The Leader Newspaper 23 September 2024 – Edition 1042

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Campoverde AACC, the Asociation Alicante Para La Lucha Contra El Cancer, has sent a message of thanks to all their supporters who went along to the Grand opening of their new local Headquarters and Charity Shop on Monday.

It was a ceremony that was carried out jointly, in front of over 50 people, by the Association President Julie Hobbs and the Mayor of Pilar de la Horadada, Jose Maria. Councillor Susi Sanchez also attended the opening.

Julie told the Leader that it was a wonderful occasion that members and supporters have been looking forward to for many weeks. She added, “With both operations now working from one combined location, we really can make a difference in Campoverde.”

The charity was particularly grateful to Javier Garcia Fernandez from Cogarpro S.L who carried out an entire refurb of the property absolutely free of charge. “We are completely in his debt,” said Julie.




She went on to add, “Now we will be able to provide the screening appointments and operate the shop, from one combined location. It will be so much more efficient.”

Julie went on to add further thanks to photographer Ian Jackson, Tracy Allen of Ibex Insurance, to Lisa at Lisa's Teas and Treats and to Deb at The Panaderia Campoverde for supplying the delicious scones and cup-cakes.

For the last two years the Association has been using the basement under the Centro Salud as the charity shop, along with a small office provided by local businessman Gary Hegarty, but now, following the renovation, our 22 volunteers will be able to provide a much improved service to the people of Campoverde as they will be able to increase the opening hours for both the charity shop and the department dealing with the Early Detection Cancer scans and screening appointments.

Of course, we all know someone who has been touched by this truly awful illness, a disease that knows no boundaries - Every gender, culture, from children to pensioners, so centres such as the one in Campoverde, that provides appointments and encouragement for early detection screening along with vital funding towards research, will advance the discovery, prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Julie with the mayor of Pilar de la Horadada,

The photos below show the new shop and volunteers in the appointments area.

of the disease.

More importantly, they could also help to save your life.

N332 to Answer your Driving Questions at Ibex Insurance in Quesada

If you have any questions about driving in Spain and would like them answered in person, Mark Nolan from the N332 website will be on hand at the Ibex Insurance Private Medical Insurance Open Day in their office in Quesada this week.

Everyone is invited to visit the Ibex Insurance office on Calle Turismo 4-A, Urbanización Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, any time from 11 a.m. to 3

Have your motoring questions answered by Mark Nolan from the N332 website on Thursday from 11am

p.m., for drinks and nibbles and to fire any questions you have about Private Medical Insurance at their expert, Carrie-Ann Harrison.

As a broker, Ibex works with many leading health insurance providers to find a policy that suits your needs and pocket. Carrie-Ann can guide you through the process and provide noobligation quotations.

The date: Thursday 26 September 2024

Time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

If possible, but not essential, they would like you to pop them an email registering your interest, to, partly so they can make sure they have enough of the free gifts they plan to give everyone who attends.

And, as we mentioned, you are also welcome to attend to have your driving and traffic law questions answered by Mark Nolan.

The new shop is located at: Avenida de Las Especias 104, Pinar de Campoverde. The opening times are Monday to Thursday 10am - 1pm.
Jose Maria.

MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ MUSEUM: It is by no means certain that the Partido Popular and Vox will support the PSOE motion


Born in Orihuela, Miguel Hernández was one of the greatest Spanish poets of the twentieth century. In 1939, however, at the end of the Spanish Civil War, he was imprisoned for his anti-fascist sympathies. He was accused of writing poems harmful to the Francoist cause for which he was condemned to death. That sentence was then commuted to 30 years, leading to confinement in multiple jails where he eventually succumbed to typhus and tuberculosis. He finally died in Alicante jail on 28 March 1942.

Four weeks ago, we reported in the Leader that a group of supporters, headed by Lucía Izquierdo and Joan Pàmies, are asking the Spanish Government to annul the proceedings in which Hernández was convicted, and to issue a declaration of recognition, a complete pardon and personal reparation in favour of his family. The appeal is currently being considered by the Spanish Government.

Now the PSOE is urging all of the other parties in Orihuela to support the appeal and the subsequent cancellation of the legal proceedings against Miguel Hernández

The socialists have sent a text proposal to all party leaders in the hope that all political groups with a presence in the City Council will publicly declare themselves in favour of the pardon following which the council can then issue an institutional declaration.

PSOE leader, Carolina Gracia, a former mayor of Orihuela says that "if Orihuela defends the figure of Miguel Hernández, and proudly displays his work and life in our streets and across the world, it cannot but join, without delay, in a petition that overturns the unjust sentences he received, his good name and that of the city where he was born and lived."

The proposal for an institutional declaration submitted by the socialists praises the figure of the poet from Orihuela for being "a firm defender of the Second Republic and the freedoms that it represented." However, it notes that "his bravery and commitment made him the object of Franco's persecution, which, through two judicial proceedings, unjustly condemned him to the death penalty, later commuted to 30 years in prison." Miguel Hernández, they recall, died in the Alicante prison on March 28, 1942, "as a result of an intentional lack of

medical assistance, a situation that his family and numerous scholars classify as 'murder by omission'."

She said that “the proposed declaration indicates that supporting the family's request is not only a duty of reparation to them, but also it will ensure that Miguel Hernández is cleared of the false accusations that persecuted him until his death.”

While Cambiemos' spokesperson, Leticia Pertegal, has already guaranteed a resounding yes to the text, Ciudadanos has announced that, pending careful study, their intention is to vote in favour.

The declaration, however, puts the PP in a difficult position, even though the mayor is a great promoter of the poet's work, as the political content of the text could raise some suspicion within his party. The Popular Party voted against the Law of Democratic Memory in Congress. It will also be difficult for Vox, which controls the Department of Culture, to support the vote.

ADAPT Metal Detectorist joins Ch 5 ‘The Time Team’

Not only has Ian Millar been filmed in two of our ADAPT metal detecting club films on Ch5 ‘Brits in the Sun,’ showcasing our metal detecting club activities between south Alicante and south Murcia, but he recently joined a specialist Archaeological UK TV series on Ch4 ‘The Time Team,’ in Northern France.

This episode featured 'The Archaeology of Operation Cobra in Normandy.’

Sam Wilson, Time Team's conflict archaeologist, visits the site of an archaeological project exploring battlefields of Operation Cobra in Normandy led by Cameron Ross, the director of the Battlefield Archaeology Group. He meets the team of international archaeologists and volunteers for their 3rd season of exploring the archaeology of Operation Cobra.

Operation Cobra was a major allied operation that finally broke through the German defence in Normandy in 1944.

