throughout Andalucia was a total feast for the eyes and I was reminded of the beauty and rich lands of both Ireland and England. Not to say that our terrain here is not beautiful.

Each region has its own beauty for sure and also our many golf courses do indeed provide green for our souls to enjoy. But what I was seeing in front of me was bliss to my eyes, rest for my soul and balm for my heart. And there was peace, perfect peace, a part experience of living in Psalm 23.

All things being equal, there is of course



another side to this idyll.

Then there was the journey home. There is a natural balance in the world. Birth & Death, Truth & Lies, Pleasure & Pain, Beginnings & Ends…

And so, from the pleasure at the beginning of my travels, there came the trials at the end. It rained and rained and rained. And then it poured. All the way through the mountains it poured, it rained sleet and snow and went from 13º to 1ºC and driving through cloud. The dangerous part was being stuck behind lorries or trucks. The wipers were not happy and it was hard to see anything at all. So, you have to read the road and be able to gauge distance.

GPS is not much help in these conditions; you have to trust what you know to be true and pass those trucks keeping your eyes firmly on the solid white line on your left knowing that once you pass, the road and your view will be clearer and safer.

Why have I shared this journey with you? Well, the Bible is our road guide, our GPS for navigating life’s highways and byways. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” John 1:1. Jesus is the Word. His word is life and truth

and if we live by it we can navigate all of the obstacles we come across. God never promised us that life would be easy all of the time, or that we would have no trouble or hardship – in fact we are told to expect it. He did promise though, that He would be with us through it all.

In less than a week it will be Easter, a time of rebirth, renewal. In order to be reborn, there must be a death. Jesus was born to die, to die for us, should we accept His sacrifice. Flowers die each year and are born again in Spring bringing hope and beauty. Jesus’ resurrection means the opportunity for new life for us, an eternal life after we shed our mortal bodies. Do you have this assurance? Would you like to have? Is He your GPS through life? Would you like Him to be?

Feel free to join us this Easter Sunday, or any Sunday, and find your way through life with God’s GPS; old yet modern and totally reliable, whatever the weather, whatever life throws at us.

Pilar Christian Community Church. Calle Canalejas 3, Pilar de la Horadada. Email:

English Service at 11-12:15 every Sunday. Info at: or find us on Facebook.

PAGE 18 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Afortnight ago I was really impressed with a small group of people in Shaftesbury, in the UK, who have got together to bring back civic pride into Britain.

Annoyed at the way the local council had been allowing street name signs to become ever more illegible because of a lack of repainting, they bought some high quality black and white paint and set about repainting them. The result is fantastic and, of course, well worth the effort.

One of their number, interviewed by the Press, said it was about “shaming” local councils for failing to do their job. “Some of the signs have not been done for many years. It’s about civic pride. English civic pride”.

“It’s about time we started doing up our streets a bit and taking care of them,” he added.

I couldn’t agree more, and it is appalling that government has not set about taxing the far better off more so that Britain does not continue to fall to bits.

And the same argument could be levied at our local council in Orihuela where streets have become a disgrace, and any hint of civic pride has long gone.

So, I was even more impressed when I drove down Calle Niagara in Playa Flamenca last week. On one day I saw a group of people with tools hacking away at a massive amount of vegetation growing along the pavement and gutter outside their block of flats.

Good for them, I thought. The following day they were there again, but this time there were even more residents in the street, this time on the opposite side of the road, again hacking at vegetation in the pavement and gutter and also weeds growing out of nearby waste ground. They also tackled piles of rubbish left alongside nearby waste

Tony Mayes Rant


I had to go and praise them for what they were going – and you know what? Most were British.

Yes, that British pride is not dead. It reminded me of when we were in the Dominican Republic on holiday and were hit by the worst hurricane for years. It wrecked everything. We all were looked after by staff all day in the basement until the worst had passed.

The next day all the British holiday makers were organised into working groups. One group got the kitchens back in order, another sorted out the gardens, another set about rescuing hummingbirds trapped under foliage, others helped to clean the swimming pools and public areas inside and outside the hotel. When we finished, we all went into the village where staff lived, mostly in tin shacks, and did what we could to help them.

