The Leader Newspaper Edition 809

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D O YOU WANT TO S E LL YOU R P R OP E RTY? NO SALE - NO FE E Tel: +3 4 617 537 8 6 6 No 809

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020

Tel: 637 227 385

or email: property@spanishrivier

Find the answers to your CORONAVIRUS CONCERNS on pages 10 & 11, or follow the Coronavirus link at


ationally Spain has registered 674 new deaths in the 24 hours to Sunday, 135 less than the previous day.


It is the lowest number of victims in nine days and also the

first time in that period to record under 800 deaths.

7,452 on the previous two days.

The total deceased has risen to 12,418. Contagions rose to 130,759, with 6,023 new infections in the previous 24 hours, falling from 7,062 and

58,744 people have needed hospitalization and 38,080 have been discharged. While Spain reached a grim

milestone this weekend as the number of cases overtook those of Italy the reduction in figures are also raising hopes that the country is passing the peak of its outbreak. Continued on Page 2


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


Sunday's daily death toll is the lowest in 10 days, and the first time since 26 March that fewer than 700 people have died in a one-day period.

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637 227 385 E-mail Website Journalists 600 228 616 The Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader, its publishers, members of staff and its agents do not accept responsibility for claims by advertisers nor can it be held responsible for any errors in advertisements which are reproduced from poor artwork, low quality electronic data or inadequate instructions for text or other layout features. Further no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused by an error, inaccuracy or non-appearance of any advertisement, although all advertisements produced are checked prior to insertion. We regret that we cannot accept responsibility for more than ONE incorrect insertion and that no re-publication will be granted in the case of typographical or minor changes which do not affect the value of the advertisement. E&OE. NO PART OF THIS NEWSPAPER MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE PUBLISHERS.


8,102 infected

950 deaths


7,452 infected

932 deaths


7,062 infected

809 deaths


6,023 infected

674 deaths

The slower pace of deaths and new cases is offering hope that the outbreak may be edging toward a peak. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said the country was on the verge of reversing the virus expansion curve in the next few days but needs to reduce the contagion “even further”. On Saturday afternoon the Prime Minister also extended the ‘lockdown’ to 26 April but he was forced to make concessions before he was able to get support from the opposition. With the combination of the long, strict lockdown and the service sector making up the lion’s share of the country’s GDP, Spain’s economic future was looking increasingly grim. In March alone, the country saw the same sort of job loss as it did in the worst 100 days of the financial crisis. So after discussion with PP and other opposition leaders the proposed extension of the state of alarm will


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not apply the same stringent measures announced by Sánchez last Saturday that suspended all non-essential activity until Thursday April 9. That means that non-public-facing industry will be able to go back to work after Easter. All other measures will continue to be applied however with Sanchez saying yesterday “that the restrictions were saving lives". Meanwhile in the last 24 hours Valencia has recorded a further 41 deaths and there are 283 new cases of coronavirus, 117 people have been discharged from hospital. Saturday figures were 60 deaths and 277 new cases. However the Valencia Region ends the week with more than 7,000 cases and over 600 deaths from coronavirus. This puts the latest number of positives at 7,184 and 613 deaths. In the last 24 hours according to the Minister of Health, Ana Barceló, 283 new cases have been detected and 41 more people have died. The majority of infections are in the province of Valencia, 146, followed by Alicante with 68 new cases and 65 in Castellón. The total number of cases since the pandemic started in the Region shows that 3,701 people have tested positive in Valencia, 2,627 in Alicante and 852 in Castellón. The number of deaths also continues to increase, 41

in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number to 613: 284 in Valencia, 263 in Alicante and 64 in Castellón. The pressure on hospitals eased slightly, with 76 fewer people admitted to Valencian hospitals than on the previous day with the occupancy of ICUs also decreasing from 70% a few days ago to 63% this Sunday: 1,017 patients are in hospitals in the province of Valencia, 197 of them are in the ICU; 640 are in Alicante hospitals, 140 in ICU; In Castellón there are 244 people in hospital of which 44 of are in the ICU. The number of infected medical staff is 1,179: 513 in Valencia, 510 in Alicante and 156 in Castellón. There 95 nursing homes with confirmed cases of coronavirus, the majority being in the province of Valencia (59), followed by Alicante with 24 affected homes and another 12 in Castellón.

Looking forward to seeing you all again once the ‘lockdown’ is lifted. Keep safe!



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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020

Health Minister shunned the WHO Coronavirus Conference in February

Illa did not attend the summit organised by the WHO in February in Geneva to deal with the coronavirus

The coronavirus was rated "a very serious threat to everyone with a vaccine that would take a further 18 months to develop."

The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, failed to attend the summit held by the the World Health Organization (WHO) during the second week of February to discuss the adoption of measures to deal with the coronavirus worldwide.

"Understanding the disease, its origins, its transmission and clinical severity, and then developing effective measures to combat it is critical to controlling the outbreak, reducing the number of deaths and minimizing the economic impact," said Soumya Swaminathan at the time , chief scientific officer of The OMS.

The seminar was attended by 400 authorities and experts from all over the world and held in Geneva on February 11 and 12. At the forum, Covid-19 and the development of vaccines, treatments and diagnoses were discussed. However, according to the Government's agenda, on February 11, the first day of the coronavirus forum, Salvador Illa was in the plenary session of the Congress of Deputies. It was his only official appointment of that day. On February 12, Minister Illa again attended the Congress and then, in the afternoon, he travelled to Catalonia to visit the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona together with the Catalan Health Minister, Alba Vergés. During those two days, the coronavirus forum discussed different areas of research, such as identifying the origin of the virus as well as exchanging biological samples and data on genetic sequences. A global research program on Covid-19 emerged from the meeting, setting priorities and guiding frameworks for those affected countries.

The forum brought together leading scientists , Public Health organizations, and funding entities involved in research related to Covid19. It was jointly organised with the Global Collaborative Initiative for Infectious Disease Preparedness. It was during these two days when it was christened the coronavirus Covid-19 and baptized as "a common enemy that knows no borders." Spain has already registered more than 10,000 deaths from the pandemic and more than 117,000 are currently infected with coronavirus. By communities, Madrid continues to be the most affected, followed by Catalonia, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, the Basque Country and Andalusia. As a consequence of the high level of deaths, funeral homes are not able to deal with the number of bodies, so several weeks ago the Community of Madrid set up a provisional morgue at the Ice Palace. As the deaths have continued to rise, Madrid opened another morgue. This time, in the City of Justice. Now, on Friday, the Community of Madrid has established a third morgue, located in the Madrid municipality of Majadahonda, also in its Ice Palace, a conditioned infrastructure, in front of the Puerta de Hierro University Hospital, with an area of 1,800 square metres.


e look forward to seeing our loyal customers once again just as soon as the government restrictions imposed because of COVID-19 have been removed. Until then, please keep safe Paul and Dawn



Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


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Contract agreed for construction of La Zenia Emergency Centre


Since its construction was first announced in 2009, this vital infrastructure has been paralysed because of a lack of political interest by the Orihuela municipal government, combined with difficulties with successive governments of Valencia. Excuses have ranged from bankruptcy of the builder to budgetary and planning issues but on Tuesday the spokesman for the government team, José Francisco Aix, finally announced the contract had finally been agreed for the works of the Coastal Emergency Center.

Mayor Monica Lorente covering the time capsule in 2010

This contract has been won by the Orihuela based company DOALCO, SA at a cost of 2,064,690.11 euros with an execution period of six months from the signing to completion of construction. The facility will eventually house the services of the Civil Guard, National Police, Local Police, a SAMU ambulance, firefighters and also forest brigades, who will serve a stable population of more than 30,000 residents, which in summer grows considerably to over 100,000. In order to ensure completion of the project Orihuela council has had to assume the cost of the works after the Generalitat's refusal to carry out the project.

Rojales Mayor Environment to remove old pipeline from Segura river bed commends local pilot


he Councillor for the Environment, Dámaso Aparicio, said that his staff have started to remove a 400 metre long pipe that served to oxygenate the Segura River as it arrives in the Orihuela town centre. The pipe has become loose and is causing innumerable problems by retaining brushwood and other elements that arrive from upstream. Furthermore, as a result of the improvement in water quality in recent years, it was no longer performing any useful purpose. The councillor said that the work which will be coordinated by the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, the Private Water Courts of Orihuela, Callosa and Almoradí, together with the Oriolan Council, will last 3 days and will consist mainly of "the removal of the attachments securing the pipe to the riverbed as well as cutting it into sections and it’s removal.” "The flow of the river will be reduced to allow in machinery so it will not be possible to park in the rear area of the National Police Station next week nor the week after, as the area will be used for the cutting and movement of the pipeline during its transfer to a landfill.” Mosquito control The authorities will also be carrying out fumigation work in the area due to the proliferation of mosquitoes. "CTL Sanidad Ambiental has been awarded the contract which they will undertake at the same time as the removal of the pipeline" the councillor concluded.

By Andrew Atkinson Commander Manuel Navarro Mora of Rojales piloted the Air Force A400M plane that landed on March 30 at the air base of Torrejón de Ardoz carrying a million rapid tests to detect the coronavirus from Shanghai.