The project is the first time a World War Two

battlefield in Normandy has been studied in its entirety. It involved intensive geophysics, to locate German positions in the first phase of the breakthrough, as well as strategic metal detecting.

Ian, our member from Los Alcázares, travelled to France with his Nokta Simplex + metal detector, and met up with the team of professionals from America, Europe, and other parts of the world.

It was a 10-day operation, completely professional, showing the work they do as they interface history with modern day technology.

Well done Ian Millar, we are proud that you were involved in this project, epitomising the fact that, not all Metal Detectorists are looters.

Most of us want to source history beneath the ground, much of which has been forgotten, and share it with others.

Have a look and see what they did on YouTube by searching for ‘The Archaeology of Operation Cobra.’

ADAPT metal detecting team sponsors the ADAPT Theatre Group, giving financial help to worthwhile causes.

The ADAPT metal detecting club promotes the hobby for responsible metal detecting on the sand and in the sea.

In Partnership with San Pedro Del Pinatar Museum

Renovation of AP-7 tunnel

The AP-7 tunnel renovation project in Pilar is moving forward with a tender proposal from Constructora San José.

The Ministry of Transport has shortlisted the company from 18 bidders

The project will upgrade the tunnel's infrastructure, including the power supply, emergency lighting, evacuation systems, and fire protection. Lighting will be modernised, and new safety features like automatic fire detection cameras and tunnel closure barriers will be installed.

To ensure safe and efficient evacuation in emergencies, independent vestibules will be built for people to exit through the galleries.

The contract is valued at E4.4 million


The Civil Guard, has arrested a man of Spanish nationality accused of starting thirteen forest fires since 2019 in the towns of Biar, Beneixama and Banyeres de Mariola. The accused has been placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction No. 2 of Villena.

While investigating a forest fire that took place at the end of July, close to the town of Biar, Agents from the Villena Civil Guard were able to identify a vehicle at the scene of the fire, but remaining there for less than two minutes.

Subsequent investigations led to the identification of the owner of the vehicle, a local resident, who was also linked to another forest fire that occurred on August 5, 2024 on the CV-803 road, in Banyeres de Mariola. On this occasion, thanks to the collaboration of the Biar Local Police, he was identified in the vicinity of the fire. On after searching his vehicle, flammable prod-

ucts, gloves, matches and other materials for starting fires were found.

After gathering sufficient evidence, the Civil Guard carried out a search of the suspect's home, where they found a large quantity of flammable products, electronic devices with recordings of various fires, and other objects used to start fires.

The detainee, a 28-year-old Spanish man, is accused of thirteen forest arson offences, and has been placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction No. 2 of Villena, who has ordered his release on bail.

The stupidity of man

The senseless wars that do not cease

The tit for tat destructive bombs

Doesn't anyone want peace

One faction bombs another

Killing people without care

Then those bombed respond

By fighting back, Destroying everywhere

Killing little children

How can life have no regard

It's an obscene abomination

Leaving nobody unscarred

Surely people want to live

And simply get on with their lives

Not worry that their families

Are targets from the skies

The men who give the orders

Do not fight or strive for calm

It seems they are content

With war and causing so much harm

Such death and mad destruction

When in Gods name will it end

The stupidity of man goes on

On that you can depend!

In future those clubs that only parade in costumes will be eligible for a prize


Pilar de la Horadada has allocated an additional €15,000 to the prize fund for the Parade of Floats to be held in the town on October 19 on the occasion of the Patron Saint Festival 2024.

Now, a total of € 27,500 will be offered by the council divided into two modalities: the usual, for the clubs or associations that present the best float and costumes, and a new

award for those clubs or associations that parade in costumes made by themselves without exhibiting a float.

The Councillor for Festivities, Susi Sanchez, says that she is “happy that we can provide more money in prizes that will surely motivate our clubs to strive even harder to provide more quality to a parade of floats that is increasingly attractive to residents and tourists.

Doctor attacked in Pilar Health Centre

Adoctor was attacked by a patient at the Pilar de la Horadada health center in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The patient, who was refusing treatment, became aggressive and threatened the doctor with a sharp object. Astruggle ensued, and the police were called.

The attacker was arrested, and the doctor filed a complaint.

This is the third such incident in the area recently after a paramedic was assaulted two weeka ago and an anaesthetist was attacked by the parent of a patient at the Vega Baja Hospital just last week.

The Torrevieja Health Department's Works Committee is calling for private security in all primary care centers, especially those that provide emergency services at night. They believe this is the only way to prevent future attacks.

Ademonstration was held on Friday to denounce the attack.

Protest Against Animal Abuse to Take Place in Rojales

Residents of Rojales are calling for a demonstration on Sunday 29 September, showing support against animal abuse.

The local animal protection group, Adda Guardales, collaborates with Rojales Council in the application of the CES/CER strategy, an ethical and effective method to control the number of cats on the street, and keep them healthy, which, other than being morally and ethically correct, are legal requirements under the Animal Welfare Law.

The council has recently installed containers adapted to feeding stations for cats. Despite the containers being legally required and having the intention of both caring for and controlling the cat colonies, they have been vandalised, broken, they have thrown dirt inside, dust, and liquid, and other waste products.

Another container has had to be moved because some aggressive neighbours shouted that they do not want it and that all the cats must be killed, those same neighbours who insult, threaten, and verbally and physically attack the volunteers.

Several cats have been poisoned in recent months in different colonies.

Therefore, a peaceful protest has been called for Sunday 29 September, starting just after 11:00, at the Plaza Malecón del Soto de Rojales, where everyone is invited and urged to attend to show support for both the animals, and those who care for them. Wherever you live, we hope you will lend your support in Rojales.


Lucky Dos is around 9.5 years old and is a super boy whose owner died so had to come into the kennels.

For more info on this cheeky boy, contact WhatsApp 688792515 or 966710047


‘Igot loads of ‘clouts’ and ‘belts’ both at home and at school’, is an affirmation that half the population of Ireland can identify with. But it is the sentence supplement which often follows and which is at least open to debate; …’and it never done (did) me any harm.’

How do you know that it did you no harm? Ok, so you did well enough in life, but how do you know what you might have been, had you not received corporal punishment at home and at school?

I don’t have the answers – only an opinion. My opinion on this one is rather garbled. Whilst I am totally opposed to any form of child abuse, there is a belief in some informed quarters that a short, [harmless] slap at the time of the offence is far more effective in controlling bad behaviour and is fairer than delayed punishment delivered later whilst the child is ‘good.’

