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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
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Keeping people safe and informed for over 16 years - The Costa Blanca’s oldest ‘FREE’ English language newspaper
t was exactly ten years ago since I last entered the compound which, by the end of the year, should house the ‘new’ Orihuela Costa
Emergency Centre. On Wednesday, there was no pomp and ceremony, unlike 2010 on the occasion marked by the burying of a “time capsule”, containing a copy of the
Leader Newspaper, local Spanish newspapers, a selection of coins, a CD and certificate detailing the project, signed by the two main dignitaries of the day, the Mayoress
of Orihuela, Monica Lorente, and the Interior Minister of the Valencian Community, Serafín Castellano. Continued on Page 2
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Work to restart on Costa Emergency Centre
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A lot of grass has grown in the compound since that day and a lot of excuses have been made by successive councils as to why the delays have occurred. The bankruptcy of the winning bidder, the necessary modifications to the project, changes in new Contract Law, the processing of the new budget and all of the procedures necessary when dealing with paralysed works, so it was quite uplifting to be in that same enclosure once again, but this time with the belief that the project could finally be coming to an end. Deadlines for completion of the centre have been extended on seven different occasions, however the latest assurance that we have from the council is that it will be finished by December 2020. I am not so sure, there is a great deal of work to do, but to see the enthusiasm of the contractor, Orihuela Company Doalco, who also built Los Dolses shopping centre, I feel that we are most certainly on the final path. On Wednesday the mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana, and the councillor for Emergencies, Víctor Valverde, met with the contractor on site, both stating that construction on the emergency centre would recommence within the coming few days. At a cost of 2,064,000 euros (VAT included), Grupo Doalco now have an execution period of 6 months, ending approximately next December which their representatives seemed confident of achieving.. Bascuñana explained, "This was one of the first projects that we faced and the construction would have been faster if the Valencian Government had assumed the execution of the work as originally planned, but
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as we all know, it took a great deal of time before they finally passed it to the City Council," Councillor Valverde said, “we had to start almost from scratch because it was a forgotten project and we had to hold talks with two different administrations to get it off the ground. However, despite all these deviations, after a lot of work and a lot of effort, the project is now a reality and we will see it underway within a few days”.
Lorente burying the ‘Time Capsule’ in 2010
The mayor said that he wanted to acknowledge the work done by all the engineers, councillors and staff who have finally got us to this point and I want to thank them for their efforts in ensuring that this project can now be completed.” The Coastal Emergency Centre will house the services of the Civil Guard, National Police, Local Police, a SAMU ambulance, firefighters and also forest brigades, who will serve a stable population of more than 30,000 residents, which in summer grows considerably to over 100,000. The initial project was for three floors, although that has now been reduced to two. Should it become necessary, the third floor could still be added in the future, however, the cost would have to be borne by the municipal budget.
Tenders invited for management of the Playa Flamenca Sports Centre
swimming pool and auxiliary services including maintenance, cleaning and access control in the facilities on the Orihuela Costa.
At long last, 14 months after it was closed, the tender document for the management of the Playa Flamenca Municipal Sports Centre has been put out to potential agencies. The contract requires the provision of fitness programs, activities and sports schools, the reopening of the
The councillor for sport said that the facility was closed because of the inability of the previous contractor to manage the facility.
The initial duration of the contract will be for two years at a budget price of 1,099,331.80 euros, including VAT.
He said "very soon we will be able to reactivate the CDM and the residents of the coast will be able to enjoy all the services again with all the guarantees."
Re-opens on 1 June Call: +44 7595 763461
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
he State has announced that it will guarantee Spanish households a minimum income of 10,070 euros per year
On Friday the Government approved a national minimum wage, which will guarantee an income of between 461 and 1,015 euros to 850,000 households, a measure intended to combat extreme poverty across the country. With an annual cost of 3,000 million euros, the announcement was made by Pablo Iglesias, which he defines as the greatest advance in social rights since the dependency law. He said that it will reach 2.3 million people, a third of them minors, that it can be requested from 15 June and that all requests submitted up to 15 September will be charged retrospectively from 1 June. The Government's announcement closed a week of high political tension, day after day saw accusations crossing between the parties. The minimum guaranteed income threshold will be 461 euros per month for an adult living alone. When living in a shared property it will increase by 139 euros per month for each person, up to a maximum of 1,015 euros per month. In addition, single-parent families will receive a supplement of 100 euros per month. Government Vice President, Pablo Iglesias, said that anyone who is
between 23 and 65 years old, or from 18 if the applicant has dependent minors. Migrants are also eligible for the benefit providing that they have at least one year of legal residence in Spain. Access to aid will depend on the income level and wealth of the person making the request. The government plan for a guaranteed minimum was first raised in December 2019, when the Socialist Party (PSOE) and Unidas Podemos formed a coalition government after the inconclusive results of the earlier November general election. As part of the arrangement the parties agreed to create “a general mechanism to guarantee earnings for families with no or low income.” In recent weeks the coronavirus crisis accelerated the plan and in April, the government released the first details of the minimum income scheme, which will cost the government €3 billion a year. Drafts of the welfare program have been seen by several ministries, regional governments, social organisations and even associations that work with potential recipients. These texts are not final, meaning some of the details may change when the royal decree is published in the Official State Gazette (BOE). The Social Security Minister José Luis Escrivá has said on many occasions that the minimum income scheme must be compatible with paid work as a way of fighting against work poverty so anyone who is not employed must be registered as job seekers in public employment offices before they can apply for the grant. The photo shows the Minister of Finance María Jesús Montero, 2nd vice president Pablo Iglesias, and the minister of Social Security José Luis Escrivá.
Shock exit as Costa favourite walks out on Big FM By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE
Lee Howard left the Quesada based station on Saturday
NE of the Costa Blanca's biggest radio presenters Lee Howard - a former Decca and Chrysalis executive - has left Quesada based radio station BigFM in a shock exit. "It is with regret that I have left BigFM," Lee, who lives near Torrevieja, who left the station on May 30, told me. Lee, friends with many top artistes, including Leo Sayer and Paul Young, said: "Other stations have wanted me on board for years - but I was always loyal to BigFM." Lee, whose daughter is a nurse with the NHS, and who he often mentions to listeners, is particularly upset with BigFM management, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. "I have asked my great pals Suzi Quatro, Bobby Ball, from Cannon & Ball and the fab Toyah, if they would do a dedication to all the NHS staff and medics worldwide, which they duly obliged. "It was out of the goodness of their hearts to play for the lis-
teners during COVID-19," said Lee. Lee, who’s 'Howard's Way' show and No.1 70s show, are both popular with BigFM listeners, says he was called into the office of BigFM manager Richie Sparks. "I was slated by the management - for mentioning the NHS and told that Suzi Quatro, Bobby Ball and Toyah are all rubbish," alleged Lee. "I was also told not to mention them again on my shows. The most upsetting thing is my daughter Emma is a frontline nurse in the NHS.” "What an amazing job all the nurses and medics are doing at this time.” "But I was told not to mention them again. Not to mention my
daughter - who saves lives along with the other nurses and medics colleagues.” "My daughter is my life, having lost my son two years ago.” “How disgusting to say that, after what has been going on in the world with the coronavirus pandemic.” "You would think that bringing famous names to my shows would be a boost for BigFM." Lee, said: "My shows are staying in exactly the same successful format on the MOREFM network. "I wish all my listeners well and thank them. I have received many messages of support." BigFM station manager Richie Sparks told me: "He jumped before he was pushed."
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
Government to vote on final extension to State of Alarm next Wednesday
A week is a very long time in Spanish Politics
SANCHEZ will appeal for one last extension to the ‘State of Alarm’ on Wednesday
Sánchez negotiates with ERC and PNV to extend the state of alarm ERC, the Republican left of Catalonia, will abstain and the PNV, the Basque Nationalist Party, will vote in favour in what will be the last extension to the state of alarm, after both parties reached agreement with Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, on Saturday night, which will finally bring this sixth extension to the Congress of Deputies next Wednesday. With its direct and indirect support, the Government now seems to have guaranteed support for that last desired extension to end the de-escalation process but it does so in exchange for concessions to the two parties. Crisis in the Guardia Civil It has not been a good week for the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who is running up enemies for himself both in Congress and in the Guardia Civil.
Opposition party’s are screaming for Marlaska’s head
Last week he fired, the head of the Madrid Civil Guard Command, Diego Pérez de los Cobos, after the officer ‘allegedly’ refused to hand over information about a police report into the government’s handling of the 8M (International Women’s Day) demonstrations in Madrid, which many say led to the massive escalation of the coronavirus crisis in the Spanish Capital. That was followed by the resignation of the Guardia's number two, the deputy operational director (DAO), Laurentino Ceña, and then, as though the hierarchy had not suffered enough, the Minister went on to create what has been described as “the greatest crisis experienced in the leadership of the Civil Guard during the democratic era” when he sacked the Guardia’s number three, Lieutenant General Fernando Santafé, the head of the Operations Command of the General Directorate. The minister explained his position by saying that he had lost confidence in the Guardia leadership and was simply ‘freshening it up.” Meanwhile the opposition parties of the PP, Vox and one from Ciudadanos are all screaming for Marlaska’s head. The Minister’s response was simply to strengthen the security around members of the Government following an increase in the number of demonstrations against their handling of the pandemic, and concern that they could become the target of aggression. Army Generals condemn Podemos allegations While the Guardia has had it’s fair share of problems senior officers from the Army have also expressed their concern, feeling it necessary to communicate their loyalty to the Government and to the Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, following the language used, both in Congress and in front of the media, by the Podemos leader and second Vice President, Pablo Iglesias, who, last week, on three separate occasions alleged an impending uprising by the Army and the Civil Guard against the Government in his speeches.
Many local beaches remain closed to bathers
The military felt it necessary to approach Minister Robles to state their support after Iglesias spoke of “uprisings, rebellion, coup d' etat and insubordination.” This was followed on Friday by Minister and Podemos Deputy Leader, Irene Montero, announcing during an interview in 'Los Desayunos de TVE', that "the right wing has been calling for army insubordination for weeks.” Army Generals say that they feel the remarks to be “a planned attempt to erode their institutional image.” Valencian Community moves to Phase 2 of de-escalation On a much happier note, however, The Valencian Community has finally got the nod to move from Phase 1 to Phase 2, which is extremely good news for the region’s economy, no more so than in the areas of hospitality and retail. With effect from Monday 1 June bars and restaurants will continue to use 50% of their terraces whilst also opening indoors at 40% capacity. Stores located in shopping malls will be able to accept
40% of their usual capacity. The situation regarding beaches differs up and down the coastline with beaches remaining closed to bathing in the municipalities of Benidorm and Torrevieja who say that they will not reopen until capacity control, or social distancing of 2 metres can be guaranteed. Alicante, Guardamar and Elche, meanwhile, have taken the decision to open their beaches, the latter without lifeguards. Still no decision in Orihuela Costa and Pilar de la Horadada where, at the time of writing on Sunday morning, there are still no indications. In Torrevieja, the City Council say they will hire 90 unemployed staff to control the capacity on the beaches in two shifts starting on Monday 8 June while the Benidorm council say that their beaches will remain closed to bathing, at least, until 15 June.