Keep safe and we will see you all again when we have beaten the virus. At the moment we are closed until the end of April

By Andrew Atkinson Alex Twidal from Kingston Upon Hull is appealing for anyone who travelled back to Leeds-Bradford airport on Ryanair flight number FR9078 on 20 March, to get themselves tested after 3 of his family members were found to be infected with COVID-19. The passengers were on the flight operated by Ryanair after spending time in Benidorm. "They have come back with coronavirus. Two of them are in hospital - trying to fight it." Alex said: "I honestly cannot tell you how heartbreaking this is for me and the family. "If you were on that flight please get checked out immediately."

The Rojales mayor was quick to praise the Commander, saying: "From the Hon. Rojales City Council we want to recognise the great work he has carried out, particularly in these difficult days. "Commander Manuel Navarro Mora, a resident of Rojales, piloted the Air Force A400M plane that landed on Monday afternoon, at the air base of Torrejón de Ardoz, with a million rapid tests to detect the coronavirus from Shanghai. "Thanks for your work Manuel, you are an inspiration for all your Rojales neighbours." Also, during the coronavirus epidemic lockdown the Ayuntamiento said: "We thank all those people who are also at the foot of the pyramid for their jobs, including the local police, civil protection, medical and all the volunteers. "Those who prepare material to alleviate the progress of COVID19. "And to small businesses and bars and restaurants, that have closed their doors, as a preventive measure. "Giving encouragement to all of you who are at home contributing. Rojales is an example to follow." Meanwhile, in Los Montesinos the Ayuntamiento carried out the second disinfection spraying operation of the week on friday, throughout the town and urbanisation of La Herrada, where the 5,000 population were told to remain inside. Los Montesinos, La Herrada residents Barry and Elaine Butlin reside on La Herrada: "It's important for people stay indoors," said Elaine, who watched the spraying from indoors.



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020

Confinement has no impact on healthy children Doctors and psychologists have said that confinement has no impact on healthy children as long as their parents manage their activities well. Italy has once again allowed children to venture outdoors, despite the objections in some regions, They may venture onto the streets, but remain close to their homes, to take a short walk accompanied by a parent. A few days ago, the President of Aragon, Javier Lambán, asked for a similar measure to be introduced in Spain by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez. It was not successful. Many authoritative voices, such as the authors Silvia Nanclares and Esther Vivas and the university professor César Rendueles, are emphasizing the adult centrism that is applied by the Government, the creation of unnecessary barriers which are directly affecting the millions of children who are still locked up in their homes. The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, was asked why parents could not be allowed to take their children out for a short period of exercise, in much the same way that pet owners are being allowed to do so with their dogs. He was unable to provide a satisfactory answer

10,000 tablets for Valencian students

The Valencian Ministry of Education will distribute 10,000 tablets with an integrated Internet connection to help students who are having difficulty following distance learning from home because they do not possess an electronic device. This measure is part of a global acquisition of devices by the Ministry of Finance, for different areas of the Generalitat. According to Education Minister Marzà: "The equipment for Education will be the property of the institutes as an extraordinary endowment and while this situation lasts they will be used by students who do not have an electronic device or an Internet connection at home", adding "We will send them directly to the homes of each

saying only, “It is important to comply with the measures. If we did not think that they were necessary, we would not do them." “Children are smart, adapt and understand the circumstances,” said Dr María José Mas,

So it seems that despite the advice of experts the political message is clear. With the exception of those with "behavioural problems or autism", Spanish children will continue to be kept in their homes for 24 hours a day. So are we risking their physical and mental health? No, according to other medical authorities and psychologists. “Healthy children, those without financial or emotional deficiencies, will emerge from this period with few scratches,” they say. "If there is an organ that can adapt well, it is the brain. And those brains that will adapt the best are of healthy children," says the doctor, paediatrician and neuropaediatrician María José Mas, a leading authority on neurodevelopment “Children are smart, adapt and understand the circumstances. If the parents manage it with relative calm, so will the children,” he said. student and when the confinement ends they will be required to returned to the educational centres”. Priority will be given to students in the 2nd year of Bachillerato and the 2nd year of the FP training cycles, which are those who are looking toward obtaining a degree. Once these students are suitably equipped, if the centre still has devices, they will be distributed among the ESO students who are in need. In addition, the Ministry will also purchase some 1,700 laptops for the management teams of all public educational centres, so that they can reinforce their distance coordination work with the teachers in their educational centres.

We look forward to seeing all of our loyal customers again, once the state of alarm and restrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. In the meantime keep safe and healthy..



Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


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By Andrew Atkinson The National Police have arrested a man after he was reported to be threatening to SHOOT dog walkers, deemed to be breaking strict regulations in the coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown. The man was escorted away by police in an area of Valencia after he had threatened to shoot dog walkers with an air rifle from a balcony.

Dead turtle found washed up on La Mata Beach

He said that pet owners were extending the time protocol of walking a dog. As reported in The Leader this week fines have been imposed by law breakers, who stray too far from their homes. Authorities have informed people, via media outlets, of the strict distance - and timescale - between 50100 metres from home, for a 10 to 15 minutes dog walk.

Torrevieja’s Department of the Environment found the body of a young loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) on Wednesday that appeared to be stranded in the central area of ??La Mata beach. The specimen, about 45 cm. shell length, was found by the beach cleaning team of the Department of Beaches.

The Police arrest a man threatening to shoot dog walkers during COVID-19.

Policia arrest after threat to SHOOT dog walkers breaking COVID-19 laws However there are many dog walkers who still break the law, despite being advised by authorities for their own safety to limit their activities. Police are active and have stopped dog walkers, asking for the relevant canine

paperwork and home address, to check if they are abiding by the rules. Amazingly dog walkers were still out on March 30 – having received strict instructions to remain at home - during disinfection spraying being undertaken within

regions. Ayuntamientos in the Alicante region announced measures recently, with bottles and poo bags available for the spraying and collecting of dog faeces, provided for free.

Unfortunately the turtle was deceased and following inspection by Council personnel it was removed from the beach. It’s state of decomposition was such that an autopsy for analysis was not viable. On the same beach the cleaning team also recovered the corpse of a ringed Audouin's gull, which was handed over to the Department of the Environment. The deaths of these animals occurred following days of strong waves and storms. Despite the current State of Alarm, the protocol for stranded sea turtles and cetaceans is still active in the Valencian Community by calling 112, although transfers have been reduced to a minimum.

Los Montesinos Council present ‘COVID-19 Aid Plan’ By Andrew Atkinson


Los Montesinos Council has presented the ‘COVID-19 Aid Plan’, after a working commission was created and validated by the local Government team.

The provision of essential services and the implementation of communication channels with citizens, including information on social networks and a specific Municipal website related to COVID-19.

"We wanted to take into account three aspects that we consider essential at the moment.

Guaranteeing the means for staff to continue working telematically and preparing a new leisure, fun and healthy offer, from the areas of Parties and Sports.

"Serving and protecting those who are most vulnerable right now, proposing measures that revitalise the economy, by focusing on the business fabric, and also on citizens, and adapting public services to continue working for Los Montesinos," said Mayor Butrón. Mayor Butron also highlighted the work being carried out by the Municipal staff - listed as Essential Services - such as Local Police, Cleaning, Maintenance or Social Services. The document, which includes more than 40 measures, works in three strategic lines: protection of people, economic stimulus and adaptation of public services. The measures include a call for aid, so that the population left in a more vulnerable situation due to the health crisis, can cover their basic expenses for food, housing, pharmacy and energy supply. The programme 'Like healthy-eats in house', whereby menus will be provided at home to the elderly, dependents. A full list of details is available from the Ayuntamiento de Los Montesinos website. It also contemplates the actions (up to 15) that have been developed to adapt public services to the state of alarm, such as the purchase of PPE, disinfections, completed throughout the Municipal

The mayor with the councillor for Local Development, Ana Belén

Mayor Butrón, thanked the effort being made by the entire staff of the Los Montesinos Council "to adapt resources and continue to provide a public service that is even more necessary at this time, if possible." The Mayor highlighted Work Commission, promoted by the first deputy mayor and councillor for Local Development, Ana Belén Juárez, which is also made up of AEDL by Social Services personnel. The councillor of Local Development and Development emphasised the need to reactivate the local economy, so that the measures we propose have a wide scope within our competences. And that we are not left alone in a gesture - as shown by the lowering of the IBI coefficient - but we are willing to favour with forceful measures the business fabric and the liquidity of people, so that we can recover as soon as possible from the consequences of this health crisis," she said. Work that Social Services are usually carrying out, with people who were already being cared for, continues to be provided. The COVID-19 Assistance Plan includes extraordinary measures, for those families who have been

seriously affected by the state of alarm. "We are working with an eye towards all vulnerable people: elderly, dependent, with special needs, women victims of gender violence, single-parent and large families. "We will be attentive to where the need arises and we intend to be quick and effective to respond, especially during the alarm state. "For all of them we are going to get extraordinary emergency aid, whose bases are already being completed jointly by the AEDL and the Department of Social Services. "With which social welfare is going to be guaranteed, as well as we are reinforcing home help services.