Full of contradictions, I know; and the other one is that whilst I was slapped as a child and in my turn, gave my own children the odd mild ‘reminder’ on the backside; I would never dream of laying a hand on a grandchild. Whether this is an acquired wisdom or due to the welcome change in society; again, I don’t know.

But children have to grow up knowing that there are rules and that there should be consequences for breaking those said same rules. I enjoy the company of children – some more so than others; but I love observing and listening to their honest commentary on the life they see around them. We have written here on a few occasions of the funny ‘comeouts’ ‘out of the mouth of babes.’ I have one fresh one for you, before we return to our main story.

While my arm was in a sling a couple of months back, I took the train to a hospital


For only the third time in the 17 years of YCBS, I am availing of this privileged platform to ask for your support; not for me, but for The Irish Hospice Foundation. There is hardly a family that doesn’t know what the hospice does – so no need to explain that one.

Last year a group of us did a sponsored ‘Camino Challenge’ and in doing so, we raised e72,928 for the Hospice Foundation. On 24th September, a week after my 80th birthday, I am walking another sponsored section of the Camino, from Estella to Burgos.

appointment in Dublin. A mother, granny and a boy aged about 3, boarded the train in Maynooth and sat across from me. The boy sat opposite Granny and a little while into the journey she asked; “…And what happened to your knee, Dean?” “I fell, Granny.” “And where did you fall?” “Everywhere!” was the one-word answer to that one. Dean, then after eyeing up me and my sling for a while, finally asked “Where did you fall?”

There is terrible trouble out there caused by children who never had to pay any heed to the word ‘no’. Children need rules, they need consequences for breach of rules and they need discipline. Enforced rules give a child a greater sense of security.

If you let out a bunch of hungry yearling calves onto a field of lush green grass, what is the first thing those animal will do? Start eating? No … the first thing the calves will do is to run around the perimeter fence; examine their confinement; check for a possible weakness in the rules and decide what they might get away with later on.

That is nature – and it is the same with children. For a child to be ‘bold’ is the most natural thing in the world. It is when they realise there are no fences that the problems start. Shopkeepers are going out of business … closing down, because they cannot contend with the level of lawlessness from groups of children as young as ten. The ones a year or two older rob whatever they want; knowing that even if the gardai arrive, nothing will be done to them.

Complaints by retailers to gardai have increased by 14% again this year. This is because there are no effective deterrents.

One robbery-plagued store in Dundalk tells of a particular offender the owner reported 100 times over 3 years and nothing was done until the kid; emboldened by his suc-

In asking for your sponsorship, it is important that you know I am paying all my own expenses, so that every cent donated will go to The Irish Hospice Foundation. You can help bring a smile to someone’s face during their last days! No amount is too small because; ‘through small and simple things, do great things come to pass.’

If you are kind enough to sponsor me; you can either give me your money directly, or donate on line to: BernieI H F2 02 4

cess pulled a knife at 16. Then he was put away …. but why could something not be done sooner?

The above is the extreme end of the problem, and thank God, I don’t believe any of our readers will have to contend with the fruits of such rearing. But what about low-level lack of control in supermarkets, restaurants, churches, schools – and nothing being done; no matter how badly the disruption affects others.

The line I hear these days from parents of out of control children is; ‘that’s it … no more fizzy drinks … if that’s what the sugar is doing to you.’ This is for the benefit of those being bothered by the brats: In other words, this has

nothing to do with the parents and you might consider getting on to Berkshire Hathaway –the owners of Coca Cola.

My brothers and I got our sugar-rush from shovelling sugar out of the sugar-bowl into our mouths. We ‘stole’ so much sugar that we used have to tell it in confession when Father Smith or Father Brady heard our confession every second Friday in the school.

My sugar intake never saved me from a ‘skelp’ when I earned it!



A switch in time saves crime

Bernie stepping out on the Camino Challenge in 2023


The opposition in Orihuela has called for a special plenary session to address issues affecting the Orihuela Costa, including the delay in the opening of a new school. The PSOE and Ciudadanos, who were in power 15 months ago, are now proposing this move. Some local groups are considering organizing a demonstration to show support for the plenary and highlight the importance of these issues.


A British man has shocked onlookers by climbing the 158-meter Lugano Tower in Benidorm barefoot and without any safety equipment. The tower, once the tallest residential building in Spain, is now the third tallest skyscraper in the city.

The climber, known as @nuisance69_, shared a video of his daring feat on Instagram. He explained that he had wanted to climb the tower since he first saw it and enjoyed the challenge despite the risks.

The climb took him 34 minutes, and he even lay down on the roof afterward. His actions have drawn both admiration and criticism for their extreme danger.

Chinese Bazaar planned for former Mercadona in Torrevieja

A Chinese bazaar will soon open in the former Mercadona building on Calle Antonio Machado in Torrevieja. The building, which has been vacant since Mercadona moved to a new location, is one of the largest stores in the city center. The bazaar will occupy approximately 3,000 square meters of the building's commercial space. The city council has received the necessary license application for the project.


To promote the Way of the Cross of Caravaca in the UK, Murcia's Department of Tourism organized a press trip for a journalist from The Times. The journalist toured iconic attractions and walked sections of the pilgrimage route. The promotion aims to attract British visitors to the region, especially during the Jubilee Year 2024.


The Valencia regional government has extended its tourism partnership with Guardamar del Segura. This agreement will help maintain and update the town’s tourist information offices. The partnership also includes the town of Onil and will last for four years. Both municipalities will provide financial and material support to their tourist information offices.

The United Kingdom is the largest source of international tourism for Murcia, and this press trip is part of the region's promotional strategy in the UK.

The Way of the Cross of Caravaca is a comprehensive project designed to revitalize the region through active, nature, and religious tourism.

Palm Tree maintenance in Orihuela Costa after 3 years

Due to safety concerns following recent tree falls, Orihuela Costa has begun pruning and felling palm trees. This process will take several months and includes removing trees damaged by red palm weevils. Pruning will also be done to prevent future falls. A phytosanitary treatment will be applied to pruned trees.

On Friday September 27, the Auditorium Gardens will host the second edition of Flamenco and Salt, an evening of live music and dinner at sunset. With food, dancing, singing and live music, ìFlamenco & Salî is more than a show: it is a total immersion in the essence of Spain. If you reserve your ticket at the box office of the Municipal Theater or on the website

Most commercial centres in Orihuela Costa are busy in the evening time with bars, restaurants, lucky-lucky men, hair braiding and loud music

The Sophia Wellness Centre is not like that. It is very active during the daytime.

There is plenty of parking and the pace of life there is leisurely.

