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SOUTHERN LEAGUE DIVISION C - At home to the Panthers we had a tough match only managing to win on one rink well done to Lynne Armitage, Sue Bounds skip Phil Goble.
Shots 73 ñ 88. Points Matadors 2 ñ 10 Panthers.
SOUTHERN LEAGUE VOYAGER DIVISION At home to Greenlands Beech the Matadors won on four rinks well done Lynne Armitage, Barry Watson skip David Eades, Paul Dodd, Chris Harding skip Cindy Bedford, Desi Freeman, Steve Leatherland skip John Hunt and Colin Bedford, Sue Bounds skip Joan Harding.
Shots Matadors 95 ñ 56 Beech. Points Matadors 10 ñ 2 Beech.
WINTER LEAGUE - Wednesday 18th January Monte Mar were at home to BBC winning on two rinks and the shots well done everyone.
Shots Monte Mar 52 ñ 49 BBC, Points Monte Mar 6 ñ 2 BBC
League Division C
After traveling to Emerald Isle the Matadors only won on won rink but it was a close match. Well done to the winning rink of Colin Bedford, Cindy Bedford and skip David Eades 24 ñ 15.
Shots Matadors 72 ñ 82 Outlaws. Points Matadors 2 ñ 10 Outlaws.
For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website www.montmarbowls.com. We are also on Facebook.
Greenlands Oaks and had a very productive morning against a strong team, winning on 3 rinks and taking the shots 94-81, 8 points-4. Winners: Giuseppe Galelli, June & Keith Jones 21-13, Kath Reid, Caroline Smyth, Ian Kenyon 24-9, Neil & Sandra Burrows, Scott Malden 20-13.
Southern League (Div C) the Tigers had an excellent result at home v Vistabella Conquistadors. After a cool start the sun appeared and it was back to business as usual on the green, as layers were gradually removed and gloves & hand warmers put away.
The final result was 11points- 1, 87 shots-58. Well done to all our team members: Chris Jackson, Ngaio & Peter Baldwin 23-11, Kevin McKenna, Sheila Cammack, Vic Mahomet 20-13, Jane Hamill, Cas Blay, Stewart Hamill 11-11, Dave Notley, Terry Baylis, John Dowell 14-13, Ray Watmough, Dee Hoey, Bob Bromley 19-10.
If you want to find out more about San Luis BC, come along to Oasis SL, talk to members; we’re a friendly bunch! watch on Monday or Friday match days, or take part in the chicken drive on Saturdays (winter times now 10:00/10:30) or contact Club Captain June Jones for more information: keithjones81@hotmail.com