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Zenia Boulevard, managed by Ceetrus and CBRE Global Investors, presents a meticulous series of planned hygiene measures to guarantee that customers and employees alike can be confident of their safety.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
The centre has introduced a thorough safety and hygiene protocol
The shopping centre in Orihuela Costa, will be setting up more than 20 points with hydroalcoholic gel hand sanitiser dispensers and disposable gloves across the whole centre. Plus, there will be a special group of dedicated staff working to keep the centre fully disinfected, even out of opening hours. Some of the planned measures include a real-time restricted entry system. The system will continuously monitor the number of vehicles in the car park and ensure the number allowed inside the centre is within the permitted limit. Another measure is that the public address system will become particularly important, as well as the special posters that people will see as they move through the shopping centre, reminding them to observe good practice and do their shopping as safely as possible. The use of face masks, social distancing, paying by card or by mobile phone, preference in the use of lifts and frequent hand washing are just a few of the reminders and tips that Zenia Boulevard will be giving customers. “Our main aim is to make customers feel safe, calm and confident, because Zenia Boulevard is an open shopping centre, with wide walkways and with enough space for everyone to respect safe social distancing. Plus, since the start of the State of Alarm, we've been working on this special reopening plan to ensure that safety and hygiene are top priority. We want our customers to choose us as their preferred place for shopping and leisure, with complete confidence and safe in the knowledge that they're in the very best hands�, says Cristina Ros, Manager of Zenia Boulevard. Special recommendations For shopping purposes, all Zenia stores and shops will have special protocols in place for limiting the number of people who can be inside at any particular time and they will be informing customers as they arrive. Posters will be displayed specifying the number of people allowed in each premises at a time so customers are aware
Zenia Boulevard shopping centre tightens safety and hygiene measures as it reopens in Phase Two that they will have to wait their turn. The shopping centre has been working alongside brand stores and shops to organise access and set up queueing systems with barriers and posters reminding everyone to observe social distancing while they wait.
its facilities, Zenia has closed the rest seating spots in the communal areas, the children's area in Plaza Mayor and the centre fountain. Plus, there will be increased security presence to keep order and ensure the rules are adhered to.
Zenia Boulevard has also taken the decision to deactivate all the digital store directories to prevent them from being used. Instead, customers will find a map of the shopping centre with the locations of all shops and stores, so customers will still be able to make use of this service to find what they are looking for as quickly as possible.
In terms of hygiene measures, the centre will have dedicated cleaning staff in each toilet block to ensure cleaning is done every 30 minutes, and cleaning will also be enhanced in sensitive areas such as handrails, door handles, lifts, etc. Another measure is that the restaurant area known as Food Xperience has been reorganised and reduced to ensure social distancing and comfort for customers and to adhere to the permitted number of customers.
With the aim of making everyone feel safe and confident across all
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
637 227 385
THE MOST POPULAR ‘BIG BOYS TOYS’ REVEALED Tanks beat trucks in the ‘big boys toys’ popularity stakes. Most popular military vehicle to drive is a turreted FV432 tank. It is followed by the Hägglund military all-terrain carrier, reports TrackDays.co.uk With UK Father’s Day just 3 weeks away, TrackDays.co.uk reveals the most popular military vehicles to run amok in… with the imposing turreted FV432 tank bombing ahead!
The 15-tonne monster has been popular with the British Army for some six decades, and it would appear that its popularity is just as strong with the UK public, according to the findings from TrackDays.co.uk, one of the UK’s leading driving experience providers. Indeed, the new research found that the turreted FV432, which is fitted with specially modified cannons for military driving experiences, is the one army vehicle that nearly everybody wants to test their driving skills in. Dan Jones, operations manager at TrackDays.co.uk, explained: “On a military day, thrill seekers can choose from a range of vehicles to drive but they can also drive the same vehicle up to four times. “The FV432 is chosen 95 per cent of the time, so basically it’s the vehicle that is at the top of the picking list and that many people want to try at least once.” Following in its tracks is the Hägglund military all-terrain carrier which is chosen 75 per cent of the time. Built for the Swedish army, it is a tracked articulated vehicle that can carry up to 17 people. Three military vehicles came joint third, all being chosen 30 per cent of the time. They are the Bedford and DAF military trucks, along with the Land Rover light military vehicle. Dan added: “A tank driving experience would make the perfect Father’s Day gift and because they are available as vouchers they can be enjoyed when the time is right. In fact, TrackDays.co.uk has seen solid voucher sales as people look forward to life after lockdown.” For more information about TrackDays.co.uk, or to book a tank driving experience which are available as vouchers currently valid for up to 18 months, visit www.trackdays.co.uk
Nissan tells Government of Barcelona Plant closure by video Government efforts have been of no avail, with the offer of 50 million euro of public funding in an effort to save the Catalan plant not convincing the Japanese company. Last week Nissan Motors executives officially informed the Spanish government of the plant's closure. They did so by video conference on Wednesday with the Spanish government, represented by Industry Minister Reyes Maroto and Industry Secretary of State Raül Blanco . The video conference came after Nissan's council published results of sales that have fallen by 31% so far in 2020. Following the videoconference with the Government, the head of Nissan in Europe, Gianluca de Ficchy, spoke with unions as well as with members of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The Barcelona plant, over its three facilities, in the Free Zone Assembly and the Montcada and Sant Andreu satellites, generates 3,200 direct jobs and about 25,000 indirect After the confinement, the plant reopened its doors, but then it was forced to close shortly afterwards due to the indefinite strike that the Montcada workers had been maintaining since last 4 May, due to the loss of the factory's workload and uncertainty about its future.
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637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
637 227 385
Las Santas Justa y Rufina church roof collapses The mayor inspected the scene shortly after the collapss
he sacristy roof of the church of las Santas Justa y Rufina in Orihuela collapsed on Tuesday morning
The collapse occurred at dawn causing only material damage. Fortunately the building was closed at the time. Parish priest, Fr José Luis Satorre said that structural engineers were scheduled to visit the building this week to investigate the state of the roof.
Auction of building land in Orihuela Costa abandoned
The plot of land at Las Colinas The auction of three municipal plots in Orihuela Costa for 20 million euros has been abandoned. According to the Councillor for Heritage, Rafael Almagro, no individual, company or developer had submitted a bid by 20 May, the closing date of the auction with the process paralysed by the state of alarm. The three plots were originally put on the market two days before the introduction of the state of alarm but just 48 hours later the process was suspended. The sale would have provided an income of at least 19.6 million euros for the municipal accounts. The city council then resumed the process of the auction in early May with a closing date for bids of 20 May.
However the socialist municipal group demanded the suspension of the process with spokesperson Carolina Gracia saying that "we do not believe that this is the right time to continue with these procedures, the sale of assets must revert to investment projects for society and today the Local Government has not explained why it needs the 20 million euros ". The PSOE demanded that the local government stopped the tender. "It is not serious or sensible to believe that during this current health crisis, which presents a situation of insecurity for all sectors, including construction, that this sale will be profitable for the City Council," said Gracia. However the Town Planning Councillor said that the reason why the three plots were put up for auction was "because we have many projects underway and money is needed." At the time Almagro said that the money raised from these sales could not be used for current expenses, but must be invested again in real estate of a patrimonial nature. Given this situation, and the absence of bids, the councillor said there are three options: to take it off the market for the time being, to open a new auction procedure without lowering the price or to open a new auction with different plots. So far, according to Almagro, they have not decided which option they are going to take.
He said that it had been deteriorating for some time but that the DANA and the rains this spring accelerated the deterioration. Father Satorre called on the Generalitat for help to carry out the repair. The Mayor of Orihuela, Emilio Bascuñana , visited the church on Tuesday morning. The municipality has reported the serious material damage suffered by the temple to surveyors from the Ministry of Culture and to whom the Council and the church are going to request immediate
help. The news of the collapse has generated concern among the residents of Orihuela. The church and its characteristic and unique Gothic bell tower, unique in the Valencian Community, have great symbolic value, with the building also featuring in a number of annual cultural events. The building, which was built in 1319 on the site of an old mosque, was declared a Site of Cultural Interest and a National Monument in 1971. Santas Justa y Rufina is one of the most emblematic churches of the vast religious architectural heritage of Orihuela.
Community falls silent for 28,000 victims of coronavirus With flags at half-mast, the Orihuela mayor and town hall staff joined the minute of silence in memory of the 1,417 Valencian coronavirus victims The Community fell silent for the victims of the covid-19 on Wednesday as many Institutions, social groups and members of the public joined politicians on the first of the ten days of mourning decreed by the Government
virus in Spain, 1,417 of them in the Comunitat
More than 27,000 people have died from the
Costa Street cleaning resumes Bulk Rubbish Collection
Street Cleaning resumes collection of bulk rubbish Orihuela Street cleaning has resumed the bulk rubbish and household goods collection service although it is still necessary to request it’s collection by phone. The councillor explained that "all the items deposited will be disinfected and collected after 72 hours following the prevention recommendations for the staff who provide the service." The request for collection of belongings on the Orihuela Costa should be made by calling 96 607 61 00 - Extension. 4513. Items should be placed on the road on Monday afternoon, with collection then taking place on Thursday nights; on Tuesday afternoons, the collection of
which will take place on Friday nights; and on Friday afternoons, which will then be picked up Monday night. Likewise, requests for collection of belongings in Orihuela Costa will be made by phone call to. The deposit will be made according to the organizational chart established by areas and will be collected on the third day of your deposit. Should anyone wish to dispose of items without having to wait 3 days for their collection, the Department of Street Cleaning and RSU will open the municipal dump located in the Polígono Puente Alto on Wednesdays from 9 : 00 to 11:30; Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
In order to make a deposit in these facilities, it will be necessary to request an appointment by calling 96 530 61 78 and presenting your DNI at the tip. The service is available only for the deposit of household goods and household appliances for individuals, its use is not authorised for companies or for building waste. The Councillor reminded people not to throw used gloves or masks to the ground as "they are not recyclable, whether they are made of paper, plastic or cloth." They should be deposited with the rest of the general household waste, although medical advice is that they are packed in a separate bag which is then placed inside the main plastic bag.
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Asociación de vecinos de Cabo Roig y Lomas The Neighbourhood Association of Cabo Roig y Lomas was established a little over two years ago, to help to improve the conservation and maintenance of the streets, green areas, infrastructures and other services provided by the Orihuela Town Hall in Orihuela Costa. A good number of residents, from the urbanisa-
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
tions of Aguamarina, Cabo Roig and Lomas de Cabo Roig, are represented in the association, to which they transmit their complaints and suggestions relating to refuse collection, street cleaning, maintenance of roads, parks and gardens and other deficiencies within their area which we transfer to the council of Orihuela. At http://shorturl.at/jpM45 you can download a video, highlighting the many problems Orihuela Costa suffers today. One of the most important achievements of the association was the organisation of a protest in March 2018, one of the biggest protests ever to be held in Orihuela Costa, to demand the construction of pedestrian sidewalks over the AP7 bridge
in Lomas de Cabo Roig, a project that to date, unfortunately has not been carried out by the council During the state of alarm of COVID-19, the association is making an effort to inform its neighbours and followers, through social networks, informing them about the published regulations relating to the State of Alarm and their practical application to residents of Orihuela. Our latest work, the PRACTICAL APPLICATION GUIDE (PHASE 1, 2, 3 ..), can be viewed and downloaded at https://bit.ly/3bEgwia.
order to achieve a greater effectiveness and strength in the demands we make to the council to solve the serious problems that we suffer in Orihuela Costa.
