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ANSWERS Week 957



ACROSS: ACROSS: 4 Askance; 8 Doomed; 9 Enclose; 10 Extent; 11 Unable; 12 Shameful; 18 Surmount; 20 Deduct; 21 Talent; 22 Passive; 23 Arrant; 24 Install.

DOWN: 1 Adverse; 2 Portray; 3 Seance; 5 Singular; 6 Afloat; 7 Castle; 13 Festival; 14 Numeral; 15 Statute; 16 Regain; 17 Outset; 19 Meagre.



1.Cantankerous (5-7)

7.Brush (5)

8.Double (5)

9.Wrath (3)

10.Strict (9)

11.Bury (6)

12.Fiddle (6)

15.Subordinate (9)

17.Fire residue (3)

18.Find out (5)

19.Evade (5)

21.Endless (12)


Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Solution on Page 23

1.Importantly (12)

2.Bishopric (3)

3.Bulletin (6)

4.Strength (9)

5.Banish (5)

6.Place of worship (7-5)

7.Perspire (5)

10.Likeness (9)

13.Depart (5)

14.Haphazard (6)

16.Shackle (5)

20.Row (3)

ACROSS: ACROSS: 4 Account; 8 Thomas; 9 Infancy; 10 Rating; 11 Enlist; 12 Observer; 18 Needless; 20 Sewing; 21 Impact; 22 Instead; 23 Virtue; 24 Florida.

DOWN: DOWN:1 Stardom; 2 Contest; 3 Wagner; 5 Converse; 6 Oracle; 7 Nicest; 13 Vanguard; 14 Penalty; 15 Ash-tree; 16 Vernal; 17 Victor; 19 Domain.

1.The craft required by one employed on the river! (12)

7.The point at which energy is available (5)

8.Don't interfere with holiday period (5)

9.In a month I threatened to strike (3)

10.Would such a railway system be futile? (9)

11.Newspaper article about wine (6)

12.It's cut down before it's cut up (6)

15.He's debauched enough to involve the tribe in a row (9)

17.Avessel used for carrying loads (3)

18.Before the end of the display, who's dreadfully ostentatious? (5)

19.Is old, maybe, but not infirm (5)

21.The genuine place for a second share-out (12)


1.Does this reflect the elements? (7-5)

2.Go by boat and fall out (3)

3.Scared by a loud onslaught (6)

4.Agem of a game (9)

5.Cross I put a value on (5)

6.With which one eats sweets (12)

7.Tolerate what election candidates do (3,2)

10.Picture showing a shaft of light in the doorway (9)

13.The directors sound disinterested ... (5)

14.... as if the company could be a complete failure (6)

16.Shows disapproval, we hear, of strong drink (5)

20.Almost bound to be agricultural land (3)

LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 23)

1. Columbus first discovered the 'New World' on the 12th of October 1492. The land they first stepped on is called what today?

2. The title of which recent monster film was apparently the US military code name for New York City during the cold war?

3. The original meaning of the word sinister, derived from the Latin sinestra, was not evil. What did sinister mean? Clue if needed, the wrong answer is right.

4. What was the full official title of Queen Elizabeth II in Britain between the 20th November 1947 and the 6th February 1952?

5. Complete each of the following song titles with something to eat: (one word only needed). a. Life is a, b. Rock, c. 30,000, d. Savoy, e. When you come to the end of your

6. Actress Liv Tyler didn't learn the true identity of her biological father until age nine. Until that time she was told she was the daughter of which rock star, famous for his song I saw the light?

7. Which Oscar winning actress, famous for her film line "Divine decadence darling", was Freddy Mercury's stage role model?

8. What did all of the following have in common? Claudius Ceasar, Dudley Moore, Mother Theresa, Josef Goebbels and Lord Byron

9. Which now retired, youthful looking player has scored the most goals (7) while coming on as a substitute in Champions League football?

10. With 81.9 million foreign tourists in 2007, which country is ranked as the first tourist destina- tion in the world?

11. "Samhain", literally means "end of summer" and is a Gaelic language word. What is it's direct English equivalent?

12. Who's managerial career took off when he became the manager of AS Monaco, winning the league in a year later, the national cup three years after that and signed high-calibre players such as Glenn Hoddle, George Weah and J¸rgen Klinsmann?

13. Churchill called it the "largest capitulation" in British history after 80,000 British led troops surrendered to the enemy. In which tiny country did this take place?

14. Trick-or-treating, also known as guising, is an activity for children on Halloween in which they proceed from house to house in costumes, asking for treats such as candy with the question, "Trick or treat?". In which country did it originate?

15. Which Hollywood 'golden boy', who won a best actor Oscar for his role as a POW, was best man at Ronald and Nancy Reagan's wedding?

16. Why does the Hogget Decanter have a knob on its round base?

17. Plus or minus five years, in which year was the Suez Canal first opened to shipping?

18. How did the Montgolfiere brothers rise to fame in the late 18th century?

19. Which organisation was created by Justin Berkmann under the concept "100% sound system first, lights second, design third (in that order); the reverse of everyone else's idea"?

20. Puff Daddy, Mozart, Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, baseball legend Carl Ripken Jr., professional poker player Stu Ungar, film character Raymond Babbit and Dr. Spencer Reid from the TV series Criminal Minds have all had or claim to have which ability?

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