The Leader Newspaper 15 April 2024 – Edition 1019

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The thirteenth edition of the popular Los Montesinos Ruta de la Tapa will be held this coming weekend, from Friday 19 to Sunday 21 April. It is being jointly organised by the Council’s Tourism Department and the local bars and restaurants, under the umbrella of the Los Montesinos Hotel and Catering Association.

The festival is a most important event for the town, a highlight of the tourist, gastronomic and cultural calendar, regularly showing itself to be one of the highest spending periods in the sector.

According to the Councillor for Tourism, Ana Belén Juárez Pastor, "the Ruta de la Tapa de Los Montesinos is an event that is very well received by both the national and international public.

It highlights the typical products of our region and our country and also those of the other cultures that coexist in the town".

This edition will begin on Friday and last for three days. During which time those attending will be able to sample 20 different tapas from 20 establishments at a price of euro 3 each, including a drink, and at the same time take part in a free draw for two lunches or dinners for two people, valued at EURO 50.






To do so, they will have to get the stamp of 6 different establishments and deposit the "Boleto Tapa" in the ballot boxes located in the participating establishments.

On the 10th of May at 10:00, in the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall, the votes will be counted and at 11:00 the prize will be awarded to the tapa with the most votes. The most popular tapa and the establishment that created it will receive a commemorative plaque showing them to be the winner of the XIII Ruta de la Tapa de Los Montesinos.

This year the council is providing a bus service from the 2 urbs, so everyone in the municipality can enjoy the most popular day, Saturday, without having to drive.


It seems that the PP and VOX are buying vanity votes by remortgaging Orihuela Costa, the residents of which will no doubt be financing the bulk of the anticipated loan, despite receiving very little benefit. We must therefore wonder why the council is taking on such a significant debt without any certainty that a majority of the projects will be executed.

Vegara claims that the deal entered into with the bank is that monies not spent will not incur interest, but only time will whether it is true or yet

another baseless statement.

They say that this is reminiscent of the darkest periods of previous governments, all smoke and mirrors.

If there is something that clumsy politicians learn to do well, it is not to answer, or answer something else when they are asked about a subject specific to their management.

PP and VOX have already failed to fulfil a multitude of election promises, like lowering taxes and reducing expenses, but what they have also done is fail to comply with the legal limits for remuneration, while adding a variety of their own supplements for civil servants, and how can we


By David Whitney 2024 - Apoem of hopeful possibility

It was like a fine net curtain

That had dropped before my eyes

Or a cloud of soft white chiffon

That suspended from the skies

And through the veil that opened

I could see a distant shore

That beckoned me to venture

To discover and explore

Agolden bridge crossed over

Babbling waters underneath

My foot falls silent long the way

Like walking on a beach

I saw a signpost pointing

To a winding floral track

It said that if I followed it

There was no turning back

ignore the very latest statement by the first deputy mayor, his promise that bullfighting will return to Orihuela City during the current legislature. Is that where you want to see your money spent, funding for the committing of atrocities on defenceless animals, purely to satisfy the vanity of our elected officials?

Because the budget is so opaque, it has provided far more questions than answers! There are only three political parties who clap, cheer and support this budget, which, in reality, is a budget of failure for which we will all be paying for the next 15 years, either by increased taxes or by selling off even more of our land. Does the phrase “asset stripping” come to mind?

They say that it is better to remain silent than to respond and demonstrate arrogance or stubborn stupidity. Unfortunately many of the people

who voted for the Partido Popular, Vox and their supporters in the last election, did so because of a plethora of promises, but now they are finally beginning to open their eyes to the truth; they got nothing in return, showing that once again, words mean very little, unless they are backed up with actions, which is something that this government has been unable able to do.


Throughout recent history, right up to the present day, Orihuela has the unenviable reputation of being the municipality with the highest number of serving mayors, either convicted or who are still awaiting trial for corruption. Our current mayor is simply the latest in this long line!

Yours Faithfully

Peter Houghton (By email) P

So I opted for another path

That had an arch of light

Where the dazzling coloured roses

Almost made me shade the sight

I was suddenly aware

That someone else joined me to walk

I felt a special presence

Though there was no need to talk

He guided me through mountain peaks

Through castles made of gold

Through leafy glens and forests green

His hand a joy to hold

The walk took us for many miles

As if by car or plane

He showed me places magical

Where rainbows hadn't rain

To orchards full of many fruits

To fields of burnished gold

To places where the blue birds sang

Where wildlife safely strolled

I soaked in all the wonders

That I'd witnessed with my eyes

My unseen guide now leaving me

Much to my sad surprise

My journey now had ended

I'd glimpsed Heaven that's for sure

Now I had to go back to the life

That I had known before

Asudden breath took over me

And broke my sleepy dream

I'd had a glimpse of paradise

I'm sure that's where I'd been.

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Soler has asked why Municipal Vehicles are being used without the necessary authority


Torreveija PSOE has accused the ruling PP of favourably treating the company Acciona, which is contracted to provide the majority of waste disposal services in the municipality, and yet, as many people would testify through experience, are considerably inadequate in doing so.

The mayor announced in the plenary session that Acciona was going to be fined 319,000 euro for its breaches of contract during the month of July 2023 and that the bill for that month would be reduced by 580,000 euro, and from then on whatever was appropriate. However, council staff have confirmed to the Socialist Party spokesperson, Bárbara Soler, that the sanctions were reduced to 135,000 euro and that the reduction in invoices for the entire year 2023 will be between 200,000 and 300,000 euro.

Furthermore, the councillor has confirmed that she has photographs and videos that corroborate that there are municipally owned vehicles providing the service, but that it is not a controversial fact, since this is recognised in various reports and Decrees, which even include the lists.

Although not complete, there are other vehicles that we can see on our streets working, that also belong to the Council and that do not appear on the lists found in the reports.

Vehicles that should have been decommisioned are still being used by Acciona

Furthermore, the company is making exclusive use of vehicles that became municipal property at the end of the previous contract without there being, according to the same staff, documentation that formalises their use.

The Decree, signed by the then councillor, Gómez Candel, states the need to decommission vehicles and machinery at the end of its useful life, no longer being suitable to provide the service. In the same document, the rental of other vehicles and machines is agreed to replace the previous ones, which represented a cost to the municipal budget of around 100,000 euro per month.

Once Acciona was awarded the service in mid-2022, it was obliged to provide the service with machinery and vehicles with very specific characteristics. However, the company then announced in the first month of the contract that it would not be able to fulfil this contractual requirement because it could not find the necessary equipment on the market to buy or rent. Thus, the Torrevieja Council authorised Acciona to use different elements for as long as they could not access the stipulated ones.

However, Acciona has not only been using vehicles other than those stipulated in the contract but it has also used, and continues to use, several municipally owned vehicles without this having led to a reduction in its invoices and without there being documentation provide for their use, according to the responses by staff to Bárbara Soler.

More serious is the circumstance that some of those vehicles that continue to provide service should have been decommissioned in 2020 according to the Decree shown by Bárbara Soler. These are vehicles that are more than 20 years old and have more than one and a half million kilometres on the clock, double the kilometres that appeared in the reports when the end of their useful life was agreed in 2020. Two such examples are collection vehicles no. 2245 with registration 4770DCK and #2279 with registration 4885DDS. Soler has ended up asking the PP to give explanations about the use of municipal vehicles for private purposes even outside the municipality "by a company that continues to seriously breach the contract, with the only one affected being the city of “Torrevieja”.

She has demanded that vehicles that should have been deregistered four years ago and that “are neither suitable to provide the service nor safe for the workers who are forced to use them” be removed from circulation.

It should be noted that this contract costs a quarter of the entire municipal budget, and yet it is the users, already paying for the “service”, who are threatened with fines for failing to use the dustbins correctly, despite the fact that in many places the appropriate bins don´t even exist.

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Chiringuitos del Sol to manage 5 of the 11 beach bars

The contract for the beach bars is just about resolved despite the fact that the Orihuela Government Team failed to open them for Easter, as they originally promised. There is now just one of the lots still to be awarded after the Contracting Board announced the award of two groups of bars on Thursday, that add to those already awarded last week.

Now the mater as to when they open is in the hands of each company although I am sure we will see progress on some of the more profitable bars this month, maybe as early as next week.

The newly awarded lots are tender umber 2 (Cala Cerrada, Cala Bosque and Cala Capitán) and number 3 (La Caleta and Aguamarina).

The successful bidder is the company Adem Levante, the previous concessionaire that operated under the Chiringuitos del Sol trademark.

With the first lot, the company has offered an annual fee of 802,814 euros and, in the second lot, 403,881 euros. Both amounts are significantly higher than the fee requested by the Council.

The beach bars in Cala Bosque (La Zenia) and La


The council has, once again, started the tendering process for the management of the cafeteria at the Alameda del Mar Civic Centre on the Orihuela costa.

The contract will have a minimum duration of three years, with the possibility of extension. The fee to be paid, described by the council as a symbolic amount, is set at 6,300 euros per year.

Councillor Agustina Rodríguez, explained that the main objective of this service is to meet the needs of the users of the civic centre, as well as the general public, offering quality attention. Although priority will be given to the centre's users, the service will also be offered to other people, guaranteeing the quality of the service at all times.

The previous contract was terminated due to repeated breaches such as, the closure of the cafeteria without prior notice for several days, as detailed in the report prepared by the municipal staff.

The contracts for Punta Prima, Cala Mosca and Cala Estaca are still pending.


