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Week ending 21st January, by Brian Zelin Monday 16th January, Vistabella Albatrosses Division A, were at Home to La Siesta Apollos, Winning on all Rinks, Sue Kemp, Barbara Brown, Brian Zelin 23-10, Geraldine Fisher, Arthur Brown, Gordon Fisher 36-7, Lynne Bishop, Carol Thorpe, Gary Thorpe 23-13, Mo Foulcer, Maggie Furness, Eric Bishop 26-8, Olwyn Ratcliffe, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 26-6, Shots 134-44. Points 12-0.

Vistabella Drivers Division B, Away to San Miguel Orcas, Winning on 2 Rinks, Ron Smith, Jeff Neve, Alice Howe 17-14, Alan Whitley, Sue Wilson, Alan Bannister 18-13, Shots 67-107. Points 4-8.


Vistabella Eagles Division C, were Away to San Miguel Stingrays, Winning on 3 Rinks plus the Shots, Julia Clarke, John Ridley, Paul Durham 18-13, Maureen Slater, Peter Westwood, Freddie Willey 24-

8, Peter Caldwell, Avril Kendall, Sheila Westwood 22-17, Shots 84-74 Points 8-4.

Friday 20th January, Vistabella Lanzadores Division A, on a very windy Morning were at Home to Emerald Isle Cavaliers, Winning on 4 Rinks plus the Shots, Sue Kemp, Mo Foulcer, Brian Zelin 17-14, Richard Lee, Arthur Brown, Eric Bishop 30-10, Olwyn Ratcliffe, Stuart Allman, Brian Dunn 11-10, Lynne Bishop, Maggie Furness, Gary Thorpe 19-14, Shots 92-71. 10-2.

Vistabella Picadors Division B, were Away to La Siesta Blues, Winning on 3 Rinks, Ron Smith, Jeff Neve, Alice Howe 22-17, Alan Whitley, Sue Wilson, Alan Bannister 22-18, Derek Howe, Dense Howell, Brian Pointon 23-11, Shots 88-111. Points 6-6.

Vistabella Conquistadors Division C, were Away to San Luis Tigers, only drawing on one Rink, Rosemary Savage, Ken Savage, Keith Black 11-11, Shots 58-87. Pts 1-11.

SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB by Sheila Cammack

Just as we started to enjoy some pleasant, warm sunshine for bowling, that changed to low temperatures and strong, cold winds. This made playing very challenging, especially being bundled up in layers of clothes, and dodging chairs that were being blown around; watching the matches also became extremely uncomfortable.

South Alicante League, Enterprise Div. (A) Monday 16th January; Klingons were home, against top of the league; Emerald Isle Titans and had an excellent result on “Blue Monday” the shots 99-80, points 9-3. Well done to our winning teams: Neil & Sandra Burrows, Scott Malden 21-16, Giuseppe Galelli,June & Keith Jones 22-11, Jane Hamill, John Smyth, Stewart Hamill 22-16, Kevin McKenna, Vic Mahomet, Neil Morrison 16-16.

Voyager Div. (C)Trekkers, later in the afternoon, had a good result away v Emerald Isle Moonrakers taking shots 93-77, points 8-4. Winners: Tricia Reilly, John Bagnall, Pat Reilly 21-12, Cas Blay, Dave Notley, Bob Bromley 23-9, Chris Jackson, Ngaio & Peter Baldwin 19-12.

Southern League (Div A) on Friday 20th Lions were away v

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