Other holidaymakers there were Americans and Germans. The Americans just sat around and demanded being waited on, much to the annoyance of staff. The Germans just laughed at us for doing all the unpaid work, and they really got the contempt of the locals.

One bolshy American was thrown out of the hotel. As for us Brits, scores and scores of us – all the staff gathered when we left, and handclapped us.

This was the British at their finest. It’s what needed now to get Britain back on its feet and show an example to the world of what can be achieved. And we should send a strong message to to America where repulsive Republicans think it’s acceptable to be so selfish to deny all the financial and military help Ukraine needs to combat Russian aggression.


It’s not often that I agree with utterances from the mouths of Tory MPs, but I must support comments from Work and Pensions Secretary, Mel Stride, when he said Britain’s approach to mental health was at risk of having “gone too far”.

How often do we hear people saying they have mental health problems, when, in fact, all they have to cope with are normal anxieties of life. We hear of more and more children at school having metal health problems, and adults being off work for weeks, months or years because of mental health problems. It’s become the modernday buzz word, and, of course, picked up by millions on social media.

My parents, living through the war years and

having to cope with me as a young tot, could well have said they were suffering mental health problems, not knowing whether a bomb was going to drop on them, living in the firing line on the South Coast. But mental health problems hadn’t been invented then. You just got on with life as best you could.

It’s a pity that British stiff upper lip attitude isn’t alive today – sadly it’s been overcome by nambypambyism.

Or, as Mel Stride says, the increased public focus on discussing mental health has led to people effectively self-diagnosing mental health conditions.

And it is putting ever-increasing strain on a spiralling welfare bill, likely to be a staggering £100 billion this year.

What’s needed in Britain is a get-tough approach on those who, in past generations would be described as malingerers, but who now are said to have “mild mental health conditions.”

Of course there are people with serious mental health problems, perhaps brought on by abuse of drink, drugs, gambling, etc, but there are many, many people who wouldn’t have a problem if they simply got back to meaningful work.

As Mel Stride says: “Some people are "convincing themselves they have some kind of serious mental health condition as opposed to the normal anxieties of life".

“If they go to the doctor and say ‘I’m feeling rather down and bluesy’, the doctor will give them on average about seven minutes time and then, on 94 %of occasions, they will be signed off as not fit to carry out any work whatsoever." And then the rest of society has to keep them –totally unnecessarily..


I have just mentioned, gambling is one cause of people becoming mentally ill, and, sadly it seems that in the UK, gambling has become an ever growing social problem.

So much so that the NHS is funding a growing number of special clinics, where addicts can go to get support and help. One has just opened in Sheffield, and in the past 12 months alone seven others have opened.

Excessive gambling can destroy lives and lead to suicide. It’s resulted in marriage break-ups, people losing their homes, jobs and turning to crime to fund their habit. The belief (or hope) that the next big gamble will turn their life around keeps them going on.

The government knows only too well there is a huge problem with gambling in the UK, but do they do anything to stop or curtail it? No. I was recently bombarded with unwarranted emails urging me to take part in numerous free “spins”. How many times do we see, on TV adverts, the clown in a red bowler surging people do the same. And how many times do we get TV adverts from charities urging people to take part in their lotteries?

And as for Omaze adverts trying to get people to part with cash to win a millionaire home in the country, it’s crazy. Only one can win and the odds of winning are absolutely negligible.

The government should ban all forms of advertising urging gambling – but of course they won’t because there is so much much money at stake –and I wonder how many MPs have shares on betting and gambling companies.


And finally, one of our neighbours died recently, and this prompted me to ensure we had Spanish wills. I asked solicitors for a cost and then went to the Notary in La Zenia and discovered it was only 58 euros. So here’s a tip, don’t put money into solicitors’ pockets, call at the Notary who will give you forms to fill in and help you all the way. Brilliant.

Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


WIN Orihuela CF 2-1 Águilas FC

Second half goals from Hamza and Florian saw Orihuela come from behind, to move into the play off places in Second Federation Group 4, with a narrow victory against rivals Águilas FC on Saturday.

After a slow start to the season Sergi Guilló's Orihuela have picked up the pace in recent weeks securing 7 wins and 3 draws in their last 10 games. With 3 of their remaining six games against teams fighting relegation, confidence is high in the Scorpions squad, with all eyes now on securing one of those top six playoff places.

Las Salinas Petanca Charity Mixed Triples

The Las Salinas Charity Mixed triples petanca competition was held at Rocajuna petanca on the 16th March with pristine terrains and plenty of room for spectators!

The competition was an astounding success, and the bar was kept busy providing refreshments a barbeque and sandwiches to the hungry players. Thank you to Eduardo providing the barbeque, Myriam and her colleague in the bar providing drinks.

The weather was comfortable and the competition was fierce with 24 teams from 18 clubs most wearing their team strip. It was close games for the top slots!

The top three teams were presented with a prestigious cup which will be inscribed with the winnersínames. This will be retained for a year and will continue to have inscriptions for the forthcoming competitions. All three top teams were given medals and wine as recognition of their success.

The umpire of the day was John Gaughan, the secretary of the las Salinas petanca league with his smart striped umpire shirt he ensured fair play. We had Ang, his wife, on the desk assist-

ing with the organisation and results.

The chosen charity for the Las Salinas league is the San Jose Obrero orphanage and we raised Ä414 on the day including the subscription fees and the tombola.

The stall was run by the lovely Chrissy and Tina who were busy persuading people to part with their money!

Thank you, ladies, for your efforts! Jackie Lowton the Competition secretary arranged the registration of the teams and the purchase of the prizes and we also had some very nice donations.

WINNERS ON THE day with 4 wins were.

1st El/Limonar Justin: Jose & Evelyne Botias, Agneta & Peter Seidel (4 wins)

2nd Rocajuna: Captain Claude Herrin (3 wins)

3rd Los Bandidos: Captain Yves Beaudet (3 wins)

Thank you to all the participants and we look forward to organising another triples competition in September 2024

It was Águilas that opened the scoring ten minutes into the second period when Francis Ferrón beat Aitor with a powerful shot from the edge of the box, the first goal conceded by Orihuela in the last 5 games, however, it then took just three minutes for the home side to react, with Hamza dribbling past 2 defenders to score from a narrow angle.

At this stage Orihuela were more ambitious and after a goal by García Padilla that was disallowed they hit their rivals with ten minutes remaining as Florian unleashed a volley that sent the Los Arcos crowd wild.

Hamza then came close to adding a third when he chipped a ball over the goalkeeper that went narrowly over the bar. At the end of the game Sergi Guilló took his players around the pitch to salute the capacity crowd.

The winners were El Limonar Justin


Tipsy Tigers16 - 5Dolly Mixtures

Friendly Temps12 - 10Ladybirds

Gap Girlz15 - 7Friendly Chicas

Wacky Allsorts10 - 13Primadonnas

Week 12

Ladybirds11 - 12Gap Girlz


Gap Girlz1316896

Friendly's Temps13161121

Tipsy Tigers13157142



Macklin's Dolly Mixtures13111166

Friendly Chicas13109164

Wacky Allsorts13109170

Congratulations to Gap Girlz Yvonne Rouffignac on her 171 and 16 darter and also to Ladybird Donna Ralph on scoring ten tons and a120 in two matches!

With just one more week to go, things can still change at the top of the table, with top spot, Gap Girlz hosting 2nd place Friendly temps and 3rd place Tipsy Tigers up against 4th Place Ladybirds.

At the lower end, will it be Dolly Mixtures, Friendly Chicas or Wacky Allsorts that come away with the wooden spoon?


Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 171, 117 x2, Diane Burns (DM) 140, Ali Webster (FC) 138, 125, 110, 100, Sharon Marshall (GG) 137, Kirsty Green (LB) 133 x2, Monique Edelenbos (FT) 133, 114, 106, Shirley Stephenson (WA) 133,

Chelsea Campbell (GG) 126, 100x3, Mitch Halliday (PD) 121, Nina Mander James (TT) 121, Dons Ralph (LB) 120, 100 x7, Sue Casey (WA) 120, Margaret Boden (WA) 115, Elaine Maston (DM) 110, Rhianna Marshall (GG) 100 x2, Eileen Askew (TT) 100, Karen Christopher (FC) 100, Diane Curran (FT) 100, Lesley Justice (DM) 100, Sharon O´Rourke (LB) 100

LEAST DARTS: Yvonne Rouffignac 16


Rhianna Marshall (GG) 129, Yvonne Rouffignac (GG) 121, 114, Sandra Crabbe (LB) 121, Kirsty Green (LB) 121, Bliss Wright (GG) 120, 100 x3, Sharon O´Rourke (LB)102, Dons Ralph (LB) 100 x3, Sarndra David (LB) 100

HIGH CHECK-OUT: Sarndra David (LB) 100


Carp-R-Us started their Spring Series on a cloudy, blustery day at El Bosquet. With many of the same pegs being used for matches on three consecutive days, fishing proved a bit hard on some pegs although there were still some decent weights.

First and second were the two oldest members fishing with Doug Hornblow just pipping Jean Pierre (JP) van de Cruyssen. Both fished a straight lead and used maggots to record weights of 17.68kg (Doug, peg 4) and 16.52kg (JP, peg 6).

Third from peg 12 was Vinnie Smith who fished floating pole and maggot for 11.28kg and fourth was Roy Dainty with 9.80kg who used pole and caster shallow. Information about the club can be found on its website

PAGE 20 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

San Luis Bowls Club welcome Scottish Visitors

San Luis BC welcomed a friendly touring team from Monifieth Bowling Club.

We played Tuesday’s game in the lovely Mediterranean heat, which suited us better, a stark contrast to the windy conditions on Thursday’s game, which seemed to suit Scotlands Monifieth team, but despite the weather, the sound of fun and laughter certainly made up for it, an enjoyable time was had by all.

Winter League Wednesday 20th

San Luis had a tough last game away against the Winter League winners, Greenlands Gladiators, SL coming away with 2 points, winning rink: Neil Burrows / Dee Hoey / Sandra Burrows / Scott Malden 22-11.

If you want to find out more, or give bowling a try, come to our OPEN roll ups most Saturdays9:30/10:00or the Chicken/egggame Wednesdays 1:30/2:00.


In sound bytes the season is very easy to sum up,Garth wins 4 competitions,surviving 1 league and relegated in another.Thats the trouble with sound bytes they do not get close to the story.Our Blue ribbon event on the Men's singles turned out to be a non event the contestants were Garth Slater and Alex Whyte.Alex recovering from a bad bout of bronchitis bravely took the field in the afternoon after a mornings game but unfortunately had to retire and concede the event.

His pairs final skipped by Don Fowkes against Johnny Callagham and Barry

Roberts was really a good tight game at 15 ends it was 15 each but a 5 on the sixteenth led Garth and Don to 20-17 victory.

He won the pensioner's urn at 16 ends it was very close at 14-11 then went on to win 21-11.

He went on to win the drawn pairs partnered by Margaret Maclaughan against and again at 14 ends it was very tight at 1411 then went on to win 20-11.

Our other Blue Ribbon event,the Ladies Singles was won by Janet Parons beating Mo Kidd 21-10.This again was close at 12 ends at 7-10,but a couple of 3's for Janet gave her a unassailable lead and went on to win 21-10.

Our 2 tightest finals I have left to the end they were both Triples,our Mixed Trips

were David & Lesley Joynes skipped by Len Daniels against Janet Parsons,Margaret MacLaughlin and Alex Whyte,at 16 ends it was 16-11 in Len's favour,at 18 ends thank to 2 3's Alex's team came out winners at 1716.

Finally we get to the men's trips where we get 3 new names on the honours board. Stewart Wright,David Joynes and Alan Birch beat Pete Parsons,Mike Stone & Don Fowkes 15-14 thanks to a very tight measure on the final end.