The association wants to make the campaign we are doing public, in order to attract new members, both foreign and Spanish, by signing a form, in
This form can be downloaded at the following link http://shorturl.at/jpM45 or requested by email at: caboroiglomas@gmail.com
Terrace Tax suspended in Orihuela
Firefighters rescue a dog from town water pipes
Last Thursday’s Plenary provided a major boost to Orihuela’s restauranteurs and bar owners when it unanimously approved the suspension of the local council tax for the placement of tables and chairs public pathways. The announcement was made by the Councillor for Finance, Rafael Almagro, who said that he would suspending the collection of the mandatory tax "in order to facilitate recovery for Orihuela hoteliers in this health crisis, and that they will be exempt from paying this tax until the end of the year".
Focus on local talent
He explained that all of the businesses that have already paid it, "may request a refund of the amount they have settled. However the councillor said that he wanted to make it clear that for hospitality businesses to put tables and chairs on public roads they need to have
prior authorisation. "What remains suspended is the payment of the fee, and not the obligation to have council permission."
One of the region's most talented artists, Artista Multidisciplinar at Artistas Cuevas de Rojales, Almoradi born Manolo Cano, speaks to Andrew Atkinson about his love of painting from his cave house base in Rojales. Manolo's 'Colour Diary' Coming soon - in another LEADER EXCLUSIVE.
A local police officer from Granja de Rocamora y Cox located a dog inside the town’s water pipes, that was unable to find it’s way out. The agent mobilised firefighters from Orihuela who were able to rescure the animal inside the Acex de Cox, near to the Auditorium. Once they had rescued the dog, an American Stanford, they were able to locate the owner who ws reunite with his pet. The dog was completely disoriented and very tired after having travelled several kilometres inside the system of pipes from Callosa.
‘A sheep’s worst enemy is another sheep.’ If you, dear reader, decided that you were going to circumnavigate the globe; go on a trip around the world like, what do you think would be the greatest danger you might encounter on your travels? It is the same answer whether you travel by bus, train or plane; whether you ride a bicycle, a camel or trek on foot. Do you fear that you might succumb to the heat of The Sahara or freeze in the cold of Antarctica? Perhaps you are paranoid about being eaten by an African lion or hugged to death by a grizzly bear? Unquestionably, any of these misfortunes can befall you as you trudge around the world, but the fact is that the greatest risk to your well-being anywhere on this planet is from fellow humans. Like my old friend Phillip Conroy often says; ‘A sheep’s worst enemy is another sheep! Listen to news bulletins in any country and you will find that they consist mainly of reports of man doing harm to man – or “man’s inhumanity to man.” This, side by side where doctors, nurses, carers, social and voluntary workers toil away for the good of humanity – never more so than during Covid19.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
637 227 385
rob me, please ring the bell. THANK YOU!” The point here is that very often the damage caused by forced entry is a greater loss than the value of the items taken.
“We have no jewellery or valuables. If you want to rob me, please ring the bell.”
The thing about aggressive crime which should worry all of us is that in a time of recession the level of robberies increases with rising unemployment and shortages.
Being at home won’t necessary stop the robbers and possibly you are better off for not being in the house at the time. Most thefts from residential properties are while the premises are occupied and many do not involve weapons, but entry is obtained by a con man or woman. A good tip is never to allow anyone into your residence unless you know them, even though they claim to represent authority. We are all inclined to leave the door open if we ramble down the garden or pop in next door and this is an invitation to the burglar or opportunist thief. Do not leave jewellery or valuables on your dressing-table or anywhere they can be seen through a window. Back to this trip around the world: Handbag or wallet theft is your greatest risk, so only carry what you need to. The guy who likes to flash the large wad of notes is an easy target heading for trouble.
Unfortunately in every society and most cultures there are those minorities who live off violence and terror against their fellow man. Muggings, hold-ups, break-ins and random late night attacks are common place in almost any country you can think of.
When shopping, always put your change back in purse before leaving the shop, or when using pass machines make sure the money is just for your own use and not to fund a thief. Visitors are quiet often followed from airports and whilst unloading luggage they are robbed of handbags or whatever.
I remember reading about a guy in Orihuela who erected a large sign on his house, after his neighbourhood suffered a spate of robberies. The sign read: “NOTICE TO ROBBERS. We only keep enough money in the house for a day’s expenses. We have no jewellery or valuables. If you want to
Never leave luggage unguarded. Like people with luggage, hire cars are targeted for scams, where the driver is distracted, or an accident is faked and a handbag can disappear in the blink of an eye. Be on your guard against being engaged in conversation by strangers, no matter how well dressed or
Mayor once again prioritises the city over Orihuela Costa
CLARO reported on their Facebook page that recent floods in part of Orihuela City led the Mayor and two of his councillors to draw up an urgent Plan to avoid such future overflows. This contrasts with the situation in
spoken – especially if they are offering you something. Never get into an unmarked taxi – you don’t know who or what it is. For example, get a Black Cab in England or a Yellow cab in New York. Once Mrs Youcantbeserious and I arrived tired at New York’s JFK airport: At the exit a guy shouts “Taxi”; I said “sure” and before we knew it we were in the back seat of an old black sedan. The worst thing that happened was that we were charged too much; but I’ll tell you, it was a nervous trip to that downtown hotel! Most people will take a few extra drinks on holiday. Just remember, drunken people are easy targets. Don’t wear your gold watch or carry expensive camera on the streets at night. Finally, be aware that the most frequently robbed item is now a smart phone, so keep it buttoned away. So, as we emerge from lock-down, do heed all this
advice and you have a better chance of getting around the world safely. As soon as you get back though, don’t forget to close the gate, cut the shrubbery around the windows and turn on the alarm! Don’t Forget. Some people have the habit of finding things before they are lost Bernie.comaskey@gmail.com *Author, entrepreneur and newspaper columnist, Bernie Comaskey, now spends most of his time on a farm in Ireland; but he retains his strong links with the Costa Blanca. Bernie has published four books; ‘If Ever a Man Suffered’, ‘The Best of Bernie’, ‘The Team’, and ‘Just Between Ourselves’. Bernie’s books are available at half price, on sale from ‘The Leader.’ Call 637 227 385 for info.
Orihuela Costa where residents, associations and Claro have, for years, demanded action to prevent flood damage caused across the area by even light rains. Lopez Bas, the Ciudadanos party Councillor for Infrastructure at the time, is especially guilty since his party was responsible for drawing up a grand plan, over 3 years ago, for the huge sum of €17 million to improve the drainage and flood defences and avoid flood damage in Orihuela Costa. That would have dealt with the serious situation in places like the new primary school in La Florida, the bridge under the N332 beside the Town Hall in Playa Flamenca, Calle Parana, Las Filipinas, Playa de la Glea and Playa La Zenia and
many other locations But we continue to wait as nothing has been done to implement this Plan. It seems that once again this government is following two different standards of need: one for Orihuela City and another totally different and much lesser for Orihuela Costa. A comment to the facebook post by Huberto Cánovas said “The preca-
rious situation of the residents of Orihuela-Costa has increased exponentially in recent years. Currently even light rains cause a serious deterioration in communications and public areas. The mayor will do well to take into account the demands of neighborhood associations and CLARO before the situation deteriorates further.”
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
Tourism say a million Britons are actively searching for Sept hols! Over a million British tourists actively seeking September holidays on the Costa Blanca A report by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has said that in the last two weeks over one million British tourists have logged on to holiday web portals checking prices and destinations on the Costa Blanca for a late summer holiday. They say that a further 75,000 foreign tourists, with residences in the province, have also searched on flight portals with the intention of buying flights to the Costa Blanca between September and December. Of that figure, 42,573 are Germans, 27,696 from the United Kingdom and
4,834 Belgians. After these, the most active nationalities in search of shuttle flights to the Costa Blanca are the Norwegians, Swedes, Portuguese, Dutch, French and Italians. Jet2com, Tui and easyJet are already offering the possibility of trips and flights and want to resume operations in July. The total stoppage of the tourism sector had lethal consequences for the Costa Blanca, a loss in excess of 80% of the total tourism of the Community, with losses of one billion euros as 1.5 million tourists were stopped coming in April 2019. Neither can we hold very much opti-
mism for the medium term, with most establishments saying that they will wait until June or even July due to lack of reservations. The Campanille hotel in Alicante became the first establishment to open in Alicantelast week, along with the Ibis in the EUIPO; in Benidorm the hotel La Estación, in Polop the Sleeping Lion and the tourist apartments La Laguna in Rojales. Most of the hotels in the province say that they will wait for the transition to new phases, perhaps until July 1, when freedom of movement will be fully restored, although still with the preventive measures (hygiene and distancing) imposed
Economy boost as more local markets reopen 125 traders attended the To r r e v i e j a F r i d a y m a r k e t , w h i c h m a y w e l l i n c re a s e this week
The last of the area’s major street markets reopened last Friday when the Torrevieja Friday market once again opened its doors at the Mercados del Parque venue, Antonio Soria. With additional security on hand, including 10 local police officers, 10 civil protection volunteers and two Civil Guard patrols, the Torrevieja mayor, Eduardo Dolón, together with the Councillor for Markets, Antonio Vidal, saw 125 traders, representing 25% of the market capacity, open to the public for the first time since the beginning of March. For the most part the traders were selling only foodstuffs and cleaning materials but the mayor said that the number of merchant stops could be expanded as early as next week. The mayor reminded visitors of the need to comply with the new signage and that the use of masks is mandatory for customers and
Refurbishment of Campoverde Deportivo almost complete The Councilor for Infrastructures, Rufino Lancharro, said last week that the works to refurbish the four tennis courts, and the multipurpose court in the Pinar de Campoverde sports centre, which wre put on hold by the State of Alarm, will be completed shortly at a cost of almost € 170k. Carried out ACCIONA AGUA, S.A.U. the works have consisted of new synthetic sports flooring remarking of all the courts for tennis, futsal and handball, the installation of necessary sports equipment, the supply and installation of nets and supports for the tennis courts and the replacement of the fencing and painting of the perimeter walls
traders and that informative posters with the rules and recommendations, as well as hydrogels for their use, were placed at the entrance to the compound. The Pinar de Campoverde also reopened yesterday, Sunday, and this coming Wednesday evening, between 4 and 8pm, traders will again by plying their wares at the Torre de la Horadada market. The Councillor for Commerce in Pilar de la Horadada, José Antonio Martínez, said that "the reopening of the markets in the area is another of the measures that local government is making every effort to reactivate the local economy as quickly as possible," adding that the Friday market in Pilar de la Horadada "is working very well in its new location in the Andrés Murcia Viudas Park, and that people are very satisfied, both traders and customers.”
www.theleader.info by the fight against the covid-19 . However, the opening of the hotels has been a relief and a small boost for a subsector closed since March 15. The Campanille has 84 rooms, but last week it had 26 reservations, all on the lower floor, and enough to receive the first six clients who arrived on Monday, all for reasons of work reasons. “We have conditioned the entire hotel for two weeks because we thought that we could have opened a week earlier, but in the end it was not possible because of a delay to the phase change. On Monday we had six clients, on Tuesday twelve. Right now we have all of the equipment, masks, hydrogels, partitions, separation lines and all kinds of information about the covid. Clients have to pre-book and request if they want breakfast, lunch and dinner. "We offer meals but they are served in
the rooms," they pointed out from the reception where each client receives a personal pen to sign at check-in, the only requirement that requires some contact. The keys are kept at the reception to be disinfected and as the rooms are concentrated on the ground floor there is no elevator service. Hotel chains still do not have a clear opening date, and all hotels continue to work behind the scenes, preparing the establishment but with all of their commercial departments in operation, but reservations continue to be in dribs and drabs. “We hope that everything will be different in July and the picture has been clarified a little more. At the moment, the immediate market is not moving and, yes, it is going to be a summer where everything is decided at the last minute,“ sources from the sector pointed out.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
637 227 385
ANSWERS Week 816 QUICK ACROSS: 7 Expropriation; 8 Prisoner; 9 Eyed; 10 Kidnap; 12 Inside; 14 Render; 16 Gossip; 18 Fret; 20 Lacerate; 22 Inquisitively. DOWN: 1 Exercise; 2 Arisen; 3 Span; 4 Piercing; 5 Stress; 6 Pole; 11 Paralyse; 13 Daintily; 15 Detour; 17 Strive; 19 Rung; 21 Cite. CRYPTIC CRYPTIC ACROSS: 7 Closing speech; 8 Probable; 9
Owns; 10 Rubens; 12 Bigamy; 14 Odds-on; 16 ACROSS 6.