Drivers who want to use the CV-95 to cover their routes between the interior of Vega Baja and Torrevieja - Orihuela Costa will be required to make a two-kilometre detour through the residential area of San Miguel de Salinas to save the reconstruction works of the bridge on that road in Lo Quiles. The road closure is scheduled for next Tuesday, April 16, and the closure is expected to last for six months.

The announcement was made by the San Miguel council on Friday in a 40-word statement, attaching the map with the alternative route, although with no explanation. The message with "sorry for the inconvenience."

The alternative route - in the OrihuelaTorrevieja direction - runs from the roundabout with the SUS-A on the CV-95 along Avda Solozabal, the main avenue of the residential area under construction, to connect

with the western ring road linking again with the CV-95.

The Council and the contractor both ruled out the Neighbourhood Association's proposal to configure an alternative path parallel to the bridge itself, much faster and shorter, but which required some provisional work. The neighbourhood group had also requested that consideration be given to removing the AP-7 toll for workers.

This road supports an average daily traffic of 10,000 vehicles. The bridge works have been declared urgent because the pillars that support the road deck have sunk into the ground, a defect that can be seen with the naked eye.

The works have been budgeted at 2.7 million and have been awarded through the emergency procedure to Pavasal. The investment has been provided by the regional administra-

Caleta will be open all year round, as will their toilets.

The Neighbourhood Association of AVCRL said, "we believe that La Caleta will be the first to start operating and we estimate its start date could be before the end of this month.

The AVCRL spokesman added, "The Council will now double the income it had previously earned from the beach bar and water sports service, prior to its closure in January 2023, receiving an amount close to two million euros annually, instead of the 900,000 it previously received".

The other lots already awarded are the bars on the beaches of La Glea, Barranco Rubio and Mil Palmeras, which went to Café Olé & Friends, and the nautical sports lot, which went to Recreativos Acuáticos Horadada.

The contracts for Punta Prima, Cala Mosca and Cala Estaca are still pending.

tion after the Neighbourhood Association documented the deterioration of the bridge, its walls and its foundations, due to the effect of the current of the water along the boulevard.

The work will force ten thousand vehicles to make a 2-kilometer detour every day

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Residents of Guardamar del Segura have started a campaign to gather signatures demanding the return of the municipal transport service from the town to the Torrevieja University Hospital , which the City Council withdrew on April 1 .

A spokesman said that the group does not rule out demonstrations to demand the reintroduction of the service that in practice functioned as a free line for direct trips to the hospital for patients and families and that was carried out by the Red Cross.

The opposition Partido Popular in the Council has

Swedish fugitive arrested in Torrevieja

The National Police have arrested a fugitive in Torrevieja who is fleeing from Swedish justice.The man,35 years of age and of Swedish Nationality,is the subject of a European Arrest and Extradition Order issued for a crime of drug trafficking and money laundering .

As police sources explained on Saturday,the fugitive was intercepted on public roads in Torrevieja where he was immediately detained,by agents from Group I of the Organized Crime unit

This individual also had a police record in Spain for drug trafficking .He had already been arrested in 2023,prior to the arrest warrant now issued by the Swedish authorities,where they have an imposed a sentence of six years in prison .

Once the procedures to be carried out as a detainee were completed,the man was handed over to the Central Court of Investigation of the National Court for his extradition back to Sweden.

expressed its "total support" for the petition promoted by a group of citizens who regularly use the transport. Several councillors from the municipal group explain that it was the acting Government of Ximo Puig that denied the service when the City Council asked if it could be put out to tender.

In this regard, they say that "simply with a change in the description of the activity, Mayor Sáez could reactivate it . " And they maintain that it is "just a question of political will." The PP say that that Sáez only wants to "save" the 37,000 euros, the annual cost of the service that they claim had 4,500 annual users.


Orihuel Councillor for Transport, Víctor Sigüenza, has launched a contract to increase the frequency of the bus service of the regional concession CVA-090 in the municipality of Orihuela.

This is an exclusive contract for one year (extendable for another year), for an amount of 476,300 euros, in relation to the CVA-090 concession of the Generalitat Valenciana.

The aim of this contract is to improve the availability of the service by incorporating six new stops in order to improve the service.

Sigüenza explained that the improvement directly affects the frequency of four lines which will now have 11,211 annual journeys.

-Line 15 Orihuela - Desamparados (University).

-Line 30 La Zenia - Aguamarina Health Centre

-Line 38 La Zenia - Torrevieja Hospital

-Line 49 Orihuela Costa - Orihuela passing through Entrenaranjos and/or Torremendo.

He concluded by saying that "we will continue to work to improve communications and services to facilitate the transport and mobility of Orihuela residents throughout our municipality".


The Orihuela Plenary Hall was the venue for a working meeting last week at which the Director General of Transport and Logistics, Manuel Ríos Pérez, spoke about the establishment of a joint public taxi service provision across the Vega Baja. Pérez explained the advantages of the initiative, highlighting that the Vega Baja Taxi Metropolitan Area will allow taxi services to travel without restrictions throughout the region. He also emphasised the implementation of urban fares instead of inter-urban fares, and the extension of the service to all municipalities. Municipalities welcomed the initiative project for

which the director general announced that a working dossier would be produced within a maximum of fifteen days.

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The service was previously operated by The Red Cross The meeting was held in the Orihuela Plenary Hall


One of the most famous spectacles in the world,Cirque du Soleil,returns to Alicante this summer,with their Alegría show which will be on from July 16 to September 1,in the company's iconic “Big Top”that will be installed,as in 2022,in Playa de San Juan.

Alicante will be one of the five Spanish cities hosting the Cirque du Soleil,along with Barcelona (where the show is currently playing),Malaga,Seville and Madrid.

The schedule has been extended in Alicante by almost a month,which the Mayor,Luis Barcala,highlights as being

due to the popularity and the quality of the show,and the capacity,which will reach almost 2,500 seats in each session.

He he has guaranteed that "Alicante's commitment to the Circo del Sol will be maintained",in line with the agreement that was signed in 2022 between the City Council and the Canadian company to host its shows every two years,which established the transfer of a 19,000 square metre plot in Playa de San Juan.

Cristina Moreno,from Cirque du Soleil, points out that this is the fifth production of the circus company that will come to Alicante,being "the most iconic and inter-

nationally recognised show" of the “Circo del Sol”.

Premiered in 2019,it is a reimagined version of the 1994 production that maintains the essence of the original creation for longtime fans,but adds certain elements to reach a new audience.

"Alicante is a city that we cannot miss when we come to Spain," said the representative of the circus company,recalling that with Luzia a record was broken in ticket sales,with more than 110,000 and where at least 70% of visitors were from outside the city of Alicante.

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 PAGE 7 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The mayor of Alicante, councillors and cast members.


Iregard it as a freak of nature that I cannot sing. I love music. The music is in me; it’s there from my toes as far as my chin, and from the top of my head as far as my nose … but it won’t come out of my mouth! (Mind you, this very same affliction doesn’t stop my otherwise multi-talented sister-in-law, Joan … who loves going to mass, because it is the only place that no one tells her to shut up when she sings!)

I was brought up listening to music: There was a gramophone in our house and our English and American visitors were constantly adding to our stack of records.

Until I reached my mid-teens, I honestly believed that the only real musical instrument was the accordion. In fact – and proving the above, I can rasp out a tune on either a button-key or piano-accordion – or on the mouth-organ; which is I suppose the poor man’s accordion!

The wireless highlights in the house of my youth were ‘Dinjo’s Take the Floor’, ‘Ceili House’, ‘The Vincent Lowe Trio’, ‘Jimmy Shand’ and the ‘Gallowglass Ceili Band.’ Then when my good-looking aunts came home from America and England, there were late night house parties with live music. The orchestra consisted of Mickey Reilly and Renzie Ivory on accordion and with my father joyfully belting out all of his frustration on his beloved Bodhran!

The ‘bit of brass’ was my next big fix. Working in Merlehen’s pub in Delvin, one night there was a trad-jazz band playing on BBC and suddenly they struck up a jazzed up version of ‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’ and I was hooked. ‘The Merry Minstrels’

became my first pin-up heroes, blasting out their signature tune; ‘There’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight!’

‘The Clipper Carlton’ and ‘Maurice Mulcahy’ turned me on big time … and then came ‘Rock ‘n Roll’. Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard. Chuck Berry, Carl Perkins – and not forgetting our own great stars like ‘The Drifters’ and ‘The Capital’ … we could go on. Funny, but I was never a Beetles fan; Give me ‘Creedence Clearwater Revival’ any day.

For my 60th Birthday, Mrs Youcantbeserious surprised me with a round trip, taking in Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans. Don’t start me … it was magic.

I love real country music; of which I am a big fan and also there is something exceptionally inspirational in Southern Gospel Music. If I was pushed into a corner though, I would have to come down on the side of ‘Dixieland Jazz’ as being my favourite music. Sadly this genre has faded in popularity outside of New Orleans.

By the way, I will always remember the day I got married because Louis Armstrong died the same day. (Ahem …)

Music cuts across linguist and cultural barriers. It has the power to move people, tell stories and evoke strong emotions. We have mentioned here previously as to how people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia will still respond with pleasure on hearing a tune they know.

My brother, Sean, brings his vast array of music and his ‘turn-table’ to St Camillus Nursing Centre, two days a week. Sean has

an amazing rapport with the residents and they just love his two hours of playing their favourites.