Situated beside Cabo Roig in the older Spanish area of La Regia, the Sophia Wellness Centre was built in 2005 and looks as inviting today as it did on the day it was built. With a strong emphasis on wellness, the centre has two gyms, one traditional and the other specifically designed for more mature clients. There is also a physiotherapist, a Thai massage, a doctor specializing in lady’s medicine.

On the first floor there is a hairdresser, barber, nail technician, waxing and an expert in the latest permanent hair removal laser technology. There is a very popular German dentist who speaks English. New to the centre is a safe sun tanning salon that also specializes in boosting collagen levels and infra-red light for pain relief.

We are happy to announce that “Infinitech” has opened on the first floor of Sophia. Here you can get a new or refurbished phone, tablet or laptop at very competitive prices and you can get a whole range of accessories and other services. Sophia also has MaJoNa legal and tax consultants, Golf Sun Spanish Properties, and a large, secure, clean self-storage facility as well as a small convenience store and two private member social clubs.


Autumn is a beautiful time of the year, it’s not too hot and not too cold. Most of us are now comfortable in the autumn of our lives, our biggest concern should be our health and how to prolong good health as long as possible.

The first problem most people born in the 40s, 50s and 60s encounter is joint and muscle pain which leads to loss of mobility and flexibility. The best cure is exercise, NOT weightlifting, NOT Jogging, NOT running and NOT skipping. Our bodies are probably not able for these hard exercises.

The exercise we need to do is EASY Exercise like swimming where our joints and muscles move without strain. The best exercise for us in our autumn years is called EASY Exercise Cabo Roig. There is no need to sweat and get out of breath because you simply sit or lie on a machine that does all the work for you.

There is no pressure on our joints and our muscles, but we still get a complete workout. Many put in effort to get more out of the time they spend in the EASY Exercise suite, but nobody is there pushing you beyond what you want to do.

Due to popular demand there are three different circuits available, you chose the circuit that suits your needs best. Each circuit is timed at 45 minutes and patrons are advised to use EASY Exercise two or three times each week. There are several membership options tailored to everyone’s needs.

Having reached the autumn of our lives we don’t take everything at face value so at EASY Exercise we offer you a FREE TRIAL any weekday morning between 10:00 and 12:00, all you need to do is call or whatsapp 663 771 345 to schedule an appointment at a suitable time.

Getting old is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean that we spend our winter years in a wheelchair or in a nursing home. Most of us can avoid becoming invalids by taking certain measures now. We live in a country with an excellent public health system, better than the UK or Ireland for sure.

The first step is EASY Exercise, but we can enrich our lives further by not to overindulging in alcohol, tobacco, salt, sugar, caffeine and too much meat.

You’ve worked hard all your life now make the most of the autumn years, enjoy a pain free, mobile, flexible and alert life for as long as possible.

FOR FREE TRIAL CALL OR WHATSAPP 663 771 345 You can even bring a friend.Your free trial will take a maximum of one hour.

EASY EXERCISE has many benefits,the most important are reduced muscle and back pain,greater mobility to be able to walk or climb stairs and increased flexibility of movement.

Regular exercise,twice or three times a week,at the SOPHIA EASY EXERCISE CENTRE will improve your quality of life enormously.



1.Created (4)

3.Agent (8)

9.Charm and allure (7)

10.Cuban dance (5)

11.Oscar (7,5)

13.Nakedness (6)

15.Dog (6)

17.Analyst (12)

20.Condiment container (5)

21.Obstruction (7)

22.Excessive amount (8)

23.Along time (4)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 19


1.Headache (8)

2.Play (5)

4.One dying for a cause (6)

5.Hats (5,7)

6.Respected (7)

7.365 days (4)

8.House-trained (12)

12.False teeth (8)

14.Argument (7)

16.Type of cloud (6)

18.Cake decoration (5)

19.Resonation (4)


Week 1041



6 Scamper; 7 Happy; 9 Snout; 10 Gladden; 12 Remorseless; 14 Adolescence; 18

Lawless; 19 Trait; 21 Screw; 22 Fraught. DOWN: DOWN: 1 Scent; 2 Immune; 3 Wet; 4 Vandal; 5 Appease; 8 Glisten; 11 Possess; 13 Advance; 15 Lolled; 16 Circus; 17 Lithe; 20 Pry. CR CR YPTIC YPTIC

ACROSS: ACROSS: 6 Contest; 7 Lethe; 9 Get on; 10 Armlets; 12 Reservation; 14 Weightiness; 18 Billing; 19 Sales; 21 Puree; 22 Bandits.

DOWN: DOWN: 1 Lower; 2 Stroke; 3 Psi; 4 Zealot; 5 Whatnot; 8 Driving; 11 Beating; 13 Tedious; 15 Galley; 16 Shandy; 17 Tests; 20 Oar.



1.Stand for no bull in the stock market? (4)

3.Begin to get one letter wrong for business (8)

9.Train to speak? (7)

10.We are all entitled to have them (5)

11.Don?t give up working as a judge (4,2,6)

13.Selected to play, but not on the wing (6)

15.Finish the act? (6)

17.Second anniversary of press merger? (5,7)

20.Birds mistaken for castles? (5)

21.Raids or no raids (7)

22.Banter becomes wicked in time (8)

23.Observes from both sides (4)


1.Gains unlawful entry to destroy wrongdoing (6,2)

2.Possibly Adam?s fruit (5)

4.Attacks with stones, perhaps (6)

5.They take interest in their work (12)

6.Novel affair (7)

7.Some conversed in Gaelic (4)

8.You and Eve (6,6)

12.Gets lies about poets (8)

14.Fare for the main course (7)

16.Canopy covering one side around the north (6)

18.Angry with some of the United Arab Emirates (5)


1. What is the four letter word in Italian cuisine for a meat based sauce?

2. In which capital city did the famous 1972 world championship chess matches between Bobby Fisher and Boris Spassky take place?

3. The following is the opening line to which 1970 film? "What can you say about a 25 year old girl who dies? That she was beautiful and brilliant? That she loved Mozart and Bach, the Beatles, and me?"

4. Who was the only divorced man to serve as US president?

5. Before his coronation, who was known as Ras Tafari Makonnen?

6. In film and literature, the boy born with the name Nathoo is better known under which adopted name?

7. Since the introduction of the Open era in 1968, which two players have reached a record 12 singles finals at Wimbledon?