Slow (7)
Worship (5)
Also (3)
Nature (9)
Establishment (11)
15. 17.
Fraternity (11) Clot (9)
Tenanted (3)
Trivial (5)
Bravery (7)
CAN YOU MASTER THE SUDOKU CHALLENGE? Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 23
DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 11. 13. 14. 16. 18. 20.
Expert; 18 Eden; 20 Incorrect (5) Append (3) Hasty (4) Training (9) Liberty (7) Scoundrel (6) Incite (9) Threefold (6) Awry (7) Edge (5) Implement (4) Endeavour (3)
Hyacinth; 22 Free admission.
Extravagant poet (7)
Nothing is as it should be (5)
Bring back a jewel for the girl (3)
10. Have to rely, perhaps, on 2 pints every three months (9)
DOWN: 1 All-round; 2 Usable; 3 Snub; 4
12. Did Sara Peep somehow as it vanished (11)
Assemble; 5 Belong; 6
17. Interpret art seen back at Len's place (9)
Icon; 11 Sunshade; 13
19. Article discovered in Catherine's possession (3)
Marathon; 15 Singer; 17
21. A number sleep on the first night (5)
Priest; 19 Dare; 21 Axis.
22. Entails translation to make it conspicuous (7)
15. P.S. Dr. can soon reveal both sides (4,3,4)
L EA D E R T R I V I A Q U I Z 1. Which Bobby's were mad about Frank Sinatra in the 1940s? 2. Kim Clijsters in 2009 became the 2nd mother since 1980 to win a Grand Slam singles title. The other mother, famous for her lapses in concentration, won the Wimbledon singles in 1980. What was her name? 3. Which famous duo first appeared in "Puss n Toots" in 1942 4. In which country is the most northerly point in Africa? 5. What kind of food plays a role in the demise of Captain Queeg in the film 'The Caine Mutiny'? 6. In which (European) country did the Ayatollah Khomeini spend his last years of exile before returning to Iran? 7. How many spikes are there on the toe of a standard golf shoe? 8. Named after a Scottish Royal Navy officer, what is the largest community in the Antarctic called? 9. How many suspects are there in a game of Cluedo? Gain two extra points for naming all of them. 10. A diacritic is a character added above, within or after letters in written language. Examples include the comma, full stop and accents. Draw each of the following diacritics: a: Circumflex, b: Caron, c: Tilde, d:
DOWN 1. Chose to reorganise the depot (5) 2. Some undrinkable liquid (3) 3. Some numbers featured on the list (4) 4. Monarch with distinctive legs (5,4) 5. Football team go to church on the Spanish main (7) 8. Subject has right to be Cancer or Capricorn (6) 11. One unable to conform with the ends, tries to reform (9) 13. Man giving a service to the elderly (6) 14. Ref has right position in the box to see an Uncle Remus character (4,3) 16. Chain letters sent to Peking (5) 18. Kate orders new wood (4) 20. Refuse collector's gratuity (3)
( A n s we r s o n p a g e 2 3 ) Macron, e: Diaeresis 11. Which was the last animated film on which Walt Disney worked? 12. In which cities will you find the following airports: a: Dyce, b: O'Hare, c: Schipol, d: John Wayne? e: Woodford 13. The longest strait in the world is also a haven for pirates. What is the name of this pirate infested strait? 14. What are the first names for each of the following famous drummers from the 60s and 70s? a. Helm, b. Mitchell, c. Keltner, d. Baker, e. York 15. What is the world's longest railway line, and between which two cities does it run? 16. Which country lies on the northern shore of the Straits of Hormuz? 17. In which films did Sir Laurence Olivier play the following roles? a. Ezra Lieberman, b. Mahdi, c. Marcus Licinius Crassus, d. Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding, e. Dr Christian Szell, f. Rudolf Hess 18. Name the two largest islands in Asia. 19. In book and film, what was Sir Percy Blakeney's more colourful identity? 20. Which group starred in the movie "Rock Around the Clock"?
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
www.theleader.info Flamenca (The Celtic Isle and La Zenia Garden Oriental Restaurant).
Dear Editor, This is the translation of a letter I sent to Cllr Angel Noguera and his assessor Fermin Gonzales, for which I await a reply: Dear Fermin and Angel,
Have you found things that you didnt know you had and you want to get rid of? The charity Help at Home Costa Blanca is desperate for your unwanted items to sell in their two charity shops in Orihuela Costa. Right through the lock down the charity has remained busy looking after people in real need of help. Volunteers have been taking people for hospital and doctors’ appointments, even though the number of volunteers was seriously depleted because many are in most vulnerable groups. Things that the charity have done include working with the social workers, the town hall and hospital to help give family news and support when they come home and working to help clients access Social Service benefits and helping when loved ones have died. Four drivers did shopping/pharmacy runs and Salud appointments and people have been loaned equipment such as hospital beds and commodes. Food parcels have been delivered and furniture provided for a woman who had no income. Several hundred euros have had to be spent preparing the shops so they can open with the new state of alarm restrictions. Two major fundraising events, a masquerade ball at the San Miguel Castle and a murder mystery at Drivers Bar in Villa Martin had to be cancelled. A charity spokesperson said: “All this has seriously depleted our cash reserves. The volunteers receive no income, only their fuel expenses are reimbursed but they have not been paid for the
past three months. We would have had income from the weekly market at the Emerald Isle but this obviously had to be suspended. “In these times of crisis, our charity has been a real lifeline for so many local people, and we are in desperate need of funds to continue this important work. If people would like to donate, then we would be very happy to receive any amount small or large. The information is on our Facebook account. Or please phone the office on 965 328 794. “We are also very interested in people who can help us in any way either by volunteering to work in the shop, by becoming a driver or a befriender. Or very importantly, a fundraiser. “ The charity shop in the Playa Flamenca Commercial Centre is open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 2pm to receive and sell smaller items while the shop in Cabo Roig (off the N332) is open at the same hours Monday to Friday for furniture or to arrange collections. All possible precautions are being taken to ensure staff and customers are safe. Masks have to be worn, there is hand sanitiser in the entrances and available throughout the shops. Everything gets disinfected and the Playa Flamenca shop has been changed so make more space. The number of customers in the shop is limited and there are signs everywhere reminding people to keep to distancing rules. Charity assessors have been working tirelessly assessing new clients and offering help and support, including finding carers for them where needed. Several families in the UK have been asking for help with elderly parents as they have not been able to get over to Spain in the lockdown.
I can’t be sure if either of you are the correct individuals for me to direct my concern for the Orihuela Costa, however if you are not then please do forward my email to the persons responsible for taking any corrective measures as this is a matter of real concern for everybody. There is little doubt that I not only write on my own behalf, but on behalf of the many Spanish and non-Spanish people living on the Orihuela Costa. I have been holidaying on the beautiful Orihuela Costa for over fifteen years and now live in La Zenia with business interests in La Florida (The Emerald Isle) and in Playa
As a very proud Irish man who loves to welcome people to see the beauty of Ireland, over the years I have also told people about a real gem in Spain, that is the Orihuela Costa. There are many proud Spanish people I know who love to talk about the beautiful Orihuela Costa with its blue flag beaches, shops, restaurants and tourist attractions. However over the past few years it is very noticeable to everybody (both locals and visitors) that there is dreadful neglect of the area by the local government in Orihuela, who we are reliably told prefer to spend the taxes generated on the Costa in other areas other than the Costa itself. The absolute neglect of areas like Villamartin, Los Dolces, La Florida, Punta Prima, Cabo Roig and La Zenia is too clear to be seen. The roads with their many pot holes are in a dreadful state, weeds grow from most
roads and pathways, trees and green areas are unkept, garden and furniture rubbish is left uncollected at bin sites for 3 to 4 weeks at a time, most of the public bins are broken meaning older people cant open them so they leave their rubbish beside the bin for dogs and birds to pick at. As a result flies and cock roaches infest areas close by to the bins. Run off areas leading to beaches are clogged with debris and bits of rubbish. There are so many proud Spanish people who are very frustrated by the Local Governments inaction to deal with these problems above and you are in serious danger of killing the goose that lays the golden egg. The many non-Spanish people who live in the area and pay their taxes here are also frustrated by the dreadful deterioration of what once was the most beautiful place in Spain. Its time to make the Orihuela Costa both great and beautiful again. Only you people can do it !! Thank you, Brendan Moran
Car Sales The Car of the Month at Automoviles Crespo is a 2016 Ford Kuga petrol which is on Special Offer priced at just 16,900 euro. Come along to our showroom in Elche and see our vast range of used cars or call 96 666 22 60 for all our latest offers. The biggest and best for price, choice and quality.
Social and Clubs Royal British Legion Orihuela Costa and District Branch meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Olympia Pool Bar and Restaurant in Mil Palmeras. Everyone is welcome. Call Jean for info on: 630 28 08 99.