We are spoiled now by how easy it is to access any tune we want. Back in the day, you had to listen to a whole record or tape, waiting for your favourite tune.

Now ‘Alexa’, or her cousin will bow to an instant request for any song; and even then, if it doesn’t do it for you, all you have to say is ‘Alexa … next!’

It is the car radio that has recently given me a window into a whole new music scene.

Before that, can I tell you how irritating I began to find a lot of the drivel that passes for entertainment on radio. So much of the time is taken up with listeners wasting airtime with comments that few would give two hoots about, and often drawing even more fatuous waffle from the presenter.

And then I found a station that doesn’t ever irritate. It might not have you jumping up and down or pounding the steering wheel; but it is always soothing, relaxing, sometimes beautiful – and best of all, it won’t annoy you. Actually, I first tuned into RTE Lyric FM in the sauna; but now it is my front seat passenger – except when the news is on or sports reporting.

My dear friend, Eamonn Lawlor, launched RTE Lyric FM in 1999. I suppose it is fair to call its content ‘light classical’, but you can also sometimes be treated to an old Irish air or a popular melody from any generation. Eamonn made the station and it is still in pretty good shape. Entertaining without irritating!


An unsung hero is the guy who knows he can’t sing … and doesn’t.


The Pilar de la Horadada Council has acquired three all-terrain vehicles costing 157,000 euros for the fleet of the Pilareña Local Police.Two of them have been supplied by the firm Transel for an award amount of 102,104 euros while the other vehicle was supplied by Autos Iglesia for an 55,321 euros.

Both companies have offered an improvement in the average estimated mileage in their 36-month leasing agreement.This payment formula includes all maintenance and repairs throughout the contract period.

The vehicle fleet of the Pilar de la Horadada Local Police can now boast nine vehicles (7 SUV cars,1 all-terrain vehicle and 1 police van) plus four motorcycles,available for a staff of 52 agents.

The Councilor,Marina Sáez,explained that the commitment five years ago was to provide the staff with the necessary equipment and technical and human resources,and it is now being fulfilled,because " we have regularised the staff of the Local Police through specific modifications to the manpower establishment,and we have continued to invest in vehicles,motorcycles and equipment for the agents.

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In Orihuela,Vox has announced that it has "fulfilled one of its electoral promises,which is to bring bullfighting festivals back to Orihuela." The announcement was made by the deputy mayor and councillor for the cost,Manuel Mestre, during an interview on Radio Orihuela on Monday,following the complaint made by the municipalist group Cambiemos.

Mestre said that they are preparing a project that, after the visit of an engineer to the Bullring to advise them on the necessary changes to be made,the procedures will begin to be able to carry out "some type of bullfighting show before finishing this current legislature".

The VOX spokesman emphasised that "in the Vox electoral program we promised the rebirth of the national sport,and now we have fulfilled our electoral promises."

However,according to the spokesperson for the Cambiemos group,Leticia Pertegal,"it is unprece-

Mayday start for Feria de Sevillanas in Pilar de la Horadada

Ahorse and carriage parade,musical performances by the rocieros choirs Alandra and Arte Payá,the copla singers María Rubí and Cristian Montilla,the Sevillian group Siempre Así; and the flamenco dance schools of Antonio Cuerva,Paqui Samper,Raquel Peña,Laura Girona,Nadia Márquez,Ritmo Brillante.

All this plus the Rondalla Viejas Glorias and fashion shows by Pepa Sáez and 5 Flores complete the packed programme of events that the Fiestas Department has prepared for five days at the municipal fairground.

Susi Sánchez,explained that "everyone who comes to the Feria de Sevillanas will be able to enjoy the Sevillian tapa every day,watch the Salves Rocieras which will be played at midnight,attend the musical performances by copla singers,Sevillian groups,dance schools,flamenco fashion shows,and take part in the pilgrimage and offering of flowers to the Virgen del Pilar at the main church,which we have organised for Sunday 5 May".

The opening will be on Wednesday 1 May

Cllr Mestre has said that some type of bullfighting show will be held during the current legislature.

dented that,in the current era,which is characterised by great sensitivity towards animal welfare, and following the recent approval of the law for the protection of the rights and welfare of animals," that the council intends to restore this type of atrocious act in Orihuela."

She also criticised the fact that a bullfighting association,clearly in the minority,and almost marginal in its representation,wants to build a bullfighting museum in the bullring. The councillor suggested that it would be more useful for the Department of Culture to invest in conserving,restoring and protecting other genuine cultural endeavours,instead of going backwards and giving their approval to the committing of further animal atrocities,and that the council should desist in these aspirations which are not in the best interests of the people of Orihuela.

at 11:30 am and in the evening the five prizes will be awarded to the best "casetas de sevillanas".

The involvement of children has also been taken into account,who will be able to take part in free children's activities and workshops with supervisors during the five days of the fair.

The programme of events in English is on The Leader website:

AFA €2000 courtesy of Rojales Panto Group

have made the first of four charitable donations from the proceeds of their 2023 Pantomime, “Snow White and the Seven Christmas Elves”. The Torrevieja Alzheimer´s Association were the grateful recipients of a generous e2000. Dee Braiden, the director of the show and John Fagg, the Chairman of the Pantomime Group (pictured) handed over the donation that was accepted by the President of the AFA Alzheimer´s Association.

Preparations have already begun for this year´s Christmas Pantomime,

Dick Whittington. Auditions have taken place resulting in a full cast for the show that will be performed at the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio on the 5th, 6th and 7th December. Further details to follow later in the year.

In addition to rehearsals, we meet on a regular basis for a range of social events. Although we have made a positive start, the group are still looking for volunteers to help with props, scenery, backstage etc.

If you think you may be able to help or would just like to join this friendly, sociable group, contact Alison, the director of this year´s panto at

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How Long to Receive a Traffic Fine Through the Post?

If you commit a traffic offence, it is quite possible you will be stopped on the road and issued with a fine straight away, which foreign licence holders are likely to have to pay on the spot, but in the case of Spanish licence holders, there is a payment period where you can benefit for a discount for prompt payment.

However, not all fines are issued on the road, and many are issued remotely, and so the question is, how long does it take to receive a traffic fine through the post?


The simple answer to the question is, “it depends”! This is due largely to the fact that the different bodies that issue and manage fines have different procedures.

If, for example, it is a speeding fine directly managed by the DGT through the Electrónica Vial, it can take approximately one to two weeks.

On the other hand, if it is a fine within the competencies of a local council, it may take longer, even a month.

Therefore, there is no standardised and stipulated time for a fine to arrive at your home. Everything will depend on the body that manages it.


That said, one thing must be clear: although there is no specific time for a fine to arrive at your home, there is a period after which vio-

lations become annulled. Specifically, infractions classified as minor (less than 100 euro) expire after three months, while those classified as serious do so after six months.

After this time, if you do not receive notification of the fine within that period, you will not have to pay it, since the penalty will have expired, as established by the Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety. Likewise, if the notification arrives within the deadline, but you do not agree,

you can also appeal the fine. A warning though, appealing a fine will cancel out the prompt payment reduction offer.

You cannot, however, simply ignore the notification in the post, as a notification is still considered delivered even if you do not receive it, as you will see below.


It can be a notification on the spot, if an agent imposes the sanction on you at the same moment in which you have committed it. For example, if you exceed the alcohol

level in a control.

They can also send it to you by postal mail. If they have not been able to notify you of the sanction immediately, you will receive the notification at your home (by registered post). If the communication does not reach any address or is rejected, the notification is published on the Edictal Board of Sanctions (TESTRA) and on the Single Edictal Board of the BOE (TEU).

Other ways to notify fines are through the Electronic Road Administration (DEV), through this DGT platform, which takes about 10 days, and the MiDGT application, after a few weeks.

Infractions classified as minor (less than 100 euro) expire after 3 months

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What are You Doing to Improve Your Life?

Our time above ground is short but there is much we can do to improve the quality of our lives.

Most of us appreciate that healthy food, clean air and water are big factors in the quality of life. Often, we fail to recognise the value of gentle or EASY Exercise. Muscles waste away when they are not used, regardless of our age.

Exercise is as essential as breathing, drinking or eating. However, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with hard exercise, there is an EASY option.

The basic principle behind EASY Exercise is that muscles don’t care how they are moved but they do need to be moved.

At the Sophia Wellness Centre in La Regia (Cabo Roig) there are over a dozen machines that move us, we don’t

have to move them. They are scientifically designed to improve our quality of life.

The best way to get to know this for yourself is to try it for FREE. EASY Exercise offer you a free trial so you can decide for yourself, call663 771 345 for an appointment. You will not regret it.

Without air we will die in pain in minutes. Without water we will die in pain in days. Without food we will die in pain in weeks. Without exercise we will die in pain, …………………… but it will take years.

Main Benefits of E ASY Exercise Include: Better Walking Ability

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Here at Gold Beauty Salon and Alen Barbershop, we have the very best hand-picked specialists that you will find anywhere on the Costa Blanca. To prove to you how good we are,for the month of April ONLY the salon is excited to offer you our services for HALF PRICE on your first visit.

Their barbershop 50% off voucher can be used only once.The Gold Beauty Salon 50% off voucher can be used for each of the beauty services we offer (except hair).

It is possible to get a massage,a beauty treatment,a pedicure,manicure,nail treatment and a facial 50% off on the same visit.

Spaces will be limited so don't wait! All you need to do is whatsapp,call or text us on 711 092 337 now to book your service and secure your one off 50% discount.

We look forward to meeting you all and of course making you look and feel fabulous!