8. After nitrogen and oxygen, which noble gas is the third most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere?

9. What is the well known Japanese word for "heavenly emperor"?

10. The following lyrics are all from songs with the word "People" somewhere in the song title. Can you name the song? a. Happy happy put it in your heart where tomorrow shines gold and silver shine. b. There is a blue one who can't accept the green one

page 19)

for living with a fat one trying to be a skinny one. c. She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge. d. Say you want a revolution we better get one right away

11. Which name is sometimes given to the three neighbouring countries of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg? One word, seven letters.

12. In the US, "Guitar Town" is the CB (citizen's band radio) handle for which city?

13. Name the films in which David Niven plays the following characters? a. Phileas Fogg. b. Sir James Bond. c. Sir Charles Lytton

14. "Les Rouges" is one of several nicknames given to which country's men's national football team?

15. Which name, which includes the French word for "good will", was given to the early 20th century alliance between France, Britain and Tsarist Russia?

16. The name for which type of cloud stems from the Latin words for "high" and "heap"?

17. Which actor appeared a record 17 times in James Bond films?

18. Which benevolent 20th century European dictator was born Josip Broz?

19. Mdina is the most expensive property in which E.U. country's version of Monopoly?

20. Which Oscar winner for Best Supporting Actress played the Bond girl in Never Say Never Again?

The Church of JESUS CHRISTof Latter-Day Saints in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. Phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 659 016 733

Join us at the SALT CHURCH Sundays at 10.30 am. We are a friendly church, bible centred in our teaching and informal in our worship. Meets at Calle Daya Nueva 12, PolÌgono Ind. Levante 11, 03187 Los Montesinos. We look forward to meeting you. www.Saltchurchspain.

Facebook SaltChurchSpain

International Christian Assembly, Calle Beniajan 14, Torrevieja -Evangelical Church. Sunday Service 11 a.m.; - Contact 966 799 273 / 660 127 276. Evangelical non-denominational church.

The Car of the Month at AUTOMOVILES CRESPO is an attractive 2019 Ford Ecosport at just 21,900e Come along to our large showroom in Elche and see our vast range of new and used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. See page 5. We can assure you of the biggest and best choice of new and used cars in the area for price, choice and quality. ENGLISH SPOKEN


Have you lost somebody close to you? Are you finding life difficult after a bereavement? Come along and chat to other people in the same situation. Starting on October 10th, then every Tuesday from 2-4pm at the Age Concern Centre, Calle Paganini, La Siesta, Torrevieja. 96 678 6887. Everyone is welcome. Los Alc·zares Digital Camera Club. Interested in photography? We invite you to come and join us at our twice monthly meetings. Please contact coordinatorladcc@ or see for details.

COMMUNITYCARE ASSOCIATION (CCA) Open to residents of Orihuela Costa over 60 years of age. Located at the Centro Civico Alameda del Mar. Open 3 times a week for a programme of English speaking activities, support, information and advice with the support of Orihuela Council. Anyone wanting to join CCAsocial activities can pop along. Open 2pm -6pm Mondays and Thursdays, Wednesday 2pm - 5pm. More info from Eva or Norah. in the cafe area. Email:

Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help with well being for the over 50ís. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Home

Visiting Team to visit a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. Call into our centre in La Siesta , ring 966 786 887 or email: Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 5pm at the Lakeview bar, Quesada. For more info contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on +44 7576 117 222, Secretary Steve Hemingfield 0n Mob/Whats 711 011 373

The RAFACosta Blanca RMG is a social group of

caring people and remains affiliated to the parent Assn. Contact is via the RAFA website


Only ten weeks to go and we are working hard. There is an enormous amount of energy, fun and dedication ever present in the rehearsal room.

It's a long-standing tradition for us to start the Christmas festivities and open the door to the season of fun and joviality.

This year's show will be spear headed by the very talented Martin Scattergood, whom for thirty years, twice a year, has delighted audiences in the principal roles at the lyceum, Sheffield and The Grand, Leeds. This show should not to be missed.

Our Director, Mark Feakin, also worked in the Yorkshire region. Another fantastic talent who has written and put the script together for us. Amazing. He was director of the Crucible theatre for many years. You may have seen this theatre on the telly. It Is where the world snooker championships are held.

On Marks own admission he says, those two weeks of snooker, were basically taken over by the BBC, lock stock and barrel and a good time for him to have a holiday.

We are so lucky to have Geri, our fabulous choreographer to give us the inventive dance and tap routines ably assisted by our cast musical coaches Laura and Martin and our international voice coach , Nicole Casey.

We are all excited about this production and we look forward to seeing you at this wonderful funny festive celebration.

Tickets on sale at the usual outlets : Post room, Benimar, The Card Place, Benijofar, Con Mar, Quesada, Cards and More, La Marina, Marina Dress , La Marina, Bobs Bar ,La Marina, La Bodega supermarket ,San Louis and The Post Box, Donna Peppa. You can also buy online at Studiothirtytwo. org.

FROM P 16:

1. Ragu, 2. Reykjavik, 3. Love Story, 4. Ronald Reagan, 5. Haile Selassie, 6. Mowgli, 7. Martina Navratilova and Roger Federer, 8. Argon, 9. Tenno, 10. Four answers. a. Shiny Happy People (REM), b. Everyday People (Sly and the family Stone), c. Common People (Pulp), d. Power To The People (John Lennon), 11. Benelux, 12. Nashville, 13. Three answers. a. Around The World In 80 Days, b. Casino Royale, c. The Pink Panther (or 'Trail of the Pink Panther' 'Curse of the Pink Panther'). 14. Canada, 15. Triple Entente, 16. Altocumulus, 17. Desmond Llewelyn ('Q'), 18. Tito, 19. Malta, 20. Kim Basinger

Put yourself in their place and please spare a thought!

Although there are many town halls that are yet to catch up with both the legal and moral requirements for accessibility, in places where movement to the likes of pedestrians can be restricted, it can be impossible at times for those with reduced mobility.

However, even where planners fail, as motorists, we can all play a part in trying to ease the problems suffered by many people on a daily basis, by having a little bit more consideration, and putting ourselves in their place, albeit mentally.

For example, when parking, look for areas where the pavement drops. In many areas there will be a vado sign prohibiting parking anyway, but in others, no such sign may exist, and this could be a remnant of a past pathway.

Under no circumstances should you ever park or stop on the pavement. Pavements are for people, not vehicles. If you are in a situation where you would otherwise block the road, then it is not suitable for stopping anyway. Your actions as a vehicle driver must never force vulnerable people, like pedestrians, onto the road.

Don´t obscure visibility when you park. The things we have mentioned already can lead to a fine, but they can lead to inconvenience and even danger, so respect should be the motivation.

Parking in a blue badge zone or parking space without displaying the blue badge also carries a fine, the reason being that these spaces are reserved for those with reduced mobility.