Meetings are currently postponed during the current crisis. Royal British Legion, Torrevieja Branch - Meet the second Friday of the month at Casa Ventura, San Luis starting at 7.00 p.m. New members are always welcome. You do not have to be exservices. For more information contact:- gill.burden20@gmail.com Age Concern Costa Blanca Sur is here to help you with problem solving and well being for the over 50’s. We need volunteer Drivers and people to join our Residential Home Visiting Team. to visit people in a Residential Home, and take them out for a coffee. If you think you can help call into our centre at C/Paganini
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
s/n, Urb. La Siesta 03184 Torrevieja or ring 966 786 887. Or you can email: costablanca@ageconcern.org.es Almoradi Meal Club. If do you fancy a meal out and meeting new friends, come and join our English speaking club. We have twice monthly meals at various restaurants in and around Almoradi. For info go to FaceBook or contact me at davedanie@gmail.com. Badminton in Pilar de la Horadada. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. 10-12.30 pm. Call John on 634 658 506 ...currently postponed Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch now meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 1700 (5pm) at CHE LOCO bar/restaurant, El Chaparral urbanisation, Torrevieja. For more information please contact Chairman Tony Jenkins on 693 866 709, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966 92 1966. ...currently postponed Royal Air Force Association Costa
Blanca Branch. The branch meets at Restaurant El Nacional, Punta Prima, on N332, on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.30 pm. You do not have to be an ex-member of the RAF to join this friendly Association. For further info please contact the Chairman on 634 368 833 or the welfare officer on 615 048 892. www.rafa.org.uk/costa-blanca HAH CB need you to help us help those in need in their own homes, short or long term medical conditions of all ages and nationalities. Contact our head office on 965 328 794 or email: charitycentre helpathomecb@gmail.com. Curious about the work of Samaritans in Spain? Have a few hours a week to help with the charity shop, fundraising or admin? Come and join us for a chat at our Centre in the Punta Marina Shopping Centre. Volunteers are unpaid but expenses are met. Email: spainsamsrecruits@outlook.com The Orihuela Costa Drop In Centre is in C/Cipres, Lomas de Cabo Roig, where we can offer you a full range of activities Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Info available at: oc.communitycare@gmail.com
Churches and Services La Siesta Evangelical Church hold services each Sunday. Our 11.15am Services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month (and on the 5th Sunday, if this applies.) On the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s our Services are at 9.30 am. Our choir sings at our 11.15
637 227 385
am Services and there is also a Sunday School, Stepping Stones, on these Sundays. For info see www.lasiestaevangelicalchurch.org The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in Torrevieja meet at 10.00 each Sunday in their chapel at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia, 104. All Welcome. You can phone or whatsapp the missionaries on 667 533 597.. International Christian Assembly, Calle Urbano Arregui, 23, Torrevieja - Evangelical nondenominational church. Sunday service 11a.m.; Sunday school; Prayer meetings; craft and computer clubs. Ladies Bible Study: Thursday 11a.m. Church Bible Study: Thursday 1.30p.m. House groups in Torrevieja, La Siesta – Contact: 966 752 543 / 617 215 463. Phone: 966 799 273 / 966 752 543 / 617 215 463.
Personal Transvestite Diana, blonde, new to Torrevieja. Great figure big breasts. Active and passive.well endowed. By appointment. Playa los locos. 651 363 396 Sexy, elegant Spanish lady. Playa Flamenca. Punta Prima. Private house. Erotic massage. All services. From €40. Call Ana on 657 603 495. Speaks English. Torrevieja blonde lady, 59 years, gives erotic massage, happy ending, speaks English, 604 382 799 Torrevieja, Valentini, Brazilian lady, 35. Erotic massage with complete satisfaction. Good time guaranteed. 688 340 708 Linda. Blonde mature lady. Torrevieja. Soft hands. Massage with happy ending. 634 300 074.
Alliums, beautiful long lasting flowers - loved by bees and butterflies Allium - Latin for garlic - are also known as the flowering onion, as they have the characteristic onion or garlic odour and taste, and in most cases both the bulb and leaves are edible. The beautiful flower heads of the Allium can flower from May through to August, followed by an attractive set of seed heads, thus making them a very architectural flower in your garden, throughout the year.
There are over 700 different types of Alliums, with colours ranging from blue, purple, mauve, pink, yellow and white. The range of flower head sizes vary, from a few centimetres to 20cm, of different heights and flowering times. Alliums beautiful, long-lasting flowers make an excellent cut flower, for both fresh and dried bouquets. Loved by bees, butterflies and other pollinators visiting the garden. Easy to grow, Alliums will grow in most soils, providing that it is well-drained, adoring sunlight throughout the day. Most Allium species produce new offset or young plants. Once flowering is over and leaves have died down, in mid to late autumn, lift the bulbs and detach the new young plants. Either plant directly into their final positions, or grown-on outside, in pots of gritty compost. Drought tolerant, they prefer to be grown on the dry side and plants grown in the ground don't usually require any watering. Alliums grown in containers will require regular watering, ensuring compost does not become waterlogged, otherwise the bulb will rot. GARDEN FELIX Los Montesinos. NOW RE-OPEN. We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again. Keep safe. Felix, Garden Felix..
Allium extend the spring flowering season with bold, dramatic colour and statuesque garden architecture.
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
"The BFO is moving to production companies and companies interested in working in the city, with the existence of a manual for safe filming prepared by the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA). "With the participation of the sector, including the Film Commission and Film Office, and which has been endorsed by the National Institute for Safety and Health at Work (INSST), said Mayor Perez. Prior to authorising filming it will be required to have an affidavit, stating that they are informed of the recommended measures for the development of their work. In phase 1, the authorisations making recordings or photography sessions in public spaces, depends on the City Councils, as established by Order SND/399/2020 of the Ministry of Health.
ACTION: TAKE ONE Michael Garry has appeared in Peaky Blinders, Coronation Street and Emmerdale, as Benidorm reactivates audiovisual filming. was decreed on March 13.
Andrew Atkinson talks to actor Michael Garry in a LEADER EXCLUSIVE BENIDORM has had production companies processing permits to shoot on beaches, and in the city, amid easing of COVID-19 restrictions. Since Benidorm reactivated the audiovisual activity, managed through the Benidorm Film Office (BFO) at the start of phase 1 of the coronovirus lockdown de-escalation, several producers have requested information and authorisations to film. Production of the feature film ‘Ama’, saw filming halted on Levante beach, due to the state of alarm
Mayor, Toni Pérez, said: “In January, we were marking the best start to the audiovisual year, since the BFO was launched, with innumerable projects of national and international importance and significance. "Some of which were affected by the decree of the state of alarm and had to be temporarily suspended by the Covid-19 health crisis. "However, we are convinced that Benidorm will continue to be a pole of attraction for production companies, now that audiovisual activity is reactivated." A reactivation that we are always articulating under the premise of guaranteeing health security .
With regards to recording on the beaches, authorisations are transferred to the Alicante Coastal subdelegation. The human resources are managed directly from the City Council, in conjunction of communications with the Local Police. The beaches are one of the most demanded locations for the productions that Benidorm is chosen for their projects. Since January all projects that have passed through the city have carried out sequences on the beaches. Filming includes the fashion report for the Bershka brand, recently released; the feature films ‘Nieva en Benidorm’ by Isabel Coixet and ‘El Cover’ by Secun de la Rosa;and the ‘Benidorm’ series that Atresmedia
Historical presence of Flamingos in Torrevieja lagoon blighted by humans Quote: 'Dogs loose, screaming, cans and cigarette butts thrown to the ground'. By Andrew Atkinson The historical presence of hundreds of Flamingos in the Torrevieja lagoon during the last two months have been spectacular set to be blighted by humans. "Flocks arrive every day first thing in the morning - heading to the Torrevieja natural park - coming from Las salinas de San Pedro," said Torrevieja resident Vicente. "At approximately 9pm the Flamingos return to San Pedro. It is spectacular to see them fly, in the shape of an arrowhead and their characteristic squawks. "They are putting value on the ecological corridor that the territories collects, between the natural spaces of Torrevieja and San Pedro," he added. However, one Torrevieja resident claims that the Flamingos' presence is being blighted by humans." As soon as humans enter the park again, alone, accompanied, with our voices, bikes even motorcycles! - cameras, tripods, picnics, food and drink, leaving empty containers, flamingos will flee in terror," said Mani. "The protection perimeter and the park on the part of Torrevieja are already a 'dump'. "They are within me - a kilometre away - so I can walk there. But I already start to see more people every day, who enter.
"They do not respect the dirt roads, trample everywhere - ignorant people who don't know there can be nests in the bushes. "They let their dogs loose, take photos with the can of Coca-Cola in hand smoking, scream how beautiful everything is, take selfies, that everyone can see how they love nature - then throw cans and butts on the ground," they added.
Photos: Frederico Kenzelman.
has announced to air on June 7. Benidorm beaches are in constant demand, evident during the state of alarm, with direct/live programmes information being constantly broadcast throughout Spain and abroad. Actor Michael Garry, who has appeared in Peaky Blinders, Coronation Street and Emmerdale, said: "It's pretty much been shut down since March, with countless productions unfinished." Michael, who annually spends a vacation in Benidorm, said: "I believe Coronation Street are making tentative steps to begin soon, though I don't know of any availabilities as yet from fellow supporting artistes (extras). Filming returned for Emmerdale in May and Michael said: "As soon as restrictions are lifted I can see a flurry of availabilities for particularly the period dramas, so lucrative in the export market to the USA. "I'll be able to expand on specific productions as soon as the 'all clear' comes."
Filming: Benidorm Levante beach, prior to lockdown
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
Upon leaving the military police, Jim was a taxi driver in Billercay, before moving with his wife Mary and eldest child Linda to Cleator Moor, where they completed their family, with sons Kenneth and Graeme, the latter resident in Los Montesinos, Alicante. Jim and Mary celebrated their Diamond wedding anniversary in 2005, having booked a quiet meal in a local restaurant.
Jim, front of photograph, marking D-Day, King Street, Whitehaven
“We had no animosity toward ordinary German soldiers” says Normandy Vet In Part 3 of a Leader exclusive of Normandy Vet Jim Jolly's memoirs, he talks about having no animosity towards the Germans; guarding a prison camp and SS officers. The end of WW 2; de-mob; joining the Military police. Cleator, Cumbria, with his wife Mary and daughter Linda and returning to France, as part of the 1939-45 veterans. Andrew Atkinson reports. I HAD no animosity towards the ordinary German soldiers - words of Normandy Vet Jim Jolly. "When we were escorting them on prisoner trains they would ask for ciga-
rettes - I thought they were just the same as us," said Jim, who guarded a prison camp in Germany. "It was the regime we hated - the SS officers we came across in the prison camp were vile. "The Nazi regime just wanted to keep fighting and the camp was filled with 60 year old men - and 14 year old boys - who had been enlisted as soldiers at the end of the war. It was pitiful," said Jim. After de-mob Jim joined the military police in 1945, stationed at Wuppertal and Dusseldorf in Germany. All the country's economy collapsed, with one staple currency being cigarettes. "My friend Des and I bought a dog,
tary of the Normandy Vets, travelled back to France several times. Members included 1939-45 veterans. In 2004 Jim and Mary travelled to Normandy, with other branch members and wives, to celebrate D-Day with thousands of survivors at the site of one of the most incredible stories of the 20th century.
"On the night before our meal our granddaughter said she would like us to come for a drink at the Wath Brow British Legion.
Speaking to The Leader son Graeme Jolly, said: "Mum and dad discovered Spain in the seventies and had frequent trips to various regions, including Guardamar and Torrevieja and loved it."
"When we arrived we found every single member of our family there waiting for us. It was wonderful.
From 2005, Jim and Mary visited Spain frequently, as their two sons and daughter, had all bought property here.
"My relatives had told me they couldn't travel from the south, but were also there. It was very special," said Jim.
The last trip Jim Jolly made was in 2008.
Jim, the West Cumbria branch secre-
Jim died in April 2009, and wife, Mary, died in 2011.