"To protect the elderly and dependents, so that they remain confined, so that this ends as soon as possible. "And creating new measures, such as the agreement with restaurants that serve a daily menu at home. "We have also launched psychological care, via online and telephone, that can be accessed by anyone who needs it," said the Councillor for Social Services, Nathalie Dubi. The Mayor concluded his presentation of the Aid Plan COVID-19, encouraging the Work Commission to focus on developing these measures, so that in a short time, they can be a support for citizens and the business community.



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


April treat for stargazers April will include the 1st meteor shower for months The night sky has a lot in store for us for the month of April. Grab your telescopes and start making plans for a night in your backyard. Springtime stargazers will have plenty to look forduring April, ranging from a meteor shower to a rare opportunity to see a comet. The wide variety of astronomical events this month will be great for people looking to spend some time outside under the night sky, including families with young children, as they will not require any special equipment apart from a blanket, warm clothes and a clear sky.

2. Lyrid meteor shower

much brighter in the coming weeks.

When: April 21-22 April 22 is known around the world as Earth Day, and the global event will kick off with a light show from Mother Nature as the Lyrid meteor shower reaches its peak.

Around the same time, a newly released photo revealed a stunning view of Jupiter like we’ve never seen it before. The image was captured by the Juno spacecraft which is orbiting the solar system’s largest planet.

This is the first major meteor shower since January and will bring 15 to 20 shooting stars per hour on the night of April 21 into the early hours of April 22. This year will be a particularly good year for the “Earth Day meteor shower” as it occurs on a moonless night, meaning darker skies for onlookers. “If predictions are correct, Comet ATLAS might reach a visual magnitude of +5 around May 1, 2020. That is theoretically bright enough to be seen with the eye, but the fuzziness of faint comets can make them harder to spot than comparably bright stars,” Earthsky explained on their website.

Here are the top three astronomy events to look for in April: 1. Super Pink Moon When: April 7-8

“To spot the comet, look in the northern sky. It is not far from the Big and Little Dippers,” AccuWeather Astronomy Blogger Dave Samuhel said. “These meteors are best seen from the Northern Hemisphere where the radiant is high in the sky at dawn,” the American Meteor Society explained on their website. “Activity from this shower can be seen from the Southern Hemisphere, but at a lower rate.”

Comet ATLAS is projected to make its closest approach to Earth on May 23, followed by its closest approach to the sun on May 31. Looking back at March On March 19 at 11:50 p.m., winter transitioned to spring across the Northern Hemisphere during the earliest March equinox since 1896. Hours later, just before sunrise, early risers were

The moon will be the main feature in the night sky during the first full week of April as it will be the biggest and brightest supermoon of 2020.

If you miss the Lyrids you will only have to wait about two weeks for the next chance to see a meteor shower, with the Eta Aquarids set to peak during the first full week of May.

The supermoon will rise on the night of April 7, glowing all night long, and will be bright enough to cast shadows onto the ground.

3. Comet ATLAS

Although it will appear slightly bigger and brighter than normal, the difference will be subtle and it may be difficult for the average observer to notice.

A newly discovered comet will soon make a splash in the night sky as it grows brighter throughout April, potentially becoming bright enough to see with the naked eye by the end of the month.

April’s full moon is also known as the Pink Moon, but contrary to its name, the moon will not appear pink. Instead, it has been given this nickname due to the phlox, a perennial plant that blooms in April with pink flowers.

When: Late April

Comet ATLAS, also known as Comet C/2019 Y4, was discovered on Dec. 28, 2019, by astronomers using the Asteroid Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) in Hawaii. It is still too dim to see without a telescope, but it is expected to get

treated to a celestial alignment as the crescent moon fell in line with Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Mercury in the morning sky.

The Earth as seen by the GOES-East weather satellite on March 19, 2020. (NOAA) At the beginning of March, NASA announced that it was accepting applications for the astronaut program that would fly on future trips to space. This includes the possibility of being on one of the upcoming trips to the moon in the 2020s. A few days later, the space agency announced the name of the next visitor being sent to the Red Planet. The Mars 2020 rover was officially given the name Perseverance, chosen from a nationwide student competition. Perseverance was once of 28,000 name entries and was proposed by an elementary school student from Virginia.


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


637 227 385



GO TO: and follow the Coronavirus link

These are the recommendations that you should follow if you have a mild case of COVID-19 and need to go into self isolation Please ensure that you and your co-habitants follow these basic guidlines.

Place of isolation - Ensure you have access to a phone Stay at home, avoid leaving the room. Keep it ventilated with the door closed.

Keep a distance of at least 2 metres with your co-habitants

Avoid receiving visits at home.

Use your own bathroom or if you share it should be disinfected before others use it.

Keep your own sanitary and hygienic products in the room

Keep a pedal bin in the room for your waste

All waste products should be disposed of in the plastic bag and placed inside the pedal bin. It should be tied and placed inside a 2nd bag before throwing it away Preventing the spread of the virus

When sneezing or coughing use paper napkins

Discard of the napkin in the pedal bin

Wash you hands thoroughly with soap and water

Don’t share personal items and utensils such as towels, plates, cups, glasses, utensils, toothbrush

Care Providers

Wear gloves at all times when dealing with the patient

Wash hands after contact even if wearing gloves

The caregiver must be healthy, take no unnecessary risks and self monitor/check for symptoms, regularly


Always wear a mask if going into common areas or if someone enters the room and wash your hands when leaving

Clean frequently touched surfaces, bathroom and toilet daily with disposable cloth, bleach (1 part to 99) and water, or approved cleaning agent. Wash hands thoroughly when finished

Wear a mask when in the same room

Use a dishwasher or wash up with hot water

Do not shake clothing. Put in an airtight bag. Always wash your hands.

Wash clothes at 60-90 degrees and dry thoroughly

If the patient deteriorates call 112. If the caregiver or any of the occupants show symptoms don’t go to the Health Centre. In C/Valencia call 900 300 555, C/Murcia call 900 121 212



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Go to and follow the Coronavirus link Will I see Army on the streets?

Can I take the dog out?

Can I go out?

Yes. The army is carrying out disinfection tasks. They will also be able to intervene to guarantee the safety of people and workers who cannot stay at home, carry out urgent transport tasks or provide medical care in the medical facilities.

The answer is yes. Going for a walk with the dog is one of the permitted occasions that you may leave the house during the period ofquarantine. However it must be done individually. You should not walk more than 100 metres from your home or stay out for more than 10 minutes, clean up dog mess and always take care of avoiding contact with other people.

The order is clear: we must stay home. However, circulation, although controlled, is allowed. We can to go shopping to chemists and supermarkets, go to health centres, go to work and return home if deemed to be an emergency worker, attend to the elderly, minors, dependents, vulnerable or disabled persons, both mental and physical, go to the bank and go out for reasons of force majeure.

Yes, in fact they certainly will. The security forces will only allow travel if the person goes to work, to buy necessities, goes to the doctor urgently or other reasons that can be justified. Ensure you have id, passport etc

Can I use Public Transport? Yes. Public transportation is an essential service. All passengers using it will have to comply with strict disinfection regulations. The buses will continue to operate. Transport that is not subject to a public contract (VTC) will reduce its operations to half.

Can I drive? Vehicles can only be used to carry out the activities allowed during the quarantine period, such as going to the doctor, the supermarket or traveling to the workplace. However, law enforcement agencies are authorised to close roads, entrances and tracks if they deem it appropriate. Private vehicle only one person (exceptions for illness, disability, pax must sit in back on opp side to driver) - Taxi only one customer (or exception) Company vehicle can carry workers up to 1/3 of its capacity and with 1 metre distance between passengers. If breached, the vehicle will be immobilised until satisfactory adjustments are made.

Can I take out the rubbish? Can I go running? No. It is completely prohibited to practice sports outdoors. The measure has been taken due to the large influx of athletes who have so far gathered in parks, promenades and other community areas.

Yes. No action taken by the Ministry of Health states otherwise. Of course, as we have clarified before, individually and maximizing precautions to avoid spreading the virus.

Can I travel? Can I go to work? You cannot go to work unless you are employed in one of the sectors deemed to be ‘essential’ by the government following the announcement by the Prime Minister on Saturday.

Can I visit friends or relatives? No. The aim of government measures is to avoid all possible contact between people to prevent the spread of the virus. It is of little use to stop meetings in public places but to allow them in secret. Family members cannot be visited either unless they are elderly, dependent, disabled or vulnerable. Preventive measures must be strictly maintained. Stay home as much as possible.

Going on holiday is completely prohibited due to the current situation in the country. All organised trips must be canceled or postponed until the end of the quarantine period. Travel is only allowed under special circumstances.

Can I get married? Can I go to bars? No, and in addition, the hospitality businesses will remain closed. They can only continue operating if they have home delivery service and always complying with the security measures established by the Spanish Government.

Can I go to the cinema? All leisure, cultural and sports activities are closed. You cannot go to the cinema, the theatre, football matches, or suchlike. All concerts and fiestas are also suspended until further notice including Easter, Las Fallas, and any other festive event due to the massive gatherings of people they involve.

Yes, but with many restrictions. The celebration of weddings, baptisms, communions and / or funerals is very limited. Gatherings of people will not be allowed, nor the organisation of banquets. If you marry it will only be in the presence of the officiant and the witnesses and no kisses or hugs will be allowed.