Easy Exercise is where you can improve your flexibility and mobility by gently working your whole body in a friendly and fun environment.

FREE trials are available every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Call663 771 345 for an appointment.

EASY Exercise is open Monday to Friday, members can choose between mornings 9am - 1pm, or afternoons 2 - 4.15pm.

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 PAGE 11 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Enjoy a gentle, full body workout at Sophia Wellness Centre For an EASY Exercise FREE Trial Call 663 771 345 today or email: ALEN BARBER SHOP GOLD BEAUTY SALON, ALEN BARBERSHOP and EASY EXERCISE are all on the first floor of the Sophia Wellness Center in La Regia, Cabo Roig. BEACH


The councillor for Transport, Antonio Vidal, has announced that the Torrevieja Council is currently processing the creation of 14 new licenses for taxi drivers. At the same time, the municipal area has put the current ordinance on public display with the aim of updating it. The lack of taxis, particularly in high season, has been a problem in the town for several years, but this situation could change this year with the Council committing to increasing to100 licenses in the next three years.


The president of ASAJA Alicante, José Vicente Andreu, has said that he will not sign up to the 43 measures proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture because he considers them "a mere patch that do not resolve the serious problems of Alicante agriculture and livestock."

With failure to reach an agreement, therefore, we can expect to see more demonstrations and protests in the coming months, with tractors and farming machinery taking to the roads once again as we enter into a busy summer.


The Civil Guard has arrested a 35-year-old French man for the theft of a large amount of Formula Kite sports equipment in Los Alcázares, during the European Championship. The equipment is valued at 450,000 euros

The man had posed as a security guard which enabled him to move around the site largely unseen.

The agents recovered the material in a van in the town of Agost (Alicante) the day after the event.



With around 10 million people,Roma is the largest ethnic minority in Europe.Last Monday,8 April,the International Roma day,celebrated Roma culture and history across the European continent,apart from,it would seem,in Orihuela.

The PSOE is claiming that the City Council has tried to "make invisible" everything related to the commemoration of the events.The councillor María García said that "we have been of all the problems that the representatives of this group have had for over a month.Today,without going

any further,the government has not allowed the Romani flag to be displayed outside Orihuela Town Hall,even though,just 7 days ago,the councillor for Social Welfare,Agustina Rodríguez,told their leaders that they had the council’s full support”.

Garcia said,"this is just another example of the true intentions of a government that continues to try to maintain acts of commitment,but without any feeling".

The Socialist Group also claims that in addition to changing the date for their commemorative event,which was held last Saturday,the Town Hall,through Social Welfare,did not comply with the commitments it had made to hold the event,and to make matters worse.the councillor Agustina Rodríguez booked an artise to perform at the celebratory event who is a well-known anti-Gypsy".

García said that the hiring of this individual shows a complete lack of interest and knowled-

Orihuela Costa man arrested in salón de juegos for sexual aggression

The Local Police have arrested a man for an alleged crime against sexual freedom. The incident took place last Sunday in a salón de juegos in Orihuela Costa. Agents were on patrol duties in Campoamor when they received the notification from the 112 emergency service that an alleged sexual assault had occurred in the games bar.

On the arrival of the police, the manager of the premises stated that a client had suffered an alleged sexual assault by another client. The victim said that she was having drinks with a man who grabbed her waist, squeezing her tightly against him and touching her intimate areas with his hand.

The victim tried to break free from his grip while telling the man to stop. As soon as she was able to separate, the girl notified a bar worker and the man left the scene. The man was later arrested for an alleged crime against sexual freedom and placed at the disposal of the Civil Guard.

In such situations the telephone number 016 assists victims of gender violence, their families and those around them 24 hours a day, every day of the year, in 53 different languages. You can also contact them by email at and by WhatsApp at 600 000 016. Children can contact the ANAR Foundation by calling 900 20 20 10. If it is an emergency situation, call 112.

ge of the community.It was also a total lack of respect that the performance t the Roma Community.

Meanwhile,just up the road,the president of the Generalitat,Carlos Mazón,was announcing a new Strategic Plan for the inclusion,respect and visibility of the Roma people “that improves the conditions,rights and promotes equality of the Roma community.”

This was announced during an event that he attended to celebrate the International Day of the Gypsy People that took place in the Cabecera de València park

Mazón highlighted the anniversary of the gypsy community as “a day to celebrate tradition,history and honour the gypsies,looking at the past with honour and respect”,while “to looking at the future with commitment”.

This is yet another example of the Orihuela Government being completely ‘out of touch’with the people they were elected to serve.


The mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala, has stated that "improvements" will be proposed in the signage of the Santa Bárbara Castle to avoid accidents like the one that cost the life of a woman in the fortress last week.

On Wednesday, a 73-year-old woman, who was visiting the Santa Bárbara Castle in the company of her son and grandchildren, fell from a height of about four metres after losing her balance, with fatal results.

The mayor, after "deeply" regretting the death, has indicated that they have already commissioned a review of "sensitive areas", including the Castle, to improve the signage. "These are issues that, no matter how obvious they seem, if you point them out, if you remember them, then it’s much better," he highlighted.

"Acting in the Castle is complex because it is a super-protected property and, therefore, we need many reports, many authorisations to be able to act with security reinforcements," he stated, although he specified that they will improve the signage "even if it is provisionally" to prevent a similar situation from occurring again.

Barcala has reiterated his "support and encouragement" to the family of the deceased woman. "It is sad that such an apparently unnecessary accident has occurred and with such a regrettable result," he said.

The 73-year-old lady was visiting the castle with ther son and grandchild on Wednesday.

Did you know that The Leader has the LARGEST LOCALCIRCULATION of all ëfreeíEnglish language newspapers.

PAGE 12 Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
The President of Valencia with leaders of the Roma Community
Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 PAGE 13 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385



Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


Page 21

ANSWERS Week 1018


ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Anvil; 4

Anaemic; 8 Lectern; 9

Strum; 10 Null; 11

Narrator; 13 Fond; 14

Peal; 16 Perceive; 17

Vain; 20 Exact; 21

Ravioli; 22 Endorse; 23


DOWN: DOWN: 1 All in one

piece; 2 Vocal; 3 Leer; 4

Annual; 5 Assorted; 6

Marital; 7

Comprehension; 12

Ancestor; 13 Forward; 15

Averse; 18 Aroma; 19



ACROSS: 1 Steak; 4

Endives; 8 Genesis; 9

Norma; 10 Also; 11

Flamingo; 13 Port; 14

Etna; 16 Intimate; 17

Crib; 20 Unite; 21 Iranian; 22 Extreme; 23 Adept.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Signal failure; 2 Ennis; 3 Kiss; 4 Easels;

5 Dynamite; 6 Veranda; 7 Shadow cabinet; 12 Premiere; 13 Patriot; 15 Strive; 18 Rhine; 19 Gala.



7.Mysterious company turns back to formal worship (6)

8 & 13Ac. Shore bird about to make someone petrified! (4,2,5)

10.Sink a vessel carrying coal (7)

11.Used to make things go round (5)

12.She deposits gold in North America (4)

13.See 8 Ac.

17.Remove water from the arena, one hears (5)

18 .Make a breach exposed to view (4)

22.Hold forth a zero assessment (5)

23.Vital change by an eastern European (7)

24.Ayacht capsized in China once (6)

25.Ring again to cancel the act (6)


1.Relatives from America in the money (7)

2.Manage to get a certain amount of paper, we hear (7)

3 .Keep quiet about many showing indolence (5)

4 .Trace the boundary of the playing pitch (7)

5.Join up with one military group before the end of the battle (5)

6.Lover providing a capital ring (5)

9.Guards ordered to go in the Spanish spearhead (9)

14.Learns a magazine has been rewritten (7)

15.Mischievous types converted by priests (7)

16.Any line is stupidly misplaced (7)

19.Military group to use coercion (5)

20.Pieces of a belt turned up (5)

21.Pete's much inclined to be different (5)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 21)

1. With which 1991 film does one associate the cry "Towanda!"?

2. The brand name of which popular health care product stems from the Latin word for "snow white"?

3. What is the name of the dingy little inn owned by Aberforth Dumbledore?

4. Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Bo Derek, Madonna and Pia Zadora are all multiple winners of what?

5. Which superlative does one associate with the city in Argentina named Ushuaia?

6. Based on the number of bales per year, name the four largest cotton producing countries in the world. One point for each correct answer.

7. Which country has a record 13 points along its border where three countries meet? a. Russia b. Brazil c. China d. Dem Rep of the Congo

8. Which two Hollywood icons played together in the 1943 film version of Hemingway's "For Whom The Bell Tolls"?

9. The world famous Sultan Ahmed mosque in Istanbul is better known under which name? a. Blue Mosque, b. Red Mosque, c. White Mosque, d. Green Mosque

10. Name the hit song from each of the following with an animal in the song title. a. Sweet, b. America, c. Al Stewart, d. Loudon Wainwright III

11. In which Hollywood blockbuster did the actor Perry King play the President of the United States?

12. Which two Russian tennis players have won the Australian Open mens singles title?

13. What is the name of the group of street urchins who sometimes aided Sherlock Holmes? (Three words)

14. Challenger Deep is the deepest known point under the ocean. What is the name of the trench in which it is located?

15. Plus or minus 2, in which year does the storyline in the movie The Godfather Part III begin?

16. Humboldt, Little Blue, Gentoo, Adelie, Macaroni and Chinstrap are all examples of what?

17. The movie poster tag line for which 1962 film was "Together for the first time-James Stewart-John Wayne-in the masterpiece of four time Academy Award winner John Ford."?