In league Division A we came bottom by 1 point,the main difference being that we had least overall shot difference.

In the Enterprise league we came 7th from 9 but with a good points difference over the bottom 2,5 & 18 respectively.


1.One Moment In Time, 2.Jenny, 3. Answer d.Brazil, 4.Jimi Hendrix, 5. 2001:A Space Odyssey, 6.Charles de Gaulle, 7.Answer c.dazzle, 8.The Little Prince, 9.Hungary, 10.Three answers.a.Cool For Cats (Squeeze), b.Daddy Cool (Boney M), c.Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) (Hollies).11.Answer a.Andy Warhol. 12.Ariel.13.Postage stamps.14. Aleister Crowley.15.1959.16.Chuck Connors.17.Fedora.18.1918.19. Three answers.In order;Rotterdam, Antwerp, Hamburg.20.Citizen Kane


On Tuesday the Rowdies played their postpones home game against San Miguel and did well in having two close rinks, though the stronger San Miguel took the four rinks. But with every match our bowlers gain skill and experience.

Wednesday found the Rowdies playing their final winter league match at home to El Cid and had a good match with thoroughly good company. The Rowdies took the rinks 3 to 1 and the overall shots with all rinks being close run.

Mick Higgins, Mags Higgins, Malc Sykes and Diane Yates 11-15. Sheila Cox, Ann Abbott, Pam Harris and Peter Blackburn 2112. Bill Johnston, Frances Johnston, Tony Abbott and Derek Barker 21-18. Ria Dukker, Lesley Day, Judy Foley and Keith Longshaw 23-19.

Bowlers of all levels are welcome at El Rancho.


Emperors played BBC in Winter League on Wed at home, and they slipped to a defeat by 4-6 Aggregate of 59-63. N Prior R White M Ellis C Lindgren 19-10, S Kavanagh T Pridmore M Hartley B Kavanagh 15-13

The week started with the Annual St Paddyís Game against Ireland, as usual a great game played in the correct spirit, and the result was a Draw. We look forward to the return next year of the Irish

Also during the week we had a visit for two games Monday and Friday by Monifieth Bowls club from Dundee. Both games were played with fun in mind and both days were brilliant. Again, both games finished all square

Good Bowls, Food and dancing on Friday night. Brilliant visit. Hope all the heads have recovered!

SAPS on every Saturday afternoon at 1300pm, 5 Euros, gets you 2 hours Bowling, coaching if needed, Shoes, and Bowls, supplied. BYELWYN MORRIS

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024
Monifieth Bowling Club



Hub Hyenas2-10Tipsy Toad Toppers

Domino's Doms10-2El Capitan

Mind The Gap10-2CC's Bees

Ck1 Lads9-3Milo's

Freakie Taverners5-7Leeson St Trotters


Fire Station7-5Danny's Bar

Fallen Angels10-2Ck1 Ladybirds

Pint Depot Queens2-10Domino's Despdos

Illy's Oldies9-3Hub Hellraisers

Tipsy Toad Tiaras9-3Tasty Taverners



Domino's Domignomes1630133

Mind The Gap1627138

Tipsy Toad Toppers1625139

Hub Hyenas1620119

El Capitan1619112

CC's Bees161694

Leeson Street Trotters16868

Ck1 Lads16867


Freakie Taverners16137


Fire Station1630148

Danny's Bar1626122

Illy's Oldies1623122

Domino's Desperados1622107

Fallen Angels1620110

Ck1 Ladybirds161393

Tipsy Toad Tiaras161386

Hub Hellraisers16965

Tasty Taverners16668

Pint Depot Queens16040

MOST 180’S: Mark Ellis X6, James Brown X6, Andreas Liamazares X 6

180's THIS WEEK: Sam Salt, Ricardo Perez, Graham Soloman, James Brown, Yvonne Rouffignac, Andreas Liamazares

HIGH FINISH THIS WEEK: Dave Wharton 83, Darren Sanderson 78





A real solid all round Toppers performance this week, allowed limited opportunities for the hosts.31 tons or more, a maximum and several 3 dart outs from the visitors was just too much for the Hyenas. Just the one success in the 1st half from Dave

Rowlinson in the triples, was overshadowed by 4 tons from Pete Spence and 3 tons and 2 140's from Dave Askew.Lee Maiden adding a nice 61 out in his pairs with Graham Solomans.