Similarly, respect should be extended when parking nearby, making sure that sufficient room is left to enable the badge holder, who may be a driver or passenger, to access and egress their vehicle.

Some of the issues faced by blue badge holders were highlighted this week by Claire Lomas MBE, a British campaigner, fundraiser and former event rider known for finishing the 32nd Virgin London Marathon in 17 days using the ReWalk robotic suit.

“Sometimes people wonder how I get in/out the car, get my wheelchair in & then drive when I am paralysed from the waist down”, she posted on Twitter, before explaining how lightweight wheelchairs and car adaptations give her the independence, before pointing out, “people parking in disabled bays with no blue badge often remove this independence”.

In a separate post, Claire described how she explained to a lady recently about the need for a blue badge in order to park in the disabled bay. “She was polite but thought it would be okay on a Saturday”, Claire continued, “not sure many people get the weekends off being disabled”.

It is of course worth remembering that fol-

Respect should be extended when parking by a dsabled bay making sure that sufficient room is left to enable the badge holder, to access and egress their vehicle.

lowing Brexit, UK-issued blue badges are not generally accepted in Spain. Some local authorities allow them, but most don´t, so it is worth checking. You can apply for a blue badge at your local town hall.

Irrespective of eligibility, the blue badge

scheme must be respected.

If you are not entitled to display a blue badge and use a manipulated, falsified, photocopied or a card belonging to a deceased person, you could be fined up to 1,500 euro.


As we enter the final days of the tournament ten clubs are closing in on places in the Valencian finals with all of the disciplines now down to semi final stage.

The Mixed Triples semis have already been played with the triples of the current holders, Peta Rhodes, Lisa Bonsor & Pete Bonsor pitted against Sue Bosworth, Andy Miles & Dave Morrison in the final which will be an all Greenlands match.

The semis of the Mens Singles are between Peter Morgan (Quesada), three times winner between 2019 and 2021, playing Dave Homer (San Miguel) and Paul Mayne (Bonalba) playing Harald Olsen (Quesada).

In the Ladies Singles semis we have Jane Hamill playing Barbara Louis (both San Luis) while 2022 winner, Lisa Bonsor (Greenlands), takes on Mary Dyer (Emerald Isle).

Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club


Sponsors - The Reiki Room and G.A Ins.

On the weekend of 14/15 September we held a two day club competition.

Twelve teams of trips played three games of nine ends each day.We had a break after each nine ends for refreshments with savouries supplied by members.

The winners were Diane Horsington, Tony Kershaw and David Eades,Club Captain Steve Hindle presented them with vouchers donated by Jackie at the Reiki Room.

The runners up were Marilyn Marsh, Paul Saunders and John Hunt.

Steve thanked Jan,Heidi and Debs for their help with the selling of the raffle tickets and savouries.After the raffle draw Chris thanked Sue and Joan for organising the raffle and the prizes.The football card was won by Paul Saunders.

The Mens Pairs semis are contested by Mick Ellis & Martin Oakley (Emerald Isle) playing Alan Bannister & Martin Foulcer (Vistabella) and current holders of the title Pete Bonsor & Dave Morrison (Greenlands) taking on Allen Bowen & Terry Morgan (Quesada).

We will have new champions in the Ladies Pairs which sees Sue Wilson & Maggie Furness (Vistabella) play Janet Jukes & Debbie Perryman (Greenlands) while the other semi has Linda Ponsford & Jayne Storey (Country Bowls) playing Marjorie Parnham & Rose Brooking (Bonalba).

It will be the same in the Mixed Pairs where 2022 winners Pete & Lisa Bonsor (Greenlands) play Scott Malden & Sandra Burrows (San Luis) in the first semi while Sheila & Peter Westwood (Vistabella) play Gary & Linda Ponsford (Country Bowls).

The Rinks semis are between Chris Salter, Stewart Beattie, Richard Warrilow & Jean

Thank you to Steve for organising the competition also Sue and Les who maned the control desk,it was a very successful weekend.

For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website or email us at


There have been some great matches during this week of the Valencian Championships, with all the players working so hard to get through to the next round. For the spectators some real nip and tuck matches to watch, with plenty of “oohs! & aahhs!” moments to enjoy & some surprises; although there haven’t been as many supporters as perhaps there might have been.

Saturday 14th saw the start of the Ladies Singles and the continuation of the Men’s mainly at Greenlands & San Miguel. Jane Hamill started in the morning at Greenlands, taking a good lead against a home player, and keeping her focus as it got closer to her target. With her final shot she drew in beautifully to pick up the jack and confirm her win. Later in the afternoon Jane had another good

(El Cid) and with home advantage, Fred Willshire, Lynn Greenland, Steve Cantley & Gail Willshire (San Miguel) in the first semi, while the second semi is Pete & Lisa Bonsor, Peta Rhodes & Freddie Willie

win, at Greenlands, while Barbara Louis was playing her match at San Miguel. She had a good battle and after a close fought game, moved ahead and then she finished with a flourish; taking the jack through to her waiting woods for 4 shots and the match.

Ian Kenyon was also playing at San Miguel for his first 2 matches and in the afternoon had a close match but he held his nerve when he was on 20 and got the last shot he needed for the win.

On Sunday morning he was playing at Greenlands and kept up the pressure to win his next match to progress to the afternoon. Unfortunately after all his hard work he then lost to Peter Morgan in the ? Final.

On Sunday all the Ladies singles matches moved to San Miguel, Jane & Barbara both

A good mix with ten clubs involved in the final stages.

had good results which means they both progress to the semi final on Saturday 21st –where they will play each other!! So we will have 1 San Luis player in the Final next week but the question is – who will come out on top in the semi final? It should be a hard fought, close match and well worth being there to watch!

On Tuesday& Wednesday Dave Webb & Dave Louis played their Men’s Pairs, reaching the ? Final, but then unfortunately not progressing further.

Well done to all our competitors & Good Luck to our Ladies Singles & Mixed Rinks teams in their Semi Finals.

Mixed Pairs semi finalists, Gary and Linda Ponsford Image courtesy Country Bowls
(Greenlands) playing Ian Kenyon, Stewart & Jane Hamill & Sue Kenyon (San Luis).