Tref, off a German - for 2,000 cigarettes," said Jim. "One day we were walking the dog and spotted the German on the other side of the road. He called Tref over and that was the last we saw of the dog!," said Jim. While in the military police Jim dealt with illegal money issues and the black market. On his birthday in 1945 he was asked to escort a British firing squad, who were about to shoot Polish officer, found guilty of murder. Jim said in his memoirs: "I remember it clearly. Six members of the squad and six others back-up, in case anyone conscientiously objected to the shooting."
Stevie Spit BEM Queen honours at Buckingham Palace postponed By Andrew Atkinson Exclusive The Queen's New year's honours presentations scheduled on May 17 at Buckingham Palace were cancelled, due to the coronavirus outbreak. "I should have been at Buckingham Palace receiving my award on May 17," Spain's Stevie Spit, awarded the BEM, exclusively told The Leader. Brian Thomas McLeod, an entertainer who performs under the name of Stevie Spit, was awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to charity in the New Year Honours List, published on Friday 27 December 2019. When not working in Spain as one of the Costa Blanca’s top female impersonators, under his stage name of Stevie Spit, Brian dedicates much of his time to fundraising and has personally assisted scores of charities. The Queen wore long white gloves as she carried out an investiture at Buckingham Palace in March, prior to the coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown. The palace declined to confirm whether the 94year-old monarch was taking the precaution because of the coronavirus outbreak. At the time the number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 in the UK had risen to 51, and the head of the World Health Organisation had advised
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people over the age of 60 to avoid crowded areas.
with BEMs. Recipients are allowed guests.
A Palace spokesman said at the time: “It is not unusual for the Queen to wear gloves on a public engagement.”
The Queen greets each recipient in turn on the low red dais and shakes their hand.
The Queen had not been seen wearing gloves at a ballroom investiture in the last decade. Joe Little, managing editor of Majesty magazine, said prior to lockdown: “The Queen doesn’t wear gloves at investitures, but it’s a sensible precaution. Her Majesty was just weeks away from her 94th birthday and at an age susceptible to coronovirus. There was an alternative to have cancelled the investiture but it was deemed the Queen is a ‘business-as-usual-monarch’. A royal source said the Queen would be following any advice from the Government. She usually hands out the honours without gloves, as she fastens the awards to a hook on the recipients’ lapels. The oversized gloves, which stretched past the Queen’s wrist, appeared much longer than the ones she usually wears when out and about meeting the public on official engagements. Each investiture is held in the palace ballroom where recipients receive a range of accolades, including MBEs, knighthoods, damehoods, along
Stevie Spit, who visited worn-torn Afghanistan in recent years in aid of his charity work, said: "My visit to Afghan entailed great memories, with Dr
Stevie Spit raising money for a children’s home in Afghanistan
Gran Kim Kimberly, Khadija Wolenski and Jen Chalmers, with the V6 sitting outside with the engine running. "There’s not many drag artistes who have done a show in Kabul - under the threat of the Taliban. "But I would go back in a heartbeat. I totally fell in love with Afghanistan - and most definitely the Afghan people - who just want to live a normal, quiet life." Stevie added: "I am awaiting to hear from Buckingham Palace about the new date for the Queen's honours ceremony."
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
Ex-RAF Nurse Walks for Charity New FOOD BANK opens on Orihuela Costa Voluntarios Orihuela Costa / VIP Services - Viajes Playa Flamenca and Community Care Association. Serving the Community during and after Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic. As from 1st June a food collection & distribution point will be operating at VIP Services - Viajes Playa Flamenca, Calle Pablo Picasso, Playa Flamenca, next door to the Town Hall in Orihuela Costa. Anyone wishing to donate or get involved, please contact 647 840 055. (WhatsApp) Our office is open 9-4 Monday to Friday to come for help or deliver food etc. Sofia Alvarez and her team of fantastic volunteers, Local Taxi’s, Local Police and Guardia Civil Officers developed Voluntarios Orihuela Costa together with Community Care Association are co-ordinating projects to support the vulnerable and those in need of a little help living in Orihuela Costa during and after the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic. Remember, everyone can help by donating food and essential items at shops and supermarkets throughout Orihuela Costa. ALL Supermarkets and local shops please help by providing collection shopping trolleys / baskets for donations of food and essential supplies from their customers & their own shop/store. Volunteers are needed to sort the donated food at the main food distribution point. Drivers will be needed to collect food and essential supplies from all supermarkets and shops to the
main distribution point to be distributed to the 8 Food Bank outlets. Supporting the project to date are Ray Kearney President of the Irish Community Orihuela Costa, David Young President of Reach Out and Maryanne Groningen President of the Ladies Inner Wheel Club Campoamor. We hope to work closely with all Associations and Charities helping those in need. Fund Raising. Paul Moran of The Emerald Isle La Florida offered to support these projects, but we still need Fund Raiser volunteers to help promote and raise funds for the Food Bank Project, if you would like to get involved, please contact 647 840 055. Now that restrictions are being lifted in phases, we are beginning to have more freedom of movement. This is fantastic, but we need to remind ourselves that we must all still be cautious about what we do, where we go, who we mix with in order to protect ourselves and the Spanish Healthcare system, to have some normality, this is why it is important that we understand that we can together help support each other, get a life and our freedom back. Sponsored fun events can be organised including sports activities involving all age groups, whatever you decide to do to help raise funds will be very much appreciated. Our inspiration, Sir Colonel Tom Moore, who walked 100 laps around his garden to celebrate his 100th birthday, he raised more than 32 million pounds in only one month to help the NHS, let us see what we can achieve, together, to help those in need in our community!
Retired Nurse and Midwife Heather Wehner belonged to Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service (PMRAFNS). She is now retired in Spain and is a member of the Royal Air Forces Association Costa Heather walking Blanca Branch. Apart from meeting socially, the Branch with her holds events to raise money to help all ex-RAF personPMRAFNS nel, their dependents and families in times of need. hat The charity is known as the Wings Appeal and members are often found in one of the local 'Iceland' store each September asking for donations for which they can choose an RAF related memento, badges, pens. Balloons, stickers etc. In this time of lock-down, to commemorate her 85th birthday which occurs on 3rd July this year, Heather decided to do a sponsored walk around the large pool of her complex 85 times and raise money for the Wings Appeal at the same time. She already has pledges of support from family, friends and RAFA members. If you would like to sponsor Heather please email her at heatherwehner@gmail.com. At the moment all she would like is a pledge, monies can be collected when convenient in the future.
THE PINK LADIES Hope you and your friends and family are all staying safe. Once again I would like to ask for your support to get a message out to the people of the Orihuela Costa regarding Maria and the Pink ladies and Panthers. Like everyone else, due to the pandemic the Pink Ladies had to put most of services on hold but
hopefully we will soon be back to normal, with our regular Monday presence at Zenia Boulevard to assist the public with making appointments for cancer screening tests. As we all know “Early Detection Saves Lives”. Our volunteers will be on site ready to help from 12.00 mid-day until 14.00hrs. Of course it is still possible for people to log onto our web site at www.pinkladies.es, to book a screening test. Simply click the tab for “screening test” and fill out the form. You can also contact us via our Facebook page pinkladies/panthers We hope also to be back in our office at Flamenca Beach Commercial Centre very soon. This will be done in line with government guidelines, as many of our volunteers are in the high risk age category. Unfortunately the annual “Walk for Life” event held at the Playa Flamenca promenade was cancelled this year. It was very sad for us volunteers and I´m sure for the large numbers that take part and have done every year since the first one in June 2010. Hopefully we can make next year’s event bigger and better than ever. Mary Wilson
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
As mentioned in the last take, reading of the head is very important for the second and even more for the skip working how to come in off bowls , removing them, or in some cases ,taking the jack out to the ditch or “blanking the end” by knocking it out of play. Next week will be my last take and I will go into some rules and discuss “touchers”, among a few other observations, and how they affect the game. There are a lot of skip types I have come across, good and bad. It’s a position where the result of the game is mainly decided by their abilities and how they handle the team. On the bad side you have one’s who will constantly criticise the leads and seconds abilities. “You didn’t give it enough green”, “your too short”, “you could stand better”, all sorts of criticisms and then deliver bad bowls themselves.
Montestan’s tak e on B o wls “THE SKIP” The skip usually is the most experienced and proficient player of the team. Twelve bowls have been played now leaving the last six of the two skips to be played. In all competitions dependant on decisions of the local controlling body this is the largest number of bowls delivered. Singles max 8, Doubles max 12, Triples 18, Rinks max 16. These remaining six bowls make or break the game for each team. This is where the skips expertise and strategy come into play and how he plays and reacts to
the opposing skips deliveries, decides the result of the game. The Head: as defined in the rules the head is “the jack and any bowls that have come to rest within the boundaries of the rink of play and are not dead”. A good “head” has the majority of the bowls within a six foot radius or less from the jack, give or take, a few displaced or wayward bowls delivered. In the lower divisions the head tends to be a bit more looser, so reading of the head again really is concentrated on the bowls closest to the jack.
I was always told “lead by example”. As stated before no one deliberately delivers a bad bowl, and quite frankly, if we delivered a perfect bowl every time we would not be playing at these levels. Others ignore their leads, give little encouragement and distance themselves from the rest of the team. We all have bad days but should not take it out
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on those around us. Good skips work with the lead and second as a “team” giving encouragement, talking and discussing the game with them and perhaps admitting they are having a bad day, as well, when things go wrong. Most players know themselves that they are short, or need to adjust their green and will try their best to correct the errors they do not need a constant reminder every delivery. Win or lose, if you have a happy team everybody enjoys themselves that’s what it’s all about. The photo shows teams standing back while the leads deliver and the second in the head with everyone else standing off the rink as it should be. Next week will be the end of my takes and I will cover touchers , other terms mentioned and rules which always seem to crop up in play. Vistabella Bowls Club is sponsored by: Venture Fleet Services, TV Choice, Oneway Services, Serenity Insurance, Carpet Heaven. The Winter league is sponsored by Laguna Tavern Entre Naranjos How about coming and have a go at bowling we would be pleased to see you. We can arrange a free session and lesson . You could get hooked it’s a fabulous game and a very sociable one you’ll meet lots of new friends. Also bowlers are most welcome, we have a brand new green and are looking for new members. Please contact: Club Captain - David Jenkins pacadasu@yahoo.com or Charlie Watkins charlieatpathways@yahoo.co.uk.