Could I run out of food? No. The supply of the supermarkets is assured and shopping is allowed, as long as you go individually and follow the measures established by the State. Gatherings of people are forbidden and the security personnel at the supermarkets will control the situations to avoid crowding.

Can the police request reasons for me being out?

Could roads be closed off? Yes. The Ministry of the Interior is authorised to close off roads if it deems it necessary to control the spread of COVID-19. Road travel is allowed as long as the reason is related to work or some other cause of force majeure, such as going to the chemist or visiting a relative at risk.

If these virus containment measures are not followed during the state of emergency, the Government may sanction those who fail to comply with penalties of up to 600,000 euros or even prison


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


637 227 385




ANSWERS Week 808

ACROSS 1. Visage (4) 3. Spray (8) 8. Strong wind (4) 9. Resonant (8) 11. Supreme (12) 13. Deviated (6) 14. Inspire (6) 17. Arrogant (12) 20. Courageous (8) 21. Search (4) 22. Border (8) 23. Cattle-shed (4) CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

DOWN 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 12. 15. 16. 18. 19.

Refugee (8) Compare (7) Sham (6) Excessive (10) Familiar (5) Otherwise (4) Evaluation (10) Practical (8) Vindication (7) Referee (6) Proportion (5) Quarrel (4)

QUICK ACROSS: 1 Guttersnipe; 9 Opinion; 10 Bathe; 11 Sleek; 12 Overlap; 13 Guilty; 15 Eclair; 18 Macabre; 20 Enact; 22 Noise; 23 Invader; 24 Refrigerate. DOWN: 2 Unite; 3 Trinket; 4 Random; 5 Noble; 6 Patella; 7 Consignment; 8 Respiratory; 14 Incline; 16 Cleaver; 17 Vexing; 19 Blear; 21 Audit. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 1 Flag-officer; 9 Lineage; 10 North; 11 Emend; 12 Acclaim; 13 Cutter; 15 Reason; 18 Talents; 20 Revue; 22 Orbit; 23 Breathe; 24 Typewriters. DOWN: 2 Lance; 3 Grandee; 4 Foeman; 5 Ionic; 6 Ear-caps; 7 Altercation; 8 Chemin de fer; 14 Tallboy; 16 Earnest; 17 Isobar; 19 Nitre; 21 Voter.

ACROSS 1 Girl finds the right changing-hut (4) 3. Own-goal in tie made collectively (8) 8. A side of meat, perhaps (4) 9. Somehow lap drink to friendship (8) 11. Barnum and Bailey at university in London (6,6) 13. Money on account leads to stress (6) 14. Barbara Windsor? (6) 17. Concentrate on a petty nation's troubles (3,9) 20. Horserace you could put a grand on (8) 21. The French ship carries a smaller amount (4) 22. To rag Ted about getting killed (8) 23. Dust gathers on the farm (4)

L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. ‘It was love at first sight. The first time Yossarian saw the chaplain he fell madly in love with him.’ were the opening lines of which famous 20th century novel? 2. In the traditional rhyme, ‘The Twelve days of Christmas’, how many lords are 'a-leaping'? 3. Barbara Hulanicki founded which iconic fashion store in the 1960s? 4. In which Asian country did the colour of the post boxes change, entirely logically, from red to green during 1997? 6. Ragley Hall, the seat of the Marquess of Hertford, is in which English county? 7. Add together the numbers found opposite 13 and 15 on a dartboard. Which prime number do you get? 8. On the first day of which month does World AIDS day annually take place? 9. The Eclipse Stakes and The Brigadier Gerard Stakes are run at which English racecourse? 10. Which two-letter abbreviation is used in The

DOWN 1. A tailor being confused about first names is logical (8) 2. Trade in vehicles? (7) 4. Time the backward company got forward (6) 5. English tennis is confused with art but it provides amusement (10) 6. Back the upper-class Indian (5) 7. Religious instruction at church for the well-off (4) 10. Turn the boat around and make things happen (5,5) 12. Was Rudolf an alcoholic? (3-5) 15. Nuclear weapon I had found in the river (7) 16. Bombard Peter with concealed terrorist rifles initially (6) 18. Current peak for a performer (5) 19. Comfortable about weapons (4)

( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) Netherlands for a public limited company? 11. Which artist of the Dutch golden age painted ‘Self Portrait as a Lutenist’ and ‘The Feast of St. Nicholas’? 12. Which year is known, in the context of the Roman Empire, as The Year of the 6 Emperors? 13. By which ecclesiastical name was Bolton Wanderers F.C. known upon formation in 1874? 14. Which two-letter abbreviation is used in Germany for a public limited company? 15. Long-term cryopreservation of biological tissue typically involves cooling to -196C, which is the boiling point of the liquid form of which element? 16. Melodifestivalen, an annual pop music extravaganza, takes place in which country? 17. In Greek mythology, which son of Atreus was murdered by Clytemnestra upon his return from the Trojan war?



637 227 385

It’s good to [small] talk


very day we listen attentively to people of wisdom and exceptional command of language on radio and TV, as we are fed news from around the world. Documentaries and programmes on how everything under the sun works will amaze and whet our interest in the wonders of the universe. Words of wisdom from the likes of GBS, Carl Marx, Winston Churchill or Yogi Berra are lodged in our heads and will continue to stand the test of time and be used in conversation for as long as people wish to partake of the human need to exchange thoughts and ideas. Each one of us, from time to time, will have come out with some line in the course of conversation and that might even be remembered by others. However, it will come as no surprise to anyone to learn that most of our conversation is made up of nothing more than ‘small talk’. The man in Mullingar will tell you ‘it isn’t a bad day’, or the lady in the La Zenia shop will equally inform you as to something you already know, ‘mucho calor.’ Some people claim that small talk is just so meaningless that it should be bypassed and we all ‘cut to the chase.’ I totally disagree. Small talk should always precede ‘big talk’ – just like the player having a warm up before a game of squash. It is a way of putting people at their ease. It makes people more comfortable in each other’s company, before jumping into the serious business or establishing common ground.

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


Despite all the advances in technological instant messages, small talk still remains the most essential ingredient in social interaction, Facebook can deliver a line to hundreds of your ‘friends’ at the touch of a button, but this connection has nothing in common with seeing the whites of your friends eyes, or the hint of a smile breaking out over something you just said. Research actually shows (and no surprise here) that more small talk makes people happier. It benefits those with introverted tendencies even more so. Small talk has often been denigrated as the lowest form of speech and the greatest waste of time. This column is a promoter of small talk. (Ah Lads, I have no control over the size of my brain – so lay off!) In the ballrooms of the long ago, if you couldn’t open the dance floor conversation with, ‘do you come here often’, where then would you start? And when you asked if she was enjoying the dance, was she supposed to just answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’, instead of the extra few words in the line, ‘it’s a bit rough’? Would a dentist be doing his job better if he decided to cut out nonessential verbals and approached his patient, pliers held out at the ready? No, silence at this juncture would not be a reassuring factor, but on the contrary give the impression of something alarming and threatening. Would the barman be more efficient at his job if he announced to his customers, ‘OK, cut out this rubbish and just tell me what you want’? There is a strange and unpleasant tension when men face each other in silence. ‘Wasn’t that some goal that John Heslin scored against Meath’, is neither informative, useful or new as an opening line in a conversation and is therefore small talk – but God Almighty, wouldn’t it be a drab and colourless existence we were to get so uppity as to cease indulging in ‘the lowest form of speech’?

‘How’s it going’? ‘Ah, not too bad at all.’ That popular exchange has no worth whatsoever – other than its primary function of being either an ice-breaker, or two people being socially minded. Small talk plays a pleasurable and binding role in the art of social intercourse. It weaves the social fabric around our friendships and helps us to fit in with strangers. ‘Gossip’ should not be regarded as being beneath us either: It is, after all, just mostly small talk – or social talk about social dynamics. Coronavirus is depriving us of most of our fix of small talk and I miss it. Conversations are all extremely serious these days. I for one am looking forward to the day when we can once again meet on the street and indulge in our favourite pastime of 'small talk.' Don’t Forget Talk is cheap because the supply always exceeds the demand. *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.

Hours are subject to change


Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.

Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99.

Meetings are currently postponed during the current crisis. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020

s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. ...currently postponed Royal Air Force Association Costa

Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at:

Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15


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am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.


Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, massage, erotica, speaks English 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Linda. Blonde mature lady. Torrevieja. Soft hands. Massage with happy ending. 634 300 074.

Gardening Lantana - A multitude of colour in your garden

Lantanas are a fabulous choice to attract butterflies and hummingbirds/hummingmoths to the garden, with various butterfly varieties starting to appear at this time of year. Lantana - common name Wild Sage - is a scrambling, thorny, evergreen shrub, that can grow over 2 metres wide, if clambering through other plants like honeysuckle for support, with a multitude of colours. A native plant to tropical regions of the Americas and Africa, Lantana exists in areas worldwide - and in abundance in Spain. Growing and care of the Lantana plant is easy, and can be grown in the garden, or in containers. Trailing varieties can also be grown in hanging

baskets. Lantana thrive in a sunny location, planted in well-drained soil. And, although tolerant of most soil conditions, they prefer a slightly acidic soil. Mulching increases acidity levels. Lantana, newly planted, require frequent watering; however, once established, require little maintenance and are tolerant of dry conditions in Spain. Encourage Lantana re-blooming, by dead-heading regularly. Cut-back overgrown plants, up to a third of their growth, in Spring. Lantana leaves have been found to have antimicrobial, fungicidal and insecticidal properties. And is a plant in many Costa Blanca gardens used to alleviate mosquitoes! Lantana has been used in traditional herbal medicines, for treating a variety of ailments, including leprosy, rabies, chicken pox, measles, asthma and ulcers. Caution is required when growing Lantana, due to leaves and seeds being toxic. The unripe, green berries can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, dilated pupils and laboured respiration - if ingested - and the leaves may cause dermatitis. GARDEN FELIX Los Montesinos. We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed movement put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, is lifted. Keep safe. Felix, Garden Felix.