18. Which British pop group had a hit on both sides of the Atlantic in 1970 with the single "Hitchin' a Ride"?

19. In medieval England an inch was divided into three grains of what?

20. Which extremely vital word is a combination of the Greek words for "acid" and "creation"?

PAGE 14 Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
(6) 8.Horse's gait (6) 10.Agony (7) 11.Wireless (5) 12.Boulder (4) 13.Inclined (5) 17.Hesitate (5) 18.Labour (4) 22.Accumulate (5) 23.Over-populated (7) 24.Kindly (6) 25.Border (6) DOWN DOWN 1.Grassland (7) 2.Patio (7) 3.External (5) 4.Tramp (7) 5.Den (5) 6.Offspring (5)
(9) 14.Communication
(7) 15.Caustic (7) 16.Vowed (7) 19.Perhaps (5) 20.Stain (5)


Orihuela Costa resident Pearl Whatford went into Specsavers Ópticas in La Zenia to change her glasses for more modern ones, but got more than she’d bargained for.

During the routine eye test to determine her prescription, she was shocked to discover that when she closed her left eye, she had very little vision in the right eye. Despite not noticing any deterioration of her vision, or any other symptoms, 80year-old Mrs Whatford was later diagnosed with a macular hole, a small gap in the centre of the retina in the area responsible for central and fine-detail vision. Following surgery to repair the hole, her vision is now good and improving every day.

Optometrist Jade Rose was performing the eye test when this issue was revealed. “The patient came into the store, with no concerns about her vision. However, during the testing process, I asked her to close her left eye and she realized that her sight was quite poor in her right eye.”

“I was shocked”, stated Mrs Whatford, “I could not see the letters or anything at all on the test through the right eye, even though I hadn’t noticed any change in my vision.”

Further tests were performed which clearly demonstrated the macular problems, so Jade urgently referred Mrs Whatford to a specialist. She was seen the same day and received the diagnosis of a macular hole and was treated through surgery to repair the hole and replace the lens due to early stages of

Jade Rose and Pearl Whatford


Mrs Whatford explains, “The treatment has been amazing from start to finish and I can’t thank the team at Specsavers Ópticas La Zenia and the Torrevieja hospital

enough. Following the surgery, my vision is good and getting better every day. I don’t require any ongoing medication and they are not expecting any further deterioration to my vision. I am so grateful to Jade and all the team at Specsavers for their help

and advice – they’ve been brilliant! To anyone who hasn’t had their eyes tested for a while I’d say please make sure you get your eyes tested regularly, whether you need glasses or not – it is so important. The specialists at Specsavers will check the health of your eye, as well as your prescription. In my case it was so important, as if I hadn’t had a diagnosis, it could have affected my other eye.”

Jade explains, “Macular holes are most common in women aged 6080. In many cases of macular holes, you may notice blurred or distorted vision such as straight lines looking wavy and you could have trouble reading small print. At later stages you may see a black patch, or notice an area of your vision is blank. However, in some cases, as we can see with Pearl, the unaffected eye compensates for the other eye and patients don’t notice any changes in their vision – that’s why regular eye tests are so important.” macular-hole/

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 PAGE 15 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Tony Mayes Rant

Well done residents of La Florida for getting together and doing a street clean up. As onetime owners of a home there I know how quickly the car park and shops area gets strewn with rubbish, especially once the rubbish bins are full.

It’s a sad indictment of Orihuela council for allowing Orhuela Costa to become so neglected. A fortnight ago I gave a pat on the back to apartment owners in Calle Niagra for a clear up of the bins area opposite their homes. For a few days it looked good, but sadly, just after Easter the rubbish was piled up again all around the waste bins and it was so bad that people had to climb over rubbish at least a foot deep between the pavement and bins to put their rubbish inside.

This is simply not good enough and it is about time the council stopped treating the coast as a cash milch cow siphoning money away from the coast to look after people in and around Orihuela city.

If you want a first hand experience of how Orihuela Council is neglecting the coast, take a drive from the N332 from the Punta Prima roundabout away from the coast to the Moda City roundabout. Firstly take a left into Calle Almoravides and see how rubbish strewn it is and with road marking and pedestrian crossings not repainted for years. Compare that with taking a right from the Moda City roundabout towards Torrevieja Hospital . As you go over the border into Torrevieja, only a short distance, you will see a total change. Bins are empty, no rubbish strewn about and all the road junctions and crossings have been recently painted. There are little warning flashing lights at the edges of pedestrian crossings – a brilliant idea. We need financial independence for the coast, so that money raised from taxes is spent locally, so that our area no longer resembles a third world country. It’s so important that we get improvements, because if an area looks run-down it will attract fewer buyers when we put homes on the market and owners will not get the prices they should expect.

So, ex-pats, next time you can vote at a local election, please do so.


This takes me conveniently on to a social project in Grimsby. No, not street clean ups, but community enterprise on a far grander scale.

Rutland Street in Grimsby used to be known as Murder Mile. The properties there were all run down or boarded up, it was an appalling

place to live. Most people still living there were ashamed.

But no longer. Thanks to East Marsh United, the street is being transformed. It’s a grassroots community group that renovates wrecked houses and then manages the properties as compassionate landlords. They describe it as a "community housing revolution".

Yes, it started with a few home owners, ashamed at the state of the road, getting together and doing a clean up. But it progressed from there to the community group buying up empty houses and renovating them and finding suitable tenants for them. The group are now on their 10th home. But there are an estimated 300 houses in the area that are still empty and derelict and the group say they could get occupied after renovation work which could take only about six weeks per property.

It is sickening to hear from government about a housing shortage when there are places like Rutland Street with houses going begging. I’m sure it can be repeated all over the country. Apparently many of the now derelict houses were bought a few years ago by investment companies or even absent landlords in China or India and it’s a national scandal when there are people desperate for affordable homes.

Councils should be given powers and should use them to seize, without compensation, houses left empty for more than a year and by so doing build up a housing stock for rent.


I couldn’t help getting extremely annoyed recently while watching TV programmes about British traffic cops trying to catch maniac drivers hell bent on avoiding being caught and prepared to drive at ridiculous speeds in

the process.

During one chase police notched up 155mph trying to catch a top of the range BMW which had been stolen. They were unable to close on the speeding vehicle.

Lives were being put in appalling danger because of this crazy motorist, who ended up crashing the car.

Why on earth are cars being manufactured for use on British roads capable of speeds of up to 155mph when the legal maximum is 70mph?

It should be illegal for a car manufacturer to sell a car for ordinary use on British roads that can travel at speeds above say 85mph (or 140kph on the continent). How many lives could be saved or serious injuries prevented if high speed cars were taken of the roads? The only people using such cars should be specially trained traffic police employed to catch delinquents.

The other annoyance from such programmes is to hear the lenient sentences handed out by magistrates and judges to criminals who commit very serious offences and put other people’s lives at risk from their irresponsible driving.

Suspended prison sentences are just like tapping the criminal on the head and telling him or her not to be bad again.

Britain needs to toughen up – and the more I hear of the appalling crimes happening in the UK the more I think that the morality of the human race hasn’t progressed one bit since the 18th century when the country allowed a public birching. This punishment would be most fitting today for many criminals. It would do away with the need for most prisons because the fear of a public birching would make people think twice before committing a crime and they certainly would not commit a second offence!


Still on the subject of magistrates not fit for the job, a 25-year-old man who was accused of assaulting a woman and threatening to kill her, was granted bail despite pleas from the prosecution for a remand in custody.

A condition of that bail was that he should not go near the woman.

Yet he ended up stabbing her to death and is now awaiting trial. No, he has not been given bail again.

Magistrates need to toughen up. Had the magistrates listened to the prosecution and remanded the man in custody the young mother would still be alive.

If I could I would sack the far too lenient magistrates.


Do you have trouble parking your car in a car park? It’s becoming an increasing problem because cars are getting longer and wider, yet car parking spaces have not increased in size. It means that there is less and less space to get in and out of a parked vehicle and some drivers have even been forced to climb through the boot to get out.

I find it difficult when trying to park in underground car parks, especially when lighting in some of them is appallingly bad.

So hat’s off to The Boulevard shopping centre in La Zenia, where designers have thought about the problem and have provided wider spaces.

Repainting the spaces will reduce the number of spaces available, but it might help reduce the appalling cost of damage done to vehicles by hitting a wall, another vehicle or a bollard which has been estimated to cost UK drivers £424m every year, and no doubt a similar amount in Spain.

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La Florida residents gather for street clean up Photo credit Facebook

Spain to eliminate the 'golden visa'.

Prime Minister Sánchez, has announced that Spain is to remove the golden visa for non-resident foreigners in the European Union who invest more than 500,000 euros in property.

"We are going to start the procedure to eliminate the 'golden Visa', which allows access to automatic residency when more than half a million euros are invested in real estate," said Sánchez, adding that this will "ensure that housing is not a mere speculative business."

Two high-end vehicles recovered in Orihuela Costa

Recent successes by the Orihuela Local Police include the recovery of two high-end vehicles that had been stolen in Orihuela Costa and two fines for individuals lacking a driving license in Orihuela city.

In Orihuela Costa, a minor has also been arrested for trafficking narcotic substances and a man has been caught stealing bottles of alcohol from a local supermarket.

