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[New] UKScientists help monitor Orihuela Pollution
Orihuela’s Councillor for the Environment, Patricia Menárguez, announced the start of work to help monitor air quality in the municipality, as part of the Air Quality Improvement Plan.
50 air pollution measurement points have been installed in different parts of the municipality, both in the urban area, on the coast and in the districts, the councillor explained, stating that the results of the analysis will allow "detection of problems related to pollution and provision of a solution”.
Miguel Ángel Ceballos, from the company in charge of providing technical assistance, said that the installed metres will serve to determine the levels of nitrogen dioxide, the gas emitted by vehicle exhausts.
"They have been placed on streets with a lot of traffic, such as Calle Sol, Fernando de Loaces and the N-332," said Ceballos, at the same time that he pointed out that, to contrast these data, others have also been arranged, such as the Palmeral, the
The results will be sent to a laboratory in the United Kingdom and, once they are available and together with the data provided from the station in the Vega Baja hospital, "air pollution maps" will be drawn up. "From there, the City Council will be able to take measures, such as the delimitation of low emission zones or measures related to the noise map or the sustainable mobility plan", he pointed out.