Lantana Camara, also known as Shrub Verbena, a small perennial evergreen which grow to 3-4 ft tall



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


The annual donation is from funds that are collected by the members during the year and is separate to the Food & Toiletries donation that are made annual at Christmas, which were to Reach Out and the Soup Kitchen in December 2019. The branch shipmates are proud to maintain in a small way the naval tradition of welfare and support for those that are in peril or less fortunate. MABS Cancer Support Fundación

The Royal Naval Association Torrevieja branch at their AGM on 4th March 2020 continued with their ethos to support charities by making a financial donation this year to the MABS Charity (Cancer), Reach Out Charity (Homeless & Needy) and AFA Torrevieja (Alzheimer Charity). Every year at the RNA Torrevieja Branch’s AGM the members vote on which charities are to receive the annual financial donation, which are to be different charities from the previous year. The list of Nominated Charities put forward by the members must include local charities.

The donation presentation was made on the 11th March 2020 outside their shop (see photo) in San Javier to Mike Downie, the MABS Area Co-ordinator by the RNA Torrevieja Branch ViceChairman Danny Kay and Branch Secretary Margaret Forshaw and branch members Rose Kay and Maureen Jenkins. The MABS Cancer Support Fundación San Javier group aim is to help all people affected by cancer through various methods including information and practical support, including providing residential support for cancer patients in need of Respite or Hospice Care in a shared facility. The group has supporters and branches from Valencia to Murcia and is entirely supported by dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers and through generous sponsorship, fundraising activities and financial and physical donations, including good condition home domestic appliances and heavy furniture, which are sold through their shop. Further information on supporting or utilising the charity can be obtained by phoning General Enquiries: 615 016 035 or Patient Helpline: 693 275 779 or


tional resources, organisations and individuals which enables the charity to provide meals for the homeless and food parcels for families. At Christmas in addition to food they provide a Special Pack to the homeless which includes such items as gloves, hat, scarf and socks. Part of their service is providing Hot Meals/Showers/Laundry Facilities to the homeless & needy and on average they feed 45 individuals twice a day, which equates to over 17,000 meals a year with an average cost of €1300 per person/per year. They help anyone in need, irrespective of race, creed or status and have also worked with international population in Spain (Americans, Italians etc). The number of homeless increases on average by 10% year, however January & February 2020 has seen a marked increase in these numbers. With no financial support from the local or national government they are totally dependent on donations and sponsorship from organisations and individuals, to whom they are incredibly grateful. Further information on supporting or utilising the charity can be obtained at, email; or by phoning 965 71 3063. AFA Torrevieja Association Alzheimer de Familiares/Amigo de Torrevieja The donation presentation was made on the 13th March 2020 outside their facility in Torrevieja to Mario de Jesús Céspedes Villa who is one of the Vocal of the AFA Torrevieja by the RNA Torrevieja Branch Chairman Tony Jenkins, Vice-Chairman Danny Kay and Branch Secretary Margaret Forshaw along with branch members Rose Kay and Maureen Jenkins. As a non-profit association, declared in the public interest to improve the quality of life of those with Alzheimer’s and those effected by other primary dementias and neurodegenerative illness associated with old age, they are also dedicated to represent those with Alzheimer’s and their relatives before the government and other institutions. The AFA Torrevieja secure facilities provides a light and airy feel and are located within Torrevieja at what used to be the old train station and although their service and support is primarily aimed at their patrons it also benefits the patron’s families. There are many aspects to their services and along with information and advice for families they also provide Social programs, Dining area, Transport, Home help and Family respite. Mario Villa de Jesus Cespedes, who has been with the association for 7 years, said “the Junta Directiva including the 7 Vocal (Board of Directors) are proud of the service they provide to the community and especially of their dedicated, caring and passionate staff”. AFA Torrevieja are an Excmo. Ayuntamiento De Torrevieja and would not be able to provide the invaluable service to their patrons if it were not for the financial donations, gifts and sponsorship from organisations and individuals. Further information on supporting or utilising the charity can be obtained at email: Info or phoning 966 70 2500.

Reach Out Extienda La Mano The donation presentation was made on the 13th March 2020 outside their shop (see photo) in Torrevieja to Dave Young, the Reach Out President by the RNA Torrevieja Branch Vice-Chairman Danny Kay and Branch Secretary Margaret Forshaw and branch members Rose Kay and Maureen Jenkins. The charity has been going from strength to strength and are on their 4th stage of development. The first three have taken then through remodelling their facilities, utilising the adjoining property through the generous support of their landlord so that they could provide larger dedicated areas for the food distribution, shop, restaurant and storage facilities. This has enabled a better environment for the patrons and also importantly for their dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. Their shop sells a vast array of items, all from donations, including household furniture, clothes and sports equipment. Food is donated by official interna-

The Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch welcome military and non-military personnel into our socially friendly and engaging organization, contact: Chairman, Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Membership Secretary, Danny Kay on Tel 966 71 6274 or email or the Secretary, Margaret Forshaw on Tel 966 92 1996 or visit our website

Branch Chairman Tony Jenkins making the presentation to AFA vocal Mario


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020

Construction on the tower begain in 1963 by American Indians from Oklahoma state


637 227 385


Rubbish - told I'd never make it in showbusiness! Freddie 'parrot-face' Davies 1964 Opportunity Knocks - 22 million viewers. *Royalty: Lord Mountbatton, Princes Royal, Duke of Edinburgh - but biggest thrill meeting Cary Grant! Quote: 'Tom Jones was a rough and ready Welsh lad - but the amount of sex appeal rubbed-off onto me!' Andrew Atkinson talks to one of the UK's biggest and best loved comedians, Octogenarian FREDDIE 'PARROT FACE' DAVIES in a Leader exclusive.

Secrets of the American Tower Just to the south of Guardamar del Segura, inland of the N332, there is a compound that is surrounded by a perimeter of secrecy. Posters and signs warn that it is a prohibited area, a military zone and to which, over the last 50 years, there have been very few people who have gained admittance and learn the secrets of it’s inner chambers. But you will all be aware of the facility because its location is marked by an imposing aerial of over 370 metres in height, 475 metres above sea level. The tallest architectural structure in both the Iberian Peninsula and the European Union, it is known as the Tower of the Americans or Torreta de Guardamar. Originally built between 1963 and 1965 by the United States Army the base accommodates a radio station, the main purpose of which is to maintain contact with the underwater fleet, submarines from all over the Mediterranean Sea. Although today it serves the interests of the maritime branch of the Spanish Armed Forces, there was a time when it was controlled exclusively by the Americans, who posted soldiers into Guardamar to support its operation and maintenance. It was after the Second World War, during the Cold War when, in order to achieve a position of supremacy, the United States expanded its military bases on both sides of the Atlantic. The Guardamar site, due to its strategic position and proximity to the Straits of Gibraltar, ideally suited the objectives of the US Navy as a result of which a Spanish-American agreement was signed in 1953. It was the socalled “Pact of Madrid” that made the construction of the Guardamar Radio Station possible, finally entering service in 1965. Its main mission was, and continues to be, the transmission of data to and from the underwater fleet. It is now remotely controlled by the US Naval Communication Station in Rota. The operation of the installation was carried out by a section of 20 or so officers and men posted in by the United States Navy. They worked inside the base, but were quartered in private accommodation in the town. In the early days at least two of them ended up marrying locally, one of them, a sergeant

responsible for the electronic maintenance of the transmitters joining the unit on the day that it first opened. “At that time there were 17 American servicemen working at the base,” he recalls. Last year, for the very first time, the Ministry of Defence actually authorised a series of three guided visits to the base by local residents, finally ending the secrecy that has enveloped the site for more than half a century. "We have lived with the antenna since it was first installed over 50 years ago, but until those first visits in 2018 it was a great unknown" said the mayor of Guardamar, José Luis Sáez.” “So far only three guided visits have actually been authorised, he said, “and the council is still waiting for permission to organise more. The expectation that has been awakened by the activity is very high and we are continually receiving requests from people who wish their names to be added to the list for the next visit,” added the mayor. "In Guardamar we have lived with the aerial since it was first erected, but in reality it is still a great unknown to many residents, because they do not know what is inside the base, who operates it and exactly what the functions are," Saez continued. “and the information that appears on the Internet is very limited. On Google maps the area is also completely blurred, thus preserving the mystery that has always sur-

Freddie played in Working Men’s clubs alongside Sir Tom Jones “before he got big”.

rounded the American Tower.” Some of the older residents in the town tell that it was a group of Indians who came to the municipality to help with the assembly of the 370-metre antenna, and they are absolutely correct. The American who served in the base between 1965 and 1968, confirmed that it was a tribe of American Indians from Oklahoma state who built the tower, the reason for which was their superior sense of balance, their agility and their ability to climb the structure as it was going up. Its early use and maintenance was the exclusive responsibility if the US Navy, but in July 1982 a memorandum of understanding between the two countries for joint use was signed. In 1990 the site was finally handed over in its entirety to the Spanish Navy. The installation, now renamed "Camp Santa Ana", is currently guarded by Spanish Infanteria de Marina.