Two drivers who tested positive for alcohol were also stopped in Orihuela, and four vehicles that lacked insurance have been removed to the local car pound by a tow truck.


Sara García Alonso, the first Spanish woman Reserve Astronaut of the European Space Agency (ESA), has said that future engineers must have the courage to innovate and infinite curiosity.

The molecular biologist took part in 'WomIn', a conference on gender equality in science that was held at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena on Monday, and which was attended by more than five hundred students.


Orihuela has doubled the subsidy to the Miguel Hernández Foundation for an amount of 12,020 euros after the controversy in January when the Culture department, headed by Gonzalo Montoya (Vox), failed to pay the expenses of the prestigious "Miguel Hernández-Comunidad Valenciana" International Poetry Prize.

For the last 30 years

the group has received 6,000 euros to meet the prize but in January the councillor failed to approve the award at the governing board. Now, the council will pay the 6,000 euros pending for 2023 and the same amount for 2024.

Internet access is free in Murcia public hospitals.

All hospitals of the Murcian Health Service (SMS) now have broadband internet via Wi-Fi available for patients and their families. This service was launched on a trial basis on Monday in all hospitalization rooms and will be progressively expanded to other areas of public hospitals such as dialysis or emergency rooms in the coming weeks.

The Minister of Health, Juan José Pedreño, said that "we fulfil a commitment to patients taking another step to provide more comfort, especially those with prolonged hospitalisation."

Hospitals have also acquired 300 tablet devices which may be loaned out to patients in pediatrics, isolation, dialysis, Long Stay and Day Hospital services.


The Vista Alegre exhibition hall will reopen next week.Torrevieja’s main facility to house exhibitions of painting,photography or sculpture is undergoing the final touches to its refurbishment,according to the Councilor for Culture,Antonio Quesada.

The exhibition hall will share the building with the new headquarters of the university and the joint water company Agamed.

Health to prohibit vaping in public areas.

The anti-smoking plan is launched with the intention of equating the electronic cigarette and vaping with tobacco, as such it will now be prohibited in the same public areas as smoking. More areas where it will be prohibited will follow although it is not quite clear where they will be. However, the Minister for Health, Mónica García, has said that she favours beaches, hospitality terraces and bus stops, a move that is supported by most communities.

The proposed ban on smoking in private cars has been withdrawn, however the cost of cigarettes is set to be increased

PAGE 17 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain. Facebook SaltChurchSpain International Christian Assembly, Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja -Evangelical Church. Sunday Service 11 a.m.; - Contact 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. Evangelical non-denominational church.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is a very attractive 2019 Ford Focus ST-Line Hybrid at just 21,900 euro. Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and

gramme of English speaking activities, support, information and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities can pop along. Open 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. You can register between 1pm & 2pm on those days, in the Cafe area where you will find Eva or Norah. email:

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Assn. Contact with the RAFAand the RMG is via the RAFA website

used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page 7. We can assure you of the biggest and best choice of new and used cars in the area for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN


Have you lost somebody close to you? Are you finding life difficult after a bereavement? Come along and chat to other people in the same situation. Starting on October 10th, then every Tuesday from 2-4pm at the Age Concern Centre, Calle Paganini, La Siesta, Torrevieja. 96 678 6887. Everyone is welcome. Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) Open to residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. Located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3 times a week for a pro-

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre at C/Paganini s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or email:

Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar/restaurant, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373

LOOKING FOR Silent Business Partner for small Private Care Home. Invest 10K and get 20K back in 14 months. Call 747 438 225 CONSTRUCTION AND GENERALBUILDING. For all building works large or small, phone 604 152 124 for quotes. We also specialise in pool leaks and repairs. (1012)

Law Services: PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR, Solicitor, Debt Collections, Bad Tenants. 747 438 225

PAGE 18 Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385


Orihuela Summer Schools put out to tender

The Orihuela city council has put out to tender the provision of a 'Summer School service for 2024-2026'. The base tender budget will be 621,895.43 euros and will have a duration of three years, extendable for a further two. Up to 200 subsidised places are planned where the Department of Education may finance up to 100% of the unit price.

For the remaining 800 remaining places, the Council will finance the difference between the unit price resulting from the award of the service and the family contribution.

The educational program will last eight weeks and will take place from Monday to Friday, from 8:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. July 17 and August 15 are excluded, due to local and

Up to 200 of the places will be subsidised

national holidays.

The Councilor for Education, Vicente Pina, highlighted the importance of this service which will guarantee Oriola families a Summer School for several years.

In the coming year the province of Alicante will have 280 new MIR (Family Doctors) training places in its public health centres.

This is a figure that is lower than the 312 retirements that will occur in the province during 2024.

According to data provided by the COMA, the Official College of Physicians of Alicante, a total of 687 doctors are going to retire in the province during the next three years.

“As we can already see, Primary Care is saturated today, so it is very likely that in the coming years the situation will deteriorate even further," explains the president of COMA, Dr. Hermann Schwarz. He added, "We are one of the few professions that after passing a national examination such as the MIR, we do not have a guaranteed job."

Given this situation, Dr Schwarz is asking for

a national strategy that allows quantifying the need for professionals in each of the medical specialties. “We do not have reliable data on the number of doctors we have in each specialty. It is one of the Achilles heels of the health system,” a situation that, in his opinion, prevents the optimal distribution of available resources.

In response, the Community President, Carlos Mazon, announced that starting in 2025, contracts of one to three years will be offered to doctors who finish their training in Valencian health centres.

“This is a measure aimed at promoting the attraction and loyalty of MIRs", intended not only at alleviating the deficit of health professionals that affects the entire national territory, but also to encourage and motivate professionals to remain in the Valencian health system."

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 PAGE 19 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
A recent visit by the Minister of Health to the Dr. Balmis General Hospital in Alicante


The band of civilian’s,Ex-RAF,Ex-Army, Ex- Merchant Navy,Ex-Mariner’s and of course Ex-Royal Navy and their brothers in arms-in-arms Ex-Royal Marines,all collectively known as Shipmates (S/M’s) of the Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch (RNATB) enjoyed another fun packed meeting which took place at the Lakeview Bar & Restaurant,in Quesada. Some 50% of the total 120 members were in attendance to enjoy the banter and frivolity along with some of the formalities were able to congratulate S/M’s Joan

Ward and Rick Ward with a humungous round of applause when they each had their photos taken with the RNATB Chairman while receiving their individual Certificates for 15 years’ service as a member of the RNATB.

The RNATB Chairman made a number of other presentations during the course of the evening to Lenny Manning,Kim Hemingfield,Graham Shelton and two new members Ken Nobes and Amanda Clancy after which he gave an amusing synopsis of his time in the mob (RN).

This month’s toast at the routine Tot Time,was to St Georges Day and all the S/M’s with a birthday over the next month.

The Branch Schoolie,S/M Graham Shelton,once again rose to the challenge of entertainingly further educated the members of the branch with more RN Vernacular,on watches and bell’s. The finale was once again the Raffle, which always send shipmates home in high spirits and enthusiasm for the next social event.


The year has got off to a good start for members of the Torrevieja u3a.

The latest Torrevieja U3A Walking/Hiking Group adventure took them to the mountains of Elche via the Aspe waterfalls. The group walked up the hill past the magnificent waterfall and along the boardwalk before heading off to see the sculptures carved in the rock. El Cau de Elche is an open air museum carved in the rock by Mariano Ros over many years. A 13k walk over a few hours with a picnic stop at the carvings before setting off down hill back to the start.

The ramblers group met at Restaurante Asador Casa Paco in Rojales and then took on a 13k ramble. The route was half tarmac and half gravel and dirt paths. They started walking from along the roads down towards the Rio Seguro. Then along the river towards the sea. We almost reached the sea on the opposite bank to Guardamar but then followed the irrigation ditches along the quiet road back to the starting point at the restaurant. 30 association members took part on a warm but overcast morning.

The first get together of the new Canasta Group was held at the lovely La Laguna Hotel in Quesada. 8 members attended including Barbra, the group leader. Set up as two tables of four with, thankfully, an experienced Canasta player on each table. Barbra was very organised and had printed out several copies of the rules and quite different scoring system. There was a lot of laughter and nearly as much guessing by the 'newbies' and everyone had a very enjoyable couple of hours.

The first meeting of the new Easy Jive and dance group took place at their new venue, the CMO Building in Torrevieja. It's a great space for dancing with Maxine, the group leader, in the centre of the circle so that everyone could follow the dance moves in easy stages before trying out the steps to music. A very sociable activity, as everyone gets to dance with everyone else, lots of different abili-

ties and all doing very well. It was so well attended, 18 people in total, that Maxine has offered to run the group fortnightly if the May meeting proves as popular.

Fuller details of all the above plus all the other activities that are available to members can be found on There is also information on how, for a nominal sum, anyone can join the association and take advantage of the many activities

Anti-fraud investigates installation in Orihuela Costa of illegal billboards

The Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency (AVAF) is investigating the Orihuela council for the illegal installation of more than 50 advertising elements, billboards and digital screens, located mainly on the National 332 road.

Following articles in The Leader Newspaper, and many emails to the Councillor for Infrastructure, without any response, on January 10, 2022, in a report drawn up by the Agency, there was concern regarding the alleged existence of signage contrary to urban planning principles and regulations regarding municipal inaction in relation to the continuous placement of large advertising poles and billboards around the N-332 in the Orihuela Costa.