Askew ensured the draw in the 7th with a 60 out and 4 more tons, Solomans getting the better of Rowlinson in 3 legs, the match attracting 9 tons or more, including a maxi from the Topper, both earning a POTM.

Two old timers faced each other in the 9th, Paul Durrant getting the better of Maiden in a tie whereby no one returned home before 12-30 am.Spence 4 tons, Andy Rutter 75 out and John Rodford concluded the rout.


Caps scored 26 tons or more including a 180, which is usually sufficient for a win, not so in this particular encounter.Gnomes replied with 41 tons or more, plus the mandatory 180.Twelve Ton plus's in the triples, Caps winning this category 1-2, outs from Andres Liamazares and Ben Kernahan.

In the remaining 9 matches, Caps pushed the league leaders to three legs in 5 of those games.Chelsea Campbell merited Gnomes POTM with 8x100 or more plus 5x80+.She is currently on fire."Liama" turned it on for Caps, his POTM performance included 7x100,123,140,180, Ed Klimonis helping out with 6x100,140.

Gnomes maxi came from Ricky Perez in the opener, all to no avail as "Liama went out on 52.Perez added a further 140,137,123 and 2x100.Mark Farmer also found the target with ease amassing 4x100,125,3x140 as did Matt Smith 5x100, 135,137 and 2x140.The POTM award however went to Dava Wharton who managed 4x100,125,140, 10x80+ and a tasty 83 finish, playing "Liama".


Bees didn't play badly, just the Gap played a lot better.Bliss Wright was awarded Gap's POTM for her singles and pairs victories with Darren Sanderson, but Gap also produced some other outstanding efforts. Sanderson enjoyed 3x100.3x140, a 50 plus 78 outs, Sam Salt 4x 100+'s, 180 and an 87 out, Paul Moody 100,124,4x140 and finally Singles Champ James Brown with 6x100, 3x100+ and a 180.Outstanding. Paul Christopher deservedly received Bees POTM after a successful pairs win with Paul Tollafield and his exciting 3 leg singles with Salt, albeit a loss.

Eleven 85+'s, 135,140 were his total scores, Richie McSweeney gaining an excellent singles win playing Che Liam.


Lads were 3 up after the triples courtesy of a Bill Leaves D20 and a 56 out and D8 from Steve Dalton.Les Adams and Terry David made it 4-0 the latter hitting both doubles.Milos taking the remaining 2 pairs through Cain Garcia and Angel Gallardo, the 6th leg won by Sam James and Fabian Alcaraz. Wood blitzed Garcia to go 5-2 up with 2x100,120,139 in 2 straight, only for Raul Rocamora to put in a POTM effort against Adams 100,119,123, but needing 3 legs.Dalton, who else, got Lads a point with a 68 out over Gallardo, leaving Steve Mullen to win the match and a further point.John Crabbe gave a good account of himself winning in 3, Leaves concluded the match on D18 for 8-4.Dalton - POTM.

defeating Lesley Lumb for victory and points.

The hosts held a 4-2 advantage at the break, despite some superb darts from Dannys John Giggs and Bob Smith.Tim Clarke banging in a couple of tons and a pair of doubles.

Simon Perryman 121,135,D12, reduced Station's advantage in the 1st singles, Sean Monks restoring the hosts lead on a D1.The see saw continued as Steve Lumb 100 and a nice D10 made the score 5-4.Robbie Monks faced Murray McLeod in the 10th, the Fireman finding 2x100 and D2, his opponent unlucky to lose after hitting 100,121,85.Smith 100,95,140, D8 kept Dannys in the match, only for Goodacre to spoil their evening.POTM - R.Monks - S.Lumb.