I ONLY ever wanted to be a comedian, and I pursued this relentlessly I suppose, said Freddie Davies, born in 1937. "I did six years as a Butlin Redcoat - and launched myself to the British public in August 1964 on Opportunity Knocks - to 22 million viewers," said Freddie. During a star-studded career Freddie, 82, has met a plethora of star celebrities - and Royals. "From Royalty, I met Lord Mountbatton, Princes Royal, and the Duke of Edinburgh. "But my biggest thrill was meeting Cary Grant - who came to see a Panto I was in, in Bristol, in 1970," said Freddie. "My granddad, Jack Herbert, was a Music Hall comedian, during 1920-40. I used to stand in the wings and watch him and all the great artistes at Salford Hippodrome in the 1940's," said Freddie. Freddie, who started his career in amatuer dramatics in and around Salford, said: "My love was really Variety. "I did amateur Pantomimes at the Pendleton Congregational Church and Sunday school - and I still see friends from that era. "I later worked in the working mens clubs in the North East, Newcastle. "The Durham area - they were very tough - but 'one sort of survived'. It was a wonderful experience." Freddie's pay in the early sixties was £6.10 shillings as a Redcoat: "Wages rose to the dizzy heights of £14.00 per week in my last season at Minehead. "The entertainment manager told me I was rubbish - and would never make a living in showbusiness!," revealed Freddie. Sir Tom Jones, currently on the panel of The Voice UK, who has gone on to become a superstar, was one artiste that Freddie appeared alongside. "I met Tom working the clubs - before he got BIG," said Freddie. "Tom was a rough and ready Welsh lad - but the amount of sex appeal rubbed-off onto me, at the time," laughed Freddie. IN PART 2 of Freddie's exclusive interview he talks about being defrauded out of £150,000. His Homburg bowler-style hat 'parrotface' household fame. His time in the film industry, co-starring with Jerry Lewis, Leslie Caron, Oliver Reed and Lee Evans. And an appearance as a talking portrait in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban. Freddie's signed autobiography Funny Bones: My life in Comedy can be purchased from



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


aging your car. Cleaning first ensures you’re removing dirt, organic matter and many germs from surfaces, allowing the disinfectant to then do its work on the more harmful, stubborn germs. Prioritise disinfecting areas that are frequently touched: These include door handles, the rear-view mirror, the gear stick, infotainment and dashboard controls, seats and armrests, seat belts and the handbrake. Isopropyl alcohol is a proven disinfectant, and is also safe to use on most hard car interior surfaces to remove many stains, smudges and residues, as well as kill bacteria and viruses. Use soap and water on leathers: Isopropyl alcohol may cause problems with leather so stick to warm soap and water for any leather interiors. No need to scrub too hard, avoid excess suds and water, and use a microfibre cloth if possible to avoid scratches. Use material-specific cleaners and disinfectants: For a thorough clean, use materials specifically for fabrics, exterior metal and plastic, and interior plastic, vinyl and leather. When using these products, follow the guidance on the manufacturer labels and the safety precautions. Avoid bleach and peroxide-based cleaners: While these kill germs, they’ll also damage vinyl and plastic, and probably discolour your car too. Don’t use too much water inside your car: Particularly around electronics.

KEEP YOUR CAR CLEAN TO HELP REDUCE SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS AUTO AUTO TRADER provides top tips for cleaning and disinfecting your car to help reduce the spread of coronavirus Following the introduction of lockdown, people should only leave their homes to shop for necessities, go to work (if they are an emergency worker and they can’t work from home), and attend medical appointments. Driving is still currently allowed for those who need to use their cars

Fuel prices continue to fall The price of fuel has fallen to levels last seen in 2017, hardly surprising, however, with drivers unable to leave home and so few cars on the road. According to the Oil Bulletin of the European Union, the average price of a litre of sin plomo in Spain this week is 1,127 euros, 4.6% less than last week, while that of diesel is down to 1,040 euros, 3.8% less . Since January, the price of petrol has dropped by 10.91% , while that of diesel by 13.07% . According to data from the Ministerio de para la Transición Ecológica, by next weekend the average price of petrol in Spain could be even lower, reaching 1,109 euros per litre while diesel will be at 1,022 euros. According to data from the Diesel or Gasoline portal, which presents the average price by brand, there are 'low cost' service stations that are already selling a litre of petrol at under a euro. WHY HAS THE PRICE PLUMMETED? The price of fuel is determined by many factors, including the price of crude oil, the law of supply and demand, fixed costs and taxes. In the case of the price of crude oil, at the time of

for any of the above. Auto Trader has provided a list of top tips for cleaning and disinfecting cars for those who still need to leave their house, to help reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Clean before disinfecting: Give your car a scrub inside with warm soap and water or car-cleaning products before you use disinfectant. Check the chemicals in these products to make sure you’re not damwriting, the price of a barrel of Brent, the benchmark in Europe, stood at 24.75 euros, 1.60% less than the previous day's close and 60.4% less than the price at the end of 2019, when it reached $ 66. The inability of Saudi Arabia and Russia to agree to a production cut and the collapse in demand due to the coronavirus are the main reasons for the fall. CAN I GO AND FILL UP MY CAR The answer according to Royal Decree that defines the state of alarm in Spain and the confinement of the population is yes. Fuel stations are on the list of establishments that may remain open during this period. Even so, its use should be restricted to drivers who need the car to go to work, to carriers and to security and health services. In case you have to refuel, however, you should minimise contact with other people as much as possible to guarantee both your safety and that of the attendant. You should also use hand sanitizer, gloves and a credit card.

Do not stockpile products: Please think of others when buying products. A little goes a long way, particularly if you clean before disinfecting. Most importantly, wash your hands: Continue to wash your hands frequently and for a minimum of 20 seconds each time. An Auto Trader spokesperson says: “We understand that people still need to use their cars to get around, whether it’s for shopping for necessities, going to work, or attending medical appointments. Many may also be transporting other family members, so having multiple people in and out of a car means a higher risk of infection through contact with surfaces. By keeping cars as hygienic as possible with regular cleaning and disinfecting, we can reduce the risk of coronavirus spreading through car use." All Auto Trader advice on cleaning and disinfecting your car can be found here:


Cherry with the Fab Four

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020

Torrevieja singing and film star Cherry Roland In another LEADER NEWSPAPER EXCLUSIVE reporter Andrew Atkinson talks to Tony Slater about Torrevieja singing and film star Cherry Roland who appeared at Casanovas Nite Club in Calpe. "Torrevieja singing star Cherry Roland appeared in what was a memorable night, underlined when she sang 'Land Of Hope and Glory'," said Tony. Coming soon - ONLY IN THE LEADER.


637 227 385


LEE KEEPS THE FAITH 'One Man Band' U-turn by Leo Sayer

Lee Howard: Saville Row suit.

Enjoying toast by the fire in Los Montesinos - Childhood memories "In the early years mother use to put a Tillylamp in the window, so father knew it was time to finish work on the farm." NEXT week in The Leader, Torrevieja musician and radio presenter Lee Howard talks to reporter Andrew Atkinson about Grammy Award winning star Leo Sayer's hit 'One Man Band' being snatched away from him. "I had a record contract with Chrysalis Records and One Man Band was given to me by Leo Sayer and Adam Faith. "I recorded it at Decca Studios, Tollington Park in London in 1973, produced by Thin Lizzy's producer Nick Tauber," said Lee. "However, in a change of mind, agent Adam Faith rang me, saying Leo was releasing the song. "I had a fall out at the time with Leo and Faith," said Lee, who had a special suit made in Saville Row - to go on Top Of The Pops - and interest from America. ANOTHER LEADER EXCLUSIVE. Leo Sayer: One Man Band Uturn.

By Andrew Atkinson When Graham Stephen usually raises a toast it's in celebration of the many events he has staged since taking charge of The Oasis Bar and Restaurant in La Herrada, Los Montesinos. Aberdeen born Graham, 65, unexpectedly saw himself turn the clock back - when toasting BREAD in front of the fire - due to the coronavirus lockdown. "Toasting bread in front of an open fire at home in Los Montesinos brought back childhood memories," Graham, brought up in Elgin, Morayshire, where his parents ran a farm, told me. "In the early years of life mother use to

put a Tillylamp in the window, so father knew it was time to finish work on the farm," recollected Graham. "Being an agricultural worker father often moved with work, living in a Tied cottage, from one farm to the next. "I spent many years in different places," said Graham, who started school in Stonehaven, moving on to Drumlithie and onto Pidrichie. "We left Scotland and went to England but that didn’t last long," said Graham. "We trailed up and down for some years right back to the farm in Scotland!," said Graham, who lived in cottages that had no double glazing, or central heating. "You were lucky if you had an inside toilet!," said Graham, who spent more time with animals on the farm, than at school. "Aged 13, I was skiving off school many times, to help on the farm. Fantastic memories - if I could do it again I would," said Graham. On the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, Graham said: "With businesses crippled in the UK and Spain I expect at least another month in isolation. "I think it will be at least a year for businesses to recover from the financial disaster. "The UK government have been pathetic, 'pussy-footing' around coronavirus - they should have followed Spain's example, from the outset."