Ascot date change would clog up the pattern schedule Racing in England is set to return on June 1 with Irish meetings scheduled to resume on June 8, as easing of the coronavirus lockdown comes into play. Royal Ascot gets underway on June 16, leaving Irish trainers a week to get horses qualified to run in 2-yearold races, such as the Coventry Stakes. From June 1-8, 28 races for two-year-olds will take place, enabling trainers to run horses aimed at Royal Ascot. Irish trainer Ger Lyons, talking on the prospect of entries in juvenile races, said: “With racing in Ireland returning on June 8, we’re not going to have
Focus on Trainer: CHRIS GORDON By Andrew Atkinson Trainer Chris Gordon is looking forward to the return of racing in June after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in March. "It's good to hear that they are starting racing again on June 1," said Gordon, based at Morestead stables, Winchester, Hampshire. "From July our winter horses will start to come back in, to start their work again, ready for the season ahead," said Gordon. National Hunt trainer Gordon, who has some of his horses with retired trainer Henrietta Knight, said: "We have popped down to check on our boys to make sure they are all doing well - which they all are - and thoroughly enjoying their summer holidays." Knight, who began training in 1989, is based in West Lockinge, nr Wantage, Oxfordshire. Knight trained triple Cheltenham Gold Cup winner Best Mate and the Queen Mother Champion
enough horses qualified for twoyear-old races." Lyons, eyeing the 2,000 Guineas with Siskin, said 'to be fair to all concerned', Ascot should seriously consider moving back a week, to help everyone 'find our legs'. On a move of date, Ascot’s Director of Racing and Public Affairs at Ascot racecourse, Nick Smith said: “The problem is you really start to clog up the Pattern schedule. You’d basically be asking Newmarket to cancel the July meeting. "And who knows how far it would have to go back? Then you start to put Glorious Goodwood at risk. It’s just not the way the Pattern operates. Chris Gordon with Sir Anthony McCoy. Twitter.
Chase winner Edredon Bleu, who both won the King George VI Chase. Knight also trained Calgary Bay, winner of the Dipper Chase at Cheltenham in 2009. Somersby, winner of the 2012 Grade 1 Victor Chandler Chase at Ascot, was amongst top horses trained by Knight, 73, who retired in May 2012. With the ongoing precautionary measures in place with the coronavirus outbreak, Gordon, 51, said: "Make sure you are all staying safe."
“This is not going to be an ideal scenario. I’m not going to say that anybody’s going to have the ideal preparation. But we all feel that we have a duty to get this show on the road and get it done. "We could get broadly back to a regular Pattern within five or six weeks. We don’t really want to push the whole Pattern back and end up with British Champions Day on the all-weather in November.” Irish trainer Aidan O’Brien, based at Ballydoyle, has chalked up a record nine victories in the Coventry Stakes, with Arizona, reportedly to be impressive on gallops, winning in 2019. The Royal Ascot meeting takes place during June 16-20, not open to the public, due to the coronavirus lockdown.
Nick Smith
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Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
By Andrew Atkinson Blackburn skipper Elliott Bennett COVID-19 positive. Photo: Twitter.
Quote: 'It’s the people who are seriously ill in hospital we need to worry about, not footballers who are fit and healthy, and who aren’t showing any signs of being unwell' - Blackburn Rovers capt. Elliott Bennett, who tested positive for COVID-19
Barcelona climbs to third position in the ranking after Madrid and Manchester United Real Madrid remains the most valuable club in Europe ahead of Manchester United and Barcelona, according to an annual study carried out by KPMG. This report ranks the large continental clubs according to their business valuation after analysing variables such as profitability, popularity, sports potential, television rights, stadium ownership. This particular report is based on figures to 1 January 2020, so the impact of coronavirus does not feature.
Following Championship clubs returning to training on May 25, three players have tested positive for coronavirus at two clubs.
Two players from Fulham also tested positive. Blackburn Rovers confirmed Bennett had been tested on May 25 and was found to have COVID-19, but was asymptomatic - showing no symptoms. Bennett is in isolation for seven days, and will return to training on June 5 if he does not go on to develop symptoms, the club said. “I feel fit and healthy. Hopefully this sends out a positive message to the community that perhaps many people have or have had the virus without showing any effects," said Bennett. “I obviously would never have known if we hadn’t returned to training and taken the tests, because I
Real Madrid remains most valuable club Real Madrid remains the most valuable club in Europe
Four unnamed Premier League players, from three clubs, were COVID19 positive following testing on May 25 and May 26 after 1,008 tests were undertaken.
Blackburn Rovers football club revealed that skipper Elliott Bennett, 31, tested positive for coronavirus, after players underwent mandatory tests.
Players test positive for COVID-19 don’t feel unwell and have got no symptoms whatsoever. “There seems to have been a lot of hysteria about footballers returning to training, but it’s no big deal at all.
COVID-19 tests were carried out on 1,030 players and staff at Championship clubs between May 25-27.
integrity and transparency. “No specific details as to clubs or individuals will be provided by the league.”
"It’s the people who are seriously ill in hospital that we need to worry about, not footballers who are fit and healthy, and who aren’t showing any signs of being unwell," said Bennett, formerly of Brighton and Norwich.
The English Football League (EFL) said in a statement: “Those players or club staff who have tested positive will now self-isolate in line with the guidelines provided by the EFL and only those who have tested negative will be permitted to enter training ground facilities.
All 92 remaining Premier League fixtures of the 2019-20 season are to recommence on June 17, with games behind closed doors.
Fulham confirmed two unnamed players had tested positive, not naming the duo, due to medical confidentiality.
“The EFL will continue to make regular and relevant announcements as appropriate in respect of the testing programme to support competition
The Championship 2019-20 season is also scheduled to restart in June, although no date has been announced.
Group training got underway once again last Monday - Photo Elche CF Twitter
LaLiga will set the starting times of matches according to the geographical area so as to avoid the heat.
the temperatures reach 32ºC so as to hydrate and safeguard their health.
The AFE has asked that players are allowed at least two water breaks when
After the announcement by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, that football
Real Madrid leads the ranking with an estimated value of 3,478 million euros (+ 7.9% over the previous year) followed by the 3,342 million of Manchester United (+ 4.2%). Also on the podium is Barcelona, ??with an enormous increase in their valuation (+ 19.3%) to reach a total value of 3,193 million and relegate Bayern Munich into fourth place, with 2,878 million. The remaining places in the ranking are completed by Liverpool (5th, 2,658 million), Manchester City (6th, 2,606 million), Chelsea (7th, 2,218 million), Tottenham (8th, 2,067 million), Paris Saint-Germain (9th, 1,911 million) and Arsenal (10th, 1,852). As for Spanish clubs, in addition to Real Madrid and Barcelona, five other teams appear on the list of the 32 most valuable in Europe. They are Atlético de Madrid (13th, 1,197 million), Valencia (25th, 408 million), Seville (26th, 372 million), Athletic (29th, 320 million) and Villarreal (32nd, 301 million).
Elche likely to play most of their remaining games at night can return from June 8, LaLiga plans to announce this week the days and times of the games that are still to be played in the First and Second Division, which all points to the resumption of the leagues from Friday June 12, although on Tuesday 9 June the remaining 45 minutes of the clash between Rayo Vallecano and Albacete could be played, a game that was suspended at half time due to the ‘Nazi chants’ aimed at Albacete’s Zozulia. Elche say that their games will almost certainly be played anyday of the week, from Monday to Sunday, and at night. At the meeting held last Friday between the president of LaLiga , Javier Tebas; the director of competitions, Luis Gil; and David Aganzo and Diego Rivas, president and secretary of the Association of Spanish Football Players (AFE), they were asked by the players representatives for maximum
protection and to safeguard their health, especially from heat stroke, in as much as they are not used to playing matches in the months of June and July, at such high temperatures and with such frequency, with eleven matches, plus the possibility of promotion play-offs, in just two months. The AFE has also requested that the matches be suspended when the temperature exceeds 32 degrees and that there are two water breaks, one in each period, at the 35 and 70 minute marks, so that the players can re hydrate themselves. The Levante zone matches are those that will mainly played one hour later. The initial idea is to play three games per day in three different time zones, which could be 6, 8 and 10 at night so as to facilitate live television.
Elche has six games to play at home: Extremadura, Girona, Deportivo de La Coruña, Cádiz, Albacete and Oviedo. All of them are likely to be played in the last time slot. Away, the team must visit Ponferradina, Las Palmas, Racing de Santander, Mirandés and Fuenlabrada. Except for the visit to the Canary Islands, the other four matches could have an earlier schedule as they are in "cooler" places.
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
GOLF COURSES AND COVID - 19 Mike Probert of Costa Blanca Green Fee Services provides a weekly round up of local golfing events and topics and in conjunction with us at THE LEADER provides discounted golf prices to readers Around and About the Courses – La Marquesa
Having played the La Marquesa course for in excess of 20 years I would previously describe the course as ‘bland’ in comparison to many of the other courses in the area BUT having recently played the course this is now far from a fair description.
It is true to say that La Marquesa suffered worse than most other courses as a result of the severe storms in September and November 2019 with severe damage being done to the infra-structure of the course.
The layout of the course is now totally different and essentially the front 9 holes are now the back 9 holes but there are many more impressive changes to report.
To make matters worse late in 2019 the course owners were embarking on significant changes to the layout of the course with many new greens being created. Without doubt the signature hole on the ‘NEW’ course is the 109 metre (yellow tees) par 3 16th hole which is called ‘Sawgrass’ and is a copy of the 17th hole on the TPC course in the USA where they play the Players Championship which is considered the 5th “major”.
The overall condition of the course is now excellent with lush, green fairways and well positioned bunkers in good condition and impressive water features on various holes. Many of the changes to the greens were inspired by local golf hero Miquel Angel Jimenez and are generally built up greens with strategically placed bunkers for protection and are either ‘undulating’ or ‘crowned’ making for smaller landing areas than at first appear. One of the nice touches is that each hole has a ‘name’. During these difficult times if you are looking to play a local course
We at THE LEADER are committed to providing to our golfing readers affordable golf withdiscounted golf prices, many of which are exclusive to us. The deals shown in the table are some of the best currently available to you.
Font Del Llop Hacienda Del Alamo Hacienda Riquelme La Galiana
€45 €35 €42 €100
Course Alenda Altorreal Bonalba Campoamor Don Cayo (Altea) El Plantio El Valle
La Manga North La Marquesa La Sella La Serena La Torre Las Colinas Las Pinaillas
€75 €41 €40 €40 €42 €47 €40
Price €52 €55 €40 €49 €46 €40 €59
Comments Green Fee (single buggy €30) Green Fee (single buggy €25) Green Fee (single buggy €28) Green Fee (single buggy €29) Green Fee + sgl buggy/elec trolley Green Fee (single buggy incl) Green Fee (single buggy €20)
Green Fee (single buggy incl) Green Fee (single buggy €15) Green Fee (single buggy €20) Golf, Buggy,3 Golf Balls,20 tees, water & practise balls Green Fee (single buggy €27) Green Fee (single buggy €15) Green Fee (single buggy €35) Green Fee (single buggy €20) Green Fee (single buggy €20) GrFee (12.40-2pm sgle buggy €25) Green Fee (incl single buggy)
Alicante Province Alenda, Bonalba, Campoamor, Don Cayo, El Plantio, Font del Llop, La Galiana, La Marquesa, Lo Romero, Puig Campana, Vistabella,Villaitana Levante and Villamartin are open. (Alicante, La Finca, Las Ramblas and Villaitana Poniente remain closed). Murcia Province Altorreal, El Valle, Hacienda Del Alamo,Hacienda Riquelme, La Serena, La Manga North,La Torre, Lorca, Mar Menor, New Sierra Golf,Roda and Saurines are open. (Alhama and La Manga South & West remain closed). Lorca €34 Green Fee (8.30 to 10.30 am) Lo Romero €50 Green Fee (single buggy €36) Mar Menor €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) New Sierra Golf €36 Green Fee (single buggy €20) Puig Campana €49 Green Fee (single buggy €26) Roda €45 Green Fee (single buggy €20) Saurines €35 Green Fee (single buggy €15) Villaitana Levante €80 Green Fee (single buggy €39) Villamartin €55 Green Fee (single buggy €30) Vistabella €55 Green Fee (single buggy incl) For Bookings and info Mike at info@costa-blanca-greenfees.com quoting reference LEADER or on 966 704 752 or 661 345 931
On second thoughts, perhaps golfers won't miss Stony Forest so much after all. TO RAKE OR NOT TO RAKE. Most of the players in this area never rake the bunkers anyway so we won't notice any difference!
other way. But Xi Jinping was concerned about corruption by unscrupulous entrepreneurs. “Like fancy cars and mansions, golf is a tool that businessmen use to hook officials,” one state-owned newspaper said. But golf is the passion of many Chinese people and the luxury golf clubs were not going to go away.