The investigation began at the end of December 2023 and, after studying the documentation received from the Council during the investigation found there were only three files requesting authorization for the installation of the advertising elementsî. The Agency concluded that "there were many more installations in the area than there were applications requesting permis-

sion for their placement, particularly in that area of national highway 332, owned by the Ministry of Transportation.

The report that includes these alleged urban planning irregularities now recommends that the council initiate a ìprocedure to promote and supervise the legalisation of the urban planning laws that were infringed on all the existing advertising elements in the municipality, prioritising the area around the N-332 due to the greater density of installations, whether on buildings, supported on land or on different types of real estate.î

The objective is to impose, where appropriate, new corrective measures on the files, both open and those not initiated, "until adequate restoration of legality."

The Agency has granted the Council a period of three months, from the receipt of the resolution that ends the investigation, to ìinform the director about the start of the recommended actions or, where appropriate, about the reasons that prevent acting in accordance with such recommendations.î

PAGE 20 Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Joan and Rick Ward Amanda Clancy, Graham Shelton, Lenny Manning, Ken Nobles with Kim Hemmingfield, centre.


‘Mr McGregor? Hello, it’s Inspector Harrison. I just wanted you know that I have interviewed the officer concerned, and he corroborates your account, so we will be writing to you shortly.’

‘Gosh - I feel like OJ Simpson!’, I laughed. ‘Why, what’s happened?’ said the inspector chattily.

‘He got off - not guilty!’ I told him. Ít´s just come on the six o´clock news´.

‘What? Never! Well, I’m amazed,’ my new friend told me.

In May 1995 I took the family to London from Northampton for the fiftieth anniversary of VE Day. We were heading for Hyde Park where we had tickets for the Party in the Park to celebrate the event. When we arrived the streets of nearby Westminster had temporary signs over the normal ones everywhere to enable country bumpkins like us to easily come and park.

‘John - this is Westminster. You can’t park here!’ Said she who must be obeyed (what do women know).

‘Look, it says on that temporary sign ‘Normal parking restrictions not applying’.

Shushing away protests we joined the nowmilling throng on Park Lane where I sought out a policeman. Dad had taught me to always be polite to the constabulary, and I asked if the restrictions were correct as I thought. He phoned through on his mobile, and said yes – and as an afterthought I noted his number. I went back and put a note under my windscreen to the effect that I had seen the temporary notices and PC number XYZ had confirmed the de-restrictions.

An older, Germanic-sounding woman – ironic, considering the day - came out of her front door by the car.

‘You cannot park ‘zere’ she informed me Teutonically, pointing at my Mondeo with distain.

‘Oh, yes, I can - look at the sign’. I tried hard not to speak in a triumphant ‘We won the war’ way.

‘I don’t care vot it says, you - cannot - park‘zere!’ she repeated emphatically. Obviously she had been thrown out of the Gestapo for cruelty at some point. I muttered something about her suffering from a nasty case of jackboot rash, and hurried back to the Park to

celebrate our wonderful victory – you know, the one over you-know-who...

It was a perfect early summer’s day, and we celebrated Great Britain winning the war in style, goggling at tanks from the African desert, RAF aircraft and anti-aircraft guns from those dark days. In the afternoon we watched Vera Lynn, Harry Secombe, Cliff Richard and others entertain us on the giant stage. By about five o’clock, tired but happy we ecstatically headed back to the car. Except it wasn’t there. I endured a hefty spate of ‘I told you so!’ taunts. I left the family sitting by the road and rushed back to find the nearest policeman, a different one than previously. He obligingly rang on his radio and confirmed my car had been towed away to the nearby Police compound at Paddington Green, about a mile away. I ran all the way there, and angrily joined a short, but furious queue leading into a wooden administrative office. Most ´offenders´ were foreign, each one having palpitations in different languages when they were told the fine required was £130 to get their car back.

Expecting a kneeling and grovelling police apology I told the tired-looking policeman my story, and without pausing he told me abruptly:

‘You were misinformed’. Out-of-character I struggled to comprehend this basic Queen’s English. As if by magic a senior officer appeared and repeated the previous statement to me, slowly, as if he was talking to a child. Bearing in mind the exhausted grandchildren and the wrath of she-who-is-neverwrong, muttering something along the lines of ‘I’ll see you lot in court’, I reluctantly plied the plastic. Soon we all headed for home, me chastened-but-furious at what had ruined the day for me.

Then followed a long, drawn-out series of nasty written exchanges between me and Westminster Council. Their aggressive administrative attitude told me I was in the wrong because I had misinterpreted the temporary notices. Whoever I wrote to advised me to drop it, and put it down to experience – or lack of it, as one wit I know suggested.

Wearying of the fight, I suddenly had a brainwave - my friends, the Police! I wrote a long protesting letter to the Police Complaints Authority in London, including the number of the young policeman who advised me that

morning. One evening the following week the phone rang.

‘Mr McGregor? My name is Inspector Harrison; I just wanted you to know that I will be interviewing the police officer concerned tomorrow and I will come back to you.’ The next day, at home in the lounge the six o’clock news came on, announcing that OJ Simpson had just been found not guilty of his wife’s murder. As I was dissecting that astounding information the phone rang, and the inspector told me the good news – and I told him about OJ.

In the letter of apology which ensued I was


1.Fried Green Tomatoes, 2.Nivea, 3.Hogg's Head Inn, 4.Golden Raspberry Award for worst actress, 5.Southernmost city in the world, 6. Four answers.In order:China, India, USA, Pakistan.7.Answer c.China, 8.Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman, 9.Answer a.The Blue Mosque, 10.Four answers.a.Fox On The Run, b.A Horse With No Name, c.Year Of The Cat, d. Dead Skunk, 11.The Day After Tomorrow, 12. Two answers.Yevgeny Kafelnikov and Marit Safin, 13.Baker Street Irregulars, 14.Mariana Trench, 15.1979, 16.Penguins, 17.The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, 18.Vanity Fare, 19. Barleycorn, 20.Oxygen (from oxys and genes)

asked for my costs, as well as the fine being refunded, which of course I vastly inflated to compensate for my wounded pride, and attempted, with poor results to reclaim the lost moral high ground at home. All things considered I ended up perhaps a slightly-better-off but much wiser man. But it did reaffirm my faith in one much-maligned British institution - aren’t our British Policemen wonderful?

So hearing this week that old OJ had finally made the home run to meet his maker I was reminded of my connection with ´Juice´. We both got off against seemingly impossible odds - and on the same day.

PAGE 21 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385 Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024

SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB by Sheila Cammack

Monte Mar Bowls & Social Club

Sponsored by The Pub, Gran Alacant Insurances, Dialprix, The Belfry, Skippers, La Piedra, Santara Resort, The Reiki Room.


Matadors v CBRed Kites

The first game of the summer league we had a good result at home to Country Bowls Red Kites. Winning on three rinks well done to Gina Hindle, Steve Hindle skip Neil Crawford 30 –12, Colin Bedford, Cindy Bedford skip Keith Young 21 – 9, Lynne Armitage, Paul Dodd skip Barry Watson 17 - 15.

Our Mixed Rinks team of Dee Hoey, Mike Veale, Caroline & John Smyth finished 2nd


Hi Everyone from Q.B.C.

There have been no Summer League matches this week because of the very important “Champion of Champions” Tournament, when all the club champions are able to compete against each other for the overall Champion title (& bragging rights) in each event.

This year San Luis B.C. players seem to have done particularly well, as reported by our club Captain, Stewart Hamill: “Irrespective of the results it’s fantastic that in the 7 events of the C of C we have had 4 finalists, 1 no entry, and 2 that were so unlucky” progress.

On Thursday, in the Ladies Singles quarter final, Sandra Burrows was our representative getting off to a good start against the Benitachell player, and staying ahead right to the end.

In Friday’s semi final, Sandra was matched against a strong local player; Lisa Bonsor from Greenlands.

Once again Sandra went into the lead from the first end and never relinquished it, keeping her composure through all Lisa’s challenges, inspired, as she said, by the vibes from the

Well the main thing at QBC this week, has been the hosting of, the Champion of Champions.

There has been some fabulous bowling and some equally fabulous weather. The Championships have been well attended, with some really close games, also a couple that were not so close, but, it happens to us all, at different times.

Still, congratulations to the finalists and commiserations to all, who were not so successful. Always next year if we qualify.

Anyway here are all the finalists to be played Saturday & Sunday. Good luck to All, but especially to our QBC Finalists bit of bias here.

Torrevieja Darts Ladies Organisation

Diana Lloyd Memorial Shield Round 1

Gap Girlz5 - 0Primadonnas

Friendly Temps2 - 5Tipsy Tigers

Dolly Mixtures3 - 5Friendly Chicas

Ladybirds5 - 0Wacky Allsorts

HOT DARTS : Diana Lloyd Memorial Round 1 (9/4/23)

Alison Webster (FC) 140 x2.100,Bliss Wright (GG) 140,125,100,Diane Burns (DM) 138,Sharon Crane (TT) 134,100, Simone de Lacy (TT) 133,130,Ann Bartlett (FT) 133,Lesley Justice (DM) 132,Lisa Ivill


During all this week, the Spanish Individual Base Championship is taking place in the city of Castellón.

In the categoría infantil 2011, which hosted over 170 gymnasts, from all over Spain, Ainhoa Egea Doménech, won the bronze medal after executing a magnificent rope exercise.