South Pacific cancelled by Studio 32 Graham, masked and self isolating *In PART 2 Graham Stephen continues tales of farm-life, washing, via scrubbing board and mangle; tales of his grandfather being anti-capitalist - Alf Garnet-style! His first pay packet, aged 15, of 'eight quid and ten-bob' (£8 10s). Working on a mink farm, and getting married, aged 18. Running away from home - due to his father being 'too handy with his fists'. Sleeping in his car - and turning to the Samaritans.

Studio32 Musical Theatre Company regret to announce that due to the current situation with Corona Virus they have had no choice but to postpone our summer show, South Pacific. We are hopeful that we will be in a position to put the show on end of November. We hope that all of you who have supported us in the past will stay safe and healthy and hopefully we will see you all again in November. If anyone has already reserved a ticket and would like to transfer the booking to November, please contact the ticket email address or call Philip on 602 617 848. Stay safe everybody.’



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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


Premier League lockdown indefinate Quote:

European Leagues, urging domestic bodies not to abandon their competitions.

hould France, Italy or Spain close their leagues down for the season, it is likely to have far reaching consequences, as together with England, 16 out of the 28 teams remaining in the Champions or Europa Leagues come from one of those countries”

Leagues across Europe have reportedly been told that ending competitions early could result in them forfeiting Champions League and Europa League places.


By Andrew Atkinson Chief Sports Editor THE Premier League's 20 clubs will remain on lockdown - indefinite - after a meeting, via video, in the wake of the coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic sweeping the UK. Talks between the Premier League, Football League and both the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA) and League Managers' Association (LMA) took place on April 3. Football fixtures in the UK had pencilled in a return in May. Following the decision the Premier League have followed in the footsteps of Spain and France, who have shut down their leagues for an indefinite period. Italy have talked of Serie A returning in late May. The decision comes after the European governing body Uefa wrote a joint letter with the European Clubs' Association and the

For the Premier League there are fundamentally five options: 1. Wait and make a decision when the situation beomes a little clearer, hopefully in a week or two.

the coronavirus situation. The Belgian League is the first to declare its season is over, with 29 games out of 30 in the regular league programme played. Should France, Italy or Spain close their leagues down for the season, that is likely to have far reaching consequences, given, together with England, 16 out of the 28 teams remaining in the Champions or Europa Leagues come from one of those countries.

2. Void the entire season 3. End the season now 4. Set a final deadline for completion 5. Play remaining games behind closed doors As the COVID-19 crisis continues, Premier League clubs could now offer their stadiums and medical staff to the National Health Service, knowing they would not be required, in the short-term. The Premier League has confirmed it will immediately donate £20million to the NHS. Spurs, along with Newcastle Utd, Bournemouth and Norwich City, have been heavily criticised for using the government's furlough scheme to compensate laid-off workers by up to £2,500-a-month.

In a statement on Friday The Premier League said, “Any return to play will only be with the full support of the Government and when medical guidance allows.”

Clubs unanimously agreed to consult with their players, concerning a 30% wage deferral, to assist with the payment of non-playing staff. The world’s richest football league had been criticised for failing to take charitable action sooner, with Health Secretary Matt Hancock urging footballers to ‘play their part’ and help provide aid during

UEFA wants National Leagues finished in June UEFA held a video conference meeting with its 55 member associations last week in which they discussed the future of this season’s competitions. In agreeing the priority in which tournaments and competitions are to be concluded it was agreed that priority will be given to finalising domestic leagues in June if at all possible. All Champions League and Europa League matches will be postponed to July and August. Uefa president Aleksander Ceferin said last week the season could be lost if play does not start by the end of June. The Champions League is at the round of 16 , with four qualifiers still to be decided, including the games between Real Madrid v Manchester City and Barcelona against Naples, while the Europa League is also in that round. They also decided that there will be no national team matches until September and the Qualifying matches for the Women's Euro Cup have also been postponed. UEFA has already decided to postpone for one year the Euro Cup scheduled for this summer.

Mike Probert talks Golf

handling too many score cards. Adhere to social distancing rules during the apres golf and presentation

(In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs) Here on the Costa’s golf is one of the biggest leisure time activities for both tourists and resident alike and with this in mind we have secured the services of Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services to provide a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER will provide discounted golf prices to all of our readers and run our golf competitions. GOLF AFTER LOCKDOWN

Sanitise prizes (such as bottles) and no hand shaking during the presentation.

Since our last article the world remains in the grip of the Corona virus and we hope that all our readers are safe and healthy.

We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf without the need to join a club or apply for a card but simply contact the number below to have instant access to discounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you.

As of the date of this article Spain is yet to hit the ‘peak’ of the curve of the corona virus pandemic and we can only hope that all the measures that have been taken during the lockdown will help defeat this deadly virus. What is sure is that the virus came in on a curve and will leave on a curve so we will all need to retain some form of social distancing and personal protection into the future after the lockdown is removed to some degree and that also includes how we play our golf here in Spain. Many of us play in golf societies and the organisers need to think how they can assist this process when we are allowed to return to the golf course and below are just a few ideas to help them in this process: No shaking hands and cheek kisses on meeting and greeting.

UEFA is clear that it wants to prioritise national leagues. For this reason it wants them to be able to finish, although neither do they want to lose sight of their own two competitions.

Pay your fees to the organisers in a sealed envelope with the exact money to avoid the organiser handling too much money and change.

However, they are aware that, although in July and August they hope that the situation will be better, the closure of borders and the situation in each country is still likely to be extremely complicated.

No high fives and hugs after a good shot on the course

Ceferin also said that playing the remaining games behind closed doors would have to be an option across Europe.

‘Gimme’ for putts under a standard grip length (to reduce the number of hands retrieving the ball from the bottom of the hole)


Don’t touch the ball of another player.

Currently the Premier League is suspended indefinately although in what is seen as the first move toward restarting some domestic competitions in UK behind closed doors Uefa has lifted the ban on showing live games starting at 3pm on Saturday TV, in England and Scotland.

Don’t knock the ball back to other players with your club or putter.

Putt with the flag in the hole at all times (to avoid players touching the flag).

If buggies are allowed for multiple players, nominate one driver only and use anti-bacterial wipes or better still protective gloves. Mark only one card for all four players to avoid the organisers

No buffet style snacks at presentations (to avoid the chance of double dipping) I am sure that you may have a few idea’s of your own but just by actioning the above we will be helping prevent any re-generation of the virus while still enjoying the game we all love. Until then all stay safe and healthy in the coming weeks and months.

Course Price Comments Alenda €158 2 Players & Buggy Alicante €146 2 Players & Buggy Altorreal €120 2 Players & Buggy Bonalba €136 2 Players & Buggy Don Cayo (Altea) €120 2 Players & Buggy El Plantio €146 2 Players & Buggy Font Del Llop €138 2 Players & Buggy GNK Courses €150 2 Players & Buggy (El Valle, Riquelme & La Torre) La Finca €190 2 Players & Buggy La Manga West €75 Single Green Fee La Marquesa €60 Sgle Green Fee La Serena €52 Sgle Green Fee Las Colinas €108 Sgle Green Fee Las Ramblas €135 2 Players & Buggy Lo Romero €174 2 Players & Buggy New Sierra Golf €82 2 Players &Buggy Roda €150 2 Players & Buggy UGolf Courses €153 2 Players & Buggy (Saurines & Hac. Del Alamo) Villamartin €158 2 Players & Buggy Villaitana Poniente €67 Sgle Fee & Buggy Vistabella €130 2 Players & Buggy For Bookings and info Mike at quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931


Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


637 227 385


“Virtual Double” as Red Rum and Potters Corner win! The Virtual Grand National, 40 runners field on Saturday, April 4, was won by tip Potters Corner – with Red Rum, tipped to win the 2020 Race of Champions, obliging.

The Virtual Grand National winner was Potters Corner who gained a win, ahead of Walk in The Mill, with Any Second Now, third, Tiger Roll, fourth, and Burrows Saint, fifth.

The virtual race was held in place of the Randox Health £1m NH showcase cancelled, due to the coronavirus epidemic.

1. Potters Corner 18-1

Charlie Deutsche was well placed as he forged into the lead coming to the second last, but a fall left Tiger Roll in front.

3. Any Second Now 10-1

Potters Corner just held off Walk In The Mill

Charlie Deutsch had a healthy lead when falling at the penultimate fence

2. Walk In The Mill 16-1 4. Tiger Roll 5-1 5. Burrows Saint 12-1 Legendary Red Rum, trained by the late Ginger McCain, gained victory in the 2020 Virtual Race of Champions, ahead of Manifesto, with Tiger Roll, third. Trainer Nick Alexander, represented by Lake View Lad (fell 11th) in the Virtual Grand National, speaks about life in the second week of the coronavirus lockdown in racing. “I have barely been off the farm since March 16, but the new routine is working well. “The horses are all fine – and the staff have been fantastic,” said Nick. Following sports worldwide in lockdown, Nick said: “Predictably the news from around the world becomes grimmer each day – sadly it is going to continue to worsen – before it improves. “Improve it will, and our thoughts and prayers are with those directly affected by this horrible illness and those feeling threatened in their isolation.”