What a cracking match this was.Two maximums from Trotters Barry Shingler and Yvonne Rouffignac, the latter even adding a 171, WOW !

First half wins from Steve Hawkins 100,D16 in the 3's and a fine effort in the pairs from Noel Kenny 2x100 and Ernie Willis were Freakies spoils before the break.Trotters response emphatic, Shingler 2x140,100, 2x85, "Roofers" 121,125,171,2x95, the best of the bunch.

Alex Nikolov increased Leeson's lead in the opening singles, only for Mitch Halliday to bang in a 17 darter in her victory over Amanda Skinner 100,140. Shingler guaranteed the draw with a 0-2 victory and a 180, followed by a 3 leg tussle, Rouffignac 180, overcoming a high scoring Sharon Frain effort, for both points.Kenny 140 and Bryan Livsey 2x100+, 3x80+ taking the last 2 for 5-7.


Station secured the Division 2 league title after their defeat of 2nd placed Dannys.It wasn't decided however until the 12th leg, Tim Goodacre narrowly

Surprisingly Birds never really got into this one.All six 1st half legs going Angels way, Eric Manders banging in 2x100,140 for POTM, Andy Forrest 100 and 2 outs, leading the way for Angels.Pat Woods and Gena Wood both ton scorers for Birds.

James Mackay 100,D19 nailing the 7th and points for the hosts.Forrest D16, Graham White D12 and Steve Godwyn 3x80+, D4, adding to the Birds misery.Eventually POTM Kirsty Green 100, D16 and Wood D2 came to Birds rescue, salvaging the 11th and 12th legs.


Queens came away with just 2 victories, both from Rachel Broadhead unsurprisingly nominated as her teams POTM.Marie Cummins helped herself to plenty of notable scores, the best a 134, but it was really all Despos.

Paul Chick gave a POTM performance with 140,100, 3x80+ and 2 outs.Kathy Wallbanks contributed 2 outs as did Eunice Letts and Damien Lambert.


Winnie´s Tasty Taverners racked up 5 ton plus scores, three from consistency (Sharon Williams 121, 105;Henni Oortwijn 133), the other 2 on the lucky side (Christine Hutchinson 111, Henni 104) but found themselves slightly bereft on the closures.Hennie (D4) secured their first but Tasty POTM was awarded to Kathy Mullholland (85, D3; D2).Tiaras called in one of their 90-dayer reservists for the local clash, POTM Susan Hodgeson coming up trumps (D2;D1;133, D15).

Hotshots also came from Eileen Askew 92, 100, 92, 81, 98 and a 20-D20-D10 out in her singles.Lisa Ivill (D2;89, D1) did her doubles duties, Wendy Hayward (D3), Sharon Crane (90, D7) and de Lacy (D8) contributing the remainder.


No report.

PAGE 22 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Food available all day Darts, Pool, Quiz Nights Live Entertainment and Sport
Graham and Dave
Division 2
Fire Station
Barry and Mitch
Kathy and Susan

Torry stay in promotion race with win at Polop

Torrevieja narrowed the gap on second placed Murada with a fine 3-1 win away at Polop of Friday evening,despite falling behind yet again,due to another slow start.

back post,but the big forward was stretching and failed to get enough on the ball to worry Maxi.

Poor defending at a set piece saw the relegation threatened home side take the lead just 17 minutes into the game,when Valcárcel got his head to a free kick,which looped over Maxi in the Torry goal.

However,the visitors didn’t have too long to wait before they were back on level terms.A quick free kick on the edge of the box,following a foul on Amin,was only partially cleared as far as Lewis,who,on making a welcome return from suspension,lifted the ball perfectly over the Polop defence and into the back of an empty net.

It got better from Torry,but there was still little fluidity to the game,with neither side creating any real opportunity of note for large portions of the half. Amin did get a shot off after linking with Campillo and Anto,but Carrillo saved well in the Polop goal.