There were also two national diplomas for finalists. Ainhoa Ruiz, achieved a creditable seventh position, while her partner, Valeria Vorontsova, finished in tenth position. Valeria Bakulina, competed against 162 gymnasts from all over Spain making her debut in a national championship, where she performed a beautiful and elegant ball exercise

(TT) 129,Mitch Halliday

(PD) 127 Chelsea Campbell

(GG) 125,100,Nina Mander

James (TT) 121,Nicola

Moseley (FT) 121,Joyce

Wilkinson (PD) 117,106,Ann

Wharton (FT) 117,Sharon

Marshall (GG) 105,Lorraine

Veale (DM) 105,Eileen

Askew (TT) 100,Helen

Bushell (FC) 100

massive support of the San Luis members. The Final will be played on Sunday morning (14th).

In the Ladies Pairs, Mary Lockley & Caroline Smyth fought off some strong opposition to progress to the Final on Saturday afternoon (13th).

This afternoon (Friday 12th) Caroline and John Smyth won through in the Mixed Pairs semi-final, their Final will be on Sunday afternoon (14th).

The Mixed Rinks Final was played this afternoon (Friday 12th) and although Dee Hoey, Mike Veale, Caroline & John Smyth came second to Pete Bonsor’s (GL) team, “probably one of the strongest mixed fours team around, they did us proud and once again the support from San Luis members was outstanding. Taking all that into account and the support our teams have had, San Luis, what a great bowls club”.

We wish all our remaining finalists, the very best of luck over the weekend.

Mixed 4s - P. Bonser GL v D. Hoey SL

Mix Trips - A. Bannister VB v P. Bonser GL

Mix Pairs - C. & J. Smyth SL v T.B.C.

Men’s Pairs - D. Eades & P. Goole MM v C. Brazier & J. Prokopowycz. QBC

Ladies Pairs - M. Lockly & C. Smyth SL v K. Bowles & S. Johnson. QBC

Men’s Singles - Peter Bonser GL v Paul Mayne B

Ladies Singles - Sandra Johnson QBC v Sandra Burrows SL Good luck to everyone, been a great competition and thank you to all the organisation that has gone on behind the scenes, and all the umpires and markers that have given their time.


For some unexplained reason, the fishing at El Bosquet, venue for Round Four of the Carp-R-Us Spring Series, has become very patchy and so it was aging today despite the conditions being quite pleasant.

The match was split between the 1a-7 stretch and the ends of the 26-40 stretch and both provided double figure nets and blanks in equal measure.

Overall winner was Doug Hornblow who managed 17.94kg from peg 1 on straight lead and

that gave her seventh position and finalist diploma in the alevín 2013 category. Also participating in a national championship for the very first time was Julieta Ivanova who performed a very good rope exercise.

Congratulations to all the girls for their great work in upholding the excellent reputation of Torrevieja’s Jennifer Colino Club.

maggot. Next door on peg 2 Vinnie Smith was just behind in 16.57kg on pole and maggot. Third from the often unfancied peg was Tony Felstead with 14.38kg also using maggot and pole and fourth on peg 28 was Jean Pierre van de Cluysson with 12.78kg caught on feeder and maggot.

Russell Davidson won the other section from peg 40 with 8.22kg.

Information about the club can be found on its website or on the Facebook page Carp-R-Us Fishing Costa Blanca

Mare Nostrum give handball lesson to Maristas

On Sunday the Club Handball Mare Nostrum Torrevieja achieved a comfortable victory over the Monsolar Club Handball Maristas de Algemesí by 32 - 12 in a confrontation where Mare Nostrum was in top form in both attack and defence in the pavilion Cecilio Gallego.

Salva García was superb in goal with a 60% success rate throughout the match. The team ran in 32 points that will undoubtedly help their goal difference when we reach the business end of the season.

With this victory, Francisco Vera's team remains in eighth position in the league table and next week they will travel to the town of San Juan in Alicante to play the local team at the Polideportivo Municipal de San Juan

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Lesson St Trotters11-1Fallen Angels

Hub Hyenas11-1Illy's Oldies

Mind The Gap9-3Fire Station

El Capitan3-9Tipsy Toad Toppers


Freakie Taverners2-10CC's Bees

Tasty Taverners4-7Tipsy Toad Tiaras

CK1 Lads12-0Hub Hellraisers

Dom's Desperados7-6Dom's Domigs

180's THIS WEEK: Dave Askew, Sam Salt, James Brown

HIGH FINISH THIS WEEK: Brian Abbey 167, James Brown 148, Aroldas Klimonis 103, Paul Christopher 81, Reg Christopher 80


Leeson St.Trotters v Mind the Gap

Venue - C.C.'s Bar

Hub Hyenas v Tipsy Toad Toppers

Venue - Dominos


C.K.1 Lads v Tipsy Toad Tiaras

Venue - Leeson Street

C.C.Bees v Dominos Desperados

Venue - C.K.1


Venue - Tipsy Toad



Despite a good 1st half shift from the visiting Angels they found themselves 5-1 down at the break.

Some fine arrows from Mike Tierney 114,121,129 and Andy Forrest 2x100,2x80+ and D18 proved insufficient as the Trotters Ken Skinner 2x100,2 outs, Alex Nikolov 118,140, Monique 133,2x95 and Yvonne Rouffignac 3x85,135 raced to a deserved halfway lead.

Skinner 2x100, D10, got Trotters to within one leg of victory in a lively encounter with Forrest 85,100, Rouffignac claiming the tie on D10.

Amanda Skinner 140,3x85, D20, getting the better of

Karl Cooper 2x100 as did Nikolov 140, D4 over James Mackay.POTM - Monique - Forrest.


Hyenas were quick out of the blocks taking the 1st 4 legs, Dougie Allan nailing 2 outs, Dario Sierra a couple of tons, Dave Rowlinson his usual steady self. The 5th leg, Sierra and Matt Dawson both threw well to leave a double, their opponents Larry Hodson and Brian Abbey languishing on 167.

Step up Abbey to find T20, T19 and then the Bull, not on the wire but bang in the centre.Fantastic arrows !!!

Hyenas claimed the 6th for 5-1, Allan D20 and Rowlinson D8 ensuring the win and progress to the semis.In the 9th leg Dawson showed some form with 2x100,140 and out in 2 on tops for a creditable 17 darter.

Oldies stalwarts Des Field and Craig Miller unable to find their form of yesteryear.POTM - DawsonAbbey.


Despite 14 first half scores of note Station were outgunned by Gap.The visitors did however win the 3rd triple via Luke Monks POTM who acquitted himself well throughout.

Best of the Gap bunch in the 1st 6, Sam Salt and

Paul Moody 2 tons each and James Brown 5 tons plus a 148 out.

Salt got Gap to 6 in the opening singles with 140, 180, D2, Monks getting Station their 2nd with a solid performance finishing on D2.Leaving it to POTM Brown to find D2 after 140,180 for the match, opponent Rob Sturvivant hitting a ton.

Moody added 2 more tons in his winning match versus Tim Goodacre, Tim Clarke hitting D10 for Station's 3rd, Che Liam taking the 12th on D20 after 100,137.


This tie had it all but only one side got the result. Decent match performances from Caps Ben Kernahan 125, 140, D8, Andres Liamazares 100,140,4x85+, Liam LUMB 100, with a tasty 154 set up shot and Arold K.100 plus a nice 105 out.Ed K. was given POTM for 2x100,140 and a D20. Toppers response was emphatic, an Andy Rutter blitz in the 1st 100,125,140 and a 63 out from Paddy Moran.Lance Hardy 100, D8 made it 0-2 and then found D10 in the 4th, Partner Dave Askew contributing 180,140.

Rutter made it 4 for the visitors on D8, partner Pete Spence knocking in 2x95,100. Spence opened the singles with a D4, Rutter followed with 100, 140, D20 for 2-6 and POTM.Askew finding D16 for the match after a 125 set up.



The hosts were 6 down at the halfway stage, reasonable efforts from Bryan Livsey and Steve Hawkins

not good enough as Bees were clinical in both scoring and finishing.Paul Christopher helped himself to 100, 125, 140, 3 outs including a nice 81 finish, Paul Tollafield

2x100,123, D10 and Reg Christopher contributing 140 and a 3 dart 80 out.

The writing was on the wall for the hosts, Tollafield easing out a below par Sharon Frain with a 64 out for the tie.Both Livsey and Hawkins won their respective singles, but the tie was over.POTM - Hawkins - Paul C.



This wasn't the result everyone anticipated, particularly Gnomes.Yes Gnomes without a full side still out gunned Despos in the tons department, but giving away legs was darts suicide.They still managed 17 tons or more.

The match was all square after 12 legs, determining a 1001 up team game.Surprisingly it was won on D1, Colin Kernahan providing a 174, adding to earlier tons (4), Damo Lambert scoring heavily in the 13th leg.

Mark Farmer was declared Gnomes POTM with 3 outs and 3x100,125,140, Lambert, Despos POTM.


A close game at Illy’s, but a trench worn round the pool table until resolution.Even- Stevens at the halfway stage, Tasties having gone 3-2 up until Eileen Askew got the leveller.

Tiaras were out-scoring but not out-standing and looking askance at each other, needing to up their game in the singles.Captain Pat Scofield’s ladies obliged, she herself getting the all important 7th leg for the win.POTM’s:Tasty Marie Ross for her 57-D6 out, Eileen Askew for (118, 100, D3, D2, 3-D15)

Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April 2024 PAGE 23 ADVERTISINGHOTLINE 637 227 385
Oldies Larry and Brian, 167 out POTM - Paul &Steve POTM - Matt Tasties team versus Tiaras POTM - Andy &Ed
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