NH Racing, at present, is postponed until July 1: “That is irrelevant. We feel incredibly lucky to have fresh air, space, supplies, and a job to do each day – supported by our wonderful owners. “Life feels surreal – and feels more surreal with the Virtual Grand National and represented by Lake View Lad. “This little bit of silliness will hopefully distract the nation – and put a smile on lots of faces. “Designed as a fundraiser for NHS Charities it will be tremendous if everyone joins in and raises a huge amount of money for our utterly brilliant NHS workers, under such duress at present. “Stay safe, healthy and strong everyone. Happy days will return.”

Paula Grau - A choice between football & Primary Care The Yátova player works as a doctor in a hospital in Utiel We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed retrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. Keep safe. Vivienne Shepherd Quesada Fitness Gym.

THE FULL MONTE Whistle-stop for Erling the cowbell ringer! Erling (left) sponsor of CD Montesinos with Treasurer Howard Yeats. Photo: Full Monte SC

By Andrew Atkinson Chief sports editor Football crazy Erling Witzoe sent a goodbye message to the players, staff and supporters of CD Montesinos - after flying out of Spain - to return to his homeland in Scandinavia. "I look forward to seeing all next season," Erling, who lives in Svanesund, told me, prior to boarding a flight home. "All being well I plan to return to Spain later in the year," said Erling, born in Kristiansund Nord, More Og Romsdal. Erling, 67, a match sponsor of Valencia Regional football team CD Montesinos, is known by his

trademark cowbells and whistle on matchdays. "I ring my cowbells every Monte goal - next season they will be even louder - along with blowing my whistle!," quipped Erling. CD Montesinos were at the top of the Valencia 2nd Regional Group 14, at the time the Valencia Football Association cancelled all fixtures, due to the coronavirus lockdown, under government instructions. "Take care everyone - and be safe. All the best and I look forward to seeing you next season," said Erling, who resides part-time in Los Montesinos, Alicante.

Quote: “There is a lot of work but we will win this match, of course we will win'.

By Andrew Atkinson Former Valencian women’s football team forward Paula Grau, who plays for UD Yátova in the FFCV, has spoken about her role as a doctor, in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic. "We have been forced to do double shifts, to cover for our colleagues who have been infected. Fatigue is beginning to affect us all", said Paula, a primary care physician in Utiel.

Paula, 31, who returned to play football for her home town, is currently in isolation and not able to see her family or partner. "From one day to the next, life has completely changed," said Paula. On the healthcare, Paula said: "Our healthcare system is very good, but I think it should be much more de-privatized. "The correct measures have been taken, but perhaps a little late." Following her return to football in the 1st Regional at Yátova, Paula said: "I retired at 19. Aged 23, I played, half of the time for Marítim and half for Yátova. "Now, aged 31, I have resumed soccer in my home town." All sports are currently on lockdown, cancelled due to the coronavirus. Paula, in an interview with FFCV, said: "With so much work you don't have time to think. But I really want to get back into training - with my teammates - and continue to enjoy the sport."

On the coronavirus battle, Paula added: "We will The coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has end up winning this match, of course we will stretched hospitals worldwide, with Spain receivwin." ing urgent medical supplies from China. Paula Grau: footballer and Paula, who played in the primary care physician. Valencia team, during 2004-08, and played in the Levante UD, prior to retiring, aged just 19, said: "There is a lot of work, especially responding to calls and assistance at home, where we take samples. "The cases that develop favourably, we follow them by keeping in telephone contact. Those who are poorly, we go to the home and examine them, to assess whether they should be sent to the hospital, or given treatment at home."



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Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


Lionel Messi and Barcelona lead the way Messi confirms 70% pay cut for Barcelona players


rgentine striker and FC Barcelona captain, Leo Messi, confirmed on Monday that Barcelona players have accepted a 70 percent pay cut as long as the coronavirus situation continues. He said that this will enable all of the club's employees continue to collect one hundred percent of their salary. In making the announcement Messi criticised the club itself for "putting the players under the magnifying glass", as, in recent days, it had suggested that the players were putting obstacles in the way of an agreement when all they were actually doing was “trying to find the best formula to help the club and it’s employees." "For our part, the time has come to announce that, apart from the reduction of our salaries by 70 percent we will also make additional contributions so that the club's employees can collect 100 percent of their salaries for as long as this situation lasts," Messi announced on his social networks. In addition to accepting the club's ERTE, (Temporary suspension of employment contract), the squad has now also promised to help employees to continue to draw their entire salary, “a solution that the players have been working to

find, and that has delayed the publication of this agreement,” said Messi. The club captain said that he was annoyed with the club as people, "from within the club", insinuated that the football first team squad players were not going to accept the lowering of any agreements, something they did in advance of the other professional teams within the Barcelona family, basketball, handball, hockey and futsal. "We find it very disappointing that within the club there were those who tried to put us under the magnifying glass and to add pressure for us to do something that we always knew we would do". Messi believes that "a lot has been written and said" about the first team squad and their salaries during this period. "First of all, we want to clarify that our will has always been to agree to a cut in the salaries we receive," he said. "We fully understand that this is an exceptional situation and we have been the first ones who have ALWAYS helped the club when we have been asked to do so. Many times we have also done things on our own initiative, when we believed it to be necessary or important," he added. In addition, the Argentine sent a message of encouragement and hope to the Barcelona fans and to all the Catalans who are having a hard time in these very difficult times.

Following on from Messi’s statement there were

applause emoticons and a kiss while in his

messages of support from a number of former

Twitter page Xavi Hernández wrote “All very

Barcelona players. Carlos Puyol, published four

great! !! Congratulations!! Exemplary as always!”

World Bowls Stamp

How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends.

By MontStan. Before we kick off from last week’s take let me just say, that if you are just beginning, do not be put off by the rules and perhaps negative things people tell you. Just have a go and if you are thinking of getting some bowls get some cheap second hand ones first, just to get a feel and idea of how they react. Also I have had a correction apparently there are two grass greens at Cabrera BC down Almeria way I have been informed, though they do not play in our leagues. Are there any more ? Back to bowls, for example, I after a couple of goes using some club bowls, decided to buy a set (4 )they normally come in that number and as we ramble on later you’ll see why. I managed to get a set of Size 1 Hensalite’s for 40 euros. I went up the club for a roll up and while having a pause from practising one of the members picked up one my bowls, had a look ,and said “ You won’t be able to play with those they are out of date.” Well I was a bit miffed as I had no idea there was any restrictions at all like this and a bit downhearted thinking 40 euros was down the drain. I turned to the club coach who had given me some lessons. I told him what had been said and his immediate response ”That ‘s a load of rubbish.” I will explain why later but as I previously mentioned you will get a lot of stuff told you and, if in doubt , go to someone like the coach or club captain and they will always give you good advice. Right ! we were into bowls colour, size, weight and bias last week, landing up quoting a rule on how the bias was regulated. As mentioned the bias is regulated by WB standard bowl, all manufacturers produce a range of bowls with bias’s and produce curves showing how they are in comparison to the WB and they are given usually different names. For example Drakes Pride do in their Professional range d-tec, pro50, and XP. The d-tec, has a tight trajectory, pro 50 medium, and XP wide, usually the manufacturers give an explanation of its use as well. This can all be found online and it is interesting to look at all the manufacturers curves, their products and prices. Going back to the World Bowls Stamp. All manufactures are “licensed testers” and as each bowl is produced it is stamped with weight ,size, bias and “Date” and need to be tested at least every 10 years. Hang on ! Says you, isn’t that what the bloke told you ! Okay we need to go back to the

Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins or Charlie Watkins


rules. Rule. 52.1.4. The requirement for distinguishing marks applies to all International Events, World Bowls championships and Commonwealth Games. Rule.52.1.5. For Domestic Play. Member National Authorities can decide the requirements for distinguishing marks. Rule.52.2.3. For Domestic Play. Member National Authorities can decide for re-testing and re-stamping bowls. These three rules cover it. Our controlling bodies are Fedaracion de Bolos de la Comunidad Valenciana and the Levante Lawn Bowls and I understand that for all domestic play including local leagues and championships there is no need for re testing if the bowls are out of date. Whether this applies to Regional and National Championships I don’t know, but I am sure I will be informed after this take. So no worries! By the way, if you want your bowls re-tested it will be around 30 quid plus carriage. (Drakes Pride). That’s it for now catch you next week. Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos

TRIVEA QUIZ ANSWERS FROM PAGE 14: 1. Catch 22, 2. 10, 3. Biba, 4. Hong Kong, 5. Scarface, 6. 18. Warwickshire 7. 17, 8. December, 9. Sandown Park, 10. N.V. 11. Jan Steen, 12. 238 A.D. 13. Christ Church (F.C.), 14. A.G., 15. Nitrogen, 16. Sweden, 17. Agamemnon



637 227 385

Monday 6th - Sunday 12th April, 2020


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