There was a much-improved performance from the visitors in the second period,but again it was the home side who were quicker out of the blocks.A great opportunity fell to Ortz at the

Midfielder Dani Muñoz showed the desire which had been previously missing to press Polop as he created a half chance, before Anton went close from a free kick that was headed across goal by Carmona.

The growing pressure then began to pay dividends with Torry finally taking the lead on the hour mark.As Fran Diez whipped in a corner from the right,aimed at Lewis on the near post, Polop defender Barranco was first to the ball,only to see his headed deflection fly past Carillo and into the back of the net.

With Torry now growing in stature,the home side were struggling to contain, as frustration began to set in.

The visitors went close to extending their lead as a Luis Carlos freekick was met by Toro 8-yards out.He did everything right,heading it downwards towards goal,but it bounced back up and just over the bar.

Moments later,in the 79th minute, however,another Torry goal from a Ramiro corner,this time on the left. The ball narrowly missed the head of a

near post defender but was then misjudged by keeper Carillo,who got his clearance completely wrong,seemingly punching the ball directly into his own net.

It could have been an own goal again,but I'll give it Ramiro for the quality of his in swinging corner. The home side were now in total control with further opportunities falling to Omar,Luis and Saul, but they were unable to extend the lead at the Nou Camp el Terol and were happy to settle for a 1-3 victory.

A great win and good performance.After a forgettable 1st half,we saw a much-improved Torrevieja side take control of the game against a determined and organised Polop side.

Gil got the reaction he needed after the break with some crucial changes to ensure Torry returned home with all 3 points.

It was exciting to see the 17-year-old Norwegian debutante stake his place in midfield.He looked quick,strong and showed great skill,and although it’s still early days,he is certainly one to keep an eye on. Lewis (28) ,Own goal (63),Ramiro (79) Contact the writer on:


Carrus Ilicitana at home on 7 April


One of the biggest events in the La Siesta golfing calendar is St. Patrick’s Day, keenly contested by our Irish contingent but also extremely well supported by all.

It’s the one event of the year in which the Captain gets a rest from the headache of organisation as the stress is taken away by our very own Rory McIlroyMichael O’Reagan.

For over 25 years now Michael has stepped up to the plate and organised both the day and the evening event and what a great job he makes of it.

Michael is the consummate golf society member and is very popular with all other members.

Generous to a fault, supportive of all activities both on and off the course, past Captain and a pretty good golfer to boot, Michael’s contribution for over two decades is immeasurable.

This year was no exception and despite some logistical difficulties the event was organised from afar with his usual quiet efficiency.

And what a day it was too, both on the course where the turnout was superb and at the evening St.Patrick’s Dinner in the Campoamor clubhouse.

True to his Irish roots, Michael certainly knows how to throw a party.

Two Irish Members Rose Cox and Steve Mott were in the running shooting 40 points each till our Captain Alan Ward came in with a brilliant 42 to take the cup' The Team Ben Hines President Captain Alan,Dave O'Reilly and not forgetting the one and only Gerry Gibson.


This week the members of the La Marina GS met at the Seve Ballesteros designed golf course in Alicante, where they were competing for the Scandinavian Cup, which is kindly sponsored by a group of our Scandinavian members.

The weather was warm but quite windy, which made for an interesting game of golf. Later in the evening members and guests met at the Hillside restaurant in La Marina, where Clare and her staff laid on an excellent meal and we thank them for their great hospitality.

After dinner, our Captain Bill Stobo along with Dave Sligtham one of the sponsors presented the day's winners with their prizes, along with some special prizes donated by the sponsors.

The day’s competition was match-play and in 1st place with a score of 68 was Dave Freeman, closely followed by Mikael Olsson in second place, on 69, and in third place, Iain Lyall with a score of 70.

Nearest the pin winners were as follows on hole 3 was Gerry McCabe, hole 6 was Charlotte Tranberg and on holes 12 & 17 was Dave Sligtham.

The 2’s pot was shared by Gerry McCabe and Tommy Ansegard.

Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
La Siesta Ladies The winning team Michael & Siobhan O'Regan, Alan Ward Captain Alan Ward
PAGE 24 Monday 25th - Sunday 31st March 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385

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