Echos4-5Thistle & Rose Blue

Bar Rambla Red8-1The One Bar Tipsy Cow4-5Bar Rambla Blue

Thistle & Rose Red4-5CC's Maschis3-6Havana Habaneros


Bar Rambla Red **18166030

Havana Habaneros18155430


Thistle & Rose Blue **1811420


Tipsy Cow187-414

Bar Rambla Blue **188-1014

The One Bar185-3410

Thistle & Rose Red184-508


** deducted 2 points (not adhering to league rules)


Mickeys Bar6-3Courtyard B

Firestation Redwatch5-4Sports Bar Tipsy Toad4-5Firestation Bluewatch Courtyard A7-2Arianaz

New Tavern6-3Kaceys


Tipsy Toad18165432

Firestation Redwatch18155830

Firestation Bluewatch18144228

Courtyard A18134626

New Tavern187-1614

Sports Bar186-212

Mickeys Bar186-2812



Courtyard B181-882


The lack of water in the River Segura and it´s catchment area is a concern for everyone.

The level of the river in the lower reaches is as low as many can every remember and, as a result, Carp-RUs had to move its match this week, round six of their Summer/Autumn series, from the Eden 2 stretch to the Canal del Progres (Mercadona stretch).

This stretch of water was dredged a few years back but now has lots of growth lining its banks, offering many attractive fish holding features, its just a pity there aren´t more fish in it.

The match was won by Trevor Morrey from peg 6 with 3.30kg caught varying between float and feeder tactics with maggot or bread on the hook.

Second was Tony Felstead on the adjacent peg with 2.09kg caught using a ground-bait feeder and maggot. Third from peg 1 was Steve Fell who had 1.55kg on pole and bread and fourth was Jeremy Fardoe with 0.88kg.

Information about the club can be found on its website

Celts Golf Club September Championship

We celebrated our September Club Championship at our home course La Serena. Thankfully the temperatures are beginning to return to tolerant levels.As always, we must thank those who make this day a success.Martha and Jean thank you for sorting the app and the results.


31 members and guests 'teed it up' in the Society's Jose Trophy, given to the Society by David at the Lo Crispin Tavern, in memory of the founder of the Tavern, who passed away some years ago.

The condition of the course was much improved since I last played there some months ago, when there were swathes of plastic sheeting on a number of holes, in order to re grow the grass.

The day's prizes were distributed in the evening at the Lo Crispin Tavern as David and his staff provided us with a meal and money was raised for a local charity.

Gold Division

play competitive match play across the greater Alicante area.We have a limited number of spaces available for teams of 8 players.

Golf prizes, Paul Rainey 41 pts 39, Nick Brooks 39, and Billy Thomson 39.Medal winners, Cat I, John O’Brien 67 and Kevin Russell 71.Cat II, Gareth O’Rourke 64 and Mike Banfield 71.Cat III.Terry Lewis 70 and Tony Stafford 71. Results of the day, the NTP’s.Rose Walker, Alan Campbell, Phil Vaughan, Savi Nayager, Kevin Russell and Steve Hopkins. Cat.III, Sally Hopkins 38, Ian Sadler 35 and Debby Boelhouwer 34.Cat II, Chris Daw 40, Michael Parry 39 and Peter Dunne 37.Cat I.Stuart Bulling 37, Steve Hopkins 36 and Denis McCormack 34.The gross was won by Alan Ewing 32.Second overall with 40 was Bev Buckley, and the winner with 40 points Kevin Russell.Well, done to all the winners and congratulations to so many who remained behind to honour those who won a prize. An opportunity for any society looking to

Courses included this year are, Los Colinas, Vistabella, Alicante, El Saler, Oliva Nova, Bonalba, El Plantio, El Bosque, La Marquesa and Font de Llop.The entry fee per match is 300 euro for 8 players, not too bad.Please contact John O’Brien if you are interested.

If you would like info on entering a team in any of the federation events why not send an e-mail to or call 711045312

La Siesta migration to Mojacar

And so it was that the society migrated south for the La Siesta summer socialthis year staying at Mojacar and playing the Indiana course at Desert Springs.

The first tee time was at 10am with the first day’s competition a pairs scramble which allowed players to familiarise themselves with the long and winding terrain.

The weather was kind, and it was impossible not to enjoy the well-kept fairways and greens.

The winners of the pair competition were the organisers, Tim Warren and Ben Hines (should we ask for a recount?) –and it was fair to say that their hard work

had paid off.

1st Place - John Simmons 33 pts off 11 and WINNER of the Jose Trophy. 2nd PlaceAndy Quinn 31 pts off 9. 3rd Place - Bob Berry 28pts off 17

Silver Division

1st Place - Karen Baker 29 pts off 35. 2nd Place - Carl Rodel 28 pts off 24. 3rd PlaceFrank Hanrahan 27 pts off 25

Guest Prize - Brian Reid 27 pts off 11

N.T.P. on Par 3s: Hole 7 – Nobody, Hole 9Brian Reid, Hole 14 - Ronnie Speirs, Hole 18Bob Berry

The Free Game Draw was won by Mark Baker. Finally, our next game is our final Major of the year, the Nominated Pairs at Altorreal on 2nd. October.

Steve Harrington (Membership Secretary)

On day two it was back to individual Stableford. Even after the previous day’s orientation, many still found the course very challenging, and the temperature was turned up a notch or two just to add to the fun.

Apart from the broken-down buggy suffered by one fourball, most things went without a hitch. It was good to see the marshall keeping things moving and allowing members to play through the slower players in front.

The winner of the individuals was Terry Bright, who recorded a decent score given the course.


Seven of us attended the ‘Knock-up’ match at El Bosquet and, sadly, as the Spanish Club Barbo had already booked pegs 1 to 30, we had to fish from peg 34 to 40. We were expecting a decent day, reports of nice carp being caught during the week and Dave Hutchinson (Hutch) had around 30 carp from the peg I drew – peg 39…..Big Matt Drewery had a few on the Saturday and when I (yours truly) landed a nice 3kg 100 gramme carp after just 12 minutes from the “all-in” whistle, I thought I was in for a good day’s fishing and 6 hours later, I gladly blew the “all-out” whistle! That nice carp was my only fish of the day and was good enough for 2nd on the day and the runners-up brown envelope was in my pocket.

Peg 36 sat our resident 'Mutt and Jeff’ Cockney Geezer, Bill Cannon and he did have a decent day and had 9 fish for a total of 5kg 380grammes and that was enough to slip the winners brown envelope into his skyrocket.

Marlene Hutchinson drew end peg 34 and her hubby, Dave drew the peg next to her, peg 35. She looked mighty pleased back in ‘our pub’ The Dog and Firkin (Catral) where

All in all, a great time was had by all travellers. Thanks to the organisers and their wives for making it a successful event. Now it’s back to Campoamor and looking forward to our Captain’s Day on October 5th.

she was handed the 3rd place brown envelope for her weight of 2kg 600grammes.