Tom Doak had been 3 years building Simapo Island course in southern Hainan Province, which has warm winters and was envisaged as a tourist hub for Asian golfers, but a halt was called by central government, citing improper use of water and arable land.
In October (Virus permitting) the Asia Pacific Golf Group will be holding the 2020 World Golf Expo in China. The three day exhibition, open to the golf trade and consumers, will be held at the Mission Hills Golf Club, Haikou, a complex of 22 18-hole courses. It will comprise a twoday high-level business summit and The Asian Golf Awards.
Courses had often been built as part of luxury housing developments and described as “leisure facilities” while local governments looked the
World class tournaments like The WGC-HSBC
Mike Probert talks Golf In assn with Costa Blanca Green Fee Svcs
The following local courses are available but remember that you can only travel and play courses in your province:
All this is no consolation to Brian Curley, several of whose courses now stand deserted. Remembering Stone Forest, which he had designed near a World Heritage Site, he said nostalgically: “It was stunning, with sharp and hazardous rocks, and the open areas and thorny bushes were thick with spider webs with massive spiders, so walking the site was a bit of an adventure.”
PREMIER XI JINPING'S CLAMPDOWN on the building of golf courses in China meant the loss of many years’ hard work and investment for western course architects. Renowned designer Brian Curley lost several high profile courses, including Sunshine Hills and the 54-hole Stone Forest International Country Club, Yunnan.
which has been priced competitively then I would highly recommend that you book a round at La Marquesa playing of course under the umbrella of the covid-19 safety protocol.
Champions (won in 2019 by Rory McIlroy) are held at Sheshan Golf Club near Shanghai, an oasis of pure air and unbelievable luxury, with a joining fee of around £300,000. The Tuscan imitation villas sell for up to £30m and are amongst the most valuable area of retail property in the world.
Designer Brian Curley plays his now extinct Sunshine Hills course
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TIGER WOODS WAS ELECTED to join the World Golf Hall of Fame in March, although he won't be inducted until December, when he turns 45. Tiger won his first major by 12 shots with an 18 under par at the 1997 Masters, and added 82 PGA Tour victories and 13 more majors over the next 11 years, including four in a row (the “Tiger Slam,”) before winning his 15th last April at Augusta. He also holds a number of PGA Tour records including the most cuts made in a row (142) and most weeks spent atop the world golf rankings (683.) He's probably done enough to earn the honour. My wife says perhaps now he'll stop spitting all over the course. THE PGA TOUR plans to resume on 11th June at Colonial Country Club for the Charles Schwab Challenge followed by the RBC Heritage at Harbour Town on the 18th. Both events will be spectator-free. Fans will be disappointed, but at least they will be spared a
close-up view of the ghastly plaid jackets they stick on the winners of both events. Lockdown letter: With so much cooking, I recently bought a meter to measure indoor pollution levels and observed high readings of PM2.5 particles when my wife was frying steak. The link between PM2.5 particles and ill health is similar to that between smoking and lung disease, there is no safe level to avoid long-term risks. However, I can confirm that there are severe immediate health risks associated with criticising my wife’s cooking. Until next time: getting back to Happy Golfing. Contact Mick for regripping and repairs. 638 859 475.
Thieves target golfers
By Andrew Atkinson LEADER EXCLUSIVE Thieves are targeting golf courses on the Costa Blanca - days after reopening - in the midst of the coronavirus lockdown in midMarch. After the easing of restrictions by the Spanish Government during May, in phases 0-4, golf was amongst sports given permission to return, under strict health and safety guidelines, amid COVID-19. That has lead to thieves striking at Lo Romero golf, Pilar de la Horadada - where a plethora of members were robbed. Items stolen included cash, watches - a handbag - and car keys. Golfers have also been targeted by thieves at Villamartin, campo de golf Villamartin. Golf courses are set to tighten up security measures, in a bid to halt the thieves striking. Font del Llop Golf Resort employee Dan Raleigh, golf instructor and PGA coach member, considered to be one of the top coaches in Europe, said on hearing the thieves striking: "At Font del Llop Golf Resort we have security people in place, at the parking."
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020
FOC U S ON CD B E N I JOFAR CD Benijofar are celebrating a historic promotion to the 1st Regional G8, following the decision of the Football Federation of the Valencian Community (FFCV) to end the 2019-20 season on March 14.
Celebrating a historic season
"Not forgetting, most importantly, the fans. When I arrived they told me they accompany the team a lot - the great love of football in Benijófar. Thank you very much." CD Benijofar also congratulated CD Montesinos on becoming champions. 80% from Benijofar - along with players from
"Benijofar scored 77 goals and 24 against - num-
Rojales and Formentera.
bers not easy to achieve in this category.
"The players are committed, not just on match
"Personally I have seen real teams 'shipwreck' in
days but also in training with most of the squad in
this category. The secret is the group of players -
attendance throughout the season.
We look forward to seeing all our loyal customers again, once the imposed retrictions put in place by the authorities, due to the coronavirus, are lifted. Keep safe. Vivienne Shepherd Quesada Fitness Gym.
Fowler and Ted Cheeseman in 2019.
By Andrew Atkinson
Having left re-hab, Fitzgerald was based in London, where he was told during a meeting with boxing promoter Eddie Hearn he had a massive future - and the chance of becoming a future world champion.
SCOTT Fitzgerald who had his British superweight title with Anthony Fowler cancelled, due to COVID-19, should have been looking ahead to facing Spain’s European champion Sergio Garcia, amid suspension by the BBBofC, due to issues outside the ring. Garcia, super-welterweight champion, 27, nicknamed El Nino, is undefeated in 31 fights, with 13 KOs. Torrelavega, Cantabria born Garcia beat Frenchman Maxime Beaussire for the vacant European super welterweight title, in 2018, by unanimous decision. Defending his title against unbeaten British boxer Ted Cheeseman in 2019, fighting outside Spain for the first time in his professional career.
Following the shock revelations Fitzgerald spent 12 days at Tony Adams’ Sporting Chance charity in rehab. A return fight with Fowler was on the bill in 2020, blighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. What was to follow was a potential meeting against Spain’s European champion Sergio Garcia.
Hearn said Fitzgerald was put into the Sporting Chance Clinic by Steve Wood (manager) and he, due to needing help. Hearn said Fitzgerald was struggling in life, and with various forms of addiction, of which Fitzgerald had personally revealed.
The BBBofC won’t let a fighter fight, if mentally not right, or prepared to fight.
Former Commonwealth Games gold medallist, and National ABA champion Fitzgerald, 28, self-confessed he has been battling with drink, drug and gambling addiction.
The incident is something the BBBofC took into consideration, said Hearn, who added it was now a case of 'work in progress on many different levels' with Fitzgerald.
missing strawberries), 6. France (Neauphle-leChateau), 7. Four, 8. McMurdo Station. (after
Fr om page 14
The British Boxing Board of Control (BBBofC) took action against Fitzgerald suspending its license, pending further investigation.
García retained his European title again in 2019, defeating Sergey Rabchenko by unanimous decision in Torrelavega.
Sakka, Cap Blanc), 5. Strawberries. (a quart of
Added to his woes Fitzgerald was arrested, after domestic incidents in Preston in March, leading to being suspended by the BBBofC.
The main reason Fitzgerald had his licence suspended, said Hearn, was because the board didn’t know that he went into Sporting Chance Clinic.
the press). 3. Tom and Jerry, 4. Tunisia (Ras Ben
Scott Fitzgerald potential fight against Spain's European champion Sergio Garcia blighted.
Preston, Lancashire born Fitzgerald, who trained in Spain, as he continued his path on the European and world stage, revealed he had an addiction to cocaine, having taken drugs, reportedly since age 12.
García stated that he hoped in defeating Cheeseman it would open up opportunities to fight at world level, having retained his title.
well known lapses were coined 'walkabouts' by
"It's more than deserved - from the board - to the players -enjoy the achievement."
Upon turning pro, he won the British super-welterweight title, when defeating
Fitzgerald fight against Spain's European champ Sergio Garcia 'El Nino' called off.
1. Bobby soxers, 2. Evonne Goolagong. (The
Antonio Martinez Galvez, former player at CD Benijofar and Cruz Roja Lifeguard said: "Congratulations to all! It is with pride to have belonged to this great club in the past and to have been able to train some players.
motions or not.
Fitzgerald, who became National ABA champion aged 21, won gold in the 2014 Commonwealth Games as an amateur, shocked boxing following his confession.
"Without them I would not have been able to do the job.
The players, as mentioned, deserve all the credit for what they have achieved - Titans.
CD Benijófar - The Greens - were classified as finishing second in Group 14 of the 2nd Regional, prior to the postponement of games, due to Coronavirus.
Coach Raúl Mora lead CD Benijofar to 19 wins, a draw and three defeats in 23 games, said: "Due to the circumstances that we all know, the season ended, even without knowing if there will be pro-
"Thank also goes to the technical staff for their great work. Adrián Pastor, Javier “el Chacas”, Pablo and Maru.
"The Benijofar directive have been a luxury to work with - everything we have needed they have gone out of their way, to achieve it.
By Andrew Atkinson
CD Benijofar had 58 points, three points above Albatera. CD Montesinos are crowned champions.
Archibald McMurdo), 9. Six, and they are: Miss Scarlett (Miss Scarlet in North American versions) (a red piece), Colonel Mustard (a yellow piece), Mrs. White (a white piece), Reverend Green (Mr. Green in pre-2002 North American versions) (a green piece), Mrs. Peacock (a blue piece), Professor Plum (a purple piece). a: ^ (like an upside down 'V'), b: v (a 'V' shape as often
used in the Czech language), c: ~ (like a rotated 'S' shape, often used in Computing), d: ? (a straight line above a letter), e: ? (two dots above a letter, like the Germanic umlaut sign). 11. The Jungle Book, 12. a: Aberdeen, b: Chicago, c: Amsterdam, d: Los Angeles, e: Tokyo, 13. Strait of Malacca. 14. a. Levon Helm (The Band), b. Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix Experience), c. Jim
Keltner (various), d. Ginger Baker (Cream and Blind Faith), e. Pete York (Spencer Davis Group). 15. Trans-Siberian; Moscow and Vladivostok. 16. Iran. 17. a. Boys from Brazil, b. Khartoum, c. Spartacus, d. The Battle of Britain, e. Marathon Man, f. Wild Geese II. 18. Borneo (Kalimantan) and Sumatra. 19. The scarlet pimpernel. 20. Bill Haley and his Comets
637 227 385
Monday 1st - Sunday 7th June, 2020