I won’t repeat what she thought of hubby Hutch when he suggested that she slips the prize money into HIS wallet. Hutch? You gotta catch to have any remote chance of a brown envelope mi’ duck!

The 4th spot went to the Juggernaut, John Havercroft. He (Juggers) obtained that name when he steamrollered us all when he won 5 matches on the bounce “Can anyone stop the Juggernaut?”

Juggers weight of 1kg 750 grammes from end peg 40 was a shock to most of us. Peg 40 is a very favoured peg and has, on many occasions, produced cracking weights.

That leaves Big Matt, Hutch and the author of “3 SS’s (Shower, S**t and Shave)” and the sequel “S**t”-man of few words is the ‘Professor’ Roy Dainty……all three have them had the dreaded ”SFA” next to their names.

Again, we thank the Dog and Firkin for our ‘after match chip butties’ – they are very much appreciated by the ‘fatso’s’ who dive in like piranhas in a fish filled pond. Steve Higgins.


More than 35 countries from around the world have already applied to take part in THE WORLD CUP FOR WALKING FOOTBALL, due to be held in Torrevieja, in October 2025.

The handing over of the games from the UK, where it was held last year, to Spain, was officially carried out at the venue for the event, the Sport’s City, in Torrevieja.

Paul Carr, Chairman of FIWFA met with the Councillor for Sport, Diana Box, along with event organisers Mark Coleman and Mark Kavanagh to launch the games for 2025.

The organisers were also celebrating the announcement of the tournament sponsor ‘Desire properties’.

Owner of the Costa Blanca business Krisztian says:

"We are beyond excited to announce that Desire Properties will be the main sponsor of the 2025 Walking Football World Championship in Torrevieja!

“This amazing event will bring together teams from countries around the world across four different gender and age categories. As

the main sponsor, it's an honour and a huge responsibility to support both the Spanish national team and the organizing committee in creating a competition where fair play and the joy of football at any age are the top priorities”.

The bid to host the games in Spain was won by two ex-pat enthusiasts, originally from the UK but living on the Costa Blanca, who were determined to bring the games to Spain after the inaugural games in the UK

last year when England won the over 50’s and 60’s cups with Spain coming fourth overall.

Mark Kavanagh, and Mark Coleman, both aged 58, have been playing and coaching Walking Football and have now won the bid to host the games for more than 60 countries around the world.

The pair have coached at semi-professional and professional level with Youth teams and academy profes-

sional level in the UK.

The World Cup of Nations event is held every two years, the first one being held in the UK at St George’s Park in Burton on Trent last year.

Next year ‘Team Spain’ will enter teams in the over 50’s and 60’s and women over 40. The age groups include 50’s, 60’s and 70’s for men and 40’s, 50’s and 60’s for women.

Organiser and campaigner Mark Kavanagh says: “This is a dream come true – we cannot believe we are bringing the World Cup of Nations and more than 35 countries to Torrevieja here on the Costa Blanca. We simply love the game and wanted to bring the sport to as many people as possible – this puts us firmly on the map”.

As well as coaching Team Spainwhich includes both Spanish and British players – Kavanagh and Coleman will be creating a team to organise the event which will bring thousands of people into the area at the end of holiday season, worth millions of euros to the local economy. Many aspects of the tournament are still available for sponsorshipanyone interested should contact Mark at


On a day when Hercules CF first team were preparing to do battle against Real Murcia on the adjoining Rico Perez stadium, Thader maintained their unbeaten start to a new Community league season. A normally spartan crowd inside Deportiva Antonio Valls,was swelled by a large number of Hercules fans who had gathered to watch the first team,which was due to kick off over 3 hours later.

Tremino shot from an acute angle,which scraped the angle of post and bar.

Raul Mora elected to make 3 changes to the side that beat Eldense ´B´ the previous week. Out went Amine,Kone and Maya,to be replaced by Lloyd, Philip and Berni. Inside 2 mins,Chema was forced to make an important save to deny Angel opening the scoring for the hosts.Less than a minute later,they did have the ball in Thader´s net,but it was quickly chalked off for an infringement.On 17 mins,

Lloyd came to his sides rescue on 25 mins,when his 2 firm block tackles thwarted dangerous Hercules assaults on goal. Diaz,Hercules lanky Peter Crouch clone (plus long hair) should have put his team in the driving seat on the half hour mark,but he headed wide with the goal at his mercy.As frustration set in,a number of skirmishes developed,resulting in a number of players from both sides being shown yellow cards. As in the 1st half,Chema came to his side´s rescue after the break,this time denying Sergio, whose firm drive was suitably dealt with by Thader´s agile keeper.

Having previously missed a sitter,Diaz headed against the bar, before heading the rebound wide of a crestfallen Chema,to put the hosts one up on 57 mins. A Lloyd speciality long range

free kick on the hour mark,was tipped away for a corner by the hosts custodian,Lujan.

Parity was restored on 72 minutes,when a high pumped through ball found the unmarked Fran,who fired home with conviction from 10 yards. It appeared that Serhiy was unfairly bundled over in the hosts penalty area on 82 mins, but alas,the match referee was unimpressed,allowing play to continue.Deep into stoppage time,Hercules almost stole a vic-


Betis Florida 2

C.D.Montesinos 2

To say that this was a "game of two halves" just about sums it up.

The Monte faithful once again travelled, and as the game started, there were more of "us" than "them" on a decent ground in the Alicante city centre.

The first 25 minutes were very even although Monte lost their captain, Goku, with an abductor problem and he was replaced by Ruz as manager Willy reshuffled his defence.

tory,and would have,had Hugo not headed the wrong side of Chema´s far post.

On Sun 29 Sep,Thader will be playing UD Carcaixent (try pronouncing that if you can!!) inside Moi Gomez stadium,Rojales. Normally it would be an 11.30am ko,but there is a possibility that this may change to a later start.Therefore,it is advised to visit CD Thader facebook page for updates on this, and other Thader related issues.

However, rather than put the visitors on the back foot they had established a two goal lead by half time through Abdul and then Luis Carlos, and were looking very comfortable.

Unfotunately, matters changed within seconds of the restart with the home side pulling it back to 1-2.

The equaliser, when it arrived, was a gift to Betis as Monte’s centre half and goalkeeper appeared to leave the high ball to each other with it bouncing off a Betis Florida forward and into the net.

Despite his late misjudgement, Monte keeper Pablo was awarded Man of the Match.

Mark Kavanagh, Cllr Diana Box, Paul Carr, Mark Coleman, Robbie Burns
Celebrating Fran’s short range equaliser after 72 minutes.

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